Q&A Of October 21, 2007

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: Do you use coconut cream to wash your hair?

A: Fermented coconut cream. It works very well. I mean it's a little oily for the first day but I don't mind. It's kind of a fad. Well remember when I had the long hair I did the same thing.

Q: When you shave with coconut cream you don't have to wash your face after?

A: No, I don't have to wash my face after.

Q: You don't have to wash your face after.

A: That's right.

Q: It is so nice.

A: It's wonderful.

Q: Do you leave that coconut cream in your bathroom?

A: I just leave it in the bathroom.

Q: You let it ferment.

A: Yeah. I mean my bathroom is probably a little colder than most people's because I'm up in the Malibu mountains.

Q: Oh, it's a great fire.

A: I know.

Q: What do you mean by fermenting when you say fermenting? What does that mean?

A: It just starts turning sour. You smell it fermenting.

Q: I use that for my skin and my hair. The dog has a tumor. When I put it on the dog's tumor, he licks it off. He doesn't like that.

A: Okay.

Q: I have a question. I have too much bile in my system. How serious a problem is that?

A: You've gotten rid of half of your bile already. When I first met you, you were yellow.

Q: Last time you saw me, you said I had a ton of bile.

A: Yeah, you still have it coming out in periods. But you don't have as much out. From two months ago when I saw you, you don't have half as much coming out as you did that time.

Q: I have...

A: Bile?

Q: No, I didn't.

A: Well, you see, he was a very skinny person, very thin and very weak. When I met Joseph, he was like this.

Q: I still am.

A: No, no, when you look at all this strength you have, all this muscle, I mean you used to be so skinny.

Q: [Laughter]

A: And anyway, when you don't have fat in your body, the body uses bile to try to, like hydrochloric acid, tries to neutralize toxins that way. But that causes a very caustic reaction throughout the system, a lot of irritation and internal sensitivity. And the Asians have a lot of that because they eat so much rice. And they don't eat much fat unless they're on my diet. Singaporeans, they even put in the Chinese newspaper. They put my books on there and put them on the front page, you know, all about my diet because there were a lot of these Asians who were real skinny and now they look like healthy Americans. So the Chinese newspaper did an article in Chinese, so that had to be translated for me so I could read Chinese. So I have a whole group in Singapore and a group in Australia, several groups in Australia do that. And now in China, since that was released now, there's a group in China for me. And they don't eat much, they didn't used to eat much fat. You know, they're getting more of a Western influence, more fat. So they would use bile to mix with a lot of their internal toxicity and that makes them yellow. And all of the Asians who are on this diet for a period of time go from yellow to a normal complexion.

Q: So Asians are being thought of a race of being yellow.

A: No, they're not yellow. It's a race of bile.

A: Yeah, I've got a Thai girlfriend who is a dark yellow. You know, she's from, her family were farmers. And now she's a travel agent. And she's been on the diet for about four years. She doesn't eat all the red meat, and she doesn't eat all raw meat, but she eats the raw coconut cream, which is a normal thing in their diet anyway. But she always eats the raw now instead of cooked. And she has a lot of the fat. She'll drink the milk now, stuff like that. And her skin has gone towards a reddish complexion now, a reddish dark complexion, more like the American Indian, not that dark, unless she gets in the sun. And a lot of your Asians will turn gray, straight, and black skin if they're in the sun, and sort of the African Americans if they're in the sun on a toxic diet. If you're on a good diet, it will always be a reddish complexion rather than a gray, black complexion. So that's getting rid of bile, carrot juice, and coconut cream.

Q: I've been using a lot of coconut cream. Maybe that's going to help.

A: That will help, definitely. So coconut cream and let's say you're putting, let's say you have six ounces, but if you're smaller, you're only four ounces. But an average of about six ounces of carrot juice with three to four tablespoons of coconut cream, three to four tablespoons of dairy cream, and some honey in there is also helpful. It's a delicious drink, but don't gulp it. Take it down slowly because it's still cold.

Q: How old can that coconut cream get?

A: It can get very old. Just remember the raunchier the better.

Q: Like a year old?

A: I have never had it for a year. I've got different batches brewing to see how long it will last in the refrigerator. Outside the refrigerator I've let it sit for up to three months and still been fine. I have some now working on fifth month, but I haven't tried it yet.

Q: It's still kind of sour. It's still okay?

A: It's better. It works better.

Q: How do you know it's so good anymore though?

A: When it turns black.

Q: What if I add honey with it. Does it preserve it?

A: That doesn't preserve it. That will ferment it quicker.

Q: Oh, it will?

A: Lime juice is the only thing that will.

Q: Oh, I'm going to have to end with it. So I'm fermenting it even faster, huh?

A: It ferments quicker.

Q: Is that good?

A: No.

Q: I'm glad for fermentation.

A: Yeah, but it's not the... You don't want... I wouldn't want... Because you'll create a lot more virus.

Q: I see.

A: And it might destroy too much bacteria.

Q: I got it.

A: That combination. The honey fermentation in that coconut cream, if it's the coconut cream's natural fermentation, that's different.

Q: Is it lime juice?

A: I just said.

Q: I thought you didn't tell me how much.

A: No, I said, oh, honey, I said one to two tablespoons.

Q: I have a coconut cream that I found about a month, 20 weeks, that's fine.

A: Yeah, absolutely. I have some that's that old. You might want to use that for soap or shampoo or something like that.

A: Yeah. There you go. Yeah.

Q: I have a question.

A: You have a question.

Q: Yeah.

A: What is your name?

Q: Clara.

A: Clara, hi, Clara.

Q: Hi. I'm just interested in how to make it stop clenching my jaw. And I'm sort of frustrated that I don't have an idea. I'm not sure what's going on. What can I do to stop that?

A: There are several things that cause clenching of jaw. Mostly your normal cleaning household compounds will cause clenching of jaw because of the chemistry that disturbs the brain and nervous system. Crystal meth users, crystal meth is mainly made from household detergent products. Can you imagine smoking that stuff?

Q: No.

A: You know, I don't get it. I'm sorry. But that's what they use, and that causes a lot of clenching of teeth. Caffeine can do it, lots of caffeine. If you're having caffeine in your tea, in your coffee, in your chocolate, you know, you're having all of those nerve irritants in the theobromine and the theophylline, all of that stuff is a nerve irritant. That will cause you to create more circulation to get it out of the brain. So the grinding of the teeth makes your salivary glands work and get more circulation into the area to pull that out of the brain. So always clenching of teeth is a very, very toxic reaction. Cheese, coconut cream, things that will absorb that out of the blood, neurological system and lymphatic system as it's passing through the alimentary canal.

A: Okay, do you have questions, Steve?

Q: Yeah, you know, we've been feeding my son some stuff to eat now. And after he has like-

A: You mean you're not starving him?

Q: No, we're feeding him raw meat.

A: But what do you have?

Q: It's like hamburger and avocado or chicken with pineapple with lemon, marinated lemon. Sometimes he gets like these [unintelligible] when I [unintelligible] his mouth, like on his teeth.

A: You shouldn't have that.

Q: What does that mean?

A: You're getting him too acidic. You should give him straight meat, straight dairy. No lemon, nothing, no tomato.

Q: Yeah, sometimes tomato, sometimes cucumber-

A: Never. Just straight meat. Straight meat and dairy. That's all babies need until they're about four years old.

Q: Yeah, but sometimes he doesn't like straight hamburger, straight pulled chicken.

A: Uh-huh.

Q: And so the fermented-

A: Well, don't give him lemon then. Make some kind of a cheese sauce.

Q: Okay.

A: And babies should not have over alkalinizing food. You know, maybe chewing on a little cucumber is okay because it's a collagen precursor, but never vegetable juice.

Q: Yeah, no, we never do that. It's okay to give him like milkshakes and lube, like a little bit of that.

A: You've got the lemon in it. Again, it's going to cause him to get a little sore.

Q: Okay. Is it okay to mix the meat too as one meal?

A: That's great. That's always better.

Q: That's always better?

A: Always better, yeah.

Q: He loves it.

A: You always get more balanced brain and nervous system when you mix your meat. Eat all red meat in a meal, you're likely to get irritable or have more energy. If you're going to be a sports person and you're going to exercise, eat only red meat. But if you want to be calm and balanced and be, you know, be intellectual, or at least contemplative as well as being physical, then you always mix the red with the white. And remember, white is not a color, it's a class. You know, so the fish can be orange or red and it's still in the white meat category.

Q: Okay. So just meat and dairy. That's it.

A: Pardon?

Q: Just meat and dairy... Meat and fruits too.

A: The Messiah won't even give their infants fruits.

A: Pardon?

Q: Eggs.

A: Eggs, that's okay. Eggs. Fine. Eggs, very nice. You can mix it with meat if you want.

Q: Okay.

A: I have a child that was, his mother was on the diet three months before he was born, four. He's now five years old and in the fourth grade, just entered the fourth grade.

Q: Wow.

A: He went from preschool to fourth grade.

Q: Wow.

A: And when he was not even two years old, his birthday is in December, and usually when I go to New Jersey and stay with them, I do a workshop and see patients in September because his birthday is coming up in December. And this was after the workshop, you know, Saturday evening, and we're sitting around playing on the floor and he's not even two years old. So he's like, what, 18 months? Uhh 19... He's about 19 months at this point. And, you know, I hadn't played with him, I hadn't seen him, but you know, one other time when he was not even a year, in the previous year that I saw him. And so I really didn't know what he was like. I see he was a pretty calm, happy boy. And his seven-year-old cousin was sitting there with us and she was a pain in the butt and skinny and feisty and mean and nasty. And Nicole, his mother, brought home a new board, and what it was was a wood board with the alphabet cut out to fit in, you know, his shape in that board. So she put it down between Forrest and his cousin, and the little girl picked it up. About seven minutes passed and she didn't get one in. Couldn't get one to fit in. And Forrest is encouraging her, you know, not saying anything, not in words. He's just encouraging her, you know, and you see that she's getting it close and she doesn't get it in. So she gets really upset and she throws one at him and then walks away. And little Forrest goes, F-Q-M, and puts them all in the place of the letter. So we're all stunned. And so his mother says, okay, well, sing the alphabet song. He probably heard it only once on a video because they don't let him watch TV. But, you know, once in a while he may have seen it as, you know, no, he didn't even go to preschool at that time. He was still home, he wasn't in school. And he sang the alphabet song without missing a beat even once. And I was just joking. I said, okay, sing it backwards. Without a beat, he sang it backwards.

Q: No way. Backwards?

A: Backwards, yep. And when I saw him two years ago, and he was three years old, he could tell me 187 countries, where they were on the map, where one was next to another, who ruled in it, what kind of political system, whether it was communist, monarch, patriarch, whatever it was, who was ruling the country at the time. He knew all the presidents, all the vice presidents, when they were in office, what parties they were, and nobody taught him this stuff. He just picked up a book and starts doing it. And all the children who are raised on these kind of foods are that way. It's amazing.

Q: You're not saying it's that way because it's genetic?

A: No, no, no. The father is... neither of them are brain people. The father is quite perceptive, but he's no genius. He's a martial artist, a master, a so-called master. And he teaches at a school in New Jersey with many, many, many students. And he's an avid reader, but he's not somebody who comes up with his own ideas or stuff like that. And his mother comes from blue-collar workers who do drywalling, and that's what she did. She drywalled with her family. So these aren't genius people that their parents went to Harvard or Yale or Brown or any of them. And he's quite genius. Now, I do have one child on the back of We Want to Live on that cover. You'll see that 10-year-old boy, Alex. Now, he got on the diet at a year old, and he just graduated from Yale at 19 years old. But his mother graduated from Brown, top grades. The father, he graduated from Harvard. So you'd expect that of him, but not of the other children. And they're all quite perceptive and quite genius. They're also much calmer. And you had a story about your young boy, how much calmer, more perceptive, and available he is in school. And he was a pain in the butt. He was dancing.

Q: Well, he has a night activity room. And so I understand he'd have trouble. He's a great kid. So he'll probably always have trouble in school. He might need to look at an alternate school. So he was doing the milkshake for breakfast, and then he'll have, like, a beefsteak or something, and cheese, and milk for a snack, and then lunch has another milkshake. And his teacher honestly said that he's the best well-behaved boy to have in that classroom. He's just so [unintelligible], even he's calm. But Dad's had him the last three days, and he's been having Halloween cupcakes and cookies, and that's my dad's popcorn and the warm cake and all this. And today he's just a really good kid. He's a good boy. And when they roll out on the car, he's nodding like that. Not all the time, but you can completely tell when he's been [unintelligible]. So I just try to keep pointing out to Dad and look.

A: There's probably about 75 children on this diet, and it's usually the fathers that give them the bad food. And the mothers get upset because they've got happy children who are helpful and mindful. And then the father gets home and gives them the candy and the cupcakes and the cookies and stuff. And then the kid's erratic and crazy and uncontrollable. And it's the chemicals. You have to understand, children are chemical reactors. They haven't learned to control their behavior with the mind. They're reacting completely by chemistry. Yeah, so you always have to consider that.

Q: Does the toxicity also affect them in other ways? I mean, that's a visible reaction.

A: Yeah, that's a visible.

Q: But does it affect them in other ways?

A: It could cause them to get irritable. It could set them off to have temper tantrums and stuff like that.

A: Just remember, the growth hormones in children, for some reason, they easily throw off the acidity and they're almost always over alkalinized, and they grow better that way. Highly acidic children will be smaller, you know, in cooking chemistry. So when you're eating raw, it's very important to keep the heavy acid foods away also.

