Q&A Of March 16, 2008

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, I'm just going to mention a few things about my Asian trip. I went to China first, the southwestern area near Laos and Thailand. They've slashed, they've clear cut everything. So all of those remote areas have all been clear cut and they're planting rubber trees everywhere. The food is still incredible there though. The tribes are still, I mean they don't all dress in their garb like they do in Thailand. They're not in their native garb. But their food, they have all heirloom food so it's so delicious. Heirloom corn, everything they have is heirloom. So it's none of this hybrid stuff. In Laos, I was very disappointed with Laos because they advertise it as a green country and it's supposed to be very primitive. And I went to Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Odomtse and Luang Namtah. And two of those, Odomtse and Luang Namtah are supposed to be green states. They're about the size of probably Arizona, each state. And when I went, there was no airport so I had to take buses. And when I was going through both Odomtse but mainly Luang Namtah, 85, now this is the one if you go online and you go anywhere, they advertise that as the eco-state of Laos. And it's 85% clear cut. Only rubber trees planted. Ecologically imbalanced. And they say they're preserving all the Indian tribes. They have the highest number of Indian tribes, like sixty Indian tribes in that state. And they can't even function. And along the road sides on the buses, they have the dirtiest fuel I've ever experienced in the world. It is so dirty that it tarnished all the vegetation for 200 yards on either side of the roadway. We're talking about a mountainous region. And it's that, it just yellowed it all the way 200 yards out. I'm talking two football fields away. Most of your Indian tribes live on the roadways. So they're being poisoned to death. Same thing the American government did to the American Indian. Wiping them out. And they advertise as ecologically preserving the native natural way and everything. It's disgusting. And one time I took a hike. I hired a driver and a guide and a translator to go way back into the highest out of the Great Hill Tribes, only ten miles away from China. And I get up there. They're dressed like I am in jeans and, you know, not in their native garb at all. And I walk up there and all these little boys from about the age of six to about the age of 11 are saying to me, boom, boom for food, boom, boom for food. It means they want to have sex for food. They're not preserving these Indians at all. You know, and they sold all the little girls. So there were only two girls in that whole tribe. All the little boys, they were being sold for food. So it was shocking. It was disgusting. And all of this stuff you read in the propaganda, you know, I just don't know how these people can do that. But they do it. They have no confidence in government people. They're into it for the clear cutting now for the, you know, all the rubber tree stuff that they can sell to China and to other countries. They don't care about the natives at all. And even though you hear stuff about it. Just wanted to let you know that's going on. They clear, they slash and burn everything. So they don't mulch. They're into that. The farmers, they can't make any money anymore because the American system has gone in and lowered the prices. You know, big companies buy all the grain, the rice from the small farmers and then don't give them very much money. And then they make all the big money, the middle man, the salesperson. So it puts the little farmer out. So the little farmer, instead of having two growing seasons, they have three growing seasons just to make ends meet. So instead of cutting the remainder of the rice stalks, they will cut them and burn them rather than mulching them in. Because if they have to wait for them to mulch in, then they lose the whole growing season. And then every field is slashed and burned. I mean, it's like the sky is gray and brown every day. I had a lung infection the entire time that I was there. I was trying to keep it out. On the roadway, when I was on the bus, buses, I realized how bad it was because I was spitting up green and yellow phlegm within a few hours on the bus. So when we made the next stop and there happened to be a pharmacy in this particular town, it was pretty primitive in Laos, in Luang Nam Tha. So to find a pharmacy outside of a big town is impossible. So their big towns are like 2,000 people. So I got a surgeon's cotton mask and I wore that. Two hours in the bus, I got to the other end, it was black. That is how bad the fuel is. They mean to kill these people and use up all the resources. So while I was there, I also learned, this time, even though I didn't have milk, I was going to find a different way to see if I could adjust to no water. So any time now when I eat or drink, instead of guzzling, I put my lips together and act like an infant who hasn't learned to suckle yet. So I force just a little bit of fluid into my mouth at a time, maybe a tablespoon with a sucker or maybe half a tablespoon. And with that action, I don't get thirsty. I used to guzzle my milk and guzzle my milk and I'd have to drink. When I was in Thailand, I was not able to get much milk, at least frequently. I would resort to drinking two cups of water a day. And here, I don't drink water because I have the milk. I found that I drink less milk, I'm very cut, but still hold all my fat. And I'm not thirsty and I'm not dry mouthed. Just by controlling even guzzling milk or any other fluid with my vegetable juice, I drink everything slowly now. So I can stay trimmer, I don't have to carry as much fluid weight. Okay, questions, answers? Starting with you. Questions and answers, yes.

Q: Meningitis. When I started with you five years ago, I was super stiff. I've gotten through parts where my joints start to break with the toxic scar tissue. And I had some meningitis, which I have a feeling is expired and brought back out again with me. Most people on the diet don't know that the meningitis is not something you actually want to get rid of. It's actually good. It helps clear out the heavy metals, probably from vaccinating and stuff. Lisa on the way in was telling me how sick she was. She was going through all sorts of tremors, which is what I had. Any comment on what other things could help when you're going through such a heavy detox? For instance, like spinal meningitis, whether it's viral or bacteria?

A: Well, when you have meningitis, it's a detoxification of the spinal cord or the brain. If it's spinal meningitis, of course, it's the spine. If it's cerebral meningitis, it's of the brain. Because the brain utilizes most of the metallic minerals in the body to convey light and electricity and conduct electricity, the concentration of metallic minerals in the brain and nervous system is extraordinary. So when you go through a detox of the brain and spinal cord, it is usually debilitating to the point where most people don't get out of bed. I've had spinal meningitis four times since I had that radiation therapy that cauterized my spine. So when I went through meningitis, I was in so much pain, I couldn't lift the legs. I had to be cared for. Plus, the mind goes everywhere. It's not consistent and it's pretty crazy. And there's violent spells. There's all kinds of things that go on because everything's misfiring. The synapse, the ganglion, the axioms are all misfiring. And memory retention is bad. I've only known two people who've been active on their feet and that's Lisa and Scott during meningitis. I've never known any other people to not be completely incapacitated with meningitis.

Q: We go through some really wacky things mentally.

A: Yeah, well, when you've got that much metal going on. And aluminum is a great part of that toxicity. And aluminum destroys the zeta potential. And the zeta potential is the ability for nutrients to remain suspended in fluid. So it's like if you took liquid mercury and poured it into a fish tank, the fish would hit bottom. They could no longer stay suspended in the water. They can't swim. So the same thing happens in our brain and nervous system. All of a sudden everything hits bottom in the brain so it doesn't function properly. And you have to expect that if you go through that kind of a detoxification, and you might warn people around you, especially if you've got a loved one, you're not going to be rational, you're not going to be coherent, and you're not going to be nice all the time. As far as what to do about it, it depends upon the individual and how they're handling the detoxification. Most people I tell, do very little. Save your energy or your nutrients for the detoxification. Because if you're using activity, then there could be scarring in the brain or nervous system. So you have less functionality. It's best also not to tax the body in digestion. Might not want to have whole milkshakes. Just milk and eggs separately, honey separately. Take everything separately even though it's not as tasty as enjoyable. Also you'll be dumping so many heavy metals and free radicals. Most people label heavy metals free radicals. A free radical is an agent that doesn't have its proper bond to make it a beneficial substance. So like you could have potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium as your main bonds to any kind of heavy metal that has a purpose in the body to conduct electricity or transfer light. There's a small amount of that within those bonds. When you cook food, you fractionate that. You never know how those ions are going to group together. They always mismatch in poor relationships and poor quantities and concentrations. So that's why a lot of people who are on poor diets are not as rational as logical. I can prove how logical and sensible people are on this diet if I look at the children who are on this diet. I just had one 19 year old graduate from Yale. He was on the diet since he was one year old. He only does 70% of the diet. And then one 5 year old who's 99.9% on the diet. But he just entered the fourth grade and he's 5 years old. So all the children on this diet are exceptional because everything is in proper balance. The brain and nervous system work properly. So when you go through a detoxification of your spine and brain, you're not going to be functioning properly. You're going to be functioning in the least balanced. Don't expect to be rational. Don't beat yourself up. Just try to isolate yourself so you don't hurt anybody. Emotionally.

Q: How long [unintelligible]?

