One Radio Network Interview 3

Date: 17 August 2010

Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang

A = Aajonus, P = Patrick (Host)

P: Broadcasting worldwide from the beautiful Hill Country in Texas, this is


P: And it definitely is the beautiful Hill Country in Texas. It is very warm, again. It's going to be like 102 or something in Central Texas. There is over 6 million, 6 million different aquatic species that have perished in the last week in Columbia. 6 million fish and dolphin and turtles and stuff because of cold temperatures. This thing in Pakistan, worst flooding ever, worst heat in Russia ever. It's strange, isn't it? Certainly not global warming, but a lot of really strange, strange weather. Sorry, Al Gore, but... How are you this morning? Well, I hope. Well, if you're not well now, you will be well after the show. I'm going to introduce you to Aajonus Vonderplanitz in just a couple of seconds. He's in Thailand. We're going to have fun tomorrow. We'll speak with Frosty Wooldridge. He has written a book called America on the Brink. We're going to talk a lot about the financial stuff. But also he's a big advocate of saying that overpopulation is a big issue on this earth. I don't know if your host agrees with that. I've never bought into that idea, but maybe you'll convince us. On Thursday, we're going to talk with Omar Amin. He's from Egypt. He's a parasitology guy. And he is into parasites. Open phone Friday, on Friday. And then Andrew Goss and the real world of money. Just heard on the radio where Deutsche Bank, one of the primary owners of the New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is using some of the money that they make with the franchise of creating dollars on a computer and lending it to us to buy one of the biggest hotel gambling complexes in Las Vegas. That's what they do. They print money on a computer, they lend it to the U.S. Treasury, and then they buy stuff. It's great. It's great. Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Good morning.

A: Good morning. How are you?

P: I'm good, sir. Or good evening. It's 10 o'clock at night in Bangkok, Thailand.

A: Yes, it is. Or 9 o'clock, somewhere around there.

P: Aajonus is a primal diet guy. And your website, your main one, Aajonus, is, right?

A: Yes, and the to is not spelled out T-O, it's the numeral 2.

P: Yeah. So what the heck is Aajonus doing in Thailand?

A: Well, to make sure that I had somewhere on the planet to grow my own food, because everything that the FDA and USDA are doing is outlawing the ability to grow foods that we would normally get, so that Monsanto and those culprits can dominate the entire food industry.

P: So you felt like you had to go all the way to Thailand to find a place? You couldn't have found a place, Aajonus, in, I don't know, North Carolina or Virginia someplace?

A: No, because the FDA has jurisdiction over all of the United States.

P: Well, you know, I hear what you're saying. They don't really, but they do because they have all the guns. But if you look at constitutionally, they just really make this up as they go along.

A: That's exactly what they do.

P: That's what they do.

A: But the courts are backing them.

P: Yes, sir. Yes, I agree with you. It really is curious. We've done a few shows, Aajonus, over the years, and if you really look at the fine print, which is all that matters, the FDA really was formed to control interstate commerce.

A: Exactly.

P: Exactly. And, for example, if you sold, I don't know, if you sold whiskey in between New York and Florida, that they could regulate the taxes or how it was shipped or if you had dangerous cargo on board, those kinds of things. And they've morphed that into this all-encompassing agency that just makes things up and say that they can control things. And as you so rightfully said, even if we know this and can prove it, the courts, you know, back their play.

A: That's where the money is.

P: And the Federales came and made a visit to a club that you were involved in. Tell us about that. You can't believe how many e-mails I got from listeners that said, did you see this, did you see this? Rawesome is the name, what is it, a raw milk, raw dairy thing, Aajonus?

A: Well, what happened, about 1998, the government started getting involved with putting raw dairies out of business in California. And they went after the big one, which was Stewie's Dairy at the time. I realized going to the meetings of the Medical Milk Commission, every one for three years, that they were completely close-minded. I brought in scientists, I brought in reports showing that all the epidemics with milk had to do with pasteurized milk. And there wasn't one scientifically linked to raw milk at all. They wouldn't listen to reason, so then I had to go the political route and seek a petition with the County Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and I wrote a report with Dr. Douglas M.D., who is probably the world's greatest expert besides myself, on milks, whether they're raw or pasteurized. And we wrote a report showing that raw milk was nothing but favorable and pasteurized milk had all the problems, and they shouldn't be outlawing it and making the restrictions so difficult on it that it put Stewie's Dairy out of business, it bankrupted them. Because dairy was only passing inspection about once every other time. So they passed a bill saying that we could have it, and then just last year, California Department of Health Services got a law passed, snuck to the government, and without anybody knowing about it, and they lied to the Senators and Assemblypersons about the support of that bill. And then we sent to Sally Fallon and a lot of other people, scientists, and I spent a lot of time lobbying in Sacramento to get a law passed, and it was almost unanimously passed in both the House and Assembly, California House and Assembly, and then Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed it with a stroke of a pen. So now we have a milk that isn't as good in California as I would like. The coliform count, which is good bacteria, is such a low count that they have to use chlorine and other antiseptics to keep the bacteria count. Good bacteria counts to a low ratio, so we can't have the best milk that we want.

P: So on this day, August 17, 2010, you cannot buy raw milk in California like we used to be able to do? Is that correct?

A: Yes, you can, but the restrictions on it are very high, so we don't have a good quality of milk as we would like to have.

P: Oh, you mean they want them to do more things to it?

A: Yes, they wanted more things done to it to make it less healthful.

P: I see. Like what?

A: Well, you have to, in order to keep the coliform count below 10 per 1 million, you have to make sure that it is very cold, cold to the point where it destroys the coliform bacteria. You have to use washes in your milk tank, which are very caustic and poisonous. And that gets into the milk, of course, and destroys the coliform, and that's what they want. They don't want people healthy. The FDA, the USDA, works for the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry, and the agricultural health. They do not want healthy food.

P: Yes. So the coliforms that are naturally formed in this raw milk, these are beneficial for us?

A: Correct.

P: Ah. What do they do in the body?

A: Well, they help you, well, 90% of digestion, that's an average, 90% of digestion is bacterial, supposed to be bacterial. The more bacteria that you naturally have in a product, the quicker it will digest and the more thoroughly it will digest. The medical profession, because they're based on the bacteria theory, which is that bacteria causes disease. A lot of them are pathogenic. They have to get people to believe in that to continue the myth. And it is a myth, because all of the tribes all over the world that eat raw food, that don't clean their hands after they wipe their buttocks, that don't wash their hands after working in the fields and working with animals, have no disease as long as they're eating raw food.

P: We'll get back to this, but let's... I have a lot of questions here, but let's...

A: Okay, can I answer the other question that I didn't get to answer because I had to circuitously get around to explaining?

P: The Rawesome?

A: Yeah.

P: Yeah, that's where I was going, yeah.

A: I formed right to choose healthy food as a group to lobby for any time the USDA or the FDA or the HHS or health departments anywhere were trying to outlaw raw foods or any healthy food. And during that process, I formed small clubs, and the clubs are basically provide a non-commercial environment to be able to purchase and... or to acquire, not purchase, but acquire healthy foods. Most of that stemmed around the raw milk problem. Now it's grown into everything. You know, you blame... they're blaming spinach, you know, as a disease carrier because of manure, you know, manure in the field, which is totally absurd. Manure is the best agricultural aid to growth that there is that we've known since the beginning of time. But it aids the Monsanto's plight to get bacteriophobia out there so they can say, listen, our GMO foods don't, you know, don't encourage bacteria. They discourage bacteria because of all the pesticides and the chemical fertilizers. You don't have to worry about bacteria. So make our products and chemical products the safe foods and outlaw natural bacteria. Basically, that's how it's going, and it's going quickly in that direction. Senate Bill 510 even makes that possible because it gives the FDA total control to say, oh, a food's bad, let's outlaw it without any proof.

P: Yes, I... several listeners have sent me a copy of that. Do you know much about that one? Who is sponsoring it? In your opinion, does it have a chance of getting through?

A: Well, it just passed committee. So, yes, it has a chance of getting through. It's just that we can't let it get through the Senate or, you know, or Congress, you know. We just can't let it get through Congress in any form, whether it's, you know, in the House or in the Senate.

P: I have not seen the bill itself, so sometimes you see reports that are more alarming than what's really going on. In your understanding, what do they want to do with this 510, this bill?

A: The 510, as in the Senate Bill 510, gives the FDA very big control over any food without... with immunity, in other words, without prosecution. If they, let's say, decide that a product is bad, they recall it, they ban it, the company loses, you know, goes bankrupt from it, they're immune from prosecution. They're immune from responsibility. They don't have to pay anybody anything.

P: Similar to what they're trying to do with the vaccine manufacturers and the mercury. I think they've already done that, haven't they?

A: Yes, absolutely.

P: Wow. So, it would be good...

