Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: Halloween must have been a good night last night.
Q: [laughter]
A: We'll start, oh, let's thank Lucky first of all.
Q: [applause]
A: And we need to clean up everything that we brought and made a mess of. So, before we leave, I would appreciate that. Um, okay, let's get started. Lucky, do you have a question?
Q: What's that movie? Can you tell me?
Q: Um, I'll go next.
Q: Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Q: I'll go next after him.
A: I'm going to start on this side then.
Q: Wait a minute, uh.
A: Go ahead.
Q: Um, I'd like to know what...
Q: Wait a minute.
A: Kathy, we can't wait for you.
Q: Is that something oysters are especially good for?
A: What?
Q: Oysters.
A: Oysters? Yeah. There are two reasons to eat oysters. If you want to have a lot of sexual prowess. And the other thing is it removes heavy metals quicker than anything else.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: In the body. Without having a lot of symptoms.Cilantro and, uh, you know, berries will remove heavy metals, but usually when you use cilantro, there's a side effect with it. There's nausea, there's graying of the skin, um, a lot of side effects that aren't necessarily desirable. When people eat oysters in abundance to remove the metals, there's no side effects. And I've had about 12 people now do it over the past five years. And the first person I experimented on was a woman who was born and raised in the heart of London. So she had four airports, you know, fly over. So all the diesel exhaust and particles, which are pretty bad here in aerospace, right? You know how bad those particles are, especially in jet fuel. So she looked like a lathe operator. She had so many metals in her body. And it caused her a lot of emotional problems. So she was on and off the diet with her emotions for about a year and a half. And finally I said, well, let's try something else. We need to do this religiously so we can, you know, make a difference here. So we need to eat half to a whole cup of red meat with three oysters twice daily. So she did it for a year, and that's six days a week, one day off, whatever she wanted. Whatever other meats that she wanted. And in one year's time, she removed as much as most people remove in three to five years. And it made her a different person, a completely different person.
Q: Thank you.
A: You're welcome. So long answer?
Q: I appreciate it.
A: You're welcome.
Q: You have a long answer.
A: Well, I want people to understand. Fred, do you have any?
Q: Yeah, in terms of preserving meat, I was wondering, can you preserve fish in vinegar like pickled fish? Have you ever done any? Or even chicken?
A: It'll completely disintegrate.
Q: Oh, well. Because you can buy pickled fish in the store.
A: Yeah, but that's cooked.
Q: It's cooked.
A: Yeah, they cook it. And then they can preserve it and then it also is to harden it. It's a formaldehyde-based derivative. So can you imagine eating your formaldehyde with your preserved fish?
Q: So it disintegrates, it just breaks up into tiny particles or it's used as a liquid?
A: It turns into liquid. Mush. Thick mush.
Q: What about chicken? Somebody said something about they've marinated chicken with vinegar and lemon juice. Have you tried that?
A: Well, if you're asking to preserve it in it, it'll melt too.
Q: It'll melt as well?
A: Yeah, it'll melt.
Q: Okay.
A: Vinegar will melt it. Lemon will also do that if it's in enough lemon. If you just leave it in lemon juice, let's say for an hour and a half to two hours, it will solidify and stay that way. If you pour off the excess lemon and then preserve it at that point in some kind of oil, you're still going to get some gas in it and it's going to be a little rank when you open it.
Q: You could do the same thing with the fish, like sardines, they're packed in oil, aren't they?
A: Yeah.
Q: In the can.
A: Yeah, you could do that.
Q: Okay.
A: Just cure it enough in the lemon juice and then add your vinegar when you make it into a food. And if I were to can meats for myself or jar meats, preserve meats in the future, if I'm using coconut oil rather than olive oil or any of the other more fragile oils that can ferment or the meat can continue fermenting while they're aging, I would take the top of the crunchy honey with all the beeswax in it and press it on top.
Q: Oh, to like...
A: Make a sealing of it.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: You don't have to melt the wax to do it.
Q: And if you didn't do it that way, I didn't do it that way, what would...
A: Well, you're likely to have stinky meat, somewhat stinky when you finally open it many years down the line.
Q: But you could even melt the wax if you wanted to, couldn't you?
A: Yeah.
Q: My mother used to can stuff.
A: If it's soft, I would melt it at high temperatures.
Q: Maybe 100, 100 and just enough to...
A: 105 degrees would be okay.
Q: Okay.
A: If there's a lot of honey in it, then you don't want it.
Q: No, no.
A: Okay. Do you have a question?
Q: No.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. I'm looking at my sleeping cycles and I have a tendency in the mornings, just before I want to get up for my mind to start racing. And I'm wondering what fats and proteins do you recommend for people who are early wakers?
A: I suggest that if you're going to sleep, you don't cycle.
Q: There you go.
Q: I said sleep cycle.
A: Usually fish is the best, you know, with high mineral content. Eating some cheese and honey will also help relax the body more because you'll digest the minerals from the cheese.
Q: Uh-huh. Okay.
A: Do you feel disturbed when you're waking?
Q: Oh, well, what do you mean?
A: Anxious? Anxious.
Q: Oh, like the mind is looking for things to occupy itself with?
A: Yeah, well, you've got a lot of old toxic adrenaline in your system.
Q: Uh-huh.
A: So I suggest that you have, you know, a nut formula, you know, at least once a week, maybe twice a week, or you could have one and have half of it one day and have half of it the next day. And that will help chelate with the toxic adrenaline from the tension in your life. It causes that kind of hormone to produce and store.
Q: So is there any particular time of day for these foods, such as the fish, the cheese, the nut formula?
A: Well, the fish, you know, the fish and the nut formula, you always want, you know, at least three hours before you go to bed.
Q: At least. Okay. I got you.
A: So it's already digesting. For meat, unless it's high meat, just to get into stages for assimilation of enough protein to cause a difference in sleep cycle, it takes about three and a half hours. Unless it's high meat, it's, you know, minutes, 10, 20 minutes. Remember the bowel, the E. coli and the bacteria in the bowel, they break down the final stages of fat and protein to the finest, minute form to feed the brain and the nervous system. Without the bowel, our nervous system wouldn't run, nor would our brains. Do you have a question?
Q: I actually had a bunch.
Q: One.
Q: I know. So I'm looking at taking a trip to India, and I've been before, and I'm really working with this whole idea that the bacteria are actually our friends, and I've been working with that also through Dr. Yanick's work, and he talks about commensals and building commensals.
Q: Can you speak up.
Q: He talks about building commensals by strengthening the strength of our vagus nerve. And I know that when I went to India, I was one of the few people that didn't get sick, and I was taking lots of hydrochloric acid to, you know, supposedly prevent myself from those bacteria that I might have been ingesting, being able to cause a problem, you know, to get into my digestive system, which is where I understand that they can affect the bloodstream, through the digestive system. And I'm wondering what you would say about Americans coming to a country like India, why is it that they're so strongly influenced by the different parasites there and the amoebas and the different things that are in the water that's so different than here in the United States? And is it only because we are so toxic, or is it something beyond that? Is it just natural for a human being to go into a different environment and have a stomach?
A: You sure tee up your question a lot.
Q: What's the question?
A: You're second-guessing all of my answers. Okay, first of all, our water in this country is contaminated terribly. No bacteria can grow in it. We are highly contaminated all the time. Our food is so sterile. There's no bacteria in our food. Any processed food is sterile. Everything is sterile. Yet, 90% of digestion is supposed to be bacterial. Only 10% is enzymatic with our digestive juices. The digestive juices like hydrochloric acid break down the larger substances, particles, or clumps of food so the bacteria can feed on it. Then the bacteria's excrement secretions are our food. That's how it works. If it's working properly, if you're just relying upon enzymatic activity, you're going to get very little nutrients from your food. Then if it's all processed anyway, there's very little nutrients as it is. Most people can barely lift their hand today with the diets that everybody is on. Everybody is very bacterially deficient. When they go and get a dose of it in the moist air from the humidity, because when it rains, the only thing you get is, it's distilled water with what? Bacteria. Tons of bacteria. That's what helps replenish. When you get there into that moist environment with all that clean air, clean as it can be if you're out of the city. If you move out of the city and the winds blow the tropical fresh air into the city, then everybody gets their dose of bacteria. It rains more frequently there in the tropics, so they get more bacteria. When we go over there, Americans and Westerners go to those places, they're all of a sudden getting the bacteria that they need. They start detoxifying and start digesting. Then they go through a heavy traumatic experience with it because people panic and freak out and aren't prepared for it because the medical profession doesn't want you prepared for it. The natural process, they want you taking antibiotics or hydrochloric acid, which will eat your intestines away. It isn't a natural hydrochloric acid that doesn't eat at your own mucous fluid. The supplemental hydrochloric acid will eat through your own mucous membrane. Eat through the mucous and then eat through your own mucous membrane.
Q: Go on.
Q: So just go and have detox.
A: Enjoy it. Enjoy malaria. Get a malaria detoxification.
Q: Let's go to India and get sick together.
A: I go and I eat the meat, I drink the swamp water, and I don't eat anything out of a grocery store. I go to the markets, the outdoor markets, they're called public markets in Asia, and it's got flies on it, bugs on it. I eat it. If it doesn't, I don't touch it.
Q: Did you get that email from me from Nigeria where the guy was eating camel meat? You got that?
Q: My question would be on transitioning into the raw diet, which I'm doing. I've only been doing it for three or four weeks or so. I've been doing eggs and some other things too. I'm having some stuff like high blood pressure is being affected. It's almost like my blood feels thicker.
A: I would suggest you take John Wayne attitude pills.
Q: I'm just going through it. I don't know if [unintelligible].
A: High blood pressure is very necessary for most people who have either congestion or are overweight. You probably have congested arteries or something is congested in your system. You're going to have high blood pressure. Keep the blood moving through. When you have high blood pressure and you slow the blood pressure down, you're likely to have clots because the blood is not moving too fast. Enjoy your high blood pressure. Before you go to India where it's hot.
Q: With the diet, nothing to deal with it? It's just starting more often with the diet.
A: If you say you need it, try some grapefruit. Eat half of a grapefruit. If that brings it down, then you're just lacking the nutrients to lower the blood pressure. But if it doesn't go down with grapefruit, then you're meant to have high blood pressure. So that's the way you can tell. But I always think it's good to have high blood pressure for a while.