A: One woman I convinced her, she was very very skinny and about 46 years old. I always claimed she was 38. She was like that. She was very very skinny and she was so afraid [unintelligible]. She's in show business. She's a writer, director, and composer. Her ex-husband was a famous casting director. So very connected. When do you know an MD ever does a house call? She got a house call from a very famous MD and he said you've got at least pneumonia and probably meningitis and you're going to die if you don't get in the hospital within 24 hours. This is after 10 days of going through this already. Everybody was just freaking out around her. So she called me and I calmed her down. It took about 45 minutes because they really scared her. So the MD did and her friends and her ex-husband and her son, 15 year old son at the time. So I convinced her to have 2 to 3 moisturizing lubrication formulas a day plus lots of fish and chicken. So she gained about 70 to 80 pounds. I don't remember what it was. She went up to 6 dress sizes. Clothing sizes. I had been trying to get her to get fat for a few years. So here was my chance and I did it. I didn't know how long she was going to go through this because it's kind of spinal meningitis and cerebral meningitis, that can go on for up to a year. Sometimes a year and a few months depending upon how toxic somebody is. How much heavy metals they have in their brain and nervous system. So I wanted her to get through it as quickly as possible. So when she finished she was literally, she was very skinny and when she finished she was this big. Like a Jewish pear. So it really looked like it. She just cried and cried. Once she got better she just looked at her body and cried and cried. How am I ever going to take this off? How am I ever going to take this off? How am I ever going to look like this the rest of my life? It took a year to remove it. Only a year, well a year and a few months to remove it. That's all it took. But she got through the spinal meningitis and meningitis in about three months. She wasn't restricted to a bed after about six or seven weeks. Other people you know they'll go a very long time if they don't get real fat and have the fat to be able to dump that stuff quicker. You can't eat enough fat. The blood fat will not protect you very much when that stuff is coming into the tissues and the body doesn't want to dump it into the blood because it's going to do some damage to your bloodstream. So you have to have exterior fat. Again I see everybody say, Aajonus you're skinny. I am not skinny. I just have these very small fat molecules. I've been built on raw fat molecules since February of 72. I started eating raw foods before that but I committed to all raw foods in February of 72. So all the fat molecules are very small in my body. When you cook a fat they're ten to fifty times sometimes even larger. Take what do they call that fat back, you take pig fat and you boil it in oil and all of a sudden stuff comes up crispy and big and it starts off as a little bitty fat molecule. It swells up like that. It swells up with air and fluid depending on what you cook it. Let's say you cooked it in water it would be smaller. Cook it in oil it's going to get huge. So fat doesn't have to be huge. Most of the women who are on the diet by the time they're twelve years on the diet they're always slender even though they're fat. Men it's usually eight years for the average person but they're about twenty percent it may take twelve to fifteen years. If any woman has had cesarean then of course it goes much longer. It takes longer. And if you've had over two children it's just like cesarean and it takes longer to get your slim fat. And to maintain that. Cellulite takes about that same amount of time to dissolve but if you pretty much stay on the diet you'll never have cellulite again. Cellulite is toxic hardened fat that's combined with some kind of toxin in your body and it's dried out. Animal fat will never dry out at human body temperature. That's always vegetable oil like margarine stuff like that that crystallizes in the human body and hardens in the human body. So that's when you see those little round bubbles and bumps all through your skin underneath there. That's the kind of cellulite that does not come from animal fat. It's hard to dissolve. You have to get into the lymphatic bath to dissolve that. Two a week. And I've learned since I wrote the book that having a lot of people do it now about twenty percent of the people when they're taking the lymphatic baths on everybody what happens is it causes the lymphatic toxicity to melt and discharges toxicity into the connective tissue to be perspired out of the body. So in the book I said make sure it's every three days, every three to four days so you have time to dump. Some people do not dump it out of their connective tissue. So that will lead to MS or lupus. So I'm saying now take a thirty five to forty minute bath a day on the days where you're not doing the hour to an hour and a half lymphatic bath to make sure you get it out of the connective tissue.

Q: Say that again?

A: Thirty to thirty five minute bath daily.

Q: Yeah that's what you made me do when I got so sick after the fire. I was doing that every day.

Q: Can you describe the bath a little more?

A: Pardon?

Q: The bath?

A: Well I described them in the book. So look under lymphatic baths in we want to live. I tell you how to do them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. What I say in there is to put milk, vinegar and some sea salt and clay if you want in the bath.

Q: What about the fluoride?

A: Same difference.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah well you've got those stuff to put in there. It's going to handle that fluoride. Why did you think that? You've got enough milk fat and you know the sea salt will dissolve those, you know will bind with those fluoride and the milk calcium and magnesium phosphorus and sulfur will bind with it too. So it won't be absorbed into your skin. Molecules will be too large. Pardon? Yes?

Q: You're saying you have to take a bath between the long bath and the lymphatic bath?

A: The long bath is the lymphatic bath. That's an hour to an hour and a half.

Q: And then you're saying you have to have a thirty minute bath because you don't want to get MS or...

A: That's for people who are not discharging it from their skin, through their skin.

Q: How can you tell?

A: Well I can tell. If you start swelling, your skin starts pulling up with more and more water and you're getting puffy.

Q: You have to go to the bath?

A: In the next few days.

Q: Or you have lesions coming out of your body.

A: Yep.

Q: I have all sorts of red things coming out all over my body since the fire.

Q: If I take my bath, it's actually [unintelligible] sometimes. I'll come out and my eyelids will start getting really swollen. Is that that?

A: Well that could be just discharging it. If you don't, if that swelling doesn't dissipate by the time you're taking the next, time to take the long hot bath, then you're not discharging it quickly enough out of your skin, out of your connective tissue. And you need those shorter baths.

Q: And when you do shorter ones, do you still have to put everything in the water?

A: You still have to put everything in the water. Or you have good filters. You have a three filter tier system in your apartment or in your house. So you don't have to use so much good ingredients. You know, if you have those filters there, you can use a half a cup of milk, you know, and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt, and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar rather than a whole cup to a cup and a half.

Q: And you still drink, do any pineapple drinks?

A: No. That's only for the long bath.

Q: And what if you use the Jacuzzi and you have it at 104? Would that, uh, provide...

A: 104 is great. Yeah.

Q: So you can do that for the long bath?

A: Yes. Well, it should be... if you keep it at 102, that's as high as I have to go.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. There was a misprint. I don't know how it got us at 110 in the first print of the We Want To Live. I said 110 people are cooking, you know? So you've got to cook the enzymes out of your skin. So I don't know how that happened.

Q: What would you put in the Jacuzzi? Can you put vinegar, salt?

A: Yeah.

Q: You don't want milk because that's going to clog up the filter.

A: No. No, it won't clog. I use coconut cream in mine.

Q: It doesn't clog up your filter?

A: No. I use... I have a sand filter.

Q: Oh, well. I got a regular filter. And what about the fluoride? Because they're supposed to be by 2010, all water... all systems are supposed to be fluoridated.

A: Well, the U.S. government, military has to get rid of their fluoride waste.

Q: Yeah.

A: And they want to poison and weaken the people, get them all slaves.

Q: It's a concentration camp.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: I don't.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: What Tom was saying about these fires, I mean, boy, that's really devastating. So I'm sure you're getting a lot of phone calls about it. Is this the remedy that's safe for everybody? Or are you expecting different things for different people? All of us are affected and everybody's denying, oh, I got a cold or this and that. But this is the fire.

A: The fires are causing the detoxification, the asthma, the allergies, the colds, the flus. If it were just, you know, these carbon structures that were burning, it wouldn't be so bad because your body can take that down, you know, with a few colds. But because of all the building materials that have plastic and asbestos and all those toxic substances were in the fumes, in the smoke, you know, everybody was poisoned, majorly poisoned. Everything was poisoned. Everything was poisoned.

Q: The cattle were right in the middle of that fire.

A: Everybody got poisoned.

Q: Well, the animals detoxed themselves.

A: Well, yeah, it's going to take them a while. They'll detox, it won't take them a long time.

Q: Yeah, but we can't eat the meat. We should not be eating the meat.

A: Well, you have to understand, if you're eating the glands and organs, you're going to have trouble. The meat, it builds slowly. Muscle meat. It builds slowly. The animal's body is going to throw as much as it can into the brain, nervous system, any place where there's fat. Don't eat the bone marrow, don't eat the brain, don't eat the nervous system, don't eat the fatty glands. Did you have a question? Wade?

Q: Yeah, how come Japan has number one health in the world? In terms of industrial level, Japan has number one health.

A: They don't, but it is pretty good. They eat a lot of raw beef and they eat a lot of raw fish. In fact, it's raw fish and beef is about, on the average, and the people that they're, you know, it's the people who have the money to pay for that. The lackeys, the people who don't have much money, don't eat that kind of raw stuff as frequently. So they're not judging it from the whole, all of Japan, all of Japan's people, just those people who go to doctors. So they're only judging that.

Q: They have the highest stomach cancer rate in the world.

A: Yeah, but that's because Fuji and Kodak used to dump right into their waterways. In the 60s, you could take an undeveloped roll of film and stick it right into the bay and it would develop. They were dumping right in. So it poisoned everybody's stomach. Of course, they cleaned it up since then, but all through the 60s it was that way. You know, 40s and 50s and 60s. It wasn't until 72 where they started cleaning it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it's very, you know, I mean, if you're pampering, you know, if you're making a little princess of your cow, you know, if it doesn't have any exercise and you massage it all day long. Does everybody know what Kobe beef is? Kobe beef is an animal, a cow that's held into a stall. It's got heat, air conditioning, and it's massaged almost 24 hours a day. It is very pampered. It's like, you know, $125 a pound. So it's very, very tender because it never gets any exercise but standing. It stands.While it's getting massaged, it's hand-fed. It's mostly fed grain, you know, so it's very fatty and it's extremely tender, but it's not strong, healthy meat. It sure tastes good. It's easy to chew. It melts in your mouth. It's not healthy meat.

Q: The wild meat is healthy.

