Q&A Of April 17, 2005

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: I always talk about something that I've done over the years. Hello?

Q: Sorry.

A: I always talk about something that I've done over the years just to give you more understanding of what's happening in your body. When you ate syrups and soda pops and all of that, all of those flavored oils that you gave you, they gave you in those drinks and those syrups and jams and jellies where they increased the flavor or put flavoring in candy, it was a resin. It's a resin from vegetable oil and it causes, that's what causes almost 98% of all the stones, whether it's the kidney stones, gallbladder stones, urinary tract stones, whatever develops, it's from those food oils. How you can break and get them down out of the body is by mixing coconut cream with a little vinegar and lemon juice and pineapple. And you put those together and you might start passing sand. And if you had those little grains analyzed, you would find out which you were discarding. Now I hadn't done it in a long time so I started doing it a few months ago. And I was a big syrup eater with pancakes. And that's what it was. It was the syrup, the crystallized resins from the syrup that I eat so much of and also the, another one of the crystals that came out was from boysenberry syrup that I used to love with waffles.

Q: So coconut cream, lemon, vinegar?

A: Lemon juice. And you can put an egg in that just if somebody's too thin and doesn't have enough protein, you should put an egg in it too. And that will help eliminate some crystals in your system that block proper cellular functioning, whether it's in the gland or kidneys. And most often those do store around the kidneys and the bladder. That's why they dump so often into there. And if you have that formula, let's say once a month, once every three weeks, when you develop the stones, they won't be large ones, they'll be smaller. Because if they get too large it makes it difficult to pass urine. And it makes you feel like you always want to urinate. And you have to force it to get the sand through. It's a good time of the year, this time of the year, in between January and June is a good time to detoxify that, the sand and stones from the resin. Okay, we're going to start and go around the room. Roger, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, is there a difference between ripe pineapple and raw pineapple or green pineapple?

A: Green pineapple. He asked if there's a difference between ripe pineapple and green pineapple. Yes. Pineapple will cause more over-emotionality when it's ripe than any other fruit besides banana. Banana when it's brown ripe and pineapple when it's yellow ripe, almost fermented, it will cause more over-emotionality than any other food. Also fermented figs will do that, but most people don't eat fermented figs. But a lot of people eat over-ripe pineapple and over-ripe bananas. To give you an idea of what happens in the body, you take a look at the apes. They will only eat green bananas and they eat the rind with it. They eat the peel, everything on it. I can't do it. It's too astringent and too alamine tasting. It dries in my mouth out too much. They're used to it. They have more salivary juices. The monkeys, when they eat bananas, they eat them ripe. You notice that you get a chimpanzee or any kind of a squirrel monkey, the first thing in the morning they're really calm. You give them a ripe banana and they'll just be erratic and screaming most of the day. The killer monkeys, before they go on a killer binge, they will go on a fruit binge. They eat all these over-ripe fermented guavas and figs and bananas for 24 hours before they go on a killing spree. Then they'll go out and kill all kinds of other monkeys and animals. Anything in their path will slaughter them for 24 hours, as long as that sugar is eating on their brain and nervous system. The sugars actually eat into their myelin to get the fats because the sugars are always looking for fats to interact with. If it can't find it, it goes into the nervous system. That's what happens. The green pineapple is high in enzymes and not high in sugar. When pineapple is ripe, when any fruit is ripe, you're going to have a high amount of sugar and you're going to have irritation to the nervous system. You're going to have a lot of fat in your blood and you're going to have over-emotionality.

Q: Eat it green.

A: Eat it as hard as you can get it and as green as you can get it and as white inside as you can get it. All fruit. The Asians know that. They don't get much meat. Most of the Asians, only about 5-10% of their diet is meat, is protein. When they eat fruit, it has to be completely green. They'll eat completely green mango, which is really tart and sour, but it gives them enzymes without giving them all the sugar. They have to be very careful. The younger generation is being programmed with all this garbage information about health and they're eating all this ripe fruit. There's more muggings. There's more illiteracy. 1There's all kinds of problems with the younger generation that the older generation didn't have to suffer because they knew not to eat ripe fruit. You rarely see an Asian over the age of 35 that eats any fresh ripe fruit. They will always eat it green. But the kids, now all the way up to 35 years old, are eating this overripe fruit and not happy people.

Q: Coconuts too?

A: Coconuts, no, because they're 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% sugars. That's different. Fermented, that's fine fermented. That will help just cleanse you.

Q: So if you eat a lot of fat with fermented fruit, that's not the same?

A: It'll make more soaps for cleansing, so if you can handle an intense detoxification, that's fine. Not for you.

Q: And if it still tastes too sour for you, the pineapple? Very green, can you have as much honey to taste?

A: Yes, you can have as much honey as you want. As long as you're eating enough meat. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Well, I'm still confused about [unintelligible].

A: That's a huge subject.

Q: How do you get sick?

A: You get sick by the poisons in the body. Her problem is, she wants to know about disease, how we get disease and about contagions. The new book, the revision of the first book, has all that explanation in detail that I wasn't allowed to give in the first publication of it. I explain exactly what viruses are, I explain exactly what causes disease. How the whole logic of contagion is misconstrued for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. And now, of course, the medical industry, because they make fortunes on it. When you look at any of the medical procedures, manuals, they're written by Merck and Bayer. And they want you to live with your disease and take medication. Every disease they want to look at like diabetes. So you take medicine every day to live with your disease and still cure it. Yet the father of medicine, Hippocrates, fed anybody who had diabetes raw milk diet.And he got rid of it in two weeks. Diabetes rid of in two weeks on an all milk diet. It was not refrigerated milk, that was straight out of the cow, non-refrigerated milk. So if you do it nowadays, it may take six weeks to get rid of diabetes. And Howell and a lot of other doctors did it throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. It was even done at Mayo Clinic. But when the pharmaceutical industry took over the universities and the medical schools, it all became about taking medication rather than curing and healing. Living with a disease, taking medication. Now virus, they talk about virus being contagious. Virus is not alive, it's a protein body. It's a protein crystalline protein structure that is not alive. They say that it self-replicates itself once it gets inside of a cell. That is a myth. If something is not alive, it can't self-replicate. It is an impossibility. That's why they take a petri dish that can breed cells, good cells, and they can grow in it and they spike it with virus. They do not multiply. Whatever is the amount that you inject into that petri dish is all that's there. As soon as they put cells in there, then the viruses get inside the cell. Why is that? Because the cells make it to decompose certain kinds of toxic tissue within the structure. Let's say you have a bad liver, and your body decides to make a solvent of its own to clean the liver, which is hepatitis. Your body makes hepatitis. There's about eight varieties of hepatitis. They say that there's mainly three, and it's broken down and it's subbed within those three. But there's eight varieties of a virus that is hepatitis-oriented, and they can go in and clean out your liver. The way the medical profession gets you confused is they say, that is what will kill you. That is the cure for the disease. The disease is a degenerative liver. The only way a liver can become degenerative is if you have poisons collect in it. When you eat cooked foods, as I explain in the recipe book, I named 33 compounds just from cooking foods that are toxins that store in the body. As they collect over a lifetime, they create serious diseases. If the placenta hasn't filtered out the toxins from the mother, a fetus, a baby will be born with diseases. Take for example, I had a girl who was 28 years old who came to me with breast cancer, hip cancer, and kidney cancer. It was attached to the adrenal gland. Her breast hung down to here, so she always used to go around like this. Every time you saw her, she was always hiding that right breast. 28 years old, only able to eat, sleep, work six hours a week. That's how fatigued she was. This started at 14 years old. The doctor said all of her tests were perfect. She was in perfect health. She was as skinny as a rail, very unhealthy, very unhappy. Everything made her unhappy. Her eyes were black. Her mother had blue eyes, her father had green eyes, two sisters. The older sister had green eyes, the younger had blue. She had black eyes and born with black eyes. So she went on the diet. Five years after she was on the diet, she was able to work 40 hours a week, just normal. Now, seven years later, she works on a farm 14, 16 hours a day. Goes to surfing, does all kinds of things. Changed her life. Her eyes went from black to blue and orange. They'll be blue, just like mine became blue from dark brown. As I got healthier, it took me 32 years, and I only have one faint brown spot left. In the next probably five years, that'll be gone, and that's in my prostate. Don't have any problems with my prostate, but that is an area in my eyes that shows the toxicity is still stored. So back to the point. The toxicity from whatever you eat and breathe and drink stores in your body. That creates degeneration in the cells. Virus, bacteria, parasites are there to eat up the degenerative tissue. But they say, well, if you have a virus that enters the cell or the cell manufactures the virus, it has RNA in it that supplants itself within the DNA, and then it'll form more virus. I said that's the point. But the RNA that the cell puts in that virus is to address only certain tissue. That's like saying, okay, you're a virus that will be for a certain type of degenerative liver tissue. So this will be just a very refined hepatitis virus that will help break down those parts of the liver cells that are damaged and get rid of them. Then if you're eating properly, you'll be able to rebuild. But most people don't eat properly and constantly ingesting poisons. So that's how disease develops. So remember that bacteria, parasites, virus are not your enemies. Those are the cures for the disease. The disease is poisoning. The reason we're poisoning, people are getting so many more diseases, and one out of three women gets cancer, one out of two men gets cancer nowadays. So you can understand that. Why is that? It's because all the extra pollution, all the more chemicals we have. You go into a restaurant, you go buy your meat. Do you know what the protocol in California is? You wash an item, you rinse it, and then you have to disc it in an antiseptic, which is a poison. So every time you eat something from a store, a regular store, you're getting a chemical antibacterial agent in your food. That's why a lot of people are complaining about their meat and fish tasting like soap because that's exactly what it is. Nobody's stopping these health authorities from doing this. You have to understand that every health official is a doctor. So they believe that bacteria, virus, and parasites are your problem. But we've been living with parasites and bacteria for millions of years.

