Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: But this was an adult, you know, who was violent.
Q: I didn't know he was violent.
A: Usually, you know, usually autistic children aren't violent like that, mainly Down syndrome children, children with violence. So I have a feeling he is both autistic and Down, some form of Down syndrome.
Q: Have you ever considered doing any kind of like a documentary or something?
A: No, because what I've seen is the government comes in and starts interfering. Those people are doing well. So I have to keep everything confidential now.
Q: I was just curious, I recently was introduced to the Gerson therapy, and I know that's different than what you're doing, but it is definitely, you know, it definitely sounds like a health-giving route. It might work for some people.
A: Used to.
Q: Used to, doesn't it?
A: When Max was around, raw liver was the main part of the diet. And now that his daughter, what's her name?
Q: Charlotte.
A: Charlotte. Now that Charlotte took over, she took the raw liver out of about 15 years ago, 18 years ago, because of the expense and the hard, hardship of getting good liver. That's a cop-out. She could get it very easily. And Charlotte's not a healthy person. She's also very hyper and violent. No, it worked very well when Max was around, because almost two-thirds of the diet was the raw liver. Now it doesn't even exist as part of the Gerson therapy.
Q: He could take tartar every afternoon.
A: Sorry?
Q: He could take tartar in the afternoon.
A: Yeah, well, he didn't prescribe it. He prescribed the raw liver. Yeah.
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay. So do we pass a bowl around for before?
Q: Oh, yeah.
A: Okay.
Q: You know what, I'm just going to write your check at the end, since I'm coming for a consult. I'm just going to write your check.
A: Okay, all at once?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay. Well, yours would be $355 altogether.
Q: No, I'm just coming for a nanny.
A: Oh, you're coming for a nanny.
Q: Yeah.
A: Oh, okay. So that's right.
Q: You should get your memory checked.
A: So let me pass that around. Let me tell you, I have so much going.
Q: It's $40 for the Q&A.
Q: Do you take check or check in cash?
A: Either check or cash. As long as I can't dribble the check. You know, of all the people, all the checks that have ever been written to me, only about one a year is bounced. Well, I think this is the smallest group we've had. Can you call it a group?
Q: Yeah. No, we've had a lot of people.
Q: Oh, we had six of them.
A: No, it's the smallest group.
Q: The college used to be like, you know, the red carpet.
A: Yeah, this fall [unintelligible]. August is vacation time. Just Aajonus would have been enough. Nobody else has that name in this country.
Q: How did you change that name? Why'd you pick it? Like Hercules or something?
A: No, I was illustrating some children's educational books that were multilingual, and they were geared around self-teaching language by an image. And because I was autistic, this psychologist who had gone through shock therapy for a nervous breakdown, she had like four doctorates and just had a breakdown. Of course, who doesn't have a breakdown when you're trying to intellectualize everything? And she lost all language. She had to relearn. So in her relearning, she found a quicker and better way to relearn. And because I was autistic, we understood immediately how to do it. So out of my first 22 illustrations, we took them down to Union School downtown, and we took two to four-year-olds who couldn't rewrite or spell and used the images. And out of the first 22, 20 were perfect. Every child got what the word was just from the image. And this one little girl, this two-and-a-half-year-old, would say, I'm going to write your name. It used to be scribble, and she went around the room, and when she got to me, she scripted out, Ah, John. I put the "us" on the end because the French names I liked. The sounds are French, but a little too soft for me, so I liked Greco-Roman style, so I put the "us" on the end. And that's how I got it. And then about nine years ago, a Greek scholar, a fellow who was studying languages in Greece, had gotten my book, and he sent me a photocopy of a page of a dictionary, Greek dictionary from 18, I think, 96, something like that. And there was my name with one different letter spelling, and it meant unbreakable. It's a word they used for health.
Q: Wow.
A: Yeah, up until 1920, they used [word that sounds like "Aajonus"] for health. That was the word for health. [word that sounds like "Aajonus"]. But I said, that doesn't fit me because I've been broken many times, and the word means unbreakable. I'm just like Humpty Dumpty, I can be put back together.
Q: But ultimately you're unbreakable because you keep coming back.
A: But I can repair, unlike Humpty Dumpty.
Q: Right. Put you back together again.
A: Can't fix a shell, but you can fix a live tissue. So that's how I got the name.
Q: People ask me that every time I give them a book, and I can never answer it.
A: Now you know.
Q: Now I know.
A: Okay, what I want to talk about first is, you know, the injections, I don't know how many of you know, that I was subdued in a hotel room over two years ago, right after I interfered with a swine flu vaccine commercials. I guess you don't. In February 2009, they were manufacturing the H1N1 vaccine, which at that time they were calling a swine flu. And because I had been through the whole swine flu caper of 1976 with Ida Honoroff and Mary McBean, MD, who is from here in San Diego, she proved that the, or they, the two of them proved that the swine flu was a hoax back then. It was just to generate money and get a lot of people to take the swine flu and get sick. And then it would just generate more and more money for the pharmaceutical industry. And they wrote a book called Vaccines, a Clear and Present Danger. And it logged a lot of the information about the swine flu and what it was, what it had in it, and that it couldn't possibly be a problem. They also showed that any kind of flu changes form in three days. So if you manufacture a flu vaccine, it takes a minimum of 18 months to manufacture a market, get it out there and on the market. And if you're looking at 18 months, well, that's long after your three days. So they proved that the swine flu, any flu vaccine, is a hoax. Any vaccine for a flu, I mean any kind of a virus, is a hoax. Because it's all completely changed in 72 hours. So I left, gave all that information on an international radio program in February of 2009. And man, it went worldwide and everything I said started being reiterated all over the world. And this famous rap group from UK took my word, you know, some of my sentences and put it in a rap song called Just Say No To The Vaccine. Runs 7 minutes 32 seconds. I think you can still see it online if you put in swine flu, just say no to the vaccine, YouTube video. And you'll come up with it and you can watch it. And they spent over a million dollars putting this video together. They've got cuts of children being injected and then the Asian grandparents coming and chopping off the arm because they know it would poison the body. And for them, they could see the poison going into the system, so they felt it was better to chop the arm off than let that poison completely contaminate the body. So that was happening very big in Asia, like in Cambodia and Laos. And they have shots of all kinds of things in 7 minutes and 32 seconds. You never see a shot that went over 10 seconds. They've got 7 minutes and 30, 7 minutes 32 seconds of time. So they spent a lot of money on that and it went wild. There were over 9 million views and people, you know, told other people about it. So I got death threats for about 5 weeks about that for doing that. And it says, what I said in the show, it goes right into the radio show, right into the video. It says the only way you can get swine flu is to get a swine flu vaccine. It has to be injected into you. So they put that in there. So I went to Philippines on the 6th week and then 7th week, 2 men subdued me in a hotel room and injected me with 3 shots. And I just happened to wake during the time it was happening. And I didn't wake until I was halfway sitting up. Cloth was falling off my face. These 2 thugs on either side of me, just like clean looking CIA, big guys though, big brutish guys. And they were white, they weren't Filipino. And one hypodermic was hanging from my arm. And it was the other guy who let go of the right, his right arm was on that. Left arm was holding my right arm. And he grabbed the cloth that was falling off my face and put it over my mouth and nose again. And I was out second, second and a half. Now ether, when I used to have that as a kid, it would take 13, 14 seconds to put me out, 12 at the least. And this took 1, 1 and a half seconds to put me out. It was odorless. So I had no idea what it was. And then there were 2 hypodermics right here on the bed, right next to me. So, when I woke the next morning, I thought it was just a bad dream until I rolled over. And then I was achy and sick all over. I looked over and there were 3 lumps with the injection holes. And within about 12 hours I started breaking out as if I had been hit by shrapnel. All sores opened up. So I've got these huge scars that looks like I got hit by a grenade. And, you know, all over my body. And most of it was coming out my leg. You know, here, here, here, here. So all these scars are from that. The gray, this was completely gray all around. This whole leg was gray as this right here is. And that was all mercury. It was part of whatever they injected into me. And I assumed it was a swine flu. What they wanted to do to see, this guy got the swine flu and he died from it. But I didn't die because I knew what happened. And I knew what to do about it. Just like the body uses ammonia to keep the red blood cells from passing into the kidney, I wanted to use ammonia to make sure the blood barrier was protected. So I went out. I couldn't, I was dizzy, I was vomiting, diarrhea was passing out every few minutes, every probably 7 to 10 minutes. I would, you know, start getting very dizzy and nauseous. At the same time I'd go down and hit my knees and just fall, pass out on the floor. So I got a driver to take me after I went through 24 hours of this. And went to different wharfs looking for shark or stingray because they produce a lot of ammonia once they're dead. So I found a stingray that had been dead for 24 hours. And, you know, they don't have freezers there, you just pack things, you know, ice around and things sit in or around ice. So it was getting pretty high in ammonia. You can die by eating too much ammonia even if it's from, you know, a shark or stingray. So I had to regulate how much I could eat, you know, by the hours and get through it. And it took about 6 months for the sores, I mean big open oozing sores all over. I've got massive scars everywhere which is coming out. The big ones are on my back and legs, both legs. And then every April on the anniversary it'll start breaking out again. So it'll start on the arms and neck and head and then go down and stay in the feet. It'll stay up on top of the body for about 2 or 3 weeks only. And then it'll pass into the legs and stay there for months. So up until about 3 weeks ago or 2 weeks ago, I was breaking out since April on mainly this foot. So you can see all these little brown spots if you look all over. Each one of those was one of those draining sites. This one became tumorous, these two became tumorous. This one got about this big as a tumor. It would only take about 7 or 8 days to get that way. And I was traveling in Asia at the time so it was hard to take care of myself the way I normally would in traveling. So I would take like a bucket, you know, a garbage can in a hotel room and take their hot water kettle or their coffee maker and fill it with water and then pour it in until I got enough to fill it up to here. And then I would soak it for 3 to 5 hours at a time with coconut cream and maybe some coconut vinegar and a little bit of sea salt and some milk, raw milk. And I would let it soak for 3 to 5 hours and the next day, no matter how many times this one became a very large tumor that would take up, you know, two-thirds of my foot, it would be gone the next day. The next day from soaking it for 3 to 5 hours. So then I got even more lazy. I would let it get huge. You know, sometimes it would go 2 weeks before I did it. It was almost a challenge, you know, can I dissolve in 24 hours a tumor this big? And I mean solid and hard as rock and just dissolve in 24 hours. So every time. So, you know, it's still just slightly active right here, but that's the benefit of soaking. What I found was soaking, soaking, soaking. And I had one woman in Chicago that returned when I was there 2 months ago. Now when she came to me 3 years ago, she was all crippled in the feet. She had rheumatoid arthritis and her knees were about this big and her elbows were like that too. And she had a mineral deposit the size of a baseball, a hardball. And all of her knuckles were really big and she was unable to even feed herself. So her husband did everything. Her husband was a big strong fellow. So he didn't mind. He loved her a bunch. Still loves her a bunch. So he took care of her. And then that was for 3 years and then she came to me in that shape in a wheelchair, unable to stand, unable to walk, unable to feed herself because of the pain and crippling of her joints. So the first year I put her on the diet, she came back. She was able to feed herself after a year, was able to stand a little bit. And then the second year she came back, she was doing a little bit better. Most of the swelling went down by 50%. And I had instructed her to do the hot baths 5 days a week, 90 minutes a time. Of course her husband has to put her in, has to take her out. It's a lot of work. So they maybe did it 2 days a week. And when she came last year, you know, it was her second year on the diet, doing better, everything getting better, able to stand. You know, I said to her husband, I said, listen, if you want this to take 5, 6 years for her to be self-sufficient, keep on like you're doing. If you want her to get well in a year, have her walk into me next year, you need to make sure she has a hot bath 90 minutes a day, every day. You know, as well as doing the diet. So he did it. She came back in walking, knees completely normal. Just her joints and her hands are not normal yet, but she can, she went back to playing cards. You know, 3 years ago when she was on the diet, she hadn't played cards with her friends for 3 years. And she told them by phone, you know, I'm on this new diet. It's a dangerous diet, you know, you'll be dead very quickly, you know, all this stuff. You know, now that she was, she went back to playing cards 3 months ago. You know, able to shuffle and handle the cards beautifully. Even with the slight bit of swelling still in the joints, in the hands only. That one whole knot, the size of a hardball, disappeared in the baths in 1 year. So that is what hot baths for extended periods can do. Consider that normally a healthy human and any primate will discard 90% of their toxins out the skin. And if the lymphatic system is blocked because of trans fatty acids over here, margarine, you know, all of the cereals and potato chips and chips of all kinds, with that hydrogenated vegetable oil, it makes a waxy plastic, literally plastic fat that blocks the lymphatic system. And the lymphatic system dumps its waste products under the skin to be perspired. And most people don't do that. So they need to soak in a hot tub for a long period of time. Now this woman had a hot tub. I said consistently, they had a hot tub in this situation. And they did get a hot tub because you can keep the temperature exactly at one level. You don't have to worry about getting hot and cold, hot and cold in a bathtub. So it's much more efficient to keep it at a regular temperature. And it works more efficiently. So now I've had, not as dramatic as that, but in those particular cases where people did it, all dramatic experiences. Every one of them in their own case. Remarkable. So I can't get over stressing the importance of hot baths, especially in a hot tub where you can keep the temperature regulated. We are jammed from head to toe. Our lymphatic systems are jammed head and toe with garbage food and chemicals. And the only way to melt and get it out of the body is to get that body up to about 105, 108 degrees for extended periods of time in a ladder flow. Okay, now I'll take Q&A. Yes?
