Q&A Of May 27, 2001

Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: We're Catherine and David Gold. We're from here in Burbank and we brought two dishes. We brought turkey marinated in lemon juice, garlic and ginger. And then in the second dish I added sour cream and cheddar cheese to that all raw. I soured the cream myself. It takes about, I have a dehydrator and I put it on top of the dehydrator. It takes about two days to complete the souring process of the cream.

Q: I am Cathy. I brought the Dover sole with lemon, squeezed lemon on it. And then I brought the goat raw goat cheese with garlic and herbs.

Q: I brought the papaya custard. And that's one large papaya, basically. Scraped out the seeds. A stick of butter, half a stick of butter. I put a little bit more than half a stick in there. And with ten raw eggs and two teaspoons of honey blended. And then put it in the refrigerator to set. Really delicious.

Q: Great. We made chicken with lemon and mustard. Boy was that yummy.

Q: You got to give a little. Take a little. No, I just brought some fruit. Pineapple. Organic.

Q: I just brought some cut up papaya.

A: I made what Lori decided we should have. I made some cottage cheese without the cream in it. Let it set for a couple of days until it was separated. And then filtered out the whey. And put it in the refrigerator for about a week to get a little bit more sour. And then I took fresh cream and blended it into a whipped cream with oregano. And then took butter and blended that with garlic after I melted it. And then whipped them by hand together.

Q: We brought some vintage sour cream. Aged over four weeks in the refrigerator. We also brought raw chèvre. And also garlic herb chevre. It's raw goat cheese.

Q: I brought something I called then stewed tomatoes. It was chopped tomatoes with raw cheese and olive oil and garlic and basil. If you want to add any other herbs, go ahead. And I brought some pesto, which is mostly basil blended with olive oil, garlic, some cheese. And you can put nuts in there too, like pine nuts or almonds without the skin.

Q: I just brought some ground beef.

Q: Okay.

Q: I brought my appetite. And the most delicious, beautiful creature I know, my daughter Melissa.

Q: I paid him to say that.

Q: I make goat cheese. And what I do is I take a little bit of an unsalted shepherd, chevre, whatever it's called, cheese starter, and a gallon of goat's milk and mix it up. And then I took a little bit of two pieces of garlic, blended it with some of the goat's milk, poured it in to make a garlic goat cheese, and it just sits for a few hours and the cheese floats to the top. And then strain it through cheesecloth. And the longer you strain it, the harder the cheese gets. So I like the cheese more like a cottage cheese. So you just let it drain for a couple hours and that's it.

Q: I brought steak and tomatoes.

Q: We brought ground turkey with cilantro, parsley, honey, butter, and some horseradish.

Q: I brought pate and salmon. The salmon is wild caught, soaked in fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice. The pate is a little bit of beef, a little bit of sirloin, and it's just put in the food processor with butter. And I recently just got some raw blood from Nebraska beef, so I added that. Some little tiny bit of onion, a tiny bit of gouda cheese, which is raw, but it does have salt. Unfortunately. And I know I'm forgetting all that sour cream all mixed together at the Hollywood Market. It was a very little bit, it was like not even an eighth of a cup when it was aged.

Q: I brought salmon sashimi with avocado.

Q: Hi, I brought chicken that was raw, and it was rosy chicken. That was boneless breast chicken cut up and then soaked in lime juice overnight. And then I added honey to it and coconut cream. It's yummy, and it's really great. So also, if any women interested in a workout that goes along with this very well, come and talk to me afterwards. Thanks.

Q: I forgot in the pesto sauce, I put a little bit of lemon juice and a tiny bit of honey to preserve it. And in the tomatoes, you can also put a little lemon.

Q: I brought my son and some beef and fish with, actually James gave me this idea last night, honey, I mean, not mustard. I made mustard from yellow and dark mustard seeds with honey and a little apple cider vinegar and butter and a little bit of honey. Blended for 30 seconds.

Q: I'm now hungry again somehow. Okay, I made the little carob balls which have sesame, raw sesame, tahini, raw sesame seeds, carob, and raw honey. An alternate, by the way, is to use ground walnuts instead of the sesame which are also very good.

Q: I made sweet, sour, and spicy salmon out of salmon, lemon juice, ginger, and honey.

Q: I made beef guacamole out of organic avocados, lemon juice, and white onions, five raw eggs, and two pounds of beef. It's on the list in there if you want to look at it and taste it. Okay, did we miss anybody? Who made the custard? Okay.

A: All right, Wendy, I'm ready for you. Are you ready? Okay. A lot of people have asked me over the last year about high meat. I've discussed it several times, the benefits of high meat, what it does to your liver, depression, and stuff like that. One of the main questions that people ask me is, is there a limit? Can we eat too much? It's a bizarre question to ask when you're eating something as stinky as that. But it is something that I decided to explore because usually I'll tell people they eat maybe a large marble-sized amount of it twice a week, because that's all it takes to get rid of depression most of the time. Last Friday, I ate eight ounces, weight-wise, of high fish. What it did to me, it gave me an [unintelligible], and started detoxifying my [unintelligible]. It was about 90% scar tissue, and my brain was about 70% scar tissue. So I would say that these small amounts of high meat are wonderful remedies to eliminate depression, but any higher than that would be taking a chance of beginning a detox. That's not a bad thing. I don't mind it, but I went through so much detox last year, I thought I was going to take a break. You can instigate a detoxification if you want. By doing that, I have found it doesn't mean that it will happen to you, but it happened to me, and it might happen to you. Okay, let's begin the questions. I'll start here. This young lady right here. Do you have a question?

Q: What about maple syrup?

A: Maple syrup. As I said in my book, it's cooked, it's heated at very high temperatures.

Q: Very high.

A: Very high.

Q: What about brown spots on raw meat?

A: Brown spots on raw meat? Like freckles or what do you mean?

Q: Does it have to be really red and super fresh, or is that okay if it has some kind of brown spots?

A: Okay, well, let me put it this way. Brown spots are usually because the meat is cold. When I go into a restaurant and order raw steak on a cold plate, they will usually bring it to me right out of the refrigerator. So it's brown. It looks like they've singed it, so it's not a problem with the company you're keeping, so you won't embarrass them. But as you sit there longer, it will turn bright red again as it warms up. So brown spots are not a problem. It just usually means a sign of coldness.

Q: It just seems like that. A few days older meat looks browner.

A: In the refrigerator or outside the refrigerator?

Q: Both.

A: If you've taken it out and it's reached room temperature and it's brown, it may be oxidizing a little bit.

Q: Is that okay?

A: That's fine. It just means your bacteria is starting to break it down. The bacteria in the meat, not your bacteria. Did Lenny want to ask a question while it's over there?

Q: No.

A: Okay. All right, Kathy.

Q: I want to know, do I still need to put in the vinegar, milk, and salt when I get the clay from the Glen Ivy Hot Springs?

A: You mean in the bath?

Q: Right.

A: I always recommend... There are about 192 chemicals in Los Angeles water.

Q: I meant because of the clay.

A: The clay will absorb a certain amount of it. I still recommend putting in one to two cups. I usually use three cups of skim milk in the bath. If I were in L.A., I wouldn't skim it. I have my own well, so I don't worry about that. I just like the comfort of the relaxation that the milk provides when I get in the bath. What about [unintelligible]? You're making the bath too hot, what I do is I'll take the milk and I'll place it in the bath so it slowly warms up. Then I'll open it once it's reached the bath temperature and then dump it. You'll probably get less curdling. That usually means that you've cooked the protein. So the bath is too hot when you put the milk in.

Q: You have to put the bottle, you said, in the milk and then the water.

A: You've got the bottle of Claravale milk. You immerse that in the water. It should take a little bit out because it will expand and the top will pop off while it's in the bath. So you take a little out, maybe four ounces. You immerse the bottle of milk in the water. You let it sit for 10-15 minutes until the milk becomes the same temperature as the water. Then it won't cook that way. If you pour it right into a hot bath, you will cook the proteins and it will curdle.

Q: That's bad.

A: Well, it's certainly not going to do you any benefit because it's not going to attach to your skin. It's not going to be absorbed or pull anything out.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You could do that too. As long as you open it after it's reached the bath temperature, then that's fine. So I use all those things. I'll use a little seesaw and I'll use a little milk and a little clay in the bath. That way you have all those nutrients in there. You can relax and go to sleep in it for six hours at a time. Especially if you're going through a heavy detox and in pain and you can't sleep. Like when I was going through spinal meningitis several times and was unable to sleep at any time more than probably 20 minutes with a great deal of pain. So I would get into a bath after I put that solution in it. I would fall asleep for sometimes an hour and a half, two hours at a time. Then I'd awake and freezing to death. Then I'd rewarm the water and then go back to sleep again for another hour and a half to two hours. Then wake up again and warm the bath again and keep doing that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, Epsom salts and baking soda are treated and processed. The baking soda usually has alum in it, aluminum, and that's not good if it's absorbed. Aluminum is pretty easily absorbed into the skin, which will increase your likelihood of getting Alzheimer's, you know, palsy, anything like that. So you want to stay away from, you know, especially the baking soda. Now, there are health food stores that put out a different kind of baking soda, which is alum-free. I still think that's a mineral imbalance. If you use milk, you've got a perfect mineral balance that will relax the body without toxicity. Yes, I used to say milk, the Claravale milk, is an expensive bath, but I wasn't [unintelligible]. I think. What we – oh, how much salt – I'm sorry, I was talking about the same – how much salt in that bath? I used two tablespoons, two level. That depends. I'll take about a golf ball-sized amount and rub it in the water so it distributes around. Otherwise, it will fragment on the clay, yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. It could be any clay. No, if you do that, then you can just – it's always best to take your clay and to moisten it. Let it be moist for at least four or five days. I'm just letting the plane go by here. And some ambiance, not happy ambiance. Or maybe it's happy. If you were in a plane going to an island, that would be happy. So the salt – is that what we were responding to? The salt - oh the clay, the types of clay. If you're using the powdered clay, you should put it in some water and let it sit for about four days. Whatever it takes to make a paste, like it's plaster. And then, of course, as it sits, about 24 hours, the water will sit on top. And then just keep adding water as it evaporates so there's never not one layer of – you can do that if you want, but you don't have to. As long as there's a layer of water on top, it will not cause the clay to become brittle and hard again. It will firm up but still have lots of moisture. Are we finished with the bath stuff?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. What the question was is he wanted me to clarify that when I was living in L.A., I used the whole milk with the cream in it. Because there were, like I said, 198 chemicals in the water. It's used three times before it gets to the Los Angeles Basin. Here in the Valley, it's used twice. So there's about 160-some minerals in the water, toxins, chemicals in the water on the Valley side. On the L.A. side, there's more. So when I was in L.A. living in Venice, I did use the whole milk with the cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you know, I spoil myself because I love baths, and I only take a bath maybe once every four to five days. I like to spend time in it because I [unintelligible]. So I'll use the whole quart, minus the cream. If I'm feeling very dry, I might use the cream even in the water.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't drop it in the water because it could break. So I lay it in the water and then let it sit in there for 10 minutes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Go ahead.

