Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: Do you have a question?
Q: What do you say is good dental practice?
A: Good dental practice? Keep your teeth. Take care of your teeth. Don't eat much fruit. As far as taking care of a cavity, is that what you mean?
Q: It's more like gums.
A: Gums? Well, the brain contains more metallic minerals than any other part of the body. Whenever you eat a cooked food, it fractionates all the molecules. Any mercury, any lead, any cadmium, any mer... What's the other nasty one, aluminum? All of those bonds are released. So all of those metals are then free radicals. And they do damage. 90% of them go to the brain and nervous system because the brain and nervous system, the neurons, use metals to relay light information. So that's why most of the metals store in the brain and nervous system. When the brain detoxifies, it mainly detoxifies out the gums and the tongue. Any Ayurvedic doctor, anybody that tells you your tongue should be clear, is not considering that the brain detoxes through the tongue. As long as you've been eating cooked foods, your tongue should always be coated. It should always be releasing a lot of minerals. Your teeth should always be plaqued. Now, I've been on a raw food diet, eating meat on a daily basis now, for 22 years as of December. I still have plaque, but the only plaque I have is on the bottom front teeth. Used to have plaque everywhere, in all teeth. And it's gradually mitigates or minimizes, has minimized over the past 22 years. As long as I eat a lot of fruit, it caused more demineralisation in my bones than in my other tissues, so it was compounded. When I stopped eating fruit, but maybe once a day, once every other day, once every three days, it lowers the amount of decalcification of the tissues. But the brain will still dump its metals through the gums. So all that plaque on there, it isn't the plaque causing the decay. But if you leave that plaque on there, and it has brain tissue in it, brain tissue is very solvent reactive, it melts quickly. And that's what causes the dentine to deteriorate, it etches into the dentine, and causes cavities. So you need to keep your teeth clean. The best thing that I know to use for cleaning teeth, if you want to make them polished, then you use a little clay with coconut cream, especially fermented coconut cream. And then rinse your mouth with some carbonated water and have it whiten them. You can't consider mine, I had chemotherapy. Anybody who's done cocaine, a lot of cocaine, or get chemotherapy, they're going to have gray or yellow teeth permanently for the rest of their lives. Sometimes it takes a few years after they've had chemotherapy or taken a lot of cocaine before the discoloration occurs, but it always occurs.
Q: Fermented milk [unintelligible]
A: That's starting to stink.
Q: You leave that in the refrigerator.
A: No, it will ferment in the refrigerator too. You leave it long enough.
A: It doesn't matter. It will ferment no matter what you do with it after a certain period. It can take a week if you don't put lime juice in it. But you know, it smells, you know, ripe.
Q: And clay, which clay? Green clay?
A: You can use terramin clay, green clay, coral, calcium, any of those.
Q: Or I could do bentonite clay?
A: That's a little too rough. There are stones in there that might scratch your enamel. The finer the better for the teeth.
Q: You didn't say the green clay, you put water in it or what?
A: You mix it with coconut cream, or you do it with butter or any... It's like when you, the jewelers use a clay, which is a sandy, very fine sandy substance. They mix it with an oil. That's what jewelers rouge is. It polishes stones without breaking the, without scratching the surface. If you use just clay alone, or an abrasive substance alone, it will file, it will, you know, sand down the enamel, which you don't want. So if you put it with some kind of an oil or a fat, then it won't do that. It will just polish it.
Q: Do you do it once every six months if you do that?
A: Do it once a week if you want.
Q: What about going to a dentist and having your teeth cleaned? Don't they take the plaque off?
A: They, when they go in and scrape, that damages the dentine. Also damages your gums. It also causes the pockets to get deeper. If you want to do a good cleansing, deep cleansing, get a water jet and put carbonated water in there with a little bit of baking soda if you want. You don't have to use baking soda if you don't want to break up quickly. You can just use a little bit of lemon juice, a little bit of vinegar, and the carbonated water. You shoot that around in there, within a week you're going to be clean without all the brutality and the pain.
Q: So you're saying that you don't need to go and have your teeth cleaned?
A: You shouldn't have your teeth cleaned at a dental office. They will damage your gums and cause more pain. Plus they usually shoot you with a Novocaine or Lidocaine, and that causes hardening tissue, hardening lumps in the face.
Q: What about cavities? Should you get it filled or should you not?
A: Well, I would say for most people get it filled. I've only known two people who naturally refilled their cavities, their teeth, on this diet. And they were... or any diet. Those are the only two that I've ever seen. And they were 22 years old. Both of them were 22-year-old males. So I would say probably experiment for a while. If the decay continues, you're probably eating too much fruit, and you're going to continue to do decay, and you need to have a filling. Now, up until about two years ago, I still ate a lot of fruit. And I still continue to have a little decay. Not a lot, it was very minor, but I still continue. Once I cut out the fruit or cut it down to one a day or less, all the decay stopped completely. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, I just was wondering to know about generally the role of milk. I hear about people who have problems with just often fresh raw milk, not fermented. Do you think that it's always better to drink fermented rather than that's fresh?
A: Well, did everyone hear the question? Is fermented milk better than fresh milk? It always is because the fermented milk has allowed the natural bacteria, and you have three basic categories of bacteria that naturally exist in raw milk, unless they're fed antibiotics. And that's Bulgaricus, carcassicus, and Acidophilus. Acidophilus breaks down the sugar, the lactate. Bulgaricus breaks down the protein, I mean the fats. And the carcassicus breaks down the protein. So you naturally have the bacteria in there predigesting it for you. Just like in the stomach, it all goes sour before you digest it, because it starts breaking you down, but that's the bacteria and the acids in your stomach doing it. A lot of people are not very well to do that efficiently. So to let the milk ferment is always preferable. Mine sits in a cupboard under the sink, dark cupboard, out of the refrigerator, usually a minimum of two days before I drink. I like it wonderfully tasty, though, so I do not let it get into the sunlight, because the sunlight will cause the bulgaricus to grow faster than the Acidophilus, and the carcassicus. And that means that the fat is broken down higher than the protein and the sugar, and it causes it to go a little heavy and a little bit, you know, not so pleasant tasting, a little bitter. If you decrease the Acidophilus and the carcassicus to grow by adding a little honey, let's say a tablespoon and a half per quart, and add about two ounces of cream, the milk will always be delicious, even if it's down there two to three days, it just becomes kefir. Any time it's predigested, you are going to get more nutrition from it. If you let the bacteria that naturally exist in the milk perform that activity of predigestion, you will encourage your own bacteria in your intestines to flourish. If you make it with a cultured kefir grains or yogurt grains, it will not do that. Those are washed, those are bred, those are specific, and they're no longer natural. They will predigest the milk substances for you, but they will not encourage your own bacteria to grow. So it's fine if you need to get well and need to digest, and you need the milk a little bit faster, digest it, because with a grain you can digest it a little bit quicker. But preferably, let your milk digest on its own the natural bacteria in the raw milk. Okay? Daniel?
Q: I wanted to ask about...
A: I was looking at the lady in the first row.
Q: Okay.
Q: About natural forms of birth control.
A: Natural birth control.
Q: Natural birth control.
Q: Good question.
A: What do you want to know about it?
Q: What do I want to know?
A: Yeah.
Q: How to keep from...
A: Oh. Okay. As I said in the book, in my first book, there was a doctor, got his name, he followed, I think it was 237 couples over a five year period, and they were all couples that wanted to get pregnant and have a child. He, you know, did blood testing, did urine testing, did everything that followed them. Frequently. He found that the span open window for pregnancy occurs five days before ovulation. On the day of ovulation, it's too late. And most people use that last day of ovulation as their pinpoint. Too late. And he says if you want to avoid getting pregnant, then the sperm can live three days on the average person on the average diet. On the SAD diet, Standard American Diet. The SAD diet. Your sperm will live three days. However, on this diet, the sperm can live five days. A little healthier. So what you do is you count back, you've got five days before ovulation, then another five days it can live. So in the book I said ten days before ovulation, do not ejaculate inside your partner. You men. And it's always the men's responsibility because it's their sperm. It's not the women's responsibility. You're shooting it in her. She would not get pregnant without your sperm. And let me tell you, you've been around your woman. She gets emotional, she forgets time, space. Forget it. You've got to keep it. I mean, when I'm with a lady, I mark down the days that she ovulates, the day that she has her period. I mark it all and I keep track of it. And I'm on her ass like a hip pocket. So I don't impregnate her. And it's that simple. Five days before ovulation, you do not ejaculate inside. You pull on her stomach wherever she wants it. Or on the towel if she doesn't want it to go on her. But you've got to learn to be in control and pull. And it can't be that, oh, I can just make that first squirt. You pull out. Don't take that chance. Those things shoot, that first squirt is the one that really propels. And if it gets right up there around that cervix, man, they'll swim in quickly. Especially on this diet. You've got to be careful. And men, it is your responsibility. You count and you keep track of it and you be responsible.
Q: Isn't there something called pre-cum?
A: Pre-cum? There is no such. I've had pre-cum analyzed 62 times. And never is there a live sperm in it. It is like a soap. It's a solvent. It has urine in it. It has a lot of other properties in it. But no live swimmable sperm. Not one of those sperm in the right environment could swim a quarter of an inch. And they die. That quickly. So you don't have to worry about that. Okay? Do you have a question?
Q: So what causes yeast and hemorrhoids and why especially when one is pregnant?
Q: What was the question?
A: That was about three questions. There was a question about hemorrhoids. There was a question about yeast infection. And there was one about, what was the other?
Q: Why especially when you're pregnant? Why do they come up then?
A: Oh, why do some women have yeast infections, have hemorrhoids, all at the same time when they're pregnant? The baby has to be protected if it's going to live. There's a lot of toxicity stored in all the tissues. As that uterus is expanding and those ovaries are still producing a protective hormone to keep the baby from dropping, you're body is producing mucus. That system is working harder than it's ever worked. And if there's toxicity in it, it has to be removed. Can you imagine if you had some mercury or aluminum stored in a little area in your uterus and it ripped? It wouldn't heal. The aluminum knocks out the Zeta principle. The Zeta principle is the ability for substances to stay emulsified, suspended in fluids. If you take aluminum and drop just a tiny fraction of a drop into a gallon of milk, all the minerals will hit the bottom. It will [unintelligible] the electromagnetic energy out of anything that's in it. It is then not emulsified and your nutrients will not be utilized properly. Aluminum is a dangerous substance. It's as bad as mercury because it can destroy your nutrients. Mercury causes burning and damage to the tissue, but it does no more damage than the aluminum does. It's a different damage. So if you have those in your tissues, when you're growing and expanding with a fetus, you're likely to lose the fetus if you don't detoxify. Hemorrhoids are always a discharge through the skin. It's usually a heavy metal. It's usually aluminum, mercury, or cadmium or lead coming out. And if you've ever had a hemorrhoid analyzed for its content in the pus that comes out of it or the blood that discharges from it, you'll find that it is very high in poisons, sometimes even medical poisons that are injected. Most of those, aluminum and mercury, come from vaccines and other medications that are injected. But it doesn't just have to be those particular varieties. If you shot up cocaine or shot up any drug, even if it were recreational, you still have those alkaloids, those heavy metals, those free radicals that will cause damage. And they cannot go through the intestines. Can you imagine if you had a hemorrhoid in an intestine? You'd have an ulceration, a perforation, and you'd have peritonitis, possibly die. So the body puts it out through the skin and the rectal area or in the butt. So it's a very dangerous substance. So you don't want it coming out anywhere else but as hemorrhoids. It's the easiest way and best way for the body to get rid of it. Yeast, again, those are sugar byproducts that are being fed on. You have acrylamides, advanced glycation end products, yeast that you've eaten in breads. The sugar products that have collected, byproducts that have collected and damaged the cells. The only way for the body to get rid of them is to breed yeast infections to go in there and eat it up, to eliminate it because we just eat too much of it or we've lived too much on it in our lifetimes and we're full of it. The Columbia University found that humans, if they eat carbohydrate foods, store 70 to 90% of the byproducts, even if it's raw. 70 to 90% of the advanced glycation end products are stored in the body, the human body. That's a lot of sugar byproducts. That's why we want to get away from eating too much fruit or at least eat green fruit so we don't have all those high carb, we have more enzyme activity. The body has to use yeast to eat up this toxicity or else it remains in the body and causes disease. When a woman gets pregnant, she has to take care of that area pretty well or if the yeast are forming in the liver, Candida, which is more skin oriented, but it can also go internally in the intestine. But there's lots of yeast that promulgate throughout the system and they are necessary. They are all necessary. Okay?
Q: If you could say something about oxygen, either through pranayama, which I do a lot of, or through hyperbaric chambers, which I have a friend who swears on it [unintelligible].
A: Okay.
Q: Could you speak up?
A: He asked about pranayama. Pranayama are breathing exercises, yogic breathing exercises, hapa yoga. Hapa means body movement exercises. Pranayama is when you're holding one side of the nose, inhale to the count of seven, hold to the count of seven, exhale to the count of seven. That's about what they say, but some people can only inhale to the count of three, hold to the count of three, and exhale to the count of three. They don't have that ability. I can hold it for a count of one and a half, 90 seconds, hold it for 90 seconds, and exhale for 90 seconds. In practice, I can do it in one inhalation and one exhalation in five minutes. So I can really control it and lower my heartbeat. That's what pranayama is, controlled breathing. A lot of people feel that oxygen is very, very important. So are carbon dioxides. That's why people who have panic attacks breathe into a bag and they get more carbon dioxide. And that settles them. So oxygen is overrated if you're saying it's more important than carbon dioxide. It is not. They're both needed fairly equal. That's why pranayama works. You inhale, you hold your breath to the same count, and you exhale. So you're actually getting, you're exercising your lungs less, you're producing less carbon dioxide and waste products because you're allowing your body to use the oxygen that it has and even reuse a lot of carbon dioxide. So, hyperbaric chambers, they work for people who are very sick and are not on a good diet. For people that I've seen on a good diet using hyperbaric chambers, it is not favorable.
