Q&A Of April 14, 2002

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: Is it toxic to smell your own farts?


A: That's the first time I've ever heard that question. The question is, is it toxic to smell your own farts?


A: Any gas that's produced from toxicity will be toxic, even if it's your own. Well, the high meats may cause a breakdown of toxic substances in your body that creates a toxic gas. So, it still can be toxic if you can get to a window or be around a window, or don't eat cooked foods and then you don't have to worry about it as much.

Q: So, raw farts are okay?

A: Yeah, you can be detoxing old stuff, but usually, if you're eating enough fat, it usually doesn't happen. Unless you're eating too much cream and too many berries, then it can cause still too many farts. And then it's usually a metallic fart.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Is there any scotch tape, Robert? Okay, next question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, that was Columbia. Columbia University of New York City. Yeah, Columbia University of New York City.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, she wanted to know [unintelligible]. And advanced glycation end products. No, [unintelligible] when you use a carbohydrate and you put something in the glycogen, 70 to 90% of that byproduct, advanced glycation end product, is stored in the body. If you use fruit, there's still a high ratio. If your body makes the glycogen from, if your body makes the glycogen from pyruvate, which is protein, the advanced glycation end product is only about 7 to 8%. Your body can handle that easily. There's very little byproduct residue of using protein sugar. The carbohydrate, sweet sugar in the human body is very toxic, even if it's raw. That's why you don't need to eat grains, you don't eat much nuts, you don't eat much fruit. Now, there are a few people out there who do very well with high-fruit diets, raw diets. Not many of them who can maintain without being, you know, they can't hold focus very easily. They have ADHD, anger, anxiety, any of those reactions to a lot of high fruit, you don't want to eat a lot of high fruit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's [unintelligible], the body only needs 5%. If you want to have more detoxification, you can mix these fruits with more fats and you'll force more detoxification.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, it's pretty high, it's still about probably 60, 70%. 5% alcohol or vitamin C, which is different [unintelligible]. So, the body only needs about 5% of fruits for most people. Now, the honey, once the honey is, as long as it's unheated above 93 degrees, the insulin-like substance which the bees produce when they swallow the nectar converts 90% of the carbohydrate into enzymes for digesting, utilizing, and assimilating protein. So, that only gives at least 10% of the honey to utilize for sugar. And that's why I get most of my sugar because I don't eat much fruit. So, I eat a lot of honey. I do better with the honey than I do with fruit. For some reason, high fruit in my diet causes my adrenaline to rush, and it causes me to get hyperactive, two-sided, too sexual, and it causes me to lose my train of thought. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That is a problem too. It's like [unintelligible], too high in carb. But the yellow squashes like [unintelligible] and sunburst are not high in sugar. Like the acorn, the winter squashes are all high in sugar. Acorn and butternut squash and pumpkin, all very high in sugar. You can have them once in a while. I used to drink a whole cup of carrot juice with cream in it once a month, once every two months. To give you extra vitamin A. Okay, Ebony, do you have another question?

Q: When I first started dieting, I had [unintelligible].

A: What he asked was, when he first went on the diet, he felt kind of euphoric. Very excited and very happy all the time. And now it seems to have worn off. And if you ate a lot more fruit, you could probably get that back. That's not necessarily the natural state of any ape on the planet. Apes just are lazy. You know, they hang around, they sit down and [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] They sleep a lot. It depends on what you want in life. If you want more high energy, you're going to eat more fruit. If it causes you to get anxiety symptoms, then it's not a good idea. Just learn to live with your lower excitement level. Yes, Becky?

Q: My question is about my son. [unintelligible] And I'm going to be visiting him in a few weeks. And he has been taking pain medication. And now he's got depression. [unintelligible] And, you know, he can't get around the way he wants to.

A: Is he crippled?

Q: He has a fracture in his vertebrae, I guess.

A: Has it fused?

Q: Pardon me?

A: Did they fuse it?

Q: Well, they gave him an operation, and he's worse after the operation. I don't know what they did. But he's now having panic attacks and real serious depression. I guess he's just realizing that he's just going to have to deal with his pain.

A: Not necessarily. Usually that kind of pain what usually happens when they perform a surgery on someone who has a spine injury. And any kind of surgery, they'll use Merthiolate, mercurochrome, or iodine as an antiseptic. Mercurochrome and Merthiolate are all liquid mercury, very poisonous. So they coat that area. It causes severe toxicity in that area. It causes pain. It causes swelling. Doctors who use that are very ignorant. They just don't observe what's happening over the long run. Iodine does the same thing. Iodine's a little bit more accurate, and it'll melt surrounding tissue and cause more adhesions by acidity. Whereas the mercury will just poison cells and cause toxicity that way. Either way, they're both harmful. And that's usually the problem in that situation. Eating berries with cream and butter, coconut cream is the best. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, boysenberries, anything, strawberries, not so much, will help remove the metal poisonings like the mercury and the iodine. And the fats will help dissolve it also and bind with it. Coconut cream is the best. You take coconut cream after juicing it, and you put it on metal, you'll see within 24 hours, 48 hours, it eats metal away and turns black. So coconut cream is a lot better to remove metals. And usually what that creates is the same reactions he's having already, which are panic attacks, severe depression, suicidal tendencies, even homicidal tendencies at times.

Q: So is there anything that can help him decrease the pain too?

A: Well, if the pain is caused from the swelling locally, no. What he has to do is just apply a hot water bottle locally in the area so that everything will expand. When you have those poisons in there, it causes a burning of the surrounding tissue, so there's always tension. It's like I stick a pen in you, you know, you tense. When that poison is irritating the nerve tissue, it will constantly cause a contraction in that area. That minimizes the blood to the area, but yet the blood is trying to pump in there, and then what happens is the nerves get swollen in a tight area, just like the brain. You get a headache, that's from swelling in the brain, and your skull's not expanding along with it. So if you apply a hot water bottle on three sides while you're lying on your back, that will allow the connective tissue and the fissures to expand so the whole brain can expand, so that the swelling in the brain doesn't cause the pressure on the nerves and cause the headaches. Usually hot water bottles on three sides will reduce the headaches by about 80%. Then you take the pain formula, it usually gets rid of it until you start moving again. As long as you're sedentary and still, it's good. You can't give me too many parts to a question. If you give me too many parts to a question, I can't answer them.

Q: What's [unintelligible] pain formula?

A: Oh, no, every day if he's having pain.

Q: Okay.

A: Yes.

Q: [unintelligible] how can you tell if you're not [unintelligible]? [unintelligible]

A: Well, I've seen people with large adhesions. Adhesions are scar tissue, which are dead cells that do not function. They're just like bricks holding you together. Or if you can't dissolve them, it's compound adhesions because your body can't dissolve the dead cells. I've seen people with huge adhesions still function with their bladders. I would say if you're passing, if you're having diarrhea about every time you eat, you know, your fat, or very, very loose stools, you're not digesting it so well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right. Now, I can tell how much, you know, cream I can eat. When I first started on eating raw meat, I started drinking a quart of raw cream a day with a quart of carrot juice. It made me feel wonderful, and I loved it. I blew up, you know, and got like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a little puffier in the face than he did, because I didn't work out, he did. And it felt really good, but I always had loose stools from it. If I have, let's say, eight ounces of cream at a time with berries, I would get very loose stools, and I'd be able to judge from that how much I'm digesting and not digesting. And I probably would digest very well only six ounces at a time, cream at a time. So you have to eat a tremendous amount of fat to not digest it properly, usually. I've had a vagotomy, so I am, my digestion is compromised, so if I can have six ounces, most people can do a lot better than that. Cream is the hardest fat to digest, of the raw fats. As far as it causes swelling, puffiness, as far as actual digestion, for breaking it down and assimilating, avocado is the hardest to digest. So if you have difficulty with avocado, then you might want to reduce your consumption of avocado. If you have massive swelling, water retention, it may be from too much cream, and you may have more butter. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Oh yeah, I was at the market the other day at Erewhon. I noticed that the junenjo, or we call it the bimo, it's grown in Japan, it's a root. They're grown in mulch-like compost, and it's saffron sandy, but it's not organic. Because it's in Japan, you know, they have the mulch compost, and it's often sandy. What do you think of it?

A: Yeah, that particular herb? Root herb.

Q: Yeah.

A: I have [unintelligible], pardon, to juice it. It's high in carbs. The problem with those juices, if you don't get them raw, any herb that you get, any root that you get that's dried...

Q: It's not dried, it's just fresh.

A: Fresh, then it would probably be okay in very small amounts medicinally.

Q: What does that do?

A: Well, they say that it increases brain activity and balance the nervous system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you don't want much. Any root is very, very concentrated, like ginseng, maybe about ten drops. There are thirty drops to a teaspoon, so you're looking at a third of a teaspoon, you're going to have something like that.

Q: So you take off that much from the root?

A: Well, I find that it's easier to grate a root, like ginger, if you just want ginger, and you want, let's say, a teaspoon, because it's very concentrated, ginger can burn you. So let's say I'm making a throat lozenge. I'll take raw butter and honey, about two-thirds butter, one-third honey, and then I like ginger in it if I have a sore throat. I'll take the ginger and grate it, and squeeze it with my finger, get the drops out, or take it between two pieces of marble or glass and press it, either way. You get more out of it, of course, you're going to press it between glass or marble than you will if you squeeze it with your fingers.

Q: Oh, you grate it first?

A: Yeah, grate it. Then you don't have to pull your juicer out just to juice a little bit.

Q: So you take that the same way that that one was grated and squeezed?

A: Squeeze it, yeah, get some juice out of it, and put it with another juice.

Q: You put it in your green juice?

A: Yeah, you put it in your green juice.

A: Just one before you're ready to drink it.

Q: One?

A: One serving, one tin drop potion of it.

Q: Oh, that's it for the day.

A: Yes. I found that if you're playing with very potent herbs, that people who overdo it can really have some side effects. And it usually creeps up and hits them all at one time. And it's quite a chore to bring them out of it, because it's more psychological. It affects the nervous system, causes people to get very anxiety-stricken or panic. Probably one part of that is that all herbs, roots, bark, all of that contains high levels of heavy metals. It's a natural part of the earth. Water comes down, dissolves rock. Other creatures eat it, the solution, worms. The plants eat that, the bacteria and the dissolved rock, and absorb it into its tissue. And if we take it and juice it, we get those heavy metals too. As long as they're fresh and organic, and not dried or heated in any way, or steeped or even sun-steeped, we won't have an ill reaction from those heavy metals. They will not become free radicals in the body. Once you dehydrate that substance and you try to reconstitute it, the enzymatic, ionic, electrolyte action coupled with those metals are gone. They are not connected anymore. It's like taking our sun and getting rid of the planets. There's nothing to hold it in place, it will just shoot around like a proton. Our planets hold the sun in place. That's the proton, the planets are the neurons. You eliminate those and that proton goes shooting around, just like an atomic bomb. It will split other solar systems, just like it will do cells in the body. Free radicals are not a good thing. There's mercury, there's strychnine, there's all kinds of trace toxic metals, if they're not ionic and electrolyte bound, enzymatically utilized in food. Anybody who takes a mineral supplement, you're poisoning your body. A lot of people feel good from it and from herbs, because what it does is, just like they used to use formaldehyde, and strychnine in the past as remedies. You went to a doctor and they poisoned you, purposely, just like they do with cancer nowadays. What that does is it poisons the blood. The body has to deal with just taking care of those blood poisons, and all detoxification stops. That means if you had swelling somewhere that was causing pain, that swelling would reduce and stop, and that pain would usually go away, because the body cannot tend to that damaged area anymore. So you would cause yourself more toxicity that will usually end up in that area while it shuts down the cleansing process, plus your whole body is a little bit more sicker. So you're not improving your health, you're just stopping the symptoms. I would say a less harmful way of stopping the toxicity, slowing it down, is eating two to three ounces of cooked chicken a week. That would be a favorable way, because there's less toxicity that way, than steeping and boiling herbs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but also there's a lot of people that believe in herbs still, even though they're on the raw diet. A lot of people still take herbs and take vitamin supplements, which are all very toxic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it causes toxicity in the blood, just like any kind of toxicity does, so the body stops the detox, the general intense detox that's going on.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I'm saying if you can't handle the detox, if it's gone on too long, and you're about to kill your girlfriend or your boyfriend or something like that, or you're going to kill yourself, then do something about it, do something differently. I first suggest that you eat the nut formula with some meat, and if that doesn't work, then kill somebody first, [laughter] and then eat some cooked chicken, and that'll help.

Q: [unintelligible]?

A: This isn't a question related to that? Okay, then wait until I get to it. I'm going around the room.

Q: Oh, I didn't know that.

A: Okay. When a question is about the subject, about what we're talking, then other questions can be asked. Roger.

Q: Are herbs such as garlic and turmeric [unintelligible]?

A: Yes. Again, any toxic material in it will be poisonous to the system.

Q: If a person wanted to take turmeric, how would they take it?

A: Fresh. Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No question? Okay.