Q: What do you say about using the burdock root? I don't know because I don't know if anybody wants to use it. At erewhon, they have an organic fresh organic burdock. How much can you use it by itself?

A: Well, I still have never done a great deal of research on [unintelligible] since the 70s. And I was not using meat at the time, so I cannot tell you what the benefits would be other than using it to reverse AIDS and HIV. What I would do is take the fresher herb. I would grind it or even the dried herb and sprinkle it on top of blackberries and let it mold for about 3 months. And then I take the wash of that and have people drink it. Usually your T cell count goes up anywhere from 10 to 20 in a matter of 3 weeks.

Q: Just because it says it's planted in the mud, what?

A: Well, I don't know that. You're getting your information from other people and I don't know that I've approved any of that. So I can't answer that question. Other than what I've said. Okay. Next. Okay.

Q: What about balsamic vinegar?

A: Balsamic vinegar is usually made from rice and that means it's very concentrated in carbohydrates. It's also processed to an extent that it's not a natural process like with the raw apple cider vinegar. So it can create various [unintelligible] conditions in the liver and stomach and blood and creates irritability, rashes, all kinds of things. Unless you're someone who is of a diabetic or hypoglycemic nature whose blood usually is too alkaline. And then it probably would be just irritating.

Q: What did you mean by high fish and meat?

A: High fish and meat is when you look at the fish and the meat and say, hi. No, what I do is I'll take like, for instance, I'll take three types of meats at a time. I'll take chicken, we're talking one fowl, one fish, and one beef. And I'll take eight ounces of each and chop it, not finely, but into chunks, little chunks. And I put it in a, let's say I'll take eight ounces, I'll put it in a pint jar, a canning jar with a sealable lid, and then I put each of the meats in a different pint jar. Every three to four days I will take them outside, open them, wave them in a figure eight, get new air in it so the aerobic bacteria can keep going. And then I cap it and put it in the refrigerator and I get the high meat to get full of bacteria.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, three or four more days, you have to do it every three to four days. Because it takes about three and a half days to four days to use up all of the oxygen. To grow the aerobic bacteria, once the air is gone, the oxygen is gone, the aerobic bacteria stops right at that point. If I take raw meat and I put it in a jar and don't reopen it, it will last. I've had it last as long as a year. And it smells just like when I brought it home from the store. If it's in a glass jar.

Q: With nothing added, just raw meat.

A: Nothing added, just raw meat, yes. But once you keep opening it, that's when you allow the air in and the bacteria to grow.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've always said that. I've always said wave it in a figure eight. Or in the sign of infinity. I use those two expressions.

Q: You do that and you let it grow.

A: I had it up to about a year old. And it gets green mold, black mold, white mold, all kinds of great bacteria in it. And people who have had problems with chronic fatigue and depression, it usually removes the depression within about 20 minutes of eating it. Especially if you chew it. Now, the only thing is that it smells so stinky and foul that it's offensive and difficult to take. When I first was introduced to it in 1975 in Alaska by the Eskimos, if I got within five feet of it, I mean, I had a gag reaction and I was going to vomit. So I had to hold my nose to take it. And within about 40 minutes of taking it for the first time since I can remember as a child, I got warmth through my skin and bones, which I hadn't experienced. It's because I had blood and bone cancer. I was very sensitive to temperatures. And as the temperature got below 70 degrees, I was starting to feel pain in my joints. And when it got down to about 48, I was in pain, immobilized, paralyzed with pain. So after having this, about a golf ball size of this rotten meat, which I thought was herbs at the time, just stinky rotten herbs because I didn't know meat turned green and black and white.So I ate it and it made me feel good for the first time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, as a matter of fact, it doesn't. I just swallowed it down. I washed it down. It does not. What it does is it tastes – Stephanie got me to think this way because she says I chewed it. And I said, oh, really? I usually just tell people to just wash it down with milk or smoothie or something. So I chewed it the next time after Stephanie told me about it. What I suggest people do is get a swimmer's clip for the nose and you don't have to worry about smelling it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, we'll put cotton plugs in yours, sweetie. And that way you don't have to smell it and there's no offensive taste then. There's no offensive taste anyway. It tastes effervescent like the alcohol starts breaking it down.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes, yes, yes, definitely. So if you use lemon juice or lime juice, especially lime juice, lime juice destroys bacteria a lot better. And if you chew it, you know, it will be absorbed right into the brain and you get happy pretty instantly. And there's a high to it. There's definitely a high like you've taken something mild. Then you just figure you've cancelled out that amount of time and you have to start from there as far as waiting for that four-week period for it to get ripe enough. No, it usually will only last a few days if you do that two days instead of three to four. That's what I said. If you don't swish it around to get air in it, you're not getting enough air in it. Probably it won't get very much down in there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right. Probably if you did that, you'd have to open it every two to three days instead.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, do a figure eight. That way you don't have to open it every two, three, four days. Right. You can do that. That's fine. Whatever it takes. I just go like this and cap it in and put it in my refrigerator.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no. Separate jars. You mean beef only? Well, it depends. You know, the bacteria to break down white tissue in your body would probably be more like chicken and fish. Like, neurological tissue would probably be able to detox better. But for the high effect, I think that any of the meats would work.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: So only one a week. I mean, you could do two of them a week. Like I said, you open it every two to three days. You could have one of them each time you open them. But only one at a time, I would suggest. Well, it will go away for usually a week. You know, if you have a chronic diagnosed problem with depression, then you probably need to take it about a week. Some people need to take it twice a week. But mostly once a week.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends on the neurological makeup, the biochemistry of emotion. When you go through trauma, the body registers it as a biochemical substance. And that stores like any other toxin in the body. And when you discharge it, you will have those same experiences you remember what happened at that time. With that toxicity, people just relive it. If you look at a bad video that you are watching over again, it will be easier. But if you get involved in all of that emotion that happened at the time, or if it were traumatic, then you may not be too happy with the detoxification. But if all of that is out, then I would say you never have to worry about depression again. But that may take four years. But a lot of people who are chronically depressed, who go on this diet and do the high meat, usually don't suffer from depression very much. Maybe 10%, 15% at most.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you can still use it. It's just that it won't be as progressed as you think. That's all. The reason to keep it for many, many weeks is that it takes about a week to go through the 17 stages. There are actually like 15, but then there's 15A, B, and 17A. There are about 17 stages all together of aerobic bacterial transformations or mutations. So you need to let it go for at least a week, opening it twice a week with the waving of getting the whole oxygen, new air in there to take it through all those stages so you get the benefits of all those stages.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you don't. You just take it from there. It takes four weeks.

Q: Is there a way that I can screw it up, make it somehow wrong? It's so against everything in nature, from what I've learned anyway, that what you're saying, it seems so easy, but not having you there to back me up every day, how can I make a mistake? It seems so simple.

A: It is very natural in nature. Dogs and cats and lots of animals will bury their meat to get it to rot. The Asians have what they call the century egg, and they bury it in different kinds of clay, and they'll pull it out. Anywhere from one to 25 years later, a 25-year-old egg, which is either completely black mold inside or white mold inside, will cost you $1,000. Rich men like to do it because they get an orgasm two or three times a day for about six weeks. It's worth it, $1,000, if you can afford it. But if you're a person like that, if you do this diet, you may not have a cessation. I don't know. I'm not old enough yet. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, not necessarily. The meat will stink, even if you don't keep opening it, if you've let it go long enough, if you've opened it enough times. But you have to continue to open it to get all the stages of bacteria, because once you stop opening at a certain temperature, it stops transforming, stops mutating into the next form of bacteria. Okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct, yes. At the garage, those perverts do it. [laughing] I hope everybody reads that as a joke, gets this, listens to it without seeing my awful face. Anyway, yes, they do sell it. I don't know how long it's progressed by the time they sell it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: December vintage, okay, back from that long. It's very good and advanced. You open it every three or four days? Yes. So it keeps moving. And once it finishes the whole cycle, it starts over again until it's completely liquid.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: About years and years. Oh, yes. Yeah. It could go to completely liquid because the bacteria will completely dissolve it. Yeah, you drink it. I've never eaten the liquid, except with now I will take meat, fish, I've taken meat, fish and chicken, and put it in a mixture of six ounces, like I take a quart, and I'll put five ounces of the coconut milk, which is also called coconut water. It's not the coconut cream. It's not the fat from the pulp, but the coconut milk that's inside when you shake it. I'll take five ounces of that and about two ounces of lemon or lime juice. I'll take some dill and chop that up to about two tablespoons and blend that together for about 30 seconds, and then I add chopped fish. It is delicious. Now, if I let it sit out in the refrigerator in that mixture for about 10 days, it will completely become soup. It will break it down, dissolve the meat, the fish, the meat. It is very tasty. It's very, very wonderful. Okay, let's pass it around.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. Now, I've worked with some outside the refrigerator, but it moves so quickly. So the stages, you know, that would take a lot of oversight, and you'd probably have to eat a lot more, a lot more often than you'd like, and it would probably stink up your house [unintelligible]. So, yes, that is very, very sealed, a very sealed container. Yes?

Q: On the parasites, how they eat just our dead cells, you know, I see...

A: They don't eat just dead cells.

Q: They eat good cells.

A: They eat degenerative cells.

Q: But they don't eat good cells. So I wanted to ask you, you know, I've seen this Hellstrom Chronicle where there's these bugs that could not live around radioactivity. They just die. Mosquitoes, I think they were. Over generations, they mutated so that they could live with the radioactivity. And I'm just wondering, the parasites, if they're in your system long enough, can they mutate so that they do eat good cells?

A: They probably could if you just continue eating garbage food.

Q: Garbage food.

A: Yeah.

Q: But this diet will influence that.

A: Correct. Yeah. And you've got to know, if you're eating enough butter or cream or some, you know, fats, animal fats, then your cells will have a good protection. So they will, you know, they may put off an odor, an oil that repulses the bacteria or the virus or the parasites.

Q: I love green onions.

A: And ham and spam. Thank you, ma'am.

Q: I was using the red onions. And then lately I went into a rebellious state where I cut up a green onion, from the white part and the green part, into my meat with cream. Am I killing myself?

A: Did you get gas?

Q: No.

A: Then I wouldn't worry about it. If you continued it, you might get gas.

Q: So the reason we – the difference between the red onion and the green onion is gas?

A: Well, it irritates the intestines. The white and the yellow has a tendency to burn the intestines and the red doesn't. Since you had it with cream, you probably prevented those acids from burning. And I put butter and cheese in and everything. Yeah, so you have lots of stuff to prevent it. And it – You know, it might be at a cellular level it might still cause some burning, but I know that it would be harmful.

Q: I see. But if – then if I have a choice, should I just use the green part and throw the white part away or –

A: Well, you know, the inner – the heart is going to be much more acidic, so probably the outer part of the onion is better, not the heart.

Q: The heart is that white part nearer to the root.

A: Oh, you're talking about the green onions?

Q: Yes, the green onions.

A: Oh, the chives.

Q: Excuse me, that's what I –

A: Very different chives.

Q: That was my question.

A: They're much more alkalizing than like other vegetables, so you have to be careful when you use them to season them.

Q: Okay, good. Okay, so scratch – because you thought I had meant green onions.

