Primal Diet Workshop + Q&A Of July 16, 2005

Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang

Location: California

A: ill and in so much pain, but, you know, inability to kill myself left me with no option but to try to do the best that I could. But I was born in a very violent household, and the first few days that I was home, in fact, the first day that I got home was three days after I was born, my brother started abusing me, because he was still in the diapers, and all of a sudden I took all of his attention away, mom's attention away from him. So he did not like that, and never forgave me until the day he went to the Vietnam War. I was 15 and a half, and he was still beating on me daily. And my father was pretty violent, he put me in the hospital quite a few times, put a nine iron in my skull one time, and it was pretty brutal. And my mother overcooked everything, everything was leather, you know, it was awful food. I used to have to sit, because I would projectile vomit from the food, I had to sit for anywhere from an hour to two hours each evening, to finish my meal. I could not do anything unless I finished everything on my plate. So I learned how to, with a half a teaspoon of milk, washed down a whole tablespoon of peas without chewing them, you know, anything I could do to get the food down. So by the time I reached 12 years old, I developed peritonitis that they misdiagnosed as appendicitis. They went in to remove the appendix, found out it was in perfect condition, so they thought they'd take it out anyway, because who needs an appendix? You know, because the medical profession doesn't know why you have an appendix, may as well take it out. So they removed it, and I suffered for many, many days after that with the continued infection. A peritonitis is a perforated and bleeding intestine. And in those days, which was about 1959, 75% of any children that had peritonitis died. So, good they didn't diagnose it as peritonitis, because they probably would have made it worse for me. Right now, at that point, they were injecting me with penicillin or some other kind of antibiotic every two to three hours. So by the time they finished with me, I had lumps and bruises all over the place, and I was in severe pain before I refused to allow any more. And then from there, my health went farther and farther down because, you know, in penicillins and on a lot of vaccines, and almost all of your vaccines, and almost all injected medication, you have thimerosal, which is a liquid mercury, and you have aluminum. And aluminum destroys the zeta potential. The zeta potential is the ability for nutrients to remain suspended in fluids, in your blood serum, or neurological serum, or lymph serum. So all of your nutrients just drop, like heavy, you know, like there's a heavy gravity that occurs, which rips the ion principles out of the system. So aluminum and mercury and all of those, I was injected with every two to three hours for three days, four days. So you can imagine why people turn out all bruised, and damaged, and swollen, and big knots on their arms and butts, wherever they got it injected. And I had huge softball sizes of lumps on my buttocks, and my arms, and my forearms, upper arms and forearms. So my health even descended worse, in worse condition. I would keep a cold anywhere from three to six months at a time, or three to five months, occasionally six months. So I was bedridden probably three to five months out of the year. I was always sick, I couldn't play with other kids, so I learned how to bake with my mother, and made cakes and all that stuff. But I'm not a sissy.

And, you know, by the time I was 15 and a half, I developed diabetes, which runs in my mother's side of the family. Eight cousins were diabetic by the time they were between 13 and 15 years old. A lot of aunts and uncles were diabetic on my mother's side. My mother comes from a family of 13 children. So there's a lot of, we have a couple of hundred relatives. On that side, so a lot of diabetics on that side. Also developed angina pectoris, which is muscle cramping in and around the heart at 15 years old. And I would have heart attacks, probably three a week. And they stopped taking me to the hospital and just let me lie on the floor in the classroom where I was, because there's nothing they could do. By the time I reached 19 years old, I'd become an alcoholic and an average smoker. And I loved smoking. I smoked Lucky Strike non-filtered cigarettes, two packs a day, I loved every one of them. My mother hated it because I would smoke. I'd go, [inhale]. The tip on it would be red hot that long. My mother said, you look like a fiend. Stop that, stop that. You can't be my son. But I loved it. I loved smoking and I loved drinking because I'd forget all my problems. And of course, it took away a lot of the pain and the discomfort and the anxiety that I always experienced. But when I was 19, I started vomiting blood. And then the drug, the alcohol, wasn't pleasing for me anymore. So I took the normal therapy for that, which was Maalox. So I'd consume several bottles of Maalox a week, sometimes even two a day if I had a lot of pain and anxiety. So within six months, I developed a tumor on the ulcer. So they said, well, we've gotta go ahead and cut that out. So they went and performed a vagotomy pyloroplasty, which means they severed the vagus nerve to my stomach so my stomach would never again secrete hydrochloric acid. So they said, you're like a person who's an octogenarian, an 80-year-old person who doesn't secrete hydrochloric acid. You'll never be able to eat any raw food again. Food again, no matter what it is, whether it's lettuce or an apple. Everything has to be cooked because you're in danger of parasitical and bacterial invasion and death and severe cramping. So this is what they told me. And of course, they removed the tumor. They performed the pyloroplasty, where they took the duodenum and they stretched it out three times its normal size, ripped it to shreds, caused all this scar tissue. Hello, that was just to hold the food up in the duodenum for a while because the hydrochloric acid was cut from the stomach because of the severing of the vagus nerve. So they made all these changes. And I was 21 years old after the, I was 20 years old when the surgery occurred. By February, that was November 27th, by February, the incision from here to here became keloid, became tumorous. So they said, we've got to irradiate that. So they gave me 10 weeks of intense radiation therapy, which cauterized my spine. It's like taking clay and you put it in a kiln and you dry it and what do you have after that? You have a hard substance. Well, that's what my spine was like. So this was my movement. And it was very painful, always painful. I couldn't sit, I couldn't touch my knees unless I was sitting. It would take me sometimes five minutes to get enough to sit myself, to be seated. And the pain was just getting worse and worse. It was a point where I was practically living on the floor, crawling like a worm because the pain was so excruciating, standing, sitting or any other way, even lying down would have mitigated the pain a little bit. And then the radiation therapy not only cauterized my spine, but it gave me blood and bone cancer, multiple myeloma. So they said, oh, well, now we have to give you chemotherapy. You've got a 1% chance of living, but still that 1% is worth going for. So I went through the chemotherapy for almost three months, vomiting all the time, 24 hours a day, lost my hair. It came back, it came back scraggly and all gray. And then they said, well, it's not working, but we can still keep trying, we may as well try. And at that point, I was 21 years old. And I said, forget it. All you guys make me feel worse every time I see you. And that was that. So my option was to go into a hospice to die, because at this point I was a worm living on the floor because I couldn't sit, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even lie in one position for more than 10, 15 minutes before the pain got so excruciating that I had to move. So I decided... I was autistic. When I was 18 months old, I received my third tetanus shot because my brother didn't like me, he pushed me on the brakes and rusty nails and everything. My mom was an RN, and an RN with a baby is like paranoiasville. So anytime a baby got cut, it was take him to the doctor. And tetanus shots, in those days, they believed they at least lasted a year, but they were giving them to me every three to six months. If I got a cut that was even near some kind of a rust. So the one that I got when I was 18 months old caused autism. The mercury and aluminum stored in my brain in the communication center. So I was unable to understand language by the time I was eight. I had heard enough language enough, and I interpreted it in the sound patterns because I couldn't correlate them to any kind of a meaning. So I was just like a parrot, I would repeat sounds that I heard for specific situations. And half the time it worked, got me out of trouble, I didn't get beat because I didn't talk, because I didn't look autistic. But I was autistic, and if I didn't answer, most people just thought I was belligerent. Especially when nuns and priests who beat the hell out of all my parents. So for being insolent and insubordinate. So, but I didn't know what they were asking me, I didn't know what they were talking about. I always knew when they were lying and stuff like that because I was very intuitional. And they were always lying. Lying to my brothers, lying to each other, right? This is like my mind was totally in tune to truth of emotionality with everybody, but completely blind to language. But I learned enough sound patterns, and I always picked a nice, intelligent, sweet girl to sit next to in school, so I copied the hieroglyphs off of her page onto the pages so I could at least get Cs and Ds in math in school. So I really could not spell the word the when I was 22 years old still. With no comprehension, I mean I could write the hieroglyphs. But I had no comprehension that a T, what that meant, that it meant a sound, and the H and the T and H together, there was no comprehension still. So since I was autistic, I would refuse to go to the hospice and be ridiculed for not being able to communicate. I had learned enough language by that time, I could respond with these sounds that would give a favorable response, and people would just leave me alone. And if they asked me other questions, I just, I don't feel like talking, I don't feel like talking, that's what I always say. I always say that line, and people would leave me alone a lot of times, and most of the time. But in a hospice situation, I didn't feel as good. I visited there. I thought I'd just die in my home. Like all autistic children, I had a unique talent that I never even understood myself. Somebody could give me a computer program problem and I could figure it out in 10 to minutes or an hour, and it would take people a month to a year to figure out. So I mean, I just write it out. Didn't know how I did it, but I did it. So even though I was an idiot, I made a lot of money because my teachers in trade school understood my ability, and they understood that they would give me oral tests, but it was strictly not on language, not on anything, but strictly on the math and the problems, you know, flow charts and resolutions. So of course, I passed first in the class with that kind of test, but I was the only one they treated that way. So they pocketed me with different companies. You know, I was a junior executive, 21 years old, because I could do these things, but here I was illiterate. So I made a lot of money.

I had a house in Beverly Hills, a two bedroom house in Beverly Hills. So I decided just to go home and die there alone. And, but two hospice volunteers came twice a week and shopped for me, made food for me, prepared, leave it in the refrigerator. For two days at a time, they would leave it around the couch where I mostly lived on the couch and the floor. Couldn't even use the bedrooms because it'd take me 30 minutes sometimes to get from here to the back of the room, crawling on the floor. So I had to have everything within a close proximity. And of course, lots of jars, gallon jars to urinate in, pants to defecate in. That stayed all around me for three days at a time until the members came, the volunteers came and cleaned the house for me. But one of them was only 18 years old, a very wealthy young boy. He was a singer. Got in with the [unintelligible] group, which the Ford Motor Company used to travel around singing about the bright idea of Ford. And so he made a fortune. He was 18, he lied, he was really 17. He was 6'3", black kid. He wanted to help out, so he volunteered. And he was making like 100,000 a year in 1969. That was a lot of money for a 17-year-old. But he brought me, he'd come in bringing carrot juice, raw carrot juice, so coerced me into drinking. I was paranoid because every time I had carrots they were cooked and they'd make me projectile vomit. The thought of carrots in liquid form was even more grossing. So, and I never had a raw carrot, so I didn't know what it was. Anyway, he tried to coerce me into drinking this carrot juice which took about three visits for him to do it. He also brought a little booklet that was about 82 pages about this woman who had reversed her uterine cancer by drinking a gallon of raw carrot juice a day. Of course, what was I gonna do with that? I couldn't read it. So, didn't understand it or anything like that. But I got the gist of him saying, this will help make you better. And that's like the doctor saying, here, this medicine will make you better. And I was paranoid of anything. But this guy was so nice and good hearted. He looked pretty vibrant. I mean, for a black man, he had really red skin, really vibrant color, eating mostly raw foods. He was 17 years old, knew that, this kid did. Growing up on the bad side of town. Just an exceptional young man. So finally I tasted the carrot juice and it was absolutely delicious. So I was just chugging that stuff down. In 10 days, autism went away. So I said, oh, this is what communication's about. This is what language's about. Had no vocabulary. I couldn't spell. But still, I understood what communication was, so I was able to start communicating. So after a couple of weeks, I called this young fellow up on his off day and I said, hey, would you take me to a bookstore? Can I borrow some money? And by that time, I'd been pretty depleted. I told the medical profession to shove $80,000 of their bill up there, you know what? And they did, because there's nothing they can do with a dying person. And I'd worked for a [unintelligible] corporation in [unintelligible] DC. So I had a Teamsters insurance and all that, but pretty well ran out. With all those medical therapies, cancer therapies. So I began communicating. We went to the bookstore. I bought $110 worth of books in 1969. That was a lot of books in October of 69. I mean, back then, a book was $1.95. A really expensive book was $4, $3.95. So I got a lot of books. They were all on nutrition, and except for one book was Sid Hartho. And that was my uncle.... He says, you're a diehard Republican by heart, only because of your condition. You need to get out of that. So he said, you need to read the book, Sid Hartho. So that was the first book I ever read. It was a short book. I spent a lot of time in the dictionary, but I got through it after about a month. And then it opened me up to, because it was a story that kept me engrossed. It wasn't like, you know, all the books on nutrition, which were so confusing, it was ridiculous. So I did that for, you know, I got a little bit better every day. I felt a little bit better and a little bit better. I'm still in excruciating pain all the time because of the bone cancer. That's very debilitating. Almost all the femur joint in the right hip was dissolved. Most of the shoulder socket here was gone. And my teeth all dangled, no bone around the teeth. So if I went like that, my mouth bled. I'd lose a half a cup of blood just from going like that. So everything had to be liquefied in two straws. They'll say, even sucking two straws, I had to put a straw way back in my throat. So a lot of sucking didn't happen here. It had to happen back in my throat, or else I'd be drinking my blood all the time, and getting transfusions. So that's how it went. But I got better eventually. And after a couple of years, two and a half years, I was able to sit without too much pain for maybe a half an hour, and then got excruciating. And I'd have to lie down for a couple of hours and nap or sleep. And I got a nutritionist who tutored me for three and a half years from that point. So by the time I reached 27 years old, I was in okay health. I was pretty skinny because I had developed to a raw food, fruitarian diet by that time. At 26 and a half, I stopped drinking raw milk and stopped eating raw cheese and raw cream. And I was going to go the diehard vegetarian route of the fruitarian diet, raw food, fruitarian diet. And I got a Ligi Italian touring bike. It was the mixed frame. They called it a girl's bike. I like my balls. So you're living off a bicycle. You want those cojones, because they'll get crushed. Why men use that bar, I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense to me. In Europe, they almost all use the mixed frame. They don't have that bar there. But racers, these bikes are organized like that. Bikes with a bar there. Their testicles. So those bikes are stable, I can understand that. So if I'm going 60 miles down a mountain hill, that thing's wobbling. So I can understand that that stabilizes it. For practical utility, it's not a convenient bike to have, especially if you're going around with 75 pounds of books and saddlebags, physiology and biochemistry on the bike. So I bicycled all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Alaska for two and a half years. I lived with four different Indian tribes, the Eskimo, the Yaqui in Mexico, and way down near the Yucatan, the Mayan, and the Sioux, the four that I lived with for a while. And all of them told me, what you need to do is eat raw meat. And I said, nah, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not looking at the aspect of ill health from eating meat.

After the surgery, I would eat cooked meat. And my face, my shoulders, my chest, my thighs, my buttocks, my back, everything would break out in these pustulations. And one director friend who was in the motion picture industry said, you know, if I ever needed a part for a hamburger, a live hamburger, I could use you as a monster, as the hamburger monster. Oh, thank you, that's very sweet of you. I'm just letting you know you need to change something in your life to stop that, and I think it's all mental. What you're thinking, you know, so the whole guilt system about it. There's something going on in your mind causing all the disease. So thinking back about that, all these tales of eating raw meat and how that would correct my system was a block. I was completely walled from it. The Berlin Wall or the China Wall, whatever wall it was, it was thick and firm and solid, and it wasn't going anywhere. And also I thought about, you know, the repeated dialogue of saying, you're like an octogenarian, you can't eat any raw products, especially meats. Raw or not well done, they didn't even say raw, it didn't get near there. If it's not really cooked completely, well done, you're going to get a parasite, bacterial food poisoning that will cause you tremendous pain and you'll die. So that, you know, resounding in my head, you know, going over and over, I wasn't going to get near meat. So after two and a half years of multiple myeloma, the blood and bone cancer resurged, I was getting down, I got down to as low as 96 pounds, which is skin, right now I'm 170, so you can imagine what I was at 96 pounds. Just skin over bones, like I was out of Auschwitz. So I got very weak, I started vomiting a lot, very uncomfortable, so I said, well, I didn't find the answer. I mean, I lived with alligators, I observed chipmunks, lots of animals in the wild. I used to swim with alligators every day, a whole lake of them, you know, they'd swim alongside. When I first went in, it was scary, you know, but I thought, if I die swimming in this lake, it's okay because I want to swim in this lake. So, and all of a sudden you see these alligators come off the shore and get in the water, you see these eyes and nose coming out, suddenly submerged, and I'm just swimming along, you have no idea where they are, you know they're traveling under me somewhere. And I thought, oh, if I die, it's okay. So, you know, they never bit me. Well, one bit me when I was having sex with a woman. One time, not that bad. Bit me right in the shin, so. It was the last time I had sex at the lake.

Q: [laughter]

A: Yeah. But otherwise, the alligators never ate me. So I observed everything's eating raw, I mean, everything that is like that is eating raw meat. They're not eating cooked meat, they're not eating cooked food. And all the animals out there, the creatures, they ate everything raw. There was nothing cooked that they ate, unless it was thrown out by man and they came across it. Most of them will smell the cooked foods and pass it up. Some of them would eat, but most of them wouldn't. But I decided at this point, you know, that I was going to die. I hadn't found the answer. I thought for sure I would if I left society, human society, because all the books are confusing. One says this, one says the opposite, and they all contradict each other. And they all say something different. You just don't know what's true. So I thought, well, nature, nature has the answer, because there's no disease in nature unless man has polluted their environment, or they're out of food and they get deficiencies. So I lived outdoors for about two and a half years, observing tribespeople and different animals and insects and creatures of all sorts. And I hadn't found the answer to me. I was getting sicker and sicker by the day, so I decided, well, I'm going to go to my old Indian burial ground near Palm Springs, California, and fast myself to death. So I picked an old Indian burial ground, some friends helped me build a little rock-submerged house because it was in a canyon that gets up to 140 degrees in the hot daytime, but there were caves up there where the coyotes would go, so I could go into a cave and keep cool and take a nap during the hottest time of day. Graciously, I stayed in those caves. And, you know, it would be fine. So I was fasting for about three weeks, and this den of coyotes lived up in the canyon, so every night they would come down at midnight, howl like a bunch of maniacs, like you're in a psychiatric clinic with a bunch of lunatics that had ADD and ADHD, all combined and magnified. And they'd come and wave to me, and they'd play this game, I didn't understand what it was for a few days, and it was like, become aware, become observant, become more intuitional. After about six weeks, it got to the point where I could sense where all of them were, and I was able to always count that there were 11 of them. Where I could place them, they became even more friendly. But after just a few weeks of them appearing, they came down inside my little seven by six rock and concrete, and it was five feet of it was dug into the desert, so I'd sleep coolly there, and I had a wooden rooftop. The rain, it didn't matter, because it just kept me cooler, so it was okay. But one of the coyotes came down and woke me up, and motioned for me to go with him, so I thought I was in a dream, so I guess we'll go. So I went, and I watched him kill, hunt, kill a rabbit. And they ripped it open for me, laid it at my feet, and here was the Easter bunny, bleeding to death, warm on my feet. Oh my God, I'll puke. And then -

Q: It actually dropped on your feet?

A: Pardon? Yeah, they put it right on my bare feet.

Q: Wow.

A: So, but I kept hearing them say, this is what you need, this is what you need, and all of a sudden, it flashed in my head. Going back into time when I was probably about 14 years old, and my cousins and my brothers were gonna go hunting. I was too sick to go hunting, so I wasn't allowed to go hunting. But my uncle had told my cousins and my brothers that if you kill a rabbit, wild rabbit, you have to cook it thoroughly. If you don't, there's an enzyme, or a parasite, or a bacteria in it. There's something in it that will cause you terrible intestinal cramps, and you'll die within two days. And that flashed through my mind. I said, oh, these coyotes are gonna help me kill myself quickly, because I could fast for 40, 60 days before I die, and that's painful. Headaches, nausea, all the time, trying to drink a lot of water. I thought, two days, pain, two days, easy, I can do that. So, pick the rabbit up, try to eat it, came right back up, hadn't eaten meat for six and a half years. So, it came up a few times, so I said, okay, I've gotta psych myself, I'm back at the dinner table at home. I've got to eat this garbage food, and I've got to psych myself out to where I can swallow it. So, that's what I did, I psyched myself in for five minutes, started eating this rabbit raw. Mm, really slimy, compared to cooked. So, eating and eating, and after I got probably about 10 bites down, all of a sudden, it started tasting good, so I started eating more, and I started eating it like I would cooked chicken, because I love chicken, but just stayed away from any kind of meat, because after the surgery, I broke out everywhere, no matter what kind of meat it was. So, I ate this rabbit, and I probably consumed three pounds of this seven and a half pound jackrabbit. Coyotes shared the rest, I went back to my campsite, my little sunken house, to die, and I knew I was dying, because I was feeling good. With every step, I felt better. So, and I had had three near-death experiences, two on an operating table, and one on a drug experience, where my blood pressure descended so low, and I died for three hours and 17 minutes. But I was revived, because I happened to die on top of a heater, which kept my body warm enough, so I was able to be revived. But I knew that I was dying, because I felt good, and it was like I was having another near-death experience, but this time, I knew that I was going to die. So, I went back to my sleeping bag, and went to sleep, and I woke, and I wasn't in any tunnel, I wasn't the sun, I wasn't anybody else, but right there in my sleeping bag, and I said, oh shit, I didn't die. So, I'm checking for pain, much less pain. Usually, I would have to lie, because the sun, I mean, the morning sun would come right down into the little cabin, so the sun would be right on me. It usually took two hours before my body got loose enough for me to feel warm enough to be able to move without severe pain. This time, it only took 45 minutes. For three days, I seemed to feel so much better than prior to eating the rabbit. So, it dawned on me, here's what the Indians were telling me, the raw meat. I had no pain, here, on three days, I didn't have one cramp, not one stomach pain, the rabbit made me feel good, it's the raw meat I need. At that moment, a sidewinder rattlesnake passed me. And I had seen Indians, when I lived with the Indians, just walk up to a rattlesnake, put their foot on its head, pick it up, right in front of the rattler, sway it around, snap its neck, its head just pops right off, they peel it back, and they eat. So, I have my excitement for realizing the raw meat's what I need, I just automatically went up, put my foot on the head, picked it up in front of the rattler, and started swinging, and I said, oh shit. I don't know how to do this. Nobody explained it to me, I just observed it, so I keep changing hands. Until my arms were so aching, it only took five minutes for my arms to get aching, I realized, well, it's gonna kill me or it isn't. It's like anything else, the alligator's gonna eat me, and I snapped and sure enough the head just popped right off, I peeled and ate it. And then I decided, well, that was it, so I started catching birds and chipmunks, scorpions and tarantulas, you know, and pop off their poisonous sack and eat them. And, you know, I was seeking anything, but there wasn't enough food in the desert. So I got on my bicycle and went down to all the farms that were within about a 15 mile range, and I bartered, you know, for, you know, I'd shovel goat manure, cow manure, anything. I'd milk cows, milk goats, anything in exchange for food. So I ate lots of dairy, raw dairy, lots of eggs and lots of chicken and some goats and beef, you know, [unintelligible] slaughtered. So after five, four and a half months, I looked like a scale down Schwartznegger. So I said, that's the answer. So I went back to Los Angeles to spread the word. And they said, are you out of your mind? You're gonna get a brain flu. You're going to get, you know, you'll get a flu in your liver, you're gonna get parasites everywhere. I said, but it's the only thing that's ever made me feel good completely. It's what I have to do. And they said, well, you've become an idiot. I said, well, I've already been that. And it's the only thing that makes you feel good. So I continued, you know, that was September of 1966 that I began eating, that I ate the rabbit, you know, and ever since then, I've been eating raw meats. And guess what? Never a parasite, never a bacterial infection. Everybody gets diarrhea and vomiting. That's normal part of poisons that collect in the body in this kind of a society, especially if you're eating cooked foods or especially if you're working in a toxic environment. You're gonna have vomiting and diarrhea. In fact, the people who are on this diet only have 12% in a particular time on regular diets out there, the standard American diet, which is acronym SAD, standard American diet, SAD, SAD diet. The rate of vomiting and or diarrhea is almost 20%. So I did continue eating the raw meat for all those years. But every day, hearing it, you're going to get a parasite. And for some people, when you get around them, some people first hear it, because I was nobody who was shy about it. I'd go right into a restaurant and order raw meat. I'd order a cold steak on a cold plate. You know, everybody came out, you know, the woodwork to see this, the chef, the waitresses on the other side of the restaurant would come over, everybody would come over to see this. And some of them were pretty traumatized by it. You've got to be crazy, crazy to do it. Well, that's okay, crazy works. And it's, you know, if you feel better, you're doing better. So, but every day you hear that, for 13 years, I went around saying, I hope this isn't the time that it happens. I hope this isn't the time that I get a brain flu or liver flu. Never happened after 13 years, I said, wait a minute. You know, the vagotomy pyloroplasty, I've eaten raw meat, I mean, crawling with worms and parasites. Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, USC, all of those are supposed to be renowned, Columbia. Nobody had ever studied humans eating a raw meat diet. Yet they came to this conclusion that you would get infections, parasitical, bacterial infections from eating raw meat. It was all speculation based on no facts, no facts whatsoever. So you have to look at that very, very hard. And when I studied animals that had parasites and put them on the raw meat, they got well quickly and very, very well. Got a laboratory technician to work with me, cost me $60,000 to do just one of these experiments. And over the years, I did a lot of them. Over almost a million dollars I spent on laboratory tests and experiments. On one, we put an ad in the paper for dogs and cats that were over the age of 12 years old, closer to 14 or older, if possible, and that had been diagnosed with parasites and had other diseases that they were being considered to be put to sleep. This would be part of only a food experiment. There would be no medication involved. We got so many callers, it was unbelievable. So we picked 30 animals. And they were all old, decrepit, some of them couldn't even walk. They couldn't even defecate or urinate on their own. And we put them on raw meat, raw butter, and unheated honey, and some raw egg. All we fed these animals. There was one pug that had MS and completely paralyzed, glaucoma, and cataracts, completely white eyes, blind completely, could barely even, barely even make a sound. Six months, that dog was jumping up and down off of chairs, going out the doggy door on its own, could see halfway, and could also hear again. All these dogs reacted, and cats reacted the same way on the raw foods. They all got well, and I mean well. Some of them lived even, two of them lived even 18 years old. And we kept all of them, kept them on the diet, and performed autopsies on them. I didn't, I watched, I observed. Autopsies on them, and their organs were like they were young, they were brilliant and red. If you've seen an old dog or a cat in an autopsy, black, brown, green from gangrene, comes setting in. The tissues are awful. Now these dogs, even with their natural deaths, there was no disease going on in the body. There was no decay that brought them to the end of their lives. They just expired in their sleep. So, put all that together and you say, where is all this propaganda coming from about raw meat is bad for you? It is absolutely insane. It is ridiculous. I've been eating since September 1976. I ate poisoned mushroom by accident, the death cap, the only deathly mushroom known to man. I happened to eat it by accident. And that's when I got so weak, so debilitated, that I began eating raw meat on a daily basis at that time. After a year and a half after the incident. Because I just wasn't healing quickly enough. It brought my blood cancer back three times worse than it had been, plus it destroyed 90% of my liver.