A: Vaccines, you know, they've freed the vaccine maker. It's not just mercury, it's the vaccine makers. They freed them from responsibility.

P: Yes, any kind of responsibility.

A: The vaccine harming anybody. Yes, absolutely any.

P: With the squalene and all that stuff, yeah.

A: Absolutely.

P: Have you heard of the Daylily Project?

A: I don't recall it offhand.

P: We are going to have a gentleman on the air, PhD, chemist-scientist in a couple of weeks, actually on the 26th, Dr. Gary Nicholson. And you can Google Daylily Project and they have proven that the government has been using military people as guinea pigs with vaccines for bioterrorism. And Gulf War Syndrome was all a result of the vaccines. It was initiated by the vaccines to the military.

A: Yes, I'm very aware of that. But the military has been doing that with civilians too since the 1950s. Because reports were released two years ago.

P: And then they also, yeah, it's just very curious. Very curious. So, it would be good for our listeners and people listening to this podcast, this is August 17th, but soon after to write their congressmen, senators, and tell them they're against this Senate Bill 510. That would be a good thing to do.

A: Correct.

P: That would be a good thing to do.

A: And that's a federal, that's a federal senate. It's not a state.

P: Not a state. So, you really felt like you wanted to find a place outside the United States to grow your own food?

A: Just in case.

P: Yeah?

A: Yep, absolutely. I mean, it's... When you've got money like Monsanto, Dow, General Electric, Gulf and Western, the people that own the food industry, they have so much money, they have so much power, they can threaten senators, any assembly member, house member. They can threaten anybody and also pay them off. So, with that kind of power, it doesn't look like we're going to have much public or, you know, people power. When this, you know, when the Patriot Act came in, it just put the biggest gouge out of the Constitution that there is.

P: Yes, yeah. And our money man, Andrew Goss, has been telling us for the last three weeks, he's read the bill, the 2,000 pages of the financial, quote, reform, unquote, act, and it's just giving more and more power and control to the same people that own and operate the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the private bankers.

A: Yes, the 13 families that run the world.

P: Yeah, and they just, they just, so, it looks as if, karmically, we're in this really absurd kind of paradigm. So, you really believe, or do you, I don't want to put words in your mouth, and there are a group and groups of people that really would like to control the population, kill a bunch of people and such?

A: Well, that is a theory, and with the way that they are manufacturing vaccines and trying to sell them, sell other countries on them, when a vaccine has never, ever proved to be, and, you know, this is going to raise some hair on a lot of people, has never, ever proved to be effective. The polio, you know, the polio propaganda out there is that the vaccine came out in 58 and polio disappeared. Polio disappeared down to 1% before the vaccine, in 58, before the vaccine was issued. With the introduction of the vaccine, the polio skyrocketed, all in people who had received the vaccine. I wrote that in one of my books, Appendix D, that showed the statistics. There were three states who kept records, and one county, Los Angeles. And the rate of polio from the year previous to the polio vaccine being issued went up all the way up as much as 437% increase in polio, all in people who had been vaccinated.

P: Do we know...

A: You have to understand that there are 43 to 67 different chemicals in every vaccine, and not one of them has been shown to do good. They are all harmful. They have squalene, they have detergents, mercury, liquid mercury, liquid aluminum, formaldehyde, kerosene, kerosene derivatives. There's nothing healthful in a vaccine. And there's a Canadian Saturday Night Live group that put a skit on, and they were talking about the flu season, and who needed a vaccine, and whether the Canadian government should sponsor and pay for flu vaccines. So, this guy got a blender, he took rotten eggs and put them in there, because that's what they grow the disease on most frequently. And then they took a thermometer, broke the mercury and dumped it in there, liquid aluminum, formaldehyde, ether, detergent, blended it, handed it to everybody who was afraid of getting a cold or a flu. And, of course, nobody would drink it, but yet people will inject it into their systems, into their bloodstream, into their muscle tissue. It's absolutely astounding when you realize what is in a vaccine, that people inject this into their body, have it injected, ask to have it injected.

P: And, of course, they scare the moms into believing that if they don't get it, that they're putting their child at risk.

A: Absolutely. It's criminal. So, you look at that behavior and you have to say, yes, there's people meaning to do harm.

P: Yes.

A: Look at the children that are vaccinated as soon as they're born. The only purpose for that is to make people sick, so that they do reply upon the medical profession for help. So, it's all just a propaganda and money-making environment. They're no better than the cigarette industry, putting ammonia in cigarettes to release the nicotine quicker, to addict people.

P: And, if you would like to look into this further for your child, on the front page of, there is a link. It's a pretty big display box. You just scroll down. We put it up some time ago, but it's called Vaccine Refusal Forms. And you can download these. And, there are legal ways, if you want to use that way, but there are ways to get out of these and still have your kids in school that people don't know about. But, it's certainly very doable. You just have to be clever to stand up for your unalienable rights. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, he is in Bangkok, Thailand. Here's our phone number, if you care to join us, 888-663-6386. Email Aajonus, I did see where the Organic Almond people have gotten together. They are making some headway, it appears, in California, where they've got a big trial coming up. They brought this thing into the courts, saying that they...

A: Yes, they have. And, the judge ruled that it was not a frivolous action, legal action, and that they have the right to present their case against the Health Department of California and the FDA, the US FDA, from outlawing raw almonds. Can you imagine outlawing raw almonds, that you have to steam them? Most ridiculous thing in the world.

P: Unbelievable. Tell us the difference. I mean, if you go into Whole Foods today, they still have their bins that say raw almonds, and they're not, of course. Now, you can find raw almonds, if you really are creative. There's still some around, real raw. What's the difference to us consumers, in our tummies, our digestion, everything? What really is the difference between making almond milk from these not-labeled raw almonds, and really raw almonds? What's the difference?

A: Well, anytime you steam anything, you're subjecting it to 212 degrees minimum temperature. Enzymes are altered. A lot of people believe enzymes are alive, but they're not alive. Enzymes are protein structures that we either disassemble something or reassemble. So we use digestive enzymes to fractionate food molecules, and then we use enzymes also to restructure them for the human body. So enzymes are altered by heat, and that causes a lot of toxic proteins, uric acid to form, over acidity throughout the system, collection of minerals in the intestinal tract. White blood cells will leave the bloodstream and enter the digestive tract to ward off toxic substances, such as heterocyclic amines, which form from cooking. So that will cause not only indigestion to an extent, but also toxicity to form, throughout the bloodstream and the rest of the system.

P: We literally have these undigestible proteins, much like in milk or other things, in grains, for example, of kookum, that the body just cannot digest.

A: Well, it may digest them, but not thoroughly and properly.

P: Uh-huh, not properly.

A: Otherwise, people wouldn't be surviving. Not many people are thriving these days. It isn't like in the old days when people drank raw milk and they worked on farms and they labored strenuously without air conditioning and central heat. You know, they thrived. They worked very hard, but they were mainly on a lot of good natural substances without pesticides, herbicides, all the chemicals that have been produced in the last 100 years. So people are not thriving, and they need more and more nutrients, and the more foods are processed and the more chemicals are added, the less digestion occurs. And, of course, the food industry loves that, because if your body is malnourished, you're always going to be hungry and you're always going to be eating. I look at people who, you know, I'm a raw, I eat only raw foods, and I eat raw meats, raw dairy, raw eggs. That's my main diet. I do eat a piece of fruit a day and some vegetable juices, but I only sleep about three to five hours daily. I work constantly as long as I'm awake, and I thrive, but most people do not because of their bad diets. And I eat, I look at the people around me, I eat half of what they eat, and I'm very nourished, and they are ill-nourished on twice as much food. And, of course, the food industry loves that because people are eating more and they're buying more.

P: So, for example, say in your part of the world where you are now, the people have rice like two or three times a day or whatever. It is, it's acting more like, can we say, a drug on these people, just keeping the system kind of going, but not really in really good health.

A: Correct.

P: I see.

A: And, you know, the Asians, because their diet is like only five to ten percent meats, they don't get much protein. It's like 80 percent starch, which is rice mainly. If you're in the Philippines, it's rice or corn, but in the rest of Asia, it's mainly rice. And with 80 percent rice and then 10 percent, 10 to 15 percent vegetables, they're almost always cooked. And then five percent cooked protein, meats. That's not a good healthy diet, so they age very rapidly here, very short lives. Of course, we have a short lifespan if you compare it with other creatures. Other creatures, no matter what it is, live seven times the time that it takes them to complete maturation. And for us, we complete maturation at 21 years old, so we should be living to 147 years old.

P: That's a good age.

A: That would be an excellent age. And there are tribes in the world who eat raw who do live that long. Of course, you hear nothing about them. Because the media, who is owned by General Electric and, you know, all the other conglomerates, they don't want people to know the truth.