Q: Is there a transitional time you're using for high blood pressure?
A: Some people will have high blood pressure for their entire lives as long as they're over 46.
Q: I've never really had a problem with it.
A: But on a good diet, your body says, oh, I can do this now. I can have high blood pressure all the time. And if that's what's necessary, your body will keep that, maintain it.
Q: This is regarding cancer. I was listening to the DVD set recently.
Q: Could you speak up?
Q: This is regarding cancer. I was listening to the DVD set recently, again. And I noticed that on one point in May, with tumors that are not resolving, and by the way, I don't say that mine are unresolving. I'm doing a lot better. But with unresolving tumors, that you consume buffalo patties.
Q: Buffalo what?
Q: Patties.
A: Buffalo shit.
Q: Thank you for [unintelligible]. And I was wondering, does rawesome have any of this?
A: No, they wouldn't do that. That would be ground for the city and the county to come in. The county health department, if they don't have a way into that, so they don't. You have to get ahold of Amos Miller. And you get the bowel with the contents. And he'll tie it off, it looks like a sausage when you get it, a big old fat sausage. And you'll have the bowel movement, the bowel material, the fecal matter inside it.
Q: Okay, would you recommend that?
A: Yeah. I mean, if people are nervous and want to get a little aggressive, I suggest that's how they get aggressive.
Q: Aggressive, you said?
A: Aggressive, yes, with their cancer.
Q: I see. Okay.
A: And it does help, definitely helps.
Q: Okay.
Q: It's good for the rest of us too, right?
A: Absolutely. Yeah, it helps good for the brain and nervous system. Remember, the bowel matter is what digests and feeds the brain and nervous system. So when you say your brain is full of shit, say thank you. Because it is. That's what feeds our brain and nervous system. It's the B.M. And of course, our government doesn't want us smart, so they're against E. coli. Do you have a question, Roger?
Q: Yes. What about cilantro? How much should you take?
A: Well, it depends. If you have enough weight, which I don't think you do, you could have 10 to 15% cilantro of your juice. But with your weight, I'd say no more than 5%. And anybody who's doing cilantro and they're on a thin side, and that means anybody who's under 15 pounds overweight is too thin to be messing with anything more than 15%, I mean 5% cilantro. Put a raw egg, whip a raw, not blend, but whip a raw egg into your vegetable juice to make sure that you have the fats and the proteins to bind with those toxins, those metallic free radicals that are going to be released with the cilantro. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. I had a piece of meat, a lamb, and I had diarrhea all day, and I had a headache. [unintelligible] an hour, and I had a bladder start acting up, and during the contraction it started acting up, and I felt like I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do.
A: It was... doubtful that it was the meat that caused it, because of bacterial infestation. It would have happened because you probably got some much-needed protein. She's been a vegetarian for many, many, many, many years. So her body's been starved for good protein. She's been mainly eating dairy, right?
Q: Yeah. Not much meat. I just started again, and all of a sudden that happened. Like, everything started happening all at once. And I started freaking out. I was like, what am I doing? My heart started palpitating. Everything started going weird on me.
A: Most likely it was coincidental, but it could have been that your body finally got the protein.
Q: So what do I do now? [unintelligible] with the vaginal thing and the bladder? Now it's all discharge-like stuff, and it's itching and it's hurting me and everything.
A: That's a detoxification, yes, definitely. If it itches too much, then just take some kefir, cool kefir, not warm, cool. Not cold, but let's say 60 degrees, and then use it as a douche, a mild douche. I've tried this only with like half a cup of that, I mean two ounces of that with two ounces of water. And then you know how to do the plow? It's a yoga exercise where you're on your shoulder and you're up there, and you just squeeze it. And then just roll your stomach, do a belly dance while you're in that position. And then it'll go in there and move around. So the bacteria in the milk, you have the bulgaricus and acidophilus, they'll eat those toxic tissues. So you don't have to use your own bacteria or yeast to do it, and it won't be as itchy. Slightly itchy, but not as itchy. But that white fluid is a yeast that's breaking down those substances from your own tissue, because of the damage. And women have that ability to discharge a lot of toxins out the vaginal cavity. So it's a very good thing. That's why for one reason women live 20% longer than men, because they have that ability to discharge from that area, and men don't have that.
Q: Thank you.
A: You're welcome. Sir, do you have a question?
Q: I was just prepping this, so I was actually thinking of a question anyway.
A: I heard a yeast infection made you itch.
Q: What do you think about the non-invasive [unintelligible]? I remember in the book, [unintelligible]. And I have quite a few friends with that.
Q: I can't hear you.
Q: I have quite a few friends with that.
A: Kathy I think you better sit somewhere on the floor in the center with your recorder, because you're too far off in the corner if you can't hear.
Q: There's a real common, I think it's called a meningioma, that happens to women in their late 30s. I have quite a few friends affected by that lately.
A: Too many cell phones. Most of them are caused by cell phones. In Switzerland, they did experiments on various animals and rats, brain-wise, they're very much like we are. So are mice's brains. And they applied an active, heat-processed phone call, EMF field, radiation level, cell phones to these animals' ears, and 36% of them got brain-damaged. And something like 90% of them brain-shrunk by a third. Everyone's brain shrunk by a third. Think about that.
Q: This is the [unintelligible]. It's just so neat. [unintelligible].
A: And you use a speakerphone with it, or you get a wireless, I mean, a airtube.
Q: Airtube is probably good, but wireless, some people say that's just an antenna, it's just your brain that concentrates.
Q: Bluetooth, a corded, yeah, Bluetooth is good. Like I said, an airtube.
A: A Bluetooth? Very toxic. An airtube is fine. Even in your regular house phone, with cord, you've got a magnet in it, and that magnet is put out an EMF field, you know, like 25 milligauss, 35 milligauss. So I won't even use one of those kind of phones. That's a regular corded phone. You unscrew the bottom, and that's a magnet in there. And that just charges a huge amount of milligauss, EMF fields. It only takes 3 milligauss to alter, negatively alter the molecular structure of animal cells.
Q: You're talking about a land phone?
A: A land phone? Any of them. They have a huge magnet.
Q: So how could I tell my telephone? It's a land phone.
A: It's toxic. You have to get a phone where you can use a speaker, for speaker phone, or you get a phone that you can plug in and have an AirTube.
Q: On my land phone, I put an AirTube?
A: Yeah. Well, you'll have to get one that will accept it.
Q: Well, how do I tell on my phone?
A: Well, if you've got a regular old, you know, push-button phone, it's not going to work. You'd have to buy a new phone that doesn't have, that has, you know, speaker phone ability, or that'll accept a plug-in for a headset that has an AirTube to your ear.
Q: Who could I check by?
Q: I can help you.
A: Yeah. You can get in touch it with him. He'll help you.
Q: My original question was, once you get one of those brain tumors, what do you do?
A: Well, his question was, benign tumors I don't like because they don't dissolve easily. Malignant tumors I like because a cancer cell is part of the remedy. A cancer cell has a viral fluid in it. It's viral-like. It's enzymatic. It will dissolve dead cells. Tumors are the body's inability to dissolve dead cells, so it stores them in tumors. These are, you know, flat. You know, you can have warts. Warts are tumors Moles are tumors. Any protrusion, hard protrusion of the body is, are dead cells that the body cannot dissolve and get rid of. So when it collects them into tumors, whether they're fibroid, which are usually flat and long, or circular or egg-shaped or whatever, oval, whatever shape they might be, or even bumpy and lumpy, they do not dissolve well if they're benign. There's no cancer cells there to dissolve those dead cells at any time. There's no blood circulation through a benign tumor. So your body has circulation to it on the rims, so the body has to dissolve it perimeter out. You know, to work on it gradually, could take 30 years, 50 years, or a lifetime and never dissolve them completely. If you have a malignant tumor, you have the cancer cells with that fluid to dissolve all the dead cells and make up a tumor. That's why you have reversals in like 5 days. You can have a huge tumor dissolve and disappear. If your body is healthy enough and has enough fat to handle the waste product from that. Because the waste product most often will dissolve good tissue as well and damage the body. So you have to be healthy enough to do it. And you have to have enough fats in the body to do it. That's why when I have a person who's riddled with cancer like Barbara, I want them to be extremely overweight. So when they start dissolving those tumors in her spine, she'll have all this fat around here to take care of her and protect her, so she won't lose her spinal cord or else she'll be paralyzed or dead. So it's important to have that fat. So, does that answer your question, William?
Q: No. What do you...
A: What do you do about it? You drop back 10 and punt. You've got a benign tumor.
Q: Drop back 10?
