Q&A Of September 9, 2007


A: The first thing I want to say is that when you go on this diet - the Primal Diet - remember there are always adjustments to make even if I put you on a diet and you go through some changes and you're going through certain kinds of detoxes and you have certain symptoms. You look up in the book the symptoms that you're having and that's what you do. Now you may not have the disease but you have the symptoms. If you want to be able to access that quickly the best thing to do is go to wewant2live.com and get the downloaded books. That way you can plug right into it on search and find it on a PDF file, the Adobe Reader file. That's the easiest way to do it and the quickest You don't have to go through an index, you don't have to do all of that. Of course the indexes in the books are okay; they are pretty good. I had the latest version of We want To Live - that's the Primal Diet on the cover - I had a professional couple who do indexes. They did it so it's pretty thorough. however it's quicker to access - if you're in a pinch and not feeling well and having some symptoms - it's always better to access it on your computer and get the answers a little bit quicker. As quickly as possible but there are always adjustments to make.

A: A lot of people say 'well you know I got on the diet; I did great for a year, year and a half and you know I keep doing the same thing' so I've adjusted it. If you're not doing well on it, it means you're not making the proper adjustments for your changes. So re-read the books. A lot of people think one read through is okay. I have students that..read it up to sixteen times and through each re-read they got as much out of it as they did the first time because theres a lot of things that don't register until you experience it and that's many years of experience in there. So don't think that you have it down just because you've read the book once or twice. I recommend to people to read it every six months to twelve months. Six to twelve months. Absolutely...one read through in each book. Okay lets start from the back this time. Barbara do you have a question?

Q: We'll come back to me.

A: Okay

Q: I have a book that's like five or six years old. It's the revised one, greatly different.

A: There are fifty five new pages in it and I've adjusted a lot of things in it.

Q: Okay. Do you know about this condition, this little like growth in the eye?

A: What about them?

Q: I would like to know ah how to eradicate it.

A: Well, it depends on if its a stye or is it a wart.

Q: Pterygium.

A: Pardon?

Q: Pterygium. A growth that grows over the iris.

A: Oh I see; it grows over the cornea. You can put some coconut cream in it. You have to get it very warm so it's diluted and there are no flakes in it and there's no pulp in it. You can put that with just the tiniest speck of lime juice in it. The lime and the coconut cream together you can put in there.

Q: Over the eye?

A: No, you put it right into the eye. You know you can make a mixture of it. Let's say you have two tablespoons of coconut cream and a drop of lime. That's all it takes. Mix that in, take your finger, make sure its completely dissolved and clear and then just rub it on the eye and then roll the eye around or you can rub it right on to that spot. You do that once a day and it usually resolves it within about a year. They're not easy to get rid of that's heavy scar tissue. Do you have a question?

A: All right, do you have a question?

Q: Dealing with the sun...

A: He wants to know how he can tolerate the sun. Lack of proper fats in the skin is what causes intolerance. The sun combines with fats in the skin and turns it into Vitamin D and it is absorbed. If you have improper fats and you don't have the proper conversion enzymes to convert the fats into vitamin D, you will blister and burn or have a rash, create a rash. The best thing to do for the skin is eating the lubrication moisturizing formulas. The moisturizing/lubrication formula - it's in the recipe book on about page one forty six I believe. I call it moisturizing for women because they like it to be moisturizing and lubrication for men because they like to be lubed.

Q: [Laughing]

A: That's why you'll hear me say double. For this time I'll just call it the moisturizing formula when I talk to a woman. When I talk to a man it'll be the lube formula, okay? So remember they're the same thing. So the lubrication formula, you have that a couple of times a day for about ten days and then once a day after that. Usually within about thirty days you can tolerate the sun. Okay, that means its lots of butter in there, the raw unsalted butter, okay. Right, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, there's been some word about mold where I work. How do you find out about the mold, whats dangerous, what can harm you? Do you have any recipe - in case I was exposed to mold - to stop it?

A: Right, any mold that grows on a building - that is not wood, that is not concrete - is a toxic mold because it's feeding on the building materials. The fabricated building materials. It's always a toxic substance, it will always be a toxic mold or toxic fungus and when it spores you breathe those in. What you have to do to the environment, to your walls, wherever its contaminated: you need to dry out the room, wear a mask, vacuum the walls and the ceiling and the floors. Then you have to wash it down with vinegar and some non-aluminum baking soda and wash the walls down thoroughly. You wear a mask this whole time. Then you have to dry out the walls. You need some space heaters, coil based space heaters, those things that get orange hot. Two or three of them per room. If you're doing a room at a time, then you need to seal off one of the rooms with somekind of canvas in between to keep the heat in there because it needs to get up to a hundred and thirty degrees and that will bake it through into the walls. You need to do that for about two days. Bake it so you destroy the mold deep into the wall and then you need to vacuum it again because it will spore as it's first getting warm. The mycelium which is the basic mother of the fungus is sending out little spores and those - they create those little fuzzy things; those are your mushrooms. Those are your spores. So you need to vacuum that then you're okay until you have another rain spell or moisture spell. If you don't keep your house very dry or if you're living at a beach where its always moist, you're in trouble. You may have to do that every month or every two months.

Q: What if your house is made of wood?

A: If your house is made of wood, it's no problem,

Q: What about the paint on the walls?

A: The paint? That's a problem

Q: So mold from wood, its not a problem?

A: That mold is not a problem with an animal's body, including ours, but if the paint's getting moldy you've got trouble. Plaster bord, any of that because what it does, that mycelium digests the paint. Makes it into flakes. The mycelium that's grown on paint is a very toxic substance. When it spores and it becomes powder in the air and we inhale it, it poisons your lungs, it poisons your whole body.

Q: What do you do when its mold on the paint?

A: You've got to clean it. Then to arrest that mold in your body, you need to have - depending on the size of your body - four to five tablespoons of lime juice. If you are a very large person - like John back there - he could have eight tablespoons of lime juice and it would be like two or one and a half to three tablespoons of lemon juice. Then you'd have an equal amount of the lime to lime and lemon combination. You add an equal amount of honey to that combination of lemon and lime. So you should have six tablespoons of lemon and lime all together. You'd have six tablespoons of honey. Then you have five to six tablespoons of coconut cream. One to two table spoons of dairy cream. You blend that all together. Some people if they have a lot of allergies, they need to use a teaspoon of vinegar or a half to a whole teaspoon of vinegar and then you blend that all together and you add it to two to four ounces of sparkling water. That's gonna taste like a lime coconut float. Do not gulp it even though it's delicious. You've got to sip it because if you piss it out it's not going to get in there and destroy the mold. Now you only do that if you have a mold situation and you're very toxic. You can do it for three to four days in a row, then after that only one day a week because - just like an antibiotic - that lime juice will destroy the good bacteria as well as the bad, once it gets up to a certain level.

Q: So don't do it if you don't have mold issues?

A: Correct. Well, it's good as an antibiotic. Lets say you have a case of spinal meningitis or cerebral meningitis and it's too much. You know your going to panic and end up going to the hospital. Rather than go to the hospital, have that and that'll slow the detoxification down, okay.

Q: You said cement mold...mold on cement is okay or not okay?

A: Mold on cement is okay. I mean once the lime is broken down it still doesn't absorb and digest very easily into our system on this diet. I mean for a person who isn't on the diet they may have a problem with the mold in concrete.

Q: I dislocated my third toe like all the way down. All the way off the bone like partially off, and they were saying that if...I...I had to get X-rays done and they were saying if I didn't get it set properly or whatever I could develop arthritis or something.

A: Well, your cartilage is going to grind itself. It just needs... I broke six toes one time in a bicycle accident. I was riding in the desert and I was going pretty fast. Somebody had left their sprinkler system on all night so it created an algae in the gutter and it was just like ice. My bike flipped out; my foot caught on the curb and ripped the toes apart. So they were ripped to here, broken here, here, here and two of them here. So of course I don't like to go to doctors so I knew a fourteen year old girl that loved to crack peoples knuckles. So I went to visit her and she cracked my knuckles in place. So she just pulled out and they set right back where they were supposed to go. So all you need is somebody - a chiropractor or somebody like that.

Q: It's not that bad. They did take an X-ray, just to make sure. They're just kind of off. One of them actually...far down though.

A: You just have to pull it out and your tendons will re-align. It just needs to snap out first.

Q: Okay.

A: I couldn't do it. You know I mean I tense up when I'm going to do it so I couldn't do it myself. So I had that little girl do it. She loved doing it.

Q: [Laughter]

A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, when last I was exercising I did like yoga stretches and weight lifting. If I didn't...if I stopped exercising I found that after three months I was still the same strength but if I stopped stretching for a week, I'd almost lose everything. Why is there like such a discrepancy?

A: On this diet, when you're eating raw meats and raw fats, muscles... I don't do anything. I mean literally, I'm on the computer and I just hold this. Once every February I come and trimsome trees about two tons of trees and drag those around and haul it but that's the only heavy work I ever do and I retain the muscles. On this diet you retain muscle very easily. However because we're so toxic we always have minerals combining with poisons to try to neutralize them, to alkalinize those over-acidic free radicals that are throughout the body. So that causes calcification. They call it calcification because the highest mineral is always calcium but its a conglomerate of minerals. It's now mainly calcium. These deposits will collect everywhere and that causes stiffness. Then you have to get the lubrication, you have to get the lymph system moving into those areas and the blood and the neurological fluids all have to get in there to make sure these are dissolved and don't stay growing as crystals.

Q: Is there anything you can do to mitigate it?

A: Yeah, be on the diet forty years.

Q: Forty?

A: ... and you'll never have to worry about it again.

Q: [Laughing]

A: Because all those cauterized minerals will be out of your body and you'll never crystallize again.

Q: Okay

A: Louis do you have a question?

Q: Yes. The lymphatic bath program. The difference between the long ones and the short ones done intermittently. What is the purpose of the short ones? What do they accomplish compared to the long ones?

A: Okay. The lymphatic baths in the We Want To Live second edition - the revised edition of 2005 - talks about lymphatic congestion and lymphatic baths. Lymphatic baths are when you take a bath for sixty to ninety minutes. That's one to one and a half hours. You have to keep the water at least a hundred and two degrees. No hotter than a hundred and five and you have to keep it steady within that range for that entire sixty to ninety minutes. Now the reason for that is you've got congested - everybody has - congested lymphatics. The lymph system cleans out the body. When your lymph system is healthy and flowing properly, the lymph system feeds every cell in the body except for the mature red and white blood cells that travel in the blood stream, until the blood - red and white blood cells - are mature in the bone marrow. The lymphatic system is still responsible for feeding them. The lymph system, when it has to clean the body out, it gets jammed. It starts collecting all of the hardened fat. Especially all of those hydrogenated vegetable oils. Vegetable oils in general. Vegetable oils in the human body crystallize. That's what causes hardening of the heart and arteries. Not animal fat. That's a myth. A fiction. An herbivore that eats vegetables and vegetable oil in their vegetables has a body temperature of a hundred and one to a hundred and five degrees. Ours is ninety eight point six and lower. So when we eat vegetable oils, if it's made a part of a cell, it'll store in the body and crystallize over about a year to five year period. Once it is crystallized, you cannot get it dissolved unless you can get the body temperature high enough and that's a hundred and two to a hundred and five degrees. So you have to stay in it that long before it gets deep enough to get into those lymph glands and lymph nodes. It takes an hour to get there. Well it takes about fifty minutes to get there. So in an hour you've spent ten minutes starting to dissolve some of it, melt some of it. You stay in a full hour and a half you've melted at least a thousandth of an inch. It's not much but you figure each time you take a layer and dissolve it you're going to melt it and get it out of your body and start releasing it from the body, otherwise you are not. Your lymphatic system will stay congested for your entire life, I don't care what diet you're on. Even if you're on this diet. I don't care if you do trampoline for the lymphatic system. It will not move if its hardened. It has to be softened. It has to be softened. So what you do is, before you get in the bath like it says in the book, you have a combination of pineapple, coconut cream, a tiny bit of dairy cream, a tiny bit of butter, a little bit of honey and you blend that all together and you drink it right before you get into the bath or as soon as you get into the bath. Then, when you get out of the bath in an hour to an hour and a half, you get out of the bath, you are going to feel like a wet noodle. A limp noddle and you're not going to want to move too fast and you want to keep that door closed. You want that bathroom to stay hot and you want to towel off gradually. Then you want to dress with winter clothes - I don't care how hot it is - and then you take a forty-five minute walk. By the time you're taking that walk, that pineapple coconut mixture's going to be in your lymphatic system moving in there. While that little bit of lymph space is still fluid. So when it moves in there, it can't harden when you're body reached ninety eight point six and lower again. It will not harden. It'll keep that little space, that little fine little area fluid. You do that, and you don't do any more than two a week. If you're very thin you you shouldn't do any until you've put on weight. You have to be a least ten to fifteen pounds overweight before you do those because when that stuff dumps into the system you better have enough fat to protect you if you are dumping something like mercury or thallium or lead into that tissue. If you don't have the fats in the tissue, you are going to be damaged. What happens if you damage your connective tissue? You're either going to develop lupus or MS [multiple sclerosis] ...not a pretty picture. So you've got to have at least ten to fifteen pounds overweight before you do those hot baths. Once you start doing them you can do two a week. Never closer than three days apart. So if you went on the same day of the weeks... So if you do it on Monday, then you do it on Thursday. It should be done between one thirty and four thirty in the afternoon so you do one on a weekend or even only do it in the afternoon on the weekends you just do it one day a week, on the weekend. Then each day you can do a thirty five to forty minute bath and you don't have to have the pineapple and coconut cream mixture. You don't need that. That thirty five to forty minute bath is to release the toxins that have dumped from the lymphatic system and the connective tissue to perspire it out of the body and pull it out of the skin so it doesn't collect in there. So that's the answer, okay.

