Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
Location: NJ
A: ...out of the body. So you need infection. You don't stop infection. If it had just stayed inside of me, it could have caused cancer. So I let it puss out until it stopped. Now it's almost finished, as you can see. But all the skin was gone completely from here to the muscle.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Two years ago I had one, yes. And that one was worse because I split the tibia and broke the top of the tibia off into the femur. So that was a lot worse. This was at least skin only. But this one is funny. I've taken more skin off of the other one in the other accident. As you see, I'm repairing here. I took all the skin off of the hands. And on the other one, I took all the skin off of here plus shaved the bone here. Shaved the bone here. This ankle bone got half shaved off. Because I had a 350-pound Harley that time. This was just a motorbike. And because I didn't have the gypsum, what I did was I put lime juice in it to surround any kind of particle from the asphalt. And it's arrested so your body doesn't have to use its white blood cells to do it. So for the next six months, it would pass through the skin and I would just peel it off, the particles. But it keeps me from losing a lot of white blood cells. And then I put coconut cream over that, honey over that, and thin meat slices over that. Gauze wet with coconut cream to keep the meat from drying. And then plastic over that and then bandage over that to wrap it. That accident that was on asphalt healed in 12 days. Even the bones grew back in 12 days. This has been three and a half weeks and it's just now repairing because of the gypsum. In the Philippines where this happened, they have to put loads of gypsum over the rock before they put the cement because it's so moist and rains so much that the road would wash out underneath. So they have the gypsum which deflects. It's so drying that it deflects the water so it keeps the roads from washing out. But it's highly poisonous. People are breathing this every day, the gypsum. So that's why this particular [unintelligible] there and the rocks flew up and smacked me. And the gypsum keeps it from healing properly. Thank God I had a helmet on. Okay, we're going to understand the human body. First we'll take a look at the salivary glands and the teeth. Now a lot of vegetarians say we're frugivores or we're vegetarians when we're not herbivores. We have mainly cutting teeth and tearing teeth. Our four canines and all of the front teeth are all cutting. We only have three sets of molars on both sides.
Molars, if you look at a cow or a horse's mouth, it's all molars. Everything's a molar for grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding vegetation. Cutting teeth and tearing teeth canines which are mainly for meats. If we take a look at the salivary activity, what do we have in our salivary glands? We have bacteria. We have more bacteria that digest food than cats and dogs have. We have something like 21 to 23 parts per million bacteria. Dogs and cats have something like 16 to 18. So of all the animals on the planet we have the most bacteria. So don't worry about being bit by a dog. Be worried about being bit by your mate. He's going to predigest you. And that's what it is. That bacteria is to digest animal foods. That's the bacteria we have in the mouth. The only enzyme that we have in the mouth that is similar to herbivores is the ptyalin enzyme which the horse has. And that digests carbohydrates. So we can digest a little bit of carbohydrate. But we have to take a look at what. Now when the food passes from the mouth full of that bacteria and the saliva goes into the stomach, what do we find? Hydrochloric acid and more bacteria. Other animals who eat vegetation don't have that hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. They have enzymes and activity for digesting vegetation. Ours is for animal matter. We go into the deeper, into the second part of the stomach and we have the duct where the bile dumps into it and mixes with the food. So the hydrochloric acid helps break down the food pieces into smaller bits. So the bacteria can feed on it. Then we have this heavy fat that the bacteria can't feed on in that form. So then the bile enters to mix with the fat. Now we continually secrete bile in the intestines and hydrochloric all throughout the small intestines. So we're continually helping break down food particles to become smaller particles for the bacteria to eat. We have villi in the intestines just like you see those in the ocean. You know, you see fish passing through in particles.
Well, when food passes those particles, the particles are registered, the size of the particles are registered, and then decides how much hydrochloric acid to emit to break those into a smaller compound and what other bacteria are needed or necessary or if any other enzymes are necessary to help digestion depending upon what food is eaten. If the diet is simple, there's very little for the digestive tract to have to do. But when we're eating vegetation and stuff like that, those villi have to work very hard in doing things that they're not meant to do. Secreting fluids that we're not meant to secrete easily. And then we go into the bowel. That's where you have a concentration of E. coli. E. coli! Without E. coli, we wouldn't have the healthy brains and nervous systems. The only time that E. coli gets out of hand is when you put it in a negative environment. So you put it in a petri dish with live human cells, not in blood serum, but in what they call a curtail environment, which will keep your human cells alive, but that doesn't mean they're healthy. So then the E. coli registers that as what? Food to eat. That's what E. coli eats. It eats food particles. Meat food particles. Animal food particles. So if it's got in a petri dish, the E. coli is going to feed on the human cells. That doesn't mean it's going to attack your body and get out of the bowel. So as long as it's in the digestive tract, you're not going to have a problem. And if it got out of the digestive tract, you've got white blood cells that are 20 times the size of any E. coli, eats it up like that. White blood cells are phagocytes. They eat the E. coli just like that, so you get a tear in your intestine. And you've got hundreds of trillions of white blood cells. So it's not a problem. There's no fear there. There should be no fear there. Can everybody hear me okay? Okay.
So we have the E. coli in there. Now what happens if you have a low E. coli bacterial level? Depression results. Not anxiety, depression. If you have anxiety, that's because your body has more activity hormones than you're expressing. So if you don't express it in activity, your body's going to express it in anxiety. So if you have anxiety, you need to exercise. If you don't have the energy because you're ill and have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia or injury and you can't exercise, there is one exercise anybody can do. Singing. 20 minutes of singing is an hour on a treadmill. Take a look at your opera singers. Have you ever seen a skinny opera singer? It takes a huge amount of energy and diet to maintain that level of projection and that volume. Look at Mick Jagger. He can't eat enough to keep up with the intensity he does out there on that stage. He just can't eat enough because he's eating the wrong foods. If he'd eat the right foods, he'd be good. But you see a lot of those high intensity rock singers are skinny because it takes so much energy. So if you have anxiety, sing. If you don't sing well, go in the closet and sing. Go in your car and sing. Or give your partner and children earplugs and sing. It isn't like you put on a headset and can't sing that way or a muffler. So then other people will just have to understand your need to sing if you've got a problem. So a low E. coli level will create depression. If you have depression, don't blame anybody. Don't look for anybody else to bring you out of it and entertain you. It's not going to happen. You know, you've been with those people, you try to say everything positive in the world and it doesn't work. Why? Because it's a physiological, chemical activity, problem, imbalance. So you make sure that you get enough bacteria in the system. I recommend in the recipe book, making high meat. It's where you let your meat rot. You let bacteria in the meat pre-digest itself.
So it's like the E. coli doing it. That's why people will be happy within 10-20 minutes after eating that high meat like the Eskimos showed me. You don't have to make it the same way. You don't have to wrap it in hide in the ground. You can put it in your refrigerator or keep it out of the refrigerator. Open the jar every 1-2 days or 3-4 days if it's in the refrigerator and let the bacteria work on it to pre-digest that massive. So when you eat it, you're automatically getting molecules of fat and protein that have been reduced to the molecular size to feed the brain and nervous system. That's why the brain and nervous system are fed last because they have to be broken down into such a small amount, such a small size that when it enters the bowel, the E. coli, which are tiny, tiny, tiny bacteria, can go in there and eat through that pre-digested matter to its finite molecule. Then you'll be happy. Some people even take kefir yogurt and enter that, use a suppository to help break down the elements in your bowel to a smaller degree. Now a lot of people think that if they don't move every day or they have real hard feces, that's constipation. That's not constipation. That just means you're imbalanced on a fat level. You've got too little fat. And your body is holding the fecal matter up in the sigmoid colon because most of what is digested in the bowel is all absorbed in the sigmoid colon. So if your body is holding everything in there for a long time, it is extracting every bit of digested fluid, which carries all those digested proteins and fats, right out of there making it sour. You need to implant some fat in the back end so that won't happen. You don't take enemas which flush out your E. coli. It could take you 45, 60, even 90 days to replace that E. coli. That means you're going to probably be on the edge of depression, in depression, for up to 45, 60, even 90 days.
So enemas, colonics, are the worst thing you can do if you have tendency toward depression. If you have constipation, true constipation, that's when every time you eat, your stomach gets larger and larger and larger because you've got a block. Not because the sigmoid colon wants to absorb everything that's in your feces. True constipation, every time you eat, you get bigger and bigger and bigger because you've got a block in your intestine. It's the only time that I would suggest, if you've used a suppositories and it doesn't break, that you use some drastic measure to flush it through. Enema or olive oil and lemon juice, something like that, to knock it through. Those remedies in the book for constipation. So if you've got dry fecal matter in the air that sits in the sigmoid colon, you've got a fat deficiency in the body. I don't care if you're 200 pounds. If it comes out dry, you've got a fat deficiency because the proper fats in the body are not available to the intestinal tract, to the blood, to the lymphatic system and neurological systems. So what you do is take 3 tablespoons each of cream, butter and coconut cream. Only a quarter teaspoon of honey. Put that in a 4 ounce jelly jar. Shake it, put it in a bowl of hot water. Not hot enough to burn your hand. Let it sit for about 5 minutes until it's above body temperature. Not over 105 degrees. Take a bulb syringe, absorb it into the syringe right before you go to sleep. You implant it, get all 4 legs, bark like a dog and put it in there. And then put your shoulders on the bed or floor, wherever you are, leaving your buttocks up and you're still kneeling on your knees. And roll your stomach. You need it to move down in there. That way you get to feed the E.coli from the back end. You don't need, when you have raw, you don't necessarily need fresh bile to help digest it because there's plenty of bile that's carried into the bowel. That's why most fecal matter is yellow and brown. It's because of the concentration of bile.
So you usually got plenty of bile already in the large intestine. It's collected from going all the way from the stomach through the small intestines. So you don't have to worry about bile breaking down the fats. You've got plenty of it already there. And then all of a sudden you'll stop for the next 2-3 days. Your body won't be holding all that fecal matter in the sigmoid colon to where it gets too hard. And then some people only have to do it once a week who have a low E.coli and low fat level in their bodies. Okay, let's move on to the glandular system. Now we have what is called the endocrine glands. Endocrine glands are for emergency purposes only. If you go through a starvation period where there's no food and you're eating foods that are not proper for our indigenous diet, which would be things like vegetation that we're not supposed to be eating, but that's all that's available, and you're a child and you're in a gross situation or you need healing hormones, the pituitary starts secreting growth hormones, which are also healing hormones, so that you will grow even though you're not on your proper diet. The thyroid gland. Now why do you have two thyroid glands and then two parathyroid glands on each thyroid gland? Because these glands right here, these six glands back up the lungs and the heart. So you fell out of a tree, knocked the wind out of you. The heart stops beating, the lungs stop breathing. You can't catch your breath, the blow is that hard. The thyroid kicks in. The thyroid isn't enough, the parathyroids are a backup. That is how intense thyroxine is. Pharmaceutical house takes full advantage of you. Oh, you're low in this hormone, you're low in that hormone. Take these. The greatest fear tactic of any woman, your hair's falling out because you don't have enough thyroxine. Thyroxine has nothing to do with hair loss. You know how many people have their thyroids removed and they don't have no hair loss? Think about it. The medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry is not logical.
I'm going to ask the person with the tiny baby if they can remove him to the next room. Thank you. So remember, you should not have hormones in your blood unless it's an emergency. And of course, everybody eating a bad diet, their body's in emergency all the time. Why? Because cooked foods do not belong in the human body or any healthy body. There are heterocyclic amino beans, lipid peroxides, all kinds of things, toxic sugars, acrylamides, advanced glycation end products that are produced from cooked foods. There are 32 toxins that are known that are produced by cooking foods. I've named those in my recipe book in the last 50 pages. So if you want the science on that, it's in there. Now that's only 32 of the larger toxins that have been studied. There are thousands of other byproducts from cooking that are toxic. There were several tests done in the 30s and 40s that showed that when people eat cooked foods, up to two thirds of their white blood cells leave the bloodstream and enter the digestive tract to do what? What are white blood cells for? Phagocytes to eat toxic matter, wherever they may appear in the body. So anywhere from one third to two thirds of your white blood cells enter the digestive tract because it is so toxic after eating a cooked meal. They also found that eating a raw food with a cooked meal will stop most of that white blood cell loss. So you don't have to eat your own white blood cells. But think about the negativity, the loss and the fatigue that can be created from one cooked meal, all cooked meal. So you can go out to Big Mac. Nothing raw there. So what happens is you lose maybe a couple hundred million white blood cells. Where do white blood cells get produced? They breed in your bone marrow. Your red and white blood cells breed in the bone marrow. That's inside, that's the middle of your bones. You know how long it takes to reproduce one blood cell? One white, one red blood cell? It takes them 45 to 60 days to mature in the bone marrow.
Sometimes our bodies are so toxic it will send some of those immature red blood cells to the spleen to mature. We are overtaxing our bodies in all this toxicity. How can you expect to have energy? A lot of energy. You can't. It's impossible. It's like expecting a 120, 100 cycle, 100 horsepower cycle, 2 cycle motorbike to do what a truck can do. Isn't going to happen. So all those white blood cells you lose in the digestive tract. How long does it take to produce, to breed one white blood cell for it to mature and get into the blood stream? You're using your whole body on just bodily functions instead of what we are meant to do, live this incredible life on this planet. So think about that. So the thymus here takes care of toxicity in the stomach, the thymus gland. If you have any poison that enters the stomach, not only hydrochloric acid can neutralize toxicity, but the thymus hormones can secrete and try to protect the intestines. Then we have the adrenal glands, and the adrenal glands are for fight and flight. We shouldn't be living off of adrenals. We should be eating proper foods with proper fat to give us plenty of strength. Now, 100 years ago, nobody ever heard of adrenaline. You never took adrenaline. You didn't get it. But people were incredibly healthy because they were eating a lot of raw fats. Even though they were cooking other foods, they were eating a lot of cream, a lot of butter that was not pasteurized. And people lived on butter and cream. Ice cream even became big about that same time. And people were incredibly healthy during that period. Even though the depression wasn't part of that, people were still incredibly healthy if they were near farms and farm oriented because of all that rich healthy fat. They didn't have to go have caffeine. They didn't have to have nicotine. They didn't have to have cocaine. They didn't have to have all those stimulants and boosters. What happens with 99% of the civilized population today?
Take a look at Starbucks. Take a look at how much coffee and cigarettes, caffeine and nicotine, teas and everything people have to eat to have energy. I had to as a child. I had no energy. I lived on nicotine and caffeine for my energy. And sugar, processed sugar to give me that high and buzz. So think about all this stuff. Think about what you do and what you should be. And look at all those tribes who live vibrantly healthy out in the elements. And that's strenuous. And they have no disease. How would you like to be 140 years old and have all of your teeth and no cavities? We're lucky we make it to nine years old. Three years old without getting a cavity. That's terrible. That's terrible. And people have said, well, have you seen these people? Yeah, I've met people from the Maasai tribe. I've met people from the Fulani tribe. And I've met people from the Samburu tribe. And I've lived with the Eskimos. So yeah, I've seen people. Most recently, just last November, I got to visit a tribe in the Philippines. And there are 7,107 islands in the Philippines. And a lot of them are inhabited still by primitive tribes that don't even know electricity. So I went to Mindanao, the big island, which we raped and destroyed 80 to 60 years ago. We went into all the Philippines. We took the great people who were aggressive, who could have been empowered. And we told them we're going to make them rich and wealthy if they'll let us take all of their timber. All of their great, beautiful timber so we could build houses and do everything for everybody in the United States. Make pianos and houses with all the wood and everything. So this is a huge island, completely clear-cut. Every island I've ever been on is clear-cut, except for Leyete, southern Leyete, where the mountains are so steep in some areas where they didn't clear-cut those. But every island. And then what we've done, we've taken all of their natural forest food. So now they have to hunt. What? Nothing to hunt. All they can do is fish. Thank God they're all islands. But if you're on Mindanao and you're 200 miles from the coast, there's no fishing.
And you have no forest, no food. So unless you have a farm and you have animals, you have no food, unless you're eating rice. And that's what we did to that whole island. And all of those islands there are clear-cut. So anyway, I went to Mindanao, the big island, because I knew that there were surrounding islands that were primitive. Tried to get permission from the government to visit the tribes. They said they're savages. They would kill me. Some of them are cannibals. All kinds of stories. I said, I've been with primitive tribes. I don't have a problem with primitive tribes. Never have. And I will be okay. And they said, no, not going to let you do it. They could catch you around there. It's a $10,000 fine and 10 years in jail. So I tried three weeks to go to different, higher up and higher up, and the government failed, even if it went to Manila. And failed. So I went into a spa one day to get a massage. And the receptionist there had a baby that was five months old, about five and a half months old, toe white. She was very dark. The father was almost black. This baby was white. I mean, as toe white as her shirt, as her blouse. This baby was anemic. Barely moved. Like that. I said, what are you feeding that baby? And she said, oh, the hospital gave me the best thing, powdered milk. And Dr. Pottenger's work with animals feeding them powdered milk, it caused all the most extreme diseases, all the diseases of man at the most extreme and chronic levels. So I said, that's the worst thing. Don't ever ask a doctor about nutrition or health. Doctors absolutely know nothing about health or nutrition. They know disease and drugs. You want a drug? Go to a legal drug pusher, a doctor. If you want to know about disease, go to a doctor who will tell you the worst terror stories in the world. But if you want to know about health and nutrition, don't go to a doctor. It's like, if you want to become rich, do you go to the guy flipping hamburgers, or do you go to Donald Trump? It's the same thing.
So never go to a doctor for anything, unless you want drugs and bad advice on health. So I had gone to an island, a separate island off of Davao and Samal, and I found a dairy there that would sell me raw milk. So I was getting my raw milk there. The first thing I do is trying to find a dairy somewhere with cows, wherever I go. That's my first priority food. Within 24 hours, I know what I'm eating. And that's great on these islands, because I mean, I would get fresh caught swordfish and tuna that day, never frozen, never on a boat, except for maybe four or five hours, six hours maximum. Big swordfish and tuna, this big. Unbelievable how delicious it is, delicious it is, that fresh. I'd sit down and eat three pounds in the sitting, like candy was to me as a kid. So I took this woman, raw milk, and in three days, the baby's color was back, was in for the first time in his life. It actually had color. And it started moving and it was laughing and good. So the grandfather... Still moves you, when you get results like that so quickly, and it helps people. So the grandfather, now 53 years old, so excited and so happy and so grateful. He was from a tribe, a primitive tribe. He had left it 32 years before. And he said, I also work for the government, so I'll give you permission. He worked five days on getting me permission. They refused. So he says, I'm taking you anyway. He says, we have a two to three day journey. He says, it's going to take us a day by car, and we have to go by motorcycle, and then we have to go by boat, and then we have to hike. So it's a two to three day trip. So we took the trip, and when I got, they wouldn't let me in the village where the tribes were, so they brought out the middle-aged people to visit with. Middle-aged was 80 years old. And some of the women were in their 50s, but they brought out one man and three, four women. And the man who came out, I thought he was about maybe 37, 40 years old, maximum. He was 80 years old.
Perfect teeth, full, white, every one of them in line and perfect. 80 years old. 82, I think it was. And the women, 50 years old, 48 to 55 years old, I thought they were 28 to 32. All of them were like that. They just didn't want, the tribes do not allow Caucasian and even Filipinos that are civilized to be exposed to the tribe, because they lose tribe members like the man who took me. Now, he didn't even speak the language very well, so he had a cousin that had left the tribe only seven years before, so we picked him up on our way. So there were three dialect translations before it got to me. But they live on three foods. They live to 150 years old. Three foods. Fresh raw fish, coconut meat, and a fruit. Maybe not one fruit every day or every other day. It's either mango or banana. But they live on fish and coconut. It was 95% of their diet. Fish and coconut meat. Take a look at that. These weren't skinny and thin like your African tribes, except for the Fulani. The Fulani live on 90% raw milk are full bodied, whereas the other tribes who live on a high ratio of meat, 25 to 35%, are tall and thin, slender, whereas the Fulani are shorter and wider. So these, this tribe that doesn't eat dairy at all, only the fish and the coconut and a little bit of fruit, were thick and strong. Every one of the women and the men were strong. And I thought to me, living on fish, I get hungry from two hours after eating fish. Red meat, you know, I can eat, or chicken, I can eat and not be hungry for 10, 12 hours, unless I eat regular meat. I do, even though I'm not hungry. But them with this fish, and they're so bulky and solid and heavy, I was amazed. But that shoots the USDA's pyramid, doesn't it? Three foods, vibrantly healthy, living to 150 years old.
