Q&A Of December 8, 2002

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: Don't forget me. With the van.

A: Oh yes. Halfway through, we're going to take a little break. And did you need anything from Jim? James? Would you have cream?

Q: I've got milk, butter, cream. I've got some organic raspberries, honey, royal jelly.

Q: Any heated cheese?

Q: No heated cheese. I didn't bring the cheese. And there is no warning light right now. I'm out, but they're sending it on Monday, so I should have it by late next week.

Q: You're late on Wednesday.

Q: No, I might not have it by Wednesday.

A: They're sending it on Monday. They should not receive it until later.

Q: They only can produce about 60 to 80 pounds every two weeks. They're a very, very tiny little dairy. They can't produce much.

A: Well, there's a... There's a... L.A. bakery. La Brea. They import a lot of raw cheeses. Some of them unsalted. So you have to go there and talk with Kathy, I think. Kathy or Diane or either of them. And they know their cheeses. So if you want to get, you know, different varieties that are raw and unsalted, then you can go there.

Q: What's the name of the bakery?

A: La Brea bakery. La Brea bakery.

Q: It's on La Brea.

A: It's on La Brea. I think it's near Third. Between Third and, I think, Beverly.

Q: And they don't heat it above 103.

A: Well, some of those countries don't heat it above 98 degrees.

Q: [unintelligible] I can't do everything.

A: [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay. Let's start over here. You have questions?

Q: Yeah. Don't have them right away.

A: Try to speak loudly. Okay, Richard. You have a question?

Q: Formulation [unintelligible].

A: Alright. Arlene, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do.

A: This is the slow side of the room.

Q: We're the detoxers. We're the detoxers.

Q: There have been articles in the newspaper about the theory that's popular about 15 years ago. The doctors [unintelligible] The theory was that people ate very little, and they could live longer. The thing in the paper was that they did experiments on rats, and they gave them something like 60% less calories. And then rats can live longer.

A: They were also, did you notice, did you find out which way they were feeding them? Cooked processed foods. Of course, if you eat less cooked processed foods, you're going to have less heterocyclic amines, lipid peroxides, and acrylamides. So there's less toxicity. But if you're eating raw food, you can eat a lot.

Q: So it doesn't apply to raw food?

A: No, it doesn't apply to raw food. Those tests were done on cooked food.

Q: Did you know the doctor who did that?

A: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Exactly. No. They ate cooked food. They didn't do raw food.

Q: I'm just thinking [unintelligible]. So, you can eat as much as you want, but I feel that when I eat a lot, I feel really bad after a meal. So I really overeat, and then I feel really bad. I'm really lethargic, and I can't eat a lot, and I have to drink a lot. And then, sometimes I feel really ill, and I feel like I'm going to faint after a meal. [unintelligible]

A: Well, when I ask people to overeat, it's when they're too thin and trying to gain weight. If you've already got the weight, you don't have to pig out. Spread it out, eat it more evenly. When you eat a lot, the body has to take all the enzymes, restructure them for your body, and begin disassembling the food. That means the pancreas has a little bit of stress, and all of our pancreas are two and a half times normal size to handle all the cooked foods and sugars that we're acclimated to, carbohydrates that we're acclimated to. The human being is the only one that has an oversized pancreas for so many hundreds of years, even thousands of years, eating cooked foods. Because the pancreas doesn't only handle carbohydrates and sugars, it handles any kind of enzyme that needs replacement. The pancreas has to manufacture hormones to leach nutrients from every cell in the body a little bit at a time. So, every time you eat a cooked meal, it overworks the pancreas, leaches from every cell in the body just a finite amount, and that's collected over a long period of time. For some people, they're a lot more sensitive because they were born with a lot of toxicity, and for others, they're not so sensitive because they may produce a lot of hormones that buffers and insensitizes them to their ill health. But nobody escapes unscathed, especially the pancreas. So, if you have, especially heaviness on this side, you know it's the pancreas. If you have heaviness on this side, you know it's the liver. So, if it's on this side and it's the liver, you have a little bit more difficulty digesting fats. If it's over here, you're having a little too much difficulty digesting too much food at a time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have a pancreas?

Q: What if you have a lot of pain on the left hand side?

A: That means you've got a severely damaged pancreas. Put a hot water bottle wherever you have the pain. It'll help relax the tissue. So, it will increase the nutrients to the area and then clean it up. Okay?

Q: I'm going to ask you about keeping the house [unintelligible]?

A: Well, what I suggest with carpeting is that you hose it off, let it dry, hang it over a fence.

Q: No, we're doing wall to wall in several rooms.

A: Yeah. Well, I would go through and have them clean it a few times. Shampoo it a few times.

Q: You'd have to wait until the summer to do it as well?

A: No.

Q: I can do that now.

A: Paint will dry quicker and that's important. Paint puts off fumes for up to five years if it's oil based. Dioxins.

Q: And what would you shampoo [unintelligible]?

A: Shampoo?

Q: Yeah.

A: Oh. There are biodegradable cleansers. I like the BioKleen. B-I-O-K-L-E-E-N. BioKleen. The grapefruit degreaser.

Q: What's a good paint?

A: Any milk based. True milk based. All paint used to be made with milk.

Q: Do you know any brands?

A: On the internet. You put milk paint and you go to websites. There are websites. And you can have it pre-mixed or you can have it in the powder and mix it yourself.

Q: Pasteurized or raw?


A: Pasteurized. [unintelligible].

Q: What about water based paint?

A: Pardon?

Q: What about water based paint?

A: Milk is a water based paint.

Q: Milk is water based.

A: Yes. Milk is a water based paint.

Q: But that's not water based paint that's being sold at your standard brands or whatever.

A: No.

Q: Is the paint better to wait until the summer or does it matter?

A: [unintelligible] The casein is a protein in the milk. And even when it's heated it becomes slightly gaseous. So it's better.

Q: But the carpet doesn't matter.

A: This weather is fine but February when it gets cold and rainy that's a bad time to paint.

Q: But that's still different with the carpet though.

A: Correct. Just wash it a few times. If you want to go away for a week let them wash it a few times and let it dry completely. And then vacuum it when you return it.

Q: [unintelligible] It makes more sense to take your shoes off. 50% of all the lead poisoning. Because it's what the cars spew out and all this fine dust in the air.

A: Well, it's not entirely true. It's just like they say most of the mercury poisoning is coming from fish. And most of the mercury poisoning is coming from canned food. Most of the lead is coming from canned food. Even aluminum cans. Lots of toxicity. The government is protecting the food industry. Just like they protected the drug industry with vaccines. Trying to mislead you about what's poisoning you. Of course if you cook fish, you release the mercury, it becomes a free radical and it's dangerous. But if you eat the fish raw, it passes through you pretty well undigested and not set free from the fats.

Q: So in other words you have to take off your shoes before every time you go in the house. Did you agree on that?

A: Well, I do. As soon as I get into that, I don't take leave outside because I don't have this large porch. So I take them off right inside the doorway.

Q: That's what Japanese people do.

Q: I do. I'm not Japanese.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Jim, do you have a question? I mean Mark. Yeah, Mark. I got you two.

Q: I have a general question. You've often said that bacteria, viruses and so on are our friends because they help us detoxify. Get rid of dead and decaying tissue and all that. My question is, are there any exceptions to that? I mean are there actually some microorganisms that are just plain bad for us like the anthrax or smallpox or whatever?

A: Well, if they're man-made, they could be dangerous like the AIDS. Man-made, it's dangerous. It's been proven. It doesn't have a harmonious reaction. That doesn't mean the body can't adapt and make it that way, but for a lot of people we know that it isn't. Probably all man-made may be a problem and all the natural probably are not because we've adapted to millions and millions of bacteria. Only man-made is something that isn't very balanced.

Q: Is asthma man-made or is it natural?

