Q&A Of February 9, 2003

Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Before going to the Q&A I'll tell you a little bit about my experience on vacation. I went to Guadeloupe, which is an island in the West Indies. It's French-owned and French-speaking. They speak Creole and French there. No English, [unintelligible] somebody's from Montreal. And so it's very difficult to find anybody who speaks English. I don't speak French well enough to have any conversation about nutrition. So that's why I went there. I would be assured to have a vacation. And it worked. It was a fun time. One day, I went to go hiking. On Guadeloupe, it's like two islands butted together. One is called the Grand Territory, Grand-Terre. And the other is called Bastard. Every time they say it, it's like somebody said Bastard. But it's B-A-S-S-E-T-E-R-R-E. But in French, it's called Bastard. But it sounds like bastard, with a hard, gravelly R. So it's Bastard and Grand-Terre. And the Grand-Terre is very hilly. Lots of valleys. And so I drove all through that, and it was nice. The other island is where the volcano is. It's not an active volcano. And jungle all around it. And mainly on these two islands, the Grand-Terre is mainly sugar cane. The other island is mainly [unintelligible], beans, coffee, and bananas. So it's heavily farmed. But it's gorgeous jungle. It's so thick. So I was going to go on the natural, the human path, which is this cut road, pretty rocky and messy. And I went with these rubber tongs. And in my shorts and a t-shirt. And I was going along this road, and I didn't want to be on the road anymore. So I started going to the animal trails. And that's rough, because you have to go under, and you have to climb over these roots, and they fall to the ceiling, and then falling over them. It was wonderful. And I actually spent about five hours climbing through the jungle, trying to find the waterfalls. And finally I got to the end. There were a couple people on the diet who were professional rock climbers. And they took me [unintelligible]. They forced me to go up. So I went. It was OK. But I never, you know, I was always afraid of heights. And since the stomach surgery, I've always been nauseous from heights. Something you don't want to do with a rock climber. But something came over me, and I climbed all the way down the falls, and then all the way down the lower falls, and all the way, rock climbing all the way. It was phenomenal. I went with these tongs.

Q: Wow.

A: And how many times they broke, they were well-made tongs, and they're actually rubber. You never find anything like that in the United States. [unintelligible] And I have one of those Swiss Army knives, so they have 28 tools. So I was able to punch it back through. And I only banged up my nails. I broke up my nails. I have a few cuts on my toes. But it was pretty easy. It was pretty good. And I was just so amazed that I was able to do that. And then the last day I was there, they had a thing called Cirque, which means circus. And they had a trapeze. I turn 56 in two months. And I get up there on the trapeze, and you're trying to get up that 30-some feet high. And you pull the trapeze over, and you've got to lay it over. And I'm nauseous as hell, so I say lay it down. I got up there, and I was very nauseous. And I said, ahem, I'm going to have to stand here until the nausea goes. Nausea doesn't go. I'm just jumping now. I'm not doing any trapeze. So I waited about five, six minutes. Nausea went away. And then, of course, when I [unintelligible], the nausea came back. So I was just there for a good two minutes. And they had to be punched before it was strapped on the side. [unintelligible] terrible accident. So then I did these, you know, run around, brought my legs around, got on the trapeze, did all that, came around, got back up again, came around, did flips. [unintelligible]. And they were amazing. I was 56 years old and don't even exercise. So anyway, it was pretty good, you know, for a person who doesn't exercise. I felt pretty good about it. The only thing that was a rude awakening is that it's right near the equator. And it's only about 500 miles north of Venezuela. And it was very humid. And I was perspiring like crazy, you know, when I was going through the jungle. And, of course, I was drinking the water coming from the stream. And there are these signs, photographic signs, showing this snail, this parasite, that goes here to the man and what it causes in the man. And they say, don't drink this water, don't drink this water, [unintelligible]. It's a parasite. I didn't seem to get any. I drank probably two liters of that water. But I had to drink more water. I drank probably four liters in the last three days that I was there. [unintelligible] all year here, or at least through the fall and winter. So that vegetable juice was very important. So the next time I go on a trip like that, I would definitely going to get my juicer ready. So I had to drink the water. But at the end of that, when I got home, I found my teeth very sensitive. Other people won't react as much as I do, because [unintelligible], they don't drink water. But the water was very [unintelligible], like I said. And I took lots of [unintelligible]. I couldn't get any of the red meat. I had a little lamb chops a couple of times. No red meat on that island, unless it's frozen. Fresh fish every day right off the dock. And I mean, I had it in the back of the car. It was not even wrapped tightly, not in a jar. It was in a plastic bag, sitting in the back, really hot. Tastes just as fresh. [unintelligible] They had big swordfishes or tunas, and they're just cutting them up right there. [unintelligible] But I'm used to having a lot of red meat. And I had all day, a couple of lamb chops. It was hard meat. I was there for seven days. I did have some of the New Zealand beef with me, one jar of it, one quart jar. And I didn't eat it until I had to near the end, about the sixth day there. And it was just so fresh. And I had it in the hotel room with ice. I changed the ice every day. And I turned the air conditioning off, so I don't like air conditioning. And I don't worry about mosquitoes, because there were only about three mosquitoes the whole time there. And I slept on the beach, [unintelligible]. And I just liked having a hotel room. I went to the Club Med, because you go to the Club Med, they you know who you are. You can always find somebody that speaks English there if you need to. And there's always all that. If nobody knows you, and you don't speak the language well, something happens to you, it's difficult to get out. So that's why I did that. I slept out on the beach. It was very enjoyable. I would definitely take more red meat with me to an island out there in the future. And I did take enough cream. I took enough cream, eight ounces a day, for the entire seven days. And a little bit of sour cream. I took out my cheese and [unintelligible] at the seminar there. That would save my whole lower mental level. And [unintelligible] a couple of bricks of cheese from that. And I had plenty of butter with me too. I had everything I needed except red meat. Enough red meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible] changed ice once or twice a day. And it was good. It was good. I don't know if it was the energy on the island or what. [unintelligible] But there, it didn't. Even if I left it out all day, it didn't turn sour. [unintelligible] And I took a big batch of my primal facial body cream, which I used for sunscreen. I was closer to the sun in the winter because three million miles closer to the sun, so it was much more intense. That's why in South America, in the summer there, it was much hotter than it is here in the north. So I'm near the equator. Very intense sun. The one day that I didn't put it on before I went out to the beach and got in the salt water, [unintelligible], that one two-hour period spent in the ocean water playing balls with the kids, I burned. So that one two-hour period.

Q: Because?

