Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: Well I'll start it off by saying I'm homeless folks. I got kicked out of my Malibu place. That's a clinic, you know, rehab for wealthy people, and they decided they wanted to make some changes on the property. So they had to have a building inspector come over and approve the changes that they wanted to make. So the building inspector decided to inspect everything on the property. Came to my house and he said, there's no permit for this house, you've got to tear it down. So I just got notice on Tuesday. So everything is going into boxes. So I'm homeless. And they gave me until the 18th, but I'm leaving tomorrow for Thailand, so I had to pack up everything in five days.
Q: Do you have help?
A: No, I don't want any help because I want to know where exactly everything is. Thank you. People did offer to help, but I can't afford it, I need to know where everything is. So I've been getting one hour of sleep a day. So, you know, they've offered me a, you know, I return September 23rd to no home. So they have some bungalows up near Canaan Doom Road, and one of them is a one bedroom, so they're going to give me that until mid-November. Because as soon as I get back, I'm only back a week, and then I go on my next tour here, I go to Aspen, then Sedona, Chicago, and then St. Louis. So I'll be gone that whole month, you know, of October. So I'll have just two weeks in November to look for a place.
Q: You don't need a home.
A: Pardon?
Q: You don't need a home, I'm just saying.
A: I need one about three months a year, you know, here in L.A. So that one was a perfect one, my hot tub, everything. And they've got to bury the hot tub. Oh, no. I didn't know you needed a permit, but, you know, if I had gone for a permit for that hot tub then, I would have lost the house ten years ago. So that's when I built the hot tub.
Q: You've been there ten years?
A: Eleven years. Eleven years. I thought I was going to be able to be there for my life.
Q: But you own the house, don't you?
A: No. I would have had a heart attack if I had to tear it down and it were mine. Oh, yeah. No, it belongs to Fred Segal. So, you know, Fred Segal Clothing Store.
Q: So you were leasing it from him?
A: No, I'm renting. Well, I was leasing on the yearly lease, but he said that I could, because he's on the diet and it saved his life and changes his whole life. He said that I could live there as long as I wanted, even after he's dead. In fact, he made a deal when he rented the lease the place to the rehab center, the clinic, that I stay there no matter what. But the contract was on that house. The house is gone. That's it.
Q: You take it pretty good.
A: What am I going to do about it? I was upset for two hours.
Q: Move on.
Q: Time for a change.
A: Screw it.
Q: Oh, wow.
A: I'm here so little, so it's okay. One, two days at a time.
Q: Are you packing your stuff up? Where are you going to keep your stuff?
A: They have... Fred on his part of the land that he didn't lease to them. He has a small storage house. He's going to put everything there for me. And I've got three boxes that just has everything that I absolutely have to have. So I'm not living in like a hotel. Because that's basically, I live out of a suitcase for nine and a half months a year.
Q: Is that your plan, just to come back here a month at a time or something, three times a year?
A: Well, that's the way I'm doing it now. I'm going away for four months and coming back for two to three months. Then going away again.
Q: And you're building a house in the Philippines, aren't you?
A: Not yet. It hasn't started. It's all about to begin there. Even though it's more remote and no roads into that area, no paved roads, and I have to cross three rivers. We got caught in one of the rivers and almost got washed out into the ocean. He and I were there last August. But that's finally bought the property, finally went through in January. So, I mean, because it's 618 meters up the mountain, and it's in forested land, and they're very particular about everything. So I had to get a permit and permission and have the town developers, the city of Puerto Princesa, their engineers design the road because it's, I mean, this steep sometimes. So they had to build a road which was a half a mile up the mountain to get to my property. It took them four months to build it. And I had to get permission to take down the trees and, you know.
Q: So it's a process.
A: It was a heck of a process. So then that was at the one end of the, the property is about a half a mile long. It's a kilometer by almost 60%, two-thirds of a kilometer, you know, going back. So it's a big piece of property. The one in Thailand is only 34 acres, the one in the Philippines is 108 acres.
Q: Only 34 acres.
A: And 108 acres is the one in the Philippines. So they had to, I needed a lake built at the end where I was going to build the property because where it goes at that end, at the north end of the property, there's a river that runs down and some big waterfalls on it, and that runs all year round. And along the back of the property, there's a river that runs along the back and all along the other side. So on three sides of the property there are lakes, the rivers. Now the one on the north end, that is so big that that's government owned. But my land goes right up to it. The one that's behind it on the other side is on my property.
Q: What made you choose the Philippines?
A: Because it was the most remote area I could get without getting into hostility. If I was gone towards Indonesia or Malaysia, there's a lot of hostility towards white people. I don't know, I didn't want to get into that. Filipinos love white people, I mean Americans, I don't know why.
Q: Do you they call you Joe?
A: No.
Q: I was in Northern Philippines, they kept calling me Joe. From G.I. Joe? From the Vietnamese guys during the Vietnam War, a bunch of G.I.s.
A: But this is, if you look at the Philippines, you've got the big island Luzon here, where Manila is. And then you've got all these other islands that go off over here, Samar, Leyte. And then you have some fairly large islands there, which are Bajal, Cebu, Negros, and those are popular ones. And then you have the big island, Mindanao here, and Samal, and all the little islands around that. Then way over here, there's a long island, and that's Palawan, where I am. Only 2% of the roads are paved. The town I live in, there are 200 people, and they're all spread out over about five miles. 200 people over a five-mile area, and they live off the land. They have electricity one and a half hours a day, and that's it. Because the city paid for a power thing for them to have electricity one and a half hours a day.
Q: Do they fish?
A: Yeah, that's what they do. It's right on the ocean there. The place where I built my property was where the wind comes through, because it's all mountainous there. I'm probably two-thirds of the way up the mountain, and all the way up to close to the top of that first peak. Then it goes back about 12 miles to more mountains. And that river runs 12 miles all the way down through my property. I only hiked three miles back to see how it was all the way back there, and there's nothing back there but monkeys.
Q: The drinking water must be good.
A: Oh, I drank right out of that stream.
Q: That's what's nice.
A: They freaked out because they're told malaria. They'll get malaria from it.
Q: Oh my God.
A: I was bathing in it, you know. They were freaked out. They thought I was going to get malaria.
Q: The people who live there, do they have wells?
A: They'll collect rain. They won't drink it out of a stream. They're indoctrinated to believe that they're going to get some disease. They're going to get malaria, and it's a falsehood. They believe that mosquitoes get malaria, too, and it's a joke. It's ridiculous. You know, a little bitty mosquito is going to bite you. Now, think about this. A mosquito is a female. The only reason she drinks blood is to feed her offspring. She doesn't want that blood contaminated. She's not going to contaminate you when they bite you. The proboscis goes in, and it bites as many cells as it can, so it creates a pool of blood. She sucks it out. No saliva involved in it or anything. It's a whole ridiculous joke.
Q: What about malaria? They say that's transmitted by...
A: That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm talking about. It's a lie.
Q: Well, it must be a government-made lie.
A: Malaria comes from not eating enough protein and getting very sick in a humid climate. And they only eat, like, 5%, 10% meats. The healthier ones, they eat a lot because they're fishing. Around where I bought my property, there's a lot. But if you're one of the poorer people who has a big family, well, you know, they eat too much rice. You know, 80% of the diet is rice. The reason I was able to get the property, because they don't allow any foreigners over in that area, was the second chief of this area, of this district, or what do they call it, Barangay, he was supposed to show me the property the first time, and this was almost a year ago. It was about a year ago this time. February, I guess it was. A year ago, February. And I went there to see it, and he said, I'm sorry, I can't spend the whole day with you. Two of my girls have malaria, and I have to take them to the hospital. They're really sick. So we had three languages to translate from, the native language to Tagalog, to English. So by the time he got to translating me, I said 76% of the people who go into hospital for malaria die in the hospital. Only 26%, 24% die if they don't go into the hospital. So that was translated to him, and he thought for a few minutes, and he said, it's probably true. Two of my girls, he had five girls. He said, five years ago, two of my girls got malaria, and I took them to the hospital, and they were dead in 24 hours, less than 24 hours. I said, all you do is you take two ounces of lemon juice, two ounces of honey, and mix it with six ounces of coconut water, and give them a tablespoon of that every hour for three days, and then two tablespoons every two hours, or one tablespoon every two hours for another three days. So he did that, he took me to the property, he spent the day there with me, and he gave that to the kids, and they were fine, so that was why they decided to let me buy the property.
Q: That's a great story.
A: They have a benefit for me being there, otherwise they wouldn't have sold it to me. Of course, I had to have a corporation, where I own 40%, and the Filipinos have to own 60%. So I got a taxi driver, my driver.
Q: You have a taxi driver?
A: A taxi driver, he's my foreman. He used to be in farming, now he's a taxi driver, so whenever I'm there, he devotes all of his time to me.
Q: He's very nice.
A: It's like $20 a day.
Q: A bargain.
A: Yeah, tell me, $20 a day, and he'll take me everywhere, and he's mine for 24 hours. I've taken cruises all around the island. We had to rent a car, that was the most expensive, but I shipped an FJ Cruiser over there, because I got a retirement visa, I was able to import a car. So, an FJ Cruiser is like a cross between a Jeep and a Hummer, and it's a Toyota four-wheel drive. It's a true off-road vehicle. You can take those things and ride up the side of a cliff, you know, like this, and it won't turn over. And because we got stuck in the river, you know, I needed something high, so it has six-inch lifts. So for me to get up in it, I've got to climb up in it. So it's an excellent, excellent car. In fact, I have shots of a car being washed out in a river like we did with an FJ Cruiser that didn't have lifts on it. And it finally hit a, you know, it was floating this much out of the thing. You just see the top of the car only. And then it hit a barge area, turned right on, drove right out.
Q: Wow.
A: That's the car I wanted.
Q: Perfect.
A: Yeah, so I've got that there. It cost me a fortune, you know. The FJ Cruiser, they don't import them there, but I found two of them only for sale in the Philippines. They've been imported by Filipinos who had lived other places and returned and brought their cruisers with them. And they wanted $60,000 for them. So I bought it for $22,000 here, and it's worth $46,000. It's a 2007. And it cost me $13,000, almost $15,000 to import it. So I still had to pay a fortune for it, but it's the vehicle that I want.
Q: How do you get the gas for it?
A: Well, there's gas stations.
Q: I thought you were so remote.
A: Well, yeah, I have extra gas tanks, you know, to take with.
Q: What's your plan for the property? I mean, are you going to do something about it?
