Q&A Of January 2, 2011

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: dead cells like pineapple. So you just take a thin slice of pineapple and just go like this all over your body.

Q: What about the formula, coconut pineapple formula for the bath?

A: That's internal. If you want to get rid of dead cells quicker in your skin, then you just rub on pineapple, but only do it once every five days. Because if you've got enough fat in your skin and the cells in the skin, it won't involve the healthy cells. If you use this on the skin every day, every other day, or every third day, it's going to get into the live cells and defat them and damage them.

Q: Does it need to be blended or just take a cube like that?

A: Take a thin slice, you've got the size of your hand, and just go like this all over.

Q: Ok, Lisa.

Q: That's for the arms?

A: That's for everywhere.

Q: Do it internal too for the [unintelligible]?

A: Well, yeah, that's for inside.

Q: So before you get in the hot water and then after you've got the hot water -

A: Internally you can have pineapple every other day, but on the surface of the skin you want to do it every five days.

Q: What about the pineapple and the green juice Do you not do that much anymore?

A: Sometimes, it depends on the person.

Q: For the lymphatic?

A: For the lymphatic or digestion.

Q: Did you say when you're getting a massage once a week, you also put something else?

A: I put half butter, half... normally I use half butter and half bone marrow. Sometimes I'll put a tablespoon of coconut cream in it, and about a tablespoon of the pineapple juice.

Q: And what does that do? It protects your skin from...

A: It protects it and also gives me enough pineapple to start breaking down dead cells.

Q: It protects it from what? From burning from the water?

A: What do you mean?

Q: The skin, it protects the skin.

A: Your cells need nourishment all the time. You've got poisons coming out through your skin. Your skin cells are going to be throwing off fat all the time. If they lose their fat, the poisons as they come out are going to damage the skin and kill it. That's when you start having a lot of sagging skin. It's dead skin. Dead cells can't absorb fat. So when you put the butter and the bone marrow on there, it feeds the healthy cells, so that when you put the pineapple on, it doesn't damage the healthy cells. It will only start dissolving the bromelain in it, and other enzymes will only dissolve the dead cells.

Q: When are you supposed to do this? After a hot bath?

A: Good time.

Q: So you're saying that when you...

A: I do a hot bath, my massage therapist comes, I'm out of the hot bath, right when he gets there, I get right on the massage table.

Q: So when you have your bath and then you put the butter and bone marrow on, you're massaging and all the toxins, all the dead skin is coming out?

A: No, I got the dead skin off in the bath.

Q: Okay, so you're protecting your skin.

A: Feeding the skin.

Q: Feeding the skin, but by feeding the skin, the toxins are coming into the bone marrow and the butter?

A: The bone marrow and the butter provide the fat for the cells to protect themselves. So that any toxins coming through my skin will not damage those cells.

Q: That goes to the fat.

A: No, the fat's already, they're already strong, so when it comes out to the skin in perspiration, or as dead skin cells, it won't damage those healthy cells, those live cells.

Q: Do you do a bath every day then?

A: I only do a bath, I only take a bath once a week.

Q: Do you do it right after you take the bath, or is that the best time?

A: Right after I have the bath, I have the massage.

Q: After you come out?

A: Yep.

Q: What do you mean, massage, how do you massage?

A: I have a massage therapist come in and massage it into my skin.

Q: Oh, so you do that and then you use that?

A: That mixture.

Q: What if you don't have a massage therapist, can you just put it on anyway?

A: Yeah.

Q: Like his girlfriend.

A: I like it rubbed into my skin.

Q: So that sagging skin is dead cells.

A: Most of it's dead cells.

Q: So how to avoid that?

A: That's what I was telling you, how to avoid it, and also how to get rid of it. Hello.

Q: That's my son.

A: Hello.

Q: It's my birthday today, so...

A: Well, happy birthday.

Q: Happy birthday.

Q: Are you here for the question and answer?

Q: I just got the information, I went to the other place, because I'm not interested in this, but they gave me the information. And I came here.

A: Shall we sit over there where it's softer?

Q: Yeah.

Q: I don't have any questions, I haven't read any book, I don't know anything about it completely. I'm from Poland, so I eat sausages and meat.

Q: Okay.

Q: What's that thing that you told me about getting rid of that sagging skin?

A: You rub pineapple on it.

Q: You rub...

A: Pineapple juice.

Q: You rub pineapple...

A: Take a very thin slice of pineapple and just rub it all over.

Q: Yeah.

A: Anywhere. And that will take off the dead... I even found... I had a patient who had descending testicles. He got a flu shot, and the poison went to his testicles, and his testicles fell like four inches within six months. And I had him rub pineapple juice on it every five days, and within about two months, right back. This was a man in his 60s, mid-60s.

Q: So after the pineapple, you put the butter, the bone marrow on it?

A: Yeah.

Q: Just leave the pineapple on, and then wash it off?

A: But you only do it every five... once every five days.

Q: Do you wash it off?

A: No.

Q: No.

A: Depends on if you put... You put so much on that it causes your skin to stain, then I would wipe it off, I would blot it off.

Q: This is also on the face?

A: Everywhere.

Q: Once every five days.

A: Or less. Do once every five to seven days.

Q: And remember me the second one?

A: You're clever, see, you think I'm toxic?

Q: No.

Q: That will take away the sagging skin on your arm.

A: Eventually. It takes time.

Q: Dead skin. And dead skin is created from what?

A: Well, you're not eating enough meat to reproduce cells, so your body holds on to dead cells, and you're not eating enough fat to dissolve dead cells, your lymph system is not working. There can be a dozen reasons why your body collects dead cells. But the skin has more than anywhere else, usually, because most of the toxins are leaving through the skin and damaging skin cells. If you do the massage, or you just keep, you know, your body... If you do a bath, then you should always put something on your skin, raw butter, bone marrow, that mixture.

Q: Afterwards. After the bath.

A: After the bath, it protects your skin.

Q: Butter and bone marrow. Any... What's the proportion?

A: Fifty-fifty.

Q: Bone marrow and butter.

Q: And one problem, I have very oily skin. I take baths frequently, and I'm getting off the oil as I go to the bathroom. So...

A: Well, you're lucky. Most people don't have that kind of oil to lubricate their skin and protect it.

Q: Too much oil.

Q: I put coconut cream in the bath water. Does that help?

A: I do that, too.

Q: Do you still do it when you're done with the massage?

A: Well, that I put on after I get out of the bath. I put milk, coconut cream, sea salt or Epsom salt, and vinegar.

Q: If I get a... If I get a whole house water filter system, do I still have to put those same things in?

A: Just not as much. Very little after that. If you've got a good three-tier system, where the canisters are this big and this tall...

Q: That's about this tall.

A: Yeah, that's better. Well, you had... Let's see, you had a paper one, then you had another canister that was coconut carbon, and then a sand filter. Then you'd only have to put maybe half a cup of milk. Only half a cup of milk instead of a cup and a half. Oh, you guys got your fluoride in your water on the 22nd.

Q: We do?

A: Yeah.

Q: This month?

A: 22nd of December, you started getting fluoride in your water.

Q: Oh, I just want to kill it, is that it?

A: No, that's what they're after.

Q: You know, there's some cities now I read that are starting to ban it.

A: Yeah.

Q: A couple of them, they're going to turn it on and off. If you're having problems with money, you will actually poison our citizens.

A: Absolutely.

Q: With tax dollars, then we don't even have enough of it.

A: Exactly, yeah. Well, San Diego was the only city, major city, in the United States that fought it off this long. December 22nd, it went in your water.

Q: And where's that coming from again, the fluoride?

A: Well, it comes from making aluminum.

Q: That's dry.

A: And a lot of industrial military equipment.

Q: It's just waste.

A: It's a waste.

Q: Yeah, it's a waste.

Q: It's a waste that they have to go to a toxic waste dump for.

A: And it costs them millions and millions of dollars to handle it that way. So they just put it in the water.

Q: And say it's good for our teeth and bones. Oh, my God. How misleading.

A: Well, the worst thing about that is that when they did that test, the results were people had less cavities that had the fluoride in the water, but they didn't count. They had less teeth. People who got the fluoride lost something like 10% of their teeth. Their teeth were falling out. So they had fewer teeth to have cavities.

Q: Oh, I see. So the ones that didn't have the teeth, there's no cavities.

A: That's right.

Q: That's the way they went around.

A: Less cavities.

Q: Oh, my gosh. If you've got no teeth, how can you have cavities for goodness sakes?

A: Exactly.

Q: I went to one of the city council meetings when they were discussing this fluoride. And there was this ex-assemblyman, I think, or council member, I think it was Ron Roberts. And he got up in front of them and he was talking about how important this was for the children. It made me feel like vomiting.

A: Well, very few people know. The only reason I know about it is because when my nutritionist was teaching me, that information and the actual records were available. So I got to see them. And I saw, you know, they had 10% fewer teeth. The people who got the fluoride lost 10% more teeth than the people who didn't get the fluoride. And the rate of cavities would have been less in the group who didn't get fluoride had they had their teeth. And the only reason that they had less cavities is because they had less teeth. So, you can't get a hold of those tests anymore. They've gotten rid of everything, all the evidence.

Q: Yeah, I tell you, they're making it trickier for us.

Q: It's got that bowl in there.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: So how did you hear about this?

Q: I went to the doctor. [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yes.

Q: Two or three days ago.

A: And you met someone there?

Q: Yes, I met a lady there. And she told me about your book. [unintelligible]. I'm going to ask her what she said. Because I went to the wrong person.

A: You went to the wrong one. Yeah. Yeah, well, we just had a change on Monday.

Q: Oh, you went to the one in Encinitas and knocked on the door and Cynthia told you was here. Well, at least you got here. It's a lot of information.

Q: I don't know anything about it.

Q: Well, we all started that way. We all started that way to understand how it's this kind of health, it's a journey. But, you know, it's a good thing.

Q: I have Hashimoto's, so I hope [unintelligible].

Q: Who's Hashimoto's? What's Hashimoto's?

Q: I have Hashimoto's.

A: Hashimoto's, yes. How long?

Q: [unintelligible] I tried to knock, but then I was unable even to wake up.

A: Yeah, unfortunately.

Q: I have a question. [unintelligible] against American doctors. I have to ask somebody and I cannot always...

A: Well, if you want to know about health, don't go to any doctor, medical doctor. They know nothing about health. They only know disease and drugs. They're run by the pharmaceutical industry and their intent is to have profits made by you taking drugs. So there's no cures. They don't offer any cures. They offer you a lifetime of medication.

Q: Yeah, because when I told my doctor that I want to have IV with vitamin C, he said, you know, that's absolutely nonsense.

