Q&A Of October 29, 2006

Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: On the plane I started bleeding. Just not much, but some blood. And my urine was paining for a while. And then it was the, then on that Friday I was having so much pain in my penis that I knew I had some kind of blockage. And I had to lift my leg like a dog to go. So I knew that I probably had a stone. So I went to a urologist on that Monday, on the next Monday, and I had him do a ultrasound sonogram. There was a stone as long as my thumb, as round as a ping-pong ball. He'd never seen a stone that big in his life. So he said, you know, probably take 45 minutes to blast it to pieces, you know, with no surgery, you know. They call it surgery. What they do is stick a pipe up the urethra.

Q: God!

A: Yes, I know, I was out. I was out. And they put four things up in these pipes and they're that big. And when I went into the operating room, I said, I'm glad I'm not going to be awake for this. You know, pipes, metal pipes this big around. And they have one that's the visual, the video, so they can see what's going on in there. They have the laser which blasts the stone apart. Then they have a water jet which flushes it out. And then a suction. So all those, four of those go up this tube on my penis. And surgery was set for an hour. Took him two hours to blast it apart. Two hours. He said that that stone had to have been growing at least 50 years. That made a lot of sense to me because anytime I urinated, it would take me two to three minutes to the point where I could start peeing. And then my stream was like a little babies. He said that when he went in there, he found that the urethra never developed. So it was like an infant there. My mother, when I was about two years, two and a half, when she started taking me into the women's restrooms and get very frustrated, hit me on the shoulder or back because it would take me so long to go. And so what I learned to do was, I learned to get the pressure off and then not empty my bladder completely. And he says that's what causes stones. So my stone had been growing probably for 58 years. 58 years.

Q: Where was the stone [unintelligible]?

A: In the bladder. Sitting right in the bladder, right there where the... He said it was so big he couldn't imagine that it hadn't caused me problems before.

Q: You never had pain down there?

A: Pardon?

Q: You never had pain?

A: No. I'd been started when I was two years old. My bladder wall was this thick. It's only supposed to be this thick. The stone had irritated it. And you know, the bladder is supposed to be a smooth wall. And it would look like coral. The same way the stones look like coral. So now I pee like a horse. No waiting. I mean, it's so weird because I'm used to going to the toilet, stand there for two, three minutes, waiting for it to start. Then the stream was very tiny. And that's the way it's been in my whole life. And now for two months I'm peeing like a horse. It's great. Only 15, 20 seconds and I'm finished. It's great.

Q: They put you out [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, and you can see the poisons coming out of my skin from it.

Q: But what did you have? IV sedation or -

A: General IV. Yeah. No, they did it with, you know, injection into my IV. But I didn't let them give me any antibiotics. I told them that I was allergic to all injected antibiotics and they'd have to give me oral. So they gave me all these oral antibiotics and they went in the garbage.

Q: What state were you in?

A: Pardon?

Q: What state were you in?

A: Here.

Q: Oh, here?

A: Yeah, well, I was in Los Angeles.

Q: How much did it cost?

A: St. John's, $10,000.

Q: Oh my gosh.

A: And you didn't have a [unintelligible]?

A: No.

Q: But at least they cleaned it out.

A: Oh, it was incredible. Yeah.

Q: What kind of [unintelligible]?

A: I wasn't emptying my bladder all those years. So the minerals would collect and form into the stones. He said the center was entirely black. So I said, save that soup because I'm going to have it analyzed. So I did. And it was most of it, most of the concentration of heavy poison was mercury from all those injections. That center was almost entirely mercury ball.

Q: So the diet didn't take care of that? The diet couldn't have -

A: No way, that's stone. That was like metal. He said it was like blasting metal apart.

Q: Wow.

A: He said he just, he was, the nurse told me he was just sweating, sweating and sweating because he couldn't get it to break up.

Q: Like a jackhammer.

A: Yeah, it was like a jackhammer.

Q: That stone was an inch and a half to two inches diameter?

A: No, it was about the size of a ping pong ball. So it was about an inch and a quarter round and as long as my thumb. So about probably four and a half centimeters, five centimeters, somewhere around there. I've got the pictures. I should have brought them, but I didn't. It was huge, huge. And all of the other urologists and the nurses said they'd never seen a stone that big in their entire lives.

Q: That's one way to get mercury out of your system, isn't it?

A: Yeah, well, it obviously held on to it.

Q: But it wasn't doing harm all that time, to be honest.

A: No, it didn't. All that time it hadn't done anything.

Q: After he blasted it out, did they have suction tubes or something?

A: Yeah, like I said, they had four tubes up there. One's a jet for water and the other's the suction.

Q: So if he couldn't get it out, he had to go...

A: Surgically do it and remove it.

Q: So you're lucky he went in without. What was your recovery time and what did you eat after?

A: Well, two days later I was juicing coconut at the co-op, you know, out of the new machine, showing them how to do it, you know, ripping coconuts apart. So in two days, even though I had a catheter. I actually had the catheter put out right before I went there to do the juicing. So it took them two days before they took out the catheter. And probably because I had them... Because my urethra never developed, I asked him to, you know, cut a wedge into it, into the prostate gland, so it wouldn't happen again. So I had a lot of burning and pain for probably three weeks.

Q: What did you eat after the surgery?

A: Well, I was downing, you know, probably 25, 28 eggs a day to get rid of the medication poisons.

Q: Just the eggs straight?

A: Yeah, I was just taking the eggs mainly straight. And ate lots of cheese. I ate five pounds of cheese in seven days. Pulling it out.

Q: Did you let him do x-rays on you?

A: No. He was allowed to do a sonogram.

Q: Oh, I see.

Q: Oh, my. That's quite painful.

A: Yeah, it was.

Q: So you never had a final x-ray done for a chiropractor, because they wouldn't see that?

A: Yeah. Well, if they look down that low to the bladder.

Q: Well, because it's like a spine.

A: Yeah, right. Because I had some, you know, after they cauterized my spine, and I was in pain all the time, I did go through a series of x-rays when they did some back surgery on me.

Q: Right.

A: When I was 22, 21, 22. So, did x-rays then, but it wasn't, didn't show the bladder, they showed from just about two inches below the waist, for about eight inches up. Because I was very particular even then about how much radiation I was going to get from x-rays. That was probably the last time I got x-rays, except for that one. I was in an automobile accident in Thailand, where they, you know, I broke my collarbone, my clavicle, and two ribs. Yes?

Q: You carry around a lot of things that are also from x-rays, so [unintelligible]?

A: Well, James Stewart had ten in his that he had blasted about by the same urologist about, what, 11, 12 months ago, 11 months ago?

Q: In his bladder?

A: Pardon? His bladder. In his bladder.

Q: Do you think [unintelligible] of the gallbladder?

A: No, because you have to go in surgically. You can't go up to the urethra, because it's in the kidney, or in the gallbladder or liver.

Q: You can't pass it?

A: Yeah, you can pass it. Not in the bladder, the urinary bladder. The gallbladder. Yeah.

Q: It wasn't called lipocrypsis, was it?

A: I don't remember that.

Q: Do you have any experience [unintelligible]? In general, the diet?

A: I'm sorry, I can't hear you with the airplane.

Q: Do you generally not form little stones on the diet?

A: Well, the diet, yeah. The urologist's theory is that if you remain alkaline, you won't form stones, but that's on a regular diet. Because everybody eating cooked foods has already cauterized their minerals. So they're already free radicals. So they're always going to be locking and magnetically attracting each other. Then if they are heavy, toxic metals like that, your body is going to take calcium and other minerals and try to lock it, so it doesn't create damage. So mine had formed a good calcium level all around it. Why all of a sudden this started hurting me, I don't know. Because it was huge. Why it all of a sudden started causing me problems, I don't know. Probably because I'm flying so much. As soon as I got in an airplane, the blood would start. And that started about a year ago. Get on the plane, I'd see a little blood, a little pink. Never think anything of it because I'm used to having constipation. And for 58 years I had constipation until I got that tapeworm. And every time I had a bowel movement, I bled. A lot of blood compared to this. It was just a drop or two. Or just some pink urine, so it wasn't anything that bothered me. So I just figured I was maybe passing some heavy metals or some toxicity through the bladder. And that was that. I had no idea I had a stone until I had to actually pee like this to get the stone to move aside. Because it was blocking the tract. Why all of a sudden it started blocking, I don't know. Because it was huge. You could have blocked it at any time. It was amazing. Still perplexed about why all of a sudden it started giving me trouble on that week.

Q: It just didn't move the right way.

A: Painful.

Q: That's it.

A: That was actually painful in your bladder as well as the pain in your urinary tract? No, no pain in the bladder. It was all in my penis.

Q: Because you wanted to urinate?

A: Well, it actually burned near the head. And I asked the urologist, I said, wait a minute, if I've got a stone up here, why am I not feeling pain up there? Why am I having it in my penis? He says, I don't know, that's what happens though. All men have pain in their penises.

Q: Maybe there's [unintelligible] in the bladder.

A: The bladder is so numb, so thick and irritated for so long, probably not many live cells there. Callous. And that wall was very thick.

Q: Why did James Stewart keep the diet?

