Email Consults

These are further email consults Aajonus has done, not featured in the Questions and Answers book.

Feb 24, 2009

Re: Question

Dear Aajonus,

I wanted to ask you about DMBS to get rid of heavy metals. I know you are opposed to it, but if I took it along with many minerals the practitioner recommends, what would happen? It is recommended by a doctor at an alternative health resort, which uses diet to eliminate ill health. They did a test and found too many heavy metals in my system, which we know: aluminum and mercury, and a lack of copper. The doctor says he has good experience with it, if taken with many minerals. If I took it with the raw food diet that would be better, would it not? I need something radical and quicker than years of the Primal Raw Diet which I am only able to do for some months each year when I am in the U.S. I have so much aching and pains and heat/inflammation from the fibromyalgia, whether that is on the Primal Raw Diet or any other diet.

Rather than just hearing you are opposed to it, I would like to know what would happen to me if I did this DMBS therapy for 2 or 3 months.


I researched DMBS and could only find DMB. The last two reports below regard DMB chelation therapy. However, I now think you meant DMPS with which I am very familiar. Both are chemical proteins, created and extracted using kerosene derivatives. They are unstable proteins that have affinity to minerals, especially metallic minerals. The mechanism is that the body uses tremendous amounts of minerals to neutralize the toxic proteins and gathers whatever minerals it can to chelate with them and remove them from the body. However, even though DMPS and DMB may pull some metals from the body, it has been my experience with DMPS that only 24% leaves the body in 36 hours and another 8% within 48 hours. Only trace amounts leave the body for the next 6 days. What that means is, about 60% or more of DMPS and DMB remains in the body, chelated with good and bad minerals. Both cause years of mineral depletion that results in weakened tissues. I have seen many people suffer very thin skin that tears easily and many deaths from weakened organs as a result of such chelation therapy. Consider that chelation therapy is CHEMOTHERAPY; it is not in any way non-toxic. Taking a mineral supplement barely mitigates the problem. Taking fats with DMPS or DMB would facilitate the chelation process, however only loosed toxic metals will be chelated and removed. Deep tissue metallic toxicity takes years to remove as cells die. Therefore, such therapy is more harmful than helpful long term.

Consuming about ½ - 1 tablespoon raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (which contains the proteins necessary for radical metallic-mineral detoxification) with a raw fat, especially 2-3 tablespoons coconut cream with 1 tablespoon raw cream or butter, will help detoxify metals faster; but this natural therapy should be used carefully because it will deplete mineral storages also. Eating raw cheese and drinking milk helps replace lost food minerals. Eating a little cilantro and/or juice with fat or egg helps to remove metallic minerals quicker.

Healthfully, Aajonus

March 3, 2009

Re: Emergency!


I have severe abdominal pains (small intestinal area?) and watery stools. Everything I eat causes severe pains and comes out the other end very quickly. The more fat I eat, the worse the symptoms are. I've tried the banana smoothies to help absorb the toxins, but it hasn't seemed to help and moisturizing drinks are horrible for me right now.

I'm up throughout the night with diarrhea and when I am able to fall asleep for short amounts of time my dreams are very disturbing. This has been going on for three days and I am so weak and dizzy. I am unsure of what to do next. How long do you think this will last?


Anyone who suffers vomit and/or diarrhea had to have accumulated some extreme toxins that her/his body was unable to neutralize or mitigate. Usually, following a long spell of vomit and/or diarrhea, diseases reverse quicker. I consider your spells of diarrhea a big change toward your future health. During such radical detoxification, you are likely to usurp all of your nutrients, harnessing toxins and leaving little to allow normal functions. That is very common. The danger of people dying during radical detoxification is not eating. Usually, such symptoms last no more than 10 weeks and no less than 3 weeks.

To control excessive diarrhea, I suggest that you consume lots of raw cheese that can absorb the toxins so your body does not have to flush them with loss of precious intestinal bacteria.

Healthfully, Aajonus Dec 10, 2009

Regarding Phone Consultation

Dear Aajonus:

I was hoping to get some help over the phone with a debilitating digestive problem I've had now for a couple of years. I've been on the Primal Diet for almost two weeks now, but symptoms are not clearing up. I can e-mail or arrange to fax all relevant medical history and I will work on compiling my complete health history and all relevant lab tests I've had done over the last year.


Lab tests are not pertinent. They are merely polaroid shots of 1 moment in your life. For such tests to be valid, you would have to have a lab test done every 30 minutes for 6 months to know anything about how your particular body functions. Simply write what I asked.

Heatlhfully, Aajonus

Dec 14, 2009

I had just a couple of quick follow up questions regarding my diet plan. I noticed you have me eating my 1st meat meal 40 min after my morning vegetable juice. Does this allow enough time for digestion of the juices?

Yes, for earliest in the day when body has gone through the night with minimal food.

Also I was wondering if I could get your take on the following symptoms: I have sporadic lightheadedness coupled with heavy sinus pain, inner mouth blisters, dry throat, and itchiness throughout the day, often after eating. I'm guessing the latter two are detox.

All normal symptoms for x-swimmers. A lot of scarring was done to throat, mouth and sinuses, reducing mucus-production that results in dryness. When toxins are discharged from brain out mouth and throat, sores and itchiness result.

Usually, metallic odor to bowels indicates that you are detoxifying heavy metals, not just iron. If you ever took an iron supplement, it could be concentrated detoxification of iron; we are not plants and do not digest rock iron that all supplements are.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Dec 15, 2009

Hi Aajonus,

I just had one last question about my condition. I was wondering what it is that caused me to develop such overacidity and general intestinal irritation when I did not have this symptom prior to beginning the Primal Diet? While I did have horrible inflammation and bloating, overacidity and to a lesser extent the intestinal irritation had never been an issue. Is this because I have not adapted to a raw foods diet?

