Q&A Of September 10, 2006

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

Q: Are bugs healthy to eat?

A: Yes, they are. And these little bugs, if you eat them, they taste like a little sugar droplet. Very sweet.

Q: Yeah, right. You serious?

A: Very serious. They're very sweet. I eat them all the time. They stop buzzing me.


A: Yes, they stop bugging and buzzing me. I just, well, I just touch them like that, and then will eat them. And they're very sweet. They taste like a sugar droplet.

Q: The ones flying around.

A: These little bitty flies, those are the ones, that are buzzing around your eyes and face.

Q: It's gonna be a new dimension motorcycle riding now.

Q: After the Q&A, I have some documents I want to show you.

Q: Elaine, what was going to be my question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, let's get started.

Q: What was my question?

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Oh, yeah. Thank you.

A: Okay. First of all, I'm going to talk about, I had surgery ten days ago.

Q: Surgery?

Q: Not you!

A: Yes, I had surgery. About two years ago, I started having blood in my urine. And then about two months ago, my urine was getting so... Could somebody lift that and close that or else I have all those bugs in the house. Yeah. Lift. There you go. Okay, so, I got to the point where two weeks ago, I had to lift my leg like a dog to urinate because I had a stone in my bladder. So, I went to a urologist and he did this sonogram. He says the biggest stone he'd ever seen. 4.2 millimeters by 2.7 millimeters. Biggest stone he'd ever seen. He said it would take about 30 minutes to blast it apart. So, he also said that he showed me, he put the, you know, there wasn't actually any cutting. He put a tube up my urethra and the camera up there and he showed the canal. Ever since I was a child, my mother was very upset with me because I used to take a long time to urinate. It took me three to five minutes to urinate. She slapped me on the back of the head. Hurry up. She didn't realize that I had a deformed urethra. It was very thin and very small where it went through the prostate. So, all these years, I've not been emptying my bladder completely. She always got me into the habit of as soon as the flow stopped and the sensation of having to urinate stopped, I would stop my flow. But that causes crystals to form and stones to form. So, this, when he went to blast this, I went into surgery on Tuesday a week ago. So, that was like 11 days ago, 12 days ago. He said it would take probably half an hour to 30 minutes to blast it apart. It took him two hours. He said that stone had been forming for 45 years minimum. It took that long to affect me. That long to affect me. But he said he had never seen... He blasted, anybody know James Stewart? He had 10 of those from being a vegetarian and eating all that soy. He had 10 of them. He went to the same urologist, urologist blasted his in an hour and a half, 10 of them. My one took two hours to blast out of the system. He said the core was completely black and an analysis showed it was mainly thimerosal from vaccines. So, when I was a child and got the vaccinations, that mercury had gone to my urethra and because I wasn't emptying completely, it was collecting in there. And that was the core of it. Mercury solid core center. So, while he was there I said, you know, wouldn't be a bad idea if you cut the urethra, opened it up into a V shape and let me heal around it so I can pee like normal. Because when I urinate, and there's a couple people that watch me pee over the side over here when I do the hot tub. It's just a little child's stream. It's always been, now I pee like a racehorse. So, there are situations where this diet will not, we cannot help you and you will have to have medical help. Like if you break a bone and you're dislocated and you can't get that bone back in place, go to a doctor. Now, I broke seven bones in my foot but never went to a doctor because I found a little 14 year old girl. I knew a 14 year old girl who used to love to crack people's knuckles. She'd just go around and pick you up and go snap, snap, snap, snap. She just loved doing it. So, when I broke all those toes, all those bones in my foot, right foot, what I did was I went out very early. I was in the desert riding my bicycle and somebody left a sprinkler on all night so they had a slick, algae spot near the curb. And I went in the curb and the wheels went right out from under me so my toes caught on the curb and ripped each toe out. So it split the bottom one an inch and a half in, broke the bones here and in the toes, seven breaks. So, I went to her and she set them off. So, I didn't even have to go to a doctor for that. But this, there was no way it was going to leave my body. The walls, you showed with the scope going up in there, the walls of my bladder are usually smooth. They were lumpy, lumpy like the stone that was in it looked like coral. So, there are some cases when you just have to go to a doctor. So, and that's in the case of kidney or bladder stones, ruptured or inflamed appendix that might rupture and a broken bone. And they, you know, they said they wanted to put antibiotics in my IV and I refused. I told them I'd take them orally. So, he gave me the antibiotics to take and guess what I didn't take. Because I don't need that, I can take lime juice or something if I want to keep bacteria down and I don't want to deal with a bacterial detoxification or infection right after a period of medical help. Because they just freak out when it happens. So, I just avoided all those chemicals. However, as I was going to sleep, I did see the anaesthesiologist pumps some antibiotic into the IV and I was already half gone and couldn't say anything. And that's what this is. So, I had constipation up until yesterday. So, finally it cleared in my system. But I ate tremendous amounts of cheese. I ate a whole loaf of cheese in 10 days. Eating it just to keep the poisons going and going out of my system. Also, when he blasted, as he was using the laser to blast that stone, it was fragmenting into, you know, a chemical metal soup, metallic soup. Some of it was being reabsorbed into my body. So, the cheese, remember cheese is enzyme deficient. Just like any dried food, there are no bioactive enzymes. Sure, there are all the particles of enzymes in it, but none of them are bioactive when a food substance is dried, it's dehydrated. So, if you eat cheese, it's a dried substance that will not digest unless you eat it with honey. So, as a good mineral supplement, it's fine to eat cheese and honey. If you want a good mineral supplement. Say, osteoporosis or you have cancer, and people who have cancer are always eating their own bones to get enough minerals to bind with the solvent byproduct of dissolving tumors. So, the body will eat its own bone to do that. And eating the cheese with honey prevents that from happening.

Q: What about butter?

A: Eating butter with the cheese, that's fine if you have a tendency toward constipation. You should eat equal amounts of butter with the cheese. So, then it would be butter, honey, and cheese. A combination.

Q: For constipation, butter, honey, and cheese?

A: Well, if you're going to eat cheese and it causes constipation, you should eat an equal amount or more butter with your cheese. And that will keep you from getting constipated.

Q: Not necessarily honey with it.

A: Pardon?

Q: You don't have to add honey.

A: You have to have the honey with it. The honey is your enzyme supplementation.

Q: Thank you.

A: Okay. When you eat cheese with other foods, even if honey is in, let's say, you eat some cheese and drink a milkshake. The honey, in 10 minutes with the other food, is already working on the fats in the foods that it's already blended with. So, even though honey is in a food supplement, whether it's a sauce or a milkshake or a smoothie or cheesecake, no matter what it is, the extra cheese that you're eating will not be digested because it's enzymatically deficient. What it acts like is a sponge and a magnet. As the neurological fluid, the lymphatic and blood fluids, move through your digestive tract, as they weave through the digestive tract, the minerals in the cheese, as long as it's not with honey, act as a magnet and draw it out of those three fluidic systems and hold on to it like a sponge and take it out through the feces. So, I ate a tremendous... I was eating cheese every hour and only twice a day with the honey to give me the mineral supplementation that I needed to draw out those poisons because they did put me on an IV for a solid three hours.

Q: You couldn't tell them not to?

A: There's no way that they will. They are completely terrified. It's a way that they can alter your chemistry quickly. The kind of surgery on my penis, there's no way I'm going to be in a wake state for that. I'll go through teeth drilling, nerve teeth drilling, but with my penis, there's no way. I'm going to stay awake. So, I let them put me under and that means an IV.

Q: You say bee pollen because bee pollen takes away...

A: Yes, it does, but I took it before and after. And they said, you know, no food after 12 o'clock. I was sucking eggs every hour up until two hours before surgery because remember, eggs, there's no solid to it. It's going to all be absorbed and you don't have to worry about it. They're looking at people who eat cooked foods and water and all that kind of stuff. It never assimilates and processes properly. So, they're vomiting, defecating on the operating table and that they don't want. So, it's not a problem if you're eating raw foods, especially raw eggs because all the protein and all the fat is already liquid. I had my last pain formula with cheese and bee pollen and everything about 5 o'clock in the morning. So, from 5 o'clock till about 11 o'clock, I had nothing other than eggs. No water, nothing but eggs.

Q: Let's see if I understand. Sometimes, like 10 minutes before a meal, you can eat just a little bit of cheese, but for a snack you have to have it with honey.

A: I didn't say with a snack you have to have it with honey. If you want to absorb the minerals in the cheese, you have to have it with honey. That is a mineral supplement. People, you know, sell you mineral supplements, you're eating rock. You could do better by eating dirt than you will assimilating any kind of rock in those tablets or in powder form. It's also poisonous. Those minerals are what trees and plants eat. They digest by causing fungus, which is rust. Rust breaks down metal, they eat metal. That's their process, we don't. It's highly toxic to us. Rusts are toxic. The worst case incidence of disease created by rust is what? Lockjaw. Rusts are not for human consumption. So every time you take a mineral supplement in a tablet form or powder form, you're eating rock. That is not on our diet. There's some chairs there, you can just open them up. Open them, open them down. I'm so used to these prepositional phrases. Open the chair. Okay, so with the, and it's just a small amount of honey. If you have a tablespoon and a half of cheese, it's only a teaspoon of honey. That's the ratio. There are three teaspoons to a tablespoon, so that's like four to one. Four teaspoons of cheese to one teaspoon of honey.

Q: You're feeling better today?

A: Yeah, I mean, well, I was, you know, two days after I was at the lot juicing coconuts with that big machinery that I bought from Thailand. This is two days after, and I got my urethra, they kept a catheter in me, you know, for two days. So I had the catheter out, an hour later I was at the lot juicing. Worked for hours. I wouldn't say I was painless. I was in pain, but it wasn't enough to cause me to cry.

Q: But a cube of cheese, which is about an ounce or something, would that be, not an ounce, but a cube, would it be less than a teaspoon of honey?

A: A half a teaspoon is about a sugar cube-sized amount. So two sugar cube-sized amounts of cheese is about a teaspoon.

Q: Okay.

Q: [unintelligible] coconut, is that accessible for us?

A: Yeah, if you want to spend $9,000. The juicer's this big, you know, so we can do 50 gallons.

Q: Can we rent time on it?

A: You'd have to talk with James. I sold it to him. He's now juicing for the lot, you know, so now you can buy coconut cream. So coconut cream is now available at the lot. That big machine also juices vegetables, so he will be able to juice vegetables in one-sixteenth the time that it used to take him. So he can do, like, probably about 10 gallons an hour with the coconut cream. With juice, he could probably do about 30 gallons an hour.

Q: How do they open the coconut?

A: I bought a machine that has a wheel with teeth on it and a pin that sticks up, and what you do is you put it near one of the eyes, and it just rips it right off. The people in Thailand who are used to doing that, they can shell a coconut in 3 to 4 seconds. It takes me about 10 to 15 seconds to rip, you know. By the time Thursday, by the time Thursday before last, I was down to about probably 10 seconds per coconut ripping the shell off. And then there's a grinder which grinds it all into grated coconut, and then that goes to the juicer, and the juicer's huge. It's like this long, this high, about this wide. It looks like a champion juicer, you know, that's stainless steel and huge.

Q: When will it be available for sale?

A: It's already available for sale. I think it's $12.50 for a pint.

Q: $11.95 for a pint.

A: $11.95 for a pint. So it's $12.00 a pint, but that's in glass.

Q: They don't add lime.

A: And he only puts it in glass. You could save a dollar, a dollar and a half by putting it in plastic, but let me tell you, it's better to have it in glass.

Q: They should use the [unintelligible], because you said something about that.

A: I've already talked to them about it.

Q: And also they don't put lime in it. I checked with Mary Jo.

A: You have to put the lime in it when you get home.

Q: Now you have to take the whole thing out and put it into jars? How much lime would you put in a pint?

A: You really need just a little amount. When I did it in the book, it's overkill, that much lime. I put as little as a half a teaspoon per cup. And it keeps it for a very long time. In fact, I found that even the less is better. Half a teaspoon per cup of coconut cream. Half a teaspoon of lime juice per cup of coconut cream.

Q: This is a cup?

A: The container that comes in is two cups. That's a two-cup container, that's a pint container, pint jar.

Q: So you need one teaspoon per jar.

A: And it's better to break it down into smaller jars, unless you're going to drink it all in one week.

Q: And another thing is you need to have it melted before you can mix it.

A: Usually this coconut cream does not solidify like the other coconut creams. This stays soft the entire time.

Q: So you can still mix it through?

A: You can still mix it. It's better to blend it, and you don't have to worry about it. When it's in plastic, the plastic gases and causes the coconut to solidify harder. For whatever reason, the chemical reason, I don't know. But that's what happens.

Q: How could you blend it if it's in those big wide mouth jars?

A: You pour it into different jars.

Q: You have to take it out from there.

A: You have to put it from the big jar into smaller mouth jars.

Q: Just to put a certain amount in. I wouldn't put the whole thing in it.

A: You can't put a whole thing in an eight-ounce jar.

Q: Half of it, I'd say.

A: Half of it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Don't ask me questions pertaining to health until we go around and talk about it. I'm going to ask each person a question. So if we go out of line, I'm not going to know who's already gotten their question asked and answered. Does anybody have any questions about the... Oh, I also wanted to comment. There's a lot of the things that were a problem because of that bladder stone that I'd carried around for at least 45 years, which is most of my life. I'm almost 60. So 45 to 50 years I've been carrying around that stone and growing it. Impossible to remove. In the last two years, I know that I can only keep an erection for about a half an hour. And as a child, I used to go around with an erection about 10 hours of the day. And I used to keep my shirt out. And my mother would always say, tuck your shirt in. I said, Mom, you would not like it if I had my shirt tucked in. So I'm back to that same place. So it does affect potency, impotency. It will cause a certain amount of impotency depending upon the individual. People who have kidney stones, it can cause a lot of other problems. There's a lot of side effects that I noticed are now gone since I got rid of that kidney stone. I was having these big, huge cancer sores come out of my body. One on my back was about the size of a dime. I don't know if you can see it right here. Remember when we took the picture of it? It was about this high and about that round. And it had the cancer lumps all over it. The day that I had this removed, the cancer went away. It started just disintegrating and dissolving. And all the other hard places where I started forming all these spots on my body that were very hardened and I took scrapings and had them analyzed, I still had the chemotherapy and heavy metals. My body stopped dumping the heavy metals out the urinary tract. Because of the stone kept getting larger and larger, it got to the point where you couldn't handle it anymore. So it started throwing it out my lymph through the skin. Not a good place to do it because it caused all these hard lumps all over my body and skin. And that started about six months ago. All over. Hard, hardened lumps that would just dry off and form cancerous cells. All stopped. All stopped from having that stone removed because now my body can evacuate those metals normally out the urinary tract. But let that be a lesson to you. Don't be impatient when you're peeing. Make sure you empty your bladder because those crystals will remain in there and develop. Any questions on that subject?

