Primal Diet Workshop Of July, 2007 (School Of Life)

Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang

Location: Washington, DC

A: Are we ready? There are some people that need to sit in the back, or have they gone out to the other room? Is it too hot there in those seats, probably? Sun beating in through there. Are Ray and Lindsey going to sit in those seats, or somebody else out there?

Q: You can take a view of it. It's warm right there.

A: Yeah, yeah, I can tell. You can close those blinds if you want. I mean, that's intense sun coming through there. There's a window open over here, and they turn on the air conditioning.

Q: Can I just read this?

Q: Thank you.

Q: This is where [unintelligible].

A: Okay, let's rock and roll. Okay, first we're going to talk about the human anatomy, physiology, biochemistry. Everybody knows that the blood system looks like this. This is your blood. You've got white and red blood corpuscles and a lot of other little wonderful things in there. Enzymes and vitamins and phagocytes, which are fatty cells that eat things. And this is a basic structure of a cell right here. It is just a circular, almost a circular disk form. These are the red blood cells right here, these kind of disk-shaped objects. So, those little things eat, just like we do. And that bloodstream, the bloodstream is made to do two things only. It's made to carry oxygen to every cell in the body. And the white blood cells are to carry carbon dioxide out of the body. Either dump it into the intestinal tract or out through pores of the skin. That is the only job that the blood was made to do. We have another system called the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is just as complex as the nervous and the venous system. The lymph system is meant to feed every cell in the body and to remove all the toxins that are discarded from cells in digestion. Most of the digestive tract cells just slough off the waste in the digestive tract without ever leaving the digestive tract. But a cell in the body, any tissue, it's slough off is absorbed by the lymph nodes, lymph glands. And then they are neutralized, made into a substance that can be secreted out through the pores or discarded out the intestinal tract. Or out the tear ducts, the earwax, the salivary glands, the gums, the tongue, the urinary tract, the vaginal cavity. Wherever we can discharge, the body will use every area to discharge. So you know those times when you wake up with all that sand in your eyes and mucus in your eyes, that's a discharge. Discharge of the eye or somewhere local to the eye, it could even be the brain. The optic nerve dumping out the tear duct. Earaches, usually there's congestion and toxicity in and around the ear.

Your lymph glands, the major network of lymph glands are in the neck, armpits and breast area, and in the groin area. All down in here, even going down deep into the inner thigh. Major network of lymph glands in those areas. They are responsible, the ones up here are responsible for the brain. The tonsils are responsible for protecting the brain. If you don't have your tonsils, your brain is going to get very toxic. All the glands in here take care of the ears, everything in the head down to about the clavicle. And then the lymph glands here take care of all the torso area. And then the lymph glands here will take care of some of the torso area and the legs. So it's very quite organized. The body is a very organized creature. And you can defy any doctor that thinks the body is completely stupid and needs the medical profession's help. Because it's not true. If you know how to feed and take care of the body, you will not get diseased. And if it is diseased, you can reverse it 95% of the time, at least on the start. The lymphatic system becomes very congested. And when that lymphatic system becomes congested, the blood starts doing some of the job of the lymphatic system. It will start cleaning out things that it doesn't normally clean out. The pains will go in and start absorbing toxicity. It will get into the blood. The blood, as it passes through the intestinal tract, will dump it there. Or it will dump it into the skin tissue. Or it will dump it into the lymphatic system in the areas where it's operating normally or at least functional. All of that waste product is mainly congested with vegetable oils.

Now, you've been told since the late 1950s and early 1960s that saturated animal fats cause hardening of your arteries, heart disease, and all of that. Well, if you look at the tribes in nature, whether they're in Borneo, in New Guinea, all of the areas where they still have very primitive tribes, even in northern Thailand, these people eat mainly meats. They don't have any heart disease, no hardening of the arteries, no arteriosclerosis at all. If meat or fat were a problem, they'd be having a problem. And it isn't true. We have to take a look at an herbivore. An herbivore has a digestive tract two and a half times longer than ours. An herbivore is a creature that eats vegetation, herbs. And all herbs, all vegetation are herbs. At some time, way back in the time of the Bible, when the Bible was first started to be read, herbs meant any vegetation. A leaf, stalk, and root of a plant is an herb, is a vegetable. The herbivores who eat those naturally have a digestive tract two and a half times longer than ours. They have two to four stomachs. We have one with two compartments. They have up to ten compartments. They are built to disassemble the cellulose molecule. They have 60,000 times the enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule to get the protein and the fats. We do not. 60,000 times more than we do. It takes vegetation 48 hours to pass through their systems, 75% digested. I think that is very efficient. It is the way nature is, 75% efficient. The rest is digested by beetles and other ground worms. And then that becomes fertilizer for the planet. So more things can grow quicker. More topsoil. Everything will grow richer and healthier. Because they digest 75% instead of 100%.

So all of the ways nature takes care of itself, we find that we are connected with everything. In the herbivore, they also regurgitate. They will chew the food. They will regurgitate four, five, seven times, re-chew it, and swallow and continue. We do not do that. We have a very acidic system. They have a very alkaline system. A lot of alternative therapists will tell you, well, we are supposed to be alkaline. Maybe if you have a very overly acidic condition, you have a health condition that is expressing itself and discharging a lot of acid compounds that have collected in your body, it is okay for a very short period. However, if you force the blood and the urine and the saliva to come up alkaline, you will destroy your digestive abilities by 90%. Now, most of the yoga ashrams I have been into have evolved into lacto-ovo, and that is definitely a better place to be. I know many people that live just on raw eggs and raw milk as their protein source, and it works exceptionally well. But there are other conditions where I have found that that is enough. But most of the time that can be enough. It depends upon your system. If you think that you should be in an alkaline system, become a horse or a cow or a sheep or a goat or something like that, because if you are a human, you are going to have an acidic system. All the tribes who have no diseases, like the Maasai and the Samburu, used to be the Fulani and the Inuit, the tribes that still don't capitulate to our particular Western system of eating.

They eat raw meat, raw milk, and they live on it. The Fulani tribe eats 90% milk, excuse me, 70% milk. The Maasai eats 60% milk. The rest of it is raw meat. And very seldom do they eat any vegetables, and when they eat them, they chew it and then spit the pulp out. So actually they're just eating vegetable juice. They have absolutely no disease, not even dental caries. The Maasai are considered the strongest, tallest, healthiest tribe in the world. The Eskimos, the wild ones who have no disease, they are considered the happiest, healthiest. Can you imagine living in an ice environment and being that happy? Of course they know that if they turn the fur inside out, so they're not looking pretty, and the fur is against them, it's like an oven inside the fur, and it keeps them very warm. It's an amazing event to be inside the fur of a jacket instead of the leather of a jacket or the lining of a jacket. So they know how to take care of themselves. But how many of you would let your month-old baby crawl around and waddle around and squirm around on an ice floor? One person back there would. Well, not all of you, but that's what they do. Their babies go butt-naked right on an ice floor. How can you be that healthy? I'm going to tell you how to be that healthy. And it's a pretty incredible experience to be able to be that healthy. I mean, most people would just flip. They'd be just afraid their baby's going to catch pneumonia, and that would be the end of them.

But it isn't necessary. It isn't necessary to be that kind of a weak infant. I mean, an infant should be a very strong organism, even though it can't take care of itself biologically at hand. So the Eskimos eat 95% raw meat. They don't get dairy up there because it freezes while it's coming out of the teat. You can't milk them. You'd have to suck off of their teats. And let me tell you, a moose is not going to let you suck their teat. And a cow is not going to live up there for very long. So it takes a certain kind of animal. And could you imagine milking a bear or a seal? Not going to happen. And you find that those meats up there when I was there, when I was eating seal, not when I was there because I was a vegetarian when I was there, and the only thing I ate was a ping-pong ball-sized amount of rotten meat. That was very good for me, but sure... You know, it's very tender when you have rotten meat like that or decomposed meat. The bacteria has predigested all of it. So it's like braised and brandy lamb. It just melts. It's already predigested thoroughly. So it's quite enjoyable. Anyway, those animals up there are very concentrated in their meat. I can eat a quarter cup of seal meat with, you know, about an ounce of the blubber. And it is so filling that I cannot eat another meat meal in a day. Yet with the meat that we grow, even if it's grazed beef, I can eat a pound to three pounds a day if I need that for healing. And anybody needs it for healing. It's a very good source of protein. So when you're in an environment like that up in Alaska, you don't even need to eat very much. It's astounding how much more concentrated in nutrient those animals are.

Then we have the neurological system. It's a fluid system, also, like the blood. And that system, of course, we know transmits messages to keep the body as a working organism, as functioning as an organism in nature, outside of nature, in and outside of nature. So the main things that it uses to deliver those messages are metallic minerals. All those metals that are in nature and in the ground, they are in small amounts in every food. And they help conduct the electricity and reflect the light that the nervous system needs to transmit messages throughout the system to keep the whole thing congruously working, functioning. That nervous system, when we eat cooked food that fractionates food, releases those heavy metals as free radicals. So most of your poison is stored in the brain. Why is it stored in the brain? Because, as we in the science know, the body stores toxins in fat. And if anybody calls you a fathead, you say, yes, thank you. If you're even a real fathead, you say, thank you very, very much. Because the brain is 60% fat minimum. And we wouldn't have a brain, it wouldn't exist if we didn't have that much fat. It has to be protected, especially in our society of all the pollution. We better have a lot of fat in our brain to protect us. And we as a human species, our brain seems to get larger every thousand years. Why is that? Because we get more pollution. We need more fat in the brain to handle the pollution. The heavy transition of a larger brain to that extent happened when we did what? Started melting metals, making tools. And when you're smelting metals and they're airborne, you're going to breathe those in, and where are they going to store? Wherever there's fat.

And in the old days, you know, where did you get the fat? Where was fat? Fat wasn't on the body. You worked hard. You were thin. Most people were slender. Unless they were wealthy and had a lot of money, they didn't have to work hard in the fields like most everyone did. So they had their main fat in the brain. Some in the glands, but mainly in the brain. So most of the poisons would go to the brain. So the smarter we get, the dumber we are. Because we just keep doing things that are more and more polluting that cause the brain to have to get bigger and bigger with fat. Yet we know that the little porpoise brain is as smart or smarter than we are. So it doesn't take a big brain to be a smart person and is not indicative of our intelligence. So fat is stored in poisons, and most of the toxins are stored in the brain because of the high ratio of fat content in the brain. Now, this nervous system will get toxic everywhere because even the myelin sheath sometimes is 80% fat. 80% fat. That's pretty incredible. Can you do me a favor and close the drape behind you a little bit more? I'm getting that intense reflection off of it. I'll move over to this side. Does that work a little bit better? There we go.

Q: Over by Ray, there's a cord.

A: That's fine. You did it beautifully. Is it okay for me over here? Can you see me okay?

Q: Yeah, I think so.

A: Okay. So the nervous system has toxicity throughout the myelin, and the myelin is the sheath on the nerves. It's a coating in the brain. The meningi is about 11 inches thick. I mean 11 layers thick. That's pretty thick to protect the brain. That's the only where there are nerves in the brain. The neurons have no nerves, so you don't have pain. You can have brain surgery without Novocaine or any kind of a painkiller because there are no nerves in the brain which register pain. You have the neurons. But the meningi is loaded with pain, with nerves. So when you get a headache, it's the swelling of the brain, the water retention in the brain pushing on the skull, and it's that meningi that is up to 11 layers of coating around the brain where you experience pain. So we have the bloodstream, which has its duty, which is doing a lot more than it should. But if we would eat right and live right and get well, the blood would be limited to delivering oxygen for the body to have plenty of energy, and for the white blood cells to remove any oxygen that maybe got into the blood, but mainly removing carbon dioxide. Very efficient system. But we get loaded up with all this toxicity, and everything becomes complicated and complex. And then you wonder why you have no energy, and you wonder why we're getting to be a weaker race.

When I'm talking about a weaker race, when I was on my grandparents' farm in the late 50s, we used to watch these people, these farm workers, take 90-pound bales of hay in each arm and throw them up 15 feet into a loft. Nobody can do that anymore. I mean, you've got forklifts that do it now because they can't even throw up 30-pound bales. I've watched them throw 30-pound bales up there. It's a struggle. And when I was a kid, I used to watch them throw 90-pound bales. Why are we getting weaker and weaker and weaker? I'm just going to jump ahead here a little bit. And it's mainly because of vaccines. They inject them into your arms. And do you know what's in a vaccine? The formula is like... Now imagine if you had a blender, and you were going to make a vaccine. You take rotten eggs where you grew, you injected them with a particular disease and let the disease grow in the egg. Then you throw that into the blender. Then you take a thermometer with mercury, and you dump that into it. And we're talking about a lot of mercury. You dump into it. Then you take a little vial of aluminum, and you throw that into it. Then you take some formaldehyde and throw that into it. And then you take some detergent, just to make sure it's all clean, and you dump that into it. That is what is in almost every vaccine. Some of them say mercury-free, but they're lying. They just have small amounts of mercury. Only 56 quadrillion molecules of mercury. Up until a few years ago, each vaccine that contained mercury contained 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury. You can't count to a quadrillion in your lifetime, if that's all you did was count. 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury. The most deadly substance on this planet to human tissue or any animal tissue. And the FDA lets them put it in there.

Now, when I did my laboratory work, we were testing for the destruction of... Because the mercury, the ethyl mercury, the liquid variety, will start just disintegrating tissue. You can go to Alberta University, Alberta, Canada's university. You can put that in a search engine and put neurons and put mercury. And you'll come up with their digital video. They have neurons growing. It's a time-lapse photography. You see them growing nicely and beautifully. And all of a sudden, they put a 2% solution of thimerosal, which is liquid mercury, which is what they use in medication. You know, when you put eye drops in, it's got liquid mercury, most of them. And when you put methylate or mercurochrome, that's liquid mercury. That is what they put in there, 2% solution. Automatically, these neurons just start dissolving, disappearing. So that kind of mercury in your system is going to do damage. So we were testing to see how much it took to sterilize and kill every living thing in a certain amount of fluid. And in the two cc's, 3,000 molecules of mercury, which you can't see unless you've got a high-powered electronic microscope. But it only took 3,000 molecules of mercury, 3,000 molecules of mercury to make that sterile. They used 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury in a vaccine. That's an intentionally destructive thing to do to anybody, and they know it. So they're making of you a very weak race. Who here can throw up a 90-pound bale of hay with one arm up into a 15-foot wall? Nobody I know. But I used to watch them do it every day, three, four hours a day. Not happening today. Why? Because we are intentionally being poisoned. Stay away from vaccines. There's no proof that they ever worked.

Always when the vaccine comes out, the disease is already gone. In 1957, polio was down to less than 1%. It was the lowest it was. And then when did the polio vaccine get put out? 1958, it was already gone. Yet they take credit for the eradication of polio. And they take credit for the eradication of all those diseases because they make sure they don't come out with a vaccine until the disease is already gone. Think of how long it takes to manufacture a vaccine. Eighteen months minimum. How long have they been working on the avian flu vaccine? Talking a year and a half already, six months it's going to be out. Avian flu doesn't even get into people. It doesn't transfer from a bird to us. You know, we'll get into that more later. Let's get back to the human body. There are three fluid systems. I talked about the lymphatic system, which is a cleanser, a heater and cleanser. It's connected to the digestive tract by a very fine network, a web network. It's called the lacteal system, and it absorbs the digested fluid. Usually when the nutrients are digested in the intestinal tract, when the bacteria has digested. What we have in the digestive tract is a whole system of bacteria, salmonella. The thing that they say causes ulcers. I can't remember it.

Q: E. coli?

A: No, E. coli doesn't have that. Campylobacter. They say it causes ulcers. You've got all varieties of campylobacter and salmonella. All varieties. Listeria, you have all of those. And they try to tell you they're bad. But they go in there and they eat the food and digest it for you. Their excrement is our food, is our digested food. We break it down first into smaller portions by the acids, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach first. So we break it down into a substance that they can eat. All these little bacteria go in there, eat up all the substance. If they didn't eat it, we would not be absorbing anything. And that's another problem. We are destroying most of the bacteria in our intestines. Most people aren't digesting what they're eating. And it can either pass through you or store on you in elements that can't be used. In proteins, fats that can't be utilized. They just stay on the body because the body can't use them as fat, can't use them as a building block. So it just stores it in the body in cellulite. Did anybody, any of us that are above 60, did you ever see cellulite before? My mother didn't have cellulite in the 50s. She wasn't a good eater, but she didn't have cellulite. Where did all the cellulite come from? It came from more mass poisonings, additives to the food, herbicides, pesticides that are in the food. And what happens? They're sent to fat. And they're contained in fat. And they dry out the fat according to what kind of fat you're eating. And they solidify and harden. Every time you have cellulite, a little one of those little round disks in your body that's full of toxins. Hardened toxins. You're not going to get rid of them without some risk. There is a way to eat better, so when you couple with these toxins, they don't have to harden into these cellulite forms.

Now, I dated Twiggy one night. The girl had cellulite. Can you imagine being that skinny and having cellulite? She had cellulite. You look at the models on TV, they've got cellulite. How can these young skinny girls have cellulite? Because they have fat toxins, fat-bound toxins that are hardening in their systems. Now, if we didn't have that pre-60s, why does it exist today? What did we change in the 60s? The content of fat. We went to margarine, we went to vegetable oils. Now, we talked about the system and digestion. Now, we're going to get into that later, but let's get back to the human body. I'm giving you these little tidbits so your mind can absorb it, so when I get to them, you're not going to lose it. So, this is a little rhythm here I'm giving you, also to keep you awake. Okay, so let's take a look at the organs of the body. Now, if we start up at the brain, we look at the pituitary. We believe that it is mainly dealing with growth. So, it produces growth hormones so that we can grow properly. Then, after you've grown, what happens? It doesn't seem to function well anymore. Why? Is it dietary? Do other tribes continue manufacturing growth hormones? Well, you take a look at the tribes who eat all raw foods, mainly animal products like dairy, like the Fulani. The Samburu eats about 70% milk. Maasai, eats about 60% milk. And the Fulani, 90% to 95% raw dairy products, all those dairy. And they had no diseases up until a few years ago when they started having the droughts and losing the cows and losing the food supply. So, they're starting to eat food we send over as aid packages. And we're poisoning them to death with these substances because it isn't what they normally eat and it doesn't sustain them.

Anyway, in their tribes, the growth hormones seem to still exist. So, the pituitary doesn't stop functioning about 22 to 25 years old. It maintains on a high level on their particular diet. Now, we talk about the pineal gland. Some people say the pineal gland. I don't know how it's pronounced if it's tomato or tomato. But the pineal gland is right next to the pituitary gland and a lot of people say that's the seat of consciousness. And whatever that means, I'm not quite sure. But we don't know any real function of it chemically. At least I don't. Then we go down into the body. We know what the eyes do and the ears and all of that. A lot of times when the brain discards, almost all the toxins go out the tongue, the salivary glands, and the gums. So, when you have a white tongue, that means that you've used a tremendous amount of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium to bind with the poisons leaving the brain or somewhere in the head. And that's coated. It's bound. If you didn't have it white, if you didn't have all those natural minerals binding with those poisons, your tongue would be split, red, and bleeding, and burning, and blistered. So, when you have a white tongue, be very thankful that it's a white tongue. Because it's better than having a ripped, bleeding tongue. And the Chinese say that's a very bad thing to have a white tongue. Yeah, it shows you've got lots of toxins in the brain, but you better be glad that you've got a white tongue when it's coming out of your body. When it comes out the gums, when it leaves through the gums, it also binds with minerals. That's what plaque is. Plaque is, say, you have mercury coming from a vaccine that you got. And it's coming down out of your brain into your gums. Coming down out the side, down to the gums and the teeth. Now, just imagine if that mercury, aluminum, lead, or thallium was passing down against the dentine. Just remember that it takes one molecule of mercury to destroy about 5,000 cells, healthy cells. That's all it takes is one molecule of mercury to destroy about 5,000 cells top. I mean, it doesn't do it all the time, but that's how much one molecule of mercury can destroy. So you can imagine that mercury is inbound in all that calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and that plaque. Imagine what would happen to your dentine.

So if you drink 2% milk, what's going to happen? Not going to stimulate your calcium. You're going to have more dental decay. Dental decay shot up when 2% milk came out. When 2% milk came out, all of my cavities started. I didn't have one cavity until I was... Only thing I didn't have, no cavities. And then they went to 2% milk, my mother jumped right on it. She was a nurse. Oh, 2% milk, better, got rid of the fat. Oh, good. You know, and that was that. And the cavities started breaking out the next year. And I had plenty by the time I was 19 years old. After chemo and radiation, all the bone around my teeth dissolved. So my teeth were dangling in my mouth. And if I bit on my own teeth, I bled a half a cup of blood at a time. So I was getting a couple transfusions a week. So I got these big straws, and I would blend my powdered doughnuts with RC Cola and drink them through a straw. Still didn't know any better at that point. But that's what the radiation did to my bones in my mouth. By drinking all that milk a few months later, then it took about a year to restore those bones. That was pretty quick. Only took a year to restore all the bone around my teeth. And these are still my teeth. I mean, most of these are capped right here, and some of those in the back. But they're still my teeth, you know. Most people don't have their teeth at 60 years old, as many as I have. And I was supposed to lose them all. When the bones deteriorated around the teeth, they wanted to pull them all. In my mind, I'm going to die in three months, and they want me to suffer? With extracted teeth for the last three months of my life? They are insane. That was the final thing that I could credibly say, you are insane. You should be locked up. Every doctor should be locked up, without question. But they're not. They're running around revered.

So, the mouth is a dump area for the brain, very toxic. So when that plaque comes down, you want to remove it. Because even though you've got good minerals binding with those toxins, it takes 100 times more of the good stuff to control the bad stuff. So you don't get cavities. So you need to remove that plaque. It's not the bacteria. The toxin comes down, gets through the plaque, disintegrates those alkaline minerals, the calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, and leaves it exposed to dentine damage. When the dentine damage happens, bacteria results to eat it. That's normal process of deterioration of the body. You have bacteria or parasites that eat the product, the waste product. So you can regenerate it and heal. But the doctors blame the bacteria. What causes the destruction that causes the bacteria in the first place? That's your problem. Theirs is only a remedy. It's not the solution. It's a quick fix. So, dental decay starts in the brain. In the head somewhere, it dumps out the gums. So you have to take care of that toxicity in your mouth. Coconut cream is the best thing to brush your teeth with. It dissolves plaque and other elements quicker and keeps them cleaner longer. It tells you what coconut cream is in both of my books. It's just juicing the good thick white meat of the coconut. The pulp is removed and you have this creamy substance which is about 3-4% oil. Coconut oil. Coconut oil does not do what the coconut cream does.

Let's go down to the body and we come to the thyroid. We have the thyroid and 2 parathyroids on either side of the thyroid. In case the thyroid gets weak, goes through detoxification, is overloaded, parathyroids will kick in. They're like little bitty adrenal glands. The thyroid takes care of hair growth, restoration of mineral levels in the body. Helps maintain all the glandular functions from the thyroid down. I don't believe that. I believe that the thyroid was meant to protect the lungs, the throat area, any contamination that comes down. To produce thyroxine, T3, T4, all of them to bind with toxins. We are so overloaded with toxins, the thyroid is overworked. When you're overloaded with toxins, what happens? Your hair starts falling out. You have a lot of other problems. But it isn't directly the thyroid that's the problem. You've exhausted the thyroid. You no longer take care of the poisons. So again, the object isn't to go take a synthetic thyroid or even a natural thyroid. Because the natural thyroid is not really natural. Because when you sterilize it, it becomes a chemical substance. The thyroid takes care of this entire area as a backup. If we were injured, that would be a major assault to the body. We'd now need lots of fat in a solution form with proteins, which hormones are, to deal with all of that toxicity. And it protects us and heals us quickly. We have the thymus down here that's right along the bronchioles. It helps protect the lungs. Any kind of poison gets into the lungs. We have the thymus gland to create lots of hormones, fats, again to deal with that. And those lungs are pretty important. We absorb our oxygen there. Without oxygen, we'd have no energy. Absolutely no energy. And everything would stop. Every muscle twitch would stop. The heart would stop. The lungs would stop. Everything would stop without oxygen. Even the fish in the sea absorb oxygen in the water. It's created by plants. If you take oxygen away from them, they will stop all muscular activity, too, and die. They just don't need the ratio of oxygen that we do, being all on the earth and in the air.

So then we go down to the glands. Then we come to the stomach, which is an organ. We have the duodenum. It's where hydrochloric acid dumps to digest mainly proteins. We eat vegetation. Not much hydrochloric acid is going to dump. There are signals that start in the mouth. You have the ptyalin enzyme in the mouth. The only other animal that has that is the horse. The only thing we have that's similar to any herbivore, and that's to digest some carbohydrates. It's just a minute amount. It helps us to digest carbohydrates. The amount of carbohydrates that's in dairy or in meat or in eggs, a very small amount of carbohydrate. And when you bite once, the amount of ptyalin is enormous. So if you chew your food, you're endangering your digestive ability. All the animals that drink, you know, even babies, they don't chew. They suck the milk, swallow it down. They get some enzymes in, but it's very little ptyalin enzyme. All the tribes that eat raw meat, I mean even the Eskimo, they have great throats. I have a restricted throat because of all the poison I have. So they can take huge bites like the size of a golf ball, crush it with two shoes, and swallow. So they don't get a lot of ptyalin in it. They digest excellently. Said again, their babies crawl around on ice in an igloo naked, and they're very healthy from all of that. Then the food moves from the stomach to the duodenum. Now the duodenum, the food is held up there as the gallbladder dumps bile into the gallbladder to start digesting fat. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach helps break down proteins. The bile starts breaking down the fats.

