Date: 5 June 2007
Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
K = Kim (Host), A = Aajonus
[Intro]: Opinions, Options, Answers, you're listening to Voice America Health and Wellness. Good afternoon and welcome to Raw to Radiant with host and nutritional consultant Kim Cohen. Discover how truly raw foods support a life of radiant health and vitality. Now here's your host, Kim Cohen.
K: Hello everyone and welcome to Raw to Radiant. The purpose of this show is to discuss how nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins, including toxins created from cooked foods, contribute to the modern day diseases we know of today. And how incorporating raw foods into your diet can support a life of health and wellness free of disease. I'm your host, Kim Cohen, and I'm so excited to have Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz with me today. Dr. Vonderplanitz has a Ph.D. in nutrition and cured himself of blood, bone and stomach cancers, as well as developmental autism, diabetes, bursitis, psoriasis and angina, all of which he had developed by the age of 20 years old. If you've listened to my show before, you've heard me reference Dr. Vonderplanitz numerous times, as he is truly one of the only modern day nutritional scientists that has actually studied how a raw diet, including raw meats and raw dairy products, leads to a life of health and vitality. Dr. Vonderplanitz also wrote the expert report that reversed a 38-year ban on raw dairy in the state of California. Dr. Vonderplanitz, are you there?
A: I am here, Kim.
K: Thank you. Well, welcome to the show. I first want to apologize to you, as I listed the primal diet as the primal raw diet on my promotional e-cards that I'd sent out. But you actually call this way of eating the primal diet, and I sometimes slip the word raw in there to make sure that it's really clear to people that this is a raw diet. So I apologize. My apologies to you.
A: Okay, no problem. It's just that if people are searching for it, they may not be able to find that particular name.
K: Exactly.
A: Primal diet is how it's referred, and that's what's on the cover of one of my books.
K: Well, thank you for correcting that for me.
A: Thank you.
K: Now, obviously, you were a very sick child and teen growing up. Can you briefly tell our listeners about how this inspired you to do what you're doing today?
A: Well, you know, at 20 years old, I had started off with a stomach ulcer. The treatment for that led to a tumor growing alongside the ulcer, and then the treatment for that, which was surgery, led to the cancer spreading from the stomach. And then they irradiated my stomach area, abdominal region, to thwart the metastasis, and that gave me blood and bone cancer because it cauterized my spine. So then they, of course, suggested chemotherapy, and then the chemotherapy gave me lymphoma, so which is lymph cancer. So they left me for dead. Well, they still said they wanted me to continue to take the chemotherapy, even though there was a 1% chance of living, and after three months, I was basically an invalid by that time, crawling on the floor like a worm, and I couldn't even sit on a pan, so I was going all over a hardwood floor, urinating, defecating. I was at my end, and I was dying, and while I was dying, I had to busy myself, you know, my mind, because I was in so much pain and agony and humiliation. So I spent time, basically I was autistic at that time, too, as a child, developmental autism from a vaccine that I had received at 18 months old, and the mercury and aluminum and formaldehyde had gone to my communication center, and one of the volunteers at the hospice, I refused to go to the hospice because I was autistic and nobody understood me, so I wasn't going to be humiliated in my last, you know, few weeks or days, and one of the volunteers was a young 18-year-old fellow who got me into drinking carrot juice, and when I started drinking carrot juice, about after ten days, my autism switched off, or I should say my communication center switched on, so I was able to communicate, and I was able to do other things, and that was read for the first time, because I wasn't able to read my entire life. So being able to read was a joy. So I went in a wheelchair, that young man took me to a, and I was only 20, he took me to a bookstore, and I got quite a few books on nutrition, and began studying nutrition, expecting to die, but I thought, you know, I would just investigate and see what was offered in the avenue of nutrition, based on the changing of my brain from just eating carrot juice, raw carrot juice. So that's how I got into that.
K: And did you immediately feel that maybe you needed to go the vegetarian or vegan way? I mean, you would drink carrot juice, and a lot of times when you read these books on health and nutrition, it's about adding vegetables and fruits and cutting out meats and berries and wheat and those sort of things.
