Q&A Of September 14, 2003

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, let's start here. Freddy.

Q: I got a question about the green juice. I'm wondering about the, you know, the natural, protective toxins of the vegetables. And we're concentrating on the green vegetables. I'm wondering about the implications of that.

A: Concentrating toxins?

Q: Well, every vegetable has a protective poison to keep the insects out.

A: Yeah.

Q: So, when we concentrate the parsley and the celery in the juice, we're getting a concentration of those as well.

A: Yes, but most of the, um, the toxin that's produced by a plant, once it's been off the vine about 24 hours, it degenerates. Also, when you juice it, it stays in the cellulose. It doesn't break easily. It's more in the fiber.

Q: It goes down with the pulp.

A: Right, it mostly goes down with the pulp. So, um, and all of the minerals, when they are released into the juice, did everybody understand the question?

Q: No.

A: Okay. Every plant has a protective anti-insecticide on it to keep the insects from eating everything. And he, his question was, how does, how does our body deal with that? Is that a problem? And it's not a problem when we juice it because most of the poison is, um, is degenerated within 24 hours, uh, from it being extracted from, uh, the ground or the vine or wherever it is, wherever it's picked, the leaf, wherever it might be. Once it's extricated from its natural growth environment, that breaks down because if it didn't break down, all the insects and molds that naturally decompose to recycle in composting would all die. They'd be killed. So once the plant is off or once the plant is out of the ground or the produce is off the tree, that whole cycle stops. So you don't have to worry about the toxins, the natural insecticides that are in vegetables. It's a good question. Nobody's ever asked me that before.

Q: Well, I'll tell you, there's a group, there's an email group, uh, AV Critics or something like that. And it was coming up in there. And I'm asking.

A: Certainly. AV means me, Aajonus Vonderplanitz. It's AV Critics.

Q: You have critics?

A: I've got critics. I can be questioned?

Q: You've arrived, Aajonus.

A: I guess. I made Wall Street Journal, a financial magazine. Why did they put me on the cover? Because they had an article about raw milk. It was a good one.

Q: When was this?

A: This was on Wednesday. The title of the article was Got Raw Milk.

Q: Oh, really?

Q: Was it a good article?

A: And they put me as the leader of the underground.

Q: Now, which magazine is that?

A: Wall Street Journal. It's not a magazine.

Q: Okay, yeah, of course.

A: And I didn't even get out to try to find the paper until like 5 o'clock in the evening. And I had to go to five places because they were sold out to get it. But I found one place that had five copies.

Q: Are you going to put it on the website?

A: I don't. That's not my website. That's my publisher's website for the books. I don't have time. But I have a copy here. I'll pass it around if everybody wants to after the... James Stewart read it to me. Maybe I'll read it to all of you. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: First of all, I want to say about swimming pools. Is there any way to make a swimming pool that's not toxic? [unintelligible] someone that I know has a swimming pool that they do?

A: Well, there are electrical chlorinators. There's an electrical charge machine that sends electrical charge into the water. And it makes a charged chlorine with no chloroform. Barbra Streisand just did hers with oxidation, the ozone. To me, that stinks. I don't like that smell on my body. So I prefer the electrical chlorinator. There's no odor to it at all.

Q: Would they be using tap water?

A: Yeah, you're not going to buy bottled water to put in a swimming pool. Unless you're Michael Jackson who did that. He had Evian. But he didn't mind spending a million dollars for those.

Q: Oh, I meant to say that you can't put the apple cider vinegar with it?

A: You can do that.

Q: How many bottles would you need?

A: It depends on how many gallons you would have.

Q: I have a 24,000 gallon water tank and we use it for swimming and it's a pond. I have guppies in there and water leeches on top.

A: Yeah, but you are like me. I have my algae growing in my hot tub. I like it green, slimy.

Q: Well, I thought we should have the questions and answers in the hot tub.

A: Do you mind getting naked? It'd only fit about 14 people. I think we'd have trouble. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, another thing I just want to mention. I have this girl back me. I just want to discuss that. Because within Alaska, they have a law there. In order for us to get any marine mammal, that means a seal, they have to be one-fourth Native American.

A: Is anybody here one-fourth Native American?

Q: That girl wanted to ask her grandmother.

A: Nobody here? I'm one-sixteenth. I can't help you.

Q: Between the two of you.

A: There we go. That's only an eighth, though.

Q: You two are.

A: Okay, so do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I was wondering if you could just say a little bit about iridology. What it is and some of the basics of it.

A: Diagnostic, I mean it's an analyzation thing. Don't use the word diagnostic because the medical profession owns that word. Nobody can diagnose unless they are a licensed practitioner. Practicing medicine without licensing. So I never diagnose, I analyze. I analyze health. I don't diagnose disease. So that's how we get around that. Anyway, the eye is a readout of the entire physical makeup of the body. There are locations for every gland, every organ, particular locations for the nervous system, bones, skin, lymph system. Everything is demonstrated or indicated in the iris. The two irises are different. Outside, the outer half, you divide the eye in half from 12 to 6 o'clock. The outer half of each eye applies to the respective quadrant, outer quadrants of the body. The inner half applies to the opposite inner quadrant of the body, except in some engineers and almost all inventors. They're same brain siders. They don't divide. What I do is I go in there and look to see discolorations. If you have big white areas or big dark areas, that shows scarring, scar tissue, possible tumors. And discolorations can be plaquing on the outside. Particular areas where fibers are fractionated, divided, it's like pointless art. That shows that the poisons are going intracellular rather than extracellular. So there's lots of things I look for. I could go into two hours or five hours on that to get specific. Basically, I can tell a lot that's going on in the body. Your MDs, they use x-rays. Basically, if it doesn't hit them in the face, they don't know what is happening in the body. With iridology, I can tell early stages of development of just about anything. That's why it's very helpful. But most people, when they come to see me, they're not happy when they leave because nobody's well. Nobody's well. Even those people who think they're well, they're not well. There's damage, there's toxins in the body. So if you don't want to know, don't come. But if you know, you know how to get rid of it quicker. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Wood machine.

Q: The iris.

A: Oh, you mean my reading of the iris. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, cardiac arrest, yes. I can see congestion around the heart. I saw somebody that came a couple of weeks ago had five little bitty pea-sized what looks like tumors. So I can't say they're tumors because I'd be diagnosing, you know, with the medical profession only allowed to. So what I say is this is what I see when people have been diagnosed by the medical profession with tumors. And I find them in the heart.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: This man had it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: About three months. Well, I can see it within a month, but most people can't see it within three months, until three months have passed. So I, unless somebody is definitely ill, I say come back in a year. Anyway, you get to see a big change then. Everybody's very happy about those changes. It's something they can see dramatically.= If you come back in three months, you'll see the subtle changes. And that can make you happy, but it's better to just come back in a year unless you have cancer or something like that. I like to keep it up with them about every three months. Otherwise, a year is fine. If somebody has MS or something like that, I like to see them every three to six months.

Q: My husband has big blotches on his back about this big.

A: White color?

Q: They're red like rash, and they're all on his left back and on his arm there. He has called you before. He has dystonia from fluroxene, and he eats the raw diet, except he has chicken. You told him to have chicken once a week, but he's been having to have it more because he's detoxing so much.

A: You mean cooked chicken?

Q: Yes, cooked chicken. So I was wondering, what can he do?

A: The primal facial body care cream.

Q: Can he just leave it go?

A: No.

Q: Okay.

A: Because usually it's a mold. It could be a yeast infection.

A: And remember, all molds are there to break down degenerative tissue.

A: If it's a yeast mold, that means that it's feeding off of sugar damaged tissue.

Q: Okay.

Q: Now he's eating cooked chicken.

