Extreme Health Radio Interview

Date: 14 March 2013

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

H = Host A = Aajonus

H: All righty, everybody. Thank you for joining us here on another edition of Extreme Health Radio. I hope you're having a great day wherever you find yourself today. I hope life is treating you well. We are currently broadcasting worldwide from Southern California, and it's another day in paradise here. It looks like it's a nice, sunny, warm day, and we're doing shows about three days a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And if you would like to follow us on Facebook, feel free to do so at ExtremeHealthRadio.com/Facebook, and for reference, today is Thursday, March 14th, 2013, and this is episode number 73, so you can find the show at ExtremeHealthRadio.com slash 73 if you're looking for the show notes or any of the reference materials that Ajanis mentions on today's call, so check that show page out. And if you have any questions for me, you can always just email them to me, Justin@ExtremeHealthRadio.com, I'd love to hear from you, and if you have a question for our guest, you can always call them into our voicemail line, which is 949-391-7363, and I'll play your message to our guest on the air. And this show is brought to you by Amazon.com. If you're ever making a purchase on Amazon, that's a great way to support our work and to make sure our website stays free. It doesn't matter what you buy on Amazon. You can buy a bike, some clothes, anything, and if you do that every time you purchase, that will help support our work, and you can check it out at ExtremeHealthRadio.com slash Amazon And we have a wide array of guests coming up. Today we have Aajonus Vonderplanitz, but we also have on Monday, we're going to go flip to the other side and have Mimi Kirk on A Raw Vegan. Her website is youngonrawfood.com, and she's going to be talking about her diet and all kinds of things about health, and she's about 74 and looking pretty good. And then we have on Wednesday, March 20, Tamara St. John, who overcame cancer, and I'm not sure exactly what kind of diet she promotes, but we like to offer all kinds of different insights and different angles of what the heck we should be eating so that you guys can make the decision for yourself. And today's guest, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, definitely has some ideas about what we should be eating, and it's really an honor to have him on the show. He is the author of The Recipe for Living Without Disease and We Want to Live, and his website is wewant2live.com, and the two is the number two. So it's wewant2live.com. So thank you so much, Aajonus, for joining us today. I appreciate it very much.

A: Well, hi, Justin. Thank you for having me.

H: Yeah. So you are in Malibu, is that right?

A: Yes.

H: Malibu, California. And recently you've done some traveling to Asia or overseas?

A: Well, yes, I do. I frequently travel there. I will be traveling to South Africa next week, and then Australia after that, and I'll return to the state and do a tour here.

H: Oh, wow. So do you have any strategies for traveling, like on planes, and not have it deplete you so much the way it normally does?

A: Yeah. I wear a many-layered cotton organic mask because the benzene is high, only in Australia where the pilots and flight attendants union filed suit against the airlines and won about seven years ago. So all the planes that fly into Australia have to have a filter system in the air duct so that benzene exhaust does not enter the cabin and the pilot's cubicle. Only in Australia does that occur.

H: Oh, wow.

A: So every other plane that you fly in throughout the world is full of benzene.

H: Oh my gosh. Wow. So that's a little disconcerting for me because I'm half Australian, and I go there quite a bit. So what do you wear, like a mask on that flight? Is that what you do?

A: Yes. I had a many-layered cotton mask, organic cotton mask made, plus I use, I take an organic cotton handkerchief and fold that into many folds. So it's about 12 layers thick, and I put that directly over my nose with a mask on top of that.

H: Oh my gosh. Wow. And benzene is pretty toxic, isn't it?

A: Oh, very, yes.

H: What is benzene? Where does it normally come from?

A: Well, benzene is part of, is something that they use to, to use fuel more efficiently. It's an additive, and it's, it's the conversion of oil into a gasoline.

H: Oh, gosh. I've heard a lot about benzene. I think it's really, really cancer-causing, isn't it?

A: Yes, it is. I mean, there are other additives, but benzene isn't the only one, and it's not even the most toxic in jet fuel.

H: Aye, aye, aye, golly, yeah. And then just the act of being 30,000 feet in the air is a real drain to your system as well.

A: I don't find that's a problem at all.

H: Oh, really?

A: I fly, you know, I'll fly up to, you know, 16 hours at a time. I sleep when I'm on the plane, usually when I'm going on a short haul, anywhere from an hour to five hours flight, I sleep almost the entire way. I have to, I force myself to stay awake until we're reached, you know, level where I can disconnect the seatbelt, because I don't want that metal-attracting radiation to my intestines while I'm asleep for the flight.

H: Oh, wow. That's interesting. You're like my brother. He can sleep on the takeoff and the landing, and I can't sleep at all on planes. It's crazy.

A: Well, I feel sorry for you.

H: Oh, man. Wow.

A: Yeah, I never have a jet lag, even if I'm going, you know, halfway around the world.

