FDA Approves 6 Viruses As Safe

FDA Rules That Six Viruses Used For Treating Meat Are Safe For Human Consumption

Firstly, we should know that only three of 67 of Louis Pasteur’s experimental animals survived his immunizations. Flash forward to the present. In the typical medical paradigm of, 'let’s introduce the very bacteria that cause diarrhea and vomit to build immunity on our food', the US FDA approved six viruses to be used on meat to be sold to the public developed by the company Intralytix. The viral soup was designed to be sprayed on ready-to-eat meat and poultry products, including sliced ham and turkey. The viral soup, developed in a preparation of the very bacteria the viruses are supposed to kill, is purified and called bacteriophages. The name means bacteria-eaters. That is a misnomer because viruses are not alive and cannot eat. They do not have a nucleus.

The viral soup is meant to kill strains of the Listeria monocytogenes bacterium that are not commonly found in food. It is another unproved expression of the vaccine theory that says: Even though we poison you with our viral soup, we do it for your own good to prevent possible disease. Consider what this soup really is. Viruses are not alive. They are solvents that disassemble compromised cellular tissue. The six viral solvents were added to the soup of L.monocytogenes bacterium in an unnatural Petrie-dish-type environment, immersed in a synthesized serum and eventually the bacterium cells died. Now was it the environment and serum that killed the bacterium cells or was it the viruses?

The FDA was concerned that the virus preparation could contain toxic residues associated with the bacteria but not the viruses themselves. The FDA said that tests did not reveal the presence of such residues, and believed that small quantities were unlikely to cause health problems anyway. However, the viral solvents were not questioned. We know that in most chemical reactions that stem from laboratory exploration, mutations and unnatural incidences occur because of unnatural chemicals involved in the tests. Has the FDA asked all the right questions? No. Have long-term studies been accomplished? No.

Caroline Smith DeWaal, director of food safety for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group that is basically funded under that table by the food industry said that, “The FDA is applying one of the toughest food-safety standards which they have to find this is safe. They couldn't approve this product if they had questions about its safety." Should we believe that? We know that the FDA has approved at least 118 drugs that proved to be very destructive to the human body. Many of them were recalled. Cipro should be one of them but they have not recalled it.

Intralytix first petitioned the FDA in 2002 for licensing the viral soup to be used as a food additive. It has since licensed the product to a multinational company that intends to market it worldwide. Intralytix plans to seek FDA approval for another “bacteriophage” product to kill E.coli bacteria on beef before it is ground. Oops, there go the E.coli in our bowels and, consequently, most of the nutrients for our brains and nervous systems.

The viruses are the first to gain FDA approval for use as a food additive. It is believed that the bacterium the viruses target can cause a serious infection called listeriosis. Listeriosis is believed to affect primarily pregnant women, newborns and adults with weakened immune systems. In the United States, CDC estimated 2,500 people become seriously ill with listeriosis each year. Of those they estimate 500 die. Looking at the statistics, the FDA will subject approximately 270 million people to the potentially dangerous viral soup to protect 500 people from death. Like vaccines for adults, the viral soup should only be sold for personal use by those who want to use it, not the rest of us.

There is nothing that ensures that the viral soup will not destroy our digestive bacteria. Will they put it on raw meats? Regularly ask your meat grocer if the store subjects its meats to any chemicals, including viruses at the source or within his company.