A: When you... in football, when you give up the ball, you punt the ball. Turn it over to the other side. You just give up. And when you've got a benign tumor, there's nothing aggressive you can do about it. If it's fast growing, you know, you just have to put vinegar in your diet to help slow it down or stop it. Eat lots of foods that allow the liver to make the bile that the body uses. The bile breaks down fats. The liver makes bile to break down fats. The liver can make 60 varieties of bile to form 60 varieties of cholesterol to make you do various things. A third cleanses the body... a third detoxifies and cleanses the body. A third will give you energy and a third will support the body and strengthen it and protect it. So you have all those varieties of cholesterols that do that. If your liver is not making those, you're not going to be dissolving dead cells. It dissolves those dead cells and makes a tumor. So in order to stop tumors from growing, you have to get the liver working. Now, another side to that is, let's say your lymphatic system isn't cleaning waste products. And your lymphatic system that's responsible for utilizing those fats to dissolve the dead cells can't do it because it can't secrete the fluids through the skin. Then you've got the same problem as the liver not working. It will stay. Now, what the lymphatic system do, the lymphatic system is more complex than the nervous system or the venous system. It's got nodes and glands all over in it, these little waste stations to take all the toxins, to dissolve and neutralize them and send them out of the body. And most of them, it's 90% of it, it sends out the skin. So what it does, it dumps it into the connective tissue to be perspired out of the body. Now, in men, if you're keeping clean, you just have skin on top of muscle, like I do. In women, you have a slight bit of fat under there. If you can get more than a quarter of an inch in a woman, if you go like this in a woman, but you don't have to get that much tissue, you just get a little bit and go like that, if there's any more than a third of an inch, that's too much fat. You're not discarding it out of the skin, you're not perspiring it out. So you have to take 40 minute baths a day to perspire it out of the system. And if you have it blocked in there, your lymph system is not going to dump anymore into there because you're not taking out the garbage. It can't leave, so the lymphatic system keeps collecting and collecting and collecting, and they swell and swell and swell. And people walk around with these huge swollen lymph glands, especially women, in the breast, and say, oh, I have all these lumps. And the doctor says, yeah, it's cancer. Let's take them all out. Then you're going to end up with mammary gland cancer, or cancer of the lungs or somewhere else, because those lymph glands are meant to connect dead cells. That's what they do. They dissolve dead cells. And if you've collected them in there, and you're not dissolving them, you need to do what it takes to make sure the lymph system is moving. And most people's lymphatic systems are jammed because of vegetable oils. Now, they blame animal fats for congestive heart failure, arteriosclerosis, hardening of the heart, but vegetable oils cause that, not animal fats. Even the tribes like in New Guinea who eat no vegetation, nothing but meats and eat them cooked, they have no heart disease, and they have no arteriosclerosis. So you can't blame it on meat. It's the vegetable oils like Crisco, margarine, and stuff like that, which are hydrogenated and then wax and harden and crystallize in the human body. That's what jams the body. Then you have to heat the body anywhere from 102 to 108 to get those to melt, to get the lymphatic system moving. Now, when you do the 40-minute baths, you get rid of the waste, lymphatic waste. I call that the lymphatic waste. If you have congestion in your lymphatic glands, I call it lymphatic congestion. Lymphatic waste, lymphatic congestion. So to get rid of lymphatic waste, you take 40-minute baths a day, 35, 40-minute baths a day, 105 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit. It makes you perspire a bit out during that time. Watermelon causes the greatest amount of perspiration. So nibble on that all the time, but before you get in, and the whole time that you're in the bath.
Q: You didn't tell me that.
A: Pardon?
Q: The regular part of the watermelon?
A: Any part of the watermelon will help that, but you want to keep the carbohydrate level down so you don't get cramps during your sleep or in the night. Then don't eat the heart. Eat everything from the bottom of the seeds all the way down to the green of the rind. Don't eat the green of the rind, but the white, and that's all very good. Some people, a lot of people, if they eat that frequently, they'll have, most men, will have erections, and they'll be more sexually excited because it has citrulline in it. Citrulline is a natural viagra. Once you take it, have it consecutively for five days in a row, and then after that fifth day, you'll find that you, like if I eat a cup of watermelon, I've got an erection five, six hours on my [unintelligible]. If I sleep that long, I usually don't. It will be hard the entire time I sleep.
Q: So... [unintelligible]
A: Doesn't matter.
Q: Oh, really?
A: It doesn't matter. It's the citrulline. It has nothing to do with the seed.
Q: Do you believe that they're genetically modified when they're unseeded?
A: Those aren't genetically modified. Those are hybrid. Hybrid.
Q: Hybrid.
A: They crossbreed them, you know. They crossbreed the polyps. They're trying to genetically modify a watermelon at A&M University in Texas to extract the citrulline and sell it as a natural viagra. Yes.
Q: A follow-up on that. I'm not trying to get you to ask another question. For the baths, can you do a far-infrared sauna?
A: Far-infrared saunas are 168 degrees, 138 to 168 degrees.
Q: You can do them far-infrared, but you can do them between 100 and 120.
A: Yes, but they're not effective at all for that. You need the water directly on the body to melt those lymphatic congestions, those lymphatic wastes. And also, when you have air currents anywhere, like in either steam or sauna, the body can cool itself. But when the heat's right up against the body, there's no air layer between. You only have a water space about half to a whole inch that can cool you. And if you slightly move, that current won't stay there. Hot water will keep hitting your body directly and heating it. That cool space for air is almost six inches, five to six inches, and you can cool the body tremendously. And then you don't get deep enough to get the lymphatic waste dissolved. And it dries out the sinuses.
Q: Do you find that [unintelligible] drainage or a little [unintelligible]?
A: They're pretty bad. If you use aggressive deep tissue massage, you cause a breaking of the lymphatic fluids.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, if it's tickle therapy, absolutely. Tickle therapy is wonderful for what did you call it?
Q: [unintelligible] drainage. It's Dr. Bader's work. And if you do the most gentle touch, you can barely... They tell you to pretend like you have a butterfly wing and that your hand is like...
A: And that's what it should be.
Q: And you're doing it very gently, but in a circular motion in the direction of the lymph flow.
A: It can be any direction. It doesn't matter. It's very stimulating any direction.
Q: It's actually a method from Germany that's the only thing that we know of, that you probably know of other ways too, but the only thing that science has recognized that will actually take down a swollen lymph node is gentle massage. And for people who have those huge arms and things from where they remove the lymph nodes, it'll actually start the movement of the lymph again so you can clear those huge swollen lymph nodes.
A: Yeah, but it doesn't do it very well unless... if it's the hardened fats.
Q: Well, you can do it with rock-hard tissue.
A: Yeah, but that's just the minerals. That's getting your blood and some lymphatic fluid going even in your nervous system and start using up the minerals. But when the arm hardens like that, it's a mineral. It's a cast that the body's using. It's not the lymphatic tissue. And that's because they're confusing that terribly. You've got to melt it down in most situations.
Q: So you need a lot of fat and hot baths.
A: You need a lot of hot baths to melt it down. Same subject?
Q: Yes.
A: Okay.
Q: I have another question.
A: No, I go around the room, and I need people to ask their questions. If you're talking about this lymphatic thing right here, you have a question about that.
Q: Yes, about the perspiration. So if one is perspiring, you don't want us to drink fluids other than the sport drink and the other.
A: The sport drink, eat the watermelon.
Q: Do you not have coconut water?
A: Coconut water is okay.
Q: Or kombucha?
A: Most women in Asia won't drink much coconut water because it causes water retention. They bloat from it.
Q: And kombucha?
A: Kombucha? It's not raw, even though most people claim it's raw. You have to understand, kombucha is a mushroom. It's a mycelium that breaks down dry, dead roots. So when you're putting fresh honey in it, the fresh honey isn't dead. So the kombucha doesn't really live on it. So you have to feed it something cooked or processed. If you're going to get it to live, however, it mutates that mycelium. You have to get dried substances that haven't been cooked to feed it. Most people aren't patient. They want to make a product that they can sell. So when somebody says that they have kombucha tea that's raw, I don't necessarily believe it because they're feeding it honey, live honey. That isn't what that mycelium eats. It eats dead things.
Q: So, you put up sweat and jump rope or get on the rebounder.
A: Take your body temperature. What does it get? What's the highest your body temperature gets in exercise? 99.3? Not hot enough. You've got to get 102 to 108 degrees. Take your body temperature. It won't get above 99.3, 99.6 in some people. Not hot enough. That would be wonderful if it were that easy, but it isn't. That would be fabulous, absolutely, but it doesn't work. You can see plenty of people. Look at Mary Jo Cain. All that tennis work, all that tennis work, and still the lymphatic system just kept building up and building up, and that woman worked out eight hours a day on a tennis field.
Q: Back on this cancer question, would the E. coli help a benign cancer like we were talking about earlier?
A: Well, it could if the E. coli helps make the bacteria and the nutrients to dissolve the tumor, yes.
Q: So that would be another thing you could use?
A: Yeah, but usually when I talked about using the E. coli, it was applying it on the surface.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: The body can take that bacteria, take those nutrients, and take it inside and dissolve the tumor.
Q: Oh, not eating it?
A: You can eat it too, absolutely, yeah. It's just that once a tumor breaks the skin, that's where it's going to detoxify, I mean, in an aggressive way, so it's better not to break the skin, only if it does it on its own. So you don't want to be too aggressive by applying fecal matter to the skin if it isn't already broken. So maybe you could do it every three days, every four days, rather than every day, several times a day.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: You don't want to do that every day if the skin isn't already broken with a tumor. If the skin's already broken with a tumor, then, hell, pack the fecal matter on there. It's fine.
Q: How do you use the black salve?
A: Black salve is nasty stuff. Yeah, what it does is it seals the tumor in so that the whole area where it used to perspire and then seep and bleed and eject, it's now going to be thrown somewhere else in your body. Every person I've seen has had black salve died. Nasty stuff. It just causes metastasis.
Q: Good question.
A: So vinegar is something you can use to help dissolve tumors. Remember, it will cause a lot of mineral loss, so you have to eat cheese with honey several times a day. If you're having vinegar every day to help dissolve stuff out of your body, make sure you're having some cheese and honey several times a day to replace the minerals so you don't de-mineralize. A tablespoon is good. Some people should take it all at once. Other people should have a teaspoon at a time, three times a day. There are three teaspoons to a tablespoon. Do you have a question?
Q: I live in Hawaii.
A: I feel sorry for you. Where in Hawaii?
Q: [unintelligible] In Oahu especially, there's not a consistent source of raw dairy products, and so basically what I end up doing is when I order meat, I get tallow and get back to it. I need to [unintelligible]. It's like a base of fat. I'm wondering if like...
A: It will never replace butter, but it's still very helpful. What I suggest you do is order about 20 pounds of butter at a time, and if it gets blue moldy, it just tastes like blue cheese, and you can make dressing with it for all of your meat meal. It's also pre-digested, so blue cheese... I experimented with blue cheese butter, blue butter, with a lot of my Asian clients who can't get fresh butter, and I'll send them 10 to 20 pounds at a time, and it's pretty blue by the time they get to use it three months later, and it works even better.
Q: So what exactly is missing in the tallow, in the butter?
A: Well, it's all the fat that protects the kidneys, and the intestinal tract. Tallow is the fat that's in the waist of an animal, or usually around the kidney, it's a lot of extra thick fat, just like you add a lot of extra thick fat on top of a heart. It always is a backup to protect the heart. You should have that all around your intestines as well, and wild animals do. Most humans don't eat enough good fat, and don't eat enough animal products to have the tallow that they used to. So it's very good, but it isn't like butter that can digest and melt and get to the whole body pretty readily and easily.