Now, everybody says, well, the liver's involved in that. The liver's not involved in anything other than creating bile. The liver makes bile, sends it to the gallbladder. The gallbladder sends it to the duodenum, and that's the process. If the liver needs to eat, it gets its feeding just like everything else from the lymphatic system. And if you're very poisoned and poor lymphatic system, the blood will start delivering nutrients, and it's not its job. You're going to have less and less strength and energy the more work that the blood does that is not focused on oxygen. You can expect as you get older to get more and more fatigued if your lymphatic system gets more and more jammed, as it is happening today in epidemic proportions. And that's mainly because of the vegetable oil. But again, with that, I'm going to get to foods. So then the food, so we have protein already broken down, starting to disintegrate, smaller, like a liquid form. The fat is now restored to a more fluid lymphatic form, a lacteal form. Everything starts turning into a milky look, a thick kind of a kefir look as it moves through the intestinal tract. And this is where all the bacteria become active. All of those bad bacteria that are going to destroy your health and create disease that are called pathogens are a natural part of your body. They are responsible for your digestion, for you getting any food. So don't listen to those health departments. They're out of their minds. They're controlled by the pharmaceutical industry that tells them how to think. Do you know that all of the medical procedure manuals are written by the pharmaceutical houses? Merck's is a stick. Would you trust anything that's in a pharmaceutical book to be right for your health? If they told me that I'd be diabetic for life and after a week of drinking raw milk, I could stop taking insulin? Would you trust anybody that gave that kind of information? I don't. Their intention is to keep me sick and keep me filling their pockets.

So that food goes through and all of those bacteria, we're talking about hundreds of millions of bacteria. And if we were exceptionally healthy, the human being would still have trichinosis. Trichinosis. I'm going to leave you with that one. I'll keep you waiting for another hour before I get to that one. It's proven that humans who have trichinosis have excellent digestive abilities and no problems digesting. So we'll get to that one later. So the food moves into the small intestinal tract where all this bacteria and more hydrochloric acid is necessary to keep deposing some of those larger molecules of protein that have coagulated like cottage cheese. And in meats, if you're eating meats, it'll help continue to break them down so the bacteria can continue eating. Now that hydrochloric acid that's in the digestive tract does not damage the bacteria. So it goes through digesting properly. Then the food moves through the little valve into the bowel. Now this is an interesting place. You have E. coli. You know that disgusting, awful E. coli that's killing everybody? If you didn't have E. coli, your brain wouldn't work. Your nervous system wouldn't work. E. coli is responsible for the final digestion of fats and proteins. It makes them into the finest molecule. Those tiny molecules that can get into those really small, confined places in the brain and nervous system. You notice that people who do lots of colonics and enemas are usually very hypersensitive, paranoid, hyperactive because they're flushing out their E. coli constantly. They don't have any to digest the finite molecules from the brain and nervous system. A lot of people taking medication will do the same thing.

So you need to keep your bacteria levels high. E. coli is so important. If you ever hear a tale about E. coli again? No, it is again that pharmaceutical and chemical industry that wants you to get rid of everything natural and use everything chemical. Take a look at the E. coli in spinach. First they attacked apple juice, remember in the E. coli incident? So they wiped out American apple pie. The American apple. They said it's dangerous, it will kill you now. Apple juice will kill you. Give me a break. They found one 0157H7 in one apple juice and 80,000 people drank 80,000 bottles of that same apple juice and nobody was damaged. They came up with 43 to 47 people were hurt by that incident. And that's only because it was reported. How many of those people had a flu or a cold that week? So they had diarrhea and vomit. So because the press came out and said, oh, this E. coli and this Adwala juice created this damage. So everybody who would drink Adwala juice and had the flu that week or a cold that week blamed it on Adwala. Made a lot of money. What was behind that? Did you know that Coca-Cola wanted to buy Adwala because it was the biggest growing juice in the world? Do you know what happened after that event? Coca-Cola sponsored the woman whose child died, that little 10-year-old girl died. Sponsored her to go to Congress and plead for a bill that all juices would be pasteurized. Also, all of the lawsuits that came against Adwala put them in a very serious position. Because Adwala people were very sensitive and kind. They were very spiritually inclined people. They believed in the raw and everything and delivering good healthy juices. So they took the guilt because they were not biochemists. And they paid huge lawsuits. Coca-Cola bought them for a dime. Coca-Cola owns Adwala juice. So you see where the setup came from.

We know the FDA is beholden to... The last 11 who were in charge of the FDA went to either the in and out of either the big drug companies, pharmaceutical houses, or big agribusiness. So what's involved there? Why does the FDA throw all the local county health departments out of any situation? They went in for the Adwala thing when they went in for the spinach thing. The FDA came in, threw out the local health departments and said, we're handling this, this is our jurisdiction. Because they went over state lines. And you didn't get all the good minds out there to find out what was going on. So what happens if then Popeye gets killed? If you kill the American apple, the healthy American apple, then the thing that you've been told, eating spinach will give you your strength. It will give you the iron to build your blood. Then you kill Popeye. What has that done to the human psyche, the American psyche? It starts mistrusting everything in nature. You mistrust the apple, you mistrust the spinach. What could come of that? If the legislation went in saying that all fertilizer, all manure, could no longer be utilized to grow our food, who benefits? Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Gulf and Western? Because now everything that's safe is the chemical. And we know that it's not safe. They've gotten rid of manure. So you have to look at where this is going. Yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, but you have to take a look at what's happening hard and say, yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, but is it true? And you have to look hard at it.

And you have to take a look at this E. coli 0157H7 like I am. I couldn't find it in nature. When the spinach thing happened, I checked all the manures and the places where they come from. I couldn't find one 0157H7. And where I got my 0157H7 to study it was through a doctor at a university. And they got theirs from the CDC. And when I used the normal enzyme to fractionate it, the fluid to fractionate it to study it, it fractionated, it exploded, just like it was man-made. So you have to take a look at what all this is happening in our government that is run by industry. This is a very, very dangerous thing for our food supply. What happens is the chemical industry takes over all the food supply, and you have a choice about it, because they're protecting your health. In the name of protecting your health, you need to get out there, and help me change the laws. Right now I'm lobbying here in Washington, D.C., to get raw milk accepted. And we're going to every office, and you know, a lot of times we go in there into an office and they say, raw milk is dangerous, don't you have to pasteurize it? Because that's all they've ever heard. They don't know that raw milk has never created one disease. There is no scientific link between raw milk and any disease. However, there are many episodes of epidemics created by pasteurized and homogenized milk, one involving 197,000 people. 197,000 people were damaged from a pasteurized dairy product, a properly, as the report read, properly pasteurized dairy product. So why don't they outlaw pasteurized dairy? Because pasteurized dairy is a $14 billion a year business in this country. And every state is involved. Big, big money. So you cannot let government be in charge of your food. You need to start taking action. Not just me. You need to get out there and do something about it.

Then we move down into the lower system. You have the kidneys, the bladder, and the adrenal glands. Now, the adrenal glands are small, about the size of your thumb or smaller, and sit on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands are little chairs. You've heard of women who've seen their baby going to be run over by a car and they lift up the back of the car, which is 3,000 pounds. And that's a rush of adrenaline. One little pin drop of adrenaline gets into the blood, you have that much strength. They've known that if they pump adrenaline into a heart that's not working or beating, just a few drops or a drop of dispersed adrenaline in the blood, bring that heart right back. Adrenaline is a fix-it-in-danger-flight-by-your-flight kind of hormone. You're in danger. The kidney is a gland. I mean, it's an organ. It filters out water from the bloodstream. If you get very hot, the kidneys do not release fluid as easily. They want you to maintain fluid to thin the blood, to cool the system. When you get cold, you notice that you have to urinate a lot. That's because the kidney's throwing off a lot of H2O to thicken the blood to stay warmer. There's another gland or organ that works that way, and that's the spleen, right on the other side of the pancreas, on the left side. Now that spleen holds blood. The spleen does not develop blood, it does not breed blood. Blood, red, both red and white blood cells are red in your bone marrow. Cells divide. Why red and white blood cells divide in the bone marrow? They mature in the bone marrow. When they become mature, hopefully they're mature, they get into the bloodstream. They do start doing their work, oxygen, carbon dioxide, getting rid of toxicity. If that doesn't happen, if the blood cells, red or white, get into the blood, unmatured, immature, they don't do the job. They just take up whatever nutrients are in the blood, and you become weaker, so you have a secondary anemia. You know, all the red blood cells in the world still have anemia, if your red blood cells are not mature.

So there are many ways that you can malfunction. Anyway, the spleen is a reservoir for blood, mature blood cells. It can hold up to, some people can hold up to a quart, most people hold up to about a pint, pint and a half, about three cups of blood. If you get a cut, what happens? You get a cut, you go anemic immediately, wouldn't you? Say you're a caveman swinging from a tree and got a cut, and you lost a half a cup, a whole cup of blood. You'd be in danger for probably about 60 days while your body replaced that much blood, mature red blood cells, quickly. So the spleen dumps that much blood back into the bloodstream, so you're not anemic. You have time unless you get hurt again or cut again. You have time to build. We're going to take a two-minute break here, so stand up and let's do some squats.


A: Okay, I got into...

Q: Somebody's coming in.

A: Can I go ahead and begin now? Okay, can I begin? Well, continuing then. I got into this because I was a very sickly child. By the time I reached 12, I had developed a peritonitis, which is a perforated and bleeding intestine that was misdiagnosed as appendicitis. And they took it out anyway, and that's the way the medical profession thinks. In case it caused me problems in the future. And if the medical profession doesn't know why a particular organ or gland exists, it doesn't, it isn't necessary. But the appendix is a gland or organ that is a library. It stores all of the information that is collected from every foreign body that's ever entered the body, any pollution, anything that's entered the body. The appendix registers it, and so when that piece of whatever it is enters your body again, your body can respond within an hour and 20 minutes to take care of it. If you don't have an appendix, it can take up to 36 hours for your body to analyze it and decide what to do with it the best for the whole of the body. So the appendix is a very important gland.

I was born into a very violent household. I had a brother who was 18 months older than I and never forgave me for having been born. Coming home when he was still in diapers, I took the attention away like that, and it unnerved him forever until he went into the Vietnam War at 16 years old and I was 15. So then I got some respite from it. My father was also a very violent man, put me in the hospital many times. Always said I fell downstairs, that's what my mom would say, to the hospital and the doctors. When I was 18 months old, because my brother was so violent, he would push me on rakes and rusty nails, anything that was dangerous like that, because he knew my mother would take me for a shot. And he discovered after the first tetanus shot when I was 3 months old that I reacted very badly to it for weeks. The third one at 18 months old, it went to my brain, my communication center, and I became autistic, developmentally autistic. So I could never relate to language after that. I was 8 years old before I had learned to parrot language, so I would throw back words that I heard at home. And in a violent household, you don't hear nice words. Shut up, sit down, go to hell, things like that. So that's what I was throwing back at the nuns and priests in school. Of course, that didn't win me any brownie bucks. I was constantly getting punished, and I was just talking like my family talked. And it didn't work, obviously.

The way I got through school was always pick the smartest, most sensitive girl to sit next to, and I would copy her hieroglyphs, because that's all it was to me. It was designs. Made me a great artist. So something came of that. And then when I hit 15 1⁄2, I developed diabetes, juvenile diabetes, that I would have to take it forever. And then by the time I was 19 years old, I developed a stomach ulcer. Now in school, all through, like I said, I cheated my way through, and that's how I got to a C's and D's. And when I got out of high school, my mother put me in a technical school. What she did was she took my brother that was violent with me to this new technical school called the Computer Programming and Unit Wiring School. And they didn't give you the normal tests. They didn't give you comprehension tests, English comprehension, reading comprehension, or anything. They wanted to know your geometric and mathematical abilities. And I always excelled in that. That was the only place I didn't cheat, and I was always accused of cheating, because I didn't have to write out the formula. I could just write out the answer. And that's with a lot of autistic children. So when they took me to this Precomputer Programming School, they put a program in front of me to write a problem, and I could write it in a couple of hours, and it would take other people months to write. So the teachers or the professors of that new technical university knew what they had, so they farmed me out. They always farmed me out with a person who went with me to do all the writing and all the talking. So here I was, an idiot making a fortune. In computer programming, I was farmed out to Carblanche Corporation, which was then the biggest credit card company. It was bought by Avco.

And I transferred out to Los Angeles, and also with big trucking companies, like the third largest in the world, Time DC. So I was making a lot of money, but to keep mobile, because I had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, because of that episode in the hospital with peritonitis, they injected me every few hours with something, either an antibiotic or a painkiller, but they were shooting me every few hours, and ever since that, I had fibromyalgia. I had slight bouts of fibromyalgia, because I would hold colds and flus for two to three months at a time. Even a couple of years, it was five months, and I was bedridden for almost that much a year. So it peaked after that peritonitis incident when I was 12. So the way I kept going was I'd sneak down in the morning, you know, bundled with my blankets and everything, because I couldn't stand the cold, and I would drink coffee, cold coffee from the day before, just to get me going. So I was drinking 11 cups of coffee a day, so it would be two packs of cigarettes all to keep my energy going. So when I was 19, you know, to get to sleep, after a long period of that, to get to sleep, I had to start drinking alcohol, so I became an alcoholic. I drank a fifth of Gennonite or bourbon to get to sleep. Also, I ate lots of doughnuts and sugar, and because I worked for a trucking company off and on, I could convince a dream from the truck drivers to stay awake. So I was doing all kinds of drugs like that.

So I developed an ulcer at 19, and the remedy for that, according to the medical profession, was Maalox, which is, you know, like eating dolomite or, you know, chalk, just liquid chalk, just to absorb all the acids, so that hopefully the ulcer would seal, heal, clot. And it didn't. Instead, it formed into a tumor. So a tumor formed right next to the ulcer. So they decided they had to go in and perform surgery. So I had all the vagus nerves severed to my stomach, so I would no longer secrete hydrochloric acid. They put me in the category of octogenarians who do not secrete hydrochloric acid, and they said that if I ate anything raw in my life, I would be in danger of bacterial and parasitical invasion, and my life would be in danger. So nothing raw. If I ate an apple, it had to be baked, or a candied apple. Can you imagine? They're telling you you have to eat a candied apple rather than a fresh apple. What kind of nutrient value do you think you're going to get from that? But I didn't know any better. You know, I was still autistic. I didn't know what the hell they were saying. I just was following, you know, the instructions, as far as what they were showing me on the chart. And so I ate everything cooked, and, you know, I enjoyed my cereal, and I loved my half-gallon of pasteurized 2% blue milk.

And do you know what they do to that blue milk to make it white now? They've got mountains of dolomite, and they shovel it into the milk, and that's why it's no longer blue. In the 60s, it was blue, remember? I don't know if anybody remembers, though. Now they shovel dolomite into it. And do you know how they fortify it with vitamin D? They take hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is the same molecular structure as plastic, and they subject it to radiation, usually radioactive material. And that's your vitamin D. And the FDA allows them to call it vitamin D. It's nowhere near that vitamin D. It doesn't even look like that vitamin D. It doesn't react like vitamin D. But some chemists said, well, vitamin D is just fat that's been transformed into a different substance called vitamin D that's absorbed and helps you use calcium and build bones. So they said, okay, light, radiation, fat, we can do that. And that's what they do. So it has nothing to do with generating health. In fact, in the experiments where animals were fed the fortified vitamin D pasteurized homogenized milk, they got the same diseases as those that were not homogenized. They were homogenized and pasteurized without being fortified. So vitamin D wasn't helpful with that vitamin... Their version of vitamin D wasn't helpful at all.

So here I was in a state where I was supposed to eat everything cooked. And I mostly did that anyway. I did like my apples. But mostly I was a donut fiend, and I loved RC Cola. And how else would anybody get an ulcer by drinking 11 cups a day and benzadrine and smoking and all of that? Of course, I'm bound to get sick. So when they cut out the tumor, did all that, I was vomiting all the time, couldn't keep anything down. I couldn't drink alcohol anymore. So that destroyed my ability to sleep. I still drank all the coffee to stay awake and to function. I still took the benzadrines, and then I found myself unable to sleep. Then the surgery on the incision turned tumorous. And it got as high as 3 quarters of an inch and as wide as an inch and a half in some places. So they said, oh, we have to irradiate that. And, you know, I was raised by a nurse and a scientist father, you know, who was an inventor. And three uncles who were doctors and eight RNs, uncles and aunts. So I was raised around medical profession. You always respected them, and you did what they say. So I went along with everything. So they irradiated me, and they gave me so much irradiation in 10 weeks that they cauterized my spine, which means it's like taking malleable clay, putting it into a kiln, and firing it at cone 10. So what happens with clay, it's nice and malleable. After you fire it, it's rock, it's pottery, it's porcelain, whatever kind of, you know, depending upon the element of clay that you're utilizing to fire.

So I was paralyzed from the pectorals down. And then that also gave me blood and bone cancer, the radiation therapy. So then they said, oh, well, we're going to have to give you chemotherapy. You have a 1% chance of living, and maybe we can make your life a little longer. They didn't talk about quality or anything like that. I wouldn't have understood anyway. But they certainly didn't tell me about quality of life. By the time I finished the chemotherapy, three months of chemotherapy, I was complete invalid. I couldn't even crawl on the floor very well. So I had to defecate and urinate in bottles and pans. And, of course, many times it was too painful, and I couldn't get on it. So I had, like I said, I made a lot of money. So I had a small two-bedroom house in Beverly Hills. And I was living on the living room wood floor, defecating, urinating all over myself. I refused to go to the hospice because, you know, again, I couldn't talk except for bad things that I had heard from my family. I was still repeating the same kind of stuff. So I refused to go to the hospice. So two volunteers agreed to come in my home two and three times a week and shop for me, make food for me, and to clean the house. And, boy, they had a lot to clean. And I was laying sometimes up to three days I was laying in my urine and defecation. So the house was reeking. So all the furniture had to be destroyed by the time a few months went by.

Well, this one African-American kid, 18 years old, making a lot of money as a singer for The Going Thing, which is a group that was hired by Ford Motor Company to go around singing about the better idea in the late 60s and early 70s. He said to me, he said, you know what you need to do is you need to drink a lot of carrot juice and raw milk. So it didn't mean anything to me. I hated carrots. I never had a raw carrot in my life. My mother overcooked everything. So food was atrocious. I was forced to sit an hour to an hour and a half after everybody left the dinner table because I would projectile vomit vegetables. Literally, I could hit that wall with Brussels sprouts. And it was uncontrollable. So they would always keep adding it to my plate if I vomited. So I had to sit there, and I had to learn how to cut off my senses. It took time, sometimes five minutes between bites. I learned to use a half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon of milk because I only got one glass per meal just to work it down. So that was an hour to an hour and a half every night. That meant two hours at the table all together every night while everybody else went to watch the new TV, this little bitty TV all in black and white. That's what it was back then. So I just didn't develop very well. I hated food. And when he mentioned carrots, I knew what carrots were. I knew that sound. I had the image of what a carrot was, and I didn't want it. But he convinced me just to try it.

It tasted good because after you've had chemo and radiation, everything tastes like postage stamps and cardboard. Not a very appetizing diet. So the juice and the raw milk tasted very, very good. And guess what? A week after drinking the milk, I didn't have to take insulin anymore. One week, my juvenile diabetes was gone from drinking the raw milk. And they told me I would have to take it for the rest of my life, which would have been a $1,200 to $1,400 a month habit. That's what they want. That's what they want. They want my money. They don't want me healthy. They want my money. So I realized as I was getting better progressively just by doing this, consuming the milk and carrot juice, that food had something to do with health. So I began studying. Within two weeks of drinking the carrot juice and milk, my autism shut off. I was able to convoy, and I woke and said, oh, language. Oh, that's what a verb is. That's what a preposition is. That's what a noun is. Oh, okay. And I got really excited. I called my uncle who was studying for his doctorate. He was a TA at UCLA psychology department studying for a doctorate in psychology. He was the one who was helping me in Los Angeles when I moved out there at 19 because he understood my problems. And I called him, and I started having a normal conversation with him. He couldn't believe it. He was very excited. And, you know, I told him I think it was the carrot juice and the milk. And he said no, my mind just finally developed. I was almost 22 years old and just finally able to have a coherent conversation. A year and a half ago, I couldn't have one. But from a year and a half to 22, it was impossible for me to have a conversation. So he said, you know, you're a die-hard Republican asshole. Go read Siddhartha. That's the first thing you should read.

It was a small 82-page book. So I called Steve Flanagan, the young boy who got me to drink the carrot juice and the raw milk. And I said, Steve, I had a conversation. He was shocked, amazed. I said, listen, I'd like to go to a bookstore. Could you get me a wheelchair, and we'll go and do it? He said, well, I don't know if you can go out. You know, I have to put mini diapers on you. I said, that's okay. Let's do it. So we went to the store, and we spent about six hours there. So I was filling the diapers up, stinking the whole library, I mean, the bookstore up. It was a bony tree bookstore, a very spiritual bookstore. And I got all of these books on diet and nutrition. And then I got one book on mind over matter, because that sounded good. Who wouldn't like to have mind over matter in the state that I was in? And I got Siddhartha. So Siddhartha was the first book that I read, and it was about this young boy who becomes the prodigal son and goes off and experiences being a whoremonger and losing it and doing everything that we're not supposed to do morally. And then he comes back home and becomes a very spiritual leader. So those concepts were not in my realm of reality. I just had mean, nasty people around me all the time. So it was a nice introduction into a different reality of nice people. So it took me a full week to read that book. It was like only 82 pages, but I was into the dictionary more than I was into the book, because I'd look up a word that I didn't know, even the definition. I had to look up the words in the definition to understand the definition and on and on and on. But I was still excited. I didn't get discouraged by it.

So I spent a year and a half studying, mostly in the invalid that whole time, severe back pains. I would have to sleep in a bathtub with salt in it and milk just to make my body buoyant enough so I didn't have all that pressure on my spine. It was extremely painful, headache and painful. 0I was only able to sleep 10 minutes at a time on the floor, on the couch, or on the bed. And I mostly didn't get on the bed because it was too difficult to get up and down. So I crawled on my elbows on the floor like a worm most of the time for a year and a half, almost two years. A lot of two years. So as I was getting better, I just started getting more into raw foods, eating a lot more dairy, lots of raw cream, and got a nutritionist to start tutoring me. And he was very pro-raw. In fact, he was probably 70-75% raw foodist. But he was fat-phobic. So, you know, I just craved butter and I craved raw cream. And they always made me feel the best, but he got all upset. After three years of studying with him, I decided I had to go somewhere else. So I'd recovered enough by that point, so I got on a bicycle and traveled all over the North American continent, living with animals and Indian tribes and just living off the land off of a bicycle. I had a hammock and a sleeping bag with four saddlebags loaded with physiology and anatomy biochemistry books. Here I was, leaving society because everything I'd read contradicted everything else. So there was nothing good, everything was good, and nothing was good, basically. You didn't know who to follow.

So by that time, I had committed myself in February of 72 to only raw foods. It probably took me to 74 to be completely raw foodist. But when I did that, I'd lived with a yoga ashram, the Shivananda Yoga Community, and they got me to be a total vegetarian. And it didn't fare well for me after about six and a half years. My multiple myeloma came up and made my life crazy. Also, they were against too much dairy. A little bit of dairy was okay, and dairy was my lifesaver, raw dairy. So I lived outdoors as a vegetarian, a fruitarian mainly. And of course, it dissolves tissue, dissolves the bone and stuff like that. So at the end of that three and a half years, two and a half years, I was in Alaska at the time, living with the Inuit. I lived with three other tribes. I mean, I took my bike all the way down into Yucatan, all the way up to Alaska, across the United States five times, lived with the Yaqui Indians in northern Mexico, the Mayans in the Yucatan, and the Sioux in South Dakota, and the Inuit in Alaska. And Alaska was my last stop. I was getting weaker and weaker. And of course, even in late August and early September, it was getting cold in Alaska. Their whole spring is a few weeks long, and their summer's a few weeks long, and they're back in the fall. So their winter is about six months. So I was getting very cold. As the temperature dropped down to 50, I was paralyzed with pain, and every bone in my body literally crying pain.

So that's what it would be like from about 2.30 in the morning all the way till 6 o'clock in the morning till the sun beat on my sleeping bag, would take me about an hour and a half, sometimes two hours of the sun beating on my sleeping bag before I'd be warm enough to move. And then I'd spend about a half an hour to three, five minutes basking directly in the sun to get my body moving. And every time I was with the Indians, they kept saying, eat raw meat, that's what you need, raw meat. And after having the surgery, every time I ate meat, another reason I became vegetarian is because I liked animals, but because after the surgery, if I ate cooked meat, I broke out with huge pustulations. We're not talking about little bitty things. Anybody see Liar Liar, that James Carey film where the guy is in the hall working at his firm, and he's got this big zit on the end of his nose, and Carey just wants to squeeze it, you know, like this. I had those all over from my knees to my scalp, so it didn't look very pretty. It certainly didn't feel good if each one of them hurt. So I was very afraid to eat meat. And, of course, all of the dialogue that happened from the surgery, they're saying that if I ate raw things that I would die. Of course, I didn't believe that at that point because I was eating all these raw things and getting better. So they completely did not know what they were talking about. However, when it came to meat, I was still afraid to eat the raw meat because of parasites. I was already an idiot. I wasn't going to get a brain fluke and become an idiot again.