Q: Does that go for whole foods, the fish that you buy there?

A: That's right. If you want it cut, when I go in there to have something, I say I want something out of the refrigerator, I want you to hose that counter off, I want you to hose the knife off, and I want you to cut it without any antiseptic. Because they have a thing they dip their knives in that has the antiseptic in it. They dip it and they cut.

Q: A lot of people didn't know about those things until you just brought it up now.

A: Well, I can't talk about everything every time.

Q: I'm talking about whole foods as a health store.

A: That's wild oats. It's everywhere. The health department, pardon?

Q: Is that a law?

A: It's a law. It's not a true law. It's a regulation of the state of California health department. I just got some money, so I'm going to file suit within the next four months to stop it. Let me tell you, it's going to make a lot of waves. You're going to hear a lot of nasty things going on, but I'm going to shout it loud and clear. Somebody gave me a $25,000 donation to be able to do it. I don't know how far it's going to take it, but at least we can get it out there and get started on it. Because I'm going to try to get an injunction against it. I'm also going to try to get an injunction against the federal government for the law that no commercial juice can be raw. It has to be pasteurized or irradiated. I'm going to try to get an injunction against that.

Q: So in other words, you have to tell them before they cut. You shouldn't buy the chicken that's the rocky chicken that's underneath the other chicken. It was cut with a certain knife?

A: Okay. The boards that they cut on, they take a sponge and they wash it down with something. Then they don't rinse it with clean water.

Q: But their water is chemical, polluted water.

A: They have buckets there with that stuff in it, and also they have filters that puts the antiseptic right into their water that goes into that area.

Q: So what are you supposed to tell them?

A: So you have to tell them you want that board washed with clean tap water that has no antibacterial in it, no detergent in it whatsoever. No antiseptic.

Q: And the knife too?

A: And the knife too. You tell them it has to be rinsed with no antiseptic on it.

Q: That's the main thing. Okay.

A: I like getting my meat from James' Place because they don't use any of that.

Q: It's just when you run out, you have to run to the store. You have to get the fish.

A: Well, that certainly went off in a wild way. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: That was something brand new. Nobody knows it yet.

A: We'll come back to you. Do you have a question?

A: Yeah.

Q: One time you said you were talking about nuts, right? They have anti-what was the term you used?

Q: Enzyme inhibitors.

Q: They have enzyme inhibitors.

A: The phytic acid. All nuts and seeds.

Q: Okay, that was my question. Seeds have that too?

A: All nuts and seeds have phytic acid.

Q: So if you eat an apple and ate the seed, is it too little to be a problem?

A: It's not really a problem with a few apple seeds. And also the phytic acid becomes more active once the seed is dried. So if you're eating a fresh apple seed, it doesn't have as much phytic acid reaction.

Q: If you did want to eat some seeds, if you just combine it with a similar stuff that you use in the nut formula...

A: In the nut formula, that will neutralize the phytic acid. But I've done experiments where you eat the foods with the nuts. It doesn't work for a lot of people. You have to blend the nuts until they are a flour, and then add the ingredients and blend it all together for most people. So if you eat the nuts with some eggs and some honey and some butter, and you get gas, and you start not digesting very well and stuff starts slowing down, you've got a phytic acid problem and you have to make the nut formula or seed formula, whatever you're doing. It has to be blended together, and just eating them together doesn't work for you.

Q: Now what should I do? I bought the fish the other day from...

A; Let me finish. Did you get everything answered with that?

Q: Yeah, but let's say you ate some seeds and you just ate it separately.

A: That's just what I said.

Q: If it causes gas, then it's just bad.

A: No problem, then you can handle it that way.

Q: But initially you said it was what type of inhibitor?

A: They're enzyme inhibitors. The phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor.

Q: That makes the meat not as good.

A: It prevents you from digesting protein. Utilizing protein for 24 to 36 hours. Not only the protein in the nuts or seeds, but any protein from the eggs, meat that you eat, it interferes with everything.

Q: Nuts aren't that great.

A: Not unless you have them in the nut formula. I say it's very important to have once a week to handle the neurological byproduct, poisons that you have in your body. Every time you've gone through a traumatic experience or anxiety, you manufacture hormones, psychological hormones. They have byproducts, toxins just like any other hormone in the body. Stores just like any other hormone in the body. When they are released into the blood neurological system, the same emotional experience that you went through during that trauma or anxiety is relived. So remember, if you want to know the scientific basis for that, get on the internet. Look under Elnora, Van Winkle's The Biology of Emotions. There's a very long, profound, technical, with all the chemistry in it. Elnora, E-L-N-O-R-A, Van Winkle. V-A-N-W-I-N-K-L-E. The Biology of Emotions. There's a layman paper and there's a very technical paper. She was a woman who spent 47 years cataloging every chemical in the brain and nervous system at Columbia University in New York City. That was her entire life. When she retired, she had addressed every chemical in the brain and nervous system. She was the one that, by some of my research that I found from analyzing vomit and blood and chemistry secretions, I found neurological hormones that were addressed in psychology. She addressed it and she went on the diet after she investigated and researched it. But then she was on the diet for two years doing very, very well. She was a very ultra-skinny person. She got on some weight and then she believed that Instincto was more natural. I said, but you're not in a natural environment. It's too toxic to be in a natural instinctive diet. Your instincts aren't true. She died a year after being on that diet. She got so skinny she wasted the weight and got fatigued and died.

Q: Instincto.

A: Instincto, yeah. Instincto, everything has to smell good for them to eat it. If it doesn't smell good, they won't eat it. So 60% of their diet is fruit. Tears the body to pieces.

Q: Is that the lady that was on the TV show with you?

A: No.

Q: What about these fruitarians?

A: They're young. Their teeth are rotting away. Their bones are disappearing. Very few of them that do well beyond seven years.

Q: They're so skinny like a lemon tree.

A: And they're very overly emotional and they don't think very clearly. Okay.

Q: Now, since I've been getting that kind of meat, what is the best thing to do for anybody that's done this already, that didn't know about the antiseptics that they're using?

A: Well, you're eating enough fats with it to bind with those poisons. But you're wasting some of your fats by eating that antiseptic.

Q: I know, but I wanted to know, do I add any more eggs? Maybe six eggs a day? Ten eggs?

A: No, you're already taking care of it with your diet. You would have lost nutrients that would be expelled with the antiseptic.

Q: So...

A: Your poisons were already addressed.

Q: I know, but I mean, this fish I bought today here, and there's a fish I brought at home. What should I do with it?

A: Just eat your normal fat with it.

Q: I mean, what do I do? How much fat should I table-spoons?

A: Just what you're normally eating.

Q: I don't have any...

A: You can only eat so much food in a day. So as much of it is going to go off of the poisons and not be used to stabilize and make you healthier, but it can prevent damage. So as much as you can eat is what you eat. And you're eating enough. You've got a good weight. So I wouldn't say for you to eat anymore. You're doing fine. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I have a wide question.

A: You have a what?

Q: A big question. I don't know how much you believe in radiation.

A: You're the first person to say it. Everybody else says I have a little question. You're the first person to say I have a big question.

Q: I have a question. On my father's side of the family, they all suffer from this Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's.

Q: And I went to a seminar with an Indian doctor. He said, oh, don't eat fat. No fat. Raw, no fat. And on my mother's side, most of the people they die with heart attacks. I'm trying to work on these two things to try to do my way. What do you suggest, especially for Alzheimer's, to prevent it?

A: Alzheimer's is mainly caused from aluminum. Aluminum destroys the zeta potential. The zeta potential is the ability for nutrients to stay suspended in blood, lymph, and neurological system. What the aluminum does is it attracts the ions away from the protons. So all of your nutrients just sedimentate. They just drop. So that's what happens when the blood and the neurological system, everything just becomes sediment. That's what causes the brain not to work properly. It's mainly aluminum. If you go on the Internet, you'll find out that they estimate at least 80% of Alzheimer's being caused by aluminum. The other is probably mercury.

Q: You know it's growing higher and higher and higher.

A: Look how much aluminum. Since the 1960s and the 1950s, aluminum is one of the biggest metals around. Sliding doors, chairs, cooking utensils. It's in vaccines. Every time you get a vaccine, there's thimerosal and aluminum and formaldehyde in it.

Q: So even in the house, no aluminum.

Q: What about your screen door? You should take out the aluminum and the screen door.

A: Screen doors with aluminum.

