Primal Diet Workshop + Q&A Of February 24, 2001

Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang

A: I want an applause, I got a cold this year.


A: Actually my first brain detox in probably ten years and I like a cold but I usually only get one every five years. I like colds because they're a natural facelift, you know they take about three years, give me about three extra years of my appearance so they should come every three years instead of every five years, that way I'll always stay the same age. I guess I will run through a little bit of my background. One thing that I didn't talk about in great deal any before was my autism. You know I said I was borderline autistic but maybe I shouldn't say I was borderline autistic like I said in the book because I was grossly autistic. I just didn't appear to be grossly autistic because there was an entity that allowed me, that channeled through me to protect me and to give me some reality grounding in this particular existence. You want to come up front? That may sound a little strange but here's how it went. I was born into a violent household. I was abused the day I got home and that already set me up to be very afraid of this reality. It continued like that. I stayed on a psychic level. Then when I was three years old my parents had my tonsils removed. For some reason they decided to give me a tetanus shot at the same time. I got a tetanus shot every six months. Now I don't know how many of you know what thimerosal is. Exactly it's in every single vaccination. It's 20 times the amount that the FDA say is poisonous of mercury. Every time you get a flu vaccine, tetanus shot, any kind of an inoculation, you're getting thimerosal. By the time a baby has his first shots by a year old he's had 200 times the amount. The rate of autism in vaccinated children is astounding. Something like 12 to 17 percent. Usually it was like 1 in 100,000 got autism. Now it's like 60 in 100,000. That's a lot. That's a great increase.

I started getting the mercury poisoning. It made me recede more and more because I always wondered why from the age of 3. I don't know how many people comprehend... I remember the day I was born. I remember seeing the venetian blinds. I remember seeing everything when I was born. I don't know how many other people have that kind of comprehension. I've only run into a couple. That does exist if you've never run into it and didn't have that particular awareness of consciousness yourself. But from the age of 3 to the age of 5 was very pronounced for me because I only parroted sounds. Language I could not put into any kind of a relative format to be able to understand how could you take the sound apple and identify with the apple. The sound had nothing to do with that. I couldn't relate them. Then when it got into words somebody showed me what apple spelled and that was even more bizarre for me. I just could not at all grasp that. And that went on all the way through college. I had to have my exams done orally. And many times the things that came out of me I had no idea where they came from because I didn't know. I figured that my brain may have been parenting my parents and all the other intellectuals that I was raised around. My father was an inventor and scientist. My mother was an RN. Every one of my mother's twelve brothers and sisters were all degreed. Three of them doctors. My grandparents were very wealthy, very educated. My grandfather was a professor at Pratt, taught music, art, and theater. So I thought all of these years that I was just, my brain was just responding. I would use words that I had no idea what they meant. And my body would talk, but I would have no comprehension about what I was saying.

So to me this was even more bizarre because I was even more afraid of myself. By the time I was twenty-one, I finally learned to identify the word the. And that's how bad it was about reading. And then when I started drinking carrot juice when I was dying of cancer and decided that I would just die after the doctors gave me surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, not in that order, they cauterized my spine with the radiation. Even a year after the radiation, I couldn't touch my knees if I were standing. I had to go through severe cases of bacterial and viral detoxifications to reverse those conditions. Most people think that bacteria and virus and parasites are awful things. And that's because of the bacteria theory that bacteria, virus, and parasites are responsible for decay and degeneration in the body. It's not true. They are the symptom of toxicity and degeneration that already exists. If we take a look at all forms of life that are natural and healthy, they all are loaded with bacteria. Take a wild deer that's healthy, loaded with parasites, but never bothered by them. Never ill. They work in conjunction. These creatures are natural to the environment and they help life. That's why I say, that's why I wanted you to celebrate my colds and flus with me. Because 70% of my brain for the past 20 years has been scar tissue, mainly from the mercury poisoning from all of the inoculations that I had. In the last year, I've gone through the roughest year I've had since the accidental mushroom poisoning. I was crippled for almost three months out of the last year, out of the year 2000. Because I had a viral and bacterial detoxification that was in the spine and also in the bone. I had multiple myeloma, which is cancer of the blood and bone. On the left side, I never had had a detoxification like I had had on the right side.

Now when I had multiple myeloma, I was so crippled that I had to drag myself around the house on my elbows like a worm. Sometimes it would take me 30 minutes to go from here to the front door. I lived like that for quite a few years. It wasn't constant, but whenever I would go into a bone detox, the pain would be so excruciating and so severe that if I even went like this, this slight of motion, I would fall over in pain and I would have to lift my leg. Well, that never happened to the left side of me until this year. So finally my left side started detoxifying, my elbow, my shoulder, my hip, my joint, and my knee were like somebody was taking swords and just stabbing them in. Now when I detoxed the right side, it took two and a half years to go through that severe pain. This year it happened for a month on this side, but it was only crippled for about six days all together, four days on a couch and then two days on crutches and that sure beat the two and a half years. And then January of last year I had a detoxification in the lower spine area that was very painful and put me in bed and mainly in the bath, I would float and sleep in the bath because the pain was too difficult.

And if you have a lot of pain, a lot of joint pain, soreness or anything like that, if you go into a tub, a very warm tub with some sea salt in it and some skim milk, raw skim milk, suck the cream off and enjoy it and then put the skim milk in the bath, you will actually create a float tank and it makes it very easy to remove the pain and feel a lot better and ease the, almost ease the pain entirely. Doesn't feel like you have, I didn't feel like I had any pain and most people have the same experience. So baths are very nice. You just won't want it too hot because if you get it too hot, then you will destroy the bacteria in your own body and then you have to eat some nice high meat to replace it. Does anybody know what high meat is? Who doesn't know what high meat is? Most people know. I don't know.

Q: I read your book, I have to know.

A: I didn't put that in the book.

Q: It's on the tapes.

A: The tapes, yes. I got all that on the tapes. High meat is the, Eskimos gave it that name. They take fish or caribou and they roll it and hide and bury it between two and six inches under the ground and they let it spoil. It doesn't really spoil, it sours and gets full of bacteria and then they consume it. Now about a year and a half ago, almost two years ago, I tried to get two of my patients to eat this high meat because they were always depressed. One of them had been on medication for 26, 27 years. Prozac was one of them and anybody knows what the side effects are to Prozac, kidney damage, lung damage, all kinds of things, neurological dysfunction. So this just keeps people in a cycle of using the drugs but never gets them well. This woman, whenever she called in, I had her client for about a year and a half and she would go on and off the diet with her moods. Anytime she would get frustrated she would go out and abuse herself and eat and eat and eat the worst things, coffee, anything, chocolate, anything with theobromine and caffeine in it that would make her crazier she would eat. And you have to understand when somebody is in that kind of condition they can't help it. You've got chemicals damaging the system, disturbing the person. So I had learned that according to John Moore's work, Monroe's work, that in the absence of bacteria and virus in the body a clinical depression arises. Sure you get rid of colds and flus but then you have clinical depression. You reintroduce the bacteria and virus again you have the colds and flus but you don't have the clinical depression. So two women like this one woman she would call me up and this is how she said hi, hi, I'm feeling fine, how about you? This is how this woman's temper was, her mood, her attitude.

So after a year and a half I said listen, you've got to do something about this. I said you're not helping yourself, you're not helping me, you're not helping anybody, eat this high meat. So finally she did. I get a call that day and she wants to talk to somebody and I've already been through this before so there's no way I'm going to answer the phone, I just ate the high meat and I need to talk to somebody. I knew she wanted to be babysat for four or five hours so there was no way I was going to answer the phone. I don't care if I get paid $120 an hour, there's no way. So I let her go through without, I only allowed the message to take two minutes of messages so it cut her off five, six, seven times. So the next morning she says, I can't believe it. She's happy. She says, I went for a walk this morning, I listened to the birds, entirely different disposition. And she said it worked in 20 minutes. And guess what? I chewed it. She said, I chewed it until it was almost all absorbed into my mouth. She said if it was going to work, I was going to make sure it was going to work. That the hydrochloric acid in my stomach wasn't going to destroy it. I thought, wow, I never would have done that. So I thought, if it tastes anything like it smells, there's definitely, I don't want to chew this stuff. But it's effervescent in the way it tastes. It tastes sparkly. The little bit of alcohol, it's just the odor. So I tell people now to chew it, it'll work a lot better for you, it makes more sense, it lasts longer, it's a better high. In fact, I even have a clinical psychologist who also has a degree in psychiatry, who I invited over to try it. And he's there, you know, really scared, eating it, things heard, you know, the testimonials from these two individuals that finally did it.

So he tried it, and he said, yeah, I definitely get a high within ten minutes after eating it. So now he uses it in his practice. This is a clinical person, and it's like magic, because I've tried everything, got a little beeswax in my throat. I've tried everything in the past, and that was my hardest client, those were my hardest clients of all the people who have psychological disorders because of the toxicity in their brains and in their nervous systems. And that is such a wonderful key. If any of you have experienced depression at any point, you can get rid of it within minutes, but you have to have the high meat ready first. And the way you do that, you take a jar that's twice the size of the amount of meat that you're going to be put in it. Now it can be chicken, it can be beef, it can be lamb, it can be anything. I even do it with glandular tissue. It can be absolutely any kind of meat. You let it sit in the jar at least four weeks, and you take it out every third and fourth day, preferably. It takes about three and a half days to use up the oxygen. So the bacteria has about 17 plus stages, some of them have A and B stages. So the bacteria will grow, transform into a different type, and do the seven changes, complete changes, and in three subdivisions there are minute changes within three of them, those 17 changes. So you want all forms of those bacteria. So to keep them going through the stages, every three and a half days or every third and fourth day, you take it outside, don't open it in your house because it will smell like somebody had some bad gas, and it will linger in your curtains and everything. So take it outside, open it after you get outside, and then waft it in the air like this. Just one motion like the sign of infinity will put enough fresh air in there, and just close it and stick it in your refrigerator and do that for four weeks, and then have a marble, large marble sized amount once or twice a week. If you have severe depression, do it twice a week.

Q: In the refrigerator?

A: If you do it outside at room temperature it goes too fast, it will go through those stages rapidly, and then you won't get the enjoyment of having it, unless you're going to eat it every day, then it will be fine, it will move through rapidly. But that might cause, I haven't done it that way with anybody, so I wouldn't, you've done it on a daily, eating it on a daily basis? I don't know what it would be like to have that much bacteria in the body on that immediate of a basis of having it more than twice a week. I mean if anybody wants to explore and experiment with that, let me know.

Q: How does that work?

A: Hold on, yes?

Q: Are you eating from it in those intermediate stages?

A: No.

Q: Only after the four weeks?

A: Only after the four weeks.

Q: And what happens if you leave it in the sealed jar for too long, is it interrupted or does it cause things that...

A: It's interrupted. It just stops right there. I took a steak and put it in a jar, in a quart jar, and of course there was probably a fifth more air than there was meat in the jar. I sealed it, I left it in the refrigerator for one year to the day. I opened it and it didn't even stink. Once that oxygen is used, it stops right there. If it's in glass in a sealed container. In plastic, it'll rot. I mean it won't rot it will just decay because plastic is porous it will allow air and gases into it.

Q: Will it resume like that?

A: As soon as you open it it will resume.

Q: As soon as you open it it will resume and you can use it?

A: It will even go quicker.

Q: I've got some stuff that have been in glass jars and I haven't opened them all and I'm wondering if I should start again or if I should just open them all and figure that.

A: No you just open them again start from there. They'll probably be ready, you can go ahead and start eating it right away instead of waiting for four weeks.

Q: Can it be dangerous for someone to try this that's not already on a healthy diet?

A: I don't know. I haven't tried it with anybody that hasn't been on a good diet you know for at least a month. Yes.

Q: How does that work and what is it actually doing if you're taking it?

A: Well there are many theories on it and the one that I think makes the most sense is that most people are so full of poisons and toxins it destroys the bacteria and virus in their body. The body cleans itself in three ways. It uses solvents which are made from fats usually 80% fats, 15% proteins and 5% carbohydrate that it turns into alcohol in the body and makes a solvent just like we have cleansers and compounds which will dissolve matter, put it on metal, Coca-Cola you put it on metal it will eat the metal away, it will take rust off. So we have compounds that our body makes, this is a very slow process of cleansing to dissolve dead tissue, degenerative tissue, other toxins that are in the body and the byproduct is almost identical to turpentine and it is as toxic. So the body has to go through a slow detoxification that is debilitating to itself. So it creates like a lethargy, that's the way the body responds, lethargically. When you have bacteria and virus, bacteria is an actual organism, it can go in and eat like a parasite, it can go in and eat degenerative tissue and it does it rapidly, quicker than your body can dissolve compounds with solvents, plus it's half as toxic so you don't have all the side effects that you do with the solvent process. Then you have parasites, they work five times faster than your body can use the solvent process plus their toxicity is anywhere from 50% to 100% times less toxic than the bacteria's byproducts. Plus these byproducts of the bacteria and parasites is an anti-cancer agent, they are using them today to dissolve cancer. Vion Products, a new pharmaceutical company has manufactured biogenically, remade a salmonella so they can sell it at $8000 a shot. Eat it and you don't have to pay a thing. What this salmonella does is it isolates a tumor, cuts off the oxygen to it and then eats it.

Do you know what they did, do you know what Vion Products did with it? It took away it's eating ability so what you do now is you use the salmonella to choke off the oxygen to the area and then they'll pump chemotherapy into you to dissolve the tumor. Why not just let the salmonella do it's work? Why attenuate it. Ridiculous. The University of Toronto for 22 years now has been using the varitoxin produced by E. coli to dissolve brain tumors in 5 to 7 days including the vessels going to it. Bacteria is pretty good. We are so ill and so contaminated that bacteria and virus and parasites do not live easily in the body. This is because of chemical poisoning. If you didn't have all the chemical poisoning virus and bacteria and parasites would thrive in your body because you'd be giving them a lot to feed on but because of the chemicals in the system you cannot produce, they cannot thrive. It's the same reason that I could eat tons of parasite infested salmon, calves brain and chicken tripe undulating with worms and could never get one because I had had chemotherapy and I had had enough thimerosal in my system from all the inoculations to prevent my body from being able to germinate bacteria and parasites. I am just now beginning to do it so I don't have to go the slow process in getting well. I can get well faster. So I am very delighted to be able to say I had a brain cold and an actual bronchial cold. My bronchials have been 90% scar tissue since I stopped smoking and let me tell you I was one of those smokers who loved to smoke and I would still be doing it today if it were good for me. And I would take a cigarette and I would puff on that thing and I would fill my whole lungs until the end of that cigarette was this hot burning red and my mother would say, you see, you see, stop it. It would drive her crazy, you look awful, you know how disgusting you look. It felt good.

But anyway, my bronchials got very burned from that because sometimes that smoke would get up to about, you know, that tar, get a lot of tar in cigarettes and that heat carries all the way to the lungs. So sometimes that tar was reaching my lungs at about 900 degrees, gets up to about 1250 degrees when you puff like that. So and I smoked two packs a day, Lucky Strike non-filter, so I really damaged my lungs and my bronchials. Now I've gone through enough pneumonias and spinal meningitis to clean out my lungs and they cleaned out pretty well, 90% clean. But my bronchials were still 90% toxic. Now I went through a cold and a flu, took my picture of my irises and guess what? 40% of the scar tissue went away in a month. Pretty impressive. I had bacteria helping me. A virus is not an organism. A virus is a particle that gets into a cell and turns it into a phagocyte, which means it eats, it becomes cannibalistic. It eats like cells, but it only eats degenerative cells. So they're like a parasite, they can eat a lot of tissue and get rid of a lot of decay in a shorter period of time. Your best helpers. The only time that people have trouble with parasites is they're not eating the proper protein for their body to be able to regenerate cells. So they ulcerate, they have gut exchange, lots of white cells collect, which is called infection and then you have peritonitis and then possible death or paralysis. But on this diet no one who has gotten parasites, and a lot of people have parasites, don't have a problem. Don't even notice it. It isn't like having a bacterial detoxification or a viral detoxification. Those you know it, you're dumping the mucus, you can feel it. But when a parasite does it, the secretions are so non-toxic that you don't have to dump out the mucous membranes. You can just dump it out the bowels and out the skin freely. So parasites are the best thing you can have. So take Hilda Clarke's book and have a burning festival, because she is way out of bounds. Yes?

Q: What's Candida?

A: Candida?

Q: An overpopulation of Candida.

A: That's the same thing. Candida is like a bacteria, only it's a yeast bacteria. Yeast feeds on sugars. Human being is not equipped to eat sugars. New York City Medical University did research on advanced glycation end products. Advanced glycation end products are the end product of using carbohydrate as fuel, as glycogen. That is a waste product, just like in a car we have carbon monoxide as a by-product of burning fuel. Advanced glycation end products are just one of those toxins resulting from using carbohydrates. Now the carbohydrate, the advanced glycation end product according to New York City Medical University stores at a rate of 70% in a healthy body, 90% in an unhealthy body. So you can better believe that if you're over 20 years old you're storing anywhere from 70% to 90%, 80% to 90%, 85% to 90% advanced glycation end product called AGEs. Yes?

Q: I have two questions, number one, is it possible that the yeast and other things could actually help clear that? Number two.

A: That's what they're doing.

Q: That's what they're doing, and the second thing is, is it possible to eat any completely whole raw, basically kind of off the stock grain, and not have this problem, or is that?

A: Completely over the board, even if it's raw, it doesn't matter. Now of course if you're eating it cooked, you've got other toxic compounds that go along with it that'll make it plaque in your system. On a raw diet you'll have those form in the body and they will be irritants, and of course you'll have yeast, yeast formations, candida, any kind of yeast will feed on them to help your body get rid of it. Should not have eaten beeswax before I spoke, but it was delicious, thank you.

Q: But even some of the raw grains which are supposedly alkalinizing, this doesn't work?

A: Grains are never alkalizing.

Q: Never?

A: No. They're always an acid base. Grains can never be alkalizing. As long as they're high in sugar and they're a grain base, they're always an acid. So I don't know who came up with that one.

Q: Yeah, I've done a lot of reading of vegetarian grains and I've used them for years, but they always claim that millet is the one that's non-alkalizing, you know.

Q: And buckwheat too.

A: Non-alkalizing?

Q: Yeah, non-alkalizing.

A: Okay, millet, when I read that back in 1972, I think it was, I did an experiment with cattle, especially goats, and goats will eat anything. After four days of eating just a cup of millet in their grain, they wouldn't touch it. They would starve to death and they would not eat millet, whole millet. So then I cut it down to a few tablespoons and they still wouldn't eat it.

Q: They wouldn't eat the grains here?

A: They wouldn't eat any of the grain because it had the millet in it, so I had to leave the millet out.

Q: It must have been the smell, because they're really good at picking it out.

A: Yeah, but millet is so small and it just like salts everything. But they wouldn't, you know, it's very difficult to get out the millet. So it looked like that, and the cows had the problem with it too, especially milking cows and it was like, you know, it was too toxic for them after eating it for so many days. And they just would avoid the grain altogether, all of the grain, all of their feed. And then they would start eating the rails and, you know, and the wood and everything else.

Q: It's very bitter though, the millet is, unless you rinse it.

A: Well, I germinated it. I did lots of things with it for me, yeah, and I didn't have that problem, but I certainly didn't feel good from it. Even germinated, right. Well, then it's even trickier because then you've got a cross between, you know, a grain and a vegetable. So you've got cellulose involved in it, and that's very difficult to break down.

Q: What about, have you tried to let, like, grains and stuff rot?

A: Yes, I used to use those a lot as, like I do the high meat, but I would, you know, I was having hallucinations because I was getting ergot in it and everything else, you know, so. You know, I mean, I was having hallucinations, and you can't have good conversations, and hallucinating, you know, so. But I'm sure it did help get rid of some of that, but then it still added more advanced glycation end products in the eating of it. Maybe if I had strained off the molds and just eaten the molds, it might have been different, but I didn't. I ate the whole moldy grain in my explorations and experiments. But anyway, to finish the conclusion of that is that those sugar based products have to be removed somehow. The body will form whatever it can to get rid of those to help you to be as well as you can, and yeasts are the thing to do it. Since we don't handle starches, the human body does not handle them, because it stores at least 70% in a healthy body, and an unhealthy body up to 90%. That is the strongest argument that I've ever heard, that humans are not meant to eat high carbohydrate food. Now I was editing back, you know, 1971, 72, I was editing a major motion picture, and an editor right next, in the editing room next to mine was John Goodall. He was the father for Jane. He had made a movie called The Beginning.

It was, it won the Academy Award for, I think 1972, 71 or 72, and in that, he showed a group of apes who normally ate all fruits under ripe green. All green fruits are 90% enzymes, very little sugar. Once a fruit has ripened, it's 90% sugar. You see birds, they always pick it green. Green fruits, nothing's ripe, all animals, the apes, green bananas. So what he did was he took a big shoot of bananas, cut it down, let it ripen till they were yellow, and then he threw it out to them. Can anybody guess what happened?

Q: They threw it back?

A: No. They ate, and then they started killing one another. One of them got killed because they went sugar crazy, sugar crazy, they started fighting over them. Little chimps, within half an hour, they were crazy, they ate one and then went away, and then all of a sudden by the time they finished it, they were back there eating them, eating them, and they were fighting over them, and there was plenty there, and the big ones trying to fight, and this one that was probably a year old, just a small one, he was going to have his, he was going to protect, he was going to have all those bananas, and went to the big one and the big gorilla killed him. High sugar, it's not a good thing for any primate probably.

Q: It's funny, I read a story a week or so ago about, there's a gorilla at a zoo, and he broke out of his container unit, or the little place where he was staying, and he went straight for like the snack cart.

A: He went even crazier, right? Yeah.

Q: So if in fact it's so unhealthy, what is then the craving that evolves for people as well as obviously these animals, it's obviously bad for them, and yet once you consume it, there's a craving so that you want to almost consume only that, and you see that in kids, you know, they're drawn to the sweets to the point that if you didn't mind them, that's all they would ever eat, but is that a chemical thing that happens?

A: Yes. Like I said, you know, like I said, once the body gets chemically imbalanced, it's neurologically impaired. It means the brain won't function, your cognitive abilities are removed.

Q: It's just weird, you know, there are some things where you won't even, because you would think you know they're bad for you, so in some way or another you're repulsed by them, and sugars are not that way. I think it turns you to the point where you binge on them.

A: Right, because you keep getting low blood sugar, and low blood sugar can cause all kinds of problems in the system.

Q: So it kind of sets up a cycle, sort of almost like being drunk on it.

A: Yep, being drunk or addicted to, you know, some other drug. You know, you can't do without it because you're going to go through pain. Why do you think smokers do? Why do you think chocolate eaters eat what they do? Because they will go into a withdrawal that's painful psychologically and emotionally and sometimes physically. I was a diabetic after that bout at 10 years old with peritonitis, and that was after my third polio vaccine. That was from my third polio vaccine that I went to anaphylaxis from it, and it perforated my intestine. So I went into the hospital, and they thought it was an appendicitis. It wasn't. They took it out anyway, and then injected me about every few hours in the hips and in the shoulder. And in the arms, I was crippled with pain from that. But what that did was, it set up a whole chemical imbalance in my body that threw me into diabetes. But it was not diagnosed, because you know what I did? I would go into grocery stores and steal boxes of chocolate-covered cherries, and I would eat them in private. I wasn't going to share them with my brothers or anything. And I could go through a whole box of chocolate-covered cherries in about an hour. And this went on, and I mean, I was called Fatty Arbuckle within a few years, and I was very fat from it. And I just couldn't stop. And finally, I got so ridiculed from being so fat, you know, being called Fatty Arbuckle and ridiculous, and my brothers had a great time with that.

So I just decided, you know, that I would just stop eating, and I stopped eating. And that was difficult, very difficult. But I stopped eating sweets altogether to do it, just instinctively did it. So yes, they are very helpful, you need them. But the way to allay it so you don't have to feel so badly is you have the lubrication formula. And the lubrication formula is $5,000 a bottle.


Q: It's $5,000 worth of tests, they couldn't find out what was wrong with me. I was throwing up, fever, nausea, depression psychologically, I mean not psychologically, the chemicals, it was like PMS all the time. And they couldn't find out what was wrong with me, finally the day after Christmas of last year, 10 months after I'd begun being sick, appendicitis, my appendix was taken out and it was found very scar tissue and everything. So my next question is what causes the appendix to become inflamed or infected? I assumed that I had the candida problem because my immune system was having such a hard time dealing with the infection that it couldn't handle the candida and keep it in check.

A: You're trying, you're mixing apples and oranges, there are two different situations. The appendix is the part of the body which registers all virus and bacteria that you've ever had in your life. Any disease, it's a memory bank for disease. It has a trigger that lets you know what particular bacteria needs to be given to the body, any virus, anything like that so that the body can adjust it for the present time. The changes that have gone on in the body. The appendix is a very important tool for immunity. So when that gets toxic that means it's getting, you're storing other poisons in the body, maybe sugars, but mostly the appendix does not accept sugars. It's usually toxic heterocyclic amines which are protein toxins. And they get in there and they start dissolving the tissue, the actual appendix, and it causes it to swell up. And then the white cells go and try to pull them out, it can't do it because you're not eating properly. So what happens is it just keeps swelling up. The body keeps throwing in more nutrients, more blood, more circulation in the area, more white blood cells trying to clean it out, and you don't have the nutrients so it just gets compounded.

Q: Why did I have a candida problem when I got the appendix problem?

A: Well, you've just got two compounded problems. One's got nothing to do with the other. It's just that if you were so sick from one, of course, it was taking all the available nutrients. There was, and of course the other would get worse. Because you're just nutrient deficient, you're not going to be able to handle anything. And if you go into a double detox, you're in trouble, pain-wise and anything-wise.

Q: Well, I went on a candida diet as soon as I found that I had a problem with candida. And the diet, I suppose, changed... I wasn't eating so much sugar, carbohydrates, backed off of that. More vegetables and meat, pretty much that's all you ate. And that, my nausea, I quit throwing up, a lot of my symptoms backed off from just doing that.

A: That's a sign that you're allergic to the carbohydrate compounds to an extent where you're badly affected. Anybody who has candida, yeast infections, you're already too toxic with advanced glycation end products and other sugar compounds. Only way to get rid of them is yeasts. Bacteria mainly feeds on cells, organic tissue. Yeasts feed on undigested or poorly digested or the by-products of carbohydrate. Yeasts are just as important as bacteria, but if you don't want the yeast and the human being is full of yeast, because he eats all the breads and the cakes and everything, you're going to be a body plagued with yeast your whole life as long as you eat any carbohydrates, including fruit.

Q: So what are you supposed to do?

A: Cut out the fruit. For somebody with candida, I say just forget fruit. For somebody who has allergies, that exhibits allergies to sweets, cut out the fruit. Don't need it. You have carbohydrates. All you need is 5% carbohydrates to function as a human being, 5% in the citric acid cycle, which burns fat as fuel, 15% protein as pyruvate to help that work. So the major nutrient you need as a human being is fat. Next protein, very little carbohydrate. Solvent process, again, only 5% alcohol from 5% fruit, and you don't need the fruit really because you have a little bit of carbohydrate in vegetable juice, you have carbohydrates in meat...

[audio cut]

A: ...just enough in all of those foods. I use fruit to help break down scar tissue to make solvents sometimes in people, or if I give them berries, it helps break down and dissolve metal. Take a little bit of berry juice, whether it's anything but strawberry, take that juice and put it on metal, and I don't care if it's any kind of metal, gold will happen less with, but any metal you put that berry juice on there and you'll see it start taking it off. Just cutting it will turn black, it will just start eating up the metal. So I like to use berries in conjunction with raw cream, raw butter, avocado, some kind of fat, so that when you start dissolving that metal toxicity in your body, that you have fat there ready to harness with that toxicity or it will damage your system, it will start eating away at your own tissue, and then you have ulcers and all kinds of problems. Yes?

Q: What about green fruit for enzymes, is that acceptable?

A: That's good. I eat green papayas, you know, green bananas, I'll leave those to the apes, they're just so impossible to digest, you know, even for, you know, healthier humans.

Q: Papaya would be one main thing.

A: Papaya would be a good one, very underripe, green pineapple, and always eat it with fruit, I mean with fat, never eat it alone, still you're going to have 10% sugar and that's 5% more than you need, so you need to buffer it, so that if your body needs to get rid of any excess it'll have the fats to do it, or we'll use it as fuel and give you more energy. Yes?

Q: Honey, I mean you talk a lot about honey, it's high sugar, in the diet that you gave me, you know, there's very little of it, I'm not sure exactly how you deal with honey in a different way.

A: Well honey, when the bees collect the nectar, they swallow it, they manufacture an insulin like substance which converts 90% of the carbohydrate into enzymes to digest, utilize, and assimilate proteins. Once you heat it above 93 degrees, it starts altering that insulin like substance. By the time you get 99 degrees it is destroyed. Honey under 93 degrees, most diabetics can eat without any problem, can go off their insulin because of the natural insulin from the bee. Honey is vomited nectar is basically what honey is, it is an animal product but it is a great product as long as it is not heated and not a problem. So you only have 10% sugar left in it, it is still a little bit much for some people because we should have no more than a 5% ratio and that is 10% so you better have it with something that is fatty or have enough fat in you already to deal with it. Yes?

Q: Some honey makers state that the honey is warmed to the same temperature it would be like in a hot summer day in the hive.

A: Yes I heard that bull, but those bees fan that hive and keep it below that temperature. The honey actually never goes above 93 degrees or they will abandon the upper layer and start going for the lower layers and they will not go back up and eat that honey from that area unless they are starving. They will stick down there and then if they go up there, have you ever seen bees that are fed off of that honey up on top, they are crazy, they get very erratic, nuts and especially you see bees that are fed the sugar syrup that they give them, those poor bees. During those months of the year, it's horrible, three months out of the year they are fed syrup, sugar.

Q: Because we have taken away food supply and just drink it for themselves.

A: Yes, exactly.

Q: Is it possible for somebody with type 2 diabetes to replace their insulin with the natural honey and be on, but on the other half, be on a cooked diet?

A: I've never seen it. You know, I worked with people years ago who were partially on somewhat of a good diet, you know, even 10 to 30 percent, but I don't work, you know, that way anymore. I like for people to be at least on it 60, 70 percent, you know, because it's just too difficult.

Q: Yes, but at the least you could say, or you may be able to say that it would cut their insulin.

A: Well, yeah, I've helped do that with some people, but you have to remember that it's still 10 percent sugar and that's too much. For a diabetic, they should have zero. You know, in my book, if they're on the diet, I said, you know, should have a half a cup a day, but that's if they're on a good diet. So have the raw fats there to deal with any excess sugar.

Q: What counts as raw fats?

A: Avocados raw butter, raw unsalted butter, raw cream, coconut, coconut cream, which means raw cheese, meat fat.

Q: Does it have to be organic?

A: Preferable, but most of the toxins store not in the fat, as they say, unless you're going into the glands. The glands are 60 to 80 percent fat. That's where the toxins go, the glands and the bone marrow.

Q: You did talk about the fat in the inorganic meat, saying you'd rather have people eat the organic fat.

A: Of course, yeah. Because then they'll have more good fats to bind with toxins.

Q: It's hard to find organic meat, you know.

A: You can eat that fine, but I wouldn't eat non-organic glands.

Q: Okay.

A: Now, there's a group, there was an offspring of my raw food eaters who ate, they ate up until a year ago, I think, or six months ago. They ate nothing but inorganic glands, and you know my warning about that in the book. Now, these people had energy. How much of it was toxic and mercury and all that other stuff, I don't know. But they all looked like, all of them, all looked like vampires. They looked white, they looked sallow, but they had energy and they said they felt great. You know, so I couldn't knock it except that they didn't look attractive to me, but that may be just my concept of what looks attractive, you know.

Q: Vampires are very popular right now.

A: Was their name Anne Rice, took care of that, right? Yes?

Q: I have a question, go back to the high meat. After four weeks of eating...

A: We're off of that subject. Sorry, you're too late. Teasing, go ahead.

Q: I have a question. When you do eat it, how often do you eat it?

A: I said twice a week is the most I've, that's necessary. It may be more medicinal and better to have it more often, but I've not done any experiments. So like I say, if you want to have it more often, let me know the results.

Q: Twice a week until it's gone?

A: Yes.

Q: How much are you eating?

A: About a large marble-sized amount each time. And like I say, if you use a swimmer's clip on your nose, it's quite nice. You can chew it all day.

Q: Now, from the time you start eating it to the time you finish it, how long, like you said?

A: It could be five, six months.

Q: Oh, it doesn't last that long?

A: Well, it depends on how much you make. You make a big batch, it will last that long. Yes? I'm sorry, I was pointing to her. She had her arm up there. Did you have your arm?

Q: Yes. I forgot. Go ahead.

Q: I noticed liver, as it turns into a high product, gets a pretty strong ammonia-like odor. It eventually becomes kind of effervescent. That's naturally what happens with that. You should just basically just ignore the other kinds of odor and do it anyway.

A: It's already starting to decompose, which is good. It's just predigested.

Q: I mean, it feels good. It doesn't taste bad.

A: You know, I don't know how we got into the workshop end of this, but we certainly did, didn't we? This is the intro. This is supposed to be an introduction. All right. The whole thing about this diet is that you don't have to worry anymore about whether you're disintegrating, because everybody on every other diet disintegrates. On this diet, if you go through aches and pains, colds, flus, no matter what it is, you will detoxify properly, which is what those states are, and you will heal properly. There is no going backwards unless you're eating some toxic stuff, like, say, like, you know, a month ago I ordered a buffalo brain. This woman assured me that that animal never had an inoculation. Her cattle did not. If I get this brain, I have some of it, and I start getting mercury poisoning reaction. So I get on the phone and I said, hey, what's this with this animal? And she says, oh, well, the animal's been in the herd for three years. It's nine years old, but whatever happened before it got to me, I don't know. And she says, I said, well, I told you, and you assured me that I wasn't going to get any animal that hadn't been vaccinated. And she said, well, I thought after three years it would all be clean. I said, no. Mercury poisoning will stay in the nervous system an entire lifetime unless you know how to get it out of the system. And a buffalo does not have that kind of a chemistry mixture fed to him to get it out of his brain and nervous system. Mercury locks, thimerosal locks in your tissues forever unless you know how to get it out. So here I was going through a neurological detox, my brain, and I'm eating this mercury poisoned brain, you know, I thought, oh, great. But thankfully I was on a good diet every other way. It did not poison my brain and there was no residual that showed up in my iris.

