Q&A Of July 8, 2001

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Yeast don't feed on the fats, you know like saturated fats, but molds do, bacteria does and viruses do, they feed on both of the same fats. You know get in there and look and try to break it down, they are not the problem. The cooked saturated fats are a problem, but they're still not as bad as what has been the major cause of arthritis and rheumatism is margarine and hydrogenated oils, which are of course polyunsaturated, they are not saturated fats, but those are the real problem.

Q: It's liquid plastic.

A: Yes, liquid plastic is exactly what it is. So on this diet, more saturated fats are better.

Q: One last question from me, what's [unintelligible]?

A: You don't get it.

Q: Ask Frank Binder, he's got it down.

A: It's equal parts of butter and cheese, cheddar cheese, and the crust is nuts and butter and honey.

Q: Is it basically the nut formula?

A: No, you cannot make that crust out, it won't be a crust if you make the nut formula. But there's enough cheese and butter in it to neutralize the enzyme inhibitors. You won't digest the nuts at all really, but it's just a treat.

Q: You're just going to bind with all those fats.

A: It's going to pass through your system, but it's a treat, it's a nice treat.

Q: For one to start this program, would you suggest that it's necessary to have a physical consultation with you or get your book?

A: Well, you have to read the book from cover to cover before I'll take you as a client to make sure you want it. Well, you've heard of everything here, you know, basically what's on the diet. So if you decide you want to do it, you already know basically what's happening. But there's a lot of information in there that it could take days for me to tell you it's in the book when you could read it in a day. And you need to read it from cover to cover. It is helpful if you have a lot of problems, multiple problems that would be too complicated for you to figure out and you want to figure it out quickly instead of experimenting and exploring by the suggestions that I give in the book. You know, take a leap through that and get from, you know, A right to F, you know, or G or whatever it is to get right to it. Then I can help you. It's all up to you.

Q: There's so much fine-tuning to your specific situation. I got diagnosed with lymphoma a year ago, and by the time I went to you it was probably two, three months after that I'd been on the diet. I was so relieved. I didn't even know I was worried or concerned. As soon as I got clearly what's going on and what exactly to do about each aspect of the whole problem, it was just a breeze. And then I was just refining that.

Q: Does anybody need any butter, cream, all those other things?

A: Do you have one more question, Chuck?

Q: I was wondering about, there's a lot of times when I don't feel hungry. And I know you're encouraging that. And I alternate with the juice and the meat, you know, that type of thing, so the body doesn't go too alkaline or too. But I know after, you know, gaining 40 pounds, that type of thing. But I mean there'll be, sometimes I'll go for like a whole day without eating anything. And having the extra weight, I mean, so I can bring fat, you know, it's a little effort. But I just don't have a taste for anything.

A: It's better. Like I told him, I said, you know, to break through that, you need to gain the extra weight. I like people to gain, you know, men 15 to 30 pounds over their good stable weight. Women 10 to 12 pounds, because when you put on that extra fat, it will go in and start leeching out those toxins stored deep in the tissues. Without that, your body can't do it. You'll keep the blood, the lymph, and the neurological system clean, working a lot of the garbage out. But you won't start leeching out the deep toxins which are causing the main problem. So without that excess fat, so like I told him, he says, well, I have no appetite. I said, I don't care. If you're not vomiting, you're eating. That means you're eating until you start gagging on your food. And now you don't have too much of a problem, right?

Q: No, I don't still have a lot of hunger, but I still eat.

A: You force yourself to eat.

Q: Yeah, I just eat, you know, almost every hour sometimes. Because I know I'm going to have a nap somewhere on the way, and that could be two or three hours off. I have to catch up.

Q: What about the use of like sea vegetables, seaweed?

A: They're all vegetation which the human body does not digest well.

Q: High in salt element, adding sea salt.

A: Well, if it's fresh, it's more easily digestible. And the concentration of other minerals along with the salt is in a balance. Because that plant doesn't absorb just the salts. It absorbs the balance of most of the salts. The sodium stays out and in the fluid. It doesn't absorb that. The fish doesn't do that either. It doesn't absorb mainly salt. It absorbs all of the minerals in a certain balance, even though sodium is so concentrated in the sea. The same thing with sea vegetation. If you eat that, it's a little bit more digestible. But when you take sea vegetation, dry it, powder it, or rehydrate it, you're not going to digest even 10% of it.