Now that's normal for all other creatures. They live seven times the time it takes that creature to finish maturation. We finish maturation at 21 years old. We should be living to 147. If we die off at 60, 70 years, we're not even living half our lives. If you have a question, ask it at the end. I will normally finish it. If you have a tendency to forget your question, write it. When I get to Q&A at the end, ask it if I haven't answered it already. I made the mistake one time in New York City, with about 80 people in the room, of answering questions throughout the workshop. We finished at 1.30 in the morning. Unless you want to be here for that hour, I won't answer your questions until the end. When I answer a question, I get specific about that, and I'll tell you the stories to prove it. Then you've got a lot of information, you're never going to be paid, and you're going to be here all night. I can do it, I can sustain it, but it's not going to help you. Okay. So, we also have the gonads, which is the end of the endocrine gland system. And the gonads are for reproduction. Normally, your body doesn't need those hormones, testosterone, estrogen, any of that to make the reproductive system work. We are naturally healthy. Supposed to be. But because we get more and more degenerated, our ovaries and testes are getting larger. In gorillas, the testes are smaller than ours. Because it's not something they use, except in emergencies. When the diet's improper, they don't have enough meat, and gorillas eat meat every 28 days. They'll slaughter antelopes and eat from 13 to 28 pounds in 24 hours. Sometimes take them up to three days. But they will eat meat. The whole rest of the time, they're fruitarian and vegetarian for 28 days. So it's like them having a period. They have to eat meat.
But the testes are active in emergency situations, not normally. And what? Oh, you don't have any sexual drive, not because you're low in energy because you're eating the raw foods. You're absent and low in testosterone or estrogen. And that's your problem. Well, when they pump that into a person, it doesn't reverse infertility, and a person can't have a baby. Is that really the problem? No. Two years ago, I went to do a workshop in Dayton, Ohio. And I walked into this big church. And there were a couple of hundred people there to hear the lecture. It was a free lecture. And two couples came up before the lecture. And three couples came up before the lecture and started and said, one of them said, we've been trying to have a baby for 11 years. We've been to fertility clinics. We did everything. Just a year on your diet. And we were pregnant. And they said, we don't do all the raw meat and all of that very often. But we did all of the milkshakes, two milkshakes a day. And we drank some vegetable juice. And we had extra eggs. And mainly did the dairy. And we got pregnant. And all these three couples had met at the fertility clinic where they're spending thousands, tens of thousands of dollars. One couple got pregnant on a month on the diet. Another couple got pregnant three months on the diet. And they had been going anywhere from six to 11 years without getting pregnant. It is your food that makes the difference in your functionality, not drugs, not hormone replacement. It's all tactics to make money and to keep you just as confused and to keep you buying. Oh, you're not taking enough. You're taking it in the wrong balance. You're also doing something here wrong. It's always some excuse and not the truth. The truth is always what you eat. Always. Okay.
So let's take a look at the organs in the body. First we have the liver. Very important organ. Now, it can be called a gland, but because it's not an endocrine gland, in other words, where the hormones enter the blood directly for emergency purposes, it isn't called a gland. It's called an organ. But the liver makes bile. That's exclusively what it's made to do so that we can digest fat. Now, the liver can produce enough bile to digest about a half a pound to a pound of fat in a day. So the body created a gallbladder, which is a little storage area for excess bile. Now, why would we need excess bile? Let's say you were living in the wild and you slaughtered an animal and you eat the fat first, which all animals do, eat the fat first. And you consume three to five pounds in a day. Where are you going to get the bile to do that? You've got a reserve of bile in the gallbladder. If you ate all that fat without all that bile, you'd have diarrhea. You might even vomit because of the heaviness of the fat. So the liver is now, because we're so toxic, becoming a filter, like a kidney. It's doing a lot of activity that it wasn't meant to do. The gallbladder is filling up with toxins because the liver is sending it there with the bile. Not what it's meant to do. Then we have the pancreas, and I discussed a little bit of what happens in the pancreas. The pancreas is overloaded with sugars, so it's constantly making insulin. Insulin was one of the smallest activities of the pancreas ten thousand and more years ago, before we started eating grain. What did the pancreas do? It realigned whatever food came into the body, the elements of it came to the pancreas. The pancreas decided how it had to be re-proportioned, how it had to be realigned, the RNA and DNA and the structure of those elements to be made into the human body. Very, very important organ. And if you lose that organ, and it's also an organ that's gland, because the insulin dumps right into the blood as well as into the digestive tract. So the pancreas could be called both an endocrine gland and an organ. Now what's happened is the pancreas is now two and a half times larger than it ever was.
Four million years ago, Lucy's liver was tiny compared to ours. Two and a half times smaller. What are we doing? And we have the spleen right beside and a little bit behind the pancreas. The spleen is like the gallbladder. It's a storage unit. It's a storage unit for red blood cells. Now why would we need a storage unit for red blood cells? Let's say you fell out of a tree and a branch caught you on the way, cut your jugular vein and you lost a cup of blood before you stopped your bleeding. You would be anemic and you would be a good dinner meal for the next tiger coming up because you couldn't run. You couldn't climb a tree. You couldn't get away. You don't have enough oxygen to utilize the fat in the body to give you enough energy to climb a tree or to run fast enough. So you'd be dinner. So you have a spleen with anywhere from a pint to two pints of red blood cells. So immediately you are replenished with that cup of red blood cells. You're no longer anemic. You can run. It takes about an hour to fulfill that changeover. Pretty quick. The body's amazing. Also, if you're very, very cold, the spleen can dump red blood cells into your blood, thicken it so you'll be warmer. Or, if you're very hot, the spleen can remove red blood cells from the bloodstream and cool the body. Pretty amazing body. Now the spleen is getting overloaded with immature cells because we're overloading the body with so much need for white blood cell space in the bone marrow that the immature red blood cells are getting sent to the spleen. Now the spleen is bloated and enlarged and huge. Also, it means less space for normal mature red blood cells. So if you had a bleed, you're less likely to get mature red blood cells dumping into the bloodstream to replace your energy level. So you're going to be anemic.
Everybody knows the other parts of the body, the muscles, the connective tissue, the neurological system, all of that is pretty understood. That's pretty familiar. Now if we take a look at the red bloodstream, we have white and red blood cells in there. I talked about the white blood cells. Now the red blood cells, they have one job. They're to deliver oxygen to every cell in the body so that you can utilize fat as energy. And that's where our greatest energy level comes from is fat. The white blood cells, their only and main job was to remove carbon dioxide from blood in certain areas where the blood and the release of those carbon dioxides could not leave through the skin. The white blood cells absorb that, take it to the lungs, dump it, or excrete it somewhere else in the body, but usually out the skin and the lungs. The white blood cells don't die normally because the carbon dioxide isn't poisonous unless you're entering into an environment where there's a lot of airborne pollution. Then your white blood cells will die when they take in that carbon dioxide. The white and red blood cells will die when they absorb oxygen full of poisons. So we're just inundating our bodies with problems in our modern, technologically advanced society. It has advanced in gadgets, but we're not advanced in health. Take a look at your people. When I look back as I was a child on my grandparents' farm, these workers were healthy. They drank the raw milk from my grandparents' dairy. They would take 60 and 90 pound bales of hay. They had no forklifts back then. They were pitching them up 12, 15 feet up into a loft. They got forklifts today because nobody could throw a 30 pound one up, much less a 60 or 90 pound. These were healthier people. Now we're lucky we can spit two feet. Exaggeration. Some people it's not exaggeration. But it's that serious for us.
Now the Amish community, Mennonite communities, they don't accept vaccines. Some of the Quaker don't. There is no autism in those communities that don't accept vaccines. So that's your greatest link. No tribes in the world, no people who don't receive vaccines have autism. Think about that. No autism where vaccines do not exist. So every time the medical profession and the FDA says that you cannot link, and they come up with phony tests to prove that autism isn't linked with vaccines, don't believe it for a minute. They are lying. They are preventing themselves from lawsuits and they are preventing themselves from making more money in vaccines. Vaccines have never been proved to be effective. Every time they come out with a vaccine, the disease is already gone and they take the credit for it. In 1958 when the polio vaccine became mandatory, the ratio of polio to when it was high ten years before that was down to 1%. The year 1958 to 1959, the rate of polio shot up from the vaccine, shot up ten percent. Ten percent in one year. There were three states that kept records and one city, Los Angeles, that kept records. And they found that all of the cases of polio were among the people who had three or more polio vaccines. FDA ruled that they could not keep record anymore. So every state, every city was prohibited from keeping any kind of count relationship between the disease and vaccines. Why would they do that if vaccines weren't a hoax in the first place? It is a multi-trillion dollar a year business just in this country. We are not talking billions. We are talking trillions of dollars. If every child receives 58 vaccines, some states are up to 90 vaccines by the time they are 16 years old. How much money is that? And they force you.
There is, if you know the law, in the Geneva Convention where they say you are not allowed to inject any non-proved medical drug or anything into a human body without the pure consent of the individual and the responsibility of the injecting party for any damage that occurs from that injection. You do not have to get an injection. I sent an email just two weeks ago with the swine flu nonsense. That you could have this, you know, print out this paper, somebody trying to give you a vaccine, say okay, according to the Geneva Convention, you sign this, you sign that you are that person who forces you to take it, takes all responsibility for your health for the rest of your life if anything happens to you because of that vaccine. You think anybody would go sign that? No way. So you can get away with it. Some states say there is no, you can't get out of vaccines. When you present them with that one, I don't care what state you are in, Illinois or where, where there is no escape clause, there is that document and the Geneva Convention, rules for the Geneva Convention. So you can get out of vaccines in any state, anywhere, anytime in the world, no matter where you go. I haven't had to have a vaccine anywhere I've gone because I will present that to them, like they want me to take the yellow fever vaccine. They blame it on mosquitoes. They blame malaria on mosquitoes. Most absurd thing in the world. What is a mosquito? Mosquitoes are pollinators. They pollinate like bees do, the tiny flowers that the bees cannot pollinate, even your small bees. They get into those tiny little microscopic flowers. Now the female does not eat blood. She draws the blood for her offspring. If that blood is contaminated, it is going to kill her offspring. So there is no malaria in it. There is no malaria in a mosquito in the blood that she takes, nor in her saliva. It is fiction. It is nonsense.
Can you get malaria? Yes. It is a degenerative disease of people who live on carbohydrates and don't eat well. So don't be afraid of malaria. Don't be afraid of yellow fever if you are eating properly. I just came back from the Philippines on one island where malaria is very high. I drank the swamp water. I drank it in front of them watching them freak out. And one of the natives had five daughters and two of the youngest had malaria while I was there. And he was getting ready to take them to the hospital. He was showing me land that I am thinking about buying and building a clinic there. And it is owned by the natives in pristine, no agriculture with chemicals. There are just tribes growing their own food. And they were interested in me because I am a natural doctor who only deals with food. So I had three translators because you have got four dialects here. And one of them worked for the government who handled the crossing from the tribe to a company that I have. Because you have to have a Philippine company which is owned 51% by Filipinos. So they could buy the land, but I can't personally. So one of the main translators is translating from my government official to this tribesman to the other tribesman who only knows the native dialect. This guy has daughters with malaria. So we are translating it through. So the woman asked me, the government woman, asked me what I would do about malaria. I said it is very simple. Just take two ounces of lime juice, two ounces of honey, put it in six ounces of coconut water, mix it together. You give that infant and that child two to three tablespoons every hour for three days during their waking hours. If they wake during the night, you give it to them then. Every time they wake, you give it to them, as long as it is within an hour. And then after that for two to three days, if the symptoms are prolonged, you give it to them once every three to four hours, two to three tablespoons. So I said it is that simple. They didn't laugh at me like a doctor would have done or anything like that. Took it to heart.
So just a week and a half ago, I got an e-mail because it was just three and a half weeks ago I was there. I was, even with this damaged leg, I was hiking through the forest and making my way into the jungle, climbing up mountains and everything. But it took a few days for that gypsum to really do a lot of damage inside my body. That is why I was letting it puss out. And finally it was gone except in the leg I still have some pain. So I got an e-mail from the government woman saying we are very happy. We definitely want you to live here because the two little girls recovered in three days. [voice breaking] It was just that formula. I also said in the translation, I said if you take your child, your children to the hospital, 98 out of 100 people die from malaria therapy in a hospital. Only 35% die if they don't go to a hospital. 35 of 100. Why would you go to a hospital? I got a response back, oh, that is why my two other girls died four years ago when I took them to the hospital for malaria. They both died in two days in the hospital. Antibiotics destroy digestion. You are going to prevent your body from absorbing foods that heal the body. Why does the body have malaria in the first place? Why does it have any disease? A disease is always detoxification. You are cleaning out some things that have been done wrong in your lifetime. You don't stop it in a bad way. There are ways to slow it down. There are ways to prevent yourself from, you know, dying, so-called, most of the time. But there are always extreme detoxifications if you are in an extreme situation. So why is it I, a white boy, who doesn't really have native strength and health, although I can outdo a lot of the natives when my leg isn't damaged, you know, I climb up there and hike in the bitter heat, and I'm perspiring like crazy. They're not perspiring. They look at me like they have sympathy for me and I'm going as strong as they do.
It doesn't bother me. I like the heat. 90% of the toxins lead through perspiration, lead through your skin. Perspiration is great. Of course, you don't have to perspire and do all that if you're not toxic, if you grew up completely healthy on a raw diet. There's no need to perspire like that. But if you've been raised in a toxic environment with cooked foods, you're going to need to perspire a lot, profusely, if you want to get well fast. 90% of toxins leave through the skin. So don't freak out. Don't accept medical terrorism, which gets you into behaving radically, instantly, for some kind of surgery that you will never recover from in your whole life, like my vagotomy. It's for life. My appendix, it's for life. At least they haven't grown back. The vagus nerves haven't grown to extend and reattach, nor has my pancreas regrown. The only thing that's ever regrown is my tonsil, one tonsil. I had that ripped out when I was three years old. I was 53. To the week that the tonsil was removed, I got a terrible sore throat. I couldn't figure out why it was that sore. So I got a flashlight and looked in the mirror and there was a new tonsil, over here on the left side. I hadn't had the tonsil for 50 years. So some things can regrow. Also, think about it. I had a 50-year-old woman who ground her finger off, ground it off, including bone, almost all the way down to the first joint. And I told her to put lime juice on it, coconut cream, honey, slice of meat, every day, every day for months. Guess what happened? Five months, her finger completely grew back. I have a newsletter that I write. It comes out almost every two months. And in the November issue, I think it was, I have the photographs of it. And after a month and a half, you see the finger growing out of the side of this calloused finger that is kind of growing out of a callous.
And then at the end of the five and a half months, a finger with a slight bit of deformity. And I saw her just two weeks ago. And even the deformity is cleared. So eat the right things and you handle the body right. Everything can be proper. Everything can regrow. If she had gone to the hospital and not called me and had methylated mercurochrome put on, what would have happened? What is methylated mercurochrome? Liquid mercury. They could call it thimerosal. But thimerosal is a word they use to put in vaccines. Plus now they have nine other words for it. Names for it. But mercurochrome and methylate are liquid mercury. So you put it on this wound and what happens? You destroy all the nerves. If you don't have nerves, you're not going to grow anything. If you can't reproduce nerves, you're not going to grow anything. Of course, the medical professional tells you, nerves cannot regrow. Yet on this diet, they regrow. With raw meats. Only with raw meats. Some nerve tissue grows with raw milk. And I've seen more grow with raw milk in milk that's never been pasteurized. Or, excuse me, never been cooled. So if you can get your milk fresh and keep it warm at room temperature, it'll keep a long time before it turns into kefir natural. I've had it up to ten days without refrigeration in a house that was as warm as 82 degrees with a grandmother. And I could go over there and drink it like it was fresh every day. And then on the sixth and seventh day, it was starting to turn. By the tenth day, it was only kefir. And it was fine. So you don't have to refrigerate your milk if it's never been chilled. And it's a lot healthier. And yes, nerves can regrow with it. But once milk is chilled, it destroys something that allows nerves to regenerate. Meat is the same way. Once it's been frozen, it doesn't help you cellular reproduction of nerve cells. But every other cell it can, but in limited capacity.
I did a test with animals feeding them frozen meat and fresh meat. The same meat, but half of it frozen and half of it not. The animals who ate it frozen, all of them, all of them got a skin disorder within six weeks. One of them got the mange within ten weeks of eating the frozen meat. That's all they were fed. They got no water. They got nothing else but the meat, the raw meat. It was, you know, the frozen, of course, it has a tendency once it thaws to lose a lot of water. So those animals were dehydrated. The animals who ate the fresh meat that didn't lose its water because of the freezing process weren't as thirsty and didn't get dry mouth and as much dry skin, didn't get dry skin at all. These animals were vibrantly healthy, no problem. So I knew that skin disorders could all be corrected with raw butter. So I split the sick group of the skin disorders into two groups. I took butter, the same butter, froze half of it, fed half of it to half the group. I mean, the frozen to one half the group, the raw to unfrozen to the other group, the other half. The group that had it unfrozen, those skin disorders cleared up five times faster than the group that added the frozen butter. So when people tell me, I don't care if it's Sally, Fallon, whoever it is, that nothing is harmed by freezing, they don't know anything because they're accepting what they think is truth and not experimentation. I've done the laboratory work. I've seen it empirically true. So fresh meat, fresh dairy are always better. Frozen is always inferior. The bloodstream, it's a very simple thing. It should handle oxygen to the cells for energy. The white blood cells mainly for removing carbon dioxide. Simple process. Body's simple. All this energy is the blood and didn't have to do anything else.
But what happens, we have a lymphatic system. The lymphatic system does what? The lymphatic system is connected, first of all, to the lacteal system, a web network off of the intestines. That's where we absorb anything that's digested fully in the intestines. It's called the lacteal system because I don't care if you've had purple berries or you've had red meat, no matter what your body has digested, when bacteria and your enzymes get finished with it, and mainly, 90% of all the functions in your body are bacterially oriented. So the less bacteria you have in your body, the sicker you're going to be. And the pharmaceutical and medical industry are always telling you that all of your problems are microbial or bacterial. That's all they search for. They don't search for pollution that they create and our industrial society creates. So the lymphatic system is connected directly to the lacteal system. So we know that it's supposed to absorb nutrients and what? Deliver them to every cell in the body, except for the red and white blood cells. We are so, and then it's secondary, or it's other chore that is, I would say, equal, is to remove waste from the body. If you're eating properly, only raw foods, and not in a toxic environment, guess what? The lymph system doesn't work very hard. It's removing organic waste, which is easily dissolved and easily made into a substance and put in the connective tissue to be perspired out of the body. All non-toxic. What is happening now? The lymph system is so jammed and overworked because of all the toxicity, it no longer delivers the nutrients to every cell. The bloodstream is now doing that. Do you know how much activity the white blood cells have to do in maintaining digestive activity and nutrients flowing to the rest of the body?
Now the blood is completely fatigued. The amount of energy loss can be up to 50% just with that change in functionality of the body. Then we have the neurological system. The neurological system is a fluid system. It transfers electricity and light for messages to keep the whole body maintaining so we can function and use it like a machine. But it's not a machine. It's a living being with everything live in it. Unless you've been following the medical progression, then we're not so alive. Can you imagine being 150 years old and dying with perfect energy the day before? Think about that. Isn't that great? Other animals that I see in the wild, I can never tell a really old one from any other mature one unless they haven't had a lot to eat and they're drying out. Then I can tell their food's been encroached upon. Otherwise, I can't tell the difference between a healthy animal, a younger animal, and an old animal once they reach a few years beyond their maturation age. Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be nice not to look like you've got only 22% of your cells alive in your body, maintaining 100% of the weight and functionality? And you're sitting there waiting for the guy to get across the street and you're saying, what is wrong with this person? Same thing that's going to happen to you if you don't change because cells are dying every day in your life and you're not reproducing them properly because of your habits and your diet. So, if you want to maintain health until the day you die, wouldn't it be nice? Oh, age and deterioration don't have anything to do with you? Not synonymous in your body? You have to die healthy and happy? Just die in your sleep? Why? Who knows why? They just die at that age. No matter how healthy the animal is, seven times the time it takes to finish maturation with no disease.