A: If it's like giardia, It's a cross between sugar, sometimes alcohol, and toxic cooked heterocyclic amines that damage the cell.

Q: I see.

Q: Heterocyclic amines?

A: Heterocyclic amines from cooked meat.

Q: So now he feels so bad he's eating cooked chicken almost every day or every other day.

A: He's not going to get beyond it then.

Q: Oh, I see. Okay.

A: He'll just live in that state. It would be best if he soaked in a hot tub.

Q: Okay.

A: Maybe an hour a day and put the primal facial body care cream from the recipe book.

Q: Yes.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: How do you deal with different metabolic types? I don't know that much about it, but I've heard people talking about, depending on where you are, from Alaska to South Africa, there's different metabolic types that feel good eating different...

A: That's a theory that nobody has any proof to substantiate, and I certainly haven't been able to find any either. In my actual practice with people, I have Africans who eat this diet, and vegetarians who live their whole life as vegetarians who eat the diet. So I haven't found any. I've got Nordic people who eat, you know, they're the ones that are supposed to be the meat eaters, raw meat eaters from basically everywhere. I've got people from the tropics eating this diet, and it's all favorable for everybody. So this metabolic thing is somebody's idealization on what they think should be happening in nature, but it's not. Yeah.

Q: I'm fairly new to this, and, you know, of course, one of the hardest ones to get over was eating chicken. And so I ate chicken, and I'd eaten it a few times, but then one time I ate it and, you know, smelled it and everything, but I got really sick.

A: How did you get sick?

Q: Like diarrhea for a week, 103 fever for two days.

A: That doesn't mean you got it from chicken.

Q: Like how do you know if you actually did get food poisoning?

A: There's no such thing as food poisoning unless you're eating cooked food. Just remember that when you eat cooked, when a bacteria feeds on cooked food, it's eating poisons along with it. Just like if we eat, you know, cooked food, we'll get heterocyclic amines, lipid peroxides, and advanced glycation end products and acrylamides. Those are the major toxins. We also have other complex toxins which are not as investigated, but I've mentioned them in the recipe book. So when these bacteria feed on them too, they also produce more toxins. So their verotoxins will be 10 to 100 times more toxic. And when they're raw, they're never toxic. As I said in the recipe book, the people who aren't on this diet have an average of 18 to 20% diarrhea and vomiting happening all the time. 18 to 20% of the population on this diet is 8 to 12%, depending upon the time of year. So there's a lot less diarrhea and vomiting, but you can't associate it with either cooked diet or raw diet because it happens on both. So you have to say what's causing the diarrhea. When I've had diarrhea analyzed and vomit analyzed, I found a lot of poisons, a lot of dead liver cells, gallbladder, spleen, something like that in the vomit. In the diarrhea, I found a lot of dead bowel cells or intestinal cells or liver cells or muscular cells and some gut cells. So it's a dumping area, the stomach and the bowels and the intestines are a dumping area for these poisons to leave the blood to get in and out of the body. So vomiting and diarrhea is a good thing, whether you're on a cooked diet or a raw diet. And it has nothing to do with what you're eating. However, if you're eating cooked foods, you're more likely to create more of it because you're putting more poisons to be dumped into the stomach and intestines. So you've got to get out of this stigma that some raw food has caused you diarrhea and vomiting. And if you had diarrhea and vomiting when you're eating cooked foods, what'd you blame it on? It's always poisons in the body. I mean, if you're eating some very high meat, high cooked meat, yeah, that can create instant diarrhea. Because the verotoxins are very, very potent. So that's poison in itself. But eating high meat, as those people saw when I was on, those of you who saw when I was on Ripley's Believe It or Not a year ago, I ate a year and three months old high meat that did not sit in the fridge. And I did not get sick. The photographer got sick. He was smelling it and he was vomiting like crazy. But I didn't get sick eating it.

Q: Is that because you're used to it? I mean, you've been doing it regularly?

A: Well, it smells pretty good to me. People who've eaten it a lot, it starts smelling good to them. It's like the Eskimos. You know, first time I smelled it, I couldn't get within five feet of it. I was just like, fuck, I wanted to be the cameraman. I wanted to vomit like crazy. And the children were chomping at it. It's the odor of the high meat. Yeah, they love it because it gets them so high and happy.

Q: What do you call it?

A: It makes them strong through the winter, the fall and winter.

Q: It's called pemmican?

A: Pemmican.

Q: Oh, pemmican.

A: Pemmican is not high meat. Pemmican is meat that they preserve by drying it, beating it into a flour, mixing it with some kind of lard, baking it in the sun. The dried meat will absorb that fat. They press it into a block, about a 90-pound block, and they do it every fall. I mean, every late summer. The Eskimos. And so did the North American Indians all through Canada. This was in case they didn't get fresh food. They always had this reserve. But they never ate the pemmican unless they had to. If they did not eat it, they just buried it. They never ate it unless they had to because it's enzyme and vitamin deficient. It leaches from the body, so they only use it in emergencies. Some of the adventurers, the trailblazers that went across from Canada and across the Americas, all the way from the West Coast to the East Coast or the East Coast to the West Coast, would take one 90-pound block of that and make it all 3,000 miles across the country. One block. They'd eat a chunk of it a day, about a half of a cup, with lots of water, and they could go on that all day long.

Q: So they were on raw food then?

A: No, that isn't really a raw food. It's not cooked, but it's also not raw. It's not fresh and raw because there's no enzymes and vitamins active in something that's dehydrated. Roger, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Is there a great difference between the meat that you buy in an ordinary grocery store like Ralph's or what you buy at Whole Foods, which is New Zealand?

A: Big, huge difference. New Zealand is almost all grazed meat. Plus it's mostly organic, but they do feed them. In the regular supermarkets, they feed them lots of grain, and most of the feed that they feed them are byproducts from food processing. They take the bran, all the waste products from producing food for humans, cereals and stuff like that, all the cooked garbage is what they mix into a meal and give these animals. So it fattens them up. Of course, the body has to produce tremendous amounts of fat to deal with these toxins. So the fat is very rich with toxins in your store-bought meat. Most of it won't be absorbed if you're eating it raw because it'll just pass through you. But you're not getting a lot of nutrient value from it as you would from New Zealand meat. Now when I was in Paris for three and a half years, off and on for three and a half years, I was eating the mad cow, and there's nothing wrong with that. I ate it for three years briefly, and then once the girl broke up with me because I wouldn't marry her, I find this article that said, Carrefour Supermarkets, that's where I was getting my meat when I was in Paris, was buying and selling the mad cow meat, so that's what I had been eating all that time. And I wasn't eating the brain or spinal cord, so it's no big deal.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh yes, your regular feed cows are fed lots of antibiotics, shot with antibiotics, have clips with antibiotics on their ears, and lots of hormones, growth hormones, in the feed. So they grow faster and larger. And those have been linked with, they get a lot of it from soy by-products. And the, what's it called? There are two poisons that are known to be highly carcinogenic. I don't remember the, Genistein and something else. Another Stein product that is highly carcinogenic, it's a known poison, it's illegal to put it in any pesticide. Yet every time you eat a soy product, you eat it.

Q: Including soy sauce?

A: Including soy sauce, yep. Highly concentrated. Not good stuff.

Q: Does it come from the fertilizer for the soybeans?

A: No, this is in the soybean.

Q: Oh, naturally.

A: It's naturally in the soybean. Naturally, soybean, if a human or any bird eats a soy, you're going to die, raw. You're going to kill yourself, because of the poisons in it. So when they feed soy to all kinds of fowl, chicken, turkeys, whatever it is, it has to be highly processed the same way it has to be for humans. So it's never raw. When they call it organic, it is not, because you have to solvent treat some of it. So would you wash your fruit with kerosene and then eat it, call it organic? No. So it's a misnomer. Your Rosie chicken, 75% to 80% cooked, processed, solvent-extracted soy. It is a misnomer. It's a lie. It is not organic.

