Q&A Of December 14, 2008


A: Everybody enjoy it getting colder?

Q: Yeah. Yeah, I like it. Yeah.

A: OK, well– Finally I found some primitive tribes.

Q: Where was that?

A: I’ve been to China; I’ve been to Laos, uh, Cambodia, Vietnam. Still in Vietnam, there’s some primitive tribes but not completely, and Burma, Indonesia and Malaysia I never found a truly primitive tribe. This time I went to Philippines, after I went to Thailand. I finally covered – in my vehicle - all of Thailand except for the southern peninsula there, so I got to every tribe there was and still no primitive tribes. Laos - close primitive tribes. There are no primitive tribes.

The Philippines have 7,107 islands and they can’t populate all of them, so a lot of them have very primitive tribes that live in the old ways. The government would not allow me to go see them. They tell you they’re cannibals. They give you all these crazy stories, because it’s just like the American government, you know, telling everybody, ‘Yeah, all the natives are savages and they will kill you,’ and all of that. So of course everybody’s who’s shooting the natives - and then it turned them that way - the American Indians. So the Philippine government is doing the same thing. And the corporations - they want to do away with the Indian culture so that they can absorb the land and all their resources.

So there was this one little boy who was about 5 months old, 6 months old, 5 and a half months old I guess he was. His father was black, the mother was dark brown. And the baby was tow white, whiter than I was as a baby and I was white.And I could see he was pretty anemic and the mother had fed him powdered milk because that’s what the government and the media tell them is the best thing for babies. And we know from the Pottenger experiments that the most diseases were created in the cats that were fed powdered milk. We know in our society that a great deal of anemia is caused in children from powdered milk. So the baby was very anemic - lots of digestive problems, diarrhea all the time.

I happen to go for massage at a spa clinic there. That’s the only place you can get one that isn’t sexual. So that’s where I have to go even though I don’t like to go, the mall type spas like that. So I went in and got a massage and this mother who was about 24 years old had her baby there, so I got to talk with them. I went over to a nearby island, Samal, and was able to get some raw milk at a dairy there . That’s where I was getting mine as I was traveling around the Philippines. And they wouldn’t even rent a car to me when I told them I was going over to a certain part of the island.

Q: Why’s that?

A: Because they tell you it’s dangerous, you know. The natives will eat you. Alive or cooked. [Laughter]

So I went over to this Samal Island and got some milk. In three days with this baby, with raw milk, the color came in. Only three days. All the digestive problems resolved. It was miraculous

Q: Did he go brown?

A: Yes, he went brown. In three days, he went brown. He went from tow white to as brown as you are, in three days. Of course, the mother was as dark as you are, but the father was black. You know, so I expect that he will, since he was a male baby, that he will go darker as he gets older because of the father. But that’s my theory. Anyway, the father, the grandfather of the child happened to be an ex-native around Mati, the villages of Mati and the islands beyond that. And he had left when he was about 20 years old and he’s about 53 now. So he was so grateful for the change in his grandson that he said he’s gonna give me permission - because he works for the government also, he would give me permission - to go visit those tribes. And they wouldn’t give him permission. So he said 'I’m taking you anyway'.

Q: Ooh. Oh, wow that’s cool. Wow, Awesome.

A: Yeah, it’s great. We were - we had a motorcycle back on, you know, take a boat across the island, and then motorcycle from there, with a motorcycle on the boat, and motorcycle about 5 miles in and then hike about 5 miles, so it’s a ten-mile stretch back through the mountains. And these natives ate all raw. They lived on raw fish. Three foods - that’s all they ate. No variety - three foods. Raw fish - that they fish for every day. And that’s their life - they fish, and community, and that’s their life, it’s a great life – there isn’t a retirement from. [Laughter]

And they’re happy people, which surprised me. They eat coconut - coconut meat. They don’t juice it; they eat the whole coconut meat. They eat the fish and they eat a little bit of fruit, either banana or uh, mangoes. Very little fruit. And they are full-bodied, and thick. I expected them to be skinny because they live on just raw fish, but they are all thick. I mean, thicker than I am. I was quite impressed by all that. And the ones who were 70 and 80 years old, had beautiful, thick, white teeth. Only one woman had some missing teeth, but she had a busted lip - so I assumed that was from an accident... falling out of a coconut palm or something.

I wrote a book, an agricultural book on palms years ago, and the man who helped me by educating me on that said, “If anybody ever says in front of you, and this is the only way I’ll help you write this book, if anybody ever calls a palm a tree you have to correct them. Trees have branches and leaves; palms have fronds, there are no branches. So palms are not trees”.

Q: Oh.

A: Ok, I vowed my commitment a way, back to the tribe.

Q: Why are they?

A: They’re palms, ok. There’s no palm tree,

Q: Oh.

A: They’re just a palm.

Q: Oh.

A: Palm has a trunk, with fronds.

Q: Like a fern?

A: Fern is a palm. A palm bush. All of these people had great teeth, and 70 and 80 year olds looked like they were 40, 45 years old. And they took me to one of the elders who was the shaman, because of course that’s who I want to talk to - the shaman, to find out their healing methods. And once in a while they eat honey, but they don’t like to disturb the bees because they pollinate around and they said, they told me there’s so much pollination that they’re afraid to bother the bees and take their honey. So only for medicinal purposes do they use honey, they don’t eat it. But they don’t need it - they’re in incredible health. It was pretty great to finally find a primative tribe, a truly primitive tribe, that lives with their self made garments, in their own huts. And they were - they’re rather nomadic, too, because they like to shift places. Even though the island is only about probably 14 by 6 miles, it was about 4 miles wide and mountainous. They still like to travel around the island, and they’ll be different groups that rotate and go around. It’s something they like to do - it’s part of their adventure. That’s my story from this last trip. Any questions about them, that I maybe can answer, maybe not.

Q: Did you find just that one primitive tribe? Or…

A: Well there were two on that particular island. And I was told that definitely don’t go to the island beyond Mati, because there were definitely cannibals. There were not any cannibals.

Q: This was on Samal?

A: This was another island, this was an island beyond Mati.

Q: But these people were on Samal.

A: No,

Q: Samal.

A: They were on the island beyond Samal.

Q: Samal.

A: I don’t know what the name of the island was.

Q: Just fish, no meat.

A: No, no - that’s - fish is meat.

Q: No - I mean no uh, red meat.

A: No – no, no red meat. Once in a while they catch a wild pig - they’ll eat it. But it’s rare because they pretty much killed all the other animals on the island, and have eaten them, so they just live on fish.

Q: Was it a completely wild island, were there any other, any um, civilization at all?

A: There was no developed civilization.

Q: Not even a hut,

A: There was no bicycle, there was nothing. The only one that was there, was the one we took, the motor bike, the dirt bike, to get up a certain way.

Q: Was there a little outpost or anything of, at all? So they completely had the island to themselves?

A: Completely to themselves

Q: … and it had never been intruded on? or barely...?

A: Well, you know government people go over there of course, and check things out. They do it from the air. But nobody goes to live there, unless you’re one of the tribes.

Q: Well I’m interested about - they were complaining about the pollution?

A: Well, you have to understand that this was off of the island of Mindanao. The big island - that’s their biggest island – Mindanao. And this was down - if you take a trip all the way around, down - over to Mati and then there are groups of islands out there.

Q: So they’re aware there was like pollution coming from the other islands -

A: Well. you could see it coming from Mindanao, because you’ve got a major port in Davao there. Davao is a big city, the biggest city on that island,

Q: Do they use fire for anything?

A: I asked them that, and they said sometimes for burning brush because they don’t have the primitive tools, so sometimes they’ll do that sometimes, if they want to seal something. And once in a while - I asked them if they used any herbs; and mainly they don’t use any herbs except once in a while - if a cut is too large. You know they don’t have the beef like we do to make as a patch. You know, so fish doesn’t work the same, you can't cut it because it will dry out very quickly. It was so great - I would go shopping in the evening and everything was fresh caught that day; this was - this was in Davao, uh, the city of Davao. And I mean tuna – was this big around.

Q: Wow.

A: Swordfish - that big around. And I was getting them fished and caught that day, never under ice or anything. I was eating like 3 pounds in a sitting, and it was like - it was like $1.50 a pound. I was paying $5 a kilo, and you know, it’s two and a third pound. A little over two and a third pound.

Q: Did you get the glands in there too?

A: I got some glands, definitely. I got eyeballs, I got all kinds of stuff.

Q: So Aajonus, their fat is coconut – is that what they?

A: Yeah, that’s what they eat. The women probably eat a half of a coconut a day, and some of the men ate up to ¾ of a coconut a day.

Q: So their water grows on their tree – they don’t have to pay for it.

A: Yeah, no tree. Palms. And you just see them, they shimmy up like, you know, monkeys. Just an everyday thing for them. One fellow, who had left the tribe and gone back to the tribe – he had notches in his palms, so he could climb up easily. I guess he got out of the knack of it. It was pretty cool.

Q: How old do they get? What were the oldest people?

A: The shaman was about probably 82, and looked about 43, 45. I looked at some of the older ones and I asked, and he said, we really can’t tell you, but probably 120 years old.

Q: Wow.

Q: Any illness at all?

A: None.

Q: None?

A: No. Just injuries.

Q: How do they die. Do they just go off and die?

A: They just go to sleep. Die. Yeah.

Q: And that’s it.

A: Yeah, but they’re a very controlled tribe; they don’t have children unless the whole tribe agrees.

Q: Oooh. Cool.

A: Because when a child is born into a tribe, the child is the child of everybody in the tribe. It’s not just a isolated - you know the child doesn’t belong to the mother.

Q: Really.

A: The whole tribe is the mother and father.

Q: How many people, about, in the tribe?

A: Well, you can have sections of tribes that migrate differently, because they don’t like to overpopulate an area. They like to leave everything pretty unchanged, when they change locations.

Q: So how many in a group then?

A: Some of the group that I - I was only allowed there one day - some of the group that I saw had been fishing, and so I got to see about 8 people and probably were all fishing. Yeah.

Q: So really small…

A: Oh very small, very small, little communities.Yeah.

Q: Oh wow.

A: Yeah, but let’s say the whole tribe is probably a couple hundred on the whole island.

Q: And they don’t - do they have schools and things like that too, or they don’t do that kind of thing?

A: You’re teaching the kids everyday.

Q: Right, right – no, I just didn’t know if.

A: They got to learn how to fish – they learn everything.

Q: -how much …there was – no, school is not everything.

A: And you don’t need to know much. If you’re healthy, you don’t need to know much. You know if you don’t have to go to a job everyday, you don’t need to know much. Just survival. Food is your most important thing and your whole environment.

Q: Were you able to take pictures?

A: No. If I had gotten caught with the pictures, and the government found me I would have been brought in jail – 15 years.

Q: Wow.

A: Fifteen years, if you get caught, in any of those areas.

Q: For a picture? Or that’s for being there?

A: Well, I would have been, it means I would have been there. If I’d had pictures.

Q: Birth control, because - birth control - it’s just whenever anybody agrees, but how do they?

A: They’re smart. They pull. They never ejaculate in a woman unless she’s on her period. If she’s-

Q: Was there any evidence of the use of toothbrushes?

A: No, they-they-they have uh some bark that they’ll use if something gets stuck in their teeth, but uh, they don’t brush their teeth. White - no receding gums, good thick red gums you know and dark almost purple red gums. They're just very healthy, with the thickest most beautiful teeth I’ve ever seen.

Q: Wow.

A: And the young to the old. No dental decay.

Q: And no need for orthodontia. [audience laughter]

A: No, no no. Everybody had perfect teeth - perfect alignment - some had smaller narrower frame and some were larger. I don’t like the stuff that Westin Price put out there that all the natives who were raw and more raw, and all very large, you know, jowls and uh, very large bridges. I saw that it depends upon the gene. If your parents have a small mouth, then you’re going to have a smaller bridge for your teeth. So, those big jaws that Price talks about in his book that they all have, it’s not true. Some are small.Even in the Masai tribe, I’d seen some of their mouths small, and some very large, you know, their bridges.

Q: But they still had straight teeth?

A: Yes. Every one. I didn’t see any. And in Davao and all the other cities. And I visited probably 30 cities. And all the civilized more advanced group – they had little spiked fangs, some had all these crooked teeth, and I mean you could see it was not healthy. And there are people that live in slum swamps. And they don’t clean up - they throw their plastic. They’re not taught ecology at all. And they go to the waterfalls with shampoo and put their soap in the water and stuff like that. So, you know, I look at that and I say they have no idea they’re poisoning the fish; you know, they don’t have a clue because they’re not educated. You’re educated that technology - everything they give you is totally healthy - the powdered milk and all of that, and it’s all just a big lie. And these people are getting sicker and sicker.

Q: Yeah, so in Mexico too, when I, in the 70’s, in southern Mexico, they were feeding all the babies powdered milk - and they were dying. And we had to hold them in the water – try to get uh, water in their bodies.

A: Uh huh.

Q: It was horrible.

A: Just to get them to hydrate.

Q: Yeah yeah, because the mothers thought – well, from the U.S. this powdered milk comes, so we’re not going to nurse anymore,

A: Absolutely.

Q: Yeah, it was terrible.

A: It’s very sad. It’s very ugly.

Q: And they were overrun with parasites. Because -

A: Well that’s because they eat all the carbohydrates and toxic food.