A: Because I didn't use the primal facial body cream. And so every other time, at that time, I didn't. So I burned a little bit here, a little bit here.

Q: You mean that formula that you used for your face?

A: Yeah.

Q: What were the Native girls like?


A: Well, the Natives had been moved off all of the islands except for once, like in Hawaii mainly. The true Natives, the Natives who belonged to those west Indian islands were put on an island. And those black people who lived there who were slaves and eastern Indians. So those were the two cultures there. And you talked about minorities. Whites are a minority. You're lucky if you're 5% of the population. And the blacks and mulattos and Indians, you know, the whole workforce. And they're very sociable and nice until you start going back into their, where they live. And then not very nice. It's like [unintelligible]. And I go everywhere. You know, I like to check out everywhere. And I've never really been in the minority. I haven't been to Africa yet. I'm sure I'd be a minority there too. This is the first time I've been.

Q: What were the Native guys like?

A: They were like a, the pictures I've seen, I didn't see any of them in person. But they looked like a cross between, they probably looked a lot like Polynesians. Darker, more black.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They were Cajun, French and black. So they called it Creole.

Q: Did you try to convert them?

A: Pardon?

Q: Did you convert them?

A: Pardon?

Q: Did you convert them?

Q: No, he couldn't speak French.

A: I couldn't speak French well enough. And boy, if you go to an island like that, it's French, you better be able, you better try to speak French. They don't like you at all. If you try, you just don't do well. Okay, now we'll start with questions. Does anybody have any questions about all that?

Q: What kind of fish were you doing?

A: There were all kinds. Dolphin, swordfish, tuna, a thing called bouc. That's what they called it in Creole. But it wasn't like a purple, blue, deep fish. It was very tasty. It was all so fresh.

Q: You have to ask around to find that?

A: It was very easy.

Q: You can find the docks and all that.

Q: I went to Aruba and it's a desert and there's not a big food there to be exported. But obviously that was more of a challenge.

A: Well, yeah. There are inhabitants of the island that fish everywhere. South of Petare there's a whole market area. Different towns, they have their market areas. I was in St. Anne and there was a large market and several fish areas.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They didn't this time because I arranged it with the chief of the... Well, not the chief, he went on vacation. He was on vacation when I got there, so it was three days. But I did a commercial for them in 92. So they gave me eight days and eight nights in Nassau, Paradise Island. And they kept all of my food in refrigeration, but like I said, I kept it in my room this time. The cafeteria was much farther than I was.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, I went in, let me tell you, they had nice brown eggs and I'd take six to nine raw eggs and put them in a big glass. And that's what I'd have for breakfast.


A: You know, put it in there, you know. A big bowl of eggs with a boiling pot. You put them in there and you could poach them or you could hard boil or soft boil them. Otherwise, there was raw eggs sitting there every morning in the refrigerator.

Q: You guys, I have a question.

A: Yeah, I was drinking some cream before I went down to get the eggs. And I was always able to get [unintelligible] fish too. But I'd go out and buy my own too. [unintelligible] I only got four pounds of fish. And I ate about two and a half pounds that evening and then the next morning I ate the other two and a half because that was on my trip home. And I didn't know what I was going to be able to get through the customs. [unintelligible] to get through customs. Okay, you have a question?

Q: Yeah. You said that you can get [unintelligible].

A: Well, it depends upon the herbs. If herbs are fresh and you juice them, they're very potent, they're full of enzymes, vitamins, everything's active. Once you dry it, everything's dead. You can get some minerals from it, you can get some other chemical products from it, but it won't be in a balance. That's why I said in the book you're going make it make a sun tea with it if it's an emergency type thing. Otherwise, Southern California, you're going to have your herbs fresh and juiced. But if you're having an herb that is different, that is concentrated other than parsley or celery, make sure you only have 5% of your juices, other than 5% to 10%. Like cilantro, it'll pull out a lot of metals. If you've got a lot of mercury toxicity, 10% of your juice being cilantro is going to detox you pretty heavily pretty quickly.

Q: The question was what about herbal extracts.

A: They're all processed.

Q: Herbal extracts?

A: Herbal extracts. They're all processed. Processed, distilled, solvent-extracted. Alcohol may be the solvent or petroleum, like break fluid.

Q: Probiotics? Cause they talk about the probiotics as a friendly bacteria which is kind like the herb that is also dry and not alive.

A: If it's dry, it's not alive.

Q: It's dry.

A: That's right. It's not active, not alive. It will take a lot for your body to rehydrate that herb just to get a little bit of something out of it. Remember, we don't have those enzymes to break down cellulose. Our enzymes and digestive juices are for meats, for animal bone. It takes an herbivore to break down those herbs and vegetables. Suzanne.

Q: Yeah. What have you found often to tend to be the priority for a lot of people when they're [unintelligible]? What do you think is the top priority?

A: As I said in the first book, 65% of my cases of cancer reverse through the fats alone. Using proteins alone, very few of them recover. So fats are a major issue with almost all diseases and with cancer. It's important. Just remember that if you've got toxins in your body, when you have cancer, you've got a build up of a lot of toxins everywhere in the body and it's a breakdown of the liver. The liver is not digesting fats properly to make the cholesterol bind and to dissolve dead cells so they just keep collecting in the body. So you're in a dangerous situation. Fats are so important to bind with those poisons, dissolve with the poisons. If you don't have them, guess where the poisons go? Right into the cells. You can do cell damage and so on, damage to the chromosomes. You may not recover. Thin people do not recover. People who stay thin do not recover. Owanza would go from 82 pounds when she was vomiting and vomiting and vomiting and started to discharge tumors, as soon as that cycle was over, I didn't think she was going to live five times. But she made it through, 92 pounds Somebody who's 5'2 and 92, I'm [unintelligible], 82 pounds. No, she went down to 68 once. 68 pounds. You know, like a teenager, a little child, 12 years old. And then she would gain all this weight, go up to, you know, 5'2, up to 140, 160 pounds. So she would put it on when she had to. And the people who reverse their illness as quickest on this diet allow themselves to get thin. Those who don't, move very slowly, especially my actors. They want to stay slow. Sure, their blood will stay stable and they'll have more energy. But when they have a breakdown in detoxification, they don't get through it easily and they'll recover easily. It lingers because they don't have that excess fat to protect them. So it starts damaging their cells, their live cells, weakens them, makes them irritable, unhappy. So fat is the most important [unintelligible]. If it's a disease mainly dealing with nerve tissue, cream is the best. If it's dealing with any other part of the body, butter is better. If it's balance of nerve and other parts of the body, then equal amount of butter and cream. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, when I drink juice with a lot of celery, I get pretty bloated and I know sodium does that to me too, so I don't know if this has to do with sodium.