Q: So what's wrong with the green juice?

A: That's what I mean. It over alkalinizes the system and they can't utilize their acidity. Yeah, so they're already over alkalinized. You put that alkaline energy in there, and then all of a sudden they stop digesting their milk, their meat, everything. And then you're really going to have trouble with them. They're going to have comprehension problems. They're not going to think right. They're going to lose their train of thought. They're not going to understand what you're saying. They can't focus.

Q: You're making them too alkaline.

A: Yeah, if you're giving them vegetables. Now I have some children-

Q: How much do you give?

A: I was going to say. If a child was raised with a lot of acid foods and the eyes are really brown and they should be green or blue, or they're black and they should be brown, then that child, you could give them maybe two tablespoons of vegetable juice every two to three, four days. If you just watch the behavior, you can see when it's too much.

Q: You don't have them check their acidity?

A: No, ignore that, completely ignore that. It doesn't make any difference. All carnivores, human carnivores, normally keep an acidic balance of 5.5. So it should be acid. All of your alternative people are saying, oh, we should be 7.0, where it's neutral. No, no, no, no. If you have a neutral, you're not going to digest your dairy. You're not going to digest any kind of animal product. So I've been 5.5, my blood, my saliva, and my urine is all 5.5. It's been that way for 23 years. I stopped eating a lot of fruit. Even my saliva is 5.5.

Q: You're dissolving teeth.

A: Pardon?

Q: You're dissolving teeth.

A: No, you see my teeth dissolving? No, my teeth dissolved when I ate all the fruit.

Q: If there's remaining 5.5 in your mouth, you will [unintelligible] your tears.

A: I don't have any more tears. I mean, that's a different kind of acidity. If you're talking about cooked food acidity, 5.5 will dissolve the teeth. But on a raw 5.5, it was not going to dissolve the teeth. If that did, the Maasai, the Samburu, the Fulani, the Estaba wouldn't have any teeth. They're all 5.5, even in the salivary gland. You have to understand there's a lot of bad conception out there that was started without science and without a thorough investigation way back with Bragg and a lot of those people back in the early 1900s. So we have analytical tools now where you can check the feces, you can check the urine, you can check what's going on and watch somebody's behavior. That was a problem. So Price started investigating the different tribes to see how they lived. And even on highly acidic diets, they had good teeth. But he never lived with the tribe long enough to come to the conclusions that he came to, to say, yes, this is definitely what happened. He just made a lot of assumptions and surmised a lot. Whereas Pottenger was experimenting... He wanted to see the actual, what they did with animals and changing their diets. And so they were the true scientists. That doesn't mean Price was bad. It just meant Price could never prove what he said.

Q: So you're saying under 5 you should not drink?

A: Under 16.

Q: Under 16.

A: You should not drink much vegetable juice.

Q: Right. But over 16 you should.

A: Pardon?

Q: You should be acidic.

A: No. Even under, you're always going to be acidic. And I'm talking about when you have growth hormones, there is a reaction of this part of toxic acid in children under 16 years old. So when they have an alkaline juice like fruit juice or vegetable juice, it causes an interference of their digestive juices. It neutralizes their digestive juices. Whereas in us, we have so many acidic poisons that are dumping into the blood every minute that we can utilize that vegetable juice all day long to neutralize that acidity with those alkalinizing minerals. If a child is brought up on the raw diet and doesn't ever eat anything cooked, they will never need any unless they get into, you know, they go into Hong Kong or somewhere, you know, or Saigon where they've got all that diesel fumes that are just coming up from all the motorcycles and everything and trucks, you know, the fumes are just heavy. So they're breathing in all this acid substance. If a child, even if he grows up on good food, if he goes into that environment, he can start drinking some of that vegetable juice to help neutralize some of that aspirated toxicity.

A: I'm going around what I do is ask people around.

Q: Okay.

A: Thank you. Let's see. So do you have a question?

Q: Dairy products are a [unintelligible]. We aim to make it because when you're de-tarping with all the mucus, wouldn't you think that all the dairy in our diet is going to contribute more to this?

A: Yeah, and you want that.

Q: And we want that?

A: Yeah. The poisons that go and lead to the mucus membranes, you better have mucus right there waiting for it because if you don't, those poisons are going to burn and damage your mucus membranes.

Q: Mucus is your friend.

A: Mucus is definitely a friend. Have you ever had dry sex?

Q: Dry sex, yeah. You need lubrication.

A: Yeah, you've got to have lubrication. You've got to have lubrication everywhere. All of your mucus membranes take and require mucus. The more mucus you produce, the faster you're going to get over your detox.

Q: So load up the dairy.

A: Yeah, but you have to understand that cooked dairy, cooked dairy, your cooked dairy will create mucus just to get rid of the cooked dairy.

Q: No, we're talking raw.

A: Raw. That's good mucus.

Q: What if it's pasteurized and homogenized dairy that you feed into the feed?

A: Then that's not good.

Q: Elaine, I'm not eating that. I'm eating the raw cheese. I eat raw cheese with the grain drink. I hate that grain drink.

A: You're eating cheese with the grain drink?

Q: Yeah.

A: That's fine.

Q: As long as it's the raw cheese, not the pasteurized and homogenized.

A: Right, yeah, right, yeah. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. Well, I have asthma for example, but most of my doctors don't have it. I know, they haven't had it. So lately, I'm having it. And I read a book, and you said, like, I'm starting this. Could you give me some guidelines? And then I learned a lot of things about mucus.

A: That's what you want. Let me tell you, if you have asthma, you've got toxins in your lungs and bronchioles. And in your esophagus. And if you weren't on a good diet, you never detoxified it properly. You just changed your diet so your body couldn't detoxify those areas. Now you're on a diet and getting nutrients where you can start cleaning out the body. And when it comes out of those areas, it eschemes the mucus. So when you cough it up and you spit it out, and they're like, I analyzed. I took mucus from the anus, you know, from the small intestines, from the throat, from the lungs. And whenever anybody's into a day detoxification, the amount of toxins that are in there are extraordinary. The most prolific that I've seen in almost everybody's lung tissue is penicillin fungus, penicillin mold. When they give you that penicillin, in order to disintegrate penicillin, they have to get up to about 800 and some degrees before it will hash and disintegrate. So they sterilize it only enough to put it into hibernation, into dormancy. And when they inject that penicillin in you, penicillin comes and becomes active within a year and a half, and it will grow in your body without ever ceasing. Penicillin is one of the worst things that was ever created. And boy, the pharmaceutical houses and medical profession says it's the greatest thing since the wheel. It was the worst thing since the wheel because it causes a tremendous amount of colic in babies and a tremendous amount of damage to lung problems in adults and in children.

Q: I got a shot when I stepped on a nail. It could have been a penicillin. How do you get rid of it?

A: How do you get rid of it? Depending upon your size, you take four to five tablespoons each of lime juice, coconut cream, and honey. One to two tablespoons of lemon juice and one quarter to one whole teaspoon of the raw apple cider vinegar. And you blend all that together, and you add it to two to four ounces of naturally sparkling mineral water. And you don't add the water to that mixture. You add the mixture to the water, and it will foam up. You better get a larger glass because it's like a float. It will foam up, foam to the top and even over if you've got a small glass. You do not want to gulp that because it will go in and irritate your kidney and bladder. That is an antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitical, and antiviral. It will stop any kind of detoxification going on in the body, and it will even damage your digestive bacteria. So you don't have that but maybe once a week, once or twice a week maximum, and never closer than three days apart. And that's only if you're having a detox that's just you can't work, you've got to take care of your children, or you have to go to work, then you have that for maybe one, two days, three days maximum in a row, and then you cut it out to one day a week just so you get through your detoxification. And that will usually allow you to function.

Q: So you just slow it down, just let it?

A: It usually doesn't work. To slow it down, you have to have it full on for one to three days. Then you space it out. Then you'll do it slow.

Q: How much cider vinegar do you add?

A: I have one quarter to one teaspoon. Very little. And it's a delicious drink, so don't guzzle it. You've got to take that 20 minutes to drink it, otherwise it's going to irritate your kidneys and bladder.

Q: Can you go through it just quickly again?

A: Four to five tablespoons each of lime juice, coconut cream, and honey. One to two tablespoons of lemon juice. One quarter to one teaspoon of vinegar, the raw apple cider vinegar. You blend all that together. And you pour it into a glass that has two to four ounces of naturally sparkling mineral water, like Gerolsteiner, Perrier, San Pellegrino, San Faustino, Eppeliner, any of those. And you sip it over about a 15 to 20-minute period. And then it will permeate everywhere.

Q: How many minutes does it take to drink it?

A: 15 to 20 minutes it takes to sip it.

Q: Can you use that as an antibiotic if you need to?

A: That's what I'm saying. If this is your antibiotic, antiparasitical, it will stop any detox for a while.

Q: I did want to say, though, that we do often try to do it after you've told me to do it. I do it every day and it's really not the best.

A: Oh, yeah. Then you can't digest.

Q: Yeah, that's what happens.

A: You know, stop digesting and you have to live on eggs.

Q: Yay.

A: Yeah.

Q: So, what do you suggest and what should I emphasize in my readings?

A: Well, asthmatics usually spend a lot of time getting rid of toxins. So, they don't have a lot of time to digest. So, predominantly eating eggs is the most important. Like in my recipe book, I gave an example of a woman who had emphysema and she was supposed to die that weekend. And she ate 33 eggs a day for two days and was off the machines that she'd been on for two years and out of the bed that she'd been in for two years just over the weekend. So, on Monday morning, she was able to function.

Q: How did she possibly do it? How did she possibly eat that many?

A: I didn't ask how she did it. She did it.

Q: The one every half hour?

A: Yeah.

Q: She did it.

A: Oh, well, she was going to die. Yeah. She was going to die. Her doctor called me and said, you know, I've got an emphysema patient. She was diagnosed with emphysema seven years ago. She's mainly been bedridden and on machines for the last two years. She's probably going to die this weekend. No, she said she's going to die this weekend, I'm sure of it. And I said, is there anything I can do? I said, well, you're calling me a little late, aren't you? And she said, well, you know, my profession, you know, my family's livelihood, so we have to do the medical procedure for 10 years before they're allowed to suggest anything else. She said she was already going three years out of her practice to do this at this stage. So I said, get her as many dozen eggs as you can, 10, 15 dozen, put them at her bed table. Tell her to eat one as often as she can. And then I got a call on Thursday night, and it was like 10 o'clock my time, so, you know, she's three hours ahead from Maine or Massachusetts. Maine, I think it was. Three hours ahead, so it was the middle of the night for her, you know, so it was Friday morning for her. And I got a call on Monday morning from the woman who was in the hospital, a raspy voice woman, who said, I'm out of bed and off the machines. What else should I do? And I said, well, who are you? She said, my doctor called you, and, you know, you told her, you know, and I said, okay, I know who you are now. She said, I said, well, how many eggs did you eat? Did that happen? She said, I ate 66 eggs. And those are on Saturday and Sunday. What else should I eat? I said, just keep down on the eggs and you start eating some milk and dairy, raw dairy, and you can get it.

Q: So I said, okay, so I should eat less meat. Is that okay, less meat?

A: Yeah, less meat, more eggs. Just have to watch it, though. If you eat a lot of eggs like that by themselves, they cause a lot of weight loss, you know, and you need the fat to protect you. I know there's some new people here that are looking at me, what are you talking about, fat? Aajonus, you're not fat, I am fat. I'm 26% bodyfat right now. So it's just that I don't look at it because when you eat raw food, the molecules are very, the fat molecules are very small. When you cook fat, it swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. That's the cause of swelling of the fat molecules. When the cells eat them, the cell has to swell up just to eat the swollen fat molecules. So you have all this girth. I am fat but just don't have to look it, you know. Eskimos are the same way. It's like 30, 30, the men, 30, 32% body fat, but they don't look it. They don't look much larger than I am.

Q: How many years would that take one of us to get here?

A: The women who have been on the diet 12 to 16 years, if they have not, usually a woman it will take about 9 to 10 years and she has surgery like a cesarean or, you know, any other kind of surgery, it could be 12 to 17 years. And then you're thin forever. You'll never have cellulite again. You'll never have cellulite again. So think about that, never having cellulite again, that's pretty incredible.

Q: I'm too glad we got a lace machine.

A: Better, lace is better.

Q: I just want to let you know, if he's almost 15, he can just help.

A: Well, I've seen dogs live 22 years.

Q: And he's very healthy.

A: But these dogs are...

Q: How much 15?

Q: Really?

A: Well, he's been on a diet about a year now, two years.

Q: Two years.

A: All the cats and dogs that go on this diet, people, they become like young again, quickly. But you have to understand, they didn't start getting their, you know, the race of dogs and cats didn't start getting canned food and kibble until 50 years ago. So they heal and repair a lot faster than we do. We got, you know, a lot of the pollution about the same time, canned foods and stuff like that. But we've been cooking and processing our food for thousands of years. Where animals have been eating raw for millions of years. Okay, questions.

A: What's your name?

Q: Mary.

A: Mary.

Q: I am new to all of this, and I'm grateful to Ann for introducing me. And my challenge is fat. I would like to gain weight, and I've been doing green juice, raw eggs, raw dairy... And I'm wondering how important the raw meat is.

A; If you want to put muscle on to hold more fat, you're going to have to eat the meat.

Q: And beef rather than chicken or turkey.

