Q&A Of January 29, 2006

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: Much bigger than the one we are using at the moment. Much bigger than the Green Star.

A: Well, the Green Star, you know, this machine is four and a half feet long, you know, four feet high. It's big. It's like a green power juicer, only it's all stainless steel and big. And then there I bought a machine which can take the husk off of a coconut in ten seconds.

Q: Wow.

A: They trained me to do it, and the people who make the machinery, they could do it in three seconds, do a whole coconut in three seconds. Shell it. And then there's a machine that grates it, and then the gratings go into the juicer. So we'll have coconut cream available again.

Q: Wow.

Q: So we'll make that available once a month.

A: Probably even a better quality because we're not going to let any moldy coconut get into the mix as the other company did.

Q: Wow.

Q: So the products that we get here, you order on Friday, the first Friday of the month, and they come the next Tuesday. So that will be among them. We get all the products from James, everything that's available up in L.A., which is a lot of great products. And then you'll get the product list. If you're new on this list today, you'll get the product list that says everything that's available.

Q: You always have the right price on it for every member.

Q: It's always changing, so I can't keep up with the price list, but don't worry. Pretty much.

Q: Don't get upset.

A: Okay. Everybody notice how thin I am?

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay.

Q: Wasting away.

A: No, actually, the fat level is staying high. I'm now 20% fat. I was 22 about three months ago, so I've lost 2% fat because I'm going through a detox and a cold. But I thought that it would be five generations, about 38 to 40 years before I'd have all the old toxic fat molecules out of my body. When you eat a cooked food, the fat molecule has swollen anywhere from 10 to 50 times its normal size. So you can imagine the girth that people have. Only the tribes that eat, like the Fulanis that eat 90% dairy, do they have more girth in their bodies. But the Samburu and Maasai are very tall and very thin, yet their fat level is 18 to 20%. Because the fat molecules are very small. Well, I'm at that point now, so I'm a 30 inch waist, 29 at my low side, 33 top. So I'm a 31 right now. So in the last two years, my body has detoxed a tremendous amount out of the bone. So even my bones have shrunk, but everything's dense. This will be the ultimate skinny diet, eventually, but I don't want anybody to think that now.

Q: 35 years or so?

A: Well, I have to look at... It's been 34 years since I started eating all raw food.

Q: With meat?

A: So it took me 34 years.

Q: Since when were you eating the raw meat?

A: Well, I started eating the raw meat in 76, so that's 30 years. It'll be 30 years in September since I've been eating raw meat. And then eating raw meat on a daily basis was 82. So, it takes a while. But the raw food, you have to count from the time I started raw food, not raw meat, because that's when I stopped eating the cooked fat.

Q: Every body's going to be different, too.

A: Every body will probably be different. There's one lady who's only been on the diet 14 years, and she's trimming down. She's keeping a high fat level, like 24%. But she's really skinny now. So she did it in 14 years. She had breast cancer. So people will do it at different stages. But it took me 34. I'm not used to being thin.

Q: How interesting, because you didn't change anything.

A: No, I didn't change anything. Well, there's one thing that I changed. A year and a half ago, I forced myself to get a tape worm. And I had had constipation for 50 some years. Even on a raw diet, I'd move every day. But that first part of my bowel movement would be very dry, and it would rip my rectum. And before I went on a raw food diet, I only went every three to five days. And it would tear my rectum completely, and there was always blood. I bled for 50 some years. And when I forced myself by eating the fermented milk with the maca and the fermented sugar cane juice, I got a tapeworm from it. It kept the tapeworm for about three months. I passed about 80, 85 feet of it. Two separate movements.

Q: 85 foot long tapeworm?

A: Yes, 85 foot long. About 40 feet one time and 45 another time.

Q: So you didn't intentionally do it, but it just did it.

A: Well, I got a craving for an onion. And I just ate a half of an onion in a sitting. I said, what the hell am I doing? And the next morning, that evacuated 45 feet of the tapeworm. I thought, oh, shit. I worked all this long to get a parasite. I knocked them out with the onion because I could smell them coming out with onion juice. But then I saw a week later, I saw little sections coming out again here and there. And I said, okay, he's still around. So then about a month and a half later, I passed another 40 feet.

Q: Did it take care of your constipation?

A: Yeah, I haven't had constipation since. They never come out larger than, let's say, that, instead of the size of my fist.

Q: And what was the mechanism? Why the tapeworm?

A: The tapeworm just changed the environment.

Q: How?

A: I don't know. It's like Joel Weinstock. He gave the people with inflammatory bowel syndrome who had been suffering from 10 to 32 years, no mitigation from it. And if you know anybody who has inflammatory bowel syndrome, no matter what they eat, even if it's water, they get cramping and severe pain and diarrhea all the time. They live with it every day, every time they eat or drink anything. So it's a miserable disease. And he gave them the whipworm from the pig. Five days later, no digestive problems. It was like that. All the symptoms went away. Not even on a raw diet. They didn't change their diet. They just drank the whipworm and Gatorade, which the Gatorade neutralized the hydrochloric acid so it didn't destroy the eggs. So the eggs incubated, they got the whipworm, and resolved all their problems. Of course, they were back five, six months later asking for more worms. Because they started having problems again because they didn't change their diet. But how does it work? Who knows? There were eight scientists who came out with a report last year that followed up on his work. And they did it for, I think it was 11 years, they did the research on it. And they found that the whipworm produces three chemicals that prevent brain tumors and pancreatic tumors, and a whole plethora of chemicals that protect the body and make the environment good.

Q: Why can't they isolate those and just give you those chemicals rather than have to have those worms? [unintelligible]

A: Because the worms...

Q: It's not infectious to other people?

A: No, that's all bullshit.

Q: So when do you recommend them to people?

A: Anytime you want. Anytime you want. But it's hard, on a raw diet, it's hard to get them past the hydrochloric acid. So if it's a high alkalinizing environment that they need to be put in, see, I never thought of that. I put them in an alkaline fluid, but I never thought of putting them in vegetable juice or something like that. So alkalinize the hydrochloric acid. So it would probably be a good idea to eat some cheese first if you want to create a parasite. I have some people doing it now with some pigs' intestines to get the whipworm. And one of them did it about six weeks, no, two months ago. So I had him drink the cheese and then eat the intestine with some vegetable juice to alkalinize the system. So he has no intestinal problems within a week after eating. And another man who's 62 years old, who I've been working with for six years on the diet, like me, he's had a constipation problem. I got him to get in touch with that person who had the pigs' intestine. He said ever since he ate that, he has no problem. Just like that, just from eating it one time.

Q: Where are you going to market it?

A: It's against the law. It's against the law. It's the small intestine. Not the large intestine.

Q: [unintelligible] pork rind?

Q: It's cooked.

A: It's cooked. Pork rinds are all cooked.

Q: Skin too.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that's, yeah, the alcohol in it, the acid, will destroy any parasite.

Q: Wouldn't the health department have a field day with that?

A: Oh, absolutely.

Q: Because they're so paranoid about trichinosis.

Q: We'll isolate the trichinosis and sell it.

A: Well, Joel Weinstock did. He knows how to do it. So if you want to know how he does it, and set up your own pharmaceutical to do it, you know, you're just going to have to do it underground.

Q: Where's he located?

A: Joel Weinstock is at Iowa University.

Q: Iowa?

A: Yeah. University of Iowa. It's in the book, the recipe book. And it quotes, you know, what he found, that experiment with six people.

Q: But that brings up a good point for new people, you know, when you can't talk about this diet with people because they go freak out, you tell them anything like this, they're going to go report you to the agency.

A: No, they haven't. Nobody's got you.

Q: Your relatives think you're crazy. Your friends think you're crazy.

A: Oh, I don't care. I have the health they don't, you know, so I don't give a shit. And if they say, oh, you're going to get sick and die. I said, I've been doing this for how long now? I'm healthy and you're not? That tells me everything.

Q: [unintelligible] gonna die. Eventually.

A: As long as I die healthfully, I don't care. It doesn't matter how many years I live, as long as I live healthfully. I've been through enough pain and suffering and illness.

Q: How did you measure your fat? You said you measured your fat. What did you do to measure it?

A: There are two ways to measure the fat content of your body. There's a scale, and you put your height in it and stuff like that. And there's a way that it measures your fat level. And then there's this like a high blood pressure machine that you put around, and it's an electrofield capacitor.

Q: Yeah, a capacitive measurer.

