Q&A Of September 12, 2004

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, we're going to get started now. First, I'm going to tell you the book that I've been working on next is Detoxification. And I get a lot of people from the internet, you know, the Yahoo groups, who talk about heavy detoxification and doing heavy detoxification. So my methods of detoxification are usually to take a food that you've eaten in the years of eating cooked foods, you ferment it and eat it. What you are doing is introducing bacteria that is absent in the food that you've eaten cooked. So you've got no way to recycle it out of the body. So your body has to make solvents like virus to dissolve that toxicity and remove it gradually, very gradually and slowly. So in the detoxification book, I'm telling people how to gradually detoxify. And that's by taking those foods, how to ferment them and how to eat them and in what quantities. So this week, I mean two weeks ago, I decided to push the envelope to see how much of a detoxification was too much. I did it. I drank, I took some, well I was in Vietnam three weeks ago. They have sugar cane juice and you can get it anywhere, almost anywhere in Asia. And of course I was a sugar junkie. I was diabetic and I used to put down, you know, a whole box of chocolate covered cherries in one afternoon and lots of candy and lots of powdered donuts. I loved all that stuff. I was a sugar freak. I became diabetic. So I decided I was going to detox the sugar that had been in my system. So I fermented the sugar cane juice. Well, I had diarrhea for about five days on and off while I was in Vietnam. During that, I got tremendous hives everywhere. And I used to get hives all the time so badly that it burned my skin and the blister and scabs would fall off. And it was mainly around my kidneys, all the places where a diabetic is most affected. So it was all along here I had huge marks still coming out my ass. I lost, my complete ass dropped in a week. I had this beautiful round ass and it was gone in a week. You know how much sugar was stored in those tissues. It's not there. No ass.

Q: Disappeared.

A: So what I decided to do, I was also a heavy milk drinker. Pasteurized milk drinker. So two weeks ago I decided to drink an intense amount of fermented milk that was two weeks fermented. So it smelled like alcohol. It burned my lungs if I inhaled it right over. So I drank... yeah raw. So I drank two and a half cups of it at one time. I was on the toilet for three days, 72 hours.

Q: Is that raw milk or pasteurized?

A: Raw milk. And it caused again that kind of a detoxification. But that wasn't my ass, lost my ass. I also lost about 20 pounds in about four days. So I put 10 pounds back on so I don't look so bad as I did four days ago. But it kicked my butt. So I kind of see the limitations. So all these people who are on the internet say go for it. Heavy detoxifications, I don't suggest to do it. Not unless you're 50 pounds overweight and can afford to lose that much weight. It was too much for me to lose. I was debilitated. I could barely move for about four or five days just from the diarrhea and the exhaustion and the weight loss. I'm getting back up to this. I've been eating all day long every day. Food and food and food and food. And cheesecakes galore. Cheesecakes help absorb that toxicity. I had less rashes, less hives when I would eat the cheesecake. So I'd make a cheesecake for about three days and eat pieces all along the day, throughout the day. So that's what I have to say about the detoxification. Before the book comes out, don't push anything too heavily. You've got to ferment something to detoxify. That's what's in your body. But something that you've eaten a lot of in your past life, cooked life. No more than an ounce or two ounces at a time of that fermented food. Don't push it. Unless, you know, you've got a lot of weight. Then you probably afford to do it. Still, if you have to work, you're not going to be able to function very well. If you have that kind of a detoxification. Okay, any questions about that? Jeff.

Q: Yeah, I mean, could it just be in something that's that fermented? I mean, that potent? I mean, is it necessarily pulling out the old stuff?

A: Well, what I did was I had some of my feces checked while I was in Vietnam. I got a laboratory to check it. And there was a lot of old, toxic, cauterized sugar in there from that. And here it was metals. When I had the milk, it caused a bunch of metals to come out of my system. And I started forming stones in my urine. So it caused a heavy mineral detoxification. You have to understand that pasteurized milk causes a lot of osteoporosis. And a lot of hardening of the bone. A lot of people get broken bones from eating pasteurized dairy. Because of the minerals that are cauterized. So concentrated in minerals that it collects in the system. When I had the fermented milk, it started clearing out of my tissues. A lot of those cauterized minerals.

Q: What would you suggest we have to detox carbs that you would be collecting from breads and..?

A: You just take those grains. If you were used to eating rye bread, you use rye. And you let them soak in a lot of water for about three days until they start fermenting. Get a little mold on them. And then you eat a little bit of it. But you don't do a lot. Unless you want to go through a heavy detoxification. So I don't know how much I'm scarred. I still have the sores. You can see the spots. The little sores. From where the hives just came out and blistered my skin. See the dark spots. Now I've got them all over. Here. Some on my chest.

Q: Like black spots you said?

A: Yeah, little dark spots. See them.

Q: You didn't have those before?

A: No. It was from when I started welting up. And the toxins started moving out through my skin. A little too much.

Q: So that sugar stays in your body for years?

A: Like I said, it takes 40 years to clean out every cell in your body. Five times. It takes five times according to Pottenger's and Howell's work. It takes five generations to clean the body out.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They do. The blood takes 40 days. The skin takes two and a half years. Intestines take two and a half years. But you have to do it and the bones take seven to seven and a half years to replace every cell. You have to do that five times. Every cell in your body has to be replaced at least five times to get to the point where you're completely whole and natural and healthy.

Q: You mean they're not replaced with really good cells yet?

A: You take somebody who's not well and they reproduce, their offspring will not be so healthy. They'll have toxins built into them.

Q: So the cells take five generations to completely heal?

A: Right. So it takes 40 years for humans to go through that cycle. 40 years. I mean in Howell and Pottenger's work, what they did was as soon as the cat or rat reproduced and their next offspring was going, they would kill that animal and then perform autopsies and do tests on it to see the changes. And it took five generations. Well, we don't have to wait five generations of our offspring. We have to wait five generations of cellular transition. It's about 40 years. And that's if you're 100%. If you're not 100%, it could take a lifetime. You know, 50, 60, 80 years. It all depends. And that all depends upon how healthy you want to be. I'm one of those who never wants to have another day of my own purposeful lack of energy and illness. I just don't want to have that. I want to see how healthy I can get. And I'm only 21 years into my 40 years. So I'm only halfway, and I'm already satisfied. Even after I got my butt kicked. I still made it through and I'm here.

Q: So after seven years, you've replaced all your cells once. How are those cells? They're not perfect yet, but are they still like sort of half healthy or are they still toxins?

A: I would say they're a fifth healthy.

Q: It's seven years.

A: Yeah, after seven years.

Q: So they've regenerated, but they haven't regenerated to be really healthy.

A: Correct.

Q: Okay.

A: Because your body is always eating itself and always detoxifying. So all these poisons are transitioning to your lymph, your neurological system... your neurological system, your lymph, and your blood. So all of your cells are affected. Your new cells are affected by these poisons always being released. And if you go five hours without eating, your body starts eating itself. Start eating these old dead cells, and your body starts forming nutrients out of this dead garbage. No one should go five hours without eating. Set an alarm. For five hours, get up, eat something, and go right back to sleep.

Q: You mean in the middle of the night?

A: In the middle of the night. A lot of people will wake up and feel exhausted. They'll say, oh, my God, why am I so tired? I had eight hours sleep. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it's because your body is eating itself. You become cannibalistic, and those cells are very toxic. And the people will say, when they start setting an alarm, get up, drink a little milkshake or a couple of raw eggs, and go back to sleep. They wake up two or three hours later, energized, and they don't have that depressed feeling anymore. Where they felt like they slept well but don't feel well. So mainly it's because your body is eating itself. Any more questions?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah, easily. Just remember that if your body is eating raw food, you never have to worry about lacking enzymes and vitamins for digestion. It's all present in the food. So your liver and your pancreas don't have to make these enzymes to leach cells from every body, leach enzymes and vitamins and minerals and proteins and carbs from every cell in the body. It's all handled right there with the food. So you can eat as much as you want and go to sleep full as full can be. I mean, I've eaten two plates of food and gone to sleep fine. And I've had a vagotomy, where I don't have hydrochloric acid in my stomach to help digestion. And I never have a problem.

Q: How about some people say that when they go on fasts, that's the time they detox.

A: Yeah, you're going to detox too. You're going to detox, but you're also eating your body, and your body is going to feed off of that toxicity. So you're not going to get much better. You're going to get thinner, and you're going to be lighter weight, but you're not going to be stronger and healthier.

Q: Did you say you prefer to drink the juice before you go to bed rather than meat?

A: It all depends on the individual. I give guidelines in the book, you know, four juices a day, one before you go to sleep at night. If you're a person who gets hyperactive from drinking the juice at night, you don't want to drink the juice. You want to eat some meat or eat some eggs or a milkshake and go to sleep.

Q: What if in the middle of the night, take a milkshake too?

A: If you wake, yeah. And if you don't wake, set an alarm after five hours so you do wake.

Q: Or you can just have plain milk, right?

A: You can have plain milk, but it isn't as good because it's high in sugar.

Q: Oh, so you don't want to take the colostrum?

A: Milk by itself isn't good at that hour.

Q: What?

A: It's high in sugar.

Q: What about on the weight loss where you recommend a glass of milk at night?

A: Yeah, but at night, that's not what you're waking up after five hours.

Q: Oh, I see.

Q: You said before, have four ounces of milk before you go to sleep, and when you get up, have another four ounces. Is that colostrum? Is that considered like milk?

A: Colostrum is a little different than milk. It's very different from milk.

Q: So instead, colostrum you can have, but...