A: Well, he had been a vegetarian for 30 years, eating lots of soy. But a lot of people, anybody who eats cooked food has a tendency to collect minerals like that. Just why some people develop them depends upon the individual. My case was I didn't empty my bladder. And it started when I was about two years old, two and a half.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, [unintelligible]. When it glares through the cloud, it's really bright sometimes. So that's my news on that. Like I said, I refused all antibiotics. What I had to do to get him not to give me antibiotics was tell him that I was allergic to them. And he said, well, what happens? I said, well, I can go into anaphylaxis and have a cardiac arrest. And boy, he didn't want to hear that. So immediately he said, let me go get some antibiotics. So he gave me antibiotics to take before the surgery. And I said, I took them. That doesn't mean I swallowed them. I took them from him. So I took them. So I didn't lie. I took them. And then they gave me a bunch to take afterwards, two prescriptions, one for pain and one for antibiotics. And I didn't fill either. And I just dealt with the pain because, you know, just eating the pain formula is what I did and eating the cheese and the pain formula. And the cheese was to help draw the poisons out into the intestines so they didn't float in the system. And, you know, I continued eating meat and everything else. Drinking lots of milk for the sulfur to help draw the toxins out of the system. Eggs. Eggs and the milk are the highest in sulfur. Sulfur is a good cleaning agent as long as it's ionically bound with other nutrients. When you have isolated sulfur like in MSM, highly toxic. Some people, three women that I know of, they spontaneously combust because that sulfur turned in with their particular body fluids turned in nitroglycerin. As soon as it hit their skin, they spontaneously combust.

Q: What do you mean spontaneously combust? What do you mean?

A: They went up in flames. Really went up in flames. Really flames, yes. Not just burns, chemical burns, they actually went up in flames. 60 Minutes did a thing on them in about 70, 69 or 70. And I was working for MGM at the time because I was too sick to do anything else. And I got a hold of their, because I was studying nutrition at that time, to help myself get well. And I was very curious if these women had had sulfur. So my publicity agent was the head of MGM publicity department. So I got him to get their names and addresses. And I wrote them and the woman who had 75% of her body had burned, her skin area, she had taken the sulfur drug for bladder and kidney infections for 32 years. The one who burned up about 60% of her body had taken the sulfur drugs for 22 years. The woman who had burned a quarter of her body had taken the sulfur drug for 12 years.

Q: What's in MSM?

A: No, but MSM is sulfur. It's isolated sulfur, so it isn't bound with any other nutrient. So you take MSM and you have no idea what it's going to do. Sulfur is a drying agent, that's why they used it for kidney and bladder problems. To help remove swelling and fluids. Also during the 60s and late 50s and early 70s, they were using sulfur to test it on everybody as a possible antibiotic. So a lot of people got sulfur drugs.

Q: What does sulfur detoxify you of when it's in the milk?

A: How does it detoxify you?

Q: I mean, what does it bind to or how does it make you feel?

A: Well, you have good natural sulfur that's bound with other nutrients and it attracts the toxic sulfur.

Q: Okay, got it.

A: Like attracts like in that case.

Q: I see.

A: Okay, we're going to start the Q&A. You got a question?

Q: No.

A: Okay, we'll come back if you do.

Q: She's a newbie.

A: But she read the book.

Q: I was locked with questions, so I'll probably get more in the meeting.

A: Okay.

Q: I'd like to get a discussion on emotional detoxification. So what I'm noticing lately is, and I don't know, but it feels like old stuff coming up. Asthma, but not asthma. I'm not getting the symptoms, but I'm feeling. I remember the feeling that had me. Is that possible? Do we go through emotional detox on your diet?

A: Well, everybody goes on any kind of a diet. Just remember that this diet does not cause detoxification. It allows detoxification. When you're eating cooked foods, your body's always dealing with the toxins that you're putting into your body, whether it's the free radicals, the minerals that have been fractionated, whether it's the lipid peroxides or the heterocyclic amines, all those byproducts that are toxic, and I named 32 of them in the recipe book that form from eating cooked foods. So if your body's dealing with all those toxins every time you eat, it can't deal with a lot of the old stuff. And it's dealing with digestion, and the pancreas has to synthesize hormones that'll call out like bugs and leech from every cell a little bit of nutrients to deliver to the intestines to be able to digest the cooked foods that you've eaten, and it just spins your bank account until you're up there in your 50s and you have no more. That's it. It's over. And that's why people start having the most serious problems when they hit their 50s. Most people. 0When you're detoxifying, it's easy on this diet. Like I say, it doesn't cause detoxification unless you eat a lot of fruit, a lot of oils, or a lot of coconut cream in combination with fruit. And that'll force detoxification. I suggest that everybody detoxify with one fruit meal a day with coconut cream in the afternoon, but that won't incite an extreme usually. In some people it may. Basically, to your specific questions about the emotional factor of detoxification, according to Elnora Van Winkle, a neurological scientist, and she's the one that called about 260 of my cancer patients and saw that they were living over five to seven years past when they went on the diet. And she confirmed it. You look on the recipe book, you see that last testimonial that she says that the statistics on this diet are correct for cancer. She was responsible for cataloging every chemical in the neurological system and brain. 47 years she did that at Milhauser Laboratories at New York University. So she said that just like any other toxin has byproducts in the body and has a tendency to store in the body, so do these neurological hormones that form during emotional crisis. So let's say you had asthma. When you were having problems breathing, you had created a certain panic in your body that created neurological hormones and there were byproducts that needed to be removed from the body or waste products. And she said that whenever she found these in high amounts in the blood, that person was going through some emotional turmoil that did not relate to something that happened in their life at the moment. It was not happening at this present time. It was happening, you know, it was like she had a girlfriend who was, a girl that was just one week just flipped out over her husband, just was on him like a hip pocket. And she tested her blood, took her blood every day and tested it, found this hormone level high. When she came down off of that experience, she tested the blood and that chemical was non-existent or just trace amounts in the blood. So she said that when you go through these detoxifications, these neurological hormones that are developed during any kind of trauma, then you'll re-experience the emotional trauma or the trauma you were experiencing during that trauma. Yours happened to be asthma, probably the fear of not being able to breathe. So you were having that sensation, although the physiological was not occurring. And if you would like to read her paper, she has, it's called The Biology of Emotions, and you can find a technical version which is extremely technical, as every chemical it identifies, and then there's the layman's explanation. Now her idea of the cure for it was to go into primal therapy. That does not mean the diet, although she advocated the primal diet. But the primal therapy that she was thinking about was you go and scream and kick and fight and beat and do whatever it is in some little house or soundproof cottage that you built for yourself. And I argued with her about that. I knew her personally. She was on the diet. She came to me as a patient in New York City. And I said, I disagree with that because you're continuing the turmoil, the trauma, by going through all that anger. I said it would be better to sing, to dance, to do something you enjoy while your body is detoxifying this. So you reprogram the body.

Q: That's really strange. That's what I've been doing. I've been singing, meditating, chanting, just walking around in a car. I can do that. I commute every day. Like I'm nothing, not even on the cell phone.

Q: No karaoke, huh?

Q: No, that's...

A: That's how I resolve that kind of thing. Otherwise, when you have that sensation and you feel anger or fright, you're just getting back into it. You're lingering it. You're procrastinating with it. You're continuing it. So any time that comes up, you're going to go into the same reaction instead of something more creative and happy. So that's how I resolve it. That's how I suggest that people resolve it. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. How do you...

A: Elaine.

Q: How do you deal with or prevent or keep a [unintelligible] when receiving gums and teeth, you know, the gums or the teeth in general?

A: Well, it's going to be almost impossible to do. The brain has the most toxins stored in it. The brain and nervous system use heavy metals, metallic minerals to relay light and electricity. So when you cook a food and you set free any trace heavy metals, iron, mercury, cadmium, lead, anything like that, the concentration of it will go to the brain and nervous system. Most of it goes in the brain. That's why we keep... That's why we have the largest brains on Earth and yet we're the stupidest as far as taking care of the planet. It doesn't make any difference. When you detoxify, most of that, 90% of it, doesn't go out through the mucous membranes or the eyes. If they did, you'd damage your eyes and your eyes would get progressively worse. It dumped out the tear ducts. But it dumps out the gums, tongue, salivary gland. So when it dumps out the gums, it irritates the gums. It causes them to deteriorate and bleed. And it's heavy. So what I suggest that people do is rather than having the scraping, and that's what causes dental decay. It isn't germs, it isn't bacteria. It's these heavy metals, especially from vaccines, the combination of formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum, and the detergent. And it comes from the brain, goes down and around the teeth, and the body uses a lot of calcium to bind with these poisons. And that causes plaque. And when that plaque irritates the dentine because of the heavy metals damaging the dentine, then bacteria results to clean up the damaged dentine. The bacteria does not cause the decay. The toxic metals cause the decay. So what you can do to relieve that is you get a water pick, one of the stronger, not one of the little ones that is weak in jet. You need one of the bigger ones that has a tray like this, like Waterpik has. They've got the small cylinder ones, but it doesn't hold enough power to use this formula that I'm going to suggest for you. And what you do is take a tablespoon of coconut cream, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar. You mix it all together, and then you strain it through a cloth, like a T-shirt, a white T-shirt, that's been rinsed and rinsed and rinsed, so there's no soap in it. Then you put that in three ounces of Gerolsteiner water, and you stir it until it's mixed evenly. Then you take a cup of Gerolsteiner, and you pour that into your Waterpik. Pour that mixture in there and stir it with your finger a little bit, and then you brush your teeth, brush down as high up into the gums as you can, and then you take that Waterpik and you jettison it into your gums, deep into your gum pockets, between your teeth, everywhere. And that combination of the coconut cream, the vinegar, and the lemon juice will dissolve plaque. If you do it every day for ten days, you usually get the hardest plaque that there is, unless there's some concentrated heavy metal, just like in my bladder, so you may have to do a little bit of scraping, but it's preferable that you don't get a scraping. And you do that then once every ten days, seven to ten days, and that'll keep your gums clean, and then you'll have less gum recession.