Q: Not favorable.
A: It causes problems.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That I would have to guess at. But, since that came about, I haven't funded any more research. Because like I said, I've already spent a million dollars, I've been enslaved to research, and it's not necessary to watch what happens. But if you want to invest $60,000, I can do a very good job. Okay. And I'll give you why. Yes, you have a question.
Q: Yeah, okay. So I've tried a bunch of things like old ancient healing techniques, like tai chi, Chinese medicine, to make me feel better, and they don't work. Why doesn't the old stuff work that people have been using for a long time?
A: Well, because we... Did everybody hear that?
Q: What was that?
A: Tai chi. He said why does exercise in the old disciplines... Like Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic, all of that. Why doesn't it work for us now? Ayurvedic medicine was geared toward your lackeys. Lackeys are your slaves that do minion work. They go out there and grow the rice paddies, you know, mine the rice paddies and the water buffalo and all the cows and whatever else, the chickens and whatever else. They were only allowed to eat 10% meat maximum, 10% vegetables, 80% rice. That was their... That was the rule, that was the law. If you were a warrior, you could eat 50% meat, 10% vegetables, 40% rice. If you were royalty, you could eat 90% meat. Why is that? Because the higher the rate of carbohydrates, the less you had emotional and mental control. You were also hyperactive and needed to be out in the fields working. If you were eating high meat content, you could be intellectual and overthrow the government, and they did not want that of anybody. So Ayurvedic medicine was created for the lackeys, the servants, the slaves in the field, because they were not allowed to eat a lot of meat, so they had to come up with all these very contorted methods to try to treat them. It was very difficult, and it didn't work very often.
Q: Where did you get that?
A: I read that in a... I was reading in a document from a Chinese scholar, and he translated from a law that was written from... I forgot what dynasty it was, it was 1100, and that was the law of diet.
Q: So according to Chinese medicine?
A: Chinese medicine.
Q: You think that's true of Ayurveda as well.
A: Yeah, they did the same thing, they had the same thing in India, and the same thing with the lackeys there. They never let them have enough money to eat a lot of meat too. But when they started, like in the United States, everybody's becoming wealthier, they can afford to eat a lot of meat. So what they did was they put it in law. So the people had to follow a certain diet. Our government does it, and our industry does it, by slamming you with propaganda. Don't eat much meat. Eat high-carbohydrate diets. And you've got that coming from every field, everywhere. And the TV's hitting you with all these, you know, eat potato chips, eat all this sweet stuff, all these cereals, you know, that's the breakfast of champions. What champions, I don't know. They get these, you know, these athletes who go out there and make millions of dollars by saying it's what gives them energy. And then they burn out at 32, 36 years old, and then you wonder, wait a minute. We've got men in Georgia, Russia, which are going out in the fields at 146 years old, still tailing the field, riding horses. Why are our athletes burning out in their 30s? And in the Andes, we have 90-year-old men that are running the 200-mile ball kick in the Andes Mountains. You know, every year, they do it once a year. Can you imagine running 200 miles, kicking a ball? At 90 years old? And we can't even, our athletes can't do it at 30, you know, 35, 37 years old. Real propaganda, garbage, information is going out there to us, the general public.
Q: Those guys in the Andes, they eat raw meat?
A: Yeah, they eat bugs. Mainly raw bugs, insects, worms, and caterpillars. In Chile, in the Andes, in Peru. One of my good friends, Naomi Pineda, from Iquitos, Peru, you know, she would go pick out eggshells. They were so poor, she'd go pick out eggshells and lick the egg white out of eggshells. And they eat worms, they eat insects, anything. And she was healthy and strong, you know? And that's what she lived on. And these people are incredibly vigorous by eating stuff like that.
Q: And not skinny? Because they hardly get any?
A: No, she is not skinny. She's about your size. But I mean, she ate a lot. She ate a lot.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I like voluptuous. I like voluptuous. I didn't say anything negative about them. I favor them. Fat and happy. I'd much rather have an overweight, happy mate than a skinny, fanatic, crazy woman. Let me tell you, I dated Twiggy one night, and that was it. 1972. I took her to a premiere of Butterflies Are Free. And the Abco Cinema, this was the first night it opened. The new Abco on Wilshire Boulevard. So we go in, we watch the movie, everything's great. I didn't want to fight with the crowds and all the publicity and all that. So I said, let's go out to the back, you know, the back fire exit. And we'll have the limo meet us out there. So we went out to the back, and it was really, you know, they were still working at, you know, building supplies still in the back there. And I said, gosh, I hope that isn't locked. And I hope this isn't locked. And I just went to grab it, and it closed before I got to it, and it was locked. She panicked. She just went hysterical. Oh, we're trapped in here. And she started screaming and crying and yelling. And this went on for five minutes. And I said, listen, just calm down. All we have to do is go to the door before you start screaming and crying. And it was a big lock. That was just the thought, you know, so it doesn't mean this could be locked. The exit isn't locked, so we went right out. And that was the last time I dated her, and the last time I called her, you know. Because, I mean, she panicked over something like that easily. That's not the kind of person I want to be with. I'll tell you, every skinny person I've ever dated is on that level of, you know, of panic. They don't have any fat to calm their system. They just do not. They go into panic, but men do too. Not just women. Men do too. I was that way when I was skinny. Maybe not quite that badly, but close.
Q: You wouldn't scream at the door, that's all.
A: No, I mean, sighing at the door, getting angry. Okay, do you have a question? Did I answer everything you asked?
Q: Yeah, yeah, that was pretty good.
Q: Yeah, I had a cavity not long ago, and a doctor wanted to do a root canal. And I put a temporary in, and now it's starting to crumble. And you said, wait until it falls out. And then have them put porcelain in?
A: You mean the cavity? Yeah, you had the temporary put in.
Q: Well, how do I know when it's sufficiently out? It seems like some of it has fallen out. To go have the porcelain put in.
A: Well, if it was disintegrated, and you said there was space behind that cavity to go in. I mean, that filling to go in, that would have done.
Q: Okay, and what if my dentist, he wanted to do the root canal? What if he wants just to put the porcelain in?
A: If the nerve is dead, you do a root canal.
Q: Well, you said it wasn't because there was pain.
A: Right, there's pain and there's bleeding. I had a tooth here. This tooth was broken. My father hit me with a paint can when I was 16 years old. Broke these two teeth off. And my older brother was holding my tooth. It snapped. You know, I was livid. My blood was shooting out of my head because my father hit me with a nine iron first, a nine iron golf club, and it went into my skull. So blood was shooting out here. My brother was holding me back because I had gotten my father by the throat, and I was choking into that. I was not really with it, accidentally. You know, the golf club went into my brain. So I was choking, and my older brother comes, and he had just come back from Vietnam. And he was undercover CIA type, Army intelligence. So he had been trained to kill. So he had me in a lock so quickly, and back, and my father picked up a paint can, wham, you know, spray paint can, hit me, and knocked those teeth out. Well, the doctor wanted to do, many times wanted to do root canals. And I said, if I have feeling there, the root's alive, why would I want you to kill that tooth? He said, well, because he could get infected. I said, if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he jumped. So I'll wait until the tooth dies before I'm going to have you destroy that tooth. Because you can add to it, so I had a cap put on, you know, with a short post in it. Because there was no way I was going to let him do a root canal. That's illegal to do in this country. So I had to go to Mexico to do it now. And still, this tooth, up until five years ago, was still alive. And the dentist said, you know, because the cap finally came off after 25 years, and he said, I want to do a root canal on it. I said, the tooth is still alive, I can feel it. So he said, I don't think so. So he put it up there and it bled. I said, it's still alive. I said, then you're not going to do a root canal. So that was that. So he didn't do a root canal. He was an American doctor who would do anything that I said, but he retired. So now I have to go to Mexico to have anything done that I want done. Because I will not cause damage to my mouth because of a finger of possibility.
Q: Do you have to go very far in Mexico?
A: No, just in Tijuana. And the dentist I use is Dr. Britton, Tomas Britton, B-R-I-T-T-O-N. Third generation dentist. He's very gentle. He's a big bear of a man. Very gentle. Speaks English. His father speaks perfect American, but his mother and his father are dentists. He's a dentist. He's gentle. He'll do anything I say. He's very good at getting into the natural, more natural dental practice. He's a heavy researcher. He will just go right into it. He grew up with it, so he's aware of it already.
Q: My dentist just insists that the tooth is dead. So if I went and had a second opinion, would he tell me?
A: Yeah, he would tell you if it's alive or not. Just say, is it bleeding? You stick it up there and is there any pain up there? He'll put a prong up there and see. And if it isn't, he won't do it.
Q: And you don't use any novocaine or anything?
A: No. In 1978, I had 16 fillings that were mercury, half mercury, the amalgams. There happened to be a dentist, Tom Rota, I mean Jim Rota and Westwood. They're very famous dentists. He drilled all of them out and did far more than I understood at the time. I wouldn't let him do all that. But he just did my whole mouth, took all the amalgams out. Four hours of drilling one morning, four hours of drilling the next morning with no novocaine. However, what I did do was I took a little magic mushroom. I took just about a quarter of a teaspoon of it and I let it just dissolve and sit in my mouth for about an hour. And it releases some pain relievers. So it was very nice. You can do it with marijuana too, but the THC causes some people to be paranoid. So if marijuana makes you paranoid, don't use marijuana. Because as you all state, it most often won't do that. Just chew it and chew it. Remember, you've got a ptyalin enzyme in the mouth. That breaks down the cellulose and the sugars. And that releases the THC. When you swallow it, you're not going to get much from it. So it has to be in the mouth. The saliva will eventually break it down. But if you have a tendency toward paranoia, low blood pressure from marijuana, do not use that, get a magic mushroom.
Q: And would you tell him what to use? Or would I advise him to just say porcelain?
A: No, you tell him that you're one of my clients and my diet. He knows. Well, you tell him porcelain. Yeah, he's going to recommend it. He is a dentist that recommends the normal stuff. You tell him you want an inlay. Or if it's a cap that you're putting over it. You know?
Q: What do you mean by wrong marijuana? Dried marijuana.
A: Dried takes longer. Fresh is best. Don't swallow it. Just keep chewing it. Because the THC gets absorbed in the mouth, into the brain directly, is going to be that [unintelligible]. Question?
Q: Yes. So I'm relatively new to the raw food diet. Several months. And it's kind of a broad question, but whatever wealth of information you can help me with, around economics, tips. I'm finding one of the great, most interesting things for me is that I don't require as much food.
Q: Can you speak up?
Q: I'm finding I don't require as much food. And so some of the quantities that I need to buy milk or various things, I can't finish it. And how long do things last? What orders should I eat things? So economics is part of this question, too. Because I'm finding expensive all the time.
A: A very expensive diet. Probably the most expensive diet in the world, unless you're living on heroin.
Q: [unintelligible] or any general information on keeping longer, so that economically it's more efficient.
A: Just remember this, food on this diet never goes bad. The rottener that it is, the more you just pre-digest it. No problem. Our good friend here, that brought us some century eggs. These are bacteria deteriorated eggs that probably, that was a year old. It was as firm as a hard boiled egg. And there were green molds in there, there was gangrene in there, there was all kinds of good bacteria. It was quite tasty, wasn't it? Who would have figured that before?
Q: It's like a gummy bear. Like a good gummy bear.
A: And your dairy never goes bad, it just becomes cheese. Drier and drier cheese. It does not go bad. If you want things to stay fresher, you put them in glass jars. I take my, I shop only once a week, because I have to come all the way from above Point Dume up in the mountains, all the way down here. So it's 45 minutes to an hour trip. So I shop one day a week, I get it home, I cut my meat up into slices, I put it in quart, wide mouth, jelly jars, lid on it, put it in the refrigerator. I don't pack it so tightly that there's no air, there's air space in it. And I've had it last three weeks that way. When I've had wild game, I've had it in there for a year without opening it, opened it a year later, to the day, a year later, there was no odor to it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's why. Now the longest I've kept cultivated meat, husbanded meat, is three months without having, detecting any odor at all.
Q: You have to keep it on, do you keep it on tightly?
A: I keep it on them tightly.
Q: All the jars on tight?
A: That's what I do. Unless I'm making high meat. But then I keep them on tight if they're in my regular refrigerator, because I don't want it stinking up my refrigerator. But if I've got a refrigerator outside for my high meat, I let the whole damn refrigerator stink like high meat. And that'll keep, preserve your meat. If you want, you know, your milk, just add some honey to it, a little bit of cream. You know, it'll last longer.
Q: So that milk under the counter, it's good for how long?
A: It's good forever. You know, it just becomes cheese. And if you have the cream and the honey with it, and it turns into kefir, and then it separates, you just shake it or re-blend it. And it's right back the way it was. Emulsify it again.
Q: What about fish?
A: Fish, it lasts about ten days without stinking, but still it's okay. If you want to keep it longer, you could take just a little bit of lemon and, or lime. Lime is an antibacterial. Lemon is a fermenter. That's why they use lemon to make ceviche. Lime is an antibacterial, so it does not break it down in the same way. And again, keep your fish in jars, glass jars. With the lid.
