Q&A Of June 22, 2003

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, I think Frank had a subject he wanted me to cover. Frank, is there a subject you wanted me to cover before I begin? Can we talk over something here?

Q: I was going to mention [unintelligible].

Q: Unless you want to get into teeth at all. [unintelligible]

A: That's what you want me to go over?

Q: Oh, I'd love that, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Just about root canals [unintelligible].

A: I'll just go over it in general. Okay, don't ask questions yet. All right, Jim, do you want to come up and say something?

Q: Yeah, I don't know how many of you guys know Laurie and Jacob, but we were just in Hawaii, my wife and I, the last couple of weeks of May. And there's this place, Pangaia, P-A-N-G-A-I-A. You can look it up on the internet. It's basically a farm. Started out, one guy 20 years ago got three acres. And then people who owned the adjacent acres and weren't doing anything with it just basically donated or leased it. So that these guys have a just, you know, Laurie is on the raw food side from Aajonus, but there's vegetarians there. There's, you know, various people that eat raw foods. And it is fantastic. You know, they milk the cow. They get a gallon and a half from the cow every morning, every night. They milk the goats, you know. They get the mangoes from the trees, you know. And particularly the vegetarians are in there smacking these macadamia nuts, you know, like mad. And it all just grows and thrives. You know, it's a beautiful place in the jungle in the south of the island of Hawaii. So I just want to refer you guys to their website. And they took such good care of us. It was the cost that we paid for two people, 120 bucks a night. They gave us our own private jungle, you know, kind of a they call it a cube, you know, because of the shape.

A: Cottage.

Q: Cottage, yeah. And, you know, it's got a bug screen around it so you're not swamped with the bugs. But, you know, you go out and look at the, you know, the island of Hawaii has got really clear air. And you can see the stars all over the place at night. And it's just so peaceful. It's just an absolutely great place. And for the price, you not only get fed, but you get a tour guide for the whole day. Any place you want to go and tell me the locals are the ones that know where the great places are. So the whole thing, I just want you to know about it.

Q: Is that Kona?

Q: No, that's on Hawaii.

A: Kona's on the other side. It's on the south side of the big island. If you go there, they do provide you for primal diet. The butter, the cream, everything. The juice.

Q: Cheese.

A: They do it all for you.

Q: For two people. For one person it's 60 bucks a night.

A: I told them to raise the price.


Q: You can pay more. They won't complain.

A: What's that again?

Q: P-A-N-G-A-I-A.

A: It's www.pangaia.cc.

Q: They do have a phone number. It's on the website.

A: Their telephone number is 805-965-9988.

Q: 99 what?

A: 9988. Yeah, and only speak to Menise about it or Lori.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: 805. Oh, 808. I'm sorry. 808. It's 808. 965-9988.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Santa Barbara.

Q: Santa Barbara. All year round.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have to call them and see. Because they have a flux of people coming from all over the world. All kinds of raw diets. You have to be a raw fooder to eat there. To be there. Most of them are instictos. Which means they eat what appeals to their senses. So they eat a lot of fruit. And there are a lot of basket cases there. A lot of emotionally intense people. [unintelligible] They're both pretty strictly on the primal diet. So they're the ones that head the whole thing. And she's the one that will take you everywhere.

Q: That's right.

A: It's a good time. Lori. You met Lori? My ex?

Q: Right.

Q: Is that where she stays?

A: Yeah. Well, she stays at a community just down the street right now. She had committed to a year with that and with this other community. And at the other community, it's smaller. But they're all on the primal diet. Okay. The subject of teeth. Something I haven't really gone into in the book. And it disturbs a lot of people because it's a painful area. It's a delicate area. I think I mentioned that after chemo and radiation and surgery, my teeth just dangled. All the bone deteriorated around my teeth. So they were all loose and very painful. And if I bit down, I'd lose a half a cup of blood each time I bit down. So I had to drink everything through a straw. Of course, I was a vegetarian or a fruitarian, so that was easy to do at the time. But, of course, that sugar, all that high sugar, kept the bones from growing. And it wasn't until I started eating dairy products and meat that my teeth solidified again to where they were. And I didn't lose them. But they wanted to pull all of them when I was 22 years old, 21 years old. And I said, if I'm going to my grave, I'm going to my grave with my teeth. I said, well, what does it matter if you're in your grave? I said, hey, I'm already ugly. So I refused to do it. And it's been a lot of healing with my teeth because they pretty much rotted. They were rotted by about 50% by the time I was 28 years old on an all-fruit diet. And then at 29 and a half, I began eating meat and then it changed. My teeth started solidifying. The bones started growing quickly. Everything started to mend. It took about 13 years to stabilize. I had no pain. Even if I had several teeth that I refused to get filled because I wanted to see what it would be like naturally to experience it. I don't suggest that people do that because you will lose teeth doing that. I suggest if you have fillings, I mean holes in your teeth, you have them filled with inlays, porcelain inlays. Plastic is highly toxic and the gums will recede. If you put [unintelligible] or any kind of plastic in the tooth, the gum will rot and recede away from it. So then you have an open area for cavitation. If you use an inlay, there isn't that kind of a gross gassing of BPA. And I understand why now it does that because they just came out with a report two months ago that showed that BPA, bisphenol A, it causes 82% of the animals in the laboratory experiment to have developed brain cancer. 82% of them. So the FDA is talking about alkaline BPA being used to solidify plastic. But we're already in it. If you have synthetic rugs, if you have synthetic clothes, it's in all of it. So you breathe it. If you have fibers, lint from your clothes, and they're synthetic, you breathe them. That melts in your lungs because your lungs have to dissolve it. And what happens is you release dioxins, BPA, and a number of other toxins. In the plastic fillings, which are called composites, you have that BPA in a very high amount because they want to make them so hard and strong. And what happens is if you ever have a facial put on, which means a cavity, the gum line on the face of the tooth, your gum will recede from it quickly. So composites are not a good thing. Porcelain, some call them enamel fillings, are the best thing. It's much more expensive. So if you have the time and you can do it, you can go down to Mexico and have it done for a third of the price.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Porcelain, yeah.

Q: What about gold?

A: Some people recommend gold, but then there's a tendency that it helps conduct radio frequencies. So there are some people who have radio signals in their sleep and hear them and it disturbs their sleep. And some people it just does it on a normal basis depending on how perceptive their ears are. So there's also a doctor who calculated the amount of radiation that it attracts, gold. So metal is attracting radiation and radio waves. Radio waves are irradiation just below that of light level radiation. So he doesn't recommend and most people don't recommend metal for that reason. So your porcelain is most likely to cause less toxicity. You're always going to have some toxicity because they have to have an epoxy to adhere it to the tooth. If you have an inlay, they make it a little bit fatter than the tooth so it snaps in. So you have a very minor amount of epoxy. Now I've met with this one dentist who is very naturally oriented. He believes that people should just leave their cavitations open like I do. But he hasn't seen what I've seen. He thinks that just adding mineral supplements to that, a good diet, will reverse all that condition. And it's theoretical and I've seen that this isn't true. It doesn't happen that way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. So if you have any plastic food bags, take it out and put it in glass. Anyway, so it would be better if you didn't interrupt me until another time. Leaving the tooth available to the oxygen, the oxygen itself is going to oxidize the tubules. Tubules are like veins that come to the skin in the tooth. And they feed like the lymph and the [unintelligible] and all the nutrients out through the dentine to keep the dentine layer safe. When you have a cavitation and that oxygen is getting in there, it's like soft bone marrow and it will decay. Not decay, it will oxidize. I've been back to the dentist over the last 15 years several times. I have absolutely no decay in my mouth, but I have all these rocky-looking teeth, but that's oxidization. So I'm not breeding bacteria to degenerate my teeth, but naturally from oxidization it happens. So I don't recommend people do that. I'm just experimenting with myself to see what will happen. There's several records of people in later life growing a third set of teeth. So I just got one from a man who was, well, it was a medical report from Vietnam. A 90-year-old man grew a third set of teeth. And he had been toothless since he was 60. So he liked this, he'd probably start eating all those things he couldn't eat again. So I don't want to contaminate it with any epoxies or anything, because I have such severe damage to my teeth that when the fillings pop out, I just leave them exposed. So I may go with dentures for a while and just go through the tooth, but teeth will grow eventually. But on this diet, there are several things that will not happen to people on this diet that happen to people that are not on the diet. And that is when you have a root canal and you've already had one done, there is a space in the base of the tooth which is very, very fine and small. Now, because the nerve there is the most sensitive, they don't drill down to that little pocket. And it's difficult for them to get down there and drill in anyway when you're [unintelligible] tooth to do that. So they'll grind out the nerve, deteriorate the nerve all the way down to that little bitty, probably one centimeter of tissue that's in that little pocket. Now, normally in a person who doesn't get fed well, what will happen is that will abscess. And then the body will start pouring the pus out to get rid of the dead cells that are decaying there. On this diet, you have enough nutrients, you don't have to worry about that. What the dentists love to do is charge you about two grand and go in there and cut the gum open, break that off, and then reseal it. The amount of repair that you have to do is going to far exceed the process of your body using bacteria to get rid of that little bit of decaying flesh in that little bitty pocket, that little bitty space. So if you're on the diet, let's say 85%, 95%, you don't have to worry about it. And I'd say even if you're doing it less, you don't have to worry about it. You just have to deal with an abscess that's going to come out your gum and secrete a little stinking smell off of it and be pussy. But it's much easier than going, and a lot less expensive, and a lot less damage to your overall constitution than having surgery. If people are very, very ill and very old, surgery can be a relief because they don't get enough nutrients to detox the area and to keep up with that kind of infectious byproduct. Now, the infection is not a bad thing. Bacteria goes in there and eats the decaying tissue, and then it has waste products. But what bacteria does is when it eats this degenerative tissue, just like we'll take seven pounds of food a day or better, or more, and we'll reduce it into one nice, elongated fecal matter. And that's what bacteria do. They reduce all this contamination to a small substance that's easier to deal with. That's why I encourage people all to eat shit and live. You know, if they have cancer or eat high bacterial meat, take it in there and eat up tumors or whatever is degenerative in your body. That's the thing to do is to infect yourself with bacteria. So they'll go in there and do it. Now, virus is not a live thing. It's a conglomeration of structure of proteins that's not alive. And the medical profession says that viruses are contagious. That's like a hundred years ago, everybody used to make soaps in their homes with coconut oil and alcohol or coconut oil and vinegar. That was soap. Soap was made that way. That would be like saying soap is contagious because it appears in every home. Everybody makes solvents. Everybody's body makes solvents [unintelligible] all compounds. But when your body uses a solvent process, it takes a lot of dilution. So instead of reducing the toxic material involved, it expands it. Like we're washing something. We keep diluting it with water and washing it away. And then you have this bucket of garbage. It's a lot different. When bacteria and parasites eat something, they always reduce the contamination. Parasites, where they can take three times their weight and reduce it into a hundredth of what it was. That's why I love parasites because their byproducts are so minimal. It's easier to handle. You just have to eat a lot of meat so that you don't ulcerate. Keep dividing cells so that you can patch the degenerative areas where the parasites eat. Basically that's it. So you don't have to be afraid of your teeth. Like I said, if you don't want them to rot in your face, then put porcelain fillings on them. Porcelain fillings last longer. They don't crack as easily. They may last 20 years as a composite. Plastic is very toxic. It will cause recession of gums and of the internal nerve. It can last a year, two years, three years at the most. It's cracking and splitting and turning black. These two right here, these are plastic faces on here. You can see them turning black. So, I've got an option for it, I have them broken out and I resurface it. I go around and take it off and it has these black teeth remaining. That's an option that I'm considering right now. So I may just have a porcelain face put on it. Take the plastic off because it's causing my gums to completely pocket right here and bleed a lot.