Q: I think yes, yes. I'm just wondering your thoughts on [unintelligible].

A: I think that they're horrible. They have to be distilled. Even the Young's oils are distilled. I'm talking about flower essences and oils, herbs, herb oils, flower oils. They have to be distilled. Young distills his oils at 261 degrees, yet he says in his book, the earth does it between 57 and 67 degrees. How he comes up with 261 degrees, just because it's 100 degrees less than anybody else does it, how that makes it good, I don't know. Anytime you heat an oil that much and you subject it to a cell, it will dissolve the cellular lining after it dissolves the fat on the cell. So if you put a lot of oil on, you are rupturing every cell. And eventually, it keeps going deeper and you continue to use it, what happens is you retard your ability to produce healthy cells, skin cells. So then you start looking like the people who have facial burns, that have acid burns to get rid of lines and wrinkles. The skin isn't very alive and it's very scarred and there's poor circulation into it.

Q: Are you talking about oils you put directly on the skin?

A: Yes.

Q: I'm talking about the flower essence, you know, that you take oil.

A: That's even worse because then you're doing it internally. You know, it may not affect the intestinal walls as well because if somebody has a good coating of mucus like they're supposed to, hopefully the mucus will bind with most of it and then chelate it and then you'll discharge it, you know, at the facial mat. But when you're putting it on the skin, you don't have that mucus coating. But if you do absorb some of that, say your mucus lining isn't good. And you absorb that, it will damage your liver, it will damage your spleen, it will damage wherever that fat goes. It's a highly distilled fat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's poisoning you, yeah. Remember, it's all about the poisoning one thing. It's poisoning you systemically so that your body will stop a localized detoxification or a central detoxification.

Q: [unintelligible] I think they just like soak flowers in water and then they strain it [unintelligible].

A: They don't distill it, yeah. They also use another substance, I forgot what it's called. Sometimes they use bromine, something like that to help extract it. It's solvent extractor.

Q: Hexane.

A: Pardon?

Q: Hexane probably.

A: Yep.

Q: Hexane?

Q: Hexane.

A: Hexane. It's a chemical. So anytime you have that in your system, what it does is it fractures that fat substance and then it just becomes a solvent in your body and not a disciplined solvent, not a solvent that can be harnessed properly because your body didn't manufacture it. You've made it that way. It's like drinking soap. Do you have a question.

Q: Yes. [unintelligible] Before, you know, I had cravings before I started this diet. I don't have a craving anymore for it. Which means [unintelligible].

A: That's probably the best question, most difficult question to answer because there are so many sides to it. Not everybody can keep vigil on themselves. Let me give you an example. Recently I met someone who was my client for many years, and she's gone off and she eats mainly fruit. She eats lettuce and other vegetables with her meat. She is way too thin. She gets very cold at 70 degrees. Can't sleep if it gets below 70 degrees. She gets very ill, goes through flu symptoms or severe cold symptoms if she stays like that for a couple of days in a row. I mean, if it gets down to 65, she ends up with a flu. She stays cold, her body stays cold for probably more than about 12, 14 hours. She drinks way too much water. She's hyperactive. She cannot sit and read more than a few pages at a time. At my seminar, she could not sit more than 20 minutes. She was the only one. She was in and out of the room, up and down. And she feels great. She loves that. She loves feeling that high energy. She's got a lot of tension in her system. She has a very [unintelligible]. And everybody who meets her sees that because that much sugar is constantly driving adrenaline and is making her very tense all the time. But she likes that hyperactive because she was dying of cancer many years ago, so she had no energy. And she was on a vegetarian diet and suffered so many years from being a vegetarian with low energy. So like me, when I went on to a fruitarian diet, I loved that high. It was great, but it wasn't good for reading. It wasn't good for relationships. She gets very over-emotional. She gets hysterical. But she thinks that's normal and that's healthy.

[audio cut]

A: I love to be a fruitarian and do well as a fruitarian because I love the taste of fruit. Lots of sweets, but I won't do it. I know some people who can.

Q: [unintelligible] the tomatoes. For weeks, I can't get enough of it. And it's not something that causes problems for me. [unintelligible]

A: But on your system, it isn't. I will do that with tomatoes, too. There were probably three weeks ago I couldn't eat enough tomato.

Q: Do you know why?

A: Probably the vitamin A is also a good way to get rid of dehydration, the quickest way to eliminate dehydration. Celery juice, tomatoes are the best non-high fruit concentrations of sodium. So it relaxes my, you know, sometimes the body, utilizing fat, starts to dehydrate when it detoxes all the toxic fats because it has to pull in extra fluids. And I don't like to drink water because it's leaching and it's very non-nutritive. So I like to use something with enzymes and electrolytes in it. So I would use tomatoes or vegetable juice to correct that.

Q: Do you juice the tomatoes and the vegetables?

A: No, I will eat the tomatoes.

Q: With the vegetables?

A: No. You don't have to have them together. I'm just saying those two forms are good ways to take care of dehydration.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I eat them. Your body can't digest much of the fiber in the tomato skin peel, but there's a lot of vitamin B and vitamin A in the skin itself. And even if I only digest a third of it, it's a lot. It's concentrated. Then I don't have a craving for carrot juice as often. Yes?

Q: I have a follow-up on the fruit issue. If you find that you can eat more fruit and not have any reaction, is that okay?

A: Yes, but a lot of people can't determine their own... When they're emotionally involved in their own issues and their own stuff, they don't see that they're having a problem. Like this girl doesn't see that she's having a problem, but everybody around her has commented about it to me. She's not able to see that it's too much. And I tried to have a conversation with her about it, but she got very upset. She said, I feel great. What do you mean? This is a great diet. It's great. She said, I don't know how you can eat what you do because I wouldn't be enjoying it. I love the taste of my food.

Q: Before the diet I used to eat a lot of fruit, [unintelligible], should I try adding more fruit?

A: Well, I would say let somebody around you, as close to you who knows you, be a mirror or a sounding board. I can be clear about it now because I've been there and I'm removed from it. But when I'm there, like about last summer, I tried to do a lot of fruit for a week. And I didn't see it at first, but all of a sudden one day I realized I was getting irritable again. I was getting too excited, too irritable, too sexual, all of it. And it can be trying. Of course, I'm diabetic, so you know.

Q: Doesn't fruit help with weight gain?

A: Eating more fruit? Not necessarily. Usually a lot of fruit interferes with weight gain because it breaks the sugar down and makes them into fuel instead of allowing muscle.

Q: You said that some people were okay with fruitarian. [unintelligible]

A: I've seen people, I've seen only a few people who can eat a lot of fruit, mainly a fruitarian diet, and function and think and do very well. But it's very few.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, one of them was a 70-year-old man, and about two years ago he started having problems. He started eating meat. The others aren't that old yet. He's the oldest.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, I mean, when he's 70 years old, I think David's going to have problems. I think he's going to have problems. When he's 60, 65, I can't say for sure, but he has that kind of personality and has that kind of physical chemistry that tells me he's probably going to have a problem.

Q: [unintelligble]

A: It depends on the individual. If you've got a good working pancreas, you can have a whole [unintelligible] of day.

Q: If the pancreas heals, you can have more fruit?

A: Yes, if it does heal. The pancreas is the only gland that I very rarely see heal much. I've been eating raw food since 1972, too, almost exclusively, and my pancreas is repaired from diabetes only by 15%.

Q: So, within that time, it's only about 15%?

A: Yeah.

Q: Do you heal the pancreas?

A: Well, that's just my experience. I've only seen a few other people heal their pancreases very much at all. Most people will take care of every other gland but not the pancreas. It's like the body's own sugar spread.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, when you're a vegan, you're eating lots of whole vegetables. That destroys your enzymes in your system. The bowels are normally acidic. In a vegetarian, they're overall ones, so most of the bacteria is destroyed. That's why they usually have no bowel movements unless they're eating high fiber. And if they stop eating high fiber and go on this diet, they usually have constipation for quite a while. So, it depends upon the number of years that they've been vegetarians, but they will reduce their ability to digest more and more foods every year.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You're not going to get a vegetarian to eat cow shit.

Q: No, I know. Well, in terms of what it can do.

A: Pardon? Yeah, it would help. Definitely help. Absolutely. To restore it. Yes. Yeah. A lot of you laughing, but you know, every animal eats shit except humans. They do very well with it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, exactly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But what you have to do is say, listen, that's vegetation coming from the cow. It's just predigested pasture. Edward Howell, the so-called father of enzyme nutrition, did an experiment to copy or to prove Pottenger's work with those 900 cats over a 10-year period to show that, yeah, to prove that yes, cooked foods do create diseases in animals, and raw foods allows for no disease. So, he did this experiment. It was a little over three years. I forgot how many rats. I think he had 58, 57 rats, something like that. Near 60 rats for the first experiment. Those that ate the cooked foods at the end of their lives in three years had all the diseases of man. Those that ate raw had no diseases, but they all lived three years. This was very different from Pottenger's work because the cats lived one-third less of their life than the cats on cooked food lived one-third less than the cats that ate raw food that didn't have any diseases. So, he was very concerned about that part of the experiment. He didn't know what was happening. He thought maybe it was just some bacterial activity or something was happening in the rat. Maybe they had a particular hormone that's different than cats. So, he's going over the notes over and over and over again for a year and finally realized that there was one very peculiar difference. The rats who ate cooked foods ate their feces. They ate each other's feces, but they ate all of it. They didn't have to clean out the cage. They ate all the feces or most of it. So, he decided to redo the experiment. Sure enough, he put a wire mesh down to the rats when they had a movement. The fecal matter fell through the screen. They only lived two years instead of three years this time. So, fecal matter is very beneficial. All animals know it except for humans. I've used it in a few situations. I've recommended it for people with very aggressive cancers that metastasize all over their systems. One fellow came to me about four months ago. This is the third time he's had cancer. He's only about my age, 55 in a few days. He's 56 or 57. When it was metastasized this time, he had the lungs, liver, intestines, and he had part of his intestines already [unintelligible] ten years earlier from cancer. I think it was in his pancreas. So, it was pretty aggressive. He was going quickly, just getting thinner and thinner. So, I had a lot of buffalo fecal matter and bowel tissue. I gave it to him and said, what I'd recommend is you use at least a tablespoon a day, probably two a day, five days off, six days, five days off, six days for about 30 days. I think he did it for only the first week because I didn't give him much. I told him where he could get more. I don't think he did, but he was taking morphine because of the pain. Every client that I have had his own morphine has never made it because it breaks their appetite and they can't eat enough. So, they just disintegrate, deteriorate. So, what it did for him, that fecal matter allowed him to have a hell of an appetite. So, he gained ten pounds in about ten days. The last time I talked to him, he was up 20 pounds. So, he was much more focused and able just due to that little bit of fecal matter. That was the first person I really, you know, I drove it into him to do it. It's very difficult to do with women who have cancer. I'd say most of the people come to me with cancer are women. And it's very difficult for you women to get into eating shit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? No, it isn't. It's not even as bad as high meat because all it does is taste like overcooked... Has your mother ever cooked overcooked vegetables? That's what it tastes like, overcooked vegetables.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. It tastes like what it is. It tastes like vegetables overcooked. And if you like vegetables overcooked, it'll be fine. If you're like me, you'll want to vomit. So, you know, just swallow it down. But you can have it. You can drink it. You can have it washed down with milk. That's not a problem.

Q: Can you eat your own?

A: I don't recommend it. I recommend taking it from an animal that's healthy. I get it from the... Kathy gets it for me. We have some people who slaughter buffalo for us. And we get all the glands and we ask them to give us so many pounds of the... These bowels, you know, with all the contents in it. By the way, I need to get some more. I need about a couple pounds of the... more bowel with [unintelligible]. I've given it all away.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? Well, probably because of the vagotomy that I had I have less digestive acids. So sometimes when I eat a high amount of meat, fat. I have very loose stools. Not diarrhea, but loose stools. That's an indication that I'm not digesting all of it. And if I eat the fecal matter, I can digest a lot more.

Q: Speaking about that, I just want to explain to everybody that I had it yesterday. The cows... the buffaloes, excuse me, intestines with the contents. And I had two bowel movements today.

A: And a lot of people have constipation and it relieves it, you know. And if it's the other way around, if they have a lot of diarrhea, it helps reverse it the other way. Eating shit is good. It's not very tasty, because I hate cooked vegetables. Okay, question.

Q: The long-term effects on your eyesight, [unintelligible].