Q: You do eat rocky.

A: I said Rosie.

Q: Oh, Rosie.

A: We eat rocky juniors. They feed their 75% to 80% raw corn. Even though it may not be organic, I'll still take the raw corn over the cooked processed, solvent-extracted soy.

Q: The soy milks that they have now out there, you don't [unintelligible].

A: Same thing. They're garbage. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: 75% to 80%. Then the rest is garbage soy. Rocky juniors. Right now. Well, Lilies would be the best, but Lilies won't sell us the chicken. They're a chicken farm. I mean, they're an egg farm.

Q: But she says to change them.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: But they did sell a few of their chickens, I remember.

A: Yeah, but they're doing that only in the farmer's market. They won't sell it to us in big quantities. I haven't investigated Harmony farms.

Q: What about the non-New Zealand beef that's organic? Whole Foods has got New Zealand and non-New Zealand. How does that work?

A: Whole Foods has their own. They bought the ranches. Whole Foods is a big farm. So they go around. You see everywhere in the store, go organic, go organic. But you rarely see even 1% of the food in their store is organic. So it's a big hype bullshit. It's big bullshit. Their meat, they feed 15% bakery waste, which is stale, boiled, and oiled donuts. And they call that natural beef. What cow do you know goes around eating, you know, unless it's a police woman.


A: You know, pigs eat it, you know, and the female cows eat it. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you eat what you can get, the best of what you can get. But the best to get is New Zealand.

Q: There's also some very good beef on the [unintelligible].

Q: This is better than New Zealand that he gets now?

A: Well, he gets the New Zealand that's all organic.

Q: Yeah.

A: Which is better than Whole Foods.

Q: No, I know that, but it's the same probably.

A: We don't have time to have that kind of discussion. The other was about, let's say, you know, the donut fed. What is it, Coleman beef that Wild Oats carries. They do feed theirs some byproducts. So some of the feed is a byproduct. So it's not all, you know, all perfect. And they don't promise that it's organic either. But it's still better than Ralph's or Savon, and it's better than Wild Oats donut fed.

Q: You mean Whole Foods?

A: Whole Foods donut fed. Okay. Question.

Q: Yes. On type of milk, goat's milk versus cow's milk. You have some authorities.

A: Okay, let me go through it. Okay. Goat's milk is high in hormones, especially adrenaline. So people who are thin and hyperactive should not be drinking goat's milk. They should be drinking cow's milk. Settle their nervous systems and systems. Those people who are overweight could use the adrenaline. So goat's milk is fine for them. People in between, if you feel hyperactive, you feel anxious or irritable, don't drink goat's milk. Drink cow's milk. Okay.

Q: Is the same goes for cream too, goat's cream?

A: Goat's cream still contains a lot of precursors for developing adrenal hormones. So goat's cream is not going to relax your system. Cow's cream is.

Q: Stay away from goat's milk. [unintelligible]

A: If you're anxious and irritable, then just stick with cow's. Okay.

Q: Yes, question.

A: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends. If you're not hyperactive because you're thin, it could be because you're not creating any hormones. Because your body cannot afford to burn itself, eat itself up. When I was a fruitarian for a long time, I was one of the easiest going guys in the world. Because I had no fucking energy, you know, to get upset. You know, in between, you know, when I get down to it, I can get very irritable very quickly in somebody's face. Because they were killing animals. And eating animals. Die hard vegetarian. But I had to learn my lesson. Then when I became so weak that I was so mellow, thought I would die.

Q: So the issue about the size of fat molecules in cow's milk versus goat's milk is that?

A: That's hypothetical garbage. If you're eating it raw, you're going to digest it whether it's a [audio cut]. What does that mean? It means I'm going to be more nourished if I eat more. So I'll take a bigger molecule of fat from a cow as opposed to a goat.

Q: So in other words, should we throw away what we have?

A: No eat it, don't worry about it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends. Depends upon the person. If the person's irritable, I'd say no. Or mix it. Depends. There are other ways to stimulate your adrenal glands other than milk. Goat's milk. I've got it in the book.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There you go. There's the coffee substitute. There's also red onion. There's also garlic. All these are stimulated. Give a question.

Q: Just a quick one. [unintelligible]

A: They are. But we're eating such a little amount that we can get away with eating a couple of tablespoons even with the meat. When the Indians made their pemmican, they usually made it with blueberries or berries of any kind.

Q: And you should be eating pineapple [unintelligible]. That is for what kind of body?

A: Any kind of body.

Q: Any kind of body.

A: Pineapple [unintelligible]. Well, I didn't want you to have anything to detoxify you. I wanted to stabilize you. You're in too much pain. Stay away from fruit if you're in pain. Stay away from fruit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you're just pain free for how long?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. I would wait a couple of months before I did that. I mean, maybe one day a week.

Q: But you're saying zero.

A: Zero fruit. If you're in pain, zero fruit. Zero high carbohydrate fruit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, but that's not anymore. Because I found there's too many situations where it affects people to have it. That's why in the new book it doesn't say that. When I read and do the first book, it will be correct. It will be updated.

Q: Does that include tomatoes?

A: No, tomatoes is not a high carbohydrate fruit. It's a bland fruit, highly acid.

Q: Cucumbers and tomatoes and anything like that?

A: Cucumbers are a little too high in alkalinizing minerals, but it's not high in high carbohydrate, so it's still okay. You just don't want to eat too much with meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, the tomatoes are high in acids. Then you eat as much as you like with the meat.

Q: No more than three cucumbers in slices?

A: Yeah, about three slices. I said two tablespoons in the recipes book. I said two tablespoons of anything highly alkalinizing. That goes for parsley, cucumbers, zucchini, whatever it is that's high in alkaline. You want to keep it to two tablespoons. Let's say per cup of meat. A cup of meat is only a third of a pound.

Q: You can have an egg.

A: Eggs acid. You can have as many eggs as you like with meat. I was in Pattaya, Thailand. I always went to this French restaurant because they'd make my steak tartare for me every night differently the way I wanted it, so I just ordered the way I wanted it for that evening.

Q: How did you have it?

A: The chef came out and said, you're eating an omelet tonight because they had like five eggs in it instead of a couple of egg yolks.

Q: They just got your eggs when you went there with tomatoes and whatever?

A: Well, I gave them different recipes. You can create your own way. More eggs, less eggs, more meat, less meat. More tomatoes.

Q: Their meat is all grass-fed in Thailand.

A: Well, it all depends where they get it from. Anyway, I'm not going to go into Thailand. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: People who usually get nausea after eating a cream shake or a milkshake, their liver, spleen, gallbladder, or pancreas, and it's usually gallbladder, I mean usually pancreas, and liver are dumping into the stomach poison, so it's a good detoxification. Eat a little cheese before you start drinking it, or a little cheese after, or in between. It'll absorb those poisons and make you nauseous. Remember, nausea is always an indication that poisons are dumping into the stomach. Period. That's always what it is. You want them to dump there. It's the best place for them to go, because the hydrochloric acid can neutralize it. The American Indians, if they ever got, let's say, a scorpion bite from, let's say, a black scorpion, or they got a rattlesnake bite, if there were a lactating animal around, they would drink the milk because it would pull that poison to the stomach, and it would neutralize it. The milk will absorb it, and then the hydrochloric acid neutralizes any kind of insect poison. One time I got bitten pretty badly, and there wasn't any raw milk around, so I got some hydrochloric acid, put it in a solution of grape juice, and injected it in my hip.