When I did stop, a few times I went back to RC Cola and donuts after six months of eating raw foods way back in the beginning. I did that because I read the book Mind Over Matter, or a book about Mind Over Matter, and I was convinced that I was developed enough that I could control my body without having to watch what I ate. So I went back to my powdered donuts and RC Cola and stuff like that, and I found myself autistic again in about ten days. So I did that three times, and I proved to myself by experience that the body needs nutrition, especially in my body. Maybe other people don't, but I had a volatile point where I could do Mind Over Matter. I learned that I had to be in harmony with nature, my mind and my spirit and everything. So I continued with the diet all the way through. So at this point, they were off again. I was with the Eskimo, and they were saying, what you need is raw meat, and of course I wasn't going to do it. And they had this celebration they have every September, early September, mid-September, and they dug up these hides, and they unwrapped them, and there was this green, black, white, brown, patinaed, moldy stuff that was rank. I mean, it smelled terribly. Made me want to vomit within five feet of it. And the children smell it, all the natives smell it, and they're jumping up and down like it's cotton candy. And I didn't quite fathom this. And they said, it's a medicine, we have it every time to fill ourselves with good energy through the winter. And I said, okay, reach to the road. What could get me to eat that? And it didn't stink enough. It didn't stink a half mile downwind, so they rewrapped it and buried it for another week. And they brought it out again, and it was even more rank. And then everybody started eating it. I mean, the children would eat a whole handful. And they offered me a little ping-pong ball-sized amount, and I got within five feet of it. I just literally started choking like I was going to vomit.

So they got some cotton balls, or I had some cotton balls, and they put musk oil on them. They shoved them up my nose and destroyed the odor. And then I ate a ping-pong ball-sized amount because they insisted, and I mean they insisted. So I ate it. I really didn't think it was meat because I didn't know meat turned green, white, and black, and all that. I thought meat got worms and decomposed or dried out in the sun into leather. That's all I thought that happened to meat. I didn't know that gangrene was a mold, was a fungus, and all that. Even though I had done all that research, I hadn't put the two and the two together until later, and I mean much later. So I ate this, and all of a sudden I felt better. I had very little pain for, you know, I was able to get out of the sleeping bag in 45 minutes in the morning, in the direct sun for only 15 minutes, and I was moving and doing better. So I begged them to tell me what herbs they had molded. They said no, it's raw meat, raw blubber, seal blubber, whale blubber, or both. And I just thought they weren't going to tell this white boy that was messing their Alaska up, any secret ingredient. So I was so weak still at that point.

I had to get out of Alaska because it was getting cold. So I was too weak to bicycle, so I hopped freight trains and bungee corded my bike to the side of the freight car and hung a hammock across the open sliding doors and watched the scenery go down to Canada and back in the United States, all the way down to a desert in California near Palm Springs. And of course I had to hop. There were quite a few trains to do that. I mean, at one point I ended up almost in Utah because they had gone off and I didn't know where I was going. So I had to hop trains back in California and down to Oregon and down there. So I got back to the desert, and I decided I was going to fast to death because I wasn't going to deal with the pain anymore. I figured I hadn't found a cure. So I was out in the desert fasting. Two weeks went by. During that two weeks, there was a den of coyotes. I picked an old Indian burial ground so people would leave me alone. A lot of times when I was traveling on the bicycle, I had a beard and long hair, and I wore robes like the time of B.C., the time when Christ was around. So a lot of people left me alone. If you find Jesus in the graveyard, you don't go talk to him. Even if he's a hippie. So I took full advantage of that. And I spent a lot of time in graveyards where I'd be left alone. Because that was the 70s, mid-70s, and hippies were not respected and tortured and hurt. So as long as I went around with a robe like that and giving them the image of Christianity, of Christ, at least they were more respectful.

So I was out in the desert, and I took an old Indian burial ground to fast myself to death. And there was a den of coyotes that lived up in the canyon. They came down every night about midnight, and they sounded like a bunch of crazy people and sanitary. And that's just the way they sound when they're together, yelping and having fun and playing with each other. So they played this game with me. It was like, can I sense where they are when they stop yelping and surrounding me? There were about 11 of them. When I was able to count 11 of them, just by sensing where they were, they hunted a rabbit and brought it to me. And they ripped it open and put it at my feet. I hadn't eaten meat in 6 1⁄2 years at this point, 6 1⁄2 years. And here I had the Easter bunny on my feet, bleeding. I was shivering, and I kept getting messages, this is what you need, this is what you need. And all of a sudden, this dialogue with my uncle, telling my brother and his children, my cousins, when they were going rabbit hunting, how to cook the rabbit. They said, if you catch a wild rabbit, you have to cook it thoroughly. It has to be burnt, not pink or white on the inside. It has to be dark on the inside, because wild rabbits have an organism that will infect your body and your intestines, especially first, and it'll kill you with incredible intestinal pain within 48 hours. So that went through my head. I looked down at that rabbit, and I said, I'll be dead in 2 days, 2 days of pain, no problem. So I picked up the rabbit, and I took a bite, and it was raw, it was all that disgusting stuff. And I came right back up.

So I thought of my home. I was growing up, and all the times I'd had to sit for an hour to an hour and a half to 2 hours every night trying to get down that awful food, I was going to get this rabbit down. So I psyched myself into it. It took me about 5 minutes to get back to that place. I started eating the rabbit, and after about 15 bites, it started tasting delicious. So I started devouring it like I was very hungry. And I ate about 3 1⁄2 pounds. And this was a jackrabbit, so it was about 7, 7 1⁄2 pounds. And then the coyotes shared the rest. I went back to my sleeping bag to die. Now, I knew I was dying because I felt good.


A: The only times that I had felt good in my life, in my life, was a near-death experience. I died on an operating table twice, and they revived me. And then a drug experience where my blood pressure went down. So I knew what near-death was like. I knew that you leave the body. Once you leave the body, there's no pain. I just hovered over the body, went off into the tunnel, you know, the white light. And the white light's so blinding, you know, you can't get through the white light, you don't die. So you may get a glimpse of it and stay outside, but once you enter the so-called tunnel, you don't come back, you're dead. So I'd been there and back several times, and I knew that I was dying because I felt good. So I went back to my sleeping bag, but when I woke the next morning, I was still alive, still there in my sleeping bag, still had some pain, but it was down to 45 minutes again, just like with the Eskimos. So I was only able to get out, just lay in the sun, only 10 minutes, naked right there in the sun, nobody else was around, just chipmunks and birds and hawks and ravens and stuff like that around. So I let the sun beat on me, it brought me back to life again. And that went on for three days, not one cramp, not one diarrhea, no worm came out my ear or my nose or my eye or anywhere. So I'd had no problem with the rabbit, and I said, what is all this myth? Everything is a myth with the medical profession. Everything they teach you is garbage.

So I got very angry again, and I started eating meat. After three days, I said, that's it. The Indians told me raw meat was it, it works. I started eating raw meat. So at that very moment, very moment, a sidewinder rattlesnake went by me at that revelation. And I'd seen Indians, you know, just walk up and put their foot on the head of a rattlesnake and pick it up in front of the rattler, take it and snap the head off, peel it back and eat it. Now, in all the North and Central and South American Indians, natives, the snake is your most medicinal food. I mean, they revere it. They even cook it, but you don't have to. You can take the snake and wrap it in a glass jar and let it sit for six months, and all the snake oil will come out. And a teaspoon of that snake oil will relieve all of any kind of rheumatic and arthritic symptoms, usually within two hours. That's where you get snake oil, you know, tales from. It was for real, but people were getting a mineral oil and putting a little snake oil in and selling it as snake oil. So you've gotten the myth that snake oil is all nonsense. Well, it's not.

So at that moment, you know, without thinking, I had that revelation, you know, and I went up and put my bare foot right on the rattlesnake's head, picked it up in front of the rattler and started whipping it around. I said, oh, my God, what am I doing? I've never done this. I'm swinging that thing around. I'm getting tired, aching. My bones are aching, and I'm afraid, you know, that if I go like that, it's going to come back and bite me. So I said, okay, well, it's one way or another. So I snapped it, and sure enough, the head went right off, peeled it back. All of a sudden, all these cats showed up from neighboring farms, you know, that were at least a half a mile away. And they all shared the rattlesnake with me, and I started feeling better and better. So I started, you know, eating anything I could out in the desert. I got scorpions and break off the poison gland, and tarantulas break off the poison gland, and anything I could. Trap birds and chipmunks, and there wasn't enough food out there. So I got on my bicycle and went down to the farms and made deals, you know, like if I milked the cows or the goats and cleaned up the stalls and stuff and worked, I could get all the food that I wanted. So in three months, I went from 113 pounds to 150 pounds. I looked like a scaled-down Arnold Schwarzenegger by eating all this raw dairy and raw meat. And I didn't eat a lot of raw meat. I probably ate meat three days a week, but most of it was raw dairy and lots of butter and honey.

And I went back to Los Angeles to spread the word. And they said, raw meat, are you crazy? Raw milk, are you crazy? And, you know, you get a brain fluke and you'll die. And I said, well, I've been there and done that. So I said, I have to continue doing what I'm doing that works and makes me feel better. So I continue to this day, eating raw meat and raw dairy is my main sustenance. I don't eat any vegetables. I eat vegetables, drink vegetable juices. And I will explain all of that when we get into the next phase, which is the workshop. And if you've come for the free lecture and haven't signed up for the workshop, in the workshop, what I'm going to do is, it's usually in a workshop, there's some kind of interaction between you and the speaker. But your activity in the workshop will be to stay awake and pay attention. That's why I call it a workshop. Usually I can keep you pretty awake. But it's your job to stay awake. So that's the workshop. I'm going to tell you how your body works, chemically, how it reacts, why I think you should eat what I think you should eat based on the physiology, biochemistry and anatomy of the body. And how it works empirically, where I got all of my experience in the first place. I don't tell you anything that wasn't learned from experience. I didn't do anything head work first. If it worked physiologically, that's what showed me is wisdom and truth. And then if I talk to you about science, it's only the science that I've learned afterward to convince all of those heady people that there is some science that validates everything that I say.

So, when we finish, after we talk about the body, then I'll talk about foods, how they react in the body in combinations, how we utilize them, how we digest them. Then how to eat in a day to keep your mind physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally attentive and calm throughout every day. And it's definitely a pattern of eating. And when you leave here, you're going to understand your body. You'll never be afraid of it in the way that you were before. You will never doubt it in the way that you had before. You will never have to run to a doctor unless you've torn off your leg or broken it or something like that and need some mechanic, because that's what they are, mechanics, to put you back together. Okay? So thank you for coming. Is there anybody who just came for the free lecture? Everybody's already signed up for the workshop? My gosh, this is a first. Okay, terrific. We're going to take a break, a 15-minute break. Eat something, because it's going to be an hour and a half to two hours before we take our next break, and then that'll be a 15- to 20-minute break. Okay? Thank you, everybody.


A: Please watch your time, Desus. We'll try to do this in 15 minutes.


A: You get a good look. This is the lymphatic system. Just wanted to show you this. This is as complex as any blood or nervous system. And it shows all the glands and how they're very complex in the iron hip, also in the neck. You'll see it here in the groin area. But it's distributed all throughout the body. Now this I wanted to show you. The one on the right is B1 vitamin from food. And you see how they're just nice little spongy little balls, nutrients like cells. And then you look at the manufactured vitamin B, and it has no relationship. They're crystals. They have no relationship to the real food vitamin B. They are all synthesized. Vitamin C is similar. Vitamin C are even smaller, like little bitty round balls like this, like little spongy hairy little balls. And the vitamin C, the ascorbic acid, is just like a broken mirror, spiky sharp glass. And they are crystal glass. And they go through, cut the system out, and they start lacerating cells all throughout the body. And the body goes into emergency and stops any detoxification, any flu or any cold, which is a detoxification, and it stops it. It's not a beneficial way to do it. You know, you want to have your detoxification, but I'm going to get into that. But you can see this, the difference between the real and the false. Okay. All right. Fats. We talked about carbohydrates in the form of vegetable juice being the most important. Also, if I look at carbohydrates, it's fruit.

Fruit can be very damaging in the human body. Why? Because it is high sugar. And when you have a high sugar in the body, the body makes a phenomenal amount of glycogen from the high sugars. And when you utilize glycogen as a nutrient for the nervous system, there is a substance called advanced glycation end product, AGEs, that are formed. And Columbia University found that a healthy human will store them at a rate of 70% for life. This is a waste product from a sugar, a natural sugar. Fruit, fresh fruit, cooked fruit, it's even worse. And if you have a compromised kidney or diabetes, you will store those AGEs at a rate of 90% for life. That causes stickiness in the blood and in the lymph and in the neurological system. Those thoughts when you say, where did that go? Where did that go? Can't find that? That's because there's too much sugar in the area. It's sticky. The synapses aren't firing. You lost it. You keep waiting for it to fire, and it won't fire because you're stuck with those sugars, those advanced glycation end products. So fruits should be consumed always with fat to slow them down, slow the sugar inundation down. Fruit best eaten just once a day because of the high sugar content. Or if you want to eat more fruit, eat it unripe. Like the apes, the very calm apes eat green bananas, no sugar. They even eat the peels. I've tried that. They're very alanine. It's impossible to eat. But they do very well with it. They've got great digestive tracts. The monkeys who eat sweet fruits. You've seen a monkey. If you've ever had one in your home, I had a neighbor who had one in his home. They are always crazy. Masturbating, scratching, itching. They can't stay still because of all the sugar that they eat, all these fruits. For monkeys, they go on fruit binges 24 hours before they go on a killing spree. They eat fermented figs and fermented other fruits, but mainly fermented figs. The alcohol content is extreme. And then they will go out and kill other monkeys. They'll kill any animal in their sight for 24 hours, after binging for 24 to 48 hours on sweet fruit. And if you know any fruitarians, you know they can get crazy. Well, I was. I was a fruitarian. I could get crazy very quickly, especially having been a diabetic.

So fruit can be a very dangerous thing for your spirit and your personality. So I always say eat a lot of fat with it to slow it down, and only eat one a day. And I'll get into the complexity of that after I get to talking about the specifics about each food. So the fats are the most important nutrient in our toxic society. Why? Because, as I said, poisons store and are harnessed by fats. They keep us from being damaged. Fats are important. Anybody who makes fun of you because you're fat, say a ha-ha weakling that you're going to die quickly, or you're going to get all sick in your older age. Ha-ha-ha. I'm fat, I'm protected. And I mean that. Now, I'm fat. You don't believe that? I'm fat. I'm 22.5% body fat. That was a month ago when I left my home where I had a scale. And I'm bigger than I was then, so I'm probably about 24% body fat. And what does that mean? 24% body fat is about almost her size. Why don't I look like her? Because I've been eating raw fats since 1972. No cooked fats. So, when you cook a fat molecule, what happens? It swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. Do you get that? 10 to 50 times its normal size. Yet, if you compare me with an athlete, sure, I have more fat, but I'm not ripped. I've got all this, don't exercise, this is it. This is my exercise. Really heavy. And that's my exercise, and I get those multiples from doing that. So, you don't need to be an athlete, you don't need to work out to build, if you're eating good raw meats and raw proteins or dairy. And some people do it just on dairy and have a body like this. I can't. And you see this? Doesn't look like I'm fat, but you see I can't even do my pants. I have three wardrobes. I go from a 30-inch waist to a 37-inch waist. And I get really big. So, I'm 24% body, about 23% body weight fat right now, and I'll go up to 30-32% body fat. Because I like the fats to clean my body. I like the fats to attach to the chemicals and toxins, especially the chemotherapy that I had, for three months. And it's still coming out of my body.

Just a week ago, I had it coming out of my mouth, this whole area here. And I had AZT. Anybody know about AZT? The year after they gave it to me, they deemed it too toxic for human consumption. So, they put it in the vaults. How much did they put in the vaults? $280 million worth. Guess what they did with it? When AIDS came out, they said, oh, it's good for AIDS. No testing. They want to get rid of it and kill some people. So, they've been using these vaults full of AZT to give to AIDS patients. AIDS people with AIDS. That's the pharmaceutical and medical industry at the end. You have $280 million in there, you're not going to let it go to waste. You've got to make a profit. People with AIDS. So, I had it coming out of my mouth. I taste it. Just like antifreeze. I can taste it. It's still coming out of my body. As I started to say earlier, the tests with Pottenger and Howell, when they tried to reverse the diseases of those animals, it took five generations. Five generations of animals to get to a healthy state. Well, for us, five generations would be 7 1⁄2 years each. It takes 7 to 7 1⁄2 years to replace every cell in the body one time completely. That's mainly the bone cells that are last. So, 7 times 7 1⁄2 times 5 is what? 40 years. Almost 40 years. So, right now, I've got 14 years to go before my 40 years is up. I'm already satisfied. I'm 60 years old. I get younger every day. I get more capable every day. I get even more focused every day. And I'm not getting old and deteriorating because I'm eating properly and focusing.

[phone ringing]

A: That's mine. I'm not going to answer it. Unless there's somebody dying. It won't turn off. This is, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. Okay. So, the fats are in many different forms. We have avocados. We have meat fats. We have dairy fats. All of those are pretty good. Coconut fats. But only the animal fats will stabilize you and bring you calmness. Avocados will not do that except for a very limited period. Coconut fats will do it for a limited period. But butter and cream are the best. Cream settles the nerves quicker than anything. If you feel out of sorts, drink raw cream, lots of it, and you'll calm right down. Eggs are very good. It's a quick source of protein and fat. A lot of people say, well, you shouldn't eat the egg white with the egg yolk because the avidin in the egg white binds with the biotin in the egg yolk. But like it says in my book, in my laboratory experiments, that combination gets rid of biotoxins. It's a pretty good thing. That doesn't mean I'm deficient in biotin. I eat up to 50 eggs a day. They all just eat eggs all day long and have some milk at night when they don't feel I'm digesting as well as I could be because I'm dumping chemotherapy or some other toxin that I've had or all that insulin that I injected from 15 1⁄2 to 22 to 21, late 21. So all those poisons dump into my digestive tract. I stop digesting, so then I'll just eat eggs because they can adjust in 16 to 23 minutes and quickly. And they're very good, but they will not stabilize the body. They won't calm it. They won't relax it. They'll give you good fuel protein. They'll keep you focused mentally, but they will not calm your system. Cream is the best for that, and butter. Butter and honey combination is good, too, for that.

Now, the other fats, like a lot of people say, well, how about coconut oil and olive oil and stuff like that. Just remember, any pressed oil is a concentrated oil. It has no water-soluble vitamins. It has no water-soluble enzymes. And usually they work in good juxtaposition and congruously with each other. And if you don't have them together, you're concentrating one nutrient and counterbalancing another, and you're going to be like on a seesaw. It's like taking vitamin supplements. You dump all these vitamin supplements, which are not natural anyway, and you treat all of this one-sided. And they always say, well, you've got an imbalance. You're low on this. How do you know? You've got one blood test. Let's say I give you a million dollars a day to spend. You spend it. Are you poor? No. You're not poor. You get a million dollars a day. So you get that many hormones and that many nutrients a day. You eat it all the time. You're supplying it all the time. At the time you take the blood test and you've used it all, does that mean you're deficient? No, because your body's manufacturing it all the time. You're creating new substances. But the pharmaceutical industry knows that if they can smoke and mirror your thought processes and your logic, you'll take supplements. Remember 40 years ago, the pharmacies and the medical professionals said, vitamins and supplements had nothing to do with your health. They will not help you. Now that they're in the business, they're selling them. You know, it's just racket.

But like I said, and you see in those pictures going around, the synthetic vitamins are not natural vitamins. The vitamin D, I told you what that is. It's all dangerous stuff. 99% of the vitamin E that is out there on the market comes from Fuji and Kodak. Fuji and Kodak, what do you mean Fuji and Kodak? Yeah, their chemical byproduct of developing fluid is what vitamin E is. It is so toxic and so dangerous that they used to have to have, and they're still required if they bury it in the earth, they have to have 12 foot thick concrete walls and stainless steel barrels that will not rust and decay. So they were paying millions and millions of dollars to scientists every month to come up with a solution to do with that toxic waste. So they wouldn't have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to store that toxic waste byproduct. And one of the scientists said, you know what? The molecular structure of this is 72% similar to vitamin E. Let's call it vitamin E. And that's exactly what happened. Now they bottle it, put it in pills, and give it to you as vitamin E. There's no relationship to vitamin E, the food vitamin E. And all the food vitamin E that's sold you, so it's natural vitamin E, they'll put 5 units per 100 units of vitamin E that's extracted from soy or corn. The other 95 are that Fuji and Kodak chemical. You want to develop film, swallow some. If you're taking a lot of vitamin E. I saw what vitamin E did to somebody. Diane Cannon, when I worked at Aunt Tilly's Health Food Store when I was experimenting with vitamin supplements, she would have to eat two bottles of that a week. I'm talking about major bottles of vitamin E. Her skin got paper, I mean, translucent thin. You could peel it away. And she got crazy. All those chemicals were just making her nuts. So she became an addict because she couldn't handle her emotions. And she was ruined for about 12 years. If you got to see her story, you know, about 10 years ago, you'll understand that it was caused mainly by vitamin E. I saw it, I saw it in the making. It's a nasty stuff.

Don't believe anybody that tells you the supplement is natural. I don't care if it's derived from a food or not. Once you process it, even though it's minimal processing, you have to get it separated from something. Let's say you were going to extract one million molecules of vitamin C from oranges. How many oranges would it take to grasp that much vitamin C? How much waste product is there? The companies also have to deal with the waste product. So if they're telling you it's natural, it's an infinitesimal amount of whatever is natural. You can be assured. And if you don't believe it, do like I did. You go into the chemistry of it, and you say, where does this come from? What do you do with that? And you find out, really, it's all just a chemical. Even if they're claiming it's coming from food. And do you know where some of that food comes from? Well, the cereal company had a lot of the waste product here, a brand, and we extracted it from that. Well, what did the cereal company do with it first? Chemicals, chemicals, processing, processing. Oh, but when we take it, we do minimal processing. So, it's already been in an accident. It's been mutilated and destroyed. So you don't do much with it after that. It's already destroyed and mutilated. So anybody who sells you vitamins, supplements as natural is not telling the truth. They may be, you know, hoodwinked. But whoever has that company has gone to somebody to say, hey, I need this product. How can you do it for me naturally? And, of course, that chemical company is going to say, oh, we'll do it for you naturally. But they won't tell their process. Why won't they tell their process? Because then you wouldn't buy the product. And you wouldn't market it and sell it as natural. So, there's a lot of fallacy out there. A lot of fraud for money and everything. If you want to know if you're eating food that has vitamins and nutrients in it, you eat the raw food, you know what's in there. And then you don't have to worry about it.

And the amount of vitamin C in an egg or in a slice of meat is much, much more than you'll get in any orange. Because you can assimilate all of that that's in the meat because of the protein and fat with it. And also milk. But you cannot assimilate much vitamin C out of an orange. Why? Because it utilizes fat. It goes in and attaches it to fat and robs your body of fat. Take a look at Linus Pauling. Was he a calm man? Was he a fat, calm man? No, he was a skinny, erratic man. Everybody, Walker. All these people who were vegetarians, they were also not calm people. Walker was out of his mind. That was the guy, the nutritionist that Monica's mother, in my book if you've read that story about Monica with peritonitis, her mother sicced Dr. Walker on me. And Dr. Walker is the one that said, give her that, let her take the antibiotics and do what you can to help her recover from the antibiotics. And I said, why? He said, because it's your butt. I said, but this is a person. You do no harm. You just don't cover your butt. You face the battle of the challenge. He said, no, you don't. You go down. You won't help anybody. I said, well, that's where you are. It's not where I am. But he was skinny and frail. And again, skinny and frail people don't have any fat to protect themselves. These objects go in and irritate their nervous system. They can't think as well as people who are calm. Fat and happy, there's a lot to it. I mean, if you just get over the psychological crap of our society that says fat is ugly, fat is unhealthy, you are much better if you are fat. So all of my fat, you can't tell all of my fat because all of my fat is small molecules. If you look at the Maasai tribe, they don't have, they've got like 7% to 12% body fat. They're very skinny people. But they don't have all the toxicity in their society that we have. They don't need the fat like we do. And we need a tremendous amount of fat. When I get down to 22%, 18% body fat, I'm not a happy person. Don't get near me. I can be rude. I won't be nasty, but I can be rude. You know, just because I'm irritable, a little irritable at that weight. At that body fat level. Of course, I look really thin, you know, at 18% body fat. You know, I've got the washboard abs and everything. But most of those guys have 7%, 4% body fat. And it's just not healthy.