A; It depends upon your activity. Are you a hyperactive person that's easily irritable? If you are, don't eat red meat. If you're low in energy and you need more adrenaline and more action hormones in your body, then red meat is what you need.

Q: I have good energy.

A: Okay, then I would eat a balance of the two. Eat them together.

Q: And the fish too, is that important?

A: Oh, yeah, it's good for the brain and nervous system.

Q: Right. And should I be combining avocados with cream and coconut cream?

A: That's a little difficult to digest if you're just getting started. Avocado is very difficult to digest. Cream is the most difficult to digest.

Q: I find that.

A: Yeah, so it's better you have a little bit of the cream and eat more of the butter. Butter will create more muscle and add more fat. The cream takes longer to digest and adds more water weight.

Q: Can I have some coconut cream?

A: Coconut cream is pretty potent on somebody who is thin. I usually don't give people that are thin very much coconut cream until they put on the weights. John, do you have a question? Okay. I forgot your name standing there. Back there, do you have a question?

Q: I'm Roxy.

A: What is your name? Roxy. Roxy, Roxy, Roxy.

Q: I have a question. What was your suggestion for a woman asking for a semi-tough push or a car crash over a year and a half ago? I was in a sleep-muck a year and a half ago. I had lost most of my memory. I had a couple of words or so. And I was in a sleep-muck, so I'm actually just kind of starting to walk now. I'm doing well in many ways, but I have some major inflammation and my skull is completely changing. I recognize some major things are happening. So my skull, I mean, I can hardly, there's almost no passageways here. And my, where I have a swoop nose slightly, I have now almost a Roman nose. And my face is less, I mean, my whole skull is completely changed.

A: Okay. That's from medication.

Q: I don't have any medication.

A: You had medication during that?

Q: No.

A: You never took any medication?

Q: No.

A: In your whole life, you never take your medication?

Q: No...

A: And what kind of medication?

Q: That was just what my mother gave me. That is for, you know, measles and what was the other, I didn't have most.

A: It could have been a combination of ether and formaldehyde leaving your brain from the accident. You bruised the brain tissue and it caused the chemical meltdown. And all that chemical, because I've never seen any kind of mutation like that unless it was chemical, chemically involved.

Q: So what do I need to do to reverse it? Because my teeth are not kicking after a month or so.

A: Yeah. Because it's dumping down here and it's changing the shape of everything.

Q: I'm imploding.

A: Yeah. No, you're not imploding, you're just melting. Dissolving.

Q: How do I change that?

A: Well, eating lots of cheese is going to be very important and putting on a lot of fat. I mean, if you have that kind of condition, you need so much fat on your body, you need to be about 35 to 40 pounds overweight. And you're only about, let's say. I am, I'm 50 pounds more than I was before. Yeah, but that's still not enough. I said overweight, not from what you were thin before. You should be about 35 to 40 pounds overweight over what you should be normal. And right now you look like only about 25 pounds overweight, so you need another 10 to 15 pounds if you want to be safe.

Q: Okay.

A: And it'll just, you see, the more fat you have, the body puts poisons into fat when it has it. If it doesn't have it, then the poison goes into the cell to find the fat.

Q: Okay.

A: It usually uses up the brain and the bone marrow pretty quickly if you're thin.

Q: Yeah.

A: So then the only other place is cells, cell, cell.

Q: When you say a lot of cheese, what does that mean a lot? Is it like every meal?

A: I would have cheese every meal if I were you. I would have it eight or nine times a day.

Q: Okay. And how much would you say?

A: A tablespoon and a half at a time.

Q: A tablespoon and a half?

A: Yeah, at a time.

Q: I've been craving cheese lately.

A: And if you have a tendency toward constipation, you're going to have to have either coconut cream or butter with it. Oh, I should get the cheese.

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay, thank you very much.

A: And eating fish, you know, is very helpful. Oysters is very helpful for that kind of situation.

Q: Okay.

A: As long as they're, you know, as long as they're oysters that lands the scallops. As long as they're in the shell, except for the scallops, because they're spraying stuff on pre-shucked oysters and clams. Not the scallops. Yeah. Oysters and clams. But I still rinse my, you know, I would take some good sparkling water and make a little cup of it and rinse my scallops off just in case they're sprayed.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Do you have a question?

Q: Okay, I do have one. How long would that take you think?

A: You know, you've gone a year and a half since the accident. Yeah. Don't know.

Q: Would it be any more complicated if I reversed everything?

A: Probably it would stop reverse. I mean, it would stop the deterioration within three to four months. But to reverse your looks and everything, don't know what will happen. If the cells have mutated the RNA and DNA, then you don't look the same. As you do now, as you did before.

Q: I'd sure like to identify with that because I had a big rig take me into a header divider at 118 miles an hour.

A: Oh, my God.

Q: had to learn to do it in shots, research shots, because I didn't know I could survive. So I had to learn to walk and talk again. Then about two years after that, I had a woven dish and then they busted out my nose and five teeth and they broke 11 ribs.

Q: So I took that out.

Q: I know.

Q: It's just wrong because they got pulled down.

Q: I'm ready to put my foot in it.

Q: They got going on, they know.

Q: I just wonder if it has something to do with like activity rings or anxiety.

A: Yes, it does. You build a lot of testosterone, estrogen, and some of the other hormones. Adrenaline causes physical activity. So you're not doing enough exercise for the amount of hormones, activity hormones, that are being produced. So vocalizing is one. If you don't do any, you're going to take it out on anxiety.

Q: So that's why I like yoga or trying to meditate.

A: Yes, anything. Some people have to exercise as soon as they wake in the morning because those hormones are already produced and ready to go. So they have to do something early in the morning. There's those people who don't exercise and need to, and I'm not one of them. I have no activity line, so this is my exercise every day on my computer. So that's it. But other people need to exercise. If they don't, they'll be in anxiety. They'll be hyper-tense. So if you find yourself in high anxiety and you're fidgety, you feel like you've got to move and you're uncomfortable, then you better exercise. And according to the activity rings, most iridologists call them tension rings, but I call them activity rings because it tells me how much hormones you produce for each ring. It's about an hour of exercise or an hour of activity a day. If you're healthy, it's an hour of exercise a day. Most people were born to be farmers and hunters and gatherers and stuff like that, and they have a lot of activity every day. Gorillas only have one or two activity rings, so they just sit around eating and pick each other's bugs off and eat them and eat a banana and some leaves and kill an antelope once every 28 days and eat about 14, 15 pounds of meat in 24 or 48 hours. So that's how they live. But man seems to have been made to be a very active individual like monkeys. And the monkeys, I don't know, anybody, have you ever had a monkey, been around a monkey? Let me tell you, they're intense, intense creatures. They're always busy, they're always fidgety, and they live on fruit and they're even more hyperactive than that. The monkeys in the jungle, the killer monkeys, they go on a fruit-eating binge of fermented fruits, like they'll eat lots of fermented figs, and they wait until that time of the season to do it. Also guavas, they'll overeat guavas, and then they'll go out and kill everything that they see for the next 24 hours, and that's what the killer monkeys do. And they only do it when they overeat fermented fruits.

Q: So that's what I was talking about earlier, how some days I'm like that and I'm like, I could strangle my kids off. But still, when someone's detoxing really hard and it's hard to be awake and not vomiting or whatever, what do I do to calm down if I can't go out and run around and walk?

A: Well, you can get very hot, like get a hot bath, and that'll relax you, calm things down. Drink a half a cup of cream, and that'll calm the body down. Also eat a nut formula. Nut formula binds with excess hormones.

Q: What's a nut formula?

A: Nut formula binds with excess hormones. Now mainly I created the nut formula for people who are discarding byproducts of anxiety. Whenever you go into a trauma, an upset, you create certain psychological hormones, and those have byproducts, and those get stored in the body like any waste product if you don't have the proper nutrients to remove it after the utilization of the hormones. And according to neuroscientist Elnora Van Winkle, when these things get back into the bloodstream during detoxification, it causes the same kind of anxiety or upset as when it was produced. So she noticed that in her research, she was responsible, Elnora Van Winkle, she was responsible for cataloging all of the chemicals in the brain and nervous system. She worked at Columbia University for 52, 58 years, something like that. And in her late 70s, she found the diet and got on the diet. She wrote a paper called The Biology of Emotions. One is very intricate with all of the chemistry and the technical names, and then another one is for the layperson. She talks about how those chemicals can cause the same upset and that you need to exercise or like she said, the primal therapy. The primal therapy is not my primal diet. The primal therapy is something that started in the late 60s and early 70s, and that was people would go into these little houses outside the house or a padded room and scream and yell and blood curdling screams and kick things and beat things. And get all your anger out and you're expressing anger as anger. So she and I differed there. I thought that if you do that, you're going to create more of those hormones and it's going to perpetuate itself. So it's going to be an endless cycle. So my idea was to you feel that way, you sing, you dance, you do something you enjoy. So every time you feel anger, instead of going towards hurting and violence, you go towards some kind of art form that expresses it in a happy way. So you can transform energy.

Q: So that's your meditation for the [unintelligible]. The first part is the start, and if you talk about the second part, you sing and dance.

A: Well, you know, the first part, I don't, when you're feeling that kind of anger, sitting and meditating is very difficult to do. So it's better to dance and sing and do something like that, and then get into the meditation.

Q: Yes. You don't want to suppress the emotion.

A: Definitely not.

Q: So you can definitely have a further angle to singing and dancing, but then you transform that.

A: Yep. And that was my idea. She differed about that. She liked to release her anger. You know, I guess she's 76 years old. She just didn't want to change, you know, and that was fine.

Q: She had some serious history, right?

A: Oh, yeah, she had some history.

Q: Yeah. She had to sort of give it out, you know.

A: But she was a very skinny woman and asked for it. She was always in, really, very testy. You know, when she got on the diet, she got into all this cream, and she would sit down and eat two cups of cream at a time.

Q: Oh, yeah.

A: But she was as skinny as Twiggy.

Q: Still.

A: Oh, no. And then when she got on the diet, she gained all this weight. She was doing great for two years. And then she found the... in her life, discovered the Instincto diet and thought that was even better than mine. And then she was dead in a year. She got real skinny again. The Instincto diet is you eat what smells good to you.

Q: Oh, that's dangerous.

A: So you're only going to eat fruit.

Q: I also eat chocolate.

A: Yeah, anything that, you know, but it's still raw. It's still raw. Eat anything raw that smells good to you. So you eat some herbs that you like the smell of, and then you eat lots of fruit. So the diet becomes anywhere from 60 to 80 percent fruit. And then she just got real skinny again, and that was it. She died.

Q: She became a killer grunt.

A: That's it. She also got very irritable at the end again. So, you know, she just helped us prove it. Okay, do you have a question, anyway?

Q: Okay, just a question. I'm thinking of going to Israel in March, but I'm on Aajonus' diet, and I'm on a very, like, a standard diet, and I feel great all the time. But this is a tour, and they provide the food. So it's still a synagogue. I'm not religious, but they're going, and I don't want to miss the opportunity of going with a group to a foreign country, the Middle East. He says, what can you eat? I said, I'm on a special diet. I kind of told him about it. He didn't believe it. I said, I know I can't eat fried stuff. I didn't want to go into anything. I said, I really can't eat anything. I burn from everything. But so I haven't traveled in three years. I haven't really traveled. Of course, I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't eat anything.

A: How many days?

Q: Ten days.

A: Ten days, that's easy.

Q: Okay, I know I can bring the – I know I listened to your last recording of it at your last meeting. I know I bring you the butter and the honey and the [unintelligible].

A: Yeah.

Q: But I don't know about the EVX rating, those stuff, and things. I don't know. But, I mean, I'll do the best to get on the plane, but put it on there, and they're serving the food.

Q: You can ask the chef.

A: Yeah.

Q: In those countries, you can get a lot of good, wholesome food that are clean and raw. We were selling the real –

A: They didn't get goat milk there.

Q: You just have to make sure.

Q: It's a tour.

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: It's a tour. It's a tour.

Q: If it's happened by ourselves, you know, you could –

A: Okay, I just realized they have to buy the food every day. You just say, I want raw lamb.

Q: Yeah.

A: I want you to make me a steak tartare with lamb.

Q: Yeah.

A: When I did commercials for Club Med, you know, they gave me – they produced all of that food for me. They just made the same thing, but they made it raw. I had raw lamb chops for dinner, you know.

Q: I never tried raw lamb. They would say, no, raw beef is bad enough.

A: Raw lamb is pretty good. You know, you tell them to chop it.

Q: Yeah.

A: Make a steak tartare.

Q: I can tell them to chop it?

A: Yeah. Make a steak tartare.

Q: Yeah.

A: Oh, yeah. When they make it, you know, they chop it finely. And you have your butter and your honey with you and your cheese.

Q: Right. Then I can take it.

A: You know, you can also get avocados. You can get avocados. You can get coconut there. Oh, but you can't chew the coconut. Greta, take a grater with you. Take a grater with you.

Q: Okay, a grater. All right.

Q: How are you going to open up the coconut?

A: You have them open it. They'll open it.

Q: You did amazing.

Q: I don't care what they're looking at you.

Q: Keep in mind, it's a tool.

Q: I'm going to do this in the car so I can get back.

A: Yeah, definitely.

Q: You have to initiate. You have to sort of believe you can do it.

Q: It's not like you're saying I'm a vegetarian.

Q: No, no. It's always so sour all the time. I say, no, it's not sour.

A: I mean, I've never had a problem. My publisher, he goes on these big cruises. And they, you know, I've got musicians on the diet who take their butter and their cream and their milk. They let them put like eight gallons of milk on their cruise ship for the whole week.