A: It's very individual. Most people who get on the diet are beyond 30. And usually the toxicity and scarring is already set in the eyes. So reversing that may take 15 to 20 years on the diet. I had 15... the only healthy thing about me in my whole life was eyesight. I had 15 to 15 vision. As a child, I could see the hairs on a fly's legs without magnification. And I could read the magazine from that picture over there to here. And when I get cancer of the face, when that aerospace epoxy came out of my bone in the nose, and the cancer burned my nose away, a third of my nose away, burned a hole in here in the bone, and a hole in my head here, the acid ran down and burned that eye. So that damaged the sight in this eye. They said that I'd never be able to see out of it properly without a lens transplant. Anybody want to donate? Anyway, it was very thick adhesion. It was probably about 8 to 10 layers, depending upon the area. And I keep taking photographs of it at different angles to see each year whether it's diminished. And the layers have diminished down to just two now. So the eyes are healing. There are other people whose eyes improve greatly. Those people are people who usually put either egg white in their eye or butter in their eye every other day or once or twice a week. And those people's eyes improve on a steady basis. But you actually have to feed the eye directly, I've found, to implement that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In this eye? Oh, it's improving. I can see out of it much better. I can tell who you are.

Q: Is there any reason it's better to do it only once or twice a week or every other day rather than daily?

A: I would say it depends upon your eye. There are people who put, a lot of people who try putting butter in their eye because it's so thick, and you only put like a drop in it. You lie back, most people who do it lie back and they have to let it sit with their eyes closed for ten minutes. That will completely melt and allow it to absorb. Otherwise if you walk around like this trying to see with butter in your eyes, it's too cool. It won't absorb and you've got this film over your eye. You won't be able to see very well. But the egg white, you can put that right in and see perfectly and not wipe it away and not have to keep your eyes closed. But the oil may be a little too, I've seen a few people put oil, the butter in two and three times a day every day. And then all of a sudden it will cause a massive eye detox where they start putting out sand. Yeah, it's a hell of a force detox and people will improve their vision quicker. But you may be impaired from vision for a day or two. That means functioning. You can't go out. You've got sand in your eyes. You've got to lie there and just let it ooze and get it through the center of your eye to get it out. If it keeps coming out during the day, you can't function. Can you imagine driving and all of a sudden one of those comes into your eye?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But that takes, I think that it took something like three weeks before one person experienced it. Doing it every day three times a day.

Q: The egg white's drying your lashes.

A: Well, wipe that off. But if you take your little eye thing, you know, the eye curler, the eyelash curler with that egg white on there, what a curler it does. It also makes it very dark and thick. So there's a beauty tip for you. When I used to do acting, that's what I did to make my eyelashes thick. I took a little paintbrush with egg white and brushed it on my eyelashes. And it went like this, curling. That was all I did. It worked. It worked great for photographs. Because, you know, I didn't want them to put, because they go, you go on those sets, like soaps, they like to make everybody look pretty. And I was in general hospital for five and a half years. We put mascara on, there's no way.

Q: Is it okay for eyeliner? [unintelligible]

A: What I suggest people do is take blueberry or some berry, press it, and just take a paintbrush and paint it on. It will stain. Put just a touch of vinegar in it, it will set like an easter egg. Put it on your lips, put it on your nose. That's what I used to do, too. Make me a funny character. That's what I did when I was on stage. That's what I do when I do stage play. Works very well.

Q: You know what I'd love to do? [unintelligible] I don't know where you can find it.

A: Go in a cave.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Any kind of eye problem.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a very good thing. It just happens. People go through different detoxes at different times. Last year after I forced the meningitis by eating eight ounces of high fish, I had grains coming out of my eyes. Part of the brain dumping, because the brain can only dump out the sinuses, the eyes, and the ears, and the mouth, and the gums, and the salivary gland.

Q: But you don't recommend that for everybody.

A: I don't recommend it for anybody unless they're very brave.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. I have a psychologist in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She came to me about five or six years ago, and she's an expert witness for the federal government. You know, she, you know, like McVeigh, she was a psychologist that, you know, questioned him and had, you know, interviews with him to determine whether he was sane to go on trial or not. So she's pretty high powered. She's had asthma most of her life on inhalers and prednisone and some other drugs. She's down to maybe taking a tenth of her medication and rarely takes an inhaler at all. She always had red eyes because of that. She said she always looked stoned when she was up on the witness stand. So she says, is there anything I can do about that? I said, yes, just drop a few drops a day. Take a, you know, eye dropper. Break an egg into a glass. Take some egg white and drop two drops into each eye. Put your head back and pull your eyelid lashes completely, eyelids completely away from the eye. And then roll your eye around for about a minute. So she did that about three days a week. And about, I think it was three months after, a year and three months after she's on the diet, she called me in a panic one day. She said, my eyes are so bad I can't see. I can't even read signs on the road anymore. This diet isn't working. I said, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You have multiple problems. The diet's taking care of some of them and you've only been on the diet a year and three months. It's like they'll repair you and everything. You know, a year and three months, it takes 40 years to clean up everything and rebuild everything five times before you'll be optimal. So if you're still having eye deterioration, that's probably because of your medication that you're still taking, you need to go to the optometrist and get a new prescription. So she went to the optometrist and her eyesight was about 23, 30% better. So she had to have a reduction in her prescription. She's the first person I knew that put the egg white in her eye on a regular basis, but she got an instant improvement. So I started suggesting other people who wanted to improve their eyes that they put it regularly in their eyes, the egg white. And sure enough, it stops... In every case of people who had continued to degenerate even on the diet with their eyesight, it stopped it immediately. And for most people, it reverses it.

Q: Do you do it in the morning or at night?

A: I probably do it at night and morning if I have real eye trouble. You know, because at night you can kind of use it to help the body clean out any pollution that is absorbed into the eye lining, and then do it in the morning just to refresh and feed the eye directly. And your eyes are so not... Her eyes used to be very, very bloodshot all the time, and now they're much clearer. So it's working.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, absolutely. Well, your eye can't heal unless it's regenerating cells. Just the egg white. Put the yolk in there and you can be cloudy, big time.

Q: [unintelligible] fit in the jar at the bottom

A: But then it starts decomposing, and then they cause an eye detox instead of an eye nourishment feeding. So I'd be careful with that. You might end up with pink eyes. That's not a bad thing, but it's a hell of a thing to go through, and everybody thinks you're contagious because medical professionals, it [unintelligible] contagious. People run for their lives. Okay, question.

Q: I have a question. [unintelligible]

A: Never drink a smoothie with meat. It has fruit in it. A smoothie is with egg and fruit. I mean, a smoothie is always with fruit. So it's usually with fruit and egg is a smooth, basic smoothie. If you're going to add milk to it and have other kinds of milkshake smoothies. But it's not good to have with meat.

Q: Not good with meat.

A: It's not a good idea because you'll start turning the protein into a pyruvate, which is a protein sugar, and you'll burn it rather than use it to regenerate cells. So you won't be reversing the aging process. You'll just give yourself a lot more fuel.

Q: So a smoothie doesn't always have fruit in it?

A: No, I'm saying smoothies, the terminology smoothie means fruit in it. Milkshake means no fruit in it.

Q: So I can't have that with meat?

A: Yes, you can't have that with meat if you don't have a very good digestive system. Right, if you have indigestion or you go too long without hunger after eating a milkshake with a meat meal, then don't have them together or have less of the milkshake with it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I can't mix a milkshake and meat together and digest it very well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can do lube and meat, yes. Because the butter is very different.

Q: How about tomato?

A: Tomato is always good with meat. Tomato is an acid, so it doesn't interfere with the intestinal bacteria, the acid bacteria. So it's always beneficial. However, if you're eating zucchini and cucumber, they can over alkalinize, so you shouldn't have too much. If you're going to have it.

Q: Can you add butter to the milkshake?

A: Yes. Absolutely. You have a question, Tonya?

Q: Yes, I do. [unintelligible] I'm not sure what happened.

A: Your leg, your back, or where?

Q: My hips have been coming up. [unintelligible] Is there anything I can do to strengthen or heal that knee?

A: Nothing that you'd be happy about. Tonya is a model.

Q: I guessed that.

A: Yes, that's the only way you can heal those parts quickly is to gain a lot of weight. Is Frank here?

Q: No.

A: Okay, Frank. He finally got up to a very heavy weight. He says, oh my God, I know what you're talking about. He says, I feel so grounded and so good now. And that's the truth. When you gain weight, being fat and happy is a reality. I said, you know why?

[audio cut]

Q: What's the limit to where it's not helping?

A: I would say probably 300. Well, it depends on, yeah, well, I mean, if you're a wrestler, it is. You know, and you're keeping active with all that weight and making it work for you, it can be very good. So it depends upon the individual. I mean, I had one client who was 5'2 1⁄2", and she said she's not short, she's just scaled down. And she got up to 160 one time. And that was pretty big. It's bigger than anybody in this room. Close to your size. And she felt so grounded and so happy and it wasn't a problem for her. She had more health progress in that six months that she stayed that way than I'd ever seen her go through. So, you know, it's an individual thing. And I've got enough, you know, I've gained as much as 60 pounds. You know, when I was very thin, I gained 60 pounds. All that cream I was eating, a quart of cream a day, plus a brick of cheese a day. I mean, I was putting it on, I gained 60 pounds in like four months, five months. And I felt great. I felt wonderful. And all these girls were attracted to me. It was incredible. I had never had so many girls. And I could take care of them all too. I had five girls at one time and I'd never done that before. I had all this energy and power. It was great. And they all showed up at my door at the same time, within a half an hour of each other. And guess what I did? I went to a motel and let them stay together for the night. I was very honest. I let them know I was going with all of them. So they had a good party. They had a great time. They all got along wonderfully. And I had a good time at the hotel. So being overweight may not be a problem. It's usually not a problem. It's usually very beneficial. It's the psychology of getting through it. Yes, Vic?

Q: Yeah, I'm not sure if it's an accident related situation. I have tingling in these fingers. I'm an accident lawyer, so I can go through the cause and effect of it. So I don't know how much [unintelligible]. But it's these two fingers and also my right leg is numb. I've noticed that I have a couple of days of herniation and then, you know, I'll be all right. Do you have any ideas about that?

A: Nerve damage can come from so many things. Let's say you could have a center in the brain that's deaf, like with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. You have a deaf area in the brain that would be connected to those two fingers. And your right leg, those two fingers, could be in your spine. Something pinched or blocked up in the one up here that leads down to those two fingers and also the one down here that leads to the knee. So if you have pain in the spine that relates, if it's the fingers, it's up in here. And if you have any pain in your stiffness, it's probably there that's the problem. And up here, if you don't have any pain or discomfort in those areas, it's probably in the brain. Or it's localized, from a sprain or a break or something like that, a torn ligament. But that would also mean some pain in that area along with the numbness. Some aching, some strain, especially if you sleep on it. You know, when the circulation's cut off, it goes into pain. So if you don't have that, it's the brain. If you don't have either of those, it's in the brain.

Q: Meaning that it's...

A: You have some neurological tissue that's probably dead.

Q: Dead. Is it a brain injury or just a toxic condition?

A: Well, it could be either. Either way. And an injured, when you have, let's say, mercury from, let's say, a vaccine or a flu shot or anything like that, they all carry thimerosal, which is liquid mercury. And they'll cause that repeatedly. That's why I [unintelligible] symptoms of autism in children.

Q: What about regeneration of brain tissue? Do you believe it's possible?

A: Yes, as I said in my book, it certainly did it for my son. It certainly did it for me. I was autistic. I was autistic from all the vaccines and the thimerosal.

Q: So you've got dead brain cells, that's not permanent?

A: No, it's never permanent. But mine wasn't advancing as much as... Mine got to a certain point, I probably reversed a lot of... 20% of the scarring in my brain in probably the first six years that I was on the diet. I got onto a healthier diet. And then it just stopped completely up until a year ago when I ate a whole eight ounces of high fish. It removed 20% of my brain scarring in a matter of about four months going through the meningitis from eating eight ounces of high fish. But that was a difficult detox for a while. I was in severe pain.

Q: How long did it last?