A: Yeah. Oh, that was another thing. I don't eat much pork because it just isn't that appetizing to me, but when I got to China and Laos, they don't raise our domesticated pig. They raise wild boars. And I mean, oh, I couldn't stop eating them. That's all I ate. For like a month, that's all I ate. And I would get big strips. The fat is incredible. You get strips like this, and it had a hard layer of fat that I couldn't eat. It would take a dog or a cat to eat it. And then it had a chewier fat, not real tender, but really delicious. I'd eat two of those in one sitting with a handful of the meat. Two, three times a day, it was so delicious. Great. Do you have a question, Joe? Okay, do you have, Lorraine?

Q: [unintelligible] Do you bring a little extra?

A: No, I usually buy one there because it's so much. You know, if I'm going to stay in one hotel for a while, but when I'm traveling, I just use my teeth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's so warm there, I can put it all together and then shake it, you know, because it's like 80 degrees, average 82 degrees, so everything melts there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I'll chew and expectorate. But there's a lot of places that make juice now, and mainly... over there. Mainly I'll eat sugar cane juice, which is a vegetable juice. You know, it's great, fresh. I'll watch them juice it right there. They have these huge drums that crush. You know, you run the big sugar cane stalks through there and it crushes it. And they do different things in different places. In Cambodia, they always put a lime and have a lime squeezed through with it because sugar cane juice is bitter, and it's not real sweet. The sugar is in the cellulose, and you have to boil the sugar cane to get the sugar out of it. So the sugar cane juice is like celery and cucumber.

Q: You chew a sugar cane, it's sweet. You know, when you go get it from the field and chew it.

A: Yeah, but when you juice it, when the sugar is in the cellulose, unless you're chewing the cellulose or you boil it, the sugar is not released.

Q: How does that react with [unintelligible]?

A: Well, the first time I thought, oh God, I'm going to have to see what it does to me. So the first time I had two ounces, no reaction, no sugar reaction. Next time I had four ounces the next day, no sugar reaction. Next day I had eight ounces, no sugar reaction. Next time I had 12 ounces, that's as high as I'll drink at one time, and within a 20-minute period, and no reaction.

Q: Do you combine it with coconut cream?

A: Yes, yeah, I do that.

Q: In Florida they juice it.

A: Pardon?

Q: In Florida, parts of Florida they juice it. They put the whole stuff, comes out sweet though.

A: Well, it depends on what sugar cane they're using.

Q: It looks like dirty dish water, but it's delicious. Very mild, not real sweet, but it just has a little...

A: Well, that sweetness is not, when it's that kind of sweetness, it's a collection of minerals. All of your alkalinizing minerals taste sweet. It isn't sugar. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I recently traveled to India [unintelligible]. I kind of want to eat in that place.

A: Good luck.

Q: What might help you with stress or staying relaxed?

A: Well, anything that, you know, keeps the body balanced. The diets that I put on page 40 and 41 of the recipe book, if you follow the eating schedules in there, they will always give you the most serenity, clarity, and energy at the same time. You'll always be balanced. People who will take the time to eat those two routines, depending on what their particular body type is. Body type, I mean, if you're diabetic or have a sugar problem, you want to eat three meat meals a day if you're just average, a normal sugar reactor, then just two meat meals a day. If you'll eat that plan where you have a juice, meat meal, milkshake, or some kind of dairy product with some cream in it, and then, you know, it could be kefir, it could be yogurt with some extra cream in it to relax the system. Then juice again, then your fruit meal for detoxification with some kind of fat. Then a juice again, then your meat meal. If you're a sugar type, then you have, after the second juice, you'd have another small meat meal, and then your fruit meal, and then the juice again, then your meat, and then, you know, some milk before you go to bed, or milk and honey and cream, and during the night the same. If you do that, you'll always stay very balanced. When you start doing your own thing, you won't be balanced. You just won't be balanced.

Q: You're right, I was balanced pretty much, strictly coming back.

A: Yeah, and it works. And then when you start going off, everything else goes off out of balance. Because, I mean, it took me a lot of years of observing and focusing and experimenting to get a diet that can keep somebody clear and bright and focused and energetic all day long, the whole time of their life. When I do it, and I do it all the time, even when I'm in Thailand, I don't get the dairy like I'd like to every year, but I still focus the meat. I'll eat three meat meals usually a day there, but I'll eat very small amounts instead of a larger meat meal like I have here, two larger meat meals here, like a half a pound at a time. When I'm there, it may be, you know, a third of a pound or even a quarter of a pound at a time. So I eat it more often, but I keep rigid like that. I'm down to about three and a half hours a day sleeping and clear and working the rest of the time. And sometimes I'll take a 10-minute, 20-minute nap in the day for my other... Because I'll sleep about three hours, three hours and 10 minutes at night, and then take about a 20-minute nap in the day Sometimes I'll eat a 10-minute nap, and then I can just go, go, go.

Q: But sometimes with your detox, you're going to need more...

A: No, you need sleep with your detox. Absolutely. Also, if you're in the healing state, you need a lot of sleep. But I've been doing this for how many years? 28 years. You know, so 28 years on a good diet. I'm not so toxic as I was, even though I had chemotherapy and radiation and all those drugs for so many years when I was a child. I'm not that toxic. I still have 14 years to go to do my 40-year prison sentence on the body toxicity, but I'm already doing quite well.

Q: [unintelligible] You still look the same. But how long do you, if you stay on the diet, how long do you think you'll live? You're the longest one on the diet, so...

A: No, I'm not. There's the Maasai tribes, the Samburu, the Eskimo.

Q: I don't think you'll be on the equal footing.

A: Well, they don't eat, some of them don't eat fruit.

Q: They don't juice.

A: But basically, you know, they don't juice, they'll chew some vegetables and spit out the pulp like the gorillas do and like other carnivores do. But, you know, they live to a pretty old age. We should be living to about 147 years old. Since I had a begotomy, pyeloplasty, I don't know what that's done to my years. It lowers my hydrochloric acid production. I don't digest as well as other people do or as fully as other people do. So, I don't know what that's going to do with my potential lifespan.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, that's a wonderful thing. Yeah, it gets the poison down. Do you have a question?

Q: Not right now.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: I've gotten a lot better from how I used to eat. I still do the current diet, [unintelligible].

A: You look a lot better than when I first met you.

Q: I'm not throwing up every day. I'm not diarrhea every day. I'm getting a lot better. But I've gotten this [unintelligible] pattern, and I think it has to do with my activity rings and my adrenaline. I'll be on a diet perfect, no cheating at all, and I can do it for about three weeks. When I hit three weeks, every day I'm more anxious. Remember, last time I came, [unintelligible].

A: Then you have to stop eating red meat.

Q: I barely put any in my diet. You only let me have a half a cup a night. I don't even do that every night.

A: Just eliminate it whenever you go through that. Completely eliminate it.

Q: And that's red meat?

A: Red meat excites the adrenal glands and testosterone production.

Q: Well, I don't know.

Q: Oh, a lot of fun stuff. That's why I keep telling you, [unintelligible] at least five years. There's a lot of fun things to come.

Q: I don't know about that. But just like I'm not eating that much.

A: But your husband is the one I'm concerned about, because when your hormone levels go up, he has to be more helpful.

Q: He's out of town.

A: How much water do you drink?

Q: I go through cycles like that, too. Sometimes I'm maybe taking two sips a day. Some days I might do a hot bath or something. I might go through one or two [unintelligible].

A: That's going to throw you off, because then you're not going to digest anything for about a week, probably. Because you dilute your hydrochloric acid, dilute all of your digestive juices.

Q: But I have a real dry mouth, real thirsty in my throat, and [unintelligible].

A: Well, just like I say, you start sipping the way I said, and it will change. For some reason, it changes. The exercising of the mouth, I think, that has to do like an infant. There's some kind of fluid, there's some kind of fat that pulls down into the mouth. It's the only thing I can think of. I've never been able to keep 23% body fat and look like this. I've always had to add more water, fluid. Now I don't have to retain it anymore once I've figured that out. It only took how many years to figure that little piece of information out. But it makes a huge difference.

Q: Could you demonstrate?

A: Well, I'll show you. Okay, when I go to suck, no matter what it's out of, it would probably be a good idea if you got one of those sport bottles where they have a nipple on it and you can push up and suck out of. Yeah, but what I do is I just put my lips together.

Q: Water?

A: That was only a teaspoon altogether, half a teaspoon each time. And then I force it to go through my lips. And it's very difficult to do when I have them pushed together hard. And I'm sucking and pushing my lips together at the same time. It is satisfying. You know, you see me before, I'd gulp, you know, about a half a cup at a time. Now I take sips at a time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But you don't need it. When you gulp water like that, you urinate a lot of it. Other animals don't urinate much, except the horse. But they live around lakes and rivers and they drink a lot. But then some horses won't drink at all. You know, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. So it depends upon the horse. If a horse is drinking a lot of water, it will be urinating a lot. But dogs and cats that are not domesticated, you know, like the coyotes, they come up to my house all the time. And I was doing an interview about vaccines for a documentary on Friday. And we're sitting in the backyard and a coyote comes right up because I feed them. So, I mean, they've never come up that close with other people around before. But, you know, I've got them so tame now. But I watch them piss and it's like a tablespoon. Because they don't have anywhere to drink water unless they hop into my hot tub. You know, to do that, and they don't.