Who knows why? Those years are set in the cells for some reason. Some fables about people living 900 years in the Bible, stuff like that. Maybe it's possible and maybe it happens in the few people here and there, but it's not a normal thing. 150 years is a pretty good life. If you're healthy, it's a pretty good life. I know people who were... I was 8 years old and wanted to die every day because I was so sickly and I was autistic, so all I wanted to do was die every day. Every day through cancer and all that stuff, I wanted to die and just get it over with, but I wasn't going to do stupid things to make me more sick that I could rationally not do. So once my autism went off and my thinking changed, then I would always take care of myself no matter if I wanted to die or not. So that's why I continued to get well even though I wanted to die every day. And a lot of people say that. I used to go to the Cancer Control Society convention and every speaker got up there and said, but the main thing is you have to stay positive or cancer is going to take you over and you're going to die. And I got up there on the third day, one of the last speakers on the afternoon of Sunday, and I said, everybody who has spoken to you has never had cancer. They're theorists. I've had four cancers. I was supposed to be dead many years ago, and the only person with those four cancers has lived beyond three months, and here I was at that time that I gave that lecture, 32 years into living beyond my death sentence. And I said, you don't have to be positive about a thing. I wanted to die. If I had the conscience to do it, I would have committed suicide, but I was so afraid that I would just hurt myself worse with poisons or a gun or whatever it was, and I'd be in worse shape than I was already. So I didn't do it. And I wanted to die every day. I prayed to die, but I got well. So don't listen to that, because a lot of you I know, you're wishing to die.
It's miserable. It's painful having cancer. It's trying, but it doesn't make a difference. You don't have to be positive. You just have to do the things that help your body function properly and healthfully to change that. If I can change it, anybody can change it. So think about that. Positive thinking, la, la, land crap. It's rational behavior that can save you. It's conscious, practical, efficient thinking. I searched for it. I found it in primitive people. I've done the experiments with raw foods. I've seen what the human body can do. That's what counts. The doctor saying it's all in your head, but I had the heart attacks. I had a patient, Jeff Slay, getting skinnier and skinnier, went down to I think 60-some pounds at his lightest. Can you imagine being 5'9 1⁄2 and being 68-pound male? This was a kid who grew up in an affluent family, plenty of money, the youngest in the whole family, so he got babied, never had to work a day in his life. They told him it was in his head. Three years he was deteriorating. The doctors and doctors, diagnosis, all the tests came out he was in perfect health, had the proper adrenaline, the testosterone, the thyroxine, cholesterol levels, everything was perfect. Perfect. Here he's looking like he's, I mean he wasn't 29 years old, 30 years old, he looked like an Auschwitz victim who was 68 years old. Literally looked that old, being that skinny. Did everything, went on a macrobiotic diet, you know, they started doing other diets after he left the medical profession after three years. None of it worked. Went on Sally Fallon's stuff for a little bit, helped put on about 20 pounds, and then he came to me, and in five months, full healthy, he went from being white and tallow, yellowish complexion, scaly skin, very old looking, and in that three months, he went up to red. Red complexion, I mean red, rich red, full body, no exercise, just eating. Muscles popping all over. If you want to see the pictures you can go to It is not my website. I don't have time to publish a website. It takes a lot of hours and every day and I don't have it.
So when you go to that website, know that it's not mine, so don't email me about anything that happens on that website. I contracted with a couple to publish my information that's not in my books. So they published a newsletter, articles that I've written before, and some interviews that have been published that don't reoccur that you can't find in other places. So all those are available on that website. It is spelled, everything is spelled wewanttolive except for the T-O, And then you'll see, scroll down on the front page, it's got Jeff before and after. So the before picture was taken on the Sally Fallon diet and then from there to my diet and what happened with Jeff. So that isn't him at 68 pounds, that was him at 89 pounds I think it was. Okay, so that takes care of the three fluid systems. You know the muscles, you know the bones, you understand all that. Without the muscles we couldn't do the activity. Without the bones we'd be worms crawling around. We couldn't do what we do. We couldn't be gymnasts. We couldn't climb trees. We could slime up trees. But you understand those systems so I don't have to talk about them. How long have I been talking? I usually like to break in an hour and 45 minutes.
Q: Hour and 20 minutes.
A: Good. Pardon? So, okay, what we're going to do is we're going to go into the human body with food. Now if 80% of the body, the highest, the greatest energy that the body can produce is fats and the citric acid cycle is 80% fat, 15% proteins in the form of pyruvate, which is a protein, sugar, and 5% citric acid or some kind of carbohydrate that gives us the greatest amount of energy. So fats are very important for energy. Most people live on carbs. When we make fats from carbs, which are called acetates, those burn very quickly and are short-lived, but they give you a burst. It's like a firecracker going off, but there's no long-term energy produced by them. So you have to burn a lot of them. When your body utilizes normal fats from animal fats as fuel, they burn two and a half times more energy or burn because there's no real burn. That's pharmaceutical industry and the technological industry trying to make your body think that it burns like carbon so you'll accept the burning of fuel, the burning of crap all over our environment. If it burns in your body, it's got to burn everywhere else, right? The only thing that burns on this planet are volcanoes and some lightning fires. That's not half a fraction of what we burn in a day with food and industry and materials and everything else we burn. So those fats create a great deal of energy, two and a half times more than protein made from a fat or protein made from a carbohydrate. Also, fats are responsible for binding with poisons that enter your body. Your white blood cells are 90% fat. They are phagocytes. Fat is very important in the body. Where do we find most toxins stored in the human body? Wherever fat is. The brain and the bone marrow. If you are lucky enough to be fat, you will find a lot of the poisons in the fat lessen your brain and lessen your bone marrow.
So people who say, be thin, be healthy, I say wrong. Be fat, be healthy. You say, Aajonus, you look pretty thin there. I've been on a raw food diet since February 72, so I don't have all the pollution. I don't have all the toxins. I don't need all that fat to bind with it. But still, right now, I'm at my lowest. I'm 18% body fat. Athletes are 7 to 10% body fat. So I still have double the fat they do, double the production. It's just that my fat are very tiny molecules. Raw fat molecules are tiny. When you cook a fat, process a fat, it swells. Ever see pork rind? You've got a little slab of pork that's maybe double the size of bacon. And then you fry it and dry it, and what do you have? You have this big old fat thing. Those fat molecules have swelled 5 to 50 times their normal size. You can be fat without looking fat if you're eating the proper fats long enough. Normally, when I was first discovering all this, and I was so full of disease, I would go up to 30, 32% body fat. I mean, I swelled purposely. I was consuming a quart of raw cream with a quart of carrot juice in it. And boy, that will fatten you up quickly. It will blow you up. Cream is the hardest fat to digest, but I'm going to get into that when I finish talking about fats in general. And what is a bodybuilder? A bodybuilder is someone who doesn't want much fat but wants a lot of muscle. But you can't develop muscle without having fat. So they'll do that until it's time to go and do their show, and then they'll cut off their fat to become very lean. And what happens? They lose strength.
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, when it would come time to exhibit, he would lose half of the power and energy. He was going from, let's say, 450 pounds down to 225 pounds in his workout. And it had to be timed, because if you start losing the fats long enough, the muscle starts disappearing. So it's a science to do that. But you take a look at your wrestlers, your weightlifters. Think if they were skinny. They wouldn't have that incredible power and energy. I mean, it's all choreographed. It's a show. It's not real. But a wrestler, a professional wrestler, take a look at the acrobatics that they do. They're not only doing acrobatics, they're slamming their bodies. They're enduring a lot of blows. And they laugh and they fake the pain because they really don't feel much pain. Because the layers of fat in their bodies are tremendous. The strength that they have. They're picking up a 340 pound guy. You know, one guy may be 300 pounds or 280, picking up a 350, 400 pound person and doing a jump at the same time. Think about the power that it takes and the fat that it takes to do that. Think about the power of a gorilla and a monkey from the fats that they make in their bodies. Now, most of your monkeys are fruitarians, frugivores. I don't really think that they're supposed to be because of their behavior. Have you ever seen a called monkey? If you've been around monkeys, they eat only fruit and they masturbate anywhere from, males and females, they masturbate anywhere from 3 to 12 times in a day. I've seen monkeys when I worked in a department store way back in the 60s when they actually sold monkeys in department stores. You know, one monkey masturbated as much as 40 times in one day. All of that fruit sugar buzzes them, you know, makes them so full of energy and high sugar carbohydrate that they have to burn it off with activity. The killer monkeys. Why do they go off and kill?
Well, if you look at their pattern, every once in a while they'll go through 24 to 48 hours of eating highly fermented fruit. They go for figs and bananas that are so fermented the alcohol level is like 10 percent. And for 24 to 48 hours they'll eat these. And then they lose their minds and they go through the jungle. And for 24 hours they will kill everything. They will destroy plants. They will kill insects. They will kill other monkeys. They will kill gorillas. They'll swarm on them, like 50 to 60 of them will swarm on a gorilla. They'll swarm on elephants. They will just go on a killing spree for 24 hours. And it's only after eating all that carbohydrate. Now if they were eating fats and calling like other primates are supposed to be like the gorillas are, they wouldn't be doing that. The gorillas eat a tremendous amount of meat and fat. Sure, it's only once a month, but they consume 13 to 28 pounds a month just like us eating a pound a day. That's normal. That's what we should be doing. I mean, if we were still cave people, we might be able to have 13 to 28 pounds of meat in a two-day period and live on green bananas. They don't eat sweet fruit. They eat green bananas with the peels. Can you imagine? I tried doing that. It's like eating alum, clay. They have tremendous saliva to help them do that. I don't know how they do it. But they'll eat a pound or two. Another bad thing about carbohydrate is Jane Goodall's uncle with a name that is Goodell, funny, almost incest there with names being so close. But John Goodell was a biologist and filmmaker. And I edited... When I was so sickly, I couldn't do anything anymore. I began editing film. And when I got well enough, I went into a film house to edit, instead of doing it at my home. And he had his room right next to mine. And he did a film called The Beginning.
He won an Academy Award for a full-length documentary on birth and nature. So you got to see everything born. Pigs being born, gorillas being born, deer being born. Every animal, insect and stuff like that he filmed. So it's called The Beginning. And he lived with the gorillas a little bit before his niece went off and did her gorillas experience. And he said when they were following the gorillas, they noticed that the gorillas only ate green bananas. So they were very curious what would happen if they let some bananas go ripe. So they cut down a bunch, put it on one of the jeeps, traveled with the gorillas for a couple of weeks. They all went ripe, yellow, threw it out to the gorillas. You don't get too close to the gorillas because they get very territorial. So they threw them out there. And the gorillas, very curious, came over and looked. And there were two big ones, elderly gorillas that were in charge of the group. I forget what they call gorilla packs. Anyway, they were pulling the bananas off and went like that. Of course, they mushed out all over. And so instinctively they only ever go for the green ones. And I guess when they saw a whole bunch that was yellow, it made them curious. So then it took them about 40 minutes to learn to peel. And they did learn to peel. You watch them learn as they're playing with these things. And they start eating them. Within about two hours of eating these ripe bananas, they started acting like monkeys, getting crazy, jumping around, fighting. Fighting over who gets the bananas. They weren't going to share. So one of the infants got killed and one of the teenagers got a broken leg and a broken arm. It just made them crazy. It made them lose sanity and reason, rationality, even instinct.
So think about that. We are not frugivores if you want to behave rationally. If you don't want to go out and kill and be crazy and hurt your partner and be insane. You've got to limit your carbohydrate ingestion. So let's go back to fat. Fat is to me in our toxic society the most important nutrient. Skinny is not healthy. I won't even date a skinny girl. It's high maintenance. Terribly high maintenance. They're all so sensitive. Everything is wrong. Too hot, too cold. Too this, too that. Everything is a trauma. Everything is a toxic experience for them. I dated Twiggy one night. I never called her again. We were going to the Abco Cinema. It was the first multi-theater. This was 1971, 1972. It was for Butterflies Are Free. It was its premiere. This was a new building, the Abco Center Cinema. Three theaters in it back then. Three theaters in one house. Never heard of before. Only one in the house and that was it. So we went to there. I was still pretty sick and all the flashing lights and stuff like that bothered the hell out of me. So I said, well, let's go out the back way and have the limo meet us on the side so we don't have to deal with all the paparazzi. I wasn't famous. I was on a television series at the time, but I was not famous. I was a small character in a medical center. So we went to the side. We were going out the back and there were all these building materials still in there. Sacks of cement, plaster, all kinds of stuff. And I said, oh, what if the way is blocked on the way out and we can't get out? I said, stop the door at the head of publicity for 9 p.m. The door is free. And he didn't catch the door in time. And I said, well, I hope we're not locked in. Twiggy went screaming, we're locked in. All we have to do is knock. We've got telephones. We can call. We had a walkie-talkie with the limo driver. She just went nuts. And her manager, Justin, had to almost slap her out of it. He goes to have to shake her and get her out of it.
That is what having no health in the body, no fat, and no calmness in the body can do to you. So I encourage everybody to get fat, especially if you've been toxic your whole life. I carried on lots of weight. I used to have a 38-inch waist. Now the highest I go up to is 37. I used to go down to no lower than 33. Now I go down to 30. But it's been a process. The healthier I get, the less fat my body wants to store on it. But I'm still two times more than an athlete and two times more than the Maasai and Samburu and Fulani tribe and even the Eskimos. The Eskimos carry quite a bit of fat. Even the males carry up to almost 26% fat. But for the African tribes and the tropical tribes, I have more fat than they do, double what they have. Because I'm still living in a toxic environment. I'm in the Philippines. When I don't have enough dairy, I get down to 30, 30-and-a-half-inch waist. And I feel fine as long as I'm in the tropics and pristine environment. As soon as I go to Manila or Los Angeles, my body starts getting hungered for fats instantly. And I'll start drinking an old cup of cream at a time or something like that several times a day to start building up. And I'll consume massive amounts of milk and eat lots and lots of butter to build it up as quickly as possible. So fat is very important. Do not be thin. It's very difficult to get women to think that they're beautiful if they're fat. And it is. A hundred years ago, a woman who was skinny would never be chosen as a mother. Because there was no central heating. There was no air conditioning. So what happened? A woman had to have children, take care of them, get through childbirth in the winter or summer, hot heat of the summer, and take care of the family. So a woman who was overweight, the Rubinesque woman, was always the ideal wife and mother.
Only in your groups like your Hollywood people were people skinny because they didn't want to have children, because they had a career. And this went into the modeling agency and the clothing agency. And with Twiggy it blossomed and spread. And now we have thin is beautiful, but thin is sick and crazy. Men are the same way. I'm not talking just about women. You get a skinny man and they can be as crazy as a skinny woman. And they can be just as histrionic. So, you're not skinny. Close, but not skinny. So whether you're a man or a woman, don't be skinny. Okay, let's go on to, I pretty much took care of the carbohydrates as well as the fats by utilizing and see what they, you know, correspondingly, how they work together and against you. And let's take proteins. Now, on a, let's take another chair, put those on another chair, they can be closer. Okay, protein. Now a lot of vegetarians say, well, we can get our proteins from beans. Well, beans have to be cooked to get into the human body. If you'll ever even germinate a bean, like a pinto bean, black eyed pea, any of those, any bean, even a soy, it could kill you. Soy will kill you. All the others will nearly kill you if you're not real healthy. I tried it. I don't take anything on words. Even if it nearly kills me, I try everything. So one day I took pinto beans, which are the least toxic, I germinated them and ate them. I was vomiting violently and diarrhea for three days. I could not move. Cramping terribly in my intestines. Everything that they told me was going to happen with the raw meat happened with the beans. So in order to remove those compounds, now herbivore, cows, horses, all those animals, deer, they can all eat beans because they have the enzymes to alter those substances. The human body does not. So it creates all of those problems. So in order for a human to digest them in any way, they have to be cooked. But again, you have all those toxins that form from cooking. So here you're getting a protein that is not stable and not beneficial. It will maintain your structure, but not healthfully and not vibrantly. You will age and deteriorate as you live and eat those substances.
Nuts, a lot of people say nuts. We can live off of nuts. Sure, nuts have a high level of protein, somewhere from 15 to let's say 22%. But we cannot digest the cellulose enough to get to release that much protein. Plus the fats are almost like vegetable fats and wheat oils and we do not break those down properly. We don't have the enzymatic activity nor that kind of bacteria to feed on them. So nuts are not a resolution. I was eating up to 7 pounds of nuts a day and losing a quarter of a pound a day. I was eating up to 7-8 avocados a day just to maintain a weight. The nuts weren't adding any muscle. I kept deteriorating, losing muscle. They say, well, grains. What do you have? 7-15% protein in grains? And again, we're not birds. And grains are for the birds. Birds have a gizzard to handle grains. Dry. Cows, horses and all that can eat grain. If they're dry, they won't eat fresh seeds off of grass, but they will as soon as that dries on the ground. They will suck it up over the dirt. I watched them at my grandparents' farm. They'll eat corn, you know, feed corn on the stock, but it's always dry by the time they get to it, got to it. And grain feeding, to me, isn't a problem as long as the cow can digest it and normally gets it. Now at the end of the season, the hay season, my grandparents, because they collected their own seed, they didn't go out and buy baled hay. They let the seed so that they could grow their next crop for next year. And they did the same with the corn. So they would grow it to feed their dairy cows and the pigs and every other animal, the chickens, everything, so that the whole farm was ecologically supported, self-sustained. Now, they ate grain. The dairy was wonderful. The meat was wonderful. Nothing was GMO corn. There was no GMO corn. There wasn't the mass hybrid of corn back in the 40s and 50s. So those cows that ate corn, but it wasn't their major diet. Their major diet was grasses, hay, but they ate maybe two to four cups of grain a day at milking time.
Of course, it wasn't cups. They were given the actual corn on the cob, because the cob is real sweet. The whole center, if you break open a cob and dig the center out, it's like sugar cane. Very delicious. So the cow will eat the whole cob, will eat the whole corn on the cob. If you do not remove the corn from the cob, you don't have to crack. For some reason, you don't have to crack the corn, because for the sheep, they would not feed them the cob. They would crack the corn. They would remove it from the cob. How that worked differently, I still don't understand, because I'm not around a farm and around animals. So I'd have to figure that out, only if I lived on a farm. But the chickens, the way they were fed, now my grandparents' chickens never pecked one another. Yet on all the surrounding farms, the chickens were pecking each other. They would kill each other, maybe a chicken every other day, because they weren't getting enough protein. They were fed grain and feeds that had nothing to do with the chicken's diet. A chicken is a scavenger. It looks for meat. It's like a vulture. It looks for bugs. It eats meat. So what I suggest that Amos do, he take all the guts and the remains, throw it out on a pallet, and let the chickens feed on it, and then the flies will come and lay their larva, and the chickens will eat the larva. His chickens are just like my grandparents' chickens. They don't peck each other. They'll follow you and even rub up against you like cats. They're very friendly and very happy. Got great eggs and great chickens. I have one of the chickens right over there. I hope it doesn't leak over the floor. Will it not leak? No. Okay. I just thought about that. So you think about how animals eat, and they're as healthy as their food. But if they're fed badly, they will war among themselves, and they get crazy too. And they get diseases too. But if you take care of your animals right, that won't happen.
So protein for your chickens is not grains and feed. Why did they feed them that? Because Purina, General Bills, Kellogg's, had all this waste product of grain. They had all the bran, they had the wheat germ. They needed to get rid of it so they would sell it at a fraction it's worth. It was a byproduct that they were going to have to do what? They were not going to have to compost it, and compost as big as a thousand acre farms. And they're not going to spend the money to do that. Or they bury it, or they have to dissolve it in some kind of solution and dump it into the rivers. Couldn't get away with that. So what'd they do? They figured they'd sell it very cheaply to farmers to feed cows, to feed any kind of pigs, any animal. So almost all the main feeds you get out there are trash, garbage that has been chemically processed, heat treated, every way you can ever imagine before it hits the feed bins. Because they can sell it cheap. It's a byproduct. It's a cheap waste product that has no food value. And that's the way 90% of the animals are raised in the United States for your food. Not very good. So you need to go where you can get good food, like our friendly Amish farmers who take care of a lot of my people, a lot of the people who are on the diet. And we have little outlets all over. I get raw milk in California right on the shelves, and I fought for it and won. But do I drink their milk? No, they put it in plastic. One of the other farmers feeds their feed instead of grazing it. Am I going to eat their milk? No. We have a truck come from Amos every week with his milk. That's exactly the way I want to produce the food that I want. We ship all the way from Burton Hand, Pennsylvania, all the way to California every week. The quality is what matters. Not the quantity. It's the quality. Always.
