Q&A Of September 13, 2009

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: I usually tell about what I'm doing lately, the latest things I'm experimenting with. I guess some of you have noticed these big red spots on my leg.

Q: Oh yes.

A: Now this one here is from a motorcycle accident on April 12th. I landed on gypsum, a van hit me on a road that was under construction, so there was a lot of gypsum in it. Gypsum is a poison, so it got into that wound. I had an accident two and a half years ago that took off all the skin from here down to here and off my arm and everything. In 12 days it was all healed because I put lime juice on it as an antiseptic to coat the asphalt that was in the skin. It coated it so it wouldn't have infection. Then I put honey over that, coconut cream over that, or coconut cream first and then the honey over that. Then thin beef slices to act as skin. When they graft skin, they wanted to graft all the skin from my buttocks and hip and put it on my leg and arm and also split the tibia in two. The femur that sits on top of the tibia, I broke the top of the tibia joint off so it splintered up in there. It was pretty excruciating pain. That's why I went to the hospital. I just thought it was dislocated. I was in Thailand at the time. I had a big Harley. It was my first time on a big Harley in 30, 40 years. I didn't know how to control it. A bunch of Hollanders who don't know how to walk out into the street walked right in the street in front of me. It wasn't going that fast, but a 300-pound bike hit my leg and just took it that way. The street was taking me the other way and split the bone right down the center. With that treatment, I didn't take any medical treatment. I just got two x-rays to see why I was in such excruciating pain. It was because I had broken the joint of the tibia and fragmented it into pieces. They said if I didn't have surgery that I would never walk again. I didn't have surgery, and I was jumping in three months. I was walking in six weeks without crutches and didn't have a cast, but my body formed its own cast. Actually, I lost all the muscle off my buttocks, all the muscle off my thighs, and it created this cast on this leg, so I couldn't bend it. You could hit it like a cast, hard as a cast is. Then that started dissolving as the bone repaired itself, and then I got my muscle back except on my ass. I used to have a big, nice ass. It's not so big anymore. It was an ass breaker. So I had this accident...

[phone ringing]

A: Someone... Oh, it's mine. So this last time, I was just on a little 125 bike and going over a construction road area in Palawan, Philippines, and the other traffic was supposed to let the one flow of traffic first because it was one lane for a certain section because they were fixing one side of the road, and this side was unpaved, and that was newly paved but drying. And there was lots of gravel and gypsum down on the road. So the van did not wait until I cleared, waited until the cars cleared in front of me but not me, and it just bolted right on, didn't even stop, just came right on, clipped me, I flipped off the bike, and it didn't take a lot of skin off, a couple places on my foot, and here, so it was minor. And of course, it ripped my hands open. I had deep, huge cuts. And those healed fine, but I didn't hit the gypsum with this. On my leg, I did. But what happened on the 2nd or 3rd of April before that, I was in Tacloban, Philippines, in a nice hotel, and I woke up in the middle of the night, and two men were pushing me down at the shoulder, and one had a rag over my face. It was not ether, because I know what ether smells like. So I woke the next morning, and I thought it was just a bad dream until I looked over at my arm. Three injection marks, and they were swollen and blistered, just like a reaction to a vaccine. So a lot of people, foreigners, are abducted there and taken for ransom. But this wasn't one of those areas. So the next day I started having, I don't have any now, I may have some on my shoulder here, little red bumps that got worse and worse and itched and blistered and cracked and crystallized. This went on for two days, and it was intense. I was just picking them off, crystals, picking them off my skin, and they would create little blisters and get very large to about the size of a dime. So that went on for about a week, and then I had this accident. Then, you saw the accident marks here. This is the only real accident mark is this one. But then you see this one here, these here, here and here. This isn't a stable chair. Give me a moment to balance. So you see here and here and here and here. Nothing to do with the accident. Those are nothing to do with the accident. They were from the injections. They got worse and worse as the months went by. And it took until June until they stopped. I didn't tell anybody about it because whatever they injected me with, I didn't know if I was going to live. And also it's the paranoia aspect. The reason I think that happened was because just a month before that happened, I was the first one to go on radio and talk about the swine flu and what a hoax it was.

So I pissed a lot of people off, including Obama, who was all for the vaccines and saying that everybody needs three vaccines. And guess what? I was given all at one time. So I just cut my hair off yesterday to have it analyzed because where I was, I was basically incapacitated for a week. I couldn't get to a laboratory. There was no laboratory in those towns. I stopped using my credit card so nobody would know where I was. I changed my cell phone. I changed everything after that. So now I don't go to, you know, I don't make reservations at hotels. I don't make reservations on airlines. I go and buy the ticket, you know, so my name doesn't appear anywhere. That's what I have to do. I finally pissed enough people off, you know, where they're coming after me.

Q: Was it an American, that person?

A: Well, it was so dark, I have no idea who they were. I could just tell they were two men over me when that happened. There are chairs over there for all those people just arriving. Hi, sweetie. Okay, there are four chairs, five, six chairs over there. What are you guys coming late for? A while. For a while, right? That's how you use a preposition. Why are you guys coming late? So I didn't know if I were going to survive that or not. And, of course, the only way to debase my work is to give me some kind of disease and say, See, he got a disease anyway. So that's the only way they can debase my work. If they kill me in any other way, it doesn't work. So in the last five years, I found my house poisoned twice and my food poisoned twice. So one time they put rat poison. They, because I don't know who they are, they put rat poison in my office chair. And this is a chair I built myself. And I put a silk cover on the bottom to hide the internal works. So I got home about three years ago, and I was fine. I'd been gone for two months. And I sat on my chair. Every time I sat on my chair, I started getting nauseous after about 20 minutes. And I was just getting, I felt like I was getting stomach aches from it. So I put my hands under the rim of the chair, and there was a powder on there. And I thought, uh-oh, this is a little strange. It smelled like rat poison. So I took the chair gingerly out on the porch back over there, opened it up, and there was a half a cup of rat poison in that chair.

Q: Did you lock it up?

A: Pardon?

Q: Did you not lock it up?

A: Oh, sure. It's easy to get into a house. Very easy.

Q: Well, why would they go after what you're doing?

A: Why do you think they'd go after me? Because I'm helping raw milk get on, and the FDA wants everybody sick. They know what raw milk can do. And I've been fighting the raw milk issue for 32 years now. And I got the law changed here in California by getting it changed in Los Angeles. So I've been bucking a lot of people for a long time. The Medical Board of California came after me for practicing medicine without a license 10 years ago. Yeah, 11 years ago. And they were charging me for some heavy crimes. And they were very nasty to me over the phone. It was a detective, an investigator from Sacramento. So they were coming after me big time. And there was a complaint from a nurse who was married to a medical doctor. And they said that their son had eaten raw chicken and gotten campylobacter from it. I said, show me the evidence. Show me the chicken with campylobacter in it. And anyway, they were pretty nasty to me. And I said, do you work for the government? Are you a legal deputy of the state or federal government? He said, the state of California, medical board. And I said, okay, you took an oath, right, to protect the Constitution. Well, I'm innocent until proven guilty. Talk to me in a nice way and I'll answer your questions. He says, that's the way I work. I said, then you don't talk to me, you talk to my attorney. You and I don't have anything to say to each other unless you're going to talk to me respectfully. So I didn't talk to him anymore. I put him in touch with the attorney. We held a meeting. And I said, if we get together, it will be videotaped. I'm warning you now. So we had a big conference room downtown in one of the big offices. And, of course, the MD, the medical doctor, didn't show up for my hearing, just the detective. And they had the complaint. I said, listen, I don't even have to say anything unless you're going to charge me. But the thing is, how can you charge me for practicing medicine without a license when I'm against medicine? I mean, I don't use supplements or anything. It's food. But you're endangering people's life by telling them to eat raw chicken. I said, how do you know? You're a law enforcement officer. You don't know anything about medicine or health or food or anything like that. So they just left the room, and that was the end of it. So I upset a lot of people. When I went on with the swine flu, I was the first one to talk about the swine flu because I had been involved in the swine flu in 76 and 77. That whole hoax. And I just happened to be connected with Ida Honorof, a consumer advocate, that was on syndicated and 3200 radio stations.

She and a Dr. Mary McBean from San Diego filed suit against Ford, Rockefeller, you know Rockefeller is and was the Rockefeller family, into pharmaceuticals. So of course they were pushing the swine flu vaccine. So the government paid about $60 million. They paid down to $123 million, something like that. Paid about $160 million for vaccines to give to us for the swine flu. There was no such thing as a swine flu. You cannot get another animal's flu unless it's taken from the animal and injected into you. The only flu that you can ever create is a human flu. Bird flu, absurd. Only birds can get bird flus. Only pigs can get swine flu. It's a ridiculous concept. Anybody who knows anything in a laboratory can discover that very easily. But when they put you through medical school in the laboratories, they tunnel your information into a very narrow, and they don't let you stretch outside of it because you'll learn too much. And then you won't be able to support the medical system anymore. So I spoke up, and let me tell you, everybody picked it up quickly. Somebody spent a lot of money making a video called Just Say No to Vaccines, the song. And guess whose voice they used in the interview, in the song. So it's about 7 minutes and 32 seconds. If you download it from YouTube, you hear me saying, only way you can get swine flu is if it's injected into you. And then the interviewer later in the song says, well, where did it come from? And I said, they manufacture it in laboratories, and then they inject it into people. That's the only way you can get it. So that was made, and there's a lot of money put into that little video, because you see injections, you see different people going through things. And the song, it's a rap song, and it is so concise. It was a well-written song. So that got out there. And then everybody started posting my interview all over the Internet. So it wasn't within a month where that happened, where they abducted me in that hotel room in the Philippines and injected me with three... I still have scars, those three scars from the injection.

Q: Were they white men or Filipino men?

A: It was so dark. They weren't black. I know that. But I couldn't tell what color they were.

Q: Is there some way you can get it out of your system?

A: I'm working on it. So you see one, two, three injections. These are the bumps. They still keep coming out and they crystallize. But some of them came out really large. And these came out near the end. They started forming tumors. And if anybody's seen the pictures of morgellons where fibers come out with it, fibers were coming out with them. And I've got pictures of it. And it's going to be part of one of my newsletters in the next few months. So you get to see the pictures. So I take pictures of the different stages where I went through all this.

Q: So what are you doing to combat it?

A: One question at a time.

Q: What was your hunch about what they gave you?

A: I think they were exploring on me with the three vaccines that everybody's going to get for the swine flu.

Q: Well, now it's down to one, by the way.

A: No, it isn't.

Q: Well, I just heard on the radio.

A: That's just what they're saying. Maybe.

Q: No, but that's what I'm saying about that is that they are reducing it.

A: Well, they went low, high, low, high, they bounce.

Q: At this point, they say for regular people, it's going to be one.

A: For children, infants, and elderly, it's three because they want to kill them.

Q: So what are you doing to combat the vaccines that you got?

A: I've had to eat a lot of cheese. I've had to take a lot of baths. I've had to put packs, you know, clay packs. I've had to eat a lot of clay. I've eaten, not spirulina, but what's the other one?

Q: Chlorella.

A: Chlorella. I've been doing a lot of that with cottage cheese and sour cream. When I got back here, when I'm in Asia, I eat a tremendous amount of fish, you know, to help it. I'm just doing anything that will chelate with poisons. I didn't know if I were going to make it. I really didn't, because I had the climax when I was in Australia. It was my day to give a 10-hour lecture, and in the middle of it, my stomach just went into a knot. I mean, I was taking 10-minute breaks every 30 minutes, which isn't like me. I can go for three hours without ever stopping. I mean, it's like I've got a wind up. It won't stop. People have to stop me to stop. So I was getting into the swimming pool, and everybody else was around. It was a nice home, and I was in excruciating pain just trying to get through the pain. And then finally, I had six hours of vomiting, and then that was the end of it, except for little bits that were still coming out here and there. But it was pretty traumatic. Yes.

Q: They are saying with mercury now, that the levels all of the world are very high, especially among some fish like Swordfish.

A: Yeah, that's not necessarily true. I eat mainly tuna and swordfish, which are the highest in mercury. But they're ocean fish. The oceans are only polluted 4% to 8%, depending upon the location. Fresh fish, those waters are polluted 35% to 40%. The medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry is detracting. They're saying that your mercury poison is from your fish. It is not. It's from medical injections. You have mercury in almost all your vaccines. The level of mercury is astounding. You'd have to eat cooked tuna every day for two years to get the amount of mercury that you get in one injection. Think about that. Everything you hear from the medical profession is 99% just the opposite.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That is true in fresh lakes, but not in the ocean. The ocean is so vast. But you have to figure it's up to 8% in some areas. That's quite a bit. When you figure two-thirds of the planet is in water, is ocean.

Q: But you once said that eating the raw tuna actually pulls the mercury out of your body.

A: That is rather theoretical. But in the test that I did with animals on eating tuna, I got a fisherman to give me a fresh swordfish in the Santa Barbara area. And I took that swordfish, and I fed it, too, because I didn't want it contaminated with anything else. I wanted to make sure that it went from my butcher block to the animals without any chemicals from a fishing boat or a store or anything like that, using chlorine, Clorox, antibacterials, anything. So I took this big swordfish, a 90-pound swordfish, and I cooked it for half of the animals and fed it raw to the other half. Kept their feces and urine for the entire time, the two weeks, almost 12 days, that it took for everybody, all the group, including me, to eat it, and I kept all my urine and feces. Had it all checked at the end, and in the animals that ate cooked swordfish, only about 8% to 12% of the mercury was found in the feces and urine. In all the animals, including myself, that ate it raw, 92% was in the feces and urine. So that mercury passed right through the body. The body knows, it's intelligent. The animal, the swordfish, his body already knew that was a dangerous thing and isolated it to the fats within that animal. When my body took it in raw, it could identify that and say, we won't digest that molecule, because in those molecules, when we looked at the fat molecules that contained the mercury, the fat cells were relatively unetched with digestive juices. See, the body can be highly intelligent when you don't disrupt it with cooking. When you cook the fish, it fractionates all of the bonds of fats and everything, and it releases all the contaminants. So your digestive tract has to deal with all of that. Oh, and when I got those shots, all of the muscle left, all of my pectorals, all of my arms, my arms were this thin within two weeks.