A: No, the young man about whom I was speaking, he wasn't into vegetarianism, and I can't say that he was really into raw foods, he was into eating fresh fruits and vegetables, but he was eating, drinking pasteurized dairy, and eating other cooked foods, but it just included vitamins, I mean, fruit and vegetables. So I was not introduced to vegetarianism, I didn't even know that vegetarianism existed. With my autism, I had very little communication with anything other than my daily experience, and that was pretty white bread America, you know, donuts and soda pop.
K: During your experimentation on nutrition, did you try different diets such as vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic?
A: Yes, I got into those probably about in 1972 is when I decided to go completely raw, and in 1972, let me place this, first I had my ulcer in 1967 and had the operation in 1967, and it metastasized by February, you know, before my 21st birthday, so I underwent all of that problem, you know, even before I was 21. So this was in 1967, and in 1972, you know, after studying all that I had, I began to think about eating mainly raw vegetables and fruits. I had stopped eating meat anyway because after the vagotomy pyloroplasty, which was stomach cancer, it rendered me unable to digest meats cooked at all. If I ate a steak, which I used to love, well done, it would come out of my skin, everywhere from my scalp to my knees, and big huge postulations. And if you saw that movie Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey, remember that one employee that's there at the firm, has this big pussy blister on the end of his nose, well that was what I looked like all over. So I was very deathly afraid to eat any kind of meat, and considering it raw was, you know, not even a question because after the vagotomy pyloroplasty, they rendered me unable to produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so that put me in the class of octogenarians, people who were unable to produce hydrochloric acid for meat digestion, so they always said to me, and they continue to say it, you know, without that hydrochloric acid, you're in danger of death from bacterial and parasitical invasion from food, so you have to eat everything well cooked. So that's what I was told.
K: So I know we're going to focus on raw dairy today, but you obviously did a lot of research and found out that raw meats, raw eggs, raw dairy products, all of these are actually health giving. And how is it that you discovered the importance of raw dairy specifically?
A: Well, in 1971, I met a man who ran a health food store who had, I think it was his third year of internship studying to be an MD, and he realized this was all garbage and that, you know, the pharmaceutical industry ran the medical profession and gave it up, and he worked with diets and nutrition. He was also focused on vitamin supplements and enzyme supplements and mineral supplements, all kinds of supplements, not as the main part of the diet, but as an adjunct. And he, when we met, he was heavy into raw dairy, not the raw butter or the raw cream so much. He did utilize those, but lots of raw milk.
K: And when you say raw, you mean unpasteurized milk?
A: Correct. Unpasteurized milk. That means it hasn't gone above a cow's body temperature, which is, at most, unless they're in a fever of 105 degrees.
K: Can you quickly tell us the difference, because we see the word pasteurized and homogenized, what the difference is between those two things?
A: Well, pasteurization is a heat process. When pasteurization first began, it was 141 degrees, cooking at 141 degrees for anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute, minute and a half. Now it's gone up, they're up into, you know, 170 degrees now, because there's a longer shelf life. And that's what it's all about, it's about shelf life, it's about their profits, it has nothing to do with our health. Homogenization is where they take the milk and mainly the cream, and they put it through a very fine sieve, and force press it through so it splits the fat molecule. The fat molecule absorbs all the other milk solids, so that the milk does not, the cream does not separate at the top as in regular milk. The cream will separate to the top. And homogenization does not do that. When they fractionate the, when they split the fat molecule like that, it absorbs those proteins and all the other milk solids, it is not well digested.
K: Okay, and so obviously we're getting a lot of mixed messages in the media, you know, the media is saying, oh, well, drink your milk, because it gives you strong bones, and we need the calcium, but all of that milk is pasteurized. And then the vegetarians and the vegans are saying, well, how come humans are the only species that drink milk, and milk builds mucus in the body, and it clogs up the GI system. Can you talk a little bit about that, those two things, the messages that we're receiving?