Q: I just went for a cleaning and they said, oh, gums are receding.

A: And they're always going to recede.

Q: They always say that. But if I had a thorough cleaning, I could feel it was very clean.

A: Yeah, but you need to do it every seven to ten days. That way you'll restrict the... I stopped them. When I started doing that, my gum recession stopped.

Q: So it won't grow back.

A: A little bit. Some of them have grown back, but not all of them.

Q: On this diet?

A: These have grown back.

Q: Should that help on this diet, though?

A: Yeah, it should.

Q: You know, with the milk I drink, the milk and butter?

A: Oh, definitely. Just remember, a lot of that calcium from that milk is going to go to bind with those heavy metals coming from your brain, dumping out your gum.

Q: Can you use coconut oil instead of coconut cream?

A: Doesn't do the same. Coconut cream has your water-soluble fats as well as your fat-soluble. And there are more water-soluble fats that dissolve plaque than the oil does. Oil, almost what the oil does is the minerals will absorb the oil and soften, but they won't break it up. The water-soluble fats in the coconut cream will help break it up and dissolve it, especially when reacted with lemon and vinegar. Yes?

Q: Is it pretty acidic, the one that hits the benton?

A: No, it's too diluted. Too diluted.

Q: Can we buy any kind of waterpik, whatever the brand is?

A: As long as it's a heavier duty, powerful one. Yes?

Q: I had a client who used to test and see that the gum was being mottled, and the pocket they measured them and they said, we're going to have to operate [unintelligible] too deep. And so I actually wanted her to go on the diet, but she's [unintelligible]. And so I gave her the Terramin clay, a fine one, that was built to clean her teeth with only once a day, and she rolled clay long things to put around in her mouth and leave it all night. And she went and got her pocket checked six months later, and they've all gone [unintelligible], the third batch, and she said, I didn't put enough clay there. And so they've all receded it, and they've actually left another one pocket.

A: Because nighttime is when your nervous system and brain detox.

Q: So it's just clay to roll out.

A: Yeah, but the clay will help pull it right out. It won't settle in the gums, it'll pull right down into it. But most people don't want to put clay in their mouth at night unless they're desperate.

Q: I mean, why not?

A: Yeah. Well, a lot of people don't want to wake with that clay, and it's all over their lips and mouth. I used to do it a lot, but people just don't want to do that. But it will work.

Q: Are you going to [unintelligible]? I have a feeling you might be able to ask. I mean, I'll wait and ask it, but with the clay, [unintelligible] you're waiting for.

A: We'll wait on that one. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: I want to ask her a question, actually. There was a canal problem. I was going through one after that, and they didn't ask that question. But you went away [unintelligible]. Do I have to worry about it?

A: I wouldn't, you know. It's usually an abscess that's better. When you have an abscess, that means the toxins that the bacteria or the fungus, you know, which is yeast as a fungus, or parasite that's breaking down that toxicity around the nerve on the tooth. When they have a root canal, you've got the nerve that comes down to the root of the tooth. And they drill it out on the inside and all the nerve up to the tooth. And they've got a little space that's, you know, maybe a fraction of a centimeter.

Q: I didn't get any word on [unintelligible] the problem.

A: But did you say it had been a root canal? Oh, no, they wanted to do a root canal. They wanted to do it. Yeah.

Q: Could it heal?

A: Pardon?

Q: Could it heal on its own?

A: Did you have a root canal then?

Q: No.

A: Okay, yeah, it can always heal on its own. I was supposed to have, they wanted to remove all of my teeth when I was 21. Because after the chemo and radiation, I lost all the bone around my teeth, so my teeth just dangled. And if I went like this, I bled a half a cup of blood. So I used these big straws to eat everything through, you know. And I didn't, you know, I said I'm going to die in three months. I'm going to suffer the pain of all the extractions of my teeth for the last three months that I'm going to be alive. So screw yourself. So I didn't have it done. And I started drinking lots of raw milk. And within two years, my bone all grew back.

Q: On her question?

A: Yeah.

Q: You know, I did four months of eggs when I came out of this colon problem. And I had two teeth that had to have root canals. And when I went to dentists' office, they're not needed anymore. Is that part of the healing process?

A: Yeah, it's part of the healing process.

Q: I mean, it's like I couldn't believe it. Two dentists told me they wanted the root canals up here. And it's gone.

Q: And if you already have a root canal, and they tell you you need to be doing whatever.

A: Indeed, what they want to do with root canals, they want to remove your tooth now. You know, that's what they want to do. Because they say that nerve that attaches to the tooth, and that little bit of space there causes mass infection.

Q: Yeah.

A: Well, it doesn't have to cause mass infections if it's going down the gum and leaking out as it should. If it's not, if it's jammed up and you've got, you know, like the bladder stone, you know, you've got heavy metals up there blocking the area, then you're going to have to go into some kind of severe reaction like a toothache. And you'll get a little air excess, and the bacteria will help break down that mineral deposit and dissolve, and then you'll puss, and it'll be all over your teeth for [unintelligible]. I've done that. It's happened to me a lot. And I've only lost one tooth with that process. When I was supposed to lose all of them. Do you have a question? You, yes.

Q: Yes. I'm having drinks, and I always [unintelligible]. I have like a big belly, and I don't digest the milk.

A: Well, that's not because you don't, your babies, they have big guts. You say they're not digesting it.

Q: So how do I get around that. What do I do?

A: You don't get around it. That's part of the process. You have to distribute the food, you have to go on here first to go to the rest of the body. You don't want to. You know, you should be that way for, you know, at your age you should have that stomach for 20 years.

Q: We don't want to hear that.

A: If you're young, you know, four, five, six years. If you're under 30. If you're under 40, 30 to 40, it could be 10 to 20 years. I mean 10 to 12 years. And the older you get, the longer you need to maintain it.

Q: Why?

A: Because most of your poison is dumped into the intestines, except from the brain. That comes out the mouth. So your intestines need constant, a lot of fat, a lot of food there and calcium to bind with those poisons so they don't damage the rest of your body.

Q: So that means with their prediction that it can't damage, we're going to be safe.

A: Yes.

Q: I mean seriously.

A: The fatter you are, the better you will be.

Q: Do you think that's a the lack of digestion?

A: No. If you had a lack of digestion, you'd be in cramps and you'd be nauseous and vomiting. You'd have terrible rashes if they were coming out of your skin. That's a sign of indigestion. Do you have a question?

Q: No.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I'm having a severe allergic reaction. I don't know [unintelligible] for about two days. It's just sneezing, sneezing, sneezing. I did the eggs. Is there any other recommendations when you get a severe allergic reaction? Like for the time or anything during that period of time, would you overdo the eggs?

A: Well, another thing you can get to get things moving a little quicker is take hot baths. You look under the lymphatic congestion in the book and look under lymphatic baths. Do that, but not that long. Do maybe 50 minutes. And what you might want to do is put some ginger, juice some ginger and put about an ounce of ginger in the water along with about probably half a cup of coconut cream and a cup of milk and two tablespoons of sea salt.

Q: And you [unintelligible]?

A: Well, you can leave out the vinegar.

Q: And one cup of coconut cream?

A: Yeah, one cup of milk, half a cup of coconut cream.

Q: And what does that do?

A: And, well, the ginger in that mixture will help aspirate the body. You're going to breathe some of it. It will cause more perspiration from the lung and sinus area. When you use vinegar, like I normally say, and without the coconut cream, that much coconut cream, it causes a detoxification uniformly all over the body. But when you use the ginger and you're breathing that moisture, that mist, it will cause more detoxification and elimination in the respiratory system and the pulmonary area.

Q: So do you stay on the regular diet or do you use the egg?

A: And lots of cheese to absorb the cheese, yeah.

Q: Separate it?

A: Cheese to absorb. Yeah, I would separate it. Yeah, I would have the egg first and like 20 minutes later, 30 minutes later, the cheese.

Q: And that's for any exposure?

A: Any exposure.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: You said 50 minutes, but you said 5-0.

A: Pardon? 50, yes, 5-0. Do you have a question?

Q: I'm going to have a reading, and I'm going to be working with someone now, and he's been telling me air quality.

A: Uh-huh. Wait a minute. Okay, shoot. I still didn't catch it.

Q: There was a plane that came over the beach, I think I told you about this. Five planes that came over.