Q: You look thinner now, actually.

A: Well, I am. I'm down to 147 from 185, so I'm quite thin. I mean, I haven't been able to put these pants on since I was an actor 20 years ago. Yes?

Q: What about mercury amalgam fillings?

A: Well, that is a gas that outgasses and crystals, so it creates little mercury crystals. It's not a liquid mercury, so it doesn't do the kind of damage. Pardon? It gasses. It outgasses. It doesn't leak. It outgasses.

Q: When you get the hair analysis done, will you know exactly what you're injected with?

A: No, I can figure it out, though. And you have to remember, all the flu vaccines contain 60 to 83 ingredients, and they only name about eight, six to eight. So they call the others inert. Well, if it's inert, what the fuck is it doing there? I mean, you know, everybody is really dumb if they don't ask that question. People are just saying, oh, OK, it's inert. Inert means it's not of consequence. Then why is it there? And it's all dangerous stuff. Every bit of it is dangerous. And I had these sores here. These have healed quicker. But you see, it looks like I got shot with bullets. I had them all up over here, blisters like that were just oozing and seeping.

Q: Why wouldn't somebody on the raw diet, as long as you've been, be more resistant to that kind of thing?

A: Most people would probably be dead. They're expecting, the people who are theorizing that if they're taking all three vaccines, that there's going to be a tremendous amount of deaths because of it. In the swine flu vaccine, and it's the same vaccine, from 1976, by the way, when it was taken six weeks after the first injection in 1976, it was shut down and supposed to be destroyed in 1976. They put it in vaults, according to a friend of mine who works at that laboratory. It was in the vaults. They pulled it out to resell it. They sold it for $160-some million back then. This time they sold it for $7 billion, plus a lot more other vaccines that they created. So now they're expecting people to die after all three. It's extended over anywhere from having them a week apart to three weeks apart each, and they're expecting a tremendous amount of death. I had them all in one night, all at one time. I should have been dead, just like the poison mushroom. But I'm here because I'm pretty healthy. I'm 62 years old. In the last month, I was hiking up a whole mile up into the jungles with my machete, making ways through the jungle in the property that I'm going to buy there. People younger than me, 21 years old, were going, and this is hot, steamy jungle.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I didn't drive this time. I didn't drive once, but I rode on motorcycle taxis. My trip just before we got here, I was going to the land again to look at it and I'm going to take a partner who's investing in it with me. It's 108 acres, about 600 meters, which is about 1,900 feet, the same level this is from the ocean up on a mountainside. The guy who we got to take us lied and said his four-wheel drive was working. To get to that property, we have to cross five rivers. Three of them, you better have a four-wheel drive or you're going to get stuck and you're going to go out into the ocean. So we got stuck in all three. So we had to be pulled out, all three. So I said, screw this. Let's get some people with motorcycles in the local area. And there are no houses. They're just huts. Everybody lives in huts, but some of the natives have motorcycles. So it took an hour and a half to gather five motorcycles with people to take us to the property. And over these rivers, there are big waterfalls that run down from the mountains that create these rivers that go into the ocean. So the rivers are like, you know, as wide as 100 feet across. So they have bridges just for people to walk and take their motorcycles over, but cars have to have four-wheel drive to get through them. So we left that vehicle there. We said, screw you, take care of it. We get back four and a half hours later, he didn't take care of it, didn't get another vehicle, and we're going to be stuck there. I've got a flight that's supposed to leave for the United States the next day, so I've got to get back. So I was very angry at this person. So we had to find five other motorcycles with people who were willing to take us an hour and a half to two hours over roads that are not paved, gravel and rock, very treacherous, carrying one to two people per motorcycle. And they don't have big motorcycles. They have 100s and 125s. And they're taking us over mountains, around bins, and up and down mountains, up and down mountains to get over to the other side to Puerto Princesa. So I get it all together. It's an hour after dark, a good hour and a half after dusk. So we're driving along, and it's pouring rain, lightning and thunder. So we've got slips. We've got all kinds of things. And there was a boulder there, and my driver hit it. So my nose hit the back of his head, broke my nose. That's all that happened. It repaired in two days. It broke the cartilage from my bone here, and it only hurt for about 20 minutes, not badly. And then it was repaired and now attached again. It only took two days. So that was my big accident this time, this trip. So, you know, I'm 62 years old. I'm pretty freaking healthy if I can get through all that. You have a question about that?

Q: About the swordfish, do you ever freeze it?

A: Do I ever what? Never. You never freeze meats or anything that could be toxic, because it's almost like cooking. It frees it up. It fractionates those bonds. Pardon? I didn't hear.

Q: You wouldn't find mercury in their feces then?

A: No, probably not as much. I've done the test on those. What I did was frozen meats. I did a test with animals, just like I did with the swordfish. And I gave the same meats from the same animal frozen and cooked. The animals that ate it frozen all got a skin disorder, whether it was psoriasis or scabies or the mange. Every one of them got a skin disorder. The other group that got it raw, nothing wrong, and that's all they got. They got a little bit of water, and all they got was the meat, either raw or frozen. The group that had it raw, no skin disorders, fine. The ones within six weeks that were eating the frozen were ripping their skin apart. So I knew that butter corrected skin problems quicker than anything else. So I took frozen butter and non-frozen raw butter, frozen raw butter and non-frozen raw butter, and gave that to the sick group with the skin disorders. The ones who ate the fresh, raw, unfrozen butter healed five times faster than the ones who got the frozen butter. So when Sally Fallon or anybody else says eat frozen meat, eat frozen butter, eat all that stuff to destroy bacteria, don't listen to them. Because it is not safe and it is not true that it is safe and fine and healthy.

Q: The blue butter at Rawsome is no good?

A: That's not frozen, but it's also not organic.

Q: Oh, so don't buy it then. You don't buy it?

A: They use the phrase almost organic.

Q: Question on the butter.

Q: So throw it away?

A: I'm almost an ape.

Q: So what should we do with it? Throw it away if you have it?

A: It's up to you what to do with it. You can give it to a dog or a cat or something.

Q: You know, I live in a place where I can't keep fresh butter very long. So if I freeze some of it, is it going to be worthless?

A: It's not going to be worthless, but it's going to reduce by five times the nutrients.

Q: Will it still work, though, a little bit?

A: Probably work a little bit. It did help those dogs that had the skin disorders, but it took five times longer. Whereas the group that ate it raw and fresh, unfrozen, it took them three weeks to get rid of their disorders. The others took three months.

Q: So you just keep continually going to the store getting fresh stuff?

A: No. I have 20 pounds of butter up there to last me up through December or January. Why? Because I want the yellow butter with more vitamins in it.

Q: You just let it lay on the counter?

A: No, I put it in the refrigerator. And if it gets a little blue, that's just blue cheese. Delicious. I make Roquefort dressing with it. And it's okay.

Q: I get yelled for at it.

A: Yeah, I heard. But I was also told that you took the 20 pounds out at one time instead of four like I asked you to.

Q: Four weeks.

A: Four weeks? Oh, then Jim lied to me. James lied to me. Okay, I got another problem at the Rawsome. You know, you're told that these sesame oil and all of that is pressed at low temperature. Well, just Wednesday, I caught the guy pressing the oil and having a heat gun, a high-powered industrial heat gun, hitting it on the end because his oil jams. It is not raw. It is not anywhere under 200 to 200 and some degrees, not down to 96. So that flax oil, the sesame oil, all of that at Rawsome is not raw. Pardon? Just at Rawsome, yeah. Is the guy's name Andy or something like that?

Q: Andreas, Andreas.

A: Andreas, yeah. You know, he's totally lying to everybody, and he did it with a smile. I questioned him about it, and he just went like that, yeah. Who gives a shit? You know, he's making money, and people are believing that it's raw, and it's not. He had that heat gun on there for five minutes because his machine jammed. It could have gotten up to, you know, 240, 48 degrees in that time.

Q: Would that machine be okay if you took it apart and unjammed it without heat?

A: Yeah, but everybody who produces anything wants to have maximum time, less time of labor to make money. They don't give a shit about you. It's about their time and their expense. But yeah, that would work. If he'd just heat the room up like they make it when they make coconut. So the room is heated to 80 degrees to juice the coconuts to get enough. Because when you juice coconut, the coconut meat, the room has to be 80 degrees or hotter. Under 96 degrees to allow the fats, whether they're water, oil, soluble fats, to release from the cellulose. So people who don't heat their rooms and are pressing or juicing their coconut at 70 degrees are going to get half of what they could get if they'd heat the room up to 80 degrees. So at Rawsome, they heat a room up to 80 degrees and they juice the coconut in there. If that guy would go in that heated room and let his machine heat up in that room to 80 degrees, 83 degrees, before he starts pressing it, he wouldn't have that kind of trouble.

Q: Can I say something because I work there? I've never once seen him do that except for just this last week. I'm there for hours and I watch the machine working.

A: You are in the room with him, in the very room he is in.

Q: I'm in and out.

A: He may do it for five minutes at a time. And he could do it all day long.

Q: I've never seen him have that until last week.

A: You saw him with it?

Q: Yes.

A: Oh, you saw him do it too?

Q: Yes. But just because he heats the machine for a few minutes doesn't mean that everything that's gone through it that day...

A: He doesn't discard it. He didn't discard that oil.

Q: So you don't know which one is bad?

A: Well, he mixes with all of it. And then he continues to use the machine while it's hot. So for everything for at least an hour that goes through it, it's going to be over 96 degrees.

Q: And so, my question, if you see on certain products like it's 90% organic or raw, is that maybe what happens if you mix it with less?

A: If you mix it with anything, what you're going to do is spend the 9 out of 10, whatever it is, combining and chelating and neutralizing that 10% that is toxic. So you're not going to get much value from it. And anyway, pressed oils aren't that good. They should only be used medicinally.

Q: What about cold pressed?

A: Cold pressed doesn't mean anything. Like I said in my books, it doesn't mean anything. Yes?

Q: James and Andreas is his name. They have a gun that measures temperature. It's just a laser gun. I've seen them stand there pointing it at the machine, and it's like 80-some degrees. I've seen it.

A: That's fine, but when you put that heat gun on it, just do it for five minutes on there, and then continue pressing and not discard the oil.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A blow dryer would be worse, because both of them have an electromagnetic field. So you've got an electromagnetic field in there as well as the heat.

Q: I don't like oils [unintelligible].

A: They're good for detoxification. They help make solvents like virus. Viruses are not alive. They are protein structures like solvents to dissolve matter, like we have solvents to dissolve grease and different compounds. Turpentine is a solvent. So our bodies have ones that, any of them are kind of caustic, but they're not dangerous. Man-made ones, of course, are dangerous. Anything man-made seems to be dangerous, because it's not biologically produced or grown or bred. Okay, we need to move on out of this. I'm going to start going through and asking people's questions for today, okay? I'll start with you. What's your question for the day? Okay, then I'll get back to you.

Q: Roadkill. I'm out on the road a lot. I run into deer in various states of decomposition, plus all kinds of different other animals. So I know that there's no expiration date on raw food, but just if there's any kind of pointers or any, you know...

A: Well, it depends. If an animal's been hit and bruised, it can cause a massive amount of toxicity. So you'd have to go for the non-bruised tissue just to be safe, because if it's the bruised tissue, it can create its own solvents rather than worms, and it can cause you to vomit and detox heavily. And I mean, you could be in vomiting for two days, and then you get very skinny, like me. So roadkill is okay. Just be careful about the meat. If it's very black... I mean, if it's a seal, the meat's black anyway, so you can't really tell.

Q: It wouldn't be roadkill.

A: Yeah, you can have roadkill. Seals get up on the roadway sometimes. I've seen it, but I've eaten them. I've eaten them. So I've eaten roadkill. Yeah, definitely.

Q: I thought it was a great source for one thing, but I just pulled something off of the road. If you could just kind of start...

A: Absolutely. Yeah, I went by one time, a motorist hit a deer and the heart shot right out of it. I caught it and I ate it. And it was still pumping in my hand. I ate it. I definitely ate it. I ate it right there on the spot. It was the most bizarre thing I'd ever seen. I mean to see a heart pop right out of an animal. I'd only seen it one other time when I was at Aunt Tilly's Health Food Store. I went out to take a break and this guy in his hot rod, his lowrider, there was a bunch of pigeons out there. Somebody was feeding them. And this guy gunned his car and ran right over that pigeon. The heart shot right out over it and pumping on the side of the parking lot. So that was the first time I saw a heart pop out and that was about 1978, 77, 78. And then this was a few years ago in Yosemite. And I caught that heart. It was delicious. Oh my God, it was delicious. Yeah, roadkill's okay. But I've eaten some roadkill, jackrabbit, in a bruised area and I had a bit of trouble with it. The other tissue was okay. It didn't cause any problems.

Q: How would you tell as far as basically what's been hit?

A: You'll see the tissue very dark and bruised if it's been run over or hit. Cut away and let somebody else eat it, like the vultures.

Q: If it's completely flat, don't eat it.

Q: I was wondering if you could answer her question.

Q: You know, I have osteoporosis. I've had a fracture and I just started this diet six weeks ago. So I'm really trying to do the right thing so I grow my bones.