So fat is very, very important in our society. The body makes 60 varieties of cholesterol. A third of them bind with poisons. A third of them lubricate the body. And a third of them give you energy. Those are very important. But cholesterols, aren't they bad? I'm told cholesterols are bad. And then 10 years ago they say, well, some are bad and some are good. Keep changing their story. But if you want to know the truth, cholesterols are all good. It doesn't matter what your ratio is and your level is. They just want you to take cholesterol-lowering drugs. That's their whole intention. And if you read the book called The Cholesterol Myth, there's a scientist who's devoted his entire life to the study of cholesterol. And cholesterol is not bad. Cholesterol is necessary. The way the body handles all kinds of toxins. It gives you your energy. Well, they say, but we get energy from carbs. Athletes, we've got to give them lots of carbs. Eat lots of breads or cereals before they get on the track or get on the tennis court. What happens with that fat? It doesn't form a good acetate. It's not an oily substance. It's a drier substance. It will cause the body to crack and dry. So what happens to those athletes? Billie Jean King, dried up, wrinkled. McEnroe, all of them, dry up and wrinkled. They're gone and out of the field. No longer champions by the time they hit their late 30s and early 40s. Why so young? They should be able to go at least until they're 60 years old as a good athlete. But they're not eating the kind of fats that are proper. They're eating carbohydrates that the body turns into 2,4-D assimilated cholesterol acetates.

So, let's take a look at your bodybuilders. Bodybuilders are lean, don't have much fat. But they're not very strong. Take a look at your weightlifters. Who's ever seen a skinny weightlifter? All your weightlifters are fat. You've got that belt on them. You've got this roll that goes over their belt. You know, that waist belt to hold in their back. Every one of them's fat. All your wrestlers are fat. No wrestler do you see fat, skinny. They'd be dead in that ring. Wrestling, it's all a dance. It's a show. But it's a great show. Look at the gymnastic that those guys can do with those big bodies and slamming against one another. I mean, you can kill each other in a matter of an elbow to the throat. Elbow to the temple and it'd be all over. But they're putting on a show. But it's an incredible show for them to have the bodies with all that fat and to be able to do what they do. And did you know that almost all of them eat raw eggs and raw meat? Almost all of your Austrian athletes eat raw meat and raw eggs and raw dairy. Even Schwarzenegger did. But then we got to this country, it was steroids. So what happened to him? What, five years ago he had open heart surgery. Because he was drying up and blistering from the steroids that he took. But your other Austrian athletes don't go through that. And they're able to compete all the way up until their 60s. I'll give you an example. I had a martial artist who was 56 years old when he came to me. He would compete on a world class level. And in his age category everybody was anywhere about 10 years below him. The youngest was 10 years below him. And he came in about 35th, 40th place every year. And he kept track of his workouts. He would do jump ropes three days a week. And on Mondays he'd do 2,600 jump ropes in a matter of about 20 to 30 minutes. And then on Thursday, I think Wednesday or Thursday, he would do about 7,600 jump ropes in about 35 minutes. Then once a week he would do 12,400 jump ropes in an hour. That's moving. He looks blurred when you see him do it.

And before he got on the diet, his heart rate was, when he finished the activity, his heart rate was about 179 to 180 and stayed there for a very long time, half an hour, you know, 20 minutes, half an hour, even 40 minutes sometimes, before it dropped down to normal. And on the diet, after a year on the diet, you saw it every month going down. So when he was doing the exercises, when he finished within 30, 40, 90 seconds of finishing it, his heart rate was at 110 to 114. Incredible. And when he went to compete that year, he came in fifth place. And everybody was 12 to 15 years younger than he was that beat him. Pretty impressive, you know, when you start getting the right foods in the body. It's really impressive. I had two marathon runners, one from Vegas. He was on the diet two and a half months, cut 20 minutes off of his time. One in New York in almost four months.

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A: So I'll give you another example. When I was fighting the law in Los Angeles, when the CDC, the California Department of Health Services, flew down from Sacramento to outlaw raw milk, they were trying to close the big dairy down there. They did bankrupt them. But I took in the milk report, mostly with Dr. Douglas' research on raw milk, but about a third of it I did, my research, and gave that report to the Board of Supervisors, who were going to vote for or against raw milk, and showed them this, you know, my report, that raw milk has never been proved to cause any epidemic or any death or sickness, and pasteurized dairy has. And all of the universities, even Mayo Clinic, used raw milk, complete raw milk diet to reverse diabetes and other diseases. It's already used for diabetes, emphysema, and tuberculosis. There have been lots of universities and doctors who have used raw milk therapies to reverse diseases. Well, at that hearing, there's this little boy named Walker Carer, frail, skinny little boy, had all kinds of allergies. Put him on the diet, mainly raw milk and some raw meat, and a little bit of fruit, and lots of raw fat and raw butter and honey. And you see him up there. He says, I can't drink pasteurized milk. I get sick. I have emphysema. I mean, I have allergies and some other kind of respiratory illness, and the only thing I can drink is raw milk, and it makes me strong and healthy. And in April, he was in LA Times. We were talking seven years had passed, and this 18-year-old boy, whatever he was at the time, is now in high school, number two tennis player in the United States in high school.

So you see what this kind of diet can do. You see what this kind of raw fat, this kind of raw protein can do for a body. Take it from this weak little kid, this weak little four-eyed kid, to this incredibly nice, gentle, full-of-himself person that is a great tennis player. He's a nice guy down to earth. So it helps everything, your whole body, your mind, your spirit, your emotions. It will help you balance in every way. It will help you achieve your spiritual goal quicker and easier and faster, as long as you don't have judgments about other things, as long as you don't have judgments about anything that's in the diet, and you understand how it works within the nature of your food and your system and your body. Just one more note about anybody who's vegetarian. I don't know if anybody's a vegetarian here. Fifty percent of my cancer patients were long-term vegetarian. So it says a lot about vegetarianism right there. And you have to take also a look at Linda McCartney, a die-hard vegetarian. She used to threaten Paul McCartney that if I catch her eating another hamburger, I'm leaving her. And she said, I will never have cancer because I'm a vegetarian. And what did she die of? Very aggressive breast cancer. And everything that she said she wouldn't do, she did. She went to the butchers, got butchered, chemotherapy and everything, and died a very nasty death. So that says more than anything else about the beliefs and a system that isn't true. Okay, that takes us through the food cycle.

Now, let's look into the eating process and the foods themselves. Now, we talked about the protein. And we find that I said that meats were the only thing that I could find that could get the body to reproduce cells the way a child reproduces cells. Nuts and avocados and coconut that contains anywhere from 13 to 18% protein is relatively indigestible in a human digestive tract. We're not built to handle those as well. Mostly from nuts and grains and seeds, we can get the starch from it. And the starch is a very important category. And like I say in my book, it's something that I've added beyond carbohydrates. The only reason I added it is because a lot of people have a lot of psychological problems, especially when they're toxic and in our society, no matter from where it comes. And a lot of it comes from past experience, even as a child. You went through some kind of emotional upset. You went through some kind of trauma. And when you go through that kind of experience, your body forms hormones, psychotropic hormones. And those have byproducts when they're trying to bind with the poisons that are created and anxiety and all the erratic adrenaline byproducts that occur in the body and that kind of anxiety. So you have all these waste products that collect in the body. The only way I've been able to harness them is by some kind of starch. So in my first write of the book, We Want to Live, I encourage people to eat a little bit of cooked starch every day or several times a week with lots of raw fat. After seven years of observing what people did, they were eating cooked starch every day and eating a lot of it.

I realized that when I looked into their irises and photographed them and blew them up on the screen, I found that they were collecting a lot of acrylamides and advanced glycation end products in the intestines. So although their body everywhere else was getting better, their intestinal tract was beginning to deteriorate. So here the whole body was getting better and the intestines deteriorated. There would come a time when the intestine would be so deteriorated that the whole body couldn't be fed anymore even though it was in good shape. So I said, I've got to find some other way to offer a starch that will do that. So I came up with the nut formula. Because we mostly produce just the starches from the nuts, but with the nuts you have to grind them until they are flour and add egg and some fat, butter is always the best, and a little honey. With that combination, you don't have to worry about the phytic acid in the nuts interfering with protein digestion because they interfere with mineral absorption. So that process, I mean all nuts, seeds, and grains have phytic acid. A lot of people say, well if you germinate them, you alter the phytic acid. However, when you germinate, you produce three other enzymes that do the same thing as the phytic acid. It's even more concentrated than the phytic acid. So they're only looking at one step, they're not looking at the whole step. In fact, if you feed birds that normally eat sprouts, if you feed them only a diet of sprouts, they will die in two days. Die in two days, because it keeps them from digesting their protein even though they have a gizzard. And grains are for the birds. That's who's supposed to eat grains, birds. That's who's built to digest and live on grains. And they can't eat sprouts. What makes you think that you can eat a lot of sprouts and get protein from it? You can't. And the one stage, thinking of phytic acid destroyed in germination or in sprouting, is not looking at what else takes place after the germinating of sprouting. What other things are produced? Just by looking at the absence of phytic acid, you're looking at a small picture.

So with these nuts I found that the combination of a fat, egg, and honey would neutralize the phytic acid and still be able to use the carbohydrate, the starch, and the nuts to bind with those psychotropic byproducts and waste products that come from trauma. So if you want to understand those particular biochemicals of bio wastes, the psychotropic bio wastes, go on the internet and put Elnora Van Winkle, two words, Van Winkle, W-I-N-K-L-E, and put the biology of emotions. She was a scientist that was responsible for recording every chemical in the nervous system and brain. She was employed at Mill Hollow Laboratories at Columbia University. 47 years intense cataloging every chemical in the body, in the brain and nervous system. And she found that when she read my work, she said, oh, that's why that happens. When people have those emotional reactions, they're detoxifying that, they bring up anxiety again. She said, it's true. Every time my friends have gotten whacked out, and she used the word whacked out. This is a scientist, use the word whacked out. She said whacked out emotionally when there was nothing directly that happened in her life, in that woman's life. She would get like that. She found these psychotropic hormones in her blood as waste products, cleaning out from a previous time. Could have been when her father intimidated her and ridiculed her or something like that as a child. And then she takes that out on her husband 40 years later. So she talks about the chemistry of it. There's a very complex chemical paper on it, and then the layman's interpretation, so that anybody could understand it. Now her methodology for dealing with that was called primal therapy. And that's not part of the primal diet. Primal therapy is when you act out your anger and violence, whatever mood that you're in.

So, you know, primal therapy is screaming if you feel like screaming, beating the hell out of it, kicking the hell out of a pillow or furniture, crashing things, breaking things, as long as you're not hurting yourself and other people. That's primal therapy. Don't agree with it. I argued with her for two years about this. I said if you do that, and you feel that kind of anger and violence, if you keep it going, you're going to create more of those psychotropic bripods, and it's going to be an endless cycle. If you've got that kind of emotion, eat a nut formula and go sing, go play, do something you like to do to convert that. And it will work. And she died a very angry woman. You know? She went on this diet. I mean, she was very skinny. She looked like she came right out of Auschwitz. She went on the diet, gained 50 pounds, feeling good. And then intellectually, somebody converted her to an instinctive diet. An instinctive diet means you eat what you have the smell and taste for. So that means you're going to eat 60, 70 percent fruits, aren't you? Sweet fruits. Everybody wants something sweet. So she started eating all this fruit, lost all the weight, and was dead a year later. Can't do that. I mean, our instincts are not good most of the time. So we have to be reasonable and rational about what is actually going on. So, anyway, her people reinforced the chemical processes that go on, and the starch is the way to do it. So if the nut butter, the nut formula doesn't work for you, you're still going to have to have some starch with lots of raw fat. But try to minimize it, because it will continually cause toxicity to collect in the digestive tract.

Okay, let's talk about timing. Let's talk about combinations of foods. Okay, if we have vegetable juice, you're going to be highly alkaline, correct? So if you have a highly alkaline substance in the stomach, that means you can't combine anything that needs acid juices and acid bacteria. That means vegetable juices cannot go anything requiring acid juices and acid bacteria. Meats, dairy, except for cream, and egg. There are exceptions, though. If you get a palpitating heart after vegetable juice, you better mix an egg in it. You know that you're not going to digest the protein in the egg white. That egg yolk and that protein in the egg white is going to subdue the heavy toxins that start flowing once your heart starts releasing some toxins that are in it. It causes rapid heartbeat. So you can have an egg in it, or you have dairy cream in it. If you're a highly toxic person, you get a lot of regurgitation or acid reflux or burning in the stomach or the esophagus. You have cream and cheese every time. You want to absorb that very toxic hydrochloric acid substance. It's not a natural and it's not a clean hydrochloric acid. You could have formaldehyde in it from carpet or drapes or paint or vaccines. Remember how much formaldehyde you put in a vaccine? Every shot that you've ever taken has formaldehyde. Every shot. And you know what formaldehyde does? That's a whole long subject. If you want to know, look it up. It's one of the most prevalent chemicals in everything, in manufacturing. So you've probably got a lot of formaldehyde dumping into your stomach when you have experiences like that. When you have green vomit, a lot of it will be formaldehyde induced. It's not the exorcism. So other combinations, always eat fruit and fat together like I said. But if you eat fruit and eggs together, you're going to have some stinky gas. It's going to smell like sulfur. So don't use egg as a combination with fruit unless you've got extra cream and milk with it and some honey.

Some people can't digest the combination of honey, milk, and eggs. I couldn't for almost 20 years. I just started getting stomach cramps. I could have eggs and milk. I could have eggs and honey. I could have milk and honey. But I couldn't have the three together without a problem. Now I can eat two quarts of it a day and be fine. But my digestion had to evolve to it. I think it was mainly because of the incision that I had, the severing of the vagus nerves to my stomach, which prevent hydrochloric acid from dumping into the stomach. Other combinations, almost everything can be mixed at that point. Just remember, vegetables don't go with anything on this diet unless it's the last thing of the day and always eat some avocado or cheese or something with it because that's the last thing you eat in that day. But nothing goes with it like meats don't go with a salad. You will not digest them. They'll neutralize you. And anything that gives you gas, if it causes cramps along with it and lingers and lingers, it's not just a detoxification. And if it goes on for weeks, it means you don't have the enzymes to digest properly. So you need to limit that combination of food or change it. If you have severe digestive problems, the best thing to eat is just eggs all day long. It takes 16 to 23 minutes to eat eggs, to digest eggs. They are absorbed within the first three inches of the digestive tract. They go through like that. The only problem with eating eggs alone is that they cause extreme weight loss. I know a lot of people that learn that and they think they're fat so they go on an egg diet and get skinny and then start having problems. They start having symptoms because they force the weight off themselves because they want to look thin. So please don't use that as, you know, oh, I'm fat and you're not. If you're 100 pounds overweight, you might be overweight. But if you're 30 to 40 pounds over your normal weight, you're not overweight. You could lose 50 pounds easily. No problem if you go on this diet. It wouldn't hurt him. But if he loses 100, he could be in trouble because his body isn't fat because it doesn't need it. His body's fat because it needs it.

So eggs eaten alone will cause extreme weight loss, but there is very little digestive energy put into it. So the body can use all that fat and protein from the eggs to heal itself and restore the digestive tract. Some people have come to me with Crohn's disease, and that's a disease where at the worst part of it, the digestive tract is so poor, the intestinal walls become so thin, the mucus is so thin on the lining that it tears. Food enters the gut undigested, gets into the knees or the joints and causes experience of arthritis and rheumatism. I had one 14-year-old girl who was brought to me as the granddaughter of a famous senator. Her knees were as big as my head. Her hits were huge, painful all the time. The doctors had treated her with medication and antibiotics for 2 1⁄2 years almost, and this girl was a mess. 14-year-old girl was a mess. Put her on the diet, 9 months, she was normal. Lots of eggs and lots of dairy. Very quickly. Two years later, she wanted to be like all of her peers, so she went back to eating the same garbage. Within two years, she was back into some problems again, and then she went on the diet. So you can get well and go on and off the diet. It's up to you. It's your experience. But if you don't want to go into those things, just know that whatever you eat is going to have a cause and effect in your body, and know what it will be for you so that you're in the lead. You can say, yeah, I know what's going to happen, and so I'll take the consequences. And then you won't feel sorry for yourself. You'll take care of it when it happens. And that's okay if you want to experience that. Whatever experience is important to you, that's part of your spiritual path. And I don't mind. I don't have any judgment about it. Look at my spiritual path. I've been a basket case and a diseased creature most of my life. If I didn't do it with the other garbage, I ate poison mushroom, which destroyed my health for another 11 years. So I've been in bad health twice pretty radically. So I'm not one to judge anybody's journey. It's just I'm making good use of mine, helping a lot of people so they don't have to suffer it, and just so they'll know their options.

So fats eaten with anything are a very, very important process. A lot of times I will put a little bit of cream in my vegetable juice. But when I was highly acidic and didn't digest well, I didn't put the cream in my juice. Sometimes when I get that route, something I didn't tell you was that at 15 1⁄2, after all those injections, when I had peritonitis, it created angina pectoris, which are cramps in the muscles in and around the heart. So I had terrible chest pains, heart attacks. I had 300 heart attacks from 15 1⁄2 to 22. About 50 of them made me unconscious, but I never died from a heart attack. Most people who go into a heart attack panic and freeze up. It's like freezing up if you have a charley horse. If you grab and tighten your leg, it's going to be worse and it's going to get worse, and then your leg is not going to function at all, nor will your heart. See, I wanted to die. I was such a sickly child. I wanted to die, and I thought, oh, I'm going to have a heart attack, and I'm going to relax. It was like going out into the desert and fasting to death. Oh, the rabbit. They're all rabbits. It's good to eat. It got me well. Just the opposite. If you get heart attacks or you have that kind of angina, eat an egg with your vegetable juice. If you have heart palpitations, and you're worried about a heart attack. Do you know how many people have heart palpitations? About one out of 20 when they eat their vegetable juice, or during something else that they may get. It causes massive heart palpitations. Oh, my God, I'm going to have a heart attack. They never do. So if it happens to you, just mix an egg in your vegetable juice the first one in the morning, and then you don't have to worry about it. It's always a good idea to eat at least 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of butter with any meat meal.

The reason for that is usually when you're eating meat, you're already fat deficient. Anytime you're eating, you're already fat deficient in your blood. It's a low blood fat level. So your body's going to convert a lot of that protein into acetate. It's a weak fat. So if you eat butter with it, you've taken care of it so you don't have to worry about the body trying to convert that protein into a fat. You will be able to save it to heal the body so that you can utilize it to make hormones and building blocks for cellular development, for cellular reproduction, for cellular division. Very important to always eat a fat, especially butter, with any kind of raw meat so you just don't burn it up. Other cases, it's a good idea if you have a tendency toward constipation to always eat butter or coconut cream with your cheese. A lot of people get constipated by eating cheese. A lot of people think they get constipation eating this diet. Oh, I only move every three days. Oh my God, I'm building up with fecal matter. I say, well, go have a sonogram done, an ultrasound done and see if you're collecting fecal matter. And you know how many people, of the thousands who have gone to have those ultrasounds, come back with a high registration of fecal matter in their intestines? Zero. Not one have I ever found. Except in the case of cancer, but I knew they had cancer. But they didn't go because they thought they were constipated. So all those people who thought they were constipated were not constipated. You have to understand that you've gone many, many years with no nutrients, good nutrients. And all of a sudden you start eating new foods and that's all they have is good nutrients. Your body's starved for it. It absorbs everything you digest. And if you digest everything, you're not going to have any byproducts. You're not going to have any waste. You're going to have very little fecal matter. A few inches, very skinny. Oh my God, I'm getting constipated. No you're not getting constipated. If you've got a ball of fecal matter that's as big as my fist and as hard as rock and you can't get it out, you've got constipation. That's constipation. So don't think you have constipation because you're not moving every day. You're starved. Your body's absorbing everything, absolutely everything you eat. That's a miracle that you can digest that well that you're not having fecal matter. That's exceptional.

Do you know why dogs and cats usually have fecal matter? When they're eating their natural diet? Because they have to pass the fur that they can't digest. They digest everything and wouldn't have any feces if it weren't for the fur and some of the hide. If you ever examine a wild feces from a wild dog or a cat or wolf, you can't find anything in it but hair and some hide. No bones. They digest all the bones. They digest all the meat. They digest the cartilage, the sinew, the tendons, absolutely everything. And what they're throwing off is the hair and some hide that they can't break down. Pretty remarkable. And it turns white into dust. And it's beautiful. Then you take a look at the dogs who eat Alpo and the odor of that feces. And it never turns white and turns into good fertilizer dust. It stinks and it's horrific. Cats the same way. And they have the same diseases as humans do. Tumors and everything. Paralysis, especially in the older days from all those shots, all those vaccinations. And the toxins in animal vaccines are two times more than a large person. Giving the same doses that they do to human infants, which is criminal. Absolutely criminal. And we don't have any attorneys that have any balls. Because the only way an attorney's ever going to beat anybody is they do not pass the bar and take the oath. Because when they take an oath of office, they take it to the court. They are taking an oath to the court to say, I will follow your orders, I will follow your orders. Whatever the judge orders me to do, I will obey. That is their oath. Their oath isn't to protect the Constitution. They don't take an oath like a legal person, I mean a lawyer, or a judge, or a politician takes, or a legislator. This is, I will honor the Constitution, support and protect the Constitution of the United States. An attorney makes an oath to the court to follow the court's rules. Any attorney is a lord of the court and is not your protector. Because if he goes against the court, he won't be practicing in that court. Period. That's it.

So the only way an attorney is ever going to be able to help anybody is to not take the oath and go after them with the legal forces he knows. But then he better have a wealthy contributor because he won't make any money. He or she will not make any money. So don't expect an attorney to ever help you. If you want to help, if you want to win, you tell the attorney what to do. And if he refuses, you tell the court. He's not following your procedure. He's not following your wishes. And the judge says, well he shouldn't because... Say then, you are not... Because the judge is not to advise. The judge is just to judge. They are to judge the facts. But the judges take everything way out of their arena because they want full power in the courtroom. That's why you don't have any attorneys defending anybody. Because they're interested in making money and keeping themselves in cars, in houses, in properties, in money, and all of that kind of stuff. So we don't have any real supporters. Nobody's filing suit against the pharmaceutical houses unless they're a big firm and they're doing under the table. What they're going to do is settle for a lot less than it's worth. How many times a year, oh we got $30 million. Well how many people were damaged? 5,000? 6,000? 50 million doesn't go far, does it? So a family attorney will take a third to half of the proceeds and then the family gets very little. $50,000, $40,000 for being crippled for their life. And that's what goes on. It's all part of the process.

Back to food. In fact, combinations. Well let's go into timing. To keep the most alert and functional of the body, I found and experimented with for 40 years. And finally it took me until about 6 years ago, 7 years ago, to come up with a formula that worked for 90% of the people out there. That means 9 out of 10 people this worked for every day. Some people were too hyperactive and wouldn't, or too acidic, and wouldn't eat this way. But the best thing to do is first thing in the morning have a vegetable juice. You're going to awaken very acidic during the sleep. When you're asleep, the nervous system detoxifies and heals. When you're awake, the nervous system is always working, constantly creating byproducts, psychotropic byproducts, collecting all throughout the system. Only when the light goes out, or it's dark, and the body is shut down in either an advanced meditative state, or in the sleep state, does the nervous system shut down so it can start dumping and healing. And remember, the nervous system collects most of the poisons. The metallic minerals, the free radicals, because of the high fat in the brain and the nervous system. So it starts dumping at night. So by the morning, your blood is overly acidic. So you need to alkalinize that by having some green vegetable juice. Again, we don't want too much carrot because it's high in carbohydrate. So let's say you have a base of 80% celery, 10 to 15% parsley, and maybe 5% carrot or cucumber. And if you have heart palpitations, you have an egg whipped in it. Not blended, just whipped in it. Or you have some cream in it. If the vegetable juice makes you very sleepy, add an egg in it. If it makes you hyperactive and too hungry, you have a little cream in it, maybe a tablespoon of cream in it. Dairy cream, coconut cream. If you're highly toxic, have a little bit of cheese. About half a teaspoon with about a teaspoon of coconut cream.

If you're constipated, truly constipated, those big feces that rip your rectum, you're constipated, then always have some fat with that cheese. Cheese will absorb the poisons. Then you have the vegetable juice 10 minutes later. So you're not washing those poisons back in the system. The cheese will bind with it and hold it. Cheese is a remarkable substance. In its state by itself, it acts as a sponge. It will attract like a magnet and absorb poisons. As the neurological system, the blood and the lymph pass through the digestive tract, even starting in the mouth, the cheese starts magnetically pulling these poisons out of those three systems. Holds onto it like a sponge and will pass down to your feces. If you eat cheese with other things, the same things will happen except with honey. If you eat cheese and honey in the mouth together, the honey will allow you to digest the cheese. Remember, any dried substance does not have bioactive enzymes in it. Nothing is alive in a dried substance. Cottage cheese is partially alive. When it's a dried substance, there's no activity in it, inherent on its own. Your pancreas has to go through a whole gyration of combining, absorbing some of it, combining new enzymes and leaches from itself and then applies it back into that substance, that food, to try to be able to utilize it and it doesn't do it very well. So, we want that to happen with cheese because we want it to be a substance that pulls toxins out of our bodies and holds onto it and doesn't let go and removes it from our system. Kefir and yogurt is a matter of milk is better to digest. Most people are so damaged in their digestive tract that milk doesn't digest as well as it should, especially if it's cold. You're drinking cold milk, it contracts the stomach, the stomach no longer secretes hydrochloric acid, the protein doesn't get digested, it moves into the duodenum undigested and gets into the bloodstream from the duodenum, the casein and lactate, I mean lactose, gets into the bloodstream undigested, irritates the system. So, you don't utilize the milk properly.