Q: Does a steam bath work? or does it have to be...

A: No, a steam bath will damage your lungs and your mucus membranes and it will cause your mucus to get thinner and thinner every time it burns your lungs and your sinuses.

Q: Because it's chlorine or just any steam?

A: Just the temperature, the steam. Steam has to go to two hundred and twelve degrees or higher. That steam, by the time you are inhaling, is a hundred and sixty degrees. A sauna's the same way, its too hot it'll damage the vitamins and enzymes in your lungs and sinuses. It's too hot. A hundred and two to a hundred and five is ideal, immersed in water.

Q: How do you keep that water hot?

A: Well, what I do to keep the water hot: I have a hot tub now back there so I don't have to worry about that so its a consistent temperature but when I used to use a bathtub I would fill the bathtub with scalding hot water half way. Let it sit for about seven to ten minutes and it would heat the entire tub. Then I would put lukewarm water in to fill the rest of the tub and then my water would be warm and my whole tub would be warm. The water wouldn't cool quickly. Then I put my milk, my vinegar, my seasalt and coconut cream in that water to get rid of any toxins if you are using municipal water. If your using well water like I have, just a little milk or coconut cream and that's all you need just to keep the skin from getting dry. In the book We Want to Live under lymphatic baths it tells you how much of those ingredients to put in the bathtub to neutralize poisons. So then when you have the bath, when you get into it you go to sleep. Just set a little alarm because every twenty minutes, twenty to twenty three minutes, you're going to have to let about two inches out of the water and then you put scalding water in and just keep it rotating. You don't have to put any more ingredients in but you just reheat the water about every twenty minutes and you do that consistently for as long as you're in there and you will keep the temperature regulated.

Q: The daily baths - do they have to be a hundred and two to a hundred and five too or can they be less?

A: No it can be less but it has to be at least a hundred and one.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: You know a hundred and one is still pretty lukewarm you know, its not very warm.

Q: Do you walk after those baths?

A: You don't have to.

Q: Just sweating on a daily basis. If you sweat a lot in the summer that won't do it...

A: It helps.

Q: It does?

A: It helps.

Q: Yeah.

A: But most people don't perspire everwhere. In the baths you perspire everywhere.

Q: Is it okay to take them at night those thirty minute baths?

A: The thirty - thirty five you can take anytime of the day.

Q: Now if you are thin and you want to perspire all the toxins out do you just do the short baths?

A: You can do the short baths together. That'll just dump the toxins out of the connective tissue that you throw there on a daily basis.

Q: ...and that's safe?

A: That's safe, yeah.

Q: If you did like a 110 would that be okay? is that a good idea?

A: It's not a good idea. 110 is pretty hot. You're going to start cooking the enzymes and vitamins in your skin.

Q: So whats the top temperature?

A: 105.

Q: A hundred and five?

A: Yeah. Theres a misprint in the first book. In fact all the way up until this last print theres a misprint. It says 110. It says a 110; it should be top 105.

Q: How do you know if its gonna be 105?

A: You can have a thermometer.

Q/A: [Laughing]

Q: Not very accurate...

A: Well get one that's for cooking. I use a temperature one where you take the temperature on your tongue. Those are usually pretty accurate.

Q: The swimming pool ones are not accurate. The are often two degrees lower than what they should be...

A: Yeah.

Q: You can't go by them.

A: No, you can't go by that.

Q: Are cooking thermometers reliable?

A: ... unless you use them for cooking. They will be reliable unless you use them for cooking. Once they've gone through a high temperature change, they go off about two or three degrees.

Q: Okay.

A: Even up to six or seven degrees.

Q: What about natural hotsprings...like Beverly hot springs?

A: Wonderful.

Q: Would that count as a lymphatic?

A: Well you'd have to check the temperature. It fluctuates because it is not...its from the underground thermal pool and that even adjusts. So you just check the temperature.

Q: Would that count as a lymphatic bath?

A: If you stay in for an hour to an hour and a half.

Q: Do they let you put all your coconut cream in there.

A/Q: "Laughing"

A: No at Glen Ivy, they have several hot tubs there that have no toxic minerals. Your skin's just gonna get dry so take the coconut cream with you and put it on your skin several times throughout the day to oil the skin.

Q: But then you have to...can just dress up and walk. Your not gonna be walking for that.

A: Well you can. You can leave. You've got your pass you can go take a walk around the area and come back in.

Q: Dressed up that warm?

A: Yeah, you can do that.

Q: I'm going to tell anyone who's going there first of all to ask...when I go there and its to cool which has happened twice recently you just ask the attendant to come and check the temperature of the pool. I said it was a hundred and one and they said no its not its a hundred and three so I said no its not...So you can put it up, so they will do it. I was really nice, I was really sweet to them I said you know I've come all the way from San Diego and it's only a hundred and one and I have to have it for my healing. He said okay and then they went and put it up and all the other people complained because it was to hot.

A/Q: [Laughing]

Q: They didn't like it at a hundred and three but they will do it because they are advertising it at a hundred and three to a hundred and four. So you just have to be nice to them and then they'll come and do it, at the beginning of the day...

A: Yeah there's a way to control the heat. They have a thermal that comes out of the ground but then they filter the water and then control the heat.

Q: They have two heat sources, one cooler and hot. They both come from mineral.

Q: Both hot and cold are good for the body?

A: Yeah. Just don't stay in the cold too long. Stay in the cold maybe three minutes at a time.

Q: We took our child for swimming lessons this summer. I was wondering if there's anything I can do before or after the pool that would help mitigate all the chlorine and all the chemicals in the water.

A: Chlorine; theres no way you can get around it. You've got chloroform vapors...

Q: Yeah.

A: That's the worst.

Q: Its an outdoor pool so its a little better.

A: Doesn't make any difference. When your head is this close to the water. Unless you've got a hell of a wind it is going to get into your system. Theres no way around it. You can always put olive oil, butter and coconut cream on your skin, or coconut oil on the skin to protect your skin from absorbing the chlorine but you have to understand: chlorine is meant to dissolve. The greatest mineral in our hydrochloric acid is chlorine. Chlorine eats away at things, so if you're going to be in one of those swimming pools, never go in an indoor one. You're just asking for a lot of lung and sinus and brain toxicity. So if your in an outdoor one and there is a breeze; you are going to get some toxicity that's going to plant in the ears. That's why swimmers have so many ear conditions and sore throats and sinus problems - because of all the chloroform that they're breathing in. Just remember chloroform transforms into formaldehyde in the human body, often. So formaldehyde is a very toxic substance. So swimming pools are not a good thing.

Q: So Primal Facial before hand I mean would that help?

A: Primal Facial's probably not a good one to do. You want something heavy...heavy oil.

Q: Okay.

A: ... like butter or olive oil or coconut oil. Something that's going to really cake. That chlorine's going to take a long time to eat through that oil.

Q: But nothing you can do for the vapors?

A: Nothing you can do for the vapors... Well, you can eat something to help get rid of it.

Q: Yeah.

A: But what gets planted in the brain is not going to be easy to get rid of.

Q: [Group talking]

A: Those vapors are so finite, even if you put some cotton with some oil on it and your breathing through it, it will filter out some of it and those oils will arrest some of it but it won't be easy. As soon as you get water in that cotton you;re not going to be able to breath and they're going to come out anyway. So there is really no way to keep cotton balls up there in your nose to help filter it out with some oil on it. If you want to get rid of formaldehyde and the toxicity from the chloroform, you take a half of a mango - a green mango, a tart mango - one kiwi, a tablespoon of honey, about four tablespoons of coconut cream, a tablespoon of dairy cream. Blend that all together. You can even put a teaspoon of lemon in with it all so blend that together and then eat that. That'll help get rid of formaldehyde and chloroform from the body

Q: Um... can I give it to the dog because you said the dog had that rash and you said it was from formaldehyde from the ah...the...

A: It'll probably give the dog some diarrhea but that's okay.

Q: Because the rash just gets bigger.

A: Yeah.

Q: Is there anything you would recommend like I could...like my association, I went to them and said can you not put the chlorine in and they said sure give us a better solution...

A: Yes.

Q: I don't know what is a better solution.

A: You get salt chlorinators.

Q: Salt chlorinators?

A: Salt chlorinators. Their called electrical chlorinators when you put in salt, you know, like rock salt. Good you know...just sea salt. Rock salt is sea salt its not cleaned its not sterilized like your table salt is and had chlorine added to it. So you just put that rock salt in the pool and it sends an electrical charge through it and it converts some of that salt into chlorine that is non chloroform vapour producing.

Q: That's okay for the skin as well?

A: Its great. My landlord Fred Segal just built a pool down here and that's where I go swim now.

Q: Bromine? No good?

A: Bromine is a very toxic substance. This is one chemical company bamboozling you for another. Oh, so lets use bromine. Oh well, chlorine, cromine whats worse here. Ridiculous. Ozone is very bad. Ozone will oxygenate and oxidize the fat in your skin, then your skin will start dissolving. So not good for the skin.

Q: I'm so sad because all these like..Santa Monica Y they advertise like 'oh we don't use Chlorine, we use ozone'.

A: Ozone. Well, they were sold a false bill. If you ozonate anything, take a look at it. The one way you can tell how bad it is, is to find somebody that will give you ozonated olive oil. Its the foulest smelling shit in the world. Shit is a good thing but this...this oxidized olive oil is foul smelling and its very repulsive. It putrefies it.

Q: There are people who are like injected with pure ozone...

A: I know. I've watched twelve of them die.

Q: Its like the rage now.

A: Yeah, I know. It's just...people get hoodwinked into doing these things and you have to look whose behind it. Who comes up with these ideas. Ridiculous.

Q: This formula you gave me, you said green mango?

A: Yes. Its an unripe mango.

Q: Okay...hard to find green mangos

A: I don't know where you go. Everywhere I go, I can always find green mangos

Q: Really.

A: Yeah.

Q: I've seen lots of them.

A: Green mangos are easy to get. Ah okay anything else on that subject?

Q: We had a pool that uses a float that's solar powered. They still make them out of copper. Solar powered. Its called 'float tron' and its an extremely good de-chlorinator. You add just enough...you float one small chlorine tablet. Just enough to burn off the the body loaf...You can actually drink the water. It's that safe. Keeps the copper below. It's called Flowtron. I think its made in Arizona.

A: I've tested it. It's not good.

Q: We've had it for twenty years.

A: There is a process where they use just a small...

Q: Its a thing like this and it has a copper...um electrode...yeah a copper coil and it releases the copper and the copper is wonderful. It gets rid of....algae...what you do is monitor...you have a little tester kit and when it gets above a certain point you just take that out of the water for a week or two before your ready to put it back again. the waters safe enough that you can drink it. If it were an emergency and you had no water or if you were going to be cut off from a water supply I could drink the water.

A: That's her opinion, I don't agree. I found that the copper is too high. Copper patina's; it rusts in the system, even in small amounts. So I don't agree with that one.

Q: Can't you kill a plant by putting a copper...

Q: Yeah you can, if you put enough. I mean you have to put this...you cleaned out your coil and you dumped it it would be very toxic but a coil has a protective thing around it but the water really has no chlorine in it. Theres no taste. Now I don't say the salt pool isn't as good.

A: Well it depends on how much salt you put in it. Some people put a tremendous amount of salt but it doesn't take much salt to keep algae from growing. For a good pool filter, you could use a sand filter like on my hot tub back there I have a three hundred pound sand filter that's made for a huge swimming pool . That's because I don't want to change the sand every year. I want to change it every ten years. So I've got this three hundred pound sand filter back there that filters the water so the water is crystal clear in my pool, in my hot tub, as long as I have it running. it'll grow algae, but I love my algae. I like it, its really soft and nice, just floating around. So I dig my algae.

Q: That's what you recommend for people with a pool, is sand filters?

A: Yeah. sand as far as your filter goes.

Q: That will filter out the city water?