A: And this is an MD, I hope you don't mind me saying.

Q: But I'm really trying hard to do the right thing to grow the bone back as quickly as possible and I crave salt.

A: Salt is going to make it worse. Sodium is an explosive. Sodium is so volatile, it's worse than nitroglycerin. Twice as volatile as nitroglycerin. You can get just a fraction, you can take it from a temperature of like 80 degrees and get it near something cold and it'll explode. You can take it from cold and just a few, like 8 degrees more will cause it to explode. That's why they don't use it as an explosive. But when you isolate sodium completely, a rock of sodium this big is worse than an atomic bomb.

Q: Why is she craving it?

A: Because she needs fractionation. She needs help digesting. A lot of people use it to go in there and explode and burst things apart but it's not a good way to do it because there are tears and rips and lesions that are left behind. And lots of cells, red blood cells, are dehydrated and damaged forever and they shrivel up like a grape to a raisin.

Q: Is there anything I can do to ameliorate that?

A: Okay, your body is craving minerals and digestibility. All you do is take cheese and honey. Three times a day, two tablespoons of cheese, a half a teaspoon of honey only. Mash those together or eat them together in your mouth. Now, raw cheeses do not digest in the human digestive tract. The body uses a sponge and chelation to draw out poisons, hold onto them, and pass out the feces. It's wonderful. Cooked cheeses, if you do the same thing, it'll absorb all those poisons but then it gets reabsorbed into the body because it's been cooked. It's all fractionated. But somehow, the body knows with the raw cheese how to handle it and just pass it out. Unless you eat honey with it, then it's completely absorbed and digested and you get to use all the minerals to resupply. That's a mineral supplement. Resupply your minerals. And of course, dairy is the best mineral supplement there is to rebuild bones. That's why babies drink it. I mean, can you imagine that a baby can grow from this size, well, when it's born, let's say we take it this size, in two years, can grow to this size. Bones and everything else. That's a tremendous amount of minerals. Only in dairy can humans digest that many minerals and make them into bones, as well as ligaments and all the other tissue. Only dairy can do that properly.

Q: Can you repeat that recipe that I asked you?

A: Yeah, two tablespoons of cheese, raw unsalted cheese, with half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon of honey.

Q: How often?

A: Three times a day. And two times after a meat meal. If you have osteoporosis, I usually suggest that people do eating schedule two, which has three meat meals instead of one. And then thirty-five minutes after you finish the meat meal, you have your cheese and honey together. Okay, well, thanks for coming.

Q: Thank you.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes, on indigestion. I've had pretty much continuous indigestion for about a month, mostly heartburn, but also some diarrhea, various aches, and just ... So I went ...

A: Please, if you talk, people aren't going to hear the question.

Q: So I went on to what you said to do in your book, Milk and Honey. So I've been on that, and that pretty much just reduced the heartburn to almost nothing. But my question is, one, what causes indigestion, and anything else I should do? Because I just want to get back on the regular diet, because I'm kind of thinking I'm not digesting my food properly, and I want to absorb more. Do you know what I mean?

A: If indigestion is followed or accompanied with heartburn, you've got toxins leaving your esophagus and dumping into the stomach. Also means you're not producing good mucus. So there's several things you have to do to produce good mucus. The body uses the mucus membranes to dump into the mucus. The mucus holds the toxins, and you move them through and out the feces. And you'll find clumps of mucus if you break your feces up. You'll find little bits, strands of mucus here and there. And if you have that analyzed, you'll find lots of toxins in it. And it could be a wide variety of toxins. So if you're having heartburn, that means your acids are burning your esophagus lining. You're not producing enough mucus to hold those toxins so they're staying in the mucus membrane itself, in the esophagus. You have to find a way to produce mucus. How can you produce mucus? You need to eat lots of eggs. Not just three or four, six a day. You need eight to ten a day to start producing enough mucus, or eight to ten plus a milkshake with the eggs and the extra cream and the honey and some milk with it to produce enough mucus to alleviate that. Now if you have low hydrochloric acid, beet juice and raw corn on the cob help you produce hydrochloric acid. If you have low bile, beet juice is also helpful for that. Pineapple is also helpful for that. Papaya is also helpful for both protein and fat digestion. So those are the fruits that you would add to your diet. Your one fruit meal a day, those are the fruits that you would add. You might even have some people who have really bad digestion without having Crohn's disease, I'll tell them to take a little cube of pineapple or papaya with their meals, especially meat meals, to help digestion. If you've got a spell of very bad digestion, you may be detoxifying through the stomach, the esophagus and the intestines. Not a time to eat other foods, anything other than egg and cheese. Cheese to go in first, absorb the toxins, egg to follow to give you the easiest digestible food that there is. The proteins in the egg white, easily assimilable, digestible, assimilable, because there's no clumps of food for your digestive juices to have to work on it. All you have to do is wait for the bacteria to infiltrate it and eat it. Now, we eat shit. Literal. We are eating the discards of bacteria. 90% of digestion is bacteria. The particles, everything that we digest, is the off waste of bacteria. That is our food.

The medical profession will have you eat antibiotics and antibiotics and antibiotics. And what happens? You destroy bacteria all throughout the body. 99% of all of the functions that happen in the human body are bacterial. You keep reducing. Anytime you get around chemicals, you keep reducing the colonies of bacteria in your body. I mean, think about some of the tribes that I've met. They can run down a horse on their bare feet and catch a horse in full run. 35 miles an hour. Who the hell here can do that? Even our top athletes can't run that fast. These are primitive people living on nothing but raw foods. Pretty phenomenal. So you have to take a look at this whole antibacterial thing. It's to keep you sick and weak. And the greatest assault are vaccines. It makes your children weak.

Q: So I should go off the milk and honey, then predominantly eggs?

A: Yeah, predominantly eggs until... Well, if you're having heartburn still, you need to eat a lot of eggs and you need to eat that cheese. Cheese, 10 minutes later, egg. 20 minutes to 45 minutes. You have cheese, 10 minutes after that, an egg.

Q: Now the reason I chose, like in your book, you have both milk and then the eggs. But any time I did eat an egg, I got the worst heartburn from the eggs. So I just disregard the heartburn.

A: Did you have the egg in the milk, in a milkshake?

Q: Sometimes it was part of my juice. Sometimes it was like 10 minutes after the juice. And sometimes just by itself. And sometimes it was in the milk. But any time I noticed I had the egg, I got the worst heartburn.

A: Well, sometimes the egg can pull certain kinds of toxins out of the body. That's why I have people... Kathy? You're talking and...

Q: No, no. I'm saying because I'm having a fit in my breathing.

A: Uh-huh. Well, just breathe. Don't talk.

Q: It hurts me right through when I'm breathing.

A: Well, breathe slower and do pranayama. You know how to do pranayama? Okay. You go through one nostril at a time. You count to five to inhale. Nobody's supposed to be going through the back door. You go out the front door. Yeah, because the insurance company was going to cancel my insurance if anybody's going up and down those stairs. Okay. Lock it, please. Okay. So, just breathe. In count of five. Hold it to a count of five. Exhale to a count of five. Breathe in for a count of five.

Q: Count of five.

A: Hold it to a count of five. Hold your breath. Then exhale to a count of five. Do that for about 30 times and then do the other nostril.

Q: Oh, this is one side 30 and the other side 30.

A: Yeah. Okay. And that'll help you get through it. Okay. So go ahead.

Q: Okay, so I switch over to the eggs. And I can drink milk, though, in between like eggs? Because I still want a lot of milk.

A: You need the cheese to absorb the toxins. If you're having burning, you need something to absorb the toxins. You need the cheese before you have the eggs.

Q: Okay. And am I restricted on the milk? Because I drink like about a gallon of milk a day.

A: Wow.

Q: Just because I am thirsty. Like in the winter, hardly any. Very little. But in the summer, I am just so thirsty.

A: Okay. Everybody's got to be a sucker. I suck. Okay. When you drink anything, you like the baby is sucking out of a nipple, the bacteria in our saliva is almost twice as much as that of a dog and cat. So if your mate bites you, you're in trouble. Get rabies shots. That is the initiation of your digestion. The bacteria in the saliva entering the food. So when people just guzzle milk, any kind of fluid, what happens? It's going to rush the fluid. The H2O is going to separate and go to the kidney. The nutrients have no H2O to carry into the body. There's nothing but water that comes outside of a fluid that is only fluid. Except for milk, but you have to suck that out of a teat. So if you're having a fruit or meat, even meat is 55% water. You're chewing it to extract the nutrients out of it. The water is carried with it in the body. So when you're drinking juice, when you're drinking milk, suck it. What I do is run it through the top of my tongue, over the top of my mouth, roof of my mouth, and between the front teeth. Suck it right up in there. So when you saw me drink this, you saw how little I drink at a time? Tablespoons, a tablespoon and a half, maybe two tablespoons maximum. So I've got it here and I suck it and put my tongue like this. You can see the sucking action there. I got saliva in that so I got the bacteria in it. When I learned to do that, when I started experimenting with that about three years ago, my liquid intake was three quarts, up to four quarts a day. Two quarts of milk and a quart of a sport formula or a hydration formula at that time and whatever else I would drink, some water, you know, and I would just guzzle everything. When I started doing this, my liquid intake went in half. Now when I do it, because my body is getting so conditioned to it, I'm down to a quart and a half a day. That's all the fluids I take, even if I'm in a tropical place. I don't have to have any more than about two quarts of fluid in a day. So, sip, suck. So everybody say, I suck.

Q: I suck.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: I can sip in between.

A: Yeah, sip, suck.

Q: Okay.

Q: Swish the milk around in your mouth, is that as good as sucking it?

A: It's as good as sucking it because you're going to get the bacteria. Not quite. When you suck, more fluids come in a little bit faster.

Q: Okay, thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: Okay, what are your recommendations currently for standard juice formulas from what you put in your recipe book? I know it's changed and for purposes of an update, do you still recommend honey? I know you've switched from lemon to lime.

A: No, that's just for certain conditions and certain people. I never recommend much lime because it's an antibacterial. You put lime in anything, it's going to destroy the bacteria, just like antibiotics do. So lime is something that I use in a formula to destroy penicillin. Penicillin is a bird fungus. It doesn't belong in the human body. Grains are for birds. Seeds are for birds. When birds eat them, the penicillin grows on what? It grows on seed or grain starches, sugars. So what they did is they took penicillin, made penicillin, just like in birds, they sterilize it. When they sterilize it, there's no off switch for penicillin. Once you're injected with it, and you eat grain-based foods, breads, cakes, any of those, penicillin is going to grow in your body forever. So lime helps destroy that. Lime and vinegar helps destroy it better, the combination. Lime, honey and vinegar is even better. So I give people a formula with lime juice when they are inundated with fungus that shouldn't be there, natural fungus, unnatural fungus like in grains. And they're overtaking their intestines or something else. So to get to your question, what I recommend for juices as a base is usually 10% parsley. Parsley is full of vitamin D, vitamin A, all of your good oil-soluble vitamins in a vegetable base. Now dogs and cats, when they need those kinds of nutrients, you'll see them just chewing on the grass and spit out the pulp. They take the juice and it's just a minute amount. They probably need 10-12 drops. It's that. That's all they need. We are much more toxic so we need a greater amount to balance our systems. Dogs and cats haven't been eating canned foods for 60 years. You know, it's just been since World War II that dog food was available and cat food was available in canned foods and it's very toxic. So those animals are much healthier than we are even though they may have been fed cooked discards from table scraps. So they haven't been eating a lot of cooked foods for very long. If they were farm animals, which most of them were, not many people had house pets unless they were rich. As guard dogs or whatever. But still, even in England, they fed them raw meat. And then with World War II and canned foods, the pet industry came out with all this cooked food and crap kibble which is absolutely no nutrients for an animal. So what happens, animals are dying at 9 and 12 years old. Dogs and cats should be living 22-28 years. Cut their life in half, even more than half. So take a look at that. Anyway, dogs and cats are a little bit healthier. So we need more of those nutrients from the greenish, very green leaves like parsley. The vitamin E, the vitamin A, the vitamin D, and all of that. But in micro amounts compared to people taking bottles of vitamins which are all chemical. And they're all rock.

They're for plants. They'll help plants grow, but they're not going to help us. They'll make you toxic enough to where your adrenaline will pump and you think you've got energy, but it's a toxic... You can take cocaine the same way. You'll get energy from cocaine. Is it healthy? No. It's toxic. So 10% parsley is good if you have heavy metals in the body, most people do, about 5% cilantro. If you don't like the flavor of cilantro and it makes you repulsed, that means you've got a lot of nasty metals in your body. Mostly in your stomach. So maybe 2% cilantro. Try to get some in there. Start pulling it out. And you eat a lot of cheese if you have that reaction throughout the day. In fact, most people should be eating a little bit of cheese all throughout the day to absorb those toxins that are always in the linings of your stomach or intestines or dumping into those tissues into your food. Because you don't want your food to be contaminated and then you reabsorb those poisons. The cheese will help move it through. If you get nauseous with certain meals, always eat cheese before that meal, ten minutes before. If you still get nauseous, you grate some cheese and have it with that meat meal or that meal, whichever it is, that causes you nausea. 10 to 25% carrot. 10 to 20% celery. It could even be up to 25% celery. And the rest, cucumber puree. Always peel the cucumbers. Slice them, put them in a jar, pour your juiced vegetables in there, the juices from the vegetables you just juiced, blend it. Then you have the pulp. Now the reason I changed that was, after all the years of watching people on the diet, about 20% started having connective tissue problems and going into MS or lupus. And lupus, both of them have disintegration of the connective tissue. So we weren't getting enough collagen precursors to replace the collagen, because this diet, you're not eating enough fruit to get enough collagen. Cucumber is a fruit, a low carb fruit, so we can have a lot of it. And it doesn't so high in certain kinds of alkalinity that will imbalance the body so much. So you have cucumber puree instead of cucumber juice.