Q: I said earlier the problem [unintelligible].
A: You have trouble with it?
Q: No, I said I [unintelligible].
A: Oh, never. No, that's all you have, you do it. As much as you can get. As thin as you are, as much as you can get. Like, I'll go to Thailand, any of the places in Asia, and they've got huge strips of fat there. And they're not used to we white boys going in there buying this fat. And I'll go in there, and I don't screw with the meat, I want all this fat where I've got equal amount of fat and equal amount of meat in it. That's what I want, and that's what I buy. And I'll just eat that fat, especially if it's pork fat. Oh my God. That pork fat that's from Asian pork that aren't these big fat pink things. These are wild, dark pigs that are so delicious. The fat is incredible. Did you have a question, Jim?
Q: Yes. All this talk about the lymphatic baths, I've been afraid to do that because when I'm done, I'm not really done. I get out of the tub after doing it, and usually around my, between my little toe and the next toe, it's hurting, and it wasn't hurting before, and it's been hurting for days. And, you know, it's just, it's, it seems like.
A: It stays moving.
Q: Yeah, well, how do you, what do you do? Stay in there an extra hour, then, and let it move around, or what?
A: If you want to. Yeah, I can stay in for an hour and a half. When I was very ill with all the back pain from, you know, them cauterizing with the radiation therapy, where I lost all the bone around my teeth and they dangled, I was in pain all the time. I spent 10 hours staying in there. It's the only place I could sleep. That's the only place I didn't have pain.
Q: So did you keep adding hot water?
A: Yeah.
Q: To keep it at the temperature?
A: About every 20 minutes.
Q: But you weren't at 105 degrees, were you, back then?
A: Oh, yes.
Q: You were? Really? You stood 10 hours?
A: 108. Well, I did up to 108, 110 degrees.
Q: For 10 hours?
A: Then we get down to 100. If it got down to 101, I would wake up freezing to death. That's still higher than body temperature, but I'd literally be trembling and shaking. I'd be so cold at 101. So I had to have it very hot.
Q: Did you add extra milk or salt or any of that stuff?
A: After about 5 hours, yes. I had an old clawfoot tub that was cast iron, and they'll hold the heat for a good 35, 40 minutes, twice as long as the plastic will. So if you have plastic, you have to change the water about every 20 minutes. If you get the water up to 108 and 110 degrees, then it's going to hold to about 102 for about 30, 40 minutes. If you've got a plastic tub in 20 minutes, it's going to fall below 102 degrees.
Q: I didn't know it was plastic.
A: Pardon?
Q: I didn't know it was plastic.
A: You can knock on it.
Q: Is that the same as porcelain tub?
A: Porcelain, no. Some porcelains are cast iron and some aren't. Usually they put porcelain over metal of some kind.
Q: So if it's porcelain over metal, what is that doing?
A: It holds the heat longer.
Q: I don't know. This apartment is 50 years old or older.
A: Could be plastic.
Q: I can't tell.
A: Just knock on it. Knock on it. If it sounds like a hard, good, solid metal, it'll be metal.
Q: So if I'm in that bath for the prescribed amount of time and something is still hurting, basically, just stay there.
A: Absolutely, stay there, yeah. Or put a hot water bottle in the place where it's aching, like on your foot, and then you'll sit down and do work. Just have your foot on the hot water bottle, and the heat will rise and take care of it. You could even put a silk cloth over that, and it'll attempt to heat it just a foot more. Kathy, do you have a porcelain sink?
Q: I can't tell.
A: I think you have a porcelain sink in your kitchen. Take a hammer and tap it. Then take your bathtub and tap that. If they sound the same, you've got porcelain and metal in your bathtub. Okay?
Q: I just can't tell with my phone. That's the main thing.
A: Well, he's going to help you with your phone. Do you have a question, sir?
Q: That was my question. I'm sorry.
Q: He hasn't read the book.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Well, I'm very new to all this, but I have issues with the diabetic kidney failure. Is there anything that can help me?
A: Kidney failure is getting too acidic. So you need to stay away from cooked meats entirely. You need raw meats, but they're not so acidic. The diabetes is just a matter of feeding the body right. The pancreas, which makes it insulin to handle sugars, it's not supposed to spend its life dealing with sugars, but because we're high carbohydrate eaters, or the average person is, Western eater, eats mainly carbohydrates. In Asia, it's the same way. 80% carbohydrate, 80% rice or corn. So it's a high carbohydrate diet. Did you look at the size of Lucy's, which was, she lived 3.6 million years ago. She's the bones that were found of a very early human, Homo sapien, and her pancreas was 2.5 times smaller than ours, ratio-wise, to body. So our pancreas has grown and swelled and inflated 2.5 times larger to deal with all this carbohydrate consumption. Normally the pancreas is the architect of the body. It analyzes all the food coming in, even if it's the same food, let's say you've got one tomato from one vine and a tomato from another vine, or even tomato from the same vine, but a different part of the vine, you will have a different mineral and nutrient content in it. So the pancreas registers all that, how to realign it to rebuild human cells, human enzymes, anything human, for your particular system. They are the architects of the body when it regards food, transforming food into nutrients for the human body. So, the pancreas, if you eat this kind of diet, the pancreas works very little. When you eat cooked foods, the pancreas is responsible for acquiring, leaching from parts of your body all of the nutrients missing in cooked foods and dealing with the toxicity. So the pancreas is terribly overworked in a cooked food diet. On the primal diet, your pancreas only has to be working 10%. So, diabetics who are normally diabetic aren't diabetic on this diet. 85% of the people who come to me who are insulin dependent, never take insulin again, even if they are in juvenile diabetes. And eating pancreas tissue from a buffalo or any animal helps replace the tissue in the pancreas quickly. It helps build strength. Do you have a question?
Q: I'm kind of going through a dip, but I have very dry skin behind [unintelligible].
A: You have what? Dry skin?
Q: Dry skin, it's itchy, and then at times I get a lot of heat. And I'm just kind of curious, [unintelligible] ike a lubricant maybe in the skin, in the liver, something like that, [unintelligible].
A: Well, the symptoms that you're describing to me are usually Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is when the intestines don't produce enough mucus to coat the lining, so your own digestive juices eat at your intestinal wall. Your intestinal wall gets thinner and thinner. Then it rips, and then you have what they call gut leak. And then the undigested food particles usually go to the knees first, and then all other joints, and they become digestive areas. And about 80% of all arthritis and rheumatism is caused by Crohn's disease, where undigested food particles go to the joints to be digestive. You know, it's an insane thing. In a situation like that, I recommend that people mainly live on eggs until it's resolved, for at least six months, up to a year and a half, even two years. But I would not be able to tell if that's exactly your problem, but it sounds like it. All the symptoms, unless I did your iris. Then I could tell. But that's the best bet. If you've got dry skin back there, of course you're detoxing waste products out the back of your skin, and of course getting the skin fed is a very hard thing to do even on this diet, even with people who eat tremendous amounts of fat. I have people eating half a pound of fat a day and still have dry skin. That's because, take an orphanage where you get fed once a day. And these kids are hungry. Who's going to get the food first? The kids who are in line first and the biggest kids. The skin is going to get fed last if there's anything left. And there usually is not anything left, because the body's been starved so long of not eating raw fats. So, you have to apply it to the skin directly. You put butter or the primal facial body care cream on your skin directly. Which one are you using? Just use the butter. And 99% of the time that resolves it. The itching. But if you have joint problems, that could be another serious matter that deals with the intestine. You had a question?
Q: Yes, I'm starting to get some foot problems. I'm starting to get a bump on one of my feet. And the other one is bleeding by the nail. I don't know what caused it.
A: Fungus. Usually antibiotics discharg within the joints. See, when you get an antibiotic from the medical profession, they sterilize them. They destroy the RNA that tells them to go dormant. Normally, fungus goes through cycles. They'll be active at certain times of the year, for certain periods, and then they shut down. When they sterilize them, including penicillin, there's no off switch. They will eat at your body all day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And when your body starts throwing it off, the waste products will go through the skin and cause a vitamin K and vitamin U deficiency. It causes bleeding. It can also cause ulcers. And cabbage juices, green cabbage juice, is the best thing for that.
Q: Drinking it.
Q: Eating a lot of raspberries is the best.
A: Raspberries help remove certain kinds of metals. Metallic minerals from the body. And they usually, in injected antibiotics, they usually use aluminum. Raspberries help you get rid of aluminum easily. So if you're moving aluminum, you may be moving that fungus, along with the aluminum out of your feet, causing the bunions. The bunion is like a tumor. It's like a benign tumor. Discharging poisons. It's like a cross between a tumor and a cyst.
Q: [unintelligible] the green cabbage juice?
A: Yeah, that helps keep you from ulcerating and bleeding. But you may need to just discharge those poisons. It might be better just to let it run. You put your feet on top of hot water bottles. Definitely at night. You'll feel your skin soften, because you've been perspiring the toxins out of your skin, instead of holding them in the skin, because your body doesn't get hot enough. But hot baths take care of your whole body. If you want to discipline your body just to take care of the feet, you can put hot water bottles at the feet.
Q: Under the foot?
A: Hold on, what?
Q: What about a foot bath? You can change the water.
A: Well, you don't change the water. Just put some, you know, just as long as your electromagnetic field isn't there at your feet. Because most of your hot foot baths, you've got an electromagnetic field there.
Q: Just using a little...
A: Like a bucket?
Q: Yeah, a bucket of water.
A: That's fine. A bucket and hot water, that's fine. Yeah, you just put a little, you know, Epsom salt or sea salt, sun-dried sea salt in there, some vinegar and some milk.
Q: Aajonus, you're talking about... I have a question.
A: About that one?
Q: No, about the salt. I want to ask about the certain thing, Glen Ivy, that they have now.
A: Oh, that's something else.
Q: You were talking about the foot...
A: It's a different subject.
Q: No, it has to do with Epsom salt and water.
A: That's not the subject. The subject is hot baths for perspiring. Go ahead.
Q: Well, you were talking about the foot bath earlier that has, you know, it's supposed to remove toxins. It has these electrons, I don't know what it is. It has something there that creates some kind of electrons that are supposed to pull toxins out of your feet.