Q: What about infrared sauna, using an infrared sauna?
A: Very bad. Infrared sauna goes anywhere from 137 to 152. And that is too hot. It damages the vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients under the skin. It severely damages the eyes, the mucous membranes in the ears, throat, lungs, bronchioles, everywhere. And plus it's an air pocket. So it causes mass dehydration in the body. If you're in a tub, you perspire a lot, definitely. It keeps you at a high temperature. In the sauna, the only heat that will burn is that that goes into the lungs. If you get into a hot bath or a hot tub, you notice that if you move just even a little bit, the warmth is right there. It's within a half inch of your skin. When you're in an air field, it's almost 6 to 12 inches space. So you have to move a whole 6 to 12 inches to feel the heat right up against you, whether it's steam or dry, like in a sauna. So the only way that you can do it properly and get the internal body heated enough without getting over 108 to 100 degrees, where the damage starts in the skin, is in hot water.
Q: So a steam room isn't good either then?
A: Steam room is even worse. 212 degrees or higher, that steam goes down and does a mass amount of damage. And that water is distilled water, and that just eats away the system, thins the mucus.
Q: Did somebody die not long ago that was trying to make a world record on that?
A: A lot of people have died trying to do the steam room. A lot of people. In Switzerland, it was real big, and people were dying left and right.
Q: That guy in Phoenix, too, had a kind of quasi... I think he's in jail now.
A: Yeah.
Q: You have people staying there for way past what they should have.
A: And you can only stay in there 7, 10 minutes maximum, and then, that's not enough time. It takes 90 minutes at 105 to 108 degrees to get to the lymphatic system, start to begin melting. It's a everyday, you know, for years to do it properly. Okay, do you have a question outside of this?
Q: Oh, well I've read we all have plastics in our body, and so to use the sauna to sweat that out, are you saying the hot tub can do the same thing?
A: No, the sauna does not do it correctly without severe damage. The hot tubs do do it properly.
Q: It does do it?
A: Yeah. I've seen people try, you know, using a sauna for that. And of course, it will get right underneath the skin going, but then over a period of 6, 8 years, it damages your skin. They stop perspiring properly because you damage, you scarred the skin, and you've created a problem. So I've seen that. But people who take the hot baths or hot tubs, you know, their results are 5 to 12 times better without the damage. The sauna's cause, the steam bath's cause. Do you have a question?
Q: I do. My question is, I've been taking the 90-minute baths about 3 days a week for the last 9 months, and a couple of weeks ago, after taking one, I got out of the tub, and I felt very weak, so I sat down in the toilet seat there, and I called Richard, my husband, and I said, just, you know, can you get me the bed? I'm really feeling weak. So I stood up and I immediately fainted, and didn't even remember hitting my head on the floor, but it bothered me for about 2 weeks. So anyway, I finally recovered from that. I'm playing tennis 3 days a week now, and I find that it's really hard for me to stay hydrated. I get up at 6.30 in the morning, and I have my green juice, and then an hour later I have my meat meal, which is usually chicken and the moisturizing formula, and maybe 8 ounces of milk. And then I go to play tennis, and I take with me the sports drink.
A: How much? A quart?
Q: Well, I take 2, 8, 8, 16, what's that, a pint? 16 ounces?
A: 2 16 ounces, 32 a quart.
Q: Yeah, is that, do I take that much? Maybe not quite that much. And so I drink that in between, you know, when we switch sides, and then it seems like it doesn't give me enough relief, so I started drinking the water out of the, you know, I know you don't want me to, but I, and I'm like-
A: Just do two. You're a larger person, you're taller. So do 2, well, I do 2 quarts of milk a day, and if I'm in the Philippines, climbing mountains, and that heat, I will have 1 to 2 sport formulas a day.
Q: So, so how many, so if I just keep drinking sport formula, every time I switch sides, you think that's, what happens to me is I start to get so weak, and I got, like now, I'm so hot. I, I mean, I just, I get up, this morning I got up, and I felt great, I had a green juice, I went out and walked for half an hour, I came back, and then I just start feeling really hot, and tired, and weak. What's going on?
A: Why do you do a green drink and go exercise?
Q: Well, I don't know, because it's the first meal of my day, and I wanted to go walk before I got in the car.
A: There's no nutrient, there's only vitamins and enzymes, there's no fuel in a vegetable juice. You need to put maybe 2 or 3 eggs in it, in your vegetable juice, and go exercise if you want to do that.
Q: Okay, so what am I going to eat when I'm playing tennis? What should I, your suggestions?
A: Do you have eggs in your sport drink?
Q: No.
A: Okay, there should be 2 or 3 eggs in your sport drink.
Q: Okay.
Q: For court?
A: Yeah, for court.
Q: And you think that'll be sufficient?
A: Change everything. Just remember, when you get dizzy, that means you've got very low blood sugar.
Q: I don't get dizzy, I don't really get dizzy. Just weak, like you-
A: Passed out.
Q: Well, I got, that's the only time, and I really didn't get dizzy, I was just like, I was just weak.
A: Well, that's, you don't know, your body just doesn't know, dizzy maybe. Because when you're that weak, you have to move like a turtle in slow motion, you can't move fast.
Q: Well, at that time, but like I say, after I played 2 sets of tennis and going into the 3rd set, I'm just kind of there like, and now I'm hesitant to go play, because I'm like, can I stand on the court long enough?
A: Just have your eggs in it. Champion in 2009, 2 number 1 champions in high school tennis, were both on the diet, on the primal diet. Walker Kehrer, and Kareem, whatever, you said K-I-R-E-N-E, and Walker is his name, and then Valerie Mysick. What they do is they take the sport drink with them, and they sip it, kind of 1 to 2 quarts, but usually, you know, as teenagers, they only used a quart, and their opponents would be drinking all this water, like a gallon, gallon and a half of water, in 5 hour periods, they'd have maybe 1 quart of this sport drink, and they'd just be going and going and going, but they had the eggs in.
Q: So if I want to keep hydrated all during the day, let's say, so I now...
A: You can sip on that all day long, but I, milk is also important, you can take a sip of milk, a sip of your sport drink.
Q: Okay.
A: You can even have, you know, instead of whey, you can put milk in there, if you wanted more energy. See, you're very thin, I know you don't think you are, but you do not have a lot of fat in your muscles, so your muscles get low on fuel pretty quickly.
Q: I don't have a lot of muscle. So I mean, I wish I knew how to build it.
A: Yeah, but most of the waste you have is under the skin, so it's toxic waste that's not being removed. You may have to do, you know, the hot baths every day, you know, if you really want to move that quicker.
Q: Yeah, I have in mind, I just thought, after I fainted that day, I just didn't take anymore, so I'm like, God, I don't want to be fainting every time I get out of the bathtub.
A: Well, you're going to be weak.
Q: Yeah.
A: Unless you have the egg in it. Well, I have a lot of people get out of the hot baths and ready to work out.
Q: Okay.
A: They've been doing it for a while.
Q: Okay.
A: That also has, they also use the egg in the sport drink.
Q: Well, I'm using the recipe that you gave me for the sport drink, which was a cucumber, tomato...
A: But you weren't, didn't tell me you were going to play tennis.
Q: Well, I wasn't. You gave it to me. I wasn't playing.
A: I was the person, just so you people know, I was the person that he's a little bit distraught with rheumatoid arthritis, who couldn't, who woke up one morning and was all swollen and couldn't lift the sheets off my bed. After a month, I couldn't lift the sheets. I couldn't hardly walk downstairs. I had to take one step at a time. And two years later, I'm playing tennis three days a week. So that's a testimonial to the diet.
Q: Will you give that sport drink recipe again? Because some people here don't have it.
A: Well, the sport drink can be three cups of one of these four things or a multiple of them. You have watermelons in season. Now, that causes more perspiration than any other fruit, any other food. Then you have cucumber and tomato and whey. You may have a cup of, one cup of three of those four. You can choose. Or you could do two cups of watermelon and one cup of cucumber. But everything but the whey is pureed. Of course, whey is already liquid, so... And for those people who don't know, I'm not talking about that powdered garbage at health food stores. I'm talking about the liquid runoff from making cheese. That's fresh whey. So, like at this time, use two cups of watermelon puree, either one cup of tomato or one cup of cucumber puree, and then one tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of honey. If you get too thirsty, sometimes it's better to just cut down to one tablespoon. However, if you're doing a lot of athletics, then you want two to three tablespoons of honey. And then two tablespoons of lime juice, one tablespoon of lemon, two tablespoons of coconut cream, two tablespoons of dairy cream, and two to four eggs, depending on the size of eggs and how much work you are... If you're playing tennis, very tough sport. Basketball, very tough. Soccer, very tough. Volleyball, very tough and exhausting. So, all those, I would use four eggs. Now, that would give you a quart, of course, again, depending upon the size of eggs. If you're under a quart, then just add some mineral water, good mineral water, bring it up to a quart. And if you're heavy into sports and you're doing the hot baths, you may need two of those a day.