Also, I think I am having problems with eggs at the moment as they tend to amplify this feeling of overacidity and irritation and general dryness, although this may be due to the fact I do not have raw unsalted cheese yet to use in combination. This does not happen after my meat meals. Should I consider drinking a tomato formula while I wait for my delivery to combat any dryness or possible dehydration?

Thanks again for all your help.

Probably, your intestines are now the site of detoxification of many stored acidic compounds. That, coupled with your very low intestinal and bodily bacteria levels, makes you suffer.

You could sip a modified version of my Sports Formula to help with overacidity until you get the cheese, and maybe after, but only sip:

Blenderize all of the following ingredients together: 1 cup tomato 1 cup peeled cucumber 1 cup whey (if you do not have whey, use 1 more cup of peeled cucumber) 1/2 T. raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar 1 T. lemon juice 1 tsp. lime juice 2 1/2 T. unheated honey 1 1/2 T. coconut cream 3 T. raw cream 3 1/2 ounces naturally sparkling mineral water 1/2 tsp. of grated fresh ginger root 2 eggs

Healthfully, Aajonus

Dec 23, 2009

Hi Aajonus,

I've now begun your healing regimen as your prescribed and I have everything in hand, except coconut cream. In the last 2 days I have had progressive stomach cramping and nausea with a small desire for vomiting. Is this simply a sign that toxins are pouring into my stomach? How should I alter my plan when this occurs? I find eating eggs or even raw cheese in this state is uncomfortable.

Thanks for your time.

Yes, it indicates not only that your body is dumping toxins into your stomach; the toxins are very caustic. I hope that you continue to consume cheese hourly. Also, if you are not, consume 1/4 cup medium-ripe papaya. I have seen such detoxifications last up to 6 weeks, intensely.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Dec 31, 2009

Hi Aajonus, I've been able to enjoy my food a bit more now, although I still feel very toxic. I had a quick question about the fungal aspect. I've been shown to have an abundant fungal infection in my body and I was wondering how the diet eventually clears up this problem. Is the coconut cream the main anti-fungal component? I am aware a fungus functions more as a beneficial janitor, but the strong brain fog, disassociation, lethargy and itchiness I've experienced due to this infection has become a bit daunting.

Also, do you think I should incorporate high meat into my diet? I've been shown to have low bifidobacteria in the large intestine and was wondering if my digestion would benefit or would this speed up detox too heavily?

Thanks for all your support.

Happy to learn about your improved health.

I highly suggest that you trust that your body is making the best choices for your better health; allow your body to continue the detox. However, if you want to slow any detoxification, I suggest that you blenderize 1 T lime juice, 1/4 tsp. lemon juice, 1 T honey, 1/2 T coconut cream, 1/4 T raw cream and 1/4 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar together and then pour that mixture into 2 ounces naturally sparkling mineral water. Consuming that once daily will slow detoxification, unless your body demanded otherwise. Continuing that formula for more than 2 months could cause increased mineral usage and increased sensitivity.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Jan 9, 2010

Hi Aajonus,

I have decided to follow your advice and let the detox continue. As of now I am completely off of all medications. However, I have had a relapse in the last few days as the hardened stools I was having the last two weeks have now become watered and stringy and yet still difficult to pass and this has also been coupled with higher overacidity (or under acidity), heavy fatigue and renewed levels of high anxiety, whereas before I was very calm. Do you suggest I make any changes or should I wait for this to pass onto another stage?

I also wanted to discuss heavy metal toxicity with you as I feel my two remaining amalgam fillings are causing extreme damage, given that they are very old and likely releasing a constant stream of poison. I am scheduling their removal within a matter of a week or two by a biological mercury-free dentist, but I was wondering if I need to make any changes to combat what is likely heavy metal damage. I am well aware that without their removal my detoxification will always be impaired to some extent.

Thanks again for all your help,

Usually, I suggest that people be on the Primal Diet for about 2.5 years prior to amalgam removal, because the likelihood of a severe detoxification of metals that takes a very stable system to prevent neurological damage throughout head, neck, heart and torso.

I suggest that you eat a lot more cheese to absorb the caustic toxins causing diarrhea. Once weekly, consume the nut formula. If that does not work, consume 1/2 cup steamed whole-grain rice once weekly with 4.5 tablespoons raw butter.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Hi Aajonus,

Just as a quick follow-up, I assume this even applies to removal via biological dentists that take every precaution.

You should know that I have had two nightmares in the last 3 months involving some form of mercury consumption or damage to my body and I did not have mercury toxicity in my thoughts at the time. My conclusion is that my subconscious is attempting to communicate something to me.

I am concerned that I currently have a constant stream of mercury entering my digestive system since I grind my teeth during sleep. Also, it is my understanding that the amalgam will keep candida/fungal proliferation constant while I still have them. Perhaps I should have a mercury vapor analysis done to determine if damage is currently constant?

Regarding possible extreme detoxification of mercury and thallium from amalgams: it does not matter whether you have a biological dentist. A biological dentist can reduce the amount of toxic amalgam dust during removal, but s/he cannot stop the body from initiating and fulfilling mercury and thallium detoxification once amalgams are removed and replaced. Often, the body will begin a major detoxification of toxic metals from tooth nerves that extend all the way to the brain.