A: Well, yep, and so the messages are coming from the food industry. Food industry wants pasteurization. Just to give you an example, so everybody will have a historic picture of late, because we're talking about 1928 when pasteurization started being utilized frequently, and it was about 1947 that it was outlawed in most states, raw milk. So it's been a long time, however, if everyone will notice that just two years ago, all raw juice was outlawed when it was pre-prepared. So you cannot go into a health food store or grocery store and buy a pre-juiced bottle of juice of any kind unless it's pasteurized. You can buy it at a juice bar, fresh juice that's unpasteurized. But anything that's pre-made has to be pasteurized. Now this all was used on one event, and that was a young girl claiming to have been, the girl wasn't claiming, for she died, a five-year-old girl, five or six-year-old girl died, and the medical profession, or her doctor, told her that it was because she had consumed raw milk, I mean raw juice, and E. coli had damaged her intestines and her kidneys, and that killed her. So I guess we're going to go into a break.
K: Yeah, let's take a real quick break and we'll finish that thought.
A: Okay.
K: We're going to take a real quick two-minute break here, and we'll be right back with Dr. Bounder-Planet talking about the health benefits of raw dairy.
[Intermission]: You're listening to Voice America Health and Wellness. is the ultimate source of information on raw foods, health, and wellness. Here you'll find the latest articles on how both cooked and raw foods affect our well-being. Browse the store to shop for everything you need to transition life-giving raw foods into your current diet and lifestyle. Find books, CDs, juicers, blenders, raw living minerals, raw foods, and amazing skin care products. Make sure to check the calendar of events for Kim's schedule of lectures and workshops., raw foods to radiant health. You're listening to Voice America Health and Wellness.
[Intermission]: You're listening to Raw to Radiant with host Kim Cohen. If you have a question for Kim or your guest, call now. Our toll-free number is 1-866-472-5792. That number again is 1-866-472-5792. Now back to Raw to Radiant.
K: Welcome back to Raw to Radiant. I'm your host, Kim Cohen, and today we're talking with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz about the health benefits of raw unpasteurized dairy. And I apologize, we had to go to a commercial right between a thought there, so if you can go ahead and continue on what you were talking about earlier.
A: Okay, what I was discussing was the vegetable juices being required to be pasteurized as of two years ago, and the issue was brought on just one incidence of death that was blamed on an E. coli 0157H7 that was supposedly brought about from one Odwalla juice, apple or I think it was apple juice. And if an entire batch isn't contaminated, one juice isn't going to be contaminated. It was the most ridiculous thing in the world, and Odwalla people, Odwalla people owners prior to this event are very loving people and they had no, you know, they didn't know. They don't know anything about science or the law and the laws of nature with E. coli, so they were completely hoodwinked and Coca-Cola led the whole issue and they bought Odwalla during that time when Odwalla was blamed for that and the lawsuit was filed against them on the basis of, you know, a few doctors saying that it was that E. coli from the one juice, which is entirely ridiculous and insane if you've been in a laboratory in chemistry, you know that it's not going to infect just one juice. If it's that much bacteria, it's going to get a lot of juices.
K: And more people would have experienced that.
A: Oh yes.
K: Well, you know, bacteria seems to be the big fear and, you know, there's so much press around this Andrew Speaker right now, this attorney that supposedly has this rare form of TB and he flew on a plane.
A: But he doesn't have it. He has the antibodies for it.
K: Right.
A: He's asymptomatic.
K: Exactly. So, I guess I'm bringing it up because people automatically assume that the reason we started pasteurizing dairy is to make sure that there was no TB in our milk or bacteria in our milk. Is that the reason why it started?
A: Well, no, that's the way it got the big press and the big governmental push is to blame TB because TB, bovine TB, could be found in milk. However, according to Dr. Douglas, William Campbell Douglas, Jr., M.D., who did probably the world, most of the world's research, the best research on dairy, whether it was pasteurized or raw, and showed that humans cannot get bovine tuberculosis or any other kind of tuberculosis, including from drinking it from the milk.
K: And isn't that because it's species specific?
A: Correct. And he also experimented with human tuberculosis, spiking, spiking means to introduce the bacteria into the milk, human, and the, in raw milk, the TB was destroyed by the lactic acid.
K: You know, it's really interesting you say that because the farmer that we get our raw dairy from said that he was doing some research and the only case that he could find that found where a person contracted TB from dairy was in one case and it was pasteurized dairy.
A: Pasteurized dairy, correct. So it's a falsehood, you have to understand that big money is behind, big money from the food industry and from the pharmaceutical houses push reporters and educated people to believe all of the myths about TB in raw milk and the bacteria and disease.