A: And it measures the fat level.

Q: What about the ones that you hold in your hands?

A: I've never tried one of those, so I don't know.

Q: The health food, the gyms have them.

A: Oh, yeah?

Q: Yeah. 24-Hour Fitness, LA Fitness.

A: I don't go to gyms. I don't exercise.

Q: You can walk in and out for an evaluation for free.

Q: How do you know it's not a big muscle? I'm sorry, I'm just confused. How do you know it's not a big muscle? How do you know it's fat and not a big muscle?

A: Because the way they've measured it out, they're able to, the electromagnetic, the feedback, the biofeedback tells the machine, because it has a certain resonance. Fat has a certain resonance. So when it comes back, it tells how much resonance is fat, how much is bone, how much is muscle. They can differentiate that.

Q: But you think that machine wouldn't be able to [unintelligible]?

A: Well, the scale, for some reason, I don't know how they did it, but the scale works almost within a percentage or less than 1%.

Q: Well, the other way was a caliper measurer. You can pinch.

A: Yeah.

Q: And you can go on turns. A lot of people know how to do that. That's pretty simple. But that's less effective than the electronic.

A: When I was getting ill, I liked to stay up around 27% fat. So I usually looked about like 10 here. So that's the way I like to hold my weight. But in the last two years, I've been getting rid of a lot of old fat molecules that have shrunk my bones and everything to where I was when I was a teenager.

Q: Why is that?

A: Because I've gotten rid of all the skeletal structure that was built with old swollen fat molecules.

Q: So you're eating the same, just your body's changing.

A: Absolutely.

Q: You said it takes 40 years.

A: Yeah, it takes 40 years. So I've got six more years. No, no, that's, well, let's see. Of eating meat on a daily basis, I'd say it's from the time you start eating meat on a daily basis. But it may be just going raw for me. I don't know. For raw, I've been eating raw since 72. So 82, 92, that's 30 years. 34 years. 34 years. So six more years to 40. But I thought it was eating meat on a daily basis because that's when I got the real health and energy when I started eating the raw meat. That was in 76. So that's 30 years. So I really have 10 more years to go, but that's theoretical.

Q: As far as Americans are concerned, I mean, if we stayed on this diet when you started when you were 25, would you look so much younger when you're 75? Or versus, like you said, people from the tribe, I mean, would they not get the wrinkles?

A: They don't get the wrinkles. They don't look like that. They don't get all dry and wrinkled.

Q: Not they, I mean the average American [unintelligible] needs to look younger down the road?

A: Down the road, well, you have to understand that most of the toxins leave through the skin. So the skin is going to take the brunt for a long time. So it will probably be the last thing to repair and heal. However, there are some people whose skin is very important to their body, and they look like miracles. Within months of starting the diet. I mean, especially the Polynesian and the Asian men and women, they start eating this diet, and my God, their skin is just phenomenal.

Q: But a lot of them have it genetically.

A: Yeah, but you see them in their 40s and 50s, and they're all just shriveled up badly. They age faster than any other culture. When they're in their youth, before they hit 40, no lines anywhere. But boy, when they hit their mid-late 40s, they just shrivel up like a raisin. If they go on this diet, it pops right back out pretty quickly.

Q: Will your skin get better as you get older?

A: Yeah, definitely. It is. It is already. I don't have all that breakout anymore. And the lines here are getting lighter. Four years ago, I had about 12 layers of skin here. Now I only have about six. So it's half of what it was. When I lived outdoors as a vegetarian traveling on a bicycle, I looked like those Indians. I was dark skinned and had this thick skin. It was wrinkled all over. And eventually it dissolved and went away.

Q: Are those wrinkles toxins?

A: Pardon?

Q: Are those wrinkles toxins?

A: Well, it's toxins that have buried in the skin. And the skin has killed the cells and mummified the cells, so it's like leather. A lot of the cells aren't alive. You get layers of them. You're supposed to have only three layers of skin. The older you get, the thicker your skin gets often, unless you're doing laser surgery or peels and acid burns. To keep taking the layers off.

Q: I thought old people get that transparency that their skin gets thinner, and that wrinkled skin is thin.

A: That's when you get up into your 60s. Then it goes the other way. Your body starts eating its own protein. Because people of that age stop digesting proteins and assimilating proteins. So then they start eating their own body, so then the skin gets thinner and thinner. The body starts eating the bones, so they get osteoporosis.

Q: And why is that again?

A: Because they stop digesting. Digesting food so the body eats itself.

Q: You mean cooked food.

A: Yeah, it stops eating cooked food. The intestines stop digesting cooked food. They eat raw food and it changes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Mine is down to here. After the poison mushroom, mine went like this. I am experimenting with some people now with that. They're putting saliva and honey on their necks and it's working very well.

Q: Get rid of a double chin that way?

Q: Saliva.

A: Yes, saliva. I tried mixing the honey with water. It denatures it, but the saliva doesn't. And you have ptyalin enzyme in the saliva which helps break down sugars for proper absorption. So that's probably another reason it facilitates the honey. And that way you can put it on so thinly your face isn't sticky all day. Just for maybe an hour.

Q: While I sleep in the ants' kitchen.

A: It's funny. With the saliva in the honey, the ants don't bother it.

Q: No, but I tried some of that. The problem was the ants got around the honey. Because it's by the bed.

A: Yeah, I'm talking about on your body, not the honey next to your bed.

Q: So what kind of percentage saliva?

A: About 50-50. Maybe a little bit more saliva. And it also keeps the lips from drying. Very wonderful. Better than butter or any other.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: It's a humicant.

A: Yeah, very nice. Okay, we're going to start questions and answers now. So let's begin here.

Q: Yeah, the question I have is, I see in your book it talks about slowing down a detoxification. It talks about the bath. Do you recommend that me doing the baths? [unintelligible]?

A: Well, the baths, you have to understand that we've eaten vegetable oils. Most of what we've eaten is vegetable oils because of the propaganda. Margarine and all that garbage. Propaganda was that hardening of the arteries and hardening of tissue came from cooked animal fats. Get off of animal fats, have margarine and vegetable oils. Well, your vegetable oils, especially your hydrogenated oils, crystallize. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, the same molecular structure as plastic. That's how plastic is made. So it's absolute bullshit what they've been telling us. Vegetable oils cause hardening of the arteries. Humans' body temperature is about 98.6 or lower. Herbivores who eat vegetables with vegetable oils have body temperature about 101 degrees. We will not stay that warm. So, vegetable oils in the human body have a tendency to dry out at lower temperatures and crystallize. And that's what causes hardening of the arteries and multiple sclerosis, along with iodine and a lot of other problems. So, vegetable oils is the culprit. To get that to melt in the body, to be able to dissolve it by the lymphatic system and discharge it from the body, it takes heat. So you have to get in the bath and stay a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Take a walk afterwards, about a 45 minute walk. Before you get in the bath, like I say in the book, you have pineapple, coconut cream and some honey. Drink that mixture with a little bit of butter and cream too, dairy cream. You drink that before you get in and right as you get in. Then you take the 45 minute walk and you're going to feel as limp as a noodle. You're not going to feel like taking any walk when you get out of that bath. So you move very, very slowly because the blood sugar will be very low. Because you melted that stuff and it started perspiring out of the body. So the blood sugar is going to be very low, so you have to move in slow motion. Out of that bathtub, onto the toilet seat or a chair, and it shouldn't be far from the bath. Dry yourself slowly, bundle up in very warm clothes like you're going out to the snow. Just stay very warm for your walk and you take a very mild 45 minute walk.

Q: Could you get the same results from sweat lodge?

A: Sweat lodge you have lots of carbon monoxides from burning the ashes and the herbs and burning the rocks. When I do sweat lodges, I lay back flat on the floor, flat on the ground. You've got a 12 inch to 16 inch layer of good air that stays there. The smoke doesn't come down below that. It just seals it. So I'm down there breathing, everybody's up there in that smoke and the steam and suffering. I'm down there on the ground enjoying the better air. But still it doesn't get as hot there so there's not as much sweating. Steam bath, the problem is you've got the steam that goes and burns the mucus membranes. So that's not very good. It causes blisters and all kinds of problems. It thins the mucus too much. Saunas are too dry. They burn the mucus membranes all the way down the system. And because it's dry, when you perspire, the toxins that come out with the perspiration get dried right into the skin. So if you do saunas, you have to go out every three minutes and rinse off thoroughly and then come back in. You can't get the body heated up deeply into the lymph system and the connective tissue unless you stay in that heat for 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

Q: I have a question on this. [unintelligible] 911, the firemen all got better [unintelligible]

A: It helped. Well, they were drinking a lot and discarding a lot, but they weren't on a good diet. And eventually, you know, their skin would have been worse. They got better internally, but their skin would not get better, nor did their sinuses.