Q: And the chicken?
A: Chicken the same. Everything will keep longer in glass. Keep it in plastic. The pthalates gas. And then they cause the tissue, the pthalates gases start interacting with the tissue, and it starts breaking it down into a foul odor and get really slimy. So put it in glass and it takes a very, very, very long time for fish to even get that way. Chicken will never get that way in a glass, but it will in a plastic bag, even if it's a Ziploc.
Q: I found that chicken would be the most economical.
A: Oh yes, definitely. But you know, you look like you have some symptoms of anemia, so you need the red meat.
Q: I got some buffalo shit.
A: She's got some excess. She's got a buffalo [unintelligible].
A: Is it crucial that you cut the meat and the fish before you put it in the glass jar? It just fits easier. I mean, you can slam it down in there and try to get it out. I've done it. You end up slicing it inside the jar just to get it out. Not funny.
Q: Hypothyroid.
A: Hypothyroid means low thyroid activity. It depends on what the thyroid condition is. If you're a person who's very toxic and the body does not want the thyroid to be active, and the thyroid is perfectly healthy, there's nothing you can do about it. Your body does not want your thyroid to produce more thyroxine. Same with the adrenals, same with any of those glands. Many times, in fact, 60% of the time, I find that low thyroid or low any glandular activity is because the body doesn't want you to spend the energy on activity. It wants you to spend it on healing. Detoxification and healing. So, I cannot make a blanket statement about what is good for hypothyroid in that context. If you truly have a damaged thyroid with toxicity in it, it's not functioning well, and you need to get it functioning a little bit better, as I said in the first book, take a little vanilla extract. It will help. Eating thyroid glands is great. James Stewart, is he here? He left. James Stewart carries buffalo glands. You know, if you've got low testosterone and you want to kick your pecker up, you know, eat the testes. You know, they're about this big, and they're so sweet and delicious. And then, you know, they have other glands. They have... carries the thymus, the liver, the thyroid.
Q: So, how do you prep the thyroid?
A: Pardon?
Q: How do you prep it? Is it just honey, lemon, honey?
A: No, you should just eat that. The thyroid is so small. If it's a calf, you know, and it's a cow rather than a buffalo, a buffalo has a thyroid about the size of your thumb. Yet, a calf has a thyroid that's two to three pounds. You know, about this big. They're different animals, you know, and you say, Oh, the thyroid is so important. How important is the thyroid? A buffalo only needs one size of your thumb. You're talking about an animal that stands as high as that, you know, and it is 2,000, you know, 300 pounds.
Q: And so, how often should I eat that?
A: Well, as I said in, you know, my book, I said, When I had low thyroid activity from the chemotherapy and the thyroid was damaged, I only ate it, first time I ate it, every three months. Three months after I did it the first time, the next month, it was a whole six months before I had hypothyroid activity or symptoms. And then after that, it was a year, 12 months, and then after that, 18 months. And I can't remember the last time I had a thyroid. I have no symptoms of hypothyroid. If you're eating the gland, you will repair the area if you're eating a good diet along with it. Lucky is our host. Thank you.
Q: In the intense sun outside, is there, is it like hard on the skin when you're eating raw or is there something you can do to protect from the sun?
A: Well, that depends. The, you know, black people, dark people, Asians all over the world, they're dark because they keep absorbing the sun. And it's just like, you know, you look at the black people and their health, you know, they're the greatest sports people in the world because they've only been eating cooked foods for 400 years since we shipped them over here. Most of them ate raw, raw meats, raw everything. The fat in the skin determines whether you use the sun's rays properly. And the sun will transform fats into vitamin D and other lipids and cholesterol that nutrify the body and help bones grow and tissue regenerate, cells divide. Sun is very, very important if you want to see healing. So, most people who are very fair skinned and a person who is like you have pockmarks that shows very unhealthy skin when you were young, it takes more time to regenerate that tissue. But I found in the last year doing experiments, if you start putting meat slices on your face at night, the skin actually starts revitalizing. So, that's what you can do to wake it up so that you can handle the sun better. However, you still have, you know, pore, pore absorption, pore p-o-r-e absorption of the fats. So, you still may have to be able to be out in the sun for, you know, a couple of hours. Beyond that, you may need cover, you know. So, I can go outside and I can be out in the sun as long as I'm not in the salt water. I can be out there every day for 10, 12 hours a day in the bright sun. And I'll turn black and I mean black. And with these blue eyes and this hair, it looks like... you know, it becomes like Kimberly's, but my skin goes black. And when I was a kid, if I looked at the sun, I burned. I mean, if I were out there 10 minutes, I'd blister. But it isn't that way now that I'm on this diet. But it takes a while to get there. Usually, if you're very young, you're under 20, it only takes 10 days of being on the butter to be able to absorb the sun properly. I even had an albino eat the butter and lots of avocados and eat proper foods to be able to utilize the sun's rays properly. And the first time he went out, he fell asleep and was out there 6 hours and not burned. But he was only 19 years old. You know, as you get older, it takes the skin a longer time to regenerate. We don't have the growth hormones that we do until we're 21. So after that, it takes a little longer. So like I said in the book, you keep flipping sides that you're sunning. If you're out there doing some kind of sport, you better wear a long-sleeved shirt if you start feeling too hot. If you burn, you can prevent yourself from blistering just by putting egg white on there or the formulas I've given for burn. In the revision, I'm splitting those up. I'm putting burn separate from sunburn so there won't be any mistake about it.
Q: What about the primal facial body care cream?
A: The primal facial and body care cream, the new one in the recipe book, is great also for getting rid of burn and also helping you prevent burn and also causing you to tan. Now if you want to get white, there's a lot of Asian girls that you're not considered elite and of the more desirable women if you're dark. So they like to get light. So what they do is take coconut cream and put it on at night. It lightens their skin. Every night you put it on, your skin will get lighter and lighter and lighter. So if you have that kind of consciousness, that's a natural way to do it other than bleaching your skin. I like dark.
Q: Why did you say if you're not in salt water?
A: If I'm in salt water, it rips the fat out of my skin so I will burn.
Q: What do you do in salt water?
A: Snorkel.
Q: So if you're in salt water, then you shouldn't sun as much?
A: Yeah, correct, because the salt will just eat the fat away, deteriorate the fat. I was on Phuket Island and Phi Phi Island 14 days before the tsunami here. The hotel I stayed in, the rum rum, completely demolished. Everybody died in that hotel, so I just made it out in time. I was out in that bay snorkeling the day before I left, and I snorkeled in four different places while going on this boat trip. By the time the day was ending, I was so burned that I didn't know it until the end of the day. My skin felt like leather. So I put the egg white on it, woke up the next day, no blister. I was out there probably 10 hours snorkeling, all day long.
Q: Have you written about sun aging?
A: Well, sun aging again is if you don't have the fats in the skin, you're going to age. Otherwise, the sun causes you to stay younger because it helps your cellular division. Now, when I lived outdoors on a bicycle, you know, 1974, January, well, December 31, 1973, all the way through October 76, my skin was just like you saw in pictures of Indians. I mean, it was like leather. I lived on a bicycle, I lived outdoors for that three years, and my skin was thick and like leather. It's no longer like that, and I still go out and get lots of sun. It just doesn't happen with the good raw fats in the body. Okay.
Q: Hi.
A: Hi.
Q: I want to thank you for doing this.
A: Oh, you're welcome.
Q: It's tremendous.
A: Thank you for your appreciation.
Q: My pleasure. Since menopause, I've had a lot of vaginal dryness. Do you have recommendations?
A: You know, I've always wondered what this menopause means. That's such a funny word. You've had a lot of dryness.
Q: Yes.
A: Okay. Like I said in the first book, menopause is not the cessation. Normally in healthy people, it's not the cessation of hormone production. But because we're on such bad diets and we poison the system, when the body tries to make the changeover, it can't do it. So in trying to make the changeover, it gets exhausted and then it stops creating the hormones. That's only because you're not getting the right fats and proteins together. So anytime you want to make sure that you're generating hormones, you have to eat butter or eggs with meat. Cream doesn't quite do it except for maybe the pituitary gland, maybe the pineal. But for all the other glands, it takes butter or egg with meat to generate hormones.
Q: You could use the lube formula maybe?
A: Yes, absolutely. It's mostly butter. Okay. Do you have a question?
Q: Yes, I do. I'd like to thank you.
A: Thank you.
Q: I have a tremble, which seems to occur from my elbow, forward, and it tends to come with tension. I get tense, maybe my shoulders hold up, and I can feel this starting to vibrate. If I relax, the vibration ceases.
A: Okay. He says he has trembling from his arm, the elbow, down to his hand. And when he gets tense, it's more prominent at that time. He notices it at that time. Almost all palsy, almost all Parkinson's, almost all these diseases are coming from aluminum. They zap the zeta principle. So then the electromagnetic energy that's normally supposed to pass through the system gets caught up where the aluminum is stuck. And all of the impulses start stuttering. It's like you have, say I took a wire out of the plug there and put it against that metal shovel. And all of a sudden you see the sparks going every which way. It's no longer hit a natural conductor. So when somebody plugs it in, that's the normal passage of electromagnetic energy. It goes down to the rest of the fingers, down to the fingers. If it's short-circuited by this aluminum, other metals can do it, but it's mainly aluminum. So you've got aluminum there, it's going to block everything up. That's why Parkinson's, Alzheimer's is also memory. Block of the particular impulses going from the ganglia or the axons or the synapse, and you're not firing correctly because you've got this metal, toxic metal, especially aluminum stuck there short-circuiting everything. So it's a matter of getting aluminum out of the body. The only thing I found to get rid of aluminum is raspberries. Raspberries and coconut cream is mixed with butter and cow's cream. You can put three creams together or both. Coconut cream is the most important. And always have them in the afternoon or else you might not sleep at night. Clay, do you have a question?
Q: Yes, thank you. I am doing some research on scoliosis. And how do we handle that?
A: Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature, natural in a diseased state curvature of the spine. That can happen from toxicity lodging in the muscles around on one side of the spine or in the front or back, causing the spine to move in an unnatural way or in an unbalanced way. Or it can be toxins stored in the vertebrae that cause things like arthritis in the joints that can eat away the cartilage so then you have an imbalance. Any of those will create different curvatures on the spine. Too many minerals. Let's say somebody eats a lot of pasteurized dairy products and they may get excess mineral deposits stored in the joints and they create little spurs and they can cut the spinal cord and they can cause the body to tense up in a certain way and cause curvature of the spine. So there are many reasons it can happen. So it depends upon what is the particular problem to how to reverse it. And that's a whole science in itself. But the curvature of the spine is always a lack of nutrients or an excess toxicity stored in the spinal cord. If you want to relax it and get that spine to get to straighten as much as possible, hot baths are very important. You need to stay in a hot bath for many hours. Most people of this generation, my generation up, grew up on margarine, vegetable oil. That's what causes hardening of the arteries and heart conditions. The natives, all of the tribes that eat ugly meats and animal products, even though they cook them, they have no heart disease and no hardening of any arteries. They have no varicose veins, no thrombosis, none. So it's all propaganda, it's absolute bull malarkey. The propaganda out there that meat products, that animal fats cause heart conditions. It's absolute nonsense. If you take vegetable fats and you let them sit, guess what they turn into? Crystals, and then they turn into rock. Vegetable fats are your problem. That's what causes hardening of the arteries, hardening of the heart, MS. You know what an amber stone is? Does anybody have any jewelry with amber in it? Orange stone, guess what that was? That was [unintelligible] tree. Most of your crystals and stones are from vegetable fat. If you take vegetable oils and you put them in dirt and let it sit for a year, you will have rock. You turn that soil into rock, and you have to pound the hell out of it, and you have to mix all kinds of molds in it to break it down. It does not break down easily. If you take animal fats and put them in dirt, it will just keep molding until it becomes earth. A lot of back problems start in young age, scoliosis, because of all these toxic vegetable oils that are in everything. The chips, the french fries, the fried Kentucky fried chicken, donuts fried in vegetable oil. That is causing hardening of the arteries and the advanced, increased, phenomenally advanced increase in heart disease. You know, a hundred years ago, a heart attack was a rare thing, ever. People died of pulmonary problems because they lived in cities with smoltering, with a blacksmith on every corner. And everybody was burning crap right in their homes without proper ventilation and chimneys, the poor people. And you got concentrations that caused the black plague, you know, in London and in Europe, because of the concentrated population. And then you did not have fresh foods that got there, and they had no refrigeration. So there was tons of pollution, tons of cooking, tons of smoke that were poisoning the people. So no wonder they got the black plague, this lung disease. It did not happen with the farmers. You never heard of anybody out in the farmland. Nobody got sick. Nobody got sick unless they came from the city out to the farmland. And it just took so many generations to come to that point where everybody started getting sick at once, because they all just got too polluted about the same time. This is like Pottengers and Howells study with the cats and the rats. You put them on a cooked diet, and after five generations, they become extinct. After three generations, they get serious diseases. They get diseases that man has. Before that, if they're raised on a natural diet, they have no disease, none whatsoever, not even dental caries. Eskimos, the first dental caries discovered in the Eskimos was in 1886. And that was among an Eskimo who had ate the German and British diet of, you know, cakes and pastries for 50 years. The first case of cancer among the Eskimos was 1936. Again, in a person who had lived in the German and British colonies, eating the breads and the regular cakes in the other gardens. Well, that turned into a long... I think we'll get a question.