Q: [unintelligible] wisdom teeth can grow back? [unintelligible]

A: I don't know. I've only witnessed a few people growing teeth in their later life, and I've only witnessed a couple of young people in their 20s who had open, huge cavities, and from drinking the milk and eating the raw food products and the meats, their dentine grew back. Cavities grew back.

Q: I'm talking about the wisdom teeth they pull it out.

A: I don't know. There's some belief that there's a seed at the base of the tooth, and when they extract and pull it out, they pull the seed with it. So if you've had your wisdom teeth or any teeth pulled, there's a possibility you won't grow the tooth back. The only people that I know that have grown teeth back in advanced ages all had their teeth brought out naturally. But I don't know. That's only information. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's going to happen. Your body discharges poison in every way it can, through the skin mostly. So that's the biggest bowel is the skin. So you're all full of shit. Then at the bowel is the next major area, the tear ducts, the earwax, the gums, the tongue, the salivary glands, your nails. It mostly builds toxic metals into the hair and nails from the bones. Vaginal area, anywhere there's mucus, the penis, the urinary tract, wherever the body can discharge poisons, it will. And because we are so toxic, everything, every part of us is an asshole. Basically. You don't have to worry about it. Somebody calls you an asshole, you say, I know it, thank you. That I am. I've got to get poisons out somehow.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? Well gas is usually what happens is you get poisons that are in the intestinal walls or stomach walls or esophageal walls. And it dumps in and mixes with the gastrointestinal juices and that causes gas. But most of that is reduced on this diet. When you go on the diet, you know, for 95% of the people, 90% of the gas leaves them what they're normally used to having on a cooked diet. And then some people get a little bit more for a while, maybe three to five months, and then that dissipates down to about 95% of what they're normally used to passing. And that means you have 95% better friends. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Because I wanted to let them see what would happen on this diet if you just let the teeth go. I'm still doing it. Like I have a tooth here, which is almost completely rotten down. And the nerve is right there. I mean, I can poke it and it'll bleed. But I have no pain. And I used to have severe pain. I mean, pain so bad that it would last 30, 60 days, and I'd have to take magic mushrooms and a marijuana mixture, that's my pain killer, to get rid of it. And that would be nothing but eating and sleeping all day. That's all I could do because the pain was so excruciating. And that's when I began eating... That was, you know, shortly after the poison mushroom when I destroyed my body so much. And it was in December of 82 when I had that severe toothache that I began eating meat every day. And that made a big shift in my pain level. All of a sudden, when I started doing that within 30, 40 days, I barely experienced any tooth pain anymore. And now I experience none. The nerves are right there. I mean, I can puncture them and they'll bleed. But if I'm eating, I get no pain. I mean, once in a while, if I make a nut formula, when a little chunk is there and it gets back there, I'll say, oop. You know, but it isn't severe and the pain doesn't last more than a second, two seconds. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I get [unintelligible] every 10 years. Can't you tell? Well, most of this is all, most of the bases are plastic on that tooth. So you can't, that does not bleach. It does not make a difference. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's probably detrimental because when I followed four people for a 10-year period, they had, every animal in nature has receding gums. The pocket gets larger the older they are. But it works in increments. It's not a bad thing until you're, you know, way down below, you know, like maybe a 32 below the norm, the youth level, the child level. And there's no harm in that. Dentists make a fortune on getting people, you know, to come in and get cleanings and then to take medication for that. And that's a natural thing. There's no disease associated with it. Disease associated with eating lots of sugars that rot the teeth from the inside, not the outside. They love to blame, you know, bacteria on the outside, but there's no test that proves that because where does the bacteria come from mainly? It comes from the inside. It goes out the tubules. It keeps being discharged out into the dentine, and that weakens the dentine, then the cavity starts. I'm sure that our bacteria or plaquing can irritate it and cause it to be aggressive.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you have severe plaque that has a lot of acid in it, I had a vagotomy, which means I had an operation which severed all the nerves to my stomach so I wouldn't produce hydrochloric acid. And what it did for me was all the acid backs up into my mouth. That's when my teeth started rotting heavily because all my hydrochloric acid was going into my mouth instead of my stomach, so my teeth were just rotting away quickly. It still happens. And still my teeth are okay compared to it. I still have my teeth. These are all my teeth. I don't have any implants. And I was supposed to lose them 35 years ago. That to me is a good thing. I mean that my teeth aren't perfect, but I can use them. I can chew on stuff with my teeth. It's enjoyable.

Q: Do you have your wisdom teeth?

A: No, they were taken out when I was a kid. Also, the orthodontist, braces on me, took out four bicuspids, shrunk my mouth out, and my tongue was so big that I couldn't speak. I lisped all the time because my tongue didn't fit in my mouth. This is the stupidity of some people out there. Oh, I'm going to rearrange his mouth. Well, what size is the tongue? Think about that. So I had to take the scissors and keep cutting this membrane right here so that my tongue would go back farther so I could speak properly. And that's pretty rough. I haven't had to do it for about 15 years because it's not growing back anymore, but it would grow back and I'd have to cut it again. A pair of shears. The pair of shears are sharp. Clip. Painful for a few seconds.

Q: Yeah.

Q: I pierced my ears with self-piercing earrings. [unintelligible]

A: But that didn't affect me. I was taking care of myself. Good diet. So there's, you know, I have nine teeth that should be in there that don't exist. You know, four because of the orthodontist, four because of the wisdom teeth that the dentist took out, and one that just rotted out from that experience in 1982, this November and December of 1982. I lost that tooth. It rotted out of my head. I mean, it just pussed so badly it just came out, you know, after 30 days, 35 days. That was a miserable time for me. But it got me to eat the meat on a daily basis for the first time, and that changed my life for the second time. The first was eating meat to begin with, and the second was eating meat on a daily basis, and I was still afraid to do that. I encourage all of you to get rid of the bacteria and the parasite phobia. I spent 13 years eating raw meat on a daily basis and being afraid of getting parasites and bacteria infections. It was such an absurd thing. You know, I'm in that category of octogenarian who doesn't produce any hydrochloric acid, and they said, when I was 20 years old when they did that, they said, you will never be able to eat raw foods again. They will kill you if you get a bacterial, parasitical infection. I'd eaten parasite-infested meat, you know, that undulated with the pinworms, and a calf's brain that was full of parasites, and chicken tripe that was full of parasites, and never got one. I had my feces and blood checked for 10 weeks after, and I never got one parasite. So it's all supposition. The doctors and scientists think, oh, this is how it probably is, and therefore it is, and it's written in stone. It's got nothing to do with reality. So, no need to scare, you know, be afraid and go through life terrified of eating raw meat. It's pretty absurd. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible], what about the one-celled protozoa, which is different from the worms?

A: It just feeds on a smaller cell. It feeds on, let's say you have a cell that is disjointed. Take your own bodies. We lose skin cells every day. Before there were showers and baths, guess what you did? You had salmonella bodies, billions of them on your arms and body, that would eat these dead human cells. Eat them. That's what salmonella was there to do. Eat the dead cells so you don't cake up and dry out. They were helping you. It was a symbiotic relationship. You'd have these small protozoa-type parasites that live on waste products of very, very small molecules of animal flesh that have degenerated. So they're all good.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's because you had too much rot in your system, and you weren't on a good diet. So you weren't cleansing properly, and you weren't healing properly.

Q: So, Aajonus, when you experimented eating like that tripe that had parasites and stuff, how many years had you been eating raw meat?

A: Well, the chicken tripe came pretty rapidly. This was 1979 when I ate that, and I started eating the raw meat in September of 76 when I ate the rabbit. And I was only eating meat, maybe eating twice a week, average twice a week. But I had just gone off of a long fast, and I was starving, and I broke the 42-day fast. I don't recommend anybody to do that. It took me three years to recover from the fast. If you're eating meat, it may not take as long. So I had to break the fast in the middle of the night, and there were no stores open. So I went into the garbage bin of a fish store, and there was a huge fillet of salmon with pinworm on it. And I said, well, I'm very hungry, and I'm going to make these pinworms part of my nourishment. So I did, and I ate it. I just knew there was going to be no problem. So then after I did it, the next morning, I was panicked. So I started, you know, I had my blood taken once a week for 10 weeks, and had the feces checked. I mean, this piece of salmon was undulating with these white worms. I thought, these guys are so hardy and vibrant. They're all going to give me some strength after this long fast. Because all along the fast, all I did was drink urine and water.

Q: You were just experimenting?

A: Well, the urine is nothing other than the same serum as the blood without the red blood cells, and a little ammonia that is manufactured in the kidneys. So basically, it's the same thing as blood. Very nourishing. There are tribes that don't have much meat, so they recycle their urine every day because they recycle the proteins and other nutrients in it that they would just [unintelligible] off by urinating. So I learned that in the mid-'70s when I was traveling around on a bicycle. But I never had the nerve to try until about 1977 when I stopped bicycling. And I found that it did help me because I didn't eat meat that often, and it did recycle my protein. And I've done fasts before. I've done as long as a 32-day fast on the Colorado River. And I got down to 92 pounds. And, you know, I believe that bullshit that was in Zaleki's book, you know, the [unintelligible] Gospel, where Jesus is supposed to have said, if you fast for every day that you live, one day for every year that you live, you will completely decontaminate your body, which is absolute bullshit. But I had to find that out the hard way. You know, you don't remove any toxin from the body unless you have fat in the body and other nutrients dissolve it and get it out of the system. Otherwise, it just recirculates. And then on a fast, your body eats itself. And if you're toxic, you're just eating toxic food. And you're not going to get any stronger. So maybe you get rid of, you know, a couple of, you know, a trillion unhealthy cells but then you're as weak as hell, and those cells that are remaining are very weak because you're not feeding them properly. Yes?

Q: I was wondering if you could... [unintelligible]

A: Well, when I get to getting, asking questions around the room, I mean, you'll have another question, okay? This is just on the subject that we were talking about.

Q: What about brushing the teeth?

A: Brushing the teeth, I think it's a good thing because the plaque, you have toxic minerals that secrete through the gums. That's why you have that plaque on there. Those are minerals that have been cooked. When you take clay, it's the same way. Once you fire clay, what happens to it? It's a hard, sharp substance. When that comes out of the gums, it causes plaque on the teeth. You need to get rid of that because it will choke off the dentine, and that can cause more abscess, or it can cause the discharge from the nerves and the pustules, leaving the teeth. It could damage the plaque on the teeth. I mean, the dentine of the teeth. I brush whenever I feel the plaque is solid.

Q: Once a day?

A: Once a day is fine.

Q: What do you brush with?