Q: So I get out of my bath, and I try to do a pause like that. I'm sweating and stuff. But I literally, if I don't drink any water, I'm almost like gagging, dry, eating stuff. And I'm in bed. I can't talk.

A: Well, don't drink water. Drink the... We want to live book, look under the hydration drink.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, you can do those. But, you know, you just sip it a little at a time. Water is going to make Crohn's worse than the juices.

Q: You put me on the cucumber drink.

A: Right.

Q: And that helped a lot.

A: Yeah.

Q: That's the one in the book? The cucumber drink?

A: Well, it's cucumber and tomatoes in the book. But if you use cucumber, you know, if you make a cucumber puree as the cucumber that's in your juice, the cucumber contains a lot of collagen precursors. So it holds on to water in your tissues better without having to have a lot of water. So, and it helps the skin look better and younger. That's why my skin is looking so much younger because I started using the cucumber puree rather than cucumber juice. It made a big difference in my skin and the way I hold and retain water.

Q: I don't think I'm going to understand the difference between, so I don't want to put it in the juice then?

A: Correct. You put it, what you do is you juice the rest of your juice or tomatoes, or if you're having this for a drink, the hydration formula. You slice the cucumbers, you put it into a jar to blend, you put some of the juice in there, and then you blend it. So you've got pulp, that's what puree is. Pulp means you've blended something, you haven't juiced it. So you have the pulp of it. But if you use any other cellulose, it will over alkalinize the intestines for some reason. Cucumber doesn't do that.

Q: Tomato doesn't do that?

A: No, tomatoes, it's highly acidic. Do you have a question, Craig?

Q: I think my mom has a question.

Q: We were really concerned with the measles outbreak that hit the schools.

A: The what?

Q: The measles outbreak. Well, our schools were going to take my kids out, well, one of them, out for three weeks.

A: Measles isn't contagious. None of that stuff is contagious.

Q: They were saying that the non-vaccinated kids that were tested, they were on slide reports, they were going to take my son out of school for three weeks, until they could move and respond. So what do you tell them?

A: It's fine, take your kid out of school for three weeks.

Q: Can't they get it?

A: It's all part of detoxification. It's a natural way of cleaning out the body. Measles cleans out the connective tissue. You need it. You have to have it. A child is more likely to get some kind of a skin-connected disease or even a muscle disease from it, if they don't have measles. But the pharmaceutical house wants you to be sick. As long as you're taking medication, they're making money. And the pharmaceutical companies run the medical profession. They write all the procedure manuals. So don't listen to anything they say about disease. How many people would hear, if you want to become millionaires, how many people would go down to the guy flipping hamburgers at McDonald's to find out how to be a millionaire? Or would you go to Donald Trump? When you want to learn about health, why would you go to a doctor who only knows disease and drugs? It doesn't make any sense. It is the most asinine thing you can think of. It's the most illogical thing you can think of to go to a doctor about health. It's ridiculous.

Q: But that's the only choice they have if you're not around.

A: No, it isn't. You just have to have faith in your body. You attended my workshop, right?

Q: Yeah.

A: I told you how the body works. You just have to trust it.

Q: I know, but we panic.

A: Yeah, but you don't have to panic. You've got the PDF version of my book. You put in bleeding in there. You would have come up with a green cabbage juice. It would have taken you ten minutes at the maximum.

Q: It would have taken $9,000 to put one day in the hospital.

A: Exactly.

Q: It damn near killed me.

A: You don't have to pay them since they caused you anaphylaxis.

Q: Well, that's not true. I called them and they said that. I didn't know what I was signing, and I signed off.

A: It doesn't matter. They can't do that. I've done it several times to them.

Q: They have to treat according to the standard treatment.

A: No, they don't. No, when you tell them it's like somebody goes in there and says, I'm allergic to penicillin, and they give you penicillin, they are liable. They're just telling you that because they want their money from you.

Q: Well, I talked to them a few ways.

Q: Go to court.

A: They won't go to court, I'm telling you. I'm telling you. I've had at least 100 people do that. They will not go to court on it. They can't get a collection agency after you either. Because as soon as the collection agency contacts you, you write a letter and say the dispute. Once you give them, once you tell the collection company that there is a legal dispute, it doesn't have to get them to court at all. You've just got a legal dispute, and this is what Clinton did when he was in office. You've got that legal dispute, they can never call you again. The only recourse that the doctor has is to sue you personally. He doesn't have the time, dime, or inclination. I've had over 100 people discharge hundreds of millions of dollars.

Q: But is it worth the effort for me to frustrate myself and get all crazy?

A: Well, you don't have to get crazy to write a letter. That's the end of it. You copy it when the collection agency calls, contacts you, you send them the letter. It's that easy. It's one letter that you write, and you say your contention.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's up to you. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: My daughter is 26. She has been tested for thyroid disease because she is constantly tired. And she has a [unintelligible] sort of neck, almost looks like a tire, around her neck. And there are times that it's not there, and every time she just kind of swells up. Is she being tested for blood work that comes out of her every time?

A: She's just a poor digester of food. She needs to be on a good diet. She's one of those people who just can't handle the normal, average diet and be somewhat normal.

Q: I'm just wondering what part, [unintelligible] make her swell up?

A: Well, your lymph glands. The major lymph gland networks are here, here, all the way back into the sides, the breast area, especially in women, and all the way down to the crotch area. It goes all the way down to the inner thighs. That's where your lymph glands are responsible for cleaning and detoxifying and neutralizing, sending the poisons out of the body. Those are getting jammed up here. She must have had a lot of canned foods or chocolates or something causing toxicity in the brain. In the throat, in the face. And she gets a lot of dental work, you know, injections, and she'll have that to deal with too, and these glands are responsible for that. If it were just the thyroid, the thyroid would be swelling. Either both the thyroid glands and the parathyroid, or you have two on either side of each thyroid, each side of the thyroid, that would swell. But when the whole neck swells, that's the lymphatic system. And it's jammed. She needs to take those hot baths.

Q: Is there anything that might help her release, start releasing that?

A: Well, she does a good diet and takes hot baths. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: I wanted to ask you about lubrication formula. I'm on [unintelligible], and I'm taking four eggs and some butter and honey. I'm taking four times a day with the lube. Is that okay to do?

A: You mean extra eggs with your lube formula?

Q: Well, I do four and I put in [unintelligible].

A: That's excellent.

Q: Two of these meals a day, two in between. I've never been drinking milk. Everybody knows how I feel. I don't want to keep getting fatter. I'm 150 pounds, almost.

A: But you feel great, right?

Q: But I feel wonderful on milk, and I feel wonderful on lube.

Q: Your skin has more color.

Q: I don't want to get fat [unintelligible].

Q: Hey, but you remember my name.

Q: You're a little fat and happy.

A: Fat and happy, okay.

Q: I am fat and happy. But do you think I should drink the milk in between the lube? Because I've got to drink something.

A: Absolutely.

Q: I don't need any water.

A: You might want to do the cucumber stuff.

Q: But I do drink the two juices each day.

A: Yeah, but I mean you could make the sports drink, you know.

Q: Is that going to make me run for the bath though?

A: Not usually, but you don't make a big batch like that. That's for the hydration formula for my athletes.

Q: Yeah, I know. I heard about that.

A: And it works very well. I mean, usually, like you saw McEnroe in the old tapes, you know. He was downing like a whole gallon during, you know, three hours of afternoons of matches, you know. I've got athletes that do just less than a quart at the same time. They're just sipping a little bit all the time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, the athletes like to eat the cheese and cream.

Q: Okay, I don't know. I mean, on the diet I feel wonderful.

A: Right. But you probably have less weight if you eat the cheese and cream more often for acid reflux.

Q: Is that right?

A: Because the cheese, acid reflux is when the heavy metals and toxins are dumping through the esophagus all the way down into the stomach. So if you eat cheese, it will absorb those poisons, and if you sip the cream, it will coat it.

Q: Oh.

A: So you won't need as much fat in your body because you will handle it as it's dumping.

Q: So when do I drink it?

A: Because that could reduce about 10 pounds of weight.

Q: I'm not gaining.

A: No, but that could reduce 10 pounds from where you are now.

Q: So do that with the meals or in between?

A: No, in between when you start feeling the acid reflux, that's when to do it.

Q: So you say cheese and cream.

A: Yes.

Q: What about honey?

A: Don't have honey with that mixture. When you have honey and cheese together, you digest the cheese. When you have raw cheese without honey directly with it, the cheese just acts as a magnet and a sponge. It will not digest. Cooked cheese is just the opposite because it's all fractionated already. Whether you have it with honey or not, it's going to digest. All those cauterized minerals are going to be part of your body. But when it's raw cheese, unless there's honey directly in the cheese, like mixing it in your mouth together, it will not digest.

Q: Does the sport drink have cucumber puree?

A: Well, I have cucumber juice and tomato juice and some other things in that recipe. What you do is just make the cucumber a puree instead of a juice.

Q: And that's in the book, on this book.