A: Well, that property is just for me and relatives and friends. But the one in Thailand will be a health spa. It's even, you know, when I got... There, I can own 49% of the corporation. In Filipinos, I'm only allowed to own 40%. So my attorney's brother...
Q: Actually, they have to put it on the back.
A: They have to be... They're shareholders.
Q: Shareholders.
A: Yeah, shareholders. So basically, the way I set it up was they have certain responsibilities. They have to be able to fulfill it. So therefore, their surviving entity will own it. So they really can't take it from me. There's no way they can do it. They couldn't afford to keep the land.
Q: Right.
A: So I made sure of that. And the one in Thailand I registered as a health spa. It's called Flying Bird Farms Health and Beauty Rebirthing Spa. So that's the one I will make into a clinic eventually if my backers come in. You know, that way. I'm not going to build it myself. It's too expensive and it's getting too much in there. It would get too much in the debt for me and I'm not going to do that. It's a good idea.
Q: Is that up near Chiang Rai?
A: No, it's part of Khon Kaen province where Udon Thani is.
Q: It's on the eastern side, isn't it?
A: No, it's central. So, Vinh Thien, Laos is here. You drop down about 100 kilometers and there's Udon Thani. Then you drop down about 130, 140 kilometers, maybe it's 200 kilometers, Khon Kaen. And I'm off about 75 kilometers from that or more, probably 90 kilometers.
Q: So, how will you feed the fish in your pond?
A: Fish scraps. I'll go collect them in town. And then after I'm there, I just feed them any meat scraps that I have. Just throw it into the pond and eat.
Q: Do you think that's as good as ocean fish?
A: Well, in Thailand I can't get the ocean fish because I'm dead center in the country. So, no water around me except for a huge lake. And there is a lake that's probably about 60 miles long. And it looks like fingers if you see it. It looks like a hand with all these fingers coming out of it. And it's a pretty big lake. It's probably 40 miles wide, 80, 90 miles long. And I'm probably two miles from it walking distance. But I'll take fish from there and scallops. I mean, they have lots of like shrimp, you know, freshwater prawns. And I'll put those in my fish pond and build my aquarium that I will eat from. So I mainly eat fish, you know, freshwater fish there. But when I'm in Palawan, you know, the place where I cut the area for a house is overlooking. I've got a panoramic view of the ocean and the mountains. That's gorgeous. So that's only, you know, about a mile down to the ocean from there. And I do have a big old dirt bike and now the FJ Cruiser to get around there. So I can go down fishing anytime I want.
Q: Are there animals on Palawan?
A: There's a dairy that's a government dairy that was a test dairy that was started. New Zealand funded it. Now they fund it, but there's, I get all the milk that they have. They only have two milking cows, you know, but they're Holsteins. So there's very little fat, very little cream in them. So they're V2 cows, you know, A2s I mean, not A1s. So the milk, even though it's nourishing, it's not as nourishing as I would like. So I will find some, and there are on different islands, like on Samal Island. There's 7,107 islands in the Philippines. I will do a lot of island hopping to see all of it. But I found a big dairy on Samal Island, which is part of Mindanao. And they've got a pretty big dairy there, and they have jerseys. So I will either buy it from them or...
Q: Can you buy a couple cows?
A: Yeah, I can buy a couple cows. I just have to put the fence up.
Q: Would you be able to get enough cream in a tropical environment from the cows?
A: Yeah, it's there that when you have a cow in the tropics, the vitamin D in it keeps it homogenized. So it doesn't separate the same. But I don't need it to separate in the tropics because I don't need... If you eat butter there, which I take with me, it causes a lot more perspiration and heat, body heat. I like the heat, so it doesn't bother me. But people look at me dripping wet, and they say, Oh my God, are you okay? I say, I love it. But if you have the cream and milk, you don't perspire as much. Butter will make you perspire profusely. So I wouldn't make butter there. I would just have rich, creamy milk.
Q: So people coming in wouldn't be getting butter at the clinic?
A: No. Well, I would probably import some or somehow make some. Definitely, I would have to have butter for some sick people. I would find a way, put a little bit of lemon or something in it to separate it. To make sure it's separated.
Q: So there's really no way to get butter in a tropical place from a tropical farm?
A: Yeah, there is. You just have to have a certain kind of cattle. And they have to eat... You have to grow something that they'll produce more fat. When they're eating the regular grasses there, no matter what it is, they're not going to produce much fat.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve with your health spa?
A: Help people get well. That's all. Because there's a lot of people who need daily help. And I'm not set up for that, and I've had a lot of people ask me for that over the years. People with cancer, MS, serious problems that could get well fast if I were there to help them. And so I would be for that.
Q: Are you going to be doing any training when you set up your health spa?
A: Well, if I set that up, I will definitely do training. I have probably anywhere from 20 to 40 students. And most of them will be in tents. And I'm right at the foot of the mountain in forestry in Thailand. So they're pretty delicate about how it's used. They've stopped me from digging my lake three times. I said, but I own it. They said, no, you don't have a Chinoot property yet, property title. And we say, what happens with that land. So two more months, I get my Chinoot to eat. All they're doing is delaying it. But they've delayed it. Now they've delayed it enough where the rainy season starts in about a week, two weeks. So I won't be able to dig it out. When I finally get the Chinoot out, I'll have to wait until next year and drain it. I'll have to drain it for irrigation. But I've dug it 30 feet deep. And right now it's dug almost like a, well, this is a horseshoe-like area. It's almost a square cut over here. And the land in the center is lower because all the dirt that was used was built up a dam on the sides and front. So it's going to be more than 30 feet deep. So I'm going to have to let a lot of the water out to be able to dig it from the opposite side. Or I could just leave it as a beachfront, you know, where the water goes into the water like that.
Q: So if you were training people, how would they be able to stay in Thailand for the whole...
A: They would get a student permit. Every year you can renew it. I got my retirement visa in Philippines, but not in Thailand. Because it's not conducive. You can't do business if you become a retiree in Thailand. So I have to renew every year. In Philippines I'm lifetime.
Q: But you renew your student visa? How do you stay in Thailand for a year?
A: Well, I'm a business person. So I get my business permit every November. It goes for a year. And I have to do that indefinitely. Every year I have to renew for a year. But if anybody wants to be a student, they apply for a student permit. And that's a yearly basis. But my course would run about three years to four years.
Q: So they just have to reapply every year? They have to reapply every year?
A: Yeah, they have to reapply even though my course would be three to four years. Probably a three year course.
Q: What would be your prerequisites?
A: You know, the books, every information in the books, and the DVD, and my newsletter backwards and forwards. So we don't have to deal with the knowledge of what foods do what. You'll already know that. We deal with the patient, watching the changes in the patient, know what to look for, how to analyze the health. It would be diagnostics, but I'm not allowed to use that word because I'm not a licensed doctor. But it's basically how to observe what's wrong with the patient, how to know what's wrong with the patient. And if there are questions, how to find out by observing them, what is the problem, what are the problems involved. And then how to deal with them on a changing basis, on a daily basis.
Q: Would you be teaching them iridology?
A: Yeah. And every, so if I have, let's say, 40 students, there would be a group of, four groups of 10, and each one of them would write one of my books, books on training. One would focus on iridology. One would focus on physical appearances, coloring, you know, skin coloring, changes, swelling, stuff like that. I have a book on that, symptoms. And then a book on treatment, you know, how to treat them. And then another book on the overall, how to put it all together. So there would be 10 students concentrating on a particular phase of my clinic. So by the time we finished, I wouldn't have to have more students, although I probably would. And there would be training guides, movies taken, we'd have videos, everything. Record everything, you know, in that three year period. So that people all over the world, without having to come to Thailand and be with me, could pretty much get it. How to do it. But those 20 to 40 who would be there with me would know it. They would be me. So I figure 40 people could take care of the world.
Q: It's a big world.
A: I know.
Q: And what happens to the rest of the people that are back here while you're over there?
A: Well, I'll still be bouncing back. I'll find the two or three or four smartest ones there that really get it, because there's always a few of those. Because all the people who've applied are very, very bright people.
Q: You already have them?
A: Oh, I've got probably 80 people who've applied. And I'm only going to take half of them at the most. Maybe only a fourth.
Q: How do you apply?
A: You just send me an email and let me know that you're interested. And I tell you the prerequisites are you have to know the books backwards and forwards. And you will be tested. If you don't pass the test, then you won't be...
Q: Do you have any MDs?
A: Pardon?
Q: Do you have any medical doctors?
A: Yes, I've got three medical doctors. Probably about 20 nutritionists.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I'll test them on the information in the books, my books.
Q: Are you going to do that later, all at the same time?
A: Yes, it will all be done at the same time. All that testing work. As soon as I know that the food is growing on a continuous basis, because I have to have the food, there can't be an interruption in it. So I'll have that. Certain things I'll farm out to local farmers that are around. They will grow. Other things I have to grow. Right now, there's no coconuts growing on my property in Thailand. And that takes seven years to get to the point where... So I have to farm out the coconuts from somewhere else. But practically everything else we can grow on the land. Some fruits that take seven years to grow, of course I won't be able to grow those. It's one of those injection spots flaming up again. It's the anniversary.
Q: What's your time frame?
A: Well, it depends on when the money comes and start building the property. I'm going to be working for the next four months in both locations, growing food, getting fences up for the animals. So I should have everything very established. I've got the layout for the property, where the food's going to be growing, how it's going to be organized and laid out.
Q: Are you going to have your hot tubs, too?
A: I will have them.
Q: For the retreat?
A: Oh, there will be probably 20. 20 of them. But they're going to be designed like those in Vietnam. Like if you go to Nha Trang, Vietnam, you can go to a spa. You won't hear about it. Even though heavily touristed from all over the world, the locals, most of them don't even know that it's there. So it's publicized. People from all over Asia come there. And you get into these wooden tubs. Two people can fit in. And they have fire hoses, and they pump liquid clay. It's like plaster of clay or stick. And you just pack yourself in it. And you stay in there for 20 minutes. And then you get out. You go in the shower. And then you get into a hot tub. You've got different sizes of hot tubs to get into for the family and for the individuals. And then you stay in there about 20 minutes. And then they have a huge swimming pool and some small swimming pools. They're no chlorine, nothing, just running natural hot springs. Very nice and perfect temperatures. So it's a wonderful, it's like $50 a day. It really is. That's even expensive for Vietnam. But that's the kind of thing I want to have. Not to have a lot of people, but for the people who are sick, I want to have that kind of a clay resource. I'll have to truck in probably, dig a hole, a very deep hole, and have probably five truckloads of that clay. And then have it put into a pool of water, a spring of water to keep it moist. And then, of course, something to heat it. A hot spring, probably dig down and drill down until I hit a hot spring, let that come up and heat the clay, and then pump it in, and just recycle it.