Q: Is that right?

A: You know, a week up and down the boat.

Q: I was talking about a cruise.

Q: I said, please, you know, I can't even eat. How am I going to go on a cruise?

A: Oh, you can just eat. You can pay for the food. Yeah, because they'll let you take it on. Whenever I went to the club meds, they would, you know, say this is your section of the walk-in, of the refrigerator. So I got in there and got whatever I wanted during the day. They served me my meals just the way I wanted them.

Q: So what can I bring on a cruise? I don't know what rain ones, but. . .

A: You can take milk. You can take butter. You can take honey, eggs. And the meat they have is just most of it will be frozen, so it's better to eat fish.

Q: But the difference, you know, when you're talking about a cruise, you know, your paying. . . Cruises are mainly you're paying for the food.

A: Yeah. You know. . . Well, that's a big boat. You don't have to go for food. You don't have to eat hundreds. . .

Q: You're paying for the food, so when you bring your own food, it's like defeating the purpose.

A: No, it isn't.

Q: You don't think so?

A: No, you've got the deck. You've got the. . . All the attributes of, you know, you have the ballroom, you dance, you have the dinner setting.

Q: She wants her men to be naughty.

Q: Yeah.

A: Well, you can do that, but, you know, you're the ones going to have the acid indigestion.

Q: Yeah, I know. And I worry about getting hot burn all the time.

A: Yeah, right.

Q: If I don't eat what you eat.

A: Yeah.

Q: A lot of choices we have to make.

A: Just remember, when you go on a plane with this food, with the honey and butter, you make sure it's in a cold pack. Because if the honey moves, they call it a liquid. If the butter is soft, they call it a spread, and they call that a liquid. So they started to take my butter away from me a couple of times, and I said, you spread it, you can have it.

Q: You what?

A: You spread it, you can have it. It's too cold. You can't spread cold butter. You know, it's refrigerated.

Q: But they're ready to take the cold pack because it's just gelatinous on it.

A :Well, they haven't. They've never taken it from me.

Q: They didn't take your cold pack?

A: No, they've never taken my cold pack. But that's okay as long as you're through the...

Q: Yes.

A: You know, through it, that's all. They can have all the cold packs they want. I don't care.

Q: Carry-on?

A: Carry-on, yeah. You never want to put any food in your tech baggie. Because they nuke it. Because they nuke it. Let me tell you, that's a huge radiation machine, and they're looking deep all the way through thick luggage. And they want to see everything in there. And it's sourced out by color, and that radiation is very high. It's like getting about 100 x-rays.

Q: 100.

A: So, but then the one that you pass it through, it's like getting a half of an x-ray. Which is still not the greatest thing, but I have no trouble with it just passing through one time. And I don't do that. When I went to Canada, you know, they said, well, you can't bring raw dairy products in here. And I said, well, if you show me the law, you can have my dairy. You know, they looked for a half an hour and couldn't find it, so they had to release me with my six pounds of butter, you know, raw butter.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. So you have to challenge them. A lot of these people are just happy to get these ideas. Well, that must be against the law. It's raw milk. You know, that's dangerous. I think it's against the law. Prove it to me. Show me it's the law. I mean, you have to be nasty. You say, you know, if that's true, just show me the law and then see it, you know. Because they don't can't produce it.

Q: So you went there as long as you needed to go.

A: Oh, yeah. It took me 30 minutes when I just went to Canada last week. 30 minutes, but I got my six pounds of butter.

Q: Even with the letter that you have, and the-

A: That doesn't mean anything. This country is saying it's illegal for you to bring raw milk into our country, raw dairy products into our country. Okay, do you have a question, Laine? What do you think?

Q: Yeah, there's lots of questions. I guess I want to talk a little bit about the notion of the mill because I think that most of the mills probably tend to use the milk and I never have this period of fear or feel like I'm going to die or always feeling tense and not being able to be in my body for this. I want to know, like, what does that connect to? Like, what kind of hormones or what kind of-

A: No, that's usually low blood pressure. Low blood pressure. Anytime you get into fear, paranoia, your blood pressure is too low.

Q: I couldn't move, but I felt like acids I couldn't move or connect to the end of the spectrum.

A: Yeah. Well, you have a chemical imbalance that causes your low blood pressure. And you have to understand when you've got some certain chemicals in your body, your body will lower your blood pressure so that there's no damage from those. Marijuana can do it from smoking. To a lot of people. That's why they get paranoia. Cocaine can do it to some people. Most people it does just the opposite. It raises their blood pressure and gives them a high. So for a person that the chemistry is bad for them and will react negatively in the nervous system, the body tries to lower the blood pressure so it doesn't push it out into the capillary and in the axons and the ganglia of the brain. So it reduces the exposure of the blood to different parts of the body. When that happens, a lot of the body is getting starved, so the body is getting paranoid. Yeah. That's what happens. There's always a chemical response. Now, there's a lot of children that have nightmares and go into a lot of paranoia after vaccines. Everybody knows what's in a vaccine, right?

Q: Mercury.

A: Mercury, liquid mercury. Right now they're using 56 quadrillion molecules of mercury per two cc's of liquid. In my laboratory work, it only took 3 cc's of mercury to sterilize 2 cc's. I mean 3,000 molecules of mercury to sterilize 2 cc's of fluid. So they're putting from 3,000 to 56 quadrillion molecules of mercury. That's pretty insane. It is meant to cause harm. They used to put in 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury. So now they're hoodwinking everybody and saying, it's preservative free. So you think, oh, they're no longer putting mercury in as a preservative. They've reclassified mercury as an antiseptic.

Q: They call it something different. They call it, I can't think of the name for it.

A: They've got 11 names for it, depending upon what they put it in. Same thing for aspartame, 11 different names. So you're still getting all of this mercury, and you think that it's mercury free, because now they say preservative free. But they still use it as an antiseptic. They also use an equal amount of liquid aluminum, equal amount of formaldehyde, ether, and detergent. That's what goes into every vaccine. Some of them will leave out the formaldehyde, I mean the mercury, but they put all the others, the formaldehyde, the liquid aluminum, the ether, and the detergent.

Q: What kind of detergent, like the acetate?

A: It could be Clorox. It could be any kind of soap. They could be throwing Tide soap in there. But it's usually an ether-based soap in there. In Canada, last year when they bought the flu vaccine for everyone, Canada has a Saturday night live type comedy show. And this guy says, oh, it's flu season, and our government's taking care of us. Well, if you can't afford it, what do you mean you can't afford it? The state's paying for it, right? So you can afford it. You have to make this home. But we'll make it at home in case you don't want to go out and get the shot. So he takes a blender and he puts some rotten eggs in there, takes a thermometer and breaks them, dumps the mercury in, takes some liquid aluminum, pours that in, some ether, some formaldehyde, and some laundry soap, puts it in there and blends it up. And he goes around the head, he gets all these people that are blowing their nose with the cold, and they say, oh, this is what you need. It will help you, and nobody will touch it. And that was a great little skit. I think they still have it on YouTube.

Q: Somebody emailed that.

A: I did. I emailed it last year. It was so funny. So, you know, that's exactly what it's all about. You know, and there's no evidence that it prevents flus at all. In fact, there's evidence that it produces flus, because more people get flus that get it than don't.

Q: I've noticed tjat people that get the flu shot, like instantly get sick.

A: Yeah. But that's with all vaccines. It creates the diseases meant to prevent, and all the other toxins in it create all kinds of hepatitis, yellow fever, malaria. It can create all these very debilitating diseases. And I don't know if anybody remembers the swine flu in the mid-'70s. You know, who was our vice president? David Rockefeller, who produces, you know, who has investments in five pharmaceutical houses. So what did President Ford do? Oh, we've got to get rid of the swine flu. He was always blaming it on some animal, you know. And viruses are not even alive. They have no nucleus. They have no respiratory system. They have no eating system, no absorption system, not even of oxygen. There's no transmission of molecules that way. Viruses are just like a solvent, a soap. So would you call Tide soap contagious? No. Just because everybody has it in their home? Everybody gets viruses if they're too toxic. Any animal, most dogs and cats now, are domesticated. They no longer get bacterial or parasitical detoxifications. They get viral detoxifications. So you get these protein bodies that are solvent, so they'll deteriorate, they'll dissolve just a certain part of the cell in that damaged tissue. And then the pharmaceutical says, see, it's deteriorating, it's, you know, mutilating. They say eating, and it's not even alive. It can't eat. It dissolves that tissue. But viruses are very specific. Each cell has about 300 varieties of virus, and it's specific. They are tissue specific. So let's say you were cleaning out a certain ‑‑ let's say you were cleaning out just the capillaries of your heart. There would be about three to four viruses that would be involved in that and specific to that. So it wouldn't cause heart failure or anything like that, but it would cause somebody to be down a little bit, lowering energy because a lot of their nutrients would be going for that, and their heart wouldn't be able to be as active. So it reduces the mobility of the person. And then if the discard of that has a lot of toxic waste, fluid, then somebody's going to get symptoms, heavy mucus, vomit, diarrhea, stuff like that. And those are common in any detoxification. If you've got virus and, I mean, if you have bacteria, parasites, or fungus causing your detoxification, they are alive. They consume that tissue, reduce it because its waste product is very minimal. It's like you eating 100 pounds of food one day and having about a two‑pound excretion the next day. I would want that any day. I would want my janitor to be very efficient. But when you have a virus, it isn't that way. It's a solvent. It doesn't eat anything. It's not alive. So what happens when you take a solvent to clean something? You dilute it in water, and then you clean something, and then what do you have? You have a bucket of contamination. There's no reduction in the toxicity. Whereas when bacteria, parasites, and fungus work, there's a reduction in the waste product. So you only have your body only has to deal with a small amount. When virus, you have to deal with all that contamination, and it causes more swelling. That's why spinal and cerebral meningitis is so dangerous that it's viral because there's massive swelling. It can cause seizures, paralysis. When it's bacterial, no problem. Somebody just goes through a bad flu or like a pneumonia, and they're through it, and that's it. You just have to be eating well when you go through it. So viruses are not a problem. To say that they're contagious is absurd. Nothing crosses species. Also, they're coming out with the Avian virus vaccine. It will be coming out any day, any week. Okay? Who paid for that? Bush saved for it, you know, with Cheney and his pharmaceutical boys. So they've already put those $8 billion in their pockets. And how long does it take a virus to – how long do viruses last before they transform?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? 72 hours. They're completely different. So they're making a virus that was active a year and a half ago for now.

Q: Is it like intentional, like on a general basis that they do this, or is it all just profit? What did you think of this?

A: Well, you know, if you read, I don't know, in the 70s, there was a committee created in Congress about overpopulation, and Kissinger was in charge of it. So they produced a 500-page document. I believe it was a little over 500 pages, I think it was 557 or something like that. And in that, it said we can use vaccines to introduce chemicals into the body to weaken them, to shorten life, to cause instant death and stuff like that. That's what they're talking about, medical means to do this. So I would have to say they're probably exercising that. If they were putting 3,000 molecules of mercury in a vaccine, I'd say, yeah, they're using it as an antiseptic. But when they put 56 to 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury and saying that's an antiseptic or a preservative, it's bullshit. You know, there's something cynical there and they aren't intended. And then there's the money factor. They make money while they're still doing it, and make a lot of money.

Q: Are they going to make it compulsory, the Avian flu vaccine?

A: Well, to really exercise it, they don't have the manpower to do it, but they don't care how many people are doing it. They can say it's mandatory and most people will run and go do it. The government says you have to do this. Well, if you can catch me, you know. But they don't have the manpower to take care of 206, well, all the illegal immigrants. We've got 300 million people in America. They don't have enough agents to take care of that. And unless you go to a doctor regularly, he's not going to report that you didn't come here.

Q: I remember a few months' time ago, there was a nurse here, just come from Southern California, and she said that they were going to go around and the military took them out.

A: That's the scare. They don't have the clout. They may do it in little areas to give people the idea that they're going to do it everywhere, but they don't have the manpower to do it everywhere. They've got most of our military people in Iraq.

Q: May I ask my question?

A: Yes.

Q: Since you're on the destination, I'm so glad you brought that up.

A: Can I answer a question? As far as the low blood pressure, to raise your blood pressure, garlic, will either raise it or lower it depending on what you need. Onion, will always raise it.

Q: [unintelligible]So how do you get the toxins out?

A: Like I said, a nut formula is helpful to also grab that, to raise the blood pressure is helpful. Cheese is helpful. Not cheese with honey, but cheese with something else or cheese by itself is very absorbent. It will pull those chemicals out of the body. Now cheese is full of minerals. Remember milk is very concentrated. It's the most mineral-rich food on the planet.

Q: Mineral-rich?

A: Mineral-rich food on the planet that we can digest, and it's fluid. Eggs have a lot, but there's not a lot of calcium. It's not a lot of other, you know, balance of heavy magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium like milk has, any dairy product. When it's dried, when it's raw and dry, the body will not digest any of the fat, the protein, or the minerals. So what it will do is it acts as a magnet. All those ions have attraction, and as the blood, the neurological fluid, and the lymphatic fluid pass through the digestive tract, starting in the mouth all the way down, the cheese will attract through its ion attraction these chemicals out of the fluid system, and then it will hold on to them and never digest it. If you eat pasteurized cheese, everything's all fractionated, so it's going to get dispersed and digested.

Q: So how do you keep it down? Is it by concentrating it?