P: Yes. Aajonus, like in your part of the world where you are now, and I know you travel a lot, do they recognize or have names for and deal with all the stuff that goes on here with the osteoarthritis and the diabetes and fibromyalgia, autoimmune, thyroid, all these common dis-eases that people present in this country? Is it much the same around the world?

A: It's much the same in all of your so-called socialized systems. And I mean, you know, the junk food chains are everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. You know, you've got Kentucky Fried Chicken here, you've got McDonald's, you've got all these junk food companies who have blossomed in all countries all over the world.

P: Yeah. Of course, McDonald's, when I was in college, I worked for McDonald's and that was in, gosh, I guess 1960. And you know, Aajonus, they actually had real food back then in McDonald's 50 years ago.

A: Yeah, but not anymore.

P: No, I mean, it was real meat that came in. It was just ground meat that came in fresh and we smashed it. And we actually washed the potato, sliced it, and they would fry it in beef tallow, which is, you know, pretty good if you're going to fry something.

A: Yeah, now they do it in some kind of hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is plastic oil.

P: Which will kill you, right? All right, stay right there.

A: Well, it will definitely cause heart problems.

P: Yeah. Aajonus Vonderplanitz and we have emails coming in. We're going to get to your phone calls and have some fun here this morning. It's about nine thirty or so central time and about twelve hours later in Thailand where we're speaking with him. We want to live with the numeral two dot com is his Web site. A lot of great stuff. He has books and all kinds of cool things. My name is Patrick Timpone. One Radio Network. Stay right there.

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P: I'm with Al Carter, the world's foremost authority on rebound exercise. We're told that the lymphatic system, Al Carter, really gets a workout when you jump up and down on these little trampolines.

[Al Carter]: That's right. The lymphatic system is filled with millions of one-way valves. And whenever you jump up and down, those one-way valves open and close, creating a suction throughout the entire lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the internal vacuum cleaner of the body.

P: When you jump 20 minutes a day or so, you're really helping the immune system?

[Al Carter]: We'll actually increase the immune system by 15 times.

P: 15 times? Wow. And how often do you recommend people rebound?

[Al Carter]: Anywhere from one time a day to five times a day.

P: Can you do too much?

[Al Carter]: We haven't found anybody who can do it too much yet.

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P: We're on the air with one of our favorite guys who does lots and lots of research. He only sleeps three to four or five hours and the rest of the time he works. Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Aajonus, how many books do you have out there anyway?

A: Well, I have two. One's entitled We Want to Live, subtitled Primal Diet, and The Recipe for Living Without Disease. And I also have a DVD of my five-hour lecture that I did at UCLA in 2007.

P: And you travel around the country. Is your schedule of where you're going to be on your website?

[audio cut]

A: I don't know what happened.

P: Probably the CIA.

A: Who knows? Could be.

P: Could be. Aajonus, I was asking you before we got so rudely interrupted. On your website, wewant2live, do you have a schedule of where you are going to be? And I know you do weekend ongoing workshops all over the country, all over the world.

A: Yes, I do. Yes, they're posted on, if you look at my schedule, on

P: And then when you do a weekend, is it like a Friday night, Saturday, Sunday thing?

A: No, what I do is, on Saturdays, I give a seven- to ten-hour workshop.

P: Wow.

A: I'll give an hour lecture, free lecture first, so people who just want to hear me and get an idea-

[audio cut]

A: Hi, Patrick, I'm sorry. We had a big storm today, so electric was off today, so I think that they're having connection problems. We're trying to repair them.

P: Oh, on the towers?

A: Yeah.

P: Well, if it happens again, you just hang up and I'll dial you right back, no problem, and we'll make it work.

A: Okay. I appreciate that.

P: Yeah, no problem, sir. So you then do a whole day during the day with a lecture or workshop on Saturday.

A: Yeah. And then on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays, I see people privately.

P: Oh, yeah. And you do all kinds of really fun things where you look in their eyes and do...

A: Yes, I do iridology. Yeah, it's not normal iridology. It's my particular version. I'm not a person who accepts anything that's told to me because of all the stuff that I've been through as a vegetarian and all of that on my route to what I've found works for me and everybody who does it. I would say 95 people out of who try my diet, the Primal Diet, do well with it.

P: We've received a couple emails since the start, well, more, but two specifically about the vaccines, both from women, one Joyce and one Marilyn, and I'm going to paraphrase because both of them are saying about the same thing, and let me see if I can paraphrase what they're saying. What both were alluding to is the idea that they understand what you're saying about the vaccines, but what they don't understand is with all the insults that their child is getting with the electromagnetic fields and maybe the poor health that they're in, would these not be useful for them because maybe they could get some of these different things that they're like polio, and would this keep them from getting it?

A: Well, no, that's what I'd say. They've never proven to be effective.

P: Never.

A: You have to understand that the amount of bacteria that is of that nature that enters the vaccine are completely nullified by the poisons that they put in the vaccine. If someone were to take the bacteria grown in rotten eggs, I think that would be a good way to build immunity. Just by eating rotten eggs, you're building immunity. By exposing yourself to any kind of toxicity that is of a natural nature, of course natural being defined differently, that's why I say natural of nature, being defined differently than the U.S. and FDA, because anything is natural to them that occurs on the planet, but occurs naturally biologically is what I'm speaking. So if you were to have that kind of introduction into the body, you would be creating a natural so-called symbiotic relationship with bacteria. When you put it in an environment of mainly poisons, and let's say you have one bacteria of 100 poisons, you are not benefiting anybody with anything other than contaminating the body. Take a look at the wealthier children or the children who grow up in affluence. They wear more thick glasses. They have thinner skin. They are much weaker than your average farm child who is very healthy, grows up with lots of bacteria, and lots of more natural environment, and less medical therapy. You have a very different being created without medicine than you do with, and that's very favorable. I remember when I was in high school, we feared, or I was too sickly to play sports, but the sports, the athletes were afraid to play those farm boys because they were so tough and so strong.

P: Yeah, so it's the idea that you let your kids play in the dirt, and they actually build up immunity.

A: Correct.

P: Much like life, if we protect our children too much, then they don't really get to experience some of the so-called bad stuff, and they become weaker.

A: Correct.

P: Same concept, I think.

A: Yes.

P: What about in the garden? If we have a garden at home and we know what's in there, can we get good organisms by not washing the vegetables, or do we still want to wash the vegetables?

A: Well, no animal in nature washes anything before it eats it. It eats it with the dirt, it eats it with the manure, it eats everything. Then, of course, you've got veterinarians and the medical people saying, oh, animals carry diseases. That is absolute myth. The only species on this planet that are carriers are those that are domesticated, and that's mainly the human.

P: Hmm. What about rabies?

A: Rabies is a myth. How many people do you know in your life that ever got lockjaw? One of the first and biggest myths that were ever put out was vaccines. Look how many rabies shots are given yearly, on a myth.

P: Back in the 50s, were the vaccines loaded with all this stuff, Aajonus?

A: Still are.

P: Still are, to this day.

A: Absolutely.

P: So the thimerosal has not been taken out of the children's vaccines as advertised?

A: Well, no, it's not been taken out. It's been called a different name. I think it's 11 different names for liquid mercury. Now what they've said is, oh, we took it out as a preservative, and they're using this other substance as an antibacterial or antifungal. And it's the same thing. It's still liquid mercury, just called by a different name. And they've reduced it by about a third only. They used to put somewhere around 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury in. Now it's 56 quadrillion molecules of mercury.

P: Oh, great. Ladies listening now who have vaccinated their children, not knowing what they were doing, do we need, in your opinion, to take some different supplements, nutrients, various things, EDTA, or maybe zeolites, these kinds of things to help the mercury out, or will it naturally come out?

A: Well, EDTA is a chemical. It's magnetic metals to try to pull out other toxic metals like mercury and lead out of the body. And now the body works well with fats. Unless you have fats to bind with poisons, after they've been released, they will just restore in the body, most of them. And I've done experiments with EDTA, and you ask any practitioner who uses EDTA or any of those substances, liquid silver, any of those substances, they cause toxicity. I've checked the urine and the feces for up to three days. They say 72 to 76 percent is evacuated within that time. That's only in the pig tests. Pigs are healthier than we are. They haven't been subjected to cooked foods for thousands and thousands of years as we have. So when you look at the human, you ask them for human tests that have been done, they will point to none because they've been done. None have been done. But when I've taken the feces and urine and checked them, only 12 to 24 percent is removed. That means you've added another EDTA chemical solution to your body. That's not healthy.

P: No. So raw fats is what gets them out?

A: Raw fats is what your body, your body's cleansing system is the lymphatic system. The lymph is mainly based in fats, fats to break down toxins, fats to arrest them and chelate with them. Even the white blood cells of the body which protect the red blood cells are mainly fat, like 60 to 80 percent fat. That's why they're white blood cells because they're mainly fatty cells. So fats are very helpful. Also, in my books, I explain other things that you can use to help detoxify immune system toxicity. And also clay, a good non-volcanically derived clay.