Q: So now that the stone is removed, how long can you hold an erection?

A: Well, last night, six hours.

Q: Why?

A: All night long. I woke up all night and it was erect every time I wake up. Like my old self again. I like that. Okay, we're going to start with a Q&A.

Q: Do we have our husbands make appointments to come down here?

A: Well, most people aren't. Could somebody lift that and close that door? Those insects will come. You have to lift hard.

Q: My husband's not raw.

A: Oh, he's not raw? Most of the time, 90, probably 80, 85% of the time, impotency is a matter of not having the raw fats and not having the raw meat. Lots of people in their 40s and 50s all the way up to 90 years old have gone on this diet and all of a sudden, my God, they're virile again. And that's mainly the problem, a lack of raw fats and raw proteins. If they won't do that, they're not going to even form the hormones to ejaculate anything.

Q: But should they have a prostate exam or the bladder or anything? Do doctors do that?

A: Well, what they can do is they do a sonogram. They do ultrasound and they can see if there's a stone there.

Q: Right, so you can ask them to do that, without being in pain or being dying or whatever?

A: Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. You can go have it checked. In fact, after what I went through, if anybody has ever had any kind of difficulty in urinating and it's a pattern, go have it checked. It's non-invasive. It's just an ultrasound.

Q: But it also could be caused by kidney stones.

A: Kidney stones. You'd have to have surgery for that. Because they can't go all the way up to the urethra, through the bladder and into the kidney. They have to go through microscopic surgery through the stomach. But still, you want them removed. Because I've discovered that some skin cancer is caused by stones. Obviously, in me, I started developing skin cancer. I'm constantly arresting it, except for this one right here. But as soon as that stone was removed, my body's processes were restored. That tumor started just shriveling and shrinking and drying up.

Q: Is that related to prostate problems too?

A: Well, no. If the prostate is so tight, like mine was, my urethra was so small and so tight, going through the prostate, that I wasn't able to empty. Or I probably could have emptied, but my mother taught me to be impatient, even with myself. So as soon as the flow was gone, I stopped the urination. That means I left about an ounce, maybe an ounce and a half of urine in my bladder. And then stones will start forming, crystals will start forming from the minerals in the urine. If you let your urine sit in a jar for about, most people, for about three or four days, you'll see crystals form at the bottom. Crystals. So that's what happens if you don't empty yourself. So be patient. Empty your bladder.

Q: The red mark, is that from...

A: This is from that antibiotic that they gave me. Let me tell you, I had constipation and this started coming on my skin everywhere.

Q: Now, is it possible that being on the diet, the diet will take care of stones?

A: No. I've tried with many people trying to dissolve their stones. And because heavy metals do not break up easily, you'd have to eat, drink probably a quart of grapefruit or lemon juice a day and then you'd demineralize your body along with the stone. So there's no way. I've tried with many people to help them dissolve their stones over years. Even my own, you know.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but yours was early stage and wasn't forming over a period of years. You know, it works if you caught it in the beginning. But I was 45 years into it. There was no way it was going to dissolve. James Stewart, he waited a year and a half, tried the formulas, and none of them worked to dissolve his stones. And he had his blasted and removed. He was a changed man after it also. So stones, you need help with stone. Most people will need stone... Help with removing stones unless it's a very small stone and you've just begun to form them. Then you can use beet juice, grapefruit juice, or a combination of the two and eat lots of cheese and help dissolve. We satisfied with that subject?

Q: Yeah.

A: We need to move on. Okay, question.

Q: Difficulty sleeping at night. Give us a dissertation on what not to eat, what to eat, night sweats, yada, yada, yada.

A: Okay. The Africans have a mallet.


A: Easy. Okay, 90% of insomnia comes from protein deficiency. And there are specific proteins that are formed by the E. coli. So if you have a history of antibiotics as a child, you are one of those people that's in the category who will always have trouble sleeping well. Also has a tendency to cause Crohn's disease. So eating high meat is the best way or eating fecal matter to get the infused E. coli into the system to make sure that the E. coli is breaking down the proteins. Now you digest protein all throughout the intestinal tract as long as you're not too alkaline, as long as you haven't eaten vegetables along with the meat or dairy or eggs. Your system will be acidic enough, create the acidic bacteria and the hydrochloric acids all throughout the small intestines so that by the time you've got the smaller molecule of meat getting into the colon, the E. coli can do its job. 90% of the amino acids that are digested by the E. coli go to the brain and nervous system. Some to the glands, but most of it to the brain and nervous system. If you have a problem sleeping, it's because of that protein deficiency for the nerves. So you always need to eat your meat a little aged or very aged. Or eat a heck of a lot of eggs to get that liquid protein in your system that can get down to the E. coli. Now I've done experiments and I've found that six eggs in the average diet will not do it. Six eggs will not reverse insomnia.

Q: Is that a day?

A: That's a day. It takes 12 to 16 because the protein is all liquid and the white of the egg, the body absorbs it and utilizes it everywhere else. It takes 12 to 18 eggs to satisfy the body's need for protein, even if you're eating meat, to get to the point where the E. coli gets to break some of that egg white down, that protein down for the nervous system. So if you have insomnia and you're eating meat, you're eating eggs, you're eating dairy, then you know you have an E. coli problem. You're just going to have to down a lot of eggs by themselves, Rocky style. Always, never refrigerate eggs, like I say, never refrigerate eggs. If you get your eggs from the store, the only time that that egg is refrigerated is when it's put on the truck for delivery. No egg company has refrigeration. No egg grower has refrigeration except on the truck. As soon as it goes out for delivery, it has to be delivered to the store at 45 degrees. So it's at 45 degrees. When you go into the store, the store's reach in or walk in for eggs comes down to about 36 to 39 degrees. So it's even lower. So if you get your eggs from a regular market, find out when the delivery is. You can go that afternoon or evening and get those eggs. Because when they unload it at the dock, they're not going to go into refrigeration for several hours. People are delivering to these health food stores all the time, so they get to certain things at certain times. And let me tell you, eggs are one of the last things to hit the refrigerator. You're not too worried about them except on the news and salmonella. So just know when they come in, and that's when you pick them up. So there's very little refrigeration. Because what happens in refrigeration is it destroys the enzymes which promote growth and digestion. So you need to leave them out for about 24 hours before they're backed up to that bacterial level again. But you can eat them right away, but just less digestion, less assimilation and utilization as long as you're within 24 hours of refrigerating.

Q: Speaking of eggs, let me just tell you what I found in James' egg. It was like a brown stem, like a leaf flower stem. I cracked the egg and I saw a brown stem. I don't know what that is.

A: I don't know either without seeing it. Okay, so, just what you like, lots of eggs. Eggs and high meat.

Q: I was on eggs for four months.

A: I know.

Q: But it worked.

A: It worked. You were sleeping at that time very well.

Q: I was actually. I was peeing well too.

A: Yes, so you need those refined proteins.

Q: Night sweats?

A: Night sweats are great. Night sweats release a lot of poisons out to the skin. They're wonderful. It's also a sign that you're ending the process of a long term of detoxification. Because when the body gets that high in fever, bacteria cannot proliferate, propagate beyond 100 degrees in the human body. Plus, your cells stop manufacturing virus. Remember, virus are not alive. They are protein bodies that destructure tissue, whether it's bacterial or animal cells. They are just solvents that the cells make. They are not alive. So, the body stops manufacturing solvents as soon as it hits 100 degrees. So, that's the end of a heavy detoxification and a promotion of healing. Because once the body hits 100 degrees, healing is flushed. So, fevers... Never want to stop a fever. Ever, ever, ever, unless you want to get old and dry and wrinkle. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I wonder if you could say something about insulation.

A: Body insulation or in a house?

Q: In a house? Like, you know, thermal insulation? Comparing like, I know most houses have got like, glass, which color?

A: Fiberglass.

Q: Fiberglass, or?

A: Very toxic.

Q: Or versus styrofoam, or like what's, and is old, would old styrofoam, for example, be not as bad as like new styrofoam, or?

A: No, because if the heat hits the house, you're going to, it's going to regas. Plastic constantly will cause gases to react when heat changes, heat and cold changes. And I've studied a little bit of that. I found that straw bale is very good. Straw is excellent. Old clothes, old jeans.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Material is a great insulator.

Q: If it's like cotton, but you wouldn't use like, polyester?

A: No, not polyester, because that will gas again.

Q: Right, right.

A: Just remember, anybody who's wearing polyester clothing, the lint that comes off of it, you're breathing it. That goes into your lungs. Your body has to eat it and digest it, the plastic. You're getting PCBs, you're getting polymers, you're getting all kinds of dioxins. Lung cancer is going to be out of this world in the next 20 years. Probably the worst country that will be hit will be Vietnam, because all women wear polyester clothing. All of them. Men don't. All of the women wear polyester suits. Looks like they're in their pajamas, polyester pajamas. Yes?

Q: I was just going to add, there's great [unintelligible].

Q: Oh, really?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But it stinks.

Q: Right.

A: That stinks.

Q: That's a great resource.

A: Home magazine, you can subscribe to it.

Q: Oh, really? But the worst would be fiberglass.

A: No, asbestos would be the worst. Fiberglass would be next.

Q: What about fiberglass that they have it encased in plastic?

A: It doesn't make any difference. You get plastic gases.

Q: Oh, so you're still getting it.

A: As long as it's gassing, you're getting dioxins.

Q: And even in the house, like it's got the sheetrock, it's all sealed.

A: It doesn't make any. Gas penetrates. Even though it's slowly, it will still penetrate through walls.

Q: What is he talking about fiberglass?

Q: Insulation in the walls.

Q: How can we tell if there's something like that in the house?

A: We can't go into details on this stuff. We just have to cover stuff lightly. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Lower back pain, and it seems to be connected to my insomnia. When I manage to get a fair night's sleep, the back pain doesn't seem to be as severe. It was not an accident. It's just kind of become chronic over the years.

A: Lower?

Q: Lower back pain.

A: You might have kidney stones. Go ahead and check. That would be the first item up for elimination would be that. Next, it would be a lack of fats and proteins to lubricate and clean the back. If you have problems with your back and it's not stones, eating a custard would be helpful every other day. Every day might cause too much detoxification and lower back problems, as I said in my book. So eating papaya helps clean the spine. Do you have a question, Roger? Ebrahim, I'm going to go this way. I'm going to leave. This is something different. I'm getting bored. No question yet? Okay, do you have one?

Q: Yeah. I was wondering what to do about dairy, because whenever I eat dairy, it's more so [unintelligible].

A: Are you drinking it cold?

Q: No. I mean, if I get room temperature.

A: Room temperature, yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's not an allergy to the protein. That means you've got something in your brain or sinuses that's dumping. It's usually nerves. The nerves detoxify at nighttime. As soon as that sun goes down, nerves start detoxing. They're in full force by midnight, and it goes full on from midnight until 5 o'clock in the morning. So if you're having a response like that, you're having a nerve detoxification and it's trying to dump through your sinuses. So you need more mucus. You need more to make sure that you're flowing properly, to discharge those poisons.

Q: And you never recommend like, to not have dairy for a while, or not have, like, to only have butter.

A: Yeah, you can do that for a little while. But, you know, you're going to lower your mineral intake. You're going to be fasting to some extent for nutrients that are needed in the body. Because our system, our environment is so toxic with heavy metals that we need a phenomenal amount of minerals to chelate, magnetically attract to them, lock on to them, so they don't do damage in the body. And if you're not eating milk and you're not eating cheese, you're going to be mineral deficient. There is no way we can get enough minerals in our bodies that we can digest and assimilate if we don't eat milk and cheese. Yes?

Q: What is PCB?

A: PCBs is a polycarbon that is in all plastic products. I forgot the full name of it right now. But you just go on the Internet and put PCB in, and you'll come up with some websites that give you the technical name for it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, you're going to have to wait until I come to you, because I'm going through questions this way.

Q: Would you recommend goat's milk versus cow's milk?

A: Okay, difference between goat's milk and cow's milk. Goats produce a lot of proteins and hormones that cause hormone precursors for adrenaline. If you are a thin person, you should not look at goat's milk. Stay away from goat's milk. If you're overweight, goat's milk is fine. If you have a sugar problem, if you're diabetic, goat's milk is wonderful. Cow's milk is always the best. Calms the nerves and relaxes. Has anybody ever heard or seen of a relaxed goat?


A: They eat everything. These poor creatures are so imbalanced in life. They eat everything. They will eat your fence. They will eat rock. They will eat aluminum. They will eat anything that is in their bite. Anything. Absolutely anything. Poison they will eat, if you leave it. They will eat anything. Not a good thing to have unless you're terribly overweight and very lethargic like most diabetics. So I answered your question well enough?

Q: So if you have chronic fatigue would goat milk be better than cow's milk?

A: Probably. Unless, well, you're on the thin side, so you're going to have to add cream to it. You know, some cow's cream to the goat's milk. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, what do some of the items you've been discussing, how does that impact now whatever is your latest thinking on insulin-resistant blood sugar? Is that too broad of a question?

A: Well, no, I'm just trying to get, yeah, I'm trying to understand specifically what you're asking.

Q: Well, some of the areas like more protein and honey.

A: You mean, when you say insulin-resistant, what do you mean?

Q: High blood sugar.

A: High blood sugar.

Q: Right.

A: If you eat a lot of honey, let me give you an example. I have a 72-year-old that went on the diet, and she's been taking insulin for 42 years. I put her on a minimum of a half a cup of honey a day. You know what her blood sugar level does after she has honey? It drops, drops. That's the way it works. Remember, when the bee collects the nectar, the bee swallows the nectar. It creates an insulin-like substance which converts 90% of that carbohydrate into enzymes for digesting, disassembling, which is digesting the proteins and the fats, mainly proteins. Once you heat that honey above 93 degrees, it alters that insulin-like substance. When the bee gets back to the hive, he vomits it, and they're all he's. He vomits what is then honey. It's no longer nectar because it's predigested, and it is now honey. So honey is bee vomit. Enjoy. It has lots of insulin in it, so it takes care of all the insulin needs, and it will lower her blood sugar level.

Q: Does it help to heal the pancreas?

A: Protein is very necessary to rebuild the pancreas. The most important nutrient is protein to rebuild a pancreas, so it functions properly.

Q: Does it have to be crystallized, the honey?

A: It should not be crystallized.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't matter. Eggs or meat will help rebuild it.