I actually was able still to clean my brain and it didn't interfere with it. But somebody that isn't as healthy and hasn't been on this diet as long as I, I don't know that they would have been able to handle it as well. So if you're going through a detox and you're eating properly, you're going to detoxify and clean that area properly and you're going to rebuild perfectly. So you get better every time, you get better, you get healthier every day, instead of going toward deterioration every day. So it's a choice. That's what this diet is about. It's about always getting healthier instead of degenerating day by day as you do on the SAD, which is Standard American Diet, SAD diet. Yes?

Q: What about the use of chelation for removing mercury and other metals?

A: Well, DPS and all those that I've seen, people who've used those, they have very toxic metal rings around their eyes. I've only found one case who took oral chelation that did not have that, but everybody who had injected or consumed any one of the chelation therapies had poisoned skin, connective tissue, and lymphatic systems. Poisoned with metals, because what they use to detoxify you is metal poisoning already. It's magnetic theory. We put this magnetic stuff in you, it's going to pull the metal out of your system, but where's it going to put it if you don't have the right nutrients? It's going to pull it out of your glands, and it's going to store it into your bones, lymph, and skin.

Q: You're supposed to pee it, you're supposed to make an excretion.

A: Sure, that's the theory, and some will go out the urinary tract, but from my experience and looking in eyes, it doesn't store there. I mean it doesn't excrete a fraction of what gets relocated into the system. So that's not a way to do it. Like I say, berries and raw cream, berries and coconut cream is your best dissolver of metal. Get it out of the system, but make sure you have enough coconut cream. That saturated fat will just bind with it, keep it from restoring.

Q: So berries are the way to get rid of the mercury?

A: Any kind of metal poisoning. Any kind.

Q: I have another question. I noticed that since I've changed my diet to more of your diet, my urine smells very different. Is that...?

A: Like I said, we're getting off into the workshop area again. Let me try to make this just the introductory so we can move into the workshop area.

Q: Five minutes.

A: Five more minutes? Okay.

Q: We can leave it for later if you want.

A: Pardon?

Q: We can answer this question.

A: These will. This will be the answer. That will be answered in the workshop area. So this diet has worked with everyone who's done it and tried it and stayed with it. Not one person has it failed. That doesn't mean if somebody was in fourth stage complications of five different types of terminal cancer that they lived, but they got better while they ate it before they died. Not many people have died on it, about ten all together, and all of them were in pretty advanced stages. But they got better. Their lives got better. Most of them who died that I've been working with lately have been people who've had chemo, radiation, or surgery. When the book came out, I had only worked with three people, including myself, who had had those therapies. So I stayed away from them because I didn't know what the diet would affect and what was affected by the medical treatments. So I stayed away from those. But people who do this diet, no matter if they're at their end or not, or too far advanced, still they feel better. They have more strength. I'll give you an example. This woman had what I had, multiple myeloma. She was 68 years old. She had gone down to the Joseph Issel's Clinic in Mexico, probably the world's most renowned Swiss chemist, MD, who dealt with cancer. He would use immunization type of cancer with a raw diet, which included raw meat. He could not get this woman's multiple myeloma turnaround, so somebody handed her my book and said, get in touch with this fella. So she flew right from Mexico to LA, came to me for an appointment. In 30 days, all of her markers were completely normal. She sent them to, I don't know, her son sent them to I don't know how many doctors. So the whole idea of the diet got around quickly.

So they all wanted to throw the worst clients at me, and let me tell you, I got the worst condition of cancer that you would ever imagine. After they'd mutilated them, cancer was already doing its job on the body, trying to get rid of all these dead cells, trying to collect them, dissolve them, and get rid of them. And the body doesn't have the nutrients to do it. So it just keeps collecting so the tumors get worse, and they're irradiating. I had one MD who had her whole face just cut away from cancer, and she's talking like this, and I said, do you even want to live? I mean, are you happy as an individual like that? Because I really needed to make that clear, you're going to do this or not, because there'd be no pussyfooting around with a condition like this if you wanted to live. So and I do that with a lot of people who are advanced, I said, listen, you have to make a decision. You may have three to six, seven years of less happiness and a lot of detoxification if you go on this diet, because it's going to clean you out. We will gear it to clean you out to make your life better, but for the first three to six years it may be tough. First a lot of people say absolutely, absolutely, and then they go through the same stuff that they've been before with the breaks of feeling better, and they say, you know what? I think I'd rather drop this body and take on another one and another life. And that's a perfectly acceptable thing because I certainly didn't want to live. I mean at the Cancer Control Society when they asked me to speak this year, I heard every speaker, and we're talking about 120 speakers over the whole four-day period, say the most important thing, and you're talking about people who are full of cancer out here, 500 people or more in the audience who are in pain and sick with cancer, and these people without cancer are standing up there telling them the one thing to have is the will to live.

I got up there and I said, I've been listening to this every day all day long. You do not have to have a will to live. I wanted to commit suicide every day. I hated my life. I did not want to live. I wanted to die. I prayed to die because of the pain I was in and the weakness. I had no life. But I just concentrated on, because I had many reasons I wouldn't commit suicide, mostly spiritual and other reasons I believed at that time, that I wouldn't commit suicide. So I said I always did what I thought was best for myself at the time that may reverse and heal it. And here I am today and the worst odds. Nobody has lived 33 years after diagnosis of multiple myeloma, blood and bone cancer. Most people live 6 months at best. There's been a few people who have bone marrow transplants who have lived maybe 10, 12 years. But no one has lived 33 years like I have. And most people, 99.9% die within 6 months. So I said it doesn't matter if you have the will to live or not, just do what works. And you'll recover. But there's that plane, that state that you have to go through that shows you that this diet is not a magic bullet. It's something that will repair the damage and detoxify the toxins that are stored in your body and heal you, period. And it's work. But every day it gets easier. I'm only halfway, it takes 40 years to go from ill health to optimal health, according to Pottinger's work. Takes 5 generations of cells and it takes us 7 to 7 and a half years to replace every cell in the body, one time. So you figure 5 times that's 37 and a half to 40 years. I'm only halfway, I've only been eating a raw diet since December, 18 years with meat on a daily basis. When I started eating meat on a daily basis, that's when I hit the right diet. And I've only been doing it 18 years. I'm only halfway and if I stopped right here I'd be so satisfied, it'd be fine. But I'm not, I'm still getting better. Every day I get better. So this diet is there as an option for those who want to get better every day instead of degenerating a little bit every day. Alright, thank you, thank you, thank you for coming.

[audio cut]

A: What we'll do is take questions and answers and then I'll start reading everybody one by one. And I understand that there are some people who have to leave and I was told that there are three people who have to leave early, so would they raise their hands. There are four people right here, right in the line, what is this energy? I bet you're terrible in sex too, huh? Get in and leave? That wasn't on tape, was it?

Q: No, we had some cream, that's why we're leaving early.

A: That's it? I've embarrassed myself. Okay, questions, I know lots of people wanted to ask me questions out there, but this is the point to do it. Yes?

Q: I've heard that you're doing some battle against California to outlaw raw milk or something, can you like, or at least help with maybe some people that might want to help fight that?

A: Okay, the situation with raw milk in California is, the state since 1967 has been trying to get rid of raw milk. They couldn't do it blatantly, they couldn't get away with it blatantly because there was too many people. They were drinking it and fought them. When they went after Altadena in the 70s, 74 and 78, about 100,000 people called and wrote the state that put a stop to it. They came after them in the 80s and it kept going. Then what they did was started infiltrating the Medical Milk Commission. Now the state of California allows each county to have their own Medical Milk Commissioners to regulate raw milk in their county. What happened was the state of California started getting and the American Medical Association and the American Veterinarians Association, they nominate doctors to go on the Medical Milk Commission. That's how it's arranged. So they started nominating anti-raw milk commissioners. Now in the state law it says the Medical Milk Commission is there not to ban raw milk but to make it, certify it and make it a healthy product. Dr. Leadem, John Leadem, who was nominated on, he's a professor at USC in Los Angeles, made a public statement that when he was on the Milk Commission we would see the end of raw milk and we did. We saw the end of, they put basically he and all the other MDs and one doctor veterinarian on the milk board made the restrictions so difficult for Stubies Raw Dairy that they were passing, by the last month they were in business they only passed two milkings out of a whole month. They went bankrupt. Altadena said we're not packaging your raw milk anymore because we have to hold it for two days and it never passes.

So they had to constantly make byproducts of it. So they stopped doing it. So Stubies went out of business. That's why they're not in business. So then we found someone down in Los Angeles where he volunteered to start hauling milk down from Claravale. Claravale had 26 cows, something like that, like 18, 19 milking. Two years went by, he's up to 60 some cows. He's producing a lot of milk and we were selling it down in Los Angeles. And I got a meeting. I went to one of the Board of Supervisors. They handle county law and I said, you know, we really need to stop the health department from moving in on this dairy. So got a meeting with the CCO, COO of the Health Commission of Los Angeles County and the director and I had a 45 minute meeting with them last February. They left us alone until last August 8th, then they went and started pulling it out of the stores. So we had a, I organized a demonstration and we finally, after in December, got them to put it on their ballot, make a motion to allow grade A and guaranteed raw milks which the state allows. That means the Claravale would be allowed to be sold in the stores in Los Angeles. Right now, basically, they consider we're bootlegging it because it is illegal in Los Angeles and it's being sold, but not in stores, except for a few that they haven't gotten to yet. They were supposed to vote on this motion on December 19th. They voted on it, but one of the, Antonovich, one of the board of supervisors, decided to make an amendment to it. And he addresses an amendment like this, raw milk is a serious business. We should consider whether it is in our best interest and the health of the public before we vote on this to make it stand. So let's go ahead and vote on it, but what we'll do is ask for a report issued by the health department and the implications involved and the risks.

So I was the first speaker and I said, you've had this issue for two and a half years before you. The first time I brought it up was two and a half years ago. You don't need 30 more days to do this. And he got red in the face and put his head down and I said, and you know it's not a danger. Nobody's getting sick. No one's gotten sick. And if you have the health department make a report on it, they're all MDs and they're against bacteria, so they're against it. So you're going to get a prejudice-biased opinion. So basically when they came out with their five-page report, there was nothing good in it. The last paragraph in it said we could find nothing in our records or in the research that raw milk is any good, that it has any benefits to health. There is a large group of very motivated, something like that, people who eat it and believe that it's good for them. That was their report. So I got together, we had two attorneys that had volunteered to work with us. One is on the diet, one is not. One is a vegetarian as a matter of fact, doesn't even drink the milk, but he's volunteered. So I would write all the legal documents and the letters and then it would go under their name. So we basically got them to stop the vote until we make our own report. So I just finished one of the reports yesterday morning for Dr. Douglas who wrote the milk book. So I compiled all of his stuff and wrote a 23-page report from him. Then we'll have another report from Dr. Privatera and then other researchers. We have one from Yale who's working on it. So we have probably about, we'll have somewhere around 400 pages including abstracts showing that raw milk has been proven good in experiments and tests by MDs and by universities and they said they had none.

So right now it looks like, from what I can tell, a senator stepped in to help us this week and he said that, yeah, I know all the Board of Supervisors, is there any way you can help? I said, yeah, can you visit each one of them and hand deliver the report because they're not going to review that report, it's going to go to their health deputies. The health deputies are all paranoid about it because they don't know their butts from a hole in the ground. They're just the liaisons, they don't know anything about anything. So basically it's not going to get to them. So what I need you to do is hand deliver it to each Board of Supervisor and talk to them about it. So he said, okay, he said, but I wanted to let you know, Antonovich is not going to go, not Antonovich, Yaroslavsky is not going to vote in your favor. I said, well, I figured that. He said, you know why? And I said, yeah, because all the doctors are in his district. He said, that's exactly why. But he said, the other four are likely to, if we get this report together properly. Also, I went after, legally, I went after, in one of my letters that I wrote for the attorney, I went after the biased and prejudice of the Medical Milk Commission and the actual health department, that they are anti-raw milk, that they're very prejudiced against it. And the report was evidence of that. So they said, okay, well, there is a commission that oversees the health department, you know, like they have a police commission, who is a board of other doctors who oversee the health department in case there are incidents like this. So finally, I got a hold of the chairman of that department, and he's agreed to review the information, all of the facts, he will make a report because their report is the only report that can nullify the health department's report. So they're allowing me to pitch the whole idea on the 8th before the vote on the 13th. So it looks very promising.

If it doesn't, we will have so much data and all the reports necessary to get rid of mandamus, which means we stop the law. It won't be legal. And it looks like we'll be able to do it. No matter how it goes, we will end up with milk. The last resort, we've already put this in place, is that we've constructed a co-opportunity. So what we've done is leased the cow, the herd, Claravale's herd. We pay him monthly for the lease of the herd. That means the milk belongs to the members. We just get our share and we're not buying the milk. So we've arranged that. If it happens, if, you know, the state has moved in on this. One of the paragraphs or one of the sentences, two of the sentences in the health department's report said, we would like you to put a year's hold on this and let us get the state to conform to our regulations, which means there would be no raw milk. And it's really been from the state all this problem is anyway. A guy named Ben Warner, who heads the state of California health department, he's been in office about 36, 37 years. Time to get rid of him. He thinks this is the most dangerous thing in the world. He's the one who's headed the campaign, basically, and he's been found a fraud, to make fraud against it. So if it happens, no matter how it happens, you can have your milk, it's just that you have to go to Claravale, you organize your own co-op like I did down there. All the contracts I've already given to, what's his name, Ron Galbavie, I mean, Raythwaite, who owns Claravale. So you don't own the milk, you don't own the land, you don't own anything, you own the cows. You're a leaser of the cows. This is if you had a car, leasing a car. You get full value use of it. And at the end of the lease, you don't own the car, nor do you own the cows. And that's how it works. But that would ensure that you have somebody get a truck like we have down there, a refrigerator truck and distribute one day a week to Northern California and then you'd have everything in place as long as you're a member, which means you pay ahead of time. So you pay a week in advance for the milk you're going to get the next week, basically is what it is.

Q: Well, we had to set up to have Mountain Peoples bring Claravale up here. Mountain Peoples is a local food distribution.

A: But they can. They can do it here. It's not illegal here. It's only in Los Angeles County. The snobs of California.

Q: How many people here from Nevada City are they? Okay. Because all of Nevada City, I need to go to the local office and start asking for raw milk. And then they'll get it.

A: Yes, they will.

Q: That's the reason why we don't have it yet.

A: Yeah.

Q: On that real quick. I know that Eric, the manager of Whole Foods, what's it called?

Q: Hersong.

Q: Hersong. He said he would do it if enough people came up and told him that he wanted it. But he needs to come in with like 100 gallons or he needs a certain quota to guarantee because he has to pay for the shipping up here. So people need to go there and tell him and he'll get it.

A: What happens down in San Diego in some areas where they don't deliver. They have one person go down and get for everybody. So every, you know, once every six weeks, there's six of them. One of those people goes down and gets each week. So they rotate in a six-week cycle. One person goes down and gets it for everybody.

Q: What county is the area itself?

A: It's in Watsonville, which is what is it?

Q: Santa Cruz.

A: Santa Cruz.

Q: In Sebastopol, I order through Whole Foods and every week I get six bottles.

A: Yeah, yeah. Like I said, it's only illegal in Los Angeles County.

Q: But also, I mean, they have a club, I don't know how they do that.

A: Yeah, it's fine. It's legal everywhere else, but not Los Angeles. But when I finish with all these reports, I'm going to issue them on the internet, so anybody can use it in any state to go after raw milk, to go after their politicians, whatever they want. And we're going to go after the state, and then after that we're going after the federal government. We're going after the FDA, which basically got Ronald Reagan and Bush to sign no interstate transportation of raw milk. So we need to rescind that, revoke that law.

Q: You know, one of the things that's curious for me around raw milk is that I live amongst people who are quite knowledgeable of health stuff, and all my friends have the same reaction that, are you crazy, it's full of bacteria or whatever.

A: That's all hype.

Q: Right, but what I'm saying is that the education is not happening.

A: And that's what I'm saying. These reports have the education and the tests and all of the information in it, given objectively too, not favorable or disfavorable, it just gives the information that milk has never had a case of death from it, yet theoretically they're attributing, like we got the report from UCLA, UCLA did a report on the dangers of raw milk, they never blueprinted to say that it came from raw milk, they did interviews, and that's how they determined that raw milk was killing people, they did interviews. Well you have to understand that the academic field loves to bravado itself on all this intellectual formulas that they create, so when you're talking about statistics, and that's what they did, they have these great formulas which they think are brilliant, but they have nothing to do with reality, so they think it's brilliant, and you should read the report, it makes you want to vomit because these people think they're so brilliant, and they're not right at all, because reality doesn't show itself. Yes.

Q: I've been on the raw diet for about three years, and I talk to a lot of people about it, so it's great fun when I tell them about eating chicken, and people, what about the salmonella and the raw milk, and I'm like, I've been eating it, what do you think, and after I tell them it's all fine.

A: Right. You want to say something, Laird?

Q: Do you remember that when I was active in describing health food in the 60s, there were tests that were done in Altadena dairies, and they kept getting in the papers, so, is the Claravale dairy have tests on their milk product also, or?

A: Oh, yes. Well, the state requires it, just not like the ones in L.A. See, L.A. County right now, if you want certified raw milk in Los Angeles County, certified milk means certified by the Los Angeles Medical Milk Commission. It has to have zero, it has a zero tolerance for E. coli or Salmonella. That means the milk will hardly ever pass. All other state, all other raw dairies, and even pasteurized dairies can have anywhere from 10 of them exist in one part, you know, per millionth part.

Q: Wow, what a bias.

A: Exactly, yeah.

Q: So in Santa Cruz County, the Claravale milk, which Mercedes introduced me to, that does have Salmonella in it at a level it's allowed?

A: Yeah, occasionally. Maybe up to 10 parts, you know, per million. Which is great. I mean, I want, you know, I say, Ron, if it were up to me, I would have you throwing horse shit and anything else in there you wanted, you know. But let me give you an example. In Georgia, in the 80s, Mathis Dairy was a big raw dairy like Altadena was here. When it was Altadena, then it became Stubies. He was asked, you know, he was a politician too, just like one of the Stubies brothers was a politician, was mayor of Monrovia. But he was asked to go to a prison. I think it was in Augusta, Georgia, and take a look at their dairy that was within that prison because this prison was self-sustaining, they had their own gardens, their own cows, everything. They milked them. He said it was the filthiest thing you could see. You couldn't see the top of the milk from the flies and the dung that went into the milk. And he said it got piped directly into the kitchen and all they did was filter it and serve it to the men and none of them, not one case of salmonella E. coli poisoning. And you know that the E. coli content must have been skyrocketed and they did not pasteurize the milk. They just drank it raw. Why wasn't there any bacteria food poisoning in all of those prisoners? Not one. I got that in the report. You start putting out information like that and they say what? But it's there. It's documented. Yes?

Q: You write in the book about the raw unsalted butter. So yesterday I was meeting with the head of the dairy buyer for Whole Foods in Mill Valley and he said we don't have it because apparently from Claravale they produce enough milk to produce whole milk and there's not enough left to do skim milk with the cream separation. So how do we, and he gave me one source actually and apparently it's in Maine, is that how you get the raw butter?

A: That's how you have to get it. You have to write away send away for it.

Q: Or coconuts.

A: Pardon?

Q: Or coconuts.

A: Yes, coconuts. Oh. Not quite the same but it's, yeah. Good. Hi Mercedes.

Q: Hi. That's what I want to ask about. When you talk about coconut cream, what is that?

A: That's, when you take the coconut, I have a segment in my book that talks about how to open it and care for the coconut. When you take the meat from it and you put it through a juicer, like a Champion or an Omega 2 gear or the Green Life that's also geared, the magnetic one, that will press the fat out of the pulp.

Q: Is that hard meat or soft meat?

A: Well, mainly hard. But the jelly is fine too, but then you don't have to juice it as much, you just scoop it out and blend it with stuff.

Q: But that has the fat in it too, the soft meat?

A: Yes. It doesn't have as much, but it does have.

Q: And the milk part?

A: The milk part, you can mix that with the cream if you want to thin it out or just drink it. Very little sugar in that even though it's so sweet. Those are minerals which would make it taste sweet, not sugar in the milk. So it won't cause the sugar... Let me tell you, when I lived in the tropics for a while, I would drink six of those a day and never got a sugar reaction. And I'm diabetic, and let me tell you, if I had sugar, my toes would be just, my whole feet would be in cramps in my hands.

Q: What about almond milk? What is the value of almond milk in the milk?

A: The problem with almonds is that we have to germinate them to get the enzyme retardant out of them. And once you do that, you convert it into a cellulose that's more difficult to digest. If you have nothing else, it's helpful. But animal fats, very easy to eat, 100% assimilable. And the almond milk is probably 30% assimilable. So there's your difference. And there's lots of starch in it, which means carbohydrates. So then you have all those by-products to deal with, all that sugar. And that increases candida, yeast, all kinds of things.

Q: How do you do, like, I want to go and do a Buddhist retreat and there is no meat allowed on the...

A: That's not a Buddhist retreat I'd go to. I mean, there are other Buddhist retreats that allow it, because I have lots of clients that go on Buddhist retreats.

Q: There's a place in Olima, the Vedanta Society, you can go, it's not Buddhist, but you can do your own thing.

Q: But I like, I mean, I like the one I go to, so the question, I mean, my question is not which retreats.

Q: But you can have your own kitchen, or you can have your own food.

A: Yeah, you might have your own food there.

Q: So if I can, I mean, if I'm in places where I can, how do I deal with it, that's my question.

A: You can't. I mean, if you can't, you can't. I mean, you know, if you can't do the diet, you can't.

Q: Like high butter and cream for a week and stuff like that?

A: Oh, that would be helpful, but you're going to get protein deficient, and you might have some reactions from too much detoxification.

Q: What about raw eggs?

A: Raw eggs would be helpful, but like I said, there's not any mature protein, so you're not going to regenerate tissue, you're just going to maintain. But that's, that's good. I mean, I have people who have allergies that I start them off on eating nothing but eggs for three, four days. That's all they eat is an egg every hour.

Q: It sure helps.

A: Yes?

Q: You talked earlier about using cream and berries to reduce metal poisoning, if you have a lot of fillings, is that true though? I mean, if you have a lot of old, very old fillings, are you just, you know, unless you remove all your fillings, are you just kind of removing what you can if you're still living with it?

A: Well, you're still going to need to clean it out. If you have fillings, you're going to be emitting, you know, a, what's called a mercurial gas and that can be lethal because it collects as a, as a hardening, re-hardens within the system once it's absorbed, but if you have the berries and cream, you're going to help remove that so it doesn't store in your body and more, contaminate you more, especially if you have, you know, fillings, you should eat that way, keep the mercury, because every day it emits gas. Every day you'll get mercury poisoning if you have fillings, so you eat properly so it doesn't store in your body.

Q: But then it's probably the right thing to do to have different kinds of fillings, right? Plastic or...

A: Yep. But then you've got the toxic, you've got metal poisoning in the, in the, you know, in the, in the glues, you know, and even in enamel and in the plastics, you know, there's no way around it.

Q: I had two fillings replaced, they drilled in so far, I had to have root canals on both of those teeth, it cost me $2,000, plus now I have no root there, so, and that's not good either to have the roots removed.

A: Well, the one thing to do is, if you never want them to go too far, if you were, if you're going to allow them to drill, is never use Novocaine. When they get into anything live, you'll feel it, and you've stopped them.å That's what I did. I had mine removed in 1978, and I had four hours of drilling on a Tuesday, and four hours of drilling on a Wednesday. No Novocaine. I ate a little marijuana, and I had some cloves that I put in my mouth, you know, the little cloves, sucked on them, because it burns the hell out of everything, but it numbs everything. The trick is though, it isn't the drilling directly into the tooth that causes the pain. It's when the bit gets hot. So any time it got hot, my hand was on his leg, it got hot, I just barely squeezed it. He pulled it out, I hardly had any pain. Hardly had any pain, and he drilled for eight hours all together in two days, and got it all out, and he never went too far, because I could feel it. When he was getting into live tissue, I stopped him. Yes.

Q: What creates the, not craving the meat, I mean when I was younger, I would eat the meat raw when my mom was preparing it, and loved it, and then I became a vegetarian around age 20, and I would still have natural cravings for it, and eat it if I wanted it, but the last three or four years, it's like, there's been like no craving at all, and I'm eating it.

A: Does it make you nauseous?

Q: No, not that bad at all, but I'm not desiring it, I mean I know what it feels like when you desire it, you go, God, I just want a piece of meat, you know, and I'm not that way, it's been about three or four years, I'm not feeling that at all.

A: We have to understand that we're mainly anorexic for good raw foods, especially for meat, and that's a problem. So, let me give you an example, I had a client, James Hopson, that was thinner than this beautiful young lady, and he, when he walked in the door, he was so thin, and he had been chronically fatigued for five years, he walked like this, he had to throw his arms out so he would have the energy to move forward. You see him today, a year and two months later, and he looks like, you know, he looks like Samson, incredible. But he came in, he has no appetite to this day, none, and I said, James, if you're not vomiting you're eating. So I said, you're not vomiting you're eating, you force it. And if you feel like you're going to vomit, eat three more bites and then stop. And it works, he's happy. He doesn't enjoy his food, but the rest of his life is great. And you only take a few minutes to eat the food. So he has no problem. You know, he's got all this energy. He's, you know, a student. He's studying this now. He was studying Eastern Medicine. He's getting his doctorate in that. And here he is getting ready to dump all of that and to do this. So he's studying it. But this is what I'm saying, if you don't have an appetite, it doesn't matter. Even if you're repulsed by it, you've got a problem because your system is over alkaline or your blood is too acid. Your digestive tract, if it gets over alkaline from eating vegetables or too much fruit, you will be repulsed by meat. You will not be able to digest it, so your body says, I do not want that. I don't have the acids to do it. Or your blood is so acid that if you had any more acid in it, you could cause some kind of a stroke. So, not that that would happen, but the body may fear it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you have to eat vegetable juice to get rid of the blood acidity. If you're repulsed by meats because of your blood acidity, then you have to eat the vegetable juice. Even vegetable juice. If you're over alkaline in the intestines, you need to stop eating salads, you need to stop eating fruit. And then you'll have more of an appetite, at least, you know, most people will have more of an appetite for meat. But like I said, if you don't, if you're not vomiting, you're eating. Yes, Pascale?

Q: When I eat with meat, I have bad reactions. I get hemorrhoids the next day or something like that. So I'm not even touching with meat.

A: Okay, that means that her blood is too acid. You look at her and you say, well, she's white. You wouldn't expect her to have, you know, she's not ruddy-complected. So you wouldn't expect her to have acid blood. But that's a sign of acid blood. So what you have to do if you eat red meat, you have to eat one or two, three bites of fish with it. And that will counterbalance it. At the same meal with it, with the red meat. Some people, most people can do it with chicken after they've eaten the fish for a few days. So chicken or fish will work. But I would say if you're getting hemorrhoids, then eat the fish for about a week. And then it could be either fish or chicken.

Q: So what is this acid in my blood?

A: Your blood is too acid. There's too many minerals which are acid forming in your blood. Not alkaline forming, but acid forming. From toxins. From debris, could be anything that's stored in your body from a lifetime.

A: Yes, Ruth, right?

Q: Yes. How do you get rid of too much uric acid?

A: Okay, uric acid usually comes from cooking meat, eating cooked meats. And also from exercise and your body not having the proper fats or the proper alkalinizing minerals to neutralize those and to eliminate them from the body. Usually causes gout or degeneration of the joints or muscles. It causes osteoporosis. Best way to get rid of that is to have bits of pineapple with raw cream or cheese that helps dissolve it and remove it from the tissues a little bit better. Watermelon, but watermelon is awfully high in sugar unless you're eating it very unripe and it's the best way to do it.

Q: How about cherry juice?

A: Cherry juice is lower in sugars than most, but it's still pretty high in sugar. But if you ate it with cheese or some butter or cheese and butter it would help.

Q: It has to be raw right? [unintelligible]

A: No I'm not talking about that. That will just cause more of it because it's a high sugar content. You'd have to get your cherries and eat cherries with raw cream and raw cheese and raw butter. Yes Richard?

Q: How do sugar and fat work together in the body like eating fruit and fat as you were recommending?

A: The best energy combination is 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% alcohol that the body makes from fruits. So if you're eating a small amount of fruit, if it's high in carbohydrates it's okay. If it's a low carbohydrate fruit like most of your berries and cherries then you can eat more at a time with the fat. But the fruit is there to ferment, to allow the body to utilize, burn fuel properly, utilize fuel properly in a 5% ratio or to make into solvents to dissolve toxicity. Also the same ratio.

Q: So is that percentage by weight or?

A: Caloric intake which you can do it by weight because for every one molecule of fat you have like 2.5 calories. For 1 of sugar it's only 1 calorie. Yes?

Q: Raw coconut, green coconut, can you eat those?

A: Yes, the jelly.

Q: What do you call jelly?

Q: Any experience with what will help with restless leg syndrome?

A: Restless leg? Okay, it's high acidity. A lot of people have it. There's too much uric acid in the body or there's too much vitamin C. People who take high amounts of vitamin C have all that energy in their hands or in their legs and their body's constantly twitching. You know when they're sleeping sometimes it'll wake them up. That's because what it does is... The job in the body of vitamin C is a citric acid cycle. It is only to burn fat as fuel, but because it neutralizes free radicals. They're starting to use it mechanically. And what it causes is the body to go on to look for fat. Vitamin C works on fat. You have to have a tremendous amount of fat. 5% vitamin C, 80% fat, 15% protein to be used properly. If it doesn't, guess what happens? People taking mega doses of vitamin C, what happens? Their nerves end up becoming scarred because the vitamin C will go in and pull out, make lesions in the neurological tissue or in the glands, anywhere, and pull the fat out and then leave a hole, a sore that scars over in your body. And that happens on people who are as thin and as lightweight as you are. It just goes in and starts havoc all the time. Every time you feel a lesion, you can better believe that's vitamin C or some other acid going into the tissue, pulling out the fats. So you've got that jerking going on all the time. Other people who have nervous twitches, it can just be from a neurological problem that may not be related to vitamin C but can be another compound that's irritating the nervous system. But usually it's always some irritant to the nervous system.

Q: I had a flu a couple of weeks ago and ever since then I've had lots of gas and I'm wondering if that's a sign of anything when you have a lot of gas and if there's a particular thing that's good to do.

A: Was this an intestinal flu?

Q: No, it wasn't.

A: Where was it?

Q: Well, oh, actually it was. I was nauseous and I had a headache and I was dizzy.

A: That is a sign that the intestines have been breaking down compounds that are in the tissues and dumping into the system. So it could be related to, let's say, plaquing in the intestine and dead tissue is there and it breaks off and as it breaks off and starts dissolving, guess what happens? Like any chemical reaction, you'll have gas that's a result of it and it has to be unless you're having a lot of cream. Cream is the only way that will neutralize those gases because what it does is, it doesn't really neutralize the gases. The cream coats the compound that's been dissolved so that there's no gas necessary.

Q: Would other fats do that too, like avocado or coconut?

A: Not as well as cream will. Cream permeates everything. Butter can permeate everything but still not like the cream. They will help to an extent. Sometimes what they'll do with avocado is it will make it worse because avocado is a great detoxifier. If you ate avocado and cheese, it might have more of a soothing, absorbing reaction. But if you eat avocado with anything else, it's likely to make it worse.

Q: I have one question but also to remind you, you wanted me to share about the depression thing.

A: Okay.

Q: Can you direct what scar tissue you can heal at a time? Can you choose an area of your body you know it, go for it?

A: But I charge $5,000 for that.


Q: That's a little bottle right there.

A: What you have to do is you have to eat the foods that dissolve scar tissue and at the same time, you apply a hot water bottle every night on the area where you want the scar tissue to be removed. That will increase circulation to that area and more nutrients will get into that area.

Q: Alright, and then the depression thing, you asked me what I mentioned to you. You know, I felt really good. I felt like I had been on top of the world for a while and then just right after Christmas, I went into one of the lowest depressions. I didn't think I could ever feel that bad again. So that was sort of scary to feel that bad when you didn't think you would. So I wanted to bring it and he wants to talk on that a little bit.

A: Don't you feel sorry for her?

Q: No, I don't want to!

A: I know that's why I should bring it, I was thinking of you. Well, according to, well think about it logically. If you have toxins forming everywhere else in the body, any emotional, neurological reaction is a physiological process in the body. Then wouldn't it also have toxins related to any kind of trauma that you go through, any emotional reaction in your life? If you look up the Biology of Emotions on the internet by Elnora Van Winkle, she wrote a paper on it. She was a biochemist at New York City University.

Q: Eleonora?

A: Elnora.

Q: Van Winkle?

A: Van Winkle.

Q: V-A-N-W-I-N-K-L-E?