Not going to have any more doctor bills. It's money you save there. Don't even need a medical insurance. Unless something's ripped off and you need to sew them back on. It's not the only time you need a doctor. You need a body mechanic at that point, and that's it. You're dealing with sickness and disease. They're not the person to go to get healthy. If you want to stay sick and diseased, you go to them. If you want to be drugged, you go to them. So protein. Where do we get protein? In my experiments with humans, the only place I found that they actually reproduce cells quickly was with raw meats, unfrozen. Actually increases and reconstitutes all of the growth hormones that we stopped having majorly at about 18 years old. All of a sudden they start working again. So here I am with a motorcycle accident with an infection of gypsum in that from the roadway. All that gypsum there. Gypsum is five times more toxic than sulfur. I am here already, and this is my third week. I haven't stopped working. It's my third weekend for giving a seminar. I usually stand up during all the seminars, but this leg is a little delicate for that. But I'm still working. I'm not in a hospital with grafts from my butt and my thighs down to my leg where all the skin was gone for this much of my leg and ripped off my foot, inside and outside. So here I am working. I'm 62 years old. I recover quickly. When I had the motorcycle accident two years ago and I broke the bones, I was active and working in six and a half weeks with broken bones and all the skin gone, but no gypsum in that situation. So the skin completely held over, pain, without pain in 12 days. So the body can heal itself very well with raw meat. When I'm talking about meat, I'm not talking about red meat. I'm not talking about white meat, fish meat, anything. Red meat is a class. When I speak of meat, that means all meats, any flesh food.
When I talk about red meat, I'm talking about a class of meat, not color. When I talk about white meat, it's a class, not a color. So in the red meat category, you all have four-legged animals. In the white category, you have birds and you have fish and seafood. Now in my book, We Want to Live, I tell the differences that the white and the red make in healing, like the white beats the fish, the fowl, and the fish and the fowl will help the body regenerate nerve tissue quicker than red meat will. Red meat helps the glands, the muscles, the blood regenerate faster. The white meats, the fowl and the seafood, the fish, help bones, digestive tract, lymphatic, and skin regenerate faster. So since our body is made up of both of those systems, I always suggest that people eat both red and white meat together. So you eat fish with your beef, or chicken with your beef, or your lamb or your pig or whatever you're eating. So you always have a balanced diet so your body will always be able to holistically cleanse and heal itself. I mean, you can do the seesaw thing, but you won't feel as good and you won't be as clear thinking. Okay, so we've covered the fats, the carbohydrates, and the proteins that we need to discuss. Now we're getting toward the time to take a break. When we come back, we're going to talk about foods, the difference between fats and from different foods, how they react in the body, and then we're going to talk about, or I'm going to talk about, you're not going to say a thing. Your job in a workshop is to stay awake and stay attentive. Then I'm going to talk about what to eat at what time of the day to stay more alert and energetic. Okay? So let's take a break. Let's be back in 10-15 minutes. Let's make it 15 minutes. Exactly. Look at your watches and be here. Thank you. And I think that Amos and Mr. Nolt are going to provide food again? Yes, and also sell it too? Are you still selling it?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay.
Q: People with agendas. We don't have agendas. Well, yeah, I've got an agenda. What you said earlier, my wife laughs at me every time I say it, but I keep telling her I want to die healthy. That's what I want to die. I want to die healthy. That's my one goal with life.
A: My goal is to live healthy.
Q: That's a different way of saying it. Totally different way of saying it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Drinking too much water?
Q: I'm making much less [unintelligible].
A: How much did you drink?
Q: What do we have? Maybe I have, say, 12 ounces a day.
A: That's a lot. I haven't had, I've had one ounce of water in two weeks.
Q: Never. But I have been confident. This helps a lot, but it's still too much.
Q: Isn't that important to drink a lot of water?
A: Oh no, just the opposite. You don't drink a lot of water.
Q: Never?
A: No. Well, even a little bit. Like I said, I had probably two ounces in two weeks.
Q: Why did they tell you to drink a lot of water then?
A: Because they want you to sell, they want to sell bottled water. Remember, you didn't hear drinking water until 1961.
Q: That's something, isn't it?
A: Yeah. There's milk, there's vegetable juice. Sip it a little at a time. This is 86% water. Water you can utilize.
Q: They tell you you have to drink water when you're sick or you'll dehydrate.
A: There's no such thing. It's a medical thing.
Q: You put more butter in your mouth, that's what it is, right?
A: Dry mouth.
Q: You have to get used to it.
Q: You think that's going to help you?
A: Yes, absolutely. Tomatoes, cucumbers. Okay, are we ready? Okay, now I'm going to talk about fats in foods, different kinds of fats. Now, the dairy fats each have a different utilization by the body. It's quite remarkable. There's nothing more varied and important as dairy when you're trying to get from ill health to better health. Cream is the only fat that can soothe and repair the nervous system in a quick way. The nerves and the neurons in the brain. Fish oil, I mean fish meat with oil in it, and they have to be together. Fish oil, you can't do it on its own. A lot of people selling fish oils does not improve the function of the brain and nervous system. It helps vitamin D and other areas of the body. It helps replace myelin, the coating in the myelin, the fat in the myelin. But it won't help breed new cells in the brain and neurons. It takes fish to do that. But the cream will soothe and protect the nervous system and brain. Only fat that will do that. Butter. When the body uses cream, it uses about 60 varieties of cholesterol to break down cream. It's the only one that needs all 60 varieties that the liver makes, 60 varieties of cholesterol. Of course, the doctors lump all cholesterol into two groups now, the HDL and the LDL. But, hello, there are 60 varieties of cholesterol. They want to oversimplify everything to keep you confused. Then they want to overcomplicate everything else to make you more confused about your health and about the body. Food, they want to make it very simple. All bacteria is bad, all fat is bad. Raw butter, when the body makes, converts the cream into those particular fats, two-thirds of the cream will be made into butter. So when you eat butter, there's very little digestion compared to cream. Cream is very complicated and it takes time to digest.
That's why I suggest people do not eat much cream with their meats. Because it can coat the meats and prevent you from digesting your raw meats. If you're going to have it in a sauce, that's fine as long as it's only a part of that sauce. And it's not a major part to coat the meat. So it prevents you from digesting it. Get back to butter. Butter will feed and lubricate any part of your body except the brain and nervous system. It does help the brain and nervous system a little bit, but it takes the dairy cream to do it absolutely. Butter is much easier to digest than other fats. However, the fats, the cream that's in kefir and yogurt, will digest a little bit faster. But for some reason, the bacteria that's used to ferment kefir and yogurt do not help the brain the same way as if you drink raw cream and let it go through its normal process. Unless you make kefir the way I suggest that you do in the book, in the recipe of the book. I say, take your raw milk, spit into it. Why? Because remember what I said about the bacteria in the mouth? That's our primary function in saliva, is to add bacteria that's going to digest your animal products. So if you expectorate, chew, get lots of saliva, expectorate it into your milk to make your kefir, it's going to be the bacteria that are perfect for your body. And it's going to go down and break it down perfectly for you. That cream will be utilized to fulfill your brain and nervous system needs. Absolutely. And the introduced bacteria, probiotics from kefir and yogurt, they're washed, they change, they're not even indigenous to the milk anymore. So they've gone through their alterations. So not the same.
Okay, then we have the fat in cheese. Now, raw cheese does not digest. It goes through the body like a magnet and a sponge. It starts in the mouth when you're chewing. You have blood, lymphatic, neurons, circulatory veins going all throughout the mouth, throughout the throat, all the way through the digestive tract, down the esophagus, stomach, intestines, all the way out the rectum. And as these fluid systems pass through the digestive tract, the cheese magnetically pulls toxins out of those fluid systems, holds on to it like a sponge, and then your body evacuates it out the feces. I said that most of the body prefers to send most of its toxins out the skin. We are highly too toxic. We need help. Especially if you've had vaccines, and 90, probably 90 some, 93, 95% of all the people I've seen store their vaccine toxins in the stomach lining for life. Just remember that mercury, it may take 200 molecules of mercury or 100 fat cells, phagocytes, white blood cells, to bind with one molecule of mercury to get it out of the body safely. They're that dangerous. So, if you think that you're going to be able to remove the mercury that you've had from even 5 vaccines in your lifetime, forget it. It's not going to happen. You need to contain those in certain areas of your body, seal them in, and leave them. If they're dispersed in areas, you need to try to get rid of them. I've got ways to do that. But mercury is highly exhausting to the body. It can keep you in high fatigue if your body can't seal it away. And the body usually uses iodine from food and iron from your blood, from meats, to bind with that mercury and seal it in like a vault, like a coffin. That's an appropriate thing to say here, isn't it? So, we want it stored as much as possible. That that isn't stored, we need to get rid of it.
So, all the fat is involved in getting rid of that and the other nutrients utilized is difficult. The cheese will attract a lot of that that's gotten into the blood, the lymphatics, and the neurological system. It will hold on to it and evacuate it through the bowels. Since it holds on to it, you don't have to worry about it destroying E. coli. If you eat pasteurized cheese or cheese with salt, guess what? It fractionates it like cooking and makes all of those elements in that food available. So, you have quantity over quality. Now, let me give you an example of quantity over quality in cooking foods, what it does to the human body. Now, we see most people start off slim and trim, small boned in their body, even when they're teenagers. Then, all of a sudden, when they're in their 20s, bones get larger, everything gets larger. One of the greatest examples of that is John Travolta. Slim boned, even in his 20s, almost all the way up to his 30s.Then, all of a sudden, massive amount of eating, that diet problem. Just kept eating and eating and gorging with cooked foods and not healthy foods. So, what happened was all of these substances that are meant to be digested have to be put somewhere if you're not evacuating it. So, it builds into this excess bone, excess everything. So, the bones become quite large. So, he went from this very narrow face to now a very large structured bone structure. He doesn't have the agility, he doesn't have the health that he had when he was younger. He can't dance like he did when he was that. He can't do the splits, he can't do all that stuff anymore. We were designed to be slim, trim boned. Muscle development depended upon what you were doing. But these large, thick, heavy, mineral bones are from eating a lot of cooked foods. So, cooking releases a lot of the nutrients and that's what the FDA and the USDA and the medical... Oh, you should cook, it releases many more nutrients. But of what quality to what end? They have these little sayings that are about as shallow as a puddle in your yard.
It's ridiculous. Don't listen to those. Any of those little chatters that go in your head, you've got to get rid of them because they're wrong. So, the cheese when it's raw, unsalted, salt fractionates. Like some enzymes do that are in herbivores and you get a lot more nutrients from it. But I'm going to tell you about salt, the bad things about salt in the long run and what it does. Cooked cheese, pasteurized cheese, pasteurized or flash pasteurized, any kind of processed cheese, you will absorb all the nutrients in it. So, if it attracts all the poisons out of your system, you're going to reabsorb all those poisons along with the cheese. Raw cheese, unsalted cheese is the only cheese I know that acts like a magnet and sponge and evacuates out the feces. Pretty good thing, isn't it? The amount of miraculous things that dairy can do. That's why dairy is prized in all those African tribes and in the Himalayas, amongst the Hunzas, 75-80% of their diet is cheeses, raw dairy, kefir, yogurts, cheeses, raw fresh dairy. Their whole life, their whole culture is built around it because it is so exceptional. And the many things that you can do with it. If you have digestive problems, yes, you can have the kefir and yogurt, even made from other cultures, and it will help you get out of sickness. But it isn't the ultimate. The ultimate is to use your own bacteria to pre-digest the milks. That is the ultimate. And if you want real thick yogurt, you spit into your milk more. Because the more bacteria, the faster it's going to culture and the thicker it will culture. Just remember, bacteria is 90% of all the functions of your body. Bacteria is important. Take, for example, salmonella. You hear, oh, salmonella is going to give you a problem. Stay away from raw eggs. Salmonella in milk is going to give you a problem.
If you take a swab and you rub it in your nose and go ahead and analyze, guess what you're going to find? 1,600 varieties of salmonella in your nose. You're going to find them in your mouth. You're going to find them in your anus. You're going to find them everywhere. Why? Because they are janitors. Salmonella are janitors. When before we bathed, and maybe you saw water once every five months, what took care of all the dead cells on your skin? Salmonella. 8,200 varieties of salmonella ate it so you didn't go around looking like a peeling snake. They are janitors. They aren't harmful unless you put them in a Petri dish with live cells in a non-blood serum. Sure, the salmonella is going to look at those cells. Well, you're going to die anyway. Let me eat you now. In the medical profession, in the pharmaceutical community, we'll look at that and say, see, they destroy live healthy cells. Well, they aren't healthy cells, are they? The salmonella is eating them. You put salmonella all over you, does it eat your skin? No. Only when the skin becomes dead and dry does the salmonella eat it. Or they've been poisoned with something and you apply the salmonella. The salmonella works to get rid of the dying contaminated dead cells. If it's too toxic, they can't even live on it. Like right now, it's almost impossible, if you use soap, for salmonella to live on your skin. Because you've got the soap in the skin. Then when it dies and you flake off all the time, we lose 60 trillion skin cells a day drop off, dry and dead. Salmonella won't eat them. Why? Because you've got soap, you've got toxins in that cell. When the salmonella eats it, it's toxic, it gets diseased, and it dies an unhappy, short death. So you take a look at all the consequences of what you do. Do not be afraid of bacteria.
All your friends, there's no bacteria on this planet that can hurt you unless it's man-generated, genetically modified. And there's plenty of that going on in our military, in the NSA. And there's been plenty applied to our citizens of the United States. In fact, one report shows 50 million people used in the United States for bacterial warfare experimentation. That was released three years ago. Some of that has been under wrap for 30 years. They couldn't keep it under, they had to release it because of the law, even if it's a military thing. So don't be afraid of bacteria, you want it. So in the cheese, make sure it's raw and unsalted. It will act as a detoxifier for you, so your skin doesn't have to get so damaged, your connective tissue and your bowels and intestines. Cheese is a marvelous help. If you're a person who has a lot of those toxins, like I say most people do in their stomach lining, you want to eat cheese 10 minutes before you eat anything. Why? Because as soon as you eat something, the body takes that mercury, that formaldehyde, the aluminum, you could have chlorine if you drink toxic municipal water, you have fluoride and chlorine in your water and you drink that, it will get into the stomach lining. And it dumps a little bit into your food, along with the hydrochloric acid, every time you eat. Once you stop eating for 10 minutes, the stomach will stop dumping its toxins and only secrete hydrochloric acid as is needed for what's in the stomach. So you fool the body or you work with the body. Not fool or you work with. You have your cheese, even if it's just a sugar cube sized amount, half a teaspoon or a teaspoon. If you're a larger person, a teaspoon and a half. If you're a huge person, you eat a whole tablespoon and a half, the size of my thumb. Don't eat for 10 minutes. All the poisons are going to dump into that cheese only. Then you eat 10, 12 minutes after that, you start eating your meal. You have 25 minutes before the stomach will start dumping into the food again. If you're still eating a meal, then you stop, you eat the cheese, you wait 10 minutes, 12 minutes later you start eating again and finish your meal. So if you eat cheese 10 minutes before everything, you won't be repoisoning your body with the poisons you're already trying to dump and they won't be spreading throughout the intestines and the rest of the body.
We can't really call them fats, but oils, like pressed oils from olive, nuts, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, seeds, oils, they are not like animal fats. They are not utilized properly in the human body. We don't have those enzymes. Birds have the gizzard and the enzymes to handle grain fats properly, seed fats. Squirrels do too. We do not. When we take them in, 90% of those oils will be used to detoxify the body, to make soaps, to make solvents, to break down toxic tissue in the body, toxic storages of other compounds and eliminate them. If the lymphatic system is healthy enough to do that. The only fat, the only oil that you can press that is a little bit better and will help soothe the body to some extent is coconut oil. However, coconut cream is much better. Now, coconut is 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% carbohydrate. The perfect ratio, remember, for the citric acid cycle to be the strongest and healthiest. So, in the last year, I've been doing another experiment to try to help people who have a lot of difficulty keeping energy up and losing weight. So, what I put them on is coconut water with coconut meat. These are young gel meat. So, I'll take all of it out. It's a young coconut. You take all the gel, you mix it with the coconut water and you drink that combination and chew that gel all day long. And that's all you eat. Because it is 80% fat, 15% protein, 5% carbohydrate, you don't get hungry and you don't get tired. All of my other systems create a certain amount of imbalance, my weight losses. But this one does not. The only thing I don't like about it is it causes weight loss too quickly. So, I suggest that you do, if you're going to do that. Oh, and if you don't have the young coconut, you just take the meat of like half of a coconut and you grate it. Or you cut it up and put it in your food processor and let it grate it. Then you mix that with the water, you shake them up together, and then all day you shake it and drink, chew, swallow. And it works very, very well. I'm not really into weight loss unless you're very heavy, unless you're over 20 pounds overweight.
If you're over 20 pounds, over 20 pounds overweight, then you need to lose some weight once in a while. If your body doesn't want to lose it, that means you need to retain it to shelter or hold in certain toxins. Let me give you an example of how important extra layers of fat are for some people. I have a martial artist who's been on the diet for about 10 years. He drinks no water. He owns a martial arts school. He drinks no water. Do you hear that? And he works out and teaches all day long. No water. And he's strictly on the diet 100%. Now he, about four years ago, he had an appendicitis. I suggested that he didn't need to go to the hospital. But everybody told him that if you have a ruptured appendix, you are going to die. Terrorism again. I said, you've been on the diet six years already. You're already protected. If your appendix is really that toxic. Because, like I said, the appendix is a library and holds every toxic substance that's ever entered your body. And let's say you've been exposed to a lot of toxins. He lives in New Jersey, around a lot of factory and industry, so you know how much he's absorbed over these years. So his appendix got very large. So he went to the hospital. They went in and cut in to see it. And it was completely surrounded by fat, an inch and a half to two inches thick, completely around the appendix. The appendix had burst, and guess what? The fat had absorbed all of the toxicity. They took out his appendix. Now he has no appendix. Now he doesn't have that defense anymore. The diet took care of it. It had a layer of fat wrapped all the way around it. Completely isolating it. The body knew what to do because he was getting the proper nutrients. You can't panic. The butchering pharmaceutical agent, medical profession, are charlatans. They know nothing about health and well-being. They know nothing about diet, especially about raw foods. They don't study anybody on raw foods. So, running to them in a panic from terrorist comments is not a healthy thing to do.
You're only going to harm yourself farther. So, people who are fat need to be fat. If you're doing any of my dietary fat weight loss programs and it's not working, it's because your body needs those fats. Fats are isolating toxic storages somewhere, just like that fatty storage was around his appendix. Can you imagine having an inch and a half to two inch thick of fat? We have that around our kidneys, all that tallow, because the kidneys are dealing with so many toxins from the blood stream. Oh, and I forgot to go over those. The kidneys, when they go through the serum to allow water loss, fluid loss in the body so the body can be warmer. You know, so when you get cold, you start peeing all the time? That's to thicken the blood, especially if your spleen isn't working. So, you've got two ways that you can thicken the blood. Red blood cells added to the blood stream and H2O removed from the blood stream. So, the kidneys use, they produce ammonia. Non-toxic ammonia, not Mr. Clean ammonia. That is a toxic ammonia. That is a dangerous toxic ammonia. So, the kidneys produce an ammonia to separate the red and white blood cells from the blood stream. Otherwise, you'd be anemic and susceptible to all kinds of problems, because you wouldn't have the white blood cells to remove toxicity from the body. So, the kidneys, what do they discharge in urine? If the blood stream is supplying nutrients to every cell in the blood, what are you going to have in your blood stream? Important nutrients. So, is the urine a bad thing? No, because it's not normally a place to exit toxins. Toxins don't normally exit that way. The first exit in an emergency is out the bowels with diarrhea. The urine is usually never tampered with.
The blood stream usually doesn't have many toxins in it at all. So, the urinary tract and the kidneys are not an exit system for toxins. The skin is mainly that point. Mucus membranes, yes, if we're too toxic. The bowels, yes, if we're too toxic. So, what is the urine? Urine is nothing other than the blood. All those nutrients and all those valid chemistry, live chemistry in there. Now, they say blood is sterile. Blood isn't sterile until the ammonia gets into the urine. Then there's some sterility. But the blood is very alive. If it weren't, the red and white blood cells wouldn't be alive. Bacteria wouldn't go alive and all that. These people who say blood is sterile, I don't know where they get their sense. They don't have any sense. They just have a lot of dollars. So, what do we find in vegetarian countries? Countries with high levels of vegetarians, like India. They drink their urine. Why?= Because they recycle their proteins and other nutrients. What do the astronauts drink when they're up in the capsules, up in space? Their urine. Their urine is put through a filter and that's what they drink. There is an Indian company that's run by Sikhs in India. And Sikhs care about health, care about people. They hate Pepsi-Cola. They hate Coca-Cola. They hate all these soda companies. Because they see what it's doing to their children. It's getting them away from being conscious individuals to be spiritual. So, they're coming out with a new soft drink this year, in November. And the soft drink is from cow's urine. The only thing they're going to filter out is the ammonia. And they're going to compete with the soda industry. And it's the only country I know where the consciousness is so spiritual or religious or whatever you want to call it. And they care about people so much that they're going to produce a healthy soda. Made of urine, cow's urine. And of course, the cow to them is sacred. You know, milk is sacred to them. They don't eat cow, but they drink dairy.