A: I would say I had the effects for about six weeks, from minor to major to minor again until it was over. Severe pain lasted for about ten days, where it peaked about three days where Laurie was lifting my legs onto the couch because I just couldn't move anything from the waist down without severe pain. And sleeping in the bathtub, and that lasted probably six days. The three days where I couldn't even move myself.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. And I ate eight ounces, which was way too much.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: High fish. It's making... It's letting meat rot on its own. You know, decompose on its own with its own bacteria. So what you do is you chop it up, you put it in a jar with equal amount of air. You have to take it out of the house because you don't want to stick it up your house. Take it out of the house, open it every three to four days. Move the jar into the air just twice with a figure eight. Put the lid back on tightly because as the gases build, they'll leak out into your refrigerator if you don't open them and let the gas out. A lot of people will do that. They say, I don't feel like doing it for a week or two weeks or three weeks. And this gas keeps building up in there. And it just leaks out in the refrigerator. And you say, I got a tight lid on that. Why is it stinking so badly? Because, hell, you got to take it outside and let it air. You know, and anyway, the bacteria stops growing because it's aerobic bacteria. So it needs to progress through all of its stages. And if you don't take it out every three to four days, it goes dormant at that point. It doesn't mean you can't use it. It's just that it goes dormant. And it takes an exposure and at least three to four days for the bacteria to get active again before you can take it. Because if you take it when it's not active, it just won't do you much good. You're just taking the stinky meat. And what that stinky meat does is your body cleans itself in three ways. I say this at every meeting. It's probably one of the most important things I talk about. We use solvents just like we use degreasers and compounds to dissolve other compounds, whether it's plastic, wood, metal. No matter what it is in the body, if it's inorganic, that's the only way your body can dissolve those toxins. Because bacteria, parasites, molds, they will not break down inorganic material, from pollution, cooked foods, stuff like that, that's stored in the body. So your body has to make these solvents, and it does it from about 80% fat, 15% protein, and 5% alcohol, which your body makes from fermenting carbohydrates in the body. So it goes in and dissolves whatever's in the body that needs to be dissolved. Some people have no bacteria. People like me who've had intense radiation and chemotherapy, it poisons the whole system. So parasites, bacteria can't live in the body. So the body has to do only the solvent process. It's a very slow, tedious process. And one of the byproducts of it is identical to turpentine. And it's as toxic to the human body. So it creates a low-grade lethargy, maybe depression, fatigue. So the body isn't real happy when it has to go through that. And you'll see people eat the high meat that they make after about four weeks. You need to let it go four weeks. If you eat that, all of a sudden you get this high, because what you've done is introduced bacteria into the body. And all of a sudden the body doesn't have to use only the solvent process, which is slow and very toxic. So the body can use virus, bacteria, molds, yeast, yeast is a mold, to dissolve compounds in your body, so your body has help. It doesn't have to do everything on its own. Like let's say you were the only person in this room, and we piled garbage all over the place, and you had to stay and clean it up, all by yourself. And you had 24 hours to do it, and it would take you 80 hours to do it on your own. So then all of a sudden we bring a bunch of people in here to help you to do it. That's what happens when you eat the high meat, high bacteria meat. Introducing bacteria into the body to help you clean up the garbage. And the byproducts from the virus, the bacteria, and the molds working, are half as toxic as the turpentine-like substance. And they work twice as fast. And the third way are parasites. They work five times faster than your body can use the solvent process. And a hundred times less toxic. That's why most people with parasites don't even know it. But the problem is that if you don't eat enough meat to regenerate cells, you have ulcerations, gut exchange, paralysis, death. On this diet, eating raw meats, it doesn't have to be high meats, just raw meats to regenerate cells, everybody gets well faster. In the animal tests, all animals got well faster if they had parasites.

Q: What about doing high meat on the standard diet?

A: I haven't worked with anybody on that basis, so I would hate to theorize and say.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, Dr. Joel Weinstock at the University of Iowa did experiments where he took six people with chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome, which is one of the most painful diseases there is, because it's always painful. If it goes into Crohn's, then it even affects the joints. It can cripple people. But just the chronic bowel syndrome can cause severe intestinal pain where people can't even move. They're always in pain. Diarrhea or constipation, one or the other. It's usually diarrhea. Very thin, very emaciated people. So all of these people that he did experiments with were unaffected by medical treatment. So of course the AMA says, oh, if you've got a bunch of people that aren't reacting to medical, you can do something alternative and use them as a guinea pig. So these six people agreed to it. They were all elderly people with this disease and suffered with it for at least 20 years. And what he did was... He felt that because all of the studies showed that all animals have intestinal parasites. Since the pig is most like our intestinal tract, he took the whipworm from the pig's intestines, filtered out the eggs, put it in Gatorade, and had these people quaff this parasite egg Gatorade. And they all got the parasites, and five of the six immediately went into remission and stayed there for five months. So he proved his point. He also showed that if you clear the intestines of monkeys, captive monkeys, and what other animal it was. I don't remember what other animal. If you cleared them of bacteria, they got very sick. Cleared them of parasites, they got very sick. So he says cleanliness is not what it's built up to be.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, what I did, I took, in my experiment, when I found out about this, you know, I'm gung ho. I went out and looked in the garbage cans. I knew the only place you're going to find massive parasites is in a garbage can outside of the fish market. So I went into a garbage outside of the fish market and found a piece of salmon that was undulating with pinworms. And I ate the worms and all, and I did not get parasites. But that was only eight years after having all the chemo and radiation, so I was still poisoned that no parasite could live in my body.

Q: High fish, does that have parasites in it?

A: No. It's mainly bacteria. If you incubate it the right way and let it sit in the warm temperature, eventually it will grow parasites. But we make the high meat in the refrigerator so it won't generate parasites and doesn't move through the stages so quickly. And I also ate calf's brain infested with flutes, and chicken tripe infested with parasites, and I couldn't get one. I haven't tried it in probably 12 years. I probably could get them now. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it's very hard to tell with the parasites. I can't tell with the irises, usually, sometimes I can. If I'm looking at somebody's eyes over a three-month period and there's a mass change in an area, I can easily tell they're a parasite. And I've seen that, and I said, go check and see if you have parasite, go get some tests done. And sure enough, most of the people who had parasites in those areas.

Q: So when people go to Mexico and then they come back and their doctor tells them they have parasites, do you feel happy that you have them?

A: Absolutely. Throw a party.

Q: Should we go to Mexico to get them?

A: Well, what I found was the people on this diet aren't affected by them in that way. Tony Plana was an actor who was the second lead in El Salvador. He played a [unintelligible] role. But in a movie called Latino, shot in Nicaragua in, I guess it was, 86, 85. He was one of my clients. He brought me a full 11 by 8 and a half sheet. No, this is 14 by 11, legal size paper. 8 and a half by 14. Of all these things not to do when he's down there in the jungle, don't drink the water, always wash your hands, don't eat any raw foods, not even a raw salad, boil your water, distilled is better. Always have your meat more than well done. And I said, Tony, you do the exact opposite of everything it says when you're swamped, drink the swamp water, do everything it says not to do, and you won't get sick. He'd been eating this diet since about 79, I think he became my client. A good five years, six years, seven years he was on the diet. And eating lots of meat and all of that. So he went down there and they spent three months there. They went a month and a half over schedule. And Haskell Wexler, the Academy Award winner cinematographer, was the writer, director, producer, cinematographer of this film. It's a political film. And about US involvement, just like El Salvador was by Stone, Oliver Stone. But his was about El Salvador and Latino was about Nicaragua. And the film was shut down for three weeks because Robert Beltran, who was the lead actor, got frightfully ill. Everybody on the entire set in a three week period got deathly ill. They shut the film down. Tony's the only one who didn't get sick. And he ate the raw meat, he ate salad, he ate everything that they said not to do. He did not get sick.

Q: So really their body had a detox.

A: Yeah, that's exactly it. But it's a massive detox. The body's saying, thank God for this bacteria, now let's get the shit out. Literally. Vomit and diarrhea. Yes.

Q: Do you think there are any viruses that are not good for you, like hepatitis?

A: No, hepatitis is excellent. Because usually when a liver gets hepatitis, that liver is about to shut down for good. It's a serious progression of liver toxicity. So you get the hepatitis, any of those hepatitis, C, B, H, G, A, any of them, they're all beneficial. I've seen them, as long as people are on a good diet, where they're eating raw meats, that liver gets well faster than I've ever seen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, see, they're just going on speculation. They speculate that, they believe in the germ theory, which is speculation, it's never been proved. In fact, it's mainly been disproved. Yet they hold on to it. So they're just, they have no idea. They don't know anybody who's done a raw meat diet. They've never tried it themselves, and yet they're postulating the bullshit. And there's not one clinical test proving that raw meat is a problem. Not one clinical test in any university. Not one. And you ask them to show you the science? Oh, well, the CDC says, well, where's CDC science. CDC doesn't have it either. They're the worst panic-stricken hysteria-mongers in the world. Because they're all a bunch of doctors who believe in the germ theory.

Q: What is the CDC?

A: CDC, Central Disease Control. Center. It should be control.

Q: So when you travel anywhere in the world, you should never [unintelligible].

A: That's right. That's right. Forget it.

Q: Say it again.

A: She said if you go to any country and they say you should have shots and you should not eat this and that, don't do it.

Q: What if you're detoxing and don't have access to any food?

A: Well, you can always get raw eggs and raw meat anywhere and go for that. Lots of raw eggs and raw chicken if you can, raw fish if you can, raw chicken.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't care if it's not refrigerated.

Q: You get it?

A: Eggs are, yes. You should not refrigerate eggs. You know, you can get them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, well, yeah, just get them and leave them out. Get a bunch of them. You know you're going to go see that kind of a problem, live on eggs, and just keep them out of the refrigerator. Okay.

Q: I have a question about the lids on my canning jars. I recently bought the new fancy ones, you know, that are like …

A: Enameled all over.

Q: Yeah, the white enamel, pretty patterns and everything.


A: What are you laughing at? I like them too. I've got one with peaches on it.

Q: [unintelligible] So what I'm finding is that the ring part gets rusty on the inside, like quicker than if I just used a regular plain ring, and it survives. I'm just wondering.

A: Where does it get rusty? On the outer edge?

Q: You know where the flat circle sits right up into the ring? Then on that inside of the ring part, it's getting rusty.

A: If I haven't had that problem, you may have to have a bad batch.

Q: Really?

Q: I only have one that's had that bad.

Q: When did you get yours?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. I don't have that problem.

Q: When does the ring get rusty, even though that rust isn't sitting on the glass?

A: It'll fall down. It'll flake down into your food.

Q: It's like a discoloration like rust, but I should just stop using it.

A: Absolutely. If I get a scratch, the enamel scratches, that lid goes immediately.

Q: Same with the metal ones? If they get a scratch?

A: I don't even use the metal ones because that'll flake right into your food instantly. I only use enamel tops.

Q: Enamel tops?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but the plastic don't seal as well.

Q: Where did you get your new ones?

A: Pardon?

Q: Where did you get the new versions?

A: On the internet, found a place that has some really good...

Q: Would you give us the number?

A: Yeah.

Q: And they come in a package?

A: Right, six to a package.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible] Yes, Tammy.

Q: Which routes are you talking about?

A: Wait until after this.

Q: I've noticed that... Remember when I first met you, I had this little red marks on my hand, and I thought it was like a...

A: Eczema?

Q: It was from metals.

A: Yeah, but it caused an eczema.

Q: So I... You know, eventually this went away, but I noticed with all the little jars, you're drinking from regular old jars. And I think that when the metal wraps around the top of the jar, it hits on the jars too. And now I take it, and I'm not even drinking out of the jars anymore. I pour it with something else. And I had one of those, and that was the eczema. So I think I was getting too many metals from the rings around the jars.

A: So here's one of those fancy jars. This is the peach.

Q: Oh, that's pretty.

A: Isn't that pretty?

Q: Yeah.

Q: Could you give us the phone number?

A: I didn't bring my list with me.

Q: Oh. I'll see you tomorrow.

A: Someplace in Pennsylvania, I think it is.

Q: I'll see you tomorrow.

Q: They have that Ralph's on the west side, on that...

A: I don't know if they have peach or gingham. I've only seen a gingham around here. Did you get the peach or just the gingham?

Q: I got the gingham and the strawberries.

A: The strawberries, okay. They have peach and they have holly. Now you're talking about this rim right here, this inner part?

Q: No, I'm talking about the ring.

A: This ring?

Q: Yeah, like right on the inside, like flat, the flat top part.

A: Okay. I never have that problem because I don't let it get wet. And I dry them instantly. I do not let them sit.

Q: Okay, so...

A: Any of these will rust. And dry them. If I rinse them, I instantly take my towel and dry the lids because they will rust.

Q: Okay, and they...

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yep. Yep, but you know, you're going to go through dozens of these and [unintelligible][laughter].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: This is the high meat.

Q: And so, I've been wondering about like the metal silverware you get. Like some people have like silver spoons or whatever. You shouldn't even use them.

A: Never, never, never real silverware. Stainless steel is okay.

Q: Oh, this stainless steel?

A: It is. I don't like the taste of it, so I use wood mostly.

Q: Okay.

A: Or my fingers, hand.

Q: Right.

A: I'm an animal.

Q: Don't use this kind of a spoon.

A: I'm not saying don't. I'm just saying if you don't like the taste of metal, use a wood, wooden spoon.

Q: Oh.

A: It's up to you. But if you're using silverware, real silver, there's mercury, there's lead, there's all kinds of toxicity. That, you know, you know how silverware tarnishes?

Q: Yeah.

A: That's a mold. It flakes off into your food. I don't care which stage it is. Even if you can't see it, you just polished it. And that's a chemical, so the solvent gets into your food. So, don't go near silverware. Stainless steel is fine.

Q: Not brass.

A: Brass is, again, highly mold reactive.

Q: Yeah. Or these platers are gold plated.

A: Well, gold plated is okay. Gold doesn't mold.

Q: Oh.

A: Next. Oh, is this the same subject?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Frank, uh, sorry.


A: Arlene.

Q: I wanted to ask you about my cousin who went to see a doctor.

A: Uh-huh.

Q: What happened is, and he spoke with me, the FDA did not allow for him to be treated and he went to his colleague.

A: Right.

Q: And his tumor was colon cancer that splits the liver [unintelligible]. And they determined there that while they're treating him with the substance [unintelligible].