H: You know, it's interesting you said that about the seatbelt, because I guess all metal would be an attractor, because I've heard of that, like with metal coils and springs underneath your bed at night, but I guess the same would be true if you had that metal on your waist around during the flight.

A: Correct. Right over your solar plexus. Not a good thing.

H: So, what happens? The energy gets drawn to that somehow?

A: Yes. Well, metal attracts, it's an antenna, and your body, along with it, even adds more of an absorption. Like, if you take a connection, an antenna, and you touch that antenna, you'll get much better reception, almost two to three times better reception.

H: Oh, wow.

A: So, if you have that on your stomach and your body, it's a great vehicle for attracting radio waves.

H: Now, do you do anything, like with the grounding technology, do you do any of that kind of stuff?

A: You mean in my home?

H: Yeah, you know how they have those products for your house, you know, like the sheets and the things like that?

A: No, I don't, but I keep, you know, I have a EMF meter, quite a, several of them. One very expensive from Germany, so I can detect all kinds of radiation waves and radio waves. So, I make sure there's no hot spot anywhere in my house.

H: Yeah, because that's a huge issue these days, especially with laptop computers and iPads and things like that. I'm sure.

A: And I use a separate keyboard and separate mouse for my notebook, so I don't have to touch it, because I have an Acer, Acer works the best for me, it's outlasted any other computer and I've had Sony, HP's, many kinds of laptops over the last 12 years, and the only one that's lasted me three times longer than others are the Acers. So I use an Acer, but like any other laptop, they have a very high electromagnetic field that is anywhere from 135 up to 200 milligauss, and anything over 3 milligauss alters the molecular structure of animal cells.

H: Oh my gosh, you know what I just heard recently, I'm not sure if you caught the headline, but now they're going to be moving to all tablets, I'm not sure if they're laptops or iPads for children's textbooks, did you hear about that?

A: They're going to alter what?

H: Well they're going to be using iPads and things like that instead of textbooks in schools now.

A: Well I haven't heard that, but that would be very expensive, I don't know how they're going to accomplish that one, without the government funding it of course.

H: And I wonder what the EMF radiation would do to the developing cells of a child, I wonder if that would be more damaging.

A: Well it does, the EMF fields, and with the radiation combined from WiFi, alters the molecular structure of the DNA, and then the DNA is retarded, it does not function, so it'll cause severe brain damage, neurological damage, and physiological damage.

H: Golly, kids, we're not starting them out right. Alright, so I want to talk with you a little bit about how you got into your diet, because it's so fascinating, and I feel like we got kind of off on a tangent to start the show, my fault. But I wanted to ask you, so you had some real health challenges all growing up, all during your childhood, you had intense health problems, and I think that's where your journey of health really began, right?

A: Yes it did. I was born into a pretty violent household, I had a brother who was still in diapers when I was born, so when I arrived home from the hospital, he was very upset by taking mother's attention away from him in the snap of a finger, or the arrival from the hospital, so he was not happy with me, so he pretty much tortured me every day for 15 and a half years of my life, and he used to push me on anything that was rusty, my mother was a nurse, so she was terrified of tetanus, although I don't know if she ever saw a case of tetanus, she used to mention a tetanus experience, I don't know if it was direct with her, or someone else told her, where a young man, about 12 years old, got tetanus and was unable to eat and died. A lot of these things that the medical profession promotes are all from the pharmaceutical propaganda voice, so a lot of these diseases are not really diseases at all.

Anyway, I got three tetanus shots by the time I was 18 months old, and that caused me to be autistic, so it caught off the part of my brain that relates images to language, and sound to language, so it was very difficult for me to get through school. By the time I reached eight years old, I learned to mimic language like a parrot, but I did it on sound waves, I heard repeated sounds, which were considered words, but my mind couldn't understand what a word was or a concept was when it came to language, but I parroted, I cheated my way through school. I always picked the smartest, most sensitive girl in the class to sit next to and copy her hieroglyphs, and that's how I got through school basically, except for math, I was an idiot savant there, he'd give me a math problem and I'd just write the answer without having to go through the formula to get it, so I got accused of cheating in math all the time, because I would just write the answer and not the formula, but you know, they tested me in several different ways and found out, so then they thought I was a genius about everything, which you know, I was not. I was an idiot. So by the time I reached 12 years old, I had developed peritonitis, perforated intestines, misdiagnosis and appendicitis, they gave me shots every couple of hours for almost five days and completely poisoned my body even more, I was borderline diabetic at that point, and then when I received my third polio vaccine at 15 and a half of that incited juvenile diabetes and angina pectoris, the angina pectoris was unable to be detected physiologically, because the medical professor looks for a physiological derangement, a genetic malformation of the heart or congestive heart failure to cause heart attacks, angina.

