Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: Is anybody worried about swine.. I mean the avian flu?
Q: No.
A: Should I mention or think about it at all?
Q: No. They're talking about that we need to be worried about what might happen. They're worried that it's mutating. A hundred people have died. Out of two hundred, two hundred people in the whole world have contracted it.
A: Out of six million people, twenty have died. [laughter] It's just like the swine flu. If people remember in the 70s, Rockefeller was our vice president, the owner of five pharmaceutical houses, and we paid his company seven billion dollars to make the swine flu. And Ida Honorof, a consumer advocate and Dr. McBean, an MD from San Diego, filed suit against Ford, Rockefeller, and the federal government for buying and issuing those vaccines. And it got the news reporters at the polling places, because they were giving it to people, free, with our tax dollars, seven billion dollars worth. Twenty three hundred people died in the first week, within three days of getting the vaccine. So it got shut down and it's still in the vault. So guess what's getting relabeled? A swine flu vaccine. And they resold it again, eight billion dollars we paid for it this time.
Q: And of course it's preserved in mercury.
A: Oh yeah. Mercury and aluminum.
Q: Don't they expect [unintelligible] from this?
A: They haven't decided a name yet. Well it's Tamiflu. Tamiflu is what it's called.
Q: Rumsfeld owns that.
A: Yes, absolutely. Well he owns part of it.
Q: I'm surprised they didn't turn it into a chemtrail.
Q: Isn't it funny that birds are getting sick from those sprays too, that's why they call it the avian-flu.
A: All birds have a flu if they're raised in toxic environments. Pigeons have a lot of flu because they grow up in cities eating cooked bread and stuff like that. So they don't utilize bacteria just like we do. We don't utilize bacteria as well. The contaminants in the food, the pesticides, the herbicides that are in food, damage the bacteria on our bodies so that we can't cleanse ourselves in the normal process. So what happens, we have to resort to flus, which are viruses. Viruses are solvents, they're soaps that clean the body. So they don't reduce contamination, they spread contamination. So unless you have a very high good diet, any kind of a viral detoxification is going to be difficult. So don't worry about Avian Flu. It's just another hoax to get us to spend $8 billion so they can stuff it in their pockets, which they did.
Q: They're spraying from the chemtrails, let's take an example. The birds are flying up there, they're inhaling that spray.
A: Anything that causes pollution is going to make birds and everybody else sick. So that's part of the damage that causes the bacteria and parasites to be destroyed, so we don't have the natural processes of cleansing. So in the last three weeks, I decided to do a heavy cleanse. Sulfur is a nutrient when it's high in a food to get some of the heavy metals out of the body. If you understand cancer, they say that when you're in the throes of cancer, you'll be on the third stage, fourth stage, you'll start demineralizing your own tissue and your own bones. You'll start getting osteoporosis because your body needs so much calcium and the other minerals in a good balance to bind with those poisons. So since I had chemotherapy and radiation, and I still get experiences of detoxing about every 18 months to about 30 months, 34 months, I would have a detox. So I thought, well, I've got a whole month in town, so I decided to do it. I put a half a cup of honey and two quarts of milk, and I'd been drinking that a day. And within a week of beginning that, I started getting all of these hives. They started crusting and turning black. And look at it under a microscope. You see that I can see the different compounds that they use. They use mercurochrome during my stomach surgery. So that was coming out. I mean, I've got a black spot right here that just burned a hole right in it right there. And I do the scrapings and then look at it under a microscope. So I've got it coming out everywhere I got injections, on the butt, the arms, and then where they coated me with the mercury on the stomach during surgery.
Q: Can I see the spot? Oh, wow.
A: But there were a lot of them. This is just one of them, and they will just pop out within a few hours. And if you understand mercury, you understand what happens with mercury, if you go to the website of Toronto, Calgary University, they did a DVD, and they showed neurons growing and all dispersing and growing. It's a time-lapse photography. And then you drop a 2% solution of thimerosal into that, and then you see that the neurons disintegrate. And that's what happens when it comes out through the skin or internally. It can cause internal bleeding. It can cause many problems. Every vaccine contains 76,000 trillion molecules of mercury. Those that have mercury in them, it's 96% of all vaccines have thimerosal, which is mercury. So you can imagine how much of that is in your body if you've had a lot of vaccines, even tetanus shots, antibiotics like penicillin, all that mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. And that's just some of the base chemicals in them. The reason for that is people say, well, why did they do that? They put on it as a purification system, an antibacterial. You know, like you put methylated mercurochrome on yourself. Methylated mercurochrome is liquid mercury. Iodine is another one that will destroy things. It's very caustic and burns. So they use it because it shocks the body into trauma. Every time every animal that Pasteur injected died, he didn't have ever one in his laboratory survive a vaccine. Not one survived a vaccine. But there was so much potential for money in it, they decided to throw formaldehyde in there and see if it would stop the anaphylactic shock. Because when the body registered a sterilized or live bacterial disease in the quantity that's injected, it causes the body to think it's going to die. So people die of anaphylactic shock. Animals die from vaccines. So the amount that they put in, they put in either strychnine or formaldehyde, any other chemical, they would keep the person alive or the animal alive. It didn't go into anaphylactic shock. So it is all just to sell drugs. And there can never be any evidence that a person would have gotten a disease. However, we do have the critical evidence that the vaccines cause the very diseases and more diseases. If you look in Chapter D, I mean Appendix D, in We Want to Live, my book We Want to Live, you'll see that the rate of polio, people with vaccines, the rate of polio went up to 400 and some percent after forced vaccination. And that's pretty critical. But there are three states that kept record of it in one city, Los Angeles. And they were told to stop keeping record. They were ordered to stop keeping record. Because they didn't want that information out. So vaccines are very, very deadly, toxic substances that will give you no benefit.
Q: Why did they do it?
A: Money. That's all it is.
Q: How did they get the donations?
A: Pardon?
Q: They just asked for donations.
A: [laughter] It's also a way to annihilate welfare people.
Q: Annihilate is what?
A: Annihilate, kill. They gave it to the World Health Organization and the country of Britain, the United Kingdom. And the United States paid for and gave 75 million vaccines of smallpox to Africans. Guess what happened to those 75 million people? 80% of them came down with AIDS. So it was a way for genocide.
Q: In Africa?
A: In Africa. So it's another type of war where they can take the resources of a country and rob them. And they don't have to use all those big military things. What they did was, those countries that had that kind of disease, that high rate of disease, the World Health Organization, with the funding from Britain and the United States, went in and said, oh, we'll give you all of this money and support, but we need this as collateral, their natural resources.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: They gave them money to treat the AIDS with Western medicine.
Q: Which they had given them in the first place.
A: That's what gave them to them in the first place. So here, these African countries, not knowing any better, not having the science that we do, said, oh, we accept your help. But when they accepted the help, the collateral was the resources and their government. So now the World Health Organization has set up puppet governments through the U.S. and the United Kingdom and are running those countries and all the resources. Just two years ago in, what was it, Colombia? No, not Colombia. There was a South American country where they did that and they got the water resources. So nobody was allowed to even collect rainwater because this company that funded the country owned all the water rights. You could not even collect rainwater. So the people rebelled. They started killing the government. And within six months, they completely wiped out that company. The company was out of the country.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yes, in South America. So you see what big business is doing. People are greedy and they're going to use whatever tactics... And you're just like an ant to them. You're very expendable. They have no remorse about stepping on you.
Q: The whole film Seriano is about that.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I think Oliver Stone is doing a film about that right now.
Q: Don't you get vaccinated when you go to Thailand and stuff?
A: No, no, no. The only time you have to get a vaccine is when you go into a jungle. So let's say you fly down to Peru or some other jungle where they say you have to take a yellow fever for the mosquito bite. All you have to do is don't tell them you went. Show no records of going into the jungle. You fly down to Iquito or some big city in South America, and then you take the bus or a private excursion so your name doesn't show up as going into the jungle. And when you come back, you're not required to do it. Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yes. The whole idea that infection comes from mosquitoes is pretty bizarre in the first place. A mosquito, it's a female who does it, and the female was about like 10 to 15 times larger than the male. The male eats bee pollen, and so does the female, just like bees. They live like bees, only they don't store the honey, the nectar, or the bee pollen. That's what they eat. And they feed on the very, very tiny little flowers that the bees can't feed on because the bees can't suspend themselves in those tiny little flowers, really tiny little flowers. So that's what mosquitoes pollinate and eat. The female collects blood, not for herself but for her offspring, the larva. So what she will do is collect the blood. She sticks her proboscis deep into the skin and bites every cell in the area. It makes a pool of blood, and then she'll suck it out. So she could destroy somewhere like 50 cells just by biting them. You saw Alien, you remember that thing comes out, it's got all those teeth in it? Well, at the end of the mosquito's proboscis, that's what it looks like. It just starts chewing all the surrounding cells in the blood pool. They suck it out, they take it back to the creek or the water pond or even if it's a little larva that's caught in a leaf on the ground, and that's where she's laid her offspring, the larva. Then she will just have a little bubble and put it in the bubble, and they swim up and they just keep feeding out of that blood bubble in the water. And that's how the larva eat. When she does it, she doesn't contaminate that blood. The blood's to feed her offspring. So if you think that there's some kind of filaria as they claim with elephantiasis and malaria, it isn't. That's how they get you afraid. So that you can see, you imagine an enemy, and that enemy is the mosquito. But there's no evidence that you can get any kind of disease from mosquitoes. It is the diet, no matter what it is. And if you go down, they tell you to cook everything. When you go down there, they tell you to boil water, steam or cook all of your vegetables. And it is a ludicrous process because you're more likely to get a disease, a detoxification. Another example and point was in the mid-'80s, they made a movie, Mac, that's his name, won an Academy Award for, who's afraid of a ginny horse? Anyway, he wrote and directed a movie called Latino. It was about our involvement in Nicaragua in the 80s. It was bad on the American, and there were two soldier leads, and one of them was on my diet. He brought this long list to me. It was about a legal-sized paper. It was everything that he was not supposed to do. If you're going to take showers, use lots of soap. Dry yourself very well. If you can, use distilled water for your shower, even better. Boil your water. If you're not going to drink distilled, distilled is best. Cook everything. If you're in the swamps, do not touch your face before you wash your hands. Take all of your clothes off and have them bleached and heavily laundered before you wear them again. This whole list, I said, Tony, you do everything just the opposite of it says, and you'll be fine. Drink the swamp water. Because Nicaragua is one of the great lakes of the Central American countries. It has more water per space area, so there's lots of swamp, as well as the lakes there. Of course, during the shooting, they had to go through the swamps. He was drinking the water. He was eating the raw meat in the restaurants. Out of all the 43 to 46 people who were on the set, in the crew, he was the only one who didn't get sick. Robert Beltran, who was the star, got so sick he lost 50 pounds, and they had to shut down the film for five weeks. Tony did not get sick.