Q: I've been to Mesco Canyon Ivy Hot Spring.
A: Oh, yes, I've been there many times, yeah. But that's this hard, and they put it on a plate. This stuff is liquid. You just shoot it in. You shoot it into the bath.
Q: Well, you put it on, it would soften, and then it gets hard with the sun.
A: Yeah, but it's still hard.
Q: I don't know where they get that clay from. It's red clay.
A: They import it from Northern California. But they put it on this big concrete pillar, and then they pack it on there, and it's about as hard as pottery clay. But this place in Vietnam, I mean, this is plaster of Paris.
Q: Does it get hard from the sun, the one you're talking about?
A: They don't let it harden. They're like me. I don't believe in letting it harden, because that pulls all the fats out of your cells and your skin, chills your layer or two of your skin. What you want is the bacteria from the clay to go in and help nurture and pull out without pulling out all the fats. And that's what happens if you let it dry. So when I go to Ivy, I just stay in the mud pool, and I just keep wetting it, keep it wet. And I stay in the water with the clay.
Q: Is it stimulating when it dries?
A: I don't let it dry.
Q: Oh, that's right, you don't let it dry.
A: Yeah, if it does, your skin will dry. It'll draw up, but it'll die within a few days because there's no fat in it. It draws all the fat out of the cells, so it's not a good thing.
Q: Maybe someone with very oily skin. Like we used to use the face mask when we were young.
A: Right. Okay, so let's start asking questions. You ask questions, and I'll try to answer. Daniel?
Q: I was wondering if you could just kind of briefly review the pH buffering in the body and, you know, maybe go over a lot of the common ideas out there that the blood pH is supposed to be at 7.4 or something like that, and your saliva is usually around 6.5, and your urine can change based on what you're dumping, and then maybe a quick review of the buffer system, because a lot of people are drinking the alkaline water, but the body, if you get too basic, it's going to buffer. Can you review how that buffer system works?
A: Well, the body is always trying to balance itself. Now, there's a belief out there in the alternative community that we want, you know, about 7 point, anywhere from 6.7 to 7.2 blood alkalinity, acid to alkalinity ratio. However, in native tribes, it's anywhere from 5.2 to 5.8. Mine has been 5.5 for however long I can remember. And my blood, my urine, my saliva, all around 5.5. If you're alkaline, you're in trouble. The whole system works on an acidic basis. Most of our digestive juices, 90 to 95% of our digestive juices are acid. Hydrochloric acid is 100% acidic. There's no alkalinity to it. It's about a 5.2 to a 4.9 to a 5.2. So, if it is highly alkalinized, that means it's not going to work well to break down acidic tissue quickly, like meats, cheeses, any kind of meat, no matter if it's fish, fowl, or four-legged animals, red meat. It will not break down and dissolve properly. And you only have 10% to 20% of your digestive acids are part of digestion. 80% to 90% is supposed to be bacterial. So, your digestive acids are to break the larger particles of food into smaller particles so the bacteria can infiltrate it and eat it. Their byproducts, their waste, is our food. So, we're really piss and shit eaters. Technically, that's what we are. So, that's 80% to 90% of digestion. If it goes into alkalinity, like a cow or a horse or any herbivore, you're going to be a vegetarian. And you're not going to live healthfully and well. So, that is the whole fallacy that, you know, a lot of the early, so-called early alternative thinkers in nutrition, they came up with the stupid idea of Walker and Fry and all of them came up with that ridiculous tale. No evidence, no scientific evidence to prove it. They didn't test the saliva and the amount of bacteria that's necessary in the saliva to have proper digestion. And in healthy human beings, they have more bacteria in the mouth than a dog and a cat do, than dogs and cats do. So, we are supposed to be thriving with bacteria. This is where the digestion starts in the mouth. We don't have... I have hydrochloric in the mouth because they severed my vagus nerve, and that's what caused me a lot of tooth problems once I regenerated from the radiation therapy. But most people do not have a high hydrochloric acid content in their mouth. It's other acids. And you only have one small amount of ptyalin enzyme, which is the only alkalinizing enzyme in your mouth. And only the horse has that. And the horse uses a profuse amount of it. We seem to develop it after being a grain eater for thousands of years because none of the tribes that have stuck with the native diet have traces of ptyalin in their mouths. So basically we should be an acidic body from top to bottom. We should be in the 6.7-7 alkaline-acidic ratio.
Q: So it's not true then that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline body?
A: That's all bullshit. I've seen thousands of people with that. I mean literally thousands at these clinics that feed them only vegetable juice. And I've watched them drop off dead and left and right dead, even though they have that alkalinity. So it was a hypothesis that somebody, what was his name, put it out there, Walker and...
Q: Gerson.
A: No, Gerson was into your raw liver. That was the main thing, raw liver. You can't get an alkaline with raw liver. Raw liver is 90% protein. You have very little fat in the liver. It's like the heart. There's nothing that's, you know, those two organs, the heart and the liver, are basically your major protein bodies in the system. And they're highly acidic. So Gerson, when he was around, Max, when he was around, 60% of his diet was raw liver. Now that his daughter has taken it over, she's removed the liver, and these people are dying just like every other vegetarian regime.
Q: Is there a consequence of being too acidic that your body will want to buffer that system and make it... I mean, if you're too alkaline, your body's going to want to make it acidic. Does that mean it's going to be dumping positive ions into the blood, like the minerals from your bones?
A: Yeah, it's going to take it from everywhere it can.
Q: You may be committing to osteoporosis then by being too alkaline.
A: Yes, absolutely. Yeah, it definitely will. That's why so many vegetarians and fruitarians have bone degeneration.
Q: But doesn't the body leach calcium from the bones to alkalize the blood?
A: Pardon?
Q: Isn't the calcium leached from the bones to alkalize the blood?
A: No, it's to bind with toxins. It's to neutralize, let's say you have something cooked, and in it you've got acidic compounds which are free radical, mercury, lead, cadmium, any of those toxic metals, the body will use the calcium to neutralize those because they're free radical acid minerals, not because they're in proper ionic bond and proportion like in a raw diet. Very different.
Q: Calcium is an alkaline mineral though, correct?
A: Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are the ones that we mainly use to neutralize free radical acids.
Q: They need an acidic environment to be properly used.
A: Pardon?
Q: Calcium, they need an acidic environment.
A: No, if you didn't have calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, we wouldn't be alive. But our ratio needs to be right around 5.5, 5.7, not 7, not 6.7. That's an herbivore. Become a cow next life if you want that.
Q: When I have a cold, I've been told to have a glass of 8 ounces of water and put a half a teaspoon of baking soda in there to alkalize instead of keeping it acid. If baking soda is an acid, how can it alkaline your body?
A: You got me.
Q: Is that a good thing?
A: No, baking soda is a very nasty thing. It acts like ascorbic acid. It will leach fats out of the blood. So yeah, you'll reduce your symptoms, but you won't get well.
Q: What about apple cider vinegar?
A: Apple cider vinegar is very helpful. A lot of the amino acids that you use in chelation therapy are in the apple cider vinegar. So if you want a chelation therapy, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day. So the body will leach calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium out of your bones to help neutralize over acidity from cooked foods or poison, but not from raw foods. You'll never have over acidity from it. And when you've been on it long enough and healthy, now I'm down to, you know, when I do it, one juice a day. I haven't had a juice for three weeks. I don't have to worry about that over acidity anymore very often. When I get into the tropics, I do more because I perspire more, and I will drink more vegetable juice when I'm in the tropics.
Q: Would one on a cooked diet rather be acidic?
A: It depends. If they're a vegetarian, they're going to be highly alkaline and toxic.
Q: But on a cooked diet, would one rather be slightly alkaline?
A: The SAD American diet? The standard American diet? The SAD diet? The SAD diet, they're going to be overly acidic if they don't.
Q: Right, so they're better off being slightly alkaline.
A: Well, eating enough alkaline foods to promote, you'll never be alkaline without pouring vegetable and fruit juices into yourself. That's why these clinics have you drinking like a gallon and a half, gallons of vegetable and fruit juices daily. Because you cannot get alkaline. The body will resist it. And finally when you do, it's broken down and exhausting. People don't get well easily.
Q: How do you check to see what your pH is? How do you know?
A: Well, I know because I use one of those strips, and also I had medical doctors, you know, once in a while, like at St. Louis Washington University Medical Center, did a rundown on people who were raw fooders. And I was one of the test subjects. And I was the healthiest one that they'd known. But I was only two, I was only one of three people who were not vegetarian raw fooders. So I outperformed in all of them, everyone. And this was a cardiac doctor, a famous cardiac doctor for athletes. You know, you're talking about big-time athletes, you know, who make the profession, you know, basketball teams, football teams, and stuff like that. He's the doctor for most of those big, full-time stars when it comes to cardiac therapy and analysis. And on one of the floors of the hospital, they have a track and all kinds of workout equipment, you know, pumping iron. And they did all the blood tests with me, because I told them I was eating at least a stick of butter a day, you know, and lots of meat. Cholesterol galore, and this is a heart doctor, you know. So, you know, he said, I'll pay your way here, I'll pay everything, you know, to come. So I went there on my way to St. Louis to do a workshop in St. Louis for Jeff and the people there in St. Louis. So I spent a day there through the tests. They only found a little bit of blockage here, a little bit of caking in this artery, but that was since I was a little kid. I started using, since I found it was still there, I started using vinegar to help break it down. So it's probably broken down by now, because this was like seven years ago, six years ago that I did that test. And after all the tests, the doctor was so amazed at my condition and the blood results, everything. I mean, they gave me a glucose tolerance, that's the first time I had sugar since 1974. So I was like this, gave me high blood pressure, everything. But still the test results came out phenomenal. So he said, can we do some more tests on you? He said sign these waivers. So it was just athletic stuff. So he took me, I ran around the track about seven times, just about a quarter of a mile, without stopping, without resting. My heartbeat was normal within 90 seconds. He said he had never seen that before. And then they put me on pumping iron. And I said, I haven't exercised since 1979.