Mercury and thallium poison parasites, bacteria and fungi, so the theory that they directly promote fungi is incorrect. Following detoxification of metals, the usual detoxification method to remove metal-damaged cells is virus. Yes, it is important to remove amalgams, but if your health is not very stable, you may suffer extreme chronic fatigue that could last years.

Healthfully, Aajonus

May 28, 2010

Dear Aajonus,

What would you recommend as a course of action/treatment for an inguinal hernia?

I am watching your DVD workshop that I purchased and it is a wonderful reference. I am also a subscriber to your newsletters and find them an invaluable reference as well.

Thanks for all you do.

Thank you for your interest in my work.

All hernias do not mend properly, because toxins are stored in those tissues, causing inability to heal/mend. In order to promote healing, the toxins must be removed first; not an easy task and it takes time.

I suggest that you apply a poultice of moist raw Terramin clay with chlorella. Mix and soak 3/4 cup nutritional-grade Terramin clay and 1 tablespoon raw chlorella in 3/4 cup good drinking water for at least 5 days. (The mixture will have to be made again 5 days before you have finished the previous batch.) Then apply a 1/8th-inch layer of mixture onto skin at area of hernia. Cover with a very damp cotton or silk cloth and cover that with a piece of plastic to keep the poultice wet. Place a cotton cloth over all of those layers and wrap with an Ace bandage to keep it all in place. This is done before you go to sleep, every night if you will, until the hernia heals. Of course, eating a proper diet is a must for healing properly.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Apr 21, 2011

Re: Chicken Pox

Hi Aajonus,

Do you recommend having children who have chicken pox get together with children who have never had chicken pox so they can catch it naturally?

My children have never been vaccinated.

Is it okay for me to bring my children in contact, to share bodily fluids, with another child who has chicken pox to give the chicken pox to my children?

Pros and cons.

Your thoughts on topic.


Chicken pox is not a biological disease. Children who are not exposed to industrial pollution do not get chicken pox. The abrasions and lesions that appear on the skin are the result of caustic compounds being exuded through the skin, damaging the skin as it passes out of the body. Resulting scarring depends on the child’s or adult’s body and diet. The bacteria that assist in the detoxification are blamed for the resulting skin rash, but not responsible for it. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone can "catch" the detoxification. The detoxification depends on many individual factors including environmental, such as: season, humidity and temperature. Therefore, many children will detoxify at the same time and appear, to the miseducated, as contagious. Pharma/med make a bundle on the myth.

Healthfully, Aajonus

April 26th, 2011

Re: help

Dear Aajonus,

My husband had a heart attack in June of 2009. I have listed below the medications he is taking and the lifestyle changes he has made. I find when I am physically close to him I have trouble with itching. I have been using butter in my private areas to help manage the problems there. When sleeping, we try to stay 1-2 feet apart from each other. This has helped reduce the amount of itching for me. When I am apart from him for sleep, in the other room or out of town, my itching goes away. Now he is having trouble with itching himself and has a large itchy rash on the front of one leg and another spot starting on the back of the other. He easily is chilled and gets blue fingernails periodically. As of yet, he does not see the wisdom in the Primal Diet approach to biology. He is planning to go to his doctor to get some help with the itching and the rash he is experiencing. I am wondering what you would recommend for this and also what would be involved to have the rash area tested for chemicals, and cost, procedure, etc. He feels that what is causing the itching for both of us is something in our environment more so than the medications and medical procedures he has had done. I feel otherwise. We are able to openly discuss this. Is there anything more I can do to reduce my itching and protect myself from the drugs, etc. that are coming through his skin? I do change our bedding almost every day. It is my desire to respect both of our choices and understandings on what to do with our bodies. The side effects of the drugs is affecting our physical expressions of connection, especially with the itching problem. I even feel something weird going on in my throat at times, as well. I sometimes feel like I am being poisoned by what is coming out of my husband’s body. Am I being over paranoid?

Lisinopril 2.5mg/day Metoprolol tartrate 12.5mg/2x’s/day Plavix 75mg/day Niaspan ER 1000mg/day Lipitor 20mg/day Aspirin 81mg/day

Nuclear stress test given in August of 2009 and 2010

He is about 5’11” weighing 185 lbs at the time of his heart attack. After his heart attack, he lowered his salt intake to under 1800mg, started exercising, cut back on cooked fats, stopped drinking sodas, added whole grains, increased his vegetable and fruit intake. He now weighs around 155 lbs.

Thank you for your help Aajonus!

I suggest that you both sleep in another room to see if it is him or the bed that is causing the problem. Many beds contain products that outgas when they are new and when they begin to break down (decay), especially plastics. However, with heart-related drugs, there are trace amounts of nitroglycerin that can cause dryness and itching to the consumer and those near him; or nuclear substances in medication, diagnosis or treatment that do the same. Ninety percent of toxins are supposed to leave through the skin, so when taking medication of any kind, rashes should be expected. If you do not have rashes, the toxins are stored in the body and are likely advancing disease. Consuming more raw no-salt butter in the form of a Moisturizing/Lubrication Formula (page 146 of my recipe book) will help protect the skin from toxins as they pass through the skin. Hot baths help remove toxins through the skin as long as 3/4 cup milk, 3-4 T. raw apple cider vinegar and 4 T. coconut cream are in the bath water. Applying bone marrow or no-salt raw butter to the skin will help protect the skin directly. To help him understand my Primal Diet, I suggest that you get my Workshop DVD set.

Tell him that this was sent to me in March 2011:

"Aajonus. My good health is all due to your knowledge of our bodies and how they function. I am now 79 [9 years on Primal Diet] and in glowing health, thanks to you - aside from lung congestion which I attribute to the doctors collapsing my left lung during by-pass surgery. I no longer have: indigestion or constipation, arthritis, Alzheimer's, joint pain, vision problems, diabetes or hypoglycemia, nervous disorders, skin problems or heart problems. Need I say more?"