P: Non-volcanic, like the terramin?

A: Yeah, like terramin clay, which comes from an old aqua, thermal aqua bed. Any of your molten metal clays, just remember that when you've got molten metal, all of the calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium has been cooked away and evaporated at volcanic temperatures. So all you have left is molten metals. That's not something to take. That's just adding more to the problem.

P: And that's in the volcanic clays?

A: Correct.

P: I see. Here's an email from, let's see, it is Rebecca. She says, are there bad bacteria versus good bacteria? And why is terramin clay recommended when it's said to be antibacterial?

A: Well, as far as I'm concerned, there are no natural bacteria that are pathogenic. There are bacteria that have been produced by the military, by General Electric, by Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and they're projects for the military to create biological warfare. But nothing natural.

P: Like the lime spirochete is a man-made.

A: Correct. Yeah, AIDS is a man-made. It was made at UCLA in 1961 and 62. It was used by the military.

P: And that got into, how did they introduce that into the gay population?

A: What they did was they targeted, they always target a certain group. Now, in the 50s, it was mainly the black race, the black community. I remember one report I saw that they bombed, aerial bombed, like Chemtrails, 1 million Louisianians that were mainly of a black population to experiment with biological warfare. That is the way they targeted it. With the HIV, it had to be injected. So they found a group which they didn't like, which was the homosexual groups, and they targeted Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, and New York City as the primary zones, as they call them, for a gay activity. So what they did was they found that predominantly 90% of the people getting hepatitis in those four cities were homosexuals because of the high rate of drug use damaging the liver. So they put it in the hepatitis B vaccine in those cities. So that's why 90% of the people who got the HIV were homosexuals and 10% were heterosexuals.

P: And that's why it's so difficult to clear the HIV because it's a genetically engineered one?

A: No, I wouldn't say it's necessarily genetically engineered. It carries so many chemical byproducts that keep it stored in the body. If it were biological, our bodies would be throwing it off pretty fast. But they link it with chemicals to hold it in the body because those chemicals will store in the body. Now, they did it to the Africans by putting it in the smallpox vaccine. And the U.S. government and the British government gave 125 million vaccines. Now, there's no way that our government is going to give away vaccines. And the British government give away vaccines unless there isn't something in it for them. And of course, they took over 27 countries and created 27 governments in Africa with that AIDS plight that they used to take over their system. It's like, what is that book, I forgot the fellow's name, Confessions of a Financial Hitman.

P: Oh yes, we've had him on the show, Confessions of an Economic Terrorist or something like that?

A: Yes, something like that. Anyway, he talks about causing countries to go bankrupt and then we take over their financial system. Well, AIDS was a part of that.

P: In general, chemicals that we ingest through the air or plastics, does it store Aajonus Vonderplanitz in the fat? And how do we get it out of there?

A: Well, mainly it stores in the fat, fat first. Either in the bone marrow or in the brain if there isn't fatty tissue throughout the body. So like I say in my books and I say with people who are diseased, it's better you get fat. Because your body will arrest the poisons with fat. If your body is constantly cycling poisons without fat, they're going to be entering your cells and damaging the RNA and the DNA and the whole structure of your cells and creating disease. And making you weak, causing chronic fatigue, causing headaches, body aches all over the body.

P: Here's an email, a lady wants to know, what is your thoughts on wheatgrass juice and also unrefined salts? Salt, not sure what she means by unrefined salt, but maybe you know.

A: Well salt when you take it from the ocean, take ocean water and you let it settle and then the salts will, when the water evaporates you have salts. And some will cook them and heat them and wash them and bleach them to clean them so they look pretty. But all salt that's taken from the ocean and dehydrated like that in its natural form either looks discolored with a grayish or brownish look to it. So that's what salt looks like naturally. Salt in any form is dangerous. Salt is the most volatile explosive we have on the planet. And I'm talking about concentrated isolated sodium. All minerals are called salts. When you have sea salt you have a combination of a lot of other minerals, however sodium predominates it. Sea animals have developed and are conditioned to handle it and it isn't a problem. But sodium to land animals is very toxic. It's something that wasn't used for thousands and thousands of years. You know until let's say Egypt, they used it in Egypt, they used it in India thousands of years ago. But basically in life salt was not available. The king and queen of England made it very available in about 1100 with one of their companies. They outlawed even the Indian government where they produced or they dehydrated most of the salt and made most of their salt mines were in India. And it was illegal for Indians to take their own salt and make their own salt from the ocean. And that's what in 1947 what Gandhi did to change the laws and get rid of their form of the apartheid was to allow the Indian people to make their own salt. But anyway back to the subject, salt is a dangerous compound. It's an explosive. When the body isolates sodium because of its concentration in salts it causes explosions all over the body. If you were to take let's say, kill a fresh animal like a frog or a chicken or any animal and you put it on their skin tissue, even though the animal's dead, those muscles will spasm for hours in non-cooked meat. The muscles will spasm for hours.

P: So all this use of these sea salts whether it be solar dried or you're suggesting it's other than the best for us.

A: I'm saying it's the worst thing next to cooking.

P: It's amazing everybody and their brother and sister uses sea salt.

A: Because if you don't use salt your food won't taste good because everything's overly processed and cooked. Take for example when you cook anything. All of the natural sweet flavor is gone. It tastes bland. All processed food is bland. You have to add sugar, you have to add spices, you have to add salt. You have to add something to make it taste good.

P: What if somebody were eating salt regularly, sea salt, and they stopped? What do you think that they would experience?

A: Well, they probably would have headaches for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, because the salts would leave the fat in the brain and start detoxing. They would take them probably 10 to 20 days to get their taste buds back. Now when people have been on raw foods for a while, they go eat something salt and they can't stand it. It's offensive. It even burns the mouth and the tongue.

P: I've often heard that wars were fought over salt and that the word salary came from the word salt.

A: Well, as your King and Queen of England fought quite a few wars over it, outlawing salt collection in India and over salt trade.

P: Let's take a quick break. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, he's always fun to talk to and he is in Thailand and it's a few minutes after 10 o'clock. Patrick Timpone on, 888-663-6386. We're going to be talking about a gentleman who says that the big problem with our world is there's just too many people. And also tomorrow, America on the Brink, all by Frosty Wooldridge. That's tomorrow at 9 o'clock on

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P: I'm with Al Carter. He's the world's foremost authority on rebound exercise. We're told, Al Carter, that if you jump up and down on one of these little trampolines that you can build bone density. Is there any scientific backing for that?

[Al Carter]: NASA had a problem where the astronauts were shot up in space and in 14 days they lost 15% of their bone mass. We have had people now who have rebounded for 20 years and they have bone density of a 35-year-old woman.

P: So that's actually been measured by docs, eh?

[Al Carter]: That's measured by doctors and we receive this back from the people who have actually done it.

P: So for menopausal ladies who do the osteoporosis thing, these little trampolines are cool.

[Al Carter]: They're the best form of exercise they can get.

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P: Having fun this morning. Hour number two with Aajonus Vonderplanitz. August 17, 2010 We're live here. 888-663-6386 We'll put you on hold when you call. And then we'll pick it up live on the air. Folks have been calling. I put them on hold and they hang up. They don't understand. But you can hear the show on hold. Just turn down your computer and listen on the phone. Here is an email for you Aajonus on this Tuesday morning. Jan from New Hampshire. Please ask Aajonus about his opinion of taking flaxseed oil for obtaining omega-3s.

A: Well, first of all you have to look at the science on omega-3s and 6s. You say we have an overabundance of 3s and 6s. I mean an overabundance of 6s and a deficiency in 3s. So you have to look at who's giving that information, why it's given. And, of course, we're deficient in everything. And the object is not to go to fish oil or flax oil, which isn't natural for the human body. As a supplement to take care of it, we should be eating properly, which is the whole raw food, except for vegetables, juices, of course. And we should be eating the whole raw food to be able to get all the nutrients properly. Of course, when you cook anything, you're going to have deficiencies. It's just not omega-3s and it's not an overabundance of 6s. It's everything. We have an overabundance of toxins and an underabundance of vitamins and enzymes. And even minerals that are not cauterized. Do you know that the cauterization of phosphorus begins at 98 degrees? By the time you've hit 106, 107, or 118, so scientists say. By 118, you've cauterized phosphorus. That's how they tell. They look at the phosphorus to tell whether something's been properly pasteurized. Pasteurization temperature used to be 141 degrees for 15 seconds. Now they're ultra-pasteurizing, which is over 250 degrees for 30 seconds. So everything's out to destroy everything.

P: If we would drink these rice milks, hemp milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc., in these aseptic packages that's a plethora all over the place in the health food stores, these things are cooked at a pretty high temperature, are they not?