[audio cut]

A: 2.8 degrees, 93 degrees.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: As long as the pancreas is not producing the proper insulin to regulate the sugar levels. Juice will raise the blood sugar level, because you have to have the insulin to help utilize the sugars properly. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, that's okay if it's crystallized, but if you're a diabetic, it would be better not to have too much crystallized honey. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: We're getting to you. We're going around to you. So when we get to you, you can ask that question. Okay. Sometimes when somebody asks a question, and then there's a subject relating to that exact question about honey, or diabetes with honey, then you can ask your question, okay? If it relates to that. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I want to ask about the children in my son's school. I've noticed like three or four kids, including my own son, that don't have the eyebrows or eyelashes, and they don't. One girl's literally plucked all her hair out, and it seems like it's something in this generation, current generation. I've never heard of it before, but maybe it's quite common. What's going on with these kids?

A: It's common now because of vaccines.

Q: Oh, we've always had that.

Q: I've had vaccines, all of us.

A: I know, but the second, third generation now on vaccines.

Q: Well, it's a different kind.

A: Pardon? So the metal toxicity is accumulative. Passes from the parent to the child, then the child gets theirs. Then they pass even more to their children, and those children are getting more vaccines. Do you know that a child in California will receive 92 vaccines by the time they're 15 and a half now? In Illinois, 128.

Q: My God.

Q: You're becoming numb to it.

A: The pharmaceutical industry knows that vaccines are a hoax. There is no evidence that they work, but there's billions of dollars in it, and they don't give a shit about your health. They're in the money-making industry. The sicker you are, the more money they make, whether it's vaccines or any kind of medication. You are their bread and butter, and they don't give a shit about you, dry cut and clear. They're just like the Army. They're out on their mission, and everybody who isn't in the military is an enemy. Everybody who's not in the military is an enemy. That's right. We're an enemy to our own military, government.

Q: That's why we call it fascism.

A: Yeah, that's right. It doesn't matter. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Lots of cheese, lots of milk. Stay away from vaccines like the plague, any kind of medication. Any place where they're ingested, breathe in more metals.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What's blood work going to tell you? What for?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Blood work is now what's happening in the skin. It's happening in the skin. If you wanted to test something that might tell you what's happening in the skin, is have your hair analyzed. You'll see what you're throwing off. Now, as an experiment, I stopped eating swordfish for a year to see if my mercury levels would drop. I'm still at a 4.9.

Q: Is that good?

A: No, 4.9 is bad. You're supposed to have .01 as a safe level. I've got a 4.8, 4.9. What I did was I had seven analyses done just to measure different sides of my scalp, parts of my scalp, to see where there was the most mercury. It was back here and here were the most, on the sides and the back. Up on top, I had lower amounts of mercury. The back here, around here, had up to a 5.1. And up on top, as low as a 4.6. Mercury, just remember, every vaccine that you've ever gotten, there was 76 zillion molecules of mercury. 76 zillion molecules of mercury. Can anybody count that? Nobody could count that in their whole lifetime. Could not count to 76 zillion.

Q: Zillion's not a number.

A: That's right. That's why I used to say 760,000 trillion molecules of mercury is 76 zillion. But you can find zillion in the dictionary.

Q: But it means a lot.

A: Yes, but it means beyond a million. A million, a million.

Q: What's the best to get mercury out?

A: Cilantro, dark berries, any kind of squash juice. Coconut cream. Coconut cream dissolves quicker and better than anything else. Cheese, cilantro, berries help remove it from the body.

Q: So, your levels are much higher because you've been on the diet a long time?

A: That's right. But you have to understand, each vaccine has that many molecules of mercury. It will take five lifetimes to get rid of all of it. And my body discards it 5% at a time, at all times. Never goes above a 5.2. So that's safe for me, for somebody else, you know, a 2, a .2 could be bad. I mean a 2.1 could be bad. But for me, I can tolerate up to a 5.2 without symptoms.

Q: What are the symptoms going to be?

A: Chlorella is helpful to remove it also. Chlorella is not digestible. Chlorella is an algae. Do you have a question, Jill?

Q: How about talk about vision improvement?

A: When I was doing my experiments with people who had blurry vision, the thing that changed that blurry vision the most was red meat, believe it or not. Don't know why. I could put them on chicken, I could put them on fish, I could put them on high chicken, high fish to get to the nerves in the eye. Nothing stopped the blurred vision like red meat. Don't know why. Doesn't make any logical sense, but it's the way it is. Carrot juice is very helpful in combination with your other juices. Carrot juice and coconut cream and cream together helps correct the damage in eyes to help improve eye vision.

Q: What about eating like beef eyes?

A: That's great. Lift.

Q: Eating what?

Q: Eyeballs.

A: Eating eyeballs is very helpful, but I haven't seen a great... The Indians used to eat eyeballs if any of them were having a deficiency, and yes, it helped them a lot. On this program, people don't eat enough eyeballs. You just can't get enough of them. You've got a huge animal and two eyeballs. Just not enough eyeballs to go around for me to experiment enough to see how well they will work if they have a diet high in eyeballs. But there's not many people who will eat eyeballs. Go to North Star Bison Buffalo and ask her to send you all the eyeballs. Not many people order them. And you can see how much it will change your eyesight.

Q: [unintelligible] blood sugar.

A: When you have carrot juice with dairy cream and coconut cream, it doesn't have that blood sugar problem. If you have four to six ounces of carrot juice in the afternoon, when you're instead of a fruit meal, so you're having this high carbohydrate place of a fruit meal in the afternoon, and you have two ounces of dairy cream and three ounces of coconut cream, you are not going to have a sugar problem with that. Do you have a question?

Q: What if I try to eat eggs instead of meat?

A: Like I said in the books, eggs do not deliver the amino acids that will allow you to regenerate growth hormone. The protein and fats in the egg can be utilized to regenerate cells that are already alive, but they do not increase cellular division. Only raw meats do. So if you want to stay as old as you are and not get younger, eat eggs. If you don't want to increase your cellular production and get stronger and healthier and heal more, eat eggs. You'll build some muscle, but it'll be just muscle that will grow very gradually. Now people who eat lots of raw meat with, let's say, a lube formula, like Lucky here, I mean, when he first came to me, he was very, very skinny, and he never didn't have any muscles at all in his body. He'd been on a diet about two years, and he says, Can I weight lift on this diet? He said, Can I weight lift on this diet? And I said, Yeah, just eat a pound of meat in a lubrication formula, and for women, that's a moisturizing formula, after each meat meal. Do that twice a day, and you'll blow up. And they all accused him of taking steroids and all kinds of other protein powders. And he says, No, I'm just eating raw butter, raw eggs, and raw meat. They wouldn't believe him, and look at him. You know?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, maybe the women don't, but that's a gentleman who wants muscle. So if you want to pump up, you need the meat to do it, if you want to get large.

Q: Since I saw you last time, I've been eating three pounds of butter a week, and I eat a pound of meat a day. When I wake up and look at my cell phone, it's dark. It looks like I have a magnifying glass. In like two seconds, everything is dark.

A: Your eyesight's getting better, so is your skin looking a lot better.

Q: Also, I'm getting a photographic memory.

A: Good.

Q: So is weightlifting recommended if you just prefer to have more of a muscular, I mean, more of a muscular? Because I used to like to lift weights.

A: It's all individual. If you create a lot of hormones for physical activity, you need to exercise. You need to be active. It doesn't mean you have to go out and pump weights. It just means you need to be active. Now, me, I don't create any hormones for physical activity unless it's sex. Those are the only ones that I ever have enacted to spend and burn. And when the right girl comes along, a lot produces just automatically. Otherwise, this is my exercise on my computer keyboard, and that's it. That's all the exercise I do. Once every two months or once a month, I stand up in front of people and do this. Or, you know, if I'm doing a lecture, I will stand one day every week or two, and this is my exercise. That's literally my exercise. But other people produce a lot of hormones for physical activity. And if they don't utilize those hormones in physical activity, they're going to go into anxiety and utilize it in anxiety. So you've got your choice. Here's two doors. Anxiety or activity, which do you choose? Activity. Okay, the anxiety makes hell with relationships. Everybody hates you, and you hate everybody. But the body's got to utilize them. It's got to spend those hormones. So if you have an anxious body, you better be active and exercise. Now, I can tell activity lines, activity circles in the eye. I call them worry circles. Other iridologists call them stress rings. What they do is they determine, they tell me how much exercise, how much hormones you produce for physical activity. So when I do someone's history of health with them, I look at the iris and it says you need to do so much activity a day. And you need to be that active. If you aren't, you're going to be in anxiety, and that's your sole reason for being in anxiety. If you like anxiety, knock yourself out. If you don't, exercise, be active, and you'll be okay. Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Warts. [unintelligible]

A: Big egos.

Q: Eww.

A: I have two. I have two. They're hell with egos. They're hell on egos. Warts are dead cells that are being thrown off from mainly cartilage. Well, not necessarily dead cells, but cells that are damaged, cartilage cells that are damaged.

Q: [unintelligible] them on the bottom of their feet.

A: Coming out from the joints in their feet. That's why most people get warts on their hands and feet, because of all the cartilage in every joint in the body. You bruise and damage that cartilage, and if your body can't dissolve those cells, guess what it makes? A wart.

Q: Not moles.

A: No, moles are usually harder, like tendon tissue, sinew.

Q: So to repair the cartilage. To get rid of them. Like in this case, unfortunately, the doctor had me put acid on the [unintelligible] but I'm curious [unintelligible].

A: Well, I've got several remedies for that in the book. There are different things. You can put lemon, you can put pineapple, you can put potato skins, pineapple skin on there. You know, if you want to, you know, rush it. You could also, something I've been experimenting with, with some people. I'm always experimenting when I can find some guinea pigs. If anybody wants to be a guinea pig, let me know. But I always use natural substances. So the thing I've been utilizing for the last year is putting whey. And it's very acidic. And it will dry out warts a little quicker. And it's less, you know, because when you're using citric acid, it can cause the other surrounding tissue to get very sore and painful. But when you use the whey, you know, pinpoint it on there, it will help dry it out and flake off quicker. It does leave more scar tissue, but that will go away eventually also.

Q: What about someone's callus?

A: No, you don't want to put whey on a callus. A callus is a large scar tissue. A large area of scar tissue will harden and dry it and make it worse. So you put coconut cream on something you want to soften.

Q: So if you put coconut cream it will soften a callus?

A: It will help soften the callus. It will help soften the callus. You have to apply it once every day.

Q: Potato would be worse.

A: Well, she had a raised callus or just a hardened callus area?

Q: Hardened callus on her toe is a callus.

A: Was it elevated?

Q: Yeah, it must have been.

A: If it's elevated, you want to deteriorate it. So you can use an acid, some form of acid to help dissolve it to lower it. Then at that point, you don't want to use whey because it will harden it more.

Q: Acid like a lemon?

A: Acid like lemon, like pineapple, and like whey. Those are highly acidic foods. Notice that anybody who has, let's say, stiffness, and you drink a half a cup to a whole cup of whey a day to get rid of those mineral deposits that cause stiffness and achiness in joints, even arthritis and rheumatism where they have mineral deposits.

Q: Half a cup to a cup?

A: Please don't interrupt. Just let me finish before you clarify anything. The mineral deposits that will collect in joints from bruised tissue, that's what arthritis and rheumatism is. It's usually toxins that are leaving the bone marrow and passing through the joints because that's the only exit point. From the bone marrow out to joints. 99% of all arthritis and rheumatism is caused from heavy metals, poisons, leaving the bone marrow, going out to the joints, damaging the cartilage on the way out. Mineral deposits try to bind with it and lock with it, and it causes all kinds of crystals and scraping and cutting of the cartilage, which causes what? Bacteria. Then they blame the whole problem on viral or bacterial arthritis or rheumatism. The answer is the bacteria is going in there just to dissolve the problem, not cause the problem. The problem is always medication and industrial pollution that is caused from metallic poisoning in the first place. So if you're having that way to help reduce those symptoms, you will notice that you have to urinate and evacuate the bladder sooner because it's highly acidic. So just be conscious of that. It's not something you want to continue with without some kind of break in taking it. It dries out the system, unless you're going to take it with a little coconut cream or coconut oil. Coconut cream is always better because you have the water-soluble fats. Is that a misnomer? It is not a misnomer. You have water-soluble fats in the coconut cream that is not in the coconut oil. Okay. Do you have a question? Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. Well, like a few months ago, I was doing yoga pretty intensely, like a hot yoga, and I got a rash. So I went to a naturopath and sent me to an MD who finally thought it was staph, and of course they want to give cortisone shot in the butt, antibiotics, the whole thing. And I refused everything. She thought I was mad. She thought I was totally mad. But then it was after that that I read your book and started to understand your concept that the body uses bacteria to help clean up the toxicity, dead cells and whatnot.

A: Correct.

Q: And that resonated with me. That made sense. I want to know if there are other people that corroborate your findings, if there are other people that agree with you.

A: Well, if you read the recipe for living without disease, you'll see that Yale, Harvard, all of them are starting to use viruses and bacterias to reverse disease. I cited 18 of them in that book.

Q: Okay. My other question is, you mentioned if you cook meat or something, then it becomes susceptible to harmful bacteria.

A: No. The same good bacteria that normally gets rid of dead tissue, rotten, put meat out here, it's going to rot. If it isn't in the sun, bacteria is going to form on it. They start eating away unless the sun bakes it and cooks it and dries it, dehydrates it before anybody can eat it.

Q: So is there such a thing as bacteria that...

A: Bacteria will mutate on cooked food.

Q: Okay, so mutate and then it's...

A: Then its byproducts are toxic, just like the poisons from you. You have more toxins in you if you eat cooked food. It's like the Pottenger. Did you read the Pottenger test about cats? What happened when they took the feces from the cooked food animals? The vines that they grew, they grew beans. No matter what animals, from what animals the feces came, the beans always grew, it always grew a vine and always produced beans. However, the foliage on it was very different. Those animals that ate raw, their feces grew very lush, full-leaved plants, vines. The more processed the food, the feces create one, two leaves on a whole vine that would run ten feet long. Not a very healthy plant, so the more toxins that you discharge, the bacteria eats in us, the bacteria eats the cooked food, it discharges more poisons just like we do, which interferes with other biological processes.

Q: Conventional wisdom always says that the immune system needs to be strong in order to fight bacteria.

A: That's like saying the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Where the fuck are the Russians? They never made it here. It's a ploy to keep the military in business. Eisenhower, probably the only sensible president we've had the last hundred years.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Listen, he was a general, a five-star general, and do you know what he said? Our worst enemy is the military-industrial complex. You cannot plan for war and expect peace. This came from a general who lived war, who lived defense. Forget that whole concept.