A: Well, not the puree part. But you just make that change. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. [unintelligible]

A: Well, that would be normal. Gas is not a bad sign. In fact, if you've ever had surgery, especially intestinal or abdominal, and a doctor will come in and say, are you passing gas? And if you say yes, he's happy, because that means your digestive juices and your digestive bacteria is working. If you say no, it scares them, because that means your intestines aren't working. So it's normal.

Q: What about smelly gas?

A: Smelly gas is those heavy toxins mixing in. You want that stuff out first. But the way you can reduce those odors, cucumber and cream will help reduce those odors. Tomato and cream will reduce those odors. Tomatoes by themselves will. In fact, if you ever get squirted by a skunk, you know the only way you can get rid of that odor? Tomatoes. Rub tomatoes on it.

Q: Nicholas got squirted [unintelligible].

A: They work. They work, yeah. But you rub them a couple of times with tomato, and that would take it all off. But you just do it one time. And for you, you'd have to eat tomatoes every day, you know, because you're dumping those toxins in if you have gas. Another reason you could have gas is if you're eating nuts out of the nut formula. Don't do that.

Q: [unintelligible]?

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]?

A: Nuts by themselves, seeds by themselves. If you make them, blend them until they become a flour, you add the egg, butter, and honey, you've got the nut formula. That does not produce gas 99% of the time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You shouldn't be eating the nuts unless you're in a formula. Yeah, then you eat cheese to absorb those toxins. If you get nauseous at any time, those are poisons dumping into the stomach. The hydrochloric acid neutralizes those substances. Let's say you've got an insect bite. If you drink milk or eat a milk product, a dairy product, the body will automatically send it to the stomach even quicker. Now, the hydrochloric acid will neutralize the poison, so you won't have a reaction. If a dairy product is there, it absorbs it, so there's no irritation as it goes through the intestinal tract, or you can vomit it.

Q: Yeah, I've done that too.

A: But any time you get nauseous, those are poisons dumping into the stomach. Just eat a little sugar cube-sized amount of cheese for as long as the nausea exists. So every 20 minutes, you know, if the nausea continues, you eat some more, because that means you're still dumping. You're continuing to dump. Sometimes, in some situations, I've seen toxins dumped into a stomach for a whole 36 hours before it stops. Most of the time, it will be 45 minutes, 25 minutes, and then it stops.

Q: Well, I'm doing that. I'm still getting nauseous almost all the time, [unintelligible]. I do, and I take a bite of cheese, but then I'm feeling acid, like I'm getting acid reflux from the cheese.

A: You won't get acid reflux.

Q: No, I'm starting to have problems. I'm getting acid back up after I take a bite of cheese. [unintelligible]

A: Because it's drawing more poisons in. That's what some dairy does in some people. That's why you have to drink your cream to coat it. But you drink, you sip it, so it just coats. So not much gets into your stomach. You just want to coat your esophagus.

Q: You made me take only like two or four ounces at a time, like a shot glass.

A: Well, for her, it would be like a tablespoon at a time, or two tablespoons. That would coat your esophagus.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, in your stomach lining, you've got a pretty toxic stomach lining. So is your esophagus. It's going to take some time to relieve all that.

[cut in audio]

A: And it doesn't dissolve itself. That's how resilient it is. So when people take in a toxic poison, like a vaccine that contains mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, ether, and detergent, minimum, it goes into the stomach lining, but it will dump into your food every time you eat. And if I say you have a lot in your stomach, and let me tell you, 99.9% of everybody does. So eat just a sugar cube-sized cheese ten minutes before you eat or drink anything.

Q: It has to be the raw cheese, right?

A: It has to be raw. Use pasteurized cheese, and you'll just reabsorb all those toxins.

Q: Why is colon cancer, you know, we talk about the colony, but colon cancer is a big topic around here, isn't it?

A: Yeah, it's pretty prevalent.

Q: If it's happening up here, why is it happening down there, too?

A: You know, you've got poisons down here which are damaging the intestines. But the stomach has the worst, gets the worst.

Q: Well, our digestive tract is, what, 27 feet long or something?

A: It's 12 times the length of our torso, and our torso is about 3 feet, depending upon the person. So you measure your torso and 12 times that.

Q: And so how does, in your system, how do you delineate the top to the bottom? You're saying that the stomach is one of the most...

A: Well, it's the tissue, the type of cell. It can withstand hydrochloric acid because it makes hydrochloric acid.

Q: But they have all these drugs that want to kill the hydrochloric acid.

A: Absolutely.

Q: And that doesn't make any sense.

A: Antiacid. But that still doesn't affect the stomach directly. That just absorbs the acid so you don't digest your proteins and some of your other foods.

Q: Okay. I'm still after, you know, because if I do, I have [unintelligible], you know.

A: Not all the toxins go to the stomach. I say the worst.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: So you've got all these other ones going to other parts of the intestines.

Q: But everybody I know that gets a colonoscopy ends up with hypertricholine. Everybody's got holes in their colon.

A: That's not a hole. That's a sac. It's a cyst. Open cyst.

Q: Does your diet get rid of it?

A: Yeah.

Q: Cures it. It goes away. It heals over.

Q: It will come back every now and then.

A: Yeah, it will come. It will, just like a hemorrhoid, it will come back every once in a while.

Q: Oh.

A: Because there's something toxic in that area, discarding into that particular part of the intestine. The intestine will, you know, a diverticuli is just like a sacculation within the folds of the intestines. And it's like a cyst. It acts like a cyst. It will hold toxic fluid until enough nutrients are in there neutralizing it. Of course, if you're on a bad diet, you know, you're always putting toxic food in it. So you're adding to that toxicity and they can swell and burst and cause all kinds of problems, just like an appendix or just like any kind of a cyst. So when you're on a good diet, the good food gets in there and the body utilizes it locally to neutralize the fluids, the toxins that are in that diverticuli, which is basically an open cyst.

Q: Is it true that people with diverticulitis, they [unintelligible]?

A: Yeah, it's true.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She said, is it true that some people with diverticulitis or a lot of people with diverticulitis, they'll tell you not to eat seeds because it will block the, it'll block the cyst. So none of that fluid can pass in or out. So it goes stale and rots in there. It's true. It happens only with elderly, very elderly people in their 70s. If you have diverticulitis, when you go on the diet, stay away from seeds, even tomato seeds in some people. I only have one man that reacts to tomato seeds with his diverticulitis, but it does happen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A lot of times when I'm studying, because I was an idiot for names, I didn't bother with names. So I usually don't know the names of all the people I've studied their work. That means you don't have to remember my name either. Payback's a bitch.

Q: Aajonus, there was a lot of questions about nausea. When I first started the diet, I remember I was really nauseous and someone at one of the top lots gave me a teaspoon of honey. It went right away. Why would that work and how's that different than using the cream and cheese?

A: Well, yours was a lack of digestive juices. Your nausea was the hydrochloric acid wasn't forming properly. You didn't have high acidity. You had a nausea without the acidity. That's a different thing. Hear me sucking? I never got to suck on the nipple. My mother dried up when I was born. She took one look at me and said, what an ugly thing. I'm not feeding that thing. Yes.

Q: Do you have a little bit of cheese for every meal?

A: Ten minutes before everything you eat or drink.

Q: Juice also?

A: Juice, yes. Absolutely. You don't have to have it if you're just sucking eggs by themselves, unless you get nauseous. Yes.

Q: It's about eating beef.

A: Eating meat or beef?

Q: Beef.

A: Beef, okay.

Q: I like to eat [unintelligible]? So, what's a good substitute?

A: I know all Asians have that habit. It's so inbred in your whole culture.

Q: I just heard about a mushroom. It's called a magic noodle. It mimics angel hair pasta. It's supposed to be incredibly delicious.

A: It doesn't make any difference. You have to process it.

Q: No, you don't. It's actually just the plain.

A: Just grate it?

Q: Yes. I don't even grate it. I think it comes in little strings or something like that.

A: That would be fine.

Q: Look online. Magic mushroom. Magic pasta.

A: Not a magic mushroom.

Q: Magic, yeah, right.

A: They feed the brain.

Q: The old days.

Q: Magic pasta. Magic noodle. Thank you. Dot com.

A: If what she says is true, that you don't have to cook that mushroom and it comes springy like that, and it tastes like pasta, hey, that's great because mushrooms help protein digestion.

Q: The other thing about [unintelligible]. I felt that was handled.

A: Yes, if somebody you handle had gloves on with ammonia on it, or Clorox, chlorine, and you fried that into your meat, is that a good thing? I much rather have bacteria, but let me tell you, in those stores, they cannot handle meat with their hands anymore. They have to wear gloves, and they've got chlorine and Clorox and formaldehyde, and they have all these detergents that are antibacterial, and that's what's getting on your meat. I always scrape my meat. I scrape the top off. I take a flat knife, no serrated blade, and I'll just scrape, and I just get the top of it off, all that fluid and all that toxicity. I was into eating raw meat before anybody talked about all grazed beef or anything like that. It was 1976 when I started eating raw meat, and when I went back to Los Angeles, no health food store carried meat. It was unheard of. If you were in a health food store, you were a vegetarian, and that's about the way it was. If you were into health, you were a vegetarian, so here I was a freak eating all this meat that I bought right out of Ralphs and Bonds and Piggly Wiggly and stuff like that, because that's the only thing I could get. When I lived in Paris for three years from 1993 to 1996, three months a year, I ate at a Carrefour supermarket, and on my last trip home when my girlfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't marry her, I was on the plane, I'm looking in the magazine, and they're talking about Carrefour supermarket had been supplied with the mad cow meat all those years that I was eating it there. And here it is, they say it takes 10 to 12 years, so it's been 96, so it's been already 13 years since I stopped eating it, and I have no problem. You're not eating the brain, you're not eating the nervous system, you're not eating the glands where most of those toxicities stay, you're just eating meat, the beef of muscle meat. I mean, it's not going to be the healthiest meat to eat, but you're still going to get a lot of nutrients from it, better than starving and cooking. I can't do that, you already asked one question, so I've got to move on. Do you have a question?

