How Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect Us?

(Remedies are in the last 3 paragraphs.)

We have made electricity an integral part of our lives. Because of it, we constantly bombard ourselves with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMFs emit waves of neutrons and protons that exchange and change the molecular structures of most biological substances within their ranges. Electromagnetic fields are measured in gauss. Scientists proved that animal cells exposed to EMFs above 3 gauss altered the molecular structure of those cells. In animal cells, EMFs created an imbalance in the electron/proton balance of the atoms, ultimately altering the molecular structure and behavior of cells. In too many circumstances, fragmentation of electrons occurred and the effects were similar to huge meteors striking Earth.

In my subjective and objective experiences, high EMF exposure caused various symptoms: tinnitus, hyper-allergic, hypersensitivity, soreness, hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, and even anger, joint soreness, muscle soreness or tightness and/or fatigue, insomnia, nausea and chronic fatigue. Radiation toxicity has many similar symptoms.

My awareness of EMFs dawned on me in 1993 after purchasing my first laptop computer at the same time that I moved into an old cottage house in Venice, California. I began having pains in my hands, wrists and elbows that mimicked carpal-tunnel syndrome and early bone cancer. I recalled not getting carpal tunnel when I used my old manual typewriter on which I had typed and retyped 7 screenplays and 3 books. Typing on a manual typewriter put a lot of friction on the fingers and wrists but no one got carpal-tunnel. Plus, government, industry and media told us that EMFs do not cause carpal-tunnel or any harm.

I thought maybe I was experiencing another detoxifi- cation in my bones from radiation therapy I received many years before (that caused my bone and blood cancers). Were they returning? The pain continued for weeks. Before I decided on a remedy, I hired an environmental expert to see if something in my new home were toxic.

He arrived with several types of gadgets to measure radon, electromagnetic, electrical and radiation fields. He found one improperly grounded electrical outlet in my bedroom but it was too far from the bed to cause harm. After exhausting all possibilities with construction and location, he spotted my laptop on my desk and asked me to turn it on. He held his meter 1/4 inch above the keyboard. The meter jumped to 85 gauss over the F11 and F12 keys. When typing on the keyboard, my right hand and wrist received from 23-85 gauss, depending on hard-disk activity. My left hand received 23-50 gauss. Farthest point of lower gauss-registration was 7 inches from the bottom of the laptop.

He suggested I get a separate keyboard, plug it into the laptop and keep the top of the keyboard at least 6 inches from bottom of the computer. Skeptically, I bought and used a separate keyboard. Amazingly, within 2 days, all of the discomfort and pain disappeared. Several times during the next year when I traveled, I did not take my separate keyboard, thinking that the few hours that I would type on my laptop would not cause harm or pain. I was wrong. Within 1 hour, my hands felt a little swollen, slightly prickly with some joint discomfort. When I returned to using the separate keyboard, the symptoms disappeared within 48 hours. My present model of Acer laptop has a higher EMF field so I must keep the top of my separate keyboard 9.5 inches from the bottom of the laptop.

Epidemiological studies by Maria Feychting of Sweden showed that people exposed to high EMFs at home and work had 3.7 times greater risk of developing leukemia compared to people who were not exposed.

Other things we use for longer than 3 minutes at a time that can negatively alter our cells with very high EMFs are hair dryers, vibrators, electrical and radio clocks, electric blankets and pads including therapy pads, electrical shavers, water beds, vibration chairs and beds, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, Jacuzzis and hot tubs, computer towers, exterior hard drives, backup units, printers, copiers, infrared and bluetooth mice, telephones especially cellular and bluetooth, electrical transformers and voltage regulators on anything including computer peri- pherals and laptops, sound equipment especially most speakers, and automobiles. Anything that is electrical including battery operated toys emits EMFs.

The EMFs in electrical cars including hybrids are extreme, especially in the driver's seat from the pedals to 5 inches above seats. In certain hybrids where there is a large battery unit under the rear seat or trunk (Honda), EMFs in the back seats where we sit our children are worst. Also, cars with complex computer systems have extremely high EMFs, especially in the driver's and front passenger's seats. The more expensive a car, the greater are EMFs because of the computer techno-logy. In airplanes with jet engines on wings, EMFs are extremely high all the way from the cockpits through the business sections; it is best to sit in rear of those planes. If engines are on tails of planes, it is best to sit several rows before and at wings.

