Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: OK, I'm going to begin. We've got a little bit of a crowd here, so I'm not going to tell any story unless something interests me that somebody asks. OK, so we're going to go around and start with you.
Q: OK. I just recently had an incident where, as it turned out, there was a blocked artery, and there wasn't any nutrients getting to my small intestine, and I was very ill. And a friend of mine just fixed it yesterday, and we discovered what the problem was, which was this blocked artery. And I could have ended up in surgery, but I didn't. But what I had for two weeks was a lot of diarrhea, and then I would have to eat things to eat for the diarrhea, but then after that it would be horrible.
Q: What horrible?
Q: Diarrhea, again. And then I went back on your, and even now, even whatever I ate, it didn't work. Even just the eggs or anything like that, made me sick. So what I want to know now, first of all, something like that, I don't know what would have happened in terms of if the diet could have done anything to help that. I don't know how it happened. He said he thought it was something I took on and wasn't normal, is what he said. But anyway, two things. One is if I should get diarrhea seriously like that again, how do I wean myself back on the diet? Because I know you can't really just do that with milk and cheeses and cream and stuff. I was eating a lot of cheese, and I was doing the things and bananas and all of that. But like I said, it would temporarily stop. The only thing that really stopped it, believe it or not, was cream of rye and rye toast with butter. I did put butter on it, and I did put butter in it. But that was the only thing that stopped it. So my question really has to do with how to get back, if you have an incident like that, when you have to go off the program that you had or something, how do you wean yourself back on it? Specifically and generally, whenever something happens and you go off it, you have to get yourself back on it. Because usually I'm the cold turkey person. I just go right back in.
Q: Hello?
Q: Hi.
A: Okay, first of all, she said that she thought she had a blocked artery to her small intestines and was having diarrhea, and that was a cause of diarrhea. Never could happen. If you had a blocked artery, you wouldn't have diarrhea. You'd have constipation. You didn't have a blocked artery. Anytime you have diarrhea, it's heavy poisons leaving the body. 90% of our diseases today are from pollution, from industrial waste. Whether it's put in our food, as a preservative, as flavoring, no matter what it is, those always have heavy metals combined with them. Heavy metals always involve other chemicals, always are involved with some kind of heavy metal. Those collect in the body and they create diseases. Cancer is the biggest today. And as Dr. Samuel Epstein said, who's an octogenarian, who's in his 80s, the world's greatest expert on cancer, says that one out of every two men gets cancer today and one out of every three women. The medical profession is always blaming microbes. Microbes are never the problem, they're just the janitors. For example, decay, dental decay. Whenever you get dental decay, the heavy metals are leaving the brain and going out the gums. Heavy metals like mercury and lead will etch into dentine, cause abscesses and holes in the dentine. Bacteria results to clean out the dead cells, the dead dentine. And if it goes deeper and deeper, and the metal keeps holding on to the tooth, into the dentine, by the vehicle of plaque, it can cause even more damage, unless there's a good quality of plaque. And what plaque is, is the body takes a lot of calcium, potassium, and other minerals to bind with those heavy metals that are leaving the brain to keep them from doing heavy damage. That's why you have plaque on your tongue. That's why you have plaque on your teeth. The greatest concentration of heavy metals comes from the brain, because the brain uses a lot of metallic minerals, because it conducts electricity and relays electricity and light through metallic minerals. When you cook food, you cauterize the minerals. You make all of those heavy metals free radicals, so they can do a lot of damage. Free radicals and cauterization means that it disassociates them. Let's say all of us were holding hands, and we all had a chore to do. As long as we held hands, everything would be done properly. When you cook, you fractionate everything, so everybody's bonds separate. So that means that a certain toxin can be isolated, and they have a tendency to group together. So you have mercury clumped together, you have lead clumped together, and then you have a dangerous substance. If it kills enough cells around, you have cancer. Cancer is nothing other than the body's inability to dissolve dead cells and remove them from the system. So they collect. They collect as tumors, or your body takes them to a particular area to dissolve those dead cells. The difference between a tumor is a squamous cell and a basal cell. A basal cell is one that dissolves and doesn't necessarily collect as tumors. Your squamous cells form tumors. And it's nothing but a collection of dead cells. Now the cancer cell is a very healthy, good cell. It can sustain itself with very little nutrients, and it can live isolated among 50 to 100 dead cells. So it's like a hermit, like a monk. Once that cancer cell dies, it sets out a virus, a serum, which is a solvent which dissolves all the surrounding dead cells. Since your body can eliminate it, you get rid of tumors like that. When you have benign tumors, you don't have any cancer cells in it, so you can never get rid of the tumor quickly. And there's no circulation. There's no blood vessels into a benign tumor. So the cells, the dead cells, the mummified cells in a benign tumor, the blood has to work on eating it a little at a time from the outside in. When you have the cancer cells spread all throughout the tumor, if the cancer cells die, they start dissolving the whole tumor. You get rid of the tumor in two to five days. It may take up to four or five years depending on the size of the tumor and how quickly your body can get rid of the discarded waste from those dissolved cells. Because remember, those dissolved cells, those dead cells, were killed by a chemical. Usually some kind of collection of heavy metals. You can go on the internet and you can look under the particular toxins like cadmium. It often creates kidney cancer. Thallium usually creates breast cancer. So you can look at these different cancers and if you know somebody who has cancer and you take a biopsy of it, but you don't have it analyzed the way the medical profession wants it analyzed, you have it analyzed for toxicity and you'll find out what caused that. If you have vomiting or if you know somebody who has cancer and they're vomiting or have diarrhea, you could have that analyzed. To give you an example, I had a woman who had breast cancer and she gained almost enough weight, but she went into a vomiting phase that lasted two and a half months and it killed her because she just didn't have the weight, she couldn't eat when you're vomiting and that's sore. So I just had one four-ounce vomit analyzed and the laboratory called me and said, somebody's poisoning your patient. And I said, what do you mean? He said, well, she has 3,000 times the lethal dose of thallium in that four ounces of vomit. And that made me realize how much thallium she must have had in her body because she was vomiting about five times a day, sometimes even more for two and a half months. She was a jewelry maker. Never wore gloves, never wore a mask, right over the burner, breathing in all that stuff, absorbing it into her hands. Only seven years she did that and it killed her. She had gained a little bit more weight because we got right down to the point where the cancer stopped dissolving, but she just passed away one night at the end of that. So she made it all the way through to where she stopped producing tumors and at the end of dissolving them and getting rid of them, but she just couldn't eat. She was so sore in her stomach she couldn't eat from the vomiting. So all cancer is created by heavy metals and toxins. Every disease is created by toxins, not bacteria, not virus, not parasites. That's the medical profession's blame. The medical profession is responsible for 70% of all the toxicity that we have and all the diseases that we have. They're responsible for 70% of that 90% of diseases. Before industrial processing came about with food, we had very few diseases. Gout, arthritis, rheumatism, those kinds of things from cooked foods. We have 90% more diseases today than we had 100 years ago. You hear about the great flu epidemic, the Spanish flu of 1918. That was the first flu vaccine, folks. The first flu vaccine was out that year and everybody who died had gotten the vaccine. What they said was, see we warned you that a lot of people were going to get the flu, we're going to have a flu epidemic. They created a toxicity that looks like the flu. The flu is nothing other than a viral detoxification to discharge poisons either through vomit or diarrhea or heavy mucus spewing or perspiring. Any one of those, all four, your body will utilize in a flu. A flu is a bad situation to be in because a flu is a viral infection, a viral detoxification. Your body only uses flu, only uses virus, when your body is so toxic and the tissue is damaged that would need to be eaten and get rid of. It is too toxic for the bacteria or parasites to survive eating that tissue. It will poison them to death. So your body has to make a virus. The virus is nothing other than a soap, a solvent, to dissolve this toxic tissue. When your body dissolves that toxic tissue, what is released again? The poison that initially killed the cells. So you better have a lot of fat in your body to handle that. That's why I'm so bent on people having a lot of fat, especially the first 20 years on this diet. I've been on this diet 28 years now, eating meat on a daily basis. I don't look fat, but my fat is different than most people's fat because I've been eating raw fat since 1972. I haven't eaten cooked fat since 1972. So what happens is, I have taken all of the old cooked fats out of my body and when you have a cooked fat, the fat molecule will swell 10 to 50 times its normal size. So you can have very... I have 22% body fat right now, 22.8% body fat, almost 23% body fat. But I don't look it. Your average person who has this much fat would look like this gentleman right here. Good and stocky and heavy. But I am as heavy as he is, but I don't look it because my fat is raw fat in the body. So the fat is so important to bind with these toxins as your body tries to get rid of them. If you don't, then they will cause more damage. They will kill more cells or they will damage the RNA and DNA. And when doctors say, oh, virus gets in and changes the RNA and DNA, that's because it's gone into a live cell to get the fat out of it because that person is too thin. But people who have flus, if they have enough weight, they get better. They don't get worse. They get healthier. So when you have diarrhea and vomit, your body is giving ,anybody who has