Q: Can you eat whole cucumbers?

A: Yeah you can eat the whole ones, but I would always peel them unless you grew them yourself. Because even the organic ones, they have 15% petroleum oil, motor oil, in that wax.

Q: When I switched to the carrot, I started gaining a lot of weight, and I already was at my maximum weight and didn't want to be gaining any more, so any recommendations about that? Just stay with the 10% or something?

A: Yeah, just cut it down to 10%.

Q: Okay, because I really noticed the juice was the only major change I made, and I all of a sudden started gaining a lot of weight.

A: Yeah, but that could have been coincidental.

Q: I think it's the sugar. You don't think it's the sugar?

A: It could have been coincidental. I'm not saying it isn't, but I'm saying it could have been coincidental.

Q: But what about the sugar? Because also when I cut down on the honey, because my body before used to crave a ton of sugar, and so I just didn't know if the carrot was... because that's supposed to be higher in sugar.

A: It's unlikely.

Q: Okay.

A: It's not impossible. You could be one of those people who has that effect, but you have to discover and see. Were you very skinny throughout your life?

Q: Yeah, I was skinny my whole life, until I came to you.

A: So carrot juice, what it does, what I do with skinny people, I give them a lot of carrot juice because they haven't had the fats to bind with poison. So their body has usually taken bile and surrounded the toxin. Now, bile is to fractionate fats so that you can make cholesterols to do three major things in the body. Protect it, clean it, and for energy. People who have been very thin all their lives have all these toxins in there with bile which makes very caustic reactions in the system. Everything is exaggerated and extreme. Carrot juice helps bind and pull out that bile. And that may cause tremendous weight gain, not directly due to the sugars in the carrot juice, but because of the toxic bile and the body says, oh, I've got to have a lot of fat to handle this. And honey is a fairly good preservative. So you can still put the honey in it. Some people hate honey with their vegetable juice. Then don't use it.

Q: How much honey?

A: I use about a tablespoon, one and a half tablespoons, a maximum of two tablespoons per quart.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't think it's a good idea. When I've seen people do it more, they start having heart palpitations, start getting the shakes. So not a good idea.

Q: Two tablespoons of honey per quart. So basically what you've modified is how you add the cucumber and more carrot to the juice?

A: Correct.

Q: I see. Yes, for those of us who are gaining weight right now.

A: On the weight gain.

Q: On the weight, oh, carrot on the weight gain.

A: Well, I think you can just lower your carrot if you're on a weight loss program. Do you have a question?

Q: I do. What is the difference between mixing an egg with the juice versus eating them separate?

A: Okay, when you have egg with the juice, sometimes people's bodies are starving for vegetable juice and they're highly acidic. Sometimes it can cause detoxification and if it has a detoxification and you're having juice the first thing in the morning without an egg in it, without the protein and fats already liquefied, ready to bind with those toxins, you could cause yourself a bad day. It's like having a bad hair day or it's a bad mood day. So I suggest for a lot of people to have an egg in their vegetable juice. If you're fat, no need for an egg. You've already got it readily available. And you're not fat enough.

Q: What is the difference between mixing the egg in the juice versus eating the egg fats and then the juice?

A: Well, you're not mixing it so some is going to get past the egg. Your body works in layers. If you eat one food after another, your body will actually make a layer with the mucus to seal them off. So it will digest in layers. If you mix them together, you can't layer it like that. Of course, layering usually is better at digestion. But if you're working on my program for remedy purposes, you have to have mixes together or else it won't happen.

Q: So is that one egg per the eight ounces that you drink?

A: Yes. Well, it doesn't matter if you're having four ounces, twelve ounces, it's usually one egg unless you're a large person. There's only one person that I would see here... Two people that I would see here would put two eggs in. But you've got enough weight, I wouldn't worry about the egg in your juice, but this gentleman back there, I would say two eggs in his. You look pretty tall there too, so I might say two eggs for your juice. Okay. When you have the eggs alone, the eggs digest in twenty-seven minutes. Like I said, they are liquid. Your digestive juices take big chunks of food and fractionate them so bacteria can eat them. It's the only reason we need digestive juices. Bacteria does all the major digestive activity. Okay?

Q: So I recently stepped on something, I don't know whether it's a splinter or not, and it has been bugging me for about a week. I was just wondering if there's a way to quickly get that out or do you just have to wait for it to come out?

A: Well, what you can do is you can put vinegar on it, raw apple cider vinegar. You can put vinegar on it. Lime juice is also helpful. And clay. At night you could put a moist thing... When the clay dries, it's no longer functioning. So you have to keep that clay moist. So you have a clay pack on there, put a little plastic behind it, or some gauze, wet gauze and then plastic behind that. And then wrap something around it to hold it on all night.

Q: Okay, and that'll help.

A: Yeah. You put a little vinegar or lime juice in with the clay.

Q: I have a weird question. My nose is kind of red.

A: There is no weird question, only weird people.


A: Hold on. Somebody yelled something.

Q: We can't hear.

A: Okay, I'm going to repeat it if you can't hear.

Q: Anyway, so my nose became red and swollen about two or three years ago. I can feel that there. And nobody knows what it is. I don't know...

A: Okay, she says that she has a red area on her nose that came out about three years ago.

Q: I do too.

A: I do too. See the scar that it left. Just like hers. And when I had the tissue, when I looked at it under a microscope, guess what I found? Dristan. Dristan. Dristan you took for runny noses and for flus and colds. Mine came from that. Mine looked just like yours. Mine covered this whole area here. Now it's just a faint freckle. Well, I kept packing it with clay. Depends on how it reacted. When it burned and would puss sometimes, I put honey on it or saliva, bacteria. One time it stunk pretty badly, so I put some feces on it. Because remember, feces eat degenerative, the most degenerated of tissue. That's why the E. coli is in the bowel. It is the end of digestion. It reduces fat and protein molecules to the finite particles that can feed the brain and nervous system. That's why people who do enemas and colonics are very unstable people. Because they're never feeding their brains and nervous systems. Keep washing out all their E. coli. So it depends on what happens with it. If it's sore and swollen, you put mud packs on it, clay packs. Keep it moist. So you have to put some kind of wrap around it to keep it moist through the night or during the day. Mostly I would put butter and honey on it. Butter and honey together. Mix them together. Just a small amount of honey. And you put it on there. But when it turns white and it's pussing, then you use the clay packs. Terramin clay is the best. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. Terramin clay. Go to terramin.com.

Q: Should I pierce it?

A: Only if you see it coming to a head. Yeah, that's not coming to a head. That means the poisons are locking up in the tissue, in your skin. Butter and honey helps a lot. And you know, when I had these spots, I was in Asia and I didn't have a lot of butter, so I wanted to save the butter for my stomach. So I refused to put butter on those sores. I was putting lime juice, coconut cream, and the honey. And I have to actually put bandages around them because if any of those sores touched pants or anything, it was like taking a needle and sticking it in an open nerve of the tooth. I could only wear silk pants, long silk pants, if I wore long pants. But mostly I wore shorts with them rolled up so it wouldn't get near the one on my knee and it was excruciating. But then, you know, they just weren't improving as well. And then I said, screw it, you know, I've got to use the butter. I started using butter and it ameliorated the pain and problems that I had with those sores as they were discarding from those injections. So butter is incredible for the skin. Also a result of what happened was when I started using butter on those, the hair around grew twice as long and twice as fast. I thought, I've just found a way. So I started putting it on my head and sure enough, my hair started getting thicker and more hair. So I was thinking, I don't know if it's because it called forth, you know, because the body gets rid of a lot of toxic minerals by building them into hair. So I didn't know it was a result of all those injections, the toxic minerals going to the hair to be built and the butter allowing that process to happen or it actually was helping the hair grow. So that is what I will have to experiment with in people. Anybody who wants to try those experiments, do them and let me know. Okay, just start putting butter on your scalp and see what happens. And do keep a note of it and report it to me. Because this is the only way I get to learn. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: I have been jonesing for sugar terribly. What does it mean and can you help me to stop it?

A: If it's mainly sweets, like carbs, you've got a digestive problem. You don't have enough digestive juices. Let me give you an example. When I was in July, I was spearfishing off of Koh Samui, the island in Thailand. The fellow I was spearfishing with shot a certain kind of fish with incredible edible bones, the spine, the vertebrae. She would sit there and eat them. I thought, God, to be able to eat bones. She said, these bones are incredible. They taste like popcorn. So she gave me a piece and I'm there... I'd love to have teeth like that. There's no way I was going to chew that bone. I worked on it for an hour and a half. I probably didn't dissolve one percent of it. Then I took some honey because my mouth was getting dry from it. That bone dissolved in five minutes. Just disintegrated when I bit it. After having the honey in my mouth for five minutes. So I got to digest that bone. Anytime you have a sweet craving, it's for digestive juices. Have honey. Don't have a lot at one time, just keep having little amounts. Put it in your milk, whatever it is. If you have a craving for chocolate, you've got a tremendous fat deficiency with an inability to digest fat. So you have butter and honey together. Take a half a teaspoon, a teaspoon every hour. And that'll take care of that. Or make yourself some raw chocolate from the cacao beans. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: I'm curious about craving fruit?

A: Same thing. Needing digestive juices.

Q: But it's only like after like an intense hike or sweating, is there another way to restore the sweat?

A: Yeah, you have the sport formula. You know the sport formula? Then just blend them in your sport formula. Disperse it.

Q: Yeah, but I still like berries and things like that.

A: Yeah, it's okay to do that. When you exercise, he's asking if it's okay to have more fruits when you exercise. It is. Because the lactic acid builds up is highly acidic. And you need alkalizing minerals and sugars to help neutralize those and leave them. Unless you're drinking whey. If you have whey, then it will do the same thing without having the high carbohydrate fruit to do it. Bananas and pineapple are the highest in potassium to relieve muscle toxicity, build up of muscle toxicity from exercise and activity. So pineapple and banana are a little bit better for that purpose. But some people need other kinds of minerals, other kinds of nutrients. If you exercise and you crave a certain fruit, have it a little at a time. Or blend it in your sport formula and disperse it out slowly throughout the day. That's a safer way to do it, without creating imbalances that cause health imbalances and cravings. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: I had x-rays a year ago and it heavily damaged my whole body. At one point you said the radiation gets into maybe the minerals and what not, and it would last for a really, really long time. And then at one point you said the electrons and stuff have dissipated probably. So I wasn't clear as to how long it actually is still in the minerals or does it just sort of go?

A: Well, if you have, let's say, uranium stored in your body, particles of uranium or iodine, any isotope in your body that it's going to constantly be radioactive for probably 55,000 years. You're going to live that long? So you got to get it out of the body is basically what you have to do. From x-rays, the damage that's done in your body is highly bacterial. So it's like having, one x-ray is like having 100 doses of antibiotic. That's why there's so much cancer created.

Q: So what is your formula for getting rid of the x-ray?

A: Eating lots of orange and avocado helps that, but lots of high meats, lots of stinky, rotten, smelly foods, including cheeses. That'll get rid of it quicker, because you need to build your bacterial levels again.

Q: And if you had a little piece of whatever you said, how would you [unintelligible]

A: Clay. Every day, probably, if I were in your situation. Like after my radiation therapy, I did 10 weeks of intensive radiation therapy that cauterized my spine. That radiation is just now dissipating. It was 42 years ago. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. Do you have any tips for what to do with traveling and how to preserve food or what to buy?

A: Well, I have in my recipe book, I have the traveling suggestions. Take your butter and cheese. Absolutely take your butter and cheese, and possibly honey. But butter and cheese, absolutely. Butter, to get it through the air lines, always take it on carry-on. Never put it in your storage bags. The storage bag goes through radiation, which is about 40 to 50 x-rays worth of radiation. So you have to carry it on. And it goes through the hand scan. If it goes through one time, it's not going to harm it. You carry through. Butter has to be refrigerated. So you take cold butter on, because it's a liquid if it isn't. If it spreads, they argue. And I say, well, this is not a liquid. They've tried to take it from me several times, and I say, it's not a liquid. It's solid. So, and the honey too, I'll put it in the refrigerator overnight. And then it's solid. You know, so I take it through, it's solid. What are you talking about? You know? But I carry a letter from a doctor, from an M.D., and I write letters for patients. And that's $50. So the letter lasts about three months. And you can take anything. I've taken a gallon of milk on.

Q: Well, I tried that and they rejected it.

A: Out of Los Angeles?

Q: Yeah, LAX.

A: Only LAX do they give you trouble. But what you have to do is you have to be very insistent. You say, listen, I'll get very sick. Please read the letter. You have to understand it. And if you don't have the authority, please, let's call your supervisor. And if that person rejects, they'll say, please, can I speak with your supervisor? And let me tell you, by that time, they want to get the hell rid of you. Sometimes it's taken me 45 minutes to get my food cleared, but only twice out of two years was I stopped. So it went through the hand x-ray one time. I'll still eat it. If it goes through twice, I won't eat it.

Q: Well, they put that thing on it once when I took the tuna from Rawsome. They put that, I don't know what they did, some kind of a scanner thing?

A: That's just metal. No, that's just a metal detector.

Q: Okay, so it's not a big deal.

A: No, they're detecting whether there's metal in there.

Q: Okay. So that's fine.

A: Yeah. That's fine. Most of the time what they do is they take these little sticks and they have me open the bottle and they hold it over there and put a thing on there so it's not nitroglycerin.