A: No...no. I've got well water here. You've got to go through several different filters if you want to use city water, municipal water. You use a Hepa...a very fine Hepa paper filter. Then a charcoal or Carbon filter and then the sand filter to get all that garbage out but the sand filter alone will keep the water crystal clear. It won't stop algae on the walls of your pool from growing.

Q: Could people swim in it without applying anything on your skin?

A: No, water dries out the skin, so you still want something on the skin.

Q: Like coconut cream?

A: Like coconut cream. Coconut cream is not all that heavy and that's a nice thing to use. Nice for the skin because coconut cream has water soluble vitamins and minerals as well as the oil soluble. Oil in the coconut cream is only five percent of the coconut cream. Anything else about the pools?

Q: Speaking of salt, how about water softeners. Do you recommend those?

A: No, I don't because they use things like sodium chloride and potassium chloride which is saltpeter. They use chemicals to break down those minerals, to dissolve them into a finer substance so it isn't hard water.

Q: I can't use a different kind of salt?

A: Well, there are forms of ion chlorinators that you can have floating around in it.

Q: I was curious about your sequence of filters. Usually you go from a large micron to the small and you said...Hepa ..thats...

A: I want the chemicals out first.

Q: That's gonna clog that sucker up so fast.

A: Nope, it doesn't

Q: Doesn't?

A: Doesn't. I mean you still have to change it every three months. Just depends on the size. You know your talking about a swimming pool. Depending upon the size, each one should be this big and your sand filter can be huge.

Q: Do the pool companies put those in?

A: Yeah, you just have to ask them. You'd have to tell them what you want. They will always give you the cheapest of everything first. Anything else about pools?

Q: How does the salt chlorinator work?

A: Yeah the electrical chlorinator, when it charges it gives ion charges to the sodium molecules. It causes a chlorine like reaction.

Q: So your saying that chlorine is.....ionization...sodium chlorine...

A: Doesn't produce a...a chloroform vapour.

Q: It's still chlorine though.

A: Yeah but it wont be a chloroform...yes

Q: Yes ah...my question, first I should say that the formula that Aajonus gave, the antibiotic formula for mold, whatever that was...

A: The lime juice and coconut cream.

Q: Coconut cream ah...two weeks ago I had a screaming ear infection and fever. Everything hurt, collar bones, jaw bones. Aajonus gave me that formula so that I did not have to go to the emergency room which believe me I was considering heading in that direction with a degree of angst but um...I did not want to go to the hospital emergency room and that formula worked. Within five hours the fever broke. All the pain except for the ear was gone. Eight hours fever gone, everything gone. So just want to say that works beautifully well. For anyone interested in an antibiotic formula. For my questions, okay. You mentioned ah...since I'm not depressed or I don't have digestive problems that high meat would not be for me.

A: I didn't say it wouldn't be for you. I would say its something that you don't necessarily need.

Q: Okay ah...how about worry or anxiety?

A: That involves usually overproduction of adrenaline or detoxifying old adrenaline that's in the body and that formula is for that.

Q: But not high meat?

A: No, the high meat, the reason it works for depression and terrible moods is because the E-coli, the last state of digestion your body, that E-coli breaks down and does the final digestion of fats and proteins and puts it in very micro finite solutions that feed the brain and nervous system. When you have poor E-coli. you'll have depression all the time. People who do colonics and enemas. when they do the colonic and enema they rush over two billion E-coli into their blood streams but then they are washing the E-coli in their intestines out. So then they have to keep doing the enemas or the colonics to keep rushing e-coli into the system to be able to feed the brain and the nervous system and it is a trap. So if you eat high meat, the bacteria in the meat predigests those the same way the E-coli would, into finite molecules to feed the brain and the nervous system. That's why when you eat high meat...does everybody know what high meat is?

Q: No. I don't.

A: Oh, you don't? High meat is when you take meat, you chop it into small pieces, then you put it in a jar and you let it start rotting. Decaying bacteria in the meat will start decaying itself, digesting itself and when that happens then it will cause - if you are psychotic, neurotic (it doesn't matter what it is), depressed, it will resolve that in ten to twenty minutes after eating the high meat. It happens in...so far a hundred and ninety..it was a hundred and ninety six cases out of two hundred, even from the first time of using it. So it's a very good thing to use if you are depressed.

Q: Could you get a psychiatrist to prescribe that?

A/Q: [Laughing]

A: You can get a few. A few heard my lecture and tried it with some of their patients and it worked every time they tried it so they do recommend it.

Q: How old was it after being...

A: If you make it out of the refrigerator you can have it... I usually tell people so it doesn't stink up their house and so they don't have to be as diligent. You put it in the refrigerator and you take it out every three to four days outside, open it up, put new air in it, screw it back on and put it back in your refrigerator. If you want...and that'll take about fourteen to twenty one days to be ready. If you want it ready quickly don't put it in the refrigerator put it in a dark cupboard. Take it out every two days and then put new air in it and put it back in the cupboard. Now if you go three or four days its going to start gassing and stinking up your cupboard and that hangs around. That's why I say don't open it in your house. Don't open it or eat it in your house because it will hang in the drapes, the rugs and everything. People are going to come into your house and say what's dead in here.

Q: "Laughing"

A: It's dying, its rotting in here. Are you dying? Do you have cancer?

Q: [Laughing]

Q: How long does it take when its in the cupboard?

A: It takes about ten days. Ten to twelve days.

Q: Is it dangerous to eat to much of it?

A: I have a fellow who was about six foot tall about two hundred and forty pounds. He started on the diet and in about a year and a half, he was always depressed. He became a landscape artist because he hated people. Most anti-social besides me when I was younger and so ill. He was the most anti-social person I ever knew and finally after a year and a half I got him to try the high meat and it worked for him in ten minutes. So he, over the next six months, he adapted to eat only high meat so he eats two pounds of high meat a day.

Q: Oh wow.

A: And the last time I went and did a workshop in his area, he had three girls. Now he's only about a four point eight or a five in the looks department. He's still a big bear of a guy but he became such a happy person he got a great personality, funny as can be. I mean he could be a stand up comedian and be better than the top out there and he had three number ten girlfriends at the same workshop, together. That's charm! That's the extreme. He only eats high meat. Two pounds a day, he doesn't eat any fresh meat.

Q: Does he have bad breath?

A: No he doesn't.

Q: [Laughing]

A: No...yeah...no he doesn't. I think your body adapts to it.

Q: I bet his house smells.

A: Well, he has a shed that he does it all in now.

Q: [Laughing]

A: Separate refrigerator, separate shed.

A/Q: [Laughing]

Q: Is this done mainly with red meat?

A: No it all depends on what kind of meat you need. I do mainly fish. That causes my breath to stink but I just deal with it, I you know I need to eat fish because all the chemotherapy.

Q: Would a lot of high meat cause detoxification symptoms?

A: Ah I can't say that it does because in only about five percent of the cases, people go into diarrhea and vomit after having the high meat and that's a lower incidence of vomit and diarrhea on a normal basis.

Q: So how much meat..what kind of meat should people eat, fish or chicken or beef?

A: It depends on what you need. It tells you how to make the decision in the book, in We Want to Live. If you have a very high adrenaline system, you are hyperactive with lots of energy, you need the white meats. Now white is a misnomer. Don't consider white in the book as...or white in my books as a color. It is just a category and if you have salmon or tuna or ostrich, which is as red as liver, that's in the white meat category. So white is not a color its a category.

Q: Chicken is white?

A: Yeah, any poultry is in the white category, okay?

Q: Can we review again because I read it but can we review again that theory behind eating the spoiled meat, the high meat.

A: The high meat again. The bacteria in the meat starts digesting itself. That's the decay process. It eats itself then goes back into the earth. Earth organisms eat it and it creates more life. Its just a pre-digester. It digests it the same way that we have Salmonella and a variety of other bacteria in our intestines - including E-coli - to break down that food so that we can use these finite molecules of fat and protein and carbohydrates and whatever else is in the meat itself.

Q: But why use the high meat and just not digest it normally?

A: Because most people don't have that poor digestion.

Q: So the high meat aids...

A: The high meat...

Q: That'll help someone with a psychiatric problem?

A: Yeah, because the brain and the nervous system are not getting fed because their E-coli is poor.

Q: What abut Kefir?

A: Kefir doesn't help you break down that finite molecule.

Q: Its more in the bowel.

A: Its the bowel that requires that E-coli.

Q: So Aajonus, what about all the cold meat we have sitting in the refrigerator, sitting in the sixteen ounce jars that's been sitting there for months.

A: I used it after two years and three months old.

Q: How about if its older?

Q: If its sitting there in a jar for maybe a couple of months with no air...

A: You can start opening it again. After about two or three openings it'll be active again and that's fine.

Q: How old have you had high meat?

A: I've had it up to a year and three months old.

Q: So you can use those old jars for other high meat?

A: Exactly, yes. Exactly

Q: In six days we have high meat

A: Yeah

Q: Is the liver going to be better than other meats high?

A: Well, liver is more concentrated in protein. That could cause some heavy detoxifications of the pancreas, the liver and the brain when you have that concentration of high meat, of protein. Usually its a better balance if you're using fat with the protein. So it's a little bit more balanced and regulated but when you've got a concentrated protein like liver - and you are eating a lot of it – you are asking for a detoxification.

Q: So your gonna eat that stuff in the old jars um straight out of the jar and we should give it the...the time.

A: Yeah give it a few you know give it a few cycles of opening it with the air getting into it again.

Q: Okay. I just wanted to ask if I'm not really raw yet, how long would you say is like a minimum to wait to try this high meat?

A: About a month.

A: Back to questions. Where were we

Q: If it’s older than a year throw the high meat away?

A: No I don't know that. You can test it over a year and three months. I've only had it up to a year and three months. Yes?

Q: Is there something called chemtrails that planes release flying over places?

A: Yes

Q: Ah, could you tell me about that?

A: Well, it’s not a subject that I like to get into here because it’s a very complex one and the US government is bombing us, is spreading their waste products - from military, industrial military development - over us. It’s got aluminum. It’s got ...

Q: Barium.

A: ... barium and other waste products from developing military weapons. They have nowhere to store it anymore so they're bombing it all over the place.

Q: So the whole United States is like getting it pretty much?

A: When I was in Thailand in February and the US military was there -the US military goes to Thailand every year and does exercises with them...and teaches them how to be good military people - they were bombing there for the first time, chemtrailing that whole area. They taught them how to chemtrail. It’s happening all over...it’s all over Europe, all of Europe. These big military machines they have to have somewhere to dump their poisons so they dump it on their own populations.

Q: They can't bury it?

A: They have to spread it all over; they're doing it everywhere. The're trying to thin it out everywhere and they say that it’s okay to damage. Let’s say the casualty rate is let’s say a hundred out of ten thousand. That’s an acceptable loss, that’s what the military and the government considers okay.

Q: What to do about chemtrails?

A: As far as what I suggest, what I suggested to read is all in the archives of my newsletters so find all them newsletters for Chem trails, okay. Didn't I put that in there? Okay. Alright do you have a question?

Q: Can you talk about your observations on the difference between fresh milk and old milk.

A: Just remember, old milk is always better because it is just like in the high meat and while it is breaking down, it doesn't taste as nice and as fresh and as delicious unless you put honey in it as soon as you get it home. My milk most of the time I put my honey in it as soon as I get home. I drink like a half gallon, a little bit more than a half-gallon a day in the summer time when it’s hot because I don't drink water. I take about a sixteen ounce glass, canning jar. I'll put about twelve ounces or ten ounces of milk in it and about six ounces of honey in that and then I blend that and then pour a little bit into all of my half gallon. So I have about six to eight half gallons of milk. So I put a little bit in each one and of course I pour out a little of every one and then pour that into it and then it stays sweet even if it goes off and the bacteria's growing in it.

Q: Put it in the refrigerator?

A: Yes I do put it in the refrigerator. However a day or two before I'm going to drink it I put it in a dark cupboard out of the refrigerator because I like to have kefir.

Q: That’s odd; you put it in the refrigerator...

A: Okay let me start it over again. I take the milk home. I take a little out of each container. I put it in a jar. I blend about two tablespoons of honey per quart of milk.

Q: Half gallon.

Q: No per quart.

A: Per Quart. Two tablespoons of honey per quart so that’s four tablespoons of honey per half gallon. So I pour that much into each half gallon then I put it in the refrigerator. I put some in thecupboard immediately and I have some left from the day before because I like my milk twenty four hours or more old before I drink it. In fact I like it thick. Like Kefir and sometimes that takes up to two days. So that’s the way I will have it.

Q: Doesn't the honey kill the bacteria though?

A: No, it doesn’t. It doesn't act as an antibacterial in milk. In fact it encourages the lactobacillus acidophilus to be more active than the bulgaricus and coccus. If you don't put honey in it, the coccus and mainly the bulgaricus will be more active. That’s to break down the fats and the proteins so that’s why it becomes bitter or tart even. You know. When you put the honey in it, it encourages the acidophilus to grow. It is anti-bacterial to an extent with the coccus and bulgaricus but it doesn't destroy it completely.