Healthfully, Aajonus

May 8, 2011

Re: Bowels

Hi, Aajonus,

For the past several months I have had a noticeabe change in my bowel action. Ever since I have been on the Primal Diet my digestion and elimination systems have worked normally, but lately I have become very constipated to the point where I don't eliminate anything without using your butter formula for a small enema. The feces look tan, ropey and have strange, white blobs attached. They come out in small pieces or long strings. When I try to eliminate, my anus muscles contract shut so the stools cannot be eliminated. Reverse peristalsis? Are there two different things going on here?

I am following the usual diets you gave me, depending on how I feel, with about 5% outside eating when I go out with others. I would appreciate any advice on this.

What I have done so far: mixed the formula consisting of 3 tbsp cream, 3 tbsp butter and 1/2 tsp honey and used this for an enema. It works, but there is something going on which I don't understand.


There are several scenarios that could apply: your body is dumping toxins into your colon and those toxins are destroying digestive bacterial colonies; your bowels are detoxifying and peristalsis is limited; and/or toxins are mixing with your food and bacteria are reluctant to digest the food.

I suggest that you continue as you are, but eat a sugar-cube-size amount of cheese every hour to absorb toxins and continue cream-butter suppositories until issue resolves.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Sep 1, 2011

Re: Lymphatic Concerns

Dear Aajonus,

I am very discouraged about my (frozen) lymphatics, death circle and thick skin. You have not used that term before, so I assume it was not there before. Are you saying that my baths for the last 10 months did not help the lymphatics and that my skin is not perspiring out the toxins? Did the baths help with anything? I wonder if I have gotten worse with the house cleaning.

It is still hard for me to stay in the tub after one hour. I did an ice pack for 75 minutes straight on top of my head. The coldness did not seem to go through to my brain, even though I could feel coldness there the next day.

I have an idea! Since lymphatics are a major problem with both of us, do you think going to a hot springs for a week (no chemicals in them) and doing the springs 3-4 times a day would give us a real boost? I suspect the water there is 108 – 110 degrees. I looked into hot tubs. I can’t do the expense right now.

We are so grateful. We are all so blessed by you, love you, and I plan to encourage others to pray for you as I do.

Fondly and gratefully.

To unblock the skin, I suggest that you rub a blended mixture of 3 ounces raw butter, 3 ounces bone marrow and 2 ounces pineapple juice (squeeze with hands) into your skin every other day.

Your lymphatics were a little worse in the head and legs, but the above should remedy your skin’s ability to perspire heavier compounds through your skin with hot baths.

Spending a week at hot springs, bathing often throughout each day, will help boost your lymphatic system and skin.

Thank you for your appreciation for my work.

Healthfully, Aajonus

Sep 11, 2011

Re: EMERGENCY - Chest & Leg Pain Part II

Hi Aajonus.

About 1 hr ago, I had another spontaneous increase in heart rate while I was watching TV. Heart rate went up to 135 - 142 bpm. I lay down. It stayed at 135 - 141 for 15 minutes. Then, it started to drop. Over the next 20 min, it dropped to 90 - 100. It has been another half hour; it is still around 95.

These episodes that come out of nowhere are causing me great anxiety.

I did not have any chest pain. Now, I feel a slight aching in the left side of my chest. My right leg feeling still feels worse today than yesterday. It still has a slight feeling that the shin muscles that go down the right, front side of the right shin bone want to cramp.

Anyway, please get back to me with your assessment.


It has been my experience that your condition is that of severe tissue fat deficiencies. The ONLY patients that I have had experiencing your symptoms are those who had been very thin all of their lives. Once the weight was gained, it sometimes took as much as 10 years for all symptoms to subside. When a body is extracellularly fat deficient, toxins often invade the cells where much harm and damage results.

Panic is the worst reaction to bodily discomfort. Most people panic and seek medical help which is ALWAYS harmful. I experienced paralysis, severe pain that would not allow me to sleep more than 10 minutes at once and about 300 heart attacks. Because I was autistic and did not have the faculty to garner as much treatment as the medical profession was willing to give, I had to rely on my body to direct me in ways to help it. Also, it had been my lifelong experience that doctors always made things worse. Depression and cynicism intensified.

Because I was autistic, I knew that my body and I were an island separate from the rest of the world. I knew that I had no alternative but to endure and do what would logically and rationally advance us to better health. The only paradigm that I knew was true was that only through food would my body cleanse, repair and renew. I have learned that long hot baths melt lymphatic congestion that prevents the lymphatic system from cleansing every body, speeding the journey to good health.

I have known hundreds of people with your symptoms of rapid heart beat, elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol. All of those symptoms are signs of bodily changes for the better unless, from fear, allopathic and alternative treatments that involve supplements are utilized. You have been tenaciously active and underweight for decades and now the collection of toxins, intercellularly, is so great that your body is tragically suffering, but not fatally. It has been my experience, with myself and thousands of patients, that endurance and patience on the Primal Diet results in better health sooner or later.

Be certain to eliminate all extra fat consumption one day of every 7 days. When a body that is starved for cellular and extracellular fat begins to appropriate amounts of fat, heavy detoxification occurs. Fats attract the toxins and cause irritation and some damage. Heart rates, heavy stomach and other symptoms may be a part of every day for much of the time, but there always comes a time when the body will be cleansed and healed enough that suffering is minimal and is eventually gone.