Q: How did you get hydrochloric acid? From where?

A: From a health food store bottle of hydrochloric acid pills.

Q: Oh, my.

Q: How about a car sickness? You know, like...

A: You can't jump off something. We're talking about nausea.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I know, but still, we're talking about one kind of nausea. If we get into nausea, we could be here all day. We have plenty of nausea.

Q: Oh, your own hydrochloric acid can come up from your system.

A: That would be great, but I was a vegetarian at the time, and I had it shortly after the surgery, so I had none.

Q: Oh.

A: There was none in my stomach. I'd have to go into my small intestines again. And there wasn't any animal for me to make regurgitate, even if I danced. Do you have a question? Maria.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Very, very true.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just do a raw diet. Make enough of those hormones. All you need is the proteins and fats. Okay. She was saying because of the pollution that we have, a lot of women and men are not producing their normal hormones because... They are producing them. But what's happening is that because hormones are higher in fat than most other substances created by the body, they go for the toxins, and the toxins go for the fat. So what it does is it turns the hormones into detoxification substances that will bind to those poisons. Then you can no longer use them as energy hormones or hormones to build bones or hormones to function normally. You don't have enough fat in your blood, especially thin women have that problem because there's not enough fat in the blood. So the body will start using those hormones as fat binders, as toxin binders, as fat toxin binders. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Is that why you get irritable when they ask you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, ask Lisa. Lisa sent you. She said once she gained all that weight, she's not a bitch anymore.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. And that happens to all of the women. This is the fine size right here. Laurie the fine size back there. Women who have excess will be happy, much happier. Question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, one at first. Unless they're related.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She has no mucus life in her stomach. So anything that goes in there, hydrochloric acid starts feeding away on her stomach life. She needs to spend a month eating nothing but about 30 eggs a day. How tall is she?

A: She's short. How tall? 5'1"? 5'2"? Okay. So she could have 25, 20 eggs a day, 22 to 28 eggs. Just stick with eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs all day long and for about 22 to 30 days. That should coat and redo the lining of the stomach. Now she's going to have some nausea because of it, still with the eggs. The eggs will prep the stomach and handle it. Another thing she could eat is colostrum, fresh colostrum, but not room temperature, I mean not refrigerated, room temperature. It's best if she leaves it out at least for 24 hours.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, what they do is they pre-steam it. 215 degrees maximum, they say. Maximum. Over 96 degrees is too much. So yeah, they do. There is one called something like Virgin Coco de Cream.

Q: Did you drink it?

A: No. Some people want to eat pre-made so they don't have to juice the coconut.

Q: James does.

A: Yeah, but that's naturally juiced, freshly juiced. This is pre-made, packaged and shipped. That one they do at about 118 degrees. So I will use it for massage, but I won't use it for anything. I will use a little bit in my primal facial body care cream, but not to eat. I've only seen it in glass. But yeah, they do package it for massage oil in plastic. Do you have a question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Not necessarily. It has carbon, it's naturally carbonated. The carbonate is [unintelligible] bacteria. You don't have to worry about it being treated. Like Perrier. Now Perrier in the early 80s or mid-80s had a problem. They weren't completely rinsing the bottles. So the benzene and the tertium was staying in there and poisoning people. But everybody rinses their bottles thoroughly. So it's not a problem.

Q: Non-carbonated waters [unintelligible].

A: All of them. Either ozonation, chemical treatment, chlorine. It's always some way.

Q: Not Evian.

Q: What about Mountain Valley?

A: Even Mountain Valley, they're ozonated.

Q: How about Pentawater?

A: Pentawater is very treated.

Q: Gerolsteiner is the only one that's okay.

A: Gerolsteiner, San Pellegrino, any of the naturally sparkling water.

Q: Okay.

A: Trinity is a treated water.

Q: Evian.

A: Ozonated isn't great. It's not severely harmful, but it's not great.

Q: What about Evian? Evian water.

A: Evian, I haven't investigated those lately, but they used to be fine. They used to not treat it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Distilled water is the worst water you can drink. You will just rip your system to pieces because it's the hungriest water. It leaches everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's different. That's high in bacteria.

Q: What is it called? Rainwater?

A: Rainwater.

Q: Rainwater.

A: Rainwater is full of bacteria. That's a different kind of distilled water. But still, it's not a good idea to drink a lot of rainwater either. What does rain do? Rain goes down and dissolves the rock in the ground so the plants can eat. That's what it does. If you drink too much water, it will dissolve and leach the nutrients out of your digestive tract and blood. When you're going through a detoxification or downsizing, if you have a problem losing weight, water can be helpful to dissolve some of that garbage. If you lose weight quickly, you don't want to have much water. I don't say no water. I say keep your water intake low.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Because minerals are magnetic and they're concentrated. So you have poisons in your skin, and your lymph system throws more poisons off through the skin than anywhere else in the system. The lymph system throws off more toxins than any other part of the body. You throw toxins off into the tear ducts, into the gums, the tongue, the salivary glands, the earwax, the mucus, all throughout the body, the urinary tract, females with their uterus, all that mucus dumps poisons. Poisons build a lot of mineral poisons into the nails and hair. Every part of the body is a bowel because we're so toxic. We are all complete assholes. Literally. The skin is the largest mass area that secretes these poisons as you perspire. So getting into a hot mineral bath is a good thing. That's why I used to live in a bathtub with my milk and my vinegar and my sea salt. When I was so in pain from the blood and bone cancer, every joint in my body ached. I couldn't lie on any side of my body for more than ten minutes. I'd fall asleep, wake up in severe pain after ten minutes. I could never get any sleep. So I would put two to three cups of milk in the bath, two ounces of raw, unpasteurized vinegar, and two level tablespoons of sun-dried sea salt. I could just lie in there. What it would do is, all of the pain is an electrical charge that gets up to the brain. It's all registered. For some reason, in the water, it discharges it into the water. All that pain goes into the water instead of into my brain so I don't have to experience it. So I was able to sleep. I'd wake up every hour and a half to two hours freezing to death. But I would just let some of the water out, put some more hot water in without having to add any more nutrients to the water, and I could sleep in that water for six to twelve hours. And that's the only way I was able to heal because that's the only way I was able to sleep, go into a sleep state. So that worked very well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Two to three cups of milk, two ounces of raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and two level tablespoons of sun-dried sea salt.

Q: Is that in your cookbook?

A: It's in the recipe book, I believe.

Q: Can you add clay?

A: You can, if you like. It might be a little bit more drying for your skin, but that's okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I'm still investigating. Right now I'm using the French green clay. That's good clay. The terramin clay is a pretty good clay. It's from the desert, the California desert. Some of the areas where they mine it was from a thermal bed that was about active maybe 900 years ago or so. So some of those minerals are still cauterized. So I'm experimenting with some of it, eating some of it, just to see what it's like. Because it may have had enough bacterial activity to where that cauterization has reversed itself. But I'm not going to say positively it is. But you can use it as a mask, you can use it in your bath, you can use it as skin application, whatever you like. Pardon? No, you have to get it off the internet.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, terramin. Green clay, you can get it at any of the health food stores in the bulk department. Well, let me put it this way. I've gotten it at Co-Opportunity, I've gotten it at Erewhon, and the Whole Foods at National and Bering. They all have it in the bulk department.

Q: This is dry?

A: Yeah, this is dry. Then you mix it in and make a paste of it and leave it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, put it in the juice. What I do is when I'm putting some clay in the juice, bind with, say, some poisons in the juice, I blend the foam with the honey. I'll put the clay in that, and when that's all mixed in, I pour it into the rest of the juice and stir that.

Q: On the mineral bath, some people are more alkaline, some people are more acidic.