Q: How about [unintelligible]? You get all heated up, you're working out?

A: It doesn't... You don't get hot enough. Take your body temperature, and you may get up to 99.5 degrees. But you've got to hit 101 degrees. So that water temperature has to be minimum of 101 to 105. And you have to keep it at that. So you have to let the water out about every 15 to 20 minutes, some of it, about three inches of it. Put scalding hot water in, and also the mixture that I suggest of the milk and the vinegar and the sea salt in there, or epsom salt in the water so it will help pull out the toxins and keep the water warmer for a longer period of time.

Q: Do you ever go hotter?

A: You just can't stay in it that long. If you go really hot, you just can't stay in it. People are out in 35, 45 minutes if they get it too hot.

Q: How long should you stay in it?

A: 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

Q: I fell asleep in just two hours, just a few nights ago.

A: Yeah, but the water cools so much.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, so you have like a jacuzzi.

Q: No, no. But I just got it out and fell asleep again for another 20 minutes.

A: Oh, I see. And you just kept waking.

Q: So I did two hours.

A: Yeah, that's great.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, they absorb the toxicity in the water. If you have well water, you don't have to worry about the milk, but it still helps soothe the skin as the poison, minerals and toxins come out. That little bit of fat in there keeps the skin from being damaged and drying too much. Coconut cream, it is helpful.

Q: But if the bath water is absorbing the toxins from the water, when you stand up and it coats your body, are you then putting the toxins on your skin?

A: No. Because it stays in the oil. It doesn't get reabsorbed into the skin.

Q: So you don't have to shower off, right?

A: No, you don't want to. You don't want to shower off. You just take a... What I suggest that you do is take a silk or a cotton cloth, and after you've been in there, right before you're ready to get out or even while you're in there after every 20 minutes, just wipe the dead skin off. And then when you get out, you might get all down to several layers of the dead skin, so you'll have all fresh, live skin on the surface. And it will have some moisture if you have the coconut cream and the milk in there, so your skin won't be dry.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah.

Q: If your hair's got smelly by then, you really do have to wash it out, Aajonus, don't you? You walk around with it.

A: Well, I don't have that problem anymore, but I did years ago when the perspiration was so toxic coming out of my head. I don't have that kind of foul toxin anymore that causes that moldy, smelly smell in the hair. But that's not from what's in the water. It's from what's in your body. And the milk will attach to that, and it makes it rank. So you need to rinse your hair. But I just dip down in it and wash it thoroughly, even when my hair was rank. If you get out without dipping your head down in there, rinsing your hair out in that water, your hair will be rank.

Q: Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I had a question on mercury detox. You told me I had a lot in my body. How would you go about detoxing from mercury?

A: Well, you don't want to force detoxification of heavy metals with tremendous amounts of cilantro or anything like that until you've been on the diet a year and a half minimum. If you wanted to detox heavy metals a little bit safer, you can eat oysters almost every day, like six days a week, with some beef. Like for you, it would be a cup of beef with three oysters twice a day. And that will help remove it more quickly, safely. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, what about jacuzzi? I mean, I love my jacuzzi.

A: I use a jacuzzi.

Q: I'm concerned about the chemical part. What do you use?

A: I don't use anything. I use a sand filter in mine. I have a Hayward sand filter. I use a swimming pool-sized filter, so I have to change it every five years. So it's 300 pounds of sand.

Q: It could fit into a traditional jacuzzi? Do you have to have it specially fitted or what?

A: You'd have to have it specially fitted because that filter is about this big, and it keeps that water crystal clear. It won't stop algae, but I like the algae. I let algae grow in mine. I'll just scrape when it gets... The algae is like velvet. It's like laying on velvet, so it's like wonderful. But when it gets too long, I'll scrape it out and dump it and use it in my garden. Boy, does it make the plants grow. That and raw urine, the nitrogen in raw urine. You see a fern that I planted two years ago. It has grown. It was this small in a pot. And with that algae and my urine and egg shells, it is now as big as that whole area over there of that garden. Just one fern. It's growing everywhere. My roses are like this big when they were originally this big. It really works.

Q: So you put milk in your jacuzzi or not?

A: No. Don't need it because I've got well water. But if I did, didn't have well water, I would put coconut cream in it.

Q: That wouldn't foul up the [unintelligible]?

A: No.

Q: It wouldn't?

A: It doesn't.

Q: What about a cup of vinegar?

A: Vinegar would be okay.

Q: That kills it. That knocks down the chlorine and the chemicals, right?

A: Yeah. If you're using regular city water, you need something.

Q: I know. When I go to [unintelligible], I bring vinegar.

A: Like I said, you just dump vinegar in. I used to go to those deprivation tanks. And boy, they've got salt and chlorine galore. So I'd take a bottle of vinegar and I'd dump it in there because I'd go for six, eight hours at a time. And they would say, boy, you're really rank. Boy, it smelled like some kind of acid shit in there. I said, well, you clean them out every so often anyway, so clean it out after I get out because I don't tell them I put vinegar in it because I don't want to get in all that chlorinated water. And the vinegar neutralizes the chlorine.

Q: So if you go to a friend's house, you bring your vinegar and dump it in?

A: Well, when I used to go to swimming pools, I would do that. I would take a couple cups of vinegar.

Q: But if you're neutralizing it, then the stuff's going to start growing in it again.

A: No, vinegar stops that from growing. Vinegar stops algae and everything else from growing.

Q: So you could just use vinegar in your [unintelligible], maybe?

A: Yeah, but it could dry your skin a little bit too much. So you might want to put some coconut cream in there.

Q: So you could just use regular water, city water?

A: If you use just, well, if you're using a sand filter and vinegar, you'll be fine. You just have to neutralize the poisons in the city water. LA has 192 chemicals in the water. San Diego has 168 chemicals in the water.

Q: So to neutralize the chemicals in the water, the vinegar alone will do that?

A: It will help. That's why when you want to neutralize them completely, you need a high calcium and other minerals, and that's what comes with the milk. Or you could use, if you don't want to use that for your jacuzzi, you could use Epsom salt and vinegar.

Q: Oh.

Q: So the sand filter doesn't have to be in the jacuzzi? Or is it something that you just put on the outside?

A: Put it on the outside. It's like, you know, I got my jacuzzi, it's 10 feet in diameter, it's concrete, poured concrete. I keep it, you know, there's a center section, there's a seat level, if a lot of people are in it. But with just me, you know, I go in it every day, almost every day when I'm in town. I just keep it only just above the seat level. So I'm down in the center section, which is about, you know, five, about five foot diameter. So if the heating bill isn't high and I can heat the thing in an hour, instead of, you know, six, seven hours if I've got it full. It's about a 500 gallon jacuzzi if it's full. But 14 people can fit in. When it's small, three people, four people can fit in comfortably. When I have it on the low level.

Q: So there's a commercial system.

A: This, you know, let's say the jacuzzi's here, my whole filter system and heater are in a separate house that was built probably 45 feet away from the jacuzzi itself. But I keep mine outdoors.

Q: So that the commercial chemical things that you can use to treat jacuzzi, but...

A: They're bad for your body.

Q: They're really...

A: They're bad for your body.

Q: What about electronic chlorinators?

A: Electronic chlorinators work off of turning salt into chlorine. The chlorine that doesn't have a chloroform vapor, those are fine. I will swim in those every day if I had that.

Q: What is that?

A: But...

Q: Electronic?

A: Yeah. They have... If you put salt in the water, they've got an electronic field that sends a signal through the water. And it turns salt into a more natural chlorine that does not have chloroform vapor. And just use sea salt. If you're going to do that. Those are good for swimming pools. Or, you know, small pools. You know, if you're using a jacuzzi or something like that. It's fine. But if, you know, you've got a lot of chemicals in the water, you're still going to need something to chelate with those chemicals if you're using city water.

Q: How about daily showers of city water?

A: Same thing. Same thing. I would never take a shower. I always take baths. When I was living in the city and having the city water, I always took baths only every two, three days. And always put my milk, my vinegar, and my sea salt in the water. I found that putting, you know, two, three tablespoons of coconut cream in there really makes the skin nice. That's what I would use now if I had to do that. But I have my own well, so. Do you have a question, Ken?