Q: Case in point.
A: Okay, we're going to do questions and answers now. We're going to start over here with Jim.
Q: All right. Anonymous person who's been trying to get on the diet as cushion like [unintelligible] the medical drug, so now he's hooked on a medical drug, trying to get off the medical drug, which is, you know, if he doesn't take it about every three days or something like that, the whole thing just comes back, you know, extreme pain and all that.
A: What's the condition?
Q: Gout. And I finally gave up, and I took the pill that they recommended, and I took it intensively, and the big swelling went down. I got the thing under control, except now I'm on a drug, basically, and I've got to smooth out, you know, I've got to get off the drug someday.
A: So why didn't you call me?
Q: Well, I got your recommendation, but, I mean, I was in the kitchen all the time with the pain formulas and the sulfur in the hot water and doing all this stuff.
A: Yeah, but maybe I've come up with something new.
Q: Oh.
A: I found out that the calcium in sulfur and eggs and milk will chelate with the uric acid that causes gout. Gout is uric... Some people who eat cooked meat cannot discard the uric acid that accumulates, and that causes gout. So a good milk diet for about six weeks, four to six weeks, can get rid of it. A heavy egg diet, eating an egg every half an hour, eating two to three quarts of milk a day. All the foods with high sulfur can help pull out a lot of different chemicals and drugs in the system. So you might want to do a diet like that, like for me to get rid of this. I've only been eating meat once a day, sometimes up to a pound at a time, but I usually eat, you know, two pounds a day, eating a pound once a day, I mean twice a day. But right now I've just been eating one meat meal a day and drinking two quarts of milk with a half a cup of honey in it to detox and get rid of that toxicity.
Q: Two quarts of milk, half a cup of honey?
A: Half a cup of honey to two quarts of milk.
Q: Throughout the day, not at once, right?
A: No, no, throughout the day. And I always warm the milk. How do you warm it? I put it in a bowl of hot water and take it out of my hot tub. My hot tub's warm, I'll put it out there. And it works a lot better and it helps relax the body.
Q: And how many eggs?
A: If you're doing one every half an hour, you know, it could be up to 30, 40 a day. I've had up to 50 a day in my experiments.
Q: What conditions?
A: I'm just talking about gout. But there's a lot of conditions that can get rid of toxic metals and chemicals in the system. And the egg diet and the milk diet will do that.
Q: No fruit?
A: Not a good idea. Well, an orange in the afternoon once in a while is okay. You feel it in. And a vegetable juice about once every three days if you're doing the eggs. Don't necessarily need it with the milk, but you will need it if you're eating a lot of eggs. About 8 to 16 ounces every once every three days.
Q: Sounds like a weight loss.
A: Well, if you're eating an egg every hour, that'll cause weight loss. But one every half an hour won't cause weight loss.
Q: It won't cause weight gain?
A: No, it'll just stabilize it. It's very difficult to gain weight on eggs.
Q: So the vegetable juice just...
A: Gain weight quickly.
Q: Vegetable juice like every other day or every third day or something like that. And then no other vegetable or fruit.
A: Correct.
Q: And the aloe vera juice the same as vegetable juice?
A: Correct. But I did drink... Sometimes I drank.... When the mercury was coming out in huge spots. I had one come out this morning. I just felt it getting a little sensitive last night. I've had many injections here, penicillin. And all of a sudden it felt like I had just gotten an injection. And the next morning I woke up and there was a huge head on it with a black center. All these white cells around it, black center. And it smelled just like the mercury under a microscope. That's what it was. It was mercury.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: So you can see it. It's a little hard to see when something is crystallized, but I caught this one. Mine now, they turn so quickly I don't even get to see them. You know, as far as when they're in the postulation stage. This one I just, because it hurt so badly, before it came through the skin and burned my skin, I was able to arrest it before it got to the crystal state. But most of them come out as crystals like you saw this one here. It just flaked off in all these crystals. Black and dark brown crystals. And then I had to crush them and mix them with distilled water before I could tell what they are. But still, because they're so conglomerated with all these other minerals and substances, it's difficult to distinguish what all compounds are in it. But this one was very easy to tell. Yes?
Q: One time you said that I don't have eggs and milk. [unintelligible]
A: I didn't say that. I said you do either an egg diet or you do a milk diet.
Q: Oh, I see.
A: But I say you can have milk and eggs together. I wasn't able to eat milk, eggs, and honey together for many, many years. I got stomach cramps. I could eat eggs and milk together. I could eat honey and milk together, but never honey and eggs.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Probably because of the surgery that I had had.
Q: What did you call the cleanse you did for this condition?
A: I just called it a milk cleanse. A chemical cleanse.
Q: So if I'm going to do this, how do you keep the honey from just being just solid honey at the bottom of the milk? I mean, it doesn't matter...
A: I take an 8-ounce jelly jar. I fill it halfway with warm milk, halfway with the honey. I blend it and then pour it into the two quarts. I get these half-gallon glass jars. That's how I get my milk. Most people get the plastic. It's a good idea to remove it from the plastic and put it in a glass when you get it home if you're going to do that. But I have these half-gallon glass jars. My milk's in there, so I take some out. I'll drink a little bit and then half a cup. Then I put the half a cup of – blend the half a cup of honey with the half a cup of milk and then pour it into the half-gallon jar.
Q: So one question about that is, so if he's doing all of this, is he still eating meat and other things too during the day?
A: Just one time.
Q: Just one meal?
A: Just one meal, one meat meal a day.
Q: With butter, right?
Q: A 12-ounce meat meal.
A: Well, it depends. I was eating two cups at a time, some people can just get by with one cup.
Q: With butter?
Q: When we talked about this before, you said any time I eat meat, I have to have an equal portion of fish. So I've been doing that in that stage.
A: That's fine. That's your system.
Q: But with butter, right?
A: Don't need butter with that. Oh, and I also add two ounces of – two to three ounces of cream, extra cream to the two quarts of milk. Make it a little richer.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, I have the lube formula sometimes. Not all the time. If I start now – see how this is turning all dry? Most of the toxins from injections come out the joints, the shoulder, and mostly the elbow. And two weeks after I started doing the milk routine to get it out, see how dry I got? I haven't had this since I was in the hospital for surgery when I was 20 years old. And I forced it out. Come out. Now it's just dry and scaling. Like when I had psoriasis. It was worse because there were open sores. This is just dry skin from chemical burn. And it itched when it came out. Itched terribly.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, it would smother it, and I didn't want to smother and lock those chemicals in my body. So what I did was I coated myself with urine. And that stopped the itching. It stung. And if it started itching so badly, like when I used to have eczema and all kinds of problems when I was a kid taking a lot of medication, especially insulin – insulin caused a lot of things like this – I would take Listerine and put it on my body. And it would sting and burn so badly. At least it was better than itching to death. Well, I found that if you take white grapefruit and you rub that on, it'll do the same thing. It'll sting and stop the itching without preventing the chemicals from coming through the skin, without smothering the skin.
Q: What about lemons?
A: Lemon's too abrasive. You know how it marinates chicken and fish? It burns your skin pretty badly if you do that. I burned a hole in myself when I was experimenting with it. I actually burned a hole right through my flesh when I woke up the next day. I used lemon on one spot to break it down for two days in a row. When I woke up one morning, I had a hole in my body. And it was very painful. So lemon's not the thing to use, nor is lime.
Q: [unintelligible] experience with the urine?
A: Oh, I've been at home. Like I said, I got four weeks at home without traveling, so I was going to take advantage of it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It'll also marinate your skin. But the grapefruit doesn't for some reason.
Q: What about pineapple.
A: Pineapple would burn a hole right in your skin. I've tried everything, and grapefruit's the only thing I've found that worked in a condition like that. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: Can you reiterate the benefits of using coconut cream?
A: Okay, I'm going to repeat it.
Q: Can you reiterate the benefits of using coconut cream?
A: She wants me to reiterate the benefits of coconut cream.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Right, coconut means you take the hard, mature pulp of the coconut, and you juice it. You separate the pulp from this cream. We're not talking about the coconut milk or the coconut water, as it's called. We're talking about the coconut cream. The white fat that comes, the fat, fats and oils that come out of the meat of the coconut.
Q: What's the oil then?
A: That's coconut oil.
Q: And that's squeezed out of the same white stuff?