Q: So then what..

A: The immune system, forget about it. It's an absurdity. As you eat bacteria, you become equipped to co-mingle with them, to work symbiotically with them. It isn't a war thing. It's like saying, I marry you because you're a man and I don't like men, I like women, but I'm going to marry you because I want to be a strong asshole. I mean, hello? Hello? Is that the way you want to spend your life? Preparing for the things that you don't like? For what concept? It's a stupid concept. Ridiculous concept.

Q: The only idea is bacteria could be harmful if you're not eating properly. If you don't have the nutrients to regrow or support yourself.

A: Let's say you eat a food that has been cooked and it's been sitting out, and you've got lots of bacteria that's fed on it. The verotoxins that are their excrement, you have to deal with it. And if they're highly toxic and they're concentrated in heavy metals, it's going to be a poison. You're going to have diarrhea and vomit. It's your body getting rid of it. It's not about, I'm going to show I'm so tough, I'm going to hold in this garbage. No, the body's saying, I don't want it. This is going to harm me, so I'm going to have vomit and diarrhea and get rid of it. The body's not saying, you know, I'm going to eat this because I'm real tough. No, you're doing it. You're doing it. You're eating it because you've been programmed to eat that garbage. Eat cooked food. But it's cooked food that's aged and old. And if the bacteria gets into it and feeds on it and mutates and puts off highly toxic discharge, what is it called, the verotoxins, become highly charged, highly caustic, you've got a problem. But it'll usually be just diarrhea and vomit. Unless a medical profession gets a hold of you, which would take steroids and antibiotics and all stuff like this, then you damage your intestines more, and then it becomes a process of trying to get rid of more poisons. And it'll be an endless process.

Q: I've got a perfect example, in one of your lectures about how, you'll say E coli killed someone or whatever, and you joke because you're like, well, E. coli is a bacteria that we have in our intestines, so how funny is it that if it's something that kills us, but yet we're supposed to have it in our colon too.

A: You know, they got away with that bullshit for, what was it, 50 years. And then when they got enough people educated, people realized, wait a minute, E. coli is a major part of my bacterial system in the colon. So then they came up with the H7157, E. coli, mutation. Where does a mutation like that come about? Only from industrial poisoning. Okay. You skipped? Do you have a question? No. Do you have a question?

Q: I have a question. I don't know what the core source is, but I've had stiffness in my right arm. Then did some traveling this summer, pulling luggage. Pain increased. I don't know if I tore something or something else was existing, already started. And played tennis in a lot of pain because of my ego. And ever since then I've had a lot of pain in my arm. But it's gotten better, but I'm at the point now where it's not getting better. And it swells and flares up. I can't play tennis or golf anymore. When I do yoga, I have to be careful in my right arm. And it's not getting better.

A: It's very common. Very common. People, like I said earlier, you get poison to go into the bone marrow. She used to be very heavy, very heavy, and she had a lot of fat to protect her. Then she got on the too-thin side for a little while. And what happened was the poison started going into her bone marrow. Like I said a few minutes ago, when it exits, it exits a joint. As long as the poison's in the hard bone, it can go out through the muscles, the tendons of the muscles, and out through the skin. But once it gets into the bone marrow, the only exit point is a joint. Poisons go out the joint, they burn the joint, they cause all kinds of pain and problems. Minerals collect, and that's what causes soreness and stiffness. Whey is the thing to drink to help break that down and alleviate it. So drink a half a cup, well, a whole cup a day, half a cup at a time, twice a day, let's say somewhere around 11 o'clock and somewhere around 8 o'clock. And then after about 10 days, cut it down to a half a cup a day, a quarter cup at about 11, and a quarter cup at about 8 o'clock. And just keep on that until the pain goes away. Then if it returns after a few months, you're still discharging at that joint. You need to keep it up until the pain goes away. It's tough, could be 50 years, depending upon if you ever got an injection in this arm, in the shoulder, and the thimerosal, in the aliminum, went into the joint, and into the bone marrow, through the bone marrow.

Q: Yeah, sometimes my entire arm is, it's all through, into the shoulder.

A: That means it's coming out the shoulder and every joint. And when it comes out the shoulder and the joint, what does it come out? What's around the shoulder and joint? Not a lot of muscles. Most of the muscles are down here. What's along here? Tendons. So it has to discharge through the tendons, it has to travel all the way down into the muscles before it can get into the lymphatic system, into the connective tissue, and out through the skin. So you're going to have a soreness all the way up and down the arm.

Q: Can a hot water bottle help?

A: A hot water bottle helps increase circulation and move it faster. The whey will help break down the minerals collecting that causes the stiffness and the soreness. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It just goes on it.

Q: Oh.

A: I did a test about 24 years ago where I took a lamb, a very healthy young lamb, and we sterilized it with vinegar, everything natural. So, you know, we coated it with vinegar, anything that breaks down bacteria, alcohol, but the natural alcohol. And we sterilized the whole room the normal way for sterilization, which is steam the room. Please be quiet. We steamed the room. It was all glass, two sides. And there was a, we had a pedestal that was also glass. And on that pedestal, after I slaughtered the lamb, took a slice of that lamb, completely sterile environment. Took that slice of lamb, brought down the glass container over it. That glass container went over to the outer room. And there were three HEPA filters there, so there's no way that any parasite or bacteria could have passed through into that. That came through to a small room that was about three by three. And it contained six corn dracaenas, which produce a lot of oxygen. So oxygen got through clean into that meat. Kept that room, the hermetically sealed environment where the meat was, we kept it at the sheep's body temperature, which was about 101.8. Guess what appeared in three days. Parasites and bacteria are a natural product of every animal tissue in this world. Just like worms are in the earth. Let's say the earth is a cell, your cell is the earth. In every cell, in the skin of your cell, which is soil, you've got parasites, you've got worms, you've got everything you need to make life ecologically balanced and recycled. So your tissue, all animal cells contain parasites. And when you need them, they will flourish. However, if you're so metal poisoned, they will not survive. They'll eat tissue and they'll die. That's why the medical profession wants to keep poisoning you. They don't want you to have parasites. They want you to say, oh, I don't have parasites, I don't have bacteria, I must be healthy. And that's the way they look at it. But they don't look at the process of those bacteria and those parasites being healthy to get rid of degenerative tissue to make you healthier. And that's what happens. They make you healthy. In the animal tests that I did, the animals who had parasites got very well. The other animals that we gave a dewormer and we dewormed, they stayed lethargic. And when we performed autopsies at their deaths, these were all very old animals. And we got rid of the parasites in some animals, fed the other animals good raw foods so they maintained through the parasites, even though they had lethargy and problems for up to six months, one of them almost seven months. They all, at the time of their death, were so much healthier. Their organs were rich and red. And the animals who we gave dewormers got rid of their parasites, their tissue was black. Black. So, all the evidence is there.

Q: So primitive people didn't eat clay and stuff to help get rid of parasites?

A: No, they just ate the clay to help get rid of the verotoxins that were produced from parasitical activity. They knew the parasites were good, so they ate the clay to help eliminate the discharge. But parasites eat 100 times their weight in 24 hours and discard only 1%. That's like you eating 100 pounds of food a day and having a 1 pound turd the next day. That's very efficient. My body only has to handle 1% of waste. Bacteria eats about 50 times their weight in a 24 hour period, but discards about 5% waste. That's 10% waste. That's not, I mean, 10% on the whole. So, let's say they're eating 50 pounds and they're having a 5 pound turd the next day. That's pretty good, that's pretty efficient. But still not as efficient as a parasite. So I prefer parasites. Yes?

Q: Is there like heartworms in the animals? Is that a normal thing?

A: That's a very normal thing because, see, these animals are getting heartworms because of all the injections of vaccines, especially rabies shots, that are going to the heart and damaging the heart muscle. The mercury, excuse me, the thimerosal, the mercury and the aluminum and the formaldehyde are damaging heart cells. Those heartworms are necessary.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Good.

Q: [unintelligible] I'm so scared of heartworms.

A: You don't have to worry. I've never seen an animal die of heartworms that's on a raw diet. And it's eating bones. Raw bones. OK, do you have a question?

Q: Let me ask what you thought about organ meats and like how many to eat and how much for like, compared to regular meat.

A: It depends what kind of music you play. Corny, corny. There's a big philosophy about that, you know, that there's whole groups out there that say eating organs and glands are much more concentrated in nutrients. Not necessarily. It will help the like glands and organs in your body because they're like substances that are produced. So it would help those particular cells. And if you have a problem there, that will be more helpful for you to eat. Let's say you have intestinal problems. Eating tripe, healthy tripe from an animal would help your intestines correct more efficiently and quicker. But if you're talking about restoring muscle tissue by eating liver, that's not proved.

Q: I was just talking about like mineralization, so I saw some charts that had like the minerals and vitamins that are in the different organs that just like skyrocket high compared to muscle.

A: Yeah, but that's to manufacture hormones. It doesn't mean you're going to be able to utilize it in your body for other processes. Because once you've got a chemical lock and a bridge, it's hard to unlock it with our poor system. Now, let's say the Maasai, the Samburu, the Fulani or the Inuit. Now, they may be able to make use of all that very well, but you're digesting tract is not as good. Nobody in this society will digest that well enough to be able to disassemble that and fragment it into some other part of the body. That's the whole problem. Cheese, you can do it. Cheese and honey together, you can remineralize the body quicker than anything else. I've seen lots of those people who claim, who eat nothing but glands and organs and never eat muscle meat. And they're frenetic, they're manic, they're illogical, and they're skinny as hell. So, they haven't proved to me that it's more efficient, that it's healthier, that it's better. Give me a person who's fat and relaxed, and I'll take that over them any day as friends. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] of the ocean, and all the stuff we dump into the ocean, I'm just worried [unintelligible].

A: Like I said in the recipe for living without disease, the ocean is 4% toxic overall. 8% of your, within a half a mile of a shoreline, unless you're in Japan. And then it's up to 15% waste products within a half a mile of the shoreline. So, it all depends on where your fish comes from. I prefer ocean fish. Your fresh water lake fish is 35% polluted minimum, minimum. So, I won't eat anything wild caught from even a river. Ocean wild caught deep sea is what I go for. Even though the tuna and the swordfish are high in mercury, I'd still prefer those over the PCBs and everything else that's in the fish closer to the shore. And I ask, when I go to a sushi bar, I said, did this come from a fish farm? Or did this come from the ocean? I always ask. And they know. Pardon? No. If it comes in that day, they will serve it fresh. If they keep it overnight, the LA restriction is they have to freeze it.

Q: So, which place do you recommend?

A: All of them get it fresh overnight. However, I ate at a sushi bar twice last year and got sick both times because they were using MSG on them. I got MSG poisoning twice, so I stopped going to sushi bars.

Q: He said he knows a guy who runs a sushi place here in LA, and that this guy told James that two sushi joints here in LA that only serve fresh fish. He knows for sure they never serve frozen. You'll have to ask James where they are.

A: I will. I will because I stopped going to sushi bars in this city because of that. There's a great place in Phoenix, Arizona. I can get a whole platter of raw fish for $100 that would cost me $600 here. $100 for a whole platter. It takes four of us to eat this whole platter. For $100, I can feed four people. Here, I can't even feed myself for $100. I leave a sushi bar hungry. They're so expensive. It's just outrageous.

Q: Where in Phoenix?

A: I forgot the name of it, but it's phenomenal. It's in Scott State. Anyway, I've got to move along. I'm getting late. Do you have a question?

Q: I've got two preteens that are real active in sports and not eating raw, so I wonder if you have suggestions for getting kids into healthier eating.

A: Well, I always get them by telling them a story. There was a 14-1⁄2-year-old that was forced to come to me and go on the diet when her mother and father divorced. The mother was very ill, and she decided my children are going to go on it with me. So she put a 14-year-old on it. Now, the 14-year-old was a B-plus student. She also wanted to be a dancer. In one year of being forced to be on that diet, she went from a B-plus student to an A-plus student, plus became the top dancer in one year on the diet. That young girl, that 15-1⁄2-year-old, came to me on her own free will the next year. I tell them that story, and they want to be the head. They want to be smarter. They want to be better in the sport. This will give it to them. This will deliver them the ability to do that. So it's really easy to sucker in sports athletes into it. The easiest people to get into this diet as far as teenagers.

A: Do they need juice by then?

Q: Pardon?

A: Do they need juice? It depends upon the toxicity level, but usually anybody under 16 should not have vegetable juice because it over-alkalinizes the system and lowers their growth hormone level.

Q: For a resistant teenager, if they're not willing to, how do you pull them into it? What would you suggest?

A: I would give them milkshakes, things that they'll eat easily, and just hopefully your example will lead them into eating meat. If not, they're their own people. They're going to go their own way whether you like it or not. They are not you.

Q; So under 16, should you have any juices like carrot or celery?

A: Carrot's okay, but celery, parsley, things like that, not too much of.

Q: Just like an ounce?

A: Yeah, it depends upon the individual.

Q: What would be the most important thing for an infant? Would it be putting the raw milk into the regular milk carton, dumping the regular milk into the raw milk?

A: I have a lot of parents who do that. A lot of parents who do that, and that's a good thing, absolutely.

Q: And would it be making the milkshakes and putting the eggs in it without them knowing?

A: Yeah, great, yeah, and lots of parents who do that.

Q: Anything that you think is the best thing to hide in something, if they're not supposed to have the vegetable juice, the eggs?

A: Well, the thing that some athletes have problems with is adjusting the cream near a sport time. So that can bog them down. Also make them sleepy. So it's hard to camouflage it without the extra cream in it, cream and honey. It's a good thing to utilize. But sometimes it causes sleepiness. So you have to be careful. Before there's a sport time. Within two hours of a sport time, milkshake with extra cream in it. It's not good to give.

Q: What about [unintelligible].

A: Whey is good for that.

Q: How do you hide it?

A: Just put honey and lemon juice or lime juice with it. Also grapefruit juice is the quickest way to remineralize electrolytes. So whey, grapefruit juice, a little lemon, honey in that. You can make it sweet and delicious.

Q: Grapefruit into the whey?

A: Grapefruit, lemon juice, lime juice, honey into the whey. That will also help them break down lactic acid. I mean uric acid. Byproduct of muscle metabolism. Clay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. Sarcoidosis. How do you handle that?

A: Depends upon the symptoms.

Q: Lung damage, a lot of phlegm, coughing, weakness in the body, loss of energy, hard to breathe.

A: Yeah, but you could be just detoxing through the lungs.

Q: He's diagnosed with it. He's on a prednisone.

A: Yeah, it would be too hard for me to diagnose something like that without seeing the person, seeing what condition they're in. I'd be guessing.