A: Right.

Q: [unintelligible], but it still causes him to [unintelligible].

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible] When he's done with that, and they're having very positive results, which are these five months, when he's done with that, and he started to advocate that, he was thinking about going on the diet. [unintelligible]

A: Of course it has. Yeah, it reduces his chances of reversing cancer completely. Before I came here, I went to a memorial for one of the executives of Scientology who was on the diet. And she'd come to me after chemo, and I think she had had surgery too. Wonderful, high-powered woman. I mean, you know, you talk about mind over matter. If anybody had mind over matter, this woman could do it. Cancer still got her. I was just at the memorial. She didn't deteriorate like other people had, and she had a great, you know, almost three years of living with the diet. When she started on the diet, she was exhausted, couldn't do anything, she didn't feel well after the chemo and the surgeries, and didn't want to really live. And then she got on the diet, and her whole life turned around, so she was doing great.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you know, the surgery she... When the cancer came back, I asked her to do the fecal matter, but she wouldn't do it. I pled with her to do the fecal matter.

Q: Could there be a difference, though, in the lighter form of cancer? Or is it just...

[audio cut]

A: You put anything in the liver, it keeps damaging the liver tissue. And that means you digest less and less fat, and the fat is what you majorly need with cancer, because that's what dissolves dead cells. But that doesn't mean he won't make it. I've had other people make it, you know, beyond five years, so that they have that kind of therapy.

Q: What about the cow shit?

A: Well, that would help him turn the cancer around, definitely. For permanent. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you can get it down to where it's not, you know, they're not making... Not creating the hysteria that makes him go to get more chemo, and then he can repair it from there.

Q: He stopped the chemo after about two months. [unintelligible]

A: Two months is a lot of chemo. A lot of chemo. Plus, especially if they put what they call a liver bomb. And they put it in there. They literally used to call it a liver bomb, because it would just secrete the chemo like every four to twelve hours. It would secrete so much. And it was on like a timer. Actually, a mechanical timer. And they implant it in an organ or gland that's affected. And I know one fellow who's lived seven years beyond it. So he's doing okay, but others I see not making these liver bombs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, they do.

Q: In a case like that, when is there ever a thought of doing a chemo or something like that to keep the person alive long enough so that they can get to perhaps a raw diet?

A: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I have a lot of those, but only about 60% have made it beyond so many years.

Q: Well, the lady in Scientology, did she continue with the chemo therapy?

A: No. When she knew they were killing her, she stopped. And she was introduced to this doctor. And she came to me, and she did much better, doing great. And then a year ago, it started coming back. But she didn't come to me until a few months ago, so it was too late. Unless she ate the fecal matter.

Q: That would make a big difference.

A: She wouldn't do it.

Q: That would make a big difference.

A: That would have made a big difference. Big difference.

Q: She would have cleaned the liver.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you mix it with certain foods, it neutralizes the bacteria. Just milk is okay. If you put it with egg, it'll neutralize some of the bacteria. If you put it with honey, it'll definitely neutralize some of the bacteria.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't know yogurt that's raw.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I don't eat that. The reason I don't eat it is because when they take a bacteria to make a yogurt or a kefir, they wash it, and that bacteria never what it was at the beginning. And every time they wash it in city water, it puts some chemicals in it, so it changes that bacteria. I like to make my own kefir and my own yogurt and my own milk with its own bacteria. So I'll put it in a dark cupboard. In the winter, I'll put it in a lower cupboard. I mean, an upper cupboard where it's warmer. And in the summer, I will put it in a lower cupboard where it's cooler. And I'll just make it that way. You have a very low ratio of time to be able to drink it all before it separates into cottage cheese. But still, that's the way I prefer it.

Q: What's wrong with yogurt, bacteria, and all that? Isn't that some grain?

A: No, some of it's from rennet, the enzyme from the cow's stomach.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And they're not used to eating milk. It's not their property.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's what I'm saying. I don't use anything. Right, because most of your starters, like she said, are from vegetables. They're not the natural bacteria that eat milk.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's the type of bacteria you put in it. One, it'll thicken heavily. There are about four varieties that will make it thicken a lot. Only when the milk is heated.

Q: So you put bacteria in your [unintelligible]?

A: No, I'm saying I do not.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It'll go into kefir, and then it'll go into yogurt.

Q: Oh, so that's the base. Kefir, yogurt.

A: And then cottage cheese.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It will go if you let it sit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, because in the fridge it still won't turn into cottage cheese very quickly once it's made that cycle.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, right. Yeah, most of the time it will. But sometimes it'll just go right into cottage cheese. If you put honey in it, that helps it go into kefir and yogurt very nicely, and keeps it from going into cottage cheese. And then you can refrigerate that and keep that. That'll be much better.

Q: How much?

A: I use about two tablespoons per quart. You can spit it if you want your own enzymes. If you want to have your own medicine, so your own enzymes are in the milk, pre-digesting it, then expectorating into it. You know, maybe about a teaspoon of spit or less.

Q: Do you put the honey in and then let it warm up [unintelligible]?

A: No, I usually wait until the milk is room temperature. Then I'll put the honey in it, and then I'll just sit there and nurture it for a while while I'm reading or doing something. And then set it. Because once it mixes, it finally doesn't separate again.

Q: You don't put it in a dark place?

A: Yeah. Well, I keep it in a dark space anyway. And then when it becomes room temperature, I add the honey. Shake it and put it back in the dark place.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I'm shaking it to get the honey to mix with the milk. It depends on how cold the honey is. I keep my house very cold, you know, except in the summer. Because I don't use much... I rarely use the heat. Just when patients are coming over [unintelligible]. So everything is very cold. So for me, it sometimes takes five minutes of, you know, just going like this and that to do it. But in the summer, I mean, you know, I'll shake it back a minute and it's all dissolved.

Q: You can't blend it?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What aids is? That's a whole long subject that I'm not going to go into. But if you email me, I can send you a bunch of stuff on it. Okay?

Q: How long does it take without the honey?

A: Without the honey? It depends upon room temperature and the temperature of the milk. It takes anywhere from, in the winter, in a cold house like mine, let's say it's 60 degrees in my house or 57 degrees. It could take three days. If it's 80 degrees in my house, it could take a day and a half to get to the kefir state. And then another 10 to 12 hours in that kind of heat to get to the yogurt state. And then you have a very brief period before you go into cottage cheese and it separates. But with the honey in it, it doesn't do that as much. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, that's your question? We'll finish with this right now. You're the next questioner, though. You're the one who gets the next.

Q: When they make certain cheeses they also use bacteria to [unintelligible],

A: Yeah, they usually do. No, it's fine. Well, when you're eating cheese, you're eating a mold. You're eating a moldy food. And that helps clean out a lot of garbage because it pulls poisons through the stomach and intestines and binds with them. You don't really digest much cheese. Cheese is there as your absorbent. Also, it will help you utilize a lot of healthy minerals. So your body doesn't have to use the minerals from your juice and your other foods to bind with poisons. The minerals in the cheese will do that and leave your other minerals for utilization in the body. So it's great to get rid of pain. Question? Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay. DMPS, DPS, all of them are chelations. They are actual mineral toxicities or chemical solvents that are used to magnetically pull out heavy metals out of the glands and organs and veins, arteries, so that people can so-called function better. But what it does is, it does, I have not, and most of the people I've seen, about 90, probably 90 to 95 percent of the people I've seen that have had chelation therapy or liquid minerals or colloidal silver, high mineral supplements to do such a thing, their skin, their connective tissue, their lymph, and their bones and cartilage are all metal contaminated. Because they don't give a fat substance that is natural that once those chelations have bound with those heavy metals, there's no way to get them out of the body. You've gotten them out of the glands and the veins and the arteries, but you have not gotten them out of the body. So they store in the lymph, connective tissue, skin, bone, and cartilage. Contaminates everybody that I've ever seen that's had chelation therapy, liquid minerals, colloidal silver, about 95 percent of the people. It contaminates, 90 to 95.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A good way to get mercury out of the body is by eating cilantro, about 10 percent of your juice cilantro. It's a good metal absorber, especially mercury. Eating raw fish that's high in natural mercury, like swordfish.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you cook it, yes. See, once you cook it, see with the plankton which they eat, which naturally is high in mercury, handles and makes mercury a living substance which is beneficial. It helps buoyancy for like the swordfish. All those animals are very buoyant, even the dolphins because they have high mercury content. But it's organic, bioactive mercury. Once you cook it, you've cauterized it, it's a free radical and it's a toxin. So as long as you don't cook your fish, it's a very beneficial mercury. It won't help you be buoyant because mostly it will be used to pull poison mercuries out of your system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Mercury? There are three forms of mercury. There's organic, there's inorganic and there's vapor mercury. The vapor will crystallize, say like you have mercury fillings, amalgam fillings. They're 50 percent mercury. They let off a gas every time you're chewing on something that's acid. That gas crystallizes in your system as it's absorbed into the lungs or into the stomach, into the tissues. It crystallizes, so it leaves little particles of mercury here and there throughout the system. The mercury is injected into the body. It's not like that... You've seen mercury where you put it down. You've got little beads of mercury. They'll just crawl and find each other. That's the way it reacts in the body when it's injected in the body. So you have these massive mercury deposits in the brain. That's how the brain [unintelligible] in the system. It happens in the brain of children, they deal with autism or death.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. What he asked was, if you use lemon or lime with the fish, does that make it a toxic mercury? No, it does not. It's like the digestive juices in the stomach. It starts taking the parts apart, but it doesn't cauterize them, it doesn't warp them.

Q: [unintelligible] Is it good to drink that?

A: If there's any mercury in it, it should be bioactive. Because you'll have fish tissue with it. Let me finish the thing about the mercury. When the plankton eats the mercury, just like any plant can take strychnine, lead, it can be very healthy with a trace amount of it, because it's taking the minerals from the earth. And strychnine, mercury are all minerals from the earth.

Q: Aren't they from the ocean?

A: Well, from the ocean, I'm talking about earth in general, not soil. It takes those substances and makes them useful within its system. But you have to do it with a certain level. And plankton is very good at utilizing mercury and making it useful to living creatures. So the other creatures that feed on plankton, and the animals that feed on the plankton, get high levels of organic mercury. It makes them very buoyant, they can do much more in the ocean than they could without the mercury. Once you take that mercury, and once you take that meat from the creatures who have that mercury, and you cook it, you completely fractionate all the life. It's like I come in here and I blast you with either some kind of acid, caustic acid, which is not a vegetable, or I take a big flame blower and I melt you guys. Basically, all of the ability to maintain a life form is gone. You've eliminated everything that causes that interaction to make this whole system full and mobile and active. So then, those little trace amounts of mercury then are poison. And if you come into contact with them or eat them, then they are poison in the system. They are free radicals, like I talked about the proton being separated from the neutron. It will bombard and split and slice. That's what mercury does when it's not organically bioactive.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh yes, that metal poisoning has gone into probably the nerves in the joint and all the connective tissue. It's sort of constantly irritated. The problem I find with it on this diet, even on this diet, is that that's probably one of the hardest to reverse because I need to put them in a stage that almost gets them into lupus, and they either go into lupus or they don't. I've had three clients go into lupus and then it's hell. You need to get lots of fat on their connective tissues, lots of cream and butter to get in there and absorb the fat. Whether they make it through with that kind of poisoning is very difficult to judge.

Q: So, the raw fat is absorbing the cooked fat, is that what you mean by absorbing the fat?

A: No, the fat absorbs the toxic metals from the chelation therapy. Yes, Roger.

Q: The doctors claim that it goes out through the kidneys. In other words, it's pulled out, there's the metals. So what they really try to sell it is people who have been having bypasses to clean up the arteries, the veins, and they claim that it goes out through the kidneys.

A: People who are not on this diet, 90% of the people I know who got chelation therapy, the first person I met who got chelation therapy was in 1971. That was when they first started chelation therapy. 90% of them had died. It's without being on this diet. No, I've had four people who had 30 to 50 chelation treatments who died.

Q: On the diet?

A: Yes, who died on the diet. Well, they didn't stick strictly because one person in Sacramento, somebody frightened him, some vegetarian frightened him into saying that, no, he's going to store the fats again, his arteries, he's going to have problems. So he stopped doing the diet for about three months and he died in that time. And I talked with his wife and she said, you know, she said that when he was on your diet, he did so well, and then when he got afraid, somebody scared him about a year and a half after he'd been on the diet, he was doing very well, scared him and stopped eating all the fats.

Q: Well, you know, regarding the mercury, when you say that it's the factories dumping the mercury in the water, well, how does that, therefore, not have the same, I mean, if the fish are swimming and ingesting the mercury from the factory...

A: Okay, let me cut that. I know where you're at.

Q: Right.