diarrhea and vomit, you've got a concentration of poisons that are leaving the body. You want that to happen. You do not want to stop it. Cheese will absorb a lot of those poisons. Other fats will also absorb those poisons. Cheese will do it the easiest because if you have diarrhea, you need a lot that will dry it and hold on to it. So do not eat honey directly with cheese for that purpose. Cheese that's eaten without honey will not digest. Remember, anything that's dehydrated, your body has to leach enzymes from some other area of the body or other foods that you're eating that are raw and that are fresh and bind those enzymes to utilize the cheese or any kind of dry food that you would have. So dry food is not really a raw food. If you eat honey with a food that is dry, you will digest it because you're providing enzymes. But when you want to use cheese as a detoxifier, as a substance to bind with those poisons and move them out of the body, you eat cheese alone. Well, you don't eat cheese with honey in the same mouth. If you had, let's say, you have cheese with your meat meal and you've got some sauce with it that has honey in it. The honey is already bound with fat in that sauce or in the meat. So you can eat cheese with that meat meal. But when you put honey and cheese in your mouth together, the body will digest that cheese. That's a good thing if you're trying to remineralize the body and you need extra minerals. If you have osteoporosis or your hair is getting very thin and you're losing it, you want to eat cheese and honey together twice a day. About anywhere from a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons with a third that much honey. In other words, one tablespoon of cheese to one teaspoon of honey. So if it's a tablespoon and a half of cheese at a time, it's one and a half teaspoons of honey. If you're having two tablespoons of cheese then you add two teaspoons of honey and do that twice a day. Usually after each meat meal you'll utilize it the best. But if you're having an abscessed tooth or having dental pain or you're having sore joints, you can do it many times a day until those symptoms are relieved. If you have diarrhea or vomit, you eat the cheese without the honey most of the time. You still need to bind with the honey a day to make sure you're providing minerals to feed the cells. But to bind with the poisons that are leaving the body in your vomit and diarrhea, just slow down the vomit, slow down the diarrhea. The cheese will absorb it, hold on to it like a sponge. So you have a high mineral content and the body can use calcium, potassium and phosphorus to magnetize these other poisons, draw them to it. So as the blood, the lymphatic and the neurological fluids pass through the digestive tract, the cheese minerals and the cheese will be drawing out those poisons from those three fluid systems. It will hold on to it like a sponge and it will pass right out without digestion. And that's what you want. That protects the body. So no matter what you do, it's [unintelligible]. If you did something to stop the detoxification, it's a matter of you stop the detoxification. And it may have been just coincidental that you stopped having diarrhea at that time. I don't think people should stop their diarrhea or vomiting. The quicker you get those poisons out, the better. And the only way you can get rid of that heavy of a concentration of poisons, imagine 3,000 times the lethal dose. That means the dose of thallium that she had in her vomit could have killed 3,000 people who were on a regular diet. But because she was eating the primal diet, it didn't kill her. And she was detoxing that all day long for 2 1⁄2 months. And just to give you an idea, do you know what 3 1⁄2 times the lethal dose of thallium is? It's a pinhead. That much mercury could kill 5,000 people. That's just to give you an idea. On a pinhead, that much mercury can do that much damage. And if you really want to see what it does to actual neurons, you go to the University of Toronto's website and you put in or just put on the website University of Toronto Mercury Neurology. And then you'll come up with... They actually do a time-lapse photography. You see the neurons all growing. And these are actual neurons. And they drop a 2% solution of thimerosal, liquid mercury, which they use in vaccines. And you see the neurons just fragment. They disappear just like they had leprosy. Just disappear. Just like that. That's how lethal it is. So in order to control toxins in your body, they have to be removed. Either through perspiration, vomit, diarrhea, out the feces, out the tear ducts, the gums, the tongue, the salivary glands, the earwax. Wherever it can discharge, it will. A lot of times your body will build it into your hair, into the nails, and you have ridges in your nails. Some of them very large and very dry. You could have very dry and thinning hair from that, or even white hair from discarding lead and aluminum and mercury out throught the scalp. It'll turn your hair gray. So whenever you have that kind of symptom, you want to increase your intake of cheese, both with and without honey, because you're very mineral deficient. Your body is using a lot of good minerals, like calcium is the most concentrated, to bind with those poisons to keep them from doing damage in your body. Okay. Is that satisfactory enough for you?
Q: [whistles]
A: To get back into the diet, once the diarrhea stops naturally, you can usually go right back into it. If you still have symptoms of it, you just get diarrhea from going over to the regular diet, just go back into eating the cheese and eggs or whatever it is that gets you through the diarrhea. And you just keep going back to the diet until you can hold it.
Q: Okay, and I think even the milks, because once you have that kind of concentrated diarrhea, the enzymes and so forth are not there.
A: It depends on what it is. A lot of people can drink milk when they're having diarrhea and it'll help stop their diarrhea.
Q: Oh, so I have the opposite.
A: Well, not the opposite. It's just the particular kind of toxins that you were removing. That the milk would, you know... Well, all the calcium and the phosphorus and sulfur in milk naturally will pull even more poisons out if there's some certain kind of poison. Like, if the milk did that, then you probably are dumping a lot of toxic sulfur. And they used to give sulfur, and they still do, give sulfur drugs for people who have kidney infections, bladder infections, for edema. MSM. A lot of people are taking this supplement MSM. That's sulfur, folks. Sulfur dries out the body. They make matches with sulfur. You can get burns. You can burn your intestines, burn your whole body tissue, burn your brain because of that sulfur. Sulfur, a mineral, when it's in a food, the plant has taken that and made it into a nutritive substance. Once you isolate it, it is rock again. And it will do damage just like if you ate lye. If you ate cement, what would happen? It would just burn and eat into your intestines all the way through. You'd have severe diarrhea or vomit. That is what concentrated minerals do. That's what plants eat. We don't. We eat minerals that is combined in a whole nutritive combination, a whole smorgasbord of nutrients. It isn't just minerals, isolated minerals. There's always a coupling of different vitamins and enzymes and fats, all coupled with every mineral. So when the body opens up and attracts in a mineral that's got 30 other nutrients along with it, minimum. So the body gets like this. You have a smorgasbord of nutrients to eat. Do you have a question?
Q: I had an ovarian cancer last year and had surgery to remove it. [unintelligible] So my concern now is being on the back foot and how to maintain it so that it doesn't get worse.
A: Well, you know, cancer is something that everybody will have at least five times in their life. You just hope it's never diagnosed. Because once it's diagnosed, the doctors will scare you so bad you could shit in your pants and you'll run to be poisoned. I see it in 95% of all the cancer cases. They run to the doctors. The doctors convince them that this is the only way out. And it's the only way out all right. This is the quickest way out. If you look at Dr. Hardin B. Jones's work at Berkeley, he found that people who did not get surgery, did not get any kind of therapy, lived an average of 12 and a half years after diagnosis. Those people who had surgery or any other therapies lived an average of three years after diagnosis. So the medical profession is lying to you. Lying to you every time they say, oh, we'll extend your life. They're not. Yeah. You're going to shorten it by four times. One fourth of your life. They'll shorten it that much. So you're expecting, there's some people who are going to die of cancer. Now on my diet, 95% of the people live beyond five years. And longer. It's just that the medical profession says that they cured you if you live five years. If on the five years in one day, you've got a new case. That's the way they calculate it so that they can look good. However, 17% make it beyond six years after medical treatment. 17% make it beyond six years. That's a terrible average. On this diet, people make it by 95%. Still 5% of the people are going to die. And out of those 5% that have died on my diet, which is probably a total of about 58 people of cancer, out of about somewhere around 500 now, so that's really only 1% of some of those that haven't gotten out in five years. So those people have a much better chance. And nine out of ten people who died on this diet were too thin. So when they went into the detoxification of the tumors, they couldn't handle all that dissolved tissue. So they started vomiting and having diarrhea and not able to gain weight. They wasted away. So they wasted away. Now I don't know if some of you may have known Barbara Sherman. She came to me about seven years ago with cancer on the nose. One third of her nose was gone when she came to me. They told her that within a year, her entire bone structure would be gone. And I said, don't listen to them. They're B-movie writers from Hollywood. They are not factual people. So she didn't do a thing. She had had radiation therapy before she came to me. And it came back to her. This time she decided to do something differently. So she was on the diet five years. At the end of that five years, all of the tumors stopped growing. Now it was time for the nose to start growing. It started growing back on. She had lost two thirds of it by this time. And the doctors told her that within a year, she'd lose all the bone in her entire face. They wanted to remove all the bone in her face, including the jaw, and make a plastic prosthesis and put in a plastic skull. That's what they wanted to do. So she refused to do it. So on my diet, after five years, she'd only lost about three quarters of her nose. And then the cancer stopped. I went away to Asia, and when I came back, she was skinny. Diarrhea, vomiting. Some jerk had convinced her to fast. Fasted for 20 days. Never recovered. This was at the end. She had suffered this five years with this nose cancer. At the end of it, this guy convinces her, this natural hygienist convinces her to fast, and it killed her. Killed her.