A: I brush with an adult soft toothbrush. It's boar bristle. Because if I accidentally get one of those plastic things in my stomach, guess what I'm putting in my body? Dioxins, BPA, plastic. I'm eating plastic.

Q: Do you use [unintelligible]?

A: I have that in the recipe book. I'm not going to go over that. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible] your mouth is full of gold filling and a few of the other kinds, like you said mercury. What would you recommend?

A: I would recommend you get rid of the amalgams. As long as you don't have trouble sleeping and hear radio frequencies, leave the gold in. But the mercury, what it does is it gasses, and the mercury vapors crystallize, and they absorb into the body and damage cells. They can damage about 1,000 healthy cells. One crystal, one molecule crystal of the mercury will destroy 1,000 surrounding cells. A big bomb. So it's a good idea to get rid of it. I mean, 1,000 cells is no big deal. You can fit a couple million cells on the end of a pin head. But still, you know, collectively, over many, many years.

Q: You have to go to a dentist who knows how to do it properly.

A: Yes, they put the dam in there. They make sure you don't breathe it and inhale it. Yes.

Q: I have a follow-up question as well. Is tinnitus a possible cause of having gold fillings?

A: Yes, if the mercury is going back and embedding in the...

Q: Gold.

A: Gold? No. No. Tinnitus is from swelling in the ear canal. You've got some kind of toxicity in the eardrum, and the increased circulation cleansed the area, causes the swelling. You know, any time you have swelling in the ear, if you ever have a sore throat. Earache, everything rings, because of the swelling, the extra fluid in there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Mercury out? No. I say, if somebody has cancer, you can wait until you get through with the cancer first. Laurie had 30 tumors, 20 to 30 tumors in her right breast. Her right breast was a third larger than the left. Hard as rock. She had cancer in the right hip bone, and on the right kidney attached to the adrenal gland. She had a mouth full of amalgams. And I suggested that she wait until she stabilized. And it took her two years to get rid of all the cancer in the breast. She couldn't get rid of the ones in the hip or the kidney, and the adrenal gland. So I suggested after three and a half years on the diet, eat some fecal matter. Because the University of Toronto was using the verotoxin, the by-product that you caught, to completely dissolve human brain tumors in two to seven days, including the vessels going to it. And they've been doing that now, they've been doing that for 29 years. Why isn't that out there? Why isn't that information out there?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, right. And now 18 universities are using it in Canada and the United States. They're using the measles bacteria. They're using cold, flu, salmonella, the salmonella stuff in Yale. Last year [unintelligible] products, put out a product called, I can't remember the product. Anyway, it's an attenuated salmonella. It goes in and chokes off the oxygen to the tumor. It does not eat it as it naturally does. So they'll charge you $8,000 for a shot of salmonella, when you can just let some chicken rot or, you know, some eggs rot and eat it. And then they charge you $12,000 to inject a solvent to dissolve the tumor. So $20,000 for one therapy, and you can just go eat shit and live, basically, is what it is. So she said, well, where do I get the fecal matter? I said, well, it has to be a good, clean animal, you know. It has to be a healthy, organic animal. And she said, where am I going to get one? I said, well, we've got gophers all over the yard. Do you want me to shoot a couple? And she said, yeah. So I took my crossbow and shot a couple of gophers, and she ate [unintelligible] gopher guts. And within two and a half months, the tumor that was connected to the kidney was dissolved by a third. And the one in the hip bone was decreased by a third. So she eats fecal matter on a regular basis out there in Hawaii. You know, she'll take, you know, part of, when they slaughter a goat or a sheep, she'll cut the bowel out. And she has everybody eating shit, basically. And all the animals eat shit except for humans, civilized humans. There are tribes that don't get enough protein. So they'll eat the fecal matter that's already dumped in the field. They'll just sit there and eat it like it's nothing. And it tastes just like overcooked vegetables. And what they need to do is, because the cow has predigested this, there's a lot of protein that we can get from it. So that's why all animals eat fecal matter if they can't get enough meat. And the bacteria will keep them from cancer. And I've had probably ten people do it. I had one girl with advanced cancer in San Francisco that I've been talking to her, you know, about eating fecal matter. And she wouldn't do it. And when I went to, I was in Nevada City in April, and we shot a wild turkey. And I put all the bowel and its content in a jar because I was going to do a seminar and workshop in San Francisco following that one, immediately following that one where she lived. So her boyfriend and I sat around one evening, like two little boys, you know, bad little boys who would get the little girl neighbor to eat shit, you know, to prank. So we finally got her to eat the shit. And I got this email from her two weeks later. And she said, I cannot tell you the difference in feeling that I went from the next day, even though that I was in fear. I felt so much better, and I've felt that way since. And she's getting ready to do her second helping turkey shit with the bowels, you know, actually the bowels. Because if a person has cancer and they're not, their E. coli isn't flourishing in their intestines, they're in trouble. Allows for metastases. So if you eat the bowel along with the fecal matter, it will help you restore your own environment to help your own E. coli grow and produce. So the medical profession makes a fortune on bacteriophobia. And let me tell you, we've been working with bacteria for millions of years. Millions of years. Nobody washed their hands before they ate. You know, they wiped their butts and everything. It's so absurd to think that we're all of a sudden in a, you know, all of a sudden [unintelligible] is going to make a difference between life and death. It's absurd. It's insane. And the people who are not on this diet, the average people out there are having 18 to 20% diarrhea or vomit every day. On this diet, the rate is only 12%. Figure that one out. We have a lot more bacteria on this diet. So it isn't the bacteria that's causing the problem, it's the poison. How many people have seen somebody eat something poisonous and end up with diarrhea and vomit? MSG in your food. You know, pesticides, herbicides in your food. That's what's causing the problem. Poisons, pollution, chemicals. Boy, the medical profession and the food industry are in love together. And they produce this bacteria fear.

Q: Is it advisable to eat shit if you don't have, like, a serious illness or cancer?

A: If you, at our age, sure. If you've not been on raw food all of your life, your likelihood of collecting a lot of cells, dead cells in your body and not reproducing them, we're according to the-

[audio cut]

A: ...greatest authority on oncology. Cancer. And at a conference in 2000, he said, everybody stand up. He said, I want you to pick men, I want you to look at the man next to you. One of the two of you will have cancer in your lifetime. And the women, three of you look at each other. One of three of you women will have cancer in your lifetime. That's how bad it is. So eat shit and live. I really don't think about, you know, writing a comedy routine and calling it eat shit and live. Because that's the only way you're going to open minds to that concept before they come in the room. I thought about doing it with my next book on detoxification. But my publisher won't let me. I mean, it would be a catchy thing. Who would buy that? Eat shit and live.

Q: Do I hear you say something about brain tumors also? Bacteria things?

A: No, that was the test that they've been doing at the University of Toronto for 29 years now. Two to seven days including the vessels going to them. Dissolves it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, Laurie ate a lot of high meat and it didn't remove those tumors. The breast tumor it did, but the tumor of the kidney, the adrenaline, the hip bone, it didn't remove that. The fecal matter did quite fast. Okay, in that meat you just let meat oxidize with a lot of bacteria and it stinks like beef.

Q: [unintelligible].

A: It's in the recipe book. Yeah?

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: What did he do?

Q: [unintelligible]


Q: Can I go back to that dentistry thing?

A: Yes.

Q: Just to be clear, the personal question for me is, I [unintelligible]. I'm still not sure now.

A: I say let it go. If you're on a good diet like this one, let it go.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As the gum levels start pussing out, a couple times a day, wipe it forward and take it out. Don't swallow it. The mouth smells. Then it goes away. I've kept five of my teeth by doing this. I have seven roots canals.

Q: How old were you [unintelligible].

A: Oh, I was in my 20s. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Old, toxic, crystallized, cauterized minerals [unintelligible]. Like fire and clay. Toxic, sharp. Can't be utilized properly in the body.

Q: So you think you don't get tartar?

A: I only get tartar on the back teeth. It took me 20 years to get to that point. [unintelligible] Take that butter, do the clay.

Q: What do you do with the clay?

A: Sometimes you can use... If it's really hard and you can't break it easily, use olive oil with some butter. Or you can use olive oil and cream. And with the clay, it'll take it right off. Break it down. And it'll work after you finish. If you see any of the fat that's left in there with the clay, it'll work and start melting it away. Dissolving it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: When you get cleanings, what happens? They take the knife away down there, and they keep cutting the gum away. How much recession do you think is caused by cleaning? Most of it. When I stopped having cleanings done, my recession stopped. I stopped having cleanings in late 80s, and then I only had one in 1979. I had all my amalgams taken out. 78 when I had all my amalgams taken out. I had mostly composites put back in. Seven root canals and a crown. And then I had another cleaning in mid-80s, and I go to a dentist every once in a while just to have them check the pocket depth. It hasn't gone any lower than one in 10 years.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, just brush with the right foods.

Q: What about flossing? Is that a good idea?

A: Flossing is okay, definitely, because plaque is down there where the brush can't get easily. It helps break it away.

Q: You had spoken in an email, because I had been using your clay and butter mixed together [unintelligible].

A: Not to eat it.

Q: Not to eat it, but you could still use it for your teeth, like [unintelligible].

A: I don't suggest it, because it does have radioactive minerals in it because it's from molten lava. You could use the coral calcium to brush your teeth with, the French green clay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just on the internet. You can just put it on there. You'll find it. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible] So what will happen?

A: Well, you'll be eating mercury. It will contaminate your intestine. It will probably contaminate your prostate, your rectum, and sigmoid colon, where you'll probably get a lot. Like I said in the recipe book, cilantro is very helpful to get the mercury out of the system. Make that part of your juice. Now, I started to say earlier, when I had one of these caps come off, two caps to your left. Two came off, and I just left them. So I have two right here. One of them came off. Now, they've been on since 1978. They've been on a long time. One of them popped out 10 years ago. I said, well, I'm not going to go ahead and epoxy put on there, so I took beeswax that I was chewing. I took a spoon and made it into a very thin wafer. I mean, paper thin. I pressed it inside the tooth and put it on and just bit. It's been on for almost 11 years. And when I went to a dentist about five years ago to ask him, I forgot which one it was. So I said, would you do me a favor and go in there and try to pull? I just want to see what the tooth looks like under the beeswax, you know, how much the tooth is oxidized, like it does the same thing as it would if it had the epoxy on it. He couldn't get either one off. He didn't know which one it was.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's all. I won't go get an x-ray. More radiation. That's all I need.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It takes years to get rid of radiation. And an x-ray.

Q: I mean, a CAT scan would be safe.

A: It's worse.

Q: I know, but how many years?

A: It could take 20 years from the CAT scan.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have to understand, your body is made of minerals. A lot of them are metallic, especially if you eat cooked foods. You have a lot of solidified metal in your system. It is not raw. Cauterized minerals, solid metals. They are irradiated. They stay active for sometimes 150 years. You cannot dissolve all of that out of your bone from a diet overnight. It could take 34 years to get rid of all of it. So every time you get a dose of radiation, you're reactivating.

Q: You mentioned avocados and oranges.

A: They will help get it out of the softer tissue. Okay, now I need to go down and start on, you just ask your question. I need to start and go around the room, or else you're going to be here all night. You have a question?

Q: Yeah.