Q: Yeah, I want to know if you know anything about long-term effects of copper non-hormonal IUDs.
A: Copper IUDs?
Q: Yes, non-hormonal IUDs.
A: Non?
Q: There are now IUDs that also expel hormones. The ones without hormones.
A: Well, you read about the copper IUD of Susie in the first book, when it goes right up her uterus into the wall. So, you know, copper, if you put it on, you know, a lot of people will turn black like silver. It degenerates. Your body melts that metal and absorbs it. So it eats tissue away, like I explained when she asked about, you know, why women had yeast infections and stuff like that. If they don't discharge those poisons and they tear, they don't heal. They'll lose, you know, lose the fetus. So if you've got poisons down there, you're going to have bleeding, you're going to have sores, you're going to have ulcerations. So none of them are good. That's not good to do. You need to trust your man. You need to beat him into, you know, awareness. Listen, it's your sperm. You take care of it. If you're going to give it to me, make sure it doesn't cause me any growth. Okay.
Q: Someone I know recently had a baby, and they, during the birthing process, apparently there was some difficulty. The doctor had used a forcep, which I thought forceps were outlawed. Anyway, apparently they had actually used it on the baby's head, literally turned the entire fetus and then pulled it out. So right now the fetus, the baby's two weeks old, but it already has deep scar tissue along here and on here. What are the long-term effects of the child being used, the forceps, and can it be reversed?
A: Well, I've known about probably eight children that were forcep pulled. And I've seen pictures when they were babies and they developed out of it fine. I've seen two that did not, that were deformed by it. But they were raised on the worst diets you can imagine. They got very little. Both of them were, no, one was Asian and, you know, family was very poor. And the other one was Indian, also very poor. So they never had the meat to regenerate the tissue and grow quickly while the baby was young, young enough. But the other eight, you know, did fine. But it depends upon what they're fed. The American diet up until, you know, 50 years ago, you had meat at every meal. You know, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you had meat at every meal. Now it's once a day, maybe once a week. You know, it's the same garbage that they're handing people. And we're getting more and more and more disease. And the false information that people are living longer has nothing to do with the medical profession and it has nothing to do with our diets, healthy diets. It has to do with we are now sheltered from the intense cold and the intense heats, which will kill people quickly. Can you imagine 100 years ago? You don't have a fire like that in your house. And you can't afford to burn one and you can't afford to get the wood because you're in a city where there is no more wood because all the trees have been cut down. And you can't afford to get wood so you don't have a fire unless it's for cooking. And you freeze at night. A woman, unless she were her size, she would not be considered a good woman choice to breed children. Because it's likely that she would survive every year, year after year, even if she had a baby in the winter. She would survive. But this young lady would be a bad choice.
A: A very bad choice because she's so thin. No offense... But because we have heat and we have air conditioning, that prevents all these deaths. And we're living longer only because of that. And that is the sole reason. Take a look what we have, you know, power shortages in the winters. All of a sudden you have 230 people die in one night because they don't have heat. And we're not talking about just old people and young people. We're talking about of all ages. Because they can't stay... Their blood gets too thick and cold and they die. A hundred years ago we didn't have heat and air conditioning. A heat wave also. Hundreds of people will die in a heat wave without air conditioning. And that is the sole reason that they can say people are living longer. And also we have refrigeration so we do have more nutrients in our food because they retain longer.
Q: What about baths and showers?
A: Baths and showers, worse. People are worse off. They have more skin disease, we have more psoriasis, we have more skin problems because we rely upon chemical soaps, mostly petroleum products, to clean the skin. Now, 50 years ago, when I was 7 years old, 90% of the soap products, even dish soap, was made of coconut oil, a natural substance. Too expensive to grow the coconuts, to have them picked from the palms and then processed and then shipped from other countries to here. It's much easier to take a petroleum product and make an acetate out of it, not a natural acetate, out of it as a solvent to dissolve toxicity or dirt. So what happens, we're poisoning our skin every time we clean ourselves. You try to give an animal a bath and they will freak out. They just do not like it. Naturally, we have 2,300 varieties of salmonella that eat those dead cells up. That's the natural process. Sure, we all stunk, but we got used to that stink, it was natural. Now we're so far away from it, we expect to smell these awful vaporized oils that cause damage to the lungs and the sinuses and the eyes and the brain as now a healthful, clean response. And it isn't, it is highly toxic. All shampoos and all of them. There's not one unless you make your own. You can take coconut cream, blend it with a little egg, you've got a natural soap, a great soap. Or you can just use a raw egg on your hair, just make sure that if you're going to use a raw egg by itself, that you wet your hair before you put the egg on, or else your hair is going to smell like egg. For some reason, if you put the egg on, raw egg on your hair, you know, whipped egg, so the yellow and white are mixed together. If you put that on when it's wet, your hair doesn't smell like egg for some reason.
Q: I've been doing it dry for all these years.
A: Pardon?
Q: I've been doing it dry all these years.
Q: Do people put avocado on their hair to condition it? I've heard that that's a good natural oil.
A: It can, but, you know, your avocado oil dries into a black, hardened oil. It's not a smooth oil. But it still will act.Because it's a hardened oil, it becomes brittle. Like, you know, you leave the avocado on there, you see it turn black and it'll flake. You know, so that's the kind of oil it is. It creates like a firmer oil, so it will straighten the hair and it will keep it, you know, like you put a little bit of hairspray in it. You know, so it will keep a particular form or shape. But if you want the, somebody heard him? I know, holy, I think it was his model car back there. So we get to enjoy that for a while. It was one of those model cars that somebody's, you know, working on with a remote control. The levels will do the electric things. Motorized, whatever it is. So if you use another kind of oil, you know, to, like the coconut cream, you know, you rub that into your hands, put that in your hair, it will cause it to be a little stiff, but still it's a softer oil.
Q: It's kind of fast.
A: Yeah, there it is right there. It just took a flip. Okay, Chuck, now while it's laying for a few minutes, take a question.
Q: I want to thank this gentleman again for the century eggs. However, when you had asked me if I liked them, you put me on the spot. I was right in the middle of lying, telling you I was trying to get a taste of them. She said, what are they? I said, I have no idea. [unintelligible]
Q: I'm like, is that what you were trying to get me to eat?
Q: So you blew my lie.
A: Oh, well.
Q: Let's see, I was going to ask you about C-sections. Just what's your take on those?
A: (Cesarean) C-sections are awful. Like I said in my first book, women who have C-sections will take a minimum of eight years to revitalize this area, to get it normal circulation. You have to realize, when they go in and cut, whether it's laterally or horizontally, you're cutting all of the circulation in, whether it's length, nerve, blood circulation, muscle. It's all cut. So you've broken all of the natural flows and connections to that part of the body. That's why when women have those, all of a sudden they've got these ripples in the skin that is not fed properly, and it's pretty weak, damaged tissue. So they're not a good thing at all.
Q: Why do they do them so frequently, or what leads to the problem?
A: Most doctors don't want to wait around in the hospital. Their time is too valuable. It's more valuable than your wife's stomach. And eight years, she's going to take minimum, if she's on a perfect diet, to heal that area. But they don't want to wait two hours. They don't want to wait ten hours for your wife to have a baby. They'll just cut her.
Q: They use the excuse of their complications, they need to do a C-section. Now, let's say that's even somewhat true.
A: If you challenge them and say, what were the complications, prove it. They'll lose the lawsuit. Automatically. 96% of the time, they will lose because they're lying. If you've got a baby who's wrapping around and has a cord around his neck, you might, he's got a good argument. The baby can be worked around and undone, but the mother could suffer a lot from that pain. She may need contractions at the same time, and a C-section might be a good idea. Or she's losing blood pressure, and you're going to try to save her life by doing it. But that's only 2-4% of all the births.
Q: Usually it's just because it's what?
A: 2-4% of all the C-sections. That means 96-98% of the C-sections are the doctor's time. He does not want to spend it there waiting for the woman to have a baby.
Q: So that's why they cut, and do a episio as well.
A: Yep. No, well, episiotomy is another thing. I know my first wife, she went into labor, and the baby was 22 inches long, 8 1⁄2 pounds, and she's 5'4". That baby split her all the way to the rectum, and into the rectum, and he was so big. That's a different thing. But if she had been on a good diet, and a proper diet, and not been a donut, German donut, she would have been able to expand there properly.
Q: We had an argument last night in the car.
Q: So she split, and she said, that's just one of those things that happen. I said, no, it happens because she's not capable of expanding.
A: She's not capable of expanding. Give you an example. Two women who have...
Q: I am dating, like, a mini-me of Aajonus.
Q: I need century eggs.
Q: It's difficult to be married [unintelligible].
A: Well, you have to... You see this guy a year and two months ago. He looked like he came out of Auschwitz. Doctors said he was fine. They tested his blood, they tested everything. He was in good health. Yet he looked like he was in Auschwitz, and he was going to die, and kept wasting away.
Q: Is this the guy with the poor...
A: Yeah, this is the guy. This is that guy.
Q: It's on his website. Take a look at We Want To Live. The two is the numeral two. You'll see him right on the front page.
Q: You're a celebrity.
Q: I didn't know it was that guy. I didn't know I was having to take pictures.
A: Yeah, he's putting up the new website to have all my information. So, anyway, this guy was emaciated and died. He went on the diet, turned things around. Here he is a year later.
Q: I didn't mean to call you [unintelligible].
A: Well, again, you saw... Anybody see Groundhog Day? I'm a god, but I'm not the god. I'm a living god. We all are, because we all create a reality. Are you responsible for your reality?
Q: The skin healing and regenerating. Do you want to address that for a second?
A: You mean from the cesarean? Oh, that's a complex. That's eating a balanced diet all the way around because you've got to replace the lymphatic networks. You've got to unblock all of the scarring. You have to regenerate new passages for blood, lymph, and neurological systems. And it's not going to happen very easily unless you're eating raw meat. It's not going to happen easily at all. Yeah?
Q: My two kids were both born cesarean, because the doctor claimed she had vaginal herpes, and was concerned about passing the baby through.
A: And that's such an absurdity. Think about this, people. Viruses are not alive. If you pick up any biochemistry book, viruses are protein bodies with RNA, usually an RNA attached, and sometimes a DNA. But they are never alive. If you put them in a fertilized petri dish, they don't self-replicate. Not one, and you spike it with virus, not one will reproduce. Not one more virus than you injected, that you spiked into that petri dish. As soon as you introduce healthy animal cells into that environment, which can breathe in that petri dish, all of a sudden they start multiplying. That's because cells manufacture virus. They are not contagious. And virus are nothing other than soaps. We make a soap. Let's say I mix coconut cream and egg together. That's a natural soap. Virus are soap. They're protein bodies that help dissolve certain kinds of tissue. The tissue that it dissolves is determined by the RNA that the cell puts in that chain. So it only dissolves a particular cell, a part of a cell, or kind of a cell, a damaged cell, an unhealthy cell. The whole belief that somebody is going to get a virus from somebody else is a Hollywood-type myth story that the pharmaceutical industry gets you to buy, so you'll take their drugs and their vaccines. It has nothing to do with reality or chemistry.
Q: What about AIDS? [unintelligible]
A: No, AIDS is a faulty immune system. HIV is a virus, but it's man-made. Dr. Strecker found that it was made at UCLA in 1961 and 62. They had created the virus by taking two viruses, one from the lymphonomic virus of a sheep and one from the leukemic virus of a bovine, of a cow, spliced them together. He tried to fractionate them 1,000 times, and every time they came in two. Usually when you fractionate a cell, it will break apart into five pieces, five parts, like we dismember at our joints, at our limbs. This would always break in two. Then he realized, wait, this has to be a man-made spliced cell. So he put the two sides together, they matched, and found out he had those two diseases, took the names of those two diseases. He was going to go to Duke, Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, and USC and UCLA to see if it were created in one of those major universities that were working with viruses. And he found it at UCLA. He took the name of those two diseases and put them in 15 different ways that they may have called them. And it came up at UCLA. That was given to the War Department. So he called his brother, who was an attorney, also a Strecker, and said, here's the situation. You should look into it. It looks like this HIV is injected by our War Department. See what you can find out. So he got a senator from either Wisconsin or Minnesota to back him. They started going to... Illinois? And they went after the War Department. And let me tell you, after they got all that information, both of them were dead three months after the book was published. Three months after the book was published. Both dead. Neither of them suicidal, and they said it was suicide. Neither of them had even an inkling of suicide. No depression, no anything. Anger, but no depression.
Q: Well, what's in the book?
A: It's quoted in the bibliography, Bioattack Alert.
Q: There's another theory about chimpanzees using it to make a polio virus, and then giving it to the Congolese people, because the scientists were giving it to the Congo.
A: 75 million people with a smallpox vaccine. And a British journalist discovered that. He's dead. 75 million people they injected with the HIV virus. And Ebola. Ebola was also man-made.
Q: So a man-made virus can do you harm?
A: It can disintegrate the body. It is a solvent. It's like putting a solvent in your body, like a uric acid or a muriatic acid. A muriatic acid is going to dissolve your body.
Q: But it can't be transferred by blood?
A: It can be transferred by blood, yes. It can be injected in you. If you take blood from you and put it in me, and I have it and put it in you, you're going to have it. But they will not replicate. They do not self-replicate. They have a tendency to magnetize or chelate with mercury and aluminum and a lot of other metals that don't easily discharge from the body. So you will keep them in the body, and they'll keep dissolving tissue in your body and break it down. If you can't eliminate those metals that they're attached to. And that's how they work. But they do not replicate.