Q: Wow.

A: So, I mean, I had to eat massive amount of protein and all of a sudden, December 1982, a year after it happened, I said, what am I doing? Because I was still in the fear of getting a parasite and everything. Let me just go with all this raw meat heavily. So I started eating raw meat twice a day, pound a day. Boy, I started getting better quicker. So, trash, whatever you've learned about nutrition, it's all wrong. Because you know who runs the academic system? The pharmaceutical houses. You know who writes all the procedure manuals for doctors? Merck, Bayer. You go into any doctor's office, who writes those books? Pharmaceutical industry. They want you to take medication. They want you to remain on disease so they can make a fortune. So everything is geared around medication. It's not around getting well. Hippocrates, the father of so-called modern medicine, you know how he had to heal diabetes and most diseases, including emphysema, raw, exclusive raw milk diet, aged, full of bacteria. Slightly fermented in some cases. Still works today. It worked 60 years ago. We have reports of it from many different places. And if you go to, it's my website for Right to Choose Healthy Food, and it tells you about, it gives a report in there called the Supplemental Report in Favor of Raw Milk. It's a 32-page document plus exhibits. Comes up to 52 pages, but it tells all of the documented research from universities and trained medical doctors all over the world who proved that raw milk would cure and reverse diseases, osteoporosis. They also proved that pasteurized dairy creates disease, especially diabetes and osteoporosis. Yet you hear blips all over the phone, all over the TV, and I hear it all the time. Strengthen your bones, drink this milk. It's pasteurized milk. It's fraud. It's absolute fraud. Drink this milk for your women in menopause. Give you lots of minerals. That's what they infer, but it just does the opposite because the FDA is linked with it. So forget everything you've learned. Trash it. File it in number 13. And stick around for the workshop that's gonna begin in about 15 minutes. Workshop is, what is it, 75 now?

Q: 70, yeah.

A: $70. It'll last about five hours. At the end of that, well, it'll probably be three and a half to four hours of information. I explained how to do the diet, how the body works, how to eat foods to make the body work best, most efficiently at different times of the day for different problems overall. And explained after that, and I do mini consults. Anybody can stick around who's been part of the workshop. Do mini consults. I read the glandular activity of a person's body and give them suggested foods. Each mini consult runs about six to 10 minutes, and that's an additional $30. If you want a private consult where I photograph the irises, blow them up on a computer screen, and then read that, and they give you a full diet, time of day, the quantities, and everything, that's $300. It takes an hour and 15 minutes. And I'll be doing that on Sunday and Monday. And then just see Stephen here for all of that. All the setup. So right now we're gonna break. This is the end of the-

[audio cut]

A: First of all, what I'm gonna do is talk about, you may as well stay to that camera because I'm a peripatetic lecturer. No, I move it, yeah. Peripatetic means like to walk like Aristotle or whoever you are, used to walk and lecture and talk. So what I'm gonna do is talk about the body a little bit. How it functions is people think the blood is the most important system in the whole body. It isn't. The main purpose of the red blood cells is to transport oxygen to other cells. That's pretty important. It doesn't have oxygen, of course you can't live for very long. You can live six minutes before there's nerve damage without oxygen. But after that, there's nerve damage. However, you cannot live without some nutrients in the body, a potassium, a potassium or phosphorus in the body for more than about three minutes. The white blood cells also act as fat cells and combine with toxins in the system if they get into the blood, and that's a protective system. The lymph system is a circulatory system that is more complex than the nervous system and the bloodstream. The lymph system is connected to the lacteal system, which is a web network attached to the intestine. And to absorb nutrients through the intestines, it's always a milky substance, that's why it's called lacteal system. It moves into the lymph system. The lymph system distributes the food to every cell in the body except for the blood cells. It feeds every cell in the body. Plus it's responsible for eliminating all of the toxins and wastes and byproducts that go on throughout the system. It has to take those and it has to neutralize them, has to dissolve them, it may have to neutralize them again, and then send them out of one passage of the body, one of more passages. And your whole body is about it. Anyone who calls you an asshole, say thank you. That's exactly what I am. Because your skin is the major valve. You discharge most of the poisons out through the skin. Tearducts, earwax, gums, tongue, salivary glands, built into the hair and nails, mucous vaginal discharge, urinary tract, bowels. Body sends it out everywhere it can. Do you know that women are said to live 20% longer than men? Do you know what the discharge of mucous is of the vaginal cavity greater than a man's? 20%. So all you women who complain, be happy. You're less toxic. One out of three women gets cancer as of the year 2000. One out of two men gets cancer. Be happy you have that vaginal discharge. Even if it stinks, get on a good diet. So the body uses the lymph system more than any other system in the body. To me, it is the most important system. Problem in the lymph system, if it gets congested, the body cannot feed itself properly nor remove wastes properly. We then excrete them and secrete them out of the body. What causes this congestion? We'll get into that when we start talking about foods and nutrients. The nervous system transports information, light, it's transported. How? By metals, metallic minerals in the body. Minerals that are joined, chelated you might call, or bond with other nutrients. There are never free radicals working in the brain if the brain is functioning properly. A free radical is a heavy metal that isn't conjoined with some other nutrient, whether it's a vitamin A, vitamin E, another mineral, and other fluids and fats. Always coupled with something else. Any bioactive substance is always a combination of substance and is not a free radical. It does not operate on its own. Any of those that are isolated and aren't their own are contaminants. They are free radicals. Most health food people specifically make a free radical as a heavy metal toxin that has no coupling. But anything can be a free radical. So for our purposes, we're gonna call any nutrient that is not coupled, no longer a nutrient, but a caustic substance that can cause damage. Most of them gravitate to the nervous system because the nervous system uses heavy metals. All kinds of metals. Metallic minerals to do its job of transmitting information and light. So when people have rotting teeth, why do you think they have rotting teeth? Do you think it's from bacteria, like you're told? Bacteria comes in response to the heavy metals draining from the brain, going out the gums, causing plaque around the gums. The metal hangs around there. What happens if you put battery acid through some very heavy metals? It'll eat a hole in your arm, in your skin, no matter where you are. Put mercury on your skin, it'll contaminate and turn the area gray and then black and then rot. A lot of metals you just put on your skin and it will damage it. When that comes in contact with your teeth, it destroys the enamel cells. What happens to the cell once it's damaged? It starts to decay. The bacteria's there to get rid of the decayed tissue. It doesn't cause the cavity. The heavy toxic substances from the brain leaking out your gums on your teeth, hanging on your teeth, that's what causes the problem. So it's not the bacteria that's the problem. That's why attacking the body with fluoride, which is heavy metals, causes more. Do you know that the test, does anybody know about those tests that they did on fluoride? Do you know why there was fewer cavities in the groups that had fluoride? Because the teeth fell out. They had less teeth. Teeth actually fell out somewhere around 22% of their teeth fell out, the people who were taking the fluoride. 22% of their teeth lost. Certainly they have less cavities. They don't say they also had less teeth. So you've got to watch these, you know, these people are out to sell fluoride. They've got a contaminated substance that they're using, you know, the gold industry uses fluoride to clean. There's a water process, you don't need fluoride. These companies want to sell fluoride. So within the contaminated waste, they have to pay millions of dollars to contain this waste. Why not sell it on the public as something good and feed it to the world? Vitamin E is the same thing. You know what vitamin E is? 99.9% of the vitamin E out there that you buy, that you see in the store, it's a byproduct of Fuji and Kodak. They're a chemical process of developing film. It's a byproduct of that. And some scientists got the idea that, hey, look at the molecular structure. It's 85 to 87% looks like d-alpha-tocopherol, which is vitamin E. So they got somebody to say, you know, got a bunch of scientists to say that worked for Kodak and Fuji back in those days, a long time ago in the 60s and late 50s. This is really vitamin E. See how the structure is so much identical? And they call it vitamin E. And everybody's eating this byproduct of developing film. No research showing anywhere that it acts like vitamin E and is helpful. It's a solvent. Of course people's skin is gonna get thinner. Of course it's gonna take away starch tissue because it's a solvent. Vitamin E acts as a solvent when necessary in the body, but it's not a pure solvent like this byproduct is. Diane Cannon, when I worked at Antilles Health Food Store in Beverly Hills, I mean, she would come in and buy a whole bottle a week of vitamin E. And after about 10 years of that, she ended up in an institution because her brain, everything got so thin, she went crazy, got into addictions, went nuts. I kept warning her, don't do it. And she went from this flushed, full-bodied, lovely woman into this skinny, thin-skinned maniac. And people don't realize it. You know, because they look good temporarily, what's gonna happen in the long run? So you've gotta watch what people are selling you because they're out to make money. They don't give a shit what happens to you. They really don't. If it harms you, that's just collateral damage in the business world. And if you don't think it is that brutal out there in that corporate world, you're in la-la land. Take a look at the tobacco industry. They put substances in there to cause addiction. They deny that it causes cancer and lung cancer and esophageal cancer and all of that. They deny that there's anything to it. Because these people are interested in making money and that's that, period. So only you can be knowledgeable and observant enough to take care of yourselves. And that's what we're talking about today. Take care of yourselves to the best of your ability amongst all the pollution. If somebody ridicules because you're carrying your cooler and I'm carrying my cooler with all my food, you let them ridicule. All they want is they break down and get sicker and more diseased. Because they'll be ones who suffer. You won't be suffering, but they will. That's what you want. Let them suffer. Those who wanna suffer, let them suffer. You just take care of yourselves if you don't. So the neurological system has the attraction to almost all the heavy metals that there is in the body. About 80% of the heavy metals that are consumed in the body in a day go to the brain. Next, they go to the bones. Or to some of the glands that are high in fat. Liver's not terribly high in fat. It's concentrated in protein. But your pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, very high in fat. Brain's exceedingly high in fat. So most of your metals store in those areas. In the prostate gland, the gonads, the ovaries. All those places are reservoirs for toxins because of the high fat level. Now where do these toxins come from? Do you know that herbs, herbal teas, you can get it from herbal teas. You know why? Because there's heavy metals in all the food. You've got iron, you've got lead, you've got all the minerals that are in the earth in every food that you eat. When you cook them, you break the link. Then they become free radicals. And if your pancreas and your system is an extremely resourceful, to be able to leach nutrients from your body, to recouple them while you're still in the digestive tract, guess what's gonna be running around in your body? Free radicals, damaging, damaging, damaging, damaging. Everything and everywhere. That's why people get old and decrepit. There should be no synonymy with aging and deterioration. In the Andes Mountains, they eat a tremendous amount of raw meat. And when they cook something, sometimes it's very light. But here you have 90 year old men involved in a kickball exercise through the Andes Mountains. We're talking about really high, 100 miles. What they do is they get about 20 of them at a time, and they have groups of them. And one will come up and kick the ball, fall back behind, and they just keep rotating like that for 100 miles, kicking that ball. And you may have 50 to 60 of those 20 people groups. Every year they do this. 90 year old men get up there and do that. Do you know the people in this country who do it? I know a few of them. They're active buddies of mine. One of them would consume two bottles of aspirin in the 100 mile race. Two bottles of aspirin to be able to make it. He probably wouldn't make the regular marathon, 26 miles. And that's it. He would never make it if he didn't have his drug, the aspirin. But you know what happens to him when it's over? He has to isolate himself completely in a room for 20 days. You know why? Aspirin stops the blood clotting. So his skin gets like tissue paper. If I went like this to him, I'd rip the skin right off of his leg. Just doing that. Skin would just peel right off, just like tissue paper. So he has to isolate himself, eat tremendous amounts of protein just to be able to rebuild and reheal. So he can go out, and it's a year before his skin is better. And then he does another one. Hello? I say, what does it prove? Oh, it feels really good to do that. I say, wait a minute, it takes you a year to recover, and you say, feels really good? What, while you're running? Then you're isolated for 20 days in a room. Oh, that feels good. It's okay. What is that? Hello? But that's his choice, so I really can't judge it. Not for me, certainly. And get perspective on what is, what are you really going through? You might change your mind about what you chew, too, and what you eat. Yes?

Q: What about the guys in the Andes?

A: They haven't, they don't chew on anything. They're just fine. Yeah, they're fine. And I mean, they may pick up a leaf, and eat it on the way, or something like that. But mostly, they don't eat anything during that whole 100 miles. They don't even drink water. They'll just chew on some leaves, get a little bit of moisture. Sometimes they do it, some pine needles, sometimes. Pine needles are full of oils, and fats. So, you know, you need a lot to keep your mouth lubricated, if you do that. They don't really, you know, they'll chew on them, break them, but not really chew them to eat them. They just squeeze the juice out of it, that little bit of oil.

Q: Wow.

A: The glands are responsible for keeping energy levels up. They produce hormones, to keep certain levels of functionality going. Prostaglandins are intercellular hormones, that are produced to keep a cell vital, pumping and energetic. If any of these systems break down, then chronic fatigue will settle in a gland, or the whole body. Many glands, or the whole body. Whole system. Anytime anything malfunctions in the body, it's either from starvation, malnutrition, or from contamination. A lot of people say, oh, it's all in your head. That is absolute bullshit. There's nothing that happens in the head, that doesn't happen in the physiology first. Take for example, I've got one client, I think I talked about her in the recipe book. 27 years on five drugs a day, for mental, for psychological problems. On and off the diet, on and off the diet. Every time she goes through this emotional thing, she would stop eating the diet, and go for donuts and all this other garbage. And finally after a year and a half, I said, you know, she's got yoga tapes out, and all this stuff, teaching that kind of thing. It's so opposite of everything that she's teaching. Odd reality. It's what she wants to achieve, so she's teaching everybody else to teach herself maybe. And that's probably what it is. So after a year and a half, I said, I'm gonna give her a false name, Jennifer. Jennifer, if you don't try the high meat, I'm not gonna work with you anymore. You take me on these roller coasters, I take the ride with you, but it's very exhausting and very time consuming. You need to pull it together, and you need to do something a little bit more difficult. You need to either stick with the diet, or try the high meat. I'm already on this crazy diet where I eat this raw meat, I can't stand that, it's social, boom. It happens to me a lot, when these things are psychologically challenging people. So, I can't take it personally, it's like if I want an elephant to be a tiger, it's never going to happen, so I don't expect it to be different than what it is. So, she called me a few hours later, okay, how do I do this high meat thing? I said, well, it takes about 10 days. I don't have 10 days, I might kill myself tonight. I thought about saying, well, it could be easy on all of us. Instead I said, well, I know somebody who has a lot pre-made, you could probably buy some. So, I called the fellow, gave her number if he wanted to sell some, and he did. So he sold her some. So, I get this call about 10.30 at night saying, from Jennifer's, Jennifer. I just took that high meat about 40 minutes ago, and I'm really nervous. I've got a lot of anxiety about this, and I need to talk with you. And I said, no way I'm answering that phone. I'll be nursing, babysitting her all through the night. So, every hour I get this call. You know, I still need to talk with you. I'm really nervous about this. What could happen to me? Don't answer the phone. After about four hours, Aajonus, please answer the phone. She's getting very nice. Every hour, she's getting nicer. And this is a woman that used to say, on a good day, it was, I feel good today. That was a good day. And I mean, that was a very good day. She said that, like that. So, by five o'clock in the morning, about 4.30 in the morning, 4.45, I think it was, she says, okay, I'm gonna stay on the phone until you answer. She starts whistling this happy tune. I said, it's time to talk with her. So, I pick up the phone. We had a 10 minute conversation, and she went to sleep. She went to sleep. She's that easy. And if I had been on the phone with her, it would have just charged more of her fears. It would have been, you know, I would waste more of my life on the phone with her. But she got through it. Now, she eats it every day. She eats high meat every day because it makes her feel so good.

Q: How much? Quantity.

A: She eats about a golf ball sized amount every day. Sometimes a large marble sized amount, but mostly a golf ball sized amount. I have one guy that suffered it for 40 years. Depression for 40 years. He only eats high meat. He doesn't eat any, and he eats two pounds a day. If it doesn't stink and it isn't rotting, he won't eat it. And he is the nicest, most delightful guy, and he's a landscaper. Heavy, heavy duty work, you know? And he's out there doing it with all this energy and as happy as can be now. For 40 years, he was depressed. So, you know, and people talk, oh, that is gonna kill you. Parasites, bacteria, it's gonna kill you. It's gonna rot your brain. It is not true. It's just not true. And every doctor that opens his mouth, and every person that opens their mouth to you and says something about it, say, show me any case where it's happened. And I've said this to 100 doctors. And in Yale, too, when I gave a lecture there, I said, show me one case where that's provable. Now, don't you feel stupid? And that's just what I asked him. He said, don't you feel stupid? You're out there postulating something you don't know shit about. How do you feel about that? What if it makes people feel really good and it changes their entire lives for the better, and you're here knocking it down and you don't know? And you're just parroting something. Because it sounds good, it sounds like it probably exists. But it has nothing to do with reality. So how do you get the body working properly? It's what you feed it, yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: High meat is when you take meat and you encourage bacteria to grow on it. Fermented, yeah. That's only the bacteria that [unintelligible] alcohol. But there are many different bacteria that will break down the proteins and the fats. Just like in milk, you have acidophilus, which breaks down the sugars, the [unintelligible], which breaks down the fat, and [unintelligible], which breaks down the protein. So you have a variety. Those are just three of the main ones that operate in milk to help you break down. And if you encourage the acidophilus over the bulgaricus and the [unintelligible, it'll be sweeter fermented milk, like kefir and yogurt, rather than a very heavy, bitter, nasty tasting one where the bulgaricus and [unintelligible] predominate. But if you want to get well quicker, you have to be bitter and nasty tasting.

Q: I've got a quick question.

A: Yes.

Q: And this is so that I can continue to pay attention to what you're saying. I've been following the diet, the raw meat diet for about four months. And I've been focused at getting my meat at Whole Foods, organic meat. And so, so far I've heard you say that you've, you know, you've eaten fish out of the trash. You've eaten raw in restaurants, which you didn't say that, whether that was organic or not. So, so sometimes if I'm hungry, Whole Foods isn't open and I don't have raw meat. What about getting raw meat from the Safeway or Albertsons or something like that?

A: I ate mad cow for three and a half years when I lived in Paris. I did, I ate mad cow for three and a half years. It was only a month at a time, but it was three months out of a year, for three and a half years. And my girlfriend who lived in Paris said, you're not gonna marry me, it's over. So it was over. So I was finishing my mad cow experiment, but I didn't know it was mad cow until she said, that's it, it's over. I got on the plane and I look in the magazine and it tells me that Carrefour Supermarkets had been selling and utilizing the mad cow meat for 10 years. Well, for the last three years, three and a half years when I was in Paris, that's where I got my meat from Carrefour Supermarkets. So I've been eating mad cow for that many years. Just remember, if something is raw, the animal has taken care of a lot of those toxins in its body and put them in a way, and composed them in such a combination in the system where it wouldn't hurt them. So when you eat it, those toxins, your body doesn't have to digest them. It'll just pass it through undigested. How do I know that? Because when I did some experiments, took some animals who weren't quite well, this wasn't the same group of animals, they weren't real strong, real healthy, but I took swordfish, the highest fish in Mercury. Half of them ate cooked, half of them ate raw. So seven in the group that ate cooked, eight in the group that ate raw. I was the eighth animal. So I ate it raw. Now we had the swordfish, we bought one swordfish, and we fed it for 10 days. Now, we checked the feces, we checked the urine. We sometimes checked the feces. Feces, urine, and blood frequently over the next 10 days that we fed the fish. Cooked and raw. In the animals that ate it raw, 98% of that Mercury passed out in those fluids, urine and feces. The other 2% probably went out through the skin, or the tongue or somewhere else, salivary gland cheered up somewhere else. In the animals that ate it cooked, 8% passed out of the body. 8% passed out of the body. That means 92%, or a little less than that, stored in the system. Just remember, if you eat it raw, you're not likely to store, digest, and absorb it. In the feces of those that ate it raw, including mine, the fat molecules that have surrounded the Mercury, have been relatively unetched by digestive juices and enzymes. When the body is smart and intelligent and not flooded with cooked substances, the body knows and identifies, it can take the time to discern, well, we want this and we don't want that. But then you inundate it with something cooked, and you're just filling it with toxicity. It's gotta make too many decisions with little nutrients. So yeah, go to restaurants sometimes and eat with your friends. I used to go frequently. I don't do as much right now, I've been working all the time. But I used to visit restaurants three days a week, have my raw steak, cold on a cold plate. California, it's wonderful, because we have a law to protect us. Any restaurant that chooses to be in California, I take, keep the law in my glove compartment, take it into the restaurant with me, and I say, cold steak on a cold plate. You know, whether it's fish or salmon or swordfish, whatever it is, cold steak on a cold plate, or sirloin, whatever. So we can't do that, the law says you have to cook everything. I said, no it isn't. In the law it says, everything has to be well done unless the patron asks for it raw. Or you put on the menu or have it posted in the restaurant that it's less than well done. Because if it didn't, there would be no sushi bars, there would be no steak tartare, there would be no Caesar salad, because Caesar salad has raw egg in it. So I got the law, so I handed it to them, I said, if you don't want to serve me, I'll own the restaurant. Jokingly, I say that, they get it, and I've never been refused in California. Not at all. I was refused once in Seattle, Washington, at an Irish restaurant. So I finally got the manager to let me eat the hamburger on top of it. I just wanted the hamburger, and they wouldn't serve me the hamburger on the salad without the salad with it. So I sign on it, a napkin, if I get bacterial food poisoning in response of eating this raw hamburger, it's my responsibility, not this restaurant. The name of the restaurant, sign it, and gave it to them, so I got my, and one time I went to in and out burger. And they're the only ones that don't freeze their meat. But I was bicycling across country, this was in 1980 something, and I was starving, and I was in this little two-horse town. I was the only place open. So I went to in and out burger, I said, I want your bun, I just want your meat patty, and that's it, raw. And this kid says, are you crazy? No, he says, well I can't serve it to you without the bun. I said, then give me the fricking bun with it, then I just throw away the bun and eat the hamburger. That's what I did. He says, you wanna coke with that? I said, yeah, give me a chemical drink. Yeah, so, you know, I mean, it's always preferable, you get more nutrients in good, grass-fed, all-grazed beef and animals. The better, you know, the better the meat is, the healthier you're going to get from it. But sometimes it's just not possible. And your body will do better than it would. [unintelligible] it cooked, it sets all those poisons free. Okay, so I'm gonna reserve all questions till the end, because then we'll really get sidetracked. So, if you have a question, write it down. And then we'll ask it at the Q&A period, which is at the end, okay? All right, so we covered how the body responds, how it works. We talked about the glands creating energy for the body. Now, people have different levels of glands or activity, different hormone levels. I can tell through the, I call worry circles in the eye. Other iridologists call stress rings. I don't like to call stress rings, because most people think they have no power over stress. All it means is, I really should call them, but I want to get a point across that can lead to ill symptoms. It's how much hormones, how much physical activity, fluids you produce in the body. People who have from seven to 11 are all athletes. They have to exercise and work out and stay active seven to 10 hours a day. Or they're construction workers, some are dead ditch diggers. Some kind of activity that keeps them moving all day long. The fewer you have, the less activity, less exercise you have to do. People who have no worry circles like me, this is the exercise. Terry Brand used to say, have what you're exercising, this is what he would say. This is what my exercise. On my computer, that's what I do. And my mouth. So that's my exercise, because I have no worry circles in my eye. So I used to have all this overactive sex. Thank God that's calmed down. But that used to be the only one that was overproducing, sex was always on my mind. I mean, I was a kid, I'd masturbate five times a day or I couldn't sleep. And that's just a gland, it was the only gland that was still overproductive and overproductive. And it led up until about five years ago, and it's calmed down. So, you know, everybody has to exercise to an extent if you have any worry circles. If you have two in your eyes, you need to have about 45 minutes a day. Three in your eyes, an hour and 15 minutes a day. Four in your eyes, two hours a day. Five in your eyes, three hours a day. And it just works up to a higher level. If you don't, guess what? Your body's gonna burn those hormones through emotional energy. And that's the worry. Anxiety. Exercise, anxiety, worry. What do you wanna do? Some people like drama. So for actors, don't exercise. Get out there and get in a show. Drive all your friends crazy and everybody else crazy. But exercise and you can do both. You can have a good life and feel good and be mentally balanced. Children are the same way. They eat garbage food, they feel depressed, they can't digest, their body wants to hang out. They have all these hormones popping so they get irritable and cranky because they need to exercise, they need to get out and get physically active and they don't have the proper nutrients in the body to do it. So it's like the craziness. It's like a kid who wants to sleep and he's crying and whining because his body's trying to burn off his hormones. And I hear fathers and mothers, calm down kid, calm down. I said, don't calm that kid down. Just let him go nuts around here. As long as he's going nuts, when you get home, you'll be able to sleep and have fun. And so will he. But you stop him now and he's just gonna be worse later because he's gonna be tired and have to burn hormones. So he's gonna be real cranky. And that's like asking a drunk to be sober. It's not going to happen. You're not gonna have an obedient child. Because children are completely animals. They react on their hormone and physiological biochemistry. That is what they operate on solely, like all animals do. And that's the way it should be.