So he said, okay, we'll take it easy on you. He took it too easy. He started off 20 pounds weight, you know, 20 pounds each time going up. And then when he got up to height, it was 10 pounds increase on time. I said, would you come on with this? I'm going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger just from the end of this day. So we got up to, I got 240 pounds with the leg presses. And when he saw me even slightly strained, he stopped me. He didn't want me to have a heart attack. 240 pounds there, got up to 195 before I started straining on the bench press. Stopped me right there, and I could have done it, you know, probably going up to about 230, 210, 230. But he stopped, and he said, I've never seen anything like this before. We have people who work out here three days a week, and they can't do what you do.
Q: I wonder what he did with that information?
A: He's probably coaching under the, you know, doing what the Austrians do, like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Raw eggs, raw milk, raw meats. Probably what he's doing with it.
Q: Yeah, I mean, it's just that he can't be out there.
A: No, he's not going to be out there against anybody, but he's going to have his secrets with his athletes. And he'll make more money out of it. It's usually their intention. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. I was wondering, when you work with a woman who has a caesarean, does she stay overweight for about 18 years?
A: It can be that long. It depends on how young they are when they get started. I had one woman who was probably, went on the diet when she was about 27, and she had a caesarean. And it took her about 12 years. But anybody in their 30s and up, it usually takes about 17 to 18 years.
Q: What if she's about 40?
A: Probably about the same, 17, 18 years.
Q: Why is it that they have to be overweight much longer?
A: Because when you cut into the body and you block circulation, it blocks normal lymphatic flow, everything. So everything has to be, like here, I pushed through an aquarium when I was 16 years old. And I pushed on an aquarium to move it. And you're supposed to lift it and move it. I pushed it and went right through it. And it slid me. See, I got a fish hook here and a little fish here. So it just cut me open. It cut all the arteries and veins here. I mean, I was gushing. I was hitting probably that black wooden chair there with every beat of my heart. You know, so I had to put pressure on it. But if you see, I have no veins that go down in this area. Here, you see, I have all of them that normally flow straight down. Here, all of them had to bypass this area. All of them went around the cut to regrow. You see.
Q: So the woman, after she's gone through that year, will her lymphatic system be reverting back to normal?
A: It will still be different, but it's harder to unblock. And usually during that, when you have a caesarean, you have methylate and mercurochrome administered or iodine, which these are poisons, in those incisions. That poisons the area. Of course, you need more fats to deal with all that poisoning that's stuck in the tissues there. You need that extra fat there to bind with it and pull it out of the tissues. So it can become normal. This here, this scar right here, was this big and this high in spots, and it turned cancerous after the incision. But I still have a few knots right here from the iodine, I mean the mercury that was used as an antiseptic during surgery. Right here, I still have three knots, little elevated scars. That, every time I start, you know, this will turn a little inflamed, and I'll start getting heavily nauseous, and maybe have little breakouts all around in this area. You know, it happens now about every two and a half to three years that I go through it, and I taste the chemotherapy, and I taste the metal in my mouth when I'm detoxing. And when I go through that, I've always gained a lot of weight. Otherwise, it won't do it.
Q: If a woman had a cesarean and didn't gain the weight...
A: She probably wouldn't detox it. She'd just die younger. She could get cancer or many things that could happen in that area.
Q: The amount of cesareans in this country is...
A: Oh, cesareans are a big issue because doctors don't want to wait around anymore. And it's all about them waiting around. That's all it's about. 99% of the cesareans are because the doctor does not want to wait. And they make up stories. They lie. We had to do a cesarean because... It's a lie. Absolute lie. Pardon?
Q: It's just easier for them.
A: Of course, it's convenient. They make more money. They don't have to sit around and wait for a hospital. They don't have to wait for some dumb woman or some dumb kid. Think about it. If you're that callous to cut somebody up and butcher them and decrease their life of value and their joy of life and sexuality, it changes everything. Think about the man who can do that. What kind of conscience does he have?
Q: They'll give you the drip where they may bring on induced labor, it's called. That's what I had.
A: Yeah, but that still takes time.
Q: It's probably not a good thing either.
A: Oh, no, it isn't. It's basic that they're using LSD to do that.
Q: It really turns it on.
A: You get a trip while you're doing it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, drugs take over. Daniel, I took you. Do you have a question? Jeff, do you have a question?
Q: A couple things you mentioned earlier. You were telling the malaria story, and you made the coconut water, lemon, and honey concoction. That made me think of a question. Then you mentioned the A1, A2 thing on the milk, so that was the question. While you were telling your malaria story, Stacy told me when she was in the Philippines several years ago, they were telling her if you get the...
Q: It was in Thailand.
Q: Oh, Thailand. This is just to further illustrate the ridiculousness of these malaria mosquito bite stories. Take it away.
Q: They said if you got bitten by a mosquito during the daytime, you would get malaria. If you got bitten by a mosquito at night, you would get dengue fever.
Q: Same mosquito. If you bite you at two, it's malaria. If you bite you at eight, it's dengue fever.
A: Just think about it. What do mosquitoes eat? They eat nectar. They pollinate the tiny little flowers that bees can't hold off. Tiny little flowers. If a bee got on it, it would crush the flower, the whole plant. Like tiny little microbe clover and stuff like that. That's what mosquitoes do. They pollinate tiny little flowers.
Q: My friends that took the malaria medication...
A: They don't eat shit, so how are you going to get dengue fever? Hello.
Q: They were ready to kill each other out of paranoia. They were like delusional on the medication.
A: And what happened three years ago with that English boy, he came over, took the malaria drug every day. He got malaria and died. Famous British citizen. So it went all over the place. And it's documented in his diary how he took the medication every day. Died of malaria. So it's all horse shit.
Q: So the concoction, the coconut water, lemon, honey.
A: Lime.
Q: I was just going to say, you mentioned a protein deficiency. That certainly is not a protein-rich concoction. What's going on during a detox? Well, I guess the so-called malaria that they're calling it is a detox of what? What are these people's detoxes?
A: Highly acidic proteins.
Q: Like their cooked meats, you mean?
A: Yeah, like their cooked meats. They also use a lot of spices, a lot of hot spices. And when you're low in protein and you're doing that, you cause internal burning all over the place. And when you're detoxing that much at one time, it's a huge detoxification. It's worse than pneumonia. Because pneumonia, you're not usually passing out and delirious. Most people aren't. But when you're going through malaria, you're delirious. Everything's going crazy.
Q: Okay, so it's just a crazy detox.
A: Yeah, so extreme detox, yes.
Q: Extreme detox brought on by a climate, though. You don't see malaria in dry climates, really?
A: No, it's because you detox better in a hot climate.
Q: Right, so if those people were eating the way you eat, there wouldn't be any...
A: Yeah, and also you've got higher fevers in a tropical environment. So your fever's going to get higher, and you're going to have more symptoms of delirium.
Q: So the coconut water in that cools the system?
A: Well, what it basically does is help the body alkalinize the over-acidity from the deteriorating tissue. When you eat a lot of hot, spicy food, it causes over-acidity. And not a good acidity, an abrasive acidity.
Q: Like so many things, it comes down to quality, not quantity. So when you just talk about acid and alkaline, your raw liver you said is acidic, your meat's acidic. Those are like quality.
A: Yeah, and the acids are proper balance. If you cook it, then it becomes overly acidic.
Q: And imbalanced.
A: Well, when you cook anything, phosphorus is destroyed and altered as little as 98 degrees. That's why they can tell whether something is pasteurized or not. If the phosphorus is cauterized, they say it's been pasteurized. And you can pasteurize at 121 degrees and see that the phosphorus is cauterized. Normal pasteurization temperature is 141. Usually potassium starts cauterizing about 170. And that means it's really not usable. Calcium becomes cauterized. 50% of it in milk, in pasteurized milk, is destroyed. It's already cauterized. So it's unutilizable. So when you cook something, it breaks down and destroys the alkalinity so there's no balance. In the acidity, the acid minerals, they have a tolerance, a labile point that can be hundreds of degrees.
Q: So then the other question I'd ask is, you briefly alluded to that whole A1, A2 thing, and I've read stuff about that. I almost kind of chalked that up as the, as you might say, more laboratory kind of theory.
A: Well, so did I until I started drinking that milk from an A2 cow and the Holstein. And I noticed that it made me slight nauseous. I didn't have as much energy. It certainly tasted good, and I felt better with it than without it. You know, being in Asia for a long time, I didn't, I ran out of butter, and I was about three weeks out of butter. And, you know, I was hungry, and the coconut cream is just not an animal fat. And I would eat tons of fish. I could eat three pounds of fish a day and still not get enough fat for me because of all the stuff I've been through. My body, particular body, needs a tremendous amount of fat. So, because other Polynesians, you know, I mean Asians on the Philippine Islands, live just on fish, and they don't eat a lot of it, maybe a pound a day. And they're building their stocking, but I just can't survive on it. I have to go find big fat strips of meat hanging, you know, and I'll buy a whole five pounds of it, and I'll eat two pounds a day. You know, just if I don't have my butter. If I have my butter, I can have a stick a day, half a stick a day, and do okay. But when I don't, I have to have a tremendous amount of fat. But when I had that milk, it wasn't quite nourishing. It didn't take care of it like the A1 milk does. And it was repeated. I did it three times with the same milk from the same cows, the Holsteins, from New Zealand. And it was that way each time. And as soon as I went to a place with Jerseys or other, you know, A1 cows, perfectly fine.
Q: Even in that climate?
A: Even in that climate.
Q: Okay, I was just going to say, I think it was just more of a climate, like what you were talking about earlier with how it's sort of naturally homogenized and all that kind of stuff. But I mean, clearly there's plenty of Holstein cows in the States that people have consumed raw milk on and gotten an improvement in their health.
A: Right, definitely. But I can tell it isn't as good.
Q: Do you think it's just simply the Jersey cow that's so much richer and fattier?
A: I think that's probably it.
Q: More so than the whole A1, A2 micromanagement, just the Jersey cow's really fat milk and the Holstein's lean?
A: No, I've had Holstein milk before, but not in that climate. So I don't know for sure. But it could have to do with the microbes too, but I don't know.
Q: Are there goats over there?
A: Lots of goats.
Q: And do you prefer cows?
A: But I don't do well with goats milk. I get hyperactive and overly sexual.
Q: Just a more energetic animal?
A: Yeah, yeah. You ever seen a skinny, calm goat?
Q: You need that.
A: I don't need those adrenaline precursors. If I were an athlete or somebody who enjoyed being physical, then it would be fine. I want to do things instead of being mentally focused, and I'm a mentally focused individual. Do you have a question?
Q: I just need some clarification on a couple of things you told me to eat. The oysters, you said three a day. Is that just for 30 days, and then do you just stop?
A: No, you can do it longer than that, but I'm saying it's probably going to take at least 30 days.
