Q&A Of March 19, 2006

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: And if that is damaged in your RNA or your RNA and DNA and the follicle cannot handle the PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) anymore, then it will be permanently gray. And heavy metals do that to the follicle, so they can damage it permanently. But mine, I don't seem to have any permanent damage. I thought, this is going to be permanent here, but it comes and goes. So there's a huge gray spot, but it comes and goes, it comes and goes. But it stayed one time for almost two years, and then all of a sudden, one winter it went away. It comes back and goes around and goes away. It gets better every year, it gets less gray. As I get older, I get healthier.

Q: So these people who are old, who appear to be healthy, are not healthy if they're gray?

A: Well, it doesn't mean they're not healthy, it means that they're just throwing off heavy metals into their hair, being built into their hair. And if that heavy metal does damage to the cells in the follicle, then they may not be able to recover that damage.

Q: It's genetic then, people that turn gray at 20.

A: Well, I was gray at 21, because of all the chemo and radiation. So my hair, when it came back in, it was all gray. And then it took about a year and a half to restore. I was eating lots of dairy, raw dairy at that time. And that's right before I went into raw food, veganism. Got off of dairy. It was a big mistake. Okay, you want to start with Q&A?

Q: Sure.

Q: What are you doing sighting differently? I mean, it's always nice to hear, Aajonus, that you're doing something different. Are you going to be doing something in Thailand, or you've got something sighting happening?

A: Well, I was in Aruba a month ago. When I go to Florida, I go from Florida to Aruba, because it's close. And I've got a lot of patients on Aruba. And one of them said, you know, Thailand's too far to go for a health center. And I said, well, you know, nobody's offering to buy me a, you know, a [unintelligible]. And he said, how about Costa Rica? I said, I've checked Costa Rica. It's too expensive. You know, the only real estate agency down there is Century 21 from America. And they jacked the prices up so bad. It's terrible. I don't wanna live on the Atlantic.

Q: Why?

A: Because that's the Gulf. And there's two nuclear, U.S. nuclear bases that dump their nuclear waste there in the Gulf. Plus you have the Panama Canal, which is very close. And it's all that oil from the tankers. And some of those tankers are backed up for three weeks to a month. And they're just sitting out there, spilling all kinds of garbage. I don't need anything from the Gulf. I won't live there. So it's a very expensive settlement. He said, well, how about I build it for you? I said, hey, be my guest. So he made a call right there to a friend of his in Costa Rica and said, I need the 100 acres. Get it as soon as you can.

Q: What about Costa Rica Atlantic Coast?

A: Pardon?

Q: Do you know Costa Rica Atlantic?

A: You've got it on the Atlantic end. It's part of Central America. So you've got a Pacific and you've got an Atlantic side.

Q: Oh, that's right.

A: There's a big, long mountain in between.

Q: So this might be happening soon.

Q: Would you be happy with that?

A: I would have both. Yeah, I'd love to have both. Thailand and Costa Rica. That'd be perfect. Because then all the people that are close to Asia and the Australians and Europeans would go to Thailand. And then all the Americans and South Americans or all the Americans who live north or south could go to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is central. And Thailand is central between China and Australia. And I've got a lot of Australians. In fact, they want me to come in July. So Australia is one. In Asia, I'm going to go to Australia and give a workshop.

Q: Australia.

A: It's a...

Q: It's the Gold Coast.

A: It's the Gold Coast. [unintelligible]

Q: Brisbane.

A: Brisbane.

Q: Good. That's where I'm going next year. I put several people on to you when I see that. In Gold Coast, which is an hour south of Brisbane. That's where I'll be going.

A: Is it a rainforest there?

Q: Well, yeah. We've been to rainforests, but not as much as up north. But it's good. It's lovely. And that's where I've got the butter and the cultured cream and the butter. And that's the milk. They've got Cleopatras milk for the bath.

A: That's okay, doesn't matter what it's for.

Q: It's not for the bath. Well, that's great.

Q: What are you going to do in Thailand?

A: I'm going to build a health center in both Thailand and Costa Rica.

Q: How's the progress on that?

A: Well, the partners are doing very well with their other company. They have the Stem Cell Company, where they take the stem cells from a person's blood. They have a laboratory in Israel. They take the blood and send it to Israel to the laboratory. They separate the blood, I mean the stem cells from the blood. They breed it in your own blood serum when you separate it, so it's all natural. And then they inject it... they put it with a courier and take it to Bangkok. It goes to the hospital and then they inject it in the heart. And they got a three-year license from the country of Thailand to do experiments on humans because they had been done only on animals. In all animals there was not one case of rejection. There was not one case of any side effects. So they were, after two years of doing the tests, the same was for the humans. Not one reject because it's your own stem cells bred in your own blood serum. And it completely reversed 80% of the heart disease. It was mitral valve prolapse or bypass. The body actually builds new arteries to bypass its own arteries in three to six months. So it was so extraordinary and the tests went so well that eight Nobel Prize winners joined the board of that company, plus the king's own cardiologist. So they gave them a license to go ahead and become commercial as of January, so it was a year early. But because of that, that put me on hold, my health center on hold, the money for the health center, because now that they have the license already and they know they're going to do it, they need $13 million to build the laboratory in Bangkok because they can't keep trucking it back and forth from Israel to Bangkok. By messenger, too many things could happen. You have 24 hours to get it into the person once it leaves the lab. So it's risking it too much. And it's only $36,000 right now. And the open-heart surgery is anywhere from $125,000 to $300,000. And people are going from the wheelchair to the tennis court in three to six months. So it's pretty amazing. And Don Ho, head of open-heart surgery, anybody know who Don Ho is? Tiny bubbles in Hawaii make you happy. He was famous in the 60s for that song. And he's 72 years old and lives in Hawaii. He had open-heart surgery last year. And it didn't work. Plus he got a pacemaker. It wasn't working. So he went to Bangkok and had this done. And seven weeks later he was doing full sets back to work. So that put them on the map. So now they're making money with it already. And everybody told them, now you're going to need $32 million to $50 million for this kind of a starter company. And it would take you five years before you would get any money. And they did it with $3 million and did it for two years. Smart people. And they're on the diet.

Q: So this Don Ho, how do you spell the Ho? H-O-E?

A: H-O. H-O. Don Ho, H-O.

Q: He's a singer.

A: Famous Hawaiians.

Q: I was listening to public radio and it looks like Salt Institute and a bunch of others have a consortium of other companies and they're going to start this big Stem Cell research thing in San Diego. And they're all excited about it. It sounds like your friends are ahead of the curve.

A: Way ahead of it.

Q: And they're doing a different stem cell too, aren't they? They're not doing blood stem cells.

Q: I'm not sure.

A: Well, the problem with the fetus stem cells is they're rejected. Something like 60% of the cases. It's just like having a transplant problem there. But when you have the stem cells from your own blood and you're breeding your own blood stem cells, there's no rejection, no side effects. They're very happy with that. Okay, you want to start?

Q: Did you have another question? [unintelligible]

A: Well, if anybody wants to know about this, what the health centers are going to do is they're going to provide the primal diet. Food is gonna be completely available. We're going to grow it. We're going to have 100 acres on each one, one in Thailand, one in Costa Rica. So we'll be growing all of our own food, herbs, everything, year round. Because the areas where I'm picking them are tropical enough to have a grow all year round, all of the food.

Q: Including meat?

A: Pardon?

Q: Including meat?

A: Oh, yeah. We'll have cattle. We'll have dairy. We'll have everything. You know, the farm that my grandparents had was only 50 acres of growing and barns. And we had about 40 Jersey cows. Which supplied all the milk from just about 10 miles west of Chicago all the way to Peoria. So they supplied all the milk for all the towns around all through the early 1900s, late 1800s, 1900s. And plus that was 40 acres of corn that we grew to feed the horses because they had Clydesdale horses to pull the wagons and deliver the milk. So, you know, until, of course, the automobile and truck came in. Twenties trucks, you know. Classical things to start delivering it. But my grandfather, he liked to stick with the horses and the buggy. He did it all the way up until the 30s with the horse and buggy. Or he didn't get out there and do it himself. He helped do it. But it was all milked by hand. He never went to the machine. All the way up until I think it was about 49 when he stopped producing dairy.

Q: Were your early years with the raw milk?