A: Colostrum, if you want, if you have colostrum available, and you wake up in the middle of the night, you can have a glass of colostrum. It's higher in fat and hormone, less in sugar.

Q: So then, you'll have four ounces of milkshake one time, and then four ounces, you can have the other four ounces?

A: You could do that, yeah.

Q: But it makes it up to four ounces, doesn't it? Your milkshake, how many eggs you have to make, put in?

A: It all depends on, you know, I've got the recipe in the recipe book.

Q: Just one egg.

A: Yeah, no, two, you could have one to three eggs. You know, two to three ounces of cream, and three to five ounces of milk. It depends on how big you are and how much you want to drink.

Q: Can I ask, if you're going to end up your sleep after five hours, how does that play into the hormones of the main ones, like melatonin and stuff?

A: It's all good. It's all much better. Everything is much healthier. That's why the brain is more focused if you wake up after five hours.

Q: But if you sleep a certain number of hours [unintelligible] melatonin?

A: If you're on a cooked food diet, yeah. If you're on a raw diet, it's completely different. It takes about two hours, two hours and 15 minutes.

Q: What do you suggest, two or three eggs?

A: It depends, Kathy. It depends on your weight gain, weight loss.

Q: If you're stabilizing, it would be two eggs.

A: Yeah, or one. Depends. All right. Okay, now we're going to go around asking questions. We're going to start at this side over here. Suzanne. Okay.

Q: I'll be quite relaxed. Do you feel like you can make up for sleep, for example, if you sleep two or more hours?

A: Yes, you can definitely make it up by sleeping more.

Q: I didn't hear a question.

A: She asked, if you haven't been getting enough sleep, can you make it up? By sleeping more? Yes, you can. Just remember that 90% of cellular division happens in the sleep state. So healing, 90% of healing happens in the sleep state. After I got my butt kicked on this, I was sleeping 10, 12 hours a day. Me, you know, I'm usually four and a half hour a day person, five hours a day maximum sleeping.

Q: Did you get up at a time and did you have food?

A: Yes. I never slept more than three hours at a time, four hours at a time, always. Of course, I don't have to set an alarm. I've got my own internal alarm that does it. Okay, Jim, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. You see my recurring eye infections. It was brought to my attention that lemon or lime would be effective, except that they could also be painful. So I wouldn't want to do that. But what if I just put it, like, on a closed eyelid? Would it still permeate and get through?

A: Well, I don't suggest that you use lemon or lime to stop that detoxification because your eyes look healthier than I've ever seen them. And I like that slow detoxification that you've been doing. You start putting lemon or lime in there, you start destroying the bacterial and the tear duct environment. It can damage an eye.

Q: How about egg?

Q: Egg.

A: Egg white, great. Put that in your eye at any time.

Q: The yolk?

A: No, the yolk will cause a cloud in a film. The egg white is almost identical to the tears. It's a little bit more concentrated in protein, so it feeds the eye and strengthens it.

Q: So if you have red eyes or anything?

A: You just put egg white in them and your redness will go away 99% of the time, unless you have a condition like he has. It'll take about three or four more years for his eyes to settle. I know you didn't want to hear that. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: How about a stye? [unintelligible]

A: A stye is like a wart or a mole. It is cartilage tissue that no longer behaves properly as cartilage, but it's not a dead cell. So the body will send it out into the skin. Hard to get rid of those because they can reproduce like any other cell. And when you've got a cartilage cell somewhere around your eye, it's not the best place to have it, but it's a living cell. You can try to destroy it by taking a pen and poking it in some unripe pineapple and then just poke it around a little bit, not too much, because in my experiments I've seen people burn an entire surrounding area, a quarter of an inch around the mole or wart that they were treating, just by sticking it into the mole itself. But those acids go beyond that particular tissue that you're trying to dissolve and remove. So you have to keep it pinpointed toward the center of it and not too much of that juice. Because it will just burn your flesh away and leave a huge scar that looks worse than the stye that you started with.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: With pineapple, you just touch it. You don't stick it all the way through the stye. Just touch it into the stye. You may feel it, but it shouldn't hurt, so you shouldn't go that deeply. Like I say, you get that acid that deeply, that bromelain, that deeply into the tissue of the stye, and you're going to cause internal scarring. So you just want to keep it on the surface, barely into that, so you don't feel the pain, a needle poke. It shouldn't feel like you feel acupuncture. It should be just like a touch, a little pressure, and that's it. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Once a week. Right.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As much as they want.

Q: As much as an adult [unintelligible].

A: I've seen children that size eat a pound, pound and a half a day, throughout a day. Definitely.

Q: What was her question?

A: How much meat can a child eat? As much as they can eat. Do you have a question?

Q: Why is that [unintelligible].

A: Because children have a lot of HGH, which is human growth hormone. When we reach 21, 25, we stop producing it. If we don't eat raw meat, we're never going to manufacture it again. If we eat raw meat, then we will, and we will still continue to have growth hormones. But children, even if they don't eat meat, they have growth hormones, 99% of them. What that causes is an alkaline condition in their blood. So if they drink the vegetable juice, they become too over-alkaline. Then they become repulsed to meat, and even to dairy, and then they won't eat those foods. Then they get cranky, they start going for sugars. Then it's unruly, unmanageable, and then it's when you don't want to have children. You don't want them to have vegetable juice for maybe one day a week. You can usually tell, they get a little red around the mouth, and they're getting a little acidic. A little red around the eyes, a little red around the ears. They're getting over-acid, but it only takes one cup and they're back. Even a half a cup a child, that's all. So you don't want much, and you don't need to use much parsley in children's juice. It should be only maybe 5% parsley, and 90% celery, and maybe 5% cucumber.

Q: What does the parsley do?

A: The parsley causes them to get really alkaline, overly alkaline in their intestines and blood. That's the most alkalinizing besides comfrey, so it has to be minimized.

Q: They say you have a tendency to lose your appetite when you become over-alkaline.

A: Yes, when your digestive tract and your blood become over-alkaline, you lose appetite for meat. You start craving sugars, and sugars, and sugars.

Q: If you have the juice, and you don't have an appetite after the juice, it could be that you are too [unintelligible].

A: Too much for you, then you shouldn't be drinking that much juice, or you should skip that particular juice at that time of day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The ratio.

Q: How about the adult? [unintelligible]

A: If they drink? A dog, or did you say?

Q: I mean the grown-up.

A: The grown-up. An adult. It wasn't a dog, it was an adult.


A: Asian accent. If an adult drinks a lot of green juice, and they lose their appetite for meat, they're drinking too much juice. Green vegetable juice. Okay. Do you have a question? Do you have a question?

Q: I do. I get a couple of different symptoms after eating meat, and drinking milk. When I drink milk, I get really stuffy. And after I eat meat, I get extremely thirsty, and [unintelligible].

A: That's usually severe delipidization. It means in your digestive tract, in your sinuses, you may be dropping a lot of toxic cauterized minerals from your days of cooked food. So you store it in your esophagus, and in your sinuses, and in your stomach. Well, when you eat, no matter what you eat, the sinuses, and the esophagus, and the stomach will start dumping some of those into the food. Acid reflux is that problem to the extreme. So it will dump into whatever food you have. That's why I say, you always need to eat fat with whatever food you're going to eat. So that those poisons don't go into the meat, and the other nutrients, because you won't be able to utilize them. Once those poisons get into there, they neutralize the acidity, and the digestive juices, and destroy bacteria. So the villi don't work properly anymore. So that food will not be digested. So if you're eating butter, cream, eggs, or some kind of fat with whatever food you're eating, that fat will absorb those poisons so that you can utilize your food. Otherwise you will not. You're not likely to digest and utilize very much of it. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yes.

A: Okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I like the idea of heat, but saunas I do not like. They're too hot. By the time they get through the third layer of skin, they damage the enzyme content in the skin, and the vitamin content, and then start affecting the connective tissue. They also burn the mucous membrane. Steam is the same thing. It could even be worse, because that gets into the lungs. Usually in a sauna, you can cool the air by the time it gets past the bronchia. But with steam, it will actually get into the lungs and damage the lung walls. So hot baths, hot water bottles, that is what you should use to help yourself perspire to get rid of the poison.

Q: I heard that if you use a sauna at a very low temperature, [unintelligible]. Is that something that happens?

A: Well, it depends upon how long you stay in there. Again, it's dry. It's dry. It's going to create cracking on your skin. If you get into a bath where you have moisture in there, and you have milk in the water, you have some vinegar, and you have some sea salt, it's going to help you attract, with the magnetic force of all those substances, to help pull the toxins out of your skin. So your skin isn't going to have to work as hard. If you're in a sauna or a steam room, your skin gets damaged every time you go into it.

Q: How much did you say milk was?

A: Usually I suggest two to three cups of milk per bath, two tablespoons of sun-dried sea salt, and two to four tablespoons of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Those will help magnetize the poisons in your connective tissue and in your lymph out through your skin.

Q: What is it, two or four?

A: It depends on how toxic your water is.

Q: What was the last one?

Q: Generally in L.A. it should be toxic, more toxic.

A: If you're in the Valley, it's less toxic than L.A.

Q: Milk, salt, and vinegar?

A: Milk, salt, and vinegar.

Q: How much vinegar?

A: Two to four tablespoons.

Q: What will keep you from reabsorbing the toxins when you do a bath?