A: That's fermented out of the white stuff. Or, centrifugally spun. And the coconut cream, if I put it, see this piece of metal right here? These pieces of metal? If I put coconut cream on these, within an hour it turns gray. It starts ripping the metals out of these metallic substances, off of metals. Very quickly it starts dissolving them. It's very good to dissolve a lot of different compounds in the body. Excellent for detoxification. But, coconut cream can substitute for dairy cream and butter 15 to 20% only. But it is mainly solvent oriented. Now the coconut oil does not.... Coconut oil is purely an oil. It causes a lot of heat in the body. You can use it to, let's say, generate energy in the body to burn, to have energy to burn as fuel for energy and for heating the body. And for protecting the skin from the sun. So you won't burn. Coconut oil is great for that. But coconut cream is very different. Coconut cream has a lot of water soluble fats. Not just the oil soluble fats that coconut oil has. And, you know, 60 years ago, even 50 years ago, about 90% of all soaps were made from coconut. They had a coconut base to them because they were great for cleansing. Shampoos, body soaps, everything had coconut in it. Laundry soaps, kitchen aids, they all had coconut in them. But you have to grow coconuts. You have to have people to cut them down because you can't have machines do it. So it's a people oriented industry. It's a lot of work. So companies decided, oh, we can make chemicals to do this. Not caring about what it does to your body and your skin, we can make these cleansers, these solvents, from unnatural substances that are poison. And we can make a lot more money. And that's why they shifted away from coconut. You know, there are very few, there are still countries that use coconut, but they're not ours and they're not Britain. Unless they're specialty health food or health minded stores or companies that will make coconut soaps available for you.
Q: So you're saying coconut soaps are healthier to use if you can get them.
A: If you can get them naturally made. It's just coconut cream, not coconut oil. Coconut cream with lye, mixed with lye. That's how they used to make soap. Put lye like you do with cement and that hardens the fat, dries it out. And when it gets wet, it acts as a soap. And the lye will even help do that. But you just have to know to keep the lye down at a very minimal level. Just enough to dry the soap, to dry the coconut cream so it will harden. And when it gets wet, it lathers nicely and cleans nicely.
Q: So the lye is not toxic?
A: The lye is toxic except when it's bound with the oils. Now they used to do it with, they'd even take pig lard. They used to make soaps out of any kind of fat. They would render it. They would render it. Wood ash was another way that they did it. They would use the light woods, burn it, use the ash so it would be light. And then they mixed it with some kind of fat to make soaps. But lye was the chemical way to do it, the industrial way. Put lye with it instead of ash. But ash, of course, would be probably a little bit healthier. But in my lab experiments with lye and oils, the lye doesn't get free. Once it's bound in the fat, it's locked in. So it doesn't, I've never seen it show evidence of absorption into the body.
Q: Do you know where you can find like a recipe for making soap? I've never seen it before.
A: You just have to, well, yeah, I think there's some on the Internet. All you have to do is look around.
Q: There's books in the library and stuff. I find books on how to make soap.
A: So coconut cream, when I'm giving it to somebody, as I suggested in my book, it goes before cilantro, something like that. If you want to clean the heavy metals out of the body, let's say a tablespoon before a juice with cilantro in it. If you want to clean your system out, I'd recommend two to three to four ounces, depending upon your body size, and wait in the afternoon with some kind of fruit. If you're trying to get rid of heavy metals, dark berries and coconut cream are very good to help detoxify heavy metals that are in the glandular system. Those that are already freed, loosed, and traveling in the blood and lymphatic system and neurological fluid. So it helps bind with it, dissolve it, neutralize it. But I always suggest that when you're having a large amount of coconut cream like that, that you also have at least three-quarters of a tablespoon of butter and about a tablespoon of dairy cream with it. So you have some animal fats. Make sure you've got enough animal fats, your own fats, to bind with any kind of byproduct that would come from the coconut oil dissolving the metal to protect yourself.
Q: So, we have 3 to 4 tablespoons?
A: No, two to three ounces. Two ounces is four tablespoons. So it's two to four. Yeah, two to four ounces. So you're looking at eight to, you know, it's eight to 16 ounces, or four ounces times two is eight. Eight tablespoons. Four to eight tablespoons of coconut cream with a fruit.
Q: You never said eight tablespoons to me before.
A: Because you're not big enough. It'd be four for you, four to five max.
Q: So you said four ounces are two tablespoons?
A: Like I said in the book, if you have banana with coconut cream, it helps dissolve hardened tissue like cirrhosis or sclerotic tissue for MS, anything like that. If you have any fibroids in your mammary glands or your vaginal area, coconut cream and banana help dissolve that.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Not concentrated enough, the pulp, the cellulose will not free up enough for it to make a big difference. You know, it'll work on a minuscule level, but we're too toxic to work on a minuscule level. Just won't see much progress. There would be some if you ate it, but it's not going to be anything like the concentrations of which I'm speaking.
Q: If you can use it with any fruit you desire, you've emphasized berries in the past.
A: This is what I said. I said dark berries for heavy metals. The lighter metals like aluminum and iodine, using raspberries is good to eliminate. Raspberries and coconut cream helps eliminate that.
Q: You use four tablespoons of coconut cream to one tablespoon of cow's cream?
A: Yes.
Q: And one tablespoon of butter?
A: Three quarters... Well, it depends. I give people specific recipes. I'm giving you a general. When I give it to somebody, it's specific. I'll give them three quarters of a tablespoon of butter, maybe a tablespoon and a half of cream, or a half a tablespoon of cream, and a tablespoon and a half of butter. It depends upon their digestibility. But I'm just giving you a ballpark area to play with, a ballpark area that you won't hurt yourself during your detoxification. Okay. Do you have a question, Mike?
Q: When you're floating in a...
A: Oh, let's all give Lucky a hand. He's our host.
Q: When you're floating in the sensory tank, so there's 800 pounds of salt in there, you get out of it, you're covered in white slime, does the skin absorb that salt?
A: Absolutely.
Q: It does?
A: Absolutely. It'll cause a chelation. You have to understand that the magnetics on your skin is pulling all these minerals out of your blood and lymph and everywhere. So it's dehydrating your system. It's not a good thing.
Q: But you don't float then?
A: If you float, don't put all that salt in it.
Q: But you don't float.
Q: What do you put in it?
A: You put saltwater in it. Sea salt.
Q: You take it out of the ocean?
A: Yeah, you can put sea salt in it. You just take sea salt and put sea salt in it.
Q: A little?
A: Yeah, you don't need much. What I do, when I used to use the float tanks, I would put a cup of vinegar in, a cup of vinegar, and I would put about a half a cup of sea salt, sun-dried sea salt in it. That was still a lot of brine, but the float tanks, depending on how long and big they are, they can hold a lot of gallons.
Q: Where do you find those float tanks?
A: Well, I used to do them in Santa Monica.
Q: Yeah, they're full of salt. 800 pounds of salt, 11 inches of water. But you float, and you feel like you're in the womb.
A: Yeah, well, what I would do is I would just float enough to where I didn't feel myself touching the bottom very much or barely touching, and you have the same sensation. The same sensation.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: So I don't suggest that you go in that. If you get your own and make your own, you'll do that. Do you have a question, Louis?
Q: Yes, I'm planning to go on a weight loss starting tomorrow. I'm wondering, do I leave out the formula for fruit and coconut cream if I am on a weight loss? That's the first part.
A: Good question. When you're on a weight loss, it's to remove the fats that are already chelated with a lot of poisons in your body. It's not to do more detoxification. So if you're going to eat foods that cause detoxification, your blood and your neurological system and your lymph are going to be too low in fat to protect you from damage. A lot of those toxins may go right into your cells and damage your RNA and DNA and the cells in general. So you do not want to eat detoxifying substances while you're on the weight loss.
Q: Okay. [unintelligible]
A: Well, in the book, you're eating eggs and meat and some honey and butter, a little bit of butter, very little bit of butter.
Q: You changed your [unintelligible], though, because you told me pineapple. [unintelligible]
A: That's, Kathy, don't mention things that I give you because you're going to confuse people. Okay?
Q: I just thought that [unintelligible]
A: That's for you because you have a particular problem. I'm not going to go into that. That'll be your question if you want to ask it when we get to it.
Q: I still have the floor. The second half of my question is how long should I do the weight loss this time around? What's your estimate?
A: Let me punch you in the stomach and see.
Q: Okay. Before I leave.
A: It all depends. Usually when you go to weight loss, when you go a week with only losing a pound, you know your body doesn't want to lose anymore. That's usually where you should stop. When you go a week and only lose a pound, that's stopping period.
Q: You won't gain any eating egg, meat and honey?
A: You're having very little honey and very little fat. In the recipe book, I have the weight loss program in there. It's mainly eggs and meat. That's basically just about it. And some juice. Some people, because you're eating very small amounts of meat during the day, like two to three golf ball sizes of meat, three or four times a day, along with a little bit of butter or no butter, and then you're having some vegetable juice and you're eating raw eggs. It doesn't work for some people. But it works for about 80 to 85% of the people. The people it doesn't work for need to eat about an egg every hour, followed by a quarter of a teaspoon of honey butter mixture, equal portions of honey butter. So every hour, and I guarantee you, everybody loses weight with it. And have one meat meal a day, maybe a half a cup a day, in the evening, and a cup of milk before you go to sleep, and a cup of milk at night, so you relax and feel better. Okay, do you have a question?
Q: I picked up a parasite in Nepal, in the desert.
A: You picked up a parasite where? In Nepal? Do you like them?
Q: Not at all. I hear I was very lucky to have it, but I didn't feel lucky. [unintelligible] throw up, diarrhea for 3 weeks, and I ended up taking antibiotics as well. [unintelligible]
A: Lots of lime and lemon juice together, equal parts of lime to lemon juice. I mean lime to honey, lime and honey, equal portions of lime and honey, and that will pretty much destroy them. If you had a tapeworm or an intestinal fluke, which kind did you have? Pardon?
Q: Giardia.