Q: What about raw, unheated, organic chocolate?

A: It's fine. Cocoa beans and the nibs.

Q: You have little nibs.

A: Yeah. I have, you know, I made, I've made chocolate. I've got a chocolate recipe for that. I don't know if it's in, I don't think it's in the book. But I make ice cream with it, you know, orange chocolate ice cream. And that's fine.

Q: What's the recipe?

A: Just don't do it too often.

Q: What's the recipe?

A: You'll have to email me for it. I've got it, you know, it's called the orange, I've got an orange ice cream and orange cheesecake. Chocolate orange cheesecake.

Q: Don't do it too often with the chocolate because why?

A: Because it's still high in theobromine and caffeine. It can cause irritability, cause diarrhea, it can cause hyperactivity if you have it too often. But if you're making the chocolate the way I said in the book, if you let it ferment like I suggest, it tastes like rum and chocolate. And I love rum and chocolate.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, no, chocolate. The actual cocoa beans, raw cocoa beans. If you have it with the butter, if you make it the way I say to make it, that caffeine's not going to be able to be released from the fat. Nor will the theobromine. And you get the taste of it.

Q: That wasn't in your book, though, was it?

A: No, this is something I created since, see the cocoa beans weren't available at that time and I wasn't finished with my two years of experimenting.

Q: You didn't get that from him, that recipe?

A: Like I say, I'm going to email them to Cynthia and then you can get the recipe from her.

Q: Thank you. Great.

A: There's a website that will be released this week or next week where I've contracted with this man to make my books available in electronic form, PDF format. So you will be able to search the whole book on your computer instantly so you don't have to go through pages, go through the index, look around. Also on the website itself, all the information that I have, published and not published, will be on that website along with all the books. So if you want to search one thing, it will give you a whole list of hits, come up like that, of information on a disease or a particular thing or a particular subject. So you have all of my knowledge at your fingertips like that. And I think subscription is only $80 a year or something like that.

Q: So how will we know about that?

A: I'm going to email it out next week.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They're selling only the elect... well, they'll sell hardback books, but it's mainly for electronic... my books in the electronic form. I've contracted for them to... that's their exclusive. And they have all of my information searchable on their website. And it's wewant2, the 2 is the numeral 2 live, wewant2live. And that's the website. You can go there now and subscribe, it's already ready. It's just that I haven't proofed it yet. And I was going to do that this week.

Q: That's great. So that means if somebody is asking me about the mercury, and I've said that you've had a test done, you've been to a laboratory and had the animals and the silk, and you've had a test done, that would be on that site, so I can check the mercury.

A: That will not be on there until I finish the detox book. That information is in the detox book.

Q: Okay. [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's everything that I can release that isn't part of the book. Because I can't release the information in the detox book because of my contract with the publisher. So then that will go on that website once...

Q: But it will be in the book too, then.

A: Yeah, it will be in the book and the website once it's on the detox book. Once the detox book is published. Hopefully in the fall.

Q: But what I was trying to get at, and I think others were asking, the information that will be on the website will be more than...

A: That's in both books.

Q: ...be more than that.

A: Yep.

Q: It will be extra.

A: Yeah, there will be interviews, interviews. He has interviews on there. People have interviewed me. The information I've given them and their questions and answers.

Q: Okay.

A: I have two years of question and answer sessions like we're having here that were all transcribed. They'll all go on the website. So that, in the next six months, you're going to have a plethora of information there at your fingertips.

Q: Can you look up one, another question about... Can you look it up? Will there be a, for instance, research on where that information comes from? Or is it...

A: If I've given that, like in the book, when I've cited it in the book, of course it will come up in the book notes or in the bibliography. You're going to have all that information at your hand without having to leaf through a bunch of books and papers and pages. It will be like going to a law library, an electronic law library, which is a dream. When I was studying law and court law and suing the city of Los Angeles and the police department... I mean, before they put all that stuff digitally, I would spend a week at the law library and get very little done. When they put all of that, all the law books on the websites of the universities, I was able to put the exact words that I wanted. I wouldn't have to read and read and look through all this stuff. The hits would just come up like that. So I was able to write documents in hours instead of weeks. So that way you'll have that information of mine. And it will keep building. And also there's going to be a newsletter that will come out every two months giving you information.

Q: That's great. That's a really good thing.

A: Okay. Ron, questions?

Q: Dry skin, causes, remedies, commercial lotions.

A: I just told you why the skin gets toxic. Poisons perspire out the body. So the skin is going to be dry for the rest of your life probably. So you have to put some kind of lubrication on the outside. Primal facial body care cream is always the best. Nutrient wise, primal facial body care cream, it's on page 145 I believe it is. In the recipe book. Somebody's recorder just clicked off.

Q: Lorraine, maybe yours.

A: The primal facial body care cream is the best. That's in page 145 in the recipe book. Next would be the coconut oil. If you're getting it from James in Los Angeles, it's the Thailand coconut oil that's made. A friend of mine, a patient of mine on Costa Maria, Thailand, has made. It's been to the home of people who make it. Watch it being made. It's perfect. Also on wildernessfamilynaturals.com they carry a Philippine fermented coconut oil. It's made the same way as we make it in Koh Samui. Which is made in the Philippines. He used to allow the coconut oil to reach about 105, 110 degrees. After talking with him for three months last year, he brought the level down to 96 degrees.

Q: Is that wildernessfamilynaturals.com?

A: Yes, wildernessfamilynaturals.com.

Q: I have that at my place if you want to get that.

A: So that's the Philippine fermented coconut oil. They have other coconut oils, but that's the only one below temperature.

Q: You just rub it in?

A: Yes, just rub it in and wipe all the excess off after 20 minutes. Put it on very thinly and it goes a long way. You really don't need... That's pure oil. In the primal facial body care cream, you've got nutrients to keep the skin, not just protect it. Oil, if you ever have just a pure oil, it is more detoxifying, but it seals off the dry air. You'll lose less moisture and your skin won't be dry. But it won't nutrify your skin like the primal facial body care cream. Alternating one day with the primal facial, the next day with the coconut oil, that's a good way to do it.

Q: What about commercial lotions?

A: Commercial lotions are all chemical. They're not food. So they poison the cells. Remember, anything that's cooked has heavy metals and toxins in it. And you read the stearates and all that stuff, and you get online, and you search out the side effects of those, they're pretty nasty.

Q: So there's no lotion...

A: There is no lotion that's raw that you can buy in the store. You have to make your own lotion.

Q: And they're not allowed to make them raw.

A: No, it's illegal.

Q: You said anything that's cooked has heavy metals in it?

A: But they're not released. See, when you cook a food, the plants eat strychnine, mercury, lead, iron, all of those elements they make food of. They make biochemical substances. And they're of value when they're in their proper ratios, and they're connected with the vitamins and proteins and minerals and enzymes. They're not a problem. But once you cook the food, you fractionate all those bonds, so then the metals are just like they are in the earth, and they're poisonous. Do you have questions?

Q: Okay, it relates to myself. Eating raw milk, raw cream, how long will I have to eat it? I'm getting too fat. I love it. How long do you think...

A: Well, the cream will put on more weight than anything.

Q: I'm going exactly by what you're telling me to do.

A: Well, just cut down everything by maybe a tablespoon at a time.

Q: I've been doing that. I have two drinks every two, three hours.

A: Well, just cut it down a little bit more. You know, ratio everything, cut it down.

Q: How long do you think I need to have it?

A: The rest of your life. I will never stop drinking milk and cream.

Q: I want to get back to a size 8.

A: Don't kid. It's not healthy. You know how good you feel now.

Q: I feel wonderful.

A: Yeah, so keep it. Who cares what you look like? You look good. I mean, who wants to be skinny and unhappy?

Q: I was skinny and unhealthy, but now I'm fatter.

A: And happy and healthier.

Q: I'd still like to be down to a size 8.

A: Well, when you've been on the diet as long as I have, you'll be skinny.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Maybe 30 years. Well, you didn't have chemo and radiation. You may do it in 15, 20 years. Or less, who knows. Like I said, the one woman that's only been on the diet 14 years. She's thin now. She's very thin. Thinner than I am, but she carries 22, 24% body fat.

Q: Do I still need the cream with the milk? Because I know there's less cream in the milk.