A: Yeah, because... vitamin C is not real vitamin C. It's ascorbic acid. So it's a chemical. And it doesn't have any of the appearance of true vitamin C. The only way you can get vitamin C is from food. True vitamin C.

Q: I have to take so much, so concentrate.

A: That's the whole point. If you eat a raw diet, you're going to eat a lot. If you eat a cooked diet, you have to eat. You have a lot of toxins and you need your proportion of vitamin C magnified by almost 10 times.

Q: That's the hard thing to understand is that when you are on a clean diet, you need so little once your body starts balancing out. You need so little. You get results like within a day. And that's because, you know, I've only been on this not completely because I've been doing it slowly for, what, five, six years. But you need very little. And then you start looking at all this junk that you buy and all this money that you're wasting and how much you have to take every morning. It's like a whole bowl full. It's in your hands and you have to take them with all water. And you just...

A: It's chemical. It's not food. You can't really assimilate the problem.

Q: And you don't even understand it because you think, well, that's the way I grew up. That's the way the doctors tell me. That's what the TV tells me. And it's all one big lie. And it's hard to turn your mind around to say, well, how do I change all that? If I go to a... If I go out, there's no way to go to eat healthy. I have to go to a fast food place. You have to start making all your food and you have to carry it with you. It's a whole different mind reality. But if you want health, and if you want happiness, and if you want to be balanced, it's a discipline. It's a discipline. You can't say, um, I want a bullet. You can't say, I want to... You can't say, I want this pill to fix it. It's everything about your life. You have to say, I want peace, and I want happiness, and I want, you know... And you have to decide how to do it, because your health, when you start losing your energy, when you start losing your body, eventually you say, I better... I have to do something. And then again, it's your choice. Every day, it's your choice how you want to go about it. It's the doctors who want to kill you, and they just want your money, or it's your self-discipline and the knowledge that you're going to get. In this case, this man. He's got knowledge.

Q: So, do you think I could be cured by doing something right? Although it's a year and a half, I'm very low doses, because I was fighting with my doctor here.

A: I've had five... I've worked with five cases of Hashimoto's, and all of them were reversed.

Q: For how long have you been taking those Synthroid?

A: Oh, no. I tell them not to take any.

Q: Oh, not to take any. So they were not more Synthroid.

A: No, they eat food.

Q: But even that I am taking now Synthroid, I can... Because sometimes when you take so long, it damages that.

A: Well, no, you keep... The more you do, you keep doing damage every time you take it.

Q: What is she got?

A: Hashimoto's is...

Q: Autoimmune disease with antipathy?

Q: Thyroid. Thyroid?

A: Thyroid. Thyroid, yeah, but... More. With Hashimoto's, it's also combined with the lymphatic system. Lymphatic system doesn't work here along with the thyroid. But I tell everybody, it's absolute malarkey that your problem is your thyroid. Because the thyroid handles the heart and the lungs. It doesn't handle energy yet, and it doesn't handle hair loss or anything like that. It doesn't affect that. That's medical malarkey. It's not true. But they make millions and millions and millions of dollars selling thyroid medication because they say that it has to do with this. And it doesn't. You've got inability to utilize fats properly. You just have to eat a diet that will help you utilize fats. And you have to eat proper fats for it. But you know, just get my books and that will get you started.

Q: And the book gets started, or do I have to have a design diet for my...

A: Well, if you want to get through it faster, I can help you get through it, but I don't take anybody on unless they've at least read my first book first.

Q: Yeah, I will. That's why I come to get your book. I think I can buy it here. They say I can buy the books here.

A: Yeah, but I sold them out yesterday. I have my recipe book, but I don't have the we want to live. I don't know if Lisa has any. Lisa? Lisa might have one. She might have one.

Q: In Poland, we didn't have that many chemical foods for a long time. Now it's more into it. So we had a sort of good food, farmers' food, natural food. And now it's been changed. And my background is that my mom was a medical doctor. We have 12 medical doctors in our family. So they are very pro-doctors.

A: Brainwashed. Well, the pharmaceutical industry runs the medical industry. They write all the manuals for the doctors to follow. And they give incredible amounts of money to all the medical universities. Fund them, keep them in good stature, for everybody who is interested in the doctors.

Q: I'm not sure if that's around in Poland. Not yet, but it's going.

A: The medical doctors are all trained all around the world the same. By the same manuals from the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: Right.

A: Once you're trained that way, that's it. That's all you know. They don't want them to know anything else. So let's start going around, if you have questions.

Q: I do. Okay, so mine is sort of all tied together, but sometimes my knees pop out of their joints and back in. Sometimes I hear like a popping or a cracking sound in my joints. And my left ankle, which I've broken and sprained three different times, has been feeling weaker.

A: How many years?

Q: How many years ago did I do it?

A: How many years? So you broke it three times?

Q: Yeah, well I broke it first when I was about 16. And then after that, I can't remember whether it re-broke or it sprained twice or broke once again. And that was probably within the next, let's say, 10 years, something like that.

A: So about 20, and then about 16.

Q: I was going to say 26 or 30, I don't remember exactly. And so my question is, is there anything I can do for that? Like the knee, the knee did this morning. I was in bed and I just turned into a wrecker. Sometimes I can go for years and it won't happen. And all of a sudden, lately it's been happening.

A: When it's cold like this, your body will detox joints and bones easier. When it's cold. So a lot of people will have a lot of joint and bone problems in the winter. Because of the cleansing of that. And if you're popping, that means you're not getting enough fats in that joint to handle the toxicity that's being relieved either from the bone marrow discharging to the joint or just getting rid of some toxicity in the cartilage.

Q: So how do I get the fat to that area?

A: Lubrication formula, moisturizing formula.

Q: I may not use that twice a day.

A: Okay, and that's all you can do. Take your hot baths and, you know, if you've got a particular joint that's more affected, then you put a hot water bottle near that one at night. And that will force more circulation, more nutrients to that area and more fat.

Q: And the fact that I still, like, for my arthritis, I still have swelling here and swelling on the sides of my knees and stuff, is that...

A: Swelling is a good thing. Swelling means there's more nutrients going in that area to cleanse it and heal it. And so you just put a hot water bottle in any joint where you're having problems. Anytime you have pain anywhere, you want to increase nutrients to that area, and you can do that with heat. And that will increase the... it will cause everything to relax and swell. It will get more nutrients into it.

Q: Either a hot bath or a hot water bottle?

A: No, if you have a particular... if you go into a bath, the whole body is going to be heated. It's not going to focus on that one problem area. At night, while you're asleep, put a hot water bottle near that problem area, so the body will focus on that area.

Q: So even if there isn't any pain, it's just... I mean, I'm just... I'm not feeling any pain. I just see the swelling.

A: And if you have cracking, that means you're not getting enough fat in there. So put the water bottle there, even if there's no pain. There's a sign that there's dryness. Not enough fat, and that's a problem.

Q: You say dryness is from sulfur?

A: Sulfur can cause dryness.

Q: What else causes dryness?

A: Toxins in the body. The body is using up the fat to bind with toxins. There's a lot of things that can cause dryness. Many toxins. Even hydrogenated fat causes dryness. Because it's plastic. It's not a fat that your body can utilize properly to lubricate itself, so it will cause dryness. You haven't read the books. Do you have a question?

Q: Um... Well, I have degenerated discs my back. If you put a hot water bottle on it, it helps it, right?

A: Absolutely, but if you have a degenerated... Yeah, you can actually see it's dissolving. What does it look like?

Q: Well, it's not equivalent. There's not enough space in there. They're contracted.

A: So, then the hot water bottle is the main thing you have to do. Because you need to expand those tendons. Right now, they're choking everything and will keep compressing. And your body will start dissolving its vertebrae to make up for that and it'll start shrinking. So, if you put the heat there, that'll allow the tendons to hold the spinal cord together, the column together, to allow them to relax and there'll be space. That's the only way you can do it. Also, yoga, you know, you can do the spinal twist, whether sitting spinal twist or lying down spinal twist, to make sure that after you use the heat, you know, like you would use a hot water bottle at night, get up in the morning, and do the spinal twist to make sure that everything is stretched while it's still soft, while it's still relaxed. And then it will stretch it even more. By the time it's night time again, then do it again, stretch before you go to sleep, and then put that hot water bottle on. Pardon?

Q: I have a [unintelligible] pain.

A: Always do heat first. So, hang in the warmth.

Q: That spinal twist is a really important thing to do.

A: If you go and stretch it when those tendons are not relaxed and soft, it will make them more tense. So, as soon as you get off that, they're going to go right back to gripping. And they're just going to, sometimes they'll turn off like that and press on the nerve and cause pain. So, you've got to put heat first. Which is, tendons, when you stretch them, they'll stay stretched and not go right back like a rubber band.

Q: [unintelligible] my physical therapist who will have me go on heat then I stretch.

A: Good. But is he using a hot heating pad? Electric heating pad or what?

Q: Hydrometer, or .. it's a hot pad. It's in water. [unintelligible]

Q: He put it in a microwave oven with [unintelligible]

A: Oh, yeah, radioactive material. Not a good thing.

Q: It's a boiled pad.

Q: That spinal twist really is simple and very effective.

Q: I think I know what you're talking about.

Q: Okay, let me show you. I'm not too good these days because of my own uncomfortable stuff that I've been going through. So, I haven't been doing this for a long time. So, I'll just show you. I'll do the lying down one and then also the sitting up one. And I prefer the lying because when you're not so strong, the lying down is a lot easier. And I was told that you move just a little fraction if you're going to one side. So, you put your leg down. I'm going to the left, so I have to turn my head first. You have to make sure that you're going to proper alignment. So, imagine pulling your head so your chin is facing towards your chest and you turn it parallel to your shoulder first. You take your arms out and you twist, holding your knee and keeping your right shoulder down. And when you stay in that position, it relaxes.

A: Sometimes it may not be relaxing for the first minute, but the longer you're in it, the more it will relax. Unless you go into it too fast. If you try to lie down, don't do it slowly like she did. Just lie down and immediately turn it over and you can cause yourself to go into a cramp. A charley horse in your back.

Q: The key thing is that you really have to follow your body. And that's one thing I try to monitor with my body because it's not really healthy at the moment. And I'm going to move a slight to the left and I'm going to align my head and chin. And I'm going to the left. And again, the leg that's down, you're flexing your toes. You're not pointing, you're flexing because that creates the proper alignment in the energy of your right side. And then slowly go as far as you can. If you try to go this far, that's all you go. I know how far I can go. And I'm surrendering.

A: And you can also use your hand like she's now going to push it down.