A: Asthma is a man-made, I mean is a natural toxicity. Asthma existed for many, many years. Some people, let's say, were born during the winter, late winter, and their mothers got very drained of fats by the time they were born. And the fetuses were damaged and their mucus linings were poor and the more dust they inhaled, they would get a disease called bio-something. And lots of farmers got it, still get it, from too much dust. If their lungs aren't solid with good mucus, protect them. And it would develop into asthma, of course, working in coal mines. Even though that's not heated and it's a natural substance within the earth, it still creates emphysema and asthma. So, he was asking about virus and bacteria, not diseases in general. So, virus are basically non-living. Consider those non-living protein particles that cause disruption or destruction. But basically it's the body's way of making solvent. It's a solvent. It goes in and breaks down tissue that can't be broken down in other ways. And it's usually inorganic. Probably most of the viruses that have come into being came into being in the last 100 years. Bacteria are alive, they eat. Viruses dissolve. Okay, do you have a question? Go ahead.

Q: I keep a lot of my food in my vehicle. And I keep a thermometer in there, especially in the summer, just to make sure it doesn't get too warm. But recently it's been going down to as low as 45. And I keep eggs in there and the milk I've been drinking, I've been trying to do room temperature milk, like you said. But I'm finding the milk tastes almost as cold as the refrigerator. It's like sometimes 50 degrees and the eggs have gone down to 45 degrees. How much... Even at home actually it gets pretty cold overnight. Like in the morning, still like, you know, it might go down to 50. But should I do stuff like with the eggs, keep them in some place warm? How much...

A: Yeah, like a cupboard where it's warm.

Q: How much is lost if they go down to 45 degrees?

A: Well, it pretty much makes them dormant. If they stay that way for, let's say, 15 hours, then it starts losing bacterial and enzyme activity.

Q: Oh, so it's just like a brief period that it goes down to maybe...

A: Yeah.

Q: If eggs are laid in a cold area... Sorry, yeah.

A: Very rarely does anything [unintelligible] in the wild.

Q: I meant laid.

A: Pardon? Laid, yeah.

Q: They're rarely laid, is it?

A: No. Well, they lay less. Probably 50% less.

Q: Oh, okay. But anyway, my question is, if they're out there and they're laid in cold weather [unintelligible]?

A: No, that's a little bit too cold. I mean, unless a hen is sitting on them.

Q: If it is 15 hours, and then you keep them in a room for a couple more days, does it come back up?

A: The bacteria will come back up again.

Q: And it doesn't lose anything at that point? In other words...

A: It'll gain it back, despite the bacterial activity.

Q: So if I have to in an emergency again, buy a dozen eggs at Whole Foods...

A: I do it once a while. 24 hours.

Q: 24 hours. And then they're back to...

A: Well, they're on their way. Depends upon how long they've been refrigerated.

Q: I thought you said never buy at Whole Foods because the eggs are not [unintelligible].

A: I didn't say never. I never say never. I rarely say never.

Q: There are many cases.

A: There's always a better. And if you can say do the better, the better's the better. I mean, you won't starve to death.

Q: As long as it's cage-free?

A: Yeah.

Q: On milk, if it's like 50 degrees, is that still too cool? Should I heat it up with some hot water or something?

A: It might be a little bit better if you have digestive problems or if you're forming too much mucus. A lot of mucus is formed from eating milk cold.

Q: Is that bad?

A: Well, that particular kind of mucus is there to get rid of the proteins that have passed into the blood and the guts. So that's bad. Now, the mucus that would be produced normally just to get rid of brain toxicity, it would be half as much if you were to eat it room temperature.

Q: What if you're in a hurry? Can you put the milk in some hot water?

A: Warm it. See what happens is the cold milk goes into the stomach, the stomach contracts. When the stomach contracts, it does not produce hydrochloric acid in the duodenum. So then the proteins don't get digested and the sugars aren't set free, so you get undigested sugars and proteins that go right into the blood. When it's warm, it's different.

Q: After one and a half to two days, the milk separates and [unintelligible].

A: Just let it sit for two weeks and make sour cream out of it. That's what this is made out of. Let milk sit for a week, ten days, two weeks, ten to fourteen days and let it sit. Normally, cottage cheese will just be lumpy and light. If you let it sit long after it separates, there's a bacteria that forms it that makes it just like dough. Then you mix cream and butter with it and a little other spices. What I do is I will blend about half an ounce of spices. I can put it in the recipe book, the spicy cottage cheese. I blend it, powder it, pour it into milk. I'll put it in a gallon, shake it a few times. Then it moves into the fat and then will settle in the fat. Most of it.

Q: You throw the whey away. The whey goes away.

A: I don't throw it away. I keep it for my plants.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No.

Q: Whey whey.

A: Whey whey.

Q: Do you think [unintelligible].

A: Then you just start forming molds. That's cheese. All these great molds, you know, you go into a particular cave, you'll find in France and Spain. People find caves and then they'll buy the land and then they'll have cheese making factories in these caves. That produces a particular kind of mold. Each cave produces a different kind of mold.

Q: There is no point in saying within a week to a month that you should throw it away. It's always good for something. So it's butter, cream, or cheese.

Q: That's how they make roquefort for instance in this particular cave. It's the only cave in France that produces that exact mold. Nobody else can duplicate it. It's been done that for thousands of years.

A: But you can duplicate. That's a very easy one to duplicate.

Q: So if you have cream that's...

A: But you can only produce it with butter.

Q: But if you have cream that's just not tasting as good as when you first got it and it's just been there for a couple of weeks.

A: Let it sit for a month or two months or three months in the refrigerator and you have sour cream. If you want to make quick sour cream, take it out of the refrigerator, leave a little air space, and in 10, 14 days you have sour cream.

Q: But you cannot have open seal. It has to be sealed.

A: No.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: If it's open and unsealed, then it'll sour quicker.

Q: Okay.

A: Just don't let light touch it. Keep it in a dark cover so that.... The light will turn it bitter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Slower.

Q: We don't know. [unintelligible] We've never figured that one out.

A: Yeah, I've got the same problem. You ready for your question, Michael?

Q: I've been, like, since I've been doing this, I've experienced some pretty interesting detox, that are pretty intense sometimes, I was reading the book yesterday...

A: Which one?

Q: The first one. And it said something about, like, eating, like moldy raspberries. And it said you could be lethargic for up to a year.

A: Right.

Q: Well, I'm lethargic a lot of times. I couldn't imagine doing something like that. And now with my latest detox that I emailed you about, you know, the burning. And I mean, I just want to slow it down. Isn't there... I mean, it's really uncomfortable. So, how do you slow something down? I mean, cooked food, is that it?

A: Cooked food is definitely a way to poison yourself to stop the deep tissue detox. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. Yeah, I did too. That's about the only way. If you cut down on fruit, eliminate fruit altogether, it'll cut it down. Eat tomatoes instead, sweet fruits, it'll correct that. You won't go through much detoxification.

Q: I mean, you...

A: Remember, all fruit causes severe detoxification because it's made into solvents to dissolve compounds and eliminate, eliminate compounds. So, any fruit adds to your detoxification. Any at all.

Q: You mean to slow the detoxification?

A: You eliminate sweet fruit. Anything that's sweet, get rid of it.

Q: So, you mean slow, not stop? Slow...

A: No, it'll never stop.

Q: Okay.

A: If you're dead, it'll stop.

Q: Okay.

A: Or if you're completely pure and clean, it might reduce to what's supposed to be natural.

Q: But you don't recommend eating lots of fruit [unintelligible].

A: Well, if he's suffering, just cut it out.

Q: And then all you do is [unintelligible].

A: No, he should not have a lot of sweet fruit.

Q: Even if the fruit is really nice.

Q: Especially.

Q: [unintelligible] I mean, could you do that a couple days or something?

A: Well, any kind of intense fat will help absorb the poisons that may cause heavy symptoms. Usually I'll use cheese to do it, but now with the cheese pasteurized, you have to work around that.

Q: [unintelligible] Look at what it is. The burning coming out of the rectum, I mean, it's like on a continual basis.

A: Well, you have to understand, you were a vegetarian for 20 years?

Q: No.

A: How much?