So, they're lacto-vegetarians. And they drink their urine to recycle their proteins. So, don't ever look at urine like a toxic substance. Your fecal matter is not a toxic substance. Look how many creatures eat fecal matter. I'm going to the wrong side. Let me get back to fats. Okay, so we have pressed oils, which are going to be 90% detoxifying in the body. Not stabilizing and not generating a lot of health. They can be very cleansing. That's what detoxifying is. They can be very cleansing, but they can force detoxifications that can cause chronic fatigue. And just zap all of your energy. And be very painful. So, you have to be careful. I suggest to people to have no more than 7 tablespoons of a pressed oil a week. If you're having, let's say, flax oil for cancer, 1 tablespoon a day is fine. If you like your sauces with olive oil, just use a tablespoon a day. If you use one of my recipes, like there's 4 ounces, 3 or 4 ounces of olive oil, let that be only one sauce a week with an oil. So, just regulate. Don't go overboard because you will be sorry in the long run. Especially when you're on an all raw diet. You're eating, everything's clean that you eat. You're not adding toxicity. So, anything that you will add to your body that's going to be heavily cleansing is going to be cleansing old toxins out of the body. And if they have caused any kind of temporary impediment in functionality, you're going to be incapacitated to an extent. It's like when they repair a road. You may have one lane open and you have to let one lane go. And then the opposite traffic go until things are moving properly. Or let's say you had a highway with 6 lanes reduced to 2 lanes. So, you have to be careful with pressed oils. Even coconut oil. But, coconut cream is different. Coconut cream is not just oil fat. Not just an oil soluble fat. Coconut is 80% fat. So, you've got 7, because the oil in a coconut is only about 6% of it. 7% maximum. So, that means the rest of the oil, that rest 94%, 95%, 93 to 95% of that fat is water soluble fats and vitamins. One of the only places that you can get it other than fish.
So, coconut cream is very vital. Still, a lot of it will be used to cleanse the body, but not radically unless you use more than 4 tablespoons a day. I recommend that people who are small and petite, 3 tablespoons a day is sufficient. If you're a very large person, 5 tablespoons a day may be okay. But, you might want to think about 2 days a week, 1, 2 days a week not having any coconut cream. But, on the other 5 to 6 days, it's a good thing to have. Especially if you're lacking dairy and you're traveling in countries, tropical countries where you can get lots of coconut. Chewing a lot of coconut meat is a problem because like vegetation, it takes a vegetarian animal, an herbivore, the herbivore's enzymes to break down all that cellulose. The tribe I was with in the Philippines, they only eat a half of a coconut a day, but they eat all the coconut meat in that. If you were to juice it, then you would have coconut cream and you could have a little bit of that pulp with it. In almost all your Asian countries, you can get coconut cream very easily. So, what you do is get some coconut cream with some coconut pulp, mix them together, and you've got more of a balanced diet when you don't have dairy. That's whether you're in Brazil or Asia, Central America, South Mexico, anywhere around there where coconuts grow easily and are very much a product of the country. Only because we went into all those countries in the last 100 years and we told them that they grew coconuts because coconuts were a major part of the diet and they were 90% of all soaps. So, 90% of all the soaps made in the world were made with coconut cream. So, a lot of industry, there were a lot of products that used coconut. So, they said, we'll take your trees, we'll cut your trees down for you, and we'll plant coconut palms. I made an agreement with somebody when I wrote a book who helped me make it. If I ever mention the word palms, I have to suggest to everybody that a palm is not a tree and a tree is not a palm.
So, you can't say a palm tree. This is a professor who was neurotic about it, but I made my promise for life. A tree has branches and leaves, stalks, leaves, branches, and palms have trunks and fronds. That's all, trunks and fronds. So, in those countries, you can use the coconut as your stabilizer along with your raw meat if you can't get dairy. Any vegetable oil is going to be a real problem. Our major problems with heart disease and arteriosclerosis are because of margarine. Vegetable oils, especially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Why? Because they are the same molecular structure as plastic. In fact, that's how you make plastic. So, do you think you can digest plastic? Not well, not without developing cancer. Not without developing heart disease. And what is the other problem with vegetable oil? We do not have the enzymes to break it down properly and we have a low body temperature. 98.6 and lower except a few times a year in fever. Or a few moments or hours at a time during a sweat fit during the night. But an herbivore has a digestive tract and a body temperature digestive tract from 105 to 108. Ours is low. Ours goes up to about 100 degrees. Their body temperature is 101 to 105 degrees. They keep vegetable oils liquid and fluid at their body temperatures. In the human body, vegetable oils have a tendency to crystallize. Harden the heart and arteries. So again, the pharmaceutical and medical industry has lied to us. They said that it was animal fats that were causing heart disease. Well, we were eating animal fats forever and no heart disease. Rarely any heart disease. Now, when margarine came in, in the 50s, what happened? Exponentially within 10 years, heart disease started increasing. Incredibly. Now, what is the number one killer? Heart disease. And it is not because of all the animal fat. It is because of the margarine and the processed vegetable oils.
They harden in the system if your body uses it as a fat to build a cell. If it gets locked in the lymph system, guess what? They become hardening, very hardening. You can't melt them out and flow. It causes lymphoma, lymphatic cancer. Why is lymphatic cancer one of the most highest increasing cancers there is? Because of that problem. Remember I said the lymphatic system cleans out everything? And what does it use to break substances down and neutralize them? Fats. 60 to 70% of your lymphatic system is fat. If it is animal fat, it will always stay fluid. It will deal with the toxins depending upon the bile that the liver has produced to break down the fats into so many different kinds of cholesterol. A third are for protection. They seal off toxins. A third are cleansing. And a third are for energy. Good fat energy. So, fats. We've covered about all the fats that are utilizable in the system. Castor oil is a poison. That's why they used it for constipation. You drink an oil poison and you're going to have diarrhea? Absolutely, without question. But the castor bean is a bean. It is a toxic substance. It is a poison. It is one of the worst oils besides rapeseed that you can eat. Flax oil is even toxic. That's why you have to take it in very small amounts, even though it can reduce tumors. But that's for an emergency situation purpose. Now, fruits. We're talking about fruit sugar. Remember I said the diet needs to be about 5% carbohydrates. Now, we can get carbohydrates from anything. We don't have to get them from just fruit. We can have carrot juice. A good source of, a good vitamin A producer or generator. It provides a lot of carotene for the body. The bile is mixed with it properly, breaks those fats down into good vitamin A. It can help us utilize vitamin D in the skin better.
Lots of benefits to carrot juice. But it needs to be in the right proportion so we don't cause an overproduction of carbohydrates. Why? Because even whenever your body is using glycogen from carbohydrate to run the brain and nervous system, there is a byproduct called advanced glycation end product. A-G-E. Advanced glycation end product. Now, Columbia University in their experiments found that the human body collects that at a rate of 70 to 90%. In a healthy body, at only 70%. But this is for a lifetime. In a toxic body, like a body with diabetes or kidney problems, they found this store at a rate of 90% for your life. Those are cancer-causing byproducts of the body. If you're eating raw foods, very small amounts of them will collect, but they will collect. So you have to control the amount of carbohydrates that would form you intake them. If they are cooked, without a doubt, 70-90% in a store for life, you're not going to get rid of them unless you know how. So be very careful about eating very ripe fruits. You want more green fruits so it doesn't have a high sugar content in it. It will have a higher content of cellulose, I mean collagen precursors. Fruit is high in collagen precursors. Now, if we were completely healthy and we weren't dumping all these toxins at our skin, when the lymphatic, remember the lymphatic system dumps its waste products into the connective tissue, under the skin, for the skin to dump it, to perspire it out of the body, or to build it in the skin if it's something highly toxic like a toxic mineral. So the skin will get a little dry. Like this right here, there's gypsum coming out here on this spot. And I have gypsum coming out here and here and here. I've got a little bit on this leg from that motorcycle accident. So the body will discard, even it out, carry stuff to wherever it can. If it's too toxic, it won't perspire it out. It's going to get into the skin and damage the skin a little bit.
Eating properly, you won't scar. If you're not, you're going to scar. And you're going to have a lot more pain associated with detoxification. Oh, you weren't here. I said if you have any questions, you write your question down and we'll get to Q&A. I'll answer it then. Okay? So it stores those toxins in the connective tissue. You've got to get it out of the body. If the lymphatic system isn't working properly, it just clams up and backs up. And if you're not dumping it out of the skin properly, your skin is damaging your connective tissue. People will develop lupus or MS, which is hardening of the nerves, which is two of the hardest diseases to reverse. So you need, because we're dumping all those toxins from our diets and environment out to skin, we have a loss of collagen in the connective tissue. So you see people, elderly people, they pull their skin and there's nothing connected. It just pulls away because the collagen's damaged. I'm 62 years old and you can't see it. Everything's connected. I have good collagen because I make sure that I eat enough collagen precursors to be able to replace them. Well, the way I do it is through cucumber. Because there's very little carbohydrate in cucumber. Also, if I get tired of cucumber, I'll eat unripe fruit. Green oranges, green pears, green melons. Not green when a melon's supposed to be green, but I mean unripe melons. Like I'll eat watermelon unripe, so unripe that it's pink and not red. So there's very little sugar in it. And if anybody has a problem with sexuality, and not being excitable and your mate is a little unhappy about that, watermelon contains, I can't remember the name of it, but it has a combination of elements that help increase virility and hardening of the penis in males, females, the clitoris.
So it's mainly in the rind. And your higher collagen precursors are also in the rind. That's probably why it has such an effect on the penis. So I don't eat any of the part where the seeds are because they're bacteria that are good for creating decomposition, for breaking down tissue. So I don't eat any of the tissue in that whole belt where the seeds are. So you can eat the little bitty center, and then all of that goes around the rind and then the rind. And that will help sexuality in both men and women. It may take you a few days of eating it. You don't want to eat a lot. But it may take you a few days of eating it to build up those elements. But it works. Stay away from any of those, what are they called, Viagra, Cialis, and those other ones. Reason? Because they cause extreme blood flow into tissues. Not only the penis, everywhere. And if it's extreme and the body does not reduce it, that's why I say if you're erect for over four hours, go to the hospital. Go to a doctor. Why? Because you have internal eruptions. The brain's corpuscles and the nerve endings and all of this are exploding and you're bleeding into all the tissue. And what happened to the laboratory animals? And they don't put this on any of the information that goes out to the public except for the first six months. Then the FDA said, oh, you don't have to publish this. 32% of the laboratory animals had dissolved, disintegrated their penises because of all the blood that was released in there. So it caused massive blood flow, which means bruising inside. Couldn't be eliminated and controlled, so all the tissue degenerated so the penis is dissolved. 32% of those laboratory animals. Can you imagine if it happens in your brain? A lot of people get eye disorders because it happens in the eye.
Blood vessels break and then they start seeing blue and all kinds of colors and then their vision decreases, but boy, they've got a hard on. I don't get people. It doesn't make any sense. So watermelon's your key there. Anyway, you need collagen precursors to help replace the collagen because of all the toxins that are getting into the connective tissue and being released through the skin. Now, if you've got a lot of toxic tissue, if you've got an impacted lymphatic system, you need to take hot baths on a daily basis. If it's congested in the connective tissue, you need to take 35 to 40 minute hot baths a day anywhere from 105 to 108 degrees. That'll get that out of your skin so you don't end up losing your healthy skin and you don't end up with lupus or MS. If your lymphatic system is congested, you need an hour to an hour and a half bath two days a week at 102 to 105 degrees. With the recipe that I have in my book, We Want to Live, I have lymphatic baths, lymphatic congestion, which is the pineapple, coconut cream, some dairy cream. Dairy fat could be butter. So you have that combination before you get into the tub, but that's only in the long lymphatic baths, not the shorter connective tissue, or I call it lymphatic waste detoxification baths. Now, in my book, We Want to Live, I have the lymphatic baths, but I didn't see the collagen precursor problems until after the book was published. So this is something you're receiving that you can't get in either book. These short baths are very important, 35, 40 minute baths a day to get it out of your connective tissue. Another reason you won't have to have a lot of fat and water storing in your connective tissue in your muscles. If you perspire it out, you get that waste product out of the body. You melt it and get it out.
Remember, most of that's been caused from vegetable oils. Margarine and all the other crap that's in every processed food. Because no manufacturer uses animal fats in their products anymore. No matter what they have. Even milk. You go buy milk in a store, you will not find one animal fat in that milk. They put vegetable oils in there that they process and make them look white. However, even that is slightly bluish. So by the time they have taken everything live, every particle of bacteria out of processed milk, it is blue. So you'll see at these big processing houses, bounds of dolomite, which are mined rocks that are high in calcium. And they shovel that into the milk to turn it white. So you're not really getting milk at all. Of course, if you're buying, you know, Horizon, something like that, you're getting real milk that is pasteurized. Last month, Horizon was caught in Texas. They were using regular dairy farm with all their chemicals and RGBH in their cows and using that milk and mixing it in to their milk that is sold as organic. The head of the Horizon said, oh, but it's just a small amount. Hello? That's the FDA's thinking. Oh, we put 15% petroleum wax and spray it on your organic food. You can still call it organic, and that's the law. That's why you want to peel all of your thin-skinned fruits, including cucumbers, because they have 15% petroleum wax, paraffin, sprayed on those fruits. I peel my apples. I peel my pears. I will even peel a zucchini because they put petroleum wax on it. Twenty years ago, it was 5% they were allowed. Now it's all the way up to 15%. The FDA is killing us, not protecting us. That's on organic. 15% on organic. So you have to be careful. If you grow the cucumbers yourself and the fruit yourself, of course you don't have to peel them, but you're not going to digest the peels. If you want to get nutrients out of the peels as much as possible, you juice your peels with your vegetables. Then you'll get a lot of nutrients from those peels.
We cannot break them down, unless you want to chew them for an hour like a cow does. But think about how a cow has to chew. It'll chew, chew, chew, swallow, regurgitate, chew, chew, chew again, sometimes five to seven times, just to digest 65% to 70% of what it's eating. Then you've got all that fiber in the feces. So they don't even digest all that vegetation. So fruits, you need them, but you need them with less sugars in them. So unripe is preferable. Cucumbers you don't have to worry about, whether they're ripe or not, except that if they're so far along, you're going to have pickles. Not quite the same, and that's high in carbohydrate. Pickles are high in carbohydrate, because they're already broken down into sugars, from the fermentation, from the alcohol. If you make pickles, of course you have to consider it like a sweet fruit. If you use pickles, then it's a carbohydrate, consider that's a high carbohydrate. The only time I use pickles is in my tartar sauce. I make a tartar sauce, and I use pickles for that. And of course it's a small amount of the sauce. It only takes a little to flavor it like that. Sometimes I'll just, like they do with tartar sauce, very finely chopped pickles. I'll blend a little bit with it to give it a little bit stronger taste when I'm making the sauce. But you have to consider it's a carbohydrate. When you have juices for vegetables, we didn't talk about vegetables for the human being, we don't digest them, period. An herbivore has a digestive tract 30 times the length of their torso. Ours is 12. We have 2.5 times more intestines than we do. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to digest the cellulose molecule, to get some of the fats and the proteins from it.
We will digest only 2% of any vegetation's fat and protein. What a great waste. However, what we can do from vegetation is correct our imbalances for poor diets and poor environment, toxic environment. How we can do that is to juice the vegetables. So in the juice we get a lot of enzymes, a lot of minerals, a lot of vitamins. So that's our supplement. If you go buy a supplement even from the high quality ones, so called high quality, you're not really getting vitamins. You're not getting nutrients. It's a sales job. Another pitch that you may have had a very good intentioned person that says I'm going to create a truly natural vitamin. Where does that person have to go? They have to go to a laboratory who will make them. And what is the laboratory going to do? The laboratory is going to lie to you out through their teeth. Because the laboratory knows where they have to go to get the supply, what they have to do to make it into something natural. So what they're going to do is, yes, it will all be from food, but where are they going to get it? Are they going to grow it? Just to take a few extracts out of the food? And they have to grow different foods to have a concentration of certain nutrients. So they have to go to the soybean, let's say, to get a lot of vitamin E, or corn, a certain kind of corn to get a lot of vitamin E. Only two places to get it. You certainly can't process an avocado to get the vitamin E out of it. So they have to either go to corn or soybean to get vitamin E. You can never get enough. If they got vitamin E only from corn and soy, they'd be paying about $1,000 for 100 units of vitamin E. That's how much it would cost to truly process it naturally.
So what they do is, oh, the lab tells them, sure, we can make that naturally. We'll do it all from food, and we'll do it from all natural chemistry. We won't use anything that's unnatural. So the laboratory goes to Kellogg to get wheat germ for vitamin E. They'll go to different manufacturers who've already used chemicals in the process, and their waste product is being sold, and the laboratories buy it. And it's already been contaminated with both heat and chemical processes that were unnatural, as well as maybe some natural. And then the laboratory will use kerosene because kerosene is natural. And they will use kerosene derivatives to fractionate and separate the element that they want. And there are about 12 varieties of kerosene derivatives that can do that for different elements. Raise your hand if you would soak your food in kerosene from 10 to 30 minutes, rinse it off, and eat it. Why? Kerosene is natural. That's the way all supplements are made, period, whether they're natural or not. If you look at a vitamin D in a food and you've fractionated the substance to be able to see it, they look like little spongy balls, very cute little things. Once you take that vitamin B, like vitamin B1 I have pictures of, once you take that and fractionate it the way they do it chemically, because if you want to do it without damaging the vitamin B, you've got to take an ultrascopic air gun and you have to blow them out of the way, each one individually to separate it. For you to get one bottle of vitamin B, it would take about two months. One person, two months, working 10 hours a day. So think of what that would cost. What they do is they use a kerosene derivative to fractionate the B vitamin. If it's B1, B3, no matter what it is, it takes that element to fractionate it. If there's a conglomerate of B vitamins, you have to have another kerosene derivative to fractionate your B vitamins.
Then they'll use all of them and then sell one to each company or divide those up. And then when you have to press them into a pill, a dried substance, it takes them from these little bitty balls that harden from the kerosene derivative, so they become little hardened balls. They're no longer soft and squishy and absorbable. Then they press them into these spikes, so they're like a broken mirror. They're like rock, oddly shaped triangular and perpendicular rocks. Nothing like the B vitamin that is natural. So no matter if it comes from food or is synthetic, those vitamins are not food. They are not truly raw. The worst one is vitamin E. Get enough vitamin E for one capsule of one that would cost you about $1,000. So what happened was about 40 years ago, about 47 years ago, Kodak and Fuji. Kodak, was it Fuji at that time? They may have had another name. They had their developing fluid that was highly toxic and they needed to get rid of it. So they couldn't process it, they couldn't denature it, so they had to bury it in a 55 to 90 gallon burial, stainless steel, very expensive. They had to put it in underground tombs, vaults, I can say that here? Tombs and vaults that were 12 inches of concrete thick, much land, very expensive. So they kept hiring and paying outrageous fees, salaries to scientists to figure out something to do with it. So one scientist said, oh, this is almost 73% of the molecular structure of vitamin E. Let's put it in capsules, sell it to people, let them eat this toxic shit. 95% of your vitamin E that's in a natural supplement is that substance. 5% may come from soy or corn or wheat germ. The rest is developing fluid. That is the intelligence of our FDA and USDA. All you have to do is show them how much natural it is, and they'll say, oh, okay, that's kind of natural. Let's sell it as something natural, and then they approve it.