Q: Is it okay to drink, if you're going to drink some water, I started drinking a little bit of the mineral water, just because it had sodium in it, because I thought maybe that would help keep me awake. So, is it okay to have some mineral water also that you're drinking?
A: You mean like Perrier with high sodium?
Q: Well, Pellegrino.
A: That's fine. I like people to stay away from water, but if you're doing hot baths, you're going to need at least a half a cup of water a day.
Q: When you're in the hot bath, are you...
A: That's not the time to do water. That's the time to be doing a sport drink. You do your pineapple before you get into it.
Q: Yeah, I do the meal that you have in the book for the pineapple, and that makes sure I do that as I get into the bath.
A: Then you should have two cups of the sport drink while you're in the bath. If you're doing 90 minutes, you could do three cups. You're sipping it every few minutes. Yeah, sip it. And then at the end, you still need to do another cup of the sport drink afterwards. And then you could do probably about two, three ounces of water. But mix it in with the sport drink. Don't drink it by itself.
Q: So how much also do we do of the sport drink when you do a hot bath?
A: Well, you need one quart. But if you're into athletics...
Q: I think you need half a quart.
A: That's not a high duration. Well, you're only doing 45 in a bath.
Q: 40. 40 minutes. I've done some water before.
A: It's okay. But I mean, when I do those hot baths, you know, sometimes I go to a hot springs and I'll do six, seven hours in a day. You know, and I'll go through sometimes three of those sport drinks in seven hours. Plus my two quarts of milk that I normally have. You know, to rehydrate the cells. But you're not going to rehydrate the system with plain water. Water has no nutrients. So the body cannot absorb the water without nutrients in it. If it does, it just dries it out. Instead of hydrating, it causes dehydration. So normally all foods contain a lot of water when they're raw. In fact, even meat's 55% water minimum. You know, when it's been dried and cut and carried around for a while. But when you first butcher an animal, it's like 70% water. And then fruits and some of your bland fruits and other fruits are 93% water. But still, nutrients bound in the water. You've got vitamins, you've got enzymes, you've got proteins, carbohydrates. You've got every nutrient that's in that food in that water. It's not just dry, you know, vacant water that will cause deficiencies in the body. So that's what you want to concentrate on. I haven't had water for over a week in the summertime. I probably have a half a cup a week. And in the winter and fall and early spring and late summer, I don't drink any water. I have two quarts of milk a day and, you know, whatever food I'm eating. And when I'm very active, I'll have a sport drink. If I'm in the hot tub a lot, then I have several sport drinks plus my two quarts of milk. Never dehydrate. Just remember, never gulp. You gulp and a lot of that water washes into the kidney. And then you don't have a chelated transport with the nutrients to the cells. And that causes dehydration. So you sip never more than three tablespoons at a time. You can do that every few minutes. I mean, you know, if we were healthy, let's say like, you know, the Aborigines who still live in the wild and eat mostly raw and all the Africans, and I was with them in South Africa in May, and they don't drink water. They say it's stupid to drink water because you just cause more dehydration. You know, so they rip the roots off of, you know, plants or break them in two and take the vegetable juice that they use. And they're so healthy, they're not full of the toxins that we are, so they don't need all that extra fluid that we do. But we need, you know, mineral and vitamin rich, nutrient rich fluids, not deficient water. Okay? That's a long answer.
Q: Yeah, one more real quick thing. I ordered from Thailand the air tube for the phone that you recommended. I also ordered a product they have called Coco Soap. Do you know it?
A: Yeah.
Q: And is that okay to use for washing my hair and taking a shower? It's just coconut oil?
A: No, it's got some lye in it.
Q: Okay, it doesn't say that, but...
A: But that's what it is. They make the coconut oil, and I supervise the way they do it.
Q: Yeah.
A: And they just put lye in it to harden it. It's okay.
Q: So I can use it.
A: I just use coconut cream as my soap. I ferment it and use that. But if you want to use that, it's okay. It's fine.
Q: Okay, it's not too dry.
A: It is dry. Lye is dry.
Q: Okay.
A: To get it to solidify into that substance. But, you know, like when I'm in Thailand, that's what I have my girlfriend use because she has to use soap. So, you know, she uses that soap. That's a better soap than any other. The only thing in it is coconut oil and raw coconut oil and some lye.
Q: Okay, thank you.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: I don't, but can I pass on my question back to Rosalind who had a question about casein? Okay, so why don't you go ahead and ask your question.
Q: Well, you talk a lot about dairy. There's a lot of people that have intolerance and have allergies. I was tested a few years back and it was severe in the casein. And I don't drink milk, so I waited another year and was tested again and it was still severe in it.
A: Anytime you have an allergy test for anything, they've taken a processed protein to do that. So if you're eating pasteurized dairy, if you're eating homogenized dairy, you're going to have a casein problem. Maybe even a lactate problem. But if you're drinking raw milk, you won't have that problem except if you're drinking it cold.
Q: Well, the thing is, the casein is the protein. So in my mind, it doesn't matter if it's raw or pasteurized because it's the protein. So if the protein...
A: Have you ever looked at it under a microscope to see if it's really pasteurized?
Q: No, that's what I'm trying to find an answer to. But no, that was my...
A: Do you warp a molecule, a protein? When you look at a protein under a microscope, whether it's raw or otherwise, just like vitamin C, you look at its little soft, spongy ball. Then once they take that same protein from... I mean that same vitamin C from a food and they make it into a supplement, it looks like glass. And it's large, spiky things. It has nothing, no relationship to what it was when it was unheated and unprocessed. And the same with proteins. They take on a whole new shape and it's entirely a different thing. It's like going in... If you had a Rolls Royce, would you go into a junkyard and get a part out of it that had been burned up and distorted? Well, I have in Singapore, I've got a whole slew of Chinese people there who are on the diet. Asians are 86% lactose intolerant and casein intolerant. Every one of these Chinese people eats the raw milk from Australia. And none of them has a problem. They even put it on the cover of the Chinese newspaper there. Full color. They even put my books on there. And they have all these skinny, weak Chinese people. Popped up and looked like Americans, you know, who are healthy. So they did a whole spread on it. I have not met anybody who's allergic, who has any kind of allergy to raw dairy. Now, sometimes the cooked casein and lactate may have collected in a body. And they will show symptoms of a lactate or casein intolerant when they first start drinking the raw milk. That's why I say in my book they should be drinking 2 ounces at a time, 4 ounces a day or just 2 ounces a day for 3 months. That'll all be gone. So I have not met one person, and I've met 30,000 who do this diet with milk. And many of them were intolerant to any kind of dairy until they had it raw.
Q: Let's bring in another thing about the gut. And if they say if you heal the gut, then it won't go through, like leaky gut, it won't go through the gut wall. And then you won't be allergic to it. So I don't know. That was another theory too.
A: Well, there are some people who have leaky gut, and those are most people who have Crohn's disease. And almost everybody, like 85% of people who have arthritis, arthritis or rheumatism have leaky gut. But that's just a thinning of the mucus to where they don't protect their intestines anymore. So their own digestive acids and bacteria eat into their intestines and the wall becomes thinner and thinner. And then when they eat, the gut rips and then food goes in. But it doesn't matter what kind of food, it doesn't matter if it's dairy or what. They're going to have an allergy to it. But what the body does is send it to the joints, mainly the knees first, hip, elbows, or shoulder, or neck. And in 80% of the cases that I've seen, it goes to the knees first. It turns that into a digestive site. So, because, like the stomach is very resilient, it forms hydrochloric acid in the dissolved bone, yet it doesn't dissolve its own tissue. That's very resilient tissue. Where your cartilage is very close to the same. So it can have digestive activity down there, but because there's digestive activity going on there, it'll also start eating away at the cartilage little by little. And that's arthritis, and that's rheumatoid arthritis, and that's rheumatism. So 85% I've seen of those diseases come from leaky gut. And leaky gut is not having enough mucus. And that mostly occurs in people who stay away from things that form mucus. Like milkshakes are the best thing to form mucus. So whenever I have somebody on Crohn's or who has arthritis or rheumatism, I put them one, two, three milkshakes a day. And within a very quick time, their symptoms are mitigated by 85%.
Q: So you can heal the leaky gut.
A: Oh yeah, leaky gut just needs to start building mucus. And then they eat the raw meat, so raw eggs, to get those cells to attach again. So they'll bond, so they'll stop having the leaky gut. But it takes the mucus first to build the wall.
Q: So can that cause kidney stones also?
A: Oh, so many things can cause stones. That's from any cooked or processed food. You have a fat that's broken away from minerals, and then the minerals collect. And even in the human body, crystals grow outside the human body in the ground. Geodes are all growth things. You put a few minerals and they'll grow into a huge geode that can be this big. And that's a growth process. And that's one thing that Pasteur was big on, was documenting the growth of crystals. So that can happen from any debased mineral substance in the body. So anything can cause stones. It's just where your body decides to dump them. Does it dump them into the intestines like it does most people, and out the bowels? Or does it dump into the urinary tract? Not a good place for it to do, but where the body does it in a lot of people. So then you have stones, whether they're bladder or kidney or liver. Stones can form anywhere.
Q: So going back to the raw dairy instead of the pasteurized can help.
A: It has nothing to do with it.
Q: It doesn't.
A: If it did, then the Maasai tribe would be full of it. The Fulani tribe would be outrageous with problems, because 95% of their diet was milk, raw dairy. They had no kidney problems, no heart problems. They had British problems. The British came in 50 years ago and tried to turn it into agricultural with plants and grains and stuff like that, because they were living 95% of raw dairy, and they were told that was a bad thing. And now they're a very diseased race. The British man who was responsible for that admitted about 15 years ago in a documentary that he was the biggest mistake that ever happened to the Fulani tribe. And he did a whole... You can see the Fulani from the first time he went there to the last time in a 35-year period, how they went down the hill with his help, with his instruction, telling them to do things better the way he thought they should be done. The way he was taught. He didn't learn until 35 years later, until they started killing each other, having jealousy and stuff like this. They weren't like that before. Anyway, there's no allergies to anything. Milk is not a problem on its own. It's all the processed stuff that's already in our bodies that's the problem. Do you have a question, Michael?
Q: Physical therapist recommended shrimp for the exoskeleton to try to digest. [unintelligible] got that in my back.