A: Well, you don't mind concentration if you're going through that. You can always just eat a little coconut cream with it or butter.

Q: So the cheese will kind of come out. Will the E. coli from fractured cheese, it's going to form or keep on?

A: The E. coli won't feed on that cheese as long as there's poison in it.

Q: So it'll just go out all kind of?

A: Well, no, it'll morph itself as it liquefies. When you eat the cheese, there are certain digestive fluids that are going to, and mucus that's going to reshape it. And, of course, the other byproducts that it collects on the way, it's going to turn out just, you may see it maybe as a little pellet, you know, like rabbit pellets within it or sheep pellets within it, depending upon how your digestive system works. And you'll see that part of your fecal matter shaped that way with all these little beads in there of toxicity.

Q: Why don't you want the honey with it?

A: When you have honey with it, the honey acts as a digestive aid. It provides the enzymes to digest the fats, the proteins, and assimilate all the minerals. So cheese, raw unsalted cheese, is your best mineral supplement. Anytime you're taking an oxide or any supplement in pill form, it is rock. We don't eat rock. Rock rusts in our system. Plants eat rock. That's what they do. So if you eat cheese, and the cheese has to be in your mouth directly with the cheese, the honey has to be directly with the cheese in the mouth for it to work. You can have honey in a milkshake and eat cheese with a milkshake. The honey is already involved in the fat in the milkshake, in the yolk of the egg, and it's already involved in the cream and the milk. So the honey is already accounted for, already usurped. So you have to add the honey directly with the cheese.

Q: With the milk, you want directly with the milk?

A: Pardon?

Q: Honey and milk.

A: The honey and milk with the cheese?

Q: No.

A: Honey and milk is great.

Q: Great.

A: Yeah.

Q: Why?

A: Some people don't have enough digestive acid, so honey helps provide some digestive enzymes.

Q: Why did you say honey, milk, and cheese is not good?

A: No, I'm saying if you have the honey and the milk, and you eat the cheese with the honey and milk, it's not going to separate as well. If it's in the honey, it's already going to be absorbed into the cream that's in the milk.

Q: So you want honey with the cheese? Always?

A: No, when you want to utilize the mineral supplement. But when you want it to detoxify, you don't eat the cheese and the honey together. Okay? Do you have a question, Joseph?

A: She asked a question.

Q: No, because I went back to it instantly.

A: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead, then. I thought I answered you better.

Q: No, I would have gotten to it. With the vaccines, I know that there's mercury and a lot of other toxic chemicals in them. So what are the best foods to detox for us as human beings, consume on a regular basis, to carry those out of the body? It depends on how they're stored in the body. But usually I will recommend to people to have coconut cream frequently to help eliminate those. It helps dissolve the metals into a less damaging substance. Coconut cream works better because the coconut cream has water-soluble fats as well as oil-soluble fats and vitamins. So when you have it in oil, it's very strictly based, and there's all kinds of reactions that can happen. When you have the coconut cream, you have a whole array of nutrients that even act as a good virus. They'll dissolve almost anything, can be made into any kind of a property. So the coconut cream with dark berries, let's say you have a lot of heavy, let's say, mercury, then the dark berries help pull that out of the system and cilantro.

Q: Cilantro.

A: Right. Blackberries. If you're having blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, dark mulberries, any of those will work to get rid of the dark metals. To get rid of iodine and rusting iron, rusting iodine, any of those, raspberries are better. Raspberries and coconut cream.

Q: How much coconut cream a day?

A: It depends upon the person. For your size, so you don't over-detox, I would say about six to seven tablespoons a day.

Q: Seven tablespoons.

A: Now, what you can do is put a tablespoon in your milkshake and a tablespoon, you know, before juice and spread it out, and when you have your fruit meal, then let that be maybe four tablespoons of the coconut cream then. But any time you're using coconut cream with a fruit, you want to make sure you put an animal fat with it. You know, it's like you're having like four or five tablespoons of coconut cream, you want about one tablespoon of dairy cream and a half to a teaspoon of butter with it because you need some animal fats there to protect yourself a little bit better.

Q: Cream and butter?

A: Cream and butter, yeah.

Q: That sounds yummy.

A: Yeah, it is.

Q: One teaspoon?

A: Yeah, she's an awful guy.

Q: Yeah.

Q: One teaspoon butter, and it's been crunched?

A: Yeah, that's a good balance. That's good.

Q: Delicious.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: This is Lauren Morgan's last Q&A, if she can bring it out of the country, and I just wanted to say that she's helped me do this plan a lot better than last year.

A: Oh, good.

Q: She's a senior, and-

A: She likes to help people. She has that kind of energy.

Q: The last time I had a iridology test, she took pictures of my eyes, and then pulled up the old eyes, and we were very surprised. She said, you lost a lot of metal. She's the one that got me to do things that I wasn't doing, like play, and fill in the gaps that I never done, and she just got active again. She's helped a lot.

Q:[audience claps]

Q: Good for her.

Q: She's helped a lot.

Q: Yay, Bob.

Q: Thank you.

A: What's the other thing? You can also use clay to absorb heavy metals and toxic substances out of the body. Bentonite, I use terramin clay. Bentonite, 99% or 96% of the time, when I looked at all the bentonite clay, they all came from volcanic ash. What's in a volcano? Molten metal. That's basically what you have. So I don't go for molten metal to use as clay. That's just adding to the work. So what I use is terramin clay, which is mined in the Mojave Desert. It's from an old hot aqua spring, and they mine it down to where it gets no more than 98 degrees, where it was no hotter than 98 degrees, because your phosphorus starts being cauterized at 98 degrees. And you realize that phosphorus, one of your best cleansers of the body, is cauterized, starts being cauterized at 98 degrees. So when you get to 105, it's completely, 106, it's completely cauterized.

Q: Where do you get terramin clay?

A: Terramin.com.

Q: Okay, I got a question. You told me to do it, but I did not have the information to give it to you. I got it from a friend of mine.

A: From Arizona?

Q: Tucson. Yeah. But Ray, whom you have now, he's the president of that company.

A: Right, yeah. So you just go online, terramin.com. Yeah, terramin.com. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N, terramin.com.

Q: There's one couple that is doing it only, as far as I know.

A: Oh, no, I got you.

Q: That's the only one that came up.

A: Yeah, well, there's an advertisement on the Internet. Yeah. But they're selling it up at Rolfins. Yeah, they sell it at the co-ops that we have for the primal dieters in Chicago, Aspen, Arizona, Phoenix, Florida. So all of the co-ops that provide the primal diet food all carry the terramin clay.

Q: But clay is for the teeth and the face pack, the , and the [unintelligible] pack, which is hard to find now. It is a good find for the terramin. It's for the bark or for placing polishes on the body, in the motor body. People like that.

A: And they've even got a heavier grain one for fertilizing your garden.

Q: Yes. I use that too, though. You saw me on the other day. Has Parris told you to brush your teeth with it? Is it okay to follow it?

A: Yeah, it's fine. I mean, but just have to remember, the brain is the most toxic part of the body and heavy metals and all kinds of toxic minerals, because we use metallic minerals to transmit light and to conduct electricity in the brain and nervous system. So the brain gets most of the heavy metals in the body, the cauterized metallic minerals. So those are free radicals and they cause a lot of damage. Most of that dumps out the gums, the tongue, and the salivary glands. All that plaque on your teeth, that's those heavy toxins coming out in your body using fresh calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium to bind them so they don't damage the dentine. That's what damages dentine. People eat cooked food to have a poor quality because they've already cauterized their alkalinizing minerals, the calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium. So when they build a plaque, it's very hard and it's not resilient. So if mercury keeps working away with its acidity and tearing things apart, disturbing the molecular structure, as mercury does, or thallium, lead does the same thing, it will work right into the dentine, and that's the cavity. So the bacteria results to eat up the damaged dentine or tubules depending upon how badly the heavy metal damaged the tooth, how deeply. So bacteria is never a cause of any kind of decay. It's always the heavy metal. The bacteria is just the janitor. So you need to brush that plaque off. So when you swallow it, you're just putting all the toxins through your body. You may not want to do that, but it probably will not hurt you because this clay in my feces examinations never releases.

Q: The smell is just as tricky as it is.

A: I think it is. Why put it through your body?

Q: How much clay do you use?

A: Well, you can make a mixture. You can use coconut cream with the clay or butter with the clay, depends what you like. Coconut cream goes a little deeper, but butter, for some reason, butter dissolves the plaque a little bit quicker. So it depends on if your plaque is really hard and you want to not have to brush as much, then you might want to use the butter and clay together or just butter.

Q: Yeah, but if you're able to swallow the clay, then you might as well just use the butter by itself.

A: You don't want to swallow the butter either because it's full of contaminants. I would never swallow the butter unless the clay was in it after I brushed my teeth. The body would start absorbing some of that fat.

Q: It's good when the butter acts first.

A: Yeah, but, you know, it just takes a bit. You know, I mean, we're not talking, you know, people put their tooth, you know, nobody ever needs that much. You just see a little bit, you know, like a pea-sized amount of butter to brush your entire teeth. And if it's coconut cream, you just dip your toothbrush in it and that's it.

Q: And you can mix that with all these clays. It's beautiful for washing your face, the coconut cream.

A: It's wonderful, especially if it's fermented.

Q: Yeah.

A: Yeah, it cleanses very quickly.

A: Do you have a question? Do you have a question, Mike? Oh, first of all, I want to thank Lisa and Mike for hosting us today. As always.

Q: Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, tendons and ligaments and how to keep them supple and dry.

A: Well, usually an athletic individual gets tight tendons if they get too acidic. And the acidic minerals, when they combine, they bind, they get harder. And alkaline are more porous and soft and supple. So a person who is very athletic, that's why I say athletes need to eat little red meat unless they are heavy into football or basketball, something that's intense, and they're doing it six to ten hours a day. But if you're doing yoga and you're eating a lot of red meat, you're going to have a problem. Things are going to start tightening and hardening. So you need more of the alkalinizing chicken, you know, any of the fowl, any of the fish, much better.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: No.

A: You're okay? Lorraine, do you have a question?

Q: I wondered, you know, I just bought the hot tub for a few. So as far as the sanitation of it, if I just don't use anything, how often do I have to clean it?

A: Well, is it a soft plastic or is it a hard plastic?

Q: It's acrylic hard plastic.

A: So it's acrylic hard plastic. I suggest, you know, that it sit out in the sun and open, exposed to the light to cure it. Until that's cured, I would change that water probably every day.

Q: Every day?

A: Every day until it's cured, and it may take 30 days to cure it.

Q: Because? You're saying that all the –

A: Remember when I talked about plastic, how they make plastic?

Q: Yeah, down into the water.

A: Yeah. Remember how they – remember what I told you about plastic? Okay, I'll repeat it. In the 60s, plastic, they wanted to use it for everything. They wanted to use it for poultry, in cars, dashboards, toys, everything. What they found was every time they made plastic, because it's mainly from that's hydrogenated vegetable oil, heated at high temperatures and mixed with some polyhardener, what do they call those, polymers.

Q: Polymers, yeah.

A: What they found was that they mold. Three to six months, every bit of plastic would mold, and they'd have this terrible toxin that would hurt children, give them asthma and emphysema, stuff like that in their animal tests. Rabbits were dropping over like flies from this mold from the plastic. So they created the worst toxins in the world, PCBs and dioxins, to poison the plastic so it wouldn't mold. So in order to have plastic as a viable product, they chose to poison the planet and everybody in it with plastic. And that hard plastic will take about 30 days in the sunlight to cure.

Q: With hot water in it?

A: With or without hot water in it.

Q: And so do I not use it during those 30 days?

A: Well, you use it. You use the water and, you know, dump it.

Q: Is it okay for me to be in the water with that liquid?

A: Yeah, for about an hour, hour and a half maximum.

Q: Okay.

A: As long as you have some clay in there and some, you know, sprinkle of clay.

Q: How much?

A: I'd say about a teaspoon. Yeah, 150 gallons, right?

Q: 120.

A: 120 gallons. So just a level teaspoon of clay in the whole thing and about two tablespoons of sea salt, sun-dried sea salt.

Q: All right.

Q: And how does it help everybody?

A: Well, you're talking about a hot tub right now to cure it, you know, so. And they're a little concerned. They have a filter system on it, right? Okay, so, of course, I don't go with a moth because they put a herbicide on it.

Q: There's no way I can get that herbicide out if you put it in the sun, put it in water.

A: You have to understand, seaweed is an absorbent. That's how it eats. It attracts in the water. It attracts nutrients out and holds on to them. There's nothing that holds on to it better than coral and moss.

Q: So now you have the ethylene trioxide in there. Now you just put that in the dam tub, in the filter system. Now you tell me there's herbicide in there.

A: That's right. It's in the water.

Q: Now, is it just in the water or is it going to be, what do I need to do? Do you flush it and then how do I?

A: Yeah, you need to flush it out.

Q: But how do I clean the herbicide off the plastic?

A: I suggest you use some vinegar and probably vinegar, a little bit of non-aluminum baking soda.

Q: Borax, isn't that the thing that cooks the mineral?

A: Borax as a mineral is a fiery hardens. It causes all kinds of problems in the body when it isn't just in the spine, you know, isolated. Borax is very little. It's maybe one part per six million parts, not even that, you know, compounds in food. And when you've got a concentrated borax, I mean it's like 50% borax and some kind of inert powder like dolomite. So it's a very toxic substance.

Q: So there you said, that's to get rid of that ant borax?