Electrical transformers and regulators on electrical and telephone poles create EMFs that bombard areas up to 150 ft. (45 meters). Usually, such objects are found at rears of buildings, closest to bedrooms of houses and apartments. Many apartments and hotels have their own electrical transformers and regulators. Get an apartment or room away from those objects. In hotel rooms, high EMFs frequently will be found where beds and walls meet. Often it is an electrical clock but sometimes it is wiring in walls. Pull beds away from walls where EMFs broadcast. Worst EMF-emitters are MRIs.

Some of the highest EMFs to which anyone could be subjected are Magnetic Resonance Imagings (MRIs). The main magnet discharges 75,000 gauss; remember it takes only 3 gauss to alter the molecular structure of animal cells. The MRI antennas that aim at your bodies shoot 12,000-75,000 gauss into our bodies at every moment it engages. The exposure time required to complete an accurate image with MRIs depends upon the patient and patient's tissues being imaged.

Each image requires about 260 bombardments of EMFs and radio waves with 3-seconds delay. With each bombardment, it takes approximately 3 seconds for the cells to regain an ionic state similar to what it was prior to each bombardment before another phase of imaging can occur. If they did not delay for 3 seconds, the image would be diffused in a glow of ionic bombardment and resultant disarray. With each EMF-bombardment, cells are slightly altered, most often negatively. Usually, a patient is subjected to MRIs for at least 20 minutes. Gross cellular alterations occur in 20 minutes and proper ionic balances may never be restored unless eating a proper diet and practicing several ionic-restoring actions.

Anyone who states that MRIs are safe in the majority of patients has not studied their effects on the mole- cular and atomic levels. They merely parrot the marketing rhetoric of institutions involved in producing and utilizing MRI technology. Their statements should not be believed or trusted. To compound MRI-EMFs' effects upon cells, sometimes contrasts are used. Injecting or swallowing metallic minerals (toxic free-radical metallic solutions) helps generate a clearer image of blood and nervous systems and brain but further poison the body. Any statements that contrasts are safe are fraudulent.

EMF meters


I suggest that people buy EMF meters. I use the Tri-Field meter because it measures 3 different fields: electromagnetic, electrical and radiation (such as measuring cell phone levels). I carry mine most everywhere because I travel so much. Many times I would have accepted hotel rooms that were extremely high in EMFs and I would have been bombarded throughout my nights and days. I measure hotel rooms and if EMFs are high, I asked for another room. If no other room is available, I change hotels.


The 100% Primal Diet, I have observed, helps to gradually improve ionic imbalances within 6 months. Consuming a vegetable-juices mixture of 30% celery, 20% carrot, 5% cilantro, 5% parsley, 5% zucchini, and 35% cucumber puree helps facilitate ionic balances. To make this juice/puree mixture, first juice everything but the cucumber. Then peel and slice the cucumbers, and blend them in a canning jar with enough vegetable juices to fill the jar. Add a little honey for preservative and blend.

To decrease ionic restoration-time while eating the Primal Diet, two primary restorative therapies should be utilized:

  1. Daily lying on healthy ground for minimum of 40 minutes for 4-8 weeks, and/or

  2. Daily long baths in healthy water for a minimum of 40 minutes for 6-8 weeks.

When lying on ground, a cotton, silk or wool blanket or towel may be used. Lying on sand such as at a beach or desert also helps to rebalance our ions. (If bathing in municipal waters, adding 11/4 - 13/4 cups raw milk, 3 T. raw apple cider vinegar and 2 T. sun-dried sea salt will neutralize the many industrial toxins in municipal waters.)

However, even with all those therapies, the original and perfect ionic balances may never be completely achieved because our bodies have been bombarded by non-organic ions which have become part of our bodies.

I have been told by several electronic engineers that it would be as easy as using transistors instead of capacitors to remedy the high EMF problem. For most products, the cost per item would increase about 50 cents to $1.