Q&A Of November 13, 2005

Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, this week folks, I'm officially a PhD in nutrition.

Q: PhD! What is your college?

Q: What's your thesis on?

A: I got an honorary doctorate through a college in London.

Q: Wow!

Q: You didn't have to go to London?

A: No, it was a, yeah, it was a, uh, e-mail and correspondence. And they accepted both of my books as my thesis and dissertation.

Q: Both, which books?

A: And they gave me, uh, Magna Cum Laude.

Q: Wow!

A: Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude. I thought I... But what they did was, my grades were low on the English, because they have very different ideas about English. So, my B's were in English.

Q: So, what's it going to do? So, what's it going to do? What's it going to do?

Q: What's the higher price?

A: Well, it just means that, uh, you know, I can flaunt my stuff now, and, you know, and have credentials and go before, you know, Congress and stuff like that. I don't have to have an MD, you know, backing me now.

Q: That's a great sign for you as an expert, isn't it?

A: That's right, absolutely.

Q: Can you put a PhD after your name now?

A: Yes, PhD. Most people just put PhD, but I would put PhD Nutrition.

Q: How many years does it take?

A: Uh, well, 40 years.

Q: Oh, 40 years.

Q: You are slow. 40 years.

A: Because they base it on the life experience, and then they test you on the normal curriculum that's in there. So, I had to test for every curriculum to make sure that I knew the information. So, it's like having a battery of tests for a year. Well, not nine months, a battery of tests. Normally, you go to school and you learn and you take maybe a test a week, test every two weeks. Well, it was six tests a day.

Q: What was the curriculum that you were tested on?

A: Everything, chemistry, nutrition, food.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes, I'm going in the thousands of hours.

Q: I just saw this article that was written on the Pasteur versus Bechamp stuff, and I thought it was really interesting because I've only heard of it through you guys, but it was through this health organization. They do everything from iridology to all the typical like considered alternative healing stuff, and they had a really nice article written with it, with the whole, what's the thing where you get bit by a mosquito and Lyme disease, with Lyme disease and that malaria. It was nice to see that there are other people in the health profession that acknowledge that there are two different philosophies. They actually even said that Western medicine decided to go with the Pasteur philosophies and that's wrong.

A: Because there was chemicals they can sell.

Q: Yes, exactly. They kind of touched on that a little bit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Janice? Jamison?

Q: Jamison. [unintelligible]

A: Okay. Good. I'm going to talk a little about everybody's being alarmed with this Avian Flu. It's a hoax. Does anybody remember? I don't know if everybody is old enough. Remember the swine flu in the mid-70s, 76?

Q: I remember.

A: Ford gets on there. Who's our vice president at that time?

Q: Bush.

A: David Rockefeller.

Q: No.

A: How many pharmaceutical houses did he own?

Q: A few.

A: Five. Got Ford to go on and take the swine flu shot. Ida Inoroff, a consumer advocate that was franchised on radio in about 80 markets in the United States, and a Dr. M.D. McBean, both women, filed suit against Ford, against Rockefeller, and against the federal government, and the medical officer of the government?

Q: Surgeon General.

A: The Surgeon General. Saying that the swine flu was a hoax, that it was going to kill a lot of elderly and children, because what Ford did at the behest of Rockefeller, he bought $8 billion of the swine flu vaccine to give us. McBean and Inoroff, with the publicity that they got from that suit, the networks at that time, and the radio stations weren't all owned by the big conglomerates at that time, so they advertised it. They were there at the polls where people were getting their injections. The first week, 2,300 people dropped dead within three days of having the swine flu. So, $7.2 billion went into the vaults, and then popped to present day.

Q: Wait a second. Did you say they got sick after... They dropped dead, after they had the injection?

A: Yes, after they got the swine flu injection. So, they stopped doing it. So, $7.2 billion of the vaccine was left, and went into the vaults.

Q: Don't tell me that's what they're giving now.

A: That's what they want to give. They're pulling it out and relabeling it as Avian flu. Not only that, we already paid for it once, and Bush comes out and says, we're going to pay $7.2 million for this vaccine. We're going to double, pay them twice.

Q: Who's going to pay?

A: They're going to pay a pharmaceutical house just to take it out of the vaults, relabel it, and issue it to us.

Q: But they have to refile it.

Q: Who's paying what?

Q: The government is paying.

Q: The government is paying for you to have a shot?

A: Yes, to refile it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you have to understand, a virus is not a virus. It's not a bacteria. It's not a parasite. Viruses are protein bodies that are made as solvents intercellularly. When the cells do not have a bacteria or a parasite to eat the degenerative waste that is accumulated intercellularly, and sometimes extracellularly, it will make a solvent to dissolve those compounds. There are over 500,000 viruses because viruses are very specific solvents to dissolve very specific tissue intercellularly. And the medical profession and scientific community says, oh, we see this virus is tearing apart the cell. But if it's not out of its proper environment, it rebuilds properly. It's a detoxification. But in their petri dishes, it doesn't do that. It doesn't heal because they're not feeding it properly. It's not in the right environment. All viruses are retro. They're recombinant immediately within 48 hours. The virus does not look the same because a cell does not need a virus to dissolve that kind of tissue for more than 48 hours. So any virus vaccine that they make was obsolete six months before it's on the market. It's obsolete in two days. So the whole vaccine immunization programs that are out there are all a hoax. They're all for money making. And they will harm you. They've got thimerosal, aluminum, formaldehyde, at least those three elements in all of them. And you know they're allowed to put those, you know, formaldehyde is an absolute no-no in any food or anything like that. Anything that goes in the body, it is illegal. So is mercury, except in aluminum is allowed. But mercury and formaldehyde are not allowed in anything, any kind of food, as any kind of preservative. But yet the FDA gives the pharmaceutical houses permission to inject that into us.

Q: Concentrated, injected into blood.

Q: The FDA gets permission?

A: The FDA gives permission to the pharmaceutical houses to poison. So a lot of people are saying, you know, I issued an email about Senate Bill 1873 and House Representative Bill 3909, something like that. And they're about absolving the pharmaceutical industry of any harm done by vaccine. And 3903 is about forced vaccines. Means they can tell us to take this swine flu vaccine, I mean this Avianflu, which is really a swine flu vaccine.

Q: I'm surprised they're not doing it already.

Q: They are in schools.

A: Oh, they are in schools, yeah. But there's an out. With that bill there would be no out for anybody. However, they do not have the legs and the bodies to enforce it. They'll use it to scare people. And most people are afraid and they will do it. Just like there's a lot of parents, probably there's half the parents in schools that don't want to give vaccines, but they give them because they're not told that there is a waiver on the back of that form that they signed that says they don't have to take it if they object. And that's in 16 states. And California is the easiest. Some states you have to be on grounds of religious belief or medical, you know, medical, whatever it is. But most people are just going to be afraid and they're going to accept the vaccine and get sick, sicker in their lives. Now, when I look into the iris, most of the time I find the mercury stored in the stomach lining. The aluminum is stored in the intestines. So every time you eat a food, the mercury dumps into the stomach, into the food. Then you digest that food and it poisons the small intestines, sometimes the large intestines, and then moves out with your food to poison your whole body. So it's slow poisoning. Now, not everybody stores it in the stomach. I would say it happens in about 25% of the people I see stores in the stomach. And there are people that haven't had vaccines since they were children and they are just now getting to the point where there's no more in the stomach, but it's all in the intestines. So it's damaged the intestines. And people that are over 50 are ending up with symptoms of Crohn's disease or completely malabsorption because of the mercury.

Q: How do you find out where the mercury is? How do you tell if it's in the stomach or the intestines?

A: In the iridology? In the iris?

Q: I don't know [unintelligible]

A: Okay. Well, it's called iridology. You study the iris and it shows the iris is set out into patterns of the body. And then you know where they are and you can search in the iris.

Q: I still don't get the difference between the mercury, the bad mercury, and then when you eat raw fish, the mercury that's in that.

A: Well, that's a different subject. Okay, so let me finish with that and you save that for Q&A.

Q: No, I've got another one, so we'll cut that one.

Q: Well, if anybody wants to ask that one, you can take my part.

A: Okay. So what I recommend that people do who have that kind of malabsorption or digestive problem when it's related to mercury, that they have to eat cheese with everything. Now, cheese, as long as it isn't mixed with honey, directly with honey, will not be absorbed. It is a dry, enzyme-less food even if it's raw and unsalted. So it's going to act like a magnet as it goes through the intestines. And it's going to draw toxic substances, heavy metals, anything that's concentrated in minerals. And remember that the body uses calcium as the major binder of toxicity because it's in high amounts. But it can use all kinds of minerals. But cheese is high in the calcium. So when it's traveling through the intestines and as the lymphatic, the neurological, and the blood flows through the intestines, if there's enough mineral magnetism from the cheese in there, it'll pull those poisons out of those three fluid systems and into the intestines, arrest it, and pass it throughout the feces. If you eat honey directly with that cheese, you've added the enzymes which will make that cheese a food. Let me give you an example. A lot of people, they eat a lot of cheese. They won't put on much weight or any weight except that that frees up for digestion. I had one girlfriend from New Zealand that loved honey and cheese together. And she was a skinny model, and I mean ultra skinny. In one month, she put on 40 pounds. She would eat a pound of cheese a day with a cup of honey. And if you ate that much cheese without eating honey with it, you wouldn't absorb it, you wouldn't utilize it in your system. She was very skinny, and she needed it.

Q: What about the butter?

A: The butter does not do that. The butter does not provide enzymes for utilization of the cheese. Cheese and butter together, especially if you have constipation. But if you want to really get rid of constipation, I suffered constipation for 57 years. Just in the last year, I've not had constipation. The constipation changed as I got more vaccines I got, the worse my antibiotics, the worse my digestion got. After that, I had a bowel with peritonitis, it was misdiagnosed as appendicitis at 12 years old, where I got all of those injections. I went every three to four days after that, and my bowel movements were always as big as my fist. So they always tore me. I always bled at least a tablespoon of blood, at least a tablespoon. Sometimes, you know, three or four tablespoons of blood. By the time I reached 22, my rectum was about 12 layers thick of fibroids, scar tissue. So when I went on a raw food diet, it didn't reverse that damage completely. I was moving every day, but still it would bunch up at the rectum, or in the sigmoid colon, so when it passed out, it would still pass out very large. It wasn't like granite anymore, like cement, and it was scratchy, but it still would rip me. So when I got the tapeworm last year, all of my constipation was gone. I had no more constipation. My bowel movements are never larger than my thumb, thicker than my thumb. So it's a pleasure.

A: So you want a tapeworm.