A: You can cut it down as long as you're not comfortable with your weight. But if you start dropping weight, then I would say, add it back. Because you're in the perfect weight right now for health.

Q: I weight more more than I ever was.

A: You're in the perfect weight for good health. In your condition. So I would say, enjoy that.

Q: Stay with the cream?

A: Well, stay with your weight. You can cut out the cream and just drink the milk if you keep gaining. But right now, you don't need gaining anymore. You're in perfect weight. Do you have a question, Mike?

Q: Yeah, it's kinda broad.

Q: I like broads.

Q: What is a sustainable world look like?

A: Well, a sustainable one is so primitive it has no cars, it has no TV, it has no electricity. That's perfect, the way the natives live. That is perfectly ecological. But the way I'm going to run the health center, we're going to have hydro power, we're going to have sun, solar power.

Q: Nuclear energy.

A: Pardon?


A: No, no, no nuclear energy. The machines will be oiled with coconut oil. Everything will be electric, powered by the sun and hydro.

Q: What do you think of these biofuels?

A: Bio what?

Q: Biofuels like biodiesel, ethanol.

A: They still have toxic vapors and they still have heavy metals in there. So it's still very toxic.

Q: Even if it's it like peanut oil?

A: It's a vegetable oil. It will harden in our systems, it will cause hardening of the lungs.

Q: That's a joke, that biodiesel.

A: Well, that's the propaganda that they're putting out there because they want to sell it and make it big. But they're, you know, everybody's looking at us, oh, it's a vegetable oil, it's got to be good. That's insane.

Q: Right, because that's still a problem.

A: Yep.

Q: So they're considering that not carcinogenic.

A: That's bullshit. Absolutely carcinogenic, probably more so.

Q: Than petroleum.

A: Than petroleum.

Q: There's that bubble.

A: Remember, anything that's made from the vegetable oil, if it's burned, that will harden quickly in the human body.

Q: One of the statements they make is that it burns up the CO2 that it uses. Or, you know, if a plant eats up CO2, so the CO2 that it produces, it burns back up.

A: They're just talking about one element of the exhaust. What about the other elements? The heavy metals, you know, the other exhaust contamination. They're just talking about one element. It's a big element, but that's just one element. The plants, they'll be fine. But will we?

Q: They're also having an issue with clear-cutting forests to plant vegetables for it to make the biofuel.

A: Yeah.

Q: They're doing it to the beef.

A: Yeah. Well, look what they did in Africa. The whole north of Africa is a desert because Egypt over-cultivated. Cut down the trees, so Egypt had a whole north continent of Africa was their agricultural bed. It's a desert because of what they did.

Q: You're talking 2,000 years ago?

A: Yeah. Thousands of years ago. Yeah. 2,000 to 10,000 years ago they did it.

Q: At one time that was all lush.

A: That was all lush. African lush territory.

Q: There are those who would argue that if you eat beef, you have to produce that many beef, which means beef have to graze on land. How can that be sustainable?

A: Well, that's if you're trying to get the cattle to graze unnaturally. You let cattle graze on whatever grows, it's wonderful. Take a look at Hawaii. My God, the grass is growing as green as this, and the cattle don't need much room. You just graze in tropical areas. Sure, you cut down forests, but let me tell you, those forests grow faster than you could cut them. The [unintelligible], they have to cut back every day. Keep that jungle creeping into their growth area. That's a little off, but when you're clearing the land completely, taking out all trees, and use chemicals, you're going to erode the land, and that's the problem. That's the agriculture. If you let grass grow and you've got cattle running around in a jungle, you've got that growing heavily. It's going to grow and grow and grow. It's not going to be a problem.

Q: People say primal diet is not sustainable, living and eating, because you need cows for milk and cream, and you need animals for meat. Do you think this is sustainable as anything else?

A: Absolutely. Can you imagine? Look at all the fields where they grow rice. Two-thirds of Thailand and Asia and Cambodia and Thailand and Malaysia and Indonesia is rice paddies.

Q: Millions of people.

Q: And they've been that way for how long?

A: And they've been eating it. If you take a cow, a cow can live off of the same land and feed more people, nourish them and make them healthier. Absolutely.

Q: I didn't realize that. I thought it was the other way around.

Q: John Robbins said [unintelligible] it has to have three and a half acres.

A: That's a myth.

Q: One example is Florida. Florida produces the most incredible meat. Just the wilds of Florida. These little crackers that we're raising out there. Just turn them loose, man.

A: Yeah, because they can eat that grass.

Q: Just incredible beef. And then it came with the dredges. When I started dredging everything, okay, we're going to grow sugarcane.

A: Just figure it this way. My family, my grandparents had a 55-acre farm. 40 cows, milking cows, and about 200 sheep, about 1,000 chickens. 55 acres.

Q: They had 1,000 sheep out of 55 acres?

A: No, no, not 1,000 sheep. 1,000 chickens. They had about 200 sheep.

Q: And 50 cows?

A: And 40 cows. Milking cows.

Q: All on the 55?

A: Yeah. Four Clydesdale horses, plus other horses. And grew corn on 30 acres. 35 acres. That fed all of those animals. All those animals. All year round. So there's a lot of propaganda out there about what is sustainable. People are making arguments. They don't know anything about farming.

Q: Before I met you, I thought John Robbins knew what he was talking about.

A: No, he's not. He's gotten the information from somebody else, and that person wasn't a farmer.

Q: Yeah.

A: Or he was a farmer from Texas where it's all desert. And you need thousands of acres for a few cows because there's not much there to eat because it's desert.

Q: If I could just interject, I grew up in South Dakota. When I grew up, it was just kind of the end of the family farm era. And it's interesting to note that my mother is 92 years old. She's living alone in her own place. And everybody's going to ask mom, what did you grow up on? Eggs, raw milk, raw cattle, all that other stuff. And all her friends, I mean, they're all in their 90s and their 100s and stuff like that. They're still living. The next generation down is dying off at 60. And there's nobody in the.. There's three counties there, there's only one dairy farm left where everybody used to have a milking cow. There's only one farm that even milks. And then of course they use corn. Nobody has enough cattle anymore. I mean, this is the biggest tragedy in the health of this country.

A: Do you have a question, Lisa?

Q: Yeah. I'm wondering about my diet. I'm wondering how, you know, what kind of like, change the diet around? [unintelligible]

A: As long as you go with those cravings and you stay balanced, that's fine. But if it starts imbalancing you, it's not the way you should do it. You should go against your instincts.

Q: What about the green juices...

[audio cut]

A: Cause more hunger. They increase digestibility. They clean the system quicker. So the body thinks, oh, I feel better. I can eat more, you know. So, you know, like somebody gave me an ostrich egg for Christmas. I didn't get it until I got back, you know, for New Year's. And there was five cups of eggs in this one egg. Five cups. Three cups of white and two cups of yellow yolk. And I ate it in less than 24 hours. And I was still hungry. I made, you know, sometimes I'll make a shake with 24 eggs in it. And I can eat, you know, that's two quarts about. Or right around a quart and a half depending on the size of the eggs. And I'll still be hungry.

Q: Yeah. So what about doing it at night? You know, I want something to eat every five hours. So I used to wake up and eat dry and do a few other things. But if I do a dry egg, I still feel [unintelligible].

A: That's fine.

Q: I have a raw egg [unintelligible].

A: Right, yeah. It depends upon the person.

Q: How many can I eat? I get nauseous.

A: Well just keep eating them until you get, you know, you're really turned on. I've eaten, like I say, I can eat a cup of eggs at a time. And then all of a sudden I start getting nauseous.

Q: Yeah, nausea is a big problem.

A: And usually a cup of eggs, if they're normal sized eggs, an egg is about an ounce and a half to two ounces, depending upon the size of the medium egg. Some eggs, you know, you get three ounces out of the big eggs. So whatever it takes to make a cup. And then that's all I can drink at a time is one cup. However, I have consumed that sometimes up to two cups at a time with no problem. Especially if I've eaten cheese first.

Q: Do you always need to have honey, butter, cream with the eggs?

A: No.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's just that the egg has a tendency, because it pulls out a lot of toxins, to dry the mouth. And lips. So put honey on your lips or eat the honey and butter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's okay. Yeah, the cream is more alkalinizing, the butter is more acidic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, well, when I travel, I always take my honey, butter, and cheese. I always take those, because I can always get eggs and raw meat wherever I go.

Q: What if you go too long without the green juice?