Eating a 1 inch cube of pineapple or papaya every 1-3 hours helps provide enzymes to help digest and process all of the fat you are consuming. Consuming a 1-2 inch cube of watermelon will help the body replace electrolytes and fluids, especially if it is part of my Sports Formula.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Oct 4, 2011

Re: Post Birth Questions

Hi Aajonus,

I had the baby. He is a beautiful baby boy. He was born 7lbs, 12 oz. One of the delivery nurses said he was one of the healthiest babies he had seen and was quite serious about it. He was alert and shows signs of strength including pulling his head up often.

Unfortunately, he was still breached and I ended up having a C section. They refused to perform any surgery using localized anesthetic and said no hospital in the country would do it. I had a spinal done with no antibiotics and no drugs, post surgery. It was a very painful recovery and still going, although every day is better and better.

He did not receive any of the post birth medications, including vitamin K shot, vaccinations, eye drops, etc.

Of most concern now, he is experiencing jaundice. We noticed his skin color change after the 3rd day, even though he tested negative for it while at the hospital. He had another test done today and it appears it is now in the positive range of jaundice.


  1. What should I do to help address his jaundice?
  2. What can I do/take to detox from the spinal shot?
  3. What can I do about the major stretching of my belly skin? Looks like a wrinkly deflated multicolored balloon.
  4. What can I eat to speed up the healing of the incision and rebuilding of the muscle and tissue that was cut open?

Thank you!!


Your baby does not have a disease. It is normal for healthier babies to look jaundiced because they discard bile that was distributed from the mother into the placenta and baby. Most babies do not discard it through skin properly or efficiently, causing rashes and crying; bile irritates cells. Jaundice is not a disease, but an indication that bile has permeated the body. Raw cream will reduce the bile as he drinks milk.

I suggest that you apply a clay poultice on your spine and keep it moist through the night for 5 nights. The best mixture would be 3 parts clay to 1 part chlorella. Eating 20 eggs one day and at least 9 eggs for 9 days more will help remove anesthesia.

Rub a blended mixture of 3 ounces bone marrow, 3 ounces no-salt raw butter and 1 T. pineapple juice into skin once or twice daily for 1-2 years, into incision, scar and stretched tissue. Eat 2 T. of this mixture with every meat meal to help repair incised tissues.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Nov 12, 2011

Re: Basal cell carcinoma questions

Hi Aajonus,

My father was just diagnosed officially with basal cell carcinoma on his left temple area of his face/head. I told him that I would e-mail you directly so that I can get some immediate advice from you.

His first run-in with this was two years ago. At that point in time it was cut/burned out. Then, just this past June the sores/scabs started forming again in that same area.

He has your books and will be reviewing the material. That said, I would like to send him YOUR answers to these questions:

  1. Generally, what types of industrial chemicals might cause this, based on your experience?
  2. Other than the Primal Diet, what are a few ESSENTIAL items he can put in his diet now?
  3. Is there a topical recipe that can be applied to the sore?

Thank you so much Aajonus. I look forward to your thoughts.

Basal cell is the least problematic of all cancers. Simply, LIGHTLY rub a fresh slice of pineapple over the area for no more than 10 seconds, once every 4 days, no more than that. Allow the pineapple to penetrate and dry on the skin; do not rinse off unless it causes severe pain. On the second and third days, lightly rub a dab of raw apple cider vinegar on and around the area for no more than 30 seconds, once or twice daily. On the fourth day, gently rub either or both: no-salt raw butter and bone marrow.

Since basal cell is a dumping of dead cells out the skin in a particular area, it does not simply go away. The body will continually, in cycles, dump dead cells in that area. Therefore, do not expect it to disappear all at once and vanish. As long as your body has dead and toxic cells it wants to eliminate through the skin in that form, it will. That is why it returns. My above protocol most often prevents the basal cell from spreading and getting very thick and large. It dissolves the accumulated dead cells as they appear on the skin.

If your father’s lymphatic glands and nodes in his face and neck were functioning properly, they would dissolve the dead and toxic cells into a fluid and simply perspire it through the skin. Since it cannot, his body is dumping whole dead and toxic cells into the skin.

Generally, any type of inhaled toxin and all dental injections and toothpastes with fluoride can cause cellular poisoning that can lead to basal cell skin dumping.

Consuming about 1 cup fresh pineapple with avocado or coconut cream will help the lymphatic system dissolve dead and toxic cells, so that they do not accumulate. However, your father's facial and neck lymphatic glands and nodes may be congested with trans fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable oils - plastic fat) and never dissolve dead and toxic cells. However, it is possible to melt those fats and unblock the glands and nodes by applying hot water bottles to the face and neck nightly, for about 1 year, but not hot enough to burn the skin.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Nov 20, 2011

Re: Help please!

Hi Aajonus,

My mom is 81 years old. She is way overweight: 5'3" and 206 lbs. Her diet is horrific. She is on one Alzheimer's drug: Namenda, which she takes 2 times a day. It's not helping her at all. She is also on 2 different types of high blood pressure drugs, one in the AM and one in the PM. I would like her off of at least the Alzheimer’s drug. Do I stop her cold turkey or wean her off of it? Her blood pressure was 140/80 at the doctor's office yesterday. I think that is great for her age. I don't know about the drugs for blood pressure. I'm one hundred percent sure that they're hurting her instead of helping her, but it's tough to convince the family of "our way of eating". Please help!

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your interest in my work.

High blood pressure is necessary for people who are overweight. The more overweight someone is, the higher the blood pressure must be to pump blood through veins and arteries because there is greater pressure on veins and arteries. That is also true of people with congested veins and arteries if they are fat or skinny.