Q: If it separates?

A: I just reblend it and then drink it that way unless it’s too acidic. If it starts causing my mouth to get a little stingy and burn and tongue to get sore then I'll just separate it and make cheese with it.

Q: What I find interesting about...about the old milk, I don't know if anybody knows but the electron potential...and the old milk...it’s pretty amazing.

A: Yep

Q: But there’s a certain point though where it goes down to four hundred and then it starts going back up again. So at that point which is about five or six days. It's got so many electrons in it, it’s amazing.

A: Okay, This gentleman back here. I've forgotten you're name...

Q: Dehydrating the meat a little, for the kids. What’s that going to do to it?

A: What?

Q: Dehydrating the meat. A little.

A: Okay when you dehydrate the meat, you lose your enzymes and a lot of the ability to utilize your proteins and digestion in general.

Q: So beef jerky is bad?

A: Beef jerky is terrible but if he wants to let his meat dry a little bit it’s not going to be that bad just eat a little honey with it to add some enzymes.

Q: How to dry?

A: Yeah they just leave it out on a plate. They do it a lot at Pangaia in Hawaii. Lots of people don't like the fresh, fresh tasting meat. They like it slightly dry.

Q: You could run a fan over it right?

A: Yeah, but still when you are dehydrating it, you are losing the electromagnetic energy - the field of energy of that food. It’s like the Indians. Every year the Eskimos and the Inuit and the Canadian Indians will make a Pemmican. They'll dry meat, beat it until it becomes a flower and then mix it with some kind of a lard. You know with some buffalo or seal - whatever they have available - and they bake it in the sun until it melts together and then they press it into a ninety pound cake. A cube and they will keep that throughout the whole winter in case they can't find any food for the hunt. If they don’t need to eat it, whatever they don’t eat during the winter they bury it in the spring. They don't eat it. Even though they've gone to all this great lengths to have this dried meat and go through this whole process it is just for survival. They know that it will leech enzymes and lots of properties out of the body and will weaken the body. So they bury it. They will not eat it. They only eat if they're starving.

Q: Is it the same thing for cheese, if you dehydrate cheese?

A: No the cheese is medicinal. You lose the ability to digest it but it acts as a magnet as it goes through. It starts in the mouth as your blood stream, your neurological system and your lymph system. It moves throughout the entire intestinal wall and digestive tract walls. The cheese acts as a magnet and will draw poisons out of those three fluid systems.

Q: Can you leave that cheese out and dry it? Will it change the properties of the cheese?

A: Yeah, the dryer it is the more it will be absorbent.

Q: Okay.

A: The less you will digest of it. That acts as a magnet and a sponge and will carry toxins out through the fecal matter - if you eat honey in the same mouth bite with cheese, the cheese will digest because you're adding enzymes to it that are lost by dehydration. So if you need a good mineral supplement, you don't go to rock; some mineral supplement, its rock. Plants eat rock, you don't eat rock.

Q: [Laughter]

A: So you take a mineral supplement that’s rock and you’re not going to digest it; you’re not a plant. It’s the most absurd thing in the world. I see tons of people with rusting iron, iodine.uh... patina'ed copper in their systems because they're taking these supplements and it’s ludicrous. Take cheese and honey and eat them together in your mouth at the same times. Don't think of that as eating something with honey in it - like if you’re having a milkshake with honey in it, you have cheese with the milk shake. No, the honey is already working on the fats in the milkshake. They combine immediately so eating something with honey in it and eating the cheese with it will not help the cheese digest.Cheese and the honey have to be together in your mouth at the same time then you will digest the minerals in the cheese and it will be a concentrated mineral supplement.

Q: Is that any cheese or dry cheese? Are you talking about any cheese?

A: Any cheese. The drier it is the less it will digest. The fewer bioactive enzymes...remember a lot of people say oh I've got live enzymes...hello enzymes aren't alive, they are protein structures. There’s no nucleus; there’s no respiratory system in them. There’s...there is no eating system. They dissolve depending upon the protein. It can be a building enzyme. It can be a dissolving enzyme; there are different kinds of enzymes.

Q: So what’s the proper terminology for a living enzyme?

A: Bioactive, bioactive enzymes.

Q: What about moldy cheese?

A: Moldy cheese I scrape the...the outer white layer off because that has all the spores in it and you can get to much Mycelium generating in your system and you can get very lethargic.

Q: So no moldy cheese?

A: Yes, you can eat moldy cheese just scrape the white top off.

Q: Does cottage cheese count as cheese or is that more like a Kefir?

A: It's more like a cheese.

Q: So the same thing applies to cottage cheese?

A: Right.

Q: Okay.

A: It’s just that because it still has some of its fluid in it you will have some bioactive enzymes in cottage cheese that you won’t have in dry cheese. Yes Lori?

Q: I've noticed cheese going very soft the last few months. I first got a problem a year or two ago. It used to be quite hard or not hard but much firmer. What do you think about the very soft cheese? You can almost bend it. Is it any better or what is...how is it working in our body when it’s very soft? I mean it’s just like butter.

A: Yeah. Well it depends on what cheese you’re getting or what kind of cheese.

Q: Swiss...

A: Swiss.

Q: ......so soft...

A: I don't know why you’re getting it that way because I get the same cheese here and it’s not that soft. I mean its soft but it’s not that soft. It's not cream.

Q: ...different farmers...we buy the five pound block. So it comes in a plastic...

A: Where are you getting it?

Q: From Amos Miller

A: No, Amos doesn't make any cheese. He has several people making cheese for them. Eli King is one of them, is his main cheese maker.

Q: And so who do you like?

A: I buy that same cheese.

Q: But what name...what’s the name?

A: Its Eli's. Eli's products and...but some of the cheeses that he has, not that I've gotten any of the baby Swiss that’s like mush but some of the others. It just means it hasn’t been aged sixty days; some of the mold is still breaking it down.

Q: I keep mine for two months and it’s the same.

A: Well, you have to leave it out of the refrigerator to do that or you have to leave it out of the package in the refrigerator so it'll dry. If you keep it in the plastic it’s not going to make a bit of a difference.

Q: But you’re saying the harder cheese...the softer cheese is actually better for you or the're not...

A: It depends on what you need. If you need the molds to help break down toxicity in your body then the softer cheeses are better. If you need a magnet and a sponge to bind with toxicity and then remove it from your body then harder cheese is better.

Q: So which is the harder cheese? Farmer’s cheese?

A: Farmers cheese is soft. The dry cheese is the brick cheese.

Q: Cheddar is hard.

A: Cheddar yeah, Jack...any of those. Alright let’s see...yeah Barbara.

Q: This is a stupid question as it's going to be asked a lot but I wanted to ask it um...they're coming out on the internet now and it’s been used in Africa. It’s a product called MMS, have you heard of it?

A: Aha

Q: Miracle Mineral Supplement and from reading about it is... the're saying its di...Chlorine Dioxide is actually Di-Chloro, Chlorine Oxide it’s got two Chlorine molecules to the Oxygen and they've been curing um...hepatitis, AID's um...malaria and cancers and many other things. They've stopped them using it in Africa because the drug companies have said they will not give any more money and aid to Africa if they allow it to come into the country any more. Now it’s been coming into this country and its coming from Canada and other places. It seems a miracle but to me having known what Chlorine is like but they do say that when the Chlorine is released with the vinegar or the lemon juice or citric acid it becomes. It actually...the waste product becomes Sodium and um...Chlorine so not...you know just mixes with it so I'm not sure, I'm wondering if you knew about it and whether you could help us because if this is such a miracle in those third world countries does it mean that it’s alright for us or is it going to kill all the organisms in our body as well as the bad ones.

A: Okay, go back to what I said in the recipe book. Seventy two percent of all diseases will reverse on their own, all conditions.

Q: Right.

A: All these people take claims that their product caused these reversals when it’s a natural process of the body healing itself. Somebody gets a disease, they take that product. Their body is in the process of healing itself anyway - that product has nothing to do with them healing.

Q: Even with Malaria which takes two days which would normally take weeks and months and Hepatitis...

A: We don't see enough of those. I've read the literature and not enough cases prove that to me. People...a lot of people will heal in a few days with malaria. People who live in the jungle heal very rapidly. A whitey, one of us white bread people will go down there, not me, I won’t get it, I don't even get Malaria even if I drink you know water that’s been hacked into by somebody with Malaria because I've done it but the average person who’s on the SAD, the Standard American Diet goes down there and gets Malaria. Their Malaria is going to do a lot of cleansing for a very long time. So they may keep Malaria for a couple of months but your native isn't going to keep it long at all.

Q: Why are they dying of it then?

A: They don't die of it. They die from the treatments. They die of the penicillin or the amoxicillin or the cipro that they're getting to handle it or the flaxil or whatever they're getting that is poisoning them. You have to understand the whole new generation believes the crap that they're told on TV. Bacteria is your enemy; it’s your cause for disease and all this new generation buys it. Everywhere in the world they're indoctrinating these people because guess what, General Electric and these companies are supplying the TV's. I took a motorcycle and went out all through Cambodia where there’s nothing but people in grass huts, grass skirts are their normal skirts. They don't have much clothes on and they are kicking around a thatched ball. They don't have anything but yet everybody's got a frickin' TV in their grass hut and electricity going to it. They make fifty cents a day; the family makes fifty cents a day. How are they paying for this TV? Most of them don’t have a refrigerator, the electricity is just to run the TV because what do they learn on TV? Drugs and junk food, drugs and junk food and in Thailand you have twenty commercials every half hour. You have sixteen to seventeen minutes of commercials for every twelve minutes of programming and half of it is drug related so they're teaching these people that you don't trust the human body that everything is wrong because it’s of your body and trust chemicals.

Q: So the MMS, is it useless? Is it a toxic product to put in your body?

A: Again, it’s a mineral. It's mined; it’s for plants. If you've got an average person who is very toxic and they mix it with some lemon or lime and have it, it’s going to act like an antibiotic in a way because of the high chlorine. It’s going to destroy some of their body's ability to cleanse itself, is that good?

Q: No I don't think so...

A: I don't think in the long run it is but for the short term it is because then they get rid of their symptoms. Then a Malaria-like symptom or disease will come up later and how do they treat it? They just keep treating it so the person gets older...and they may not live as long and they probably won’t live as long.

Q: That was my feeling but I wanted to run it past you.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: You advised me instead of doing the sauna to get a hot tub so I've done some research and found one that wasn’t too expensive. But now you just blew my theory about the ozone...

A: It’s got ozone in it?

Q: Yes, most of them come with the ozone.

A: But you can have...don't put in the ozone

Q: Okay it holds a hundred and twenty gallons of water right. So tell me how to treat that so we can take it...

A: You've got a problem with that unit. You've got the motor under the unit, in the unit. You've got to have that motor three feet away from you. It generates EMF's. If you're going to have that thing...

Q: So you’re gonna be sitting in it?

A: Yep, and you have that generator on heating the whole time and your jets going the whole time. That EMF's going to hit you...pardon?

Q: Is that guy willing to work with us? He emailed you.

A: Well he just emailed me the information, all the stuff that you just told me but I haven't asked him what he will do to change it.

Q: Okay so what do we...?

A: You see he sells the whole unit, the whole units intact. It’s made the way it is, not going to work.

Q: What am I to get then? I mean the other spas are the same damn thing, the motors on the bottom. So I mean...

A: Well, you have to get a separate pool guy to make a separate compartment and put extra hoses, so it won't be all contained in one.

Q: Take the whole...

A: Motor unit out, anything that generates an electrical charge...electrical fields.

Q: Do you know anybody that has one that can do this, that...that we can have...we can work with them?

A: I had somebody build mine. I told them how I wanted it built and they built it.

Q: How far away? Yeah how far?

A: Well I've got mine ten feet.

Q: Yeah but the EMF from a two horse motor, come on.

A: Its only three feet.

Q: What...have it three feet away?

A: Yeah three feet away.

Q: Okay, that’s one issue. Now I mean I didn't even think of that issue but okay you were talking about they have an ozone generator in the unit and you’re saying that’s no good? So how am I gonna clean the water to go in it every night instead of using my bathtub because i want to get well but I need to have that temperature hot so I don't have to do the bath all the time. Is what you told me so I can do it six...seven days a week? I mean ..I'm trying to make this easy for myself.

A: It’s not going to be easy.

Q: Well I'm trying to at least have it there and available, I mean you told me to get the hot tub so I'm trying to...

A: I said get the hot tub. I said you can get a hot tub but you’re going to have to rearrange it depending upon the hot tub.

Q: Alright so tell me how to do that.

A: I just told you.

Q: Okay you put the motor aside but you didn't tell me how do I clean the water?

A: Well ozone doesn't clean the water it just keeps the algae from growing.

