Q&A Of October 26, 2003

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, well let's start over this side of the room.

Q: Yes, I want to ask [unintelligible].

A: Okay, let me just repeat this question. She eats a lot of hard, dry cheese. She loves it, but she gets very tired afterwards. Cheese is dehydrated. There's very little enzyme activity in dry cheese. So your body has to leach enzymes out of it, just like it has to do cooked food, only it doesn't have to deal with poison if it's raw unsalted cheese. But it still has to leach enzymes from the body, so it's going to cause [unintelligible]. If you want to cut the, if you want to reduce the amount of cheese that you eat, you need to eat an equal amount of butter with it, and that will address the tiredness. And also prevent you from becoming constipated. A lot of people will dry up eating a lot of cheese. And they'll also eat cheese, a great deal of cheese if they don't eat butter with it. Cheese is a great sponge for absorbing poisons out of the blood and the intestines everywhere. The body will take poisons and dump them into the stomach and intestines, mainly the stomach. I ask people who are very toxic and experiencing nausea to have small amounts of that cheese to absorb those poisons. If they have the butter with it, they don't need as much cheese. The cheese will coat the poison. And it also provides a lot of vitamin A and other enzymes that are naturally present with butter fats. So you won't get as tired. You won't eat as much.

Q: I wish we had butter in this room.

Q: We don't have butter any more.

Q: You don't have any butter?

Q: Only like, pasteurized butter.

A: You can take it right over to France.

Q: In Israel [unintelligible]. It's not pasteurized, it's frozen.

A: Oh, it's frozen.

Q: You can't go down to the place [unintelligible]?

Q: We can't. We can't.

A: You can definitely do that. Because I have friends in Israel who do.

Q: What?

A: Go right to the source.

Q: Yeah. But butter, they can't bring.

A: Yeah, they'll get it in France. They'll ship it from France or go to France and take a big batch with them. It'll last a year in the refrigerator.

Q: Although, the importation tax, do you guys have a problem?

A: Yeah.

Q: They charge them 150%.

Q: Yeah.

Q: The import.

Q: You gotta...

Q: Yeah, yeah. So if it's $100, they charge you 150.

A: Well, you just tell them, you know, the United States has a problem with that, too. Over $400. [unintelligible]

Q: Yeah. So that's $10 instead of $100.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Because if we're discussing the cheese, and I can't have the cheese, then the fact here that I'm getting from the butter is doing the same thing, pulling the toxins out of the body.

A: Right, but the cheese will actually [unintelligible] all toxins.

Q: Now, because, though, I can't have the cheese at this time.

A: I didn't say you couldn't have it. You don't want to have a lot of it. If you have, let's say if you had some nausea, it would be okay for you to have the cheese, but just have an equal amount or more butter than the cheese.

Q: Got it. Nausea is a big thing now. It's a big burden.

A: Usually it takes one or two sugar cube-sized amounts. I'm not saying sugar cubes. Get it? Sugar cube-sized amounts of cheese, one or two, and that's all it takes. Joe, do you have a question?

Q: Hey, Steve.

Q: Hello. How are you doing?

A: Good. How are you?

Q: Good.

Q: Traffic bad out there?

Q: Yeah. Oh, man.

A: Well, let me go around this way. Joe, do you have a question?

Q: I've read your book several times, and I can't find any word in your books that would say how much fun it is washing all the dirty can jars and dirty can lids and the [unintelligible] parts.

A: Well, you have to do that with any dish that you make.

Q: All the pots and pans that you normally have to wash.

A: Yeah, just think about scrubbing and you have scouring.

Q: You eat everything out of the jar. You don't have to do a dish or a plate.

Q: There's millions of jars.

A: Well, just think of all the things you'd be scrubbing if you were cooking. It would be three, four times longer. Plus more soap.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Can I ask you a serious question?

A: Yeah. He didn't ask a question.

Q: I have a very sensitive bone here. I've had it for about five weeks now. About 15 years ago, my dentist [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: [laughter]

Q: Not long after I was taken, I was taking this five or six days, my elbow started hurting just like it's doing now. [unintelligible]

A: Any time you have pain, it's a sign of detoxification. It's a sign of swelling. Increased circulation to the area. It has to be removing something, and then after it's finished removing it or even while removing it, [unintelligible]. If you have swelling, it's always movement for detoxification.

Q: Is it better to warm it up or cool it down?

A: Warm, always warm it up.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That would make it worse.

Q: Okay.

A: Because it's, just think about it this way. How many athletes burn out by the time they're 35 because they're always putting ice packs on their lungs? You put an ice pack on a wound or anywhere, any area that's supposed to get increased circulation, what happens? It reduces the circulation. It reduces the supply of nutrients to an area, and it won't heal properly. It won't detox properly, it won't heal properly.

Q: Put a hot water bottle on it.

A: Not on top of it, next to it. Yeah, don't put anything on top because it'll restrict circulation. You don't want to restrict circulation. You just want to create heat.

Q: It's right here?

A: No, you put it next to it. Don't put it on the flesh at all. Don't put weight on it and put it next to it. Yeah, like if you go to sleep, you have to have a hot water bottle between your ribs and your arm.

Q: Okay. Thank you.

Q: So does pain ever cause for concern [unintelligible]?

A: Well, it's always good to reduce pain because the experience of pain is does not make one happy. So, um, with the, um, the pain is always from increased swelling, increased pressure on the nerves. If you can create, if you can bring, draw heat to the area, all of the sinew, the tendons, everything that's making everything tight and causing the swelling and creating pressure, if you can get everything to relax and stretch, the pain will subside. It's like a headache. The brain's expanded. There's swelling in it. The skull doesn't expand along with it, so it creates all this pressure on the nerves in the brain. That's what a headache is. I don't care what kind of a headache it is. That's what it is. Even if I take a, uh, an object and shoot it through your eye into your brain, the swelling that comes along with repairing that area and getting out the dead cells or damage, removing blood flowing where it doesn't normally flow, and then getting nutrients in there to heal it, there's always a swelling. If you take a hot water bottle and you put it on both sides of the head, the one at the top, but not lay it on top of the head or on the side, lay it on top like this, it's always next to and against without pressure. That allows all the fissures in the brain and all the tendons, the sinew, the [unintelligible], to expand and relax. So if the skull expands, 80, 90% of the headache goes away just from the heat. Then we, another way to reduce the amount of fluid is to have a concentrated, uh, nutrient flow in your blood at a low water level. So that means drinking no water at all and relying on tomatoes with high vitamin A just to reduce the amount of, uh, fluid in the blood so that you don't need as much sweat, not as much water. And that way you can get rid of 90, 95% of your headache and have a little bit of sweat, usually not debilitating or even annoying.

Q: [unintelligible] Is it a kind of a nutrient that would be helpful?

A: Well, it depends upon the situation. Cheese helps absorb, you know, excess fluids into the stomach and withdraws some of the water out of the tissues.

Q: Does that prevent headaches?

A: Uh, well, in the book, uh, I talk about the lemon juice that is helpful for breaking down toxins in the bloodstream so that they can leave the bloodstream. So the headache formula that I have. Um, the headache formula is now, since I wrote the first book, I'm rewriting it with an entire new one next month. The second edition will be published, um, probably around June or July of next year. They would actually probably be cheaper than all my other books. He made his first dime last month. [unintelligible] So he's finally out of the red. Um, but in that I'm talking about, uh, putting cream in all of the headache formulas. And it helps. It works a lot better. Why exactly? I would say that it's probably the fats are binding with a lot of, um, toxins and the nerves are mainly affected by cream, not by it. So cream has a great way of sedating and soothing the nerves.