A: Mine? I was born in 47, so they started boiling it. My grandparents bought the bull. It was all boiled. She would boil it right there on the stove. I don't think she did it with all the cream. She'd cut some of the cream off. So we were getting cream with our cereals and berries. She had a great raspberry garden. So at these primal centers, the diet will be 100% available every day, day and night. And there will be lots of hydrotherapy. There will be outdoor hot baths. The land that I have chosen, 60% of the land is bordered by a river. So we'll be able to use hydro and solar power. So it will be completely self-sustainable. The river has a great deal of red clay. So we'll do like they do in Vietnam. In one of the spas there, we'll siphon the clay mud into these tubs where people can sit in the warm clay and stay in there for, you know. In Vietnam, at that particular spa, they only let you stay in it 20 minutes. But I would like people to stay in it for an hour to an hour and a half, especially if they have lymphatic damage. And then there will be swimming pools. And there will be, you know, kitchens where people get to learn how to do, you know, how to make primal food, how to prepare dishes. There will be lots of therapists, you know, massage therapists. Anything that I know that has worked.

Q: Chlorine in swimming pools?

A: It will be the electrical chlorinator. So you just put real salt water. I mean salt, sea salt, sun-dried sea salt in the water. And the electrical chlorinator turns it into a non-toxic chlorine with no chloroform vapors.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, electrical chlorinator. And they're relatively inexpensive.

Q: Yeah, they do them in New Zealand, everywhere.

A: Yeah, everywhere. So I've got some friends in Nevada City who have it for their very natural looking swimming pool. I swim there every time. One time they put too much salt in, it was like swimming in the ocean. I didn't like that, but that was only once they did that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I think they went to pour it in and the sack broke or something. Yeah, too much salt in there.

Q: Is there any place that you would go here locally to just to swim? Any kind of spa or nothing?

A: There really isn't. Well, the closest thing, it's not that far from here, is Deep Creek.

Q: Deer Creek?

A: Deep Creek. That's in Hesperia, just on the other side of the San Bernardino Mountains. You go 15 through San Bernardino, and you get off at Hesperia, and then you ask for the, well you might be able to find directions on the internet, to the Olen Ranch, the O-L-E-N Ranch. And it's about 25 miles from Hesperia east, and you go to the Olen Ranch, and you pay like $4, you know, or $2, $4 for your car, and then you drive in about probably, you know, half a mile, and you park your car, and you walk two miles in to the canyons, mountains, and you follow the trail down, and the river from all the melting rain and snow from the mountains flows down, and so you get a river. So you have to cross the river. When you get across the river, the river's probably about from here to the sidewalk over there, wide, and it never gets any higher than this. Well, it does when the rains first melt, you know, like May, you can get this high. And it's pretty cold, you know. And you cross the river, you're just making it for cross. It's cold as hell. You get to the other side, and there are all these natural hot springs that are coming out of the mountains, and all these natural pools, and there are about five of them. It's all hot springs. So you get to go, and there are all places to dive off of these rocks into the cold. So you go from the hot to the cold. And you get to swim around. Men wear some drawers or something to keep your penis protected, because there are catfish in there, and they bite. I got a bad bite once. And I immediately bled. You know, because those catfish have teeth. Teeth.

Q: You should eat them.

A: Lori did.

Q: Bite them back.

Q: How do you spell Hectoria?

A: H-I-S-P-E-R-I-A, I think it is.

Q: H-I-E-S-P.

A: E-R-I-A.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's okay. They don't treat the mud bath. And they don't treat that one area, the small area, where the mineral hot springs and everything else is chlorinated. But this is wild. If you want to spend the night there, it's illegal. Don't do it on a weekend. Because the rangers come in on horseback. They'll ticket you at $80 and tell you you have to leave. But $80 is like a good hotel room. I've never gotten busted for erecting my tent there during the week. But a lot of people get run off on the weekend. Too crowded on the weekend.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's a state, San Bernardino State Park.

Q: Lots of hot springs down there.

A: Yeah, along the coast. And then this place has one. It's called the Arizona [unintelligible]. And it's right there. If you broke the rocks off, the cold water and the hot water would be running together. Same level. And they've got a very deep one where you have to climb a little bit. And it's probably about eight feet deep. And then ones up on top are really hot. Very hot. So that's a very nice place.

Q: Would you drink the formula before you go into the bath?

A: Yeah, absolutely.

Q: And then afterwards, do you need to exercise?

A: Well, on that side you've got a trail that leads all the way down to the dam. Which is about 12 miles. So you've got plenty of trail. There are fire roads. That's a fire road. It's a very easy walk. And that's pretty flat. Not like when you come in from Olen Ranch. You don't want to walk 12 miles in. You just want to walk two miles. That is mostly downhill. On the way back, it's uphill. Better make sure you have enough food for as many days as you're going to get back there. Because you're going to need your fuel to get back.

Q: I have a question on phytoplankton. What do you feel about it? [unintelligible] It has all sorts of things.

A: Glycerin.

Q: No, that has glycerin. No, I mean the different metals in it. It's amazing how many different metals. It has lead. It has all sorts of different things.

A: Well, you have to understand that plankton and algae eat rock. They're plants. They eat rock. So whatever's in the rock, they eat it and make it something good. And we can eat them and do fine, because they're a cross between... Plankton's a cross between a fish and a plant. So they can handle that toxicity. The fear is, because plankton eats so much mercury, that the animals who eat them, like swordfish, is a highly toxic animal. But it isn't. Swordfish can move so fast because they know how to utilize the mercury favorably. It isn't like the mercury they use in injections. Science says, well, we've made this radiation. The radiation that you get is just like the sun. No way it's anywhere near like the sun. It isn't produced the same way at all. And the arrogance to say that it's the same quality as the sun is ludicrous. They should be ashamed of it. Embarrassed. I haven't experimented with it yet, and I'm going to, because of the favorable things I've heard about it. And it's supposed to be non-toxic. The only thing that bothers me is that I haven't looked at it yet. Somebody emailed me and said there was glycerin in it.

Q: This is the one that comes from British Columbia.

A: Oh, okay. So it's a different one than the one...

Q: Than the one at James.

Q: What is glycerin?

A: Glycerin is from cellulose. And to get glycerin from cellulose, it has to be highly processed. And even if it were raw glycerin, we don't have the nutrients to break it down properly. It takes an herbivore to digest cellulose.

Q: I use it on my hands and feet, face sometimes. Do you think it's absorbent enough to be a problem?

A: I think it's causing a problem in your skin. It's killing the cell. It's a chemical. You know, they say it's from natural, but once they finish processing, it's not natural. You know, it's like calling all of these eggs organic, organic, organic. These eggs aren't organic because, you know, 75 to 80% of the feed is soy, and even though it was raised organically, you can't feed raw soy to a chicken. It has to be heat processed and chemically treated. So, once you do that, the soy that you feed the chicken is no longer organic, nor is it even more natural. It's all a lie. It's an absolute fraud.

Q: Where do you get eggs from?

A: Yeah, I get Lily's eggs, and they raise them out on the land eating bugs and stuff like that. And she feeds them very little soy.

Q: So what do you ask for when you're on the east coast, when I'm looking for eggs, what do I look for? Well, just try to find the chickens that have been running out on the pasture.

Q: Pastured, they're called pastured ones.

A: Pardon me?

Q: They're called pastured.

A: Pastured eggs. Yes.

Q: Do you know for a fact that those eggs were not healthy or? Yeah. Well, did you ever try, and is that how you found out, or are you...

A: You mean the soy ones, the organic ones? Oh, yeah. The results were tremendously decreased. In fact, they were getting sicker. Some of the cancer clients that were eating it progressed rapidly to more cancer. And the literature out there on the internet, if you want to look up soy, it's tremendous. The amount of laboratory animals who get cancer by eating isoflavones, because it's high in isoflavones. And isoflavones, especially when they're isolated and treated like that, because the human has to have it treated too and cleaned with chemicals, because it would kill us if we ate it raw. So the same way we treat the chickens is the same way we treat it for us.

Q: So even if you eat organic...

A: So the isoflavones are very isolated, and they're free radical, basically. So they cause, in all animals that are fed, the cancer rate is like increases 36%. That's an astounding amount.

Q: The eggs that I buy, I talk to the farmer on how he feeds the chickens. He says part of the feed that he gets, he gets scraps around the farm, but a lot of the feed is what's left over after the breweries run water through grains to make beer.

A: Absolutely.

Q: Maybe is that bad.

A: It's not great.

Q: It doesn't sound so good to me.

A: It's not good at all. We get our eggs from Lily up in the San Inez area, and they run around 10 acres. She does feed them some meat by-products, although she's not supposed to, but she does for us. She has an area of about 2 acres for the eggs that we want.

Q: So do you get the same eggs in the stores here? [unintelligible]

A: No, she feeds them alone. She doesn't feed them any of those. They're the same, except she doesn't feed them any raw scraps.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: So we don't have a good source of eggs down here.

A: You need somebody to run up to Los Angeles weekly and do that.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Once a month.

A: Yeah, but you do it once a week. The machinery that I bought to make coconut cream in Thailand arrives tomorrow at the lot, so I'm going to train the people how to use it, because they trained me in Thailand how to use it. The machines are great. It's like the Green Star Gold that's about 4 1⁄2 feet long. It's stainless steel. It's about this high off the ground, so you can do 50 gallons an hour.