A: Well, what happens is, were you a big salt eater?

Q: I never craved salt, but I definitely liked it.

A: Usually that occurs in people who have an allergy to sodium and salt. And it stores in their body from all the years of having had the salt. So you have all these salt storages throughout the system, crystal. And whenever you take the sodium in the celery juice, it starts breaking it up. So it causes edema. Usually it causes edema because you have a clumping of sodium ion. And when the sodium clumps, it passes the cell. Cells need ionization because they have one or two ions in their stomach. When they need to eat, they'll attract, let's say, a potassium ion because it carries glucagon or glycogen with it, and it can give them sugar that way. Sodium usually carries H2O with it. So if the cell opens to draw in some sodium to get the H2O, the clumping, the magnetism of the ions outside the cell is so great that it rips the ions, magnetizes the ions and rips the guts out of the cell. The cell can no longer eat its sugar, like a raisin. But all this excess fluid stays in the blood serum and does not get into the cells. And that causes edema.

Q: That's from the salt or the celery juice?

A: That's from the salt in your body. Sodium pulls those salts out, getting recycled into the blood. And then it would be gone.

Q: And what happens to that cell?

A: That cell is dead.

Q: So when you're drinking a celery juice, is it shriveling up the cell?

A: Well, it can. It depends if you're drinking it, if you have... The body will usually regulate itself. That's normally what happens when you put sodium in the body, salt in the body. If you're using high-sodium foods like tomatoes, watermelon, or celery juice, which is high in sodium, it doesn't cause a clumping, even though it's concentrated in sodium. It will start pulling that out. When that happens, very few cells are affected that way with the clumping. Because the celery juice and tomato juice and watermelon juice will keep it from clustering.

Q: So is it healing the damage to the regular cells somehow?

A: Well, when it comes out, the body will try to keep the salt from clumping. Try to disperse it and then throw it out the kidneys and then out the bladder. Some will be perspired if you exercise. Some of them will be gotten rid of that.

Q: So is it better to continue to do this or to cut back on it?

A: Are you discomforted by it?

Q: Well, it's not painful or anything, but you can't wear your clothes, you know.

A: Then, you know, go to a sauna or hot bath or exercise and perspire it off. But, you know, the quicker you get it out of your body, the healthier you'll be. Salt gives you one... Salt storage is in the body when you have the worst cravings. The worst you can crave, the worst it can cause you to crave. You have cravings for candy, for carbohydrates, for, you know, starches, starch carbohydrates, more water, all kinds of things. Salt imbalances the whole chemistry.

Q: So celery, tomato, watermelon is good to flush that out.

A: Yeah, but if you have watermelon, you better eat a lot of cream. If you're having tomato, you should always have some cream. That way, if the sodium ions are clumping, that's there to help bind and reduce the magnitudes in the magnetic field.

Q: So you don't have tomato without cream?

A: I'm not saying that. I'm saying those who have [unintelligible], they should have cream and tomato.

Q: Butter is also good?

A: It's okay. It doesn't work quite as well as cream.

Q: How about yogurt?

A: That would be okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends upon your system. I was eating, drinking 16 ounces of cream a day. But, you know, this is usually my exercise. I have 8 ounces a day putting on a normal amount. You know, a pound every couple of days as I'm building up in my weight. But when I was exercising on the island, which I never do, I was drinking 16 ounces of cream a day and just maintaining my weight. I mean, when I went up on that trapeze, I was 190 pounds. That's a lot of weight. I mean, the guy who was 6'1", you know, he was 190 pounds. And he was going to catch me. I didn't trust him.

Q: You're talking about tomatoes. How much cream do you suppose to eat a day?

A: It depends. I mean, a quart of cream, you know, I mean, a quart of tomato sedation is 3 ounces of cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, say 28 ounces of tomato to 3 ounces of cream. Basically. Okay. You have a question?

Q: Yeah. Well, would the diet allow your cartilage to, like, regrow? Because I had some of my cartilage in my knee removed years ago. I was just wondering, just by being on the diet, will that cartilage ever grow back?

A: Yes, especially if you eat a lot of fowl with a little bit fish, you'll be able to concentrate on that, put hot water bottles around it. Or you can just have plastic for it.

Q: No, I don't...

A: Yes, it will grow back if you encourage it. Remember that if you put a hot water bottle at an injured area or an area where you want regeneration, the heat forces more circulation. More circulation means more nutrients to that area. So that area will be a focus of healing, the hot water bottle. No heating pad, that's electromagnetic field, and that will alter the molecular structure of cells.

[audio cut]

Q: I'm talking about the hot water bottle. Can I put it right in this area, the hot water bottle, [unintelligible]?

A: Well, because cancer, basal cell cancer, is very acidic, if you put it here, it might start burning because it will perspire with it. So it's better to have it over here.

Q: Oh, okay, and that's where it actually feels better, I should say. I put it on my ear and it feels so good. I put it here and I'm uncomfortable.

A: I have the same problem when I have cancer on my face.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I don't like these because it's a synthetic material. I just found a company that actually makes rubber water bottles. So it takes a lot more heat without falling apart, without breaking. Have you ever been in bed and a hot water bottle would break on you? I have many times, especially Lori. Lori likes to have those things cooking. And it says 140 degrees max. She put 160 degrees in there to burn herself.

Q: Oh, in a faucet?

A: Yeah, well, [unintelligible].

Q: Do you know if they have [unintelligible]?

A: I will have it for the next time. And they are all rubber. They smell like rubber, of course, and they smell like burned rubber when you first put that water in them. So what I do is I'll fill them up a couple times and leave them outside for about three weeks before you cut down on the rubber. But it's a smell like rubber tire at first. And then, you know, a few months, it dissipates, the smell dissipates.

Q: I [unintelligible] people stuff if they really need it. [unintelligible]

A: Anybody? Well, I mean, if it's only two people, you can go to the regular markets and get it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: 310-664-0630. Okay, now I'm going to have to go to the store.


A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: I have one on dentistry. I was wondering, I was told I have a, you know, I need a filling. And I asked the guy about it. And I was told, well, if you let it go, the bacteria will eat through and eventually get your nerve. And I think you have a different opinion about that. But my thought was this. If you have something wrong with the tooth already, is it the same theory that the bacteria is doing something to that already damaged material? Or is the bacteria actually eating away at your tooth?