K: So we don't have to fear bacteria in our dairy.
A: Not at all.
K: In fact, we want it in our dairy, don't we?
A: Absolutely, because Davis, University of Davis, University of California Davis in Northern California did some experiments with it and found that in raw milk the bacteria, the lactic acid, when unpasteurized, will destroy so-called pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic bacteria. So they proved that bacteria of the undesirable characteristics cannot live in raw milk, however they do thrive in pasteurized milk.
K: Interesting. You know, everybody wants proof. Everyone wants proof and scientific evidence and documentation. I know that there's a ton of proof.
A: Well then why don't they get it from the medical profession about all the lies about milk? They can't do it.
K: Right.
A: So I sent a cease and desist order to the FDA and CDC in December saying that if you distribute the CDC's ridiculous pamphlet based on no scientific evidence whatsoever that raw milk is dangerous, you will be in violation of integrity and our constitution. So I will probably be filing suit against them when I go to Washington D.C. in a few weeks.
K: But isn't there proof that pasteurized dairy is bad for us? I mean, we know that it causes brittle bone disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and a lot of other different ailments as well, don't we?
A: Well you have to understand that the universities are paid by the pharmaceutical industry to do research to find some incredible, you know, magical cure.
K: I'm very aware. I worked for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world for many years.
A: And they want a magic bullet that they can spend two cents on and sell it for $50. And so them doing any kind of research with food is really an obsolete thing. That was almost stopped completely in 1947. And Mayo Clinic used to do a lot of it. A lot of the raw milk and the pasteurized milk experimentations before that. And then it was outlawed, of course. The pharmaceutical industry had their lobbyists, you know, convince the senators and representatives that really it was harmful. And without any scientific evidence, it was all based on rhetoric, on hypothesis. And that's the same way that the CDC issues their pamphlet. It's not based on fact. Now to get the law changed in Los Angeles and subsequently California, I did all the research with mainly Dr. Douglas' work on dairies and a lot of my own research and put together the report and he allowed me to use him as the author because he's an M.D. and has been an M.D. with the military, the Navy, and he's a very respected doctor.
K: You have a tremendous amount of medical doctors supporting you in that report. And by the way, if anybody wants to read it, and I highly recommend it, because if you have any doubts in your mind about the health benefits of raw dairy, I guarantee they will be gone once you read this report. It's available on the website, on my website, there's a little raw dairy tab on the left. If you click on that, you will see the report that was written by Dr. Vonderplanitz. You were talking about the Mayo Clinic doing some research. There was a Dr. Charles Porter, a medical doctor there, that actually, he has a book that has been put back out in reprint called The Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease. And he actually reversed chronic disease in over 20,000 people on a raw milk diet alone. That's all they had was different degrees of raw milk from kefir to milk to cream and those sort of things.
A: And butter.
K: And butters. I mean, that's astonishing. Over 20,000 people. And he reversed diseases like asthma and diabetes and arthritis and all of these modern day degenerative diseases that we know of.
A: Well Hippocrates, he did the same thing with people with asthma and emphysema. He put them on a completely raw milk diet.
K: That's interesting, because I think the Hippocrates Institute in Florida is now vegan. I don't think there's any more dairy there anymore, I'm not sure, but I believe that it is. Do we still have you with us, Aajonus?
A: Yes, I'm sorry. We have a military helicopter that went over the house and made quite a racket.
P: There is also a study done by Dr. Pottenger, the cat study.
A: Yes.
K: Can you tell us a little bit about that?
A: Well, he, over a 10 year period, he experimented with 900 cats, feeding them raw meats and cod liver oil and raw substances. And he found that all of those that had cooked and pasteurized foods had all the diseases of man, and all those that just ate the raw meats and dairy and cod liver had no diseases whatsoever, not even dental caries. And those that had the processed as well as cooked foods, those groups had the most extreme diseases and especially powdered milk and cereals. And that's, you know, what we basically send in care packages to these third world countries when we think we're doing help for these children, we're sending them the worst foods in the world that give them disease.
K: And lots of grains and things as well.
A: Yep.
K: Yep. Well, we have to take another quick break here. And we'll be back right in about two minutes to talk with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz about the health benefits of raw dairy.