We're so diseased that we want to control the child without controlling the natural state of health that controls their behavior. Give you an example. I have a girlfriend in Vietnam, four year old girl. I met the little girl and she was mean, mean and skinny and as mean as mean can be. Very poor family. And I said, okay, I'm gonna buy you a refrigerator. I need you to go out and find some raw milk and feed her raw milk. In one month, the little girl put on weight, bright intelligence. She sit there and talk intelligent, long in-depth conversations. I just spent a week with her a month ago in Vietnam. And the girl just sits down there so calm and funny and intelligent. And when she was on everything, soda pop and just all the rice that they eat with no meat, she was horrendous. And boy, she could out eat both her mother and me. She would sit down to a plate of shrimp and consume the entire plate of shrimp. She wouldn't let us have it until she was finished and satiated. We didn't care, kept her calm. And then we'd order more for us. But that's the way behavior in children is. I was telling Stephen about some of the children who were born on this diet. When the mothers were on the diet. We've got one kid named Forrest who before this year, at when he was a year and a half, I was in New Jersey giving a seminar and I stay with the family whenever I'm in New Jersey doing the seminars there. They presented at their Kung Fu Academy. And little Forrest was a little over a year and a half. He turned two in the end of December, his birthday.And he was sitting with his four year old cousin. And Nicole, his mother came home, brought him a new puzzle, put it between he and his cousin. And he looked at it, he knew his cousin was gonna take over the new toy and play with it until she was finished and he would take over the after. So patient this kid. And all this kid ate from the time that his mother stopped breastfeeding him which was I think about four months old because he kept having colic from her milk, just a little bit. So I suggested that she just feed him raw cow's milk. The cow's been on a raw diet all of its life. She's only been on a raw diet for about eight, nine months. So of course she's gonna have contaminants in her body that are gonna get into the milk. So she resisted and it's not natural. I said it's not natural to feed the baby toxic milk if you can feed them good healthy raw milk from a cow. So she said, but you know, cow's milk won't help the baby grow as intelligent as a human. I said, we'll see about that. So he liked the milk, it was okay, but he had an affinity for buffalo liver. So we blend them a half buffalo liver and half milk. And that's what he had. And he'll be four years old in December. But this was a little over a year and a half, sat there, watched his cousin. Now what this puzzle was, it was a wooden board cut out with the indentations of the alphabet. And then the alphabet to put it in its proper shape, like a round, you know, like a square object in a square peg, you know, a square peg in a square hole like this, so it was the alphabet. And the cousin didn't, in seven minutes, seven and a half minutes, she didn't get one in its proper place, four to four and a half year old. Little Forrest, we had no idea what he was, what he would have went on and in, because, you know, we just talked about little things. He goes, P, S, A, all of them, without missing a beat, put everyone in. Two minutes, the whole thing. And Nicole and Ray and I are looking at each other. This kid's pretty special. And Nicole says, his mother says, okay, sing the alphabet song. We had no idea. Without a beat, he sings the alphabet song. It's okay to sing it backwards. Without it, missing a beat, he sang the alphabet song backwards.

Q: Whoa.

A: At three years old, he was reading eighth grade material to his preschool classmates.

Q: Wow.

A: Now, his sister came 18 months later. Now she's 18 months old and showing the same signs. So the whole family knows now it isn't just the fluke of that one child, it really has to do with their diet. And that family is strict on the diet. Those kids are immaculate. Got another family who has five children, two of them born with the mother on the diet. They were born with eyes open and seeing. So was Forrest and his sister. A consciousness, holding their heads up at birth. Completely able to hold their own heads up at birth. Childbirth, two contractions. Can you imagine having a childbirth, two contractions? Two contractions. And both of them, Nicole and Sherry, both, okay, I think the head's gonna come out this time, or I think it's gonna start moving this time, and both of the fathers say the head's already out. That was from one contraction. Second contraction, both of them released. Just like that. Gone, out. Just like the gorilla I saw pass. Two contractions. The fetus was out, the baby was out. So diet has everything to do, biochemistry has everything to do with behavior and intelligence. I told, I don't know if anybody remembers who Paul Cohen is. Paul Cohen was one of the world's greatest tennis players way back in the 50s, before McEnroe, and he was back McEnroe's coach for 10 years. He's been on the diet for 10 years. He's got a 14, 15 year old daughter. So I was telling her this morning, I was consulting him, about this girl who was in Nevada City who went on the diet. Her mother forced her to be on the diet. The parents had divorced the year before, the mother was not feeling well, she went on this diet from exposures of other people who were doing the diet, and she forced her daughter to be on it. The daughter rebelled. Daughter was a pretty good student, pretty good person, B average, maybe minus to, average B level. Wanted to be a professional ballet dancer. And she was an okay dancer. So in that year that her mother forced her to be on the diet in the morning and after school all day long, and she had to take a milkshake to eat sometime during the day, even if she ate with her classmates. At the end of that year, she had gone to the top student in the whole school, and she had become the top ballet dancer. Guess who came to me personally, a free voluntary will, the next year. She got a scholarship for a Juilliard for dance this last year. Just keep going on the diet, it makes all the difference in the world. Some people get it and some people don't. [unintelligible] children. And this girl got it. And I think that this girl this morning, London got it. But we'll see. We will see. Because she's been fighting with her father since she was born. Four years old. So behavior has a lot to do with [unintelligible] everything you have to do if you're a child. It's all diet. When you're an adult, you've got to learn to be comfortably numb, to fight everything, to adjust, to do all these mental gyrations. And we shouldn't have to go through all that to be happy. Being happy should be as natural as breathing. And it can if you're on a good diet long enough. Some people get happy right away, some people they're so toxic it takes them longer. You just have to be patient. So, and there was nobody that wanted to end their life more than I did. I just never successfully did it. At one time I had the answer of how to kill myself. I had the answer. I knew it. I stayed up for days without sleeping. I wrote all these letters to everybody I'd been mean to. Just to take up the time to stay awake. To say I'm sorry, but you deserved it. You know, I'm not gonna make it happen. I just wanna say that I wish you everything good. Even at that time, you deserved what you got. I hope I wish you everything good now. So, that's what it, I went on for days writing things like that. You know, my parents, my brothers, ex-girlfriends, ex-everybody, teachers, everybody. Everybody keep my mind active so I can stay awake. So on the third day, I taped my, used duct tape, taped my arms together, took a large plastic bag, you know, 10 mil thick, you know, garbage bag, put it over my head with this rubber band that was an inch wide and about an eighth of an inch thick. Put that around my neck, got down, put my legs through my arms, put my arms in behind my back and went to sleep. I woke up with my body flailing like a fish out of water and passed out. And I awakened, somehow, the plastic, I mean, I had it down to here, had worked its way all the way up to where I could breathe. So not even that worked. You know? Because I wouldn't use gas and I wouldn't shoot myself because that's contaminating the earth. You know what I'm saying? So I had to do it naturally. That didn't work. And for some reason it got rid of my depression. I mean, that was after the poison mushroom. Depressed every day for three and a half years. And I did that and it stopped. And I realized, hey, maybe we're getting too much oxygen. Maybe we're even needing more carbon dioxide. So, you know, people breathe [unintelligible] high anxiety, you know, hyper, hyperthermia. You know, they just go into the, breathe into the bag and they're re-breathing their own carbon dioxide. Hey, it works. So again, it's a chemistry thing. You can change depression, but it's not permanent long-lasting like high meat is. It's just after some stinky stuff. Um, the body operates starting from the time you get up in the morning. And it has cycles of what is good to eat and what isn't. I'm going to leave that as the hook. Go into, to find, we're gonna get into that, what to eat, what time of the day and why. But first I'm gonna go into the foods and what they do. Now, carbohydrates, they've been giving you the big pump for athletes and everything, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs. But what is the result of high carb intake? Advanced glycation end products, acrylamides, all kinds of byproducts. According to Columbia University, it's at New York City Medical Center, advanced glycation end products, no matter if it's from a raw food or a cooked food, store at a rate of 70 to 90% in the human body for a lifetime. Every time you eat a carb, 70 to 90% of the advanced glycation end product, which is always there when you utilize carbohydrate in your body. Advanced glycation end product is a byproduct always. If you're in a healthy state, which most people aren't, you'll store only 70%. If you're in an ill state, like people with diabetes or kidney problems, 90% of it stores in the body for a lifetime. Collects and collects and collects, which is that what happens. Turns into an acid, starts eating away the body like battery acid or it's the muriatic acid. The molecular structure's similar to muriatic acid. Does anybody know what they use muriatic acid for?

Q: Swimming pools.

A: Cleaning swimming pools, cleaning paint off of concrete or brick. That's how strong that acid is and it smells like really toxic eggs.

Q: What did you just say, for a lifetime?

A: For a lifetime. If you're on a bad diet, it's a lifetime. [unintelligible] So that's all they see. It's a store that keeps collecting. It's a road to where all kinds of diseases, depending upon what your particular deficiency results in. If you're drying out all over the place, you could end up with lupus or MS or arteriosclerosis. If it stores in the pancreas, you could end up with diabetes. End up with kidney failure, you could end up on machines, getting dialysis three times a week. It all depends upon your particular body and system, how it's going to resolve. So, carbohydrates is really not things a man should eat much of, is it? If you're looking at that. So protein. Protein, what does that do in the body? Every system in the body builds from protein. Every cell builds from protein. It's an important substance. Well, what happens when it's cooked? There's a lot more uric acid, there are heterocyclic amines that are formed and a number of other byproducts, but the most so-called dangerous that have been studied is the heterocyclic amine. And it causes, and it's involved in lots of cancer. That particular substance is found in lots of cancer tissue. The highest concentration of anything is called acrylamides. And acrylamides are from carbohydrates. Fried carbohydrates, the highest amount. 60% of the fluids that are found in all cancers are acrylamides. That's why a whole team of scientists in Sweden wanted to have all French fries, any kind of chips, and cereals. Team of 14 full-professored scientists came out with this result, and they went public with it to the press before they approved it with their university. Guess who got fired? How many billions of dollars are in chips and cereals and French fries in the world? This is a legitimate study. It went on for 15 years. Everything about it completely true. Did you hear about it? I think it was in four newspapers. One day it was gone. The only place that carried it frequently was Europe, England, covered a lot. Probably 15 or 16 different titles or different articles. So with the protein, we have mainly the heterocyclic amine, which is also involved in cancer tissue, also involved in some heart disease, but it's mainly cramming, not hardening of the arteries. If we take a look at the tribes who eat meat, because they say hardening of the arteries, hardening of the heart is caused by eating red meat. And fat. But yet the tribes who eat only meat and cook it all have no heart disease and no hardening of the arteries. Again, bullshit. Who started that? The vegetable oil industry in the 50s started that. When people started eating vegetable oils instead of lard. People, they stopped eating rendered fats and eat vegetable oils. Yet the vegetable oils, guess what they turned into in the body, resins. They hardened, crystallized in the system. So what causes hardening of the arteries and heart disease? Arteriosclerosis, most MS. Vegetable oils. Herbivores body temperature is about 100 to 101 degrees. For vegetable oils to stay fluid, they have to stay that warm. In the body, human body, 98.6 or lower, except during fevers. The fats in your body makes, you know, fats and uses vegetable fats as a part of a cellular building, cellular structure. Over a period of 10 years, more or less, it crystallizes and hardens into a resin. Do you know what the stone amber is? Fat from a tree. Do you know what causes kidney stones, bladder stones, liver stones? Vegetable oils, especially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which have the same molecular structure as plastic. They crystallize and harden. Half of my cancer patients have been long-term vegetarians. 50% have been long-term vegetarians. Linda McCartney. She said to her husband, Paul, you eat meat and you're not with me, you'll get an instant divorce. So he used to have to go off to hamburger joints and stuff. When was on tour and she was away. He was sneaking his hamburger, or his meat. And what did she die of? She said, I will never have cancer because I'm a vegetarian. Anybody know what she died of? Very aggressive breast cancer. It was very painful and took her very quickly. We have all this propaganda out there, no clear science. Keeps people confused and doing the wrong thing.

Then we have fats. Fats in the body, [unintelligible] fats like we're talking about. Fats lubricate. The body makes them into solvents to dissolve toxicity. They protect the body. And they arrest toxins and contain them. And they give you the strongest amount of energy that you can have. Take a look at your bodybuilders. All muscle, very low fat. Are they very strong? Put them up against a weight lifter. And how big are your weight lifters? Almost 100% of your weight lifters are fat. Lots of extra fat. Your wrestlers, plenty of fat. 27 to 30% fat in their bodies. Bodybuilders, 4, 12% fat. No strength, no stamina. Look pretty, but they aren't strong. Like fat people are. So fat gives you the strongest energy that you can have. Fat to me, like I say in both books, is the most important nutrient, base nutrient that you can consume. Let me give you an example. Two years ago, I was in North Carolina in a community called Earth Haven. And there were a bunch of hippies from my era. I'm working in my 59th year. So I'm getting near 60 there. And they've all been vegetarians and doing the whole life thing. All of them sick. Terribly sick. One of them was so sick his eyes turned black and got chronically fatigued and couldn't move. Went on the diet. Within six months, a different person. Helping everybody. So he got me over to this group lecture for them to see [unintelligible]. Well, this is the type of people that there are. Very so-called conscientious. And that's all I'm used to seeing there. And all of a sudden this motorcycle guy, looking guy, comes in. And I said, ooh. Okay. You know, I can see this guy had been into drugs maybe 30 years. Alcohol. Probably 25 years. And he abused all of them. Because it showed in his skin. But he didn't look really sick. You know, he just looked a little tired and worn. But his skin showed a lot of abuse. Had a lot of adipose tissue. You know, the swelling and the nodules all over the place. But his coloring was good. His blood looked good. Everything looked good. And I shot his eyes. I went up there. I said, whoa. You know, glands are clean. I said, I can see by your skin you've been a drug addict and an alcohol abuser for 25, 30 years. He said, yep. And I said, this doesn't make sense. He said, I said, you know, you're only maybe 40, 35 pounds overweight. And, you know, it takes people really, really fat to be able to withstand the kind of abuse that you went through. And he said, well, before I went on your diet four months ago, I was 300 pounds. And he'd been that way since he started abusing himself. Then it all made sense to me. Even if it's bad fat, the bad fat protects you. So people who are fat are much better than people who are thin. Even if it's toxic fat, you are protected. And I tell people that who are overweight, they say, oh-

[audio cut]

A: ...back in one month. By just putting the honey and, you know, honey and saliva on my neck for maybe two times a week. Two nights a week.

Q: I've been using your moisturizing formula and that helps.

A: That helps. It's nice, but it doesn't do what this does. For some reason, the honey really does it.

Q: Saliva and honey?

A: Hmm?

Q: Saliva and honey?

A: Yeah. Put the saliva on first, and then put the honey on top of that.

Q: Can you sleep with it?

A: Absolutely. [unintelligible] Unless you have holes and gross...

Q: I'm real sensitive to smell.

A: You can use honey. I found it does work. Pardon?

Q: Two nights a week? Two nights a week or every night?

A: You can do it every night. Well, I wouldn't do it every night. Well, if you're leaving it out open during the day, it's fine. You can probably do it every night. I'm just not that vain. I'm vain two days a week, only. [unintelligible]

Q: Show some signs of maturity.

A: Anyway, the fats are the most important nutrient in the body as far as I'm concerned, especially if you're sick and living in a toxic society like we are. Like, even though I'm walking around, all these fibers here, if I scrape those up and burn them, you know what I will have? A ball of plastic. If you're wearing synthetic clothing, you're going to get fibers in your lungs which are plastic. What does your body have to do with plastic? It has to dissolve it. Guess what it becomes? An epoxy and glue again. What's it going to do to your system? It's going to deteriorate. So, stay away from any kind of synthetic clothing. Carpets, either get rid of them and put down tile or wood, or put down wool, cotton carpets, wool, cotton, silk. Decontaminate your life as much as possible because every nutrient you spend on that toxicity takes away from your health. Just making you a little bit more deficient. And you're looking for the best quality of health, do everything you can to make it easy. That's why you don't see me kicking around down here, I'm stepping. Notice my steps. Knock the fibers all over the place. Maybe I should start carrying a carpet, a cotton carpet, down here. Lay it down, that's a good idea. I could do that. So, fat is the most important in the body. That's why I talk about it so much in both books. Protein builds every cell in the body. It's needed along with fats for everybody to produce any hormone, and prostaglandin, or anything in the body. The tribes who eat raw meat and raw milk have no disease, degenerative disease, at all. Maasai tribe eats 60% milk, raw dairy products, 40% meat. The Fulani eat 90% raw dairy products, a little bit of raw meat, and about 8% cooked meat. The Fulani have no degenerative disease, but they have some emotional problems. Also, they have splotchy skin, but they still have no degenerative disease. They've got an interesting little thing that goes on in their society. If there's an argument between adults, the children get together and they mimic the argument. That evening, in a play. They make fun of it. It eases the tension.

Q: That's great.

A: It's a good way to get rid of it. But if they get rid of the cooked meat, then they probably would get rid of that added uric acid, or caustic uric acid, and the heterocyclic amines that are causing that emotional stress. The Samburu, they eat about one third raw meat, and two thirds raw dairy. The Maasai are considered the strongest, tallest, smartest, and happiest tribe in the world. They're ultra skinny, but they've been eating raw meat and raw dairy their whole lives. They aren't toxic, so they don't need a lot of fat on their bodies. They're like 7-10% fat, but they're 7'10", 7'11". Average height is about 7'1". And they're extremely bright, and nobody can ever beat them in fights. They're warriors, uncompromised. They eat the highest amount of raw animal fat, except for the Eskimo. Eskimo, because it lives in such a difficult environment, has a lot of fat, which is just the opposite from the Maasai. But the Eskimo, the wild Eskimo, that still lives out in the wild, eats 90% meat and fat, lard. They're fat, and they're considered the jolliest of all the tribes. Can you imagine putting your baby in an igloo, crawling around naked on ice, in an igloo? Aren't you worried about a cold, Mom? Dad? These are healthy kids. Crawling around on an ice igloo floor. No heat, crawling around butt-naked. If we put our people, all of you, and the rest of everybody in Alaska, one year, you'd be dead through one winter. Probably 90% of you would be dead. How many people, if the heat goes out, how many people do we have die in one night? 230 the last year. One night, no heat. 230 people died in one night, in one city. No heat. And that's not that cold. In Alaska, it'd be different. So, we can glean a lot from these tribes, but nobody gives them the discourse or attention at all. Why? Because it goes against the restaurants, the food industry, the supermarkets. It's all about money. Making money. Not about health and caring for everybody's health. Sure, we'll get rid of a hell of a lot of population in the next 20 years, but we didn't expect to have an epidemic. This is like in England, and Ireland, and all their main cities. The Black Plague. There was a blacksmith and a jewelry shop on every corner, every block. Smelting, fat. What is England? It's on an island. Ireland is on an island. Fall, you have this molted steel, this metal, floating in this [unintelligible]. People breathing it. You're going to have a Black Plague. None of the people who lived out on the farms got the Black Plague. Only the concentration of people in the cities. And some of those that migrated from the cities, finally, that grew up and spent their whole lives in the city, and went out to the farms. Those were the only ones who got the Black Plague. Disease comes from toxicity. Malnourishment, malnourishment. Get rid of the toxicity as much as you can in your system, in your bodies, and feed yourself the healthiest nutrients. I'm not saying mad cow was a good thing for me to eat, the best thing for me to eat. But it's the only thing I was able to get while I was in Paris. When I was traveling around throughout France, I could go to butcher shops, I could get good meat from the farmers out there. It was everywhere. But in Paris, there was nothing. There was no raw milk. I had to travel 60 miles to get raw milk and raw cream. But after my three and a half years there, I had every health food store carrying raw butter, raw milk, and raw cream by the time I left in 96. You can go to France and you can get any health food store. Raw milk, raw butter, and raw cream. And you continue.

Q: Can you come to Stockton?

Q: All right.

A: Pardon?

Q: Can you come to Stockton?

A: Well, you know, I got it legal here in California. As I was telling Stephen this morning...

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Yeah, I'm sure it's there.

A: It's close. All you have to do is call up Mark McAfee at Organic Pastures and say where you want to deliver it. If you get a group of people together, he will deliver it to you. So there it is. There was a famous biological attorney who had been fighting the law against, you know, the prejudice against, laws against raw milk for 36 years. And he told me when I started my plight that I would never get a change. He's done everything and he knows bacteria and he knows all of that. And there's no way you're going to persuade them. So I went to... Every month I went to the medical milk commissioner's meeting that ruled on raw milk. And they just kept making the laws stricter and stricter until they put Stewie's Dairy out of business because they couldn't sell the raw milk. And so they got pasteurized and made for all the problems they went through to make it raw milk saleable, certified raw milk. So during those I brought scientists, I brought everybody. And four of the five MDs and the one veterinarian were prejudiced. There was only one medical doctor there that was in favor of raw milk. And here they're overseeing raw milk. And the law stated the medical commissioners are not to block, they're to make, they're to protect the health and make sure that the raw milk is safe. But they were out to ruin it. In fact, Dr. John Needham, who was one of the head MDs at USC, publicly stated he was going to have raw milk banned in California. That was his plight as a medical milk commissioner. So right away, you know, this attorney filed suit, went to, you know, tried to get the government to take action against this man. They never did a thing to him. I was showing up there with scientists, with all kinds of things. Three years they didn't listen. Pooh-poohed everything until we [unintelligible] milk. So I said, okay, by the time I figured out the only thing I can do is prove the raw milk is good and pasteurized dairy is bad. So what I did was I got together with Dr. Douglas, who is considered the world's most greatest MD expertise on milk, who wrote a book called The Milk Book. It's called something else now. So he allowed me to use all of his information, plus every other information I could find on the benefits of raw milk that were produced by medical teams at hospitals and universities all over the world. Then also took all of the information I could find on epidemics that were milk-related. And guess what? There was not one epidemic scientifically attributed to raw milk, but hundreds attributed to pasteurized dairy. One of them involved 197,000 people. Now why isn't pasteurized dairy outlawed? Big business. Big business. That's exactly what it is. So I wrote up this report. It was only 32 pages. Now the attorney, which told me that I'd never be able to change the law, had a 500-page report that was so complex, so confusing, you know, you'd stop and say, wait a minute. How much of this is really to do with raw milk and disease? And he's talking about bacteria. How's it related to milk? Nothing was cohesive and coherent. Any politician that isn't really bright is going to pick up that information and say, I didn't figure out anything in my mind about it. It just made more confusion. I made a 32-page report with another 20 exhibits from doctors stating that they've had experience with raw milk and it's never caused any harm. Dr. Paul Fleiss, you know, famous childhood doctor. You probably know his daughter, Heidi Fleiss. And I had a lot of doctors. Dr. Privatero, you know, was also a famous doctor who beat the American medical profession and tried to take him to task for not practicing the regular medical therapies. He beat him in court. So he won. So he was one of those that gave me a letter. And I had a letter from the mother, you know, that talked about how her daughter reacted on pasteurized milk and how she reacted on raw milk and actual incidences. So I had all of that in it. And the Los Angeles County Health Department had issued this report to the Board of Supervisors saying that there were five incidences of death and disease caused by raw milk. One of those involved a 12-year-old or 10-year-old girl. And the 10-year-old girl, guess what? She drowned. And when they did an autopsy on her, they found a large amount of salmonella in her stomach. So they went to the family, and do you know what the surveys say from the health department? Does anybody in your family eat raw food? Any raw milk? The family drank raw milk. So they put down the girl died of raw milk contamination. No scientific anything behind it. So Dr. Douglas went and asked the family about it. And they said, well, she didn't like raw milk. She was the only one in the family that didn't even drink the milk. So I put the truth of the incidents on that girl, and all of the other ones they claimed, no scientific evidence. It was by survey that it was blamed on raw milk. It had nothing to do with truth or science. So guess who got fired that next week? The head of the Los Angeles County Health Department got fired. Because I came through with a report that absolutely said everything in that was a piece of garbage and a lie. And then I gave them my 32-page report with exhibits, and it came out 52 pages altogether. And the board of supervisors said, okay, what do you got to contest about all this information? Not one comment. So it's true. We now have raw milk.

Q: Thank you, Aajonus.

A: We did it.

Q: You did it.

A: Now we have it. We've changed, with that report, we've changed the law in six states in the last three years.

Q: Wow.

A: And we continue to do it. So if you want that report, download it. Some of it's in the recipe book in the very last chapter.

Q: What are the other states?

A: Pardon?

Q: What are the other states?

A: The what?

Q: The other states.

Q: What are the other states?

A: Indiana, Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, just they're allowing for the, they're not making it completely illegal, they're allowing for cow share programs, where each member is an owner of the cow and they can have their own milk. So we have some manipulation there, I wrote the laws for that. Yes. If you're part owner of the cow, you can have your own milk. But it works, you know. That's what we did in Indiana. In Indiana, the governor stepped in and said, get off of their backs, let them do it. And so we had the governor come in and do it. So, but you know, that report goes a long way. And then there was another fellow that wrote a report on the medical use of milk, Andrew Bernstein, and he is a cum laude graduate of John Hopkins. He put a small report in there, it's not published, but if you email me I can email it to you. But he put up this report on how children in hospitals were fed bacteria that counted in the millions, millions of bacteria per liter. And children were getting well from it. So with that kind of information in there, you know, we give that too. So they're bombarded in the health departments. They are just bullshit artists. They aren't even good researchers. So they can't even contest anything. They keep coming up with the same rhetoric or the same incidences, even the CDC. And the CDC, the Central Disease Control, federal government in Atlanta, Georgia, they were at the meeting against me and the state of California health department were against us at that board meeting, but none of them could show any kind of data or information against my report. So they lost. And they keep operating that way out of intimidation and lies.

Q: Is there any further resistance? Is there any resistance that they're trying to bring back their way? Or now that it's in place, is it?

A: Well, they called in the federal government. The FDA and USDA issued a letter to all states asking them to outlaw raw milk because it's a hazard to health. That's all it said. And the CDC has a pamphlet saying the same thing with no evidence.

Q: Right. They're trying to protect big business.

A: Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. But all you have to do is condition people who like sour milk, spoiled milk, and then it's fine. You don't lose your product. Everybody will eat in whatever condition it's in.

Q: Yeah.