Q: Why is it outgassing?

A: No, it dusts. As it oxidizes, it turns into a dust.

Q: So what do you get instead of a screen?

A: Kathy, let me finish talking.

Q: Oh...

A: So what happens is things turn into dust. If you have aluminum furniture, aluminum anything, it becomes dust and you inhale it. I remember last year when I was in Florida, I was seeing a man and he had his daughter and his wife with him. They were the reasons that he was with me for this consult. He had cancer and was metastasizing, of the lungs. And I shot his irises and blew him up and I said, you have more aluminum than I've ever seen in anybody, you know, ever. And, you know, he was all against this. He was only there because his daughter and his wife got him to go. So as soon as I said that about the aluminum, he looked at his wife and his daughter and their eyebrows all raised. He worked in an aluminum factory for 48 years. And that was causing his cancer. Cancer can come from accumulation of all kinds of different poisons. The country, a bunch of scientists there and full professors that are no longer full professors because they issued this particular report and put it out to the public before it was reviewed by the authorities, that 80% of the cancer out there is because of acrylamides. Acrylamides form when you boil, cook something in oil, cereals, donuts, potato chips, any kind of chip, soy chips, french fries. They cause the most cancer. They want to outlaw all those foods in Sweden.

Q: Vegetable oils, right? Not animal fats or animal oils?

A: Even animal fats. If you're boiling something with high starch in it, the high carbohydrate along with the fat causes the problem. Of course, it's worse with vegetable oils. But that's the problem. It creates all these acrylamides and that creates a lot of cancerous conditions. All 12 of those professors lost their tenures because they went to the media before they let the university research their research. Nobody's been able to scientifically disprove it. You've got a lot of medical professionals out there and a lot of pseudo-scientists that are arguing against their research, but nobody's coming up with scientific proof like they had the proof. But the cereal industry, those chip industries, are trillions of dollars a year. They're not going to let it happen. Heart condition, if you read my second book, I talked about cholesterol is not a factor. That's a myth. The cholesterol myth. Get the book, The Cholesterol Myth. It identifies that 90% of all people who have heart attacks have heart attacks when they have low cholesterol levels and when they've got low blood pressure. The medical profession wants you on drugs. High blood pressure is very important if you've got a cardiac problem. It's what keeps your arteries open. If you've got an arterial problem or a venous problem, you need high blood pressure, or else they cut off and you block circulation. That's what happens with people when they take medication. They end up getting varicose veins, damaged arteries. They get thrombosis, which are very enlarged vessels that just keep swelling. All of those are created when you stop high blood pressure with medication. Just remember, the medical profession is run by the pharmaceutical industry, and they want you to take medication every day and fill their pockets. It's got nothing to do with you getting well. So they attack symptoms. You having high blood pressure is not a symptom that you should stop that symptom. That body has addressed a high blood pressure activity to make sure that you can address your bad circulatory problem. So you need fats. You need high blood pressure if you've got a history of those conditions. But you have to understand that if it's in your family, your family has a tendency to store toxicity in their veins, arteries, and their heart. You just have to eat properly so that you don't accumulate toxins that you're going to store in your heart and arteries. Okay? Do you have a question? Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Hi. I've never been able to have a sense of smell since I remember, do you have any opinion about that?

A: That's usually very damaged... the olfactory glands, often it comes from vaccines, from the aluminum or mercury getting stored in that olfactory gland from a vaccine from an early age. The only thing I've known to help remove that is to eat, to remove the mercury or aluminum is to eat berries. If it's mercury, you have to use dark berries. If it's aluminum, you have to use raspberries. A combination of both of them with coconut cream and some honey and maybe a little bit of butter and a little bit of dairy cream to help flush it out of the system. Eating papaya helps bring back senses. Let me also address that just inhaling a poison, if you inhale formaldehyde for some reason, if you're exposed to formaldehyde, it could damage those sensory glands permanently until you're eating the right foods over a long period of time to get rid of the scar tissue and the poisons that are stuck there. But any kind of inhaled poison could do it too. Yes?

Q: In your recipes, you never recommend sprouting any of the beans or seeds. How come?

A: Because there are, I addressed that in there, I said there are three enzymes that react just like the phytic acid. So even if you sprout it, you've still got enzyme retardants in it, enzyme inhibitors. Not only that, in the sprout you have three instead of one. When a vegetable, when a seed starts sprouting, it is then a vegetable. We don't handle vegetation. We don't break cellulose down properly. We don't have that kind of a digestive tract. That's why I say stay away from whole vegetables unless you've got a bowel condition or a small intestine condition that's too over-acidic, and then you would need the whole vegetables in a salad. But normally it's not something to eat.

Q: I'd like to talk about my left hand here a little bit. For a year or so, I had pain from up here down to my hand. It was up and down, sometimes missing, sometimes kinda serious. I asked you about it about a month ago, and you told me about hot water bottles, so I started using hot water bottles. Probably not very smart... I went to sleep with my hand in a hot water bottle one time. Pretty much it's concentrated in the hand now. I've kind of risked [unintelligible] about the hot water bottle. But the sensation is like it's crushed sometimes. Now it's advancing, and it stings or it feels crushed, and then for a few days it won't hurt, and then it'll come back. It's real serious. When it felt like a bruise, I thought I treated it like a bruise, so I held on to some steak for a while. That would seem to calm it down, but if I overdid it, then it wouldn't do anything for me. I'm sure I've been known to detox one way or another. I'm not shocked by this particularly, but I would like it to not hurt so much.

A: Mainly when you have that kind of a pain, it's antibiotic poisons. It's stored in your body. Mutant antibodies are living in the joints. They throw off a very nasty toxin if they're allowed to get active again. They often do. You remember the episode that I talked about in the book where I had a hole burned in my thumbnail and the whole thumb, and I had the pus analyzed, and it came up from penicillin. It had the byproducts of the penicillin toxicity. That caused severe pain for about 18 months off and on in that thumb. I've had lots of penicillin, lots of antibiotics in my childhood. I used to get joint pains. I ended up with bone cancer as a product of that, as part of the product of that. Then when I had the radiation therapy, that sealed it. Those two compounds together caused the bone cancer, blood and bone cancer. Getting rid of that is not easy. Eating moldy berries, whole moldy berries, let's say maybe three a day, every other day for about six weeks, you could help destroy those molds, those mutant molds.

Q: [unintelligible] or just by itself?

A: Always eat it with an egg, because when those toxins start being released, you can cause soreness and bruising, like you're having the feeling here like everything is bruised and sore. You don't have enough fat or particular kinds of fat to bind with those particular byproducts.

Q: All right.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I'm experiencing the diet, I've experienced sinusitis several times.

Q: What?

Q: Sinusitis, like the nose gets clogged up, you can't breathe, like I have right now. And I have trouble sleeping because my nose gets clogged up. I breathe with my mouth, my throat dries up, I wake up. So what is a...

A: You need to cut down on cream, increase your butter and sleep at an angle.

Q: Can you repeat?

Q: Cut down on cream.

A: You cut down on your cream, eat more butter, like the lubrication formula, and sleep at an angle so your head is high.

Q: Okay.

A: You have to understand that when your brain dumps and dumps most of the poisons out your gums, tongue and sinus cavity. Your brain and nervous system hold the most metals of anywhere in the body, that's why Alzheimer's is a problem. Because the body uses metallic minerals in the brain and nervous system to transmit light, which is information, for the nervous system. So anytime you eat anything and it has any kind of metallic mineral in it, which all foods do, you may be... The cooking causes it to be free radical. So you have your greatest concentration of free radicals in the brain and nervous system. So when that dumps, the brain has... Usually the tonsils take care of it, the degenerative cells. The sinuses and the gums take care of most of the free radicals. That's why there is so much dental decay. The heavy metals come out, they surround the dentine, and it starts ripping the neurons out of your cells. It complicates the molecular structure, the electromagnetic structure of your teeth, and then you have degeneration. So keeping the mouth rinsed is important when you're dumping those metals out of your teeth. Brushing your teeth isn't the greatest idea. A water pick is the best thing to use to help remove those minerals. Brushing it... Because if you're brushing mercury and it's dumping from the brain, it will cause the teeth to abrase, and you'll bruise the dentine more, and then you'll have deep decay. Again, decay doesn't come from bacteria. That bacteria results from the decaying of the gum cells and the dentine from the damage of the poison minerals, the free radicals that have damaged the live cell. Dentine is a live cell. Bone is a live cell. If it's damaged by a free radical, a metal like mercury or aluminum, that cell is damaged, bacteria results to eat the decay. Bacteria is not the problem. The bacteria is a result of the disease, of the damage. Just like you find a carcass out there, the vultures and crows come to eat up the decay. They didn't cause the decay. They're a response of the decay. That is very important to understand. Then you'll understand that we should not fear bacteria, parasites, and virus anymore. We need to prevent our cells from consuming, whether it's breathing or eating or drinking, as many pollutants as possible. Refrain from eating pollutants. Refrain from breathing and drinking pollutants. That causes the degenerative tissue. That is disease. When you have those heavy metals coming into the sinuses, let's say you've got one molecule of mercury or one molecule of aluminum. It takes 2,000 fat cells or about 1,000 white blood cells to harness and address that. How many do you think can surround one molecule? Not much, so it all dries out. All the fats in here are very minimal. You can keep fats everywhere in your body, but it isn't easy to keep fat in the face. There are some people that can, but they get up to 250, 300 pounds before they get a lot of excess weight in the face. You cannot have that much fat in your face to deal with that much poisons. You're going to have dryness. You're going to have dry mouth for 40 years. Dry mouth is not dehydration. That's the minerals coming out and using all the fats in your face and surrounding area. That leaves the mouth dry. That's why I say honey and butter in your mouth. Let it stay in there. Let the fat reabsorb. You'll say, oh gosh, I didn't drink any water and don't have dry mouth. I don't feel dehydrated. It's got nothing to do with dehydration. It's delipidisation in here. That's a very bad thing because you've got the greatest amount of most toxic poisons in your brain. You've got the least amount of fat in your brain, in your head. That's why there's so many stupid humans.