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[ad]: Your life, your health, your network. Voice America Health and Wellness.
[Intermission]: You're listening to Raw to Radiant with host Kim Cohen. If you have a question for Kim or her guest, call now. Our toll free number is 1-866-472-5792. The number again is 1-866-472-5792. Now back to Raw to Radiant.
K: Welcome back to Raw to Radiant. I'm your host, Kim Cohen, and today we're talking with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz about the health benefits of raw unpasteurized dairy. And I know that there's something specific that you wanted to talk about in this next segment. Go right ahead, Aajonus.
A: Yes. Just to help everybody relax about the issue of raw milk. When the health departments decide that raw milk has been a problem with health, they do that by, like let me give you an example. This is used by the state of California in one law case. A little girl had drowned. They didn't tell everybody the little girl had drowned. They said that the little girl had died of salmonella and poisoning and that caused her to drown and she drank raw milk. So that was the conclusion that was given in court. However, under investigation, I found that the little girl drowned, they performed an autopsy, found salmonella in her gut, called the family and asked if the family drank raw milk or ate rare meat. And if you say yes to either of those, the identification of that death or illness is directly related to that question and answer. So if they say yes, the blame goes on either raw meat or raw dairy. It has nothing to do with science. Nothing at all. So when I checked on this issue, I found that the little girl didn't like raw milk. She was the only one in the family that didn't drink milk.
K: It's really interesting. So we just don't hear the whole story, do we?
A: Right. It's a shame. There has not been one case scientifically found to have been proved that it was raw dairy as a matter of illness. However, there have been thousands, I mean hundreds of thousands of cases of people getting sick from pasteurized dairy. One case of a cheese in Arizona involved, it made 197,000 people sick. Now why didn't the media carry that? All over the country. It just carried it in one paper in Arizona for one issue. And that was it. Then it was gone. Now if that kind of information was given to the people, pasteurized dairy wouldn't be on the market. Only raw dairy would be on the market. But see, the food industry doesn't want that. They like long shelf lives and they don't care about your health.
K: It's about bottom line numbers and sales.
A: That's it. And you know, when you pasteurize a dairy, you damage over half of the calcium and it can't be absorbed so they know that it created osteoporosis and other diseases. So what the milk companies do is they get a lot of mined calcium out of the rock, out of the ground, and then shovel that into their milk. Also makes it, when you pasteurize dairy, it turns it blue. So it's not an attractive color. So when they put that calcium in, it also turns the milk white again. So it's more appealing.
K: Don't they put synthetic vitamins in there as well?
A: Yes, they do.
K: Which are basically chemicals.
A: Yeah. When you take a hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is basically plastic, it has the same molecular structure as plastic, once you heat the hydrogenated vegetable oil, and then you irradiate it with radioactivity. You're not irradiating it with sunlight. And that's how they make a vitamin D to put in the milk. So it's a highly toxic compound. And it has nothing to do with vitamin D. But the science and FDA let them get away with it.
K: Yeah. And we really, most Americans truly believe they're doing something healthy. And I'll hear from people, oh, well why buy organic milk? And that doesn't matter. It's the same things that are in it, it's just organic. Cows are fed organic grain. So tell me about, you know, most, many, many people, because of this pasteurization process, and it destroys so many enzymes, especially digestive enzymes, everybody thinks they're lactose intolerant. Because there are no digestive enzymes left in the dairy to be able to digest it appropriately.
A: Well it's, the whole picture is a little bit worse than that. People have been eating cooked and processed foods and, you know, and fast foods like McDonald's, Jack in the Box and Kentucky Fried Chicken, which is basically very processed, industrialized food that's processed to the point of giving it the longest shelf life of even up to six months to a year in a can. So they're putting MSG, aspartame, some very dangerous chemicals in that. And people eating that way, and cereals, and all those foods are processed that way today. So people's own digestive enzyme ability to leach it from their own bodies and to have any kind of a storage is extremely depleted. So if they don't get it in their food, they won't get it at all. And the only way you can get enzymes to help the digestion of that food is in the food itself, unpasteurized and completely raw.
K: So can everyone drink raw milk?
