Q&A Of June 3, 2007

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: They never used to have motorcycle police sheriffs on Sundays, and now they have.

Q: What did they get you for?

A: Huh?

Q: What did they get you for?

A: 62 in a 50.

Q: Oh my God.

Q: That roller skate goes that fast?

A: Yes, yes it does.

Q: It was going down.

A: Okay, so I guess what I'm going to do is tell you about my accident in Thailand. I had worked a week in Bangkok and decided to take a five-day vacation in Jomtien, which is on the coast, the Gulf Coast. And I rented a motorcycle. I used to own three motorcycles, and when I moved to Los Angeles, I got rid of all of them because of crazy people on the roads. I got run off by a Mack truck one time off the freeway. So here I am 35 years later or 40 years later. I decide to rent a big Harley, peaceful little town, and these five or six tourists jumped right out in the street, right in front of me, no crosswalk, no intersection, no driveway in a business district, they just jumped right out in the road. And I had about 23 feet to stop or take a chance on killing two of them and spending my life in Thai jail or hitting the pavement. So I buried the bike into the pavement because I had so little time. So when I hit the pavement, it was asphalt. So it grabbed my butt, of course, pulled it this way, and the 350, 370-pound bike pulled my leg that way. So I thought the leg was ripped off. I was afraid to look down because the bike went that way, and I was pulled back this way. Even though I kept sliding, I took all the skin off of here all the way down the back, all the way off the side, all the way up here. I was wearing shorts and sandals. So I lied on the street. I couldn't even get off the street, the pain was so bad. Looked down, saw my leg there, and there was a big knot here and a big knot here because I had ripped the tendon. This one, you know, we've got two rope tendons here to really keep that leg together, to be able to run and jump and do all the things that we do. It had ripped this one this way and this one ripped this way, so I had big knots, the tendons were ripped here and here. And of course, you know, no skin over here. Shaved off, as you can see, this heel bone is larger than this heel bone because the asphalt shaved it down, shaved a little bit of this elbow down and this bone too. I mean, it took all the skin and the muscle with it. So I was lying there, and this one woman that saw it came over and said, well, I'll call an ambulance. And I said, no, no, no. And everybody around was freaking out because I don't want an ambulance. And they can see I'm, you know, I'm bleeding and, you know, a mess all over in the leg. I can't even get off the street, I'm in so much pain. So traffic's going around me. And even the police didn't even stop, just kept going around me as they went past. So after about 30 minutes, the pain was excruciating, but low enough for me to get into a cab. And there a cab is a pickup truck with a frame on it and two metal seats on either side. So I got down and crawled up in it and got down into the back of the bed and went back to the hotel, which was about three miles away. And that lady who, a 37-year-old Thai lady, she arranged for two motorbike taxi drivers to, you know, one follow the other with a motorcycle and take it back to the hotel. So that got all arranged. And I went back to the hotel and I took lime juice and I washed it all out because I had asphalt and, you know, gravel and everything all in that, it was black in places. So I kept putting the lime juice on it to wash it in my leg and burned like hell. But lime is an antiseptic and what it does is when it gets into, gets around some foreign object it surrounds it and even though it may not come out the skin right away, when it comes out, it'll come out, I've got a little bit of a raise right here from one of the particles and it'll come out as a scab in another week. So right now it's just a piece of pavement that's in there, it's coming out, so it's still coming out. But most of it came out within the first two weeks. So after I put the lime juice on it, I put coconut cream and then honey on top of that and then my leg, I thought by, you know, two hours that the pain would subside but it didn't. So I thought, well, my leg is out of place. So I said, get a cab, asked the girl to get a cab in the hotel to call a cab. So they didn't call a cab, they called the ambulance. The ambulance came, picked me up, four attendants and a driver, it cost me $12.50 to be taken to the hospital with all these people, I mean, Jesus, here it'll cost, what, $1,500? So I go to the hospital and the intern looks at my leg and he says, I'm not touching that. And I said, well, I just want you to put it in place, he says, I can't even tell where it is, you know, because you got, you know, a knot and it looked all mangled. So I said, and he said, I'm not going to do anything without an x-ray and the surgeon that I'm going to call, you know, to come in and take a look at it, he's not going to do anything without an x-ray too. And I said, okay, you get two shots because I don't want the radiation, you know, preventing me from healing. And it's going to, so I'm going to have as little as possible so you get one shot this way and one shot that way and that's it, you better make them count. So I had the two x-rays done and the big bone here, the tibia, which is about as big as my fist, and the bone runs down all the way down here and then you have another smaller one that runs down the back, well, the tibia had been split down this way. So split that badly, split in two and it was about a quarter of an inch or a little bit more, couldn't tell at the angle how bad it was, but it was at least a quarter of an inch separated at the back. And then the tibia goes like this up into the joint where the, you know, the femur sits on top of the tibia like this. So it had broken the pyramid off and split it in two and fragmented pieces around there. So obviously when I hit, the bike snapped it this way and broke it, the tibia, I mean the, yeah, the tibia tip. So they looked at the x-ray and I looked at the x-ray with them and I thought, oh shit, you know, I don't know if my body is going to do this one, and they said, you know, you'll never walk again if you don't have surgery, we have to clean that out, you've got those little bitty pieces in there, you're going to stab the nerves, you will never be able to even set your leg down, you know. And you certainly can't put a cast on it, you know, unless you have surgery, and I said, I had a cast when I was nine years old and it stayed on for over twelve weeks and it drove me crazy, I couldn't get into water and I love water, I couldn't take a bath, I couldn't do anything, so there's no way I want a cast. So nothing was done, I went back to the hotel, put more lime juice on it and coconut cream and honey, and then I put meat over it, and then, you know, got some gauze, stopped on the way back from the hotel and the taxi driver and the girl went in and bought me gauze and tape, so taped that all up, all the way up into the back and all the way down the leg. The places where muscle as well as skin was gone, I put thin slices of beef over those, like here and here, where the bone was partially gone, here and here, and up here, and then down here, and in two weeks it completely sealed, completely sealed. I have a Thai girlfriend there, so I had two Thai women helping me 24/7, you know, help getting my leg, lifting it and getting it off the bed, into the wheelchair, to the bathroom and then getting on crutches to get to the bath, and we're only talking short distances but the pain was excruciating. So they had to lift the leg to get it into the bath and out of the bathtub. So that went on for about two weeks and then after about two weeks or 10 days, 12 days, I started being able to lift with my other leg like this and getting around like that. So by four weeks I was walking on crutches with just a little bit of weight on the foot and then six weeks I was without crutches walking, you know, to the beach and going swimming in the beach. After about three and a half weeks I decided to go into the pool at the hotel to exercise the leg in the swimming pool, and after four and a half, five days of that I started getting earaches and sore throats, sinus infections because of the chlorine, and you know, the way I was in I thought, oh shit, you know, I need this exercise, and the beach was, you know, the hotel was on this bend, this corner, and the swimming pool was right there on the property and the beach is only across the street and down a steep stairs and I'm at the beach. So it wasn't far to go, so I just said to hell with the swimming pool. As soon as I started going into the ocean, exercising there, no, you know, all the earaches and everything went away, you know, the swimmer's earaches and it's all from chlorine, chloroform that you inhale, and the only down part to the ocean was they've got these kind of jelly things that are in the ground and if you step on them, you know, your whole leg will get lost down in there, and a few times while I was walking to get exercise in the ocean and it got caught in there so I had to pull it out and it would just snap the whole leg apart again, because it only took a week for the tendons to grow back. Now the pain there, the bone, there was almost no pain to the bone, it was where the tendons were torn, where all that pain was in my knee.

Q: How long did you [unintelligible].

A: Two weeks, yeah, it was twenty-four hours a day. What I did was every time I got into the bath, of course all the gauze and everything would, and the tape would come off, so-

Q: You went into the bath with that on?

A: Oh yeah, let me tell you, the only place I could get rid of the pain, you have to understand, when I hit that pavement, I bruised my sciatica, so my whole sciatica was swollen almost double its size, so I could only sleep on this side, and in there, twenty-four hours in a bed, it was just painful, so I'd go into a bathtub and I could sleep in the bathtub, no pain, I'd put like, you know, Gati, which is coconut cream over there, they make everywhere, you know, and I paid something like sixty cents a quart, you know, sixty cents a liter for it, so I'd put, you know, three or four cups in my bathtub and go in and out of there all day long, because even if it were a cool bath, it was nice because in Thailand it's eighty-two, eighty-four degrees in the winter, you know, so, you know, I'd either make it warm or cool, depending upon the pain that I experienced, so that would take most of the pain away, and then I could go back and sleep in the bed for about an hour to an hour and a half at a time, and then go back in the tub and sleep there for two hours or three hours.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: How often did you change the meat?