Q: I do, so I'm kind of new to this...

A: I've not seen you here before, what's your name?

Q: I'm Nicole. I've learned from people before, and I've always been big on the water thing, and I've been seeing everybody's things, and replacements and everything, but I guess I'm kind of not really clear on, I'm totally open to not needing water and everything like that, but I'm kind of wanting a little clarity on what exactly is, I guess it dilutes the stomach acid.

A: It dilutes everything, it's a solvent, it's the world's first and main solvent. You look in an archeological book, agricultural book, you look under the first property, that is a solvent, that's water. When it rains, it dissolves rock. Plants can eat. When we use water in our systems, it causes fractionation. When you have a group of nutrients travel together, it's all by ionization. It's all by attraction. And there's, like you may have, let's say, 12 calcium molecules, and you'll have 2 sodium molecules and maybe 5 magnesium molecules, and it's a whole assortment. You have 93 to 117 nutrients all bundled together in a smorgasbord. So when a cell opens to eat, and it's got 1 to 2 ions inside it, it attracts that, and it eats and it gets a full banquet, a completely balanced meal. When you use water or salt, it fractionates everything. So when a cell eats, it's getting a little of something and it's always getting deficiency.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Same thing. Water is a solvent, it fractionates, it tears things apart. That's what it does.

Q: So I think the studies of 100 people [unintelligible].

A: That's all their theory. It's got nothing to do with reality. [unintelligible], the way it used to work before they purified and filtered the water, everybody shit and pissed in them, and that's what made people well. They never cleaned that water, and one filthy person got in after another, and all that bacteria went in there and corrected the problems quickly. Now that, and you never hear anything about going on any of the experiences of [unintelligible] anymore, because now they have the full water flowing through, and nobody's in any shit or piss. So all the water is clean, so nobody's getting the miracle cures they used to. And the Hunzas, they don't drink much water. They drink, their diet is 82% dairy, period. They hardly drink any water. Just remember, when water came into being, it was in 1961. Before that, when we'd all go to school, we'd go to the fountain, we'd get three sips a day, three tablespoons of water a day. Other than that, we just drank milk. And then soda came in, and it was soda and milk. Then it was no milk and all soda. Now it's all chemical. It's just chemical water. It's even worse. So what happened? They started bottling water in 1961. They paid doctors to tell everybody they needed to drink eight glasses of water a day to make their margins grow every year. More people would start drinking water. They contaminate the water, what do you drink? Bottled water. That's what it was all about. The whole plan and theory was set out. And that was the Rockefeller family too, doing that.

Q: And then the bottles have pollutants in them, which you then absorb.

A: Correct. If they're plastic.

Q: So the water thing, you said in the book, Gerolsteiner.

A: Gerolsteiner.

Q: But now they have it in plastic bottles.

A: They have it in plastic, so I don't look at it.

Q: So what do we do now?

A: Well, you've got Perrier, you've got Ramlosa, San Pellegrino, Sanfaustino, Apollinaris.

Q: You won't go near Gerolsteiner?

A: Gerolsteiner. Well, in other countries it's still in glass. In this country it's in plastic. But I don't drink water anymore, really. I've had three tablespoons of water in three weeks, medicinally. That's my medicine.

Q: What is it about vegetables, cuz you know [unintelligible].

A: That's for the plants. They use water. Without breaking down the soil, they couldn't eat.

Q: [unintelligible] like cucumber, tomato, like their liquid.

A: Their liquid has the smorgasbord of nutrients. Because you're not drinking water, you're drinking nutrients with the water. And you may only have 10 molecules of water combined with those 93 to 117 nutrients.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well it's part of its process. How does it do it, it's just part of its synthesis. Photosynthesis. Antioxidants, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, most of your oil and water soluble fats. Many people don't understand that fats can be water-soluble. And coconut cream is the highest in water-soluble fats, that's why it's so cleansing. Also why it's so hydrating to the skin. And that's my soap. Coconut cream. Do you have a question?

Q: Why is the flu [unintelligible]?

A: It's going to get stronger. If you read my books, bacteria, parasites and fungus. They're the normal janitors of the body. Everybody used to have colds. They're mainly bacterial. When a tissue gets so toxic, it will destroy, it will kill any bacteria or parasite that eats those toxic cells, because they're poisoned with mercury, thallium, lead and any of the other PCBs and the other 60 000 toxins we have now in the last 50 years, new ones, new toxins. The only way the body can clean itself after that is a virus. Virus are not alive, so when you hear a live virus, it's an absolute misnomer, it's a stupid person talking, because virus have no nucleus, respiratory system or digestive tract. They are a protein structure just like a cleanser, that cleanses the grease off of your driveway. You say Tide soap is contagious because most laundry rooms have it? No. Your cells make viruses to clean themselves. But the pharmaceutical house says look, it's dissolving this cell. It's dissolving a finite part of the cell only, not the whole cell. It's like when you have bronchitis, your bronchioles are cleaning. A certain tissue in your bronchiole is cleaning. And it's specific for that particular cleansing. The more chemicals we get, the more antibiotics we get, the more anti fungus everything, the more chemicals in the fibres, you know using synthetic clothing. You breathe in those synthetic fibres, what are you getting? Plastic. You're getting the PCBs, you're getting the polymers that harden, that are also a plastic. You're getting all of that toxicity liquified into your lungs and the rest of your system. You can't get a cold anymore. Each virus is going to get worse and worse and worse. And that's where we're heading. For me it's the opposite. I used to keep colds and flus, viral or bacterial, for 3 to 5 months. Now I get them for an hour, 2 hours, and that's it. I pray for long ones, but I don't get long ones anymore. I wanna get well fast. Yes?

Q: I missed my question before.

A: Yeah.

Q: Eggs. You buy eggs at the store. Is it better to get, because typically you can't get fertile organic eggs, is it better, otherwise you get organic eggs, is it still better to buy fertile eggs?

A: You don't want organic eggs. Organic is an indication that they're using organic soybeans, and it's a misnomer. It's a lie. It's a fraud, because you cannot feed raw soybeans to chickens, any kind of bird. It will kill them just like it will kill a human. So they have to be chemically and heat treated, which means they're no longer organic. I called several chicken farmers, and I said, hey, you're feeding them soy, like 85% soy, 75% to 80% soy. And soy, you have to treat chemically. Treat, you can't call that organic. Well, the FDA lets us. They don't give a shit about you and your health. So it's better to get non-organic. If you know it's organic, if it says organic on there, you can better believe it's made with mostly soy.

Q: Or vegetarian. You don't want to use vegetarian.

A: Vegetarian is mainly soy.

Q: Most of the time with the fertile eggs, it's from vegetarian.

Q: So the ones we get from James, is what?

A: Those are not fed any soy.

Q: Okay, so with chicken too.

A: Their chicken is shit. They dip it in salt. I had the chicken yesterday, and I had high blood pressure, and it was nauseous almost all day.

Q: Why'd they do that?

A: Antibacterial.

Q: If there's anybody's kosher in there, kosher is the way they do salting on everything.

Q: So with chicken, if it says organic boneless chicken breast, or just free range chicken breast, always free range.

A: Take the free range.

Q: Okay, so whole foods, you don't want to buy the organic ones. Okay.

Q: How about the omega-3 eggs?

A: Pardon?

Q: The eggs, how is the omega-3?

A: They're feeding it a processed substance, to get the omega-3. Unless they're just saying that the soy that they are fed has omega-3 in it. And soy has omega-3 in it, but once they put that, it's a kerosene by-product, that they say is food grade. How the hell can you have kerosene that's food grade? Give me a break. It's crazy insane.

Q: [unintelligible].

A: Would you drink kerosene?

Q: I have.

Q: That's why you're here.

Q: At the airport, we used to take alcohol out of the ship.

A: And that goes to algae.

Q: Can I ask a question?

A: Pardon?

Q: Can I ask a question?

A: Yes.

Q: I have these eggs in my scalp and my hair. My hair has been really dry the last three months. And it looks so bad up in there. And then I put coconut oil, but when I'm at work, it's insane.

A: Coconut cream.

Q: It's dandruff. Why is that happening? Is it detoxing?

A: Well, yeah. The egg is so able to pull out all the oils and dirt, it doesn't leave a conditioner on to a lot of people. So I use coconut cream now. You see my hair is very oily.

Q: So you don't do eggs? Wash it with coconut cream?