So, vitamins you cannot get, supplements you're not going to get, any kind of true supplement. Vegetable juices, you will get true supplements. A lot of people say, well, our food's so denatured, the soil's bad, everything's bad. But in vegetables, you're getting a thousand times the juice that you would ever get. Even from a dog. You see a dog and a cat when it's toxic? They'll go chew some grass, spit out the pulp, and they've had a little bit of that juice. That's enough to alkalinize their system. Gorillas do the same thing after eating that much meat over a few day period. They'll have some leaves, they'll chew them, spit out the pulp. That little bit of vegetable juice is enough to correct their systems. If we're eating a quart a day, two cups to four cups a day, that's a lot of supplementation of vitamins and enzymes and minerals. No matter how denatured the soil is, and no matter how denatured the vegetable is, you're getting such a concentration that we don't normally need. So vegetable juice is very important to help us reach a state of better health quicker from our toxic lives. So, vegetable juice is very important. Now the carbohydrate, when you consider, again, we're going to get into high carbohydrate if you don't know what you're doing. Like I said in my recipe book, celery, there's not enough carbohydrate in celery to digest celery. Even in a vegetarian animal. They don't like to feed celery to vegetarian animals. They don't like to feed celery to horses, because it will cause a breakdown of minerals in their bones, especially in racers. So celery is not fed to anybody but who? Humans. They will not feed celery to anybody but humans. But we can still use it because it has high sodium. It helps us get rid of a lot of old salt and toxicity out of the human body. And it's a negative in carbohydrate. So if you have, let's say you want 25% carrot, you can have 25% celery, and that will negate the high carbohydrate in the carrot, which is what you want.
Let's say you want the vitamin E, you want the vitamin D, then you have parsley. It has the chlorophyll in it. You have all those rich nutrients in the celery, I mean in the parsley. If you need heavy metal detoxifiers, you use cilantro. Helps pull heavy metals out of the skull. It's also got vitamin D, vitamin E, chlorophyll, lots of stuff in it. But it will cause metallic detoxification. I had a woman prove it to me a couple of months ago. And she proved it with a friend, got herself a friend. She challenged her friend with tattoos all over her body. So she fed her, she told her friend that, you know, I can cause all of your tattoos to fade in a matter of about ten days with some vegetable juice. The friend thought she was out of her mind. So she said, okay, I'll do it. So she had 25% cilantro in her juice, with 10% parsley, and cucumber, and a little bit of celery. In ten days, her tattoos faded by 10%. Because it will go and rip out the metals. Remember, that oxide in the dye that makes tattoos are toxic metals. Whether it's mercury, or thallium, or lead, those are heavy metals that cause the coloration in your tattoo. It's not internal, and it doesn't get absorbed. It's not like drinking it. But it is in the surface cells. And to some extent, it may harm them, but it doesn't seem to very much. In some people, I've seen it cause an inability to perspire, and that's a problem. Because you need to get rid of most of the toxins through the skin. Okay, so we've covered about all of the foods.
Now we're going to get into how to eat to stay more aware, and have a lot more energy throughout the day. Now you wake in the morning. Now after a long sleep, your body will have detoxified the nervous system. Remember that I said the brain and nervous system conduct electricity and reflect light for their functions. The brain and nervous system utilize a lot of metallic minerals to do that. Lead, iron, aluminum, cadmium, all those toxic metals, when not combined in bio-organic substances, are highly toxic and poisonous. The brain and nervous system are full of them. You have an analysis of brain tissue done, and you'll find high levels of mercury, lead, aluminum, and toxic levels. Our brain has grown what? Eight times the size it was when Lucy was around. Oh, but we're getting smarter. No, we're not. The brain's getting larger because of the amount of toxicity from industrial pollution. The increase of brain came along with smelting metals to make tools, to make metal tools. Inhaling all those metallic minerals, the thallium, the mercury, went to the brain. The brain had to get larger and larger and larger. Then we started using minerals for cultivation, started mining rock to fertilize the land. We started using coal to burn. We started using coal to filter. All of that mercury released from coal. Thallium released from coal. All the diseases that compounded, the brain had to start getting larger and larger. The more you cooked food, the more toxic metals were released. You have a lot of metals in trees. You've got hard substances like bark. Those contain a lot of minerals. The harder the substances, the more the minerals. And when you cook them, you fire them, you're releasing all those into a toxic nature. They have a toxic nature at that point. So our brains are highly toxic. Our nervous systems are highly toxic.
And where do they dump? Mainly out the mouth. Now, oh, we have dental decay because of bacteria. Your whole mouth's bacteria. Your salivary glands are all digestive bacteria. If that were a problem, your teeth would be dissolved in a few hours, and that would be the end of it. Dental decay comes from your dumping these heavy metals down. They come out the gums. The body uses calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, alkalinizing minerals to bind with those toxic metals because they are all acidic. So that plaque on your teeth, that's mainly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium trying to bind with those poisons, mercury, thallium, lead, cadmium, all those that are dumping out the brain, down the gums. If you don't remove that plaque because you've been eating a cooked diet, that calcium has only 50% of its ability, if it's pasteurized calcium, it only has 50% ability to alkalinize that acidic, toxic mineral. The phosphorus has no ability. Phosphorus basically loses its alkalinizing ability at about 105 degrees. It starts being transformed at 98 degrees. So, very delicate. So you have this not really healthy, alkalinizing mineral plaquing onto these heavy metals, and if you don't get it off in a few days, guess what? The acidifying, toxic metals work through and start breaking down the dentine. Then you have a cavity. The bacteria comes to eat the damaged decay, the dentine, so that you can replace them. But nobody eats right, and nobody eats properly, so you just have holes that create more holes because you keep dumping poisons, plaques into the cavity, and eats into it worse. So you keep having cavities, but it isn't the decay, it's the shit like fluoride. Fluoride causes decay. Oh, but the tests from Maine in the 50s showed that no, fluoride prevented dental decay. If you look at the tests that were actually done, and the interpretation of them, you see that the people who got fluoride in their water had a lot of tooth loss.
Teeth were falling out of their heads. They had less cavities because they had few teeth. But they had fewer decay, they had fewer cavities. Take a look at how the pharmaceutical industry warps everything in your minds. So fluoride in your toothpaste does not help you. Fluoride in your water does not help you. The Nazis used fluoride to make you complacent. They found that when they put fluoride in the water at a certain level, everybody got docile. And they were able to reduce their guard level and have more troops by 50% by putting fluoride in the water. So you now know why they're putting fluoride in your water? New York City was the first. And the level of, from the time that they started putting water in it, the crime rate, what they call domestic violence, reduced by almost 25%. And violent crimes reduced like 15%. So they're all for fluoride. They don't care what it does to your health. It makes you more docile. That's all their intention is. And it's a great way to get rid of military waste. Because most fluoride comes from military, from building military machines, like tanks, processing the steel. Good place to get rid of it. We'll feed it to the population. It's like Kodak and Fuji. Let's get rid of our toxic waste, sell those vitamin E. 99.9% of all vitamin C comes from that. Think about that. Think about what kind of world you're living in. Only you are going to take care of you. Nobody else is. And you have to work your way through all the propaganda, and everybody's going to fight you along the way. Raw meat you're crazy, you're going to get a fluke. Prove it. Show me anybody that's gotten a fluke. That's what I say to a doctor when they say that to me. Prove it. Anywhere you can find an experiment that shows you can get it. Prove it.
Prove it to me. You're always the one saying, oh, we're scientifically proven. Proven by what? Prove that I'm going to get a parasite from eating raw meat. You have no test to prove it. Show me. Show me. We'll always get them. I was on the doctor's TV talk show in February. This young, arrogant, know-it-all young doctor, Dr. Stork, I think they called him by his first name, Bradley or something, some real macho name, cool name. I'm going up there showing them what happened to me. I'm talking about things. He said, don't anybody out there eat this raw meat. It causes disease. It will make you very sick. I said, how many people have you observed that eat raw meat? Obviously none. I've watched 25,000 people. And then I said, and they cut it out. They cut out a lot of good stuff. They did leave some stuff in because the producer is an alternative believer. He believes in alternative therapies. He's only doing this for the money, but he's putting in some good shots in. It isn't like controlled by completely pharmaceutical thinking. But after that I said, how can you stand there and be so arrogant to say that you know anything about health and anything about diet, and any diet at all when you've studied neither health or nutrition. You know disease and drugs. That's all you know. He was so embarrassed that the whole audience, everybody got so quiet. You could hear a pin drop. They did not leave it in. It took him two minutes for this very suave, neat, handsome guy that's huge. I mean I was looking up like this at him next to me. To stop him from two minutes was pretty amazing. Stunned him because it made him think. And then he said, well, it worked for you, but don't anybody else try this. Still, he couldn't wade through the garbage in his mind.
You're going to run into everybody with garbage in their minds that I've just removed from your mind. You have to understand that it's going to come at you. And all you do is say, show me the evidence. I know thousands of people. I've met many people who are doing this and never have problems and only get healthier. So where is your evidence that this raw food is bad, that raw meat is bad, that raw milk is bad? There is none. And that's all you have to say. You don't have to fight with anybody. You don't have to argue scientifically. I can do that, but I don't need to, and I often don't. Because it's to no point when you can say to them, how many people have you observed get sick by eating raw meat? Well, there was one person that ate chicken, and I said, well, did he eat raw chicken? No, it just wasn't done well enough. How did you know? Did you eat with him? That's their cop-out, though. That is their cop-out. It wasn't cooked enough. Jack-in-the-Box was it 15, 20 years ago? They had 127 people that were affected? They blamed it on E. coli. Why would you blame it on E. coli? There was thousands of pounds of meat produced that day and only two areas got that particular meat that caused a problem. What happened? Was it the meat out of that day, first out of the machines and they didn't rinse out the chlorine or very toxic solvents like muriatic acid, and that got into the first batch of meat and that went out? No, they blamed it on E. coli. Where was the E. coli? Let me see it. In no laboratory experiment do you see it. When they had the spinach E. coli incident, who set that up?
You've got E. coli on fecal matter. You've fertilized with fecal matter. It's been going on since Earth had dirt and a creature to have fecal matter. It's on everything. All of a sudden you've got an epidemic from E. coli on spinach? I beg your freaking pardon? Well, it's the E. coli 157H7, 0157H7. It's a deadly one. Okay, show it to me. I went there with five other doctors and we didn't find any kind of 0157H7. The only place that I've been able to obtain a 0157H7 is at a university in Northern California, Davis, because the FDA gave it to them to research. Now wait a minute, the FDA is the one that came up with this 0157H7? Oh, then it's probably part of the War Department's biological warfare experimentation. Because it isn't in nature anywhere, even in the feed lots. So 0157H7 is a toxic created for biological warfare. So now we're experimenting with it. But one added thing, if you do not trust fecal matter, manure as your fertilizer anymore, you go to Dow and Monsanto for their chemicals. You see the picture here? You see what's happening? Then they're going to outlaw manure. And who gets all the fertilizer? Monsanto and Dow, Gulf and Western. You will never have another organic food in your life when it's outlawed. There's a Bill 778 going through the House right now that has Monsanto and organic in the same bill. You know we're in trouble. And they say to be more safe. And safe is with no bacteria in it. No probiotics in your food. You will no longer have organic food if this bill passes. It will be wiped out. And you have to understand, I talk with these Senators all the time. Right now I'm meeting with one from California. Martin Sheen is one of my patients, many of his family. He goes on and off the diet. His wife does.
So I got him to come on the band wagon for supporting raw milk. The raw milk bill in California. That Schwarzenegger vetoed. So now all of our milk in California has to have only 10 coliform. And you need to have thousands, millions of coliform to be completely healthy. So now the two producers of milk in California are putting massive amounts of chemicals to reduce the bacterial levels to sell their milk. It means we're getting more chemicals than milk. That's again why I go to Amos and ship the milk all the way from Pennsylvania to California. So I'll deal with that. But anyway, this particular Senator in California doesn't have a clue either. He says there's nothing wrong with that bill. And I went through it and said, listen, they're blaming bacteria. They want to get rid of coliform. And coliform, as you know from this whole milk thing, is good. And they want to get rid of it. And the way it's written, the FDA gets to decide who is good. Bacteria is good and which is bad. Without scientific proof. Without backing. Well, that's what it is. Eliminate it. What do we have? No organic foods left. So we have to be very careful. Anyway, got into all that from starting diet, what to eat in a day. So, what to eat in a day. You wake in the morning and all those metals that go from the body, that brain and nervous system get into the blood. Because your nervous system detoxes with no light. It's in sleep state. So the blood is highly acidic. Very acrid. So you need minerals. And you need vitamins to help balance the blood. A lot of people say, oh, our blood should be pH 6 something. It should be 5.5. It should be acidic like all carnivorous animals. But when you wake in the morning, it can be 5.4 to 5.3, even 5. That is too acidic for us. You'll be lethargic. You'll be irritable. So you have vegetable juice the first thing in the morning. Remember I talked about the poisons in the stomach?
Cheese 10 minutes later, your vegetable juice. If you're thin or you get heart palpitations from your vegetable juice, you whip an egg in it. Drink it with an egg or two in it. Depending upon how much vegetable juice you're consuming. Do not gulp anything. If you gulp milk, vegetable juice, anything, there's so much water in those juices. Even milk is 86% water. Vegetables are anywhere from 90% water to 92% water. Fruits are up to 93% water. Meats are 55% water. We don't need to drink water. So what happens when you gulp, the water rushes to the kidneys. Because the body is not geared to handle an inundation of water. So when the elements, the food nutrients, and all the ions need to carry water to the body, the water is in the kidney, already being discarded. So you can either hold your pee all day long and reabsorb it, or you can not gulp your juices, your milk, anything. You do not gulp. You sip. And when you see me drink, nobody sees me gulp. I suck. I go... Why do I do that? Same reason a baby suckles a nipple. All the saliva joins it. All that bacteria joins it. You're gulping, how much saliva gets into the milk? Gets into anything that you're gulping. Zero, zip, none. Except that it's floating around on your tongue and gums and teeth. So I suck to get the bacteria that's in there that digests your food. That bacteria. Remember, we have more than dogs and cats. We have more bacteria than any other creature on this world besides flies. Flies have so much, that when they deposit bacteria, saliva onto a thing that they're going to eat, it starts bubbling up and dissolving. Just like that. They even did it in the last fly that they made with the tall Jeff Goldblum. They actually had it there. He spits the saliva on somebody.
So it's pre-digested when they suck it up. They're proboscis. But next to them, we have the most bacteria. So you want to get bacteria in your... Even if you're doing juices, you suck them. You suck whatever... If you have to have a baby bottle to do it, do it. Changes the flavor a bit. So I suck it that way. I put my teeth together, and I suck it through my teeth. Right over my tongue. And that generates a lot of saliva. So, don't gulp your juices. You suck your juices, you spend 10, 15, 20 minutes drinking them, depending on how much you're drinking. Wait about 35 minutes after you finish the juice, have some more cheese. Next, have your first meat meal. Why meat? Because the brain and nervous system and the body create the fuel for the brain and nervous system in the first 6 hours of the day. If you have high carbohydrates, you're going to have a high AGE byproduct. A lot of advanced glycation end products. What does that cause? It causes a misfiring of synapse. It's a lot of high sugar. You get overexcited. The mind gets unsure, unclear. So, you have meats. Now, the body will make its sugar, its glycogen, with the help of glucagon, out of the meat. No high carbohydrates. So, you only get about 7% advanced glycation end product when the body uses pyruvate to make the carbohydrates, the glycogen. So, it will keep your brain and nervous system from getting sticky. Can you imagine a synapse trying to fire in the sticky neurological fluid? It doesn't happen. The ganglia, the axion, they don't pulsate the same when it's sticky. That's what happens if you eat cereals. If you eat fruits.
If you eat anything, donuts, cakes, anything like that in the morning, you're asking not to have a clear focused mind. Some people can still pull it off, but it's not the major population. So, you have a meat meal. I always suggest that people have butter with their meat meal so the body doesn't make all of the meat into pyruvate, into fuel, or into fat to utilize as fuel. So, you eat some butter with it. If you have the sauce, it's part of the sauce. If it isn't part of the sauce that you're using with that meat meal, have a tablespoon, tablespoon and a half of butter after you finish the MEAT MEAL. Just so you don't use that meat. We need it to regenerate cells. We don't need to burn it as fuel. We need enough fats in the diet to do that. We want to make things as simple as possible in the human body. So, then you wait about 35 minutes, and now people are saying, oh, we need a mineral supplement. Well, the best mineral supplement is cheese. But we don't digest raw cheese without salt in it. You will if you add honey to it. Unheated honey. Unheated honey is bee vomit. I just want you to know that. It's a disgusting thing that is good for you. Okay, so the bee goes and collects the nectar. It swallows it. It gets back to the hive. It's predigested. It uses a lot of insulin-like substances to predigest that carbohydrate. Converts it into enzymes for digesting and utilizing fats and proteins. Mainly proteins. So, what happens? You've got all this rich predigested stuff in unheated honey. The honey's taken over 93 degrees. That insulin-like substance is destroyed. And you have high carbohydrate. Not what we want.
So, if you use cheese and honey together, the honey becomes a digestive aid for the cheese. Now, because the fat is pretty solidified, it's unlikely that your body is going to be able to use much of that fat. Protein the same way. However, it will free up the minerals. So, you will have concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. All of the great minerals. They're so concentrated in milk products already. Free to be able to utilize in the body. So, you have osteoporosis. You have bone problems. You have like one to two tablespoons of cheese. With just a tiny amount of honey. Half to a whole teaspoon of cheese. Tablespoons of cheese. Teaspoons of honey. That relationship. Then, wait two to three hours after that meat meal. And you can sip milk in there. I have a sport drink that I created. There's a similar drink in the recipe book. And, no, it's in the We Want to Live. It's called the dehydration formula. It's predominantly tomato with cucumber. I've converted that to the sport drink because it's too acidic for a lot of people. Especially my athletes. So, I've changed it to one cup of tomato puree to two cups of cucumber puree. Peel your cucumbers, whether you're juicing them or whatever. And to that you add a tablespoon of vinegar. Two tablespoons of honey. A tablespoon of lime juice. A tablespoon of lemon juice. Two tablespoons of coconut cream. Two to four tablespoons of dairy cream. If you're an athlete, you may want one to three eggs in it. And you can use about two to three ounces of naturally carbonated mineral water. You blend all that together. That's a liter of fluid to keep you from so-called being dehydrated. It's something to drink to allow you enough water to help perspire. So, you drink that and you sip that intermittently with sipping milk. All of the off times of the day.
And if you sip a little at a time, you're not going to be guzzling and gulping. If you wait, you're going to be so thirsty, you're going to be gulping and then you're going to be more thirsty. You will never satisfy your thirst. You will never quench your thirst if you're gulping. If you're sipping, you will. You will always stay satisfied. And you see people always constantly drinking water, constantly drinking their water. Well, you have your juice and your milk and your sport drink. Switching them off, drinking that. You won't look unusual. You drink your water, I'll have my more nutrient-based fluid, is what you can say. And then you might wake them up to something. And you say, well, it's not water. Yeah, it is. It's probably 90% water. Milk is 86% water. It's water that you can't actually absorb into cells. When you drink water, your cells absorb 10% of it and it dries the cell. So, water is not good. So, sip on those things in between meals. Then have a milkshake to calm and relax the body. Get a cream in it. You know, a few ounces of milk or yogurt. An egg or two or five, depending on the size of what you're doing. A little honey in it. A little coconut cream in it, if you like, to spread your coconut cream out. So, you're not taking it all in at one time to detox too much at one time. If you have a little trouble with digestion, you can grate a little ginger root in it. Take a little nutmeg and grate a little of that into it. That will stimulate digestion a little bit better. Then, and you always have a piece of cheese, again, ten minutes before you eat a meal. When you're sipping, you don't have to have cheese unless you're nauseous or highly toxic. And I suggest you eat about a piece of cheese, you know, half a teaspoon of cheese every hour to absorb those poisons. Otherwise, have it before the meal.