A: Usually I'd just keep that same piece of meat on for twenty-four hours, you know, just change the gauze and all of that, however, each time I'd change the gauze, the meat would come off, new coconut cream there and honey, and then the meat would go on top, and then when the skin started sealing over enough, then I'd just use the coconut cream and the honey and no meat, just gauze over that, and the gauze, what I did was dip it in the coconut cream, or the girls did, dip it in the coconut cream to get it sopping, and then put some butter on top of that so there was no way it would heal, or even scab, I wouldn't allow it to scab, and in two weeks the thing was completely sealed over, you know, just a little red spot here and a little bit of white scarring there, because it took part of the bone out, you know, here, so when it just scraped along the pavement, so you can see that, that's all that's left, and here you can see a few spots here, here, here, elbow, a few spots left, but both of these Thai women had been in motorcycle accidents and they had big gnarly scars, you know, from theirs, so when they saw me heal like this, they got a wheelchair for me and we went places, you know, to get some stuff for my computer because I was having computer problems, and they would tell everybody, they'd stop everybody and tell them about the lime juice and the coconut cream and the honey, you know, how it would heal, because they couldn't believe it, it would heal in two weeks to seal over, and their accidents weren't anything that bad, you know, and I was walking, and you know, without crutches in about five and a half weeks, without pain in six and a half weeks, and what happened was after about a week, during the first week, all of the muscle in this thigh went away, so I had just hanging flesh on this bone, and the body took all of that meat and flesh and made a cast from here all the way down to here, so my leg was just solid as if I had a cast inside, the leg was solid all the way, and then as soon, after about four weeks, when it started receding from my foot up and from here down, my muscle came out, and it gradually did, so the body is fascinating what it can do, so, and I didn't have any surgery, and I have the x-rays to prove everything. So, okay, that's my story, so that's how you can get well quickly if you're eating this diet, and that's how you can mend wounds quickly. Okay, questions and answers. You give the answers, let me ask the questions.


Q: I've been hearing these bird pandemic advertisements like crazy last week, every day, four or five times on the radio.

A: Well, you have to understand, they've got this swine flu vaccine already now, so they want to scare as many people into taking these vaccines as possible.

Q: It's a very scary way they talk.

A: Oh, yes, absolutely.

Q: Very serious.

A: And let me tell you, there's no pandemic. All birds have viruses today because of all the pesticides we have, all the diseased bugs that they eat, so they can't use parasites and bacteria to cleanse themselves anymore. They have to use viruses, and I guess I'll explain it for those people who haven't been here before. The body uses parasites, bacteria, fungus, and virus to cleanse the body. When parasites are used, they can eat 100 times their weight in 24 hours, and their waste is 1 to 2 percent, 5 at most. So that's like you eating 100 pounds of food in a day and having a 2 to 5 pound crap the next day, bowel movement. It's pretty efficient. That's what I want, eating the garbage in my body. Bacteria are next. They can eat 50 times their weight in a 24-hour period, and they have about 5 percent waste. Still very efficient. Fungus, they have about 10 to 20 percent waste depending upon the fungus, so that's a greater amount, but still they can consume a mass amount. And there's this mycelium that goes in like a milky substance, dissolving dried, dead arteries, capillaries, veins, arteries of the lymphatic system or nervous system. Anything that's dried and hardened, fungus does that the best. If you can get a parasite to do that, it is rare because parasites are usually too big to eat things like that, so it's left to either bacteria or fungus. When the body is so poisoned that no life form can eat that tissue and remove it from your body, then the body makes virus. A virus is a solvent. There's no nucleus, there's no respiratory system. Viruses are not alive. You can put them in a fertilized petri dish and they will not multiply at all. Just the exact amount you put in there is what you will find incubated years later. Once you put a live cell, a tissue cell, in that environment, then of course the cells start producing the virus. But of course the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to think that it's making its own soaps. They want you to think that they're multiplying because they're attacking you. And the true sense is that they're soaps. You've got laundry detergent in every house. Is laundry detergent contagious? No. It's something we produce to clean things with. It's a soap. It's a solvent. So that's what the cells do when they can't use the help of parasites, bacteria and fungus. The birds out there are so poisoned by our air and contamination, they're using an awful lot of virus these days and very little bacteria and very little parasites. So just like the human race is the same way. We have very few bacterial poisons and when we have bacterial infections, which are detoxification, very little amounts of bacteria are involved anymore. Very small colonies, most of it's viral. And the sicker we get, the more contaminated we get, the less bacteria, fungus and the parasites we will be able to utilize. So then we rely on virus. And like any solvent, when you use a solvent, you always dilute it with water. So when you're like in your garage floor, you put down the solvent to get out the grease. And when you wipe that up, you've got a pail of solvent and the grease. So you've got two kinds of contamination spread out in this fluid. So you've expanded the contamination rather than shrink it, as bacteria, parasites and fungus do. They reduce the amount of waste product to a very small amount for the body to have to clean its system, especially overtaxing the lymphatic system, which is supposed to be responsible for cleaning everything in the body. But because we're so toxic, the bloodstream gets involved. Bloodstream gets involved in feeding the body when it's the lymphatic system's job. Lymphatic is supposed to feed every cell in the body, except for the red and white blood cells that are in the blood. It does feed those that are growing and maturing in the bone marrow, but not in the bloodstream. So the lymphatic system is responsible for cleaning and feeding every area of the body except for the bloodstream. When it can't do that, the blood gets involved in a lot of other jobs it's not meant to do. Of course, that takes away from the cell's ability to transport oxygen to cells and to relieve the carbon dioxide from the system. So it lowers energy. So why do you think everybody goes to Starbucks and grabs coffee or somebody's grabbing a cola? Everybody's on drugs because they have no energy because the body's not functioning properly. It's functioning at a very low rate. When I was a kid, I used to watch my grandparents' farm. People ate raw milk. They ate naturally. And they were throwing 90-pound bales 15 feet with one hand up into the loft, and somebody would be up there catching them. Each hand. Now the bales are down to 30- and 40-pound bales, and they have to be forklift. Nobody's got any energy or strength anymore. It's really sad. It's sick. And very few people are aware of it because the media doesn't give you that picture. Oh, they say we're getting better and healthier, and everybody, the human race is getting technologically evolved. They don't look at the animal health of the human body anymore, any creature. So don't worry about the bird flu.

Q: So what's the next stage? They're doing this advertising campaign really heavily.

A: Oh, well, they're getting ready. See, they've been producing this Avian flu vaccine, bird flu vaccine. And of course, Bush has already paid for it. Was it $8 billion? $9.5 billion, I think now. It's going to be something like $13 billion by the time it's finished. And this goes all into the pharmaceutical house. So they're getting ready. They've got the vaccine almost ready. They're in the packaging stage, and it'll be out in about a month.

Q: They're talking about going door to door and inoculating people.

A: Yeah, they're talking about that, but they don't have the...

Q: And they do that?

A: Yeah, Bush signed a bill, signed an executive order.

Q: How do you get out of it?

A: You don't answer the door.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, they may leave a notice for you, but they don't have the manpower. They just want you to think that if you don't go in and get it and accept it, you're going to be in trouble. And most people will believe that they're going to be in trouble if they don't do it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They probably will do it to a few people, as an example.

Q: To kids?

A: No, kids they'll just take away and vaccinate them. They'll get some court order to do it. So you just have to not answer your door.

Q: Will they go into the schools?

A: Oh, they'll definitely go into the schools. You pull your children out. During this whole period you pull your children out and homeschool them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, it is. It is. The Bush family financed Hitler. Prescott Bush ran the bank that financed Hitler in this country. When the Attorney General discovered it, he closed that bank down. Prescott Bush threatened the U.S. government and said, you will pay for this. And then he got his son, put his son in the CIA, got him put into the CIA, and became head of the CIA for 30 years.

Q: So how do we protect ourselves? Aside from running away to another country?

A: There's no other way, you know, if it gets that bad. Bush just signed last week, he signed an order that he can call martial law without Congress approval. So he can declare martial law at any time for any kind of national security and there won't be any election. He'll stay in as a dictator for as long as he deems it so. And only Congress and the House can stand up to him and say, you're not going to do this. And they're not doing it. Nobody has any cojones.