A: Well, you've asked a very large subject. I'm not going to go into it fully. If you have, let's say, a composite that's plastic, it sets off dioxins and phthalates. It causes bacteria to grow underneath. It also causes a recession of gums. It also causes a recession of nerves. Composites are not good things to put in. Plastic fillings. Get inlays or onlays or porcelain or ceramic. Those are the things to use. Crowns too.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They only make that in crowns.

Q: But there's metal in there.

A: Yeah, that's to reinforce.

Q: That's okay.

A: Yeah, it's gold.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You should ask for gold.

Q: You can get gold or you can get a combination of gold and platinum, which is stronger than the gold alone.

A: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's not good. And, of course, if you have amalgam fillings, that's 50% mercury. That poisons the nerve all the way back. I had all my amalgams removed in 1978. They left my teeth gray. There wasn't a tooth in my head that [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've only seen young people repair their teeth on this diet. If you're so toxic, it takes forty years to get well. The teeth are the hardest place to... If you have no circulation going on the outside, the only way you can feed is through within. Bones on the inside, it takes seven and a half years to replace every single bone at one time. But you've got circulation coming from every direction. In the teeth, you don't have that restorative property.

Q: What about the nerves surrounding them?

A: Pardon?

Q: Nerves surrounding your teeth?

A: Well, they can be severely damaged from all the mercury and the amalgam.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that just shows that your nerves are not strong enough. Now, although my teeth dangled after the chemo and radiation, it deteriorated all of the bone around my teeth, so my teeth just dangled. Very sensitive and sore. And like that, [unintelligible] at a time, so I had to drink everything through a straw. And they wanted to pull all my teeth, and I was going to die a few months. I had to die with my teeth. So, I was 21 years old, you know, [unintelligible]. I wasn't going to do it, you know, for years. But the raw cheese really helped me stabilize.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no, I blended it with butter.

Q: What, the cheese?

A: The cheese, yeah. And basically, it's my cheesecake. Half butter, half cheese. A little bit more butter than cheese sometimes. [unintelligible] And after about a year and a half, the bones grew back, stabilized within about six years. I still have most of my teeth on me. I only have, I'd say, one here missing. And this one was all deteriorated, [unintelligible]. That one's taken 20 years to deteriorate. And no decay. Every time I go to the dentist, there's no decay there. It's just that the acids keep dissolving the tooth. There's no dentine to stop it. And the acids in my mouth are breaking it down. But there's no more decay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no. Milk and cream are fine. You know, the acids from my brain. Everybody has a very acidic brain because they've been eating cooked foods, cauterized minerals. Most of them, a lot of the metallic minerals in the body are in the nervous system because that helps the transmission of information. So most of your toxic, free radical poisons are in the nervous system, in your brain. And most of that comes out in your throat, mouth, your phlegm, your sinuses, your eyes and your eardrum and your ear wax. So it discharges out here, so it's intense acid, intensely acidic, and those metallic minerals discharging into the gums. So you have so much plaque. And, you know, every time you drink more milk, it attracts more of the poison metals, those poison minerals, into the gums to discharge out the gums. So that's why you keep having plaque and plaque. And you will, you know, for at least 40 years. Next question. Barbara.

Q: [unintelligible] All meats have salt in it. Because I'm so sensitive to salt, and even if I have a little bit of the [unintelligible], red meat especially, chicken, even plankton, I don't even use sauces because I thought it was the sauces that make my mouth burn. But it's the meats themselves, they burn my mouth. Is that okay?

A: That's the acid in the meats.

Q: Yes, the acid in the meats.

A: Acid minerals in the meats.

Q: So like other people eat a lot of it, and they don't get bothered by it.

A: That's because they didn't have radiation in there. Radiation there would cause everything to go twice as acidic. It even transforms some of the naturally alkalinizing minerals into acid minerals.

Q: That's why everything I eat...

A: That's why every time you eat something, it'll start discharging more of the poisons out the gums, out the tongue, the lips, the breath.

Q: The whole body starts itching too.

A: Same thing with mine, like I said, I used to have cracks this long all the way down to here. My mouth was bleeding, cracks all the way up into here, you can some of the scars.

Q: But you continue eating it even though you have these symptoms.

A: There's no way to stop. I just constantly put cream, cold cream in my mouth just to soothe myself.

Q: So that I'm not going to eliminate the chicken and fish because...

A: If you do, then you're not [unintelligible] radiation.

Q: So continue, keep on chugging on.

A: Yeah. Mine was a little bit worse than yours. You don't have that. You have the heavy buildup of dead cells, dead tissue in here from the dryness. Generally the cracking, I had chemotherapy. It damages the vitamin K. So it prevents proper clotting, so it's open air, open wounds.

Q: I had this friend that has cancer and he can't swallow anything. He has a tumor in his throat, so he can't even drink water. And he has this tube that feeds directly into his skin. And he's lost 40% of his body weight. So he's pretty... Is there a food that women can eat to make their breasts stop growing? These are questions that I want to ask.


Q: You're answering that one first.

A: That's two questions.


A: I have a few clients who are being fed through tubes and they're doing very well because [unintelligible], you know, the tubes. [unintelligible] The meat, they'll blend it with, you know, grind it up into a pate, and then blend it with milk and butter or cream, and then they put it, you know. Because then they put it in with a syringe, so they just shoot it into the stomach. Into the stomach. And then you wash it down with milk, not with water.

Q: They're using [unintelligible].

A: Pardon?

Q: They're feeding him [unintelligible].

A: Yeah, but I'm saying, you know, he could get well if he could drink it. That would be the only chance. Usually when it's here, it's not. And the lungs in here, it's not an easy case. You start choking off the larynx, the esophagus. As far as women, let me tell you, these French girls, French women, I saw 80, 86-years-old [unintelligible]. All in the [unintelligible].

Q: Was it nice?

A: It was nice because you could see how much the sun kept their breasts up. Sunlight is so important. Well, the French, you eat a lot of cream and butter in their sauces. That's why they consume so much wine and are not damaged by it. Because they eat all this fat. They're used to their culture of very rich sauces. So that kind of fat in the sun rays allows them, I mean, 86-years-old without hardly any sagging. It blew my mind how many of these women, you can tell, they had quite a few children and their breasts were like I see in the late 20s, early 30s here. They're 50, 60, 80-years-old. It was just amazing to me. They had no qualms. There were girls that were going around selling clothes on the beach and they would just take everything off and just, you know, right there. They don't have any of these bare-bodied hang-ups. And they'll just strip completely, bare testicles, everything, and change their clothes right on the beach. It's only for a few seconds. But there's no red reluctance about it, no fear, there's no anxiety, there's no hostility. Everybody does it. It was so refreshing to be in that kind of culture.