A: But no, they're going about it. They just want easier to handle food that isn't going to explode in a bottle. Then it is easier to pasteurize. Okay, so fat, protein, carbohydrates. How much carbohydrates do we use? There was an MD that did quite a bit of research back in the 30s that showed that the human body only requires 5% of its diet to be carbohydrates. And he showed that there was enough carbohydrate in meat and some vegetable juice to handle that easily. The citric acid cycle of the body. That means burning of fats. Utilization of fats for energy, that's where that carbohydrate is needed. Now, of course, if you're eating a high carbohydrate diet, your body is going to turn a lot of that carbohydrate into an acetone, which is a fat. A quick-burning, high-waste byproduct, toxic byproduct with heterocyclic amines, I mean, lipid peroxides, full of lipid peroxides. And it's not a good fat to burn. Getting fat from fatty sources like coconut cream, butter, milk, olive oil. Olive oil is not a vegetable oil, it's a fruit oil, avocados. Those are all fat, eggs. Those are all fats that are very easily and stable and don't create any lipid peroxides in their use and digestion. When you cook them, they do. They do create those byproduct toxins. But when they're raw, there is none of that. And you do need a little bit of carbohydrate to burn them. But you get carbohydrates in almost every food there is. A piece of fruit once a day, with lots of fat. So it doesn't sugar up the system. Vegetable juice contains a little carbohydrate. The mixtures that I give don't have a big fraction of it. The amount of carbohydrates that's in celery is not enough to even digest the celery. So if you add the parsley in it, which is very concentrated, and some carbohydrates, it's enough to digest both of those. But not enough to give you much other carbohydrate. Now we're getting into what the body does at different times of the day. Now the body runs very well on low carbs, which is just the opposite of what you're told. It doesn't need much carbs unless the carbs are good quality carbs made from protein. So this glycogen that is made from protein is made from pyruvate, which is a protein sugar. The body takes pyruvate and makes glycogen. The byproduct of advanced glycation end products from the utilization of glycogen from the pyruvate is only 7 to 8%. When the glycogen is made from carbs, 70 to 90% waste product of that advanced glycation end product, which is the rate at which you store it. 70 to 90% of that 70 to 90% is just storing product of the glycation.

Q: Any carb?

A: Any carb.

Q: Fruit?

A: Doesn't matter. Any carb. So pyruvate is your best protein and carbohydrate. I've known about it since the early 60s. One of the first books I read was called Sugar in the Criminal Mind. And this doctor showed throughout the 30s and the 40s working with different prisons how if he had potato chips and if they were fed french fries, it would create a lot of advanced glycation end products and a lot of sugar byproducts. And if they had sugar in the diet, the violence increased. And when he got rid of all those foods and just had one, you know, baked potatoes and meats and gravy with no sugar in it, all of them worked all harmoniously together and there were never any fights, never even any arguments in the whole prison for six months at a time. And as soon as they would revert to having sugar or something like that, they'd start having problems again. Just like that. So pyruvate means if you want pyruvate to become your glycogen, then you have to eat meat in the morning. Now the body is going to gear its system according to what you feed it in the morning. The glycogen system is going to be determined by what you eat until noon. It means you stay away from fruit in the morning. When you have a vegetable juice, make sure it's mostly celery so it's low carbohydrate. An hour later, after you finish that, you have a meat meal. That meat meal will make sure that your body makes only glycogen from pyruvate. You eat fat with it too to make sure that you're not going to use all of the carbohydrate and make too much pyruvate so then you'll be still hyperactive. So you need fat, you need butter. And the other fat, at least a tablespoon and a half of butter with that meat meal. That's a minimum. I eat half a cup, a third of a cup with each meat meal minimum. Sometimes I'll eat a whole cup of butter or three quarters of a cup of butter and an egg. With maybe a little onion or garlic in it. With one meat meal. Sometimes I'll eat anywhere from one to two pounds of meat a day. Two meat meals, a pound at a time. This morning on the way here, I downed a whole pound of meat. I had my onion butter mixture. And a half a cup. So prepare for this. I have to stay focused. And you see, we've gone all over the gamut but I get right back to the point. When I used to be on fruitarian, I was all over the place. What was I saying? What was I saying? Where was I going? But I can stay with it all the time now. It's a little process in the way I handle my food intake. So after that, you usually need some digestive enzymes because nobody's very healthy. So always have your honey. Have one or two tablespoons after a meat meal. Honey. Unheated honey. Again, this is early in the morning. So you've still got to get to noon before you can eat any carbohydrate. So let's say you have a milkshake which calms the body down and the rest, makes the nerves settle. So milkshake, let's say you have two to four ounces of milk. One, two to three, even four eggs, depending on how large a person you are. You could have four or five eggs with your height. I have usually three eggs in mine. And maybe a tablespoon of butter and three to four tablespoons of dairy cream. One to two tablespoons of honey blended together. Drink that over maybe a half an hour period. Then you're getting around noon and you have another vegetable juice. You're still not putting the carbs in your body.

Q: So honey's not the carb? You don't call honey the carb?

A: Like I say in the recipe book, it's mainly when the bees collect the nectar, they swallow it. And they have enzymes and they change the molecular structure of the honey. They have enzymes which go into it, alter it into enzymes for digesting mainly protein. And some fats, it'll break fats down. So it's mainly a digestive enzyme. So it's your digestive enzyme supplement. When the bees get back to the hive, they vomit. So that's what honey is, it's bee vomit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I had a punk rock group which wrote a song called, they called it, I Like Bee Vomit Flower Pussy Juice. And that was the name of the song. Punk rock group and they did it, it was a good song. It was about honey, but it didn't describe what it was. Anyway, so you don't have to worry about carbs. However, in some people, it causes a discharge of enzymes that are coupled with concentrations of sugar and sugar byproducts in the pancreas. And when that discharges, it creates a lethargy of tiredness or an anxiety. So it makes them feel like they're having a sugar reaction from the honey, but it's not from the honey. Because every time I've tested the blood or it causes some people to vomit, check the vomit, it is not anything in the honey. In fact, it causes some chemicals to come out of the system. And they vomit the chemicals. The bacteria and the honey has nothing to do with it. Very little quantity of it in there. There's no relationships that can cause it. It couldn't cause that problem. But the concentration of some deadly chemicals, yes. I had one fellow, Jeff Slay, skin and bones. If you go to, but the wewanttolive, 2 is the numeral 2. Right up there, they had his before and after. Skin and bones, it's like it came right out of Auschwitz. Next picture is a year later. He was that way for five months. He waited a year to take the picture. And you see it's like night and day. His girlfriend, he was in a disease state and he couldn't figure out what the disease was. He was wasting away. He was 15 pounds lighter than that picture, so you can imagine already. He looked like he just came out of Auschwitz, man eating a year. So he's even 15 pounds lighter than what you see on the website. I allowed that person to post a lot of my articles and a lot of information that I've written and interviews of me that nobody else has on that website. Also, all of my books will be on sale there in downloadable form in a few months. And you'll be able to search, you'll be able to subscribe to it. So it's probably going to be something like $80, $90 a year. And you go in and search everything on that that I've written. And the interviews and anything that I've said about anything will pop up. So you can search, you can't even do that with my books. But you'll be able to do that with my books, with any article, anything that I've written, on that website in several months. So I'll send out emails letting everybody know. So it's an easy way to research anything that I've said. And it'll pop up right away. That's But the two, from wewantto is the numeral two. Okay, we're going to take a break now. About a 10-minute break, well, maybe 15 minutes, because there's a lot of people that have to go to the restroom.

[audio cut]

A: You know, you have a juice somewhere around noon, a vegetable juice. Skin is still low in carbohydrates. If you're a person who's on the thin side, you should probably always put a tablespoon of cream in your juice. A little bit of carbohydrate in there will help you slow down the process of the enzymes getting through the digestive, into your system. And you want to slow everything down when you're thin, high metabolism. And then we'll have the fruit somewhere between 1.30 and 4.30. You always have it with some fat. Now, everybody's full of metal toxicity. So it'd be a good idea to have some berries with cream. Now, we didn't talk specifically about any fat, but your coconut cream and your coconut oil are the best solvent fats that you can have for metal. If I took this lid here on this metal and you put coconut cream, coconut oil in it, especially coconut cream, it would turn black in about an hour. It starts ripping it up that quick. You can use olive oil or flax oil, any other kind of oil on it. It could take a day to turn black. Coconut cream starts working within an hour. Coconut oil, it's a little slower. It may take 12 hours. Coconut cream rips it up quickly.

Q: Pulls metals out.

A: Huh?

Q: Pulls metals out.

A: Dissolves metals and helps pull them out of the system.

Q: Wow.

A: So that's the best chelation therapy there is. But you also need some other fats, some animal fat along with it, to help bind with those toxins so that they don't store in the system. So I recommend that, let's say you have anywhere from 3 tablespoons to 6 tablespoons of coconut cream with 1 to 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of dairy cream, 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey. Now if you have a terrible sugar reaction when you add the honey, like I say, it's the pancreas cleaning itself. Sometimes it's the liver cleaning out all toxic sugars that are stored in it, or carbohydrates that are stored in it, and it's not from the honey. So you may need to regulate the amount of honey that you use until your system stops dumping so much. But in that quantity with the fats, it should slow that reaction. If you eat the honey alone, you might have more of that reaction. Now the darker berries help get rid of the heavy metals quicker. And like raspberries are good for the aluminum, the lighter metals, and iodine, aluminum and iodine. The strawberries help decontaminate the skin and collagen. But because they're so overbred, they're not the same way as the wild ones, which are very small and not appetizing at all unless you have sugar and cream. Now with the butter, it's much more digestible for the liver. And butter feeds almost every system in the body. But the body is like an orphanage of many, many children. Children are going to gobble it up and some children back in the back are not going to get much. That's what happens with the skin and the connective tissue and the tissue around the lymph. And even in the bone marrow and the joints. It's all going to be absorbed before it ever gets to those areas. That's why if you make the moisturizing lubrication formula, it'll get to those areas. When you mix the butter with an egg and lemon juice and honey, it breaks it down quicker and it floods the system with more than the immediate areas can absorb. So it gets all the way out to the skin, at least to the joints and the connective tissue. Because the skin secretes and excretes more toxins than any other organ of the body, the skin will always be the last to be mended and healed. That's why I recommend the primal facial body care cream and the rest of the book for the skin and applying honey and saliva on the skin. Because the skin just needs help. The cream is the best for the nervous system. It lubricates and stabilizes and relaxes the nervous system where no other fat can do that. However, it's more difficult for the liver to digest. Because the liver has to use a tremendous amount of enzymes to make it into a substance like butter and to discharge it into the system. So if you have a slow liver, you want to have enough cream to keep your nervous system relaxed but not enough to cause yourself pain and just have to rely on more butter, especially with the lubrication moisturizing formula. Now I call it the lubrication moisturizing formula because for women, the sound of moisturizing is very pleasant. For men, they like it lubey. But it's the same thing. So the fats, like I said, in coconut cream rip out toxins of all kinds, arterial hardening helps get rid of old resins, other oil resins like vegetable oils.

Peanut oils that have been hydrogenated are basically plastic. They turn into a resin, a hard substance in the system. Also cause kidney and bladder stones, liver stones, even gall bladder stones. So in order to eliminate that, the coconut cream is pretty good for that. In order to get them out entirely, it's good once you've been on the diet a while and stabilized on the diet maybe six months to two years. I do recommend that people don't do anything that causes detoxification for a two-year period on the diet so they get strong and healthy. Those are usually very thin people. People who have more weight, they can go into this forced detoxification a little earlier. And one way that will be in the next book that I'll produce will be about detoxification. [unintelligible] speed detoxification. Now I don't often recommend it, but there are a lot of people who are overly anxious. So they take supplements and they do all kinds of things. They do things like coffee enemas that beat the hell out of the colon and strip it of the E. coli. And the E. coli, if you rip that out of the system, it takes a minimum of 45 days to bring the colony up to a point where you're digesting proteins okay. And 60 days to bring it back to a point where it's flourishing where it's naturally should be. Each enema, the colonics are the worst. Colonics can destroy you permanently unless you eat shit to replace it. Or meat that you've taken some buffalo dung on and rubbed it on the meat and let it grow in there and then eat that. You have to actually replace it. So colonics are one of the worst things you can do. Chelation therapy is the worst thing you can do. Because what it does is it pulls the metal out of the softer tissue like glands and then it just deposits it in the connective tissue, the lymph system, the bones, and the skin. So it's like me, I'm saying it's like me having 30 boxes and you can carry 3 or 4 at a time. And I keep giving you 30 boxes at a time. You're only going to be able to carry 3 or 4 out at a time. So all these boxes are going to pile up all around you. And that's what happens in the system. So it causes mass contamination of the lymph, connective tissue, bones, and bone marrow. And it leads to bone cancer and bone deterioration. So that's the worst. The second worst is colonics. The third worst are vitamin E supplements. And the next would be vitamin D supplements, which is vegetable oil exposed to radiation. Isn't that appetizing? Irradiated vegetable oil, that's your vitamin D. Anytime they put it in milk, any food, that's exactly what it is. Irradiated vegetable oil. Very appetizing. Sounds really healthy, doesn't it? I want that vitamin D. Vitamin A they produce by taking carotene and mixing it with fat. We call it vitamin D. I mean vitamin A. None of that's good stuff, not if it's real. It's just chemistry. They make you believe it's something good, but it isn't.

Some enzymes can be helpful for some people who digest poorly. Their pancreases are not working. But my recommendation is using honey. You can't get a better enzyme concentration than in honey. If you react badly to it, you can take an eighth of a teaspoon every 15 minutes to half an hour. It's a way to just feed it into the body slowly and gradually. Mix it with a little butter, you know, 50-50 honey and butter. It's a good way to get it into the system, to feed it into the system slowly. You'll find the digestion of anything improves that way. And you don't need supplemental vitamins and supplements. But a lot of people don't carry their honey around like that. So they'd rather have a pill to pop. That's an option, that's a way to do it. But there's toxicity involved in that. Because it's in a substance, it's not all enzymes. And it's adhesive together to keep it together in a pill form. And that's toxic. And it's a chemical. And it can destroy certain kinds of bacteria in the intestines. E. coli is the most important bacteria in the system because it's responsible for the final stage of protein digestion. It synthesizes all the B vitamins and the amino acids that back up the lymph system. So it could be said to be backing up your immune system. The immune system is bullshit. There's no such thing as an immune system. The body doesn't build an army to protect itself. It's always expecting that everything will be the best. So it only counteracts when it has to. White blood cells. Sometimes some people will develop a so-called immune system. And they'll have a high white cell rate. Very high white cell rate. And then they'll be diagnosed as anemic or leukemic. I've got leukemic patients whose counts are somewhere around 200,000 white cells. Maybe 50,000 to 60,000 red blood cells. They're considered anemic, yet they run 7 to 13 miles a day. And they have no symptoms. I've got a gymnast, an Olympic gymnast. If her cholesterol doesn't stay at 327, she can't perform. When she was on a cooked diet, her cholesterol was the same thing, right? Around 327. But she'd get flus every 2 to 6 weeks. And they almost kicked her off the team. And when she went on the diet, her cholesterol stayed high. And she does amazingly. Phenomenal. The difference is in the type of fat that's in her system and how she can perform. The doctors like to have these markers which say, Come to me, let me give you drugs. And the pharmaceutical community has done that, caused it. In the early 1900s, about 1908, Dale Carnegie and Rockefeller both took over the universities by giving them millions of dollars in research funding to look for the active chemical agents in food and herbs, that they could package themselves pills.

So when you know you get into that kind of environment, you know, these doctors want, these doctors, scientific doctors, want accolades and they want the money, research money. So they start lying. They start manipulating their results and their records. And this is going on and on and on. Now it's so bad that doctors are hired to look over the badly written and prejudiced material and give their recommendations and review it, review these drugs for publication. These doctors say they have nothing to do with the research, they've never been into the laboratory, they're just given selected papers to do this. And they're paid phenomenal amounts of money. So, these markers that they look for, high cholesterol, low red blood count, high white count, all of that is garbage. High blood pressure, low blood pressure. If your body has that condition, it is that condition, because that's what your body is saying you need. Take somebody with hardened arteries and a hardened heart. What happens if they have low blood pressure? If you've got a hardened artery that keeps hardening and shrinking, don't you need high blood pressure to blow it out? What's going to happen if you have low blood pressure? You're going to get weaker and more problems are going to happen, and then you have to go for a heart bypass. Why do you think that 60% of the people who go on that heart medication end up with heart bypass? Because it lowers the blood pressure so it just keeps hardening and shrinking. The poor side of a heart attack is there's no blood getting to the heart, or so little. It's planned that way. If your body has low blood pressure, you've got too much adrenaline, you've got other problems in the system where it needs to lower your blood pressure and slow you down until you get on a good diet. And still it may stay low for a while. High blood pressure may be the perfect thing for you if your body's in that state, unless it's caused by some kind of medication. And then it can be dangerous. Like when I took all those drugs and my blood pressure went so low I died. Same with my son in the hospital, if you read about it in the first book. I had to get him off of the [unintelligible], which was just slowing his metabolism down and lowering his blood pressure to dangerous. But if the body's doing it naturally, that's where it should be. I don't try to change it.

Q: Thank you.

A: Okay, so let's say in the afternoon you have your fruit. Your body's already conditioned, already decided how it's going to operate with the sugar for the day. You've got all this pyruvate ready to make glycogen for the rest of the day. So you're eating fruit at this time, this is going to change that. Your body's not going to think, all of a sudden say, okay, I'm going to go to a lot of carbohydrates to make the glycogen. What it's going to do is it's going to take that fruit, make some alcohol with it, some solvents to dissolve toxicity, help get rid of uric acid that may be stored in muscle tissue, help clean the system, help get rid of heavy metals. No matter what it is, you can alter the fruit to alter what it will clean out of the body. Papayas will help clean the spine and the digestive tract. Also help clean the pancreas. Berries help clean metals out of the system, the skin and the connective tissue. Coconut cream and pineapple help flush out a congestive lymphatic system. There are several books which tell different things that can clean the system when fruits are formed, and in the recipe book I have some of that also. In the detoxification book, it's going to be extensive. Every fruit combination and what they can do together. What you can do to help get rid of the hardening of the arteries and the vegetable oils, that tend to collect, is if you make the juice for three days, it will stay pretty fresh for three days. You can do it with the honey that I explained in the recipe book. If you keep it for over three days, it will be detoxification. It starts fermenting, turning into like a vinegar. And those oils, vegetable oils, have the bacteria in them which will search out all the residents that are in the body and start breaking them down. Like I said before the break, let it be six months to two years before you're on the diet, before you start doing detoxifications, especially hardened vegetable oils, unless you have kidney stones or bladder stones, then you want to start doing it sooner, until you eliminate those, stop forming them. And those stones, what they are is just resins with a heavy mineral concentration. They get into the bowels, I mean into the kidney or bladder, and they start magnetizing each other, and they start clumping, clustering. And as the longer they stay together, they start dehydrating and becoming hard like stone. When they first come in, if you notice them, if you collect your urinal and sit for a few days and see lots of little orange crystals at the bottom, that's what happens when the stones are forming in the body, but it's staying too long in the body. If you take those, they're really soft after a few days, but if you left them in there weeks, they get really hard. The longer they're in there, the harder they get. If you take them and go like this and smell them, you'll know where they're from. Like I had them forming in my urine about two years ago, and even when I was urinating, some was passing out. So I took them and I went, mmm, maple syrup. Pancakes, yes. Maple syrup. So I had them tested and sure enough, maple syrup.

Q: You're saying you're collecting your urine to see if there's these things in there?

A: Yeah, sometimes I do. To see if they, crystals will form in a few days. Do it in glass, in a glass jar. And then if they form, you'll know that you're discharging some kind of resonance. If you analyze it, it's expensive to have things analyzed. I give people, we donate to, you know, Right to Choose Healthy Food, and sometimes I'll have things analyzed. It's like $800 minimum just to have one analyzed. I started to tell you before, that guy who was real skinny and got the weight on is because he was deteriorating, his fiancé saw this, they kept putting their wedding on for a year and a half because he just kept deteriorating. He wouldn't get married unless he was going to, not going to die. And here he thought he was going to die. So he went on the diet, so of course she saw what happened, she's on the diet, you know. So she vomited after eating fish. And he'd eaten the same fish and he didn't vomit, so she thought it was bacteria in the fish. I said, well, Jeff, if you save the vomit, we'll have it analyzed in the laboratory. So he comes from a very wealthy family, so I don't think he ever works, and never worked even when I did. He's traveling all over the world. His wife works, but he doesn't work. So the guy's got quite a trust. Anyway, he spent $800 on this test, and you know, a half a cup of vomit, and the drugs in it were phenomenal, the chemistry in it. It even had [unintelligible] drugs in it.

Q: GHB. Yeah.

A: It even had that in it, but it was extensive. It was like a very high ratio. And of course the bacteria, the body wasn't getting rid of it because of the bacteria, it was getting rid of it because of the poisons. And that's what you have to understand. Every time I've had a laboratory test done of vomit and diarrhea, it's always high in chemicals. They're industrial chemicals. And the body will, you know, when they start mixing, you have herbicides and pesticides preserved, and mixing together you have a whole new chemistry formed. And a lot of them, a lot of them are, say, unidentified chemicals because the combinations are not understood. So any time your body's in vomit and diarrhea, you should cheer and be happy. Because you know you're getting rid of some pretty toxic poisons if that happens. I mean, on that little half a cup of vomit, it was a 52-page report. A 52-page report. No, 62 pages. 62-page report. And I got a patient who has metastasized cancer, and I collected her vomit and had that analyzed just to see what caused her cancer. Because whatever she's vomiting, the tumors are now dissolving and going away. She's vomiting frequently. So I want to see what caused the tumors in the first place, what chemicals caused hers. I'm sure that there's a lot of acrylamides in it, but I'm not going to look for those. I'm looking for industrial chemicals that are in the body. It shouldn't be there. And a lot of fats, a lot of these tests, like all those tests, have different triglyceride compositions because the body uses those fat triglycerides and the fat molecule combinations that help dissolve these toxins and chelate with those toxins to keep them from being as damaging. So you should always expect a high rate of triglycerides to be found with those chemical compounds. And one-half of her vomit were triglycerides that were found in those chemicals. And they put an enzyme in there which releases them and then you can analyze the composition of those chemicals once they're released. As long as they're found in triglycerides, they're not free to be able to analyze. So anything your body does, be happy, as long as you're feeding it properly. Now people go through detoxification all the time. A lot of people say, well, this diet's causing me to detox all the time. You know, I'm getting sick and doing all that. I said, well, how do you know you wouldn't have that happen if you weren't on the diet? People are detoxifying all the time. You know, it's vomiting, colds, flus, pneumonia, every kind of disease you can imagine. They're not on the diet. How can you blame the diet? So for a six-year period, I kept in touch with 500 people who were on the diet and got the rate of them going through detoxification. Vomit, diarrhea, how many days in a year, and how many days they suffered a cold or were having other detoxification. It came out to about 12%, sometimes as low as 8% over a six-year period. One year was 8%, another year was 12%, and the other year was in between those, but never under or exceeded. But in the average population out there, they're going through from 18% to 22%. So you can never say that this diet is responsible for your detoxification.

[audio cut]

Q: So you're saying there is food poisoning, but not through a bacterial source.

A: Right, it's from chemical contamination.

Q: Oh, okay, like an industrial chemical.

A: Because, see, the medical profession and health departments, which is run by medical professionals, they always look for bacteria. They look for organisms. They don't look for any chemistry. They don't look for poison, industrial poisons like I do. So they completely ignore what's causing the problem. Again, you have chemicals that come into the body that destroy tissue. It's like, I go around, I have a gun, and I shoot some people in the room. They're going to rot. So, also, we have bacteria and worms which come and help degenerate them. The worms and the bacteria that are going to help degenerate the body didn't cause the problem. The problem was the gun that brought the bullet in that contaminated the body, destroyed the body. So you see the difference?

Q: Sure. I had an experience about six months ago when I was in Chicago. And I have vomited, and I don't even remember how many years ago I vomited. And I thought that I ate some bad food, but we had so much food that it didn't all fit in the refrigerator. We put it outside. This is January in Chicago.

A: Cooked food?

Q: It was cooked food, and we set it out on a fire escape because it was cold. And I had eaten some of that also. I mean, I don't know if that's why I vomited, but after a couple of days, I did. I was up all night vomiting. I had vomited and I was a little bit sick.

A: Well, bacterial food poisoning can come from cooked food, like the Jack in the Box food. The Jack in the Box has cooked food. All epidemics have come from cooked food, not raw food. Don't blame it.

Q: So, food poisoning can come from cooked food?

A: Yeah, because you're taking the cooked food, and then the bacteria that grows on it is going to be diseased. Just like we grow, like the pottenger cats, 10-year, 900 cats. Some of them grown on cooked food, some of them grown on raw food. The raw food cats have absolutely no disease. The cooked food cats all have disease. The more processed the food, the worse the diseases. Howl with rats, same thing. Cooked food, all have diseases. Raw food rats, no diseases. Interesting thing he did, he found that in the pottenger tests over that 10-year period, that the cats all lived one-third less life than the cats that ate raw. But the rats all lived the same age. There was no decrease in longevity. So, he beats this around in his head, because these rats live three years. So, minimum for one test is a three-year period. So, he's beating his brains out for a year, getting ready to do the test again, but he wants to make sure he understands everything. Why did these rats live? So, he looked for enzyme content that would be different in the liver, in the bone marrow, in everything, couldn't find anything different. And he noticed one thing. The rats were eating cooked foods, all ate shit. They ate the feces of other rats. So, he said, oh, this E-coli and this bacteria may be missing. So, when they eat it, they gain it. So, he put a screen down for the next round, three-year test, and guess how long the rats lived? They ate cooked food, one-third less longevity. He said, two years instead of three years. So, eat shit and live. That's the conclusion. I'm not kidding. Every animal species in the world eats shit, except for civilized humans. And who's the sickest? First time I heard of eating shit was in Georgia, Russia. It was a National Geographic episode back in the 60s, early 70s. I think it was the late 60s. They did this shot, you see this dark-haired woman with blue eyes, and she's got this pretty smile on her face. You see she's very petite. She's chewing on something with a big smile. And you pull back and you see this buffalo tail swishing behind her, like this, behind her head. And she keeps pulling out, and she's got something in her hand. You still can't tell what it is, because the hand, you know, her fingers are in front of whatever it is she's holding. She's munching away, swallowing, another bite. Pull out, she's kneeling in front of this patty that's as big as her whole stomach. And she's eating it. Eating it. Well, incredibly healthy. These people lived to 150 years old.

Q: Wow.