Q: So that's okay.

A: Yeah. All of those things are okay.

Q: So you're saying take it on your person through the hand thing, not put it in your bag?

A: If you put it in your check bag, it's going to be...

Q: Can I check the one, the hand, the carry-on, the carry-on one? There's x-rays in that too.

A: But that's very minimal.

Q: Oh, so that's okay.

A: Yeah. It's not okay. It's best if you don't, but if it goes through one time, I'll still eat it. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Back around over here, you were talking about, you were giving percentages. You were talking about carrots and cucumbers and stuff. I missed, was that a percentage of your overall food intake or a percentage of...

A: No, that's just of the juice.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Ounces, juiced ounces, not ratio of food in its whole form. That's after it's juiced. David, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. About two years ago, an interesting phenomenon happened. I haven't brought it up before because it doesn't, it never bothered me that much, but it's a very different thing my body's doing. What I'll do is I won't be sick. I'll feel fine. I'll sit down on the toilet to make a typical bowel movement and an incredible amount of water. I call it when my butt taking a piss. I mean, this incredible amount of water just goes through me and just... It's like a river and it'll just go on for a long time. And then I might, I go through periodically and then I might, that day I might do it two or three other times.

A: How much water do you drink?

Q: Not much.

Q: Coffee.

Q: Coffee. I'm a, I'm, yeah, I'm, I should have told you.


A: You're on a raw diet and the caffeine is gonna, your body's gonna dilute the caffeine and get rid of it out the bowels because it doesn't want it in the kidney.

Q: But I was drinking coffee on the diet for a long time before this happened.

A: Yeah, well, it's just building up.

Q: So that's what, what, so what do you think it's unloading? Coffee?

A: It probably is unloading coffee. The way you can find out is take some of that feces and have it analyzed. It'll only cost you $2,300 but... Or you could stop drinking coffee for five months and see what happens.

Q: I'm not trying to be perfect on the diet. I just, you know, I'm not, I'm not going for a hundred percent.

A: Do you put raw cream in your, uh, coffee?

Q: I don't drink... No, I don't. I just drink it black. Do you think I should be drinking raw milk with it?

A: Put some raw cream in your coffee.

Q: I have a couple swallows of, uh, goat milk, quite a bit of goat milk.

A: That won't do it. You gotta have cream. Have a couple tablespoons of raw cream before you drink it.

Q: That'll help you bind some, or drink some, uh...

A: It'll help bind with the caffeine. Are you drinking it for the high?

Q: I'm drinking it for the buzz. That's what I'm drinking.

A: It'll still buzz you. It's just slower buzzing.

Q: I just like it hot, you know, so I just kind of addicted to that, to the heat.

A: Okay. Then enjoy your loose bowels. Enjoy your water. If you want to slow that down, eat lots of cheese.

Q: It doesn't bother me.

A: Okay.

Q: I just wondered what it was. Your answer is that it's from the coffee.

A: Yeah. Well it's from some neurotoxin.

Q: What do you mean? Go into that a little bit. I've never heard the word neurotoxin before.

A: You got neurotoxins, caffeine, theophycine, theobromine, mercury, thallium. Any of those are neurotoxin.

Q: Is it getting them out of my body or what?

A: Yeah. It's flushing them out into the bowel.

Q: So something's being flushed.

A: Right. Not the greatest place to do it because then you're destroying the bacteria, the E. coli in your bowel.

Q: Okay. So basically, when my bowel does a flush like that, it's almost pretty similar to an enema.

A: Yes. Exactly.

Q: So actually, it's as if I went in for an enema.

A: No, it's not that bad.

Q: Okay.

A: Eat cheese to absorb it. Eat a lot more cheese.

Q: So is it a bad thing? It doesn't bother me after it happens.

A: Well, you're still going to have lower E. coli count if you're having that experience.

Q: Okay.

A: If you eat the cheese, then the cheese can draw in, hold the poisons so you won't have to dilute it so much.

Q: Okay. So basically, it's not good for me to do that.

A: Correct. Now, how much water do you consume in a day?

Q: I almost never drink water. I just do have my cups of coffee in the morning.

A: That's water. How many cups of coffee do you have?

Q: About two 16 ouncers.

A: Holy Christ. I used to drink 11 cups a day.

Q: So give him something else to get high on.

Q: So now, so now, okay, well, you know, I mean, I mean, I kind of feel like I'm getting out a lot of toxins. I mean, is it, is it just...

A: But coffee is, if you're drinking, you know, 32 ounces, you're drinking a quart a day.

Q: Yeah.

A: That's a lot of, that's a lot of coffee. It's a lot of toxins you're consuming in a day.

Q: That's neurotoxin?

A: Yeah.

Q: Coffee is neurotoxin.

A: Unless it's decaffeinated, but you know, you got rid of the neurotoxin caffeine. However, to get, to decaffeinate, they use a kerosene derivative. How many of you would soak your peaches in kerosene for 30 minutes and rinse them off and then eat them? That's almost all supplements are made that way. 98% of all supplements use a kerosene derivative. You know, kerosene is natural.

Q: So is there some kind of, is there some kind of good that, is there some kind of detox I'm going through?

A: Yeah, you're detoxing coffee. I would say it's not good at all. You got to learn to reduce it. Wean yourself off of it. Drinking less coffee.

Q: Okay, I understand weaning it off would be good, but if I can't wean myself, go for more cheese.

A: Reduce it and eat more cheese. First, reduce it down to, you know, what, 20 ounces a day. Then a year later, reduce it down to 15 ounces a day. You know, just get it down, slow it. Do you have a question?

Q: Slap him for me.

A: Give him some adrenaline.


Q: So, for well over a year now, so I'm living on milk and honey and eggs. And that's it. It's so easy. I can drink it all day and I don't have to spend any time fussing in the kitchen. And it tastes good. It always feels good. And I have so much time and energy in my life for everything else I love to do. So I have no complaint. It feels great. But am I headed for any, like, long-term deficiency or something? Because I'm not doing all this other food. Everybody else here is.

A: Well, that all depends. I have several, I probably have 12 elderly people that live on that diet. They just won't eat meat. They are fairly healthy. They don't have solid muscles, because without meat you don't reproduce cells quickly. If you had the milk fresh out of the teat, never refrigerated, those hormones wouldn't be altered. But once you cool it below 75, 73 degrees, you've lost those growth hormone factors that allow the milk to act like meat does, help you reproduce cells quickly. Freezing the meats does the same thing. It destroys the ability to reproduce cells quickly. She said she lives on a diet of milk, honey and eggs. She wonders, is that okay? Is she going to develop some kind of deficiency that will give her some kind of disease that turns her into a frog? No, just a toad.

Q: Is there something you suggest I add, so I don't?

A: I would have to look at your eyes to make that determination. John, do you have a question?

Q: Earlier you talked about mixing vegetable juice with eggs. What's the purpose of that again, please?

A: Because if you're going to cause toxins to pull out of your body, you need the fats and the proteins there immediately. Especially for that first juice in the morning. Because you don't have any protein in the body, basically in the blood, and very little fat. So that first juice better have some egg in it.

Q: Okay, I've been doing that for years. I've been doing that for 10 years.

A: No, you've got the extra weight. I said people who are overweight don't necessarily have to do it.

Q: Oh, I see.

A: Like, I do it now because I'm thin.

Q: Yeah, the juice pulls out the poisons and toxins, basically.

A: No, it binds with those that are drawn out with the first juice.

Q: Oh, yeah, the extra egg in the juice.

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay.

A: Well, the juice will do it without the eggs, but then you don't have any protein or fats in the blood in the digestive tract, then you could, you know, cause nausea or have a bad day. So with the egg in there, you've got the protein and the fats to bind with those poisons that may come out with the juice, the first juice.

Q: I see.

A: If somebody's thin, they have eggs in every juice. If somebody is highly toxic, they've gone through a week or two of antibiotics or come off of an operation, always an egg in the juice. I don't care if they're 900 pounds. On the same subject?

Q: Yeah, would you blend the egg in the blender?

A: Never. Whip it.

Q: Oh.

A: Whip it. You can blend egg with dairy and other foods, but in the juice, you just want to whip it.

Q: Can you just rocky style it?

A: No, it's got to be mixed in the juice.

Q: Okay.

Q: But in the juice, can you just dump the egg in?

A: No, whip it around.

Q: Whip the egg first and then mix it?

A: No, you whip the egg in. I drink a little bit of the juice, break the egg in, and then whip it around.

Q: Whip the egg in the juice.

A: Whip the egg in the juice. Okay. Do you have a question, Barbara?

Q: I do. I have a bone marrow. I take bone marrow regularly, like daily. And I have a formula that I put in the food processor with the bone marrow, some raw cottage cheese that I make, a little bit of milk, onion, and a little bit of honey. And I was putting lemon in it, but you said no lemon. So then I started. Then you said pineapple. I tried pineapple, but within a day it ferments it so bad it's unusual.

A: Then you just eat a cube of pineapple at that time.

Q: With it?

A: Yeah.

Q: So you use lime in it instead?

A: Lime is an antibacterial.

Q: Okay, so nothing, just eat the formula and just eat a little pineapple with it.

A: Correct. Okay. Did you figure out your question?

Q: Yes.

A: Okay, what is it?

Q: So I have rashes on my scalp, and I'm wondering if, so you were talking about fungus and things like that. Is it related, and is there any relationship with candida?

A: Okay. He wants to know, he's got a rash on his scalp, and he wants to know if that's related to candida. I mentioned lime juice destroys, and he's just fishing for what to do about it. Ninety percent of the toxins leave through the skin, are supposed to leave through the skin, unless you've got damaged connective tissue or skin. But 90% of all waste products, and we shouldn't be discarding toxins, we should just be discarding waste products. But because we cook foods, or people eat cooked foods all their lives, exposed to pollution, you've got 90% of that stuff that's coming out of your body, those toxins, are going out through the skin, not the bowels, because you wouldn't be digesting good food all the time if all those toxins were eliminated through the bowels and the urinary tract, because it interferes. That's a digestive area. It's not a detoxification area. So the skin is your main detoxifier. You're always going to have breakouts. If you're raised in this society, you went by their rules, the medication, the food intake, you are always going to have some kind of breakout when poisons are leaving through the skin. Rash is one of them. It could be fungal, it could be, you know, candida related, it could be yeast infection, it could be any kind of a fungus. Mainly fungus grow in and under the skin. That is the place, the final place to break down things. We don't have fungus internally unless it's in an aerobic place like the bowels or the intestines. In gangrene area, that's a fungus that could grow internally wherever the air can pass in. But mainly your yeast, like in a vaginal area, there's air pockets in there and yeast fungus grows in there. Yeast is a fungus. All yeasts are fungus or fungi. So anytime you have an elimination through the skin, you want to help the elimination. You could put clay on the area. You could put lime juice to help surround the poison so it doesn't damage the skin as much. Butter is the best thing to nurture the skin to make it stronger and more resistant and less vulnerable to the toxins moving through the skin.

Q: Eating it and putting it on?

A: Putting it right on the skin and eating, of course. But definitely applying it on the surface. The primal facial body care cream is the best thing you could use. But people are lazy. So those lazy ones just use butter.

Q: How long does it last, the formula?

A: The primal facial body care cream, I've had it last up to seven months in the refrigerator. It's never lasted more than seven months because I've always used it, so I don't know if it will last longer. It might.

Q: What about the toothpaste? How long does that last? You said five days in the book, so I'm confused.

A: Well, the toothpaste, that's the clay, the coconut cream, and the vinegar. I never make any more to last me more than two weeks or, you know, probably ten days. I don't know how long that will last.

Q: The primal facial cream, this makes [unintelligible].

A: Skim off the top.

Q: Yes, that's what I've done, though.

A: Skim off the...

Q: Skim off all that black stuff.

A: Yeah, well, those are the mushrooms. Those are the spores of the mycelium that's breaking down. Just remember that, just like in cheese, a good cheese is a cheese that's been pre-digested with molds. Germans love those stinky old cheeses that have been broken down with the raunchiest molds in the world. But look at the strength when they used to eat so much of it, all through the 1800s and 1900s. When they were at the Plaza, they thought they were the greatest race. Part of that was because they ate so much steak tartare, even more than France, and they ate all of this raw, moldy cheese. So they were an incredibly healthy country of people. I can't call it race because it wasn't really a race. It was a combination of a lot of different cultures and races. But it was because of those quality of foods. The molds and funguses, the mycelium was fine. The spores, which are the mushrooms, that little fuzz that's on the top, that don't eat. It causes you tremendous detoxification. Yes?

Q: The moldy cheese, you were talking about, they're made from pasteurized milk.

A: Not from pasteurized. Don't have it from pasteurized because then you're going to absorb all the toxins. Okay, I'm going to have to stop taking a lot of these side questions because we're not going to get through here. Go ahead.

Q: Mycelium, you mentioned that term. What does it mean exactly, please?

A: The mycelium is a milky substance that goes through and breaks down certain foods. If you go in a forest and you see a clump of wood and you see this white milky stuff on it, that's mycelium. Then you see the mushroom growing from it, whether it's a shelf mushroom or whatever, that is the spore of that mycelium. It is the sperm of that mycelium, the sperm and the ovum together. I'm going to have to stop taking side ones because we're never going to get through here. Okay. This way, this way, this way.

Q: All right. I have some crowns. They are fully ceramic. I think in your book you recommended against that. You just said that you'll have a post and it's very brittle and it appears that way. Is there anything that I can do that would make it last a little bit longer?

A: To have an enamel post?

Q: A crown, yes. I had a crown on a tooth and it's fully cosmetic. It's fully ceramic.

A: That's fine.