A: Pardon? W-I-N-K-L-E? Van Winkle, yeah. The Biology of Emotions. She was a researcher at New York City University in biochemistry, dealing with neurological activity for something like 40 some years. She's 70, she's on this diet, more the primal diet, I mean more the, more in instincto, because she's much too thin, because she doesn't eat enough fat. She eats what she like, appeals to her, but she eats raw meat, the raw fat and everything, but just not, you know, like I suggest. But in that, in her paper, she talks about the actual chemical reaction during a trauma is a physiological compound. She separated it. You can read the complicated biochemical version or her layman version, and it actually shows that there are toxins presented during depression, during trauma, during all those times, and that when the body detoxifies those, you have the same occurrence of emotion that you did at the time. So there may be no emotional reason, no physical reason, no circumstantial reason for you to feel badly, but the depression comes up with those chemicals. So she recommends, like the primal diet, she recommends primal therapy, you know, screaming, yelling, kicking, beating the shit out of things. You know, that's not my way, and I, she and I went around and around about this. It's the only thing we seem to differ on about this whole thing. I'm saying that if you are continuing the anger, the resentment, and all of that, you are continuing it in the present as well as before. Wouldn't it be nicer if you took that energy and then direct it into singing, dancing, something that's delightful. It will change the memory patterns. It will even change the way the body reacts the next time it has that experience.

But if you're kicking something, beating the hell out of something, you're going to continue that behavior every time it comes out. And guess what happens if there's no pillow around and you're there facing your lover? Not a good circumstance. And that she talks about in the paper. So why would you want to do something that continues that? I don't know.

Q: With depression, I mean, you don't even have any energy to do anything, so you can't even imagine singing, dancing, or...

A: Well, you'd be surprised. If you start listening to a beat, you know, I felt depressed, you put on a record that's got a nice beat that you really liked at a particular time, and it starts moving you in the other direction as long as you're not fighting it. You can revert that. You can change it. Yes?

Q: You're right. You feel like you don't have the energy to do anything, but if you can remember that I am depressed, and it's okay, and you smile, you'll start to change your chemistry. And if that's all that you can get yourself to do, you will start to feel differently.

A: Yep. Okay. Alright, then I'm going to... I need to start anyway with the... because we have a lot of people, so I have a lot to read. So, okay, who's first? You want to flip a coin? Okay. Come on. What time is it?

Q: Three.

A: Okay. It only takes five, six minutes a person, so... if that. What's your name?

Q: Tim.

A: Tim? Say it in the mic.

Q: Oh, Tim.

A: Tim what?

Q: Smith.

A: Smith. Okay, Tim. I don't believe you. You don't let anybody know your real name. Turn the light. Okay. Sorry, I have to put his back like this, but I need the light. Okay, both testicles are starting to debilitate. They're drawing up. It shows a tremendous...

[audio cut]

A: ...from a very young age, probably as young as 11 years old. It looks like it was a reaction from a vaccine. You have... looks like there's mercury poisoning actually in your testes. Eat some blueberries. Will help you with that. Blueberries and cream. Coconut cream. A little bit of pineapple, too, because you have some scar tissue all around it, and you need to remove the scar tissue just to be able to get to the mercury. You have some other toxic mineral compounds in there along with it, but that was just trying to build some kind of a shell around the mercury poisoning. The adrenal glands look like they were also affected, and they're enlarged in a fat way instead of elongated, and they're very jaundiced. They're holding a lot of bile. Eating coconut cream would also help with that. Raw cream, any fat to help remove that. Now if that starts dumping right away since it's connected so closely with the bowels and the kidneys, your urine may get to the point where you can't hold more than 2-3 ounces at a time because it will start burning you, burning the tissue in the bladder and the kidney. So you may have to go frequently, and that's a good thing because you know you're eliminating something. Gets into the bowels, it's going to cause diarrhea, and you just have to go through it. Probably won't last more than 10 days for you at a time, but will probably go in cycles.

Q: And that's from the adrenals?

A: Yes, bowels from the adrenals. You have going all the way up into the pancreas too, way up here. Basically you look like you have, your pancreas looks like you're diabetic. I'm not a doctor so I'm not diagnosing for anybody, but this is the appearance when somebody has a pancreas that looks like this, it means it's not functioning.

At least the adrenal glands and the testes are still functioning but the pancreas doesn't look like it's functioning properly. When we eat a cooked food what happens is the pancreas sends out hormones to the entire body and says I need to leach from every cell, I need vitamins, I need minerals, I need protein, I need carbohydrates, I need all the good stuff. Give it up. Because we have to handle this load of crap that was just eaten. And each time you eat a cooked food you take a little bit of energy and a little bit of nutrients from every cell. If your pancreas doesn't function, you're in trouble. That means everything that goes into your body that's cooked you will react twice as badly. The right thyroid is okay, it's functioning okay, the left parathyroids are okay. The right thyroid, excuse me, the left thyroid is okay, the parathyroid is very good. The tonsils look like they're gone. You have lots of metal poisoning in the left side of your brain, in the center. Also some gangrenous tissue in there. And through your sinuses, that may be the bruising that's going on. What happened to you?

Q: I bumped my nose yesterday, that's what happened.

A: You did a good one. How did you do that?

Q: I'm moving some stockings, beer bottles.

A: Well, it's not just that. There's metal poisoning in there, actually, deeper into the sinuses. Okay, normally you wouldn't need much red meat, probably 50-50, but you are clumping white cells, your red cells, because they are metal poisoned, they are a little bit weaker. So I would say eat 60% red meat and 40% white, and of that white, I would say 35% fowl and 15% fish or seafood. You need lots of minerals, oysters would be very good for you, clams. Swordfish would also help.

Q: The oysters just eat raw?

A: Yeah. Now you can make a raw sauce to go with any of these things, you can take tomatoes and blend them with a little hot pepper, fresh hot pepper, you know, some butter, delicious, and maybe a little bit of lemon juice. Oysters are really nice if you just don't like oysters the way they are. Along the left side of your spine, you have scarring, especially right around right here. So I'd encourage you to put a hot water bottle on that area, and also down here because of all the contamination in the testes. You have metal poisoning in both kidneys and the liver. So I would suggest that you eat six to eight ounces of berries a day. So you go get Cascadian Farms in a health food store. They're frozen organic berries.

Q: Are frozen okay?

A: Frozen is okay. Remember, like I said in the book, frozen berries are okay. Or frozen fruits are okay. Just because it doesn't... It's already sugar and there are no enzymes in ripe fruit. So it doesn't matter. So freezing doesn't destroy any enzymes that don't exist anyway in the fruit when it's all sugar. But in the berries, there's very little sugar except for strawberries. So don't get strawberries. And then mix it with, you know, some kind of fat to help bind with that. And eat that in the afternoon, not in the morning or evening. If you eat berries in the morning, you're going to cause a kidney detoxification. You don't want to force that. If you eat it in the evening, you're going to cause a neurological detoxification.You may not be able to sleep at night. If you have it in the afternoon, your body will spread it out everywhere and do it evenly. So it won't concentrate in just one area. So you need to eat at least a pound and a half of meat a day. And eat fat with it every time, preferably three tablespoons of butter. It looks like your system would be better eating two meat meals a day rather than three. You could use, to help your testes grow back quicker, you could eat from 12 to 18 eggs a day. And you need to put on about 40 pounds.

Q: Where?

A: Everywhere. Everywhere. And then take it off? No, you need to gain 40 pounds and then put on an extra 15, 20 and then take that off. But you need to get stable. But I'm going to go over that as soon as I'm finished with you. Your juice should be about 60% celery, 20% parsley and 20% summer squash. Summer squash are zucchini, cucumber, crookneck. If they're not organic, take a knife, paring knife, go over the top and if it comes up with a wax, it's coated, peel it before you juice it. The summer squash help absorb toxic minerals in the body and any contaminated starches help pull it out of the system. And you need to drink 4 to 5 cups a day. Okay.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Now I'm going to go over a few things. Yes?

Q: I have a question on berries. Are fresh berries better if you get them? Or does it not matter?

A: It does. There are more enzymes in fresh berries, so you already have the enzymes active. But if you're drinking your juice, you always have some extra. Remember, 2 cups of vegetable juice a day, green vegetable juice a day. It doesn't mean carrots or anything like that because that's too high in carbohydrates. But green, does that look like Nixon? Green vegetable juice a day. 2 cups will take care of your daily needs. It means that every time you eat something, it's not completely fresh, it's not right out of the ground, it's not off the tree, it's not off anything. So there's always enzyme deficiency. Drinking vegetable juice 2 cups a day will take care of all the daily need. 2 extra cups a day will help replenish all that that's been leached out of your body from all the years of cooked food, but it takes time. Years and years and years to replenish all of that. 2 extra cups a day will put you further on the road to excellent health. Yes.

Q: How long does vegetable juice keep for the time you make it?

A: Good question. That's what I was going to go into right now, so rather than have to set up the question, you did. Thank you. Okay, you can make it for 3 days, but you have to preserve it in this way. You have to get jars like this, 8 oz jelly jars, canning jars, get lids, get the ball jars, and they have enameled lids with actual rubber lining sealer. Kerr jars, the metal is on the inside, it's not enameled, plus it has some awful gray matter that melts into your food. So ball jars and ball lids are the ones they get, or if you get Kerr jars, throw away the lids and get the ball lids. They do sell them separately, and they even sell these fancy ones now where the lids match and all that at Target and places like that. And they're completely enameled inside and out. Most of them are just this color outside and ball jar enameled on the inside. What you do is you juice, so you're drinking four cups a day, which is a quart, so you can make three quarts, 96 ounces. Divide that into the proportions that I recommend. If you need to have one recommended when you're up here, I will recommend one. What you do is you juice the three quarts, then you take three ounces and you put it in the eight ounce jelly jar. Then you put three and a half ounces of honey in here. Then you also have to have an oster, an osterizer blender. They've got that big bowl and at the bottom there's a black base and you unscrew that. Then what you'll have is a washer, blades, metal blades, and that black base. If you take the washer, you put it on the top of the glass, take the blades, put that through down into the cup, the glass, and then take the bottom, the black bottom, and you screw that on.

Turn this upside on the blender and blend it for five to ten seconds only. When you do that, you prevent all the oxidization while you're blending. If you use a big blender, it's going to go all the way up all over the place and just keep sucking new air in all the time. But when you blend in these, it isolates it. The gases from its own food will mix and neutralize the oxygen so it doesn't oxidize your food. Then you pour that into your three quarts, stir it gently, and then take one of those bowl measuring jars which has a little spout on it. Now if you use the one that comes with the Green Life juicer, it's so narrow that it goes everywhere but where you want it to go. So I went out and got a Pyrex one with a bigger mouth and you just pour out of that. Then you pour the juice back into that and then you have twelve of these jars lying on the table. And you fill them all the way to the top. And if you do it like I do it, you get it bubbling. Because as it sits, all the bubbles will come up to the top and you have foam on the top. So I curl my tongue and suck the top off and then cap them and put them in the refrigerator. They will only deteriorate seven to ten percent in three days, in 78 hours. So you have a little bit over three days to drink it. For some reason in the lab, what happens is after the 78th hour, after nine tests, it just, for some reason, even though it wasn't open, it exposed to oxygen, it just deteriorated fast. So as long as you maintain it like that, maintain it chilled, it will preserve for three days. Yes? Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Unless you have a serious sugar problem that even ten percent in the honey is a problem for you. Yes, you should. It helps preserve it. It's one and a half tablespoons of honey per quart.

Q: Is more ok?

A: Pardon?

Q: Is more ok?

A: It depends upon the individual.

Q: I thought I heard you say three ounces of juice and three and a half ounces of honey.

A: Yes, but you're blending that to pour into the big amount. That's so you blend it all into one, so you don't have to blend all of it, yes. So you got it? Ok. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you know, a lot of these people think that they're a lot better than nature. And they think that they can outsmart and do things a lot better than nature. And I say, I've done that a lot. I've screwed around with different waters. I've screwed around with everything. Let me tell you, there's always a side effect to it. Always. And Vinny's going through it right now. Vinny can't even move out of the house. I suggest that it's better that nobody fool with anything that's made by man. Except for the machines. And that's it. And just mix your foods, but mix with good water. Not anything that's been processed.

Q: I tried putting honey in my juices [unintelligible].

A: No. Then use lemon. Take one small lemon or lime. Make sure it is not waxed. Now, you know, they put in there organic, and yet I went into Wild Oats, I mean Whole Foods, and I saw these, you know, coated everything. And I picked them up and it smelled like petroleum. And I went over to the produce person and I said, what are you doing labeling this organic? There's petroleum on these. He says, oh, we're doing that now. And he showed me the sign and they even brag about it. And they talk about how, you know, organically minded they are. And there's actual petroleum, so... One of the suppliers gave me a call when he heard that I was bad-mouthing them, and he's very conscious and said, what are you talking about? I said, take a look at it, call your supplier. So he called the supplier, and sure enough, on the organic, we're allowed to put this because this is natural wax, but it's got propyl in it, which is, you know, 3% petroleum product. And I said, don't you believe that if it's organic it should have nothing on it? Nothing, except air. He says, definitely, I'm going to stop carrying any of them and I'm going to notify all of them. He's one of the bigger suppliers in Los Angeles, greater Los Angeles area. So you just have to inform the people. But if it has it on it, you'll have to peel the rind, otherwise juice the rind, the whole thing. And your juice will help preserve it. Also, the juice man, what's he called, the juice man? Anyway, he goes on. Don't eat those rinds because they make paint of them and everything else. Sure, if you process them with chemicals, yeah. And with petroleum you can make it into a solvent. But otherwise it's a great biochemical solvent that will help you break down all kinds of nasty stuff in your body. So it's a good thing.

Q: I've heard that the orange rind could be a problem.

A: Not unless it's processed. Not unless there's petroleum on it. Yeah, but you don't want a lot because it's very potent. When I did the test, was it even a raw form? If you used the whole rind of an orange in a juice, it would be too much. That's why I say, you're talking about a small spread out over three quarts. You know, a ping pong ball sized lemon or lime for three quarts.

Q: I talked to you a while ago about the fresh herbs that I pressed. Just some mint and ginger and some basil. It's been maybe like three or four months. They've juiced an awful lot. And they're still in the fridge and they taste just like I just juiced them. I mean, you can hardly tell at all. Why? How do they keep fresh for so long? And something like, because it's just a very small enzyme content and bacteria content in them? I don't know if they still have all their healthful properties.

A: Well, they probably won't have many enzymes left. But they'll still have the fragrant oils. Because any time you're dealing with an herb that's that concentrated, you have a high proportion of oils. They'll still stay organic. And it'll taste very flavorful. But if you do that with celery, something that's mostly H2O, you know, it'll break down very rapidly.

Q: But will it still retain all its medicinal?

A: Some. Not all. Because it won't provide you with the enzymes you need. It'll probably provide you with good oils and minerals and other things, but it won't have the enzyme activity.

Q: So you're better off combining it with the celery?

A: Well, it's better not to do that. It's better to juice them fresh. And if you don't, of course, medicinally it can be good and medicinal. You know, I mean, that's how we got into the whole dried herb things because they weren't available year round. And yet people were getting sick because they were eating cooked foods. So instead of doing without, they dried them and then boiled them and got some nutritive value even though there were side effects from even the medicine. You know, but if you juice things fresh, then they're everything. Everything you need to heal without side effects. Yes, Richard?

Q: What do you think about the herbal extracts, like the American Kohler and the tinctures?

A: No, they're all processed and distilled usually or tinctured, which means that there's either alcohol placed in it or some other element to cut and extract and then you have the side effect of those. OK, I've got to get back to reading. Who's next?

Q: I have one question about the juice. Putting the honey directly through the juices.

A: For?

Q: To preserve it. Vegetables? When you put the vegetables through the juicer, put the honey through the juicer with it.

A: You might do that, but you also might get your whole inside very sticky.

Q: And won't that oxidize more than the way you're saying with the blender?

A: Probably will. Well, the thing I'm afraid of is that metal, even though it's solid and stainless steel, the honey could start cutting the, you know, with that kind of a grinding going on, the honey could start, you know, the 10% sugar in it could start causing the metal to come loose. So I wouldn't do it. Hi, your name?

Q: Kathleen Rush.

A: I stuck my chest out because you're supposed to talk into the mic. Okay, relax your hands. Okay, your left ovary is debilitating and it looks like it's actually caving in. The right is better, but it's also starting to debilitate. Oh, I just want to let everybody know, everybody's sick here, so don't be blown away by what I say, okay? Don't get upset, you're all sick, you're all diseased. That's why you're here, right? To get undiseased. But you have to know where you're starting from. From where you're starting. Bad English. Okay, your adrenals seem normal, but they're inflamed and overactive. It means that your blood may be a little over-acidic, irritating. Pancreas is about, one side it's about 70% functional, on the left side of the pancreas it's only about 10%. So you could handle one piece of fruit a day as long as it's with fat. You have metal poisoning from the chest all the way up to the skull. A lot of it in the sinuses. Did you have allergies?

Q: No, I work with oil still.

A: Oh. Are you coating your hands with butter or something first?

Q: Vitamin E? No.

A: Guess what vitamin E is, folks? It's a byproduct of Fuji and Kodak developing film. It looks like a tocopherol and a tocopherol is what vitamin E is. So they just sell you that as if it's, that's a waste product. Guess what? How much money they make instead of how much money they spend on dumping it.

Q: Even though they say it's wheat germ oil.

A: Oh, if it's from wheat germ oil it's D-alpha tocopherol. It's different, however, it's still solvent extracted. Which means they've just made it into the same thing that Kodak uses. You can only extract wheat germ oil and get it stabilized by solvent extraction. If you cold press it, it gets it up to 170 some degrees and destabilizes it. But you're still getting your petroleum product when you get, in distillation, when you're solvent extracting it. Causes massive headaches in people and a lot of contamination. So it's better just to take some butter or cream, stick your finger in the milk and cream up your hands. Some other way to do it, coconut cream would be best. Because coconut cream has a little sugar in it so it coats the hand. It actually stops it from breathing to an extent so it will not absorb the pain.

Q: I had an operation when I was two.

A: You had what?

Q: A tubular [unintelligible].

A: Uh-huh. When?

Q: Eighty-two.

A: That's probably what this is.

Q: There's a right tube there.

A: Some people are crossed.

Q: Okay.

A: Because it's caved in so it's like there's a little surgery done. Parathyroid is excellent. Thyroid is okay. Do you have your tonsils?

Q: Yeah.

A: That's great. These are good. Your parathyroid is good. Your thyroid, your right thyroid or left whichever is your crossing. One of your thyroids isn't as good as the other one but it's okay. But your glands are mostly working except for the left side of the pancreas and both of the adrenals are not in great shape and the ovaries. Your hands look much better from the last time I saw them. You don't have all that dryness there was before. How much of the diet are you doing?

Q: About 75%.

A: You see that, I don't know, people can't see what I see but you see this white marking in through here? That's the small intestines and you see all the damage that's happening in there from the 30% that you're eating? You got to get away from those breads.

Q: Okay.

A: Because that's what's causing that. That just interferes with everything else you're digesting. That doesn't mean you're not doing better, you're doing a lot better. Because your skin is different, your eyes are very different. Skin everywhere is different so you're doing a lot better. But that is enough... I had a client who had breast cancer. For nine years she was on the diet, had no problems at all. But she would eat her bread every day. Or pasta once in a while. And just a year ago I showed her, I took photographs of her eyes the first time. That she had her eyes photographed. And I showed her from one year to the other. And she saw that she didn't have the changes that other people who were on the diet 100%. Because I showed her in comparison. She was blown away. She went a year without eating and she says, that made such a big change everything. Everything changed for her. And just that maybe 15% of the diet. And she says, I will never eat that stuff again. And the changes from one year to the next were tremendous. When she had her eyes done. So, you may think you can get by with that shit, but let me tell you. Of course, doing a 70% is a lot better than you were doing before. But, you know, there's even better that you can do. What is your experience when you do?

Q: I have a rock in my gut.

A: You can see right there, look at it. It's even turned rotting. It's even turning your stomach a little gangrene. Can you see the green?

Q: Yeah.

A: And both sides, not as bad as this side. Okay, let me see your eyes.

Q: I can't even see anything but my liver.

A: Well, the liver is pretty white. I mean, it looks like you had hepatitis or something. I mean, you may have hepatitis and not know it. Because it's very white and it's very sallow. It's not in the best of shape. But it's not full of bile like I would expect.

Q: You said it was dead last time.

A: So that's good. That's better. I mean, it doesn't look real alive because it's white. It's better than what it was. You know, the liver is this area right here. So you can see that the whole thing is still white. But there's some splotches of red in it. So at least it's functioning to a point. Okay, what I'm going to suggest is... Your bones have cleaned up, which I wasn't expecting. In the skin, you know, better in the eyes than I'd expected. So, except right around the ears, you have a lot of congestion. Lymphatic congestion. You've got a lymphatic rosary belt. So, for fruit, I would like you to eat maybe once, one cycle of three days having some pineapple. The greener pineapple. You know, only about a half inch slice at a time. Circular slice with lots of fat. Do not eat it without lots of fat. And I mean twice as much. Which means you actually have more than about five times the amount caloric wise. In fat than you will sugar, but that's the ratio you'll need. And that'll help break up some of that congestion in the intestines. Also break up the lymphatic congestion. You can go four days without. Meat wise you still need about 65% red meat and 35% white. 20% of that should be seafood, fish, and the other 15% fowl. Now when I give these, I'm giving an ideal. It doesn't mean that you have to be so strict that it has to be seven days a week. That means four or five days a week. Try to do that. But that doesn't mean go out and eat bread and cakes and stuff like that either. I'm not saying that. Unless we have a whole gallery, we could have the modern day Roman gladiator thing. What's that called? Auditorium where we can all watch you supper.

Q: Coliseum.

A: Coliseum. That's it. Thank you. I don't know why that word wouldn't come to me. Glands. Parathyroid gland is great. Don't remember it functioning like that before. Juice combination. Vary it. I'd like you to have some winter squash, but no more than 10%. Butternut or acorn squash. Help get rid of some of those, like the cadmium from the yellow dye that you're using in the paint. And some of the others that will help pull it out of your system. So maybe a 3 day cycle using 10% and then off for about 10 days, minimum of 10 days. And then use that again. Otherwise use summer squash, zucchini, cucumber. But you should always use those but in a higher ratio when you're not using the winter squash. The squash should be about 20%, celery about 15%, and the celery about 55%, or 65%. So what you'll do is just when you have the winter squash, you just cut down on the 10% of summer squash. Use that. You could definitely use berries in the afternoon with some fat and that will help. Now you've got lots of bile stored out in your tissues in your lymph system because of the ring you have.

Q: The outer ring?

A: It's that little rosary, the white ring inside the darkest ring that's right around the iris. There will be times when you're going to get really nauseous and if you vomit, great, it's the best way to get rid of it. Otherwise, it might be some diarrhea. You can have a little bit of cheese and help absorb some of it.

Q: The diet in the whole will take care of the bile.

A: Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Her? No. On one side it was mostly gone, the other side it was 60% okay, so she could have one piece of fruit a day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She's not going to handle the sugar, she's going to go up and down, get angry, upset, emotional, cry a lot.

Q: Even though there's a lot of sugar in her body, she's not going to handle it. Even though there's a lot of sugar in her body.

A: Well the body can't handle, in her system the body couldn't handle any more sugar than that. Now remember that, if you get emotional, you lay away off the fruit for days. No high carbohydrates, no starch, no breads, no anything, you shouldn't have that anyway. But anything that is made into sugar in the body, you want to stay away from. It will cure you within 24 hours.

Q: One of your recipes in your book for cold is orange juice with eggs and bananas. And for those you have only, I mean, I get some for breakfast every day.

A: That's for making solvents to help break down the mucus and all the other garbage that's coming out. But on a normal basis, fruit in the smoothie is not a good idea. Except once a day.

Q: What about lemon?

A: Pardon?

Q: Lemon.

A: And lemon will do the same thing if you have too much of it. In fact, lemon will start breaking down the bones if you have too much of it. Any citrus will.

Q: [unintelligible] lemon fast about?

A: There is no such thing. Oh, I wanted to say one more thing before we get started. I love for people to get overweight. This is an important thing. I call it the weight loss, weight gain program. Weight gain first. If you're even overweight and you haven't started the diet, you need to gain weight. Now, I'm on my down cycle. I'm a little heavy right now. I went up about 20 pounds. So what I do is put on the weight. The fat goes in and leaches out old toxins stored in the tissues. The only way you can get it out... fasting does not get out anything but it breaks down your blood. It breaks down your liver and your glands and they start eating each other. Everything eats itself. So it's not a detox that does anything other than get rid of some cells. And what it does is get rid of the weak cells. The healthy cells eat the weak cells because they turn into phagocytes. And what are they eating? They're eating the weak garbage. Are they getting stronger? No. You're just getting more hyperactive because of the hormones that will generate when you're hungry and starving.

Q: The high that people feel.

A: Yeah, that high is to go out and hunt. And eat. Go out and hunt and eat. So what I suggest people do is eat a lot. And when they eat meat, they eat extra fat. Lots of extra fat. And then when it's time to take the weight off, women, I give you some flack. I suggest people get 15 to 30 pounds overweight, but I've compromised. 12 to 15 pounds overweight, which your normal weight should be. And then take that off. Now you need two sets of clothes. Right now I've got my fat clothes on. These are my 33, 34 inch waist and normally I'm a 31.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you like. If you want to look like you're trim. Like I said, those fats go in there and they will leach out the toxins that are buried. If you don't have excess fat in the body, you cannot leach out things that are stored deep in the tissue. It will not happen. I've explored it for years and it just did not happen. When I started using the weight gain, the weight loss, I could get, like one girl, she had brown eyes. Dark brown eyes. Her mother had blue eyes. Her father had green eyes. One of her sisters had green eyes and one had blue eyes and she was born with brown eyes. So, she was chronically fatigued from the age of 20 years old until I met her when she was 28. Chronically fatigued. Worked one day a week, if that, six hours. That was it. That's all she could do. Otherwise, she vegetated. Very weak, very unhappy, very unhealthy. Everything irritated her and she was one of those twitchers all the time. Like this. So, in a year and a half doing the weight gain, she was very bold. She wanted to get well. She went from very thin, like you, like you, 30 pounds. Gained 30 pounds and she's only 5'5". 30 pounds. She all of a sudden looks strong and healthy, you know. And she does it quickly. She does it and it takes her about six weeks to gain or four weeks to gain and about six weeks to lose. There are some people who can gain the weight in three weeks and take it off in three weeks.

Q: Does it come off organically? You'll just know?

A: No. Yeah. I'll tell you how to do the cycle.

Q: Got it.

A: So, in a year and a half, her eyes went from dark brown to green. Then the next year and a half cycle, one third of one of the eyes turned blue. Cleaning out. So, I talked to her mother and I said, what was the incident with her? I was in college. I got pregnant. I didn't know. I was smoking, drinking, partying. Alcohol and all that damaged the placenta. The placenta couldn't filter out the garbage from the mother. So, that's why she got so toxic so young.

Q: What happens to people that cannot gain weight?

A: You can gain weight. Anybody can gain weight. If you eat extra fat with your meat, you will gain weight. And you eat lots of eggs. You know, I have people eating anywhere up to 33 eggs a day. You just eat. You eat and eat. If you're not vomiting, you're eating. How many times do I have to say it?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's right. That's right. But it works. So, if you like your depression, you can stay there. If you like that low energy, stay there. If you don't, fight it. And then you'll deal with nausea and it'll make you forget your depression or whatever else it is. And you'll be moving forward. Okay, then you lose the weight. Then it's fun. You have a cup of juice. You wait till you're very hungry. That doesn't mean stupid hungry or angry hungry. That means hungry. Then you have an egg-sized amount of meat. Now I used to vacillate and give people different ways to do it, but it was too complicated. People didn't know which to do. They'd have to call me. So I worked out a formula that seems to work with everybody. So, it's an egg-sized amount of meat. Then the next time you get hungry, it's juice. Then the next time you're hungry, it's egg. One egg, Rocky style. And those who do not like it, just put a little half a teaspoon in your mouth at a time and you can swallow it. Then, juice again, meat again. Juice, egg. Juice, meat, juice, egg.

Q: I forget the fat then on this one.

A: That's right. Well, you've got the fat in the egg. That's enough to take care of your daily needs. And what it doesn't have, it will pull out of this fat that has already collected garbage deep in the tissues and will utilize that and get rid of it. Now, some women over the age of 40, first two times of the weight loss, it's very difficult. Usually, it takes anywhere from 2 to 3 months to lose it. After the second time, it usually goes in 3 to 4 weeks, 5 weeks at the latest. So, the whole response gets quicker. And these people are getting cleaner faster, getting healthier faster. This fellow I told you about that came in skinny, that did this, he can gain the weight in 2 weeks and lose it in 2 weeks. And he does 20 to 30 pounds. This guy was 100, he's 6 foot tall, he was 132 pounds when he came to me. Now, he stays at right at 190 and goes up to 210 and back down. And this guy is so happy. He still doesn't have any appetite for food, he still doesn't like food. But boy, he sure gets him what he wants. So, he just deals with that as his limitation now instead of everything being off. Yes?

Q: You mentioned winter squash. Is that more carbohydrate?

A: Yes.

Q: So, in small quantities for some people that might be appropriate?

A: Correct.

Q:And what about things like sweet potatoes, is that the same thing?

A: Never.

Q: Never.

Q: What about the yam that you talked about?

A: Yeah, but like I said, any time you're using an herb or anything like that, no more than 5% of the juice. It means if you're 96 ounces, that means only about 4 ounces of a concentrated herb like the wild Mexican yam for women who have heat flashes and things like that. It may help that a little bit in most women.

Q: Why no sweet potato?

A: Too high in sugar.

Q: Yams are the same?

A: Yams are sweet potatoes, yeah.

Q: Can you point out how to get the wild yam? Is that on the shelf?

A: Not really.

Q: How do you get them?

A: Well, I've got a woman who's trying to find it. She just got a license from the state, I mean from the federal government to import it. So we're working on getting a source. But then I have to experiment and explore it for a couple of months to be able to see whether it really does anything or not on a raw diet. What concentrations we can utilize it to keep, you know, because again it's a yam. But there are some varieties of that particular Boschus plant. It's called Boschus, that's one of its, there's a first name and then there's Boschus. It's as hard as a marble. So to get it to break it down and dissolve it, I may have to put it in whey, you know, to break it down. You know, pickling, you used to do pickling with whey instead of vinegar. Much more beneficial for the body. So I've started pickling everything instead of, you know, with the raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, I use whey now. So I make some cottage cheese and I'll take the whey and use that to pickle things with, like mustard and whatever I want to break down to be able to utilize it differently.

Q: Do you break down really hard herbs?

A: Yes.

Q: Even like some, like, Chinese herbs and stuff like that?

A: Like the hard mushroom?

Q: Uh...

A: It just takes time.

Q: Like astragalus or something like that.

A: Yeah, it'll break it down. It just takes time.

[audio cut]

A: It will not break down unless you crush them and then boil them. Some of them will never break down properly, you know, to where you can utilize them.

Q: Are dry herbs of benefit? Dried herbs?

A: Only medicinally for people who are on a cooked diet. On a raw diet, they're detrimental.

Q: Oh, wow.

A: Yeah. If you're juicing, you know, you couldn't get it more concentrated. See, back in the old days, they couldn't get vegetables to juice because all they could do was grind and then wring. I see. We have access to celery, parsley, all this stuff all the time, so we can juice. We're doing much better than they ever were able to do, you know, a hundred years ago and thousands of years ago.

Q: What do you do with the fibers from the juices?

A: I spread it in my garden and if it's summertime, then I don't, I put it in a compost heap and breaks it down. Eggs break down so quickly you wouldn't believe it. Okay, so the weight loss program. Now, for some people, they can't handle the high juice content. It makes them a little crazy, makes their heart beat rapidly. So I have them reduce the juice down to four ounces at a time and only four of those a day. So that means they're only getting two cups a day. However, what I have some of them do is they'll go ahead and eat the eight ounces, drink the eight ounces, and then they'll have the meat, next time they'll have the egg, and then they'll have the juice. Instead of having a juice between those two. And when they, for the first four or five days, you might want, because there's such a hunger, you know, that's created in the first few days for about twenty-five percent of those who do it. For about the first four to five days, eat every hour. So you can break your juice down into four ounces. So it's four ounces of juice, next hour an egg, next hour four ounces of juice, next hour meat. So you're eating very often, so you're not really getting into the craziness.

Q: Is it juice, egg, meat or juice?

A: It's the same thing.

Q: Juice, egg, juice?

A: Juice, no juice, juice, meat, juice, egg, juice, meat, juice, egg.

Q: Juicy meat.

A: Pardon? Juicy meat?

Q: And how many cycles a day then?

A: Just keep going until you go to sleep.

Q: So how would you do that? Like once in a while you decide that you're going to do that? How do you decide to do that?

A: I do, I recommend that people keep on a constant vigilance of it.

Q: Up and down?

A: Up and down, constantly.

Q: If I have an egg, you know, I feel nauseous, so I should just, like, and then what do I do? I mean, I may have to go to bed, you know, like, because I'm like, I'm totally slowed down and I just don't feel like doing anything and I'm like, I have to wait until it passes. So is that what I should do?

A: You should do, yeah. It usually means that it's drawing out some toxins from the neurological system that are maybe mercury. Because from an egg getting that kind of reaction, it's usually some kind of chemical poisoning that's affecting the nerves.

Q: But make sure it's at room temperature, because I've found, after you said about earthquakes, storing your eggs, I buy my eggs, I make sure they're sitting out for at least a week before I eat them. If they have been chilled in the refrigerator at the store, they will make me nauseated.

A: Yeah, because you don't digest them. Right, so be sure it's not bad.

Q: Yeah, actually it's not bad.

Q: Is it ok to just eat egg yolk or do you need anything else?

A: Oh, no. Like I said in the book, the animals that I fed egg yolk only were ravenously hungry. Ravenously hungry. Those were animals on a raw diet, though. Those people who were on a cooked diet, an egg yolk would be fine, they give them extra vitamin A, extra cholesterol, all those things. But on a raw diet, egg yolk by itself will make you ravenously hungry and egg white alone will make you a little cranky.

Q: Have you tried rotten eggs?