Q: Yeah, Right. Because they were living on toxins. Right.

A: You have to understand, I have eaten meat since September of 76. Raw meat. And I’ve eaten, eaten parasite-infested meat at least 23 times out of 10,000 times that I’ve eaten raw meat. And I, remember I've had a vagotomy, so I’ve no hydrochloric acid that dumps into my stomach, and I’ve never gotten once a parasite connected with meat. I got a parasite one time, and I induced that with fermenting milk way beyond what it should be, into an alcohol, with maca root. And I got a tapeworm. A tapeworm lives on sugar. That’s why all these third world countries who get these cereals and powdered milk given to them to mix it in water - they all get these tapeworms. Because the tapeworm isn’t eating their intestines - they’re eating the excess carbohydrate. And if a person’s only getting carbohydrate and they’re human, of course, the parasite needs to eat the food so that the body doesn’t degenerate with all the advanced glycationend-product - because it will just melt it. So those tapeworms for those people - especially children who eat cereals and powdered milk, in Africa, and Asia, anywhere like that. They have those parasites because of that particular diet. So don’t give any aid. Don’t give donations to those companies that do that and most of them do it. You ask them - if you’re giving welfare packages to these people, what are you buying for them? Most of them make a deal with Purina, Kellogg’s, General Mills and General Foods on all the discarded, bad product they can’t sell in this country. They sell it to these welfare companies, these good-meaning companies, the worst food in the world, and they send it over and give it to these children and what it does is, it kills them – in Bangladesh, all those places - it kills them. They want to wipe them out to take over their resources. It’s called food warfare, is basically what it is. And if you thinkthe intention isn’t that, look at what they did to the American Indian. You have to say, you’re right here in this country, and you look at what they did to them. They wouldn’t let them cook, I mean, they would, you – they wouldn’t let them eat raw. They made them eat creams, and flour, and not eat good meat. They put ‘em in deserts where nothing grows properly – no meat. You know, so you have to look at that. They would give ‘em flour and lard.

Q: Blankets with small pox.

A: Yep. If they got caught farming, they would be killed. It wasn’t until the 1930’s where some of that started changing, but 26 million American Indians were already wiped out. Poisoned and killing - of course, guns and whatever they could do, however they could kill them. And that’s what you have to think about. These people who go into power and government -

Q: Yeah.

A: - they think that war is OK. History tells us war is OK -and that it’s ok to become Caesar or somebody like that who wants to dominate and control the world. And that’s cool to do that, and that’s acceptable. And you can do anything to the people you want to - you can murder them, you can rape and pillage, because it’s war. And they’ll always find some reason. Oh, we go to war for God. They’ve got a different god than we do, they don’t believe we do – the way we do and they’re going to kill us. Same thing they’re doing with the Muslims. So it goes on. The Russians were coming. The Russians were coming. Remember?

Q: A cold war.

A: There is no Russians coming - never was.

Q: Yeah.

A: It’s a way to keep the blue market, the blue chip market going selling munitions and keeping the huge war industry moving. The war industry in this country, just for gasoline, the oil barrels that we burn for our military all over the world, is 183 million barrels a day. Just for our military. That’s big money - they like it. They’re not going to let it go and they’ll kill anybody to do it, including you. Anybody in this room, even if you’re an American.

Q: New world order.

A: Ok, let’s get into questions and answers, we’ve a lot of people here, so I’m going to start with Gail. You have a question?

Q: Yes, recently I’m undecided on the eggs. I’m finding like a mildew or a mold and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, did I just miss seeing that or…?

A: Yeah, they’re getting a little older. They all do that. In China, if you go to China and buy the century eggs, they’re either black molds that have converted from... you have bacteria, that breaks down first, and then the mold eats the bacteria. It’s breaking it down into a finite powder. So whenever you buy those eggs, it’s either all black mold or all white mold. That’s normal, that means you’ve gotten a very advanced one.

Q: So they might be 3 or 4 weeks older than the other one.

A: Right. Even longer. Yeah

Q: So, so it’s ok to eat those eggs?

A: Absolutely. Just remember that mold breaks down eggs the same way the bacteria does. So it just predigests it for you, just like acidophulus, bulgarius. All of those break down the different elements within foods, so they just predigest it for you. If you understand how your digestive tract works, it won’t be so unusual for you. But we live on piss and shit. Period. That’s what we live on. We eat food - the hydrochloric acids and other acids break up the large particles of food; bacteria go in and feed on them. Their excrement and secretions are our food; that is the law of nature. That is the law of the digestive tract. That’s the way it worked. If we had to rely only on our digestive acids, your brain and nervous system would never be fed. Only your muscles and glands and they wouldn’t be fed a balanced whole diet either because you don’t break all of your proteins down. You don’t get all 22 of your amino acids without having bacteria predigest it. You get about 18, and that means 5 very important essential amino acid, essential acids, you will not have and will not be fed. And that’ll affect your mind, your thinking, your behavior, energy level... everything. So just remember: that bacteria has to predigest everything, has to digest it. Your acids only fractionate the two into smaller cells, then the bacteria eats those cells; their excrement is our food. Ok. Don’t worry about the molds. You know when, in cheese, I will scrape the top off because those are mushrooms; and mushrooms contain a lot of spores and we’re not healthy enough to handle those because we’re not used to it, so it could cause a major detoxification. So I don’t mind the molds inside the cheese because that’s the way cheeses are made. Cheeses are made to be molded. When you have American cheeses they never touch mold. It’s just processed milk that goes through a heat and pasteurization, homogenization process, all chemically-induced. But true cheeses were always put in caves to let the molds in the caves predigest them for us. The reason for that was: they would have herds and have the excess milk that they didn’tget to sell, so if they ate the cheese raw, it wouldn’t digest properly - it would just go through the body. Sometimes diarrhea, a lot of times constipation. So they learned that if they put the cheeses in caves and let the mold eat them, they could digest the cheese.

So when you have mold on your cheese, like when you get ‘em from the Amish, they mold fast - they get hairy fast. You just scrape off the top. So you’re not getting all the spores, and then, eat the cheese.

Q: On the bottom too?

A: Everywhere.

Q: The white stuff too?

A: All of it, yeah. If you look at it under a microscope you’ll see, there are mushrooms. They’re spores – from the mycelium that breaks down the cheese. And again if we were healthy, that mold wouldn’t be a problem. We’d be used to it, and we’d be digesting the mold. But right now we don’t have a digestive tract that’s strong enough for that. So we’ll end up with constipation or diarrhea. Alright, do you have a question?

Q: At the fish meal, and then you said something about also adding chicken, a portion of chicken to that. But always add the chicken white meat.

A: Uh-huh, Right. As often as you will. You’ll regenerate nerve tissue faster that way - ideal for a diet. I asked her to eat a little bit of chicken when she ate fish. You may need to eat fish. It was also to help regenerate you nerve tissue and some other things, and the intestinal tract. If you eat a little bit of chicken with the fish, like maybe a quarter of that meal - fowl with the fish – then you’ll regenerate tissue a little bit faster. Ok.

Q: For those of us using toothpaste formula after brushing, how often does one use a water pick to rinse it and is that necessary?

A: Ok, I came up with a new formula about a year ago: one tablespoon of coconut cream, two teaspoons of terramin clay and one half to one teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar. You know the great thing about this is that it actually whitens teeth, as well as just rips the plaque off of the teeth – just melts it, dissolves it away - without damaging the dentin, unless you brush too often with it. Once a day is fine. And you brush it down into the gums. I don’t use these big toothbrushes; I don’t think are good. I think you should get one of those baby toothbrushes, very soft. And just brush - work that down in there. And it will dissolve the plaque so you don’t have to have deep root cleanings. I have found that I haven’t had to use my water pick. Maybe every three months or something like that and do that routine that I talk about on www.wewant2live.com. Where I talked about the formula for getting deep down and removing the plaque and other tars. And also found that when you use this particular formula, that it helps gums reverse the receding. In the last four months I’ve also experimented with bone marrow. And applying bone marrow and rubbing it into the gums and even brushing it into the gums will bring the gums back almost a half of a millimeter over night.

Q: Half a millimeter coming out?! Oh my god.

A: You know you’ve got receding gums.

Q: Right, yeah.

A: Come right back.

Q: When you say brush it in, brush your gum.

A: Yeah, you take the bone marrow and you get it soft , and you can either rub it up in with your finger, and push it up in, or you could take a toothbrush and brush it up in - the gums.

Q: Is that because it’s stem cells?

A: Yeah, because of the stem cells. The only three places we can find good stem cells that will work are from bone marrow, sperm, and ovum. Very difficult to farm ovum, anybody, anyone would want to volunteer?

Q: No.

A: And most of the sperm is not coming from real healthy men but it still works. You know, but the bone marrow coming from an organic animal is terrific, phenomenal. Does anybody know um, what’s her name, at Rawesome?

Q: Erica, is it Erica?

A: Erica, Erica. She was on the diet a long time, but she’s one of those women that never would gain excess weight. So she always stayed strong, but trim. She never got enough fat to remove all the dryness that she had, specially in the face. And the reason the face shrivels up faster on everybody is because of the heavy metals. Most of the metallic minerals go to the brain and nervous system because the brain and nervous system use most of the metallic minerals to conduct electricity and transfer light. Most of the metallic poisons are free-radicals in the brain. When they dump, they dump out the gums, the tongue, the salivary glands. And that draws the fats out of the face, so the face shrivels. So even though she filled up and wasn’t dry anywhere else, she never had enough to refill her face. Been on the diet probably 7 years. Maybe 8. I suggested that she be one of my guinea pigs and use bone marrow on her face. In three months, almost all the dryness was gone. 85 % of her wrinkles, gone. Three months.

Q: How often? What’s the routine, yeah?

A: She did it, three days a week. She did it three days a week.

Q: Just rub it in and leave it?

A: Yeah, you leave it. Absolutely, you leave it.

Q: For how long?

A: As long as you’re using it fresh; you get ‘em weekly you know, then they won’t stink.

Q: [everyone talking at same time] But in the morning you rinse your face. So you do it at night? Whoo, I’m gonna do that.

A: Yeah,

Q: But in the morning could you rinse your face?

A: Pardon?

Q: Could you put water on your face in the morning?

A: You could wash your face, and then put it on after you wash your face. I wash only with coconut cream, fermented coconut cream. It’s the best soap.

Q: Fermented, not regular coco cream.

A: Well, if you use regular coco cream, it won’t be quite as soapy because the fermentation – the alcohols in it - help make it a soap, to clean out.

Q: So you ferment it by leaving it out.

A: Yeah, I just leave it out on the counter, with no refrigeration. I do leave a top on it.

Q: How long of days?

A: 3 -4 days

Q: Leave it loose?

A: If you start, it’ll have a bad odor. It’ll go through a period of a foul odor. Not real foul, but a foul odor. After about 9 – 10 days, goes back to a nice odor. Coconut odor again, fragrant.

Q: What about the Gerolsteiner you had …put on your face first?

A: Well that was Gerolsteiner, but I don’t suggest Gerolsteiner anymore, unless you can get it in glass.

Q: I’m trying, the woman said, they said to me, when I called, 'we do sell it in plastic and glass', so I have to call her again tonight and see what she says.

A: Well, I haven’t seen it in this country. Every other country, I’d seen it in glass, but not in this country–

Q: At Whole Foods, they have it in glass.

Q: Which Whole Foods?

Q: The one in Sherman Oaks; they have it in glass. They have it in glass and plastic.

Q: Now they have it in glass?

Q: You have a choice.

Q: Yeah, the glass is very expensive. They sell it –

A: That one has more carbonation. Gerolsteiner's well has more carbonation than any other well on the planet.

Q: It’s a good carbonation, right.

A: In every well - like San Pellegrino, Apollinaire’s, Gerolsteiner, Perrier - you have a water level, a water table, and then you have a gaseous table. They are never together, they shoot them together – so the carbon is always added to the water, but it’s a natural carbon. And those that are not, that don’t say naturally carbonated, they say carbonated natural water, or carbonated naturally. Carbonated naturally is ok, because they’re using the carbon from the well, instead of the synthesized carbon like Coca-cola and Pepsi and all your other soda companies do. Now Perrier has used up all their carbon, and they had no way to keep reproducing, so they went to Gerolsteiner and they’ve got a deal where they buy their carbon, and then they… Perrier’s carbon is very low, San Pellegrino’s is and Faustino’s is rather low. Appollinaris’s is the next best to Gerolsteiner, if you want a lot of natural carbonation, in your water. Carbonation - what it can do is it can bleach out certain toxins in your blood - it’s a natural um, what do they do, what is there, what in chemistry is it called?

Q: Chelator?

A: No, it’s not a chelator; it’s a detoxifier. It’ll help break down substances. I’ll think of it in a few minutes. I need to suck an egg.The natural hydrogen peroxide. All I do is I start sucking eggs and my brain goes Hey. So that’s the story on the carbonation.

Q: Yes, as far as water picking, you do it only once every three months, is that what you said?