A: It's possible that it could have some influence on them because they're very mineral concentrated. It hasn't been my experience that it does a great deal. The hot baths are the best way to get circulation going in the spine, long ones. After my last... I've been working the last three years, the amount of healing and progress on places like your back and other people have been... Where it's taken 20 years to resolve some of that, it can be done in three to five years now. With hot baths, especially hot tub where you keep the temperature the same. I'm now suggesting that everybody take baths, hot long hot baths, as seriously as you take diet. Because it can progress everything very quickly. I'm thinking that... I was sold on the idea to take everybody 40 years to gain optimal health. Like the test of Howell and Pottenger. But with what I've seen in the last three years, by doing hot baths intensely with people and the reversals of... I mean, just to see a mineral deposit this big disappear in one year is astounding. Those things usually don't move. They usually have to be surgically removed. And then, you know, hers was gone in nine months of doing the baths every day, 90 minutes a day. So... And it just isn't her, it's other people too. So, I've had like... I've been studying maybe... Well, some people don't do it like they're supposed to. But I had 32 people set up to watch over the last three years. And I'd say 28 of them were reliable. And every one of the 28 had had progress that was just astounding to me. So I think that the 40 years can be reduced to 15. If somebody will be diligent, as diligent with the baths as they are with their food. I mean, think of that, reducing a 40-year process down to 15 years. Spectacular. Shit, I waited all this...
Q: I have a question about the baths. You used to tell us to exercise after. Is that still so?
A: That was my belief then. But in observing people, I found it wasn't necessary.
Q: So it's okay if you lay down after.
A: Yeah.
Q: And that's the other thing, when you start feeling really sick after the bath, because you're just like, oh, I don't know. It's okay to just lay down and go to sleep?
A: Yeah, I thought it would be the other way. I thought that once you got it moving, you had to keep it moving by exercise. But I haven't found it's true.
Q: And the coconut pineapple thing, is it important to do still with the bath?
A: In some time of the day. Still should be done in some time of the day.
Q: Okay, with the bath.
A: But then pineapple may get to be too much, even though I have people doing hot baths every day. They may only do the coconut every other day.
Q: And then you take a shorter bath, is it stops the detox? Because sometimes it's like it gets so hot and you get weak, and then I think I can't stay on another minute, I'm going to pass out in there. And I get out and then I get back in.
A: Well, what I've been doing in the past about six months is telling people, well, for the last year and a half, I told people to put a cold cloth, get a bowl with ice water in there, and put a cold rag on the head. And so many people have, it makes it so hard for them to do that. So I said, just get one of those ice packs, put it on top of your head with the ice in it for 45 seconds. Immediately. See, the brain hates to be overheated.
Q: Yeah, it's tough to get dizzy.
A: And as soon as that brain chills, that body wants to stay in that hot water. So people have no trouble staying in the water just by taking the ice pack and putting it on their head every once in every 15 to 20 minutes for 45 seconds.
Q: Now, once when you did it with my spa, you said, oh, you can get out a little bit, just don't cool off too much or something.
A: Well, that's how I was acting. I was trying to coach people through it, but I found that that wasn't as good.
Q: Okay, so you can get out, but you didn't get out too few minutes and it's not going to like, settle down?
A: It still will, yeah, it will still work, but it will slow things.
Q: Slow things.
A: But if you can use the ice pack on your head, quick way.
Q: Have you found people pass out and stuff ever?
A: Pardon?
Q: Have you ever found people pass out and stuff?
A: Never, but they felt like they would, but nobody ever has. I go to sleep and I have no trouble. When I was so full of cancer and all of my aches and pains from the radiation in my back, I couldn't sleep 10 minutes without waking up screaming in pain. And then when I learned to lie in the baths, I fell asleep in the baths, even floating. I never drowned once.
Q: [laughter]
A: I mean, you hear all this stuff, oh, you'll drown if you go to sleep in the bathtub.
Q: Yeah, I've heard it too.
A: I've slept in a bathtub where I could have submerged many times. A couple of times I did go under, you know, and I woke and there wasn't water, a little water in my mouth, but, you know, I never got to the point where I drowned. I'm trying to figure out why that was so funny. I've been dead twice, three times and been brought back to life.
Q: When you said you haven't drowned, you know you came back from drowning, it's just a little tip.
A: Yeah, but I came back from other deaths.
Q: You never drowned once, you could have drowned twice.
A: I could have drowned three or four times. I mean, I was dead on the operating table trying twice and they brought me back to life. I was dead for six minutes, one.
Q: I mean, you did drown, you just don't know it.
A: Okay. I don't remember it.
Q: Do you have ice packs that you buy? Is that what you're talking about?
A: No, no, you get these, I don't know, they're round and, you know, you just stuff ice in them and they're like a little hat, a little yammer hat.
Q: They're all hangover hats.
A: Yeah.
Q: I take ice with me in a jar and I stick it next to the bathtub and when I get too hot I just put one ice cube on top and just let it sit there.
Q: That's all?
Q: That's all I need to cool me off.
A: Yeah, so, yeah.
Q: So you don't need this whole pack and all of a sudden it's just an ice cube.
A: I just don't like the ice water being on the scalp unless it's good water. If you make good ice cubes then I'd say it's fine, but if you just make the ice water out from your tap water, not a good idea. You've got fluoride, you've got all kinds of chemical toxins. They're going to go into your scalp.
Q: Let me take the fluoride. I have a system in my purifier in my house, but how come you don't fight them from putting fluoride back in their drinking water? I fought it hard tooth and nail. You have to understand, our government is very ugly.
Q: I know.
A: They want that fluoride. They want everybody poisoned and subjective. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. When you looked at me the first time, you said there was a nuclear material in my back.
A: There was what in your back?
Q: Nuclear. Nuclear material.
A: Okay.
Q: It's a lump because they've got fat around it. Do you know anybody that you could recommend to cut it out?
A: You don't want that cut out?
Q: No.
A: Because I want to keep putting a hot water bottle on it as often as you can every night, as long as I can, to let it perspire out of the body. You have to cut that out and let's say, do you know some of that radioactive material is in some fluid and it gets loose? It could paralyze you. I wouldn't take that chance. If it were on a spinal cord around that area, probably wouldn't be a big chance of a problem. That's a dangerous thing. I've seen too many surgeries end in people being crippled or in a coma for the rest of their lives. Spinal cord, not good. Spinal.
Q: I don't think it's on the spinal cord. It's to the side of [unintelligible].
A: The side of the clothes. Do you have a question?
Q: Switching to like meat, like if you go to a restaurant that's called Thunder Greens, they have, do you want, do you mind if it's cooked, seared, rare? Would that still be considered a rare?
A: Well, the less cooked, the better it's going to be. I wouldn't do it. I go there and I say, give me a raw, cold steak on a cold plate. If they refuse me, I pull out the law. You know, I keep it in my glove compartment. I show them the law and say, you know, because they get these, they have these health inspectors that tell them lies about what the law is instead of them going and reading it. So I'll pull out the law and show it to them and say, yes, you can feed me raw meat as long as the patron asks for it that way or they have it listed that way somewhere in the restaurant where it can be easily read or on the menu. If that weren't true, there would be no sashimi, there would be no steak tartare, and there would be no carpaccio on any menu.
Q: How about the smoked salmon that you can get in a store?
A: Smoked salmon is dehydrated. Any kind of dehydrated food is lacking in enzymes and activity, so it won't be utilized very much. When the Eskimos make their pemmican every year, they make a 90-pound block for each person in case they can't get anything during the winter. They don't mind a hunt. They can't get fish or whatever it is for their food fresh. They will eat a half a cup of this in a 24-hour period with about two cups of water, and they'll have that water over the whole day. They don't drink a lot at one time. That will help them digest that. But if they go through all of winter without, I mean, no matter what they have not eaten during the winter, usually they don't eat any of it, they know that it's nutrient deficient, so they bury it. They won't eat it. Even though they went through probably 100 hours of labor to make that 90-pound block, they won't eat a bit of it unless they have to. It gets buried in the springtime, mid-spring. So any kind of dehydrated is not good, and smoked is worse because you have all those carbon monoxides that have worked their way into the meat. Do you have a question?
Q: I was more wondering about the after Fukushima and all of that, just this kind of odd, people having odd symptoms.
A: Well, they're going to be pretty big. They're lying about it.
Q: Well, I mean, I realize that, but I mean, I've been doing blue-green algae and various things to do that, but I notice there's definitely, mental focusing is harder to do in various things.
A: Well, blue-green algae is done too much because they're dry. By the time it gets into your, you know, about to leave your sigmoid colon, it's only been in there for anywhere from 19 to 24 hours, and it just becomes active at that time. So you've got to soak it in water and get it reactivated if you want to get any nutrients from it. But what I suggested in the email that I sent out was everybody put terramin clay in water and have a pre-mix you're made, and put a little bit of that into your milk every time. Like my jars of milk over there have about a half a teaspoon of the moist clay active in there, and most of the probiotics is pulling out the radioactive stuff and it stays at the bottom. And even if I eat it, if I shake it and eat that, it's stuck into the stuff that won't digest. We don't digest rock. We don't digest soil, plants do. So even if I were to eat the clay that's in the milk, it holds on to the radioactive material and doesn't absorb into my body. Those molecules are too big. We can't break them down. Algae breaks them down, and other plant activity breaks rock down into a utilizable bio-organic substance. We're much different on the food chain. We don't eat rock. So the clay will pull that. Terramin clay is the clay that I suggest. And TerraSilk is the product I suggest for eating and use for your bath and a facial use the Nutra. You know, the terramin nutritional variety. The TerraSilk is much finer. Still not going to absorb it, but it can get into finer places to help.
Q: Does it come out of your foam eventually or does it stay in there?
A: Oh no, it passes right out.
Q: How long does it take to get clay out?
A: Well, sometimes when I've done the test to study that in my body, I can study anybody else's fecal matter. But in my body, when I've gone 10 days without taking it, and taking it in a day, it doesn't show up after about, well, I usually have bowel movements between 3 o'clock in the morning and 9 o'clock in the morning. So it's never showed up on the second consecutive day, but it may be there at least 26 hours. I mean, as late as 26 hours, 28 hours sometimes. But it's always passed out in that first transit through, 19 to 26, 28 hours. You have a question, Joseph?
Q: Yeah. As I understand it, if I'm taking the longer baths, you said that I should be drinking some water. Is that what I heard you say?
A: Well, everybody should drink a little bit of water every day. It could be, if you're highly active, like in the sports, or if you have a job that's construction, then you're going to need anywhere from a half a cup to a cup and a half of water a day, just very little at a time. Spreads throughout the day. Some people just put their water in their sport drink. So you don't have to, you know, juggle it. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, a couple. Regarding the water, like, when you talk about not drinking a lot of water or just a little bit of water, you're talking about people who live anywhere, like, say if I live in the desert and I'm sweating up a storm or whatever, do I need, I just need more fat, not water, right?
A: Well, you need more fat, and you need a certain amount of fluids, but you can get them from your milk and your sport drink.
Q: So I don't really need to drink a lot of water.