Q: When did we get this virus?

A: Pardon?

Q: When did we get this virus ourselves?

A: You can't get a bird flu virus. It's the most absurd thing in the world. I went to, when it first came out, I went with a group of doctors to Vietnam and to Cambodia and Thailand, where they said that these birds were infected. And we studied 12 at each site, couldn't find any kind of contagious virus. They were already setting this up for this line. I mean, this is a bird flu vaccine. It's all about money. Scare people and they just buy more and more drugs, more and more drugs. That's all it's about. Selling drugs. Joe, you got your question answered?

Q: Yes.

A: There you go.

Q: So the people that they're saying, oh, these people have this flu, what do they really have in your diagnosis?

A: They have a virus that's their own kind.

Q: From a weak immune system?

A: There's no such thing as an immune system in the way that the medical profession, pharmaceutical puts it out there, because they don't want you to put your finger on what is really cleaning and protecting the body. You've got your white blood cells, they protect the blood and they protect the intestinal tract, your glands, all of those things where the blood flows quickly. The lymph system is responsible for cleaning out the body. It protects the body and its tissue under the skin, in the skin, in the bones, everywhere else. And the blood takes care of the glands and the organs and the muscles and protects them. But it's all about phagocytes, whether it's phagocytes in the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. So there's no mysterious immune system. It's very simple. You've got white blood cells, which are fatty cells, phagocytes. The phagocytes eat toxic matter that is organic. Once it's organic, non-organic, then the fat cells that absorb toxicity are not phagocytes. It's just fat cells that will surround toxicity and hold onto it, not eat it. It can penetrate if it's thallium or mercury or some of the other elements, it can burn its way into the fat cell.

Q: How do we get rid of phagocytes?

A: You don't want to get rid of phagocytes. Phagocytes are your white blood cells that are eating toxic matter or foreign matter. That's the true immune system. It means that's your defense, protects you.

Q: What's the white blood cells?

A: White blood cells, which are fatty cells.

Q: And how do we increase that?

A: They're bred in the bone marrow like the red blood cells. So you have to keep your bone marrow good and healthy and eat properly. That's all it takes. If you want to increase your bone marrow health, then eat bone marrow. You get bones and dig out the bone marrow, which is something like butter, and you eat it. OK, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] Given the colony collapse disorder, the estimation is one-fourth of the colonies are affected.

A: It isn't affecting any organic beekeeper.

Q: So what's going on?

A: Well, they're using, you have to understand the pharmaceutical houses make the antibiotics that go in beehives. So the antibiotics that they're giving these beehives now are killing the bees, purposefully. Do you know how much honey is known to be healing in the world? It's a big, you know, dent in the pharmaceutical industry. Get rid of the honey and what do you have? Everybody has to go to pharma, everybody believes the only other source of healing is pharmaceuticals.

Q: So the concern on that though is the pollination of bees, right?

A: Oh, that's a big concern. And then what do you have? You have, you know, Monsanto and Dow and Gulf and Western who have their plants that don't need pollination. You know, your GMO food, so there's a plot to everything. It's all planned, it's very planned. These people are treacherous. It's like, how many years, how many millions of years, how many billions of years has, or hundreds of millions of years has this planet used manure as fertilizer? Ever since there was a living being. What happened last year? They blamed Popeye's healthy food spinach contamination on E. coli. E. coli is a natural part of your intestine. E. coli is responsible for the final breakdown of protein and fat molecules that are so small that they can feed the brain and nervous system. They've got you afraid of E. coli. So who's rewarded if they outlaw those fertilizers for general public use in commercial food? Monsanto, Dow, and anybody who's selling chemical pesticides. See, they say, we're safe, we don't have any bacteria in ours. No, you just have poisonous chemicals.

Q: However, you must have been cognizant that the manure that comes from the animals that are kept in confinement is certainly different than that.

A: It is inferior, but it grows fine. The human contamination waste is dangerous. Canada is discovering that because they have a forced fertilization of human waste in Alberta and several areas in Canada. People are coming up in arms because the food is not good. People are getting sick on eating that food.

Q: Isn't there only one, it's not the normal strain of E. coli that they're worried about.

A: The 0157h7 is a phantom. I've been to 50 places looking for it in all types of places. And the only place I could find it was at a university. I have a friend in the laboratory who gave me some. When I put an enzyme on it, which usually fractionates a virus into five sections, five parts to study it, it fractionates in two. It means it's man-made, man-spliced. So again, we've got a plot here going on, just like the AIDS. This is a very, very bad government and commercial system we have going that's running this country. The medical, which is run by the pharmaceutical industry, completely and wholly, and our food system. And the banks almost own all of it.

Q: Who do you think is going to get in it?

A: If it goes as predicted, there won't be an election. Right at the last minute, there will be some war somewhere, and then Bush will say, National Security, we can't afford to have somebody come into office who doesn't know what they're doing.

Q: And that's it.

A: It's Nazism all over again.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, to stop it, you have to make a lot of noise before it gets to that. And we have a year. And that means you have to fax every day if you fax your representatives, and every representative in Congress. You can get a program that will fax them every day. You jam up their fax machines, and they get frustrated. That's one of the reasons I got the law passed here about raw milk. I had 1,500 people faxing them every day for ten days. We shut down their offices, and they had to pay attention. And then two senators took my report in and handed it to them and said, you're going to have a nasty class action suit if you don't read this and take heed before the vote tomorrow. Because the day before the vote, it was four against the raw milk, one for. The day of the vote, it was four for, one against.

Q: Is that what you're doing in Washington? Are you putting a bill together, or are you trying to create something?

A: I didn't put this bill together, you know, for here in California. I let one of the board of supervisors do it, and they have to write it. I mean, I can give them an outline of what it should say, but that's what I'm going to do. I'm also filing suit against the FDA and the CDC about that.

Q: What about this new farm bill?

A: What?

Q: What they've added to the farm bill?

A: It's more garbage. All they're doing is the people, see, they don't want the little guys farming. They want to put them out of a lot of business. So you subsidize the little farmer, and the big corporations make all the money and sell all the goods. And the little farmer forgets how to farm. His land goes barren. It isn't taken care of, and they make all this money. And we pay for it.

Q: All we can do is go on the Internet and sell letters.

A: No, the Internet doesn't mean a garbage thing. You have to fax them. Fax them or call. Fax is the best because it jams their machines. They have to use their paper. They have to use their dollar. Faxes are always the best. And I will be appealing to all of you who have e-mail to fax when I'm in Washington, D.C.

Q: I won't have a job left. If they shut down the FDA, what am I going to do?

A: Good. They need to be shut down.

Q: Why are you suing them?

A: Pardon?

Q: Why are you suing them?

A: I'm suing them because they're distributing the pamphlet written by the CDC that says raw milk is bad without any science in that little pamphlet at all. I've already given it. I sent them a cease and desist order in December to the CDC and the FDA, the heads of both, and to their small offices. So every violation, every pamphlet that they've put out since December, anyone that's been issued will cost them $10 a pamphlet, $10,000 a pamphlet plus penalties.

Q: That money will come to you?

A: Come to the Right to Choose Healthy Food Organization.

Q: Right.

A: If they don't kill me while I'm there. It's a possibility. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I'm just kind of wondering about the attention upon the AIDS and [unintelligible].

A: Right.

Q: It came out of a lab somewhere?