Q: About 12 years.

A: No, no, no, [laughter], 12 years without protein.

Q: I ate a lot of fruit, too.

A: Yes, you dissolved your whole body. So you can imagine how...

Q: But all those acids should have come out, then.

A: No. No, because your body can't eliminate it without fat. You just dissolve it and it all retains in the body. So you've got a tremendous amount of dump. You just need to eat a lot more cream with it.

Q: Okay.

A: A lot more cream. Less butter. And concentrate on cream as long as you're having a burning... He's got a burning rectum. A hot rectum.

Q: Woo!

Q: Woo!

Q: A real hot rectum.

Q: Don't get excited, ladies.

A: Because it's actually hot. So what is happening is his body is discharging a lot of acids that burn the rectum. That can cause hemorrhoids in some people. For him, it's just burns. It does make the tissues very red and irritated. It can cause an eczema or even some ulcerations without turning it into a hemorrhoid. He just needs lots of cream. Cut out butter until the burning stops. Butter causes more detoxification of acids. Cream soothes and heals and protects more. It'll absorb some of those acids.

Q: I noticed when I've had cream, especially like for the evening and the morning, I'll feel like heavy through my chest. Is that...

A: Creams do detoxify the heart and lungs, so you get the cream. Heavy heart, hot ass. Light heart, burnt ass.

Q: Butter causes more detoxification of the acids and the cream soothes it, stops it.

A: The cream, no, does not stop it. It absorbs those acid toxicities. Toxins.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Not frozen though. Frozen will alter it. Frozen creates more detoxification.

Q: So ice cream still has some value?

A: Yeah, it'll be more detoxification. Like all I have to do is eat some ice cream, especially if it's made in an EMF, electrical one. I go into an instant lung detox. Start coughing, producing mucous, comes right up into my throat. Instantly, within minutes, it'll do it. If I have ice cream made in my hand cracker, I may get a little bit sometime during the day or evening or night, but I don't notice it much.

Q: Do you want to have a fast come up or do you want to keep it slow? Slow with toxins?

A: That depends upon if you're suffering. If you're suffering and hating it, then you want to slow it.

Q: The EMF of the blender does not bother you?

A: Don't blend it that long. Blend it mostly 15 seconds at the most.

Q: The ice cream is long.

A: Yes, half an hour.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There's a hand cracker blender that is sold where?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, camping. A camping place on Pico near Sawtelle. Not Sawtelle, it's the other side of the 45. Yes.

Q: How much was it?

A: How much? How much?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Where?

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: There's a naughty word here. It's the N word. They would not allow us to use anything. [unintelligible]

Q: You mentioned about the sweet foods, so you could have the oranges?

A: Oranges are sweet. They still have high amounts of carbohydrates. Anything that is high in carbohydrates is not a fruit that you want to eat. Oranges are high.

Q: What do you consider a non-sweet fruit?

A: Tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, avocado.

Q: Raspberries.

A: They're lower. Grapefruit, those are all high in carbs. Lemons are high in carbs. Pineapples. Even if they're sour.

Q: Anything good, forget about it.

A: I'm finally detoxing some of my diabetic stuff from when I was a child. So even though I'm not eating fruit, I eat maybe fruit once every two weeks. But now I'm having cramps in these toes and this hand.

Q: Arthritis?

A: No, that's from toxic sugar stored in the body that wasn't broken down properly because I was diabetic. And that's a detoxification right now. I'm finally getting this stuff out.

Q: Is fruit acid?

A: Fruit is [unintelligible]. Acid or alkaline.

Q: I think those cramps, that's not mineralized. I get that too and I'm a sugar person. So that's what's going on?

A: Yes. Toxic sugars are robbing the fats from the muscles. And those acids, remember it's like Coca Cola when they're poorly formed sugars. And they burn the myelin, the sheaths of the nerves in the muscles. And that causes the cramps. Have you ever seen a diabetic in a cramp mode? I mean it's pretty bad.

Q: What do you do for that?

A: Sit it out.

Q: No eat fat or anything?

A: If you can. Usually when somebody's in they kind of go, oh well if you're just having cramps, just drink cream.

Q: It robs the what from the muscles?

A: The fats.

Q: The fats.

A: And myelin. Protection. Yes.

Q: My son's 12 and he's [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]

A: He won't gain weight from that. What you do is use raw cream, raw eggs and honey. It'll be very simple.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: High sugar. That'll turn it into detoxification, instead of stabilizing. And eggs. How tall is he? He's what?

Q: A head shorter.

A: So he could probably use four eggs, four ounces of cream, a tablespoon or two of honey.

Q: Why no milk in there? That's like a creamie.

A: Well it's just to help him put on weight initially.

Q: What about carob?

A: Carob will absorb a lot of the fats. Carob is pectin, mainly pectin. Pectin binds with fat and just passes it through your system.

Q: Is that good for helping with bowel movement?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, not a lot of carob. Tomatoes and cream together are your best natural laxatives. Okay, let's go through here. Relating to that one. Okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, no, he still needs that. He's very acid. Just because he's a vegetarian doesn't mean he turned alkaline. Because everything he ate burned up the system and remained acid inside. So he still needs vegetable juice. It will help alkalize the blood. Now if he had been a raw food vegetarian strictly, sometimes and he had been more on the diabetic side, it would have been different. But he was on the acidic side with high adrenaline. Thin side. Okay, Lewis, question.

Q: Okay, well, now that I've gone over your new book and cross-referenced back to the old book, the hardest thing is keeping everything up to date. In other words, what do you tell people as far as what is up to date and preventing any confusion as far as…

A: Well, I stated in the second book, some of the things that have changed is I cut out as much fruit. I also cut out the breads and using nuts.

Q: That's basically the main difference.

A: Right.

Q: You mean like the nut formula?

A: Nut formula in place of cooked starches.

Q: Oh, still the same nut formula.

A: Yes. In other words, I don't recommend the cooked starches at all, cooked carbs, but to use the nut formula instead. It does the same thing without the acrylamides and the advanced glycation end products collecting.

Q: With the nut formula, when you get the urge to for bread or something. Can you do that too often in a week?

A: Yes.

Q: What's the maximum you should have, like say in a week? If you're having cravings for…

A: No closer than three days apart.

Q: But how much in that time that you have it, that first time you have it? You have to have the whole four-ounce jar and that butter formula?

A: Depending on how much you eat.

Q: But not like a three-day... You have to wait three days to have it again?

A: Correct.

Q: What if you don't get them at all? Are you bad?

A: Yes. There are neurological toxins in me that can only be bound with starches. That's the only place we can get lots of starches without eating cooked food. Twice a week every three days apart. At least three days apart. Twice or once a week, depends on the person. Depends on the person. If you find yourself going through emotional stuff, let's say you're pissed off at your husband or boyfriend, or the guy's are pissed off at their girlfriends or wives, and there's no reason for it, they haven't done anything, just the irritable. Those are hormones, toxic by-products of hormonal activity during times of stress in the past. You're just using activity, emotional tension to release it like exercise. You have that formula, you won't have all that stress. You'll have the starches there to bind with it so you won't be as irritable and nasty. You'll be liked more.

Q: When guys get pissed off, does that apply more to males or to the females?

A: I just said either way. Either way.

Q: [unintelligible] Actually, I like that one better because the one that you gave me [unintelligible].

A: Cut that out. Don't have that formula. The formula I gave you is better, just cut that out.

Q: [unintelligible] formulas better.

A: If I've given you a specific nut formula for you, that's the one to have. It's too sweet, just cut down on the honey. Cut down anyway.

Q: I have another one that a couple times I've had it, the next day I get like a really bad canker sore of like that for 10 days. And I notice that it's [unintelligible] without soaking in it. Can I soak these walnuts?

