
....and malaria. They're nonsense.

If you [really] work in a laboratory, what is malaria? Malaria is a Falaria, a microscopic worm that eats degenerative tissue from a blood cell, and.... Mosquitoes don't give us malaria, we give them malaria. it's from a human cell, not from a cell of a mosquito. So you have to take a look at that hard. Wait a minute. If they get the malaria from us, then how are they giving it to us. Because their objective, blood.... The female is the bloodsucker. The male does not suck blood, is about one tenth of the female's size, but the female doesn't drink the blood, either. She gets it to feed her larvae. Without the larvae, without the blood, the larvae would not survive.

So when you have malaria, it is a broken down bloodstream. You're red blood cells are deficient and damaged. The Falaria gets in there and eats it. If there are, let's say you have low phagocytes, white blood cells. The white blood cells are given the job of eating dead red blood cells. If they're not enough of them, there's too much destruction and they cannot consume everything, then we will get Malaria Falaria to break down those red blood cells.

So the idea that we get malaria from a mosquito is absolutely fiction.. They need to keep the blood very clean. Also, that falaria, is so microscopically small that one phagocyte, one white blood cell, could consume a massive amount of them, so you could never take over the blood and do us damage. So you have to take those, those so-called diseases as myth.

How many cases of malaria have you seen? What are the symptoms of malaria? Malaria is just a severe cold, flu, but they will identify it, they will find the stuff in red blood cells, and they'll find this microscopic Falaria. And it takes a very powerful electronic microscope to see it. So they want to say, oh, this particular epidemic was caused by malaria, only all they have to do is look, they're always going to find malaria in the human bloodstream. And they'll say, see, he's got malaria. And then they'll say, oh yah, just treat it with these antibiotics, and what does the antibiotics do?

76% of the time, if you go into a hospital to treat malaria, you will die. When I was looking for land to build a farm in the Philippines three years ago, I met with the chief of a tribe because I was looking for remote areas where there were no roads or anything. And I had spent like six weeks setting up this meeting with the chief of this tribe that they had to translate it into three languages to get back to me. So, I spent all this time setting it up, no roads to get back there, jeeps and everything, we had hummers to get back to where we wanted to go. And I get there and the assistant to the chief says, I can't give you much time today, we can't go through the jungle because I have two daughters that have malaria, I've got take them to the hospital. And that was all that was translated to me.

I spoke back, I said, your daughters have a 76% chance of dying in the hospital, only 24% of dying if they don't go to the hospital. And that was translated back to him, and he said, oh, you're probably right. Five years ago I had two daughters, they had malaria, so-called malaria, [I] took them to the hospital, they were dead in 24 hours. And he said, what do you suggest since you're a doctor?

Well I said, I suggest you take 3 oz. of [fresh, raw] lime juice, 3 oz. of [unheated] honey, and 6 oz. of [raw, young green] coconut water, mix it together, and you give them a tablespoon every hour for three days in their waking hours. And then after that, every two to three hours, a tablespoon.

They were very hesitant about letting me into the tribal area. I'm a white guy, of course. So, they were very reluctant, but the two children were better in three days. Completely over it, so of course, they sold me the land. So now I'm part of the tribe. So, don't get hooked into that stuff.


Primal Diet Workshop Lecture, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 18th, 2011.