Q: Shocked.
A: Pardon?
Q: Shocked.
A: Oh yeah, it did. She just couldn't eat. She couldn't catch up. It's the second time this guy did that. He used to come to these, you know, my potlucks and stuff, and then tell everybody on the side, oh, you know, you shouldn't be eating the meat, and you should only eat fruits, and stuff like that. And he did it to a lot of people. He put one of my diabetic, 20-year-old, 21-year-old girl, you know, with his fasting routine of 15 days, had her hospitalized and skinny as a rail, unable to recover. Took her two years to get out of the hospital. So don't listen to that bullshit. Don't do it. Don't get skinny. Don't go on fasts. If you are sick and you've got a problem, fat is your best friend. Get as fat as you can as fast as you can.
Q: Where is this guy now who pulled your patients to the side? Did you ever, you know, do something about it?
A: Oh, I called him up and read him the [unintelligible] act, and told him I never wanted to see him. You know, I'm not a fascist, but when you start, you know, doing that to my patients, you know, I just say, stay away. So he tried to come one time, and I said, you're not welcome. Bye. And that was that. OK, do you have a question? Do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible]
Q: I can't hear.
A: I'll repeat it.
Q: I had a pain in my knee this summer, [unintelligible].
A: Yeah, what your body did was burn that whole area out. See, whenever you have a pain anywhere, you have swelling. That swelling is concentrating nutrients into the area. It's the surrounding tendons, bones, are not relaxing and opening up, and it will create a pressure in there. Use heat in the area. When you eat cheese and honey together, you get the minerals in. You don't take MSM, because then you burn the tissue, and then when you detox there again next time, it's going to be twice as bad. And you're going to get blisters and burns that come out, you know, your knee.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, 93 degrees is a problem. 93 degrees. No, 90 degrees is not a problem. 93 degrees. Actually, the bees will not eat the honey after it reaches 92.8. 93 degrees. So... But usually the beehives, even in a hot desert, you put a thermometer in them. It was 132 degrees in the desert. It was only 82 degrees in the hive, because the bees fan it to keep it cool. And let me tell you, you see all those bees just standing there? The drones do that.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Oh, then it's... When the bee collects the nectar, the bee swallows the honey, I mean the nectar. It creates an insulin-like substance which converts 90% of the carbohydrate into enzymes for digesting and utilizing mainly protein, but also fats. Once you heat that honey above 93 degrees, it starts neutralizing that insulin-like substance, converts it all back into sugar again. So it doesn't have the same effect. Yes?
Q: Can you speak about royal jelly?
A: Let me... That isn't directly honey, so let's go around and you can ask that as a question.
Q: All right.
A: So...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: You have to know the keeper. Yeah. I have my list. Did you come to me for a consult?
Q: Yeah.
A: Yeah, but I mean, I have on that list, I have all those people who keep it under 93 degrees. Okay, Louis, do you have a question?
Q: Yes. In following the typical daily food routine and taking my cup of juice and then doing the cycle of meat and... What if... The cycle of meat and the cycle of milkshakes. Suppose I'm not that hungry that day and I've had only two cups of juice. If I don't care for any more, I mean, is that all my body needs for the day?
A: You get 50 demerits. And where'd my bag go? Okay. Everybody can vacillate on that particular diet. The diet that I give in the recipe book on pages 40 through 42, those are guidelines that you should stick to 90% of the time. There are times when I will have nothing but milk all day. Milk and honey. Other days when I eat three pounds of meat a day and very little juice. I go on to whatever is happening in my body. When you go through all the remedy sections and you read what things are good for, then you know how to adjust your diet with the symptoms that you're having, that you're experiencing. Then you can be assured that even though you're not following the natural main guidelines that I have presented for you, you're still helping your body because you're addressing the particular needs that it has at that particular time. Okay? So sometimes you may have one juice a day. Now, I've been on the diet, I've been eating raw foods since February of 72. If I have more than one juice a day, I don't digest well. Unless I'm going through a very acidic time where my skin's burning or something like that, detoxification. Then I can have more juice. And before I could have four cups a day, a whole four in a day, and it was fine for 20 years. But after 20 years I had to cut it down a cup, then another five years, another cup, and down to now 28 years. On eating meat on a daily basis, I'm down to one cup a day. Sometimes two, but mainly one. Okay? Bert, do you have a question?
Q: Not yet.
A: Okay. Do you have a question? John, do you have a question, John?
Q: Yeah, I started reading the book again for the second time. And I was remembering how you, what you went through with the doctors and the chemotherapy, and everything you went through. And I would like to acknowledge you, with the whole group, and give you a standing ovation for going through that, and surviving, and telling us the truth, so we can do better.
A: Thank you very much.
A: Thank you. Thank you, thank you very much. Do you have a question? Do you have a question?
Q: Yes, I do. [unintelligible]
A: Well, I probably have altogether about 450 cancer patients, and all of them are doing well. Everyone. Right now, you're probably having the most difficulty. I had one woman who came to me about seven months ago. Her arm was this big. All of this was hard as rock. And I didn't know, because she's up there near 70 years old, so I thought, this is one that may not make it. She wasn't skinny, but she didn't have enough weight, except on the arm. That was all hard cancer. And I started suggesting in the last two years with people with dermatological cancer that they start putting coconut cream on instead of oils, because oils have a tendency to smother the skin so it can't respirate properly, it can't breathe. So the coconut cream has water-soluble vitamins as well as oil-soluble. I found that it helps a lot. So the size of her arm has gone down by 50% in six months. So pretty extraordinary. So she's very happy. And the doctors look at it in amazement because they thought the arm was going to have to be removed. But she still has her arm. She's able to use it now. Not well, because her fingers are all hard. But it's getting better. It's getting better. But you and she are the only ones who are having difficulty.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No. All of them have been on it long enough to be doing very well.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible] And if I'm stressed or afraid, I can feel it. [unintelligible]
A: Okay. Anybody who has high blood pressure, they better have high blood pressure. Anybody who has high blood pressure has symptoms of clogged arteries, or they're so overweight that their pressure on the arteries, veins, and capillaries, where they have to have higher blood pressure to get the blood through the body. But the pharmaceutical house knows this. And they know that those people will probably have high blood pressure for the rest of their lives. So if they get you to take their medication, you're going to take it for the rest of your life. And they make a lot of money on it. And that's what it's all about. There is a test that came out, the results of the test that came out, November 8th from England. They tested 45,000 people. And they found that those people who had 160 to 170 blood pressure had no heart attacks. Those who had low blood pressure, the points that they tell you to have, anywhere from 90 to 120, most of those people had the heart attacks. So it's finally come out that you'd better have high blood pressure to prevent heart attacks.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, there it is. See, the pharmaceutical industry teaches the medical profession. They write all the procedure manuals. And that's all based on them making money. And you taking drugs, and they making money off of you. It's all that it's based on. It's not based on health. It's based on disease and medication. So be happy you have high blood pressure.
Q: Is there a downside to high blood pressure?
A: There are two things that people who have high blood pressure have to watch. They get low blood sugar very radically, because it takes a lot of nutrients to run the blood pressure that high. Because the heart muscle has to pump that much stronger and harder. It's like weight lifting. So you need more nutrients. You need to eat honey more often. You need to eat meat more often to get the pyruvate, the protein sugars, to strengthen and build the heart muscle. If you get low blood nutrient value, you're going to get dizzy if you stand up quickly. You're going to get dizzy and even fainting spells if you do too much and your blood nutrient level gets too low. The medical profession loves to say low blood sugar. Forget low blood sugars. Low protein, low fat level.
Q: So, what do they have to do [unintelligible]?
A: What you have to do to keep from doing that is to eat more frequently. You have to eat about every two hours. Eat or drink something. If you do my schedule in the books, in the recipe book, you're eating every two to three hours. So it's perfect for that. And eat that schedule just as it applies in there. But eat Schedule Eating Plan 1 where you eat three meat meals a day. So break your meat meals up into three instead of two a day. Okay? And then it should be fine. Just eat a lot of honey. You need those enzymes to make sure you digest everything quickly to supply the heart with enough nutrients.
Q: Do you eat honey by itself or with [unintelligible]?
A: Any way you want it. With or without, fine.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: The plane.
[plane flies over]
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well then just make it two tablespoons of honey to one tablespoon of butter. Another thing, if you have high blood pressure, that means you probably have clogged arteries. You've got plaque on your arterial walls. Eating coconut cream and honey and butter. So you could use two tablespoons of coconut cream, two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons or three tablespoons of honey. That mixture will help clean out your artery. Coconut cream will help clean out the artery.
Q: With niacin and [unintelligible]. B3 and B6.