A: Wel, I waited that long to see how long before I would think the thought that I would need it. I didn’t really need it, but I still do it anyway, because I have very deep pockets. I don’t know how many of you remember, from some of my writings, that after radiation therapy the bone around my teeth completely dissolved. My teeth dangled in my gums, so if I bit down on my own teeth I would bleed. So I was getting sometimes two transfusions a week. I was still eating my blood, but I wasn’t digesting it very well. Uh, and also with the radiation therapy, it damaged my ability to create red blood cells and that’s what gave me leukemia, the blood and bone cancer. So I was still getting transfusions from that. After drinking the raw milk and raw carrot juice for a year and a half, all the bone came back. My gums have always been very receded. Only recently, with these new things that I’ve been playing with have my gums been restored. And you see this one is not back; see how deep it is way down there. All of ‘em are like that and you can see my teeth are coming back up and down. Gums. So uh, with the bone marrow. It also could have something to do with that toothpaste formula too. I haven’t isolated it to see which one helps promote more. I think they work together pretty well. But I don’t know how many of you remember last year, my teeth were turning very yellow and black and they had been, for like 12, 15 years. And you see now they’re starting to turn white again. Just from that toothpaste formula.

Q: Great.

A: Who needs toxic peroxide to bleach your teeth and damage your dentin and your tubules?

Q: You – you don’t refrigerate that formula?

A: Yes, it’s good to refrigerate it because if you don’t use it within a week, the vinegar loses its strength. I’ve tried it both ways and it does work better refrigerated. It still works. But it works a little bit better to dissolve the plaque. If I did use it, maintain it out of the refrigerator, I probably would have to pick once every three weeks to a month. If you refrigerate it and allow the, uh, the vinegar to stay more potent and active, you probably won’t have to deep clean with the pick.

Q: Is it ok right out of the refrigerator, or do you need to wait and let it warm up first?

A: It depends on your teeth, if you’re sensitive. I use it, I put it in right away. Your mouth can warm it.

Q: Ok, no problem.

Q: You normally don’t refrigerate apple cider vinegar though right?

A: No, because when the coconut cream and all of that - those three together, for some reason, it neutralizes the vinegar.

Q: Ok.

Q: It goes for three, for foot working for your feet, callus. Because you said coconut cream and vinegar are the same.

A: Yeah, if you mix them, pre-mix them.

Q: Yeah.

A: Yeah, usually you put the, when you have a wart or a callus, usually you put lime juice on it first. Let it soak in for three minutes, and then you can put vinegar on top of that, and then coconut cream on top of that. It’s probably a ten-minute process. Let each one soak in for about three minutes.

Q: Oh, on your foot you’re talking about.

A: On, yeah, anywhere you have a callus, or mole or wart.

Q: Ok, and how often should I water pick as far as?

A: It’s an individual thing, you just, you know –

Q: A personal choice.

A: If you go down there and pull up some plaque and it’s not soft...

Q: Mmhmm, Alright,

A: … then you know after you brush, if you find plaque, then it’s time to water pick.

Q: I have a little tumor at my temple here, and it’s broken the skin, and you say in your book that you should not eat any fruit and I’m wondering if in the category of fruit you include coconut and tomato.

A: No. No. Those are fine. And if you’ve got a surface cancer, put vinegar on it. The lime juice, vinegar, and coconut cream. The lime, three minutes, vinegar three minutes. And coconut cream on top of that for 20 minutes, then wipe it off after a while. Ok, I’ve gotten rid of about 30 skin tumors within 3 months working with that with people.

Q: So you do ‘em separately and one on top of the other? Finally with coconut cream

A: Rinse ‘em off in between. You let one soak in and the other soak in. And then finally, the coconut cream doesn’t soak in right away; it takes 30 minutes. Before it gets a little sticky, then you can just wipe it off but don’t rinse it off; you want to maintain it. Ok, do you have a question?

Q: I’m wondering what more I can do. I’m eating bone marrow to tighten up my right front tooth. It’s still pretty loose. I’m trying to do that as best I can but my gum is not really looking up that much to be able to put it in there, but, I did get a separate keyboard. I was sitting too close to my laptop. I’m very sensitive to the electromagnetic stuff so, since I’m a lot further away from the computer, that seems to be helping me. It seemed as though as soon as I was in front of the computer it would loosen up again; it’s like it was radiating all this. Pissing me off.

A: Yeah, Radiation, that’s what I said. Radiation caused my bone loss around my teeth. So if you’ve got a computer screen or E.M.F. field from your laptop and you’re typing right off of your laptop you’re going to get a huge E.M.F. field anywhere from 35 gauss, to 130 of mg. 130 mg - that’s very very strong. 3 mgis all it takes to alter the structure, of a set of human cells. And you’re dealing with a high level, so you get a separate keyboard, plug it in and keep it about 8 inches away. The bottom of the laptop to the top of your keyboard should be about 6 and a half, 7 inches away. So your fingers never get within 8 inches of the bottom of the, the the keyboard. Some of the macs are lower, and with the NEC, n.e.c. computers, laptops have a lower e.m.f. field than others. Mitsubishi and some of the others, Japanese brands, are really high. You know my Acer Ferrari, I got it for the speed and the uh, Acer is a brand. You know, and so mine is very high, mine shoots up to about 90 mg. So I have mine all ten inches away from my laptop.

Q: So I’m eating my bone marrow and I’m trying to massage that up in there. Is there anything else I can do? How much bone marrow should I have in a day?

A: Well, just to help that. That’s just a matter of making sure you’re getting a little bit and packing it frequently. But yours has been damaged a long time. What 6, 7 years?

Q: Oh yeah. I mean. Yeah.

A: Or longer? So it’s gonna take a while, because it’s going to have to go in and start re-growing roots and all kinds of things. For yours to return, I think it will.

Q: Because I had several root canals seven years ago, so, it’s like the tooth underneath it is dead.

A: Oh, so we’re just looking for the bone to grow back over the, over the dead tooth. So, that may be a little difficult. But just work with it, keep trying and let me know how it goes, yeah. It seems to be the same length now, because it usually got longer.

Q: Yeah, it’s shooting backwards. And you know.This tooth, I noticed is actually shooting outward, and I’m getting a space here, it’s very weird. I didn’t have that before, like a year ago, I didn’t have that. So I don’t know.

A: Well, because it’s moving. That one is so free, low.

Q: It’s so free. Ok.

A: So it’s, keep working – see what happens.

Q: Ok.

A: Ok, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. My grandmother has a dog; she’s about 9 years old. About a year ago she started growing a big bone tumor, on her nose, and since then, it’s got like it closed up her left eye and the eye rolled back kind of. And she’s been mostly on dog food, but for 4 months now I think, um, I’ve been feeding her ground chicken mix and liver and eggs.

A: All raw?

Q: Yeah, all raw, and she lost some weight and her coat looks really good and everything and her teeth look better, but the bone tumor seems to be getting worse, so I...

A: Well, dogs and cats are hard to reverse cancer. In fact I’ve found it’s almost impossible. Because dogs and cats do not perspire except out their nose, tongue, and anus. So they can’t secrete all the poisons. So if you feed them any kind of processed food, they have a lot of metallic minerals in them, a lot of preservative, a lot of food coloring, a lot of stuff the dogs and cats don’t normally eat. So, they are probably the most toxic creatures on this planet, even more so than humans, if they’re fed kibble and canned foods. So it’s a very hard to reverse cancer. Normally what happens is you put ‘em on a good diet. She has a dog that’s about 9 years old but he has a tumor. He’s been mainly on cooked foods but for the last 4 months she’s been feeding it raw foods. The coat’s better, the dogs healthier, everything’s better but the tumor isn’t disappearing and it’s closed an eye. And it’s probably the situation that the dog is going to have to live with the cancer but healthier.

Q: I was just wondering what you would say are the most important nutritional factors for mental focus and maintaining like a good, mental well being, kind of you know focus and...

A: Raw eggs and raw fish and raw chicken. Those are what I use to keep on, you know. And in a pinch you know, an egg will do it. But I could eat eggs all day long and with that, without eating any, you know, fish or beef or any kind of flesh food, and then I would find that I still had more difficulty recalling. Because remember I was autistic. I had, my short-term memory was like this: it took me 8 years of hearing things over and over again to be able to start mimicking them and then I didn’t do it well. I was probably 10 years old before I was able to mimic well, and then I mimicked what was around me. "Shut up, sit down; you’re an idiot, you’re stupid". So I would take that to the other kids and the teachers and class and of course I was always being disciplined because I was a smart ass. So those particular foods are the most important for clarity and not eating high carbohydrate foods for the first 6 hours that you’re awake. Because your body builds - if you’re on a good diet and not packing down fruits and carbohydrates - your body will make in the first 6 to 7 hours all of the glycogen that will be used to run the brain and nervous system in those first 6-7 hours. If you need high carbohydrate food, fruit or foods, even carrot juice, any of those, they have too much, then your body will make the glycogen from carbohydrates, and you’ll have a lot of advanced glycation end-products that store in the body which causes mal-clarity of thinking. So if you eat proteins and stick with milk and stuff like that, where there’s not a high sugar value, then you make the glycogen from pyruvate with the help of the glucagon. So it’s you only have 7 – 8 percent advanced glycation end-product with that formation and we can handle 12 percent in a day, so there’s no storage. When your body makes the glycogen from carbohydrates you have a 70 – 90 percent storage of advanced glycation end-products. And they collect in the body and that feeds cancer.

Q: But the vegetable juice doesn’t count as a high carb food first thing in the morning?

A: Just remember that like I said in the recipe book, celery doesn’t have enough carbohydrate to digest itself, it is a negative. So even if you have carrot juice in, let’s say you have 25% carrot juice and 25% carrot - you’ve brought the sugar level way down, to less than half. It’s not a high carbohydrate, because you’re not having that much - if it’s 25 % of your juice, let’s say that’s 3 tablespoons of carrot juice, or five tablespoons of carrot juice, and then you’ve got the same amount of celery - it’s going to offset it and you’re not going to have much carbohydrate there, to generate it.

Q: Is raw honey, is that again considered, high, carbohydrate?

A: As long it’s unheated and not heated over 93 degrees, it’ll not be a carbohydrate. Some people have even [?] digestive abilities and will convert honey into a carbohydrate, but most people do not. When the bee collects the nectar, the bee swallows the honey and the nectar predigests it, then back at the hive it produces an insulin-like substance, which converts 90 percent of the carbohydrate into enzymes to digest proteins and fats. So most of the time, you will not have a high sugar ratio from it. If you get very sleepy after eating honey, then you don’t metabolize it well. When bees get back to hive, they vomit and that’s what honey is, honey is bee vomit. So you can’t be afraid of all these things.

Q: I was at the Whole Foods market a couple of weeks ago and they were promoting a new fish oil that they say is extracted differently, using EM's [a very technical chemical method in seafood quality control].

A: Even if you have EM's to eat at it and you have a certain FDA regulations for fish oil, would you soak your peaches or your fish in kerosene for 29 minutes before you eat it? Soak it for 29 minutes and then wash it off? Would you eat it? Would you eat it? [laughter] Do you think that kerosene is going to agitate deep in that peach or that fish? Absolutely. Kerosene is natural, so they can say oh we process it naturally. Well what does that mean? Yeah, kerosene is natural but it's also a poison; so is wood alcohol. Those two are things they use. Kerosene derivative of wood alcohol or wood alcohol derivative. Anything that's processed like that is; it has to be cleaned by FDA standards, is not really organic and theyre not a good thing. Back through the 70s and 60s, if you got fish oil back then it only pressed and fermented like they do with coconut to separate it with no heat. So 82 degrees was the highest that fish oil ever got. It was stinky, it was was smelly; it had proteins in it so it was gunky looking It was mucousy looking with all this white film in it. But now the FDA requires it to be crystal clean and clear of all proteins.

Q: Oh, wow!

A: And to do that, it takes chemical process. They say 'oh we can do it centrifugally'. You cannot separate the proteins centrifugally. Its impossible. You have to have a solvent to do it. Its either a kerosene derivative or a wood alcohol derivative.

Q: That goes for cod liver oil as well?

A: That's right. All of them. You get your oils from fish and you assimilate them better anyway. Because - you have to understand, just like in coconut - coconut cream is better to eat than coconut oil because your coconut oil only has your water soluble vitamins and enzymes. Your coconut has your water. Fish has all of the water soluble fats, which is almost 70% of the fat. Well, if you're talking about 70% of the food itself - coconut is 80% fat, 15% protein, 5% carbohydrate. So the fat ratio in a coconut is 6 to 10%, 9% is an average. Coconut meat yeah, so to get the coconut oil you have to juice the coconut meat, you have to ferment or separate it; its a centrifical process to let the oils separate from the water soluble fats. And those are not a balanced diet; that's not a balanced diet. Coconut cream is the best thing to eat, not coconut oil.

Q: What about that fermented cod liver thing that everybody is....

A: They have to get, they have to clean the protein out it. You have to clean the protein out of it; you have to a chemical. And these people will lie to you. Why? Because the chemistry lab is lying to them. They say 'we've got this krill oil, we've got cod oil, we want you to make it naturally'. And the chemistry labs want the businesses, 'oh we can do that naturally'. Well, your guy,unless he's a chemist at the production house that wants the vitamin (or supplement, or oil) made for him doesn't - if he's not a chemist - he doesn't know the kerosene or the wood alcohol as you do. He doesn't have a clue. So they can lie to you all day and they'll be sincere. And they'll be honest. Because somebody has lied to them.

Q: I've been using a raw cod liver oil.

A: No such thing.

Q: Well......

A: You've been told its raw but it isn't.

Q: There's a newer product for ….. I'm being told its raw.....