Q: Are cod liver oil and other...

A: Oh, there is no raw, unprocessed cod liver oil. They use solvents to purify, and that means basically kerosene. So you normally wash your food with kerosene [unintelligible]. The cod liver oil, the way they used to produce it, you know, back in the early 70s and early to mid-70s when I used to take it, was made in Norway and Japan. And those two companies pressed the oil and it never purified it. It left it cloudy and gunky and tastes just like the fish. But the oil that's, only oils that are available now, even the ones that are least processed use a purifying, a chemical to purify it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But you can't get it the way it was before [unintelligible]. So [unintelligible] cod. You have a question?

Q: Yeah. Last time I was reading your first book you were talking about, you know, when you were working the health food store and you tried all these vitamins and only about six seemed to work. I was actually wondering, was that before you used the iridology?

A: No, I started using the heredology in the early 70s.

Q: Okay. My question is like this-

A: Well, let me put it this way. I studied it. Okay. I didn't use it as a, very often I didn't dabble with it. But after, you know, after seeing the actual relationship between Suzy and the IUD puncturing, you know, when I saw that I realized it was a fact, not just a study.

Q: So I was wondering like when you did your research, I know it's easy like people say, oh, I took these vitamins and I felt better, right? To go by, well, how you, a person feels. Now what did you use because you obviously didn't go by how do I feel. What did you use to see if a person actually got better?

A: Well, I watched for skin tissue changes, behavioral changes.

Q: Okay.

A: Okay, let's take Diane Cannon for instance. She used to come in and she was spending like $10,000 a month on vitamins. Most of it was vitamin E. And she used to take a bottle of vitamin E, a small bottle. Basically, vitamin E is from Kodak and Puma. 99% of all of the tocopherol out there is from a byproduct of developing film development. The chemical used to develop film. In its form, it is so toxic that they have to have very thick barrels. And when they bury it, they have to have something like six foot thick concrete walls. And these are very expensive. They have to buy land, they have to dig, they have to do all this. Very expensive to take care of that waste. So scientists said, well, this has an infrastructure of tocopherol. D-alpha tocopherol was vitamin E, natural vitamin E. It doesn't have the d-alpha elements in that structure, but it looks 90% like a vitamin E. So they sell it as vitamin E. So they get to sell all their chemicals and make a profit from the sedimentary burial. And basically, it's a solvent. Any pressed oil anyway is a solvent. If it doesn't come from an animal fat. It's mainly a solvent, something that dissolves something in your body, a compound that dissolves in your body. So all of this vitamin E that she was taking thinned her skin razzled her nervous system. She was a [unintelligible], absolute [unintelligible]. I mean, her skin looked smooth and great, but, you know, it was white. And you could see it was very thin, like someone that takes too much aspirin. I mean, if I went like this, I could have torn the skin right off of her arm. And that's the way her nervous system [unintelligible]

Q: That's what I see the difference between you and me. Because there's a lot of people that go, yeah, take these vitamins, and yeah, I feel better.

A: But because, like I said in the book, it stimulates adrenaline rush because it's toxic. So it's the adrenaline rush that gives them the energy. Coffee does the same, cocaine, any drug will do that. But it's not a safe, happy, healthy energy, high energy drug. It's a toxic one.

Q: So you looked at the skin, you see the skin was clear.

A: Skin, behavior, temperament. Same thing I found about vitamin C, vitamin C did the same thing. It caused more anger quicker. People were taking the powdered vitamin C. They had not a clue of their behavior. They thought they were very peaceful and nice. And they'd go around chewing people's head off, being very rude, very sarcastic and [unintelligible]. And when they weren't taking that, you know, powdered vitamin C, they didn't have that behavior. And when they'd stop taking it, that behavior would stop. Okay?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The vitamin C?

Q: Yeah.

A: The vitamin C in the body is used in the citric acid cycle. That means that's how it converts fat into energy. Only 5% of that is needed in that cycle. That's maybe a couple of molecules of vitamin C. Maybe 100 molecules of vitamin C to run your entire body for the day. That's all you need. So it looks for fat. And if you're taking megadoses, what happens? It goes in and robs all of the blood fat. And then if it can't find any more fat, it goes into the glands, the nervous system to pull it out. Makes lesions on the nerves. Makes lesions in the liver. Causes lots of problems. Seems to work with, and then they said, well, it works with cancer. We do these injections of vitamin C into the blood. Sure, it works because it stops the development of tumors, but it tears the body apart in the process. As it lowers the blood fat level, the body can no longer transport those dead cells to that one place to hold them. It stops tumor development sometimes. But that doesn't mean it's helpful. Those people just begin to degenerate more. When they have no fat in their body, they're just going to destroy more cells. Kill more live cells. And they're lacking fat anyway to form the right kinds of cholesterol to dissolve dead cells so they can eliminate the dead cells. Not doing that, so they're holding on to all these dead cells, and they keep collecting them just like prisoners. We don't rehabilitate the criminals. We just stuff them in a prison. And that's basically what the body does when it doesn't have the nutrients it needs to dissolve dead cells. It stuffs them in place, all tumors. And if it's a malignant cancer, a cancer cell has a high rate of acid in it. So when it dies, it can dissolve and disappear. That's why malignant tumors can go into remission and disappear overnight. But a benign tumor can take 40, 50 years to break down and leave the body. A year, but it always takes a very long time for a benign tumor to dissolve. And you have a dissolution of this... You have cancer cells dissolving, and no fat to bind to those poisons. Then that gets in everything, and it'll disrupt the functioning and the integrity of any cell that it comes in contact with. So it's like putting bile on your system or a battery acid. Every cell it touches is going to be affected.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, usually the body will spread dead cells evenly throughout the body. But when it's reached its maximum and can't do it, then it'll start building tumors.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: 99% of it is really a byproduct of the film development process. Whenever you see the natural ones, they used about 10 units of the true vitamin E or soybeans, and the other 90% is the actual chemical.

Q: That was invented by [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] was a vice president.

A: Where can we find your own? Is he strung up anywhere?

Q: I retired after my aunt died of cancer, and he was very mad that his company, who told him that this was okay, was doing this because that was one of their priorities. [unintelligible] And they keep their old employees away [unintelligible]. So that they can't share that. And they learned that from the government, that the nuclear radiation [unintelligible] waste products. So they'll use fluoride, [unintelligible] radiation fluoride, they'll dump it in the water, and we'll pay them to do that.

A: The [unintelligible]carbons are one of the worst byproducts of industry. And it's like you cannot contain it, because it will eat through those cans. And it will just eat through concrete. So they had to find a way, and they [unintelligible].

Q: They have a nuclear plant up in Utah, that's now being moved to Colorado, and the radiation will hit LA in the next couple of years. There's no way they can get that out yet.