A: Everybody has a giardia. So you don't get that from... That's an internal fluke. That's an internal fluke. That isn't a fluke that runs around in Nepal water, although it does. It runs around water everywhere, all over the world. So it's doubtful you got it from there. It's probably just... It was time for you to detox because you were in a humid climate, and humidity causes lots of bacteria and parasites to become active in the body. That's why tropical areas have more parasites and more insects because it breeds them. It's good weather for them, but that doesn't mean they are bad. I got my first parasite almost two years ago, and it was while I was in the jungles in Vietnam. You don't get tapeworms from the jungles. This is an internal thing. So I was delighted because that's my first one. I've been trying to get parasites. I've eaten so many different kinds of parasites and parasite-infested meats to get the tapeworms and to get parasites, but was never able to take hold because I had had so much chemotherapy and radiation in my body and other heavy metals from all the injections and medication that no bacteria and not much bacteria, no parasite could ever feed on my body because it couldn't eat a cell in my body. It was so poisonous. So I got my first one about two years ago. I was on the toilet constantly. I thought, oh my gosh, here I get to really detoxify quickly. Maybe it will help me with that surgery that I had a little compound in there. So it was going to work on me and doing a pretty good job. Now, because of all that complex trouble that I had, I had constipation since I was two years old. So every time I went to the bathroom, which was every two to five days, the first that came out would be the size of my fist. So of course it ripped my rectum. So I was bleeding every time I had a bowel movement, sometimes a fourth to half a cup of blood every time I had a bowel movement. So then when I went into a raw diet, I went almost every day, sometimes several times a day, but that first part out would be huge still. It would be like granite. It would just rip me. So even on this diet, I would move every day, sometimes several times a day, but always have bloody stools because of the tear. Once I got the tapeworm, it disappeared. So I was having nice, small, rounded ones. The biggest one was probably this big. And this is enjoyable, having bowel movements for the first time in my life. So I loved that tapeworm. And all of a sudden, I got this craving. After about three weeks, I got this craving for an onion. And I just sat down and ate a half an onion. I don't like hot stuff. It burns my tongue. And the next morning, I shot out that 47 feet of the tapeworm. And I thought, oh no. My best friend and I got rid of him, you know. So then I saw little pieces of sections that were alive and come out over the next few months, and I know I kept it. Then about three months after that period, I had another bowel movement and passed about 45 to 48 feet again. And I haven't seen him since, and that was over a year ago. A year and a half ago.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, but I don't have constipation anymore. Unless I eat cheese without butter and only milk, then I'll get constipated. But it'll still never get that big. It may get that big and still very dry, but never like granite like it used to. So that tapeworm restored an intestinal environment that I had desired for 58 years. I start my 60th year tomorrow, folks.
A: I'm going to catch up with you, Roger.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I'm just talking to Roger about his birthday.
Q: Happy birthday, Roger.
Q: Now that I've taken antibiotics [unintelligible].
A: You've destroyed your intestinal environment. You've destroyed the bacteria. You've destroyed E. coli. E. coli is responsible for the final stage of digestion. It is the bacteria that synthesizes most of the B vitamins, including vitamin B12 from meats. So if you wipe out the E. coli with enemas, with colonics, with antibiotics, you have reduced your immunity to everything in your strength and backup. So E. coli is very important. The E. coli also discharges in its goods called verotoxins, enzymes which prevent and dissolve brain tumors. The trichinosis, the whipworm, that all humans used to have up to about 10,000 years ago, and many still have, the Africans still have them, produces three enzymes which prevent pancreatic cancer and one that prevents brain tumors. So we're finding out all these parasites are good for us, not bad for us, that we'd be a lot healthier, and all the animals and humans who have them are healthier. Digestibility and digestion, everything, they do a lot better. So parasites are your friend. If, though, you were so toxic with the decaying tissue, without the poisons from pesticides and all that that will kill so many of them, you will be fed on by a lot of parasites. It's like third world children, you know, the WHO, World Health Organization, says oh, we're going to help these poor, starving children in Ethiopia and everywhere. You know what they give them? They pay the cereal industry billions of dollars to get them shit, garbage, and denatured food. So these children eat these cereals, which are highly toxic, and most of them are fried. So what happens is you have all these acrylamides that build up, and with all these acrylamides it poisons the children. So these get these tapeworms that try to reduce the sugar in the body, in the intestines, and that's what the tapeworms are eating. They're eating sugar-damaged cells and excess carbohydrate byproducts. So they are necessary. They're not causing the starvation of these children. They're putting little smoke screens up and saying, that's what's causing the tapeworms. No, it's the toxic food, non-food, that they're being fed that's causing them to disintegrate. The human body needs meat, milk, some kind of animal protein to sustain itself. Especially tribes in Africa, who that's what they've lived on for ages. They're not cereal-oriented individuals.
[audio cut]
A: Yeah, Kellogg's is one of the biggest, and Purina.
Q: Are there dangers, [unintelligible] bacteria and parasites?
A: Like the children, their whole bodies are decaying because of this food substance that they're getting. Then, of course, you can have parasites eat up your body. Let's say your liver is completely damaged, and a parasite goes in to help you clean it. Well, if the whole liver is bad, the whole liver is going to be eaten. It could. That's not a normal scenario, but it's a possibility. So you may have 20 people out of 100 people die from it. That's not a lot of people, if you're looking at average. But it's still, that's a big chance of dying.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, a lot of those are stories. The only one that I saw that was real was the one in South America, that if you urinate in the rivers, a small fish will go up inside your penis or your vaginal area, your urethra, if you urinate. And that, you know, it locks itself in, it's called a silverfish, and it's a parasite. And it gets into areas where there's ammonia. It likes an ammonia environment. And it doesn't kill anybody, but it's a very painful one. And it has to be removed surgically because it locks itself in with all these spines. And it'll go in, and let's say it's this small when it goes in, and if you leave it for let's say a month, it can grow this long. And that wide, instead of, you know, very, very thin. So it'll just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. So your penis may get bigger and bigger, but it's not, it's a painful experience.
Q: What country was that?
A: South America. Jungles. Amazon. I think the one that I actually saw was in Argentina.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, if you're going to, your orifice has to be open. And the only, urethra is never open unless you're urinating. The rectum is never open unless you've gotten in after having anal sex. Or, you know, you have a bowel movement. So that's not really a big problem. But if a female goes in nude and she's open, she's in trouble.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, in your second book you talk about, you give like temperatures, like around 38 degrees or 45 degrees, so about the coldest you ever want to have your food at. And I was kind of wondering what happens to food exactly below that temperature?
A: It starts altering, and when it's frozen it alters it critically.
Q: You lose the nutrients?
A: You lose some nutrients, absolutely.
Q: Does it become toxic, food?
A: Well, it depends upon your digestion. Sometimes, let's say if you can handle those byproducts from freezing, you will have some problems.
Q: But it's not anything compared to like cooking food?
A: No.
Q: It's like a minor thing, so you lose a little bit of nutrients. It's not anything...
A: Well, let me put it this way. When I fed animals the same meat, part of it frozen, part of it cooked, one group frozen, the same meat, unfrozen and frozen, all the animals that ate, and that's all that I gave them, only the frozen meat. They didn't get any milk, they didn't get any dairy, other dairy, they didn't get any dairy at all, and they didn't get any honey. Nothing else. All they got was the frozen meat. The animals who ate it raw, no problems, all the way into three months. The dogs and cats who ate the meat frozen, all got skin disease within six weeks. And then I took, to experiment that further, I gave them raw butter to help them heal, because you know, butter goes to the skin pretty quickly, especially on carnivores. So I gave half of the group that were sick, frozen butter, unfrozen butter. The ones that got the frozen butter took three to five times longer to heal.
Q: So you healed them while they were eating the frozen meat, or you stopped feeding them?
A: I stopped feeding them frozen. I didn't feed them anything else but butter. That's all they got. That's all they got.
Q: If you kept your fridge, I usually keep mine at 45, but if I kept it, let's say if it went down to 35 and nothing froze, would a significant amount of nutrients get lost?
Q: Is 48 is the optimum temperature?
A: 45 is really the low end point where damage starts happening. If you keep it at 48, you're likely to make a mistake. But the eggs and milk are damaged as soon as they go below 70 degrees.
Q: Below 70?
A: Below 70. That's right. If I get milk straight from the cow and never chill it, I can use it like meat. It will help regenerate cells. Anytime that milk is chilled below 70 degrees, it loses its ability to help you regenerate cells. So we need to eat a lot more meat.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It won't help you divide cells, but it will help you rebuild cells that are already alive. So meat is the only thing that can get it down to 45 degrees, 40 degrees, and it will still help you regenerate. But once it goes under about 36 degrees for meat, it's affected that way too.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I would say, okay, if I flash freeze you when I thaw you out, would you do the work for me?
Q: It doesn't have to be all the way frozen. [unintelligible]
A: Flash frozen means it's frozen to the core. It just means it's done so quickly that there hasn't... See, normally when something freezes slowly, it's like you. You will die slowly. Chemical changes will occur in your body. So if you freeze yourself quickly, you've prevented all of those chemical changes from happening while you're freezing, but when you thaw out they're going to happen.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's ideal, that's ideal, yes. But still, we do the best we can and it's a lot better than eating poison-cooked food.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Right, without even chilling. Same thing as plants.
Q: [unintelligible]
Q: In East LA?
Q: In East LA.
A: They have a lot of illegal Mexicans who have... and where they still allow chickens and cows, like in Rio Hondo area, Whittier. Not Whittier anymore, Whittier and Val Vaud, but Rio Hondo and the surrounding area. Some of them, it's illegal, they're not allowed to do it, but they do it, but they do it just... they keep it behind, you know, and they sell it to other Mexicans or Central Americans who want it.
Q: What's that, [unintelligible]?
A: Long Beach.
Q: If you find any, let me know. Send me the address.