A: Well, it depends. If you need to wash it really thoroughly. See, my scalp doesn't get so toxic anymore. But before, I used egg and then put coconut cream on to condition it.

Q: So always wash with egg, but if I need a conditioner...

A: Use coconut cream, not coconut oil.

Q: Okay, so how do you do it? You put it in there and then wait five minutes and rinse it out?

A: The coconut cream?

Q: Yeah.

A: What you do is just put it very thinly in your hands and brush it in your hair and then comb it through.

Q: Oh, so once you get out of there, you rinsed all the egg out.

A: Absolutely.

Q: Okay. I always use coconut oil.

A: It's all oil soluble, so it's going to make your hair get dirty quicker. And it's not going to get the water soluble in to protect your scalp. You notice my hair is getting thicker and thicker since I started using coconut cream.

Q: So eggs and only coconut cream when you need it, when you detox it too much.

A: Well, I use it all the time. I only use that now.

Q: In the scalp and all the way down your hair?

A: Yeah, everywhere.

Q: Okay. Wow.

A: Be shiny and nice.

Q: You were talking about the, you can buy aged meat which is hung for a couple of weeks. Good or no?

A: Well, you know, on the outer layers, of course, you're not going to have any enzymes, active enzymes in it. So on the inner cuts, it'll be fine. You're going to have bacteria growing.

Q: I don't understand.

A: When you hang the meat.

Q: Yeah.

A: It dries on the outside. If you eat the outside, there's not going to be any enzymes in that outer layer. For about a half an inch in.

Q: How would I know that, would it be a different color?

A: Oh, it'll be very dry looking. If you get a cut that's dry looking.

Q: I got 30 pounds of cuts coming. But I don't know.

A: That means all that surface is dry.

Q: But I'm going to grind it anyway. I'm going to put it through my grinder.

A: Well, you have to understand that probably about 5% of that meat is going to not have the enzymes in it. So you can add a little honey.

Q: Okay.

A: And that'll add the enzymes back.

Q: Now, I want to store it. So I'm going to put it in my jar in a tight lid. Because I don't want it to go high.

A: Right.

Q: Now, is it going to go high faster once it's hung [unintelligible]?

A: No.

Q: No. Okay.

A: Is there anybody that didn't give a question that wants to now? Joe?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Always Lime Juice is the only natural, thorough antiseptic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? You're talking about anesthetic? I thought you said antiseptic. And there's no anesthetic that's safe. All of them will harden your tissue. There's no anesthetic. You just have to do it without any anesthetic. You have to understand that that, they're drilling is very brief period of time. And if you have a dentist that has a water jet, that means it's cooling the bit. The bit, when it gets hot, that's what causes all the pain. It burns the nerve. That burn stays in that nerve. If that's a water jet on there, the pain's not going to last more than a few seconds. And that's it.

Q: Have you had any crowns put on?

A: Oh, yes. I've had seven crowns put on and not a drop of antiseptic. Plus, I had them pull a molar with no antiseptic. And the doctor says, I've never done this before. And I said, you know, because it's shaped like this, the tool is shaped like this. And it has blades here and blades here. So what they do is they shove it down into the gum, and then they turn it quickly around so it just cuts all the skin that's connected to the tooth away, gum away. And then they pull because it's kind of cone-shaped at the same time. So then they pull it out. And I said, I want you to do three motions. And you pause at each one. And each one will be probably three, four seconds maximum. You put it in, you turn it, and then you pull. Those are the three motions. So you give me a time to adjust to each pain. And he did it all in one motion. He didn't go [unintelligible]. He just did whoop, whoop, like that. And he pulled it out. And I mean the pain was over in 30 seconds. Over in 30 seconds. If you have Novocaine or Xylocaine or any of those shot into your mouth, you're going to detoxify for two years.

Q: How about gas?

A: The gas, you know, it's going to do some brain damage. But it's better than being injected.

Q: Can't afford that brain damage.

A: Just remember, we only use 10% of the brain, so you got 90% of it to destroy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I had it impacted. That's why he's removing it. You should have seen it.

Q: Oh, it was all the way up.

A: The nerve was impacted all the way up to here. The nerve, the whole thing was a mess. When he pulled it out, the blood shot out. But I stopped bleeding in 10 seconds. He thought I was going to be a bleeder because the blood just came out. And the whole nerve that was still attached to the tooth because it broke way up here. So all this nerve was attached to the tooth. It was all white and swollen and full of pus.

Q: Doctor, [unintelligible]? If you don't want to.

A: Novocaine, yeah.

Q: Or chewing raw marijuana.

Q: That, he won't let you do.

A: Well, yeah, you can do it at home when you get there.

Q: Right, right.

A: They can't stop you.

Q: I did. It was hard getting down to Mexico with dirt coming off.

Q: But it did work.

A: Yeah, it worked.

Q: The pain formula.

A: Yep, yep. Also, magic mushrooms are great. You just take about a bb-sized amount and just let it dissolve in your mouth. And let me tell you, it takes away 60% of the pain.

Q: Where do you get magic mushrooms?

A: I don't know. I've been looking.

Q: Wild mushrooms.

A: I haven't been able to find them in a long time.

Q: Yeah, cow pastures in Oregon.

Q: Yeah, cow pastures in Oregon. [laughter]

A: I don't know. It's like, you know, with all these chemtrails and everything, they're poisoning all the fields so the mushrooms aren't growing like they used to, the magic ones. Okay, anybody else who didn't give a question and wants to now? Nobody, what time is it?

Q: 430.

A: 430, we have a half an hour, so we'll just go around. Anybody with a question?

Q: Osteoporosis issues, because I had a lot of them. The majority of the osteoporosis for me, somebody's one quick.

A: It's a big one.

Q: The big black?

Q: The big black one? Anybody? The osteoporosis issues, do you want me to wait for you to put this?

A: Well, we don't really have time. It's okay.

Q: Most of the time, wherever they gave me steroid, I had the greatest severity of osteoporosis. You'd put me on milk for a very long period of time. I mean, a lot of milk. I think I drank like three gallons of milk a week, sometimes up to five gallons a week.

A: And I drink seven to eight gallons a week in the summer.

Q: The Crohn's patients, it's kind of tough because I had a hard time adjusting it. And I just cut back after the fire just because I was detoxing so heavily I couldn't handle it for a while.

A: But you can use cheese and honey together as a good mineral supplement. It will help reverse osteoporosis. I've been using that for the past three years, and it's working well enough that I can say that, yeah, you can start using that to reverse osteoporosis. Cheese and honey.

Q: Do you chew at the same time?

A: Yeah, they have to be chewed together at the same time. You can mash it in a cheesecake. Cheesecake is the same thing. The honey is already mixed in the cheese. But you use just a small amount of honey to the cheese. If you're using a tablespoon of cheese, use a quarter of a teaspoon of honey only. A very small amount of honey.

Q: But you have honey in the green juice to preserve it. And you eat cheese to help.

A: The honey is already involved in the fats in the juice. It has to be the cheese and the honey together. Immediately. The honey can't have already been exposed to some other food.

Q: How many times a day?

A: I usually do it, and I advise people to do it with osteoporosis, 30 minutes after the meat meal. Somebody your size, 2-3 tablespoons with a teaspoon of honey. Or 3 quarters of a teaspoon of honey.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you put a little honey on the piece of cheese and eat it that way. Or put the cheese in your mouth and then put the honey in your mouth. Do it off your finger if you want, if you're a feral like I am. You too. Pardon?

Q: How much cheese for the average sized person?

A: I would say, you know, it's by body weight. For every 100 pound weight, it's one tablespoon of cheese to one quarter teaspoon of honey.

Q: Say that again.

A: For every 100 pound body weight, one tablespoon of cheese to one quarter teaspoon of honey. And that's been all reversing osteoporosis quicker than even milk did.

Q: That's per day?

A: Yeah, I do it every day.

Q: For me, you had actually taken me off the cheese and honey, I can't remember why. You put me on the milk, and I was having other challenges.

A: Well, I didn't want you to digest the cheese at all. I wanted you to use the cheese to bind with all the poisons that were making you so sick.

Q: Oh yeah, talk about nauseous.I was having at least one good nauseous diarrhea vomiting a week, and I was really kicking my gut out. So, I was looking at Vicki because she wanted information.

Q: My question, stainless steel. Is it safe to drink out of versus plastic?

A: Well, it's not going to put any metals in you, but it's certainly going to disturb the electromagnetic field. Because that will attract radio waves, radiation waves, everything.

Q: So, by drinking it, I'm harming?

A: So, get some milk, get glass.

Q: Well, it did break, but is this dangerous, me drinking food out of?

A: Well, it's going to disturb the electromagnetic field. So, it's going to disturb some ionic bond.

Q: In the food?

A: In the food, yes.

Q: Oh, God.

A: So, it won't be optimal, but it's not going to kill you. It's just going to reduce your food value.

Q: Don't they have the glass container on the inside?

A: Plastic is worse, of course.

Q: They used to come with the old ones, with the glass container on the inside.

A: Yeah, those were fine. But that doesn't have one.

Q: Those were in our lunch boxes in the city.

A: Yeah, for the kids.

Q: I asked you about the kids, because they have the shakes at lunch, and you said plastic was better. [unintelligible]

A: Well, that was for the kids, you know, but that, again.