A: In Thailand, they go through, because there's not a lot of meat there, they go through the buffalo dung after three days of being out there, and they pick out these beetles. They look like Japanese beetles. And they eat them. I've got one of my patients is a Thai girl who was brought up as a farm girl, you know, in northern Thailand, near Laos. She now lives on Koh Samui, an island in the south. And I just spent a week with them. And, you know, she shares all of her food with me. Let me tell you, it's primitive. She goes out of her garden, and she picks off the beetles and just puts them in a, you know, a bottle like this. There's a bottle like this. It has a bottleneck on it. She just throws them in there, and then she goes around, and she's like, live, live. These things are crawling. And it's just so natural for her. And she's incredibly, you know, she's like 50 years old, and she's incredibly vibrant and strong and healthy. You know, so she loves the diet. She understands it entirely. And her boyfriend, who's American, you know, who's been on the diet only five years, you know, he watches her. He can't do it yet. I can't do that. But he eats everything raw and he's on the diet.

Q: So those insects actually taste good, do they think? I mean, do they like it?

A: Oh, yeah, they're pretty crunchy, crispy. You know, grasshoppers just taste like grass since they're eating. You know, worms that I had a girlfriend who grew up in Peru. And, you know, they didn't have much meat. So they would go around collecting caterpillars and worms and eating them. You know, a lot of times they would cook them, but as children they didn't because they didn't want to eat them because they didn't want to share them. If they found a worm or a caterpillar, they got it down quickly because all brothers and sisters were going to share that, and they were going to share it, you know. And they would just pop them like that. So, I mean, I'm with this girl, and after, you know, I made it a natural thing to eat these kinds of things, she'd go into a grocery store, you know, a health food store, and see a worm, you know, on a, you know, a corn. What's going to happen to that worm? She'll pop it, eat it like that. I said, what does it taste like? She said, corn. And it does. So I pop it, and that's what it tastes like. It tastes like what they eat, corn. And it tastes pretty good. But all this protein. There's a tribe that, they're hunters, and they will take the meat and slice it in long slices, narrow, and about that thick, half an inch, two, three quarters of an inch thick. They let the flies lay their larva all over it, and then they eat the maggots on the fifth day, right before, you know, that night, that day they'll go into a cocoon and become flies. And they eat them, right, and that's all they eat. They never eat the meat. They only eat the maggots. They have no disease. They can run like 30 miles an hour. They're an incredibly healthy individuals. And that's all they eat is maggots.

Q: Where's that?

A: It's in Borneo. And I think there's some tribes in Australia that do it too. Um...

Q: Excuse me, how does the body digest something that's alive and swallowed?

A: Oh, well, the hydrochloric acid will just dissolve it. Well, unless you're like me, you know, I don't have much in my stomach. But throughout the intestines you secrete hydrochloric acid. A lot of vegetarians argue, you know, that herbivores, I mean that carnivores have 15 times more hydrochloric acid than we do in the stomach. Well, we secrete it throughout the intestines where they don't. We secrete it all through the small intestines. So our digestion, we may take 16 hours maximum to digest our meat, whereas a herbivore, I mean a carnivore will digest in 10 hours. Yes?

Q: So then if you want to re-implant the E. coli in the large bowel, wouldn't it be better to get some feces from a carnivore animal than a herbivore since they have to digest protein so much, like a healthy lion or whatever?

A: It probably would be, but where are you going to get it?

Q: Yeah, I don't know.

A: Probably would be. I thought the same thing, but buffalo feces works. What we do is we get, we have an Amish farmer who supplies us with them. And he gives us the whole bowel and they cut it off like a sausage, wrap it so it contains, so you get to eat the slice of the bowel along with the dung at the same time so that you can really heal and regenerate the bowel.

Q: Is that Morris, right?

A: I can't tell. It's not anybody you know, but we've got to probably look into that. He just does that for us.

Q: If you need research money, you should do [unintelligible].

A: Everybody says that they don't want an old man. They do not want an old man. They couldn't get enough old men that would do it with me. And then I've got to pull people to the young ones.

Q: So the feces are wrapped in bowels?

A: Pardon?

Q: You said the feces are wrapped in bowels?

A: Yeah. Yeah, so I've got a lot of clients who eat it, especially with cancer. I explain that in the recipe book. I'm going to explain it more in the detoxification book when it comes out. So that bacteria in the colon is very important for synthesizing B vitamins and amino acids to strengthen the system even more so that healing takes place better. 90% of healing happens in the sleep state. Some people can get into a healing state without going into the sleep state. But it usually has to be somebody who really knows how to meditate to get into an alpha state or deeper than alpha state to be able to do that. Most people just have to go to sleep. I am able to go on one and a half hours sleep a day, 10 minutes at a time. I've done it for up to 20 days at a time. And then when I start sleeping normally, I still don't sleep more than 5 hours. When I am in an intense healing state, I still sleep 8 to 10 hours, but that's not very often. And when I do that, I pile on meat. I will make sure that I eat 2 to 3 pounds of meat a day. Because I want to provide all the protein necessary to regenerate as many cells as possible while I have that kind of activity happening in my body. And like I was saying earlier, this diet does not cause detoxification. It only allows your body to detoxify properly and heal properly. You are putting denatured food in your body, whether it's cooked or dehydrated or chemically treated. You are poisoning the system while it's already trying to detoxify. So it's going to be using a lot of the nutrients that you consume, which is very little, to help neutralize the toxins that are coming into your body and not addressing a lot of those that you are trying to detoxify. So there's a lot more symptoms, a lot more pain if you are not doing the diet when you are detoxifying. That's why people who have a severe pneumonia on this diet can absolutely work. The only thing that can shut people down that I've seen is meningitis. Either spinal or cerebral meningitis. And that's because of the headaches. Otherwise you can function. So this diet allows most people to function during detoxification. So remember, this diet doesn't cause it, any kind of detoxification. Your body does the detoxifying. If you get some nutrients and say, Oh, now I can do the detoxification work I want to, now that you are eating that, indirectly the diet is causing it. But it's really not. It's just facilitating your body doing the detoxification. And the diet really is not causing the detoxification. The cause of the detoxification is the poisons that are already stored in the body that your body needs to get rid of. And that's what a lot of people don't understand and become afraid. Everybody is detoxing having ill symptoms and everything, and all of a sudden they go on the diet, and things get better and all of a sudden it happens again, Oh, it's the diet. It's like, hello? It happened before, you were going through it before, those toxins that you were discarding were in your body before the diet, you're not eating those toxins now, so why is your body flushing out those toxins? It's certainly not the diet that's putting the toxins into your system, so you can't say that it's the diet causing your toxicity. Or detoxification. So, you just have to keep on point, and keep rational. A lot of people panic. A lot of people panic. You can't go to that panic stage. You have to stay focused and solid. Let it happen. Enjoy it happening. Picture all the garbage that's leaving your body that means you'll have less disease. And when it's all gone, there'll be no disease. I mean, that'd be nice. I've got 18 years to go. I've only been doing this diet eating meat on a daily basis for 22 years. It takes 40 years, so I have 18 years to go. Hell, I'm almost 60. I've never felt better in my life, and I get better every day. Of course, I have some periods of detoxification. But, you know, I get healthier and stronger every day. I mean, how many people 60 years old and looking to you like this when they were dying at 21? Multiple... four kinds of cancer, plus diabetes and heart disease.

Q: It's great. Awesome.

A: So, this can do it. You just have to not panic. And also, you have to enjoy it. There's some people that need to experience disease. It may be part of their journey in life to experience disease, and that's okay. Don't beat yourself up for it. The disease will do enough of that. And that's okay. I have no judgment about it. I mean, I chose my diseases to learn what I've learned. And it's been good for me, so I took advantage of having the disease. So, anybody can make good of anything. So, enjoy it. Enjoy your disease or health, whichever you choose. People say, a lot of people say, Well, what if I do it 60% of the time? And they say, does that ruin everything that I've done? And I say, if you only ate one raw food in your entire life, you'd be adding health to your body. That's good. So, do as much as you do. And that's good. It doesn't wipe out everything. It adds to your vitality and happiness. Okay. So, we talked about the fats, we talked about the proteins, and we talked about the carbs. Now, enzymes. Everybody's missing enzymes. Because every time you cook something, you destroy 100% of the enzymes, if it's going over 118 degrees. And everything is cooked over 118 degrees. Everything that you see in a supermarket, except for the produce section, everything is heated well over 118 degrees. So, how do we replace these enzymes? In the body, every time you eat something cooked, the pancreas would manufacture these enzymes, which were like a couple of thugs, mafia guys going out. And they go up to each cell and say, I want some of your enzymes, I want some of your protein, I want some of your fat, I want some of your vitamins, a little bit of everything. And they just go around collecting from everybody. It's transported back to the pancreas. The pancreas readdresses them, sends them out into the digestive tract to digest the food, they have no enzymes. Now, the medical and scientific community says, Hey, these enzymes grow on trees. It doesn't matter if you eat cooked food, and all of a sudden they appear from nowhere. It's like money growing on trees. It's bullshit. Your body is leaching them from your body. Because if they grow on trees, you wouldn't have the disease, you wouldn't deteriorate with age. And everybody is deteriorating with their age because of these deficiencies. And it just keeps leaching more and more. So how do you reverse that leaching? How do you add to your bank account to resupply that enzyme that's in every cell in your body? Vegetable juice. Minimum of two a day to handle your daily needs and start resupplying the others. You go three to four a day and you're really adding to that. Unless you're eating them fermented and then you're going to have a detoxification. But that's adding bacteria which are missing from cooked vegetables.

Q: Fermented vegetable juice?

A: Fermented vegetable juice. So it adds bacteria that help you break down those resins that I talked about, which cause a lot of hardening in the body.

Q: How would you ferment your vegetable juice?

A: You just let it stay.

Q: At room temperature or in the fridge?

A: No, in the fridge.

Q: If it gets thick, it's fermenting the vegetable juice.

A: When it starts tasting badly. So you're going to let go five, seven days. Have one a day.

Q: One pint?

A: No, just one cup. Not unless you really want to do some heavy detoxification.

Q: Okay.

A: If you're going to do something, you're going to push detoxification, do it lightly. You might just want to start with a half a cup and see how you do. And only maybe a couple a week if you're going to do that. Don't do many. You just want to do it mildly.

Q: How many days before you'd say green vegetable juice would be fermented? Seven, ten, what?

A: No, about five days. Five, seven days.

Q: Okay.

A: That's enough. Let me tell you, that's enough.

Q: That's without honey in it?

A: No, you can have honey in it.

Q: Okay.

A: You can go with honey in it. Because with honey in it, it only lasts three days. Without honey in it, it lasts a day and a half, two days. And it starts turning. With the honey in it, it takes about four days, five days. Five days it's ripe. Seven days it's very good. Eighth day, there's too much alcohol and too much vinegar in it. And you start adding gas and it starts destroying the digestive enzymes. Because the alcohol starts becoming too great. The acids become too great. And then it will damage the digestion and you start having farts. You may not smell so good. You stop digesting your eggs well, and then you've really got some sulfur in it.

Q: What about when the milk goes old and it starts to get like a wine or an alcohol milk? Is that good or not?

A: Well, I'll tell you a story. It's interesting you asked that. I told you to stop asking questions. Until it was all over. But this is it. Last year at this time, I was in Vietnam. And there's no vegetable juice there. In Thailand and Cambodia, they have all kinds of stands where they make vegetable juice. You know, I can get celery, cucumber juice, even on the streets. They have their machines, they plug it into some plug nearby. Yeah, they had juices. People all over the place doing these. But in Vietnam, I couldn't find any, but they had Nuoc Mien. Which is, they have these sugar canes, these pressers, you know, to go in and squeeze the sugar cane juice out. .And I was getting mighty thirsty because I went, you know, three days without any juice. And I was looking at this Nuoc Mien and I'm saying, high in sugar, you know, I have a little bit. So, it was like dirt cheap, it cost me a dime for a cup, something like that. So I drank a little bit of it, a little bit more, a little bit more, and I had a whole cup, no sugar reaction. So I said, how can this be? It reacts just as if there's no sugar in it, like celery juice. No sugar reaction. Next time, next day, 16 ounces, within 20 minutes, no sugar reaction. So I said, okay, it must be in the fibers where the sugar comes from. Because they boil away all the oil, which becomes the molasses, and what's left is the cellulose that turns into a sugar. So in the juice, I'm not really getting the cellular sugar. I'm just getting the juice, which seems to be just like celery, which has very little carbohydrate or none in it. So I thought, oh, this is [unintelligible]. So I was eating three cups a day. I had them juice it for me. I had my jars, you know, I had 12 ounce jars, and I had three 12 ounce jars, and I drink three of those a day. No sugar reaction. It was great. It was not the tastiest stuff in the world. So they usually grind it, you know, it's huge metal cylinders with these, you know, odd-shaped things, and put it through, and they just crush it, and they just put it through. They just keep putting it through, putting it through. They'll fold it over and keep putting it through to juice them in the well. And they'll take a half of a lime and put it in there, you know, so it gives it a little bit of better flavor. And I said, oh, my God, I was a sugarholic. I used to steal candy when I was a diabetic because I couldn't keep my sugar level up. So I used to steal boxes of chocolate-covered cherries, and I'd go through them in 40 minutes. I was fat, very fat, but I was just addicted to the sugar. And I would steal, you know, Baby Ruth bars and all that. I'd just eat the candy all the time. I thought, you know, I can ferment this stuff. I can ferment this stuff, and I'll cause a detoxification. I'll get rid of some of that deep-tissue sugar. So I fermented it like I do the vegetable juice once in a while, and, man, I had diarrhea. I started having hives that were some this big, and they were itching, and I would take, you know, I had to stay in the room for three days, my hotel room for three days. It was so bad. And I took tomatoes, and I brought tomatoes over, and I'd take the tomato and make a bath, and, you know, everything to get rid of that itching. And even if I didn't scratch them, they turned into scabs, and they were just dropping off like crazy. And that went on for, you know, it went on for weeks, about six weeks, but three days it was unbearable where I had to stay in a hotel room. But I got my first parasite, a tapeworm from it. And that's when I realized, man, the only tapeworms in the world are amongst usually children and adults who live only on carbohydrates, mostly grains. People who live on meats usually don't get tapeworms. You know, it's the bloated kids eating all this cereal, you know, that these, you know, these philanthropists who say, oh, we've got to help these children so we'll buy them garbage cereal food. And it's totally something they're not supposed to be eating, and those are the kids that always get the tapeworms. So this is the first parasite that I've been able to entertain that I know about in my lifetime. You know, I like parasites. They can eat the toxicity in the degenerative tissue five times faster than your body can dissolve it with a virus. Because viruses are not alive. You can't kill a virus if it's not alive. And they don't self-propagate, you know. They don't self-clone because they're not alive. The body makes solvents. It's a chemical that the body makes to help break down tissue to dissolve tissue. So parasites work very quickly to eat that digestive, I mean that degenerative tissue. They can eat 100 times their weight in a day. Bacteria can do about 50 times their weight in a day. And the animals who had parasites on this diet, they got well faster. They kept their parasites for maybe six months to nine months, and then the parasites went away. So I had this, I noticed, you know, six or seven days after I had the fermented sugar cane juice, that I had a section of tapeworm in my feces. Now, I always check my feces. I always look to see what's going on. And I saw this section, and I said, I have a parasite. I have a parasite. I have a parasite. I finally got help. Because after chemo and radiation, it made my body so toxic that no parasite can live in my body. It gets poisoned with any tissue that it eats. So this was a sign that I was healthy enough to have a worm. Of course, it was not an internal worm, basically. It was still in an [unintelligible], in the small intestines in the bowel. But still, I had a parasite at first. So I was very happy. And then, all of a sudden, about three weeks later, I was craving for an onion. So I ate almost a whole onion with a meat meal. Two hours later, I had this diarrhea, shooting diarrhea. And here was 30 feet of that tapeworm. I said, oh, no. 30 feet?

Q: 30 feet. Whoa.

A: Oh, no. I just shat him out. I just destroyed him. I killed him. And my hives got worse. Oh. You know, so here that parasite had been eating that high carbohydrate that I was detoxifying, you know, for causing more damage. So I thought, oh, darn. He's gone. And then about a week later, I saw some pieces again. So I killed him. And then about six weeks later, I went and had a bowel movement. 40 feet of him came out. And that was the end. But all the hives had stopped. All that detoxification was over. So he was in there as long as I needed for that sugar detoxification. Because it probably would have damaged my intestines if he hadn't been there to eat it. So I was very pleased and very happy.

Q: That would have taken a long time to grow, that, wouldn't it?

A: That was just last year. That was last December.

Q: That thing grew pretty fast.

A: Oh, yeah. Oh, they grew very fast when they have enough to eat? So what I was going to say, you asked me if I had fermented milk. Well, I decided to do the same thing with fermented milk that I did with the vegetable juice, let it go till it really got high in the alcohol. And let me tell you, my intestines still haven't recovered. I never had gas on this diet unless I would eat too much nut butter. And after I did that, let me tell you, it destroyed my enzymes and it damaged a lot of my system. And I still get gas no matter what I eat now. And what it did, it went in and started tearing my bone system apart. So if you'd seen me a year ago, my hips, this whole area in here, were four inches longer and larger than they are now. So was my chest and the whole chest cavity. So it just took my bones and it just whittled them down.

Q: What? Is that because it was doing detox or damage?

A: Yeah, heavy detoxification.

Q: Wow.

A: Obviously, milk builds bones a lot. So then it just did a hell of a number on my bone. So I had weak, sore bones like I was having bone cancer again. And finally I got over it a few months ago. But I still have gas that I didn't have prior to that. You let it go until it separates and then you open them. When I opened it, the alcohol actually burned my nose. It turned my eyes red and my nose started running. That's how high the alcohol content was. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You don't let it get that high in alcohol. There are stages where you let it go through. Yeah, but I drank all of the fluid with the alcohol in it. I drank three cups in one day, which was very stupid. But I thought I was Superman.

Q: So you obviously wouldn't repeat that.

A: Like in the recipe book, I'm going to say, you're going to do it with half a cup if you're going to do it. Not three cups in a day.

Q: But after what period of time did you drink it?

A: Oh, it was after about three weeks.

Q: So if you've also not fermented it quite as long, you have a lower alcohol content also. So, too much and too concentrated.

A: Destroyed too many enzymes. And digestion is still slower for me. You can cause harm by trying to do too much detoxification. But that's part of my life. I'm experiencing it so you guys can do it easier. I have my own [unintelligible]. And then I use other people. But the good thing about this is that I've learned where harm comes. So nobody's ever harmed in my experience. Not anymore. Early stages of it. But I was too ignorant to know what I was doing. So, after you have the fruit meal, which is your one detoxification meal, then you want juice again. And really this is the last juice that you need. But if you want another before you go to bed, it might make you feel, you know... If you're not a diabetic type, or don't hypoglycemia. If you're a hyperactive type and highly acid, it can make you feel even more alkaline and calm by having another one before you go to bed.

Q: Vegetable juice?

A: Vegetable juice. Pardon? It depends upon the individual. You can go from a half a cup to 12, 16 ounces. If you're a big person, it's a hot day, you've gone running for the day or played basketball, 16 ounces is good. In fact, I had some guy who was 6'6", and he played basketball. He'll have a whole quart. But he needs it. Big body. Lots of perspiration. I noticed that one of my latest cancer clients who's been on the diet for two years, and her perspiration smells, because I go take a look at her every two weeks, and she's bedridden. And her perspiration, her armpits, you know, I check the swelling there, the lymph glands are going down 50% now, but it looks like she's metastasized to the liver. It's finished here, it's going down here, so just hoping she can survive, she kept her weight up. She's one of those girls that allowed herself to gain, you know, like 50 pounds before she started going through the heavy part of it. So now that she can't eat, she's not losing too much weight, and she has enough to buffer it. So hoping that, you know, by the time it finishes passing through her, cancer is like a cold or a flu, it runs its course, dissolves that dead tissue, and it's gone, as long as you can maintain. Pain is too severe, you can't eat, that's her problem right now. But, you know, I, Owanza, like I talked about in the first book, you know, she would get it, she would go into a vomiting spell during that period where she could eat, and detoxify, and dissolving those dead cells so much that she was vomiting 11 times a day. And she'd get down to 68 pounds, skin and bones, she's only 5'2", 5'2 and a half. She'd get down to 60, you know, 63 pounds, I think, 62 pounds, I think, and she got colitis. And I thought for sure she was going to die, many times. But all of a sudden the body would stop, she would start eating like, you know, [unintelligible]. Consumed three times more food than I could, you know, in a sitting. And then she'd gain all that weight, she'd go through it again, until it stopped. And she made it through. So that's what happens to most people, if they don't panic, you know. And they just pass through it. It will run its course, no matter how severe it is. It runs into medical prevention, and count on being [unintelligible]. So, anyway, her body, you know, when I check the glands in her arms, or in her crotch, it smells just like celery, celery juice. So, you know, because if I go to these people who come to me with advanced cancer, they just reek terrible. The odor is so bad, it permeates the whole house. And hers isn't doing that at all. It's a nice, you know, fragrance. I mean, the pussing on her right nipple doesn't smell very good, but you have to get close to it to smell it. So, after you have that third juice, then again, about an hour later, an hour and a half later, no more than two hours later, your second meat meal. Now, most people should be having a pound of meat a day, which is a cup and a quarter to a cup and a half of meat. And when I'm talking about meat, I'm talking about any flesh food. I'm not talking just about beef. So, total altogether, minimum pound of flesh food in a day. If you're a diabetic, or you have hypoglycemia, it'd be better to break your meat meals into three meat meals. So, you have juice an hour later, and don't let it be more than an hour later, because it's too much time. Last, your blood starts eating itself. So, it should be one hour after that first juice in the morning to have your meat meal. Then, you know, then milkshake. Then a juice. Then another meat meal. And then your fruit meal. Or, the diabetics or hypoglycemics could go juice, meat, juice, meat, fruit meal. Juice again, meat. So, you'd be three meat meals that way. It's better to break it up. Because the liver, I mean, the pancreas doesn't, the secretion doesn't utilize and it's very active, so it's not changing over enzymes as quickly. And you just want to make sure it's spread out. You need to spread it out a little bit. If you're diabetic or hypoglycemic, you have a sugar problem. You have two meat meals. So, it's juice, meat, maybe a milkshake or milk or eggs by themselves. Then a juice. Then fruit meal with fat. Then juice and then meat. And in the evening, if you're a hyperactive person, you might have, you know, a vegetable juice where you go bad. Anybody could have another milkshake or milk with extra cream and honey or downed eggs, Rocky style. Or Aajonus style, where you're sucking them out. And then, set your alarm for five hours after you go to sleep. It takes you 50 minutes to go to sleep. Set your alarm for five hours and 15 minutes. Set your alarm for five hours after you sleep. So, you don't sleep more than five hours. After five hours, even if you were 700 pounds, red blood cells start eating each other because the protein level drops to nil. So, the red cells become cannibalistic. So, what does that cause? High contamination and toxicity. So, what happens, you sleep eight to ten hours, you wake up and go for coffee. Because you're too toxic. You need some kind of stimulant.

Q: When a child usually wake up for a...

A: Absolutely, well, children usually will do it anyway. Infants wake up every few hours. And if you're feeding a child right, they will always wake up within five hours. If you've got a child that's sleeping over five hours and you wake that kid up because you know he's going to be cranky that day. He's going to have more of a problem. He's going to be more of a problem. So, in a lot of kids, all you do is stick a bottle in their face. You know, and they'll suck it while they're sleeping. It doesn't matter if they're sleeping and sucking, that they're eating. So, the red blood cells don't eat themselves. I mean, protein.

Q: If you've got this diet, then you have to do that.

A: Any diet. Any diet you should do it. Any diet. People should be eating every five hours or else the red blood cells will eat themselves. Eat each other.

Q: What do you suggest they eat when they wake up in the morning?

A: Down a couple of one, two eggs. Or have a milkshake already made. You know, or a half a cup of milk with a little extra cream and a little honey. Down it, they're right back to sleep. And then you'll wake up and be entirely different. You know John Cox. After three years on the diet. He said to me, he says, you know I still have trouble in the mornings ten or eleven o'clock before I really get my energy level going. I said, John, I've been doing seminars at your house for three years. Are you waking up after five hours and eating something? No. Hello? Do it. Set your alarm tonight. Wake up. Eat something. Milkshake, eggs, milk. Go back to sleep. What happened the next morning? Woke up with all this [unintelligible]. Didn't have to wait till ten, eleven o'clock. It's a big difference. Makes a big difference. I get that a lot. I'd have got it in the recipe book the same way. But nobody, there's so much information in there. Everybody should be reading those books at least once a year. There are key issues in there that may apply to you and you miss them. And everybody goes through changes. And those things may not apply today, but they apply tomorrow or the next day. So you've got to keep up with the information if you want to take care of yourself the best and have the most vitality and the most awareness and consciousness. Yes?

Q: The vegetable juice that you mentioned [unintelligible]?

A: Well, some people have gas. They mix the, because the egg is slightly acidic and the juice is alkaline. So some people don't digest the egg and the juice when they're together. Most people do and it's favorable to have. If you have hypoglycemia or diabetes, you should have an egg with your vegetable juice. If you're not, have cream. Or butter. But you just have to eat the butter before you drink the juice. Because the butter is not going to melt in that cold juice. You just have the butter first and then drink the juice after. But if you're having a whole tablespoon of cream in, that's a good balance. Or a half a tablespoon of butter before you drink the juice. Unless you're very skinny, then you can do a lot more. So, okay, so that takes care of the pattern. We've gone from beginning to end with that. And we'll open it up to questions and answers. Yes?

Q: Thank you very much for being here today.

A: You're welcome.

Q: I have a couple questions, but I'm going to limit it to one. I've been, just started juicing. I use a Green Star green twin gear juicer. And I'm really into juicing about five pounds of carrots. And then I'll, my vegetable juice, doing kale, parsley, cilantro, and celery. And maybe throwing the beet in there. Do you have any comment on-

A: What is the ratio? Fifty percent carrot juice?

Q: No, no, no. I'm keeping the carrot juice. The five pounds will juice a quart, and I keep that separate. I don't mix that in with the other. But I really like, I like having that carrot juice. Can I use that as my vegetable juice?