Q: If you don't have replication, how do you account for the disease transmission?
A: There is no disease transmission unless it's injected in you.
Q: Well, like where you have AIDS, like say in the homosexual community.
A: It is not factual. There is no proof that anybody has ever gotten AIDS from their partner, either heterosexual or homosexual. It is a, what do they call it, a casual connection. Not scientifically proved. There are 273 couples where one of them has been infected for up to 28 years, and none of the partners have gotten it. None of the partners have gotten HIV.
Q: But you're thinking the only way that it could move is by injection?
A: Injection, that's it.
Q: I'm not saying you're wrong, but are there statistics that would suggest that?
A: Well, all the people that I know that got HIV all had the hepatitis B vaccine. And that was the War Department's use of it. They put it in the hepatitis vaccine because in the 70s and 80s, 90% of the people getting hepatitis were homosexuals. They were doing a lot of drugs, a lot of amyl nitrate, and damaging their livers. So they were getting hepatitis, which is a virus which breaks down the toxic liver tissue so that you can regenerate it and get well. So viruses are good. It's just that we use viruses when we can't use bacteria and parasites and molds because it's too toxic. They go in and eat that organic tissue. There's pollution. There's poison. And they die. So you cannot use those to clean that liver because you've got all those heavy metals from the drugs in that liver. So the body uses solvents, which are virus, cellular-made soaps. But look at the advantage of bacteria, parasites, and mold. When they consume organic tissue, they can eat 100 times their weight and secrete or excrete 1% of that as the waste product. So they've taken this mass pollution and reduced it to this little turd. And it's easy for the body to handle. When the body has to use virus, it's a solvent. It is not a live substance. So it's like we take muriatic acid and we start scouring. Let's say we painted the stone here, the marble, and we've decided to take the paint off. So we take muriatic acid and water and we start taking it off. The muriatic acid comes to a point where it's not strong enough to take it off, so we have to get another bucket and another bucket. What we have is a huge volume of pollution in this water that's expansive. It goes throughout the body. So viruses are not a preferred way of cleaning. And viruses are what the body's been using mainly for the past 20 years. Before that, it was all bacteria, molds, yeast, and parasites. The body cleans itself naturally and easily. Viruses are not a good, efficient way to break down the toxicity. But it's the only way when there's heavy pollution in that tissue, in the cells.
Q: Why is it so strong in the gay community? Lesbians don't get AIDS. Why is it always so much in the gay community?
A: Because they infected the gay community. Like I said, in the 70s and 80s, when the homosexuals were doing so much drugs, 90% of those who were getting hepatitis from liver damage was from drug use. They knew this. And this was in those major cities. Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, and New York City. Those are the cities where they planted the contaminated hepatitis B vaccine. And gave it as a biological experiment.
Q: And also in Africa at that time.
A: That was the smallpox experiment. That wasn't hepatitis. That was smallpox.
Q: Let me ask you something. Let me ask you something now. I don't know the statistics, but I heard on the radio not long ago that I thought it was black females that was the strongest infected populations currently. But regardless, is that true?
Q: Yes.
Q: But regardless of that, if what you're saying is true, that's saying that current vaccine supplies or injection supplies on some level have to be freshly, they have to be refreshed with the virus. And if that's happening, that's happening on a conscious level.
A: Absolutely.
Q: And it could be detected. The crime could be proven if you just simply analyze the injections.
A: Yeah, but how are you going to get the authorities?
Q: Well, no, you're not.
A: You're not going to get a license. You're not going to get the law to back you.
Q: But your position would be that has to be what's going on.
A: Yeah. Especially with the evidence that the Streckers produced. And that, I forgot his name, the British journalist who founded the smallpox infested with the HIV virus. But you have to understand the reason that the black women got it was because the men didn't want to take the freaking injections. But the women were convinced for their children to take the smallpox vaccine. But the men didn't give a shit, so they didn't take it. But the women were taking them.
Q: How about the fact that in the last 20 years, the medical community, doctors, nurses, people that work in the hospitals, they've been getting the vaccine. Are we seeing the greater prevalence of HIV in that population as well?
A: Only in those cities was it concentrated. And back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s is when it was infected, when the people were mainly infected with it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: The hepatitis vaccine was infected in the 70s and 80s. Those are gone. Those vials, that whole block of vaccines is gone.
Q: So you're saying that the medical people that received it back then, that they have the same prevalence?
A: If they got it, that there wasn't a high rate of hepatitis in those people.
Q: No, no, they weren't taking it, they were taking it with death hepatitis because they were working...
A: But that didn't happen until the late 80s.
Q: Oh, early 80s.
A: Late 80s before it became really a popular thing to do. They started putting it out there in about 84, but it didn't hit. And everybody didn't start doing it until almost 87, 88.
Q: We're seeing so much of it in Africa, in South Africa, in India, the rates increasing and children are, you know, infected.
A: You have to understand that our government and any government, especially the British government, are involved in a new kind of warfare. You bankrupt the countries. When they infected those African people, they took over 17 countries with that because they, oh, you need all this medical aid, you need all this medical help. They went to America, they went to Britain and the banks, and guess who's running those countries? The World Bank. All 17 of those countries. Instant, easy war. Very cheap. Yet the people poisoned themselves by accepting the vaccine.
Q: There's an excellent book that just came out called Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
A: It's an excellent book.
Q: If anybody has any doubts.
A: About what our government is doing. All over the world.
Q: Do the banks get to start a war?
Q: No, they give out loans that a country can't possibly pay back. And then the loan just goes to the high capitalist class, and then it goes to the Americans, usually the Americans or British or whatever. But this is the general pattern. They give them a loan that they can't pay back.
A: They bankrupt them to a point where they cannot afford to take care of their own, or they believe they can't afford to.
Q: And then they're forced to sell their assets.
A: Their entire country's.
Q: Yeah, it's true.
A: Their entire country's assets.
Q: And then if the country doesn't respond, then they send in the jackals from the CIA to murder whoever needs to be murdered.
A: Yeah, and they take it over anyway. We've got to move on and stick with health stuff.
Q: Politics is health.
A: Yes, it is.
Q: Just to clarify what Michael was saying, so they gave it to the gay people. They didn't specifically give it to the gay people. They just gave it to people who had liver problems. It just turned out that since the gay people had such a lifestyle.
A: They took the, you have to understand, they looked at who was getting what disease. They felt that the homosexual population was expendable and undesirable. So they wanted to use this chemical warfare testing on those undesirables. They found that hepatitis was mainly acquired in homosexuals. 90% of the people in those four cities, 90% of the people who got hepatitis were homosexuals. Perfect population to put it into. They put in hepatitis vaccine and just put it right where they want it.
Q: Because of their lifestyle. Not because of anal sex, because of the drug use and the liver damaging way.
A: Because of the liver damage, because of the metals from the pollution, from the toxicity, amyl nitrate, shooting up drugs. All the drug use will damage the liver.
Q: But he's also saying maybe that group of people was expendable.
A: Yes, that is in that book. They've got the documentation that is in that book. It says that they're expendable. There was a test report that came out last year that showed our war department, the NSA, used one million Mississippians to contaminate to see if this biological weapon worked. One million Mississippians in the 50s they did this. They bombed them at night with a poison. One million Mississippians. Something like 500,000 of them got very ill and nobody knew why. Except the war department and all those people involved. And that report just came out last year. And do you know why they let it out? Because most of those people are dead. There's nothing you can do about it. It's horrendous. It's horrendous.
Q: Is there any reason why Missisippi?
A: I have no idea.
Q: Who likes Mississippi? [unintelligible]
A: I have no idea.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Because they're undesirable. If you've got that many I's and T's in a name, you don't belong. Do you have a question?
Q: We talked about the immune system basically attacks viruses.
A: Okay, we've got a false premise right away. There's no such thing as that elusive immune system. You hear from each doctor, this is an immune system, this is what happens. And it's all this illusory ghost. It's Casper the ghost. It comes up here and there. But it cannot be ever defined. You think, okay, is it a particular strain of virus? Is it a particular strain of white blood cells? What is it that is this immune system? It is absolutely a confusing issue that they're presenting to you. They're saying that you've got this good defense mechanism before you, and it's breaking down. And that's because they're saying that the body's attacking itself. And something can attack the body. It's got nothing to do with it. It's what you feed the body. If you nurture it right, you won't have disease. Nothing's attacking you. Nothing's breaking down in a way that there's a lack of immune response. You poison the body enough, it cannot do anything. It's as simple as that. So it's not an immune problem. We don't have to defend ourselves against bacteria. We don't have to defend ourselves against parasites or virus. These are what we've been living with for millions of years. And this is why we are healthy. The medical profession, all the medical profession is indoctrinated with, is written by the pharmaceutical agencies. All the procedure manuals for doctors are written by Merck and Dow Chemical. And you look at the manuals that they have in the hospitals and at the universities, and they're all written by pharmaceuticals. They want to poison the body. Industrial pollution poisons the body. You don't eat right, and it breaks down. It's got nothing to do with immune problems. You don't have to defend yourself against a virus or bacteria or a parasite or a mold. Those are all natural in nature. That's like saying the vultures and the crows are the Arbutus system broken down when you see vultures and crows out there eating waste products. I beg your fucking pardon? What planet are you from? The retarded school of vaccines?
Q: Take it easy.
A: It's acting in [unintelligible]. I miss it, so I've got to do it here. So, immune system, get rid of it. Now, what question did you want to ask?
Q: So there is no immune system at all. It doesn't do any, it has no function. And the white blood cells are supposed to attack stuff. They don't do that at all?
A: White blood cells will attach. You know, you get a zit. What are those white cells or your fat cells attaching to? You inspect that. You go to a laboratory. Do you know what they look for? Bacteria, parasites, molds. That's what they address. They look for organic reasons for this pus coming out of your face. They don't look for, is there mercury involved in it? Is there aluminum? Are there other alkaloids that are medically induced? They don't look for that unless you tell them to look for it. And no doctor has them look for that because then they're pointing the finger back at their own medical practice and their own use of medical drugs. So they will never do that. But in my tests that I've done, I've always found mercury, aluminum, cadmium, lead, some agent, lots of novocaine, lots of lidocaine by-products in the face for zits there. Other pollution when zits have come out of the chest. When I had chemotherapy, I had chemotherapy coming out all the time. And it was right there in the fat cells and in the white blood cells that attach to it.
Q: So they attach toxins?
A: Yes, they escort toxins and take one molecule of mercury out of the body, it takes anywhere from 200 to 5,000 white blood cells or fatty cells. One molecule.
Q: So you're not saying that there's not an immune system?
A: Yes, I'm saying there's no immune system.
Q: So if the body is attacked by aluminum or whatever, aluminum is floating around in the body, you eat a healthy diet, you're saying that your cells, the cells that are part of the immune system, can't escort that out of the body?
A: Aluminum doesn't attack, it's not alive to attack.
Q: Okay, well, I'll...
A: Yeah, but you need to get rid of that attack kind of... because that's what the medical profession wants you to believe. Search, attack, destroy.
Q: Okay, well...
A: But it isn't that. We need to find the pollution and then escort it out of the body.
Q: And what's doing that, the immune system?
A: White cells, no, it's not an immune system. It's a normal process of pulling toxins out of the body. Organic or inorganic, you have fats and white blood cells that are involved in that.
Q: Okay, I just think medical people would call that, those white cells, being part of the immune system.
A: Yeah, but that's what I mean. But it's a false premise and a false analogy, because it gets you thinking that you've got to fight something off. If you stop thinking it's that way and say, wait a minute, we had this pollution in the body because our industry is putting it into us. Our government is forcing it into us with vaccines and all this other stuff. We just stop doing that. But they confuse you. The virus, the bacteria, the parasites, those are your enemies. It's garbage.
Q: Let me make a quick comment. I think what Aajonus said could be, it's something that might make a new person doubt him in some way, because we're so used to this paradigm being pushed on us. And so I can think of one reference that might be useful in a certain way. There was a writer by the name of Ivan Miller, and he wrote an astonishing book that you know, Ivan? Medical Nemesis. Okay, you know that book? He wrote in that book that he was comparing the statistics of various approaches. He took the Western approach, which is, that's its own approach, but then you have homeopathy, you have voodoo, you have all different, you know, you have Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, et cetera, et cetera. And the point was that where Western medicine really shone was like in bones, you know, if you get your arm, your finger, all that. But then, remember he pointed out in the statistics, and that was that period of time, so I don't know what the statistics are now, and I think Ivan's dead, but he pointed out that all, you know, that all cases responded to all medicine from all the different cultures in about the same way. And in fact, some were better. Like for anesthesia and stuff like that, you might go through an acupuncturist. So the fact that we've had this paradigm unilaterally rammed on us, we're all probably on some level tend to believe it. We see it not only in typical medicine, but we also see it in New Age medicine and everything else, the Indian system. So I think there's very good reason to give second thought to what Aajonus is saying. And Pasteur, after all, on his deathbed, right, he said, no, it wasn't about germs.
A: He said the microbes weren't involved.
Q: So Aajonus has got a lot going for him, but there's a lot going against you, too, because of [unintelligible].
Q: I'm just saying, when you talk about the white cells, I just think that that's part of what the medical community is describing as the immune system. I understand that there's a lot more involved in illness and sickness, and it's not about these bacteria that are all around us.