Q: Okay, I just wanted to know what your sense was.

A: Anytime anybody has any respiratory problems, the things that they can do before they come and see me is suck eggs. 25 to 30 eggs a day. Just suck eggs all day long. Remember, eggs, the protein and fats are all liquid. Very little digestion. Less digestion than with milk. Milk is twice as complicated to digest as raw eggs. The only problem is when you eat eggs alone like that, it causes weight loss. So you have to have some milk at night before you go to bed and milk during the middle of the night. Just to keep the weight on, yes.

Q: [unintelligible] I vomited up like a fish and it was hard getting that fish down.

A: Well, then if you ate the fish, then you need to wait until it clears the stomach before you eat the eggs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it depends upon the condition, what I told you it's for. If I said to suck them raw by themselves, I meant it. It just means you'll have to wait a longer period after you eat your meat meal before you start sucking the eggs if you're having problems.Okay, Kathy.

Q: Okay, the question arises that I'm working with a group called Right to Breathe Healthy and they'll have their third rally this year. Is that a first of all if anybody wants to come up to me? I should mention that now, shouldn't I?

A: No, this is at the end. She has an announcement about chemtrails and healthy air at the end of this.

Q: Also with the heart we're working on now and standing reference in space.

A: Okay.

Q: Alright, the question arises that Carnican has a site now.

A: I don't want to hear anything about that. You have a question about health.

Q: Well it is because...

A: I don't want to hear anything. Do you have a question that I can give you an answer to about health?

Q: He has a site called Morgellon's disease.

A: Okay, Morgellon's disease is so called a new disease where they find that fibers are passing through the skin with a parasite. A microscopic parasite. Guess what those fibers are? Synthetic material fibers. It's finally hit and coming out. People are so toxic they're not able to break it down in the lungs. So the body is passing the entire fibers completely through the tissue. And a parasite is transporting it, eating its way and carrying it through. They don't see the [unintelligible]. They haven't put it all together yet. They say we have these fibers and this parasite. Oh my God. No reason for it. And the answer is very logical. This parasite is eating tissue all the way through to pass this huge... It's like having a bunch of electrical line attendants as you're passing a whole house on a trailer through the streets. And you have to disassemble the wires as you go through and then reassemble them after you get it through a certain part of the street. Well, the parasites are doing that for you to get them through. Stop wearing synthetic material. Some people's digestive systems are so poor that they can't even get wool through the system. And that's passing through the skin too. Our state of health is terrible when we can't even break down hair proteins and get them out of our system if we inhale them and breathe them. Very frightful state of health that our society is in. And the people on this diet are the only ones who are going to be resistant and healthy enough to pass through and watch everybody else pass out and go on the wayside with serious disease. Serious debilitating disease. And it bears true to Howell's and Pottenger's work with the cats and the rats. By 2017, 2020, two-thirds of the population is going to be diseased and die all at one time. So there will be a few of us that will survive.

Q: Do we wear 100% cotton, is that what we're supposed to do?

A: 100% cotton or silk. Wool is difficult for some people.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Bamboo is very difficult because they have to use a fiber just like with rayon when they use the pine needles. They use a polymer to glue it together. Plastic. Hemp the same way. Also you have those fat molecules that dry out in our systems.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, not a good thing. All natural is not really all natural.

Q: Where are we shopping now then?

A: Everything I get is Territory Ahead. But now they're a women's division. Half of the stuff is no longer cotton. And some of the stuff for men is no longer cotton. But Territory Ahead used to be 100% cotton two years ago. But I still get everything that's 100% cotton from them. They're not organic cotton, but they get their cotton from a better source.

Q: Territory ahead.

A: I said they have a women's division. But they do sell polyester material mixes. So you have to look and see if it's all cotton and all not.

Q: There's a website called thegreenloop.com. They sell organic cotton. It's huge. It has great women's clothing. They also have shoes. But it's thegreenloop.com. They focus primarily on that.

A: There are several websites that also do that. But if you want to be in style and fit, you still want cotton. You're not going to go to those companies. Because they have no style.

Q: No, but that's what I'm saying. These organic companies, like Ecoganic, they're definitely very stylish.

A: They're doing it trendy now. I'll have to go visit them now.

Q: Not everything is yoga or drawing, they're very cool.

Q: [unintelligible]


Q: Do you eat pork?

A: Yes, as long as I know the pig. As long as the pig has been raised organically, I'll eat pork. I eat pork several times a year. I'll pig out on it for three or four days in a row. I'm just so hungry for it, I'll eat it. Pardon?

Q: My whole life [unintelligible].

A: I have patients that get the intestinal worms of pigs to get trichinosis. Trichinosis, if you read the recipe book and Joel Weinstock's work, the trichinosis parasite, the whipworm, is what he's giving people and it reverses Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome. These are people who can't even drink water without severe cramping and pain. As soon as they got the trichinosis worm in their intestines, within five to seven days they were completely asymptomatic. Trichinosis is something you want. I give it to my clients who have Crohn's disease or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome. First thing I tell them is go get some pig's intestines and get trichinosis. They go well like that, just like that, from eating it one time. Well, for five, six months, eating it one time.

Q: Do you eat the pork from Whole Foods?

A: No, I don't touch much from Whole Foods. I go to Wild Oats and some of the others, but Whole Foods is a liar.

Q: Trader Joe's?

A: Yeah. Whole Foods, not all-natural, all-natural beef, fed 15% bakery waste. I said, wait a minute, no freaking cow eats donuts, but they eat the grains from the dough, what the donuts are made of. I said, but they don't boil them in oil and eat donuts. They're still eating their all-natural food. That's their logic. They have no logic. They're out there to make money. That's it. That company is a, I don't know if any of you know, the Bass family from Texas, like the Bushes from Texas. They are all about money, and that is it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, get it in writing from the home office, and you won't get it. They'll lie to their employees, but you ask them to put it in writing, and you won't see it. They won't do it.

Q: Their grass-fed beef isn't really grass-fed?

A: I haven't investigated their new grass-fed beef.

Q: Would you say it's still probably a slight step above conventional injected beef?

A: Oh, yes, yeah, definitely. That doesn't mean it's completely clean or all-natural.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you get a manager, you will. You ask for the manager, because it's on all the crates when they deliver them. They're all marked where they came from. Hold on a second, I need to get some milk. There are some of you that came after I collected the $25. Would you do me a favor and get your $25 ready?

Q: I have a question. I took a pass.

A: I know that.

Q: I have a nephew that's had these stents put in twice in two years. What about chelation?

A: Chelation is one of the worst poisons that you can do in the body. What it is, you're taking a chemical magnet, which is a chemical poison, and you're hoping that it will go into the soft tissue or the arteries and pull the plaque and the heavy metals out that cause plaque and mineral buildup, like a kidney stone or a bladder stone, any kind of stone. The problem is that it doesn't exit the body. I've only found 24% of it left the body within a 48-hour period. After that, no sign of it leaving the body again, not the urinary and fecal matter. So they are lying when they tell you it leaves the body within 24 hours, 48 hours. Say, do it to my urine and check it in my feces, and you'll see it doesn't. The chemical itself, where does it store? It stores in the lymphatic system and bone. And you'll notice that people who have had chelation therapy, their skin is like taking aspirin. It starts getting thin and translucent. It starts demineralizing the body and system. If you're getting those heavy metals out, your body needs calcium and a lot of other minerals to bind with it and harness it and control it. And that means demineralizing the skin and the bones and other tissue. However, it does help keep some people alive, and it makes them more vibrant for a shorter period. It shortens their life, but their life is better temporarily. So that's the trade-off. Okay, I'm going to cover, is this about the same subject? Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Again, unless you have a fat-controlled environment, it is not going to leave your body. It is all wishful thinking. Everybody wants to deliver a magic bullet, but nobody's doing the exact empirical tests that prove it. After I had the stone taken, I said to my doctor, now I want some of that fluid that you have after breaking that soup, I want it to analyze it. He said, oh, we'll analyze everything. I said, okay. I got an analysis back that I had no tumors, no cancer. I said, what about what the stone was made of? That's what I want to know, what that was. Well, we didn't have that examined. I said, well, then give me the freaking stuff so I can examine it myself. So I examined, and it was one quarter, 25% mercury. 25% mercury, and it was a liquid mercury from vaccines. Only can come from vaccines in that form. See, they're not going to test for the important things. What caused that stone? Of what was that stone made? No, zeolite is wishful thinking. Someone will take each person that they give it to, they will measure the amount of zeolite that they put into the body, and how much is secreted and excreted in a 24-hour period. And if they get rid of 90% of it, I'll say that the rest goes out in perspiration, and I'll buy it. And I'll go with it. But when only 24% to 30% is removed in a 48-hour period, it is staying in the body. So remixing and unearthing, mining that stuff out of your tissues, and getting a recycling, it's going to cause more damage, unless you get it out of the system. The point is to get it out of the system. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, not only that, it will stay in your body a lifetime, unless you know how to get rid of it.

Q: If you're at an airport, what do you do?

Q: Barium.

Q: Oh, your body contains barium.

A: If you have an x-ray, certain kinds of x-rays, CAT scans, they put a dye in you of barium, which is a toxic mineral that's radioactively charged, can be radioactively charged, or iodine, which can be radioactively charged. Once they're charged, they live for 58,000 years. Anybody going to live that long? Then you need to get it out of the body. Okay, do you have a question, Lewis?

Q: Yes. Okay, regarding lymphatic bath that you have me on every three to four days, if, like today, the afternoon was precluded, is it better to take that bath?

A: The next day.

Q: The next day, not the night, but the next day.

A: Not unless you're working and you can't do it the next day. But it's always better to do it in the afternoon. If you look in the We Want to Live, the new Primal Diet version, under lymphatic congestion, you'll read about lymphatic baths. Taking the lymphatic baths, I always suggest that it be done in the afternoon so it doesn't disturb sleep at night. And what the idea of that is, is that when you— all of the cooked oils that you had, the Crisco, the margarine, all that garbage you were fed as a child, hardens in the body, locks it across the lymphatic system. It takes the body's temperature 101.6 and higher to 105 degrees to melt that, to be able to make it liquid to move it and get it out of the system again. And I suggest that people do that at a certain time of the day so they don't disrupt their sleep patterns. And that's sometime in the afternoon, not in the evening.

Q: So with my bath, it's different because you said, anytime I have to take it because it doesn't disrupt my sleep.

A: That's not the lymphatic baths, okay? Lymphatic baths run from hour to an hour and a half. You're staying at a hot temperature from 60 to 90 minutes. 60 to 90 minutes. It's a long time in a hot bath. You come out like a wet noodle, and then you have to take a 45-minute walk, 10 minutes after that. Bundled up and hot. But it's a slow walk. You could walk like this. I don't care. I don't care what you look like. Pardon?

Q: Has anyone ever physically done that?

A: Oh, yeah. I have a 72-year-old man who had prostate cancer and was basically on his way out. And for doing that for three months, he's a new man. He's pleasing his 40-year-old wife.

Q: What was the temperature, 105?

A: Pardon? 102 to 105. 101.6 to 105. It's all in the book. It tells you how to do it, what to eat with it, everything.

Q: If you're already detoxing a lot, would you still do that, or would it be better to wait until you're not?

A: Wait until you're not detoxifying. Unless the lymphatic system is the thing that's detoxifying. You can help it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Very bad. Just remember, when you're detoxing through the skin, a lot of poisons are coming through the skin. If you're hitting a dry heat or a steam heat, what happens? You burn it into your skin. You damage the skin. If you were in a sauna like that, and every three minutes you went out and took a shower, then it wouldn't be helpful, would it? It's not going to get to the lymphatic system deep. You have to be immersed in the water, perspiring into the water, so the water carries the poison right off the skin. The only way to do it safely, only way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? Yeah, you put the milk, you put the vinegar and sea salt and coconut cream in the water. Okay. You had a question about that?

Q: Yeah, does eating the meat make it needed to a lymphatic system?

A: Does what?

Q: Does eating the meat make it needed in the lymphatic shaft? Because I was getting sick eating a lot of stale meat.

A: Well, your body will discard a lot of poisons from proteins.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, protein helps remove poisons and neutralize toxins. You won't do it without protein. So meat's very important to discharge toxins. But it depends on what the protein is removing from the body, which will determine stickiness or acidity or tartness, which comes out the skin. What it's carrying, not its nature itself. Because protein is very, the pyruvate only has a byproduct of sugar of 7 to 8%, whereas fruit, vegetables, any cellulose, grains, nuts, have 70 to 90% carbohydrate byproduct. Protein has only 7 to 8. So that doesn't cause your stickiness. It's what the protein was removing from your body that was sticky. Okay, let's see. Do you have a question?

Q: In regards to diverticulitis, if they get fiber, that's good. And since I can't eat raw nuts, they say not to eat raw nuts because of the little tear in the colon. What's good fiber to replace with it?

A: Okay, showing that diverticulitis in the medical profession says that you need to eat a lot of fiber to keep things moving through your body if you have diverticulitis. That's like saying to somebody who has vertigo to go up onto a house and jump off. If you're eating raw food, peristalsis naturally happens. If you're eating cooked food, peristalsis stops. That's why they want you to eat fiber to push things through or eat a vegetable salad with your cooked meat to push it through. If you're eating raw food, peristalsis happens. Unless you've had a lot of antibiotics in your lifetime and peristalsis is pretty non-existent. And that takes a lot to help things. Then you need lots of parasites, you need lots of trichinosis, needs lots of bacteria to do all of the work, even to move things through. So eating fiber is the exact opposite of what you want to do because it collects in the diverticuli and causes infections. If you're eating raw food and any particle gets stuck in there, it still has its enzymes to react and it'll move out.

Q: So fiber's not key.

A: Fiber you shouldn't have. Like I say, if somebody has an intestinal problem, get trichinosis, eat shit and live. You've got to encourage the bacteria, digestive bacteria. Eating feces is very helpful for that. Just remember the bacteria in high meat is predigesting the meat. It doesn't really relate to the bacteria that works in your intestines. However, breaking that meat down into a predigested form helps feed your own bacteria in your intestines. So it's helpful. But eating shit will deliver the actual enzymes and bacteria that are necessary for your digestive tract.

Q: Is there a store nearby?

A: Only some Amish farmers. Unless you want to kill some gophers.

Q: So when they said eat shit, they were telling you something good.

A: They were saying eat shit and die. It isn't true, eat shit and live. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. What causes losing your sense of depth and perception?

A: You weren't here when I answered an eye question earlier? You came late?

Q: Yes.

Q: Vertigo?