A: Oh, five planes?

Q: Yeah, they dumped some, I guess it was fuel probably. I guess, and then after that I got this cold gas.

A: Well, you're inhaling diesel fuel. Yeah. That's full of heavy metals.

Q: So my girlfriend was telling me that she saw in the 10-minute review that was in the back of the paper that there's a lot of that going on in San Diego, because the Navy and the 10th Battalion and the Airborne, they all dump their fuel because they have to explode it. They have to dump it off or something.

A: Yeah, and also so the plane won't blow up if it lands improperly.

Q: So my question is, like, how long does that stuff move around in the air and how long does it take to get it under it? I mean, the air is so vast. What happens to those heavy metals? How does it dissipate? How long does it take?

A: Well, it takes a very long time.

Q: And where do they go?

A: They will fall to the ground eventually, but if there's a lot of fog or moisture in the air, they suspend a long time. About 20 years ago, there was a whole herd of cows near London, just outside of London. A factory was discharging its pollution from the smokestacks, and the fog was usually heavy and suspended it over this herd of cows, and all the cows were dead in the morning because they just inhaled it all night. So moisture and fog, which is heavy, heavy moisture, mist, will hold and suspend the poisons a lot more.

Q: Why should they measure air quality? They don't give you air quality reports. They really only report fog. They don't report heavy metal. That was in the air.

A: That's right.

Q: There's really no way to know. They don't want you to know, right?

A: They don't want you to know. All you have to do is look at the sky, and if you see it kind of tarnished, if it gets orange, pink, then it's pretty heavy and chemical.

Q: My question is, I think the winter [unintelligible] for heavy metal.

A: Well, there's a lot of Asians that have no trouble wearing masks. They're not proud. We should listen to them. I did. I got a huge, in my trunk, I carry an Israeli gas mask. And if it gets heavy, I put it on.

Q: I guess my question is, when you start removing explosives, you also can dump some of the oil, [unintelligible]?

A: It can at the end.

Q: Does the runoff [unintelligible]?

A: Yeah, what usually happens is your body will start detoxing or just handling the pollution that you're receiving, and then when it finishes doing that, it may start taking some of your old stuff along with it, and that will lead you into a heavier detoxification.

Q: Does that usually happen with all of the people?

A: It doesn't happen with a lot of people. It just happens with some.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, you just don't lie down. You can't lie down. If you lie down, you've got gravity pushing your lungs shut. When your lungs are detoxifying, that means it's like having an eight-lane highway and only two lanes open. There's no strength there, so don't lie down. You sleep sitting up where the gravity pushes your lungs open. That's very important. That's when you detox the nerves going to the lungs. Everywhere.

A: For air, it's air and [unintelligible], basically. Eggs, cheese, what's it?

A: Yeah, any of those. You have to understand that when somebody's clicked off here, you have to understand that when you're detoxifying, your body's going to take a lot of calcium to neutralize, because calcium is highly alkaline. So is phosphorus. So is potassium. Those are the minerals, mainly in concentration, that your body will use to neutralize those acidic poisons. The heavy metals are all overly acidic, and they burn the tissue. Mucus, membrane, any kind of tissue, they can burn it. Even though it's not fire, it burns it like you could take radioactive material and get a burn from it. And that's what happens internally in the body. So the body uses these other minerals that you get in cheese and concentrations, and in milk and in eggs, to bind with those. Of course, it's going to make things a little drier. But that's why you're supposed to have, you know, a lot of cream and the honey and the egg may have a milkshake. To help the mucus form.

Q: The milkshake [unintelligible] different.

A: It's different. Entirely different. If you have the eggs and the milk, the cream and the honey together, you'll form more mucus. Eggs alone won't do it. Cheese alone won't form mucus. Milk alone won't form mucus, usually. You want to form more mucus because stuffy is the dryness. You want it to flow, because that's how the poisons are relieved, through the mucus. Look at it this way. Let's say you were a sexual person and you wanted sex, and you were dry. Would that work? Yeah, you need lubrication. You need something to help that flow out of this area as well as this area.

Q: Good example.

A: Because you can't breathe. You breathe, it's going to be dry. That's like having sex, you know, without moisture.

Q: So, do the cheese and the milkshake flow together?

A: Well, you don't necessarily have to have them together. You might not want to have them together. You have them separately from the milkshake.

Q: And sex.

A: People get that example real clearly when you talk about mucus. How important is mucus? That's how important mucus is. You want it to flow. Otherwise, it just stays up in your sinuses, all those poisons. Then your blood has to work at cleaning it out. That causes headaches, more sinus congestion. Then it will dump out the lungs instead of the mucus from the nose.

Q: How many milkshakes do you have, do you have one every hour?

A: Milkshakes? No, I would probably say max three a day if you're really dry. The lubrication formula is different. The lubrication formula does not help mucus flow. Completely different. Pardon? That's to lubricate everything, not to get mucus to flow. And to give you lots of fuel energy. It's strength. You can lubricate the sinuses, but it doesn't help mucus. Mucus is a liner, not a lubricator. Fats lubricate.

Q: Well that helped to clarify a lot.

A: Good. Do you have a question, Michael? Thank these two for being our hosts again and again and again.

Q: Does penicillin come from fungus?

A: Yes.

Q: Is fungus a form of bacteria?

A: No, it's not a bacteria. They do eat things. They decompose things.

Q: So it's not the same.

A: No.

Q: The bacteria is like a natural antiseptic?

A: Well, there are thousands of bacteria. And they do different things. But a bacteria is an organism that's like a creature. A fungus is a mycelium. It's like the blob. It looks like this. Most of it looks like this. Some of it's yellow. When they treat it, it's almost all yellow. And if you pull up roots or ground from a tree or grass that is dead and dry, after it rains, you'll find a milky substance. And that's called mycelium. That's what eats the roots, dead roots, dead, dried roots. It creates a mushroom with spores that allow it to travel all over. And if that gets washed into the ground and it finds dead roots, it'll feed on them. That's what a mold is. If you have a fruit and you damage it and bruise it, and then it starts and you don't let it out to dry in the sun, and it stays moist and dark, a fungus will grow to help break it down and recycle it. In the human body, when a fungus works, it usually causes secretions out the skin that cause hardness and drying on the skin and severe itching. You know, like crotch itch, athlete's foot, yeast infections in women. It's very irritating. It's itchy. Because it dries out the skin, the cells, when those fluids touch it.

Q: So Louis Pasteur was [unintelligible] hot shot.

A: Louis Pasteur. And he even said it was deathbed. My work is all in vain. It's not the bacteria. It's the environment, the toxic environment that's the problem.

Q: So when you say fungus, does that mean that it dries it out? So it's trying to do what? Detoxify it?

A: Well, it's a result of, you've got antibiotics with your molds, especially penicillin. And when it, the molds that it gives you, the body reacts. It doesn't really resolve any kind of condition in the body. It poisons the body so badly. Those molds are not natural in the body because they grow them on grains, breads especially, cooked breads, processed. And they sterilize those molds and then inject it into you. Highly reactive poison. So of course the body's going to stop doing whatever it's doing. Whether you have arthritis or have a cardiac problem, no matter what it is, a tooth infection. If you get the penicillin injection, that mold in your body, your body's going to stop using all of its time and nutrients on detoxing anything else in your body. It's going to focus on getting rid of or neutralizing, storing that and isolating that compound that's been injected into your system. And that's how antibiotics work. It's like a child. You can say, sweetheart, if you do this and this and this, I'll give you this. And that's the way you encourage the child to think. But if you go up and slap the child and say, do that, that's what a penicillin is. It doesn't correct the mind. It doesn't correct the thinking. In fact, it alters the thinking into a bad place where the child goes toward violence to resolve issues.

Q: So should you ever have antibiotics?

A: I don't think so. Ever. You can do your own. You know, just take lime juice. Or you could eat some mold, some live mold, and just a little bit of it. Cheese mold is a big one.

Q: Well I throw that out.

A: Well, I'd suggest that people don't eat too much of it. If you want to stop an infection or something is detoxifying too heavily, you could eat some cheese and it will stop it. You may stink a little bit more, but it will stop it. Did that answer your question enough, Michael? Barbara, do you have a question?

Q: I do. I know at one stage you didn't promote having that fine, Terramin silk, sanding your teeth down again. And I do do that, and I do it with my clients. But you haven't mentioned of late whether that you're against that or not.

A: You mean using the clay as a...

Q: The fine clay.

A: No, it helps polish your teeth. Yeah. So you use that, the clay, with some coconut cream or some other fat, it will polish the teeth. Definitely. It acts like a jeweler's rouge.

Q: And the Terramin clay?

A: The Terramin clay, yes.

Q: The silk one is fine, it doesn't matter. You said that the big one, you don't mind.

A: It doesn't matter. But the silk one, of course, was a better polisher. The silk is for the face. Terramin silk is for face masks. It's finer, so that is better for teeth, for polishing.

Q: And then, you know, rolling the clay out, it really does tend to work.

A: It definitely does.

Q: You make it into a malleable... You don't use the fine one, you use any clay.

A: In fact, I'll use it to force an abscess. Yeah, because it will draw it out. I'll stuff the clay up in there.