A: Yeah. Well, that's documented. AIDS was created at UCLA in 1961. They were testing animals. They were trying to create a virus that would, or a chemical compound that would give laboratory animals cancer so they could study cancer. And Dr. Strecker, who was a biologist and biochemist, he's got several M.D.s., Ph.D.s., was hired by an insurance company in San Francisco that was insuring a company that was 60% homosexuals. So he was to study and give them a report on the likelihood of illness and sickness among those workers in that company and what the base rate should be for the employees for health insurance. So he kept fractionating the AIDS virus and trying to fractionate it into five parts like he showed me. And he kept splicing. He kept dividing in two. And he realized after 1,000 times, this is man-made. So he took the two opposite sides, spliced them together, and found out he had the lymphonomic virus of a sheep and the leukemic virus of a cow, of a bovine. So he took the two names, put them together in several different, in 15 different forms, and he was going to go to the majors, the universities where he thought that they may have experimented with it. He knew it had to have been sometime in the 60s. So because he lived and worked in Los Angeles, he went to UCLA first, and the first name popped right up. He came up with the crossing of the two names of the disease, and there it was. So he realized that it was man-made and that it had to be distributed. So he called his high-powered corporate and government brother attorney, and his attorney started slapping Freedom of Information documents to the NSA and the national government and the military, different branches of the military, asking for any information on that because it showed that UCLA had sent that information to the War Department. So he couldn't get any response, so he had a friend who was a senator from either Wisconsin or Minnesota, I forgot which state it was, and that senator and that attorney went after them and got the information. And in my bibliography in We Want to Live, if you look under bio-attack alert, that's the documented evidence about that. And they discovered many other poisons. They realized they were poisoning the different pockets of the United States. They experimented on one million people in Louisiana. The military did this. The way they did the AIDS was they decided that they'd go after and test it on an undesirable group. So they figured that the homosexuals were an undesirable group. How could they test it on them? So they found that in Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Houston, Texas, that 90% of the people who were receiving the hepatitis vaccine were homosexuals and 10% were heterosexuals. So they decided to put in the hepatitis B vaccine all through the 70s and early 80s.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but you weren't in Los Angeles. It was just that pocket of shipments that were infected and deliberately distributed. So that's why 10% of those people were heterosexuals who got AIDS. 90% were homosexuals.

Q: Was the story that they traced it to an airline stewardess?

A: That's the story. Yeah, it came from the green monkey in Africa. That's the story. But what they realized was, and that story was partially true, because they grew that AIDS virus, or they got the AIDS virus to multiply, and you could only get AIDS, you know, it doesn't multiply. The cells produce it. They got monkey tissue. They bred it in monkey tissue in a Petri dish. Whenever you put live cells in a Petri dish, remember, it's sterile. It's not like in the human body, even though our blood is considered sterile. There's bacteria and everything in there, but they consider it non-active when it's in the bloodstream. However, when you put it in a Petri dish, it is not like in the human body. So those cells start getting contaminated by that fertilized environment, and they start making viruses to clean themselves. So that's why the growing or the production of virus is so high in a Petri dish. You put it in a human, you can't get it to develop very easily. So that's why they started putting in the hepatitis 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury, equal amount of formaldehyde and equal amount of aluminum and detergent to make sure that the body got poisoned along with this, so that the body, if it weren't able to clean and control that stuff, the cells would start making a similar virus to the AIDS.

Q: That wasn't put in there to protect the virus, the actual vaccine either.

A: It only takes 3,000 molecules of mercury to contain 2 cc's of fluid. And all of your vaccines contain 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury. But now that the new mercury-free vaccines are out, mercury-free, the FDA allows them to call it that. It went from 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury to 56 quadrillion molecules of mercury, and the FDA allows them to call it mercury-free. They're out to poison us. They're out to weaken us, to make us sick. And if you look at Aaron Russo's work, he interviewed Rockefeller, who was one of the boys, the big boys, and they said, yes, we have all kinds of plans, you know, infecting the human population to get it down to 1.2 or .4 billion, something like that. And it will happen by the year 2027, 26 was their plan. So you know they're working at a huge epidemic here. The only way you're going to be able to take care of yourself is to get good food. And the only way we're getting good food... Whole Foods is an organization of the Bushes. The Bush family in Texas pays the Bass family, and the Bass family, their wealth, which was started off in hotels and wells, oil, now bought up all of Wild Oats. They bought up all of them. So now, what do you think? And you notice Whole Foods goes around saying, go organic, go organic, but if you look in their produce, only 2% is ever organic. So it's absolute marketing garbage. And they're selling produce that isn't even organic, as organic. Highly contaminated foods is what they're selling. The only way they trick you is to carry some good meats.

Q: It's hard to tell a lot of people quit, just for that reason.

A: Oh yeah, absolutely. So you have to take a look at what they're intending for your demise. In LA, all the people who are on my diet there, we have our food trucked in from Pennsylvania every week. Amish farmers that we know are growing our food close to exactly what we want.

Q: But you don't get vegetables, do you?

A: No, oh no. Well, James claims to have good connections on organic farmers. In vegetables, yeah, organic farmers.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Jimbo's Markets I think were just bought by Whole Foods too. They haven't yet? There was a bid on it two weeks ago. Oh, Henry's was bought.

Q: Jimbo's is owned by Jimbo's.

A: Oh, okay. So, Jimbo's would be a good one then. Preferable.

Q: I've already figured out Whole Foods on my own a long time ago. I won't shop there.

A: When I called them ten years ago when they first bought out Mrs. Gooch's, a little over ten years ago, I wanted to know where their meat was coming from. So, I called the corporate office and they said it's all natural. They feed it natural foods that cows eat. I said, yes, but what is that in what form? Where do they get the feed and what is the composition that they're feeding the cows? And they said, we don't know. So, I got the ranch, the person who worked with the ranches that purchased the meats, and they were feeding these cows 15% bakery waste, stale doughnuts. I called the head office again at Whole Foods and I said, you're lying. You're feeding them 15% bakery waste. He said, yeah, but the doughnuts are made of grain which cows eat. I said, how many cows do you know go around boiling their grains in oil and making doughnuts out of them? That's not natural. He said, yeah, but they're eating natural grains. The logic is not there. Their mind is into profit because they can make a lot more money for going for organic when it has nothing to do with organic. It's all about profit.

Q: There's a friend of mine that's got chemical sensitivity...

A: I can only take one person with a question because we've got a lot of people here. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Okay, I found out about you, Aajonus, from Lisa. She's at my dentist place there. And I wanted to ask you, because I've been drinking a lot of raw milk and I've really been gaining weight, and is there any way that you can drink, like, nonfat raw milk and then put a little bit of fat in it, rather than having so much fat? I've been doing the organic pastures and I wanted to know. I went up to the rawesome Co-op and I noticed that they have all their milk in glass containers.

A: Not all. This one is in glass.

Q: I don't know if they carry the organic pastures.

A: No, we had an argument with organic pastures. They're not really organic. See, I helped finance them and I got some of my patients, like Martin Sheen, to help finance them. They never paid us back. They're moving around bragging about making $3 million a year and they're just a starter company. And they've lied about a lot of things. So we just divorced ourselves from them. But still, it's better than nothing. I mean, they do eat grass. They're mainly pastured, but when they're fed their two to four cups of grain a day when they're being milked, it's not organic grain. But it's still better than nothing. It's better than Claravale.

Q: That's all they have in Orange County at the health food stores.

A: If I had nothing else to drink, I would be drinking organic pastures. Like I said, I don't like Mark McAfee. He's a dishonest man. And he's a nasty man. Ruthless. Dishonest. Anyway, we have ours trucked in. They put most of it in non-bottles. I like mine in glass, but there's no refund. I pay $2.50 for that bottle and I don't get to return it. My back porch is just lined with rows of, I could build a house, a glass house.

Q: Well, I met Ebrahim there, and he said that he will deliver it to Orange County. So that way I can just get it delivered. I think he only comes once a week or once every two weeks. In the meantime, I'll have the organic pastures, even though it's not organic.

A: But we used to fatten the pigs up, and all farmers fatten their pigs up with skim milk. Skim milk causes, low-fat milk causes weight gain. That is because your minerals concentrate. You don't have the fat to utilize the minerals properly. So as the minerals build up, your body builds fat deposits to come in, and it sticks. It holds on to fat. So we could fatten our pigs up three times the time. If we fed them whole milk, they lost the weight. So that isn't your problem. Your problem is you've got a lot of toxins that need diluting. You need the fat. Fats are the most important element when we're in a toxic society. It's better to be fat and happy than sick and diseased and thin and beautiful.

Q: Really.

A: She knows it. She's admitted it.

Q: She looks great.

Q: Gained almost 30 pounds.

Q: I know I gained about 20.

A: But let me tell you, once you've done it a while, you feel so happy and so good. Who wants to get thin and unhappy again? And the only reason I look thin is I'm fat. I'm 23% body fat. And for a man, 10% is supposed to be okay. 7% is ideal. I'm 23% body fat. But do I look it? No, because I've been eating raw fat since 1972. Only raw fat since 1972. So my fat molecules are very tiny and compact. When you cook a fat, it swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. And some people, and some black people, when I've done some laboratory tests, I've seen it swell up to 100 times. So stay away from cooked fats. You know, that will give you the weight. I mean, I've had a lot of women that are the size of Helen and other women. And like you. All of a sudden, you know, if they didn't have cesarean eight, nine years later, they're thin forever. Thin forever. Unless they go eat cooked fats. But still, they're fat, but they look thin. They can have 27% body fat and look as good as Barbara.