A: You don't want any kind of vitamin supplement. They're not really B vitamins. I'll give you an example, two examples. Vitamin E that you buy out there. 99.9% of all the vitamin E comes from Kodak and Fuji. It is their developing solution. It used to cost them hundreds of millions of dollars a year to take that solution, put it in, bury it in bunkers that were concrete walls 12 inches thick. And they have to contain it in stainless steel barrels. Millions of dollars in land and development and all of that. One of their scientists did a comparison of chemical structures. He found that that solution, that chemical in there, the main ingredient of it, the most toxic substances, was 73% identical to the structure of vitamin E. So he convinced them to sell it as vitamin E. Now they make a bundle on it and everybody is eating the solvent. This chemical solvent as vitamin E. And the difference is what they did is decided to call their substance alpha-tocopherol. D-alpha-tocopherol is the complete vitamin E structure. And that's still almost 30% difference. And it has nothing to do with the natural. Same with vitamin C. Once you isolate vitamin C from a food, even if it isn't chemical and ascorbic acid, the structure is entirely different. Vitamin C in food looks like little soft, spongy little balls which are very small and soft. Looks like the little hairy, spongy little balls that a child would play with. In various colors, like mutated pastel colors. Very colorful and very soft. Vitamin C in any form under the same kind of microscope will show you 100 times the size of those balls. And there's like broken glass. Looks like a broken mirror. Has no relationship to what vitamin C is. Ascorbic acid has no relationship to vitamin C at all in food.
Q: What about Linus Pauling's use of vitamin C?
A: He used citric acid. But look at Linus Pauling. Skinny as a rail, hyperactive and not a pleasant man to be around. And that's why I put in there in my book, I says it causes all kinds of psychological side effects. It rips the fat out of your system. So where does your body go to get the fat? It goes into the myelin sheath of your nerves. Puts your nerves on end. You're at edge all the time. And who are the most difficult people to get along with? Skinny people, hyperactive, and they go off the wall all the time. And it's difficult. So it's very difficult. So vitamin C is not a good thing. And vitamin C poisoned people. That's how it got them to stop having their symptoms. It wasn't a beneficial way. I can get a child to behave by beating the shit out of them. But that doesn't mean the child grows up to be a good individual. He'll solve his problems with violence just like I taught him violence. And when you take vitamin C, that's what happens. And do you know that in a pound of meat, you can assimilate every bit of the vitamin C in it, which is worth two whole oranges of vitamin C in one pound of meat. That's why when Vilhjalmur Stefansson was in Alaska and ran across this sea captain who had had scurvy from being out at sea so long and not eating anything fresh, he was able to relieve. He took vitamin C supplements. None of it worked for him. He started eating raw meat, and in a week, scurvy was gone.
Q: And lime?
A: Lime didn't work for him either. Lime and vitamin C didn't work for him.
Q: And this goes for estrus C as well.
A: Pardon?
Q: Estrus C. Why is this called estrus C?
A: Estrus C, it's a chemical derivative. It doesn't look anything like natural vitamin C in food. It poisons the body. That's just what he asked.
Q: Two whole oranges and one pound of meat daily?
A: No, no, I said that one pound of meat contains as much assimilable vitamin C as two oranges. Do you have a question?
Q: [unintellgible]
A: Ask me about what?
Q: Abscesses.
A: Abscesses? Dental or?
Q: No, just on the body.
A: Okay.
Q: I've had the same experience, and my brother just recently. So I just wanted to find out what's the best way, once you start getting abscesses, to put the clay on? [unintelligible]
A: Put, since the book has been written, well, rewritten. I still have the lime in the last rewrite. So you put lime first, and then you put clay on to draw out the poisons from the abscess.
Q: Do you leave the clay on and just cover it?
A: You cover it. You have to keep it moist. If it dries out, it's going to cause your whole skin all around the area to dry out, and then the abscess may go to the whole area if the skin's too dry.
Q: What about taking a shower and all that?
A: Take a shower and then put it on. And then leave it for 24 hours.
Q: [unintelligible]
Q: Do you dry or...?
A: Pardon?
Q: Once the clay dries, do you...?
A: You don't let it dry. You put the clay on, wrap it, take a piece of plastic that's exactly the size of the clay pack, put that over it, and then wrap that around with like an ace bandage to keep it from drying out. You don't let it dry out.
Q: And how long do you apply it, do you just wait till the abscess subsides?
A: Yes. Well, you might let it breathe overnight and keep it on during the day.
Q: Now, my brother had one where he put the clay on and right away, just within 15, 20 minutes, it started to break open. So can you wait for it to do it naturally, or can you squeeze it to help it come out?
A: Well, it's okay to do that. Most of the abscesses like that are so heavy in toxins your body won't reabsorb those white blood cells. When I do it now, I won't do it because my body will have an abscess and then the body will be able to utilize those white blood cells that went in to protect it, so I don't lose those white blood cells. So they don't just dry on the skin and fall off. But in people who are just getting on to the diet, the concentration of poisons are usually so absorbed into the white cells that it's not good to reabsorb them. So breaking it open and letting it pus right away is fine, even though you're losing hundreds of thousands of white blood cells.
Q: Now, do you put anything on it? An antiseptic or anything?
A: The lime juice. Lime juice is the only natural antiseptic that's easily gotten. Lemon juice is not. Lemon juice does just the opposite. Lemon juice encourages bacteria and fermentation. Lime juice destroys fermentation. It destroys bacteria.
Q: So when it's drying, do you just keep putting water on it, like mineral water, just to keep it moist?
A: Well, if you've got that piece of plastic on there, it's not going to dry. And the bandage over that, it won't dry. Just don't let the plastic touch your skin. Just have it covering the clay. Okay? Do you have a question, Roger?
Q: Yeah. Have you heard of EEPC? They do it for people with heart disease.
A: Yeah, it's a chelation therapy.
Q: Well, no, it isn't. With chelation, they inject or take chemicals into the body. This is non-invasive. They wrap the legs and the lower part of the body, [unintelligible] and then they have a computer. And between heartbeats, they force the blood back up to the heart. And supposedly, this takes out blockages, and the heart will even develop new arteries.
A: I have done a lot of research, and I've never heard of that.
Q: I've got a book on it I can show you.
A: Yeah, definitely, I'd like to see that.
Q: One of the advocates of it is Dr. Julian Whittaker. He's been an advocate for years. But they have a unit not run by Whittaker, but right [unintelligible]. I have a friend who's going through it now.
A: Yeah, I'd like to read up on that.
Q: I forgot to bring the book.
A: Just mail it to me if you can. Do you have another question?
Q: What about MSM? You were saying something sort of negative about MSM.
A: MSM is a sulfur, an isolated sulfur, a concentrated sulfur. Anytime you have a concentrated mineral, it causes an imbalance of all the other minerals in the body, especially calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.
Q: Supposedly, it's good for the joints and things like that.
A: Yeah, it burns and dries out any kind of virus that's trying to clean the joint. So you're going to get stiffer as you get older, and you're likely to have cartilage deterioration. Now, MSM has only been around for about 15 or 12 years on a large basis. And the effects of it will show up in another 15 years. Just like they started to use sulfur as an antibiotic. You know, when I was a child, they had to stop. They're still using it, but not like they used to. They used to give it for everything. And they found that people were poisoning. In 1969 or 70, 60 Minutes did an episode showing three women who spontaneously combust. Neither of them were around any flames at the time. And one woman burned three-quarters, 75% of her body. Another woman burned one-half of her body, and the other one burned one-third of her body.
Q: From the inside, are you talking about?
A: No, just the flames on the skin. The clothes went up in flames. Everything went up. And there was no cause of it. You know, there was no cause. So I was studying chemistry at the time. And I thought, OK, we make matches out of sulfur. It's very easy to ignite it with one spark. Just think if the body converts it to a nitroglycerin. We have natural nitroglycerin in the body all the time. What if it got to a point and mixed with sulfur and came out the skin? It could cause that kind of a spontaneous combustion. So I was very sick at the time still. And I couldn't work, so I was acting. Because it's very, you just sit around on a set, get up and say your lines. And you got paid a lot of money. And I had an agent who was the head of publicity at MGM. So I got him to get a hold of the producers, and they gave me the women's names. And I wrote them and then got to talk with them on the phone. The woman who got 3 quarters of her body burned had been taking sulfur for 32 years for kidney damage, kidney problems. The next woman who burned half of her body had been taking it 22 years. The woman who burned 1 third of her body, 12 years. Can you imagine it? 12, 22, 32. It was always on the twos. It could be some kind of a biological cycle in some people that produce it every 12-year period. And these particular women, it came to that effect, and the sulfur burned their body. So you never know what sulfur can do, but sulfur is always used to dry out the body. And it burns. When it's mixed with a fluid solution, it burns in the body. It causes irritations. It causes all kinds of problems. So people with joint pains, certainly it's going to draw up the swelling, the natural swelling in there that's to provide more fresh nutrients to cleanse that area and heal it is being eliminated by the sulfur. Of course, the symptom goes away. Oh, I'm better. I'm healthier. No, you're not. Because now, what is the sulfur now in this deposit going to do? Is it going to dissolve the cartilage? Is it going to harden the tendons and arteries? It certainly will. So you can spend your latter years going around like this. Stiff as can be. Well, Charlie Chapman was like this. He was loose. He was a loose clown. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: I saw you a few months ago. At that point, I was kind of super skinny. I'm still skinny. But you told me I had to put on a lot of weight. And you put me on a diet that averaged like 16, 18 eggs a day. Something like that.