A: There's no way to reabsorb it. Unless you don't put those ingredients in the water. Then your body can reabsorb it. But not likely. Even if you don't have those things in it, you're not likely to reabsorb what you've exuded, but you're likely to absorb the chemicals that are in the water. If I get into L.A. city water without those ingredients in it, I can not stay in there longer than seven minutes, and I get out of there like I've had ten cups of coffee. And I mean, I am buzzing. My heart's going 90 miles an hour, and I'm just shaking. So I can't do that. Here I've got my own well, so I don't have all that problem. Well water. It's great.

Q: I know some people that actually do it six times a week. Once a day. [unintelligible]

A: Well, they're acclimated to it. They're children. So they build up a resistance to it. Getting into it in your later years, it's not an easy thing to do. Do you have a question? You. Forgot your name.

Q: Eric. Actually, I have a real question and a quick novel question that I think you might agree with. The real one is... Well, a few of us will talk about this. The real one is, what's your take on the causes and the remedies for the atheroma that sometimes develop under their eyes or in various places like that?

A: Just remember that poison store in the fat. If your eyes... If your body is using your eyes as a detoxification center, the tear ducts, fatty deposits will normally form. If they don't, you're in trouble. Because the eyes will be terribly affected, as they are. And you can see people with very bulging eyes. And then all the sunken around them, they usually end up with a severe eye condition later in life that's high pressure and like glaucoma and cause a lot of problems. Headaches continually throughout their life, irritability. But anywhere where you have fat collections, that is the body throwing poisons into those areas. And if it's around the eyes, it's that. Just like Lori, when I first met her, she had huge bags under her eyes. She also had cancer in three parts of her body and was ultra-thin. You know, over the years it's diminished. She doesn't have that bulging anymore. And her father had it too, a tremendous hazard.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Now usually the toxins that go secrete out the eyes and the ears and the sinuses are all from the brain. And the brain has the most toxic collection of minerals than any other part of the body. Your body needs metallic metals and other minerals to transfer light, which is neurotic transmission. So the brain collects a lot of heavy metals. And when they have to discharge, they discharge out the head, the throat, the gums, all that plaquing on your teeth. Those are cauterized minerals from cooked foods that are collected in the brain that are discharging. And there may be bacteria in it and there may not. Depending upon if any cells are alive in your brain to be able to discharge some bacteria.

Q: Is there a remedy?

A: Lots of cheese with butter so you don't get constipated.

Q: Could that cause a benign brain tumor?

A: Yes, it could.

Q: Lots of cheese?

A: Lots of cheese with butter. Equal amounts of butter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, it is. Cheesecake. Best remedy. Cheesecake. Do you have a question? Are you going to take both of yours?

Q: [unintelligible] There was something we saw yesterday on the Komodo dragon, how they lick something, they don't bite anything. They lick something and science claims they have a poison bacteria that kills anything it comes in contact with. Is it actually a bacteria? I know how they tend to treat bacteria, but is it actually a poison bacteria?

A: It's not a poison, it's a poison solvent, like a virus. Just remember, viruses are not alive. There's whole contagious shit about mosquitoes carrying virus and all kinds of things. It's like you taking soap with you and saying that it's contagious. Soap is not contagious. It does not self-replicate. I don't care how many homes have Tide in it, you cannot prove that it self-replicates to me. The body makes solvents to dissolve compounds in your body. If you are so toxic that your body can't use a bacteria or a parasite or other live organism to break that cell down, that decaying tissue, your body has to make a soap, a solvent. That's what viruses are. You look in any book, ask any good microbiologist and they'll tell you viruses are protein bodies. They're not alive, they can't reproduce, but yet they self-replicate. Hello? They are soap. They are solvents. They even admit, when you look in any biology book, you cannot find a virus outside of a live cell environment. Why? Because the cells are producing the virus. They don't self-replicate. A cell has to manufacture the soap. We manufacture soap all the time. We manufacture alcohol. We'll take a carbohydrate and ferment it in our intestines, take the alcohol and make a solvent out of it. It'll dissolve toxicity in the system. That's what a virus is. It's a refined, specific, highly densified protein body solvent that'll just dissolve matter. It's not the nicest way to get rid of toxins. The bacteria and parasites can consume decaying tissue and reduce it to a micro amount of what it was. It's like we could eat 13 pounds of food in a day and pass a half-a-pound turd the next day. Well, if a parasite gets a hold of some tissue, it can reduce it to a hundred times of what it was, a percent of what it was, and reduce that toxicity into a very small amount so it isn't so difficult to get rid of. But when the body uses a solvent, what happens when we use a solvent? We dilute it in water, and then we contaminate everything else, and we have this whole bucket of contaminated water. The same thing happens in the human body. When we have bacteria and parasites to help us, detoxification is mitigated. When our body uses solvents, it's distributed, a lot more toxic. That's why doctors are more afraid of a viral meningitis than a bacterial meningitis, because the fluids become immense. We're taking down all that toxic matter from the nervous system, and mostly it's heavy metals. It's free radicals that go and do tremendous damage to other areas of the body, which you don't normally destroy when parasites and bacteria are active.

Q: Are you talking about a one-cell parasite?

A: I'm talking about any parasite.

Q: Some of them can kill you.

A: No, they can't.

Q: That's not true.

A: No, they can't.

Q: You could die from amoebic dysentery.

A: No, you can't. You die from the treatment of amoebic dysentery. You take antibiotics, it destroys your ability to digest, and you die. Now, there are some people who are in third-world countries that live completely on cooked starches, and they don't get meat. So what happens, they have parasites, and they have to help them eat that sugar decay so it doesn't dissolve their whole body. Some people die of malnutrition. They're not dying of the parasite. They're dying of malnutrition and the breakdown that the advanced glycation end products and acrylamides cause in their bodies. But again, it's a food contamination. It's not the parasite or the bacteria causing the problem.

Q: [unintelligible] There's that dragon that some crazy poisonous bacteria that kills anything, bacteria replication destroys everything.

A: That's right. Flies do the same thing. Flies secrete a fluid that dissolves the matter. That's part of their digestive. It happens in the mouth. Frogs do the same thing.

Q: If you eat something from the fly, it lands on the food, it may just lay an egg - you may have an egg or something.

A: Even if it puts that fluid down, it's not going to hurt you. You're not eating enough.

Q: Doesn't that sort of explain, they also said that they the Komodo dragons are immune to their saliva, like if they were to get it - like the bacteria doesn't hurt them.

A: It's not bacteria. Bacteria occurs... We have 23,000 varieties of bacteria in our mouth. The human being is the most toxic, if you're looking at bacteria, the most toxic salivary juices in the world. 2,300 various bacteria in the human mouth. How many people have you killed that you bit? It's all bullshit. This whole bacteria thing is bullshit.

Q: You get a dog bite.

A: That's right. The main enzyme we have is the ptyalin enzyme, and that breaks down sugar.

Q: It's the same thing if a dog bites you, you're going to get rabies.

A: Not likely.

Q: Where do the rabies and malaria come from? The drugs, the treatments?

A: It's from the high toxicity in the person. Then when they take a drug, a medication, it weakens their body. They usually go into anaphylaxis, which is a shock, and they die. But, of course, the medical profession isn't going to take blame for that. Because then you'd sue them, and they'd be blamed for everything that they do cause.

Q: They try to do that.

Q: So if the person has rabies, if they just suffered the symptoms and never got an injection, they could survive.

A: Correct. But in the old days when they used to treat it, because you have foaming of the mouth, because usually that particular bacteria is familiar to the nervous system. It's like syphilis, so it can dissolve brain tissue quickly. If you've been a person who grew up, let's say, we had a lot of people who got lung disease, black lung disease, were the people who lived in London around the smelting factories. So they got the black plague because they were around this heavy lead metal fog every day, breathing it, so the lungs were heavily damaged. So it wasn't the bacteria that was associated with the detoxification, it was the actual poison metals that were dissolving their lung tissue. Of course, technology in those days, you've got silver chalices and stuff like that that are supposed to be gorgeous and beautiful, full of mercury. You've got the smelting factories around and everybody thinks it's advanced society, so they don't want to give it up. They're not going to admit what it does.

Q: And the famous historical story is that when it was used to burn off [unintelligible].

A: Yeah, it had nothing to do with it. It didn't have anything to do with it. Smelting factories. And also when they were burning the cats, they were putting a lot of toxins in the air. But they were burning everything. When Jerusalem had it right, in Jerusalem during Christ's time, the garbage collectors were the pigs. They were sacred. You could not eat them, you could not kill them. They'd run around the streets and they ate all the garbage that was thrown out the windows. They got sick because they were all eating cooked food, the cooked garbage remains. And that was another reason it was wrong to eat them. You were not allowed to eat those pigs because they were toxic. And they were diseased animals. But then they went to burning everything. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, they were doing smith work.

Q: Smelting is burning metals?

A: Burning metals, yeah. They were doing heavily, you know, swords, armor, heavily. Everybody, you know, had a sword or a knife. That was a big thing in those days.

Q: And they burned the swords?

A: They would smelt the metal. And then to harden it, you have to temper it. You have to keep burning it and pounding it to temper it. And those fumes were just going all over the place.

Q: What about new carpets? The stuff that comes off.

A: New carpets, if you don't have cotton or wool carpets, you've got toxic plastic in your environment. It's like wearing plastic clothes. Anything that isn't cotton, silk, or wool, you are going to breathe plastic particles, lint. You take a non, you know, you take a synthetic, whether it's, you know, from pine needles or whatever. You take a synthetic material and you shake it in the light and you'll see all this plastic dust all over the place. The lint in this plastic. Do you think that your lungs can break that plastic down?

Q: No.

A: No way. So your carpet, you see that the carpet in my house, that synthetic is covered with either wool or cotton carpet every year.