A: Yep, that's the way it's going.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Uh-huh.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They're toxic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The amount of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals that are necessary are very minimal. The actual meat. As long as you have a raw diet, if you don't have a cooked diet, [unintelligible]. You can never get enough [unintelligible]. Unless you were doing, let's say, doing a lot of juices in between every time you ate something cooked. A lot. Like a quart. But we have, I usually recommend three to four cups a day, which is far exceeds, you know, a vitamin, vitamin A, everything that's in the juice, covers more than you need. Two juices will cover everything you need in a day. So I like everybody to restore the nutrients lost from when we were eating cooked foods. That's why I like for everyone to drink more than two juices a day. They'll fill that up. All the high ones are the most important. Yes. They're what we need so much. Vitamin A, vitamin E, chlorophyll, and parsley. Parsley's full of almost everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right. And the celery is almost identical to human blood. It's called a sodium level and all other minerals, magnesium and everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In water you're only getting minerals. And the dry minerals are not ionically active. Right. And that's what it'll do in the body. Right. Well, not only of the enzymes, you have ion activity that is associated with it, along with the enzymes. So it has to be in a form. You can take cauterized minerals, let's say you take minerals from a volcanic ash with molten metals in it. You feed it to plants. Trees and shrubs are the only ones that can handle that. They can grow. Like you go to Hawaii and you see all the trees growing, you won't see grass, you won't see anything else coming out. You know, just shrubs and weeds and stuff like that. It can really grow around it, not from it. Because if you force a plant to eat the molten metals, it'll kill them. And you can do an experiment by taking the Aztec secret clay and put that in some of your plants and watch them die.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Fish is very concentrated. The most concentrated is shellfish. Oysters.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, that would be for practitioners, not for somebody who, you know, people with a little knowledge. You know, they're dangerous.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I'd just like to suggest food and the reasons for the food, whether you can bring it down chemically. Because people have different perspectives on how the chemistry works. And I did mine backwards. I saw it work and then figured out why it worked. And that is just my particular perspective of why it works, whether it actually works that way or not. God, I'd like to be able to look in and relate to all the interactivity of the organisms inside each molecule and really be able to say this is why it works, that everybody eats bullshit. You know, to make things rational reasonable.

Q: Can you get that [unintelligible]?

A: Well, I'm going to, my next book is going to be on detoxification. I literally talked the publisher into giving me two different covers and two different titles. One of them will be called Eat Shit And Live. You know how well that book will sell? And everybody thinks it's going to be a comedy. But it will introduce them to a whole new concept, a whole new behavior.

Q: Make something else a comedy.

A: Right. But I've been thinking about writing one as a comedy, the whole book as a comedy as well as a regular. I could also show people my work.

[audio cut]

A: It's going to tempt somebody. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They store, they don't detox into the muscles. They store into the muscles because you don't have enough proper nutrients. Like in diabetics. No, it's the old one.Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's in the muscle already or in the tendon. Detoxify without enough fats in the area causes cramps during detoxification. I mean, there are a lot of diabetics because they have hand and feet cramps and they're getting amputations because the sugar keeps storing in the lower part of their body and sort of deteriorating the system. Because the sugar is collected and collected, especially if they take insulin. Because insulin is a sterilized compound. It's not a natural, you know, they may take it from, they used to use a lot from the pig, but they would sterilize it. So it was no longer in its natural form. So when it reacted on sugars, it didn't react on them properly. It only, let's say, fractionated the sugar molecule, let's say a third, less than a third of it, and normally gets broken down. So it doesn't get properly used. So there are many more byproducts. It goes for in the feet. That's why diabetics have such swelling on the lower parts of the body when they're getting amputations, late in their life.

Q: Because it's a continual [unintelligible].

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Lots of cream. Unless, but this is on a general, if you've got somebody who's got inflammatory bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, you can't use the cream because if you use the cream with food, they won't digest it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A couple hot water bottles. I used to use five hot water bottles. I put two between here, two under here, one here, on either side.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Sounds great.

Q: I know.

A: Like those long pillows.

Q: Yeah. But what would be the difference then?

A: How do you feel with them?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's when the body is so full of pain all over. Or the pain is so excruciating that local [unintelligible].

Q: You could do a lower leg bath. There's a bath with something to sit in it.

Q: You mean like a mini Japanese tub?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, for the sugar, it's usually for sugar reaction, [unintelligible].

Q: And not [unintelligible]?

A: No, because that alters the molecular structure of cells and can only generate cells that are [unintelligible]. Okay, since I have a little time here, I'm going to go back through again. But I want to talk about baths. A couple of people have already heard of this story, but I'm just kind of impressed by how important excess fats are to the body. When I was in North Carolina, I was, a few weeks ago, seeing patients. I was seeing a lot of people who were ex-vegetarians, 29.5% of you were vegetarians, very ill and very sick. This one man walked in who looked like he was right out of a local bar. He had all the adipose tissue, the thick nose and all of that. [unintelligible] drug use and alcohol abuse. And it was pretty bad, but when I photographed his eyes, his body was so clean inside. It was amazing. He didn't have all of this scar tissue, he didn't have all of these poisons, he didn't have a lot of metal poisoning in his system. His glands were all working. In theory, he was only maybe 20 pounds overweight. And I was perplexed and I said, you know, I'm in a conundrum here. So I explained, I said, no, I was an alcoholic and drug users for longer than you think. I was 27 years with the alcohol and 25 years with the drugs. I thought I was about 20, 22, maybe 25 with the alcohol. Just the way the skin looked, you know. And I said, well, you know, did you eat a lot of fat like the French do whenever you did your drugs? He said, oh, I was 300 pounds a few months ago before I started on the diet. Fat absorbs poison. You hear it over and over again. When poisons go somewhere, they go to the fatty tissues, they go to the liver, any of the glands, wherever there's fat, it will go. And it will keep it from entering your cells and damaging your live cells. Fat is so important. Don't be skinny if you've got a problem. Don't be skinny, get fat. People get well quicker.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, they need it. And people ridicule them and say they're not healthy, but I'll show you how. [unintelligible] I'll take your blood test, I can show you that they're a lot healthier than anybody who's skinny.

Q: But they may be [unintelligible]. They know that it's too much fat on their body to hold.

A: Because they can't discharge it. They're not on the diet.

Q: This statement about fat, when I [unintelligible]. I didn't start having my symptoms just from my neck and my back, my joints deteriorated, until I was on the gerson diet for two and a half years. All of a sudden I was having spontaneous fractures and ruptures and damage. I was like, where did this come from? And it wasn't until I lost all this weight. Now that I lost all this weight, the old diet isn't working, and I keep deteriorating further. So the fat was what was keeping me intact.

A: Prior to that.

Q: Prior to that, yeah. And I got rid of the fat and started having all the other symptoms.

A: Because if you don't have the fat in the tissue, guess where the toxins are going to go. It's going to look at the bone marrow, it's going to look at the bones, it's going to look at the nervous system, it's going to go anywhere where it can find the fat. [unintelligible]

Q; And that's what it felt like for the last two and a half years. What else is going to fall off now?

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Absolutely.

A: And there's no protection. There's no fat that protects the tissue.

Q: Remember he said I had a lot of scar tissue. Everywhere. Everywhere.

A: Now if he had kept that fat on the long time, I bet he'd be doing a lot better than he is today.

Q: Well [unintelligible].

A: Most people, you know, there's few who reverse their diseases coincidentally while on that diet. But like I said in the recipe book, if 50% of the people who are doing a particular therapy don't survive, it's a bad therapy.