Q: I let my body push me because I know better. I need to use my hand to push me. I'm not really comfortable with that. So I'm monitoring what's happening to my body. And then I can put it down and move. So you really, if your physical situation, if your physical situation is what it is, then you really have to monitor it. And if you don't know how to monitor it, it's best to maybe one or two times have a personal yoga class. Someone that really knows what they're doing.

A: And if you hold that position for three minutes on each side, that should be enough.

Q: Oh, God, it feels so nice.

Q: I'm going to have to go back to Ellen.

Q: What's that?

Q: I have something.

Q: You don't like it? You don't like it?

Q: No, Nick.

Q: Who's Nick?

Q: My physical therapist.

Q: Well, then you have to work with him. If he knows, I don't know, I don't know.

A: Let me tell you. When I had all my back problems from the radiation therapy, there was nothing that would leave me more than that.

Q: It is.

A: I also have to go into the plow, too.

Q: You want to see the plow?

A: Yeah, so.

Q: It's just so fantastic. You've got to take it slowly.

A: And those took care of my upper vertebrae.

Q: You know, there's another thing that I've been finding really effective. It's called the gingham gypsy. It's where you put your hands on different pressure points and something lets go. I have amazing tension up here in the back, and I do the gallbladder, kidney, bladder movement, and it's healthy. But you need to understand that it's a, what do I do right now? What do I do now? And so everything has, you might need physical movement, you might need internal release with the meridians. You don't know. You need to start to understand who you are by the guidance you're receiving. And you don't know if your guidance is accurate.

A: Now why wouldn't your physical therapist like that exercise?

Q: Well, I showed, actually, Nick the other day, the physical therapist suggested that Nick decided that he needed [unintelligible]. And he showed it, and I can show you now. Nick said it looked like there was problems in the back. What you did there, if that was your problem, you should do your exercise somewhere similar.

A: I don't know, if you've got a cramped vertebrae, that's the only thing that's going to reveal it and release it properly. You can hang upside down, but that's still not going to make it stretch enough, like you will in that position.

Q: You have to understand, your fear might be buying into, your resistance might be buying into, what you need to do. By the influence of somebody else telling you what you're needing.

A: Well do it for a week and see. The thing is, you don't go into it fast.

Q: What about the child's pose? Where you just, where first of all, you start, you kind of start this way, and you stretch it. And then sometimes somebody kind of sits on this part of you and you stretch even more. Or they stretch you while you're in the pose. And then sometimes you can do the cat, which again is going to help you stretch. But the twist, it does something to the spine and all the vertebrae that feed from the spine.

A: All the tendons. It stretches them out so there's no pressure. But that's the only thing you do with those spinal twists.

Q: So you're having trouble overcoming the fears.

Q: I didn't do any exercises myself.

A: Well that one is easy if you're lying down doing it. If you do the sitting one, that's very strenuous.

Q: On any exercise. Some of the problems with my back, I can't do much of it.

Q: That's a lot of fear. Tight hamstring muscles, major large intestine fears. You just have to go to someone that knows what they're doing and they will tell you from what you're talking, what you're dealing with, why it's manifesting in your body. I know all about tight hamstrings. A lot of fear involved there. A lot of resistance. Or I might do this. I might fail. A lot of our stuff is psychological. So when we do this diet, we're looking at all this psychological stuff. Everything's moving all the time. You're trying to come to know who you are. Not what our crippled state is. Very much psychological. I've seen things moving around within a day. It's all up here. You're dealing with a lot of fear.

A: I don't have those same opinions, like I said in my book. But fear can keep you from doing what you need to do. Like I should have been eating raw meat three years when it was first introduced to me. But I had such a fear for about three years, I had to go to the point of wanting to kill myself, thinking that the raw meat would do it. And then discovering that it was exactly what I needed. You know, there's three years of stupid fear. And the doctors put it in my head. I would say just do that posture. If the problem you're talking about, all you need to do is that posture.

Q: If you're afraid of doing it alone, and if you are afraid, if I can totally understand, then give that to yourself. Find someone that's really nurturing, that's going to take it slowly with you. So then you know. If you're not aware of your body, and you're not wanting to be aware of your body by the sound of it, get someone that's going to show you how to be gentle with your body. And then, once you know, then you say, well I don't need that book anymore, I'm giving it to myself. It's a beautiful gift to give to yourself, because not many of us know how to treat our bodies. If we did, I don't think we would be on the planet. We're in this body. Yeah, you'll probably love it. You'll probably love someone all of a sudden having a gentle touch on you. You might even cry. There's so many emotions that, our emotional turmoil, we don't know what that means.

A: When I had the radiation therapy that cauterized my spine, I was in pain all day long, 24 hours a day. I was able to sleep only 10 minutes at a time without waking up in excruciating pain. The first freedom from that was when I learned to go into a hot bath. I used to sleep in a hot bath with lots of gasoline and salt in it, so my body became buoyant. I didn't have that pressure on my back. So I could sleep there as long as I could until the water got too cold. And I'd wake up freezing cold, and then I would reheat the lips in the water, and I would reheat it. And then, I couldn't live in the bathtub anymore. I did it for a year. I actually lived in the bathtub 14, 16 hours a day. Then I had to find another way, and I did everything. When I learned those two positions right there on either side, it changed my life. I was able to start bicycling. That's when I went out, 27 years old, I was able to start bicycling. I still had to get off the bicycle every hour to hour and a half, and go into those two positions and the plow. And I did that for maybe 10 minutes. 3 minutes per position, a minute in between. So that's 3 positions, 9 minutes, and a minute in between the plow and the spinal twist. I was able to get on that bike for another hour and a half, hour, hour and a half, and ride again. That position right there, those two positions right there, gave me more ease from my back pain.

Q: Alright, let's try it.

Q: Just to piggyback on that, do you have an opinion about the difference between yoga and Pilates?

A: Well, I studied yoga and I taught yoga. Pilates, I've only looked at a video, but I've never done it, so I really can't talk about it.

Q: Pilates is a practice of elongating the body. It's a little bit different to yoga. It strengthens the core muscles. Everything, like for instance, when you do a Pilates, you're coming up this way. You're trying to tighten the core muscles, so then you gain more strength and then you can stretch. Then you find ways to stretch. Yoga also does that, but in a different way.

Q: So they're just really two different modalities and they both have their good...

Q: Different modalities...

A: Yoga is about relaxing and stretching. Pilates is about firming, toning.

Q: Yeah, you're also trying to elongate, which means to stretch, but it's done from the core position. You're trying to strengthen the whole solar plexus, so then you can gain strength and stretch. Whereas yoga starts with really simple things of strengthening the joints by taking all the toxins out of the joints, just by doing simple exercises like this. Stretching, like twisting the spine, you get the toxins out of the spine. And then you're trying to eliminate in the process. So I don't know enough about it, and I don't know enough about yoga to really give what happens physiologically.

Q: But, yeah, that's good information. Thank you.

A: Well, yoga, basically, when I studied it, when I taught it, is to stretch everything. Like animals, when they first get up, you'll see them all stretch and move around so they can be limber, so they can be fast. If you've got joints rubbing on each other, you're going to wear down your cartilage. Yoga is about stretching everything out to be limber. Then, of course, they've got a Bikram yoga in there to fast up to give you the sweat and exercise. Quick stuff, but yoga was always a slow meditative process to stretch the body in all different positions.

Q: One instructor once said, the reason why I'm incorporating so many positions in this one and a half hour class is to tell you, to show you as many good postures as possible. But when you go home, ideally, each pose should be a minimum three to ten minutes. In that way, you allow the body, when you relax, you allow the body to relax and release and then stretch. So there's a lot, there's a lot, like everything's a sign. There's so much information and if you're not ready to hear it, you're not going to hear it. And then you're going to say, yeah, I do that in a fast pace, Bikram yoga in a sweated room. And you know, it's like, you might just not have a proper hot bath.

A: Do you have any new ones for this, Lisa?

Q: No, I've been having them month after month. Every day you're out.

A: You what?

Q: You have been out every time.

A: I just have some recipe books. I sold the rest of the other books yesterday. I had no idea I was going to sell them.

Q: I think I saw it yesterday on Amazon.

A: Pardon?

Q: Your book was on Amazon?

A: Amazon, yes, it's on Amazon.

Q: And I downloaded the Kindle, I'm not sure.

Q: You can show it in your newsletter and pick it up from there.

A: Yeah, wewant2live.com. You can go to wewant2live.com.

Q: The number too.

Q: I think I made it yesterday.

A: You did what?

Q: Yesterday I put my email on your website.

A: Well, it's not my website. I don't have time. I have somebody who does it. I contracted to do it. I published my stuff. They have to take care of it. I don't take care of that website.

Q: Who takes care of the Primal Diet website?

A: That's publishing.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Where is the vertebrae that are tight on you, Michael? Pardon? Lumbar. Yeah, these are up here. Lumbar is down here.

Q: [unintelligible] position in your heart? Does he know meridians connected to that area?

A: He's a medical.

Q: Oh, I didn't know. So, do you need to find someone that is a both?

Q: I had a physical therapist. I had better luck with the physical therapist, but I [unintelligible] his number.

A: Or is it that you're just getting better?

Q: I'm better now probably than I have been.

A: That's what I mean, but it may have to do with your body getting healthier, not necessarily his work. Just try the two positions.

Q: [unintelligible] I have some idea. I don't know how to show it to you.

Q: Well, I don't know. I think you're dealing with a lot of personal issues from what I'm sensing with you. And if you don't know what you're dealing with, going into the physical, to a both, you might be put off. And you said that you're again, it's self-abuse that you're being attracted to.

A: I don't think we should get into judgments like that.

Q: No.

A: No. We don't even want to theorize that. Just remember that. You don't have to go on your back first if you don't want to. I usually start on my side, and then I'll roll back, and then raise over again. It's easier if you're going from this position. Just remember, if you're on your left side, the right shoulder goes back. These two opposite. This goes forward, this goes backwards. If you're on your left, right side, your left side, the knee goes forward, the elbow goes, I mean the shoulder goes backwards.

Q: That's not easy to remember though, I think.

A: Very easy.

Q: When he's never done it before?

A: No. He's on his side. On the right side, the left knee goes forward, the left shoulder goes back, it's always. The shoulder goes back, the knee goes forward. So easy.

Q: Well, I can remember that. I'm just not good at doing exercises.

A: That one will give you so much relief. Well, I should say, it gives me so much relief. It's my favorite. It's the only one I absolutely do every day.

Q: It's kind of like the diet. I know for me, first you resist, and then you start doing it, and you go, oh, well that's helpful. So then you move to, I mean I have so many rituals I do now. I started occupational therapy over a year ago, and I do it every single day. Because I need to do it for my arthritis. So I just find that I just add, it's like, okay, when I'm ready I add one more thing. And then it's not so difficult. Because I imagine it wasn't difficult to start the diet to begin with.