Q: So you can't vacuum it out? You can't vacuum continually?

A: You'd have to vacuum 24 hours a day, all day long.

Q: Not a carpet if it's a rug, a synthetic rug.

Q: One of the worst things about the carpet is the glue that you use to hold it down.

A: That is a plastic epoxy that gets into your lungs. It's part of the fiber. That's what I mean. It's full of epoxy. You cannot digest that. How about, would you knowingly breathe plastic?

Q: Wooden [unintelligible].

A: It's great. Great. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible] It's a biodegradable system. It's made from natural, organic wool.

A: If it's from wool, period, if it's from an animal, your body can break it down. It's used to disassembling animal cells, whether it's hair or what. Our bodies spent millions of years adapting to that. The plastic, no.

Q: Linen [unintelligible].

A: Yeah, but it's a little bit more difficult because they use high heat to solidify it, and the fats in vegetable oils harden in the human system. It's harder to break down. It isn't as bad as plastic, but it's not as good.

Q: You were talking about bacteria before. What about a bacteria like Heliobacter pylori, which they say causes ulcers and all this stuff?

A: Heliobacter pylori is part of the stomach lining. We've had it for billions of years, all animals. Again, the medical profession is trying to blame disease on bacteria, but we've lived with these bacteria for millions of years without disease. Why is everybody getting ulcers now? Ulcers were unheard of before coffee came into existence. Now that coffee is around, ulcers are a normal thing. If you have an ulcer, you're going to have pyloric bacteria there in the tissue, but that doesn't cause the problem. Whatever poisoned the stomach lining created the ulcer. Do you have a question?

Q: How do you get rid of the plastic or the fumes or whatever? You can't digest it.

A: That's what I mean. My detoxification book is going to get into foods that are fermented. They can start breaking these things down.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, right, you can break it down. That's what my book is going to go into without hopefully not killing anybody.

Q: What could you do with the raw sauerkraut? What about the raw sauerkraut?

A: Again, I'm not going to give any specifics on any of that until I finish all my work and research. Because for some people it's sauerkraut in a particular person in a particular amount. You don't want to dive into any of this unless you know what you're doing.

Q: My father's got a lot health problems [unintelligible].

A: You get one question first. Does he have congestive heart failure or does he have congestive arteries? Arteries? It depends on what he ate in his lifetime. Is he a heavy milk drinker, a heavy pasta eater, a heavy bread eater? It depends upon the particular minerals that have clogged his system. You take the alcohols from those particular foods and you feed it to him in small amounts with lots of butter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's mainly from vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is pure. You take even a raw vegetable oil and mix it with dirt and in a year it will be rock. You take animal fat and mix it with dirt and it will mold and become earth. It does that in the human body. It hardens in the system. Amber is a rock from resin from a tree. Almost all your crystals are vegetable oils, vegetable fats. They don't break down in the system easily. Once they've been cooked and in the body they never turn liquid until it reaches 102 degrees. You have to have lots of hot baths from 102 to 105 degrees and you have to stay in there for an hour to an hour and a half at a time to get that stuff liquid again so you can get it moving out of the lymph system. The lymph system is responsible for cleaning the body. If the lymph system isn't moving, arteries, heart, congestion, it's just going to keep collecting and collecting.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Correct.

Q: Would lymph massage help?

A: No, lymph massage is the worst thing you can do. Lymph massage is a deep tissue massage. They're going to go ahead and crack your veins and your circulatory systems, your nerves and your lymph system.

Q: That's rolfing, right?

A: Rolfing is the worst. It's the deepest. But any kind of deep tissue massage that isn't gradual, if they're going to go deep, they have to start lightly and move in slowly. It's ripping and breaking things. I suggest that you do just the tickle therapy. If you take your hand and you go over your hair, you'll get a tingling. Do it to each other. Just go over your hair on your arms. That whole tingle goes through your entire body. What more stimulation could you want? Now when I have a massage, that's what I have them do. I have them do my entire body tickle therapy. They barely touch my skin. Just go over like that, the entire body. It generates everything, excites. The therapists too. The therapists usually when they're finished with me, they're more red than I am because they're getting all this energy from me as well. Do you have a question?

Q: This one just came up with my original one, looking at toxicity in a home. I have a mostly wood home, which I enjoy very much, but apparently some termites are enjoying it. Humigating sounds bad, probably is bad. [unintelligible]

A: All you have to do is get some mint juice. Get some mint, like I grow peppermint all around here. Juice that and just start spraying it around. It'll soak into the wood and they cannot eat mint. It'll kill them.

Q: They'll go somewhere else?

A: They'll go somewhere else. It'll kill them, those that are eating.

Q: They're under the home. Because all I have remnants of is their waste. They drill pinholes and they push their waste out. Do you have to inject down those holes? Yeah, just get some mint juice and just start pouring it all around.

Q: [unintelligible] actually growing the plant?

A: Yeah, it does help. It also keeps ants away. Ants will not be burying to the ground where mints are growing.

Q: How long does it last?

A: If it soaks into the wood, it's forever. Especially if there's wormholes already in it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, boric acid powders, if you breathe it, it can just cause deterioration of your respiratory system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. But also it gases, though. Say if it rains and moisture gets into the framework, it gases. You have to deal with those vapors.

Q: Always something [unintelligible].

A: These things were known naturally ages ago. They have fields of net and they would just grind it into a liquid and just start dumping it, treating the wood that way before it even got into a house.

Q: They used to build houses with mint-treated wood?

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: Really?

A: Egyptians were heavy with that when they didn't use rock. They preferred rock, but when they used wood, they were always mint-treated.

Q: Using baking soda as a deodorant isn't going to be good, is it?

A: No, it would be terrible. Diluted lemon juice is the best thing for that.

Q: For what?

A: Diluted lemon juice for deodorant.

Q: Nothing for cleaning the [unintelligible]?

A: No, I use BioKleen from grapefruit seed oil. Do you have a question? What is your name?

Q: Violet.

A: Violet.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Good. You'll be healthier than most people.

Q: I've been reading about that, but I'm still used to the other way.

A: Yeah, just get rid of it. It's propaganda.

Q: I couldn't hear the question.

A: Like I say, get the book. It's called The Cholesterol Myth. You read that book and you'll be cured of all the myth. Get that book and read it.

Q: We didn't hear the question.

A: She said she has high cholesterol levels, and she worries about her high cholesterol levels because if she eats this diet, it creates a higher cholesterol level. If you have a 700 cholesterol level, I might be concerned.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay. That's a good amount. I like 350 to 400.

Q: Finding high cholesterol is healthy.

A: That's right. You have to understand on this diet, even if you're not on this diet, it's still healthy to have a high cholesterol level because the fats bind with the poisons. If you are fat deficient in your blood and you have a low fat level, guess where the poisons are going to go? Into the cells, the red and white blood cells. You're going to transport less oxygen. You're going to have more problems. So a high cholesterol level is good. It's just that the food industry like to jump on this thing about, oh, we can sell now our foods calling them low cholesterol. Like cereals and other garbage.

Q: What's the book?

A: The Cholesterol Myth. It's referenced in my recipe book. Okay. So don't worry about it. Be happy. Because remember, when you're on this diet, at least 50% of the cholesterols that are in your blood are going to be toxic ones that are on their way out. Question?

Q: Can you talk a bit about detoxing through the skin? Can it cause symptoms like dry skin?

A: Always.

Q: Itchy skin, stinging skin, chapped lips, you mentioned warts?

A: Absolutely. That's why I like the primal facial body care cream. You put that in... If you're going through any kind of a skin detox, any kind of a rash, dry skin period, poisons are leaving through your skin in an intense amount that's drying out the surrounding cells. There's not enough fat in those cells, so when the toxin moves past it, it draws the fat out of that cell. That cell will crack and damage and scar. So with the primal facial body care cream on, it will be able to be absorbed into the surrounding cells so you don't have as much damage. I mean, if I had put that on these areas, I would have huge sores and huge scars.

Q: You make it up?

A: Yeah, you make it up. It's on page 145 of the recipe book.

Q: How long is it good for?

A: I've had it up to six months in the refrigerator. I've had it up to two months out of the refrigerator in a climate like Thailand.

Q: After six months throw it away?

A: No, I just never, I've always used it within six months.

Q: I made a lot of it.

A: Yeah, still it'll last.

Q: Or you could eat it within one year.

A: Great stuff.

Q: So the best thing is to do something topically.

A: Absolutely, you've got to protect your skin. And especially if you have lymphatic cancer or any kind of a skin disease like that, your body brings in heavy toxins right out through the skin. You better coat that skin.

Q: What about coconut oil?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if your skin is dry, you don't want to sit in the sun without the primal facial body care cream or coconut cream.

Q: What about coconut oil?

A: If it's raw coconut oil that you make yourself, it's great. That's what the natives always used for thousands and thousands of years, just straight coconut juice. They would grate the coconut meat, wring out the fat, apply it, and eat it.

Q: What about the organic, cold-pressed coconut?

A: There's no such thing as unheated coconut. They usually pasteurize or steam the coconut before they cold-press it. So it's bullshit, it's not raw.

Q: That Jacob Miller has some kind of cod liver oil?

A: There's no cod liver oil that isn't solvent-processed.

Q: You know what I'm talking about. He has a listing of items.

A: I don't care. That cod liver oil is just as toxic as any other. Cold-pressed doesn't make any difference. It's solvent-treated. They purify it with a solvent.

Q: Even Udo's Choice?

A: Even Udo's Choice.

Q: Really?

A: Yes. You have a question.