Q: Tell me what we put in it so we can keep the water in there for four to six months and not have the pipes have some kind of film on it or whatever we have to worry about. I don't know anything about this so...

A: You'd have to have an electrical chlorinator.

Q: So you're saying that’s the only thing that would work?

A: That’s...if you want it small and compact that’s going to be the only way it’s going to work.

Q: The chlorinator, does it create EMF's?

A: Well, the electrical chlorinator isn't right there. It goes through a system so the water goes through that system where the charge is and send the water back in.

Q: So that has to be separate also?

A: Yeah.

Q: I mean with the whole...the motor and...

A: Anything that generates a...anything that has a motor you’re going to have to...

Q: And how far away should it be?

A: Should be about three feet.

Q: At least three feet.

A: Yeah

Q: Okay...

A: If the...the only way you'll know for sure is if you get an EMF field meter and you test it and see how far it goes to where its zero.

Q: ... and that electric chlorinator is going to be sufficient not to use any other...I don't know I've talked to pool guys and its either... They say the ozone or its eighty percent and then you have to shock the system with either hydrogen peroxide or some kind of natural two enzyme or non-Chlorinated...

A: This is getting way to complex.

Q: Okay.

A: and this is too complex of an issue to take up here so you'll have to call me for the rest of it, okay?

Q: Okay.

Q: Can I just ask you about a Jacuzzi Tub when it comes to that? Like you’re not supposed to use a Jacuzzi tub.

A: Jacuzzi tub's fine.

Q: Where is the motor on a Jacuzzi tub?

A: Ah...usually it’s about a foot and a half, two feet away.

Q: ...and that’s okay?

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay

A: Well, what you could do is turn it on while you...you know have a low amount of water in it and see where your EMF field is. If it’s at one corner you just keep your feet away from that edge.

Q: Why not turn it off? What would you put in the water?

A: That’s for...some people who like the jets, the air jets, but that would be the thing to do is turn it off.

Q: Well I usually do...

A: But then you have to heat it every few minutes to keep that temperature regular for how long you’re going to be in it. When you get out of it, your body's going to cool down and it won’t work.

Q: Doctor Charles Porter, the man who - I'm sure you've heard about this - at the Mayo clinic wrote a book called...I haven't read it yet I just found out about it, called The Milk Diet um where he ah this is what I've heard...

A: This is an old one. This is from 1925.

Q: What do you think of the milk diet when it comes to um...let’s say an all milk diet or a diet where you're...you have a chronic disease...as opposed to something where you have milk and meat. Would a milk diet be fine?

A: No, in some cases it will be, but it depends upon the individual and the type of problems in the body.

Q: Were talking about raw milk though.

A: Yeah raw milk, we're talking about an all raw milk diet. She’s asking can a raw milk diet cure diseases. Yes it can cure some definitely. It's cured emphysema, tuberculosis, diabetes of all sorts. So yes it’s possible.

Q: ...and that’s just raw milk that’s no vegetables?

A: No that’s nothing else but just a raw milk diet.

Q: What if you used raw milk instead of...as your meat...

A: Doesn't work. If you got...if you're very skinny, you've been a vegetarian. A raw milk diet isn't going to work for you.

Q: I don't mean all raw milk diet. I mean just a diet..where instead of eating let’s say eggs and meat and stuff you substitute some or all of that type of stuff like eggs and meat and all your animal products for milk or butter fat...

A: I just said no, it doesn't work, no.

Q: Any reasons?

A/Q: [Group laughing]

A: I don't know the reasons [laughs].

Q: It just doesn't.

A: It just doesn't. Do you have a question?

Q: I just wanted to ask you about Shea butter as something you could put on your skin to keep you from drying out.

A: Shea butter is processed butter.

Q: They say it’s natural.

A: It’s all processed... completely processed.

Q: How do they process it?

A: Well they usually pasteurize it and then they steam it in some circumstances and then they spin it to get the fluid out of it so it will cake.

Q: They tell us it’s just stirred in the hot sun in Africa. It’s collected in Africa and stirred in the hot sun.

A: Yeah, well if you believe that, that’s a good one, because it isn't. That’s the way they used to make it that’s the old way of making it but the butter...when you get Shea butter like that it is very foul smelling and tasting. It tastes like eating you know...it tastes like eating a really ripe, strong buffalo meat.

Q: mmm...

A: And no I've never smelled any Shea butter like that in this country. It's all highly processed.

Q: You mean the natural one smells like you say...

A: The natural one smells foul. It almost smells like ozonated olive oil but not putrid.

Q: Are you saying a milk diet without meat doesn't work very well. How does a vegan diet work without any of those, without milk, eggs...?

A: Very few people do well on a vegetarian diet. I've only met eight people out of thirty two hundred that did well on a vegetarian diet.

Q: I don't know why vegans seem to have a big raw food contingent

A: Yep but it’s all...it’s all pretty new. It’s all pretty new. I mean David Wolf - all of them - they're all pretty new. David’s only been on the diet seven and a half years and most people hit the wall at seven but he has a high - all of those eight people had high - adrenal activity, thyroid and testosterone levels. Even the one female I knew fit into that category but she started deteriorating her spine at thirty six years old. The other men that I knew - the eight of them - their spines started deteriorating in their fifties and sixties.

Q: Are you talking about David Wolf?

A: Yes about David Wolf yeah. So David Wolf has just started eating dairy and I'm not supposed to be telling people.

Q: [Group laughing]

A: One of the people who work for him called me and said: guess what? Everybody in New York City’s changing. We're going to your diet, we're having bone loss, and we’re having a lot of problems. David Wolf - I even saw him eating cheese the other day, raw cheese.

Q: He eats chocolate.

Q: Did she call you for help to talk about it?

A: No, she was already on the diet and she was doing her meat around him in the closet.

Q: [Group Laughing]

Q: Did she come out of the closet?

A: Well she still won't come out the closet because he’s a fanatic. You know he doesn't...he doesn't admit that he's eating the cheese.

Q: Have you seen him eat it?

A: She saw him eat it.

Q: He's a true believer.

A: Yeah.

Q: What does he eat?

A: Vague but it’s not Vegan. He advertises no dairy. So now he’s eating cheese because his spine is starting to go or his you know...he’s getting very demineralized, he's feeling very nervous and shaky and not calm.

Q: He eats super foods

A: Yeah all of that you know, super food stuff is dehydrated garbage. You know it’s going to de-enzyme the body. Okay do you have a question?

Q: Yes, you were talking earlier about rubbing coconut cream in your eyes for a particular condition which I don’t have but my eyes are deteriorating. My eyesight isn't as good and I was just wondering maybe that would just help...

A: Egg whites. Egg whites. If you’re getting scar tissue or you are getting layers on your cornea, then the coconut cream and the lime will work. But if you just need protein to strengthen the cornea so it doesn't misshape, you just put egg white in the eye. The people who put egg white in their eye two to three times a day usually lose ten to thirteen percent of their prescription per year. It reduces but they do it two to three times a day. The people who do it once a day - it may take two or three years for them to decrease in percent.

Q: One eye sees further than the other, you know all that stuff. I have no idea about the shape or what’s causing it...

A: Well that’s one of the causes. The lens in one eye gives you farsighted vision and the one the flattens gives you near sighted vision.

Q: Are you saying you can use egg whites for any eye problems or...

A: Any eye problems. Yeah?

Q: how much in...

A: What I tell people to do is take egg white and put a little dab on their little finger - on this finger usually, the little one - and you just get a little bubble of egg white on there. You pull the lid down, you look up and you just rub it along the edge...the...the bottom of the...white of the eye and then you open both of them and then you roll your eye like a circus master and get it all over, coat it and then you close your eye and that’s it. You may be a little foggy for about two to three minutes you know it looks like you’re going through foggy water there a little bit. It clears pretty quickly.

Q: What if you've got cataracts?

A: Cataracts. That'll help...cataracts. I would use both.

Q: Both what?

A: Coconut cream with the lime juice. I would alternate them using the egg white in the eye for cataracts. Yes?

Q: So the egg white. How long do you use that [Inaudible, too distant]?

A: I eat the rest of the egg white; I'm eating eggs all day long.

Q: Yes we get it...

Q: Some of us can't eat eggs all day long so how long do we..[inaudible, too distant]...dip your finger in it and I'm just assuming that at some point...[inaudible, too distant].

A: If I do it, I eat an egg. I use it and then eat the egg.

Q: Yep.

A: That’s it and the next time I use another egg I can do it again when I want.

Q: Yep that’s what I do too.

Q: I don't eat eggs. They don't like me at all so..I don't have...so I have an egg white I would....

A: Well then, I would suggest you take one of those little...one ounce, half ounce little containers, put a little egg white in there and close it.

Q: To keep if from oxidizing?

A: Keep it from oxidizing. Yeah, yeah

Q: Keratoconus?

A: What about it?

Q: Use the same thing just egg white or something...

A: I would use a combination for that because that’s always the scarring...

Q: What’s it called?

A: Ah...how do you pronounce it?

Q: Keratoconus.

A: Keratoconus.

Q: What is that?

A: It’s a scarring of the inner layer of the cornea or right on the iris itself.

Q: I've got an egg white method I've been using for the last two months. What I do is um...before I go to bed and when I get up in the middle of the night I always use eggs. I get an eight ounce plastic jar and the eggs. I stick my fingers in the egg whites and I just keep my eyes open a slit and rub it all over it. I just keep them slit and I just down the eggs and then when I get up in three or four hours I do the same thing. I do an egg and I stick my fingers in there, I keep my eyes open a slit and ah down the eggs. It's much faster than doing that Aajonus way.

Q/A: [Laughing]

Q: I could never get around it but...

A: Most people won’t like that egg white all over they're eyelashes and everything...

Q: ...and I'm single and I live alone so I don't have to worry about it.


A: So you're not worried about your cakey white all over...cakey white you will have that.

Q: It comes of f in the shower when I take a shower in the morning.

A: Okay,

Q: What would you suggest for teeth whitening?

A: Well, Terramin clay with Coconut cream is the best thing you can do. Just remember the teeth are discolored - if you don't drink tea and you're not drinking coffee and you’re not smoking - most of the discoloration is coming from the brain through the nerves and the toxins are coming out. Penicillin is one of the greatest. Tetracycline is another one. Tetracycline turns the teeth gray. Cocaine turns the teeth gray from the inside out. So almost all this discoloration comes from the inside out so no matter how much you brush and try to whiten unless your put Peroxide on there like they whiten teeth with - but that damages the dentine about five to ten layers in. So you’re damaging your dentine and you’re more likely to have cavities.

Q: So you’re saying use clay like toothpaste?

A: Yes. Use it with Coconut cream. That'll help get rid of any stain that is a stain from food or from bacteria collecting and eating the food or the toxins that are coming from the brain and the body has used minerals to bind with them to cake on it and that’s what plaque is. Plaque is toxins from the brain dumping out of the gums and the body using concentrated minerals to coat those to keep them from damaging the dentine. That is plaque. If you leave that plaque on too long, the toxins - like the mercury, the thallium, the lead - that come out of the brain will eat through that. It will dominate. Even a massive amount of alkalizing minerals will get through and damage the dentine so you still have to remove plaque. If you use Coconut cream you know and lemon juice once in a while with some carbonated water it'll break down the plaque.

Q: How often do you brush with the clay?

A: Whenever you want. It’s like jewelers rouge.

Q: Coconut cream and lime juice?

A: Lemon...is that lemon...yeah.

Q: Is there anything you could do to remineralize a decalcified area that’s going too far into like a hole.

A: It's...it’s very difficult to remineralize a cavity unless you're very young. I've never seen anybody over twenty seven do it.

Q: So you have to have it filled?

A: Yup.

Q: Because I'm getting "inaudible"...but I mean it’s gonna...its happening...is that because of all the toxins?

A: All the toxins, yeah.

Q: ...and there’s no way to...

A: You've got to brush every day.

Q: Well, yeah I mean I have...

A: With coconut cream...

Q: Yeah with coconut cream and clay. Putting the clay on at night.

A: I wouldn't put clay on at night.

Q: You said roll...roll a little...

A: I said just if you have an infection. If you've got an abscess and you've got puss coming out you put that in there and not as a regular thing on the teeth because that'll demineralize the teeth.

Q: More?

A: Yeah it'll demineralize it more. The clay will, if you leave it on the tooth.

Q: Why will it demineralize them?

A: Because its dry and it keeps drawing out.

Q: She says you are wet in your mouth so...

A: You are wet in your mouth but you know how much it will absorb, do you know how absorbent clay is? It’s continuously absorbent.

Q: I thought it would absorb mercury or heavy metals in your mouth.

A: Yeah, but if you leave it in there thickly on your gums it’s going to demineralize your dentine.

Q: We talked about that before and I thought it was something you were quite happy about.

A: I'm happy with brushing your teeth with the clay as long as you have some kind of a fat with it - especially the coconut cream, especially fermented coconut cream - but I'm not happy about leaving on the teeth very often.