A: Then you'll have a different form of enzyme inhibitor, which is even worse than when it's raw. You just may need to let yours sit for a few hours before you have it. Make it the night before so the bacteria will start breaking it down. It's a problem with raw food fruitarians and vegetarians. They lose, every year goes by, they lose more and more digestive... You have somewhere around 3 million different ways to construct enzymes for digestibility, for digestion. And if you've been a vegetarian for about 10 years, you'll lose about 50% of those. Each year after that you lose about 2% a year. And it decreases exponentially. So like Owanza who was vegetarian for 14 years, by the time she was 35 she had cancer all over her system and couldn't digest anything, not even water. It's a difficult time, so she has a lot of digestive disabilities. So if he lets his food sit, lets bacteria start breaking it down, then he'll be able to handle it better.

Q: Totally, I've had digestive problems for a long time, and I've been telling people because [unintelligible]. My body is working so much better than it ever worked in my life.

Q: I've had the same thing where I finally ate it and when I started this, I was unable to digest anything without feeling bloated for a really long time. But I had also been vegetarian for 20 years.

Q: When I had the nut formula my throat started burning. So should I still have it anyway?

A: Absolutely, you just might want to follow with a little cream. What that does is it starts pulling out the acids in the esophagus and larynx. It's drawing them out. They're usually neurological acids, like what's burning his rectum. Those are the most concentrated in metals, nerve tissue. When that degenerates, you have high amounts of toxic metal in the system. And when that goes through the tissues, into the mucous membranes to attach to the mucus to discharge, it burns the tissue.

Q: And the bee pollen, do [unintelligible]?

A: Well, the bee pollen is a very finite protein and that helps detox the nerves. But it isn't the properties of the bee pollen that's acid. It causes the burning of [unintelligible] and helps detox.

Q: Now, [unintelligible] whatever you have in the book?

A: Yes.

Q: So some of this will you need to do the nut formula even during the weight loss part of the program, right?

A: Yes. Well, yes, it's a good idea to still do the nut formula once a week, even in the weight loss program.

Q: [unintelligible], everybody?

A: If you get irritable, you better do it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What are you talking about? I'm not talking about that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What did you ask?

Q: The same amount of butter to do it on the weight loss?

A: Yes, but you're only doing it once a week.

Q: Aajonus, regarding that, because I haven't had nut formula in a month. The walnuts that I have in my fridge, should I toss them, and buy fresh stuff or can I use them?

A: Fine. If you had them properly sealed. Everybody should put their nuts in jars, they'll last years that way. If you go through them in a month or two, then that's fine. If you leave them in plastic and still hold them sealed in the refrigerator.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In jars, refrigerators.

Q: But if it's only the shells, if they're shells, you can keep them in the cupboard.

A: Keep them in the cupboard, but they should also, if you've got nuts in the shell, still put them in a container, because they will dry out. They'll get drier and drier and drier. That's why squirrels bury them in the ground, so they'll stay moist and don't dry out and shrivel up. Okay.

Q: Me?

A: Yes. Yes. [unintelligible] But it's always relevant. I know. Go ahead, Jess. [unintelligible] apologizing.

Q: I'm not clear about between the lube and the cream, because when I first started the diet, I always felt guilty because I loved my lube formula with cream. I hated the butter, and I always felt guilty that I didn't have enough butter. Now it's changed to [unintelligible].

A: I needed you to get the butter, because the butter will get everywhere.

Q: Okay. Now, I love cream. I don't like butter.

A: Well, you've always liked the cream and not the butter.

Q: Yes.

A: You can have more cream, since you put on the weight, and you're more lubricated.

Q: Okay.

A: But you can't do without it completely.

Q: But I still have to use a little butter.

A: Yes. You still need the lube formula at least twice a week. With butter.

Q: With butter. Okay. So now, we only have [unintelligible].

A: I think you ought to get a flogging tool now. That'll take care of the guilt.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: It's only if you're irritable on the weight loss.

A: [unintelligible]

Q: It's only on the weight loss if you're irritable.

Q: I don't care if I'm irritable. I live alone.

A: It doesn't matter. That formula will help your nerves. You've got the radiation in your nerves.

Q: Is that only if you're irritable on the weight loss?

A: Yes.

Q: Otherwise, you don't need that on the weight loss.

A: If you have a tendency, don't wait until you get irritable, or get a tendency to be irritable on the weight loss program.

Q: You do it automatically, or do you not?

A: Once a week.

Q: Does it cause constipation?

A: Nut formula? No, you have enough butter in it.

Q: Okay.

A: Also, for people who are having trouble with constipation...

[audio cut]

A: ...I say sugar by-products that your body is eliminating, either acrylamide or advanced glycation end products, especially if they're buried in your intestinal walls.

Q: But you know it's there, because it comes out.

A: You see them.

Q: They're alive?

A: Not when they're pooped out.

Q: No, they still move. They're alive. [unintelligible]

Q: But why did that first one come out so fast then if I had all this stuff still in me?

A: It's just that particular worm wasn't eating the old stuff. It was eating stuff that was in the intestine. It changed its diet. It changed the type of sugars it was eating.

Q: Do they want to eat any meat or egg?

A: They don't eat protein. Tapeworms exist only in third world countries where they mainly eat cereals and grains.

Q: Wow.

A: And you need those. You see those little children with the big tummies? It's because all they're eating is all this carbs. And carbs aren't good for a human diet. So what happens is the tapeworms, they're eating all of this. Of course, the medical profession says, oh, the tapeworms are eating the food so you're not getting it. Well, fuck, get them off of the carbohydrates and feed them some dairy and meat, and then you'll see the change.

Q: Why do they have it over there and we don't have it here?

A: Because we eat meat and dairy.

Q: Okay.

Q: Can I ask a question about that? [unintelligible] I've had ongoing fatigue for a long time.

A: Usually tapeworms exist in people who eat high carbs and they're naturally lethargic anyway. But people who are on a good, raw meat, dairy diet, don't have the same type of fatigue.

Q: And I'm just wondering how long it's going to take [unintelligible]?

A: He's your friend. They're your friends. They're helping you get well quicker. Like I say in the second book, people who have worms get well five times faster than in the other way, than the solvent reaction way. So enjoy it. Enjoy your little slimy friends.

Q: Are worms considered parasites?

A: No parasites in worms.

Q: I know I've been diagnosed with parasites.

A: You have worms, parasites everywhere in the body for all types of tissues.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, because it's the cause of massive detoxification, of sugar detoxification in some people.

Q: How long you go before that problem stops [unintelligible]?

A: You'll go in and out of it. In and out. Four years.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: When the bee collects the nectar, it swallows it. It manufactures an insulin-like substance which converts 90% of the carbohydrates into enzymes for digesting, utilizing, and assimilating protein. Only 10% is sugar.

Q: But still, when that honey hits my teeth, I get pain. So I brush my teeth.

A: 10% can be a lot to some people.

Q: What, 10% what?

A: 10% of the honey being sugar.

Q: But I still should eat the honey.

A: Absolutely. It helps you digest your protein. You won't get well if you can't digest your protein. You don't need it. Because we're so ill, you are all diseased. There's something [unintelligible] said.

Q: Yeah.

A: You're all diseased. You are all diseased. So count on eating honey for a while. Do you have a question?

Q: Not yet.

A: Okay. Jim. Let me call you Martin.

Q: No. If I were eating cooked food, this would be like a manifestation of B-Vitamin deficiency. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and I stay awake, I'm like churning on things. I'm like thinking of things. This is totally wasted downtime. And I would rather be sleeping. And I felt like this might be related to exercise. Like if I had a good workout and stuff like that, then I would be able to sleep better. But I'm not quite sure what really is going on.

A: Okay. First of all, I'm going to get rid of the myth that you've got about B vitamins. B vitamins [unintelligible] do not create diseases. Like you said, I've got a vitamin deficiency disease. No such thing. Just because when people are administered B vitamins, it stops the reaction that normally would be associated with that particular type of symptom, does not mean that it's a vitamin deficiency. All of your B vitamins supplements are toxic. There is no way to get B vitamins extracted without solvent or heat extraction. It could be petroleum or it could be alcohol. They all damage the B vitamins. It's a toxin. When it goes into your system, your body has to deal with that toxin. If it's B12, it's like cocaine. It's not a healthy substance. But it will charge you and make you feel better. But boy, the damage that it does will be nasty, especially if you're injecting it. So all of these vitamin-associated diseases are all about pharmaceuticals.