A: From Green Pastures?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, its not. They use oils in it, processed oils, as preservatives. Now three years ago I worked with them, for a whole year to get this right and they put it out but it would only maintain for six months. So then they started putting other oils in, which are heavily processed. Wipes out two thirds of the oil, and you're putting toxic oils in your body at the same time.

Q: My children are taking it

A: They don't like it?

Q: No, they take it and believe it with make them incredibly strong.

A: No they won't, not at all. It'll screw up their brains because kerosene and stuff will get into the brain. Okay back there. Yes?

Q: I'd really liked to get off my. paxil.....and.....um.....I've eaten only raw the last two years. And the last three months after finding your books I've been eating raw meat, raw fish, etc. Its really helping me with social anxiety and everything in that short amount of time, when I tried to get off paxil before I had a nervous break down and I think it was my.....gland going insane.

A: What you have to understand is that if you take any of those psychotropic drugs, there is an element that they put in purposely for you to have withdrawal symptoms because they want you to stay on them. In laboratory animals it causes murder; they go around killing each other. All of those high school killings, all of those kids would stop taking their meds anywhere for seven to twelve days. And it causes violent antisocial behavior. So you have to understand that when you go off of those, you have to take a chip every few days, just take a chip of it. Just to keep you from detoxifying all at once. You just take a little chip.

Q: And you've seen people who have eaten raw get off of it?

A: Completely off, I had one women who was taking 27 a day - 27 psychotropic drugs a day - for 18 years. She went on 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' with me to show that eating the high meat makes you happy. So you eat high meat, just remember that if you've got depression, you've got a psychological problem; your Ecoli is low or being destroyed. Ecoli is the final stage of digestion, like I said. It digests the fat and the proteins to the finite molecular structure that feeds the brain and the nervous system. If you have a psychological problem, 90% of time it's because you don't have good Ecoli. You can eat high meat like I said earlier, which predigests the meat the same way your Ecoli does. So when you eat the high meat, ten to twenty minutes later you're giggling, you're happy, you're high because the brain, the nervous system, get fed like that, within twenty minutes. Now I have had over 2,000 people do it, experiment with it, and only one said it didn't affect him one way or the other. He wasn't depressed anyway. So who cares, you know. But this woman and another fellow who has a lot of psychological problems... the woman was taking all those psychotropic drugs, 27 a day! She was completely off of them, and she had done the diet on and off for almost two years. It was like a roller coaster with her, so I said you know you've got to take the high meat, you've got to try it once. If you can't do it, if you have a problem with it, I'll keep on with you the hard road. But you need to try this just for my gratification. You need to help yourself as well as me. So she finally did it, and that quickly, one night she was a different person.

Q: But she probably has to continue eating it doesn't she?

A: … yeah, the diet. She had to do it pretty strictly for about two years, a year and a half. Now she changes, she still has some psychological problems, had to go be medicated for, and she does the diet maybe 60% now. Wouldn't be enough for me, I wouldn't be satisfied, I don't want any psychological problems. No way. [laughter]

A: Okay, Barbara, do you have a question?

Q: Uh, sure, during the nighttime I get up and down, up and down as you can imagine. I know I'm not supposed to go more than five hours without -

A: I'm listening

Q: Yeah, and I know I'm not supposed to go more than five hours without feeding of some sort, because of cancer, etc. But when I do, normally Jim sets aside forme in the bathroom, the milk, egg, honey, you know, herbs, the herbs you have me on and so forth and I just sort of drink them all together, I don't blend them or anything, I just drink, plunk the egg into the milk, swish it around, drink it down, a little honey, a little lemon, a little butter. I don't do a great ceremony, plus I don't want to wake him up, by doing all of this, so I'm just wondering if that's Kosher.

A: That's fine. Sometimes if they're premixed, the bacteria will get stronger so that you digest it easier. So if you make it before you go to sleep, mix them; it will be a little more beneficial.

Q: Mhmm, the bacteria will break it down.

A: … start breaking it down before you even get to drinking it, yeah. Of course keep it in your mouth a little bit. Your going to get a lot of bacteria. We have 2300 bacteria in the mouth. We've got more bacteria than dogs and cats, in the mouth. So don't get bit by a human.

Q: I'll try to remember that.

A: So if you have, chewing is not the greatest thing to get too much saliva, with meat, but milk and any of those other of those others, its better to get lots of bacteria.

Q: Oh, by the way, why isn't it good to get too much saliva with meat?

A: Well it depends upon the individual; we all have ptyalin enzymes. Ptyalin enzyme is very strong in the horse and in humans. And the horse also started developing it when we started feeding him grain. The humans started developing it when we started eating grain, ten thousand years ago. So it causes, it's an alkaline enzyme. So if we have too much ptyalin enzyme, it can neutralize some of the acid. It will interfere with digestion - two, three, four chews and then swallow - people who chew it hundred times, they're not gonna digest much even if they've done all that chewing. So remember, your hydrochloric acid breaks everything up and dissolves it. Its an acid, it goes and dissolves and breaks up so your bacteria in your intestines can eat. And of course, if you enter some of that bacteria, saliva is full of it. So you know, two, three, four, five bites, chews, and you've got a lot of bacteria in your meat already, If you continue to chew it, then the ptyalin starts to mount up. Probably even after 30 years your on the diet it won't. But right now her body is used to carbohydrates and we chew carbohydrates more than anything else unless its bread. Something soft or pasta, something like that - okay and cooked starch. Do you have a question?

Q: I didn't get a question. I have a chance to get some raw goats' milk from a near by farmer, and I can get it never refrigerated. How much better is that gonna be for me than refrigerated cows milk that I have been drinking, you know, that I let sit out? And how should I treat the raw goats' milk? I get it the day after it's milked; I get a couple gallons delivered to me. I just let 'em sit out - never put them in the refrigerator - and just drink from them.

Is the value that never-refrigerated milks have, is that just going to be evident for the first day or so or does that kind of increase? is there a point where it loses that value of never being refrigerated? And what is the defined value for never being refrigerated, for milk? Are certain enzymes and bacteria killed by refrigerating or are they just dormant? Is this gonna be a great value to me to have found this source of unrefrigerated goats milk that I can use? I imagine it will sit around for a week before I drink it.

A: Goats' milk is good for people who are overweight or have sugar problems. If you're underweight, goats' milk has an adrenal precursor that will cause you to be more hyper active, and very difficult to gain weight. Has anyone ever seen a fat goat? Seen a fat cow. [laughter] Alright..... and there's the difference.... I've never been able to get anybody to get fat and be healthier on goats milk unless they were already fat, and had diabetes or some other sugar problem. And there the goats milk is preferable. Now any milk that's refrigerated loses its ability to increase cellular division. Which means reproduction of cells, cells in our bodies divide, become twins, and grow up, have twins, and that's the, and mature, and that's how are body grows. They don't have eggs, you know, they don't have a full birth of a finished organism. They divide, the cells actually just split, and then they grow up and become new cells. Pardon?

Q: Mitosis.

A: Mitosis, exactly. If I use all the good terms, we're gonna be here all night. In milk, once you refrigerate it, it loses its exponential ability to promote cellular division.

Q: But why would it need to divide cellularly, why would......

A: It doesn't divide cellularly, it promotes it in us, okay?

Q: Oh I see.....

A: When we eat it, we can do that as long as its unrefrigerated. And it doesn't drop below 72 degrees.

Q: When we get our milk, it's cold.

A: Yep, so it's lost that ability. We have to rely upon meats; meats that are frozen are the same way. They no longer will promote rapid cellular division. The raw milk and the frozen meat can still help regenerate cells that are already alive. But it won't promote speedy cellular division.

Q: What do you need cell division for?

A: To get younger healthier and stronger. Anyone walking around half dead - when you see an old person walking across the street - just how many cells do you think are alive in their bodies? 25% holding up the whole weight. And they're not well at the same time. So if the person gets on a raw diet, with raw meat, you know, unfrozen raw meat, unfrozen or unrefrigerated raw milk they are eating raw diary, they will be able to divide cells that are strong and healthy and have more cells and be able to do more.

Q: But is the milk gonna be raw or if it sits for two weeks is it gonna...

A: No it won't.

Q: Okay

A: It will reach a point where it turns into cheeses and separates so much and it won't happen and then they sit out. Cows' milk - I've never done it with goats' milk - but when I get cows' milk and refrigerate it, I keep the house or that area, the room that I keep the milk in at 72 degrees. And it just sits there and it you know, if I put a little honey in it, it'll start fermenting a little faster, it'll come into kefir in about five to six days. If I put a tablespoon in a gallon of milk, it'll ferment in three days and it'll kefir and that's too fast.

Q: If it kefirs in five to six days, it's never refrigerated milk.

A: It will help regenerate cells. Exactly.

Q: Should I turn down this goat milk? Or should I take it?

A: You don't have any fat on you, very little.

Q: Okay

A: So I would recommend you have some of it.

Q: Like two gallons a week?

A: Well how much cows' milk are you going to drink?

Q: About 2 gallons a week.

A: Okay.

Q: No, no, this would probably replace my cows' milk. I would probably drink one gallon of cows' milk and ...

A: And one gallon of goats'. That's fine.

Q: That's fine?

A: Yeah.

Q: And that would actually help the cellular regeneration?

A: Absolutely.

Q: What if I got Amos to ship me unrefrigerated cows milk from Pennsylvania?

A: Okay, well it takes two days to ship, right?

Q: And it might get under 72 degrees F

A: Oh, definitely in this time of year it will definitely go under.

Q: But what about summer, it would go way over 72?

A: Well it won't because when they ship something like that, it goes into a truck that's refrigerated, but you know, cool, air conditioned. So they do it, they cannot take a chance on electrics getting damaged with heat so they have to keep the trucks air conditioned at the most 75-76 degrees. They cannot let packages exceed that, because they could be held responsible for electrical damage.

Q: So you're saying I could get that shipped from Amos.....

A: Right. The only problem would be the plane. If that shipment gets out near the side of the....

Q: But he sends Fed Ex ground.

A: Fed Ex ground, then it would never be harmed.

Q: It would be okay Fed Ex ground?

A: It would be okay; yeah. And you could get it that way.

Q: And it would really help out much.

A: Yeah it does.

Q: So is cows milk better than goats milk to have?

A: Correct, yeah, absolutely, unless you had diabetes or were skinny. You know, fat. You're neither.

Q: Okay

A: Okay

Q: So you said something about the milk. When we drink warm milk and you put it in hot water to warm it, does that get above 72 degrees? Because to warm the milk before you drink warm milk before you go to bed …...its not room temperature because to me that's kind of cool ….. sometimes I put it in warm water.

A: That is cool.....yeah.

Q: So that doesn't ruin the effects.

A: Doesn't harm it at all. Not unless you cook it over a hundred and five degrees.

Q: No, just the warm water from the tap.

A: But some people put a hundred and twenty degree water in there and put it in there for a little while. The refrigerated milk or cool milk or room temperature milk is going to get too hot. You have to kind of test it and see how long it takes for the milk to get warm and it doesn't exceed a hundred and five degrees - the temperature of your tap water.

Q: So just in terms of molecular structure, obviously it's warmer, it's more spread out so it will be more easily digested, I would assume, because.... no?

A: No, at a hundred and five degrees it doesn't do that. It would take a hundred and twenty a hundred and twenty three degrees for it to start expanding. Absolutely not, because you cauterized your potassium and phosphorus at ninety eight degrees.

Q: Its still okay to put it in the warm water at.....

A: Yeah. Absolutely yeah. Definitely warmer. Okay I gotta go on to the next question. Is this about the milk?

Q: No

A: Okay.

Q: I have a question about the milk. So if you have milk in your drink and you get really sick, is that like yogurt or is that something else?

A: It's like yogurt. The bacteria is predigesting it for you. So it's more digestible and utilizable in your system.

Q: okay.

A: Okay.

Q: Um, addiction. Whats like what causes addiction?

A: Watch your language. [laughter]

Q: And what would you do diet-wise? Would you do anything for an addict other than the raw diet?

A: You mean like Tourette's syndrome? Is that a problem, you asshole? [laughter]

Q: Addiction. I had a Tennessee accent plus when they gave me braces. My teeth were all crooked and bucked. They gave me braces at 15 years old and took out four major teeth. This shrunk my mouth up - my tongue was too big - so I got a (sound effect) big fat tongue. It restricted my tongue movement so I lisped after I got my braces off. Even while I had my braces on, I lisped. But they said once the braces came off I wouldn't lisp anymore. So I lisped. This is just part of that story. So then you got a membrane here, and you see I don't have one. Because after five years of lisping, I took a scissors and I clipped that tongue (gasps from the audience...). And it bled for a little while. But my tongue was able to move properly again, I lost the lisp.

Q: Wow!

A: Do what works. But anyway I still had a southern accent because I spent from 3-7 years old in Oakridge Tennessee. And my mother's family, all 13 of those children, with two hundred offspring, all were from Alabama, with a very heavy accent. I was very sick in Los Angeles and couldn't work as a computer analyst anymore - a program analyst anymore. So I started working as an actor, by a fluke. They said I would have to lose my accent. Back then they were more prejudiced, you know, 1969 when it started, so I got a diction teacher. I don't know if some of you may know her: Lorene Tuttel. She was a nurse; she was an old radio star. She was like my second grandmother. A very dear person. She gave me one exercise that was..... ten days.... my accent, my diction. She said all you have to do is say five minutes at a time, four times a day, four to five times day, pee pee pee, tee tee tee, kay kay kay, in that order, you say each one three times, three or four times and you keep saying it for a full five minutes. And your accent will be gone and sure enough it works.