Q: How much fat, including the butter, do you need to eat before you drink wine?


A: Yes, you can. I'm not suggesting it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Cream or, butter, before you drink it. See, they usually drink the wine as they're eating their dish. It's always got heavy cream or butter in the meal. So they're sipping the wine as they're eating this.

Q: Not raw butter?

A: Well, not anymore. You know, well, let me put it this way. There are a lot of French chefs that use raw still. They still do raw. France was the easiest place for me to get raw cream, raw butter, and raw milk. Right there in [unintelligible].

Q: There's actually a French-style restaurant in this new shopping centre called Grove. And in there they have a list of 30 or 40 different cheeses that half of them are raw. Raw milk cheeses.

Q: Are they salted?

Q: No, I don't think so. But they're raw milk. I don't know the name of it, but it's in the Grove.

Q: It's a new shopping center.

Q: It's the next door to the Farmer's Market on Fairfax.

A: Yeah, but most of them are salted.

Q: Yeah, it's all salted.

A: Yeah, the government, the U.S. government, they say they have to be pasteurized or salted.

Q: But they're French cheeses, and they're all raw milk.

Q: Why do they like having the salt and why are they okay if it has salt?

A: Because salt is an antibacterial.

Q: Is the answer fats and sun?

A: Fats and sun. Also, if women will do an exercise like... a counter like this one, everybody can see. And you spread your arms out like this, and you don't have to go far, and you go like this. It brings the circulation in to the mammary gland. And it isn't hard. As many as you want. When you start feeling it, you know that the rush of circulation is going in there. It'll start breaking down dead cells to cause the sagging, and it'll strengthen the muscles in there. I've seen girls go from sagging down here to go up to a full two and a half inches up in seven months. From doing that every day without [unintelligible]. It's not all at one time. They may do ten at a time, five times a day.

Q: This is some of the valuable information you have.


A: It's the questions you ask.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about young girls. And let me tell you, a lot of the young girls nowadays have as much sagging breasts as older women because of the terrible diets. More chemicals, more pesticides, more preservatives, more ways of cooking and processing the food. [unintelligible] When I was a child, 1947, when I was born, that was [unintelligible] and canned foods and processing really took hold because of World War II. And from then on, it's got worse. By the time 1970, you get the biggest phase of more and more chemicals. Early 70s.

Q: Who are the farmers that you're getting the raw cheese from?

A: There is Morningland that you can get from James.

Q: Can you get it in the market too?

A: No, it's from Missouri. You can't get any raw unsalted.

Q: Organic pastures.

A: Yes, organic pastures is going to build one. I don't know how long it's going to be, but they are hoping to. They're still working on getting financing to do it. Cheese factory is an expensive development. Murray.

Q: Okay. What are the specific benefits of the three different types of high meat? Fish, fowl, and beef.

A: Just like those that are fresh, the fish helps replace the inner elements, the constituents of nerve tissue. The best. The fowl helps the nerve lining, the sheaths, the intestines, the bones, the bone cartilage, the intestines, lymphatic system, any of the white glands, connective tissue, skin. Red meat helps blood, the dark glands, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, bone marrow, and muscles. So, you need the high meat. It will help degenerate, it will help break down, dissolve the degenerative tissue in those particular systems.

Q: And would the same apply to other raws like glands and stuff like that?

A: They'll concentrate on that gland.

Q: Perfect.

A: And other glands.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Constituents of, in other words, the inner workings of nerves.

Q: Both fresh and high.

A: Well, the fresh will help rebuild it, the high will help get rid of degenerative tissue in those particular systems. Okay.

Q: Will the high also help rebuild?

A: Pardon?

Q: Will the high meat also help rebuild?

A: It will help rebuild only in that it helps break down that to be replaced. A lot of people can't break it down, and if they can't break it down, they can't replace it. Because all of your cooked food destroys all the bacteria, all the natural elements, even parasites, that naturally are in every animal cell. And once you've cooked it, you've destroyed all of that, so your body doesn't have that natural ability to just have a recycling going on in an ecological system, a balanced ecological system, in its own system. By eating the high meats, you're replenishing all of that.

Q: [unintelligible]. So how do you keep this on the diet, and [unintelligible]?

A: I've got all these jars with me, and I put the meat in the jars. [unintelligible], two days in the car, unwrapped, exposing the oxygen, in this plastic bag. Completely fresh, no stench even in the car, fish. Amazing. But you just put it in jars, and if you have it in a cooler, just change the ice. [unintelligible] and by the time I get to the hotel, I drink the water, and then from then on, you just keep changing the ice twice a day. Just pour the water off in the morning, and you're [unintelligible].

Q: So when you went on the plane, did they irradiate your...

A: No.

Q: How did you handle that? You have to x-ray everything before you go on a plane.

A: You go straight to the chief of that particular, chief of security for that particular place that you're going through. The chief will never be there. Those are always the lower, and they cannot make any top decisions. So you find the chief of security for that airline, and you go to them, or you go to the airline and them. I had to do that when I was in Fort Lauderdale. Here in L.A., they're used to me. I know who to go to. Everything's easy and quick. But when I was in Fort Lauderdale, leaving there, going to Guadaloupe, they weren't going to let me go. So I filed a complaint right in front of them, filling it out, putting their badge numbers and names down, and saying, you know, I get through everywhere else, I get this hand checked. It's no big thing. Takes you a little bit more time, but it saves my life. If anybody has had an x-ray in their life, they've had radiation therapy. So I tell them I have, and I did have radiation there from [unintelligible]. I said, I have radiation therapy. If my food goes through here, I will be nauseous, vomiting all over the plane, vomiting wherever I'm going, and that will ruin my day and life, you know, my vacation, my trip, or whatever. And I'm very humble and very sincere. If they start saying, no, we're not going to do it, that's when I start writing it down and say, [unintelligible] the address, if you start doing that, I'll also tell them, I said, okay, if you do put me on another airline, you need to pay for it, and this has to be all the way through. And it has to be right now. It'll cost them double or triple to put me on another airline. So guess what they did? They walked me right through. And they inspected everything less than anybody else.

Q: It's a great place.

A: You just have to be persistent. One time last summer in Alabama, it took me four hours to get through, so I missed four flights. But that was the only other place in Birmingham, Alabama.

Q: What about a letter from your doctor stating that, will that help, because we have letters, my wife and I got letters for that.

A: No, that won't help. They still make you go through the same thing.