A: I thought you meant the white onions.

Q: Oh, no.

A: They were a little underripe when you were greening them.

Q: No, I meant – forgive me, I'm from Poland. That's right. Okay, so the scallions are okay because that tastes so much better to me than the green onion.

A: Yes.

Q: I mean than the red onion.

A: Yes. That's fine, but if you start having gas and having indigestion, maybe getting constipated.

Q: Go back –

A: Go back, yeah.

Q: Go back to the – you said the magical word.

A: Constipation.

Q: Yeah.

A: I love that word.

Q: Oh, so the red onion is actually preferred.

A: Yes, but I mean if you're not experiencing, you know, any constipation or any of those other side effects, then I don't see a problem.

Q: And then again, when you slice the red onion, you said something about the different parts of the onion are better for me or –

A: No, I'm talking about the yellow and the white. The red doesn't matter.

Q: Okay.

A: But yes, the hearts will always be more acid and a lot more pungent.

Q: I saw in the news recently they were saying that there's a problem with fish and mercury, and they were saying that the top feeders are even worse. How does that affect us?

A: Well, I'm a top feeder. I don't know how many times I've answered this, but, you know, and people – the same people keep asking me, too, the same questions. It's amazing because it's like they are afraid of the mercury. There are three types of mercury. There's organic, there's inorganic, and there's vapor. And the vapor crystallizes and becomes the inorganic toxic vapor, just like the inorganic is dangerous and toxic in the human body. But the organic is very natural in nature. When the plankton produces the mercury, you eat it. Then the other fish feed on that, like the, you know, certain kinds of tuna at certain times of year. What is that red fish, pink fish in Florida? Snapper, red snapper. And dolphins and swordfish, they all eat that plankton. It's high in mercury. That helps those fish do quite lofty things in the water, jump, move quickly, more buoyant. As long as it's organic, it's not a poison. But once you cook that fish, you've turned that mercury that was organic into an inorganic mercury that will vaporize and crystallize in your system. So that's the danger, cooking fish that's high in mercury, organic mercury.

Q: Kind of going back to the mold, I didn't want to eat my moldy raspberries, although they were really good before the mold got there. But would that be beneficial to just eat them anyway?

A: Well, yes. As I said in the book, it helps remove, you know, antibodies from vaccines, antibiotics, mutant antibodies.

Q: Yeah, I remember reading from the book you said to do something with the water. But if I just eat the raspberries-

A: It will just do the same thing, but it will just happen slower and in a smaller concentration. And if you ate only three at a time, you know, three a week, you don't have to worry about getting fatigued. If you do more than three a week, you're taking a chance on getting some fatigue.

Q: And would that be just from a detox reaction, the fatigue?

A: Yes, that's a detox reaction.

Q: Thanks.

A: Well, it can be a little moldy or it can be very moldy. Again, those molds have different stages of evolution, so they will break down younger and more mature antibodies. And those are stored in the bones as opposed to the tendons deeper in the marrow. So all those stages are needed to get in there deeply. So if you're eating just the, you know, freshly molded ones, then you're probably not going to get the benefit of going anywhere deeper because the muscles will be attached to the tendons, and those are in the blood or in the fluid systems like the neurological system. But still that's [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, what you can do is you can mash it or blend it and then just separate the, you know, because the seeds are very heavy, they'll go to the bottom and just spoon it out or pour it out. Then we don't have to worry about those. Okay. And, yes, you can. It's better if you're trying to get rid of toxic metals and toxic antibodies from the body. It's always best to use organic. Okay. If the raspberries are not... Raspberries, any of the berries are not organic, they won't do what you want them to do. They will not be pulling out the toxic metals, dissolving those compounds or the mutant antibodies. Those minerals that are in the constituents that do that activity in the berry will become, it will not be active. It's better to use frozen berries than inorganic fresh berries. As I said in my book, I've found that there's damage to fruits when frozen. I haven't been able to correlate any ill activity from that other than, you know, it creates the same bad sugar reactions that happen when you have too much sugar. And berries all have less sugar in it except for strawberries. Raspberries, blueberries, mulberries, poison berries, blackberries. All of them are low in sugar compared to other fruits, so are cherries and grapefruit, which is lower in sugar content. And they're less likely to make you emotional and teary-eyed and anxious and nasty.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, anxiety is all part of the same emotion, and the whiter meats might help with anxiousness. That's usually, anxiousness is usually too much adrenaline in the system or too much testosterone, one or the other. If it's too much testosterone, I suggest people masturbate, as Dr. Ellis suggested way back in the 60s, guide to rational living. If you're nuts, it's better not to beat up your partner and the ones you love, go masturbate. And what that happens is it takes those toxic chemicals, those hormones, and it turns them into endorphins, which makes you high and happy and removes you from pain and anxiety. Okay, next.

Q: Yes, thanks. I've been talking about the program I've started because I get on this a lot. And I mentioned a little about raw meat and so forth and people bringing up all kinds of interesting questions. One of the main ones they're worried about is parasites, and I explain to what limited knowledge I have why they're good. And then someone mentioned this book called Parasites Wrecks, and I read part of it, and they're talking about [unintelligible] sickness and certain worms that eat brains and all kinds of really heavy stuff. And when I showed it to James, he said, yeah, they're kind of scary. Well, they do a good job of that, and my question ultimately is, is there a limit to being parasites in their goodness or badness? Can you explain this enough to where I'm well-armed to answer the questions?

A: Well, all of those cases that they talk about result, they correlated them with those parasites. It isn't the parasites creating the damage. They are there as a response, as a symptom of the degenerative tissue in the brain or liver, wherever the parasites are found. So if you have massive slaughter, massive decay from poison you've eaten or accumulation of poison, you still can't blame the parasites. They are the symptom. They're there to help you. Of course, if you're not eating properly and you add the contamination constantly, then of course you're going to provide a lot more damage for the parasites to eat, and they can eat you completely if you're all toxic.

Q: Is that even true? It's like you're walking through the jungle and something enters the bottom of your foot, that kind of thing too? So no matter what?

A: Well, you know, that to me is one of those Hollywood horror stories. They enter through the foot. I think that is so much bull marketing. That's incredible. They will do anything to scare you because they have no proof. They have not ever had any step on, body step on a parasite and passed it through the foot. They've never proved it in a laboratory, and that kind of speculation should never be accepted as truth. It's absurd. I've eaten the parasites purposely, brains infested with parasites from a cow. I've eaten mad cow. That's no big deal to me. The parasites from the tripe of chicken. I've eaten pinworm infested salmon that was undulating, white, moving, and I didn't get parasites once. So I hear all these stories about getting parasites from raw meat, but I haven't had any evidence that you can get it, that you can actually get it from eating raw meat or parasites. Again, if there's degenerative tissue in your system, you're going to produce them. There's one experiment I did in the mid-80s with a laboratory technician. We created a hermetically sealed environment, and we created oxygen for that room with a HEPA filter, and the oxygen produced from a natural source, which is corn dracaenas. So the air had to be filtered not to allow any parasite eggs or any bacteria into the room. This hermetically sealed room, which was probably about 18 inches by 18 inches, with a duct going right to the room with a filter in between it where the plants were, was the slab of meat that we also slaughtered in the same area where this little environment was. Completely sterilized everything, including the skin on the animal before we butchered it. We went deep into the animal and took the meat out of it, and then set it, again, on a sterile plate, a sterile dish, which was porcelain with no dyes in it that was made from, I forgot, Windsor clay. We placed that on and then put it in that environment so it got no other oxygen. Didn't have time to get exposed to anything. There was nothing there to expose it. Within three days at the animal's natural body temperature, worms spontaneously occurred. So what we derive from that is every animal cell has the seed for parasites. Do you need them? Is it necessary to have them active? That depends on the amount of degeneration and the danger to the body. The greater the danger, the more you're going to have parasites, because they can eat five times faster than your body can use a solvent process to dissolve the same organic compound and get rid of it.

Q: In that regard about parasites, in these horrible stories in the book, the solution would be to go on the same diet you're proposing, and then that would probably reverse everything and be fine, correct?

A: Yes, unless they're so toxic. I've met some people that, let's say they're octogenarians and they're very close to only 22% alive, and if it isn't solid scar tissue, a lot of it's degenerative active tissue that's starting to decay, and if they've got a parasite, it may not reverse. But generally, if you're on the diet and you get a parasite, or if you have a parasite, and you're not in one of those conditions already, I've never seen a problem. I've never had somebody who wasn't in one of those conditions that wasn't under the care of an MD. So there's no way that I could say that, yes, somebody who's already in that condition can reverse it.

Q: I see. You mentioned scar tissue. What kind of a category of tissue is it, other than in terms of decaying or sustaining?

A: Scar tissue can be mummified cells. In other words, they don't decay, they don't rot, they don't mold easily. The body has preserved them in a way. Like right here, they don't function as live cells do. They don't produce their prostaglandins, they don't secrete oils, nothing like that. Scar tissue, dead cells, really inactive, but they're filled. They do not break down, they don't rot easily. The body has made the chemical structure like we embalm them so that they don't mold and rot. The body embalms them, so to speak. If the body hasn't embalmed them, then there's molds and bacteria that decay, degeneration, virus, parasites, anything can work at dissolving them because they have to be eliminated if they're not embalmed in scar.

Q: So is scar tissue, in a sense, tissue set aside for future regeneration when the body's in ability to do it?

A: No, it's for later dissolution. Parasites can eat and feed on it, definitely. Molds don't work easily, nor do virus or bacteria work on it easily. Bacteria can and virus can, but it's not readily something that will happen.

Q: You mentioned I have a spine full of scar tissue, and most of my brain as well. So the diet's going to replace that tissue over time?

A: Yes, it will dissolve it either by the solvent process or bacteria, virus, or parasite that can do it.

Q: Thank you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The question was, this young man, John Paul, 15 years old, and a brute bear over here, he wants to know if there's any danger because he only eats 50% raw. If he got a parasite, if there would be some danger. I have not seen any danger for anybody who's had a parasite that's even eaten 50%, keeps it down to 50%. So I would say no. If you're already in a weakened state, like an octogenarian, who's weak, and you move like this because you only have 22% of your body alive, 22% supporting the whole body, there's going to be a problem. There could be a problem with the parasite. I haven't run into it yet because I haven't had the opportunity to experience it.

A: She asked, are tapeworms in that category? No, tapeworms live in the intestines mainly, and they live on carbohydrates. Children and adults in third world countries that we send them only cereals and grains and garbage, potatoes, powdered potatoes, that kind of thing, those are the environments that feed on the tapeworm. They eat some of that carbohydrate so your body doesn't turn into Coca-Cola and dissolve. So even tapeworms are wonderful. You start putting somebody, and I've done it with animals. I did it with a whole set of Labrador Retrievers who all had tapeworms. I put them on raw meats and raw butter and raw eggs, and they discarded all of their, they came out in sections, I mean a pile of these pieces of tapeworms in about four days. I'm going to pass, is that it for that? Okay, pass it that way.

Q: Just real quick, I accidentally found out the same thing with my cat. When she eats dry cat food, she'll get worms, and even if I give her 25% raw meat, the worms go away.