A: I mean, the healthiest individuals out there don't drink water, like the Aborigines, the Africans. They won't drink water because it just makes them more thirsty and more dehydrated. But they're so healthy, they can just drink, like the two children and the three children in the rabbit-proof fence in Australia when they ran away from the orphanage, when they were taken away from their mothers, because they were Aborigines and they were half white, and they had Aboriginal mothers, so the British government, the Australian government, the auspices of the British government took those children away. Because they had partial royal white blood, that they should not be with primitive, savage mothers, so they took the children away. So these three children ran away from the orphanage, and they went the wrong way on the rabbit-proof fence, which kept them from getting caught. But they were out there almost three months, three to five months before they made it back home, and they never drank water once. They popped plants and they let the vegetable juice drip into their mouths, and that's what they lived on. But these kids were healthy. They grew up that way. We're so sick and we're so full of chemicals that we do need a little bit of water to act as a solvent to dissolve some very toxic compounds. But they don't. We do need a little bit of water.
Q: What was the name of that movie?
A: Rabbit-proof fence.
Q: It's a true story, too.
A: Yes, for sure. Absolutely true.
Q: Lisa and I were kidding around the other day, you know, fat and all that kind of stuff, fat deposits on the body. Is there really any difference nutritionally or clinically between smooth fat and cellulite fat and all that, or is it just all fat, fat, fat?
A: No, it's all very different. In cellulite fat, you have usually trans fatty acids that are bound with a toxin. Fat is meant to bind with your toxins and prevent them from entering a cell, damaging your cell. So everybody needs lots of fat, especially in our toxic world. However, when you've got trans fatty acids, you have a fat that will solidify and crystallize in the body, harden, because it's a plastic, waxy fat. And at the human body temperature, it solidifies. And an herbivore, at a temperature of 101 to 105 degrees, that's enough to keep them fluid. But in the human body, they solidify. So when those trans fatty acids are used to bind with a toxin, it becomes solidified. So that's that hardened cellulite fat. And you'll notice that when you go on a good diet like this diet, all of a sudden that will double, triple, quadruple in size, because it was very hard. The only way to get it out of the body is to dissolve it into a fluid compound to perspire it out of the skin. And without the hot baths, it used to take women 12 to 15 years on this diet to do it. Now, in the last three years, I've seen women do it in a year and a half. Instead of 7 to 12. All of a sudden, that cellulite's gone. And they'll never have cellulite again, unless they go back to eating trans fatty acids. Chips and cereals and donuts and fried food. Do you have a question, Lisa?
Q: Yeah.
A: Lisa's our host again.
Q: Yeah, you talked about intuitive eating in your book a lot. You know, you come to a place, where you'll crave things you need. So I have a question about cravings. For a long time, you know, for my whole life, I craved tomatoes. And I think it's starting to fade. I just want to eat tomatoes, or cucumbers, and just love cucumbers. And then recently I started craving other vegetables, like beets and butternut squash. But the butternut squash, when I have the butternut squash raw, they have like lemon and all.
A: Juice it.
Q: Juice it?
A: Yeah, that's what I do.
Q: Would it be better to juice it? Then why would I not eat some of the vegetables raw that I crave versus juicing?
A: Because they're highly alkaline vegetation. We don't digest the cellulose in that.
Q: So if I eat that butternut raw, it's great, and then it won't digest?
A: It still won't digest. It takes an herbivore to be able to break down that cellulose. Summer squash is different. Like cucumbers, we can digest a lot of that. But I love them raw. But other hard squashes, you cannot. Butternut squash, no. So when I was able to get on a farm in Carbondale and pick the vegetables right out of the earth, and the butternut squash, I went right to juicing them.
Q: Yeah, and what comes up, I'm at the beach, and I'm like, I want some butternut squash. And I'm like, what the heck is that? And then every day I'm thinking about that food. Is there something beneficial in it?
A: Your body needs a particular nutrient in that.
Q: But you don't really know what.
A: But juice it.
Q: Juice the butternut squash.
A: Too hard to digest.
Q: Would you mix it with something else?
A: Well, I just mix it with all my other juices.
Q: And then I'm craving beet too, so that's just a little, like what, five, ten percent?
A: Well, beets help. I know what beets do. They help build the body's hydrochloric acid.
Q: Yeah, so I'm not craving very much meat. I mean, I'm eating it, but it's not working.
A: Well, it helps digest it.
Q: So that's because, like a lot of times too, you don't crave protein when you're too alkaline.
A: When you're too alkaline, yeah.
Q: Right, but then if you do the beets juice, that will actually create hydrochloric acid.
A: That will help, yes. If you eat, you know, butternut squash, you eat any of those alkaline substances, they neutralize the acidic putrefactive bacteria that digest animal cells. So you're going to reduce the digestion of any kind of meat, any kind of dairy, eggs, anything that's animal product, you're going to reduce it. And that's supposed to be 90% of our digestion, the animal product. We have like 10% available to digest things like tomatoes, which is a bland fruit, but still has cellulose in it, and cucumber. We have enough to digest a little bit of that in a day.
Q: So what would I mix with the butternut juice in it?
A: Anything you want.
Q: 10% into your juice or is that too much?
A: Well when I did it in Colorado. I was able to get string beans, peas, those are all good brain foods, and then the summer squash, the coconut I used, I mean the acorn squash. And I got fresh parsley, cilantro, carrots, and celery. It was the bitter celery because they were the wild celery. And what else, I had cucumber. So probably the butternut squash was 25% of the juice.
Q: Oh really? You don't put carrot in it, do you?
A: I lowered the amount of carrot because most of the time I put 20% carrot in my juice, but with the butternut squash I lowered it to like 10%, and the butternut squash was probably 25%.
Q: Wow. So then what about other vegetables, like red onions, if you crave those. So when you're craving something in it, the red onions are your favorite.
A: When I induced a tapeworm, after a good probably 10 days of activity, and I had no more constipation in my life, and I had suffered constipation for 56 years that I can remember, and I was 58 years old at the time, and once I had that tapeworm, and it took me years to figure out how to induce one, so once I got it induced I got this craving for onion, and I was in Vietnam at the time. I expired it before I left here and went to Vietnam and finally when I was in Vietnam I noticed it. Actually I noticed it on the plane going over to Vietnam. Then I had one little noodle, and you know a tapeworm is a section of thousands of worms. Each worm is just shaped like a noodle, rectangular, and they attach to each other at these points. So they've got their heads and they've got their rear ends, and they're pooping over each other and eating around each other's butts all the time. And that's the way a tapeworm lives. It's not one organism. It's a whole colony of the same worm living together. And I got this craving after about probably 10 days after having it. I got this craving for an onion. Who eats an onion like an apple? Well I did. I ate the half onion, and then it repulsed me so bad I couldn't eat the other half, but that first half was so delicious like an apple. And within 6 hours I shat out 50 feet or 47 feet of my tapeworm. I was sick. I was so angry. I spent all those years to get a tapeworm, and then I ate some onion and it shat it. So I was not happy with my instinct at that time.
Q: How did you induce it?
A: Pardon me?
Q: How did you induce a tapeworm?
A: Well I took a look at the studies on people who have tapeworms, and they're almost all children in third world countries, mostly in Africa, where they feed them toxic throwaway cereals like Purina and General Mills and General Foods. They create these philanthropic companies that are going to give food aid to other countries. So all these people send in millions and millions and millions of dollars, and then those companies buy their waste product cereals and dry food, and then they send it to these poor people and feed them the worst foods in the world, which are your cereals, which are high in acrylamides, and then powdered milk, according to Pottenger, is the worst food that you can feed anybody, it creates the most diseases. So you've got these so-called philanthropic companies that are paying high prices to these rip-off companies like Purina and General Foods and General Mills for this junk cereal they can't sell here, and feed those people. So I realized that the tapeworm feeds on high carbohydrate foods, when it's so excessive that the carbohydrate could actually dissolve and break down a body. So the tapeworm does not eat the intestines, it eats whatever's in the intestines if it's high in carbohydrate, and it does not occur in any tribe's people, any third world people, that eat meat. No tapeworm lives in a meat body that eats even 10% meat only. So I took raw milk and I fermented it for 21 days, I think it was 21, I have to go look at my records, it was 58, so that was a little while ago. Because I'm almost 60, I'm working on my 65th year now, so it was 8 years ago. But anyway, I soaked it with maca root, and maca root is a high carbohydrate substance that's considered a superfood. Well, it's very high in carbohydrates, it's one of the most concentrated root vegetables in carbohydrates. So I figured if I fermented that in milk, it would break it down to a degree that it would absorb into my body very quickly and do damage. So I knew that if I were going to create a tapeworm to help, that would be... My theory has always been, and you know, I've proved many times, that all parasites exist already in human tissue, I mean, in animal tissue, and when they are necessary, they come out of hibernation, and they're just a part of every animal cell. So I proved that by having this, because I didn't walk barefoot in any African country, I was right here in the States, and I wasn't going barefoot anywhere where anybody's gotten any parasites, especially tapeworms. So when I uncorked that substance and went right like that, the alcohol was so strong that I over-fermented it, it actually burned my sinuses, gave me a headache for a day. And that's how strong it was. So the next day, I drank, rather than half a cup or a quarter of a cup, I drank three cups that day. So I went into massive hives, I mean, it welts all over my body from the stump coming out. I had to get into a bath with tomato and cucumber in it, ground up, where I had to take tomato and cucumber slices every hour to keep from ripping my skin off so badly, and burned and itched at the same time. And then I was on a flight, you know, three days later I was on a flight, or two days later I was on a flight going to Vietnam, so I had to carry these slices of tomato and cucumber on ice, and I'd go into the toilet every hour of the plane and rub those in to keep from going nuts, you know, with the itching. And then when I got to Vietnam, I was stuck in a Hanoi hotel for three more days just getting through that. But I noticed the first noodle that was kind of swimming in the toilet, you know, even before I landed in Hanoi. So, you know, I realized that I had created it, and yes, my theory that they're all part of the body, I had been externally exposed to it. But then, you know, after eating that onion and shatting, you know, 47, the reason I know it was 47 feet because I was in a hotel room, this hotel room was $11.50 a day, American dollars, all wood, parquet floors, walls, ceiling, and furniture. Everything wood, gorgeous, $11.50 a day, phenomenal. And so I had, I just pulled up the rug that was in the center, pushed the bed aside, and spread the tape around on the floor and measured it. And, you know, they shrink very fast. In 24 hours, you'll take one of those noodles, and it'll be exactly the shape of a piece of rice, a grain of rice. That can't get through your fricking feet. So the whole concept is bizarre, that you can get it through your feet, any kind of parasite through your feet. And most of these African people have calluses, you know, they're an inch to an inch and a half thick, some of them may be two inches thick. If they're near a desert, like the Sahara Desert, these people have two-inch thick calluses. That's most, that's 90% dead tissue. Parasites, you know, get to that dry environment. It's the most absurd crap that people buy from the medical profession there is. So about 10 days after I shot it, there was another little noodle floating in the toilet after I had a bowel movement. So I knew that I hadn't gotten rid of them completely. Then six weeks later, I just had a bowel movement, pooped out another 50 feet, and I measured it too. It was 47 feet when I measured it, but with the shrinkage I knew I'd probably lost about 3 feet, maybe more.
Q: So what did you use the tapeworm for?
