
An Essay by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

The medical establishment is on very shaky ground because disease is rampantly increasing despite the fact that the medical establishment claims to be removing disease from our lives, and has or will soon have all of the answers. We have heard that story for over 100 years. How many of us realize that fabricated correlations, dubious surrogate markers and sensational estimates are not scientific proof? If microbes were the threat that health officials claim, why didn’t mankind become extinct when he lived in the filthiest conditions, butchering dirty kill, wiping his rectum then touching his food? Professor Dr. Antoine Bechamp, 100 years ago, noticed that the medical establishment would not allow anyone, regardless of their qualifications or expertise, to question medical science. He observed that they blurred the line between science and dogma. The blur continues to this day. He questioned: Do microbes cause disease or are they simply a symptom? The answers lead to another inquiry: Was it microbes or dogma that was killing people? He stated in gentle yet uncompromising terms that the primary threat to the health of humanity was not microbes, but the drastic alterations of nutrients we consume as food, pollution, and the medical methodology that incorrectly attacked microbes and waged war within our bodies. Dr. Bechamp opened the door for people of the world to re-think conventional medical authority. Will we?

Civilization Backwards And Upside Down

Doctors destroy health, psychiatrists destroy minds, judges and lawyers destroy justice, the major media destroy information, governments destroy freedom and religions destroy spirituality, yet civilization claims to be healthy, just, informed, free and spiritual. The AMA admitted to 700,000 medically caused deaths in 1997. And health-informed people of Los Angeles can’t even buy raw milk in our stores. Over the last 100 years, conventional medical science has become the largest and most powerful establishment on the planet. The fact is, if we take the time to examine the opposing evidence we could see that conventional medical practice and policies concerning microbes have never been validated by the scientific process, no matter how many doctors, scientists and public health officials insist that they have. Most of their reports testify to undocumented research, false claims or misinterpretations. Their message has been simple, "Ignore the evidence, trust us and everything will be okay". Could they possibly be any more anti-science than that? Why do our powerful governments all over the world enforce their predominate but unscientifically proved views of disease? Because people have been socially hypnotized to dis-trust themselves and believe what they are told. The average person takes it on faith that poisons extend lives and doctors know best. Whenever something doesn't make sense or a contradiction is exposed, the average person is able to ignore the fact by slipping back into the group trance, and microbe-phobic-programming fills in the gaps. We know something is wrong about the microbe-story, but we simply are unable to trust our ability to evaluate the evidence. And so, we form unconscious contracts to act out our pre-conditioned roles. The holistic view of microbes has taught us that living in an antibiotic world, we crossed a threshold where all healthy living organisms are at risk of a collapse of their natural defenses. Is defending the dogma that microbes cause disease a matter of corporate national and international security? What would happen if people questioned the evidence for themselves of the conventional view of microbes? Conventional medical treatments and modalities would be held to the scientific method of validation. About 80% of it's standard practice would be immediately discredited, along with microbe-doctors and world-class scientists. Why would anyone believe any doctor or scientist is scientific and trustworthy when it comes to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, or even the flu? Many government health officials, pharmaceutical executives and healthcare professionals could face massive lawsuits and criminal charges. The financial burden on the giant trans-national pharmaceutical corporations would be enormous. Would they buy-off health-department and other government officials, and implant their own lawyers, doctors and scientists in official government positions to block this change? Have they already done that? Look at the job-transitions between government officials and agricultural and pharmaceutical corporations. There is a large revolving door between industry and government. Maybe it would be easier to close the door Professor Bechamp opened rather than be David defending ourselves against Goliath. But to follow the powers-that-be would be to disempower ourselves of health. So, how do they keep a choke-hold on our psyches? Why should any one bother to examine the evidence when the L.A. Times and the New York Times assures us that they have done the science and that they have written the truth in stone?