A: But the reason I like to get rid of that immune attitude is because we create a lot of these macho assholes who go around and say, I'm going to protect you, I'm going to do what I think is the right way to do it. And we have the policemen who are brought up this way. They think everybody's a bad person. If you look at everybody as a bad person, you're going to get a bad person. You're going to have to pull the bad out of them. And if you go in and say, wait a minute, this is garbage. We need to clean it up because it can go through damage. If you look at it that way, then we're just rational, reasonable people saying we shouldn't do that. But then when you have a mindless idiot in office like Bush, who's raising, oh, we've got the evil, what do they call the trinity of evil?
Q: Don't worry, it's a virus. [unintelligible]
A: The first was enough, and then he gave a lot worse to you. Anyway, you have a question.
Q: Yes. There are basically two kinds of niacin. There's a regular niacin and a non-flush. In particular, is the regular niacin which causes a flush, is that bad for you?
A: Okay. There are three niacins. There's the natural niacin that you get in eggs, that you get in meat, that you get in all natural substances. And what it does is it excites the capillaries and rushes blood. In case there is, and the body doesn't use much of it, it's vitamin B3, niacin. It's used very little in the body. If your body gets very cold and starts freezing, niacin is utilized a lot. Especially if you're a cold-blooded person, or warm-blooded, you get cold easily. Niacin is used a lot. Otherwise, and if there's blockages in the system from the vegetable oils that are hardened and crystallized in the system, your body will use more niacin to get the blood flowing. So that flushing effect is on a natural level so low you don't even know it. Unless you're falling out from a frostbite, you feel it. You feel that burn, that sting. And that's a lot of niacin being used at one time. But the body stores niacin in every cell. And it holds on to it for those emergencies. Just like we have the spleen that holds excess blood. And if it gets very hot, the spleen will pull red blood cells out of the bloodstream to thin the blood so it can be cooler. And if it gets cold, it will throw more red blood cells into the bloodstream to thicken it so you keep warm. Niacin is used just like the spleen uses red blood cells in a cold environment or in a congested environment. If you're using any one of the two niacins that he was talking about, those are all chemically made. There is no niacin derived from a food. They cannot make it work. They've tried everything to do it, they can't. So they make a synthetic niacin, which is nicotinic acid. The same thing as the byproduct of smoking a cigarette. You have nicotinic acid, which is not only addictive, it is poisonous to the system and creates more hardening of the tissues. Hardening of the brain, hardening of the nervous system. So that niacin, especially if you don't take it with a fat, is dangerous. That's why when I worked with the Scientology community in the 70s, the late 70s, and they were doing a cleanse which used a lot of niacin, I said, you've got to put a fat with it. You've got to put a fat with it. If you don't, you're going to end up with causing MS, multiple sclerosis, of a various type, an unusual type, in a lot of your people. And it took me two years to get them to do it, but they did it. Not the best fat in the world, using olive oil, but it still prevents that storing of it and that byproduct from causing a problem. And it works. It's not the best way to do it in the world, but if you're not going to go on this diet, it can be helpful to get rid of radiation and other blockages in the system. But it's not a preferred niacin. It's not a true vitamin B3. You can only get that from food.
Q: Only from what?
A: Only from food.
Q: What's the difference between the non-flush and the regular niacin?
A: Non-flush doesn't even have any properties. It's all bull. The whole point is to get a flush, to get things moving. And if it doesn't move, it's not doing what vitamin B3 is supposed to be doing.
Q: But you're saying basically you've got to take niacin.
A: Exactly. Eat your eggs. Eat your meat.
Q: In your book you mention using your blood type to determine whether you should eat white or red meat, but I didn't think you meant blood type as in O...
A: No, I was talking about acidity level.And I say that specifically in there. If you have a bloodstream which is naturally highly acid...
Q: How do you know that's what you're at?
A: You can prick yourself and put it on a tape and see whether it's acid or not. But almost everybody is predominantly acid. It's not the natural acids like the Samburu and the Fulani and the... well, the Samburu and the Maasai have. But even they mainly eat red meat. The American Indians mainly ate red meat and they were highly acidic people. But they didn't have to. They could have lived on white meat and created red blood cells easily. It's not that it's a contaminant. It's that we are so poisoned that sometimes if you eat red meat alone on this diet, you get irritable and sometimes sleep apnea, which means you can't sleep well. So on this particular diet being well, it's better to have red and white together. It's a better balance. Did Yvonne call? Is that your phone? Or is that the door? Ah. Hello.
Q: And are you suggesting eating those two together?
A: I'm suggesting most times you do that. But if you have a highly acidic system and you don't have, let's say, a hypoglycemic problem or a diabetic problem, you don't need as much red meat. And there's lots of people who just don't want to eat a lot of red meat. So I'm just giving them a parameter that says, well, you need at least this much red meat.
Q: Is that right? White meat includes fish?
A: Yes. White meat is any poultry, any seafood, any fish. It can be, you know, ostriches as dark as that liver. Ostrich meat, but it's still considered white meat because it affects the blood and, I mean, it affects all the white tissue in the body like the intestines, the glands that are not the liver, spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas. It affects the nervous system better, the brain, the spring part of the nervous system, bones, connective tissue, tendons, cartilage. White meat, even though it's really not white, tuna's not white, but it is white in how I'm breaking just the two factors down. I couldn't think of a better, you know, identification because I didn't want to go with a medical identification. I just wanted something very simple, red and white. But it can be confusing. Pork meat can be very red.
Q: Pork's white too.
A: No, pork is an in-between.
Q: Oh.
Q: That's nice to know.
Q: So do you eat pork or not?
A: Oh, yes. I eat pork.
Q: You do?
A: I eat pork a couple times a year, and I really love it.
Q: From the Whole Foods market?
A: Yeah. No, not from Whole Foods. Wild Oats.
Q: Ground pork?
A: No, I like steaks. I don't like ground pork. Meat, pork chops, really delicious. And when I eat them, I'll eat like five or six at a time.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, it depends on who's growing them and what they're doing.
Q: What kind of company?
A: It's the wild oats company that feeds their organic. Now, pigs can eat anything, but as long as the grains and the product that they're eating are raw, that's fine with me. And they're not being fed antibiotics and given vaccines. Because they're not the healthiest, they're not fed the best in the world, that's why I only eat them twice a year. If they fed them the way I would feed them, I'd eat them every day.
Q: So what's the best way?
A: Yeah, of course, [unintelligible]... Pigs are omnivores. They need a lot of different things. They need vegetables, they need grains, they need meat. That's why they have to put rings in their nose, because they'll dig a hole six feet deep in the ground and get all the worms and the bugs and the rodents. So they have to put clips in their nose because they'll destroy the field. And the farmers will be breaking their legs and the other cows and the other animals will break their legs. So that's why they put the ring in the pig's nose.
Q: Farmers would break their legs.
A: You go through a field with holes in it and you don't know because the pig has dug up under, gotten under there, burrowed under there. You go in and the dirt collapses on you.
Q: Oh, the farmers break their own legs.
A: Yes. Oh, no, well, the old boars. When I go wild boar hunting, I take a big bamboo tree with bamboo palms. And I cut it down the center, cut it off, and I put it on the shin guards. Because those wild boars, even if you kill them, they're still coming at you like a train. They've got those tusks and they can rip your legs to pieces. So I put these big bamboo guards on there so they'll hit that and I'm not injured.
Q: Where do you go hunting boars?
A: Hawaii and Asia.
Q: This is my first day, so it's all quite new to me. Do you have something to say about water, carbonated water?
A: Have you ever read the book?
Q: No.
A: If you ask me questions that's not in the book, I'll address them.
Q: Okay.
A: But that's in the book. Do you have any other questions? Might try? Okay.
Q: Yes, I do. I have a very non-political question. [unintelligible]
A: Okay. Cheese is a dried product. It is not active, it is not alive. There are no enzymes in any dried product. All those supplements that you say are enzyme supplements, they're no longer active. Once you dry them, all those couplings are disassociated. So the pancreas will have to go in and take those parts, or each other, enzymes and parts from your live cells, and then put them in there and realign them to make something of them. So they are not truly, they will force the body to make those kind of enzymes, because it's put a lot of those particular properties in that balance when they were alive in enzymes. No enzymes are truly alive because, again, enzymes are like virus. They are protein bodies. They do not automatically regenerate. They don't self-populate. They don't self-replicate. Your body has to take proteins and align them to [unintelligible] virus, and then send them to the digestive tract to do their work, to take elements of food apart and to realign it, align them for the human body. So cheese is a product with no enzymes that are linked and bound together. Everything is disassociated. Anything that's dehydrated is disassociated. So cheese, because it's high in minerals and high in fat, without enzymes, it's a great sponge. And it goes through the body and it will attract with high magnetism and electric properties as the lymph, the veins from the blood and the neurological system passes through the intestines. The electromagnetic fields, minerals in the cheese, will start drawing these poisons out of the bloodstream. Those that are strong and well-linked to nutrients and are good minerals that haven't been cooked or isolated, will not be drawn into the intestines by the cheese, by the minerals in the cheese. Once the toxic substances get bound in the minerals from the cheese, whether it's heavy metals in the blood, lymph, or neurological system, get bound into those minerals in the cheese, the dried fats will then link back and hold it. Take it through your body, undigested. That's why I keep saying, you get nausea, that's a sign of poisoning. Poisons dumping into the stomach and intestinal tract. The body wants to vomit it and get rid of it. Or wants to give you a clue, eat clay, eat cheese. Absorb it so it doesn't cause any damage. It doesn't pollute your other nutrients, with your other foods being digested in the body. So cheese is marvelous for doing that. But to stop constipation, you have to eat an equal amount of butter, unless you're already in diarrhea. Or else you're going to have suffer constipation. And that's no fun.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: You can eat it anytime, except with vegetable juices. In some circumstances, I will recommend that people have it even with vegetable juice. But it has to be a highly toxic situation. And when I find that people have mercury lined in their stomachs, I have them eat cheese and butter ten minutes before a meal, except for a juice, and ten minutes after they finish a meal. Because the way the stomach works is, as soon as food goes into it, it will dump poisons into the food, to get rid of it. So you'll get nauseous, or maybe not nauseous, because the food instantly absorbs it. But that food is then contaminated, you're not going to digest it well, or you're going to carry some of that pollution back into the body. So, if you put cheese and butter, the first thing, like a tablespoon of cheese, a tablespoon of butter, in there, it will start absorbing the poisons, and you wait ten minutes. The body goes about four minutes, five minutes, without eating anything, and starts layering mucus on top of that food that's gone in. Put about three layers in ten minutes. Seals those poisons in with that cheese and that butter. So, it will take it through. Then you eat your next meal, whichever it is, milkshake, cream shake, meat meal, whatever it is, you have twenty to twenty-five minutes to eat that meal. Because ten minutes after that, your body's going to start dumping again. Every thirty-five to forty minutes, if food is in that stomach, it will go in a cycle like that, it will dump the poisons into the stomach. So you've got twenty to twenty-five minutes to eat that meal, and then you wait ten minutes for the layering of the mucus again, three layers, then you eat cheese and butter again. You grab those poisons so all of your good food goes through there uncontaminated. So, there are all ways to work with stuff, and cheese is very important. You can also use clay, but it isn't quite as nutritive, it doesn't work quite as well. Now, if you have a lot of honey with that cheese, you've added a lot of enzymes, so it'll no longer be just a sponge. It's not for that. If you're starving and you have no other food other than cheese, then the way to get it digested is to put a lot of honey with it. And then it's like milk again. You will digest all of the minerals, you will digest all of the fats, and all of the proteins. And it will not be a sponge. But it's a good survival food, if you ever needed a survival food. Honey and cheese.
Q: I thought that the cheesecake recipe without the crust has honey in it.
A: Very little. You have most of the honey and sweet properties in the topping and in the fill, I mean in the crust. So, when I say for people to have their already equal butter to cheese, they just make a cheesecake fill. Easy, it's already prepared, you just grab a couple of tablespoons of the cheesecake. So that's what I have most people do. But the option would be to do butter and cheese together or the cheesecake fill. There's very little honey. Not enough to cause those properties to change.
Q: Okay, you eat your cheese and butter, because you told me to do this, wait 10 minutes, and then you said something about 25 minutes. Does that mean it takes 25 minutes, you're going to spend 25 minutes eating your meat meal?
A: You don't have to eat that long. I mean, you can do it in 5 minutes, you need to eat in 5 minutes. But you wait 10 minutes before you eat the cheese and butter again, so when the poisons will drop in, they'll be dropping in to that next layer.
Q: Are you saying that you're taking 25 minutes to eat your meat meal?
A: No, I just said no. I said you only have that, that's your maximum amount of time. Maximum amount of time.
Q: What happens if you're a slow eater, and it takes you more than 25 minutes to eat your meat meal?
A: Then I guess you've got to start washing it down with milk. Or a lubrication formula, some way to get it to slide right down. If you chew your meat, you're going to not digest it properly. We have the ptyalin enzyme in the mouth. Ptyalin enzyme breaks down sugars, and it's alkalinizing. If you chew your meat, you're not going to digest your meat well. The Imur, the Samuru, the Maasai tribe, they'll take a huge chunk of meat, 2 or 3 crushes, and they swallow it. They're healthier, they've got good open throats. We're so sick, we have these tiny little throats, we want to gag at the... You know, even a small thing, you try to swallow it. But, you don't want to cut it into smaller pieces. So all you have to do is crush it 2 or 3 times and swallow it. I've got lots of women who, hate the meat, get nauseous every time they eat it. Yet, they can wash it down with milk, so they don't even have to taste it or chew it. And it digests perfectly. 3 of the women that I have on the diet that move toward health the quickest, those 3 women refuse to chew the meat, refuse to taste it, so they just wash it down with milk all the time. They allow themselves to get as healthy as Angelie, wherever she went, and they get healthier faster.