Q: If they x-rayed the bag and they had me take everything out, and they hand-checked the bad stuff, but they wanted to send, they put my bag through it, and [unintelligible].

A: That's okay. I don't mind. I [unintelligible], x-ray my bag as many times as they want.

Q: Okay, so they can x-ray the bag, but the bag won't give off radioactive stuff.

A: Unless you have metal in it. So I put my, you know, my 120-8 tool, Swiss Army knife in my luggage. It gets checked through.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's in my checked baggage. Checked baggage. They know about that.

Q: They're x-raying that now.

A: They're x-raying that, [unintelligible]. When they're going through that hand-check stuff, it moves so slowly through there, [unintelligible].

Q: When you hand-check the food, have they actually looked at the jar?

A: Sometimes. Sometimes. What they do is, because I have those metal lids, they'll take them off. Of course, I put my juice right up to the top, and it's... They take their metal detector and make sure there's no metal inside this jar.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Who knows? But, you know, it's true. I mean, I could have, you know, a metal fire cap, you know, to a bomb inside one of those jars. [unintelligible]

Q: Well, is it better to check your bag through than send it through the hand luggage? In other words, instead of carrying it on, it's better to check your food?

A: No, because either way it's going to be radiated.

Q: Yeah, but not as much radiation.

A: It won't be as much.

Q: Which will not be as much?

A: Checking it through. They can check it in the baggage. Especially if you take a case, soft, no metal except for the lids on your jars. [unintelligible]

Q: Is that okay?

A: Well, it's quicker than, you know, if you're going to get it radiated, the food's going to go, get irradiated, and go through only one time, it'll be okay. If you're passing it through many times, then your food's going to be destroyed.

Q: So it's okay to do it the one time or go through the procedure of security?

A: It's okay. I wouldn't say it's healthy, but it's okay.

Q: It's the lesser of two evils.

A: Right.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Which?

Q: Going through the quick way.

A: Through the quick way, there's less destruction. Less destruction. However, there's going to be some destruction, but it's not going to be poisonous, unless [unintelligible], twice. Then it will be poisonous. Not only some of the nutrients damaged, but it will be poisonous.

Q: We had a problem with that. They ran it through when we first got to the terminal, and then they wanted to do it again, which made me, like, need a little extra nut formula or something. So that's a problem. I think they do do it twice. If you're going to do that.

A: No, that's if you're taking another airline, one airline to another.

Q: It's just one Japanese airline. It's just the one airline. As you walk into the terminal to get it lined, they hit it there. And I said, okay, is that it, then we come up to the next line, and boom, they want to do it again.

A: They had to do two X-rays?

[audio cut]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do you have a car? That's the easiest. I have a rental car and a hotel. I take one of those big plastic coolers. I put a block of ice in there, and a block of ice will last four days. Four days. So I don't have to change the ice every day like I have to in a hotel. Twice a day [unintelligible] But in a car, you know, you've got the big plastic cooler, and that big block of ice, seven-pound block of ice. I've been draining out some of the water every day, but I don't have to change it. And you don't want the crushed ice. You only want the block. The block doesn't melt.

Q: How do you get the block?

A: Every supermarket here carries it, most of your liquor stores.

Q: It's harder to get blocks.

A: Every place I've gone to, I've gotten one in the last three years.

Q: The ice cubes, you can form them into the food, but the blocks [unintelligible].

A: You don't want to form them. You don't want them to touch the food because they can burn the food. [unintelligible] it doesn't matter if the ice is packed right against it, it can't burn the food. You can put ice against you and the cooler and see what it does to your skin.

Q: I wouldn't even wanna be in a cooler.

A: So the block works very well. And there hasn't been a place that I've seen all the way across this country that doesn't sell a block of ice. 7-Eleven, all of them. They have the choice they don't have many of the blocks. They have a lot of the crushed ice or the ice cubes, but they all have the blocks. Just have to ask them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You saw me on Ripley Believe It or Not, I ate it up to a year and three months. The last six months wasn't even in a cooler, it was just on my back porch. No cooling at all.

Q: Yeah, but you only eat a little bit of it.

A: You know how much I ate on that fricking show, usually I eat just a little bit, but when I went on that show, I ate a full cup. Because they had me eating so much. So I ate a full cup of a lot of that stuff.

Q: Did you detox?

A: Pardon?

Q: And did you detox?

A: It didn't cause me to detox.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: But it might be somebody else.

A: Don't know. Might. But you don't want to eat that. Just eat a little bit of it.

Q: She's saying if she had like a whole meal or something. You don't wanna eat it.

Q: Is a golf ball size the right amount?

A: Well, it depends on the individual. Anywhere from a ping-pong ball to a golf ball.

Q: I just chop the meat up and let it just dry out, and it smells for a minute, and then I eat it, just carry it in my pocket.

A: That's not as healthy.

Q: What do you mean it's not as healthy?

A: Because it's starting to dehydrate, destroying a lot of the enzymes, bacteria and things to dehydrate. That's why the Eskimos and the American Indians, when they ate pemican, they didn't eat it unless they had to. Drying meat was not something they liked. Because it wouldn't help regenerate cells. It would give them energy and help them maintain and last, but it would not cause them to thrive. So they would make a big batch of pemican every year. They didn't eat it by springtime, they buried it. They don't eat jerky.

Q: So do you want your meat [unintelligible] refrigeration [unintelligible]?

A: Jar and in a dark cupboard. Or put it in a container where it keeps the light out, then in your car [unintelligible], then it's very delicious.

Q: You're talking about travel now, right?

A: [unintelligible]

Q: You don't put your meat in the refrigerator?

A: Not until I'm ready to... The night before I'll take it out and put it in a cupboard, or I'll put it in my car so it will be very warm. By the time I'm ready to eat it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's flat, it's tasteless, but warm, especially really warm.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but most kids will eat milk shakes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You're in my house. I have to deal with your emotions. I'm lucky to help you. Help me help you. That's what I tell almost all my parents. I have parents that went to a heavy chain for their children. Every mother that's gotten their children to do it, 25% within a year, then they're 50%. Within another year, they're 75%. Because the kids naturally move toward it. But you have to start them giving them one meal a day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do you think that they're going to go somewhere else rather than be with you over that?

Q: No, no. [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but you're not talking about raw meat. You're talking about a raw milkshake. Now, I've got all the evidence in the book to prove that raw milk is a benefit, not a harm. Pasteurized milk is a harm.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible]

Q: Could you make it into cream cheese and add some kind of cream to it?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As long as you force them to eat at least one good raw meal a day with egg and cream, and it will help them. And you'll see, they'll adjust as you go along. Then you make them eat two. Most of the parents that I have, they force them, they have the milkshake in the morning and milkshake at night. That is it. They have to do it. If they don't like it, they can go live in the street. And they all do it.