We Have Two Huge Hurdles To Jump To Regain Rights To Our Own Health

Major corporate news outlets have neutralized Dr. Bechamp’s very serious threat to medical and scientific dogma by parroting the medical establishment’s impression that anyone who verifies and accepts Dr. Bechamp’s position is a dangerous fool, talking non- science (read “nonsense”), wasting time and resources, and is a “crazy dissident.” The major media has too eagerly and continually, widely publicized a barrage of disinformation that has disempowered Professor Bechamp’s perspective and us, and continued the power of the medical establishment over our health for over 100 years. When we consider the massive public relations and spin-doctoring necessary to maintain microbe-dogma, we begin to see the unconscious collusion among all of the people who unscientifically embrace microbe-phobia. This explains why so many otherwise- intelligent people mindlessly march into the pharmaceutical ovens and keep the medical, scientific and pharmaceutical corporations in immensely profitable business.

Our Other Hurdle Is Health Officialdom

Ideology is power. If someone can make us believe they are defending our health they will have our vote and our support to protect us. There is great political, social and economic utility when the powers-that-be can operate under the cloak of public health. Health officials depend on our blind faith in them, like the medical industry depends on our blind faith in their institutions. By questioning the final-say-authority of the growing transnational cartel of public health officials, Professor Bechamp created a vehicle to escape the throws of Goliath. But again, will we take it? We must admit to ourselves that both the scientific journals and the major media have betrayed our trust. We must see the fact that they are part of the microbe- establishment, and that the microbe-establishment is a part of them. Sensational headlines and blatant censorship have breathed life into the story of disease, acting as a protective front for the microbe-fraud. This is why the microbe-establishment is part of the disease- problem rather the cure. We must see the blood on their hands. The “microbe-menace” is the prototypical scapegoat of the 21st century. Economically it justifies the multi-billion dollar medical war industries that reinforce, through their mystery, the manufactured belief that we need to invest in medical experts, Public Health operations and chemotherapies of mass destruction to protect us from our stupid and inept bodies and those "deadly" microbes. We must come to terms with the fact that we still live in the time of Kings; that the bully still rules the schoolyard and that "might makes right"; that local, state and federal health departments, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the FDA, are military agencies that ultimately serve to reinforce control and policy in the name of public health. Only then can we appraise the many human rights abuses that are consistently masked, ignored, explained away or even justified by the generally accepted view that science and technology are God and that modern medicine is His universal religion. Perhaps it would be easier to believe that toxic poisons extend life and that doctors know best, and die miserably of a disease. Supervisors, please ask yourselves: Which do I choose? We are misled by the assertion and legal enforcement of the idea that life and health and truth are the sole province of doctors and scientists. That claim is, in itself, one of the most destructive weapons of both mass and self-deception ever devised in history. That claim permits justification for the whole spectrum of medical and pharmaceutical crimes against humanity permitted and made legal by health officials.

Democracy Or Fascism

The fact is that we are people first. This fact is the emotional basis for the concept of democracy. By assigning the task of truth, health and life to "experts", i.e., by making experts "first" and people "second", we absolve experts of all moral and economic responsibilities, and ourselves of all manner of self, social and ecological responsibilities. This latter fact is the emotional basis for the concept of fascism. Here we create a social space within which we can justify anything - all manner of bias, prejudice and sadism because expert Y said this and expert Z said that. This is a very dangerous situation and, in fact, it is precisely this situation that produced, allowed and has perpetuated not only microbe-phobia, but the full glory of disease and all the other social decoys. Supervisors, ask yourselves: Do I choose democracy or fascism? It is up to us to help every one we know to discern between the real threats to our health like conventional medicine and the imaginary threats like microbes. I honor all of the many people I know who have awakened out of their individual microbe-nightmares. Each one has found her or his way out of the quagmire by educating her/himself and then questioning, challenging and ultimately relieving of duty the microbe-doctors. Conventional medical science and the vested interests they serve is the biggest threat to the health of the world! Will people in government recognize the real monsters and the real threats before it is too late? The ball is now in your court, Supervisors. Will you, the ultimate rulers of County Health Services, vote in favor of our health, or the medical- establishment defended by health officials dictating their dogma? Hidden in plain sight is the alarming fact that we are more likely than not actively or passively participating in our own demise. Consider these assertions seriously; our health is at stake. Supervisors, please ask yourselves: How will I participate in health? Will I allow freedom of choice and equal protection, or will I choose health-demise dictated by unproved science?

© 2001 by Aajonus Vonderplanitz (Inspired by the writing of Michael Ellner)