So, you have your cheese. Ten minutes later, you drink your milkshake. Two to three hours pass again. Sip your milk, your sport drink, or just milk. Then, have a cheese again and another vegetable juice. If you're underweight and thin, have a whipped egg in it. Usually people will only have heart palpitations in those few one out of a thousand who have them. It's probably like one out of six hundred who have them. That only with the first juice in the morning will they have heart palpitations. So that, they have to put eggs in that one. Then, let an hour, hour and a half pass, and then have your fruit meal for the day. Preferably a green fruit. Some people, I will tell, if they have a lot of bio in their system, they have a carrot juice with coconut cream and dairy cream and egg in it. And sometimes a little lemon juice in that, if your skin is highly orange or yellow. Always tell people to have fat with their fruit to slow the carbohydrate down. Also, remember that most of your fruit is going to turn substances like fat into soaps to clean the body. Because of the alcohol that's created from the fruit. So you mix that with the fat. Coconut cream is preferable, then a little dairy cream. If you have pressed oils or any kind of pressed substance like coconut cream, you want some kind of animal fat with it, whether it's dairy cream or butter. Just a little, just to protect your cells. Because of the detoxification that's going to occur. So let's say you have two to three tablespoons of coconut cream with a half a cup of pineapple. You'd have one tablespoon of dairy cream, or let's say a teaspoon of butter, a half a teaspoon of butter and a half a tablespoon of dairy cream. It's regulated that way. Or a pear, or whatever it would be. And you can blend that stuff together, or you can have the creams and slice the fruit or the berries and mix it together. Eat it like a cereal. Then let two to three hours pass, sip. You're going to have your cheese before you have your fruit mixture, fruit meal.
Then you sip your milk and your juice, your sport drink. Then you have cheese again, you have another vegetable juice. If things are getting really, if digestion is really getting slow and you're feeling not hungry, still have the vegetable juice, but only have a small amount, maybe four ounces. Then eat an egg every 30 minutes. Then, because the eggs by themselves will cause hunger and digestion to speed very quickly. Is that air conditioner on pretty high? Yeah, it's getting cold on this leg. So, usually air conditioning, I like air conditioning, it's not a problem. But right now it is. This leg just isn't my favorite. So, anything that is healing needs a lot of heat. So, you can put hot water, always use heat on injuries. And problem areas of the body never cold, unless it's only for a minute or two to reduce pain. So, remember that any injury, any problem area needs more blood, needs more nutrient flow. So, if you restrict it with ice, guess where you're going to have scarring. Why do you think all the sports people have so many injuries? Because they cap it with ice. They stop the healing process. They get scarred. So, a surgeon has to go in there and scrape out the scar tissue. And it gets worse and worse and worse until there's no cells to reproduce in those tendons and ligaments. And even bone and cartilage. And then they can no longer play their sport in their mid-thirties. And that's classic, nine out of ten athletes cannot go beyond late thirties. Why? Because they apply ice to injuries. It's the stupidest thing in the world. But it gets them out on the field because it gets rid of pain. Again, your coach, the owners of the team don't care about the sportsman. They care about the money in the box office. That's it. Nobody cares about you. You have to take care of yourself.
So, if you eat eggs, eggs are the most easily digestible food in the world on the planet. In the human body, they can digest in 27 minutes. That only uses three to five inches of the intestinal tract. Milk is the next most digestible food. And it takes six to ten hours to make every element of milk available for the human body. So, when you eat eggs, there's very little digestive energy spent. Yet, you get all of this liquid protein and the fat and the egg white and all of this rich vitamin D, vitamin A, all this rich fat and B vitamins in the yolk assimilated into the body. So, it speeds up everything. Like the coconut cream, I mean the coconut gel and the coconut water causes rapid weight loss. So do eggs by themselves. Eggs mixed in a smoothie or a milkshake, eggs take a long time to digest because they're mixed with everything else. So, I don't like people to go on eggs for a tremendous fast weight loss. I like slower weight loss programs. But very hard to get rid of fats. That is a way that you can help get rid of it better and faster, but coconut water and the coconut meat is the best for getting rid of the very, very hard to get rid of fats. Fat on the body.So, eat eggs. Then have your second to last meat meal. Anywhere from a cup to a cup and a half. A bodybuilder could be a whole pound of meat with a whole lubrication formula, moisturizing lubrication formula. I'll talk a little bit about that. And then have your cheese after. Be sure to have butter with your meat meal. Then cheese 30, 35 minutes after that. Then in the evening if your digestion is still slow again, have an egg every 30 to 45 minutes to an hour until it's time to go to sleep. Then have a half a milk or a half a milkshake. And then during the middle of the night, the same thing.
But wait a minute, I sleep during the night. Well, don't sleep all night. Wake and have something and go back to sleep. When you wake in the morning after not having eaten for eight hours, you've consumed the red blood cells become cannibalistic after five hours. The protein level has dropped to nil in the bloodstream. So, the red blood cells have to eat each other. They can't eat the phagocytes because there's very little protein in them. And they can't eat the molecules of protein because they're not fit for them. They have to eat because there's not enough in there. They have to eat other red blood cells just like the chickens eating the chickens because they're not fed enough meat or insects. So, when somebody wakes after eight hours they've consumed, they've lost two to four tablespoons of red blood cells in their blood. They're anemic. Is caffeine or nicotine a remedy for anemia? Well, that's what people go for. Coffee, coffee, coffee, tea, cigarettes to increase this level of energy. A hundred years ago, you had to be rich to have coffee. You had to be rich to have cigarettes unless you were growing the tobacco yourself. People had healthier bodies back then. They had healthier diets. They didn't have all this processed food with absolutely no nutritive energy-producing nutrition in it, matter in it. So, what you do is you wake sometime during the night and you eat something with protein in it. I don't care if it's a little meat, it's a meatball, if it's an egg, if it's half of a milkshake or half a cup of milk. It's enough to do it. If you're a person who's highly energetic, you don't wake in five hours and eat because you may not go back to sleep. So, you set your alarm for three hours. You wake, you eat and go back to sleep for five hours. Not many people who won't go back to sleep after three hours except for me. It's about all I sleep at night is three hours. And then I'll sleep an hour during the day.
So, I sleep about four hours a day on the average. Sometimes, like during this, I'll sleep six hours a day for healing. Ninety percent of healing happens in the sleep state. So, when you go through a very tired time, that doesn't mean that you're not... and you're normally energetic and you have to work and all that. You have to understand that the body goes into healing periods every two and a half years heavily. And that could last six weeks to 20 weeks. So, you have to say, OK, I've got to get a lot of sleep in this time. I have to lower my needs for vitality, for money, for whatever. And you have to sleep and take care of yourself. Ninety percent of regeneration happens in the sleep state. So, OK, I want to talk about salt. Salt is a very dangerous element. Like sulfur, like any of those, when they're isolated, they become toxic. If you separate sodium completely on its own, it's a more explosive than nitroglycerin. One block of pure sodium rock would blow up this entire city. Entire city, like an atom bomb. So, they mix it with chloride. So, you have sodium chloride or sodium iodide. So, it doesn't have the explosive effect the same way. It's more subtle. So, when it goes into your body, it starts fractionating your molecules, your smorgasbords that the cells will eat. How does that happen? A cell has an opening. It's like we have a mouth. And it has two to three, one to two, sometimes three ions inside of it. Outside, in the blood serum, you've got this whole smorgasbord, 93 to 117 particles of nutrition. 93 to 117. A balanced, perfect diet for every cell. Put salt or water in your system and it gets into your blood. It starts fractionating, so your cells will never have a balanced diet. You will never be satisfied with what you eat. You will always be hungry or anorexic, non-hungry. Always happens.
So, salt is a terrible thing. The other thing that can happen with salt is that you'll get whole lumps of salt clumps that get onto one of these. Salt normally is the smallest molecule mineral that we have when it's in water solution. However, when they get together, they clump. So, if you have many of those clumps clumped together in the blood, along with a fractionated or even a whole smorgasbord of nutrients before it's exploded, or fractionated because it will split it and cause like a volcano, I mean an earthquake effect and split it into parts. The cell, this is so large to the mouth opening of the cell that it can't get inside. The magnetism is so great outside that it rips the ions in the cell out. So, the cell can no longer attract its food. The smorgasbord, it will shrivel like a grape to a raisin, never eat again and die. One grain of salt, one little bit, I'm not talking about rock salt, I'm talking about little tiny grains of table salt, will destroy one million red blood cells in that way. It will starve another 200,000 red blood cells. So, you have to look at the effects of salt and water heavily in the body. They do not belong. If you're going to have water, you need to mix it with something or sip a tablespoon or two at a time. We are so toxic, we do need some solvent. Water is a solvent. If you look at an archeological book, the first word under solvent is water. It will dilute and make a mess of your system, unless you take it in small amounts. Usually, we have enough water in everything we eat to create the proper solvents to do that. Okay, final topics are the favorite subjects. Bacteria, parasites, fungus, virus. The most feared, parasites. They are the best janitors we could ever have. The whipworm, the trichinosis worm, which is so deadly from pigs that most of us thought would kill us, actually belong in the human digestive tract of all primates.
Well, they won't in the monkeys because they eat so much fruit. It kills that particular whipworm. A whipworm eats animal matter. So it does exist in most of your tribes and it does exist in pigs. Now, Joel Weinstock, the gastroenterologist at the University of Iowa, found that the pigs at the University of Iowa, he grew up with a farm background, found that the pigs were unhealthy, sickly at the university. They had the best environment, so-called the best food. So he went and tested because he's a gastroenterologist. He went right to the intestinal tract and the alimentary canal and did all the tests and found the fluids, everything almost the same, but he found no trichinosis in the pigs at the university. So he said, you know, I wonder if I give the trichinosis to the pigs in the university, if they'll get healthier. Sure enough, they got healthy in a few days. He infected them with the trichinosis. So he said, oh, I wonder if that's the same thing with people. If I can take my people with gastritis and other inflammatory bowel syndrome, all those, and give them trichinosis, would they be able to reverse their intestinal diseases and start digesting food properly? So he got a license from the FDA to do it with six people. The ruling was that he could only use people who had suffered from 10 to however long without relief from the medical profession's therapies for those intestinal diseases. So he took six people who had been, who had suffered from 10 to 32 years. Can you imagine having an intestinal problem that no matter if you drank water, you had gas either from the rectum or the stomach, you had cramps in your intestine every time you ate anything, you had diarrhea or vomit every time you ate anything? You suffered all of those years with that.
He gave them, he gave the six of them the whipworm eggs in a solution of Gatorade, because Gatorade is alkalinizing. So it neutralized the hydrochloric acid so they wouldn't digest the whipworm eggs. So they did incubate and get into the intestinal tract. Five of the six of them were well in five days. Did you hear that? Five of the six of them who had suffered from 10 to 32 years without relief from the bullshit medical profession's therapies were recovered in five days. One man didn't do anything bad to him, didn't do anything good, but it didn't work for him. Probably he had some kind of chemical in his intestines that destroyed the parasite. So parasites, even the tapeworm, does not eat you. It eats the food only when it's excessive carbohydrate. A tapeworm only exists in excessive carbohydrate body. Like in third world, we give aid packages, care packages to these children. But be careful who you donate food to. Money for food. Because most of these organizations are created by Kellogg, General Mills. They create these, oh compassion, we're going to help these children in other countries. Then the organizations' managers make a deal with Kellogg, General Mills, General Foods, for their waste products and the cereals that went bad in manufacturing, the packaging that was bad. They'll sell them to these organizations, the worst food in the world, cereals. They'll send powdered milk over as care packages. We know that those are two of the worst disease-causing foods on this planet. It's all sugar, denatured sugar with no nutrients or value. So they go over there and feed it to these children and they all get tapeworms, right? Because the tapeworms feed on excessive sugar in an animal's body. When an animal's eating excessive sugar. That's the only ten tapeworms that ever exist in a human body. Even in any animal's body that isn't supposed to eat high-carbohydrate foods.
Even a dog or a cat will only get tapeworms if the high-carbohydrate diet, because they don't have the nutrients, they don't have the digestive enzymes, they don't have the insulin to utilize all that. So the tapeworm breaks it down into a substance that's more utilizable. These parasites are our friends, those digestive parasites. Then we have janitorial parasites that help us clean the body. Now a janitorial parasite can eat 100 times its weight in 24 hours and only have a 5-10% waste product. Hey, I want that janitor. That's like taking 100 pounds of waste, that janitor reducing it to 1-5 pounds for me, all I have to deal with is 1-5 pounds. Pretty efficient. Bacteria can eat up to 50 times their weight in 24 hours, have the same percentage of waste. Hey, that's a terrific janitor too. Fungus can do the same thing as bacteria and parasites. The fungus works a little bit faster, not quite as fast as parasites, but their waste product is a little bit more toxic and more difficult to neutralize. That's why when you have a fungus, it's so itchy. Your body can't break it down quite as well. It dries out the skin, rips fats from everywhere to generate so that you can deal with that fungus. But they all reduce the waste. Reduce the waste so your body only has to deal with a small amount of toxicity. When something is too toxic, from chemicals, whether it's from medication or preservatives or food additives, and your body is so contaminated with them, your body can't use parasites, bacteria, or fungus to break that so-called, which is not organic anymore, but poisoned, chemically poisoned cells in your body. And debris, organic waste, is no longer organic.
So all of a sudden you don't have any friends to help you. So your body has to make soaps, solvents, to dissolve this matter. That's what viruses are. Viruses are not alive. They are not contagious. You can't get bird flu or swine flu. It's the most ridiculous thing in the world. What swine flu is and bird flu, any kind of flu, it's animal tissue dissolved with a solvent. Not bacterial, not parasitical, and not fungal. But it's like any solvent. It's not a live substance. You'll take grease solvent, you'll take ureatic acid, and let's say you dissolve not only the organic matter, you dissolve the paint on your swimming pool. Or you take a solvent to dissolve the grease on your garage floor. You always use water as your dissolvent medium. Again, water is a solvent. So you've got this highly chemicalized solvent reacting with the solvent water, and you clean up the product, and what is left over? 100% of the waste, still toxic in all of this fluid water. Highly toxic to the body. 30 years ago, it was improper for a doctor to ever, ever prescribe antibiotics for a virus. Because they're not alive to kill. Pharmaceutical companies says, but we can make a fortune. Everybody gets flus, all kinds of viruses out there. Let's change that. So it was changed in the medical books by the pharmaceutical industry. But there's no nucleus, there's no respiratory, digestive, no, what else? There's no circulatory systems in virus. They're just protein structures that have been fractionated from tissue. So they're not alive. So all this malarkey about flu vaccines are absurd. And you look at viruses.
There are 300,000 varieties because you have 300,000 different types of cells in an animal's body, even in a cell's body. Because a cell has organelles and everything that's in a human body in the whole is just a different shape. A cell is a different shape than another animal. It has everything that's in the cell we have in our bodies. They don't have the bones that we do the same way. They have cartilage and stuff like that. They lack bones. That's about the only difference. So you have all of these viruses that need to break down specific tissue. Because if your body started breaking down all sorts of tissue in a particular organ or system at one time, you wouldn't function. Only in test tubes and petri dishes do you have a virus or parasite will eat so-called healthy live tissue because it's not in its regular system. And that cell is now toxic. And that cell is now food for all of those substances except for the virus. It dissolves things. Now, you can drop virus all day long in a fertilized petri dish with no... In fertilized, that means a petri dish with fluid that a cell can maintain its life, not healthfully, nothing like it does in the human body, but it will keep it alive. You drop a petri dish like that with no cells in it, and you're dropping viruses all day in there, never reproduce, you will never have one more than you dropped in. Once you enter cells in there become contaminated, guess what? The soap starts doing its job dissolving the damaged dead cells that you're killing in this toxic fluid. And the medical profession says, see, it'll kill this whole cell. But a virus, each virus is specific to certain tissue in its natural environment. So if you have a respiratory cleansing of just the capillaries in the lungs, that may be a flu you will have for three weeks, three days. Let's say, one, you've got the nerves in the respiratory tract, you're going to clean those. That could last for ten days.
So you don't get the same flu every year. You're cleaning out some other tissue every time you get a flu. And you want that. Cold is when your body uses a bacteria for cleansing. Now they're saying colds are viral. Hello, they keep mixing things to confuse you. Colds were always called bacteria because they were always bacterial. Flus were called flus because they were always viral. They just want to confuse the hell out of you now. So, look at the flus. The flu is never the same three days later. They say, well, it's a retro. What do you mean a retro? No, the flu, the body, the cells have created a certain solvent to dissolve certain tissue. It will do it for one to three days. So after 72 hours, all of a sudden you've got a different virus going on, a different cleansing going on. And you have cleanses every day. It's just when you have the cold and the flu, that's when you're dumping the waste that is collected. So you have these viruses going on all the time. So think about this logic. Think about this logic before you ever consider whether a flu vaccine is proper or even logical or rational. Viruses all change in 72 hours. If it takes them 18 months to manufacture a vaccine, another six months to put it on the market. And they've made a vaccine that was from two years ago. Why are you taking a vaccine that's already gone and obsolete? Hello? Hello? Where is everybody's thinking? Okay, Q&A. Yes.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, they're just discarded. They're perspired out the body.
Q: How do they change.
A: They don't change. The body creates different ones. No, they stop making the other ones. That area is clean. That's why you have different viruses every 24 to 72 hours. But they say they change. They don't change. The cells produce the viruses. The cells.
Q: [unintelligible] a lot of information [unintelligible].
A: That's only the man-made ones. So you've got biological warfare ones. You can go to Dr. Leonard Horowitz's site. Just put his name in there and find his site. It's called Tetrahydrin or something like that. And he's a biochemist and biologist who is on top of the military and the NSA with biological warfare like a hip pocket. He has found all of their creations. AIDS was created. Ebola was created. All of those were created. And other biologists and doctors, biochemists have validated that work. And he's got the documentation from the military themselves with the freedom of information and lawsuits to get that. Other people have died. Scientists who did these. Do you know that there's not one scientist who's worked on any of those projects that's lived over 10 years? They kill all of them. Every scientist who was a part of all of the biochemical warfare projects died at no matter what age if they were there for longer than 10 years. Or they killed themselves with their own biological warfare work. Who knows what it is. Some of the research shows that the NSA actually snuffed them to prevent certain information leaking. Because what they do is they create a vacuum of information. One person is working on one project and they don't know what it's going to do or what it's for. And then when they start learning, it's time to get rid of them and they train new people to do it. So it's pretty bad. That entrance, like when you get a flu vaccine, they've created particles that will enter the RNA and DNA and change your cells. Like the AIDS did. Like the Ebola does. But that's man-made. No natural do that. So you have to be very careful with that information and keep it in that area.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I just said common cold was bacterial. This change happened in the last 30 years. The pharmaceutical companies did it. No, all they have to do is spend time researching and they'll find it. But let me tell you, the information isn't easily obtained. It took me many, many years to discover all this. Thank God I had a nutritionist. He was studying to be a doctor and he was going through his internship and he was raised in Italy. And his mother was a naturalist, did everything with food. And he got into this pharmaceutical thing and saw how they were juggling. That was when they started going from the cold is bacterial to the flu is viral. And that was in the 1970s. And he said this is absolute garbage. I'm not going to be a doctor, I'm going to be a nutritionist. Very brilliant man. He was a 75-80% raw. But because he was Italian and loved his pasta, he always had a weight problem. And he would stay away from fat. I said Bruno, stay away from the pasta, eat the fat. Yes?
Q: [unintelligible]. There are a lot of theories out there about that being created also.
A: Again, you have to understand that they have to blame nature for everything. So when it's the flu, it's the swine flu, the avian flu, the frog flu, the monkey flu. AIDS was blamed on monkeys, the green monkeys. It was right out of the laboratory in UCLA 1961-62. It was so-called created to produce cancer in laboratory animals to study cancer. Linked right to the War Department. Dr. Strecker was a lawyer and a senator from either Wisconsin or Minnesota. They both got on the War Department, found the documentations that led to it. They published a book called Bio-Attack Alarm. Yeah, I think it's Bio-Attack Alarm. I got it in my bibliography in We Want to Live. And within three months of that book almost being published, it got pulled. They were both dead. Neither of them were suicidal. They talked with their families regularly. Not suicidal yet, they committed suicide supposedly. The CIA way or the military NSA way. So you can understand that there's a lot of garbage information out there. They want to blame everything on nature. Even the hurricanes, they name them by people's names. They want you to be afraid of every living creature. When it's really industrial chemicals that are creating all disease.
Q: Rabies?
A: Rabies is the same thing. That is absolutely garbage science. That was created by the War Department too. Yes?
Q: I read a book by Peter [unintelligible] called Water and Salt. He talked about Himalayan salt having 84 elements in it. And that 82 of the elements had been used by the pharma industry for making their chemicals. And the two left over were the waste products, the sodium chloride, and that was sold to table salt. So what about Himalayan salt?
A: It doesn't make any difference. You don't eat rock. You don't live on rock. Plants live on rock. You give those elements to your plants. You give them Celtic salt and you're going to kill them too. You can only give them a small amount of salt. But they're made... Plants eat rock. That's what they eat. We don't eat rock. We eat elements that have been made into biological substances, not rock. So they're going to create an imbalance in our systems. I haven't eaten salt in 1973. Yes. Do I look like I have a problem? Hydration or anything? Yes.