Q: And by the way, every therapy, [unintelligible] one third that really worked well, one third that failed miserably with [unintelligible], and one third that's going to live a long life but still won't overcome the disease. And that's the, your diet, and there's only one other one, came back where I haven't heard anything, people died.

A: Well, I've had 18 people die out of about 320.

Q: Out of 326 that I worked with, 290 aren't here.

A: Yeah. Exactly. Okay.

Q: Did you say something about statistics that 60% of people who just left alone will recover?

Q: You can take a tumor, not cancer, we don't use it in medical studies, but we determine, you can take a tumor and do alternatives, do nothing, or you can do regular chemotherapy. And the standard is that you'll have the same exact results no matter what you do. You'll have probably better results by being left alone from the chemo and doing nothing than if you would, you know.

Q: But the rate of healing in the case of Western medicine is something like 30%, so it goes way down to the West.

A: No, no, 17%. 17%.

Q: People go way down in the chances of recovery.

Q: And we got 9 to 15% of what survived on chemotherapy, 25% what the drug industry said, 25% is unacceptable. And they're less than any other alternative method that you do, which is 33%. So statistics can be utilized for what you do. I did court statistics. They can be, the same statistics can be manipulated either side. And so you've got to be really careful. But the statistics where people who were left alone live longer than the people that they needed to get either the alternative therapy or they did the chemo therapy.

A: Yeah, Harvin B. Jones, he's the one to put out the report. He was the professor [unintelligible], medical physics, and physiology at Berkeley. Harvin B. Jones. And he worked with cancer for 40-some years. In the early 70s, he came out and said, okay, here's the [unintelligible]. The people who were diagnosed with cancer that I followed took and refused all therapies, lived an average of 12 and a half years. The people who took one or all three of the therapies lived an average of three years. So 76% of the cancers reverse on their own. It's like a cold. It's like a flu. It's just going to go through its process. And my understanding, and in my research, in my laboratory experiments with cancer, is that when the liver stops manufacturing certain cholesterol, it dissolves dead cells. It's like, you know, we cremate cells, dead people. The body dissolves these dead cells. And if you can't dissolve them, it mummifies them and just stores them in the body. If it stores them evenly and can't do it anymore, then it stores them in the form of tumors. If it can't do that, and it's the, not squamous, what's the other one, basal cell cancer, your body will just dissolve. It'll start dissolving the cells right there on your system.

Q: Well, skin is a large organ anyway.

A: Yes.

Q: So it has a real massive exit point.

A: Yep.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Olive oil is a solvent. It's not a protective fat. It'll help dissolve things. It will dry you out. It can't. There's nothing that will substitute the butter. You have to go to France and get it. Smuggling, whatever you have to do. We used to food [unintelligible] the Los Angeles county.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: [unintelligible] is better than no butter, but still.

Q: Rules and regulations don't include that. They never do. Besides, you think, we don't have stringent [unintelligible]. The other thing was, we used to go to Lebanon to get water.

A: What you could do is probably take empty containers of pasteurized butter and put the raw butter in it.

Q: That's probably better.

A: You don't have to smuggle it.

Q: They're like California. They're a very agricultural country, so you have to check everything.

Q: Even if it's in a plastic container?

Q: They stock everything. They take your socks.

Q: If you have a banana in your bag, they'll take it away.

Q: You may have to live in France for a while.

Q: You just get a cow.

A: You get an old cow. That's the way to do it.

Q: We want it to get cheap. Goats...

A: You cannot get good butter from the goats. The effects between goat's milk and cow's milk are very different. Goat's milk has precursors for high adrenaline production. That's why goats are so hyperactive. They will eat their fence. They will eat anything. They'll eat the dirt. They'll eat anything that they can get their feet into. Unless they have lots of pasture to move around in. They need twice as much as a cow. They're hyperactive. If you give that to a child or a person who is lethargic, it's not a good idea because it will produce more hormones and have more hyperactivity. You're more angry. You're more unsettled. So cow's milk is the best for that unless you have somebody who is very overweight and lethargic. Then that's why I recommend a goat's milk. You're too thin.

Q: I'm double the weight that I was when I was [unintelligible]. I was 37 kilos. Now I'm 65.

Q: What about mother's milk? You talk about eating people. What about mother's milk? There are actually breast milk groups where they pump the breast milk out. Breast milk is supposed to have a good... You're going to have to go to organic women to find organic mother's milk.

A: Well, it would probably be a great market. Those mammary glands don't produce a lot of milk in humans. That's why we've got cows. Huge udders, you know. We used to... On my grandparents' farm, they shipped over these cows that were as big as workhorses from England. They were prize-winning jerseys. And I mean, my father, when he was three years old, about this tall, came up to just the knee on these cows. And these cows would produce each one 22 gallons of milk a day. Can you imagine the cow that [unintelligible]? But they were huge, huge cows that ate a tremendous amount of food. But they were great producers. That's what we're looking for. These little breasts are not producing [unintelligible].

Q: In most farms, they pool milk. In the [unintelligible], they pool breast milk. So you'd actually have to go to the [unintelligible]. If the woman was healthy...

A: If she were?

Q: Yeah.

A: Do you know any women who are healthy? Do you know the Maasai tribes or Samburu? I haven't found them, so... I don't know a human that I've ever... I've never met one.

Q: Except your mom, if you were breastfed at the time, was [unintelligible].

A: No, she wouldn't drive to... [unintelligible] : I mean, that's a great idea, but it's not going to happen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely. Keep going back to eat shit and live.

Q: Now, okay, then, you told me I couldn't go on either the high meat or the [unintelligible].

A: Their intestines are too thin.

Q: [unintelligible] So would the average person know? If they weren't clinically symptomatic, [unintelligible]. Could you go on high meat?

A: Absolutely. High meat and fecal matter every day.

Q: But they got to a point where they couldn't eat.

A: [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. A few of them. Yeah, but I mean, I'm saying that the people that I know that eat it every day are not thin. They're not skinny. They're not as thin as you.

Q: So you're starting the diet and you're thin, is that what you're saying?

A: No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that there are lots of people who are thin and go right into eating the high meat. Lots of people eat the high meat, but I'm talking on a daily basis.

Q: In your book it says three or four days every three or four days, but these people are eating every day.

A: Every day. They're not overweight.

Q: They're not overweight. [unintelligible]

A: We're so sterile in our environment that we don't have enough bacteria to help us detoxify. Bacteria, like crows and the vultures are coming to eat up the dead tissue. They get rid of that kind of thing. With our pollutants in the bodies, our soaps and our gases and our heavy metals, all the environmental pollution is creating a system, sterile, a sterile system of bacteria. So they don't help us remove all this waste product in the system. So our bodies have to use solvents, virus. Viruses are not alive. They're not like bacteria and they're not like parasites. A virus is a protein synthesized by the body. It's not contagious. The medical system can make huge assumptions, but there's no evidence anywhere, plenty of evidence to prove that viruses are not contagious. They replicate because the body produces it. It's like saying, you know, we got 70, 80% of the households in the United States had Tide. It's like saying Tide is contagious. Tide is not contagious, it's produced. It's a solvent produced to clean. It's like the body produces solvents in the form of virus to break down dead tissue that is so toxic that bacteria and parasites will no longer eat, kill them, destroy them.