Q: Yes, that's what I'm saying. Parasites are very good. I mentioned it in the recipe book. The... Joel Weinstock, who's a gastroenterologist at the University of Iowa, 15 years ago, 15 or 16 years ago, noticed that the pigs at the university were very unhealthy, not digesting well, and getting colds and flus all the time. So he tested their intestinal tracts and everything, and found that they had no trichinosis, no whipworm. So he checked all the pigs in the farms, and they all had trichinosis. So he took the pigs from the university and put them out in the sloth house with the other pigs. They got trichinosis and got well. So he says they were too clean. So we got the idea that, you know, if anybody knows about inflammatory bowel syndrome, IBD, it's a very, very serious intestinal disease, where if you eat or drink anything, even water, the intestinal cramps that immobilize you. And it's a life thing. So he went to the FDA to get permission to give six of his patients, and they had to clear them, six patients, trichinosis, the whipworm from the pig, to see if that would relieve their inflammatory bowel syndrome. So they gave him permission to do it. And the people had to have suffered ten years of medical help without relief, at least ten years. So his patients were from ten to thirty-two year sufferers of this disease. So he gave them the whipworm, you know, he infused it into their intestines.

Q: Is that like a tapeworm or a whipworm?

A: Whipworm are very, very tiny ones. Tapeworm is long, like a noodle, or many lengths. But a parasite, intestinal parasites are very helpful, as long as they're needed. And of course, my body has needed it all those years. So he gave it to those six patients, and in five days, five of the six patients were completely symptom-free. Digesting everything, everything was good, hardly any gas anymore, no pain whatsoever, just a little gas. So one wasn't affected by it, didn't change his system, but five it did. And then five months later, because they were eating the same garbage, they were back knocking on Dr. Weinstock's door for more parasites, more trichinosis. They were taught, how many times do we hear, trichinosis, trichinosis, trichinosis, you know, from pigs.

Q: So should we eat pork?

A: Well, I forced mine to a milk detoxification, and I'm going to talk about the detoxification. What I did was I took raw milk and I fermented it, you know, in a cupboard during the summer, a very hot time, and it was so full of alcohol that it burned my nose when I opened it. And I also put a little maca root in it, because it's very much like cereal. And I ate tremendous amounts of cereal with my milk as a child. I mean, when I got out of it, I left home at 16, got married at 16, so I would eat two boxes of cereal a day, you know, with a half a gallon of milk. So I wanted the combination, because I knew that that's the level of my body was built off at the time, and I'm experimenting for my detox with. So I drank a whole three cups of that in a 24-hour period. My God, did I have diarrhea! And I went to a heavy detox. My hip bones were always large, you know, when I started developing in adolescence. My hip bones developed like a woman's. I was on very small shoulders, big hips. They always called me a woman, you know. When I got fat, it was all this way, and I was small up here. I was the Jewish pear. So, Jewish on my father's side, Catholic on my mother's side. So much guilt in my family, I just had to go to the accountant and rabbi before I could go to the priest. So the tapeworms came about because of all the sugar. They mainly feed on sugar. You notice the third world countries where all these people have tapeworms and they're mainly children, it's when we're giving, from the World Health Organization, we're giving all this garbage cereal. We're paying Kellogg's and all these companies billions and millions of dollars, billions of dollars to, you know, donation of these, or they're paid. They get the donations, they pay these companies to give this garbage food, these garbage cereals to these children in these third world countries, and they end up with tapeworms. The tapeworms are there to eat that excess sugar because you have acrylamides and you have advanced glycation end products that they feed on. And there's a team of scientists who were full professors in Sweden who found that 60% of all tumors were made of acrylamide. And acrylamides come from fried foods, potato chips, all chips, cereals. And they felt that all those foods should be [unintelligible]. They all lost their tenureships within three months after giving that information to the press because you're talking about trillions of dollar industry. And these professors and scientists had done their work for 12 years and confirmed everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They had to go to teach grade schools and high schools. And these were tenured, very brilliant full professors, all of them. So, anyway, the tapeworm feeds on those excess sugars. So I forced a tapeworm because all microbes are a part of every animal cell. They don't come from the ground or the dirt or somewhere else. They are a part of every animal cell. And if you need them and you aren't poisoned so much with antibiotics, your body will breed a particular bacteria or parasite to help you get well. It's a symbiotic relationship we've had for millions of years. Chemicals we've had only for the past, what, 130 years. If you were a rich person, you had access to many chemicals even 10,000 years ago, even as a pharaoh. But you look at all of your kids, children, and the history of children who all came from very elite, rich people, they were always the weakest because they had doctors treating them with chemicals all the time. Your farmers, farmer kids, and poor kids grew up strong and healthy because they were never subjected to that chemistry. Poisoning of mercury and formaldehyde and bloodletting and all of that stuff that creates and deteriorates the health and construction of the system. So that tapeworm has been a blessing to me. But since my rectum, it's like a woman having a baby. Unless her vagina comes down again, it's very large. So my rectum is very large, used to these big things. Sometimes I wonder if I could make it to the bathroom because those muscles are not used to small feces. They're used to very large feces. So sometimes I wonder if I'm going to make it to the toilet. Instead of having one huge movement, maybe this long, literally, I had movements on a regular basis this long and that big. You see me going to the toilet before, it was... whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. I would be very entertaining to watch on the toilet in those days. Now I sit there, wow, it's all over and it's clean, but I'm on the toilet four or five times a day instead of one big massive dump. But that's all an adjustment. But it's been very favorable not to be having my rectum ripped and bleed every time I go to the bathroom, literally every time I went to the bathroom for 57 years. The last eight years. Pardon?

Q: Do you see the head of the worms in front of the...

A: No, no, no. They look like noodles that come out in sections about this long, anywhere from an inch to an inch and a half. And they look like a flat noodle, like you cooked it at al dente.

Q: The head's still in there.

A: No, I've never seen the head. But last year, three months after I got it, I started... No, six weeks after I got it, when I first noticed some sections, I started craving onion. I ate a half of an onion in one sitting. And then I went to the toilet the next morning, out came 36 feet of tapeworm.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Obviously. So I went, oh no. It's so long since [unintelligible]. After the chemo and radiation, I was so sick, so contaminated. No bacteria. It was 36 feet. I pulled him out and measured him.

Q: What color is that?

A: They stretch 100 feet. You have to take them out and lay them gently because they stretch.

Q: So there's the little worms and then there's the big tapeworm?

A: Yeah, there's a long tapeworm. Yeah, there are two different ones. Trichinosis is a very small, little whipworm.

Q: So you want the trichinosis?

A: Either one. The trichinosis is better.

Q: If your body needs it.

A: Pardon?

Q: If your body needs it.

A: And I don't know anybody who doesn't need it.

Q: Can't you contaminate others, though?

A: Are they going around eating it?

Q: You can't get it from the toilet seats.

A: No, you can't get it from the toilet seat. That's a lie. I tried to get worms many times. I tried to eat them and infuse them. And I could never get them. The way Joe Weinstock did it was he put it in Gatorade.

Q: What?

A: Gatorade. And they drank it in Gatorade. Gatorade is an alkalinizing substance. So it completely neutralized the hydrochloric acid. So it didn't destroy the eggs. Because they drank the eggs from the whipworm. So they were able to breed in the intestines. That's how he did it. Now, I never thought of that. Now, if somebody says they want a whipworm or something, I say get the small intestines of a pig and wash it down with some vegetable juice, an alkalizing fluid like that. And I've suggested to quite a few people that have some serious diseases, and it's working fine. I've still got another year of experimentation before I'm satisfied with how many people that have worked it. But it's working very well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I mean, if you have them all of your life and they help you, who cares?

Q: The fact that when you go to a doctor's office, they care. Because if you pick them up, you're in trouble. [unintelligible]

A: That is a fiction. It's a myth. Show me any documentation that proves that you can pick it up off of a toilet or anywhere.

Q: No, no, what I'm saying is if you go to a regular doctor and they test you, and you are diagnosed that they will treat you with a [unintelligible] or with one of [unintelligible].

A: Right, well, they'll give it to you to take.

Q: It's the law. They have to do that.

A: That's the AMA law. That's the way it is. But that doesn't mean it's good for you. The [unintelligible], the poison isn't good for you. The whipworm and the tapeworms are.

Q: My point is, working in clinics and stuff, I see that the patients have to do that. Or they can be reported to the law. That's what's so scary.

A: So you're just going to go ahead and check for parasites?

Q: I'm not going to check for parasites.

A: In fact, you stay away from doctors all together. Dentists, or you break a bone and it's dislocated, then you want to have somebody who's a professional and put it back together. But doctors, MDs, are not professionals of health. They are professionals of disease and chemicals. That's all they know. So they're not going to, they're not... It's like, would you go to the guy who's flopping hamburgers at Jack in the Box to learn how to be a millionaire? Or you go to somebody like, you know, Donald Trump. So if you want health, you don't go to an MD.

Q: Where do you go to?

A: You go to food. Somebody who knows how to, you know, how the food affects your body. Go to my books.

Q: Do you know professionals of health [unintelligible]?

A: Pardon?

Q: Do you know professionals of health [unintelligible]? A broken bone?

A: No, if you have a broken bone, you can just go to any bone specialist. There are a few of them out there, quite a few.

Q: Would they do it without a test?

A: Without x-rays?

Q: Not test.

Q: Without x-rays you say?

A: No, they'll usually want to put a cast on it. Because the body will have its own gas.

Q: But how do they have to take x-rays you say?

A: Well, when I was in the automobile accident in Thailand, and this kid hit our... Bigger SUV than I was in, his broadside, I was in the back. There were three seats. Here's the passenger and driver and then the second passenger seat, and I was in the third in the back. And it hit us so hard sideways, the car flipped over three times. And my head went through one of the windows, completely knocking it out. I had shards of glass in my skull. Knocked part of the skull bone in about a quarter of an inch. Broke my clavicle and collarbone. You can still see the lump here.

Q: It hasn't healed yet?