Q: If anybody wants to order brain from the buffalo, just let me know.

A: I just ate rotten buffalo. Buffalo brain, I let it go really ripe. Didn't refrigerate it. Let it get really nasty.

Q: Swallowed.

A: I mixed blended it with milk.

Q: But it's not cheap.

A: It's expensive, about $35 for a half a brain.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: With a humidifier, I believe you can use it temporarily.

A: Humidifier is good as long as you're using good water. Don't use tap water.

Q: Right. Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Do you have a question?

Q: On the subject of oil, can you tell us the difference between [unintelligible], olive oil, even peanut oil, even flaxseed soil.

A: Okay, anytime you have a concentrated oil, a product of something where the concentrated fats are in a liquid form, coconut will get hard at a very high temperature of 70 degrees. Coconut oil will still solidify like Crisco oil. But most of your oils stay pretty liquid as long as they're not refrigerated, drop below 60 degrees, 55 degrees. Those oils are mainly solvent active in the body. The body will make soaps with them. They don't stabilize the body. They don't increase mobility. They don't help lubricate. They don't calm the system. They are there to help dissolve poisons in the system like we use degreasers. The body can make a lot of degreasers and a lot of compounds to dissolve toxicity that we can't because we can't use the bacteria or parasites to do it. We have to use virus because the tissue is too contaminated. The poisons in the cells are so poisonous that the bacteria or parasites eat those cells. It kills them. So the only thing left is virus or solvent, soaps. To cleanse and break down those by solvent process. If you want to get an idea of the difference in the viability of using the different substances, let's say you had a dog and you had a restaurant. You had all of this waste and you weren't allowed to throw it in the garbage can. You needed animals to eat it. So you've got a big dog that eats 100 times its weight in a day and ends up having a turd a pound and a half the next day. That's what parasites and bacteria do. They consume massive amounts of their weight in a 24-hour period and leave very little waste product. When your body uses virus or any other kind of a solvent, what happens when you take a solvent, you dilute it, you clean the area, you have a whole bucket of waste that will spread throughout the entire body environment. That's why cerebral meningitis is bad and spinal meningitis is bad if it's viral. The medical profession doesn't freak out as much if it's bacterial because you don't have all that swelling in the brain and nervous system. With bacterial infection, a detoxification of the nervous system and brain, as you do with the virus, it spreads all this fluid, contaminated fluid. It causes more pain, more likelihood of paralysis. Eating oils helps the body cleanse poisons that cannot be degenerated by bacteria and parasites. When I had the chemotherapy and radiation, I never got a bacteria, I never got bacterial infection or a parasitical infection since those days up until this last year. Got a parasite for the first time. I celebrated. All of a sudden, all of that pyloroplasty that they did on me when I was 20 years old, they took the duodenum, stretched it to three times its size. What happens when you take tissue and you stretch it and rip it like that? 40% scar tissue within the first year. 80% scar tissue within five years from that. So 80% of my duodenum was scar tissue. What the hell was the point of stretching the duodenum? It's pretty absurd, but that's what they did. When I got the parasite, all of a sudden I started detoxing the duodenum. It's working and it hadn't worked since I was 20 years old. I just started my 59th year today. Finally working after all this time because I was able to get a parasite to help me.

Q: So you're able to digest your food now better?

A: I'm able to, yes.

Q: You have the hydrochloric acid that's going now?

A: No, I didn't say that. The duodenum, the hydrochloric acid's in the stomach. The bile dumping and a lot of other enzymes dump into the stomach and the taking of enzymes transferring it to the pancreas. Pancreas realigns, restructures the enzyme for our abilities and natures, dumps it back into the duodenum and other parts of the intestine. So that's working better.

Q: What would you recommend people do with oil?

A: Very little. Like I said in the book, you have maybe two ounces of olive oil or flax oil or coconut oil, maybe six ounces a week, seven ounces at the most. If you're a big guy, you know you could have seven or eight ounces a week, but with only three meat meals. Or if you're having it with, let's say you want a detoxification formula, let's say for cancer you might put some coconut oil in some pineapple with some lemon juice. But that's to get the tumor to start dissolving. After it's already dissolved, you don't want that kind of a thing except to get the byproducts. So you don't want that every day once you get the tumors to start dissolving. So it's a delicate balance.

Q: When you said you had it first in your duodenum, how did you know you had it in there?

A: I started passing it in my feces.

Q: I see. You could see it?

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: What's it look like?

A: It was a tapeworm.

Q: I see.

A: I passed 25 feet of it one day and 30 feet of it another day. But I saw parts of it passing for about four months, and then all of a sudden it finished its work, and within two weeks I had dumped the whole thing.

Q: Did you catch it?

A: Yeah, I caught it.

Q: Does it still live?

A: Oh, no. Once it's out of the body, it doesn't survive. You get these little links. They're like some kind of pasta. They look like pasta. And if you let them sit and dry up, they just disappear. They just completely disappear into this very teeny little thing. They could get in the dirt anywhere. A lot of people say, well, what about trichinosis? If you look at the research on trichinosis that's come out in the last five years, if you first link Joel Weinstock of the University of Iowa, he proved that giving people trichinosis, elderly people with intestinal inflammatory bowel syndrome that have had it for anywhere from 10 to 30 years, 37 years, without any success in medical treatment, when he gave them, when he ingested and spiked them with the trichinosis whipworm from the pig, all their bowel syndrome went away. They were finally able to digest and feel good. He proved that getting trichinosis is the best thing that can happen to you if you have intestinal problems. Again, you look at the medical profession and you say, they're really off base, and there are a few doctors who've got them.

Q: There's some kind of a parasite. Somebody said in the monkfish liver I once bought, that there was some kind of a, not a parasite, but a tape with some kind of, what do they call those that you can find in fish?

A: Pinworms.

Q: Pinworms, yeah.

A: I've eaten thousands of them and didn't get them.

Q: Would it help anybody to eat it if they could?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Or if anybody's interested, I can take a monkfish liver. They want to get a pinworm.

A: But I ate a pinworm-infested pound of salmon that was undulating. Must have been at least 10 million eggs in there. And I ate it and didn't get one pinworm, because of all the chemo and radiation, just poisoning me. That's why I wasn't able to breed one. However, in other sick animals that I gave to parasites, I could not get them to breed a parasite from eating the meat. So it's rather a myth. The way that Joel Weinstock did it was he put the whipworm eggs in Gatorade, which is highly alkaline. So they drank the eggs from the whipworm, and it went into their intestines, and when it went through their stomach, the hydrochloric acid was neutralized by the Gatorade. So the eggs were able to survive that track, so they were able to breed in the intestine. I never gave an animal Gatorade with these whipworms, because that's not natural. So you can't naturally get it. It has to be an element, again, of our industrial society. It can allow you to pass it through the stomach and intestines without being dissolved by the hydrochloric acid. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: I get fatigued in the afternoon, and I'd like to take a half-hour to an hour nap.

A: Everybody should do that. That's the normal cycle of every animal on this planet and insects. They all midday take a nap. That's why Mexico makes it a law. Siesta is a law. Not anymore in the big companies, because now America's gone down and infiltrated the commercial division. But in all your little villages, it was a law to take a siesta.

Q: So you could take a nap late afternoon?

A: Absolutely, take a nap. Even John F. Kennedy did it. He took an hour a day.

Q: Does Bush?

A: Pardon?

Q: Does Bush?


A: I don't know. I'd rather doubt it. Speech isn't too good. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I'm just actually curious what it is you're drinking.

A: This is a mixture of hard green pineapple, cucumber, honey, lemon juice, coconut cream, coconut oil, eggs, and honey.

Q: You drink that every day?

A: No. Once in a while.

Q: What is this?

A: What do I do it for? Just to help get rid of dissolved dead cells. And also help get relief. Let's say I'm detoxing heavily and I feel sore and bruised all over. That's because I don't have enough vitamin C and the other citric acids to help break down that toxicity and relieve it from the body. So if I eat that, my soreness and stiffness will go away after detoxification. Like you have a cold or a flu, when it's over, you're saying, oh my God, I feel stiff. That's because you're low in citric acid and other nutrients that can help dissolve and neutralize the uric acid. When you're exercising, the same thing. You're not used to exercising and then you get stiff. It's because the uric acid and other byproducts of burning fuel, utilizing fuel and energy, stores in the body and causes a buildup. It causes the soreness. That helps relieve it.