Q: I feel like it's a lot of just kind of depends on the person's inspiration. And then you are in such a heap of pain. It's just wonderful. It's something that feels really good.

Q: We all have resistance. It's also the way we get our attention.

A: Do you have a question, Joseph?

Q: I'm trying to get a healthier floor covering in my house. Hopefully the carpeting that's in there. Half my house is tile, the other half is carpeting.

A: What kind of carpeting? Wool?

Q: No.

A: Synthetic?

Q: Yeah.

A: Breathing plastic?

Q: I want to get rid of it. And also for my apartments too, I want to get rid of carpeting. I've been looking at doing some tile and wood. But what I'm finding in wood or laminate floor, I'm not sure which this is. This might be laminate. It might be wood. I don't know which it is. But what I'm finding, the finishes on all these wood products that you can put in a house in a convenient way, and that's floating it without gluing it to the floor, and they glue to each other, or they're locked, they all have aluminum oxide. Now that can't be too healthy, can it?

A: No, if it flakes, if it oxidizes, it's a breathing...

Q: Well, it's already oxidized. It's already aluminum oxide. It's in the finish.

A: But I mean when the finish starts oxidizing, it'll powder, and you'd be breathing matter.

Q: So, I mean, does that, that, it seems like it eliminates all wood.

A: Well, I have people that just use coconut oil and finish the oil with coconut once a year.

Q: This stuff's already finished.

A: Yeah. What I did was on the place I just got it was all plastic carpeting. So, I pulled the carpet out, and I put the stone down.

Q: It seems like stone and tile is the only thing that's healthy.

A: Stone, that's it. Not even tile, because you've got tile that's fired. You've got lead. You've got all kinds of stuff in that.

Q: No, that's no good either.

Q: Can't you get a natural wood?

Q: What about stone having radon?

A: You have to have a radon machine there to test and see if you've got parts that have radon. Or put those off in another area where people don't walk in to live.

Q: What stone did you choose?

A: Whatever stone you like.

Q: Where did you get the stone that didn't have any stuff?

A: You mean no radon?

Q: Yeah.

A: Well, almost all stone has some radon. Or marble.

Q: So, there's nothing that's healthy.

A: You just have to go through a test. Pardon?

Q: There's nothing that's healthy.

A: Well, you can go through each part. I mean, you can go through each, you know, let's say the one I bought was the Venetian style, which means there was one block this big, and then another block this big, and then two squares this big, and then another two sections that were like this. So, that was the pattern. So, that's all throughout, you know, the house that way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, it wasn't that. About probably this thick. Not very expensive. And I got it at something like 20% discount. Well, she has a... What is it? I can't think of the name of the stone.

Q: She's got a natural stone name.

A: Yeah, but that's tight together. Tourmaline. That's tight together. Mine is... Mine is grout in between, and there's larger space in between.

Q: That's another name.

Q: Travertine.

A: Travertine.

Q: Tourmaline is a rough stone. It has less stuff in it.

A: Well, it's more like marble. It's a solid finish. It will show, you know. Mine's a rough stone, and I don't seal it. So, it never looks dirty, and it's all mottled.

Q: Is it still releasing that...

A: If there were a section with radon, it would constantly be distributing, but I put all the blocks that were radon in the storage closet.

Q: How did you test it?

A: It was a machine.

Q: Do you have a Geiger counter?

A: I don't now, but I'm in it now.

Q: So, within the path, you could remove those ones that had more?

A: Yeah, you could hold this one high, put that one aside, and don't use it, or use it in a storage area.

Q: What does it do to you, that stuff that's got the radon in it?

A: Radon can cause different types of diseases, depending upon your body.

Q: How bad is the lead in the tile?

A: It's not so bad. It's just that if something scrapes, the glaze on it, very toxic.

Q: When the tile cracks?

A: Cracks, or you scrape it.

Q: You're going to release the...

A: Yeah, I'm going to release some of the dust from it. I'd rather have rock than I would a fired clay. I mean a fired clay. I'd always rather deal with some natural stone than I would some fired clay.

Q: What kind of stone did you get?

A: I forgot the name of it.

Q: It's been in 5,000 years.

A: I don't remember the name.

Q: It's called rock-escaping wood. I wonder if there are wood for putting it on it.

Q: You could possibly get wood that doesn't have it, but it'll be thick stuff, and it's not the convenient floating floor stuff.

A: I have several people who put wood flooring in with no finish on it, not pre-finished.

Q: Floating types?

A: No, they have the wood.

Q: I haven't been able to find any that have floated.

A: Go online.

Q: So when it's unfinished...

A: No finish, unfinished.

Q: You put the coconut cream in?

A: I put coconut oil.

Q: Coconut oil. How often do you have to do that?

A: In the Philippines, some of the tribespeople live in their little grass huts and stuff. They'll take coconut, grated coconut, and they just work it in and work it in and work it in.

Q: I'll try that. I'll see if I can find some.

A: But I like the oil. It's easy. You just put it on, let it absorb, and then wipe it off. You do two coats the first time, and then you just do it once a year.

Q: Is bamboo flooring?

A: Bamboo, because they use a lot of glue. There's epoxy in it, not so good.

Q: Well, these floating floors all have engineered wood behind underneath them.

A: It's all toxic, highly toxic. Polymer.

Q: You're making it really difficult for me.

A: Well, you're easiest is stone. So easy.

Q: It's not easy to install, especially on floor surfaces that are uneven.

A: Oh, well...

Q: You know, you've got continents, and there's some places that I have that have wood floors. Nothing's even at all on them. So sometimes you have to put this much cement, and other times this much.

A: Yeah, but then you put down green board.

Q: With no extreme.

A: Yeah, you have to... And then that levels it.

Q: One time we had to put plywood first, and then your cement board.

A: You have to put the plywood.

Q: The floor wasn't strong.

Q: People with ordinary, people like stone.

Q: But carpet, everything forgives everything. You can do anything.

A: Unless you're using the travertine like here, where everything has to bud right together. But I use uneven, because mine is on concrete, and there's all kinds of different rolls on that floor.

Q: Did you put a spacer for up here?

A: Yeah, just only 1 6th of an inch.

Q: 1 8th?

A: No, 1 6th. So I just put... but still, the whole edges were beveled in the one I chose. So it's really rough. So you can't, you know, even though if they were butted up together, they wouldn't be the same height. Since they're open, and you've got grout in between, it doesn't show. It forgives everything.

Q: Does it look okay for people who don't know how to live that way? Like tenants, huh?

A: Oh, mine looks so rich.

Q: What did you finish it with?

A: I didn't finish it.

Q: You don't have to finish it.

Q: Which stone did you change it with?

A: I forgot the name of it. It was a Venetian pattern, but I forgot the stone. It's gold. But it was on the white side, you know, kind of off-white with lots of...


Q: Can Matt sit around and use that more than just right immediately, and use it later in the day, the next day?

A: He can, but I wouldn't do it over more than 24 hours. What I do is, I'm sucking eggs all day long, so I'll just put a little bit on there, hold the eye down, rub it on the white, hold it up and roll my eye around.

Q: That was a routine I stopped doing, but I need to start doing it again.

Q: Can we talk about some better eggs?

A: I'm already getting them.

Q: How can we get them? Without going all the way to Los Angeles?

A: Somebody's going to have to take a trip up to Los Angeles. You order them, and they go up there, and somebody picks up, let's say, 30, 40 dozen. I've done it several times.

Q: That's the eight-dozer that comes from the farm market?

Q: Where are they from?

A: Pennsylvania, Amish farmer.

Q: Amos Miller?

A: No, Eli Miller, a neighbor [note, in 2020 it is Willow Run Foods].

Q: Are they trucked in?

A: Trucked in. Same truckings were...

Q: What about the ones at the farmer's market?

A: None of those are good. This guy doesn't feed any soy, he only feeds them when he grows. So we know how good it is. We know there's no arsenic in it, we know there's no mercury in it.

Q: Do you supply all of Cynthia's stuff? Can this gentleman supply all of the stuff that Cynthia spends down? Like about $1,000, $1,200 worth of food there.

A: Absolutely.

Q: And coconut cream?

A: They just found somebody who's willing to use it, so we'll have that soon.

Q: Do you have a machine yet?

A: Well, they're just going to use a green star right now.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's what James did for years until I imported the stuff from Thailand. But that's quite a bill.

Q: How much is that going to be?

A: Expensive.

Q: For the machine? Oh, you mean the...

A: I'm talking about $15,000.

Q: Do you think that James' coconut cream is legitimate, or do you think he sometimes freezes it and blah, blah, blah?

A: He can't freeze it. He doesn't have a freezing... nothing to freeze it. I mean, he has a freezer there for ice cream and stuff, but he never puts it in the freezer. That's a small thing that's only for that stuff.

Q: It's just that the coconut cream tastes different, different colors.

A: It's just because it's different coconut. Coconut from Costa Rica, from Nicaragua, from Honduras.

Q: But he sometimes adds some of the pulp to the coconut cream.

A: I told him that he should not filter it because we do need some coconut pulp. So I told him not to filter it. If you want yours filtered, filter it.

Q: So the coconut cream that comes from James is also the pulp in it?

A: Yeah, some is. Because the machine allows some of it to get through. And I asked him not to filter it out. Of course, he liked that because it was easier to do.

Q: Would he sometimes add some of the pulp to the...

A: No.

Q: No? Because sometimes it feels like there's more pulp in there.

A: You may have gotten the bottom of the... being put into the jars. You may have gotten into the bottom of the bucket.

Q: He doesn't put any of the dry stuff in there?

A: No.

Q: How does he get the pulp in there to start with?

A: Just like it gets through your juicer when you're juicing your vegetables. A certain amount of it gets through.

Q: A certain amount of it gets through. Because of the small hole.

A: Yeah.

Q: So the thing is, if it's not mixed in well, there has been times where it feels as if it's just more pulp.

A: Yeah, you may have gotten one of those.

Q: Yes, therefore it's not really a balanced coconut cream and pulp.

A: Yeah, those are the two ladies that are making it. That are jarring it. They're not going to stir it every time they go like this.

Q: Well, you would think that's what they would have to do to make it a uniform...

A: Yeah, but they're not going to do that. It takes somebody to be very, very conscious about it.

Q: Because sometimes it just tastes so creamy, and other times it tastes more fibrous. So that's what they're doing.

Q: But generally it's pretty good.

A: It's always good, even with the pulp in it. I have no complaints about coconut.

Q: It has to be organic?

A: No.

Q: No?

A: Coconut's the only thing that doesn't have to be organic.

Q: Because it's like chocolate.