Q: There's a problem with that. You say that viruses are not contagious, but the study shows that the virus [unintelligible].

A: Only when it's spiked, injected.

Q: Is there a virus that you can't [unintelligible]?

A: Okay, no, that's the body producing it. Let's say, you know, back in the old days, every household made their own coconut soap. It's produced in that household, it's produced in the body. It's not produced because it's contagious. It's like me calling your hormones that you develop contagious. It's insane.

Q: How do you explain a continuum of the virus in a population? Why that coincidental production?

A: Okay, I used the term in the book, bears, are bears contagious? Because in a particular climate they will come out at a specific time? Like the bears that come out of hibernation in the North Pole come out way later than the ones that come out in the northern United States. But they all come out about the same time. That doesn't mean that they're contagious.

Q: Why do you suddenly have a SARS whatever here in a huge area?

A: That's all, as far as I know, SARS was a plot. Because I knew five doctors who were there, five of them, and they saw 210 of those, [unintelligible] 268 people were infected, and they didn't find not one of those-

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They didn't find one of those in their blood or in their system anywhere. [unintelligible]

Q: You're [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] three days later, average incubation period starts showing up.

A: Again, you're assuming there's a three-day incubation period.

Q: All right, let's say three days later you start showing symptoms. What is the cause of the coincidental form of the virus if it's not [unintelligible] of the infected person?

A: It has to do with the climate. Your body produces virus to help degenerate certain kinds of elements. We all produce it under the same, if we produced all of the virus to break down all types of tissue at once, we'd all be dead.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't. It doesn't. All it does is if you isolate anybody, it has its cycle. The virus will be produced. Once it's done its job, the body will no longer produce it. You can wait out anything. If virus were contagious, why doesn't everybody get it?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's the theory. There is no proof on that. If a virus is not alive and they admit it's protein fragments, it's a structure, it's not alive. It's not like bacteria. They can point at bacteria and make that argument.

Q: The definition of what [unintelligible].

A: But the virus does not reproduce. It replicates. In other words, the body forms it. That's very provable.

Q: I think the definition [unintelligible]. But the protein then reproduces itself by using cell.

A: It doesn't reproduce. It replicates. There's a difference.

Q: There's a difference.

A: If you have a cell that divides and reproduces, there's a gestation period. But the body can form a solvent like that. It can manifest it instantly.

Q: I don't understand the difference between reproduction...

A: Reproduction takes time. It's a process of growing and multiplying. [unintelligible] one cell. It grows and it becomes trillions of cells by the time it's manifested.

Q: The virus goes into an organism. It co-ops the reproductive system of the nucleus. All of a sudden, you've got thousands of copies of it. What's the difference?

A: It's like the difference between me making soap and having a baby. Night and day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Replicating means there's no developmental process. There's no growing process. It manifests instantly. It's like I take the chemicals here and I put them together and I've got the end product. There's no gestation.

Q: I think the answer is coming from, do you know this? If you put ten people under the virus, if you put ten people in the room and you spread that so-called spreading virus, there's always going to be somebody who's [unintelligible]. People on this diet have a higher immune system, so they don't form either, whether you call it replication or [unintelligible]. They aren't going to reproduce this virus. It can't trigger a response.

A: Not true.

Q: As far as he understands it, your way of explaining it to him doesn't get any other information. You can alter that belief pattern a little bit.

A: No, but what I'm saying is that our bodies produce the same virus. It's just that we don't have the same intense symptoms. People on this diet go to work with flus, with pneumonia. The only thing that I've seen to debilitate people to where they can't go to work is meningitis, cervical or spinal meningitis.

Q: So in other words, you're saying everybody will get that same virus, but it depends on how that person responds to their production of that virus.

Q: What he's saying is that nobody gets the virus.

Q: It's in response to what? It's in response to something.

A: It's in response to climatic and cycle. So this particular… It's like the lemmings. Every seven years they reproduce to a point where they cannot live anymore because there are too many of them, so they run off of the cliff. Every year, same month, I mean every seven years, same month, they'll do it. What causes them to do it?

Q: A really bad version of J. Leonard.

Q: The viruses again start coming in because of the environment we've destroyed and the fact that there are too many of us, and it's our own way of breaking down the society.

A: Well, like I say, in my laboratory experiments, viruses are produced mainly in the liver. It's a chemical structure that can be manifested instantly. There's no reproductive value to it. There's no gestation here. It manifests instantly. If the body manifested all of them all at the same time and it didn't have some kind of cooperative going on with nature, well, let's say the body will form this type of virus, this type of tissue. So it has to do with temperature, climatic temperature, year, cycle, whatever it is. It seems to be a brilliant tune because otherwise if they all happen instantaneously, we'd all be dead.

Q: Well, everything you've said so far has been intriguing as a new way of looking at things. The idea that there's no such thing as contagion, I've got to say I'm skeptical about that.

A: It's okay.

Q: I haven't heard a convincing argument otherwise.

Q: There's a lot of material out there about it.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: There's also another book, [unintelligible] AIDS or HIV [unintelligible].

A: I know.

Q: And you'll read through it and it flips everything you've been told upside down.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: No. A lot of the theories were suppressed. The people that wrote the original book 25 years ago about AIDS, which is beginning to be notified and noticed, were suppressed because it's actually been a creative type of thing. Some of these things have been manufactured.

Q: Well, let's take that example. Is there a case of anyone who has HIV who did not come into contact with someone and who is HIV positive?

A: Absolutely.

Q: One of the first ones that they had in 1976 that they have in, they sliced up the kid after he died, they still have, you know, where did he get this? He had no contact, he wasn't gay, he was a 15-year-old kid, he didn't have any of the drug use, didn't have any of this stuff.

Q: So there was no identifiable [unintelligible].

A: However, Dr. Strecker, who has five doctorates, was hired by an insurance company in San Francisco that was asked to insure the employees of this one company that was just purchased by another company. Sixty percent of their employees were homosexual. So they wanted to know, the insurance company...

[audio cut]

A: ...was going to sell. And it kept dividing instead of fractionating into five parts as they normally do. So after a thousand of them, he said, wait a minute, this is a man-spliced problem. So he went and put the opposite ends together, you know, in one night, and within a week he had the answer. The lymphonomic disease of a sheep and the leukemic disease of a cow. And they were spliced together. So he took the two names of those two diseases and was going to go to five universities to see who developed it. And he happened to be in Los Angeles at the time, went to UCLA, and he put the name of the disease in 15 different configurations, probably you recall of that. The first name popped up in UCLA in [unintelligible]. So he called his brother who was an attorney, a famous attorney, and he said, okay, you need to search this out. It was given to the War Department, the War Department put it in, and it's all a document. All the people who were involved in getting this information out, putting in the so-called bio-attack alert, were all dead within three months.

Q: They claimed that it was a drug abuser, but the guy never had drugs.

A: They never had drugs.

Q: But now you're talking about a research project that creates a weapon [unintelligible].

A: No, it has to be injected. Like I said, spiked, it has to be given to the body, has to poison the body.

Q: It could be sexually [unintelligible].

A: A virus, I mean a bacteria, a disease that naturally replicates has an address with some kind of cycle. When you start cross-breeding them, it loses it, because when you're splicing them, it loses half of its natural knowledge.