Q: Because I use a real hard plastic thermostat.

A: You're using the Lexan.

Q: Yeah, the Nalgene.

A: Yeah, the Nalgene. That's fine. It's not going to gas unless you subject it to direct heat or freezing. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Yes.

Q: I meant the polished carbonate, hard plastic. Did you say that's just one of the worst?

A: Only if you subject it to heat or freezing cold. If you freeze anything in it, it's going to cause a discharge. It's going to outgas. If you heat it, it's going to outgas.

Q: Isn't that with all the plastic cells, or is that just the one?

A: That's the only one. The other one's a outgas, all the time.

Q: [unintelligible]?

A: I don't buy his stuff in plastic. I get his stuff in glass. I pay the extra money.

Q: So this is Nalgene, too, this plastic subject.

A: That's okay as long as you don't put it directly in the sun and you don't put it in an oven and you don't put it in a microwave and you don't put it in the freezer.

Q: So that's polished carbonate.

Q: What's the name of the hot thing? You put hot water in the plastic?

A: Yes, you don't put hot water in any kind of a plastic.

Q: All our medical devices are covered in [unintelligible]. But you think electromagnetic fields...

A: It's electromagnetic fields that attracts radiation, radio waves, all kinds of things.

Q: That's true. I could see [unintelligible].

Q: I have a question.

A: Uh-huh?

Q: In the real world, if we have to go out and eat cooked food, what would you recommend? Salad, meat, chicken, fish. If we have to be in the real world...

A: Well, I'd stay away from any cooked vegetables. Those are the worst things you could eat. Well, that's the second worst thing you eat. Worst thing you could eat is french fries and chips. French fries and chips. Those are the worst things you could eat. Cereals are the next worst thing you could eat. Donuts are equal to the cereal. Stay away from all those. If you have something cooked, rice, and take your butter with you. You could have, let's say, broiled chicken or broiled fish, lightly broiled, or lightly sauteed in water, not oil or fat.

Q: How about salads?

A: Salads? You know, they're putting so much MSG on salads now. That's a pretty dangerous thing to eat.

Q: And rice, is it white or brown?

A: You don't want a polished rice. You want a nice, healthy rice. It doesn't have a hull on it, but it's not like Uncle Bens.

Q: Is white rice like eating white bread?

A: Yeah, no, it isn't. Because bread, you're putting yeast, you're putting water, you're putting salt, you're putting other things in it. Rice is, well, you may have a little salt in it if you're cooking it in salt.

Q: I'm allergic to salt, but I just want to know, white or brown? I've always cooked brown before I went on your diet. I was a vegetarian. That's up to you.

A: As long as it's whole, as long as it's a whole grain, it's fine.

Q: A whole grain brown rice, okay.

Q: When's the last time you ate cooked food? Do you ever do, don't have some?

A: When I'm in Asia, I get so hungry because of the hydrochloric acid in my small intestine, I don't have all the cream that I like. I'll eat a third of a cup of rice once a week with a third of a cup of butter.

Q: Okay, so rice with butter?

A: Yeah, and I don't eat it with anything else. That's that meal, you know, and I won't eat anything for three hours before and three hours after. And that absorbs, for a good week, that'll keep collecting some of the excess hydrochloric acid that makes me so hungry.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you can read the book about that. I talk about butter a lot in the book, the importance of butter.

Q: So these sprouted corn tortillas, when I'm out of food or I'm so starving I'm getting a headache, I'll get broiled chicken and I'll get these sprouted corn tortillas and I just put them over, warm them a little and roll the chicken in it, put butter at the bottom of it and eat like a butter chicken sandwich.

A: It would be better if you don't use sprouted ones.

Q: Oh.

A: The sprouted ones have turned into vegetation, vegetable oils. Vegetable oils crystallize in the human body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just the regular whole grain, not sprouted grain.

Q: No, no sprouted bread.

A: That's right, that's a vegetable oil.

Q: How about the sprouted ones, they have micro-greens.

A: Are you eating it or juicing it or what are you doing with it? If you're making bread out of it and cooking it, that's not a good thing.

Q: This is flour tortillas.

A: Whole grain flour tortillas. Whole grain. Yeah, just corn, whole grain. In Mexico that's all you find. Flour is corn, you can have corn flour.

Q: This whole grain, not sprouted.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yep, well, do the best you can.

Q: What else on the cooked? [unintelligible]

A: Nothing.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have avocado, you have tomato, you have onion, you have cucumber, you have zucchini.

Q: I can't eat any of it.

Q: You will later on. I couldn't eat avocado when I began, but now I can.

A: So like a vinegar salad with that, just apple cider vinegar. Yeah, if you take your own vinegar with you.

Q: Do you talk about this anywhere? Could this be a supplement that you put out for us?

A: It will be in the detox book.

Q: When is it coming out?

A: In several hundred years.

Q: I think we're producing it every time we talk.

A: Well, I was going to add, it's been five hours a day I've committed while I was traveling. And my 500 gigabyte hard drive crashed when it went through the TSA machine. Oh, killed it. Killed all that, so I didn't get a chance to edit it.

Q: I remember I couldn't get a hold of it you well.

Q: Why don't you carry an external drive with you?

A: I do, I have four. I take four with me. But that's 38 hours, 39 and a half hours. We shot it with five cameras, five and a half hours. So it was an enormous amount. So I had a 500 gigabyte hard drive.

Q: That's easy.

A: Well, it's this big, my 500 gigabytes, it's this big. And then I have two 200 ones of the little small pocket ones. And then I have the hard drive in the computer, which is 160 gigabytes. So I've got a lot of space, but with that DVD stuff, it was so big, it could only fit on the 500 gigabytes. So I didn't have it backed up on any of the small ones. So what happened was it went through the scanner, the TSA scanner. And they say, oh, it doesn't harm computers. They ran it through twice because they didn't know what it was. And that killed it. Well, I bought a computer once, a laptop, and right in the manual it said, airport security scanning devices will damage this computer. I took it right to the head of the TSA there in the LAX airport, international, when I was taking off. He said, that's not true. I said, you're saying these people are protecting themselves. This is a big company, one of the major companies, top of the line, better than IBM and LLM. Are you going to tell me they're not telling the truth? They're not protecting their butts? Oh, it's not what we're told. That's not true. They're just idiots. They're sheep. So anyway, it went. All of the information on the hard drive was gone. The hard drive was okay, but all the information was gone. And then I paid a hundred and some dollars for a program to capture it and save it. Captured and saved everything, but I couldn't even use it.

Q: Why?

A: I don't know. And the company said, I don't know why you can't use it either. So that was that. I spent 40 hours trying to recover that information. And a couple of hundred dollars. Couldn't save it. Couldn't recover it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah, I have it on a two terabyte at home.

Q: Can I interject here while we have a pause? We have the co-op this Thursday, and normally I would need everybody to get their orders in last Tuesday, but if you want, I can get an order in and find a piece of paper. [unintelligible]. So just leave it on that dining room table in there with your name, your house number, and email. I think I will do this Thursday.

A: Okay, I think it's five, isn't it?

Q: I was trying to ask if it will allow this, but I started introducing raw foods in January, like [unintelligible].

A: What kind of raw?

Q: I mean, I'm kind of like the raw honey, raw milk, raw eggs. And so the one thing, though, that I started craving, which he said like about the worst food is french fries, chips, and stuff like that, and like I haven't ate anything like that in years. Like I haven't ate fast food, anything like that. And like I was craving that so intensely. Like that's what I was going for, and it was really strange for me, and I'm really kind of curious if you have any idea like why I would be craving it.

A: Because those cells are going to die when you're eating that. They know they're going to die if they don't get that old food. Because it will completely disorient them. They won't be able to survive.

Q: What cells are you...

A: The old cells that were made out of that stuff in your body.

Q: Okay. So I'm a little confused on that, I guess.

A: It takes 40 years to clean every cell out of your body five times.

Q: Okay.

A: To get the body to optimum. Okay. So it takes seven years to reproduce every cell in your body. For them to stop giving off their toxins to their offspring, it takes five generations.

Q: Okay. So they were like, the reason I was craving it is because they pretty much want to stay alive like anything else.

A: Right. Yeah.

Q: Okay.

A: Those cells grew up on it and lived on it and that's what they were created from. And they get a different chemistry and they're not going to survive.

Q: Okay.

A: So I let them die.

Q: And that's true maybe after a year, why then you don't crave it as much.

A: Well, it depends. It took me four years. But I was on a balanced diet when I went on to a raw diet. It took me four years to stop craving.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There was one fellow over here. Oh, it was you. Okay.

Q: Two of the recipes and one of the.

A: We want to live. Okay. All right. Okay, folks. That does it. See you in a few months. Okay.

Q: Love you.

Q: Nice to see you. [unintelligible]

A: Well, you just get to go through 40 more years or 35 more years.

Q: Oh, just five. 35 more years, that's it. Hey, that's five years closer than I was five years ago.

A: That's exactly it. You know, I've still got, what, 12 years to go and look at me. I'm already excited. And I start my 62nd year in a month.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: April 17th, yes.

Q: Are you going to give me the. . .

A: Yes. I'm going to [unintelligible].