A: Well, it's got all of this fiber around the nut, and quite a bit of fiber, and almost all that stuff gets locked in the fiber.

Q: They probably don't use pesticides on it.

A: Tarantulas would get up and make a web up in the air and keep the inflorescence from being pollinated.

Q: So they'd be using pesticides?

A: Yeah, so there's spiders, there's some lizards that will get in there and make nests, do some damage. It depends on where.

Q: I know years and years ago, like 28 years ago in Australia, before a lot of Americans were visiting as tourists, coconut was just everywhere, you know? People could go either climb them or get their big pole and come down. And then they started to see the local council people going up with their machines and cutting off the fruit, so there wasn't any more coconut. But you could go and get like, I used to get 20 coconuts a week.

A: Same way Bangkok, when I went to Bangkok and a lot of the larger towns in Asian countries, you could buy the coconut right on the street. Now you can hardly find it anywhere.

Q: Because they don't want them.

A: They don't want good food in there.

Q: Right, because also they might pull you, see?

A: Well, they'll hurt people. But I mean, even getting them from somewhere else and bringing them into the city. They don't want the street vendors.

Q: Oh, they don't want the street vendors.

A: They don't want the street vendors.

Q: Wow. So we're really moving away from natural.

A: Absolutely. Everything's industrial. Everything's really becoming industrial. I mean, just six years was the first time that I went there, seven years ago. And the difference between that and those seven years is astounding. More metropolitan.

Q: In Bangkok.

A: Well, all over.

Q: All over.

A: In the big cities and Thailand. I mean, Chiang Mai, Chonburi.

Q: Chiang Mai used to be just like a little village, a mountainous village.

A: Three million people in that city now.

Q: Well, I'm talking about...

A: Thirteen million or ten million in Bangkok.

Q: Yeah, so much has happened.

A: Yeah, growing so fast. Nobody's on the farms anymore. They don't have anybody to work the farm. Kids don't want to go work the farm. No money in it.

Q: Yeah, that's probably true.

A: Well, the thing is that, you know, they use the same plan that we have here. You have these big companies which buy up the food for almost no money, and then charge a fortune and distribute it all around. And the farmer doesn't make any money. So nobody wants to be a farmer. But I know how sky high food is going to be, so I own two farms now. And I'm not giving it to any distributor. I'll sell it to the people. It's like a farmer's market and stuff like that.

Q: They're allowed farmer's markets.

A: Pardon?

Q: They're allowed farmer's markets.

A: Well, when people are so hungry and poor, they're not going to be able to stop that. They just won't be able to take it into the big cities just going to the outskirts.

Q: What do you grow?

A: Well, in Thailand right now, I just have coconuts and papaya and rice. You know, the rice, I already bought it with all the ready rice. So I'm converting the rice paddies slowly into other foods. And also I took two of the rice fields out and have a pasture area now for animals. So I have three cows and a horse.And I bought those just the day before I left.

Q: Any chickens?

A: Not yet. I will get them. Three or four weeks and I'll get them.

Q: Why a horse?

A: Pardon?

Q: Why a horse?

A: To get around the property.

Q: Oh, of course.

A: You know, it's 34 acres, so it's not small, but I would need to get around. And I don't want to take my four-wheel drive everywhere.

Q: Or your bicycle?

A: Well, I've got no paved roads.

Q: Wow.

A: You know, with the rain, that bicycle would go right into the mud.

Q: You've got cows, huh? Three cows.

A: Yeah, three cows. And in the Philippines I have coconuts, jackfruit, cashews, and mangoes.

Q: What's cashews good for?

A: They're a good starch. They'll pull out toxins out of the body. Make it into a nut formula. But, you know, they just cleared ten acres for animals. So I'm fencing that in the next month, finishing my house there in the next month.

Q: Why jackfruit?

A: Jackfruit is very fatty.

Q: It's so sweet.

Q: I think you brought it up once.

A: No, the one in Thailand.

Q: Oh, this was in the Philippines?

A: No. The one I was just talking about was Philippines. The other one with the cows and stuff. That one's Thailand. Where they're going to try to take two-thirds of my land.

Q: Yeah, that's what you told me before.

Q: So jackfruit is really sweet.

A: It depends. It's a very fatty fruit.

Q: You can eat it when it's not so sweet and it's really meaty.

A: It's all meaty, no matter if it's sweet or not. It's just that you can, a lot of times it'll get fermenting sweet. There's too much alcohol in it.

Q: So the other one is not so dry. It's more fatty. What was the other one?

A: Cashew, jackfruit, mangoes, and coconut. And I'm going to plant a lot of durian in both of them.

Q: I like durian.

A: I love durian. It stinks like hell.

Q: It does stink. What's good about the durians?

A: Fat, high in fat.

Q: And the mangoes are good for?

A: Mangoes are good for cleaning the body, but you can eat them green. I didn't, those were already growing.

Q: I have a mango question. That was actually one of the questions. I have a question about mangoes. I made that mango kiwi formula, and since I ate my [unintelligible], three days ago now I've got all these sores. And it's like, my nose, brain, I don't know why I'm just detoxing. But what is it a detox of?

A: It detoxes the chemicals.

Q: Formaldehyde?

A: Formaldehyde, it can detox any chemical. It's a solvent extractor. Could be, you know, novocaine, novocaine gas, xylocaine gas. All that stores all around in here. And you were a dental assistant.

Q: The other question is, whenever I go through a detox, like then I sleep at night and I woke up and I was like, oh yeah, I know, this is connected to when I got my tonsils out when I was five. And then they just kind of burn my tonsils out and they go back and put new chemicals in my throat. So whenever I get anything in my mouth, my whole throat is all shut. And it feels like all that stuff keeps, how long does that take?

A: 40 years.

Q: Because it seems like you think it will come out of itself, but where is it buried actually?

A: It's buried in the tissues and the bones, everywhere, in every cell.

Q: So when you get stuff in your throat, your nose, inside of your gut.

A: It's dumping out through the mucous membrane.

Q: Yeah, it's getting in the skull too and it comes out like the glandular system.

A: If you put hot water bottles at your neck at night and cover, you know, like this area with a towel, so you can still breathe through your nose, you know, you'll cause yourself to perspire it out through the skin quicker without causing it to go out the throat. Because right now it's not getting out through the skin very easily. It needs to melt down so it goes out of your tongue and your throat.

Q: How do you put those hot water bottles around you?

A: Hang on, just put them on the side and then you keep the heat in with a towel or a shawl or something like that.

Q: [unintelligible] So, like, if I took that formula, I only had a little bit and it was just, phew. So then do I just, what do you do? Do you just say, okay, live through that? Do you temper it a little? Do you put cream it?

A: No, you just have to live through it. I mean, it's got cream in it already.

Q: Yeah, but then I stopped it [unintelligible] I don't think I can handle it anymore.

A: Well, just drink as much as you, if you can only drink two ounces, then only drink two ounces.

Q: And then, as you're going through it, and you know your tissues are all raw.

A: Just do it, just do it. I would, if you had that kind of reaction, I'd do it before you went to sleep and then have the hot water bottles. Unless you could take a nap after having it. Just so you can perspire it out.

Q: What if you want to slow the detox a little bit?

A: I think just use less than an ounce. Of course, that's a hell of a way to make it.

Q: Then the cream after, would that slow it too? Or like, you know, just to soothe the membrane? What do you do to soothe the membrane? Like eggs drying, I think.

A: No, butter is always the best, yeah.

Q: Ah, so you just have to live through those. And then once the body has, by a certain time, one time they took the formula and the next time they take it, it's like...

A: Your body may have used it somewhere else in the system, not in your skull and throat.

Q: And then as far as like, the other question, in winter I think it's like, you know, [unintelligible]. What is it about the winter that seems to be the key to all this?

A: Well, when your body is in high temperature, it heals better. When it's cold, it detoxifies quicker.

Q: When it's cold, it detoxifies more? Why is that?

A: Because the body can dump the poisons without as much swelling.

Q: Oh, when it's warm? Not when it's cold. When it kind of just hangs out.

A: Yeah, when the body's cold, it detoxes more. And there are fewer symptoms. When you have swelling, you feel things more. Especially if you're not perspiring. People perspired quite properly and they weren't eating all that hydrogenated vegetable oil, plastic. Then they would probably have the same kind of detoxes all year round. But here, in the winter, your body cleans the fats out of the body. It has to get rid of the old fats, especially if they're highly toxic. Plus, there's a change over the fat in the system.

Q: Now, for this detox, I went to one of the springs. I had stayed at another motel. And, you know, as soon as I walk in the room, I can smell these cleaning chemicals. And then I take a [unintelligible] thing and then I'm going through detox. I'm in the room with the thing. Well, here I am trying to detox the chemicals.

A: Do you know the hotels you go to ahead of time?

Q: Well, at one of the springs I do, but they've been cleaning those, you know.

A: Yeah, but I call them ahead of time and I say, don't clean it for the whole day. Don't let anybody clean in there with any kind of compound. You can use a vacuum cleaner. You can use a rag and water. You can use even vinegar and water. But that's as toxic as you can go. You don't want any Clorox in there, no chlorine of any kind. And they always take care of it. And I travel all over the world.

Q: And they do that for you?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Oh, wow.

A: They will not clean that day with chemicals. One time in Bangkok, they did it. I got there and I said, can't handle this room. I told you not to do it. So they had to take me to five different rooms. They had to take me to an executive suite that hadn't been cleaned because it was a very high-priced room. And nobody had rented the high-priced room. So I got a high-priced room.

Q: And then white vinegar? Do you use white vinegar or anything?

A: I don't care what kind you use for vinegar.

Q: Does that break up some of the chemicals?

A: I won't touch. I won't clean with white vinegar because it's distilled vinegar.

Q: Right. But if they do, it dissipates before you do it.

A: It dissipates within probably 20 minutes.

Q: And is there something you can use to break up the chemical if it is in your room? Nothing.

A: It's going to outgas in there until it's outgassed. Until you get enough oxygen in there. I always pick a hotel that has a window that opens.

Q: Right.

A: If there's no window that opens, I don't go to that hotel.

Q: Yeah.

Q: Does apple cider vinegar clean just as well as white vinegar?

A: I think better. It leaves a film though. Because there's a slight bit of oil in it. White vinegar has no oil.

Q: Is it on windows too?

A: Well, if you do it with windows, you're going to get a film unless you clean it.

Q: That's why you better off with white vinegar.

A: I don't use white vinegar in my house.

Q: How do you clean your windows?

A: I'll use BioClean.

Q: BioClean.

A: The water is squeegee.

Q: Yeah. So the last part of that is when you're breathing, say you are breathing stuff in, and there's detoxing, the new stuff coming in, does that go out really rapidly? Is it detoxing? Can you take it or does it go in with the ground?