A: That's all?
Q: So I was going at it. And I got up to, I don't know, 10 to 12 eggs a day. And actually, I put on 30 pounds.
A: Congratulations.
Q: And actually, I have energy for the first time. So, yeah, so, I mean, obviously, and I've been trying lots of things. So that worked pretty well. So, of course, I'm doing mad amounts of research. I'm reading all the time. And I came across these articles written by Dr. Mercola or whatnot. And he actually mentioned you in one of them. But he says that he's doing his own research. He found that there's something called avidin in egg whites.
A: It binds with biotin in the test tube. It doesn't do it in the human body, like I said. And it says it in the book. I addressed that under eggs. It says that the biotin mixes with avidin to make a solvent, a cleanser, of biocarbons. So the more biocarbons you have, the more biotin and the more avidin you need bound together.
Q: What are the biocarbons?
A: Biocarbons. When your body uses oxygen and utilizes your nutrient, biocarbons are a carbon. You know, we don't really burn like a spark plug. We don't burn fats. We utilize them in a chemical change. And it provides a certain amount of energy. When we've used, exhausted that chemical structure of that fat, we've got biocarbons. And those need to be eliminated. They need to be neutralized and eliminated. And that combination helps. See, the problem is that Mercola and all the other scientists are not scientists. They're researchers. I have dealt with raw eggs extensively since 1976, and it has never created a biotin deficiency. Not one patient has ever gotten it after being on the diet. They come to me with biotin deficiencies, what could be addressed as biotin deficiencies, eat lots of the raw eggs with the egg yolk and the egg white together, never have a deficiency. So this is all theoretical. Mercola doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He is new to this. He's only four years into this. He's even one of my patients. And he's new to this. He doesn't know anything firsthand. So whatever he thinks looks good is what he adapts to. And he's lying about his research.
Q: The biotin deficiency in the first place, what does that look like?
A: It depends upon the individual. It can create many effects. And I'm not going to go into it here because we'll never get through if I start addressing deficiencies. But you can look up in any kind of book, nutritional almanac, you can look up what biotin deficiencies are on the Internet. So eat your egg together. Don't eat them alone because then biocarbons will remain in your body and you won't get well. Look at Mercola. He doesn't do what I tell him to do. What happens is he gets skinnier and he's so hyperactive. Look at this video. And he's just like this. When on my diet was staying on it heavily, he was calm, contemplative, thoughtful. You know, he's just eating lots of fruit and he's doing all these super foods that hyper him up. And he's not rational anymore. He's not calm and collected. It's a shame.
Q: He's saying you should eat eggs with other foods, not eat them alone.
Q: No, he's saying eat the whites and the yolk.
A: White and the egg yolk together. Because he suggests you eat them separate. Because the biotin avidin combination. If you want to gain weight, you have to eat eggs with other foods. If you eat eggs alone, you will lose weight. I don't care if you eat 50 a day. It will cause you to lose weight. Do not eat eggs alone if you want to gain weight, unless you've got a digestive problem, and that digestive problem needs to be corrected, and I suggest it for you. If you have any kind of a severe intestinal problem, ulcer, you have Crohn's disease, eggs by themselves are going to be very important. But you better be eating 30 to 50 a day. Plus, you add some of them in a milkshake to gain weight, and it will correct your problem. Do you have a question, Richard?
Q: Yeah, I've started drinking a fair amount of raw milk. I eat a lot of cheese and stuff. I have a lot of body gases. Is that just detoxification?
A: That's detoxification. Like I said, milk is very high in minerals, especially calcium. And just like in the cheese, those minerals will draw the poisons out of the circulatory systems as they pass through the digestive tract. When they form with digestive acids, they can cause gases. So what you might do is add a little bit more cream to your milk, and that will reduce the amount of gas. And a little bit more honey, or start eating honey with it too, to help you digest it better. And then you can convert those gases into a neutralized substance. Do you not drink it cold? Never drink milk cold, unless you've already made it into kefir or yogurt. Then it's already predigested. Then you don't have to worry about it. If you drink cold milk, the cold milk goes into the stomach, causes the stomach to contract. It's cold, just like you will contract and shiver. The stomach contracts. No little hydrochloric acid is formed and dumps into the stomach, as long as that stomach is contracted, unless you're an Eskimo. You're used to it. They do. They'll immediately produce the hydrochloric acid, but we don't. They've been on raw foods all their lives too. So the milk will go from the first part of the stomach to the second part, the duodenum, be absorbed without the casein, some of the milk protein, and the lactase. The milk sugar is being digested. They go right into the blood, undigested, and cause allergic reactions, even though you don't notice it, don't recognize it. So if you want to drink cold milk to cool you during the summer, you make sure it's kefir or yogurt, already predigested. So then you can deal with that contracted stomach, and then the milk's already digested by the time it gets into the duodenum, so there's no problem. But fresh milk, do not drink it cold, unless it's an ounce, ounce and a half at a time, just to cool your system a little bit. Your body's going to have that warm quickly before it goes into the duodenum.
Q: [unintelligible] milk. When you keep it in the refrigerator do you just take it out? How long?
A: Usually five hours. Five hours, take it out five hours before, unless you just want to put it in a glass and immerse it in a bowl of hot water. As soon as it gets warm, you can drink it.
Q: I always drink [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, no wonder you're having problems, because if you don't digest the casein properly and the lactase, you're not going to digest the minerals properly, because you're going to use a lot of minerals to bind with those undigested nutrients, and you're going to have joint problems, because it's going to cause mineral deficiencies. So make sure to its kefir or yogurt before you drink it cold.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It tastes sour. It's not spoiled, nothing raw spoils or putrefies, it just turns into a more sour product.
Q: And can that sour product make you over-acidic?
A: No.
Q: Because I keep all my milk for days and weeks in the cabinet.
A: Fine.
Q: It just turns rotten milk.
A: Fine. It's pre-digested. The older it is, the more pre-digested it will be. Cheese is a mold. Cheese are made with molds. So you have a mold, a fungus, eating the dairy, and that provides other kinds of nutrients. It's great to get rid of penicillin and antibiotics, because that fungus will go in and eat the bad molds from the antibiotic. Remember, antibiotics are grown on grains. That's a bird mold. That doesn't belong in our body. So we want a mold that's from an animal product that is natural to us. Do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible] It's actually blood stuff. I'm trying to remember if the homo is the...
A: Homeostasis. That homeostasis relates to the whole body. When the whole body is working properly, which never happens in this society unless you're a primitive tribe that eats all raw, homeostasis means perfect balance, healthful balance. Yes.
Q: Have you learned anything this year you didn't know last year?
A: Pardon?
Q: Have you learned anything this year you didn't know last year?
A: They're always learning new combinations, new things to work, treat with people.
Q: Did you hear that on the report that came out that male sperm reduces breast cancer after 10 years of use and twice a week?
A: Well, that's why women should swallow it.
A: But that's not necessarily true. If your man has heavy metals in the prostate gland or in the testes, you're going to get heavy metals in that sperm. I tell when a couple comes to me and I see heavy metals in those areas, I say do not swallow. And you'll see the man, I'd say this to the wife or girlfriend. The guy's going... And he said, why? I said, would you want to poison her?
Q: Well, heavy metals in the sperm will probably affect pregnancy... wouldn't that affect the [unintelligible] of your child?
A: Oh, yeah. It'll cause many deformities in malnourished children and all kinds of problems.
Q: So, then how does one... What's a prenatal diet look like for men and women?
A: Well, if the female is healthy enough, she can change that genetic structure from the male and get rid of it at an early stage within the first month as the fetus develops.
Q: Oh, provided that she's on a proper diet?
A: She's on a proper diet. Now, I have women that get a lot of toxicity stored in one ovum. I mean, in one ovary. And I say, the ovum, you do not want to get pregnant with that ovum. You'll probably have a deformed baby or a retarded baby. So, and usually a woman can tell which side she's ovulating on. So, if she wants to get pregnant, she ovulates and tries to get pregnant on the month where she's ovulating from that ovary. The safe one, not the unsafe one. Did you have another question, Lucky? Oh, thank Lucky. He's our host.
Q: Yeah.
A: Thank you, Lucky. Do you have another question?
Q: Oh, I was curious why everyone got sick on the cruise ship a couple of weeks ago. On what cruise ship, 750 people all get sick at the same time?
A: Well, they're starting to practice new food preservative methods. And you know, all those ships, they get some of the most processed foods like they do in hospitals. So, heavy chemicals in them. And they're starting to use a new virus. Five new viruses that attack bacteria. And if they're attacking bacteria in the meat, you know they're going to attack the digestive bacteria in your intestines. People are going to get very sick from this. And the FDA approved it two months ago. And they've already started using it. And especially for pre-packaged, pre-made foods. Meats, for meats. So that's what they got.
