Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: Hello everyone, thanks for coming. And let's thank Cynthia for the hospitality again. Thank you. Okay, how many of you subscribe to my newsletter? Just a few people. You get a lot of information there and if you subscribe you can get all the back issues to 2006. So there's a lot of information in there that you're not getting in the books. Updated stuff. You know, just all kinds of subjects that covers health and affect health. I had one about a year and a half ago where I talked about the teeth and how to clean the teeth better so you don't have to have deep root cleanings where they get down in there and scrape everything and rip your gums apart at the same time. Scratch the dentine and you're more likely to have problems because when the body detoxes, the brain, all those heavy metals, you know that the brain, because of the process of using neurons, is reflecting and conducting light and electricity. So it takes a lot of metallic minerals to do that. When you cooked your food, you made free radicals of those metallic minerals. The lead, the mercury, everything. So most of that toxicity went to the brain and nervous system. When the brain detoxifies, 90% of it dumps out the gums, the tongue and the salivary glands. And that's what causes decay. You better sit up here if you're having...
Q: No, no. I was saying it comes out in the ears also.
A: But that's 5%, 5% out the nose. Sometimes 1 or 2% on odd times will come out the eyes. Some people, it often comes out the eyes too much and it will cause eye damage. And those heavy metals sit on the dentine. Your body uses calcium, phosphorus, magnesium to make plaque. Plaque chelates it and is supposed to neutralize it. Because a lot of people eat cooked foods, they cauterize those alkalinizing minerals. And it takes 5 to 20 times more mineral molecules to bind with those very acrid, acidic minerals, which are the heavy metals. So that eats into the dentine. Then the dentine is broken down. And the tubules underneath, which are softer, break down. Then the bacteria forms to get rid of the dead tissue. The bacteria never causes dental decay. It's the heavy metals leaving the brain. So, a lot of people have a lot of dental problems because of cocaine. The amount of heavy metals in cocaine is extraordinary. Especially if they smoke it. Of course it goes right into the brain immediately. And then it comes out through the teeth. Turns their teeth gray. Thins the teeth. They never metabolize properly. And the teeth get thinner as well as shorter as the years go by. Now I got to, I was just in the Philippines, and there are some still wild natural tribes. I've been, for the last 4 years, I've been to China, where they say, Oh, we help the natives stay primitive and keep their lifestyle. Same thing in Thailand and Laos and Cambodia. And I never found one that was natural. They were wearing clothes just like us, you know, and getting care packages. Just way off of their natural lifestyle. So in the Philippines, I just came back from the Philippines, and the government refused to let me go visit any of the tribes because they don't want you to know that they're healthy and strong and happy. So, I was refused until the last week. I happened to run into, I went into a health spa to get a massage. And in a mall and other places, you know, it's a sexual thing. They don't want to just massage you, they want a big tip for giving you sexual. So I have to go to these malls to get, you know, the spas to get a legitimate massage. Go for a massage, you want a massage, you may have sex, that's something different. So I went in there, and there was this girl, about 24, 25 years old, that had a son that was completely anemic. Now, she was dark-skinned, the father was black-skinned. This baby was whiter than anybody in this room. I mean, it was almost as white as your shirt. Very anemic. And she had been feeding it powdered milk because that's what doctors tell them to feed their babies. And if anybody's read the Pottenger experiments, the cats that had the worst diseases were those who were fed the condensed dehydrated milk. So that's what she had this baby on. So I was exploring for myself, and I found on this one island a dairy that would sell me the raw milk. The only thing I didn't like was they would feed it, at milking time they would feed these cows bananas, green bananas. And the cows just went nuts. I mean, a cow at each milking would eat a whole bushel of them, because they were growing and just throwing it away, because the plantation, they weren't selling bananas like they used to. So they were eating a tremendous amount of these bananas, and after five days I started smelling like the peeling of a green banana. Alamy smelling, not the greatest fragrance in the world, but still the milk was good. So I took the milk, I took about eight liters to this woman to feed her baby, and in three days the baby had color.
Q: Wow.
A: Three days. So her father used to be a tribe's member. He left the tribe about 30 years ago, and he's about 50-something now. And he was so happy and so grateful. And he is part of the government, he said, I'll take you in. So we snuck in. So we had to go like three and a half hours off to another island, and then we had to hike like ten miles back in to the mountains, and found a tribe there. They got a translator, so there's a translator for a translator, because he had been gone from the tribe so long he wasn't as adept at it. So he had another friend that had left the tribe only about seven years ago to become socialized, civil. So got to meet this tribe, and these people, 89 years old, looked like they were 40, big, thick, strong teeth, fantastic color, happy. All they did was fish and hang around and have a good time. They didn't need a lot of money. Their whole life is leisurely. Everything is leisurely. And they only ate raw food. They ate fish, coconut, and a little mango. That was their total diet, three things, and these people were incredibly healthy and strong. I thought that if you ate just fish, you would be more thin like him. But these guys were stocky. The men and women were stocky, thick, strong. So I was impressed. I was amazed. And the other tribe was [unintelligible]. I wasn't able to communicate as much with them. But it was miraculous to see that. And you've got 70 and 80-year-old people looking 40. I didn't hike back far enough to get to the elders who were over 100 years old. See, the civilization doesn't want you to know there are healthy people that live 120, 130, 140 years old. They don't want you to know that exists, because then you won't spend your money. You won't eat cereals. You won't eat packaged foods. You won't eat canned foods. You won't eat all these processed foods where they're making the money, keeping people sick and then going to doctors. These tribes are completely self-sufficient, just off the land. They don't have to go to some fricking job. They get to fish every day, pick a few mangoes.
Q: And they didn't cook their fish?
A: No. Everything was raw, completely raw.
Q: But they have fire. They do fire.
A: No. No, there was no fire. No fire at all. They eat it raw. They eat their fish raw, everything raw.
Q: But they have fire to warm them up.
A: No. You're in the Philippines. They may wear some extra sweater or something like that, but the Philippines is getting pretty low down there. I mean, it's winter there now, where I was, and I was in the South Islands. So when I was there, I was still wearing T-shirts all night long, sleeping on the beach. They all wear long-sleeved shirts and sweaters. But they even had their own wheat. They wove their own clothes. They made their own huts.
Q: Did they make their own pottery?
A: Make their own pottery?
Q: Yeah.
A: I didn't see any pottery, because they didn't need pottery. They didn't cook anything. They didn't contain anything. They got right off the land instantly when they wanted food, except for the fish. But what they would do is they'd take elephant leaves, and they'd serve everything on elephant leaves.
Q: Did they drink water?
A: No. No, they drank, well, coconut water. They probably, men probably drank one and a half coconut waters a day. So that's probably about, you know, three cups, two, two and a half cups. And the women drank probably two cups of water. And they ate coconuts, probably half a coconut each day. But a lot of fish. They were consuming probably two pounds of fish a day each, men sometimes three pounds. I mean, it's great when you're getting it fresh. I mean, I'd go into the markets when I was, you know, even in the cities there. And you go in the evening and at night, and you've got these tunas that are this big around. And you see them cutting it open fresh, and it just never touched ice. And, you know, you're getting it so fresh. I was eating three pounds a day. Swordfish, this big around. You know, so I ate swordfish and tuna. And I went crazy. I couldn't stop eating it. It was so delicious and fresh.
Q: What about the oceans and the currents that bring a lot of the toxic, like they talk about the mother's milk in the Arctic and whatever is contaminated. Wouldn't that also be affected no matter how far away?
A: You have to understand that they were, the Air Force was bombing all the Alaskan communities with toxins from the air. That was their first experiment on aerial bombing of toxin. Now they're doing it to everybody with the chemtrails. They're blaming it on currents because nobody's admitting that that's what the Air Force was doing. You know, as far as biological warfare and contamination of the public. So that's where a lot of that contamination came from.
Q: So you don't feel those people get contaminated fish wherever they're fishing?
A: Those are the least contaminated fish in the world. If you analyze the fish themselves from Alaska, let's say as opposed to Japan, the amount of toxicity is about one hundredth what is in Japan. What I'm telling you is that they're lying to you. They want you to believe fiction so you'll be confused. So you won't know how those Alaskan natives really got poisoned. Canada did the same thing. What they did, they had a mining thing going on. It was leaking in all through wells for hundreds, almost nine hundred miles. And finally it wasn't until like ten years ago, until they discovered it, but Canada keeps mining. Keeps the mining. Uranium, mining uranium. Very toxic. So all those tribes are very old, young, you know, like forty years old, they can't even work anymore. It's pretty bad. There was a documentary that I saw probably within the last year that covered that. So you're getting a lot of lying there. And all the tests that I've done on ocean wild-caught fish, never more than four or five percent polluted. Our river fish, thirty-five to forty-two percent polluted. So I say get ocean wild-caught fish. And if it's fish that are closer to the shore, don't get any that are from California or the Gulf or Florida. Very toxic.
Q: What are the deep sea fish?
A: Pardon?
Q: What are the better ones?
