Aajonus responds to Durianrider (2012)

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Comment on Durian Rider, 2012

A: Hi, I'm Aajonus Vonderplanitz, and I'm here to talk about events on the Internet by a fellow called Durian Rider. Very funny guy. I must say I like him, although he attacks me. And in his attacks, he's not honest and fair, and that's why I'm bothering to do this. He says that I do drugs, and it's right there in the book, and that was a history event. That was when I was 22 years old. It has nothing to do with me now at 65. I don't do drugs. I only eat raw foods, mainly raw meat, very rarely high, very rarely rotten, but it's very beneficial because it's like eating kefir or yogurt. It's predigested protein and fat, just the way the intestines do it. 90% of digestion is bacterial, so when you let meat decay on its own bacteria, it's almost identical to the way it happens in the human body. That's why when people eat high meat who are very depressed, all of a sudden they're happy within 10, 20 minutes. That happens 9 out of 10 times, so you can't be mad. No one's ever gotten a brain parasite or any other kind of a parasite from it, and I've known at least 30,000 people who've eaten high meat, rotten meat, and there are tribes that have been eating it for centuries, so it's not a problem. Durian Rider, eat your bananas, and monkey out.