Q: I do. I have been enjoying a lot of strength and health because of what you just said. And recently I met a dance teacher and I spent four days doing all these dances that I've never done before, like the popin, meringue, and salsa. And my knees just pull up, like they call it housewife's knee or whatever. And I was wondering, what was it? [unintelligible]

A: That's because you never got married. You never got married.


Q: I got married after.

A: What that usually is, is toxins and toxic fats leaving your knees.

Q: So I just over-stimulated, like a detox from all the dancing because I wasn't used to that kind of hopping.

A: You also have to understand you were a big milk drinker. You didn't eat a lot of meat. For the first three years on the diet, you mainly ate milk and didn't eat much meat or much butter. You were a milk drinker. Milk is highly concentrated in minerals. Low in fat. Not high enough in fat for as toxic as we are. So you just kept collecting a lot of minerals with poison. And when it comes out the joints, it will cause tremendous swelling.

Q: And now in Santa Fe, all I can get is raw goat milk and they feed it grain.

A: Grains, goat, cows, deer. They all eat lots of grains. They eat grains all the time. Grain-fed animals are fine.

Q: I thought the organic pastures only fed them grass.

A: No, they feed them some grains. Whenever they get milk, they get fed some grains.

Q: So they feed them grains.

A; Yeah, absolutely. They are built to eat that. They feed high-carb cellulose.

Q: I just thought my knee is swelling by eating all the sugar from the grains. [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's high in minerals. All milk is, whether it's from a cow or goat. Just from a goat, there's even less fat than with a cow.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but there's not enough fat to disperse it and get it out properly.

Q: How come you went to New Mexico? Any reason?

A: It doesn't matter.

Q: I mean, if they have a certain special thing there.

Q: Oh, probably people live out here.

Q: 85% percent of the time, the grain fed to animals is sprayed. It's toxic grain.

A: That's true. We're talking about grain is fine, but you're talking about pesticides and stuff like that, that's something different. But you have to understand that most of the grasses that are fed these animals, too, because they're fed alfalfa during the winter, you know, bale's alfalfa, 90% of it's sprayed, too. It's like the grain.

Q: Even in New Zealand?

A: No.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, not because of grain. Because of the other garbage that they feed the animals. Whole foods is worse. Whole foods feeds this 15% bakery waste. Stale doughnuts. And they call it natural. All natural. That's why I go for, the only reason I go for this is I'd rather go for the grain fed because I like the taste better and I like the fattier meats. But because I can get it without all the chemicals and poisons, I go for the New Zealand all grazed beef with lots of butter and other fats. Once in a while I'll get Coleman's.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's not me. That's Sally Fallon and all these other people who are saying, you know, these animals go out there and eat grass, they don't eat grain. Let me tell you, out there in nature, things are turning into seed every day. It isn't like a field where they're cultivating rice or wheat and it all comes to blossom and seeds at the same time. In nature, it's seeding all the time. You look at the seeds that are in my yard right here. Seed all the time. These animals eat grain all the time. Every day.

Q: Whether it's corn or wheat.

A: Whether it's corn or wheat, no matter what it is, animals out in the wild are eating a lot of grain. Unless it's wintertime when they don't get a lot of grain.

Q: Whole foods New Zealand beef.

A: Pardon?

Q: Whole foods New Zealand beef.

A: Yes. But there are other beef that's not...

Q: So the New Zealand from there is okay.

A: Yes.

Q: At one time I thought, I should say, that poisons and hormones collect primarily in the organs of the animal.

A: Correct. In the fat and the organs.

Q: Okay. Just how bad is the muscle of these animals?

A: It's not bad. Because most of the poisons go into the fat and the glands. That's why I won't eat glands from an animal unless it's an organic animal.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I use it too. When I was in Paris, in France, for three years, you know, three months out of a year, I ate mad cow. I didn't have a problem.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Let me tell you, a buffalo will pull up a whole field of potatoes if he gets a hold of one. Put it into a field of potatoes and a cow will dig it up. That's why you put rings on their nose. Pigs and cows keep from digging up the earth because they go after roots. You better believe they go after roots.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's fine as long as that isn't their entire diet.

Q: [unintelligible] That's the impression I got from the people who were telling me.

A: That buffalo would be a dead buffalo.

Q: Oh, really?

Q: Is Rosie still the best chicken?

A: No. Rosie is a terrible chicken. Rocky Jr. Rosie feeds theirs 75-80% soy. Soy has to be cooked and processed. Raw soy will kill a human and will kill birds. So they have to treat the soy before they feed it. So it doesn't matter that the soybean was raised organically. Once it's treated with a solvent, it is a chemical. It is no longer organic. So it is a lie. It's misrepresented. It's misadvertised. Rosie Organic is not Rosie Organic. Rocky Jr. They feed their 75-80% raw corn. And the rest of it's soy. But I can't get them to stop feeding it soy.

Q: Soy is poison.

A: That's right.

Q: So they feed it a certain amount of soy.

A: Soy, but it's a small amount compared to Rosie's. Or any other chicken. Shelton does the same thing.

Q: What about James?

A: James gets Rocky. Soy is an easy protein. Fatten them up. Build their muscle.

Q: It's not going to harm you if it's got that 20%?

A: Your body can handle it if it's eating enough fat.

Q: How much butter [unintelligible].

A: Depends upon the individual. I eat a half a tub a day. It's a half a pound a day. Minimum. Plus my cream. Plus my other things.

Q: Where do you coleman meat?

A: Coleman meat. You can get that from wild oats. And I will. I'll shop at Coleman. I'll get Coleman beef a couple of times a month. That's what my pie was made out of today.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah.

Q: And the other thing is you can eat...

Q: That's white cheese.

Q: [unintelligible] Like North Star Bison is the only place I know that does not finish their beef at all. Their beef is taken off the range.

A: You mean the buffalo?

Q: The buffalo, yeah. But most other places finish their beef. Finishing means that they then feed it lots of grains.

A: Six to 90 days of eating lots of grains. To me that's okay. I'll take that fat. I'll take that fat any day as long as it's on good grain, not toxic grain.

Q: So kosher meat isn't clean either?

A: Kosher meat is terrible because they salt it. Do you have a question?

Q: I found in the last year I haven't been able to tolerate the nighttime juice. I become hyper. And then I lie in bed and I toss and turn.

A: You didn't hear what I said? When I first started this?

Q: Yeah. What am I supposed to do? No juice at night?

A: No juice at night. I can't drink juice at night.

Q: But tell me what happened in the last year. What happened to me?

A: Your body went through a huge change.

Q: So you can only have it up to what time? What is the time? You can't have it at night?


A: I don't have it past 6 o'clock.

Q: The green juice?

A: My green, yes. Because I have the same problem. If I have green juice after 6 o'clock, I will be hyperactive.

Q: [unintelligible] you weren't able to drink the juice because you had to eat something else between that time. And you have an extra juice for the next day? How are you going to work it in before 6 o'clock?


A: You don't. You just change. Your whole pattern has to change.

Q: [unintelligible] the one juice you can't drink?

A: Yeah.

Q: Drink it in the morning?

A: Yeah. Or drink it the next day and then you just let it linger a day. Part of the fermentation process, if you want to clean out old...My parents made me eat cooked vegetables. I would projectile vomit. So they would make me sit for an hour and a half. And I'd sit at the table by myself for an hour a day eating the vegetables just to get them down. Those fats, like I said, harden in the human system. To help break those down, you eat fermented vegetable juice. So I'll let my vegetable juice go sometimes 5, 6, 7 days into a vinegar.

Q: In the fridge or out of the fridge?

A: In the fridge. And then let that... it goes too fast if it's out of the fridge. Then I'll have that to help break it down. But I'll have one, maybe two a week. Never more than that because it can cause a heavy detoxification. So that's how you can use one of those juices if they go... or just dump it. That's all.

Q: And so it isn't a problem that I can't tolerate anything?

A: No, your body now has to adjust to a different structure. And that's good. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: Might feet tend to be cold, like when I wear sandals? [unintelligible]

A: It's usually a bone marrow problem. So the bone marrow in your feet are probably pretty acid and pretty toxic. So that would be a matter of applying hot water bottles at night. Get the circulation to change. And that usually takes 10 to 15 years to change. It's a long, slow one. With me, with my blood and bone cancer, the feet were the last thing to change. And it just did it in the last two years. This particular ankle right here, I could be, the rest of my body could be completely warm, but this would feel like it came right out of the freezer. And I would have to wrap it, bundle it.

Q: Now it's better?

A: Yeah, now this last two years was the first winter where I didn't have a problem.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's fine. Yeah.

Q: Maybe with socks, you can't wear socks anymore.

A: Yeah, you can wear socks.

Q: I bought sandals, I tell you, I bought these sandals three months ago when this was the first-

A: It was warm enough.

Q: Yeah, it was warm enough.

A: It takes a long time.

Q: What about numbness in the feet? If you feel like you move your toes and it feels kind of numb?

A: It's dead cells. Not enough fat to collect the toxicity so it's gone into the nerves.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, cramping can be a mixture of a lot of different things. Cramping can be dehydration. It can be a collection of toxic minerals, acrid substances, too much carbohydrate, byproducts, acrylamides that collect in the muscles. Cramping can come from so many things.

Q: Low potassium?

A: That would be part of dehydration. Do you have a question?

Q: Frequent urination during a sleep mode, not during the day, but not being able to connect to the body normally like you do during the day. You wake up an hour, you go to the bathroom, you fall back to sleep, and that urge comes again only during the sleep mode.