A: Yeah, I can't go long without it, but I can usually get vegetable juice. You know, there are health food stores that make it, and I've got clients or friends that make it for me while I'm traveling. In Bangkok, I get sugar cane juice. Great sugar cane juice. In Cambodia, they make it right on the street.

Q: I drink that in Burma, too.

Q: If you don't have the green juice can you get too acid?

A: Yeah, you get too acid.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I'm sorry, I couldn't understand.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right. No. They still need a juice once every five days. You know, whether it's one ounce or two ounces or five ounces, they just need a little bit. But I only put people on pure raw egg diets when they have a severe digestion problem or allergies with food.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it has enzymes. It's just they're detoxifying enzymes. Yes, you can drink it, and I do that as a part of the detox. That's going into the detox book. So have one a day if you want. That helps you detox all the cooked vegetables, fats that you've eaten. It helps break them down. The vegetable oils that you've eaten in your lifetime from eating your cooked vegetables that your parents made you eat. If you didn't like it, like me. I eat the fermented juice. Anytime you want to get rid of anything in your body that you've eaten cooked, eat it fermented. Now, Sally Fallon and a lot of those people that go for all this fermented foods, they continue to eat cooked foods, so yeah, they've eaten a lot of fermented foods. And only the tribes like the Hunzas, they cooked goat, and they didn't eat much raw meat. They ate a lot of raw dairy, but they ate a lot of fermented foods to make up for their cooking. They were living in a clean environment, so they didn't get a lot of disease, because the other things that people normally cooked, they weren't eating cooked. But they were having their fermentation. If you're not eating, you know, I said, Sally Fallon, "well, all that fermented food is better for you". I said, yeah, if you're a cooked food eater, definitely. So as long as you eat cooked food, you need to eat a lot of fermented food. It should be a regular part of your diet. It will help your digestion.

Q: Well, we didn't go four days on the green juice, but I can tell when it starts to turn like that? What did I do, I wanted to get [unintelligible]

A: I only suggest one a day if you're going to do that, then the others fresh.

Q: Okay, then afterwards, we'll take questions and answer [unintelligible].

A: Okay.

Q: I appreciate it.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. [unintelligible]

A: No, that's because of the toxins that are moving through the mouth, out the mouth. And remember, I've said that the nervous system and brain use more free radicals than any other part of the body. Remember, nerves function with electricity and light. What is a conductor of electricity and light? Metals. Iron, mercury, aluminum. All of those metals, which are toxic when they're in a non-bioactive form, meaning in a cooked form.

[plane flying above]

A: Probably Tom Cruise, doesn't care.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, when those heavy metals leave the brain, where most of them are contained, they leave through the mouth. The gums, the lips, the tongue, the salivary glands. That's why people get dry mouth. It's not dehydration at all. It's that those heavy metals come through and out the mouth, and the fats all from that area are pulled with those toxins to keep those toxins from damaging the body. So that leaves dry lips. But it's not dehydration. It has nothing to do with water. The best thing to do is the oils in the honey absorb into the lips the best, so they keep your lips from drying the best. But as long as you have heavy metals coming out your salivary glands, you're going to have problems on the sides of your mouth. And also those people who have a tendency to send a lot out the lips. I do, so I've always had these scars on the side of my mouth. I don't have the sores I used to. I used to have constant sores on the side. I don't have sores, but I have the scars from it.

Q: And what is your opinion on contacts or eye [unintelligible]

A: It's not a good thing to do. Thimerosal, which is liquid mercury, all kinds of toxins.

Q: Because of the pollution? They have all kinds of [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? It's still a chemical. They're using glycerin and stuff like that. It's all chemicals. I mean, if you want to try to make a solution, take distilled water and take sea salt and put it in there and use that. Distilled water and sea salt. And what it is, is take about a pinch of finely granulated sun-dried sea salt in eight ounces of distilled water or two grains of the heavier salt, sun-dried sea salt. I just keep it in the, for patients who come who wear contacts, I've got a little thing for them and I use that. I've had that solution last for over a year and a half without any problem. I put it in a small glass Perrier bottle. I don't leave it in plastic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. Yep.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't know either. I haven't experimented.

Q: How about sunglasses [unintelligible].

A: I would say, yes, it's causing you headaches or severe, you know, problems, use sunglasses.

Q: I know you recommend being in the sun [unintelligible].

A: Sun gazing and all of that, yeah. Vitamin D is very helpful for the eyes. It keeps them young and alive.

Q: Only if you're very sensitive to the light?

A: Yes.

Q: Does that cause cataracts or anything else?

A: The sun or the sunglasses?

Q: Either one.

A: No, the sun, well, as long as you have good fats in the body, the sun causes the oils, the fats in the skin to transform into vitamin D, including the cornea and in the retina. So it aids the body. But if you don't have good fats, let's say you're full of vegetable oils and you don't have any good animal fats in the body, it can cause a cancer, cataracts, glaucoma. It can cause all kinds of problems.

Q: [unintelligible] cataracts. So, you know, he's not on a good diet and I don't think it's the same.

A: I've seen them reverse on this diet in animals, in humans and other animals.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, I had a pug that was given to me. He was, he had MS, couldn't even stand up or walk, couldn't even have a bowel move or urinate on his own. His keeper used to have to rub him and he was completely crippled and he just shook. And that was his life, he just shook. And they had to hand feed him. I put him on the diet and in six months he was jumping up and down off the couch. His cataracts, he was completely blind from cataracts and deaf. In six months, half of his cataracts were gone. He could see light and enough to see the dog eat or to go where he wanted to go in just six months.

Q: Was it on the diet?

A: Yeah, on the diet.

Q: What did he eat?

A: Well, I gave him raw meat, eggs, honey and butter. That's what I fed him, twice a day.

Q: Can I ask a question? I have a dog that's 13 and he's in good health. I feed him raw meat in between the meals and I'm starting to put raw meat in with his crunchies for breakfast and dinner. Um, what else? Should I be doing this? Because he's not good, he's pretty healthy. Should I be giving him...

A: I wouldn't feed him anything but, you know, a dog in the wild is a scavenger but mainly they eat raw meat. That's their diet, raw bones. So, most dogs, is he a small dog or a large dog?

Q: No, he's 50, 60 pounds.

A: 60 pounds, well he should be eating red meat and you know, bones.

Q: I'm afraid, ok, I noticed the crunchies are wearing his teeth down so I've been putting it in water.

A: Well, then he's not good to eat. If he's already getting deterioration of his teeth, he's not in good health.

Q: Really?

A: He's not in good health. Once they start losing their teeth and his teeth start wearing down, that's a bad sign. Because all dogs in the wild don't wear down their teeth and they eat huge bones. Their teeth, their dentine constantly regenerates.

Q: Because he can barely get up, he has a hard time getting up.

Q: I give him glucosamine twice a day, I forgot...

A: Give it to the vet, shove it up his...

Q: Really? He seems like he's getting up out of his teeth better. He seems like he's walking better.

A: Just give him the raw meat, the eggs, you know, the honey and butter.

Q: Instead of the crunchies.

A: The crunchies are garbage, that's not dog food. That's industrial food that tells you it's dog food.

Q: Can you feed them, for the dogs, can you just buy the regular meat instead of giving them the...

A: You give them the worst meat you can get, I mean not the... You should give them the zealand, if you get all the garbage pieces, all the stuff that they throw away.

Q: All the organs and everything.

A: All the stuff that they throw away. I have people who have the dogs, they go to these health food stores and say, give me about five pounds of your throw away meat, fat. Yeah, you get them for 50 cents a pound, a dollar a pound.

Q: Are they frozen?

A: Not if it's a health food store.

Q: Yeah, they don't, okay.

Q: Oh, health food store, that's a good idea.

A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I was wondering if this [unintelligible].

A: Pardon?

Q: Like, if it helps with internal information, like wrong information, [unintelligible].

A: Well, you have to understand the infection is a good thing. Whether it's bacterial, viral, or parasitical. They are there to break down the toxic tissue and remove it so the body can get rid of the waste products and rebuild it to new. So infection is always important. You just need to supply the body with the proper nutrients to make sure that the detoxification happens properly and that the nutrients are delivered so that the regeneration and healing can occur. And if you've got a lung problem, eggs are the key. Lots of eggs, lots of eggs. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In fibrosis, that means the body is not tearing down the toxic tissue, the dead cells. You're mummifying them so they're hardening and getting thicker and thicker. You can't absorb oxygen in tissue like that. And if his lungs are turning into fibrosis, he's not going to live very long unless he does a diet where he can get high bacteria, where he can have a lot of infection to break it down. Stopping the infection just allows the fibrosis to get worse quicker. Eggs, lots of eggs, eggs and eggs and eggs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, how big is the person? How large is the person?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: 175 and how tall?