A: To clean my body of all that sugar. See, when I was a kid, I would eat sugar crisps, which were loaded and sweet already. I put two to four tablespoons of sugar in that with, you know, skim milk, which is what my mother bought, skim milk, no fat, very little fat in it. And I was a sugar, if I was bad as Hitler, I would put sugar on top of cake, you know, with icing that thick. So I was a diabetic too, you know, so. I knew that that would have been a lot to do with my lifelong experience of constipation. Now when I started eating a raw diet, I had bowel movements every day instead of once every three to five and six days when I normally had a bowel movement. And when it would come out, it would be so big that it would rip my rectum. So by the time I was 21 years old, my rectal area was an inch thick with scar tissue. So no matter how small or large the fecal matter was, it tore my rectum every time. So I bled from the age of about three years old to the age of about 27. And still, even though I had bowel movements every day, the first part of that bowel movement could be as big as my fist and just as rough as granite. Then the rest would be very soft, and I could have a lot of bowel movement. I'd even go three, four times in a day. But that first one out was hard as rock and a granite, caused me to bleed. After I had the tapeworm, I haven't bled since. That was from 58 to nearly 65 years. I've not bled one time since that tapeworm.
Q: Was it eating the sugar?
A: I think my body started throwing off the sugar, and I had eaten enough of it to cause the parasites. So as soon as the tapeworm was in my system, my system was able to dump the toxic carbohydrates that were built into my intestinal walls from over the years. If I hadn't had the vagotomy, I probably would have had enough hydrochloric acid to break that intestinal wall down to where it wouldn't have taken me until I was 58 years old to do it. But I have no hydrochloric acid in my stomach. I just have that little bit that secretes in the intestinal tract, small intestines. So that's the only reason I can figure out what happened.
Q: So do you keep them around?
A: No, after that six weeks, I've never seen them again.
Q: That's when you completed a sugar detox?
A: Well, that was a total of about eight, almost eight weeks.
Q: So did a sugar detox? They ate the sugar wall?
A: Pardon?
Q: Was that like a sugar detox?
A: I think it was an intestinal carbohydrate detox. Intestinal wall.
Q: You mentioned fermenting foods. I mean, let's just ask you a question. To detox sugar, you would have fermented sugar cane juice, or you would ferment the food that you're toxic with?
A: Yeah, I mean, how many people eat sugar beets every day? I ate cereals every freaking day. Sometimes boxes. When I got away from home, I'd eat one or two of those boxes a day. Or I'd take powdered donuts, that and RC Cola or Sprite. When I first got the cancer, and all my teeth were dangling because the radiation therapy damaged all the bone around my teeth, and I was bleeding badly, biting my own teeth. I could lose half a cup of blood in 30 minutes. So I started liquefying everything, so I'd take the powdered donuts and blend it with Sprite.
Q: Ah! [laughter]
A: And drink it out of big straws like that. Let me tell you, after you have chemo and radiation, everything tastes like postage stamp glue and cardboard. So it didn't matter. But when I got a hold of the raw milk and raw carrot juice, it had flavor, and it was delicious and rich. So that's the only reason I ate it, because it was enjoyable.
Q: I thought you converted out of being a junkie.
A: Yeah.
Q: You had some carrot juice and milk.
A: Raw milk, yeah. One of the volunteers from the hospice, I refused to go to the hospice, so they came to help me. And the young 18-year-old African-American boy, I don't know where he got this knowledge, turned me on to the raw carrot juice and raw milk. It changed my life. He was there to help me go in peace, and he helped me live. Any other questions?
Q: I just had a comment. I've had my blood analyzed, and it was, like I said, about parasites. I had worms. I think everybody has worms in their blood.
A: Kids are lucky. The quickest janitors they can meet, 100 times their weight in 24 hours, and reduce it to 2 to 5 percent waste or 1 to 5 percent waste. I always want a janitor who reduces my waste from 100 pounds to 1 or 2.
Q: So how many parasites should you have in your colon? So what parasites should be at your colon?
A: Trichinosis is the main one that belongs in the human. Almost all tribes on the planet have trichinosis. And according to Dr. Joel Weinstock, if you look up the references in my book, the recipe book for living without disease, I talk about Joel Weinstock, how 28 years ago, he saw the pigs at the university that were in a sterilized environment and the perfect scientific food for pigs, according to agricultural developments. And these pigs were very sick. And then the ones at the farm, you know, he grew up on a farm. He was a gastroenterologist at the University of Utah. The pigs, you know, they were wallowing around, eating their, you know, mixed their food in with their feces and urine and the mud. They were all healthy. So he looked at the difference in them gastro-anatomically and found that the only difference in the two pigs were that the pigs on the farm, in the slop, had trichinosis, had the whipworm in the intestines. And the whipworm eats food, it does not eat the tissue of the pig. So he took the whipworm from the pigs at the farm and induced it to spike the pigs at the university. And in five days they were healthy and well. So he got a license six years later to do it with humans from the FDA. And the FDA said you can do it on six people. They all have to have suffered for a minimum of ten years without success with inflammatory bowel disease. So he picked people who had suffered from ten to 32 years. And if they drank water, they either got diarrhea, severe cramps, or vomiting. No matter what they ate, they had severe reaction to whatever they ate. And he spiked them with the whipworm, and in five days, five of them were completely asymptomatic. They could eat anything with no symptoms whatsoever. One fellow, he said he didn't have a change. However, he seemed much better spirited, but he said he didn't have any change to his better or worse. So he didn't suffer from it, but he said he didn't gain from it either. But the other five did. And they ate the same slop that everybody else does. So in five months they were back knocking on Joel Weinstock's door saying, we want some more trichinosis. And we've been taught since children, trichinosis is the worst thing you get. Cook your pork until it's burned to keep from trichinosis. Why? Because trichinosis helps you digest fast and quickly, get healthier quicker. We are ingrained with a lot of bad information, wrong information. And I tell everybody, whatever you hear from the medical profession, whether it's pharmaceutical or doctor or news, whatever it is, do just the opposite. And 99 times out of 100, you will be right. Oh, and I did another thing, another test. Every year I go to life screenings and have the carotid arteries checked for plaque because I've had plaque on the right artery since I was about 12 years old. So I go every year and have all of their tests done, make sure my cholesterol is above, you know, very high, and that my triglycerides are very high because high triglycerides if you're on a good diet means you're throwing off a lot of trans fatty acids from all those years of eating cooked food. So I want my triglycerides to be high. You have the HDL and the LDL are perfect, the bad cholesterols are very, very low, and the good cholesterols are very, very high, and yet all these triglycerides, it confuses the shit out of them, you know, so just the way I want it. So this last three years, this last year period, I said I'm going to go in and see what I can do to get the carotid artery clean. So then they've taken it for the last probably 12 years. I haven't, I didn't clean it. So for the last year I started eating more vinegar on a regular basis and the clay, sometimes together. And I went two or three weeks ago, carotid artery, because they always send me backups, they send me the photographs showing me how thick it is on the carotid artery, how the placking is, and that I need to follow up with a doctor just to make sure it doesn't increase too much, or I have a heart disease or a stroke or something like that. And this time I got the report back normal, normal, normal. In one year I cleaned it out just by focusing on eating the vinegar in milk mainly for those high minerals.
Q: Is that like raw apple cider vinegar?
A: Raw apple cider vinegar. What I was doing is putting in two to four ounces of raw milk. That way I could have it every day and would not have to worry about demineralization. So you have to be careful with apple cider vinegar. It can cause bone loss. I've watched a lot of elderly people who eat it, you know, it keeps their blood clean and drives them, and it gives them lots of energy. I've watched their spines deteriorate, and I was always sure that it was the so much vinegar that they were having. And so I had mine in milk to prevent from mineral loss, and yet it went in and cleared in one year, in one year, cleared.
Q: Because I was told to drink raw apple cider vinegar, but I can only take it so many days, and then I stop drinking it, and my body just doesn't want it.
A: Yeah, that's what I mean.
Q: I should drink it in milk if I'm going to.
A: Drink it in milk if you want to, yeah. But you have to drink it pretty soon after you mix it or else it will curdle.
Q: Yeah.
A: The vinegar will cause it to curdle.
Q: Okay.
A: So, carotid artery from 12 years old, one year I took care of it, and it's my 64th year. Pretty good.
Q: Yeah.
Q: I heard of some raw eastern oysters that come with a plastic container with an aluminum top. I saw that and I thought, well, maybe that isn't such a good thing.
A: Was the oyster shucked in that?
Q: Yeah.
A: Yeah, very bad. The only way you could probably remedy that is because Terramin has a lot of natural aluminum in it, and it would bind with the aluminum in that, so you'd have to sprinkle some of that or take some of the already moist and mix it in that soup. So you'd have a little bit of graininess in there, but it would chelate with that aluminum so it didn't bind in your body. It wouldn't be absorbed into your body.
Q: What about in the container? One of them, and you get some oysters that bind, they come in a glass container.
A: Yeah.
Q: I thought that was better.
A: That would be better. If they don't heat them, you have to call the manufacturer and make sure they don't blanch them.
Q: Okay.
A: Because a lot of times they'll blanch them, and that means partially cook them.
Q: You can get them at the farmer's market.
A: He doesn't want to chuck them. He wants to chuck them.
Q: They're easy. Yeah, I don't put chuckers on them.
Q: That's true.
Q: I go there.
Q: The guy's a lot better than I am at chucking. I won't say that much.
Q: You know the easiest way to open it up? Just take a pair of pliers and just break the end of it off, and then it goes right in. There's no pushing.
A: Where's your exercise?
Q: I know somebody that thinks he's doing a wonderful job of hydrating himself by buying coconut water by the case, which cannot be very good if it's packaged.
A: Well, coconut water is water anyway. It doesn't matter which is from the coconut. It's water.
Q: So it's not a lot more different than water?
A: No. It does have a lot of sugar in it. It's basically water.
Q: Yeah.
A: But I mean, I've seen a lot of people cause muscle cramping from drinking a lot of it.
Q: Yeah, I know you have.
A: The women in Asia will only drink eight ounces a day or it causes them to bloat and swell.
Q: Is that coconut water?
A: Coconut water, yeah.
Q: So the stuff they're selling in those cans now, what's that?
Q: Well, it's got to be pasteurized, and then there's probably some chemical thing.
A: You have to pasteurize that stuff. Nothing bacterial in it. No bacteria. That's why I say it's a very—it's like water.
Q: I can't imagine it would taste like fresh coconut juice.
A: Don't know. I won't drink it.
Q: I mean, coconut juice is quite delicious.
A: Coconut water?
Q: Yeah, I mean right out of the fresh coconut. I mean, I don't drink it, but I just sip a little bit.
A: Sometimes I blow on milk. I'll mix half of that with a handful of milk and water, coconut water. But I sip it very slowly. You have a question?
Q: Yeah. I go to the county once a month, and we have a guy that takes care of the family.
A: Talking about Mexico?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay.
Q: And we build a barn for him, and we're going to get him a milk cow.
A: Is he going to live in the barn and the cow going to live in the house?