A: Yes, I actually will take the eggs and I'll bake them in the sun for a couple of weeks. And they smell horribly, horribly. No, I don't eat the shell. Oh, the eggs are in the shell and I just put it in the sun, right. And then I break them, and let me tell you, they taste incredible. Like the meat, you know, you just put a plug on your nose and it's great. And it just, it makes, you know, it's automatic lift like with the meat. Only it's more of a physiological lift. The high meat is more an intellectual lift, a spirit lift. But the high egg is usually a physiological, hormonal, you know, glandular lift. I got one guy who said, oh yeah, well if it does that it'll work for sex, won't it? So he went out and had six of those eggs, rotten eggs, with a cup of cream. That guy was crazy for five days. He has three girlfriends and he took care of all of them all day long. I'm not kidding either, that's a true story.

Q: Have you ever caught bad breath?

A: Well, when you're having that much fun I guess it doesn't matter. What you can do is you can always rinse your mouth out with lemon or lime juice. And let it permeate so it gets up into the tissues. And then you won't smell that because that's down here. Down here.

Q: Does it [unintelligible]?

A: No. No, it melts so it's all very liquid. It's all very liquid.

Q: What color is it?

A: Well, it depends on how far you go. If you catch it at a certain point the egg white will be murky. And the egg yolk will be just liquid but very orange, sometimes even red. Sometimes if you let it go really far it will turn black. And the old Chinese men will pay a thousand dollars for a black egg.

Q: Why is it rotten?

A: Yeah, well it's so full of bacteria that it brings them back to life. And they're called century eggs and they're anywhere from a year to 25 years old. And they come up with all kinds of white or black bacteria depending upon the soil they're buried in. For that decaying process or degenerative process. And when they eat them they're like teenagers again. They go have sex for weeks, something like that. And they pay a thousand dollars for that. I'd pay a thousand dollars if I were an old Chinese man. Okay, I've got to get on to these readings or we're going to be here forever. Okay, your name.

Q: Una Maria.

A: Okay, lots of bile in your system. Everywhere there's bile. You're going to have bouts of diarrhea and maybe some vomiting. Your whole genetic structure is really good and sound. You've got good basic health, a rarity I see in this country. Of course you're not from this country, right? The left ovary is breaking down tremendously, the right one's in great shape. The adrenal glands are normal, look good. The pancreas is almost completely debilitated on the left side and on the right side it's about 50% active. No more than six ounces of fruit a day and always with fat. But I would say I recommend more off it than on it, maybe every other day. Having fruit every other day. Red blood cell count is very good. Of course all the bile is not helping though. So I would say about 50-60% red meat and 40-50% white meat. Kidneys, you've got lots of toxicity in the kidneys and right about it in the liver. So I wouldn't change the program that I gave you earlier today. I'd stick mainly with that. Except for the quantity of meats that I gave you and the ratio of meat. The spine looks incredibly healthy on the right side and the left side, it looks like it's scarred. But I remember looking at your iris, both sides looked scarred. But the basic underneath health of this side is good but this side isn't. So underneath the scar tissue there's a good... I remember we couldn't see because of the scar tissue there. But this side looks very good and this one doesn't. So if you have a lot of pain it's likely to happen on the left side of your body. And most of the mineral poisoning is on the left side too. Okay, I wouldn't change a thing.

Q: Can I be next?

A: Yes. Okay. Okay, I want you to have five pounds of butter a day.

Q: Twenty-two eggs.

A: Forty-two eggs.

Q: I can hardly eat one.

A: Let me tell you a story. I had this woman who was about 72 years old. Her doctor called me. This was two years ago last January. No, we're in February. January. And she said, I've got a 72-year-old emphysema patient who's going to die this weekend. Is there anything I can do? I said, yeah, well, you're going to call a little late, aren't you? She said, well, I've got my license to protect my family's welfare and stuff like that. Well, it's your conscience. So I said, the only thing you can do is get her about ten dozen eggs, put them by her bedside, and tell her to eat an egg as often as she can. And if anything's going to help her, that's going to help her. This was on a Thursday, very late at night. She was calling from Maine, so it must have been probably 11, 30, 12 o'clock her time. And I got a call on Monday morning early from a woman who was talking like this. This woman hadn't been out of bed in two years. She said, I wanted to thank you. I ate 66 eggs over the weekend. And she says, first time I've been out of bed in two years, what else can I do? You know, so...

Q: Sixty-six more?

A: Yeah. And meat. That's what I told her. She says, I can do that, but I haven't gone this far in two days. Okay. Relax your hands. Okay. You've had very overactive adrenal glands all of your life, which means you were hyperactive.

Q: You said that right.

A: Um...


A: Okay. That's too much adrenaline without enough fat.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Okay. Makes you too irritable. You do have the signs which indicate that your pancreas doesn't do much anymore. So, sweets are not something good to have. You need some good raw meat and raw fats to make you strong, to give you your energy. If you keep going for carbohydrates, you're just going to keep debilitating and you're not going to retain any muscle tissue.

Q: Okay.

A: And you've lost most of it already. You still have some in the ovaries. There's still muscle there and a lot in your spine. And some in your thyroid gland, but everywhere else, your muscle tissue has dissipated. You still have good genetic abilities, so if you ate raw meat, you'd still be able to regenerate cells and feel stronger and younger.

Q: Oh.

A: Your intestine, your right side of your intestine is not in good shape. It means that it's very congested, stuff doesn't move through easily there. Eggs will help that, you know, some smoothies, two eggs and about...

Q: Do you have to eat them raw?

A: Well, if you blend it with some honey and two raw eggs with some honey and some raw milk, it'll taste like a milkshake. You'll love it.

Q: Okay. I drink protein drinks every day, should I not?

A: That protein drink, you know, is processed protein. It's not healthy protein. It can't build muscle tissue. Except muscle tissue that disappear quicker than you put it on. You know, it's like those bodybuilders who do that, they stop working out and six months later they're all flab, you know. And it goes to flab because it's a toxic protein. If you put it on with meat, you'll be like me. I haven't exercised in 22 years. And I keep solid, great muscle on. And that's because it's raw meat. It's stable in the system. Left thyroid is in excellent shape. Parathyroid is okay. You have your tonsils?

Q: No, I don't have my tonsils.

A: You have some swelling there, let me see.

Q: Let me open them up.

A: There's a flashlight on top of the desk over there. Pin, metal flashlight. No, yes. Thank you.

Q: I had them out when I was 17.

A: Let me see. Say ah.

Q: Ah.

A: More ah.

Q: Ah.

A: I see. Well, you have some good lymph glands which have grown there to facilitate that, the loss of them. See this side? They're all flat and look scarred, but on this side you see it's nice and rounded?

Q: Yeah.

A: So it shows that your lymph system took care of the missing ones, but not on the right side. Well, you've got good genetic health. You could live another good 10 years if you eat right.

Q: Oh, I'm heading for 20 now. That's my daughter.

A: I know. That means you better eat more fat.

Q: I'm aiming for 100 years.

A: Okay, then you better eat better because you're wasting away everywhere else. And if you don't have any muscle tissue, that adrenaline, the high adrenaline you have is going to go eat away at what you do have and then it won't be easy to live.

Q: Okay.

A: It won't be easy to have friends either. But you have great recuperative abilities if you just eat properly. A lot better than the 80-year-old woman I told you about. And she's doing very well.

Q: Okay.

A: She was supposed to die two years ago.

Q: They haven't diagnosed that for me.

A: Well, she was in an auto accident which broke her spine.

Q: It happened just a year ago.

A: Broke her spine. You've got lots of congestion in both ovaries and some metal poisoning there. So, some berries would be good for you too. The reason you're not moving the lactic acid, you see all these redder spots all over. That's a sign the lactic acid is staying in your muscle tissue. That's a lack of fats. It takes fat to clean that out. With just a little bit of good fruit like pineapple. But it would have to be one small piece of pineapple to three tablespoons of cream or butter. Something like that to move it. That would be the ratio to move it out. If it's canned it would be just the opposite. Put metal poisoning in there and make it worse. Celery juice would be excellent to help relax the adrenal glands. A little bit of parsley. You still seem to have a lot of vitamin D and a lot of sunshine that stays in your body. So parsley isn't as important but of course it would help. Also get rid of the lactic acid that causes aches and pains in your muscles and joints. I would say 80% celery, 10% summer squash and 10% parsley. I would suggest that you eat about a half of a pound of meat a day. That could be beef, chicken, lamb, anything and of course raw. And eat some butter with it, lots of butter or cream or avocado and raw unsalted cheese with it.

Q: I eat lots of cream. I have my half and half on my cereal.

A: That's not the cream I'm talking about. I'm talking about raw cream. Let me tell you, you'll love it.

Q: My husband is just the opposite. He's overweight.

A: Pears would also be good for you but again have it with cheese or butter or cheese and butter.

Q: Okay, thanks a lot.

A: You're welcome. Ruth, what was her name? I didn't put it on here, sorry. Okay, you all have to leave by when? The two here? Okay, the next three people, if you stand up here right away then we'll be able to move through you quicker. Because if I give people a chance to ask questions, they will. So, let's put you up in a line up here, the next three people. So, those three. Say your name please.

Q: Robert Rash.

A: Robert Rash. Okay. Robert, oversexed Robert. Great testes, you produce a lot of everything. You've got the hands of an athlete. An athlete who can spend five to eight hours a day in physical activity. However, you have... You have all of this contaminated bile all throughout your diaphragm, digestive tract, all the way up to your neck. It's almost like it's poisoned you. Do you still do athletics? Anything?

Q: No, I work at construction.

A: And are you breathing in something that's causing that? Because it's all from here to here. You're cutting wood, you're cutting asphalt.

Q: I've been under the house for the last week.

A: No, this is old.

Q: Oh, I don't know.

A: What do you do in construction?

Q: Concrete.

A: Are you breathing any of that cement dust?

Q: A lot of stuff all the time.

A: You know, while you're mixing it and all that, I would definitely use a mask until it's finished and it's settled in the water. Because you've got gangrenous tissue from here to here. That just usually means, what I've seen in the past, lung cancers that come so fast you're gone in six months. Okay? So, it's hard to get rid of that too. So, taking lime juice, funny as it is, taking lime juice with coconut cream and mixing it with chicken. You know, like the Tahitians do. They take lime juice and coconut cream and some diced tomato. And they'll dice up either chicken or fish and mix it together and then eat that. And I would say you need about a half a pound of that a day and then a half a pound of red meat. And another quarter pound of fish per day. Minimum. You could have more than that, but that's the minimum. And with each time you eat any meat, you should have a minimum of three tablespoons of butter. Or, you know, maybe three ounces of cream. You should be going through one to two quarts of milk a day to help remineralize because that cement has gone in there and pulled out some of the minerals just like it does with the sand. It just starts locking it, binding it, and you've got it caked in there. So you need to replace it as well as wait for the lime and the coconut to break it down. You know, the dust at construction sites, you know, if it's the dirt, it's not going to bother you, it's going to make you better. But when you're breathing, you know, cement dust, mortar dust, you know, we're talking some serious congestion. On this side, it isn't as bad. It's there. So your left lung isn't absorbing it like your right one is. But it's still not, it's not a danger like this one is. From, you know, what I see. All glands seem to be functioning very well except the left thyroid is a little low. Parathyroid is fine, no tonsils. But the lymph glands look like they're okay. On this side, the lymph isn't working as well there where the tonsils were. Thyroid is okay, parathyroid is okay there. Pancreas is fine.

Basically, you're pretty well except for that cement damage that's poisoning the whole system. You know, otherwise it looks pretty good. But what that does is it clogs your lymph system. And if the lymph system falters, nothing can recover. You know, because the lymph system cleans and feeds everything. The blood mainly takes oxygen and gives it to the rest of the body. That's about all the blood does. The lymph system feeds everything. And it also has to take the poisons out, break them down and then get rid of them. Either out the skin or the bowels or the sinuses or the ears or the eyes. Anywhere there can be drainage. And women have an asset, they have the vaginal cavity which has lots of mucus.

Q: I just wanted to ask, if cancer is apparent, has it gone to the lymphs? That's very serious. If cancer has gone to lymph nodes, that's very...

A: They consider that the end. And that's the last thing I was diagnosed with after chemotherapy. They diagnosed me with lymphoma and they wanted me to go back for a biopsy. And I said, biopsy yourself. Just like that. That's exactly what I said. I said, biopsy yourself. Your brain is basically what I said. I recommend that you have about 80-90% celery. We need the salts in there to help break up some of that stuff. And also, it helps us keep from going to gangrene. Because if it goes gangrene while it's in your body, you're going to go into rapid pneumonia about every six weeks. I'm not a doctor diagnosing anything. I'm just telling you what I see. In their system. So, 80-90% celery and the rest 10-20% parsley. It's affected your kidney, not your liver, but your kidney. All of your intestines on this side and all of your chest. Lungs, it's even gone into the pancreas. I guess it's protecting the heart. But then the tissue all around the heart is drying out. And you need about five cups of juice a day. To make that, to facilitate that. I recommend that you have about a tablespoon of lime juice per quart of juice. And if you can get the rind that's organic, juice the rind with it. So basically what that means is, like I said earlier, one large lime that's very green. And juice the rind and all when it's organic. That'll help. Now I expect you to go into diarrhea once in a while. Because this gangrenous tissue is going to come out. You're going to see black come out. You're going to see all kinds of things. Different colors when it comes out. But be delighted because it's a quick way to go. Sometimes you might even vomit. And that's a quick way to go too. You have a bit of a salt ring too. That means you might have some headaches. You know, some good migraine headaches. What you need to do...

Anytime anybody has a headache, remember that the brain is flushed with nutrients. More blood, more circulation of all kinds. The skull is too small. The brain's trying to expand. Get more nutrients into it. Take hot water bottles. Put them against it, but don't press. Don't lay your head this way with one on top. Lay it on the back side with it on either side. Or be sitting up to where you can just keep the hot water bottles. Just lean slightly back, you know, like a pillow. And put the hot water bottles here without pressure. Your head, your skull is all filled with lots of fissures. Where it can expand and open up. The heat, the hot water bottle will allow everything to expand. And it will get rid of usually 80% of the headache.

Q: Is the headache caused by the brain needing nutrients?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay, so you want to expand the skull, so...

A: Well, it's already expanding when you've got the headache. It's already doing that.

Q: So the heat relaxes the...

A: The skull, so that the skull can expand and allow for the expansion of the brain without it causing pain.

Q: Do you put your head in a hot bath? Does that help, too?

A: Yep. Well, the whole body in a hot bath will, of course, expand the skull. But don't get too hot, like I say, you know, because then you'll destroy the bacteria in your body and that'll cause depression. Unless you've got a good plate of high meat ready. Or some good rotten eggs.

Q: So would sauna be no good, then? Hot, hot, too hot for the body?

A: That's really too hot and it'll fry the lungs. If you're in there for 5-7 minutes at a time, and you're on the lower side of it, not way up high, it's okay. 5-7 minutes at a time.

Q: Some kind of headache seems like getting hot, hot to make it worse.

A: Well, it will for a few minutes. Because it raises the water level again and everything. But as soon as it gets to the head, it usually alleviates it. I mean, to the skull. But like I say, if you have a headache, I put the hot water here first, and then get in the bath after it mitigates. I suggest you eat a 3 quarters to an inch circular slice of pineapple a day. But not every day, like one week on, one week off. And make sure it's very under-ripe, like white inside. So it doesn't have a lot of sugar. Otherwise, you might get a little irritable. And teary, teary-eyed, you know, very sensitive. Avocado is good to eat with it too. So. I would say you probably should average about 2 pounds of meat a day. You know, all the meats together. Rather than just, you know, a pound and a quarter, I suggest go up to 2 pounds. I eat from 1 to 3 pounds a day. And you'll use every bit of it. You know, not a problem. And then I suggest after about 3 months that you go on a weight loss program. And take off about 20 pounds. And then put it on again, take it off, put it on, take it off. Okay. Good.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Next.

Q: I have a question.

A: Yeah.

Q: Maybe you said it earlier, but I'm not sure if you explained what system you're using to read off the palms.

A: It's my own. I developed it out on Venice Beach when I was studying nutrition. I needed to lure people in to get them on the diet. So I put myself out as a nutritional palm reader. Yeah. And what I did was I would ask them about their conditions.

Q: Right.

A: And I would see what corresponded from person to person.

Q: Ah.

A: And then I was able to tell what part of the body was reflected in the hand. You know there are people who have mapped out the feet and the hands and everything. But I found that they didn't relate exactly as you know it should because that wasn't working as well. So when I let the body tell me, people tell me.

Q: The symptoms tell you and you look for the corresponding.

A: Correct. Look for the corresponding changes in tissue.

Q: Wow.

Q: And there. Is there a thing, is there a tissue?

A: Tissues, everything. Color, tissues. I read about seven things. Sometimes pulse.

Q: Wow. Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Okay, your right ovaries are very overactive. That usually means very sexual. Left is slightly less than that but very prominent. Pancreas is almost completely gone. Non-functional means stay away from fruit if I were you.I would stay away from any carbohydrate if I were you. Like I do, I have one maybe every three days, if that. The thyroid, the right thyroid is excellent. The left is functioning but it's starting to break down a bit. Parathyroid on the left side isn't functional. The right is fine. It doesn't look like there are tonsils. There are some lymph glands on the right side which are facilitating that area but not well. It's really congested and dark. The sinuses are quite congested and jammed. Some gangrenous tissue there. The right kidney is not in good shape. The left kidney is a little bit better. Ovaries, it's rare to see that strong of ovaries at our age. It's very good. It looks like those might be secreting enough hormones to be able to substitute for the ones that are absent in other areas. Quite anemic. Suggests, not diagnosing anemia, but the tissues look very anemic. I have to be so careful. Somebody asked me about that. The FDA was going to come after me. Who is that that asked that? Well, the AMA came after me in the state of California. They came after me for practicing medicine without a license. And they were very nasty to me over the phone and very accusatory. And I said, did you take an oath of office to protect the Constitution? And they said, yes. And I said, well, isn't it innocent until proven guilty? Yes. Well, then why are you talking to me as if I'm guilty? He said, well, that's my job. We've got to interrogate. This isn't your job. Your job is to take up your oath.

So you investigate and find out the information. And then if it sounds like I'm guilty, then take it to court. You're not the judge. I said, let me tell you something. If you're going to talk to me rudely, you just talk to my attorney. We'll set up a meeting. It will be videotaped and we'll have a nice, good meeting. So we did. So we had a meeting. They were very nice over the videotape. Very nice. And I said, okay, now what is your problem? Well, we have this complaint here, you know, that you're practicing medicine without a license. I said, wait a minute. What did they say I prescribed? Well, there was no medication. You just tell people to eat raw chicken. And I said, well, we know that they do that in other countries. Is that wrong for me to do something culturally legit? Well, you're going to get people sick. And I said, wait a minute, this is a whole conceptual thing. I'm not dealing with... you're talking about me, accusing me of practicing medicine. What medication have I prescribed? None. Okay. What do I... I say I only handle food. I don't tell anybody to take any vitamins, nothing. Well, you're going to be dangerous if you're telling people to eat raw meat. I said, that's just your opinion. Do you have any, you know, backing for that? And I said, it doesn't even matter here. I only deal with foods. I'm not practicing medicine. And I don't need a license to do that. The state of law said that anybody can be a nutritionist. You know, they just cannot diagnose. So that's why I'm reiterating, I'm not diagnosing here. I'm analyzing. I would suggest that you eat 70% red meat. If you really want to feel comfortable and relaxed, you know, feel like everything is so much better, stay away from fruit and high sugars. It will just make you weepy and upset and nothing will satisfy you.

You have lots of bile stored out through your torso. That also irritates you. And if you eat fruit, that's going to churn it up without being able to discard it. So just keep irritating your system. Coconut cream will help remove that. Coconut cream and lime juice will help that. You don't need a lot of it, but you need some. Also, you need lots of sunshine. And if you can go swimming, go to a tropical place sometime, all that stuff would be excellent for you. You have all the ability to handle fats, to absorb vitamin D regularly, and it would just change everything. And then you would feel more satisfied all over and more thrilled, and you'd be able to really enjoy that sexuality and all of your sensuality, because this is major. Prominent. You have some metal toxicity in your sinuses and brain. If you make a sauce like a... What is that avocado sauce that they make? Guacamole. With... What could do it? Okay, this is a little unusual. I recommend for everyone to have a nut mixture once a week, gets rid of appetite for, you know, craving for starches. A nut butter mixture. So what you do is take 4 ounces of either walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, or any combination of the six, blend it into a powder in one of the 8-ounce jelly jars, and then add 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of honey, and 3 to 4 ounces of either raw cream, raw coconut cream or butter. You need to eat that, eat about 3 ounces of that at a time, with, and blend that for about 30 seconds into a paste, nut paste, nut butter.

Q: Yummy.

A: It is.

Q: You call that candy?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, hazelnuts, and the sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Q: Can you use flax seeds?

A: No.

Q: And how much of the butter?

A: 3 to 4 ounces.

Q: The 4 ounces of nuts and 3 to 4 ounces of butter or cream?

A: Butter cream or coconut cream.

Q: But no vegetable oil?

A: I used to use peanut oil but, you know, Spectrum is doing their number and cold pressing toasted nuts, peanuts. So that doesn't make any sense.

Q: And then any other vegetable oil?

A: If the peanut oil is very light yellow in color and clear, it's probably the good peanuts. But if it's amber or red or orange, then it's not the right peanuts. But any other kind of oil with it, whether it's olive oil or flax oil, you're likely to cause a neurological detoxification and you might find yourself not able to sleep at night between 12 o'clock and 5.30 a.m. for sometimes weeks or months.

Q: Is this to solve carbohydrate needs?

A: Pardon?

Q: Is the purpose of this mixture to solve carbo needs?

A: Yes, right. Well, starch needs. Not carb needs, but starch. So if you take that with a half of an avocado, mix that together and eat that with any kind of meat that you like, more often fowl, like chicken, then it will, that'll help your system, you know, be a little bit stronger in the upper glandular area. If you do not have a mate, you better take care of yourself sexually, I mean. But you've got very good, it's very odd. Over in this side of the body, you have cells which are very strong and very resilient. On this side, they're very dry and very weak. So I recommend that you have a lubrication formula. Lubrication formula is egg, 3 ounces of raw butter, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Blend that into a cream, takes about 30 seconds or less, 20 seconds, and then drink it. And that'll actually get into those tissues where it's not getting on your left side. Did you have a stroke at all?

Q: No, not that I know of.

A: Because it's mostly dry in the brain, so it looks like you did. Anyway, that lubrication formula will get in there and help you resolve whatever caused that burning and help you clean up and hydrate that area and then clean it out. And I would have that every night. Juice formula, a good one for you would be 60% celery, 20% parsley, 10% white or green cabbage, not the red cabbage. There's a little ulcerations in this and to help get those closed up and stop the seepage, the cabbage juice will help that and then 10% parsley.

Q: Where are the ulcerations?

A: In the brain and in the sinuses. And it's causing bile to move up into the brain which can be irritating. What is your name?

Q: Debra.

A: Debra what?

Q: Judd.

A: Debra Judd, nice name. Sounds like a movie star, Debra Judd. Because of the heavy bile you might go into a lot of diarrhea and nausea so eat small amounts of cheese all day long except with your juice. I would suggest that you have at least a pound of meat a day. A pound a day will probably be fine but that's of all kinds. Now it looks like you're going to be able to use a little campylobacter infection to be able to help that. That's maybe a little bloody stool a little bit but just ride it through if you have it.

[audio cut]

A: You can get the Aztec secret clay in a health food store in the cosmetic department. Just put a little bit of that in a smoothie and drink it and that will help heal and relax the bleeding in that area if it happens. But I'm just afraid it's not going to happen so much on this side although there's more bile over here but this side is so dry that it might happen. I would like to prevent it for about six weeks until the lube formula gets there and it hydrates everything. Then you probably wouldn't even have to think about it. But sometimes you can't tell what the body is going to do when there's that much bile in everywhere irritating everything. Bile is very caustic that's why when you get diarrhea you have diarrhea because it has to move it out quickly. Okay. Thank you.

Q: Thank you.

Q: Do we keep going, take a break?

A: Nope we keep going. We'll be here all night. Okay. Oh, you're already here so just stay there. What's your name?

Q: My name is Carol O'Gara.

A: Carol O'Gara. Hi Carol O'Gara. Okay. Right ovary is in great shape. Right adrenal gland is fine. It's debilitating a little bit. The pancreas is starting to debilitate. Not starting. It's halfway there on the right side. It's very congested on the right side. Doesn't look like it's working very well. The right ovary, left ovary is also debilitating and very weak. Adrenal gland is exhausted over here. Thyroid looks good. Parathyroids look good. Looks like you have a tonsil over here on the right side but it's debatable on the left. Did you have your tonsils removed? I did. You may have some lymphatic gland. This is scar tissue right here but this is some good lymph activity. Parathyroid is in excellent shape here. Thyroid is in good shape. But you are dehydrating everywhere. Your inner tissues are dehydrating everywhere so you are just shriveling up inside in your tissues. Water will make it worse. Do not drink water unless you have to. It just leeches, there is no live nutrients in water unless you are drinking rain water full of bacteria. You need a lubrication formula, I would suggest one in the morning for your smoothie in the morning. Like I said, people, juice, meat, smoothie, juice, meat, smoothie, juice, meat, smoothie, it always works the best no matter who it is. 90% of the time that works best. For your smoothie I would suggest juice, meat, lubrication formula and in the same pattern at the end of the day it is lubrication formula, juice, go to bed. So two lubrication formulas. Lubrication formula I just gave would be fine for you, the one egg, three ounces of raw butter or raw cream or raw coconut cream. You could have one and a half tablespoons of either lemon or lime juice and one teaspoon of honey, blend that together.

And that will help get everything, hydration, rehydrated is the wrong word, it should be re-lipidized because what you need to do is hydrate yourself or coat and protect everything with fat, not water. Water just dries everything. I haven't had any water in two weeks. The week before I had that, so I was going to a detoxification, I had two ounces for the week. Go for milk, go for juice, go for things that have electrolytes in them that you can utilize your minerals in food properly. Because the minerals when they are in food, they carry nutrients with them like potassium may carry carbohydrate, the sodium ion carries H2O which little is needed, or other fluid that may come with it, enzymatic fluid. And when the cell opens up, it attracts it in and that's how it eats. But water are empty minerals. There's nothing attached to them. So what they do is go in your body and start leaching it out of the nutrients out of your body. So water is not a good thing. Do you drink a lot of water?

Q: No, not since you told me that.

A: Good, okay.

Q: As much as milk, a quart of milk and as much as juice as I can up to a quart.

A: Great, okay. Now, what I remember is that your cells last time were very vulnerable. And now at least they're strong but you're still not getting the fat into the tissues. Were you eating the lubrication formula at all?

Q: I just didn't get the butter or the cream.

A: Okay, that's a problem.

Q: Is eating coconut the same as having coconut cream?

A: No, no it's not. You know, the fiber is too complex to get enough fat out of it so you have to wring it really. I mean still you'll get some out of it. She asked, is eating the coconut as good as coconut cream? No, because there's lots of fiber in coconut just like in any kind of a cellulose. That's why I prefer people juicing the coconut rather than eating it. But still it's okay to eat the coconut but you just won't get as much out of it. And a lot of people who eat a lot of coconut lose their appetite for everything else because it's so complex to digest.

Q: Where can you get coconut?

A: Any store.

Q: Most grocery stores have it.

A: Pardon?

Q: Most grocery stores have it.

A: And just to remember that, you know, the...

Q: Whole coconut.

Q: Whole coconut.

A: Well, not the whole coconut. The whole coconut's about like this. Yeah, just the nut inside. I recommend about 25%, I think this is really high, I'm going to be really rich. 25% parsley. What kind of a juicer are you using?

Q: Cabbage...

A: No, what kind of a juicer?

Q: Oh, a juicer, I'm a champion.

A: Okay. So 25%, because that really doesn't get the meat out of it like an Omega or a Green Life. So use a full 25%, you know, a volume of parsley. I know that's a lot, but you need that vitamin D, you need the vitamin E, you need everything to try to get the oils to be absorbed into your skin. You say your skin looks 100% better from last year, you know, so last March it was, wasn't it? So you're doing a lot better, there's a lot more strength there. You still have lots of bile, you know. Have you had any diarrhea in the last year?

Q: Yes, I have, I've had headaches and migraines.

A: Well, like I say, put the hot water bottle on to expand the head. And you're going to have to deal with more of it because there's a lot of bile everywhere. Because you're so fat deficient, your body used bile in place of it and it caused everything to be like salt, you know. Intensively H2O attracting but not utilizing. That sentence was terribly structured, I hope everybody understood it. The bile attracts lots of fluids without being able to utilize them.

Q: What is bile exactly?

A: Bile is something that the liver produces to help digestion and it's for digestion only. And when the body starts using bile to deal with toxins that are in the system in place of fats, then everything gets irritated.

Q: Does the bile get from the liver into the intestines?

A: To the intestines, to the blood, it goes everywhere. Sometimes it will dump directly into the blood. And then that usually causes vomiting and instant diarrhea. About three quarters to a pound of meat a day. Did I tell you the percentage of meat yet?

Q: The last time you did.

A: No, this time. About 70% red meat, 30% white, 10% of that could be fish on an off and on basis. But mostly fowl and beef.

Q: Can I ask a question about that? Last time you suggested swordfish. I couldn't find anything but frozen and I didn't eat it because you recommended not to eat that. So I haven't been eating swordfish. Do you think I should have some frozen swordfish?

A: No, because swordfish is very high in mercury. It's my favorite. But once you freeze it or cook it, it turns the mercury into a poison. There's three kinds of mercury. There's organic mercury. There is stable mercury that you find like in rock and in nature. And then there's toxic mercury. In food, like when the swordfish goes around eating the plankton and gets its mercury, it's a healthy organic mercury and it helps it be able to fly and jump and more buoyant. So it's useful, but as soon as you cook it, it becomes the lethal kind of mercury. When it's raw, it's beneficial.

Q: Is it the same true of ivy?

A: Yes.

Q: That it's organic?

A: Correct.

Q: So you're saying, [unintelligible] says from Hawaii that tuna has a lot of mercury, but if it's raw, fresh tuna, then you're saying it's not toxic?

A: It's fine. It's non-toxic. You can have a very high mercury level, but what it will do is usually cause toxic mercury in your body from thimerosal, from vaccines, to start discharging. Because remember that the organic mercury has an attraction to the toxic mercury and starts throwing it out through the skull, and then the skull builds it into the hair. So you have a lot higher mercury content in the hair. That's a good thing because you're getting rid of the poison mercury in the body. But it will cause graying of hair, it will cause some damage, it will cause, you know, like me balding, you know, like the chemotherapy did, and it won't recover.

Q: So what's the frozen factor relative to fishes being frozen?

A: Well, frozen, it unstabilizes the molecular unit and turns it into rock. It doesn't turn it lethal, but it turns it into like the rock variety of mercury rather than the organic. And then if that works in detoxing you, you're going to have some pretty ill reactions. I mean, for somebody who isn't high in mercury, high mercury poison, that wouldn't be a problem, but there's high mercury poison in your system. Did you have lots of tetanus shots, lots of vaccines at some point?

Q: I used to live near a potter and I lived on a road where they were graveling with mercury tailings.

A: Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, I usually don't see this except in young children after they've had a lot of vaccines to this extent. That probably has a lot to do with your headaches, not only the bile. So like I said, the skull expanded. And the pain formula. The pain formula is two eggs, four, depending upon your size, four to five level tablespoons of bee pollen, three to four ounces of raw cream, raw coconut cream, or raw butter, one and a half to two tablespoons of lemon juice, depending upon how much butter, cream, or coconut cream you use, and one teaspoon of honey. Blend that for 30 to 50 seconds. The reason you have to blend it that long is because bee pollen has a shell like a nut. It's very difficult to break down.

Q: And use small jars instead of whole jars.

A: I always recommend using small jars. Get rid of the big bowl on your blender. Yes?

Q: So if that's a long time, so most things you buy and you want to just do it fast, like 10, 20 seconds, not do them too long?

A: Yes, not do them long at all, unless you have to. This takes 30, 40 seconds, something like that, 50 at max for this. And for the nut butter, 40, 50 max also.

Q: There's a question about bee pollen. It's supposed to be soft?

A: Soft, so it disintegrates as you rub it. If it's hard and pellety, it means it's kiln-dried and you will never break the shell. It'll be just waste. And it always should be kept refrigerated.

Q: That was really helpful when I had my headache.

A: Good, okay. And eat that. If you don't have migraines, you can eat it with any kind of cheese including the cheddar. No salt added cheddar cheese. But if you have migraines, then you use the Monterey. And you have, you know, the bricks are about 3 inches wide by anywhere from a quarter to, you know, 3 quarters of an inch thick. Just go down about an inch. If somebody has migraines, you might just take it down a half inch. And then eat that with that pain formula. It's a tonic. I call it a tonic slash pain formula. Everybody should have it one day a week in place of a smoothie. And then, you know, not two days in a row, but also have your nut butter once a week. So you might let 3-4 days go between each of them but have one each week. It would be a great idea if you can find a source for glandular tissue. I don't care if it's liver, I don't care if it's brain, as long as it's organic of its brain. It doesn't have to be organic if it's liver, as long as they don't use hormones and antibiotics. But the brain has to be because of your mercury poisoning. Oysters are very good for that too. Just remember oysters and clams and shellfish build the poisons into the shell, not into the soft tissue.

Q: They were frozen too, it's okay to eat them?

A: No, it's better that they're not. I mean if they're chilled and on ice, it's okay, but they're frozen solid.

Q: They got them into the meat market frozen.

Q: What does it mean to build it into the shell? I didn't get what that means.