A: They're very nervous with white people. I try to get a regular connection with them, but it makes them so nervous. They're just waiting for somebody to bust it and deport them, so...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's fresh. You have to sit and listen, sweetie, OK? Roger, Kathy, do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Congratulations. Getting healthier every day. Now, do you have a question other than a comment?
Q: Getting tired [unintelligible]
A: But you're on a weight loss.
Q: I know, but there's other things, when I'm not on a weight loss. [unintelligible]
A: That usually happens on a weight loss. There are periods when you're going to get tired, and the lethargy is going to last quite a while if your body's in a healing mode. 90% of healing happens in a sleep state, or in a very alpha state, where you're very relaxed. You don't necessarily have to sleep, but most people's bodies have to go into sleep state so you can get your mind off of your worries and start using your nutrients for building cells and dividing cells, rather than rebuilding cells, rather than worrying and anxiety. So most people do 90% of their healing in a sleep state. And that means a lot of rest and a lot of sleeping. If it's because of a protein deficiency, you just pick up your, you know, put a little extra meat meal in there, maybe another half a cup of meat in the afternoon, and if that charges you, you know that you need a little extra meat. If it doesn't charge you, you know that you need to sleep. And rest more for healing. Okay? Roger, do you have a question?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Always better to have a fat with any kind of fruit. Always. Remember, fat, fruit, no matter what it is, is going to force detoxification. The tribes who don't eat cooked foods, like the Maasai, it's illegal to eat fruit because it detoxes. They don't need detoxing because they don't eat anything polluted. And it causes the children and the people to get erratic behavior. So they do not eat fruit, even in its green state. Other tribes will eat lots of green fruit. But like I say in the book, any time you eat fruit, you either have a hell of a load of fat in your stomach already, or you eat fat with it. And you don't have a hell of a lot of fat on your body. You definitely need to eat fruit with it. I mean fat with fruit. You know, people say, well you're pretty skinny. Well, I'm thin because I've been eating raw foods since 1972. So the fat molecules, when they're raw, are very small. Very powerful, very concentrated. When you cook a fat, it swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. Guess what, you know, look at this, okay. I have a little bit, not much, tight legs, no fat anywhere, appearing. Anywhere else but a little bit right here. You know what my body fat level is? Normally, when people, when they're men and they're my size, what do you think the fat level normally is? Pardon? That's right, 7 to 15%, usually 7 to 12%. I am 22% body fat. So I'm really bigger than he is, if I had cooked foods, cooked fat molecules still in my body. I'd be about his size. He's about 22 to 27% body fat. Yeah. So that's what I would look at if I still had old, swollen fat, cooked fat molecules in my body.
Q: And they say you're supposed to be around that 7%.
A: Athletes say that for performance.
Q: Is that true?
A: It's not true at all. I've got athletes who are, you know, who take time when they go on the diet, they take all this time off, and they gain 5 to 10% body fat. It's the quality of fat that's important. And the concentration, you can get so many more fat molecules into a small space if they're raw. And they burn easily, they're utilized easily. The body eats them easily to generate its energy. I don't know why they talk about burning it. There's no such thing as burning fat in the human body. Cells eat the fat, and they expend it in energy. So it's a waste product. So it's never really burning fat. We get that from locomotives, you know, burning fuel. But our bodies eat the fat, so it gives them the energy. And then they have a waste product, like urea and, you know, fecal matter. Cells have the same thing. Okay, you don't, where is she? She gets two, right? Okay. Do you have a question? Bert.
Q: Oh, yes. [unintelligible] and constantly those things of nervous irritation to the heart and the spine and all the joints, am I dying?
A: Well, it depends. You're very thin. So what happens when you have a toxin that gets freed and loosed from the system, mercury, lead, thallium, cadmium, no matter what it might be, if you don't have the fats to arrest it, it can damage cells in your body, and they will die. That's why I like people to be fat. I like people to be at least 20% body fat, at least 20%. I like sick people to be 30% body fat.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's a difficult one, you know. It just depends. People can screw around and screw around and screw around until it's too late, you know. They say, well, I'll do it when I can do it. You've done that for years, Bert. I've known you for what, six years, eight years? Eight years now. And many times you say, well, you know, I can't do it right now. I just can't do it right now. And I kept telling you, Bert, there's going to be a time when it's too late, you know, and I don't know when that's going to be, you know. But I've seen some people, it's too late, especially if they're skinny, if they're fat, I'll never say it's too late. If they're skinny, I've seen it too late. I've seen people drop off and die. Take, for example, Elnora Van Winkle, that neuroscientist who spent her whole life, like, almost 50 years cataloging all of the compounds, the chemicals that were in the brain and nervous system. She discovered this diet, she went on it, she did research with it, backed up a lot of my findings, and she went on the Internet and sent a letter to the New York Times about my work and diet and how she was able to prove it chemically. And she did very well. She started, she was skinny as a beanpole, skinny as Twiggy was when Twiggy was 20 years old. And she went on the diet, started gaining all this weight, and then somebody told her about Instincto diet. Instincto diet, you only eat what smells good to you. How often does raw meat smell good to you? It doesn't. So these people eat 60-80% fruits, and they just start wiping the fat out of their body and demineralizing. She died six months after starting that diet. She lost all this weight, Elnora Van Winkle. She was the one that wrote the Biology of Emotions.
Q: You know, I saw Daniel at the, at James, and he was very thin and dry-skinned. You couldn't recognize him, but Lewis was there.
Q: Austin?
Q: No, no, Daniel Kane.
A: Daniel Kane.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Who?
Q: Daniel Kane.
A: Yeah. Daniel went another way. But you get to see it. It's good because you get to see what it does.
Q: Why didn't Kimberly recover? She was 100% raw.
A: She never could gain enough weight.
Q: Pretty quick, pretty chunky.
A: She needed more weight. She had thallium all in her body. We were talking about a woman who was pretty skinny when she went on the diet, pretty sick, and she got breast cancer. She went on the diet very strictly, gained about 27 pounds. When you're that skinny, 27 pounds is okay. She was probably, I don't know...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, she didn't gain that much fat. I wish she had, probably about 7 or 8 pounds less than you are. But she put it on compared to what she was. But she was stocky. She carried it thickly all over. Then when she started dissolving the tumors in her body, she started doing it like all people who have cancer, when it starts dissolving the dead cells in the body, the chemicals that are in those dead cells that have killed those cells, that have caused the accumulation of the dead cells, that is tumor and cancer, they dissolve with it. You better have a lot of nutrients to handle that. Because you vomit, and you vomit, and you have diarrhea. If you don't have enough fat on you, you will not catch up. You'll get behind. It was just to the point where the breast cancer was going away. In fact, two weeks before she died, all the breast cancer had resolved. But it had gone to the liver. So her liver was highly contaminated. So I took one of her vomits and had to analyze $2,200 for one vomit, per vomit. I had several of them analyzed. The head of the lab called me and said, somebody is poisoning your patient. I said, what are you talking about? He said, she has 3,000 times the lethal dose of thallium in her vomit. I said, she was a jewelry maker. She never used a mask, and she never wore gloves. Seven years of inhaling burned thallium, and all the other heavy metals, and getting it into her skin, never using gloves. It absorbed into her liver and into her breast on the right side. It's too poisonous. She didn't have enough fat. If she had had, let's say, another 10 pounds, she probably could have made it through the liver detoxification, like she did the breast detoxification. But it was too late for her. She just didn't gain enough weight. She couldn't eat. When you're vomiting like that, you can't eat.
Q: You have to do it before.
A: It's got to be before that event. That's what I'm saying. I say, the weight loss in the book is just for women and men who are paranoid that they're not going to lose the fat. I tell them every six months to do the weight and gain loss. Then after they do it for a year and a half or so, then they don't worry about not losing it because they see that they can lose it. I'd like people to keep the fat on for two and a half years before they lose it. That way if you go into a pneumonia or meningitis, whether it's spinal or cerebral, you'll get through it easily if you have enough fat. Bert, you just put it off all these years. You just kept telling me, you know, I can't do it right now.
Q: I don't want to say that to you [unintelligible] because of my work and travel.
A: No, you said, I can't do that. I'm traveling. I can't do that. I can't eat that way. I'm in rehearsals. You've said that to me many times. And also times you couldn't afford it. So I mean, I've heard that a lot from you over the years.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: But that doesn't mean you can't do it. You just have to force yourself. You have to deal with nausea. You have to deal with that. You have to force it down just like I did after the poison mushrooms.
Q: [unintelligible] What I do have is a huge gallstone in the gallbladder. And I have a stone in the liver. And I know that part of digestion has to be the bile. And I guess it needs to be different.
A: Well, the liver creates the bile.
Q: And the bile is for the gallbladder?
A: We had a gallbladder only when we were primitive. When we'd slaughter an animal, we'd eat sometimes 50 pounds in two days of meat with lots of fat and eat all the fat first. Your liver cannot produce enough bile to digest that much fat in a 48-72-hour period. So the gallbladder is for when we were primitive and had to eat a tremendous amount of fat and meat at one time. If you ate two pounds of meat with about probably a half a cup of butter a day with probably two dozen eggs, your liver, even if it has a stone in it, can produce enough bile to handle that much food.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Correct, no. Your liver produces enough. It doesn't have to store it in the gallbladder. That's just a reserve. That's why people can have their gallbladders removed and there's no problem.
Q: But the anaesthesia might kill them.
A: Yes, the anaesthesia might kill them.
Q: [unintelligible] break them down?
A: If they're made from soy, soy chips, and soy foods, no. It turns hard as stone. And there's nothing I can do to dissolve it. Normally you could take some sparkling water, some lemon, some vinegar, and some clay and mix that together with some kind of coconut cream or olive oil and it would break up stones. But when they're made from soy products, they're as hard as rock. You can't break them up. That's why James had to have the bladder surgery. Because his stones, they had to blast his stones with more force than that surgeon had blasted anybody before in his life. This surgeon's not a young man. They had to blast with a laser his stones with 50 times more blast than they've ever had to utilize. James was a vegetarian for 30 years. He lived on soy chips.