Q: If I had a virus, took it out of my blood and injected it into somebody else, that person could develop the same?

A: Absolutely.

Q: So what's the difference between that injection as a form of [unintelligible], and if I kiss them and inject them with my saliva that has the same potent amount?

A: Okay, that's like saying if you kiss that wall, are you going to get the other side of the wall infected? You have to understand, you have five layers of tissue in all mucous membranes, five layers of tissue minimum, plus you have a mucous coating, plus you have trillions of white blood cells there to attack whatever comes through there.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If you do that to a tissue, you never see it happen. I did it 200 times in the laboratory, and not once did I see one of those bacteria survive. Not one survived out of 200 laboratory tests. That series of tests cost me $118,000 to do. Not one survived. Not one survived. We used syphilis, we used smallpox, and what's the one he wanted to use? Oh, meningitis. Not one of them passed through that membrane to survive. So the only way you can do it is to spike it, and we were able to do it by spiking it. There's a lot of misinformation out there, there's a lot of assumption that goes on. Dr. Wu, I think he was from Irvine, he retired a few years ago, he did a paper on the ability for AIDS to develop a transfer from tissue to get through the mucous membranes, to get through the membrane tissue itself. He said it's 5 million to 1, I mean 1 in 5 million chance, which is basically impossible, an impossibility. I had 38 papers that he did on it, so it's relatively impossible.

Q: There's another mechanism, we're not aware of it, they're saying one thing, it's something completely different.

A: Well, you have to understand that I worked with quite a few AIDS people in the early 80s. Every one of them had the hepatitis B vaccine, which is where that attorney found that it was put in the hepatitis B vaccine. They wanted to explore getting bacterial warfare. The military wanted to test it, so they thought the most expendable people would be homosexuals. And they knew that 90% of the people who were getting hepatitis in the 60s, 70s, and 80s were drug users, and most of them were homosexuals, 90% of them were homosexuals. 90% of the people who got the hepatitis B vaccine were homosexuals. The other 10%, which is what we hear, is in the heterosexual community got that AIDS. But again, it was from the hepatitis B vaccine. The British reporter who found that all 75 million people who got the AIDS had gotten the smallpox vaccine in Africa. They were used to destroy that culture there to get control of their government, because they came to our government and the British government for money for this big disease that all of a sudden took over the country right after all these vaccines. But nobody puts the two together until there's one British reporter there. And the investigating found, yes, the vials of smallpox vaccine were infected with AIDS. So they had been given to all these people, but what they did was cause the governments to become bankrupt and run by the world government. I mean the world banks. Just a matter of economics. It's just one way, it's another warfare to destroy and take over the assets of the country.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They've got oil there and they've got all kinds of jewel mines in those countries. They've got phenomenal assets.

Q: Gold.

A: Gold? It's heavy there.

Q: They have a lot of mouths to feed. They have no people to feed them and it's cheaper to get rid of them than it is to...

A: And to take over their country to get all their resources.

Q: You don't hear any of this stuff though.

A: No, you have to go to an unusual place.

Q: Another book to read is The Biological Apocalypse by Leonard [unintelligible]. And he talks about the use of that to depopulate the planet because we have to have a billion people.[unintelligible]

Q: So we don't need to be careful with biological attacks of smallpox.

A: No.

Q: Just vaccines for it.

A: Just vaccines for it, exactly.

Q: But breast cancer, for instance, breast cancer is in larger amounts than ever before. And breast cancer is not only in the United States, it's in all the western countries. Western Europe, all the western countries have more breast cancer than they've ever seen before. So it's a way to depopulate western countries as well.

A: I mean, you need to take a look at it. You've got the University of Toronto dissolving human brain [unintelligible]. They've got the vessels going to it. Why isn't it on the market? Why isn't everybody doing shit? They won't let it out. The first one that they're letting out is by [unintelligible] products. They just patented it and put it up for the FDA's review. And they've taken Salmonella that Yale used. They used Salmonella to choke off the oxygen to a tumor and then eat it up. That's what Salmonella does. It eats up dead tissue. But it mostly goes on the skin. It eats up dead tissue. If you didn't take baths, you'd be covered and coated with Salmonella like all animals do because it eats the skin, dead skin cells. That's what Salmonella does. It's a janitor of the skin. And sometimes the nose tissue, but it's still exposed, directly exposed to air. They attenuated the Salmonella so it still chokes off the oxygen to the tumor, but it won't eat it up. So they charge you $8,000 for one injection of attenuated Salmonella and then charge you $12,000 for an injection of a man-made solvent to dissolve the tumor. $20,000 for treatment. [unintelligible] Eat rotten chicken. Eat all that to get your bacteria. And then you don't have to worry. You're not spending $20,000 on treatment.

Q: But they can't patent chicken.

A: Exactly.

Q: They can't patent chicken. The law says if they can't patent it, then in nature they can't duplicate it. But if you eliminate people from getting it in nature, then they have to come to the source that recreates it.

A: And they attenuate the Salmonella so they can patent it.

Q: Right. And so it's altered what is naturally occurring.

A: Exactly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't follow the [unintelligible] cycle. I sleep when I'm tired. Well, I sleep three and a half to four hours a day.

Q: Were you like that at first or was it until you got through all the time?

A: Oh, no. As I got healthier, the less sleep I had. I enjoy it because I loved being productive. I was so unproductive my whole life, I couldn't even play with other children.

Q: How long did it take you? Three, four years before you began to not have much sleep?

A: Well, it was progressive. Yeah, it was. I was sleeping 16 to 18 hours a day. You know, even longer with the blood and bone cancer and all of that. Then I got well and I had some poison mushroom. I was again sleeping 20 hours a day, 18 to 20 hours a day. And, you know, progressively as I get well, I get less and less sleep. Five years ago I was sleeping six hours a day. Now I'm down to three and a half, four hours a day.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I had two hours sleep last night and I had two naps here that were about a half an hour each.

Q: Have you ever looked into like optimum?

A: Optimum what?

Q: Like custom beds or?

A: Yeah, I experimented with those too. I spent a lot of money on that.

Q: How much did it cost to have, you know, custom-made beds done?

A: It cost me about a whole lot. $6,000. I've had about eight of them made.

Q: Really?

A: Yeah.

Q: Made of what?

A: Well, I tried different products. Yeah. But the ones I found best were I would have futons made, specially combed, about 90% cotton and wool. And if you have them combined, they will fluff a little bit better. So there are... In the state of California you have to have borax in it unless you have a doctor's permission. [unintelligible] an allergy to the borax. It's an anti-inflammatory, inflammable. So I got a doctor to make a thing saying that I'm allergic to it. So I got them to make a futon for me that did not have any borax in it, that was made with the structure that I wanted to, with the fibers that I wanted to, which was the wool, 10% wool, 90% organic cotton. And the covers are all synthetic material.

Q: Right, it's from Allen.

A: And shoes too, right? But that's the sizing. Once you wash it two or three times, that's out. Except in the fibers, in the [unintelligible] fibers, you might get a little bit of product in your lungs. That's why I don't like to use any synthetic clothing. You're basically breathing plastic. And when you dissolve plastic in the lungs, you're setting yourself up for cancer. The amount of cancer that's going to come in the next 20 years in the lungs is going to be astounding. The synthetic fibers that have come out in the last 10 years.