A: Well, a lot of people worry about mineral poisoning, mercury poisoning and stuff like that because oysters and clams live on the shores and lots of the mercury poisoning and everything comes up. And they consume it when they consume the water, but they build it into the shell and it's not in their meat. So they're okay to eat, is what I'm saying, unless they're frozen.

Q: What about mussels?

A: Mussels are good too. Any of those shellfish are good, as long as they're not frozen or cooked. Green papaya would be great for you. I've been trying to figure this out ever since I looked at your hands. There is a problem. You're not absorbing your fats properly. Of course, you said you didn't have the butter or the cream. Now you know you can get it. But also there's a protein deficiency that seems to be involved in that. Green papaya will help give you that nutrient that you need to break it down. Next. After him. You're going next and then you two will go.

Q: Larry Becker, microphone.

A: Okay. This man is oversexed. Great, great testes. High adrenaline. Pancreas is about 40 to 50 percent okay on the left side. On the right side, it's very debilitated. Probably only about 10 percent active. One piece of fruit a day may be too much. Half a piece of fruit probably okay, so four ounces. Always with fat.

Q: Pancreas relates to sugar?

A: Yeah. And also it leaches out enzymes everywhere else if you eat cooked food. So pancreas is very helpful in a lot of ways. Relax your hand. This hand right here shows that there's a lot of water saturation and a lot of weakness due to that. Up in the chest area all the way down to the small intestines. The bowel doesn't seem to be too affected. Sometimes I find this in people who have had colonics or drink too much water. It's even debilitating the spine on this side. It's starting to tear down the system. It causes severe protein deficiency. So I would suggest that you eat three meat meals a day. About five ounces at a time which is just an ounce less than a pound of meat. But it will stabilize you.

Q: Are you defining meat as either beef, poultry or fish?

A: Anyone. When I say meat, it's all flesh food. I recommend 60% celery, 10-15% parsley, about 5% carrot juice, and the rest summer squash.

Q: Summer squash doesn't mean the crook neck?

A: Crook neck, zucchini, cucumber, any of them.

Q: This is a juice mixture.

A: You could also use the lubrication formula twice a day. Get rid of that water. That water retention everywhere is causing a problem. It looks like everything is going into fatigue because there's all this water and no electrolytes. There's no activity. Are you suffering fatigue?

Q: I have for the last 5 days. I say it's because of flu and cold. I've been sleeping a lot. Normally I'm energetic 18 hours a day.

A: Yeah, because of the adrenal glands and the testosterone. But here this is showing all this fluid retention. So the lubrication formula that I just gave, I suggest you have that twice a day until this resolves because you're just not having enough fat. Your body is going through this cold, this detoxification to help clean you and strengthen you. And it's not getting out the waste. It's just causing water retention.

Q: I feel dehydrated.

A: Well, you should. You need the fats in there because you can drink water forever and it won't hydrate it.

Q: And no salt probably, right?

A: Pardon?

Q: No salt?

A: Yes, no salt.

Q: Does that increase water retention?

A: Absolutely.

Q: I never had salt probably because I have hypertension.

A: Let me see your eyes. Okay. Well, there's no salt ring. So you probably have hypertension because you have overactive testes and overactive adrenals.

Q: How can the testes be overactive? I mean, is that like a malfunction or is that like a natural thing?

A: That can be a natural thing for people. You just usually... If they have other glands working properly, that'll mean they're oversexed. But that's not a bad thing as long as you find that somebody else is oversexed they have fun with. Then it's great.

Q: That's my training. I'm a good teacher.

A: Well, that's a good one for you. Wow. Thyroid gland looks good on the left side. Parathyroid is not active at all. Looks like it's completely dissolved.

Q: What are the two?

A: Thyroid and parathyroid are alongside. They back up the thyroid if it goes weak.

Q: The thyroid does what?

A: The thyroid controls adrenal function, all kinds of glandular functions below the neck. The right thyroid is okay, not great. The parathyroid is not so good at all. And then it looks like you have a tonsil here. But over here it's scarred. So it looks like your tonsil is removed over here, but then you have good lymphatic function replacing it here. How was the removal?

Q: I was quite young. Very young, yeah.

A: Because here you can see it's all scar tissue all the way down. In fact, they poisoned you when it scarred you. It went all the way down into here. So whatever fluid that they used, iodine or something, got all the way down into the tissues, all the way down along the vagus nerve, all the way down to the stomach. And usually on children that'll cause cramping or indigestion or, you know, belching, anything like that, heartburn. And yours is in the left side, yeah.

Q: I used to have very severe heartburn.

A: So that was from the medication that they used to coat it to stop it from infection. Could have been iodine, it could have been mercury poisoning, it could have been anything. Because it's all scar tissue all the way down still. And the reason that you have any pain anymore is because it's all scar. You don't feel anything there anymore. This side it didn't, it went just so far on this one and stopped. Good food for you is, when you do eat it, and not dried, should be fresh, is underripe apricot, underripe pear, and medium ripe papaya. You're just missing an array of certain enzymes that you've lost the ability to formulate. So those will help provide that when they're in season. And I've given you the three that you can usually get around all year round and have some. Like I said, I would limit the fruit to four ounces a day as long as it's with other fat.

Q: Other fat like avocado?

A: Avocado, cream, coconut cream, cheese, butter. Keep it simple.

Q: About my throat, I had a disease undiagnosed for four years called GERD and I have a hiatal hernia. So that scarred up my entire esophagus which became the size of a pencil.

A: That wouldn't have happened if that poisoning had not happened from your tonsil removal. That was the response of that. It's just a later side effect. You're welcome Larry. Okay, so it's you, you, you, you, and here, and here, and everywhere he wants to go. I'm having a light problem now. I'm going to have a light problem pretty soon. Let me see how this one will work. No, do you have a major flashlight? I still got enough light here though. Name?

Q: Catherine.

A: Catherine what?

Q: Middleman.

A: Middleman. Okay, first of all, you've got to stop being hard on yourself. It shows that you're very self-critical. So be a little bit more nurturing and have the mind for it. Your ovaries look like they're in pretty good shape. Nothing is out of proportion. The left right ovary is just debilitating a little bit. The adrenal gland is full of bile and it looks like it's malfunctioning. The left one looks okay. It's also collecting with bile. So it looks like from what I've seen before in this, it looks like you're heading for chronic fatigue syndrome. Thyroid, parathyroid is in great shape. It looks like you have your tonsils? Great. This one is excellent. This one isn't as good but this one is excellent. All these glands are excellent. Finally a good left hand. The parathyroids over here are not so active and the parathyroids aren't very active over here. These are the only two glands that are having major problems and that's this right side right here. But all of your other glands everywhere are in some pretty good shape. Your spine looks like it's in a little danger because there's no fat on it and it looks like anything could irritate it and if you had an injury there would be no recovery, quick recovery and you'd end up probably like Christopher Reeves. So I suggest that you eat lots of fat, lots of fat, now do I look like a miner, I'm going to mine here. Yeah I need a white one, this one's too yellow, I'm going to make it look like everybody has bile when they don't. I don't need it yet, I still have enough light. Okay... So you need to eat lots of fat with your meat, every time you eat meat you eat lots of fat, every time you eat meat eat lots of fat, never eat meat without fat no matter what kind it is. I don't care if it's an egg, butter cream, coconut cream, avocado, anything. The egg will be a little more stabilizing with it like they make steak tartare. Have you ever had steak tartare?

Q: No.

A: Well steak tartare is nothing other than raw egg mixed with raw beef and they'll usually put like chopped a little bit of cilantro for flavor, red onion and some hot pepper. They usually use black pepper but it's better to use fresh hot pepper chopped. You appear to be very anemic, so probably 70% of your meat, 70-75, even 80 at times should be red meat.

Q: I love the white.

A: You love the white. Well you're very cold, you have all the signs of, if you had more sunshine, you'd probably be able to handle the white better and it would be fine for you, but right now you have signs of anemia. I mean when summer time comes around it might be different, but right now it shows that you need a lot more red meat. What kind of white meat are you eating?

Q: Chicken.

A: Raw? And what happens when you eat beef?

Q: I don't eat very much.

A: Eat some beef and some chicken together, but make meat the larger portion. Now you can use lemon or lime with chicken and fish, but not with beef, because if you use lemon or lime with beef, you'll turn it into a fuel, a pyruvate, and it'll burn and won't help build your blood or muscles or glands. Very very creative. Do you do some form of art? You have to. Well basically your glands are in pretty good shape, except your blood isn't good and you've got bile and a little debilitation in your adrenals, but otherwise it looks like you have good constitution, you just need lots of fat and meat. For your juice I would say you have a tendency to be over alkaline, which is unusual, which also means more red meat. But the thing is, do you just not like red meat or do you have some kind of block against it?

Q: It's more like we've just started experimenting and I just really took to the chicken.

A: Most people start the other way around, they don't want to go near the chicken first.

Q: Yeah, I can't get enough chicken.

A: That's probably because you just don't get enough meat, if you ate the beef you might see a difference. Have you tried the beef at all? A little bit, I just felt like I had puppy breath. Well yes, that is going to happen. And you'll have to live with your puppy breath. And that's okay.

Q: Actually I would like to ask something that I've kind of really come a long way with is I had really severe dysmenorrhea.

A: And what were your symptoms?

Q: It was just incredible pain in my ovaries and lower back every month, just like it was too intense. I've been on hormones to cut the severity of it because it just would create a toxic reaction like vomiting and diarrhea.

A: Oh, you did have the vomiting and diarrhea along with the pain.

Q: Right.

A: And did it happen on the same day that the pains would start or would this be two or three days into it?

Q: The same day.

A: Right, okay. That's a severe toxic protein deficiency. Heterocyclic amines start and collect, store and collect in the ovaries and in the fallopian tubes. And it just starts melting and poisoning the area and then it has to reject it instantly. So it dumps it into the blood, dumps it everywhere to get rid of it. And when it dumps into the stomach, they'll be nauseous and vomiting quickest way out. Because when heterocyclic amines collect like you have, collecting along with bile, it will just burn holes in things. Yeah, and that's why you're having the pain and the cramps.

Q: Right. It's not as bad now, but I am on hormones.

A: But that's hormones. Yeah, which basically is giving you more fats. If you have the, there you go, if you have the fats, then you won't have to worry about the hormones.

Q: Actually, it hasn't been painful since I started eating the raw milk.

A: Yeah, okay. It's raw fat and raw meat and raw protein, so it's working very well.

Q: Oh, there was a button.

A: There was a button.

Q: Yeah?

A: Oh, here it is. Okay. I was about to, what?

Q: Make a juice recommendation.

A: Oh, yes. Do you like hot things at all? Yeah. Okay, good. Because watercress, my girlfriend absolutely loves it, and I can't stand it, but you know.

Q: No, I love spice.

A: Okay, good. You need about 5% watercress, 60% celery, 15-20% parsley, and rotate summer squash for the remainder, and winter squash and carrot, just rotate them all. You hear that? Looks like you can handle fruit, but I'm just not getting that you should eat much fruit at all. Do you get very emotional, very weepy?

Q: No. I love fruit.

A: I know, but it's just going to make it worse. You know, you can handle it biologically, but emotionally you're not handling it all, so basically you should stay away from it. I mean, if you got, let's say, green papaya, something like that, it would be fine. It would still taste sweet, but it would be full of enzymes and very little sugar. You know, some underripe fruit might be very fine, like pear, but getting into sweet food, you find yourself weepy and emotional and unsatisfied and, you know, all that stuff.

Q: Sometimes it's satisfying to be weepy and emotional.

A: Yeah. It certainly is. Yeah, very. Especially when you're used to it. You know, there's a catch-22 in there. Yeah, definitely, there's a scientist that proved that when you cry, it changes the toxins that are in the brain and actually converts them into endorphins, and it comes out the tear ducts. So crying actually transforms neurological proteins that Elnora Van Winkle talks about and allows them to be dumped, you know, in a nice, favorable way as far as I'm concerned. It's better than, you know, beating somebody up. But still, I mean, you don't need to go through that. You don't have the normal kinds of toxic chemicals in your brain that a lot of people who go through a lot of trauma do. For some reason your body has been able to resist that. You're harder on yourself than anybody else, but, you know, that may be why you need that release, but it isn't necessary. And I'm seeing that if you just cut out the fruit, everything will be much better and it won't harm your artistic ability. A lot of people think that they have to suffer to be an artist.

Q: Good. Tell me I need to eat oysters.

A: Well, I'm perceiving that will be very bad for you. I'm teasing you. Avocados and oysters together would be good. Avocado and beef would be good. Just got to get the beef in there. You know, all those white meats are fine for you, but you do need a lot of red meat. The only problem is that you have with the red meat is that you have a lot of acidity in your brain. The rest of your body is over alkaline and anemic and has anemia symptoms. I'm not a doctor so I can't diagnose the anemia. So you're not anemic, you have these anemia symptoms, signs of anemia. So if you were to eat, let's say, half a dozen oysters with a quarter pound of beef, wonderful. Okay, just mix them and then you'll enjoy the meat more.

Q: Did you say oyster and beef?

A: Oyster and beef, yeah. It might make you a little horny and then you have an egg with it then you'll really be flying. Those are good for you because you do have metal poisoning. Do you paint also?

Q: I painted for years.

A: Because you have metal poisoning like the last artist, everywhere in the hands and it's gone to the brain. Oh, so you did the photography, that's why, you inhaled it. So that's why you have the white meat thing, to aid your brain. White meat aids the brain entirely, not red meat.

Q: White meat aids the brain?

A: Aids, helps it. This is probably just protecting, the more fat you get the more you'll be able to do a lot of things. So always eat fat with your meat, no matter what kind of meat you're eating, to stabilize everything in your body. You're way too thin, way too thin. You need to gain at least seven pounds and then add another twelve and then take it off and add twelve and take it off, okay? You're a beautiful girl, you could even be more beautiful if you put on some more weight. I mean emotionally in every way, your temper, everything. You're nice already. There's a lot of damage in the kidney here. It looks like it's scarring and some congestion, but that could be from the hormones you're taking. If I were you, I would go onto the RxList, and take a look at that and see that causes kidney damage, that hormone you're taking, because that looks pretty severe. That's the only danger that I see besides the metals causing some brain-melting detoxification. And there you can have berries, you know, raw berries, but no strawberries. Lots of raspberries and blueberries will help that, blueberries more than anything. But no more than four ounces at a time with about six ounces of cream or a whole avocado. You need a lot more fat than the berries because those berries start pulling too much metal out of your brain at one time and you don't have enough fat. You know, it could cause you to feel anxious and irritable and nauseous and all the side effects of metal poisoning. I hate everybody and nothing is good enough. Okay.

Q: Okay.

Q: All right. Thank you.

A: Yeah. Now you need to eat at least a pound of meat a day, believe it or not, as small as you are.

Q: Hi, I'm Andy Hartman.

A: Andy Hartman. Okay. Lots of testosterone. Here's another hot boy. Adrenal glands are normal and calm, which is great. Pancreas is probably only about 25% functional on both sides. So it means 25% altogether. It means four ounces of fruit for somebody your size a day, preferable to go a couple of days without it. Almost no fat anywhere on the body, causes a low heat level. You should probably have not only fat with every meat meal, but about 10 to 12 minutes. If you keep it that close, it'll be a little bit better. You could have it with any time after, but I'm perceiving that if it's between 10 and 12 minutes after finishing your meat with a fat meal, that'll help you utilize the proteins properly to help generate the heat in your body because you're very cold.

Q: So you eat fat after the meal?

A: Yes. Not with it, after. Always after. I mean, you could do it and it'll be okay. It won't be harmful, but you'll get much more of a favorable result toward heating the body and getting circulation going if you have between 10 and 12 minutes after you finish the meal.

Q: Is that for everybody or for him?

A: This is for him. For most people it'll work within 10 to 20 minutes after.

Q: So it's better after than with?

A: Yes. If you want to raise the heat of the body. Because what happens is, the honey helps protein digestion, helps start breaking it down in many ways. When the honey comes in after, it changes it. And then all of a sudden it rushes, when you have it in later, it rushes the body with some pyruvate right away and that usually elevates the body temperature and a hot flash will come over.

Q: Fat or honey? We're mixing here. Are we talking honey?

A: Honey. I'm talking about honey.

Q: You're having fat with meat or fat right after meat?

A: Well, he's having the fat with the meat and then after he finishes the meal.

Q: Okay.

A: The honey after you finish.

Q: Okay.

A: Fat with the meat, honey after the meat fat meal.

Q: Okay.

Q: Okay. Yeah. Want you to feed some honey?

A: Well, I think I need to take a break and eat something. Okay. The thyroid gland on the left side is excellent. The parathyroids are okay. Tonsils look like they're gone. The thyroid on the right side is okay. Parathyroid is very good. Tonsils are completely gone. Not even the lymph glands are working good in your throat.

Q: Yeah, they're pretty regularly swollen.

A: Lots of fat you need, you know, for that lubrication formula once a day at night time in the evening, you know, late evening to help lubricate that, protect it. Basically you have fat in two places of your body, in your balls, in your spine and a little bit in your pancreas. Basically those are the only places you have any fat to protect you. Everything else is very vulnerable and isn't, you know, very protected. So you need lots of good butter and cream. So maybe for a while, about six weeks, you should have the lubrication formula in the morning and in the evening. And then you can cut it down to once in the evening. Lots of metal poisoning around the ears, especially the right ear, in the sinuses. Okay, I recommend your juice. Let me take a look at your eyes. You're scarring everywhere which means that you're not eliminating poisons from the system. Maybe a lot of heterocyclic amines and other poisons. So the fats are going to be very important for you and the meats because you can't replace scar tissue without providing new cells. So basically it's fill and he has a lot of scar tissue filling his body because he doesn't have the raw protein to replenish it and change it over. It's like you can't tear down the walls until you have new material to put up or else the whole house will collapse.

Q: As far as the metal poisoning, like berries?

A: Yeah, berries again, the normal stuff. I don't have to, probably by now I don't have to repeat that stuff. The berries, you know, for it and any berries for you except for strawberries. There's no, you need all of them. Boysenberries probably a little bit more. You'll be healthier if you can ever find them, you know. Probably during the summer you might be able to. Juice formula, celery about 65%, 60-65%. This is unusual, but this is what I'm perceiving. 15% carrot juice and about 5-10% parsley and the rest summer squash. Now what I'd like you to do is, when you can, put a tablespoon per cup of cream in your juice and hopefully you can do it whenever the carrot is in it and that high. And you have a writer's hand, do you write at all?

Q: Yeah, not necessarily with a pen, but kind of as a hobby.

A: Well it has to do with your health is what I'm perceiving, so do it. Very creative. You need the nut butter twice a week. You have, for some reason, you've got a protein that's not assimilating and usually nuts will cause just the opposite, they'll cause a lack. I made that formula so you will be able to, everybody can digest it, it neutralizes the enzyme inhibitors, that formula, but still I never look for it to facilitate a blood impairment like I see here, but it looks like it will work. Don't do it more than twice a week though. I know that you may crave it, but just twice a week and never two days in a row, have it no more than a third day once and then two days and then the third. Anywhere from a pound and a quarter to two pounds a day of meat, about 50-50, maybe a little bit more on the red. You could have more red than that, you could have up to 70% for a while.

Q: It doesn't seem like there's a lot of variety with this diet.

A: No. I used to make it a lot more variety and then less people stayed on the diet and did better with it, didn't do as well with the diet and now that I've made it limited, the bodies function so well that most people don't care, because they function well. So it depends on what you want, but you can take, the sauces are the key. When my book comes out, probably around June, about 150 recipes and it will mainly be sauces to give you all that change in variety. Because that's what it's all about, it's just a change. You have the same, everybody has the same foods, grains, whether it's made into pasta, cereal, breads, no matter, it's the same stuff, it's just they coat it differently, they serve it differently. It's the same garbage. This is just lots of meat, you just have to learn how to eat lots of meat and lots of that in different ways, and there are numerous ways to do it. So does that answer your question?

Q: Uh-huh.

A: Good.

Q: You can always make ice cream.

A: Oh, shut up, I'm too hungry for that. Now I can't concentrate at all since you said that. Well that's about it anyway, I'm glad, I've got to eat something, folks. Could somebody go into the kitchen and there's a torn box of eggs, could somebody bring me an egg out of that please?

Q: Just one?

A: Just one.

Q: How do you eat that egg, I noticed you didn't crack it, did you suck it out of there?

A: No, you break it and there's a couple of, you know, a hole at each end, an eye tooth, and you suck it out. Rocky style. I'm next. [laughs] Okay, who's next, you're next?

Q: I think so.

A: Okay, I'm going to sit down a few minutes, would you let me have the blue, and say your name please? Are we running?

Q: Yes, we're running.

A: You can keep going. That's why I'm staying here. Okay, what's your name?

Q: Amala.

A: Amala?

Q: Yes.

A: What a great name.

Q: Thank you.

A: Oh, let's see. Okay. Ovaries look in very good shape, look a little underactive, left one's slightly shrinking, the pancreas on the left side is completely debilitated, on the left side, the right side of the pancreas is about 60% operational, it's pretty good, thyroid looks okay on both sides, right's a little bit more functional than the left, parathyroid is okay on the left, very good on the right, looks like the tonsils are gone, on this side you don't, you see how flat it is, it must have melted away, put your tongue out and say ah. They just disintegrated over there, let me see the other side, there they are. Sometimes they just disintegrate because it takes care of so much garbage, because they have to protect the brain, tonsils protect the brain, there is so much garbage that goes into the brain because of all the vaccines and everything, because it's one of the highest concentrations of fat is the brain, a man brags about the great huge brain that he has, but most people have 80% toxicity in their brain, so it looks like man had to get a fat head because he got very fat headed, he started polluting everything, cooking everything, his brain got very toxic, and for it to keep functioning he had to keep expanding it, because he only uses 5-10%, gee I wonder why that is. But he is full of toxins, and so the tonsils are so important to protect the brain, but most people lose them because of vaccines, and you notice the amount of tonsils that started being removed after vaccines started, everybody started having them removed.

Okay, you have a lot of congestion in your small intestine, scarring in your right kidney, in your liver, your blood is not circulating some of the oxygen well, so you need about 3 quarters to 5-8ths of a pound a day, 5 days a week of meats, and about 60% red meat and 40% white, 10-12 of that can be seafood. Now it looks like you are handling fat okay, you are just not handling protein okay, even though you have been eating cooked fats, but I'm not saying go ahead and continue eating them just because you handle them better than most people, but it's just stabilized your system better.

Q: What does?

A: Fats, you've been able to handle cooked fats better than most people can. So your body is pretty stable in that area, but lack of protein because the fats haven't been able to utilize to digest proteins properly. There's a shrinking of tissue. I suggest that you have a lubrication formula in the morning, 36 hours later you have it at night and then 36 hours later in the morning so you will shift like that. I suggest that you eat lamb at least twice a week. Juice. Did I give you a juice formula?

Q: I don't think so. No, not yet.

A: When you get a cold or a flu, do you have it constantly running down your throat?

Q: I don't get colds or flus very often.

A: It's too bad. So you've got a belt of scar tissue that goes, relax it again, you've got a belt of scar tissue that goes all the way down into the stomach. It's like your esophagus is pretty much scar tissue. That means it doesn't secrete, it doesn't make mucus very well.

Q: Too many hot drinks, huh?

A: Probably. Or smoking.

Q: No, I never smoke.

A: Yeah, it has to be hot drinks. So at least three cups a day and I suggest that you break... Three cups of juice a day. Have two cups, there's a full two cups and then two half cups at a time so you can get the four ounce jelly jars and fill those. You definitely need nut butter every week. Papaya is good for you, cherries, but again no more than about four ounces a day. You don't have a lot of metal poisoning. Did you stay away from vaccines and flu shots and stuff?

Q: Well, no, I haven't had flu shots. I did have vaccines when I was a kid.

A: You didn't seem to have stored them like other people did.

Q: Oh, great. Thank goodness.

A: You basically just haven't been utilizing your proteins properly which made a problem with certain fat utilization.

Q: Oh, so how could I utilize my proteins?

A: By eating raw proteins with some raw fat. Because it looks pretty stable. You just need to eat good combinations of fats and proteins and a little juice. Very simple. I'd like you to have a cup of juice in the morning and the next time you have, have a half a cup and then a cup again and a half before you go to bed. Because with a kidney like this you might be up urinating during the night if you have it right before you go to bed.

Q: That's for sure.

A: And once in a while have a little pineapple, not a lot because it will make you emotional but you need it to break up scar tissue. You have scar tissue aligning all of your glands and the kidneys and down the esophagus, one side of the esophagus. The other side looks pretty good. Okay, next.

Q: My name is Mary Carol Winkler.

A: Okay, good sexual activity here. Ovaries are good, the left one is starting to debilitate. The pancreas is almost completely shot on both sides. It shows a diabetic-like nature. I would suggest no fruit or maybe one every three days and always with fat, isn't necessary. The red blood circulation looks excellent in your extremities but there is just dehydration everywhere. I shouldn't say dehydration, I should say delipidation. And I suggest that you have a lubrication formula, morning and night, the next day, only at night. The next day, morning and night, so rotate once a day in the evening, the next day twice a day. And if for some reason that makes you too hungry during the night, put an extra egg in it when you have it at night. And when you put an extra egg in, put an extra half of a tablespoon of lemon or lime juice.

Q: Is it ever okay to leave the honey out of it?

A: Yes, the honey doesn't have to be in that one. Now you have the signs of having yeast all over the place. Do you have a candida problem?

Q: Not that I know of.

A: Oh, that's good. Because you might, once you start getting rid of those dried up tissue as it passes through the skin, it may cause a drying and itching. And then the yeast will work on getting rid of the carbohydrates, the byproducts of carbohydrates they will feed on. It looks like you have some pretty good cells. They just need lubrication with the right foods. Rebuilding, there is debilitation going on in the digestive area, in this whole area. It's just breaking down. The rest is pretty stable except that the brain and face all the way down to about the clavicle is starting to just dry up and shrink up. The lubrication formula should help there. I suggest that you eat at least a pound of meat a day. I would say that you are pretty intuitive regarding that but eat more red than white. You are a person who could go on a binge for a very long time of eating only white or red and it wouldn't be bad for you. I wouldn't let a week go by without having one of the other that you are not eating more frequently.

Q: Are you gonna suggest a juice formula?

A: Yep.

Q: Is someone taking notes for you?

A: It's on the tape. Look at me. Okay. I'd like you to have 60% celery, 20% parsley, 15% summer squash and 5% either lemon in it, you know the lemon I talked about with the rind, or about 3 ounces of pureed pineapple dispersed through a whole 3 quarts of juice. You have some lymphatic congestion which is not protecting your skin very well. Okay. And that's also causing you to dehydrate. I mean your skin to draw up and dry. And this left kidney...

Q: Is that what this thing is?

A: Well, this whole area, that's maybe related to it or maybe just local.

Q: Okay.

A: To your hand.

Q: Uh-huh. I didn't notice it until you started looking at everybody else's hands.

A: Well, it doesn't look like it's related to the kidney. It looks like it's related to itself except in this eye there is some metal poisoning in the kidney that could relate to it, but usually it shows up differently. But none of your poisons are fluid. They're deep in the tissues.

Q: Uh-huh.

A: So... Your means that you may go a year and a half feeling really great on this diet and all of a sudden the poisons will start coming out. And then you'll wonder, what happened? You know, just know that, you know, your body is very wonderful. That you got to experience, you know, that much time without much detoxification. But usually that's what happens. I don't know that that's going to happen, but usually that's what happens when the toxins are so deeply embedded in the tissues. And, of course, eat, you know, cream and butter every time you eat some meat, no matter what kind it is. And, of course, you need to gain a lot of weight and take it off and on and off. Okay?

Q: Okay. Thank you.

A: Wonderful hands. Thank you. Your name?

Q: Ranga Rajan.

A: Say it out loud now.

Q: Ranga Rajan.

A: You expect me to say that with that accent? Say it to me slow.

Q: Ranga.

A: Ranga.

Q: Rajan.

A: Rajan. What a great name. Ranga Rajan. Okay. Your glands are debilitating everywhere, especially the testes and the adrenal glands. You have very overactive adrenal glands, which usually makes somebody hyperactive. However, it's not likely to make you hyperactive unless your testes are also producing a lot of testosterone. So, what happens usually if your adrenal glands are overactive in a situation like that, the adrenal will replace the missing testosterone so there won't be any hyperactivity. So it usually makes for a calm person, but not, you know, healthfully calm. It's just debilitatedly calm. You know, it's like a lot of vegetarians who are weak, you know, because they're unhealthy, they don't have a lot of proteins and stuff like that. They are calm and all relaxed because they eat more vegetables and more of that kind of food. However, if you eat fruit, it's just the opposite. Then they become crazy. Hitler was a fruitarian vegetarian. Cain also, Cain and Abel, vegetarians. Most of the people who come after me the hardest are the fruitarians like David Wolf. I mean, they talk about being peaceful people and it certainly does not come out of them. It's insane. I mean, they get vicious. And I had, when they approached me down in San Diego when I was doing the Whole Life Expo, drooling with anger. Drooling. And I'm not kidding, spitting and drooling. This is calm. Yeah. But, you know, and they don't realize it. They think all of that hyperactivity is good energy. When it's really sugar irritating a hell of a lot of their nervous systems.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: About what? Well, he's a cooked meat eater. That's a problem. Chianti and liver. Okay, you have very good artistic qualities. You should do something very creative. Okay, you have bile collecting everywhere. A very weak system of weak tissues everywhere. But your genes are excellent. You have excellent genes but no good nutrients in your body. And you're already, you're still a very good looking, healthy looking person. But from the looks of this, you're not even a slight bit as healthy as you could be. Because it shows that you don't have enough fats, you don't have enough protein, you have too much bile all over the system. When I've seen it this bad in people, I've seen them go into men, go into diarrhea for up to 15, 16 days at a time. And you just have to go through it. And sometimes that could go on and off for years. And just go through it. You know, even vomiting sometimes. If you eat a little bit of cheese all day long except with your vegetable juice, you'll be able to absorb some of it, you know, that way. As it discards into your stomach or bowels. Also clay, if you ate... Do you have any trouble with constipation?

Q: Not actually. You know, Kuni's hip baths and sit-baths. So I do them pretty regularly. So they keep your bowel...

A: But otherwise you do have it. I still recommend that you take about... When you're having any kind of diarrhea or bowel movement like that, you take a heaping teaspoon of powdered clay. And if you got the Aztec secret clay from a cosmetic department of a health food store, just use a teaspoon of that in anything, especially a smoothie or in water or in milk, anything to get it down or even with an egg. That'll help encourage your bacteria in your intestines. Because right now there's not a lot of bacteria in your intestines. And people are mostly constipated because they lack bacteria in their intestines. Sixty to eighty percent of faecal matter is supposed to be bacteria. If we didn't have the bacteria we'd have faecal matter the size of marbles and it would be the texture of granite and always rip us to pieces.

Q: Constipation is because there's not enough bacteria?

A: Enough bacteria. Because the bacteria feeds on it. We should have three to five pounds of bacteria in our intestines. Colonics, all kinds of things like that rips it apart.

Q: What about taking, what do they call it, Acidophilus?

A: Acidophilus helps sugar digestion, doesn't help movement. And Acidophilus is mainly in the small intestine. And if you're drinking milk, you get plenty of natural Acidophilus bacteria. For some people, I suggest... They have constipation. They eat clay, you know, anywhere from a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon a day until it resolves and or take about five ounces of clabbered milk. That means milk that you've let sit out for a couple of days and you take an enema bulb syringe and you get on all fours like a dog and then you inject it in you and then you roll your stomach so you get to move all around, you know, all fours. Put your face down on your hands on the floor with your buttock up in the air on your knees and roll your stomach like a belly dancer. Get it to move up into the colon across the transverse. Then lie on your side for about another three or four minutes and roll your stomach again and that'll get it all over there. And then the bacteria will have something to grow on that won't be poisoning them. Because most people when they're detoxing stuff like bile, the bacteria can't feed on it and they just don't procreate and they don't sponge out the faecal matter and you're constipated. And I have some people, you know, they're trying to pull it out with their fingers, you know, so. If you're taking the clay and you do that, you don't have to be concerned, you know, with that.

Q: Would the clay be a binding agent?

A: No, it isn't. Only if you're using heated clay will it.

Q: How about Sonny's?

A: Sonny's?

Q: Sonny's is a clay drink. It's a clay...

Q: Liquid, right?

A: I don't know what's in it. I'd have to read it and see what's on the label. If it's just clay, it's just Benzonite or something. Yeah. Well, I wouldn't trust anybody's water, you know. I would use my own water and mix it myself if I were going to do that.

Q: I think I could do the clay for a while, yeah.

A: Well, yeah, probably it would be a good idea if you took it every day for about six weeks and then every other day for about another six weeks and then maybe twice a week for maybe six months.

Q: Aajonus, can we get this light out so we can just see?

A: Yes, that's fine.

Q: Thank you.

A: I like my dark obscurity though. Green papaya would also be good for you. Aloe vera would be good for you. Get some aloe vera leaves if you can, get any fresh juice and get some leaves and just scrape it out and just down it.

Q: What does that do for you?

A: It's going to help his intestinal tract, his bowels. Because of the high bile in there, it's burned and scarred his bowels to an extent and that will help soothe it, the aloe vera. I did the juice for you, right? I got sidetracked.

Q: No.

A: I didn't? About 5% watercress. There seems to be a lack of peristalsis even in the small intestines. Watercress will help that. Let me see your eye. Let's make sure there's no sodium ring. 70% celery, 5% watercress and the rest parsley.

Q: I've been eating a lot of fruits basically. Carrot juice is the only one I like. I'll continue to drink a lot. Probably I'll have to give it up.

A: You're so used to the sugar cycle. You just keep drinking the sugar cycle. Just take a look at this. Just relax your hands. You see all this breaking up like this? It's actually going like this. It means your tissue inside is just being eaten away because of all the fruit, all the sweets. It's just melting your tissue. Sugars just tear things apart. Melts it in the human body especially. Takes the bones and starts demineralizing the bones to get the fats to try to deal with that much sugar. You only need 5% sugar in the body and you can see what is happening. You're awfully young to be dealing with this kind of a deterioration.