Q: 50 gallons an hour?

A: 50 gallons an hour. See, they're so fast. I bought three machines. One to take the shell off the coconut. Those guys can deshell a coconut in three seconds. Three seconds. It takes me about 20 seconds, because I've only just learned to use the machine. But 20 seconds is very quickly to get the whole shell off. So then there's a machine to take the broken piece, and then we break it with the coconut, and put it in the machine that grates it, and then we put the grated coconut through the juicer.

Q: Do you have a good source of coconuts? When I buy them, like two out of three are bad.

A: Well, that's only because you're getting ones that are already out. When you get fresh bags in, it's usually eight to nine out of ten good. It's just that when they're in the stores, the Mexicans and all the people who know how to choose coconuts and use coconuts a lot, they get the first pick, and they know the good ones. So you get leftovers.

Q: I heard they soak them in mold retardant before they're shipped. That's true.

A: Some of them, yeah. If you see real white skin outside, yeah.

Q: Does that matter?

A: But if they're light brown, they're not. Well, it doesn't really get to the heart of the coconut.

Q: They're dark brown.

A: They can be light brown to dark brown.

Q: Jimbos are quite light.

A: No, if they still have hair on them. If the hair's off, they'll always turn dark brown. Medium to dark brown.

Q: Have you seen the ones at Henrys, they're packaged in a plastic, and they're very, very dark, and they're scored around.

A: They don't soak those in mold retardant.

Q: Those are fairly good.

Q: [unintelligible] You would still use them?

A: We've got a good source of coconuts.

Q: How do you know it's a good source?

A: Because James Stewart, who runs our co-op. That's what he did for 30 years, was buy and sell produce. He knows every contact there is, organic produce. He's one of the first ones to start organic produce business way back in the early 70s.

Q: And he knows by talking to the people who prepare it?

A: Yes, he knows. And also, I tell him what I know about being in the field, and what's going on out there between the two of us, we get the best stuff.

Q: And if you're having coconuts, you'll make it every week?

A: Yeah, every week.

Q: You'll make it every week. Well, if you'll make it, we'll be able to get it.

A: Well, I'm not going to make it. I just bought the machinery. I'm going to train them how to use it.

Q: James will make it, and then we get the delivery here.

Q: But I live in northern California. Can you ship there too?

A: Oh, he won't ship it. It's too fragile. So you'll have to go back to making your own.

Q: Can you buy the jars full of the virgin coconut?

A: [unintelligible] If you take one of those jar lids that are metal, and you put coconut cream on it, within about an hour it turns gray. It starts ripping the metals off. You put that oil on it, it could take a week for it to start falling off [unintelligible]. So coconut cream is the only thing that does it.

Q: It pulls out more toxicity, is what you're saying?

A: Metal toxicity. Well, it pulls out anything. It can dissolve lymphatic plaque, it can dissolve almost anything. Okay, so should we start? Do you have a question?

Q: When I was in Burma, I drank a bunch of coconut milk.

A: Coconut water?

Q: Coconut milk. They would take the coconut and they would put it through a grinder. They took all the meat and ground it, and that's what they gave me. They would do like five or six coconuts, and I'd end up with about a quart.

A: Coconut cream?

Q: Coconut cream. Right. I had sugarcane juice on the street. They just took the sugarcane through a hand grinder. I was eating raw eggs to offset the fact that I had eaten so many fried foods during the meditation retreat I was at. I lost about 20 pounds at this retreat because you couldn't eat past noon every day. Was that a good thing to do for my body?

A: Absolutely.

Q: To get it clean. What happened was I experienced an extreme amount of diarrhea for like two weeks.

A: Absolutely. With that much coconut cream? My God. You're lucky you didn't go every hour.

Q: Yeah. So that was a good cleansing.

A: Absolutely.

Q: Yeah. Yeah.

A: It may have demineralized you to some extent. Eating cheese when you return. Might be the best thing to do. Eat lots of cheese.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Yeah, start doing butter and all that.

A: Not after doing that regime and being mineral deficient. It won't do justice to that. If you're going to eat the lube formula, you have to eat a lot of cheese.

Q: So it's safe to do that. You can drink a bunch of coconut cream.

A: It depends upon the individual. Like I say, it could demineralize the system.

Q: But if you ate cheese with it to keep the minerals in balance, it would work.

A: Like if you made coconut cheesecake. Coconut cream cheesecake.

Q: Isn't the coconut cream [unintelligible]

A: Oh, it depends on how hungry you are. I've been so hungry I've got a pint of it. Of course, I had diarrhea for two days. I've downed a pint of it.

Q: I think a quarter, three ounces is enough for me.

A: Yeah, that's about me too. Most of the time. But when I'm in Asia and I can't get dairy, I'll consume at least a cup of it a day.

Q: Is it a good substitute for dairy?

A: Not really. It's not building. It's cleansing. But it's a fat that I have to have. I eat so many more eggs in Asia. Sometimes I'll eat up to 40 a day.

Q: Do the eggs compensate for the lack of fat in the coconut?

A: Lack of milk. Because I still get my meat. I still eat meat there. I can get lots of meat. I'm so used to having so much dairy fat. Cream and the butter. It's heaven. It just stabilizes my body. It really grounds me. And then when I'm there in Asia for seven weeks at a time, and by the fifth week, I start adding that coconut cream more often.

Q: So the fact that the Asian cultures have less dairy in their lifestyle opposed to the European cultures, Western culture, do you think that had a lot to do with Western history developing with the consumption of dairy product in the West?

A: Well, I think it developed mainly because the dairy was produced, except in Africa, the dairy was produced in very cold climates where there wasn't a lot of food in the winter. A lot of things went into hibernation. So dairy was always available. Cows didn't freeze. You'd milk them twice a day.

Q: Do you think that the dairy made the Western cultures stronger than some of the eastern cultures?

A: Oh yeah, definitely. Absolutely.

Q: I think that Genghis Khan conquered the world.

A: Pardon?

Q: I think that Genghis Khan conquered the largest portion of the world because Mongolians were a meat-dairy society. No vegetables at all.

A: They also bled their horses so they wouldn't have to carry food.

Q: Like the Maasai?

A: Yeah, like the Maasai do it to the horses and cows and to the bulls. They don't do it to the cows, they do it to the bulls. They bleed the bulls for blood.

Q: Not enough to hurt them?

A: They'll bleed the bulls for five days and then they'll go to another bull.

Q: Blood milk.

A: Blood milk, equal portions, delicious. Doesn't taste anything like that... If you've ever had blood, it's kind of, it coagulates pretty quickly. It's thick and it tastes metallic a little bit. And, you know, it's really fresh and liquid and you drink it right out of the bleeding animal. It's easy, it's okay, but once it sits in a glass for five minutes, it all becomes unappealing to me. But when you mix it right away with milk, it tastes like ice cream. It has no relationship to the taste that it has on its own. Blood has on its own. Tastes like ice cream. Rich, delicious. And the Maasai are the tallest, strongest, healthiest, smartest tribe in the world. And they're the only ones that, on a daily basis for three months a year, they only bleed those, they only drink the blood and the milk together during the times that the cows are lactating for the calves. And they don't have enough milk for themselves. So they have to supplement it with the blood. And they're growing spurts on that three months every day, several times a day, eating the blood and the milk together, is giving them this height that's, you know, the average height there is seven foot tall. Tallest person is nine foot something. Smallest man is like 6'3". That's a short guy.

Q: I heard they don't want to have anything to do with Western culture.

A: No they don't. Because when, after Shirley MacLaine and that whole group for like 28 years kept bringing donuts and candies and garbage, and the children started getting sick and they saw, you know, harming their entire tribe, they went to the government and said, we don't want the white man within 20 miles of our villages anymore. Don't want him influencing our children, our people, anything like that. We will agree to go out to hike 20 miles every day and do rituals and, you know, sell our art to the white man. But we don't want him within 20 miles of our villages. And the government agreed. So that's the way it stands today. The only way you ever get to see a Maasai is if he's left the tribe and gone into culture. Like the one, Maasai was a singer. He was quite a famous singer, on David Letterman, a couple of months ago. Extremely bright, bright man. You can see how well their brain works. But I had a feeling he left the tribe a little early and didn't eat entirely because he didn't have the height of the normal Maasai tribe. He was only about 6'1".

Q: So the pygmies, what happened to them?

A: Well, the pygmies only ate cooked foods, heavily cooked foods. And they didn't eat any dairy, strictly meats and insects. Always heavily cooked and fried. Everything fried. They'd take a slab of lard from a wild pig, boil it, and they would boil that first, and then cook the meat in that.