Q: That's the number one cause for breast cancer.

Q: What about [unintelligible]?

A: You're dealing with a plastic cover. If you could have it made from rubber, that would be okay. But they're so easily punctured. Some of the plastic ones, I got one once when I was experimenting with it. And I barely bumped it into something that wasn't that sharp and popped a hole in it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They can only legally do it if there's a doctor's.

Q: I probably got the doctor's. There's a lot of doctors out there. So what was the upshot of all this research on bedding?What did you find?

A: When I found out... I like the mixture of 90% organic cotton and 10% organic wool.

Q: Is that because it's more comfortable or is it because you're not inhaling?

A: It stays, it floats better. You're always going to inhale no matter what you're sleeping on. Anything you sleep on degenerates. Wearing clothes, you wash it and you put it through a dryer, you know how much lint you get? That's how much you get into your system all the time. If you're breathing something that's natural that your body can dissolve without BPAs and dioxins in them, then you're going to be healthier. But if you have all these plastics and BPAs and dioxins and phthalates in the material, that's going to be part of your lungs. Plastic and dioxins and dioxins, everything. Everything.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: These are all plastic.

Q: So, we should just look for natural-

A: Silk, wool, cotton.

Q: And the [unintelligible] community down here, the Hare Krishnas?

A: Rayon is made from pine needles. But once they finish treating it and they use a glue in it, it's basically plastic. So it's a…

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's all a misnomer, right? It's all from natural. The cotton, all they do is weave and clean. And the wool and the silk, it's all just cleaning. But when you take and make a fiber from pine needles, you have to break it down and you have to make it into a plastic.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: All of them. All of them are plastic. Vegetable oil, that's how we found out about plastic. Somebody was working in a factory and they were processing and [unintelligible] the vegetable oils. He fell asleep. It went too long. He ended up with plastic.

Q: His name is DuPont.

Q: [laughter]

A: He was the employee of DuPont. DuPont turned around and made a fortune with it. He didn't pay that guy anything.

Q: What if you put in there, my question is about earth and vegetable oils made something out of earth and animal oils?

A: If you take vegetable oils and you mix it with dirt, it'll turn into rock. It'll turn into rock. If you take animal fats and put them in dirt, it'll mold and break down and become earth. Your amber stone is the resin from a tree. A lot of stones are from fats from trees. That's what happens to vegetable oils. It's very hard and impossible for the human body to break it down. That's what's causing all the hardening of the arteries.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Olive oil is not a vegetable. Olive oil is a fruit. It's still a solvent. It will dissolve things. It doesn't build and protect like butter and cream does.

Q: What if the [unintelligible] just pours olive oil on the steak or whatever it is?

A: That's bad for somebody who has Crohn's disease or any kind of psoriasis.

Q: What about like [unintelligible]?

A: I think it would help dissolve some of the toxicity in your body, but I wouldn't have it more than once every five meals. For other people, they could have it as often as every three meals. It depends upon your body. If you're very thin and dry, stay away from it until you put on the weight so you stop having an internal dryness.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, usually when there's pregnancy, there's a lot of discard of poisons, and that makes the blood very acidic, and that causes repulsion to meat. Also, people eat a lot of fruit overalphalized their intestines, and that causes a repulsion to meats because your intestines have to be acid to digest meat or else it will cause repulsion. That's why I tell people not to eat any fruit in the morning. Eat it in the afternoon if the body is already built up and utilized pyruvate as a brain fuel rather than carbs. It doesn't create that. So what I do suggest is that you stay away from fruits the rest of the time if you're pregnant except in the afternoon with lots of fat. And if she has a problem with the detoxification because morning sickness comes with most pregnancies, you [unintelligible]. Well, repulsion to meat is part of that. It's a low grade sickness.

Q: If it's a little bit rare, I make it for a little bit, then it's fine.

Q: How bad is it?

A: It's less bad than having a whole thing cooked in a pan. But you still have lipid peroxides and acrylamides and advanced glycation end products and… Yeah, there's 20 of them. There's three, four main ones. Anyway, lipid peroxides, they all form in that amount that you cook. So that degrades your health and, of course, the baby's health. It's best just to wash it down with milk or with a moisturizing formula to wash it down. Forty of my healthiest clients are people who, if they eat the meat, they have to chew it. You cannot swallow without chewing it. And they chew it so much, they can only get a half a cup down. But what I said to do is just wash it down with milk, room temperature milk, or a moisturizing or lubrication formula.

Q: Take it like a pill.

A: Right, and you take it like that. They eat one to three pounds and they get healthier. They are healthier faster than any of my other clients.

Q: That's good. It's a good start for eating a little bit rarer meat rather than not eat it at all.

A: Correct, yeah. It's definitely a good idea. But it's better to just wash it down off.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Right, [unintelligible]

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You won't regenerate cells. You can use it as fuel, but that's expensive fuel. What happens when something is frozen? Once it becomes room temperature, it just dissolves. That's it, it decomposes. That is, it's all the bacteria, all of the sugars, everything is in a fermentation state and degenerating.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Eat more of it. More of the fats. Because the candida feeds on sugar-injured cells. So wherever you have acrylamides, advanced glycation end products, and poorly formed or utilized sugar byproducts, in those cells that's what candida feeds on. It's a good thing. Because with all the sugar we've had in the last hundred years, if we didn't have candida, everybody would have psoriasis or eczema or skin cancer.

Q: So you're saying that again, it's [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely. They're our helpers. What I was going with before was that if you can't sustain a yeast like candida, a mold, or you can't sustain a bacteria or a virus in your body because you're too polluted and too sterile, your body has to use virus. It has to use solvents to dissolve everything. It's like I make a soap and I put diluted water and I have to wash everything. I've got this whole pail of garbage, of toxins in this water that if I dump it, it's going to spread over everything. When a bacteria or a parasite eats something, it takes a mass volume and reduces it to a turd. Some kind of excretion. It's like you eat seven to ten pounds a day and put out a fecal matter that's less than a pound. So you take all this and reduce it. That's what bacteria and parasites do. Viruses do not. They don't consume. They just break down and disintegrate like a soap, which is the proof that it is a solvent, not a live thing and doesn't replicate itself because you can see them form mainly in the liver, in fatty tissue. So if you have that problem, you don't have the help of bacteria and parasites, then eating them should make the body happy. That's why when I was with the Eskimos and I saw them eating the smelly shit that made me want to puke within five feet of them, the children and the adults, because they only do it once a year, they eat a massive amount and choke up and down. This stuff stinks for a half a mile. It's terrible. It's horrendous. It's high meat. The meat that they buried in the ground is mold high. They call it high meat.

Q: Bacteria would have been any kind of meat.

A: Whatever kind of meat that they buried. It could have been fish. It could have been seal. No. They do this in the late, in the summertime. They bury it about late spring and then they dig it up about mid-summer and then they eat it. When I was there, they had seal and caribou.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, the honey can cause the sugar byproducts to detoxify and that gives the yeast, the molds, the candida, more to feed on. So that can cause more dryness as it comes through the skin. If you do that, then use a primal facial body care cream on page 145 of the book on your skin, everywhere. Then you can handle that kind of detox without many symptoms. And your moisturizing formula and some cream to help the internal body be coated too so you don't have internal symptoms that go along with the nervousness.