A: It doesn't make any difference. In that bath, it'll pull out. The vinegar, when you put the vinegar in it, that adds some acidity. Almost all of the minerals that are sold are on the alkaline side, so that's why I put the vinegar in there, to make sure that everybody's got a good balance. Not over-alkalinized or over-acidic. The skin is naturally acid, so you want it acid. But you don't want it acid from the 192 chemicals in the tap water. Do you have a question?

Q: I have a question. [unintelligible]

A: Did you read in the new recipe book? I say if you mix lime juice with the coconut cream right away when you get it home, blend it in there, it'll keep for six weeks. Twenty-one days to six weeks. I've had it even last three months. Just when you get it home, put it in eight-ounce or four-ounce jars with the lime juice in them.

Q: How much lime juice?

A: I use about two tablespoons for eight ounces. A tablespoon for four ounces.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A pint is only two cups. Yes, that's two ounces. Four tablespoons for a pint. But don't put it in a pint jar. Put it in an eight-ounce jar.

Q: What I've done is I [unintelligible].

A: That's fine. Just detox you more.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a smoothie. Just more detoxification.

Q: Can you put the lime juice in fresh aloe vera juice?

A: You don't need that in aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice has a natural enzyme that is very bitter and preserves the juice. No need for that. Just keep it refrigerated. Parviz, question.

Q: I have two questions.

A: Give me one.

Q: In every [unintelligible].

A: These people are eating processed honeys and are eating toxic sugar. So, unheated honey is not a problem. There's very little advanced glycation. There's less than about 10% advanced glycation that comes off of an unheated honey. When you process honey and heat it, you've got 90% going into advanced glycation byproducts, end products.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Because you have advanced glycation end products forming. But if you have it once a day, it's not a problem. Now, if I have somebody that's very advanced in cancer, their face is falling off, I'll tell them to stay off of any kind of high sugar. Even fruit. Because they just can't afford it. They can't afford any advanced glycation end product.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Including, no, not the honey. The honey is still something. But any other fruit. Tell them to stay away from it. Go ahead.

Q: [unintelligible] But usually...

A: Not all kind. You cannot mix green vegetable juice with any other animal product except for cream or butter or coconut cream.

Q: But you know, eggs with meat, with honey, with everything is permissible.

A: Yes.

Q: How the liver can support this?

A: Because the liver doesn't have to leach enzymes. The pancreas doesn't have to leach enzymes. People who are eating cooked foods and mixing it are not... They have so many varieties of foods that need these various enzymes and they have to leach them all from the body. So if they can leach just one kind, that means you only have to build several kinds of enzymes to go out and leach. But if they've got a whole mixture of foods, they have to have a hundred varieties of these hormones that will go out and call out these missing enzymes. So again, it's with cooked foods there's the problem, not with raw. Okay.

Q: About honey. [unintelligible] Is it necessary?

A: Yes, very necessary. It's one of the most healing agents there is. Because 90% of it is made into enzymes. Enzymes are very important for utilizing, digesting and utilizing meat and proteins in the system. Very important. Also, it takes care of a lot of the sugar problems that you have. The cravings for sugars is the craving for these enzymes. So people will go off eating too much fruit. If they eat too much fruit, it's going to turn the entire digestive tract to alkaline. Meat's going to be repulsive to them. You're just going to lose. So eat honey. It's your best way out. Not with the weight loss. That'll make you crazy. Because then you're searching for too much protein. And you're not eating enough protein to utilize that much honey. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: We found some was 10,000 years old in the pyramid, and it was great and fine. I don't know if there's a limit on it. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]


Q: [unintelligible] The thing is, they think that's like a 20-year incubation.

A: You have to understand the psychology of the medical profession. They're always going to blame some animal for everything. They're always going to blame some bacteria for everything. They're always going to blame something in nature for everything that goes wrong. But you have to understand that primitive man did not have diseases. Still, those who eat primitively and eat raw meats and raw dairy have no diseases. The only disfiguration that I've seen in any of those tribes is the Fulani, who eats 90% to 95% only milk, raw milk. They have splotchy skin. I mean, they're related to the cows, you know, splotchers. But that is the only deformity that I see about them. But they're so familiar with it, it's a beauty to them. It's not a deformity because there's no disease as a result of it.

Q: So you can just live off milk and not eat meat well enough?

A: No, not us. They were raised that way. If we were raised all raw, we wouldn't have the poisons to need excess meat and all of that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's a fiction. The prion illness is a fact, but it's not because of anything natural. It's because of all the chemicals and antibiotics that they've been giving these cows for so long.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They found the folded prions, yes. And you also see, if you link the U.S. military's link to dropping bombs on these herds to test biological warfare, you'll find that those herds always were subjected to some kind of chemical contamination. And I don't know if you've done any investigation of that. The U.S. military has been using—one time they dropped it on one million people in the swamps of Louisiana. Chemical testing, biological warfare on our own people in Louisiana, one million people. Biological chemical warfare on our own people, documented.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah, they do it with chemtrails, they do it with—yeah, it's chemotherapy.

[audio cut]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Everybody's detoxing when they have an illness. Disease is always detoxification. Pain is always detoxification. Pain is swelling in the area. Swelling is always an increase of nutrients to the area. Trying to get more nutrients in there to clean the area, to cleanse the area, to detoxify, and to supply nutrients for healing. Colds, flus, no matter what it is, it's all detoxification. This diet doesn't change anything, except that when you detoxify, you detoxify properly and you heal properly. People who are on cooked foods do not detoxify properly and do not heal properly.

Q: With that, I'd like to make sense of, say, the cruise ship diseases, when people are on a cruise and some 70% of them are getting some similar illness. If the germ theory doesn't apply, how does it apply coincidentally?

A: It's not coincidental. Let's say that food had been, like the Jack in the Box incident. I linked it to they didn't clean out at the factory when they were grinding the meat. They did not clean out the benzene out of the grinders properly. So when the meats got through, that whole 225-pound block of ground beef was affected with that benzene. Who are they going to blame it on, though? What happens when you put poisons in the body? You create bacteria to eat the degenerative tissue. So, of course, you're always going to find salmonella or E. coli or campylobacter in the presence of degenerative tissue. So instead of saying, well, the benzene created the damage to the cells that caused the reaction from the body to need these bacteria to break down that degenerative tissue, they point right to the bacteria as the cause. And it's not the cause. It's the chemical that's the cause. If it were the bacteria, man would have become extinct a long time ago. We haven't had refrigeration for about 100 years. I mean, I remember when I was still a kid, they were bringing blocks of ice in at the farm. Blocks of ice. We had iceboxes. True iceboxes. So bacteria's been with us a long time. Like I said in my milk report, they used to feed babies in hospitals who were highly contaminated and diseased.

[audio cut]

A: That was 300 million parts of pathogens. 300 million parts. They only allowed 10 of them in to milk now. 10 parts they won't allow. And they were feeding children, infants getting well who had some kind of infant disease. They had 3 million parts.

Q: When was this? About 50 years ago?

A: About 60, 70 years ago.

Q: 70 years ago.

A: Document.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I mean, I don't suggest somebody go out and eat a half a pound of high meat and they haven't been on the raw diet for very long. That can cause a massive detox. Because what is that bacteria going to do? They're going to go and start eating up all your dead cells. And if you have that much waste product dumping at one time, it's going to take your full body's energy. And you're going to have diarrhea, you're going to have vomiting, you're going to be floored. So you want to be rational about what detoxifications you promote. And that's what I'm going into in the next book.

Q: I've been talking to somebody who, by the way, she ate 200 pounds, I told you, of the high meat. Almost within a very short time. And she's still been fighting sickness and vomiting and pains in her hips.

A: 200 pounds or 2 pounds?