[ice cream truck drives by]

A: Anybody want an ice cream?


Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it has to be an unheated, it has to be unheated over 93 degrees. When it hits 93 degrees, it destroys the insulin-like substance that the bee has produced in its stomach when it swallows its nectar. Honey is just vomit, bee vomit. That's exactly what it does. It swallows it, takes it back to the hive after it's produced the insulin-like substance, which converts 90% of the carbohydrate into enzymes for digesting and utilizing protein. It gets back to the hive and it vomits. 93 degrees, and that is destroyed. That's why the bees will fan the hive to keep it down to 92.8 degrees. Once the upper layer turns over that for more than about 40 minutes, they leave it. And then it goes to the next layer and makes sure that it doesn't expose it beyond that. They will only eat those upper layers... They will never feed it to the youth, to the drones, or to the queen. But the worker bees will eat that only if they're starving. It's gone over 92.8 degrees.

Q: Does sugar feed tumors?

A: The honey does not do that as long as it's completely unheated. Just remember that there's a difference between the sugar that feeds cancer and the natural sugars that exist in nature. Anytime you use carbohydrate as a sugar in the body, as glycogen, you have a 70 to 80 percent by-product. If that is a processed cooked sugar, you have all these cauterized minerals along with it so that it causes heavy plaquing and contamination in the system. Those irritate and destroy cells. That is carbohydrate damage, sugar damage to the cell. That's what destroys cells. The body mummifies them because it can't dissolve them and get rid of them, and that's what accumulates and makes [unintelligible]. Sugar destroys more cells in the human body than any other contaminant. That's why lots of tribes that eat cooked meat don't get cancer because they don't live on sugars. All of the civilizations that live mainly on carbs, grains, and stuff like that have tapeworms, they have cancers, they have all kinds of distortions. I've been traveling to Taiwan and Thailand in February, and I just left Costa Rica a few weeks ago, and they've got these third-world people believing that they should not eat meat at all, that they should only eat grains and beans. All of these kids that have babies that are 16 and 22 years old, they have these sore throats and stomachs that have no elasticity to them. These are children, and they all have a gray complexion. They're not ruddy and crisp and vibrant looking. They are gray, white and gray looking from these diets. Carbohydrate is the worst thing that humans can eat. Grains, potatoes, beans, the worst. Okay, does that answer your question in regards to the honey? You have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] I have this craving.

A: Craving of what?

Q: For some food that I eat, I eat cooked food that I was eating before. So, I ate cooked food, like, fast food. [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. A lot of times when people grow up on a lot of grains, they have all these sugar byproducts. Columbia University did a test and they found that byproducts 70 to 90 percent. In a healthy body, it stores for a lifetime at a rate of 70 percent. In a non-healthy body, it's rated 90 percent. If you have not been a meat eater and not eating good fat, good quality fat from meats, you will not have removed any of it in your lifetime. All of a sudden, when you start going on a diet like this, all of a sudden the body is going to get rid of as much as it can from the nervous system as quickly. And that causes swelling in the brain and nervous system. It can cause headaches. If that happens, you'd have to cut out all other vegetables and just mainly drink celery juice and eat tomatoes to get enough of the salts out of the brain and nervous system so you can reduce the swelling so you won't have as many problems. And as far as the female cyclical cycle being painful, that also the female organs do a lot to discharge the poisons. The only thing that I can find that correlates with women living 20 percent longer is that the vaginal discharge is 20 percent greater than any man discharges the mucus. It relates right to the equation that women live 20 percent longer because they have another area to discharge quickly a lot of toxic matter. So in the cycle is where a lot of women will discharge a lot of poison.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. And again, it's things that are high in natural sodium which will help reduce the swelling. Also pink grapefruit. So if you were to change your juice to only celery for the period of time that you're suffering and eat half of the pink grapefruit a day in the afternoon and tomatoes any other time, then you'll have enough sodium to pull the salts, the toxic salts that cause the swelling out of the system. So you'll have less pain. Your skin is so much better. Do you have a question there, [unintelligible]?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Drink water and eat tomatoes.

Q: Okay, great. Regarding clay, [unintelligible].

A: I think using clay is wonderful.

Q: What about the [unintelligible].

A: Well, just remember that clays are toxic. I built a hot tub at my place, a big concrete one, and I wanted to color the cement so I got natural oxide to color it. But what happens is after, you know, about five or six days of that water settling in there, the oxides start coming into the water and I start having symptoms. And the way I found that out that it was the water was because I let the algae grow. The algae is very nice [unintelligible] and feel good. After it turned green and was very thick, all of a sudden it started turning yellow. So the cadmium oxide was a substance of that natural clay that I put in the cement. So it was killing the algae. It was turning it yellow. It was dying.

Q: You don't want to kill the algae, right?

A: No, I don't want to kill the algae. Exactly. I'm debating whether I'll [unintelligible] all of it now. So, you learn. So even, you know, natural clays can be toxic. You just have to be careful. There's cadmium in it. It's a high yellow clay without a lot of, you know, iron in it like a [unintelligible], it doesn't have iron to keep the cadmium so it doesn't absorb. So you just have to be careful. I've learned so much in the past six months of studying this clay. I'm still not satisfied to be able to live on. So coral calcium is probably the least toxic of clays to use.

Q: What about pascalite?

A: Yes. I'm working with it right now. I'll let you know in a couple of months. I just got it three weeks ago.

Q: Pascalite, what is that?

A: It's a clay.

Q: It's a green clay?

A: No, it's a beige clay. But it comes from a thermal bed, which I'm not happy with because those minerals are cauterized at high temperatures. This thermal bed is like 700 degrees, deep in the earth. Of course, that was millions of years ago, but I still don't like using cauterized minerals. Okay. You asked a question. No?

Q: My ophthalmologist told me that a high percentage of people that grow older have their vitreous humor pull away from the vent. It's happened a tremendous amount. I was just wondering, is it possible to alleviate that situation?

A: [unintelligible] eating, believe it or not, red meat. It's red meat with cream and butter combined. Theoretically, you'd think that because the eye has more nerves than anything else in muscle, that it would be like nerves reconstituted with white meat there. But in all of my experiments with people and myself, red meat is the only thing that will clear up the focus and the floaters. The waste products the body's not breaking down.

Q: How much meat do you need?

A: It all depends upon the individual. So eat as much as it takes to refocus and get rid of the floaters.

Q: Same thing for the ears?

A: No, it's a little different. It's more white meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've had quite a few people do. Some people, you know, on the diet for a long time, it stopped their advancement, but it didn't clear up the eyes much. I mean, like I said in the book, some people put egg white in the eyes and it restored their vision. And butter in their eyes and it restored their vision. It improved greatly as long as they followed the diet. If you don't replace the nutrients properly, you're not going to rebuild the eye. And the fat isn't gonna do it great, need the protein from the egg white. But it was always in conjunction with that. Others, you know, have been wearing glasses since they were children, you know, 3, 5 years old. I've had two of them who were like that. And I suggested they had laser surgery. So they had laser surgery and that was, one of them was 10 years ago and the other one was 8 years ago. And they had no recession. They healed quicker than anybody else. The doctors hadn't seen anybody heal. And they produced no scar tissue there and they were fine. The only surgery I recommend. Frank, do you have a question?

Q: No, I don't.

A: Well, wait a minute, your question started the whole thing. Okay. [unintelligible], do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There is no such thing as a pain that's debilitating as long as you're on a good diet. It's always a result of the body correcting itself. It's swelling in a particular area. The body's always trying to heal itself. It will correct itself if you're feeding it the right nutrients. Whether you're on the diet or off the diet, you go through the same pain. It's just that you will go through less pain on the diet and you will cleanse properly and heal properly. I had to go through, I was crawling on the floor like a worm because I was in such pain after they cauterized my spine from the radiation. I mean, I was in so severe pain I couldn't move my entire body. I had to crawl on the floor like this. It would take me 30 minutes to get across the room. So, you know, I had gallon jars for urinating. Buckets that they I in, you know, and then somebody would come and clean them out every couple of days. So my house stunk like hell. But that's the way I lived because I was in severe pain. But I was on a good diet and I knew that I just had to wait it out and get it through. I mean, I tried to commit suicide a couple of times but it didn't work. So I had to endure. So no pain is not justified. Since you want to reduce it with good nutrients like the pain formula that's in the book, will reduce it most of the time. Hot water bottles to relax the area so it doesn't cause pressure on the nerves. And that will reduce pain.

Q: Back pain? [unintelligible]

A: That's again swelling in that area. And that joint, put two hot water bottles on either side of your knee. And you eat the pain formula once or twice a day with your meat. Terry, did you have a question?

Q: No, I just want to comment. [unintelligible]

A: Now, I mean, people who've had back injuries and back problems like you, they'll spend the rest of their life in pain. It only goes through for maybe three or four weeks. It's gone away.

Q: Last, last time it was only like 17 days.

A: Oh, terrific.

Q: Yeah, great.

A: Yeah, and that's what happens on this diet. You go through a detoxification. Each time you start cleaning out that area, it gets to the point where it's clean. It's quick.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? Yes, in the recipe book. The new one in the recipe book. It's better. It works better.

Q: How long does it take the body to start detoxing and cleaning? How long do you have to be on it before it starts to really clean?

A: It depends upon the individual. You saw our milkman, James Stewart. He went two and a half years on the diet without ever going to a detox. He had been a vegetarian for almost 30 years. He was 50 years old when he went on the diet. He was 138 pounds, 6'3", 138 pounds. Now he's 210. So he had gone all his life eating nothing but chips and garbage. So his body took two and a half years just to strengthen itself and get ready to detox. Other people will go right into it. It's all depends. It's an individual thing. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Two quick questions. First is what food to get magnesium? [unintelligible]

A: Okay. Magnesium occurs in all foods. High in parsley and green leafy vegetables. High in milk. It's high in cheese. It's all dairy products. Very high in meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Grass-fed. You can get grass-fed dairy. It's very different.

Q: What about almonds? Almonds?

A: Yeah, but almonds are too difficult to digest for any human. But if you have a nut formula, you will get a certain amount. Again, you've got all the phytic acid you have to deal with. That's why I only recommend it once or twice a week. But meat's your best source of magnesium. Just remember that you don't need all of those counterbalancing minerals when you're eating a raw diet. When you pasteurize, even when you just take the milk up to 141 degrees, you destroy, you cauterize 50% of the calcium to balance that toxic mineral. And the potassium destroys at like 97 degrees. It's altered at 97 degrees. So you have all these mineral imbalances. You have to have a lot of other minerals, potassium, magnesium, to deal with all of these cauterized minerals. When you're eating it raw, there's no excessive need for calcium or excessive need for magnesium or potassium.

Q: What's cauterizing exactly?

A: Burned. It's taking clay. And when you fire it, what happens? It turns sharp and hard. Okay, that's cauterizing. It solidifies it. It just seals it into a form where it can't be bioactive anymore.

Q: You know if you boil mineral water, all the white cauterized minerals on the bottom?

A: At the bottom, that's cauterized minerals. And that's what comes out of your teeth.

Q: Stuff that's inside the kettle and all that.

A: That's inside your body. Everything you eat, it's cooked. It forms that in the body. You have all that mineral product, that chalk. It's all very poor mineral relationship. That's why everybody has osteoporosis. They break some brittles in their bones as they get older.