Q: But you just said people were not likely to do it because they look messy. That was a worry when we were discussing it.

A: But it wasn’t about leaving a lot of clay on the teeth.

Q: Okay.

A: Because it will demineralize the tooth.

Q: Clay, butter and um...apple cider vinegar. Yeah..."inaudible"...small amount of clay, now is that safe?

A: That’s fine, that’s one of the recipes in my book. Yes.

Q: The material, what’s the safest filling material?

A: It all depends upon your body. Some people are sensitive to some things. It’s mainly though the adhesive that they use - the epoxy - that has the biggest reaction. They use very toxic epoxy and you have to find a mild epoxy. The problem with the mild epoxies is that they'll pop out quicker but they also allow the teeth to grow... the tubules to re grow. Now I've got a filling that has to be replaced about every year and a half because it grows out. The tooth is regrowing underneath so its pushing the filling outward. It’s got this whole big filling that coming that’s misshaped and then I had it filed down but when I have it filed down it pops out. Then I have to have it refilled. The tooth is healing but it’s taken me this long to get to this place where my teeth are actually starting to regenerate.

Q: How long does it take?

A: It's taken me forty years to get here you know so. Yes? Is this about teeth still?

Q: Yes, two things. Receding gums and...

A: This is...this is now...were getting into a whole area.

Q: Okay the other thing I was gonna say is I have read about an olive oil pulling for the teeth. I was wondering if you know about that, where you take a tablespoon of olive oil and swish it around for three minutes. Spit it out and two minutes...for that routine do you know anything about it.

A: Yeah, if you’re sure it works.

Q: It works because...

A: I mean any kind of fat. It isn't just olive oil, it’s any fat. You swish it around in your mouth. The gums - remember the gums are the major detoxifiers for the brain – the gums, the tongue and the saliva glands. So you got that oil in there. It's all in the mechanism already when you have that fat swishing around its going to dump. It's like when a baby suckles. The teat or nipple on a bottle - all the toxins come from the brain into the mouth and down with the milk to detoxify it. That’s a tremendous mineral loss for the baby, but yet it’s protecting the baby's brain.

Q: A holistic dentist just told me...

A: Yeah.

Q: … he said the amalgams are not poisoning anyone.

A: The amalgams? Very little poisoning from amalgams. The major poisoning of mercury comes from vaccines and injections. Very little mercury comes from the teeth. You can damage though, it does cause a lot of damage directly in the nerve to that tooth but it doesn't cause all the total disease that a lot of dentists are claiming.

Q: Even the vapor coming off it?

A: When the mercury vaporizes, it crystallizes. So it’s a very finite crystal. It is not liquid Mercury like in vaccines and injections. So it isn't that harmful except as it stays in the nerve of the tooth and it will damage the tooth all the way up into the brain.

Q: Any advice for hearing loss?

A: Pardon?

Q: Hearing loss?

Q/A: [Group laughing]

A: Hearing loss. I was...my father got mad at me...I was autistic so I didn't know what the hell anything was being said anyway and he says 'I told you to listen to me'. He popped both of my ear drums so I lost sixty percent of my hearing in one ear and forty percent in the other and now I've got eighty percent in one and eighty percent in the other so it does regenerate but I've never found anything to regenerate it best unless you use a hot water bottle near your ear. When you leave it there, because of the passages into that network are very finite, there’s not much circulation in there, The only way you can force more nutrients to heal the ear drum and that area is to put a hot water bottle near that ear and then put a towel over your head and over that ear to generate heat for several hours at night, into that area and that speed -as long as you’re on a good diet - that'll speed it. Okay um...we're going here...

Q: I've been on the diet a little over a year and I go to the doctors for the regular tests. One of the blood tests - I've never had this problem before - I just had it redone after I saw you the last time. I'm showing pre-diabetes with the very high sugar. And I do notice that sometimes when I eat certain things I feel my heart rate going really fast and of course I'm eating the dairy and the honey and all that and I started cutting down on the honey but I was wondering if there was any other uh...

A: Okay, is that all the symptoms you're having??

Q: The palpitations, I don't know, I just, I don't, I didn't feel right before I did it and I was wondering because I didn't have sugar for like twenty, thirty years before I went on your diet so now I'm having sugar in my body so.....?

A: But that's not a diabetic reaction. The diabetic reaction is spacing out, getting very weak, getting very dizzy, blacking out. I had diabetes I know what diabetic symptoms are.

Q: So what that like?

A: Heart palpitations can come from minerals, heavy metals, getting into the blood at one time. The heart does not want to let it settle. So it pumps the blood fast through there, hoping to get some minerals in the digestive track, will attract them out of it.

Q: So what's the pre diabetes test that he's saying I have got the-

A: The pre diabetes will make almost 80% of the people who get there test done look diabetic.

Q: Pre diabetic.?

A: Pre diabetic. It's meant to do that - to get you thinking 'oh I'm going diabetic, maybe I should end up taking, diabetes medicine - insulin'.

Q: But I wanted to know if there is anything I should and shouldn't do with the diet, you're saying nevermind.

A: If you're having heart palpitations like that, you drink cream. I have it, if I have a juice in the morning - if I have more than eight ounces - my heart will go like this. I'll get a little sugar reaction. But it's not a diabetic reaction. It doesn't mean I don't... I'm not utilizing my sugars. I'm utilizing too many sugars which is the opposite of diabetes. Plus all the minerals that are pulled out. I'll put either an egg in my juice or a little cream in it the next day. It only happens if you try it first in the morning, one out of fifteen days. If I can tell it's going to happen I'll put my egg in it, and cream in it, and then I won't even worry about it the next day.

Doesn't say she's pre diabetic........she should help with.......

A: Diabetes......?

Q: Usually to drop weight if...

A: Diabetes is reversed by having the proper fat.

Q: I shouldn't say she should eat no fat. I'm just saying her body weight in general, her....

A: It wouldn't have anything to do with diabetes or sugar...

Q: So, so, I'm trying to get.... so the honey obviously isn't the problem when it comes to this at all. This is the second time in a row that test has showed this way and I sometimes feel hyper after I drink the milk shake I have with the banana. I didn't start to feel.....

A: How much honey do you put in there??

Q: Well, I think it was a teaspoon and a quarter. I think that's what I've been putting in, something like that.

A: That's not much.

Q: But I mean, it was more than that, I don't know. I think you said a teaspoon after that.

A: Yeah..

Q: And sometimes after I drink it, of course milk you know. And I'm drinking the kefir before I go to sleep. Also with honey in it.

A: Milk... If you have a lot of adrenaline over-reaction in your life time,and you start drinking milk, you're going to react like a baby because that old nervous system needs to relax. Eat and sleep, eat and sleep. Honey does the same thing, it is so healing so rapidly, that the body just wants to use all of its energy to relax the nervous system. So that's why you go into sleepiness. It's not a diabetic reaction. A diabetic reaction is spacing out, getting dizzy, blacking out. Getting very dizzy, when you stand up and everything goes black. And you're trying to hold onto something so you don't pass out and break your head or nose or teeth. You know that's a diabetic reaction. Yes??

Q: ... I'm so sensitive to some sugars. I thought it was going to be different on the new diet - that honey was going to make me feel no sugar reaction

A: Now if you do get highly heated honeys you will have a sugar reaction because the bee collects the nectar. Once the worker bee swallows the nectar, predigestion, it makes an insulin like substance, which converts 90% of the carbohydrate into an enzyme for digesting proteins. Then fats. And then when it gets back to the hive, it vomits. So that's what honey is. Its regurgitated, predigested, flower nectar. So as long as it isn't heated over 92.8 degrees, 93 degrees, the insulin factor that it builds, or insulin like factor that it builds, it produces and adds to the nectar. It is not destroyed until it goes up to 93 degrees. And the higher it goes the more destruction there is and the more sugar reaction you are going to have from honey. You have a question about honey??

Q: Ah no, uh, it was about demineralization, we were on that a while back ago but, you didn't pick me so I.....

A: Demineralization?

Q: Well, I was thinking for a vegan it might be a little different. If you've ever been on a vegan diet.... can you ever... can they reverse what ever damage may have occurred? Can they start to eat meat? Can they reverse that damage completely?

A: Yes.... well yeah..... its going to take time. It's going to take a lot of time.

Q: So they can. Okay. It's reversible?

A: Yeah. Depends upon how far they let it go before they do something about it.

Q: How do they know things are going wrong? How would somebody like that know things are starvng?

A: The woman who came to me at 37 with that problem, her back was starting to curve over like this. Most of them start curving over like that. One man, he was 74, 75, when he started having back problems. He started eating raw meat, you know, and this was a man who was into hygiene. He was a hygienist. Only ate fruit. Raw fruit, lots of fasting. All of a sudden, man, his spine started going in a flash.

Q: Yeah. I have been on the raw diet for about 7 years as you know, I'm going through signs of detoxifications and so on. One thing that hasn't been resolved is my body hasn't.... I was very active in my 20s or 30s and if I don't exercise regularly, my muscles just go tight. If I don't stretch, go to the gym, exercise, they just like, they're really tight like where they pull bones out of place. Is there any kind of dietary recommendation to take care of that?

A: Remember like I said to him, that's a mineralization, that's a crystallizing of old cauterized minerals in the body. It takes 40 years to get all those out of the system. You know, the bones are the last things. It takes five generations of bones to do that. Its almost 40 years. So when you, every time you're, every day, you're cleaning some of those out. And if they get stuck in the muscles your going to get stiff.

Q: Okay. So what do you to get back, it can't just gradually go?

A: No, what I said was: you have to use coconut cream to help dissolve those minerals. And needing lubrication for those will keep you lubricated.

Q: Uh, what kind of thing would you recommend then, cause I don't eat much of that.

A: For you I would recommend six ounces a day.

Q: Okay.

A: You're six three right? Six five??

Q: Six four.

A: Four. Yep, I mean you could have more. You could probably have up to eight ounces a day.

Q: Wow. I've been doing raw eggs every half an hour, the last four weeks. Uh, and since then, I've been 100% . But how do I... I'm not doing as much butter and cream since I been doing this way, and I want to do butter, especially butter. Where do I put that in there? I do the custard at night time, but during the day, where I have all this egg stuff.....cream..?

A: Are you doing it just to lose the weight, all the eggs? And to bring your digestion up to par?

Q: Well, I couldn't get into.... and I was always hungry, and I didn't, I should have meat all the time, but I thought this way I could do it, by having egg every half an hour so I can, I was just gonna have no desire to eat any quick food or junk food. But I wanna have the butter and cream with it. And.... how would I do that??

A: Well, I would just make the lubrication formula. That's always the way you'll digest the quickest and the best.

Q: So any time I can have it?

A: Now what you do is you could have a table spoon after each egg. Maybe ten minutes after each egg.

Q: Tablespoon after each egg...

A: Uh huh, the lubrication formula. And that way you'll space it out, you'll be clean all the way. You have a question? Yes?

Q: Okay. I find it... raw fish...I'm trying vinegar and I don't like the taste. I just....maybe pineapple, and I think....

A: Have you tried the sauces? There are so many sauces in the recipe book. Just a taste of it makes it easy to eat fish, maybe it's just marinated. Marinating it a little bit in lemon is fine. I wouldn't do it in lime all the time. Lime is antibacterial. Lemon juice is fermentation. Helps ferment and break down the fish. If you're going to do that, just rinse it off if you want to. Get the excess lemon off.

Q: I do.... squeeze it out.

A: Is it bothering your teeth? You notice a difference??

Q: Yeah.

A: Well, you are just so thin you have no extra fat.

Q: Why would it bother teeth?

A: Well, the lemon has a tendency to attach itself to minerals. A lot of minerals. Also it searches for fat. The more fat it pulls, the more minerals it pulls with the fat. The reverse of that is if you have too much cream you can demineralize the system. Because the cream will start pulling minerals out of the body. Butter doesn't do that for some reason. The cream will, excessive cream.

Q: But the lemon and the butter in the lube formula is fine in terms of pulling?

A: Yeah, that's fine. It won't do it.

Q: Yeah.

A: No. You can put too much lemon in, absolutely! And you'll have the same thing happen. But you know, I have that limit in there. But what I put in the book is the absolute maximum. You can always reduce it. You have a lemon problem. So my suggestion for you would be put on more weight. You know, and try to use less lemon. Try to use some of the other sauces. There are a lot of good sauces in there you could use to it the fish without marinating it in lemon.

Q: Isn't honey and butter a really good dessert? Its a really delicious dessert.

A: Yeah, its pretty good. There's no protein in it though.

Q: Okay so I marinate my fish in lime juice.

A: But I told you many times. Don't marinate with lime - lime is an antibacterial! Lemon is the thing to marinate. Once in a while you can do lime juice.

Q: Okay.

A: But mainly lemon juice. For marination.

Q: See, I do everything in lemon juice.

A: Yeah.?