A: Swordfish, tuna, any of those that are five miles out, that normally go out that far. Your porpoise are highly toxic because they have a tendency to come in towards shore so much. But nobody eats porpoise or dolphin. Don't know why. It's pretty good. Okay, I want to say one thing. I found a new toothpaste formula that I've been experimenting with different people for the last year. And it's one tablespoon of coconut cream, two teaspoons of the terramin clay, and one teaspoon, three-quarters to one teaspoon of vinegar. And you just mix it in a little one-ounce jar, and that will keep you for about ten days, two weeks, you know, if it's just one person. Keep it in the refrigerator because once mixed, the vinegar has a tendency to drop its potency. But it not only cleans the teeth and the plaque off almost instantly, it whitens the teeth. How it works, I don't have a fricking clue, but it works. People with gray and yellow teeth, even mine, remember how mine were going black down here? Improved by, and I've only done it maybe 20 times in the last year. I'm not home. I'm only home three months out of the year. I'm traveling so much. So I only get to do it when I'm home, and still, it's changed my teeth. It's a great force. Could you repeat just... One tablespoon of coconut cream, two teaspoons of terramin clay, and about one teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar. Okay, now we'll get into Q&A. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes, I do.
A: Okay.
Q: My digestion has been getting worse and worse and worse. I have a very hard time digesting protein, especially meat. Even nuts, soaked and then dehydrated, I have a hard time. Capsules, tablets, taking digestive enzymes doesn't help.
A: Okay. First of all, the digestive enzymes, any kind of capsule, none of that's food. That's all chemicals. That's all chemical. Anytime you take a food, you dehydrate it and you process it, you have to treat it with either wood alcohol, a derivative of wood alcohol, or kerosene. Would anybody in here soak your peaches for 29 minutes in kerosene before they eat them? And then think that just washing it off for a few seconds is going to take care of getting rid of the kerosene that eats into your peach. Nobody's raised their hand. Then why the hell is anybody eating any supplement at all? It's all toxic. And your capsules themselves are either processed bone marrow, I mean bone, bone meal that's highly, you know, it's cooked about 350 degrees, made into a gelatin, and then they harden it with a polymer, which is an epoxy, to get it to seal. And, you know, just the complications go on and on. So anytime you're taking a supplement, you're not taking anything that's nutritious. You're taking something that's going to complicate your body even more. A digestive enzyme supplement is pineapple or papaya. Those are the only two enzyme supplements, papaya and pineapple. You eat a little papaya or pineapple and you figure out which one works for which food with you, then you'll know what enzymes to take. People who have digestive problems eating meat usually have Crohn's, whatever stage of Crohn's that is. Crohn's is a disease where the mucus lining has gotten very thin in the intestines, so thin that your own digestive juices passes through the mucus and starts eating away at your own digestive tract. The walls of the intestines get thinner and thinner, then they start tearing. Then you have leaky gut where you have undigested food particles passing down into your knees, usually the knees first, then the knees become a digestive system.
Q: What do you mean the knees?
A: The knees, the joints. You start secreting acids there, start breaking it down, that leads to arthritis and rheumatism. So anybody who gets sore knees, usually within 20 minutes, 30 minutes after eating, have Crohn's and they have leaky gut. If you don't have that reaction, you've just had bad digestion, discomfort, maybe some acid reaction or gas, then you have a milder case of it. You need to stop using your intestines, so you have to eat something like eggs. And you eat... Eggs digest in about 27 minutes. It is a completely liquefied food. It requires no separation to break it up. The bacteria goes right in to start eating it. And remember, we eat the feces and urine of bacteria. That is our food. Digestive enzymes and digestive juices separate the food particles for bacteria to eat. So the medical profession doesn't want to give you those details because they want you to be afraid of bacteria. They want you to be afraid of bacteria. They want you to be terrified of bacteria. But enzymes and digestive juices are to break apart food so that bacteria can consume that food. Their excrement is our nutrition. The only way it can be broken down into a finite form to enter the biological structure of a cell. You have to have bacteria to be able to reduce it into a tiny, tiny, infinitesimal substance to be able to feed your cells. Your enzymes and your digestive juices will never reduce it. I don't care if we're in your body 6 days, maybe 7 or 8 days, but our food passes through in 24 hours. So without bacteria, you're never going to digest properly. You're never going to get enough nutrients. And most people are bacterial deficient because of all the contamination, all the garbage they're eating, all the supplements which are poisoning them and destroying them. And all the pesticides and the food colorings and additives that are in food. So, eat lots of eggs by themselves. And just every half an hour if that's what it takes. Just remember that eating eggs alone causes massive weight loss. So you have to eat enough eggs so you don't lose too much weight. I have to eat 32 eggs a day to maintain a weight. If I eat 50, I'll just keep a larger body. If I eat 32 eggs at my weight right now, I will maintain that weight. If I were half, I'm pretty thin right now. Every time I come back from traveling in the jungle where I don't get as much food as I need to, as I'd like to, I lose weight. So I'm down to 160. I go up to 190.
Q: You eat 32 or 50 eggs? Is that all you eat that day? Or do you eat a lot of other stuff too?
A: If you're trying to heal your intestines so they don't work hard to digest, because the egg is digested within the first 3 to 5 inches of your intestine, that leaves all the rest of that 30 feet just absorbing all those egg nutrients without having to work. So, and the rest of your body. And it takes a good 22 eggs a day just to maintain the fluid and the alimentary canal in your glands. It doesn't count for muscles and stuff like that. So, you know, most people would hear me, you have to eat 22 to 28 eggs a day in order to maintain weight. I actually eat 32. So you have to find your means. But, you know, usually before you go to bed, take a half a cup of milk. If you're drinking a whole cup of milk just to relax and feel good at night, then you sip it, take about 20 minutes to drink that cup of milk. Because you don't want that milk going too fast, because it'll split the gut again. You have to have the things go in slowly. And then during the middle of the night, another half a cup of milk. And usually a half a cup of milk will disperse to where it won't build up in one place in the body and cause a tear, unless you have a block somewhere in your intestines. So the trick is, when you have digestive problems, you don't eat solid foods. And you eat the foods that take the least digestion, and that's always eggs and milk. Still milk takes 6 to 10 hours to digest.
Q: What about juice? Green juice?
A: Green juice is usually not good, because you start neutralizing some of the condition in the intestinal tract, in the system, and healing takes acidity. The fallacy out there in the alternative community is that you don't heal unless you're alkaline. You're not a cow, you're not a goat, you're not an herbivore. We are carnivore creatures, carnivorous creatures. We have to have an acidic intestinal tract. We have to have an acidic blood to heal. Yes, cooked fooders get overly acidic, they need a lot of vegetable juice. But when you're trying to repair the intestines, it's better not to fluctuate that too much.
Q: Can you see the leaky gut in your eye reading?
A: Pardon?
Q: Can you see a leaky gut in your eye reading?
A: I can see Crohn's.
Q: Crohn's?
A: Yeah. I can't tell whether it's leaking, but that's why I ask people if they have knee problems. Aching knees, weak knees, tired knees, anything like that.
Q: Does it always follow that leaky gut?
A: It usually follows eating.
Q: I mean, does it follow having Crohn's? Does Crohn's have leaky gut?
A: Always in Crohn's you have leaky gut. Some people could have the same problem, not have Crohn's, but I doubt it would be in the knees, affect the knees.
Q: We have a relative who has pretty severe Crohn's, and we try to get her to eat raw eggs, and she said she had this reaction where her heart pounded severely. What is that?
A: Well, her body was passing some toxins into the blood, and the heart needed to pump the blood through quickly so it doesn't deposit in the heart or the brain. So when the blood's moving rapidly through, the heavy metals and toxins cannot lodge in the heart or brain. It can lodge in the nervous system and the muscles and the bones everywhere else, even in the intestines, but not in the heart and not in the brain. So that's all.
Q: That's amazing.
A: Yeah, so they have to just deal with it, rapid heartbeat. And usually they'll just sit down and be calm about it or drink some raw cream, sip on it in the morning before they start the egg routine. That'll calm that problem because it'll give them fats to rip it out, or they can eat small amounts of cheese to help draw it into the intestines so it's less likely to be in the blood or it will be in the blood for a shorter period of time.
Q: Do raw eggs heal or do they just rest?
A: No, they will heal cells that already are alive, but they don't increase your ability to divide cells, to become younger and stronger. They will help the weak cells get stronger, but not more of you alive. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. I don't know if this is an important question, but...
A: If there's any, any question is important.
Q: I've been experimenting with high meat and rotten berries, but I feel like I'm not quite sure...
A: Moldy berries?
Q: Moldy berries. Like, how moldy should they be, and I can't chew the raw meat without losing it, so I usually do it with a shake, like I swallow some meat with a shake. Is that okay or is that...
A: Well, you look at it this way. The bacteria is breaking... The bacteria that naturally exist in flesh is digesting itself. Just like the E. coli in your bowel is in the final stage of digestion for fats and proteins. It reduces the fat and protein to the finest molecule to feed the brain and the nervous system. It's even smaller than the bacteria in your small intestines that can feed every other cell. The nerve cells are smaller. They need a finer nutrient, and that's why the bowels get that job. Okay? So the bacteria in the meat is breaking it down like the E. coli does into a finite particle to feed the brain and nervous system. It's released those chemicals. You coat it in a milkshake, it's not going to go right to the brain and nervous system.