Q: 5'10".

A: 5'10", so he should be eating about 40 eggs a day, 40, 45 eggs a day. And honey and butter, you know, if he'll take it.

Q: How much time?

A: Well, that should get him to a point where he can eat better, maybe in about three months. Honey, butter and eggs, or mostly eggs. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, a question for my sister. [unintelligible]. Do you know what it is, what comes?

A: It's coming out at night, it's coming out of the nerves. And it's heavy metals of some kind that's causing welts.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, when I forced the detoxification with the sugar cane juice, I had welts all over. I refused to scratch them, they still turned into scabs. That's how toxic the substance was. So I took one scraping and took it to a lab. It only cost me $200. Here it's $2,300 to $3,200 for the same lab test. So I had it done there, and I had byproducts of penicillin that had been injected to my rear end. So all that was penicillin that was bound with a lot of sugar byproducts from all the sugar. I was a sugar hound because I was diabetic. You know what sugar crisps are? I put four tablespoons of sugar in with my sugar crisps. I wasn't as bad as Hitler putting sugar on top of his cake and icing, but I was pretty bad. So when I got all those injections, I had a lot of sugar products with it. So when I ate the fermented sugar cane juice, it started a massive detoxification of that in the bones, in my hip bones. My spine started getting very sore, and I got these huge welts. And I would take cold slices out of the refrigerator. I was in Vietnam at the time in a hotel, so I got stuck in my hotel for three days, just dealing with the itching. I took slices of the cold tomato and rubbed them all over the spots. And the next hour I would use cucumber, and then I'd get into a bath with lots of salt and tomato in there and soothe it. So every hour I had to do something to keep up with the intense itching so I wouldn't scratch it. But still, even without scratching it, they still scabbed over. That's how toxic it was. When you have penicillin that's from a mold, and you know what molds do to things. They eat it apart and it causes it to dry like the desert. And that's what is happening to the skin as it's coming out through the skin. So those are the things I suggest. You just have to keep treating them every hour. Tomato, cucumber, you know, and a tomato bath like I talk about, in the book. That's all external. Internal, it's the moisturizing lube formula. Lots of eggs.

Q: Eggs again.

A: Eggs again, yeah, for that. Because the eggs can help start pulling some of it through the intestines. Not sure that everybody wants that because it starts causing welts and that kind of scarring. And the intestines, if somebody doesn't produce enough mucus, they're going to have a problem. So if she has a normal, okay digestive system, doesn't have constipation, then she can eat a lot of eggs. Pardon?

Q: I don't think she has okay anything.

A: Oh, then stick with the Eggs and honey and butter.

Q: I think it's coming out from the brain.

A: Well, it's from the nerves if it's happening at night.

Q: Is it something like toxic metals?

A: Toxic heavy metals, could be metals that went along with antibiotics or vaccines. Because they put mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde in 96% of the vaccines.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Aluminum usually won't cause welts like that. You have to remember that from the time you take, you have the hives, you have to wait at least a month to take that hair. Because that's what will be thrown off at that time. The new hair coming out, that will hold the key to what you were throwing off. But if you took a sample while you were going through the hives, you would not know what's being thrown off. Just remember your hair's behind what's happening in your body. So you'll have to let the hair grow out for a month and then take that amount. You don't shave it off, you'll let your hair grow long, you'll take a clip of it. Just remember that only that small section that relates to what grew at that time is going to give you the clue of what it was. A lot of practitioners don't think. They'll go take a whole clipping of hair and say, oh well, you got a lot of mercury. Well you're talking about, did it happen last month, did it happen this month, did it happen six months ago. So they don't give you a good picture of the cycles in your body. If you're having a problem now, they're basing the past, the analysis of what your body was throwing off in your hair, from a different time. So they're not getting a proper analysis, giving you a proper diagnosis. And then giving you proper resolution. But the problem is by the time your hair grows out, it's too late. You've got to know a remedy for what's going on with the actual symptom. Joe, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I'm wondering about those lasers that they use to weigh my food like my celery, and butter, and that sort of cash register. And also I have a printer that is going down. I was recommended to buy a laser printer. Does this laser stuff [unintelligible]?

A: If you're too close, I have a laser printer.

Q: It's about six feet away, five feet away.

A: It's not a problem. If you're within two feet of it while it's on, while you're copying, then it can be a problem.

Q: What about the toner machine?

A: The laser, when you have a laser machine, it seals it into the paper. That's a better machine. You've got a bubble jet, it gets into the air. I have a laser for that reason. I don't want vapors flying in the air and getting into my body.

Q: What about those lasers at the check out stands?

A: I don't let them scan my food. I say, please don't scan.

Q: Do you have them [unintelligible]?

A: If they have to weigh something, I have them put a plastic bag with one end covering this part of the laser. And then the rest of the plastic, I mean the paper bag, covering that brown paper bag. And that seals it in. I personally put it on the scale. The glass is here, the glass is here, and I put it right behind the glass. Even though I've got it covered with the paper, I still put it behind the glass.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh good.

Q: What about the milk and stuff? You don't want that to be laser-

A: I don't let them. I say, please don't scan this. They have to register by hand, so they have to- there's this code number on there, the bar code, and they have to put that in.

Q: How bad is it if we let them scan?

A: It's not too bad. I have radiation therapy, 10 weeks of radiation therapy. So if I let my food pass over for the week, I get nauseous by the end of the week. So I don't let them scan anything. Not even water.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Don't let them scan your meat nor butter. Those are the key things.

Q: What about celery?

A: Celery is okay, it won't be a problem. Meat, butter, any kind of fat, you don't want to let them scan.

Q: What about the milk then?

A: Cream, you don't want to let them scan. Milk, you don't want to let them scan.

Q: Do they have to type the code?

A: Yeah, they just have to type the code in. So I always choose a non-busy time if I'm going to a regular store to shop.

Q: I have another quick question. [unintelligible]

A: Well, when I did experiments with those, I found that sleeping on the pad for about six weeks is okay, no more than five hours a night. Otherwise it starts pulling out too many heavy metals and too many toxins. It causes a high adrenaline and it makes you feel like you have more energy, but it causes massive toxicity in the system. So you're going to use those, you have to use them in small amounts, small periods of time.

Q: So at work, you're putting them on your back for a couple of hours?

A: A couple of hours, yeah. A day, that's it.

Q: I slept on them for a couple years.

A: You're asking for trouble.

Q: Well, I did already in the past.

A: It will probably make the skin very poor and very dry, because most of that stuff is going to come out of the skin, heavy metals. Okay, Barbara.

Q: I noticed in the last six months that you're having a lot more hair falling out than usual, and your hair has gone grayer more quickly. It's been going gray, but it's much thinner. Is this from, I've also read that the egg whites are lacking biotin. I have at least four to six eggs a day, and I've never not had an egg.

A: Okay, you read the new book, I talked about it. It's in the old book, but the spell checker changed avidin to albumin. So in this book, it's proper. Egg white has avidin, egg yolk has biotin. There are scientists that say the avidin binds with biotin and doesn't allow it to be utilized. It's utilized in a toxic body by taking biocarbons and neutralizes biocarbons and removes it from the body. Stop eating cooked food so you don't have so many fricking biocarbons. So you need to eat a lot of eggs because you've got a lot of biocarbons. So the scientists are just looking at, gee, this happens, let's not do that. They're not looking at, yeah, this has a good function.

Q: So that's not causing anything?

A: No, no, that's always heavy metals. It's usually aluminum that causes graying of hair.

Q: So how can I either speed it up or...

A: Yeah, eating raspberries with coconut cream will help pull the aluminum out in a non-toxic way. Hopefully it won't all go out through the scalp. Even with those mixtures, you know, at your age, it's going to be difficult not to keep it from turning your hair gray. Well, my hair was completely gray after chemotherapy. So it goes in... Five years ago I had a whole patch of gray here. It stayed there for about a year and a half, went back again. It goes in and out. Here this was all gray a year and a half ago. It's going back to its color.

Q: So that's going around the top there, looks like you dyed it.

A: It's going back.

Q: But that's a sort of browning look, hasn't it? I thought you told [unintelligible], you've dyed that to a browner look.