Blood pressure medication is abominable. The pharmaceutical and medical industries lied to us that high blood pressure caused heart attacks and strokes. However, as you can see from the study of 48,000 people stated below, high blood pressure over 161 saw few if any heart problems. Those who had normal blood pressure, averaging 120, suffered extensive heart problems. Those industries lie to us to keep us sick and patronizing them, filling their pockets while we suffer ill health. They make no money if we are well.

Systolic blood pressure, the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart, is an important factor in predicting mortality risk for heart failure patients. Systolic blood pressure is, typically, the first number in a blood pressure reading; for example, 120 when the blood pressure is reported as 120/80. Heart failure patients with high systolic blood pressures had lower death rates; those with low systolic pressures may have a more advanced disease and a poorer prognosis. Mortality rates were more than four times higher for those with systolic pressures of less than 120, in comparison to those who had pressure over 161. These conclusions were gleaned from research on more than 48,000 heart failure patients seen at 259 U.S. hospitals between March 2003 and December 2004. Journal of the American Medical Association November 8, 2006; 296(18): 2217-2226

In all of the non-falsified medical reports, any Alzheimer medication showed no improvement in that condition. It is a huge money-making scam. That medication can be ended without hesitation.

The blood pressure medication: I suggest that it be cut in half every 10 days until there is not enough to take.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Nov 25, 2011

Re: Question

Hi Aajonus,

I've been eating the eggs and cheese as recommended. I've tried the Sport Drink and other drinks you've recommended. I can't do them without going into severe pain. About 2 1/2 months ago, my right leg went numb and foot dropped - now the left leg is beginning to go numb and go into painful muscle contractions that you can see and I am getting painful muscle contractions all over my body. Worried I will not be able to walk at all by tomorrow. Tried the hot baths - after about 40 minutes, my heart was racing, I almost fainted and wasn't able to walk for about 3 hours afterward. All my joints in my body are now aching. I am getting terrible pain on both the left and right sides of my lower back. I am very concerned about my kidneys going out. Do I have to worry about this? Was able to tolerate the milkshakes in the past - now cannot. Also could tolerate the liver shakes in the past - cannot now as well without severe body aches and food does not digest 12 hours later when I vomit it. Have many areas of shoulders, in forearms, in hands and in legs that are intensely painful to the touch. Was also diagnosed with advanced Lyme disease by the BioSET practitioner as well. Don't remember if my wife mentioned that or not in the initial call. My symptoms keep changing from day to day. Are there any other recommendations to try and get the acid down? Any other recommendations for me?

Thank you.

Hi, Your symptoms indicate to me that your nerves and muscles have stored many toxins for decades. Sometimes that creates symptoms like yours that persist as the body detoxifies slowly; the body can digest only so much food to handle a limited amount of toxins in one day. When people do not eat a simple proper diet, they may move into multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus or muscular dystrophy (MD).

It has been my experience that as long as the symptoms move/change, the body is doing a good job. The fact that you vomit the food 12 hours later indicates to me that your body is using your stomach as the main dump site. That nutrient-deficient phase often happens in cancer patients and can last for as much as 9 weeks without death. However, I discovered that if you eat enough cheese before a meal or any food and eat grated cheese in the food, often the toxins are absorbed into the cheese and food other than cheese can digest.

Usually, when a cancer, MS or MD patient goes through such a detoxification, a lot of weight is lost and they become more weakened and recovery takes about 2 years. Any medical drug and supplement is saturated with solvents such as petroleum, ethyl alcohol or kerosene. The "natural" ones use kerosene because kerosene is natural, but would you soak your food for 20 hours in kerosene, rinse it for 60-90 seconds and then consume it?

Your wife mentioned the Lyme disease fiasco to me. It takes 5 tests to maybe determine that someone has Lyme disease, because there is really no disease that can be identified as Lyme disease, including spirochete activity that exists in many conditions. Scientifically, there is no disease that can be identified as Lyme disease.

All conditions are an accumulation of toxins. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they are industrial chemicals not organic waste byproducts that cause disease. Cooking is an industrial process that causes at least 32 identified toxic byproducts to form (listed in the last 50 pages of my recipe book).

All I can suggest is to endure the process while your body tries to cleanse the toxins, causing pain, suffering and numbness, even temporary paralysis, until it recovers. That takes a great deal of faith considering how we have been trained to panic and seek harmful medical treatments at the slightest indication of bodily discomfort. Remember that I was a cripple crawling on the floor for almost 6 months before I felt the slightest bit of spine paralysis recovery after radiation therapy cauterized my spine. It took me 27 years for my back pain to return so infrequently that it is not a nuisance. I suffer back pain only about 10 days yearly and that is after doing something strenuous with my arms for a day or three.

I do not know if you can reduce cramps all of the time, but I will share with you my experience with self and others. Consuming any high carbohydrate food without lots of fat, including milk without extra cream, can cause cramps, especially if consumed cold. When I had to eat some high carbohydrate food to relieve pain or other symptoms, I always consumed it slowly and with lots of fat, whether butter, cream or cheese. The food that I would use normally to reduce pain when I did not have ingredients for my Pain Formulas was banana and butter, about 2.5 inches of banana to 3 T. no-salt raw butter.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Jan 23, 2012

Re: Urgent! Detox intense

Hi Aajonus,

I am not sleeping tonight as I am in extreme pain from a toothache. It's the bottom row, on the right side all the way in the back, the back tooth.