So I had 300 heart attacks between the age of 15 and a half and 22, and 50 of them made me unconscious, but because I was autistic and I did not really understand all the medical terrorisms that are discharged out there to make you go to a doctor, I wasn't indoctrinated with those, so when I realized when I was in pain, if I just relaxed my body and tried to distance myself from the pain, pain would ease, so that was an automatic thing for me. So when I had a heart attack, I didn't tense up and lock the muscles into, you know, like a charley horse, because that's what a heart attack is, the lactic acids and other compounds build up in the muscle and then they go into a spasm and your heart stops, it's a charley horse, very painful. So I had a tremendous amount of pain from these, but I knew that I just had to focus on distancing myself from the pain, so I didn't tense, you know when you tense with a charley horse it gets worse, well with my heart attacks, I knew not to do that, so I didn't die in any of those occurrences, but they were very painful and people would see me in school, grab my heart area and, you know, fall on the desk and then fall on the floor sometimes. So I was taken to the doctor many times, you know, they didn't find anything, so they told my parents it was all in my head, now I'm autistic, I can't even understand the language and they're saying it's in my head, kind of mental, you know, thought process, and that's what the doctors run to when they can't come up with another kind of ridiculous answer that seems to make sense. So you know, with all the vaccines that I had and with all the medications through all these events, I was very fatigued, chronically fatigued and then pain everywhere in my body and fibromyalgia by the age of three years old, by the time I was eight years old I had to do something about it, because my parents would come in with the belts to get me out of bed in the morning and that was very painful. So what I did was I noticed that at eight years old, I noticed that my parents were drinking coffee and that it gave them a buzz, so I sipped a little of their coffee and it gave me a definite buzz and charge, so I thought that's what I want. So I poured myself a cup of coffee and both my parents, you know, got very upset and basically they freaked and of course they wouldn't let me, so I would go in at night time in the middle of the night, take whatever coffee was left in the pot, that was left anywhere from a half to three quarters of a cup in the pot and they'd pour it out in the morning and then start a new pot. So I poured that into a jar, put a lid on it, put it under my bed, so when I got the first, you know, rise and shine, not with a happy tune though, rise and shine like a military thing, so I pull the coffee out from under the bed and drink it and then in school I was constantly sleeping during classes because it was impossible for me to sleep at night.

I was always in terror if my brother or father were going to come in and hurt me during the night and then of course the boogeyman under the bed, so I was in terror all the time, so I'd sleep maybe an hour or two at night and most of the time I just slept in my classes. Well that got to be a violent process too, where I'd have to go to detention and other things, so I began smoking at eight years old. So between classes I'd go out in the woods on the school grounds and smoke a half to a whole cigarette and that would charge me for another hour or two. So by the time I reached 16 years old I was drinking 11 cups of coffee a day and smoking two packs of non-filtered cigarettes and then I started drinking as well so I could sleep at night. So by the time I reached 19 I developed an ulcer, a bleeding ulcer and of course Maalox they put me on and Maalox absorbs all of your hydrochloric acid so I was unable to digest food, so then I developed cancer right next to the ulcer and they decided they had to do a vagotomy pyloroplasty which is a stomach surgery, they severed all the vagus nerves to the stomach so I would never again secrete hydrochloric acid, which means they put me in the category of octogenarians who can't digest properly. So that caused a tumorous reaction to the incision, so the entire 6-inch incision on my stomach turned tumorous all the way from my skin to my stomach, it got as high as three-quarters of an inch high and up to inch and a half wide tumor. So they irradiated that, I had 10 weeks of intense radiation therapy and it should not be called therapy, it should be called treatment because it's certainly not a therapy.

Irradiating any part of the body destroys the DNA's ability to reproduce to do for cellular division, so of course you stop all healing in that particular area and it can move to other areas of the body, so that gave me blood-bone cancers, the radiation therapy also cauterized my spine, you know if you take malleable clay and you fire it like Cone 10, well that's a radiation therapy, it cauterized my spine so it was no longer malleable it was like you know granite, so any time I had any kind of movement it would scrape the nerves going between the vertebrae and I was excruciating pain, I had a movement quotient of probably two inches and then I was in excruciating pain, it used to take me five minutes to sit down because I had to move so slowly, I mean slower than turtle speed, so then they decided from since I developed blood and bone cancer, they weren't taking responsibility to any of their so-called therapies causing these problems, but you know it's recorded in science and history of what radiation therapy does causing blood and bone cancers, so then they gave me chemotherapy that was very short-lived because basically made me a total invalid, I couldn't sit or do anything, I had to lie on a wooden floor with no support because if I bent my spine it all curved the spine, I was in excruciating pain, I was lucky to sleep ten minutes at a time without waking in excruciating pain and then I learned to, I tried to drown myself to get away from the pain and instead of dying, I don't know how, I don't think anybody drowns in a bathtub, I've tried, it just doesn't work.

H: Not happening.