A: Well I've still found about, let's say, two out of a hundred people who were lactose intolerant or casein intolerant. Casein is a protein that a lot of people are allergic to and it builds up when it's cooked. So they have an allergy to casein more often than lactate in pasteurized dairy. But in raw dairy, it isn't the same molecular structure. It's not cauterized, it's not fused together to cause it to be indigestible and pass into the gut undigested, into the blood undigested.
K: And I've even found that some people, when they first introduce the raw dairy, have to even start it slowly.
A: Yes, because some of those people, like I said, only 2% that I've met, still show symptoms of an allergy to dairy. But what I've discovered is it's not the fresh dairy, the raw dairy, that's causing the problem. It's the body's storage of those old lactic acids and, I mean, sugars, lactate and casein. And when they get the raw, they start detoxifying it. So it creates the symptoms. But like I said in my book, We Want to Live, that if they drink 4 ounces a day, every hour, every day, not every hour, every day, once a day, that over a 3 month period, they will no longer have that allergy.
K: Would you say small amounts throughout the day, a total of 4 ounces?
A: No, 4 ounces total at one time is fine.
K: Well, I know I experienced that myself. When my daughter was born, she had severe allergies to dairy, so I thought, until I found you and really found out the truth about raw dairy. And it did take a couple months to transition her. But I can tell you right now that my 7-year-old and I drink 3 gallons of raw dairy a week. We drink a quart of raw cream. We go through probably 2 pounds of cheese, a couple pounds of butter, all raw.
A: And I do that all on my own.
K: Exactly.
A: It takes two of you, it takes one of me.
K: She's little.
A: Yes, that's true.
K: And I can tell you also that two winters ago, she was in kindergarten class two winters ago, and there were two kindergarten classes, each with 20 kids. Every one of those 40 children were out sick for two to three weeks, except my daughter. And I know that even when she does eat a little cooked food, when she's with other people or at birthday parties, I know it's the dairy and the honey. I figure if we can at least get the dairy and the honey in her, that that makes such a big difference. I mean, she was the only one not out sick.
A: Yes. It's pretty remarkable what happens.
K: It really is. So, you know, all of these people that do think that they have food allergies and intolerances are doing things like soy milk and rice milk and almond milk. Can you talk a little bit about how...
A: Well, soy and any kind of grain is really not for the human body. That's for herbivores and birds. You know, herbivores have a digestive tract two and a half times longer than ours. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule. And it takes 48 hours for food to pass through their systems, and it only goes through us in 24 hours. We have one stomach. They have two to four. So they can digest grains and beans properly. We don't. And plus, we can't even handle the phytic acid that's in them, so they have to be cooked and processed for us to get anything out of them. And then, of course, the cooking causes certain kinds of toxins to form, and then our bodies have to deal with that along with all the missing vitamins and enzymes and everything else that was present in the raw food. But like they say, you know, grains are for the birds and the cows. They aren't for us. And soy is one of the worst substances there is because it will kill birds and humans if eaten raw. So they have to process it with a benzene-like substance, which is basically kerosene, and heat process it. And then the IgG that is very high, which is a precursor to certain brain hormones, it's been shown to, in laboratory animals, to incite brain tumors. So soy is one of the worst things that we have out there because it's the easiest product. You can poison the field, and a vine will be so ill it won't grow any leaves, but it'll still produce a bean. So it's a great, you know, marketing product.
K: And that's one of the most popular things, that they're feeding everything now from cattle to chickens, I mean all of our eggs, the hens have eaten soy, and it's pretty powerful neurotoxin.
A: It creates a lot of toxins.
K: What about raw soy? Can you eat raw soy?
A: No. Like I said, there's no way a human can eat it without, you know, killing itself. Not even germinate it. Cows can, but then it makes the meat taste like cardboard, you know, so it's not appetizing. But boy, it's certainly easy to grow, and it's certainly a cash crop, so everybody's using it. This whole raw food movement, you know, 99% of raw people out there are vegans, and that's what they're eating, grains, raw sprouted grains and raw nuts.
A: Well, over 50% of my cancer patients are long-term vegetarians. You know, even Linda McCartney, the wife of Paul McCartney, who was a vegetarian, vowed for like 30 years that she would never get cancer because she was a vegetarian. And you know, she died of very aggressive breast cancer.