Q: So don't go on cruise ships?
A: Unless you take your own food with you. When I did a commercial for Club Med, and you know, they gave me a whole vacation package free. I took my own food. Absolutely, took my own food.
Q: The viruses were making the chemical [unintelligible]?
A: Yes, those viruses just spraying on these meats to preserve them will attack the bacteria, the digestive bacteria in your body that digests the meat. So it's going to prevent you from digesting properly. And especially if it's cooked, it's going to putrefy. The meat's going to putrefy more. So people are going to get diarrhea, vomit.
Q: [unintelligible] frozen meat?
A: No, no. It'll just be any kind of, you know, any kind of luncheon meat or pre-prepared meat.
Q: Just on the ship?
A: No, it's happening in a lot of places. But they may have sprayed too much on. The company who did the catering is responsible. But of course they're going to blame something else. They're going to blame some bacteria. When bacteria is just the result of the toxicity of the damaged tissue, it's never the cause. There's always some chemical that's at cause. And these new viral chemicals, they can't, viruses are not alive. They're body soaps. There's no nucleus in a virus. There's no nucleus, that's not alive. And that's why in the medical profession, it's been known for 50 years, if you have a viral infection, antibiotics aren't going to work. Because there's no living thing to kill.
Q: Well, I thought it didn't have an arm on it. [unintelligible]
A: It has no nucleus. It's not alive.
Q: It doesn't have a nucleus, you're right. But it also, when it attaches to something in your body, it becomes alive.
A: No, it doesn't. It's like me putting a false valve in your heart that makes it move, but it's still not alive. The valve's not alive. It's a plastic valve that's not alive. Virus is a solvent. Get that in your heads. Virus is a solvent. It's a soap. It's a compound that dissolves dead tissue, decaying tissue. It dissolves it so your body can attach minerals with it and get it out of the system. It's not a bacteria or a parasite. And the body makes them. The cells make virus. There are 300,000 varieties of viruses. There are intercellular soaps for cleaning very specific parts of a cell. Let's say you have an arterial problem. The cell has an arterial problem. There is one virus that will get to one part of the artery. Let's say it's the sheath and not the elbows. They are two different biological structures. So a variety, maybe seven viruses, will be used just to clean the arterial system within a cell, and another seven will clean out other parts of the cell. So you've got 300,000 varieties of virus to clean out a cell. That's why the body only produces a small range of them at one time, because if the body produced all 300,000 of them, the whole cell would dissolve, and that would be the end of it. If you don't have the proper fats in the body to bind with the product after it's taken apart, it's dismembered, disassembled by that virus, you've got waste products in there, and that RNA and DNA will get attached. That virus will go in and attach because it needs to remember it. Then the body keeps producing the same virus over and over again because it can't discard it properly. It can't get rid of it. That is a dietary problem that will become a disease problem if you don't fix your diet, because you're not providing the right nutrients for it to complete its cycle and end.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It will keep replicating. It doesn't replicate. Your body just keeps manufacturing it until it doesn't need it anymore.
Q: Is that what they're talking about the lytic and mycogenic cycles.
A: Part of it. It's only part of it. It's very complicated. The more complicated, the less people understand it, even the scientists. But the pharmaceutical house has a directive. You look at it this way, and that's the only way you look at it, or you don't get a paycheck. You don't work here. So they are very isolated. They have to look at it from only the pharmaceutical house's perspective. And it just repeats itself. That's where we have the replication, you know, that doesn't get us toward any better health. Do you have a question?
A: So I guess things like herbs and superfoods that would be algae [unintelligible]?
A: Well, some of the algae is okay. We can digest some of it. Now when I did, when I checked feces for the amount that's digested, let's say 10% is digested. It's very expensive food. But if it can help remove heavy metals, if it can promote any quality of health that you couldn't get from anything else and it can. It can do that. It's worth it. Like heavy metal poisoning in the body. Mix it with vegetable juice. Don't have algae by itself or with water. You have it in vegetable juice. So remember here, it's dry.
Q: What about chlorella?
A: Chlorella is an algae. But you want to mix it with vegetable juice. Because it's a dried substance. It lacks enzymes.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Different health food stores carry them. James at the Santa Monica, I mean our Venice Co-op here, Rawesome, carries a very good quality chlorella. Like I said, you're only going to digest about 10% of it. Your feces will be nice and green because 90% of it won't digest. But that 10% can do a lot for you. But only take like a quarter of a teaspoon at a time to half a teaspoon max. Otherwise it's just a waste.
Q: I'm just wondering if you guys... [unintelligible] It's kind of radical. I still get pain. Is there any type of raw food you might like to recommend?
A: Well, to have your pain formula, because it has the bee pollen in it. Bee pollen is a nut. They're nuts. If you look at bee pollen under a very high power electron microscope, it looks like a nut with a shell around it and everything. As long as that bee pollen is soft, the shell is not dry and hard. Once it's dry and hard, only a bird can digest it. So we can't digest it, so it'll just pass through you. You'll digest less than 1% of it if that. That's if that particular shell has been broken and releases the nut. But the bee pollen has very finite proteins to feed the nervous system. That's why the nut formula, I mean the pain formula, has bee pollen in it, because it provides nutrients for the nerves to allow swelling without pain. Increased nutrient flow to the area without pain. That is a sign. You have pain there. That's a sign the body's increased blood flow to that area because you have a problem there. But surgery doesn't resolve that, ever. You have to get nutrients in there to help repair and dissolve it. Coconut cream's your best way to get rid of, dissolve any toxic solution like that. Coconut cream. And if it's hardened, it usually is when it's a nerve near the elbow and tendon. It's related to the tendon. Then having a little banana, you know, with your coconut cream, and some honey, and a little butter and a little cream, and a dairy cream along with the coconut cream, like I suggest in the book, will help remove that hardened tissue.
Q: How often do you do that?
A: You could do it every day. Five days, six days a week. Take one day off. Whenever you're doing something for a cleanse, it's always better to alternate or take one day off. Like when I give people a diet, they've usually got two to three serious problems, serious toxicity. I will give them, you know, three different formulas through the week so they may have one of them three days a week, another one two days a week, and another one two days a week. Just alternating them so you're not cleansing too much of one thing at a time unless you're in serious shape. You know, if something's very dangerous, then something you could do, you know, six days a week, still take one day off.
Q: My question is about how you would [unintelligible].
A: Just remember that any dried substance, including herbs, are dried substances. They're very acidic. They have no enzymes in them, no active biological enzymes in them. They will have to be, your body will have to leach them from itself and provide them for that particular herb. So it's always best to get fresh herbs and juice them. That is the only way to get the most out of any herb. And those are wonderful. Those are fine. But just make sure there's never more than 5% of the juice because those herbs that are medicinal are very, very active. And they can cause you too much detoxification at one time. So you have to be careful. Any of those that you have to steep or heat are going to be very acidic. And all the heavy metals. Remember, any vegetable is high in minerals. Trace toxic minerals, cyanide, arsenic, lead, mercury. Every vegetable in this world contains them. Medicinal herbs contain a higher amount than any other vegetable. So when you cook that, you've fractionated and released those as free radicals to do harm in your body. That's how they work. Just like medication, they poison the body, the body stops detoxification. It does not do it in a healthful way. Sure, it relieves the symptom, and as long as you're going to have a short life, what the heck? Who cares? But if you want to live a healthy, long life, don't approach health that way with herbs and medication. If you're good at suicide, that's great. When it gets to that point where it gets uncomfortable and you blow your brains out, you don't have to worry about it. But that's your choice. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. I added whey. You encouraged me to add whey. I noticed that when I have it regularly, my mouth is sore.
A: It's very acidic. That's why I say you can...
Q: No, I have it with the juice.
A: You have it with juice.
Q: Oh, yeah.
A: You're going to have to have less with your juice then. If you're having eight ounces of vegetable juice, then only have two ounces of whey.
Q: Is that for everybody?
A: No. That's for her. She's having sores in her mouth from taking the whey. That means her system is very acidic, so she needs more of the alkalinizing juice with that whey. And also for your knee problem, whey is a good thing to help break down mineral builds up in the joint, buildups in the joints, as well as uric acid buildup in the muscles that cause cramping. Does everybody know what whey is?
Q: No.
A: Whey is the liquid... When you make a cheese, when you let milk stand, and you have the curds, the white part, and then you have the fluid, the liquid, that's kind of yellowish green, that's whey. The liquid is the whey.
Q: [unintelligible] at the store, right?
A: That is all toxic manufactured bull crap. Yes?
Q: [unintelligible] drink whey when I can make cheese, I should drink smaller quantities. 15 ounces at a time?
A: Well, what you could do is drink, let's say, 4 ounces of that with 4 ounces of vegetable juice. If you get an acidic reaction like she does, then you make it 8 ounces with 4 ounces. 8 ounces of vegetable juice, 4 ounces of whey. If that's still too much? 8 ounces of vegetable juice, 2 ounces of whey. You have to find your balance.