A: They have to be. The FDA won't let them on the market. And they wouldn't last. They'd have a very short shelf life. And no company will jeopardize that. And the so-called natural ingredient that all of these natural companies use and organic companies, they use kerosene derivative. Sure, kerosene's natural. That doesn't mean it's healthy. Would you soak a peach in kerosene for 30 minutes and then rinse it and wash it and eat it?

P: I don't think so.

A: No, I wouldn't either, because you know that kerosene, it's a solvent. It will just eat into that peach a good quarter of an inch within 30 minutes. So if you've utilized a kerosene derivative to separate, to fractionate, and then separate what you want to call good in something and to concentrate it as a supplement, that's what you've done. You've contaminated it with the kerosene derivative. That's just the natural ones. The unnatural ones use blatant gasoline and all other kinds of really toxic turpentine. They use anything. It's cheaper.

P: In general, what's your feelings about making kefir or yogurts, these kinds of things out of raw milk products?

A: I think that's one of the best things you can do, because most people have had so many antibiotics and so many additives to their foods, they have very little of their natural bacteria. As I said when we first started the show, 80 to 90% of digestion should be bacterial. So if you're lacking in bacteria, your body has to rely only on digestive acids to digest, and that's only a small portion of digestion. So by eating a food that has been fermented by its own bacteria, it's wonderful. It adds bacteria back to your body. There's a scientist that came out two years ago and spoke at TED, who is a microbiologist, and she said, do you know that 99% of the body is bacterial? That 99% of all activity from the body comes from bacteria. When you take antibiotics, a round of antibiotics for five to seven days, you can destroy 1% of the body's bacteria. Eating a food with, let's say, 23 additives, which is minimum for any food, that's minimum for any food. You have 60,000 chemicals that go into foods now as additives, as preservatives gives them very long shelf lives. Just one meal can destroy 0.01% of the bacteria in the body. So if you're doing that all day long, you're destroying a percent of your bacteria a day. The body can only reproduce itself with an inundation like that after the age of 21 very, very weakly. That's why children are getting diseases so young, born with diseases. People are getting older quicker. We have much more autism and all kinds of problems because of all of the chemicals and additives destroying the bacteria in the body. The body can't function properly. All heat and energy is generated not by caffeine, not by nicotine normally and healthfully, but by bacteria and fats.

P: What is the difference in the digestive process with bacteria or acid, hydrochloric acid, which we're told everybody's low on?

A: Well, yeah, they're low on it because they're not eating properly. Digestive acids break down larger molecules of food. Let's say you swallow a chunk of meat. The hydrochloric acid will break that down into smaller forms so the bacteria can penetrate all of it and break it down with the 24 hours that you have by the time it leaves the body. We have 24 hours. Most of the time, it takes 24 hours for food to pass from the mouth to the rectum. Of course, if you're eating a lot of fruit and eating some high foods, it may be out in 10 hours or even two hours. It depends upon what it is, but normally, the rate of digestion is 24 hours. If you have very large chunks of food, the bacteria can't penetrate it, so a lot of your food will just pass through you. The digestive acids break down the larger chunks of food into smaller portions so that the bacteria can penetrate and eat it. Then, their waste is our food.

P: Their waste is our food, huh?

A: Yeah, their urine, their feces, their perspiration, that's our food.

P: Does the body build up hydrochloric acid eating in the way you advise?

A: No, the body produces hydrochloric acid whenever food is in the stomach or even when you put food in the mouth, the body will start producing hydrochloric acid. Or if the body is using the stomach as a dumping ground for poison, then hydrochloric acid will be produced by the stomach lining. It isn't like the liver produces bile and stores it in the gallbladder. Or the bone marrow produces red blood cells and stores the excess in the spleen. No, the stomach lining creates hydrochloric acid on a momentary basis. There's no advanced production.

P: We're told, though, by so many people that most Americans are low on acid and then they take these antacids, but it's really that they're low on...

A: They're not producing it.

P: They're not producing it, so how can they start producing it again naturally?

A: Well, eating raw foods is very helpful and there are two foods in particular that stimulate hydrochloric acid production. And that's corn, raw corn, and beet juice.

P: Beet juice?

A: B-E-E-T, beet juice.

P: Uh-huh. Corn, it's hard to get corn that's not GMO, though, isn't it?

A: Correct, it is. So you have to go for beets, beet juice, let's say. If you have a hydrochloric acid problem, probably an ounce or two at maximum, two a day is all that's necessary.

P: And that helps your body to produce more?

A: Correct.

P: Oh, that's great. Here's an email, this is an interesting one, from Christian Peterson. And he says, Please ask Aajonus to talk about saturated fat and the importance of it in our diets for hormones. I would like to hear his opinions about butter and beef and tallow and what percentage of calories in our diets he thinks we should be consuming from fat. I would like to understand this better.

A: Okay. First of all, I'd like to go back to that one woman's question that I never answered about the terramin clay being antibacterial. It's antibacterial when it's dry. But as I suggest in my book, you pre-make it. You already make it into like a plaster of Paris, you know, a fresh batch of plaster of Paris, that consistency. Let it sit for four or five days and let the bacteria start thriving in the clay itself. And then it won't be an antibacterial. So let's get into the saturated fat. Now, we've been told, we've been handed another myth that unsaturated fats are what we need. I mean, unsaturated fats are what we need. That's because some people wanted to do us harm, to give us less nutrients, so we'll eat more and buy more and get sicker and take more medication and all of that. Your unsaturated fat almost always comes from vegetable fat. We are not vegetarians. We are not herbivores. Herbivores have a digestive tract two and a half times longer than ours. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule to get the fat in the protein. They require 48 hours to digest their food, to digest vegetation. Ours passes through in 24. So us taking in vegetation also causes another problem in that our digestive tract is acidic. And herbivores is alkaline. So they handle alkaline foods properly. Their bacteria is alkaline. Their digestive juices are mainly alkaline. Ours are almost 100% acidic. So we don't digest those things. But they wanted to start selling vegetable oils and seed oils rather than butter. Just another gimmick. Another way that you can process a food and keep bacteria down because there's less bacteria. There's less fermentation and souring bacteria in a vegetable compared with milk or cream or cheese or meat, any of those foods. They will ferment quickly. They will bacterially break down and become bitter quickly. Vegetable oils don't do that as quickly. Especially if they get to, and they do, take full advantage of it, flavor them. Put other chemicals in them to change the taste. So unsaturated fats are not good fats for the human body. We thrive on saturated fats.

P: Olive oil?

A: Olive oil.

P: Is that any good?

A: Olive oil, it's okay. It's not an animal fat. It won't stabilize the system. It will certainly cleanse the system. But if you want to be angry and skinny, you can live on olive oil.

P: Coconut oil?

A: Coconut oil is a little bit better. That has a lot more soothing nutrients in it. But it still will be mainly used as a detoxifier, a cleanser. If you have coconut cream where you're juicing the cream out of the coconut and not just separating the 7% to 8% that is oil, then it will act much more like a dairy cream, but still not to the extent that the dairy cream will soothe the brain and nervous system.

P: Did you tell us last time you were on where you found a coconut cream that one could buy that you like? Or did I dream that?

A: No, you must have dreamed that. There was a coconut oil, yes, that you could get. But the coconut cream, there are three places you can get it, but you have to be a member of my club. One of the clubs, that's something we didn't finish either. The club members are owners of the herds and the lands that cultivate the produce. So whether it's milk or the meat of the animal or the produce of the land, we lease those from the farmer as a lease holder. You are the owner and you have all legal rights of ownership and responsibilities. So in that situation, the farmer is not selling us anything because we already own the product. We're paying him to produce it for us, to maintain it.

P: Like the milk clubs that are around the country, that kind of paradigm.

A: No, they're all in a share, a herd share. Herd share is like owning stock. You don't really have any rights. You get a little bit of money here and there out of your dividends. But it's not a good thing. A lot of states have outlawed it. A lot of courts have denied it. A few states have accepted it, kind of like Colorado. But most of them, it's a hard time. Farmers are going out of business doing that herd share program stuff. I recommend they get into my lease share program and they'll be protected. Otherwise, they're going out of business.

P: Now, your program, people can do that regardless of where they live?

A: It doesn't matter where they live. They just need to have a club. It's under Right to Choose Healthy Food. They get it from farmers that are under contract with Right to Choose Healthy Food, and they will be the owners, so they'll be protected. And once you take the commerce out, because there is no commerce anymore, so law has no jurisdiction over that club and that food.

P: And folks can learn more about that on your website, the club?

A: Well, you can go to Right to Choose Healthy Foods. That's with a plural, but my organization is called Right to Choose Healthy Food, and also

P: Okay, righttochoosehealthyfoods, plural, .com.

A: Yeah, right, and

P: And that gives you the whole scoop. So to finish on Christian's question, he wanted to know about, like, percentage of calories in our diet he thinks we should be consuming from fat. Do you have a number you can put on that form?