Q: Coconut oil, cucumber, honey, and?

Q: How much do you use?

A: I used a cup of pineapple, two cups of cucumber, one tablespoon of coconut oil, fermented coconut oil, two and a half ounces to three ounces of coconut cream, two ounces of honey, about three tablespoons of lemon juice, and I used four eggs this time.

Q: What do you ferment the coconut oil with?

A: That's the way it comes. The one you buy from James, that's fermented coconut oil. That coconut oil is fermented coconut oil.

Q: There's a separate coconut oil fermented and there's?

A: The only thing he has is coconut oil that's fermented.

Q: Fermented, okay.

Q: Is that the coconut cream?

A: No. Coconut oil is in the refrigerator. It looks like Crisco oil. Unless it's warm like today, then it will be liquid.

Q: Essentially, do you need all that? Let's say you're exercising and you've got aches. Is it just the vitamin C you need? If you had an orange and some cream?

A: If you don't have the fats. The reason I use the cucumber is because it's got a lot of silica in it, which helps the skin and tissues relax and cool. If you've got the acids in there, the vitamin C, not just the vitamin C, the other acids that are involved in citrus, to go in and break down substances, you need minerals to help bind with those toxins, plus you need the fats to arrest those poisons so they don't get re-absorbed. That's why the whole formula... You want it all together.

Q: So every time you go exercising, you should do that if you're sore?

A: No, that's if you start getting sore. That means you're getting depleted in certain nutrients that this could provide. I went through a massive brain detox for the past three years, and it got to the point where my neck was getting so stiff and sore, and it wasn't reacting, and I started getting sore on the right side. So then I started drinking that, and within a day it was relieving, incrementally. But I'll only eat that maybe when I'm going through a time of stiffness and soreness. I'll have that every other day.

Q: Do you put the entire cucumber or do you peel it?

A: If it's organic, I put the whole cucumber, the peel and all. If it's not waxed, it can be called organic and still wax it. The FDA has allowed them to do that. So you can tell, you take a cucumber, take a non-serrated paring knife, you scrape it gently. If wax comes off of it and you put it in your fingers, it dissolves and goes away, that's natural wax. Same with an apple. If that gets waxy and stays, that's plastic. That's paraffin wax. That's an artificial wax. If a man can't get hard very easily, do not use the peel. Peel it. If you're having problems with erections. If you have that formula without the pineapple in it, and oh, let's say, three cups of cucumber, it'll help erections. Keep erections. Unless you keep the peel. For some reason there's an enzyme in it that causes it not to give hardness to the penis. So don't use the peel if you want to be hard. If you're going to do that, just peel the cucumber and use that. Women don't have to worry about it.

Q: What's the recipe again, please?

A: I'm not going to give it a third time.

Q: I had it here.

Q: Okay, got it.

A: Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. The first two, four years of this diet, I couldn't do it without the vegetable juice after that.

A: You couldn't do what?

Q: I had to have vegetable juice after one hour after a meal.

A: After a meat meal?

Q: Yeah.

Q: Have what after a meat meal?

Q: Vegetable juice. But this last one year, I feel like I don't need a vegetable juice. When I talk to people who are [unintelligible], they say, listen, if they miss the vegetable juice, it's no problem.

A: Yeah, but it's, you know, you need to resupply minerals and enzymes. That's where you can get your supplement. It's like when you first go in, I said you need a minimum in the recipe book. I said you need a minimum of two cups a day. Usually before a meat meal is the best time because you'll get highly acidic afterwards. If you drink the vegetable juice after the meat, sometimes it interferes with digestion of the meat because it will rush in quicker and alkalinize some of the digestive acids and you won't digest your meat as well. So that's why I always suggest that the juice, vegetable juice an hour before the meat meal. That's the best way to do it. Yes, you don't, I only drink one cup of vegetable juice a day now. If I have any more than that, I start getting sleepy and tired. It's too much now. But for many years, I had to have two to three a day. And four a day. Two, three, four a day. Just depending.

Q: How do you tell how much you need?

A: Let's say you're feeling a little acid, a little irritable, a little anxious. You need more vegetable juice. Unless you're eating a lot of fruit, then you need to cut down on the fruit. Do you have a question?

Q: I do. It's about kidneys. My mother just got diagnosed that her left kidney is completely not working and her right kidney is 30% working. She's an AMA, is there anything I can do to get it working?

A: That formula right there helps get the crystals, the resins out of the kidney that stops them from functioning. Unless she's got some other poison in there. What was her diet like? Regular, SAD diet?

Q: Yes.

A: She probably got a lot of poison, so who knows what's in there. That can be a start. As long as she has one kidney function, that's good.

Q: 30%, yeah.

A: I would suggest that drink then.

Q: What about eating kidney?

A: For most people who have kidney problems, the high ammonia causes them to get jaundice. You can try it. It doesn't always work. Once they've been on the diet for about a year, year and a half, then they can eat the kidney better.

Q: If you have ammonia, let's say it goes into the muscle meat or something, it's like a cleanser, isn't it? The ammonia.

A: Yeah.

Q: People have trouble to even taste it. It's so strong.

A: I know. That's why people have trouble drinking urine. Because that's the only difference between blood and urine is that there's ammonia and very few red blood cells. Otherwise, the content of the urine is identical to the blood.

Q: When you buy a meat like James' Beef, it doesn't have that urine taste. You know, like the muscle meat. It won't have that urine taste.

A: I can always taste it.

Q: It's there too?

A: I taste it in every meat I eat.

Q: Every beef?

A: I'm very sensitive now. I can taste it in everything. Grain-fed animals don't have as high because they have more starch to bind with the ammonia. When the animal is killed, urine rushes back all through the bloodstream and gets in everywhere in all the meat. That's why it has a slight ammonia taste that I can detect on any meat except animals that are half-fed heavy grain. They have a lot of starch to bind with that ammonia and it blocks the taste.

Q: Is grain-fed animals better than those?

A: No, but I like some grain-fed. Now, when you see a cow out in the field, if he's in a field where the grass grows naturally, he won't eat the fresh seeds off of the plant. He'll eat the green leaves around that doesn't carry the seed. But then you see him go down and pick off the dried seed right off the top of the dirt. He picks and eats dried seed. That is normal. They're grain-feeding animals as long as it's dried grain. So I think that all animals should be slightly grain-fed. When they're fed hay, they don't get any... It's always cut. They cut the alfalfa before it goes to seed. Or after they've cultivated the seed so they can plant seed for next year, the alfalfa is still without seed. So they're feeding these animals, grass-fed animals, that don't get any grain. That's one of their natural products. So I don't agree with this all grass-fed. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. When the friendly Europeans came over here and took the land away from the Indians, they were killing them with bullets, whatever they had.

A: Formaldehyde.

Q: They found that they killed more Indians with the white man's diseases. And today the Europeans all get chickenpox when they're in kindergarten. There's some relationship.

A: That was a myth that was propagated to... Just like in Brazil, the British government, and this is documented. I forgot the fellow's name. He wrote a play called Savages. And it was based on... This is in Peru. But the... I mean in Brazil. They would pay these men to go out and slaughter and poison the natives and say it was smallpox. Because any time you put formaldehyde or some kind of poison that's non-detectable in their water system, they'll get either chickenpox or smallpox-type symptoms. And then they just say, oh, these people died of smallpox. But it was poisoning. They've been doing that ever since Caesar was around. Poisoning their enemies.

Q: How do they catch chickenpox in kindergarten? Everybody seems to catch it in the classroom.

A: Well, everybody. All over the world gets chickenpox. That's a detoxification of the nervous system at a young age.

Q: It's really not contagious, they just say that.

A: Everybody detoxes at a certain time. It's like when the bears come out of hibernation. Do you say they're contagious? Because they come out of hibernation in the United States, and then a few degrees north in Canada, then they start waking up. And then up to higher in Canada and Alaska, they all wake up. So is that contagious?

Q: It sounded like it.

A: Yeah, it sounds like it. Well, that's the same thing with smallpox and all that. The body, during a certain climate, temperature change, and humidity, will detox certain tissue. And it's common among a lot of people at the same time.

Q: Five-year-olds.

A: Just like teenagers with acne. You don't call that contagious. But boy, let me tell you, they'll probably call it contagious. Some scientist that's been paid by the pharmaceutical industry, I'll bet you in the next five years, comes up with a virus that he says is contagious among teenagers with acne. And we've got a medication for it. I'll bet you it happens. I'll bet you it happens. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. What's a safer alternative for abortion? Don't worry, Mom, it's not...

A: Your son's pregnant.

Q: It's Aajonus'. He'd be really healthy, though.

A: When you're on this diet, abortion is difficult. Because the body's so healthy. The only way that I've suggested and it's worked with people who've been on the diet a while is putting pennyroyal oil.

Q: Peanut oil?