Q: I've got 34% body fat.

A: 34%. And look how good she wears it.

Q: No, in the front. You saw me in the nude. You would not say that.

A: Stand up. I know. That's what it looks like. But you see? But you see how trimmed she looks with 33%? With 32%?

Q: 34%.

A: 34%. That's a lot of fat. That's a huge amount. Yet she still looks slender compared to Elena.

Q: Yeah, but that's misleading because I've got a slim frame. Because I really am roly-poly.

A: Well, that's a good roly-poly. I was roly-poly for eight years. Oh, yeah. I was huge. I can drink some. I was huge. Huge. Huge.

Q: Barbara, how many years are you on the diet?

Q: Four years. Another two months.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no. I mean, I'm talking about, you know, in 1977 when I first started eating, you know, raw meat. You know, from 76 in my first year. I was...

Q: Were you really?

A: Yeah.

Q: How much more weight on than what you've got now?

A: I was probably 20 pounds lighter than him only.

Q: How many more pounds heavier than what you are now?

A: Oh, I'm heavier now than I was then.

Q: Is that right?

A: Yeah, in weight. I was 176, 177. I'm 182. But I'm dense, heavy. My protein, everything is very dense. That's what happens to stay on the diet a long time. You get heavier and heavier, so you don't look at the weight. Ignore all of it. Ignore your size. Ignore the weight until you get well. Then your body will naturally get thin for the rest of your frickin' life. So you don't have to worry about it.

Q: Do you exercise?

A: Pardon?

Q: You don't do exercise.

A: I have no activity rings in my body. I produce very low hormones for physical activity. So I do Cary Grant's exercise. That's it.

Q: No, that's not necessarily good for other people.

A: That is not for other people. Other people have many, many activity rings. They produce many hormones for physical activity. And if they don't spend them on physical activity, they're going to spend it in anxiety. So I tell everybody if I see activity rings in their eyes and overactive hormones on their hands, I say you've got two doors to choose from every day. In that room, one of those rooms you're going to spend it in. One's activity and one's anxiety. So it's your choice. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. I have been told that Cornish hens are better.

A: The what?

Q: Cornish hens.

A: Cornish hens? Cornish hen is a smaller bird, smaller than your big chickens.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It depends on what they're fed and where they're raised.

Q: But usually, what are they fed?

A: Well, Cornish, when they bake them for the very tender specialty gourmet restaurants and delis, they usually feed them corn and oats, which are very sweet. And it also makes them tender. So they get a lot of oats and they'll get some vegetables.

Q: Is that good?

A: Oh, that's very good. But let me tell you, they don't feed them that way anymore very well. They feed them alfalfa pellets like they do rabbits, you know, processed garbage. That's why the flavor of the corn... I remember when I used to eat the Cornish hens in the 60s, late 60s, and then I had one about, oh, two months ago out of a deli. And it tasted like cardboard. It tasted like just chicken. It's not so good anymore. Everybody's trying to make a buck and make a dollar, a hard, fast one. Everybody wants to be rich on a weak salary. They want to retire on a weak salary. It's insane. Even my Amish farmers are the same way. They jacked the prices up 50% in the past two years. And my Amish farmers, you know, I got on one of my Amish farmers about it. He said, well, I've got three daughters. I said, yeah, but you're not going to retire on your three daughters. They're going to get married. You're Amish. So don't give me that bullshit. You're raising it because you're greedy. And he didn't say a thing. So just basically admitted it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's it. But I guarantee you that we're getting other farmers in. I'm getting them in. I'm starting to pull them in. And I'm going to put them out of business. I'll just go for my other Amish farmers. And as each one starts getting greedy, I'll recycle all of them.

Q: But the change is coming now. It's not mature. I mean, it's more soft and it's more gooey. And I think it's such a shame. It was lovely at the beginning.

Q: And Joseph Cusimano has a very, very long list.

A: Joe Cosmano?

Q: The guy from Florida.

A: He's retiring too. He's going out of business.

Q: He's looking for somebody to buy his farm. But I mean, he has a huge amount of products.

A: Yeah, but most of them are coming from the Amish farmers.

Q: Oh, they are?

A: Yeah. All of his cheese. He doesn't make any cheese.

Q: I heard there was a guy in Del Mar that does cheese. Does anybody know who that is?

A: I don't know. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. [unintelligible]

[audio cut]

A: Don't drink water. Drink something with minerals in it like milk. You're not supposed to take food in there. You should take it in a bag that you don't open. I do the same thing. And, you know, I'll put it in something where you can't see that it's milk.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you're drinking water, a lot of water. Just remember, water is a solvent. There's no nutrients in water. Any nutrient that's in it is for the plants. You've got rock minerals in there, rock solids in water. Humans don't digest rock. Plants, grasses, they eat rock. Trees, all the vegetation eats rock.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can start pulling out lots of toxins. And you need more minerals, and you're drinking water, and you're causing everything to leach and losing, losing more and more minerals as you perspire and urinate because the body needs to get rid of that water fast because only 10% of it can be cellularly absorbed, and that will dry out that cell. Water is never good. It is okay in certain circumstances when you need some minerals, I mean some water, to help dissolve certain compounds in the body that you can't normally dissolve, but it's very little. I've had a total of a cup of water in two months. I drink milk, something with nutrients in it. You don't see me bloated with water. You don't see me thirsty all the time. But I'm drinking my water a little at a time, I mean my milk a little at a time, as my body can use it. I'm not pissing it out. I may urinate two times a day, three times a day.

Q: But you're not fat like us. You gain weight when you drink milk.

A: How much water do you drink?

Q: A couple quarts a day.

A: Okay, I rest my case. He's bloating two quarts of water that aren't utilized. That's in his body. If he drinks milk like I do, he's going to lose a lot of water weight.

Q: That's true. I can drop 20 pounds.

A: Absolutely.

Q: When we go to these places [unintelligible], is it okay to do this, drink milk?

A: Just drink, take your milk and cheese and honey with you, so you'll remineralize the system.

Q: Do you do that while you're there?

A: Yep.

Q: Do you take the coconut drink before you go to the bath?

A: It's a good idea, coconut with the pineapple.

Q: So I wouldn't have thrown up?

A: Oh, I'm not saying you wouldn't have thrown up. You're less likely to have thrown up as much.

Q: Okay. So how much does one, or myself, do in a day? If I go there, how long should I stay?

A: That's up to you.

Q: It doesn't matter?

A: It's up to you.

Q: Okay.

A: You know, it's not really hot enough. They keep it at the one, the three that have no, you know, the center ones that are between the pool and the other area, walking area, those are the only ones that don't put anything in, you know, in it, no chlorine or anything. And those are the hottest is 102, 101.8.

Q: No, they say that this one will be 103.

A: They're doing it now at 103?

Q: Yeah, 103.

A: Well, maybe that's during the summertime because I usually go there in the winter and it's always 102.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You actually got them to bring it down?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, you wanted them to put it up.

Q: And I did.

A: I like to stay in all day, so. But I'll go from there to the mud. And the mud's cool. That's, you know, that's about 100 degrees, you know. And I'll stay in the mud for an hour and then I'll go into the hot tub for an hour and back and forth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I used to do it once a week. Now that I have my own hot tub, you know, I go there only in the winter with friends once in a while.

Q: You don't put stuff in your hot tub, do you?

A: Don't have to. I've got a well. It's all well water.

Q: What do you put inside of it?

A: I don't put anything in my... Well, I do put some coconut cream in there. Because I put it all over myself, you know. And I've got a big 300-pound sand filter. Hayward filter for the hot tub. And a 300-pound sand filter cleans a whole swimming pool. So, you know, and I've got it for a hot tub. So that way I won't have to change it, but every 10 years.

[plane flying above]

A: I can't hear you. What did you say, Barbara?

Q: [unintelligible] how often do you use your hot tub? And for how long?

A: In the winter I use it almost every day.

Q: About half an hour, an hour?