Q: So I need to just...
A: You don't need to chew it. Just swallow it.
Q: Just swallow it. And the berries, how old are... What is too old for the berries?
A: Well, you know, I've never taken anything too old, so I've probably never had berries over six months. Well, you can have berries that are a thousand years old. And in Asia, like in China, you have the century egg. It's a 25-year-old egg. And when you open it, it's just black or white powdered bacteria. You know? You pay a thousand dollars for one of those eggs. Six months is nothing like 25 years. But I've had meat up to a year and three months. So I would say there's no problem within that range, I can assure you.
Q: Okay.
A: But just remember, when you eat those moldy berries, that you could cause a tremendous fatigue, you know, that could last up to a year. So I would advise you to eat only a small amount. So read the book again about that, how to take it. Because a lot of people, oh, I'm going to do that, and they don't go back and re-read it about the consequences, you know, of how to do it and what it can do.
Q: So swallow the high meat and then wait, like, an hour or wait, like...
A: Well, it's usually best to do it before you eat a meat meal.
Q: Right, right.
A: About 15 minutes before you start a meat meal.
Q: Okay.
A: And if you want to make sure that the toxins that are dumping from your stomach don't destroy all those good nutrients that have been digested for the brain and nervous system in the high meat, then eat some cheese 10 minutes before you eat the high meat.
Q: Honey too, honey.
A: Pardon?
Q: Honey, no honey?
A: Just cheese.
Q: Just cheese.
A: Yeah. Just cheese. Cheese will absorb the poison and not let them go.
Q: Don't you get some honey so that you have some glucose that they don't... you don't become... they go to make a glucose, need to make a glucose?
A: No. If you put honey in there, you're likely to make a glucose out of it.
Q: Okay.
A: So it's better because it's an... Honey is an alkalinizing agent. A lot of people put too much honey with their meat, they don't digest their meat very well. So very little honey with your meat. It's better to have the honey with the butter or something else than having the honey directly in the meat. So you eat the cheese. Remember, cheese without honey is just an absorber. It will absorb the poisons, it will draw the poisons out of the blood, the neurological fluids, and the lymphatic fluids as they weave their way through the intestinal tract. The cheese will draw it out, hold on to it like a sponge and pass out in the feces. If you eat honey with the cheese, then you're going to digest the cheese. Honey provides the enzymes that are missing in dehydrated foods, like cheese. But I like to use the cheese without honey to draw the poisons into the stomach and out of the intestinal tracts. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. This is for my mom. She started developing knee arthritis. She's having pain.
A: How's her digestion?
Q: She eats 30% raw.
A: But how is her digestion?
Q: Reasonable.
A: Does she say her digestion is good?
Q: She never complains.
A: Does she have any digestive problems?
Q: I don't think so. She never complains.
A: There may not be anything to do with digestion. So she's got a right knee problem.
Q: Yes, she's developing arthritis. I think if it worsens out, she will have to change the kneecap or something like that. So is there anything that you can help her?
A: Well, you have to know what toxins are in her knee or in the femur that's leaking out the knee or in the tibia that's leaking out the knee that caused the problem. There's always some toxin. Anytime you have any problem in the body, you've got a collection of toxicity that is causing damage to the system. It is never from anything else. It's not your bacteria turning on yourself. There's no such thing as a fucking autoimmune disease. The body never eats itself, ever. You've got bacteria in there and things are eating up dead tissue and toxicity and damaged cells. The body never attacks itself. If it did, you'd be dead, literally dead quickly. Okay? So, as far as I'd have to know what's in there, she puts cilantro in her juice, eats cheese frequently. She could put lime juice on her knee, rub it in, leave it for about three minutes to absorb. Put coconut cream on there, let it absorb for about 20 minutes. Put a thin, like, carpaccio, thin slice of beef, wrap it around the knee, put plastic over that, put an ace bandage over that, loosely overnight, put a hot water bottle next to it, put silk cloth over that to tempt the heat in. She would feel pretty good, you know, and eventually her knee would get better. But she'd be able to use that knee probably all the way to 5, 6 o'clock in the day without having any problem. Okay? Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. My son's been on the diet for maybe eight months. He's got eczema all over his scalp and the back of his neck and parts of his spine. And so far, it hasn't changed in the least.
A: And he's taking the lubrication formula?
Q: He has trouble digesting that. I know you told him that he had Crohn's symptoms and not to do the work.
A: So he's been doing a rock in a hard place. Yeah. So he has to correct his intestine before he can clear up his, you know, dandruff problem. But those are always heavy metals leaving through the skin and other chemicals. Just remember, chemicals are always some kind of toxic combination of metallic minerals.
Q: Can you say that again?
A: Any kind of chemical is made up of a combination of metallic minerals that are very toxic. It doesn't matter if it's formaldehyde or even iodine. Iodine is a mineral that's a metallic mineral that's poisonous and toxic. And, of course, mercury. So every time you put [unintelligible] methylate on your skin on a wound, that was poison mercury. As an antiseptic. Lime juice is your antiseptic.
Q: So there's pretty much, he just...
A: Well, he can rub coconut cream into a scalp. He can get bone marrow and rub that into a scalp to heal a scalp. But you keep...
Q: How do you get the bone marrow out? Do you just scrape it out?
A: Well, you get sections of bone like the femur and you scoop it out. I use a knife to scoop mine out.
Q: You can get that at the co-op.
Q: Pardon me?
Q: You can get that at the co-op.
Q: Oh, at the co-op. Do you just order it as bone marrow?
Q: Mm-hmm.
A: You also order it down here?
Q: Mm-hmm.
A: Yeah.
Q: So for everybody to know, on the first and third Thursdays of the month, we have a raw food co-op pick-up here. And send your order in to me. I can, if you ask before you go, I can give you the link where all the products are listed online. And we order, we actually get your orders in to me the week before, just the other week before, with deliveries the first and third Thursday of the month. Here, right up there.
Q: You have to tell me, see, clay.
Q: What's that?
Q: Tellamin clay. The clay.
A: Clay.
Q: Clay.
Q: Clay. Oh, that's right. Yeah?
Q: Yeah.
A: It's okay. There's not many Asians that can say L's.
Q: My bad.
A: I'm used to that. I knew right away what you were saying.
Q: I want to ask you a really quick question. What do you think about castor oil packs? Is that castor oil is very good for you?
A: Castor oil is a poison. That's why your body goes into diarrhea. That's why they use it as a. . .
Q: Dave, pull it forward. You're going to knock that right over.
A: It's the backpack there. It's way back there.
Q: Bring the chair forward.
A: That's why they use it as a remedy for constipation. Because it's a poison that will cause diarrhea. The body has to get it out of the body quickly. All castor beans are poisonous.
Q: I guess that's why it raises white blood cells quickly.
A: Get into it slowly. It's not a jump into. . . Do you have a question?
Q: I started this diet about the same time. About three or four months ago, I started getting this swelling and pain in my jaw. I figured it was a detox going on. Gradually, it localized into my weakest tooth, which is a crown. For two months now, I've had a lump right on my gum.
A: Is it pussing?
Q: No, a little bit, I guess. There's little white spots on it occasionally. It's gotten better. I started eating more meat, even though I put honey in my meat, which I guess I'm going to have to back off on. My dad said that, obviously, I was going to have to have a root canal or an extraction because the root was dying. My experience has been that it's actually getting better. Is this common? I still have the lump, but it's getting better.
A: When I had radiation therapy, all the bone deteriorated around my teeth, so my teeth dangled in my mouth. If I bite down on my own teeth, I would bleed. I was getting one or two transfusions a week. I had to drink out of these big fat straws. At that time, I still had cancer. I didn't know anything about a good diet. So my donuts and RC Cola went in the blender, and my cereal and milk. That's what I ate. So when I got turned on to raw milk, within a few months after that, within a year, all the bones were back. But I still had a lot of silver fillings in my teeth. So because everything was fluid, silver was moving up into my face. So it lodged all around in here. So for years, I've had all kinds of abscesses. Doctors said I was going to lose this tooth, and dentists said I was going to lose this tooth and that tooth. I still have the teeth.
Q: So it's just a matter of time.
A: It's a cleansing, just like I said. It's a cleansing process. Recently, I was about to lose a tooth back here. So I thought, how can I stop that? Because that's my last molar over here. I've lost the wisdom and the other. So I've got one molar left here, and I don't want to lose it. And the gum was receding, and it was one of those really bad ones. It was almost all mercury. And when they took it off, there was very little tooth, and it was mostly crown. Still don't want to lose it. So I started putting bone marrow, pockets of bone marrow there when I sleep. And the gum, in 20, like overnight, grew back by about a half a millimeter. And when I did the same thing here, from an accident that I had, the gum was all the way down here, so I thought I'd try it here. One night I put it on it, it grew up a whole millimeter. The gum came up. Now I'm just going to start doing it and see how that will encourage bone growth too. So bone marrow is the only place besides sperm and ovum where you can get concentrated stem cells.
Q: Where do you get the bone marrow? Where do you get the bone marrow?
A: From the co-op.
Q: I don't know if Amos has it or somebody.