My neck was out earlier tonight and I got a neck massage and did ice packs on it and, finally, it loosened up with some cracks when twisting it. There is still pain there, however. I've not been to the chiro since coming north and perhaps it time to go now. I've been massaging the area of the tooth and the skin was "mushy" in the back of the tooth. No other signs of abscess or infection. The tooth is a bit loose and when you push down on it, as when eating, the pain increases a lot.

The whole head and neck have been in pain in various areas, coming and going. I've had left ear problems with what I thought was wax buildup about a week ago. I put in olive oil twice and it went away in a couple of days. Now I have pain in my right ear. It does not seem like wax, just pain.

The sinuses got better when I only drank kefir and went off cows milk. That plus more hot tubbing. The nose is still clogged up, but at least one side works well enough to get about 5 hours of sleep at a time. I am on small amounts of goat milk now, sour cream, kefir, butter and coconut cream. And since I made this change, the sinuses have been better, which means not totally clogged. Another change was when I came north, I started in on a lot of ice cream. I stopped eating this too. Perhaps the cold cream was an issue. I have also been on more juice generally. Over the last 2 to 3 weeks, I have been eating non-organic, no-added-salt crackers (but salt in the cooking mix, from Trader Joes) with butter and honey frequently. Not sure if this has anything to do with anything but it is a change.

I can't take a defeatist attitude and just consider it is the cold weather re: my sinus problems and there is nothing I can do about it. Yes, the cold weather is a change, but so were these other factors as above. But on the other hand, the detoxes from one to another with the sinuses persisting is a new phenomena. The weather does seem to have some effect as the body is not used to it.

I will see about getting clove oil to help the tooth pain and get some sleep.

But I figured I should go to the dentist Monday and I will have to get one x-ray shot and see what they say. The tooth may have been a root canal tooth with a cap, but I am not sure. If the root is dead and the pain persists, I should probably get it pulled. I have been going to Bio Dental in Tijuana and they don't think root canals are good as, eventually, they rot out and create infection when they do. The last tooth I had pulled about 10 months ago was like this - it was causing infection and it broke. It was not painful, but I did have it pulled, as it broke and had to be removed. The x-ray showed the infection. It was a root canal that did not last.

Please advise.

You are certainly exploring things I wouldn't recommend. I would never use ice packs longer than 2 minutes on anything, because it restricts and sometimes completely blocks nutrient flow to the area. I always advise to use heat.

Your symptoms indicate that you are experiencing an overall head detoxification.

Crackers of any sort are likely to be GMO based and contain many additives, even though not labeled. I suggest cooking organic rice instead.

I do not accept the neo-dentists views on root canals. I have had several root canals, some naturally made by my body and some dental. When an area around the tooth is detoxifying (infected), usually, it is not the tooth, but the nerve going to the tooth, and the surrounding gums that are toxic. The nerve may be poisoned from the base of the tooth all the way to the brain, but will usually detoxify out the gums however, sometimes out the face or eyes. Having a tooth pulled, only seals off the exit point of detoxification. If the tooth naturally, completely releases from the nerve and bone, then extraction is appropriate.

Cold is a major factor in many conditions, and sinuses is one. It is not fatalistic to accept that and move to a climate that promotes better health.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus

Aug 7, 2012

Re: Emergency

Hello Aajonus,

According to the medical profession, I have granulomas on my liver and an autoimmune disease they call sarcoidosis.

I know that these symptoms and issues have developed since I have been eating the Primal Diet. Before the Primal Diet I led a very active life, walking 4 to 5 miles daily, swimming, playing competitive tennis and hiking. This is long gone as a lifestyle for me. I spend thousands of dollars paying people to do things for me that I can no longer do for myself. I have a full time dog nanny to walk my dogs. I have had to re-home one of the dogs, because it was impossible to keep 3 and have the energy to care for them.

Aajonus, unfortunately I have not felt good the entire time I have been eating a Primal raw Diet. I believe this is from rapid detoxification. My intuition tells me that I may have permanently damaged my body by detoxing too fast. I hope this is not the case. I am quite alarmed because I cannot get my health back, in regards to having energy to enjoy my life activities that I love. I cannot and have not exercised in SEVEN years. It is impossible to drag my body through physical exertion. The kind of fatigue I feel is not from lack of sleep. My body cannot perform and manage daily activities of life. Fortunately, by the time I drag myself through the routine of getting dressed and preparing food, I can sit in a chair and work with clients so as to make a living to hire people to do other things for me. Frankly, I often consider that my quality of life is not worth living anymore; however, I know that I would never leave my children.

Primary symptoms today:

I wake up in the morning feeling like I have been run over by a truck. Sleeping depletes me of energy and it takes me several hours to recover. It might feel like having a hangover, which I have not experienced before. Eating protein is the only thing that helps my body begin to gain energy. Most everything else exhausts me to digest.

My digestion is not regular. I have pains in my stomach after eating and throughout the day. I mostly have diarrhea.

I have lots of phlegm that constantly and relentlessly drops down from my nasal passages into my chest. I choke and cough ALL THE TIME. I sound like I have a smokers cough and I have never smoked. I vomit up phlegm about every three weeks. My stomach aches holding this. I take baths to try to sweat some of the toxins out and facilitate the process. So this, to me, is an indication that my body thinks it has a virus or infection to fight and it never gets resolved.

I am extremely lethargic. I have been depressed in the past, but have managed these symptoms and found ways to feel better.

I have periodic heart palpitations and tightening around the chest cavity on the left side with shortness of breath. I believe this may be muscular and anxiety. I don't believe it to be heart related.

I believe that my organs: liver, spleen, stomach, intestines and kidneys are stressed and working hard to support my body functions. I think they think they are in an emergency state, which is related to my high liver counts and granulomas on the liver.