A: About an hour. Sometimes many times because I don't use the heat in the house. So it gets pretty cold up there in the mountains in Malibu. And it snows or hails sometimes. So it gets pretty cold, and I sleep outside. So sometimes I'll go in there for an hour before I go to sleep. And if I work all day, you know, when I have patients, I'll turn on the heat. While the patients are there because they'll freeze to death. So, but, you know, five days of the week, I don't see patients there and I work there. I've got a slate floor that's pretty cold. So I'm in that hot tub two, three times a day, you know, in the winter. But right now, usually one time a day.

Q: Do you sleep outside?

A: Yeah. I've got a bed inside and a bed outside. When it rains, I'm inside. When it's not, I'm outside. Under the stars in the mountains of Malibu. I've got the coyotes that come up and sniff me in my bed. The deer ate all my roses. I got to enjoy my roses for the first time. I went out this morning, all my new roses were all eaten and gone.

Q: They thank you.

A: Yeah, they should have because I really, I give those roses my urine and coconut pulp, you know, and some of the clay. Mix that together. I mean, my plants are incredible. The areas that I fertilize, my spearmint plants are this high. Where I don't fertilize, they're this high.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And other nitrogen from the urine.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've got to let other people ask some questions. Do you have a question? You.

Q: I'd like to talk about the spleen.

A: Spleen? It's a very simple organ. The spleen holds excess blood. When we lived in the trees in the caves, if you believe that, and we're swinging around, got a cut, we lost a cup of blood. The spleen would carry about two pints, sometimes two and a half pints, and dumps a cup of it right back into the blood so we're not anemic. Also, if we get very cold, the spleen will dump a lot of red blood cells into the bloodstream to thicken the blood so we stay warm. If we get too hot, the spleen can remove up to a cup and a half of blood at a time from the bloodstream and cool the bloodstream as it's thinner. The kidneys also work with the body in doing that. When it gets too cold, you'll notice that you urinate a lot because the body's clearing the H2O out to thicken the blood. If you're too hot, I mean if you're too cold, the body will take the water out. If you're too hot, the body will allow the water to stay in and the kidneys won't be removing the H2O.

Q: What are [unintelligible]?

A: None. In our day and age, none unless you're a bleeder or an athlete. If you don't have a spleen and you don't have that reserve of red blood cells, you're going to stay cold and you're going to stay hot and you're not going to have that fluctuation as quickly. It could take your body an hour and a half to adjust rather than 20-30 minutes if you don't have a way to remove the blood cells. And you could freeze to death very quickly if you went skiing and you were in an accident or something or broke your ski and you couldn't get back to the lodge fast. You could freeze to death if you don't have a spleen because you don't have that reserve of red blood cells.

Q: And the blood cells are made in the bone?

A: Bone marrow.

Q: So someone who gets chilled easily could have a spleen problem?

A: No, not necessarily. It means the spleen may not be functioning well.

Q: What can help it function better?

A: The spleen? Eating spleen. And that stuff's nasty. It's not as bad as kidney, but it's as bad as eating gizzard. It almost has an ammonia-like taste. And it's funny, the two organs that handle warming and cooling of the body have a high ammonia taste when you eat them and that's the kidney and the spleen. So I don't think that the spleen, I've never found any tissue in the spleen that I could say produces ammonia like the kidney does. So it could be that some of the ammonia gets back into the blood from the kidney accidentally and the spleen, as it's pulling the red blood cells out, the ammonia is attached to the red blood cells and that gets into the spleen walls. Do you have a question?

Q: If you wanted to check your body [unintelligible]?

A: The only ultimately accurate way is you have to go into a swimming pool where they have sound waves that bounce it off of you. There are scales that you buy that you get on and you put your height and age and your body exercise. If you exercise a lot, you're like a 4, moderate a 3, light 2, no exercise a 1. And if you put those figures in there, you come up with about 1% of accuracy, 1.5% sometimes if you're big as he is. You might be 2% off. But in my size, it's usually about half a percent off.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can just go on the internet and body fat level scale. Body fat scale.

Q: I'm not sitting next to you anymore. You going to be picking on me?

A: Yeah. I like fat people.

Q: Hey, if you've been around as many chemicals as I have.

A: You need it. I know. That's why you have it. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Is that movie sicko any good? The movie by Michael Moore, the new documentary?

A: I don't know. I haven't seen it. But I'm sure it is good because he's going after the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

Q: What about antibiotics in a critical state? What would you do in terms of...

A: Well, you have to realize what antibiotics do. Antibiotic is a foreign chemical that goes into the body. Penicillin is from the bird community. It doesn't belong in the human body. They say the best thing since penicillin... Penicillin has caused, out of all the children that I've worked with, 90% of their problems is because of penicillin at a young age. Damaging their intestinal tract and their nervous system. And it feeds into their brains in a lot of people. And everybody here, out of the last people that I've seen in the last five years, 90% of them are infected with penicillin molds that are still growing in their body, damaging them. Still. Even if you haven't had it for 20 years.

Q: If somebody has gangrene and they [unintelligible], what would you do?

A: You don't give them... Gangrene is not a bad thing. There are quite a few people that used to put urine on gangrene limbs, and it would stop, you know, it would help regenerate in the leg. I remember the first incident I read about was a racing horse that had an injury and its leg got gangrene and they were going to shoot it. And this one man just started bathing it with the, you know, would catch the horse's urine and kept soaking it and wrapped it in, you know, gauze with heavy urine and wrapped it around and in five days it was completely well and sealed. Now from that, and the guy wrote a book about it and all the different types of open wounds that he suggested for it. So I experimented with a lot all through the 70s and 80s with urine therapy on cuts and bruises, and it was incredible how it worked. I remember in 82 I was giving a seminar on Jekyll Island, Georgia, and the two people that owned the health food store were elderly people. The husband was like 86 years old, and he came to the workshop, and I was talking a little bit about urine therapy, and he said, Can I say something about that? And I said, Sure. I thought it was going to be something derogatory about it. And he stood up and said, I'm a retired police officer from the Miami Police Department, and all through up until 1928 whenever we find somebody in an accident or shot or injured, bleeding, we pour urine on them, and it would stop the bleeding within minutes. He said in 1928 they outlawed it, and they watched thousands of people die, bleed to death because they couldn't put urine on the wound.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, the police would actually urinate into a cup and then pour it on the people. That was a normal practice. That was considered a good thing to do, and it was. Unless you wanted somebody to die.

Q: What is in the urine that really stops the bleeding?

A: Well, you have to understand, the urine is nothing other than the blood without a lot of red blood cells, and with extra ammonia from the kidney. So you've got an ammonia, which is an antiseptic, and you've got lots of white blood cells, which are fatty cells, which surround toxicity and help remove it. So there's your ingredients for pretty good health. Now a lot of people would drink it. It doesn't work on this diet, drinking it, because we've got a very acidic system, and drinking urine can cause a problem on this diet in the experiments that I've done. But once in a while, some people will still drink their urine, once in a while, and it's okay. I know that in India, where they almost drink their urine all the time is because they don't eat, they're vegetarians, so they don't have enough protein. So they recycle their digestive protein in their urine, because a lot of times they're eating vegetables and nuts and grains and beans that don't digest the first pass through. Vegetarian animals or herbivores take 48 hours to digest those kinds of foods. Even when they're cooked, in us, they take more longer than 24 hours. So when they recycle those proteins, they will get them the second time through, properly digested. Do you have a question, Lisa? Oh, let me just... These are our hosts. Can we thank them?


A: Thank you. You've got a sad little story?

Q: No, it's part of a story [unintelligible].

A: Okay.