A: Yes, that's likely to happen with animals, with human animals that are sicker than [unintelligible]. See, cats and dogs have really only been fed processed food for 50 years, since World War II when they started feeding them canned foods. So they are much healthier, even though they rarely get anything raw anymore. They're still a little bit healthier than humans.

Q: I have a question about coconut. Sometimes I buy a coconut and it's moldy, and the inside has a black mold or slimy. Is that still okay to eat?

A: Did you eat coconut cake, coconut angel food cake, or coconut, grated coconut, those little, remember those spongy, awful things that were filled with coconut, pink centers with cream inside? Did you ever eat anything like that? Coconut bars?

Q: Probably, yeah.

A: Okay, then anything that you've eaten in the past, if you eat it moldy, you'll help get rid of any tissue that's been made with that food.

Q: Okay.

A: So it will not harm you. I've eaten everything, and I make sure I eat everything that I've eaten as a child with mold in it.

Q: Okay, and will it also help with the antibiotic thing, or is it not?

A: I have found only the berries have I found to really work with the mutant antibody situation.

Q: On that last example that you just gave, it seems to me that's just an [unintelligible] principle, which is a little, small part of something that wouldn't be good for you. If you eat it, and you've already had a problem with it prior, you're putting it into your system, and it's giving a message to kick it out.

A: Yes, it's a homeopathic principle, but they took off with homeopathics a long time ago and started dissolving compounds from other whole foods, and then it doesn't work, and it becomes dangerous because then you have to deal with side effects and imbalances. But when you're taking the mold from the food when it's still raw and putting it in your body and you know if you've destroyed and eliminated from cooking it, you're allowing it. You're placing it back in your body to go in there and help break it down. Everything that's organic has a process, even inorganic, has a process of dissolving and recycling in nature. When you cook it, you destroy that. So all the help of natural recycling is lost. Iron. How does it dissolve in nature? It rusts. Rust is a mold. All compounds do that. When you cook it, heat it, you destroy it. Of course, you can't do that with metal easily. You can raise it to tremendously high temperatures, and if you expose them to lots of moisture for a long time, they'll still rust. The components of our animal organic tissue do not respond the same. It takes a lot more. So if you infuse them in your spoiled foods that you've eaten, you know, cooked, you will help remove any tissue developed by those that need those compounds. Those bacteria, molds, yeast, break them down.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I do not, I do not, certainly I do not suggest it. I'm against it. I'm against using any homeopathic process substances, whether it's derived by alcohol or whatever process.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you've eaten moldy avocado, I mean, you know, cooked avocado and anything that I would suggest, otherwise I wouldn't touch it. I don't eat moldy avocado because I've never eaten anything cooked with avocado.

Q: Right.

Q: Is there any probability that your program of diet can cure neurological disorders?

A: Like I said in the book, you know, I've seen it reverse palsy. I've seen it reverse Alzheimer's. I've seen it bring my son out of a coma. You know, so I've seen it reverse. I know a lot of you laugh at Kathy, but when I saw Kathy three years ago, she couldn't even talk. I mean, she stood basically, I saw her, I mean, [unintelligible] cynical. She stood like this, and I asked her a question. It was, I, I, and it went on like that. I mean, the conversation, you know, took quite a while. And I also mentioned Lewis, who had the same problem. And now you hear he can't keep her quiet, you know. And that's a good thing. You know, her mind doesn't work as quickly as ours because she used to be very, being very tense. Her mother was very ashamed of her. So her mother was very rough on her. And, you know, she was always putting her down. And that has affected her, whether she acknowledges and understands that or not. Her mother's not naturally cruel, but her mother was just frustrated. So I've seen it reverse lots of neurological damage. I have not seen it correct my thumb. When I was about eight years old, I was hunting lightning bugs, and I was encapsulating them in my jar, and they would die, of course. And I was running after a lightning bug, and I fell on the concrete, and it cut my thumb off. So they put it all back together, and then a week to the day later, my brother got upset with me, and he went and ripped it right off again. They couldn't put it back together, so this thumb does not bend. It moves, but it does not bend because there are no tendons attached to it except for this way. So I have not seen this correct yet. Now, this finger had been cut off on a lawnmower when I was three years old. I was very jealous because my neighbor, a young kid, got to use our brand-new push lawnmower, and I was not going to let him do it, so I went right down into the blades and stopped it, and it cut my finger off, the end of my finger. So they grafted skin from my arm here and put it on the finger. Now, that became as hard as rock. I could hit anything. I could put my finger right through glass with it. When I started eating raw meat, within a year, it started festering up and blistering, and guess what? It's all natural feeling again. I got rid of it.

Q: Could defective brain cells be fully regenerated?

A: As far as I've seen, yes. I don't know how many years it may take, depending. Now, Lewis was on the diet very strongly, 100%, and then he ran into, after about seven years, he went from saying a simple sentence would take him three to five minutes to talking almost normal with still just a slight bit of stuttering, and that was only because he would get nervous because he wasn't used to being able to talk. But he got into a whole network of vegetarians that talked him into not eating meat anymore, so he went almost 10 years without eating meat. So for that whole time, he did not develop and did not change. And then he realized the difference, so he began eating meat again. But then it was slowly because he still had all these vegetarian friends that even do it clandestinely. So just in the last three years, he's back to eating meat a lot, and he's getting better again. So as long as you provide the fresh, raw meats, the body can improve every day. But if you don't, if you're just going to poison the neurological system or any system, it's going to deteriorate.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That is all theoretical. The question is, Sally Fallon was here in town last week, and she gave a talk, and she said that cooking the meat helps open the protein. Only if you're somebody who doesn't theoretically, only somebody who does not have hydrochloric acid would that be a problem to break down protein. And when you cauterize it, you're making it a lot worse to open it when you cook it. So she's looking at the theoretics on proteins as they exist in things like grains and vegetables that we cannot digest in raw form. But meat is entirely different. I have a vagotomy and pyeloplasty, which means I have no vagus nerves going to my stomach. I do not create hydrochloric acid in my stomach. I have it secreted in the intestines, as all of us do in the small intestines. But I do not have [unintelligible] in the stomach, and I do very well with lots of raw meat, and I digest it very well, although I'm very sick and feeble, as you can see, so I'm full of shit.

Q: What's the difference between cream and butter, mainly because I've made butter from cream directly. So couldn't I just have cream with meat rather than butter?

A: Well, it depends upon your condition. If you want your skin to clear up, butter is better, and that's what you asked me. So I'd insist that you have butter if that's what you want to clear up. If you want to calm the nerves and relax the brain and anxiety, then cream is better. But to get lubrication to the deeper tissues, the skin, the bones, the connective tissue, the tendons, the lymphatic system, butter is best.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The same thing, once you separate the whey from it, then it becomes butter, and it's more utilizable in the exteriors and the harder foundation, the harder tissue. But cream is readily absorbed in the nervous system and in the glands readily, in the organs. And let me tell you, you will not get any to your skin, to your bones, to your lymph, anywhere, because your body is much too starved, from what I've seen, and it will never get to the skin.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you start vomiting, you've had enough.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Uh-huh. There are lots of people who have to build their liver up to be able to digest enough, but I forced it, like when I said in my book that I ate the poison mushroom and 90% of my liver was destroyed. I forced myself to eat a pound and a half to two pounds a day to force my liver to work. A pound and a half of butter, a pound and a half to two pounds of butter a day. I was in excruciating pain, but I knew that I would not survive unless I did it. So, you know, your digestive, your liver may, you know, you'll belt it into shape, you know, or you can do it hard or soft, it doesn't matter how quickly. You know, but I was an invalid, so I was not going to be patient. I was going to force it, push it, and I did. Okay.

Q: You mentioned last time, and I didn't fully get it, so I'm going to ask the question again. I'm sorry. All right.You mentioned not to drink milk with smoothies, and there was some logical reason for it, and I just. . .

A: No, I'll explain. I know what she means.

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay. What she's asking is, smoothies in the book, I talk about having fruit with egg and milk, or just fruit with eggs or butter, anything like that. Anytime you mix fruit and eggs, I call it a smoothie, whether it has milk or cream or butter in it. I found over the years that using the fruit with the eggs will cause more detoxification. It will provide more solvents for you to detoxify, so that when people were eating that while they were in a detoxification, it would cause them to detoxify more, so they linger longer in the flu state, the cold state, meningitis, whatever it was. If I take out the fruit, except for maybe some lemon juice and have them eat the lubrication formula, and only raw chicken, then the cessation of that detoxification is sooner. That means you don't clean out as much, but it might be easier to take it in stages rather than pushing it. It depends on what you want to do. It's your choice if you want to, during a detoxification, whether you're having a flu, cold, or whatever it is, pneumonia, whatever it is, if you want to work harder at getting rid of degenerative tissue in the lungs, spinal cord, throat, brain, whatever it is where you're discharging, where that bacteria is working to get rid of degenerative tissue, eat the fruit with the eggs. You will detoxify more. Milk or cream doesn't make any difference.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The ice cream, because of such a high proportion of fat, is more likely to go into fuel than solvent. But still, some of it will, but that's not a bad thing, as long as there's enough fat with it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, that's part of the detox.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Yeah. Correct. Yes. Right. Because I've asked people to keep the limit there, raspberries to cream or butter or coconut cream. Okay. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, she has cancer of the nose. She's lost half of her nose. And it's still open. She had radiation therapy, which prevents regeneration of tissue. So until we get all the radiation out of her, as she emits cancer cells... Cancer cells, when they die, they put out a serum that melts all the other tissue around so that your body can instantly dissolve tumors. But because she had the radiation, she was impaired. She doesn't heal properly. She had a lot of radiation there. Okay, so we're trying to get rid of the radiation so that she can start healing and keep the detoxification so her nose won't melt away until we get rid of that so she can regenerate as fast as she's detoxing the cancer.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, you can.

Q: And it has the same effect?

A: It's a little different. If you use the butter, it will get to the joints and lubricate them and soothe them up a lot more. If you're using the coconut cream, because 92% of the fat is 92% saturated fat, it's used more for a solvent to detoxify. So the butter will be used more as a stabilizer, as a protector, than coconut cream will.

Q: Okay, like the coconut cream, the cream and the butter don't make me feel nauseous whatsoever. But then the milk, if I had like a full bottle in the day, I would completely detoxify.

A: Are you eating it cold or warm?

Q: Usually room temperature.

A: I would say that you probably have had some allergy to cooked milk and those cooked milk products are stored in your body and it forces them to detoxify.

Q: Because I had a lot of milk before. I had very little cream or coconut.

A: So it probably is detoxing all of that stored protein and sugar from the old milk.

Q: I've eaten cooked foods most of my life. Would you suggest eating fermented, each one of those?

A: Moldy or fermented, definitely. Small amounts. Therapeutically. Well, it depends. You might go into more colds and flus more often. You may be satisfied with just making your life very, very smooth and comfortable. So you may not want to force the detox. That's a choice to make. Because like I said in my book, people who have eaten cooked foods all their life and they're up there in their 60s and 70s and 80s, they don't want to detox anymore. They just want to make sure their blood, their neurological system and their lymphatic system is regulating clean. Not the deeper tissue to clean it and make it better, but to make sure those operate as best you can, even though some toxins will dump from the deeper tissues into those systems periodically.