K: And isn't it true that the Dalai Lama had to start eating meat at some point?
A: Yes. He got very sick about four years ago, and one of my patients is a good friend of his who eats the diet, and he told, you know, basically the Dalai Lama saw him and saw the difference, you know, and what my friend said to him, or Fred Siegel said, he said, listen, you know, I'm eating this raw meat, and that's changed my whole life, raw meat and raw dairy. You should begin eating it. So he began eating meat. So the Dalai Lama eats meat as a medicine.
K: Well, we're going to take our last break right now, and when we come back, we're going to continue talking with Dr. Vonderplanitz about what we can do. We're going to talk about the government regulations, what's happening out there, how we're losing control, and how we can regain that control back. We'll be right back in two minutes.
[Intermission]: Opinions, options, answers. Voice America Health and Wellness.
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[Intermission]: is the ultimate source of information on raw foods, health, and wellness. Here you will find the latest articles on how both cooked and raw foods affect our well-being. Browse the store to shop for everything you need to transition life giving raw foods into your current diet and lifestyle. Find books, CDs, juicers, blenders, raw living minerals, raw foods, and amazing skin care products. Make sure to check the calendar of events for Kim's schedule of lectures and workshops. RawToRadiant. Raw foods to radiant health. Your life, your health, your network. This is Voice America Health & Wellness. You're listening to RawToRadiant with host Kim Cohen. If you have a question for Kim or her guest, call now. Our toll-free number is 1-866-472-5792. That number again is 1-866-472-5792. Now back to RawToRadiant.
K: Welcome back. I'm Kim Cohen. Today we're talking with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz about the health benefits of raw unpasteurized dairy. Aajonus, I know you want to touch on a couple of things real quickly here.
A: Well, I just wanted to say the value of raw dairy is so important, in fact, especially in our toxic, industrialized society that's so full of pollution in the food, in the water, in the air and everything, that the dairy, when it's broken up into its different pieces and its different parts, has so many values healthfully. Like cheese can draw poisons out of the blood, the neurological system, and the lymph as it travels through the digestive tract. That will free up any minerals and vitamins and nutrients and proteins and fats in the food so the cells can get well and fed well enough. Dairy is very important as far as raw cream. It's the only thing that I've found that completely relaxes the nervous system, the human brain and nervous system. I noticed that there's a lot of people who have gone on my diet, the Primal Diet, and have been told that raw dairy is a problem. They believe this nonsense and stop drinking the dairy. Among those people I noticed that they're a lot more irritable, they lose a tremendous amount of weight, and they're a lot less happy when they're not doing the dairy. Yet they have this behemoth about them like vegetarians do that they're doing the right thing. It doesn't come from a calm, relaxed place nor an intelligent place. It comes from a body anxiety, irritation, to the system. So dairy is so important in our society especially.
K: It doesn't matter what kind. It could be cow, goat, sheep, yak, camel, whatever you can get.
A: It depends. No, if a person is thin and hyperactive, they don't want goat's milk. It's better to have cow's milk. If somebody is very fat, overweight, or has diabetes, then goat's milk is preferable.
K: Because goat's milk has less fat?
A: Well, it has hormone precursors for adrenaline and it makes somebody more hyperactive so it will give them more energy. It gives diabetics more energy, both physical and mental, and overweight people. But most people need to be calmed in our society with all this coffee and pollution.
K: We need to really let go of the fear of fat, don't we?
A: Oh, fat is so important. Without fat, the poisons go into your cells and damage your RNA and DNA and there is disease. Our health industry is upside down. Why? Because I think it is and it's proved by what they say that the pharmaceutical industry is bent on making customers. So they want anything that is derogatory to health to be believed. So fat-free diets, Yale or Harvard, I forgot who it was about five years ago, came up after ten years of studying and found that the fat-free diet is a dangerous thing. We have more disease by studying it so everybody eats more fat. And boy, that did not get much press when it came out.
K: Well I just want to get this in before the end of the show. We do have a couple of callers that are on the line right now but this is so important because our government is taking control and we don't have control anymore and the state of California is the only state that I know of that I can actually walk in and buy organic pastures, raw dairy right off the shelf. And it's wonderful whenever I go there, thanks to you, Aajonus. And so what can we do? How can we make this legal in every state? We all need this.