Q: It's an observation. [unintelligible] But I started to have some symptoms that I didn't have before. So, for example, I was dry. [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, any time you find a weight increase, it's usually because you're detoxing something intensely. And then your body will collect and collect and collect the fat to deal with and harness it. Otherwise, if you don't have the fat cells to harness the poison, the poison goes into the cell and damages the RNA and DNA. You've got a damaged cell. And when it reproduces, it will be weak. The new cells will be weak. And it just goes on and on like that. So, having a lot of fat is very important to deal with that toxicity. As far as the eye problems, that doesn't relate to the weight or anything. That just means you're going through a brain and neurological detoxification. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you notice how puffy your face is. I've never seen your face this puffy. And you're going through a heavy brain detoxification. Now, because the nervous system uses most of the metallic minerals, the brain and nervous system, because we've got so much fat in here, that also attracts a lot of free radicals, heavy metals. So, when the brain and nervous system use conductors of electricity and light, which are metallic minerals, most of those get stored in the brain, because the brain is 60% fat. So, when it starts dumping, it dumps out the eyes, the ears, the salivary glands, the tongue, and the gums. That's what causes dental decay. It's when those heavy metals come down and rest on the teeth, and you don't have enough plaque. Plaque is when your body uses, like for milk, lots of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to bind with those heavy metals, like mercury and thallium, that will burn the dentine or damage the dentine. So, if you have enough plaque to buffer it, that plaque will hold off the dental damage for about three to seven days, sometimes ten days if you've been on this diet a long time. If you don't remove that plaque, those acidic compounds will finally make it through, even those alkalinizing minerals, which may be a hundred times more than the acidic, it will burn through and damage the dentine. Then, of course, the bacteria results, because the bacteria goes in to eat on the dead tubule cells and the dentine cells. So, the bacteria are the janitors and are not the problem. The problem is mainly the medical profession, jabbing you with mercury and formaldehyde and aluminum, going into the brain and detoxifying out the teeth. In our society, that's what it is. If you look in Panama and Colombia, where those people are starving for protein and eat cocaine leaves all day, it demineralizes their system, and their teeth rot from it. In Asia, it's because they only eat 10% meat and 80% grain and 10% vegetables, and most of the vegetables are cooked, and so is the meat. So, they don't have enough minerals, they don't have enough protein to have good teeth. But in this country, most of the dental decay is because of the heavy metal dumping out the gums. You want a white tongue. The Chinese say a white tongue means bad. Sure, it's bad if you're on a bad diet, but that's because of what you're eating. If you were eating a good diet, you wouldn't have a white tongue, and you would have cleaned your brain out.

Q: But if you've got a white tongue, you're detoxing.

A: You're using those minerals to bind with the poisons, the same way that your body uses in the gums the plaque to hold onto the contamination. Otherwise, you would have a burned, thin-tissue tongue and be bleeding all the time. You can have that sometimes, probably everybody here, when that tongue is just raw and it bleeds easily. You haven't had that? Oh, God, after chemotherapy and radiation, I had it all the time. And it was pretty bad. And when I have a white tongue, it never bothered me.

Q: That could be from the milk, too, the white tongue.

A: Pardon?

Q: The white tongue could be from the milk.

A: Yeah, it's the minerals.

Q: Because my tongue is always white. I think it's from the milk.

A: Well, it is. It's the calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium binding with those poisons that are coming out the tongue, harnessing them to keep them from doing damage to the tissue.

Q: It's not the milk?

A: It's the minerals in the milk binding with the toxins. They're coming out the brain, coming out the tongue.

Q: It's not directly from the milk. It's a roundabout system, right, Ron?

A: No, it's like you've got a poison there, the minerals in the milk bind with it, comes out the tongue.

Q: Oh, right away.

A: You can do it that quickly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, eating coconut cream will help it dump quicker, but you have to put egg white in your eyes two or three times a day when you're going through that. Because if you've got heavy metals, something very toxic coming from the brain, out the tear ducts, and it damages the cornea, it will scar it. And it will warp, and then you'll lose vision.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Are you eating cream and butter with the coconut cream? You've got to have them all together. Because the coconut cream helps break down the toxicity. Then the little bit of butter, just a tiny amount of butter, and a little bit of dairy cream combined with it helps protect your cells. The animal cells protect the body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I usually mix it with a fruit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It depends on if you're eating very fermented or high-sugared fruits. If you're eating low-sugar fruits like berries, it will bind with the toxicity, but it won't force a detoxification unless those berries are fermented. Then it will force a detoxification. Otherwise, it just deals with that that's already being detoxified.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Fermentation causes alcohol. Solvents. Soaps, body soaps like virus, produce.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That really won't force it because it's not high in carbs. It's high in fat. It's a different substance. Different fermentation than a high-carbohydrate fermentation. It's not a lot of alcohol in that.

Q: Do you combine the cream, the butter, and the coconut?

A: Cream, yes. Usually it's like three to four ounces of coconut cream, one and a half to three tablespoons of dairy cream, one teaspoon to one tablespoon of butter. You keep in those ratios. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: One-third teaspoon of butter. Very small amount of butter. More dairy cream. Teaspoon, one-third teaspoon of butter. That's all you need. Or up to one tablespoon, depending upon how much coconut cream you're having.

Q: Why more dairy cream than butter?

A: Protect the nervous system and brain.

Q: From like neurotoxins from detoxing?

A: Pardon?

Q: What is that? To protect from like neurotoxins from like detoxing?

A: No, from damaging the cells while you're detoxing the nervous system and brain. Like they're flowing out of her eyes, damaging her cornea.

Q: Yeah.

A: If she drinks cream with it, she will have the fat cells to help protect the nerves in her cornea better.

Q: Could you have a goat milk cream?

A: Goat milk cream doesn't work the same way.

Q: It's like for me and cows don't do well. Like I get so, I just feel like crap.

A: Even raw?

Q: Yeah, well actually I haven't done raw yet.

A: See, whole difference in the world.

Q: It's a difference.

A: It's a difference. Entirely different. Yeah.

Q: So, because when I, my doctor was huge on raw milk, but he even said he wasn't as far as the physiology that he did with me. He was saying to wait a while.

A: Well, see, the saying is that some things, if you've been allergic to it and you have dairy products in your body, like casein or lactate, when you eat the raw milk, it may start discarding it. You know, the old stuff that you have in the body, so you'll think you have an allergy to it. But the way I say to resolve that in the book is you eat only a half a cup a day. And when it's all out after about three, four months, you won't have that allergy again. But it isn't to the raw milk, to the dairy that's already stuck in your body from being pasteurized.

Q: So, what do you say for like, like speaking of military-made organisms as far as like Lyme disease and kind of dealing with it?

A: Lyme disease is a fabricated bullshit thing. I've gone through all their five tests to determine maybe you'll have it. Spirochetes are a natural part of any animal. And now they're identifying those because now they always want to come up with something new that's natural to blame.

Q: Well, but I mean, what if it's like specific from, I mean, getting bit by a chicken, all of a sudden your memory is like, it's gone and you can't even grasp something. I mean, obviously I was infected with something, and if I don't take my, if I don't, I'm not doing antibiotics, I never did. I'm doing just like really kind of light herbs. Because I do believe that you need to keep, you know, your organisms like in balance. And, you know, if I don't do certain medications, I'm like stuttering and my whole, as far as keeping things in order, it just kind of collapses. And now I'm even doing like a salt and vitamin C, like a switch, with different things to see how they work. And once I kind of stop doing something, then I'm like, I'm going to just try to be cool. Because I'm totally, I don't, I've never really believed in disease. And it's like, it totally starts, I mean, because I'm totally open.

A: Well, you have to understand that salt, salt is a poison.

Q: Well, but I haven't been to, I mean, salt is just something that I, and it's kind of a mineral, some kind of healthy salt. Mineral salt.

A: It doesn't make any difference.

Q: Himalayan mineral salt.

A: Plants eat rock, we do not.

Q: But what about then, as far as, what does someone do in a situation where they're, they need to function?

A: Slow down a detoxification. There are several ways you could do it. It depends upon your system. If you've got high bacterial detoxification or parasitical or even viral, you drink lime juice. You do lime juice with a little bit of lemon juice, coconut cream, a little bit of dairy cream, and a lot of honey.

Q: Honey makes me mucousy.

A: You need to read the books. You haven't read the books. Yeah.

Q: But I've read similar books to everything you're saying today. I know.

A: No, the questions you're asking are answered in the book.

Q: Right, okay.

A: Yeah. So read the book because I don't want to go over things that are already in the book.

Q: Of course.

A: Okay. Okay. Uh-huh.

Q: What is sarcoidosis?

A: Pardon?

Q: What is sarcoidosis and what causes it?

A: Sarcoidosis, I don't recall what that is.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, oh, oh, yes, okay. Usually any hardening of the body, and my laboratory test showed that it was vegetable oils, crystallized. So the medical profession, scientific community, is always blaming animal fats for hardening of the arteries and the heart ever since the late 50s when margarine, when they started selling vegetable oils on a big scale.

Q: She got it in her brain?

A: Pardon?

Q: She got it in her brain instead of her lungs, which is unusual. Why the brain?