A: If you do, it's a very high carb, so your mind won't be as clear. Use that, if you're [unintelligible]. If you use it for the last juice, it'll be okay. As long as you got, if you're having eight ounces at a time, you need three to four ounces of cream in there. Either coconut cream or cow dairy cream. Just slow that sugar down from going too fast into the system. Sometimes it even calls a heck of a liver detoxification. And the kale and all that's heavy detoxification. So you have to keep that five percent of the juice. No more than five percent of the juice. Celery, parsley, zucchini are safe juices. Even iceberg lettuce. All that's good. A lot of people say, well- Maybe my cancer patients. It's the only time I give that number to anybody. Hello. Yes.

[takes phone call]

A: The celery, celery, parsley, zucchini, and cucumber.Those are all safe juices.

Q: Iceberg lettuce.

A: A lot of people say iceberg lettuce has no nutrients in it. Whose standards? What are you looking for? What? It doesn't look like parsley. It doesn't have a lot of chlorophyll in it. Well, what does iceberg lettuce have?

Q: Water.

A: Opiates. It's the only food, only food that we consume that has opiates in it.

Q: Opiates.

A: Opiates. It's the only place we can get opiates to completely relax the body. Relax the nervous system. Settle you down. It's the only lettuce I ever ate as a kid. I hated any other lettuce. I'd sit there and eat a whole iceberg of lettuce.

Q: Hash.

A: Hash is from marijuana.

Q: What's the best thing to regenerate the nervous system? Is it the high meat?

A: Yes. Well, no.

Q: What was your question again?

Q: What was the best thing to regenerate the brain, the nervous system, whatever?

A: Well, let me finish this other question. This other thing about the juice. You don't want a high carbohydrate juice until you're third juice. A lot of people who have jaundice, means they've got a lot of bile in their system. Their bodies use bile in place of fat to bind with toxins, so it's permeated throughout their system. Carrot juice, especially in combination with coconut cream or dairy cream, will pull that bile out of the tissues. A lot of people say, oh, you eat a lot of carrot juice, you're turning orange. I've taken skin scrapings and you'll find no carrot juice in there. Very little carotene at all. What you find is high bile in that tissue. So that orange is the carotene from the vegetable juice taking the bile out of the system. And the bile is causing that orange look. I've seen that bile turn completely bright orange. It's orange, even more orange than that lid right there. And then it'll turn brown like a birthmark. And in six months it's gone. Especially in cancer patients. So bile has a lot of problems. People who have cancer have a lot of bile problems. Excessive bile that can melt some of the tissue. Bile is to digest fat. It's to break down fat. And if your body uses it in place of fat, if you're on a fat-free diet, then it's going to use bile to bind with those toxins. And then you've got a very solvent-causing chemical in your body. It can kill a lot of cells and cause dissolution of your body. It can cause a lot of disease. It can cause lupus in one person, MS in another. Cancer in another. There's all kinds of problems.

Q: What was that from?

A: Excessive bile.

Q: Excessive bile?

A: The body using bile in place of fats to bind with poisons in the body.mSo use your carrot juice that way. But they usually suggest that people want to have it more than two days a week.

Q: Oh.

A: But I mean, if you want to do it, you may be one of those people that can do it once a day. And do it at that meal before your meat meal. But I would definitely wait two hours after that juice before I eat my meat meal.

Q: What about the lady that reverses her cancer by drinking tons of carrot juice?

A: For how long did it reverse it? For how old was she at? I mean, I met the woman. She was a basket case.

Q: Really?

A: Hyperactive all the time. Not clear thinking. You know, Walker was the same way. These people could not be in a relationship. They couldn't be calm enough to be in a relationship. They were in hell to their partners. If you want to be like that, go ahead and drink the carrot juice.

Q: So why do you think it originally reversed it? And there was obviously an imbalance there. It provided enzymes maybe initially, but then the sugar caught up with itself first.

A: Absolutely. And pushed it the other way.

Q: Okay. My other question related to his question on the juicing. You say that the body essentially detoxifies.

A: It's not the diet. But if you eat certain things repeatedly or in certain combinations, you can force a detoxification.

Q: You can't force it.

A: I've been telling you, some things will force a detoxification, especially fermented foods.

Q: So the kale and some of the other things that are more along the medicinal quality or whatever.

A: Very concentrated chemicals.

Q: So no matter how healthy you are, your body doesn't need that type of concentrated nutrient in it.

A: And it will cause an imbalance.

Q: Okay.

A: And make more symptoms.

Q: So you really shouldn't consume it, period. No matter how you're healthy.

A: No, you can have as long as it's under 5% of your juice.

Q: Okay.

A: The combination of anything that's a stranger, whether you're doing mint juices. Let's say you're juicing some peppermint or spearmint. Kale, garlic. Any of those all put together should never be more than 5% of the juice. Or you're asking for trouble. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Are you a fish? No. A fish digestive tract is very complex like birds. We don't handle grains very well. We don't handle those kind of organisms too. Those kind of, you know, algae. If they're dry, it's even worse. Because they cause so much leaching of enzymes in our system. However, they can be beneficial in place of clay. Because they are mineral concentrated. That's mainly what algae does. Mainly, algae lives on rock. It eats rock and it makes it just like other vegetables do. It makes it into a substance. It makes rock live, biologically alive, in fast motion. In a fast motion substance. Rock, like their structure, is very slow. When the algae eats it, it becomes rapid. Because then if a fish eats it, it becomes even more rapid. So you see the speed of things change. But a human cannot take rock and eat it. Usually an animal has to eat the algae before the human can eat it. Just like the vegetarian animal eats the vegetables and then we eat the vegetarian animal. That's our system. It's geared for eating meat. Not vegetables. Including algae. Because in my test on feces and people who ate it, 92% of it passed without digestion. The only benefit that I saw was that a lot of heavy metals were combined with it. So it acted like a sponge to pull toxins out of the blood, neurological system, and lymph system. As those systems circulated through the stomach and intestines. It was like a magnet, just like I suggest people use clay to do the same thing. Or cheese without honey. It'll absorb the poisons. It'll pull them out of those systems as it goes through the digestive tract and the stomachs. We really have two stomachs. The stomach and then the duodenum. You know, herbivore has two, four styles. We have two. Basically we call them one, but they're really two stomachs. Hydrochloric acid dumps in one, bile dumps in the other. So, yes.

Q: So I have a question about what's the most effective way to regenerate the nervous system.

A: Okay. Eating red meat with white meat together. Like in my book, my son went through the brain damage. I didn't feed him beef alone. I blended or ground the beef with fish.

Q: But white meat fish, not like salmon.

A: Salmon's white meat. Any fowl and seafood and fish are all white meat.

Q: Okay.

A: Even ostrich. Ostrich meat is darker than the liver. Or as dark as the liver. But I still consider it white meat. It wasn't a good choice that I chose to call it white and red meat. But it's what I called it. So...

Q: Okay.

Q: So call it beef. Or fish and beef.

A: Fish and beef. It's a little bit better for the brain.

Q: So high meat, what's the role that high meat plays? Is it accelerated repair of the body or...

A: Well, it all depends. Now the bacteria, a lot of people think, well bacteria causes detoxification. It isn't the bacteria that causes detoxification because the bacteria that feeds on meat does not pass through the digestive tract. It remains in the digestive tract. Bacteria doesn't pass through stomach walls. That bacteria is there to break down the meat, to predigest the meat. So when meat is predigested, you have more available proteins. So the body may use them to detoxify or to heal. It depends. For some reason it has affinity to the nervous system. And the brain. The brain has no nerves in it. It has neurons, axons, ganglions, things like that. But you can do brain surgery on somebody without anesthetic because there are no nerves in the brain. But it helps rebuild the brain and nervous system better. High meat, because I would have to assume that, come to that conclusion, because everybody who has psychological problems disappears. Problems disappear with high meat. I mean, let's say 9 out of 10 cases. Even more than that, probably. Always works. Always works. 1 out of 20, it may not work all the time.

Q: Could that be due to the increase in B vitamin production?

A: B vitamin and amino acids availability.

Q: That's important, obviously, for the nervous system.

A: Right. Absolutely.

Q: So when the people experience, when somebody goes through a period of being nauseated to the point of vomiting, is that happening particularly on fish? When they eat that, you talked about fish being a trigger for people vomiting more often than other types of meats. And I'm just curious if it's... And the second question on that is...

A: Well, give me half of it first.

Q: Okay, go ahead.

A: Okay. I've seen that people vomit more often with salmon. But it's salmon that's not ocean wild caught. It's either farmed or caught in a lake. Like I said in the recipe book, the lakes are all at least 35% polluted. The ocean is only about 4% polluted. What's your choice? Because if I get any kind of fish, and I would say half of my patients go through the same thing. If they eat wild, lake-caught salmon, they go into vomiting or diarrhea or both. I'll go into it immediately. If I eat the wild ocean caught, I can eat it every day, all day long, and never have a problem.

Q: So then that would mean that the fish that you're eating is actually toxic, and it's not just detox from the body, it's just toxic fish.

A: Yes. The fish doesn't even have enough of its own fat to bind with the amount of poisons that it's getting in the lake.

Q: Okay. Then the other thing I wanted to know is... When I get to the point where I've eaten raw meat for so long and nothing's cooked, and then there's less and less of an appetite for it, like I just find it less and less palatable, is that where the body's getting to the point where it's ready to detox? To take that life force and it's going to give vomiting?

A: Absolutely. That's a detox of chemicals. Like I say, if you take the $800, $1200 and have that body analyzed for chemicals, you will find out why you're vomiting. It's not bacteria. It's nothing to do with bacteria. That's why the medical profession and the health departments are so prejudiced. They only look for microbes. They will never blame chemicals because a lot of the chemicals are medical. A lot of the chemicals are from medication that people are vomiting.

Q: Right.

A: Codeine. If I looked at codeine, I would vomit. That's why... and most people did the same thing. Back in the 50s, codeine was the thing. What they did was they had everybody have codeine with milk. The minerals in milk would bind with some of the poisons that would cause vomiting. So they'd keep taking codeine instead of getting rid of it. Take this with milk. Only with milk.

[audio cut]

Q: Okay.

A: So water. You say you drink five glasses, I mean eight glasses a day minimum. How many is eight glasses? Two quarts. Two quarts. Two quarts of water. How many pints of blood do you have in your body?

Q: Eight? I don't know. Eight?

A: Most people have three and a half pints on their body. So that's a lot of water. Now, why do the aborigines who live in up to 127 to 140 degree deserts never drink water? Why don't they dry out and, you know, dissolve and evaporate and become sand? You know what they do when they're thirsty? They pull up a root. They scrape it, wring it out. That's what they drink. Vegetable juice. Concentrated minerals. You can absorb 100% of the H2O when it's in-bound with other nutrients in the body. In the solution. Water, only thing it has is minerals. So the H2O and the minerals have a link to be absorbed into the cell, but your cell really can't utilize it. Because it has no vitamins with it. There are no carbs with it. There's nothing with it. So when it goes into the body, the water starts leaching nutrients from everything. So that most of those cells can utilize it. And then only about 10% can be utilized. That means that 90% of that water that you will never utilize is going to rob a lot of nutrients and pass out your urine. The aborigines who live in the desert won't drink water because it creates an addiction to water and it causes dehydration. Just the opposite of what you're told it does. It robs the fats from the blood and the nervous system, drying the body. Yes?

Q: Do the Maasai drink water?

A: No.

Q: No, they drink milk mixed with blood.

A: Well, they only do that three months out of the year.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Yeah, when the calves are, you know, the newly born calves are nursing, they don't get enough milk. So they'll take a bull, bamboo about this long, cut it in, cut it open so it's like a sharp point. They take a huge slingshot and they shoot it into the jugular vein of a bull. You see the bull down there eating the grass, all of a sudden the thing stabs into his artery and he goes right back into eating. I mean, you've got this big bamboo thing about this big around, got a hole in it like that, and then they cork it. And then they'll take a pouch like a bladder of a cow or a calf and they'll use that to fill it with half milk first and then half blood. And then they drink that.

Q: Every day?

A: Pardon?

Q: Every day?

A: For three months. The three months that the calves are drinking milk, you know, nursing. As soon as the calves stop nursing, they stop bleeding the calves, I mean the bulls. But they'll only use a bull for five days, bleed a bull for five days and then they go to another one.

Q: And then on the other nine months of the year, what do they do?

A: They drink a lot of milk.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Because the calves aren't drinking. They have more milk to go around. Of course, they don't have another baby in their tribe unless the whole tribe agrees and they can feed it properly and everybody can care for it properly. They always keep it in ecology with their herds and everything else. Everything is considered, that's why they're considered the brightest tribe in the world. They do nothing in excess. Everything is in a complete balance. Even taking the blood from the bull. It's just during a certain time. Not doing the bull for over five days. They know it has no ill effects on the bull. So everything's in a nice, you know, controlled harmony. Now, I visited some Indians in Brownsville, Texas back in the 70s. And they would bleed a goat the same way they'd hang a coat and bleed it into their goat milk. But they wouldn't let me share it. So I've been refused sharing that for many, many years. And three years ago, I was on with a community that was on my diet in Hawaii, [unintelligible], diet. And so we had a celebration when I was there. We had a goat. We had a ceremony where we had drumming and we put the goat to sleep, hypnotized it to sleep, hung it upside down, and slid its jugular vein. We had two gallons, two gallon jars with a half gallon of milk in each one, goat's milk. And we bled a half gallon of blood from this goat. This goat had sort of a half, a whole gallon of blood in it. So it filled, you know, we filled the other half of the gallon jars with the blood, with the milk. And we had about, of the 15 people that were there, four were for neighboring, four were from neighboring communities that were vegetarian. They had heard about it and wanted to come over and see this whole ritual. So we passed the, you know, the blood and the milk around, everyone to admire. And you see the vegetarian, I thought they would just outright refuse it, you know, because they were vegetarians. But they got so worked up in the whole thing because we had done that whole ritual, you know, because we made the harness to hang it from the tree to spin the goat around until it went to sleep. And we cut it, so drumming and chanting and the whole thing, just to have fun with it. And, you know, so when it came around, nobody refused. So that you'd see, you know, vegetarian going up. Even I did it, because I, you know, I'd eaten blood before. And blood coagulates, it tastes like metal, you know. Not the most delightful thing in the world. It sure gives you a lot of energy, but not very delightful. Coagulates great, but with the milk it doesn't coagulate. So you see these mouths, faces contorting, getting ready for this bad taste. And all of a sudden you see eyes open up and you see people guzzling, people guzzling it. It tastes like ice cream, milk ice cream. It tastes such a change when you mix the milk, it makes it rich, tasty like it's creamy and sweet. Oh my God, we downed the whole two gallons in 40 minutes. Kept passing them around. Nobody just stopped. Just guzzled and guzzled. It was great. And then for another four days we ate the meat.

Q: I'm just curious, how toxic are the gases for cooking? Like, if I have to cook, I cook for my family every day, and I stand around with fumes. And also in addition to that I have a gas stove. Is this better, is electric better over gas?

A: Electric is better than gas, because gas has a lot of fumes.

Q: How toxic are the fumes from the cooking itself?

A: Pretty toxic. Depends on what you're cooking. If you're frying, you're really getting some toxicity in the air.

Q: Doesn't matter which oil, what oil you're using.

A: All of them have those carbon vapors. That's why you see chefs always fat, always fat. They're inhaling those fats all the time. And then they overeat to try to clear that out of their system. But your raw food chefs don't have that problem.

Q: You say to eat a pound or two of meat a day. If that's not appetizing to you?

A: Wash it down with milk. Wash it down with milk. About 30 of my healthiest female clients hate the meat. They wash it down with milk, and they're healthier [unintelligible]. They're not chewing it. You don't want to chew meat.

Q: Huh?

A: No, you don't want to chew meat. You have the ptyalin enzyme in your mouth, which is alkalinizing. It's for carbs. We behave like horses, because we've tried to become vegetarians too many times. And eating high carbohydrates like grains and potatoes. And it's not natural. Cavemen didn't have the ptyalin enzyme in their stomach. We do. So if you're chewing your meat, you're going to put the ptyalin enzyme in with the meat. And it's not going to digest as well. Eskimos take huge bites, the size of a golf ball. Sometimes a little bit smaller the size of a tennis ball. I mean a ping pong ball. And they'll chew two times just to crush it and swallow it. None of the tribes who eat meat, even if it's cooked, do not chew. None of them chew. Just crush it and up to swallow it.

Q: There's animal studies, there's dog studies where they prove that that improves their gut function. It's like ulcers and stuff. If you do ground meat, it exacerbates it. If it's just non-chewed, it doesn't. It improves the gut health.

A: I'm sorry, I didn't...

Q: It's just that if you don't chew the meat as much, there's an improvement in the stomach health and everything. From what I remember from some article a long time ago.

A: Yeah, that's why I don't grind. I don't have... my stores grind meat. I usually don't buy ground meat unless [unintelligible]. You know, where you have to eat it fast and get it eaten fast. When I get it, I get my meat and I cut it up and put it in my food processor to grind it. If you put it into a high-pressure grinder like they have in the stores, and they put it two to three times, it homogenizes the fat. Which means it splits the fat molecule. The fat molecule starts absorbing all the protein. The longer it sits, your protein then is not utilizable for regeneration. It may be used to make pyruvate to burn as fuel or for detoxification. So it won't help you regenerate cells as well. So I don't... I put it in a food processor where there's no high pressure to split the fat molecules. Fat cells. Yes?

Q: If the meat that I'm grinding becomes [unintelligible]-

A: Yeah, that's fine. It still is not under high pressure, so you're not going to split that fat molecule. It won't split unless it's under high-pressure grinding. And that's, you know, what all the stores have is high-pressure grinders. So if you want them to grind it for you, you have them put it through only one time with the larger hole sieve. Not the fine hole one. It's high pressure. Yes?

Q: Would you have a [unintelligible]?

A: Ice. I'm not kidding. That's about all you can do about it. Hot flash chest. What can I do about hot flashes? What would I do about hot flashes? All you have hot flashes is just looking at women. But it's a little different than yours. Sometimes you create that perspiration. Really, all you can do about that is the hormonal discharge and the changing of the hormonal system. And usually there's a lot of heavy metals involved in that discharge. I've tried everything to mitigate them. The only thing I've found that works 50% of the time or reduces 50% of the sensation is cucumber. It has to be peeled. Peeled cucumber.

Q: Eating a peeled cucumber.

A: Eating it, not juicing it. Eating a peeled cucumber. Once a day. If you're going to menopause, heat flashes. Eat a cucumber once a day. Peeled cucumber. No matter if it's organic, peel it. There's something about the cucumber peel. For a lot of people, if they feel they need Viagra, Cialis, or one of those, Labetril, whatever they are, to make a hard penis, stay really firm, you can do the same thing with a cucumber. Sometimes the peel causes the opposite, a softening of the penis. So for most people, they can try eating the whole cucumber. For most men, they can try eating the whole cucumber to do it. Once a day for at least 10 days and that's when it sets in to working. Wake up and you've got a hard on all the time. In my experience. But if there's a peel on it, it doesn't work all the time. When it's peeled, it works almost all the time. That's probably where they got the Viagra and Cialis and all that. They went into a cucumber and found out what caused it. And they started producing it in the laboratory.

Q: Are you saying it wouldn't work if it was juiced, but it would work if you eat it again?

A: It doesn't work if it's juiced.

Q: If you're juicing a cucumber, can it peel on or?

A: Yes. Unless you want a hard on, then you don't. Yes.

Q: Is it important to not only, for example, the steak, you have to mix it with others? [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends upon the individual. She asked, how do you mix red meat and white meat? Now, if I'm eating only red meat, I will at least have one or two eggs with it. I get too acid if I only eat red meat. I might even get irritable slightly. And you don't want to even see me slightly irritable. I used to be terrible, but now it takes a lot to get me upset. You get a bad injustice, then I'll get upset real quick. But it takes a lot. But if I eat some kind of white meat or at least eggs with red meat, I don't have a tendency toward hyperactivity or anxiousness. Some people, especially if they're hyperactive, like Stephen, he will get anxious or irritable if he eats only red meat. That will happen to me if I eat it five days in a row, only red meat, without egg or some white meat. I prefer having fish with my red meat. It's much more calming, relaxing.

Q: Same meal or [unintelligible]?

A: That same meal. I mean, most people probably don't have to do that, but it's a safer way to do it. It's a more balanced way. You'll provide more varieties of nutrients each time you eat the meat. That's only two, three times a day. It's better to have a balance at each time, as often as possible. I'd say at least 70% of the time. Yes?

Q: What do you think of radiation from cell phones? Do you recommend earpiece?

A: Absolutely. I've got a meter that checks radio wave energy and electromagnetic field, and there's nothing more volatile than a cell phone. You saw me. You didn't see me put that phone up to my head. It stayed down here. And usually when I use it, I'll put it on something else. When I'm in the car, I have a slot for it to go in. Usually put it on a table, keep it away from me, because it has both an EMF field and a radiation field, a microwave field.

Q: Some say [unintelligible].

A: I put a meter right up to it, and there's never any kind of reading.

Q: That's audio frequency. I've warmed my ears up using a cell phone next to it in the winter.

A: Yeah, it does. I mean, my ear, when I first got one, it would turn my ear bright red in two minutes. Bright red, burned. And I would feel burned for two hours.

Q: You've got to remember this is not ionizing radiation. This is not like nuclear, but this is microwave radiation, like what's in your microwave.

A: Right, microwave. Well, that destroys the enzymes and the vitamins and everything else in your ear.

Q: I grant you that, but that is the damage.

A: It's still cooking.

Q: Yes, it's cooking.

A: It's cooking. Yeah, your brain and your ear. Pardon?

Q: I was going to say, plus microwave. I mean, they've done studies on what it does to the human body in terms of the molecules in the food are changed so dramatically that they're now toxins. So your chemistry and your liver have to work overtime, and it's all death, really.

A: And it causes lots of molds to form, lots of giardia and all other kinds of molds. Candida can form to eat up the tissue. Because once it's in the microwave, bacteria doesn't break it down easily, so your body uses fungus to break it down. So fungus are a little bit more difficult because they cause itching. Yes?

Q: I have a curiosity question. I'm fascinated with your journey and the psychological shift from knowing, from the understanding that we've all been raised with, that bacteria is bad. And something that keeps coming to the forefront for me in learning, making this shift myself, is it's almost like I hear you talk about bacteria being good. And so I'm wondering in working with your own self, or just to make the shift of eating food, not necessarily with human bacteria, but let's say the high meat, which obviously it is, that I sense that you get excited about that, from a psychological standpoint.

A: Yeah, but at first it was, oh my god, I'm eating in all of this shit. All the stench. It's very soft. High meat tastes like braised in brandy lamb. It's very soft, very tender, like melts in your mouth. But the smell is horrendous. I mean, when I saw what it did, that's why I get excited about it. Now, more lately, I smell it and I get excited, but it wasn't that way in the beginning. It was an acquired smell.

Q: And that's my question. I'd be curious, and you've been talking about people from other parts of the world, that don't really consider that gross. That, like, if we were raised with the understandings that you're sharing, that we would probably be excited about the fragrance or the meat.

A: Yeah, when I was with the Eskimo, when I first ate the high meat, every year, during the fall, usually September, they pull the high meat out of the ground, they take care of it, whatever it is, and they dry it a little bit, and they eat it, mix it with either seal or whale blubber, and let it sit in the sun, and then they bury it, rapidly bury it in the ground to start molding, filling it with bacteria. And they only put it between six inches and ten inches, four inches and ten inches under the ground. If it goes lower, a lot of the bacteria won't grow, just the molds will grow, the fungus will grow. So they put it at a stage where everything will grow. So they pull it out of the ground and unwrap it. You've got green molds, you've got black, you've got parasites, you've got everything in it, active, it stinks. And because it was green and blue and all this, I didn't know that meat turned those colors. So I thought it was some kind of herbal mixture that they were giving everybody, but it stunk terribly, gave me a headache. And the kids, even as I was jumping around, were all excited, and you see all the adults, they're happy, they're content, but the kids are jumping up and down like this is some kind of candy, like jelly beans or something. Or cotton candy, they're going to go after. And I couldn't understand it, it was so foreign to me, so bizarre. And I had to stick cotton balls with musk oil, real bull balls, in my nose to be able to get close to it, because I wanted to instantly puke smelling it, and I got a headache, especially on the right side, right lobe. And I ate it, and I mean, this was a time, near the end of my two and a half years, right before I went to the desert, to die. And again, I thought it was an herbal mixture that I was eating, and I ate about a golf ball size amount. And I didn't get as cold, because when it got down to 50 degrees, I was crippled in pain at that point. And so I wanted to die. I mean, if it were 50 degrees, I was in so much pain, I was crippled, I couldn't move. That's why it took me two hours in the sleeping bag for the sun to beat on the sleeping bag for me to heat up, so I was out of pain enough to be able to move. So, you know, I ate that for the whole 28 days that I was in Alaska, because I ate it a few days after I got there. And they told me it was, you know, raw meat. You know, and I didn't believe them, because they just thought they were trying to coerce me into eating raw meat. I didn't find out until 20 years later that it was really raw meat, you know, that I had eaten. But it made me feel better. So after I realized that, I started experimenting with it. And it worked so well that I got excited about the, you know, sort of... My worst nightmare was not even somebody who was dying of cancer, and it was a mess. My worst nightmare was a psychopath. Somebody who was just psychologically off the wall. ADD, ADHD, manic depressive, schizophrenic, bipolar. I mean, you get a person like that, and they can just drain you all day long, all the time. And if they're rich at the same time, a lot more rich, you know, they can afford to be crazy. And eat the crap that causes people to be crazy. You know, they do that. They concentrate on the worst foods in the world, and they eat them. And those were my worst nightmares. Now, getting on high meat, so... I deal with only probably 1% of what I used to deal with. That is magic to me. That's magic. Yes?

Q: How do you eat this high meat? [unintelligible]

A: You have to put a nose, a swimmer's nose clip on your nose.

Q: And just swallow it?

A: It's so soft, it'll just go down.

Q: With water or something, or with milk?

A: Well, no, not with milk. Shouldn't do it with milk, because milk has lactic acids, and will destroy some of the bacteria.

Q: So what?

A: Drink it with water, or just swallow it down. It's pretty mushy, it's soft. Just salivate with it. Swallow it, and rinse your mouth if you want. With some lemon juice, or something to give it a taste if you don't like it. But usually the aftertaste people like. It's the initial, the stench. If you close your nose before you smell it, you'll never know.

Q: And this is on an empty stomach in this case, and you have to wait for?