Q: And they're cauterized minerals.

A: They're cauterized minerals. They're brittle. They're not like clay. They don't bond properly.

Q: [unintelligible] I heard you mentioned phytic acid.

A: Phytic.

Q: Phytic acid. Are you talking about the almonds?

A: All nuts have phytic acid. All seeds have phytic acid. Phytic acid prevents a body from digesting protein for 24 to 48 hours later. Average is 36 hours. Not only the protein in the nuts, but any other protein, whether it's eggs, milk, or meat that you eat afterwards. So that's why I work very hard at coming up with a formula to use with the nuts that neutralize the phytic acid. And that's having, grinding it until it's a flour, adding the egg, a fat, butter, and honey. And that does not occur unless you overeat the nuts.

Q: So the almonds are too much?

A: Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Only the blood has to be alkaline. That's why you have four cups of vegetable juice a day. That takes care of it. And I explain that in the recipe book.

Q: [unintelligible] The bee pollen.

A: Oh, the bee pollenr. I usually don't take two questions because it gets too involved. If we have time to go around again, we will. Okay.

Q: All right.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Again, remember the honey has a natural insulin already in it from the bee. So it doesn't react that way. In fact, with juvenile diabetics on the unheated honey, the sugar level goes way up in their blood, but it causes no symptoms. There are no symptoms. And the cholesterol levels and sugar levels are fine as long as they're not toxic substances. And a high cholesterol level is the best thing you can have in our society.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: To deal with poisons, a ton of poisons. We breathe them in every day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: All the sauces, all the sauces in the recipe. There's butter in everything. There's butter with everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't matter. When it's raw, it doesn't matter.

Q: Why doesn't it matter?

A: Did you read?

Q: Yes, I did.

A: It doesn't matter because there are no side effects from it. There's no disease produced. All of the tribes that eat lots of it and have very high cholesterol levels have no heart disease and no plaque. Plaque came about with cooked vegetable oils. You can take a vegetable oil, safflower oil, put it, pour it into dirt, and what will happen? That dirt will turn into a rock. Turn into a rock. If you take cream or butter and you put it in the dirt, it molds and breaks down and becomes earth. Feeds numerous bugs and insects and earth creatures. It's fertilizing. But vegetable oil is not. The main thing we use vegetable oil is to run our cars and machinery. That's a dinosaur oil. It's an animal oil, but because it's been processed and heated, it turns into a solidified substance. But your vegetable oils are the main reason for hardening of the arteries. We had very little heart disease and very little congestive arteries until the pressed oil industry came out with all this saturated fats bad. We had, you know, safflower oil was good, corn oil was good. Once cooked, those will harden the body quickly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, in combination with the cauterized minerals in those cooked foods, they will. The grains, those minerals are very concentrated. Very hard and very solid, lots of metal, metallic minerals in the grains. Especially if it's run with chemicals. You put all those poisons in, you cook them, they become free radicals and the brain uses most of those metals. Nervous system. So that's why people are very scattered. But, you know, civilizations have known that for a long time. They kept all the lackeys in China. You know, 90% of their diet was grain.And in Egypt, they did the same thing for the slaves. They wanted to keep them emotionally imbalanced and physically hyperactive to do the work. And the royalty, they lived almost entirely on fats and meat. Warriors were in between.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that's such hype. I did that for a year and a half on the macrobiotic diet. Yeah, I witnessed that for so many years. I do not know one person who survived that I knew. Not one of those people who survived the macrobiotic diet. That is wishful thinking.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Salt. Salt and grain. Salt and grain is what the diet is. Cooked, high-pressure steam, rice mainly. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay. Bee pollen is a nut. It's a seed. It even has a shell on it. Once that shell is dried, a human cannot congest it. It's passes through you. So anytime you see bee pollen, it's a hard little pellet, you may as well throw your money away if you're going to buy it. Because it's of no value. You can ingest less than 2% of it. You have to eat it fresh, soft. And your digestive juices will actually just dissolve the shell away. And it's a very finite protein. That's why I like to use it in the pain formula. Because the molecules of fat are so fine and so small that they get into the nerve endings. And once the protein gets there, all the extra swelling can leave. That's how the pain formula works. You've got all the minerals from the cheese, which will help draw out the toxic minerals. Now, remember, anytime a mineral is not bioactive, like in cheese, what the body's going to do with those minerals is attach them to other toxic minerals in the blood. That means that all the bioactive minerals that are in your juice, meat, and dairy, other than dried cheese, will be utilized to be absorbed into the cells. You don't have to waste those bioactive minerals binding with those toxic minerals that are in the body. Use the cheese for that. That's how I came up with the pain formula. Pollen supplies the protein that can be absorbed into the finite capillaries and the nerve endings, the nerve platelets, so that the fluid can be removed, therefore reducing the pain. All pain is swelling in the nerves. Then the toxic minerals that may be floating are drawn out with the cheese. Generally, the egg and the butter helps chelate with other toxic substances that were buried in and locked in that particular area where the nerves are suffering or where the nerves are experiencing pain. So bee pollen is very important for that, for nerves. It's great for nerves. If you have it with fruit, it's a waste. So the time to have bee pollen is always with meat, eggs, and butter, or in combination with eggs and butter, or meat.

Q: How much would you recommend?

A: Well, I tell, I recommend that people have the pain formula once a week regardless. And they work from two to four tablespoons of bee pollen. But you can utilize more if you want. I mean, like today, you know, I was having, I lost so much weight. You know, I lost almost 25 pounds going to Costa Rica because they took a lot of my food away when I got in there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no, the customs. Not customs, but they're agricultural. They're as bad as we are. They don't let anything in their country. They took my eggs away. They took my honey away. I did smuggle some butter in. I didn't tell them where some of my butter was. They didn't take it all. Some of my cream.

Q: You couldn't get it back? When you leave?

A: They don't allow. No, they're not going to keep it for 14 days. Can you imagine what a storage house they would have? They throw it away. So I didn't have the foods that I needed there. I didn't find a place to get raw butter until my last two days there. But there was a health food store there that had raw butter from, you know, water buffalo and raw milk and everything. So I chowed down. It wasn't enough to really get it back. And then I started going through a heavy detoxification. Even before I went, in April, I went to the day that I left for Nevada City, California. I started getting a detox in this bursa. And, you know, I had bursitis, as you know, but it was mainly in the feet and legs. Sometimes in the elbows and wrists. It was the first time I got it here. It was so painful that by the time I drove all the way up to Sacramento that night, I had to put the arm in a sling. It was so painful. So after a few days of this, I'd have to sleep in the bathtub. It was so painful because I couldn't lie. I couldn't be in any position. The only place it was comfortable was in a sling like this. If I lied down, the pain was excruciating no matter which way. So I had to sleep in the bathtub at night. So I slept six to eight hours a night in the bathtub. And it was okay for the rest of the day. I was still in severe pain. But I went ahead with, you know, my eight hours of workshops and my ten hours a day of seeing patients through that whole thing. But on the third day, all of a sudden, I smelled this penicillin coming out of my armpit. And then the mercury coming out of my hand. All of a sudden, my hand one morning turned black and gray from here down. It smelled just like mercury. So I knew right away what it was when I was 12 years old and had the peritonitis, the misdiagnosis, the appendicitis. They injected me in this arm, this arm, and these two hips. Now, I've gone through the detoxification on these two hips in this arm, but never this arm. I had to have 11 shots in this arm in three days. They were injecting me with penicillin and other antibiotics and tetanus. They always give you tetanus if you have an appendicitis. They knew I didn't have an appendicitis, but they were giving me tetanus anyway. And repeated tetanus. This should be once in every six months max. So I was being shot up with all this mercury, liquid mercury, the thimerosal, from these injections. So then I realized what it was. That the antibiotics that they injected in me at 12 years old was finally discharging, and it buried itself in the bursa. So my hand was black, my armpit smelled like penicillin and other moles. And then, guess what? I still go through it every month, but I couldn't lift my arm this high for about three weeks. And then when I went down to Costa Rica, it was finally better, because the humidity is better for that kind of thing. You get moisture in, your body can utilize the nutrients better. It doesn't have to deal with all the mucus just protecting from the dryness. So all of a sudden, two days ago, where I was injected all those times, there it is.

Q: Oh, wow.

A: All of a sudden, it popped up two days ago. And you can see, you can see the five of the holes, six of the holes where they stand in scabs.

Q: It took so many years to come out.

A: Yeah, it took so many years. Like I said, it takes 40 years to build real health optimal. Do you ever smell mercury? Did you ever play with mercury? It's a heavy metallic that almost makes your mouth, you know, turn alamine.

Q: Turn what?

A: Yeah, have you ever had an unripe banana?

Q: Oh, yeah, yeah.

A: Okay, that's an alamine kind of taste where it kind of dries out and sits by your mouth. Okay, that's a long answer. Yes, Clayton.

Q: Am I next?

A: Yes.

Q: Eggs. Talk about eggs in the detoxification process. [unintelligible] Just talk about eggs in that process.

A: With the teeth process?

Q: Well, just generally detoxing them out. But what would you recommend somebody do? Like, I have two raw eggs today. I think two raw eggs.

A: That's all. Eggs don't detoxify unless you eat them with fruit. Then you make a solvent of that fat and protein. Eggs by themselves are always healing, reconstituting. They do not help you divide cells. So they don't help with cellular reproduction. But they can take a live cell and reconstitute it with all the nutrients in the egg. So it can make a very sick cell very healthy. But it won't help you reproduce cells. If you mix it with fruit -

[audio cut]

Q: So a smoothie will make you go through more detoxification?

A: Pardon? Smoothies will make you go through more detoxification. Fruit, along with the fat and eggs, will make you detoxify. It makes solvents. It makes viruses to dissolve toxic compounds in your body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, that helps constitute and feed your body just like a baby.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: So how often could you have a smoothie?

A: It depends on how much you want to detoxify. I recommend only having fruit once in a day. If you want to have a smoothie with that, that's fine. But once a day. Other than that, you're taking a risk on coming down with a heavy detoxification. And remember, when your body makes a solvent to dissolve compounds, you've got a lot of excess waste. I prefer people eating moldy foods and high meats and stuff like that so the bacteria reduces those compounds to a smaller substance. That's a much better way to do it. Isn't as enjoyable as a smoothie. The best detoxification is less painful and almost non-existent as far as inconvenience in the body. Unless you do get a, you know, unless it causes a bacterial meningitis, then you're in for a good detoxification. But that takes at least eight ounces of high fish to get.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Once you've had it several times, all of a sudden your body starts liking that over. Like in the Eskimos, they smell that and they just start getting excited. [unintelligible] And they jump up and down and have a great time. You know, they love that. They know how it's going to make them high and happy right away and it gets them through the winter with all that bacteria. Pardon me?

Q: They're high?

A: Yes, that is. It's their narcotic for sure. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] I know that you don't recommend ice.

A: Correct.

Q: What do you recommend as an additional treatment?