A: Again, the vegetable oils are sticking in her brain. She probably doesn't eat much butter or, you know, animal fats. She eats vegetables, safflower oil, margarine, Crisco, stuff like that. And in the human body, we only have 98.6 and lower except in moments of fever, maybe a day at a time or three days at a time. Usually our fever doesn't go up to 102, 105 degrees like in an herbivore. Herbivores have a body temperature of 102 to 105. They go into a fever and go up to 108. In their bodies, vegetable oils, with their proper digestion of vegetable oils, thins it and keeps it soft and liquid at their body temperature. 98.6 and lower over if it's made into a body tissue, into a cell, any structure in the system, over a five-, four-, five-year period, it starts dehydrating and crystallizing. That's what causes arteriosclerosis and hardening of the arteries. All the hunter tribes that only eat meat and even eat it cooked, they only eat animal fat. They have absolutely no heart disease and no arteriosclerosis. The tribes that have the highest are the people that eat lots of vegetables and cook them. Do you have a question?

Q: I've been on your diet about a year and three-quarters, and my question is how long will it take me on this diet to heal so I feel normal?

A: Well, you feel better than you ever felt.

Q: I feel wonderful.

A: Yeah, but you want to feel optimal? Forty years. That's what I say in my books. According to Howell and Pottenger's work with animals who were very diseased and sick, it took them five generations to get well. So five generations for us would be it takes us seven to seven-and-a-half years to replace every cell in the body one time. So five times that is 38 years, so it's about 40 years. That's if you're perfect like me and you do it 100%.

Q: I do your diet 100%.

A: 100%? Good. Good, good, good. I still have 16 years to go, and I'm already great. I mean, at 60 years old, having a break like that, and here it is 12 weeks later, and I can run on it. I can't jump down five stairs. I can't jump from that table, but I can jump from here onto that leg in that short a period of time. I mean, for 60 years old, I'm working on my 61st year. That's pretty good. I get healthier every day, and I like that. Do you have a question?

Q: No.

A: No, no question. And this gentleman wants one.

Q: I have one now.

A: Okay.

Q: And it's pretty short, I think. The woman that was talking about Glenn Ivy, what is your opinion, like you talked about minerals was the issue, meaning replenishment. Mineral water without the carbonation, is that any use?

A: No, again, it will leach. If you look under an archaeological book, the first word, the first element, the first thing under solvent is water. When it rains, it dissolves rock so plants can eat. Water is a solvent. There are no nutrient values for the human body. Well, the only reason I say that carbonated water is better is because at least in the carbon, I've seen that it allows more nitrogen in the digestive tract and more oxygen in the blood. So if you're going to drink water, that's better than drinking just plain old water. But I'm still against drinking much water.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's the worst thing you can do. Drink water in the desert. Anybody see the rabbit-proof fence? The rabbit-proof fence is about three half-Aboriginal girls and half-British girls whose British government in Australia decided that any half-breeds did not belong with jungle bunnies, the savages, the Aborigines. So they went and took the children away and put them in orphanages. They were brutal and not very nice and not loving. So these three little girls, one of them, the oldest, I think, is 12, maybe nine. I guess she's about nine years old, and her little sister is six, and another girl that was a neighbor was about seven. And the three little girls run away. And the rabbit-proof fence is a 1,700-mile fence that was put in the desert because when they imported rabbits and bred them and got away out of cages, they started eating up all the plants in the desert. So they built a rabbit-proof fence so they didn't get into the Aborigines' territory, Aboriginal territory. So they knew that if they followed the fence, they'd get home in 1,100 miles, how far they were away from home. They went the wrong way on the rabbit-proof fence for almost 700 miles before they were going the wrong way, 300 miles, something like that, and had to go all the way back. They did not drink water once. They broke off branches, took the vegetable juice, pulled up roots, grated it and rang it, and would go a whole day on four ounces of vegetable juice without ever drinking water because they know that once you put water into the system, your body dehydrates because the cells cannot utilize the H2O from water. You can only do it if there's other elements in the juice, in the substance of liquid where H2O is because the body can't utilize the H2O unless there's a smorgasbord of ions. It'll just dry out the cells.

Q: It's a movie?

A: It's a movie, Rabbit-Proof Fence.

Q: Documentary?

A: No, it's a story, a true story.

Q: It's called the Rabbit-Proof Fence.

A: Sad. And the girls got away, and because they went the wrong way, the officials kept watching the Rabbit-Proof Fence all the way. So they never got caught because they went the wrong way by the time they were on their way back it was a month later. They had gone the wrong way for almost a month. Then they went back, so it took them like four months to get home. Three little girls, well, one of them got caught, but two little girls, three months. Three months living in the desert like that, no water. They know that in a hot desert, 140 degrees, you're going to dehydrate very quickly if you drink water. We're so used to it that it's hard to get off of it. It's hard to fathom not drinking water. I don't have any problem because I'm drinking milk. There was a couple times where I was stuck without water, and I was out there in the desert breaking those things off and not drinking water.

Q: How much milk do you drink a day?

A: Pardon?

Q: How much milk do you drink a day?

A: I drink two quarts a day, except in the winter when it's very cold. It'll go down to about five cups a day instead of eight.

Q: When kids are doing soccer games and…

A: Milk, milk, milk, milk, milk. Milk, absolutely.

Q: And they're hot.

A: Well, I've got some athletes that can't do it on milk. I've got some tennis players. It gets too hot for them, so what I have them do is mix two cups of cucumber juice, peeled cucumbers, one cup of tomatoes blended, tomato puree in it, a teaspoon of vinegar, four tablespoons of coconut cream, two to four tablespoons of dairy cream, about two ounces of lemon juice, and two to four ounces of honey. And let me tell you, I've got one athlete. She's about six foot tall, probably 200 pounds. She's gone on the diet 11 years, so she's not… You'd think a woman six foot 200 pounds is going to be huge. But she isn't. Pardon? It's tennis. And, you know, she just started. She was very sick when she went on the diet when she was 20 years old. Very skinny. She was a model from Canada. And I mean tall and skinny like Twiggy. You know what I mean? She got to be huge, 260 pounds. Kept that way for nine years before it completely broke. Of course, she felt, you know, like Elena, healthier and happier and all that. But in the last, you know, two years, it broke. Now she's a champion tennis player in Canada.

Q: So they drink this instead of the milk?

A: She drinks a quart and a half to two quarts of that a day, plus milk.

Q: Could you go over the amounts again? I got it all down except for the amounts.

A: Okay. Two cups of cucumber. One cup of tomato. One teaspoon of vinegar. Two to four ounces of lemon juice. It should be just about two ounces of lemon. The honey can be two to four ounces. Cream, about four tablespoons. Coconut cream, about four tablespoons, which is two ounces.

Q: Does that consist of cucumber juice or cucumber?

A: Cucumber juice. With the tomatoes, puree.

Q: Puree.

Q: Why without the cucumber, like the green part?

A: Because there's some bitters in there that cause thirst.

Q: You said cream, two teaspoons of coconut cream?

A: Table. Two to four tablespoons of dairy cream. Four tablespoons of dairy cream. Four tablespoons of coconut cream.

Q: What is that for?

A: That's for people who aren't satisfied with drinking milk. See, that girl used to drink, you know, and she would carry all this water weight. And she said, but I'm playing tennis. I said, geez, you've been on the diet 11 years. We're talking about no water. There's another method. Give me a call. So I gave her this. So instead of drinking two gallons of water a day, she drinks a quart and a half to two quarts of this mixture, and it more than satisfies her. Her tennis playing improved in one week on that vegetable juice instead of, or that fruit juice, a bland fruit juice, rather than the water. Because she had to carry around all this dead weight water. There are no nutrients in it.

Q: Tomato and the cucumber, you juice the cucumber?

A: Tomatoes, puree. You don't juice the tomato.

Q: Puree.

A: You juice the cucumber.

Q: Okay.

Q: But you recommend no [unintelligible], right?

A: Yeah, unless you're an athlete. It's always better.

Q: Do you keep this in the fridge?

A: Yeah, keep it in the fridge. Fine. No eggs in it.

Q: How long does it last in the fridge?

A: I don't think anybody's tried to see how long it will last. Pretty tasty.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, because there's so little cream in there, so little. Coconut cream. Yeah, so little in it.

Q: When I did it, you gave me something like it, but not quite as much. [unintelligible]

A: It usually doesn't work that way. So you didn't need as much. She's a tennis player. Out in the heat and the sun and the weather, running fast and hard. Basketball players and tennis players. Those are the hardest sports. Okay, I guess we went around. What time is it?

Q: I think it's about five.

A: Okay, we did it. Thank you, everyone.