A: Always 15 minutes before a meat meal. Because you want that bacteria to feed on some other meat that's coming in.

Q: Eat it 15 minutes before a meat meal, you said?

A: 15 minutes before a meat meal.

Q: So, yeah, wouldn't that be a source of E. coli re-inoculation, so you don't have to do the feces?

A: There's no E. coli in that. The only way you can get E. coli is, you know, from slapping some bile on, I mean some feces on the meat. And I've done that. Definitely have done that. Buffalo feces, put a little bit on there. You have to understand that people used to go around, and still go around, in Asian countries and everywhere, they don't use toilet paper. They use their hand, and wash their hand, or don't wash their hand. They use a little bit of this, or in the dirt. You've always got that E. coli and shit in your pores. And then they handle their food. We've done it forever. You know? And all of a sudden, they want you to use these antiseptics and all these poisons, this chlorox, that's causing everybody to damage their lungs. I mean, you go into these health food stores, or any marked supermarket, in the meat department, and all you smell is chloroform. Because they're putting bleach down on everything, on table tops, everything. And it's on everything. And these poor people who are working in that environment are going to get emphysema. Damage their lungs very badly. And now they're even having antiseptics they're spraying on meat, before they wrap it in packaging. So you have to be careful. It's like if I go have meat, you know, we've got a source. We buy the meat directly from New Zealand as soon as it gets off the plane. And we distribute it, you know, James Stewart, we have the Rawesome Co-op. And we distribute it to everybody who comes in. We cut it up, put it in bags. We don't clean anything, you know. I mean, we don't use antiseptics to clean anything. We just use warm water. So everything is clean and everything has bacteria on it, which is the right bacteria. We don't want chemicals and antiseptic on it. And but when I go into a, like, [unintelligible], when I get meat or whole foods, when I used to go there when they had the New Zealand beef, I would have them get a fresh one out. I say I want you to hose that off and wipe that counter off with no antiseptic, no chlorox. And I want you to do the same thing with the knife. And I want you to put that on any surface that hasn't been completely rinsed. You know, chlorine, chlorox. So, you know, I watch them do it too.And they have to do it right in front of me.

Q: [unintelligible], in whole foods, and they said they're not going to do it for me because, again, they don't use antiseptics in their knives when they cut it.

A: But whole foods is full of shit. They don't have any organic meat. They lie. Whole foods is nothing but a mouthpiece of lies. Scream organic, and yet they have 1% organic food. Now, I recently called the Utah organic meats they say that they have. And the supplier says, we can't say that's organic. We don't know it's organic. Yet a whole foods advertising organic meat.

Q: They don't, all the ones around here, they don't say organic. They just say hormone and antibiotic free.

A: Oh, okay. And that's the way it is.

Q: Yeah. Yeah, because they can't guarantee they didn't eat pesticide-laden grains.

A: But their all-natural beef before that they had, besides the New Zealand, they feed it 15% bakery waste, stale donuts. So I called their home office and said, wait a minute. How can you say these are all-natural beef? You know, it goes around eating donuts.

Q: Where is this at?

A: This is a whole foods home office is in Texas. So they said, well, the donuts were made from grains, which are natural for the... I said, are you brain dead? I got nasty. I said, if a cow's eating grains, that's natural. If a cow's eating boiled and oiled refined, you know, grains into donuts, that is not natural. Well, according to the FDA and USDA, we can say it is. And I said, don't you have any conscience at all? They said, we're scientific. I said, scientific means you watch the chemistry change. And there's a chemistry change. Do you acknowledge there's a chemistry change? Not that we have to change our advertising. So they don't care. They're out for money. And that's it.

Q: What's the symptoms of a sugar reaction?

A: You get really manic. And then you get really sleepy and tired.

Q: This is the way I've lived for 20 years.

A: Pardon?

Q: This is the way I've lived for 20 years.

A: Yeah.

Q: You've seen [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. A lot of people can go two hours from a high and then they crash. A lot of people. You have really bad pancreas. You're on diabetes if it's crashing that quickly. But most people can go an hour or two, really manic, and then crash. They get irritable and nasty. It's like a diabetic. A diabetic can love you one minute, stab you in the back of the neck, and change like that.

Q: What about the fats? [unintelligible]

A: Well, yeah. Not a lot. If you're eating honey with all of your fat, it's going to be okay. Your liver will recover quicker.

Q: Some of that could be a detox reaction too, though. If you haven't been eating a lot of fats, and you start eating fats, your body will do all kinds of things.

A: Yeah, but that detoxification symptoms are different. Digestion's slow, you have a little heaviness on the right side. Oh, that's detoxification. Nothing to do with digestibility of the fats. The fats carry poisons out through the skin.

Q: So celebrate.

A: Well, what you're going to do is eat something that will help neutralize those toxins, like eat pineapple with your avocado. Whatever makes you break out, eat a little bit of animal fat with the avocado, like butter and honey, or butter and honey and pineapple, or some kind of citrus. That'll break those toxins down, so it can come out without too many white blood cells.

Q: What about the cold processed vegetable oils, like the Flora's almond oil, or almond oil, and those kinds of vegetable oils that are in dark bottles, and done at temperatures below 100 degrees when they're crushed?

A: They're not under 100 degrees.

Q: They're not?

A: They're all somewhere around 120, 327, except for the olive oil. Even the peanut oil went from 110 up to about 137. So the only thing that they have, two things that they have that are the right temperatures. Their stone-pressed olive oils, or their, most of their olive oils, they keep below 93 degrees, 96 degrees. 96 degrees.

Q: Sesame oil?

A: Sesame oil is higher. All of those are higher. The flax oil and olive oil, they're fine. They used to do a great peanut oil, but they stopped that when they got too big. They started getting too commercial.

Q: Yeah.

A: Yes?

Q: Can you comment a little bit on your philosophy on vegetables?

A: Vegetables are very difficult to digest. Herbivore has two and a half times more digestive tract than you do. Vegetables will pass through your system in 24 hours. And herbivore in 48 hours. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule to get fats and proteins from it. And they have two to four stomachs. We have one to two, basically two. But theirs are much more complex. All four of theirs are much more complex. For vegetation digestion. Ours are bile and hydrochloric acid, which is all meat digestion. It's not for vegetation. And the teeth, mostly we have cutting teeth. Very few crushing teeth to swallow the meat. But most of our teeth are all cutting teeth. Which is great for me. If you look at the feces of an herbivore, you still see 50% fiber in there. Comes through us, 90% fiber. So we use all of this time and energy and enzymes trying to digest the cellulose. We'll never digest, but maybe 10% of it. And then it over-alkalinizes our intestines and destroys all the acid bacteria which we use to digest meat and dairy. So not good, unless the person's intestines are highly acid, acidic. Then I suggest making one salad a week, last thing in the day.

Q: So when you're traveling in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Koh Samui, are you 100% raw?

A: 100%.

Q: You don't participate socially?

A: Yeah, I participate socially.

Q: No fried rice?

A: No, I just sit there eating my raw meat with it.

Q: You tell them what you want, and you go to restaurants?

A: I have them all make steak tartare for me. So they all chop it, like in Bali, I did the same thing. I had a problem in Bali when I was there. They salt the local meat. So I kept saying, you're salting this, I kept accusing the chef of salting.

Q: They preserve it in salt.

A: Yeah, they preserve it in salt, so it has to be washed before they do it. So I was getting a headache from that. Then I went to this one restaurant where they had in the packages, displayed. I said, I want that one right there. So they made it, and I watched the chef from beginning to end make it. Chop it up for me, chop just a little bit of onion, crush a little bit of garlic, chop some tomatoes, mix it all together, make a little volcano, break some eggs and put it in the center, and that was my steak tartare. Usually in steak tartare you just break the egg yolks, and the egg yolks get mixed with the whole meat, it's all mixed together. But I'm not losing my white protein in the egg white. I'm going to keep it, so I'll whip it all together in the middle, and then eat it all together with the meat. It was terribly salty, and I realized after that that they didn't salt the meat, so it would have to be washed. You know, I'd have to have them wash it after that. So what they did was dip it in the brine. They didn't soak it in, they just dipped it before packaging. So most of it could be washed right off. But that's what I do, whether I'm in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, if I go into a restaurant, I just have to make steak tartare. Never bat an eye, and never refused. Well, one European man that did own a restaurant in Thailand refused me. He was an Italian. He said, oh, I'll make that for you. He comes back and it's rare. I said, you cook this. He said, well, I'm not feeding you raw meat. I said, wait a minute, you're Italian. You know carpaccio. Restaurant owner. Yeah, but I'm not going to take a chance. Okay. So I went across the street and had it there. No problem. That was the first time in Asia that I'd done that. They have lots of raw meat dishes. Culturally. Yeah.

Q: What do you recommend as a substitute for beauty products like shampoo, conditioner, also body soap, hand soap, dishwasher soap?

A: I thought I put it in the recipe book, but some people say that I didn't or they just can't find it. What I do if I want a body soap, I'll mix an egg, I'll blend an egg with a couple tablespoons of coconut cream and about a quarter teaspoon of honey and maybe a quarter teaspoon of vinegar. And that makes a great body soap if you want to get thorough. Most of the time I only use an egg, just a straight egg for a shampoo. So I'll wet the hair first and then put it on after I wet the hair.

Q: Just the egg yolk?

A: The whole egg. I'll whip it up and then put it on. Also I use this as my shaving cream.

Q: An egg?

A: Yeah. Whip the egg up, put it on my face and then shave it.

Q: I [unintelligible] for shaving cream too.

A: Yeah, but it's a little sticky sometimes. But the Kefir does. Kefir works really nicely as a shaving cream. Especially if you leave it on for 10 minutes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: For some reason the electric razor just catches my skin. Can't stand the electric tip.

Q: How about the dish washing soap?

A: I don't use dish washing soap. I just use warm water and a sea sponge. That's all it takes. Only if you're cooking. You need some high solvent to break up all that carbon clumping.

Q: And then you would recommend some of the BioKleen products? If you had to wash your clothes?

A: When I wash my clothes I use BioKleen Degreaser. It's made with grapefruit seed oil, some citrus rind oil. And I use only a cap of it per washer load. If I'm having people clean the house, I use that mixed with water to scrub the floor. It's a very small amount.

Q: So an overall body soap you say is just an egg?

A: Well remember I said coconut cream, egg, and a touch of honey, and a touch of vinegar.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Which stuff are you talking about?

Q: Coconut cream and raw honey.

Q: You make your own coconut cream.

A: You can't buy that anywhere.

Q: You have to order it yourself.

A: Well you can't order it. There's no way you can order coconut cream.

Q: You have to get a champion juicer and get ripe coconuts and make it yourself.

Q: I've been to [unintelligible] and said yeah, order it.

A: Yeah, but we have a company that makes it for us. It's underground.

Q: Coconut cream is, you guys have a source for that down there? It's underground you said?

A: We have a company that makes it for us underground.

Q: Lucky.

A: But you do what I did before that company became available. [unintelligible] $8 an hour. I put it up in a high school in a gym. I got 50 calls. I took a black [audio cut]. Lots of energy. But you have to clear focus. Usually skinny ones aren't. But I used a black so it's usually they're more calm than we are. So he would juice 8 to 10 at a time for me. He'd blend the lime juice with it for 5 to 6 weeks. So he made like $60 for the day. And so he'd have a good weekend and he only had to do that job once every 5 to 6 weeks. He loved it. And that's what you can do.

Q: But he'd do it from start to finish?

A: Pardon?

Q: From start to finish.

A: You put the hole in. Get the coconut milk or coconut water, whatever you want to call it out. You break the coconut. I'd take a oyster knife. Pry the coconut out of it, coconut meat. Slice it. Put it in a food processor to grind it into a grated coconut. And then just put it in the juicer. Just keep putting it in until it got very dry.

Q: Grate it before you put it in?

A: That's the way I found it in the last year. It's even easier. In the book, I say slice it thinly. Just put it in and it's very easy to juice. But I found it even works quicker if you put it into a food processor and you take the grated coconut and put it through.

Q: How much lime do you recommend?

A: It's less work. Than slicing it very thinly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Some people say refrigerating will do that. It works. I've done it. I put it in refrigeration. For some reason, the oils come out of the meat quicker. Same with heat. Even the sun, it will cause the coconut cream to ferment faster. Some people keep it 5 to 6 weeks at a time. That's too long. I've done it by the sun.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I just said to put lime juice in it. 2 tablespoons per 7 ounces. Okay, we're going to end this now. I'm going to start the mini consults. Oh, wait, I never finished about the water. All these questions came. Okay, water. The sodium, a lot of people say you need salt. You need to replace the sodium. If you're using salt to do that, salt clumps. In the natural substance like celery juice, tomatoes, avocado, watermelons that are highest in sodium, you've got to couple them with all kinds of different nutrients so the sodium ions never clump. If you're eating salt, they clump in the blood. So what happens is when a cell, blood cell, goes to eat, it will attract a mineral that carries some other nutrients with it. It's usually a combination of many nutrients. Unless people are eating cooked foods and then they just may have potassium with some saccharides or glycogen. And then the body will attract the potassium molecule in there to bring the sugar in with it. Or it attracts the sodium ion to bring H2O coupled with some water-soluble vitamins along with it. When you eat salt, the molecules, sodium molecules clump. So what happens when a cell goes to eat, the magnetism is so great and the mass is so large it can't get into the cell. And this is so magnetically high, more magnetically attractive than the ions inside the cell because the cell only has one or two ions in it. And it pulls those ions out of the cell. The cell can never eat again. The cell will shrivel like a raisin and die. One grain of salt kills two million red blood cells. You've got about, what, 100 million red blood cells put on a pin. So you're not destroying a lot of red blood cells, but you look at the contamination that results. It's collected. So it's better to eat juices or tomatoes. You know, avocados, things that are high in sodium to replace the sodium. But like I said in the first book, there are some people with adrenal exhaustion that have to have salt. For some reason they just have to have it. And it doesn't clump the same way. It could be the adrenaline causes that the sodium molecules, prevents the sodium molecules from clumping. But it is a very rare case that can do that. But it is people that are mostly thin with exhausted adrenals. And then they can eat a little bit of salt. Sometimes if you find that you're just achy all over, it can be a sodium deficiency. And you want to concentrate on drinking lots of tomato juice, celery juice, avocados, things like that for a few days. Concentrate on those until you get through. And if it still doesn't work, have a pinch of salt, sun-dried sea salt, in some vegetable juice. Or blend it in with some tomatoes. But maybe once a week, until it stops.

Q: So what about distilled water?

A: Distilled water has nothing in it. Distilled water is the hungriest water. Water, what does it do? Water rains. It's distilled water full of bacteria. So when it gets into the earth, what it does is it dissolves rock. So what can eat? Plants can eat rock. Increases soil bacteria, increases mold, algae. So then plants can eat. But we're not plants, we don't eat rock. So what happens is when distilled water goes into our system, it starts ripping the minerals out of the intestinal wall. Thins out our mucus membranes. It's the worst water you can drink is distilled water. Especially if it's in plastic.

Q: What about Paul Bragg?

A: He was able to pull all that. Poor Paul Bragg, you see in his last years?

Q: No.

A: Pulled spinal cord deteriorated. Last time I saw him, two men had to carry him up on stage.

Q: I thought he was certain when he got there, it was like in his 90s.

A: He had to have people carry him. Because his back was all deteriorated. I mean he carried him up on the stage. Two huge men on either side.

Q: Wow.

A: Also he had too much vinegar. Vinegar is the same thing, dissolving your tissue. But he was one of those people who grew up in a time with raw milk, a lot of raw food. So he had a good constitution. He could abuse himself a little bit worse. He could tolerate more of that stuff. But in the end, he caught up with it. Started dissolving his spinal cord. And his spine.

Q: Wow. How old did you see him? Like how old was he when you saw him?

A: 89.

Q: What year was that?

A: Pardon me?

Q: What year was that?

A: I don't remember. It must have been mid-80s, early 80s.

Q: So, the feeling we have when we're thirsty, what's causing that?

A: Most of the thirst here is because, like I say, most of your poison metals, free radicals, are in the brain. When they discharge, they discharge mainly through the gums, the salivary glands, and the tongue. So it rips all the fats out around the mouth. That's why people start getting wrinkled faces all around here. Because the body's ripping the fats from the mouth area. All of the fats in your mouth are replacing. It's a fat deficiency. So get some honey and butter and let it swirl around in your mouth so the fat absorbs. Or get some of the fermented coconut oil from the Philippines. You can go to

Q: We carry that.

A: You carry the fermented coconut oil.

Q: Yeah.

A: No, but it's got to be the fermented Philippine oil.

Q: Oh, no, we just carry the coconut fat.

A: No, because they just started making it. I got them to make it proper, under 96 degrees, four months ago. Philippine coconut oil.

Q: Okay. I think I just got some of that.

A: It has to be the Philippine fermented coconut oil. They offer several coconut oils, but that's the only one. They used to do it at 110 degrees. Now they do it under 96.

Q: So you got them to do it.

Q: A tablespoon?

A: Yeah, a tablespoon. Well, if you're just putting it in your mouth, if you're putting it in something else, you know, having it with your meat or something, to make a flavoring sauce, it's pretty nice. But if you're doing it just to hydrate, I mean, to lipidate the mouth, then you want to put maybe a quarter of a teaspoon in your mouth at a time. So you do it four times a day. Let the oils absorb into the mouth area. Again, the best thing for that, here, if you're getting too dehydrated around here and your lips are starting to wrinkle and chap, honey has fat in it. It's part of the hormone of the nectar. So if you put that over your lips, it will help hydrate your lips faster than anything else. You notice I use it to seal my lip and also keep it from getting too dry. When I used to just use butter or some other fat, even the primal facial body care cream, it would absorb too fast, and I would still get a dry mouth. But with honey, it doesn't do that.

Q: So are you saying don't drink any water?

A: I'm saying keep it to a minimum. You see me drinking some. But in the fall and winter, I don't drink any water. In the summer, I may drink a cup a day, sometimes none.

Q: And you said that was sparkling. Is that carbonated?

A: It's naturally carbonated. See, when a water is naturally carbonated, if the water says naturally carbonated, it's good. If it says carbonated natural water, it's unnaturally carbonated. In the wells with carbonation, you have a water table and you have a gas table. So you put two hoses in, they shoot them into the bottle at the same time. Perrier's well is almost completely depleted in gases. So they've gone to Gerolsteiner in Germany, from France to Germany, because Gerolsteiner's gas level, nitrogen level, is so high that they are selling their gas. They're putting it in pipes and selling it to Perrier and some of the other companies who lost their gas supply in the well.

Q: You mean their natural gas supply?

A: Their natural gas supply, yeah.

Q: So, while I was asking you, Aajonus, is my understanding of carbonation leaches calcium from the bones?

A: If it's unnatural. But in my experiments I've done, it increases oxygen in the blood. It increases oxygen, nitrogen in the blood, and then increases oxygen, I mean nitrogen in the intestines, for some reason the high nitrogen allows more oxygen absorption.

Q: So it's naturally carbonated.

A: Yeah, naturally carbonated. And that's Perrier, Ramlosa, Gerolsteiner, Apollinaris, San Pellegrino.

Q: Those are all good?

A: Those are all good.

Q: What about the Evermore? It has minerals and antioxidants in it?

A: The Evermore, if it's man-produced, it's not good. If they add stuff to it, I don't know that water. But any time you add something to the water, you're creating a greater imbalance.

Q: So the natural spring waters?

A: Natural spring waters, yeah, like Mountain Valley, or Arkansas, it doesn't have any carbon in it, it's a natural water.

Q: Can you recommend a brand of peanut oil and flaxseed.

A: I just said there's no peanut oil anymore. Flaxseed is not a good seed. Flaxseed is very sharp. It will go in and lacerate your intestines. Even if you have good mucus coating, it can cause problems.

Q: Is there a difference between a peanut oil and flaxseed oil?

A: Flaxseed oil is different. You said flaxseed.

Q: Oh.

A: Flaxseed oil is maybe a tablespoon here and there. It's all solvent already. So it's something you can have as a supplement, especially for cancer. But it's not something that I recommend just for everybody.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You don't need, if you're eating cooked food, you need lots of those unbalanced naturally that don't come in that concentration. You need a lot of omega-3 and a lot of omega-6 and one greater than another. But if you're on a raw diet, it's the perfect balance. And so, you know, Sally Fallon, people say, well, go for the one that's higher in, you know, omega-6. Well, stop eating cooked food so you don't need all that 6. You know, because of all the toxins that are formed. You know, I don't get it. Yes?

Q: For the gut to function properly, [unintelligible].

A: Water is the worst thing you can do to put into a digestive tract that doesn't function.

Q: What makes the digestive tract work?

A: Honey and meats, high meats especially. Eggs, lots of eggs. A lot of people come to me that can't eat anything without an allergic reaction. They have to eat an egg every hour, one to two eggs every hour. That's all they eat. Sometimes for weeks. All of a sudden, start introducing other foods. And they come right around. Had one woman, she was going to die. Besides Owanza, another woman came to me, she just couldn't eat anything. And her husband thought I was awful. But, you know, they had no choice because she was wasting away. And I said, here, just eat eggs. And her husband... So guess what? It worked. And guess what? And he comes to me every six months, just for checkup. Because he saw his wife only dying. She tried everything for like five years. Nothing worked. And then right away, whatever I told him worked.

Q: Do you think your bones will grow back to the positions they were in before?

A: They already have.

Q: They already have? So you said you lost four inch...

A: It's fine, I've got it all back.

Q: No, no, no, I mean you said you lost four inch...

A: The joints, all back, the femur joints, all back.

Q: But the width, you said you lost that?

A: Oh, from the milk.

Q: From the milk. The milk thing.

A: Well, I probably, because I was diabetic, my bones overdeveloped. So this is probably my normal size. So, you know, they're all stable, everything's fine. But I'm trimmer than I've ever been.

Q: Yeah, you were bigger when I saw you before.

A: Yeah, bigger bones, everything's bigger. I mean, I had to buy a woman... I had two wardrobes from my medium to my, you know, fat size. A 33 to a 37. And that was my wardrobe. And then all of a sudden I went down to a 29-33. So I had to buy a low-rim.

[audio cut]

A: Some other fat, and the egg, and honey. It neutralizes the phytic acid, so no problem. If you germinate the nuts by soaking them, you produce three other enzymes which do the exact same thing as the phytic acid, and even more so. And in young birds that are fed only sprouts, die very young. If the seeds, they're fine. But they're built for the phytic acid. They have a gizzard to handle that. But if you feed them only sprouts, they die about six weeks old. Because those three enzymes in there will destroy protein absorption.

Q: And there's three enzymes in sprouts?

A: In sprouts, yeah.

Q: Wow. So basically all sprouts.

A: All sprouts. You can eat a little bit of them, but not much.

Q: So...

A: Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I can't get into specifics like that. We have to go into, you know, about food and all that. We'll get into it, but about the disease, I can't get into it. We don't have time for that.

Q: So, soaking the sprouts is no good either.

A: I just talked about that. It causes three other enzymes.

Q: I just want to make sure I get this.

Q: Well, I don't like them. That's like soaked almonds. I hate them.

Q: Bean sprouts.

A: Bean sprouts, they have those three enzymes.

Q: What [unintelligible] is the best?

A: It doesn't matter. Any of them.

Q: Fish, any... [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't matter. But probably the bacteria that feeds on fish would be better to eat a fish meal after. But I found that if I mix them, you know, they did great. They seem to cross over. And you'd eat meat no matter what kind it was. No problem. And coyotes, that is the only meat they fight over.

Q: Which is what?

A: The high meat. If I give them... So, you know, steaks out there, shavings of steaks and all kinds of meat out there, and they're very considerate. They'll let the skinniest one eat. But if I throw high meat out there, they just go crazy. They'll fight over it.

Q: Wow.

Q: So they actually are considerate? They actually let the thinner animal eat first?

A: Unless you put the high meat out there. Then everybody becomes selfish.

Q: Wow.

A: I have one guy that only eats high meat, two pounds a day.

Q: So you're saying [unintelligible].

A: Yes. Yeah, you're perfect. So you get healthier. People who put on that kind of weight get healthier faster.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, usually women at your age should do it six to eight years if you put it on a healthy diet. Keep that weight, keep it going. But lose it after two and a half years, and gain it after you've lost it. Keep it off for only two months, and gain it again. Keep it for six to eight years. Mainly keep it six to eight years. Let's say every two, two and a half years, you lose it. Take two months to lose it. Let's say 20 pounds, you lose 20 pounds. Then you start putting it on right away, and gain it right back. You mostly keep that size for six to eight years.

Q: Do you want to do the 30-minute, or the mini consults?

A: Well, let's take a break first. We'll take the last break and then do the mini consults. How many mini consults do we have?

Q: We have five.

A: Five. So we're talking about 50 minutes, so we have another hour.