Q: So I think there's stuff like G3 and the protein and all of this stuff that people claim in Germany and whatnot, longevity, and you hear it in the country, people are doing all that stuff.

A: Have you heard anybody in Germany living over 106 years?

Q: I don't know if I'm into it. I just think it's very interesting. I'm not agreeing with it.

A: No, that's what I'm saying.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Let me tell you, if they did, it would be out.

Q: So what do I do about this?

A: The nut formula. It would sound like you're having psychological hormones and you're detoxing at night. Remember, like I said in the second book, when the nervous system detoxifies and starts at midnight and goes to 5 o'clock in the morning. If you cannot sleep in that time, you're going through a neurological detoxification and don't expect to sleep. If you're having the nut formula every three days during that kind of a thing, you'll arrest a lot of those but still don't expect to sleep. If you don't, then you better go exercise. But that may debilitate you more. Find something to do when you can't sleep that's creative or that you enjoy doing, meditating, whatever it is, to fill up that time so you feel it's useful. If you don't, you're going to be beating yourself up because you're not sleeping. Like I say in the book, you sleep between 5 to 5.30 in the morning, sleep until 7 if you have to go to work. You'll have a nap then. When you get home, make sure you're in bed by 7, 7.30. Then when you wake up at midnight, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, you have gotten sufficient rest. If you sleep once all in one block, you need more sleep and you'll feel less restful. When you break your sleep pattern up into two blocks, one main and a nap, you need less sleep. You usually cut an hour of sleep out.

Q: I actually think I wake up at 4, like a month or so. [unintelligible]

A: Do something and then take a nap around 5 o'clock in the morning.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: [laughter]

Q: I always have it. I'm having the same thing. A lot of exercise helping that or hurting it? Sometimes doing four hours of exercise.

A: Well, if you have too much exercise, it's going to make it worse. Because you're going to be detoxing a lot of acids, all the uric acids from the muscular byproducts.

Q: So what's a good amount of exercise?

A: Depending upon the individual. If you've got a lot of adrenaline, then you need to exercise a lot to burn it. That depends on how many worry circles I see in the eye. Do you remember how many worry circles?

Q: You said I had a lot.

A: Yeah, you need to exercise. I would have told you anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours of exercise. I don't remember. What did I tell you?

Q: You probably told me that at the beginning and I thought, oh, I could never do that much.

A: Now you're going way over that, right? Go back to that.

Q: Can I have milk or cream or eggs at the 4:00 point?

A: Absolutely. Cream and eggs together. For resting and relaxing the nerves. And a little meat would be good.

Q: Meat?

A: Chicken? Meat. M-E-A-T.

Q: Okay, thank you.

A: You're welcome. Barbara?

Q: Okay. I've passed menopause and...

A: Did you wave?

Q: [laughter]

Q: Yes I did.

A: Good rhythm.

Q: But now, I don't know if it's a detox or what it is but I'm getting my period again. What's that all about?

A: Then you didn't have menopause. You went in and said, "Hello there! Goodbye again!". But most women who go back into their menstruation, and I would say women who've been through, recently been through menopause at an earlier age, usually reverse it, 50 to 60% of the women. Reverse it and go back to having periods.

Q: What does that mean?

A: You're starting to manufacture those reproductive hormones again. So if you don't want children, watch out.

Q: [laughter]

A: Watch it, James.

Q: I don't know if you did any of your research on this, but I found among the indigenous people in South America that they have much shorter periods, like one to three day max. And I know that I and most people, I think, here have like five, seven days, heavy. Is that because of...

A: More toxicity, more pollution.

Q: So as we get healthier, that should decrease?

A: Yes, down to three days. Maybe in 40 years, you know, women coming out, it would be shorter, one, one and a half, two days. Do you have a question. Question? Oh, my God, Jimmy, you look so freaking different. Wow, you lost all that weight. Wow, I didn't even recognize you. Congratulations.

Q: I have [unintelligible] going to ask. Basically what happens is I'm very allergic to cats, and I'm wondering how much... I love cats. I don't know how I can... If it's something I can do or if it's something I [unintelligible].

A: Exactly. There's a lot of people who have allergies. Remember Owanza, we went to New York and visited one of her relatives in the Bronx. They had six cats in the house. They were only allowed on the upper floor, and they had three floors. It's a townhouse. We stayed on the first and second floors. Her eyes were black within two hours of being there. These cats were upstairs. Dander floats in the air. The skin flakes. Because they feed cats canned food, processed food with heavy metal toxicity in it, and nothing raw, these animals, they don't perspire except the tongue, the nose, the eyes, and the rectum. The only way they can perspire, that's why they're going like that, because that's the only way they can emit those toxins. When the poisons are built into the skin, they are built into the skin. They don't perspire out of the system. Those heavy metals and all the other poisons that are preservatives, everything else that's in the food gets built into the skin. People who have asthma and emphysema and just general sinus difficulties, mucous membrane problems, they're not forming a mucus which has good protein. When the body builds mucus, it builds strands of protein, links. You can observe this with a woman's period, who goes [unintelligible]. When they're fertile, you can take the mucus, it discharges, and it will string, sometimes this long. When they're not fertile, it will pop, very short strands. During fertilization, to protect and hold the egg, the strands become very long, the protein fibers become very long, and it's a mesh network. People who have alimentary canal problems, respiratory problems, do not build proper mucus. They do not build those fibers to block out the elements from entering the mucus membrane. So the mucus can hold it, and then you can spit it up or swallow it. So your body has not made it yet, still not making it yet, to isolate and control those from going into your system. It took Owanza seven years. I still don't like to be around cats that aren't on raw diets.

Q: So if they were on a raw diet for [unintelligible]?

A: As long as they're very young.

Q: Okay, the cat [unintelligible]

A: No, way too late. You're still going to suffer for a couple of years. You have to get them six weeks, five weeks old. Because those toxins, by nine months old, those toxins are built into the skin, and at nine months old, that's almost a teenager. That's about nine years old, eight or nine years old for a cat.

Q: But if you don't have that problem and you put your cats on a raw food diet...

A: They'll get better, they'll stop emitting all those poisons out. In their dandruff. Because I don't care if you don't have an allergy. They're still affecting you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But cats are worse.

Q: It'll take like two to three years. If I got a cat, it would take 2-3 years for it to detox?

A: About two years. Two and a half years.

Q: The other quick question I have is, I only get asthma lately at night before I go to sleep, or in the morning when I wake up. And it's always like I wake up at like 7.20. And so I'm wondering, is there anything I can do...

A: Remember your body detoxifies the neurological system at night.

Q: So is there something I can drink right before I go to sleep? Because right when I lie down, I'm like, oh great, here comes the asthma. Is there anything I can drink or do before I go to lie down?

A: A milkshake. Probably without milk is better. But you know, lots of cream and eggs. A little bit of honey.

Q: No fruit?

A: Fruit will cause the detoxification.

Q: All right.

A: Celeste.

Q: Yes. Someone has asked questions about heaviness in the pancreas and also heaviness in the liver. I've been having heaviness in my liver a lot, especially during the work week when I bring all my stuff and I'm really good on the diet. On the weekends sometimes like I'm busy so I'll just drink milk or I'll just eat some eggs or something like that to get me by or something. But is, and you said something about being about fat. Is that something that I need? What should I do in case of something like that?

A: Just add some lemon juice to your juice, vegetable juice. Juice one lemon, one medium sized lemon per quart of vegetable juice. And that will help the liver break down those fats. It's less heavy.

Q: That's the only time you put the lemon into the juice.

A: Well, some people who are very, very overweight in their weight loss cycle, you can put some lemon juice in the vegetable juice.

Q: But still keep with the amount of fats that I'm eating.

