Medications Are Toxic And Store In The Tissue

(Appendix C)

Medical science removes cells from the natural environment of the body and isolates them in "controlled" environments, like test tubes. It administers chemicals to these isolated cells and observes the reactions. It treats cells as if they were machines that have no intelligence and that repeat exactly the same movements and functions. Medical science says that this is the only way experiments can be valid. But it fails to see that cells do not behave or react the same in "controlled" environments as they do in the body. Therefore, it can never predict how a person will react to a drug. And every body reacts differently.

I have employed a very different approach to experiments. I see that the body is its own ecological system. Every body part, gland, cell and particle of blood makes the body the magnificent creature that it is. Eliminate any organ, appendage, hormone or cup of blood, and the body loses a function and/or precise ability. My approach is wholistic. All of my experiments have been employed on the whole person and whole body with food as agent.

There are always side effects with drugs - sometimes seemingly minor, other times disastrous. A side effect with raw food is extremely rare.

To prove that medication prevents healing, I employed research methods formulated by Owanza. I repeated the following experiments with seven individuals.

  1. I had a blood analysis performed on each person before and after his or her doctor administered a drug (seven different drugs). The analyses were specifically focused upon RNA and DNA. Blood analyses were done twelve hours after drugs were taken. Mutations were found in the RNA and DNA when compared to the RNA and DNA of the blood taken before drugs were administered.

  2. I also had a urinalysis performed on each person before and after a drug had been administered, specifically focusing on bacteria. In all cases the analyses taken before drugs were administered showed a normal live bacterial count. In all cases the analyses performed 1/2 hour after taking drugs showed large quantities of dead bacteria.

The next step was to show a correlation between greater bacterial levels and healing. Bacteria, like bears and flies, go in and out of hibernation. When conditions are right they wake from hibernation. Are bears and flies contagious? Bacteria consume particular damaged, decaying and dead cells when weather, other environmental conditions and bodily cycles are right, and when an individual's body is ready to detoxify. To prove that higher bacterial levels advance healing, I observed ten subjects, each with three open wounds. On each person, I treated one wound with alcohol. I treated another with the subject's urine only. (Urine contains most of the same constituents as blood, except that it contains very few red blood cells. The practice of using urine as both a cleansing and healing agent has been employed for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine.) The third wound on each person was left untreated to heal on its own. The wounds treated with urine healed about three times faster than the ones treated with alcohol. The wounds that were untreated healed a little quicker than those treated with alcohol. Conclusion: Alcohol destroys bacteria and retards healing. A high bacterial level inspires healing.

In another experiment, I observed several groups of people who had stomach ulcers. One group took either Maalox or antibiotics. Another group drank his or her own urine. A third group drank urine and ate a raw diet. The ulcers in those who ate raw foods and drank urine healed two times faster than those who only drank urine. The ulcers in those treated with medication grew larger.

I asked those who were taking medication to discontinue medication. After one week I observed that their stomach secretions had higher bacterial levels. Concurrently, I observed that the ulcers had diminished in size and/or were less inflamed. Conclusion: Drugs kill bacteria and retard healing. Bacteria inspires healing.

To explore the phenomenon that infection also inspires healing, I observed a person who was suffering from polio. When the person was treated with the standard drugs, I noticed that there was a drop in body temperature and a loss of bacteria and virus in the blood. The urinalysis showed very few poliomyelitis virus in the urine and blood. However there was no improvement in the condition or symptoms. I asked the person to discontinue drug therapy. After three days without drugs, the person drank five raw smoothies a day and drank Perrier water when thirsty. (Each smoothie consisted of 2 raw eggs blended with a whole green – unripe - banana.) No other food was eaten. After this nine-day procedure there was about 50% improvement in the condition and symptoms. I reexamined the blood and urine. I found a lot of poliomyelitis virus and bacteria. In ten weeks this person healed completely without paralysis. Conclusion: Drugs destroyed bacteria, prevented cells from manufacturing virus, and interfered with healing processes. When the subject stopped medication and began to eat the right nutrients, bacteria and virus increased and healing began and continued until complete. Bacteria and virus are necessary for proper cleansing and healing.

To prove that medication stores in the tissues, Owanza suggested that I examine people who had a long history of drug treatment. I found hard dry areas on their skin. I had small tissue samples cut from these hard dry spots and had them analyzed for chemicals. Every tissue sample was found to contain small amounts of medical chemicals, specifically those containing alkaloids.

In another test I conducted, I had small tissue samples taken from the throats of people who had long histories of taking drugs such as Emperin, codeine, aspirin, Fiorinal, and other drugs which effect the mucous membranes. I had the tissue samples analyzed. All of the analyses showed trace amounts of drugs.

In another experiment, I worked with subjects who had long histories of taking antibiotics. I asked them to discontinue taking medication for at least two weeks. Then blood and urine samples were taken and specifically analyzed for drugs. These samples showed only trace amounts of drugs, or no drugs at all. I suggested that the subjects follow a diet for six weeks. First thing in the morning each of them ate 1/2 cup raw fatty beef with one tablespoon of unheated honey. When the stomach growled, indicating hunger, each of them ate 2 fresh oranges and a tablespoon of unheated honey. Again, after the stomach growled, each of them ate another 1/2 cup raw fatty beef with one tablespoon of unheated honey. They continued to eat the beef and oranges, alternately, throughout each day until they went to sleep for the night. They always waited until their stomachs growled before eating the beef or the oranges.[1] They drank as much unfiltered, unadulterated spring water as desired, but no sooner than 30 minutes after eating meat. They ate no other foods. After this six week diet, blood and urine samples were taken again and analyzed for drugs. Analyses showed large quantities of drugs in both blood and urine. Conclusion: Drugs store in the body. Certain foods cleanse the body of drugs.


[1]: When doing this detoxification diet, which helps the body eliminate stored drugs without much harm to the body, it is important to eat only when the stomach is completely empty. That is because some drugs will be dumped into the stomach and be arrested there. Eating during the dump/arrest phase, or mixing the beef and oranges in digestion - by eating either before the other has completely been digested - causes indigestion, increases nausea, and sometimes causes vomiting. (Vomiting is beneficial and the quickest and easiest way for the body to eliminate drugs after they have dumped into the stomach.)