A: It goes in, does its damage, and they'll have to be put into a cycle to be absorbed.

Q: So if you have body fat though, or you're drinking cream, is there a likelihood that what you're inhaling is going to go on to that?

A: What you inhale is going to go in, your body has to isolate it, separate it, and use the fat.

Q: So it has to go through all that before it will come out?

A: It has to go through all that, yeah. But at least you'll have the fat to bind with it. Otherwise it's going to go into the cell, nowhere else to put it.

Q: So it goes into your bloodstream first, [unintelligible]?

A: Depends. Not all. I mean, if it does say, breathe it, inhale it, some of it's going to go into the tissue, into the nerve fluid, it's going to go into the lymphatic fluid or the blood fluid. Or into the lung tissue itself.

Q: So the best prevention is to have the fat part on your body?

A: All over your body. To be well protected. Well like I say, whenever I order online, I make the reservation, I always put in there, you know, I always put it backside of the hotel, off the street.

Q: Right.

A: I don't care if it's an alley. I'm off of the main street, I want the back and a window that opens, and no chemical cleanser. None. Use water and vinegar maybe, but that's it.

Q: And power lines don't bother you in [unintelligible]?

A: Not a lot of cities have it. I haven't run into it around hotels. I haven't seen any big electrical units around a hotel in Nevada.

Q: Do you take your sheets?

A: Yes, I do take my sheets, my organic cotton sheets.

Q: Where to buy that?

A: What?

Q: Organic cotton sheets.

A: Where is it? Gaiam. Gaiam.com. G-A-I-A-M. Gaiam.com.

Q: You can get some locally too. EchoBathing.com in San Diego.

A: G-A-I-A-M.

Q: What was your combination again? Kiwi, mango, and cream?

A: Well, there's a lot more ingredients in it than that.

Q: Honey, cream, butter, coconut cream.

A: Lime.

Q: I forgot the lemon.

A: Pardon?

Q: I forgot the lemon.

A: You can use lemon or lime. Anyway, it's a little bit of mango, a little bit of kiwi, honey, coconut cream, dairy cream, a little bit of lime, a little bit of lemon, and blend that all together and pour that into sparkling mineral water.

Q: Oh, in the mineral water? I didn't know that.

A: There you go.

Q: I was trying to do it because I was not following my thought. I'm getting around to some chemicals, so maybe I should drink a little bit.

A: Yeah, but see, with the naturally sparkling mineral water, you have a hydrogen peroxide effect. Natural hydrogen peroxide, which bleaches and breaks down toxins, neutralizes, separates them so they aren't so toxic. So that's why if you put it in the 2 1⁄2 ounces of sparkling mineral water, it would be a lot better.

Q: I was drinking the mineral water separate, but it felt like it was bumpy.

A: Yeah, it will help, but you're supposed to pour it into the sparkling. Pour it into the mixture.

Q: [unintelligible]. You can taste it.

A: It's delicious, but it's very toxic.

Q: I was kind of upset when I found something I liked, and now it's like 15 percent.

A: Couldn't eat much out of it.

Q: What is that recipe for?

A: Getting rid of toxic solvents out of the body. Formaldehyde, gasoline, antifreeze, alcohol, anything that's gotten into your body.

Q: All of the above.

A: All of the above, absolutely.

Q: That kind of cauterizes your cells when it comes out and you're all raw.

A: Pardon?

Q: You know, when you're all raw. See, I don't know if you can't hear me because my tongue is swollen. When you're kind of raw, you've got the ulcerations.

A: This room echoes.

Q: It does.

A: This room echoes.

Q: I'm complaining. Sorry.

Q: So when you do, your tissue is internal and it cauterizes. You don't worry about wound healing. Like on the outside you're putting stuff.

A: Yeah.

Q: On the inside, I thought about some of that olive oil, like you said, for the gums. Is there anything you should put to fight that?

A: No, olive oil or any of your pressed oils as a pour helps pull the toxins out. But if you want to protect your skin on the inside, your mucous membranes and tongue, butter is the only thing that can really protect.

Q: Butter, that would soothe it too?

A: Cream, cream will do that too.

Q: Where does the dryness come from? Is it sucking up all your fat?

A: Yeah, any time you have toxins, like you say, let's say you have a toxin of mercury that was in a nerve and all of a sudden it's coming out of your gum. Your body has to use 50 to 200 molecules of fat to harness that one molecule of mercury. So all of a sudden you go dry. And you look at people and you say, where do they go dry first? They start wrinkling in the face. Because the brain is 60 to 80% fat. So that's where a lot of toxins go. And when the brain detoxifies, where does it detoxify? Tongue, gums and salivary glands.

Q: [unintelligible] kiwi mango [unintelligible]?

A: Yep. That's why it goes in the face first and neck.

Q: It's toxins?

A: Toxins leaving the brain, ripping all the fat. So you are fat deficient in the whole face.

Q: So if you put that primal cream...

A: That's for detoxing and nourishing the skin. If you really want to nourish it and get rid of wrinkles and stuff like that, just put bone marrow or bone marrow and butter. What time is it?

Q: I don't know. Four.

A: Four o'clock. We'll do another 15 minutes. Do you have another question?

Q: Why does having too much cream cause osteoporosis?

A: Any kind of... See, when your body utilizes fat in the body, it needs a certain amount of protein to utilize it. Also needs a certain amount of minerals. It's very mineral deficient. And it causes a lot of need for minerals. So if you're eating a lot of cream, it's difficult to digest already. And you've got a mineral deficiency or you're not keeping up with eating enough cheese. Then you're going to have a mineral deficiency. But you'll do that by overeating any kind of oil or any kind of fat.

Q: Even avocado?

A: Even avocado.

Q: If you eat too much avocado, you can also create osteoporosis?

A: Correct. Usually with avocado, your teeth will go first.

Q: How do you mean your teeth will go first?

A: You'll start demineralizing your teeth.

Q: Oh, demineralizing.

A: Yeah, and then it'll go to the bone after that.

Q: So is cheese the only thing that's bringing in those minerals?

A: Well, raw unsalted cheese will not. If you have raw cheese with some honey, you will digest the minerals.

Q: Is there any other food to help with putting in minerals?

A: Milk. Milk, milk, milk, milk.

Q: Milk. Milk's got a lot of minerals in it.

A: Tons of minerals in it. Most concentrated in minerals in any food.

Q: So if you're putting the...

A: It's a bone, but we can't digest much bone.

Q: Yeah, but if you're putting cream with the milk, it's a good balance, right?

A: Depends on how much cream you put in.

Q: Okay. So how much cream can you put in with the milk?

A: Depends upon the quality of nutrients that that animal's getting and how much minerals are in the feed, in the grass that they're eating. Let's say they're eating all young grass. If they're eating all young grass and not old grass, it's going to be very mineral deficient. Just like wheatgrass, very mineral deficient.

Q: So then you're looking at different seasons.

A: Well, usually when you're taking a cow and you're pasturing them, you put them in the tall grasses and let them eat down. You don't put them in the young grass. You let your grasses get tall. At least up to, you know, waist level. But my Amish farmer's waiting until it's shoulder or head tall. Lots of concentrated minerals in there. Just think about this. As a plant gets taller, it needs to be firmer and sturdier. So it's just like a building. You need more and more structure, taller depth, firmer, rigid frames. And the plant will be the same thing. If it has the same mineral concentration as when it's young, the wind will just knock it over. Just gravity will push it over. So it gets firmer in minerals as it grows. So the course of the animals eating the more mature grasses gets more minerals.

Q: Can you talk about eating oysters?

A: Oysters are the only shellfish I know that don't build any, don't allow any of the toxins to settle into the meat. The mercury, the other metals, the toxins that are in the ocean and in fresh water, the oysters build it all into their shell. Clams, scallops, none of the others do it.

Q: The toxins go in the shell.

A: All into the shell. So when you eat the meat of an oyster, you'll never get any toxin. It'll just pass through you like it happens with the others. The oyster has the ability, because it can do that, to help detoxify metals out of the human body faster, and I mean like five times faster, with very few symptoms.

Q: That's live oysters.

A: Not even live oysters. I've had people buy them in the jar that are five days old. And it works. I didn't think it would, but it did.

Q: You mean cooked oysters?

A: No, not cooked.

Q: Like raw oysters in a jar?

A: Yeah. You can go to a store and you can buy them already shelled in a jar.

Q: Will the new laws still allow that?

A: Pardon?

Q: Will the new laws still allow it? I remember reading in the S10, the introduction on oysters, the more conclusive processes of raw oysters. What is the further process?

A: Well, the further process would be spraying one of those new viruses, one of the six viruses the FDA approved. And virus is nothing but a chemical solvent, so it's a chemical, a toxin. But if you can go to a place that does their own jarring, like Santa Monica's seafood market, or a seafood place that does their own shucking, it's fine.

Q: Okay, so you're saying that even those oysters that have been shelled and put in a jar, they're really good for detoxing heavy metals?

A: Any kind of metal.

Q: Any metal.

A: Yeah, any kind of metal. The way I first discovered it was, every time I would eat a lot of oysters, because when I go to Asia I eat a lot of oysters, and now the price is so high they're even more expensive over there than here now. But when I was going over there first, I noticed that the metal that showed up in my iris was remarkably less every time I went through a long period of eating a lot of oysters. So I had one woman who was born and raised in the heart of London, and there are four airports. So you've got four airports dumping their benzene all over the place over London. And she looked like a lathe operator. She had so much metal in her system she was chronically fatigued, fibromyalgia, emotionally distraught, imbalanced, couldn't stay on and off the diet, nothing was satisfying. So after about two years of all that mess, I said, you need to do something radical. So give this a try. She wouldn't eat the high meat. But high meat was really not her problem. She needed to remove the metals. So I said, take a half a cup of red meat, ground would be better because I don't want you to spend a lot of time on digestion, and eat three oysters twice daily, six days a week. And on the seventh day, eat chicken or whatever you want, with that beef or no beef and just eat chicken, some other kind of fish, some other kind of seafood. So she did that solidly, religiously for a year. And when she came back, usually when it takes people three to five years, metal to remove, she removed in that one year. It changed her whole life. She became happy. She was solid. She could have a relationship. She was emotionally moody. Pardon?

Q: What did she eat with the oysters [unintelligible], fat?

A: I said, she had to have half a cup of red meat, and then the three oysters, and of course, at least a tablespoon of butter.

Q: Can you drink that the liquid when you chuck it in yourself, is that a good idea?

A: Absolutely.

Q: That's not sea water.

A: Well, it is, but the oyster has sucked it up through the back end and has filtered out most of that sodium. Like I said, it's filtered out everything, so even the metals that it absorbs when it eats that water, builds it into the shell.