Q: Well, I've got several chronic problems like gout and large prostate.

A: Okay, then they probably will not reverse unless you go through some detox. Now, the more comfortable way to incite a detox is to sit on hot water bottles for your prostate. That means when you're at night, you put a hot water bottle between your legs and let the heat get to that area to increase circulation. And that is a mild way of doing it. You're focusing on that area. Where you have your experience, your gout in your ankles or your feet, where is it?

Q: It's mostly the top of my feet.

A: The top of your feet, then at night I'd have a hot water bottle between my legs and one at my feet.

Q: Okay.

A: That's what I did instead of eating lots of smoothies and stuff like that. When I was in severe pain from all the cancers that I had, cancer of the bone, blood, stomach, lymphoma, and then all the other diseases, I would sleep with sometimes six hot water bottles.

Q: And the other question is, I've also had my vagus nerve cut.

A: You too?

Q: Yeah. Is there any special thing that you can suggest for that?

A: Well, I find that with me, I don't know, I haven't, you're the first person who told me that they've had their vagus nerve severed in my whole life. You know, vagus nerve. Yes, it is. We're not allowed to gamble anymore. The vagus nerve is your thickest belt of nerves and it comes down from the brainstem, goes to the stomach. Those are all severed so that hydrochloric acid doesn't dump into the stomach. They usually use it with people that are over 60 who have ulcers and it prevents the hydrochloric acid from irritating the ulcer so hopefully it will mend. You don't remember the book? Read the book. Yeah, I had an ulcer that went tumorous.

Q: Okay, yesterday I had a very emotional conversation on the telephone for about half an hour.

A: Speak closer to it because of the plate.

Q: I had a very emotional conversation on the telephone for about half an hour. And then after I got off I felt a whole lot of stress and tension in my body. And so I thought, well maybe if I have butter it's going to calm everything down. I had about a third of a pound and I used to feel fine after eating butter. Although yesterday I felt extremely nauseous after eating the butter. So was it the wrong food or?

A: You must have been talking to a witch. You got somebody upset, right?

Q: And so is it a good thing, the nausea with the butter, or is it a bad thing?

A: Well, it's just an indication. He normally can eat a third of a pound of butter at a time and not get nauseous. As I said, you have biochemical substances from psychological trauma, emotional trauma, allergy of emotions. The best way to get rid of any poison, any toxin in the body is for it to dump into the stomach. Well, guess what the body wants to do when it gets it dumped into the stomach? It wants to vomit. So the automatic reaction is nausea. If you can dump it out the stomach, then your body doesn't have to process it all the way through the body. That's why I said in the book, the best thing you can do is vomit. The next best thing you can do is have diarrhea. The quickest way to get those things out of the body. Not very convenient and not very pleasant, but it's the quickest way to get that out of the body. It's been my experience that if somebody can vomit, they can eliminate... From one vomit, they can eliminate about three days of toxicity that would pass slowly out the system. Diarrhea, one day of diarrhea that's consistent can eliminate a whole week of toxins coming out slowly out of the body. If you are nauseous, then I always suggest that you induce vomiting.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, usually if you eat like he did, lots of butter and then stick your finger down your throat, it'll work. Or if you eat butter and egg together, you know the old saying on the poison bottles, swallow an egg and vomit. Basically, you swallow a raw egg, the raw egg will absorb the poisons and then you vomit and it'll bring it right up. If you're nauseous, induce vomiting, that's a sign that the poisons are dumping into the stomach.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, then you're just going to vomit your food and not poisons. I said there's another way in the body if you want to handle it. You can eat cheese and then pass it through your system. It's a slower way out and it's a waste of some good nutrients. But then if you're swallowing an egg or butter and vomiting that, that's a waste too. It's up to you how you want to pass it through. You have three options.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Cooked mustard does, yes, because cooked mustard paralyzes peristalsis. But raw mustard does not. It stimulates peristalsis.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The activity of the intestines moving food through. Yes, eat everything that does not combine. Let's say a mixture of three ounces of vegetable juice, four ounces of milk, one egg, one to two eggs, one to two ounces of vinegar, and about three ounces of cream. And you'll vomit. I mean you'll get diarrhea. Because nothing of that digests, together.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It'll help, but it won't cause a larger reaction. If you need to really push things out quickly, yes.

Q: I want to ask you a question I know the answer, but I just want to hear the answer.

A: You like to hear me talk?

Q: I've got several thousand dollars worth of vitamins and minerals and things. Best thing to do is just put them in the trash can.

A: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. They're great for plants. So blend them with some water and spread it out among your plants. See, if it's taken from food or rock or any kind of substance, plants eat that. That's what they eat. The rain comes in with the bacteria and the moisture, and it causes funguses and molds to break it down so that they can process it. They eat inorganic matter and make it organic so that an animal can eat that and other animals can eat those animals. That's basically where we are. So all of those vitamin supplements, feed them to your plants if you have any. Let me tell you, I did it one time, and I had a pine tree grow one-fourth its whole size in one and a half years, 18 months. You don't want to do it to indoor plants because you'll start the plant having problems. Anything, right? All those things that you think are good for your particular condition, you've gotten all those minerals and vitamins for, feed it to the plants that you want to eat, juice them, and then you'll have them biologically available, bioactively available. Or you feed them to the animal and eat the animal, whichever way.

Q: My question has to do with the use of lemon. A lot of the dishes prepared here were with lemon, like lemon and a fish, that sort of thing. But as far as I'm concerned, lemon is a fruit like oranges or citrus.

A: It's not real high in sugar and you need very little bit. You need small amounts so you're not really consuming a lot. The citric acid, because it's high in vitamin C, a lot of it will go to burning fat as fuel, utilizing fat as fuel. So it's not a problem. We're not talking about a lot of sugar.

Q: Right. And how about putting lemons in basically vegetable juice?

A: I do that sometimes to help people get rid of headaches and things like that. You know, menstrual cramps, it helps with that. Also getting rid of headaches, like I say in the book, it's all good for that.

Q: Okay. Thanks.

A: Okay. Yes, it will help preserve the juice too. Yeah. That's for burning fat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Citruses and red meat I do not suggest because the citrus juice has a tendency to cause the meat to turn into a pyruvate, which is a protein sugar. So you won't use it for regeneration. You'll use it to burn fuel. And that's an expensive way to burn fuel when you're going to have fat that burns two and a half times more energy than pyruvate would.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Tomatoes, no. Tomatoes are an acid that doesn't have high vitamin C in it. It's high vitamin A and it's more neutral. So it doesn't do that same thing. So yes, you can have tomatoes with red meat without the same problem. Randy.

Q: I have a question. The good sources for…

A: You're the host here. [unintelligible]

Q: Good sources for really fresh, fresh caught fish. Where in Tampa?

A: For what fish?

Q: Any of the fishes that we can have, but really, really fresh. I mean, I remember we were on Maui. Fresh. The fish is so fresh that you never taste anything like it. You go to Whole Foods and it's like, you know, by the time you buy it, most of the time it already smells like a [unintelligible]. You know, and this is supposed to be like one day old. Where can you get really fresh fish?

A: Around here, nowhere. Unless you know a fisherman. That's it.

Q: Okay.

A: Your sushi bars will be always the freshest. However, the law in Los Angeles says that if it's over 24 hours old, the sushi bar has to freeze it. You have to find out what they get in that day. Hold on. Mike's going to get you soon. Okay.

Q: Hey, do you know about using henna to color hair? Is henna something?

A: Well, you know, henna comes from a natural herb, a plant. Once they process it, it's just like any other chemical. It may not be as toxic as other dyes, but it is still a chemical and it will cause damage. Anybody who's using coloring, whether it's natural or not, I suggest that they take olive oil, put it on a plate, grab their fingers in it and put it in their scalp, not necessarily on the hair, but just get it all into the scalp. Leave it for about a half an hour and then wash the hair and then dye it. But you don't want to wash the scalp. You want to make sure that those soaps go in and clean off the oil in the scalp, just the hair, as easily as possible. Olive oil doesn't clean easily unless it's manipulated with the soap. So if you're just washing the hair, then you're going to get rid of the oil, any oil that got on the hair, so it will take the dye. And then the olive oil will protect the dye from causing damage to the scalp or the follicles.

Q: Okay, and then other things that can help, like if I want to lighten my hair, I can use lemon juice, right?

A: Lemon juice and sunshine.

Q: Lemon juice and sunshine.

A: Yeah.

Q: What about apple cider vinegar on the hair? Do you know?

A: That will really dry it out.

Q: Oh, does it?

A: Both of them dry it out terribly.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: So if you want, the best way that I've seen people do that is if they get a lot of sun, they'll put the lemon juice on their hair and then if they put butter on their hair and go out in the sun, it will bleach it faster. Butter, not cream, not any other kind of fat. Coconut can do the same thing to some people.

Q: Okay, so you just put the lemon juice on and then butter.

A: Yeah, you put the lemon juice on, get out in the sun for the day, then the next day you go out in the sun, you put butter on it.

Q: Oh, lemon juice one day, butter the next.

A: Correct.

Q: Okay, all right. Thank you.

A: Otherwise, you get too dry when you keep using the lemon.

Q: Okay, thanks.

A: I use two ounces of vegetable juice, one egg. Okay, my shampoo, I use two ounces of vegetable juice, whatever I'm making at the time. It's always the green stuff. And one egg, two ounces of milk, and one heaping tablespoon of honey. That is my shampoo and my body soap. What I do is take a brush and I scrub off any dandruff that I have because I don't wash my hair but once every three to four or five days along with my body. I apply it. I wish it would work for my breath, but when you've got a vagotomy, you have to live with bad breath your whole life. Anyway, I put it on my body dry and it helps break down all the dirt and the grime and the fat, plus it feeds the skin. And then I get into the bath. I may leave it on my hair for, you know, ten, fifteen minutes while I'm in the bath before I clean it out of my hair.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Cream or butter or milk. No, that's my toothpaste.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it's very nice. You use butter or cream, it's very soothing. It's very nice. Soothes the gums, soothes everything. I have, you know, I have the natural well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I didn't distribute it that way. I just start putting it on and when I get finished, it distributes fine. It fills my whole body. In fact, I have maybe an ounce left in the bath just to dump right in.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, because the body discharges poisons out the gums and off the teeth. The plaque is usually inorganic minerals or cauterized minerals from cooked food. They discharge with some good organic foods from the food that you've eaten. So I don't really feel like processing that through the body, so I expectorate it. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I still go every once in a while. You have to understand that I had a mouthful of [unintelligible]. I had them removed in 1978. And the doctor that I went to butchered my mouth. So he put caps, lots of caps. It didn't have to be capped. He just liked this aesthetic look and he wanted to do that. So as the caps have popped off, I've refused to put more caps on. As the fillings have popped out, I've refused to have them refilled. So I go back to a dentist just to make sure that they're not rotting. But not that I'll have them do anything. I just want to know that they're not in decay. Because I was supposed to have my teeth removed 33 years ago because after chemo and radiation, it deteriorated the bone around the teeth so they dangled. So when I bit down on my own teeth, I would bleed anywhere from about a quarter to half a cup at a time. So I had to drink everything through a straw. And they said, well, we need to remove all of your teeth. I said, I'm dying in a few months. Do you want me to remove my teeth? You know where you can shove that. I'm going to go to my coffin with my teeth. So I decided not to have my teeth removed. And my teeth are solid in my face. The bones grew back, restabilized.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Well, you know where they cut, you know where they made an incision here from here all the way down to here. When they did the vagotomy, [unintelligible], removes the stomach cancer and cuts the nerves, the vagus nerves of the stomach. That turned tumorous. It was this wide and this high. About three-quarters of an inch high. One area was almost an inch high. And you see how the body has taken care of that over the years. And there's just a fine line now. And they irradiated that because it was so tumorous. It didn't dissolve the tumor. It just cauterized my spine and gave me blood and bone cancer. So my body was still able to heal it even though I had the radiation. It took many years, just like Barbara, we're having to wait until the radiation was out of the system. And it can take, when it's that intense in an area where you have that much bone, it can take three years to remove all the radiation entirely. So we've got it under control because they said that she would have lost all of the bones all around her head, around here, within months. And now it's been how long that you've been on the diet? A year and a half on the diet. And she's only lost another fourth of the nose from when she came to me. So she had lost a quarter by the time she came to me. Now half of it is gone. That's pretty good when they said the whole bone should be gone all around here.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You would cut away because they do that because they believe that the bone will all deteriorate. So that's why, you know, within months. Yeah. So she has all of her face and all of her bone and just very little of her nose is still deteriorating in the last year and a half. And her lip has rebuilt. So that means that all the radiation that's stored in the jaw is gone. If she can regenerate that lip. So we know there's movement. There's healing going on finally.