So, you should always drink milk at room temperature at least, or warmer, if you want to get the most out of your milk. And if you have poor digestion, poor weight gain, even poor assimilation where you're gaining a lot of weight and you're not utilizing it, you're not digesting properly. Make sure your milk is room temperature or you make it into a kefir yogurt. Now, there are kefir grains out there and yogurt grains out there, but they've been washed and grown a million times and they look nothing like they do in nature. This is a hybrid substance that has no relationship to the natural bacteria in milk or in your intestines. So, when that bacteria feeds on that milk, it's making it for itself, not for you. It will help you because their byproducts is already digested. So, you will get a lot from the milk, but it will always interfere with your own bacteria and never improve your digestion. It will improve your health, but you will not improve your digestion. The best way to make a natural kefir is to encourage the quick growth of the bacteria that's in the milk that's naturally in the calf or in the baby that drinks milk that allows them to digest the milk because the baby lacks a lot of that bacteria when it's first born. So, the way that you encourage that bacteria so it's sweet and nice tasting is you add one to two tablespoons of honey per quart of milk or per half gallon, depends upon how sweet you want it. I do two tablespoons per half gallon. I used to do two tablespoons per quart, but it got a little sweet after a while. But when you do that, I take about six ounces, I'll blend about two tablespoons of honey with that. When it's cold, because you put honey in cold milk, you're not going to mix. So, I blend it, pour it in there, put it in a cupboard, and when it's temperature like this, you've got yogurt, I mean kefir, a nice thick kefir, within about 24, 36 hours. Then you can refrigerate it. It's pre-digested, you don't have to worry about it, but it still will not interfere with your own digestion, your own bacteria, and you can drink it cold. All that talking.

Okay. Back to the cheese again. If you've got any kind of osteoporosis, any kind of nail, your hair's not growing well, just some kind of mineral imbalance in your body, eating cheese and honey together 30 minutes after a meat meal or after a good milkshake is the best way to reverse that. Remember, if you eat cheese and honey in the mouth together, the cheese will be digested. All those minerals will be utilized for cellular absorption instead of acting like a magnet and sponge. So, honey and cheese together, you will digest the minerals and a lot of the fats. Most of the proteins will go to ovate, which is a protein sugar that helps you utilize fat as energy. But you will utilize those minerals, so that's your best mineral supplement. Milk is always your best calcium source. A baby wouldn't grow with strong bones without it. Taking dolomite, rock. Who eats rock? Who goes out and eats rock and goes out and eats dirt for a meal? That's what mineral supplements are. They're rock. They're dirt. Plants eat dirt. We don't. Plants eat rock. We don't. What happens? It rains. The rain's a solvent. It's a distilled product full of bacteria. It comes to the ground and dissolves rock. Plants get to eat the rock. We don't eat rock. So, if you're taking a mineral supplement and you're eating rock, you're damaging your system. What's the body going to do? It's going to attract a lot of calcium out of your blood and it's going to do the reverse. Let's say you take dolomite or bone meal and get the calcium from it. You will absorb it and all of a sudden you're going to have the reverse. You might get bone spurs, over-thickening of the bones. So, you have to be very careful with any kind of supplement. I say stay away from it because you never know where you're going to go, where you're going to end up on the health end. And it's a real risk. It's a risk with everything. So, rock is not very appetizing. Cheese and honey is. So, let that be your mineral supplement.

Some people hate the taste of the raw meats. I've created about 82 sauces that can be made in 3 to 5 different ways each. So, you've got 400 sauces to eat with your raw meats. And that's any kind of meats. So, that makes it easy for you to eat them and eat a lot of them. A lot of people will get nauseous from the meats when they begin to eat them because they lack the proper hydrochloric acid and digestive juices for it because of the diets that we've been on. High carbohydrate that we've been ingesting for the past 20 years because that's the athletic way. We've got every athlete on a cereal box and on a grain box or whatever it is. Even Uncle Tom's pancakes and Uncle Tom's rice. It's all this grain. We've been told to have all this starch to give us energy and food. But, if you go back to the old days in America, it was eggs and meat. Eggs and meat. Eggs and meat and milk. That was the diet. Eggs and meat and milk. And boy, it grew a healthy, strong country that was beyond any other. You couldn't get a stronger, healthier country except if you went to Africa or the jungles and found those raw fooders who ate like that. And then they were... You know, like here in America, the American Indian mainly ate raw meats and raw fat. They could run 35 miles an hour, keep up with a horse. You just go by and grab a soldier right off his horse. So, if the Americans didn't have guns, they wouldn't have been able to fight with those. But, on the average of Caucasians on this planet, we Americans were pretty fit and pretty healthy. A lot healthier than those British that were sent over here as soldiers who were mainly on their potatoes and stuff. We didn't have potatoes. We didn't have fields to grow potatoes in yet. It took a long time. It took until the late 1930s before that started being produced. This was a country grown on eggs, dairy, and meat. It was pretty good. It was pretty strong. Now we're back on to that same stuff that makes slaves of everybody.

Egypt. China. If you were a lackey, you ate 10% of your diet was meat. Or dairy. Or both. 80% was carbohydrates. Some kind of cooked starch. And you had 10% either fruit or vegetation. That's the way they kept the lackeys being lackeys. They didn't think thoroughly. They weren't as strong. They were hyperactive. They had to always be working in labor. So, when the Egyptians, they did the same thing as the Chinese. Your guards and soldiers, they had 50% meat and dairy and 50% fruits and vegetables. Your rulers, 90% dairy and meats. And 10% fruits and vegetables or cooked starch. Very little. This had been going on for 10,000 years or more. They did the same thing in China. You look at these people who were in the fields that only ate 10% protein a day. They don't have the mentality to do anything but their job, which is work in the rice fields. You find that the tribes are out in the... The hill tribes. The hill tribes people lived an independent life. They don't work as slaves for anybody in a rice paddy. They're out there doing their craft. They make their food. They hunt it. They gather insects. They're free people. And they're very strong and healthy compared to the person who's out there working in the rice paddy. So, you consider all these things when you think about the relationship of how much fruits to eat. And I would say that in my diet, 70% of my diet is dairy. Sometimes 70% of my diet will be eggs. Sometimes a day, a couple days a year, or even a week out of the year, eggs will be 90% of my diet. So, I'll eat up to 50 eggs in a day. And then have a glass of milk before I go to sleep, and sometimes during the night. When I feel I'm getting slow on digestion, some kind of toxicity, like the chemotherapy is dumping into my intestines and preventing me from digesting foods properly, and I'm getting nauseous all the time. So, I'll have some cheese and eggs all day long. And then milk at night, just so I can relax and calm and sleep. And then more milk during the night while my nervous system is detoxifying and healing. Works very easily that way. And then I would say on the average, like I said, my diet is 70% dairy, about 20% meat, and about 10% vegetable juice. And it works very, very well for me.

During my healing crisis, sometimes when I was feeling very weak, or I was into a healing state, a healing state usually follows a detoxification cycle, like a cold or a flu. Now, a lot of people think a cold or a flu is the detoxification. It isn't. That detoxification and collection of waste products that's been pulled out of the body could be going on for a year or two. And your body's throwing off some of the waste every day, a little bit every hour or so. But because you're using most of the nutrients to deal with your pollution in and outside your body, your body's not sloughing it off all at once or all in a day, then it collects and gets out of the system. So, when you go through that dumping, that's called a flu or a cold. How do you like that, a clue? That's a cold and a flu together. Shorten it there. So, a cold and a flu, when you have that dump, when you're just charging all that mucus, that is the end of that cycle, heavy cycle of detoxification. You're getting all of that stuff out. Vomiting, diarrhea, that's all the end result of a long detoxification. Been building up for quite a while. Then you find yourself tired, want to sleep, and you have yourself in fever. Fever is the sign of going into healing. When you have fever above 100 degrees, no bacteria can grow in the human body. It all stops. Your body can no longer manufacture a virus. That stops. So, all the normal detoxification processes, even parasites cannot grow in the human body at that temperature. So, it all stops. So, fever is very important for the healing cycle. Cells start reproducing quickly, rapidly, when the body hits 100 degrees to 102, to 104, even 106. And a lot of the doctors have these poor mothers thinking, My child's got a fever of 102. My baby's going to die.

So, they go and feed them all these antibiotics, which completely destroys the digestive tract of the infant, destroys the growth of that infant in its digestive tract for at least four or five years. It is a respite. That means that the mental capabilities of that child are going to be deprived, because the body is not going to lose all that it has to out of the digestive tract and the rest of the body. The nervous system is going to falter. So, you have all these people now who can't think, who can't read, 8th grade, 10th grade, can't read. Why? They have no comprehension. Why? Antibiotics have destroyed their ability to digest, because the mother is panicking over a 101, 102 fever of her infant. I've had infants go up to 106.7 degrees. No damage, as long as they're eating proper food. No brain damage. The brain damage comes from getting antibiotics, and the body has to forego the development of the brain and nervous system to develop the rest of the body. So, everything the medical profession tells you is exactly the opposite, because it's geared to keep you sick, making money, so they can keep making money. And this is well thought out. This is not something that, you know, oh, we made a mistake, it was our improper thinking. Let me tell you, they know exactly what's going on. They put billions of dollars into research, they know exactly what's going on.

In 1975, when I was bicycling around the country, I stopped in Oklahoma, and just on the side of the road, because I still had a lot of back problems from my back, I'd have to get off the bike about every hour and a half and do some yoga exercises, especially the spinal twist and the plow to stretch my back out, because I'd go into severe pain. So I was in this position, and this guy came by on a horse, you know, a good old Oklahomian, and invited me over to his place to have something to eat. You know, he had a watermelon patch, and I was into watermelon. Yeah, so I love a watermelon. So I ride over to his home. He was about 82 years old, and we were talking about diet, and how the gentleman was a vegetarian, a fruitarian, a raw fooder, and all of that. He says, you know, you really have there something, boy, because back when I worked with Purina, or was it general, Purina or general foods, he said, we did tests, we're going to prove that animals got healthy on our cereals. They were all clean of bacteria. So we started these experiments in the late 1930s, and they went all the way up into the mid-40s, you know, with the war, World War II. And he said, at the end of all of that, all we found out was all the animals that ate our food, processed food, got diseases. And all the animals that ate the raw substances, they had no diseases. So, what we did was, we were told, because we'd signed a contract, that we couldn't develop any of that, and they took it all the way down to the incinerator and burned all of that research. They knew it back then. They had already billions of dollars invested in it. They had a good thing in mind, and when they found out it wasn't lucrative, it was their money, or your health. And guess what won? Their money.

So you have to think about that good and hard. This is all planned. They know exactly what's going on. Probably the new people in their companies, the new people who were recruited, know nothing about it. But those people who are older know everything. So, the new crop of people, all the old ones are going to be dead and gone. They had memories of it and know the truth. The truth is going to be gone. Everybody's going to be confused. And that's what we have now. Everybody's confused. Except for those old people who are still in office. In office and CEOs of companies, who are like, you know, all of them that are 70 years old. They know the story. They know what's going on. They know that raw dairy never created a disease. There was a woman named Allison. Did I say this already? I'm saying it so much with all these meetings with these senators. I'm talking about the dairy. So, I talked about this woman named Allison, who in 1934 went to work for Knudsen's Dairy, which is a huge dairy conglomerate. And they were the first ones in that particular county to buy the pasteurization equipment. Nobody was buying their dairy because everybody knew that the raw dairy was healthful. So, they hired a bunch of MDs and writers to write and tell fictitious stories that raw milk was a disease carrier, that raw milk was responsible for all the tuberculosis that was experienced during the Depression and all those years when there was scarcity of food and lots of coal being burned with its mercury damaging the lungs and causing tuberculosis. They blamed it on the milk. However, any good doctor knew that the tuberculi from a bovine never passed through the mammary barrier. So, it never got into the milk. Also, a tuberculi human milking a cow and hacking into the milk, it wouldn't grow. In 2003, the University of California, Davis, which is our biggest and most famous agricultural college in the United States, took organic pastures, raw dairy, spiked it with pathogens, including the 0157H7 E. coli, and they didn't grow. Because of the lactic acid. They pasteurized it, spiked it, and they grew like crazy.

So, it's known out there what's going on. They don't want you to have good food. They want you to be a weak race that does what they say and is not in any trouble. And if you're weak, unhealthy, don't know what to do, you're strapped with family, house, cars, you're not going to cause them problems. You're just going to keep feeding their pockets. Okay, I've got to let them change the tape here. Everybody stand up and do jumping jacks.


A: People disappear, I guess, in toilet time. I didn't tell everybody they go to the toilet yet. See, there's independent ventures, by the way. I guess we will be bound to wait. There's that bright light coming in again.

[audio cut]

A: However, it'll hold water a little bit longer if necessary. Like the tribes in Australia, the Aborigines, they've learned to hold their bladder water and reabsorb it. They can go 200 or 300 miles a day in that heat up to 130 degrees with four ounces of vegetable juice. They'll pull it around. They'll grate it, wring it, drink four ounces, and do all that, and hold it and retain it. They know that if they drink water, they're dead. It causes a dryness in the body. It dries and cracks, and they're dead. So they do not, not any of the tribe's people who still live in the bush, do not drink water. They might put it on their skin and get in the water, but they will not drink it, because they know that their life will be short, or they have to keep drinking water, and then it changes the digestive system and everything. So the bladder can hold water and reabsorb the fluid in the body. Just remember that everything that's in the urine is in the blood. So that's a very important fluid. Everything but the red blood cells that are in the blood is in the urine. There's still a few red blood cells in that urine, but it doesn't look red, does it? It looks yellow. It's got all the protein. It has all the fat. It has everything that feeds the blood or keeps the red blood cells and white blood cells alive in the bloodstream. And it's even feeding the rest of the body, since the lymphatic systems are so compromised. So the Indians, the East Indians, use urine therapy to heal many of their problems, because many of them are vegetarian. So they don't process from vegetation. They don't process the proteins and utilize them the first time through. So a lot of them use urine therapy to drink their urine, and it resolves a lot of problems. It's a very antiseptic, nourishing fluid. When I was a vegetarian, I had to drink my urine, or else I got very weak. I didn't have coffee to rely on. I didn't have benzidrine to rely on, except those that were still stored in my body and would detox once in a while, and I'd be wired. But normally I had to drink my urine at least twice a day to get enough protein to function.

When I turned to a raw meat-eater, it was almost impossible to drink my urine, because then I was getting too acidic. So I became like other animals that didn't need to drink my urine. I remember my mother, when I told my mother about it, she said, well, yeah, when I was a teenager, you know, back in the early 30s, she had terrible acne. And the neighbor woman told my grandmother, my mother's mother, that she should wash her face with urine, her urine. And my mother was so vain, she didn't want the acne, she washed her face with urine, and the acne went away. And any time she had acne, she used urine to wash away. But what she was really doing was feeding fat, good microscopic amounts of fat, into the cells, into that area. So when the toxic substances came out through the pores, the skin was not irritated, the skin was protected. It also had acetates that were reduced to very fine molecules that would go in there and reduce the poisons to the acetate fluid, so the white blood cells could go back and recede and get back into the system. So the body didn't have to lose a lot of white blood cells fighting with those toxins as they came out the zits. And that's what zits are. It's toxins leaving through the pores. Those toxins are so toxic, and the white blood cells surrounding them and escorting them out of the body cause such swelling, cause the stretching of that pore like a rectum that gets split and bleeds. That's what happens in a zit. That is the experience of a zit. So if you've got this urine fat, this very fine molecule that's in a fluid that's very water-soluble, you can get it in there and arrest and coat the toxins, the white blood cells leave and go back into the body where they belong, and you don't have pus. You have a little crystal that'll come out that you don't even notice. You may pick it off and feel it.

Blackheads are the same way. Only the red blood cells have surrounded the toxins instead of white blood cells. That's usually heavy metal bound, and it's usually iron. Iron supplements, one a day. Do you know how much blackheads increase when one-a-day vitamins get involved? Tremendously. Oh, I owe my blackheads to my one-a-day vitamins. Don't you want to take one-a-day vitamins? Little boy? Little girl? That's what it was. You have to take a look at how the body works. If something toxic is coming through your skin, something toxic is damaging the tissue. It causes the hive, the rupture, the blister, the acne, the rash. Whatever it is, there's a toxin passing through the skin. Now, the lymph system dumps most of its toxins out the skin. It throws it into the connective tissue, and we perspire out the skin. If you don't perspire, you're in trouble. You're going to store a lot of toxins. You can develop MS. You can develop lupus. There are a lot of connective tissue diseases that exist for people who perspire. Every one of my patients that had MS or lupus could not perspire. Can you imagine a tennis player that doesn't perspire? My worst case of lupus was a tennis player who couldn't perspire. And all those toxins from all those hard days of tennis, hours in the hot sun, all those toxins from the muscular activity stored in his connective tissue. And when he hit 38, that was it. He just blew up, just like a balloon, swelled up like a balloon. Can't even pick up a pencil without severe pain. Your body is equipped to handle everything as long as you don't keep poisoning it with every meal. And if you stop poisoning it at all, you'd be very fortunate. You'd be like me. You'd still be alive when you were supposed to have been dead. I should have been dead 40 years ago.

And here I am at 60. And I only need usually 3 1⁄2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. Can you imagine functioning incredibly on 3 1⁄2 to 4 hours a night? I'll get 2 1⁄2 hours at a time, at one time, and maybe an hour and a half at another time. And I function optimally all day long because I refuse to put anything toxic into my body again. But other people would much rather choose disease and their taste buds, their old habitual taste appetite. And I have no judgment over that. Because who am I to judge? I've been diseased a lot of my life. And that was my exploration and travel. If somebody wants to enjoy donuts and chocolate candy and stuff like that and have a disease, I'm not qualified to judge anybody. If somebody wants disease, you're welcome to have it if you want it. I am just at that point where I'm 100% I will not eat something that will damage my health. I've suffered enough. I don't need to go there. And there was so much of my life that I was nonfunctional mentally and physically that an hour out of my life is too much to sit around with an upset stomach or fatigue because of something that took me five minutes to eat or ten minutes to eat. I won't do it. But everybody has their own choice, and everybody should make their own choice. I've had people in serious cancer, but at a point where it definitely couldn't be reversed. And they take a look at my program and say, no, I'd rather die of cancer. I say, sure, that's fine. I have no judgment about it. You know, if that's the way you want to go, it's as good as any. I'm just, you know, here to let you know that you can live a different way and you can utilize as much of my knowledge as you want or as little as you want. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to me as long as you don't impose upon my health like the FDA and health departments are trying to take my raw milk away and raw foods away and raw vegetable juices and fruit juices and all of that. That's where they're stepping over the line. They step on my feet. I don't relax and take it.

So, okay, we go down into the gonads. Now we have the ovaries and the testicles, and we know what they're all for. They're all for pleasure, right? All for procreation and pleasure, depending upon your preference. So don't have to talk about those. So we go on over the whole system. The skeletal system is mainly made of hard bone, which keeps the whole physical structure able to take hard blows, to be able to be a good structured being, to be able to be solid and erect and move heavy objects that are even heavier than we are. If we didn't have a solid system, we'd be like an amoeba or a worm, and we wouldn't be able to carry, be able to even absorb and carry things, but not carry many things on us, with us, unless it were a shell. And we'd be just carting it along. So the skeletal system allows us to function the way we function, have the attributes that we can. Fingers function. Can you imagine having no bones in those fingers? You wouldn't be picking up anything. There'd be no solid structure there. And like I said earlier, the soft center of the bone is bone marrow. If that's a temperature like this, your bone marrow is wet like butter. Like, well, like more yogurt. But if it gets very warm, like 100 and 101, 102 degrees, it'll melt like butter. So it's mainly fat, and that's where the red might blood cells are at. And also because it's so concentrated in fat, the body will store a lot of poisons in the bone marrow. And that can cause, again, anemia, cancers of the blood and bone, multiple myeloma, all of those diseases that are involved in the bone marrow.

Okay, next we're going to go into food. Nobody likes food, right? Food, what do we do with food? Well, we talked about digesting food. That's how we derive the nutrients from food. So we have protein, we have fats, and we have carbohydrate, or the normal division. To me, the carbohydrate, the one for the human, is vegetable juice. Not even fruit is good for the human, except in small amounts, and only while you're not well. You get over-acidic. And I don't suggest that we eat vegetables. I don't eat vegetables, unless it's an herb with a meat meal as a sauce. Why is that? Because, as I explained, the herbivore is built to digest vegetation, leaf stalks and roots. We are not. When we pass vegetation through our system, it goes through in 24 hours. We digest less than one quarter of all that vegetation. Sometimes if we're healthier, up to one third. But it's only the vegetable juices, the enzymes, some of the fats, not many, and a lot of the enzymes and the minerals. But we don't fractionate the cellulose molecule to release the fat and the protein. So, it's good to drink your vegetables. You juice your vegetables. What happens if you eat vegetation and they travel through a human digestive tract? Your digestive tract. You'll be constantly secreting alkaline juices. All of your E. coli, all of your Salmonella, all of your Listeria, your Campylobacter, those are all acid-bearing bacteria. If you eat vegetation, and that vegetation constantly secretes alkaline fluids in your intestines, it neutralizes that bacteria. It can't eat. Because then it's in an alkaline environment. The hydrochloric acid is neutralized, so it won't digest your protein. It won't fractionate them, so the bacteria can eat them. So, how can we get vegetables into the system without turning the intestines alkaline? Vegetable juice. Goes into the stomach. Doesn't secrete hydrochloric acid because there's no protein in it, or very little. Goes into the duodenum, or starts digesting. Any micro-fats that are in the juices will be mixed with some bile, and then they're all absorbed within the first three inches of the intestinal tract. Maybe a little bit of pulp got through in the vegetable juice, but not enough to cause indigestion. So, vegetable juices are very important.

Now, if you have somebody who has a very, very poor digestive tract, like another Crohn's, Crohn's is one that I wouldn't suggest that with, but they've got inflammatory bowel syndrome, you might eat a salad once a week. Whole vegetables once a week. Twice a week, maximum. And you do it as your last meal of the day. So, any dairy that came behind it, any meat that came behind it, if you were to eat meat, would not be neutralized. So, when you wake in the morning, you've got an acid system again, after the vegetables have passed through, and whatever you eat will never catch up to it. If it catches up with it, it'll be neutralized. So, that's the only way I suggest, and the only reason I ever suggest a whole vegetable salad. Otherwise, it should be liquid. Okay, proteins. Now, this is a, you know, a lot of people believe that we should not eat meat. And when I was with the Shibananda community, they were of that ilk. In fact, they were of the ilk, not the dairy, when I was with them. And that was harmful to me. And now, you know, the Shibananda yoga communities allow lacto-ovo, which is so important. Like I said earlier, there's a lot of people I know that only live on milk and eggs, and they don't need the meat. They do okay without it. However, my experiments with a lot of very sick humans, they could not heal quickly without raw meats. So, if you're in danger, like the Dalai Lama was going more and more toward vegetarianism, becoming a complete vegetarianism for spiritual reasons, then he got very sick. And a friend of his, a very dear friend of his in this country, who built him an ashram, Fred Siegel, who's on my diet, you know, Fred Siegel came to me at about 66 years old, and he was like this, and as skinny as an Auschwitz victim, you know. And his wife had been vegetarian for 10 years. His wife was 30-some years younger than he was. And got into vegetarianism, wasting away. So, he got on my diet. Within a year and a half, he was all standing up straight, gained about 40 pounds, and looking strong and healthy. And his vegetarian wife says, if he ever goes off your diet, he's out of the house.

So, he's a friend of the Dalai Lamas, and the Dalai Lama's getting very sick. And Fred said, take a look at what happened to me. Start eating meat again, you know, eat it raw. So, the Dalai Lama started eating meat, and you saw the Dalai Lama go big again. So, some people need it as their medicine. So, don't be afraid of it if that's what you need, you know, for your medicine. I mean, everything, vegetables are just as alive as any creature. And if you look at the results of the experiments of Baxter, from the late 60s and early 70s, he put the lie detector, which can register emotional activity, on plants. And when something was killed or destroyed in their room with a plant, the plant would react. If you took a plant near that plant and ripped it apart, that plant, the other plant would react. He also noticed that the plants in his house, during his experiments, would react at a particular time of the day, in a 20-minute period, react, get very emotional, for that 20 minutes every day. And he realized that a flush usually followed that activity. And there was a toilet in the office building, you know, stairs on that floor, on that level, and right juxtaposed to his office. And they had those antiseptic little discs that they put in there that stink so terribly, like mothballs, which are causing brain tumors. And he noticed that when urine, because you have live blood cells, you've got lots of white blood cells and some red blood cells in the urine, so the men were up there urinating urinals with these discs, and it was killing the cells. When he pulled out all of those, one day he took out all those discs, and the plants didn't react to the people urinating and flushing. He also took plants and put them next to a boiled lobster, and he noticed that his plants started going crazy when he boiled a live lobster. They always react. There was the experiment which he called Daisies Tell the Truth. He put 11 daisies in a room and had seven people, I think it was, walk through the room. One of them, they were all instructed, one of them get the gumption to just destroy all but one of the plants. They go in there and rip the pieces. Whoever came in after were not to do anything. They'd just come in and go out. So nobody knew who did the destruction. Then he put the diodes, or the electrodes, on the remaining plant that was not hurt, and had each person locked in, and the person who had killed the plants, it reacted.