Q: Yeah, look what it did to the Chinese. They [unintelligible] their growth for 3,000 years. They were all spicy salt. If they wanted to come to the United States, [unintelligible]. Here's six-week salt.

Q: You know, one guy from the Philippines told me, you know, that he goes back and visits his relatives, and these skinny little things about five-foot tall, he's about six-foot tall.

Q: Exactly.

Q: I have a concern that if I'm going on a downward diet, that takes about two months to lose that 12 pounds, and then they take about a month to gain it. And I'm concerned that I'm not putting enough of the fats, because I'm only putting a month of fats and all that, and I'm doing two months of just the juice and meat.

A: Yeah, but you're having at least a little bit of butter every day, right?

Q: No.

A: Have about a tablespoon of butter a day with one of the meat meals, just so you don't get too dry. But you seem to handle and store your fat pretty well. He does not.

Q: If you wind up putting too much of butter, in other words, you wouldn't lose, you know, does it hurt you? Do you have to take a day or something like that to do it?

A: I eat half a pound a day.

Q: I eat a pound a day.

Q: I eat half a pound a day.

Q: In fact, I eat more than a pound a day, because I have a lubrication formula twice a day, and each lubrication formula is a half a pound of butter.

A: But you're much bigger than he and I.

Q: Yeah. Right.

A: If I'm having a lot of cream, I won't have a lot, maybe, you know, a quarter of a pound of butter, you know, and a cup of cream.

Q: It doesn't seem that you're O.D. on it particularly.

A: Sometimes I try. After the poison mushroom, I forced myself to eat a lot. But there's no O.D.ing. I mean, I've tried. I've got two pounds a day, and I've never O.D.ed.

Q: Yeah.

Q: So you could be doing, in terms of getting something to get the deep tissue toxins out, like the [unintelligible] and deep muscle tissue, you could put the cream as well as the butter.

A: Yeah. Sure. If you like that. I did just butter. It's just so tasty right now. Bonkers on the butter.

Q: Do you remember Timothy Brantley?

A: Yes.

Q: He called me last night. You know what his new discovery is?

A: What?

Q: That at least 40% to 50% of your diet should be at least butter.

A: Gee, didn't I tell him that some time ago?

Q: About three or four years ago.

Q: Timothy has all of a sudden said, you know what, he didn't want to admit that you were right, but he wanted to say he had discovered something for himself. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You know, like I just had it with blueberries, and the blueberries and butter I had together were just nice. Blend it together like a marmalade.

Q: I'm going to go out to the van and give them their butter and cream and stuff. He's going to put it aside, but I'll be out here.

A: All right. Okay.

Q: Let's continue further about eating. So even if we don't feel hungry, they should really try to eat.

A: Yes. I mean, once in a while, after you go through a detox, let's say like a cold or a flu, it's okay to go, once you're on the downside, but it might be able to let you go a half a day or three quarters of a day without eating a little something, the juice.

Q: Sure.

A: Or a little milk or a little butter. But otherwise, it's better to eat.

Q: It's not the taste. I mean, I love it.

A: You have no hunger.

Q: I have no hunger. And that's what?

A: Ignore it.

Q: Ignore it. Okay.

Q: I'm sure it brings a lot of history, just thinking back to the history.

A: Oh, yes.

Q: It opens up a whole new world.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've never done any experiment with it.

Q: Maybe I'll put it on the screen or something.

A: What you can do is just take the juice and put it on different kinds of metal and see within six, seven hours if it starts turning black and the metal starts.

Q: It takes about six or seven hours. I'll let you know.

A: Okay.

Q: But they're going to work better if they're not ripe, though.

A: No, berries work better either ripe or unripe.

Q: Doesn't matter. Okay. Thank you.

A: You're welcome. First question you asked today.

Q: Yeah.

Q: Is the only reason you're not eating any of the food that's cold, is it stops digestion or is there another reason?