A: Well, Amos can get it.
Q: You can order it from the Amish.
A: They just take the bone marrow and cut it into 2-inch sections, scoop it out. So I've also been experimenting with some women who don't do the diet as well as they should, and they're drying out, looking a little old. And so I said, well, let's try some bone marrow. So one girl was putting the bone marrow on, I think, 3 days a week, 4 days a week. And in 3 months, her skin, she had wrinkles and dryness of the skin reduced by 70%.
Q: On the skin?
A: On the skin, she rubbed the ends of the skin. Any time. Well, once you put it on, you don't want to wash for 24 hours. It'll take that long for your cells to eat it.
Q: 24 hours where you can't do your day with bone marrow on your face?
A: Why? No, no, it's just oil.
Q: It really doesn't smell like...
A: Oh, no, no, no, it doesn't smell like that. I mean, if you're using old bone marrow that stinks, yeah, it will stink. But if you use the center, you start eating the outer sides and save the center for your skin, then it will... It's just like putting coconut cream or coconut oil on your face. It absorbs faster, though, bone marrow oil. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: I wanted to ask you about the bee pollen with the pain formula. Is it the bee pollen?
A: That is the pain formula. Putting the bee pollen in the lubrication formula, moisturizing formula, is...
Q: That's what reduces the pain, the bee pollen.
A: Yes, the bee pollen, yes. All because it's a finite molecule. Now, if your bee pollen is dry, you won't get anything from it. Because if you look at bee pollen under a microscope, it looks like a walnut, and it is a shell. Once that shell is dry, you cannot digest it. So you have to have refrigerated, soft bee pollen. So...
Q: Hard is no good anymore.
A: Hard is no good? You won't digest it. It just passes right through you undigested.
Q: [unintelligible] around too long?
A: No, they kiln dry it. No good. It's a wasted product. I mean, give it to a cow, you know, or some herbivore, they'll digest it. But we won't.
Q: If it's soft, though, you can absorb the vitamins.
A: Oh, it's soft, yes.
Q: Because I read somewhere that people don't absorb the vitamins and minerals from bee pollen. Talking about dry.
Q: So the one from Honey Pacifica is good?
A: Yes.
Q: Thank you.
A: You're welcome. Oh, and then cheese makes it a little bit better when you drink that and eat cheese at the same time.
Q: Yes, that's good.
A: Or you can blend the cheese into it. Either way. I have a hard time with the pain formula because it tastes like latex paint to me. I was a painter for a long time. Every time I eat that pain formula, I'm eating latex paint. It's what it tastes and smells like to me. So it's not easy for me to eat, but I eat it if I'm in pain. But it works. And if you thicken it with cheese, it's harder to eat if you taste like latex paint. So you want to eat the cheese separately. That's why I do it separate. Some people blend it in. It doesn't bother them at all. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. There's a product called StemTech. It's a company that has a stem cell product that's an algae from [unintelligible] origin. It's supposed to create your own stem cells. I was interested in how you eat these black eggs. I can't get that down. Every once in a while I get one and I don't know what to do with it, so I just throw it out.
A: It's thicker. Strange, the yolk tastes like a hard-boiled egg. It doesn't have the texture of it. It has the texture of, let's say, an over-easy egg. The yolk in an over-easy egg. It has that texture. Thicker, not thin like a fresh one, and has the taste of a hard-boiled egg. It is the black reaction in the egg white, in the protein, breaking it down into that structure, into a mold. Even molds break down things and predigest them for us. That's what cheese is. The way they used to make cheese, not American cheese, it's just processed garbage. They used to create molds. They would put the cheese, the dairy curds, in a cave and let the cheese free, let it mold, so the mold predigested, just like acidophilus.
Q: Like the blue cheese.
A: Yeah, like the blue cheese. That's a mold, that's a fungus. I create that in my own refrigerator. I take the butter, put a few swirls in it, or take some of the butter out and let it sit in there for three months. I've got blue cheese. So I can make roquefort dressings, all kinds of things. And it predigests, so I can digest the butter better. So that's what... See, when cheese is dehydrated, you can't digest it. So they would put mold with it to digest it, help you digest it. That's how they were able to have stores of dairy for the winter, is to have these moldy cheeses in the caves. So that was a storage of the... You know, the cow got too cold and the cow stopped producing milk. You know, they could have their supply of dairy. So they molded cheeses. And then the Germans really got into it with some of the stinkiest, foulest, fungus, I mean, molds there is, to break down those cheeses. But you have to look at the health of those Germans that predominantly ate those cheeses for over two centuries. That was a very strong white race. Usually your white races aren't that strong. And they were exceptionally strong. It was from that foul-smelling cheese that they all ate. And that's the only country in the world that ever ate it like that, consistently over many years. There's one civilization, I think it's in Turkey, where they put worms inside the center of the cheese and let them eat. And then you break it open and then you even eat the worms. You know, and then you eat the cheese with the worms.
Q: In France they have fly maggots in cheese.
A: Pardon?
Q: In France they have fly maggot cheese. It's outlawed, so you're not supposed to do but some people do.
Q: Is it okay to eat the Amos Miller cheese then if it's gotten moldy?
A: The what?
Q: The Amos Miller cheese. Is it okay to eat it if it's gotten moldy?
A: Yeah, you just don't want to eat the outside, all the spores. Yeah, I just scrape it. Yeah, but just remember that mold is pre-digested. It's just not a problem. It's just the spores on the outside, it can cause too much mold to grow in your intestines. And you don't want the mold, a lot of mold, you want the pre-digested food from the mold, the mycelium. Steph, same subject?
Q: No, about my question.
A: No.
Q: The same subject.
A: Yeah.
Q: Is the egg you're talking about the Chinese egg?
Q: No, I'm just talking about...
Q: No, she just gets some black eggs sometimes. From the coop, and then you'll run into...
Q: No, that's not the Chinese egg.
A: No, no, no.
Q: No, they have the black eggs. I'm just wondering, you can eat eggs almost anyway, what do you do with those black ones? I guess you just close your eyes and...
A: I just suck them out just like I do the rest of them. Now, sometimes it's a little drier, so I'll break it open and eat the membrane along with the egg.
Q: I think that's what you eat, those black eggs.
A: Just put a swimmer's nose clip on your egg.
Q: Yeah, I got it.
A: It stinks. It stinks.
Q: Is it going to help short term memory?
Q: No.
A: It helps stimulate memory.
Q: Yeah.
A: Absolutely. Yeah, whenever I'm doing a workshop, my workshops can last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. And if, you know, I can go for 3 or 4 hours, and usually I give everybody a break every 2 hours. And I don't need it, but I can go. But if all of a sudden, you know, I go on these gyrations, you know, and I'll come back and start to where I began to get the point across. And it could be 15 minutes of bypasses of stories to get to a whole, you know, epiphany for everybody. And all of a sudden I say, oh, I lost my train. I go pop an egg, 2 minutes more, 2 minutes later, everything is clean again. Just like that.
Q: Oh, wow.
Q: It doesn't have to be black, though.
A: Pardon?
Q: It doesn't have to be black, though.
A: No, no, no, no. No, no, no. Not that, that will, that will just reinforce the brain a little quicker. Because it's already reduced into the molecular size to feed the brain and nervous system.
Q: So any egg is good?
A: Any egg is good.
Q: Okay, for the short-term memory, any egg is good?
A: Any what?
Q: Any egg.
A: For whom?
Q: Short-term memory.
A: Short-term memory, yes.
Q: Oh. Yeah.
A: Short and long.
Q: Short and long, okay.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Elaine couldn't make it today, so she sends her compliments to everybody.
A: Well, thank you.
Q: But I'm concerned a little bit because, you know, she's always on this weight thing. Not too bad, not too bad.
Q: Yeah.
Q: Well, her latest thing is eliminating lubes. So what's that going to cost?
A: Well, she's buffered up on them for about 2 1⁄2 years now, 3.
Q: Yeah.
A: So I think she could do without them for her or just cut it down to, you know, maybe a quarter of one or a third of one. And if she just wants to lose some weight, that's fine. I like people to wait 2 1⁄2 years, and she's done it. So she can lose some weight if she wants. She'll just give me a call, and I'll put her on a diet. It'll help her lose the weight for a while.
Q: Yeah, she lost about 10 pounds already.
A: Yeah, oh, good.
Q: And she's happy with that, but, you know, she's always complaining about it. I'm too fat...
A: But, you know, she always says, I feel so good. But I like to give that people, the people that experience, I like for them to get thin, find out they don't feel so good, and then go back to the higher weight.
Q: Really?
A: Yeah.
Q: Oh, well, I'll watch for that then.
A: Yeah.
Q: Yeah.
Q: She starts getting bitchy.
Q: I'll watch and see if she gets back on the diet. You know, I can't say much [unintelligible]. If she's bitchy, I'm not complaining.
Q: There you go.
Q: It's nice to have a partner that's on the diet.
A: Absolutely.
Q: No question.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. I was wondering what you saw, the tar, could that come from dental implants?
A: What I saw from what?
Q: You saw, you said there is some tar in the lungs.
Q: Tar in her lungs.
A: Oh, tar in your lungs, yes.
Q: I had dental implants.