A: Well, it all depends upon the individual's health. If you have a person who's already fatty, he certainly doesn't need to eat as much fat as somebody who's very thin. And if you're an average build and you have a little bit of fat storage and you're not a muscle builder, I mean a showman muscle builder where you have very little fat on the body, if you're a weightlifter, you've got weight. Fat generates two-and-a-half times more energy than carbohydrates and protein. That's why you'll never see a skinny wrestler and you'll never see a skinny weightlifter because you have to have fat to have that kind of strength. If you see those guys flip around, even though it's a showmanship, they really bruise and damage their body if they didn't have all that fat. That fat is very protective and it gives them immense strength. So if you're an average person, I would say three tablespoons of butter a day, four tablespoons of cream a day, and then as much meat fat as you want.

P: Speaking of that, here's an email from Fred, and I think this is a common one, and I'm interested in this too because I have this issue. Fred says that he is allergic to casein. He can't digest it, but he loves it, and he wants to do some dairy. You're host is in that situation. How is it that Patrick and others have got ourselves into being not able to eat casein, butter seems to work, which is strange, but not the raw milk?

A: Well, there's no protein in there. There's hardly any protein in the butter, consisting of casein in butter.

P: So what's going on in our gut and digestive tract for us? We're having trouble with casein, and how do we change that?

A: Well, it happens when milk is pasteurized and homogenized and or homogenized. The casein is cauterized, so that protein is not assimilated well or digested at all, and it gets into the blood. Then the body starts putting it, like, bound with minerals, like in a mineral deposit, so it creates crystals. So they store throughout the body. So when it gets to a point when the body says, no, I can't handle anymore, then you have a casein allergy.

P: What if you have the same experience with raw milk?

A: Well, you only have that for, like, three months. If you eat four ounces of raw milk daily, you don't have to have it all at one time. A tablespoon throughout the day, that's only eight. If you're having a half a cup, that's eight tablespoons.

P: Oh, so you just use it as medicine, and eventually your body…

A: Yeah, and then after three months, your body will discard. See, when people take some raw dairy who've had, not everybody, but some cases of casein allergies will start detoxing the casein as soon as they start drinking the raw milk. Ninety percent, in fact, 98% of the people who are lactose intolerant or casein intolerant, when they go on raw milk, they have no problem whatsoever. But there are 1% of those that have casein problems that will react to raw milk, and 2% of people who have lactose problems with raw milk. But again, it's the cooked lactose that's stored in their body, and as soon as that's cleaned out, it takes about three months.

P: I see, I see.

A: Then they won't have allergies to it anymore. I do not know one person who is still casein or lactose intolerant after three months of doing that.

P: Well, that's good information, because it is, I think, it's a great food, and it's fun to have, and maybe…

A: Oh, it's so relaxing and soothing.

P: What's the difference, Aajonus, between the raw goat's milk and the raw cow's milk?

A: Well, I usually ask people not to eat goat's milk unless they're very overweight or they're diabetic. Goat's milk has a lot of adrenaline precursors. Have you ever met a relaxed goat?

P: No, man, they're wiry and kind of like…

A: They'll eat nails and they'll eat anything. If you don't have a problem with cow's milk, then, I mean, if you have a problem with cow's milk, then okay for goat's milk for a while, but I would still add butter from a cow to the diet, even if you're eating the goat's milk.

P: It's interesting that you mention that. Like in Ayurveda medicine, they talk about avata, or the wiry and kind of high-strung and moving around, which a lot of people are, thin people.

A: Type A's.

P: Yeah, type A's. Those folks in Ayurveda said, well, you need more grounding and more oil and more fat and more calmness, and that's what a moo cow is. So I think your point is well taken there. So that's very interesting. I have a question for you. I've been getting these grass, really nice chickens from the farmer's market, and they're actually harvested the day before and you get them fresh. But now I found out last week that they supplement their feed with genetically modified corn.

A: Soy.

P: Yeah, soy. Now, so I'm thinking, man, I don't want to give up this source, but I knew I was going to talk to you. Is that an issue? I mean, is Patrick and others?

A: It's an issue if it's over 25% of the feed.

P: Over 25%.

A: Yeah. I found that if you're eating, you know, your chicken raw, then of course those 25%, the animals are going to have taken care of most of the toxicity in the fat and in its own system. If that animal is fed over 25%, I found that the human body, when it eats the animal, is going to have a toxic reaction, a toxic accumulation if it's over 25%.

P: How did you figure that out?

A: Well, I used animals and feeding them different things, and then at death do autopsies.

P: Really?

A: And see what residues remain and how the tissue is different. And that's the only difference was, like, you know, I used just raw foods, the same raw food all the time, the same cooked food with animals. You can see the differences.

P: I was kind of thinking about the free market in this regard, thinking, well, if I told the people that I didn't want the chickens with GMOs, maybe that would encourage them to change.

A: Absolutely does. It happens all the time. They're just not aware.

P: Yeah, and if I support the GMO, I'm thinking, well, maybe I'm supporting a behavior other than the best behavior.

A: Absolutely.

P: Do you think the whole foods will ever get to a non-GMO thing?

A: No.

P: No?

A: No. Whole foods is, you know, they're bred out of Texas where you are.

P: Yes, sir, right down the road.

A: Yep. And from my understanding, it's owned through trust by two big, powerful families in Texas that have no interest in health whatsoever and are into it for the money.

P: Here's an email from Mark in Guam. Greetings from Guam. Can Aajonus lend any insights, recipes to combating adrenal fatigue and inflammation. Most raw vegans cite meat or animal produce as inflammatory power source.

A: Well, eating adrenals from an animal is the best way to regenerate that. That's the only way I know to do it quickly. Of course, eating butter and any kind of meat is going to help the adrenals. Raw, raw butter, raw meat.

P: Unsalted.

A: Correct.

P: Correctamundo. It's interesting, too, that the Ayurveda people have talked about unsalted butter for as long as I've studied some of their stuff. They must be on to something. P.S. from Mark, in your book, Aajonus goes into great detail about how he cured his son from injuries sustained in a car crash. He used raw meat, cream, and butter. How is his son doing today? Is he still doing the raw food, which helped him?

A: [laughs] Well, everybody wants to know that, usually, that's read my books. My son was doing very well, but he was raised on Ritalin. And if you know anything about Ritalin, 86% of the people who are addicted to crack cocaine were on Ritalin as children. So he has a crack cocaine addiction and has had it ever since I got to know him after the accident. So every two and a half years, like clockwork, he gets back into it. He does eat the raw eggs frequently. He eats the raw meat and raw dairy only when he gets sick. So he's okay, but I mean, he looks like my brother rather than my son because he doesn't take care of himself like I take care of myself.

P: Yeah. We're losing you just a bit. Maybe move around for a second. Okay.

A: No, I'm very stationary.

P: Oh, there you go. Okay. Here is from Rebecca in Queensland, Australia. Can you please ask Aajonus about root canals? Does he share the same views as the dentists that have been interviewed on previous shows about root canals and their link to cancer? Or if you eat a proper diet as he prescribes, then root canals will not have a harmful effect, or does he agree it is necessary to remove them in order to progress?

A: Well, I still have three out of seven still left in my mouth. I do not agree with pulling a tooth. I think that root canals are a lot better than not having your own tooth and having some kind of a prosthesis, a metallic prosthesis in your mouth. You can never convince me that the cells of a tooth will be more harmful than a piece of platinum or titanium, whatever we're making out of implants these days, are healthy in the body. Just not going to convince me of that. The body can handle cellular biological tissue, not metallic minerals. I do agree that in some circumstances, if a root canal wasn't done properly, then there could be a temporary infection at the base of the tooth. But those problems, if you're eating properly, will be handled very readily. Most of the dental problems that exist today are because the tooth that got the root canal was rotted in the first place by an amalgam, which is a metal filling full of mercury and thallium. And that poisoned the nerve in the tooth, damaged the tooth. All the nerve going all the way to the brain is contaminated with the mercury and thallium. So that's what creates the problem. Removing the tooth doesn't change that one bit. However, sometimes removing the tooth will cause the nerve that was attached to the tooth to detoxify too fast.

P: The anti-root canal people contend that they're all infected. Hal Huggins and all of these people and many people around the country contend that they're all infected. Root canals.

A: Well, I think everybody's teeth and gums are infected, period, because of their diets. They're always infected. And to blame it on root canals is a little extreme to me.

P: Oh, I see. So what you're suggesting is if your dietary advice is accurate, you're suggesting that to connect the root canals to cancer as they have is only because what you're saying is it's only because they're not eating the right food. And if they were eating the right food...

A: And they're grossly contaminated.

P: Well, it could be...