A: Pennyroyal oil. But you have to take a scientific tube that allows just a very fine passage in there. And you have to insert that through the cervix with the oil. And you have to blow it inside and then you have to scratch. It's not a sharp glass, but it's a glass tube that has a center down in it with a very fine flow. So you can only get maybe 10 drops in this whole thing. But you're only going to get probably 5 in there. 5 or 6 and that's all you need. Then when it gets down into the cervix and you feel that it's hit, through the cervix and you can feel it hit the wall, because when the ovaries discharge only one per month, fertilizes eggs. So let's say it's happening on the right side. Then those eggs go down the fallopian tube, down to where they meet the sperm and they go right up into that surface and that's where they latch on. So if you scratch, you know, you get to the mucous lining and it absorbs that pennyroyal, you'll usually have abortion pretty readily but with lots of labor pain. Most of the time lots of labor pain. It usually happens in 3 to 8 days. That's the only sure way that I know that works 90% of the time.

Q: Where can you get pennyroyal oil at?

A: It's almost illegal. You have to get it in Canada or somewhere like that. It's illegal in this country for that reason.

Q: Maybe I'll talk to you later.

Q: That's a family [unintelligible].

A: You might be able to find it in some states. In this state it's illegal.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. Do you have a question.

Q: Yes. A lot of diets seem to put an emphasis on heritage. I'm wondering about what you think about that. In particular, one book I read said that there wasn't really one primal diet that it varied depending on where people were.

Q: Where they're from?

Q: Where they're from.

A: Well, it depends on what kind of food they could get. Let's say, you know, like in Thailand, there are certain areas where the main meat that they eat is beetle shit. Beetles from buffalo, water buffalo dung. They go around after the water buffaloes left, and they left it there for a couple of days, and they cleared it out. They can find a thousand of these beetles nesting and laying their eggs in the buffalo turds. That's where they incubate. They don't necessarily eat the buffalo shit. They do, but that isn't all they eat. But they breed their young in there because it keeps them warm and everything. So they'll go and harvest these beetles, and they'll eat a thousand of the sitting for the whole family. That's mainly what they eat. Then there are others that they slaughter buffalo and eat buffalo meat. So it all depends upon their class. Those who can afford to have a buffalo and buffalo meat are very rich. Those that eat insects are very poor people. So their system will be different. If they cook those beetles, then there's a certain amount of toxicity that's going to collect in all the family because they're feeding them and eating the same foods. They're going to get the same toxins. If they store in the same area, let's say you have a heart condition that's normal in the family, you store those toxins in the heart area. That doesn't mean it's a hereditary thing. That means that you normally have a weakness in that area, and you have a tendency to store toxins in that area. Therefore, if you eat properly, you don't have to have that disease. Diabetes, they say, is almost 90% hereditary. It is in my family. I've got eight cousins who were on insulin by the time they were 16 years old. I was on insulin by the time I was 15 1⁄2, juvenile diabetic. Aunts and uncles, a bunch of them have diabetes and take insulin. I'm the only one who doesn't take it anymore because I ate right, reversed it. Two and a half years ago, I went to Washington University Medical School in St. Louis and had a thorough physical. They found that my pancreas worked better than any pancreas that they'd ever seen. That was going from juvenile diabetes at 15 1⁄2 years old. So you can reverse all that stuff.

Q: Have you found in treating people that certain foods...

A: I don't treat people. Only doctors can treat people. I counsel. I recommend. I advise.

Q: Have you found that certain foods don't work well in different people? Or do you find that... What works for you, for example, has worked for other people with the same symptoms?

A: I would say, that's why I say in the recipe book, I mean in the first book in the remedy section, this has worked for 80% of the people who do it. It doesn't mean it works for everybody. Everybody has to have their little changes. That's why I do private consults to help people discover what is right for their system. And reverse that condition. But most of the time it's all good for the same people. 80% of the time. For us white people. And I'm working with Thais now. And some Asians in Malaysia and Singapore. And some Australians. And they're all doing good on the same food. I think humans are pretty routed toward an omnivorous diet. With mainly animal products as their base. Do you have a question?

Q: I do. It's related to...

A: Your lips are too chapped. I don't answer anybody's got chapped lips. Do you need some coconut oil?

Q: Oh, I was doing my honey butter.

A: Use coconut oil.

Q: Okay. Alright. On home renovation, painting interiors.

A: Leave your home. Five days.

Q: What products do you use? And does it outgas in five days?

A: No. Well, if you put... When I've done that, I used to be a painter. So when I would paint, I would always wear a big gas mask that they used in wars. I got these Israeli gas masks. These two HEPA filters on them, plus charcoal cartridges. And I painted that way. And then I went away for five days. And left three heaters in each room to cook it. With very little crack in the window. So just enough air could pass out to where it wouldn't catch the house on fire. But it baked everything in. Otherwise, it can outgas for a year. If it's oil paint, it will outgas for five years.

Q: And so, other than that, there's special products?

A: Well, there's milk paint. Made out of casein from milk. You have to mix it yourself, and it's a lot less toxic. But again, you still need to bake it.

Q: So if I can find somebody else to do my painting...

A: You can do what I used to do when I used to decorate and do painting. I would go to the colleges and get art students. And I would teach them how to model and do designs and walls and everything. Pay them a very little fee, but they got credit for doing that kind of work. Because it was like a work credit thing they got. So I could pay them $7, $8 an hour. And they would be doing $50 an hour to $100 an hour work, because that's what I charge. Sometimes I charge $200 an hour, depending on the client. Do you have a question? You just popped in.

Q: I've popped in.

A: I haven't seen you before.

Q: No, I'm still listening to everyone else.

A: What time is it?

Q: We're at break time.

A: Okay, we have another half hour. So, we'll go back around. You asked a question about disease. You didn't ask a question. Do you have a question now?

Q: Yeah, I'm going to get some of the coconut oil from James's. [unintelligible] Is that the... that's not the fermented coconut oil.

A: That's the fermented coconut oil. So you have to be careful with it. I mean, you might be able to get away with it for about three months of eating a lot of it. But I don't recommend anybody eat more than two tablespoons a day. If they're just starting off. If they've been on a diet a while, you know, not that much.

Q: You're talking about the stuff out of...

A: This stuff. This stuff looks like Crisco. It's fermented coconut oil.

Q: Is it the same if you buy it at the store?

A: You can only get that... There are only two places that make it. This is made for me by a patient in Kamo Kho Samui, Thailand. There's one other company that now makes it the way I want it from Philippines. And it's called wildernessfamilynaturals.com.

Q: Is that the different one we're getting from James?

A: The one we get is from Thailand. The one that's on the Internet is from Philippines. But it's the same stuff now. It's made the same way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have to get the one that says fermented coconut oil.

Q: What he sells.

A: Not from James because he only has one coconut oil.

Q: Oh, he only has one?

A: One coconut oil. That's it. He has coconut cream that's refrigerated. But the coconut oil that looks like Crisco when it's cool, that is the fermented coconut oil from Thailand.

Q: Which is good.

A: That's great. And the one now that they just changed their process in the last three weeks for me. So now we can buy that off the Internet. It's cheaper, but it's still...

Q: What's the difference between fermented coconut oil and non-fermented?

A: Well, they make a centrifugally spun. The molecules in that are much harder and larger. So it's harder to digest. So when it's fermented, and it's only fermented for about 12 to something like 19 hours. That's all. It's just to get the oil to separate from the cream and the pulp. You know, in the cream. Because there's still lectins in there that need to separate from the oil. So that takes fermentation to do it a natural way that's more digestible and utilizable. The one with the larger molecule that's centrifugally spun, harder molecule doesn't absorb it to the skin. The skin can't break it down with its own enzymes very well. So it's a more difficult oil. But it's just as expensive. So get the one that can be utilized better, which is the fermented.

Q: [unintelligible].

A: It's not a fermented, completely cold-pressed. Their process, they cook, they steam or boil the coconut before they press it. I've gone to every one of them, and I said, I want it in writing from the producer, not from the wholesaler or the retailer. I want it from the producer. So I go right to the people who make it, and I say, I want to know your process, and you have to give it to me in writing. And there's only one company that did. All the other companies came in, well, we do heat it to 170, 220, 215 degrees before we cold-press it. I said, why do you call it unheated? Well, during the process, we don't. And I said, that's still deceiving you, the people. So I put it out on the Internet. Everybody was false. Now this company, the only thing that they were doing wrong, this one company was a fermented coconut oil, was that they would heat it up to a little higher temperature than I wanted. So they brought that down, and they were also rinsing it with chlorinated water before they pressed it and fermented it, so I got them to take the chlorine out of the water and use good well water. So now it's good stuff.

Q: Wilderness family naturel.

A: Naturals.

Q: And how much is theirs?

A: It is plural. I don't remember, but it's cheaper. Because it's cheaper to fly from the Philippines than it is from Koh Samui, Thailand. It's a very long distance. Very expensive. But I still like the taste of the one from Thailand better than the ones from the Philippines. I mean, this is very tasty stuff from James. Okay, somebody else. Did you have a question that didn't get a question? Everybody else ask a question? Okay, then we'll start around again. We'll go as far as we can. Okay, question?