Q: No, out by the barn. But it's always a bunch of boulders around there. What would be the best thing to feed it? Hay?
A: Cows? You know, they live on grasses and grass.
Q: I know. It's not going to be any grass here.
A: Just have to get a little bit of good hay that doesn't have toxins in it, doesn't have herbicides and all that.
Q: Okay.
A: It can be hard to find. Almost nonexistent now with the push from Monsanto and Dow.
Q: You know.
A: Well, not only that. I mean, just non-chemically raised alfalfa or any of it. You might find, you know, a few farmers in the Amish or Mennonite country, the Quaker country, that still do it. A lot of them are going to chemical raising too. When I was in Pennsylvania three months ago, I found that they were spraying pesticides, the Amish were spraying pesticides.
Q: On what?
A: On everything.
Q: All dirt.
A: Yeah. So I've got these pockets of Amish farmers around these other Amish farmers who are doing now traditional agriculture garbage farming. Almost impossible.
Q: So they're going away from their Amish ways and making horses out of hay?
A: Oh, yeah. Almost completely. There was an FDA going after them in the last few months. They're all going to. They don't fight. They won't fight the government. They won't sue the government. I have to do it for them.
Q: What about valley fever, for one, for a left field? A guy at work, I guess, got valley fever.
A: I don't know what valley fever is. Does that mean you lived in San Bernardino Valley? Too many shopping malls got them?
Q: A common, I'd say, I guess, a spore. It's very common here in Arizona. At least that's what, 5,000 cases a year.
A: What are the symptoms? Are they consistent or is it hodgepodge?
Q: I'm not that familiar. I just took a guy, he got in his eye. They did surgery on his eye. It sounded really hard. So just one.
A: Let me tell you, all this nonsense like Lyme disease, when you have to do five tests and maybe say you've got Lyme, they don't even know what the hell they're looking for. Now they're saying it's a spirochete. We've had spirochetes for ages. Now we're going to blame a tick for our disease. No, every disease that exists is industrial chemicals, period. And when they get into the body, they'll do differently in different people. And sometimes you have steady symptoms, but almost everything creates, every disease will create similar symptoms.
Q: Say you think it's a spore, because supposedly it's a spore that got into the lungs like tuberculosis. Say you have a spore.
A: Why would you have a spore? Why would a spore incubate in the animal tissue? The spore is a fungus. It's the seed of a fungus. Which does fungus feed on?
Q: Dead roots.
A: Almost everything, or dead substances that bacteria can like. Cheeses, dehydrated cheese. Because there's no active enzymes in cheese, a fungus has to break down bacteria on it, parasites on it, because it's already too dehydrated. You can get, if you have a soft cheese, and enough fluid in it to make it mushy, you can get maggots to grow in it, and certain worms to grow in it. But not in a hard cheese. It takes a fungus to break it down completely. So, why would they have a spore in their lung? What is there that it needs to feed on? So it isn't the spore that's the problem, it's there's a janitor. It's whatever's broken down the tissue in the lung. Blaming it on a spore is like blaming the janitors who are there to clean up the mess. It's not a fact. You have to find out what broke down the tissue on which the fungus is feeding. Now it has to be something very, very toxic, because the body's first choices are, and the lungs are always fluid. They're not dried out like cheese. So, the tissue in the lung must either be highly poisoned, so poisonous that a parasite and bacteria will not break those cells down as janitors. It's leaving it to a fungus. So it has to be pretty advanced damage and toxins in that lung to create that. It's not the spore that's the problem, it's the damage in the lungs. So you have to look at all those cases that utilize that particular fungus to break down that specific tissue in their lung. That's what you have to find out, that's the culprit. You need to investigate there. Them going and giving you an antibiotic to destroy the fungus is stopping the cure. And therefore they're just going to be sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker for their whole lives. They're going to constantly take this antibiotic for their whole lives and get weaker every time, because every five days of an antibiotic, oral antibiotic, you're destroying one percent of the body's whole functionality. And we're 150 bacterial genes to one human gene. So think about all the bacteria you're destroying. Those antibiotics aren't specific to any bacteria. They annihilate all without question. It's like setting an atomic bomb. It doesn't get to military people, it gets to everybody and everything in its path. So the valley fever is just another name for industrial toxicity being blamed on some spore, some fungus.
Q: It gets into the eyes, though.
A: Pardon?
Q: It gets into an eye.
A: It doesn't get into an eye. You've got the same toxicity in the eyes, too. You can have it anywhere in the body. Let's say you've got a breakdown, and that spore starts feeding on the damaged tissue in the eye, because bacteria can. Usually, parasites aren't ever found in an eye, so that's not a janitorial system for an eye, unless the body's completely dead. But fungus and bacteria work in the eyes. Virus can work in the eye. But virus aren't alive, as the myth is now.
Q: Do you think that maybe parasites and bacteria and viruses and all that, do you believe it's spontaneous generation?
A: Yes. That's what I said. They're all part of every animal cell.
Q: So they're just kind of like a part of it.
A: They're there waiting to be a help, if they're necessary.
Q: Because I read that somewhere.
A: Yeah.
Q: You know the book, Toxophenia Explained?
A: Well, the first time I saw spontaneous anything, this Indian doctor, scientist, had isolated a little, what do they call that, like an aquarium environment, only it had its natural flow of water only, and there were no bacteria, there were no parasites. Well, there was bacteria, but there were no creatures, no flies, no insects, or anything in this environment. It took many years to set this up, and a fly spontaneously appeared almost mature in that environment. It didn't go from an egg to a pulpa to its fly form. It just appeared manifest. And he had the cameras going on it all the time, and it just appears on this rock, just like that. So that was the first proof I had of such a thing. And there are theories, oh, it time traveled into, you know, the future. It's from a parallel universe. That may be true, but, you know, it still was spontaneous.
Q: It's from a parallel universe.
A: So there is spontaneous appearance. People ask me about evolution, people think I'm an idiot because I don't embrace evolution. I take a look at everything, I say, wait a minute, if you've got a link you're going to have all the things involved, you're not going to have one species here and just the jump between them. You're going to have all the links in between thriving as the same. So this whole idea that we evolved from this, we all have similarities, yes, and we may have had, we're all on the same planet where the microcosm and the macrocosm are almost identical. So why not spontaneous, you know, development or existence? So I don't have enough proof to believe in evolution, and, you know, I say, who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. Deal with what's here.
Q: I've never found a hair in that link.
A: Because there is no missing link. What time are we?
Q: We're done earlier today.
Q: 420.
Q: Usually we're going until 5 but we just have one question.
A: Yeah, we get started at 3 o'clock usually. This time we started at 2.30.
Q: We managed eating early, everything.
A: Oh, it's such a small little nice group here. So anybody have one last question for the last five minutes?
Q: I think the meat seems to sort of pass through. They don't digest, I don't digest my food that great. Is there anything I can do to try to improve my digestion?
A: Well, 90% of digestion is supposed to be bacterial.We eat the feces, urine and sweat of bacteria when they've eaten the food. That's our food, absorbent. You just need to make sure you're not eating vegetables. I would filter your juice if you make juice. Filter it to make sure you're not getting any cellulose moving through the intestines, neutralizing what little bacteria you have. So it's all absorbed there and there's no cellulose particles passing through to neutralize the acidic bacteria and the acidic digestive juices. Eating high meats, anything fermented, anything with high bacteria. Also, I noticed that in my last two years of working with people to increase real probiotics by using the Terramin clay, pre-soaked for at least four days, and a little slightly fermented, at least warm milk, helps generate good bacteria for digestion.
Q: What about sauerkraut?
A: Sauerkraut is an acid, but it's a vegetable acid. So there's a tendency to wipe out putrefactive bacteria that we use to digest meats and animal cells, whether it's eggs, meat, or dairy.
Q: So the probiotics in sauerkraut is not necessarily...
A: It's not for herbivores, I mean it's not for carnivores. It's for people like Sally Fallon who eat cooked foods. It will help replace the enzymes and give you some digestive acids to handle her cooked vegetables and cooked grains. But it's not for a primal diet.
Q: But if you're eating mostly raw vegetables, then it's helpful to have sauerkraut and...
A: Yeah, it would be helpful.
Q: ...for digestion.
Q: Wouldn't yogurt, and kefir give you the good bacteria?
A: Yes, that's animal product. It is raw. That's what I'm saying, but if you want to incite bacteria... See, all animals suck dirt up. Everything they eat, I mean there's dirt in everything they eat. Yet we don't have dirt in anything. And I think that's a big part of digestion. In my last two years of working with it, it does improve digestion to have that terramin clay pre-soaked for at least four days and then added to some slightly fermented milk.
Q: How do you spell that clay?
A: T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. And get the terra-silk for eating. Terra-silk and the other, it's just a finer mesh that they've sifted through so it's a finer clay.
Q: How often should you put that in your bath or ever? A clay bath that you just drag it out to?
A: Well, now that I'm in municipal water, I put it almost every time.
Q: And then close it with a...
A: I just put a level tablespoon in a bath.
Q: Along with the milk and the other stuff too? Will it clump up with the milk and stuff? I mean like cold.
A: Oh yeah, just separate it all.
Q: So what is the purpose of the milk then to...
A: The milk is to bind with certain poisons that are in the water.
Q: And the clay will do a different type of...
A: Yeah, it will do different ones.
Q: Like fluoride?
A: Well, the fluoride is neutralized mostly by the calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium in the milk.
Q: That's true.
A: But some of the heavier things like copper and iron and uranium will be locked with the clay.
Q: So is everything between those two detoxified from getting into your water?
A: Well...
Q: Do you think some is still left?
A: I think there's some... Well, in my experiments vinegar also helped with some of those.
Q: So what do you think? I mean you have all these choices now. I mean sometimes you can do a honey and cream bath, you can do coconut cream, you can do clay, you can do... How do you decide which one you're going to alternate? Do you have a method to your bath?
A: Well, when I use all of them, I use all of them.
Q: So they don't conflict with each other. I wonder, sometimes I go, well, should I do a honey and milk bath?
A: I never do a honey bath.
Q: I think you should stop honey because...
A: I'm going to waste my honey bath.
Q: It would make your skin softer. It would be good for you.
A: Well, you put a little bit of honey and some butter and bone marrow or something and rub it into your skin. It would be a huge waste of that.
Q: Yeah, you can just put it on your skin raw with a little bit of...
A: Anyway, it could be a carrier of the poisons into my skin. I wouldn't want honey for that. That would help open up the cells. And I wouldn't want them opened to draw in some toxins. I want to sweat it all out for the bathtub, so I'd never put honey in.
Q: You talked about once you wanted me to do a test where I put honey on my skin for saliva.
A: Yeah.
Q: Did you continue that experiment?
A: Yeah, it still works. It's very helpful.
Q: I'm about to get rid of, what, radiation or anything?
A: No, that was just to help the skin come to life.
Q: What do you do for radiation on the skin?
A: Well, radiation, I use the clay.
Q: The clay and milk?