Q: Wow.... any accent?

A: Any accent.

Q: Which order?

A: Pee Tee and Kay. And you have to read each one many times within a five minute period. But three Pee Pee Pee, Tee Tee Tee, Kay Kay Kay. If you wanna say Pee Pee Pee Pee, Tee Tee Tee Tee, Kay Kay Kay Kay, you can do that too. Three to four repetitions at a time, as many within that five minutes, so that takes care of your diction.

Q: Pardon my diction, but the question was what causes ADDiction.

A: OH! ADDICTION! [laughter]

Q: You were about two questions in!! Exact!!

A: Addiction okay!

A: Two words together, addiction.

Q: Addiction.

A: Not A diction, ADDICTION. Okay. It depends upon what it is. Some people have a reaction to alcohol, which causes them to need more alcohol to break down particular fats. People who eat a lot vegetable oils, and olive oils, have a tendency to need more alcohol. And if they can't get it in their diet, they'll do it in their beverage.

Q: What if you are on cocaine, heroine, something like that?

A: That's what happens when you take drugs, no matter what kind they are. Your body will control them with adrenaline, testosterone, estrogen....thyroxine - any of the endocrine glands - because all endocrine glands, hormones, are 80% fat, 15% protein, and 5% carbohydrate, just like the coconut; some of them are all the way down to 60% fat, 20-30% protein and a higher level of carbohydrate. But none of them are under 60% fat. So what happens is, as the body produces hormones to bind with those toxins, people get high. Plus the chemical can cause a high at the same time. What happens is the hormones bind with those toxins and will store them in the glands. … keeps collecting some of that chemical and store it in the glands or other tissue. When you stop taking it, your body goes all of a sudden into a heavy detoxification of all that chemical that's been loosely stored. So it causes an opposite reaction, a drastic reaction. And those are the DTs, the withdrawal, whatever you want to call them. No matter what drug it is, that's what the pharmaceutical house counts on: your having a problem with and you saygasp god I got to take this medicine, I'm going crazy because the body is going crazy, temporarily, because of the severe chemical imbalances. You just have to get through that.

Q: So if you eat cheeses or anything like that it won't make it any difference.

A: No, it definitely will. You just consume cheese every 20 minutes. You're going through withdrawals; consume cheese, just a little sugar cube size, every 20 minutes. Make sure you're sipping on raw cream all day long. And eat some honey when you're going through it. That it will cause chemicals - honey will usually stimulate the body - to detoxify drug chemicals rapidly. So you have to have very small amounts of honey. What you could do is mix honey and butter together to help soothe your tissues. So it would be cheese, honey and butter, and lots of raw cream sipped through out the day. And of course some protein - meat, fish would always be best - (don't eat red meat) to be going through any kind of withdrawal. Because it could put you into violent behavior, because of the high acidity. Remember all those chemicals are highly acidic already.

Q: Yeah, speaking about that - I had my brother - he committed suicide because he took PCP and cocaine - the combination - when my mother found him; really hysterical moments, very emotional. He hanged himself in his room.

A: Well that's a difficult way

Q: Yeah. So that was in 95, it was like 15 years ago, but since you were talking about drugs and how the combination can really blow your brain.

A: Well, what it does is cause such a chemical imbalance your body feels panic. And when your body feels panic it can go many different ways. I'll give you an example of a good suicide. I don't consider suicide bad. I tried to commit suicide...

Q: I didn't. I just wanted to know.

A: … hundreds of times in my life.

Q: Can it make you commit suicide the drugs?

A: Yes definitely. The withdrawal of it.

Q: No, he took the drugs and that's what they found - PCP and cocaine.

A: Yeah, but that means he may have stopped taking it for maybe 12 hours and he started detoxing it out.How was it – was it high in his blood? Or did they just find it in his possession?

Q: I guess the needle was there or something.

A: Okay but he would have had to have a......

Q: Well it was written on the.... toxicology.

A: Toxicology, okay.

Q: Yeah.

A: What could happen combining PCP with cocaine is a very... it can cause all kinds of hallucinations and distortions of thought.

Q: Is worse than LSD......

A: LSD isn't harmful.

Q: No its not.

A: Yeah. Only when you take it in combination with other things. They put me in [a test group] group - to help me get rid of my, autism - in 1967, my uncle who was going for his doctorate at UCLA and psychology did. They were experimenting with LSD in the laboratory there. I was one of the guinea pigs; I was totally immune to it. They gave me 720 micrograms in 14 hours and it didn't even do anything to me. And I was not part of the control group that got the placebo. You know, I actually got the real stuff. I'm just immune to it. But I've never known anyone to have a problem with LSD on their own, on its own. Its when you take it in combination with other things.

Q: But the PCP is a traitor, isn't it?

A: PCP is all chemical.

Q: And the cocaine is......

A: It's like crystal meth. You know how you make crystal meth? You take three kinds of detergents, and about five other chemicals and its all chemicals and mix them together. One of my patients had been on crystal meth for about six years. Her vagina was like leather, there was no mucous production or anything, all the way up into her cervix. Dry as leather. That's how nasty that stuff is. She was 23 years old. She started out when she was about 13, 14, or 15 And she looked 40. Do you think I could help her?

Q: Yes

A: No.... food could. But its a very slow process. It's going to be years for her to turn around...[laughter]... to even be slightly normal. Probably 15 years because, you have to understand, the body has to clean out all those chemicals. And they are all chemicals, harsh chemicals.

Q: What about the balls you put in the washing machine for laundry?

A: They're very helpful to break down molecules. I have used them. They never work entirely because I use so much coconut cream on my body and it gets in my clothes. Those things don't take it out of my clothes.

Q: I perspire very little. Is that good bad or different?

A: That's bad, 90% of your toxins leave through the skin. That's why I say to take hot baths. If you don't perspire, take a 35, 40 minute bath a day - a hot bath at 105 degrees - and perspire.

Q: it adversely effects my sleepfor some strange reason.

A: Are you having your bath too late?

Q: I have the bath after work …...

A: That's why I say in the book, best to have it mid day or even in morning, if you have it in the evening and you start detoxing, it will disturb your sleep. It happens maybe 20 out of a hundred that it will disturb your sleep. Two out of ten. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: My only question is about detoxing from smoking. What's the best thing for your lungs?

A: Nine out of ten people who go on this diet automatically stop smoking. Just like that no problem

Q: I quit smoking but just to clean it...

A: Clean it out?

Q: Yeah.

A: You get green tobacco; you juice it; you ferment it with a little bit of vinegar and lemon juice for about ten days out of the refrigerator. And than you take two three drops in one of your vegetable juices a day. It's very potent and will start breaking down the tars in your body. And you don't want any more than that. You might only do it five days a week too, because I've seen some people go into pretty nasty detoxification. But it takes a similar tar with the alcohol to attach and help break down that tar. Any tar has bacteria. Any food has a bacteria. Some mold better than others, rather than bacteria degenerate.. but all of them have bacteria break down. So when you have the raw and you put that into your body, you're giving your body those bacteria to propagate, to start breaking down fungus - to start breaking down those old tars in the body. Just remember those smoke tars are just as thick in your lungs as they are when they are on the tar on your roof on the street. So when your body makes cells with them, it hardens, it crystallizes, hardening your arteries. It can cause sclera..... wherever it is in your body.

Q: Is the pollution that we're breathing - does that cause tar too? Or is that from cigarette smoke more?

A: Which?

Q: The pollution that we're breathing from driving.

A: That' s a lot of other chemicals. But it does have fats and oils. Especially if your going to use biodiesel. Hello! [laughing] Bio diesel is worse than regular gasoline diesel because you are getting tars; they're going to crystallize in your system.

Q: Yeah that's what they use in Europe.

A: I know so people are gonna have sclerosis all over their bodies.

Q: That applies to the tar you get from weed as well?

A: It's worse. Tar is 16 times greater in marijuana than cigarettes. So one joint is worth a pack of cigarettes.

Q: But you can still use the same method...?

A: You have to juice the marijuana. But you're going to get high.

Q: I'm talking about using it to clean.

A: I know but it will still make you high while you're getting clean.

Q: Nice

A: But you won't have the down. When you take marijuana juice raw like that and green, you get a nice high and it last about three to five days, and there's no down. And there's no down, so just be aware that you'll be a little high.

Q: I'm actually going to ask about first aid.

A: Uh huh

Q: I have a cut like this and I've been putting the coconut cream on but it just doesn't go away.

A: You gotta put lime juice first.

Q: Okay so lime....

A: Lime juice, coconut cream, and then you can put the honey. Lime juice.....

Q: The formula, but you still have to put the lime juice on first? Got it. Okay. So then...

A: Always put the lime juice on an open wound.

Q: Okay

A: I don't care if its only one layer abrasion.

Q: Okay so carry lime? Cause I get paper cuts and.....

A: Then you should carry lime with you.

Q: Carry lime? Okay. Well, I work with kids anyway so I get cuts all the time. I fix things with the equipment. So the other, just keep doing it and it should go away pretty quick.

A: If you get some water you should probably get them out of the water

Q: Oh okay, so every time I'm.....yeah. Okay so the other piece of that is bruises. So there's cuts and bruises. So any other advise you could give about first aid in general? because I was looking for stuff in the book and I couldn't really find it.

A: Well, if you want to help remove bruises, what I suggest you do is start the process by taking a wet clay... First put the lime juice on the area so the lime can go in and surround the cells the dead blood cells. Whenever you have a bruise, that's because your red blood cells are out of the blood stream and into your tissue, into your connective tissue. So those red cells are starting to decay they turn black. Then when the body breaks it down it turns yellow. And then it passes out through the skin. So you put the lime juice on it first to help it contain any toxins in those red blood cells and then you put clay, wet clay, over it. For about 20,30 minutes, you have to keep that clay wet, moist, so it doesn't dry.

Q: By adding a little bit of water.

A: Right..... spraying on it or whatever. Put a piece of plastic over it, gauze, you know wet gauze with coconut cream over it. Then plastic over that so you maintain the moisture. And then after you remove that, put a thin slice of meat like carpaccio (thin) over that and then gauze, moistened or dampened with coconut cream. Then over that, put the plastic and then a bandage around that.

Q: So the coconut cream, in this case, is on gauze, not.....

A: On the gauze.

Q:..not on your body?

A: You can put it on your body too, after the lime,

Q: Okay

A: But the bruises are a different kind of thing, it depends on how your body reacts

Q: Okay cause the other thing that you had me do with the knee - for the penicillin - was to put coconut cream under the meat.

A: Correct.

Q: Okay. so its okay. Okay so any more advise about just general first aid, carrying just aid kits, earthquakes, whatever, you know what I mean? Should we be carrying stuff around with us doing, what kind of you know like a first aid?

A: I've always got honey and butter with me, you know so I always carry that. When I'm in Asia, I always carry a lime...

Q: Okay

A: ...because I get off in the bush. I get a lot of cuts and scraps.

Q: And the bites, same thing, the lime.

A: I don't get bitten. The limes, yes.

Q: Okay

A: Yes

Q: Isn't that how people.....

A: You know that baby I told you about, that was anemic?

Q: yes

A: He had bruises this big from one mosquito bite and he had them all up his legs.

Q: Poor thing

A: So once he got the milk, the raw milk. No more bites.

Q: Why? You think the mosquitoes would go after a more healthy body

A: No, they go after high sugar bodies. So I don't eat sugar, that's why I don't eat a lot of fruit when I'm in a tropical environment. You see because Asians eat all this rice, and all that carbohydrate and then eat all the food on top of it, so they get bitten like crazy. I slept on the beach in Mati. All of the people who went with me stayed in the RV. I slept naked on the beach. Mosquitoes were all around every night but didn't bite me.

Q: I went to a spa and they had gnats, gnats were all over me, they wouldn't leave me alone. They like the cream.

A: They liked the cream, yeah.

Q: So I stopped using that [laughter] because they're using natural products that they want to...

A: Put a little lime juice in it, or some ginger. Something like that, and then they won't like it. That will make it too strong for them.

Q: My interest is in, is looking at my genetic pattern for various diseases within my family and using high means of preventative measures.

A: Okay just know this: there's no such thing as a genetic disease. A pharmaceutical house pulls people in to take medication. The thing is, people in the family follow the same diet. They eat the same foods. So they're going to have the same problems. They eat the same combinations - the same everything, so they develop similar problems. That's not genetic. I had diabetes, diabetes runs in my family. I've got eight cousins out of about a hundred and forty, who were, well I got about over two hundred now, that that time when I was diabetic, out of the hundred and forty, eight were diabetic by the time they were 13 to 15 years old. I was diabetic after my third polio shot, within days after my third polio shot that gave me diabetes. It wasn't that it's in the family, it's the junk that's in the diet and other things that damage the pancreas, oh it runs in your family, you have three aunts and uncles that were diabetic and now you have eight cousins, it runs in your family. Hello if it were genetic, in my RNA and DNA you would find permanent damage because its genetic. I would still be taking insulin but I went cold turkey off of it when I was 22 years old I started drinking raw milk and raw carrot juice. So no nothing is genetic.