A: Yeah. Yeah, if you take your foot and take a brush and scrape it over the water, it will turn black there too. They claim it's pulling, you know, the poisons, the metals out of the feet. There's no evidence of that at all.
Q: But the water does turn black.
A: It will turn black from your cells. Like I say, if you take a brush and scrape your foot, brush your foot over the water, it will turn black without your foot being in the water. I've done it.
Q: I have one of those. Do you think it does any harm?
A: Yes, it does because it's an electromagnetic field. And you're discharging 50 to 75 milligauss into your body. Like I said, it only takes 3 milligauss to negatively alter the molecular structure of an animal cell. And this is 35 to 75, depending upon the bath, foot bath. So very harmful. Michael, yes.
Q: I have a situation with a virus. I just saw it. I just saw it on my stepmother. Years ago, one of my nephews came down with chickenpox. And my stepmother said to my father, I've never had chickenpox and I'm 60. If I help him, I can get the chickenpox. Chickenpox are contagious. And, well, she helped him. And then shortly thereafter, she got chickenpox. Now, with your way of doing that, the chickenpox are contagious.
A: No, they're not. That's like saying, OK, I eat the same poisonous food and I get the same food poisoning. That's what it is. People who live together, eat the same diets, get the same symptoms. They get the flus at the same time. They get viruses at the same time. And remember, viruses are when the body can't propagate and culture its own bacteria, parasites, or fungus. The body's too toxic with toxic chemicals in the food. They're so low in bacteria and everything, so the body uses a solvent. Now, you have a hard time believing it because you've never been a chemist, obviously. If you go into a chemistry lab and you observe viruses for five or six years, you realize they're not alive. They are just dissolved waste products. That's like saying, Tide soap is alive and contagious because it dissolves matter. It breaks things down. I guess you could say soap is alive. It's a chemical reaction life. It's not a biological life, like it has no respiratory system, no digestive tract, no elimination, no nucleus.
Q: She wasn't living with my dad. So the diet wouldn't be the same. She's 60 years old and all of a sudden she comes back with the same chickenpox my nephew had. That's just not how it should be.
A: Okay, let me give you another example that could happen too. You start laughing and I laugh too, is that contagious Is that a physiological contagion? No, the body could say, oh, that is a good detoxification, I want to duplicate that.
Q: Like a yawn.
A: Yeah, like a yawn, like a laugh, anything. But chemically, if you study viruses the way I have, it's impossible to say that they are contagious.
Q: You absorb toxins, you absorb air [unintelligible]. Why would you touch something in [unintelligible]?
A: Do you know how hard it is to absorb anything like that through the body and to get through the skin, the lymphatic tissue alone to penetrate the body? Impossible. The mucous membranes that line the body are phenomenal. It's not going to get through. The medical profession 40 years ago never ever allowed antibiotics to be given for viruses because they knew they weren't alive. There was no such thing as a contagious virus, except for those people who talked about vaccines, who wanted to make money with vaccines. But nobody was ever given an antibiotic for a flu because they weren't alive. Now that they found they made a lot of money on people's fear, they'll take antibiotics for anything.
Q: [unintelligible] bubonic plague?
A: The bubonic plague came from the king and queen of England selling coal to burn in your homes. Coal has thallium and mercury as byproducts. So when they started using coal to cook foods and to heat their homes, in 1310 she did that, he and she did that, the Luzer family, that started and the next century we had a bubonic plague.
Q: In China they dig coal right out of their fields and burn it, and it's smoky all over and they do it for hundreds of years and there's no bubonic plague there.
A: Oh yes there is.
Q: There is?
A: Oh there's a huge, tremendous amount of it. Well the bubonic plague is like emphysema. Bubonic plague and emphysema are identical.
Q: So it's coal dust.
A: Yes, coal dust. Well, coal vapor. From burning coal. People who have coal dust will get emphysema in, let's say, a more mechanical way of arresting their breathing. But when you get the vapors from mercury, you have the neurological damage that goes like with the bubonic plague.
Q: And it kills you.
A: Oh yes, definitely kills you. But it took four generations, three to four generations of that before it became a plague. Before it hit all of us. If it hit any of your farmers, not one farmer ever got it because they still burned their wood.
Q: And what is different in the coal?
A: The wood, you have smoke tars that are harmful, yes, but they don't have the mercury and thallium that coal does.
Q: So why didn't it continue? They stopped burning coal?
A: No, no. They adapted. Just like roaches will adapt to certain poisons.
Q: Can I ask a question about Glen Ivy? Can I ask my question now? How do you get a turn?
A: Yes, go ahead.
Q: All right, you know, now in Glen Ivy they have this pool where they do add epsom salt. Now I don't know if I should go in there or not.
A: Do they have chlorine in the same pools or just epsom salt?
Q: Well, that's what I have to find out.
A: If there's chlorine in it and epsom salt isn't going in there, epsom salt isn't going to neutralize those poisons very much.
Q: So if they say if it's chlorine in with epsom salt, don't go in.
A: Correct.
Q: Okay, but if it's just epsom salt, you could go in with it?
A: You could go in with it, yeah. I mean, they have mineral water there for their mud.
Q: No, they have a separate pool. It's a separate place they have it, you know, for the clubhouse, the house above. You walk upstairs, steps, and it's a side.
A: That's not what I'm talking about. They have their mud bath area. That's just mineral water. There's no chlorine. There's nothing added to the water.
Q: Right, that's right.
A: The four baths that go at the end of the big swimming pool where you first come in, those are not treated with any chlorine.
Q: Right, that I know.
A: All the rest of them were treated. If they put epsom salt in that one up above now with no chlorine, then use it.
Q: I wasn't sure epsom salt was a bad salt to put in.
A: No, it's just a mine salt like salt is.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: It just has a higher...
Q: Well, it's just got some salt.
A: It has a higher ratio of magnesium mineral in it than sea salt.
Q: Which is good.
A: Yeah.
Q: All right, so I'll ask them if they use anything besides that.
A: Okay. So, Michael, if you really want to understand that, I think the only way you're going to be able to understand it is go into a laboratory. Really, that's it. If you're sold on that it can be contagious by that... You know, it's like...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: He was trained medically to believe that. Smallpox... How many people got a smallpox vaccine? That was the first vaccine, only vaccine I was forced to get until 1958. That was the big money maker of all vaccines since 1890... What was it? 1889? They've been making that smallpox vaccine for a very, very long time.
Q: I was going to say that there's a lot of German doctors right now, particularly Dr. Hamer, who's been talking about German new medicine, who is scientifically proving there is no such thing as a virus, and that everything they're calling a virus under a microscope is not. And I think you'd find that very interesting, and you too, Michael.
A: Well, you can label anything anything, but they've labeled certain substances that have a particular molecular structure as virus. So it's okay, call them what you want. But what they are is they are enzymatic activity. They are proteins that are formed in certain structures that cause dissolution, that cause fragmentation of particles, of cells. When I use solvent, a lot of people say, well, if I use muriatic acid and pour it in, it's going to make a soup and a mush. Viruses don't work like a mush, like muriatic acid. So I had to stop using that analysis. It acts like any enzyme in the intestines. It fractionates, it takes things apart without making mush of them. And when the virus does that, it's just a certain kind of molecular structure, pattern of proteins, that causes a fractionation of certain substances. Their waste products are with it, the value of the RNA and DNA of that particular tissue that's being dissolved. There's nothing to do with contagion. You can put that in somebody, you can put it on the tissue, you can put it in their mouth, you can put it on their mucous membranes, and they won't get it. Many animal experiments are doing that. But when it's injected into the body, yes, then that solvent starts working to disassemble the cellular structure of that animal's body upon injection. So, did that woman ever get a smallpox vaccine when she was a kid?
Q: I don't know.
A: If she had, she's more likely to get smallpox at some time in her life. Because she introduced it into the bloodstream when she was vaccinated.
Q: Well she died of melanoma, I listened to the oral history. [unintelligible] conspiracy theory.
A: Oh, he's very right, though. I mean, just remember, all cancers, all cancers are caused not by even eating cooked foods. No cancer exists even in those tribes that eat cooked foods. Only from chemical processing, only from chemical use do cancers evolve. No tribe has cancer. No natural tribe. Only those that mine or make weapons with smelting metal, those people will get cancer. But it's always an industrial process. Cancer is an industrial disease. It's not a natural disease.
Q: If policemen used their guns, they'd...
A: Pardon?
Q: Winners tend to be the best armed.
A: I'm sorry?
Q: Winners tend to be our best armed.
A: The winners?
Q: Yes.
Q: They have the best arms.
Q: They have the bigger guns.
A: Oh, that's it. Absolutely. Yeah.
Q: Men, like firemen are the most prone to get cancer because they're all on fire.
A: They're around those chemicals, yes. And they get more cancer.
Q: Policemen, too, with the guns, with the artillery.
A: But the highest all are dentists.
Q: Are dentists?
A: Dentists drilling out mercury filling.
Q: Is there any way for dentists to stop?
A: Highest suicide rate, highest cancer rate, the highest disease rate, the highest rate of MS, the highest rate of palsy. They have the highest rate of all diseases.
Q: Dentists.
A: Dentists, yes.
Q: Is there any way that they can prevent it for themselves?
A: They can wear masks, but most of them don't.
Q: What kind of mask I can tell somebody that they can wear?
A: Well, Louis, be patient. She's asking good questions.
Q: Oh, oh.
A: You're asking good questions. What kind of mask? It has to be one that will not allow, like a charcoal filter, that's thick enough not to let the gases from the mercury enter their body and crystallize.
Q: I'll tell her that.
Q: What if one had the mercury silver fillings removed and the doctor or dentist didn't use a dam? Do you think one would have swallowed?
A: Oh, absolutely. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
Q: This was in the early days when they were just starting to say mercury is not good in the teeth, so I went and got my mercury silver...
A: I had mine removed in 1978 by James Rota in Westwood, and he used a dam in 1978.
Q: My dentist did not use a dam.
A: Your dentist was stupid.
Q: Now you know why that's stupid.