Q: So can this diet help straighten the teeth? Or do you still need to do that?

A: No, I don't know that it straightens the teeth. I've never seen that. However, yes, I would have to say that according to Dr. Price's information who studied primitive tribes, that yes, when they went on a good diet, their teeth corrected, but they were primitive people not eating all the garbage and chemicals, not exposed to the chemicals that we are, the pollution that we are. Bruce.

Q: I was on a set earlier this week. I was supposed to be there for three hours. About 15 hours later, I was still there. I only brought enough food for three hours. I ended up eating catered food. The next day I was sick as a dog. The mucus membranes were going crazy. So that's sort of what we've been talking about today is the detox situation.

A: Right. Well, your body is so well, so you've been on it a while and your body is so in tune. It says I do not want to have this stored in my body. So I'm going to put you into a full detoxification. And the body, when it detoxifies, it will use every part of your body. It will use your gums, your salivary enzymes, your tear ducts, your ear wax, your nostrils, your sinuses, your throat, your lungs, your esophagus, all the mucus membrane in your body, vaginal cavities if you have one, and rectum, skin, hair. It will go out everywhere it can.

Q: So it wouldn't be as effective as doing the moldy situation?

A: No, that doesn't have a lot to do... Not unless you ate something like cooked fish, then I would eat berries definitely. To get rid of that poison mercury or any other free radical that would be pretty dangerous. It could be dangerous to the nervous system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right. And let me tell you, whenever I leave the house, except when I came here, I always take 24 hours of food, regardless of where I'm going. You never know when the police may stop you and get a ticket. You know, your car breaks down and you can't get it fixed. You just never know what's going to happen. I've been without food for sometimes quite a while. Good food. So I always take enough for 24 hours, no matter if I'm going out to a movie.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There's nothing there. No banana, no nothing, you know. MSG and all kinds of stuff.

Q: So the detox I was going through, was it just for the food I ate that day or did it trigger back memory?

A: It depends on what you ate.

Q: It was like a bean dip.

A: Bean dip.

Q: Cheese.

A: Oh, they've got lots of chemicals that probably could have just been from that day. If it lasted 24 hours, 36 hours.

Q: It's been four days.

A: Oh, then it's probably triggered other detoxifications. Because it usually takes about 36 hours to get rid of one toxic meal.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, what she asked was, since his body started detoxifying that food that he ate for that one day, did it cause his body to detox old stuff from past toxic meals? And I said yes. Sometimes that will happen. Roger, finally.

Q: Okay. How would you detox high mercury?

A: Well, when I get somebody with high mercury in the system, I tell them to... Suggest that they eat berries. Raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, boysenberries. Blueberries are very, very good for that. For ridding mercury. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Strawberries do not work. Strawberries are high in silica, so they'll help get rid of toxic calcium and magnesium and silica and all those related ones. But if you want the heavy detoxification, you have to go for the other berries that are not high in sugar. And I suggest that people eat it with coconut cream. Coconut cream helps protect, helps also dissolve and absorb the poison metals like mercury to prevent it from being absorbed and damaging other tissue as it's passed out of the body. Because mercury is one of the most toxic substances there is. Metals.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, when you're detoxifying an area that has mercury in it, it has nothing to do with digestion. You've already got the nutrients available or else your body wouldn't be dissolving it. That's why I say people eat the berries with the fat and then you'll be sure that it works on toxic metals. Otherwise, you won't. And if it does work on the toxic metals and you're eating berries and you don't have the right creams and fats to bind with it, then you're going to damage more tissue in your body. And then you could develop autism, all kinds of problems, Alzheimer's. Always eat cream with the berries, yes. Coconut cream is your best. Butter, cream, coconut cream, any of those three will work. Because the neurological system absorbs cream better and coconut cream, it's a little bit better to use cream or coconut than butter. You wanted to ask something about that over here?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Detoxing with moldy berries is to get rid of the mutant antibodies. It's not to get rid of toxic minerals. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They don't detox the heavy metals because you're only having three moldy berries at a time. It's not enough to do it. No.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Yeah. Which? Yeah, definitely. You just have to use more. Roger, did you want to ask something else?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: MSM, I haven't used it directly, but I've worked with clients who've done it and used it. And sometimes they swear by it and sometimes it's caused more problems. It's a sulfur compound that people use to get rid of certain conditions. To me, it imbalances the system. It takes symptoms away but does not relieve the cause.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Anytime you drink mineral water, you're drinking minerals that are not bio-organically active, and you're not going to absorb them. So you can utilize a certain amount of minerals from water to attract by ionization toxins that are in the blood, out of the blood into the intestinal tract. If you drink a lot of it, it's going to leach and cause a great depletion of minerals in your system and deplete you. That's why I rarely drink water. I probably drink during the winter a half a cup a week, during the summer a cup a week, and that's it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Still the same thing, water is water. It's not bio-active anything. Too much of it is going to cause mineral depletions, including Gerolsteiner or any of them. Yeah, I drink milk when I'm thirsty, vegetable juice.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, coconut water is not. Coconut water has a lot of other elements in it, and the coconut meat develops from the coconut water, so there are hormones in it. A little different. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. It says good for you. It doesn't like water. It doesn't [unintelligible] the body. Yeah. Like I said, I like to marinate fish in it with, you know, lemon or lime juice, some dill, but you can make all kinds of things, or you can just drink it. Roger, did you have something else to ask?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Go ahead and ask again.

Q: For a long period of time.

A: Ask the question again.

Q: Is it better to have eggs out for a long period of time so they spoil?

A: Yes. Well, it depends upon what you want to do. If you want to have a lot more sexual energy, if you want to have, you know, more bacteria in your body to help you get well quicker, then, you know, like the Chinese do it, I'd let it sit out in the sun until it stinks terribly and sometimes turns black.

Q: How long is that?

A: It all depends upon the egg, but sometimes I'd let eggs sit out and they just won't rot, and then others, you know, or start molding, and others will go in days. It all depends upon the egg, but they're usually very stinky, worse than the meat.

Q: Okay, thank you.

A: It tastes, it absolutely tastes delicious. You just have to plug your nose. Absolutely don't open it in the house. Don't eat that stuff in the house unless you want your mate to kick you over. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [laughter] Try it. You might stink. I doubt you'll get any more attractive to anybody.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Anytime you need it. Never put it in the refrigerator. They lose enzyme activity and you can't digest as much protein.

Q: Aajonus, I'm trying to heal my wrist injury. I've been told by a chiropractor that the main damage is in my muscles and tendons. Does that mean that, is the chicken, eating raw chicken still going to be beneficial?

A: Raw chicken and beef is best, I mean raw chicken and fish is best.

Q: For the muscles and tendons?

A: Correct. Well, the muscles, no, it's red meat. So if it's where the muscles and the tendons meet, then, you know, and not where the tendons and the bones meet, then it would be red meat and chicken. If it's, you know, where the tendons and the bone meets, then it's chicken and fish.

Q: Okay. And I just, I'm just starting on the diet. I don't, what, and you suggested I do the vegetable juice of celery, zucchini, and parsley. What is that doing for me if I'm doing that, you know, every day?

A: Well, the celery juice keeps the mineral at a nice balance. The high sodium in the celery keeps the adrenals going because most people have toxic adrenals, whether they're overactive, inactive, or just normal. There's usually toxicity in there. So the high amount of sodium is like a natural IV. It keeps your body going and alive. The parsley, I like it because of the chlorophyll. It allows you to absorb oxygen better. It has vitamin E, vitamin D, all of those elements that are very helpful for maintaining a more even regulated blood chemistry. Plus, the chlorophyll helps alkalinize the blood because it gets too acidic from dumping toxins, transporting toxins from one area to another. Let's say it picks the toxins up from the lymph system and dumps it into the bowels. It causes toxicity and reactions in the blood while it's there. So that needs to be cleaned up, and the chlorophyll and the other elements in the parsley is very good for that. If I suggested zucchini or any of the summer squash for you, then that means you've got mineral toxicity and the zinc and all the minerals in the summer squash bind. They magnetize to other toxic minerals. So it helps control free radicals, especially toxic minerals that become freed up from the system, from the tissues.

Q: When I'm eating the raw butter, if I eat it with the raw honey, is that the same thing? Is it okay to eat it with the raw honey together all the time? When I'm eating the meat, raw meat, can I be recommended to eat raw butter with the meat?

A: I want you to always have butter with the meat, but because I don't like you, I don't want you to enjoy it. So no, you can't have the honey with the meat.

Q: It's a lot easier to eat the butter with the honey.

A: You can have the honey with the butter any time you want with the honey. People who eat too much honey become protein deficient because most of the honey is converted into enzymes for digesting and utilizing proteins. So if you eat too much honey, you might cause yourself to be protein deficient. That's the only drawback there.

Q: For young men who may have too much sexual energy, is there something that's good for that besides that?

A: You go see Mini 5. Mini 5. That's the best way I know. I haven't found any way because sometimes the hormones need to be active because other glands are imbalanced. So that may be overactive for a purpose and a necessity. And if I cause you to lower that, then you might be depressed as well as non-sexual. So it's better to be over-sexual and take care of yourself if you don't have a partner than it is to mitigate them. But if someone came to me with, like, Mike Tyson who was beating his girlfriend up, you know, and I want to reduce all of his hormone levels, I would have him eating some bread every day. And if I liked him, I would probably tell him to eat the nut formula every day to do the same thing. However, it would probably put him into a neurological detoxification if he did that.