Q: 200 pounds.

A: 200 pounds of high meat?

Q: Yeah, within a very short time.

Q: Wow.

A: Take her 200 days to eat?

Q: I mean, she had a lot, she was raising animals. I don't know if it was 200 pounds, but I have to make sure.

A: I'm not sure I would believe that story.

Q: But I mean, she's still, since 1993, in pain and going through vomiting and diarrhea. Since 1993.

A: Did she eat that much in a short period of time?

Q: Yeah, she was eating her own pieces.

A: Was she eating it raw?

Q: Yeah, raw, right.

A: Since 93?

Q: Yeah.

A: I'd have to question that. Anyway, we can't argue about it. That person isn't here to tell their story. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The only thing that can be mixed with green juices are fats. And those fats should be butter, cream, or coconut cream only. No olive oil or anything like that. It's too abrasive. And clay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I don't use that for detoxing. I use it to bind with, in case there's some kind of pesticide or residue in there. Marlene, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Hold on, can somebody give me a glass of milk, please? Is there any milk out there? Go ahead.

Q: And I expected to be there for about an hour in the morning. All I had with me was green juice. Something happened. I was held over there all day. There are areas of this city, you could drive for 15 minutes and all you'd see are [unintelligible]. I've been driving and driving. All I could find was a coffee shop. I'm stuck there all day, and I need to eat something. What would have been the least [unintelligible]. There are very, very rare hamburgers.

A: Okay, when I did that one time, I went to In-N-Out Burger, you know, In-N-Out Burgers. They're the only ones that don't freeze their hamburgers. They would not serve me the hamburger without the bun. So I said, give me the frigging bun. So I took it off the bun and ate the hamburger. However, I always, I don't care if I'm leaving the house for two hours. I take food for at least 12 hours, sometimes for 24 hours, because you never know what's going to happen. Car could break down. You could go to jail for some reason. You could get a chemical spill on the street. What's going to happen? You don't have your food. I always am prepared because I've had too many situations like you just described.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Like I said, the best alternative would have been to get it raw.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: They don't freeze it, right?

A: They don't freeze their meats, yes. Question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Are you drinking it cold or warm?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I rest my case. Whenever you drink cold milk, what happens? Your stomach shrinks, contracts. When your stomach's contracted, you can't secrete, build and secrete hydrochloric acid. So what happens? You have unprocessed sugars and unprocessed proteins move into the duodenum. They go right into the blood, undigested. Then the liver has to try to handle the situation or the pancreas, and that'll cause some cramping. Let's say the time before you drank it cold, but you didn't have the reaction right away. So the next time you drank the milk, all of a sudden the body's going to deal with that undigested protein that's sitting in the liver. So I tell people not to drink cold milk. Don't do it.

Q: What is the minimum [unintelligible].

A: Minimum I would say is if you take it out right away and you put it in a bowl of warm water and it gets to body temperature, probably half hour. But if you just take it out and don't put it in warm water and you let it sit in a cupboard, put it in a dark cupboard because the light will turn it bitter. Put it in a dark cupboard and let it sit. You know, eight, ten hours.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it just isn't as tasty. You can also make some bad breath.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. There's a certain bacteria. There's a certain bacteria that reacts with gums, bone, dental bone, and dental nerves and causes it to detox heavily. That's why it creates a bad breath. It's not a bad breath normally like the toxins that get into the blood. The gases from the stomach get into the air passage, and then when you secrete it out the lungs, that's one kind of bad breath. But the particular bad breath from bitter milk is usually breaking down the toxicity in the nerve tissue or the bones, in the mandibles, and it secretes out the gums along the teeth and that creates a foul odor.

Q: Is about 60, 70 degrees okay? Is it got to be up to body temperature?

A: No, it depends. If you let it sit for eight, ten hours at room temperature, 60, 70 degrees is fine.

Q: But it's got to sit longer?

A: The cooler it is, the longer.

Q: Oh, I see.

A: Okay, where were we? Right there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Who's oil?

Q: The CO2 extracted.

A: CO2 extracted?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but with the friction they heat up to somewhere around 118 to 130 degrees.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, that would be wonderful.

Q: If it's under what?

A: If it's under 96 degrees, oils are fine. It takes about 96 degrees to start cauterizing the phosphorus. Somebody also asked me to... Oh, and those people who came late, is Teresa around here somewhere? Teresa left? Okay, then Lori, would you take care of the people who came late to collect $25? Okay, thank you. Somebody asked me to talk about venereal diseases and sex. Sexually transmitted venereal diseases. In my research, there's only two categories of sexually transmitted venereal diseases, and that's documented, experiential, not philosophical and theoretical bullshit. Crabs are definitely contagious because they live on the skin. So you can be having sex with somebody and they crawl on you, you're going to get crabs. The other are yeasts, yeasts that live in the skin. So if a woman has a yeast infection or a man has candida and your perspiration gets on each other, those yeasts can transfer to the other because they live on the skin. But AIDS, HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, it's all bullshit because they have to pass through five membranes after they get through the mucus, which is eight to ten layers. Then they have to fight the white blood cells if they get into the blood. A microbiologist from Irvine University did a 37-page document on it that proved that one in five million chance of your getting AIDS or any other disease from intercourse. There's a moral myth out there from the moral majority that want to keep you from having sex because they believe it's against their religion that you enjoy sex. The industrial reason for wanting you to believe it is because you use condoms or you'll use spermicides or any of their products. Do you know how many people are using condoms now? Every time they have sex, do you know what a multi-billion dollar, trillion dollar a year that business is now? Forty years ago it was unheard of. They were making a couple of million a year. Now it's trillions of dollars a year. They have a reason to call things sexually transmitted. Everybody has their little angle, their little interest, self-interest to want you to believe that things are transmittable. AIDS or HIV, when they found the virus in sperm, there were only two viruses, two bodies, virus bodies. The ability of those two virus bodies to get through a woman's mucous tissue, which is eight to ten layers thick, all those mucous fibers, get into five layers of mucous membrane walls and then fight the white blood cells, impossible, ridiculous. Not even a chance in one in five million of that happens. Blood, when you bleed, you bleed outward, you don't bleed inwardly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, you're bleeding outward, you're not bleeding inward, so how the hell is a virus or a germ going to get up in there? It's not going to happen. People are getting toxic. Poisons are storing, if they're getting gonorrhea, the poisons are storing in the lymphatic system in their genitals. If it's syphilis, it's storing in the nerve tissue. If it's herpes, it's storing in the nerve endings. You have all of these diseases which are the result of toxins in that area. It's coincidental when somebody's got all these toxins building up at that particular time, and then they go have sex with somebody that's got that disease. It isn't because that person's got that disease, it's coincidental because that person's been building up the toxins for a long time in that area. All of a sudden it happens. It's like saying, well, I got struck by lightning because there were a bunch of cows in the pasture, or I got struck by lightning because there were trees all around. You've got trees all over the world, how many people are getting struck by lightning? It's coincidental that you have to be in the right place at the right time for the lightning to strike you. There's no madness to that, there's no theory to that. There's no contagious theory about lightning striking you. But they love to do it. The medical profession makes a lot of money on the bacteria theory. Their whole premise, their entire profession is built on germ theory. Germs are the cause, not toxins, not pollution, not poisons. Germs are the cause. Do you blame the vultures and the crows for the dead animals that they find? No, they're the cleanup crew. That's what parasites are, that's what bacteria is. Virus is a joke. Virus is impossible to be contagious, they're not alive. Virus is the body building solvents, soaps, to clean out the body. It's a slow, nasty, long process. It's like, let's say you had a bunch of dogs or cats to eat up this dead carcass. Your extra meat that was running around that you had left over. Or you could get some kind of an acid to dissolve it, right? And then you'd have all of this waste product and this massive amount of flu. That's how viruses work in the body. It's better to have parasites, best to have parasites. Second best to have bacteria. Virus if you have to.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Virus. Exactly. It's the last ditch savior for the liver.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Because they use so many chemical drugs that damage the liver.