A: Anyway I fell asleep in the bathtub in a hot bath, you know I thought the heat would of course put me to sleep or make me numb to dying drowning, so I had the tub probably about 110 degrees and I fell asleep for two hours in the first time in almost a year, I had slept for more than ten minutes, so I was very delighted, so I began living in the bathtub and having to reheat the water every 20 minutes to an hour, you know to be comfortable, but it at least alleviated my pain and they only gave me about three weeks to live and they wanted to pull all my teeth because all the bone from the radiation therapy, from all the radiation therapy all the bone around my teeth dissolved, disintegrated so all my teeth dangled in my gums, so if I bit on my own teeth I would bleed profusely, I was getting up to two transfusions a week for that, so I wasn't able to chew anything, so I blended my foods, you know my foods were basically powdered donuts with RC Cola, a terrible diet and lots of cereals with skim milk you know we were taught, so I blend those in a blender and drink those. I had some volunteers, I refused to go to a hospice and be with other people who were suffering because I was still autistic at that time, I was 20 years old near 21st birthday and I refused to go to the hospice, so I was gonna stay in my little house, now I was autistic to an extent that I could write a computer program in about two hours, it could take people six months to a year to write, so I was farmed out by a particular school that I attended, a technical school who knew that I had learning disorders and communication challenges, so they had somebody with me at all times, so they farmed me out to Car Blanche Corporation which at the time was the largest credit card company in the world, Time DC which is the third largest trucking company in the world and IBM, so I was making 80 grand a year as an idiot, that was pretty good, so I had a small two-bedroom house in Beverly Hills and then I was unable to by the time they got the chemotherapy I was unable to work, I was unable to think, so I was just carrying myself around on the floor, all the furniture had to be removed in the house, I was crawling around on my elbows, I couldn't walk, I couldn't sit, couldn't lie down on anything soft, and I was defecating, urinating and vomiting all over myself, and I just go to a clean spot in the living dining room because they were one in this house, this is about 35 feet long by about 20 feet wide, so I had plenty of surface to excrete my toxins from the chemotherapy and everything else.

H: Aajonus, I'm sorry, we got to take a short break, this is just fascinating information though about your whole story of your health challenges, I mean that's just nuts with cancer and everything else you're dealing with as a young child, but we got to take a short break and then when we come back we're going to find out what he did to overcome all of these health challenges and these crazy health issues he's had at such a young age, so make sure to visit his website, it is wewant2live.com and the 2 is the number 2, and we'll be right back after this short break with Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

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H: All right, we are here with Aajonus Vonderplanitz from wewant2live.com and the two is the number two, wewant2live.com and we're having a good time just kind of getting the background on Aajonus' story and how he was faced with so many challenges as a child with health issues and so at this point, Aajonus, I think you're about 20, 22 years old or so?

A: Well, I was 21 and I was supposed to die around my 21st birthday. I was basically an invalid and since I refused to go into a hospice to die, two volunteers from the hospice would visit me two, three days a week, they would clean up all my fecal matter, defecation and urine on the different spots on the floor for several days, two to three days it would take them to come and they would prepare my foods and of course it was like donuts and with RC Cola or Sprite, something like that and you suck through a straw but one of the volunteers was an 18-year-old African-American boy who was a member of the going thing which is a board hired group of young singers and musicians who sang you know about the new Mach 1 one that was out at that time in 1967-68 and he was, you know, I don't know, he grew up in Watts and I don't know where he got the education that raw milk and raw carrot juice and raw foods improved health but he was a magnificent young fellow and he brought raw milk and raw carrot juice for me and I drank those in equal portions together and that basically started changing my life within 10 days on that diet, my autism shut off so I was able to understand communication for the first time. I mean when I woke that morning after that 10 days on that diet, I understood what a preposition, verb, you know all the grammar objects I understood instantly so that began changing my life so I began studying about nutrition from there and experimenting with diets named and unnamed and my own you know derivations from those particular regimes and you know basically I just tried everything over the next 40 years and then I came to what I call the primal diet, primal not meaning as caveman or paleo diet which is very misunderstood.

H: Yeah I was going to ask you the difference between the primal and the paleo.

A: Well what people believe is the paleo diet, they believe that you know the caveman or ancestors ate lots of fruit and you know eat raw meats but mainly lived on raw fruits.

H: Okay.

A: Now when I was getting better when I was able to keep the pain down to a tolerable level I began bicycling all over North America, North America and all the way from Alaska down to the Yucatan so I lived off of a bicycle for three years and I ate off the land and I was a fruitarian at that time I had been a raw food basically vegan, lacto-vegan the few years before I went off to live in the wild I was 27 at that time so that gave me about six years to heal what I had experienced and all the damage that the medical profession had done to me with their so-called therapies oh after the chemotherapy I developed lymphoma so that was four cancers all together that I was basically living with.

H: Yeah they say that lymphoma is a actual just it's listed as a side effect in their own literature from chemotherapy.