Q: Even so you know, based on the similar eating patterns of my parents, grandparents, great-

A: Don't look at it that way you have to look at the individual. What are their problems?

Q: I am just trying to develop a systematic way of treating myself with high meats, as a preventative measure, due to the fact that I copied their eating styles and if you develop any system within that I need for that particular purpose.

A: Well, like I said high meat is mainly for people who have constipation, or some other E-coli problem that creates psychotropic problems. That's the main factor for that. If you've got intestinal problems, you take the intestines of the pig. And you eat the ingredients in the intestinal walls of the pig.

Q: Is there another animal except the pig?

A: Well pig is almost identical to the human.

Q: Okay. I don't eat pork so.

A: Sorry about that. Your problem. [laughter]. You know the pig is primarily carnivorous. He'll bore down and get the moles out of the ground. The ants, that's why they bore so deeply, they go for those moles, ground hogs and stuff like that. So that's their main diet and that's why their system is very much like ours. And if you go for an herbivores digestive tract its not gonna its not going to give you all that bacteria. It digests alkaline foods; we digest acidic foods . So it's not going get the same things. If you wanna capture a lion or a tiger or something like that, dogs, but you'd have to have a healthy dog. Your not going to find any in our city. You know, or a cat. Yes Jim?

Q: Whey is good for me as a blood thinner and to eliminate the gout. If I take that for the rest of my life, is it like a separate meal? Or can I have it with something or wait an hour before and after?

A: Preferably by itself because it will cause fermentation of whatever you're eating it with. You can add it to a sport formula instead of vinegar or even along with vinegar. Vinegar also thins the blood.

Q: Uh, I don't know what you mean.

A: Where you talked about thinning your blood.....say that?

Q: Whats a sports drink?

A: Oh, the sport formula, I've given it off many times. Yeah, its two cups of... In the We Want To Live book, I had the hydration formula. When you're doing a heavy sport you perspire, you need more cucumber than tomato. So I altered that recipe to have, two to two and half cups of cucumber puree, and one cup of tomato puree so what you've done is just flop it around. Instead of having a lot of tomato, have more cucumber puree. And then they like a tablespoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of lemon juice, two to four tablespoons of coconut cream, two to four tablespoons of dairy cream, two and half to four ounces of sparkling mineral water. Blend all that all together and you sip it through the day.

Q: So it doesn't matter where it's eaten. 50 minutes after juice or anything like that or you are not going to wait an hour between anything else to eat.

A: Well, anytime after juice probably about 15, 20 minutes. After meat it would have to be probably after an hour.

Q: In a straight whey by itself, and then an hour nothing, nothing in that whey?

A: Before meat, an hour. If it's juice you're going to have after the whey, then it could be 20 minutes.

Q: Right

A: Yep, and what you could use is whey, instead of the water in the sport drink. Two and a half to, well you are a big guy. Four ounces of whey instead of four ounces of water. Okay......no.....

Q: Oh I wanted to know about in your eyes sometimes you have those white flashes that go.

A: I don't.

Q: White flashes? I do.

A: Okay you are asking, you said we! Some people have flashes okay.....

Q: What is good for...... they do go away?

A: Uh huh

Q: When you eat this way, do they do go back? But then, another one could come. So I had the problem that, one was always gone, and another one would come on this side. So what causes that?

A: ...metallic minerals detoxing from the brain. Out of the tear ducts. They get side tracked and they get into the eye instead of out the tear ducts.

Q: Okay

A: So metallic minerals will reflect light - crystallize. It'll come into a crystal. And then if the light passes into the eye just in the right way and the right fashion and it catches the face.

Q: Right

A: Than it will reflect.

Q: So its not constant?

A: Yeah

Q: Okay. so....

A: The light has to hit it perfectly to do that.

Q: Yeah that's right. So whats the remedy?

A: Vinegar helps break that down. The best, break those down.

Q: Yes. In the green juice?

A: Yes, you can have vinegar, you can have vinegar in your green juice to do it.

Q: Whats another way?

A: There is no other way. I mean there are other ways, but they'll cause harm. Salt can do it. But then salt causes dehydration and damage. It fractionates nutrients that the body, the cells, eat. As well as any crystal build up. So vinegar is about the only thing that will do it. I mean beet juice, but all these other things you know.

Q: Beet juice.

A: Beet juice - red beet juice. Not the white beet, but the red beet. It can help fractionate those clusters.

Q: And how much vinegar?

A: How bad are yours?

Q: Not that bad.

A: I would say a teaspoon a day.

Q: Oh okay.

A: Just remember :if you have a lot of vinegar your going to decalcify, demineralize, your system. So you have to eat enough cheese to keep up with that.

Q: So what's enough cheese?

A: Enough cheese? If you are having a teaspoon of vinegar, I would say you need at least three tablespoons of cheese in a day.

Q: What about drinking lots of milk; is that just as good?

A: Not quite, because you have concentrated minerals in cheese.

Q: Sorry this is somebody calling in for the potluck.

Q: I actually was diagnosed with ALS, that's Lou Gehrig's disease.

A: Yeah I know.

Q: About a year ago.

A: Uh huh

Q: And, I was wondering if you had ever worked with anybody that has that and had experience helping him or her.

A: Only two people.

Q: What is.....

A: ALS is a degenerative of the nerves and connective tissue. It slowed down their ALS tremendously. So I haven't been able to stop it yet, you know fully.

Q: How many years did it add on to?

A: One probably 7 years. One is still going. He's probably been doing it 5 years, 4 and half years. They should have been dead a long time ago. One fellow came to me from Singapore, when I was doing lectures and patients there. He was so far gone he was in a wheel chair. He lasted another two years. They expected him to go within a month - soit did give him another two years with his family. And he was very grateful for that. Not an easy one, but I do have some new ideas about it. So we can talk another time about that.

Q: Yes ah…it’s a dental question. Is there a way to regenerate or repair dental enamel?

A: Yes…yeah. Bone marrow, eating bone marrow, putting it…applying it to the teeth and that formula. Now because of the radiation that I had, It deteriorated the bones. I had to go many, many, many years experimenting with the diet. I didn’t come up with this diet overnight, you know. I started eating the raw meat in September of 76. I still ate heavy fruit. I was only eating meat two or three times a week and then in December of eighty two I started eating meat on a daily basis then in the early ninety’s I - well in the late eighties - I started reducing fruit and by the late nineties I started eliminating almost all fruit. That was sweet or ripe and so all of those changes brought about different experiences; so me being on the perfect diet has onlybeen maybe nearly nine or ten years.

Q: Okay.

A: I haven’t had to alter anything, just experiment. About ten years ago all of the facial fillings that I had started growing outward and there were big lips…edges... around the sides. What it had done…my body was pushing the fillings out and filling the enamel in the tubules behind it. So the next time when that popped out I would have a smaller filling until the tooth was filled in.

Q: That’s just for cavities that you had?

A: Cavities that I had that had been filled in for twenty years…twenty three years.

Q: Pushing them out, regenerating is that…

A: Starting to regenerate…

A: Yeah…yeah…yeah. Still have it going on too.

Q: So is this just from being on your diet?

A: Yes.

Q: Basically you just follow your protocols?

A: Yes, right.

Q: There’s nothing special in the bone marrow?

A: Just do it long enough and you can clean. You have to understand most of the…the dental decay that occurs happens from the toxic metals leaving the brain, going out the gums. The body uses calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium to collate with those toxic metals to try to alkalinize, to prevent, dental damage. Dentin damage. That’s plaque but because people eat cooked foods. Those cauterized alkalinized minerals are only ten percent effective in alkalinizing those toxic metals. So even though you’ve got a thick layer of plaque the acidity eventually eats through and damages the dentin. Then your body creates bacteria to get rid of the damaged dentin and tubule cells. The bacteria does not create the decay, the cavity. The damaging metals cause it. So you need to keep your teeth cleaned at least every five days of plaque so the plaque doesn’t eat through the dentin. So once your brain has detoxed enough where its not dumping so many heavy metals then your body, it will be able to use its minerals to regenerate the dentin and tubules. Even though I was drinking raw milk since nineteen sixty nine all the way up until now - drinking all that raw milk and eating the raw meat - it wasn’t until ten years ago, nine years ago, until my teeth started behaving that way, my body started behaving that way.

Q: ...and for gums lines?

A: I would use the toothpaste that I recommended and put bone marrow there.

Q: Get fillings and leave it?

A: Not unless you can’t stand the cold and any kind of honey on it.

Q: Exposed…as long as its cleaned.

A: Yeah.

Q: Wow. Thank you.

A: I'm saying with that bone marrow though. So it can seal itself because your bone marrow has all those stem cells in it so it can utilize all the calcium, phosphorus and magnesium right there to start regenerating the tubule. The tubule gets fixed and then the dentine will get fixed.

Q: What about raw eggs though? The eggs I've been eating are non-refrigerated.

A: I've never found the eggs to help regenerate.

Q: Are they a part of those stem cells?

A: No. They are not mature. There are stem cells in there but they don't work.

Q: For teeth?

A: They don't work for anything. In all my laboratory experiments with people and with animals, eggs never increased the rapidity of cellular division. Only raw meat and fresh unrefrigerated milk did that. Eggs never did it. That's why I say in the book it's not a mature protein; that's what I'm saying. I really don't know the reason but I'm saying that's what it is. Okay?

Q: If my teeth are still where they are from before, does that mean that the brain is just detoxing to much and it's not because I'm doing anything wrong?

A: Correct, your body is using up all those minerals to bind with the poisons. Do you have a question back there?

Q: Yeah I was doing the same thing, I was eating all fruits all day. Four months ago I had a heart attack. It was amazing because I was able to crawl and I knew where the vinegar was and I had two shots and one big fat ice cream. and like two hours later I was ok. Is that a detox?

A: Well, what you did was thin the blood from a clot. Usually a heart attack is when you get too much acidity or too much compound in the blood that causes a charley horse in the heart. you know a charley horse in the leg? You get a charley horse in the leg. The more you fight it the worse it gets. Heart attack is the same way. You have to completely relax, you have to breathe slowly. Inhale and exhale slowly and not not too deeply. If you inhale to deeply your going to cause the cramp to get worse. It's a matter of just staying focused. Do not breath fast and panic. That's where you have your tension remain. Then you're likely to black out. If you don't black out soon enough, your body isn't going to relax - it's going to stay in that tightness. As I said, uric acid builds up in that area; it will maintain the charley horse. So you need to relax right away. You sit down, lie down and you start very slowly breathing, you breath deeply until you feel it tighten and then you just exhale again slowly and you'll come out of it. I've had three hundred heart attacks from fifteen and a half to twenty two because I got diabetes and angina pectoris after my third polio vaccine.

Q: You knew what to do at fifteen?

A: I was autistic. I always let my body do what it was going to do.

Q: [Laughs]

A: So I just went limp when I had pain because I knew that if you resist and fight pain, it gets worse. So I just totally went limp and just moved away from the pain and breathed slowly. So I never died, I had fifty black outs out of three hundred but never died with any of them and the doctors all said, told my parents, it was all in my head. I'm an idiot, an autistic idiot in my head. Creating heart attacks.

Q: One, instead of lime juice for open wound, can you use lemon juice?

A: No, lemon is a bacterial encourager, promoter. It encourages bacterial breakdown that's why its a great food to use to break down, to marinate meats in. Lime juice is completely anti-bacterial and anti-septic...anti-septic.

Q: The peel as well?

A: The peel won't work. There's to much oil, a very stringent oil. We talked about burning without stopping

Q: Yeah?

A: Squeeze that on.

Q: Another thing..you're an expert on biochemical processes in our bodies. Did you take into consideration other metaphysical stuff, like the chakra system, that contributes to the healing as well?

A: If a person does yoga it usually resolves all of that. If you're eating a good diet and doing yoga usually your body stays stretched, usually its a flow to those centers. I have a lot of people who are in different modes of meditation and they can't reach those. They tried for years and decades to reach those states and when they get the right foods to the body, the body is the temple of everything the soul. So once you take care of that then all the other states become very easy. I have a lot of Scientologists who go through what is called auditing and they have to go through metabolism tests first. If they don't show good metabolism they're not going to retain and utilize the the exercises to advance them spiritually and psychologically. I had one fellow who tried to get audited for seven years but he was unable to pass the metabolism test. Three months on the diet and he passed the test. So any kind of spirit this adds to the body's normal communication so people...everybody who is spiritual, who is religious, who is trying to reach another state of consciousness, will find it very easy on this diet, okay.

Q: Yeah, I was curious. Earlier this week I had an MRI done on my neck. It showed that I had a bulge four millimeters. - between for and five millimeters and another one eight millimeter. I don't know what its called but there stuff coming out of it and its eight millimeters, between six and seven and they wanted to put a steel plate in there and put a fusion on it. I intend on healing it naturally so I'm wondering what part of your diet would be the most important thing for me; there's a lot of pressure on the spinal columnapparently...that's infringing on that...

A: But it's in your neck?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay that's the least pressure anywhere in your body but its also the hardest to get circulation to it.

Q: Okay.