A: Oh, it's healed a lot. But this thing was as big as a softball, half of a softball. Pardon? That was four months before that. And I went to the hospital. Well, I woke up. When I awakened, you know, I went unconscious. When I awakened 40 minutes later, the car is upside down. They're trying to jackhammer open the doors, and they can't get the back doors to me. And the real estate agent who was with us, who was about 27 years old, she was laying across on top of me, bleeding out the head like crazy. And they were trying to get us out of there because all the other people had gotten out, a monk and two other people and the driver. So they got all of them out, but they couldn't get to us. And this guy takes a, you know, a fire hammer, and he's going to bash this window out this far from my head. And I started freaking out when I woke up. I saw him coming and I was like, I'm jackhammering over here. And I knew that I was going to be in trouble, you know. So I started yelling, and I realized I was in so much pain and so dizzy. But I kept scooting myself out, you know, toward the one door that was cracked open about this much. And I was scooting out, and when they picked me up to get all the pain here was excruciating, and I passed out again. Everything just went blurry and black. Time was like one of those weird dreams, you know, that I was in different times and different spaces and everything. But I knew that if I went to the hospital in that kind of condition, they'd have me on machines and tubes and everything. So they put me on a gurney, strapped me down, strapped my neck and everything, in case I had a broken neck. And it was excruciating pain. I couldn't be in any position without the shoulder hurting so badly. So I got to the hospital, and I knew if I were on a gurney, they would not take me seriously. So I said, I have to get off this gurney, and I have to get into a wheelchair. I want a wheelchair. So I got into a wheelchair. It was such a relief because when I put the arm on the wheelchair, most of the pain in here, well, it subsided to the point where I could tolerate it, where I wasn't just dealing with pain. It was pretty severe. And I knew that it could have been dislocated, you know, out of position. So I said, you get two x-rays from here and from here or here and from the back. But that's all you get is two x-rays, because they'll usually do 10 to 15 x-rays in a situation like that. So I said, you get two shots at it, and that's it. Make it good. So they did, and they saw everything. I mean, even though my collarbone had gone all the way through, broken, gone through my neck and back, it snapped right back into place. In place. So I didn't have to have any surgery or anything. And when you've got a cast like this, it changes the position of that bone so they couldn't put a cast on me. So they just had a brace that they put on, and as soon as I got out, the brace came off. So my body built its own cast here. So this was the size of a hardball, half of a hardball, and it just keeps going down. It's been a year and a half since the accident, so it's getting smaller and smaller. But your body will create its own cast, if you allow it, which is much stronger than any kind of a cast, and you'll heal more properly. Because they said that I would never be able to move this arm again like this. I would never be able to hold it up to my head again, and that would be it. It was in four months. I was painfully moving it like that, but I could move it like that. And after a year, no pain whatsoever. And that was when it was taken. Okay, now we're going to get into Q&A. Do you have a question, Will?

Q: Yes. Probably a good question about supplements for everyone to hear it. Every now and then, even those who are conscious about natural food talk about, well, just for extra insurance, like if you don't eat enough fish, take a couple of fish liver oil tablets, for instance, things like that. The insurance syndrome, I'd like to know, does that make any sense? I mean, are supplements harmful even if you are eating less than optimal?

A: Well, if you're eating cooked foods, you're destroying enzymes, you're destroying the vitamins, you're destroying, cauterizing your minerals, so you're going to lose at least half of everything. Plus, you're going to have toxins that are formed that your body has to use good nutrients to eliminate it or neutralize it and then eliminate it. So a lot of nutrients lost to cooking foods. So, of course, people want to supplement for that. If you're going to a vitamin supplement, if you know the chemical structure of supplements, it's the most absurd thing in the world. Take, for example, vitamin C. Vitamin C under a high-powered electronic microscope are these cute little fuzzy balls. And they're different colored and they're very, you know, little spongy little things. You look at ascorbic acid, they are 1,000 times the size of these little spongy things and it looks like broken glass. They are glass and they're going to rip the system to pieces. Now, what does that do? It creates a toxic effect that causes adrenaline and other hormones to produce fats to go in there and harness this stuff. That forces a healing reaction in some people, but it's robbing [unintelligible]. It's like slapping somebody to get somebody to do something, give them energy. Let's say, you know, a kid's lying there. Uh, daddy, I need some energy to sweep the porch. Bam! Get up and sweep. Then your adrenaline's going, you need to get up and sweep the porch because you're going to have energy. But that's not a good way to do it because that kid's going to come around and slap daddy one day. You know, and there's a whole loss of humanity that goes along with that. The same violation occurs in the body. 99% of all vitamin E is from Kodak and Fuji. It's the end product of developing film. It's a chemical that's the end product of it because the structure, the molecular structure of that chemical once expended for developing looks 80% like the alpha-tocopherol. A scientist came up with the idea of [unintelligible]. We can sell this to the FDA, we can sell it to, you know, people as this is vitamin E. And it's like saying, oh, this plastic bug here is like this real bug. You know, it has no relationship, it's a poison. And when the chemical companies, Fuji and Kodak, used to have to take their chemicals and they'd have to clean them and then bury them in 12-foot thick walls of concrete and certain kinds of stainless steel, we call them barrels. Millions, hundreds of thousands and billions of dollars over the years. So they found a way to sell them to you so you consume it. The same way they're doing with fluoride. They use fluoride for cleaning metals, cleaning gold. The military is the biggest user to make, you know, tanks, guns, airplanes, all this metal. It goes into military. So they have no place to put all this stuff. So they convinced the government that the only way they can do that is disperse it in people's waters so everybody's drinking it and it spreads it out. The newest way to get rid of some of that chemical toxicity is chemtrails. So the aluminum and the barium and some of the coal that's used in military industrial waste is now being sprayed in the skies over your head, everywhere.

Q: Under what guise?

A: National security.

Q: Like to kill something?

A: No, no, no. They're saying it's to create some kind of a radar security thing for national security. To create some radar fluid, which is absolutely absurd. Aluminum is not a trans-conductor of anything.

Q: So what would be good [unintelligible]?

A: Well, you just have to make sure you're eating your fats and not be skinny.

Q: They call it seeding the clouds in colorado.

A: I don't think they call it seeding clouds because it doesn't seed clouds.

Q: That's their excuse for what they're doing up there.

A: Could be.

Q: Or maybe they're doing it.

A: But I mean in all the research on chemtrails, nobody's ever made that claim. They're not seeding anything with aluminum because it doesn't create that kind of environment for seeding. Many ways to do that. Well, they're keeping it a real big secret because I listen to the late night talk shows sometimes and they talk about that subject and nobody seems to have a handle on it. It's like a big secret. Well, if you know the military's waste products from the steel mills and all of that, they are responsible. They've agreed to be responsible for the waste. So now they're spreading it over us. Putting it in our water.

Q: I just heard today that the amount of ADD in children is about 1 in 300 in the United States.

A: Only 1 in 300?

Q: Due to the... Is that a small amount?

A: Oh, no. You're talking about probably 50% of children. One out of two has ADD.

Q: Due to the toxicity of food and air.

A: Oh, yeah. Yeah, food and air.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes. Everything. They are poisoning them, making them very, you know, unable to focus and concentrate. Also, you know, the FDA says your protein level should be 9 to 12%. Hello? You need a lot more protein to be able to deal with a lot of toxicity in the system. So in an environment like ours, you know, the diet should be at least, you know, 15% protein. Minimum 15% protein, calorie-wise. And, you know, fat should be 80%. Carbohydrates only 5.

Q: In the 60s, they had the four food groups and all that, and then they changed it to that pyramid. I'm like, who decided that? You know, like all of a sudden it's all grains and vegetables. And then a tiny bit of protein at the top. It used to be 25%.

Q: So the masses, they can't afford the protein, so they eat carbohydrates and small [unintelligible].

A: But then you just deteriorate health. But that's what they want to do. Obviously, they don't want people to get healthy. It's not about that. Because without that, there wouldn't be vaccines. And there wouldn't be war. It's about genocide. Making money from genocide. You know, Prescott, does anybody know who Prescott Bush is?

Q: Yeah.

A: Grandfather to our present, you know, fascist in office. Prescott Bush financed Hitler. As soon as the Attorney General found out about that in the United States and seized all the assets of that bank that Prescott Bush ran, Hitler started falling. Quickly. And you have to take a look at it. Who the hell was this Hitler? He was a house painter. He was a vegetarian, fanatic house painter. They just used him as a puppet. He was just a puppet. A fanatic puppet who put two tablespoons of sugar in each glass of wine, who would take a whole bowl of sugar and put it on top of cake. His mind was at his crazy man.

Q: He had injections of stimulants every morning to get out of bed.

A: Because he couldn't function.

Q: They just had a big documentary on him that was about his doctor, actually.

A: But his doctor was part of Prescott Bush.

Q: Right. Scary.

A: All of that. And he did the same thing. They're the ones that designed Burning Rice... Pardon?

Q: Rice Krispies?

A: No, the government building. Reichstag. So they burned it to claim we need to take constitutional rights of the people for security. So what do we have? The towers. We had the Twin Towers. And where's our architect? He's gone. I studied architecture. Rocket fuel burns at 1,688 degrees. The size of those beams and the constitution took a minimum of 3,200 degrees to cause them to bend. That's bend. Never disintegrate. If you notice, they just kept explosives all the way down. That was just a regular demolition. Who could have done that? So, anyway, we get into politics. Back into health stuff.

Q: Do you think his anger was also because he was a vegetarian?

A: Oh, yes. He believed he was going to turn the world into vegetarian.

Q: I think that's why there's so much anger in the Middle East.

Q: Why?

Q: So many of them are vegetarians. They eat grain and vegetables.

A: All of those carbohydrates don't even cause the brain to function properly. Because, according to Columbia University, the advanced glycation end products and the acrylamides from carbohydrates make the blood and the neurological system very sticky. So the cells start sticking. The neurons, the axons, the ganglia get congested with the sugar and everything misfires. So you don't think properly. You're not clear. So your vegetarians are heavily into that. The less protein you have, the more those advanced glycation end products and acrylamides collect in those systems. So you're going to have a lot of ADD and a lot of problems.

Q: Did you experience that when you were a vegetarian?

A: Oh, yes. I was a fanatic. I would even lick a stamp. Because there's a little gelatin on it. And all but, I was brutal. You're a murderer. You eat meat, you're a murderer.

Q: [unintelligible] grounded.

A: Yeah, I was grounded. I first went to San Diego right after my book was published in 1997. Went to the health convention. And I spoke. And I had a table there with a publisher. And this group of vegetarians, raw food vegetarians, came up to the table to talk to me. And I'm sitting there talking very calmly. And they're furious. Furious. And they went on for about 45 minutes. And I was just very calm with them, did their thing. And I would respond once in a while with one sentence that would answer their question. And they weren't listening. So I had a mirror, a little mirror like this. And I held it up and I said, do you think that you're calm? Do you think that this no meat diet is good and makes you non-angry and non-violent? Take a look. Everyone was foaming at the mouth. They had this white foam there. And you could see. And I held it up to each one of them. And I said, look at me and look at you. You tell me who's angry and who's violent. And they walked away. They got it and they walked away. And they never bothered me again.

Q: I went to the living White House and had that same experience. It was awful.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Talk about traveling. What do you take?

A: I take butter, honey, and cheese. That's it. I can get eggs and meat anywhere.

Q: Butter, cheese.

A: But now I know when I'm an Asian, I know where to get honey now so I don't worry about the honey. So I would take cheese and butter.

Q: Refrigirated?

A: Yeah, of course. I keep it in a cooler. Like when I go to Asia, I'll take a half a pound a day of butter.

Q: What about the X-rays?

A: I take it to the, you know, when I'm going to China Airlines, Japan Airlines, whoever it is, I take it to their officers, their officials of that airline, and say this is the circumstance. I had cancer of the blood and bone. I had a lot of X-rays. I had radiation therapy. If my food goes through, I'm going to get nauseous if I eat this. So what they do is they have it hand-checked by TSA, and then they hand it to a baggage carrier who walks it to the plane, gives it to them, and they give it to me as I board the plane.

Q: Wow. You don't need a doctors letter for that?