A: Well, always in the winter my hair gets dark.

Q: So the eggs, no way eating eggs white. I have never not eaten eggs every day. I've always had at least five eggs a day, four for two and a half years. Is that right?

A: That's alright.

Q: Some days I get 12, sometimes I have 18. I have never felt relief from my lungs from eating the eggs myself. I've eaten that huge amount of eggs every day for a month. And I didn't feel any change in my lungs. I'm not saying it didn't do it, but I didn't feel anything.

A: Well, it's to arrest the poisons, but if you've got fibroids in your lungs, the eggs aren't going to work that. You need bacteria in the lungs. You need foods that are high in bacteria.

Q: I'm always having my next clabbered milk.

A: Clabbered milk helps the bacteria in the intestines, not in the lungs. High meat, especially chicken. High chicken will help bring bacteria to the lungs. It helps with the lungs.

Q: How do you get the high chicken?

A: Same way. No, you don't grind it. You chop it up. Let it, it really stinks. Foul as can be. Pardon?

Q: When it gets stinky fast, [unintelligible]?

A: It's just certain bacteria is growing faster than others. The stinky bacteria is growing faster.

Q: What does it make? I open the jar and I just want to throw up.

A: That's just a certain bacteria.

Q: And so you're actually inhaling bacteria?

A: No, just the vapors from it. It's gas. It's like you having a fart. I'm not eating you. It's the gas. If I smell your fart, it's not you I'm eating. It's just your gas. So that bacteria off-gases, it farts, and then creates that odor.

Q: How much [unintelligible].

A: Pardon?

Q: How much is that [unintelligible]?

A: I have people eating only high meats. I have one guy, he was depressed all of his life. He started on the diet, off and on, off and on, off and on, because of his depression, his problems. He became a landscape artist so he wouldn't have to deal with people. And after two years, he finally took up some of the high meat. And he got so happy that he only eats high meat. He won't eat any fresh meat. So he eats two pounds of high meat a day. You don't know anybody happier than this guy. And he doesn't have body odor, nor does he have foul breath.

Q: And that would be really difficult to [unintelligible].

A: But he eats that at home.

Q: Outside the home, even?

A: Yes, he does. He eats it outside the home.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Even more.

Q: It's so entertaining to look at everybody's face when they're talking like this.

Q: Do you eat this with your regular meat?

A: Yes, you should eat it 10 to 15 minutes before your regular meat.

Q: How can you make it palatable? I can't stand that.

A: Just put a nose clip on your nose, and you won't smell it. It melts in your mouth, it's so soft, tender. You had never tried it, obviously.

Q: I did try it. Yeah, well I've been on it for five years.

A: I know, but that doesn't tell me that you've tried the high meat.

Q: And off, and off, and off.

A: Mostly off.

Q: But look, I'm healthy.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Hey, you think I'm weird? You guys can't say anything about how I let you eat that weird diet.

Q: [unintelligible] left it six months or more in the fridge, do I have to throw it out and start again?

A: No, you don't throw it out, you just have to start opening it.

Q: Do you buy the Rocky Junior, are there any differences?

A: Not any differences, they feed them the same. It's just that the Rocky Junior is going to be younger, more tender. The older animal is going to be more tough.

Q: But you have to buy groceries [unintelligible].

A: That's the only kind I buy here. I mean, I'll send away when I know I'm going to be in town for a while. I buy the chickens from Amos Miller, an Amish guy who feeds the chickens exactly what I want him to feed them. He feeds them high meat as their protein, feeds them nothing, but what they peck around in the yard, and high meat. I get eggs from them too. Very tough chicken, but it's a very healthy chicken.

Q: He feeds the chickens high meat?

A: Yep. That's what they do best with. Chickens are real nasty scavengers, so are ducks.

Q: Have you heard of the smart chicken?

A: I've heard of it, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Q: They say [unintelligible].

A: But that doesn't mean... if they feed them mostly soy, it's the same garbage as...

Q: How about Shelton?

A: What? Shelton? Shelton is vegetarian, high in soy.

Q: What about Coleman?

A: Coleman doesn't make chicken. Only beef.

Q: He doesn't make chicken... What about the beef?

A: It's okay.

Q: [unintelligible] And then all of a sudden they reject the lamb. They eat it for three or four days. Why don't they want the lamb? [unintelligible]

A: They just go through the cycles.

Q: Is there something specific about each meat?

A: Yeah, there is. That's why I like people who eat three meat. Chicken, fish, and beef every day.

Q: They won't do that, they will only eat one kind at a time.

A: I know, but that's only because they're not well animals. Out in the wild, they would eat a bird in the morning, a rat in the afternoon, and all kinds of different meat. But if they had any vaccines, they're not well.

Q: So, is that why they get back and forth?

A: Well, they should. They should get variety. But if you let them get spoiled and let them have their way, they're going to eat only what they want until they're satiated with it. And then they're going to go to the next, and you have to figure out what it is that they're going to like. But if you train them in the beginning, you're getting this meat in the morning, this at night, the next morning like this, and you rotate it, that's the way to do it, because that's their natural diet. But they won't have any problems if they eat one meat for a long time.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Coconut cream, butter, and dairy cream, and a little honey. And have it in the afternoons.

Q: I wanted to ask you what you maybe are still at the least after.

A: About?

Q: About my dog, because I'm very close to him. What about the flea stuff I was putting on every month, the flea stuff, and the heart worm stuff? Because I saw a man whose dog died of heart worm when I was in Florida. He didn't give him the heart worm thing and the dog died.

A: That's probably what killed him.

Q: So as far as flea stuff and hot worm.

A: Yeah, a lot of these vets will say, oh, your dog died of heart worm. And they didn't. They didn't.

Q: So don't give them heart worm, don't give them flea stuff.

A: That's all toxic stuff.

Q: Do your dogs have fleas?

Q: No.

A: If you feed them right, they don't have fleas.

Q: Okay, so how much of the protein should I give them each day? 55 pounds.

A: You've got several dogs?

Q: One dog.

A: One dog. He needs about a pound a day if he's indoors.

Q: Well, I take him for a walk.

A: That's nothing. He lives out in the backyard and he runs around all the time.

Q: He's an old dog. He doesn't run, he walks.

A: Okay, he's a very sedentary dog. Pound a day would be fine. Pound a day would be fine.

Q: One pound, and that's it. That would be all his nutrients.

A: Well, no, you need to give him a little butter and egg once in a while.

Q: Butter and egg once in a while?

A: Yeah, you chop up the meat and mix it around. But he's going to need a lot of bones.

Q: What kind of bones?

Q: What kind of bones? I always thought bones splintered.

A: Give him chicken bones.

Q: I always thought bones splintered. I never give him bones.

A: If they're cooked, they turn brittle, and then the acids don't melt it.

Q: So raw bones.

A: All dogs eat all bones in the wild. That's what they live on. They eat more bones than anything else.

Q: So I have to go to a butcher and get bones.

A: Or you get chicken parts, you know, with the bones in them.

Q: And those bones will not splinter.

Q: Buy a whole chicken and take out the breast for yourself and then the body for the dog.

Q: That's okay.

A: That's what I used to do. That's what I'd feed the coyotes.

Q: Whole raw chicken.

A: I eat the legs, they get the breast. So I give them the neck and all that other stuff, the weight.

Q: It's okay, it won't break his teeth.

A: I eat the legs.

Q: Yeah, he's losing his teeth already.

A: Well, the chicken bones, he's not going to hurt himself. But if you get hard, thick cow bones, then it may be a problem for him. But I had a dog that was raised from ten weeks. A friend of mine had a dog that was raised from ten weeks old on the raw foods and eating raw bones. And this dog was 230 pounds. His head was this high, this big. And you know those big femur joints on a cow, this big? You put that in his mouth and he would just dissolve it. With one bite, just crumble it with one bite.

Q: Was that a young dog or an old dog?

A: No, that was when he got older.

Q: Okay, so he's saying chicken parts.

A: Yeah, but he grew up on this diet from ten weeks old. So he had really strong teeth. Can you imagine what he'd do to you if he bit you? You'd be just mangled. Like a lion.

Q: When I give him raw meat, in five seconds, it's down.

A: Well, it's because he needs bones. You have to have bones. Dogs have to have bones.

Q: So one pound of meat a day and butter and an egg occasionally, you say?

A: What time is it?

Q: 4.30.

A: Okay, it's time.