Q: [unintelligible] Much calmer.

A: And you see the adjustment. It's a big difference.

Q: My kids were little. [unintelligible] My kids have kids of their own now, and they still [unintelligible].


A: You have to realize, kids don't, you have to... the whole digestive system is growing and developing, vegetables for them is not very healthy. [unintelligible] So it will be even worse.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, and that's all dead. We talked about that. One of the first things we talked about is dry, dead stuff.

Q: But somebody just told me that the fiber of the vegetables would take away constipation.

A: Take away constipation, but also destroy your ability to digest [unintelligible], the vitamins and the amino acids in the bowel. I find a different way. Like with the seeds, you're using psyllium or flax seeds, they're still acid. You put it with cream or butter, butter's a little bit more acid. So you use that as your anti-constipation, rather than green, you know, fresh vegetables. [unintelligible] Okay, so no, I would suggest that they're getting at least one raw meal a day in the form of a milkshake with an egg in it. [unintelligible] If they had absolutely zero zip, it might be some good.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Anything that's a digestive enzyme.

Q: Oh, a digestive enzyme.

A: For children who are not eating anything but cooked food.

Q: Not for always.

Q: Give them some of that pie you had here tonight. That was incredible. They don't like it?

Q: You had me eating the... You had me eating that formula every three days, [unintelligible].

A: Three to four days.

Q: Every three to four days. In place of my meat meals.

A: Not in place of them. With a meat meal.

Q: Well, I [unintelligible].

A: Oh, it's supposed to be with. Listen to it. I may have made a mistake. I do that sometimes.

Q: I think you may have made a mistake.

A: With an [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible] But you said cut my moisture formula in half. For that meal only, or for the entire day?

A: For that day. Instead of having the moisturizer formula with your meat in the morning, you have the nut form.

Q: So I just take half of the nut formula?

A: Half of the nut formula.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It could be your digestive tract. Your liver is not digesting [unintelligible]. Before you're so toxic, your body uses all the nutrients to dump. Your skin looks so much better. I noticed that Suzanne, both of you have skin problems.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I even had to put in cream in my juice.

Q: I'm not – I'm just saying that was my experience. I'm just saying that was my experience.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But sometimes, 10 people may take a year, year and a half until everything starts digesting [unintelligible]. There's only been two people that have been almost eternally thin.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's a bad condition. You've got a lot of dead cells collecting heavy mineral concentration. Jim?

Q: My question is centered around this nut formula, which I think is fantastic. I want to say it's really great. For one thing, if I make too much of it, is there anything wrong with just putting it in a jar with a lid on putting it in the fridge?

A: Yes. Leave it out for a couple days. I left it out for as much as a week.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Never refrigerate eggs. You put eggs in the refrigerator, it lowers the bacteria level and the enzyme activity. Usually, if you eat raw eggs that have been refrigerated, you get undigested proteins into the blood. That's toxic.

Q: So it's better not to eat them. [unintelligible]

A: As long as you get them and leave them out, the bacteria will grow again, so the enzyme will develop.

Q: How long do you have to leave them out?

A: Usually 24 hours, unless you put them in warm water. I let them in warm water for a while. Let them warm up for maybe an hour, two hours.

Q: And then put them in the cupboard?

A: No, it's their refrigerator, and you want to eat them right away. Take this cold refrigerated egg, put it in a bowl of warm water, and let sit for a couple of hours.

Q: So if I have excess, just put it in a jar and set it somewhere out of the sunlight.

A: Celeste?

Q: I had, before I gained like 34 pounds since I started the diet, and then I started experimenting with the weight loss.

A: [unintelligible]

Q: Originally, when I gained 34. But I noticed since the time that I started that, it didn't happen all of a sudden. I started living off the fat that was in my body. [unintelligible] And over time.. Especially the last little part, I started to get down in weight. I started to get so stressed out and so nervous. [unintelligible] It just changed the way I, before when I was feeling like really happy, I started fighting the person I was involved with. [unintelligible] So my question was, instead of doing the weight loss, should I [unintelligible]

A: When people are thin, I never suggest that they go on weight loss. [unintelligible] I don't care if it takes five years.

Q: Even after 34 pounds?

A: No, no. She gained fine. I'm talking about some other people like Savannah. They should just keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they finally develop the weight. Again, the reason for that is that you don't have excess fat and you have poisons in the body. You always have poisons in the body. They're going to the fat instead of your live, active cells. You don't want them there because that's damage. And death. Something else you wanted to ask? You didn't ask a question.

Q: No, I [unintelligible].

A: Continue on weight gain. Continue on weight gain.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You want to keep ballooning until you're gaining enough weight. You're still too thin. You're not even up to your lowest. You need about 10 more pounds. And then from there, at least 12, 15 pounds above that. Then, think about going on a detox. I mean a weight loss.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It takes time, it takes time. Sometimes the liver is just not well enough to be able to adjust and handle the fats. Or you're so toxic that your body is using more of the fats to detoxify and burn.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: We're talking about thin people. We're not talking about fat people. Those fat people are still healthy. Because the toxins are going into their fat and are not damaging their cells. They're not feeding those live cells very well, but at least they're protecting them with all that fat. Let me tell you, the people who are happier, more level-headed, are the people who are obese that come to me and go on the diet. People who are very thin are the ones that are basket cases.

Q: They gain a lot of fat from white carbs.

A: Even if it's from that, those fats still bind with those poisons.

Q: They're not the healthiest people.

A: No, no, no. I'm saying usually the person has more equilibrium.

Q: Is there a point where it can become bad?

A: Yeah, it can be. If you don't have enough proteins and you're damaging your cells, yeah, definitely. If you're not feeding the heart the protein, and you've got all this excess weight, and you're putting stress on the heart, then you can damage it, overtax it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah, it's impossible. To overstress the heart on this diet. Question you had?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: About 25 pounds overweight.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's doubtful that you'd be five more pounds. Five more pounds is not a big difference. You're most likely to lose weight.

Q: So that was my question. [unintelligible]

A: What I suggest people do is to be on a good healthy diet for at least six months before you try to lose your toxic fat. Just so you can stabilize the system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, most women like you gain about five pounds because of water. As the body starts going in and cleaning out, more circulation, more fluid required. So it's not more fat, but it's a temporary water weight.