Q: So does lemon or lime juice ruin the teeth??

A: Well, neither will ruin the teeth unless you are eating it too much and you don't have enough fat. Okay.

Q: Yes, I have a question. By asking you this that by eating half orange to half lemon, it doesn't whiten in the meat.

A: It doesn't....??

Q: Whiten the meat as much. The chicken or fish, and so I can leave even longer it doesn't go quite thathorrible.

A: Right.

Q: As if its been broken down. Is that....anything to say??

A: I marinate sometimes in grapefruit juice.

Q: Yes, its much better.

A: Grapefruit juice in fish is phenomenal.

Q: Yep.

A: And it isn't as near as strong. It isn't even a fifth as strong as lemon. But some people don't like the taste of grapefruit so....

Q: But they are....?

A: Taste, I love grapefruit.

Q: The orange and lemon is beautiful.

A: Yeah.

Q: Just the thing I want to try out. Beautiful, half and half.

A: The Japanese use a lot of oranges for that.

Q: Right.?

A: Roger did you have a question?

Q: Yes I knew some time ago was told to put cream, butter and coconut cream..... the fish and the meat and that works pretty good, it makes it taste good because, the coconut cream, makes it taste good.

A: Yeah. But that's one of the sauces... one of the sauces.

Q: Oh okay.?

A: And the rest.....?

Q: Reinventing the wheel.? [laughter]

A: Do you have a question??

Q: Why would ocean water burn my ears?

A: Well, that means you don't have good wax to seal. And the salt water is getting in there and demineralizing your skin. What you're going to have to do is put a little coconut oil in your ear. Or drip a little warm coconut cream in your ear before you go in. And that will coat it. Also draw, your body will force your body to make more wax to seal it. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Had a brain injury and I am hyperactive

A: Fish and cream together.

A: She had a head injury. A year ago was it? And she has - her brain is over, hyper active. And she wanted to know how to calm it. And I suggested fish and cream together. Not a lot of cream, but fish and cream together. Now don't sit down and drink a half a cup with your fish, its gonna coat your fish and you won't digest it. But you could use three tablespoons with a fish meal. And drinking like a tablespoon of cream about every two hours is going to help protect the brain. Remember cream protects the brain and nervous system. Butter does not.

Q: What did you say?

A: I said every hour and a half.

Q: I knew there was a half somewhere.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: About..... corn on your feet.....the book says...

A: I don't have any corn on my feet.

Q: It's in the book, say..... the book.... it says that you should use a..... papaya, but right now they have the orange papaya. Which is with the long seeds in it. The black seeds.....take out the seeds, but.... coat our foot with that. It's about once a week. Now also I soak my feet in that soap. Do I need to keep doing that every week? Putting it on the oil, its olive oil and papaya.?

A: Now are you talking about a corn, are you talking about a wart or what are you talking about??

Q: … a callus... a corn in your foot.

A: Okay....

Q: And also last week I was, I was in the manicurist. I didn't know I was not supposed to put my feet in soapy water... just because I have lime on it. Instead of putting coconut cream so I wanna know.....

A: What's your question??

Q: Well, I wanna know, do I put it on both feet, papaya and olive oil? … Because olive oil will help.......

A: Do you have a corn on both feet?

Q: No I...just this one

A: Why didn't you put it on both?

Q: Because to take out from the...[inaudible]

A: Well, I already told you what to do about that.

Q: Well that's...I already washed it off. That's only one side. Don't I have to do it continually?

A: Remember, I told you to do it for maybe four times.

Q: Four times a day?

A: No I said four, I said put what and clay?

Q: Clay and Papaya.

A: Okay, clay and papaya - you coat the foot with it and you use moisturizer.

Q: That's what I did...

A: You use the moisturizer and you do that everyday for four days.

Q: I didn't hear four days, it wasn't on my tape.

A: That's when your tape ended and you turned it over.

Q: I mean its...

A: Well its probably pretty much absorbed into the skin. So it just takes some time to get out.

Q: So I just start at four days again.

A: You could try it. See if that'll absorb it out of your skin. What she did - she went to a pedicurist to have the pedicure done. She had a corn and she had that worked on, scraped away as much as possible. They told her it was a deep root. She let them put...I told her to take lime juice and use nothing but water and lime. If you want to use something on your cuticles you take coconut oil and then put it on your cuticles but no soap in the water. She let them put soap in the water. Your lime juice is an antiseptic. They love to use alcohol while they are cutting and trimming. Lime juice is your antiseptic. You just explain all of that before you get started. If they're not comfortable with itgo to somebody else, okay..

Q: So...so what happens now? Does all this damage I waited...

A: I told you what to do

Q: I know and now tomorrow I'll start it.

A: Yep.

Q: For four days.

A: Do it for four days in a row okay. Do you have a question?

Q: When I eat the meat I always.....right afterwards I have to chew gum.....Its very irratating.

A: Suck an egg

A/Q: [Laughing]

Q: I can't do eggs I can only do...got me on that.....

A: You can only have honey or gets some bees...you know some honey comb.

Q: Yeah..

A: Okay you have the bees wax, you chew on that and that'll get some enzymes going.

Q: After the meat?

A: Yeah..

Q: So you eat the meat and the cream and then you chew on the wax?

A: Yeah.

Q: Sounds easy.

A: Very easy yeah. Tastes better than chewing gum, Aspartame and... They have eleven names for aspartame.

Q: [Multiple people speaking]

A: Ah ha! They've got eleven names for Aspartame and if you wanna know every name...no nine names for Aspartame and some of them are calling it natural because they wash it.

Q: [Laughter]

A: They're calling it clean and natural and good for health food in... People, look it up, the nine names for aspartame. Find out what they are because they're on almost everything.

Q: I just wanted to say about bees wax. Does it have any health properties.

A: Yes it helps the skin immensely. The hydrochloric acid dissolves it and it helps the skin, protects the ears and helps do a lot of things, protects the eyes, very very helpful.

Q: So you just swallow it?

A: You chew it and if you...if it gets too dry, just put a little butter in your mouth with it.

Q: and you swallow it in the end?

A: You swallow it...you swallow it.

Q: It just breaks up gradually.

A: Pardon?

Q: It breaks up gradually as you eat it.

A: Not for some people. Some people don't have the proper enzymes in their mouth. You have a good mouth. You have got activity in your mouth; you have good bacteria and enzymes in your mouth. Some people don't have that. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I was wondering if you could...

A: [inaudible]

Q: I was wondering if you could talk about the lanes in the brain.

A: Yeah.

Q: Can you describe what exactly they are and how it would affect you in your everyday behaviors?

A: Well...

Q: Can you explain what they are?

A: Well, when I do the irises...pupils that don't shrink when I shine the light in their eye - that's a sign that they have certain lanes in their brains closed. That doesn't mean a whole...that the whole area is...the whole area or cognitive center or motor center is shut down. That just means that there's a limited passage of information going in and out. So when I look at each pupil I say that there's six lanes in that eye and there's six lanes into that particular half of their brain. Six lanes into the other half so there's twelve lanes altogether and depending upon how much that pupil will shrink um...that tells me how much of the brain is open and available if you shine a light in the eye and that pupil doesn't shrink that means the brain is not open very much because its not getting the light. if it gets the light...if its all getting the light then that pupil's going to shrink and limits the amount of light that's going to get in that brain but it doesn't make anything cognitively worse, for most people anyway.

Q: You referred to drives in the brain.....is that the same thing?

A: No, lanes, drives...

Q: Related to the eyes you were saying?

A: Well it should be just lanes.

Q: I was thinking like hard drives.

Q/A: [Laughing]

A: Drives, Lanes...same thing, yeah. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Do you have any advice for when you board an airplane and they take away your food.?

Q/A: [Laughing]

Q: It happened to me a couple of times. They confiscated my food and made me talk to the police. You're not allowed on the plane with fluids. You're not allowed to take fruit. What do you do?

A: If you want to get beyond that you take quite a few small three ounce bottles, three ounce because you can have six or seven of them as long as they fit into one quart zip lock bag. So three ounces of milk.

Q: I put two eggs in each.

A: You can do that, yeah.

Q: What if you want to bring food for your trip like some ceviche or butter? They're not even letting you take...they confiscated my ceviche last time, six months before that they didn't.

A: Well, if its wet and liquid they're going to take it.

Q: [Multiple Speakers]

A: They'll take it. You can take milk in a three ounce container, many three ounce containers.

Q: ...put it in check in?

A: No, because the radiation is very heavy in those machines.

Q: So is there any way around it? Letter or doctor...

A: Yes you know a doctor's letter. I take a whole half a gallon every time I go.

Q: Because he told me...

A: I've got a doctor's letter.

Q: He told me 'I don't care if you have a doctor's letter you can only take as much as you can eat on the plane, that's it'..

A: Well, I tell them I eat two quarts on the plane. I'll say I'm Diabetic and I have three...you know I was diagnosed diabetic that's what my doctors letter said, it doesn't say I still have diabetes it says I was diagnosed as diabetic, so I have to eat every hour you know so..

Q: But what did you bring? What did they let you bring?

A: I take everything.

Q: Will they let you bring in larger containers?

A: I take...I'll take two...I'll take two of these.

Q: You walk in like that, with all this stuff?

Q: [Group talking]

A: No I have my bag and I take it out and hand them my doctor's letter.

Q: Did they X-ray it?

A: Most of the time they don't.

Q: Is that a quart?

A: This is a quart.

Q: do you take green drinks?

A: I usually have my green drink in the morning.

Q: Do you take your eggs? Do you take your eggs?

A: Mhm

Q: and the egg shells.

A: They said 'are these hard boiled?' and I said 'they're as hard as I want them'.

[Group Laughing]

Q: What if they are hard boiled, what do they care?

A: Because its liquid.

Q: Oh come on...

A: I know they are stupid, they are really ridiculous.

Q: Did you have good success, I mean most of the time?

A: When I leave Los Angeles, I would say seventy five percent of the time they don't scan my food. They never take my food away from me. They don't want to be responsible for a diabetic incident. There's no way they want to be responsible for diabetics.

Q: So you are not diabetic?

A: No, no, no my doctor said I was diagnosed as diabetic.

Q: So I could say the same thing?

A: Right. Were you taking insulin at some time, were you diabetic...were you diagnosed as diabetic?

Q: No

A: Okay, I was. I took Insulin from fifteen and a half to twenty.

Q: Are you still?

A: No, I'm not anymore.

Q: So what about people who aren't...who've never been diabetic is there another solution?

A: Little small bottles, that's it.

Q: They told me that no...

Q: When I was there last time I said 'I've got real problems. If I bring a note from the doctor will that help? He said no way. He said I don't care what you bring, you're not taking it.

A: These are lackeys. You get a superior, a supervisor.

Q: I've been doing a lot of traveling where I change airports...[inaudible] and I had it all taken from me. I've asked for supervisors and I've said I'm diabetic I mean I've...

A: You have to take a letter. Do you have a letter?

Q: No I haven't tried it but after all that's happened. I'm afraid that the letter won't do anything.

A: It works for everybody I know who takes a letter.

Q: Lets say, lets just say that we can't take anything..any suggestions to help us get through.

Q: You can you can take the three ounce.

A: You can take your three ounce bottles.

Q: I take eggs and I take butter, lubrication fluid.

A: They don't, they cannot, they allow you to have, as long as you have it fixed in a zip locked quart bottle you can take as many as you want.

Q: But you can't have it not X-rayed though?

A: No you can't have it not X-rayed but when you put it through the X-ray you let everything go through, everything behind it. You wait until your food has gone through. You hold up the line because if they've got a bag infront that they're going to sit and look at for two minutes and decide whether their going to inspect it and your foods right behind it its gonna get bombarded so you let that pass through and if hes sitting and waiting you know that that's the last one, then you put your food on there when he starts it up again, your foods going to go through and they'll just pass through because there won't be any metal.

Q: I always thought I was nuts for doing that.

A: No, no it's what I do and then after I know that he's okay'ed it, nothing goes on that...that ah on that...my next luggage doesn't go on belt until I know he's okay'ed it and its passing through and the belt is moving.

Q: One more thing, I packed my green juice and I put it in my suitcase and I checked and put it in coolers and packed it well and...and randomly they choose maybe every fourth one to unzip and look at...I've checked in things.

A: Yeah but you've got high, high radiation.

Q: Its higher there than it is in...

A: Oh its extremely high.

Q: Okay I have a Cooler that I make and I can check it in as luggage. I tell them it says food and once you've X-rayed it we can open it up and inspect it now if you let it go but you have to do that when you come into the airport.

A: Yes you have to do that and you have to do that at the desk.

Q: At the desk, right.

A: At the desk.

Q: But they will allow you to go through?

A: That's what I do when I go to China when I'm taking thirty pounds of butter and all kinds of other things with me.

Q: You take a...you take a cooler is that what you said?

A: Yeah I take a cooler.

Q: Oh okay.