A: It stops digestion. Ice cream, you can get away with it because digestion happens in the liver, mainly. Ice cream. Milk is not a good idea, you know, to have for a cold, especially if you have a digestive problem because when you drink the milk and it's cold, hydrochloric acid doesn't spill in, it goes through duodenum and all of a sudden it's passing. By the time it gets warm, it's passing into the intestine, undigested, and then you get undigested proteins in your blood and you can get an allergy from it.

Q: What we're saying, in other words, don't warm that stuff up.

A: Warm it up or leave it out until it gets room temperature.

Q: And you're leaving it out all day?

A: I always take mine out at least ten hours before. If I want kefir or yogurt, what I'll do is just shake up the milk and then take a half or three-quarters of a cup out of the bottle and put it in the cupboard. I'll let it sit there until it turns into kefir or yogurt, and it will. It just turns thick. It depends, like in this heat, probably two days or less, one and a half days. The in-between stage is where it's funny tasting. If you want it better tasting, you can take it out of the fridge, shake it up, take it out of the fridge, shake it up, and just let it sit for ten hours.

Q: Do you cover it up? Do you leave it open?

A: No, I keep it covered, but, you know, shake it a little. And if you don't leave it where the sun hits it and leave it in the cupboard, then it won't sour as much.

Q: But then isn't it like [unintelligible]?

A: But there's that in-between state, which is a funny state, but isn't as tasty. Okay, that's it. So we'll get to the mini consults. So we have two, right? Oh, there you are, Steve.

Q: Four of us.

A: Four, okay. Do you want to start, Steve? Okay, blood circulation is pretty good. You're not absorbing all of the oxygen. Are you drinking the parsley juice?

Q: Yes.

A: How much? Are you doing it regularly?

Q: Yeah, every morning.

A: Apple and cheese?

Q: Yeah.

A: No. No apple. No apple or cheese.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. Vegetable juice alone.

Q: Right.

A: That's the thing. I said if you were nauseous going to vomit or something like that, you could eat the cheese with it.

Q: Okay.

A: That's fine. But vegetable juice should always be eaten by itself. Without any other food.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: An hour on either side, unless you have a very fast digestion track. It usually takes 20 minutes for the stomach, half an hour, that's the first thing in the morning. Half an hour for the stomach to absorb all the juice and then another half an hour to re-acidify the stomach.

Q: Okay.

A: Because the juice alkalizes.

Q: Drink hot water before that. That's better.

A: [unintelligible] Because I can see you shouldn't be having oxygen problems. Oxygen utilization problems, you have a lot. So have the vegetable juice alone, parsley and the celery. You have a lot of scar tissue in your small intestines. So I recommend that you have two ounces of olive oil a day with one of your meat meals. And don't have it with the same meat. Have it more often with chicken when you have it, but sometimes have it with beef, sometimes have it with fish, sometimes have it with chicken, but most often with chicken. 75% of the time have it with chicken. Because the chicken is very much like the tissue that's in your intestine. So it will help replace it. You need to give up the scar tissue. You need to have the right protein in there to substitute for those cells because you can't give them up. It doesn't have a replacement. So chicken is important for that.

Q: I just remember you saying no olive oil with meat because it's so dry and solvent.

A: That's if you don't have any butter or cream at all.

Q: Okay.

A: But definitely to remove the scar tissue is very necessary.

Q: Okay.

A: If you're only having it with one meat meal a day, two ounces is fine.

Q: Okay.

A: This is funny how people...

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's like, right on, that's why everybody needs to keep coming back. We get misconceptions along the way.

Q: You've got to keep coming back.

A: You still have a lot of bile in the joints, especially in your shoulder and neck. And even in your face. And your adrenal glands and your pancreas. Do you ever get diarrhea?

Q: I went to Mexico for Memorial Day. I had about eight days afterwards.

A: Congratulations. Get rid of some of that bile. Do it again. Because that's the quickest way to get rid of it besides vomiting.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Get some of that lake water. Dirty lake water. You could use some boysenberries with either raw cream or coconut cream. And cherries. Stay away from apples. Once in a while an apple will be okay. Apple and cheese together is fine. It doesn't seem to be pulling out the bile out of the adrenal gland like it normally would. But you've got much more bile up in your shoulders and neck that needs taking care of. I'd focus on the berries rather than apples, especially the boysenberry. And cherries, they'll build your blood to absorb the oxygen more.