Q: What about the ground, when you ground meat, it's like [unintelligible]. Does it digest the same way?
A: If you chew it, it's the same problem. It's ground, you don't have to chew it. It's not a good idea to get ground meat in a store, because when they put it through the grinder, it's high pressure. It's an electronic high pressure grinder. And they put it through 2 to 3 times, and what that does is it fractionates the fat molecule, homogenizes it, and it absorbs the protein. So then you can no longer use that meat to regenerate cells, for cellular division, so you get younger and heal. It's great for burning and it's great for detoxification, but it's a hell of an expensive waste, especially if you don't enjoy the meat. Not a way to have the meat. If you have to put it through the grinder one time in a store, that's fine. I don't let them get near it. I'll maybe have it if I'm in an emergency, and I'm in town, I get stuck in town, and I didn't bring enough meat with me, I'll go get some ground meat for a quickie. Maybe that's once every two months, I may do that. But I get my meat, I take it home and I slice it, and if I want it ground, I cut it up into chunks, put it in my food processor, grind it for three to five seconds, and I have ground meat. If I let it run for ten seconds, I'll have pate. Very easy. And there's no homogenization in that process, because in a food processor there's no pressure. So the fat molecules don't get ruptured, split.
Q: If you have a home grinder thats electric, is that okay?
A: That may be high pressure to get.
Q: I see.
A: And you have to watch the metal, it has to be stainless steel. So you want to be careful. A lot of those are made out of pot metal, and they're full of lead. That's why I use the Cuisinart as my food processor. Do you have a question?
Q: First of all, I notice that a lot more women have ovary tumors or something, and men have a prostate. Does that have something to do with their genetics or diet?
A: Well, women don't have a prostate.
Q: No, I know, I know. Why does it go there instead of going on your neck?
A: I think because everybody sits on their lead ass. What happens is the lead collects in the men's prostate, it collects in the women's ovaries.
Q: Oh, because it's sitting there. That's why the tumors occur more.
A: Yeah, I think that's why we have so much lower abdominal, and the reason we have so much breast cancer and lung cancer is because we're inhaling all this pollution. My mouth is starting to get a slight bit hungry.
Q: I was thinking about a beach, that somebody fell asleep on the beach and they died. I mean, you're falling asleep. Did the sun make you into a, no, someone, one of my distant relatives, one of my distant relatives fell asleep, it's a question. It's a thing that they fell asleep and they died in the sun.
A: Well, the sun didn't kill them. Obviously they had something wrong with them. Do you have a question, Ken?
Q: Yes, I do. To be brief, you know, I'm not to describe an eye infection, but it's finally getting better because I'm doing what you're saying. So in another month it's probably going to be gone, but what kind of maintenance program would I have? It's, you know, egg white and a little bit of wine and a little green algae. Should I just keep on doing that from here on out?
A: I would do it probably for another year because you've got a lot of brain toxicity that's dumping out your eyes. When the brain, like I said, the brain comes out, you know, the brain comes out your teeth, your gums, your tongue, it does. It also comes out the ears and the ear wax. I mean the eyes, the tear ducts and the ear wax. So if your tear ducts in your eyes are stinging, that's a sign that your body is dumping a lot of metals and toxicity from the brain out the tear ducts. You need to wash and flush those eyes or you're going to scar the cornea and you could lose eyesight. Okay?
Q: Yeah, for another year.
A: Minimum of a year. That's how much I'll project right now. I'll see you in a year and see how it goes. Does anybody have a question for me?
Q: A couple of comments.
A: Go ahead.
Q: Well, the first one came up from where he said, now that I know that my brain is dumping out my eyes and my ears, thank you very much. I'm charmed. Let me thank the host and whoever he is and the hostess.
A: Over here.
Q: Oh, there he is already back. Thank you very much for this and thank you, Aajonus, for all your practical wisdom. I have one suggestion for everybody that's sort of associated with the topic, and that's, of course, we're all dealing with our bodies. And I found out because of a recent exhibit just how many misconceptions I had about what's going on inside my body. There's an exhibit called Body Worlds. The first one ended, but it's over in Exposition Park at the Science Center there. The second one has come along. It's called Body Worlds II. And I saw people from all walks of life there, all ages, all persuasions, all professions, and anyone you could think of there. And everybody was raptured. They were absolutely raptured. It was incredible. And I guarantee you that you have never seen or imagined the inside of the human body that it really is until you see this show. And I found that I was carrying many ideas from grade school and so forth. You know what? I'll give you one, like the esophagus. I was astonished at how tiny the esophagus is. Like, for example, and I'm sure I had this idea from grade school. I was convinced my esophagus was probably a little bit larger around a quarter. Nope, it's not like that at all. And plus, you get to see the capillary system. You get to see healthy bodies. You get to see diseased bodies, cancer, diabetes, all kinds of things. And plus, you get to see a certain kind of art, which has really never been seen in art history before. So that's it.
A: All right. Thank you. Where was this again?
Q: It's at, you know, Exposition Park? It used to be called the Museum of Science.
A: Near USC.
Q: Yeah, around there. Yeah, yeah. And Body Worlds I is gone, unfortunately, which is really too bad. And Body Worlds II is there. It's probably through the end of March. But Body Worlds was around for months and months and months and months. And I went there twice, and it was jammed every time. And I was totally masked out after being in there about three hours. So there's plenty to see. And it is really an education about what the body is really like. It's much smaller than you would have expected. You actually end up with very tender feelings toward it because it's so small and just the way it's designed.
A: You've got so much in there.
Q: Yeah, it's true.
A: It's so much, you know.
Q: There's a pregnant woman, and she died with the baby. And it's astonishing because you could see the way the little baby pushed all the organs to one side. All the intestines were like jammed up practically against her, I forget... her diaphram. You see all this. You see little, you see, you know, you see the embryo going over a series of weeks' worth. You can't even see it up until maybe it's a quarter inch to almost a half an inch long. And you see about 15 or so stages of that, which is just mind-boggling.
Q: I think what that drives home is when you talk about toxicity. The different diets and so on, you see how compact these organs are. You see how it spreads through the system, through the body, through the nervous system, everything so easily. So that's how important diet is.
Q: It's true.
Q: It's just so compact, it's just a small space.
Q: It is.
A: And you figure you've got, you know, we have an idea of the complexity of nerves, the way they circulate through the body. And then you see the capillaries and, you know, veins coming out the skin. You've got a whole other network that's even more complex than that, which is the lymph system. And it's got nodes everywhere and glands majorly in here, here, and here. And this, the lymph system is responsible for feeding every cell in the body, every cell except for the blood cells, every cell in the body. Plus it's responsible, so it has to take all the foods from the lacteal system, which is a web network coming off of the intestine. This is a whole network that is so fine, so everything that moves through it has to be finely liquid and very, it has to melt like butter and very warm. It's got to be that fine. And it goes to the lymph system and then the lymph system distributes it into every cell except for the blood cells, including to the nerve, nerves, every cell. Then it has to collect all the waste products and all the pollution. It has to store it in the glands and the nodes to break it down to neutralize it and then send it out the body. The lymph system is absolutely amazing and it is the finest next to the nervous system. Quite complex. And it's all in this environment. So you can imagine, you start taking magnetic properties that are free radicals and they start clumping together. Even salt will clump together. And it starts blocking networks here and there, even though maybe over a week you may block a thousand networks. That's a thousand areas that will starve to death. And these keep adding up over a lifetime and then you get to where you're supposed to be only half of your life at 80 or 70 years old and you wonder why you can hardly move or get across the street. Maybe 23% of your cells alive and they're not well.
Q: I have problems in knees and once in a while they get really bad.
A: Does it affect your knees or your joints?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's a very low bacterial level. And that's what basically he had undiagnosed. So he was wasting away. But you can see he's certainly thriving in his health. Out of all the Crohn's that I've had, every one of them has reversed [unintelligible] within a year.
Q: Dp they have to be medicated after that?
A: That's it. Well, I have some that did the diet completely for up to three years and now they do it maybe 85% and they still have it. They never get Crohn's again. I'm not encouraging you to do it only 85%. I'm an all the way kind of guy. It's up to you. Would you be satisfied?
Q: I refuse the Western medicine.
A: Good for you.
Q: She's never been medicated. [unintelligible]
A: You were how [unintelligible]?
Q: I got down to 78.
A: 78 and this guy is 5'9"?
Q: 6'4".
Q: No, 5'8".
Q: He's really 5'9".
Q: I'm not even 5'9". I'm 5'8".
A: You sure that weight didn't go up here?
Q: No, 5'8", 5'9".
Q: Pictures are on the website. Anybody can look at it.
A: But he was 50 pounds lighter than that.
Q: My picture is 100 pounds in the pictures. I had the energy to take pictures. At 80 pounds there were no photos taken. Just look at the picture and say, okay, minus another 20 off that skeleton somehow. We're talking skin and bones. Just the nasty, you see the people on TV that are really like that.
Q: I don't like the chicken.
A: With Crohns I never suggested anybody ever eat red meat alone. Always with egg or with fish or with chicken. Always some kind of white meat with it. In fact, if you want to be on a balance, really clear and more focused in your nervous system, always eat red and white together. Every meal. If I'm stuck in a restaurant where I only get red meat because I don't like whatever fish they have, and I'm certainly not going to eat chicken in one of those places at a restaurant, I will eat eggs with my red meat. It helps balance it.
Q: Do you order raw?
A: I order cold on a cold plate.
Q: Which restaurant is that?
A: Any restaurant in California. I take the law. There's a law that says that you have to serve the food as the patron asks for it, other than well done. So it means raw, and you [unintelligible]. So I take the law with me in an envelope. If they question me for it, I have it highlighted and passed [unintelligible]. I said, if you want me to own this restaurant, refuse me. I say it jokingly, but I'm always considering it.
A: Because let me tell you, if you order a raw steak, they'll bring it to you seared. Cooked. They'll bring it to you seared, cooked. Slightly cooked. It'll be rare. But that's not raw. So I say bring it to me cold on a cold plate. You mean you don't want any heat? You don't want the plate hot? I said, what the fuck did I just say?
Q: I hope you're a big tipper, geez. Oh my God.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I mean, you'll get the chefs. You have all these people coming out to watch you.
A: I'm not kidding. You see the waiters coming around. [unintelligible]
Q: Just look at what Twiggy missed out on.
A: In 1992, I was on the Mo Gaffney show. Does anybody know who Mo Gaffney is? She was a famous comedian. She had a show with him. She had her own talk show. So one of the producers happened to meet me and see some of the people on my diet. She came to one of my seminars at one of the health conventions. So she got me on the show. So what they did was they set it up really nicely. They brought out a dinner table with a nice cloth on it. They had chandeliers, I mean, the candelabras on the table. They had my raw chicken under a big silver platter. And she had, I think it was like a pizza under hers. And the show was talking about my story, about my son and everything. And they said, well, we've served dinner for you. And we want to prove to people that you do really eat this way and it's not nonsense. So they have this waiter, chef come out. And he opens it and he goes... He's doing all these funny shenanigans. And they didn't bring the utensils. They didn't bring the proper knives. So I take the leg and I'm ripping it off.
A: Ripping it off this thing. And then I started eating it. I'm ripping the leg off with my hands. And everybody's going, oh, oh, oh. So I ate it and I gave it this smile and offered it to everybody. And then we just went on and I kept eating while we were talking. And everybody's calmed down. Because they were exposed to this. That was the best show I ever did. Because they handled it well. They did it smartly.
Q: Was it a local show?
A: It was a national. Mo Gaffney showed it was a national event.
Q: What was the code section that you used?
A: I don't remember. If you e-mail me, I'll tell you what. I'm going to e-mail it out to everybody. So if you're on my e-mail address, do me a favor. Do me a favor. Who wants to e-mail me to remind me?
Q: I will.
A: Okay. Well, let's get one person. Okay, you e-mail me. E-mail me and I'll send it out to everybody. But that's only in California. It's a California one.
Q: Yeah, but they don't know in Milwaukee.
A: It says California. But they can take it to their... Because in 1996, no, it was 1999, they outlawed raw meat in restaurants and pre-prepared delis. Outlawed raw meat. And they didn't tell anybody they were changing the law. So the law changed on January 21st of that year. That put sushi restaurants out of business. It took Caesar salad off the menu because of raw eggs and Caesar salad. And it took ceviche off. It took steak tartare, carpaccio. I mean, the restaurant industry went up in a fury. There has never, ever been in the history of California a law changed in a five-month period. That one was changed in a five-month period. Because the health department couldn't prove that raw meat was a danger. And link to any epidemic of food poisoning. So they had to... The lawsuits that came down on the health department and the Senate and House of California was astounding. Let me tell you, the restaurant industry in California is all powerful. Very powerful. So anyway, take that with you if you're in California and you get served raw meat. Or you can at least do what I do, intimidate them. But always do it with a smile so they're not quite sure.
Q: I go to a Baja [unintelligible] Promenade and I think I can make them make that raw for you.
A: Well, the Baja place on the Promenade, there's also Logo, the Italian place. They will serve you, you know, I've got lots of clients who go in those places. They will serve you carpaccio.
Q: Fish?