Q: And just recently, winter today, I have had a long... Aajonus has told me that I've [unintelligible] And I was lying in the sun earlier this summer, and these lumps came up on my back, very itchy, just like the... not the squamous, but the other one. Not the squamous.

A: Oh, the squamous.

Q: The basil.

A: Basil still.

Q: And I could just feel it, just, you know, lift it. So then I thought, I'll do the clay, so both pieces of cotton, real, you know, washed cotton, and put a quarter of an inch of mixed clay, thick, but not too sloppy, just thick. And scraped it up, put it all over the cotton, and put it over my back that night, at seven o'clock at night, and took it off, and left it on for over twelve hours, about eighteen hours, in the end. And I wrapped it round, and then put another cloth round it, and it stayed where it was at all night. And it's a totally gone... they were just not seeing it for that long. Totally gone. So I believe that the sun brings out radiation.

A: Oh, it does.

Q: And it's a fantastic [unintelligible], and then you can draw out that clay. It's so good.

A: Yep. Well, whenever the sun's radiation gets into the skin, it transforms the oils into vitamin D and other compound nutrients that are associated with vitamin D. Vitamin D is a great cleanser. It's also a bone builder, a tissue builder. So the sun can be used in a lot of ways. That's why I suggest... You see me soaking it up here right now, as much as I can. I work so much indoors now, I don't get as much sun as I'd like to. But I try to get about ten to twenty minutes a day.

Q: Good. Thank you. That's good. So, I mean, it really does work.

A: Yes, it does. Sun is a very important nutrient.

Q: So this remedy that Barbara talked about, is that in your book or anything?

A: Yeah, it tells how to clean the teeth.

Q: It's got a clay on the back.

A: Oh, clay on the back. Well, I tell people how to use different [unintelligible], you know, so clay's one of them. You have to keep it moist. You've got to be moist. Yeah, you've got to keep it moist. Once it dries out, then your skin will pull the oils out of your skin.

Q: So we detox with hives and stuff, is that a good idea?

A: Hives? Well, what I've found with hives, it depends on what's causing the hives. If you have, let's say, radioactive iodine leaving through the skin, you don't want to use clay.

Q: How am I going to know that?

A: Well, what you do is you test your hive, the first hive that comes out. You put whey on one and clay on the other side of it, and you see which one works. And that's the one you'll see. That's the one you use, the one that's working.

Q: I get confused. When you have all this body stuff come out, I mean, you've recommended coconut cream to put on it. You've recommended butter and honey. And you're right, I never know which one to go to.

A: That's right, you have to do tests. I do tests on it. Now I can tell when one comes out of me, I know what to use right away. Because I've seen it, I've looked at it, I've analyzed it. But to tell you how to use that measure, not even with a picture, could I do that?

Q: Well, this last program, I ended up, you're right, that's what I ended up doing. This one didn't work, and I tried the other one. That's what you have to do.

A: Yeah, that's what you have to do. Yep. You have to find out which one works. Good.

Q: I like that. Thank you for telling me.

Q: Primal cream, right?

A: Primal body facial, primal, primal, primal facial body care cream. Yeah, that's good. He's talking about for rashes and hives. Yeah. And it depends on which discharge you're getting.

Q: You know, this area here, you know, fungus came out and was all white, and then the hives broke out, and they started oozing out. It's like I had to keep switching it for the different things in the same area. But you're right, it was where the IV came in and all those antibiotics in the hospital. So maybe that makes sense, that they came out on that one side and not the other side.

A: It was funny. These two right here, you see how bad they are?

Q: Yeah.

A: And they got stuck right here. They popped right out here. Why they didn't come out here and here, I don't know. Why they came out here and traveled over to here instead of coming directly out where they put the needles. And it took about, they started about three weeks after the surgery, and they're still going.

Q: What's the other question? How long do they go?

A: Well, it's an IV. You know, they put glucose in there, and, you know, they have their other ingredients. I'm sure they did some bad stuff to me while I was unconscious. We know what they do. This paranoid guy, we'll get him while he's asleep. Do you have a question? Uh-huh.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Good. Yeah, that's good. Well, let your doctor have the heart attack. You won't. He will. You have to understand, people have high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat when they have congested arteries. They're supposed to have high blood pressure to help expand those vessels and veins because if they're congested, they're getting smaller and smaller. You need high blood pressure to stretch them, keep them open. If you don't have high blood pressure, you're likely to have a heart attack or an aneurysm. That's what they want. They make a lot of money every time you go through a stroke. They have a heart attack because you get hospitalized. How much does it cost to hospital a day, hospitalization a day? It costs me $6,000 for two and a half hours, the operating room. And it costs about $3,000 to $6,000 a day for a hospital room. Plus if you go into surgery, if you use the operating room, they make fortunes, and that's what it's all about. The pharmaceutical industry makes money out of you. They don't care what really happens to you.

Q: What's the best way to get rid of cholesterol?

A: Cholesterol should be very high, especially on this diet, because half the cholesterol that shows up in your blood is going to be waste cholesterol that you're getting rid of. So it should be almost double what it was before. So if I keep around 400, I'm happy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I maintain it. Even up until three years ago when I had a whole bunch of cardiologists that did a whole make of work down on me at Washington Medical School in St. Louis, the only factor that was really out of whack for them was my cholesterol level and my urine acidity. My urine acidity was 5.5, very high. They think it should be much lower. It should be higher in alkaline. And the cholesterol level was sky high. And they didn't think that was healthy. I said, okay, I've been eating all this fat, this high egg diet, this fat diet, this meat diet, all the sudden that's what you've been saying is causing this congestive arteries and heart attacks, congestive hearts. I don't have any, do I? And I've been eating this way since 1976. So is there really a problem with it? No. And they had to admit it because after they put me through all the tests, they took me up and they said, would you do some more tests? And I said, sure, as long as I don't get any x-rays or medication. And they said no because I did take the glucose for the glucose tolerance test. And they found that I was a juvenile diabetic. And they said I would always have to take insulin. On the last phase of the test, my blood sugar went down to 54. They say that 104, 110 is about the lowest it will ever go. And I thought my pancreas was so, so healthy getting rid of that toxic sugar, it went down to 54 in the glucose tolerance. They couldn't believe I had the healthiest pancreas they'd ever seen. They didn't even see that kind of healthy pancreas in a child. So they took me up to the gym. So they put all these electrodes all over me. And I was doing all, pumping all this weight. And I don't exercise. This is my exercise on my computer. I literally don't do anything. I've got all this muscle. So they put me, first they put me on the, you know, the leg press. So I did 280 before I started straining. And then they said, okay, that's enough. And I said, wait a minute, I'm just starting to strain. So we're causing a heart attack here. So we have 280. And then I went to the bench press, and I did 190 before I started straining. And then they put me on the treadmill. So I ran five miles. And my heart, after each exercise, within three minutes, my heart was perfectly normal. They couldn't believe it. They said, we have people that work out here three and four days a week that can't do what you do. So the proof is in the pudding. And you have to understand that I had congestive problems when I was 15 years old, and other problems. I was having heart attacks. I had 300 heart attacks by the time I was 22 years old. Fifty of them put me unconscious.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: We think six.

Q: Right, but what about on the diet?

A: It should be about between five five and five seven.

Q: I'm curious, what should it be?

A: The urine.

Q: And the saliva?

A: That will vary depending upon what you're eating. I was a snobby smoker. Eight months ago, I started detoxing my smoke for the first time. All these years, I haven't smoked since I was 24. And it was the hardest thing for me to give up. I loved smoking. I would smoke today if it were healthy. I loved it. But I'm finally coughing the way I was when I was a smoker. So I started rejecting all this. Some of my mucus comes out gray and dark brown. And look it up under a microscope, electronic microscope, and you can see there are tars. They've been sitting in my tissues all these years. Like I said, it takes 40 years to clean the body out completely. Like you're perfect on the diet.

Q: I didn't expect glucose [unintelligible]?

A: Because again, you get rid of a lot of stored toxic sugars. Columbia University said that the human body stores 70 to 90 percent of all of the advanced glycation end products that are formed in the body. It stores them for a lifetime. When you go on this diet, your body starts throwing them off. So you're going to have a lot of old toxic glucose that has nothing to do with what you're eating now. Same with the cholesterol. You've got old toxic cholesterol that's been stored in your body. So your cholesterol should double.

Q: But what if you're more of a vegetarian after so many years?

A: You've got even worse problems. You've got vegetable oils which harden and crystallize.

Q: That's only if I used oils.

A: If you used oils, yeah. You didn't eat any peanut butter, you didn't eat any nut butters, anything like that?

Q: No, yeah. Vegetables.

A: Yeah, of course, cook the vegetables. You've got to cook the oil in your vegetables.

Q: I never ate any of the cooked vegetables.

A: Oh, you ate raw vegetables?

Q: I'm [unintelligible].

A: You're not unhealthy. Yes, I prefer fat and healthy. Fat and happy. Joseph, do you have a question?

Q: Did you have burning eyes [unintelligible]?