Q: So that's the reason why they're so short.

A: I think so. See, the fat molecule is very sensitive. When you start frying it, you really change its ability. You damage your ability to breed stem cells in the body. Without stem cells, you don't grow very well. If anything is deformed, it will remain deformed. Because stem cells are cells, everybody knows stem cells, right? Stem cells are a fatty cell that can become any kind of a cell. It can become a brain neuron, or it can become a liver, or pancreas, or muscle tissue. It can become whatever it wants at the time it enters wherever it is. It enters the heart, it becomes a heart cell. The body needs arteries, and instead of a heart cell, it will build an arterial cell.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But such a small amount once you're over 21 years old. Very small. That's why I accompany, that my partner's on, called Tera Vitae. T-H-E-R-A-V-I-T-A-E. Two words. V-I-T-A-E. It's the Latin term for the vital light. So they, you know, take the stem cells from the blood and culture only the stem cells. So that you get concentration of them when they inject them in the heart. They, I've talked with the physicians there, because you know they're in the office. And, you know, consultants all the time. And they inject, you know, 30 injections, 30 to 40 injections in the heart. During the procedure of injecting. And the report that I got about a month ago from the physicians who were responsible for the heart patients before they came to TheraVitae. Said that their observation of their patients who had the stem cell injections, that the effects after a year and a half were still working. It still showed progress and unusual healing of the heart and surrounding areas. One doctor said that a person's pancreas that was beyond borderline diabetic. That it healed his pancreas.

Q: [unintelligible] into his heart.

A: You know, after a year it started affecting the other glands.

Q: Do they do it into the liver or anything else?

A: They don't do it right now. They're talking about doing more this year. Other organs and other parts of the body. They're going to start that this year, I think in August or July. But right now it's strictly heart.

Q: So you think it's a good, quite a good thing?

A: It's a wonderful thing. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And it's the person's own cells that are bred in their own blood. So what we're thinking about doing is getting the people to come to the Primal Diet Health Center first. For a few weeks to a month before they have this done. So the blood is really good and rich and healthy. And then breeding it in that blood serum. Which should even increase it. And then those 20% that it doesn't work for. This will probably increase their ability to be able to utilize the stem cells.

Q: You think stem cells can reproduce bone?

A: Oh yeah. A stem cell can become any cell.

Q: I thought the blood just had the cells that carry oxygen. These are different cells, right?

A: They're fat cells. You have fat cells all throughout the blood. White blood cells.

Q: A stem cell is a type of fat cell?

A: It's a type of fat cell. It's a type of white blood cell. That they are differentiated in that they can become any cell.

Q: That's not a white corpuscle.

A: They're similar. White corpuscle is a white cell, white blood cell. It's mainly fat. Those are called the defenders. Because fat can absorb toxins without being damaged. It's like fat people. That's why I say fat is so important. You get fat if you want to get well quicker. Because the fat can arrest the poisons without going into the cell and damage the RNA and DNA and your vitality.

Q: Does everybody have stem cells?

A: Everybody. We find the greatest concentration in the bone marrow. Just like we breed the red and white blood cells, cellular division of the red and white blood cells happens in the bone marrow. So does the stem cell. Except in the fetus. They're all over the fetus. We seem to be breeding everywhere in the fetus.

Q: So this is going to be, this clinic and these places that you are going to start, are going to be affordable for people who have got normal income?

A: It's possible. However, what we're doing is to get the license from Thailand, and also to satisfy me, 10% of the patient basis will be completely free, and they will be the poor people of Thailand.

Q: It would be quite expensive for the clinic.

A: But I mean, there will be some kind of work exchange for some people. I'm going to arrange for all types of ways to get people in there. But your normal therapists and everything like that have to be Thai. In order to do it in Thailand, a great percentage of the workforce has to be Thai.

Q: The way the system is here in this country is so heartbreaking. The young people really can't afford to do the things to heal themselves. They have to go through whatever the insurance will give them and afford them.

A: It's terrible.

Q: [unintelligible], but it's exciting, and it's only available for people that way.

A: In Aruba, now that I have my Ph.D., my clients there are raging with the government. They've already set it up. When the health center gets open, they have their own health system there, and it's for everybody, and it's free, just like in Canada. So they will fly the people to the health center in Costa Rica and pay for it completely.

Q: Their own people, of course.

A: Pardon?

Q: Their own people.

A: Yes, in Aruba.

Q: Yes. But people going from America or from another country, they have to pay.

A: It's going to change. It's like Campbell Insurance Company that insures certain firms, certain workforces. They paid my bill. Even when I wasn't a Ph.D., they paid the cost of coming in to consult with me. From the work.

Q: Campbell?

A: Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. That insurance company pays alternative therapy, because they know they work.

Q: So you belong to them, though?

A: No, I don't. My patients.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Can we all find that?

A: Pardon?

Q: Can we all find that way, that insurance company?

A: That insurance company is here in California.

Q: C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L.

A: I don't know that you can get insured by the company without it being with a firm.

Q: Get organized somehow for a group.

A: Do you have a question? I'm bouncing back and forth this time. I'm tired of this going around. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Do you mind if I get artistic?

Q: As long as you don't get autistic.


A: I've been there.

Q: Can you mention that guy's name, that dentist that you recommended?

A: Tomas Briton.

Q: And how long have you been going to him?

A: Almost three years.

Q: Is he good?

A: He's very gentle to me.

Q: So he knows what he's doing. He doesn't use any [unintelligible]?

A: He'll use him if you want him.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: He's third generation dentist. His mother and father are both dentists. So he's been around the field a long time. When I first introduced him to this, he went online. He spent a month researching natural stuff.

Q: For you?

A: Yeah. He'll do anything I say. If I don't want x-rays, if I don't want novocaine. You know, I had a tooth that's over here that's missing. And the cap fell off of it. And I thought, you know, I've been on the diet for, raw food for 24 years. And I was eating a lot of dairy and cheese. And I thought I'd be able to re-mineralize that tooth. And the cap came off. I didn't. It just rotted. So it kept breaking off and everything. And then there was just that stub in there. And I said, well, you know, I want to get it pulled. I just want you to go ahead and pull it. And I said, what you need to do is you need to cut around the tooth even. He said, I'm a dentist. So he says, I have this tool which goes in and I slide it in and then turn it around. And it cuts all the flesh around the tooth. And I said, that's what I want. So he said, you want me to use the minimum of novocaine? I said, I don't want you to use any of it. Just get in there and do it. He shuddered. He went to his father, you know, who was an older man, you know, probably 65, 66 years old, not much older than I am. And he shuddered too. He said, no, you're not going to do that, are you? I said, yeah. So he went in there and pushed it. And I said, now what I want you to do is I want you to push it in. Give me a few seconds to mitigate that pain. Let that pain wave past and then twist. And then let that wave pass and then yank, yank it out. So he did exactly that. And the thing we didn't know is that the nerve that went all the way up into here had become fibroid. So it was a whole balloon. So when he pulled that out, it was harder getting that out than the tooth. So it made this big pop sound and the blood was falling across the room. And he was expecting to go in there and find my mouth full of blood. But it just had that one squirt and my body clotted just like that. Stopped it instantly. No bleeding beyond that spurt out. But I had this huge sack, you know, that had fibroided from that tooth. And he was impressed. So he'll do with anything that I want.

Q: What was 1-10? What was the pain?

A: Oh, you know, I've gone through so much pain. This is just another one. And it was very brief. Because when he pushed it in, that was a [unintelligible]. You know, a good probably three seconds of tremendous pain. Like you'd hit a nerve. But then it stopped. So it took about 45 seconds to mellow out to just throb, you know, throb. Then the next one, same thing, he just twisted it around. That probably didn't take more than, you know, three to five seconds. It took me about another minute to let that wave of pain and everything subside. And throbbing, blood pressure, you could feel it. It could feel every heartbeat. And then the pulling of it, I think that was probably the most pain. Because he had to pull that fibroid tissue to that socket. It was only so big.

Q: This diet seems to lend itself on it, as far as accumulating so much more plaque. It might be that way. I don't know.

A: Because if you have all the minerals to pull, most of your toxic metals are in the brain. The brain is 60% fat. It's higher than any other place in the body, except for the bone marrow. And most of the toxins go into the bone marrow and brain. The body tries to defend the bone marrow and restrict the poisons going there. Because that's where you breed red and white blood cells and stem cells. So the brain is the most polluted part of the body. We also have, 80,000 years ago is when we started developing such a large brain. And that coincides with the amount of cooking that had been done and starting to melt and use pottery and stuff like that, where they were using kilns. You know, where you've got this poisonous vapor, heavy metals, breathing into your lungs. So the brain seemed to develop with the amount of pollution that man was subjecting himself to.