A: Well, it always helps. But, you know, if you're calm and, you know, collective enough, you can talk to them.

Q: What do you do with the cheese that you take with you?

A: I eat it.

Q: Yes, but do you eat it, like, before your meals and after your meals?

A: No, I eat it as a mineral supplement, you know, depending upon what I feel I need. One time I was without butter for about a week, and the only way I could be satisfied was to eat a coconut, a whole coconut with all the meat, you know, the aged, the mature coconut, with all the meat. So I'd eat one of those every one to two days, and that would satisfy that intense hunger for not having dairy and cream and butter, you know, just so relaxing and calm, but eating a whole coconut.

Q: You mean you can't get the cheese over there, or do you just take it?

A: Not raw, unsalted.

Q: Milk you can get?

A: Well, I get goat's milk, you know, but that's from some of the Muslim, you know, people. They do breed goats, and you can get goat's milk. You have to go to the outdoor markets to get it.

Q: [unintelligible]?

A: You know, they've got people on the street that sell these wild hives, they're still on the sticks, you know, from the trees, and they just put it in a bag for you, you know. I mean, it's got all the pollen, the royal jelly, and everything, because it's a wild hive, and it's all [unintelligible].

Q: Where is that? In Thailand?

A: In Thailand, in Vietnam, in Bali, Malaysia, Indonesia, all of it, and Cambodia, I found it everywhere. And right in Bangkok, you know, I'd go into, you know, where these peasants were on the street.

Q: Why do they have it this way?

A: Because it's much more primitive. People are a little bit more connected with Earth. And, you know, the younger generation, 25 years and younger, they're already being indoctrinated by the TV, you know. You go to, you get a stomachache, you go right to the pharmacy. You don't need a prescription for anything. Anything. You can buy anything there. Anything you can get in the drugstore without a prescription.

Q: Paris is that way, too.

Q: What?

Q: Paris is that way, too.

Q: I heard Thailand is really bad about pesticides.

Q: Somebody at the door?

A: Thailand?

Q: Yeah.

A: Well, in certain areas, yeah, because Monsanto and Dow are giving them the chemicals. What they're doing is trying to wipe out the little farmer, because it destroys the field, they stop getting their crop, and then they go out of business. And that's the same thing they did here, you know, in the United States. So then agribusiness comes in, and they take over. That's what it's all about. It's their own warfare to take over, to be the authority.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no, no, no. The Americans are allowed in there to do it.

Q: And then the Americans are going to own the property?

A: No. Well, they do. What they do is they just have partners. They have partner companies.

Q: Thai partners.

A: Yeah, but they're puppet partners. So they get paid on account of them.

Q: What's the name of the DVD about that? Did you see that?

A: The what?

Q: The DVD that Jerry Garcia's wife produced about Monsanto and the organic farmers.

A: I don't remember seeing that.

Q: Yeah, [unintelligible] was selling it. I got him to sell it.

Q: The Future of Food?

Q: What is it?

Q: The Future of Food.

Q: The Future of Food.

Q: Is that the one? It's about Monsanto and the organic farmers.

A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: My question, you kind of answered it a little bit, about, you know, sometimes I get on a little soapbox, you know, and my friends are, they don't really, I have a friend who just immunized her child, and she asked me, I didn't like, you know, decide to talk about it, and I told her the truth of what I knew. And then we got to talking about what I didn't know was how, since they are giving the flu shot for free, and this shot for free, I didn't understand how the money was being made, and you kind of touched on it earlier. So what happens?

A: Our government gives it to the pharmaceutical houses.

Q: And then we pay it through our taxes?

A: Our taxes, they pay it, yeah.

Q: Okay, and then, okay.

Q: Taxes are going up.

Q: I get it. Because my one friend's argument was, well, but the flu shot's free, so what do you mean, they're not making any money, and I said, no, there has to be a way they're making money, the way it makes. So it's all our tax money.

A: You gotta understand that corporations pay less and less tax every year that a Republican is in office. They literally give rebates to these companies for employing a lot of people. So some of these companies are getting money and not paying a dime of tax. They are actually being paid by our government. This is all in the system. You have got connections in Congress you're in. Especially if you have got them in the White House. And our little guy in the White House is just robbing the till.

Q: When it comes to brining our child to the doctor [unintelligible].

A: No no, the individual goes and [unintelligible]. The ones that our government says, here we are paying for this and we are going to give it to you. We are going to do you a service. I am sure they are. Listen, I have got this land in the swamps of Florida and I am going to do you a favor. Do you have questions?

Q: I am going to [unintelligible] Hong Kong and Bali. Will I be alright with raw poultry there?

A: You know what I did? When I was in Vietnam, I went to three of those bird farmers, the Chicken farmers. A lab test here would cost me $8,000 to do what I wanted to do. There it cost me $230 to have the same lab test done. So I had it done on eight of the birds of each flock. Not one of them had any indication of having a flu. Again, they are trying to wipe out the farmer so that the agribusiness companies can come in. They are building up a farm and everything, building up this big sale on bird food. It is a set up. Setting you up to be afraid of this bird flu that is going to infect humans. You can't cross, there is no way you can cross a virus into a human from another species.

Q: Why are they saying people are dying right now?

A: People die every year of flu because they are sick people.

Q: They are saying it is the bird flu. This little kid in Thailand just died because their chicken died.

A: That is the hoax again. They are pulling out one person and saying this person died of the bird flu.

Q: It is like the mad cow.

A: Yeah, same thing with the mad cow and the mad sheep.

Q: Remember anthrax?

A: So all they are doing is picking out a few people. If you look how many times people have died a year during the flu, it is something like over the planet several million people. And they are just picking out one person, or pick out a child. This child died because of the swine flu. How many children die from vaccines? They don't tell you that. Who knows what that child really died of?

Q: So if it is part of that question, so you, you know, here I go to the venice market, I go to Whole Foods and I know that the farms have been researched by... But when you go in other countries, you...

A: I eat right out of the streets. Yeah. I go to the streets and get it from the farmers who are growing their own chickens. I remember in Cambodia, you know, they are selling chickens, all this meat and fish, you know, it is on the street and the dirt. The flies and the bugs and everything. That is just what I want. That is good for, you know, if it is alive, if it is breathing on this planet, that is what I want. So I went up to this one vendor, she was probably mid-thirties, daughter was about 14 years old, maybe 13, and I did, you know, I speak Thai pretty well and some Vietnamese, but Cambodian, you know, I don't know anything except a few foods names. So I wanted to tell this woman I wanted the pieces of chicken with all the fat on it. They are used to, you know, they are used to the Americans not wanting fat on anything, you know. And she starts ripping the fat off. I said, no, no, no, no, that is what I want. She still didn't get it. So I grabbed a piece of that fat and started eating it. I said, I like it, that is what I want. The daughter, 13, 14 years old, jumped back 10 feet. Jumped back 10 feet because she was afraid I was going to give her some kind of disease. You have to understand, the older thought nothing of it. The older people thought nothing of it. But you have to understand, they are putting televisions, they can't afford a TV, maybe 50 cents a day, a dollar a day max. That is 12 hours working a day. That is what they make. They can't afford to run the electricity, much less buy a TV every day, yet General Electric and these other companies have gone in there and given them donations to wire everywhere. So you go out in these villages. And there are stilts.

Q: A grass hut.

A: Yes, grass huts. And they have got one light bulb in there and maybe a refrigerator, if they are lucky they have a refrigerator, maybe one refrigerator or two refrigerators in the whole town, in the whole village. And everybody has got a TV. Where do they get that TV? And what does it do? It is always advertising these foods and drugs, foods and drugs, foods and drugs. And the American good way of life. And it is all based on them eating and taking drugs. And that is the way they present it. So these younger generations think that their parents are savage and dirty and diseased. Yet, I went into the hospitals and I looked at, I went into the pediatric division, because I could meet a lot of the young women who had children. 100% of them had stretch marks. We are talking 16 to 20 year olds. Those are the only ones I saw. 16 to 20 year olds. Some of them, the stretch marks were actually plasticized. Plastic, shiny, plastic, from the garbage food that they are eating. Because they are eating Coca-Cola and McDonalds and all the garbage foods that have come from America.

Q: I don't understand. You are saying that the food that they are eating causes this?

A: Causes this.

Q: When they get pregnant?

A: Yeah, after they have the baby. Because their skin isn't elastic. And their mothers don't have it. They have two, five children and they don't have any stretch marks. Maybe they have those old rolls, but no stretch marks. And these young girls, stretch marks. Every one of them has it. I probably saw all together in Cambodia and four hospitals in Thailand and three in Vietnam. 100% of those young women had stretch marks. Some of them actually looked and felt like plastic. Yet these children are being brainwashed. The American way is chemicals, drugs, processed food. It's your savior. So they think bacteria is this horrible thing. And it comes from the earth. So they have them fearing, like most people in America, you fear insects, you fear bacteria, you fear parasites. When we should be fearing chemicals. We've been living with parasites and those insects and the earth for millions of years. We know that Lucy is at least four million years.

Q: We're dying off, right? Dying off.

A: Well, when I was, let's see, in 1957, one person out of a thousand died of cancer. Now it's one out of three. One out of 2.5. We're not getting healthier. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. You said that when you buy their milk, you put it, and when you get out of the fridge, you leave it for a few days.

A: At least.

Q: Do you give it some air or you just have it tight?

A: No, I leave a little air space. A little air space.

Q: You put it in a mason jar, but does it...

A: No, I buy the gallon jars in glass. The half gallon jars in glass. I buy them in glass. I don't like plastic. I can taste plastic. So I take the cap off, I pour a little, you know, I shake it up so the cream's mixed. I pour a little out so I've got a little air space.

Q: Is the top tight?

A: I put it on tight. I just leave it in a dark cupboard for about two days. I like to put a couple of tablespoons of honey per quart in because they'll, you know, during the summer it will, you know, when it's warmer, it will turn into kefir quicker. In the winter, it's just the opposite. You put the honey in and it will take three or four days to become kefir.

Q: That's when you're supposed to leave it that long?

A: Then I put the honey in. Yeah, I will leave it that long in the cupboard. But I don't use heat in my house, you know, and I live in the mountains of Malibu, so it gets pretty cold up there. It's even down in the freezing sometimes. We have hailstorms up there, you know, once or twice a year. It's pretty cold weather.

Q: But doesn't the honey kill the bacteria that you want?

A: No, what it does is it helps the acidophilus grow quicker. It causes the lactate to be digested predominantly over the fats and the proteins because we have the bulgaricus and [unintelligible] bacteria. When you put the honey in, it allows the other bacterias to become less active. And then you have the sweeter kefir. It's not bitter. Well, it's not a salad.

Q: So in the winter, you want to leave it three days in the cupboard?

A: You keep a warm house for you and your mother. Mine's cold. My house gets down to about 50-some degrees, you know, like a refrigerator. People walk into my house and they have to leave their clothes on.

Q: How much honey?