A: Egg white. Also, I have one fellow who has a constant conjunctivitis. His brain just keeps dumping out his eyes, his tear ducts instead of his mouth because he has such bad mouth. His body decides to start dumping it all out of his eyes now. I have him mix a little bit of lime juice with an egg white. He puts that in his eyes several times a day. That keeps the bacteria levels down and the irritation of the eyes down. It cools his eyes. It's just a touch of the lime juice with the egg white. The egg white cools. Egg white alone cools the cornea. What I do is I'll just take an egg and I dip my little finger in it and get a bead of the egg white on there. Then I'll hold the eyelid down, the lower one, and I'll look way up and I rub it along the bottom of the eye. Then I'll roll the eye like this and I'll lift the upper one, roll it like this so I get the egg white all over. This cool calmness and soothing just goes all over the eye within seconds. It's so wonderful.

Q: Does that help vision?

A: Yeah, it does. People who have very bad vision, if they do that two, three times a day, usually within a year their prescription is reduced by 20%.

Q: What about those little things you get in the back of your eye? Can you take that away?

A: You can, but usually it takes the bacteria to break that down. I found this. Yeah, it's the scarring of the tissue. The body has thrown something out through the cornea that has caused the scarring and blister there. That scar tissue is hard to remove.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it does if you put enough of the egg white in. You have to put more than I just suggested in there. What it will do is the body will eat the protein in the egg white and go in and help strengthen the maculars so that they don't disconnect as easily and they can regenerate. But I found that red meat, against all theories, the eye is less muscle and more nerves, and it should be white meat related, but only red meat will alter ill focus, blurry vision, tired eyes instantly within an hour, an hour and a half of eating the red meat.

Q: What about sitting at a computer for a long time and your eyes get blurry? Is that just from...

A: If you're using a radiation screen, that's not good. If you have a monitor that's thick, you've got three laser guns in there. They shoot up to 27 feet, so you're just burning your eyes. You get a flat screen where there's no radiation in it, or the radiation fallout is this far, not 27 feet.

Q: I got the difference.

Q: What about a laptop?

A: Laptop is just a flat screen. It just uses a separate keyboard. The EMF field coming off of that computer chip is about usually anywhere from 75 to 100 gauss. It causes joint pain. It causes carpel tunnel syndrome. Just remember, back in the days when I was learning to type, there was no electric typewriter. Secretaries used those all the time. My wife was a secretary, pounding on those old typewriters. Never got carpel tunnel until electrical came in to be, and then carpel tunnel. They deny it. Every day they deny that it's electrical, and it definitely is. The way I realized that, the worst was when I got my first laptop. After a week, I had tremendous pain. I thought, oh, I'm getting bone cancer again. This was 1997, I think it was, 1998. I was having a lot of difficulty. It was 1996. I just moved into a new house, and I didn't know if it was the house or what it was, so I had an environmental expert come into the house. He brought out all of his meters and gauges and went all over the house. Only found one plug in the bedroom that wasn't properly grounded, so I ground that one. He said, I don't find anything here that will cause that, no high radon or anything in your house. He said, turn on your computer. So I put on my laptop, put the gauge down there, and the thing was just off the meter. He said, there's your problem. Get a separate keyboard, plug it in, and then keep the distance away. He said six inches because he took the meter. See how far away from the base of the keyboard from the laptop, at the bottom of the laptop, how far the keyboard had to be away, and the top of the keyboard had to be six inches away from the bottom of the laptop. And then two days later, no carpel tunnel. Just went away like that. So the industry and government is lying again to protect the industry.

Q: [unintelligible] so how can you tell if you got the good one or not?

A: The flat screen has no guns in it, no radiation guns. No, no, no. I'm talking about you've got a thin screen.

Q: One's a box.

A: A monitor box. Flat screen means you've just got a panel, a flat panel. Okay, that's fine.

Q: I have got a flat panel. Otherwise it's like a TV, it comes up.

A: Yes, that's three radiation guns in those. Flat screen's fine.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It burns and stings a lot, and it gets sticky, so it's not good in the long run. And if you want to put honey in your eye, put it on your eyelid, and it will go through and get into your eye.

Q: What does that do?

A: Well, it can help break down things like scar tissue. Also it can get rid of wrinkles and lines at the same time. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. [unintelligible]

A: I use sour coconut cream. You get the alcohol in it, it's one of the best soaps you can use. Sometimes it gets the skin too dry, so you might want to not leave it on too long. That is a natural soap. You know, 50 years ago, all body soaps were 90% coconut. That's what they used, coconut cream, dried coconut cream. They just mixed it with lye. What? Well, the best is to use coconut cream that's sour that you're not going to eat. Pardon? I keep it in the fridge.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you use it for your hair, it's going to make your hair thicker.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. If you use coconut cream on your hair, it's going to be thicker and oilier. On the skin, it takes the oil off. In the hair, the hair absorbs the oils in the coconut cream. No, you wet your hair and put egg on. That makes it too dry, and then you put a little bit of, you know, maybe a spot of oil or just a couple drops of milk in with your egg, and that will be a conditioner. But what I used to do is I, before I, you know, when my hair was long, remember how long it used to be? I would wet my hair and whip an egg and put it on. That's all I did. Whip an egg, whole egg, you put it on, and that would clean my hair. That's all I used.

Q: Just wash it out?

A: Yeah. Just rinse it out. We're talking about for the body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But she asked, you asked about using it on your hair, and I said, coconut, if you've got short hair like this, you can get away with using it. And I did. I used coconut cream last night for my hair, and it looks pretty good. But you have to take a towel and scrub the oil out of it, because when it first happens, my hair will look dark, very dark, because there's lots of oils. But it's a water-soluble oil, so it comes out in the, you know, towel pretty easily. But still, I don't have the long hair to deal with it anymore.

Q: So if you don't have shower coconut cream, you don't recommend any other commercial soap to wash it off with?

A: I just say get in the bathtub and let the water, you know, just work away and rub it off with a, you know, washcloth. You can just use fresh coconut cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You mean dry coconut flakes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, it's dry. Yeah, it won't work. It'll turn very sticky and it'll play cake in your hair. It's a mess. I've tried it. I've tried everything.

Q: I know James has that, but it's so far to go. Do health food stores have that?

A: Coconut cream? No.

Q: Is it the only one that sells coconut cream?

A: Like I said, you know, before we had these machines, I put up a 3x5 card at a high school gymnasium, and I said, need somebody who likes to break things $8 an hour. And I got 50 calls. And I got, I chose an African-American skinny end on the football team with a lot of energy and hyperactive, and I had him come and break the coconuts, you know, drain the water out of them, pry them loose, cut them up, put them through the juicer, juice about 10 coconuts at a time, and he would put it in the small jars, blend it with the lime juice, did the whole process for me. So it took him six to seven hours to do it. It only cost me $60, and that lasted me for five to six weeks.

Q: Ten coconuts?

A: Pardon?

Q: Ten coconuts.

A: Ten coconuts.

Q: Cheaper than James?

A: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

Q: And what if you just eat it? [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, well, not a lot cheaper, but it's cheaper. He charges $11.50 or $11.95 for a pint, you know, so. Yeah. That's about two coconuts. Yeah, two coconuts, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you just cut that off. If it went deep into the meat, it's going to be in your juice. Usually cut it off. But if you see the pearl, you know, the brown stuff, like, you know, on a almond, you know, they've got that skin on it, if that is completely worked away, and you've got mold under there, yellow and blue, and it's deep, it's deep into it.

Q: But that'll take [unintelligible] You get some on your face.

A: But I've been talking about, don't throw it away, you know, take it back, but don't juice it either. But if it's just whitely, let's say you've got the browns on there, and you see all these little gray spots all over, you can just peel that off. It's still juice. Yes, it's easier. Definitely easier. Do you have a question?

Q: I was just kind of wondering what you expect as [unintelligible]. I'm getting headaches and [unintelligible]?

A: Well, your body will decide. You have to decide whether you take it or not. You know, it's just a matter of handling it. But if you've got symptoms, you know, like headaches, you look in the headache formulas, and you do the headache formulas to get rid of the headache.

Q: I tried one, it didn't work.

A: Then you had a migraine?

Q: I don't know if I know what a migraine is yet.

A: Yeah, because they don't work for a migraine. You have to take the pain formula for migraine. Did you try the pain formula? Okay, and the rest of you tried the pain formula where you eat it with cheese and the bee pollen. It's like taking the lubrication formula, add bee pollen to it, and eat it with cheese.

Q: I'm glad you brought that up. I've got bee pollen in here. I've got pollen [unintelligible].

