Kevin Gianni Interview

Date: 20 December 2010

Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang

G = Gianni, A = Aajonus

G: Good afternoon everyone, this is Kevin Gianni from the Renegade Health Show. It is Monday and today we have a very special interview. I always say very special interview, but I feel that a lot of them are very special. Today what we're going to do is we're going to be talking with Aajonus Vonderplanitz. We're not going to be talking about raw meat, what we're going to be talking about is the Rawesome Co-op and the raid. It happened about six months ago and today and tomorrow we're going to give you an update on what's going on now. I think it's really valuable information. So go ahead and take a look. Why don't you tell us about what has happened at the Rawesome Co-op recently and give us the story so those who don't know about it can know and then we'll talk about some of the issues at hand.

A: Well the FDA is very bent on completely controlling the food chain all the way from the grassroots on up. Almost all of the FDA heads for the last 15 years have either been CEOs with a pharmaceutical company or an agricultural company like Dow or Monsanto. Like the present head is from Monsanto and was a lawyer for Monsanto. So it's a very nepotitous arrangement and of course they're always going to favor big agriculture and the pharmaceutical industries. And if they take away the rights of the farmer then it puts the farmer out of business so the agricultural companies can absorb these farms for five, ten cents on the dollar. And that really puts the small farmer out of business and the small farming families out of business. So in order to do that they need to disrupt the small buying clubs that have been established in the last 10 years and I've headed a major network of them and of course Sally Fallon has done the same on a much bigger scale than I with farm lease, I mean farm herd share programs. Mine are farm lease programs. The difference in that is that you buy a share in a herd or a cow and you get a portion of the milk. But there's no legal precedence for herd shares. So a judge can rule anything he wants on it and I was in a courtroom once where the judge said, well whoever owns the udder, that share of the cow, they get the milk. Which is an absurd statement, but that's what a judge can say when there's no precedence in law. Well I formed an arrangement to lease herds and animals and farmland so that anybody who is a member of the club owns whatever produce is produced. Whether it's the milk from the cow, whether it's the tomatoes from the field, whether it's the meat from the steer. No matter what it is the club members own it and there's almost 75 years of precedence in law in lease agreements and when you lease something you are the technical owner. You are the legal owner of that property and you have full responsibility as an owner including any harm that comes, any damage, any insurance that has to be purchased, anything like if you're leasing a car. So it gives ownership rights. The FDA in the first two paragraphs of the laws about the FDA, they have jurisdiction, all government agencies have jurisdiction over commerce only. So since we pay the farmer per product to grow, to nurture, to house, to completely care for the animals and the land and our food as our produce, there's no commerce involved. There's no selling, we're not buying our food, we already own it. We are paying the farmer and all of the help on the farm as a contractor to do that for us. So that takes it out of the FDA's ruling. So whereas the herd share program has been failing in many cases every year, my herd share program has collected and embraced those farms that were about to go down and the FDA take them down, I saved them from being divided and bankrupt and going out of business. So I keep the farmer in business by the contracts. So what the FDA has been doing is raiding these farmers and or the co-ops and confiscating thousands of dollars worth of product, trying to bankrupt the small farmer or the co-op, the club, with the club members who own the product.

G: Why are they raiding? They're going in on what grounds?

A: Well, they're going in on the grounds that we're producing food that we're not supposed to be producing, we don't have permits, and we're selling the food. Basically the warrants that are produced for these raids are actually false documents, because I notify when a farmer has been visited or was a working farm that had been permitted, if they've been visited by the government I will issue, as soon as we sign the contract, I created right to choose healthy food, a not-for-profit organization to protect the farmers. Then there are a lot of clubs in various areas, and that way I know who is where by having different names of clubs. But all those clubs are under the right to choose healthy food, they're the ones that own the product. So I will issue, as soon as I make a contract with a farmer, I will issue to the FDA in Washington, D.C. and the FDA, the local state FDA, and let them know that there's no longer any commerce involved, that the club members under right to choose healthy food are the owners of that and they no longer have jurisdiction, and if they come onto the property again it will be trespassing. If they come on the property with a warrant, it'll be a false warrant on pretenses of false jurisdiction, and therefore you will be kidnapping and stealing if you take any product.

G: So, if it was commerce, then would it be a problem or no?

A: If we were buying and selling, of course it would be under their jurisdiction.

G: Right. Okay, so basically what, obviously what you're attempting to do is to make sure that you get the most pure food, food that's not pasteurized, things like that, right?