A: Of course and so is the bone and blood cancer as a side effect of radiation therapy. That's amazing. So basically they they gave me my greatest illnesses if I had just changed my diet if I had gone to a doctor and the doctor said eat this food rather than giving me Maalox then well I would have never suffered cancers, been in that situation no but the pharmaceutical industry they write the procedure manuals for doctors so it's about seven inches thick and you know there's very few times that does the word heal occur in that manual and that's basically with cuts and wounds and the word cure really doesn't exist in there in their propaganda. So they give you so-called therapies that create more dependence and create more disease so basically they are in business to make you ill to make money.

H: Oh yeah that's pretty common knowledge you know to our listeners.

A: I didn't realize that until I had experienced all of this yeah you know I realized all their quackery. So you know I basically when I was traveling around on that bicycle there's very little fruit and it's only maybe two three months out of the year and you really have to search for fruit in the wild, it doesn't exist unless man cultivates it.

H: Okay, unless they farm it.

A: And mostly the birds get birds and squirrels so there's not really basically very little fruit unless you're a bear in Alaska they get lots of blueberries. Blueberries have a tendency to be very prolific in Alaska and in Canada and the bears love the blueberries it helps them gain tremendous amount of weight and they will feast on blueberries for weeks at a time. So this whole idea that our primitive ancestors lived on mainly fruit is absurd.

H: So what about people like you know from Hawaii or those you know Samoa and who live in those kinds of environments are they more adapted to things like fruit do you think or not really?

A: Well not really you know I lived with quite a few tribes who could have lived on lots of fruit but they find that it causes osteoporosis, bone deterioration and weaknesses and causes the body to get very low in fats you have a high ups and downs with sugar levels when you have fruit. So it's not a good thing to stay on it, in fact the Maasai tribe of Africa before their what 15 year drought now that's basically decimated them before that it was illegal to eat fruit in their tribe because they were so thin and they basically lived on raw meat and raw milk raw dairy products.

H: And that was like the staple of they probably had some other things but that was like the staple of their diet?

A: No that's absolutely all they ate.

H: Oh wow.

A: And they didn't even eat vegetables or chew once a while a few of them or you know whatever reason would chew on some leaves like the gorillas and spit out the pulp. But basically they were considered the strongest healthiest happiest most... the smartest tribe in the world till this very long over a decade decade and a half drought decimated them and they only lived on those two foods. Now I met a tribe in the Philippines on a remote island that took three days to get there one day by a four wheel drive one day by boat one day by swimming to get there and this tribe lives to about averages about 138 years old and they live on two foods. Raw coconut meat and raw fish, once in a while they'll have like maybe a couple of times a month they'll have an unripe mango or a banana but that's it.

H: Wouldn't you develop a food allergy if you just ate kind of two foods you know on a regular basis?

A: If you didn't derive the nutrients from the food that you needed and the food caused you imbalances and when you're eating the proper foods for your body and gets all the nutrients you need from those few foods you won't develop an allergy to them. I've been living basically on meat and coconut and and dairy for the past since 1976.

H: Meat, coconut... so meats of all varieties?

A: Yes.

H: Coconut and dairy.

A: Any kind of flesh food.

H: Any kind of flesh?

A: Insects at times.

H: Jeez you're a wild man that's a that's great oh that's great.

A: No allergies I used to have many allergies.

H: And then you know what Aajonus this would be a good time I got to run another break I want to have a longer segment at the end so we can kind of dive in more to your diet because I have a lot I have a ton of questions here so let's run this break here real quick and we'll be back. We're with Aajonus Vonderplanitz and his website is wewant2live.com and the number two or the two is a number two so check out his website and also check out his books as well and we'll be right back after this short break.

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H: All right we're having a good time here with Aajonus Vonderplanitz from wewant2live.com and Aajonus I wanted to ask you, I didn't want to let this interview go through all the way to the end without asking you basically if you could just lay out kind of the tenets of what the primal diet really is.

A: Well you know it's based on lots of experience in fact everything that I say in the book has 85% all the remedies 85% success rate with over 3,000 people in experiments so it isn't based on ideology and and concepts, it's based on effectiveness and while I was finally in early 1990s I was able to work with a forensic a forensic man who did lots of autopsies so I got to study eight bodies during autopsy I was able to take their secretions from the stomach, liver and put those on different foods to see how they change the substances to which they came in contact and I had leafy vegetables rude vegetables stock vegetables fruits both acid subacid and alkaline fruits. I had different types of meat, flesh foods of fish beef and and chicken and I took the secretions from those eight corpses and I put them on all these different foods to see how what kind of digestion happened and how they affected those foods. And when I put the hydrochloric acid from the stomach linings on the food the only food that it... and also put nuts there are different varieties of nuts, three varieties of nuts soft, hard and semi-hard and I applied this hydrochloric acid to each one of those foods the only foods that it properly and significantly broke down were meats and dairy. Then I applied bile from the bile from the gallbladder onto these different foods. The fats that it predominantly disassembled to reassemble, in other words properly digest fats were the dairy fats and the meat fats all the different meats, whether it was from fish, fowl or beef and then I put the other normal secretions that exist in the bacteria that exists in the intestines on these different foods and always only the foods that were properly digested and broken down were the animal products, the dairy and the meats. So that basically you know that basically I understood why the Maasai, Samburu, Fulani and different tribes all over the world just stick with animal products.