A: Well, you haven't had any fat in your body. So, you still have to get fat. If you get fat, you have less symptoms. Yeah. I had a hell of a time getting fat this last year, and finally, after I got rid of that stone, I was able to start gaining weight. I think what happened was my body was using that location to dump heavy metals, and then it stopped. That's why I started having the problems that was coming out of my skin, because I had all kinds of skin cancer for about six months. I mean, skin cancer, I still have one here, back here, but I had them all over my legs and everywhere. It was not the squamos, the basal cell cancer. Everybody goes in and out of cancer. You just don't panic. As soon as that stone was gone, it was all but this one. They all just disappeared within two weeks. So, my body was throwing the heavy metals out of my skin. You just have to find whatever remedy works for whatever you're going through. For your headache, probably the pain-formula will work. Also, putting a hot water bottle on both sides of your head, because when you get a headache, the brain swells, and the skull doesn't expand, so then you've got this pressure on the brain. It's not the neurons. It's the meningi. It's the 11 layers of skin around the brain, because you can do open brain surgery while you're completely awake, and there's no pain. But the nerves surrounding the meningi is what puts the pressure against the skull and the rest of the brain, and that causes the headache. So, if you take hot water bottles and you lie back on a bed and put them not pressed against, but lightly against, and put a towel over your head and even over your eyes, and the hot water bottles will concentrate the heat into the skull, so that all of the tendons that hold the brain together, the fissures together, will relax and expand. Then your skull expands, and usually 85 to 90% of the headache goes away. Then you have the pain-formula before you do that, and usually you say, well, I know I've got a headache, but it doesn't hurt. Because you still feel the pressure, but there's not that pain anymore. Okay? Do you have a question? Okay, do you have a question?

Q: I do. I had an accident where I was, a large walnut fell on my right shoulder. Actually, my right shoulder is a bit lower than my left, and I've already got a herniated disc on my head. I was going to get an MRI, but I just wanted to take this. But anyway, what happens to me is that I get, not all the time, like right now I don't have it, I get extreme labor-like pains on the lower part of my back, and I also get it on the front. It's like I'm either going to be on my period or going to have a baby. It's horrific. And then I also get numbness on my legs and my arms. And then there's times where I just need to lay down, just to stay real still. I've done the milk and the eggs, and it's hard for me to do all of it like that because there's an [unintelligible] in it. And it seems to relieve it for a little bit, but it doesn't. I'm wondering if I'm going to get well from this. Will I heal? Another friend has said to do the glycolamine, and I just don't want to do stuff that I'm not supposed to do, but I want to get well.

A: Well, to concentrate the minerals for an area like that, you need to eat cheese with honey. They need to be put in the mouth together at the same time. So if you eat twice a day 1 1⁄2 to 2 tablespoons of cheese with 1 to 1 1⁄2 teaspoons of honey twice a day, when you eat cheese by itself, cheese acts like a magnet and a sponge. It's not digested. It's a dried food. Any dried food does not have bioactive enzymes and does not digest unless your pancreas makes the hormones to go out and leach from the body. But when the body's on a diet like this one, it will reserve the cheese and not digest it. It will be used to attract by the mineral content, all the calcium and all the other minerals, as the neurological system and blood and lymphatic system pass through the intestinal tract. The cheese will draw the poisons out into the stomach and intestines, lock onto them, hold onto them like a sponge, and it travels throughout the feces. If you eat honey in other foods, the honey's already connected with other food and won't be used for the cheese. If you want to get a high concentration of minerals from the cheese, you eat it with honey. You eat them in the mouth together. The honey goes right into the cheese. The liver will identify the honey relating to the cheese. The pancreas takes the enzymes from the food, realigns them for us, and sends them back to the digestive tract. That's a pretty easy job, as long as we're not cooking our food and eating lots of toxic sugars. So the pancreas will take those sugars, or the enzymes from the honey, and reconvert them back into to utilize the minerals and the other nutrients in the cheese.

Q: So when I get problems, I'm not utilizing my cheese.

A: You are not utilising enough.

Q: And what about the [unintelligible]? She says it's like a brand new science.

A: It's not a brand new science. It's come and gone. They were doing that in the 60s, and then they found there were all kinds of side effects. So then it went undercover. Now they brought it out again because everybody's forgotten.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, they take a sugar byproduct, which is a finished sugar that's supposed to have been already digested in the body, and then they utilize it for fuel and energy and as an antibiotic. They're using it as like they do everything, as a cure-all, until they find out that people get so toxic with it, it causes the opposite reaction, and then it goes away. Like MSM is dying out because people are getting very sick from it. MSM is sulfur, a sulfur-based drug. What it is is basically sulfur, mined sulfur. Any mined substances in that concentration is going to create a severe imbalance.And look at the nature of sulfur. It dries things out terribly.

Q: How long am I supposed to have this cheese?

A: I would say every day, the rest of your life. You've got that kind of problem.

Q: With the raw butter?

A: With what?

Q: The butter, with the raw butter, with the cheese that's behind it.

A: It won't be utilized for minerals. It'll be utilized for fat, fuel. It'll do a lot of different things. But it won't concentrate the minerals.

Q: What is the best way for us to eat cheese then?

A: Yeah, depends upon what your problem is.

Q: I don't have a problem.

A: And if you can leave in and out of problems, then you use change over.

Q: How do you eat it?

A: You don't have a problem. Whatever way you like. There are always problems. You've got toxins in your body. Eat the cheese to draw the poisons out. If you find you've got a mineral imbalance, if you're having pain, you've got a mineral imbalance.

Q: Can you eat it with any food?

A: Yeah. Eat it with any food. Yeah. But if you eat it with, you know, if you eat it with anything other than honey, it's not going to digest. It's going to act like the magnet and a sponge. Always.

Q: That's okay.

A: Yeah, that's fine. Absolutely. It's like the pain thing. You've got tons of poisons leaving the body all the time. You inhale them. Inhaling them and everything.

Q: Would you [unintelligible] the need for cheese?

A: Absolutely. Yep.

Q: If I put cheese in the honey, is that going to work that way or is it going to be change over?

A: You've got to have the honey with the cheese. Only, it won't work otherwise. You can experiment and see. I've done it plenty of times.

Q: Sometimes I [unintelligible]. I feel like running around.

A: Yeah, that's right. Pulls the poisons out.

Q: Just like running around.

A: Yep.

Q: I can still drink milk and have my milkshake in the morning.

A: Yep. Because you need the calcium from the milk for your normal everyday things. The cheese is isolated.

Q: If I take the cheese, do I wait like an hour or two?

A: About an hour. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes.

A: Is it about taxes?

Q: Nope. With the cheese and the honey, where does the minerals come from? I've never heard of minerals being in milk and cheese. Where does it come from?

A: In milk. Milk is concentrated in minerals, especially in calcium.

Q: I've heard of calcium.

A: When you dry it, it concentrates the minerals in there. But you can't release them without the enzymes. That's why you mix the honey with the cheese. It releases those minerals.

Q: How many minerals are there in milk?

A: Almost every kind of mineral there is.

Q: About 70 some?

A: I think there are about 86. 83 to 86, depending on what the cow is eating. There are 103 elements. There are 106, 103 elements. There are about 86 in cows. Even the trace amount of strychnine can be found. But it's good in trace amounts. Because the body can use it as an anti-insect repellent. The body can make that into that with some fats. That's a natural insect repellent that animals make, strychnine. If we were healthier, we'd probably be producing it too. But yeah, all those minerals in milk are dried into that cheese and concentrated. When you mix the honey with it, remember, when honey... The bees collect the nectar. And when they swallow it, they predigest it. They form an insulin-like substance which transforms the carbohydrates, 90% of the carbohydrates in honey, into enzymes for digesting proteins and fats. So when you eat the honey with the cheese, you're giving the enzymes to the body to make sure that you break down that cheese to be able to digest and utilize the substances in it. And it's got concentrated fats, concentrated proteins, and concentrated minerals. And they're in a form which can be cellularly absorbed. That way they can rebuild teeth, they can rebuild nerves, bones, everything.

Q: I thought the soils were depleted, so where do the cows get the minerals? They don't get it in food.

A: No, they do.

Q: I thought all that is...

A: It's all theoretical bullshit. You take a look at milk and you break it down, you look at cheese under a microscope, and you'll see it's a concentration of minerals all over the place.

Q: So it's food and cows.

A: Yeah, they wouldn't grow. Well, you know, those animals are very rarely sick. Unless somebody's, you know, in a neighboring... a neighbor has, you know, dumped some chemicals and gotten over to the cows, and they'll get sick. Or they've been given dewormers or vaccines, and they'll get sick. Then they demineralize, because the body uses the minerals to bind with those toxins. It's like plaque. Your tongue, when it's full of that plaque, that white stuff, it's heavy calcium surrounded by all these chemicals and poisons coming from the brain. When I looked at it under an electronic microscope, there was mercury, there was aluminum, there was all these compounds that come from nerve tissue surrounded by all of this fresh calcium and potassium and phosphorus from milk.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: He's saying that so people will send him money. He makes $3 million a year. He's the biggest racket jerk I've ever known. They don't know him. He owes me fortunes. I helped him get started. He owes many of my clients, including Martin Sheen, thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars. And he's making these millions bragging about it, and he won't pay us. He won't pay us. Plus he's no longer organic. He's no longer organic. He does not feed them organic feed. He feeds them processed garbage, and he leaves the label of organic pastures because that's the name. He doesn't claim anymore on the bottles that it's organic. He's a real shyster. He's a crook, as far as I'm concerned. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Claralveal.

Q: Pluralveal, are they?

A: No. No. I mean, you do the best you can. We lived on Claravale for three years until organic pastures made its. But I mean, I would eat organic pastures if I had nothing else.

Q: Would you eat Claravale?

A: I'd eat Claravale, but I would eat organic pastures over Claravale because organic pastures, at least there's grazes on fresh grass. Claravale doesn't get any fresh anything.