A: No. Tar is a fatty substance. It's some kind of fat. Fat in there that got solid, got very thick. So it would have to be some kind of fat.
Q: It could be cooked oils.
A: Pardon?
Q: Cooked oils or something?
A: Cooked oils. But hers are so dark that she would have had to have burned oils, over fried or something like that. They look pretty heavy like they were from a fire.
Q: So it would have nothing to do with the dental implants?
A: Nothing to do with dental implants.
Q: Because I started to get pain on the lungs once in a while, which I never had before.
A: It probably was the anesthetic that you got from the implants that caused that problem. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes. For detoxing the skin? Like I was talking about the detoxing.
A: Coming out of your skin. 90% of all toxins in your body leave through the skin. So expect your skin to be as pretty as glass. You're going to be prettier inside than you will outside.
Q: So now that's a really frustrating thing to have to deal with. How to treat it, because you mentioned coconut cream like my feet.
A: Coconut cream for the whole body.
Q: But this is like they're open and they're sore, so if you put that coconut cream on and make it greasy, makes it worse? Is there something that you would put?
A: Is it making it worse?
Q: When I use coconut cream, yes.
A: It makes it worse?
Q: Yes.
A: Then you're going to have to use clay.
Q: But when I use clay it gets really, really dry.
A: Well, you're putting too much on.
Q: Or would you use the meat? But you were talking about this little bandage stuff.
A: Yeah. Well, that helped draw it out, but you have to use the lime and then the coconut cream and then the meat.
Q: So what's my deal with that? Do you want to let it...
A: Well, what you can do is just take a cosmetic brush and dust your... powder your clay on. Don't put it on wet and thick. Just enough to draw the poisons out of the skin. But what I suggest you do is put the coconut cream on first, leave it on for 20, 30 minutes, wipe off any excess, and then powder your face.
Q: So then that's when the coconut cream is going to draw the toxins out?
A: It'll help draw it out. What it does first is it dissolves it, so you don't have to lose a lot of white blood cells. Whenever you have pus, that's white blood cells. Most of that is white blood cells with a very few molecules of toxins. A lot of people, oh, pus is disgusting. No, pus isn't disgusting. It's mostly good, healthy white blood cells with a little bit of contamination. You can get it near a dog or a cat and they'll lick it off of you. They don't mind having those good, healthy white blood cells in their systems. And the white blood cells that have already eaten the phagocytes, that have eaten the toxin, you know, they don't get digested very well. They'll pass through. So, you know, white blood cells are not a problem. But what happens is with the coconut cream, you've got water-soluble fats as well as oil-soluble fats. And they go in there and they will help dissolve and make the molecules of... because usually metallic minerals will magnetically make crystals. They'll bind together and collect and make crystals. Hard to pass them through the feet. So the coconut cream will go in and help break those up so they can pass through the skin like they're supposed to. We should never have any toxins passing through anything. We should be so clean that our body is toxin-free. It just has some waste products to throw off. But none of the waste products should be toxic to the body. But they are because of all of our industrial rearrangements of everything with chemicals.
Q: So is it [unintelligible]? I guess it's very old stuff.
A: Old stuff's the better because then you have alcohol in it and it helps break down those particles in the body even better. It helps pass it through the skin better. Then after you do that, then you dust it with the clay. And then what will happen is it will be broken down and the clay will be able to pull it out easier, more easily.
Q: And then you can put it in a bath water too?
A: Absolutely.
Q: And does that also [unintelligible]?
A: Absolutely. Well, milk will help nutrify your system a little bit. And all the minerals will help neutralize some of the poisons in the municipal water. And so will the clay. So it helps to have both.
Q: Clay in the water too?
A: Clay in the water, milk, vinegar, and coconut cream.
Q: How much clay in your bath?
A: I have all that in the book. About anywhere from a fourth to a half a cup. Three tablespoons, maybe a nut, depending upon how toxic your water is. In Los Angeles we have 193 chemicals in our water. Because the water is used twice before we get it by industry. And everybody throwing their paint in and their feces and everything into the water. And it's getting recycled and we use it. So that's a lot of processing. And they really only worry about the bacteria. The bacteria is the least of my problems. Get the fricking chemicals out. But that isn't what they're doing. Because it would cost a bloody fortune to do that. And they're not going to do it.
Q: Same question. When you say to use a brush to put the clay on.
A: Powder, soft powder brush.
Q: I thought you mixed clay with water and then put a mask.
A: That's for a mask. She's asking about drawing out the poisons in a different way.
Q: So it's just dry clay.
A: Well, she has some very irritated tissue here. Where the clay is too, cakes too much. Causes a problem when she puts that kind of a mask on. And if she puts coconut cream on, it doesn't feel good either. So she has to do something in between.
Q: Is that good for acne also?
A: Which?
Q: Coconut cream and clay?
A: The dusting of the clay? Usually coconut cream is enough to take care of a lot of acne. Because it just has to reduce the molecules, the crystals of toxins. Because when they try to pass through, the pores, and the pore is too small for the crystal coming through. The toxin being passed through, it cuts the cells. And you've got quite a few layers of skin to get through. Then when it cuts and lacerates the skin, you have all these white cells that come to take care of the seepage from your own cells that have been ruptured and damaged. And that's why you have zits. They have white pus in them.
Q: If you can't get into a bathtub, do you think it would be helpful just to soak your feet in that formula?
A: That's helpful. Anything is helpful.
Q: That would be okay.
Q: I've got a question on that skin thing. I feel like my skin keeps getting these splotchy things that grows and grows, bigger and bigger, and eventually they fall off, I think.
A: Well, usually they will. If they don't, you can always put vinegar on them, soften them so they don't peel away.
Q: I've tried that. That takes a long, long time.
A: Oh yeah, you have to put it on every day for a long time.
Q: Every day.
A: Yep.
Q: And it seems to wear off pretty quick.
A: Well, you have to put it on every day. And usually it will peel off in layers, very small layers. But if it keeps building at the same time, at least you're keeping it from getting too large.
Q: What's that?
Q: Keeps it from getting too large.
A: Keeps it from getting too large. If you didn't put the vinegar on it and peel it away, it could get larger and larger and larger. I've seen one this big. And she started to have another one on the other arm, and I said, put the vinegar on it. And it stayed small.
Q: So what's the difference between the vinegar and what you were talking about, coconut cream and terramin clay? What's the difference?
A: Coconut cream will help fractionate bonds of, let's say, magnetic minerals or crystals of old toxic, hardened vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable oils or plastic molecules. It will help break those down into smaller substances. Vinegar will actually eat away things, eat away tissue.
Q: Well, it's acid, acetic acid.
A: It's an acid, yeah. Mild acid. It usually won't affect good, good, healthy live cells, but it will definitely start melting down dead cells or damaged cells.
Q: Would garlic do anything similar to the vinegar?
A: No. Garlic will usually irritate your skin, just like onion will.
Q: I know it will take away a wart.
A: Yeah, it will, but it will do it aggressively.
Q: And that hurts, too.
A: Yes, it does hurt. And you stink.
Q: And you stink, yeah.
A: Yeah, it's not a nice way to do it. Vinegar is a mild way to do it. It takes longer, but let me tell you, it's a nice way to do it.
Q: Will vinegar take away a planter's wart, then?
A: Yeah.
Q: The black, greasy stuff you said, in my lungs, might that be a fungus?
A: Could be what?
Q: Fungus?
A: Fungus? No. It's a tar. It's a tar. It's a fat that has been burned at a high temperature and becomes very thick. Like the tar on the street or your roof. Do you have a question?
Q: In the past few weeks, I had some gums bleeding, and in the front here, they seem to be reflecting a little bit. So that's one problem. And the other one is I have a sensitive tooth here, and they told me to go and get it worked on. I mean, I guess I'm going to go. I think it's a tear, yeah. And I really don't want to. If there's anything I can do to avoid that.
A: Well, I just talked about everything you can do. You brush your teeth with that formula I just talked about, and put bone marrow in there. Just remember, if you're bleeding, you've got some heavy toxins moving out and destroying your vitamin K and vitamin U, so you're not clotting properly. So you can eat a little bit of drinks and have green cabbage juice, not red cabbage juice. Red cabbage juice will cause bleeding. Green cabbage juice prevents bleeding.
Q: How much?
A: Over-bleeding. Excessive bleeding.
Q: How much?
A: And then you jam some, you know, push some bone marrow up in your gum. On the soft, on this one, the soft one.
Q: Okay, on the tooth, the vein of the problem?
A: Down the gum and on that tooth, yeah.
Q: And how much cabbage?
A: How much bleeding?
Q: Oh, very little. By the time I [unintelligible], it's gone.
A: Probably two ounces or four ounces a week.
Q: A week? Okay.
A: Very little is necessary. Do you have a question?
Q: Sometimes when I have raw eggs, it tastes like pepper after this. [unintelligible], I thought I just tasted black pepper.
A: Were you a black pepper eater? Well, usually something like that will happen because it's coming out of your own taste buds. Detoxing from your system. Because I've never had anybody tell me that it had the pepper taste, so it has to be coming from your salivary glands, dumping pepper from something.