Q: What are your recommendations for that type of [unintelligible]?

A: Well, if you're using coconut cream to brush your teeth with, fermented coconut cream will rip that plaque off quickly.

Q: Fermented coconut cream?

A: Fermented coconut cream.

Q: What about enamel? [unintelligible]

A: Not at all.

Q: How do you ferment the coconut cream?

A: Pardon?

Q: How do you ferment the coconut cream?

A: Oh, it's old.

Q: Just leave it out?

A: No, you don't have to leave it out. But you ferment it in the refrigerator.

Q: Oh, the old stuff.

A: Yeah, yeah. Just use the old stuff. Just use the old stuff.

Q: Okay.

A: Use it for your bath and use it for your teeth.

Q: Okay. And the [unintelligible].

A: It's just like yogurt.

Q: It's supposed to be better for you?

A: Well, it just means it's predigested by some bacteria that they've entered into it. And the bacteria that they've entered into it causes a sweeter byproduct than the bitter bulgaricus. So it just means it's sweeter butter and it's partially digested.

Q: The thing I was talking about, the coconut oil, I had asked her if you could eat that. And she said yes, I remember reading [unintelligible]. Do you recommend eating that for us?

A: One tablespoon a day.

Q: Okay. Would you recommend it though?

A: Well, it's oil. If you're having coconut cream, you don't need it.

Q: Oh.

A: Because you're going to get the oil already in the coconut cream. But, I mean, it's an alternative to eating, let's say, olive oil. That's definitely a better alternative than flax oil.

Q: [unintelligible]. I have a question about the cream because [unintelligible].

A: Let's go around. If it is directly related to her question.

Q: To the one before that. When you were talking about the pain when you took your tooth out. And you said that it only lasted three seconds. [unintelligible]

A: No. The actual blow of him putting that half-circle chisel along the tooth down to the point of the end of the root. That was three seconds for him to get it down there. Then he stopped. It took me 45 seconds to a minute to get over that strong pain.

Q: But you would think that strong pain [unintelligible].

A: No. So if I hit you, that immediate blow is going to be very painful. You're going to be numb for a little bit after that. The pain will increase later if you don't have the nutrients in your body. But that immediate-

[audio cut]

Q: Is that perfect now?

A: Well, I still have a little lump. You guys saw the lump a year ago. This is what it is. It's now two years, three months. No, exactly two years. This was April 2nd. The first or second it happened. So this lump here was a clavicle. It broke here. It went all the way through my neck and back. It went right back into place. And it made its own cast the size of the half of a baseball. And tribes that eat cooked meat, when they get a broken bone like that, that natural cast lives forever. They have an enlarged bone in that area. So it's a scar tissue. Mine keeps going away because I don't eat cooked food. My body is in constant, you know, the cleanest it can be under the circumstances. I don't give it anything toxic to use its nutrients up on just handling the toxins from cooked meat.

Q: Joseph, can you get...

A: Oh, let's skip you.

Q: Just a little question. Just a little one.

A: So I have to give little answers?


Q: Can you get heavy metals in your eyes?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Okay. Just like the brain.

A: Pardon?

Q: Just like the brain.

A: Absolutely.

Q: Okay, the other one is, is dry sauna a good idea for detoxification?

A: No, it is not. It happens when you get into a dry sauna, it's like a desert. You will perspire out and you will burn those poisons right back into your body. Most people don't sweat all the way out. And the minerals then don't seem to magnetize to other minerals in the skin. So you may have H2O that runs off of you, but the metals usually stay right on the skin and burn into your skin. So if you're going to do a sauna, it means getting out every three minutes to rinse off to make sure it doesn't burn into the skin.

Q: Rinse and wipe with a cloth or something?

A: Or just get in there and rinse with a cloth while you're under the shower. But then you're going to be cooling your body every three minutes.

Q: Well, these saunas don't have a shower in them. Just a room with a lot of dry heat.

A: That's what I say. Some of them are 168 degrees at the top.

Q: Yeah, and she's in there for like, I think 20 minutes at the most or something like that.

A: Too long. Three minutes, get out and rinse and go back in.

Q: That's not helping her detox anything, is it?

A: Pardon?

Q: That's not helping her detox anything.

A: Yeah, it is, but it's damaging her skin. You know, she keeps destroying skin cells and she's going to have very old skin. She may be cleaner inside, but she's not going to be cleaner on the surface.

Q: So overall, she's not much better?

A: Especially women, vanity, you know.

Q: So overall, she's not much better by doing that?

A: Oh, yeah. She's better internally, the lymph glands, everything will be better. But her skin won't.

Q: What will it look like?

A: Well, it will age and be dead. You know, it'll just wrinkle and turn into like elephant skin.

Q: Would a wet sauna be any better?

A: No, because then you've got the high steam burning the sinuses and it'll damage mucus production in the lungs too.

Q: She's better off in a bathtub.

A: Bathtub or a jacuzzi.

Q: Hot springs.

A: Hot springs.

Q: What about me lying in the sun then? Because, you know, I was thinking about that. When you lie in the sun, you sweat just like you do in a sauna.

A: But you don't have that hot heat in the sun.

Q: I don't know about that in here in San Diego when you're lying in the sun.

A: It's not 168 degrees.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The lowest area I've measured, probably not my own because I don't have one. But when I've gone to Idy Hot Springs, I've gone to Murrieta Hot Springs, all these places, gyms I've gone to, Jack Mullins, all those, when I measured the different layers in a sauna, the highest one I ever was in was 176, 186 degrees at the top.

Q: But if you lie down?

A: And then as you go down, it decreases. The lowest was 120.

Q: Yeah, that's right.

A: That's hot.

Q: But what about me lying in the sun though?

A: You're not going to get over 100 degrees.

Q: I mean, it feels the same temperature. I mean, I understand what you're saying.

A: It feels hot.

Q: It feels very hot.

A: Because you've got metal being, it's like, you know, you have a car, you go out and touch a car with, you know, a dark paint job, and it's going to be really hot. If it's a light-colored car, it's not going to be as hot. But when you've got heavy metals coming out, lead, mercury, any of those, they absorb the sun and they become very hot.

Q: So it's all right in the sun?

A: It will be okay. It's going to be hot on your body, and it's going to burn the cells, but it's not going to bake into your skin.

Q: OK. Because I do a lot of that in the summer, and I thought that might be bad.

A: No, but you do hose them. You rinse those off so you won't burn so much from the sun.

Q: Yeah, I'm sure.

A: And also if you put the coconut oil...

Q: I mean, I put the lubricating, I always put your...

A: Lubrication formula, or the coconut oil on. Now that we have the coconut oil. And when it comes out, it has to go through a layer of oil to get to your skin, and it's not going to happen. And you can rinse yourself off too, and it won't, because it will be cooler water, it's not going to rinse off the oil. It's only going to rinse off the metals and the...

Q: What I forgot to say, I'm at the beach, I'm going into the sea water.

A: Oh.

Q: Is that bad?

A: Well, the salt water will wash off the oil.

Q: Yeah, I put it on again. I'm just trying to get it straight now, because even though I hear what you say, I feel hotter in the sun than I would in the sauna.

A: Well, that's only because...

Q: Because of the direct...

A: Metal reflectors.

Q: Okay. That's why I'm trying to clarify it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's awful. I looked at skin brushes, uh, brushings under a microscope. It just lacerates new skin. So what you've done is created a scar tissue up in the skin.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. So it's always best, it's always best to use cotton or silk washcloth. And after you've gotten all that dead skin very moist, you can just rub it off. And then you're taking care of that new skin. But if you put a brush on there, even the natural bristles just cause scratching, scratches. Just like if you had a rash, and you were scratching yourself, and you created all this very light scab all over.

Q: Yeah, but the old dry skin does come off with it, right? Don't you agree?

A: Yeah, but it damages the new skin. So it's slightly hardened and scarred. And that affects the next generation that's bred. It also impedes that generation from reproducing itself.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Silk cloth. Silk cloth, yeah. Like, you know, your raw silk. Yeah, either cotton or silk. Cotton or silk. I know some people, you know, in the Himalaya area, and what's that part of China?

Q: Tibet?

A: Tibet, yeah. They use wool washcloth. It's a little rough, but I don't think it's scratching.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's part of China.

Q: You can tell the Tibetans that.

Q: The Chinese like to do that.

Q: Is the salt water, just like the regular ocean water [unintelligible]? It was just like the best. I've never felt so good after swimming in [unintelligible].