Q: Do they have to be organic?

A: It's always preferable. If it isn't, then get the frozen berries. Are you doing a pound of meat today?

Q: About.

A: Keep that up.

Q: All right, thanks.

A: Good seeing you again. Who's next? Are you? And your name?

Q: Patty.

A: Patty, hi, Patty.

Q: Hi Aajonus.

A: Okay, relax your hand. The left ovary looks pretty sound. The right ovary is okay, debilitating a little bit. The adrenal glands look okay. Looks like the right one was excessively overactive for many years. Usually sign of a very hyperactive person. The pancreas is almost completely shot, so I would consider yourself a diabetic and only eat raw foods. Because whenever you eat a cooked meal, the pancreas has to send out hormones to every cell in the body and say, I need vitamins, I need enzymes, I need minerals, I need stable proteins, fats, everything that is your best to take care of this meal in here that has nothing to get some use out of it. So every time you eat a cooked meal, it overtaxes the pancreas and leaches from every cell, so every cell gets weaker and weaker every time you eat a cooked meal or cooked food. Because your pancreas doesn't seem to be working, but maybe 5%, 6%, it's best that you never even look at a cooked meal.

Q: Anything cooked at all.

A: It'll just all turn into complete poison and you won't be able to handle it properly.

Q: I like being on raw.

A: Left thyroid gland is okay. Circulation isn't real good there, but the foundation of it is good. Parathyroid is a very good little scar tissue around it. Looks like you had your tonsils in there. Lots of scar tissue there, yeah. This side looks a little bit better, not as much scar tissue, but this side developed a lot of scar tissue. Parathyroids here are normal, okay, a little scar tissue around them, and the thyroid over here is okay. Lots of bile stored all throughout your system. You need the coconut cream to help get rid of it. You have metal poisoning all in your uterine area, ovaries. Berries and coconut cream are good. Lots of meat, lots of chicken. I would say about 55% red meat, beef, buffalo, venison, bison, anything like that, lamb. And about 35% to 40% chicken, turkey, any kind of fowl, pheasant, peacock. I just had a peacock last May and it was incredible. Very much like duck, but a little bit more like a red flavor. And about 5% to 10% fish. Okay.

Q: Salmon's okay?

A: Salmon's fine. Whatever appeals to you. You need about a minimum of three quarters of a pound of meat a day. It would be a good idea for you to drink a lot of milk because it will pull some of the bile to the stomach. You might get a little nauseous with it, so maybe a little sugar cube sized amount of cheese before you drink some milk.

Q: Okay. Do I put honey in the milk?

A: You can if you like.

Q: Okay, thanks.

A: Do you have any trouble with your spine?

Q: Not usually.

A: Right around the kidney on the left side, you have some metal poisoning, so you might get a sciatica reaction. That starts cleaning, so if you have papaya, make sure you don't have more than one papaya in a week. It causes a rapid intense detoxification.

Q: I see.

A: You don't want that.

Q: Green papaya or Mexican?

A: Green's always better, but it could be Mexican green. Mexican papaya.

Q: Okay, but it shouldn't be ripe or overripe.

A: No.

Q: Because I always tend to select foods that are overripe.

A: Overripe, yeah.

Q: You know, red, everything.

A: There's more alcohol, there's, you know, a lot more sugar and less enzymes.

Q: Okay.

A: And you need the enzymes. You don't need the alcohol.

Q: Okay.

A: And you don't need all that sugar.

Q: Okay.

A: And you have lots of metal poisoning in the brain and the sinuses. So you'll have some mucus from drinking the milk.

Q: Okay.

A: Mucus is a very good thing. It's one way your body expels poisons. It's built into the mucus and out. And the only way you'll build mucus that is an unhealthy mucus is if you eat pasteurized milk. There's scar tissue in your small intestine, so you need, you know, about two ounces of olive oil every other day with one of your meat meals.

Q: Okay. Liver?

A: There's a lot of metal poisoning in your liver. So it's functioning maybe 25 percent.

Q: Okay.

A: How old are you?

Q: Fifty-five.

A: Fifty-five?