A: Anything that repairs bone will repair cartilage, so the pineapple - a little bit of pineapple - about every other day with some coconut cream, a little dairy cream and lots of cheese, a little honey with cheese (like one and a half tablespoons of cheese with about three quarters of a teaspoon of honey) about thirty minutes after a meat meal will help give you a lot of minerals. Eating bone marrow, little teaspoons throughout the day, will help rapidly. Rubbing bone marrow into your neck before you go to sleep, putting hot water bottles at either side of your neck and a silk scarf over that to keep the heat in that will increase the circulation so more nutrients get into your neck and you can resolve it. Usually you can resolve it within about eighteen months to where there's no more danger, there's no more deterioration and you can start adding to it. It'll take about six or seven years to completely clean it but you shouldn't have any trouble as long as you keep your neck relaxed and stretched. So when you wake up in the morning stretch your neck, get your chin to your chest, go over into the plow, stay in the plow for about five minutes. Its the best thing you can do. Keep everything stretched so you don't have any compression so you have plenty of circulation into those vertebrae.

Q: So you think it is possible to reduce the herniation and the fluid that's come out...come back in?

A: Herniations occur only because you've got too tight a neck. You're bruising your cartilage. You're causing herniation, you are causing sores.

Q: Does that mean more headaches...for you?

Q: I have no headaches. The doctors say like 'I can't believe you are walking, you can use your left arm...

A: They can't believe you. They can't believe they can get a payment from you.

Q: [Group laughing]

A: If you have no pain then you're not in that bad a shape.

Q: Oh I am in pain, unfortunately.

A: Just no headaches.

Q: Yeah, no headaches.

Q: Neck ache huh?

Q: Yeah my neck...

Q: A lot of people suffer neck pains.

Q: I'm a physical therapist. The only thing I would say is that a lot of times a herniation is because the vertebrae are in the wrong direction.

A: That's right, because you've got muscles that are too tight.

Q: A part of it is the exact opposite, in the neck and the lumbar that when you do extension exercise you pump the extension. You pump the fluid and the...this back towards the interior...back towards the front and that's what you want, you have to be careful with the disk because you could be pumping towards the back. You can push it out. You can look online under Mckenzie and see the Id, theres a Mckenzie exercise...McKenzie back exercises and they will tell you the kind of exercises to do because you could..it will take a lot less time to know what you're talking about if you pump the disk back into where its supposed to be and part of it is the flection we do all day. So with the neck exercises you really want to do what it says in the book. I wouldn't want to do anything like this right now but I think its really important to check out the position of the disk and you'll find you are pumping it forward instead of pumping it back.

A: Yes, if you're using the hot water bottles you're not going to have that problem.

Q: The hot water bottles will help like crazy.

A: Because you keep everything relaxed and everything shoves back in the way its supposed to. If you're tight, you go into a plow position or any other neck position or you can go to a chiropractor and have adjustments like that You can really damage the tissue but if you're relaxed and everything's heated and relaxed you are not going to have things go out of place.

Q: I'd be careful with the exercise.

A: Yeah. I don't think you have to be careful as long as you're doing the hot water bottles. I've had thousands of people do that and not one has everbeen injured. As long as they do the hot water bottles. If they try doing it without the hot water bottles, some of them have been bruised - but that's because they don't listen, they think 'oh, I had it on last night I don't need it tonight'. Every day is a new day. You have new acids going into your spine and your column so you have to make sure every day you take care of it. If you are in a dangerous situation, you can't be slack on it. Okay. Do you have a question back there.

Q: Yes. Is there a way to network clean and healthy farms? Is there some sort of pooling together like a website or something for people who travel and are trying to maintain this diet for a lengthy period?

A: Well there...I have a product list that shows the different locations where you can get things. There is also realmilk.org, Sally Fallon's website, which has a lot of organic dairy farmers and you just look under your state and you look under the closest place to get it. Then call them. A lot of them are going to say I can't give you raw milk, I can't sell you raw milk. So you have to say, well I'm part of Aajonus's - I will sign you know the thing that says that ah...you know your part of a organization ah...like right to choose healthy foods and rawesome clubs or whatever local club that is and you have to pay..twenty five dollars for each club. Then you can get it, because you are a member of the club so its already your milk. So if you have to get it in different ways; it depends on the farmer.

Q: Is this also the case with the meat?

A: No, the meat you can get raw anywhere.

Q: Anywhere?

A: You can sell raw meat anywhere, only milk has to be pasteurized.

Q: I prefer to have it with with soil that isn't full of uranium.

A: Right, well then you go online. There are a lot of wild game places. Most of them freeze it. Wellness meats, they'll ship it to anywhere and they've now, in the last five months, made it so they'll ship it to my patients unfrozen and all of theirs is grass fed: @Wellness meats.

Q: You talked about marijuana detoxification.

A: Yeah.

Q: Its called green juice tobacco.

A: You juice the raw tobacco.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay and then you ferment it with...lets say you have eight ounces of juice, marijuana juice. You put two drops of vinegar and about four drops of lemon juice and you let it sit outside the refrigerator - not near the refrigerator or it'sEMF field. You need to put it where theres no EMF field and let it ferment for about ten days. When it starts gassing, put it in the refrigerator.Two drops of vinegar, raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and three to four drops of lemon juice is all it will take to ferment six to eight ounces of tobacco.

Q: You're saying you do the same thing with marijuana?

A: Calling marijuana tobacco too.

Q: Oh.

A: The same. They're two juices, its either marijuana juice or tobacco juice.

Q: Chemotherapy induced myopathy in my toes and I was taking benzolocitrate as a pain medicine for that. I started getting off of it six weeks ago. Sixty micrograms, six times a day. Now I'm taking four hundred micrograms seven times a day um...and I did that in about six weeks and in the last two weeks I can't seem to get lower than that. I can't seem to detox from it; its been hell. Never been depressed more than a day, I'm very optimistic and this stuff has made me literally, for the past six weeks, want to walk off a cliff.

A: You cannot take that stuff. Vinegar has the same amino acids that are used for chelation only non chemical. They are not isolated. Vinegar is your chelator for anything.

Q: Whats wrong with that?

A: Whats wrong with what?

Q: With the chelators?

A: Those chelators are metallic minerals. They are chemical composites and they will cause more damage unless you are taking an enormous amount of fats with them. You are going to store eighty percent of those things. You are breaking out and you are only going to extract them from the soft tissue and those that are fluid.

Q: So you are not recommending vinegar?

A: Yes I'm recommending vinegar. I'm talking about the chelation, @EDTA and those things.

Q: What I realized about the pain was that it was not like a normal pain. The pain, to be quite frank is when you have an orgasm those six or seven seconds before you actually have the climax. You feel that that's what I have, that burning. I'm just exhausted and I have to take the pain meds otherwise I'm just...

A: Its a burn – a high electrical burn - because it is attracting all kinds of electrical charges. All that metal in there. What chemotherapy is is a metallic poison. They are poisons, you don't have any poisons whether its rat poison, chemotherapy no matter what it is you've got metallic poisons in there. Thallium, mercury, lead all of these combinations with amino acids. They are poisons. They just don't want to kill you completely and if they kill you completely they can't get you to take more so they kill you just enough.

Q: Soft kill.

A: Yeah soft kill. Okay so we've been all around the room, there are some people who gpt skipped.

Q: When Fleming developed penicillin, he had war injuries that he witnessed from the first world war in mind. Your view of chemicals and disease - did you develop this yourself? can you read it elsewhere?

A: Yes. Bechamp's work. You know Bechamp. He was probably the best known biochemist who really was a doctor. ... Antoine Bechamp - at the time of Pasteur. So his stuff is...and there's Inderlin, quite a few. I've referred to some of them in my recipe book in the last fifty pages. Look up their work. I didn't create it. I discovered it on my own without ever reading them, but you know once I read them I thought 'oh its already known', you know.

Q: He said that finding penicillin saved fifteen percent of casualties in the second world war. You don't like penicillin?

A: No, penicillin is the worst thing invented since the wheel. [Laughing]

A: Its a lie that it saved fifteen percent. How do you come up with that figure? Do you take one set of soldiers and you treat them - the same wounds - with a penicillin and the others no they didn't do that. They did no controlled experiments. They just want to sell a product but what I find is penicillin once sterilized has no off switch, no hibernation. So it will eat on your body so long as you're a carbohydrate eater. If you eat any grain food, grain based food, you're going to feed penicillin in your body for your whole life time and it mainly feeds in the intestines and brain. I see it in - not everybody - ninety five out of a hundred people. I see the penicillin pretty rampant. In another five out of a hundred, its minimal but still active in the brain and the intestines. People have it. I see some people just all over their whole body and they wonder why the have fibro-myalgia and no energy. This penicillin is growing in their system like crazy. Now penicillin belongs in the bird community. The birds eat grains and that is one of they're detoxification symptoms or aids - aids to better health to getting rid of damaged tissue - is the fungus, the penicillin fungus. The way we put it in our bodies, it grows in us because we live on grain based foods. It eats a lot because when we eat grains we don't eat them raw; we eat them cooked. So it damages cells and then penicillin has a feast and in some people it is worse than others but in most people it is not a good thing. You can use lime juice. Then there are no side effects. Its that easy. Okay do you have a question?

Q: I'm assuming high anxiety problems are connected to Menopause. Once she started detox like that, those kind of things are happening and they weren't happening before, just like a normal person. Once they start happening like the way out is the way through. I guess you eat cooked food like if you...

A: You have to understand that there are very few people in our civilized society that aren't going through aches and pains and psychological problems. Some little things every day. Little headache here, little loss of energy, a cold or a flu - everybody is experiencing some kind of detoxification every day every minute. Some are very extreme. Some are mild and mellow so a lot of people say 'well, 'gee I went on your diet and all of a sudden I'm detoxifying' and I say 'if you've never had these aches and pains all of your life then you are perfect, why are you on the diet?'

Q: Will the diet like...I've been on it for a year and I think I need to see you again just to like retune...

A: I suggest people come back once a year unless you have cancer then its once every three or four months.

Q: Because there are so many things to remember. Like I...even in reading its like then I notice 'well I didn't do that'. Its like that caused that and it can be overwhelming

A: That's why I suggest that everybody read my books, both of them every six months. at least once a year. I have people who studied under me that read them sixteen times each of them and said they got out of each one of them every time even the sixteenth time as much as they got out of reading it the first time.

Q: You have to help yourself right?

A: Well you can cause more detoxification at times; you can cause chemical imbalances. Like mineral imbalances, it can cause you to get too cold or to experience more pain. You can do those things.

Q: and you can help to...

A: You can go off psychologically by eating a lot of fruit without fat. You can cause all kinds of reactions by not doing it properly.

Q: Can you help me realign, if I saw you again?

A: Yes absolutely.

Q: I need that help.

A: Okay. Just give me a call between seven and nine in the morning. Do you have a question?

Q: Well I'm gonna be sixty nine next month

Q: Congratulations! [laughs]

Q: Thank you so my concern is reversing the aging process. I think this diet is a fountain of youth.

A: Oh its incredible.

Q: Absolutely.

A: I'm going to be sixty two soon you know.

Q: Wow! [laughing] You don't look it.

A: Just think of that people. Sixty two. I'm healthier now than I ever was as a child because I was never healthy as a child.

Q: [laughing]

A: I get healthier every day, every day gets easier and better

Q: So I was wondering if there was any emphasis on the diet for somebody that's older, to keep the hormones up and that kind of thing.

A: Your bone marrow is the best way to do it.

Q: Really?

A: Apply it and eat it.

Q: Okay.

Q: If you're wanting to do weight loss, you can't eat it, its not recommended.

A: Its okay on a weight loss to eat bone marrow - that's if you don't eat it with meat. Just eat it...isolate that as your...your bone marrow would be your meat meal. Your golf ball of meat would be that bone marrow.

Q: This is my first time at your lecture and I was recommended to you two years ago but I was to afraid and it took me all that time to finish your book...

A: Well this is a terrifying diet.

Q: [Group laughing]

Q: Some sushi and it's pretty amazing but as a transition from a hundred percent fast food...

Q/A: [Group Laughing]

Q: I went to a homeopathic doctor they put me on a blood type diet that helps a lot. What do you suggest is the next step?

A: Go to page forty and forty one of the recipe book and choose one of those that fits you

Q: Okay.

A: And choose the right meat. Are you a highly active person?

Q: I need to be [laughs]

A: Then you should keep the red meat down and eat mostly white meat. White is a category not a color so red tuna, red fish those are all in the white category. just remember that red meat is highly acidic and it stimulates adrenaline, testosterone, estrogen. All of these physical action hormones and if you don't exercise and utilize those in energy you're going to use them in anxiety. So anxiety shows you are not exercising enough and/or you are eating to much red meat. Depression you don't have enough E-coli; eat shit.

Q: Eat what?

A: Eat shit.

Q: [Laughing]

A: Get your E-coli. I do, I have people who eat poop for E-coli. They eat fecal matter to get the E-coli. Take the bowel of the cow and that e-coli doesn't matter once broken down that far it doesn't matter. It's acidic even in a herbivore. The bowel is acidic so you just take a sausage section; farmers will make it that way. You take a slice of the fecal matter and the intestines and you eat those. Like two ounces every three or four days to get your e-coli built up.

Q: Can high meat do any of that?

A: High meat can do it but high meat doesn't really encourage E-coli to build rapidly because by the time it gets down there -.nineteen hours the food moves into the bowel, about nineteen hours - by that time everything and all that bacteria has eaten and digested. It can help a little bit but not a lot.

Q: Your book told us a little about your son, I was wondering how those relationships are going right now.