A: Well, it depends upon the individual if you have a lot of salt in your body. It's very difficult to pull the salts out. So if somebody is used to using a lot of salt, the salt water is good. I don't do well in salt water. I've gone to Aruba.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah, I traveled there one day, took one day, and I saw all my patients, and the next day I went snorkeling. And it just, I don't like it on my skin. I like fresh water. Even though I didn't burn, I had a whole layer of skin peel.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Everywhere I go snorkeling, if I'm in, you know, because it's all you see. I love to snorkel, so I'll do it anyway, regardless. I'll do my two days with peel. But there's no burn. I don't burn. I don't blister. I look like a lobster, but I don't blister. I don't feel burnt.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I didn't have it with me.

Q: What race or tribe of people have the best skin?

A: The African race. And some Asians.

Q: Polynesians.

A: Well, when I was in Tahiti, the natives who were eating the white man's diet, and that was almost all of them. Almost all the natives on Tahiti wanted to be white and rich. Then you go to the next island, they're not nice. They're just very resentful, because they're not white, and they're not rich. And then you go over, and it's their diet, because they're eating the same garbage that the white man has. They're eating chips, they're eating fast food. And they're just, it's not their natural diet. They've never gone on that in their ancestry. So all of a sudden in the last 40 years, going on with that kind of diet, it's pretty traumatic on them, emotionally. So I went to the next island, which was Morea, and then the next was Bora Bora. And the natives were quite happy there, but they're the ones who taught me to eat raw chicken. You know, they eat raw fish, raw chicken. Lots of raw foods, but they were happy, they didn't eat a lot. And the restaurant there was out, you know, an okay, mostly run-down house. And you've got picnic tables outside, you know, made of partially stone and partially concrete. And, you know, that's a restaurant there. And they're very happy and very nice and pleasant and wonderful. It depends on where you are. The skin on these Tahitians, which would normally be beautiful, like you see on Morea and Bora Bora, where they're eating their natural diet, their skin is beautiful. But then you look in Tahiti, where they're eating all the white man's garbage, their skin is horrendous. But I'd say probably the healthiest skin I've ever seen in the world is in the African races. All that sun they've absorbed for ages and ages and ages. Of course, I'd seen some farmers in Asia that had pretty good skin, but they age very rapidly because they only eat like 5% meat. Africans eat tremendous amount of meat. So they've got good physical, you know, structure and body, skin tone. Of course, the Asians will wrinkle quickly. As soon as they start to, you know, 40, mid-40s, they start shriveling.

Q: [unintelligible] Okinawa.

A: Oh, you mean Japan?

Q: Yeah. It's like a little island. So they were saying that they have clean air, clean water. [unintelligible] And they said they eat a lot of bitter melons.

A: Yeah, they don't eat ripe fruit. And they eat lots of raw fish. Lots of raw fish.

Q: And seaweeds.

Q: Seaweeds, yeah.

A: Well, in Okinawa, they don't eat a lot of seaweeds. But other parts of Japan, they eat a lot of them. You know, in the cities.

Q: Does that contribute to their health?

A: The raw fish is all that does it. They eat an enormous amount of raw fish. That's how sushi got started.

Q: A diet predominantly on raw fish, is that fairly beneficial or detrimental?

A: It's fine for the people who, in tropical areas, I find it's pretty good. I can't do it. I've tried it.

Q: What happened?

A: It's not enough nourishment for me. I start getting fatigued. I lose too much weight. And I'm just hungry all the time. And irritable. I start getting irritable once I get down to a certain weight. So I can't live on it. There are natives who can. There are lots of Asians who can. They don't the beef at all.

Q: Even if they don't have the fat, like you said, the fat's really...

A: Yes, fish are full of fat. Fish are full of fat. High fat.

Q: Really?

A: Almost all of it. There's some that are leaner. Fish are pretty fatty. Whenever I buy fish, I buy the fatty sections. I mean really fatty. Like the tail end of a swordfish. It's greasy. And I still... That's my favorite.

Q: [unintelligible] But I did not like that at all.

Q: So we don't have to worry about mercury in tuna or anything like that when it's raw.

A: No, when it's cook, when you've fractionated the... See, the fat of the fish is already dealt with its toxicity. It's bounded in fat. If you cook that fish, fractionate that fat, then that heavy metal goes into your system. And when I did the test with swordfish with 12 animals, well, 13 counting me. What was it? 14, 15, I don't remember now. But it was broken up into half, plus me eating it raw and half eating it cooked. And we just took the feces and the urine from each animal, had them separate, so we could see if there was a ratio, height difference between the ones on raw and the ones on cooked, and what they had to do with digestion or whatever. So we checked the blood and the feces, the urine and the feces, all of those collected every day for three days after eating the swordfish. Nothing else was given except the water during that three-day period. And we had measured, the lab technician had measured the amount of mercury in the swordfish and how much was in concentration. And then, of course, how much was given in grams to each animal. And that much mercury was all from the same swordfish. And each section was fed the same area. The fish was fed to each of the animals five times in that 24-hour period. And then three days after we had examined everything. And the amount of mercury that was in the fish before being cooked and everything, just the concentration of different parts of the tissue, was all put together and divided. And then, equally, that was shared among all the animals over that 24-hour period. And then feces and urine was collected to measure the amount of mercury that was in the feces and urine. And in the ones who ate it raw, it was 96% to 98% discharged from the urine and the feces. The fat molecules that held the mercury in suspension were relatively undigested. So, the body can identify and pass it right through. But in the animals who ate the cooked swordfish, only 8% came out at worst, 12%. So, this is 8% to 12%. Only 8% to 12% came out of the body. So, all the rest of that mercury was poisoning. As long as you eat the fish raw, you're not going to get, you know, probably that other, you know, 4% to 8% was discharged through perspiration. And right out through the skin. And that's only common sense that that would happen. So, there was no evidence that it stored in the body when you eat it raw. Lots of evidence against the storing, any other storing. Of course, we didn't scrape the skin to find out. Because they were cats and dogs that had too much hair. I wasn't about to let them scrape me. Okay, let's bounce back over here. Do you have a question? Not yet? Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I'm talking to the dog.

Q: I think I've asked you before, but anyway, I can't think of anything else. I've noticed that since I've been on this diet, my face and my eyes have swelled up more. And the skin on the back is so thin and dark [unintelligible].

A: No, it usually decreases for most people. However, if yours had been very thin and starting to cirrhose, which means harden, then more fluid would be brought into that area to try to keep it from hardening together. So, you'd have more circulation. So, it could be just temporary. It could take six, seven years. It's already temporary. You know it takes 40 years to clean the body completely. I'm only 34 years into a raw diet. But, you know, that was not me eating meat for 34 years. I've been eating meat since 76. It was 30 years of eating raw meat. I didn't start eating it on a daily basis until 82. So, it's 36 years. I mean, 26 years of eating meat on a daily basis. But in the last three years, my bones have gotten smaller, but more dense. No osteoporosis, nothing like that. It's shrunk. When you eat cooked fats, cooked foods, the fat molecules swell from 10 to 50 times their normal size. So, that's why you see a good example of what I like to use is John Travolta. Remember how tall and lanky and thin he was all the way up until he was 30 years old? Well, you see him just slightly starting to get bigger by the time he's 30. And then after that, through his 30s and 40s, you know, tremendous swelling. I mean, this guy used to be tall and lanky, and now he's huge and thick in his bones eating all that cooked food. It does that to a lot of men. Take a look at Crowe. Russell Crowe, the same way, very slender. Remember he did that nude robot, you know, in one film. And then you see him in the gladiator in the other films, and he's huge. And you see all these actors going from very thin to really swell bodies as they get older. Mine is doing the reverse because I'm not contaminating. So, I've gone from, you know, my body fat, I used to like to keep it minimum 27% body fat. And that's what most women have, not men. And most athletic men have body fat about 7%. And I used to keep 27% minimum for me, and that's what I like. Now I don't need as much fat, so I'm about 22% body fat. Do I look like I have 22% body fat? I've got abs that are cut. It looks like I have 7% body fat of the people who eat cooked foods. But I have 22% body fat. Three weeks ago I was 20% body fat. I was a little slimmer. But my waist is now 29-30 inch waist. When I had blown up from everything, it went up to 37-38 waist. My chest, it swelled up to 40-41. It's back down to 36. It's taken me 34 years to get to this point to be where I was when I was 16 years old.

Q: You haven't shortened at all?

A: Not at all. I have not shortened a bit. I mean, exactly 5'7" and 3 quarters, exactly where I was at 16 years old.

Q: I just wonder when you say your bones got smaller, how did that happen?

A: Not in height, but in width.

Q: So you stayed very straight.

A: Pardon?

Q: You stayed very straight.

A: And all my brothers have shrunk.

Q: Pardon me?

A: All my brothers have shrunk.

Q: They've curved over?