A: Yes, absolutely. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes, before I ask the question, I want to tell you that finally after just over three years of knowing you and four consultations, I finally learned to say, I'll tell you a joke and say, finally after three years of knowing you, four consultations, I finally learned to say Aajonus instead of ajamas.
A: Yes, thank you. Thank you.
Q: [laughter]
Q: I always kept saying it the wrong way.
A: I know.
Q: Going back to the foot bath that was talked about earlier, you had mentioned you can use epsom salt or sun-dried sea salt, but you also said vinegar or milk.
A: Vinegar and milk. Yes. That's my book.
Q: The question I had was, have you ever heard of black henna, making a paste out of black henna and applying it on your feet for neuropathy to help?
A: Well, that will help draw out some heavy metals, best to use a terramin clay to do that. Or you can use terramin clay, you can also put some cilantro juice in the terramin clay and then use that as a [unintelligible]. That would be much better than using henna.
Q: How much terramin clay and how much cilantro juice?
A: Because henna is very toxic with metals itself, and it's the allopathic thing where it says, use light to attract light, but it's not good for the skin directly. It's better to use, like, let's say you're using two ounces, which would be six tablespoons of clay, and you use about three tablespoons of the cilantro juice and about six tablespoons of water. And make that mixture and then put it on the feet.
Q: How would alcohol work for an [unintelligible]?
A: That's always a good idea. If you really want a good [unintelligible] to work, you know, you have at least about a sixteenth of an inch layer of it, so you get it where it's not real thin, but it's still, it's not runny, but it's close. And you just pack that around the feet, wrap that around with a, you know, a cotton sock, wrap that with a plastic and put a hot water bottle there and put a silk cloth over that. Leave it on. Of course, when your body says, I've had enough of that, in your sleep the foot will be moved away from it. And then it may even move back to it later on. You know, your body just may need a break. That's what I've experienced using hot water bottles like that.
Q: Also, when you're handling the clay, you don't try to use metal utensils.
A: You don't use what?
Q: Metal utensils.
A: Oh, yeah. I use wood or bone.
Q: Will the clay pick up something if it is metal? Why not?
A: Yeah, it does react that way with metal. It definitely will start moving the metal. That's why if you leave even stainless steel in the clay, it will tarnish it. Even stainless steel, it will tarnish stainless steel, because it will start dissolving metal. Maybe you have to leave it in for a week, but it will do it. Before you can see it noticing. Yeah.
Q: Is there any clay you use?
A: Terramin. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. Terramin clay.
Q: Have you ever used a [unintelligible]?
A: I've used a lot, but I don't like all of those out there. The only reason I like this one is because it came from an aqua bed out in the Mojave Desert, and they mine it so it's where the heat never got over 98 degrees. Most of your mineral, your clay beds are from volcanic ash, which have a lot of molten metals in them. Almost all of your lighter alkalinizing metals were burned up in the volcanic heat, 2,200 degrees. Gone. Evaporated. The only thing you have left is molten metals. That's why it takes so long, hundreds of years, 100 years to get any kind of growth back. Look at Hawaii and those areas where they try to sell you land off this concrete bed, and you see a few, and this is 80 years ago, 100 years ago, and you just only see bushes come up and trees come up, very small, and they don't grow big. It takes a long time for water and rain to break it down. So I don't like that kind of a mineral. I like a good clay where the phosphorus is not cauterized. And phosphorus begins cauterization at 98 degrees Fahrenheit. That's how they tell when they do tests and see if food has been processed, if they can find non-cauterized phosphorus in it, they know there was no pasteurization.
Q: Do you have to calculate [unintelligible]? [unintelligible] formed in a heat process?
A: You have to look at the different beds and see what they are. And this one I've investigated personally. Okay, we've gone around, so what time is it? Oh, this gentleman. Hi. You snuck in late.
Q: I was finding parking space.
A: Okay.
Q: I was driving around for about half an hour.
A: Is it far to yours?
Q: Plenty. No, I'm not used to this. I've never been here. Last times were easy, so I hope to do this time too. Okay, a different type of question, but still I think in the realm of your interest. My father died about three years ago. He lived down in Australia. As he was crossing the street, he felt suddenly something in his left side of the body, and he immediately thought it was a heart attack. But it didn't disable him. He was able, in fact, to drive himself to a doctor, and the doctor said, yes, this is a heart attack. You'd better get to the hospital as soon as you can. So he goes to the hospital, and they run the tests, and that's the question I want to ask. They say, oh, yeah, this is a heart attack, and you have an arterial blockage, they said. We need to do a bypass operation. While they were doing this test and this and that, he got pneumonia. They said, well, we need to cure the pneumonia first and then do the operation. A couple of days later, he dies of pneumonia. So what happened? What do you think happened?
A: Well, pneumonia is a disease where you're detoxing the lymphatic system out the lungs because you don't do it out the skin. So a lot of water forms on the lungs. So he probably had some kind of detox, because a heart attack is a detoxification. You don't panic, usually you won't die. I've had 300 heart attacks, 50 of them put me unconscious after I got the polio vaccine. When I was 15 and a half, the third one. I had angina and those 300 heart attacks, and then until I was 22 years old, when I started drinking raw milk and raw carrot juice, my heart attacks went away. I've only had one in all of that time, and that was about three years ago. And that was during a cleanse, when the heart was trying to cleanse. The heart was trying to cleanse of the mercury and aluminum from the polio vaccine that's stored in my heart, that was causing a Charley horse. A heart attack is a Charley horse. You either have some kind of chemical causing the cramping in the heart, the heart attack, the Charley horse, or you've got lactic acid buildup, or you've got some kind of congestive heart failure where the body's trying to push very hard, and the muscles are contracting very hard until they go into a cramp to push whatever congestion is there out. So normally your body will go into high blood pressure before that, so the heart doesn't have to work so hard individually in its own tissue. It will just make the pump a little faster and irregularly to raise the blood pressure to keep things moving through. So a heart attack is not the problem. He was going through a detoxification. He was already fragile. They put him in the hospital, started screwing with his body, created pneumonia. They gave him antibiotics for that and killed him.
Q: So it's antibiotics. I thought I'd kind of figured that by reading your articles and books. So it would have been better off not to go to hospital.
A: Absolutely. You don't have to go to the hospital for a heart attack. You just have to get into a hot bath, get that stuff moving before you fire it, and have a little vinegar.
Q: Drink vinegar to stay healthy.
A: Have a little vinegar like in a sport drink or mixed with something to get things dissolved and moving. Some vinegar and some sparkling mineral water with a little lemon juice and honey. And then take a hot bath. Start dissolving that stuff. If you've got metals stored in and around the heart, then you take cilantro juice with another vegetable juice, add a tiny bit of vinegar, and you run that through to try to remove it from the heart. A heart attack is trying to remove the toxins stored in the heart muscles and tissue. If I had panicked like people who panic and end up dying, I've been dead 50 times at least. When I first had them, my mother took me to the doctor. She's a nurse. Saw me going into cramps in the chest and passing out. After three times, she got very panicked, so she took me to a cardiologist, and they couldn't find any congestive heart failure nor congenital heart malformation. So, of course, there's no heart problem because they don't look for chemical poisoning. They don't look for the mercury and aluminum and the formaldehyde that got from the injection that went into the heart that caused the problem in the first place. They totally deny that because they're at fault and they could be sued. So there's total denial of that. So they told my parents it was in my head. It was my imagination. And if the doctor hadn't taken any time with me at all, he would have seen that I was autistic. So my mom says, well, he's not relatively there, so taking him to a psychiatrist or psychologist won't do any good. Told me it was in my head. That's the doctor's stuff. When they can't find a reason for it, then it's all in your head. You're causing it yourself by the way you think, which is absolutely absurd. Okay.
Q: I was just asking, I have asbestos underneath the linoleum in my dining room and kitchen. And I've been told that that's not a problem because it doesn't get into the air.
A: If you have linoleum over it, it'll definitely, that linoleum constantly, for the entire life of linoleum, it will outgas. There is no point where linoleum does not outgas.
Q: So I should worry about the linoleum, the asbestos?
A: And that because the asbestos is going to outgas with the linoleum.
Q: So what is one to do? They say that removing it...
A: You have to rip up the linoleum.
Q: Well, they say it's very dangerous to do that because then all the asbestos gets in the air, so it's better to leave it because...
A: No, it isn't better to leave it. No, you tape off the room. You have to go through procedures to tape off the room, then you have to go in there and completely clean the place, you know, and wear a full mask. I've done it several times. I've used good Israeli gas masks with all the four-dick canister, you know, with the cotton, the HEPA filters and the charcoal filters and then the rubber mesh filters, you know, with the magnets in there.
Q: Well, I would get somebody to do it. I live in a rented apartment, so I would have to somehow get the landlord to agree to my doing it.
A: If it were my apartment, I would move. If I wanted to stay there, I would pay for it myself because I wouldn't wait for a landlord to do it. A landlord doesn't have to do it.
Q: Because after I saw you yesterday and you saw those industrial solvent in my eyes, I was wondering if the asbestos is one of them.
A: Asbestos could be, but it's probably the DDT because it's been there a long time.
Q: Well, I've been here 25 years.
A: Yeah, then it definitely could be the part of it.
Q: So, you're saying that you'd move rather than...
A: You see my house, the house I'm in? This is my house. I'm a renter. But I put that slate down. I paid 11 grand to have slate put on the upper and lower floors, even though it's not my place, because I care for my health.
Q: What was there before?
A: Plywood, which I've had for 15 years, and then plastic carpet over that. And I would roll carpet over that insulated, but I could still tell it was outgassing when it was there. So, finally I ripped it out when I was going to Asia. The day I left was the day [unintelligible]. Ripping it out. I was going to be there and go for two months. And of course, I got a crew in there, and I bought them all masks. And they went in there, and they cleaned the whole place. Spick and spans.
Q: Even wooden floors?
A: Wooden floors are good.
Q: But not the laminates?
A: Not the laminated floors, no.
Q: So, any linoleum or gas, no matter how good it is...
A: Any linoleum is one of the most toxic things made besides vinyl siding. It's very toxic for the environment. It constantly outgasses. Every time the sun hits it, or cold hits it, any temperature below 42 degrees, it outgasses.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Vinyl siding. Very toxic for the environment. Extremely toxic. It sets out, this one house lets out about a ton of gases a year.