A: I put two tablespoons per quart. And if anybody has a normal temperature of house, that's what you put in. It'll help it. Turn to kefir quicker.

Q: I have a short question. Like you said, everything has to be at room temperature. If you live in a cold place, [unintelligible].

A: Oh, that's room temperature. I mean, if you're, you know, the Eskimos, of all the raw fooders, they live the same lifespan we do. The other raw fooders live 150 years old average. Okay? The Eskimos, because, you know, they take a fish. I was there. They fish through the ice. By the time the fish is at their mouth, it's already a popsicle. Everything they eat is frozen. It's frozen, and to me, that's why they don't live as long. Because they usually lose a lot of enzymes.

Q: So how do you keep it not frozen?

A: You don't. Well, they don't have that yet. I mean, they're so hardy. I mean, they've got their babies crawling butt-naked on the ice of an igloo. You know? How many of you would do that? How many of you would let your child, you know, your infant, crawl on a, you know, crawl on an ice floor? You'd freak, wouldn't you? Why? Build that strong baby, especially if it's on a raw diet. Do you have a question?

Q: I have two questions. I have a lot of radiation and heavy metals in my system, and they're being dumped, you know, and I'm eating a lot of cheese to absorb it and get it out of my body. And you mentioned to me that I don't want to detox too quickly because it could really, really hurt me if there's too much [unintelligible] in the system. So my first question is, the detox baths, is that something that would speed up my detox and be dangerous for me?

A: No, because that's lymphatic as long as you don't overuse it. If you're doing the lymphatic baths that I talked about in the revision, you can do those every three days, three or four days. You don't want to do any more than that because it takes three days to catch up with it. But a lymphatic bath normally does not detoxify heavy metals.

Q: It just removes the detox, the stuff that has been detoxed?

A: Yeah, well, it helps that, but what it's doing is melting the stuff that's in the lymph. Most people don't store mercury in the lymphatic system.

Q: So is, actually I didn't get it from your book, so I don't know if this is the lymphatic bath, but someone told me about putting some milk in the hot water, some salt, some apple cider vinegar, some coconut cream, and getting 102 to 105 temperature. Is that the lymphatic?

A: That's exactly my lymphatic bath.

Q: Okay, and a question about that.

A: Plus you drink a pineapple mixture with coconut cream before you get into the bath.

Q: Do you drink any kind of liquid while you're in the bath?

A: Well, it's better that you don't, but you can. Let's say you have some milk, that's okay to drink, and some kefir, that would be okay. If you need some water, that's okay.

Q: Okay, and my second question is, what do you think of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

A: Awful.

Q: Really?

A: Awful. Every time I've received from somebody who's had it, it's been terrible for them. It's not true oxygen, it's a chemical oxygen. The only way you can get true oxygen is from plants.

Q: So because they're administering this oxygen under pressure, it's altering the oxygen?

A: It isn't true oxygen. It's a chemical oxygen. It isn't produced by a plant.

Q: It doesn't come from the air?

A: No. They chemically produce it from a gas, a mixture of chemicals to make a gas that they call oxygen.

Q: What kind of side effects does that have?

A: Some people it causes headaches, some people it causes slow neurological degeneration. And it's usually neurological degeneration. Take for example, my mother got breast cancer five years ago. I don't remember how I found out but it wasn't from her. So I called her before she had any surgery or anything done, and I talked to her about it. I said, you know, 15 years ago you were in really bad shape, you did the diet 50% raw eggs and orange juice and olive oil and raw unsalted cheeses, and you did about 50% raw, and you saw how it turned you and dad around. I said, well, I'm sure I did. She said, but this is cancer. And I said, yeah, but did you read my books? Of course I read your books. She said, but I'm a nurse, and I believe in the medical way. I said, okay, so what are you going to do? She said, well, I'm going to have a lumpectomy. I'm having 11 [unintelligible] removed. I'm not going to have a mastectomy, and then I'm going to have radiation therapy. I said, Mom, you know, you're 72 years old, and you're going to have radiation therapy over your breast, in your lungs behind. What's going to happen to your lungs at your age? Well, nothing will happen. It'll be fine. She was on oxygen for three years. Three years after that. She was off of, you know, she said I'd use it at night, but she was on it for almost 24 hours a day for three years. Stopped her from going on vacation, doing all, stopped her from doing all kinds of things. She would go golfing without her oxygen, but she took it with her in case. So she had several times a day when she'd go out without having it on, but have it with her. Then it got less, you know, after three years it was less and less. And then she had a surgery. She went deaf, you know, which is part of that, all that therapy, and it damages the body. It's going to deteriorate more and more, and the first thing you're going to lose are your senses. So she lost her hearing. So she had this $80,000 surgery, planting these new hearing aids, which have circuitry that plugs into the [unintelligible] in her ear. So that means you're getting right into part of the brain center and putting electrical currents and wiring into her head. Too old to be doing this. 77, 78 years old. Too old to be doing this kind of a thing. She got a serious infection. She took antibiotics. She's wasting away because now every food repulses her. I just left her last week, and I fed her papaya, lots of papaya. Got her appetite back. It only took one day of eating papaya, and her appetite was back. I gave her custard, you know, the next morning, and that made her a little nauseous. A couple of hours later, she started vomiting, but didn't vomit anymore. So I knew I had to keep the butter down. So I just gave her the eggs and the papaya without the butter, and some honey. And that was working. So after I got her stronger and eating well, I left three days later, and she went into the hospital that night for tests. She hasn't come out of the hospital in 10 days. And she's just wasting and wasting away.

Q: What would you have done in order to help her breast cancer instead of radiation?

A: I would have just given her a good diet. It'll clean the lymphatic system. Put hot water bottles under her armpits. Dissolve it. Make it fluids that move. Do you have a question?

Q: Where is she living?

A: Cincinnati, Ohio.

Q: Clear up something about her question first. You said a bath at 103 degrees.

A: 102 to 105.

Q: So if we go to Glen Ivy, is that the same thing as a lymph detox?

A: If you're in it long enough. You have to be in it for 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

Q: Without even popping up, huh?

A: Well, you'd maybe pop up for maybe a minute or two, but you've got to keep that temperature.

Q: Well, with the pineapple mixture, is that in the book?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay. And would that be a good thing to take if we go to Glen ivy?

A: Absolutely, yeah. You want to utilize it as a detoxifier. Oh, and I have in my car, I have some copies of the revised We Want to Live, if you want to get one today. Anybody interested, Just hang around after this and let me know.

Q: Okay, my question is my husband's question, [unintelligible]. He said that he wants to know if you write that the meat has starch, is it possible that the nut formula is not necessary except for extra starch? And that if one eats enough meat, that they could even skip the nut formula, especially if he has a serious neurotoxic, if it initiates a neurotoxic detox.

A: You have to eat it every day for like 10 days to cause that kind of detoxification, in most people.

Q: So is it possible that he could eliminate the nut formula?

A: Yeah, I'd have to see him. I don't know him. If he's got some neurosis and he needs the nut formula...

Q: He wants to know what symptoms would be apparent from a nut formula detox.

A: Anxiety, no, not a detox. Any kind of detox is going to create multiple symptoms depending upon the individual. But if you want to know if somebody needs the nut formula, or if the starches in the meat will be enough, if you've got any anxiety, any paranoia, you need the nut formula, period. Okay, do you have questions?

Q: I was actually curious about, do you think a raw vegan diet is worse than the standard diet?

A: Yeah. Well, if you look at the tribes that only eat cooked meats, they have very few diseases. They have gout, they have some osteoporosis, they have some lower intestinal problems, but they have no severe degenerative diseases. 50% of my cancer clients are long-term vegetarian.

Q: Are there [unintelligible]?

A: No, they don't [unintelligible] whole planet. Do you have questions?

Q: Hi Aajonus, I have two things. One is did you hear something about the milk and organic pastures?

A: Okay.

Q: Okay.

A: I was curious about organic pastures because their milk turned bitter for three solid months and I couldn't stand it anymore. So I sent it to a lab and had it tested for toxins. I thought maybe they were, even one farmer said that his milk tasted like that once when his worker wasn't rinsing out a detergent out of the machinery bucket. So I had to check for everything and it came back completely negative for him. So I thought, I don't know. He must be just feeding them some kind of rice bran again and the [unintelligible] acid is causing the bitterness. So I thought that was probably it. But then I ran into a fellow who works for him. We were talking about it and I said, I stopped drinking that milk five months ago because I couldn't stand it being bitter all the time. He said, oh, that's just because you get warm in shipping. I said, Claravale, Claravale gets very warm. I've had dairy for years, 58 years, it never went bitter like this. There's something about it. He said, no, no, no, that's it. Mark says that's what it is. I said, Mark doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He claims to be this brilliant dairy farmer, but he's not. He doesn't know much of anything. He says, well, we chill it to 32 degrees. 32 degrees, freezing temperature. My grandparents were dairy farmers. They supplied all the dairy all the way to Chicago from Sheffield, [unintelligible] for a hundred mile radius all the way over to Chicago. We never allowed the milk to go under 45 degrees because it would have a tendency to go sour or bitter quicker. So I wrote Mark an email and said, Mark, I told him about my grandparents and what they said. I said, if you want to know why your milk is turning bitter, take your milk and test it. I can take milk that's 45 degrees and I can keep it for three weeks without it ever turning bitter or even sour. Once it goes below 45 degrees, you've got a problem.

Q: Well, maybe he listened to you because I bought his milk twice in the past two weeks. And it has been good.

A: Oh, good. Good, good. Thank God.

Q: Well, he was freezing it.

A: Basically he was freezing it.

Q: To make it have a longer life span.

A: Yeah, that's what he thought. But I said, you know, what happens is if you freeze it, you destroy the acidophilus bacteria. So all you have is the [unintelligible] and bulgaricus to digest the fats and the proteins. Then nothing sweet is digested. So you have this bitter milk.

Q: The Amish milk is good.

A: Oh, I love the Amish milk. I mean, I can get that to turn in two days or even sometimes less than two days in my cupboard into kefir.

Q: I started trying to make my own cheese. And I started with the Claravale. And it was so easy to get it to do what I wanted. Then I tried the organic pastures and it wouldn't do anything. Like it just got weird and gross and too thick, too fast. And I couldn't control it. And then I tried it with the Amish milk and it was easy.

A: Can't take it to 32. Can't do it.

Q: I have another question because that wasn't really my question. The question is, what happens to allergies on a raw diet? For instance, I have a whole trouble with the milk still. And that's, I've always been allergic to milk and nuts...

A: Have you tried the nut formula? You're still having an allergic reaction? What is your reaction?

Q: I get, well, my skin starts breaking out and I have a kind of a stuffy in my nose.

A: It's not an allergic reaction. When you have an allergy to food, it happens in the intestine. And then it can cause chemical reactions out of the system. If you're having it here, you've got some kind of toxicity that it's drawing out. Either your brain or your visual nerves.