A: No, they've dropped. My dad went from 5'6" to 5'4". No, he's 5'3" something. And my youngest brother, who was 6 foot, is down to 5'10". He's 3 years younger than I am. He'll be 56 this year, or he's just 56 in January. He's 3 years younger than I am. He's already dropped almost two inches.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no. He started wearing down his cartilage. My cartilage isn't wearing.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Everywhere, vertebrae, everything. Just figure, all the cartilage whittles and people just start dropping it.

Q: It whittles away.

Q: Is your strength the same?

A: Pardon?

Q: Is your strength the same, your strength in your body?

A: Yeah, 3 years ago, I went through testing in St. Louis at Washington University Medical School. And there was a team of cardiologists which were examining raw fooders. They had to be at least raw fooders for 5 years. And they wanted to take a look at me because of the high fat diet. And they're cardiologists, you know, thinking, well, fat. This guy's got plaque all over his heart, arteries, everything. And you figure, when I was 15 and a half, I started with angina pectoris, which is an older person's disease. They have plaqued arteries in the heart, and you have constant heart attacks. And I probably had 300 heart attacks from the age of 15 and a half until I was 22. And 50 of them caused me to pass out. So that was like, you know, 8 or 9 in a year that caused me to pass out, which isn't so many. But I never died, and I did only a few times they could take me to the hospital. But I was out of it by the time, you know, I got there and was examined out of the heart attack. So there's no need to revive me. And that's probably just because people are older when it happens. It's harder for them to recover. So, here I was at this university, at Washington Medical School. Not a university, Washington Medical School, St. Louis. They have a sonogram to tell the plaque, and usually it takes them about 10 minutes, 7 or 10 minutes. And they're satisfied. They stood on me for almost 25 minutes, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking. Couldn't find any. They just found some here in the coronoid artery, but that was heavily plaqued when I was 15 years old. So there was hardly, there was just a little bit in that artery plaque. It would probably go away in the next 10 years, if it isn't already gone. And they were so impressed, you know, because I had been a juvenile diabetic, and they say juvenile diabetics never heal. The pancreas is dead and bad as is. So, they gave me a sugar and glucose tolerance test. And it was the first time I had had sugar, you know, since 72 or 73. And so, man, I was just buzzing. I mean, I was trying to write something, and the blood pressure had my hand moving so much, I couldn't keep steady. And they take the blood every half hour and test it to see your sugar level. And usually around the fifth test, you know, which is three hours later, two and a half hours later, it's usually around 102 to 104, and then it stops. Mine went all the way down to 54. They said I had the strongest, healthiest pancreas that we had ever seen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no. Right after that kind of sugar, because they measured the insulin too, so the insulin was high. See, in diabetics, there's no insulin. So, the sugar level is high because there's no insulin. Mine dropped with insulin. Ripped it out. It controlled it, the toxic sugar.

Q: How much sugar did they give you, a cookie?

A: No, no, no. They give it to you in a liquid. It's a syrup. Oh, my God, it's disgusting.

Q: I mean, if you convert it, I mean, a whole box of Oreo cookies.

A: It would probably be what's equivalent to a package and a half of Oreo cookies. If you, sure, let's say a box of sugar cubes, which is about like this, probably about 15 cubes of sugar.

Q: So, it's not a normal amount of sugar. [unintelligible]

A: That's the way they test it.

Q: I'm surprised you would let them give you that.

A: I wanted to see. I wanted to know. I did not let them x-ray me. They wanted to x-ray me. I didn't let them x-ray me. They wanted to x-ray my chest and heart and all of that, bones. And then, so, he was so impressed, because the head of the cardiology division of that university, in that medical school, is a famous, world-renowned sports cardiologist. So, he's for the U.S. Olympics team and athletes all over the world. So, he was really impressed. He says, can we do some more tests on you? And he said, you've only agreed to do these. And I said, sure, let's do some more tests. What do you want to do? And they said, well, why don't you go up to the gym and I'll see how you perform. And I said, I haven't performed since 1979. I haven't done any exercises, lifted any weights, done anything like that since 1979. But let's go do it. He said, "okay, we'll take it easy". Because I don't know how much of a test it's going to be if you take it easy. So, we went up to this top floor, and they had an indoor track. And they had all of these electrode machines where you could hook yourself up and through a radio wave it sends it back to the machine so they can register everything. The heart, the brain, the pulse, everything. So, they hooked, wired me up. They glued all the electrodes to me. And first they put me on the, and I had to sign another release for these. First they put me on the leg press to see how much weight I could. They started me off at 40 pounds. I said, why don't we start with 90? No, no, no, no, we have to do this right. I'm not going to get sued because you get hurt. So, I said, okay, we're just wasting a lot of time. So, every.. he went up 20 pounds each time. So, we got up to about 260 pounds with the legs. And then I went, and he says, okay, that's enough. But it took 260 for me to start showing strain. I probably could have been about 320, something like that with heavy strain. So, then it was the bench press. So, I got up to 190 before I started. Like this, and he said, okay, that's enough. So, as soon as I showed a good sign of pushing hard, then he stopped the exercise. So, I got up to 190. And then he put me on the track. So, I did five minutes on the track. And every time I did an exercise, my heart was regular within three minutes. It was on the low side of normal. It was on the high side of normal after 90 seconds. He said, I've never seen anything like this before. I have people who do exercise, work out, you know, three, four days a week that can't do it. He says, you're no youngster. Sure I was in my mid-50s. I was 56 when those tests were done.

Q: [unintelligible] heart rate 120?

A: I think it went higher than that. I think mine went up to 127, you know, when I was doing the track.

Q: Yeah, when you did the track.

A: Yeah. Because I don't run. I don't even walk. You know, I may walk three miles a month.

Q: Really? How do you lose your weight? Is it by brain power or? I mean, you do have to lose your weight somehow with energy. That's a fact. You're taking food. How do you use it then?

A: I just eat lots of eggs.

Q: You eat three pounds of meat a day. I mean, that's a size of a pumpkin.

A: I eat one to three pounds a day. I average two pounds a day.

Q: And how many eggs do you have?

A: If I'm on a weight loss, I eat only about half a pound to a pound of meat a day. And I'll eat up to 30 eggs a day.

Q: For weight loss?

A: For weight loss. Oh, let me tell you, eggs will take weight off quickly.

Q: Really?

A: Very quickly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I made that diet to let people come down slowly.

Q: Really slowly..

A: Add more eggs, you know, bring down the meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You're next or you're next? Everybody's been...

Q: Can I take some snapshots?

A: Sure, if you like.

Q: That's for my daughter, who would love to...

Q: I just want to ask about dairy. There has been a number of people, I mean, I don't take a lot of names of the Yahoo site, but a lot of them are going off dairy on this site, you've probably heard about it. It's a primal diet Yahoo site.

A: You have to understand that from my talking to the people that run that site, they get a lot of people who are really vegetarians that feel that dairy is wrong, and they get on the internet and start telling people stories.

Q: I know, it's so stupid.

A: And it's not nice. They have their agenda, which is to stop the people from eating dairy.

Q: So, I just want to go on. But you do believe that dairy is really important in this diet, for the minerals, for the fat.

A: For everything, for everything. I mean, it stabilizes people so much. I mean, I've tried a diet with just eggs and meat, and the amount of stability is impossible to reach. The butter is so important for the whole system, stabilizing it and keeping it from getting diseased. And then the cream is so important for settling the nervous system. And without those dairies, with the milk, you supply yourself with so many minerals so quickly. Cheese is a great absorber. I mean, it's such a wonderful tool.

Q: Somebody else, not here, but I have heard someone say to me, because I was making all my milk mainly sour, you know, letting it sit, that you lack something... I don't know what it was they said at the time, but I think that's a theory. If you lack something, if you turn all your milk into acidity with the souring process, I should be drinking some non-sour. Is that correct?

A: That's correct.

Q: So I should have what? Half of it?

A: Well, not necessarily half. You just need some minerals that will not be absorbed as fully. So I will take some fresh milk, I'll put it in a bowl of warm water, you know, hot water, and that doesn't burn my hand. I'll let it sit in the hot water for about four seconds. I'll let it warm up, and then I'll do warm, and I'll let that sit for an hour in the warm water, and it turn cool, but not cold. And then I'll do it again for another hour, and I'll drink that warm, and I'll drink that milk warm. I may drink a quart on one day a week, one or two days a week.

Q: And why do you do that?

A: Because if cold milk shrinks the stomach, you also feed the hydrochloric acid and the casein, and milk sugar will not digest properly. It gets into the blood, and it injures the blood.

Q: Why do you do it twice?

A: Pardon?

Q: Why do you do it twice?

A: Because I like the bacteria to build up a little bit. But when bacteria start, it doesn't start building up until it reaches a certain temperature. So I want it to, a couple of hours, at least, with bacteria building.

Q: But we're already having our sour milk anyway.

A: No, I'm talking about fresh milk right out of the refrigerator.

Q: But you're trying...