Q: The other thing that I would say is I do have a lot of trouble with butter. [unintelligible] I know how much I need it.

A: Then your liver is in pretty bad shape, so eat more cream for a while, which causes water retention and have some butter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a start. Did you have a question? Okay, I guess we've gone around the room.

Q: I didn't get a question. Penny, did you get a question?

A: Oh, that's right. You didn't have a question. Do you have one now?

Q: Yeah. Actually, sort of following along-

A: Anyway, it's too late.


Q: From what she said, when I came in, I was already overweight. And I gained another ten pounds, which got to the point where it was very uncomfortable. I couldn't bend over, and stuff like that. It just pushed. It all seems to be basically in the abdominal area, or most of it. But then when I started on the weight loss thing, then I shortly found myself detoxing drastically and had to stop. So now I've been on sort of a, I guess a maintenance thing, and just very, very slowly inching down. You said at one of the other meetings that I was a classic case of not handling carbohydrates well. And that's certainly true. But then I haven't eaten carbohydrates to speak of for years now. You know, I mean, probably not four or five years even before I came to you, not to mention since.

A: Remember that 70 to 80% of the byproducts of those carbs store in the body, according to Columbia University. Store in the body for a lifetime. You know, on this diet, you can get rid of them. It's going to take 40 years. Not going to have them overnight. So you're still full of it.


Q: Okay. So then what can I do to support rebuilding without adding more fat on my belly than I've already got?

A: Well, it's a matter of when your body's ready to do some detoxification. Then you can rebuild. Like you say, usually it takes five, sometimes ten pounds of excess water weight when you start detoxifying. And that's what yours was. It was an excess of ten pounds of water weight.

Q: Well, I detoxed once in the first year. [unintelligible] It had subsided a little, and then it started to get worse.

A: That's not a heavy detox. When you're on a gaining or maintenance diet, everybody detoxes every day. So I'm not encouraging an intense detoxification. It's just a steady detoxification. And at our age, that's what we have to do, a steady detoxification. Once you get well enough to be able to dump a lot of the old fat, then put on, you know, another 15 to 30 pounds of new fat to go in there and dissolve the old deep tissue toxins, that's heavy detoxification. And that's what I talk about or hint of in the second book. In the third book, that's what's going to be about detoxification. How to do it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I'm still trying to get my computer together. It's been four months now. Probably in the next two weeks it'll be together, and I'll be able to go back to the book. So it's probably going to be next fall instead of summer. Okay, you had a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: How long ago?

Q: 1995. [unintelligible]

A: You have to tell me where's the pain. Is it the urethra? Is it in the bladder or is it in the kidney?

Q: Oh, maybe it's in the urethra.

A: Okay, that's just because when they put that catheter up you, it scrapes that mucous membrane lining. What sounds like is happening is what happened in the circulation increases in the urethra trying to clean out the scar tissue. So that means there's less of a valve, a certain circumference of area to flow through. So also when it's doing that, mucous becomes much thinner. So the urine, if it's high in ammonia, which it is, it's sensing to burn the urethral valve. And then it feels like a pressure, kind of a burning pressure. That's the urethra.

Q: One other quick question, because we want to know, if a person starts like a baby was born, on a regular sad diet and was adopted by a raw foodist, how long would it take him to regenerate? Would it still take him 40 years?

A: No. It takes you 21 years to develop. It takes you 21 years to break it down and another 21 to develop. It takes about 40 years. If the child goes on at 5 years old, it's only gotten toxic for 5 years.

Q: No, I'm saying if they were born and then adopted by a raw foodist, how long would it take?

A: Well, it would take as long as that body took to develop. So you'd think 9 months in the womb.

Q: No, the mother is on a bad diet, but then if they're adopted by a raw foodist.

A: I said the baby during gestation was on a bad diet. The baby has a mother who's on a bad diet.

[audio cut]

A: It would take to break itself down another 22 months to catch up to rebuild that. So it should take about 6-7 years.

Q: If the child doesn't get it for a car accident or some other thing.

A: You know, that's what Richard Dreyfuss told me. I was in the British American Drama Academy in 1993 at Stanford. And Richard Dreyfuss was [unintelligible]. And we're sitting at lunch and I'm eating my raw stuff. And in particular, Richard Dreyfuss, he said, [unintelligible]. All this for nothing. I said at least while I'm alive, I'm not depressed. I'm not unhappy like you.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: If they don't get hit by a bus.

A: You've asked a lot of questions already.

Q: These body movements like Tai Chi or Yoga or stuff like that claim to open up certain channels. How does that actually work?

A: Okay, if we're not mobile and we've got congestion in the system. You're going to have all kinds of nerve networks that will claw. It's like having a bridge that gets overgrown. It starts falling apart and is no longer utilizable. When you start doing movements, it brings the circulation in. And if you're eating properly, you can rebuild those bridges, those canals.

Q: Faster.

A: Yeah, from doing those Tai Chi movements, Yoga, any of it.

Q: Are they better than just normal exercise, running around and playing sports or something like that?

A: It depends on what sport you're doing. If you're lifting weights in the same position, it's not as good as...

Q: So just general exercise is probably better than aerobic exercise. Is that what you're saying?

A: Whatever your enjoyment is, whatever you enjoy doing as your exercise, that's your exercise. Then if you want to achieve something more, then go to something else. And hopefully you'll like it.

Q: [unintelligible] and now I can hardly breathe. Is that okay?

A: It's causing swelling. What milk was this?

Q: That milk right there, you know, the raw milk.

A: Yeah, but how long had it been out?

Q: It was warm.

A: Yeah, but for you it may take more hours to build up in the bacteria.

Q: Like every time I do this at home, I can't breathe. [unintelligible]

A: Then don't drink so much. I wouldn't drink more than three ounces at a time.

Q: And make sure it's warm and clabbered.

A: Yeah. I've been having the same problem for the last month.

Q: [unintelligible] Because maybe that discharging mucus is good. It might be a good compromise.

A: Oh, it is definitely good. But you said you felt uncomfortable here?

Q: No, here.

A: Oh, oh, there.

Q: No, with mucus.

A: No.

Q: I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. I meant here.

A: Oh.

Q: No, it's here. I mean, I'm nasal. I can hardly talk normally.

A: I wouldn't worry about the milk.

Q: It's okay. Just keep doing it.

A: You want those minerals there to attach to the radioactive minerals here.

Q: So discomfort is the word?

A: Well, discomfort is something you'll have to tolerate in your situation.

Q: Gotcha.

A: Okay, folks, we did it.

Q: Yeah, that was great.

Q: Thank you.
