How To Remove Fear Of Microbes

And Embrace Them For Improved Digestion And Health

Probably the most blatant proof that microbes are not any animal's enemy is that all animals frequently, daily, lick each other's feces from rectums. That activity is only disgusting to humans. Why? Because we are indoctrinated to believe that bowel microbes are pathogenic (disease-causing). We are indoctrinated to believe that many digestive and janitorial microbes cause disease. However, we don't have it drummed into our heads that industrial chemicals, including medicines especially vaccines, cause 90% of all diseases. I have discussed microbes in several issues since 2006.

The theory that microbes cause disease is one of the greatest fallacies of our "advanced" society. As I have stated many times before, we are advanced technologically but most of us are in disease-abyss ignorance regarding health. People administering health information and treatment are people who know nothing about health or methods to achieve it. They have been taught disease and disease-chemistry that microbes are the greatest causes of disease. How many doctors do you know look for toxicology when someone goes to them with intestinal or other health complaints? How many cases do they check for microbes? Almost all cases. If tests find any microbe, usually without any in depth science, instantly the microbe is named the main cause of disease. That pertains to most diseases.

Understanding how our bodies digest naturally is often all that is necessary to eliminate fear of microbes and embrace them. In healthy humans, digestive acids, juices and enzymes prepare food for digestion by breaking chunks of food into small particles. Digestive microbes, including bacteria and parasites, then eat food particles. Microbes' excrement and secretions are our food just like milk cultures (bacteria) predigest milk and the cultures' wastes are our nutrients. Please realize that proper and efficient digestion occurs in no other way and that those and trillions of other microbes are our best symbiotic friends. With their help, we spend little energy and resources digesting food.


Food additives, pesticides, herbicides and medication, especially antibiotics and vaccines, destroy intestinal microbes. If we have destroyed our intestinal microbes, our bodies have to intensely increase the amount of digestive acids, fluids and enzymes to digest and absorb food. That process is very taxing on our bodies' energies and resources. Most of us cannot produce enough digestive fluids and enzymes to accomplish those tasks properly. Digestive acids, fluids and enzymes are never efficient enough to fractionate food molecules into a balanced diet for most cells. Especially deficient are our brains and nervous systems.

E.coli are responsible for the final stages of digestion. E.coli and other bowel microbes digest proteins and fats into the finite particles necessary to feed our brains and nervous systems. Many people suffer depression resulting from low populations of bowel microbes even if they eat the best of diets, including my Primal Diet. It does not matter how good your food is if you cannot digest food well enough to assimilate it. However, even with poor digestion, foods on my Primal Diet will not add insult to injury and deficiencies.

We have to improve digestion by feeding, repopulating and supplementing our digestive microbes. Eating raw foods with all of their natural bacteria supplies us with much needed beneficial bacteria to facilitate digestion. However, that is not enough to develop optimal health for people with poor digestion caused by low intestinal microbes.

All naturally living animals eat lots of dirt with everything they eat, ingesting soil microbes that help digestion. Soil bacteria, such as from earth worms, help digest animal, insect and plant material in soil so that they can be recycled to feed plants. In fact, earthworms produce wonderful soil bacteria that help human digestion quickly. I know people who grow earth warms and eat the black rich soil in which earthworms are grown. As other naturally living animals, we can increase our intestinal microbes by eating dirt and/or clay.

Improved digestion with probiotics

Many people call soil bacteria Probiotics. Some effective probiotics are made from dirt which is rich in worm casings (feces and urine). They are barely effective when processed and pressed into pills. They are somewhat effective as powder as long as they were not heated over 92° F (37° C) in drying processes. Higher heat will alter and eventually kill most soil organisms. Probiotics would be more effective if they were sun-dried below 82° F (28° C). Probiotics would be most effective fresh and alive in moist dirt and clay.

Don't expect to supplement your microbe needs from plastic-covered or plastic-contained compost piles. When plastic-covered or plastic-contained compost piles reach temperatures up to 168° F (76° C), most soil microbes are killed. The highest temperature of compost depends on which organic wastes are composted. Low heat compost will render the best soil microbes. Some people produce earthworm-rich soil in wood-covered or slate-covered, sunken-in-the-ground old porcelain bathtubs full of earthworms in their yards. Some worm-growers use wooden boxes inlayed in the ground. Containers are used so that worms do not migrate away from their worm ranches. People eat a little of the dirt every day or every other day. Some eat earthworms with dirt.

Another way to supplement intestinal microbes is to eat the small and large intestines of organically grown pigs. Our digestive tracts are more similar to pigs than other primates. Healthy pigs and humans harbor the Trichuris suis whipworm that makes digestion and assimilation of food optimal. Dr. Joel Weinstock of Iowa University proved that pigs which are kept too clean lacked Trichuris suis and were very sick and lethargic. His experiments proved that implanting the much maligned Trichuris suis parasite into pigs and humans with severe and long-term digestive diseases cured them in 5 out of 6 cases within days. Trichinosis is not the dangerous parasitical disease that we have been brainwashed into believing. Trichuris suis is our best digestive partner. Truchuris suis has been used to cure one of the worst intestinal diseases, namely Crohn's.[1]

If you live in a city, you probably will not find non-contaminated dirt. If you live in a rural area where pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals are sprayed or manufactured, you will not find healthy non-contaminated soil. Packaged commercial top soils are usually cooked, steamed or chemically contaminated to destroy microbes and dehydrate them for lighter-weight shipping. If you do not have access to non-pollution-contaminated, organic, non-steamed, non-kiln-dried and non-sanitized top soil, I recommend supplementing soil microbes (probiotics) with Terramin clay to promote and improve digestion.

Terramin clay is mined from an extinct ancient thermal spring in a California desert. Terramin clay is mined where the spring never exceeded 99° F (37° C) so phosphorus, which is cauterized about 99° F (37° C) and above, is raw and stable. Most other clays are mined from lava beds where temperatures from 1,300° F to 2,200° F (700° C to 1,200° C) had cauterized all of the minerals. Those clays are laden with lead, mercury and other heavy toxic metals that too often become free-radicals when consumed.

To prepare clay as a probiotics supplement, I suggest that you pour and stir 4 oz of Terramin clay into a glass jar with 5 ounces of good mineral water that was bottled in glass, not plastic. Put a lid on it but loosely. Let stand for 4-5 days in a dark cupboard and beneficial bacteria will flourish. Stir the clay/water mixture every time before eating it. If using naturally carbonated bottled water, carbonation must be removed because it will destroy microbes. You can remove carbonation by pouring the water into a jar and shake it until all the bubbles are gone before you mix it with clay.

For poor digestion that does not stem from Crohn's disease, I suggest consuming 1-2 tablespoons moist clay daily at the same time you consume vegetable juices or milk. For children with poor digestion that does not stem from Crohn's, I suggest 1-2 teaspoons daily. When digestion improves substantially, I suggest reducing clay consumption to once to thrice weekly.

For adults and children with Crohn's disease, I suggest consuming 8-30 raw eggs daily as well as consuming probiotics such as moist clay and/or pigs intestines. Our stomachs and intestines digest raw eggs eaten by themselves in about 30 minutes with very little digestive energies or resources spent. Eggs supply our intestines with rich proteins, fats, vitamins and other nutrients quickly and efficiently to cleanse and heal intestines as quickly as possible.

Another method to increase digestive microbes is to eat high meat. See information about and methods to make high meat in my recipe book pages 148, and 174-177.


[1]: Trichuris suis therapy in Crohn's disease: @(