Q: And same for Alicia, too.
A: Pardon?
Q: And same for Alicia.
A: Probably hers will be okay in 30 days. She just has a spot of it here in her brain. You've got this iodine all over. The only place you don't have much is in this area right here. This area here, a little in the right side of your back, otherwise you're just coated with iodine everywhere.
Q: And the oysters will get rid of that, huh?
A: Oysters will help you rid of it quicker.
Q: And the fruit, you said have that for 30 days, the strawberries, raspberries, and watermelon. Is that like a fruit meal, and then after the 30 days, what do I do? Do I replace it or just do it a couple times?
A: Well, I want to see how you are at that time.
Q: But you're not going to be here.
A: You have the same symptoms. You can email me.
Q: Okay.
A: You have the same symptoms, you know, then you stay on it.
Q: Just continue. Okay. All right. And when you go to the hot springs, you're talking about the sport, I mean, the special sport formula. But there's no pineapple before that, right? You don't take the pineapple drink if I'm going to the hot springs.
A: Well, if you're going to a health spa, like a Glen Ivy, and you're going to spend the whole day.
Q: Right.
A: That, you know, it's best to take a lot of watermelon.
Q: Just watermelon.
A: Watermelon will help you perspire better than any other food.
Q: And do you take cream of that, or?
A: You can. Yeah, that's what I do. I always drink, let's say, if I'm going to have a round slice of watermelon, let's say I'm thinking about this round.
Q: Uh-huh.
A: That'll fill me up. That's about a cup and a half of, I don't eat the heart, nothing around where the seeds are, but I eat all the rind and the red from where the seeds begin down. Unless it's a really young watermelon, not sweet, then I eat the whole thing.
Q: And do you have some cream of that, you said?
A: Yeah, I'll take probably three tablespoons of cream before I have that much.
Q: Before you get into the hot springs?
A: Oh, I'll do this before I get into the springs, and then while I'm there I'll eat a little bit of watermelon all throughout the day.
Q: Okay.
A: Like every hour I'll have a half a cup.
Q: All right.
A: Or more, depending on how much I'm perspiring.
Q: Sometimes you can't tell because you're in there.
A: I know... Well, in the mud pool it's lukewarm. You know, it's maybe 102 degrees, 101, 100 degrees at the most. It doesn't really cause perspiration, but I just get in with the mud. And then I'll go from there, I'll clean off, clean the mud, and I leave it in the tub. I don't get out and shower it off. I leave it in that pool so I can get it muddier so when I go back in it's muddy. In fact, when I'm the first one there, when I used to go there, I would start packing mud in that. I would start mixing it in the water while it's on me and keep getting me wet.
Q: Oh, you're not that guy that I saw there doing that.
A: Somebody else. You may have been. Who knows? So I get it very muddy. And then I spend maybe an hour, an hour and a half in the mud bath, and then I would go into the hot tub.
Q: Yeah, I don't go. I go to Warner Springs. And I like it out there a lot. The pool is sometimes 101 to 104, somewhere in the middle there. But I was interested in buying maybe a place down there or renting. And somebody mentioned that, oh, there's a cancer cluster here. So I wanted to ask you, do you know how you find out? I tried to find some information out. There's two cell towers there also, and there's also a cancer cluster here in Carlsbad. So, I mean, they're saying it's either water, soil...
A: Everywhere there's cancer clusters now.
Q: And, well, you know, once they give it a... I know, but there's like 15 kids. Five of them died here right in Carlsbad.
A: You give a kid a vaccine, the day he pops out, the kid's going to have a 60% chance of getting cancer before he's a teenager.
Q: But there's too many in one place. Don't you agree? If it's a power plant or they're next to a...
A: No, because they do a lot of experimenting. How much can they put in here? And they use them as guinea pigs.
Q: How much can they put what? How much can they put what in the...
A: How much can they put in the vaccine? How much of this, how much of that? They're screwing around. The military does it. Our government does it. They make... They go to a certain area and they'll experiment with them.
Q: Yeah, but we've got...
A: They did it with one million people in Mississippi.
Q: Well, I believe that.
A: In the black community.
Q: I believe that.
A: They destroyed one million people.
Q: And the retarded kids in New York, they use them as guinea pigs.
A: And they're doing it all the time.
Q: But... So you're saying if you live next to a power plant or if you live next to...
A: If you're living next to a power plant, you're going to have... You're risking, you're creating a higher risk of war.
Q: Right. Right.
A: If you live near a power tower, you're going to take a risk.
Q: I know. And now these damn cell tower things, they're everywhere.
A: Everywhere, yeah.
Q: No, they're popping up more and more. You cannot go down, you know, 94 or here. They're everywhere. And I don't know. A lot of people are saying that, you know, their frequencies are just too much for our bodies to...
A: They are. If you're not healthy. Yeah, they are.
Q: Okay.
Q: So you have to go on a raw food diet to get health.
A: Yep. Exactly.
Q: Just to sustain because we're already so damn toxic.
A: Yeah, we're already toxic. Definitely, yeah.
Q: I mean, you look at Alicia. She's there. She's young still, but she's coming from what she came from.
A: Toxic background.
Q: I know, but relatively fairly good and she still has a lot of shit in her system. You know.
A: Yep.
Q: Okay. Thank you.
A: Do you have a question, Michael?
Q: I think my doctor's concerned about an elevated homocysteine level.
A: Homocysteine.
Q: Homocysteine level and...
A: That's more drug selling. You have homocysteines which are created to take care of toxins. So it shows that you have a high toxic level. Whenever you have an allergy to something, something can harm something in the body, your body will build homocysteines to resist and handle it. That's a good thing. It's like bacteria is, you know, a janitor. That's a kind of a janitor. So it shows, yes, you have toxins in your body that are moving and your body is building a lot of homocysteine to deal with that. So you don't get sick. And so you remove it properly. It is a sign that you've got a problem. But not a problem to lower it. And that's what they do. Just remember, the doctors don't make money if you're well.
Q: So ignore it?
A: Completely ignore it. After chemotherapy, my homocysteine level was off the chart. And my nutritionist said, ignore it. It's your body working against, as an allergy to something in the body. And it is not the raw food. It is something already in the body that's toxic.
Q: What is homocysteine?
A: Homocysteine is a hormonal protein substance that helps bind with certain kinds of toxins.
Q: I read an article about people or men who have, say, irregular heartbeat and stuff like that should have homocysteine tests. But I don't know if it should be high or low.
A: Well, they're looking for low homocysteine.
Q: Which is supposed to be...
A: If you have a high homocysteine, it shows you have a lot of toxins moving through the body at a particular time. And that can cause the heartbeat to increase and be irregular. That does not mean the homocysteine is causing it. No, the toxin is causing it. The homocysteine will keep you from having a heart attack. You take the homocysteine out, and you're going to have a heart attack. That toxin is free to move on its own, and it beds in the heart. You end up with a charley horse.
Q: Do you have to find out how to regulate that?
A: No, you just leave your body alone to eat properly. Your body will always seek a proper level if you're eating properly. Unless, let's say, you drank half a cup of arsenic. All the homocysteine in the world isn't going to prevent it. You remember that guy back in the late 1800s that put out that he was going to drink half a cup of arsenic? And he publicized it six to twelve months ahead of time all over the world. So they had reporters from London, everywhere, go to where this guy... I mean, Paris, Brussels, everywhere in the world, they went to see this guy. And he said, I am not going to choose the poison. Let a university doctor bring the arsenic, half a cup of arsenic, and I will drink it in front of everybody. And I'll show you that I live. So he got people all over the world. He made a fortune off of it. And he drank a half a cup of arsenic. And until he died in the 1930s, he did not tell anybody how he did it. And on his deathbed, he said, I drank a half a cup of clay, an hour before. And the arsenic went in and the clay absorbed it just like that. So, you have a high histamine, eat some clay. Let the clay help you. So your body doesn't have to make the homocysteines so much.
Q: So what do you think of those basic tests that they tell you, like Dr. Oz and everybody on TV says? Go ahead and get, I mean, like C-reactive protein, as far as inflammation in the body.
A: What are they selling?
Q: What are they selling? I don't know what he's selling.
A: They're selling something that's what it's all about.
Q: He's an MD, so I mean, you know, and he's one of the good ones, you know what I'm saying?
A: No, he thinks he's a good guy.
Q: I saw Dr. Oz pushing the flu vaccine.
Q: Oh, well, I know that. Yeah, I know. He's not all there.
Q: He's an AP. He's got a big show.
Q: To me, they don't know this. They don't know.
A: Oh, they know.
Q: He's medically trained.
A: Oh, they know. When you've been a doctor for 10 years, you know what's happening to you.
Q: He's a cardiologist.
A: It doesn't make any difference. When you see people getting worse instead of better every time you treat them, that's a bad sign. That's why now they don't make you swear in a Bible or anything when they take the Hippocratic Oath. You just stand there and you take it, no raising of the hand or anything. You just repeat it. You have to say it aloud. There's no swearing. I mentioned that to a doctor. He said, well, I didn't swear on it. You know, if I swore on that, I couldn't use any medication, any medicine. The guy who admitted it. So they know what they're doing. If they're ten years into the business, they know what they're doing. And that includes their, once they get out of pre-med, I mean their internship in a hospital, they pretty much know that they're the bad guys.
Q: And that's why people like Dr. Weil go away from this.
A: Absolutely. But they still carry all that fear and training with them. They don't get out of it. They don't trust the body. They've got to do something to help the body. They don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Q: Deepak Chopra, is he a doctor?
A: No, yeah, he's an MD.
Q: He's kind of more away from the...
A: Well, he's into, you know, he's still into antibiotics, but he's more into prayer. You know, not doing something about it. More favorable. He's into mind over matter more. Do you have a question? Yes or no?
Q: I'm not sure yet.
A: Okay.
Q: But thank you.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. Well, so, what more could I take to, like, help brain function, you know? Like, I'm working on the computer thing and...
A: You got a flat screen?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay, good.
Q: I still find myself, you know, trying to reduce my time in front of the thing.
A: Well, do you have a tower or do you have a laptop?
Q: No, I have a laptop.
A: Do you have a separate keyboard?
Q: No.
A: Okay. The EMF, you take an EMF meter and you put it over your computer. What model do you have?
Q: I have a MacBook Pro.
A: You have a Mac Pro?
Q: Yeah.