A: The pollution of the ocean is at the most 2%. 2% contamination is not going to be dangerous. It's going to be so dispersed, it's not a problem. Our freshwater lakes are 35% minimum contaminated. 35% contaminated. The ocean is only 2%. You've got a much greater risk of having a mercury problem in freshwater fish. Ocean fish are pretty clean, especially swordfish and tuna, they're way out in the ocean. Spend most of their time way out there. Very, very little time in the shore, where that 2% of the oceans are polluted, near the shore.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it's usually organic mercury.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Other shellfish do. But most of the shellfish build the mercury into their shells. There's some lab tests on oysters, clams, in a contaminated area from France, and some urchins. And there was hardly any, not even... couldn't find but a trace in the urchin of inorganic mercury. And we found lots of it in the shell. So don't eat the shells.

Q: What about shrimp?

A: Shrimp, same way, don't eat the shells.

Q: Oh, okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, there are many solvents, many processes that can do it. If you take coconut cream, which is the best solvent that I've seen for metals, what causes them to be cohesive? They'll go in there and just all of a sudden melt it. And then the molecules are separated and sparse. So then your fat molecules, your fat cells, your white blood cells, can go in and bind with them and send them out of the body. You know what a zit is? A zit is a bunch of white cells, fatty cells, that are chelated with toxins and are passing them out through the pore. You may have 5 billion white cells pussing out of a spot with only 5 or 6 molecules of something very dangerous. People who take cocaine and snort cocaine, if they go on a good diet, you can better believe that they have any lymph problem at all, are going to be putting out pustulations all over themselves, everywhere. Because it takes 30 to 40 molecules of fat to bind with one molecule of cocaine to get it out of the body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, you're still going to damage that part of the body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, you may try to throw it out through the kidneys, through the bloodstream, and that's dangerous. Very dangerous.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can do that, but you don't do it in dissolved, toxic fat products, old cholesterol. Now there's your right solvent to break down arterial congestion, is coconut cream.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you can have it with anything. When you take coconut meat and you separate the pulp from the fat, it's coconut cream. You put it through a juicer.

Q: Can you do that with a Champion juicer [unintelligible]

A: Well, what I do is I put it in four-ounce jelly jars. They're pretty full, so I'm only opening one at a time, and that lasts quite a while. If your Champion juicer is getting too hot, it's going to ferment. What I do is I'll take the blades with the teeth on that part that goes on to the shaft of the Champion. I put olive oil in there, about half a teaspoon of olive oil, and I'll rotate it, and then I'll shove it on the shaft. It causes a suction, and the food gets behind that gear that goes on there. The teeth that goes on there, it causes the whole gear to move, the whole blades to move forward, and it cuts off the space for the pulp to come out, so it stays in there and heats up. If you have the suction in there, it keeps it back, so it's harder to move that blade forward. Also, if you take the front in while you're juicing and push down on the front and bend it, it'll shove that whole tooth or gear back onto the back of the shaft and allow the pulp to come out without overheating. Then you can pass the coconut cream, coconut pulp through two, three times.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, the greenstar, you don't have to worry about that at all.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That doesn't work. It doesn't work with coconut very well at all.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, you don't get as much out of that. It's the air. The air is pushing through the fat, and that oxidizes it. That's what I mean. It oxidizes it, so it won't last for 48 hours, 72 hours.

Q: Oh, I see.

A: Yeah.

Q: I didn't know about that.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you get another two ounces out of it, if you put it through.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. Even though it says raw, I demanded that they give me a letter from the producer, and the producer told me that coconut butter, even though they call it raw or unheated, they preheat it before they juice it, because it spoils so quickly from 170 to 200 degrees. So he said, I cannot guarantee that it's under 210 degrees. And then one of the latest that's on the raw food, I mean, it's called Nature's First Law. Their website, they advertise a completely raw coconut butter or coconut oil. And I got a letter from Dave Wolf saying it was completely raw, it was not heated above 105 or 106 degrees. Finally, I found the producer in Indonesia, and he says it goes up to at least 120, 118, 120. So, don't use it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Now he goes on, now he says it's either heated to 118 or 130.

Q: That's way too high.

A: Yeah, it's too high.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's too high. 96 degrees for fats is the highest it could go without causing some problems, formation of toxic fats.

Q: They say coconut oil is good for [unintelligible]

A: They say olive oil is too. I can show you a terrible reaction having olive oil. They say you can cook with olive oil because it's stable. I can show you many cases where it creates damage, swelling in the throat, thyroid exhaustion.

Q: Jim is selling coconut cream in bottles now. Is that okay?

A: That's good. That's good stuff. That's made by, I can't say. It's pressed by a company for us.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, he's not selling it to them. It's pressed by somebody else. But the Jeff Beverly Hills Juice Club in West Hollywood, you can call them on Tuesdays or Fridays between 8 and 9 o'clock. And they'll press as much as you want, coconut. So, you don't have to go through all that cracking it, cutting it, putting it in the juicer. And James Stewart is now carrying it. So, you can pick it up on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Q: Did you know about the coconut juice or something that Trader Joe's carries?

A: That's all heated. Very high.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't get into that.

[audio cut]

A: Okay, question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you're so thin, it's a problem. Because the contamination from the lower part of the lungs is going to try to pass through the bronchioles with that mucus and eliminate it. And if you don't have the weight, that's where it's going to go. You have the weight all around the tissues, then the body can absorb that poison, take it to the lymph system and detox it in ten different ways. But when you don't have that fat, it has to go to the bronchioles and be built into the mucus and be removed that way. And that causes the tension on there. It's all that has to go there. And you have a lot of contamination on the lower part of the lung. So, eating things like, you know, anything that's going to put lots of fat on your tissues. Milkshakes with, let's say, four ounces of milk and four ounces of cream, you know, the day before, five days before. Add cream to your milkshakes. And that will help. And then add extra parsley to your juice. That way you'll be able to utilize your oxygen without having, you know, less oxygen without it reducing much, expanding and contracting in the lung. Do you have a question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I always recommend people dive in. You know, I've always seen that it works better unless people are taking medication that is addictive. Or, let's say, high blood pressure medicine that can cause quite a tremendous reaction and cause them to get panicky. So, I'll say do it. Get off, you know, whatever it is, if it's supplements and stuff like that, because you're not going to have a big reaction. But if you have some kind of medication that when you stop you have a radical reaction and become very insecure about it, ween off of it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Hormones? Hormones usually don't create a radical effect right away. They usually take six weeks to cause, you know, let's say you're taking thyroxine, T3 or T4 for the thyroid. And usually the thyroid completely stops working during the period while you're taking it. And sometimes after six weeks all of a sudden the thyroid starts starting to kick in. But when it first starts kicking in it starts off all this toxic thyroxine that is stored in the thyroid which causes lethargy. So people may go through that for two to three weeks to get rid of it. And they'll feel like they need the hormone again. And if they can just make it through, if they can coordinate it at a time when they don't have to work, you know, take three weeks off on a vacation and just vegetate, get some sunshine and enjoy the diet, you know, it's great. Otherwise you may have to take a little bit or, you know, a very small amount for a five-day period and then stop it again. Whenever you run into that very severe state where you can't function, five days, a little bit for five days and then off again. Until you can break that cycle. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Lots of chicken and fish together is helpful. Thyroid of an animal is good.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I haven't been able to get a lot of organic thyroid. I was getting it from the producer of, at least there was no hormones and there were no antibiotics, but it wasn't organic. And I could get, funny, thyroid of the calf is like two and a half pounds to three pounds. And that's the best thing to do. If you get it from a buffalo, it's about the size of your thumb. This is a massive, huge animal, little calf, you know, one thyroid to the other. So if you want a lot, then get it from the calf.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it doesn't go bad quickly. It lasts a very long time. I put it in glass.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no, no. It's very soft. It's like a clam.

Q: Oh.

A: Yeah. It's very white.

Q: So do you know where you can get that?

A: Um...

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I did. I did for a while. I was able to get it through them. You know, I talked to the meat manager and I did get it for a while.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, see, I only have to do it maybe once every three years. Other people are going to do it more often. So my three years will be coming up next year, and then I'll be interested again. But if you go to the meat manager at Whole Foods at Barrington in Nashville, I think his name was Robert, and he's... I think he's still there, and he's savvy about it. [unintelligible] You know, one that's not full of antibiotics and hormones. And get it. And what I do is I'll take a kitchen shears and cut it up, and then blend it with an equal amount of milk, raw milk, with a little bit of red onion, and it tastes like clam chowder.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Those glands, yes, with the ovaries, whatever it is.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, not there. You can get them from the buffalo source. If the buffalo, you know, weren't that small of a thyroid, we'd get all of them from them. But there's not much thyroid in buffalo. But you can get ovaries and all of that, uterus, [unintelligible], tons of it. So, you know, and Kathy's a source. If you want to get glands, see Kathy.

Q: Yeah, I also go out and get monkfish liver as well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh yeah, we're conditioned to not like stuff like that. And if it causes a detoxification of the gland, of course, your body's not going to be thrilled about it.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: The monkfish is good for the neurological system, the vision, and it has fish oil content like you had. Fish liver oil with the cod liver.

A: It helps get rid of, you know, free-radical metals and other toxins that are in the body. It helps soothe the neurological tissue. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it doesn't matter. I mean, you're risking cancer. And let me tell you, the people who take those hormones, when they metastasize, they metastasize and die quicker than anybody else, usually the most painful.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The people who take hormone supplements.

Q: What does metastasize mean?

A: Pardon?

Q: What does metastasize mean?

A: It means spreading everywhere. Spreading. Spreading, yeah. From organ to organ, or gland to gland. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, usually, like I said in the book, did you read my book?

Q: Yes.

A: In my book I said when women go through the change, the hormonal change, and they're on the diet, the change is proper. You're just going to create a different kind of hormone. But most women are so deficient by that age that they don't have enough fats and proteins to make the changeover, so they stop making hormones altogether. And usually when they're on the diet, a lot of women start their periods again, even though they're 55, 56. Some do not. But I would say about half of them do. I have one woman who's 57 now, she's still having her period, and she had stopped having her for six years before she started the diet.

Q: Does that mean you can get pregnant again?

A: Yes, it does.

Q: If your period stops, you don't have it for like six, eight months, and all of a sudden [unintelligible].

A: It just means that your ovaries are not producing eggs. And you may be going through a menopause. If you're not having hot flashes and all that, which most women are, who have been on this diet for many years when they go into menopause, they have no problem. They don't have the heat flashes, they don't have all that discomfort. They don't have any problem. Women who go on the diet, when they're already into it, it usually doesn't stop right away. It usually has its year, two-year cycle. And some people even continue it. Are you still continuing your heat flashes? Pardon?

A: Yes.

Q: And how long have you been? I've been on the diet four years.

A: Four years, and she's still in her heat flashes. So it depends upon the individual.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She's trying to do a lot. But Kathy was like me. She was very, very ill when she was on the start of the diet. She was catatonic. She couldn't even speak. And now, you can't stop her from talking. Okay, let's see. Do you have a question? With the beard?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you're talking about a subject that takes many, many years to investigate.

Q: Could you repeat the question?

A: Pardon?

Q: Repeat the question.

A: The question is, how do you get a dentist to do what is compatible with the diet? There is nothing compatible about anything a dentist does. Anytime they put anything in your mouth, they have to put an epoxy in there. It poisons. You have, just like you have veins going throughout the body, you have tubules in the teeth which take circulation and nutrients from the nerve into the tooth and it passes into the [unintelligible]. When your teeth are decaying, they're not decaying from the outside. They're decaying from the poison in the mouth, in the nerves, passing out. It weakens the dentine. Yes, bacteria can eat away at the outside if the dentine is fouled by the poison that are on the inside going out. The people who have strong teeth and strong bloodstreams do not get cavities like the Eskimos. Ninety percent of their diet was raw meat. And only ten percent that wasn't was, that ten percent was out of the three months of the year where they could get berries and other things. And they had no cavities until 1886. And that was, the first cavity was the fellow who was eating the breads and sugar that the Germans had brought over for fifty years. That was the first cavity. Anytime you put anything in the mouth and fill it, it has to be epoxied in. Therefore, you're going to contaminate the tooth mold. What I had done is when my cavities pop, I leave them alone. I don't put anything back. But that means some of them were almost all cavity, I mean all filling. So those teeth, I've had two of them, three of them break because there was hardly any tooth there. So I have a tooth that I had to make in Mexico. They will not do this here. They are not allowed to give you a tooth that you can remove. They have to cement it in. And I don't want it cemented in because I don't want that epoxy in my mouth. Because I'm experimenting to see whether teeth can regenerate on this diet, and I won't know for another twenty years. But I'm taking a chance. I'm taking a chance on losing my teeth. I've got another one here that's made the same way because the tooth broke. I mean those teeth, the one back here, the molar, two-thirds of the tooth had been a filling. And when it popped out, I let it go. It took, there was no more decay. I had a dentist look at it every year. No decay for about eight years. And I left the filling out of it. And it didn't break until I was ripping on some gristle once and it broke. But that's what it took. I mean no cavity. I don't have any more cavities. All these open cavities, teeth that are wide open, nerves that are wide open, no pain, no decay. I've got wide open fillings.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh yes. Because you have poisons that come out through the gums constantly, especially your milk drinking. Because milk can carry toxic substances and metals from the brain. The brain holds the most toxic metals in the entire body. And it pours, it comes out in the gums. And that can be a solvent reaction and dissolve dentine. So you definitely want to brush.