H: So what happened about the fruits or what happened to the fruits it seems like fruit would be pretty digestible even though it's high in sugar.

A: Well it's just remember hydrochloric acid works on meats and you know proteins, but it didn't work very well in the nuts it did maybe two to three percent breakdown of vegetation so we're only getting maybe two three percent of any the protein and fats from any vegetable because you have to break down the cellulose first and our hydrochloric acid isn't geared toward vegetation. In the fruits there's hardly any fat or protein unless you're looking at coconut and maybe durian. Those are the... and avocado.

H: Yeah I was going to say avocados.

A: Yeah they're concentrated however the bile although it did work on you know the coconut and the avocado and a little bit on the nuts not much that bile didn't affect the nut oils very much at all. So for us to get a concentrated nutrition without having byproducts of that food not properly digested collect in our systems in our digestive tracts and other areas that will cause allergy. Animal food will never cause allergies as long as your digestion is normal.

H: So what do you make of this whole craze going on with the ancestral diet, do you think that certain types of people should eat certain types of food or do you think that everyone should be eating or would do well with like a primal style diet?

A: I think that well everyone who gets beyond their first, you know if they have some kind of detoxification that coincides with adapting the primal diet, if they get through that and stick with the diet they find out that their so-called reactions are not to the diet but to their to the chemicals that are already stored in their bodies. Now all disease in my understanding and in my experiments are all caused by industrial chemicals. There's no disease caused by created by so-called bacteria. Now we have all kinds of bacteria for disassembling food, for reassembling food, for dividing cells. Ninety nine point nine percent of all functions in the body are bacterial. We have 260 bacterial genes to every one human gene so we're not even point zero one percent human, we are bacteria. So the bacteria theory is anti-health and that's the approach that the medical profession takes. Now these so-called bacteria that do damage are not really doing damage. They're eating dead tissue in the body. They recycle what they can and then discard the waste. So those are janitorial bacteria. They don't cause disease. They are the result and the cure of disease. Disease is always industrial chemical and you create 32 chemicals just by cooking food.

H: Yeah I was going to ask you about that. There's a lot of carcinogenic effects that happen with cooking isn't there?

A: Correct. The three main identified carcinogens formed from cooking are acrylamides which are cooked carbohydrates, lipid peroxides which are cooked fats and lipid amino acids which... I mean, what do they call them I can't remember the name at the moment but it's toxins formed from cooking proteins.

H: Now I got to ask you this question because I know a lot of people are going to be thinking this right now. Okay so if you were to cook some food there's obviously many different ways to cook and some people will do like a searing on the outside of meat just to kill some of the bacteria or whatever and then eat it mostly raw. What are some of the less harmful ways to cook food if someone were going to do that?

A: Well of course searing it would be the best if you're going to look at cooking. The longer you cook something in the hotter temperatures of course more damage is going to be done. People ask me well how much damage can be done you know two or three seconds of searing. I said put your hand for two or three seconds on a skillet that hot and see what damage is done. Very obvious.

H: Okay so it's kind of obvious it's progressive then for how long you cook it.

A: Correct. So you know the amount of damage done is the amount of heat and the length of time of exposure.

H: I've heard that boiling is probably a little bit healthier than some of the other ways of cooking.

A: Well that's... that's a belief I haven't found that it's you know... and in animal experiments I have not found that boiling is any better than anything else. The reason they say boiling is because when you're cooking something that's not in water you're evaporating a lot of the the nutrients in it you lose your oils your fats that cook out in frying or broiling. So when you're cooking in water it preserves more that doesn't evaporate. So that's the belief. However I haven't found that it causes any considerable change except with broth when you're dealing with bones. Although you cauterize those minerals at high temperature, you destroyed you know 90% of the calcium or you've altered it so that it's a very rigid structure, it isn't easily malleable so your bones will become brittle because of it. It does provide more minerals and some more nutrients when you boil things in water.

H: Okay.

A: Boiled of course that's in water. People boil in fats you know oils and those are your worst. Anything that's fried is the worst thing that's manufactured. If you happen to fry in coconut oil or olive oil of course there's going to be less toxicity but anything in the commercial industry, I don't care if it's in the health food industry or what, they use hydrogenated oils which are plastic oils, that aren't even fats at all.

Q: So what are some of the foods that you eat like what have you had today for food or have you eaten even yet?