Q: What's a soy chip?
Q: Soy product.
Q: Do you mean potato chips?
A: Yes, potato chips are made from soy and boiled in, you know, fried in soy oil. It's like rock.
Q: They're pushing them. I mean, even at Whole Foods, a lot of soy products.
A: Absolutely, big money. Do you have a question?
Q: I'm just curious. A lot of watches have stainless steel bands.
A: Stainless steel is fine. It's the radioactive battery that propels it. So you've got one that winds, the old style type, you know, you wind it with a shaking, that's a good one. You've got a radioactive battery in batteries.
Q: Most watches run on battery. In fact, now they have these atomic watches that are set by stations.
A: That's right. Do you know how much radiation does that put into your body? Tremendous amount. It's like wearing a low dose cell phone on your wrist.
Q: So it's better to have one where, like when I was a kid, I had a watch that you move your wrist.
A: You move your wrist and it winds it. That's it. And they still have them. For people who are allergic to batteries, they still make them.
Q: Somebody needs to [unintelligible].
A: [laughter] Yes.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, they found last year the test came out from Switzerland that animals, that rats that were subjected to 40 minutes of radioactivity from a cell phone a day shrunk their brains by 30% in one year. 30% in one year.
Q: What cell phone do you have?
A: I use an earbud. When you're on a call, whether you're receiving it or you're initiated, is when the radiation is blasting. So as long as you're not on a call, it's not going to be sending radiation into your body. So whenever I get a call, I've got an earplug and the phone goes somewhere else. I do not touch that phone.
Q: Not in your pocket because then it gets in your genitals.
A: It might crawl through your hip bone and cause cancer down there.
Q: What about speaker phones?
A: Speaker phone would be fine too. You're not touching it.
Q: What about the Bluetooth things that have batteries?
A: The what?
Q: Bluetooth ones?
A: Bluetooth are nasty.
Q: Because they have batteries in them.
A: Right up into your head. It's not the battery. It's the radioactive signal. Even a cordless phone, if it's over 900 megahertz, if it's at 2 gigahertz, your radiation level is a 4. So I don't even use a cordless phone in my house that's over 900 megahertz.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Pardon? Under 900. And almost all of them are 2 to 2.5 gigahertz instead of megahertz. I bought a whole slew of them and I have them in my storage because they don't make the light ones anymore. You may find them on eBay or something like that. But you have to search or go to Hong Kong and get them out of a store out of Hong Kong because they still have them in Hong Kong. I just bought something in Hong Kong that had low megahertz that they don't make in this country anymore, don't sell in this country. But they do sell in Asia. Do you have a question?
Q: No.
A: Okay. Do you have a question?
Q: Sorry. I'm new to all of this, so I'll just do a real general question. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you.
Q: I heard a lot of people talking about fruit and vegetables today and eating that with the balance of meat. And I've heard you talking a lot about eating raw meat, which sounds fine. I just have more concern with the ratio. I'm sure that it's in the book of the vegetables to meat. I would always think that it would be more fruit and vegetables than meat. I just want a little bit of understanding of why.
A: Because it's in the book, so I'm not going to go over it here. But if you have a lot of vegetables, and I don't suggest that people eat whole vegetables, unless it's just a little bit of flavoring with some meat, no more than two tablespoons in a meal, and that's diced, not full concentrated, it will over alkalinize the intestine. When you're eating cooked meat, that's fine. You want to eat raw vegetable salad with cooked meat meal. Because you've got a high acid, and it's going to putrefy your system. It's not going to move. It stops peristalsis. There's nothing to cause peristalsis in cooked meat. Raw meat there is, with lots of enzymes. It reacts with the hydrochloric acid. So you put an alkaline food in with an acid food, and you're going to neutralize the acid and alkaline, and you're not going to digest either. That's the problem.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: As long as you're not eating cooked foods, there's a lot of people that hit 80s, they're octogenarians, they don't produce hydrochloric acid because of their cooked diets. But even the Hunzas and the Maasai and the Samburu, who live up to 150 years, they produce hydrochloric acid their entire lives.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, most of the worst attacks are... the worst are in your food. You can minimize all the damage, the rest of the toxicity in your environment, and survive pretty well if you're disciplined about your food, very disciplined. Yes?
Q: So how do you get roughage since you're not eating the vegetables?
A: Okay, I've been doing just a milk and a meat diet. I've been eating no fruit, except for maybe a little orange juice. So I eat no pulp. I had four movements today, and two of them were this big. I had probably about two pounds of fecal matter today. I didn't eat any pulp. That is all horse manure. You don't need... We're a human system. We don't need that. We don't need bulk.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Unless you're eating cooked food, yeah. You better have something to push it through.
Q: Do you call tomatoes and bell peppers fruits?
A: Fruits. What?
Q: Tomatoes [unintelligible]
A: Tomatoes? They're fruit. Tomatoes are fruit.
Q: They rob fat?
A: Tomatoes do it minimally.
Q: And bell peppers?
A: Bell peppers will, because they're high in vitamin C, will burn fat. Also cause dental detoxification, so be careful with bell peppers.
Q: Some of these people think that the human body is a natural [unintelligible]. What are they talking about?
A: They're theorizing from no experience. I thought the same thing. I thought the same thing. Your gorillas, every 28 days they'll eat 14 pounds in a 24-hour period of meat. So these people didn't observe them very well. Most of your monkeys all eat meat. Even the chimpanzee. The only monkeys that don't eat much meat are the killer monkeys. What they do is they go on a fruit binge. They'll eat all these fermented guavas or figs or overripe bananas and they'll just binge for 24 hours. And then they'll go on a killing spree for 24 hours. Hitler was a vegetarian. A die-hard vegetarian. You saw what happened to his mind.
Q: [unintelligible] cows and stuff that are more vegetarian?
A: Yeah, I talk about that in the book. I describe the difference between the digestive tracts. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. I'm doing a lot of theory, but I don't recall knowing very much about the goat milk as opposed to, I mean I did read some, but as opposed to cow milk.
A: Well, like I said in the...
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Not really. In pasteurized milks, goat milk will be a little bit more digestible. But in raw, I prefer cow's milk because it has more fat in it. And the fats are a little bit more concentrated. Goat milk has a lot of adrenaline precursors. So if you're sluggish, if you're diabetic, goat's milk is a good thing. And you're very overweight. But if you're underweight or very sick, cow's milk is the way to go. Much more nourishing. If you feed a thin person goat's milk, they're likely to get hyper and lose more weight, not being able to gain weight.
Q: I've been losing weight on this diet, [unintelligible].
A: Well, you may want to take off 10 pounds of the old toxic fat and put on the good fat. That's what I suggest people do. A lot of people will do it when they get on the diet. They'll lose weight, and all of a sudden once they lose it, they start getting fat with the good fat. And that's the fat you want to retain to protect you. Because the old fats won't protect you as well. They will protect you. I'll give you an example. Like Friday I leave for Asheville, North Carolina. I go there about once a year. And there's a community called Earth Haven there. It's a group of old-time vegetarians. We're talking old-time vegetarians. Some of them are 70 years old, old hippies from the 60s. And that's almost about 60% to 70% of this community is old-time hippies. They've been vegetarians long-term. We're talking 25, 35 years as vegetarians. Sickest group of people I've seen. And another side to that is that 50% of my cancer patients were long-term vegetarians. Anyway, this group, they're all hippies, you know, and that's the type that's there. And all of a sudden, about two years ago, a fellow who looked like he came out of a motorcycle gang came in for a private consult. You know, pardon?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah. So, you know, it was after the workshop and the next day when I see patients, the next few days, that he was one of the people who had signed up for a private consult. And he was probably maybe 20 pounds overweight, 23 max. And so he wasn't skinny. He was, you know, not quite as large as you are, but close. But he had all this thick skin that had been drug-damaged and alcohol-damaged. And I photographed his irises and looked at him, and his glands and his organs were, you know, very clean. And he was like, you know, 48, 50 years old, something like that. And I could see all the drug damage and alcohol damage to his skin, and I said, I know you've used drugs and alcohol for at least 25, 30 years. He said 30. And I said, I don't understand it. I've never seen anybody this clean have skin like yours. You're just not that fat. He said, three months ago, three, four months ago, before I went on your diet, I was 300 pounds. So here he had all this fat, even though it was bad fat. He had enough of it to protect him from all of those years of drug damage, his organs and glands, but not his skin and lymph. So even the toxic fats is protective. So when everybody gets after anybody who's fat, I said, that person's better off than you, Miss Skinny. And put them in their place because they ridicule people who are fat, and they're much better off. You should be happy, fat and happy.
Q: These calorie restrictions-
A: It's terrible.
Q: There's a guy at UCLA, and he's been advocating this for years. And they've done experiments with rats and mice, which have proved this out.
A: Yeah, but the rats and mice are not normal. They're using chemicals, and the animals react differently than we are. A lot of those animals are raised, some of them, a lot of them, they're used for laboratory when they want high resilience. They'll put them on their natural diet. And then they'll throw them off into these experiments, and you get a whole warped sense of what's going on.
Q: But they divide them into two groups. In one group, you eat all you want. In the other group, they're restricted 30 or 40 percent in their calorie intake.
A: Yeah, but you know what they're feeding those rats in the lab? I know what they're feeding. They're feeding them pellets. They're feeding them cooked foods.