Q: How about something metallic? Have you ever heard of someone tasting metal, like something metallic?
A: All the time. All the time. Eternally. Do you have a question, Joseph?
Q: I'm developing a little bit of dry skin on my hands again, and I was told by somebody that's because I'm not drinking water.
A: Say that again, ask that again.
Q: I'm developing dry skin on my hands again, I think because of dishwashing and working and stuff, but he said it's because I'm not drinking water.
A: That's crazy. It can cause more dryness. Just put some coconut cream on your fingers or some butter, you know, before you get into the water. Let it absorb into your hands first and then get into the water.
Q: What about the primal facial?
A: Primal facial body care cream?
Q: Is that better?
A: It's expensive for the hands, though.
Q: It's what?
A: It's a very expensive thing to put on your hands. Okay. Then do it. Coconut cream works very well.
Q: I make it anyway, so.
A: Yeah, okay.
Q: If I don't use it, it goes bad.
A: Then use it, definitely. Pardon? So you buy it pre-made?
Q: No, I make it.
A: Oh, you do?
Q: When I'm around, I make it. Just like that.
A: Oh, yeah. You obviously have time where other people don't. People complain about making things because they don't have time.
Q: I find time.
A: Good.
Q: One quick thing. I heard people saying that the gum bleeding is from the liver. Is that true?
A: It's from what? The liver?
Q: Liver problems?
A: Well, if they think that, then their brain problems are from constipation. That is so much garbage and trash. That's the way the medical profession wants you to think, just to confuse the hell out of you. If you've got a gum problem, you're bleeding, it's because you've got toxins leaving through the gums. It's robbing the U and K that allows proper clotting in the gums. And the gums use more K and U than any other part of the body.
Q: Okay.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: I had a question just about the bone marrow. If there's a butcher somewhat close to my house, can you just buy the marrow bones and scoop it out?
A: Yeah, that's what you do.
Q: They're grass-fed. I don't know if they're organic or not, but they're all grass-fed. Is that something that's really good?
A: You don't want to have it unless you're, you know, bone marrow is 60% fat. And a high percentage of that, almost 20%, is stem cells. Remember that poisons store in fat. So if you have animals getting any kind of shots or any kind of medication in their feed, it's going to be in the bone marrow. Yeah, you're likely, like with the fish, with the high mercury and toxicity, you're likely to just pass it through and not absorb those toxins. But why put your body through all that? You're just wasting some of it.
Q: The coconut cream, do you have to make yourself? But is there any brands that exist?
A: There's no way to buy coconut cream unless you're buying it from the co-op. And the co-op makes it on Wednesday mornings, and this is a Wednesday morning, I think. And then you get it delivered down here when?
Q: Thursday.
A: On Thursday, the next day. So it's very fresh.
Q: It's really good too, but how long does it last?
Q: Well, you use the old stuff for things you use to do.
A: I used to do it for two and a half months, and I came back, and I had left two full containers, and they were in perfect condition. Because I didn't open it at all.
Q: What about the pressure that fills up sometimes?
A: Pardon?
Q: Sometimes a lot of pressure.
A: Yeah, and it leaks out. Well, I seal it really tight.
Q: You could even break your glass.
A: Did it? Break your glass?
Q: Yeah. the pressure sometimes is really high on it.
A: I know but I've never seen a break in anything.
Q: She opens the cover?
A: Well it does ferment. If the lid isn't closed tightly enough. When I get them at the co-op I tighten them immediately.
Q: It does ferment?
Q: Ferment.
Q: Ferment.
A: Ferment. That's my Tennessee accent.
Q: So once you've opened it how long does it last?
A: Well it lasts indefinitely. That that I use for soap in my bathroom I let sit out for ten days and it goes into a kind of a foul smell in that time. Usually by the fourth or fifth day and then it tempers and then it goes back to a good smelling coconut. But it's got the alcohol in it and I use that for soap. I use that for soap on my body. It's great soap.
Q: Does it make your body smell like alcohol?
A: No it will smell like coconut once it goes through that finishes fermentation stage. Just remember it's not a lot of carbohydrate in it. It's only like five percent carbohydrate. In coconuts you have eighty percent fat, fifteen percent protein and five percent carbohydrate. So your fermentation cycle is very short. It's only five percent. So that much is in alcohol but it breaks down the fat into a smaller molecule so it doesn't oil the skin the same way. It still leaves a great nice coating and sheen on your skin. With a little bit of coating like you're doing a conditioner at the same time. But it's not like when you put it on straight without the fermentation where it gets thick and really oily on the skin. So that's why, that's what everybody used to use as a soap. All soap sixty years ago was made with coconut cream. Ninety percent of the soaps were made with coconut cream.
Q: Does that affect your plumbing?
A: Never. I've used it for I don't know how long and I've never had a plumbing problem except for a pipe bursting but that's a very old pipe. Yeah, we'll grease them up and things will slide through better. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, I had knee surgery a little over a year ago and below my knee, the front, it's still numb and I was wondering if there was any kind of diet.
A: What kind of surgery?
Q: It was an ACL, I tore my ACL playing sports. And since the knee surgery it's been numb.
A: They put a false cartilage in or did you just scrape?
Q: No, it was my hamstring. And so there were two sides for the arthroscopy and then one for the puncture for draining I think and then they cut a place here to take the hamstring. But it's been numb since that time and if I get goosebumps for example, there's no goosebumps in the numb area. It's just completely smooth and then around the area that's healing there will be goosebumps. So I'm wondering if there's anything I can do with my diet that could help the nerves regenerate more quickly because it's been just a little over a year. I had it done on November 21st, 2007.
A: Well, it could be one of three things. It could be the anesthetic or they cut the nerves and the nerves didn't heal because the anesthetic got into the channels and blocked it. Now you're not circulating properly. Neurological passages aren't circulating properly or you've scarred. So one of those three reasons. Lumps and all you say is perfectly smooth. You go feel deep in, do you have any lumps?
Q: No, it's just perfect.
A: And where you got the surgery, is there a heavy scarring there?
Q: Yeah, there's a scar that's diminishing over time.
A: But inside, does it feel like a lump?
Q: Oh no.
A: Okay, then it's not scar tissue, so it's chemical. So it's the anesthetic. You have to pull the anesthetic out. Eating cheese, eating clay, eating fish, eating chicken and fish together. Putting lime juice on your leg, then the coconut cream on top of that. And then putting hot water bottles on it at night will help draw that out. Putting clay packs on the area can help draw it out. And when you use clay packs, don't let your clay packs dry. Keep spraying them. Keep them moist. Once they've stopped, once they've dried, they're no longer working. They're pulling all the nutrients out of your cell quickly and fast and drying them out, killing your cells. It's like a scab. You rip a scab off. That's what dry clay does. Keep that clay moist and it will constantly be drawing out the toxins, not ripping your skin off.
Q: So if you're at the mud bath at Glen Ivy or something, you should keep it all moist?
A: When I go to Glen Ivy, I stay in it, packing the mud on me. You know, if I get out, that clay does not get dry. I get back in and then get out again with the wet clay on. I never let that clay dry. Ever.
Q: If you're dusting your face with dry clay...
A: It's such a fine dust, it's not going to be enough to create a dry... When you put the coconut cream on your face with enough oil, water and oil-soluble fats, so it's not enough dust to cause that kind of dryness and dripping reaction.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's it. You're pulling your skin off. That's what you don't want. That's what made it worse. Yes. Powder is very thin. If you took coconut cream and you mixed the clay in the coconut cream, guess what? It won't dry and harden the same way.
Q: So going to Glen Ivy, you actually... the clay actually sucks the pumps and all those things.
A: Yep. So it's good anyway. When I go to the clay baths, I spend 90% of my time... I'm in Glen Ivy, I spend 90% of my time in the clay bath.
Q: So it's good.
A: Yeah. And I will take the clay and make sure that that whole pool is full of clay. Okay. What time is it? I've got two more here, but I'm just wondering what time it is. Okay. We're doing it all at one time. Go ahead.
Q: You had a newsletter in regards to EMF and I bought one of your meters.
A: Not my meter. That's not my website.
Q: Well...
A: I just contract with them to publish my information. So you bought one of the EMF TriField meters.
Q: I bought TriField meters. And I started using it on things. And I happened to notice that the Gold Star Juicer has a very high EMF.
A: Oh, very high. Absolutely. So does the blender.
Q: Yes. Okay. If that isn't good for you, you have sort of a contradiction. You're saying that EMF is not good for you, but both of those items are very high.
A: But you're not juicing all day. You're juicing for maybe 40 minutes, 20 minutes that the juicer is on. If you're doing coconut, well, I've never juiced longer than that. I've got all my foods prepared, put it through the juicer, and I've finished juicing in 15, 20 minutes.
Q: Wow.
A: That the juicer is actually on. When I'm blending, I usually blend 30 seconds is the maximum I ever blend anything. But when I'm talking about an EMF field, that's when you're exposed to it all day long, you know, in an apartment, you know, where there's a high radioactive, electromagnetic field.
Q: What about a car.
A: Depends on how long of a trip you're on. Like in my Prius, down at the foot, at the foot panel, it's 35 gauss. Over here, at that little mound on the side, it's 8 gauss. That's one of the lowest in all the cars. You get into a Mercedes with their complex computer, you're up to 75-100 gauss. All under where your feet and legs are.