Q: What do you think about the DHA for microalgae? That's supposedly the only one that's actually like animal DHA rather than all the ones that are like flax and stuff like that.
A: It doesn't make any difference. You don't digest algae.
Q: No, you don't take the algae. They sell this oil supplement that's the only omega-3 supplement that mimics the animal one.
A: The way it's extracted, highly toxic. I'm telling you, the way it's extracted, it's highly toxic.
Q: Because you're familiar with it.
A: Yes. It's not even the same relationship anymore when they finish extracting it and purifying it.
Q: What's gypsum?
A: Pardon?
Q: You were talking about gypsum earlier.
A: Gypsum is a mineral. It's one of the 103 minerals on this planet. Very dry. That's why they're using drywall. I got it in my wound when I hit that road.
Q: Oh, it's on the asphalt?
A: No, that was the other accident. I had an accident three weeks ago in the Philippines. There they put gypsum powder on the roadway because of all the rain and moisture. So the roads don't wash out.
Q: This addresses that a little bit. There's a guy who's a really good gardener. He recommends putting gypsum as part of your soil.
A: Yeah, but it's a very small amount. For plants, that's food for them, not for us. Highly toxic. Yes?
Q: I was curious on the proportions and how these primitive cultures that you talked about are eating raw meat and stuff. How they portion it out.
A: I told you that the Maasai is 65% dairy, 30 to 35% meat.
Q: But do they eat once a day or is it five times a day or is there a certain...
A: They'll drink milk all day long. They have these bladders. They'll drink whenever they get thirsty. They don't gulp. They suck out of that bladder. They suck out of that bladder. They suck.
Q: I'm thinking about how to do it.
Q: And do they eat once a day or throughout the day?
A: They usually eat the meat once a day.
Q: And how do you feel about that? Because of our culture and all the toxins.
A: Well, we're so sick we need to eat meat twice a day. We need to eat all day long. I found that works a lot better. If you eat big meals like they do, you're not going to digest it because you're not healthy enough. And then you're going to fatigue your body and you're going to want to sleep. Well, if you want to work and be productive, you better eat little amounts at a time.
Q: What about [unintelligible].
A: Well, I've been experimenting with that. I've been eating. For one week, I did a one to one and a half pound meat meal a day, especially when I was in the Philippines. I did that about two weeks there. And I got some milk there. I found that dairy there and got some milk. So I was able to drink a little milk all day long, but just had one meat meal a day. And that was fine. But my digestion is so well, it didn't make any difference to my energy level or anything. Yes?
Q: On that island that you told us about, was their fish raw or would they cook?
A: Oh, yes. All they ate was raw. They didn't eat anything cooked. They didn't fire anything. They didn't even make fires.
Q: I have another question. Where does that detox go?
A: It depends. Most of it will go through the skin. The poisons out the skin. You've got a lot of poison metals in the skull and goes out the head. You're going to lose hair. That's what causes hair loss. All of those metals leaving through the skull, they damage the follicle.
Q: One more question. What you were talking about earlier and talking to the Senators, is that part of that new farm bill that requires all food to be alduterated?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you talk a little bit more about that?
A: No. I don't have time to do that. Who knows what shape it's going to be in? They're still playing with it in committees. Yes?
Q: When you talk about cheese, is it the hard cheese or is it like the cottage cheese?
A: She asked is the hard cheese and cottage cheese. Softer cheese is like feta cheese... Will that be digested? Depends. If it's highly fermented, like the feta cheese, it will digest. Because it's not completely dry. The cottage cheese, most of that will not be absorbed or digested. It will just pass through you.
Q: I've been soaking my nuts for years to break down the enzyme inhibitors. Is that okay?
A: What she asked was, a lot of people worry about the phytic acid in seeds and nuts. And they believe that. It is true. When you soak or germinate nuts and seeds, the phytic acid is removed. Phytic acid is an enzyme, a combination. Enzymes are alive. People say it every day. Enzymes aren't alive. Just like virus, they're not alive. They're protein substances. They're grouped together and create a reaction. That's like saying, oh, salt will dissolve something. Salt's alive. Salt's never alive. On its own, there's a chemical reaction from it. Oh, salt blew up the universe. Oh, salt's alive. No, just because something has an action doesn't mean it's alive. It is not alive. So, I'm sorry, I have to suck an egg. I'm starting to get drained here.
Q: Now, is that a glass bottle? Should we have our milk in just glass bottles?
A: I'm sorry, I didn't finish that thought because I lost it. So, the phytic acid, what it does, it prevents certain minerals from being utilized. Those minerals help in digestion of proteins. Proteins help in digestion of fats, so there's a whole chain reaction from phytic acid. The animals who handle phytic acid naturally are herbivores, vegetarian animals. They are equipped to handle those foods. We don't handle phytic acid. So, a lot of people believe, oh, we'll soak them, we'll germinate them, get rid of the phytic acid, but they don't look at the result. When you germinate something, you have three other enzymes that are produced that are identical to phytic acid. So, now you have three times the problem. How many people do you know that germinate their foods and are vegetarians who are healthy? I've known eight out of 2,500. Not a very good average.
Q: Some of the vegetarian animals don't do well with phytic acid. Goats, I know a former woman who said that when goats eat grain rather than grass and leaves, that they'll get bloated and it can kill them, and it lowers their B vitamins. So, not all the vegetarian animals do good on it either.
A: It depends on the grain. The grain we count as the best grain in the world. I forget which one it was. I fed it to goats and they wouldn't eat it after two days.
Q: Quinoa?
A: No. Pardon? No, there's another one. This was years ago, back in the 70s, the big one back then.
Q: Buckwheat?
A: No, it wasn't buckwheat. I forgot what it was called. Anyway, the goats refused to eat, even if I put a tablespoon in their whole mixture, the goats would not eat any of the feed. Any of it, because that was in there. That's how toxic it was to them. So, you've got the same problem. You've got a worse problem.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, when I'm going to eat nuts, you make the nut formula. Blend softer nuts, because they're easier to digest, until they become a flour. Then you blend egg, butter, and honey with it. That neutralizes the phytic acid and allows you to utilize the starch in the nuts only, because that's all we digest. To bind with excessive hormones, like old toxic adrenaline in the body, that causes people to go crazy and nuts for no reason.
Q: What about almonds?
A: Almonds are very difficult to digest, but I've got to take other people's questions.
Q: A couple of questions about the cheese. Before a meal, is it okay or problematic to have cheese with honey or butter?
A: You don't want to digest it. The cheese there is to absorb the poisons and take them out of the body. You only want the honey with cheese two times after your meat meals.
Q: And the other one was, before the sports...
A: You can have butter with it if you want.
Q: Butter, but no honey. Before the sports drink or drinking milk throughout the day, is it a good idea to have cheese before those?
A: No, you don't need to. If you want to ensure that the poisons are dumping into cheese, eat a piece of cheese every hour. That will protect you on an hourly basis, and that's a good thing to do.
Q: It seems like some of the issues with absorption and digestion that you face today could be helped with rejuvelac. Are you familiar with that?
A: Yes, rejuvelac is a highly fermented juice, and it does stimulate digestion.
Q: Perhaps to blend it with the nuts and stuff like that.
A: Yeah, but the problem with that is it destroys bacteria.
Q: Isn't it good because it's cultured and active?
A: It's a highly acidic, highly alcoholic nature. It will destroy certain bacteria in your body.
Q: So it will mess up the balance of that.
A: Absolutely. You wouldn't digest your meats as well, nor your dairy.
Q: It probably wouldn't mix with this diet.
A: No, it doesn't. I say that if you want to use that fermentation process, it's good to do with your vegetable juice once in a while to help detoxify the old cooked nutrients or the old cooked substances of vegetation that you've had throughout your life. So once in a while, I'll let a juice go five to ten days. Terrible tasting, but I know it's going to go in and act as a soap and clean out some of that old stuff in the body.
Q: So based on what you said about the solvents and stuff, so we basically don't have to worry about any sexually transmitted diseases or anything?
A: There are sexually transmitted diseases where you can pass things from the skin. Whatever lives on the skin, you can pass. So I can pass you crabs. You can pass me crabs. I can pass you a yeast infection because those live on the skin, in the skin. But if you're talking about something that's internal like syphilis, it's not transferable. Herpes is a virus. It's not transmittable.
Q: So basically on this diet, we don't have to worry?
A: No, you just have to make sure all your systems are clean. Everybody has poliomyelitis in their nervous system. It was absolutely understood emphatically when polio came around. When polio came around in big, canned foods came out, 1945. What happened five years later? Polio started rising because of the amount of contamination of metals into the spinal cord until the body adapted to it. It started storing it in the brain more, out of the spinal cord. So all of a sudden, by 1958, the human body had learned to store it in the spinal cord, which caused so much contamination that bacteria, parasites, and fungus couldn't work in the nervous system. Polio is a virus. It's not a live organism. It's not an organism at all. So the body was using polio to clean the nervous system. Take a look at the difference in the medical profession here. They don't want you to be aware of their little nuances of stupidity. When you have a bacterial meningitis, they don't worry so much. When you have a viral meningitis, they worry a lot because of the mass swelling. Why? You don't have bacteria eating waste and reducing the content. You have soap solvents in there dissolving spinal tissue to clean it, and all of this toxic waste creating pressure that causes paralysis. Viruses and bacteria are completely different. Yes?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, the 1918 flu was the first flu vaccine ever produced.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Because they got vaccines all over the world. It was Rockefeller's first baby. It made him trillions of dollars and millions of people died. That was the first flu vaccine.
Q: [unintelligible] that most people died actually [unintelligible].
A: They're just trying to confuse you. It's medical theory and bullshit. There's a book called The Man's Proper Diet. And this man lived through that flu. He watched other people die. Pardon?
Q: Not many people died.
A: Oh, very few people died. Nobody died in farmland.
Q: Why?
A: Because nobody got a vaccine unless they lived in a major city. They just want you to be afraid of more things that they'll say they have a cure for.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: But that's because they want you to believe that infections are cured. Infections are cleansings of the body, always cleansings of the body from a toxic substance. Infections are good. They want you to believe infections are bad.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: But that's not it. Then your body creates an infection to get rid of that toxic substance. If they've planted substances in there that they know the body is going to create these substances to counter that toxin, and the law department in their laboratories have created a way to send a chemical, biological chemical into your RNA and DNA and stop it. Then you've got that disease, you've got that contamination.
Q: Why do some people die?
A: They go to anaphylactic shock. Do you know that none of, not zero, zip animals ever survived any of Pasteur's injections? Not one survived. I studied at the Sorbonne. I had a translator because I read French pretty well but don't speak it and there's a lot of old French in there from the late 1800s. Not one of those animals ever survived any of his vaccines. And yet they hailed him up there as the big savior of the planet. Why? He was a money maker. I mean how can you ever say, I think you're going to get polio and if you take this you'll never get it. How can you say that about anybody? Now I could, I could look at a body and say you're likely to get polio, you've got a lot of toxicity, industrial toxicity in your spine. You're not going to be able to clean it with bacteria, parasites and fungus. You're likely to have a virus shape of polio.
Q: But you know how they tell people, how they convince people of it. They say we're going to introduce this denature-resisting, it's going to teach your system to make the antibodies necessary for if you ever are exposed to it.
A: And there's no, yeah, and there's no, there's no test to ever show that.
Q: It's not even a theory anymore because everybody believes it.
A: Everybody believes it, yep.
Q: How do you counteract that?
A: You can't.
Q: People don't want to hear this great news.
A: No, they can't believe it because they're so terrified.
Q: It's like raw milk.
A: Yeah, it's like raw milk, yeah.
Q: I think it happens with any form of information, not just, you know, whether it be politics or...
A: Look at the raw meat.
Q: What I'm asking is not, like my questions are largely rhetorical because we're all against this.
A: I know.
Q: We're all against this thing with people, like we all know, we all believe it, but everybody's so ingrained and so...
A: So why try to convince other people? You just do your thing and take care of yourself.
Q: We have these bills in Congress and we need power behind it to stop it.
A: But like I say, if you have the letter that I have that makes them sign it according to Geneva Convention, nobody's going to ever force you to take a vaccine.
Q: What if they sign it?
A: Pardon?
Q: Yeah, what if they sign it?
Q: What are they going to do? Even if the damage, who's going to go and force them to pay the damages when we have all the government behind this thing?
A: Oh, they'll pay it. No, they'll pay it.
Q: How are they going to even prove it?
A: Because if the government sponsored them to do it, the government is responsible. Just in the last swine flu vaccine, the government paid out $3.4 billion in damages.
Q: I know, but how does this provide security when people, first they have to prove that this is what caused it?
A: I don't know anybody who would sign it. Who in their right mind is going to sign it?
Q: Who is in their right mind is doing these things to us?
A: But I mean, okay, who in their even sick mind is going to sign that?
Q: It's somebody who believes that you can't prove anything and they're not even going to give you an opportunity. No one else. No one else.
Q: Worst case scenario, go underground.
Q: No one else that's going underground, that's not going to turn your life around.
Q: Well, it might never happen, but I don't think worst case.
Q: But what are we going to do to really change it?
A: We can argue that until we're blue in the face, and it's not going to get us anywhere for health today, so I'm going to have to end that discussion.
Q: Clearly a wise decision.
Q: Folks, for years, I don't remember when we first started this meeting, maybe 2000?
A: I don't remember.
Q: Yeah, maybe 2000, 2001. And I have a son who has cerebral palsy, and every time, and we stayed, and we wouldn't talk to anyone about it. We wouldn't tell the doctors. We told the pediatrician a little bit. I see the doctors now, and his change is phenomenal.
A: He went from this little chicken-looking child, now to a child that can turn his...
Q: I'm going to work on trying to get him here Tuesday, if his wheelchair seating is going to be okay.
A: Ah, okay.
Q: But it's phenomenal. We have people working for us now that say this guy is really well-performed. Fortunately, he has a beautiful body. He's not a big guy. He still has his scoliosis, but we have doctors. His blood work looks that good. His cholesterol is high. He only eats raw fat. Wonderful. Wonderful.
A: So it took us a while to get there.
Q: It took us eight years, you know. But there's people that want people to help them. There's doctors that can't stand it anymore. I know this. They see this young man, and I know that they're behind what we're doing. My husband goes to the doctor. I have a hearing. My neck hurts. He says, okay, go home and eat. You'll be fine. Nobody's going to want to see him. He's going out of the office. He keeps going back. They go, you're fine. Go home. So there's people. Things are changing. You just have to be out there and fight for it and do well.
A: Be an example. You be an example like this child was an example of what can happen. Because you see this skinny little chicken all of a sudden starting to develop.
Q: But he's loosening up slowly. The physical therapist had him on the table on Thursday. She got him straight. He keeps bouncing back. He keeps working. There's something that I discovered. I know you're against the sprays, but I found a magnesium spray in John. And he had told me about it. Because what I was doing is I was putting oil on his skin. He would tighten up.
A: You know, we really can't go into this kind of discussion.
Q: There's oil that I put on his skin. And his legs loosened up. What do I do with the ribs? Why wouldn't oil loosen up and not water? And oil loosened up his legs.
A: Well, oil allows things to stretch properly. Water dries things out. Oil on the skin is better than internal. Okay. Yes. We're going to take five more questions if we have them. And then we're going to have to end this.
Q: Would you consider kombucha a health-giving food?
A: No, because they grow it on sugar and boiled tea.
Q: So it's heated.
A: Yeah. It's heated, and it's also made with sugar. Completely processed, denatured.
Q: I was making it in 1992, and you had me change it. I was just letting it stay the organic. You sit in the water for 24 hours and then put the honey in. And I've been making it with the raw honey. It is absolutely delicious.
A: And the mushroom you still put in it?
Q: The mushroom is healthy. It doesn't hit you. We're afraid that the honey would eat the mushroom. But I put the honey in ahead of time, like you said, for a few hours. Then I put the mushroom in and put it away for eight. And the kombucha's working. Isn't it totally raw?
A: Well, mushrooms help digestion of proteins. They'll clean the body. They're a fungus. They're the spore of a fungus. They're the sex reproduction of a fungus. A mycelium that helps get rid of toxicity in the body. So if you can make it raw, wonderful. It's an incredible item. It's terrific. Because I was told that it won't work unless you cook the substance. But it's working. So great. So that's another lie from another scientist who's selling his kombucha.
Q: So mushrooms are okay for somebody who gets fungus on their feet? He's okay to eat mushrooms?
A: Yeah, mushrooms are good. In fact, mushrooms are the only cross between animal and plant. It's cellular structure of an animal, yet they grow like a plant. But it's really a mycelium, you know. It's a fluid, milky organism which is underground. And it eats all dead roots. And then it pushes a mushroom up that has spores which will, if gotten wet, will release into the ground and find other spores, I mean other dead roots. That, again, is a surface. It's a fungus. Like I said, you can get a yeast infection. You can pass it from one to another because it's a surface thing. Okay? Yes?
Q: I know you're not crazy about going to the dentist and getting teeth cleaned. What's the procedure?
A: Well, I put that procedure in my newsletter. It said, how can we clean our teeth without going to a dentist? I got that in one of the newsletters. It actually whitens the teeth, too. It's just a combination of terramine clay, coconut cream, and vinegar. And it whitens the teeth as well as cleaning them. It cleans off all the plaque. Instantly dissolves it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No. Well, no, I just didn't release it. I haven't thought to write about it in the newsletter.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I say, you're a doctor again? I don't believe anything you say. Basically. If a tooth is going to fall out of my head, it's going to fall out naturally. But I don't believe anything you say. I've had many times they told me, you need a root canal. You need to cap that tooth. I just left it be. Only two times I've lost a tooth, but I got to keep that tooth ten more years than they ever thought I would. But you have to remember, the worst toxins are coming from the brain, damaging your nerves and your teeth.
Q: Speaking of teeth, what substance would you use as a filler if you did have a hole in your tooth? Not that you would, but if you did have to fill your tooth with something, what substance would you use?
A: It's called BioFlex, something like that. It's like a calcium. It's like dolomite.
Q: Should I get it and bring it to the dentist?
A: Oh, they usually have it. And they just pack it, and then I have them put a plastic cap over that.
Q: The BioFlex or something?
A: No, no, it's just a plastic, you know.
Q: No, I mean the substance is called BioFlex or something.
A: I can't remember, but if you go online, you look up for fills for a root canal, you stuff it with that.
Q: Is it temporary?
A: No, it's not temporary. No, it's a permanent fill thing. If you want to make the tooth stronger, I recommend bone or ivory and stuff it in there. Bone is better, because ivory is...
Q: It will take hold or something if you stuff a bone in there?
A: Well, now they put a steel rod in there. You know, so I'd rather have a piece of bone or something to strengthen the tooth.
Q: I was asking about the implants. What do you think, if someone is missing a teeth, what would be the best sort of solution to fix a smile?
A: Leave it open. If you have the teeth on either side already capped, then you have a cap with a false tooth put on there that way. Otherwise, leave it open.
Q: So no...
A: Just remember, whatever implants are going to put in you is going to damage the bone.
Q: And it's going to release...
A: It could release many toxins. Not even stainless steel, when it's drilled into the bone, is safe from dissolving. Yes.
Q: I think it was Walker, it might have been Jensen, or all the old vegetarian gurus, they said that polio comes from sugar. Is this a sugar part of it?
A: No, because sugar industry blossomed way back in the late 1800s, 1900s. Sugar was all over the place. Candy was all over the place. Some people blamed it on ice cream. But it was canned foods. Because you have to look at, what does a spinal cord contain? Metals. For reflecting and conducting, you know, that's it. So, what would cause, sugar certainly aren't going to do it.
Q: Well, it bothers the adrenals probably, the sugar, so maybe it would make a different reaction.
A: Pardon?
Q: Maybe it bothers the nerves through the adrenals, because the sugar would maybe imbalance the adrenals, and then you'd have nerve problems.
A: You're talking about toxic nerve tissue in the spine that can't be corrected with bacteria or parasites or fungus. So you're talking about a chemical inundation in the spinal cord. Only be canned foods, not sugar.
Q: Maybe sugar would feed the fire rather than cause it?
A: Well, of course it breaks down your digestive ability, so you're not going to digest your foods well. In fact, they showed that with 30 years of sugar, and that's all they fed these particular animals. Sugar every day, but it wasn't their complete diet. In 30 years of our time for those animals, their villi were shrunk by, dissolved by 50%. They could see the sugar acids eating away at the villi. Okay, that's it. Okay.
A: This is me. Thank you.