Q: So that would be good for drinking?

A: Yeah.

Q: I think that's what I'm thinking.

A: If you get headaches, then it wouldn't be.

Q: I ended up getting some incredibly large ones from the Baja. I remember they were like, the meat inside was maybe like five or six times what you would get in a whole.

A: Just make sure they're not on the Gulf side of the Baja.

Q: I don't know about that.

A: You have to ask for the Pacific side.

Q: I can imagine that they would be on the Gulf.

A: No, not necessarily. If they are on the Gulf, don't eat those now. We had that oil spill in the Gulf, contaminated all the Gulf. Even all the way on the outside, all that stuff went all the way up as high as Georgia. Some people are claiming it went above Savannah into the Carolinas.

Q: What is the headache, like you said, with the oil spill?

A: If it causes too much sodium out of the brain to detox out of the brain, then you might want to not drink the water, the liquid from the oysters.

Q: Because that water detoxes the sodium?

A: It can detox the sodium pretty heavily.

Q: What is the water in the oysters to do that?

A: There's a lot of sodium in that water, a lot of mineral content.

Q: What does it detox?

A: Sodium from the brain in some people sometimes.

Q: That would be a good thing.

A: Yeah, but if you can deal with the headaches, there are easier ways to detoxify slower. But some people are so toxic that they have to detox with headaches.

Q: So if you do get headaches, what's a good way to detox?

A: Well, like I said, the headache formulas in the book, which are mainly lemon and honey in water, sparkling water. But some people need cream with it.

Q: I've had good luck with oranges.

A: Yeah, some people do better with orange than lemon. It just depends upon the individual. And that's what you have to test. Actually, I give four remedies for headaches. So you have to find the one that works for you. And at different times, it could be different kinds of headaches.

Q: Right.

Q: In your books, do you have information where to [unintelligible]?

A: No, that's so changeable. So I've got a product list that is $15.

Q: And it's in the website or how can you get it?

A: You can get it on the website. At the back of the book, there's a form. You can fill it out and send it in.

Q: That would be the hardest thing, is finding the source, the container area.

A: Yeah. But with that list, it makes it very easy.

Q: The first step for me is to read your book.

A: Pardon?

Q: The first step for me is to read your book.

A: Yes. At least the first book. I suggest you read both of them.

Q: And then if I want to contact you, then...

A: Contact me. Now, I'm going away on the 17th of January. So, until June.

Q: Oh, I see.

A: Well, actually, I'm going to be finished doing what I need to do by mid-April. But then I have to go to South Africa to do a conference and do two workshops. One in Cape Town and one in Johannesburg. And then when I return here, two days after I return, I have to go to Philadelphia. And then Chicago. And then I'm on tour here. So, I'll have maybe two, three days here and there throughout the month of June.

Q: But you don't see patients separately? They can't have like a private patient or you have to go... We have to all be like it through the books.

A: No, you can come for a private consult, but I'm saying I'm only going to be available here until the 17th.

Q: But the private consult will be right to LA or you have some place here in San Diego or...

A: Well, I did mine today. So, when I come to the pot lucks, I do do them when I'm here. So, the next time will be in June when I'm here.

Q: There was an email that was sent something about April. I mean, another one came in April.

Q: No, that was a typo because it was for today's and they didn't change the bottom part.

Q: It was my first.

A: Did I do that?

Q: You did that.

A: Oh, no.

Q: That was so confusing. I thought, oh, is he canceling January and coming in April? Or is he coming in April as well?

A: I didn't even see that. Oh, my God.

Q: So, that's you sent that.

Q: I was completely thrown off. Now, is he cancelling January for April or is it January and April so soon? Remember I asked you that?

Q: You mentioned it, but I thought I missed it.

A: I missed it too, Joe. Oh, well.

Q: I suppose I had to get into the confusion.

Q: Quick question. I just met with John Reed on Thursday. I bought a load of eggs from him. I was telling Joe, from you, Dr. Wylock, but I didn't know where the eggs came from. I know they didn't come from the name of Miller, but I didn't know where the eggs came from.

A: Eli Miller. A neighbor.

Q: Neighbor?

A: Yeah.

Q: They just have the same old name?

A: Yeah. There's a lot of Amish people who have the name Miller.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah.

Q: Do you have a website for that, John Reed?

A: RA Healthy Foods dot com. Now, as of the 15th, there will be a place in Santa Monica, at 27th and the freeway, 10 freeway. And that ARCO station there, on the south side of that station, there's a lot of paved area. So, he's renting that every Saturday so people can come closer to them and let them go all over to Tonga.

Q: Where? In Santa Monica?

A: Yeah, in Santa Monica, 27th. Cloverfield and the freeway.

Q: That's on Saturday?

A: It'll be on Saturday.

Q: So, it's going to be sort of like the deal with Blossom. So, the order that we can identify and we can get in contact with them, where we can identify the eggs?

A: Correct.

Q: What's the deal with [unintelligible]? Are you going to take over the co-op? Who are we ordering from?

Q: Yeah, you're going to step aside from John and Skip out.

Q: You know, I mean, Sippy is leaving and you're going to run the co-op?

Q: Yeah.

Q: So, who are we ordering from?

Q: Me.

Q: No, I mean, are we ordering from... We're ordering from Jane.

Q: So, I'm going to switch?

Q: She hasn't switched.

Q: Switch?

Q: She hasn't switched.

A: Well, if you want to switch, switch.

Q: Well, it's her business, not mine. It's her business. That's the problem. Since it's her business, I'm just running it for Washington.

Q: And I called her the other day to ask her about it. And she said, you know, now's not a good time to talk to me about it. So, I don't know if she was avoiding it, but...

Q: No, I'd like to see her.

Q: And I think it's just because...

A: Well, you guys have to say what you want.

Q: I know, we did.

Q: So, why do you think she's not changing?

Q: Lazy.

Q: Yeah, I think that's what it is. I think it's just too hard for her to change because it means she has to change.

Q: Well, I mean, I think, you know, without disrespect but I mean, part of the thing without me getting fired up, which is the whole part about... And I've said this to her several times and people are worried about it, is... Asha's put out all the reasons why the whole situation with him and Sally without going into it. So, she throws her two cents into it, like, oh, it's my bad, bad. I don't believe it. I'm not going to... And so, the answer to it is you have to stand in this room and say, you know what, if you want to work with James, fine. But the rest of us are going to go for Jive. But then we have to have somebody in place that's willing to take over that position because she's not going to be willing to. So, whether it's Joe or somebody else, they have to say, okay, I'll be the one that will coordinate the ordering with John. And when Cynthia has the order from him, everybody will be coming to that new person.

Q: Well, I'm not supporting the new person because that's the whole point of you getting it together. So, you know, if I'm not supporting the new person, then it's almost, I don't want to work. I'm not going to move back to LA.

Q: I thought on Thursday, I said, how's it going? And he basically said, I'm struggling. I'm having a hard time.

Q: Who?

Q: John Lee. He's having a hard time because nobody's supporting him.

A: Well, he's way over in Tujunga.

Q: He what?

A: He's way over in Tujunga. He's near Pasadena. There's not that many people out there on the diet. So, he's going to struggle. And I told him he's going to struggle. I said, you need to get a place in Santa Monica. And he realized he had to. As soon as I put it out on my email to 5,000 people, he's going to be inundated. Because the people don't want to go to James. I have people emailing me every week, when is the other place going to open? When is the other place going to open? Some people would rather go to Whole Foods than go to James. Because of what they did and the experience. With bad eggs and chicken for two years. Poison for two years at high prices.

Q: Yeah.

A: I'm suing them. The suit gets filed on Tuesday. It's not Monday.

Q: As far as the co-op thing, there's not that many of us. Can we order direct from Amos? It's a small thing we get. Rather than pay a driver $100 to go up there.

A: If you have them ship it out, it's going to cost you a lot more. More money. You can't.

Q: We need another. Cynthia's not going to do it.

Q: If I had a little place, I'd do it. But I don't have anything.

Q: No, I want to be sure that I'll be able to get coconut cream.

A: Well, they're going to have that after next week.

Q: After next week.

A: There's one woman emailed that said, Gung Ho. No, man. Shawn.

Q: Do they have a war room to be able to do this?

A: It's in her home.

Q: Oh, is she doing it with the Green Star?

A: Green Star, yeah.

Q: I think we're talking about the carrier. [unintelligible] Why do we want to negotiate with them?

Q: Yeah. I mean, this is what we're talking about. I think I brought words, but it's like a word of honor.

Q: No, the first thing Cynthia should have done, she should have said, I'm done.

Q: Yeah, it's kind of a boundary.

Q: She really should have, with everything that she's doing.

A: No, I told her, I said, until we have something else going, shop in this place, just don't buy the eggs and the chicken.

Q: Okay.

A: I told everybody, continue to shop there, just don't buy the eggs and the chicken. But some people are so furious that they won't even shop there at all.

Q: That's why Cynthia's going along with it, because what she got from Aajonus is that she's still ordering, people are still ordering chicken and eggs.

Q: But then we can't get eggs.

Q: No, she's still getting eggs from James for people.

A: Well, that's not good.

Q: I doubt if there'll be anybody ordering after that last email that you put out, with the website, anybody that goes to that website won't be ordering eggs.

A: Yeah, that's for sure.

Q: Did somebody wrote an email that said they were questioning why, they said they got that test that showed everything was okay, and they were asking why you were against those?

A: No, it was BS.

Q: I mean, I don't know who it is, but I guess.

A: Well, it's Ebrahim.

Q: He was defending them.

Q: It's an emotional relationship, not a truth. It's a [unintelligible].

A: Anyway, I sent him an email, and I said, you have ten days to retract this, and you go on the lawsuit too, because you just committed libel. You know why. The website was there. The test that, and I said to him, I said, I had no test done, because I'm an interested party in this. I'm not an independent party. These tests were done by these other people, and they're all on the website. Not by me. And you said that this other woman was getting the test done by me and talked to the laboratory. Complete fabrication and lie. I didn't have any done independently with me. I had other people do them.

Q: Well, I didn't believe him on any of the stuff he said, but I did.

Q: It goes to show you, people say, like Cynthia said, well, you know, first of all, Aajonus is telling me, still stay with James, but just don't get the eggs and chicken. But she's sort of like stretching it. Well, I'm still going to get from James.

A: Organic. Any time you have organic chicken, it's going to be all sorts.

Q: So she's not telling the people. Yeah, but she's not telling the people. She should have stood up saying, I will not, she should have put an email out to everyone that was wanting food saying, this has happened, I'm going to still order everything except for the chicken and eggs.