Q: Yeah.

A: You're older than I am. I'm not even. You just have to eat lots of fat, you know, to get that liver working.

Q: Yeah. Being on the raw food diet for a year and a half, no fat, just avocado and olive oil.

A: It's too dry.

Q: Oh, it's awful. This is much more tolerable.

A: You're very welcome.

Q: Thank you.

A: Next. What's your name?

Q: Mike.

A: Mike. Nice to see you again, Mike. Okay. Mike, it looks like you have advanced anemia and lots of bile. Okay. The left testes seems to be formed okay, but it is very weak. The right is more stable, but it's shrinking. The adrenal glands were normally very overactive, especially the left adrenal gland. It shows a hyperactive nature of the younger person, usually when it's that deep with the size of a mound and is over sexually stimulated. So if that still comes on you every once in a while when you're not fatigued, take care of yourself if you don't have a partner. And the pancreas on this side is almost completely debilitated. On this side, it works about 25%. So altogether, your pancreas is working maybe 15%. If I were you, I would treat yourself like a diabetic. Stay away from cooked food and stay away from sugars, even fruits, unless it's very low-carbohydrate fruits, you know, like berries and cherries. And grapefruit. Grapefruit might have a tendency to lower your blood pressure a little too much and could make you fatigued, a little tired, and a little unhappy. So don't have it too often. The splotchiness here shows that you don't absorb oxygen well. You should be eating about a pound and a quarter of meat a day. And 90% of your meat should be red meat, like beef, buffalo, for about a year and a half. And 10% should be fish. And what you might do is have, every time you have beef, just a bite or two of fish with it, because you have a tendency to go two ways. You're not a normal diabetic reaction where you're too alkaline, and you have a tendency to be over-acid in some areas, so you've got this back-and-forth movement. So that you'll have, let's say you're having six ounces of red meat, then have one bite, which is about a half of an ounce of fish with it, and that'll help balance it. The liver has some metal poisoning in it. The kidney, the right kidney seems to be okay. It has a little metal poisoning in it. The left kidney is very dry. It's like it's breaking down. Do you have any problem with your left kidney?

Q: Not that I know of.

A: Back pain, leg pain, on the outside?

Q: Yeah, I have back pain.

A: Okay. After about three months on a good diet, I would suggest that you drink urine every third day. Its own ammonias that it will produce will help clean out. You've got some kind of compound in the kidney that's actually destroying the kidney. It's kidney atrophy. It means that kidney can disappear in about six years and stop functioning completely. So, you know, but you have to be on a good diet for a while and not do it too often.

Q: How much?

A: About a cup. The first one in the morning because it'll have more of your healing hormones. Ninety percent of the healing happens in the sleep state. So when you wake up in the morning, you have more regenerative hormones in that one. That'll help go right to the kidney.

Q: So in the morning, you say?

A: In the morning, first urine every morning. Drink whatever you have. If it's a cup, drink a cup.

Q: It's a quart.

A: Do you eat that much in the morning?

Q: Well, sometimes. How long does it take to wait for the juice, about an hour?

A: Well, it needs to be about half an hour to have juice after that. A full hour after the juice before you have any meat.

Q: Vegetable juice.

A: Yeah, you need to have the urine, and then you wait a half an hour and have the juice, and then after you finish the juice, you wait an hour before you have the meat. I always recommend people drink the juice and eat the meat. If you go to egg or some kind of fruit, you're going to put your body in a carbohydrate mode, and you're going to have a tendency to want to eat fruit all day, and you're going to want to eat sweet things and not eat the meat. You're not going to be as clear thinking, you're going to be much more emotional. So if you want to be clear and direct and move through your day with self-control as much as possible, then always follow your juice with the meat meal. Unless you're going through a lot of toxicity, like you're having a flu or a cold, you could have egg, milk, some kind of a milkshake or smoothie, and lots of chicken. Or even the lubrication formula with chicken, and that's all you need during those kinds of detoxifications. And your juice needs to be about 30% parsley. That's pretty strong, but it looks like some severe anemia, not just on a cellular level, but on a bone marrow level.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible] grapefruit juice in the morning, orange, and then you take like three eggs, and then tiny little pieces of vanilla.