Q: Yeah, I have, in fact, [unintelligible] visual. So I can just continue drinking the milk and eating the...

A: Absolutely. You just don't drink the milk cold. Because when you drink milk cold, it contracts the stomach. No hydrochloric acid is produced. That milk moves into the duodenum undigested. You absorb the casein and the lactate without digestion and that will cause allergies. So always leave your milk out until it gets warm or put it in a bowl of warm water, you know, inside a jar to warm it. I won't because I have no... Vagus nerves in my stomach. My milk sits out for at least two days before I drink it. You know, I drink that, the sum that I have here, and you see me only sipping it. I sip it, you know, if I'm drinking it and it hasn't been left out.

Q: So between the raw milk and the kefir, is one better than the other? If I use the milk, the kefir?

A: Kefir is always better because kefir, everything is predigested already. So there's very little digestion that has to occur. Same way with high meat. Your bacteria has predigested everything. So, or a lot of it. So that you can break it down into smaller amino acids to do so many more things. And the neurological system, its amino acids are the smallest particles of amino acids. And the only thing that normally breaks that down into that size are the E. coli in the bowels. So if your bowels aren't working or you do enemas or, you know, colonics, you're destroying the nutrients, the protein that's going to feed your nervous system. If you let your meat get high and eat it that way, it'll change the nervous system. That's why you see, I mean, people with psychological problems, 20 minutes. They're different people. They've been on neurological compounds, you know, psychotropic drugs, five a day for 40 years. I've got one guy who suffered so badly, the only job he could do was be a gardener. So he didn't have to be around people. And he'd trim trees and do all of that. He lived in Nevada City. Depressed his whole life. Hated people. Got to eating the high meat finally. Changed his whole, changed his entire life. Now he's got three gorgeous girlfriends. And he's not even that good looking. He's such a happy guy now. And he was depressed and mean all of his life. When he started eating the high meat. He's a nice guy. He's funny. Very funny guy. You know, he just didn't have the nutrients to feed his nervous system properly. So he started eating the high meat. So he only eats high meat. He eats two pounds of high meat a day. And he's got three gorgeous girlfriends. I mean gorgeous girlfriends. And he even made my jaw drop.

Q: Well, the milk that you say you leave out for two days, then do you drink it? You leave it out the whole week until you go get more milk and you start the deal over again?

A: No, I take them out for three days in advance.

Q: I see.

A: So it's out two days and drinking it, you know, one day. So it rotates. Do you have a question?

Q: What do you know about marijuana?

A: Oh, I know a lot about marijuana. For two and a half years, every day.

Q: What did he say?

Q: What do you know about it?

A: There are 16...

Q: What do you know about marijuana?

A: What do I know about marijuana? Marijuana has 16 times minimum the tars that regular cigarettes do. So one joint is like smoking a pack of cigarettes as far as tar goes. And when you're smoking... Pardon? And when you're smoking, the tars are being heated from 750 to 1232 degrees. That crystallizes in the system. It causes lymphatic congestion. It causes severe neurological congestion. So not a good thing. If you're going to take marijuana, you juice it. You get it green and fresh, and you juice it. And I wouldn't take over a teaspoon at a time. And it takes the ptyalin enzyme to release the THC. So you have to leave it in the mouth for as long as you can. If you don't want to juice it, you just chew the leaf. You have to chew and chew and chew and leave it in the mouth for about 20 minutes to get the THC to release if you want to have a high. That's a good high because there's no monoxides in it, and your high lasts for about 3 days without being unruly high.

Q: What is it good for? Is cilantro good for it?

A: No. If you want to get rid of the tars from smoking marijuana, you have to take the juiced marijuana. You have to put about, let's say you have 4 ounces of juiced marijuana. You put about 2 drops of vinegar in there and 2 drops of lemon juice, and you let it ferment. Then those tars will create bacteria that will go in and seek out the tars in your body that have crystallized from smoking marijuana. You take no more than a teaspoon a day about every 4 days.

Q: If you don't do that, will your body eventually detox some of the tar anyway or not?

A: Very little bit. You know, crystallizing at that high temperature, it takes a lot to help. That's still in your body. If it goes to the brain, if the tars go to the brain. That's the THC.

Q: You get the memory loss, you get memory loss.

A: Well, that's mostly the carbon monoxide that causes the brain to shut down.

Q: Does that cause permanent damage?

A: If the tars get into the brain, it can cause permanent damage.

Q: Just only by the tars?

A: Yes. They crystallize. Crystallized tars have an affinity towards the brain. And, you know, it can create strokes, seizures.

Q: So THC isn't part of it?

A: THC is locked in the tar and in the cellulose. So that's why if you chew it a long time, the ptyalin enzyme that's in our saliva will help break it and release it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if it's cooked, yeah, it can. But not raw. So it's not just... It just becomes a psychonutrient. There are lots of tribes that use psychonutrients to stay connected with the earth. Psilocybin, when it's in a mushroom and you have an anti-agent for the strychnine in it, you know, if you're taking something... Like when I was experimenting with it in the 60s, I would always take, you know, like peyote, or the magic cactus, or the mushroom, I would always take it with figs to neutralize the strychnine that naturally existed in it. Well, the natives, they taught me how to think like that. You know, I got books from the Native American Indians, you know, on how they took drugs, how they took care. They knew what was toxic and they knew how to take foods along with their psychotropic nutrients.

Q: Fresh figs or dried?

A: Dried or fresh. Do you have a question? Oh, thank our host.

Q: So, as I've sat here today, I've had these surges that come and go. I don't want to label them just yet, but they're very uncomfortable. I want to say hormonal or adrenaline or something. And I don't get in, but I crave... I know that if I were to eat chocolate, sugar, phenylethylamine, being in a new relationship, helps to elevate my dopamine somehow. If I find some way to elevate my dopamine, I really have to elevate it. I have to have...be really connected with somebody to elevate it. My walks help me. But when I'm working or I'm sitting here today or I'm teaching, and especially when I wake up in the morning, I mean, I almost want to jump out of my seat. And it comes and goes. And it lasts 45 minutes. And then an hour later, I'm jumping out of my seat again. And this is becoming a new thing. It's been... And I eat very high fat. I also... I intuitively know to eat very high fat. I mean, I eat mainly fat, pretty much. And then my next thing is protein.

A: You're not going to digest the fat properly without the protein. So you've got to have the protein. That's why I say everybody needs to eat their first...

Q: I have a lube formula with my meat. And, yeah, I am. And I have coconut. I mean, what you've told me, the coconut cream with my juice.

A: But like I say, you have an overproduction of hormones almost like an athlete. So you have to exercise every day at least 3 hours, 2 1⁄2, 3 hours.

Q: Well, I do now.

A: And you need to do that consistently. And you can't take a day off. Your body, your hormones don't take a day off. And if you want to control them without exercising, then the only way I know is a nut formula. Or some cooked starch with a raw fat, but that creates the acrylamides that collect.

Q: Yeah, the nut formula, I've had cravings for that and I've been having a lot of that. It helps, but I mean, I could... I could eat nut formula constantly.

A: Like I say, you're an athlete. You can't do that. What happens to an athlete when they get...at the end of a season What happens to an athlete when he takes off? Start going out and getting in brawls, they beat up their wives, whatever it is. And they become nuts because they've got hormones that run them to exercise. And if they don't exercise, they're going to have to burn it emotionally. And that's high anxiety. So you just have to consider that you have to make plans for you to exercise every day.

Q: I do, but more than an hour is a lot of time.

A: I know, but that's you.

Q: And will it subside at some point?

A: That's for life. I have very little hormone. The only hormone I had largely was sex. Finally, that subsided. Going around masturbating five times a day is, you know, it's annoying.

Q: Surely [unintelligible] can help you.

A: So, you know, it's calmed down, you know. But that was... I had no worry circles in my eyes. I shouldn't have even had that over production, but I did. You have so many of those hormone lines in your eyes. That's for life. They don't change. That's your system. So you have to schedule your time into your body. You're not going to schedule your time, your body, into your time.

Q: So the reason I didn't feel this so much before was because I was so heavy and I was...

A: You had all that fat and you were eating poor foods.

Q: I was... I mean, I met... I just was a sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. I was so heavy.

A: Okay, Roger, do you have questions?

Q: Yeah. My question involves chelation, you've heard of that. And there's intravenous, which is EDTA, and then they also have oral chelation now, which doesn't have EDTA. It's supposedly been that it's these heavy metals are flushed out through the bowel, whereas EDTA is going through the kidney.

A: I've never seen tests on humans that were proper, and most of the tests have been done on pigs. And they haven't collected properly to prove to me that all of the... See, they use...when they use chelation therapy, they're using a metallic agent, EDTA, they use a sulfur drug. Sulfur will dry out the body, but it has a magnetism toward heavy metals. What is going to relieve it from the body unless you have tons of fat? So whenever I have seen, and well, 95% of the people, or even a little bit higher, 95% of the people who I have seen who've had chelation therapy have taken the heavy metals from their glands and their soft organs and deposited it in their bones, lymphatic system, and connective tissue. So they've taken one area and put it to another. Not only have they done that, but the agent, the chelation agent, becomes a part of that compound and stores in the body too. I've seen people's skin turn into toilet paper after about 10 years after. Because it just starts disassembling everything. It takes minerals out of everything, not just search those toxic metals out and takes them out of the body.

Q: Well, does it take the plaque out of the circulatory system?

A: It could do that, but then it starts taking apart the arteries and starts taking apart everything else. So that's not a way to do it.

Q: What is the way to do it?

A: Drinking cilantro juice with coconut cream and dairy cream, berries and coconut cream. That's a safe way to do it. But to get rid of the plaque, you just need to heat the body, get high blood pressure. High blood pressure we have for a reason. Everybody who has clogged arteries gets heart, gets elevated blood pressure. It's to stretch out those veins or else they end up getting strokes. And the doctors got it completely backwards. Because the pharmaceutical industry wants your money. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I do. I got two. One is since you travel a lot in Thailand, have you heard, I'm sure you must have heard the food mangosteen ?

A: Yeah.

Q: Is that good? What's your feeling about that food? Because some people like selling it for the skin being very therapeutic. Is that true for that?

A: If you could digest it.

Q: Is this the mango seed or the mango?

A: Mangosteen, that's a different thing. But that skin is very complex. It's a complex cellulose. So if you were a cow or a deer or a goat or a sheep, you'd be able to digest it, get a lot out of it. Unless you take that skin and you chew it for 30 minutes, then you might get some good benefit of it. But these people who think that they are getting some benefit by just chewing the fruit and swallowing the skin, they're not going to get much out of it. A little bit maybe, maybe 2% or 3%, but not a lot.

Q: What if they use it as an herb? They would boil the skin.