A: My son is fine. He's in jail but he's fine.

Q: [Laughing]

Q: Hes not on the diet?

A: What he does is - he'll do the raw meat and the eggs. He doesn't bother with getting the milk that he can now get in his area. So probably when he gets out this time he'll go for it but every two and a half years he'll stop doing the proper diet. He never does it fully. He does the raw meat and the raw eggs every day. He does not eat any of the dairy or honey or or the butter or anything else. So he eats the raw meat and eggs and then all of a sudden every two and a half years like clockwork...every two years and three months he'll stop eating that stuff, gets back into crack cocaine.

Q: Awww....

A: And he ends up in jail every time. So this time they're not letting him out. They won't even let me bail him out this time

Q: Is that good or bad.

A: No, that's good. He needs to sit in jail for a while and learn that hes not going to get out so easily. He's forty four years old but otherwise he's in good health.

Q: [Laughing]

Q: So the cocaine...

A: He loves crack cocaine. See, he was put on ritalin as a child. About ten years ago, a psychiatrist saw him - the one who had two doctorates in psychology and psychiatry. He showed me a report that stated that in their analysis of the people who are crack cocaine addicted seventy eight percent - I think it was seventy six...seventy three to seventy eight percent - had been put on ritalin as children, so there is a direct link between ritalin and children...and crack cocaine. Now think about this, the Bush family ran crack all through the eighties and nineties.

Q: From where?

A: The Bush family.

Q: What does that...

A: Through the CIA.

Q: From where

A: They were sponsoring all the clandestine activity in central America against all the central American countries. that was their private CIA war. They funded it by running crack cocaine through what was it – Panama. They were running it through Panama.

Q: And Nicaragua.

A: And Nicaragua and they would pay for all of that. And also Bush is what? Bush is invested in...

Q: Bush senior?

A: Bush senior yes.

Q: Okay

A: Bush senior, yeah. So you take a look at that link. They knew what they were doing. They knew they were going to get a lot of crack cocaine addicts for a lifetime, once the kids were put on ritalin.

Q: The worst thing is the combination isn't it? When the combined cocaine and PCP. That's when they become...

A: Any of it is dangerous.

Q: But cocaine by itself you don't suicide...

A: Not necessarily. There are people who have cocaine and it makes them suicidal. I tried cocaine one time and I nearly killed a cop and myself, just on one time. It made me...I was...I just had a little bit too, just a few puffs, just as an experiment and I...I got so paranoid and cold I was just going out of my mind - out of my mind - so then I started sucking eggs and you know milk like crazy and I got out of it. That was in the...early seventies when that happened.

Q: What do you suggest for people not...for the children not on ritalin...what do you suggest for them?

A: Go on a good diet, they just have to have the dairy; they have to have honey and butter. My son just isn't doing it, he doesn't take the time to do it. He's lazy, like a lot of people. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I consulted with you about my wife's broken leg and you recommended pineapple and coconut cream and a quart of raw milk. There wasn't any cheese and honey.

A: Absolutely. In concentrated amounts.

Q: Okay and then chicken, anything else?

A: Chicken and fish together.

Q: Even the bones?

A: Even the bones, yes.

Q: Okay.

A: A little bit of red meat.

Q: Alright. Anything that I can do after the cast is off? I

mean, would bone marrow help with that?

A: You've got a cast on?

Q: Yeah.

A: It restricts swelling.

Q: Okay.

A: So get that cast removed immediately. I didn't put on cast on; my body made its own cast. When I split my leg a year... what was it... twenty months ago - I had a motorcycle accident on a big Harley and I split the tibia from the knee all the way down to the ankle.

Q: Oh my god.

A: And then the tibia bone here... The femur sits on top of the tibia bone. It broke off the top of the tibia bone in fragments and jammed it up into the femur joint. They said that I would never ever walk again without surgery and I said, “I'm on a good diet thank you”.

Q: [Group Laughing]

A: You know I just went to them because I had ripped the tendon on both sides of the knee, one this way and the other one this way so the whole knee looked like it was out of position and the pain was not easing. I didn't know I had damaged it that badly but I hit that pavement really hard and the bike took my leg one way and the pavement took my body the other, ripped the leg up. So once I found out that it was not dislocated I didn't get a cast, I didn't take surgery, I went back to the hotel and stayed in the hotel for six and a half weeks and had some people help me move and get around and have my food and stuff like that. I got into the tub after, I mean into the swimming pool. I talked to the owner of the swimming pool to stop putting chlorine in it for about six days. Then the green algae started growing like crazy so then I went into the ocean which was across the street and did a mile morning and night. You know when your this high in water there's very little pressure on the leg so I was getting exercise with the leg. The tibia was actually broken, so the back of it was opened about an eighth of an inch. They wanted to go in and cut me from the ankle to the hip.

Q: Oh my god...

A: Force the tibia back together and pin it in six to ten places and then scrape out the femur joint from those fragments from the tibia. I haven't had any of it done. I am fine.

Q: [Applause]

A: All of those bone fragments are not gone but they'd never caused me any pain, severe, sharp pain. So my body's slowly dissolving it, see my knee doesn't go back...the right one doesn't go back all the way and that's just a matter of time.

Q: I saw the discrepancy the last time I saw you, its changing...

A: Correcting. So I figure after two years to the day will be March fourth or fifth, whenever it was, that my leg will be almost normal.

A: Well in the body...my body made its own cast within five days. I lost all my butt, my skin was hanging like an old man. All of the skin off of - all of the meat off of - my butt. I had a bigger one before but it got smaller, never regained all of it and this thigh diminished into a small thigh and all of that. Everything hardened from the ankle all the way up to here and you could go like that and it was just like a hard cast but then after about eight weeks it started disappearing and my thigh came back and part of my ass.

Q: [Group Laughing]

Q: How long did this happen?

A: How long ago? It will be two years in March.

A: I have the X-rays, two years to the day.

Q: You let them X-ray?

A: I allowed them to do two X-rays because they wouldn't adjust my knee without them. They looked at the knee - you know it had skin gone all over the place and they looked at that knee - they said “we're not touching it without a X-rays”. I said “well, you only get two x-rays. One from this angle and one from this angle and that's it”. So I had those X-rays and you could see the fragments and the break and everything.

Q: What about bile I was tested for?:

A: Bile? Predigested fats - just like hydrochloric acid breaks down protein, bile breaks down fats.

Q: Okay

A: Okay so you have about 60 varieties of varieties of bile that make 60 varieties of cholesterol. A third of them will lubricate your body, a third of them will cleanse, and a third will give you energy.

Q: Anyway, now my question about meat is, I , what I'm doing is I'm mixing honey and butter with my meat and I'm eating really sweet, I like it. I like sweet stuff.

A: How much honey are you using per meat meal?

Q: Well maybe I put two spoons of butter and two spoons of honey with a meal.

A: Too much

Q: Okay

A: If you have over a tablespoon of honey with a meat meal, it's alkalinizing. Its going to neutralize your hydrochloric acid. So you can't have more than a tablespoon of honey with a meat meal and that's a level tablespoon, not a heaping one.

Q: Okay good. …... Milk with a meat meal?

A: Milk will also alkalinize. You can't have more than a half a cup of milk with a meat meal. Milk is alkalinizing. It has a relationship as calcium phosphorous magnesium and potassium to anything else so it will neutralize some of the hydrochloric acid. If you have a highly acidic system, go ahead have a cup of milk with it. If you have acid reflux, if you have trouble with over acidity, then a little bit more honey and a little bit more milk is fine. If you don't your going to just spoil your digestion.

Q: How long should you wait after the meat?

A: I wait because of my hydrochloric acid problem, I wait a good hour before I'll drink a whole cup of milk. I may have two ounces twenty minutes after, I don't usually drink milk. Most people can drink about two to four ounces every meal, I don't because of the lack of hydrochloric acid in my system. Most of you could probably wait 30, 35 minutes and have a cup. You'd be at a half a cup with your meat meal and then have another half a cup 30, 40 minutes later.

Unless you're having your cheese at that time - your cheese with honey, because you don't want too much milk with cheese and honey.

Q: So is she having a problem with like …...cause she said

she likes something sweet.... what would you do for that?

A: Well she needs to eat more honey and butter but not with the meat.

Q: Okay

A: Just have less with the meat, with honey and butter frequently.

Q: What I'm doing to do with this - like with my grandson - and the butter with chicken, is that okay?

A: Chicken and milk? Fine.

Q: What about fish and milk?

A: Yeah , uh.....

Q: Not red meat?

A: That's okay.

Q: Beef and milk too?

A: Yeah, a lot of my infants - like I say in the book - is half milk and half buffalo liver. Or liver with a tiny bit of honey. I got one kid that's five years old and just in the fourth grade, well not just, last year he entered the fourth grade. Take a look at that.....

Q: But....also with beef?

A: Well, that's liver. I've never done it with just beef, because it's too much muscularly oriented, so the beef liver yes.....buffalo liver.... But any of those will work...

Q: They uh.....

A: ... if he's a mellower child.

Q: What?

A: If he's a more really mellow child with not a lot of energy he might try some red meat or liver with the chicken and fish.

Q: What? ….yeah except for the muscles and …..like the supplements of twisting and......for us is good exercise. I didn't exercise or I usually do my stretch for five or ten minutes. I do it three times a week and that kind of keeps it easy going. For a period of about two weeks I didn't and I got really stiff and I'm now back to stretching again and its fine but its kind of stiffness.....

A: You're too thin, and nothing to arrest the uric acid which is a byproduct of your metabolism so what your body does is uses calcium and other minerals to bind with those acids.

Q: Okay

A: And they cause crystals, stiffness. You could eat more fats. You could also drink some whey with the sports drink or drink whey by itself. Have a little bit of vinegar, that helps break down uric acid. Any of those.

Q: My father is 71. He's got two hernias. One inside.

A: Hernia is almost impossible to correct at that age. So he might have to have surgery. The only thing I've never tried with a hernia - so hernia is close to the skin so it might react very well - is putting bone marrow there. You know so you have to understand in every autopsy that i've done on a herniated tissue there are metals, from vaccines that are in that tissue and never allow it to heal and see it

Q: What is a herniated.....

A: Tissue rips and never heals again.

Q: They don't put a shot in the hernia.

A: You get a shot; the poisons go to that area, where you had a membrane that can herniate.

Q: Um, crumbling appendix – will the diet take care of that?

A: Yeah I've had two people who went in for surgery after an appendicitis and the doctor found the the appendix was completely enveloped in fat even though it burst all the poisons were contained and if they hadn't removed it the ah...the appendix could have healed itself in your library again.

Q: In your library?

A: The appendix is a library of everything that's ever entered your body and how the body needs to respond to it. So let's say you get bitten by a snake or a black widow the body will know instantly by going to the Appendix what remedy to use within twenty...thirty minutes the body is already taking care of it. You don't have an appendix it could be thirty six to forty hours because your body has to re-chemistry and evaluate it all over again.

Q: So if its just crumbling that's because of a bad diet?

A: Correct, yes.Yeah, but you still have to be careful on this diet to do it balanced. I know people who eat a lot of fruit like that one fellow. One of the fellows I was telling you about certainly ate a lot of fat but he ate way too much fruit and that caused his to rupture.

Q: Is it a...is it a general rule of thumb that if things are aged like cheese or the meat or any of those things, they will cause a detox?

A: No. They usually feed your body better but sometimes what happens is your body gets so much, so many nutrients it says 'oh I'm gonna detoxify'.

Q: Sometimes they make me feel just great.

A: Yes.

Q: And then the next day you're like I can't get out of


Q: How much bone marrow did you say to take? I forgot. I

didn't write it down.

A: Well, I didn't; I would have to see you for that.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: You know to be able to give you...

Q: Can we talk soon? Are you going to be here for a while?

A: Yeah, I'll be here till mid February.

Q: Great, that's great and then but...in the mean time

should I just take a spoon full every now and then? or...

A: Absolutely.

Q: Okay.

A: Eat one a day. One bone marrow a day. Bone marrow usually comes in an inch...I mean an inch and a half to two inch sections. A bone and then you you know push it out, scoop it out.

Q: How long do you keep it on the teeth?

A: Leave it all night.

Q: Alright.

A: Just leave it on all night.

Q: My cat licks it off.

A: Just keep your mouth full of it

Q: [Group Talking]

A: No it just looks like you put nice beautiful oil on it.

Q: No I know I'm just saying my cat...

A: Your cat will lick it off your face, absolutely.

Q: Bone marrow from chicken? The thigh bone seems to have something to do....

A: Yeah they do but its very red, theres a lot of blood in it. It doesn't have the same concentration of it. I mean it can be helpful.

Q: What about turkey marrow?

A: Turkey marrow is a little better.

Q: But beef marrow is the best?

A: Beef marrow...I found beef marrow to be the best to use. There's so much more of it. So I've been able to experiment with the bone marrow from beef but not turkey or chicken because it's too hard to get the marrow out.

Q: What's the best part of the cow to get it from?

A: The thigh... the femur.

Q: femur?

A: The femur bone, but theres a huge knot like this at the joint and at the knee and they have no marrow so you just cut that down below the knot about three inches and then you start getting the soft marrow.

Q: If the bone marrows kind of old that's fine?

A: It'll just stink if you put it on your face but as far as working, it still works. Just don't freeze it.