A: And then I go to the desk and I say I need you to hand check this and pass it through.

Q: When you check in

A: As long as they don't send it through the X-ray.

Q: So the radiation not in the place where the luggage is...

A: No, its the X-ray. A big huge machine they have. I mean it puts out fifty X-rays worth in one shot as your luggage passes through. So if you've got any food in that its highly electrically...I mean radioactively charged...the minerals in it. Do you have a question?

Q: I'm a part of a small team. The main team comes in from Tokyo. We treat mostly patients who have less than seventy nine days to live. They've already had chemo, radiation and surgery. They usually need to be carried in. I have to go through what this young lady mentioned every time with the airport and I do ask for the supervisor. If he hassles me, I take...heavy aluminum foil to wrap it. I clear the deck and let it run through and it seems to work. I mean they hassle them but what seems to do the most is when the line backs up; they don't like the pressure from the line so say 'okay lets go'.

A: Well it depends upon...some personalities, some people can get it through easily.

Q: You have to ask...

A: Yeah. Always as for a supervisor because the lackeys are told...and these are lackeys they have no brains. If you have a brain, then you're not in TSA. It seems to be a rule. You have to get a supervisor to get any... but most of them will tell - unless you have a letter - so your safe way is just the little three ounce um...bottles if you want to take your liquid. They're just gonna think its shampoo.

Q: Are they plastic or not plastic

A: Glass is nice. If you can get glass, yes.

Q: But there is metal in the cap

A: That's fine...Well it doesn't show up as something alarming.

Q: My wife has colitis. We just came back from a trip for two weeks and she was bleeding quite a bit. Is there anything that...you know...

A: She needs cabbage juice, a cup one day -.I mean half a cup of cabbage juice for about four or five days. After that just a half a cup a day. Cup first day, another five days of a half a cup, four or five days and she needs lots of eggs and then do the diet I gave her back then, okay?

Q: Fibromyalgia?

A: Fibromyalgia is when you have aching everywhere in the body. That's because toxins are storing in the nerves, in the muscles, in the tendons, everywhere. To relieve that, the best thing to do is just suck eggs and have little bits of milk at a time - like a half a cup. So have an egg one hour, the next hour have a half a cup of milk. Skip two hours then an egg, next hour a half a cup of milk and just keep doing that for a couple of weeks to help relieve it. You can also add a little honey and then milk. If you're eating kefir it's even better.

Q: I find that milk really adds weight, that weight just flies on...

A: You are drinking too much and are you drinking it cold still or not? I rest my case.

Q/A: "Laughs"

A: You're hesitating, I know that your drinking it cold.

Q: During the day I drink it cold but at night I...

A: I don't care.

Q: At night it's warm.

A: Doesn't matter, you are putting on the weight when its cold.

Q: Oh is that right?

A: Yeah. Remember - when the milk is cold it goes into the stomach and contracts the stomach. Hydrochloric acid does not secrete, does not digest the milk, the lactate nor the casein or the other proteins. It does not divide and separate the minerals properly so it clumps, gets into the blood. You can't digest it properly. It causes an allergic reaction and the body will store it in the tissues as something toxic.

Q: How come you never told me that/

A: I did!

Q/A: "Laughing"

A: Dozens of times.

Q: What about cold kefir?

A: .Kefir is predigested. It's fine.

Q: What about water

A: Any kind of water is bad.

Q: If your going todrink the water, you drink it when its cold...

A: It doesn't matter.

Q: How to make kefir?

A: Two tablespoons of honey per quart of milk. You blend that into some of the milk you pour it back into the quart jar then you put it in a cupboard, a dark cupboard and let it sit until it gets thick and you might shake it a couple of times because the cream will settle on the top and you want it all to digest together so you may have to shake it a couple of times. Yes?

Q: I have kefir granules I use, I set it out for twenty four hours.

A: Those kefir grains have been washed a dozen times. They are nothing natural anymore. They're an entity amongst themselves and they will interfere with your own bacterial environment and your own intestines. So if you use the bacteria in the milk to predigest itself along with the honey its the natural bacteria that's fresh from an animal and it is natural, it will help your own bacterial environment. The grains will interfere. It'll digest the milk for you but its not going to help you improve your digestion. Yes?

Q: What happens when you fast?

A: After five hours the protein level completely drops out in the blood. Red blood cells start eating each other. For every hour beyond the five hours you lose at least a tablespoon of red blood cells. If you sleep eight hours at night you're going to wake up with about four or five tablespoons of blood deficient. Why do you think people go for caffeine in the morning? ...Because they're anemic! They wake up with anemia. So don't go five hours without eating.

Q: Whats the relationship between the caffeine and the anemia, I don't get it.

A: Caffeine gives them a charge...a false charge. Stimulates and excites the adrenals. So the adrenalin gives into the charge but their still anemic.

Q: Are you saying you are against fasting?

A: Yes. Its in the book. Yes?

Q: My question has to do with the exercise. Will exercise on your diet...will exercise on your diet keep somebody in shape because you said that you don't exercise so I...I'm not exercising as...I usually do.

A: Well, I'm not saying that you're not supposed to exercise.

Q: So is that better for my weight - to exercise?

A: Yes if you want to help your weight and get firmer, yes - exercise - but I look at activity rings in the eyes that tells me how much hormones you were made to produce every day for how much physical activity. For each activity ring it's an hour. That doesn't mean an hour of exercise it means an hour of activity so I don't remember what you have.

Q: Six.

A: You had six, so your supposed to be busy six hours a day. So you could be exercising two hours a day if you want. Plus your regular activity.

Q: So does that mean physical exercise?

A: Singing is the most strenuous of all. Twenty minutes of singing is like an hour on a tread mill. So singing can..if your really anxious and in anxiety because you haven't burned your activity hormones for the day you're going to be in anxiety and you'll have to burn them up in anxiety. So just start singing or start exercising, do something to burn them. That's a misnomer, burning. To utilize the energy, to utilize those hormones. We don't really burn like a car burns. Okay? Alright what time is it?

Q: 5:30

A: We're half an hour behind folks.

Q: Yeah.

A: Whats your question?

Q: You just finished something about going five hours?

A: Five hours without eating.

Q: .So you sleep 8 and you are already anemic so to be so......

A: Do you wake up during the night!!

Q: Why I eat way before I go to bed but then....

A: You set your alarm for three hours and then you sleep five hours. Or you set your alarm for five hours and then get up and sleep three hours. Some people if they're hyper active they wake after five hours and they drink a half a cup of milk or suck an egg for the protein, they can't go back to sleep so they set their alarm for three hours. Then they eat and they get to sleep five hours.

Q: I'l just wake up and just eat - just for the fun of it??

A: Perfect! That's what you should be doing.... Yes??

Q: Last time I saw you, you had mentioned about some vaginosis thing....? Um.... I had noticed .... um its kind of embarrassing to say but I'm gonna say it anyway because it might help women. What about the sponge? When women tend to get it up in the vaginal area, how do I prevent this from happening? Because when it goes into the vagina and then it causes problems.

A: Well you'll just have to wear a pad. Something to block it if you're that sensitive.

Q: Or is there something I can put inside the vagina??

A: You're asking for trouble, you're asking for trouble, anything can mold that you put up there, even the sea sponge will start molding.

Q: Then put something on the outside.?

A: Like I said, you can put something on the outside like a pad or you can put something in yourunderwear to cover it.

Q: What about coco creams you mentioned......can you put that on the outside? Will that help??

A: Yes, you can put,... Yeah that will help. That only will help.

Q: So you don't recommend, I'm sorry you don't recommend woman use tampons??

A: Uh no I don't, I don't recommend that woman use anything up them.

A: Well something..... to collect the blood. I don't think that's a good idea.

Q: (laughter)

A: But you could put coconut cream up it, you know, oil, things like that. wouldn't use olive oil up in there cause that could be a little acidic and prevent the mucus from forming as easily. ?You know so, as a lubricant I use coconut cream. And boy does that work really well!

Q: What about coconut oil??

A: Coconut oil takes some of the sensitivity away. Because its too heavy. you know so if you want that fine sensitivity feeling you know, use the coconut cream. Coconut oil will work, some times it gets a little too hot, you may come too quickly.....with the coconut oil; premature ejaculation.

Q: Coconut cream it is.

A: Right. Jim?

Q: ........ What can people do to back you up to get Ron Paul acceptance of raw milk in the US?

A: Dr. Ron Paul, M.D Is championing the bill for raw milk, to make it legal on a federal level. When I put the email out there to go after your congress people - your senator, your representative, the house - it was because he's in the house, so it goes through. You have to get online, get everyone you know to get after your congress person, your representative to vote yes on it. And also you can send donations to your Right To Choose Healthy Food because I have to spend now 15,000 dollars a year for a service so all you have to do is click on, and go, and that will send your facts. All you have to do is click and it will send your facts.

Q: Hmm... good.

A: Okay? So you don't have to go through the process making up the letter and faxing it yourself. Just click and that company will fax it for you. It is very expensive though.

Q: Can I make an announcement??

A: Just a minute. Yeah....?

Q: Whole Foods is getting rid of Rocky's chicken. Does Mary's meet your approval?

A: I havent checked Mary's,

Q: I have. Are you trying to use soy??

A: How much??

Q: Well she seems to think average..... Rocky uses soy.....

A: Rocky uses 25%; Rosy organic uses 75-80% soy.

Q: She's reconsidering, she's having thyroid problems. I was emailing her for a while.......I don't know if she's changed or not.?

A: Anyway, I don't know what Mary's has

Q: You don't even know what Mary's has??

A: You have to check. You have to call.....

Q: The biggest issue is where they... how much soy right?

A: How much soy....never over 25 to 35%?

Q: And what about whether they're cooking the food or not? I know Rosy cooks it. Is that true that Rosy cooks, Rosy would......

A: Rosy is so dishonest; it's amazing. I know because I called them. I said wait a minute. You're feeding them 75-85% soy and you're calling it organic soy? You can't feed poultry soy. Raw! It has to be chemically and heat processed. Then if your using a chemical with it and your heating and changing the chemistry of it, it is no longer organic. They say well the FDA lets us to call it organic if the soy was raised organic. But I said its not in an organic form when you are feeding it to the chicken. They say 'well, it doesn't make any difference we can say that.'

Q: So the only issue is .......not more than 25% soy??

A: Is better, 25-35% soy.?

Q: Any other issues like how else they treat the chickens. Will they be given..... Outside?

A: Well of course, you are not supposed to give any antibiotic or hormone.

Q: Need to be outside.?

A: And they have to be - they don't have to be outside - they just need to be on a floor, not in a little cage.

Q: A floors okay?

A: Yep, its okay. Not the best but that's still okay.

Q: Well what about when they clip the beaks, does that matter at all to you when they're.....

A: Most of them are going to do that in those big ranches anyway because they'll see they don't feed them good protein. Amos Miller's ranch and my Amish farmer's ranch... When I was in DC I spent a day at Amos' ranch. These chickens... they have slaughtered the animal. Then they take all of the remains out. They take out the guts; they give that to the pigsr and chickens. They'll take guts out there for the chickens. And they slap it out there for those chickens. Those chickens never peck each other. Cause they get all the meat that they want. They never get..... they're happy, they're like happy ducks they will follow you, they're happy they're nice. ?They're not frantic protein deficient crazy creatures.

Q: They feed them meat?

A: They feed them meat, raw meat - meat scraps after butchering.

Q: They're so tiny though.... when I ordered and bought them, they're so tiny. These chickens...

A: Well just the ones they slaughter, the older ones are for laying eggs. ?

Q: There's no meat on them.?

A: Well little meat yeah, very little.

Q: Whose chickens are these??

A: Amos Miller.

Q: Yeah but Amos is not against..... chicken eggs out here, he's having problems. He wants to find a wayto get his eggs out here.

A: I don't have any more time folks, its just too late.

Q: Thank you!?

A: Wait a minute! she didn't get a question asked...

Q: I got a hair line crack in my finger, and I was just wondering if you would have anything to say about that.

A: She has a hair line crack in her finger, a one hair line crack in the finger. That means that she is not getting fats to that area on the inside. Or there is something toxic drying up all the fat. So its causing cracking like it does in a lot of peoples feet.

Q: Well I fell, that's an injury. Right??

A: Uh huh.

Q: Oh. Okay.?

A: So same difference. You know you use the lubrication formula or the moisturizing formula. And you can put coconut lime juice on the crack. And then coconut cream on top of that. And then honey on top of that. And you can put a band aid on it. But you know a gauze band aid not a regular plastic band aid. Okay folks?

Q: That's it, that's a wrap.

A: Thank you!

Q: Raw steak on a dry crack, would that also work?

A: No it won't work. It could cause an acidity so sometimes you usually won't seal it. Only a fresh tear or cut or scrape. But I always put the lime juice on first, coconut cream, honey and then the meat on top of that.

Q: Okay?

A: That's the way I do it and it works.