Q: I know, but there's not that much tooth left.

A: Oh. Well still, you don't need much tooth. Those hold pretty well. I have quite a few. My father took a paint can when I was 16 and broke off both teeth. So these two teeth, they're just about like pinheads and they're holding on these two teeth.

Q: Is there anything I can do to strengthen it?

A: Well, you just do the diet, continue the diet and it will recalcify inside gradually and slowly. As long as you have some tubules there. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. You know, I'm talking about how thick or thin blood is. And, you know, I understand that the human body just has like a small range of thickness or thinness. And then the thick side you get clots, on the thin you bleed and don't stop bleeding and stuff like that. But how does that work on the diet? I mean, can you tell when your blood is too thick or too thin from, you know, things that are happening?

A: If your blood is very thick, uncomfortably thick, you won't produce any saliva. You'd be spitting thick, hard mucus, as in your blood's too thick. The blood will thick and thin at a large range if you're on a healthy diet. When your body wants to cool itself, it will hold more fluid and it will thin the blood. When your body wants to warm itself, it will get rid of the fluid. You notice when you get cold, all of a sudden you're going to pee a lot. So get rid of the fluid. Also, the spleen helps in the same way, but not by getting rid of fluid. The spleen holds extra red blood cells. So if your blood needs to get thick fast, it'll dump a lot of red blood cells into the bloodstream as the kidney's getting rid of a lot of H2O and the other nutrients in your urine. It's best all other animals in nature don't pee much, unless they live around a water hole. So there's very little urine, there's very little loss, because all of the nutrients in your blood serum are nutrients. It's not just a stream with water in it. You've got red blood cells, you've got fat cells, you've got white blood cells. It's concentrated and thick with nutrients. So when you urinate, you're losing a lot of nutrients. That's why in India they drink their urine to recycle it, because there's a lot of vegetarians in India. So they drink their urine to recycle those nutrients. When I'm in Asia, and I'm down to very little butter, and I can't eat enough meat, then I start drinking my urine. And boy, I keep healthy and strong that way.

Q: Okay. On this subject, if a person, say, you're getting a clot problem, what do you do?

A: I don't have a clot problem. You have a clot problem because you've got a lot of toxins in your blood and a lot of damaged sugars. You've got a lot of waste products, like advanced glycation end products, that cause the blood to be sticky. Then the blood cells stick together, everything's sticking together. That's what causes dangerous blood clots. Not because the blood's too thick, because it's too contaminated with byproducts, sugar byproducts.

Q: So then just doing a straight diet from the book would handle it eventually?

A: Right away, probably within 10 days. But you have to stay away from cooked starches. You have to stay away from sugars, any processed sugar whatsoever. And you have to reduce the amount of fruits that you take, unless they're not ripe. Unripe fruit would be okay.

Q: Grapefruits would be okay?

A: Grapefruits would be okay. Cherries, berries, anything that's low in carbs. Cherries taste very sweet, but they're very low in carbs. Do you have a question? Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I do. It's great to be here, by the way.

A: Well, thank you, but you have a purple shirt so I don't answer questions from people in purple shirts.


Q: Well, this one should be easy. I'm just wondering, down the road or at some point, if you'll be able to put into print all these wonderful experiments that you've done and cause you to...

A: They're going in the detoxification book. Whenever that gets finished. Keep accepting more and more projects and then nothing gets done. I'm going to have to put a break on soon.

Q: Do you have any idea when you may have that out?

A: I promised it four years ago, and it's still not ready. Then there was the DVD to get out, and there's all this newsletter to get out. I'm way behind on everything. I can't promise anything. There's two ladies here, and I don't want to lose them, so I'm going to catch them. Do you have a question?

Q: It was about the bone loss. The gentleman was asking about his tooth. I'm having problems. I'm losing bone. I'd like to know what I should do.

A: You're losing bone in your mandible? Lower? Like I told him, you eat cheese and honey. Like I told the woman here, cheese and honey to increase the minerals in the body. Drinking milk, sipping on milk all day long helps restore bone.

Q: I've been doing that.

A: Honey and cheese?

Q: Mhm.

A: Good. And sip on milk. Now, remember that when you've gotten injections, Novocaine, nothing dissolves bone and hardens bone more than Novocaine. Also, injections of mercury goes to the brain, dumps out the gums. That's what causes cavities, not bacteria. The heavy metals sit on the dentine, damage the dentine. Then your bacteria forms to eat the damaged dentine. So the bacteria is the janitor, not the cause of the problem. So, if you have a lot of that coming down and getting stuck in the bone, around deep down in the tooth, instead of making its way out and causing plaque, then it's going to damage and eat away at your bone. So you're going to have to pack your mouth with, take some wet clay. Kneading, when you knead clay for pottery, it's got to be hard enough like that and just line your gums with a string of it, rope of it, up and lower, and help that draw it out at night, so it doesn't keep removing the bone. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, what do you think about food supplements? Like vitamin C, A?

A: Okay, I said earlier that all supplements are chemicals. I have pictures, I think I showed them, yeah, I did, on the DVD, you see a picture of vitamin C, they're just little soft like cotton balls when it's raw and right out of food. And then, next to it, you see the same little cotton balls made into a supplement, and it's like rock and glass. And where you've got the same size, the same magnetism, these little bitty balls that are the vitamin, and these big sharp glass like mirrors and rocks, they're this large compared. Who can tell me that this vitamin C is going to do the same as this chemical cauterized substance? It doesn't happen. Vitamin B1, I've got pictures of the same thing, little soft little balls, and then the vitamin B1 that's in a supplement, even though it's from food, is this big spiky hard rock slate like substance. All supplements are made that way. They use natural supplements, kerosene. Again, you use a kerosene derivative, so it's natural, but they can call it all natural. And the person with a good intention says, has to go to a lab to make this. And he says to the lab, I want an all natural, all food derived vitamin. Can you make it? The laboratory wants the work. He says, sure. Where is he going to get that food from a food? Where is he going to get the food to do that? If he has to grow it, it will cost you $1,000 a pill. If he has to grow the food, if he has to process that food, cultivate it, grow it, process it. So what does the laboratory do? The laboratory goes to Purina, General Mills, and buys their waste product that's already been heavily chemically treated, processed with heat and who knows what else, sells it to this laboratory. And this laboratory says, I never used any heat. I never used any chemicals except for a natural kerosene. It never says it's a kerosene derivative. And there he says, you've got an all-natural food-based substance. It's all marketing bullshit. It is not good. It's all poisonous stuff.

Q: On a similar thing, so what about the green powder that they sell?

A: The spirulina, yes.

Q: No, not spirulina, the mixed green.

A: The green what?

Q: The green powders you can find in superfoods like supergreens.

A: Oh, the superfoods. Same thing. They have to dry it and process it. You dry it and process it, you change it back into a mineral. Plants eat minerals, we don't. Can't digest it. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] If I want to explain to somebody who doesn't know about this diet, how can I explain that fat is good for them?

A: Just tell them to read the book. If they're asking me, I say to everybody, read the book. If I want a quick little story that I give them, I say, how important are fats? You get your greatest strength from fats. Two and a half times more energy from a fat than from a carbohydrate or a protein. Look at your weight lifters. They are fat. Have you ever seen a wrestler who's not fat? If a wrestler isn't fat, he's going to be a dead man, quickly. Fat is so important in the body. It binds with toxins, and I say no more. It's all it takes. People get it. Everybody wants strength, wants protection, and wants energy. And they want to get rid of from their toxins so I give them those reasons for the fats. There are a lot more reasons that they can read that in the book. So I wrote the book so I don't have to answer that question. Do you have a question?

Q: What is gout from and how do I prevent it?

A: Gout is from acids that collect in the body when they accompany some kind of other toxin from a food based substance. Eating too much cooked meat will do it. The tribes that eat nothing but cooked meats, no vegetables or anything, they only have five diseases and one of them is gout. So eating a lot of cooked meat substances causes a lot of uric acid to form that causes gout. Other acids can cause it too and accompany with that. So do you eat a lot of cooked meat?

Q: Yes.

A: So you better eat, you know, if you're eating cooked meat you have to eat a raw vegetable salad with green leaves in it, some pineapples, something to help neutralize some of that uric acid. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: If I may, two. One quick one about warts.

A: Yeah?

Q: And one, in your book you talk about cooked starches and over the years it seems like you've developed more ideas about that.

A: No, they're the same. You just use them as medicine when you need them. If you've got hyperactivity and problems and you use cooked starch, if you're too hungry, like when I'm in Asia, I can't get it, you know, sometimes I haven't taken enough butter with me, and the meat fat doesn't fill me and I have more hydrochloric acid even though I don't have much in my stomach and my intestines. You still produce and utilize hydrochloric acid. So I can get ravenously hungry, painfully hungry. I'll eat a quarter, a third of a cup of rice, boiled rice with no salt in it, with some kind of, like, coconut cream or a little butter or a lot of butter if I have it. Equal amount of the cooked starch with the butter, and that'll take care of my hunger for two weeks.

Q: Is it white rice?

A: Yeah, white or brown, doesn't matter, as long as it's not wild rice.

Q: Try to keep it plain and not like whole grains, not whole wheat or brown rice.

A: Well, rice doesn't matter, but if you're using wheat, it's better to be processed.

Q: I like to eat my butter and honey on a piece of toast.

A: Well, it's not the greatest thing, but, you know, it's a way onto the diet.

Q: Why not wild?

A: It causes some kind of intestinal problems in experimenting with it.

Q: What's that?

A: Wild rice can cause all kinds of problems. I've had all kinds of reactions from people who've tried it.

Q: Do you have a topical thing, the same thing for warts?

A: Well, warts are tumors. Tumors usually from dead cartilage cells that build into the skin because the body can't dissolve them, so it makes tumors on the surface of the skin. Onion and vinegar will help dissolve them.

Q: Topically?

A: Topically, yeah.

Q: No butter?

A: Well, you don't want butter. You don't want to preserve those cells. You want to dissolve those cells. Now, I had a mole here that was quite large. Twice, almost three times this size. It was black my whole life, and then it got bigger and swollen and inflamed. And they usually say that's going into cancer. o I took vinegar and put it on three times a day, just rubbed it in there. It took a minute just to rub it in. Rubbed it in three times a day, and then after the third day it just peeled off in layers. Every day a layer peeled off. Now it's small again, the way it originally was, but not black. It's brown now, light brown, or medium brown. So vinegar will help do it. Some people with warts and with tumors on their skin, vinegar doesn't do it. So you need onion and vinegar. Vinegar one day, onion one day. It's close to the eye, do it before you go to sleep so your eye isn't open. One day use vinegar, one day use onion.

Q: Is that a natural exfoliant then?

A: Yes it is, but it can damage your skin if you put it on a large area. See, a mole or a wart or tumors are already dead cells. You don't want to put it on live skin, but no more than a few minutes. No more than 15-20 minutes if you're using it as an exfoliator.

Q: Just take a piece of the onion and put it over where the wart is?

A: Yes, what you could do is just squeeze a little, get a drop out so you can get it very local. So you've got a bubble of the onion on there, not one that's runny enough to run, but you can still have a little bubble that can be absorbed over a period of time.

Q: You're taking side questions.

A: Any onion, any onion will do. Oh, not the green leaf onion, not that, but the bulb onion, root onion, okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I know you already addressed supplements, but I have a question about CoQ10, what you know about it, and if you can't take it in one of those pills that they're provided in, how do you take it?

A: It's still toxic, it's a chemical. CoQ10 is chemical, it is not natural. Okay, even if it's made from natural substances, it is chemical.

Q: All substances are chemical.

A: Looking at it that way, if it's biochemical, in the Philippines, they have on their pharmacies a lot of them biochemists. Guy's no more a biochemist than a frog is an ant.

Q: How about vitamin E?

A: Pardon?

Q: Vitamin E.

A: Vitamin E is the most toxic vitamin there is out there. She's very cold. 99% of the vitamin E out there is from Fuji and Kodak. It's a byproduct of developing film. It is one of the most toxic substances on the earth. Fuji and Kodak spent millions of dollars every year, and scientists trying to figure out what to do with this toxic waste substance, because they would spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year over the planet, putting this in graves in the ground, in stainless steel, very thick cauldrons, 55 to 100 gallons. They had to pay to make these caves, these tombs, plus maintain everything. So the process of transporting and everything was frightfully expensive. So one of the scientists finally came up with the idea, hey, this looks like 70% the molecular structure of vitamin E. Let's call it vitamin E and sell it as vitamin E. So even the natural substances that say natural vitamin E from corn or soybeans, five units per 100 will be natural. The rest is Koji and Fudak garbage, Kodak and Fuji.


A: So it's very toxic. Vitamin E is the worst. And if you look at what happened to Diane Cannon, when I worked at Aunt Tilly's health food store in Beverly Hills, Diane Cannon used to consume a bottle of vitamin E a week. It ripped her skin and made it like tissue paper, and you know what happened to her psychologically for 10 years if you saw her story. And I warned her. I warned her every time she took one capsule. But it makes my skin so soft, it's going to dissolve your whole freaking body. And it did. Her mind, her brain, everything. So vitamin E is one of the worst. Do you have a question?

Q: A friend of mine has like the nails, not like little pink, you know, those white spots, but it's like actual nail strips on all his nails.

A: He took some kind of calcium supplement at some time that was rock, and his body is just trying to get rid of it through the nail. Our body is trying to get rid of a lot of toxic minerals in the hair and nails. And that's usually calcium buildup. Sometimes if you've eaten a big salt, if you've been a big salt eater, salt will cause a destruction of calcium in the body, and then that can cause white streaks or spots too.

Q: Not white, actual lines of a paler color on each side of the nail.