Q: Okay. So what kind of meat and what kind of fat recommendation?

A: Any kind of fat. I mean any raw fat and lots of butter, lots of cream. You should be drinking one to two quarts of milk a day but never with the vegetable juice. Always keep that separate an hour away. Coconut cream, a small amount of coconut cream but you need more animal fats for your fat. How tall are you?

Q: 5'10".

A: You should be having about a pound and a quarter meat a day minimum.

Q: Okay.

A: And it can be, yeah but I would say 50-50. Okay? I mean there is, you have some anemia like symptoms for having dark skin because mostly dark people aren't anemic. They've absorbed the sun, they've utilized it for lifetimes and it's good. They don't need as much red meat. Some do, the Maasai still eat mainly red meat and they do fine with it but it isn't that it's necessary but you can do it with any basically but you still need at least 50% red meat for a while and then you could probably in about 10 years eat anything, any kind of meat you want and feel the same. But for about 10 years I would say at least 50% red meat.

Q: I have this belching and mucus problem. If I say my main health concern is it is mucus. Whatever I eat, basically from India we used to eat a lot of rice and rice-oriented dishes and so they result in a lot of mucus and that's the reason I had to give up the entire starch family.

A: Wonderful. Give it up. And become a meat eater. Meat and fat. Forget all of that. Just remember that in India the ruling class ate all fat and meat. The lackeys, they fed them all the grains to keep them emotionally crazy so they could not overthrow. China did the same thing. Egypt did the same thing. They feed them carbohydrates that make them crazy. So what happens, they are always emotionally in a turmoil so there is always conflict within the family. Nobody could overthrow the government because they are too busy with their own turmoil. Basically that is the science. Exactly the science.

Q: So my mucus belching problem will go away.

A: Oh yeah. But like I say, you are deteriorating everything. Your body is eating your own flesh. That is the belching. You know if you had a good mucus coating and you weren't eating all the fruit, your body wouldn't have to be eating itself.

Q: That's right. I have this hair falling problem. Do you think this will slow down?

A: Definitely. Getting the proteins is what usually stops it. Unless you had chemotherapy or poisoned yourself.

Q: I haven't taken any medication at all.

A: Then you should reverse very quickly. Stabilize. Because usually people who haven't had that, I've had clients who were going bald and hair thinning, they got on this diet and now they look like Pascal. And I mean they will go around like that too because they're so proud of it. They go around with these bouffants.

Q: When I was 15 years old, I had an infection, inflammation, something. So I took a Penicillin shot. What happened two weeks ago, I had a detox crisis kind of under my tongue. Even now it's a little bit swollen. It started swelling, pushing my tongue back. I started excreting some kind of saliva, bad smelling. It was happening for 4 days. So I had to keep a bottle and keep spitting, spitting, spitting. I guess it's kind of Penicillin started coming out or something.

A: Probably, yeah. Or it's another kind of poisons.

Q: Poisons, right?

A: Yeah, it's always poisons when it's coming out.

Q: Okay. Do you want to show you my, that part, right hand side?

A: Okay. Well, it's already healed, completely healed. So there's nothing, there's not even any scar tissue left.

Q: Okay. A little bit swelling is there and it's smaller I think, right?

A: Yeah, but it's, yeah, not much.

Q: Well, inside my tongue, there seems to be a scar all the time. It may be an acidic indication or something.

A: Yeah, well, everybody is going to have that all the time because you're going to be detoxing until you've been on this diet 40 years.

Q: Okay.

A: So everybody should have a coated tongue. If they don't, they're a miracle. Okay, you're welcome.

Q: Thank you.

A: Next. Pardon?

Q: Why can't you mix milk with juice?

A: Because the vegetable juice is alkaline and the milk is acid and they neutralize digestibility. Everything on this diet is acid except the vegetable juice. Meat and juice?

Q: Meat and milk.

A: Yes. Those are all acid. Anything you can mix together as acid is fine. Cream and juice is the exception because cream is a neutral substance. It's not digested with hydrochloric acid. It's digested by the liver.

Q: You mentioned eggs and vegetable juice together.

A: That's only for people who are constipated. See, they don't digest. My instant bowel movement constipation formula is mixing foods that don't digest at all. And that constipation formula is one egg, three to four ounces of milk, two tablespoons to four tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar, and one egg. And let me tell you, none of that digests. So it just pushes right through. You won't digest anything from it. You may flush some nutrients through, but you usually have a bowel movement within 24 hours or less. Some people who had to have bricks and pry it out with a crowbar or something, it's taken two times in two days, but that's rare. Okay, lots of anemia-like symptoms here. Lots of water retention. The right ovary is very good and relax this hand. The left ovary is debilitating. The adrenal gland is very swollen and endemic on both sides. It's usually normal. It's usually not too overactive. Maybe the left side is a little bit. The pancreas is slightly endemic and most of that is actually from the adrenal gland, but there's some swelling and very debilitated. It looks like we have, this is what I see in people who have advanced diabetes and lots of water retention and swelling. How do you do with sugar? You don't know. That's a diabetic. Looks like a diabetic. You just have no clue.

Q: What type of sugar is honey?

A: I talked about that just before you came in because you came late. Let me save that for later. Juice, have only four ounces at a time. You're already over alkaline. When you start detoxifying, you have the vegetable juice to keep the blood alkaline. It keeps the mind clear and the body clear. You're already over alkaline. However, you still need enough to deal with the acid poisons that are going to dump into your stomach and into your blood. So a half a cup at a time will be fine for you. Two cups a day. You need to eat very little eggs. I would just eat nothing but meat and fat. I mean even eggs are a fat, but with a system like yours, you're so protein deficient and so water retentive, so edemic, that you will have a tendency to swell and explode if you do a lot of eggs and a lot of milk and eggs together. So milk is fine. Lots of meat and fat and the juice. And then after maybe three or four months when you stabilize a little bit, then you can have eggs and smoothie mixtures and stuff like that. Before I would try to concentrate on having nothing but meat and butter and cream and milk with your meat. Because you'd be eating mainly meat, you're going to lose a lot of water rate and get awfully skinny. But then you can build up with the fat from there. Hopefully you'll be able to eat enough fat with your meat. In fact, you might get acidic in your intestines a little bit or in your stomach and not have a craving for meat. So mix a little tomato with some butter, some way to put something with the meat and then you'll be able to eat a lot. And I would suggest about a pound to a pound and a half a day. And as much butter and cream as you can eat. And you know, about at least a quart of milk a day. And I keep it very simple for a while. And then when you come around, in about maybe six months, do some berries in the afternoon only with lots of cream or butter or coconut cream because you've got the metal poisoning in your brain too. It's deeper into the tissues though. Do you take any kind of a medication at all? And did you for a while?

Q: Do vitamins count?

A: Yeah, if you took a lot of them.

Q: I've taken MSM and I have still been taking MSM.

A: Yeah, that's the one I see that causes water retention and deterioration of tissues.

Q: Oh.

A: Do you ever take any cheloid minerals or anything like that?

Q: No.

A: Good. Because you have, you know, it looks like you almost are on some kind of medication and a vegetarian.

Q: Well, I've changed my diet different ways and was working on vegetarian, going towards that.

A: For how long?

Q: Probably six months. I eat some meat, but much more than I do I've been trying to eat raw.

A: What kind of vitamins have you been taking?

Q: The MSM, the chondroitin.

A: And how much?

Q: I, you know, like one tablet of each a day, one capsule of each a day. I don't remember how many milligrams that is.

A: And the glucosamine?

Q: The same, one capsule a day basically, yeah.

A: That's something you can't even utilize. It's all a byproduct.

Q: I do that because of arthritis.

A: That's just because you've got toxic waters just stored in your tissues, in your joints. And it almost looks like a chemical compound, like you're taking medication. Like insulin or something, so the MSM I've seen do this. It seems to work with some people, but some people it does just the opposite. You know, lots of meat and lots of fat. This is what I would concentrate on for about six months. The left thyroid and parathyroids, they look wonderful, but it may be because they're just so swollen with fluids. So your juice, I recommend 80% celery, 15% parsley and 5% summer squash. And you could have a little bit, you know, one of those lemons or limes per three quarts. But like I say, you should only have a half a cup of juice at a time, so you'd be making one and a half quarts for three days. So it would be a half of one of those, lemon and lime.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Like I say, it looks like you have advanced diabetic tendencies, but because of the MSM, it's screwing up the ability to be able to see exactly what's going. Because the MSM will go in and maybe clean out the joints, but it doesn't do it positively all the time. And you know, it could be causing aberrations or even deterioration of your, which is basically one of the things that it does, it deteriorates scar tissue built up in the joints. But you're not discarding the waste if it's doing it. It's just staying there. You don't have the proteins and the fats to remove it.

Q: Okay, thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: Michael Rash.

A: All these rashes.

Q: Got the whole family here.

A: How did you do that? That's good.

Q: My daughter's been watching me for the last year.

A: Well, your blood sure is good now. Wow. Everything looks like it's rebound pretty well, except for the missing tonsils and the debilitated pancreas. You may be like me, just not able to rebuild the pancreas.

Q: What do you mean? Or it was just a long time maybe?

A: Well, I don't know. I've just never seen anybody more... My pancreas has healed maybe 15%, but it was zero, you know. But I still don't do well with sugar, so I just stay away from it. I have fruit maybe once every three days, and it's always green fruit.

Q: So sugar's really hard on the pancreas.

Q: What about bread? Sorry, Mike. Glycation end products?

A: Yes. Yeah. Let me see your eyes. Well, you definitely have some storing, especially in the lower part of your body. In this large intestine at the bottom, in the ileocecal valve, and in the kidneys, so. Are you eating bread?

Q: Oh, yeah.

A: You need to eat that nut formula.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah, so you can stop having that craving.

Q: I crave bread.

A: Yeah. So you need the nuts. Maybe you should have the nut formula two, three days a week.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay? And you're not eating enough fat with your protein if you're having that problem too.

Q: I drink a quart of milk a day.

A: That's nothing. I drink two quarts of milk a day. You want to have a milk duel? That's nothing. And you should be eating, you know, a half a pound of butter a day.

Q: Okay.

A: You know, a quarter of a half a pound of butter a day with your meats. It looks like you're burning them up. Your blood is just like rich.

Q: Rich with what?

A: Rich with protein. Like pyruvate.

Q: That's what I eat the most of is raw meat.

A: But without the fat.

Q: Right, I usually trim it off too. Yeah, so. Guilty as charged.

A: Yeah, you have all of this pyruvate going on driving you with all this energy.

Q: Feels good.

A: Yeah, yeah, feels good, so does a sugar high. Yeah, but you know you won't be stabilizing the system.

Q: But butter, it's so hard to get.

A: Not anymore. Not anymore. Nope, it's very, very available. Yeah.

Q: So what?

A: You just write to Nez and Scott Farms. You can get it easily. They'll even ship you raw cream.

Q: Do they ship at temperature?

A: Yeah, they pack ice in it. They pack ice in it. Tell them not to freeze it. Yeah, just pack ice in it and send it.

Q: What happens to the cream if you freeze it?

A: Gets there in two days. What?

Q: What happens to the cream if you freeze it?

A: You lose some of the value if it's frozen for very long. Okay, um... You have a little bit of a soldering. So I'm going to say 80% celery, 10% parsley, and 10% summer squash.

Q: Summer squash, okay. I think about five heads of celery and about three branches of parsley. Is that about...

A: It's about right, yeah. And then throw, you know, two zucchini in there or two cucumber.

Q: Cucumber?

A: Medium. Cucumber is a summer squash.

Q: Oh, good. I used to throw two cucumber and then I stopped doing it. I don't know, I just did it because it sounds right.

A: It's good to intuition. Should be having anywhere from a pound and a half to two pounds of meat a day, minimum.

Q: A pound is a lot, okay.

A: I eat a pound and I'm smaller than you are. And sometimes I eat three pounds a day.

Q: I put on 20 pounds.

A: You look good, that's what I'm saying. You look great.

Q: I'm 175 now. I'm holding.

A: Great. How tall are you?

Q: Six foot.

A: I'm 172. I hold at 172 and I go up to about 185 and then knock back down. But you're looking a lot better.

Q: I feel better.

A: Just eat more fat with your meat.

Q: Leave the fat on the meat too? I'm afraid to eat the fat on the meat.

A: No, that's good fat. Fine, leave it. If you're not eating glandular tissue, you're okay. If you're eating glandular tissue that isn't organic, you might have a problem. Because most of the toxins do not store in that muscle fat. It stores around the kidneys and the suet and all the other patches, but not in the marbling. Okay, and in the glands and bone marrow.

Q: So liver, kidney and adrenals are back up then?

A: Yeah.

Q: Because last time it was up here.

A: The thyroid looks good, you know parathyroid looks okay. Parathyroid over here is excellent, thyroid over here is okay. And I would say 50-50 meat. You know you could have more red meat if you wanted. You don't look like you have that kind of a problem that it makes much difference whether you eat red or white.

Q: When I eat fish I don't get the same energy from it so I just stick with the red meat.

A: Well red meat stimulates the adrenals and the muscles. White meat relaxes the body, comforts it, soothes it, calms it. So usually it's better not to have, that's why you've heard me say today, red meat in the morning, you know red meat with a little fish or chicken in the afternoon, in the evening no red meat, just chicken or fish. I guess you didn't hear that because I did that with my consults. I didn't do that in here. So now you know.

Q: You know when you first talked to me you gave me a real liberty on eggs like six something eggs a day. A while ago my body stopped eating eggs.

A: Stopped eating eggs? Yeah. You're just low on fat.

Q: Low on fat?

A: Low on fat, you're low on fat and you're probably not doing so well with just a high amount of protein without fat with it. And if you're eating a lot of eggs at the same time you might have a tendency to get over acid. So you haven't been eating your juice.

Q: I do, like I said, five head of celery and three parsley every two days.

A: Every two days?

Q: Every two days.

A: So how much juice is that though? I mean how many cups?

Q: That's a gallon.

A: That's a gallon? You drink a gallon?

Q: Sometimes it stays down, I got it on the third day but I'm drinking a gallon every, at least every two days, three days maybe.

A: That's too much.

Q: Why?

A: Because you'll over alkalinize the blood.

Q: It keeps things moving around though.

A: Yes, I know, but I'd rather you drink and, you know, not the way to do it.

Q: Okay.

A: Yeah. It's better to eat more fat to keep things moving and the juice is just there to make sure that you keep the alkalinity going and replenish the enzymes. Other than that it's going to start ripping your body up a little bit.

Q: But if I put too much fat I get really congested and then I just feel cloggy and then I do the green juice and I feel okay.

A: Well, that's what it's supposed to do. It's supposed to clean you out. You're supposed to have some cleansing going on. Yeah.

Q: I don't like the congestive feeling I get.

Q: What is that cloggy congestive feeling?

A: That's toxins being dumped out usually out of the brain and out of the neck going out the sinuses quickest way out.

Q: Does it happen that fast?

A: Some people it does.

Q: Well, I spit all the time I start walking. I could spit that much mucus.

A: Good. Do you know how much poison that is? Being able to spit like that?

Q: I have to walk alone. It just looks gross.

A: Would you rather be walking with somebody and hacking that like that? I would do it. Yeah, definitely. I mean, if you were perfectly healthy, you know, you'd be like the messiah and never worry about that, you know.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Pascal, silly. Okay. Okay. The bile is still all over in your system. But we already talked about that, didn't we? So that's why you still have fatigue. It's just all throughout your tissues.

Q: I get so much fatigue.

A: Yeah. The thyroid is working better, the parathyroids.

Q: Gosh, maybe I'm gaining weight. My hands look kind of fat, don't they?

A: Yeah, that's good. The ovaries are starting to lubricate. The adrenal gland looks okay. This left looks like it's still congested. But when it becomes active, you have a tendency to be overactive with that adrenaline. With the adrenaline, yeah. Yeah. But right now it looks like the bile is causing the fatigue. And of course your pancreas isn't working.

Q: Yeah.

A: So you just need to stay away from sugars like you've just started doing. How long has it been now since you've been off of sugars? Sweets? Fruits?

Q: Four or five weeks.

A: Yeah? You feel a lot better?

Q: Oh, much calmer.

A: Yeah. Okay. So now it's just a matter of cleaning out the bile.

Q: So the bile is like in everything?

A: It's everywhere, in your bones, in your lymph. You probably will feel like you have arthritis and rheumatism at times because you just have soreness everywhere.

Q: Yeah, sometimes I feel like I can barely lift up my arms, like, God, what happened? But I feel more muscular.

A: Yeah, there's more there than anywhere else. Skin's quite loaded too and your lymphatic system, connective tissue. Okay. So I wouldn't change anything that I told you earlier.

Q: Okay, so the thing I was asking...

A: But coconut cream is, remember, going to be something that's going to really help you get rid of that bile.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah.

Q: More than the other cream?

A: Well, the other cream will help, but the coconut cream, especially if coconut cream and raw cream together will help even quicker. Yeah. It's just that if you get too much diarrhea, then you just have to, you know, back off for a while.

Q: Okay, I don't really get that diarrhea. About the eggs, because, you know, if I have an egg, then I'm like, you know, I need a nap break or something.

A: Yeah, right.

Q: What should I do with that?

A: I would do it. When you know it's time to take a nap, just have an egg and take a nap.

Q: Okay.

A: Yeah, because it'll help pull it out. Usually that means it's pulling it out of, you know, some particular gland that's pretty toxic and pulling it right into the stomach. Could be out of the nervous system, you know.

Q: Okay.

A: It's better to get it out of there because then you'll get out of depression sooner. You know, the depression that's caused by poisoning of the nervous system.

Q: Yeah, yeah, that's true. Well, actually, if I have an egg, then I get like so sluggish, a bit depressing.

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay. Thanks.

A: You're welcome. Phil Coffin. Okay. You still have those hands of a mechanic. Okay. You still have the overactive testes and the adrenal glands very overactive.

Q: What can you do for the overactivity of the adrenals?

A: Well, because he has all those petrochemicals from the work in his body. See, normally he doesn't have overactive testes. So it usually means that somebody wouldn't be overactive sexually. But when these kinds of poisons get in and irritate the glands and get into the glands like the testes, it makes them overactive because the body wants to ejaculate and to discharge it with the fats and proteins that are in the sperm. So it makes some people overly sexual even though they're not normally oversexual. And you would not normally be oversexual. You'd be normally very hyperactive. You'd be a great farmer because of the amount of adrenaline you have. You're not oversexual but you're overactive physically. But because you have all those poisons hitting the testes, that makes you overactive sexually. Now the left one shows that the actual left testes is breaking down or has been breaking down a long time. So that one should be underactive. But still with the poisons in there, it's going to force it the other way just to be active to remove it. The thyroid is working okay on the left side. Barely on the right. And all the glands are poisoned. The rest of the glands are poisoned. So basically your coffee is all that poisons that are in your system that are driving you. And just keep up with all the things that you're doing right. Stay away from the fruit you know now. Phillip was a person who loved his fruit. And I mean, would you eat 15 mangoes at a time?

Q: Yeah, I'd eat one piece of fruit a day if I had one pineapple a day.

A: He was crazy with fruit. And now he's learned to back off of it. And he's done better. Even with Pascal, you know, it's taken him what?

Q: A year.

A: A year to realize what the fruit would do. It's just a matter of getting off of it to find it out.

Q: It's an addiction.

A: Yeah, it's definitely an addiction. Gross one.

Q: Hello.

A: Hi.

Q: I have a question, Aajonus. I'm sorry. What does the ejaculation do in terms of the poison attacking the testes?

A: Well, when the poisons go to the glands, because that's where most of the fat is in the glands, it stays there. And if it's a toxin that will actually cause the gland to break down, the body will try to reject it with the hormones that it makes. And if it gets into testosterone, it'll run his whole body like he's on speed. And also excite him sexually, because his body will want to throw it off by building it into the sperm. Just like we take toxic minerals out of the brain, build them into the skull, and the skull builds them into the hair. And we get rid of them. That's why we have so many metal poisons that come out of the hair.

Q: So then if he ejaculates in me, I get some poison?

A: That's right. You know, I've got lots of toxicity in mine, so I do not ejaculate into anybody for that reason. So I pull. It's a good idea, especially with your toxic stuff. I had chemotherapy, it's probably no worse than what you have.

Q: All right, Richard Valverde.

A: Valverde, okay. All right, here's a very sexual man. Write, Ted, but it's debilitating. Okay, testy usually looks like it's overactive, but it's debilitating. The left one was already debilitated. Adrenal gland is very overactive, very hyper-strong nature. Pancreas is about 70% debilitated on the right side and about 90% debilitated on the left, so you have like a diabetic nature. Thyroid gland is okay. Parathyroids are underactive here. Scar tissue at the tonsils. Underactive thyroid here. Parathyroid is okay. Lots of scarring here with some congestion. Still a lot of signs of anemia like the blood isn't transporting oxygen well. Skin looks a lot better basically, so everything is starting to lubricate a little bit. I would stay with eating 70% red meat and 30% white. You do need the fish, so I'd make fish 10-15% of that. You have an over-alkaline system, but usually when the testosterone in the adrenal glands are this excessive, it usually creates an acid over hormonal nature. So you have like the conflict going on, kind of like a body schizophrenia. So a lot of hyperactivity, but yet with a lot of sallow nature to the body. So it's more difficult to balance that. So when you have some beef, you might want to have a few bites of white meat every time you have it. But 70% of the meat should be red.

Q: That's mostly what I eat when I eat meat.

A: You don't eat enough?

Q: I eat every day. Sometimes half a pound, sometimes a pound and a half.

A: So it averages out to about a pound a day?

Q: Yeah, about three quarters a pound a day.

A: Not enough. You're a big boy, not enough at all.

Q: Probably need to eat more fat.

A: Fat with the meat, yeah. Since you have a diabetic like nature, you have a tendency to absorb fluids and sugars and not be able to handle them. So the more meat you eat, the better off you will be or the better on you will be. So when I get like this, when I feel like you look, I eat three pounds of meat a day and fat with every time I eat it.

Q: Does the fat help the sense of, God, I can't eat another bite?

A: No, it actually takes it away. It allows you to eat more.

Q: Yeah, I get that way and it's like, ugh.

A: I can eat, you know, half a pound of meat and say, I just don't feel like it anymore. Like in the kitchen, you saw how little I ate, but if I had butter with it or cream or anything else with it, I could sit there and eat two pounds of a sitting. But when you eat just by itself, it's difficult because the body is getting too acid too quickly and I've got that acid-alkaline imbalance because of the diabetic nature. So it's confusing to my body. So when I give it something that will absorb the overalkaline and the acid effect, which fat does because it's neutral, it'll absorb either, then it changes it. And then I can just eat and eat and eat the meat. Otherwise I just can't eat much meat. You have lots of congestion along your spine. I would definitely use a hot water bottle along my spine at night to get that circulation going, also in the intestines. Are you eating starch, cooked starch? No cooked starch.

Q: No, no cooked at all.

A: At all?

Q: At all. I stopped at the end of last year. I was eating about a cooked meal maybe every two weeks or a month, going to eat or something, but I stopped at the new year.

A: So you're eating a lot of pineapple, is that it?

Q: Yeah. I have been for quite a while.

A: Yeah, it must be dissolving the system. Because it almost looks like, you know, I can see that you have better coloring, but normally when you eat pineapple, a lot of pineapple will start disintegrating scar tissue, but it's not disintegrating the scar tissue, it's disintegrating your blood.

Q: Are you having pineapple with fat or just pineapple?

Q: Avocado or coconut.

A: Coconut or coconut cream.

Q: Coconut.

A: Yeah, the fat doesn't get out of the, release from the pulp easily.

Q: It's called the entirety of doing all the work.

A: Yeah, yeah. I would just get off of fruit. Like I said, you're a near diabetic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It is rendered.

Q: So it's useless?

A: Absolutely, no, it's harmful. Not just useless, it's harmful. And they put on it raw.

Q: Yeah, well I saw it, but I was wondering.

A: Well, I went around and around with them three years ago, and I said, no, I want you to tell me the exact process. Well, it's the way the natives do it. And I said, the natives where? And they said, in the USA. And I said, they said the Philippines, and I said, I know how they make it in the Philippines. I had a roommate who was, you know, Filipino, and he rendered it by boiling it. They just keep boiling, they'll press it, they'll boil the pulp, they'll press it again, boil it, and press the pulp. They just keep doing that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, we have someone who does it, but yeah, in LA, but you just have to get there every day, every day to pick it up. You know, they buy it, they juice it on Mondays and Fridays, Tuesdays and Fridays. You go and pick it up, and if you put it in small jar containers, it'll last for 10 days. Otherwise, it goes very rapidly. That's why you can't render it, you know, or make it into any form that won't debilitate. It's one of the quickest deteriorating fats there is. So that should be your big change. It'll make your blood better and everything. Right now, you just keep dissolving everything.

Q: Richard, how are you doing with coffee?

Q: I don't drink coffee.

A: He doesn't need it with all that pineapple. It must wire him.

Q: I've been doing herbal tinctures like Ginkgo and ginseng.

A: They'll also make you acid and create...

Q: If I notice that Ginkgo takes away the sense of mental cloudiness and fogginess, so I can function better at work.

A: Yeah, but if you get rid of the pineapple, it'll take care of itself.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Mercedes?

Q: How's my pancreas?

A: Your pancreas?

Q: Yeah.

A: It's pretty debilitated.

Q: Debilitated.

A: Yeah.

Q: Thyroid and parathyroid.

A: Pardon?

Q: Thyroid.

A: Thyroid. I said you can pick up the tape, but the thyroid is... All the glands are really debilitated. All of them. Yeah. It looks like you've been vegetarian or, you know, somebody who'd been on high-grain. Mercedes, what's your last name?

Q: Kirkle.

A: Kirkle. Okay. Okay. Very overactive ovaries. This very sexual lady here. Very overactive right adrenal gland. Left is somewhat overactive. So it shows that you're probably a very high-energy active child. The pancreas is very edemic on both sides, going to break down. It's moving toward a complete breakdown. So if it weren't just swollen, it would already be, it looks like it was breaking down instead of functioning at all, but it looks like you forced it to stay functioning. Thyroid on the left side is okay. Parathyroids are very good. You have your tonsils? Wonderful. Some of the best ones I've seen. Parathyroids are excellent over here. The right thyroid is not so good. So overall your glands are pretty good on the better side than most people, but the pancreas and the right thyroid are very debilitated and the ovaries are starting to break down. This one is a little bit stronger. The left one is a little bit stronger even though it looks a little bit more small or shrunk. Lots of psychic ability in one hand that you came in with. You're not utilizing a tenth of what you have probably because you're denying your bodily needs as we all do when we think spiritually without considering the body as part of it. Lots of creative energy, good touches. The red blood cells look like they are very good when they get fed properly. You have a lot of magnetic good energy. Lots of bile everywhere though. It will have a tendency to make you feel like you want to be a little irritable, which you won't allow yourself. By allowing yourself, just drink some raw cream and that will calm the system down. Raw cream is about the only thing that will calm it. Coconut cream will help remove it from the system and maybe some diarrhea and some vomiting at some point. Again, this looks like it's lots of fruit and vegetable diet for a very long time. So you need lots of meat and fat, more butter than cream.

Q: The butter isn't attractive to me at all.

A: That's because it goes in there to the skin and deep tissues and will start cleaning out the bile. Enjoy the cream for a while, but eventually you're going to have to bring it out. How much meat are you eating?

Q: Half pound a day.

A: Never be enough. You need to go for even more than a pound. How tall are you?

Q: 5'5".

A: 5'5". Because you're so protein deficient you may have to go for maybe a few ounces over a pound, 18 ounces maybe, a day to really rebound, to stabilize the system. But, like I say, mix tomato with it, make some kind of a sauce with it so you can eat more.

Q: Could you explain more what you meant about the psychic abilities in the body?

A: You were born with the connections here to the psyche, very strong. They don't appear here. They're cut off. This is what you do with what you came in with. So this shows intense psychic ability here. And here you're not utilizing it, probably because your philosophies get in the way, have gotten in the way. I would say it probably has to do somewhat with physiology. I had the same thing. A lot of people get that concept that vegetarianism is spiritual and just all kinds of abstract things about what spirituality is, what psychic ability is and all of that. But you'll find out what yours is eventually. Once you get more stable in your body, take care of the temple first, is that what they say? The great recoverability in your system because you have pretty good genes, just need to be fed with lots of protein, good fat. Like I say, you can mix the butter. If you're having chicken or fish, you could always put some lemon or lime in the butter and it becomes delicious and you can dip it. Right now you may have a fat digestive problem because the liver right here is very, very white, which means mainly scar tissue. And that's what it looks like. It's mainly scar tissue. It's almost like you've been an alcoholic and burned the tissue, alcohol burned. And it could be from your body manufacturing too much alcohol from too much fruit and too much any carbohydrate can do it. So it's almost like you have like a cirrhosis of the liver. And turn that around and everything looks like it will turn around quicker. Because like I say, you have good resilience. You just have to get rid of that one block. But that's a heavy block. The liver is, you know, the first big step. And it cannot recover without protein, lots of protein. I mean you can start eating liver and that will be helpful. And I found that, you know, I always disliked liver. So I would have to eat a spoonful at a time and I'd have to grind it up into a pate with some onion. Then I'd eat a spoonful, let 20 minutes go by, and then I'd eat another spoonful, let another 20 minutes go by, and finally I was so freaking hungry. And my body had had the liver and all of a sudden it would taste okay. So I could go eat it. Then I had blended it with butter and onion the other day. And you know, buffalo liver is incredibly powerful. So if you eat it, the charge that people get is phenomenal. But it's so strong. So I blended it with this butter and onion and I went nuts. It was delicious. It changed it entirely. So I was able to eat it and enjoy it for the first time in my life. Really enjoy it. So you'd be surprised what butter mixed with something... But butter by itself you may not do well with. Just mix it.

Q: [unintelligible] like clam chowder.

A: When I used to take either brain or thyroid and blend it with butter and milk and red onion. Brains and thyroid? Buffalo or cow.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You saw how little I ate today? You remember that little piece of brain that I ate? About that much? It fueled me all day. Yeah. And I was able to not have to eat so much today.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And then 7.30. Well I started setting up at 6 o'clock. 6.15. I had no nap. I'm just still going. You're telling me that the brains and thyroid with butter and red onion.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, the brain no. That's what I mix with milk and red onion to make it like a clam chowder. But the brain is so delicious. You know, I just love it alone. I gave you juice, right or not?

Q: No.

A: Okay. Sidetracked with so many questions. You need about 20-25% parsley, 60% celery, 5% carrot and 5% winter squash for about 6-10 weeks. And then the rest is summer squash. 60-25 max, 20-25 is 85% and so it's 5% summer squash, 5-10% summer squash. Probably you could get the liver to recover a little quicker if you drink 5 cups a day or 4-1-1-2 cups of juice a day. You might speed it up a few months, the recovery. Usually it takes 2-1-2 years to get the liver to recover properly. You can decrease it to about 2 years instead.

Q: And how much at one sitting?

A: Juice a cup at a time.

Q: And what about fruit? No fruit, any fruit?

A: Unless it's green like green papaya, you know coconut, you know that just has a small amount of sugar, lots of enzymes. Whenever you get tense, do you get cold?

Q: I don't get cold very much anymore.

A: You're cold right now, is that because you're hungry?

Q: I'm tired. But I feel warm. My hands may feel cold to the touch, but I feel warm.

A: That's good. So you can get liver, that will be very helpful. It's that condition. Thanks for the rubs, that was really nice. Hi, Tom.

Q: John.

A: John what?

Q: Esto.

A: Okay, put your hands on my leg here. How old are you?

Q: Sixteen.

A: All of your glands are completely fatigued. The thyroid on the left side is working okay and on the right side is under, but everything is under. It's like you've got chronic fatigue. Your testes, your adrenal glands, the left is completely exhausted. On the right it's okay, but that's not enough to run a young man like you. How long have you been fatigued like this?

Q: I don't know, a while.

A: Years? How many years? Since what age?

Q: Nine or ten.

A: Did he have some heavy vaccines at that time?

Q: No, we've never done vaccinations.

A: Great. Well, then the only way that I can see he can be like this if he were basically raised a vegetarian and had Kwashiorkor, which basically means that everything is almost all scar tissue and not active. And for sixteen years old, that's rough. Needs lots of fats. Everything is just dry and that's why the glands are just debilitating. Everything is just shrinking and his glands are just so shrunk they don't function. There's not enough fat to build any hormones. So if you eat lots of meat with fat, it will reverse that condition.

Q: How much should he eat for his body weight?

A: What's your size? That's how tall are you?

Q. Like five, seven or something.

A: At least a pound a day. Usually when you're as young as you are and when you become active you can eat more but until you become active I'd say about a pound. Do you do any sports at all?

Q: Yeah.

A: And you're able to do it and then you just collapse afterwards?

Q: Not really collapse. I'm kind of tired of it.

A: Yeah. You also have some severe liver complications. Look right into my nose. A lot of scarring in the liver.

Q: He had jaundice at birth, there was jaundice.

A: And what did they do for it?

Q: Nothing. I didn't let them do anything.

A: And what were you eating?

Q: I was not eating enough. I was not doing dairy. I was vegetarian. A little bit of chicken. I was not eating enough food. I know that.

A: So probably I had one other fellow like him. It was a 13 year old and he responded almost immediately. The 16 is 3 years older and a little bit more development. So it took Aaron about probably a year to recover. It may take John a year and a half. Of course he may feel so much better once he starts doing it. That he doesn't even know how weak he really is or how much fatigue there is.

Q: I know he doesn't get it. It's been a real issue. It's been really frustrating for me. Very frustrating.