Q: Dental cleaning?

A: Oh no, I don't like that. Every time I go there, it causes my gums to recede more. And they're telling me, your gums are receding. Well every animal's gums recede throughout their whole life. And there's not a problem with it. They just make a lot of money on the cleanings and rip the shit out of the gums.

Q: Whitening teeth [unintelligible] yellow

A: No, you have to realize again, the contamination is coming through the tubules out of the tooth. Take for instance people who snort cocaine. You see their teeth turn gray? That's because all that cocaine has gone down, gone into the nerves, and is leaking into the nerves out the teeth, and it turns the teeth gray.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh no, I've seen it reverse after maybe 12 years on the diet. People who had cocaine.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Filled in, yeah, but I was hoping for that, but I probably had so much chemo and radiation, so much mercury in my days from all the vaccines that I had, especially tetanus, I hadn't been able to regenerate. One kid, I put him, he was 25 years old, no he was 22 years old, he had a huge cavity pop out, and a year it was completely filled in. You know? I'm not like that. I'm too toxic. You know, that would be wonderful.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Probably.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, I remember one girl who had cancer and was vomiting a lot, and her saliva was fowler than the oldest meat, high meat that I've ever smelled. It was worse than the Eskimo stuff that they unburied. And she had to spit it out. If she swallowed it, she would have been vomiting more. When she did swallow it, she did vomit more.

Q: What do you brush your teeth with?

A: I usually brush it with cream or butter or milk.

Q: Not mixed with the clay?

A: You can if you would like to polish your teeth, help get rid of some heavier plaques. If you had it deep down in your gums, mix a little powdered clay, you know, like the Aztec secret clay with the butter or cream, and that will act as a jeweler's rouge and polish the teeth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, sun-dried.

Q: Do you know, when I first started the diet, my teeth were really sensitive, but I couldn't brush my teeth without really having so much pain that it took a half hour for it to go away. Why is that? Now they're not sensitive at all.

A: Did you hear her question? When she went on the diet, her teeth were so sensitive that she was sensitive to cold drinks, anything. Severe pain and sensitivity in the teeth. She's a cosmetologist. She's been around hairspray, heavy metals, also the aerosol contamination. It went into your brain. A lot of it goes into the brain because you're inhaling it. It goes into the brain and it comes out the teeth, damages the nerve.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Contaminated, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Go up to Alaska and rustle one down.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Still having that. What I just said in the book was take some water, good water, with minerals in it, heavy minerals, and put a little bit, you know, 5% honey in it. And you spray that on there and the heavy metals in the mineral water react with the honey and make it just like it's hairspray.

Q: How long will it last?

A: Well, if you refrigerate it, it will last longer.

Q: How much honey?

A: It will cause a fermentation when that much water is mixed with honey.

Q: Speaking of books, when's your book coming out?

A: What book? I'm not doing any more books. I talked with the editor last night. This is the third time she's claimed that she's lost the book on her computer. So, you know, I have to resend it to her. She promised me in a week to have it back. So, that'll be the last time through. It should be going to the people who do the indexing and they promised it would only take 10 days. So, five weeks and go to the printer. And that's what I'll be issuing. As soon as I send it off to the indexers, I will issue to everyone a form that you can fill out to get one, you know, to reserve and copy right away because the publisher is only going to print 4,000 copies. I got it from 3,200 to 4,000 copies and we've got about 5,000 people who say they want it. So, some people aren't going to get it. So, the quicker you get in your payment and form in, you'll be able to get it right away. Otherwise, you may not get it until November or December, which would be the next printing, provided that all the copies are filled. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I will issue it to everyone from the website.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: He says people say they want something, but when they put the money where their mouth is, it usually is a small percentage of those who say they want it. So, that's the situation. But I think that people are asking me every freaking day about it. A lot of people want it.

Q: I want to say about the blue-green algae first that I called and they told me that...

A: That's not a time to go into it. Not a time. When you have the blue-green algae, we can even talk about it. Until the blue-green algae gets here, we don't even want to talk about it. The last time we got all this preparation, she and I did a tremendous amount of work. We got the blue-green algae here frozen. So, I don't even want to talk about the blue-green algae until it gets here.

Q: Alright, so there's another thing on the horizon that's getting to mix in. [unintelligible]

A: It's still not something we want to talk about. We'll talk about that before or after. Okay?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah. Cadmium. Cadmium, aluminum, mercury. You're getting everything from that. You can always wear a mask. Always wear a mask. They won't prevent you from wearing a mask. If you feel self-conscious around all these macho guys that are out there shooting, she's an officer, Sheriff's Department, right? You can always take some wet cotton balls, wet with your saliva, not wet with water, because you want it to be mucousy. Then stuff those up your nose and breathe slowly through your nose. Just get used to the slow rhythm of breathing slowly because you can't breathe fast. Breathe slowly, deeply, hold it, and then exhale. That will allow you to breathe normally and get enough oxygen while you're doing the shooting and filter out a lot of the contamination.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I know people who do. Even if you just cover your face with a silk cloth, you prevent a lot of it from going into your lungs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As an antiseptic. So you have to get a non-sterilized cotton ball, like furniture cotton, organic cotton. If it's organic cotton. It's not going to be contaminated. I think there are some facial cottons that you can get from health food stores, or cotton balls that are organic. If they're organic, that means they're not sterilized with mercury. Remember, the pharmaceutical industry loves to use mercury as an antibiotic and an antiseptic. Yes, Roger.

Q: Earlier you said that the nuts were not good. Do you want to expand upon that?

A: I didn't say that they weren't good. I said that all nuts contain enzyme inhibitors which prevent you from eating, from digesting, utilizing and assimilating protein from 36 to 48 hours after eating it, unless you eat it in a combination with other foods which inhibits the enzyme inhibitors, such as my nut formula, which is nuts, egg, honey, butter, or coconut cream. That combination.

Q: These are raw nuts?

A: Correct. It has to be raw nuts.

Q: But not almonds?

A: Almonds are too difficult to digest. Softer ones like walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, sunflower seeds.

Q: What about [unintelligible]?

A: Pardon?

Q: What about [unintelligible]?

A: No, because then you turn it into a vegetable. And then you have other enzyme inhibitors that don't mix with what I just described.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Powdered. What you do is you put it in the butter or the cream, in about two parts butter, two parts cream, to one part the clay. And I mean we're talking about, let's say, six drops of butter or clay, unless you're making a batch, you keep it in the refrigerator, then you make a larger batch. So it should be about one-third clay to two-thirds cream or butter. And that makes a great dental...

Q: And that'll make your teeth whiter?

A: I doubt it. The whiteness comes, again, from the toxicity that's coming from the brain or the mandible going into the nerves. So I mean over the years, if you clean out those nerves, and you have nerves and tubules that go in to the tooth without fillings, of course their circulation can change over the compound of the tooth to make it white. Otherwise, no, it won't change it a bit.

Q: Are there any natural toothpaste that you approve of?

A: No. They all contain mercury.

Q: Even the ones from the health food stores?

A: Yep. They say, tell your children not to swallow toothpaste. Warning notice on it, do not swallow it.

Q: It doesn't say mercury on it.

A: Because it's trace amounts, they don't have to unless it's a certain amount.

Q: What about hydrogen peroxide?

A: For the teeth? Well, you burn your gums. It damages cells, and it burns. But you put it on your skin, and it'll cause a white spot because it's burned the cells.

Q: What about drinking hydrogen peroxide?

A: Not a good idea. I said in my book certain people could use maybe five drops of hydrogen peroxide in a certain solution, but that was just certain people. I haven't seen any of those who... rarely.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I just said, I spent a whole time talking about it. So if you missed it, you need to talk to somebody else. Clay and butter and cream.

Q: What about mouthwash?

A: Lemon or lime is great for mouthwash.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, lemon or lime works better. Yeah, just squeeze it in and mix it around and chase it with some, you know, spit it out with some bubbly water. That really works.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that helps that. You can rinse it with some, like, Gerolsteiner, Perrier, Ramlosa, one of those.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That really won't cleanse the toxicity out of the mouth, but it'll help the smell of the mouth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, the parsley helps break, you know, like I said in my book, parsley is a thing to, it reduces something and helps break down [unintelligible] in the mouth. And then you can use ginger, all those things will help. Bad breath. Did you have a question? Standing up back there. You.

Q: No, I didn't.

A: No, okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes.

A: Okay.

Q: [unintelligible]

[audio cut]

Q: [unintelligible, same person as above]

A: Well, as I was talking about, fecal matter is the only thing that I've seen stop that kind of metastasis. When you metastasize that much, that means it's pretty fast growing, pretty fast. I can't imagine that they're, you know, benign if you have that in any various areas. I have seen it occasionally, but not, you know, not very often. Benign tumors, very hard to dissolve. Coconut cream is your best. Using coconut cream with a little bit of pineapple is helpful to dissolve tumors. But with that many, it all depends. See, when the cells go malignant, that's a good thing, because only malignant tumors can dissolve overnight. Because when the malignant tumor, the malignant cell has like a battery acid in it, and mostly in tumors you have one live cancer cell surrounded by 50 dead cells. The cancer cell is like a hermit, like a monk. It's very psychic, it can keep the body in communication with that area. So it can keep that body, that part of the body alive even though it's in this state of disease. Benign tumor can't do that. There's no connection with that area of the body. So when the cancer cell dies, it sends out the serum and dissolves all the cells around it. That's why you can have remission overnight and dissolve within 2-7 days of each tumor. Like they did at the University of Toronto using E. coli, verotoxin to dissolve brain tumors in 2-7 days, including the vessels going to them, the tumors. So, fecal matter is your best way to make sure that it stops it. If you go in for a biopsy, you're opening yourself to a tremendous amount of metastases.

Q: [unintelligible] I knew not to jump into that, but I'm at the point where I think, well, won't I die if I don't go to a Western doctor and do something? I would never take radiation. [unintelligible] I saw this many years ago. [unintelligible] I know that people can do okay with surgery and they remove the tumor in their body, and when somebody else dies right away, I don't know that kind of thing.

A: Well, you said that you may have tumors in many areas of your body, it's just not one. If you've got them in many areas of your body, you can count on, you're going to be one of those people who suffer. It doesn't matter whether you have it or not. Enjoy your life while you're here. Every time a client comes to me, count on dying, and do what it takes not to die. Like when I went through my stuff, I wanted to die. I was in so much pain, I was so crippled by those fucking doctors and their drugs, that I was crawling around on my elbows like a worm. And it was a miserable life, and I was always in pain. Severe back pain, intestinal pain, leg pain. That's what they did to me, and I just chose that I would never go to them again, I would rather die. And the people who die on this diet, die usually pretty pleasantly.

Q: Well, let me ask you something.

A: If they don't make it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I wouldn't say that entirely, because some people feel that they have to do it. It is my approach that I would never do it. Never. If it's my time to go, I'll go. But most people who are on this diet and have cancer, reverse it. Because they haven't had chemo or radiation. I'm telling you, now that I've been working since the book's been published, the people who have had chelation, radiation, and surgery, the reversal rate is way down to about 60%, and I'm not even at 5 years yet. So it could go down to 50%, 40%. Still better than the medical profession, because theirs is around 11%, 17% survival, after 5 years. Yes?

Q: One time you shared that if people did nothing at all, that that 50% or 60%...

A: 76%, according to the, yeah, would reverse on their own. But that was back in the, through the 40s, 50s, and 60s, we have about 4,200 more chemicals that we're exposed to, a lot more contamination. So, you know, the rate, I would say, probably 60% would naturally reverse if people did nothing. Because cancer is like a flu. You know, it's a collection of dead cells. Once your liver gets working again, makes the proper solvents to dissolve the dead cells, your body doesn't collect them anymore. There's no tumor. They reverse. They go away.

Q: A lot of people have it, not know it.

A: Oh, yeah. Yeah, most people go through cancer 3 or 4 or 5 times in their life, and never know it. And since they don't know it, never have a problem with it, they're never diagnosed, and there's no harm. When you go to the doctor, let me tell you, they're trained to terrorize you. And they do. They terrorize you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No way. Do you know how fast the FDA would come down on me?

Q: She would have the fecal matter, wouldn't it be helpful to do it?

A: Yeah, I would definitely recommend that she does get the fecal matter. Definitely.

Q: Well, Aajonus, when you mentioned the oysters, you said there's good fecal matter in the oysters...

A: But it's so small, for her that's not enough. That's not enough. Not for her. Not in a situation like that.

Q: Maybe she'd have to have a half a pound of it.

A: Well, no, I'd recommend that she had an ounce every day for 5 days off, 6 days, long 5 days, and then maybe 3 months later doing it again. Just seeing how it does. She may need it more, depending on if she keeps metastasizing.

