Aajonus Introduces Himself

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Hi, I'm Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD in Nutrition. I'm here to introduce myself as a fellow who's been through a lot of different diets to get where I am today, and I was supposed to be dead 43 years ago of four types of cancer. I'm the only person who's survived over three months with those four cancers, and they are cancer of the blood, bone, lymphatic system, and stomach. I also had diabetes, psoriasis, angina pectoris, and bursitis, and do not suffer from any of them today. And I'm about to complete my 65th year. Now Dr. Moss, when I met him in 1998, was very impressed with my work. He saw somebody with multiple myeloma who'd been written off by many alternative medical professionals working with cancer, and she reversed her multiple myeloma in less than 30 days on my diet. So he was very impressed, and he did want to call all of my patients and verify the statistics of reversals and remissions of cancer on my diet. He'd never called. I gave you my address, and then he went online and wrote a critique, and it was a lukewarm critique, but it ended like he would probably be, and many people would probably be doing my diet.

So what happened was in 2002, 2001, Dr. Elnora Van Winkle went on my diet, and she's a neuroscientist from Columbia University that spent her 47 years of research cataloging and identifying all of the compounds, the chemical substances in the brain and nervous system. And she went on my diet, and then she called 242 of my cancer patients at the time, and found 232 of them alive and well. All of them were over seven years on the diet, and some as long as 22 years on the diet, and all were doing well, and their cancers were reversed. So my publisher put her quote about her research on my diet at the back of my recipe book, and the quote is, results with remission from cancer with Aajonus' diet are statistically valid. So there you have it. There's a lot of people who say that this diet is crazy, but I have to tell you it works. I wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work, and I wouldn't be here alive today if it didn't work. So take a look at wewant2live.com, that is we spelled, live spelled, the numeral two rather than t-o, livespelled.com, and then you can see what my information has to offer. Thank you, and have a great day. Bye.

Videographer: You've got a fly on your nose!

A: Three of them.

Videographer: Oh, but you handled it. You were there. You said your final words with flies or not. I'm still recording this.