A: Well when you can get your glands going you can be a great athlete. Because you definitely have the athletic ability. Although you are much more mentally inclined you just don't have that working very well either. But you have interests in everything. That's good. I would say just to help the liver rebuild quicker he needs about 70% red meat and probably in about two years he could go more to white meat. But maybe six years red meat 60% after that. And lots of eggs. Lots of milkshakes. Have you had any of those yet? Raw eggs and milk with fruit or without?

Q: With the banana.

A: Well see the banana has to pass through the liver. It's in conversion so it's not a good one to give him. Does he get irritable? Do you have a natural disposition toward irritability?

Q: Kind of.

A: Okay then fruits better he stay away from unless it's green fruit. Green papaya. Like you could make him a custard if you want. You know with green papaya and just a touch of honey and eggs and butter or cream. Delicious. Even when papaya is unripe it's still very sweet tasting, but it's only the mineral content that makes it sweet and the enzyme content it's not the high sugar.

Q: And what about juice? Proportions of juice?

A: Yeah you should have about 80% celery and 20% parsley. Make it very plain. Do you like lemon?

Q: Sure.

A: Put some lemon in it. Lemon juice to make it more like a tea. And only a little honey. You know maybe a tablespoon per quart. And you can put some cream in it if you like. Cream in the juice so it will be more like a tea. Cream and the lemon in it. Let me see your hands again. Was he taking supplements?

Q: We've done them on and off yeah.

A: How much vitamin C?

Q: I don't know. We've done it on and off for years. It's off now of course.

A: What dosage were you giving it? Vitamin C.

Q: Sometimes 1,000, 500.

A: Because some of the scarring is due to vitamin C.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. Vitamin C scarring. Not enough fat in the system just went in there and started ripping things apart for the fat and that broke his glands down. Well yeah everybody's misled, you know, so it wasn't really anybody's fault except for the maniacs out there selling the vitamin C because they're suppressing some of the data. Even Linus Pauling was suppressing it because he wanted his work to be received so well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No way, no way.

Q: Okay, [unintelligible], lots of fat.

A: Yep, lots of milkshakes you know, get rid of the fruit. He'll respond much quicker. I didn't realize you were still doing that kind of a thing to him until I saw his nails. Well, it just shows high vitamin C, unnatural vitamin C content. And it's still in the system, still in the tissues and if it comes out it looks for fat again. If he has the fat there to deal with it then you'll never have a problem. You won't experience this fatigue. But when you've got vitamin C like that stored in the body and it comes out it's like a complete sugar down. It just rips the fat out of the system, it has none to burn and there's no fuel. And if it were good vitamin C that wasn't obstructed like your orange juice, probably would be fine for him as long as he had lots of eggs and cream with it. However, but he's got all this old toxic vitamin C that he's going to, the fresh stuff is going to pull the old stuff out and he's going to bottom out. And if I were you I would eat 12 eggs a day, three smoothies, four eggs at a time, but only with honey, not with a fruit. Once in a while you could have it with berries if you wanted, something low in sugar.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But where did he get it in the first place, because you never gave him food out of aluminum? Well you know those contrails that we get? Do you know what that is? That's aluminum, liquid aluminum. You know why they're doing it? Who is it? Boeing has a contract, two billion dollars a year, they're doing it to reflect the sun to reduce global warming.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And the government, and the government, yeah. So there's lots of, you know, there's lots of aluminum in the air, more, you know, Alzheimer's, all kinds of problems from it. Okay, good. You're welcome.

Q: Carob powder [unintelligible].

A: No, it's usually not digestible at all because it's mostly pectin. It's not absorbed, carob powders, unless they're toasted. And the only place that you can get a raw carob powder is from Jaffe Brothers.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Even if it's toasted you're not going to digest much, but you will get some carbohydrate reaction from it if it's toasted. That's what they tell you. Unless you're getting it from Jaffe Brothers, I bet it's not. Let me smell it. If it smells like dirty feet, it's good. Literally. If it tastes at all toasted or roasty, it's not good. God, so similar hands to his. Only you don't have all that dryness that he has. Okay, your ovaries look pretty good. Boy, you grew up in lots of cynicism. Wow, it's almost like your parents were the principals of the world. I'm surprised you're not so cynical.

Q: Cynical parents. I had menorrhagia for ten years, quite a large thyroid, and it shrunk to the size of an orange nut instead of a grapefruit, but I lost so many nutrients in the last ten years, I know, because of that. It's better.

A: Your thyroid's right side is working okay, parathyroid's not. It doesn't look like you have tonsils.

Q: What do you mean? Gone?

A: Yeah, it doesn't look like, it doesn't look scarred, but they don't look like you have them. Do you have them?

Q: Yeah, they were not taken out.

A: Say ah.

Q: Ah.

A: Definitely there. Just not active, they're so flat.

Q: Wow.

A: But they're not scarred, that's why it doesn't look like you have them removed. But then it looks like your parathyroids don't exist either.

Q: Wow.

A: But there's no scarring there, so. Parathyroid, yeah. But your left thyroid is working okay, just needs better nutrients. Right's is okay too. The parathyroids aren't working and the tonsils aren't working. Lots of congestion in your ovaries and the whole uterine area. Your kidneys are very scarred. Your liver is scarred.

Q: What creates the scars?

A: It could be sugar damage, it could be poisons that dump into the liver because there's a high concentration of fat, toxic fats. For someone as dark complected as you sure have anemia, anemia like blood. Most people don't bleed with it, you were bleeding with it?

Q: Oh my gosh, yeah. Sometimes it's ten days, very, very, very bad.

A: If I were you, I would eat 90% red meat for about a year and a half, two years, 10% white. It just doesn't look like you're going to rebound very quickly because of the low blood, the red blood cells are so weak. Lots of bile in the chest area, so you might get some rashes as that exudes. Lots in the lower spine, you might get soreness in the back, around here a lot. Probably that was from the menstrual problem and a lot of bile went down there to try to protect it and burned it instead. Odd though, your constitution is really strong and stable.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: All you would have had to have had was raw white cabbage juice.

Q: I tried red.

A: Red will cause bleeding.

Q: Really?

A: White stops it.

Q: When I do it again, I did the red last time. I read in your book and I did the red, but you used to do white.

A: White cabbage, not red cabbage. White cabbage.

Q: Like four ounces or something when I'm actually menstruating then?

A: You should be having eight ounces a day, four ounces in the morning, four ounces in the evening.

Q: Just when I'm bleeding or all the time?

A: Yeah. I would say, how long have you been suffering this?

Q: Ten years.

A: Ten years. I would say probably every day for about six weeks.

Q: Okay.

A: Once a day while you're not menstruating and then when you are bleeding, twice a day.

Q: Okay.

A: Four ounces.

Q: Okay.

A: I'll give you a story. A woman flew from Switzerland, a vegetarian for 26 years. She had cancer of the uterus. She flew here to get some alternative treatments in Mexico. Nothing worked. She was bleeding to death. She couldn't stop bleeding. They tried everything. They were giving her transfusions and she came to me and I told her what to do. She was so diehard vegetarian that she couldn't, she said, spiritually, I cannot do this. I said, well then you will probably belong with the spirits because that's where you'll be soon. That's fine if that's where you want to go. If that's where your heart is, if your heart isn't on this planet. She said, but I'm not ready to die. I've got things to do. I said, well, there's a choice then. You have to do something about it. She bled for two more weeks. She called me desperate. I said, listen, there's nothing I can do. You can either try it and see if it works for you or, you know, there's nothing else I can do. So one of my clients went and got her some of the meat and butter and everything because at this point she was crippled in bed, couldn't get out. He took her the meat, took her everything and some cabbage juice. The next morning she didn't bleed. Stopped it just like that the next morning. Just like that. Stopped the next morning. So then this went on for three months. She started getting better and looked good and then all of a sudden she went back into her spiritual attitude again and stopped eating it. Started bleeding again. Started doing it. But as she got into her mind it was really anti-spiritual. And that was bad. I said, you know, there's nothing I can do for you. I mean, you don't do what I say. So I'm sorry. I can't take you as a client. She died a week later. But she's with spirit. You know, she definitely is. And that's okay. Cabbage juice to stop her from bleeding but to help make her recover so she'd get out of bed and function she had the meat. And that was the meat.

Q: Do you remember when I had a little incident with my internal bleeding. The cabbage juice really does work. Yeah, I went on real quick. I went on this one of these rides that drops you from like, you know, 50 stories and then you stop at the bottom. Well, you know, whatever my weakness was basically caused me to bleed a little bit because I rode it like three times in a row. It was a lot of fun. But the third time it just I felt like someone had stuck a knife through my gut. And so I went home and there was like a lot of blood in my feces and it was still hurting. So I call and I said, you know, I got to go to the doctor or something. And he's like, no, no, you know, shut up and go drink your... It worked. It did. It worked fine.

A: I've never seen it not work within one, usually 12 hours. Works that quickly.

Q: Any kind of internal bleeding?

A: Any kind of internal bleeding.

Q: And only green cabbage.

A: Red, red will cause the bleeding.

Q: Why?

A: Pardon?

Q: Can you say why?

A: Because there's a high vitamin C content.

Q: Not white but.

A: Pardon?

Q: Did you say white or green or both?

A: White and green are the same.

Q: Okay.

A: Some people call it white, some call it green.

Q: Alright.

Q: What will strike the fibroids? Because that's what supposedly creates the bleeding or is that coming from the spleen?

A: No, that's coming from a lack of protein to be able to heal properly. I have tons of women. In fact, I don't have a client who's a woman who doesn't have fibroids.

Q: Wow.

A: About 90% of them have fibroids. And very few of them have a problem bleeding on this diet. In fact, I don't know anybody who bleeds anymore on this diet. It's just a matter of binding the cells together right and you're not in those wounds because you're not healing. Probably a vitamin K and vitamin U deficiency which you restore with the cabbage juice. That's why it stops right away. And then if you're eating the meat to allow the regeneration of cells, you heal that. But there are lots of ways to get rid of fibroids but you can't go that way right now.

Q: Okay.

A: Because that helps remove scar tissue and that also causes areas like that to be sensitive. You need to stop that area from being ulcerated so that you can stabilize the area before you're trying to remove the scar tissue, is what I suggest. So deal with that another time. To get rid of all of this bile in your system, you need to eat like six to eight eggs a day.

Q: Okay.

A: Lots of milk and that means lots of eggs Rocky style.

Q: Down the smoothie?

A: Yeah, just downing about four of them that way and then maybe two to another, you know, two to four in smoothies and then lots of meat and stay away from fruit. If you're bleeding do not go near fruit.

Q: Okay.

A: A little bit of honey but never alone.

Q: Okay. With something with a fat?

A: Yeah. Something with a fat or with protein and fat.

Q: Cheese and honey. I love it.

A: Okay.

Q: Cheese and butter.

A: If you're eating cheese with your system, make sure that you have an equal amount of butter.

Q: Oh yeah?

A: Yeah.

Q: Why?

A: Because you don't look like you're absorbing your minerals too well. Especially if you're having bleeding.

Q: Okay. Cheese and butter. Okay. And what about the juice? What, what, how much juice should I be drinking?

A: Well you should drink about a quart a day and four ounces of it will be the cabbage. On the days that you're bleeding then you want a whole cup of it to be the cabbage.

Q: Okay.

A: You know, half at a time.

Q: Okay.

A: You know, half a cup morning, half in the evening. The rest of the juice, let me, look it into my nose. Okay. No sodium rings, so I would say 60% celery, 20% parsley, and maybe 15% parsley and 15% summer squash.

Q: Okay.

A: And then the extra 10% that will go toward cabbage, you know, sometimes, and then the half of it will be toward cabbage other times, and then you can add either another 5% of summer squash or parsley, whichever you choose. Or even celery, so you can change the taste of the juice just a little bit. Suggest no lemon or lime in your juices for a while. Later when you want to get rid of fibroids, you can start adding 5%, like 4 ounces of unripe pineapple to it and that will help start breaking down the fibroids, but you don't want to do it now. Don't do it for about 3-6 months.

Q: Okay. I wrote Owanza because I had written the name of the store and she was saying, Easiac?

A: Easiac, yeah.

Q: Yes? Can you take that? Is that okay now? Just do what I'm doing now? Okay. And then how much meat should I eat per day? The 90%?

A: Yeah, at least a pound.

Q: At least a pound?

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay. I'm going to eat it with butter to help it go down.

A: Butter, cream, coconut cream, avocado, any of those, you'll be able to handle.

Q: Okay.

A: Avocado will help. It cleans the liver a little bit more. It's harder to digest, but it helps detoxify. There's a little bit more vitamin E along with the fat in the avocado, so it helps break down some toxicity in the liver a little bit.

Q: Yeah, what creates the bile? Why is there so much bile in my system?

A: You didn't have good fat. Gallbladder only holds the bile. It doesn't create it. The liver creates the bile.

Q: Because I do not have good fat, yeah.

A: Good fat, yeah.

Q: I was also conscious of my body weight. I almost never ate. I mean, I ate very little. Put it that way.

A: Yeah.

Q: Would you say that I need to gain weight at this point? I mean, I feel like I've gained a few pounds since I've been on the diet.

A: Yeah. Well, it's, like I say, it's good, you know, when you're in a condition like you are to get overweight, you know, 12 to 15 pounds overweight, and then take it off after, you know, a few months.

Q: Okay.

A: And then once you get into that cycle the first time, you only have to stay heavy for a week, and then you can take it off. So when you get to the high end, you stay there. When you get to the low end, some people like to stay there for a month, you know, because they like to be slender, you know. I don't suggest it, but some people like that feeling, so that's okay. But then get back up.

Q: Okay.

A: Uh-huh.

Q: Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome. All right. Okay. Here's another young man that's very dry in all the glands. Your right testis is not shrinking or debilitating. The left one is a lot. The adrenal glands are fatigued over here. Right looks okay. Pancreas is pretty much debilitated probably only about 20% active, so half a piece of fruit a day if you're lucky with some fat. It's just that everything is just drying out in your side. Everything is drying out, your glands, everything. It means that basically you look like you go into chronic fatigue too at any minute now, so like that young man. I would concentrate on lots of lubrication formulas because he's young, you are not. That makes a big difference. For you I would suggest two lubrication formulas a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Now in the morning I don't mean have it first thing. You have the juice, you have the meat, and then you have the lubrication formula. Do that pattern, juice, meat, lubrication formula, juice, meat. You could use the berries, you have metal poisoning all in your kidneys. So were you vaccinated?

Q: Yes I was.

A: Did you have tetanus shots? A lot of them?

Q: I think probably 4 or 5.

A: That's a lot. Because there is a high amount of metal poisoning in each one. Usually one is more than enough. If you have 4 or 5 that's a lot. Because you have metal poisoning in the kidneys and that kind of metal poisoning usually only comes from vaccination. And you got it there. So it looks like what is happening is that mercury poisoning just keeps pulling the fats, depriving yourself. So you are going to have to eat a lot. Lots of the eggs will help soothe those kidneys and get the cholesterol in there and attach to it and help neutralize it until the body can melt it and get it out of there. It doesn't want to turn into a gas because when it turns into a glass it hardens like, when it solidifies again it hardens like a stone or a crystal. Then it is even harder to get it out. So lots of fats. Even though you will be having a lot in the lubrication formula, a lot of butter, you still need some fat with your meat meals every time you eat it. And basically stay away from fruit, unless it is green papaya. And still eat that with a little cheese. Because you have a little bit of spinal contamination from that. And if you have too much papaya without cheese and some fat it may cause a spinal detox. And that could be painful. Do you ever have any back problems, any sciatic, any soreness?

Q: No.

A: Well you might if you have too much, even too much papaya. So if you are going to have a piece of papaya, let's say you have a whole papaya about this large and you cut off a third of it at a time a day, you can get by with that. As long as it is a green papaya.

Q: And will the eating a lot more fats help with the acidic in the legs?

A: Everything. Well you have got contamination everywhere because everything is just dried up. You have no fats to carry any of the poisons out, whether it is lactic acid from moving your leg like this or whatever, you just do not have it available. It is all being absorbed and dried out so you need to really focus on just fattening up basically. Just loading the body with fats. Butter is your best bet in a situation like yours, that is why I want you to have the lubrication formula twice a day. Otherwise just follow the pattern, lots of meat to regenerate the tissue, because you are obviously going to have a tremendous amount of scarring because of that, because of the body and you do. If the body cannot get rid of this waste, they just kill the cells, they will burn it and then those cells are dead and then there is more scar tissue. So you feel a lot of fill without live cells and that just makes for more soreness, more and more soreness and weakness. Until there is no strength in the body at all. Meatwise I suggest, normally you would be a person who wouldn't need to eat, but maybe 50% red meat, but right now you need to eat 70-80% red meat and 20% white. Juice I recommend 50% celery, 20% parsley and 30% summer squash and winter squashes. To get rid of those metal poisonings. And because of the high metal contamination, I would like you to have a couple of tablespoons of cream. It could be coconut cream or raw cow's cream when you can get it per cup of juice. Now if you do what I do when I can't get the cream, I'll suck the cream off the top of the milk with a straw and put that in another jar and use it as I can. And then I take the skim milk and put it in my bath. Like Cleopatra did. She always would suck the cream off and then put the skim milk in her bath and it helped her levitate and feel wonderful in her bath. It does, I love it. And then I would say in about six months start trying to get rid of it. Actively start trying to get rid of it. Once you stabilize, start trying to get rid of that metal poisoning by having the berries. Especially boysenberries for you and blackberries. Boysenberries have a little too much sugar so don't have it too often. Blackberries have less sugar and the other berries have less sugar except for the mulberries. White mulberries are very high in sugar like boysenberries. So if you're going to have those, only have those maybe you know four ounces every third day if you're going to have something high in sugar. Berries that are high in sugar. Stay away from strawberries.

Q: Alright. Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: Gordon Hammer.

A: Alright Gordon, those palms. Alright, lots of testosterone here, lots of adrenaline. Debilitation on the left side. Pancreas is about 50% operative. So you can definitely handle a piece of fruit a day.

Q: That's better because a year ago you told me the pancreas was almost gone.

A: Well then that's improved.

Q: That's an improvement.

A: Great. I haven't seen a pancreas improvement like that. I guess your body feels your pancreas is important. Thyroids very weak over here, parathyroids, a whole tonsil area, very scarred. This one looks like you have tonsils though.

Q: I do. Both there.

A: Well see this one's all flat. It's not operative. There's even scarring there. So probably enough in throat infections cause turning scar tissue. But this one right here is in excellent shape. This parathyroid is in wonderful shape. This thyroid is in very good shape. This side is still debilitated and glands in the throat anyway. It's the left side. The glands all over the entire left side are very weak and debilitated compared to the right side. Tissues look a lot better. I remember how dry they were. In fact your hands were very much like that gentleman who was just sitting here. Douglas. So you've come a long way.

Q: Yeah I think so.

A: Still though you have lots of signs of anemia.

Q: Anemia?

A: Yeah. Anemia. Your red blood cells aren't so strong.

Q: I have lifestyle analysis and what happens is the red blood cells look okay but they show a kind of a cellular dehydration and it's not from not getting enough fluid out.

A: No it's lack of fat.

Q: Yeah that's what I'm gathering.

A: Because you were just so dried before.

Q: Yeah.

A: All your tissues. You still need more red meat and you need the butter or cream with it.

Q: Yeah.

A: Now that you can get it. Add cream but not butter.

Q: Okay.

A: With butter you really need butter because you can't get to the glands deeply nor the bones or limbs deeply without the butter.

Q: Yeah.

A: So I would say, you know every other day have a lubrication formula at night to help that. Well you could run a 36 hour. Night, 36 hours later. Morning, night, 36 hours later. Because every two days would just not be enough. Or ideal. Like it's key to keep eating the glandular tissue because it must be that to cause that pancreas.

Q: Yeah the liver and hearts and gizzards and I'll be trying the lamb kidneys now.

A: So that must be it because I've never seen anybody else's come together like that.

Q: Yeah.

A: So that's terrific.

Q: I remember it being like 20% on one side and virtually none on the other. So that's a significant difference.

A: Yeah, 50% is pretty amazing. So you're doing very well except for the anemia. It's still the dryness, fatigue on the left glandular system. Juice, you have a lot of metal toxicity on the left side so I suppose that that's the problem. 60% celery, 15% parsley and 25% summer squash.

Q: No winter squash?

A: You could have a little bit, maybe 5%.

Q: So every once in a while maybe.

A: Well, you could have a 5% as long as it's no more. So 20% other squash and then 5% winter squash only up until probably the first of May.

Q: Yeah. I sometimes tend to throw other things in my juice and maybe I should stop. So things like every once in a while some kale, some collard greens, some burdock roots, some celery roots, should I quit that?

A: As long as the totality of it is not more than 5%.

Q: Small, a few leaves, a little smaller.

A: That's fine. It only becomes, those herbs are very medicinal in a way that they will force some major change in the body and unless you know what you're doing you can be in real trouble. And 5% is always usually just alleviatory. It's just enough to do good things without doing anything too hard. So unless you really know what you're doing I would never have more than 5%. And by utilizing 5% nobody has ever had a problem. Utilizing 10% people have had problems.

Q: Does burdock root have a function? Because again intuition told me to start putting it in. I put in typically a piece about the size of my index finger in with a...

A: Well burdock root is very good for the immune system especially the lymphatic system.

Q: Right and that's another thing the live cell analysis said that my immune system was a little sluggish.

A: I don't go along with live cell analysis because how the body reacts, how the blood reacts in the body is very different once it hits oxygen. Certain amount of you know high sugar content can cause coagulation that doesn't happen inside the body once the air hits it. So it changes everything. So I'm not... You know I don't support live blood cell analysis for the final analysis.

Q: Right. It's just information.

A: Yeah. That may be misleading, you know.

Q: But it did sort of... I'm trying to get at why it is that I still tend to get tired a lot.

A: You're anemic and well... You're not anemic. You have the signs of anemia.

Q: Yeah. But it means that I'm not getting energy where I need to and it's fast. It's going to solve that, huh?

A: Well the fats with the proteins.

Q: Yeah.

A: Yeah. Lots of them. And also like I say you were very dry in your glands. The glands are still dry. They're not hydrated yet. It may take the lubrication formula to get in there and feed it properly.

Q: Yes. Okay.

A: And what's your height?

Q: I'm 5'10".

A: 5'10". So you need about a pound and a quarter pound and a half of meat a day.

Q: Yeah. I've been eating typically between a pound and a pound and a half.

A: Great. Good. Keep that up and more if you want.

Q: Yeah.

A: Just as long as it's with butter or cream or something. I'm sorry, John, what did you ask?

Q: Gordon had a question about flaxseed oil.

Q: I have been making a concoction where I take, I grind flaxseeds, add some flax oil to it and egg and some honey.

A: Okay. The problem with that is it's going to dry out the glands.

Q: Okay.

A: Just remember that oils dry the skin out. The body makes solvents with them. They talk about them being, they break down cholesterol, they dissolve cholesterols, they get rid of free radicals. Why? Because they're a solvent and they dry out the skin. They will dry out the glands. So people who are dry, I say to completely stay away from pressed oils until the glands are hydrated. Unless you have scar tissue somewhere else, then I say olive oil to help get rid of the scar tissue, but don't have it with egg. If you have vegetable oil with egg or pressed oil with egg, you can better believe it's going to be a solvent and it's going to dry out wherever it starts cleaning.

Q: I do olive oil with a little tomato, cheese and avocado, is that right?

A: No, only with meat.

Q: Only with meat.

A: Yeah, that way the olive oil will be used to get rid of scar tissue and you have meat there to replace it. You can use a little bit of horseradish. If you take horseradish and you grate it into a four ounce jelly jar full and then you pack it with butter with a quarter of a teaspoon of honey, melt that down or you can add the butter out. It may already be melted, but you can immerse the whole thing in warm water to get the meat completely softened and then blend it for about 30-40 seconds and make a little horseradish and just take a little bit and put it whenever you have meat. It will help stimulate some of this glandular activity and detoxification of it. It also might help absorb fat a little bit better.

Q: Percentage of meat. We talked about amount, we didn't talk about percent of red versus white.

A: I thought I did. I thought I said still 80-90% red meat because you still have the signs of anemia.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: Is there a particular kind of olive oil that you recommend?

A: Well the most delicious one I like is Oliflix. O-L-I-F-L-I-X. That's my favorite.

Q: Is that the brand name?

A: Hi, Nancy.

Q: Nancy, I'm sorry.

A: Is that the brand name on it?

Q: Pardon?

A: Oliflix is the brand name. Right.

Q: I assume organic cold pressed?

A: Yeah. It's from Portugal.

Q: You mentioned Spectrum. Do you have a beef with their olive oil?

A: No.

Q: Okay.

A: No. It's still good as long as it's the organic, you know, cold pressed one. But...

Q: Just some of their other products like the peanut and...

A: Peanut's okay as long as it's the clear yellow in color. Relax, Nancy.

Q: I'm not cold or anything.

A: Yeah. How's Tara?

Q: Well, she's coming down now.

A: Oh, she is. Okay, yeah. Alright. It looks like your system's finally hydrating a bit. But you're still very, very... You still have a lot of anemia signs. A lot of... So I suggest, you know, 80-90% red meat. You should be eating at least a pound a day.

Q: Is that about two steaks or a pound?

A: Two steaks is about that. About a half a pound each, right? You do need some fish. So oysters or fish, you know, whatever you like.

Q: Tuna.

A: Tuna's fine.

Q: Because I go and I ask them what's not farm-raised and not much.

A: That's right. There isn't much. Unless you have a big, you know, fish market, you know, that has a lot. In L.A. we have a huge one, so lots of selections. But I still go back to my favorite all the time, and that's just swordfish. But if it's frozen, no. Oysters are safe.

Q: What about sea bass?

A: Pardon?

Q: Sea bass.

A: Sea bass is good. It's a little salty. You know, a little salty for me, but still it's good. Makes a nice lemon and butter sauce.

Q: Barracuda is really good.

A: I've only eaten that once, but it was cooked, so I have no idea.

Q: I love shark, but hopefully [unintelligible] are not endangered.

A: Oh, that's right. It's becoming endangered.

Q: Northern Pacific halibut is really a clean fish when it's seasonally available.

A: Well, your ovaries are looking better because they're hydrated and they're full. Everything's much more relaxed in there, so you don't have all that tightness and rigidity you had last year. It was just like this, so everything's much calmer, much more relaxed. But you still have a basic anemic-like activity, which means low in energy, tiredness, lethargy, because your blood isn't real strong. So that's why I would like you to eat still a lot more red meat with butter, with cream. Then you won't be so cold, too. Okay, right now, probably you're just not eating enough butter with your meat and enough fats with the meat, so your red blood cells are not getting any stronger.

Q: All I've had is cheese mostly, but now we're going to have a steady supply of butter.

A: Right. Yeah. So that'll help a lot, and I think that's about all that you can do to change anything. You do have some metal toxicity in the left kidney and in the liver, and you can take care of that with the berries and cream, berries and cheese.

Q: When I saw you in May, you wanted me to stick to the diet for about a year before I started eating berries.

A: Right.

Q: Because of all the colloidal silver.

A: But now it looks fine like you can start doing it.

Q: Oh, I can start doing it?

A: Yeah, you can start doing it, but just make sure you start eating the butter with the meat.

Q: Yeah, right, right.

A: It looks like your right ovary has even gotten fuller and fine. The left hasn't, but this is also fuller and fine. So it's actually you're creating more female hormones. So your skin should be improving too. Oh, it definitely is. Gosh, you were so dry last year.

Q: Well, I put goat cream on it.

A: That's still, but I can still see it. But I'm looking at the neck too, you know, and I'm looking here, and there's an oil that wasn't there before. So your skin is changing because it was very dry before, and all around the eyes.

Q: You have a good memory.

A: Yeah. That's my work. And I don't have to put it down on paper, and then the FDA and the AMA come after me because they'll turn anything. When somebody tries to give me medical reports, I don't take them. You know, I'll look at them, but I will not take them, because all I have to do is have them in my file cabinet, and guess what? I'm practicing medicine just by having them in my possession. It's ridiculous. And an MD that went to jail taught me that one.

Q: You do keep those on your study pages?

A: No. I keep them all in my head.

Q: You said you have files. You don't have files.

A: Well, I have files, yes. And I have their histories, but they're handwritten histories, or typed histories. So they're just a history.

Q: Right.

A: There's no, I put nothing on there. Did you have this illness? Nothing like that. So I just tell them to give me a history. Some of these give me their medical history. It's not a medical background.

Q: Right. You can get that from a massage, if you want to know.

A: Absolutely, yeah. Anybody can get that. Your pancreas can handle about one piece of fruit a day, maybe a little less. This side is still debilitated completely.

Q: I crave a lot of honey, and I eat a lot of honey. Is that okay?

A: If you're eating enough meat, yes. If you're not, no. Because then what it will do is you'll crave more protein. And if you're a stable person, you'll go for the meat. If not, you're likely to go for one cooked starch or just more honey and just keep the cycle going again. But it will create a protein deficiency because the honey looks for protein to digest. Now, whether it's taking care of all protein compounds in your body, That's another thing, but you're too thin to have that happen. So it could start tearing your body apart a little bit.

Q: So keep your honey down.

A: Yeah, take butter and mix one part butter to five to six parts butter to one part honey. Let's say one tablespoon of honey to five tablespoons, six tablespoons of butter and then use that as your candy and then you'll be getting the fats that you need to take care of how you need things to be taken care of because that will be about the ratio and then all it has to do is you're eating the proper amount of protein and the body will keep the honey with the fat until it finds the protein, the meats to utilize it with.

Q: It's still okay to put honey in the juice and a little honey in the eggnog.

A: Right. Okay.

Q: Eggnog?

Q: Well, the milk and egg.

A: The milkshake.

Q: I call it eggnog.

A: Do you mind if she calls it an eggnog? Do you mind?

Q: Is bourbon in it or what?

Q: Althea used to make this incredible honey flavored raw eggnog about 15 years ago. From Thanksgiving to January 1st, I'd buy as much as I could get.

A: Right. It was delicious. Yum. They use raw eggs.

Q: I believe it.

A: Yeah. They do. So that's all I would do is, you know, keep the formulas that way and you can start the berries now. The berries with coconut cream and the berries with cream and maybe a little cheese too if you like.

Q: Okay. Because I've got to get the cream source.

A: The cream source is the same as the butter source. They'll ship both.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah. Right.

Q: Yeah. Okay. Well, I'll see you on Monday.

A: Okay. All right.

Q: Oh, wait. I've got to give him a hug.

A: Good to see you again. I almost didn't recognize you when I first walked in the door because you were so colorful and you were so white a year ago and your skin was so dry and your eyes were so... You're in so much pain, it'll look like suffering. Hi.

Q: I'm savoring my last few minutes of ignorance.

A: Good luck. Say your name.

Q: Valsala Bonsignore.

A: I'm sorry?

Q: Valsala Bonsignore.

A: Valsala Bonsignore. Where does the first name and the second name begin?

Q: Valsala.

A: Valsala? Valsala, Valsala. How do you spell it?

Q: V-A-L-S-A-L-A. Valsala Bonsignore.

A: Okay. Is that Portuguese?

Q: No, it's South Indian.

A: No? Shaman's hands. Okay, everything is very balanced. The left adrenal gland sometimes has a tendency to be overactive. And the right left ovary is slightly shrunken compared to the right. But it doesn't look like such a problem except that there is some metal poisoning in it in the left side. So it must have been very young because this looks like it's been a long time. So it could have been from a vaccine. Looks like you have very good genes. Lots of bile is storing in the system. So you may have some rashes when that starts coming out.

Q: I've been having rashes the last few weeks. My feet and ankles and in my hands and behind my kidneys and in my shoulders.

A: You've got it just everywhere and it's just permeated. Especially your shoulders, especially around the kidneys. The kidneys are right here. It's all around the kidneys. I'm surprised it doesn't have a lot in the liver but it doesn't. All along the spine. All in the feet. Even in the face and head. And here in the sinuses on the left side. Thyroid looks excellent over here. Parathyroid is fine. Looks like you have your tonsils. I don't see any scarring there anyway in either of them. Thyroid is okay here. Parathyroid is okay. So everything is in good shape but just not resilient. And quite poisoned by the bile.

Q: Why is there bile all over?

A: Your body didn't have the fats that it needed to bind it with the toxins necessary to do that. So it used bile in place of it and it's very caustic. Looks like you have a lot of scar tissue around the right ovary. Let's see the eye. Sorry. On either side of it there are pools of bile.

Q: The ovary?

A: Pardon?

Q: The ovary?

A: Yeah, both sides of the ovary. You basically began plaquing it probably about ten years ago. How old are you?

Q: Thirty-seven.

A: So probably about twenty-seven you started placking all over the place. Did your life change in twenty-seven very much?

Q: Kind of. I did a lot more traveling in a few years. I think that was when I first went to India. And then I've just been doing a lot of traveling back and forth there and Europe and crazy kind of life now.

A: Yeah. So ever since then you've been plaquing and not getting a balanced form of diet. Are you starting to get varicose veins?

Q: Yeah.

A: In your legs?

Q: Yeah. I have a Harrington rod in my back too because I have a surgery that they do for scoliosis.

A: Yeah. What a way to make money, those people are crazy. Well I can see it over here but I don't see it affecting you on the left side. But it definitely has affected your right side. You've got some ulcers in there that still aren't healing plus you have some metal there. Probably it's from iodine or something they rubbed on the area to keep it antibacterial. Well that's what they use the mercury in vaccines for, they call it antibacterial. I beg your pardon? I'd rather have the bacteria than mercury poisoning. Coconut cream is about the best way to get rid of that plaquing. Coconut cream with just a little bit of pineapple, maybe two ounces of pineapple at a time. Putting a little bit of coconut cream with your vegetable juice. And I'm going to recommend your vegetable juice be about 65% celery, 20% summer squash and 15% parsley.

Q: How long does coconut cream last?

A: If you put it in the small containers it'll last about 10-12 days. If you have it all in one and you keep letting the air get into it, it goes very quickly within days.