A: You know, any time you have a bruised cartilage, bruised cartilage in there and the nerves are bruised too, you have to have a swell. Circulation has to come in there and remove the bruised tissue and the damaged byproducts in order for the knee to repair itself or the joint to repair itself. That's why athletes burn out very young in life. They keep putting ice on something. It never cleanses properly. That tissue stays in there. Gradually, their cartilage gets solid and doesn't work anymore. So they get shots of cortisone to numb the nerves and keep doing that until they're useless. There are tribes in the Andes and all over the world that even at 90 years old, they're still running 200 miles a year. If you do a ball exercise, a football exercise where they'll, through the mountains, where there's not as much oxygen, 200 miles they play this game once a year. They don't have that problem because they never use ice on their bruises or anything. So if you put hot water bottles there, it helps all the tendons relax so that the swelling can occur without the pain. However, again, the pain is the swelling in the nerve endings, the capillaries, the nerve platelets. So you just have to make sure everything's heated so it relaxes and expands.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I'll talk about that another time. Hi. Well, you didn't say to come sit down. So the best thing to do is apply heat.

Q: How long after?

A: Immediately.

Q: Oh, immediately.

A: Immediately for days until the pain stops. Any kind. Any time you have pain, apply hot water. Always. Any circumstance. Even if it's internal, if you have pain in your liver, RVs. When your pain is a problem after eating a lubrication formula, put a hot water bottle here so that the liver relaxes and can start working properly. After I ate the poison mushroom, my liver was in severe pain. I got headaches from that liver pain.But let me tell you, I forced myself to eat a pound and a half to two pounds of butter a day because I know that liver would shut down if I didn't force it. And I lived. I strapped a hot water bottle, two hot water bottles, to me. I belted it. I belted two hot water bottles to my stomach so that I can get through it.

Q: It keeps down the swelling?

A: No. What it does is it allows everything to relax and stretch and expand without the pain, without the tear and the pull and the pressure.

Q: What about swelling?

A: Same thing. Swelling of the liver, swelling is what causes the pain. If everything relaxes, it can take this expansion without pain.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Still use the hot water bottle because it will increase circulation so that you can clean that area out quicker.

Q: Would heat actually cause the swelling to worsen?

A: For a few minutes. But it doesn't increase the pain. It reduces the pain once everything starts to relax. It just takes about five minutes.

Q: So the heat actually speeds up the healing process?

A: Exactly. It does because that increases circulation. Circulation means bringing more nutrients in, more waste products out.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have to have the swelling or you don't manage it. You don't cleanse and you don't heal. You end up like all the athletes that are pumped by their coaches and doctors with cortisone and steroids and packed with ice, sitting right back on the field and ruining themselves.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's not like that if you're on a good diet. Not if you're on a good diet. Sure. If you've got very tight tendons, you wouldn't be an athlete in the first place. And if you're an athlete, you can handle the heat. That's what they do. They say for three days use ice and then after that use heat. Your most critical stage is in the first three days to be able to bring some toxins out of that area.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you have sand, if you have anything that they put in there, they have these heat applications where you stick it in the microwave. Okay. Can you imagine having metallic metals that are all of a sudden going to be radiated? You're going to put that there? And it's going to emit radiation through your skin, through your lymph system? Not very bright. Just get those hot water bottles. If you don't want a plastic one with BPA in it, there's, what do you call it? Out of England, they make these pure rubber hot water bottles. They stink like hell, but they stink like rubber. It takes six months or so to get rid of the odor, but it won't cause the BPA to excrete in your skin. Timber, Timber, Timber something, a natural health food store, I mean a natural, so-called natural clothing, you know, camping products and stuff like that store.

Q: Vermont.

A: Vermont. Vermont Country Store.

Q: The rubber hot water bottles?

A: Yeah.

Q: And you leave it on the sun?

A: And let me tell you, they don't break like the plastic ones.

Q: You leave it in the sun six weeks?

A: That's what I do. I leave it on six months, six weeks minimum. Because it's real rubber.

Q: You've got to leave it six months or you can't use it.

A: No, no, you can use it. It's just that if you don't like, I hate the smell of rubber. So I leave mine, that's my natural. I've got five of them at once. Four of them out in the, you know, the weather for six months, and one I only left for six months, because I want to use it.

Q: For six weeks?

A: Six weeks, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it's better. Children have a lot of growth hormone. So they will heal. If they heal quickly and that garbage is left there, they will scar. And they'll never develop properly. You don't want to put heat on a child all the time. If they're older or adult, that could be a little risky. But, you know, if they're over 50, then it could be, you know, a risk.

Q: So another thing, just throw out that old plastic. Throw out the plastic hot water bottle.

A: That's what I did.

Q: I'll throw it out there.

A: Do you have questions, Teresa?

Q: [unintelligible] But I do feel better when I'm not using water. [unintelligible]

A: Well, when, you know, like I said, water dissolves matter. So, then it will leach nutrients out of your body. When you're exercising, you're producing a lot of lactic acid and a lot of waste products. Water is good for that.

Q: Water when you exercise?

A: For most people, I mean, you know, that are exercising heavily and perspiring a lot. Unless you've been on the diet a while, then you don't need to do that. When you're young on the diet, you know, water is helpful.

Q: So I always have my green juice. [unintelligible] I'm trying to figure how to take water for exercise?

A: I would say during and immediately after. Not before. No way. Because then you start leaching your nutrients before you start exercising. You need the water once you begin exercising.

Q: What about the sparkling water?

A: That's better. Like I say in the book, in my lab test, carbonated water, there was always an increase in nitrogen in the intestines and oxygen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I wouldn't say that it reduces leaching. But if you're exercising, you have all these waste products. That's what it's breaking down. It's breaking this and absorbing those products and breaking it down. And that's fine. That's fine. Celeste.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a good one.

Q: It is?

A: Well, I haven't talked to them in three years. But three years ago, they weren't doing anything to the water.

Q: Someone actually told me that the calcium content [unintelligible].

A: It's not [unintelligible] water. There's no thermal pool around that water.

Q: So even though [unintelligible].

A: Calcium in water will just magnetize toxic calcium out of your blood. Like cheese does. But it will also take a lot of other things out. If you're exercising, it's fine. Like I said, I don't recommend people drink water unless they exercise. If they've been on a diet a long time, even if you're exercising, you don't need a lot of it. Better to drink milk. Eat tomatoes. Eat more vegetable juice.

Q: The mountain valley water, right? [unintelligible]

A: But no matter what kind of minerals it's concentrated in, they'll all turn white once the water is evaporated. It doesn't matter what kind of minerals.

Q: So then when I filter the water, I didn't have that problem.

A: Then it leaches even more substances out of your body.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah.

Q: Because it doesn't have any...

A: Because it's basically distilled water.

Q: I see. Okay.

A: And it's very hungry water. Rainwater is distilled water. And when that hits the ground, it starts dissolving the earth. And that's how plants eat. Celeste?

Q: Yes. Sometimes if I haven't been able to get all my juices in, [unintelligible].

A: I mean, you'll have more at one time.

Q: Right. Is that not a good thing to do? Is it better to have it spread out? Or is that okay to do that?

A: I would say for you, it's a bad thing to do. Just because I want to irritate you.


A: No, it's fine.

Q: I just started getting white spots on my hands since maybe last month, and I've read it's a lack of calcium, lack of zinc. What's your experience with that?

A: Well, like I say, don't try to counterbalance it like that. Those signs are just signs that you're detoxifying the concentration of something in the built in the nails. Not something you should even worry about.

Q: So, you feel it's actually detoxing rather than...

A: Anytime you're detoxing, you're going to have certain kinds of deficiencies. As long as you're constantly eating a balanced diet, you're always going to supply the right balance.

Q: So why is there deficiencies?

A: Let's say you're detoxing... Let's say you're detoxing mercury. There's a certain balance of minerals that will attach to a mercury molecule to prevent it from doing damage in your system. That can cause potassium, magnesium, zinc, and... One other mineral that are very concentrated being utilized to do that. Just to control it. To magnetize to it. You will start having a deficiency periodically if you don't keep up your eating. If you're eating a primal diet balanced diet on a daily basis throughout the day, you're always going to keep up with that balance. The vegetable juice is your vitamin, enzymes, and mineral supplement. All bioactive. All very utilizable. And let me tell you, four glasses a day far exceeds the mineral concentration that your body could even use in one day, unless you were an athlete. Working out five to eight hours a day. Those people I have taking 16 ounces of juice at a time, four to five times a day. Sometimes a quart if they're a six foot or something tall at a time.

Q: For [unintelligible].

A: Oh yeah. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You forgot?

Q: I have two questions. I'll choose this one. It's about being in the sun. I like to go in the sun, and I have not done anything like some of the other things you've recommended. I just go in straight. And I've always been drawn to the sun. [unintelligible]

A: It's a vitamin D deficiency. That's why there's so many suicides in Sweden and Finland.

Q: I've always felt good and regenerated in the sun. And a little down when it's not sunny.

A: It means you have a vitamin D deficiency and need the sun. I went to that up until about three years ago. It took me how many years? Eating meat on a daily basis. It took me 17 years to get to the point where this kind of weather doesn't depress me.

Q: So what I should be doing is being in the sun more?

A: Yeah.

Q: And how much is okay to use?

A: Well, it depends on what you want. I'm an opportunist. I use anything I can to get well quicker. So when I went out on a bicycle and wasn't eating meat, my skin felt like leather, like the Indians you see. And to help get rid of it, when I started eating all the meat and all the fat, I would scorch myself until I peeled layers of skin off. And it was a natural skin peel, so I don't have all that scar tissue or that thick tissue anymore. And I still use it. When I was down in Costa Rica, I had been out in the sun for, you know, [unintelligible] sun. It was raining all the time down there, but there was one sunny day, so I took full advantage of it. So anywhere where I have wrinkles of scar tissue, I peel. And that's great, because now I look younger. So I take full advantage of it. So you can burn yourself if you want.

Q: Okay, I don't burn very often at all.

A: I don't either.

Q: But I'm finding some marks on my face. I had this thing that started a red mark on my forehead after being in the sun.

A: Well, sometimes what happens is vitamin D helps get rid of poison pigments that are in the body. Let's say you ate some cake with some food coloring in it. And that got into an area, and you have to understand, even in the blue, there's cobalt. There's radioactive minerals in that coloring. So they get into your body and they cause damage, and then your body has to secrete it and get rid of it. Vitamin D helps get pigments, toxic pigments, out of the system.

Q: So I could go out and lie in the sun for three hours?

A: Correct, absolutely.

Q: You don't want to look too red?

A: Usually all of those spots that come out go away, most of them, on this diet. Sometimes they may take a year and a half to go away.

Q: What about the white spots?

A: The white spots is your body... In my laboratory test, I took scrapings on the skin of those white spots, because I had them severely once I started eating all the cream. I was eating a quart of cream a day. It was a quart of carrot juice. And I was exercising, and I was eating lots of eggs and lots of fish to build myself up. And I had huge white spots all over. And I took a scraping, and I found that those particular cells absorb vitamin D rapidly, but it could also release it into the body. Whereas the other skin areas weren't as healthy. They didn't absorb the sun to transform the fats in the skin into vitamin D. That's the process.

Q: So it's an area that's taking in more vitamin D?

A: It absorbs vitamin D. You can take the sun, radiation, use it in the fat to turn it into vitamin D, and then release it into the system quickly. So those are healthier cells in that area.