A: Well what you have to do is a lot of people in the state need to, if they just want a local region, they have to go to their county health department and get a law passed in their board of supervisors. If they want it on a state level, they have to go to their representatives in their senate and get a law passed. I'm going to attempt to open people's minds in Washington, D.C. and get them to change it and make a law different just like I did in Los Angeles and subsequently California. So I will be going there on the 15th of June and staying there until July 31st lobbying and there are several people going with me so we hope to educate every house of representative and senator in that month and a half stay in Washington, D.C. and see if we can't get them, encourage one of them to write a bill and to get enough supporters behind that. Then I'm going to need everybody who's a listener, if they will, to write their senators, to fax them. Fax is always the best. If you want to make a noise with a representative, you fax them. It makes a hard copy that they have to pay for. When you get an email, all they have to do is hit the delete button and that's it. When they get a call, all they have to do is throw away the log. When they get a sheet of paper, several sheets of paper, a letter coming through their fax machine, they have to shred it, they have to do all kinds of things so it makes noise. That's one of the reasons that I was very effectual in getting the board of supervisors to listen is because I had 1,500 people who faxed them over that week prior to the vote and it shut their offices down.
K: We're going to try to get a list of those fax numbers on both and on my website under the raw milk tab. That will be up in about two days, by Thursday. I urge everybody, please, everyone that is listening, please, this is the only way that we can make a difference. Have everyone that you know fax in a letter to your government official. Again, we'll have that on in about two days. If you want to know when we do have it up and ready, go to, type in your email address on the free newsletter page, and I will email everybody when it's ready to go as a reminder. This is very important.
A: There's a lot more information about raw milk on That's not, that's You can see the processes that I went through and the letters and the issues and the legal document, the executive order that I had to write, the executive summary that I had to write to get them to legally wake up to what they were doing. The law was completely passed on the grounds that it was good. When they voted in favor of the law that we could sell raw milk, regular raw milk without certification on the same standards as any pasteurized milk, when that law was passed, they also passed a memorandum that said, we will watch this issue, and if any epidemics or any cases come up, we will have to review this law a year later, and it wasn't one case. However, somewhere around 100 million gallons of milk was sold that year.
K: That's incredible.
A: Yeah.
K: Well, this is very important work that you're doing, and we need, as I said, we need every single person to do this. We have one minute to go before the show closes. I'm sorry to our callers that we couldn't take them. I wish we could have gotten them on. It's gone by so quickly, and there's so much information to put out there. Aajonus, is there anything that you want to say to close up the show here?
A: Yeah. Just again, raw dairy is so important for so many people. There are some people who can't tolerate it easily because they've got a lot of toxins. It's usually people who are very hyperactive and have been thin for a very long time. The dairy is still something that they should be eating, but they may have some difficulties, and they have to be careful about how they eat it, and they should drink it never cold because that shrinks the stomach, and the digestive juices don't mix with the milk, and then it moves into the duodenum, undigests, and then gets into the blood. So people like that, it may make them irritable. It could give them kidney complications, and if they'll just eat it wisely and be very careful with it, it can be so beneficial, but there still is that small percentage that can eat it, but it's a tiny percentage.
K: Right. Well, Dr. Vonderplanitz conducts lectures all over the country and all over the world for that matter, and if anybody would like to know when he's coming to your area because he is traveling nonstop, send me an email at Kim at, Kim at Put the word schedule in the title bar, and I'll send everyone a schedule of where he's traveling around the country.
A: Also, my books are available at
K: Absolutely.
A: That is the numeral two,
K: Thank you so much, Dr. Vonderplanitz, for joining us today.
A: Thank you, Kim.
K: Don't miss our show next week. We're going to have Debra M. Dodd, and Debra is the best-selling author of Home Safe Home. It's really the ultimate reference book in eliminating toxins from the home, and she has over 400 tips, including do-it-yourself formulas for inexpensive, safe products to replace all the toxic, harmful chemicals in our home. Thank you again, and we hope to have you on another show.
A: Thank you.
[Outro]: We hope you've enjoyed today's episode of Raw to Radiant. If you would like to learn more about Kim or healthy living with raw foods, visit Kim's website at