Q: Oh, yeah, just like when you're talking about aluminum, again, back again, does that mean like aluminum screens on your window?

A: Even aluminum screens on your window will oxidize. So if you have somebody take them off, wash them once a year, right after summer, because summer is when they oxidize.

Q: So when is the time that you should do it then?

A: You should do it in the fall.

Q: In the fall?

A: Somewhere around November.

Q: How about my screen door?

A: Same way. It needs to be washed down. So the oxidized aluminum is off of it. So when the wind blows into your house, you're not breathing any more.

Q: So I was just wondering, worried, because I thought I'd have to remove every screen, I see.

A: Well, for the windows, it's easier to remove them. It's easier to wash them than the screen door. Just close your other door and wash the screen door outside.

Q: With some good water.

A: Well, I would use degreaser, the BioKleen degreaser, and some water, and then help break it down and remove it, and then hose it down.

Q: But the water hosing is chemical water.

A: There's no way to get around it.

Q: Can I put some water from advanced water and just put some vinegar in it?

A: Surely, if you want to. It's expensive, but yeah, that's the better way. Absolutely. You're industrious. I have well water, so I don't have to worry about it. I'd clean anything.

Q: So it's in the fall I have to do it.

A: October, November, late October.

Q: What about now? What do I have to do now?

A: Well, you should go ahead and get it cleaned before we get the summer winds. When the heat comes, it oxides, the light...

Q: Well, when should I start to clean it?

A: Go ahead and clean it right away. Then in October, clean it again. November, clean it again. First of November, clean it again.

Q: October, November, and what other months?

A: All you need to do is once a year, right after the hot sunny season.

Q: In October?

A: In October, first of November. End of October, first of November. But this year, since you didn't do it last October, November, go ahead and do it now. And then do it again in November.

Q: All right, clean it.

A: Question.

Q: Yeah, what would be the best diet, you couldn't call it healthy, but for someone who won't eat raw meat and can't get raw dairy, what would you advise to someone that, what should they eat?

A: Die.

Q: Die?


A: Eat lots of eggs.

Q: Raw eggs.

A: Lots of raw eggs.

Q: In terms of the other foods, which should they stay away from and which should they eat? You know what I mean?

A: It depends upon the individual.

Q: So there's no really, other than eggs, there's no really better diet if you're not going to eat raw food.

A: No. Well, stay away from fried food. Fried food, that's your worst food in the world. Any fried food. Stir fried, doesn't matter. Fried food is the worst.

Q: Okay.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: What are these things? Are these free radicals?

A: No, those are usually, you have dark glands, which are liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas. When the cells can no longer generate hormones, they are no longer of value to the liver, but they're still dead. I mean, those glands are no longer useful for that glandular activity, but they're not dead cells so the body can build them onto the skin, using the skin cells. That's why they're called liver spots. But they're really any dark gland, where the gland can no longer secrete a hormone to cause the activity of that gland, but they can still act as skin.

Q: So what should we do?

A: Leave them.

Q: It's not a symptom of something?

A: No. Well, it's a symptom that you've got dead cells in the liver, or cells in the liver, or pancreas, or spleen, or gallbladder, that cannot produce the hormone. But it's not a disease.

Q: It's not in the supplemented...

Q: How can you clean your liver?

A: Hold on.

Q: Uh-oh.

A: Yes?

Q: How can you clean your liver or your pancreas?

A: I've got, I'm going to come out with that book. That's a whole issue in itself. That's the next book to come out.

Q: The fourth book?

A: No, the third book.

Q: Oh, the third book.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes.

A: Yes.

Q: I have atrial fibrillation.

Q: What's that?

A: Irregular heartbeat.

Q: It's when the atrium beats faster. It flutters.

A: And that's good. Your heart's dancing.

Q: Yeah, it's been dancing steady for two years. Irregular.

A: My father, he was diagnosed with it when he was 62 years old. He had a smart doctor, and he said, Stop counting.

Q: You mean it's called irregular heartbeat?

A: Irregular heartbeat. Irregular heartbeat. It beats very rapidly. Sometimes, arrhythmia happens where it beats rapidly, and then it'll beat a bit, miss a beat, and then go rapidly again. And it's just an irregular heartbeat. But usually, rapid heartbeat is a part of it.

Q: Rapid isn't [unintelligible].

A: That's your, all yours is always rapid. You have no cessation at all.

Q: It's not rapid. It's irregular.

A: Irregular, yeah.

Q: It's caused by the atrial fibroblast.

A: Yeah, but that's not a bad thing.

Q: Well, according to the cardiologist...

A: The cardiologist is trying to make his money.

Q: Well, no, I don't do any drugs. I don't go to cardiologists. But when I did, they wanted to put me on Coumadin.

A: That's right. They want to put you on drugs.

Q: Yeah, right. I said, No, I'm not going to do rat poison. They suggested instead I have a holistic doctor and it's fish oil and some things that will do the, so the blood doesn't coagulate.

A: Coagulation is not a heart, it's not a fibrillation problem.

Q: What about CoQ10?

Q: Yeah, that's another one.

A: Again, those are all chemicals. Those are man-made chemicals. They're not made by the body. Your body makes its own CoQ10, but they don't sell what the body makes. They do in the chemistry lab. It's an entirely different substance. It has no vitamins and no enzymes attached to it. It's just strictly the compound chemical.

Q: So the theory is that when you have this condition, there's more likelihood of stroke.

A: That is absolute fiction. There's no evidence to prove that. That's a hypothesis without any basis of proof. And if you read the cholesterol myth, you'll read a lot of the fallacies about heart condition that are attributed to that. The fish oil is a good idea because the muscles need fat. However, you cannot get a non-purified fish oil that isn't purified with a chemical. A solvent. And the FDA requires it to get it into this country. So even if it's from Norway, it is all purified, chemically purified. It is a toxic substance.

Q: So what oils would be the same as fish oil?

A: Butter. Butter and fish. Eating butter and fish together is great. My father is now 89 this year. He's had that affibrillation now for 62, so 26 years, 27 years. 27 years. No problems. Never had a stroke.

Q: [unintelligible] Is that the thing?

A: Yeah. So, you know, just don't worry about it. My father stopped counting. He's the only doctor that I've ever heard anything say anything sane that my parents dealt with. I'm going to go around here. Do you have a question?

Q: No, I'm good.

A: A question?

Q: When you travel and you bring some of your own meat with you, it goes through that x-ray machine all the time, doesn't it? And then you put it on the, you know, I mean, you carry it on or you know.

A: If it goes through your luggage department, the radiation is 100 times more than it is for your walk through carry-on. So carry it through. You can go through that level of radiation one time only without damaging it.

Q: Oh, I thought that was in the luggage.

Q: The metal detector?

A: No, that's not the metal detector, the radiation. You walk through the metal detector.

Q: You walk through it with your bag on?

A: They won't let you do that. It has to go through the scanner.

Q: Oh, the scanner is okay.

A: I'm saying it's not. There's no way they're going to let you do it. You know, some people are able to talk security out of it, but not at LAX. They're the biggest Nazis, fascist people in the world, so full of their power. I go there with a doctor's letter that says my food is my medicine. I take them from the website for Homeland Security showing that all you have to do is ask them to hand-inspect it if it's your medication. My doctor's note says my food is my medication, but they won't let me hand-check it.

Q: Why is that? Why are they so?

A: Because they're Nazis.


A: They don't let anybody have their good, reasonable freedom.

Q: So the less worse is the scanner, right?

A: Pardon?

Q: The less worse is the scanner.

Q: Where you put your bag to run through.

A: Yeah, where you carry on. Yeah, you carry on the food with you. It can go through there one time because the radiation is a low level and doesn't stay long enough.

Q: In this case, I thought it was the opposite.

Q: No, absolutely not.

A: When you put it through the check-in luggage, that is heavy, heavy radiation. They're looking hard on that. Because they have to go through thick, they have to x-ray thick baggage. And if you've got, let's say, you've got photographic material from movies and company shipping stuff, it's got to go through a lot of heavy stuff, even through metal. So it's a lot harder.

Q: They can easily put their hand through your food.

A: Question?

Q: Yes. I noticed in your second book you recommended not to take high meat during detoxification. Is that right?

A: If you're already detoxifying, I don't suggest it for some people. I mean, you can do it. I have people who do it. It helps them digest protein.

Q: That's why I felt like doing it more often, like I seem to crave it more often.

A: Then fine, do it. Some people it causes more vomiting, stuff like that. So I don't suggest it for that reason. I didn't want people to freak out.

Q: Okay. [unintelligible]

A: I do it.

Q: Okay.

A: And I know lots of people that do it, but I know some people that freaked out when they had it during a detox. It caused massive diarrhea and vomiting, which is not a bad thing. But for them, it was enough to scare them off the diet.

Q: Okay.

A: To completely stop the diet. Not just the high meat. I stayed away from that problem because even if it happens in only 5% of the people, it's too much.

Q: Okay, good. Thank you.

Q: In books about anti-aging, they talk about HGH. Basically, as you get older, it gets less.

A: Diminishes. Correct.

Q: How would a person who's older, if you don't know, how would you kind of...

