Aajonus on Kathy

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

F = Fred, A = Aajonus

A: I was autistic. I couldn't say a fucking word.

F: So now you're making up for it.

A: Making up for it.

F: You're like Kathy.

A: Oh, Kathy. Oh my God.

F: Now she's making up for it.

A: Oh, wow.

F: She calls me several times a week.

A: She's a wonderful person. I mean, if you had seen her with her mother, her mother was so embarrassed by it. Like my father was embarrassed by me.

F: Yeah.

A: My mother was compassionate enough that she didn't get angry too often. Once in a while she'd call me an idiot or stupid. But not often. But my dad was oh, so irritated. Like Kathy's mother was. So she was so, Kathy went to open her mouth, her mother wouldn't let her speak.

F: Wow.

A: So when she came, when I gave that talk at, not Mogan David, but that temple on Pico. I can't remember David or something. That the temple, you know, she came up to me and she had black eyes just like a raccoon. Gray skin, you know, they took her, they must have taken her to every doctor, and every doctor pumped her with every antibiotic and every vaccine or whatever they could find. So, I mean, she was hunched over. And would talk like this. And I thought she was stoned, you know, but after being with her for about 10 minutes, you know, people were coming up and they wanted to talk and I just, like Louis can't, Jimmy, he can't, he gets so riled, because he was the same way. It's like he sees, maybe subconsciously he sees he was the same way. And he just gets so angry with her. You know, so I have to calm everybody down. He gets anxious with her, because she's come up such a long way. You know, it's wonderful. And she's a leader, you know, with the chemtrails stuff. You know, and Ron Paul, and wow, she developed. And I didn't give her any other fluids other than the diet. She came all that way on her own mind, you know, wanted to improve everything in life, not just the diet, when the diet was working for her. It was really wonderful to see that.