A: Listen, when you have cancer, you have so much toxicity in the body that the liver stops functioning properly. It stops making the varieties of bile that make all the varieties of cholesterol that we need. And a third of those cholesterols are used by the lymphatic system to dissolve dead cells. If the liver isn't working properly, guess what? You don't make the fats, the cholesterols that the lymphatic system needs to dissolve cells. So what happens? You collect dead cells. That's what cancer is, a collection of dead cells the body can't dissolve. Usually when a liver goes into a breakdown, it'll go into the breakdown for 18 months if there's no chemotherapy or any other poisoning. If there's poisoning, then the liver could stay damaged for life and of course you will die because the tumors will start shutting off functionality.

P: Interesting. Let's go back to GMOs for a minute. We've had people on the show of late, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, that suggested this idea that GMOs are bad. It's incorrect. They're not only bad, but they claim dangerous and that the body simply cannot digest these foods. Do you agree with that? Or digest very difficult. Let me say that. Difficult to digest.

A: That's something I can't speak of because I've done no laboratory work with genetic modification. Of course I was raised on some genetically modified foods in their very early stages and I was a very diseased, unhealthy child. There are scientists who've done experiments and shown that severe allergies are produced by genetically modified foods and terrible diseases are developing, including diabetes, from genetically modified foods. But I can't speak firsthand on the subject.

P: Well, if they're right, it sure changes the whole paradigm of going out to eat is done, right? Because you don't have any idea.

A: Well, any time you go out to eat, you're going to eat genetically modified something.

P: Yeah, you're going to eat something. Here's an email from Bridget.

A: Even if you go to the store and buy something in a package.

P: You're getting it, right?

A: Yeah.

P: Here's an email from Bridget. What does Aajonus think about colonics or enemas and what are the three most important foods he thinks we should all be eating?

A: Boy, those are two giant questions.

P: Yeah, boy, I tell you. Our listeners don't fool around here.

A: Well, we'll take the colonics first. Your bacteria, like I said, is supposed to be 80% to 90% of digestion. Your bowel is the area where you digest proteins and fats to their finest molecule to feed the brain and nervous system. So that's a digestive process. That bowel is still a digestive area. If you wash out that intestinal bacteria, what are you going to digest for the brain and nervous system? How are you going to provide enough food for the brain and nervous system? Colonics are very bad. That's no way to clean something out quickly. You just eat properly and stop eating junk, and you won't have a bad problem. Eating fats, eating cheeses will help pull toxicity out of the bowels in a sensible, logical, compassionate way for the body.

P: Raw cheeses.

A: Yes.

P: Boy, you have to be careful because if you're correct about the salt, a lot of those raw cheeses, they put salt in, don't they?

A: Yeah, but you can get them from an Amish farmer who doesn't put salt in them.

P: And then you want to make sure they're grass-fed, right?

A: You can make the cheese yourself easily. Just let it separate. Put a teaspoon of lemon in a gallon of milk and let it separate in occasional ways, and then just filter the milk through a cheese cloth or a cherry cloth and let it dry out. There you have cheese.

P: Are you going to have moo cows in Thailand when you have your farm?

A: Absolutely.

P: What kind are you going to get?

A: Jerseys.

P: Are you going to get the big guys or what they call the more authentic heritage, the smaller ones?

A: It depends on what I can find over here.

P: Here's an email from Hunan. Could you ask Aajonus if it's necessary to wipe the dishes with lemon after dealing with raw meat, or can we just use hot water? And also, before we do that one, the hot water and lemon, the lady asked about three most favorite foods.

A: Yes, I think milk, meat, and eggs are the most important foods.

P: Eggs, we're often told, you've heard it before. Well, you should eat the yolks raw, but you've got to cook those whites a little bit, otherwise they're indigestible.

A: Scientific malarkey.

P: From the motion picture, scientific malarkey.

A: I've eaten up to 50 eggs a day, and I've been eating raw eggs for 38 years. I don't have a biotin deficiency. I don't know anybody... and I've got people eating anywhere from 30 to 40 eggs a day, well, anywhere from 20 to 40 eggs a day on a daily basis for as long. Some people who've had Crohn's disease or MS, they can't digest anything else but raw eggs. I've been eating that for almost nothing but that for two years. Never, ever, ever have seen any symptom of a biotin deficiency. So it's absolutely laboratory bullshit. Excuse my language.

P: Well, it's good for the garden, you know, that bulldung.

A: Absolutely.

P: Well, what about now, I go to the farmer's market, and I ask a lot of questions for the people, and we can get some really lovely, real rich, dark yolks, you know, they're real orange. But most of the people, almost all of them, have to supplement a little bit in Texas because of the slow rain sometime. And some of them use GMO corn or some use organic corn. Isn't it an issue if they feed some GMO corn to these chickens and you eat their eggs?

A: If it's more than 25% of the feed, you could have a problem.

P: Oh, you're back to that.

A: That's only if you're eating it raw. If you're not eating them raw, you're always going to have some kind of problem.

P: Yeah, by cooking them, it's not happy, huh?

A: Right. Well, it releases the toxicity. You can alter your own genes.

P: If we mix something with eggs like raw milk and make a little tonic, is that okay? Is that cool? Or do you like them just straight away?

A: Well, they'll digest in about 27 minutes if you're eating them by themselves, so it's the quickest way to get well and healthy and strong. Tastier, of course, if you make it into a milkshake.

P: Takes a bit longer?

A: Yeah, takes 6 to 10 hours.

P: Here's an email from Zara. Do we need red meat or can we get everything we need from dairy and eggs?

A: Well, I've tried dairy and eggs on many people, and I would say 80% of them need meat. It doesn't have to be red. It could be any meat.

P: What about grass-fed buffalo, lamb? Good to change around, interchange with beef?

A: Absolutely. I met a tribe in the Philippines that eats nothing but raw fish, coconut meat, and once in a while either a mango or banana. They live on three foods, only three foods.

P: Pretty healthy?

A: They live to be 140s.

P: Okay.

A: Yeah, 140s. Can you imagine having your healthy teeth at that age?

P: Amazing. Raw fish? What did you say? Raw fish, a little bit of fruit, and some coconut meat?

A: Raw fish, coconut meat, and once in a while either a banana or a mango.

P: In that culture, I don't know if you've asked or looked around, how long were the ladies fertile? Do you have any idea?

A: That I didn't ask, so I really couldn't tell you. But, you know, in tribes like that, when a couple have a baby, the whole community decides who has one because it's the whole tribe's baby.

P: Oh, isn't that interesting.

A: It just doesn't belong to the couple. The whole tribe raises every individual.

P: Here's an email. I don't know the first name, but what about whey intolerance? Is there whey in butter?

A: Very little whey. If you let butter sit, of course, the moisture will evaporate, but it's usually no more than 4%. That's the whole idea of getting butter. It's to squeeze all the water out of the cream and let the bacteria break the cream down to a very easily digestible state, which is butter.

P: A second part of Zara's question that I missed, I'm going to go back here. Animals often eat organ meats. Is it best to eat organ meats and fats over lean meat?

A: That's because most animals, when they eat, they eat the whole animal. The whole thing. The glands and the organs will get stinky fast. Also, they'll cause more fermentation, and that could cause some diarrhea. That's why animals usually eat that first. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to. The people that I know that believe that and eat that way are very high A-types, hyperactive, aggressive people. They don't have much fat in their muscles, and they're not very calm people.

P: Fat is calm.

A: Fat helps calm the body. If you want to be a die-hard tennis or basketball champion, you might live on the glands. That would be a good diet for somebody who's athletic. But for your normal individual who's pretty sedentary, those wouldn't be good foods to have every day, and only survive on those or live on those or thrive on those.

P: Because cows look like they're meditating all the time.

A: Yes, they do. They're taking it pretty easy. They will swallow a mouthful of food and regurgitate it up to seven times and rechew it. They take their time.

P: They take their time. Do you think it's important, eating raw meats and eggs, to chew the food well?

A: No, I don't, because... well if you have low hydrochloric acid, yes. But usually we have enough hydrochloric acid, not like dogs and cats. They produce 15 times more than we do in the stomach. However, we produce as much as they do all throughout the small intestines.

P: Oh, so it's produced in the small intestines.

A: Correct. We're producing it and dumping it all the time in the small intestines.

P: Let me go back a minute to the colon and the enemas, and you're talking about washing out the bacteria there. I was under the impression, Aajonus, that all of the nutrients and everything are kind of already extracted out through the small intestines, and the colon is simply taking out water. So that's incorrect?

A: That's very incorrect.

P: Oh, see? You've got to be careful what you hear on the radio.

A: Yes. Just remember, anything you hear from the medical profession or scientific community about health, do 99% of the time do just the opposite, and you'll be right.

P: Yeah. So in the colon you still have these bacteria and things, and you're still getting nutrients through the colonic walls, and that's why the colonics could be ill-advised, unless maybe an emergency or something.

A: Well, to me there's no emergency that would call for that, unless, let's say, you had a tumor in your intestine, and stuff wouldn't flow through, and if you had a colonic, it could help something wash through temporarily. But that's about the only emergency I could see.