A: So you're putting off right around 170 milligauss of electromagnetic field. That going up your hand into your brain all day long is going to dull your brain. So you need a separate keyboard and you keep the computer 9 to 10 inches away. The bottom of the computer has to be 9 to 10 inches away from the top of the keyboard to not be in that field. When I first got a keyboard, I mean first got a laptop, I moved into a new house. Not a new house, but a house at the same time. And I started having all of my bone problems when I had leukemia and bone cancer, multiple myeloma. And I thought I was getting it back. And when I went away on a trip, all of it went away and I didn't take my computer with me. And I still thought maybe it was the house, I didn't know what it was and I still didn't put it together. Called in an environmental specialist to check for radon, anything in the house. Only thing he found was a high EMF field coming off my laptop computer. He said get a separate keyboard. Got a separate keyboard, I mean I went out that day. I did let him out of the house, I made him sell me his equipment. So I never had to call another guy again, because I'd be testing everything after that. So I did, it took me an hour to talk him out of his equipment. Because that would be another week before he could get the major stuff. So anyway I got them. And I got the separate keyboard and sure enough all the pain went right away. It was in 24 hours. So that's probably a lot of it, but if you want to stimulate your brain.
Q: I was going to say, besides the blueberries and cream, what else can I eat?
A: Asparagus, tips, and juice the stalks. You can eat about 2 to 3 inches of the asparagus tips. And then juice the rest of the stalk. Now your pee is going to smell very strange, but disregard that. Now what a lot of people do in India to increase brain function is they'll eat the asparagus like that and juice it. And then drink their urine after they have some kind of milk. You know, when they urinate after they have milk. We can do it after meat or anything like that. And those particular proteins recycle that are more, that do the particular union that stimulates the brain. So you may get a, let's say, from eating the asparagus and asparagus juice, you'll probably get a 20 percent, 18 to 20 percent, 15 to 20 percent increase in brain alertness, focus. However, if you drink your urine one time, about six hours following having the asparagus, as long as you've eaten a meat meal or had some milk or eggs, then you will increase it like 20 percent to 27 percent brain function. If you're really looking to stimulate the brain.
Q: How much do you have to drink?
A: Well, it depends on how much you urinate. Probably, when I've experimented with it, half a cup was enough. Three-quarters of a cup didn't change it much, just a little bit. A cup didn't change anything from three-quarters of a cup. So half a cup to three-quarters of a cup.
Q: When the laptop is shut off, is it still giving you that EMF?
A: No, it's not on.
Q: What about wireless systems, wireless net access?
A: Oh, very bad. Definitely, if you have a laptop, you want to keep that laptop. Like when I use it, I'll go to a hotel and that's all I have. My laptop's here, and I'm over here. I have good vision, long sight vision, so I can read that far. But I've got it three feet from me.
Q: Are we talking about routers?
A: Yeah, routers, the same thing, yeah. Routers, Wi-Fi, wireless.
Q: The mouse also?
A: The mouse, it has to be a roller ball. And the only company that makes a roller ball mouse is Dell. The infrared, 75 milligauss minimum. In your hand. I got with my laptop that I got three years ago, my Ferrari Acer, had a mouse to match everything with the Ferrari emblem on it, so it looked really black and red, really neat looking. And I used that for about three hours, and my arm and hand were aching. I'm really sensitive because of all the radiation therapy that I had. And I couldn't believe it. Here, it's got an infrared, and it's got a high electromagnetic field. It didn't make any sense at all, but it was high. So I got my old rollerball out. Next day, no problem.
Q: Do they still sell them, Dell?
A: Yeah, Dell is the only one that makes them and sells them. Dell, D-E-L-L.
Q: And they have the mouse?
A: They have the rollerball mouse.
Q: With a Mac, you need an adapter for the mouse because it's a USB.
A: You're going to have to find an adapter.
Q: I have one.
A: Good. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: I do. A couple things. Stiffness, like in my joints, and then my legs getting, like, stiff. I've never had that before.
A: Called aging.
Q: Through these. Lactic acid.
A: Those are toxins building up in the joints for so many years. That's what happens. That's what, when they need your aging, you're building up toxins over the years. And there's lots of things that live in the joints because, especially as thin as you were when I met you, you were thin.
Q: Yeah, I was.
A: Your body seeks a place where there's fat. That's the brain and the bone marrow. It's the only place where there's heavy fat. So your bone marrow gets filled with all these poisons. When it discards, where does it leave? The joints. All the joints cause arthritis and rheumatism. Also, if you had a digestive problem, like Crohn's disease, and you had leaky gut, those particles of food go to the joints, and the body builds acids there to become a digestive tract and starts eating the joints away. That's what arthritis and rheumatism are. Ninety percent of arthritis and rheumatism comes from leaky gut.
Q: So more smoothies, hot baths?
A: More baths, heat at night, hot water bottles on the joints to help more circulation in those areas to clean it. More nutrients in an area means more detoxification and more healing. Clay is helpful, usually a lot of metals because when you get a vaccine probably in most people 70% of it will go to the stomach lining and 30% will go to the bone marrow.
Q: So clay like...
A: Eat it.
Q: Just clay and milk?
A: Yeah, you make the soft, like I said in the recipe book, you make the moist clay. Use like 3 quarters of a cup of clay and 3 quarters of a cup of water. So you've got a cup and a half made. Let it sit for four to five days to get everything, the bacteria and the microorganisms going. Clay is the only shapeshifter that we know. The organisms in it are shapeshifters, just like stem cells. They can take on the makeup of whoever the body wants them to make up. So clay is the only substance we eat that does that besides bone marrow. Clay and bone marrow. But the clay is not really digestible. It helps you digest. It helps bring soil bacteria in. But it draws out poisons galore. So it adds nutrients to your blood, your lymph, your neurological fluids to help you pull out these toxins out of the body. So you take like a tablespoon of that soft, liquid clay and then you put it into two to four ounces of milk. You can blend it or stir it. It tastes a little like chocolate milk if you're using terramin clay. And you drink that. And if you don't like the gritty taste in your mouth, you can follow it with a swallow of milk and flush it in your mouth so you don't have all that grittiness in there.
Q: I tried put some in some milk to and it wouldn't dissolve... you know, just stirring it with a spoon.
A: You're taking it dry?
Q: No, no.
A: It was wet?
Q: Moist.
A: Moist, then you need to blend it. One second.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, you need to mix it around because if it gets into the blood, you want a lot of calcium and phosphorus and magnesium and potassium with it to bind with the poisons.
Q: Can you, like, just maybe swallow your milk real fast?
A: If you can't mix it here, what makes you think it's going to mix in the stomach? You need to disperse it. Otherwise, it's just going to – the reason I don't like it is a lot of people in autopsies and people who plaque, I've seen plaque impactation. You let it settle. Places where it dried up into their intestine, it just stayed there. That meant that whole area of that intestine didn't function.
Q: So you don't recommend using clay regularly?
A: Yes, but I'm saying you blend it with milk, mix it in a fluid so it thins it.
Q: So it doesn't clump.
A: Right, so it doesn't clump.
Q: Does it matter if the milk is cold?
A: Of course. It's got to be room temperature.
Q: Plus Aajonus, I'm like getting something underneath my armpits, and I think it's Morgellons. It gets like a rash, and it's very itchy, and it's just weird.
A: Are there fibers in it?
Q: It's just weird. I haven't noticed any kind of fiber.
A: Then it's not Morgellons.
Q: No?
A: No. Just remember, 90% of toxins leave through the skin. You're always going to get eruptions anytime you're detoxifying.
Q: And even if it's really itchy, huh?
A: Itchy just means that the poison is so toxic that it's robbed the fats out of the surrounding cells, so they're drying up, and that's the itch.
Q: Okay.
A: So you put the primal facial body care cream on or some bone marrow or butter. Defend the cells. Make sure the cells have enough fat to be pulled from when the toxin comes through, because if there's not enough fat and the only fat that that cell has is inside of itself, if it gives it up, it's going to dry out just like you would.
Q: But there's no cure for morgellons.
A: Well, clay helps. It helps. Yeah.
Q: It doesn't really cure.
A: Well, I got it from these three injections, you know, so I had fibers and little insects coming out of my skin like crazy.
Q: When do they come out? When would you see those?
A: It was about probably a week after I got injected.
Q: Oh, really?
A: Yeah.
Q: Wow.
Q: Can you explain the morgellons?
A: It's a condition where the body is detoxing through the skin, fibers with insects attached. Now, the military has been using this as a war tool since about the late 1950s. They put like fly eggs and they embed them in these fibers. So they go around spraying them in the air. They disperse them somehow in the air. It's mostly from aerial spraying. And people inhale these. The fiber gets absorbed into the tissue. The egg hatches. So you've got a live fly, this tiny little microscopic fly living on... And for some reason, it's like legs are entwined in the fibers and it can't get loose. So it does tremendous damage as it comes through the skin. So, I mean, all of these scars that you see on here, all of these were from that occurrence. And I've got some big ones. These here, like bullet holes. These here.
Q: Do you actually see them?
A: Oh, we actually see all of them. Yeah, definitely. Look at them under a microscope. Lots of them from those injections.
Q: Does it feel like a scab?
A: Yeah, well, it doesn't feel like a scab at first. It comes out like a very inflamed sore.
Q: So, now you're completely over it?
A: Yeah, I don't have it. Well, I'll get a breakout maybe once every two months. They'll start coming out. You can see all these... I have thousands of them all over my body. So, I've got all these tiny little scars. At first, they weren't tiny. They weren't big like this one. But this was, see this size right here?
Q: Yeah.
A: This was five times bigger than that a year ago.
Q: Wow.
A: When it came out. This little one here was five times that size last year.
Q: Wow.
A: So, they're shrinking little by little. These over here were even larger.
Q: So, just your diet alone is just doing it.
A: Took care of it. Yeah, right. Of course, I ate more clay than I'd ever done before.
Q: Oh, a lot of clay?
A: A lot of clay.
Q: Oh, okay.
Q: Like more than a tablespoon a day?
A: Yeah, sometimes I had three tablespoons a day. Break it up, four ounces of milk, tablespoon of the clay, three times daily.
Q: And what else did you do Aajonus? Because you look so much better from last time when I saw you.
A: I'm just eating more clay.
Q: Just more clay?
A: Yeah, more clay.
Q: How much are you still eating?
A: Well, it's not consistent. When I feel my body starting to detox and I get very nauseous and I don't want to go through days of vomiting, I'll have three tablespoons daily. Sometimes four.
Q: And you still use the terramin?
A: Yeah, always.
Q: Where did the clay come from?