Q: What does the nut formula do?

A: The nut formula has lots of starches in it. The formula that I created there allows the, or prevents the enzyme retardants that prevent protein digestion in nuts to be neutralized. So that particular formula, if you leave any element of it out, it won't work. So you've got to have egg, you've got to have nuts, you've got to have honey, and you've got to have a fat all together for it to work.

Q: And you suggested I blend it in my blender. I couldn't get it to really work well in the blender.

A: Did you use the glass like I showed you, you know, the jars?

Q: I used to use the blender.

A: You'd never be able to do it. You've got to use the small jars.

Q: Small jars, okay.

A: Otherwise, you put, you know, food in a large container like that without a compressed area. The nuts and everything will just go all up along the side and won't mix properly. But when you use the blender jar with small mouth jars and screw the blade, put the washer on first and the blades inside that, and then screw the base on, then you've got it in a good, hermetic environment, you know. What you do is you blend the nuts first into a powder. Then you add the egg, the butter, coconut cream, or cream, and then you add the honey, and then you blend it again.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It depends upon the individual, but anywhere from 2 1⁄2 ounces to 4 ounces of one of the fats. And for the nuts, it can be anywhere from 3 ounces to 5 ounces, and 1 to 2 eggs, and 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey. You can put cream or coconut cream. If I've instructed you to use butter, then I mean for you to use butter. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you know, I'm not sure I trust the producer of the peanut oil anymore. They've lied to me too many times, and I've had bad reactions. So now I, you know, I tread lightly with telling people to eat the peanut oil. If it's light yellow in color, it's probably fine. But if it isn't, and it has a slightly amber tint or an orange tint to it, then it is not good.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, it's probably fine then. You should be keeping it in a dark cupboard. The light will destroy it after about 6 months.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Thicker than normally comes with an oster and an osterizer. I suggest people use, I suggest people buy an oster and an osterizer, except for that kind that looks like a four-leaf clover, and they've got the thick old type, you know, the old drugstore type. That's not a good one, but the one that has a base that unscrews. That fits all of the small, regular-sized blender jars, or what they're called, jelly canning jars.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, and the one that comes with the blender is usually too thin. So you go to a department, I mean a hardware store or a small appliance store, and you get a couple of them. You just need to buy five at a time, because you never know, sometimes it's going to fall in there and get caught in the blades, and then it's a mess. So that makes it very easy, and that's an easy way to blend it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's not a blender, that's either a juicer or a-

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a mixer, that's not a blender. When I'm talking about a blender, it's got a separate blade and it's very powerful. That's more like stirring things or blending or whipping them. Yeah, it does, yeah. It usually won't work for nuts and stuff like that, though. It's better to have something very powerful and stable that isn't the normal shaft going down into it. Right.

Q: Hi, Aajonus, I want to ask a longer question about gaining weight, but I just want to start by making a comment that I noticed you were wearing sunglasses earlier. There's a lot of people on the Internet group that feel like sunglasses aren't of any value. Do you have an opinion on that?

A: Yeah, they're not good. But since I had that cancer that burned a third of my nose away and a third of my brow here, it put a hole in my head all the way through the bone, and the cancer fluids leaked into my eye and burned the eye, I will be like this all the time, glaring like this. In the bright sun, it doesn't bother me. With the lights glaring like this, it hurts that eye.

Q: Okay. I just wanted to have you read it.

A: I wanted to look cool. Hold on. Okay, go ahead.

Q: I just wanted to have you quickly summarize the generic weight gain. You probably can't tell, but I've gained a couple pounds since last time. I also wanted to ask if there's any kind of shortcut for somebody like me that's basically doing everything themselves and I have like, what, ten hours a day and all that.

A: Well, it's like I tell everybody who was skinny at one time, eat until you're ready to vomit. That means you eat until you start going, and you can't eat anymore. That's when you stop. But you stuff yourself. You go beyond being full. And then finally you'll get beyond that, like Mr. Pig here, eating like crazy. These were really skinny guys, look at the size of them now, and they were thinner than you. But it's that. You always have to eat lots of fat with your meats, lots of fat. You eat lots of meat without fat, with small amounts of fat.

Q: You mean like a quarter pound of butter with a meal and stuff like that?

A: At least a quarter pound. At least a quarter pound. He does eat a half a pound at a sitting with his meat. And you know, he can gain 20 pounds in two weeks. And he couldn't gain any weight before that. But you have to really go beyond it. You really have to force it. How about your experience, James? Did you have the same problem? Did you have to force yourself? Can we give him the mic because I'm just not hearing it at all.

Q: The tendency was not to eat at all. And, you know, in the beginning for me it was really a fight, you know, to put even a quarter of a half a pound of meat in my body.

A: What was your weight at the time that I saw you?

Q: 166.

A: 166. And what are you now?

Q: 210.

A: 210.

Q: It took a while. I'd say about a year and a half before I got the message that I wasn't eating enough. And the minute I really started to just change that feeling within myself, you know, even the diet changed me emotionally as well. So all of a sudden I was more calm, you know, the green and everything in the beginning, the butter and all of this. And I noticed there was a huge change in how much weight I could gain in a short period of time. It really did make a difference. But you really got to force yourself. I didn't force myself in the beginning. I watched him force himself. I didn't force myself. And because I didn't it took me longer. So I think if I had tried to force myself to eat a pound of meat or more a day it would have worked faster.

A: And he told me, what is it you said, I was [unintelligible]? I told you I [unintelligible].

Q: No, no, no, it was funny because the first time I ever saw Aajonus I went to a whole life expo and it was a workshop. And I sat in the front row with, it was supposed to be a workshop that was full and luckily there was only about 9 or 10 people there. And so he took a little bit more time to look at each one of us. I held out my hands and he said I was either over acidic or whatever. I can't remember what that comment was. But then he says, you know, you should weigh like 230. I didn't say anything but my thought at that point was this guy is out of his you know what mind. There's no way I'm going to weigh 230. Well, I'm only 15 pounds from that now. I still look like I'm thin. You know, the amount of density I've gained and what not is unbelievable. You really do see a huge change when you really do it the way that it's designed. It works.

A: So do you understand more with that, Brian, now? Force yourself to eat. Don't go long hours without eating.

Q: I know one comment I was going to make. There's such a good selection here today that I had like four servings.

A: There you go.

Q: So you're saying like over time I might get up to like 200 pounds?

A: How tall are you?

Q: I'm about 6 foot.

A: 6 foot, yeah, about 200 pounds. I'd like you to get up to 220 and go back to 200, up to 220 and then 200 like I asked him to do.

Q: One thing I notice is that when you can eat food that's prepared, find the things that really work for you. Sometimes it doesn't work just to sit and grab some meat out of the refrigerator and you really want to make it look or taste better. Whatever you can do to it to eat more of it will obviously work better for you.

A: And another thing, I can sit down with a quarter pound of meat and be repulsed by the time I finish the quarter pound of meat. But if I stop and have three tablespoons of butter, I can eat another half a pound. If I have a couple more tablespoons of butter, I can keep going. Every time I have some more butter, I can eat more meat. I've sat down and had three pounds at a time as long as I keep having butter. Otherwise I get repulsed and I don't want any more.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The lube formula is very good for helping to gain weight. You can even have the lube formula with the meat. When I need to gain weight fast, that's what I do. I have the lube formula with my meat. The lemon is already combined with butter so it's already bound with something that won't cause problems with the meats. What happens is the lemon juice goes in and works on the fat in the meat. Without the meat being utilized, without the fat being utilized with the meat, the meat is not going to be utilized as a regeneration tissue. They have to go together. If they don't go together, it will not be regeneration tissue. The body will just use the protein and convert it into a pyruvate, which is a sugar, which helps burn fats or utilize fats as energy. If you have the lemon with the meat, it seeks out the fat in the meat, in the beef. It separates it and that's what will happen. If you have the butter mixed with the lemon juice, the lemon juice is already actively working, is already set on the butter fat and won't get into the meat fat. As long as they're already combined, that's great. Anyone else back there?

Q: Hi, I have a question about, I just read your book a little while ago and a lot of it makes a lot of sense to me. Eating things raw makes a lot of sense to me. But intuitively, the idea that we drink another mammal's milk has always been a strange concept to me. You did a good job in your book of explaining eating other animals and stuff. I was wondering if you might say something about drinking another mammal's milk.

A: I don't have a problem with that. I was against it as a vegetarian for quite a while, for the six years that I did it, vegetarianism. When I began eating meat, I tried to stay away from dairy because I had that taboo about it. But every time I utilized it with myself, me and my patients, we were all more relaxed, more nurtured, everything was calmer, everything progressed well. There wasn't as much emotion, as much distortion, as much anxiety. Everything was so much easier. So as long as it doesn't become toxic, I will continue to use it. It has not become toxic to me and I've been using it mostly for the last 20 years on a daily basis and a lot of it.

Q: One other question. You were talking a little bit about eating cooked starches like breads and stuff for excess hormones. Do you take the same approach with hormones in women's bodies as in men's bodies? I guess it probably depends on what the symptoms are as far as how to treat it.

A: Well, no, usually women aren't as violent and can be as hostile and damaging as men. I only suggest that for people who are going to be a danger to other people. If a woman came to me yielding a gun, I would say have a piece of bread and butter. Definitely.

Q: What do you suggest for balancing female hormones?

A: The nut mixture.

Q: The nut mixture. Thank you.

A: It works for males and females. That's why I suggest that everybody have it once a week. You don't want it once a day. If you have it once a day, you can throw yourself into a neurological detoxification and find yourself unable to sleep between 1230 at night and 530 in the morning. Then you're just going to rearrange your whole life. No more than twice a week, preferably just once a week.

Q: Getting back to what James was saying on the topic of weight gain, you seem to be suggesting that gaining weight is good.

A: Because I want to look best.

Q: I've gained 10 pounds since I started the diet six weeks ago. I notice that the bloating in my stomach is happening a lot. Do I have to keep that loop with my stomach sticking out?

A: What I recommend people do is do the weight gain and the weight loss. What they do is when you have that extra weight there, the poisons that dump, like I said, they dump into the stomach and the intestines. If you don't have the fats around that area to protect yourself when they're dumping, you could be in some trouble. Either emotional or physiological, going to peritonitis, all kinds of problems. So it's better to have the weight. You notice that thin people are a lot more anxious and a lot more irritable than people who are overweight.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: So then is it not a good idea to be striving to have the very thin waist and six-pack stomach?

A: Are you talking about a six-pack or the washboard?

Q: The washboard.

A: Well, it's not really. I've got two clients who are actors, males who are actors that have that. They are much more emotional and they don't get it. They're very intense and it's difficult to have a relationship with somebody like that. So they don't have as good of relationships as people who have more weight and are calmer. And when they've been overweight, they were a lot calmer and had better, they were happier. But when they stay thin and the washboard looked like that because they think that looks good, their personalities are not as calm and nice and they're really intense. I'm repeating myself.

Q: Thank you.

Q: A little bit on the other side of the coin here, somebody that wants to lose a little bit of weight.