A: It's mainly a red meat deficiency. Which can correct that. And as I said earlier, eating about 4 to 6 ounces of carrot juice with about 2 ounces of dairy cream and 3 ounces of coconut cream together in the afternoon every other day along with eating red meat, maybe half red meat for each meal will eventually correct eye problems. Also, applying egg white directly to the cornea helps improve vision. Whether it's nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Q: I ate cooked food for 10 days and I was done. And I bent over during an early time and my back went up. And I came back and started eating raw food again. [unintelligible]

A: The body can repair itself with good nutrients. It can't repair itself when the nutrients are gone in dead food. And processed food at that has all those chemicals in it. There's no cooked pure food packaged out there. No matter what the labels say, it is a lie. The FDA allows them to use 15% chemicals and garbage and call it natural and organic. 15% chemical by-products. If I fed you 15% poison directly, you could die.But the FDA allows it. Why? Because they're in bed with the manufacturers. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I've never met anybody allergic to eggs for more than a couple of weeks. So what you have to do is... Nobody's really allergic to the egg itself unless they're eating it cold and eating it with other foods. So if you're eating an egg alone, you'll never have an allergy to it as long as it's room temperature. Sometimes what happens is the body will use the liquid protein and the liquid fat to have a liver, gallbladder, pancreas detoxification. If that happens, you might have diarrhea. You might have some cramping or vomiting. That'll occur. But it's not from the egg directly. It's what the body's utilizing the fats and proteins for. The detoxification. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] physical, heavy [unintelligible].

A: Not going to work. She went into the military. It's all those vaccines. They went to the brain. The brain and nervous system use tons of metallic minerals to relay light and electricity as their function. So where does the body store most of those heavy metals? The brain and nervous system. Where does the brain detoxify? Mainly through the tongue, gums, and salivary glands. Ripping her metal apart, making it very toxic.

Q: But she was using... [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't make any difference. The thing is, she's had heavy doses of vaccines. When you go into the military, you get, like, 27 to 35 in a week period.

Q: [unintelligible] but then I have one. [unintelligible] That totally makes sense.

A: She's just dumping out here.

Q: So is that why I would have, like, growth in the back of my tongue?

A: That could be part of it, definitely. Since some people are leaving, I'm going to ask those people who came late to go ahead and give me their money so I don't lose track of anything. Okay. You and. You and you. Go back to the seat. Okay, did we finish your question? Her mouth.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay, it's not going to help. You do anything like that, it's going to cause more problems. What she needs to do is eat eggs and cabbage juice together. Stinky, nasty farts, but that's okay. They'll leave her alone in the military. But that'll help seal up the ulcers. Cabbage juice, what she can do is drink about half a cup of green cabbage. It has to be green, not the red. Half a cup of green cabbage juice with one egg, one to two eggs.

Q: Now the other thing is, she wants to come see you. [unintelligible]

A: Are you calling? What number? 589-0589 number? You're calling the number out of the book? I only check that one once a month. Not the direct line. You need to call me at 310-589-0589. Between 7 and 9 a.m. in the morning. Okay, let's see.

Q: Related question? Like when I go to the [unintelligible], like I have really bad headache [unintelligible].

A: Well, I'd suck an egg right away. Absolutely suck because if your urinary tract is connected with that kind of a movement, you're toxic all the way from the urethra all the way up to the brain. That whole channel. Oh, bowel movement, same difference. From there all the way up to the brain. Suck an egg right away and eat cheese. Eat about a teaspoon of cheese to a tablespoon of cheese and then eat an egg right on top of it. That should stop the headache and the toxicity. It should draw it out of the system pretty quickly. Just a dime. Okay, let me start here and I'll work back. Do you have a question.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She's asking this. In case of vaginitis, is it okay to eat honey and fruits and other things that yeasts thrive on? Just remember that any kind of a vaginitis that is yeast active is breaking down starches in your system. Mainly starches, not sugar. So it's from the old times of eating bread and peanuts and all the cooked starches that you have. And that is a discharge. The only thing that you can do to help that discharge become easier and less odorific is to implant some coconut cream in a combination with yogurt. Coconut cream and yogurt and a tiny bit of honey. And implant that and leave it. You know, once a day, once every other day. And let the discharge happen. Women live 20% longer. You know why? Because they have 20% more discharge of mucus through the uterus. That is the only scientifically measurable, appreciative value that can reason the difference between women living 20% longer. They discharge 20% more mucus and with that mucus out of the vaginal cavity, 20% more toxins are released from the body.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You just have to relax. Okay. So honey is very good. Continue eating honey. Fruit may cause more alcohol and more detoxification. Not that it's yeast oriented. It will not be yeast oriented because fruits create alcohol in the digestive tract. Creates solvents to help dissolve matter. It may add to it, but it won't create more yeast. It may add to the discarding of toxins along with whatever the yeast is discharging. But it does not directly affect the yeast. Okay? Do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. Would you comment generally on any correlation between the primal diet and cancer remission?

A: Well, you look on the back of the recipe for living without disease. The bottom blurb is from a 57-year neuroscientist, Dr. Elnora Van Winkle. I gave her the names of 300 of my cancer patients, their addresses and telephone numbers. She spent a year calling and interviewing all of them. That little blurb says that the statistics on cancer reversal by this method is scientifically accurate. And it's 95% of the people who go on this diet with cancer reversal and live beyond 7 years. I have people that... I've lived 38 years beyond. I have many patients who aren't 27, 16 years beyond. So that's it, 95%. Lung and esophageal cancer is another subject. Only about 60% survive on this diet because the lungs fill up. Most of those people cannot stay away from the doctors, so they'll go get aspirated. They'll have the liquid removed. Every time they go for aspiration, the doctor automatically gives them antibiotics. Their digestion is destroyed for at least 25, 27 days. They're going downhill in that time. So the reversal rate for lung cancer is only 60%, which is poor. It's better than the medical profession, which is 5%, but still it's not the greatest. Esophageal cancer cuts off swallowing and breathing. Not much you can do there. If somebody comes to me at a point where it's already grown, there's not much I can do to help them.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can't swallow, they can't eat. I have one patient who lived for three years through a tube. Now he's out of the hospital and functioning and eating fine. He lived for three years out of the tube. But his son was going four times a day, injecting the good food into him. That was the whole kid's life. His life was injecting the food in his father and work. That was his whole life. His family, relationship broke up, lost his kids, lost his wife and everything to keep his father alive. I'm not sure that was worth it. He doesn't live and fuck his father. He has children, he doesn't raise his father. His whole family may have been more important than his father living. It was a choice. Jim, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. How would a person diagnosed with cancer determine if high meat is appropriate for that particular person or not?

A: What?

Q: High meat.

A: I know, but it's what?

Q: Cancer.

A: Yeah.

Q: Should that person have high meat or not?

A: Well, it depends upon what kind of cancer they have, what's causing the toxicity. If they aren't digesting well, of course they need to eat the high meat. If they're not digesting well, I mean if they're digesting well, high meat isn't going to especially help them unless they have some neurological problem. Then they'll need it.

Q: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: Ant what?

A: Anthrax.

Q: Okay.

A: Joke.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can't confess to that one. He shouldn't be going in the military.

Q: [unintelligible] But I was wondering, now he's on the ship. Is there anything he can do? [unintelligible].

A: Well, I think that the military uses powdered eggs, so that's what he needs the most, powdered eggs. I mean raw eggs, not powdered eggs, so he's not going to get any nutrients on the ship.

Q: I gave him supplements, but the supplements were like healthy supplements [unintelligible]. [unintelligible]

A: There's no such thing. Once they chemically process it to extract the vitamin C, it's a chemical just like any other ascorbic acid. It doesn't matter where it came from. Once you process it, it is a chemical. If he ate the berries, that would be different.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have to understand that once they bind it in a binder like that, it's not going to even be absorbed. It's going to cause plaquing in your intestinal tract and cause malnutrition, malabsorption. Anything in a tablet form is going to cause plaquing in your intestines or in your body. It has a binder. If you're going to take some kind of a powdered dry food, it better be powdered, untreated powder. I'm not saying it's good, but if you're going to do something, that's a better way to have it.

Q: How about drinking his own urine?

A: If he has some vaccines, you don't want to drink your own urine. He's going to be in trouble. You'll have more bleeding. The best thing you can do is get cabbage.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't know. Nothing you can do for him. Unless he can take some oil or ship him some coconut oil, butter or something you can get on, but they're not going to let him. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] It's awfully hard to tell if it's toxic.

A: There's no doubt that they're the same. When a person gets chemically sensitive, that means they have so many chemicals in their body that even one little bit is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Every time it enters the body. So they are detoxing. Anytime something enters the sinuses, the mouth, anywhere, it automatically has to discharge it. There's a chemical reaction. They're that sensitive, they're that full of toxins in their system.

Q: Okay, so, I'm on this special diet. [unintelligible]

A: Of course.

Q: I mean, it's just so boring. It was boring. It's my diet, not your diet.

A: Very boring. And it will be boring until you stop having that sensitivity.

Q: And then the digestive process, if you don't digest properly, then you're going to be more sensitive. [unintelligible]

A: Well, when you have that kind of a problem, you have to mainly eat eggs every hour.

Q: Let's talk about it. Eggs and I don't necessarily...

[audio cut]

A: I will. Because I haven't been able to get it to that point. I'm working on it. I try.

Q: I have to deal with the eggs and [unintelligible]. I have to deal with getting that one egg from that one company. And every now and then [unintelligible]

A: Too much stuff.

Q: Boy, I would die every time I had an egg. Well, now I've got this new company, it's not quite as bad.

A: Have some cheese before you go.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you're still going to have that and you better have that. If you don't have that you're not going to get the hormones to heal. I just hope it doesn't come at a bad time.

Q: Any time is a bad time.

A: That's what I mean. You have to look at it differently. What you have to say, every time you go and say, it's my body's having internal sex and it's loving it and I'm going to be younger and vibrant. Because that's exactly what's happening. Cellular division causes [unintelligible]. There's nobody that goes through it more than women in menopause. Like I said in the book, women are going through menopause. It isn't the cessation of hormones. It is a change of the type of hormones that is produced. And that's a great healing stage. Men go through a different kind of menopause. It is a detoxification, whereas men and women at the same time go through a healing stage. It's a very comfortable thing, a very happy thing. Not a comfortable thing, but a happy thing for a woman to go through.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No. What I say is, it's more complicated to digest eggs that are mixed with other foods.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But people need to create more mucus. They need to have eggs mixed with dairy and butter or cream to present more mucus. Eggs will not create mucus on their own. It has to be mixed with the dairy, you need mucus. Otherwise, you will dry out. Do you have a question?

Q: Thank you.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Nothing. How many people get bit every day and don't get sick?

Q: They call it Lyme's disease.

A: Lyme's disease is another farce. They go through six measurements to determine that maybe you have such thing called Lyme. There's no identification of it.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon? What thing?

Q: Round yellow thing that comes around [unintelligible].

A: It sounds like a localized detoxification. There's no such thing as Lyme. And they're blaming, again, poisons that are in the body that are discharging and causing fibromyalgia and lethargy, chronic fatigue. They want to blame everything on something in nature, like the bird flu, the Avian flu. You remember in the 70s it was the swine flu? They're always blaming it on some animal. AIDS from the green monkey? You know, it is a joke. They're always blaming something in nature. But if you analyze the tissue and the excrement, the discharge of any of those areas of the body that are going through detoxification, there is always some kind of heavy metal.

Q: From Malaria [unintelligible].

A: It's a toxicity that's collected in the body. And it can be many different. It's just collected in the blood. There's somebody, mongoose is an animal that can kill and eat a cobra. They're so fast. They're a little rodent, like a squirrel. They're supposed to have trichinosis, but I've examined the intestines of mongoose and never seen a whipworm in them. The only whipworm I've ever seen were in humans and pigs. I know this one fellow who claimed that he got a case of trichinosis from eating a raw mongoose. So full of shit, I don't know where he's come from. There's no laboratory test on that, that mongoose's intestines or anything, to show that there's any kind of trichinosis. He got trichinosis from his own deterioration of his intestines. He was an instincto eater. What is an instincto eater? An instincto eater only eats what smells good to them. You know what 60%, I mean all, 100% of all the instinctos eat? 60% fruit minimum, minimum, that demineralizes the system, breaks down and neutralizes all the acids in the intestines, starts eating away at the intestines, and guess what some people would get? Because their intestines were breaking down. Trichinosis. He blamed it on the mongoose.

Q: [unintelligible], this person went to the hospital, they had all these problems. Why would that suddenly happen to him? [unintelligible]

A: Let's say he got stuck by a nail, they would have blamed it on the nail. They would blame it on anything other than what's in the body causing the problem. Think about it, a tick bites you. You've got all kinds of red and white blood cells there attacking any kind of foreign substance. That's what the little redness is and the blister and all the pus. Pus is 95% white blood cells. Whatever is contamination, 95% of that has been decontamination by those white blood cells. What the hell is going to get over and take over a body in a few weeks from one bite of an animal? Give me a break. The science is there. Don't be stupid.

Q: What is malaria?

A: Malaria is a body dumping from the liver and usually the pancreas into the bloodstream.

Q: It has nothing to do with the bugs.

A: No. That can add to the detoxification or that can bring the detoxification.

Q: When they kill all the mosquitoes, they claim that's malaria.

A: They always claim shit like that. Remember they claimed less polio. When the polio vaccine came out, the graph on polio was way down at the bottom. They gave the 1958 one that became mandatory to take it. Guess what shot up? All the way up here. That quickly in one year.

Q: The idea of an explorer going into the rainforest and activating malaria, that just happens to have a detoxification.

A: He has a detoxification because of the heat. Causing liver and pancreatic detoxification. It's the climate. The body is not used to that high heat. The moisture, the bacteria naturally being able to grow and thriving. We're here in pollution. We inhale this antibiotic every day of pollution. We eat this pollution. It poisons the body. The bacteria can't work. We can never detox. Then you go down into a jungle where there's clean air and there's moisture and there's oxygen. Everything is alive. All of a sudden the body is going to start cleaning itself.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You don't go through that shit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She got into a toxic area. At that time London on every block you had a silversmith. On every other block you had a blacksmith. A silversmith and a blacksmith. What do they make molten? Metals. You got it in the fog in England? Holding in the fog and people are breathing this? That's why they got black lung, the black plague. Generations of inhaling that stuff.

Q: So when the [unintelligible] smallpox was rampant according to what I've read?

A: That's a hoax. That's a hoax. They were poisoning the natives' water holes. Same thing that the Germans and the Scandinavians did in Brazil.

Q: How did such a big part of the native population die?