Q: What about brown spots.

A: Those are usually just what they're called liver spots. They can be the liver, gallbladder, spleen, or pancreas, the dark glands. When the cells in the glands can no longer produce hormones anymore, they're not functional to the gland. They no longer secrete anything but prostaglandins, which are only for the maintenance of the cell itself. So the body says, well, you know, you're not any help in the liver, and I need to get rid of you because you're, you know, taking up space and energy in the liver, so I'll send you out to the skin where you can function as a barrier.

Q: Do they grow away after they die?

A: If they, when they die, you know, the liver cell can live 50 years.

Q: Can I go without sunglasses, too?

A: But if your eyes are too sensitive, you can burn your retina, so some people have to have sunglasses. It's best to have them away from your eyes a little bit so some light can pass in, and so that you get that [unintelligible]. Yeah?

Q: So all of my life, I have been [unintelligible].

A: Because you burn from the sun.

Q: And I get, I get, my moods are very, very good in the cool, cloudy weather. So, and I've always felt extremely irritable in the sun, [unintelligible].

A: That's a severe fat deficiency. Severe fat deficiency, where you're not able to transform the radiation to vitamin D, so it does irritate the system instead of aids it. And it takes a while. I was the same way as a child. I couldn't get into the sun. I was, my hair was so white when I was born, and my skin was so white, that if I got into the sun for 10 minutes, I [unintelligible]. And I would get very irritable, nasty. But, you know, now that I've had all this fat, you know, for so long, I love the sun. [unintelligible], and when you're stuck in the desert, you start dehydrating along with the sun. [unintelligible]

Q: But you're still advocating the sun, even though [unintelligible].

A: Well, like I said, you need to get a little amount of it at a time, and it may be a year or two before you're ready to take it, you know, but do a little at a time. Ten minutes at a time isn't going to make you crazy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, then wait. Wait another six months. Try it then. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, everybody gets one question before we go back to that. Okay. Do you have a question, Jim?

Q: Yeah, I sure do.

Q: You've been to Hawaii and had vacation. You don't deserve one.


Q: But trying to do the weight loss diet, I got off to a good start, and then I didn't lose any weight, get bloated, and regular vegetable juice makes me feel queasy. So I'm in kind of a rough spot. So I think I'm just going to quit until I get an appetite back, right, or some kind of –

A: Quit what?

Q: Quit trying to do the weight loss, because I don't even get hungry all day. I feel bloated. I don't even want to eat. Vegetable juice makes me feel like throwing up. You know, I don't know what's going on.

A: Sounds like you're detoxing. So I would change the diet, the weight loss program, and you should be different. So you have to give me a call, and that would take 15 minutes to do.

Q: Okay. And then one other mini question about the weight loss. In your recipe book, there's all kinds of great meat recipes and sauces and stroganoff and this and that. Do those count as meat?

A: Absolutely.

Q: So, in other words, if you get a golf ball size meat stroganoff, it counts as a golf ball size. I mean, the mushrooms and all that stuff is okay.

A: Okay. Remember, when you're on a weight loss program, you don't want as much fat.

Q: Okay.

A: And you should stick with butter and not cream.

Q: But the recipes in general, okay, it gives you butter instead of cream.

A: Well, like I say, if you use those recipes on the weight loss, you're going to have some difficulty. You're going to be much more hungry.

Q: So we should just stick to the meat.

A: Yeah. And just remember, the more meat that you eat, the quicker you will lose the weight. People start eating the juices and everything else and eat the tomatoes and drink a little milk and don't eat the meat. They say, I'm not losing any weight. Well, hell, what do you think burns fat? Pyruvate. You've got to have the protein, the meat to do it. This is why the Sears diet works, the zone diet, you know. Put so much meat into the system, it burns all the fat off.

Q: I have a question along that line. [unintelligible]

A: Well, the lymph system doesn't dump a lot into the blood. But you're eating. You're not fasting. You're eating enough to deal with those toxins that get into the blood. Most of it will go through the skin. So, you know, you get into a hot bath and respire a little bit more or a sauna for a few minutes. Don't cook yourself in a sauna. You actually cook the vitamin D and vitamin A in your skin if you're doing it for more than, let's say, nine minutes. If you're at a level of about 130 degrees, you're up on top of 160 degrees, you can count getting rid of a lot of nerves for the cells as well as you're up there cooking. So stay in a lower room if you're in there, no more than eight, nine minutes. If you're at a level where it's 130 degrees, 127 to 130 degrees. If you're in a hot bath that's, you know, 105 or 106 degrees, you can be there for an hour, two hours. You know, when I'm in pain, like when I had my spine cauterized and I was in constant pain and I'd crawl on the floor, I lived in the bathtub 16, 18 hours a day. I re-warmed the water every hour and a half, two hours, and I lived in the bathtub. I was painless in the bathtub, relatively painless in the bathtub. I was able to excrete a lot of poisons. But some, you know, some of that, you know, that fat is bound to the poison if your body [unintelligible]. If you can't dissolve it, try to push most of it out through the skin. The best thing you can do is take hot baths [unintelligible], cycle.

Q: Is the steam [unintelligible] better for us?

A: No, because it burns the sinuses and it burns the lungs. And it damages the mucous membranes.

Q: What was the question?

A: Whether steam baths would be better.

Q: So you don't go in the steam baths?

A: Never.

Q: So the dry sauna is much better.

A: If you're in that kind of hot substance, you have to understand, steam is 212 degrees.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Okay? That burns the mucous right through the mucous cells. So you reduce your ability to absorb oxygen. You reduce your ability to produce mucous that protects you from pollution. Not a good thing. Very risky. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's what we just talked about, sauna.

Q: Sauna is okay.

A: The only thing I was talking about was sauna, dry heat.

Q: Dry heat is okay.

Q: I do a fair amount of work on my car. And then recently I've gotten a little concerned.

[audio cut]

A: Operators and mechanics.

Q: Lathe?

A: Lathe operators.

Q: Lathe.

A: Lathe.

Q: Oh, lathe.

A: Lathe. You know what a lathe is?

Q: A machine, okay.

A: A lathe is a machine that turns something and you cut it. You shape it.

Q: So I should wear gloves and just touch as little.

A: And if you're playing around with brake fluid or kerosene, you better wear a mask.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah.

Q: Does your cream help at all? I've been using that.

A: Yes, it does. You put it in your hands and then put gloves over that. It protects you a lot better. Put it on your face, anywhere your body is exposed because those vapors will come up and get right into your skin. Those are heavy metals. They're vaporized.

Q: So sufficient, like if you touch it, does it stay in your skin or does it get absorbed right into your body too?

A: Oh, it gets into the skin and absorbs into the body because the lymph system has to deal with it. The lymph system can't handle it and it'll be absorbed into all kinds of tissue. Very toxic. All mechanics and blade operators, especially airplane.

Q: Really?

A: Really. They use more solvents than anything. Okay, you got a question, Kathy.

Q: Oh, yeah. First of all, I just wanted to mention about the lady at Lilly's, Diane. She's agreed to have a try with the buffalo meat for the chicken. If it comes in this Tuesday, the buffalo meat, they're grazed on grass and well water. She's ordered two pounds already. [unintelligible] It's either coming this Tuesday I'll get it or she'll let me know tomorrow night about the buffalo meat. We're going to try her chickens on eating buffalo meat.

A: Who is?

Q: Lilly's.

A: Okay.

Q: So they're going to see how it works with that.

Q: So our eggs will be raised on buffalo meat?

A: They feed them some supplemental nutrients to give them protein. We want to try to get away from that because chickens naturally eat meat. All the chickens and ducks eat lots of meat. That's why they'll eat each other if they don't get enough protein. So the industry of the FDA and the USDA said okay, we want to stop you from feeding these animals animal byproducts and we want you to only use grains [unintelligible] soybean industry. It grows and grows and grows. But chickens cannot eat soybeans without processing just like humans. If a chicken eats raw soybeans it will kill it. Just like it kills a human. So they have to be solvent extracted. That's like soaking your food in kerosene for 20 minutes and eating it. Soy is highly toxic for chickens and humans.

Q: So I'll be delivering it to her on [unintelligible] Day at the farmer's market in Santa Monica.

A: So now I've been trying to get people to feed fresh raw waste animal products to the chickens which is natural. They do it at Pangaia in Hawaii. Let me tell you they are the most sedentary, nice, friendly ducks I've ever met. My grandparents had a farm and those ducks attacked. They attacked. Mean as a snake. Oh boy, when they get, especially rotten meat, they will follow you anywhere and just rub up against you. They love you. Incredible. Go ahead.

Q: Well, the question is, first of all, my mother has a terrible bad eye. Left eye is red inside. What do you suggest for that eye?

A: Put some egg white in that eye.

Q: Egg white.

A: Your mother doesn't do anything I say.

Q: I know, I'm just trying, but she listens to egg white. They said it's a macular degeneration from the nerve.

A: Well, your mother's not well. Your mother's not well at all. One of the meanest people I know.

Q: She's toxic.

A: She's toxic from it, yeah. So I don't know that anything's going to help her much. If you get her to put the egg white in her eye, it will help. It will feed the protein right through the cornea so that she can maybe stabilize that deterioration.

Q: Bloodshot all over. One other thing I just want to mention. You can detox from your bone, right? I feel right here. The bone's already hurting here. So it means your feet can get wider from that? Does your feet get... I'm talking about your width of your foot can expand. Can it get wider?

A: Yeah, it can. I've got a triple D here.

Q: And what were you before?

A: It doesn't look that big, but it is a triple D.

Q: What were you before?

A: I was a C.

Q: So your foot...

A: When I was a teenager, I was a C. Now I'm a triple D.

Q: So your feet on the diet eventually will get wider.

A: Well, it depends. I don't wear a lot of shoes. So my foot is naturally allowed to spread and expand. And I kept it in shoes like most people do to prevent the expansion.

Q: You have to go barefoot in order to expand.

A: Probably. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. [unintelligible] I've been having salads with olive oil.

A: No wonder you have gas. Just remember, if you eat salads, salads alkalinize the intestinal tract. The intestinal tract has to be acid to digest all the animal product. You're going to have lots of gas if you do that. If you eat a salad, it better be the last food of the day so no meat catches up to it during the night. Because you'll have gas. That's why I suggest vegetable juice, not vegetables. You need to alkalinize the blood, not the intestines. And if we were well, we wouldn't even need vegetable juice. We wouldn't need that mineral supplement, the alkalinity, and all the vitamins and enzymes supplementation. All the other tribes that eat raw foods don't need that. They just eat the meat, the dairy, and the blood. Simple. They don't ever eat vegetables. Well, I should say once or twice a year.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And the meat? The meat's full of calcium. The vitamin C in meat is so high that it reverses severe scurvy in three days. Not even carrot juice or oranges can do that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I would take off. Get out of town. Get out of Dodge. That's the odor that will make me crazy.

Q: It is a poison.

A: Oh, yeah, it's heavy metal vapors involved in that. Oh, there was one other highly toxic person, besides mechanics and lathe operators, and those are people who grew up under an airport. Grew up under an airport, or a landing strip. Very toxic. Do you have a question about that?

Q: What about oils like flax oil [unintelligible].