Q: Add these more so, but the rest of the diet pretty much, maybe a little more cream, but then adding these.

Q: You haven't seen them, though, yet, as a patient?

Q: No.

Q: The one thing, I was making a misnomer. [unintelligible]

Q: I'm going to do a reading. We'll find out what does.

Q: My main question, I think I got excited [unintelligible]. It's about the liver. They say on the standard American diet that probably 50% of our liver is not working optimally. So then you go on your diet and you're putting in up to a pound of meat a day. Can you talk about how if that is or isn't possible?

A: What does liver have to do with meat?

Q: The processing of it.

A: Liver doesn't process protein, it processes fat.

Q: Okay, so maybe it's the fat, I should be concerned about that.

A: You shouldn't be concerned about any of it. Remember when I destroyed 90% of my liver by eating the poison mushroom? I forced myself to eat a pound and a half to two pounds of butter a day to force the liver to work.

Q: So you don't want to rest it.

A: Yeah, you've got to remember your liver is your ticket to life and health. Without the fat, you will not survive.

Q: Right.

A: In this toxic environment.

Q: Yeah, I know. Especially if you're dealing with a serious disease, you want to get the liver working as quickly as possible. So the other thing that comes up a lot is you hear a lot about various types of enemas and liver cleansers and all these things clear out these organs that aren't working so well. And I know I've heard you don't support that, but can you talk more about why you don't or there's a situation where people are supporting some sort of like, from how people describe them, liver cleansers and enemas or some sort of speed direction to healing.

A: What makes you think they speed it? They're going on assumption. But I've never seen a liver work better after one of those. In fact, they usually cause severe mental loss. They start breaking down their teeth, their bones everywhere in the body, and you start using lemon and vinegar in that way. You rip out the E. coli from the intestines as well as all the other bacteria in the bowels. So you completely eliminate for at least 45 days the ability to synthesize your own amino acids and B vitamins, basically a backup system for the body. That bowel is very, very important. So I haven't found any of them to work. It's all people get a high because they get all this adrenaline rush when you fill the body with citric acid like that when you put in lemon juice in the body. You're throwing coffee into the bowel. I beg your pardon, wait a minute. You're throwing caffeine right into the bloodstream instantly. You're going to have an adrenaline reaction. Sure, you're going to feel high, but that's no better than cocaine, snorting cocaine to the bowel. Those aren't healthy ways to get the body to feel more energetic. They're damaging.

Q: So back to the basics, getting the organs functioning as high as possible, is there more fat that you can take in, more fat?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Avocado is a fruit fat, but in my observations of it over about 15 years, I've lived on seven of them a day without a fruit, fruitarian. I'm sure I would have died without them. But they're very difficult for liver. You have to go through a complex system to break it down to utilize it for anything other than soap and fuel. So it doesn't really protect the body like animal fat will. They'll help a little bit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I have my kids, kids that are born on the diet. They'll start eating meat at three months old, nibbling on it, sucking on it, getting the blood out of it, and by the six months old they're eating it. I got one baby, Forrest, and he wouldn't eat the meat unless it was just on the ground. This kid wasn't a year old and he would only eat it when it was on the ground. He wanted that bacteria whatever it was in that soil.

Q: For the first three months on the lactating?

A: Yeah. But you know, I think that I, theoretically, all the tribes feed their children, all the raw food tribes nurse for four years.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I mean, Trish says it's crazy when she read the milkshake for babies, cow's milk for babies, she said, no way, that's [unintelligible].

Q: That's pasteurized.

A: She's speaking of pasteurized.

Q: Raw diet, [unintelligible]. They don't know anything about organic.

Q: Yeah, yeah. I thought she was saying to the hair falling out with a lot of raw eggs, some people have to cut them back out. But I think I may be seeing more. I think I may be seeing more hair coming out with dark hair [unintelligible], but I'm not sure. I just wanted to check.

A: I think there are millions of people that have hair loss that aren't on this diet and they're using it frightfully fast. I've always found that hair loss accompanies a great deal of mercury, cadmium, or lead being built into the hair. So it damages the follicles, it's passed from the brain to the bone, bone into the follicle, because that's where the body gets rid of the toxic metals, the [unintelligible], building into hair and nails. Sometimes skin. People who have massive decontamination like psoriasis....

[audio cut]

A: ....don't lose your hair.

Q: Well, should one cut down a bit or...?

A: It's got nothing to do with the diet.

Q: Yeah.

A: There is a lower rate of hair loss on this diet, just as there is a lower rate of vomiting, and I gave it to both, vomiting and diarrhea on this diet than there is on any other diet.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, absolutely. The moisturizing formula, if you're drinking, it's going to get to everywhere. But if you're eating butter in any other form without the lemon juice and the honey and the eggs with it, it doesn't get to the skin and joints properly. So that is correct. And you can take the primal facial body care cream, it's in the recipe book, and rub that into the scalp, and that will also protect it directly. So you can feed the skin directly.

Q: Is it better-

A: That's it, folks. Go ahead, Steve.

Q: Is it better like the primal facial [unintelligible]? Just like the meat would be better? You know what I'm saying? It's kind of stinky after a couple of months.

A: Well, if you use it, yeah, after a couple of months. Yeah, absolutely. If you use more, like I call for one teaspoon of ginger and one teaspoon of lime juice, I've had it up to five times the amount of ginger and two to three times the amount of lime juice, and it stays fresher longer, but it does turn into more of a solvent. So if you have calloused areas, areas that are very dry, it will help soften and moisturize that area, help degenerate it. But then it becomes more of a partially solvent reactive than medicinal and protective.

Q: Right. The older is fine, though.

A: Yeah. If you have very sensitive tissue, don't put it on that area.

Q: Right.

Q: That's fine [unintelligible].

A: Okay. No tribe chews their meat. Eskimos do the most chewing and they'll chew it twice just to crush it and be able to swallow it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Don't even, you want the fiber.

Q: It's just like salt. It's salt.

A: Yeah. Because if you keep chewing it there, you're going to get over acid, and you're going to give it holes in the meat. No tribe chews their meat. They crush it just to be able to swallow it. And they rip it and swallow it just like dogs and cats do.

Q: I know.

A: None of them chew their meat. They rip and swallow it.

Q: You do the same thing?

A: Except for Eskimos, like I say, if it's frozen, they have to chew it a couple of times, two or three times to be able to swallow it. And crush it. Oh, yeah, I just rip it and swallow it. Or I grind it in the food processor and then just swallow it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's chewing. I'll rip. You saw, well, I don't know if you saw me there, the big chunks of meat. I sat there with my fingers and ripping it and swallowing it.

Q: Frozen?

A: The Eskimos, that's why they live a short life compared to other tribes that eat raw meats because they eat so much frozen meat. They live the same lifespan we have. The oldest of them is about 110 years old. Other tribes live 140 years, 150 years old.

Q: Really, which tribes?

A: The Maasai, the Samburu, and Fulani. The Fulani last because they live almost entirely on raw meat. For some reason, they don't have a long lifespan. Okay, folks.

Q: For those who want the mini-sessions, can line up here?

A: Well, give me five minutes.

Q: Okay. And then anyone who wants the books, see me. They're $30 over there in that box.

Q: Aajonus, thank you very much.

Q: Thank you.

Q: Thank you.