Q: So what? But the point is that the ones with the restricted diets live longer than those -
A: If they lived outdoors, it wouldn't be that way. If they're living in a cage in a bad environment, it's depressive. It would make a big difference. Because a lot of... You know how fat people get depressed? There's a lot of fat people that get depressed because they don't get outside, they don't get in the fresh air, they don't move around. If they do, their whole psyche changes in the way they utilize nutrients. Some of your oldest living people are fat people.
Q: They make me jump all day.
A: Pardon?
Q: I mean if they put on the wrong fabric.
A: No, with their feeding, we're talking about rats. The rats are fed cooked processed pellets in the laboratory. They're not fed their normal diet.
Q: I know, but supposedly, I mean both groups get exactly the same.
A: It doesn't make any difference. The only way you're going to know for sure is to let them overeat their normal diet.
Q: In their natural environment.
A: Well, it wouldn't even have to be in their natural environment, but that would give a better picture of what happens on a normal diet. Rats are omnivores. They'll eat almost everything, but they thrive on bugs and insects. They eat lots of cockroaches. So if they're fed good, healthy bugs and creatures, and they eat more than another group, it wouldn't be a problem. Take the Fulani, for instance. The Fulani tribe lives 90% on dairy. To become a shaman or the leader of the Fulani tribe, you have to be the fattest person. You have to be the fattest male. So these males will eat nothing but gallons and gallons of milk a day, and at the end of that year, the fattest one becomes the chief or the shaman. And they live the longest. So you have to watch some of these tests.
Q: Milk makes you fat?
A: If you're eating two or three gallons a day, oh yeah. Can you imagine? You're not allowed to move. You have to sit there in one spot and drink. Sometimes they'll drink 10 gallons a day. It's like the sumo wrestlers. They're eating and eating, getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Q: It's like being a pumpkin.
Q: My other question is about the [unintelligible] by heavy metals.
A: If heavy metals are in that bursa, yes. And they got stuck in your bursa, which usually causes it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Just gimme a call. Do you have a...
Q: I don't have a question. Can I make a comment?
A: Okay.
Q: Well I have one question. You said I have 22 percent fat, but that's good.
A: Oh, you have more than that. You probably have 22 to 25.
Q: So that's a good thing.
A: That's what we want.
Q: My comment was about what Kathy said about the males, [unintelligible]. I mean, for myself, not growing up in this country, and also, I mean, I got the results so fast. And also, a couple of friends, which one of them was very unhealthy, also from Iran. I asked them to drink milk. One was just milk and butter. In two days, she called me and said her [unintelligible], she had major bone problem and it's gone in two days, like what Kathy's had in after ages. Another one who is...
Q: You said bone cancer?
Q: No, she had a nail problem and bone problem. In two days, she called me. Like, I gave her the milk on Saturday, she called me on Tuesday. She said, you saved my life. The other one was eggs. She said after having one or two eggs, she cut herself and the bleeding stop right away. [unintelligible]
A: In our society.
Q: Your eyes got better in a week.
Q: Oh yeah, boy, in three days. Yeah, three days after I had my first one.
A: Yeah, this is the worst country for the most adulterated foods. Even England won't allow the pesticides in the rate that we do. However, our government has overthrown the Chilean government and some other South American, Central American governments. And they're shipping all of the chemicals, pesticides that are bad here, selling them to them and using them on them and their agriculture. And then those foods are coming back into the states.
Q: Exactly. And you only go to a hospital, doctor, and you only take out the... I mean, going to a doctor is like...
A: Everybody does it here, yeah. And they encourage you to go to a doctor if you have a snivel. Go get a medication or go to the doctor.
Q: And before this time, when my eyes were getting weak, I was so ashamed of going to doctors. I was just ashamed of it.
A: Different consciousness. I know when I was a kid, I was autistic, so there's not much I could complain about. And I was always sick. I was always in pain. But in my family, you didn't complain unless you were dying. And you didn't complain... You still weren't allowed to complain. If mom or dad saw you vomiting or shit in your pants or something like that, then they would do something about it. Or my mom would go and push me and hurry up and do this. Like I had problems urinating from the time I can remember. And it would take me sometimes three to five minutes to urinate. Just wouldn't go. It's like old people, you know. Well, I was that way since I was a child. So my mother was always frustrated because she had to wait for me to urinate. She was always hitting me. And sometimes she'd go to hit me and feel me in fever, and then she would all of a sudden become very kind and very heartfelt and just start taking care of me. Insane behavior, but that's the kind of behavior it was. You didn't complain. They saw you were ill. That was it. You never say it in my family. Pardon?
Q: I had a similar family. I [unintelligible] to school when I coughed. But I told them I was coughing. I told them. The rest of the time I felt horrible. I had to go to school because they didn't see it. It was crazy.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, I have a comment and a question. I'm three and a half years on program. And I'm at a point now where all the things that are toxic in my body are starting to leave. And my hand, my left hand has been one barometer I use to determine how effective the program was. I'm now starting to get pain. All the toxins that I had before I started the program, all this stuff is coming back and going away. And I had this area right here. It got dehydrated, turned to leather for about three weeks. And now I feel the pain there is starting to rehydrate. And so this whole hand is starting to transform itself. [unintelligible] Yeah, it's crazy.
A: Well, it takes 40 years to clean all the cells out of the body, toxicity out of the body. 40 years according to Howell and Pottenger's work. It took five generations to get to healthy. Five generations of cells is seven to seven and a half years per entire body cell, especially the bones. So five times that is about 147 years.
Q: I bet.
A: I mean, five times that is 38 years, 37 and a half years. So it takes about 40 years for us to clean out completely, if we're 100%.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, I've got another, what, 13 years to go, 16 years to go. I've got another 16 years to go.
Q: What happens at that point? You become healthier or younger?
A: Well, every day I get healthier. It's just going to take that long for me to have all the toxins out of my system. And you can still see the mercury from this incision in the injections. You know, it's still coming out. In chemotherapy, it's just a barrage of poisoning, mass poisoning. An injection of vaccine, like I said, has 76,000 trillion molecules of mercury. How many injections have you gotten in your life? How many molecules of mercury are in your system? Some people are never going to get all the mercury out of their bodies. Kids are getting 128 shots by the time they're 16 years old in some states. Mandatory. It's a crime.
Q: And novocaine, probably.
A: Yep.
Q: And [unintelligible].
A: Yep. All that stuff adds up and adds up. So some people it's going to take longer than 40 years.
Q: What about like [unintelligible], he says that we regenerate all these cells in so many days, in a brand new way, 7 years?
A: It's all in his imagination. It has nothing to do with chemistry. You have to understand, he's an MD. He was only taught disease and chemicals, and not healthy chemicals, drugs. He was not taught chemistry, so he knows nothing about chemistry. If you look at the blood, it takes 60 days or 45 days to replace every cell in the blood. A lot of people think it takes 10 days. That's if your body is taking the spleen and using the blood out of the spleen, which is already built up. But if your body doesn't have the spleen, if the spleen's cut off, cut out, it takes 45 days to regenerate every cell in the blood. And it does it in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is the breeding vent around for red and white blood cells. They divide there and become their own cells, grow up, go into the blood.
Q: But if you say you're 20, so you've been 20 years of eating the American diet, it would take you 40 years to get out of eating 20?
A: That's right. So you'd be 60 years old.
Q: Doing 100%.
A: Doing 100%. But still, you have to look at it this way. You're getting better every day that you do it because you're not adding toxins to your system. If you're adding toxins to your system, you're going to get worse. If you're adding good nutrients to your body every day, you keep adding to your health. So you have to look at... You can't look at the end of the tunnel. You're not there. It's so far away, you're going to think, I'll never make it to the tunnel. You just have to be happy with your progress every day. And I certainly am.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, if you want to have scars and go through what I do, but I'm not working very much for these past three weeks. I'm able to do it, but most people have to work. They have to function. I mean, I can't go around scratching everything, see all these things that I have all over. I mean, I've got them all over the arms and here and here and here. And some all in here. I'm just going through this. I'm in the hot tub. I put a urine on. People can't do that if they have to work. So I'm taking my vacation doing this. So that will speed things up, but you have to pay the price. You have to have the time and the time and the inclination.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: The what?
Q: Like the purification and the sweat program for the B vitamin C.
A: Very toxic. They're chemicals. It's going to create more imbalances in the body. When the body puts a nutrient combination together, it's not just vitamin C or it's not just B vitamin 6. It's a whole conglomerate. You've got a whole array of B vitamins that always work together. You've got a whole conglomerate of bioflavonoids with the C, with fat, with vitamin A, with vitamin D. There's always that coupling of so many nutrients. And if you broke them down, you'd have at least 30 identifiable nutrients in each combination. And when you're taking a supplement, it is a diehard in the wool concentrated substance. It's a chemical. It is not a balanced food substance. So your body's going to have to re-counterbalance itself, and it's going to do damage.
Q: But if you get out some of those bad toxins and then counterbalance, would there be some...
A: Okay, let's take, for example, chelation therapy. People are toting that as the big, great thing. When I've taken fecal matter and I've tested it, I say, okay, I should see lots of this toxin plus the chemicals that they're taking plus heavy metals in their feces and urine. I've found 20%. They're saying it's evacuated. It's not even getting out what they're drinking or they're getting injected into them. That's not all leaving, and you're making these claims that it is. Pigs did. Pigs did it, and they got rid of 90-some percent. I said, what pigs do you know? What pigs are you giving chelation therapy to? Did you have some LA policemen on your diet?
A: So that's about it. If humans are doing it, then they better be checking human feces and human urine and seeing what's happening. It doesn't happen. What I see in iridology is all those heavy metals leave the soft tissue and go into the bones, the connective tissue and lymphatic system. You see everybody who's had chelation therapy, within seven years after, their skin gets thinner and thinner and thinner because those chemicals are coming in, demineralizing their tissue. I remember the first person I watched go through chemotherapy in 1971 through 1973. He did it because he had congestive arteries.