A: The nervous system detoxifies when there's no light and at nighttime. If you're in a climate like you're in, let's say, Finland in the summer, where it's light all day long, you will still detoxify normally when the sun is the lowest. And the nervous system detoxifies. Like I said, in the nervous system, in the brain, that has the most free radicals, heavy metals. What happens is the free radicals touch cells, it burns them. Gets into the blood, gets into the kidneys, gets into the bladder, causes irritation through the urethra and to the bladder walls. You have to relieve it, you have to get it out quickly. Only way you can help resolve that is to drink a lot of cream before you go to sleep. That will help ease it.

Q: I've been drinking my juice before I go to sleep.

A: Eliminate the juice or have, let's say, two or three ounces of cream with your juice.

Q: Well, not that much.

A: Okay, then you've got to cut it out because the minerals in the juice are helping you eliminate from the neurological system at night. If you're not sleeping well, it'd be better that you didn't detoxify that quickly. Cream is always good to help. Bind with those acrid minerals that cause irritation to the tissue.

Q: So maybe take a little cream each night.

A: Two or three ounces. I'm to the point now where if I drink a vegetable juice, I'm urinating five minutes later. With intensity. Especially now that I'm so thin. When I get the weight back on, it won't be as bad.

Q: [unintelligible] You have that urge to eliminate.

A: When you're as thin as I am, you can't even move. You want to relieve when that kind of mineral toxicity comes in to the system. Roger, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I heard a talk with this guy. [unintelligible] But anyway, he claims that people with Alzheimer's drink very little water. So in order to cure this problem, he puts them on a 20-day fast and they drink about a gallon a day of water. He claims that he's unclogged these tubes and then they're normal again. And he says that in talking to these people before, some of them haven't had a glass of water for 15 years. So he thinks of water. I know you don't like too much water.

A: In a situation like that, it's a temporary good fix. Because the water, like I said, is leaching. So if they have a mineral buildup, if they have a plaquing in their system that's blocking the neurological system, the lymph, or the circulatory system, the bloodstream, drinking a lot of water like that can cause a lot of dissolution of that plaque, those minerals. But also what does it to the blood and the glandular system and everything else. So they might be able to get away with doing it once or twice in their life, but not as a regular thing.

Q: Yeah, he's not doing it all the time. This is a one-time fix.

A: Yeah, it's a one-time fix, but it won't relieve it forever.

Q: Well, if they don't drink water, they may go back.

A: Even if they drink water, it'll come back. But it is a temporary fix that can be utilized in a certain situation.

Q: But the doctors in general don't have any solution to that.

A: They don't have any solution to anything.

Q: To anything.

A: Okay, do you have a question, Kathy?

Q: Yeah, when you have making high fish, what will the high fish do to you once you have enough of that? What will you have help get rid of?

A: Okay. Anytime you have making high meat, the whole purpose...

Q: I mean, high fish particularly.

A: I know. I'm going to address the whole thing and then boil it down to the individuals.

Q: Okay.

A: High meat, the whole purpose of high meat is for bacteria to break down the meat. Normally in our digestive tracts, we'll have a lot of bacteria that breaks down meat. Not only hydrochloric acid, but bacteria. Salmonella, E. coli. E. coli is the last, final digestion of meat. And E. coli is the most important bacteria there is. It helps you synthesize B vitamins and amino acids. It takes that protein and breaks it down into the finest form. It's a backup for your immune system. When you take meat and you fill it full of bacteria, whether you're coating it with E. coli, E. coli breeds on it, what you're doing is introducing bacteria into your body that will help you digest meat. Period. That's what it's for. If you want to go into detoxification, you have to ferment that meat severely. You have to let it go into a liquid where all the protein is already predigested by the bacteria. It is high in alcohol. That's a bacteria detoxification. And that is an extremely hard point to get to. You have to let your meat sit for 6, 7, 8, 10 months before it will become completely liquid like that. Bacteria in high meat is to help you digest meat. Period. That's what it's for. However, when I experimented with high fish at stages of eating too much at one time, it can cause a heavy neurological detoxification. It is rare, but it could happen, and it happened to me. It caused a meningitis. It crippled me for about 5 days. But, I'm not your average guy.

Q: Was that bacterial or viral?

A: Bacterial.

Q: But generally it would get the nervous system, doesn't it work for releasing poison?

A: I'll repeat it. Bacteria in high meat is for digesting meat. It's not for detoxifying the system. The bacteria that's used for detoxification are the ones that they call bad. Like parasites. Amoebas. Certain kinds of amoebas. Those are your detoxification bacteria. You will not find them in raw meat. Not unless you spike it. And then they usually don't survive unless they're internal in a body with the heat. E.coli. Salmonella. They are used to living outside of an environment and helping decay tissue as it rots in the field. The crows and the worms and the other creatures don't get it first. But, the amoeba and certain kinds of parasites only exist in a live body. They are detoxifiers. And they are good and healthy.

Q: I was reading a comment [unintelligible]. They're trying to create a cow that does not have E.coli. And I was like, what? Is it a cow?

Q: What is it? Are you talking about E.coli 157 is it the bad stuff? [unintelligible] You see, David has tested the milk, the cows, the grains and everything else.

A: E.coli 157 is a fiction.

Q: I don't know what it was.

A: It's a fiction. But, Monsanto is trying to destroy all the animals in the world. So that any animal that you will get, they will have genetically engineered and patented. That way, if ever you have an animal that you raise, you have to pay them royalty. That is the whole idea.

Q: They're doing seeds already.

A: They're doing seeds already, that's right.

Q: Terminator seeds.

A: Yep.

Q: Can I just say, then why are you going into different meats to make high? Chicken high, beef high, all these other things.

A; Because there's a different bacteria for each meat. There are thousands of bacteria. You want to try to get them all going.

Q: The high fish will help you digest fish, right?

A: Yes. Correct. There's a whole array of bacteria for each meat. And if you breed those and introduce them to your body, you're going to digest them. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you eat it in such a mass amount that it's greater than digestion, that's going to be hard to do. Like I said, the only thing I could do that with was fish. One time.

Q: You have to take a cup at a time.

A: That was me. I don't know about other people. That was me at that particular time. Fred, do you have a question?

Q: Is there a way to, more on a localized basis, monitor air quality? In other words, I'm kind of looking for another place to live, but I want to pick some place where the air is better.

A: You can't get it better than this area. Venice is the next best area. The further you go into the city, the more toxic it gets.

Q: What about Altadena or higher up? Are they better or not?

A: Terrible.

Q: Worse?

A: Yep.

Q: Why?

A: Because there's a whole toxic layer that sits up there, right up on the mountain. Halfway up the mountain. That layer is probably about 1,500 feet thick.

Q: Wow. Because I always had the impression that...

A: If you ever go up in a small plane and you look at the layers, you'll see.

Q: Okay.

A: You'll see.

Q: And the best area in Venice?

A: Anywhere along the beach. Anywhere along the beach.

Q: Are there any reports or anything where they actually do give you a more specific report on the air quality?

A: They won't do that.

Q: They won't?

A: No. Everybody would be discouraged.

Q: Yeah. Then how do you know, just because you're smelling it?

A: Well, because I used to do some tests.

Q: Oh, you did?

A: Yeah.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Also, when I took flight lessons, I saw the layers.

Q: Okay.

Q: They make great sunsets.

A: Oh, yes. Beautiful orange sunsets. The pollution. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: I do. Back to parasites, more specifically worms. I feel that I get little flutters.

A: All parasites do.

Q: I get flutters. I can feel them. And I haven't done any before. I feel flutters around me. I feel I have them in my intestines. And I had a worm experience where one came out. And I'm slightly worried. [unintelligible]

A: They don't go. A tapeworm lives in the intestines on high carbs.

Q: Oh.

A: So as long as you're discarding high-carbohydrate waste into your intestines, those are going to be your friends there to eat. The tapeworm only lives in a third-world environment where there's only grains eaten.

Q: Somebody said that when they got the monkfish liver, it was going back that they found worms in it. So you could find worms in a monkfish or red snapper.

A: But those are not tapeworms. We're talking about a tapeworm.

Q: Oh. But my worm was like, it wasn't a tapeworm. It was like the round worm, this big.

A: Pinworm.

Q: This big.

A: That lives on the intestinal walls.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It lives in the intestinal walls like it does in the tripe of a chicken. And what they are eating is toxic protein.

Q: Why did my worm come out?

A: It probably got too toxic.

Q: You killed it.

Q: Or maybe because of the raw diet it didn't have anything to eat, did it?

A: No.

Q: It was too toxic.

A: Like I say, it lives on your intestinal walls. It doesn't have anything to do with what you're eating. Tapeworm lives on what you're eating. Pinworm lives on your intestinal walls because of the toxicity.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You need to have them. If you don't have the pinworm, your intestines could go into cancer.

Q: So there's no danger of them going to organs?

A: If you ate just cooked carbohydrates your entire life, possible. Infiltrate the tissue. Or if you got poisoned by something that would completely destroy the integrity of cellular divisions, it could. But that would take a mass poisoning like they do with fish. Let's say a fish gets into an area with high mercury contamination or high radioactivity contamination. Its cellular wall barriers are broken. So then parasites can just eat the entire fish.

Q: One other thing, are you still eating swordfish?

A: Yeah. Still my favorite.

Q: So you're saying you've actually heard of some cases that have had the worm?

A: Yeah, absolutely. I could never breed them. I tried to spike myself with them and I couldn't get them to live. After the chemotherapy, I was so poisoned that anything tried to live in my body would die. I'm living off of it.