A: I eat a lot of small amounts of cheese frequently because that absorbs poisons throughout the stomach and intestines so they don't mix in my food. So I'll eat a little piece, like a sugar cube size of no salt raw cheese ten minutes before I eat anything. Let's say when I first awakened you know I sleep for only three and a half four hours a day I have plenty of energy and don't need to sleep much, so I'm pretty productive. But still after that amount of sleep you have more toxins that get dumped into the stomach and intestines so I'll eat one to two tablespoons of cheese with a teaspoon of raw no salt butter first thing in the morning and after that I'll suck a few raw eggs about five to ten minutes apart, because eggs are the most digestible food in the world and they're the only food that contains every nutrient on the planet.

H: Now do you want to have eggs by them like on an empty stomach or can you combine raw eggs with different things?

A: You can combine raw eggs with any kind of animal food.

H: Okay.

A: Sometimes some people don't digest the combination of milk eggs and honey together for milkshakes, so they may have to leave out the honey or leave out the, you know the eggs that they're mixing with those particular foods, for a few people, not many but a few people will cause some stomach cramping.

H: So would you say that cooking eggs like scrambling them you're kind of you're really losing a lot of the value there?

A: Well like any food that you cook you alter the amino acids the proteins, I mean the amino acids are proteins, the fats and the and anything else, the enzymes are destroyed, all the vitamins are destroyed you know at boiling temperature, even at 140 degree you've altered all vitamins. You've just incapacitated all bioactive enzymes, they are no longer bioactive, and also cauterized so really you can't cook over 105 degrees or heat over 105 degrees most foods, and most fats should not go over temperatures of 96 degrees.

H: Really?

A: Yeah.

H: Wow okay yeah I've heard different numbers on that, that's pretty low. So how do you make eggs taste good if you're gonna just suck them out of the shell like that or is that like an acquired taste that you've kind of...

A: That's an acquired taste most people don't have a problem with the taste of raw eggs it's the sliminess of the egg yolk, I mean the egg white so I tell them you know I suggest that they take like a teaspoon of the egg white in their mouths at a time mix it with their saliva until it turn into water before they swallow it. A lot of people that try to drink down eggs will gag, I even to this day will gag on an egg if I try to drink a whole and raw by just downing it the way Rocky you know Sylvester Stallone did in Rocky.

H: I saw you do that on the doctor's television program.

A: Yep but you saw me suck out the egg white first mix that in my mouth and swallow it.

H: Oh yeah they did...

A: And then the yolk at the finish.

H: What was that experience like being on that show?

A: Well you know there are four doctors on there, four MDs and you know they throw all these questions, it was okay because the producer was an alternative minded person and those doctors ridicule him a lot, make fun of him. You know but he was responsible for me being on the show and they let me answer everything but of course they didn't put a tenth of my answer not even 20% of my answers. The doctors have a lot more time than I and they asked questions that not all of them could be answered and they should not have put anybody's question on there that did not get answered.

H: I hear ya, that was interesting.

A: So it's of course biased and then for Dr. Travis to go on the Dr. Phil show and say that my diet was the most dangerous thing in the world is ridiculous because Travis knows nothing about diet and you don't learn anything in medicine about that, all you learn is drugs with the medical profession and training. So for him to attack me in the diet was an absurdity and for Dr. Phil to accept it on a show was very unprofessional.

H: Yeah I saw that we'll put a link to that that video on this show page and so gosh I have a thousand questions for you and I know your time is limited but I wanted to ask you this question about... man so it may have been you but it may I may not have I'm not sure but I feel like in one of your books there's a mention of primal kind of shake that you do to reset your thyroid am I getting that right was that in one of your books?

A: Yes but you are zeroing it into a thyroid. What I said was that you can take a glands from an animal and mix them in milk with honey and what we do is take the glands, first cut them up and put them in a food processor and make it into a men's and then add that to a blender with anywhere from two-thirds milk to one-third glands, or it can be a higher concentration of 50-50 with a little bit of honey and blend that together and make it into like a soup and drink that. And that will provide your glands with specific nutrients for those glands, and you can restart your thyroid with that but as I said in my workshop DVD, which is five and a half hours lecture that I did at UCLA in 2007 about the body and about how the diet works and how the body functions differently than what the medical profession does. But in that I tell that the glands are for emergency purposes only like since everybody is eating cooked damaged foods and lots of chemicals in their commercial foods commercially produced food no matter what they are, there are chemicals in them up to 60,000 chemicals. And that causes harm and damage so the body's always in an emergency state when eating those kind of food so your hormone levels will naturally be higher, especially adrenaline,because those hormones are high in fat and your body uses fat to chelate, bind, harness toxins and poisons in the body.

H: Wow. Golly. So now that DVD that you just mentioned is that available on your website?

A: Yes it is.

H: Okay and as well as your two books which are We Want to Live and The Recipe for Living Without Disease.