A: Right, yes. I don't like detergent in the eggs, I don't like eggs that are refrigerated, because 99% of the body is bacterial. For every one human gene we have, we have 100 bacterial genes, so we are only 1% human. So we need all the bacteria we can get, and the pharmaceutical and the medical industry, you know, hiding under their false bacteria theory, which is completely and easily disproved, keeps them in business.

G: What's going on with the co-op now? Is it still operating, or?

A: Oh yeah, you know, as soon as it happened, I was in Thailand at the time, but I was on the phone, and I said, as soon as they leave, you tear down their order of closure, you cut it, take it away, and you reopen. So it's been open ever since, it was only shut down for that 6-hour period of the raid. And they did the same thing to my farmer Vernon Hershberger in Rainbow Acres in Wisconsin.

G: And they took product?

A: Yeah, they took product, yep. The warrant said they were allowed to take samples. That means vials. They took 17 cooler loads of food. These are people, there were children and babies that didn't get fed because of that. Because they took these members' food.

G: And so now, do you expect them to come back?

A: If they do, they're just going to make it worse for themselves. I mean, you saw how it went on the internet, and so many TV stations carried it and covered it. And you see the police going through, expecting the milk and the produce to come out with a gun and shoot them with their guns raised. It's the most bizarre, stupid thing I've ever seen in my life.

G: Right. So what do we need to do to maintain our rights? So how does this co-op still exist of them hassling you over and over again?

A: Well, they didn't hassle that one over and over again. They know that I am ready and I'm accumulating enough money from donations to Right to Choose Healthy Food to be able to file suit and to fight all of this. And they took two of my farmers to court, and I wrote the legal briefs, one a 62-page and one a 19-page brief. And the farmers took it with them to court, and it showed that the government had no jurisdiction, the FDA had no jurisdiction, they didn't have to ever permit to grow food for the owner's own use of the property under the contract, under the lease agreement. So rather than have the judge adjudicate on it, everybody walked out of the courtroom, even the jury. I mean, even the judge did not even adjudicate on it, did not dismiss it, because my request was my motion was to quash or dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. So they didn't even adjudicate on it, just walked out. Everybody walked out, and just left it, haven't touched them in seven years.

G: And lack of jurisdiction, can you explain that for someone who's listening?

A: Well, jurisdiction means that a government body or agency has rights to govern. Without jurisdiction, there's no governing right.

G: And that's because basically, you're leasing the farm.

A: We own, the members own the property. So anything that's produced on their property is theirs, it's no sale, there's no exchange of money for product, because the members already own it. We just pay per item for the farmer producing it for us.

G: Right, and just as if you were buying direct from the farmer, the farmer...

A: If you're buying direct from the farmer, then you're doing commerce.

G: Okay, I see.

A: We're not buying anything, we're paying the farmer for taking care of our goods and supplying to us. That's not commerce. But now the government is our so-called protectors, our congressional people, they're just involved in this whole industrial process as anybody else. They only give lip service to protecting us and taking care of us, and it has nothing to do with that. They're out to protect industry, period. Let me give you an example. Three years ago, there was a sneaked law through. One of the representatives of the California Department of Agriculture went to, behind closed doors, went to a lot of the legislators here in California and said, oh, we have new milk regulations and everybody's in favor of them, and it will help us have better food. Well, wait a minute, if it would help us have better food and everybody's agreed, then it shouldn't even have to be law, right? So the Assembly members in the Senate, California Assembly members, fell for the stupid ploy and they made it a law. We didn't find out about it until it was already made law. So we had to go through the court system, Sally Fallon, the Farmer to Consumer Direct Organization, my Right to Choose Healthy Food, many doctors and many people went to Sacramento and we lobbied for a year to get a bill through. It went through with only two out of over 400 votes, or about 400 votes, only two opposed it. So it was pretty unanimous. It gets on Governor Schwarzenegger's desk and he vetoes it. Now the Senate and Assembly have full ability to nullify, to avoid the Governor's veto. But did they do it. No. It's just a dance they do. You know, one guy will play the bad guy and the rest of them play the good guys. And they make us think that they're working for us and they don't. But when one man can make milk more hazardous for us and not to the quality we want with the stroke of a pen, and then 400 people not defend us and say, well, Schwarzenegger, you're way out of line here. Your veto won't count. We're going to reverse it, nullify it. They didn't do it. So that's the way they do their dance.

G: The governing organizations, are they more upset about the fact that there's a danger to the community or about the fact that maybe the co-op, I mean, does the co-op make a profit that they might want a piece of that can be taxed? I'm just trying to figure out all the different aspects of this.

A: Well, like I say, it has to do with controlling the people completely, having complete control. Of course, getting any tax dollars they can. And of course, in a private, non-commercial exchange, there's no taxes.