Q: Oh, the steering wheel.
A: So, even on the steering wheel, yeah. Well, in my Prius, it's like 2, 3 up there around the steering wheel. So I drive my car with my cruise control. And my feet are up on the panel, so I'm driving with the [unintelligible]. So I drive. When I'm coming down here, I have to. When I'm driving from my place in Malibu, it takes me 45 minutes to get into town. Hours there's heavy traffic, and 2 hours there's very, very heavy traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. So I drive with my feet up on the hump and using the cruise control. Do the best you can, reduce it. But I noticed that that's how I realized that the Prius was putting me in a lot, because I was getting a lot of aches in this leg that was running the pedal. You know, and I would get aches back in here. And then when I started putting them up there, no aches. No more aches. Haven't had one ache since then. Also, what I did was, because at the seat level it's about 8 gauss. Still, that's a little bit too much for me. 3 gauss, they say, alters the cells. Over exposed to it for like 12, 20 hours. So I built a magnetic pillow. So what I did was took a crochet sheet and glued magnets, round magnets, in 3 centrifugal circles. And one's on, one's positive, negative, positive, negative. They switch around, all around in each of them. And then I put that between 2 thin down pillows. And then that inside a pillow case. And I sit on that and it's reduced all that feeling.
Q: What about the magnetic bed?
A: That's a whole, it will help a tiny bit. But see, they're out to produce a market and a product that they can sell. So they're not very powerful. See, I took Nikken's, I had their magnetic bed. And their magnetic bed had these lines through it when I was testing the Nikken stuff back in the late 80's and early 90's. And I don't believe anything, I always test everything. So here they give all me this, give me all of this literature and how they did the test. And they put all these centrifugal patterns. And here on the fricking bed, there's no centrifugal pattern. They've got these magnets running up and down in a line. So the only centrifugal is the actual magnet itself. But that's not, you can't make a magnet that's that centrifugal. You can, it's a patented process. But it isn't that effective unless the whole thing is also complementing in the same geometry. So geometric form and pattern. So that's the way I made, I remade, I tore apart their bed and remade it. But after many years, the foam in it disintegrated, and I mean disintegrated. So then I may use that to make my pillow in the car. But, you know, their products, they're out to make a quick product the most money because they're always looking at, well, can we make money on this? How good can we make it? How efficient? How powerful? And how much is it going to cost? You know, so too much of that goes into it. And none of them are great products. You have to make your own. But they are a little helpful.
Q: Would the magnet help on a tumor?
A: I've seen people use them and not have any effect. Not have any benefit. Yes?
Q: If you're living in, say, an apartment where the EMF is like one milligauss, and that's kind of all the time, is that bad?
A: Three milligauss negatively alters human cells, not one.
Q: No, I thought you said three gausses.
A: Three gausses. Milligausses, excuse me.
Q: Three milligausses, no?
A: No, three milligausses.
Q: Well, in your write-up you said three gausses.
A: I know, but then I came out the next, into the issue, and I said, corrected that. It should have been milligauss.
Q: Okay, I understand.
A: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
A: I don't know how that got left out. You know, sometimes the spell check will give you, and then you hit it quick, and you say, oh, wait a minute, I didn't, you know, I missed it.
Q: One milligauss isn't that dangerous?
A: No, three milligausses is what [unintelligible].
Q: Okay, got it.
A: Three milligauss.
Q: Okay, got it.
A: I'm affected anything over a half a milligauss. So I can't stay around that very long.
Q: What about cell phones? How high are they?
A: Pardon?
Q: How high are cell phones?
A: Cell phones are very high, but what I do is, you know, even in your phone here, you've got a magnet at the earpiece. You're going to have an EMF field anywhere from eight to ten gals coming out of your landline phone. So what I use is, I use the CIA. Now, the CIA is taking care of the brains. They use an air tube, that white air tube you see with the thing going down. So I go to a security company, and I buy my stuff there from mine, and they don't have it attached to my particular cell phone, so I use electrical tape and put the two sound devices together, taped them together. It works beautifully.
Q: There is a company that sells those on the internet.
A: Yeah, but they don't all fit all phones. They only fit three phones or two phones.
Q: Yeah, but you can get adapters. I got an adapter from my phone company that will fit, I think there's two sizes of that air tube, whatever, earpiece.
Q: So if you want to...
A: You could.
Q: You could get an adapter or call your company and they usually have an adapter that will go to, I think, three millimeter and two millimeter or something like that.
A: Yeah, 1.5.
Q: 1.5 and a three.
A: And a three.
Q: Yeah.
A: No, it's 2.5 and three, of course. 2.5 and three. 2.5 and three. On my landline, I use the regular 3L tube, blue tube that you can get. That's what I use on my landline.
Q: How does a speaker phone, are you far enough away to...
A: Speaker phone is wonderful.
Q: Wait, on the cell phone too, speaker phone?
A: Yeah, it's great. You just have to have the cell phone six inches away from your head.
Q: So a regular phone is about...
A: Well, it depends upon the cell phone. I take my EMF meter and I go through every cell phone available and get the lowest. It doesn't have all the great, you know, any one of those great pads, you know, black. They have a huge EMF and radiation field. So I got a blast, a T-Mobile blast. It only has like four milligauss EMF field and the radiation is only like a six and most others are 30 to 50.
Q: I have a thing here that I got for my phone. I don't know how...
A: That only eliminates a half a gauss, half a milligauss, excuse me, half a milligauss.
Q: Wow.
Q: And then have you heard of the eight, the eight, blue eight or green eight from Germany, from somewhere in Europe?
A: No.
Q: I don't know.
A: Did you have more to ask about that, the fields?
Q: I guess what I could do with my car, you've given me something, huh?
A: What kind of car do you have?
Q: Well, I have a Camaro, but I'm thinking of buying a new car. So the idea was to try to get a car which...
A: Low field.
Q: Oh, what I could do...
A: Do what I did. I went around and just checked all the cars. I took my EMF meter and the dealers were looking at me like, what is he doing, you know? And I used them in airports, I mean in airplanes, because EMF fields in airplanes are outrageous, especially in first class and business class. So I found out, because I felt terrible when I got to my destination, after 13 and a half hours in first class, and I realized it was an EMF field. So I took my gauge the next time I went on the, for the return trip, and I had first class, but I went back to the back, and it's only like three or four while you're in flight. It could be up to 10 to 15 when you're on the ground, because they're running the belts for the luggage, and that generates a huge EMF field that projects 20 to 30 feet from it. So it's going up into the cabin. But it's so that I may be exposed 10 to 15 milligauss for as long as I'm on the plane. So I'm one of the last people that enters a plane. Always enter on the last. And for that, once you're in flight, the back of the plane is about three to four milligauss only. In the cockpit, in business class, I got to ride in a cockpit when I landed in, in, the island's Tahiti. So my girlfriend was a flight attendant at the time, so I got to go in the cockpit with the flight attendants, so I took my gauge, 75 to 100 gauss. No wonder they only have so many, so they can, no wonder, they can only get so many hours, they can only fly so many hours a week because of that. And I found it in the, in first class, it was anywhere from 30 to 55 milligauss. And then as you go back, it gets less. Unless your jets are in the tail, then you go right around the front of the wing or right at the wing. So, and I test. They have some new planes coming out that are pretty good, you know, that I've tested them. But I'll walk up and down the aisles with my gauge, people are freaking out, they think I'm some kind of agent checking bombs or something, and the flight attendants are freaking out, and then a pilot will come back and say, what's it all about, what are you doing? You know, it's not even [unintelligible].
Q: [unintelligible]
Q: Did you see that cell phones popping popcorn, have you seen that?
A: Yeah, I don't know if it's true. When I go to St. Louis next year, I'm going to do it because Othello and I have enough cell phones together, we're going to put three together and fly in a four.
Q: I've seen two different experiments.
A: Yeah, but that could have been, you know, all staged.
Q: They went the same. Yeah.
Q: One was in Japan and one was in France.
Q: Anyway, I gave you this to show you. This is from Germany.
A: Uh-huh. Well, the only way I can tell, I didn't bring my meter, I usually always take my meter.
Q: I got it. Like here. Yeah, I got it.
A: Okay. Okay, is that your cell phone?
Q: Yeah.
A: Okay, turn your cell phone on. You have to call a number.
Q: What's the number here? You just don't answer.
Q: What's the device called?
Q: Okay.
Q: $150.
A: Look at that. Over 100 milligauss.
Q: Oh, my God.
A: Yours is one of the highest I've ever seen.
Q: Wow.
A: Now we're going to put this on it. Call still going?
Q: Yeah.
A: Didn't do a thing. Didn't do a thing.
Q: No?
A: Nope, didn't do a thing. That's what I'm telling you. On one thing that I tested on, it took off a half milligauss.
Q: Did you try the BioPro stuff?
A: Yes, that's what I used. BioPro reduces it by half a milligauss.
Q: That's pretty high.
A: That's the worst I've ever seen. Did you check the radiation field?
Q: No, I didn't.
A: Check the radiation field.