Q: They use drugs.

A: That's why the War Department used AIDS on them. AIDS was created in the laboratories at UCLA in 61 and 62. They were creating it to create cancer in animals so they could study cancer. That information was given to the War Department. All of a sudden in the late 60s and 70s it started turning up, mainly in the gay community. 90% in the gay community because the gay community was using poppers. Which is amyl nitrate to bring you out of a seizure if you went into a heart attack. They were using speed, methadone, all kinds of drugs, damaging their livers terribly. So they'd get severe hepatitis because they'd have so much degenerative tissue in their livers that they'd have to acquire some kind of radical detoxification to save the liver. Hepatitis was it. So they infected the hepatitis B vaccine that was given to 90% homosexuals. Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City. Documented by Strecker and I mentioned the book in my first book called the Bio-Attack Alert documented it.

Q: Rock Hudson was on drugs? He died of HIV and AIDS?

A: No, he got a transfusion. So you can get a disease if you go to get somebody's blood pumped into you, definitely. Because that's a direct inundation into the system. And a lot of people got it from transfusions. People who had the disease and gave their blood and other people got it. That's why only 10% of the population who had liver problems were getting the hepatitis B vaccine. And that's why they were getting it. But of course the government and medical professionals are not going to tell you the real reason these people got AIDS. And this one British reporter linked the smallpox vaccine that was given to 75 million Africans. Had the AIDS virus infected in it. What did they have in mind? Bush and his crew and Reagan and the crew. What did they do? They created a medical disaster. They came to the United States and other governments for help. What happened? Well, if we're going to help you with this AIDS disease, we need to control your resources. This is going to be a lot of money. So the World Bank is going to run your country. So what did they do? They got rid of the welfare class of people. So they didn't have to spend money on them. And acquired access to their resources. Their diamond mines or gold mines. It's all about money. There's some people that don't give a shit about human nature, spirituality or anything. And the Bush family is heavily into it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It can be passed through blood if you're getting it. In any disease. It's not an exception if you're getting transfusion.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. No, it is not. According to the documentation, no. It was created by nature. But not the composite of it. Dr. Strecker, who was trying to discover how AIDS was, what AIDS activity was, kept fractionating. If you fractionate a virus, I mean a bacteria cell, there are compounds that they put on it. And it fractionates into five parts. Like I come apart at my joints. I've got six parts. Cells like that go into five parts. That's always the way we react. These cells were dividing. Splitting in two. After a thousand, he says, wait a minute. This is man-spliced. This is man-made. Only man-made react like this. So he took the two opposite sides, fused them together and found out he had the lymphonomic virus of a cow. And the leukemic virus of a sheep. Those two diseases were put together. That's not natural in nature.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The leukemic virus of a sheep or bacteria. So they spliced it together. And that's how he found out who made it. Because he took the two names of those diseases, those animals' diseases, and put them together in 15 different combinations. He happened to be in Los Angeles at the time, so he went to UCLA. The first name that he picked in combination that might be called popped right up on the computer. At UCLA. Then his brother, who was an attorney, tracked it. And that's what the books about. Bio-attack alert. Documented. And a Wisconsin or Minnesota senator that helped him get that information from the War Department, both of them were dead within three months. Suicide. Neither of them was suicidal. Kind of like the Kennedy stuff. But it's happening out there. There are greedy people and there are people that think that we're all ants and we're not worthy. They're running the country and they're important. Because they're running the country. And they think that their judgment is the correct judgment. They are gods.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Toxins form. Collective toxins. Toxins that collect in your body, create malfunctions, create degenerative tissue. Places where disease forms. The more toxic you get, the more advanced your disease will get. It's not a natural one, so it's like an unnatural antibiotic that's put into your body. It's not natural. It will have degenerative effects on you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, I'm saying there is natural disease. Toxins, yes. Correct. All of them are natural. But if you weren't eating cooked foods, you would never have any kind of toxin. And if you weren't exposed to pollution, chemical pollution, industrial pollution, there would be no disease. Sugars were full-blown in those days. Sugars came in heavily in the late 1800s. It was considered classy and panache to have candy in your home. Because you had to be rich to afford candy. So people would eat candy and think, oh, I'm so terrific. What they were doing was poisoning themselves faster than anybody else. That's why the rich children were always more unhealthy. They had more eye problems, they had more physical problems, they were weaker, punier. Because they got all this medical attention and they got all this bad food. It was elitist.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Let me tell you, there's lots of dogs and cats out there and other animals who interbreed all the time and don't have those problems.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That wasn't, it was coincidental again. It's like bears come out of hibernation. Bears aren't contagious. You know, you have certain times of the year, certain climatic conditions that are just right for certain virus and bacteria. The virus, the body will build them, and the bacteria, the body will breed them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, only if they had a liver problem.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If they have toxins in the liver, that causes the detoxification, where they will naturally be utilized.

Q: So something like the Black Plague, where whole populations almost were wiped out? There must have been heavily toxins.

A: You have to understand that it was like England, in the highly populated areas, there was no refrigeration. They would cook their foods, they would keep them because there was no refrigeration. High rot, high amounts of verotoxins from these bacteria and molds that would feed on the food, and they would just keep loading themselves with toxins as well as the byproducts of the bacteria eating these cooked foods. They would get so inundated that everybody would break out about the same time. It's like me filling, you know, I've got a whole tray of, let's say, 50 jar bottles, and I'm filling all at the same rate. They're all going to spill over at the same time. So you're going to have an epidemic, a plague. And it's always somebody else who did it, not their bad habits. Yes. Hi, Susan.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, just remember that you cannot, viruses are not alive. It's a solvent that your body makes. It's like I've got the same soap in my house as somebody over there and everybody else. Everybody's got, let's say, what does this say? Let's say the typical soap, Tide. Everybody's got Tide in their house. It's a solvent. That's a virus. It isn't contagious because everybody has it, because everybody's produced it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's your obvious. That's as obvious-

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but their description may have been very, very doctored or very, very polished. It's like I got a documentation from Pennsylvania, and they were blaming raw milk on this epidemic. Now, they said that 95 people- Kathy, you have to go around. Close the door all the way so the bugs don't get in. Thank you. They were blaming the raw milk. They said that 90% of those people who got sick had consumed the raw milk. What about the other 10%? What did they eat? Why did they get it, and they had no contact? Why did they get it at the same time as everybody else? You're saying it's very obvious. It's not very obvious. No, it's their belief that makes them distort information.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have it systemically. If you have it, you have it systemically. The nervous system is the most active passageway in the body. It moves faster than lymph and blood.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Again, you're talking about a virus. A virus is a protein body. It's not alive. There's no contagious. You cannot have something that replicates itself by manufacture. This is not a breeding substance that multiplies. It only replicates by manufacture in the body. That's the whole fallacy about it. That's why people get so caught up in the belief system. They don't look at the rationale. How is virus formed? It's not alive. How does it reproduce? How does it replicate? Because the body makes it, just like we bodies make soap to clean out the system. It is not that way. If the child eats what the parents are eating, and that child was produced from a parent with a very toxic, with lots of toxins filled up in the nervous system, and that child had the same kind of system, born to that same kind of system, they will get herpes. It may be simply coincidental that the parent noticed it when they had one at the same time. Oh, I kissed the baby. I gave it to the baby. You didn't get it from kissing the baby. You gave it because you caused the baby to have toxins in the nerve endings. It wasn't the kiss that did it. It wasn't the contagion that did it.