Q: I'm going to go back to the question I asked. I have this acid reflux that causes a cough continually after I eat. When I lay down at night, my teeth, my gums are bleeding continually. My teeth are bleeding.

A: You're way too thin.

Q: I'm not thin.

A: You're way too thin. You don't have any fat to bind with anything. So all these acids are getting into your blood, into your lymph, into your circulatory, your neurological systems. They are burning your system. You have to get fat in a condition like that.

Q: I'm eating lots of food now. I've been on it 16 months now.

A: Not enough. You should be 30 pounds heavier with that kind of condition.

Q: I put on 16, 17 pounds. I took off 10 of that already. I didn't try.

A: I'm telling you what I've seen work. When you have somebody that has an acid condition like that that permeates their system, unless there is fat, excessive fat in the blood, lymph and neurological system, and tissues, you're not going to be safe. You're always going to have symptoms. And if you sleep, you better sleep at a slant.

Q: I've tried that, too.

Q: What does that do?

A: Well, it keeps the lungs from collapsing. If you're lying straight and the acids seep into the lungs, the lungs can collapse. It would be hard to breathe properly. When you've got it at a slant, you don't have the gravitational weight as a hindrance to breathing.

Q: Do your feet raise up?

A: No. You're elevated like this. The feet are this way, the legs are this way, and the body is at an angle from the waist up.

Q: I've tried that. It didn't do any good. I lifted the head of my bed with bricks under it.

A: Did you have your feet down this way? If you lifted the whole bed, then the whole bed is at this angle.

Q: No, I lifted just the head of the bed.

A: How can you lift just the head? If you're lifting the head of the bed, the whole bed is going to crank.

Q: I put, there were bricks underneath.

A: Okay, here's the bed. If you put bricks under here, the whole bed is going to slam upward. What you have to do is you have to get the bed like a hospital bed, this level where you're from the waist up at a high angle. What you can do is get one of those rectangular shaped pillows, put on your body, or use three pillows to layer it so you're at that angle.

Q: What about the gums? What can I do?

A: As I say, the gums, you've got all those metals leaving the nervous system going out the teeth. Keep honey and butter in your mouth to absorb those acids.

Q: How much of it?

A: Or cream, keep a little bit of cream in your mouth. A honey-butter mixture should be about eight butter to one honey for the mouth.

Q: If you're thirsty for that acid food, is it good to have it now?

A: What acid food are you talking about? Tomato?

Q: Grapefruit.

A: The grapefruit is fine.

Q: This late of day you can have it.

Q: Why doesn't Kathy do it?

Q: Just go for it, Kathy.

A: It all depends upon the individual. I tell people to eat their fruit in the afternoon and not after six, seven o'clock, because it could disturb the whole system.

Q: After six?

A: Yeah, about after six.

Q: Is it not? What time is it?

A: It's time, you can still eat it.

Q: You've got an hour and a half.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I notice I go into sleep about mid-evening, and that's fine. I know I'm detoxing.

A: You mean healing?

Q: Healing, yes, healing. I tend, yes, and afterwards when I wake up I notice a lot of redness, bloodshot.

A: Could you close that all the way, please? There you go. Bugs will get in there.

Q: Yeah, I notice a lot of redness, bloodshot in my eyes. What is that?

A: That's usually the brain detoxifying heavy metals out your tear ducts.

Q: Right, since I've had a history of metal. All right.

A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I notice that you usually wear light-colored clothes. Do you not wear bright colors? Do you get concerned about dye through the fabric?

A: No, I have very dark clothes, too. Yeah, this is what the girls picked out for me to wear today.


A: That's what I wore.

Q: So you don't, as long as things are cotton, silk and wool, and where do you find, like, good quality?

A: There are places that have organic cotton clothes and silk clothes. They're very expensive, but just go on the Internet.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Where?

Q: Ross.

A: Yeah, that's not organic. They're asking for organic cotton.

Q: I've seen that.

A: Yeah, cotton, silk.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There are quite a few out there. I've run into quite a few, but that's one of the main ones. Do you have a question?

Q: What do you think about hot tubs? We have trouble with bromine and chlorine.

A: Well, I have a hot tub back there. I just use sand in the filter. I don't use any chemical, just sand.

Q: Sand in the filter?

A: Yep. I use a 300-pound sand filter. The sand keeps it, I mean, I like, you know, my algae. I breed the algae to make sure the algae is full in there because it's good for the skin. And it helps feed the skin. If the algae is eating the dead cells on the skin, then you don't need salmonella on the skin. Salmonella dries me out too much. But that's our normal cleanser. Salmonella eats the dead cells on your skin to break them off and get rid of them. So salmonella is very important to have on the skin. But if you live in an environment where you can have algae eat that dead cell, those dead cells instead of the salmonella, then your skin doesn't get as dry. My skin doesn't get as dry.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. Not right now, it's too hot. I use it to get cool right now.

Q: So you actually use that now?

A: Yeah.

Q: And how hot does it get when you get it hot?

A: About 105 degrees.

Q: You can use it for your bath?

A: Yes. Unless James gets in it and then it goes up to 106, 109. Nobody can sit in it but him.


A: Do you have a question?

Q: I only know about this diet last night. So I'm not quite sure. I have been kind of like raw vegan but eat fish occasionally for 10 months. Fish and sometimes meat. Since I do the raw vegan, a lot of my health problems are [unintelligible]. I don't know science, allergy or whatever. So if you have any suggestions, what should I do to take care of this allergy thing?

A: Well it all depends on what's causing it. I mean if it's heavy metals coming out through your mucous membranes, you're not going to stop it. All you can do is just produce enough mucous to keep it from being a problem. And that means eating lots of eggs with dairy. To create enough mucous to protect your mucous membrane. Because I can see by the whites of your eyes that you have a lot of toxicity in your bone marrow. That means you have a lot of heavy metals in your bone marrow. And that's going to create a problem. Any of these bones in here are going to detox out of your sinuses. So you're going to have an allergy problem all your life until all that's relieved. So the only thing you can do is make sure that you produce enough mucous to protect those mucous membranes. And to discharge the poison.

Q: How do you get rid of heavy metals?

Q: Um, cilantro.

Q: Cilantro?

A: Well there are different things I recommend. Coconut cream, cilantro.

Q: Yeah, recently I kind of like this.

A: Dark berries. Blueberries, mulberries, boysenberries. David, do you have a question?

Q: I just want to thank you so much. I thank [unintelligible]. It's so intelligent and I'm right on the mark. I can't believe this hill is not filled with people. Thank you so much.

A: You're welcome. Thank you, David. Did you have a question?

Q: Can I purchase a couple [unintelligible]?

A: Absolutely. Right now. Okay, anybody that I skipped, do they have a question now? Suzanne.

Q: [unintelligible] certain equipment or [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but just make sure they're not on while you're in the room.

Q: So ionizers, while you're not in the room, any other particular equipment?

A: Your alpine equipment is pretty good.

Q: How about a fan?

A: Make sure it's three feet from you. Because of the EMF field.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As long as you're not in the room.

Q: What about the ultraviolet light? [unintelligible]

A: Just make sure you're not in the room when they're on. They will change the atomic structure of the air. It's not conducive to health. It burns nerve tissue. It would be bad for the mucus membrane. James.

Q: If a three-year-old likes eating the outside of a grapefruit, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

A: It's a good thing.

Q: Outside?

A: Yeah, he's going after the oils.

Q: Is it going to harm him?

A: Oh, it could harm him, but it'll helpfully harm him. Usually in citrus oils, it's one of the most potent solvent oils. We use it to make turpentine. It's a very good solvent. While he's young, he's probably breaking some very toxic oils down from his body, especially if he's eating some cooked vegetables. It'll help break it down.

Q: Turpentine is made from citrus peel?

A: Turpentine is made from citrus peel.

Q: Question over here.

A: Yeah.

Q: What do you recommend for roaches?

A: Roaches?

Q: I never know anybody on this raw diet had a roach problem.

Q: What do you do about roaches?

Q: Cucumbers.

A: Cucumbers work for roaches? I never had a roach problem before, so I don't know.

Q: I have. I have a little bottle. I've been using. I've been using [unintelligible] and sugar in little bottle caps.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, so, like I say, I've been on this diet... Even when I lived in Beverly Hills, which has the worst roach problem in the world, they're called palmetto bugs in Beverly Hills. And let me tell you, I was in a building where the roaches, I mean, they were in Roses, which is a 90-year-old woman that has an apartment up above me. And her place was, I mean, one drawer I opened, there were 1,000 roaches in one drawer. 1,000. Under her sink, there were at least 3,000 roaches. I had none in my apartment. My apartment was right next to her. You know, they just...

Q: What do you think explains it? The guy [unintelligible] they're outside of it. So, how...

A: No, they like cooked, decaying food. Cooked, decaying food is what they live on.

Q: She had in her house.

A: Pardon?

Q: She had all over her house.

A: Cats all over her house?

Q: No, that's what she had in her house. Cooked food.

A: Cooked, yeah. Yep. So, they were attracted to her house. And they loved that. They loved cereals. They loved anything cooked.

Q: I am curious if they're attracted, if you have a leaf on a wall, leaf on the on the floor that they'll be attracted. They'll smell that and go after...

A: That's bullshit. That's bullshit.

Q: Really?

A: They love mold. They eat mold.

Q: I moved into an apartment and I had roaches. And I knew they didn't clean it properly. I pulled the stove out and it was filthy under there. And once I cleaned under that stove, I had no more roaches.

Q: Oh.

Q: But in Hawaii the roaches are so big. We put saddles on them.