Q: Should anyone do it even if they don't have cancer?

A: Certainly, because most everybody has cancer. It's not detected yet.

Q: Everybody has a cancer.

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, because then you'll damage the bacteria. You'll kill the bacteria. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]


A: Let me tell you, if you like overcooked broccoli mixed with Brussels sprouts, you would love it. That would make me vomit.

Q: Could you hypnotize someone to believe that they're eating something really delicious?

A: You know, you do that against the law. You can get in trouble practicing psychology without a license. Talk to this man about that.

Q: Could you talk about the differences between high red meat, high fish, and high chicken?

A: Well, just like in building, the high bacteria in the different meats will help break down the toxicity in those tissues. Chicken and all fowl relates to all tissue in the body that is not red and deep red in the body. Glands like liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas are all deep red. They're affected by red meat. Beef, lamb, buffalo, venison, all of those. White meats like rabbit, fowl, apply to lymphatic system, skin, bone, cartilage, neurological tissue, including the myelin, skin, hair. All of that is more affected by those white meats. The tissue of the brain, the actual inner workings of the brain, the fluids of the brain are affected more by fish. Seafood. So if you have high fish, you'll help detoxify the inner workings of the brain and neurological system better. If you have other white meats like the fowl and the rabbit, it will detoxify the skin, the lymph, everything else that I mentioned. And the beef, of course the darker organs, the blood and the muscles. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Oh, well, I'm relatively new.

A: Have you read the book?

Q: I read your book about three weeks ago.

A: Okay, then you get to ask your question.

Q: Oh, absolutely. Okay, well, my problem for, I've been on one sort of a health team, and you got a lot more real to me after I read your book, because I know you've been through all those. I reached a point about ten years ago, I just couldn't get any, you know, whatever I tried, I couldn't get any better. And then I had a back injury, and I've had too much weight since then. And I'm happy to hear that, you know, the weight is okay, the weight is not necessarily something that you see as a problem, but it is to me.

A: But your weight is a problem if you've got a back injury.

Q: Yeah, well, that's gotten steadily better, actually.

A: Good.

Q: I'm happy with, you know.

A: You lose the weight and gain a different weight, but you should never get that big off a back injury. On this diet.

Q: Okay.

A: Usually the heaviest people get at your age is maybe 35 pounds overweight.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: And you're about 50.

Q: Yeah, I'm actually, I'm embarrassed, I'm actually quite small boned.

A: No, you're not.

Q: It's even heavier than I thought.

A: Let me see your wrist. You're not small boned.

Q: Oh, really?

A: No, you're not. Not small boned at all. Not small boned at all.

Q: What, is there, what am I doing, what am I doing that, what should I be doing with your diet to get specifically, but it's like old weight, it hasn't, you know.

A: Well, you need to put on some good fat first.

Q: Okay.

A: It's a whole diet plan if you're asking for something like that.

Q: No, but it's.

Q: You need to make an appointment with him.

Q: No, no, no, and I don't mean to, you know, get around, you know, I need to do that, that's for sure, but I want, I can be on this diet, in other words, whatever it is that's been keeping the weight will come off on the diet.

A: Will come off, yeah.

Q: Oh, okay, great, all right. So I don't have to be, you know, I don't want to stay heavy.

A: Right, yeah.

Q: Okay.

A: Usually when you're that overweight, you will lose weight on the diet, come to a point, gain some. Back and forth for a little bit and then start taking it off.

Q: Okay.

A: And usually after about four years, never have to get that big on the diet. I like, I allow women to go, you know, don't allow, I like women to gain at least 12 pounds over their normal weight. Men, I ask them to do 15 to 30, I'd ask women to do that, but they're too vain. And they're a lot healthier, a lot healthier, once you gain that excess weight, just like Frank, you finally reach that high point, and he says, God, I know what you're talking about, feels so good. Big difference. When it's through all fat. How long has Frank been on it now?

Q: Oh, a long time. Two years? Oh, how long has he been on the diet?

A: Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Year and eight months. Now I remember when Frank called, Arlene was in the background, and he said, you know, I think about going on your diet, and my wife thinks you're out of your mind. And Arlene's in the back, don't do that diet, don't do that diet, what are you crazy, you're going to get really sick.


A: I hear Arlene in the back doing this whole thing, and Frank's trying to have a conversation from it, because she's wild in the background.

Q: That's when I weighed 105.

A: Yes. Right. Yeah, so she's calmer and happier, and she's on the diet too.

Q: The weight gain you're talking about. Is it distributed?

A: Yes, his is very nicely distributed. And usually in women, it may, if you have a lot of, women because of the high hormonal content around this area, they store lots of their toxic, they have more fat to bind with more toxins. And if it's a bad cholesterol, it'll store in certain areas, and it's usually around in here where they're generating a lot of hormones to bind with the poison. Especially if they're on a fat-free diet, or limit their fats, they're going to use hormones to chelate with poison instead of normal fats, blood fats. So the store in these areas cause cellulite, and it'll dry up, and it'll get harder and just keep growing, because the body will build on to it. And then when you have to go and dissolve it, it dissolves a little layer at a time, so it causes swelling temporarily, so you have this puffing out for two and a half to three years, like I say in the book. And then it goes away, unless you have cesarean, then it could last for eight to ten years.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you don't have enough blood fats in you. That's why I like people to gain weight during that period, so that they'll chelate with them, so they won't have a problem with them. And they'll get rid of them, otherwise you're just going to stir them up in the blood, get them panicky, upset, depressed, angry, and then go right back into this tissue again. Into the organs, usually. Pulls it out of here, put them into wherever there's fat. And if the fat's in the glands, that's where it'll go.

Q: So I'm one of those people that was really on low fat diet, [unintelligible]?

A: It can, because if your body wants to use those hormones to help you burn that, get rid of it, it definitely will.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You already had a question, right? I have to finish the room. You have a question? I'll give you the next one. Penny's first, the lady in the family's first.

Q: [unintelligible] And it's still a little swollen, and it doesn't bend all the way, and it's still [unintelligible].

A: The bruised tissue is not coming out quickly enough. You have a lot of stored toxic fats in your body, so your minerals are probably being absorbed a lot around there. So if you want to increase the healing to that finger, get a hot water bottle, wrap it in like a gauze cloth, I mean like a flannel pillowcase, and just put your hand on top of it while you sleep, or while you're sitting down anywhere. And it will force circulation in that area, and force healing in that area. Anytime you want to force healing in a particular area, use hot water bottles, never a heating pad. A heating pad contains EMFs, electromagnetic fields, and it causes molecular change of cells, which are destructive. And they don't reproduce properly, so it causes more adhesion.

Q: Likewise, you would not agree with heating blankets, or electric blankets, nothing electrical in the body.

A: Correct.

Q: Are space heaters okay?

A: Keep them three feet away from you. They also cause electromagnetic fields in the air. I don't think it's a good idea. It's better to use, if you're going to use something like that, use the, you know, like the radiators, the oil fills. They're less contaminating. Or gas.

Q: If you cut your finger, just put a hot water bottle on it?

A: No, you don't put it on top of the hand, because then it'll cut the circulation off. You put your hand on top of the hot water bottle. The heat will radiate up into the hand.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The what?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's not good. If you put in, I put my EMF gauss meter on there. Very high.

Q: Is it like a massage chair?

A: Electric one. An electric massage chair.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yep, it's got a motor that runs it. And the motor's right under here. And they'll put out EMS for up to, you know, three feet.

Q: What about elevators if you go in?

A: That's very brief.

Q: And escalators.

A: Yeah, but it's brief.

Q: Do these things help?

A: [unintelligible] Robert. Is Robert not here?

Q: I'm right behind you.

Q: Do these things help, as far as the EMFs are concerned? Do you know?

A: Is that a magnetic?

Q: No.

A: You know, Nikken's got these magnetic patches and pocket things. That'll help pull some of it out and regulate your system a little bit. Their beds work to an extent, as long as you don't overdo it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Nikon, N-I-K-O-N.

Q: So the Q-Link is something you'd recommend?

A: What?

Q: Q-Link. This is a Q-Link.

A: What is that? I don't know what a Q-Link is.

Q: Okay, no sense in going into the, you know, if you don't know what it is.

A: But I may. If the Q-Link, I'm not familiar with that name, but I know about the magnetic.

Q: It's supposed to regulate the magnetic field so they're no longer damaging to the body.

A: Okay, I would have to investigate it because I don't know about that.

Q: Nikon.

A: Pardon?

Q: Nikon. Is that okay?

A: Yes.

Q: N-I-K-O-N.

A: N-I-K-O-N, yes.

Q: Where do you get those?

A: Look in the phone book.

A: There are a lot of them.

Q: N-I-K-K-E-N.

A: N-I-K-E-N, is it?

Q: N-I-K-K-E-N.

A: K-K-E-N. Yeah. That's right. Nikon, get a camera. Nikken, right.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, clay does contain some, what is that, ultraviolet rays? And they do contain magnetic fields. And I have seen them work. I've seen the blankets. Nikken has them also, which has the clay in them, which helps the magnetics and the ultraviolet light, which helps people heal. So those can be beneficial. Just remember, don't overdo anything. When I was doing tests on them between 1990 and 1993, I found that if people were sleeping on the bed every night more than five hours, after about six weeks it caused more of a toxic effect on this diet. If you're on a toxic cooked diet, of course they're always having more toxins and more electromagnetic problems. So it's beneficial for them to be on it eight hours a day, every day, and it's fine. But on this diet, you don't want to be on it more than five hours a day for about six weeks, and then off for about six weeks, and on and off. It would probably be safer to do six weeks on, six weeks off, three weeks on, six weeks off, three weeks on, six weeks off, a pattern like that. And it's a thing you put under your blankets and stuff, with a pad over the magnetic cushion.

Q: I just wanted to ask, you said ultraviolet light is good for you?

A: No, ultraviolet when it's from clay.

Q: Oh.

A: Not the, not light. Sunlight, yes, but not from a synthetic light source.

Q: Oh, I got it.

Q: Not from a tanning bed.

A: No, those are very toxic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The first time was in 1975 when I met the eskimos. I was, I still had bone cancer, blood and bone cancer, it was coming back again. I was traveling around on a bicycle all over the United States, Mexico and Canada and Alaska. Looking, you know, living with different tribes and animals, alligators, coyotes, you know, chipmunks, and studied them in different tribal groups. Well, when I went to Alaska, this was in September of 75, it was getting cold, you know, Alaska gets cold pretty quickly, you know, in September. And it was getting down to about 48 degrees at night. If, with my multiple myeloma was surging, if the temperature went below 48 degrees, I was crippled. I was in so much pain I couldn't move, couldn't move even my finger. I couldn't twitch my ears, you know, my eyebrows or anything without, you know, severe pain. And so I would keep very warm at night, as warm as I could. As soon as the sun went down, I got bundled. But they tried to give me the raw meat like crazy up there and I wouldn't do it because I was a die-hard vegetarian. And I had such ill reactions to cooked meat. It never dawned on me, even though there was a difference between all raw foods and cooked foods, that it would be okay raw meat. So I refused to do it. And one day they dug up these pouches, these things that were wrapped in hide and buried under the ground between two and six inches that stunk horribly. I mean, and they had somebody downwind and they could tell, you know, how bad it stunk. If it didn't stink a half a mile downwind, it wasn't ready. They were wrapped and put back in the ground. So I was there. You know, when I got there, they started doing this. And I looked at it. What the hell is this? You know, I thought maybe it was some herbs or something. Because when they unwrapped it, I could see this green mold and white and black molds. I didn't know that meat did that. I had no consciousness that meat had those kind of molds growing on it. So when it came time that it was ripe, the smell was so horrific that I couldn't get within five feet of it without wanting to vomit. And all the children around, they smelled it. They were so excited and jumping up and down like they're crazy. And, you know, the adults are all happy. This shit is so bad, I'm saying to myself, oh my God. I thought it was, you know, I thought they were herbs. They had rotted. They put some kind of mulch in them, some kind of seaweed in them, you know, to do this. Because it smelled so badly. It did smell slightly animal, so I figured it was seaweed. You know how seaweed can stink horribly. Because it's part animal. Like a mushroom is part animal and part plant. So, you know, they unwrapped it and gave me about a golf ball sized, ping pong, golf ball sized amount. And I had to put cotton balls up my nose with musk oil in them. Shrew balls, sperm, you know. So I pushed it up my nose. You know, that smelled good, but still I could barely detect it, but I was able to eat it. And within about, oh, two or three hours, all of a sudden, all my joints felt warm. And this was in the late afternoon, when the sun was starting to go down. And I stayed there a total of 28 days, and I was not crippled in pain. I mean, I was in pain, but I was not crippled for that whole time. Now later, years later, when I read the culture and what they wrap in those hides and buried, I found out it was meat. So I realized that I had eaten meat, but this wasn't until the early 80s. And that's when I started molding other foods. Molding high meat. I started making, I was molding everything after that. I was molding grains, I was molding everything. Making my own LSD.