A: No, this needs to be a meat and vegetable juice. Some fats.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But if you ate a heavy meal of meats or butter or some kind of other fats in the morning, you'd be able to be clearer and not have that addiction.

Q: [unintelligible] the whole day.

A: No, what you do is also make a milkshake and a lubrication formula, and have them mixed throughout the day, and then when you get home, have another heavy meat meal.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just not eating enough meat, your glands have not... It's regenerated a little bit. I can see that it's stabilizing here. But over here, your ovaries are still debilitated. You have metal poisoning in the base of the left one. Ovary, yeah. And at the top of it, too. Pancreas on the right side is shot. The left is maybe 10% functional. Maybe 10 to 20% functional.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can probably handle, you know, 4 ounces every other day well without any problem. Otherwise, you're going to get emotional and depressed. Metal poisoning all throughout the sinuses. So, you should have some bleeding discharges when it starts coming out.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Very dry sinus discharge is what... when that starts discharging. Lubrication formula, the best thing. Just remember that your body cannot redistribute your weight. You cannot remove it without the [unintelligible]. So, let me give you a different weight loss program. Somebody writing this down here?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay. I'd like you to have a vegetable juice, only 4 ounces first thing in the morning. And I'd like you to go for 2 golf ball sizes amount of meat with a teaspoon of butter. Then I'd like you to go the next time you get very hungry, another golf ball size of meat with a teaspoon of honey. Then... Not honey, excuse me, butter. Then next time you get hungry, have 8 ounces of vegetable juice. Next time you get hungry, a golf ball size of meat. Next time, an egg. Then start the cycle over again.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right, one egg every day. Right. Well, no, you'll be going over that. However many times you need to eat. You just keep going through that same pattern again.

Q: So, just eat with a teaspoon of butter, golf ball size of meat with butter again, and then egg. And then go, like, the cycle.

A: The cycle again.

Q: Two golf ball sizes.

A: The first one is two golf ball sizes of meat.

Q: Yeah, and the second one is...

A: One. Okay, with a teaspoon of butter for the first two meat meals. After that, you know, you skip the butter for the next golf ball size of meat and the egg. Then the next time you'll have butter again. Okay? About 90% of your meat should be red meat. You still have anemia. Because you do need fish. Some fish. 10%. It means that you're eating... I mean, you should be eating a pound of meat a day. It says you're having six pounds, six and a quarter pounds of red meat a week. You should be having three quarters of a pound of fish a week. You know, this is a good size, you know, tuna. Tuna steak, swordfish. Cherries and cream would be good for you. Cherries and butter would be even better. Juice ratio should be about 60% celery, 25% parsley, and 15% zucchini. And maybe once in a while some cucumber, but mainly zucchini. Not even the crookneck. Just mainly zucchini.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Are you doing something artistic? You need to do something artistic. Otherwise, you just... There's no joy in your life. You need to do something creative. That's part of your food, too. Yes.

Q: What's indicated there?

A: Pardon?

Q: What's indicated there?

A: The bones. The bones.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Yes.

A: Yeah. You're very welcome. Okay, yeah. Now let's try with... Let's see, what time is it?

Q: What?

A: Mini consult?

Q: Five to five.

A: Oh, terrific. I've got the normal... I did it in the normal time this time.

Q: Yes, I know.

A: Terrific.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you want to play, play. Because I'm just going to rest for 15 minutes.

Q: I always show up and get into it, but I don't know if you want it or not.

A: Absolutely. Let's hear something. What is your name?

Q: I'm Jay.

Q: Jay?

A: Jay. Jay.

Q: I'm Jay.

A: Nice to meet you, Jay.

Q: Nice to meet you, too.

Q: I'm working on it. It's just another... Anyway, we had a little fun today. [unintelligible] Have a little fun with that.

A: Okay.

[Jay playing guitar, woman singing (if you want to listen to the song, it starts at 39:41)]

[applause, cheering]

Q: Two weeks ago, I had a nice concert. [unintelligible]

A: I guess I don't have your email.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Great.

Q: And I even wrote a new song. [unintelligible] everything that happens in life, I need to define in one phrase [unintelligible].

[Jay guitar, woman singing]