Q: Yeah, I had the same phone. I didn't realize it was that high. That's terrible.
A: Is call still going?
Q: No, I don't know if it's going.
A: Okay, redial. What's your radiation field? Look at that.
Q: How high is it?
A: Tense. It's going up to...
Q: So neither one of those help that much?
A: No. Radio wave radiation field. That's on a phone call. Without a phone call, I don't know. Turn it off and see. I don't think it sends out... Is it on? You're off the call?
Q: Off.
A: Okay, see nothing. Well, it'll pulse to make sure it's connected about every five to 30 minutes. So that one pulse will last about five to ten seconds. If you put it next to a speaker, you'll hear it crackle the speaker, whatever makes that connection. So let's look at this when it's off. Very little EMF here. It's a DC, I mean it's an AC current battery. So it sends an electrical pulse, but it's only about two gauss.
Q: Milligauss.
Q: So if she put it in a holder and put it on speaker phone...
A: Well, what you have to do is find out... Give me your meter again. Sorry, and thank you for bringing it. I have two of them, one I take with me, one I leave in the house. Okay, what I wanted to test was... What was I going to test? I wanted to test something... Oh, you got it on a call?
Q: No.
A: Okay, make a call. Okay, there. You have to be this far from your phone. Yours is that bad. That's just for the electromagnetic field. So you've got to be two and a half feet away.
Q: Radiation?
A: Radiation. Six inches.
Q: Okay.
Q: This is a Nokia earplug. Can you plug this in?
Q: Have you...
Q: This is my question. If I just use the earplug and I have the phone...
A: You've got a magnet in here. You want to call?
Q: Yes. What is the magnet?
A: That's pretty good. It's not picking it up.
Q: Yeah, I'm on the call.
Q: Wow. I need that.
Q: What did you get, sir?
A: That was radiation. Okay. There we go. Are you on the call? No, hung up.
Q: Okay, we're still on the call, but I will call again.
A: Let's see.
Q: What's the reading?
A: It's pulsating up to a four. Are you still on the call?
Q: Yes. But it's much better than what you...
A: Yeah, oh, it's much better, yeah. From a hundred to four is really good.
Q: What did you get me? I thought this was a Nokia earplug.
A: Oh, see, it's got a grounding. No, it doesn't ground.
Q: No, that's just the [unintelligible] control. It doesn't ground. It's just a regular Nokia earplug.
A: Most of them have a magnet that generates a lot.
Q: No, if you go to the manufacturer, which is Nokia, you have to use the Nokia earplug for it to work.
Q: Okay.
Q: Even though other companies will plug in, you know, it fits, but it won't work.
Q: So, in the Nokia, is there an earplug?
Q: Oh, they call it earplug because you put it in your ear.
Q: So, you can find it online?
Q: From Nokia, yeah.
Q: Okay, thank you.
Q: No problem.
A: But you need to check them. The one that came with mine has a magnet in it, and that earbud is so strong it puts out about a four or five. So, that's why I use the air tube with it.
Q: Where's the air tube?
A: Online, a security company.
Q: What are those Bluetooth things for you? Did you ever match one of those or people leave it in their ear all the time?
A: Oh, you mean Bluetooth?
Q: Yeah.
A: Those are terrible. Those are be really high. Well, I've only tested two of them, and one was about a 13 and one was about an 8. No, we got it.
Q: Right against your brain.
A: Right against the brain, absolutely. Well, my Blast is one I like, T-Mobile Blast. Blast, B-L-A-S-T, Blast.
Q: Have you tested the iPhone?
A: Yes. It's not very high. I tested that one on an airplane recently. And their new iPhone, very low, extremely low. It was like three gauss, iPhone? I don't know which one it was.
Q: What about T-Mobile? Do you tap T-Mobile?
A: I have T-Mobile.
Q: Are any of their iPhones low?
A: I didn't, their iPhones are new, and I haven't checked them in the last six months.
Q: So I had T-Mobile, and I was thinking to get one for Christmas, you know, the iPhone.
A: Yeah, get one of those and go test. Anybody should get one of those, anything you want to buy, so you know which one you're going to get. Honestly? Well, just put Tri-Field meters in the search engine and look who has the cheapest price. They're about $140 to $160. So let me tell you, they're worth it. I mean, my one now that's, I got it in 1991 or 92, and I still use it as my main one. When I got it, the guy came, I just moved into a new house. Not a new house, but a house, for me it was a new house in Venice. And also bought a new, my first laptop computer at the same time. And I was getting all these aches in my arms and up to my shoulder, and I thought, oh shit, I'm getting bone cancer again. It was lingering for about a week, so I called an environmental specialist. So I had him come in, I thought maybe there's some radon or something, and I'm breathing it in, it's going to the lymph glands, and the body's dumping the toxicity in my arms. So the environmental specialist came in with all of his gauges and everything, and checking everything, and only found one outlet in the bathroom, but it was so far away that it wasn't a problem at the bed. But I went into the house and rewired it anyway, grounded it properly. And he said, turn on your computer. So I opened my laptop, turned it on, he said, here's your problem. It's shooting up 75 to 85 milligauss. He said, hook a separate keyboard to your, and just make sure it's, and he went, see how long it took, how far away from the computer, where the needle went down to zero, and he said that's how far, it was 8 inches. My keyboard had to be 8 inches away from the laptop. So I've been doing it that way ever since. The pain was gone in two days. Never returned. That's how I got into it. I didn't let him leave the house until he sold me his meter. They didn't make a lot of them in those days, that was just the start of them. He said, it's going to take me a week to get one made. I said, I don't care, what do you want for it? He said, well I'm going to have to charge you more than I paid for it. I said, I don't care. So I paid $160, no I think it was $135, and I think they only cost him $50, $60 at the time. So now they're $140 to $160.
Q: So how much, what's the measurement inside a bedroom or a room in a house where you have at least three or four outlets?
A: Well usually on an outlet you won't have anything pulsating from it at all if it's properly grounded. It's when you have something plugged in. Now the worst appliances are clock phones, I mean clocks, bed clocks. Like you know in hotel rooms, those things will broadcast for four feet, EMF field. So it's right near your head. But let me tell you, those things get unplugged as soon as I go into a hotel room. And every one of them, and I've been into hundreds of hotel rooms, and every one has been nasty. And I do, I take my meter with me and I check every hotel room I get in there. If that room is bad, I get a change of rooms. If it's a bad hotel, every room is that way, I change hotels.
Q: How about the battery clock?
A: The what?
Q: Battery clock.
A: Yeah, battery clocks are bad too.
Q: Really? So you should say put any clock...
A: And I was on a TV show called Venting. And they were talking about the worst things that you can have. It was something about sex. The episode was about sex and the worst thing that could come up in a relationship. And I said, and I held up, I knew it was bad, I put up a vibrator. And I said there's two reasons for this. Gets a woman very dependent upon it, and then I took my EMF field meter and put it up against there. 75 to 100 gauss.
Q: Oh my God.
A: If you're using that for 20 minutes, use it every time in 10 years, 15 years, you're never going to have an orgasm again. That's the end of it. You've destroyed your nerves. You should have seen the women in the audience. That's the end of their happiness with their vibrators. Those things are dangerous. Right there on the nerve center.
Q: Using the earbud, I still have...
A: What time is it?
Q: Five.
A: Oh, okay, we're going to have to end it after this.
Q: I appreciate it. I have always wondered, if I put my cell phone, which is the same model as hers, which was 100 milligrams, in my purse, right, and it's on my shoulder bag, and I'm using the earbud, so it's not against my brain, but it's still against my body. That's so good, because she said you have to be like...
A: Two and a half feet away for yours.
Q: You could put it on a pole.
Q: Is there any way I could make a magnetic case, like a cell phone case, and put the battery, cell phone in there, so, you know...
A: My cell phone only broadcasts for six inches. So, when I have mine in my bag, you know, if I ever do it, I usually don't, I just use mine in my car, and it goes over there on a ledge, and then my ear's over here. But if I do use it in my bag, I just put my bag around, it's in the back pouch, so it's eight inches away from me. So, you just have to be careful.
Q: And her phone, you think, two and a half feet?
A: I just showed you two and a half feet before it went to zero. No, two and a half feet was this far. That's three feet, that's 36 inches.
Q: Wow, that's really far.
A: You could go around with an extra arm, broadcast from here, or from your shoulder.
Q: Just don't talk to me.
Q: Don't talk to her.
A: Hello, I'll be there, bye.
Q: That's how I do it.
A: I don't talk on my cell phone, at all. I don't let any calls linger. The only time I use the phone is a long time ago when I'm on my morning calls from seven to nine. And I could be on a call for 45 minutes to an hour sometimes, where I'm doing an hour-long consult over the phone. But I've got my air tube and my receiver, you know, I've got a little Plantronics receiver. It does not go on my body, it's away from my body. And sometimes I like to do dishes and stuff while I'm on the phone for that long. So I made a little, I took some coat hangers, and I made this little thing, straps on with a belt. So it's down to about here.
Q: MacGyver.
A: Okay, folks, thanks for coming again. We'll see you in a couple of months. So we'll do this again in February. Okay.
Q: Pardon?