A: Well, I suggest that people don't get, depending upon their size, I suggest that for women's sake because we are looking at the vanity side of it. Men are that way, aren't they? But women more so worry about it. They really get upset with me when I tell them I want you to gain 10 to 12 pounds over weight. I used to suggest 15 to 18 pounds over weight, but I learned my lesson. So now I say 10 to 12 pounds over weight and then lose it, gain it, and lose it. So men I say anywhere from, depending upon your size, I will go up 15 pounds, up down, and 15 pounds, 15 to 20 pounds. He goes 20, 25 pounds, and he's 6 foot, but he's 4 inches taller than I. It depends upon the person. But if you want to lose weight, what you do is have just a little bit of butter with your meat or a little bit of cream so you have small amounts of fat with your meat, lots of meat though, because the meat will be turned into a pyruvate a lot, and pyruvate utilizes fat. That's why they're selling these pyruvate pills for you to lose weight, because what does it go after? It seeks fat. Let's say you want to lose weight and you're having 8 ounces of meat at a time, 2 tablespoons of butter instead of 4 to 8.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, on the diet, if you're on my weight gain and weight loss programs, if you come to me, I tell people to go on a weight gain and weight loss program. When I tell them to lose weight, they've been on the diet and stabilized. I give them a particular way to do it. But if you haven't been to me and you're not doing 100% raw and all of that, I suggest you do it that way. If you're on my kind of diet and you're gaining the weight and you want to lose it, it comes time to lose it, I suggest people drink... Now, this depends upon the individual, but for an example, like Odette, she asked me for her weight loss program, for her I suggest 1 cup of vegetable juice. When she gets very hungry, again, that doesn't mean stupid hungry or angry hungry, it just means very hungry to have a golf ball size of meat. The next time she gets very hungry, another golf ball size of meat. Next time she gets hungry, a cup of vegetable juice. The next time she gets hungry, an egg, Rocky style. Next time she gets hungry, a golf ball size of meat. And then start that over again, juice, meat, meat, juice, egg, meat for her. And she'll keep rotating that. Now, most people, when they do the weight loss program, they may eat every hour because they're so hungry, but after 4 or 5 days, you start losing the appetite. And sometimes I'll suggest people have a glass of milk every 3 to 4 days to help calm the system. Some people I will tell have a glass of milk every night, depending upon their system. So it will make the weight loss slower, but they'll be calmer and easier going through it. Because some people can't make it on that kind of a program. And some people will get so dry, and they're so dry, like James Stewart. He's so dry that if I put him on a weight loss program, he's still going to have one tablespoon of butter with two of his golf balls of meat a day. Or he'll have two golf ball sizes, because he's a larger person, at one time. But on two of those meat meals a day, he'll have one tablespoon of butter because he's still too behind in lubricating the body. So that gives you a sense without making it so complicated you don't get it. Okay, terrific. Okay, we went through them, but let's have one last one.

Q: Weight gain, can you do it with just dairy, cheese, and eggs?

A: No, no, it won't happen.

Q: You need red meat?

A: Yep, red meat, white meat, depending upon your system. But you look pretty, you have a lot of symptoms of anemia. So I doubt you're going to put on muscle tissue. I doubt that you're going to put on much muscle tissue without having red meat, and lots of fat with it.

Q: And no one mentioned goat butter. I picked up some goat butter that supposedly is raw and unpasteurized.

A: I have never had access to it. People have told me that they have, but I've never had access to it, so I can't tell you. When I drink goat milk and I've observed people who have goat milk, it doesn't make them as calm as cow's milk. So if somebody has a very high adrenaline level, I suggest that they eat cow's milk rather than goat's. But that's the only thing I would distinguish. Now, I was drinking lots of good, delicious goat's milk, but when summer came around, I started stinking like a goat, so I decided not to do it for my vanity's sake. I stink enough as it is because my breath's from the vagotomy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The parasites and bacteria and all of that. Zappers are not good. You want the bacteria and parasites to help you.

Q: Yes, once again, a client situation with me and my people in my salon. I'm presenting people a lot to read The Flyer. And one thing that really catches their interest is a lot of women are overweight. They read the story about the 280-pound woman on the ice cream diet. There sometimes it takes a while for them to mentally prepare themselves for the thought of raw meat. So the question becomes, can someone sort of ease their way into this concept by, say, doing an ice cream diet, getting some of that weight loss, as they acclimatize themselves to the raw food idea?

A: It depends on how large that person is. If they're only 20, 25 pounds overweight, the ice cream diet isn't going to help them lose very much.

Q: Most of the women I'm speaking of are probably 35 to 80 to 100 pounds overweight.

A: Then the ice cream diet will help them lose weight. Raw ice cream diet. [unintelligible]

Q: Right. Okay. Now, that isn't listed. I mean, is there specifics for it?

A: No, because you can't get specific. If I were to see the person, I can get specific about it because I can look for markers that will show that they will lose weight more and they won't lose weight more by it.

Q: So I can suggest to them to read The Flyer, then buy the book. They see you and you might give them a specific way to ease them into it so they're not committing to the raw meat point right away.

A: Yes. Well, no, the meats, you know, well, if they've read the book, they're already open to it. Usually when they leave my office, you know, they're already open to the meat.

Q: Okay. Well, I just think it's almost like a lead-in that-

A: People who come to me have already been open to the meat unless they'll call me at first and say when they're setting up the appointment, say, can I do this without meat? And I'll say, I've only known eight people out of about 3,000 who could. If you're one of those eight people, fine, but it's doubtful. And if you're not a man, you're only one of, you know, you're one out of, you know, 3,000 that I've seen. Only one woman's been able to do it without meat. And she's not doing so well now. She's 35 and she's starting to, you know, lose everything.

Q: Thank you.

Q: Aajonus?

A: Yes.

Q: This is the successful demonstration at the supervisor's building downtown. The repeal of the milk stupidity that has been in LA for many years. What's happening on the front of, like, Altadena or any other suppliers coming up with milk? Because, you know, at $3.50 a quart, it's still pretty high. It would be nice to bring that price down as much as we drink the milk and eat the butter and that sort of stuff.

A: Well, because of the cost to Altadena, I mean to Stuvi's, Altadena hasn't, you know, been into the raw business except to distribute it since 1991, I think it was. Stuvi's family name had started the Altadena dairy and they sold it 10 years ago. And the people who bought Altadena agreed to continue to distribute it, package it and distribute it. That association is gone. The LA Medical Milk Commission puts such hard stringency, restrictions, regulations on raw milk that was rarely passing. Altadena was losing money and they got out of the business and said, Stuvi's, we're not going to package anymore. Stuvi's has lost so much money that to recoup, they're going to put out milk, whatever's out there at that price. They're not going to come down, I guarantee you. It's not going to come down. So, the only way we're ever going to get milk down is if we start a co-opportunity and get our own land and our own herds. But I'm not sure that will save us anything either. Because the price is so high with land, especially in California. I doubt it would be better to stay near $3.50 a quart at this point. It would be lovely, but I don't think it's going to happen.

Q: Okay.

A: I formed the right to choose healthy food to fight these laws. We just won something about a month ago. A particular senator in the Irvine area had presented a bill which would have outlawed any of you, anybody, from telling anybody else that food is good for any disease. That means if you had gone to your grandmother or let's say a neighbor, because your grandmother wouldn't, I'm sure certainly, wouldn't file a suit against you or file charges against you. But let's say you went to your neighbor and said, you know, grapefruit is good for high blood pressure. And the guy had grapefruit and stopped his medication and it didn't work. Basically, you could be sued for practicing medicine without a license under that law. All of you who helped me fax them, we drilled them with faxes and they took that law out, that part of that law out. So anybody can still advise about nutrition and tell the qualities of food without being in danger of practicing medicine without a license and spending a year in jail for it. There's another law that I'm going after next. The FDA put a law that any kind of fruit juice, vegetable juice will have to be flash pasteurized in the next year. That means you will never ever again be allowed to buy fresh juice unless it's pasteurized in a market, unless you go to their juice bar. That's not a nice thing. The FDA has no business telling the company to do that in a particular state unless the state is transporting it to other states. Unless a company is transporting it out of state, but we know the FDA tries to get it there, its noses everywhere. It's not constitutional, it's not legal, but that is what I'm working on next. Anybody want to send donations, it's very helpful because I have to work with attorneys and a lot of other people to make this work. So you can always send in the back of the book on page 310, just make out a check to Right to Choose Healthy Food and send it to the post office box there in the back of the book. Leave out the 47. The post office seems to have trouble in reading. I don't know how educated they are, but it's 176-47. It's 47 when you have a dash after the number. 47 means department, they forgot that it means department, so they think 176-47 is the whole post office number, and there's no such post office number. So they're sending letters back and payments back to me written by that all the time, and I'll take it to them and say, what is wrong with you? Why is this continuing to happen? Gee, I don't know. Maybe people don't understand. Maybe we've got a new employee that has cut the 47 off. I will go through and say, yes, this belongs to that accountant, that belongs to that accountant. So just leave off of anything else other than 176 in the post office box. Okay? Yeah?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You're saying you get tired of going to Erewhon to get your juice made? Or you get tired of making your juice so you go to Erewhon and buy something pre-made?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Uh-huh. Erewhon doesn't, but you can go to other stores that will, Wild Oats, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's never preferable. You know, if you're going to have something organic, some juice organic, inorganic, then I would suggest having at least a tablespoon of butter or a tablespoon of cream with it so it will bind with any of the chemicals that may be in it. Yes, that's the only thing you can have with vegetable juice. You mix vegetable juice with any other animal product and they won't digest together because one's acid, one's alkaline. They neutralize each other. But fats like coconut cream, butter, or cream can be mixed with it because they're neutral. They go right to the stomach. They don't depend upon digested acids in the stomach.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's up to you. All right, thank you everyone. And I'll say, wait a minute, one more thing. We need volunteers to do the mailing list. Again, what that means is that somebody, you know, somebody will make up a flyer. Then I will print it up and then send it to the person. They get 200 to 250 copies. They fold them three ways, put the labels that I will send it to them with the names and addresses on it, and put a stamp on it and put it in the mail. If somebody doesn't do that, then we don't have potlucks. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, butter, cream and all that. Wait a minute, let me get that first. Bruce, are you volunteering again? Okay. Cindy, you'll do it this time. All right. Bruce has done it the last three times, four times, three times. Thank you very much. Let's give Bruce a hand.


A: And let's give our wonderful hosts. I know Randy's in there and Cindy. Thank you very much. Great place.


A: Okay, and then we need a place to the two places that it will be in the next time. It's either in Marina Del Rey or at my place. The next two will be at one of those two places. Either at my place in Malibu or in Marina Del Rey at Vanessa Haas. I'm going away July 16th to Hawaii, so July 15th I would have to have it. So that's not a full two months away. So I don't know if you want to wait until I return, or you just want to have a potluck without me. So we can have one on the 15th before I go, and then when I come back we'll have another. Yeah. It will be September. Yeah. Okay, and now James would like to make an announcement about dairy. Okay, he's got some dairy. He's got cream, butter, what else? Cheese, honey. All kinds of milk. Milk? Yeah. Mustard, high meat maybe. All kinds of stuff out there in the car.