Q: Chemo or chelation?
A: Chelation... Did I say chemo? Chelation therapy. His skin thinned out in that three years. It was like just paper pink thin. And he was dead six months later.
Q: Can you thicken it up again?
A: There's no way. You've got all those chemicals that are constantly leaving the body.
Q: What about the...
A: They are there to dissolve toxicity, right? They're to break down the plaque. You think they're going to limit it to the arteries?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's going to dissolve your tissues, your connective tissue and your skin.
Q: Even with fats.
A: Even if you do that. There's only one doctor I know that's using fats with that therapy. And I haven't seen any good test results from even his stuff. But at least he's better on the track. In the late 70s, I was working with a lot of Scientologists. And they had a detox program for radiation. They take a lot of niacin and B vitamins and a lot of other supplements. And they get them into sweats. Well, back in those days, they weren't using any fat. And I would see all these Scientologists, and these were great people. I loved every one of them that I ever met. They're the most rational group of people that I've ever met. I mean, more rational than anybody I've ever met as a group. And it's something about their clearing and how they adjust their psychology to narrow behavior. It'd be nice if we just do it physiologically with diet and we could do that. And that does help. But they've got trainings to help do that. But when they would get off of these detox programs, they'd be all flush for a few weeks. Within three to six months, they were going into chronic fatigue. And I watched this year after year. So I got together with a lot of Scientologists and talked them into putting the fat. Now they're using olive oil. That was my choice. My choice was to use raw butter and raw dairy cream. But we were having a lot of trouble with the milk commissioners at that time. So they settled for the olive oil. It works. But they're not using the kind of chemistry that they're using for chelation therapy. But I still see detriment physiologically from doing it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It helps. But like I say, any time you're using vitamin C, niacin, it is a chemical. You're going to have imbalances and you're going to have damage.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Who's the most famous Scientist and teacher of Life Extension?
Q: I don't know.
A: Isn't it Gary Null? And the other fellow? You look at them, they're all dried up and skinny. They're not happy people. They're hyperactive and they can't sit still. Terrible, terrible system. They think that they can live on chemicals instead of food. And it's not healthy.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Gary Null and there's another.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: And there's another one, he and his wife. A couple. Yeah, and they're both, they look like they're dried up leather Zuni dolls.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Life Extension, yeah. There you are.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, all that stuff. Worst looking people I've ever seen. Oh, in person. Those pictures are touched up. If you see them in person, they look like Zuni dolls that have been dried up in the desert for 40 years.
Q: Or well preserved.
A: Yeah, that's what they look like.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Pardon?
Q: All Life Extension people.
A: If they've been on as long as those two they do.
Q: You know Lori from North Carolina. She looks good. That's all she lives on is that stuff. [unintelligible]
A: We'll see. We'll see. We'll see.
Q: We'll put money on it.
A: Tell her you'll leave everything to her and she'll leave everything to you. Absolutely. You want to put her mouth, tell her to put her money where her mouth is. The one who dies, the one who survives is the one who gets the inheritance. I would do it. I'd do it in a flash with anybody.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Unless I'm getting harassed and poisoned by the government. I'm afraid to say it looks like it's happening. I've had my house broken into twice. Nothing missing.
Q: Where you're living?
A: Nothing missing.
Q: Where you're living now?
A: Yes.
Q: How do they know where you live?
Q: They know.
A: I'm public.
Q: You use a credit card?
Q: They know where everybody lives.
A: Also I've got my telephone number in a telephone book.
Q: How do you know they broke into it?
A: Because when I'm going away, just to make sure that nobody's in my house, and sometimes when I leave, you can take a piece of hair and you glue it. Nothing can break that. It's a certain type of hair, unless the door's been opened. Twice it's been opened. And nothing's missing. Computers, I can see, has been played with. I know that they are starting to watch me.
Q: You're a dangerous man. What are you going to do?
A: Well, I'll die if they kill me. That's all that will happen. I'm just going to try to get all my work done in the next two years, so if I die, everybody will have everything that I know, or at least everything that I-
Q: Why would you think that? They can't take you for... you have the right to write what you want.
A: That's why, so did the King, so did Kennedy. You know? Going against the system.
Q: They're also watching...
Q: Was it because of me with the chemtrails?
A: Well, you know, it's been since the chemtrail incident, since I got my face in that.
Q: They're watching all of us as well.
Q: That's all your fault.
A: I doubt that they're watching.
Q: I mean, you could just drop out now if you don't want to be a part of it. [unintelligible]
A: I've faced death so many times, I'm not afraid of death. Death does not concern me. But while I'm alive, I want to be healthy. Okay, what time is it? What time is it?
Q: 510.
A: 510? Oh, okay.
Q: About six years ago, I got fillings. Now, they're not mercury fillings, they're like the white veneer, like healthy ones. I called them and I asked them what substance was in it, and it's called Herculite. You know, sounds great, doesn't it? I really want to, like, go to the dentist and get it taken out of my body because I think it would be best to get it out. I just want to hear your opinion, would it be best to get it out?
A: Well, the only people that I've ever seen regenerate dentine and tissue when their teeth didn't rot were under 22 years old, and they ate a tremendous amount of raw milk. Like three quarts a day. So it took them three years to repair one cavity in both of those people. How many are you going to have taken out?
Q: I think like two, three.
A: You're asking for trouble. Everybody else that I've seen has done that and let the tooth expose, ended up with decaying, rotting teeth. It oxidizes. What I do is I keep having fillings, and they'll pop out after a year or two, and they grow out. The filling will actually grow out because my tooth is filling in on the inside. The dentist is amazed because when he goes in to put the new one in, it's a smaller area, and he doesn't have to do any drilling anymore. But when I tested and left the filling out completely, the tooth oxidized and rotted and fell out of my mouth. This is the last one I tested, and it is doing the same thing. It's rotting.
Q: What are you getting your teeth filled with?
A: Composite.
Q: A particular composite, or...
A: One that I'm biologically not allergic to.
Q: Right. You can get yourself tested.
A: Yeah.
Q: You send it to a hygiene institute, you send blood to them, and they'll tell you what filling material your body's compatible with.
Q: But don't they have mercury and bad stuff in them?
Q: Not necessarily.
A: There's so little in that. When you've got an enamel, unless you've got rust in your mouth, it's not going to break down.
Q: So if I just eat enough good of a diet and maybe a bunch of milk, like you said, then I can have my tooth maybe just pop it out, and then I don't have to worry about it?
A: If your body is regrowing and re-healing, it'll pop out on its own and then consider leaving it exposed.
Q: Okay, so I don't really have to worry about them giving you the information they gave you about it really putting my health in?
A: No.
Q: Okay, cool.
Q: All right.
A: Okay, we did it, guys. Oh, she wanted to know. We're having her... She is having. I'm not going to be here because I'm going to be in Nashville.
Q: I'm doing a second rally that we're going to be having. It's concerning the Senate Bill 517, I call it, and House Bill 2995 goes under experimental weather modification program. It was introduced by Kay Hutchinson, a Texas Republican, on March 1, 2005. So that's what we were seeing, the effects in our skies, the chemicals that are being dispersed into our atmosphere, and we're breathing in these toxic elements that are going in our soil. It's going on our food as well as animals. It affects the ecology in this atmosphere. So it's a very important issue which affects us all. So we're going to have a second rally. It's going to be held on Saturday, May 20th is our date, from 12 noon to 4. We're going to be meeting on the Northwest lawn at the West LA Federal Building, which is on the corner of Wilshire and Veteran. And you're not supposed to be parking in the West LA Federal Building parking lot, which you will be parking in is at lot 36, which is on the corner of Wilshire and Veteran. It's north of Wilshire.
Q: And the flyers?
Q: And I didn't bring it yet because I was thinking that you're going to be emailing. I'll call you.
A: I'm not emailing again. It's too late.
Q: No, I mean you're going to be going. Well, you'll be coming back. When are you going?
A: I'm leaving Friday.
Q: I can send it to you tomorrow. By tomorrow I can have it done.
A: I don't know if I'm going to have time.
Q: When would be the last time? Thursday maybe.
A: The last time is Friday. I am so sorry.
Q: I didn't hear from them until later.
A: Anyway, show up for the demonstration on Saturday, noon to 4.
Q: This is not April. It's May.
A: May.
Q: So you still have time to get it and then we'll show that.
A: No, I thought it was this weekend.
Q: No, no. We're looking at four weeks from now. And we'll be having people bring signs and we'll be on the corner of Wilshire and Veteran and we're going to extend it well down to Sepulveda and Wilshire. So the cars can come out and see us from the 405 freeway. And we're going to gather a lot of people this way. The last one was at downtown. We had about 50. Hopefully we'll get 100 to 200 people. And we'll be advertising on the blog and the website.
A: It did make a difference. We were there. We didn't have a lot of people. But it did make a difference.
Q: Right. Aajonus met in the office at Barbara Boxer. With Scott Stevens was there speaking. We had an ex-Marine. We had...
A: A meteorologist.
Q: Rosalind spoke from Northern California Department of Agriculture. D.B. Kidd ran for Congress twice and lost. I spoke. Scott Stevens, an ex-weatherman from Idaho, spoke. He left his job because he couldn't get out of the troop. In Idaho, he was a weatherman.
Q: Not the whole rally. Just give us a flyer.
Q: Yeah, well, that's one thing.
A: Jim also wanted to announce something, too.
Q: So Saturday, May 20th, from 12 noon to 4, West LA Federal.
Q: I just want to say I'm working on getting Aajonus' books known broadly using the Internet. We have a website. And one thing is testimonial. So if you're doing well, something goes well, you can just email Aajonus, and we'll collect these up and they'll go on the site. We've got a lot of people. So, anyway, that's all. And that's all.