A: It's near the Mojave Desert. It was an old aqua bed, a hot mineral spring. And they mine it where it's only come out of the ground no more than 98 degrees, so all the phosphorus is intact. Everything's intact.
Q: Could you put it on a stove like a boiler?
A: Yeah, absolutely. But put it on wet. Don't put it on dry.
Q: They don't sell it in the stores though.
A: You pardon?
Q: It's what you say. We need to buy it through...
A: Yeah, go online. California Clay, whatever it is. It's So go to T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's probably, probably eight miles away. They're in the desert off away, yeah. Somebody's just trying to... Because Terramin Clay is such a good clay. It's the best one I've ever experimented with and tried. People are going to Terramin more and more and more. And all these other companies are losing. So they're coming up with stories.
Q: Is clay something that would be beneficial for anyone to be using?
A: As long as you've been up... you grew up on the SAD diet. Anybody here not raised on the SAD diet? Whoops. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, my question is that I'm experiencing a lot...
A: Oh, wait a minute. She's new to California. We don't answer questions for non-Californians. She's from Colorado. Welcome her. I'm from Colorado. I was born in Denver.
Q: I'm experiencing a lot of what I would call dry eyes. It doesn't hurt or anything. It's just really dry. And I don't know if that's... It seems like ever since I had that diagnosis of the RA that maybe that's happening.
A: See how dry your skin is on your face?
Q: Yeah.
A: That's how dry you are in your head. And that's, of course, you're going to leach fats and water from your eyes. It's going to be deficient.
Q: Okay.
A: The only way you can do that is you have to put lots of like the primal facial body care cream on your face daily. And you put honey and butter in your mouth frequently. You just keep rolling it around. If you taste a toxic taste, when you're rolling it around, spit it out. Get rid of those poisons. Put some fresh stuff in.
Q: Okay. So honey and butter, not honey and cheese?
A: No. Honey and cheese will dry you. Honey and butter.
Q: Honey and butter and coconut cream on my face and or the other facial cream.
A: The primal facial body care cream. Oh, and primal facial body care cream, it's new and improved. Instead of using one-third cream, butter, and dairy cream, coconut cream, butter, and dairy cream, you still use those, but now you cut them down to a fourth of the ingredients and add bone marrow. So it's a quarter bone marrow now.
Q: Where do you get the bone marrow?
A: I get it from North Star Bison. You know, you can get a delivery when Cynthia, when you buy her, get her stuff, she gets it from Rawsome in Los Angeles, so you can order it through her, or you order it direct from North Star Bison. And you get it popped out of the bone already, half the price.
Q: Oh, they have it without the bone?
A: Yeah, yeah. They'll sell it without the bone.
Q: You said [unintelligible] should take that, if she would?
A: Yeah.
Q: How would she take that?
A: Just eat it.
Q: With a meat meal?
A: With a meat meal is always, better before a meat meal is always better.
Q: And how much does she have?
A: At least one of those bones a day. When I'm in town, I eat a whole package. I eat five to seven bones worth a day. So I'm eating like, you know, about half of a cup of bone marrow. Even more, three quarters of a cup if you press it down. So half to three quarters of a cup of bone marrow I eat a day. Because I'm not in town much, and I can't get it all the time. So when I'm here, I power up on it.
Q: What's it called? Is it bone marrow without the bone?
A: Yeah, bone marrow without the bone.
Q: You mentioned before that she vaccinates the female bison. Do you have their special...
A: This is the breeding ones, ones that breed offspring.
Q: When you request the bone marrow, do you have to make a special request not to get the...
A: She, I tell everybody that. And she shot me an email about a month ago saying, I do not, I do not sell any of the bones or any of the meat, any of the product from my breeding females. When they die, I ship them off to the dump, you know, to the bear, which means it goes to, you know, dog food or something like that. It goes off for waste. It's not for human consumption.
Q: Organs, glands, anything.
A: Yeah, that's what she says. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: A lot of them. Well, I have dark around here, and I thought it was from the glaucoma drops, but the nutritionist that I've talked to, he said my liver and kidneys are stressed.
A: Well, the dark is sign of liver. If you had puffy eyes, it would be a sign of kidney problems, too, but you don't have puffy eyes. You have darkness, that shows some liver difficulties.
Q: Do I have to do anything?
A: Well of course, but I wouldn't do anything special. Just go into my book and look up liver. Because there's quite a few things you can do about the liver. Also with yours, with your eyes, egg white in your eyes. Butter in your eyes also.
Q: Butter too, huh?
A: Well, what you do is a little dab of either egg white or butter. And you pull the side down and you put it along the white. And then you hold both up and you roll it around like you're a circus master. And that's it. You're just moisturizing. Yeah, and that soothes the eyes. In fact, it restores vision in a lot of circumstances.
Q: Well, that was the other piece I wanted to ask you about vision. Because I had Lasik surgery, but now I just use these for sort of reading or computer or whatever. And I'm feeling like these are 200s. I need to get something a little stronger. So to help that, I can...
A: Well, I used to just say egg white. And then I had a patient who had Coke bottle-thick glasses. And she was determined, you know, because I got her excited on the diet. And everything was working for her better. And she was a rich girl. I mean, this girl, $100 million when she was 20 years old. So she doesn't have to think about things. So she can play with anything. So she doesn't have to work. So she sits at home doing all these different things, experimenting. So she was putting butter in her eyes twice daily. Her prescription cut in half in seven months.
Q: Wow.
A: Yeah, so I was impressed.
Q: Wow.
Q: Plus she was on the PD?
A: On the diet, absolutely. Completely, 100%.
Q: Did that help the pressure of your eyes or anything like that?
A: It can help anything.
Q: The raw, certified butter?
A: Yep. No salt.
Q: But you said honey with cheese can make the toxins reabsorb though, correct? You shouldn't have honey with cheese.
A: Unless it's after a meat meal and you want to absorb the... you want that cheese to be your mineral supplement. So after a meat meal, about 35 minutes after a meat meal, you eat cheese and honey together. Twice daily. For a mineral supplement. All the other times you eat it without honey to absorb poison.
Q: The only thing that I have found, though, is that if I eat cheese...
A: Wait a second. It's so loud. Okay.
Q: You said when you eat cheese, eat butter with it because it's concentrated.
A: Some people, yes.
Q: Well, to me, I've found that no matter how much butter I eat with it, it's constipation. I eat plenty of butter with it.
A: Well, if you're getting constipated that way, you just don't have enough fat in your bowel. Those E. coli are going to hold it up. See, because cheese is already a moldy substance, at least our cheese that we get, because it's grown in a cave. And that's the way you have a fungus that breaks down the cheese. It's like a yogurt, only a fungus instead of a bacteria is breaking down your cheese so we digest it. So the fungus breaks it down. So the E. coli can get even more nutrients from it. So it's going to hold it up there longer. It doesn't dry you out more if you're eating butter with it. However, your E. coli in your bowel is so hungry that you need to feed it from the back end. I've told you this before. You have three tablespoons each of coconut cream, butter, and dairy cream. And shove it up in there. Leave it there.
Q: Yeah, but that drops out and it got all over my car seat. I think I told you that. You have to wear a diaper really.
A: No, you do it at night before you go to sleep.
Q: But it doesn't come out the whole day.
A: I've never had it come out on anybody but you. That's the wildest thing. But don't put half that much then. Don't put so much in. Put half of that amount in.
Q: And good luck.
A: And did you also get on your left side and roll? Or did you get down? You bark. And then after you get it in, you go down like this. And you roll your stomach. So it'll move down your colon so it won't stay in the sigmoid area. And then you can lie like this. Roll your stomach a little bit to get it to move up here. And then you can roll like this. Move over more so you can feed the E. coli everywhere.So that's what you can do to prevent it from, you know, dumping. Because this sounds like yours is just staying in the sigmoid colon. If it's doing that. You need to work it up higher.
Q: How long did you do that for?
A: Pardon?
Q: How long would you do that for on the ground?
A: Three minutes. The whole thing would take three minutes. If you really want to get all the good fat over, you know, to the whole colon so make sure everything benefits, then I would do it for about ten minutes. Probably three minutes like this, rolling the stomach. Then the left side for about three minutes and the right side for about three minutes.
Q: I have one question.
A: You've got yours back there. This is our host. Thank you very much, Lisa.
Q: Thank you.
Q: I knew your questions helped me. I'm just curious about, we were talking earlier about gaining weight and losing weight. I could be on the same amount of food on the diet and when I was very sick, I lost rapid weight.
A: Right.
Q: When I started to feel better, I gained the weight back without really trying. Does your body just find its own balance?
A: Yes, that's what it wants to do. It will always be.
Q: Does my [unintelligible]?
A: Yeah, it does. I prefer you do it on its own. Yeah, but in the recipe book, I said a six-month period because a lot of people are afraid that if they gain the weight, they're never going to lose it. It's usually a two-and-a-half-year cycle.
Q: Yeah, because when I ultimately gain the weight back, that means it's different than like before.
A: Yeah, most of the time, people will gain the weight, keep it for two-and-a-half years, then their body will go through a detoxification, knock it off, and then grow it back. And you know, I stopped putting it on heavily again. So, you know, I'm... Yeah, so I think it's...
Q: Yeah, but you've been on it 40 years.
A: No, I've been on raw meat on a daily basis since December of 82. So that's when I count that I went on a good diet. I started eating meat twice daily on a daily basis. Before that, I was just eating meat three days a week, one meal a day. Three pounds of meat a week, maximum. Now I eat a pound a day. And if I don't eat a pound of meat a day, I eat 50 eggs.
Q: And you don't work out at all?
A: No.
Q: You're serious? 50 eggs?
A: I eat up to 50 eggs.
Q: Not a day?
A: Yeah.
Q: A day?
A: Yeah, I've eaten up to 50 eggs a day. Done it many times. Let's say a hundred times.
Q: Is that for protein and mineralization? Is that why you eat so many eggs?
A: No, because eggs are already liquid. So there's very little digestion involved. So if I want to get strong and healthy fast, I'll eat a lot of eggs. And eat bone marrow along with it. You know, like maybe have three sections of bone marrow in a day. Because eggs don't have the ability to increase cellular division like meat will. Refrigerated milk is the same way. I'll eat the bone marrow with it. So that I will regenerate cells fast as well as strengthen your body. Like the example I used in the recipe book. The woman with emphysema who was supposed to die that weekend. She had 33 eggs on Saturday, 33 on Sunday. She was out of the bed and off the machines on Monday morning. Only eggs could ever do that. So I know the value of eggs.
Q: And they weren't organic though, huh? You didn't mention that one, with just regular eggs.