Q: Can you find the whey?
A: At James's and Rawesome.
Q: That's wonderful, too.
A: Whey, and you get it at James's. At Rawesome, you know Rawesome?
Q: What is that liquid that separates when you make kefir? Is that whey?
A: Same thing, that's whey. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. When you're detoxifying and you're like really tired, what causes the tiredness? Because I've been like...
A: Usually people with grey hair get that problem.
Q: Oh, really? So if I dye it? I'll go get some Clorox.
A: Anytime you get sleepy like that, the body is in a healing state. 90% of cellular division, reproduction, happens in the sleep state. Unless you're a very good Sikh or a sadhi who can get into a very relaxed state without being in a sleep state, to go into cellular division like that. So you need to sleep when you're healing. When I go into a sleepy spell, normally I sleep 3 1⁄2 to 5 hours of sleep a day, and that's it. If I go into a sleepy period where I want to sleep 6 to 7 hours a day, sometimes more, I'll increase my meat to make sure that I'm providing that protein for cellular division. And I'll eat up to 3 pounds of meat a day when I get sleepy. So sleep. Enjoy the sleeping.
Q: But in the summer I was like working 3 hours and the rest of the time I was in bed.
A: You needed to heal. Do a lot of healing. Of course, whenever I have somebody who has MS or lupus, just the opposite of what the medical profession says, they say keep them cool. I send them to a tropical environment because cells will reproduce faster if they eat the proper diet. So summertime, the more sleep you get, the more cellular division, the more healing you will do. Your body's warm, especially with all the sunlight. It turns the oils in the skin, the fats in the skin, into vitamin D, which helps you assimilate minerals and helps make bone and other tissue and structure.
Q: So you should keep your house hot. Keep your house warm.
A: As long as you've got enough plants in there to make good oxygen. And there's moisture. So you've got to balance it. If you're going to have your artificial heat, you've got to balance the rest of your atmosphere. Or a humidifier in there, or a bowl of water or something that's going to evaporate, and some good plants are going to create oxygen because your windows are going to be shut. And there are about seven plants that produce a lot of oxygen, and you can go on the internet and find them.
Q: You mentioned one, corn dracaena.
A: Corn dracaena. Any of the dracaenas produce a lot of oxygen. Vines produce a lot of oxygen. But you can go on the internet and put oxygen plants or plants oxygen production, and then you'll come up with websites that will give you the plants that produce the most oxygen. And then get those for your home. Okay? Do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: You're too thin, I'm not going to answer your question.
Q: What causes eczema and also how do you eliminate it?
A: Eczema is when the toxins go out through the skin and you don't have enough fats in the skin to deal with it. So I say you're too thin. Everybody I know who has eczema that is non-stoppable is somebody who's underweight or very dry. They may be fat with water weight, a lot of water retention, but no fat in their tissues. So they will have eczema. Or they'll have psoriasis and skin cancer. So you need to have lubrication. You'll have two or three of them a day. Usually within three months. If you have that, you can do that.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Because usually somebody who has eczema or psoriasis or skin cancer does not make the proper fats, the proper cholesterols to feed the skin and connective tissue.
Q: Is shingles the same?
A: Shingles will be the same. Any kind of dry skin disorder or any kind of skin disorder at all is a result of having toxins emitting through the skin without enough fats to make the white blood cells or the fat cells to harness that poison as it passes through the skin. And it burns and damages the skin on its way out. And it gets crusty and dry.
Q: Psoriasis?
A: And you can also put psoriasis. I said the same thing. So if you can put coconut cream directly on that area, and that'll provide both water-soluble and fat-soluble fats to help protect your tissue, both cutaneously and subcutaneously, that's a thing that I've been working with a lot in the last year. And it's made a big change and a big difference for a lot of people.
Q: It burns.
A: Pardon?
Q: It burns.
A: It burns to some people.
Q: Coconut cream?
A: Yeah.
Q: Really?
A: Yeah, coconut cream, if you put it on a sore like that, a dry area, can cause burning. But it usually only causes burning for about a week. And it gets less if you use it every day, put it on every day, even twice a day. And it helps.
Q: You can leave it on?
A: But that'll help.
Q: Your book says to wash it off. I think your book says to wash it off.
A: I said wipe excess off. Wipe excess off.
Q: Okay, okay. Wipe it off.
A: Wipe excess off. [unintelligible] then it'll get in your clothes and you won't be happy.
Q: Right, right, right.
A: Okay. Yes?
Q: How can I, or how can we, speed up the process of detoxification?
A: You don't want to. Every time that I've experimented and tried, I suffered. Now, if only you're in danger, do I suggest that you do something like that. Like, I forced a deep... I've got a tooth here that has been dead, but the root going to it is not dead. And that tooth has no root because I lost a tooth down here that was next to it. So it just keeps going down and down and down. So I decided, okay, I'm going to get rid of it quickly. So I started consuming coconut cream with every glass of milk that I... I drink two quarts of milk a day right now just to put on enough weight. So I've been putting coconut cream in every bit of milk that I drink, plus I have about four ounces with the fruit in the afternoon. I have got pain today and a breakout from it. This tooth. Because I did it for two weeks. And I overdid it. Every time I push, I suffer. So I don't suggest other people do it. The body is always detoxifying. And if you do that one detoxification meal a day with coconut cream, that's all that's necessary. Unless you like suffering. Do you have a question, Jim?
Q: Yeah. Would a serious health seeker on the diet have any reason to look into the magnets that they sleep on, or magnets you're supposed to put on their feet? Is there something to that?
A: Well, I experimented with magnetic therapy from 89 to 92 with Nikken magnets. Slept on their beds. I used their patches and pads. Everything, experimenting with them with probably about only 20, probably 23 people consistently. 25 people agreed. Two people just flaked off and didn't do it systematically to be able to follow it. But 23 people I followed. I was one of those people. And I found that if I used the bed for more than five hours a day, more than six weeks at a time, it did just the opposite. It caused problems. And then people who used it for, you know, after six weeks, they'd stop using it, you know, for maybe five to ten weeks, could use it again for maybe two or three weeks. And you could do it on and off like that. But to put that mattress, you know, between your pads, you know, your mattresses in your bed, is a chore. You know, people only want, everybody is so lazy these days that they, you know, a few minutes, taking 20 more minutes out of your life to do those changes, it's easier just to leave something and deal with the ill consequences. Because that's what I'd seen. So you have to use those very particularly. What they do is, now in the laboratory test of Nikken, in my test, you have a polar opposite. You have the positive and the negative side. And they're supposed to alternate in this pad. But every one of the Nikken pads I've had, that I've tested, all had one side was magnetic, the other side is negative. That doesn't go anything along with what their research says to do. So I took all of their magnets in the bed, I ripped them out, re-glued them in, and they showed all the patterns in their tests were circular. In their bed, they're running perpendicular, or parallel with your body. You know, perpendicular. Same length with your body, you're lying on your bed, up and down. So I made mine into a circle, three circles, you know, concentric circles, and each one of them were alternating. Worked a lot better, but still I was only able to use them for so many hours. It became better and more powerful in less time. But nobody makes them themselves in that way. Anybody who wants to make a lot of money, they can do it. Start producing these magnets. But the cost would be extraordinary. They're already very expensive.
Q: What were the benefits that you got when you did it?
A: Well, what they do is, I'm just going to go into that. What they do is, if you've got heavy metals bound and locked together in the body, the positive end will start pulling positive protons out of the...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Hello? Kathy? Don't talk until it's over, please. So when you've got the positive side, it will pull negative ions out of the tissue, out of the electromagnetic fields. If you have a negative, it will pull the protons out. I mean, it pulls its electrons out. So what happens is, if you're an imbalanced proton or neutron-wise, it will supply the ones that are missing. Get them moving in the body, circulate. Now, for some people, that can cause a lot of problems. It's like getting a lot of heavy metals and toxins going, and you don't have the proper nutrients in the body. If you're skinny, don't get near them. If you're overweight, okay, your body will have the fats right there to bind with. So if you're overweight, you can use magnets safely. If you're not overweight and thin, use them for only 20 minutes, 15 minutes at a time. Okay?
Q: Great deal. Thanks.
Q: Are we going now this way?
A: We already went this way.
Q: I didn't have a chance.
A: You were sleeping.
Q: I'm sorry.
A: I'll ask you now.
Q: Okay. First of all, I want to know about, some people, when I'm emailing through my group, through my database, they want to know about the chembusters. Because, first of all, on the Internet now, there's, I don't know if anybody's aware, that if you Google it, chemtrail petition, chemtrail space petition, there's a girl that did one. It's addressed to Congress. And with this petition, they're addressing all these issues when people have, and we need signatures, especially on our group, we have, I'm calling on Governor Schwarzenegger, I have a paper, we have 495, 7 people now. It's went up to now. And I've got the papers for that. My question is, what do you think of chembusters?
A: Well, I, you know, if they're using plastic resin substances to make them, so, the ones that they say are elemental...