Q: So you have to put down tile then?
A: Yeah, linoleum, I mean, fire tile, clay tile. Or slate.
Q: Is there someone you can recommend who would be good for doing this sort of thing?
A: Well, who I had do mine, went off to Asia to live, so he's gone. But there is someone in San Diego, Lisa Zabo, S-A-Z-A-B-O. If you call her, she used somebody to put her tourmaline in her house.
Q: Would you suggest it would cost over $500?
A: Oh, it'll cost thousands of dollars.
Q: Thousands of dollars?
A: Well, to do your kitchen, it'll probably cost a couple thousand.
Q: Kitchen, a couple of thousand.
A: To do your kitchen, so let me tell you, you're living there, it's worth it. It's your life.
Q: That's right, okay. So twice, $2,000.
A: To have a fire clay, rip out the linoleum and put that in, yes. So if you have wood put down, you know, wood slats, it's going to cost you probably $6,000.
Q: And then removing the asbestos is another big deal.
A: Pardon?
Q: Removing the asbestos is a big deal on its own.
A: Well, if they just go down to, you know, the asbestos is underneath the floor. Okay, so the insulation. So if they put the tile with the grout on top, and they put the green board on top to put the tile on top of that, it's not going to outgas, it's not going to particulate.
Q: So what you're saying is asbestos is not as much of a problem as the linoleum on top.
A: When it's in the walls and ceiling, yes. If it's in the floor, no.
Q: I don't have the money right now. What do you suggest people do when they don't have the money?
A: Because the walls get hot, ceiling gets hot, underneath the floor usually doesn't get hot, unless you have floor heating.
Q: So putting tiles with what?
Q: What do you suggest people do in the meantime if they can't afford it right away?
A: Well, anything that gets rid of, you know, heavy metals and toxic vapors, like the combination of a third mango, a third kiwi, a third of the mixture. So you're talking about a medium-sized kiwi, a third of a mango, not, you know, on the green.
Q: Together?
A: Just listen. Don't second guess me. So you've got that to all blend together. You've got a third of a mango, not, this should be slightly on the green side. And then put two tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice, two teaspoons of lime juice, two tablespoons of coconut cream, and one and a half tablespoons of dairy cream. You blend that all together. You pour that into two and a half ounces to three ounces of sparkling mineral water. You don't pour the mixture, the water into the mixture, you pour the mixture into the water. And that helps remove solvents. It's very delicious, but don't gulp it. You have to sip it, because that will go in and irritate the kidneys.
Q: How many times a week should we have that?
A: Once, twice a week, only. That's your fruit meal.
Q: Is there a straight fruit thing coming? Mango?
A: No, well, you've got the lemon juice and the lime juice. A tablespoon of lemon juice, two teaspoons of lime juice.
Q: And how long...
A: Two tablespoons of honey, two and a half tablespoons of coconut cream, one and a half to two and a half, and one and a half tablespoons of dairy cream.
Q: How often should we be doing this?
A: I said once, twice a week.
Q: No, I mean for how long?
A: As long as you have that... As long as you show up with your industrial solvents in your eyes.
Q: You didn't say that to me, but I don't know.
A: I said you have it in your stomach lining. But I have so many other things to care with so many other people that only when it's a danger like in her eye do I give that remedy.
Q: Oh, that's why. Because you gave me some other fruits to take on the daily diet. So what should I do? Take this in place of something?
A: Well, I would say once a week you could do it for three months. And then if it comes up and it starts moving and I see it, then I will tell you to take it more often or for a longer period of time.
Q: You won't see me till June then. Do it for three months.
A: Yeah.
Q: Once a week.
A: Like a lot of people when they return I'll see lots of aluminum in their stomach lining and their body will have detoxified a lot of that loose aluminum. And then all of a sudden it's green in those industrial solvents. So then they have formaldehyde or bleach or some kind of industrial solvent, DDT pesticides in their stomach lining. And that's when I give them that formula for that year to detoxify that, to handle that kind of toxicity.
Q: Are we good with some more questions?
A: What time is it?
Q: 20 minutes to.
Q: You going to tell us about your hair analysis?
A: Oh, I haven't gotten it back yet. I sent it to a very busy lab under a false name.
Q: Oh, okay, good.
A: I have to do everything incognito.
Q: Can I ask you a question?
A: Yeah.
Q: Sexually [unintelligible] starts developing yeast and herpes or anything. Is that from the man or is that just something else?
A: No, that's from her activity. Circulation moving in that area starts detoxification.
Q: You can't give them anything? Men and women can't transmit anything?
A: Yeah, they can get a yeast infection. They need to live on the skin. You can pass yeast infections, you can pass crabs. You can get lice. Lice go from one person to another...
Q: Warts?
A: Anything that lives, no, it's not alive. Warts aren't alive. Warts are tumors. They're dead tissue. When that company came out with that acid to put on warts, then they told you even frogs could cause warts and you could remove it with that stuff. So that's when that myth came about that warts are contagious. I had sex with a woman who had stalagmite, in her vagina from all of these warts. I mean, look up inside her and she had thousands of these warts hanging down from her uterus, I mean, from her cervix all the way down, all out of her tissue. I had sex with her for nine months, up to nine times a day. I was 19 years old. And she was one of my professors. I was a retarded autistic kid. I just had sex and I didn't get one wart from it. And I wasn't well.
Q: So that became herpes and you can't get herpes?
A: No, herpes is a detoxification of metals out the nerve endings. That's like saying, you know, pimples are contagious. Can't be contagious.
Q: But yeast is contagious.
A: Yeast are fungus that grow and eat skin. So you got athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is contagious. Fungus are contagious. Lice, little crabs, they live on skin. I can pass them from me to you or anybody. I got mine, one case I ever had, I got it on a Palm Springs, very high class hotel. I was doing yoga on the floor. And my girlfriend said, you've got a lice growing on your, you know, on my eyebrow. I freaked out, you know. And of course we had the hotel come in and they had to pull up the carpet and put us in a different room. The carpet was full of lice. So...
Q: [unintelligible], eating...
A: Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible] detoxifying, eating dead tissue or toxic stuff.
A: Yeah, but they hurt and they itch and they're miserable. I tried everything to get rid of them. The only thing I got rid of them was urine. So I stunk for 48 hours, but got rid of them. I tried lime juice, I tried spearmint, peppermint oils, lemon oils, burned the shit out of my skin to get rid of them. Didn't get rid of them. Then when I put urine on, they were gone in 24, about 30 hours.
Q: When they're done with their job, they might go away anyway.
A: Yeah, but I don't know. We are so sick and toxic that I'm not sure that I want lice to do that kind of work on me.
Q: I got them here and there was nothing. Like I said, there was nothing you could do. I went on the internet, I tried everything. And eventually, after three weeks, they just hatched and went away. It was a mysterious thing.
A: So you let them do the work?
Q: It was interesting. I had a big party here. There were 100 people. The only people that got bothered were the ones that spent the night. And when they went home, the lice stayed with me. I couldn't give them to anybody.
A: They loved you. You're a sweet guy.
Q: I was a little disappointed.
A: Well, my girlfriend didn't get them. And we had sex many times. She didn't get them.
Q: What about HIV sex?
A: HIV is man-made. It was made at UCLA in 1961 or 62.
Q: To make money?
A: No, as a biochemical warfare tool. That's what eventually they used in smallpox to give 125 doses to Africans. And how many people came down with AIDS there. That's documented by Horowitz and Cantwell, who's a British writer, journalist, and who else? Oh, what's his name? Strecker. Dr. Strecker. Bio-Attack Alert. It's documented in there. How it was used by the military. HIV. They picked an undesirable community to infect. And the CIA and NSA decided that homosexuals were a good target because they were undesirable. So they took Los Angeles, Houston, New York City, and San Francisco as the sites to infect. They put the HIV toxins in the hepatitis B vaccine. So they found that 90% of the people who were getting hepatitis in those cities were homosexuals because of the high drug use, popper use and stuff like that. So popper is amyl nitrate, and amyl nitrate is a toxic chemical. It's a combination of aluminum and other metals mixed with nitroglycerin. It's amyl nitrate. So the breathing those metals in poisons the liver and they get hepatitis. So all of these, 90% of the people who were getting this hepatitis vaccine were homosexuals. That's why 10% of heterosexuals were getting hepatitis. But no one got HIV unless they had been injected with a hepatitis B vaccine. In Africa, no one got AIDS or the HIV unless they had been injected with a smallpox vaccine.
Q: How do they get it now?
A: Transfusion of blood. There's still 50 million vaccines there to be taken. They use 75 million of them, there's still 50 million there to be used. So they're using a little at a time.
Q: Can I ask another question?
A: Uh-huh.
Q: Sometimes when I go out in the afternoon, I do errands, I'm driving around, I come back, and I'm wiped out. Just after a couple hours, the exposure to LA air... And then when I want to take a nap, I just have to take a whole bunch of deep breaths to oxygenate. I don't know what it is exactly.
A: Well, you've been very toxic. You were a person that was so toxic that your eyes were constantly red, your sinuses, you had rosacea all over in this area. Your brain and everything was so toxic in there that you inhale anything that's going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. So I have one patient who had 176 IQ, and that was one of the highest in MENSA, and he had such an allergy that he built this whole filter system on his car, it looks like it was right out of Mad Max. He had this filter system coming out, you know, big air filter system that came in, you know, just looked like a big, souped up, you know, drag roadster, you know, and that went in. He had something like 12 HEPA filters that the air passed through before it went into the compartment of the car. And otherwise he was sick for weeks and weeks, couldn't move if he went out of his car.
Q: Somebody did it professionally for him?
A: He did it. He was a master. He was a genius. He did a lot of the aerospace stuff in the days when the early stages of rockets, Kennedy era, you know.
Q: Well, I'm not going to tell you about those.
A: Well, get an Israeli gas mask, you know, at a surplus store and just wear them. Nobody's got to know where you were. Who cares what people think? I mean, in Beverly Hills, when I lived there, I used to go there and eat my raw meat, a raw meat steak right there, driving on the road. And people in their Rolls Royces would look over at me and I'm eating the raw meat while driving my car, going to an audition or whatever, you know. So, who cares what people think? Take good care of yourself.