In reading your books, I have tried supporting the liver’s job, as you write about in your book, by eating 1/2 raw unripe pineapple daily for 2 weeks to supply the liver and pancreas with the enzymes they need to remove hardened fat properly. My intuition tells me to eat more alkaline when I can, in addition to raw protein, tomatoes, lime and lemon juice with San Pellegrino, and plenty of honey to mineralize the liver. I have been doing this and much more.

My diet today is a raw diet consisting of green juices, butter, chicken, beef, pork, fish, tomatoes, cucumbers, fermented vegetables periodically as condiments, raw eggs, milk, honey, berries and some fruits. I also have been experimenting with some warm herbal teas, such as licorice and dandelion greens.

I have tried many different raw food combinations, to experiment, and notice what may help me feel better. I do notice that eating raw liver almost daily stimulates me and provides some temporary energy.

I am 59 years old this year. I have spent the decade of my 50's with a lesser quality of life. I am hoping that some solution unfolds to help me regain my quality of life so the next several decades include enjoyment of the activities I so love.

Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.

Granulomas may contain various substances, but all tumors of all kinds are the result of industrial chemicals killing cells and the body mummifying and storing them. It mummifies them and stores them because the lymphatic system is unable to dissolve them, because the lymphatic system is either/all: malnourished, overworked or toxic. There is nothing in organic raw food that can cause granulomas, unless they are of a poisonous nature to humans.

When eating my PD foods, your body has the nutrients and resources to move industrial toxins. If those toxins are extremely toxic, such as mercury and thallium and had entered cells and killed them, the body can relocate them into tumors (granulomas) until the lymphatic system is working well enough to dissolve the accumulated, contaminated dead cells.

Usually, the few people who experience the extremes that you have, were people who as children received ALL of the required vaccines and many not required. They are people who grew up with fluent-thinking parents who believed the medical industry was honest, forthright and correct. They received constant antibiotics throughout their childhood and even into adulthood. Not all of those who fit that profile are affected as you are. Those who are more sensitive are the ones who are most distressed. That is, those whose cells lacked the fat necessary to absorb the industrial chemicals and prevent cellular destruction and cellular death.

I have little control over the body’s choices. Bodies will cleanse at their own rate. However, in my books I state that excessive fruit will cause more detoxification.

Diarrhea ALWAYS indicates that you are dumping very caustic industrial chemicals through the intestines. Normally, the skin is supposed to expel those toxins after the lymphatic system has neutralized, dissolved and deposited them under the skin. However, when the lymph and/or the skin is/are impaired, the body has to expel them through the intestines. It dilutes those poisons and diarrhea results.

Poor digestion on the Primal Diet occurs when too many toxins are expelled through the stomach and/or intestines. Eating 1/2 tsp. no-salt raw cheese every 20-30 minutes can absorb and eliminate toxins through the stomach and intestines without having to dilute and flush them (diarrhea).

When toxins dump into the stomach and/or intestines, intestinal flora and food are contaminated. Intestinal bacteria should be at least 90% of digestion. If they are poisoned with fresh or old toxins, they are destroyed and digestion will be damaged by varying degrees.

If toxins stored in the body are extreme (granulomas indicates that your body is in an extreme toxic condition), eating cheese and taking hot baths for the rest of your life may be paramount to your maintenance and recovery.

When most bodies are extremely toxic, on any diet, the body uses most of its energy for digestion and detoxification, leaving little or none for other activities. The question is: do you trust your body? The medical profession and pharma spend billions yearly convincing you not to trust your body, that it is senseless and stupid, to attack it with industrial chemicals of their approval.

Daily, taking long hot baths away from high EMFs can help the lymphatic system function better. However, speed of functionality depends on the condition of the system. Always, hot baths will help in conjunction with a good diet.

Most people cannot go more than 5 hours without eating before it fatigues their body. That is why I recommend that everyone set an alarm to wake themselves and eat during their long sleep period. Your loss of enough blood proteins may occur sooner and you may need to eat every 4.5 hours, or 4 hours, or 3.5 hours. You will have to experiment to discover. Awakening in the morning as if you had a hangover is waking with a hangover, that is a stupor from something toxic.

Note that when the body begins to dissolve granulomas, an intense amount of nutrients and energy are required. If the body uses the intestinal tract and stomach to dump those dissolved toxins, eating cheese very frequently is imperative just to maintain and progress digestion. You must treat yourself like a growing infant who eats, grows and sleeps mostly. However, you will be eating, detoxifying and sleeping mostly.

Fermented vegetables often cause radical detoxification. I suggest that you consume no more than 1 cup weekly. Most fermented vegetables are for cooked food consumers.

The diet you described that you eat will not harm you, however to increase health, I suggest that you reduce vegetable juices to a minimum, maybe one daily or every other day; reduce fruit to a maximum of one 1 cup daily, maybe 1/2 cup daily and the only fruits I suggest for a while are little pieces of pineapple and/or papaya 2-3 times daily to help digestion; eliminate cucumber except in juices; eliminate tomato except for 1-2 days weekly; mince or pate all of your meat to reduce energy spent on digestion; do not use many vegetables in meat sauces, the simpler the better most of the time; always have at least 1 T no-salt raw butter with meat; and sip raw milk whenever you drink it, but no more than 2 ounces at a time; 25 minutes after finishing a meat meal, consume 1 tsp raw cheese and 10-15 minutes later consume 2.5 T. raw cheese with 1.5 tsp. unheated honey; and when you eat the cheese every 20-30 minutes, do not eat honey or fruit with the cheese.

Healthfully and appreciatively, Aajonus