A: Poisoning. Poisoning their water holes. Because there were missionaries around. That's the way the government was. Poisonous warfare has been going on since Egypt. We have it on record. Even in China 8,000 years ago.

Q: Poisoning with chemicals or disease?

A: Chemicals. You can't poison with a disease. Diseases don't live. Disease is a detoxification. Poisoning with chemicals. They were putting formaldehyde. They were putting potassium chloride, which is tasteless in the water.

Q: Is there records of this?

A: There are some. The one that I read, the one that they did in Brazil. I can't remember the author's name, but he wrote Savages. It was about the annihilation of the natives in the jungle by the British and Germans. It was a play called Savages. It was performed at the Mark Taper Forum in 1971. Through his work, I looked at the rest of his work. He had documentation that showed that Coca-Cola, the Diamond industry, and the German companies were going down paying people in bars $1,500 a week to stop the poison and murder the Indians and blame it on smallpox.

Q: Chicken pox.

A: Chicken pox.

Q: When the kids get that, don't they spread it all over their kids in their classrooms?

A: Again, that's a farce. It's like, do all the roosters bring up the sun because they crow before the sun rises? There you go. If all the crows died, we'd not have a sunrise. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, none of them are good if you subject them to very cold temperatures or very warm temperatures. They will all gas, whether it's polyurethane or lexan is the harder plastic that they say is less volatile. But you put anything near heat and anything too cold where it starts to freeze, it breaks down the dioxins and they gas into the food, even into water.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, just take the sparkling mineral water and let the gas expire. Yeah, de-gas them. I had to do that for a while. I had the same problem. I just de-gassed them.

Q: But you do not get milk in plastic?

A: I don't. You see all those glass bottles up there.

Q: What do you do with them after a while?

A: I ship them back east.

Q: It costs you shipping, doesn't it?

A: I don't care.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I don't like anything with plastic. I get some things with plastic in them. As soon as I get it home, it's out of the plastic bottle and in glass.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, it's got fluoride in it now. It's got 192 chemicals in it. So I always order Perrier or San Pellegrino, one of those. And if you don't like the fizzy, then just shake it by letting it gas, so it goes flat.

Q: Did you just say that sparkles water is no good?

A: Sparkles water? Sparkles water is nothing other than filtered out city water. I'm not going to drink that. No, it's not good water.

Q: What about reverse osmosis?

A: Reverse osmosis takes out the minerals. It does not take out any of the chemicals. I want minerals in my water. I don't want chemicals. So osmosis doesn't serve me. Yes.

Q: I have read that the German Nazis used fluoride in the water in the concentration camps.

A: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.

Q: The Nazis had actually used fluoride in the concentration camps because they found that they could actually be effective. Is that true?

A: Yes, fluoride is the smallest molecule on earth. It can penetrate into anywhere. It's a byproduct of mainly military machinery, military industrial complex. That's why it gets into government programs. The military needs to get rid of it. They don't want to build huge storage places to hold it underground.

Q: So how do you get rid of fluoride?

A: You don't drink water. You don't drink tap water ever.

Q: It's in my teeth.

A: In your teeth? Why is it in your teeth?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: So you drank the water, so it's in your body. Removing that takes cheese, lots of cheese.

Q: Lots of cheese.

A: Over your whole life.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes, it can. It can make them infertile. Sterile. Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Because the government wants to get rid of it. It's a marketing tool to get rid of it. They used the tests from Massachusetts. Do you know what those tests were? The children had less cavities who had the fluoride because they were losing teeth. So they had less teeth to have fillings in them, to have cavities. So they had less fillings because they had teeth that were falling out. And they used that as the barometer that fluoride is good for you. It helps dental decay. These government people are not nice. Even your good senator is on the wrong side of the fence as a matter of necessity. He does the best he can, unless he's a Republican. [unintelligible] the worst he can. You're like Reagan. You're going to rob the till as long as you're in office. And every Republican does, robs the till every time they're in office. How many trillions of dollars are we in debt? When Clinton left office, we were six trillion dollars in the black. Bush Sr. left four trillion dollars in debt. Now we're eight trillion dollars in debt. And growing by the day.

Q: Do we know when the next hoax is going to happen?

A: Oh, well the bird flu is the next hoax. The bird flu is the next hoax.

Q: [unintelligible] water bottle?

A: Any water that comes in glass, they don't mess with it. It comes right out of the ground. I drink Gerolsteiner, Ramlosa, San Pellegrino, San Benedetto, San Rafael, any of the waters that I can get that are naturally carbonated. Or Mountain Valley, which comes right out of the ground. It's in glass.

Q: Perrier?

A: Perrier's good. You notice that on their label it says natural carbonation added. They went back to it. Natural carbonation means that the carbon's coming out of the well. It's got a gas and water and they fuse them in together. That's natural carbonation.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They just say sparkling water. Like Calistoga, Coca-Cola, chemical fizz and chemical products.

Q: Is it true that [unintelligible] and Coca Cola, petroleum and chemicals in there?

A: Yes. They make a lot of the chemicals in Coca-Cola are made from petroleum.

Q: What about water purifiers?

A: It takes out some substances, holds it into that magnetic property. But then again, let's say it binds with all the magnetic minerals. Fluoride bypasses it. Aluminum bypasses it. They're not magnetic. That means your water's even more toxic if you have no minerals to help follow it. Treated water is not a good substance. I don't care if they say, oh, this takes out some bad nutrients. Some bad toxins out of the water. I'm still not going to drink it. Because they've reduced the toxins. Now maybe some of those toxins are even more radical and cause more damage. And they will. Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Thank you.

Q: Hi.

A: Hi, Ray. Oh, Ray, terramin clay. A lot of people are upset because of the high aluminum. I tell them that terramin clay is not mined at a low level where it was cauterized or molten. That is correct, right? It was from an aqua bed, not a lava bed.

Q: Is this okay?

Q: [unintelligible] Natural products that are transformed by man, that are highly processed by heat, electricity, molecular separation, become toxic. Lead in the ground is not the same as lead in batteries in cars or in paint. Aluminum in the ground is oxide. When you separate, in the manufacturing of aluminum for aircraft, you heat it to 1900 - 2000 degrees, you hit it with 18,000 to 20,000 volts. You separate out the other metal and the aluminum. That's when it becomes toxic. So that process, man-process, man-process, transforms, processes, to aluminum, which then becomes toxic among other minerals around it. So it's that transformation by man.

A: Right, that's what I say. This is non-cauterized. It was not even affected by volcanic activity. There was a thermal bed, and they don't mine it where it was 700 degrees down. They mine it at an area where it didn't approach anywhere around 97, 96 degrees. None of those minerals, except for phosphorus, are affected at 98 degrees. Phosphorus is altered, cauterized at 98 degrees, but that is the only mineral that is affected at that low a temperature.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yep.

Q: What kind of terrarium?

Q: Terramin.

Q: Terramin is still okay, isn't it?

A: That's company.

Q: Yeah. So anyway, the animals were the ones that started eating it. Years and years of animals grazing on it and eating it. [unintelligible] And I'll be 70 this year. I feel like I owe my health to it, so I'm fully involved with it. [unintelligible] A lot of your people call me all the time. What about the aluminum? How does it detox? [unintelligible] We have hundreds of years of animals using it and getting healthier as a result.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I have to leave soon.

A: It's in the book.

Q: Yeah.

Q: I have to leave soon.

Q: Can you call me?

A: Pardon me?

Q: Can you call me after I leave soon?

A: Okay.

Q: Anyway.

A: Okay.

Q: I just wanted to introduce myself.

A: Thank you, Ray. It's nice to meet you in person. You have a question. I skipped you before.

Q: Okay. I wanted to ask you about detoxification pertaining to clogged up nose, perspiration, headaches, face on fire. That's things... I'm new on the diet and I'm doing very well. I'm experiencing these. I wonder if these are all detoxification.

A: Anything that's uncomfortable is a detoxification.

Q: Really? Like right now, my face is burning up and it's not from the sun.

A: Remember I said your brain and nervous system have the highest metallic mineral concentration. When they discharge, they discharge out the tongue, the gums, and the salivary glands, sometimes the tear ducts and ears. And if that's mercury or some other hot metal that's coming down, it will cause a radical burn or temperature raising in the face.

Q: Okay. I thought perhaps I was having eye strain, so I bought a higher eyeglass for reading. But I don't know if that's true because I was getting headaches while I was reading.

A: Also, cell phones can cause those same symptoms.

Q: So the headaches are from detoxifying?

A: It's from discharging high radioactivity from the head.

Q: We're not talking about cell phones.

A: Do you use a cell phone?

Q: Once in a while.

A: Okay, so it's not from that. It's from your brain discharging poison.

Q: So it's not eye strain from the headaches.

Q: Could that cause a skin condition like vitiligo or something on your face?

A: What does?

Q: Could those same things cause vitiligo on your face?

A: Yes, that would cause it.

Q: What would cause that?

A: Well, any kind of heavy metal coming out and detoxing to the skin would cause that. The age generation, there's a period where the body tries to throw heavy metals off in the biggest concentrations. That's at puberty. That's why you have all the acne. The man hits around... Men and women hit.... Mainly men. Women have the discharge here and the changing hormones. So they still get to deliver theirs out through the uterus. Out the mucus there. But men will go through a skin breakout between the age of 50 and 56 usually. And they'll have a heavy detox just as if they were a teenager. Sometimes it's on the back and other parts of the body. But sometimes it's on the face like a teenager. Okay, do you have questions?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just remember, when you're detoxing your body... Just remember, when your body's detoxifying, if it can't find enough fats, it's going to utilize hormones. Cause hormones are made mainly of fats and proteins. So your body is going to use the hormones to discharge. And if it's through the hair follicles that it discharges and delivers the heavy metals. Guess what's going to damage? It's going to damage the follicles and then you may not regrow hair. If the RNA and DNA are damaged. If fluoride is going out with mercury at the same time. You can better believe that the RNA and DNA will be damaged in the hair follicle and it will not grow another hair.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Then there's other kinds. It could be lead. It could be aluminum. If there's usually gray hair involved, it's aluminum. Toxic cauterized aluminum from canned foods and other sources where we get aluminum. Screen doors with aluminum that dust and breathe that in. It's all cauterized aluminum. And when that discharges, it causes graying and hair loss. But that's usually just temporary.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Get fat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: For the hair, butter is better. Moisturizing lubrication formula is the best thing for that.

Q: What about men going bald? What causes that?

A: I just said what causes that.

Q: Even young men.

A: What happened when I had chemotherapy? I lost all my hair. They were giving me AZT. A year later, they claimed it was too toxic to use for cancer. They pulled it out of the vaults when AIDS came around to get rid of it. No testing at all. And they said, oh, AZT is good for AIDS. Just because they want to get rid of it out of the vaults. It had nothing to do with human compassion.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: If they've got it in their vaults and they've paid for it, they will definitely market it. It will be marketed eventually. 0Did you know that most of these compounds for erections, Viagra and all of those, these were for heart conditions, mainly created for heart conditions and for bone cancers. What they do is create just the opposite. They create heart conditions and bone cancers. But they found that everybody was getting an erection. Now if you read the literature, it says if you have a heart condition or if you have bone cancer or if you have a bone marrow problem or leukemia or anemia, don't take these things. And if you go blind, that's going like this too much. The medication will poison you. But they got a market that they don't care what happens to you. They've got a product to sell. They're going to take a fortune on it until there are so many people that are so sick. Then they'll take it off the market and pull something else out of their hats. And that's the way it goes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There is no such thing. Bioidentical is again a misnomer. It's a sales pitch.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Absolutely, it can add to it. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You have a six-year-old that has inflammation.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Why does she have kidney inflammation? Did she have an accident or is she toxic? Toxic kidney. She can eat avocado. She can eat avocado with some tomatoes several times a day. And lots of lime and honey together. She's six years old, so she can have probably no more than three ounces of lime juice and three ounces of honey a day. That's going to demineralize her system and cause more [unintelligible] at the same time, keeping the bacterial level down, which I don't like doing. But to keep her from having antibiotics, I'd rather demineralize her. So she needs to eat cheese. Sugar cube size amounts every hour. Remember, lime juice is an antibacterial. Lemon is a fermentation. Lemon juice helps break things down. Lime juice kills things. So if you need to get rid of an infection, lime juice is the way to go. Lemon will not kill an infection. It will increase detoxification and add to infection.

Q: What if you marinate in lime?

A: You're destroying all the bacteria in the foods.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, it's not good if you're eating that all the time. Well, with your infection here, it's probably good you're doing it all the time. You have enough bacteria already working for you. You need to lower yours. So you're okay that way. But see, you're overweight, and that's fine. People who are thin and children shouldn't be eating it all the time like that. But when you get thin, you won't be able to eat it all the time. It will be just the contrary to what you should have.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pardon?

Q: [unintelligible] If you're out of town and you're going to have your food, how can you make a natural lube formula?

A: You can't. What do I eat? Lots of avocado, coconut, and lots of eggs, avocado and coconut. And let me tell you, I find the fattiest meat I can. Like when I'm in Thailand, I go and they'll have fat just hanging. They don't sell anything like that here. It's hanging, dripping, big chunks of fat with flies all over it. That's what I get. I'll eat probably a pound of that a day, at least a pound of it a day, or else I'll lose tremendous amounts of weight.

Q: What about in a modern city? They don't have all this stuff.

Q: What city?

A: Well, I go for coconut, avocados, but I always take enough butter with me. I rarely run out.

Q: How do you find it?

A: I just put it in a cooler.

Q: You just ship it?

A: I can do that, but most of the time I've been carrying it with me.

Q: How big of an x-ray are you getting?

A: As long as it goes through that small x-ray one time, you're okay. More than that, not good. So I take enough to take to eat, but not bring it back.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I know. I put in the book that I was backpacking in Hawaii for nine days with my butter and honey mixed, and it kept without fermentation and without spoiling.

Q: Would you eat it anyway?

A: Probably. If I was starving.

Q: Sometimes like after [unintelligible].

Q: From what?

Q: Honey.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, those are symptoms of somebody who's been poisoned. So what happens is every time you eat especially protein, you start removing the chemical toxicity stored from the poison. It could be from vaccine poisoning. A lot of military people go through that kind of thing.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: What happens is those chemicals dump from the stomach lining into your food. It sounds like we have some phosphorus in there as well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's quite a [unintelligible] mixture.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It causes massive detoxification. That's why I don't like people using food that's not unripe. Because of the high sugars will turn into alcohol, which is a digestive tract, and causes massive detoxification. It lowers the blood fat level. There's not enough fat to bind with the poisons. You need to eat cheese before you eat anything. When the cheese goes in, the poisons will dump from the stomach and esophagus into the cheese and lock it. Then you eat your meal. Eat the cheese, ten minutes later the meal. Okay, I guess I've caught everybody. Oh, hi. I'm sorry.