So plants are just as intelligent as animals. So when you eat plants, you're eating live things. You're killing a plant just like you're killing an animal. So you have to take a look at that philosophy thoroughly and deeply when you feel that if you need meat, and you're afraid to eat it for spiritual reasons, you have to look at the whole of our creation. Everything is alive. Everything has intelligence. And I don't like the feeling of class distinction between, oh, plants are not as highly evolved as animals. Without plants, we wouldn't be alive. They're very highly evolved. To me, everything is equally highly evolved. So we all give a great deal to this environment and planet. Even this cancerous human creature that's on Earth that's eating up the system and making it toxic has a reason. Has a reason. So we need to consider why are we going through all this. What is the reason for it? Do we want to reverse it before it continues? Those are all questions each person has to answer. But on a dietary level, it may be very necessary for some people to eat meat. Like I said, in my animal experiences, both human and other, healing was increased rapidly with meat consumption. Raw meat consumption, not cooked meat. Raw meat consumption. So some people can get fine on one meat meal a week, three meat meals a week. But when I ate a poison mushroom in 1981, and it destroyed 65% of my red blood cells, it gave me multiple myeloma again. And I was just feeling like I was on top of the world. And all of a sudden, bam, I hit the bottom again. It took me six and a half years to recover. And I was only eating the raw meats about three days a week, one time a day.

And then after about a year and a half of eating that way after the poison mushroom, I decided I had to do something different because I was abscessing in my mouth. I was having blood problems everywhere. And I was mostly non-functional, just like when I had cancer earlier in my life. So I began eating meat twice a day, eating about a pound a day. The results were phenomenal. I started healing rapidly. A lot of people say, well, that's because you had your stomach surgery and all those. I said, it could be. But you have to consider, if I'm eating a lot more meat and I have no hydrochloric acid, how am I digesting it? There's something exceptional going on in my body that it can digest that meat in the first place. We still, like I said, we have lots of hydrochloric acid that secretes throughout the small intestine. Carnivores, dogs and cats, have 15 times the hydrochloric acid that we do in the stomach. But we secrete just as much as any canine and feline in the small intestines. If we count that that's in our stomach and that's in the small intestine, we have the same amount. Dogs and cats digest their meats in 10 hours. We digest it in hours of 16 to 20 hours, going 24 out to the feces. Dogs and cats have a movement about every 12 hours. So they're built to digest the meats faster than we are. Not that we're not built to digest meats, because obviously we are. We're animal products. And eggs are a very important part of that product. But my experiments with eggs again, even though they're high in protein and fat, the protein doesn't seem to be mature enough to generate enough healing and growth hormone. They will help rebuild and reconstitute a cell very, very well, but it doesn't help increase the cellular division to increase more cellular life in the body. So that's been my experiment with thousands of people.

So if you're mainly a milk and egg eater, wonderful. You're going to get healthy, you're going to get strong. Those cells that you have alive, you're going to keep reproducing cells at a good normal rate. But if you need increased healing, then you might try raw meats just to increase that. I do it because it takes 40 years. I still do it. It takes 40 years to replace every cell in the body five times. The work of Howell and Pottenger, they took cats and bats. Pottenger took 900 cats over a 10-year period and fed them different diets. He fed them raw foods that was normal for their carnivore diets, and he fed them the same things cooked and then processed, cooked and processed. And the more processed the food, the more advanced and chronic the diseases were. Powdered, evaporated milk was the worst. It created the worst diseases. And what do we send over as care packages? All those poor people, all those poor starving children in Africa, in Bangladesh, evaporated milk. Because they know what happens. They know they're going to kill them and then take over their resources. And it is that ugly. A country that has no population, they get all the resources. They don't even have to go to war. And that's been going on for a long time. You kill them with restoration. Very easy process. So when you give donations in the future, you make sure that you're giving donations that are not going to poison those people. There's a group of actors. I forgot who they are. When they give a care package, they give them a milking animal, a chicken, a live farm product to grow to be able to have good food, not processed garbage. And when these companies buy, when they have a care package, they go to Purina, they go to General Foods, General Mills, and they say, give us the most you can and the cheapest. And they give them the worst cereals, the rejected cereals, the ones that won't pass inspection in this country, and guess who gets fed with them. These people are out there for the process and the money. They're not out there for the hearts as you and I are. So we have to keep those people in check. And if you want to create your own aid program, that would be wonderful, because you have the intelligence to do it properly and right and not fall into the category of these other people who are just doing it to rob the resources of the country.

So anyway, back to the dairy and the eggs is a very good way to maintain what you have and make it stronger every day. If you need to heal and reproduce cells and become more alive and stronger, then meat will probably be a necessity in your diet. Okay, it's time to take a 15-minute break this time. I need to eat something. I'm going to suck some eggs while you guys go out and do your thing. Everybody was informed that they needed to bring food, and I hope everybody did. Okay, let's go do it.


A: So the way I have developed a formula, or a friend of mine developed a formula called the lubrication or moisturizing formula. It has two names in all of my books. There's two names because I want it to be appealing to the women, which is a moisturizing formula, and appealing to the men, which is a lubrication formula. It's the most important formula in my whole system. And that's the combination of egg, butter, lemon juice, and a little bit of honey. And what that does is it helps break down the fats even before the bile gets to it. So it gets rapidly, so rapidly that all the organs and glands can't consume it all. So it gets out to every other part of the body, including the bones and the skin and the joints and the connective tissue that wouldn't normally get fat. So if you have that kind of a problem and you're not having the moisturizing lubrication formula, have it. And it's always best consumed after a meat meal or a heavy egg and dairy meal. Or in combination with.

Okay, we're going to talk about, oh, we started on the pattern of eating. So we have the vegetable juice first thing in the morning. Okay, in order for the brain and nervous system to work properly, remember we talked about the AGEs, the advanced glycation end products. Well, if you eat a piece of fruit or a high carbohydrate juice like a carrot juice, you are going to cause the brain and nervous system fluids to be sticky, your blood to be sticky. So, not a good thing to do. So you want to eat some kind of a protein meal. I always have meat. My brain works so well when I have meat. If I just have dairy and eggs, I'll be good. But if I want to be a genius, I have meat at that first meal. And I have the butter with it or the lubrication formula for meat. Or I can have the moisturizing on the other side. So, the moisturizing or lubrication formula with that meal. And then if I want to make sure I've got lots of minerals for the day, I have the cheese and honey afterward, about 30 minutes after that. Now my brain is set for the day. However, you still have another 5 hours to go. If you eat a high carbohydrate in the first 7 hours that you're awake, you will make glycogen with the carbohydrate. If you don't eat a high carbohydrate, the body is going to make the glycogen from pyruvate, a protein sugar. Now the carbohydrate we discussed, very high acrylamides. If you have pyruvate as your protein or sugar to make glycogen with the help of glucagon, you only have 7-8% advanced glycation end product. And we can handle 12% at a time. So that means you will not store not one molecule of advanced glycation end product.

So, the first 7 hours you're awake after a long sleep, do not eat high carbohydrate food. Juice or any form. Any form of high carbohydrate food. No fruit, no juice, you know like carrot juice or beet juice or anything like that. Unless it's just a small percentage of your juice, like 5-10% of your juice. You're not going to have much. Celery has a minus carbohydrate. You don't have enough carbohydrate to digest celery. So, when you start with celery and you put a little bit of carrot with it and parsley, the high carbohydrate in that is going to be neutralized by the celery. So, you can see how much thought and everything I put into all this. It'll work. It works 95-98% of the time. Exactly like this. So, then the next, then you've got 2-3 hours you drink milk in between, preferably kefir or yogurt, any form of kefir or yogurt. You can have eggs in between all you want. Feel, you know, you're getting a little sleepy or drowsy. Take an egg, you know. Does everybody know how to eat an egg? Raw? Like Rocky. Break 5 eggs into a glass and you down it and you wipe your mouth like this. You don't wipe your mouth like that, it won't work. And that's how he did it. He just downed the 5 eggs. I do it, my throat's a little tight, like the glom, you know, of egg in my throat. It makes me want to kind of puke. So, what I do is I do it the Aajonus way. I take an egg, hopefully it's got some fecal matter on it. I'll explain that later. And I put a dent at one end, not a hole, a dent. And then this end I make a hole with the cutting teeth in front. You know any herbivore, any vegetarian animal that has cutting teeth? In 90% of its mouth? No. Your vegetarian animals, your herbivores, all have old molars.

So, you're not going to like this. And first the white comes out in little amounts. And the white doesn't taste like anything, so it's pretty benign. It's a cool texture, as long as it's not a glob in my throat. And then the last to come out is the yolk. Now what you have is a hermetically sealed, perfect food, protein, carbohydrate and everything. And now the waste product is completely biodegradable. The packaging. Make sure I got all of it. And that's it. That's all there is to it. And then I don't have to clean a glass. Rocky has to clean a glass every time. I do not. So, you have eggs like that, your mind feels a little slow, you might be feeling a little sleepy. Grab an egg like that or a rocky style and down it, and your mind will turn around in about 10 minutes. 10 to 12 minutes. And you'll be alert and focused again. If you eat a lot of foods at that time, you drink a lot of milk, you're going to get sleepy. Because you sense like a baby, drinking until it's full and says, oh I can go to sleep again. So, when you want to stay alert and focused and working and concentrating, you eat something that's a full meal in one. You have all your protein and fats, but not a lot of it. Frequently, but not a lot at one time. And you'll stay open and focused. Let me give you an example. The Los Angeles Police Department was hassling a lot of these runaways on Venice Beach. And I went on Venice Beach almost daily to get people on this diet from 1988 all the way through 1995. Trying to get as many people to do the diet as I could get to see its results. Because I'd only worked with patients, you know, let's say 300 altogether or 500 altogether in all of those years. I wanted to work with thousands of people to see the results of this diet.

So I set up a table out there and talked people into going into the diet. We're talking about in a five and a half year period about 10,000 people. And about, talked about 10,000 people. But I got about 3,200 to do the diet and come back with results. And they were exceptional. So I was out there, I saw the police department hassling runaways. These are runaways who've been sexually abused or abused in some manner. And they weren't runaways, they were teenagers that were out there doing hair wraps, painting pictures, doing portraits. And the police were ticketing them and running them off. So where did they have to go? Into drug trade or prostitution. So I was on the police's pocket like, I don't know, police's butt like hip pocket. And Jerry Rubin, a famous activist, and I got some attorneys together, we got cars printed, and any time we saw a policeman hassling one of these people, we'd go up and say, this officer is depriving you of your civil rights, you have a total responsibility to be here. And if he cites you, you get in touch with this attorney, he will file suit on this man or this woman for citing you and for making your life miserable. So the police hated us. And I was the biggest offender because I would watch for them. So after five and a half years, they got this guy to attack me. Kept moving away, he kept coming at me and hitting me. And we're talking in deadly places. So I picked up a stick and I beat him. But I beat him, only him coming at me. Seven witnesses, and they arrested me for assault and battery. Because that's what they were setting us up to do. And they got all of us. They got Jingles, everybody knows, the singing, roller skating Sikh. He was part of us too. So he got arrested, Jingles got arrested, Jerry Rubin got arrested, and I got arrested all in that week, because they were going to put a stop to us.

So they weren't prepared for me, so I sued them. And I played my own attorney because I know what attorneys do. So I put him through five years of hell in the legal system. And when I got him finally into court, in federal court, I'm the only layperson that's ever gotten this Los Angeles Police Department and the city into federal court. And I tried it myself. And I wrote legal documents two stacks this high. And I was carting them in every day into the hearing. And I was my own attorney. So I was on my feet all day long. I had 22 officers in there. And we're talking about, you know, lieutenants and captains and sergeants that were there. They let four of them off the hook right away. So I had three of them on trial and 22 for witnesses. And I proved without a doubt that they had arrested me and that they had set me up and conspired. So what happened during that time, that whole 22 days, you know how I survived? Because I had to prepare for questioning. Every officer, every question had to be understood and written. Because you don't go in there and think, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. You have to go in there with your plan of attack for each person that you're calling up as a witness. And you have to know what to ask them and what not to ask them. So I had to go through this every night and stand on my feet all day long through this. I was getting one and a half hours sleep a day. And I got it ten minutes at a time, even in the courtroom. And one time I said, I need a short recess, ten minutes, I went to sleep right there. And I came up, woke up, and went right back to work. And they don't allow any kind of food in the courtroom. And I said, you have to let me have a motion here, a citing that says that I was diagnosed with diabetes. Of course, I wasn't diabetic anymore. But, you know, I would have symptoms of diabetes like anybody would with low blood sugar. I didn't have my food.

So I said, I have to have my food in the courtroom and eat during court. So I got it. So I'm there downing raw eggs like you just saw in the courtroom, drinking my milk and doing that. So that's what I got. I got an hour and a half sleep a day. And then when it was all over and I went to the jury, they switched a juror. A juror that had been working with the police department for ten years. You don't see any record of her ever being in the jury. And all of a sudden this new juror's in there. And she convinced three of the jurors came out and were waiting for me after the trial and said, this woman wouldn't let us do it. She said, you know, this wasn't, I said, you got a smoking gun there. They said, but yeah. And I said, the stuff that she was telling you that I didn't have, they didn't give me. But yet the officer said that he had read it before he came. So they held that from the court. So it was all set up. They knew I was never going to win. But I cost them millions of dollars and lots of time and sweat. And they left all of those years alone during the whole seven years. And then they started hassling them again. But then I was on to milk and other stuff. Anyway, that's the situation. But you can stay focused and conscious with those eggs. And a half a cup of milk at a time. Egg, maybe one hour. Half a cup of milk, another hour. If you want to stay focused, if you have the physical energy, you're going to need more than that. You're going to have to have milkshakes, like a half a cup of milkshake at a time. If you're doing physical labor. But if it's mental, mainly the eggs will keep you physically and mentally focused.

So let's say after this first protein meal, you have the vegetable juice. Then 45 minutes, an hour later, you have the protein meal. Eggs and milk or meat. And also butter. Then two or three hours later, you have a... I know that I'm swinging it around in there, you guys. You have a milkshake. This helps calm the body and deliver it some energy. If you have the problem like I had, where if you mix eggs and milk and honey together, you get cramps. You're not going to be able to do that. So you probably suck your eggs first, my style or Rocky's style, and then have some milk and cream afterwards and honey after that. Maybe five, ten minutes after you down the eggs. Remember, the eggs are going to go through very rapidly. Then two to three hours after that, you have another vegetable juice. Now we've hit the time where you could eat some carbohydrate. But let's give it an hour or two anyway, just to make sure. So an hour or two after the second juice, you can have your one and only fruit meal of the day. And always with the fat. Now remember that fruit is always detoxifying. The body makes alcohols with it. So it will utilize fat as energy and it will detoxify the system. So this is the time to do it. You don't want to do it early in the day because you don't want your day to be focused on detoxifying, nor making everything sticky and poorly functional. And you don't want it late in the day because you're not going to sleep well if you're detoxifying at night. So this is the time to have a fruit. If you want to lower the amount of detoxification, you don't have ripe fruit, you have non-sweet fruit that's on the green side. But always have it with fat anyway.

And the best fat for cleaning is coconut cream. Coconut cream is an incredible solvent. Before, you know, 60 years ago, all of our soaps, body soaps, were 70 to 90% coconut. Everything, laundry soap, everything was made with coconut. And then when they discovered to make out all these acetates, soaps, you know, out of chemical petroleum products and kerosene, they found that it was cheaper than to grow these coconuts, to harvest and process them, and then decontaminate them and deal with all the waste products. They could just make a chemical soap. And that's when all of the natural products went out the door for soaps. And they are a great soap too. Coconut cream is what I use as my body soap. That's the coconut cream that I don't eat in time, and it becomes fermented. So I use it to brush my teeth with, and I use it to wash my body with, and hair and everything. And it's a wonderful soap. But the coconut cream internally will do the same thing. It's the best cleanser. So have, you know, 3 to 6 tablespoons. If you're a big person, you have 8 tablespoons, you know, of coconut cream at a time. But always have a natural fat with it. I mean an animal fat with it. Either cream or butter, or a little bit of cream and butter with the coconut, both of them with coconut. Because the coconut is more detoxifying, the butter and the cream are protective. So if you've got the coconut cream pulling out a lot of heavy metals and other toxicity, you want that, the animal fats there to protect your system from damage. So always have a little bit of the animal fats with the coconut cream when you have the fruit. And there are lots of ideas in the recipe book. These eating systems that I'm telling you right now are on page 40 and 41 of the recipe book. But I'm going through it to explain why it is that way. Which I don't do in the book, as well as some people. Some people say that they didn't understand it, because it's very concise, and it doesn't go into much explanation. So I'm giving you the explanation now of why I set that schedule up and why it works.

Okay, so we go from the fruit meal, and you're going to have different fruits. If you've got a problem, you know, you read in the, we want to live in the remedy section. You go through all of that and you say, I've had that symptom, I've had that symptom, I've had that symptom. And these reoccur once in a while. Any symptom you've ever had is going to recur on you, I guarantee you. Because you have never eaten properly to heal properly. So that area is always going to be revisited. The detoxification and the healing. So anything that you've ever gone through, you go and highlight that. This is the remedy section of my book. So you know what fruits, what other fruits to eat. So you can go through it right away. If you want an excellent way to do it, you go to The T-O is a numeral to And you can get the PDF version from the Adobe version. You can download it and search it. So you can have it like that. You don't even have to highlight it. You know right where to go. Just put that word in and you'll find it instantly. And it costs us as much as the book does, you know, hard copy. But it's a lot more if you're a computer person and don't have a lot of time. Then that's an excellent thing to get. And it's well worth the $30. You don't have to pay shipping on it. And no taxes, I don't think. If you're in California, you might. It's not my website. I just licensed somebody to be able to distribute all of my information. It was an agreement because I don't have time to do it. And everybody was screaming at me, where can we get more of your information? Where can we get more of your information? I said, yeah, now you can. Lots of stuff that is not published is on that site. A lot of stuff. Articles that I've written that were published in obscure places and other magazines, L.A. Times, all kinds of places. Everything's on there that I allow to be out yet. So, and my publisher allows. So, that's a lot.

So, you go there and you find out, you know, you know what foods you need to eat. So, let's say you're having difficulties with your spine. You know that papaya is helpful for that. So, you have papaya for a couple of days a week. Don't have it repeatedly because it will create even more spinal detoxification. You can have it every other day for the weeks that you're dealing with your back. And if you're dealing with digestive problems, you know, constipation, something like that, then you can have pineapple with the coconut cream, butter, and dairy cream. And a little honey if you want. If you can't eat those fats, you can whip them into a whipped cream and have it with a whole or chunks of fruit, or you can blend it all together. You know, it's like if you're trying to get rid of heavy metals, you can use dark berries, blueberries, blackberries, or boysenberries with those creams, those fats. And if you blend it together, it will be like a parfait, you know, like a hard gelatin. It's pretty good. So, you can do it in many different ways to make it more appetizing, though you may be eating the same thing. So that's how you work that one. Then the next, you wait two to three hours, add another vegetable juice. Then an hour and a half, two hours later, your second and last meat meal or another large protein meal with a lot of eggs at one time, and some dairy in that time if you're not a meat eater. And then, again, you know, have your lubrication formula or some butter with that meal, or butter and honey if you're having eggs and milk.

And again, usually when you have a milkshake at that late in the day, you're not going to digest as well and as quickly, so it might be better to down the eggs if you have digestive problems, and then drink the milk and cream afterwards with a little butter and honey, and then the cheese and honey after that, about 30 minutes after that. And before you go to bed, you know, you can have milk anytime during the day, preferably room temperature or cold kefir and yogurt if you want, or room temperature kefir and yogurt, or even warm milk. You can warm it every time if you like. You can treat yourself like a baby. If you're a person who's hyperactive and irritable all the time, warm milk will relax you all the time. It's a good thing. So before you go to bed, make sure you want to relax, then have, you know, some milk before you go to sleep, warm milk and some honey, a little extra cream with it. And during the night, if you've had a big moisturizing or lubrication formula and you've had a third with each of your protein meals, then during the night you'd have the remaining third with half a cup of milk, just to make sure you always stay as lubricated as possible so your skin is always in the best shape that it can be. And the best facial soap is, you know, the best shaving cream is fermented coconut cream. It gets kind of slimy and it's just so nice. I never cut myself with that. I used to shave with eggs. I'd put egg on my face and shave with eggs. Then what I discovered that fermented coconut cream, never, it's so easy to shave, never any cut. Never any cut. I mean, for me to say that, that's amazing, because I was always cutting myself around in here with these little scars that I have from my brother beating me up. Boom! And little bumps came about there with the blisters and the cuts and stuff like that. I was always cutting and I was always bleeding. But for some reason the coconut cream, fermented, slimy coconut cream, works excellently as a shaving cream. So there you have it.

Now, we're going to go for the long-awaited stuff, bacteria, parasites, and all of that stuff. Now, everybody's afraid of bacteria and parasites and virus and fungus and stuff like that. But those are your janitors. I mentioned it earlier just to give you an idea that they're not your enemy. They are your friends. In my experiments with animals, animals who had parasites got well quicker than those who did not have parasites. I also investigated the myth that raw meat created parasites, would give people parasites. We took 14 animals, all from the age of 12 to the age of 16, and these were so-called at-risk types of creatures because they were an old age, all of them weak and feeble, and fed them various different types of parasite-infested meats, calves' brain that was infested with flukes, chicken tripe that was infested with pinworms, and liverworms in a calves' liver. We fed that to all these animals. Not one of them got a parasite. Not one of them got a parasite, and they all did very well and got healthier. The animals that we put in an ad for and got that already were infested with parasites, we took them and fed them raw foods, and they all got better. Their parasites continued and then went away within about six months. The latest was nine months on one of them. We followed them to their death, and we performed autopsies on them. Their innards were brilliant, like they were young. Whatever they had, whether they had the liver parasites or they had the brain flukes or whatever, when they were fed the raw meats and raw dairy and a little honey, they had immaculate healing.

The animals that we gave, we took some of them and we fed them pharmaceutical-grade anti-wormer, dewormers, and homeopathic dewormers, those animals, when we got rid of the parasites, fed them the same raw diet, they didn't fare as well. The ones that were given the pharmaceutical dewormers, still their organs, they got better and healthier on the raw diet, but when we performed autopsies on them, their glands where they had had the parasites and we had poisoned them with the pharmaceutical dewormers were dark and brown, so they never healed properly. Those that we allowed the parasites to do their work and eat the raw diet had it much healthier and stronger. Parasites are your friend. Bacterias are your friend. They eat degenerative tissue. Now, let's say you're poisoned. You've taken antibiotics for everything all these years. You've taken penicillin. You've gotten injections, and you don't have any bacteria left in your life. You're going to have a lot of problems. And the only way your body is going to be able to clean is with virus. Viruses are not alive. Taking antibiotics for a virus is the stupidest thing in the world. It was known 30 years ago. Viruses are not alive. They're protein bodies that act like solvents. They dissolve tissue. They're not alive. Do not give antibiotics for viruses. And what do they do today? You have a virus, they'll give you an antibiotic. It's an absurd case. And they're always talking about, you have all these writers talking about live virus. It's a misnomer. There's no live virus. They had a respiratory system. They had no nucleus. So calling Tide soap alive, it's ridiculous. That's what viruses are. They are soaps. They are solvents. They go in and dissolve tissue. And your body has over 320,000 varieties of virus.

Each element of your tissue, intracellular tissue, has a different type of virus that's specific to dissolve that tissue when it's in trouble. When it needs to be dissolved and rid of. Just think, if one virus dissolved everything, then you would have complete dissolution and death. But the body is finite and intelligent even though you poisoned it today with antibiotics and pollution. It makes finite viruses that specify a particular dissolution of tissue. And the pharmaceutical industry will say, and the doctors who are their sales pitches, say, well look, it dissolves in this tissue, in this cell. It breaks apart this part of the cell. Yeah, so? But they get you thinking it's the end and all, that your cell is going to completely die because of it. It doesn't happen unless that cell is completely contaminated and destroyed. And the death of one cell in your body isn't going to kill you. So the medical profession and the pharmaceutical communities frighten you to death with all these stories. How can you get a virus to be a contagion when it's not alive? You can put a virus in a petri dish that's fertile, the cells can grow in it, and not one more virus will appear in that petri dish under cellular conditions, even for a week. Not one more will appear. You put live cells in there and all of a sudden they start multiplying. But they don't multiply. Cells make virus. Just like we produce soap. You calling virus contagious is like saying Tide soap is contagious because it's in every home. Humans have made it as a soap to clean their laundry. Cells make virus to clean parts of themselves because they're too toxic to use bacteria, fungus, or parasites to clean them out because they're too polluted, they're poisoned. They can't live, they can't survive eating toxic waste. It's like I contaminate, let's say I eject an apple, or I spread a field with let's say arsenic. Apples grow from this field of arsenic. You've got a high content of arsenic in this apple and I give it to you to eat. What's going to happen to you? You're going to die. That's what happens with bacteria, and a parasite, and a fungus when it goes to eat a cell that's contaminated. They die. So they don't multiply.