A: Those are minerals, toxic minerals, cooked minerals.

Q: Are they vertical or horizontal?

A: It doesn't matter.

Q: If it's pinkish, they're light, like a lighter...

A: Pale white, pale off-skin.

Q: Yellowish.

A: Yellowish? Then that could be, if it's yellow, it could be penicillin.

Q: Like dead nails.

A: Yeah, it could be penicillin involved in that. Penicillin lives in the joints mostly, and it discards through the nails often. When it's yellow, you know you're discarding penicillin waste. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. Where are we right now with the whole radioactive thing?

A: We're right here at 2900 Kanan Dume Road.

Q: What's going on? I don't have TV, I don't listen to the radio much. Are they going to force us to all be vaccinated?

A: They are threatening to. We have the Geneva Convention laws that we're signed into. But they can try to do anything. Right now, I had a two-page one, a responsibility. They took the responsibility if they make you take the vaccine. I've got a four-page one that I'm just finishing. Four-page. If they make you take it, you say, sign this and I'll take it. That means they have to pay you a phenomenal amount of money, if anything happens to you, they have to take care of you the rest of your life.

Q: I'm putting this on the website.

Q: Can we get one from you?

Q: Listen, you can get it.

A: Well, first of all, it's going in the next newsletter. Then, after about a month, because it won't be coming out until mid-October. So, if you want it sooner than that, you have to subscribe to my newsletter and get it. Otherwise, he's going to post it right around October 1st.

Q: www.notoswineflu.net. It's going to be a place where you sign in and then you can get his whole report. But you've just got to do the report, it will be in the newsletter. So, it's going to take a little while to get there.

Q: In your opinion, do you think that they're going to get away with doing mandatory vaccinations?

A: Not in this country, easily. They're going to do it in 170... They've already got 194 countries signed on to do it, including England.

Q: So, who signs that? What kind of person has to sign that?

A: Whoever is making you take it. Let me tell you, once they read it, nobody is going to sign it. They're going to say, I've got to get my supervisor here. That supervisor is going to take a look at it. It's going to go all the way, just like at the airports. When I want to get something through, I go to that supervisor. Nobody is going to want to sign that, because they're saying, if something happens to you because of this vaccine, I will take care of you for your life. For the rest of your life.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Anybody who makes you take a vaccine is an authority. If they're taking the responsibility for forcing you to take a vaccine, they have to sign it. I use a lot more laws and a lot more reasoning. Kathy, do you have a question?

Q: Oh yeah, first of all, my leg is, you know, you said something, it's going down to my ankle, the poison from, where do I, just put a hot water bottle at the end of it?

A: I can see that you have a lot of connective tissue damage. But when the lymph system dumps its waste products, it dumps it between the skin and the muscle. Listen, skin and muscle. So, when you perspire, they get removed from under the skin. Your entire connective tissue is backed up. You need to take 35 to 40 minute baths, at least once a day, every day.

Q: That's what I'm doing.

A: Okay, and you have to do that for probably the rest of your life.

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, 35 to 40, 45 minute bath every day, at least one. If I were you and the condition of your legs, I'd be taking two a day. Two a day. Yep.

Q: One in the morning, one at night.

A: Correct.

Q: So then maybe that will lessen it coming out.

A: Absolutely. No, it'll help get it out. Right now, it's stuck in your connective tissue. Stuck under the skin, those waste products. And it's causing a rupturing of your veins and arteries. Well, the veins and capillaries.

Q: Is that dangerous?

A: Well, it can be dangerous. You can go into gangrene, unlikely, but you can go into gangrene. And you need to have some cabbage juice, about two to three ounces of cabbage juice every other day. Green cabbage juice, not the red, green. Two to three ounces of green cabbage juice every other day.

Q: And that's for the liver?

A: That's...

Q: Along with my other juice.

A: Yeah, well, yes.

Q: I'm doing...

A: Yes, along with your other juice.

Q: I'm doing the beet, carrot, celery, and cucumber.

A: And you'll be having, by itself, separately, two to three ounces of green cabbage juice every other day. That has a lot of vitamin K and vitamin U in it. Kathy, listen to me. That has a lot of vitamin K and vitamin U in it, which prevents ulcerations. It prevents bleeding. And she's got a lot of bleeding in her connective tissue, under the skin.

Q: What am I supposed to do? I'm already supposed to go to this lady's petition, October 1st to the 7th.

A: To do what?

Q: Just to visit with her.

A: So?

Q: I can't. I already bought my ticket.

A: So?

Q: It's okay.

A: Well, no. Just try to do one bath a day while you're visiting.

Q: And the cabbage.

A: And the cabbage? So you don't take it for a week.

Q: I can't take a bath in that hotel. The room is, the bath water is toxic.

A: Where are you going to be?

Q: At the Holiday Inn Express.

A: Where?

Q: In Wilcox, Arizona.

A: They sell milk in several health food stores there.

Q: I just take the vinegar and I just take the salt.

A: Yeah, just put it in the water, yeah. And that's all. You can make coconut cream while you're there too. If you don't have the milk, you can put that in the water. Oh, because I went from 185 to 140. I've got a little extra skin here that has to go away. And that will take a few months.

Q: Are you going to stay at that weight?

A: I don't know.

Q: If I'm lacking oxygen in my room, don't get an oxygen machine or something.

A: That's up to you. Oxygen in the cans is not natural oxygen. Rinse some plants and put it in your room. Or you've got a hotel room. Are there any trees around?

Q: No, I'm talking about in my room, house room now.

A: In your house, you have plants.

Q: Yeah, I do have plants.

A: Okay. That's where you get your oxygen.

Q: But it doesn't seem like I'm gagging for oxygen.

A: No, that's because you're not absorbing enough. Could be your lymph system, your connective tissue is so backed up that your body's now discarding toxins through your lungs. You're using it as a detox center instead of an absorption.

Q: What should I do?

A: Baths. Baz. Okay? Do you have a question? Okay? Do you have a question, sir?

Q: About hernias.

A: About what?

Q: Hernias. I was doing, I think, a little bit of exercise, abdominal exercises. [unintelligible]

A: So you've got a hernia? You've got a hernia?

Q: Well, maybe. It's coming. It's been there about three years. I look after it. There's nothing happening. No problems at all. But I'd like to stop that weakness there, which is coming through, because I think it's been torn.

A: Just remember, if you have an ulcer, you've got toxins in that tissue that won't heal. You've got to remove the toxins first. Clay packs there, wet all night long, will help draw those poisons out. Vinegar, a little vinegar in that clay will help draw out and neutralize and protect the skin a little bit better. And you can put butter all around the area outside of where you're going to apply the pack, the clay pack, the moist clay pack.

Q: It's inside.

A: I know, but still, it will help. Anytime you have anything that's close to the skin, you can feed it from the outside. Because let me tell you, when you first go on to a raw diet, a good healthy diet, every other cell internally is going to take the nutrients. The skin and anything near the skin always gets starved. It's like an orphanage, the big strong kids get all the food first, the little weak ones don't get much. And that's the way it is in the body.

Q: You said put honey in the cabbage juice or no honey?

A: No honey in the cabbage juice, okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yes, so I get like allergies, something in the air, I can't say it's seasonal because it's not always in the fall or could be in the fall.

A: Where are you from?

Q: Mostly here, LA Orange County.

A: We've got chemtrails, see the chemtrails? They're starting to dump it, they dumped it heavily. Chemtrails have uranium, barium, all kinds of poisons. They've been doing this to us for 15 years now that I've observed. Most people think it started in 1998. I don't know where they were. I was on Venice Beach, you know, and I watched it every day from almost to 89. So you've got all that stuff dumping.

Q: It's not that I have it, like, all year or whatever. It's just like, it's kind of weird. I thought it was going away and then all of a sudden this here had a really bad reaction.

A: Whenever it builds up in your mucous membranes, you're going to have a problem.

Q: Right, so how would you deal with that?

A: I eat spirulina, I mean, chlorella and clay with milk. Also vinegar and milk.

Q: Assuming you're on the right diet.

Q: So you're eating it, eating all that.

A: Yes, I'm eating that.

Q: Is that what goes for me too, is it separately? Because I'm suffering the breathing problem.

A: Same thing, but your real problem is your connective tissue is jammed.

Q: How come it came like that? I've been following this 12 years now.

A: Yeah, but you never had that, you never had a proper circulation. That's why I was having you do the baths two days a week, it just isn't working. And for some people it doesn't work. They need them every day, even to a day. I have a learning curve too. I'm not God yet.


Q: But you're working on it.

A: I'm trying. Give me a couple more lives. So, you know, having that, eating, drinking milk, anything that's going to pull the poisons out of the body and neutralize them. Cheese is a great binder of poisons. Eggs help build the mucus to bind with it, keep it from being absorbed into the body.

Q: What would be the recipe of chlorella, clay, and milk?

A: I didn't have that, actually. I put the vinegar in the milk, clay I just eat, and the chlorella I usually put with egg and cottage cheese.

Q: Okay. Thank you.

A: Well, as far as the chlorella, I probably have a heaping teaspoon a day. Probably have two heaping teaspoons if you've got a bigger problem. And then I have about, depending upon, you know, five tablespoons of cottage cheese with a meat meal. And I'll put the chlorella in with the cottage cheese, egg. I like that flavor, cottage cheese egg and sour cream and the chlorella and some meat together. That's what I do when they're bombing us. And they just started. You can see the streaks already. See, by the time that reaches Los Angeles, it's going to be spread out and you're just going to think it's a cloud.

Q: It's formaldehyde.

A: Oh, they have all kinds of stuff in it. Like somebody had an analysis of many of them and there was something like 67 ingredients. And definitely getting rid of military waste products by dumping them on the world. Like Kodak and Fuji selling vitamin E.

Q: So they just want to poison us, is that why they’re doing it?

A: I think they just want to get rid of waste products. So like Kodak and Fuji, they don't have to buy land and bury it. They can use their money for more destructive purposes.

Q: Like with fluoride and the aluminum industry.

A: Yeah, the fluoride is put into our water, forced into our water to get rid of it. And the military industry is the greatest user of products that are produced with fluoride, that have a fluoride byproduct. Okay, let's go on. Do you have a question? You right here. Did I ask you, did you have a question on it?

Q: Yes.

A: Did you ask the question? You with the glasses. You asked the question?

Q: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I asked the question.

A: Okay, I answered the question. Oh, that's right, I'm on the back row. Do you have a question?

Q: No.

A: No? Do you have a question?

Q: When it comes to sunlight on the eyes, is there a health benefit from that?

A: I'm sorry, your accent is a little heavy for me. Irish accent, I still don't get it.

Q: When it comes to sunlight and on the eyes, is there a health benefit from that? Does it matter whether you wear shades all the time or should you get some?

A: There's always a benefit. You would even absorb vitamin D into the brain when light enters. There was a period when I used sunglasses and when the cancer went down and burned my cornea, created a layer of five, eight layers of scar tissue. The light would cause me, I never had wrinkles this way, just this way. But after that, you know, I was going like this just trying to block and reflect the light. So for a year, when it was an overcast day, it was so glaring that I had to use sunglasses. But only if it's in a case like that do I suggest that people use sunglasses. If not, my sunglasses are John Lennon little beady round ones, so lots of light still passes in. But it still helps and I still get light in. So if you wear sunglasses like that, light will still get into your eye. Because your brain needs vitamin D. And even your eyes themselves will get stronger and healthier. Because you don't have a lot of muscle in the eye, but the iris is all muscle. And there are several muscles internally and they need vitamin D. Or else your eyes will warp and some of the muscles will buckle and then you have warped eyesight. Either near farsightedness or nearsightedness. Do you have a question?

Q: My question concerns pathogens. In the primal diet it says that pathogens consume the dead and dying cells.

A: Ok, first of all, I say that there is no such thing as a pathogen when it comes to bacteria. Things that are called pathogens. Pathogen means disease causing. Bacteria never causes disease. Chemicals cause disease. The pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry and the industrial complex don't want you to know that everything they produce causes cancer and disease. So they call all the natural things as pathogenic so that you are completely confused and stupid. Ok, so bacteria that clean up that are janitors are just janitors. They eat decaying, dead or toxic tissue. Depending upon how toxic, they may not be able to eat it because it will just kill them. So then your body creates virus which are not alive, they are just solvents to dissolve that matter that is so contaminated.

Q: So my question was concerning, and I'll reword it, parasites for this matter. I understand that sometimes the parasites can escape the digestive tract and enter the blood. Now, is there a chance eating raw meat that a particular parasite can enter the brain and actually thrive in your brain tissue? Because I've seen, I've talked to my dad's doctor who has seen cases of that happening where he's seen parasites enter the brain. And I've actually, there's a show on TV called Monsters Inside Me.

A: Yeah, that, if you look at that, if you look at all of the, I've broken it up in a movie program. And they're not the same cuts, they're not the same worms, and they're not even coming out of the brain tissue. And you can see the line where they infused it in. So that was a false video created to scare people. It was not a true one. However, there are parasites in the brain. But again, parasites in brain tissue, and I've eaten brain tissue that has parasites in it as an experiment from calves brain. And it doesn't pass through there. If they've had a vaccine, let's say they were given dewormers. Dewormers cause a lot of dissolution of the spinal cord and the brain. You have your own natural parasites in your brain tissue. When you die and decompose, all of a sudden you have all these worms. That's part of the decomposition process. If it's happening while you're alive, you've done something pretty toxic to damage your brain. But it's not going to pass from one tissue to another. You don't get an intestinal parasite that lives in the brain. Your heart worm lives in the heart. The intestinal worm lives in the intestine. It doesn't move out, unless that person is on the way out and dying.