A: What happens when you boil the skin? What happens in all foods? You have metals, you have trace metals, arsenic, lead, mercury, in every food that exists, in every leaf, in every skin that there is, bark, no matter what it is, stalk, root, you have those elements. You have iron, all these metals that are in every food. When you cook it, you break all the bonds and they all become free radicals. Tea is a poor man's remedy. The pharaohs and all the dynasties, they had fresh juice, was their medicine. The poor people, the lackeys out in the fields, they had to boil theirs. They had nobody to crush and juice their vegetables. And it wasn't a healthy way to do it. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I know you said about eating cold meat and cold milk, and trying to have them...

A: Cold milk is different and cold meat is different. You can eat cold meat.

Q: Oh, you can?

A: Yeah.

Q: Oh, I thought one time you said the same thing with the high... It contracts the stomach?

A: Yeah, it contracts the stomach, but you should [unintelligible] hydrochloric acid. Meat is not a liquid. So it's not going to absorb right into the duodenum quickly. It's going to have to go through the channel slowly. You'll digest it slower. You've got hydrochloric acid all throughout the small intestine. So that meat has 16 hours to digest. Milk is going to be absorbed because it's liquid very rapidly. So as soon as it enters the stomach, you better start digesting it. Cold meat is different.

Q: Oh, okay. I've been eating my... I don't like it warm, but I've been eating it warm because I thought you said that you should...

A: I only like mine warm taste-wise. I like the taste of warm. No, that's milk and eggs.

Q: Well, eggs you can't refrigerate anyway.

A: That's right.

Q: But yogurt or kefir, that's okay cold.

A: Once, yeah. Once it's kefir, it's already pre-digested.

Q: And milk is the only thing that you can't drink cold. Anything else you can have cold, just milk, you've got to make sure it's warm.

Q: But kefir, once it's pre-digested, you can drink it.

A: See, I even made my ice cream out of kefir. I don't use milk to make my ice cream. And it tastes so much better. I made an orange rum ice cream last night.

Q: How do you get rum?

A: You have to make a raw bitter chocolate. I had the recipe that I made the cheesecake with. You make the chocolate that way. You just have to let it sit for about two months until it ferments. And it creates a rum in it. And it's not too strong. And you only use like a tablespoon per quart of mixture for the ice cream. And I use like two oranges. I used kefir, cream, and honey. And just about a tablespoon of the chocolate. A heaping tablespoon of the chocolate.

Q: Which chocolate?

A: It was incredible. The chocolate that I make.

Q: Oh, you buy it from James?

A: You buy the cocoa beans from James. But to make the chocolate, it's a process.

Q: Is it in the book?

A: No, it's not in the book.

Q: Are you going to have it in your book?

A: I don't have it in the book. There's a website that's going up. And I've already contracted, so I can't give out that recipe normally to people because that kind of new stuff and information is going to be on that website. There will be a biweekly or a monthly newsletter where I'm going to be giving out information like I do here. I'll pick a particular subject and go through it. You'll be able to go online and search all the information that is not even in my books that I make available. The books will be able to be searchable. You'll be able to buy the books in PDF format so you can search them yourself if you have Acrobat Reader. So there's going to be many benefits to that. You can have your hard copy and you can have your digital copy. If you want to search something quickly, that's the way to do it.

Q: Is this your [unintelligible]?

A: No, I don't have the time to do it. But I found somebody else who does.

Q: Are they going to charge for this?

A: Yes, it's going to be something like $79 a year. $30 for a month trial or something like that.

Q: We have to pay.

A: You'd have to pay that amount. $79 maybe.

Q: So you're not going to tell us how to make the chocolate?

A: I can't.

Q: Why not?

A: I can't.

Q: Because we won't tell.

A: Because I've contracted it. If you email me, I'll send it to you.

Q: You'll get a bunch of emails.

A: Yeah, but I can attach it to that quickly. But you guys can't give it out.

Q: Is this in the coconut cream recipe, the coconut cheesecake recipe [unintelligible]?

A: No, that was, yes, it is in that. It is in that.

Q: I'm not giving it to anybody.

A: Right, yeah.

Q: Make it for the next talk.

A: But that was the chocolate orange cheesecake.

Q: That's right.

A: It's the same thing as that, only you're making ice cream with it and the chocolate's fermented.

Q: Right.

A: See, it wasn't fermented when I made the cheesecake.

Q: Okay.

Q: Can I ask you just one thing on my last question? I'll have a cold yogurt, but I always crave milk. So I'll have a cold yogurt and a warm milk right after. Is that okay?

A: Yeah.

Q: So if I have cold meat, I shouldn't even have warm milk then. Does that matter?

A: No, that's okay.

Q: Yeah?

A: If you're having warm milk, that's fine.

Q: Yeah, okay. But just the cold yogurt is just too much cold and it won't produce the hydrochloric acid?

A: Well, it'll just contract the stomach, so then the hydrochloric acid's not going to dump even into the warm milk.

Q: Yeah.

A: It's just going to get in there.

Q: So anything cold, really, I shouldn't have with the, even though the milk's warm?

A: With milk that isn't already kefir yogurt.

Q: Yeah, okay. Okay.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: I'll go first. First of all, I want to mention, I don't have a computer, so I'm trying to look around for people who can make me a flyer, and I'm going to be going around, if it's not a question, I want to have somebody on the computer to look up chemical analysis chemtrails. I want to go around to see, because it's been put out, like you said, by U.S. government military springs, and it's iridescent clouds.

A: Yeah, but you don't have time to talk about that.

Q: Oh, no, I don't want to talk about it.

A: She needs somebody...

Q: Ask somebody who has a computer.

A: She needs somebody to go online and search the websites who've done chemical analysis of chemtrails.

Q: And to type a flyer for me, and I'll be the distributor around it. I'll be shipping it.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: How do you know?

A: Well, what they did here in L.A., you know what they did? They got so many calls about it, they stopped doing it over L.A. Now they do it over Ventura and over Malibu and let it float over into L.A.

Q: I saw it the other day.

A: Right.

Q: Well, Dennis Kucinich withdrew his support from it, what I heard. But he did know about the chemical trails. It's started by the U.S. government and the military puts it out, springs from airplanes.

Q: Well, can't you do some of the research at the library?

Q: I don't have a... All right, I'll do the research, but I need somebody with a computer who can type me up a flyer because otherwise if I go to Kinko's, I'm going to have to put out $45 for a flyer set up.

Q: You can do it at the library. It's free at the library.

Q: I don't know how to use a computer to put up a flyer.

Q: They'll show you. It's really easy.

Q: You just have to type it out and then they'll print it and everything.

Q: If I want to make a flyer.

A: Okay, you guys can work this out another time.

Q: Oh, no, I have a question I want to say. That was just an announcement if anybody was willing to help.

Q: Question?

Q: Okay, if you have anything like material like cashmere, a sweater, what do you do? Can you wash it in the washing machine? Is it going to shrink? Because it says on the label, wash by hand.

A: I wash wool, I wash silk and everything in a washing machine.

Q: A regular washing machine.

A: You put it inside a pillowcase. You put your sweater or your item that is a wool that's a hair. To keep it from shrinking, keep it from stretching out of form, you put it inside a pillowcase. You rubber band that shut and you wash in cold water. You do not dry it in a dryer. You have to lay it out.

Q: One thing, you put a rubber band tighter. How many times do you wrap it?

A: Kathy, watch. You take a pillowcase, you open it, you put the sweater inside of it. Leave it open, don't have it folded in there. It's kind of out. Put it in there. You've got this pillowcase with this way up the top. You wrap a rubber band until it's around there tight.

Q: How is the water going to go through?

A: The water goes through the material.

Q: It's going to be tight, the rubber band tight around it.

Q: Just try it.

Q: I see the water gets on...

A: It goes through the pillowcase.

Q: What kind of soap do you use?

A: I use Biokleen, B-I-O-K-L-E-E-N.

Q: Where do you get that from?

A: I use their cleaner degreaser. It's made with grapeseed oil and orange peel oil.

Q: They have a detergent.

A: I use the same thing. I use it for everything. It works perfectly. It's a concentrate and it causes less pollution. I only have to use a tablespoon per washer load.

Q: If you use any more, it's bad?

A: You're polluting. You're also going to get more detergent in your clothes.

Q: So no more than a tablespoon per wash load?

A: Wash load, yes.

Q: But if you have only one item to wash, like you said, the sweater?

A: Then use just a cap or a teaspoon if you're putting it in a washing machine. There are other things you might be able to wash in cold water. You can wash other things with that sweater.

Q: Like what? Like anything red?

A: Yes. Anything that's colorful that you want to wash in cold water.

Q: I wouldn't wash a white sweater in red.

Q: Should I be washing my eyes with the egg whites because I have low light sensitivity?

A: Absolutely.

Q: How often?

AL I would say once a day minimum. Twice a day would be better.

Q: I don't beat the egg whites, right?

A: No.

Q: Just enough to coat the eyes, let it absorb?

A: [unintelligible] just came for a consult this weekend, and her eyes were so sensitive, I couldn't even get them open to take the photograph. So I took some egg white and I put a few drops in each eye, and the eyes stayed completely open. I do this all the time.

Q: It's amazing.

A: People have incredible light sensitivity. A few drops in, held in for three minutes, the eyes are just going to absorb it all. So if you go out and you have a day when you can't open your eyes because of the outside light, you drop a few drops of egg white in your eyes, and a few minutes later you'll be able to withstand the light. It's that easy.

Q: I've never been able to withstand light, and after he even put the flashlight in my eye, there was no flashes, nothing. And I even lose the vision in my eyes because of light. And that was like...

Q: It didn't happen to you?

Q: No, it didn't happen at all.

Q: How long does that last, that egg white?

A: It only lasts until she goes to sleep. That's all it lasts.

Q: So every day I should do that for how long, just until I'm no longer sensitive?

A: You can do it the rest of your life. If you're living in Los Angeles, if you're living in West Hollywood, the pollution, everybody should be using it. If you're living in Malibu, use it when you have to. But if you're living in L.A. City, anywhere, the valley, anywhere, you should be putting that in your eye every day, if you want to maintain or improve your eyesight.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes.

Q: Do you use an eye dropper?

A: I use, well, for patients I use an eye dropper. For me, it's when I break an egg and, you know, I suck it, I just take a little bit and go like this, you know, I just put it on my finger and rub it like that on the lower, and then I just hold my eye open and roll it around like a circus master until it gets all absorbed into the eye.

Q: Where did you learn that?

A: Well, I was doing chemical analysis in the laboratory on egg white, and I realized it was almost identical to teardrops, but it had more protein in it. And I said, oh, how would it work if I fed egg white into the eye? And then I saw, I found all these, discovered all these things that it did, improved vision and everything.

Q: Because the egg's pretty sterile if you [unintelligible].

A: Pardon me?

Q: The egg's pretty sterile [unintelligible].

A: Yeah. Unless it's cracked.

Q: What about those laundry bags, you know, those mesh laundry bags that you can get?

A: I've never tried one, you know, so I don't know. Probably would work okay.

Q: Oh, for putting the cashmere sweater?

A: Yeah.