P: So here's another question from Hudson. Eggs are a staple in our diet. You may have already answered this, but we'll do it again. What advice, suggestions, recommendations in terms of the number of eggs? They must have just tuned in, because you said pretty much people can eat whatever they want as far as eggs, huh?

A: As many as they like. I've never seen anybody, you know, of course 50 is the most I've ever seen anybody.

P: That's amazing.

A: That's the most I've ever consumed. It's the most I've ever consumed, and nobody's had a problem. And I love them, because let's say I'm, you know, I can't stop and eat. I'm working hard, like I'm at a seminar, doing my workshops. I'll suck an egg, you know, whenever my energy gets low or my clarity goes. You know, there was one time I was only able to sleep an hour and a half a day. And I had to do legal writing and work and, you know, 23 and a half hours a day. So I would suck an egg like every hour, hour and a half or less, 45 minutes to an hour. And it kept my brain alert and going.

P: Now, when you travel, you know, internationally or anywhere, you must have contacts around that you know where you can get some eggs that are really, you know, pasture-raised and all of that rather than on corn or something.

A: Yes. I have my clients and people who benefit by my diet always help me wherever I go.

P: How about in Thailand? Is that an easy job to find good grass-fed meat and eggs?

A: No, it's much easier here.

P: Is it?

A: You know, people are so poor in the areas. Of course, if you go buy in the regular supermarkets, you're getting the regular same stuff from either France or Australia, you know, same old, same old. But if you go to the poor shops with all the flies all over it, people have slaughtered that animal during the night. They're out selling it that day. And they've, you know, there's so much growing here because of all the rain. You know, the cows grow up just on grass.

P: Here's an email from Chelsea. Maybe it's Chelsea Clinton. Just kidding. Ask Agnes whether bone broth and cooked marrow contain bad fats. Love to you both. Chelsea. Probably Chelsea Clinton.

A: Absolutely. You have, you know, you've got lipid peroxides that form from cooking any fat. You've got other toxins, too, but the lipid peroxides are, I mean, yeah, the lipid peroxides and heterocyclic amines, that's the proteins that are usually toxic in the broth.

P: So the Weston Price folks and that bone broth thing, you don't think that's a very good idea?

A: You know, if you're following a cooked food diet, a partial raw diet could be good. But if you're on my diet, that, of course, is not good.

P: What would be a symptom with having too much fruit? I mean, fruit's so sweet and juicy and tasty, but I guess it's easy to overdo.

A: Very easy to overdo.

P: Can you tell us some symptoms that we could see in ourselves if we're doing too much?

A: Yeah, you get sleepy easily, get low in energy. You know, you'll bottom out on energy an hour or two after eating a lot of fruits or less time. It moves you toward overtaxing the pancreas because it has to produce a lot of insulin to deal with it, to make it into a storable sugar to use at another time. It breaks down fats. Sugars are good to help you digest because they'll produce enzymes to help break down foods, and they help the liver break down fat. So a small amount of fruit is very important, but not a lot, because it will rid the body of the blood of fat, and then you'll find yourself either tired or irritable, or both.

P: Your host here every now and then has little pieces of raw pineapple with some raw meat and seems to work nice.

A: Well, yes, that's what I put in my... You can eat pineapple or papaya with your meat.

P: Helps to digest everything.

A: Correct, because of the bromelain in the pineapple and the papain in the papaya.

P: What do you think about these young white coconuts from Thailand that you can get at Whole Foods and such? We hear stories about they're bleached or weird things. Do you think that they're a suitable food for us?

A: Well, they are gassed, and they are sprayed with chemicals to keep them from turning brown from here to there. I don't care for those young coconuts for that reason. There in the States. I enjoy them here, but I won't eat them in the States.

P: By the time they get from Thailand to Milwaukee, you don't know where they've been, as we say.

A: You don't know where they've been exposed with chemicals.

P: My mom used to say, don't touch your Uncle Tony. You don't know where he's been. That's not true. I just made that up. Well, Aajonus, it's always fun to have you on the show, and thanks for spending two hours. So now it's about 11 o'clock there. Will you go to sleep now, or will you stay up?

A: No, I'm still working. I'll sleep about three—well, maybe not three hours.

P: When you say working, what kind of things will you do now?

A: Well, I've got a newsletter that I have to finish. I get about 100 emails a day.

P: Really?

A: And then I've got to deal with the farmer stuff, the legal things, because the FDA came in. The FDA, the health department, California, the city of Los Angeles, the county, all raided our co-op about five weeks ago. And we broke their seals and opened for business after they left. But they sold 17 cases of product, and they only had in the warrant, which was a false warrant, because they cited felonies. You could only get a warrant on felonies. And all they were charging us for was permit violations, which were all misdemeanors.

P: I see.

A: So they got a false warrant to begin with, and the warrant said they could take samples for testing, which means vials. They took 17 cases of dairy and honey and stuff. So I have to deal with all of that, the publicity on it's been tremendous. Interviews like this take time, a lot of time.

P: What's your philosophy on that? Do you put energy in and time to make yourself whole and take these guys to task? Or how do you deal with that on a philosophic level legally?

A: Well, in this instance, we're definitely going to sue all four bodies.

P: Are you?

A: Well, there were six that showed up, but only four that gave us their cards. The FBI were there. FBI were there.

P: Unbelievable.

A: Canadian government was there. They refused to give us their cards. But the FDA, the California Department of Agriculture, the Los Angeles County Health Department, and the City Attorney, Los Angeles City Attorney was there. So we're going to sue those four.

P: All this for raw milk?

A: It's all about raw milk.

P: It's like a bad movie.

A: Yep. Well, you know, you have to understand that raw milk has been used as a medicine and is so great. Even the American Indians, they would find a lactating animal if you got bit by, let's say, a rattlesnake or a scorpion. You know, a young scorpion with very concentrated venom. They would drink that, and that would draw the poisons to the stomach where the hydrochloric acid would neutralize venom. Hydrochloric acid is the best way to neutralize venom. So milk was used in that process. So milk, I found that milk is such a great substance that it's medicinal in any form. Like, you know, Hippocrates said, let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. That is the ultimate to me.

P: We often hear the argument from the vegan crowd that we are the only mammals that take in milk after weaning.

A: Well, we're the only ones that are, you know, aggressive enough to take a lactating animal and force them to keep lactating. I've offered raw milk to every animal I know, even herbivores, and they all drink. Horses will drink milk. Cows will even drink its own milk. Every animal I've ever offered raw milk will drink the milk.

P: They'll drink it. Dogs will drink it. They love it.

A: Oh, absolutely. Cats, dogs, every animal that I've ever offered it to consumed it. I never offered it to a salamander. You know, I'm talking about, you know, your vertebrae animals that are not salamanders. [laughs]

P: Yeah, very interesting.

A: So, that's a weak thing. You know, they say, well, you know, the milk isn't the same molecular structure as the human. And I say, well, a leaf of a vegetable isn't either. You convert it if you can digest it. You can't digest the leaf, but you can digest the animal.

P: Aajonus, when are you going to come to Texas? I'd like to meet you. You know, we talked for two, three, four different times. Do you have any plans of coming to this area where I am?

A: Well, I only go where I am called.

P: I see.

A: I never go through these. I never set up the workshops at all. People have such an interest. It's changed their lives so much. They want to share with the people around. They set it all up. I don't have time. So I just fly from one place to another and do the work.

P: Just tell me where to go, right? Just show me the way.

A: That's it. That's it.

P: And where do you go?

A: I mean, if you or somebody in Texas had an interest, I would be there.

P: Okay. So where do you go from here in a short time because we're running out of time? Where do you go from here?

A: Well, I'll be going back to the States and start my next tour. And the first will be Aspen, then Sedona, Arizona, then Chicago, St. Louis.

P: Oh, you're a gypsy. And where's your home?

A: Yes. Malibu, California.

P: Ah, terrific. Well, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, it's always an honor and a pleasure to have you here. We've learned a lot over the last couple of hours.

A: Thank you, Patrick. I just wanted to let you know that I guess you don't know I have a Ph.D. in nutrition.

P: I had no idea.

A: Yeah.

P: Well, that's why you're such a smarty pants.

A: I guess so.

P: Good night to you, sir. Have a pleasant evening in Thailand.

A: Good night Patrick.

P: Take care of yourself. Aajonus Vonderplanitz. See, I didn't even know he had a Ph.D. in nutrition. Yeah, that's always fun, huh? Okay, you little pumpkin pies, we're out of here. Time for a little lunch in Texas, wherever you are. Hope you, uh, I know you enjoyed the show. I sure did. We will see you tomorrow. We're going to talk with, uh, what's the fellow's name? Frosty the Snowman. No. Frosty Woolridge. America on the Brink. I love you all very much. It's an honor to be here with you. And we will see you tomorrow. Nine o'clock. Patrick Timpone. Take care.