Microbe-Phobia Destroys the Nutrients in our Food and, in Turn, Destroys our Health


Article on RawMilk.org

by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Nutritional Scientist/Nutritionist/Author

The nation is fighting the last battles for commercially available raw milk on the vast open market in theUSA. The onslaught of microbe-phobia has virtually outlawed raw milk or bankrupt the major fresh raw dairymen with over-regulation and testing most states. In a few states you can obtain raw milk directly from the farmer, at the farm only. In several states, people can buy fresh raw milk products labeled for pet consumption only in a handful of health food stores.

To give an understanding of fear versus reality, let us consider the following information. The medical doctors and a Veterinarian who were Commissioners on the Los Angeles Medical Milk Commission (“LAMMC”) thought and believed that they were saving the world by banning any milk that contains any salmonella, E-coli, campylobacter and low levels of other so-called “pathenogens”. Even though empirical evidence proved that pasteurization creates degenerative matter in milk on which microbes, “pathogens”, feed, rendering pasteurized milk a culprit cesspool for “pathenogenic” activity, they ordered raw milk that may somehow have gotten bacteria introduced after milking to be pasteurized, or dumped. Salmonella, e-coli, campylobacter, listeria, and other microbes are not harmful. What is harmful is the degenerative matter on which these microbes feed. To point the finger and attack the microbes is the same as blaming the vultures, crows, ants and worms for the dead carcass on which they feed. The microbes that science and medicine term “pathenogenic” are simply the symptom that degenerative matter exists. As soon as the degenerative matter is consumed by the microbes, the microbes go dormant - the exhaustion theory. These microbes are part of the process of waste-elimination.

Tests have proved that raw milk is a healthy live food with many naturally occurring antigens. European tests have proved that the feared microbes are free of pathogenic activity in raw milk. I, Aajonus Vonderplanitz as Executive Director of Right To Choose Healthy Food, told doctors on the LAMMC at a monthly meeting that their dangerous-pathenogen-epidemic theory was faulty and that they were actually harming people by depriving people of raw milk, the most nutritious food that can be easily digested, even for the elderly and infirm; the very people that the medical community prescribes not to consume raw milk. I was considered among the medical community to be in the category of individuals who is in danger of severe illness and death from pathogens because of a vagotomy performed on me by doctors when I was 20 years of age. However, I attribute my healing of blood, bone and stomach cancers, diabetes, psoriasis, angina and bursitis to my change to raw food at a time when he was on my deathbed. Raw dairy was a vital factor in my recovery and long-term healing processes. I documented my and other health-challenged people's experiences in my book We Want To Live, published by Carnelian Bay Castle Press.

Thousands of sick people have gotten healthy by adding raw milk and raw milk products to their diets. Hundreds of people have given testimonials regarding the improvements to health that raw milk has had on their illnesses, even those that medical science claims are most in danger, including of death, by pathogens. Medical science ignores the truth of this empirical information because their entire profession is stuck in the quagmire of search, find, attack and destroy at all costs. The average doctor does not seek to help the body heal itself by nurturing therapies. The best example are the numerous stories about the doctors telling surviving family members that the medical therapy stopped the infection (microbic activity) but that their relative died anyway, and here is the bill. The truth is that an environment of degenerative tissue in an animal’s body determines pathenogenic activity. If people eat healthfully, such as raw milk and other raw products that constitute a balanced healthy diet, little if any pathenogenic activity is necessary. But when it happens it is always the bodies attempt, synergistically, symbiotically to remove degenerative tissue. Therefore, colds, flus, and other viruses are detoxifications and should not be stopped. They should be promoted to remove decay and other wastes for healthier living and functionality.

Many primitive people ate meats full of pathogens to strengthen themselves and improve their abilities to flourish in good health in Nature, in all of its forms.The Eskimo buried fish and caribou for up to 6 weeks at a time until it stunk for a half mile down wind before they consumed it. When Aajonus Vonderplanitz, a man who had always experienced extreme discomfort from mildly cold temperature and who was considered by medical science to be in danger of death from pathogens, experimented with the Eskimo’s bacteria-infested foods.After eating only 4 ounces of pathogen-infested raw meats, Aajonus felt warm in a cold climate, that is, for the first time in his life he was able to enjoy being alive in cold temperatures.Laboratory tests revealed that he had consumed enough e-coli and salmonella to kill a herd of elephants, that is, according medical science. Aajonus did not suffer any ill effects from eating the pathogen- infested food. (Ripley's Believe It Or Not, July 17, 2002.) He experienced mild loose bowels the next day that could have occurred under many circumstances not associated with that food.

The American people, and people all over the world, have been duped by the pathogen-theory and bacteria-phobia.