Q: Well, the problem now is we don't want to have to order the rest of our eggs. So it's almost.

Q: No, but you're saying that after this other place sets up, we should go with them.

A: Yeah, that's what I'm suggesting.

Q: So you're telling Cynthia that, right?

A: Well, Cynthia, is she still around? I thought she was leaving.

Q: She's still around. So if you make it clear to her, because it seems that she's allowing herself to be influenced and then she's stretching it to also suit herself. So if you say to her, okay, now this other place is setting up and everyone's wanting, let's just switch over.

A: Well, if she knows she got the email, I said don't buy the chicken and the eggs.

Q: Well, no, but she's stretching it. She's just saying, in her mind, she's saying, Aajonus said it's still okay to order the chicken.

A: No, I did not.

Q: But that's how she's stretching it.

A: I don't care if she's stretching it or not. That's not logical. I said do not buy the chicken and the eggs, period.

Q: She's allowing people to order the chicken and the eggs.

A: That doesn't matter.

Q: It does matter.

A: No, that's her choice. I warned her. She's no better than James if she's doing that.

Q: That's exactly my point. So that means she's misleading people saying, oh, it's okay. So she's telling people the chicken and the eggs.

Q: She's saying the email list of yours that she gets from every potluck, and those people are getting political information. So I think I'm just trying to say at some point, we get to say this is what we're doing and make it clear, and then all those people that are getting it don't hear you or don't even get that email. She loves emails now. Or being listened to.

Q: She's just sending everything out.

Q: She's not willing to make that decision about the chicken and the eggs. She wants the email, not the chicken.

A: Well, then I won't do any more potlucks at her place.

Q: That's not the point there.

A: No, that is the point. If she's doing that, I'm not going to support her.

Q: No, you're not understanding. She's allowing herself to sort of say, I'm doing everything, as is everybody else, make the decision, and she's not wanting to make the decision.

Q: I mean, the times I've been over there, she's sitting in her car, she's blatantly said outlandishly, she has said, I don't believe Aajonus that the eggs are that bad. The situation is that way.

A: She's made that statement?

Q: Oh, yeah.

Q: When I've said it was joking, compare it. She says, I don't want to get in the middle of it.

Q: That's basically, in her mind, she's saying, I don't want to get in the middle of it. But then she's taking sides. She's basically saying, I don't believe Aajonus. So that means she doesn't want to take responsibility to make the decision to say, I'm done with James.

A: Well, that's really sad, because James has come up with no evidence. No evidence. I've said, all you have to do is show us the receipts for the feed, and the receipts for the chicks. That's all you have to do. They won't give up not a one. They give no evidence. We've given all of the pictures, the photographs, the logic behind everything, how many chickens she has, how many she was selling per week, how many eggs she had produced from a few chickens, getting no chicks, and then all the laboratory tests. All evidence.

Q: Of course, but she doesn't feel that her...

Q: She doesn't want to take that responsibility.

Q: She doesn't want to make that statement.

Q: She just blatantly says her comment, blatantly again. All she says is that the situation isn't what Aajonus depicts.

Q: Because it's easier for her to say that rather than her having to make the decision to do what she wants.

A: Well, I'm not going to ever do a potluck in her place again.

Q: Cynthia needs to have all the people that are here today that are still getting emails from her. We need to get emails from San Diego, kids ordering...

A: Well, as soon as they get word that I'm not doing it with her anymore.

Q: No, no, they don't know that.

Q: Well, first of all...

A: They will find that slowly but surely. They're going to discover.

Q: Firstly, Aajonus, is there any way that you can say, Cynthia, are you actually not wanting to believe that this is happening?

A: Well, she's already... we know it. I don't have to ask her.

Q: No, I want you to speak to her. Why can't you speak to her and say, Okay, I gave you the information, but for now, it's still in order to...

A: Listen, if she looks at that website and can't make a rational decision on that, and then she tells me...

Q: I'm believing she can't make that rational decision.

A: Okay, I don't give a shit. Don't push me to do anything, okay? This woman is not being rational. And if she's attacking me by not being rational, when I pull all this information out, she has a problem. And I don't want to be associated with her.

Q: What about if she's confused?

A: That's not confusion.

Q: Her ideas earlier were before she saw your website.

Q: No, because I spoke to her on New Year's, and I said, now what about these studies you've seen, that you know about that have proven that there's stuff in the eggs, so what are we going to do about the co-op now?

A: Well, she didn't attack.

Q: She just doesn't like to take sides. That's what I'm trying to say.

Q: She doesn't want to make... She's not really grounded enough to say, I don't really want to make that decision, so she slips out, I don't believe it. She's not really meaning that. She's not arguing that. So you directly say, Cynthia, are you okay? Because this is a truth. And all these people that have been doing it for so long, trusting you, are all of a sudden wanting you to change over, now that this is other places available. Do you want to do that? Because if you don't, then we won't have anything more to do. You stay with what you're doing, get the people that you want, because we've decided not to. And I think it has to come from her, otherwise she gets too easily influenced.

A: Well, you know, as far as I'm concerned, my email was very obvious. If she has the same nature as James, nothing I can do about it.

Q: No, it's not. I agree with you.

Q: It's more being spiritual.

Q: But I really think it's...

A: Pardon?

Q: I agree with you.

Q: It's more being spiritual bullshit. I don't think it's family, because I'd rather just be in the middle. She'd rather deny, because I have other things going on that are more important to me.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I still agree with you. My advice is to make it as a confrontation as it might be. Like you said, I don't want to have any more problems. And people will slowly get the idea. Because if nothing else, they'll say, well, why isn't Cynthia housing it?

Q: Well, who's going to place the order? How are these people going to get things?

Q: I would place the order, but I have no place. And I really believe that Cynthia's doing this whole spiritual thing.

A: Yeah.

Q: I think Cynthia's place is ideal for it.

Q: But she doesn't want to do it. That's the thing. If she wants to do it with me, she wants to do it with James. If she doesn't want to do it because of her, well, there you go. She's doing it for emotional, spiritual, and mental.

Q: But here's the thing. The thing of it is whether you do it or you do it as a group. If you say, okay, [unintelligible], January 2nd. You receive all the data that you need to understand about what's the conflict and what's the issue. Here's the deal. [unintelligible] Now, if you want to still be part of the co-op connection with that, then fine, John will be your [unintelligible]. If you don't want to, then we have to...

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Well, you don't have to put that in.

Q: Yes, you do. She'll keep doing all the other people that don't know that.

Q: Well, because, once again, it's for spiritual stuff.

Q: Well, she's got a lot going on. She makes all kinds of mistakes in terms of her excuses. She's got a lot going on, but it's not really about that. Anyway, I don't mind speaking to her and saying, you know, we're concerned. No, I've called her. I've called her. So, anyway, I'll say to her that if she doesn't want to switch over when it's time with John Reed, then...

A: Of course, you're going to set up somewhere else.

Q: Well, as a group, we'll just set up somewhere else and we won't order through you for John Reed.

Q: Let all these other people get e-mails and continue to order and continue to say, as a group, this is what we want.

Q: Oh, no. Well, that's what I'm trying to say, as a group. But how do you... Yeah.

A: But if she says no...

Q: Then you just say, if you have somebody else...

Q: Well, I won't even say that. I'll just... If she says no, I'll just say, well, okay, I've heard you and you've heard me.

Q: But you need to say that because the whole point of it is you just... Joe just said she wants to do the co-op. Okay, so the message to me is very clear. The majority says we want to switch. So if you want to do the co-op, you go to John Reed.

Q: Okay, then it's getting mixed up because...

A: It seems like she still wants to do the co-op.

Q: Yeah.

Q: Okay, you know what, I'm...

Q: I'm actually involved with her a lot on it. When the stuff comes in, I do the calculation.

Q: I see that.

Q: Because she just seems to be so slow on it and so scattered with other things going on. She has conference calls on spiritual stuff, and so I end up doing all the calculations. I pay the difference between what everybody else pays and what James needs. So I pay that, and then the rest I give to her and Ebrahim, and so I do all the calculations.

A: So why are you not doing it instead of her?

Q: Well, there's no place.

Q: Because that place is convenient there. I live in La Jolla, [unintelligible].

Q: I live in La Jolla.

Q: You know, I really think it should come from you, because there's too much things that are mixed up with me at home. But I will have a yard to do it in. Joe can set it up with people on the email, and the order can come in to Encinitas proper, where I am.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: She said she does it, because she makes it.

Q: Because when you put a little surcharge on it, because her discount from January was so small, she was almost making nothing.

A: Oh, yeah, that's what I mean.

Q: Her discount was so stingy, and so I talked her into putting a small surcharge on it, and so now she's making, you know, pretty good.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: There's the answer right there. She's making money from it, so if you take the green letter away from her, then...

Q: Well, first of all, I really think you should talk to her, because I think she's too scattered, and she's using that as an excuse, the whole spiritual thing. She doesn't want to really step on anybody, because it's been going on for so long, and I don't know.

Q: That's not what it is. It's point dry. She said it back in summer, which is, she doesn't believe in what I see.

Q: Yeah, no, I've spoken to Cynthia. She goes here and there.

Q: She was talking about, it's all about a feud between Aajonus and just what she thought it was.

Q: She's making up other stories.

Q: No, she's not wanting to see it for what it is. No, she doesn't want to see it for what it is. She wants to take sides.

A: Well, she took the wrong side.

Q: Well, she doesn't even know what side she's taking.

Q: You know, I've seen that kind of manner. A person's going to switch whatever's happening, and it's not that she wants to take sides.

A: But that's what I thought. That's why we had that evidence meeting to show everyone. Only like 30 people came.

Q: She's not convinced, though. She's not convinced.

A: It's there on the website. I don't have any responsibility... If she wants to come to me about it, fine. I don't have any... For somebody like that, who I helped out of cancer and is alive today, and she attacks me...

Q: She's not really attacking you. In her mind, she's not attacking you.

A: No, no, no. That's attacking... I don't believe Aajonus, is attacking me.

Q: But she doesn't want you to get [unintelligible].

A: I don't give a shit. I have no compassion for her.

Q: I agree with you on this.

A: I have no loyalty. If she has no loyalty, I have no loyalty.

Q: Well, I'd still speak to her.

Q: What are your books? I can buy them on here.

A: No, I only have one of them here. My recipe book I have here in the car. But the other one I don't have, but you can buy that one.

Q: Oh, so you don't have those, too.

A: I only have one of the two.

Q: Yeah, I will buy whatever you have.

A: Okay. Does everybody have the $35 for this? That's the smallest group you've ever had.

Q: And it's been wonderful.

A: Good.

Q: Every last minute.

Q: So you don't think it's okay to speak to her?

A: Umm...