So then all we have left is virus. The body has to produce virus to clean itself. But virus are like soaps. What do you have to do with soaps? You dilute them in H2O. And what happens there? When a parasite, or a bacteria, or a fungus eats something, it takes the amount of food that it consumes and it dwindles it down to this tiny little waste product. Parasites can eat a hundred times their weight in 24 hours and discard 1% of it. 1 to 3, even 5% when they find a parasite. That means it's like you eating a hundred pounds of food in a day and having a one pound turd in the morning. Pretty efficient. I like that. I like that because that parasite has made sure that I have to discard a very small amount. Now bacteria, depending upon the bacteria, can eat about half of that in 24 hours. But still, it's waste product is a small amount. What happens? We eat 7 to 14 pounds of food in a day. A lot of people eat that much and they have a one pound bird the next day. That's not a good ratio. I'll take the parasite and the bacteria any day. As my assistance, fungus is the same way. It takes something and reduces it in stature. When your body uses fungus, I mean virus, it dilutes and spreads it all throughout the system. That's why viral meningitis is a problem with coma. Because when you have a viral meningitis, which means the coating around the brain or the nervous system is infected. It's got pollution in it, there's nerve damage in there, and the body needs to dissolve and clean it out. Anytime you have an infection, it means the cleaning, janitory going on. You have more nutrients flowing to the area and that's what swelling is. You always want swelling. You never want to stop swelling. People put ice packs on things and what do they do? They prevent the circulation so all of those many nutrients are being moved into that area to clean out and feed the area and heal it. They put ice packs on it, what happens? It clots. They don't heal properly.

So you've got an athlete, he has a knee injury. They want to keep him in the ball game, so they put ice packs on it, lower the swelling, wrap it with an ACE bandage, give him an injection of cortisone, and send him out in the field. What happens in five years is his knee's gone, his knee's gone. Four, five, six operations and surgeries, and finally when he's an old man, the only thing he can do, and an old man for an athlete is 45, 47 years old, he's got a knee transplant. Which means he's got a piece of plastic put in his knee. That's not the way you handle it. Never freeze a swollen area. You put a hot water bottle next to it, you put heat there to increase circulation. You'll get well faster. Always put heat, never a heating pad because you have an EMF field, hot water bottle. EMF fields destroy the molecular structure of cells. So always, I don't care if you put hot water in a glass and wrap it with a towel. That can be your hot water bottle. The best is a rubber one if you want it to last a long time, a true rubber hot water bottle, so it doesn't outgas the plastic. So when you have all this viral contamination, your body has to get rid of all that fluid. And if you've got that swelling in the meningitis, the extreme swelling from the virus, you've got the possibility of damaging and rupturing the consciousness center. So you go into a coma, or you have an aneurysm, or you have a broken blood vessel in the brain. You ever have that kind of situation where you have a headache and it's getting strong? You can lay down on your back, put two hot water bottles on either side of your head. You put a towel over the hot water bottles on your head so you're tenting the heat into your head. And what will happen is all of the sinew, the tendons that connect these fissures in your brain, will relax and allow the skull to expand. Headaches, when the brain expands and the skull doesn't, it puts pressure in the meningi. So you want to relax so the skull can expand with the brain. Then there's 80% of your headache gone. Then with the headache formulas in the book, you can get rid of the rest of it. That's lemon and honey and sparkling waters and some cream. There are different headache formulas in the remedy section of We Want to Live. So that's how you handle it.

So, what would you rather have? A viral infection, or a parasite, or bacteria, or a fungus? I'll take any of them over a virus. And I want all of them because I want to be clean. I don't want to stop any of them. I wouldn't be well today if I stopped them. I would be dead today if I stopped them. I've had spinal meningitis four times in my life because of the damage they did to my spine, creating bone cancer and solidifying my spine with that radiation. I was in miserable pain. I rarely have pain in my back anymore. My back is almost completely renewed. Just one little vertebrae right here still isn't intact yet, but all the others are. And I've got 14 years to go to reach my four years. Now I'm already satisfied. The important thing is detoxification. If you need to stop them because you've got to function and you've got to feed your babies or take care of them and work, the way to do it is lime juice, not lemon juice. Lemon is a bacterial inciter. It helps dissolve anything. That's why people marinate in lemon juice, because it helps with fermentation. It helps bacterial growth. Lime juice inhibits that. So if you put, let's say, three to five tablespoons, or even six if you're a bigger person, six tablespoons of lime juice with about two ounces of honey, which is about four ounces, I mean four tablespoons of honey, four to six tablespoons of honey, about four tablespoons of coconut cream, and about one tablespoon of dairy cream, you blend that all together and mix it with about three to four ounces of Gerolsteiner or Perrier or one of those naturally sparkling waters. And you drink that, a little of that, like two ounces of it or three ounces of it, every three to four hours. It'll be your natural antibiotic, and it will slow it down. Now if you have too much lime, it'll do just like an antibiotic. It will destroy all of your bacteria, intestinal, everywhere. At least it won't have the side effects of an antibiotic and the long-term damage. It'll just ruin your digestion for three to six weeks. And then you have to live on sucking eggs. So if you want to suck eggs for a few weeks only, have some milk at night, and have all the lime juice you want to stop your detoxification. So let the body do go through its natural processes. It is very intelligent. I wouldn't be walking today.

Just remember, I was a worm in constant pain, severe, chronic, intense, excruciating pain, 24 hours a day. Even when I was unconscious in sleep, I felt pain until I learned the bathtub, and I had some respite. When I learned to sleep in a bathtub, it was like discovering the world was round. Only more efficient, more helpful. So don't try to stop your detoxification. Try to endure them until they finish. And there are many remedies in the book to help you get through any kind of detoxification. Okay, we're at the question and answer period. Any questions? And who's going to give the answer? Yes.

Q: You mentioned the problems with your teeth and getting cavities. Now, I happen to be one of those people who ended up with having dental work, at which point I ended up with nothing but cavities. And, of course, it has amalgam, which is mercury. Now, from all I've been able to research, there are very few dentists that can take your mercury out of the system. You have a big chance of really getting a flood of poisoning.

A: Correct.

Q: Now, do you have anything in your books about slowly detoxifying that mercury out of your system?

A: Yes, I do. I talk about juices, eating cilantro juice as part of your vegetable juice. That helps to get out slowly. I also talk about the blueberries, blackberries, and boysenberries with the coconut cream. They're both in the recipe book because those remedies came later.

Q: Is the recipe book also downloadable online?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Because I like the ability to search.

A: It's easier that way. Okay, any other questions? Oh, let me say something about that. A lot of people want to rush to get the mercury out of their teeth. Don't do it. If you're in ill health, wait two and a half years until you've been on this kind of diet, raw high animal, fruit, protein, milk, egg, meat, even meat diet, until you've strengthened yourself before you have that mercury removed. Because even if you have a good dentist that knows how to put the dam in there to prevent you from going into your mouth and down your throat, you've got to learn how to breathe also because it's going to go right into your nose, some of that dust, and that's a very dangerous dust. It's mercury. Part of the main part of it is mercury. So you've got to learn to breathe when he's drilling, not drilling. When he's not drilling, you breathe and you don't see any vapor or dust in the air. You've got to learn to hold your breath. You've got to really work it. So you make an agreement with the dentist, you drill 10 seconds, you know, you let me breathe or you get a mask and put it on your nose or oxygen on your nose so you're not breathing that mercury. I don't like synthesized oxygen, but it's better than having mercury in your system. So, you know, you might put the oxygen tubes up your nose and a little bit of tape over it so that you're not breathing any of the dust that comes into your face. Even if you protect yourself there, the mercury that's already in your nerve going over to your brain will start detoxifying when you have them removed. So you better be well-equipped for it and you better be healthy. Because I've seen some people go into chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia because they've had it done too soon. And if you have a question about that, I've got a fellow who called me last night, and I warned him and warned him and warned him for three months, don't do it. He had chemical sensitivity. He says, but all these people say that my chemical sensitivity will go away when I have these fillings removed. I'm saying, don't listen to them. That's a very few people that are telling you that. But the major people don't have that kind of reaction. And he said to me last night, he said, if you have anybody that wants to have those removed, you tell them to call me. Because he's suffering terribly because he had it done. Only, you know, a few months on the, eight months on the diet and he had it done. Suffering terribly. Okay, next question. Back there.

Q: What kind of water do you recommend?

A: Oh, thank you for mentioning that. I forgot to talk about water. Don't drink water. It's easy. Water is a solvent. If you look up in an archeological book, the first product on this earth under solvent is water. Water is a distilled substance with lots of bacteria. Dissolves down and dissolves rock. That's how strong it is. It dissolves rock so that plants can eat. Water is a solvent. It will leach out of your body. Those of you over, under, or near 60 and over, you remember what we did? How much water did we ever drink? Three sips a day at school? Three sips of water a day at school. The rest was milk. Unless your folks allowed soda pop instead of milk. So it was three sips of water a day. When did water become a big issue? 1962 when they started bottling and selling it. Then they paid a bunch of doctors to say, you need eight glasses a day. Everybody drink eight glasses of milk a day. And that's when it came out. But the aborigines and the natives know, you do not drink water. The more water you drink, the more dry you become. It rips the fats out of your body and starts dissolving them. Now everybody needs some solvents because of the amount of toxicity in your body. So maybe half a cup of water a day, a cup at the most. Now how much water I've consumed over the last two weeks? A cup. I have about two swallows a day. For other people, they need more. But you don't need much. Because the more water you drink, the more you need. Why? Because it dries you out. It dissolves and leaches from your digestive tract everywhere. It causes fat deficiencies. Most people get dry mouth because the brain is dumping all of its poisons out the mouth. Rips all the fats from the mouth. So your mouth gets dry. You get cotton mouth. Is that a water deficiency? No. Not a water deficiency. It's a fat deficiency. A mixture of about six to ten parts coconut cream and one part honey. Mix that together and put that on your lips and a little bit on your tongue. Do that every time your lips get dry. You'll see that you don't need water. Or you take a little honey and butter when you get thirsty. You'll see that you don't need water.

It's fat that you need. The more water you drink, the drier your lips are going to be. When I used to drink water, before talking like this, ten years ago, fifteen years ago, I used to drink water. When I was drinking water, I'd have this whole dryness. This caking over there. And I wouldn't just be peeling a little off. I'd be peeling my lips with blister. Stop drinking water. And I'd just have my kefir, or I'd take the coconut cream and put it on with the honey in it. It doesn't happen anymore. My mouth is not dry. Stop drinking all that water. Yes, sir.

Q: I thought I'd comment on that too. When I was practically vegan, about seven, eight years ago, I always had a bottle of water with me. I was always thirsty and never could get enough. Now I don't need it at all. I drink four jars of vegetable juice a day. And I train physically two, three hours a day, but I just keep doing martial arts. Three, four hours a night, sweating like crazy. I'm never thirsty. So that's seven years on this diet.

A: That's pretty good, I'd say. So all the myths that are out there are for the people in the manufacturing of water. Forget it. Water is not what you need. And when you're eating whole foods, meat is even 45% to 55% water. Milk is 82% water. Fruits are 86% to 92% water. Where's your water deficiency? It doesn't happen. When you cook foods, however, then there's a problem. Then you lose the fat. Yes?

Q: What are your thoughts on donating blood? How does it affect the body?

A: Well, I've donated blood a few times, only to people that I knew that, you know, needed, that were close to me. You know, when you give a pint of blood, it takes about anywhere from 90 to 120 days to replace it. If you feel that you're that strong and healthy, do it. If it's somebody close to you and they need it, and you have the same blood type, do it. But otherwise, I wouldn't sacrifice, you know, just to be good Samaritan, because you need to be healthy. So I consider that. Yes?

Q: What about making vegetables more digestible by lactofermentation?

A: Okay, there's a whole crowd that does that. There are several civilizations, I mean tribes, people who do that, who don't have access to a lot of food. So, you know, they don't have as many goats or sheep or anything like that, so they will ferment vegetables so that they'll digest better. However, they still have an alkalinization reaction in the body. They don't digest raw meat well, so they'll have to cook them, and then you have the degeneration that still sets in. So it's not a preferable thing to do, but it will work. Now, I do ferment some of my vegetable juices for all those times that I was forced to eat those cooked vegetables. Now, that's a detoxification process, but it should be a small part of the diet. You ferment anything that you've eaten cooked to replace all that bacteria and enzymes that were cooked out of that food to help you remove the residues, the byproducts of having utilized those things. So it is a therapeutic thing, but it's not the way to get healthy. And it's not the way to get strong in itself. It will not give proteins and nutrients to your body that will make you strong and stable. It will clean you out, so it will do it indirectly. But you have to be careful of that because it can cause extreme gas and poor digestion of your other foods. So it has to be implemented. And it often causes a lot of loss of vitamin D because the vitamin D is utilized, and fats are utilized tremendously when you have those excessive alcohols and fermented acids that get into the body. And they'll start puffing out the skin, and they'll start turning white because you're absorbing all the vitamin D. That isn't, let's say, an unattractive thing, but I find that it does impede upon certain skin and perspiring functions. People perspire and smell a little stronger. Those are incidental things. And then you'll use more soap and more deodorant or poison and stuff. There are a lot of side effects that come from that kind of eating if it's too much, not just used as a remedy.

[audio cut]

A: Thank you. Again, now, someone asked me about the manure on the eggs. And I said, I like the manure on the eggs. You know why I like the manure on the eggs? Because I said the E. coli helps brain functions. Well, not only that, the University of Toronto and Association for the Children's Hospital Toronto have utilized the verotoxin produced by E. coli, so it's in all feces, to completely dissolve brain tumors in two to five days, including the vessels going to it. So eat shit and live.


A: And I talk about it in my recipe book. I talk about the people who had cancers that wouldn't reverse and started eating fecal matter and was able to start reverse. We're talking about a little amount in a medicinal element. And it just tastes like overcooked vegetables. Because that's what the cow's eating. What they do is they'll get an Amish or Mennonite farmer, cut off a section of the bowel, they tie it off like a sausage, and then you just cut about an ounce or two of that off at a time, every couple of days for a couple of months. And you can get tumors to reverse quickly when they're not moving otherwise. When I gave a lecture at Yale about 23 years ago, 18 of those doctors went on to do research of reversing tumors with bacteria and virus. And parasites. 18 different studies are going on at different universities. But there's no money in it. Yale was the first one to come up with a viable product. And what they did was took salmonella, which normally, certain kinds of salmonella will eat cancer. It'll bring oxygen to the area or choke it off. And that salmonella will then feed on the tumor. They attenuated the salmonella so it no longer eats the tumor, will help get oxygen into the tumor and stop it from growing, but it won't eat it and get rid of it. So what they did was created a solvent that they will inject into it to dissolve. Then you have all the toxic reaction from that. The shot of salmonella is $8,000. The solvent to dissolve the tumor is $12,000. And then all of the medication you're going to have to take for the symptoms of that waste product of the solvent dissolving the tumor is another $30,000. It's all about money. Eat some chicken shit. Crack some eggs. Let your eggs rot. And eat salmonella. Eat this stuff.

What do you think people did 100 years ago? You didn't have toilet paper. You know, you wiped yourself with a stick and you got fecal matter on you. You made your food and you ate shit all the time. Was anybody dying? No. Everybody was slimy. Cancer was near unheard of. Cancer was near unheard of. Now we're so clean, we're in trouble. And Dr. Joel Weinstock at Iowa University discovered we're too clean. About 20 years ago he found that the pigs in the university were sick. And he's a gastroenterologist. So he was raised on a farm. He knew how pigs lived and they were always healthy. And here are these pigs living in this clean environment. Were sick as anybody can be. So he looked at the difference in the intestinal tract because that's his specialty. And found that they had no trichinosis. They had no whipworm. All pigs and all humans used to have trichinosis. The human body, human digestive tract is very close to identical to a pig's. So he took the trichinosis from a farm, from those animals, those pigs, and put them in the pigs at the university. They all got well. So he said, hmm, I wonder if we do this to humans. So he went to the FDA, put in an application and they accepted that he could do it with six patients, but all of them had to have been treated with medical therapy for at least ten years. Can you imagine being subjected to the medical profession only for ten years and then if it didn't work, you could suffer for ten years before you get to try an alternative? That is the law. It was the law at that time. I found out it was the law at that time.

So he had six people, one as little suffering as ten and a half years, all the way up to thirty-two years of suffering with inflammatory bowel syndrome. That means anything you eat, drink, you will have gas, vomit, or diarrhea, or some discomfort in digestion, severe discomfort, no matter what you eat. He filtered out the trichinosis egg, put it in Gatorade and gave it to them. Now see, I tried to spike myself with parasites after those tests. I tried to get parasites so many times and could never get a parasite. I wanted parasites. I wanted to get well faster, because all my body would work was this virus because I was so poisoned with the radiation and chemotherapy. So I was putting, you know, I was just bounding them to meats or whatever they ate, and even though I didn't have all the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, they never survived. I never got a parasite. So he put it in Gatorade, which is an alkalizing substance, and it neutralized any hydrochloric acid, so the eggs gestated and grew and developed, and they got the whipworm. Within five days, all their symptoms left, except for one of the six, all their symptoms left in a week. Can you imagine? Overnight, all of a sudden, because you've got trichinosis! Now how many people have been told trichinosis is one of the worst diseases you could have? Yeah, I mean, they scared the hell out of us, you know, all through, you know, when I was able to reason what trichinosis was, you know, oh, you're gonna get trichinosis, you're gonna get trichinosis. I thought for sure the rabbit would give me trichinosis. What does it do? It gets you well. Humans, primitive humans, all have trichinosis. It's a part of their intestinal system. It eats certain elements of your food and gives it delivery to you, so that your whole intestines can function properly.

Q: How can you tell?

A: Pardon?

Q: How can you tell you've got the proper E. coli, you've got trichinosis, or you've got a parasite, other than having a test?

A: You can't, other than that, because of your, you know, parasites and those things aren't destructive. You know, they're doing their job. So usually people who have them have no idea they have them, because it's a natural part of the system. So, um, now I worked very hard, as I said, trying to get a parasite. I finally got a parasite three years ago this month. I had taken, I had forced it, I had taken milk that I had fermented. Now, I was a real cereal eater, too. So I would consume, you know, probably, you know, half a gallon of pasteurized 2% milk a day, and I put that with lots of cereal. And of course, when I was out of the home on my own, I ate cereal all day long. It was my favorite. With lots of that pasteurized milk. So I wanted to clean the milk out of my bone system, because I know that was part of my blood and bone cancer. So three years ago, I took some mocha powder, which is very much like cereal, but it's a root and ground, and I wanted to ferment it in milk to force a detoxification.

Q: Maca?

A: Mocha, yeah. So I, so I fermented it for about six days. Talk about fermentation, you know, this is summertime, and it was so strong. I popped, I'd be like this expecting it to be just slightly, you know, fermented. The alcohol literally burned my sinuses for two days. That's how strong it was. So I did something very stupid, thinking I was Superman again, and I drank three cups in a day in a 24-hour period. I broke that into hives, you would not believe. I mean, huge hives all over the place. So I was every hour taking cold, you know, slices of tomato and rubbing it on them, or cold slices of cucumber, doing the vinegar and tomato baths every hour. And I had to fly to Hanoi, you know, in a few days, so I got them to subside. When I got there, I was in them again, so I was stuck in a hotel room for three days putting this, you know, those things on until they were, it was all gone. Then all of a sudden I realized I had a little noodle that was swimming around like a stingray in the toilet. After a bowel movement, I said, I've got a parasite. I've got a tapeworm. I've got a tapeworm! I've got a tapeworm! I've got a parasite finally. I was jumping for joy. And I didn't know what the results would be, but I was, you know, happily anticipating. And then about six weeks later, my bowel movements got better and better. You have to understand that I had true constipation since I was a child that I can remember all the antibiotics and tetanus shots. You know, I was getting tetanus shots every three to six months.

So, by the time I was probably eight years old, I had bowel movements once every three to five days. And when it came out, it came out as hard as granite, and it ripped my rectum every time, so I bled every time that I went. Because I was autistic, I could not talk about it and explain it. So, this went on until I went on to a raw food diet. And then, I had bowel movements every day. However, the first one out was as hard as granite and huge. So, I continued to tear. My rectum was an inch thick in scar tissue by the time I was 22 years old. Now, this continued even on a raw diet. When I got to take form, the fecal matter started getting softer, the seboid colon area got softer, so I have not had a bowel movement that tore my rectum in three years since that parasite. So, I was going in where was I at the time? I think I was in Cambodia. And I got this craving for onion. Who sits and eats an onion like an apple? What idiot would do that? I did. I sat down and ate a half of an onion, because I just craved it. And then, a few hours later, I shat out 45 feet of tapeworm. I said, oh, God, I got rid of my tapeworm. I get the tapeworm, and then I eat onion and shit the whole thing out. I was so upset. I was angry and crying and stuff like that. I had to pull it out of the toilet. There was a wood floor, so I wanted to measure it. And those things shrivel. In two hours, it will be shriveled from a noodle to the size of a rice, and it's just like a piece of rice. So, I took it out of the toilet, and I'm spreading it all over the floor and measuring it out. It was about 45, 48 feet. So, I was all upset. But I was still okay. My bowel movements were nice. No constipation with the first movement of the day. And then, a few weeks later, I noticed another little noodle somewhere I saw. Still there, still going. About three months after that, I went down and had a bowel movement. 50 feet. Came out. Last I've seen it. That's it. But, never been constipated since. I've had good bowel movements for three years, and that tapeworm did me good.

So, that's what I'm saying. Those things in nature, we've created a symbiotic relationship for at least four million years. Did you know that they uncovered some more bones from where they found Lucy, that are 3.9 million, 3.8 to 9 million years old, that the Homo sapiens have been around? We've been around a long time. We've been eating fecal matter and urine and everything else, dirt, when we were carving up meat and everything. We didn't die with this. We thrived. And all the manure you hear about, we've increased the age. We're living longer. Absolute malarkey. Malarkey. When I was living in the graveyards, when I was traveling all over, you know how many tombstones, those old graveyards I saw where people were 102, 106 years old. People living, oh sure, there were people that died at birth and died at different ages. But there were a lot of people living old. We've had very few people living old. Into their hundreds. And I must have seen at least 200. And once in a while, oh, Clinton gives somebody that's 105 years old a certificate. We have 280 million people in this country. And we have one every five, ten years that comes up as a centenarian. It's ludicrous. It's ludicrous. So all that hype that you hear, we're living longer, is malarkey, and we're not living better. We're more diseased than ever. Did you know that in Omaha, Nebraska, you have more hospitals and more hospital beds per capita, and every one of them is full. This is an agricultural state with a lot of chemicals and damage and pollution. Anybody have questions up in this area first? Yes.

Q: I read actually in the books, anything about noni juice, or if it's got any benefits?

A: He asked about noni juice, and was there any benefits. Yes, when I was in Hawaii, and in Japan, in East Asia, noni juice is a foul, foul, noni is a foul, foul fruit. It stinks worse than durian, and does not taste good as durian. This stuff is foul tasting and foul smelling, and to get you to drink it, they treat it, and condition it, and do all kinds of things to it. The natives, when they eat it, they do restore their health. They use it medicinally in a small amount, and it takes very little to work. They sell you bottles and bottles of this noni juice, and it has about 12 to 18 percent effectuality once it's processed that way.

Q: It tastes like vomit.

A: Yes. You should taste the real noni. Yes.

Q: Two questions. First, about beans. I didn't hear about them. Second, about cheese. What kind of cheese are you talking about?

A: She asked about beans, legumes. Beans in the human digestive tract are mostly poison. If you eat a raw bean, you're going to go through some intense intestinal crap, diarrhea, and vomit you wouldn't believe. I tried it. I did it. I don't believe anything unless I've gone through it, and I've gone through it. So I even germinated these beans to be able to eat them, and I had diarrhea and vomit and headaches for three days. I thought I was going to die. It was pretty bad, and this is what I was living up to when I was on a bicycle. It was pretty traumatic. You have to cook beans for the human body. Cows, goats, all of those herbivores have a digestive system to break those enzymes down. Utilize beans properly. They are not for human consumption. And if you know you have to cook them to eat them, they're not for us anyway. Your cheese, you asked about. She asked what kind of cheese. Raw and salted cheese, period. Now, most of your cheese that you get in the store, they're lying to you. They're not raw. They'll heat them to 137 degrees and call it raw, because the FDA won't stop them. So you have to be very careful.

Q: How do you prepare your cheese?

A: Pardon?

Q: How do you make your cheese?

A: I don't make it. I buy it from an Amish or a Mennonite farmer who knows how to make it. Yes.

Q: The frozen meat, it's very hard for me to find unfrozen meat. And I can go to a store and buy it, but I've found that I like the taste of the Amish one. At the moment, they're all getting frozen.