Q: There's a really good way if you really have a lot of roaches, is you just get empty jars and you put a little bit of oil, any kind of oil, like seed oil, on the inside of the jar only, at the top. And then you put a little bit of stale beer in the bottom. And they go in after the beer, but then they can't find out because of the oil, and then they just fill up the jars.

Q: Oh. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: And then you put it on the blender.


A: Okay. Do you have a question, David?

Q: Yes. I know of a lady who chose to have her baby in a hospital, and the doctor decided very quickly that she needed a C-section. She now has a baby. She wants to nurse the baby. She's not producing enough milk. They're having her formula. Any suggestions?

A: Lots of milk and eggs. Yeah. Lots of milk and eggs. Raw milk, raw eggs. A little bit of honey. A lot of cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah. Those formulas are very toxic. Mostly made with soy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? Yeah. Well, yeah. It works if the mother is also getting enough other protein from eggs or meat. Otherwise, it doesn't work. I mean, it'll help them build colostrum, but it doesn't help them build a good fat.

Q: Oh, okay.

Q: How many eggs a day do you eat?

A: Anywhere... She asked how many eggs a day I eat. I eat anywhere from 4 to 20.

Q: Wow.

A: Okay. Anybody else I skipped. Yes?

Q: We were just talking about the baby formula thing, and I just said, you know, I wasn't breastfed.

A: So, that's the problem. I wasn't breastfed either. I'm a mess.

Q: Okay. Who here was breastfed?

Q: [unintelligible] I was told that my doctor made my formula too rich, and I was a very fat baby.

A: Congratulations.

Q: Yeah. Oh, okay. Really?

A: Yeah. It's a wonderful thing. A fat baby is a very protected baby. A skinny baby is one where the brain will be damaged by any toxin that enters the body. I like fat babies. I like fat people.

Q: Honey, even when it's raw unpausterized honey, [unintelligible] they consider it damaging the [unintelligible] why is that, even if it's raw?

A: That's all, cause they don't know any better. See, when the bee collects the nectar and swallows it, it produces an insulin-like substance which converts 90% of the carbon to enzymes for digesting fats and protein, mainly protein. So it adds a protein for digesting protein. It's like a solvent that helps break down cellular structures of meat and eggs, anything that's high in protein. Once you heat it above 93 degrees, that is neutralized or destroyed. The hotter it gets, the more it's destroyed. See, the bees fan the hive and keep it at 92.8. If the top of the hive goes above 92.8 for very long, for an hour and a half, they will abandon it and they go to a lower area. And they will never eat that honey unless they're starving.

Q: I was real skeptical when I heard this. You guys know that I deal with Honey Pacifica and John. I went to the high desert with them. I stuck my hand in the hive. It was 109 degrees out and it was 75.

A: Because the bees fan it.

Q: And when he said many times he's watched the bees not be able to keep the hive below 93 degrees, they're gone.

Q: Below 93?

Q: So this is exactly right.

A: So what happens is that the baby has a concentrated sugar without the insulin that is normally in the bees. See, when the bees get back to the hive, they vomit. So honey is nectar, pre-digested, it's vomit. Bee vomit. That's what honey is. Once it's heated, that insulin substance is neutralized. So when it gets into the baby's system, it's too much sugar that gets into the blood and nervous system. And it can cause anaphylaxis, just like a drug. And let me tell you, most honeys are treated. They're filtered with a filter that has high chemical reactions in it. They're also subjected to cleansers. And then if a baby gets that, they're poisoned. They go into an anaphylaxis shock. Unheated honey never has caused a problem. And I have babies a month old.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Okay, the next thing to know is that there is no law, there is no legal description of what the word raw means. That goes for cheese, honey, oil, cold pressed. And so if you go to a honey or beekeeper, even if it's part of a market...

A: They'll tell you it's raw, because they believe it's raw.

Q: And yet when you go and check out their operation, it's heated to 120 degrees to easily pour it into jars. But they themselves don't believe that that is heating. They believe it's warming.

Q: [unintelligible] Cold pressed

A: Cold spun. Yep, there you go. Unless it's top of the hive that they've abandoned.

Q: Is it okay to mix a little raw honey in a meat dish?

A: Absolutely.

Q: [unintelligible] she's saying, you know sometimes I'll eat a really tough meat or I'll get a piece of tough fat that won't break down, I'll take a scoop of honey and put it on and it almost liquifies it, it dissolves it. I mean it's just tough fat that I'm ready to spit out and it's funny to me it's like.. I mean it's tough. The honey is so good to break down...

A: That's why I say, if you're going to eat honey, you need a certain amount of protein in a day. Like in the recipe book. Because people were eating too much honey and not eating the meat. And they were getting protein deficient. So that's why I say you can have six tablespoons of honey a day if you're eating a pound of meat. If you're not eating a pound of meat, you have to reduce it proportionally, the amount of honey that you consume.

Q: You can't just have a tablespoon in the morning.

A: It's not a good idea. It's always good to have it with food. Not by itself.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you don't have to have that much honey. It's up to you. It's up to your digestion. If you're digesting fine, you don't need a lot of honey. But if everything's very slow digesting, you should be having honey throughout the day.

Q: You can't lick a spoon of honey?

Q: Is that all that honey does is help digestion? Does it have any other benefits?

A: That's just about it. Digestion. That's why the bears love it. The bears can digest so much food so quickly, they can gain a tremendous amount of weight. And if they're not gaining the weight, you can better believe they're going to go into a hive. They will invade a hive. If a bear is having trouble gaining weight, he knows he's not going to make it through hibernation. So he will go in and suffer all the stings in the eyes he can take to eat that honey, so he can digest all the food he can.

Q: Because he hibernates. That's why another animal wouldn't necessarily do that.

A: Yeah. Right.

Q: But you can't just have a lick of the honey spoon with some lemon, juicing out the lemon for the moisturizing formula. Lemon with a little honey on it.

A: It's not a good idea to have stuff like that. It's damaging the teeth and the system. You've got to dilute it. Dilute it with some water. You know, like the lemonade. You put the lemon, the honey, the water, and the cream together.

Q: Oh, the water. Oh, the mineral water.

A: Yeah.

Q: If you're consuming a lot honey, you should also be consuming protein.

A: Exactly. That's what I'm saying.

Q: What's honey made up of?

A: Honey is nectar. Nectar from a flower. Pussy juice.


Q: What's the majority of the scientific compound of honey?

A: 90% carbohydrate.

Q: Do you eat much honey?

A: I eat, you know, I eat my six tablespoons a day if I eat a pound of meat. If I eat more than a pound of meat, I could eat up to, you know, proportionally whatever. I could eat up to a cup a day if I had three pounds of meat a day.

Q: By the way, I've ordered $2,000 worth of raw Tupelo honey.

A: Oh, yeah? Oh.

Q: It's coming from Florida.

A: It's hard to get unheated, though.

Q: It's totally unheated.

A: Tupelo is so thick.

Q: We understand.

A: Yeah? Okay.

Q: 80-year-old man that's been doing it for a long time, and it is truly raw honey.

Q: Is it better?

A: I hope.

Q: Well, we'll see.

A: Tupelo is highest because there's a particular nutrient in Tupelo, flour, in the nectar, that even allows the bees to produce more insulin. So, it is even easier for diabetics to eat. It's slower in metabolizing.

Q: He tells me he hasn't taken it above 80. How about 90?

A: Fine. That's wonderful. Wonderful.

Q: So, if you're eating meat, do you take a tablespoon of honey every time?

A: I do, definitely.

Q: A little bit afterwards. With your meat.

A: I always have honey with my meat, or right after, either.

Q: What about coconut cream, if I want to?

A: If I want to. I usually don't have coconut cream with meat. I usually save my coconut cream to have with fruit in the afternoon.

Q: Even after high meat, you can have the honey with your meat 20 minutes later?

A: No. If I'm having honey, I wait. If I'm having high meat, I wait 15 minutes before I eat my regular meat meal. I have my high meat, wait 15 minutes, have my regular meat meal, and then will wait until I finish the meat meal before I have my honey.

Q: Do you wait any amount of time, like 5-10 minutes after that, or is it OK to have it with the meat?

A: As soon as I finish with the meat, I can have the honey. I may wait, but I usually have it immediately.

Q: I thought you had said wait a little bit.

A: That's if you're having the honey and butter mixture after an egg.

Q: Because the moisturizing formula is not enough honey, that's all I get.

A: Yeah, that's already, the honey is in the butter.

Q: So that's OK?

A: Yeah, it doesn't count.

Q: It doesn't count your honey with your meat?

A: No, because it's mixed in with the butter.

Q: Oh.

A: The formula, it's already attached to that medium.

Q: So you have to have an additional tablespoon?

A: Correct.

Q: With each meat meal?

A: Correct.

Q: Is the honey a problem with high meat because it's really antibacterial?

A: Yes, that's why I say you don't have honey with high meat. You don't have milk with high meat either. The lactic acid in the milk will destroy the bacteria.

Q: Do you need to drink it down with water then, high meat? Rather than milk?

A: I don't drink it down with anything, but you can with water. If you're going to do anything, use water.

Q: Plain water? You just chew it.

A: I just chew it and down it, yeah. Then I'll rinse my mouth out if I don't like the taste. I like the taste.

Q: Do you have a nose [unintelligible]?

A: Not anymore. I like it, so it's not a problem.

Q: Do you take butter with that?

A: Never take butter with high meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Digest the meat. OK, we did everybody.

Q: Yay!

A: All right, what time are we?

Q: Seven after five.

A: OK, we went over seven minutes. Forgive me? Forgive me? All right.

Q: Yay!