Q: Could there be a toxin, though, that's transmitted, and then the virus will react? You know, like if you give your neighbor some dead meat, and then the vultures come. Maybe you're not, the vultures aren't contagious, but maybe you're transmitting the toxins somehow.

A: Okay, you have to look at where they'd have to penetrate. You bleed, you bleed out. Sores, you seep outward. You don't seep inward. So how's it going to get in?

Q: Maybe there's some other kind of toxin that is transmitted.

A: Yeah, you're looking at a myth.

Q: Well, it just seems like...

A: It's like if I take water balloons and try to throw them through a house, it's not going to happen. That's a myth. Maybe the house has a leak in it sometimes, and you happen to be throwing water balloons at that particular time, and all of a sudden a water main breaks at a particular time. Did the water balloons create that disaster, the water that's in the house? No. I don't expect a lot of you to really grasp that because you're so brainwashed, but if you take biochemistry and you really study it and understand that viruses are not alive, viruses are protein bodies and they can only be formed within a body, by a body, by a body's lymph system, as a solvent, as a detoxifier. Then you understand those protein bodies are nothing other than solvents, like we have kerosene. We use kerosene, we use alcohol to disintegrate even vitamin supplements, herbal extracts. If there were enough of those virus bodies in that blood, and the body said, oh, this is how you make those? Let me see if I can replicate them, then yes. If the body says, I like that, I want them to get rid of that nerve-ending toxicity, then it could manufacture from a blood transfusion.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If the parent is feeding the child garbage that stores in that child's nerve endings, that's what creates the herpes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do you know when herpes came about? Wait a minute, do you know when herpes came about?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. Yes, genital warts have been around a long time. Herpes really came about no more than a hundred years ago. Did they say, oh, we've got nerve-ending damage. They didn't have a microscope to be able to figure out what it was before then. There were not enough of them to do investigations. But let me give you this scenario. You've got two people dating. They go out and eat the same toxic food from the same canned foods, with all this metal toxicity, highly acidic. Let's say it had gotten botulism in it, a low grade of botulism. They started eating that. One broke out before the other one did. Not a matter of one gave it to the other. One started detoxing before the other. That's how it happens.

Q: [unintelligible] I had genital herpes for 22 years when I came to Oxford. And four and a half years of this diet, it never came back. [unintelligible] I was married the whole time I had herpes. She never got it. [unintelligible]

A: You just have to get beyond these myths. They are ingrained in you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: True testimony. Empirical evidence. Empirical evidence.

Q: And let me tell you how nice it was not to have to deal with it.

A: It was painful. Are you going to ask Mary Jo?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I think we're it. That's it. Oh, Suzanne, did you have another question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Kathy, you have to go around. Do you want to clean that stairs? It is black from people going up and down it. You have to go out and around. Thank you.

Q: A friend of mine is buying a house, and it has to be termite repair, and wants to do a non-toxic [unintelligible].

A: There's no such thing.

Q: Is there any way to deal with that problem?

A: The least toxic is gas that will freeze them to death.

Q: Nitrogen.

A: Nitrogen. Yeah, liquid nitrogen. It's a gas once it goes in. Liquid nitrogen, that is the least harmful.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can search around. You can find a lot of them now.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just remember, any time you take any kind of citrus oil and use solvent, they use a solvent that's like brake fluid to dissolve that. Once you treat it that way, it is a highly reactive toxin. I don't care where it came from. Turpentine is made from oils that are extracted like that from pine needles, and also they have paint thinners that are made from orange peels, the orange oil in it. Once they treat it that way, it is a highly active toxin. These companies love to tote it as natural, because then they get you to buy their product. It has nothing to do with natural.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: $50. $50 in milk.

Q: We need the money. If everybody could still buy organic pasture milk in glass bottles, and they didn't have to return it, and they could just recycle it, how many people would go for that?

Q: Oh, you don't want to have it returned?

Q: We didn't say that. We're just asking you a question.

Q: We're just asking you a question.

Q: Because you get the money back.

Q: You're not charged for the money in the one that's here. The glass bottle was free that time. You're not being charged the dollar.

Q: Oh.

Q: That's correct. You don't have to wash it. I'm only asking the first question. If you still could get it in glass and you didn't have to pay the dollar, would you like it that way?

A: Sure. Well, just look at it this way. If that bottle is melted down again to form into another bottle, the amount of toxins that are produced would make two more bottles, two fresh bottles. So the toxins are double-fold. So it's better to take them and recycle them, not recycle them, to reuse them. You're using a lot less toxins to clean the bottle than you are to melt that bottle down and to remake it into a – because of the carbon monoxides that are produced and the other – see, they have to sterilize those. They have to clean that glass, that molten glass. They have to clean it. And to do that, it takes chemicals.

Q: We have three full-time people washing bottles because it's very, very hard to get residues off the bottles. And then it goes through a sterilizer after that. That's where our sterilizer emissions actually have residues that are not a – it's not a filter. [unintelligible] And that's extremely hard to get off. [unintelligible] And for distribution purposes, somewhat environmental issues. There's a lot of chlorine. Is there a tradeoff between what you're saying and what he's having to use and all the chemicals that are being used?

A: Yeah, but when I was investigating years ago, because that question was asked to me by Altadena way back in the 70s, you know, when they went into – they went from glass to paper, paper to plastic. And the toxins were a lot more to melt that glass down and to remold it. Because you have to have these chemicals that line the molds to keep them from–

Q: [unintelligible] it goes into [unintelligible].

A: Well, there are many places where it goes. There is some that goes into asphalt. And what they call macadam. And it does.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right.

Q: Would you be mad at us if we went to a factory that got a lot of plastic?

A: Well, I certainly wouldn't like plastic because they have the BPAs. You're just talking about glass. You know?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No.

Q: No, you didn't see the round bottle. It was nice. It also could be printed around the whole thing.

A: Right.

Q: Because we changed that label. I strictly would like to try to get rid of it.

A: It's just that when you add that – the reason that the – a long time ago, when they used to make square bottles, you had more product on the shelf. Your round bottle, all these round bottles, you had all this space in between where product didn't fill. But the companies liked that because they had to sell less product and make the same amount of money. So they got into that. It's heavy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you know, if you really want to know, you'd have to do a report. You'd have to find out where they go, how they're used, how they're broken down, what chemicals are used, what machinery is used, what kind of contamination does the machinery – there would be a whole investigation that I did in the 70s for that. And my conclusion was it was not good to do that. It was better. But Altadena didn't want to hear that. I mean, it's a lot of hassle.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but there's a difference between the silica that's in the sand that hasn't reached the high temperature and the molten silica cannot be biologically reused again for about two million years, because it has to go through many mold stages, like in clay, to re-break it down. You asked the wrong person. You should not have had me around. Okay, did I catch everybody?

Q: I have to compliment you on something.

A: What's that?

Q: The rice call was right on the money, buddy.

A: Yep.

Q: So, that's your first rule, I guess. Well, we'll explain what happened real briefly. Very quickly. For about a month, the taste of the cream –

A: Two months.

Q: No, about a month and a half. The taste of the cream was getting a little weird. It almost had a bad taste. [unintelligible] And he went and started buying some rice millings, which he thought would be really great for the cows. Organic rice millings. Aajonus heard this and said, you know that that's rice millings, they make gibberellic acid out of it, and that's why your product is now having this odd, weird flavor and taste to it. And, of course, Mark said, no, I didn't know.

Q: I said, duh.

Q: So he immediately eliminated the rice millings and went back.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely.

Q: Thank you for your feedback.

A: Thank you, Mark, for coming.

Q: Give us a hand here.

A: Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.