A: It's not sour. It's not sour.

Q: So you still want to include the bacteria, though, even though it's not sour?

A: Yes, not to the point where it's sour.

Q: Okay.

Q: Can you just pour a little hot water into it to give it a little bit of a taste?

A: Pour the hot water into milk?

Q: I love to taste cream in hot water, a little hot water and a lot of cream.

A: You're going to de-mineralize your bones if you do that. Cream already de-mineralizes. That's what I've done. Keep the cream down to a certain level. When you add water to it, you're going to really de-mineralize.

Q: If you add water to the milk, same thing?

A: Yes.

Q: I mean, if you just put in a dab of hot water, boiling water, you'll make a warm [unintelligible].

A: You're also going to cook some of that milk.

Q: But it's so little.

A: Let me pour just a little bit of hot water down your throat and see what happens. You're only going to burn the esophagus part of the stomach and your mouth. And how are you going to eat after that? You're not going to eat for a couple of weeks. And then you may die because you won't be able to eat unless they intravenously feed you or put a whole tube in your stomach to feed you. Same thing happens with cells. They say the orifice of the cell is burned, solidly shut.

Q: Do you think it's a good idea to heat it when you get your cold milk out of the fridge and you want to turn it into clabbered milk? Do you think it's a good idea to warm it to a certain temperature to grow certain types of bacteria?

A: If you want to do it quicker. Like if I just come back from a trip and I have no fresh, warm milk, no cultured milk, I'll put it just like I told you, I'll put it in a bowl two or three times in a day. I'll put honey in it first because then it will thicken quickly. Within 15-24 hours I have kefir, thick kefir. I will heat the milk like that three or four times in a 24-hour period with honey in it.

Q: I was wondering if there are different types of bacteria that form at different temperatures that might be more beneficial for well-being.

A: There probably are, but they're always the same bacteria. It's like between a human being an Eskimo and a human being a tropical. They're both human. Of course, Alaska is going to tolerate the weather, the heat, the cold, but it's the one in the tropics.

Q: The minimum amount of time [unintelligible].

A: For me, it's two hours. If I put it in hot water, let it sit in that water for an hour, and then I reheat the water again and leave it in there for an hour, I can drink it. There's no problem. You have to experiment and try.

Q: What will it do if it's been too long?

A: What too long?

Q: I thought you said the maximum time is two hours.

A: No, no. Minimum. Minimum time.

Q: You were talking about the amount of clabbered milk and sour milk and ordinary milk. If you had an idea, what would you say? How much of each?

A: I would say with your system, most people were very toxic. Two-thirds sour, one-third fresh.

Q: I've been doing a hundred percent kefir, because I thought [unintelligible].

A: Are you eating cheese?

Q: Occasionally, yeah.

A: Then probably you're not going to have a problem, but still, it's better to have a little bit more fresh.

Q: So don't do all kefir then. I don't know where I got that idea.

A: Kefir is already predigested. It's broken down, so you've got to get a lot more from it, but there are certain mineral bonds that don't occur in the sour that are in the milk.

Q: Should I do a half-half or two-thirds?

A: I think one-third.

Q: One-third of the milk and two-thirds kefir?

A: Two-thirds kefir.

Q: Okay.

A: That should be fine. Yeah. When I did my experiments with eating nothing but kefir, I started getting tremendous gas and started having lots of diarrhea.

Q: I don't get that.

A: So you haven't taken it for that long. I can't do it. I have to eat one-third fresh milk, two-thirds kefir.

Q: You probably do take quite a bit more milk than kefir.

A: Yeah. If I'm eating kefir, it's a quart a day. If I'm drinking milk, it's two quarts a day.

Q: We're talking about cups.

Q: I'm not drinking that much. I'm drinking three quarts a week, also.

A: Well, see, I stay away from water.

Q: I don't drink much water, either.

Q: How do you stay away from water?

Q: Do you totally stay away from water?

A: Oh, during the winter. I probably have a cup of water all week. I sip here and there.

Q: So when you're thirsty?

A: You know that [unintelligible] water?

Q: Yes.

A: That's what I've been living off of since you gave it to me.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: And what's the point of not drinking water?

A: It's in the books.

Q: Yes.

Q: It's in the old books.

Q: It's in the old books.

Q: How much kefir?

Q: A little bit of water.

A: Yeah, a little. It's okay.

Q: What kind?

A: Well, you should always drink water in glass. So it can be Evian if you want flat water. It can be sparkling water, as long as it's naturally sparkling, like Gerolsteiner, San Pellegrino.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you want to do distilled, it's even worse. It'll leach more nutrients out of your system.

Q: I just have a bottle of Gerolsteiner, so I just lift the top off and let it get flat. If I just want it still. Or I put part Gerolsteiner and part of that water. [unintelligible]

Q: So what does your body do? All I want to do is drink. I'm tired of ice chips. You know, it just doesn't do it and I drink it.. I can't even help myself. It'll quench just for a minute. Then I'll just keep going back. I mean I'm like an addict for water.

A: It does just the opposite.

Q: So what does my body want, then, if it doesn't want that?

A: It needs fat.

Q: I'm just doing the eggs. I mean, I'm just, you know, 18 eggs a day.

A: 18 eggs. Those fats burn. They don't solidify or stay in the body. They burn and they remove toxicity. That's why I say if you eat eggs, people eat 50 eggs a day and they'll lose weight.

Q: Yes, I know. So what I'm asking, what else do I need to add?

Q: Fat.

A: You need honey with almost everything.

Q: The butter?

A: The fat in honey, I've found in my experiments, especially on the mouth, relieves dry mouth more than anything. You can put butter in your mouth, put cream in your mouth. You can do all kinds of things. Meat fat in your mouth. Meat fat is the second best. And that will relieve the dry mouth sensation. But the dry mouth, like I've said before, when the brain detoxifies all those heavy metals, it does it through the gums, the tongue, the salivary glands, most of it. Some of it through the sinuses. When it comes out, it creates all that plaque around the teeth. It also causes all the fats in the face because everything coming down, all up in the nerves and the teeth and all down the gums, those channels out of the brain, are ripping all the fats out of all the skin and flesh. That's why all tribes who don't eat a lot of fat, shrivel at the mouth.

Q: So all the eggs are drying all that stuff out?

A: Drying. You're not adding any fat. It's got to be butter or it's got to be cream. It has to be coconut cream, things like that. But if you want to replenish the mouth, the only fats that are absorbed wholly and completely into the cells around the mouth are the fats in the honey. So you use saliva and honey. But I don't know how well you remember, but I used to have heavy lines a year ago, all up in the upper lip. Heavy lines. And just in the last year, I've been experimenting using the honey butter. They're almost all gone.

Q: You're talking about honey butter.

A: And I never get dry mouth and dry lips again. Unless I go do my workshop, a long day of talk for eight hours, and I don't put the honey and saliva on, then my lips will get dry again. They'll start cracking. If I put that honey and saliva on there, I never get dry mouth. That way I don't go for water anymore.

Q: You're saying dry mouth is due to brain detoxification.

A: Brain detoxification. All the poisons that leave the brain pull the fat out of everywhere it comes out. It's like a magnet. It just takes all the fat on its way out. So it leaves this whole area dry. That's why everybody wrinkles around the mouth heavily and around the eyes because the tear ducts are constantly flowing it out. And that'll cause dryness around here.

Q: But could you do it around the eyes as well? Because my eyes have been so dry.

A: Well, you remember I had 12 layers of skin here from all those years of being outdoors and on bad diet. And I started putting the honey and saliva on the forehead about eight months ago. And it's down to about four layers.

Q: Do you do it every night?

A: No, I just do it. I'm not that vain. I do it for experimentation.

Q: You do look different.

A: It's very different. I just do it two times a week.

Q: Honey and saliva?

A: Honey and saliva. You put the saliva on an area first so it's very moist. And then put saliva on your finger again. Just dab it into the honey. Saliva on top of that. So you're just putting a very fine layer so it's barely tacky. And if you go like this after a few minutes, it'll take the tackiness away. That's all it takes.

Q: So for the eyeball, that will go through the eyelid onto the eyeball?

A: If you put it on the top of the eyelid.

Q: That could be what's happening. It could be the toxin coming in the eyes.

A: You mean from the honey?

Q: No, from the metals.

A: Oh, from the metals, yes.

Q: Is this then absorbed?

A: Oh, they come all through everywhere around the eyes. Dump into the sinus.

Q: For three months, it's been very dim and dark on the eyelids looking up. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: It's a cheap one, isn't it?

A: Yes, it is. It's such a fine amount. What time is it?

Q: 4.30.

A: 4.30, that's it.

Q: Perfect.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: That was great.

A: Well, thank you.

Q: So when are you going to Australia, approximately?

A: June or July.