A: Yeah, it'll poison the ant. It'll also retard fire.

Q: That's not a good thing, is it?

A: No, that causes a lot of gas and a lot of poison to form in the gas to burn and to prevent your mucus cells from forming mucus and from absorbing nutrients and fluids. A lot of people, you know, California is big on using borax in your mattresses as a fire retardant. You know how many people have lung disease because of that? So I have a doctor's note which says I cannot have borax or any other fire retardant in my mattresses. So when I have my mattresses made, they don't put any borax in, but it's a California law. So you have to get a doctor to say that you cannot have any fire retardant put in your mattress.

Q: You guys don't boron with me, we need to tell you that's a boron.

A: Borax.

Q: I know, but boron is the part we're talking about. That's what is the mineral in that.

A: I just told you the amount of concentration that is safe. Okay, and the concentration that comes in the cleansing powder and that they use for fire retardants is far too great. It's like arsenic. One part per, what is it, a billion? It's a nutrient, it's good for you. Ten parts per million, you've got a poison.

Q: Are you talking about borax?

A: Yes.

Q: How about boric acid?

A: Same thing.

Q: It's not good for you. It's not good for you.

A: Yes. How many times do I have to say it? It was a good soap, it really cleaned things, but they didn't look ever, it's a marketing tool. Somebody made a soap and wanted to make a billion dollars off of it, and they did.

Q: So if you wash your clothes with that, what happens?

A: Well, you'll start absorbing that if you perspire.

Q: And they become toxic and they dry you. They become fire-toxic.

A: Yes. And the gases, it will create a gas that gets into your lungs and finances.

Q: I've used that for a long time.

Q: I've got to become very careful.

A: I use Biokleen, B-I-O-K-L-E-E-N, cleanser degreaser. Do you want to show it to them?

Q: Yes. Do you use it for your clothes, too?

A: I use it for everything. I don't use anything else. That's it. You put it in a washing liquid. That's it.

Q: But it's going to foam.

A: Biokleen is the brand name. There's cleanser degreaser. It's passing around.

Q: They buy it at the convenience of people. They can buy it.

A: Yes, you can. I would put some of that in vinegar and a little baking soda and rinse it thoroughly.

A: No, drain it. Take a bucket. Spread all over. Wear gloves. Wear a mask. I don't care if it's all biodegradable or not. This is the only soap that I found that is 96 biodegradable. Your 7th generation. Only about 38% of their soap is biodegradable. So, again, it's bullshit.

Q: I bet that's just because...

A: Same thing. That's a heavy toxic oil.

Q: Dr. Bronner?

A: Yes. Dr. Bronner, yes. This is the only one that's at least 92 to 98%. 96%. Everything in it is biodegradable. 4 to 6% is not or 4 to 8% is not.

Q: Which one?

Q: How much is that in vinegar and how much is it not?

A: I suggest for the 2 1⁄2 gallons, you wash everything down. I suggest 2 1⁄2 gallons of water that you'll use. Use about 3 tablespoons of the Biokleen. Oh, that's the dish washing.

Q: I know, but is this what you've been using? You can see the brand.

A: I don't use the dish washer because the dish washer stuff has some of the chemicals in it.

Q: No, that's the dish washing liquid, not for the dish washer.

A: Doesn't make any difference. That's not the Biokleen that I use. There's only one Biokleen product. It's called cleanser and degreaser. This stuff is the cleanser and degreaser dissolved and diluted. Plus some really not such good substances mixed in.

Q: Are they called Biokleen and one is not good and one is good?

A: No, no, no. Biokleen is your brand name. It's like Kleenex. Okay? Biokleen. This is a dish washing liquid. Okay? What you want is cleanser degreaser, cleanser and degreaser. That is the product.

Q: You use it to wash the dishes, right?

Q: What do you do with the dishwasher? I'm not clear on that.

A: I just put two tablespoons per load. Just remember the cleanser degreaser is entirely concentrated. Water dilutes it perfectly. Remember water is your greatest solvent.

Q: Wow.

Q: How do they make a laundry detergent?

A: Yes, but they don't. They're all the same. They've taken the cleanser and degreaser and diluted it and added other garbage to it.

Q: Oh.

A: They've added fragrances to it and stuff like that so your clothes smell good.

Q: People like that have one on the junk.

A: Yeah, the cleanser and degreaser is strictly the soap. It's 96, almost 96% biodegradable. All that other crap in there, the deodorants, the perfumes are all toxic.

Q: You use that for everything, not that, but the degreaser.

A: Yes, I use the brand. My cleaners, when I clean, it cleans the windows, the floors, my slate floors. I just use warm water for dishes. And sometimes if something is really old and stinky, like seal, like when I had the seal and I made the seal oil and I put the seal on the plate, it's so oily, no amount of water is going to get it off. So I'll use just a drop of that cleanser, the degreaser on there, and with a little water and it's done. Just like that. Just a drop in a cup of water. It's incredible. I mean, two tablespoons, which is about a cap and a half full like this, that cleanser does a whole heavy load of laundry.

Q: When you've done your laundry, you do all the rinses?

A: Yeah, I always do.

Q: Do you just use cold or warm water for the washing?

A: I always use warm. Unless I have a masseur that comes over occasionally and I let him massage me with coconut cream, and he uses a whole two cups on me. It really gets me off. And it gets all into the blanket that I use, the flannel sheet that I use, and it's just heavy after a few times, so I'll put that in hot water. But then I don't even use much degreaser because the coconut cream is just soap. So I just put hot water in there and it cleans it.

A: You can use coconut cream as a soap. In warm water. As long as you've filtered it, you might have little bitty grains of coconut in there.

Q: Do you try to get something in your rinse by using cold water?

A: That's when I was using regular city water I did. But now that I have well water.

Q: We don't have well water.

A: Yeah, city water.

Q: But you use a tablespoon of?

A: No, I use about a teaspoon, one and a half teaspoons in the rinse cycle. It helps get rid of any other stuff.

Q: Just a mattress issue. Is the rubber mattress okay?

A: The what?

Q: Rubber mattress. No, not mattress. Mattress.

A: Yeah, rubber mattress.

Q: That's okay.

A: Well, I had a rubber mattress made. It's a true rubber. And when I slept on it, I sweat like a pig. I mean, I sweat all night long. My girlfriend and I just sweat all night long. And the bed was entirely moldy in two weeks. I mean, there was mold growing all over it. So it was agreed, decided that wasn't really going to do it. So we used it as a box spring because we don't like metal. So we used it as a box spring. And then I had a different eight-inch thick futon made with 90% cotton, organic cotton and organic wool. And they're spun in such a way and stuff that it holds, it sponges better. It holds better. So that's what I have on both my beds, indoors and outside. So, no, rubber, I mean, if you don't perspire like crazy, it's probably fine.

Q: It's just that cotton absorbs the moisture. I mean, it dries out things. Whereas rubber does not absorb moisture. So you see it.

A: It will mold. I mean, like I said. We went through two of them. We sent it back and said, there's something wrong with it. It's got mold in it. You know, they didn't tell us that we would sweat like pigs and that would cause mold. I didn't know fabric got that moldy that quick. Two weeks, covered with mold. So they sent us another one, the same thing happened. And I said, well, you know, after a few days, I said, ah, this is now a box spring. So I just flipped it over to dry out on the bottom and used it as a box spring.

Q: When did that happen?

A: Pardon?

Q: When did it happen?

A: Well, rubber is a complete sealant. It doesn't let, it doesn't absorb anything and it doesn't let air pass it. They had holes, you know, lots of holes all the way through it. But it doesn't ventilate. I mean, if you put a fan under the bed, it would probably work. It doesn't dissipate. It holds the moisture. So you're, you know, you've got moisture dripping down in those little holes. And then you've got it moldy and then burnt hard to the top.

Q: That's funny.

Q: You're going to be talking to some new eyes when you wake up.

A: There you go.

Q: You have a new pet.

Q: Do you want to go back to the hot tub?

A: No, this is going way over too much on the hot tub. You just had to call me about it.

Q: You're talking about a split. You started with me and you said there's two and a half gallons of, just to clean the damn thing, the Biokleen, what else? Three tablespoons of Biokleen. And then I asked you what was the vinegar ratio.

A: Vinegar should be about two tablespoons.

Q: And what else?

A: And the non-aluminum baking soda should be about three tablespoons.

Q: Okay. And you just.

A: Clean everything around, let it eat into that chemical. Because it'll, as it dries, the Biokleen and the vinegar are going to free it from the plastic. Then the baking soda is going to absorb it as it dries.

Q: But is it on?

A: Well, you rub it all in and you just let it sit. Then you take the rest of the gallon and a half and you run it through your filter system. So I would pull all your filters out. And then just run that through. And then you're going to have to rinse it through. And it's probably going to take you about ten gallons through your filter system. And then, you know, you're just going to have to wash it around, wash it around, mop it up or something. You've got to drain plug on it, obviously, so just drain it. And hose it.

Q: So just do that one time. That's the initial step.

A: That's all it'll take to get rid of that stuff, yeah.

Q: And then so every, so we're just talking about sanitization for something like that. You just say, just put.

A: Get a sand filter. And if you want to filter out your cells so you can keep the water longer, you get the three-tier system. HEPA filter with the finest mesh. So it goes through paper first, then it goes through a carbon, then it goes through sand. That's the best way to do it.

Q: I've never heard that before.

A: Paper has so many toxins in it, it's incredible.

Q: But it's the finest. So why would you change the filter?

A: The sand is a great iron binder of toxins. My water is heavy as hell where I live, the well water. I mean, it's just full of heavy, crusty minerals. And I only have the sand filter, and it comes out stinky because I've got a sulfur well up there. And let me tell you, when it runs through that sand, it is crystal clear. I get in there after having a coconut cream massage, and I get all that coconut cream in that water, two hours, that water is crystal clean, just from the sand. And I only have the sand filter.

Q: And if I can't get all that stuff done, you said put three tablespoons of salt and. . .

A: No, that's if you have a filter system. If you don't have those filter systems, you better put milk in there and sea salt and vinegar and all that stuff in there. You've got city water. Down here there are, what, 123 chemicals in the water.

Q: And now there's fluoride in the water, too, now.

A: Now there's fluoride, so you've got another five compounds to go with the fluoride.

Q: But you told me to buy the concept, so I did, and now I can't do it.

A: No, you just have to make it work. Three-tier system is no big deal.

Q: And then there's the surface you get. So if there's a filter in there, and you put the filter in there, already there, and you just stay in there, that's no good because actually the water is being filtered through that.

A: Well, you don't want that in there. You put something else in that filter. You don't put the moss in there. You put something else. Put the sand in there.

Q: The sand being used as the filter?

A: That's the way it is.

Q: Okay, I don't know.

A: So you get three canisters, so you've already got one. You get two more and put it on the outside. I've got a 300-pound one, so mine is this big, this big around.

Q: I guess a huge pool is better.

A: No, I don't have a pool. It's four of the huge pool. I've got a large 10-foot diameter hot tub to hold 400 gallons. But I didn't want to change the sand every year. With 300 pounds, I only change it once every 10 years. So that's why I did that.

Q: Did you backflip it?

A: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Okay, let's get on with something else. Yes?

Q: Making coconut cream, I ran it through the green star once, and then I started to put what came out through again. And then I put it four or five times, and it starts changing when it comes out. It starts getting real green and more green. What's the good number of times you do that?

A: You get them too hot. Just remember, with coconut cream, with the coconuts, in order for it to juice properly, to the oils to set free of the cellulose, you've got to have a hot room. It's got to be 80 degrees in your house. It's got to be 80 degrees. And then what I do is I'll take the coconut, and it's 80 degrees by the room temperature, or I take the chunks and put it in the grater, I mean in the food processor and grate it, then put it in a gallon jug, a gallon glass jug, and I'll immerse it in a bowl of hot water and let it sit for about 20 minutes. And I put a little bit of the coconut water in there and shake it up so everything is moist. And when it's warm and moist like that and you've got a warm house, you can get a cup and a quarter of coconut cream out of one coconut. If you've got a 70-degree room, 72-degree room, you're going to get about 2-3 ounces out of the coconut. And that's it.

Q: You let it through one time, and what comes out of it, throw away, and you put that?

A: No, I put it through two times, three times at the max. And then when I take that, I feed my roses and flowers and herbs with that nice oil. Let me tell you, my roses, my rose petals this year, I've done that two years in a row, put a little of the terramin clay in it. I have a compost pile where I put the urine for the nitrogen, and the ground squirrels hate my urine in the compost pile, so every day the squirrels will come and cover it with dirt so they're helping me compost. So I don't have to get out there with a shovel and do it, so we've got a great relationship. I make sure my two walnut trees grow and get fertilized, so they get their walnuts and they make sure my compost is good. So I take that, and with all that I use probably a pretty good concentration of the coconut pulp for that. My rose petals last a month and a half and none of the color ever degenerates. They don't turn brown or anything, and they are just as sweet tasting when I eat them as they are when they first blossom until a month and a half later.

Q: You were eating rose petals?

A: Oh yeah, mine with the coconut cream feeding them, the taste is phenomenal. Right now the wrong rose bush is that I'm home for a change, so the deer usually eat everything. So finally I've got to see more than two roses this year. I've got seven roses on one of my rose bushes, and it tastes like a cross between raspberries and strawberries.

Q: Is that the same with rose bushes?

A: Well each rose bush will have different flavors.

Q: So you can eat any kind of rose bush?