A: Well, you can use the clay and milk, which is one of the best. And then to soothe from the radiation, you can use aloe vera gel. Not from the store, it's right from the plant.
Q: So when you're turning red, is that a good sign that there's radiation coming out?
A: Not necessarily. If you get it directly from the sun, it's radiation you've absorbed. And your body is now going to take the time to convert that radiation into vitamin D if you have the right fats on the skin.
Q: Some people are really red without being able to convert that radiation. I mean, how do you look at people and say, oh, I can tell you're doing it? Like, what would you tell you that you're eating this by looking at you?
A: Well, it depends. Some people have very red skin because they have allergies to something. And the blood is trying to push it out the skin, like people with the rosacea. Very, very toxic.
Q: And red, too. So I wonder if that's, how do you know the difference between tanning, radiation, or detox of toxins coming out?
A: The way the skin is irritated or not irritated.
Q: Oh so, if it's not irritated, it's probably just sun.
A: Just sun, trying to convert. That's a healthy thing.
Q: Everybody's trying to fight being in the sun, you know, but I never did. So you're saying that's good, the sun radiation?
A: That's very good, yeah.
Q: Because it's detox, and you said it's like a detox for old radiation, too, the sun?
A: It can help with old radiation in the body, yes.
Q: So like if you're nippling...
A: Well, it's the vitamin D. So you get the radiation, it's absorbed into the skin. It's usually red until it's mixed with the fats in the skin. Once it's mixed with the fats in the skin, it's been converted into vitamin D, and then it tans the skin. Unless the body absorbs all that vitamin D in a few hours. And there's people who do absorb the vitamin D just like that.
Q: So do you not, you really are getting wrinkled from the sun or getting wrinkled from lack of fat?
A: Lack of fats, absolutely.
Q: But it's people...
A: If people were wrinkled from the sun, Africans wouldn't have the most beautiful, freaking skin on the planet. It's all be wrinkled.
Q: And all these my whole life girlfriends are like, they're very white. And they're like, no, no, I wear a hat, I wear sunscreen, I wear sunglasses. I'm like, take that off. They're like, no, I fry. And I'm like, well, I guess maybe you will, because you don't have any nutrients in your body.
A: Yeah, there's no fat.
Q: So you just burn.
A: They will burn.
Q: Burn up crisp.
A: Burn and peel.
Q: Do you're still in the sun? I mean, general, even the nutrition people still feel like they... Some of them like don't...
A: Well, when they bought the crap from Ronald Reagan that, you know, the sun gave him his nose cancer.
Q: Is that where it started?
A: Yeah. And I said, no, he just had his butt up his... George Bush's butt, that's where he got his...
Q: Then how much of that would you recommend that the sun... I was wondering how long you...
A: It all depends upon the person.
Q: Each person?
A: Yeah.
Q: So if you like it, have as much as you want?
A: Yeah. As long as you don't burn and peel. And if you start to burn and peel, you just put milk on. Every few hours, put milk on. You get a little sticky, but it will help convert the vitamin D or pull the radiation out of the system. That's too much radiation. Can't get converted.
Q: Do you do a lot of sun?
A: When I'm in Asia, I do a lot of sun... I usually do two hours a week in the sun. In one stretch, two hours. I have a massage done in the sun. I have butter and bone marrow rubbed into my body while I'm in the sun. So I get my two hours that way. And then when I'm in Asia, I get it every day, almost all day long.
Q: So is it true that the ozone is not as thick and that's giving us negative radiation? Or is that just all clean and...
A: Again, that's a marketing device. Get people to buy certain things to do certain things. Our ozone comes and goes and vacillates with our atmosphere. And global warming, certainly a certain amount of it has to do with industry and bad gases in the air. But that's not causing the Earth's shift and the melting of the poles. We go through this every 26,000 years. When the sun starts producing, right now the sun is broadcasting its sun storms, its radiation storms, out 9 million miles farther than it normally does. And this will go on through 2017. And there's going to be a lot of... There's going to be snow storms to balance that. There's going to be all kinds of things going on. And then the military is getting involved in it with their HAARP and making it worse. Making it faster. So, I mean, that is from that. That's from the sun's activity. That's not from here. But they're marketing it, you know. And what they did was get everybody to buy these poison light bulbs. They're full of mercury. I know. You break one in your home...
Q: I know.
A: And you have to have a $3,000 to $6,000 company come in and clean out your whole house.
Q: But they can inject you with it.
A: Yes.
Q: How much on a fire? Like a big fire is going to cut. How many mercury dose go?
A: Oh, tons. She got very sick and she's still recuperating from that.
Q: I was trapped in there for a week.
A: And she got very sick from it. Had very many problems for several years.
Q: I've set off a bunch of other detox too because I'm so overloaded.
A: Well, you stayed here when I asked you to go.
Q: So I left. I went to Laguna and then I got back.
A: But that wasn't far enough. You need to get out of town completely. Away from the fires altogether.
Q: I got trapped though. They closed the roads both directions.
A: But, I mean, you got very sick from that for years.
Q: Yes.
A: And I had quite a few patients down here with the same light.
Q: This is from the fire. I was paralyzed.
A: The fire happened then about two years ago.
Q: They evacuated the neighborhood. I got up but I didn't get out far enough.
A: But, I mean, I was on the road out of town when I saw the cloud coming. That was it. I got out. I got on a plane and I went to another city far away from it. I knew what it would have done to me. I would have been crippled like you were.
Q: I was crippled.
A: Yes.
Q: So the radiation thing, you never really kind of fully answered his whole question. That's why I kind of come back to it. About the radiation from Japan or whatever.
A: Well, like you said in my newsletter that I put out, not newsletter, but that email I put out, you put clay in your milk.
Q: That's not my question actually. That amount of radiation is just adding more to our chronic buildup in our system?
A: Yes, unless you're using the terramin moist clay putting it in your milk.
Q: So that's really the only real effect is that we're accumulating more genetically or whatever.
A: And what that will do is give you cancer sooner or worse cancer when you get it.
Q: Do you think that if we're doing that, that's enough to mitigate how accelerated do you think it really is?
A: Well, I've taken care of mine because I have clay in almost every bit of milk I drink.
Q: I know I feel like the way I could tell, I feel like there's like, and I don't know if it's just the sun, but the radiation, I also feel like there's a little more of a tension on the burning feeling.
A: I used to get that before I started doing the clay.
Q: And I wonder if that was from internal or external or both, probably both. So that's how you know. So I was just curious about is that enough to offset the level that's been dumped?
A: I think so.
Q: Don't show.
A: It's working for me.
Q: I'm just curious about how much it is. Can you read the amount of radiation that came from it?
A: Well, there are different people who are testing it. Like I saw a test that was done on some tuna coming from Fukushima because there is a belt where the tuna goes. There's almost a complete pattern that's normal. Are you looking for me?
Q: No, I just don't have a recorder.
A: It's normal migration, the tuna. And they measured the amount of radiation, and it was like 1,200 times normal. So you better make sure your tuna is from Fiji or the Hawaiian Islands or somewhere like that, not between here and directly between here and Japan.
Q: How much of the radiation looks like heavy metal toxicity to you?
A: Well, it just compounds the problem. If you've got a lot of free radicals, it'll cause damage. And then the more damage you have, the more your nutrients have to be spent on correcting the damage. So it isn't that one compounds the other, you know, indirectly but indirectly they do.
Q: That's the number one question people ask. I've been like, well, how bad is it?
A: Well, it's like people say, can I eat just two, one cooked meal a day? And I said, you can eat all cooked for all I care, you know, I'm not your body. That's up to you. You have to be happy with your life. And if you eat one raw food in your whole life, you're adding nutrients to it. Bravo for your body. You know, so it's up to you what degree you want. You know, and if you think that you're bigger, you know, than radiation, and, you know, think that you can overpower radiation, and radiation won't have an effect on you, I hope you're right.
Q: How do we know, like, sushi restaurants? Will the government, because the government is for the nuclear industry, let us give it to us and we won't know?
A: I don't eat at sushi bars anymore in Los Angeles or anywhere in a big city.
Q: Because of Fukushima?
A: No, because they chemicalize it, they put MSG on it, and they do all kinds of chemicals, because they have to fit the rules of your local health department, and that's the rules of the FDA. And that is that you have to put some chemical on it to destroy bacteria.
Q: So you're not going to get...
A: Every time I've gone to a sushi bar in the past six years I've gotten sick, in Los Angeles or big cities, I can go, you know, overseas and get sushi served outdoors, you know, right off the boats. I know that's safe, I don't have to worry about that. I see what they're doing to it, and I never get any ill reaction. But the third time I got sick in a month by going to one of the best sushi bars in Los Angeles and getting sick, MSG kinds of sick, headaches, nausea, weakness.
Q: Which bar was that?
A: That was it.
Q: Which bar was that?
A: It was the one in that loop in Venice Square, Hama, what is it? Something Hama. I forgot it. I just go, I never knew any of the names of any of these restaurants that I'd go to. Because I knew where they are, that's all I knew.
Q: But how about they say they don't use MSG?
A: I don't believe them. If I get a reaction I know they're lying to me. Their supplier could be putting it on and they're not.
Q: We do not use MSG.
Q: I was told it's in the sauce, it's in the soy sauce.
A: It could be in anything. They want to preserve, because it's a preservative. They spray on salad bars, on the salad.
Q: Right.
Q: They already in it, yeah. They say we don't add it, that's a good point, Brenda. They say we don't add MSG.
A: They don't put any in it, they don't use it. It's already there. It's like all these vitamin companies, they say, oh, we're just purely natural. We get ours from food, so what the producers don't know is they go to a lab and ask the lab if they will make that for them, and the lab wants the job, and they just don't tell the whole story to the manufacturer. And they said, yeah, we'll make it all from food. But where does the lab get those food substances to process? If they go to a farmer and get it, it's going to cost you $1,000 a pound. So they go to Purina, General Mills, General Foods, and they buy their waste product. And then they use kerosene derivatives. Kerosene is natural, so it's all natural. So they use kerosene to separate, to isolate what they want, and call it a vitamin.
Q: Was it you that told us that film making was the development fluid?
A: Developing fluid is what they use for 95% of all vitamin E.
Q: Because it costs them so much to get rid of it that they finally found a close relationship.
A: And they're just selling it to people. It's really only the 70% of the molecular structure of vitamin E. But looking 70% doesn't make it vitamin E, but the FDA buys it.
Q: Well, if it's a supplement, it's not real food anyway.
A: That's right.
Q: No matter where it came from.
A: That's what I'm saying. Once it's altered, it isn't food in the first place.
Q: It's not that carrot, it's not that cow.
A: So all of the food junk that they bought from Purina or General Foods or General Mills has already been heat treated. It's been treated with all kinds of chemicals, but that lab won't add any. They won't use any chemicals. They won't use anything unnatural. Kerosene is natural. But how many of you would soak your foods for 30 minutes in kerosene, rinse it off for 15, 45 seconds, and eat it? And not have it etched into your food? We're not that stupid. So you just have to see what the laboratories do to make these natural vitamins. If you find out how unnatural they are. Okay, folks, we've done it.