Q: It has holes in it, though.

A: Yeah, but it's not going to, you need something that is going to allow it to stretch out of shape.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: That's the importance there. Because, you know, you can have one arm that stretches this far, you know, and you have another one that's this long, you know, so that's, in a bag, is to keep it from stretching out of shape.

Q: And you gave me a specific diet yesterday. Should I also add the Nut formula to that or no? Not right now.

A: If you feel neurotic sometimes, absolutely.

Q: I'm always freaked out.

A: Okay, then you should be adding.

Q: I have what she has. It's the kids have adrenaline and...

A: Yeah, but you've got over seven worry circles, so you're an athlete, you know, so you have to exercise five hours a day.

Q: You're comparatively...

Q: I'm sorry, I'm being...

Q: Because I know what you're talking about. The hits of, you just feel it like waves are shooting through your body.

Q: Yeah.

Q: And I hate it. It's horrible.

A: So you have to do the exercise and take the Nut formula.

Q: Okay.

A: Well, Nut formula probably twice a week for you.

Q: Okay, and that's it.

A: Most people only have to take it one day a week. Other people need to take it more often. Clay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, a couple. One, how do you treat hypothyroidism? The second one is...

A: Hypo or hyper?

Q: Hyper.

A: Hyper. Pine nuts.

Q: Okay.

A: Easy as that, pine nuts.

Q: Okay.

A: It restricts the thyroid from producing T3 and T4.

Q: Perfect. The second one is, I finished reading a book, Magic, Mud, Worms, and Other Miracles, that book. The guy talked about phimosis, talked about... I was really ticked, but a guy just pissed me off. Anyway, he talked about this condition where you don't get circumcised, called phimosis. And he never talked about how you handle that. [unintelligible]

A: Well, he went off on his tangent.

Q: He sure did.

A: About circumcision.

Q: Yeah, oh, yeah, he did, right.

A: But, you know, you can get it in a vagina, you can get anywhere where you don't keep it clean if you're eating garbage food. If you're eating food that causes degeneration in the body, you're going to have lots of, you know, solvents, virus, you know, in the system that's going to irritate the skin. So you'll have rashes and irritation in those areas. But that doesn't mean that you can circumcise and cut your dick off and eat properly.

Q: That's all.

Q: What do you eat for hypothyroid?

A: Hypothyroid? Lots of...

Q: Glands.

A: Lots of what?

Q: Glands.

A: Glands. If you eat the thyroid gland, that's very helpful. But if you don't have access to a thyroid gland, which is the best thing to eat. You can add protein and fats together. Especially a combination of butter and cream and liver would be a good combination to help reduce thyroxin.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Did you use both tapes?

Q: Wait a second.

A: She asked about freckles and brown spots. Freckles and brown spots are fine.

Q: From the sun?

A: Yeah. They're not from the sun, but it is a form of endometriosis. You have glandular cells that no longer can produce hormones. They're still live cells and act as skin cells. So the body takes them out of the gland and sends them to the skin. And then when you get sunshine, those cells, because they're more fatty prone, or higher in fat, can absorb the sun's rays and allow you to absorb a lot more vitamin D. So having freckles and brown spots is an advantage.

Q: So as we get older [unintelligible]

A: Unless you're black, then you already got the greatest thing to have.

Q: They call them age spots.

Q: It surfaces later when we're older?

A: Yeah. The body starts throwing out glands that don't produce hormones across the gland out to the skin. Most people don't eat enough protein to reproduce cells. So the body wants to use every live cell in the body and not destroy it. Even if it can't function as a gland cell anymore, it still functions as a good skin cell.

Q: What about iodine?

A: Iodine is a toxic, poisonous substance.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely. It's a poison.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes it is.

Q: I mean, does the thyroid need iodine at all?

A: Yeah, you just need some zucchini juice. That's all. You've got zinc and iodine in almost everything. If it's raw and you've not cauterized the iodine or chemically treated it like an iodized salt, you need very little iodine to make it. The pharmaceutical house got into selling iodine. They always look for some so-called active ingredient. It's all about the market.

Q: Is [unintelligible] good for this one?

A: [unintelligible]? That's pretty good. That's a good source of it.

Q: But don't the glands get to work back after a while, some of them, like any other thyroid?

A: Yeah, they will.

Q: So don't go backwards.

A: It takes time. Everything takes time. There's no magic bullets.

Q: Back to the first question. When they tell women [unintelligible] they tell you you have a yeast infection, and they give you that mycelic 7 or whatever. What is mycelic? Do you know what's in that?

A: It destroys yeast. It destroys any live fungi.

Q: So what is it?

A: It's an antifungal. It's a poison. It will kill your cells along with the fungus. But you've got a yeast infection because you've got sugar toxins that are discharging to the female organs. It doesn't mean you should get rid of them. You just need to eat properly.

Q: Everybody has it.

Q: So they would always give me that stuff, and I was wondering if I'm now detoxing some of that stuff out of my body.

A: You'll detox it for years.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that's fine. What that does is keep the odor out. Because your yeasts that are feeding on toxic substances usually have a foul odor. Then when you put the fresh bacteria in there with the yogurt to keep it, it eats that and keeps the odor out.

Q: Is there a lab that we can use to test things if we'd like to?

A: $2,200 minimum per test. We go all the way up to $8,000.

Q: $80,000?

A: $8,000.

Q: You pay that?

A: I paid over a million dollars in the years that I've been researching. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible] absorption or spectral analysis?

A: All kinds of spectral analysis. I've got a good lab in Missouri that I go to. I've got a good working relationships. A friend that I had over here in the valley for about 18, 19 years, he died about seven years ago. I couldn't do anybody else to do it here.

Q: You could have bought your own spectral counter.

A: Yeah, well, yeah.

Q: I can get you a used for it if you want.

A: For $80,000?

Q: No.

A: You can get them for less?

Q: Oh, yeah.

A: Yeah, but that's only one test. I need to do many different tests.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: You guys, it's [unintelligible] son of a really bad eczema. I'm like, you know, the skin is like healing. If you took that skin into the lab, would they see chemicals in the skin?

A: You have to ask to see chemicals. See, when you go to a doctor, when they send it to a lab, they ask for microorganisms. They want to know the value, the quantity, the types of organic organisms. That's what they're looking for. They don't look for heavy metals. They don't look for toxicity. They don't look for medication byproducts. They don't want to know that. They want to blame nature for disease when it's chemicals that are the problem. Like the woman that died a few months ago, I don't know if Kimberly was in by now.

Q: Yes, she died.

A: She died of metal poisoning.

Q: Metal poisoning.

A: But she came out in the form of breast cancer and then metastasized to the lung and to the liver. At the end of the road, you know, she kept her weight, you know, maybe 15 pounds over weight, which wasn't enough for her situation. Because when she got into her vomiting phase, she didn't make it through the vomiting phase. She couldn't eat. And she didn't have enough weight to take her through that. And I had two of her vomits analyzed, and the laboratory called me and said, somebody's poisoning this client of yours. And I said, why? And they said, it has 3,000 times the lethal dose of thallium in it. Thallium. It's a metal that's like, it's almost as soft as lead and almost as toxic as mercury. And I said, this woman was a jewelry maker. And she didn't use any mask and any gloves. And she worked with, you know, metal, you know, non-precious metals, you know, for seven years like that. And I said, [unintelligible] dumping it? And she would either make it or not make it. She didn't make it. Didn't make it. See, now, a doctor would have never looked for that. They're looking for the cancer cells are the problem. That's not the problem. The poisons that cause the cancer to grow are the problem. How do you identify that? If you identify that, then we start throwing out industry and blaming industry. And then you can start filing lawsuits against the medical profession, against everybody, and what's going to happen? Society's going to fall. So they're not looking to do that.

Q: Do you know someone that will do that?

A: Yeah, I know a laboratory that will do it. But, you know, I have a PhD now, and they just started doing it for me in the last, you know, five months. So now I've got a laboratory doing it for me again. But it's taken me a long time to find a laboratory.

Q: You still have to pay if you have a PhD?

A: Oh, yeah. Well, what's a degree pay them? They have to do all the work, and they have the machinery.

Q: Do you have a dentist you can recommend?

A: I use one in Mexico because I don't [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Maybe somebody gave the name to me, but I don't know anybody. I don't go to dentists in America because they won't do what I want.

Q: If one's going to have it done, is one going to have a lot of fat before you have the procedure?

A: Yeah. And I certainly wouldn't do it as thin as you are. I'd give you 10 pounds before I'd have something like that. And then you can lose it a couple of weeks after, maybe three, four weeks after.

Q: There's a dentist that's connected with Weston Price?

A: There are lots of dentists that Weston Price... Weston Price has a list. You pay six or seven dollars for it, maybe ten dollars now. And they get a whole page of all these holistic dentists throughout the United States.

Q: You don't think they are?

A: Pardon?

Q: You don't think they are?

A: The holistic dentists will still put the same Novocaine and Xylocaine and X-rays and do the same thing. They're just not putting the mercury in your mouth. But they do everything else the same. When I go to Mexico, there's no anything other than what I want done, and that's it.

Q: My dentist, I put him off from X-rays. January, when I go, he won't see me anymore because I won't let him do X-rays.

A: Yeah, that's what I mean. In this country, it's...

Q: So even the holistic dentists will sit up and do X-rays?

A: Yeah, they'll say the same thing.

Q: But if they don't use X-rays...

Q: There's one in Beverly Hills, but I don't know if you want to pay.

A: I don't want them to find out. If I've got a problem and they can see it, that's what I want them to take care of, if I have a problem with it.

Q: Tell me about the guy in Mexico.

Q: So who's your guy in Mexico?

A: Tomás Britton.

Q: In Tijuana?

A: Tijuana.

Q: Okay.

Q: What's he called?

A: B-R-I-T-T-O-N. Tomás Britton.

Q: Do you recommend Dr. Chacard on Beverly Hills?

A: I don't know Chacard, but I've met him. But, you know, he's into the same stuff.

Q: Because he has a thing that, up above the... a gem that goes on...

A: And this man will put a $2,000 gem and implant it in your tooth because he thinks it improves life. $2,000 diamond implanted in your tooth.

Q: He has something up above the ceiling.

A: Yeah, and he has all kinds of gadgets. I think he came from a different planet.

Q: It's like the healing crystals.

A: I've never seen any one of those clients any healthier than anybody else out there. I don't have much credence to...

Q: Jane Stewart went there.

Q: [unintelligible] bacterial infection in the vagina?

A: Well, I say in the book it's preferable to use the kefir. All right, folks. I think we'll end this at 5 o'clock. Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you. The next one will take place in Venice at Nathan's house, Venice Boulevard on the beach. And it won't be until February.

Q: February what?

A: I don't know yet. I haven't decided. It'll probably be around the 11th, 4th or the 11th. No, it's a Saturday. It'll be the 5th or the 12th of February. But I will send out the announcement.

Q: Could I still...