A: Well as long as they are not clinically treated. I like gardenias too, gardenias taste like bitter white chocolate. Those are pretty nice. Okay I guess... You can ask the question.

Q: [unintelligible] mad cow. I don't think many of the writings mention mad cow in any way. There was an internet article discussing why the English had so much mad cow in their sheep. And it got, it's just going to do that to us. And then we're doing it til 97.

A: Bullshit. When I was on my grandparents' farm, I saw cows eat mice, rats. They have to eat some meat, so that's not right. What they were doing is they take a dewormer, which is a high chemically reactive with mercury in it, and it's a dewormer and they put it right along the spinal cord. Washed it down the spinal cord. That got into the spinal cord, started melting and deteriorating. They're not going to tell you that, they're not going to tell the farmers that that's what caused it. And that's what caused it. It only happened with animals to get that chemical put on the spinal cord, that dewormer.

Q: They did that in the New Zealand area as well. There's no decision.

A: But there's more rain there.

Q: But yeah, they did that to the animals and whipped them down the spine.

A: But in England, that particular family who owned 90% of that goats herd, all of them are really farm stall fed. So they don't get anything fresh, nothing green. And then they get lots of chemicals, lots of injections, and that one just goes right in, eats right into the spine.

Q: They still use deworms?

A: Yeah, but they don't use that one anymore.

Q: So they stopped that one.

A: They stopped that right when they found out what it was, but they're not telling anybody that that was it, because there's a hell of a lawsuit.

Q: Yeah, that'll be very painful.

A: And it makes people worry that they're going to get some disease caused by microbes, not chemicals, microbes. They're telling you to poison yourself every day with chemicals, chemical poisoners, because they're better for you than the microbes we've been living with for millions of years. I mean, what a crock of crap that is. I mean, it's incredible.

Q: We are so good at following.

A: Oh, yeah. And we just poison ourselves and poison ourselves. Let me tell you, we've been dead millions of years ago if we didn't have relationships with all these microbes and bacteria. You can clarify. Pigs can't thrive without trichinosis, without the trichworm. And Dr. Joel Weinstock of Iowa University, and followed by him, eight other scientists, proved that the humans would digest better and never have any digestive problems if they had trichinosis, again. Only your tribe still has trichinosis. We are so poisoned with all the pesticides and additives to our food, the trichworm, the whipworm can't live. The trichworm can't live on us anymore. So you have to understand, you know, every time they come out with a new antibacterial and antiseptic to kill some bacteria, parasite, or fungus, you're in trouble. You have less friends in your body. More virus you're going to have to create. And what's the byproduct of virus? Massive contamination. Okay, I guess we've gone all the way around, haven't we?

Q: Okay, right here.

A: Okay.

Q: First for the eyes, what would you suggest, and would you talk about the clay, how we use that, or use it?

A: Well, I said I'll write it in the book.

Q: Okay, I'll check it out.

A: Okay, so you mix it with water and you let it sit for four or five days and then you start using it, whether it's surface or internally. If you've ever had a chance, if you ever get a chance to look at clay under a high-powered electronic microscope, it is the only substance I've ever seen where the creature is in a shape shift.

Q: What was that?

A: Shape shift. You can have an amoeba-looking organism and all of a sudden it will turn into like a streptococcus. Shape shift, right there before your eyes. The only substance that can do that. The American Indians all the way from South America to Alaska claim that, you know, besides snake oil, that clay is the most important substance that you can have to affirm your health. All pregnant American Indian natives all had moist clay every day, several times a day.

Q: Can I say something? I've been eating it for a year, but two nights ago, at 12 o'clock in the morning, I woke up with quite a severe headache and I just took a tablespoon of it and it just went.

A: It's incredibly absorbent. It's really wonderful stuff.

Q: When I bought it for that terramin Clay from Mrs. Maldonado, you told me to let it sit for three days. She said no, just let it sit for a few hours.

A: Who are you going to listen to, her or me?

Q: I told you that, Elaine.

A: Three to five days. Three to five days.

Q: She's a sales lady.

A: She doesn't know. She's no scientist. She's never done any experiments with it.

Q: When I wake up in the morning and I drink it and eat anything, well, vice versa.

A: I said, just like I say in my book, go into my book and read about it.

Q: What's the difference about, I mean, because it dissolves you out.

A: It becomes very active. Those things come alive. The more properties and the more longer it takes, it takes about five days for everything is working. It's an incredible substance. So you're getting maybe 3% of the value when you could be getting 100% of the value of it.

Q: So make a large amount.

A: I've got a jar, a two cup jar in there.

Q: How long will it last in the fridge?

A: I don't put it in the fridge. I put it under the sink.

Q: Even when you're going to finish?

A: Even when I have it finished.

Q: Even in the summer?

A: Even in the summer. I just put it in the cupboard.

Q: Does the herd [unintelligible] fridge then?

A: Yeah, it will. Well, the herd just won't be as active.

Q: But if I take it out, will it be okay?

A: Yeah, absolutely.

Q: Can everybody take this stuff?

A: Everybody can take it, certainly. Most people just don't like to eat dirt.

Q: There's books on it where you can take it three times a day or whatever.

A: Well, I don't think that's a good idea on this diet. Because you're going to absorb your own digestive juices and stuff like that if you have too much. I think maybe two teaspoons a day maximum if you've got a heavy problem. If not, half a teaspoon a day in one of your juices. What I do is I put like a half a teaspoon on my tongue, take a little bit of the vegetable juice, mix it around, swallow it, and finish my juice.

Q: What if you have heavy metals in there?

A: Yeah, I would do more. When I was still detoxing to chemotherapy a lot, I was eating three teaspoons a day. If you taste metal coming out of your mouth, coming out of your mucus or whatever it is, any kind of fluids that you smell, metallic, then take more.

Q: You're said today, you took a teaspoon.

A: Spread it out, morning, afternoon, night.

Q: Food for the eyes.

A: Okay, food for the eyes internally. Red meat for some reason is very important, just in small amounts. A small amount of it is necessary. In all my experiments, focus never improved without red meat. Otherwise, theoretically, it should be white meat that affects. But you've got a lot of muscle in those eyes. Those are muscles, a lot of muscles in the eyes. I think that's what it is. I think two ounces of meat a day is my volume minimum if you want to improve your eyes. But I don't think you need more than that. It's better to have more white meat if you're a hyperactive person. So don't eat red meat unless it is part of your normal diet, and eat just a small amount. To improve the vision, I've had many people who, oh, I'll be in your experiment, and then they are half-assed about doing it. I only had one woman who was thorough about it. I had different people putting egg white in their eye once a day. People put egg white in their eye twice a day, put egg white in their eye three times a day. Only one woman stayed on it diligently for one year with the three times a day. Her eyesight improved 30%. Her prescription went down 30% the first year, 25% the next year.

Q: How do you do it?

A: Well, the best way to do it is just to break an egg and get a bubble of the egg white. What I would do is I would put it – when I take an egg, I dent one end. Don't put a hole in the fatter end. I just dent it because the membrane inside attaches at the fat end and the thin end. So if you dent it there, it will collapse, and you'll get all the egg yolk out of it at the end. If that thing doesn't collapse, some of that egg white, egg yolk will stay inside the egg, and that can almost be half of a teaspoon or a teaspoon of egg yolk. So if you dent one end, and I use the eye tooth here, I dent that. Don't puncture it. Just dent it. And then it has to be about the size of a BB, that dent, at least that size. And then the other end, I'll break a crease across it and then suck it out. Well, when I do, when I want to do my eye, I'll make such a big hole and get a little bubble of the egg white on, pull the lower lid down like this, I look way up, and then rub it along the white of the eye. And then I open both eyes and roll it around like a circus master or a crazy person, and that coats it. You'll be a little fog vision for about two minutes and that's it.

A: It doesn't smell. It's soothing. It's cooling. It's soothing. And it gets rid of red eye, too. You've got a lot of red eye. Pardon?

Q: I wouldn't put contacts on it, however.

A: Not a good idea. If you have contacts, it's better to put it in at nighttime and wear your glasses if your vision is getting worse. Wear your glasses, put that in three times a day. And then when your eye's improved, you can use your contacts again. Okay, you still have so many questions. So let me go here.

Q: I was thinking about zeolite.

A: Zeolite?

Q: Yes.

A: You have to understand that's a chemical again. It is an electrically charged ionic system. It is not the natural ions that are produced by biochemistry. It is electrically charged. It's not a proper balance. No. It's not a life electrical charge. Sure, it helps all those people out there that are eating bad foods and have very little electrical charges in their body, but it won't move them to health. It will give them energy. It will give them charge. It will even make the brain and nervous system work better. But it will also cause a lot of bad electricity, a lot of short-circuiting later on, and a lot of problems.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Everybody's got a line of cells. You know how many people run to these quick magic fixes? There aren't any. There just aren't any. I've tried them all, and I've been suckered in by them all. You know, it's sad. But everybody wants a quick fix. I want a quick fix too, but I don't have it. There's no quick fix.

Q: I thought it was my personal question.

A: There's no such thing.

Q: Lately I've been getting stuff under here, and [unintelligible] because I'm having the egg.

A: It's got nothing to do with your food. It's got to do with whatever was already in your body.

Q: So what's causing it?

A: Whatever you have stored around in your tear ducts, around in your eyes, and it's coming out through your skin.

Q: Where is it, though?

A: I don't know.

Q: It's not metal or anything like that?

A: It could be anything. I wouldn't know without taking a scraping.

Q: Scraping?

A: Scrape the dried tissue off. Flakes off, and then you take it.

Q: The entire tissue?

A: But it's $2,300 to have it analyzed unless you want to send it to Vietnam.

Q: It's not organs or kidneys or liver or anything like that?

A: No, that's directly right there. Swelling can be caused from kidney edema. Black around here can be caused from liver malfunction. But when you've got a substance coming out the skin, it's local.

Q: No, not substance coming out. I'm just saying it's kind of like they look like baggy.

A: That's probably liver.

Q: What do I do?

A: Do the diet. You can eat liver. Liver is always the best thing you can do. Eat liver. If it's very toxic, then you mix liver and milk together. Oh, that little boy I told you about, Forrest, is five years old? He was on the mother's milk for a few weeks, and I convinced the mother, you know, the cow's been raw all of its life. She was a construction worker with her family, dry walling with all kinds of pollution. So I convinced her to feed the baby raw cow's milk because that cow had been healthy all of its life, being raw all of its life. So she fed him for about three months straight milk, and then they both came to me, the mother and father, and said, can you determine, you know, how we should feed our child to develop a certain kind of child? I said, what kind of child do you want? Do you want a martial artist? Do you want a genius? What do you want? And they said, do you want a balance of all of it? I said, well, if you want a genius, it's going to take a lot of good, you know, protein in the brain at a very early age, and the only place you can get concentrated protein in meat is from liver. So it'll be quick to digest. So even now, that's mainly what he eats, half liver, half milk with a little bit of honey in it. He still drinks that today. That's his main mixture, and that's what he loves.

Q: What kind of liver did he have?

A: Well, he was taking liver, yeah, but he was eating buffalo liver.

Q: So was there like a healthy story with the liver?

A: I wouldn't trust that.

Q: So you would have to order it?

A: Yeah, I would order that special from an Amish farmer where you know they're feeding him everything perfectly.

Q: What's the ratio of the liver and milk?

A: 50-50.

Q: 50-50.

A: And you can't put liver in a blender because it's got a lot of sinewy stuff in it, so it's better to cut it up into cubes and put it in a food processor and mince it, and then put it into the blender with the milk and a little bit of honey if you like. I could project out vomit liver from here to there when I used to eat it cooked. I mean I hated that stuff. It was horrendous. So for me to eat raw liver, it was excruciating, and I still don't like the first few bites of it. So I'll make that mixture, 50% milk, 50% liver, with a little bit of honey in it, like a tablespoon of honey per quart, and I'll make a quart of it, and I'll drink a little bit, and I don't like it, and I'll let it sit for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I want nothing but that, and I'll just drink it all day. And it is delicious, but it takes my body that whole 10 minutes to adjust to that flavor. It's because I was so repulsed by it as a child. The memory of it is so ingrained in my cells. It's crazy. Okay, do you have a question, Barbara?

Q: You can't see the one because they asked me.

A: This is about the question.

Q: Dr. Douglas, I did ask before, but I don't think you answered it. He said that DDT was okay. You remember Dr. Douglas on the milk. He kept on saying DDT was the answer. It was wonderful. Why does he say that when everybody else says that DDT was painful?

A: Well, DDT did get rid of a particular disease, a very complicated disease. I forgot which one it was. So when you look at that perspective, it was good for one thing. That doesn't mean it was good for everybody. Dr. Douglas is stretching it way beyond. He's just trying to make a point. Don't listen to them.

Q: Okay, that's lovely. Now, when I go to Australia I'm trying to get cheese. I can get the milk. I can get the cream. I can get the butter that's been cultured. But the cheese, he only does it the swift way because he's got the foot on. He charges, because it's dual-rated, he charges a huge amount for two ounces. So it's just 50. So I'm not going to be paying attention to it.

A: Absolutely. It doesn't make any difference.

Q: It doesn't make any difference.

A: It still works. Yeah, it's just you let it hang longer to get drier.

Q: I mean, I've made cottage cheese for years, but don't even make anything like the yellow cheese.

A: The harder cheeses are more absorbent if they've been in the body longer. The cottage cheese works as soon as it hits the stomach. So I like the cottage cheese better. But most people aren't going to make it.