A: They weren't regular eggs. I told her doctor to get them at least at a health food store. And I said ones that are cage-free, not the organic in a cage animals. So that's what she got. They weren't the best eggs, I'm sure.
Q: And she got results. Can you get similar results by putting half a dozen eggs in a smoothie or a milkshake?
A: No, you can put on lots of weight that way. See, it takes milk six to ten hours to digest. So once you put it into the milk, it slows everything down. I make sure I digest it within 27 minutes because I will break the egg and I suck out the egg white. You know, I dip it in without putting a hole in it, the fat end. And then the narrow end, I'll punch the hole in it and I'll hold it down like this and I'll suck it gently. Only the egg white comes out first. And then the egg white digests very rapidly because there's some fat, you know, you don't have to have the bile. It takes longer for the bile to work on it. We don't need any hydrochloric acid for the egg white because it's already liquid. All we need to do is the bacteria working, so I keep the egg white in my mouth until it's completely water. And I know it's full of bacteria and then I swallow it. And then the egg yolk will last and, of course, your body kind of layers things. As it goes in, it kind of layers itself, so it moves that way. So the yolk comes in behind and the yolk will digest much faster by itself, too, as well as the egg white will.
Q: Is it okay to leave the umbilical cord out of that? Can you not eat that?
A: Sure. It's just good protein.
Q: I know. I just can't get that out.
A: That's probably the only thing in it that has stem cells. And you want to get rid of them. But that's okay. I'll take them. You collect them and send them to me.
Q: I'll mail them to you.
Q: Can you get rapid weight loss from eggs?
A: Yes, you can. If you only eat eggs, if you eat milkshakes, no. But if you eat only eggs, you're going to get very hungry and then you might get a little irritable. When you're only doing eggs, you're also going to feel very dehydrated. So you need to keep a little bit of butter in your mouth, honey butter on your lips or just honey.
Q: Is it better not to force the down diet and just let your body do it?
A: It's always better to let your body do it.
Q: Do you just stay on the dairy all the time and then all of a sudden it'll lose weight or do you just choose to stop doing the dairy?
A: Your body will stop you from eating for a while and detox that way. When you start getting nauseous and your body says, wait a minute. Every time you put anything into it, you'll vomit. That's when the body is saying, no, we're going to do something differently here.
Q: So no forced down diet.
A: Don't need to.
Q: Why did you use to do that down diet?
A: Like I said, that was for people who were paranoid that they'd never lose the weight. So if they did it for a year on and off, they could say, oh, I can lose that weight. Yeah, and then they don't... Then they aren't as particular about it. Oh, I can lose that weight later. Oh, I can use that. And that's what I like, them to postpone it, let their bodies do it. You know, people are very lazy when it comes to, you know, anything that takes stress and work. If the body wants that fat, you're not going to get rid of it easily. It's not going to let you. You have to work it. You have to work out. You have to limit what you eat. You have to do, like, in the book, in the recipe book, I have a weight loss program. They're eating frequently but small amounts. And that's the only way you can get the body to agree to it.
Q: I'm getting it right here.
A: And that's where you need it. Where do a lot of the toxins go? Intestines.
Q: So, what makes you hold fat? Regular nutrition says, "Oh, insulin, fat", and all this stuff?
A: That's all their bullshit to get you to take supplements.
Q: So what actually signals your body to hold the fat?
A: Your body is holding fats everywhere in the body because you have toxins in all the tissues, all the cells. If your body wants to draw those poisons out or if they're moving out on their own, you have the fat there to arrest it right away. It won't do any damage.
Q: It's holding from the fat or calories? Is it actually from fat you're eating or is it from calories from meat also?
A: If you're not eating butter with your meat, your body will make fats from the protein. But if you're eating fats with your meat, it's not going to use the meat that way. And if you're eating enough fat, your body won't convert any fruits unless you're eating a quart of blueberries a day, then your body won't make fat with it. Even if you're eating a lot of fat, it won't do that.
Q: And I sometimes do not lose weight even if I go off dairy. Your body just chooses?
A: Your body wants to hold it if you have toxins in your tissues. That's why I like everybody to be fat, if they're sick. You'll have protection. If you don't have protection, what's going to happen? When those toxins get free, they're going to do more damage. Can you imagine, internally, like you have the toxin come out and dry out the skin and cause the itching? It'll do that internally. And you can't scratch it. And you can't apply butter on it directly. You're going to have to eat a ton of butter to get there. Or, you know, a lubrication moisturizing formula. And a lot of it to get there.
Q: But you're lean now [unintelligible].
A: I'm still 18% body fat. 18% body fat. I look 7 to 10%. Remember, when you've been on the diet, I've not eaten cooked fats since 1974. So every fat molecule in my body is tiny and concentrated. When you cook a fat, it swells 1 to 50 times its normal size. So you've got a lot of old swollen fat in your body.
Q: It's coming out even though I lost weight?
A: Yeah.
Q: So it's deeper?
A: Yeah, it's in your bones, everywhere.
Q: Bones.
A: Everywhere. It takes 40 years to get rid of all of it. I still have 12 years to go.
Q: What's the ideal body fat for a man or a woman?
A: For a man it should be about 22% until they get healthy. Then they can get down to 17, 18% like I am. And then a woman should be anywhere from 26 to 30.
Q: What's the lowest you go to when you reduce? You mentioned when you were in the Philippines when you got the shot.
A: The lowest I got to was 16% body fat.
Q: So you're pretty slim then.
A: Oh, I was slimmer than now, let me tell you. I lost 40 pounds that trip. I was vomiting, I was diarrhea, breaking out, oozing all over the place. It was miserable.
Q: You were still 16% body fat?
A: I'd have been dead if I'd been less than that.
Q: Are we going to experience that? The vomiting and the diarrhea and the vomiting?
A: Everybody does sometimes.
Q: The oozing?
A: Oh, well... Some people do, some people do, yes, some people do.
Q: So does a woman go from 26 to 30, what do they go to when they're healthy?
A: Usually about 22%.
Q: So if I'm like 19 something, so that's bad?
A: That's not good. I think that every woman should be at least absolute minimum 24%. That's so tiny though, that's the absolute least. But I think all women should be 27 to 30.
Q: How do you know what your body fat is?
A: There are different ways to tell. The absolute perfect way is you immerse yourself in a swimming pool that has a certain electromagnetic field that reads it. Within 1 to 2% there are scales. You put your weight in, your height, and you get up on it, and it has a way of measuring your body fat. That's what I use mainly.
Q: It has nothing to do with weight, how much you weigh?
A: Well, it figures it out. It's a calculus formula, but I'm not going to go into that.
Q: Can I ask my question on almonds yet or not?
A: Let me see, did I get everybody one time? No, you didn't have a question yet? You don't want one?
Q: He knows everything.
A: Okay.
Q: I did have a question about, since you mentioned the urine thing, I wondered if, I've heard that before about the benefits of, I mean, I don't know in detail, but I'm wondering, like the clay, does it have a detoxifying effect on the body as well?
A: No, it's mainly a recycling. It does have one element that's for detoxification. That's the ammonia. Ammonia is a good detoxifier. Like after I got those forced injections, I went for shark, because it's high in ammonia. Every day that a shark has been killed, it doubles in ammonia. Stingray does the same thing, so I found a stingray. So I ate stingray for 24 hours. It was so much ammonia. And that stingray was probably a day old already. And I had it, by the time I finished it, it was 36 hours old. So I was hallucinating. I was passing out. I was short of breath. I had all kinds of problems from too much ammonia. Too much ammonia can kill you. But I needed to bind with those poisons quickly, so I used ammonia for that purpose, to bind with toxic metals and substances that were foreign to the body. So I used it in that way. And when you're having urine, you have a little bit of ammonia in it, so it can help detoxify. But mainly you're recycling all of your fats, proteins, and all the rich nutrients that are in the blood. Because urine is nothing other than the blood, everything that's in the blood, without all the red and white blood cells.
Q: So how do you get to that point of drinking it?
A: I did it when I was a vegetarian, and I had to recycle my proteins, because I got too skinny, skinnier and skinnier. I was almost evaporated. So then somebody told me about India. They drink milk, but they're vegetarians, basically, and they drink their urine at least once a day to recycle those proteins that they don't get because they don't eat meat.
Q: I thought urine was very toxic, though.
A: It's only as toxic as your diet.
Q: But see, if we have a sad diet, then we're pretty toxic.
A: Absolutely.
Q: So if we drank our urine, wouldn't that be counterproductive?
A: For some people it isn't. They don't get any protein unless they have it that way. In India, vegetarians, even though they're on cooked diets, at least the proteins will be recycled and utilized. I wouldn't do it if I were a cooked food eater. I vomit from regular food anyway, cooked food, so I can imagine what would happen if I drank my urine and recycled the cooked food product. Who knows what would happen. Okay, now you can have that question.
Q: I understand all the almonds in California are pasteurized, even the organic raw. Is there no way you can get almonds that aren't?
A: Well, there's only one place that I know of, and that's Organic Pastures. Our milk producers in this, our main milk producer in the state, he has almonds and he refuses to pasteurize his.
Q: They sell those locally at Cream of the Crop, those almonds.
Q: Not the ones that are organic raw. They told me, it says on there something, and they told me the law is in California, they have to be pasteurized.
A: Yeah, but he doesn't do it to his. Maybe the ones he sells to a regular market, he'll go to process it, but give them a call and see.
Q: And then there's the ones from Italy, but they're probably not pasteurized.
A: If they're allowed into California, they have to be pasteurized.
Q: Okay, organic.
A: California doesn't want you healthy.
Q: Well, we know that.
Q: What if one wants to bodybuild to just produce more muscle and stuff?
A: Cheese, butter, and cream. I mean cheese, butter, and honey helps put on weight fast, muscle weight. Like I started eating a lot more cheese, honey, and butter because I don't want to work out. So then I started putting on a lot more muscle because I got really skinny last year.
Q: Cheesecake, basically.
A: Yeah, cheesecake. But I enjoy, I get tired of cheesecake because it's exactly the same taste every mouthful. But when you, sometimes the honey goes in first and then you get to mix them in your mouth. So it's a whole different, you know, it's a smorgasbord of flavors. But if you don't have time, then it's better to have the cheesecake and just grab it and eat it.
Q: I had a question about those lab blood tests before we finish.
A: What time is it?
Q: 5.30.
A: 5.30, we've got to stop. I'm way past. I've got patients waiting.
Q: Thank you.
A: Thank you.
Q: Thank you.