A: Okay, he asked about frozen meats and fresh meats. What's the difference? Is it better to eat frozen over, you know, whole foods meats? Now, whole foods meats is malarkey. If they carry grass fed from New Zealand or Australia, that would be a good thing when they do carry it. However, whole foods is a, you know, I hate to go against Texas, but it seems like most people out of Texas who are wealthy don't have any brains. And the people who own whole foods have the same problem. I called them and asked them, I wanted to know what they fed their natural, all natural, all natural beef. And they said, well, they're fed what cow's eat. And I said, okay, but what is that? Where did they get their feed? What kind of feed? What form is it in? We don't know that, so I got to the ranchers. So I started asking the head of the, the whole department of the heads, all the ranches that they buy meats from. They were feeding them 15% of their diets were stale donuts. And I said, what cow eats stale donuts? Well, the donuts are made from grain, which cows eat. Oh, okay. Makes sense. Sure it does. How many of you find going, makes the grains into a flour, then, you know, put sugar and salt in it, and then dip it in boiling water, you know? And boiling oil, not boiling water, boiling oil, you know? So, and they were doing it in lard, boiling the donuts in lard, not vegetable juice, I mean vegetable oil, because cows eat vegetable oil. We don't. Now that's another thing I forgot to discuss.

Vegetable oils, the margarine that is like plastic. The human body is 98.6 and lower. An herbivore has a body temperature 101.6 all the way up to 105. When they have vegetable oils in their body, they stay fluid at body temperature. When we put vegetable oils in our body, it's too cool. They start crystallizing. That's what causes hardening of the arteries in humans. Vegetable oils, and then when you hydrogenate them, you have the same vegetable structure, I mean the same cellular structure as plastic. So of course you're going to have hardened, congested lymphatics. Of course you're going to have hardened, congested arteries and hardened membranes and muscles throughout the system, because you're eating a vegetable oil. We're not vegetarians. We're not herbivores. Okay? If you want to know how to get rid of them, look under lymphatic congestion in we want to live. My book. Oh, the frozen meat. I prefer, well, if I had the choice between frozen and grazed fed, I'd alternate them. At one time I'd eat the frozen, one time I'd eat the grazed. All grazed. I'd rotate it. That were my choice. When I was in Paris between 1993 and 96, three months out of the year, I ate I ate the, what was it? Mad cow. Didn't give me any effects. And it was. It was mad cow. I was eating mad cow for three years, three months out of the year. And I didn't know. My last trip home from Paris, I read in this magazine on the plane that Carrefour supermarkets had been selling the mad cow meat for all that time. And I had eaten it all that time. Like I said, didn't give me any effects. I think when you eat it raw, your body is very built to handle and discard the toxicity. Also, I didn't eat the brain the nervous system. I was eating muscle. Yes?

Q: I have a question about the salt. Salt.

A: Salt.

Q: Salt.

A: You guys are keeping me on track. That's something I usually forget is water and salt. Salt is a very bad thing. Second worst thing to cooking your food. If you look at and I even saw this in high school when they were putting salt. You know, testing salt in a diet of a guinea pig. And they started putting salt in this diet. And you can see that in the blood in an electronic microscope the sodium would clump into 5, 6, 10 molecules. And normally it's one really finite molecule. When sodium is in food, that sodium molecule is so tiny. But in salt it's a very large molecule. And they clump together. So usually when you have sodium in food, it's conjoined, really conjoined like, you know, Siamese twins with a multitude of nutrients like a smorgasbord. So when a cell opens and the one or two ions inside the cell attracts the minerals that are passing and sodium is one of them, it pulls all the smorgasbord nutrients with it. Vitamin A, vitamin B, all of this conglomerate. If you see it under a microscope it is beautiful. It's very colored, very colored different little things like you saw in the pictures. And that's a whole multitude of nutrients. And all absorbed in at once. When you have these big jaggedy molecules of sodium that come from salt, they're so huge it can't get into the cell. And it rips the molecules. The magnetism is so great that it pulls the ions out of the cell so they can no longer eat. And then they shrivel like a raisin to a like a grape to a raisin. Or a plum to a prune. And they never eat again, they die. So two little bitty grains create enough clumping to destroy two million red blood cells. Well, you know, two million just barely fits on the end of a pinhead, you know. That's not a lot of blood loss, but you put a shake on there, you're ending up with a teaspoon of dead blood for every meal. And is that conducive to every day, every meal that you're having salt? How much destruction of that is your blood? Let's say you lose three tablespoons of blood a day. How long does it take your marrow to produce that much blood? It's going to deteriorate your system. So I say no salt is good unless you've got adrenal exhaustion. And like I say in my book, you just use two little bitty grains a week. And that's all it takes. Yes? You.

Q: I've just got a question about your global perspective on and it kind of comes off from what you just said that maybe it triggers on my mind a question that you're recommending that people eat raised pasture, free range, all that stuff. We have a world population, again, I'm looking at this from the global perspective here. If we have a world population that's burgeoning and especially countries like China, India, so forth, if everyone was eating free range, pastured, whatever, raised meats, how would we, how can we sustain that?

A: Easily.

Q: How do you see that?

A: Well, you have to look at it this way. If you're eating grains and cereals, which is not your normal diet, do you know how much field room that takes? A tremendous amount.

Q: So how much field room does a cow need to be free range?

A: It depends. If it's in a, it's like in Hawaii, in an area where there's regular rain, they can be on five acres and be a hundred cattle on five acres and never leave the five acres. The grass grows so rapidly. When I was in Hawaii, there was, they had 40 cows on one acre. The cows couldn't eat the grass fast enough. I mean, the grass was this high. And they never moved out of that whole three acres. But if we kept those areas to the places where cattle grew, it would be fine. Like in South America, in Central America, Mexico, those areas where there's regular rain, it's fine. However, you see all the fields that we have to grow grains for you humans? We spend, we destroy millions and millions of acres to grow and fields in the topsoil to grow grains to feed people. And the grains don't do well. Were you here earlier? Did you come late?

Q: I came half an hour late. What about the grains to feed the animals, though, to keep them alive?

A: You don't feed animals grains. Well, you can if they're milking. You give them a few cups.

Q: Because some of these in the wintertime, I mean, I know in this country, at least most animals in the wintertime are kept in the barns or whatever. There's no fields to graze on.

A: That's not natural, and it's not a good thing.

Q: I'm just saying that that's being done.

A: That's being done. I'm not saying that's good. I'm not arguing with you about that at all. Any other questions? Yes.

Q: You mentioned about not mixing the egg white and the yolk.

A: No, I said many people say don't mix the egg white and the yolk. I say mix the egg white and the yolk.

Q: Is it OK to blend it?

A: You mean by itself?

Q: No, just with the milk?

A: Yeah, milk is fine. Never blend eggs or whip eggs alone. In three strokes, two strokes it was, a scientist proved they destroyed three enzymes in the egg white that when they're high in the blood, cancer cannot progress. So, don't whip. If you whip your egg twice, you expose it to oxygen like that. From even whipping it twice, you destroy three enzymes in the egg white. You oxidize them that quickly. That prevents cancer from progressing, if you can keep those levels high in the blood. So suck a bunch of eggs when you have cancer.You know, but suck them like I do. Or break them into glass and down them. Do not whip them. However, if you have it with milk or cream, it coats that so they don't oxidize. Okay, so that's okay. But you don't blend for a half an hour. You blend a few seconds. Yes?

Q: About the clay you mentioned in your book, you were talking about not taking any mineral supplements, but you mentioned the clay in your book.

A: Well, I found that the cheese and honey together work better. But you can also use a terramin clay if you want to even add more. But when you use a clay as a mineral supplement, that is a mineral that will not be utilized cellularly, but it will help magnetize those toxins out of those three circulatory systems as it passes through the digestive tract. I just enjoy eating cheese and honey together, or cheese rather than eating dirt. That's my preference. Yes, back there. In the blue shirt.

Q: Do you have a specific procedure for dealing with certain types of cancer?

A: As I say in the book, I've got nine pages on cancer. All of them are affected with a little bit of something different. Do you have we want to live?

Q: I'm not sure.

A: There's nine pages on different kinds of cancers and what I suggest for each one. But always eggs, lots of eggs. Yes?

Q: Horses are my passion. It's what got me started on this whole health journey. About two years ago, I stopped vaccinating and stopped worming. And the veterinarians will scare the hell out of you. Is it the same with horses that parasites are good?

A: Absolutely.

Q: I've had the horses in my family on homeopathy. Trying to avert the vaccine damage. What is your thoughts on homeopathy?

A: I don't like homeopathy because it's chemicals. There's always a better way to do it. You can get coconut and let the horse chew on it. It would be much better. The horse is built to digest coconut. We aren't. They are. They can't get too much fermentation. They'll get too much gas and bloat if they have too much coconut. If it's too fermented, let me put it that way. So always give them more fresh. A cow can eat things so fermented it wouldn't matter. But a horse is a little bit more delicate. I loved horses. I worked with horses and trainers and exhibitors of horses for their diets for about six years. Some great results. And they love avocado. Yes?

Q: A question about the site. I know that it's not yours, but if you find something that works in between your putting out your books, besides the information that's in the books, if something new that you have found, is it on there? There's nothing there on migraines, for instance. Do you put things on there?

A: I issue a newsletter every two months. If my schedule allows. Sometimes it runs in about two and a half months. And then I'll catch you up the next time. But it runs about every two to two and a half months. I put out a newsletter with at least five articles on some information. So that's about, I don't know, sixty-some dollars a year. So that's a way you can keep up with anything that I'm letting people know about.

Q: So you can sign up on that same website?

A: Yeah, on that same website. Over here, yes.

Q: Can you just talk a little bit about your lobbying experience?

A: Let me get to that after we do this. Hold that thought.

Q: In your book, I'm intrigued that you talked about foods by color. Could you just mention how did you come on that? Is there something, is it in the phytochemicals that are in those colors?

A: Well, the way I came upon it was a colleague of mine mentioned it. Because I was autistic, I was able to see a lot of things that other people couldn't see happening in nature. And I would see colors emanating from snakes or things that were injured and things that weren't injured. So I saw a color relationship there. And on different diets, animals would eat different diets, I could see a different color emanating from it. So I took his material and put mine together and worked with her material off and on for about 11 years and came up with that formula that seemed to work. How it works, I can't tell you. I'm an empirical scientist, not an anal retentive. In other words, the health departments, when they argue against raw milk, they will argue not about raw milk. They will argue Listeria, Salmonella, how it affects the human body, how it's so much poisoning a year. They don't ever link it to raw milk. And I say, you're arguing all this stuff, what about raw milk? What did you find? Well, we find Salmonella, and when Salmonella is found in the body, it can do this. Yeah, but does it happen with raw milk? No, they have not proved that, and it doesn't happen. Because if people were as sick as I do and as maimed as so many people are when they get on this diet, if it were a dangerous substance, they wouldn't get well, they would be sick. And everybody who eats raw dairy gets well, no matter how contaminated it is. Any other questions? Yes?

Q: What about food intolerances? Maybe you could answer this a little bit, but just to ask directly. If someone has trouble with digestion, even digestion of raw milk, or they have a lot of allergies or food intolerances, and especially it's an issue now with a lot of children that are autistic, you know, that they're tracing it to food intolerances. They can't break down the peptides and all that stuff.

A: Why aren't they? Vaccines, medications, mostly antibiotics and vaccines.

Q: But for any person who has a food difficulty with digestion, what would you recommend?

A: They're not having a food difficulty. The body is using the food to break out that toxicity, and they're calling it an allergy to the food. It is not a food allergy. The body's already toxic with something that it's allergic to. The body's just using the raw milk or the raw eggs to help clean it out of the system. If they're eating pasteurized dairy, they could have allergies to pasteurized dairy or any cooked food. The people who have ill reactions to raw food, it's not the raw food that they're having an ill reaction to.

Q: Are allergies then something that someone could be born with or could acquire that cannot be cured, or can a diet like this always cure an allergy, a food allergy?

A: I've never seen one that could not be cured. Yeah, there was, well, let me qualify that. There was one person who had suffered diarrhea for two and a half years, and she finally stopped the diet. She got better and healthier and everything, and I've seen her two years after she stopped the diet, and she didn't look as well on that cooked food. She didn't have the diarrhea. She had a problem where she's going to be healthier and have diarrhea every day, and maybe resolve it and maybe not, or be on a cooked food diet, not have diarrhea, and not be so well. That was the only person that I found who had, let's say, maybe could not cure it on a raw diet, but I don't know.

Q: Does that apply to the sinus allergies, too, all the hay fever and that?

A: Just remember, most of those poisons are in the brain. They're dumping out this area in the sinuses. You know, so, again, if you're eating pasteurized milk, the body's going to try to get rid of some of that casein and cauterized lactose out the sinuses, dump it out the mucous membranes wherever it can, but if it's not cauterized, if it's not damaged, that milk is just going to get rid of old stuff. So it's old stuff that needs to clean out. And you need to endure it. I did it. I had it for 15 years. And then finally it stopped. Yes?

Q: This is silly, but with coconuts, to open them and to get the meat out, and then, you know, is there any way, because you're talking about the coconut cream, you're talking about getting the coconut, opening it, not a product that's already..

A: Yeah, and it tells you how to do it in both books. It's a very laborious process. So what I did, I bought a bunch of machines in Thailand. You know, you can take the shell off the coconut in 3 to 15 seconds. It takes the coconut and it puts it to a grinder and it grates it into grated coconut in 30 seconds, not even 10 seconds. Whole coconut. And then that goes into this huge juicer that's stainless steel and this big. So it's like a huge champion juicer. So we have one set up in Chicago, one set up in Arizona, and one set up in Los Angeles. And they will make it and send it to you if you want, but it's $14 a pint. Or you can do what I did before I got those machines. I put up a 3x5 card at a high school gymnasium that said, need someone who likes to break things, $8 an hour. I literally got 50 calls from athletes, women and men. And I picked an African American skinny guy who was hyperactive and good with his hands. If he were in on a football team, he could handle coconuts. So I hired him and every 5 to 6 weeks, he came to my house and juiced 10 to 15 coconuts for me. Put the lime juice in, just everything like it says in the books. And then they were in my refrigerator and I could use them for 5 to 6 weeks. So that was the easier way. It only cost me $55, $60, $65, you know, once every 5 to 6 weeks. Okay.

Q: Did you say lime juice?

A: Lime juice. Yeah, now in the old printing that exists now, there's a misprint in there that says some phenomenal amount it is of lime juice per 7 to 8 ounces of coconut cream. It's only a half a teaspoon of lime juice. And that much coconut cream. It's now being, it's in its third printing and it's corrected in its last printing. But it corrected in yours. I'm going to get somebody up and call them. Yes?

Q: What are your thoughts on the blood type diet?

A: Absolutely bogus. I've had many people with type A's come to me with severe anemia from that diet. And I put them on lots of red meat and they're over anemia in a few weeks. So, I've had lots of people that come off of the, you know, the type, the right type of food for your blood, and it doesn't work on a raw diet. It obviously didn't work on their diet either, their cooked routine, because they came to me with the same problems. So, I would have to say my experience is that I haven't seen it work on anybody.

Q: You don't think that's why type O's can't drink milk as well as some of the...

A: I'm a type O. I drink a half a gallon of milk a day. You see me sucking. I love it. I wouldn't live without dairy. I mean, it's my favorite thing. So, yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Again, like the noni, it's all processed. If you were, you got it refreshed and you were juicing it and even fermenting a little bit, it is very helpful. But once they process it and bottle it and package it, the effectiveness is reduced to at the most, 20% effectiveness.

Q: So when it says raw in a bottle, it's really not?

A: It's not raw. You see aloe vera juice says raw? It's not raw. It's an absurdity. For raw, it would have all the enzymes that would cause fermentation. But they remove it, and they have to do that with a chemical process. They're not going to use heat. They do it with a chemical process. But they'll call it raw because they didn't use heat. They may have used kerosene and call it raw. But that's not it. And they'll take a substance like gibberellic acid that you get from grapes, and they'll treat something with it, even use it as a pesticide. And it causes grapes to really grow fat and hold a lot of water. And they'll call that gibberellic acid a natural substance. I tell you, when they pull it out of the rice bran to free up that gibberellic acid, it is a complete chemical, just like kerosene. So, they lie, and they lie, and they lie. And the FDA backs it, because it's big money. Yes?

Q: Did I hear you say there are different milks for different things? Like goat's milk?

A: Well, goat's milk, yes. If somebody's fat and has diabetes, goat milk is better. If somebody's thin and hyperactive, somebody's thin and hyperactive, better not drink goat's milk. Because there are a lot of adrenal and hormonal precursors in that. Have you ever seen a relaxed goat?


A: No.

Q: Some people say it's more digestible.

A: Sure. It goes right through you. Doesn't mean it's more digestible. If it were more digestible, people would be getting healthier and calmer. But people who are thin and eating it, and not getting calmer, it's not working for them. You know, that's why I keep people, if they're overweight and sluggish and diabetic, goat's milk is perfect for them. If you're anybody else, cow's milk is the best. Way back in the back. Yes?

Q: You said that you fluctuate your fat content as kind of a part of a cycle of cleansing, and I'm just curious, how is that better than keeping it steady, in the sense that, you know, I understand that fat collects the toxins, but then how do you unload the toxins when you scale down?

A: Well, you go on the weight loss program, or you just let nature take its course.

Q: It's probably healthier for you because then you have the flush of the toxins coming through somewhere.

A: Pardon?

Q: I guess, you know, when you're growing in fat content, you kind of retain more toxins in the fat, right?

A: Well, it will absorb into it.

Q: Right. And then when you scale down, all those toxins need to go somewhere. At that point, they need to come down through your digestive system.

A: Your skin, your mucus, your tear ducts, your earwax, you know, the saliva, the tongue, your anus, your urine, come out the vaginal cavity. And take a look at this too. Women secrete 20% more mucus because of the vaginal cavity than men. How much longer do women live than men? 20% longer. So, I want a vagina. All you women that have penis envy, I want vagina. I know. So, you think about it. It's the only thing that I can correlate that 20% difference. You know, it makes sense to me. Of course, women have more fat too. And that has a lot to do with it. Yes?

Q: You talked about fruits before. How about berries? How do they compare?

A: How about what?

Q: Berries. How do they compare?

A: Well, fruits have high carbohydrates. I said eat one a day for cleaning out the system.

Q: Berries.

A: Berries, it depends upon how they're grown. But mostly, berries are low in carbohydrates. They don't have a lot of sugar in them unless they're very hybrid strawberries. So, all of your natural, smaller strawberries, and your raspberries, mulberries, boysenberries, all of those, as long as they're not too ripe, are low in sugar. Normally. Blueberries are low in sugar. Blackberries are low in sugar. Raspberries are low in sugar.

Q: Citrus.

A: Pardon?

Q: How about citrus?

A: Citrus?

Q: No, the oranges.

A: Oh, yeah. Citrus. That depends on how ripe they are. There's a high sugar level. That's usually when they'll start picking them, when it reaches a certain sugar level. If you get the greener, the better. Like in Asia, you don't eat... I mean, they never ate ripe fruit. I mean, the elders never eat... They always take the green stuff that's unripe. The new kids are all sugar hungry. So, they're all eating ripe fruit. And they have all the emotional problems that we have here. The adults don't. Because they don't eat all that sweet fruit. See, anybody else that I haven't called on yet? Yes?

Q: What would be the optimal amount of raw milk to get to purchase each week?

A: It all depends on how much you want to drink and how high you want it. I mean, if you like it very fermented and you like a lot of, you know, a lot of, you know, fermentation.

Q: Well, enough to make all the raw butter that you need and the cream.

A: That all depends on how much you consume. You know, I buy the whole butter, I buy the cream and the milk all separate. So, I don't separate them myself. I get it, you know. We've got a big dairy in California. I don't eat the dairy from California. Because I prefer an Amish grown the way I want it. So, we have in Los Angeles, on the west side, we have a truck pick up the milk every week and drive it all the way out to California every week. So, I drink a half a gallon of milk a day minimum. I eat at least three tubs of one pound butter a week. I drink at least a quart and a half which is three pints of cream a week. So, that's what I consume. And probably one and a half, two pounds of cheese a week. That's my dairy consumption. So, if you can't get... You know, there are plenty of places to order butter and cream. And it might be better to order than it is to get all the milk and separate it. Because if you have any milk left over, if you've pulled the cream off of it to make butter, you're going to always turn the rest of that product, that milk, into cheese to help pull out. Remember, you're not going to digest it anyway. So, even if it's not a complete product, you can use it as a cheese to pull the toxins out of the body. Okay? So, you can always use every... You don't have to discard or waste anything. And the whey is very good to eat.

Q: The places in Pennsylvania, the Amish places, they'll ship it to you overnight. So, you can order raw butter and unsalted cheeses and stuff from there, and they'll ship it to you overnight.

A: Yeah, I only get milk here, and then I have the butter and cream shipped to us from an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania, right into Washington, D.C. Yes?

Q: I left my milk several days old, in heat. I'm part of the Yahoo group, and the owner of that group, he was on your diet, and he's against dairy, and he cites that dairy is an opioid, and that the ratio of calcium to magnesium is so severe that it can cause problems...

A: Obviously, a guy who's anal retentive. I might drink a gallon and a half of milk a day. Many of my patients have recovered from being like Auschwitz victims, from eating a half a gallon of milk a day. Does it look like there's a problem, or is his intellectual bullshit? Right.

Q: Fermenting it like I do is good?

A: Yes, that's the way I always ferment it. You don't see me eating fresh milk there. That's all fermented. It's kefir.

Q: I just wanted to ask you a question. Go back to the milk. I'm tolerating the regular raw milk. Kefir is no problem. Should you stick to kefir, or should you just continue trying until you've assimilated the regular raw milk?

A: Like I say, I won't drink raw milk cold, and I prefer fermented. 95% of the milk that I consume is kefir. Remember I had a digestive challenge that the doctors gave me. I ferment just about everything. Even my meat, I like a little off.

Q: You've given a recipe for making milk more digestible. Do you have a recipe for making cream, straight cream, more digestible?

A: You just put honey with it.

Q: Just a little honey?

A: Some people think lime or lemon or some kind of other fruit with it.

Q: Vanilla?

A: Vanilla extract doesn't help digest the cream. That, it will be more digestible, but it's just the opposite. If you have trouble digesting cream, you eat honey with it. Yes?

Q: I find recently what I do is take honey with a honeycomb, and I just mix the honeycomb along with the honey with the meat.

A: That's wonderful. The honeycomb is dissolved by hydrochloric acid, and it's great for the skin. Honeycomb is a woman's delight. Yes?

Q: I just got raw honey from the farmer, and he told me that the health and food administration is saying to him that to be careful with the wax, and if the bees go away from their nest, he needs to get rid of all the honey, and because of the honey problem as well. What can you tell us about that honey?

A: Well, I'm not a beekeeper, so anytime the health department tells you anything, ignore it. Because they know nothing. They're told by somebody who's creating some kind of a new contamination. What they want to do, honey, you have to understand, gets rid of a lot of medication. Okay? So if they say, oh, the mites are getting into your hive and destroying it, use this antibiotic. So the antibiotic kills the bees, and then they say, oh, we've got a bee contamination. What's happening to the bees? And it's the antibiotics that they're using to kill the mites. The bee's already got his way of just preventing from mites. He collects the resin from a tree and puts it in there, and mites can't stand the odor, and they'll leave the hive. So they line this hive with all this tree sap. Tree fat. And they call that propolis. Yes?

Q: What are your thoughts on bread?

A: As I mentioned earlier, bread is necessary for some people. Some kind of cooked starch. But I go into that enough in the book. Okay? All right. We're going to Oh, one more? Okay. We're going to need to end this right away.

Q: Is beef stock good for you? Boiling the bones?

A: No. Cooking. You're destroying the bone marrow and everything that's in the bone.

Q: Do you eat it raw, then, bone marrow?

A: Yeah, absolutely. I get bone marrow all the time because of my past cancer condition. I used to get the section of a femur, and we'll cut it, or I have the farmer cut it into sections, and I take a knife and I scoop it out. It's like butter. When it's hard, it's like hardened meat fat. But when it's soft, it's like butter. When it's room temperature, it's soft.

Q: I just wanted to ask a quick question. Your take on, so many people believe that the food today is so empty and they push supplements. Other than just obviously the profit they're looking for, people into nutrition have been studying it for years. Look at the food over the last 50 years. They're not emptying it. They're devoid of nutrients. It's a big argument that you need to supplement your diet. So many people have a hard time letting go of their supplements or vitamins. Do you have any comment on that?

A: If you're eating cooked food, you're going to be deficient. But if you think you're going to supplement it with chemicals, they've hoodwinked you, and they're going to take your money, because there's no way that there is any natural vitamin out there that is really natural. You're going to get high on it, of course, just like you get high on cocaine, or any kind of toxic substance. Your adrenaline is going to run. That doesn't mean you're getting well. I went into it earlier. I went into it earlier. It's all processed, heavily processed. These people that say natural, like I say, they're buying all of this food. You have to remember, it takes a huge amount of food to load one bottle of a certain element. Where are they getting that element? Are they growing just from one? No, they go to another company that has a waste product that has that in it. And they highly processed it. Just because that company takes that product and does very little to it, doesn't mean that it's a natural product. That it hasn't been heavily treated and chemically treated. It has. Yes, our soils are depleted. Our foods aren't as strong. We aren't going to be as healthy. But when you eat them raw, at least you're getting everything in them. As long as you can digest well. You can't suck eggs until you can. Okay. Thank you everyone for coming.