Q: I don't worry about making it, so I'm hard as [unintelligible]. I've made it for years.

A: I know, but it takes time. You have to let it sit. It'll separate, and you have to pull it through the – You can hang it in the sleeve.

Q: I can leave it hanging on the end of the thing. It's no problem.

A: I use an organic T-shirt, white T-shirt. I sewed it into a big fat sock, and then I tie it up and let it drain over a bowl. It's great..

Q: Okay, that's what I need to know.

A: But some people say it's a pain in the butt and don't have time to do it.

Q: Can I ask you one more question, kind of a little related? Do women need magnesium to go with calcium? Somebody told me that, but I looked in all your books.

A: Everybody needs – everybody. I don't get into – when you get into chemistry, you're always going to get lost. You don't know without chemistry.

Q: So what's the answer?

A: There's always magnesium accompanied with calcium, everything. And in milk, yes, it is perfect, balanced. When you're eating cooked food, just remember there are minerals that are destroyed earlier, phosphorus and magnesium, then calcium. So you're cooking these foods, and of course you're going to be magnesium deficient. Pasteurizing dairy, you just cauterize all of the magnesium, all of the phosphorus, all of the potassium, and half of the calcium at 141 degrees for 30 seconds for one minute.

Q: And the lactase.

A: Well, yeah, I'm talking about – we're talking about minerals, right?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, so you're already deficient. You've got more calcium than you do anything. So, of course, you need – everybody's eating cooked foods is deficient, and phosphorus and magnesium all over the place. And all the calcium they're getting is very toxic. Pasteurized dairy is blue. Blue. Pasteurized dairy is blue. They treat it with chemicals, and then they homogenize it. When they do homogenize it, which means homogenization is when they push the cream through a sieve that is microscopic small, and it splits the fat molecule. It absorbs the minerals and all the other particles, so it stays suspended then and doesn't separate. That's cool, right? Because they don't have all the souring of the milk, of the cream when it separates. But it is blue, so they've got these mountains of dolomite, which is mined calcium. And the mountains – I've seen the mountains as big as this whole block, a mountain of dolomite, and they just shovel it into the huge tanks of milk to whiten it. This is rock mineral calcium. You can't absorb that.

Q: So do we need magnesium with calcium, is my question.

A: You're getting it with everything you eat.

Q: Oh, with everything?

A: Everything you eat.

Q: In your milk?

A: Unless you eat cooked foods.

Q: No, I don't.

A: Yeah.

Q: We don't do that any time.

Q: You know, I'm going to start paying these for the consultations.

Q: You know, here again, you know, the wholesalers on the farm would tell them, well, they've got to have this, you know.

Q: Mrs. Maldonado showed me a new product that I need. I've been using it. She has a new product called Al-Mass.

A: Who's Mrs. Christensen?

Q: Mrs. Maldonado.

A: I know, but did you call her about the terramin clay?

Q: She's the only one on the Internet.

A: So call Ray.

Q: He's in L.A. and it's under the California, California, what is it?

Q: California Earth Minerals.

Q: California Earth Minerals.

A: California Earth Minerals. That's the website, California Earth Minerals.

Q: And he's there. I mean, if you look up terramin, he's always there somewhere if you look at things.

Q: Well, I only got this one woman.

Q: Okay.

A: Well, don't even call her anymore. She's just selling products.

Q: I couldn't believe that. That's not what I called her about. And then there's the [unintelligible], terramin, and the clay packs. So the cheaper ones are the bath and the office space.

A: Well, the one you got, the one they call nutritional, that's the one you're supposed to eat.

Q: Which is terramin.

Q: And that's a calcium supplement, right?

A: No.

Q: Milk is your calcium supplement.

A: Yeah. Cheese is your supplement. Cheese is your supplement. Milk is your food for calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. But when you eat raw cheese with honey in your mouth at the same time, you're getting a concentrated mineral supplement.

Q: Well, for [unintelligible].

A: Raw cheese with your honey will get rid of it quicker, and cream, raw cream.

Q: Is that okay to be salty?

A: No.

Q: Nobody sells without salt.

A: I know. You just have to get the product list and find sources. We have a Rawesome Club that's in Los Angeles in Venice that sells all kinds of raw unsalted cheese that an Amish group makes from Pennsylvania. We have a truck in every week.

Q: James.

A: Yeah. James' place.

Q: They do have the terramin, right?

A: Yeah, they sell the terramin, they sell the honey, they sell everything. It's on my diet plus with some things I don't like, but it's not my place. I don't like the salted cheeses that he sells. I don't like the salt that he sells. I don't like the books about salt that he sells. You know, let's see.

Q: He doesn't even sell salt.

Q: Does he know the diet?

A: No, he knows the diet.

Q: He knows the diet.

Q: Oh, well, he says the majority of people that are doing the diet because they're making it. They're making things.

A: They have the salt even worse for them.

Q: No, that LA crowd gets into the crazy here.

Q: They say you need salt, the salt in the water.

Q: Yeah.

Q: And if you go up there, they're like, no, you need the salt, you need the water.

Q: They've heard that way before. They must be pressured by the constituents up there.

A: No, it's James and James, the Bob Z twins.

Q: James Hodgson.

A: Hodgson, he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Q: Isn't he your friend?

Q: Yeah.

A: Yeah, but that's why I know he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. After two years of weekly teaching, and I let him sit down, I'm like, he couldn't answer even a third of the questions right that I gave him.

Q: Yeah, when he got his BA.

A: He got a what?

Q: Certified acupuncture license.

A: Oh, but then he got that, yeah, but you don't have to be good at anything to do that. He was dying while he was in that course, and then he got on my diet, and he changed so radically and healthfully. He went from this skinny, weak little person. When he came to my door, he had to swing his arms forward just to take the first step. That's how weak he was. And within five months, he's big and huge and strong, and certain people at that school, at that acupuncture school, got on this diet after they saw what happened to him.

Q: But he was too afraid at some point, and he kind of slipped?

A: No, he wanted quick shit, magic bullets. So he let this guy talk him into, oh, Saul will do the supplements, do that. And he thinks just because this guy tells him, that it works. And let me tell you, if you see he's got a hops and now he's almost just like he did when he came to me. Skinny, dry skin, awful. He's hyperactive and nervous because he's eating these supplements. They're raising adrenaline.

Q: So why is he lost? Why is he lost like that?

Q: Money.

Q: Money, is it?

Q: Yeah.

Q: He's like a parasite. That's what I mean.

Q: That's why he's toast.

Q: He's crazy, his whole brain.

Q: That's why he's toast. He's toasty because he's greedy.

A: Well, he still does the diet probably, you know, 70%.

Q: It wasn't greed. This guy was a really good salesman, I think, to be quite frank. I've never seen a guy as strong as he was, and I've been in that industry for years. He's a real salesman. Because Hops was basically a really good guy.

A: No, he wasn't.

Q: Well, I guess he wasn't.

A: He was a very dishonest person.

Q: Were you doing it?

A: Oh, yeah. You know, by the time I said I didn't want nothing to do with him, he was dishonest. He didn't tell me. We had an agreement that if he decides, you know, you want to change and do that, he kept. He was telling my patients to go with this other guy and to leave me and the diet. A very dishonest ugly person. And he still pulls it. He still does it to this day because he wants patients. And he's not, you know, he's not smart enough to make it on his own. So he's riding on my tail. No, he's not a nice person. He's not a nice person. He's charming and he's good looking and all of that, but he's not true here at all.

Q: That doesn't make him a good guy, does it?

A: Yep.

Q: It doesn't.

A: Good facade. And he's got the facade. And he's just wasting away now.

Q: I'm so glad to see you for what you have done.

A: You're welcome.

Q: It's been wonderful and I have learned so much from being here at all these lovely meetings. And I'm going to miss them very much.

A: Well, you'll have to get me over there in Australia.

Q: I'm going to vacation.

Q: Oh, she's reading some books.

Q: Are you reading some books?

Q: I didn't know you were reading.

Q: Well, we don't know if you're good.

Q: Oh, I thought you were going to say I'm bad.

Q: You know you're quite good at reading.

Q: You're quite good at that. You're quite good, Bob. You may not think nobody else would.

Q: You're quite fine. I've been fine.

Q: There we go. We'll have you on the conference call.

Q: What are you doing out there? They're going to miss you, Bob.

Q: Thank you, Donna. I didn't know that.

Q: How's it going? Are you working on that?

A: I'm having such computer problems. There is obviously some sabotage going on because I started having computer problems last November. I ordered so far six top of the line computers and they all come damaged. Several times come damaged. They get there, I turn them on, and they crash within three days. Somebody's sabotaging them in presence. They're the only thing that can be. Finally, I went through five of them here from November to February. When I went to the first of March, I went to Asia. It was March 4th, something like that, or March 1st. I got there on the 2nd. I had a girlfriend go from the town I was in, take a taxi all the way into Bangkok to a particular store, buy this model that I wanted, and it was fine, working great, going to start editing, but I needed to catch up on everything because I was four months behind on everything because I couldn't get a computer to work. I left the house three weeks ago, and I left my computer there, and I lock up the house. I came back, the back door was open. Turned on the computer, didn't work. I took it to be repaired. They said it's so damaged we can't, you know, somebody put an electric charger there and blew it up. So can't even get a motherboard here because it's from Asia.

Q: But it's just right in the middle.

Q: Yeah.

A: Yeah. You heard.

Q: What do you do?

A: I can't edit video with writing.

Q: Oh, you're right.

Q: You can't tell the police that someone, you're a cloyant when they see you.

A: Which is, you know, nothing was gone. You know, so now I got special locks on all the windows and doors. Finished that this morning. And, you know, I still, you know, this computer I got was the one that crashed on me last November, and it somehow healed itself, and it's working. It's still working a little funny, but at least I can use it. And I'm going to have to wait until I go to Asia to get another computer because I can't trust it. I had somebody else order the computer for me, so we had a code on the phone. Obviously figured it out. Top company. They keep saying, oh, we're going to get it to you, we're going to get it to you. Six weeks has passed. We're talking a top computer company. Oh, now it's out of stock or it's a back order. Somebody's getting to these people. It is themselves.

Q: You know, you're very controversial, don't you think? You've got the whole industry after you because there's multiple industries.

A: Well, I've got probably the medical industry, the nutrition industry, the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: You know what they do to people in this country, Ryan? This country always has a horrible way of dealing with good people.

Q: They're just trying to take them down to pass the bag.

Q: Why are you trying to elect them both times?

A: There's a law there.

Q: Why is this website getting cut in?

A: I can't get a computer here.

Q: You mean you're buying it in Thailand?

A: Yeah, I'm going to buy it in Thailand. Not in Thailand.

Q: Maybe you can get a couple. Maybe you can get a few backups.

A: Well, I said never leave the hassle down my computer anymore. It goes with me.

Q: Can't you have somebody build one for you? Somebody built one for me. Custom built one.

A: Well, I always go for custom built because what I get is a high-end everything. So it's a very expensive computer.

Q: You need to put your backup in a safe place.

Q: What are you trying to do under a different name?

A: Trying to do about what? I can't go to a computer store and get what I need. I've got to be able to edit film that's five and a half hours long.

Q: Someone asked you something about a DVD. What are you trying to make?

A: I did a workshop in Los Angeles, and it was five cameras, five and a half hours. I've got 30 or 40 hours of film to edit down to five hours.

Q: Oh, you're trying to do a five-hour DVD with question and answers.

A: No, it was a workshop with question and answers. Workshop, I think.

Q: Well, don't you think that every time you look up to the Internet, you could be invaded?

A: I've got five firewalls, so it lets me know when anybody's coming in.

Q: Wow.

Q: You know what geniuses they have out there.

A: I know, but it's still going to be hard to get in. If they could get in that way, they could have destroyed and got a virus into my computer. This was a contact electrical charge that went into my computer. They broke into my house to do it. If they could do it through the Internet, they would have. I guarantee you. Who wouldn't? Who would want to take a trip all the way out to Malibu and break into my house?

Q: Is the fire affecting you right now?

A: Pardon?

Q: Is the Malibu affecting you?

A: It's still burning. When I left, they tried to close me down, get me on the PCH. But I gave them an address on PCH, so they had to let me through as if I lived there.

Q: How far is it away? Are you a couple miles away?

A: I'm about 13 miles away, 12, 13 miles away from the fire right now.

Q: What's the fire's name?

A: Pardon?

Q: What's the fire's name?

A: They haven't named it. It's in Malibu.

Q: They've destroyed that beautiful house. That's awful.

A: Oh, yeah. It's burning hard. The wind's blowing it toward the ocean, and that's where all the homes are.

Q: It's basically through the...

A: When I went there, there were already five fire districts on their way, passing me, going to them.

Q: It was a thousand acres when I left. I don't know what it is now.

A: It started last night because I smelled it. I woke up about, went to sleep about 8 o'clock, and I got up at 1138. I haven't been back to sleep since. It was just a five-minute nap. And it was burning last night. I could smell it all night.

Q: They said 5 minutes this morning they were wrong.

A: Oh, it was burning all night because I smelled it from 11 and 12 o'clock last night, maybe 1130 when I awoke. So it burned all night. Maybe nobody recorded it.

Q: Nobody realized it. And the helicopters can't go up at night.

A: They can as long as there's no ceiling. And it was a beautiful night last night, lots of stars. It was a great night. What time is it?

Q: 530.

A: Oh, gosh, I'm 30 minutes over. We've got to get going. I've got patients to see.

Q: Thank you.

A: My computer got me.