
(Appendix L)

Most often, depression is caused by too much carbohydrate sugar and sugar byproducts in the blood, lymph and nerves. Carbohydrates made into blood sugar result, unfavorably, in high sugar byproducts, causing the blood, lymph and nerve serums to be sticky, causing reduced bodily functions and hypoglycemia.

Naturally, when too much carbohydrate sugar enters the blood, the pancreas produces insulin. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels by binding with sugars and turning them into glycogen which can be stored in the body and used later. When mutant sugars enter the blood, the pancreas overproduces insulin even if the blood sugar is low.

Refined sugars are mutations, including flash pasteurized products. They enter the blood too fast. When refined sugars are eaten, the body first tries to turn them into a more natural sugar. However, most of the sugar just passes into the blood as mutations. They over-stimulate the liver and pancreas. Eventually, bile and hormones, like insulin, bind with the sugars and leave the blood low in sugar (hypoglycemia). Over a period of time, this can lead to the eventual exhaustion of the pancreas (diabetes). Although it would take considerably longer, the same can result from eating too much raw fresh fruit and fruit juices.

The best way to resolve the blood-sugar problems that cause depression is to eat a lot of raw meat. When the body forms blood sugars from meat, the blood sugar is called pyruvate. The body's use of pyruvate results, favorably, in low sugar byproducts allowing clean body serums, including in the nerves.

For some people, simply changing to a raw diet, that includes lots of raw meat, relieves depression. For a few, adding only raw fats to their diet is the simple answer because without proper fat, proteins cannot be assimilated for many purposes. Eating raw meat with raw fat, and reducing fruit intake to once daily in the afternoon only, feeds the liver and pancreas, regenerates and rebuilds them and, over a period of many years, repairs them to where they cease to automatically over-dump sugar into the blood and over-produce insulin.

Another cause of chronic depression is too-low of bacterial levels throughout the body. When high levels of bacteria are present, proper detoxification occurs. Bacteria are janitors who consume organic cellular waste, keeping the body clean. When the body is low in bacterial levels, the body becomes overloaded with organic waste and toxins, causing cellular depression that is experienced throughout the body and mind, and expressed emotionally.

The low-bacterial cause of depression can be alleviated by eating stinky bacterially decomposing meat, as several cultures do, such as the Eskimo. The Eskimo call that meat "high" meat. Eating an ounce of high meat usually relieves depression in 10-20 minutes and may last for weeks. I demonstrated that there is no danger from eating meat with enormous amounts of bacteria on Ripley's Believe It Or Not (it first aired internationally on July 17, 2002). The recipe to make high meat is in my recipe book, The Recipe For Living Free of Disease.

A less favorable way to keep the blood sugar level balanced is to eat one cooked starch (like French bread, rice cakes, pasta, air-popped corn, baked or steamed potato) with lots of raw fat (like avocado, unsalted raw butter, no-salt-added raw cheese, raw cream, raw eggs, stone-pressed olive oil or fresh coconut) with a little fresh fruit. For people with severely overactive pancreases, that combination - in small amounts - may have to be consumed two to four times daily. However, the cooked starch always results in accumulations of sugar byproducts and toxins.

How the last recommendation works is that the cooked starch easily binds with excess insulin. Then the raw fat binds with the starch-insulin[1] mass and escorts it to the bowels. The fresh fruit raises the blood sugar level to normal. Depression is gone or mitigated within forty minutes. However, many sugar byproducts and other toxins from the cooked starch accumulate in the body and could eventually cause disease.


[1]: If the fats reach temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, they have a greater tendency to store in the body and solidify instead of dumping into the bowels. Therefore, eating fats warmed above 104 degrees Fahrenheit is not suggested for optimal health.