A: No, that's raw red meat sliced very thinly. But you have to understand, carpaccio is always frozen. That's how they slice it so thinly. And in the animal tests that I did with frozen meat, they all got skin diseases within 10 weeks. Even though it was raw, raw frozen. All the animals who ate the exact same meat, raw, without freezing, had no skin disease. However, feeding those animals, the animals who got the skin disease, butter and eggs, reversed their condition in a few weeks. So if you're eating, you know, frozen meat, it's better than no meat. But you're going to have to eat another kind of fat with it. So it doesn't cause a skin disease. But it's not the best.
Q: Do you eat any kind of eggs from the restaurant?
A: No, I take my own eggs with me. I also take a sauce if I want. I take my little bag with me.
Q: Also, the Lebanese restaurant, there's a dish called kibbeh na'am. Yeah, that's really good. It's like shredded ground lamb with olive oil and pine nuts.
Q: They do put bulgur in it though. They put in bulgur, cracked wheat.
A: But you can have it, just put the pine nuts in it and leave out the bulgur. You have a question?
Q: I just had a couple of auto accidents over the last four years.
A: And your automobiles were sick?
Q: And I have a neuro-muscular damage [unintelligible]. And I have been trying to do the diet, and I've read a couple of your books. And for the last three months, I've been following 80 to 85 percent of the detox diet in [unintelligible]. So I want to know if you have specific suggestions. So, is there any specific suggestions you can make that might speed up?
A: Well, don't follow a detoxification diet, but you need to follow, I recommend that you follow is either meal eating plan one or two. You look like a two meal plan eater, two. Eat the whole foods. Last, a year ago, December, some of you may remember, I got hit by a crowbar in my mouth and got mugged in Bangkok. And they broke the bone all the way down to the bottom, from here to here with these three teeth. And they knocked it under my tongue. The dentist said that there's a hose of nerve that goes along the bottom and all the teeth are attached to it. Mine was completely severed on both sides of that bone, that it would never regenerate. The bone was so crushed that it would never regenerate. It would atrophy in my mouth and that I would get a brain infection and die. And I said, you do not know me and my diet. I want you to pull that bone back and forth. I don't care how long it takes you to do it. It took him two hours in surgery to do it. And I didn't go out on the gas. But it was very painful. They worked the bone back into place. They wired the jaw and wired my teeth back in. I just saw them to the week. A year through the week, I went back to those dentists in Bangkok and said, take a look. They're all together. It's all there, all solid and I have feeling in them. There's just a little bit, yeah, because this isn't completely sealed as you see. Between these two teeth, the bone hasn't grown up yet completely. So it's a slight bit of movement, but I can bite on it hard, unripe pear, no pain. It's only been a year, and they said it would never, ever heal. Then in April of last year, I was in a car accident where a car broadsided us, and we flipped over three times. I was in a harness this way, but he hit us from this side, so my head flew through the plexiglass window, put a dent in my skull about this deep, about a half inch, and shards of plexiglass all over my head. My shoulder hit the molding. Both my clavicle collarbone and collarbone went through my neck and back, right back into place and cracked three ribs. They said that at my age, almost 60, that I would never recover full motion of this arm. [unintelligible] But it was very painful, and I was in a lot of pain for about 10 months. But it all went away, [unintelligible] that nine months. But it's all gone. If I weren't doing this, there was no pain. But if I was doing this or this, there was some pain through here. Now there's no pain. So I just hold to a good building diet. Do not go on a detox diet if you're injured. You've already got enough stuff in there to clean out, to have your vegetable juices in one time a day, have some fruit for that detoxification. Because you're already bruised, you're already damaged, your body's already worked on taking that out. You don't need to force detoxify. But if you're eating toxic stuff, in between, even 20%, your body has to use a lot of those nutrients to steal in that toxicity. So you can slow your healing down to a matter of three years instead of one, like I did. So it's up to you how quickly you want to heal.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It depends. Are your bones damaged, are your cartilage damaged, are your muscles?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Then that's mainly white meat so you need to eat about 50-50. Let's say, you know, like my ribs and all this right here. My body used all this muscle to rebuild this area. This lump here where the clavicle broke was as big as a softball. My body built its own cast. As it gets stronger and stronger, it gets smaller and smaller. You know, see the other side, there's no lump there. This one is. But can you imagine? Ten months ago, it was this big. Took about two months to build it. And then just little by little, it just keeps diminishing. No pain. I allowed them to do two x-rays. I mean, they jackhammered that car apart to get me out of it. I was in so much pain, I thought that maybe the bones were out of place and I wanted them in place. So I got to the hospital. I had a concussion, a pretty bad concussion. And time, I was hallucinating and everything. But I forced myself, as soon as I got in the hospital and got off a gurney, I was in a wheelchair. I forced myself to get in a wheelchair because if I were to tell them they couldn't do this, they couldn't do that, they couldn't do anything, they would think because of this head injury I was out of my freaking mind. And they would go do it anyway. So I needed to let them know that I was conscious, so I let them take care of everybody else. So I could say, take care of him, take care of him, until I got myself pretty well focused and grounded and I knew my brain was working, so I wouldn't be incoherent about anything. So then I said, you get two x-rays, shot from this side and this side and that's it. Can't do it, don't do it. But you get two shots and that's it, so you get two x-rays. And I had them turn it down to the lowest level. And you just tell them, remember, you're the boss, you're paying them. And that accident I think cost me $12. The dental surgery here, the dental surgery, two hours of dental surgery with two dentists and five assistants, $117. Pretty easy. Here it would have cost me $30,000 to $50,000.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Oh yeah, I had stitches up here because they hit me with a [unintelligible] and whacked my eye open. And all this was ripped open all around here, so they had to stitch that all together.
Q: There's another detail about that second story that I remember you said before that impressed me a lot. And maybe, you know, correct me if I'm off, but it's like, well, you said you wanted something like that to happen.
A: Yes. You were looking for that to happen because you wanted to see the measure of the diet, what it could do, and so forth. Well, what had happened was, the summer prior to this, that December where I got involved, I was writing my detoxification book and I'm talking about how to handle a medical profession, what's legitimate and how to take care of yourself. And then I'm saying to myself, I've had no experience in having a bad accident in a foreign country. What the frick do I know? You know, so it worried me for three months. And sure enough, two months later, I materialized the first one. And then it was, this is only one experience. So then I got another. And I said, okay, I've had enough. I've had enough knowledge. I'm wise enough. I know what to suggest to people now. So I got what I asked for. That's a good story. That's the same with my whole life. I remember choosing all these diseases and all this before I came into this life, because the human race is going to become extinct the way I saw it. Most of it will become extinct. And the only people that would be living would be just the primitive tribespeople again. And I thought that some of us should live and take our stupidity and make sure it doesn't happen again, you know, our industrial stupidity. So I decided that the only way that I would know how to get the body back to health was to experience almost every disease that everybody has. So it was a choice before I came.
Q: Whats gonna happen if government whacks you?
A: It doesn't happen that way.
Q: Oh. Okay.
A: So, you have a question.
Q: I do, actually. I've been in respiratory detoxes. Yay, I get excited. But they seem to linger, but maybe that's not [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] Weeks and weeks later, I'm still coughing up a lot [unintelligible] stuff, mostly in the morning and at night. [unintelligible]
A: Well, Kimberly has cancer of the right breast. And it's quite hard. It's quite hard. But you asked the question and let in. So, the lymph glands are majorly responsible for cleaning, for taking the toxins out of that hardened as rock tissue and getting it to dissolve and eliminate. These glands are taking effect because a lot of these glands are damaged. These glands are hardened. They can no longer work. None of them can work as long as they're in a hardened environment. The vegetable oil and all that stuff are what cause the problem. It causes lack of circulation to the area. Dead cells accumulate. It kept hardening. And that's mostly what cancer is in this day and age. I mean, you have the basal cell cancer, which is constant seeping and dissolving of tissue, and then you have the other type, which is usually called squamous cell tumor, which is very hard matter. And the lymph glands in her throat have to help this situation because there are not a lot of live, active glands down here that can do it all. So it's going to come up and down, out the mucus. So as long as you're coughing up mucus, I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Because, you know, just remember that the mucus, if it's clear, you don't have any really dead cells in it. Maybe cleaning out metals or something without dead cells, many dead cells attached to it, or white cells or fatty tissue. Then when it goes white, you know you've got a lot of white blood cells in there. If it goes yellow, you know you've got a lot of dead cells and fatty cells in there. If it's green, you know that a mold is helping you, like gangrene helped dissolve that. If it's yellow or white, it could be bacteria or parasite discards. So any time you come up with that good garbage to eliminate from your system, you should throw a party and rejoice. Because that's less toxins you have in your body. I know I pray for three a year. I've only been getting one a year for the past three years. But when I have one, I fill a towel a day, a bath towel a day. And I make sure that I drink enough milk and eat enough eggs to produce as much mucus as I can to do that.
Q: [unintelligible] the amount of milk a person can take.
A: Pardon?
Q: The amount of milk according to your height.
A: Height and weight, yeah. So any amount of mucus you can produce. If you're a person who doesn't start producing mucus until you consume 12 eggs and a quart and a half of milk, do it. That's about what I have to consume just to get enough mucus to flow. So I may eat 24 eggs a day and two quarts of milk a day and lots of honey and butter just to get that mucus to build up as much as possible.
Q: But that doesn't go for everybody.
A: No. There are some people who can drink two glasses of milk and have five eggs and produce as much mucus as I'll get from a quart of milk and ten eggs.
Q: [unintelligible]
Q: My mother, she had [unintelligible]. I can't get into this diet, but I just buy her butter and cream, cream butter and honey.
A: It definitely helps.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: But it doesn't matter. Any way she gets it will be helpful. My parents were going to die. Both of them were going downhill, especially my mother, about 23 years ago. It was about 82. And she was having a gall bladder, spleen removed, all those things. Every two years she was going through it. So I talked to them the first time in my life, talking to them during 50% of the diet. So I got them to eat the raw cheeses, raw butter, eat the stone-pressed olive oil, and eat raw eggs blended with their orange juice. They always had orange juice, couldn't talk them out of that. So I had them put eggs in their orange juice with some raw cream. And now, this is over 20 years later, my mother is 85, 86 this year, my father will be 89 this year. Even though they've only done maybe 30 to 50% of the diet, it's good. They were from a generation who didn't have vaccines. My father was raised on a farm with raw milk and all fresh products. And my mother, of course, there was no forced pasteurization until 1947. So until the year I was born, I said, we're going to get that Aajonus kid. We're going to make sure he gets the worst shit we can give him. Powdered milk, condensed powdered milk. That's pretty nice. Anything that you can do for a healthy person will help. I mean, it will do nothing but help them. Even if you give a little raw food, and for that generation. Our generation, they may have to do a lot more to make a significant enough of change. But honey and butter is a good start. Very good start.
Q: Actually, I did have a nurse as mother.
A: Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yes. Okay, folks, we went around the line. I'm sure we're way over two hours.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I'm sorry.
Q: I couldn't decide. I have like three questions. Circumcision, cell phones, and...
A: Well, I don't think you have to worry about circumcision. You fooled me.
Q: Well, let's pick that one. That's a controversial one.
A: You want to pick circumcision? [unintelligible]
Q: Well, if I have a son, when I have a baby, you know, I don't think I will. But why is it the Americans are the only ones doing it and the Jews?
A: Well, it's a Jewish practice.
Q: Yeah, I know that.
A: Entirely from the Jews.
Q: Yeah.
A: There are some native cultures that still circumcise. But what happens is, if you're on a toxic diet, you know, sometimes you'll put out a lot of... See, normally the urinary tract is not a waste. It's a port just to thin the blood or thicken the blood. If, well, if we drink something, we thin the blood and stay cool. Just like taking red blood cells or infusing the red blood cell, the blood stream with red blood cells and removing it. It's a way to cool and warm the body. The urinary tract is basically the same way. Because if you analyze the urine, it is identical to the blood stream, except that it has some ammonia produced by the kidneys, and it doesn't have many red blood cells. So the kidney, what it does is it filters out the red blood cells from the serum and allows you to get rid of the water. The body uses it now, we're so toxic, and other cultures who eat polluted matter and breathe polluted air, they discard fat cells and dead cells out the urinary tract. If that collects, it starts stinking. Because there are molds that will get in there, there's gangrene that will get in there, and it causes stench and it will cause some sores if the tissue isn't healthy. But it happened on only maybe 5% of the population. But they decided to do it to everybody so they didn't have to deal with 5% of the everyone stinking. Because that's, you know, it causes a little burning, a little irritation, but all you had to do was just pull it back and wash it. But they didn't want people washing their penises in the house or around, so in the cities it became a thing to do. It became a thing to do. If you lived in a city, you got circumcised. And it started in the Jewish community.
Q: There were cities that had little [unintelligible] penis washes.
A: But it's definitely not necessary. I mean, if you're in a bath every day, you would not be circumcised. They're cleaning every day. But back then, you had to haul water for how far? So they didn't want you sticking your penis in the water. Somebody had to haul it a mile. So that's why circumcision. It isn't necessary and it isn't good. It causes a lot of premature ejaculation because it causes the penis to be too sensitive. And that upsets a lot of men and it upsets a lot of women. Premature ejaculation. Piss the women off. Come too fast. So circumcision is not a preferable thing to do. Unless you live in London, back in 200 years ago, 500 years ago, something like that. Okay, I guess we got everybody.
Q: Before everybody goes, I have some [unintelligible].
A: Oh, one more thing. I need places to hold these potlucks every two months. Anybody who wants to produce one, let me know. Email me. You can use this one whenever you want.