A: Correct, yeah. Unless you're on the weight loss program. You don't like that yet, right? You were skinny for a very long time. How long were you vegetarian?

Q: Years, I was doing meat before I got on the diet for quite a while. But when maybe about 20 years ago before that I had been vegetarian for a while.

A: Alright. Do you need to go soon?

Q: Yeah.

A: Do you want to, shall we take a break and [unintelligible]?

Q: We're going to be on this side then, right?

A: Yes. So all those, take your same place. I remember, thank you.

[audio cut]

A: I produced these. It's a little late for the season, but you know, better late than never. Anyway, if you would like, you know, when you're turning people on to the diet, this makes a nice presentation for the folks if you would like. There's plenty more on the end of the table if you'd like.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In German.

Q: [laughter]

Q: Right away, right away.

A: Well, I'm just putting it over and you guys can pass it out.

Q: Hi Aajonus. Have you ever gone to Arizona to speak?

A: I haven't in two years.

Q: I just sent somebody.

[audio cut]

A: [unintelligible] tattoos over the years. The only one I've ever considered was the [unintelligible].

Q: Any plans for the future to update your first book?

A: Yes, because it will be republished next year in the softback.

Q: Oh, yay.

A: So it will be updated. Okay, let's start over here.

Q: I'm new to the diet. I've been doing it for two months. I'm still eating whatever I want. Like, cooked food, whatever.

A: So you didn't do the diet.

Q: What I ended up doing was eating 25 pounds of milk. I love the milk so much. Recently, every time I try, I make my own ceviche or [unintelligible]. I know it's psychological, the taste's fine. But that fourth bite [unintelligible] gagging. I'm not sure about that.

A: People who eat a lot of milk usually do not have an appetite for meat. Just cut down on milk. That's why I say in the book, do not overdrink milk, because then you won't eat the meat.

Q: Do you think that would stop the gagging?

A: It would stop the gagging.

Q: Oh, you think it would?

A: Oh, yeah. It dilutes the hydrochloric acid so much by drinking so much milk that when the meat goes in, it doesn't digest well. It causes nausea. Just like eating too much fruit will cause nausea when you eat meat.

Q: My question is, if I can't eat that much, can I eat egg or something in place of it? Even if I do cut back on milk, which I did already cut back on milk, and it was still happening, could I eat like, what, eggs or something?

A: Well, there's nothing that's going to help you lose weight like raw meat. Raw meat burns fat.

Q: Raw meat burns fat?

A: That's why the Zone Diet works. That's why the weight loss program works for almost everybody. 99% of everybody who's in the weight loss program loses weight because it's mostly meat.

Q: You're drinking 8 ounces of milk at night for the nerve factor?

A: Just to calm the body down.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, well, unless you're talking about somebody who's 6'5", and they maybe need two cups.

Q: But I mean, if you have all that milk, and then you have that colostrum too [unintelligible] right?

A: Yeah, you can use colostrum instead of milk at night.

Q: Do you have a milk with your meat? Chicken or fish?

Q: No.

A: No. Not on the weight loss program.

Q: Oh, okay, on the regular program.

A: Yeah, as long as it's not cold milk. Okay, Kathy, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I have developed a canker sore in my upper lip in five years. It's been irritating me.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Oh, yeah, the canker sore up on the upper lip here, and it's been irritating my [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]

A: Do you eat cream with the tomatoes?

Q: Well, I've just been doing it, yeah, but on the weight loss, [unintelligible].

A: So it's usually when you get to the point where your body doesn't have enough blood fats to handle the metal toxicity, so it starts discharging through the gum.

Q: Oh, what do you do [unintelligible]?

A: That's usually the time to stop the weight loss program. I said in the recipe book, if you start a heavy detox, break the weight loss, go on a normal diet until it ceases, and then restart the weight loss program. Sometimes when your body gets down to that level and starts having a strong reaction, that's about all you're going to be able to lose until the next time, so it's time to go back up again.

Q: Would you put cream on?

A: It might help a little bit.

Q: There's another thing that sometimes I have is shakes.

A: I would just cut out butter for four or five days and just have cream in place of butter.

Q: You mean because of the canker sore?

A: Cream is less of an acid.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you'd be having it in your lubrication formula. You'd be having cream instead of butter.

Q: It would be seven tablespoons of butter. The shakes, is that part of it.

A: Well, you're not using butter in your shakes, or are you?

Q: Oh, I'm doing, I have the shakes in my nervous system.

A: Cream helps.

Q: I'm having the butter in the lube formula.

A: You just have cream.

Q: Until when? When do I go back again?

A: Four or five days until your canker sore stops. I want you to know that I have a couple of bouncers back there for people who are talking.

Q: You mean hiding?

A: Yes, they are.

Q: You know, I thought that the thing with canker sores, I've noticed, I need to add something, that the canker sores now that I get, I'm just, they don't nearly bother me as much as they used to before. I mean, I know that I have a little canker sore, but it doesn't, I mean, I can eat, like, the things that have you permission, that means they have to be specific things. It doesn't bother me.

Q: What is the...

A: The fats.

Q: The fats.

Q: You don't like, you're on my, my... [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes, okay, he asked, he asked me a question, he's got, he has problems in his joints right now. Similar to arthritis. Arthritis, virus or bacterial, is a matter of breaking down the toxicity that's in the joints. Over the years, as the cartilage rubs together, it breaks down, if you're not on a good diet... You've been on the diet how long? About four years, three and a half?

Q: Three and a half years.

A: So it's worn all those years prior to the diet, it's worn down toxicity in the born marrow.

Q: Excuse me, when people are talking, even in remote corners of the room, you can't hear what's on the tape recorder, so please don't. Thanks.

A: Yeah, go outside if you'd like to speak. So when you have that breakdown and it starts discharging, or the actual cartilage is so toxic that the body's decided to start spending its time on detoxifying the cartilage, you'll have an arthritis experience, which means it's either viral or bacterial, eating away the degenerative cartilage. That causes swelling, that causes soreness. And that's what you're experiencing.

Q: I should [unintelligible].

A: Eat more chicken. Fifty percent of the diet of meat consumption should be chicken. Helps those joints a lot better. Roger.

Q: As far as having meat, ground, I guess the meat, like the whole deal about the New Zealand beef, they put through two or three times. Why does that make it not as good as going through once?

A: Okay, like I said in the second book, when it goes through a high pressure grinder, it causes a homogenization of the fat, which that means is it takes the fat molecule and breaks it up. Then that molecule will absorb the protein. And guess what doesn't get digested properly? It doesn't move through the liver properly, doesn't get digested properly, so it mainly turns into fuel instead of nutrients to regenerate and cause cells to divide, which means you become more alive. You know, cells don't have little babies. They divide and they are a whole cell. Instantly they're mature, you know, as far as size goes. So they divide. That's how we multiply cells. When meat is ground under high pressure circumstances, it homogenizes the fat. The fat absorbs the homogenized fractionated fat molecules, absorbs the protein molecules, and doesn't release it. So the body can use it as fuel or for detoxification, but not for regenerating, not for helping cells divide and multiply.

Q: And that also applies to chicken as well.

A: Correct.

Q: So we shouldn't buy the ground meat then from Whole Foods?

A: No. If you want it ground, what you do is you get the chuck, you tell them to grind it, but only pass it through the grinder one time.

Q: Or grind it yourself.

A: Yeah.

Q: They'll do that if you tell them?

A: Yeah. They'll say, you know, you're going to lose a few ounces. Because something gets stuck in it.

Q: They tell you call, and then they ask to call up in the morning when they're not busy.

A: Yeah, do it. I just take mine, I'll get my steaks or whatever. If I want cheap meat, I'll get the top round, bottom round, or chuck, and cut it up and throw it in my food processor. And that grinds it up in seconds.

Q: Are there any ground meat in the store that are acceptable?

A: No. Well, not acceptable for regenerating cells, for reproducing cells, but for detoxification and energy, ground is fine in the store. But it's a hell of a waste of protein.

Q: And on the chicken steak, all I get is just the breast, skinless and [unintellgible].