Q: They sell it at this other, they sell it at this other shop.

A: Yeah.

Q: Where do you get your milk from?

A: We ship it all the way from Pennsylvania, Amish Farmer. We have a truck that comes every week.

Q: So you don't fly it?

A: No.

Q: Why am I going to fly it?

A: Trucks. It's very expensive.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's fine. We, you know. Pardon? Yeah. Well, ours comes the same day.

Q: The same day?

A: Yeah.

Q: By truck?

A: Yeah. Pennsylvania, one, it's got a truck that drives straight through, makes in 24 hours, refrigerated truck.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no, it's a private shipper.

Q: Oh.

A: He does it just for us. He's got an empty trailer from Pennsylvania to here. So we got him to do it for a very, or James got him to do it for a very inexpensive.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. I know you want to do it. They have to go up and get it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I know.

Q: Where do you get it?

A: What do you mean, where do I get it?

Q: Oh, I'd have to go to -

A: No, you have to go to Venice.

Q: Oh, I'm close.

A: Yeah. 655, 665 Rose Avenue.

Q: I thought Cynthia was getting it. Was it Cynthia?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, there's plenty. That's what I'm going to tell you.

Q: Did you [unintelligible]?

A: I've got them on the product list. There's lots of names.

Q: Can they just supply that much milk?

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: Yeah?

A: Yeah. Plus, he has other farmers that give it to him if he doesn't have enough.

Q: He's offering.

A: Yeah.

Q: Do you sell that milk to local charities?

A: Not anymore. It all comes to all of my patients, all of us.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah. We're just growing all the time, so they keep expanding. We took on two new Amish farmers just in the last two months. Plus, in Chicago, there are so many people on this diet. That whole area, they've got three in Indiana, the whole area there, they've got three or four dairy herds supplying all those people. That's why the FDA and the state of Michigan came in and were screwing around with us last week, the week before.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Now we're getting some buffalo, and we lost our New Zealand supplier. So we do get meat from Amos, but he only slaughters every couple of weeks. So when he slaughters, we get whatever he's slaughtering.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't know. It looks like we're not going to get it anymore. Do you have a question?

Q: Is it inorganic that the poison is trying to poke up whatever it is you're juicing so that it doesn't come out of the juice and then you juice it and then it's contaminated with whatever it is that you're using?

A: That is mostly true.

Q: Oh, yeah.

A: Mostly true. What she asked was, someone told her that when you have an inorganic food, if you're juicing like a vegetable, that the toxins are built into the pulp and therefore it doesn't get into the juice. That's about 90% true.

Q: I just bought a new green star [unintelligible] juicer, and they're saying that it's poisonous.

A: Well, 90% of the time that's true.

A: But some of it's ruptured, some of it does get into the juice, but not a lot. The [unintelligible], when I got it, I sent it right back because it was too small. It takes too long to juice for me, and I have that kind of patience. So we're back to my green power, my green star gold, they call it now, the bigger one, because it takes a long time to juice it.

Q: I know, and that's when I was in the vine, I was talking to people. I bought my three-cross-cut juicers, and he said, he was telling me that just the benefits of the juice get out so much better, even though you have to still cut stuff out.

A: Yeah, it doesn't make that much difference. Very time-consuming. I was so disappointed. That's all right. It takes a long time to juice. You have to get it back. I just send it back and get the other one. Well, it's 30 days.

Q: You've already juiced it, and you can't put it back.

A: Oh, bullshit. No, you've got 30 days. Yeah.

Q: And it cleans pretty well.

A: That's the one I said I was going to get with the gold, the green. Tell them it takes too long to juice that thing, you want the green power, green star gold.

Q: So what one did you get?

Q: The Kempo, it's the newest one out.

A: It's the newest. It's got a tighter gear. It's a thousandths of an inch tighter, so you get just a little bit more juice out of it, and your pulp will come out drier. I just put my pulp through twice or three times rather than getting a Kempo, and that does the same.

Q: It's got a bigger chute, though.

A: Yeah, it's got a much bigger chute. And the juicing screen is this compared to this bit.

Q: It's time.

A: Very time consuming.

Q: [unintelligible] just for 12 hours.

A: That's true if you don't bottle it like I suggested in the books.

Q: Okay, so the honey in the juice really helps preserve it for 72 hours?

A: No, three days. I've even had it last up to four days in the winter where it's not warm.

Q: And it has all that vitamin content.

A: You can taste it. It's fine. All of a sudden on the fourth day you feel it going flat, starting to ferment. But then it's a good detoxifier. What time is it?

Q: 430.

A: Okay, that's it. We did it.

Q: It still has a mineral content even if it goes sour.

A: Oh, yes, it definitely does.

Q: You can have it for seven days if you juice too much.

A: Yeah, but it's literally for detoxification for the fourth, fifth, and sixth, seventh days.

Q: But you're still getting the minerals after the juice.

A: Yeah, but the minerals won't be utilized to strengthen your body. They'll be utilized to detoxify. It works entirely differently. Well, it gets sour, you can use it for detoxification, but I don't expect it to help you digest anything. It's better to make it for three or four days max. That's only an hour.

Q: No, it takes us two hours. It's just because the kitchen looks like it.

A: What juicer do you have?

Q: The same one.

A: The same one?

Q: Yeah.

A: Maybe I should have a class there one next time for Christmas and show you how to do it faster, to juice faster.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah.

Q: That's right, it takes me an hour.

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: She's right. She likes to prep everything up pretty nice. I just don't. She's like, this is a mess.

A: It's all over.

Q: So the carpel tunnel stuff is just a lie, right?

A: No, carpel tunnel, yes, but it's from the electromagnetic fields.

Q: So if you play the piano and you get carpel tunnel is this just from overuse injury?

A: You have just a lot of toxicity in your joints, probably in your bone marrow leaving your joints. That's not carpel tunnel. That's arthritis rheumatism.

Q: [unintelligible] If I call you in the morning, between now and then, if you have time, look at my file and see. I'd like to know what the prognosis is.

A: With your eyes?

Q: Yeah, I'm really concerned about this. It's not getting better. I can feel my neck still definitely not getting better.

A: You're still getting headaches?

Q: I'm really concerned.

A: Because you're headaches or what else?

Q: Well, because this has collapsed.

A: Oh, your skull.

Q: Yeah.

A: Okay, well, give me a call between 7 and 9 a.m. Tuesday through next week.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay, yeah, because I'll be back on Tuesday.

Q: Oh, okay, and I'll have a feeling of time for you to look at it.

A: Yeah, and I'll just, what you'll do is call me. Yeah. I'll fill up your file, and you tell me what you need. I'll ask you for all of your symptoms. By the time I get it up on the screen, I'll be able to take a look and see what's happening. When did we do your eyes last?

Q: February 1.

A: Quite a while ago. So we'll see if, you know, because it could have changed.

Q: Yeah, and listening to everybody's talk, I do have some dental issues. And I'm wondering if that's the source of the infection.

A: Could be.

A: See, like I said, when your body uses minerals like that, it takes them from the rest of the body to bind with poisons, and your body will actually, like a cancer patient, your bodies eat their own bones to get the minerals.

Q: Yeah.

A: You start getting severe osteoporosis. So I feed them tons of cheese and honey together, and they get osteoporosis.

Q: That's what's happening to my skull.

A: Cheese and honey.

Q: Yeah, I do.

A: You've been doing that?

Q: Oh, yeah.

A: Okay. You may have to do it three times a day instead of two times a day.

Q: I might just have to eat it all the time, all during the day.

A: That's what I did right after my surgery. I'm sure I was not going to be deficient in any minerals.

Q: Right. Okay.

Q: [unintelligible] Or do I need to get a letter from him?

A: Oh, you just go up to him. That place sells everything on this diet. Cheese, honey, meats, fish, everything.

Q: Is it somebody's house?

A: No. It's a corrugated fence. It looks like there's probably some mechanic garage behind there. And you go into that gate, and it says on there, Rawesome Club.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Rawesome Club. 665 Rose Avenue.

Q: Oh, what is that?

A: 665 Rose Avenue. It's just a block and a half west of Lincoln.

Q: Oh, okay.

Q: Do you have a phone number on that, Madison?

Q: No.

Q: And the name of the place is Rawesome?

A: R-A-W-S-O-M-E. Rawesome. It's not listed. It's open on Wednesdays from noon until 8 o'clock. And on Saturdays.

Q: Are you there parking?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay, great.

Q: And then on the Saturdays?

A: 8 o'clock on Wednesdays.

Q: And on Saturdays?

A: Saturdays from 9 to 2. That's 9 in the morning to 2. I had a 50 here. There we go. Thank you. Thanks for coming again.

Q: I had the meeting.

A: Oh, the meeting. Let's go inside. Thank you. Yes. Yeah, thank you, sweetie. I don't know, can you come back in December?

Q: Yeah.

A: Because we're going to have a public event for Thanksgiving.

Q: Is that day on the program?

A: No, it's on the Sunday. We always do the potluck on Sunday. So it's the Sunday following Thanksgiving.

Q: I saw that.

A: That's on the program.

A: Thank you