Q: I was wondering what you thought [unintelligible].

A: Endometriosis is the utilization of cells that don't normally belong in one place in another. It happens in everybody because we don't have enough protein in the diet in a form that can be utilized. So everybody has endometriosis. It's only used, endometriosis, relating with ovarian cells. So if you have ovarian cells that are utilized somewhere else in the body, that's the general medical term. Would you do me a favor and lift that and close it completely? Thank you. Because the cells, when a woman has her period and she goes into cramps, those cells that are ovarian cells that are not in the ovary will go into the cramping also. And that causes severe pain outside of the ovarian area, depending upon where. I knew one woman that had ovary cells in her brain. Every time she went into ovarian... or period, she had a spot in her brain that gave her cramping. Another woman who had it in her elbow, she was a tennis player. She was such an avid player that her body was very low on protein and nutrients that started borrowing cells from other areas of her body and putting it in her left elbow. So then when she had her period, her elbow had a period. So endometriosis isn't only related to ovarian, but that's where it's used most commonly because people can identify. They can't tell if you've got an elbow cell in your uterus. No way to tell. If the area goes into a spasm on a regular cycle with your menstrual cycle, you have ovarian cells in that area. And your body will borrow cells from any kind of an area and utilize them anywhere in the system. To reverse it, you just have to eat enough meat to replace cells that are localized. Eat enough raw meat so you reproduce cells. So cells will divide, not just regenerate. That's why meat is so necessary. Eggs won't do it. Eggs will help those cells that are already alive become healthier. But if you want to help cells increase, lift. There you go. If you want to help cellular division speed and increase, you have to eat meats.

Q: You skipped me.

A: Okay. I didn't mean to skip you.

Q: You just didn't see me.


Q: So a healthy pH in the intestines is an acidic reading. So a healthy saliva pH-

A: Should always be acid. Urine should always be acid. Fecal matter should always be acid.

Q: Blood pH?

A: Blood. Mine's 5.5 all the time. So it's acidic.

Q: So basically everything's acidic.

A: Yeah. If you're a carnivore, everything should be acidic. But because we're over-acidic from eating cooked foods and all the pollution, you need to help alkalinize the blood by having some little fruits and vegetable juice to help keep the alkalinization a little higher. Also the terramin clay helps that. Because it will help bind and the cheese helps. Bind and hold on to the acidic caustic metals that cause all the problems and helps discharge them through the body.

Q: So if you have an alkaline pH, saliva pH, does that mean then basically you're getting too many?

A: That means you have poor digestion.

Q: It means that rather than you're getting too many vegetables you're drinking too much vegetable juice.

A: Absolutely. Or you have diabetes. And the pancreas is not working. That will cause an over-alkalinity.

Q: So a lot of nutritionists that talk about having an alkaline pH are completely sort of on the wrong side of these.

A: Those are the ones that are out in la-la land trying to be vegetarians. Or that think that alkalinize everything. That came about in the 1890s with people like Walker and Eli and those people that thought, oh, well if we eat fruits we get cleaner. So that means alkalinity. They just made this correlation that's stuck that has no science behind it. They say alkalinizing the system makes people well because if you eat vegetable juice, you eat fruits, you get healthy. That's the entire correlation.

Q: So if you have an alkaline pH, you're saying it's due to poor digestion.

A: No, I'm saying if you have an alkaline pH, you will have poor digestion.

Q: Oh, okay. So where's the alkaline reading coming from? If it's a saliva pH alkaline reading, where's the alkalinization coming from? If it's not coming from high content use of vegetables, how is the pH going alkaline? What's making it going alkaline?

A: You've eaten a lot of alkalinizing minerals that are over on the alkalinization side, alkalinizing side in your lifetime. A lot of vegetarians will for a very long time have an alkaline pH. I've seen them up to, Owanza had an alkalinizing pH for 12 years. She had been a vegetarian for 15 years. And she still doesn't digest well because she keeps eating too much fruit. She still keeps too alkaline. She's hyperactive. She cannot concentrate for more than 15, 20 minutes. But like me, she was so sick that when you feel the charge and all that excitement, it feels like health compared to death. So she still embraces all of that hyper manic feeling and activity. I gave it up because it didn't make me think clearly. And also I was a fanatic. So I gave up that high fruit, high alkaline diet because I didn't want to behave that way. But she still embraces it. She can't sit still for more than 20 minutes. She can't read for more than a page. She's too hyperactive. She's too up on a high level of activity. That isn't where I want to be. That's where I loved being after being so sick for so long and I related it to health. And a lot of people who get healthy or get hyper eating a lot of fruit, they think that's health. They don't realize that they're demineralizing their body every day, every time they eat a fruit.

Q: Is that what you're noticing or seeing, especially like the David Wolfe, the whole raw food thing?

A: Well, I've only seen eight who survived without that kind of thing. David Wolfe is just now seven years into his. But you know all the superfoods he's creating. He's got a ton of stuff so he doesn't demineralize.

Q: He's mostly a vegetarian, isn't he?

A: Yeah, he is a vegetarian. Lift.

Q: He doesn't eat any dairy?

Q: No.

A: No.

Q: Just straight vegetable and fruit.

A: Most of those people foam at the mouth. Literally, I was at, my book first came out in 97. I went to a health convention in San Diego. This is in 98. The book came out in the fall of 97. 1998. So I was sitting down there. And a lot of these people knew me from when I was a fruitarian. And now I was a renegade fruitarian. Eating all this meat and dairy. So they were charging against me. And I'm sitting there very calm. There were five of them. And then another 6 and another 7. And they were around me for about an hour and a half. And they were intense about it. And when you get that intense and you're a fruitarian, you actually start foaming at the mouth. You actually start producing this white substance that comes off the lips. So you're basically foaming at the mouth. And I said, now you tell me that eating meat will make me violent. I'm sitting here very calm this whole time with a conversation with you. I knew this was going to happen, so I brought a mirror with me. And I said, you take a look at my mouth. And you take a look at your mouth. And you'll know who's not in control. And who's not calm. And what's likely to make you angry. I've been there. Fruit made me very high-strung and easy to anger. Meat makes me calm and relaxed. And they stood there all dumbfounded and walked away and I never heard from them again. That was seven years ago. And David Wolfe had just joined them. Yes?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, I can say I've only met eight people who do it well. One man did it for 47 years and his spine started deteriorating. And guess what diet he went on. At 50, no, at 60, 60, how old was he? 62, 64 years old?

Q: Well, my birth certificate says 72, and I'm going to be 30 (years fruitarian) on Monday?

A: Congratulations. But it doesn't happen for many people. Most people demineralize on a fruitarian diet.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Thank you. But out of all the fruitarians that I knew and vegetarians and instinctos, 98 attrition rates. 98% attrition rates. They couldn't hold on to it because they demineralized their system. Attrition means they weren't able to stick with the diet.

Q: [unintelligible] I mean, I just thought grabbing a banana would be the ideal way. But when I came to Aajonus [unintelligible].

A: And another thing, when I was a fruitarian, I mean, if the temperature dropped below 50 degrees, I was paralyzed in pain, you know. So it was very... Now I can go out in the snow and roll in the snow, jump into a freezing lake. I can enjoy this reality a lot easier. And also, when I eat a lot of fruit, the bugs get me. If I'm in Thailand, I'd stay away from fruit unless it's unripe. Bugs don't touch me. I eat one slice of watermelon, I will have five insect bites that night. All these people eat a lot of fruit. They're easily consumed by insects.

Q: [unintelligible] the other way because I thought that bugs liked meat.

A: No, they like sweet. The insects like sweet blood. It helps their larva grow fast. The mosquitoes don't eat for themselves. They don't eat our blood for themselves. They take it back to the larva, and that's what the larva feed on. And they grow fast with high sugar rate. Also makes them crazier insects. Bees eating all that sugar. Thank God they put that insulin-like substance in it before they eat too much. But while they're traveling, they eat the honey undigested sometimes. Pardon?

Q: The nectar.

A: The nectar. They'll swallow it and process so much of it so fast, they can't build enough insulin quickly enough. So they get very hyper. They're fed syrup on their hive as well, and you've got some really crazy bees.

Q: They put syrup from a regular...

A: Yeah, they want to sell all the honey, so they feed them cheap syrup, which is a byproduct of manufacture.

Q: Oh, that cooked honey.

A: That cooked honey syrup.

Q: Oh, I know, but I mean the ones that come in the containers that are in the market.

A: Yeah, not the honey we get. Okay, I guess I've gotten everybody.

Q: Let me get a word in about the website.

A: Okay.

Q: I have a website called wewant2live.com.

A: The two is the numeral two rather than T-O. Yeah.

Q: Aajonus writes a newsletter every month. You can see the first newsletter free on the site to see what it's like. There's some pretty important information, just like we learned today, on very topical subjects. So I invite you to take a look at it.

Q: Another thing before we break up.

Q: [unintelligible] I'd like to see a lot more of that on the website.

Q: Okay.

A: I'm putting it together gradually.

Q: I know you are. Can you speed it up?

A: No.


A: Maybe. Maybe.

Q: I just want to see.

A: Hold on one second. Sit down one minute. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: She's not an MD. She was a neuroscientist. She was responsible for cataloging all the chemicals of the brain and nervous system. Columbia University. So she was a doctor but not an MD. But probably there are about 40 MDs on this diet.

Q: 40?

A: 40. All over the world.

Q: How many [unintelligible].

A: I can't give out that information.

Q: I mean, in case you want to visit the doctors on your own.

A: I can't even do that. They will be ostracized.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: A lot of your movie stars are the same way. They don't want anybody to know they're on the diet. The only one that I know, well, two that I know, were Mel Gibson and Christina Alt. They were the only ones that advertised that they eat raw meat.

Q: Carol.

A: Carol. Yes, Carol.

Q: Are they still on it?

A: Did they both eat? Yeah.

Q: They're still on it.

A: Well, Mel Gibson, he got off and got drunk again. So now he's back on the raw meat again. That's the way until he gets busted.

Q: Can I just say my thing, before...

A: No, go ahead.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just send him with food that looks cooked and prepared.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It's okay. I wouldn't worry about it. Well, the only time I've seen parents take it to court was when one of the parents took the other parent to court. That was the only time I've seen it in court.

Q: I just wanna mention that -

A: Okay, just hold on. Go ahead.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That increases it.

Q: What about raw blood? [unintelligible]

A: Yes. As long as milk is unrefrigerated and straight from the animal and you drink it, the growth hormone factors are not altered. Blood, once it's refrigerated, does the same thing.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you could have the milk and the blood together mixed and sitting for days and it would still be active as long as you don't refrigerate it. Or the temperature doesn't fall and drop it below about 70 degrees.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yes. It obviously doesn't work all that well for very long because the Maasai don't like doing it. They do it three months a year when the calves are suckling from the cows so they don't have enough milk. So what they do is they bleed a bull and they mix half blood and half milk. But as soon as the calves are not suckling anymore, they stop eating the blood and go right back to the milk.

Q: Before everybody leaves -

A: Hold on. Don't worry. Don't panic. Nobody's going to leave. I've got them all chained.

Q: You suggest leaving milk out for five hours.

A: I leave mine out for 24 hours.

Q: Is the issue the fermentation or the temperature that you're talking about?

A: Okay, if you drink cold milk, it contracts the stomach. You don't secrete hydrochloric acid. The milk moves into the duodenum and casein and lactase will get into the blood undigested.

Q: Regardless of how fermented?

A: No. If it's already pre-digested, that's fine. So you can take your pre-digested milk and put it in the refrigerator. That's fine.

Q: Dr. Weston Price, I read his book. He actually was curing people partly with spouting grains and whatnot. Do you ever suggest eating healthy grain?

A: Price was not an experimenter. He was an extrapolator and an exaggerator. He was not a scientist and he did not experiment. Pottenger was an experimenter. Howell, experimenters. Price was a theorist, a researcher and theorist. He didn't do any controlled experiments. He had a belief because a lot of people told him sprouting will heal. It has not proved to do so.

Q: What was the name [unintelligible]. Is that what you're talking about?

A: Rejuvalac. That's not a bad thing. Rejuvalac is a good detoxifier. Just remember anything that you've eaten in your life cooked. If you eat it fermented and bad with alcohol, it's going to help clean out. It's going to deliver bacteria and alcohols that are specific to breaking down the products that you've eaten cooked. Because when you eat something cooked, you've broken down all of the bacteria that naturally clean it out of your system when the body is finished with it. Then the waste can be removed naturally. That's what happens. When you eat it cooked, you've destroyed all of those natural abilities to break down those substances and eliminate them. So if you want to detoxify those substances, you ferment. You've eaten breads all of your life. Make Rejuvalac. Drink it. But it will detoxify you, not heal you. There's a difference between detoxification and healing. Healing means you are regenerating cells and getting healthier. Detoxification is the elimination of toxins from the body. Rejuvalac helps detoxification, not regeneration. Not directly regeneration.

Q: If you regenerate, will you naturally detoxify?

A: No. Well, on this diet, yes. They both will occur simultaneously. Sometimes if you're on a poor diet or a low protein diet, a low mineral diet, your body will detoxify at all times. And heal less. Because you don't have the proteins and the fats to create the growth hormones to help cellular division. The crows want what's left over there. Oh, the yellow jacket beloved. Okay, Kathy's going to give an announcement.

Q: Please, I need your attention because if you want to get to this issue of the chemtrails, we need 50,000 signatures. That means quite a bit. We're at 378 now. I did, like, each week, I thought, three weeks and Wednesdays and Saturdays. I was in the Santa Monica farmer's market. But unfortunately, I didn't get the people's interest enough to get this petition. I have these petitions. You go online, you put your name on it, sign in. And also I have a film when it's going to be playing at the music hall. It's opening October 6th, Aaron Russo, America from Freedom to Fascism. He is appearing in the film. Along with what's going to be shown is the trial about the IRS, and they're talking about the Federal Reserve. He's very interested in shutting down the Federal Reserve, which is causing our major problems of the war and everything that was involved with inflation and every kind of situation you'll find out in the movie when you go out and see it. It's at the music hall. I have flyers here on that. You can pass them out wherever you go. Let other people know we need a crowd at that theater. We need to get this word out.

Q: Give us the flyers. Just give us the flyers.

Q: Whoever wants it, come up to me. I don't know who wants it. Who's interested, I need people helping out. We're going to have our next gathering at the Venice Boardwalk. And if you're interested, my e-mail is not in here.

Q: Where are the flyers?

Q: My name is on here.