A: Skinless and boneless is fine, unless you're [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I favor the legs more because I like the flavor. Remember, chicken tastes kind of like flat, bland postage stamps. If it's old, if you let it sit out for four or five hours, it's much more tasty. If you leave your meat out, we give an example, it's harder to eat cold meat. If I eat cold meat right out of the refrigerator without a sauce, I'm lucky if I can get down four or five ounces. If I put it in a jar and let it sit down in the cupboard for four or five, 12 hours, even 24 hours, I can consume a pound and a half of the sitting. When I was in Chicago, because the bacteria starts breaking it down, when you take it in the stomach and it's cold, it causes, just like the milk, cold milk, constricts the stomach, you don't produce the hydrochloric acid, moves fluid out of the blood and into the intestines without much hydrochloric acid.

Q: How long do you leave it out?

A: I leave it out up to 24 hours sometimes. Normally overnight.

Q: Do you put it in a cupboard or something?

A: Yes, I put it in a dark cupboard. The light will turn food bitter. Keep it out of the light. Put it in a dark cupboard.

Q: Does it have to be in glass or can you put the package in the cupboard?

A: Glass. I put everything in glass. Once I get it home, I cut it up and put it in glass.

Q: [unintelligible] You don't need this?

A: No, I only use that for my juice, keep my juice chilled. Otherwise I carry everything in my bag, over there my satchel bag. I've got a bag that's called the guy thing. This is the guy thing. I used to have a nice looking leather one that was stiff and all that. And Lori said, that looks so unmasked. Okay, I'll do the guy thing then. I got this.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. The juice will break down very quickly.

Q: How about the cream?

A: The cream I leave chilled until I'm going to drink it. Or a few hours before I'm going to drink it.

Q: Do you have no lights in your refrigerator?

A: No, I unscrew the light.

Q: Why?

A: There's radiation emitted from those lights. Heavy radiation.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. You don't get a light in your refrigerator. How many times do you open that refrigerator in a day? Every time it comes on. I'm going to tell you, when it first comes on, it sends out a bunch of rays.

Q: Can you just take them all out?

A: Yes, just unscrew it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They don't make them for appliances. You turn on the [unintelligible] you're right in your room. What did you have a question?

Q: Yes. I have cream in my refrigerator for three or four weeks and I've never even opened it. It's obviously sour and [unintelligible].

A: Just remember, any food that is predigested with bacteria will be easier to digest and better for us. The Hunzas and a lot of your tribes will ferment, sour their dairy products before they eat them.

Q: It gets really, really thick. Is that cheese?

A: Like I said, if you want to make quick cream cheese, just put it in a jar with about this much air space in it. Put it in a low cupboard where there's no light hitting it. And then in about a week you'll have thick and the water will be at the bottom, the weight will be at the bottom, and you'll have thick cream cheese.

Q: All these times we're getting radiation, whether light is on, it goes in everywhere in the food, even our high meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just lowering the bacteria level.

Q: Can you have too much honey [unintelligible] and they love sugar and beef and I like to take them on...

A: Like I said in the recipe book, you know, six tablespoons of honey per pound of meat.

Q: Now, if I, I don't have [unintelligible].

A: You know, I can't take your questions like this because that's, we're focusing on individual things for you and everybody gets the one question, unless it's relating directly to that subject. Okay, so that would be an individual consultation thing if you wanted to do that.

Q: Why did you say not to leave the cream out?

A: Pardon?

Q: Why did you say not to leave the cream out?

A: I didn't say don't leave it out.

Q: What are the foods that you leave out of the refrigerator?

Q: When you take it in your bag there, you will.

A: No, I said most of the time I drink it shortly after I take it out of the refrigerator unless I want sour cream.

Q: Okay.

A: But I mostly drink at room temperature.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Any food processor.

Q: Any one.

A: Yeah. Right. Your smaller ones, you know, like the pint ones are very difficult for meat because you [unintelligible]. Food processor.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I can't hear, guys. The people [unintelligible].

Q: You go to Whole Foods and ask them [unintelligible]. Is that the same thing?

A: No.

Q: Then they're going to use that as a good protein.

A: Yeah. Correct.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Twice.

Q: At a high pressure.

A: Right.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's fine.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It'll build up more. Do you have question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Eggs, cream, and honey. A small amount of honey. Just enough to sweeten. Cream and eggs. No milk. Cream and eggs. That's what I do. You need to put on the fat, get the weight on, so that it'll work.

Q: 60 pounds heavier. Mr. Irrigal five years ago.

Q: I'm Mrs. Irrigal, but he's Mr. Heitler. So bad.

Q: [unintelligible] Ben is the reason why.

A: No fat.

Q: Yeah. [unintelligible] What was I so irritable about?

Q: Eggs and cream and little bit of honey.

A: Adrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, all of those, they look for fat to utilize. In fact, those hormones are usually 40 to 60 percent fat anyway. But they look for fat to utilize. So you utilize it as fuel. If they don't find it, they go right into the myelin. The myelin is the sheath on the nervous system. Brain, meningi, throughout the whole system. It makes lesions and it pulls out the fat. And guess what? All the charges, the electromagnetic charges, loses buffering ability. So then, you know, children are like this, hyperactive. Because there's no buffer. It takes fat to buffer.

Q: Making them raw milk all day [unintelligible], is that good?

A: Raw milk, no. It needs cream and eggs and honey. It's all thick and rich.

Q: And how about reducing the sugar?

A: Once he gets overweight, then milk's fine. There's not quite enough cream and milk, but you have the high sugar ability. Most kids won't eat anything with cold milk for some reason. And the cold milk doesn't digest properly, like I said. So that causes more hyperactivity.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Good. Then it'll be more helpful.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Depends upon the bulb. [unintelligible] Because it's very, I could spend an hour talking about it. Okay. Do you have a question? Okay. Frank? Yeah?

Q: All my life, my feet have been cold. I'm hearing, you know, that my body's getting a lot warmer. And cooler in the summer, but still my feet are ice cold.

A: It takes good, well-utilized fats. And as you can see, there's not much fatty tissue in the hands and feet. Can't build up enough. That takes many years because the bones are where most of the fat is in those limbs. Those tendons. If the bone marrow isn't absolutely perfectly healthy, you will always get cold in the legs. And it takes 20 years to rebuild the bone marrow three times.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's what I said, toxic bone marrow.

Q: All my life.

A: Yeah. Toxic bone marrow. The fats are poor.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. God, most people like that. I would probably, you used to though, right? I would say probably 60% of the population suffers that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I just got the new Prius hybrid. I tested it. My Subaru Outback Sport was 35 to 50. This Prius is only 8 to 11, 8 to 10 and a half. The Civic hybrid was off, the needle was off, so it was around 150 to 160 gauss.

Q: The Honda Civic.

A: Honda Civic. Bad car. Bad car.

Q: What do you have there?

A: EMF field coming out of it.

Q: You know anything about Volkswagen?

A: Pardon?

Q: Are they high, Volkswagen?

A: I haven't tested a Volkswagen.

Q: Toyota.

Q: Where do you buy that EMF meter from?

A: I got it on the internet at Tools for Wellness.

Q: What does it do?

A: It measures. Electromagnetic fields, radioactive waves.

Q: Which one did you get?

A: Where did it go?

Q: How do you get it if you're not going to have a computer?

A: Go to the library. Do you have a credit card?

Q: Can you tell us the model you got so I can get one?

A: It's called Tri-Field.

Q: What's their phone number?

A: Tri-Field. I don't know.

Q: You look on the Tri-Field on the computer.

A: No, you go to ToolsForWellness.com. ToolsForWellness.com. www.ToolsForWellness.com. Yeah, without shipping it was around $150, $160 somewhere around there.

Q: Because it's all different kinds.

Q: $229 I think.

A: Not at ToolsForWellness.com.

Q: Yeah, but the website is [unintelligible].

A: Yeah? $229 now?

Q: Yeah.