Q: The Israeli gas, that's the only one you should wear when you go outside?
A: I like the Israeli gas mask. It's the only one that's built really for the individual. All the ones here are made to make, not protect our soldiers. They want our soldiers contaminated and die so they don't collect, you know, disability.
Q: Is it easy to breathe through that?
A: Very easy. It's hot.
Q: It's heavy, though, isn't it?
A: Well, it covers your eyes and everything. It covers the whole face.
Q: So you go out everywhere with that in this case?
A: I keep one in my car. When I go through Mexico sometimes, they'll pull me over because I've got that gas mask in the trunk. And I'll check my whole car, just because I've got a gas mask in there. I said I live in LA and he's still on there, you know, and he's still on the road. I'm really in trouble. But I've got a Prius which has a HEPA filter, air filter. So I just keep the air circulating that's in the compartment. I fill good air up where I live in the mountains, Malibu, and then I close up when I get down into the city. And I don't have to wear my mask because I've got that filter in the car. When I didn't have that, I wore an Israeli gas mask. In my Audi, in my Subaru, any of them.
Q: How long can you wear it before it wears out?
A: Well, as long as you're not exposed to true gas, you know, a, let's say, tear gas or something like that, they'll last about 24 hours only of constant exposure. But in the city and driving, probably three months. And then you just change the canister. All you do is screw in the canister. You get extra canisters and you screw them in. Easy.
Q: So walking on the street, I could...
A: Canisters are like $3.
Q: Walking in the street, just put it on.
A: Yeah, if you want. Yeah, if you're walking in the street and you want to wear it, absolutely. You see a lot of Asians, they don't give a shit what you think. How many Asians do you see with masks on, on the road, driving?
Q: The charcoal mask is not going to work.
A: It could help. I don't know which one you're talking about.
Q: It's a gray one. It comes in like this.
A: Is it plastic or is it true rubber? Is it cotton? What is it? Israeli gas mask is rubber, true rubber, so I don't worry about toxicity. A lot of those masks out there are not cotton. They're plastic fibers, so you're going to be breathing in plastic lint. What do you think your body's going to do with plastic lint? It's got to dissolve it. If it dissolves it, what do you get? You get polymers. You get all kinds of things in your lung and in your blood, in your nervous system, in your lymph, everywhere. It clogs up your lungs, so you're asking for emphysema.
Q: Question, have you seen the research about the electromagnetic state of cars such as the Prius and how much electromagnetic toxicity?
A: Yes, I keep my, I've got an old Prius, 2003, so I keep my legs, it doesn't have a console there. It has it back here, so I put my feet on the hump where it's only 8 to 10 milligauss, plus I made a magnetic pillow that I sit on.
Q: Not on the chair?
A: On my seat. I sit on a magnetic pillow that I made.
Q: How did you get one of those?
A: I made it.
Q: How did you make it?
A: I took about 75 magnets, about, they're probably an inch in diameter, and I put them on concentrific circles, on a, glued them on to a pad, a crochet pad, and then put a down pillow on either side, and put that inside of a pillowcase that I made that was all cotton, upholstery cotton, with a zipper. And I made it myself.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: When I experimented with those from 88 to 91, I found that I could sleep with it about five hours at a time, consecutively for three or four nights a week, and then after about six months I couldn't sleep on it at all. It disturbed my sleep terribly.
Q: So are you saying that the Prius and these newer cars have a high EMFs, and you need to adapt with pillows and other items?
A: Yes.
Q: I see.
A: Yes, I do. I said in my newsletter, too, you've got an EMF field down there at the pedal that's very high. My Prius, when I'm moving, let's say, 50 miles an hour, 40 miles an hour, that thing reaches 50 milligauss.
Q: Uh-oh. So all cars do that?
A: No, many of your cars do that. Gee, look at your BMWs and your Mercedes. They're 100 and 135 milligauss. They're like an airplane. They're like, you know, I won't sit in a business class or first class in an airplane because a milligauss is anywhere from 35 to 50 milligauss. I sit in the back of the plane where it's only 3 to 4 milligauss. Sometimes it gets up to 8, and that's it. But once you lift off and you're going, in the back, you're never more than 3 to 4 milligauss, except that you're in business or you're in the cockpit or first class. Then it stays 35 to 50 milligauss your whole trip.
Q: [unintelligible] first cabin of the plane at 17, 18.
A: 17, 18 milligauss? Where were you sitting?
Q: So when we went there, I was sitting in this window seat to the back of the plane.
A: How far back?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That should have been okay, but not at the window.
Q: You don't sit at the window.
A: No, there's a difference. You sit 15 there, and you sit one over. It's 8 until you take off. Then when you take off, it's 4. Even if you're at the window seat, it's only about 5 or 6. But at that window seat, I mean at a window seat, especially if you're on the right side of the plane where the cargo is, while they're loading the cargo, the cargo belt puts out an EMF field that is astronomical. So I always sit on the left side of the plane, facing the plane on the left side.
Q: I've had some muscle testing that shows that my body likes cooked meat even more than raw meat. I've heard of a tribe that eats cooked meat [unintelligible].
A: Well, those tribes still have disease, and they don't live, you know, they live 50, 60 years. So if you want to live a short lifetime.
Q: What does it mean to say that my body is good for eating muscle?
A: That means that probably your body is very confused and knows what it can digest and what it doesn't. It doesn't know that it can digest raw meat. It just doesn't know it. If you gave it a few months of the raw meat and then muscle tested, you may get an entirely different reading.
Q: I mean, I've been eating raw meat for about a year and a half.
A: Uh-huh.
Q: So I mean, I picked out that I like the raw meat, and then it said it liked the cooked meat even better.
A: I wouldn't trust that thing. I don't use muscle testing because I found it didn't work for me. It told me a lot of shit that wasn't true. It was almost like flipping a coin.
Q: By the way, you mentioned those meters that you saw on the windows.
A: Yeah, tri-field meters.
Q: Tri-field meters.
A: That's what I take with me.
Q: Okay.
A: I take them into hotels. I take them everywhere. If I get a room that's high enough with electromagnetic fields, because there's an electric line outside the window, I move to a different room. If the clock, usually the clocks, the radio clocks in hotel rooms are outrageous, they'll broadcast for as much as three feet, and they'll emit something like 100 milligauss from a little clock radio. So that gets unplugged or put three feet away from the bed.
Q: Also, the base [unintelligible]. Even when they're not being used.
A: Yeah. Yes.
Q: My father was diagnosed with a bilateral inguinal hernia. Is surgery mandatory, and if so, how can he be cured?
A: Usually it's not mandatory, but he's always, how old is he?
Q: 74.
A: 74. He's likely never to heal it. So probably if he's having trouble pushing through and he's worrying about strangulation of his intestines. I forgot, is he flabby? Only the flabby people who have distended, elderly people with distended stomachs could have a problem where they have strangulation of their intestines if it falls through. But that's a scare tactic of the pharmaceutical industry.
Q: It's a lot of pain.
A: He has no pain.
Q: He's in a lot of pain.
A: He's in a lot of pain. Yeah, that's something that I, you know, I'll just say doesn't work on this diet. You need a lot of years to do it. Or he has to be diligent and use the clay and the cilantro mixture, like I told you about using it on the feet. He uses that in that whole area down there, the water bottle between his legs. And that, whenever you have a hernia, you've got an ulceration. The body will not allow the tissue to heal because you've got metals, toxic substances could be formaldehyde, could be anything in that tissue.
Q: He was [unintelligible] life.
A: So he has all those solvents, you know, like brake fluid, that they use to, you know, keep the metal from getting too hot.
Q: In the past, he always used mesh, but it's more common in the last two decades to use mesh. Do you have any other solutions for it?
A: Well, like I said, without removing the toxicity, that is never, they can operate on it forever, and it'll just keep ripping and ripping. So they put the mesh in there for that. Now, there's a pigskin mesh that is better, a pigskin mesh. It's made from pig's tissue. The other is a polyfluoride, which outgasses. But most surgeons do not like to do that. I had to get a patient, to get a surgeon in Reno, Nevada, who would do it, do the pigskin. So he had to go there. And it's twice as expensive, but it's pigskin, it's not plastic. You're not setting yourself up for, you know, testicular cancer like you are with a mesh, plastic mesh.
Q: But if you did the same thing with your feet, that might be able to...
A: That could be, pull out those toxins so that it could heal. And all he has to do is have green cabbage juice to make sure he seals his ulcer. Because that's what a hernia is, it's an ulceration that won't heal because of the toxins stored in that wound, in that area. That's what causes it to split. Okay, folks, that's it. Thank you all. I'll be home tomorrow.
Q: Anybody wants to see Kelly tonight?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yes. Okay. I have two little magnetic magnets. One went north, one went south, north, south, north, south, north, south. Every other one is north, south. And I had three concentric circles. The smallest was about six inches.
Q: Okay, yes. Is there somebody that...
A: The pillow was about 18 inches.
Q: I don't know if somebody can help me make it. I don't know if I have anybody in town I could go to without. Can you?
A: No, you just go get a...
Q: Me, please.
A: You go get a frame or a pillow. We call it a crochet or I don't know what we call this. I forgot. I said it earlier. A frame that you sew. Like a needlepoint.
Q: Oh, a needlepoint frame.
A: A needlepoint frame. You get that about 14 inches, 14 inches diameter. I mean 14 inches square.
Q: Yes.
A: And then that's so if you get a square pillow like I have, it won't rotate and move around. If it's square, even though you're going to put concentric circular patterns of the magnets on there, it still won't move around. So you take that square piece and you take a natural glue and you get these magnets about 80 of them, 60 of them, 60, 70. Go online and find a magnet.
Q: Why so many magnets?
A: I had a magnet from an old mattress that I had, a magnetic mattress. It didn't work, so I used that. I used the magnets from that. And I glued it around in one circle, then another circle with about 3 inches in between each circle. And I glued them evenly all the way around, so there was about an inch in between each magnet. North pole, one time south pole sticking up the next, all the way around.
Q: Okay.