Q: You're saying there's no risk from eating raw meat and getting a parasite.

A: That's absolutely fiction. You haven't read both of my books?

Q: I read both of your books.

A: Then I must have it in one of my newsletters or something. When I discovered, after 13 years of worrying about getting a parasite or a brain fluke to make me an idiot again, because I was autistic. Then I said after 13 years I'd eaten all kinds of parasite infested tissue and never gotten a parasite. So I said, okay, let me go see who's backing this information that we'll get a parasite from eating meat, raw meat. Not one university had ever done any laboratory experiment. I have. Not one of those animals, even though they're sickly animals that I fed parasite infested tissue to. I was one of the ones that ate them. I never got a parasite. They never got a parasite. So as far as I'm concerned, it's all fiction.

Q: A doctor who I talked to that said he's dealt with patients who have gotten tumors as a result of a parasite or something like that?

A: That's their theory. There's no laboratory experiment to prove that that happens. But there's a lot of laboratory animals that get cancer because they're not eating naturally. They're not in natural environments. They're injecting them and feeding them stuff with chemicals in it.

Q: And then maybe just a request at the end of the interview. In the primal diet, you mentioned a person named Bruno.

A: Bruno Corigliano.

Q: Corigliano?

A: Yeah.

Q: You said he taught you for three and a half years about this diet.

A: He tutored me. Not this diet. Just tutored me on nutrition. He was about a 70-75% raw person.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. And he's dead now. He went and got the hepatitis B vaccine. Got AIDS because of it. And went the regular medical route. They killed him.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no. He was here. Bruno was here in Los Angeles. Do you have a question? Way back there standing up.

Q: Yes. I actually am starting to experience random nerve firing.

A: Are you going to go? Let me get your question in before you go, okay? Oh, you don't. Okay. I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Q: It's four days old, but I've experienced sporadic thousands of things in the past.

A: From what?

Q: I actually don't know. I'm wondering what's causing it. I initially noticed this back when I used to be smoking marijuana. But I've been in and out of that. I'm currently not going to deal with that anymore.

A: Usually, when I was very thin and a fruitarian vegetarian, I used to get muscle spasms all the time. It's because you don't have enough fat in the muscles. The lactic acid will build up. I had it tremendously when I was bicycling. I used to get spasms all the time because I was exercising and didn't have any fat in the muscles.

Q: I've got consistent firing. Before, I would note the difference between an exercise spasm and a neurological condition of some kind. I'm not shaking or anything. It's just heated, flashy, electric feeling.

A: That's how mine reacted.

Q: I've just started to consume tons of fat and tons of butter.

A: Butter, butter, butter, butter. Not as much cream, but some cream.

Q: That will eventually subside, I'm assuming. I keep myself awake and I'm assuming it will get worse.

A: That's what happens when you're so thin.

Q: I'm getting [unintelligible] at something. I've been doing this hardcore 100% lately.

A: I noticed that thin people are much more phobic. And hypochondriac. Hypochondriatic? Is that a word? So lots of butter. The lubrication formula. For the women, it's the moisturizing part.

Q: Is [unintelligible] the cultured butter? Cultured or uncultured?

A: That's up to you. I don't like cultured. It doesn't digest as well in my system.

Q: Cultured butter?

A: Cultured butter doesn't digest as well in my system as regular butter. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I have a friend who eats a lot of wheatgrass juice. He doesn't continue his... I forgot what you said about the wheatgrass.

A: The wheatgrass juice causes alkalinity in the digestive tract and acidity in the blood. Just the opposite of why we're drinking vegetable juice. It takes an herbivore to break down wheatgrass juice. Any grass, it takes an herbivore to break it down properly. They need acidity in their blood. They need alkalinity in their intestinal tract. We need just the opposite. We need acidity in the intestinal tract and alkalinity in the blood.

Q: Wheatgrass juice.

A: I've experimented with it because there's a certain growth hormone factor I wanted to experiment with. So I put a tablespoon in like three ounces of milk. And that curbed the negative, but I didn't see any results that I thought that might happen from people who have wild ideas about things.

Q: Why do dogs eat grass when they're carnivores? Why would they want to eat grass when they don't feel well?

A: Well, like cats and dogs, they will chew on some grass to alkalinize their system a little bit. But they're only taking one, two, six drops a week, something like that. So it's as a medicine, a very tiny amount. But when these people are downing, you know, two ounces a day, six ounces a day, eight ounces a day, they're going to damage their digestion pretty badly. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I eat the butter and honey pretty regularly. But as far as like eating milk, raw milk or cream or cheese, I start to get headaches like when the weather changes and so forth. I live in a more northern climate. And I was just wondering, do you just keep eating the raw milk and that sort of thing?

A: Well, milk can have a detoxification effect. And when you're going into a climate change, it helps pull out toxic fats, I mean fats that will have toxic substances in them.

Q: Like even today, I've had milk for the first time in several weeks. And all of a sudden now I've got a headache.

A: Then you should have honey in your milk. Are you gulping it cold?

Q: No, I just had it here warm.

A: And you're sipping it?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, then I would suggest putting honey in your milk. Maybe about three tablespoons per quart and sip it. And I would eat cheese if you're having that reaction during certain times of year. Eat cheese regularly while you're sipping your milk. Usually salt causes headache, especially sodium. You know, toxic. That will cause high blood pressure in the brain. And kind of toxic. Also, you can have the headache formulas. But if it's due from drinking the milk, then it's better to have the cheese. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: What do you advise for high blood pressure?

A: Like I say in the book, high blood pressure can be lowered or increased with garlic. So garlic can either lower or raise the blood pressure. Also grapefruit. Garlic will do whatever you need. We'll either raise it or lower it.

Q: Is that raw?

A: Raw, of course. So I mean you can put garlic in butter, make a garlic butter. That's the way I eat it. And then grapefruit. Half a grapefruit a day will help regulate blood pressure. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I'm encouraged to have more eggs, raw eggs, rocky style. And every time I have one I feel like I've got lead and it's not going to be a good day. A bad day.

A: Are you eating cheese before you have your eggs?

Q: Sometimes, but even then it's still heavy.

A: Then just have a little bit of honey either with it in your mouth.

Q: Oh, at the same time?

A: Yes.

Q: So, and the eggs are going to reduce your blood pressure?

A: Not usually, but it does sometimes.

Q: Tell me again about raw eggs.

A: Raw eggs, the protein and the fats are liquid, so they're easily digestible, so you don't have to have a lot of acids to digest it. If you have trouble digesting eggs, you're bacterially deficient in your digestive tract. So you need to eat foods that will help digest it. Honey is a quick fix, but it's really the bacteria that will digest the eggs in the final stage. So increasing eating high meat, eating rotten eggs, that's how you build your bacteria. You guys came in late, right? Anybody else that came in late that hasn't paid? Okay, so just it's $30, we'll get it at the end. Let's see, who hasn't asked a question yet?

Q: Just another thing...

A: No, no, no, let me get everybody else. What is your question?

Q: I have a congenital heart problem. I have a [unintelligible]. So I'm fighting potential surgery. So I've altered my diet quite drastically. And I'm just curious as to what I should be eating.

A: Bone marrow and heart from any animal.

Q: What's that?

A: Bone marrow and heart together. Eat them together. Bone marrow and heart. Buffalo heart's probably one of the best hearts to get. A buffalo heart maybe is about this big. And the animal's giant. I mean, it's incredible. It's the smallest heart for a large animal. And it powers a buffalo.

Q: So you put it in a smoothie or something, blend it?

A: No, I just like the taste of the heart. So I just eat it.

Q: Where can I get it?

A: North Star bison. Well, from Rawsome. They have buffalo heart. Are you here locally?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, then go to Rawsome and get a buffalo heart. And they have the bone marrow right in the same two containers. So you get the heart and the bone marrow together. And eat once a day. Eat some heart with, you know, about a half a cup of heart with at least, you know, or just one bone marrow from one bone. Okay. Just do it every day and it will clear up in about a year, year and a half.

Q: If we can get two million people to get that, like they did for the Obama healthcare, we'd be on TV and get all the publicity we need to get it.

A: You get two million people together, I'll be one of them. Definitely.

Q: Can I ask Allison's question?

A: Yes.

Q: She just wanted to know, unwashed eggs versus washed eggs. Apparently you said something, but she wants to hear it from you.

A: Okay. Unwashed eggs. I get unwashed eggs whenever I can because they use a detergent. It destroys some of the bacteria. It deprives the egg of the ability to reproduce. And it does stop the bacterial growth inside the egg from the outside in. So I like bacteria, bacteria is 99% of any organic function of any animal. So I want bacteria, I want as much as I can get. So unwashed eggs, I mean people see me going Asian, I buy this chicken shit egg, you know, and I go, I like this, suck it out and they go, you know, you're gonna die. And I said, how many chickens, how many animals do you see around going around licking each other's butts with the E. coli in the feces? I'm just having it off of the egg.

Q: Are Rawsome eggs okay?

A: They're okay. They're pretty good.

Q: Are they washed?

A: There's no soy in them.

Q: Yay.

A: No soy, important. They wash them. I try to get them not, but she's afraid.

Q: I thought they just told me that they don't wash them just the other day.

A: They wash them. They'd have chicken shit all over them.

Q: If you wash them with just water, would that be okay?

A: It's okay, but you still destroy bacteria. Water is a solvent. There's a protective coating on an egg. Even when it's just washed with water, it's removed.

Q: And you should never refrigerate eggs, right?

A: Never refrigerate eggs. If it's refrigerated already, get them out of the refrigerator.

Q: Amos' eggs are better because they don't wash them.

A: Well, he listens to me.

Q: How much better are his eggs than regular unwashed eggs?

A: Well, Amos raises his chickens the way I want. He takes the guts from a butchered animal, throws them out on a pallet, lets the flies lay all their maggots. The birds eat the rotten meat and the guts and everything in them and the maggots. His chickens follow you around like cats and they'll rub up against you. They never peck each other. They have everything they need. They are a happy, wonderful, healthy chicken.

Q: He doesn't give them any feed either, does he?

A: No, he gives them sprouted in buttermilk or whey or some kefir. He gives them some sprouted grains like oats.

Q: How much better is going to be an egg from a chicken that eats as much meat as Amos' do as your typical eggs we're getting around here from Rawsome and the farmer's markets?

A: Considerably better.

Q: Worth going out of your way for, a little bit better?

A: Considerably better. Worth it. Definitely worth it.

Q: Really? Where are they?

A: Pennsylvania.

Q: So, a long drive.

A: Well, yeah, but I mean, if we can have them sent, David has them shipped out here, and you connect with David, you can get some of the, and some of those eggs are completely rotten.

Q: All right.

Q: What did you do with that big bunch of eggs you got from Amos when you shipped them?

A: I ate them all.

Q: Did you make them go rotten first, or did you eat them fresh?

A: No, they were probably, half of them were already rotten.

Q: What are you doing with all those glass containers up there, like that?

A: They're going to get shipped to a co-op in Chicago. I'm waiting to get a pallet load. You know, in India, they use glasses like that to build homes, incredible homes, and they'll fill them with different colors of sand, and, you know, quite remarkable homes. I would do that if I were going to live here, but I'm not. Okay, anybody who hasn't had a question, ask and answer. Lisa, how did I miss you? Oh, you went to the toilet, how dare you. Okay, ask.

Q: Tell me about liver spots [unintelligible].

A: Liver spots, but what they are is, you have organs like your liver, pancreas, spleen, and bladder have dark tissue. Once they no longer help create hormones and function in that organ, or gland, they go to the skin. They are still live cells, they can function as skin, but not as a gland or an organ, so they go out to the skin.

Q: Are they bad cells?

A: No, no. You're just more colorful. More colorful. I think you have spots like, you know, your cheetah top there.

Q: Mine have disappeared.

A: Pardon?

Q: My liver spots have been disappearing like crazy.

A: Well, they come and they go. Then you're getting rid of those cells. You no longer need them.

Q: But it doesn't matter what you have.

A: Pardon?

Q: So it's not from a bad liver?

A: Well, they are not functioning in the liver, so they're not helping the liver, but they're still alive and they can function as skin.

Q: Are they liver cells?

A: Yeah, they're actual liver. Well, they're either liver, gallbladder, spleen, or pancreas.

Q: Oh.

A: One of those dark glands. They're your skin for a while. I have a lot of them. Ever since I got those injections, I'm loaded with them. I have probably a hundred times the freckles after those three injections.

Q: Is that because of the...

A: The damage to the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and spleen. So you stay away from any injection. Since last time I used a dog, I hired a chihuahua. Literally, I hired a chihuahua. To make noise as a bodyguard, yes. Because I figured a big dog, you can get them, they smell the meat a far away way, raw meat, and you can feed them, they're dead if anybody wanted to get to me. So your chihuahua is going to bark at the faint sound of anything moving. So I would have it in the room, absolutely.

Q: What about the vaccines they require when you go abroad? Can you get out of them?

A: There are only a few countries that demand, and it's for yellow fever, like if you're going from Peru to Brazil, you have to have the yellow fever, but not really. If you quote the Geneva Convention, and they will just, they can hold you up for 24 hours. And I know many people who haven't taken the injections and still get in.

Q: I falsified documents. I did the exact thing. I went to Peru, and I had to come back through Brazil, and they wouldn't let me in.

Q: In Africa? Africa, do they have stuff in Africa?

A: Only in certain countries, and it's only the yellow fever. In any country, that's the only one that they demand, but you don't really, it isn't really if you put up a fuss about it. The most they'll do is hold you for 24 hours. Okay, so everybody got their questions asked and answered. Oh, those were mine. Thank you for coming, everybody.


A: Everybody happy? Does everybody know the DVD is out?