A: I just bought it two weeks ago.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Was it specifically the one that... because that model that I have? Well, what's the model? Because you may have a model that does more things. All you have to do... does anybody know where that went?

Q: Yeah, I just put a couple [unintelligible].

A: Oh, you're going to keep them, are you?

Q: I don't know. Somebody brought that one.

Q: Is there a model number?

A: It just says, tri-field meter.

Q: Okay. My son has one and I have one, and each one of them measures differently. So it's like you really have to get the right one.

A: Well, you have to get a calibrated product. If one of yours isn't working properly, you need to send one or both of them back to find out if they're calibrated properly.

Q: I've got a gauss meter. [unintelligible] And then my son just saw one, and I brought his over. According to his thing, my apartment's great, according to mine, I better get out of here.

Q: What did you find out on your car?

A: It was only... it went to 8 to 11, between 8 and 10 and a half. It would even go lower. But when it was... the engine was running, the electric engine was running, it would stay around 8 to 11.

Q: Which is good.

A: Yeah, which is low compared to cars. Like I say, you know, a car with a... the more computer chips and everything it has in it, if they're using transistors instead of capacitors, there's a high EMF field emissions. What that does is with me, like in a computer, if I'm using it, it'll cause my bones to become very sore. That's really what carpal tunnel is. The hand shit, that's a bull. It's an absolute bull. Secretaries have been typing without electrical for years, never got carpal tunnel. They had to hit those keys, it was a lot more work, never got carpal tunnel syndrome. The electrical field coming off of it. You know, that's why I say...

[audio cut]

A: ...down.

Q: And how does it rate on the machine?

A: I said 8 to 10 and a half.

Q: What is that used for?

A: It measures the electrical discharge from appliances.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I just told you that if I'm around those charges, it makes my bones ache.

Q: I don't see any difference.

A: [unintelligible] Now, most people, especially men, are having pain in the right leg in America. In England, in places where the... the steering wheel is on the other side, it's on the left leg. EMF field is coming off of that transmission, and hits this right leg pretty heavily.

Q: So, if you don't have any pain, they can know you don't have a problem.

A: No, you can be just numb.

Q: You can just... [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, basically.

Q: So, most cars... So, get a bike and move to Hawaii.

A: Now, all the cars, let's say, all the classic cars pre-1980, have no EMF field. Classic cars are better. More computer chips they use when they're using transistors instead of capacitors, EMF field exponentially larger. Now, for a car, it would only cost them $15 a car to get rid of that. They're cheap. So cheap that they'll go ahead and put the transistors anywhere, anyway in use, because they're cheaper than capacitors. In a computer, you're talking about $1.50 less.

Q: Wow.

Q: So, if you have anything electrical in your car, electrical...

A: Anything. Now, the CD changers, 10 years ago, used to emit fields that were like 80, 90, 2 feet.

Q: Wow.

A: You know, for cars now, they're really low, so they've figured that one out.

Q: How did you say, that cheap price [unintelligible]?

A: No, it's just the transistors and capacitors will have different amounts of radiation, broadcast, you know, electromagnetic fields and stuff like that, but it's broadcast.

Q: So if you find they're too high, then you just take it to a mechanic to take out.

A: Can't do that.

Q: He's talking about the manufacturer.

A: Yeah, you have to check the manufacturer.

Q: [unintelligible] sleep with the light on?

A: Well, it's very bad unless you have a full spectrum bulb.

Q: I bought a full spectrum bulb, and it never goes. It's been in my lamp for two years.

A: Mine was for seven years. It just started going out this year. The last two weeks.

Q: Where do you get?

Q: Whole foods. It's good for any of your...

Q: Lamps?

Q: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible] So it's okay, but that's...

A: Yeah, it's not right next to you. It should be at least three feet away from you. At least three feet away.

Q: Do you have to use candles?

A: That's worse. You get carbon monoxides. When you burn candles, you get carbon monoxide. I don't care whether it's beeswax or petroleum... If you have petroleum, of course, you've got the phthalates and the dioxins produced as well. So they're highly poisonous.

Q: So what you have to do is just go like natural people who live in [unintelligible]?

A: Or use full spectrum bulbs, lighting.

Q: How much is it?

A: They're very expensive. Well, just look at it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Any candles, all candles produce at least carbon monoxides. If they're wax, petroleum, made from petroleum, or paraben, they have all kinds of poisons.

Q: What if you have a fire, those fumes out again, is that better?

A: If you have a fan directing the fumes out, you're still polluting the air.

Q: So you shouldn't light the candles on Hanukkah or [unintelligible]?

A: Just paint a little...

Q: [unintelligible] bulbs [unintelligible] higher watt, because they usually...?

A: Up to 150. Three ways.

Q: [unintelligible] don't go into church?

Q: Where do you get them?

A: I haven't been to a Catholic church since they expelled me. Excommunicated?

Q: Where do you find the bulbs?

A: Healthfood store.

Q: You're talking about fluorine fluorescence, right?

A: No, full spectrum. They do make some full spectrum fluorescents.

Q: You're talking about a regular incandescent bulb with film in it.

A: Yeah.

Q: And that doesn't have EMFs in it?

A: No, I didn't say it doesn't have EMFs. I said it doesn't have just the ultraviolet ray. It can cause burns and irritation to the eyes and the skin. Full spectrum lets all of the rays, the full spectrum of light fields, it emits.

Q: Not incandescent. Full spectrum.

Q: I use full spectrum screw-in fluorescent.

Q: Fluorescent is no good, though, is it?

A: As long as it's a full spectrum one.

Q: [unintelligible] Is it possible that chronic fatigue can come from [unintelligible]?

A: Oh, it's not possible. It is. Your TVs, your deep TVs, have three laser guns. And they emit radiation 25 feet. According to John Ott, the world's greatest expert on light.

Q: Television?

A: Television.

Q: Unless?

A: Unless you have an LCD screen.

Q: What's that?

A: The liquid crystal display, flat screen, like in your laptops.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: Anything bigger screen.

A: Oh, it's a lot more. Definitely. The larger the radiation.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Chronic fatigue and bone problems, anemia, fibromyalgia. Yeah, if somebody sits around that TV six, seven hours a day. You'd better believe it. If you're watching one of those TVs, it takes about 45 minutes of sunlight to get rid of one hour of that kind of radiation exposure. The sun rays neutralize toxic radiation from the body. So sunlight is very helpful for people who have radiation exposure.

Q: That means that the lights in your phone.

Q: How far you are from the TV?

A: You're saying 25 to 27 feet depending on the, and it's still a lot. You need binoculars to watch it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible] earplugs. You'd be able to get a nicer sound.

Q: Right. It's got batteries.

A: It still has a EMF field, but if you're, yeah, you know, let me show you.

Q: What about a record player you have?

Q: It's on now.

A: It's on right now. See that?

Q: Oh my God.

Q: What?

A: Put it on this one.

Q: Oh my God.

A; That's not too bad though.

Q: This is just batteries.

A: Yeah.

Q: Can I see mine?

Q: Uh-oh.

Q: One was 10 and one was 4.

A: See, yours is as high as 8 right here.

Q: I have to get rid of it.

A: No, just stay away from it. Okay, now watch. See, it gets down to, this whole house is an [unintelligible].

Q: What if I grab your cell phone?

A: The whole place needs to be rewired.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, everyone. This winds it up for today. Thank you very much. And I have one more thing. I have one more thing.

Q: I have one more question.

A: Oh, okay. One more question. Sorry. Yes.

Q: Okay. [unintelligible] How do they get it?

A: They don't get it because they don't make it pure anymore. It's very toxic. But when you drink, let's say you're drinking two ounces of naturally carbonated water.

Q: There it is.

Q: So I should get it open next?

A: Yeah. In combination with some kind of fat, that's leather or cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I said that if you're having your naturally carbonated water, there's your natural hydrogen peroxide.

Q: Well, they do sell it on the internet.

A: But it's all toxic. They don't make it like it used to.

Q: Well, they claim it's cool.

A: Yeah, but it's not like it used to be.