A: Okay. HGH is made by the human body only. The chemical that they sell is not a human growth hormone.

Q: What is it?

A: It's a chemical process that mimics growth hormone. It's chemically made in a laboratory. Sometimes they're taking it from a wheat grass. They'll take the growth hormone from the wheat grass and call it human growth hormone after they chemically alter it. But it's still a chemical. It has nothing to do with human growth hormone.

Q: So what should one do?

A: The only way you can get your own growth hormones to continue is to eat raw meat. That's it. I'm doing pretty well for almost getting on 60. For somebody who was supposed to be dead at 21. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I just wanted to say that there are many good things that happen on this diet. For me, the major ones that happen with this diet, is that I always had insomnia and exhaustion. [unintelligible] Sleep was exhausting. This diet is majorly helpful for that. Can you explain how that works?

A: Protein. Raw protein. Most people can't sleep because they're protein deficient. Most people get depressed because they're protein deficient. Although I said in the first book, I said it was majorly a sugar problem. I said lots of honey or eggs together to go to sleep. To help get sleep. Mainly that caused such a high sugar level that it just knocked people out. Like you eat candy and you go on this high, and an hour or two later you're trashed. That's basically what I would force people into. It was a quick way to do it. Most people, if you say it's a protein deficiency, and they need to eat lots of raw eggs and raw meat, they don't do it. But that is the major reason. It's the protein. If you weren't able to digest and utilize the protein that you were eating before, it would keep you from sleeping properly. Now that you're eating a meat and almost everybody can digest, 99% of the people I've seen can digest raw meat. Period. 99.9%. So then you're able to sleep.

Q: So is it protein from meat? Do you mean also fish or is it...

A: Any kind of meat. Yes. There are some people where there's a sleep center in the brain that gets damaged from vaccines, some other poisoning, then it doesn't have anything to do with that protein deficiency. They just can't sleep. I know one fellow, he was the designer and developer of Piper Aircraft, a good friend of the Piper family. And I was a good friend of the Piper family. This man got really tired one time and the propeller backed up and cut his head off, the top of his head, and hit the sleep center. He hasn't slept in 36 years. He has no trouble. He doesn't get fatigued, he doesn't get tired. He goes all day long and he's not badly ill-affected. He rests, but he never sleeps. For him it's fine. It's fine for him. Most people it isn't. Most people would turn out to be George Bush, Obama country. You can tell I like George Bush.

Q: He's so much to like.

Q: Most of us do.

Q: I thought it was kind of the raw fat that calmed the nerves, but I guess it was mostly the protein then.

A: Well, if you've got a nerve, let's say you've got a nerve irritant, then it can be a matter of eating raw cream.

Q: Because I think all brains have this tremendous tension in the neck and shoulders, like you lying there at night, completely kind of stuck.

A: Then you needed both, both the protein and the cream. The raw cream is the best to soothe the nervous system. You find yourself uptight and rigid, you go drink a cup of raw cream, and you'll be relaxed within a few hours.

Q: By itself, nothing else, right?

A: Kathy, I've got so much to go through here.

Q: I should say this quickly, my son is going through growing pains.

A: Your son what?

Q: Is going through growing pains.

A: Growing pains?

Q: He's asking me to take care of his knees today, especially at night.

A: That's a protein deficiency and a fat deficiency.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But he's got to eat a lubrication formula with it. The lubrication formula in the recipe book. You're going to get that when we go out. Just have him have that during the eating of the meat, not just after.

Q: Does riding a bicycle on this diet have any effect on getting prostate cancer?

A: Anytime you exercise and get circulation into an area, as long as you have good nutrients in your blood and intestines, it's going to aid any disease.

Q: Is there any truth to that? She said about prostate cancer and riding bicycles.

A: You mean that it would harm?

Q: It harms.

A: If you've got a seat that puts pressure on that and blocks circulation to that, yes.

Q: Anybody could get that.

A: Yeah, but if you can get those seats that have the two that will rest on those two bones, and you're not pressing up in the prostate area right here, then it's fine. Because when you've got that horn coming through there, I had to cut mine off when I bicycled. I lived off of a bicycle for nine years. I would refuse to get in a car.

Q: What part?

A: Pardon? That horn. You've got the seat that goes like this. You've got this penis thing, this horn. I cut it off so I didn't have it riding up my crotch all that time.

Q: Why did they design those seats?

A: Well, now they've developed. Seats just have those two things. Two butts, yeah. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. In regards to detoxing through my teeth, I have a tendency to switch [unintelligible] teeth. Is there any particular reason why?

A: Well, that's good because you're just changing focus of detoxification. It's good because you don't want it all to be in one area, then it damages those teeth even more.

Q: Right. Anything in particular I could be doing for that? The pain, I found that when I was in my dentist.

A: The pain formula in the recipe book.

Q: Pain formula?

A: Pain formula in the recipe book. Usually gets rid of tooth pain within hours.

Q: Really? Okay.

A: When I take it, if I have tooth pain, it's gone in 10 minutes.

Q: Can I sit in the back?

Q: Yeah.

Q: Thanks, Dave. Sorry to interrupt, but I've got to go.

Q: Okay. A couple years ago, my dad started coming down with flu-like symptoms, and he was stiff and couldn't walk. He went to the hospital, and the doctor said he had a bacterial infection in his heart. I guess he almost died. They cut open his sternum and gave him a pig's bowel and stuff. They said it was a bacterial infection. Then it spread to his knee, and they had to cut open his knee and stuff. They said it was like endocarditis or something. I don't know if you have any ideas.

A: Again, the bacteria is there to get rid of that decaying tissue. So they had to have that in the heart and that knee for the bacteria to go to that area to feed, to feast. But the bacteria wasn't the problem. It was the toxicity that caused the decaying tissue on which the bacteria fed.

Q: Okay. So now that he has a pig heart, or part of a pig heart, and pig heart bowels, and the metal stuff in the sternum, what can I do?

A: I have partners in Bangkok which own the first cardiac stem cell therapy. What they do is they extract the blood from the person. They send it to Israel where a laboratory of scientists discovered this, how to separate stem cells that relate to the heart. Then they breed those cells. They send them back to Bangkok, inject it in the heart area of the person. In 85% of the patients over the last two years in trials, 85% of them regroup. They have their own natural heart bypass. The body would build a complete new artery to the heart. 85% of the cases, it's gone so well that the government of Thailand cut the testing down one year. So now they can do it commercially. The King's own cardiologist is part of the board of the company. There are seven Nobel Prize winners who have joined the company because of the incredible results. If your father wants a natural bypass from his own body, where you don't have to worry about rejecting other people's cells or fetus cells, stem cells from the person's own body get put in there. In all the cases, the 15% that it didn't work for, or 16% that it didn't work for, there was no ill symptoms. They just didn't grow the heart back. So that's an option.

Q: What does that cost?

A: About $60,000, which is about half the price of a bypass.

Q: $60,000 in American dollars?

A: Yeah.

Q: You have to go there for one treatment? How many treatments does it take?

A: It's only one. You have to go to Bangkok. They take your blood. It gets sent to Israel. They breed it there. It takes 10 days. Send it back to Bangkok and inject it in you and you go home. They've been taking people who are in wheelchairs three months without playing tennis.

Q: You have to pay it in one full balance?

A: I don't know.

Q: Oh, you don't know anything about that.

A: I'm not on that end. They're the ones who are on the primal diet. The owners of it are on the primal diet, and they want to build the primal center to get people to go to the primal center two weeks to four weeks before they have their blood extracted.So they think it'll work 100% if they do that. I think it will, too.

Q: Do you have their phone number?

A: Yeah, I do. Do you have a question?

Q: Sure. I had an injury over a year ago.

A: It's a big one.

Q: Yeah, it's a big one. I don't have mobility completely to what it was before. It's gotten a lot better as time goes on with exercise. Is there anything I can eat that might help with the mobility?

A: Well, a good diet, lots of raw meat, but if you wrap a piece of meat around there, it'll ease it. Every other night, wrap a piece of meat around the entire area, from here all the way down to here. Wrap it all the way around, and it will help it quickly. Putting coconut oil, the fermented coconut oil, will help break down the scar tissue here and scar tissue inside. Every other night you can put on the coconut oil, and the next night the meat, alternate it like that. Do you have a question?

Q: So you don't eat anything cooked at all?

Q: Are you new on the diet?

Q: Just out of question regarding the Bangkok clinic that you had there.

A: Well, let me put it this way. I've eaten one air-popped popcorn in the last five years. Seven years.

Q: Seven years before?

A: No, but I found myself getting very angry and wanting to hurt somebody, so I ate some popcorn and settled it because the nut formula didn't work for me. Somebody had a question?

Q: [unintelligible] Bangkok clinic you have?

A: It's not mine. It's my partner's. He went to build the clinic.

Q: So is that good for any other kind of therapy or handling of the body?

A: That's the only one they're working on is the heart, because that particular scientist can identify the stem cells that relate to the heart.

Q: No other disease.

Q: Is there a possibility for...

A: There's a lot of possibilities for all kinds of branching in the future, but right now there's no technology for that.

Q: Okay. Thank you.

A: Welcome.