A: Okay, there are two different fields there. Flax oil is a 90% solvent reactor. That's why it's a good antioxidant. It helps break down toxic substances. It does not lubricate the body. It does not aid the body in stabilizing. It is mainly a solvent that will dissolve and detoxify toxic substances in the body.

Q: Is that good?

A: That's good, unless you're as thin as you are, then you don't want to do it.

Q: You don't want to do it?

A: No. You want to build and stabilize your system and get enough weight on that you can afford to do that. Because the byproducts from using a solvent like that will add a lot of waste products, and they'll just go into your tissues all over the place.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It has to get it into there without damaging the intestinal walls. And it can't do that unless it is stable. Your body is stable with good raw fats, animal fats. It has to be protected first. It's like you going in and taking care of nuclear waste without a suit on. It's not a good idea.

Q: So it's not good to take?

A: No. In fact, people who just go on with the diet, I say stay away from all kinds of pressed oils for a couple of years and you're very thin.

Q: How about fish oil?

A: Fish oil is a different thing. That's an animal fat. It's wonderful. But any time you buy a fish oil that's been separated from the fish, you use a solvent to purify it, and that's like soaking your fish oil in kerosene. You have to use heat and or a solvent to purify it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Same thing. It's all purified and clarified. That's a solvent process. The only way you're going to get pure oils is from a fish.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's not a good idea. If you need something to help make you laxative, like the man who came here earlier. No, no, no. There was a man who came earlier who didn't even stay for anything other than just come and thank me. His wife had been on the diet for about two years. She was a person who couldn't even drink water. Now she's gained about 30 pounds. She was skin and bones. She's going to die. Now she's fine. He thought it was a crazy diet, but he didn't have any other choice. He watched her go through it. After a year, he started experimenting. He's come to me as a client, but he was doing these other things. I told him the diet, and he's just doing his version of the diet because he knew better. I just had a consultation with him last week, and I said, You don't do that. This is why [unintelligible]. He was giving me this resistance for about 15 minutes, and I just laid it out there. This is the way to do it. See what happens. He came to tell me that all of his problems disappeared in just a few days. Doing exactly what I said. He's the one that has a lot of constipation problems. I said, If you really have a constipation problem, don't grind the flaxseed. Don't eat that garbage because it has phytic acid in it. It will prevent you from absorbing your B vitamins. You'll go toward depression. You'll have anxiety attacks if you do that with flaxseeds. If you want to take chia seeds, soak them in water for 6 to 10 hours. They'll puff out with all this gelatin. Mix that with a lubrication formula or some cream. If you want it to taste like a nice cereal, add cream and honey. So that's what he's been doing. He says he was great. It's like that.

Q: I never heard of it.

A: I said, Never chop your seeds into hard substances because it takes hours for it to soften. It'll go to your intestines and start slashing into more constipation. If you want to take the flaxseeds, they will also produce the same kind of mucus, like gelatin, but not like the chia seeds. Chia seeds is a very fine little seed that we feed birds. But you can find it in some health food stores. It's a very fine seed.

A: You have to get it organic.

A: No, because it doesn't absorb. None of that absorbs. It takes a bird, a very hardy bird, [unintelligible] to digest it.

Q: Why take it?

A: To help people who don't have good peristalsis and they don't have good E. coli to cause bowel movements. So it's just to help them move. For some people who can't, who don't have the bacteria, the E. coli, to produce enough fecal matter, enough bacteria to discharge, the toxins will stay. And if they're highly acrid and they don't have enough mucus in that bowel because they've got colonics or enemas, then those substances, the toxic substances that are in the bowel, will irritate the intestinal walls and cause ulceration. And even more constipation. And then they'll get headaches. All kinds of problems. And mean and nasty, like the alligators in Texas that had no asshole.


Q: Did you say it takes 40 years for the bone to detox?

A: That's right, 40 years for the bone to detox five times.

Q: [unintelligible] It is the bone, isn't it, right here?

A: So your body will go through different stages for four years. Okay. Suzanne, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. [unintelligible]

A: No, grapefruit doesn't react badly. And also pineapple actually helps mend the bones and reverse osteoporosis. The tangerine, the orange, the lemon, the lime will help deteriorate the bones.

Q: Deteriorate bones?

A: Deteriorate bones.

Q: Orange, lemon, lime? You can't suck on a lemon or a lime, right?

A: I didn't make the world this way. You don't get upset with me. I just observe and tell you what it does.

Q: Some of the best recipes for chicken where you put in lemon, lime, you shouldn't have that?

A: No, that's fine because there's enough substances in there for the lemon to work on. It's not going to damage the mineral balance of it unless you have it too often.

Q: What do you mean too often?

A: If you have it every day, if you have lemon and chicken every day, you're going to have some mineral deficiencies.

Q: So, you shouldn't eat chicken every day?

A: No, you shouldn't eat lemon and chicken together. You shouldn't eat lemon every day. Nobody should eat lemon every day.

Q: Let's say you make a chicken today, and you squeeze the lemon on it, and you have that chicken for three days.

A: I said every day. I didn't say for three days.

Q: You eat it every day.

A: If you eat it every day for three days, it's not going to cause a mineral deficiency. If you ate it every day for ten days, you better believe you're going to start having mineral deficiencies.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It depends upon the individual. If your teeth, and you start getting more sensitive, you've had too much lemon, your gums start getting sensitive, any part of your body starts getting sensitive, you've had too much citrus. Back off.

Q: What about the lube formula?

A: The lube formula has such a small amount of it in the relationship with the fat. That's why it usually doesn't work. It doesn't harm marinated fish because you have the fats to utilize the citric acid. In the process of utilizing fat as energy, or as utilizing it as a solvent to dissolve toxins in the body, the body uses 80% fats, 15% proteins, and 5% citric acid or alcohol the body will make by fermenting carbohydrates in the system.

[audio cut]

A: They're usually accompanied by a lot of minerals. All fats have concentrated minerals. Nothing to worry about. But if you use a lot, like some people use an awful lot of lemon juice to marinate their chicken, and they're eating, drinking all of that lemon juice along with it, they're going to create an imbalance. Fat and mineral deficiencies. They're going to start leaching it out of the body. Unless you're going to eat cheese with it. If you grate some cheese and put that in the mixture right before you eat it, there you'll provide a lot of minerals that will attach to the lemon juice or citrus juice, whatever it is.

Q: If I understand this correctly, raw milk is the best substance for remineralizing the [unintelligible].

A: Correct. As long as you have extra cream.

Q: And that bone marrow is additionally efficient [unintelligible]

A: Bone marrow will do it even faster than milk. Bone marrow is stem cells. It's all stem cells. It means the body can take a bone marrow cell and make a liver cell, a nerve cell, any cell in the body. It's a transmogrification. There's only one source we have here. We worked very hard at getting it. So we should all applaud her.


A: She's got sources for glands, good organic buffalo glands, and bone marrow. If you want any of those, help you get well faster. Take her number after this is over and give her a call.

Q: I wanna order the bone marrow after, cause she can't stand it at the same time because they have to let the animal hang for 10 days.

A: I understand.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely, yeah. When I shot those gophers and my girlfriend ate all the guts, I ate the bones and the muscle. I put them in a blender with some milk and I blended the hell out of it. I had lots of bones from that little creature. Those little creatures.

Q: And the tomatoes do not have the same acidic effect as the citrus.

A: Correct. It's a different acid. It can cause over-acidity in some people because if you've eaten a lot of tomato sauces, you know, pizzas and tomato soups and stuff like that, and you have a high deposit of those in the system, the raw tomatoes can help pull that garbage out. That can cause an over-acidity, which is in the tongue, the mouth. It can cause temporary geographical tongue.

Q: What's a geographical tongue? Oh, okay, it's striped up here?

A: All of these fissures all over. It's called a geographical tongue. Mine's forever that way since they cut the vagus nerve and all the acid comes into my mouth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And also oysters are very healthy.

Q: Oh.

A: It's funny, oysters have the ability to take some of the most toxic substances, and they build them into the shell without it being into the body. I had one of the most toxic people that I'd ever seen who grew up under an airport, and she was loaded with mineral poisoning. And I said, if you ate three dozen oysters a week, you could probably eliminate all those, because she was going through fibromyalgia really badly. So she barely had enough energy to get out of bed every day. She ate three dozen a week for an entire year, and she got rid of one-third of her metal poisoning in one year. I'd never seen anybody do that before. She was diligent about it.

Q: Is that good for osteoporosis, too?

A: Correct. There's something about the cell of an oyster that can take a mineral from any substance and make [unintelligible].

Q: There's a new restaurant right around the corner in [unintelligible] City.

A: There are several there. Jaime's, the Jaime's go there sometimes. Jaime's on Pico Boulevard. And there are several right there. They're all grouped right there. All three of them. I forgot the name of the others. Jaime's closed?

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: How do you know if they're farm raised or naturally grown in the ocean?

A: All are farm raised. All oysters and clams are farm raised. However, all that means to an oyster and a clam is that they have a fence. They have a fence that blocks off a part of the ocean. They're now allowed to claim that as their farm so people can't trespass. The only thing that they do that's not natural is sometimes they'll take the offspring, separate it from the mother, and plant it in different areas. But they don't feed it garbage. It's only fed when it's naturally in the ocean because they found out if they screw up, they're reproductive. If they don't reproduce if they feed them. So it's completely natural except for the fence.

Q: What do they eat the oysters, basically?

A: Whatever's in the water, the ocean water.

Q: Well, in that case, there's a place downtown called Dan's, and they have a really good oyster. They get like three dozen for $19.

A: Oh, wow.

Q: [unintelligible] It's called Dan's Seafood Company in downtown L.A.

Q: Then you have to open them yourself.

Q: They also have them in jars at a really reasonable price. [unintelligible]

Q: The jars are not that good.

A: Well, the jars are glass, so that's fine, but still it's always better to have a fresh oyster. Okay, did I catch everybody? We had a latecomer. Did you want to ask a question?

Q: I was wondering maybe how spirulina might fit in with [unintelligible].

A: Well, first of all, an algae is only edible as long as it's still in the water and active in the water. Once it's dry, you will absorb less than probably 20% of it and not well. Again, it's a vegetable that's dehydrated. As long as you take the algae, filter it, and then drink it right out of the water, it'll be active and good for you. Still, you're not going to digest a lot of it because you're not a fish. It takes a fish system to break down that particular type of cellulose. So, if you take...

Q: There are no cellulose in the blue-green algae.

A: Oh, yes, there is.

Q: Well, maybe I'm wrong.

A: They have to have some membrane.

Q: That's an animal cell type membrane. Plants have [unintelligible].

A: Okay, if you do an experiment, take your spirulina, measure how much you take, and then check your feces for 48 hours, and measure how much has passed through you without digesting it. When I did it, 98% passed through. The best for one particular animal was 20% absorption. That's all. So, again, to me, it's another hype.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't want to hear about that guy again. It's two years since we met.

Q: No, this is another person.

A: I don't want to hear about it. If it arrives, it arrives. Did you have a question? No? Okay, we've got everybody. What time is it?

Q: 5.18.

A: Pardon?

Q: 5.18.

A: Oh, we're 18 minutes over.

Q: Oh, my God.