Q: What about if you store it in a juice?

A: It'll last a little longer, but it still will ferment more rapidly unless you separate it in smaller containers.

Q: Can you eat it when it's sour?

A: Yeah, it just becomes more of a solvent. It'll clean you out much faster.

Q: Should I be having a lot of eggs?

A: Yeah, that'll also help get rid of the bile.

Q: Like how many do you think I should eat?

A: What's your height?

Q: Five, three, three quarters.

A: Six to eight a day. And if I were you, because of where the bile is located, in some areas in the shoulder, that I'd have it with meat, you know, a little steak tartare. You know, you don't have to eat it actually in the meat like steak tartare. You could always down it. But I wouldn't have a milkshake with the meat because that may cause you to detox the bile too quickly and then you'll get nauseous. You're still going to have to deal with nausea. When you've got this much bile in the system, there's just no way around it. And it's better it dumps there than to go all the way through your skin because if it keeps going through your skin, it's just going to make scar tissue in your skin. That's why the rash is all over. So if you can take a mixture of what I just played with in the last few weeks, is take a mixture of equal amounts of raw cream and raw butter and blend it into a little salve and put it on, it works so much better.

Q: Put it on?

A: Put it on locally. Topically. And it just soothes those areas. I used to use butter or cream, but it was difficult to tell which one was going to work with a particular rash, so I put them together and it's working for everything. So it's obviously that there's some cells that absorb, like neurological cells that absorb the cream better and some that absorb the butter better, and when you have both, everybody's satisfied. All the cells are satisfied, so it seems to be working very well.

Q: What about taking mineral water? Like sometimes I feel...

A: Well, that's because you need so many fats. See, the body never is thirsting for water. It's always thirsting for something to lubricate the system, and water just dries it out more. So the more water you drink, the more you need. I mean, here somebody like me, talking all day, usually people are downing water like crazy. I just go over and drink, I haven't even consumed a liter of milk today, you know, and it's basically all I've had, besides a couple of eggs, and that's very nourishing and so-called hydrating, better than the water, but the water will just make you crave more and more water. And I'm a person who used to drink two gallons of water a day. And I always used to be thirsty and crazy. I used to be.

Q: What about fruit? I mean, does that cancel? Because I've been craving oranges lately.

A: Well, you know, it helps break down bile. But, you know, if you start eating the proper meats and fats and have your juice, then your body won't need the high carbohydrate fruits like orange. If you have the juice, you're going to see that you don't even crave it. But if you go off the juice for a couple of days, then you're going to find yourself craving the stuff that isn't as good. Because if the sugar starts breaking out the bile, you're going to have a lot more rashes. It's going to make the rashes worse, too. Because it's going to dry, it's going to burn the fats and not leave them for you to lubricate your skin and take care of your skin. So what I also suggest is that you have, you know, for maybe five months, have a lubrication formula in the morning and the evening. Just to get everything, you know, good and saturated in oil. You'll lose the thirst for water and you'll also stabilize your system.

Q: My pancreas?

A: Well, like I said, your pancreas isn't active. I mean, it just doesn't even look like it exists, basically. It's not debilitated, it just looks like your pancreas never really developed as a child. It's like it was slightly deformed or something. Usually I find that in people who have DES or something, their parents had DES or thiamide, what was that?

Q: Thalidomide.

A: Thalidomide, yeah.

Q: I don't know.

A: You don't know?

Q: No.

A: You have a lot of characteristics of people that I've seen that have had that, a lot of characteristics. But it could be either the DES or the thalidomide. I see it in both like this.

Q: Would you try not to have any fruit?

A: Are you very emotional?

Q: I can be.

A: Then I would stay away from it. Unless you know you're really stable and you eat lots of fat with it. But usually that might get you into a spiral of having more and then you end up there anyway. A little self-control might be.

Q: Green papaya maybe?

A: Green papaya is good. Green papaya is good for anybody. Because the sweetness is a mineral content and the enzyme content, it's not sugar.

Q: It tastes like green papaya but it's not yet ripe. The skin is usually green.

A: Completely green, right.

Q: The Mexican papayas have a green skin.

A: Those are still very ripe.

Q: So you're saying you should cut through it and the whole inside should be green.

A: No, it should be whiter or just slightly colorful inside but not intense. It should be more on the white side, the dull.

Q: Could be Hawaiian papayas?

A: Those are all, usually they're very ripe. The Mexican and the red papayas usually get ripe very quickly.

Q: How do you find a good green one?

A: Well, it's the variety. If it's the Hawaiian ones that are red inside, you have to get them very green to where they're shiny green on the outside.

Q: How about the greenish yellow?

A: Greenish yellow is good. That variety is the one that stays greener inside longer. So you need about a pound of meat a day. And you have some anemia-like indications. I would go to about 75% red meat, sometimes even 100% on a few days a week. But balance it out to about 70 on most days. I would say three days a week you could do 100% if you want red meat. And then the other times balance it out with some chicken. Fish if you like. Did you take birth control pills?

Q: A long time ago.

A: For how long?

Q: For about a year.

A: Okay. What I'd like you to do, this isn't just from, well, it's not likely that it was just from the varicose veins that you're developing, the spider veins. I'd like you to take the citrus and if you juice some once in a while, you juice the white as well. When it goes to the juicer, pass it through several times until it gets dry. Because those bioflavonoids could really help you reverse that condition because it's moving fast. And then you might find your legs are very weak and bleeding a lot, and thrombosis, it looks like it could go that way from varicose veins to thrombosis. And the bioflavonoids in the citrus pulp will help reverse that, especially if you juice it until you get a lot out of it.

Q: Several times a week, you said?

A: Yeah, I would do it about three times a week. So you're talking about a lemon or a lime about this size. If it's organic, great. If it's not, then just peel just the rind off and leave the white because that's the bioflavonoids, very necessary. The oils in the rind, when you can get it organic and not waxed, will help melt some of the old varicose vein-type conditions and will help reverse it. But the citrus tissue will actually stabilize your system so it won't necessarily continue to develop varicose veins. Okay.

Q: Should she eat it with...

A: Cabbage is good for that, too. So you can make 5% of...

Q: The white cabbage?

A: Yeah, white cabbage. So you can make 5% of your juice cabbage juice.

Q: Okay.

A: That will also help. Lots of bioflavonoids in white cabbage.

Q: Should she eat it with or without that citrus?

A: The citrus? Well, it's going to be in the juice. There will be some oils from the parsley in it. So I would just leave that alone.

Q: Okay.

A: Just make sure you get your fat in other foods.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay. If you were ultra-skinny, I would definitely say put some fat with it. But you're, to me, a perfect size. This is where you should pretty much remain. I mean, on your down side, right now, that's the perfect size. You can gain 10 to 12 pounds and then take it off, on and off, if you really want to get rid of some toxic stuff in your system. Start getting rid of that plaque and that bile quicker. It speeds things up. Also, by doing the weight loss and weight gain, there's a lot less symptoms of toxicity. There's a lot less detoxification that is forced by the body. It just makes things so much easier. People feel more in control with their body when they're helping the body, because the body feels more relieved. It doesn't have to do all the thinking and have to force you to do something. So, let me tell you, working with hundreds of people now and doing that system, I get so many fewer calls, desperate calls. Very rarely do I have any desperate calls anymore, and those are people who are really sick. So, that weight gain and weight loss is such a wonderful tool in all ways. Take advantage of it if you want.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: It's Roger's birthday today.

A: Well, happy birthday.

Q: Thank you.

A: I think we have to suck some milk here.

Q: We'll make her a birthday steak.

A: It took me a minute to get steak and cake. That's good. That's Claravale. Oh, I put it in these bottles. If I put it in those other ones, the cap flies off and gets all in my bag. So, I get these, yes. And these are wonderful. I got these at Sur La Table, you know, the kitchen store. Really nice.

Q: What if I ask, when you go on an airplane, do they have to put your food through the exit?

A: I do not. I go up there and I start taking everything out, and they say, what the heck is this guy doing?

Q: I travel every week, and it depends from airport to airport. Some of them will just say, okay, fine, whatever, and they'll look at it and pass on it. Atlanta is an example of one that's really bad. They'll look at everything. They'll open up everything, ask you what it is, look at it, sniff it.

A: Yeah, and from that you drink some. They did that with my juice. I said, you open it, there's going to be a mess, and you're going to have to drink it. He put it right down, put the lid back on.

Q: Atlanta, for example, plan like an extra ten minutes. They'll look through everything.

A: Yeah, in L.A. they look through everything.

Q: So it's not good for them to go through the machine, regardless of what they have.

A: Correct, yeah.

Q: They just say, oh, it doesn't hurt it, and I say, I don't care.

A: No, I always say, have you ever had an x-ray in your life? Yeah, okay. You see, I had radiation therapy. I can't afford to have any more radiation. They don't even question you if you say that. That's it. They don't even want to screw with you if they think there's going to be a health hazard. So they'll let you through. But when I go up there, I just automatically take everything out of my bag, and let me tell you, I came with like five things of vegetable juice and two things of milk and my honey and the brain. And the brain was two-thirds of the jar, 12-ounce jar. And then all the cut meat. And I'm just laying all this stuff out. The guy says, what is that? And I said, buffalo brain. He said, you gonna eat that?´And I said, yes, you want some? And when he saw that, he got so repulsed, he didn't even check anything else. He just went away and said, okay, that was it.

Q: How big of a check-in bag do you check in with? It's not check-in. It's carry-on.

A: Oh, it's carry-on, yeah. And I'll pull everything out of it. And then I'll run the empty bag through the scanner, you know, through the radiation if they want. But I won't let the food go through. But most of the time, when they're going through, you know, I just take the bag and look at it and then I put the food back in. But I don't even give an opportunity. I don't even let them give me an answer. I automatically go up and start pulling it out, all out. What's he doing? What's he doing? I said, I had radiation therapy. I can't let any of my food go through. They never say anything. They'll just investigate and inspect it, and that's it. Boston is the only place I had trouble, and that's when I learned to say the radiation thing. And Boston was terrible. They were awful. They got the head of security there. He wouldn't let me go through. So what I did was I just said, OK, so I'll get you, buddy. So I put it down on the other side of the grate, and I stood there and talked with him. And he said, no, no, no. I said, OK, I'm never coming through here again. So I walked right through and picked my back up and walked, and he didn't even notice. He didn't even notice. Yeah, right, exactly. So it was great. Hi, what is your name?

Q: Rajo Markman.

A: Markman? OK. Boy, Young's Oils must be popular here. A lot of people are using Young's Oils, right?

Q: Really?

A: Yeah.

Q: I was in the bathroom, whatever was in there.

A: OK. OK, the ovaries look pretty good. The left side is debilitating. There's lots of metal poisoning in the left ovary. The pancreas is pretty debilitated on the left side, probably about 15% active on the right, so you have signs of a very much diabetic nature. You're so dry inside that your tendons are starting to buckle. It's even happening in your fingers. What happens usually when that shrinks like that, it causes the joints to go together and causes arthritis and rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis. It just starts forcing the joints to rub and grind until they become infected, deteriorating. So you need a lot of fats and a lot of meat to help regenerate cells because right now you just keep losing more and more cells and everything gets tighter and smaller until you're going to have a tough time, be in pain everywhere. So that's where it looks like it's leading. So you need lots of fats and lots of meats together to regenerate the cells and to lubricate everything. Are you taking a lot of supplements? Anything that's causing the fat to deplete that much in the body?

Q: Yeah, I take supplements.

A: Vitamin C?

Q: I mean just what's in the general but not extra.

A: Well, that is extra. So any kind of chemical is going to cause a problem and vitamins are a problem because they're really not natural. Ninety-nine percent of all vitamins are byproducts of food. And what they do is they say it's from food, it's actually from food. What they've gone is found a company that has a food waste product that they can extract the waste from. Ninety-nine percent of the extraction is solvent extraction. If they're taking it from the wheat germ, it's usually because they've made some cereal or pasta without the germ in it, but the germ's already infected and already rancid. So the vitamin E isn't even active. It's already become a solvent process where it's breaking down. So all this stuff is all hype. They're just trying to sell you their waste and saying, this will nutrify you, be extra, and it isn't. In vitamin D, they take a toxic petroleum or a toxic vegetable oil and expose it to a radioactive light or an ultraviolet light and call it vitamin D because it changes the form, just like the vitamin E is the tocopherol from developing film because it has a chemical structure that's similar. Here's vitamin D. Here's vitamin E. And it's really just poison. It's a waste product that's a poison. And Merck is one of the biggest offenders. You know, and they get all this publicity on these public radio stations saying, Merck, the, what is it, the supermarket to the world. We care about you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Genetically, yes, genetically processed soy, which is toxic, which not even any animal can eat without poisoning them unless it's processed. Soy is the biggest ploy. I know my father grows it. Okay, parathyroid is an excellent shape on the right side. Left side is a very good shape. The thyroid on the left side is pretty good. Not so good on the right. Do you have your tonsils?

Q: Uh-huh.

A: Look pretty good. A little bit of scarring on this one, but it doesn't look like a surgery type scarring. It's like just deterioration scarring. I recommend that you have a lubrication formula every 36-hour pattern. You know, morning, night, morning, night. But when you have it, have it with two eggs, with four ounces of butter, only a teaspoon of honey, and two tablespoons of lemon juice, and blend that together, and have that every 36 hours. About every seven days, I'd like you to go through a three-day cycle of having pineapple with either whipped cream or coconut cream.

Q: How much pineapple?

A: About four ounces. So it's about maybe almost a half inch thick circular slice.

Q: What's that for?

A: Not much, pardon? I hope that's going to help break down some of the scarring in the tendons so you can start rebuilding cells in there right away. Because unless some of that scarring is removed, you're not going to be able to build cells in there, and we need to get those tendons expanded as soon as possible. How long ago did this start, do you know?

Q: Well, I noticed, I don't notice, I mean, I haven't been aware of it, but I noticed that my right wrist and my right knee, it feels more like a ligament that's gone.

A: Right. Yeah. Well, what's happening is you're just pushing together. You're starting to, every time you move, you're starting to just eat away at your joints.

Q: Yeah.

A: So lots of fat with your meat, and you know, how tall are you?

Q: 5'5".

A: 5'5", so at least a pound a day. And if I didn't say, you know, about 70, 75% red meat, the rest white. Without that white meat, you're not going to rebuild those tendons quickly. So you're going to have to have that 30% white meat. Chicken's a little better for that. Some fish is helpful, you know, because of the high mineral content. Because there's a higher mineral content in tendons and bones and cartilage. So that's much more helpful. So I wouldn't do without it. And then, let's say, six months down the line, seven months down the line, you could have a cup of olive oil a week. So two ounces at a time. One day have it with red meat. Two days later have it with, you know, chicken. And then two days later have it with fish. So that basically is six ounces right there. And then start the cycle over again. So it's not quite a cup. Pardon?

Q: What do you mean to cycle over?

A: Start over with the red meat. Having the two ounces with the red meat. And then the chicken, the fowl, and then the fish again. Just keep rotating like that. That olive oil will help you break down scar tissue and it will be particular for that particular meat. And you have lots of scar tissue everywhere in your system. Yep, lots everywhere. Juice, it should be four cups a day, a quart a day. Did I give you the juice formula or not?

Q: No.

A: I was just about to and then I got sidetracked. Fifty-five percent celery, thirty percent summer squash, and twenty percent parsley. It looks like there might be some hemorrhaging in there, a little bit of ulcerations. Do you have any soreness in the shoulder, in the neck? It looks like you've got internal sores there. Make it five percent cabbage of that summer squash. Cut it down to twenty-five percent and make it five percent cabbage, white cabbage or green cabbage, whatever you want to call it. What does everybody call it? What do you call it? White or green cabbage?

Q: Green.

A: Green?

Q: The one other than the red.

A: Yes, exactly. There's only other one. People say white and say, you mean the green? And then if I say the green, you mean the white?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've never explored or experimented with it. Yeah, I know, but I've never used it to experiment with it. Oh, you mean the white one?

Q: There's Chinese and Napa also. They're not the same.

A: Pardon?

Q: There's Chinese and Napa cabbage as well.

A: But it's more elongated like a lettuce. Yeah. I've never used it, so I don't know. I don't know something. Uh-oh. I don't have a lab anymore, so I can't experiment like I used to. No animals, except for humans. Let me see your eyes again? Do you like tomatoes? They would really help you, but they have a tendency to make your lips really dry and make your mouth sore and give you sores. Where else can I get that? What you can do is make a little sauce with it, put some cheese and tomato together, and put about a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon per half of a medium tomato and a chunk of cheese about inch by inch by inch and blend it together and make a sauce. Put in a white meat, red meat, fish, anything you want. You can put a little bit of any kind of bell pepper in it, hot pepper, anything that you like to go in it because tomato is going to be pretty important for you to soothe the skin because you have too many signs like you're going toward rheumatoid arthritis and tomato is a great reverser of that. But also the people who have it have a tendency to get acid mouth and start breaking out all around the mouth. So blending it with cheese might help prevent that.

Q: I thought it was too acid so that's why it's not good.

A: Well, usually what it's doing is getting out the acid minerals and the acid toxins out of the mouth area. It's not the tomato doing it directly. It's the tomato relieving the acid poisons out of the system. And they have to be gotten out. It's just with concentration of the cheese, minerals in the cheese, it might be able to keep it from coming out the skin and just come out through the gums and the salivary glands instead of out the mouth, you know, the skin here. It does it to me, but I have to do it. But that's because they did the stomach surgery on it and screwed me up.

[audio cut]

A: Eventually you'll lubricate everything, but you're dry everywhere. That's just a lack of fat in the tissues.

Q: How many eggs a day?

A: Six to eight. But don't eat the eggs alone. For you, they might dehydrate you and dry you. Because it will start pulling out toxic cholesterols. And then you're going to get more dry. So have them in with a smoothie and make sure that there's some extra coconut cream or cream or butter in it. Okay.

Q: Okay. And there's one more question I have. About two years ago, I got very sick and I lost my sense of smell. Is there anything I can do for that?

A: I've had several people who have had that, and it's taken about a year and a half to come back. And they have lots of the lubrication formulas, and it comes back. Yours may not take a year and a half, because most of those people were in their 60s, late 50s or 60s. Yours may not take that long.

Q: Okay. Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Hi, guy.

Q: Hi.

A: How's it going?

Q: Detoxing. That's what's happening.

A: How's Shakti?

Q: Shakti's doing good.

A: Yeah? Better than you? No.

Q: Thanks for asking.

A: Okay. You're not eating the butter, I can see. You're not eating enough fat. Not eating enough eggs. What are you eating?

Q: Like ten eggs a day.

A: Yeah?

Q: Yeah.

A: Almost two quarts of milk a day.

Q: Pound of meat.

A: Pound of meat. But not the butter and not the cream and not coconut cream.

Q: Unavailable.

A: Yeah. Coconut cream's always available. It's time. Yeah. But your system doesn't have the fat. You're completely drying out. It's almost like I saw you two years ago.

Q: Hmm.

A: I mean, it looks what it all looks like almost two years ago.

Q: Hmm.

A: And it's created an anemia. You're not even handling your protein properly. Without it. You're one of those people that you can eat all the protein in the world, but if you don't have a good solid fat with it, it's not going to do you much good.

Q: Milk and all that stuff.

A: Milk won't do it. In a situation like that, it won't do it. No. I have the same problem. I went a year without it, and I started going right in the reverse, drying out quickly. I started having more problems, more detoxifications than I'd ever had this last year without the butter. Yeah.

Q: Yeah.

A: So I'm so glad that people got on it and got the, you know, got it going. One particular fellow started flying all around the country and found it, you know, found different suppliers now. So we'll never be without it again unless somebody goes around and creates a little war here in the States. But, yeah, you need lots of fat to reverse this condition. And I would suggest that you eat, you know, once that you get the butter, that you eat a lubrication formula even with your meats. So make a good batch of lubrication formula like two in one and just have it with your meats for about a month. And eat the meat two, three times a day. And just keep spreading it out and feeding it to yourself, you know, a lot and gradually. You are a lot like me in that way. You didn't even have chemo or radiation or surgery. You must have had some exposure to chemicals to have this reaction. Medications or anything?

Q: No, I used to clean pools.

A: Oh, okay. Muriatic acid.

Q: That's right.

A: Yeah, there you go. One of the worst. And that's a gas that turns into a solid matter that will actually turn everything into scar tissue.

Q: Yeah, I remember breathing that stuff.

A: The people who use muriatic acid that I've seen, their bronchioles are complete scar tissue, not a live cell in them. Muriatic acid. And then parts of the lungs are damaged too. But I've never seen anything like it except the children with asthma that have been on inhalers and Pregnizone have the same kind of scarring. But only with muriatic acid have I seen that without people who've been exposed to other harsh chemicals, drugs. How long?

Q: Ten years, I think.

A: Wow. Okay. So, that way you and I are alike... Just lots of butter. The butter people.

Q: The butter people.

A: The butter people. It's got to have butter or else I'll deteriorate. I can eat cream all day long. I can eat cream every day and I'll still just dry out. Because it doesn't get into my deeper tissues. And you have the same kind of system. So now you know what to do about it. Now you know your limitations. You know, when I found out after eight months of not having butter, and I was eating cream and that was happening, I thought it would never happen to me. It started happening so I started sucking the cream off the top and making my own butter. It was a fricking fortune and time consuming. But it stopped it, you know, within about a month. It stopped that regression. And I was wondering, why am I going through detoxifications that are actually crippling me? You know, that are actually putting me out of commission and in severe pain for weeks at a time. Even a month, one month, six weeks at a time.

Q: So you get terrible pain and you think that's what it is.

A: Yeah, yeah.

Q: How is butter made?

A: Butter is just churned cream. No, it isn't. I found a way. You take one of these jars. I take a 12-ounce canning jar that's about this size and this narrow. And I will put the cream just a half inch from the top of the jar. And then I'll use the, you know, put the blender blades on. And I turn it upside down and turn it on. And I'll turn it on whip speed, which is about medium speed. Now, when it turns into whipped cream, there's not enough room for it to expand as it normally would. So it stays hard. So as it churns, it never stops. If you leave it like this, this much air in it, as soon as it turns into whipped cream, it stops churning. It's just there. It stops. Without enough air for it to expand, it just keeps blending and blending. And you watch it. In about a minute and a half, you'll see it go from a white to an off-color cream to a gray, and you can see all of it just separating. And in about two minutes, you have butter. Just like that.

Q: But you don't leave any air room at all, any air space at all?

A: No, I said a half inch.

Q: Oh. Got it.

A: Just a half inch. That doesn't leave room enough to expand. But let me tell you, if you don't leave any air, it starts coming out the bottom.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: He's teasing. He's being a meanie.

Q: I see.

A: Okay, so all that drying is happening everywhere, and your glands just everywhere in your tissues. Are you drinking juice at all?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay. To help reverse this for about six weeks, I'd like you to have 95% celery and 5% parsley only. You're going to need a lot of natural sodium to reverse this quickly, because this looks almost like a year without butter.

Q: Yeah, it's been a year without butter.

A: If it ever gets to that situation again, like I do, you make it. I don't think it'll come to that again, but make it if you do. Are you eating any white meat?

Q: Not too much.

A: You really need white meat.

Q: No, I need white meat.

A: Yeah.

Q: Last time, mostly red.

A: Yeah, mostly, but you don't even look like you're eating white meat at all. You just hang on to the red. I think I told you, what, 80%, 70%, 80% red, and you're not eating any white.

Q: Not too much.

A: It's rare. I think you should be eating about 80% red and 20% white. But you've got to do the 20% white. Because from what I can see here, it looks like you'll go maybe two weeks of only eating red meat, and maybe once every two weeks, once a month, you'll have some white meat. And that's not 20%. So that's just what I would concentrate on. And don't have eggs alone for a while. Rocky style.

Q: Right.

A: Have them, if you have them with milk, have a little extra cream or throw a good slab of butter in there. A good slab of butter would be better. Butter with everything. Butter out. You know, I mean, when I first got it, I went to a pound the first day. A pound the next day. And then a half a pound every day for a while.

Q: This can be reversed though?

A: Oh yeah, definitely. Yeah, well you definitely have tissue change, but it's causing you to be anemic because you're just not digesting your protein properly without a solid form of fat. You know, that's what chemicals do. Cream doesn't cut it. Only butter will cut it. And you know, chemotherapy is just as bad as your muriatic acid, or I should say muriatic acid is just as bad as chemotherapy. Just remember that. Other fats won't cut it. Not even coconut cream will cut it.

Q: I actually sucked it once. It was muriatic. It went down.

A: The muriatic acid? Oh my God. You're lucky you're alive. You ever see what muriatic acid does? It'll eat the paint off of concrete, anything. I mean, it'll just eat it off. Nasty stuff. Nice seeing you again. At least now you know the limitations.

Q: Can I ask a question about meningitis? Because I'm a parent, and before my daughter entered high school, they were recommending that everybody get their child meningitis vaccination because a football player had died. And all of a sudden, now there's a lot of kids in Placer County who've gotten, they say, meningitis.

A: Because they're getting the vaccine for it.

Q: Well, that's what they're pushing.

A: Yeah.

Q: But is that...

A: It's only... Well, I've gone through meningitis two times, well, three times now. And it only happens to me once every 9 to 10, 11 years. And it was the best thing that's ever happened because it frees up all the scar tissue along my spine. You know, like after the radiation therapy, when it finally solidified, I couldn't touch my knees. I had to sit down to be able to touch my knees. And then after the first meningitis, I could touch my shins. Then after the next meningitis, I could touch the floor.

Q: So how come these kids, they're finding, I think one of them, there's achiness and a ring around their neck, and they go to the hospital and they're dead?

A: Because they go into anaphylaxis shock. They have an allergy. When you're going through a severe detoxification, because I didn't go for treatment when I had it.

Q: Oh, so it's the treatment that they give them?

A: Yes, that's anaphylaxis. It's an allergy to the treatment.

Q: Oh.

A: If they just leave it alone, it'll be like a pneumonia. You'll go through it. If you're strong, if you're on a terrible diet and eat nothing but junk, then you won't.

Q: Well, a lot of these teenagers, they have soda pop.

A: Yes, they live on soda pop and stuff, and a lot of them are going to die, because they have nothing to recoup from such a neurological detoxification. But you have to understand, usually when that happens, kids will eat the same things, because they're going in the same group, they'll have the same deterioration in a certain area of the body. And then they call it an epidemic. It's an epidemic of junk food. It's not an epidemic of one gets the virus, somebody else gets the virus from them.

Q: Epidemic of bad nutrition.

A: Yes.

Q: What is your research or opinions or feelings about the effect of the milk, cream, beef, etc. on people's cholesterol? How it affects the arteries and the heart?

A: That's in the book. I cover it quite extensively in the book.

Q: I read about 160 pages, I don't think I got that.

A: Yeah, it's further in there, yeah, when I talk about fat. So it talks about that pretty extensively. It lowers it, actually.

Q: Lowers LDL?

A: Unless the fat is cleaning out all toxic fats and cholesterols, then your cholesterol may rise. But then they have to do a test that costs anywhere around $6,200. The difference between it's been a cholesterol that's been in the body and it's old for a year, two, five, ten, twenty, thirty years, or if it's a cholesterol that was freshly made. So they don't make that distinction, unless you're going to pay $6,200. And no insurance is going to pay for that, and the doctors don't do it, routinely. So they just see a high cholesterol level and say, oh, high cholesterol level. There's a difference between cleaning house and then the present new cholesterol. Hi, sweetie. How are you?

Q: Better than I was earlier today.

A: Good. Well, you look a lot better.

Q: I don't understand why, though.

A: You just don't feel it.

Q: Well, no, because I haven't been very good since December of sticking to things.

A: But you built up enough health before that. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of dryness here, but I can see the tissues are much better than they were last year. Whatever you've been doing lately, though, has created a lot of anemia. Because, you see, your face doesn't look like there's like an anemia reaction. But here in your hands, there's a lot of signs of anemia. So it's a lot of weakness, a lot of depression. Okay, the ovaries are okay. There's still massive debilitation and weakness in the adrenal glands. The pancreas is still just about shot. Maybe 10%, 15% functional. So it wouldn't have much fruit. And, of course, you should be eating, you know, fats with your meats.

Q: Yeah, I don't think I ever, that never sunk in before. You know, sometimes you can hear information, and you just, it doesn't stay.

A: Yes, I understand, yeah.

Q: And I don't think I ever got that. I mean, I do the milk, but now I'm realizing the milk is not enough of a fat.

A: Right, no, it isn't.

Q: So, I've really missed the butter. I'm going to get it.

A: Good, you're going to get it.

Q: I'm going to get it again. I tried to make it, it would turn it sour.

A: Uh-huh. Well, like I say, if you blend it like I just instructed, it might work.

Q: Yeah, I'm good to go.

A: But now we have butter, so. But it's always, butter, butter was always sour. It was never fresh and sweet and all of that, unless you lived on the farm. But when all of the dairies made butter up until about 1940-something, before there was regular refrigeration, you know, when they had the old ice boxes, only the people who could afford the ice had refrigeration. So everybody's butter was sour. There was no butter that was not sour on the market. So sour butter is good butter because it's just predigested to an extent. So it's not a bad thing. Okay, the thyroid is in good shape. Parathyroid is in great shape. The tonsils look good. Thyroid over here is a little weak. Parathyroid is okay. So the glands are in better shape. Probably the ovaries are, actually the ovaries are okay. But the adrenal glands, the adrenal and the pancreas are your weak glands. Those two that create depression. Along with the lack of bacteria. And I suggest... You have a very low bacterial level. I don't know what you've been doing.

Q: Well, I had been making the villi, but I thought villi helped a lot. But it got messed up when I was traveling. So I felt that that always helped me a lot with the bacteria. And I haven't had any for a couple of weeks. And I'm really noticing a difference.

A: You mean the grains that you put in to help?

Q: Yeah, the flavor was good. I've tried the spitting as well. But it's like the flavor of the one that I got from Jill. I really, I was like so satisfied.

A: If you let the milk sour on its own, it has all the latest bacteria in it. Even if it's been refrigerated, you take it out, and it will sour on its own. It will even turn into yogurt. Kefir first and then go to yogurt. Those are always your best because they're not processed. Any of the grains that you buy have been washed, have been washed and have washed. They have no relationship to what happens in the body and presently. So it's almost like it's no longer, pardon?

Q: Yeast in the, when you use the grains.

A: Yes, right. You know, make a yeast type effect because the sugars don't break down. Nothing of it breaks down properly because they are such violated organisms. They're actually mutated. But when the better, when you have your fresh raw milk, just let it sour on its own and they're all the bacteria. You have the bulgaricus, calcoaceticus, and acidophilus all right there.

Q: How long do you use it? I mean, how long does it take?

A: It takes about a day and a half, two days.

Q: You just leave it out at room temperature without a lid?

A: Yeah. No, I will usually drain about a cup out of the Claravale bottle and then that's enough air right there.

Q: This guy here sets his oven temperature to 93 or something like that.

A: Uh huh.

Q: Let's just sit it in there.

A: That's fine, if it only gets to 93.

Q: Yeah.

A: But see, there's a lot of people that think it stays at 93, but it may heat up to 200 degrees at a particular time, but the actual air space stays on that average. But if you touch the bottle, you find out that that sucker is 130, 140 degrees. So, it depends on what kind of a, you know, if you tell me oven, I say there's no oven that regulates that way, but if he has a particular dehydrator, a particular machine that will always shut off as soon as the highest temperature reaches 93, I'll say great. Otherwise, no.

Q: You pour out all the milk but a cup in your bottle?

A: No, I take out a cup out of the bottle and leave the rest three cups in the bottle.

Q: Oh, and let that sour?

A: Yes, let that sour.

Q: With the cap off?

A: No, with the cap on. With the cap on, just leave it out. Yeah, you know, flies can get in there, not that I mind, really, but if I knew that the flies weren't eating my neighbor's garbage, then I wouldn't mind the fly, but I don't know where that fly's been.

Q: Right.

A: And also for you to be able to absorb the fluids again in your system, 90% celery and 10% parsley. I would go 3 days of eating eggs, 3 days without, 3 days on, 3 days off. Keep doing that.

Q: You mean eggs by themselves or eggs in the smoothie?

A: Anyway. Anyway. 3 days on. 3 days off. I just want to make sure you get enough butter in you, because you may have a tendency not to eat enough, eat as much butter as I think that you need if you're eating the eggs. All the time. 3 days won't be enough to make you deficient.

Q: I think for me a big part of the challenge is the strong sense of taste. I'm needing more variety or something there for it to be satisfied. I'm finding that that's becoming my challenge now. And the one thing that I'm always good at is I like to make my smoothies and have the sweet tasting because that is satisfying.

A: But then you won't, that's what I mean, I want to deprive you of that. So you'll be so hungry you'll eat the butter.

Q: If I had had the butter I would have ate it easily.

A: But I'm saying right now I want you to be so hungry that you'll need more butter.

Q: I've got to get a hold of something.

A: There's a lady sitting right there, she's going to sell some. Yes.

Q: I mean tomorrow.

A: All right, and then I'll bring up other things when I have them.

Q: Okay, terrific.

A: Well Christian, I can do when I do him tonight.

Q: I don't want to.

A: Am I going to do you tonight? Do your eyes or not?

Q: Well, if you...

A: I have plenty of energy, I'm not tired.

Q: Okay, I'm fine.

A: It's not a problem. Okay, Ben?

Q: I've got a session scheduled with you so I can...

A: Tomorrow, so we'll just do that. Okay, that does her then. Do you want to do you now or privately?

Q: I want to do privately.

A: Okay.

Q: Yeah, I don't want my poor elder to...

A: Ben, you look pretty good from what I remember you two years ago.

Q: I got a lot better the first year, but I've taken a lot of it for granted. I've sort of, you know, lived that.

Q: We don't know how that works.

Q: Traveling around other family members that give you a hard time, it's hard for them.