[audio cut]

A: The left adrenal gland is in pretty good shape, but it's cold. A lot of your system is not getting good circulation. The left side of the pancreas is probably 35%, maybe 40% hardened, but it's functioning okay. The left thyroid is okay, but again, very cold. It must have a protein deficiency here. Lots of bile spread throughout the system. The parathyroid is okay, under-functional though. The tonsil area looks very poor. Did you have your tonsils removed? It's not functioning very well at all. I can see this tonsil is still here, but not very big. This one over here is fine. See how it's now this large and full? So this whole tonsil, the right tonsil and adenoid are very good. The right ovary is in good shape. This one's functioning very well. The right adrenal gland is functioning very well and in good shape. The right side of the pancreas is a little hardened, maybe 20%, but it's okay. The right thyroid is also low. The parathyroid is okay. You have lymphatic congestion over here. That's why you're so cold. You see the splotching everywhere? Okay. Lymphatic congestion, so you need to melt that. The way you melt it is you take a hot bath, anywhere from 102 to 105 degrees. I suggest that if you're using city water, that you put two cups minimum of raw milk in it. Two tablespoons of sun-dried sea salt. And two tablespoons of coconut cream to make sure your skin stays supple. And then what I do, I fill the tub halfway with scalding only hot water, let it heat up for 10 minutes so the whole tub all the way around heats up so it's not going to cool the water down quickly. And then I put the rest of the lukewarm water in, then I put the ingredients in, but it doesn't burn my hand. Then I get in after sitting in there about seven minutes, and then every 20 minutes I'll let out about two inches of water and then put scalding water in there, but I keep it moving so it doesn't scald the ingredients or scald me. And I don't want to put any more ingredients in it, and that'll work. You should stay in there 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Because most of the blocking is vegetable oils that have hardened in the system, like I said before. They don't get liquid until it's about 101, 102 degrees. So you have to stay hot at 101, 102 degrees or higher for a good 45 minutes before it gets deep enough in the lymph system to thin, become liquid so you can start moving it. And what you do before you get into the tub or right when you get in it is have about, for your size, about three-quarters of a cup of hard green pineapple, as hard as green as you can find. It's white inside, not yellow, not too ripe. And oh, fruit should be unripe, less sugar, more enzymes. In Asia, the elderly people all eat unripe fruit. Only the kids now eat all this ripe fruit that Americans eat. And all the kids are very erratic and have all these emotional problems, like all the people in America. When all the adults, Asians, don't have all those problems. Anyway, take about three-quarters of a cup of pineapple, blend it with three tablespoons of coconut cream, one tablespoon of butter. You can do it with one and a half tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of dairy cream, and a tablespoon of honey. Blend that all together and drink that right before you get in the tub or as soon as you get in the tub. So that's working into your lymph system by the time you get out of the bath. So a minimum of 45 minutes, but work it up to an hour, an hour and a half. Then when you get out of the tub, you move like a turtle, very slowly so you don't pass out. Dry yourself, take about five minutes to dry yourself, and then put on very heavy clothes. Like, you know, long, like from webs or silks, you can get a combination of wool and silk, long underwear. And then put clothes over that, you're going to take a walk, a 45-minute walk. That will keep that, the pineapple mixture and the oils and the fats and coconut going into your system. Keep that, that part of the lymph system that has softened, become liquid, is keeping it from getting so hard when you reach body temperature, your normal body temperature. You do that for a long period and it'll clean quicker. Otherwise, it could take you 30 years to clean it out. This way, you could probably do it in 10, 15.

Q: Do it like once or twice a week?

A: Twice a week only, never three days, closer than three days apart, at least three days apart. This is going to take you two, three days just to take care of all that toxicity that is now held in. It doesn't re-harden. You have some signs of anemia, so I'm going to suggest that 70 to 75% of your meat be red meat, and 25 to 30% be white. You need lots of butter, you need lots of honey, juice. I'm going to suggest 60% celery, 10% zucchini, 10% parsley, 10% carrot, and when you can get it, 10% head lettuce. When you can't get head lettuce, just raise the celery up to 70%. Fruits that would be good for you would be pineapple when you're doing the baths only, papaya, custard. There's papaya in it. Custard is made with papaya. With green, papaya's you can get it. Tangerines and egg blended together, a little cream. Once a week you can do 10 ounces of carrot juice with 4 ounces of cream. That has to be after your fruit meal. Next.

Okay, left ovary is quite scarred and hardened. Left adrenal gland is in pretty good shape. Left side of the pancreas is probably 20% hardened, but it's good. Left thyroid gland is okay, parathyroid is very good, tonsillary is pretty good. But you have good lymph glands all over. This one looks like it may have gone bad. This one looks scarred. See how this one is consistent? This one isn't, this one is right here. So it looks like lymph glands have made up for it. And all around the adrenals. [unintelligible] You have all that splotching, you have all that lymphatic congestion. So you need to do the baths too, and the pineapple mixture. The right ovary is also pretty hardened. This one only about 40%, that one is about 60%, maybe even more, 70%. It's still slightly functioning, it just doesn't look like it's there. The right adrenal gland is pretty good. Right side of the pancreas, 20% hardened, but it's okay. You've got some lymphatic congestion there. The right side of the thyroid is pretty good, parathyroid is very good. Tonsillary is okay. Lots of lymphatic congestion all along the right side of the spine. And all the way up and down, from the neck and shoulder all the way down. The left side, it's intermixed congestion. All up into the chest area and the spine is where you have most of your lymphatic congestion. Quite a bit in the brain. Quite a bit of metal toxins in the right kidney. Looks like you have good healing abilities.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You're a very creative person, if you don't do something that's creative, you're going to drive yourself crazy and other people. Lots of metal all throughout the torso, all around the heart, in the heart. I would suggest that you have a couple days a week, you have berries, coconut cream, butter and dairy cream and honey together. You can follow the recipe for that in the recipe book. [unintelligible] When you're in the bath, your legs don't, your knees and legs don't have, or shin area doesn't have much congestion. A lot of your congestion, lymphatic congestion is here and in the spine. So you need to get down into the bath and knees and feet can be out of the water. Most of the leg can be out of the water. Feet can be in the water. You really need to get that neck on down in the water. It's up to you how much red meat you want to eat. You can do 50-50, you can do as high as 90% red and 10% white, but almost all of your white should be wild ocean caught fish or farmed oysters. Farmed oysters and clams and shrimp, all they've done is they're allowed to fence off an area in the ocean. So that's still fed by the ocean and only by the ocean. It isn't like inland fisheries which are fed all garbage. So any farmed, raised oysters, clams, shrimp, they're okay. Any other farmed fish, do not get in the area. You don't look like you have a sugar problem. Like I said, your pancreas is in pretty good shape, so two meat meals a day. I'd try to get up to three cups a day, so a cup and a half twice a day. But the fish are brilliant, the seafood and fish help you a lot. They help you remove some of those metals from your chest. Pineapple is good, like I said, twice a week with your baths. Also you can use some kind of citrus, it could be tangerine or orange, with a little bit of lemon juice. Mixed with lots of eggs, equal amounts of juice to egg. You can add a tablespoon of dairy cream in there, or even some honey if you want it really sweet. Banana milkshake would be good, you could use a half a banana, unripe banana, you have to rock hard with it. I suggest that four days a week you have a lubrication form, half of it with the first meal and half of it with the second. Every other day, moisturizing formula. If you wanted to, you could have half of it in the evening, the last meat meal of that day, next day with the first meal. Just don't refrigerate it. Anything that has egg in it, do not refrigerate it. Do not refrigerate eggs. If they're already refrigerated at the store, that's okay, just don't refrigerate them again. And find out when the eggs come in, because the eggs only have to be refrigerated and cold to a certain temperature when they reach the store. So no egg producer ever refrigerates the eggs because it's too expensive, and it's a mess, so they refrigerate them right when they put them on a truck for delivery. You put them on a refrigerated truck, that's the first time they reach refrigeration. Find out what day they come in on, go and get them on that day.

Q: Okay, thank you.

A: You're welcome. [unintelligible] The right adrenal gland feels pretty good. Do you have what? It doesn't feel like scar tissue. Did you have everything removed?

Q: No, right ovary.

A: Just the right ovary?

Q: The tumor and appendix.

A: It looks like it grew back. Or you've got a heck of a fallopian. This is good. How long ago?

Q: 40 something years ago.

A: So it grew back. This seems pretty solid. Left side of the pancreas. A little fibroid tissue, but it's okay. The left side of the thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is okay. Tonsil area looks okay. It looks scarred. It looks scarred here, but it's a [unintelligible], so it looks like lymphatic area. And the tonsil area. I think tonsils look good. I think tonsil area looks okay. If you had your tonsils, this whole area would be bubbled. This is just lymphatic activity. This one looks like it grew back. See how that's nice and full? So the right ovary. That doesn't feel like it's there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, this is the right ovary. This is the left ovary.

Q: You said right.

A: Oh, I said right? Okay. Yeah, see? Look at the difference. See how firm this is? See this? It's hollow. So I said it wrong.

Q: Okay.

A: Sorry. So it did grow back. This is a good one. This one doesn't grow. It's a hole. They didn't cut the fallopian tube, cause I can feel that. The right adrenal gland is in good shape. Nice and warm. The left side, the right side of the pancreas is... feels okay, but it's very cold, so it doesn't feel like it's functioning. The right thyroid gland feels pretty good. Parathyroid is excellent. Tonsil area is pretty good. Adrenals are. Lots of lymphatic congestion everywhere. So you need the baths and the pineapple mixture, too. Every three days, every three, four days, you do a bath.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Uh-huh. You put two cups of milk in, two tablespoons of sun-dried sea salt. Oh, I forgot the vinegar. It should be three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. And two, three tablespoons of coconut cream. And you fill the bath halfway, scalding hot. Then the whole bath, after ten minutes, the whole bathtub itself gets warm. You put lukewarm water in, then put the ingredients in, and wait five, seven minutes. Then get in. You need to stay in a minimum of 45 minutes, maximum an hour and a half. The drink that you need to have is three-quarters of a cup of hard green pineapple, blended with three to four tablespoons of coconut cream, one and a half tablespoons of butter, and one tablespoon of dairy cream, one tablespoon of honey. And you do it before you get in the bath or as soon as you get in the bath. And when you get out of the bath, you need to move slowly, dry slowly, put on some heavy underwear, put on some clothes over that, and take a 45-minute walk. Then come home and sleep. Take a nap. Meat... Lots of signs of anemia, so I'm going to suggest 80 percent, 80 to 85 percent red meat, 15 to 20 percent white meat. It can be chicken or fish. It's up to you. Or turkey, ostrich, whatever you like. You need more butter than you need dairy cream. You need more butter than cream? For your nut formula, I'm going to suggest once every four to five days, mainly walnuts for the nut formula, the rest of the bread. Recipe is in the recipe book. I'm going to suggest only two meat meals a day, a minimum of a cup and a half of each meal. One and three-quarters tablespoons of butter of each meal. That could be made into a sauce, whatever you like. Juice I'm going to recommend should be 80 percent celery, 5 percent carrot, 5 percent parsley, and 10 percent cucumber. Well, maybe 5 percent cucumber and 5 percent zucchini. When you can get asparagus, put about two stalks of asparagus in per day. So, be juicing for one day, two stalks, and juicing for three days at a time. Like I recommend in the recipe book, use six stalks of asparagus. Fruits that are good for you... Raspberries, pineapple, green apples, yellow apples are okay. Red apples maybe rarely. Raspberries are very good. Papaya is very good. When you have lymphatic blockage like this, never have a deep tissue massage. All the lymphatic massages say deep tissue, but imagine you've got a lymphatic system that's dried and hardened. What happens if you go in and break them? You've got a little bit of fluid running out. It's going to discharge into your system. Does that sound like it's a good thing to do? Anybody who has a lymphatic massage should have a tickle massage. Do that to each other. That sensation everywhere? Much more than anything else. There's no deep tissue massage for anybody who has lymphatic congestion.

Q: Actually, truly, a proper lymphatic massage is light. A deep tissue is not a deep tissue. A deep tissue is a lymphatic drain.

A: I agree, but that's what's happening around the country. This is a massage. It's a joy. It doesn't have to be that light. It can be like this.

Q: Not even Swedish?

A: No, it's going to break things.

Q: What do you mean by break things?

Q: Tissues.

A: You want things moving, but if you have dry lymphatic and you press it in like that, you're going to break them. Let's say you have a bridge here and it's dry and you push it and it breaks because it's not elastic. Most lymphatic congestion is from hardened fats. You go to move it and it breaks. It then leaks into the connective tissue and you get swelling like this. Tissue retention like this. You don't want that. It's got to be so light that it tickles you. It doesn't have to tickle you like this. It has to be so light that it's a sensation of it without breaking anything. That's what I'm saying.

[audio cut]

You need that carrot juice. You have all this bile. You have all that yellow. You definitely need the carrot juice. You're doing the right thing. You can have it every other day. As the third juice of the day, around 5 to 6 o'clock. However, if it starts causing you to not sleep well, then you're going to have to break it down to the noon one. Relax state. Your left ovary.

Q: [laughter] That's the problem.

A: It's in good shape. Left adrenal is in good shape. Left side of the pancreas is very hardened. Probably 70% hardened. It's still slightly working. We have the makings of a diabetic here. Left thyroid is pretty low. Parathyroid is excellent. Tonsillary is pretty good. The right teste is about 30% protein deficient. The right adrenal gland is about 35%, maybe 40% protein deficient. Right side of the pancreas is about 20% hardening, but it's functioning. Not well. Very cold. So you have lymphatic congestion there. The right thyroid is in excellent condition. Parathyroid is in very good condition. Tonsillary is okay. Over here. Lots of lymphatic congestion all over your suit. See all this splotchyness? That's all lymphatic congestion. This area is high in lymphatic congestion. I know everybody that's come up here has had it. I mean it's extensive. It's severe. Everyone that's come up here. I mean I've only seen four people and every one of you. You all need the baths. You all need that pineapple mixture. Do you remember what that is? And do it every three to four days. You have lots of metal in your bronchials on the right side. And even at your esophagus you've got mercury sitting in your stomach lining from vaccines. You've also got heavy metals in the right lower lobes of the lung. Looks like mercury there too. Looks like you've got in the duodenum.

Q: What?

A: The mercury. Left lung, same thing. Left side of the stomach, same thing. Heavy metals, yes. Mercury.

Q: I used to be in a metal band.

A: I think it was from vaccines. Liquid mercury. Not spirit mercury. You used to get rid of the metals by playing in a heavy metal band. And that does help get rid of them. Why do you think all those kids are into heavy metals these days. Heavy metals didn't exist until all the vaccines became mandatory. The more heavy metals that went into the body-

Q: That's true.

A: The more the body tries to get rid of the heavy metals. The more the body tries to get rid of the metals through all that high energy. Getting it to move and get out of the system. Agitation. And you've got to get rid of it. A lot of people think the devil is working on us. I say these people need it. It's part of the intensity of their system. The poison of the heavy metals. But you see how much yellow you have? There's bile everywhere in your system. It's covering everywhere.

Q: A couple of years ago I was addicted to methamphetamines. And it was not uncommon for me to go 10, 20 days without eating. So I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of crap.

A: A lot of bile everywhere because you didn't mind eating.

Q: I'm good now.

A: A lot of drugs. Methamphetamine is hard to get off of. Did you ever have Ritalin?

Q: No.

A: 76% of the people who have been diagnosed as crack cocaine addictive were on Ritalin as children.

Q: I've been successful. Well over a year.

A: Good for you. Stick with the meat and butter with the meat. Lubrication won't get you in trouble. Meat wise you could have as regular as 50-50% meat. White meat and red meat up to 80%, maximum 82% red. 18-20% white. So don't go under that for the white. Lots of seafood and fowl. These are ones that can help you regulate some of this heavy metal a little bit better. Dark berries. Blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, dark mulberries. All those berries will help discharge some of that metal a little at a time. Have it in the afternoon with 2-3 ounces of coconut cream, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of dairy cream, and 1 1⁄2 to 2 tablespoons of pineapple. And when you're having the fats with the pineapple mixture, and you're having the pineapple with that same [unintelligible].

Q: Do I have to do those baths alone or can I do that with someone?

A: You can do that with somebody else. It just might get too hot.

Q: [laughter]

A: But it might make you too [unintelligible] difference.

Q: [laughter]

A: [unintelligible] but you need to take that walk. Stick with those berries four days a week and the pineapple two days a week, and on the third day you can have whatever fruits you like. Mangoes look like they would be good for you too. If you're going to have the mangoes, you have whipped cream with it. I like to get one tablespoon of coconut cream and about a half a cup of dairy cream and then whip those into a whipped cream with about maybe a tablespoon of honey. And then have it with a, more on the green side of a mango. You need at least two cups of meat twice a day. If you're feeling really sugar imbalanced that day, then do three meat meals. You know, maybe, I don't know, I would say one and a half cups three times a day. So, a little bit more meat on those days. So, you can rotate it, you know. One day you have two meat meals, the next day you'll have three meat meals. And as you get better and the pancreas, you know, heals itself, then you just stick with two a day, two meat meals. Okay.

Q: Thank you. I have one other question. I seem to have some detox happening on my thumbs. And this usually manifests like that.

A: The only thing that dries the skin out like that is a chemical.

Q: Is that coming from the skin?

A: Methamphetamine is high, you know, it does that a lot. If it happens, you know, near the nail, it usually molds the result from a methamphetamine or any kind of a chemical damaging the tissue, like I said earlier. Only a fungus can break it down. Bacteria doesn't work. And that creates dryness like this.

Q: Cool. Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome. Okay. Left ovary is a little hardened, especially the upper part of it. It might have a little bitty tumor on it, about the size of a bee. The left adrenal gland is in good shape, but it doesn't look like it's functioning very well. Lots of lymphatic congestion around the kidney. The left side of the pancreas is about 80% hardened, so 20% operative, going toward diabetes. The left side of the thyroid looks okay shape, but again, congestion, not functioning well. Parathyroids look pretty good. Tonsil area doesn't look good, but it's okay. That's the left side. The right ovary, a lot of protein deficiency. It almost feels like something is missing. The right adrenal gland is about 30% protein deficient. Right side of the pancreas, a little hardening, but this side is functioning okay. Right thyroid is in pretty good shape. Parathyroid is in pretty good shape. Tonsillary is okay. Lots of lymphatic congestion, everybody here. You have concentrations of lymphatic congestion in your pockets that are worse than others. You have that leakage all into the system from your lymphatic system too. So no massages except for tickle massages, and you can use them. You need about 4 ounces of white cabbage juice every morning. That should be your first juice. That has to be juiced every other day. If you make 4 ounces one morning, you can have 4 ounces from that juicing the next morning. But then the third day you have to make it again. So it only lasts for 24 hours after you make it. So you have 4 ounces of it one morning, the next morning another 4 ounces, and you have to juice it.

Q: Just by itself?

A: By itself. Then the rest of the juices throughout the day I'm going to recommend. 80% celery, 10% carrot juice, 5% zucchini, and 5% parsley. I'm going to suggest that you have a tablespoon of coconut cream before the juice. The other juice, not the juice when you have the cabbage. But the other two times if you have juice, a tablespoon of coconut cream right before you drink the juice. No dairy cream. And you need a lubrication formula once a day, or break it up with your two meat meals, and have it shortly after your meat meals. You're going to need that for about 6 months, 5 days a week.

Q: With cream or without cream the lubrication formula?

A: Yes, but it's maybe a tablespoon. And then you have two eggs, 3 tablespoons of butter, 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of dairy cream, and a half a tablespoon of coconut oil, the Philippine fermented coconut oil. And a tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Tastes like a lemon meringue drink. So have that twice a day, half of it each time, with or right after each meat meal. 5 days a week. You have a lot of that leaky fluid in your system, so I'm going to suggest that you have a combination of three meals almost every time you eat meat. So if you have fish, or some kind of seafood, or oyster, or something like that, and you have a seafood with fowl, with red meat, all three together at a meal. At least 90% of your meals are meat meals. All three meats.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And you got it everywhere. And it looks like you're moving toward lupus. And it looks like you're moving into MS. Especially around in here. Esophagus is drying out too. Green pears would be good for you, or any pear, but don't get them soft and ripe. Hard pear. With cheese. You're going to have to eat cheese pretty often. Eat cheese with an equal amount of butter so you don't get constipated, or more butter. When I have cheese, I usually have double the butter to the cheese, so I don't get constipated. Raspberries would be good for you. Some dark berries, and you can combine the berries. You always do better with combinations for you. Some ambrosia of berries, when you have the berries. I suggest, when you have pineapple for your hot bath, that you put a little papaya in that. So three quarters, make it for you a half a cup of pineapple and a quarter cup of papaya. In that bath mixture. For drinking. And nut formula for you only every ten days. No, you should do it once every ten days. Pecans would probably be the best for you. Second choice would be walnuts. And I suggest at least once every twenty days, you get a tickle massage.

Q: On the hands?

A: No, no, it can be all over the body. Just it all needs to be light. No breaking or anything. You need a lot of honey. You need honey all day long. You know, a teaspoon at a time, all day long. Even the, you know, they sell those little plastic cases of bees, of comb honeycomb. It would be good for you to eat that. That thin slice in the center of the comb honey is press heated, so don't eat that. Scrape all the wax and eat all the honey and wax off the top. Flip it over and do the same thing on the other side. Don't eat that one sleeve, that one sheet. And eat also the wax. If it gets too balled up, too thin, not dissolving, put a little butter in your mouth with it. Because it will help the collagen reconstitute in your connective tissue. Just one question for the organ meats.

Q: To make it more palatable, can I soak it in lemon juice for a while or is it not good for the meat?

A: It doesn't really do it for the organs. Well, for organs it's okay, but not for glands. Organs you can marinate. When I do glands and organs, I'll chop them up and then blend them with milk. 50% milk, 50% organs and glands with some honey. And it's easy to take it.

Q: What is better for meat? Ground meat with some organs. But then I'm wondering if I should marinate the organs or not.

A: Not really necessary, but if you like to, that's fine.

Q: But it will not damage the organs?

A: Well, red meat, it will damage. So you don't want to marinate red meat. So don't marinate liver, don't marinate pancreas, don't marinate gallbladder or spleen, any of those. If you're doing the organs, like the intestines or the stomach or the bowels, except for the fecal matter, you can marinate. But I want you to eat three meats together most of the time.

Q: That's one meal.

A: Seafood, it will help all of your system. You need a good concentration of all of them, because you have leakage everywhere. Okay?

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Relax, relax, relax. Very cold. Left ovary is pretty good. Left adrenal gland is pretty good. Left side of the pancreas is pretty good. It's a lot worse than the stem. Left thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is not so good. The tonsillar is very weak, very scarred. The right ovary is about 50%, around 30%, 35% protein deficient. Right adrenal gland is about 40% protein deficient. Right side of the pancreas is about 90% hardened. Right thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is okay. Tonsillaria is not so active. You have lymphatic congestion everywhere. Everybody has that. Lots of metals in your ovaries and your adrenal glands. Some in the left kidney. Less in the right kidney. Lots of metals in the liver and gallbladder. Lots of hardening in and around the heart. Lots of congestion. On the left side, lots of hardening in your bronchioles.

Q: That was left bronchioles?

A: Yeah. Do you have any kind of a heart pressure or any kind of a poor feeling in here?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's where you're healthiest. In the lower part of your body. Your glands are pretty good. These are very weak. Everything is very poor for your health. Your body must be sending poisons to the healthier part of the body. But you have a lot of broken veins, a lot of leakage, but it's not the lymphatic breakage. It's blood leaking over your system. Everywhere. Even in the brain. So you need the cabbage juice also. White cabbage juice, you need it about 5 o'clock in the day. And you need about 6 ounces every other day. Other juice I'm going to recommend would be 80% celery, 5% cabbage. I always ask you white cabbage, not red cabbage. 10% parsley, and 5% carrot. You can alternate. Once you juice it with carrot juice and once you juice it with cucumber or the cabbage. You have these metals stored all the way from your diaphragm all the way down to your pelvic region. Especially on the right side. You have it along your spine on the left. So that's what's causing your lower body problems. It's the heavy metals. Upper is very dangerous vessels are broken all over the place. Especially in the brain. Okay?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, that could lead to MS. Dry tissue. Hardened, dry. Loss of nerves. Loss of nerve means loss of all muscle tissue. Like muscular dystrophy. Now, you're very, very, very critical. So, you can't beat yourself up. You're a very creative person. That's for creative people who have that. That's so they don't get bored. So, what you do, what you create to do, today is still beautiful. How you see tomorrow doesn't mean that you should change what you saw today. That's so you don't get bored. But if you look at yesterday's art from today's perspective, you're always going to be unsatisfied. So, don't do it. You need to be different every day or else you get bored. So, look at it that way. Yesterday was beautiful. Your vision was beautiful and entertaining that day. This day is a new day, a new vision for you. So, look at it that way and you'll be happy. Otherwise, you're going to always be frustrated. Nobody's going to be satisfied. All those heavy metals in the brain. So, you need, probably five days a week, you need dark berries. With, let's say, three and a half tablespoons of coconut cream, one and a half tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of dairy cream, and three quarters of a tablespoon of honey. And about three quarters of a cup of berries. The dark berries. Once in a while you can put some raspberries in there, which mostly need the dark berries, even if they have metals in your system. You do have a lot of aluminum up here in your chest. That I wouldn't worry about right now. Raspberries will have to get rid of that when you do it. What you can do is, once in a while, don't have raspberries for that afternoon fruit meal. Once in a while, instead of putting, what was the last thing I said in the juice, the last five percent was cucumber and alternate cucumber and what?

Q: He said alternate cucumber, he said five percent cabbage.

A: Yeah. Don't have cucumber, have raspberries. Alternate five percent raspberries. But make them puree. So you just blend those and pour them into the juice. You don't actually juice the raspberries because I don't want the seeds broken. Don't chew those seeds. Don't break those seeds. You need 80 to 85 percent red meat. 15 to 20 percent white meat. Fish, you need a lot of. Oysters, clams, with your meat meals to get rid of that heavy metal. One patient I had grew up under the London airport. She looked like a lathe operator. She had so much metal. And you have that kind of concentration of metals in certain areas of your body, especially along the lower part. Along the lower part of the spine that can cause a lot of back fatigue and a lot of weakness in the back. On the left side it starts at the shoulder blade and goes down to just a little below the waist. On the right side it starts a little below the shoulder blade but all the way down to the coccyx. So what I had her do was eat a cup of red meat with three oysters twice a day, six days a week. And in one year she removed as much as most people remove in four to five years. So I suggest you do that. It's going to alleviate a lot of problems.

Q: Those oysters?

A: Those oysters, yes.

Q: Three oysters two times a day with one cup of red meat for six days.

A: Yes. And then the seventh day you can just do red meat and chicken or something like that. But a cup and a half of meat twice a day. You need a lubrication formula every day, a moisturizing formula every day. Your moisturizing formula would be one day use two eggs and the next day use one egg in it. And have four and a half tablespoons of butter, two and a half tablespoons of lemon juice, two and a half teaspoons, which is almost a tablespoon of honey. And put one raspberry in it.

Q: This is to eat, right? [unintelligible]

A: No, this is to eat. This is to eat. Tastes like lemon meringue drink, but it will have a hint of a raspberry. That's what you need. For some reason that aluminum is going to get moving with that, with the lubrication formula. So I just want to make sure you have the raspberry minerals in there and the nutrients in the raspberry to arrest that aluminum. Because it's all in the gallbladder too.

Q: Mixed metals or mostly aluminum and mercury?

A: That's mostly aluminum there. Maybe you have other metals there. I don't see mercury there. Mercury is down here around the spine. It's all in this area, especially on the right side. And up in your brain, especially in your ears, in your eardrums, you have lots of metals, especially in your ear rings, especially in the left ear. Also in the left side of the kidney.