Q: Copper.
A: Yeah, but they're also using plastic, they're also using plastic to hold this unit together. I don't know that they really work, because you're talking about a chemical that's spread all throughout the atmosphere. You know, if you want to have a lot of magnets to take care of that, that would be a huge, you'd have to have a huge electronic magnet to take care of that. You may take care of it in a little small environment, but I haven't done any tests with them to say that they work or not.
Q: Yeah, well, okay. Anyway, I've got papers. If anybody wants to take action, to go on the computer and type in, call on Governor Schwarzenegger, because we have 497, and we need 50,000 signatures for this to put out by Evan Ray on KPFK. We want to clean up our skies, which go in the soil.
A: Let me tee it up for you.
Q: Okay.
A: Everybody know what chemtrails are?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay. Chemtrails, you see all these streak patterns in the sky? 90% of the clouds that we have are not real clouds. They're chemical clouds. The federal government, the military, is dumping its waste in the sky. Because it's too expensive to put it anywhere else. So they are poisoning us with things like barium, cobalt. All these things are a byproduct of a military industrial complex building war toys. And they say that it's to control weather so we can stop global warming. They're trying to sell this bullshit for dumping. And, of course, Congress is going to let them do it if they say it's for the good. That kind of poisoning, breathing it in, it causes plastic particles to collect in the body. It's causing what is called that, what is it, that fiber disease?
Q: Morgellons.
A: Morgellons.
Q: Morgellons, yes. Carnicon is doing its research on it right now. If you go to the internet under
A: Kathy, let's not go into all that detail. If they're interested in it, they'll go into that research. But Morgellons disease are fibers that pass out to the skin whole. And if you breathe it in, your body is going to form plastic fibers to get rid of it. Because if it dissolves it, the polymers will dissolve your lungs and your bronchi. So it can't do it. So it tries to pass it whole through the skin. And when it comes out, it makes hard and big sores on the skin. This is going to get more and more and more prevalent.
Q: I'm also having a lot of people, I've written already on the chemtrail petition, a few people, they're having also breathing difficulties. That's another sign of coming from these elements that I'm having. It's still going on.
A: All kinds of respiratory problems. That's the main problem with these chemicals they're dropping. So chemtrails, and it's not, you know, when you have a contrail, a contrail is when you have the heat of your engine pass out into hot moisture, pass out into cold air. It creates a temporary cloud. It dissolves within five minutes. A chemtrail is a chemical substance, a compound, a collection of vaporized chemicals that stay lodged and don't evaporate. It's not ice crystals. As the heated moisture from a hot engine, a jet engine, combustion engine, leaves into the sky, it evaporates and the crystals evaporate and go away. The chemical trails do not dissolve. They stay in the area and fall down. And all that crap on your cars, that sticky stuff, chemtrails that they're dumping. And they're doing it all over. When I left Pattaya, you know, Pataship is down there. You know, that naval base down there. The U.S. government was visiting them. Guess what they started doing? Chemtrails all over Pattaya, all over the area. First time I saw them in Thailand. So the U.S. government has them doing it in Thailand now. So it's happening all over the frickin' world now.
Q: Also that pink I learned about in the image on the new chemtrail site, that is ethylene dibromide. It's another chemical like a pig you see up there now. It's what my dentist said. It's Dr. Shikard. That's a pesticide they're using, that they use. It's very toxic on strawberries. Ethylene dibromide.
A: Well, ethylene dibromide is a byproduct of making certain weapons. And they decided to... You know, the military is in bed with Dow Chemical, Monsanto and said, find a use for this so we don't have to bury it and store it. So then they'll make it into some kind of poison pesticide. Of course it's a poison. Of course it's going to kill pests, you know, insects and toads or whatever, birds. Of course it's going to kill them. And it's in our food, it's going to kill us. So you have to really look at what's happening. So anyway, the whole thing about this is you can go online and sign the petition against chemtrails. And weather modification. Anything that's about weather modification is looking for the rights to do that to us. To poison us. Right now, they don't have Congress' permission to do it. So they're doing it illegally.
Q: And we're going to do an educational forum sometime in January.
A: Kathy, this isn't the forum for that. If you have people who want to get in touch with you, have them email you. You give out your email address, they'll email you, and then you can send them everything. Okay, if anybody wants to...
Q: Because I'm going to be leaving soon.
Q: Has that been numbered?
A: No, just give the email address. What is your email address?
Q: My email address is Kathy, K-A-T-H-Y, N-A-N-N, Hornstein, O-R-N-S, T as in Tom, E as in Edward, I-N-S-C-A dot R-R dot com. But I also have a petition here to which you know where to type in for Schwarzenegger. We have one for Governor Schwarzenegger, and there's a petition for Congress. And it's re-addressing Congress.
A: Okay, she has a petition here that before you go, if you want to sign it, sign it.
Q: You have to type it in the computer.
A: Then you do that through the email. Because they're not going to... Unless, oh, you give them a paper?
Q: Yeah, if they want to go home...
A: Then just get a paper and they can take it home with you.
Q: Call on Governor Schwarzenegger. It's on there. To investigate chemtrails. And only when you get to the site, you type your name. If you don't want your name put anonymous, it's all the same.
A: All right, now I'm going to mention one thing.
A: I do workshops all over the country, all over the world, but I've never done one in 20 years in Los Angeles. I'm going to do one, and it's the only one I'm going to do in Los Angeles. It'll be January 28th on a Sunday in UCLA.
Q: Do you have the hours yet?
A: Yes, it'll be from noon till about 7:30.
Q: January?
A: January 28th. It's going to be videotaped. It'll cost... I'm only charging $150 for the whole seven and a half hour workshop. In that workshop, I will discuss the fluid systems of the body, all three of them, how they interact, how they work, what they're supposed to do, what they're doing that they're not supposed to be doing, even though they're helping us in some ways, the digestive tract, foods, combinations of foods. When you leave that workshop, you will have such a clear understanding about how your body works. You will not be confused about anything that I say in my recipe book. I mean in the remedy section. You'll know exactly why you're taking it. So it's a very important...
Q: Are you registered at UCLA?
A: No, with James here. So James will be handling that. James Ellingson, he's the one that put up the website, It's the numeral two for TO,, where you can get my books in PDF form, so you can have them on your computer, so you have to look up in an index. You can put a particular subject in there and you'll come up with every hit, just like you do on a search engine. So if you want to have my books on your computer, as well as hardcover, it makes things very quick and very easy to find all locations instantly without flipping from page to page. It's a click to click. So he's made a lot of my other information available, plus I do a newsletter, six newsletters a year. I'm very late on this last one because I've been fighting the FDA and health departments in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, because they're trying to shut down my Amish farmers. So, so far I've stopped them, even stopped the FDA, but I had to write a 72-page document to do it. And I had to file, I had to make out a legal briefs for two of my farmers, and they went in court with my legal briefs. So it's very difficult work, so I'm just a little bit behind, a month behind on that next newsletter. It will come out in the next five days. It will be finished. And if anybody, and I can use as many donations as possible to Right to Choose Healthy Foods, and that's in the books. It's right at the back. It's the same as Optimal Ways of Living, the address, but it's just Right to Choose Healthy Foods. I'm going to be going to Washington, D.C. in June through almost August. And I've got so far two other people who are going to go with me, and we're going to hit every House of Representatives and every Senator. And we're going to go, one of us are going to hit four each day. And we're going to give them a printed copy of my milk report that won us legal access to raw dairy commercially here, and it will re-educate them. It's going to be a lot of work. Having that many printed is going to cost $32,000 alone in printing fees, and then for our time, because we have to rent a house and stay there. So the whole thing's going to cost about $73,000, $75,000 for the three months. Right now I only have $55,000 of donations in, so I need your help.
Q: I'm going to ask you one thing. Could you possibly write about the chemtrails to them?
A: I already did.
Q: To the Congress people.
A: Oh, no. They only handle one subject. One subject at a time. Yes?
Q: I have the evidence that Ohio is not a part of the Union.
A: It doesn't matter. Once I get it changed in the federal government, I already sent a letter to the FDA and commanded that they cease and desist any more disinformation on raw milk, and I'll be sending it to the CDC next week. I'm giving them legal notice, because when I go to Washington, D.C., I'm also going to file a suit on those two entities.
Q: There is no FDA in Ohio, legally [unintelligible].
A: That's why I'm having so much worse time in Ohio than anywhere else.
Q: So much time.
A: Okay. We're at 5 o'clock. Hold on one second.
Q: Did I tell everybody they want to email me at dot com?
A: Yes, you did.
Q: You already said it.
Q: Okay. Now, let me just say that for this workshop, we want to understand a little bit about what people, you know, how to best tell people about it, and I have a short survey. A lot of you have already done it. For anybody that hasn't, could you kind of meet with us over here in the corner afterwards, please?
Q: Where and when do we sign up?
Q: You can sign up with me.
Q: Oh.
Q: This is January 28th.
A: January 28th. It's a Sunday.