A: Yes and there's also a recipe DVD which is two hours and 14 minutes and it shows you how to make these foods you know you can make a cheesecake in 20 minutes or less.

H: Yeah because when you're eating this kind of style diet you got to make things taste good right?

A: Oh yes. It can be absolutely delicious.

H: Yeah. That's amazing. That's amazing.

A: And the recipe book I have 82 meat sauces that can be made in three to five different ways each so that's 400 sauces.

H: Wow. So. Wow. So you see patients as well. Do you take nutritional consultations over the phone and things?

A: I do, when they can't be in person.

It's always best in person but there are people who can't fly to Malibu or they're not in one of the cities in which I have speaking and consult engagements that I do, and they're posted on that website. Now that is not my website. I don't have time to facilitate a website but I contracted with a person who's been on the diet for about 14 years to basically peddle and make available information that isn't in my books.

H: OK. Interesting.

A: I have a newsletter on there which is like $85 a year subscription but anybody who subscribes gets all of the back issues to 2006. So basically there's 1,500 pages of more information there about the diet and about the human body and about you know pollutant industry, commercial and otherwise that are affecting our health and food. So it's basically three books there which would be 500 pages each. So there's plenty of information there.

H: Yeah. People aren't going to be lacking and so you on top of all of this you actually go around and give lectures because I'm on your email list and you give lectures all around the area, right?

A: All around the world. They publish my books in Thai and Finnish in Finland. Those two countries have you know translated the book and publish it in their language. Most other countries you have people who read English so they buy that my books in English.

H: Wow. Wow. I feel like we just barely scratched the surface. I have still tons of questions for you. So we'll have to stay in touch. So thank you Aajonus for being on the show today. I appreciate it so much.

A: Thank you for having me Justin.

H: Yeah. No problem. Wow. What did you think about that interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz with the primal diet. Wasn't that just I don't know if it's crazy or if we're crazy for eating the food we eat. What do you think? It's just to me it seems crazy but I have no idea that I feel like the more and more that I learn about health and nutrition the more and more I realize I don't have a clue what we should be what we should be eating. I feel like one guy says this is bad another guy says you know that's bad and man it's just a it's a moving target that's for sure. So what we like to do here on Extreme Health Radio is just provide information for you guys and really just kind of let you guys decide what's going to work for you what you resonate with what you kind of are naturally drawn to and what you're not really that into. So there's a lot of differing opinions out there and I know Aajonus' diet is very controversial but you know I kind of have a feeling he's on to something. I don't know you know if there's danger to the way he eats with bacteria and maybe, maybe our guts are very sterile coming out of a traditional standard American diet. And as a result of that maybe we wouldn't be able to handle types of foods that he eats but perhaps if you were able to clear up your gut and really get to a level of health that you ideally should be at and that kind of thing you know maybe at that point you would be able to handle this kind of food and I have a feeling that he's right about the cooking of food. I mean it can't be all that beneficial. There's a book called Catching Fire How Cooking Made Us Human and there's some controversy about that as well because that author talks about how it's the actual act of cooking in our ancestry that allowed our brains to grow to the extent that we evolved our digestive tract and been able to be human beings. I don't know but I mean that's a controversial book as well but I don't know I just have a feeling that he's on to something. If my stomach could handle it I've never really tried raw meat that much but if my stomach could handle it I would imagine that raw grass fed meat from a healthy animal would probably be more beneficial to my body than cooking so I just have no idea. So anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the show. If you have questions I'm sure you're gonna have a thousand questions email them to me or respond on this show page which is ExtremeHealthRadio.com slash 73. I'd appreciate if you would post comments on this page and tell me what you think about all this. I just feel like we have a lot to learn and just being open to new ideas and just being open and accepting of what different people's food theories are is going to help us finally get to a level where we're comfortable with what we're eating and what we're eating is going to be benefiting us so amazing, amazing information. So do with it what you like. If you appreciate this information and resonate with it and know someone in your life that might benefit from this it would be really great if you could send our show to your friends or family or whoever you think might be interested. We're kind of relying on you guys to help grow the show and to be you know kind of spread the word for us and so we really really thank you for listening and thank you so much for sharing our show with your friends and if you would like to follow us on Facebook it would be really great if you could do that. 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You can just do that at ExtremeHealthRadio.com slash iTunes or I think you actually have to be within the iTunes application itself and signed in to do that but we would be really really grateful for that and again if there's anything that you would like from me or questions for me or any way that I could help you please just let me know. Justin at ExtremeHealthRadio.com and I would love to help you out. It does take me a little bit of time to get back to people. We're starting to get many many many emails per day but it's my goal to get back to everybody. It may take me a little bit of time but please forgive me for that and I would love to help you out in any way I possibly can and I think it's time for me to go make my smoothie. I'm not going to be putting any organ meats in my smoothie today. I'm going to be having like a green smoothie I think. So it's time to go make my breakfast smoothie here. So thank you again for...