Could you please consider the topic of this HPV vaccine for girls for a future newsletter on It is a travesty that governments are considering making this mandatory for school attendance.
Firstly, let's consider the nature of HPV. It is a virus. It is without a nucleus and respiratory system. It is not alive and cannot be contagious.
Secondly, because of our much polluted life styles, most girls are contaminated with so much toxicity that the only method of cleansing their bodies, including the reproductive areas, is virus. Our normal janitors that are parasites, bacteria and fungus do not have much of a chance to survive in toxic bodies. Therefore, the body resorts to a viral detoxification (cleansing; calling virus an infection is a misnomer). Viruses are solvents/soaps made by cells. Those solvents/soaps dissolve toxic tissue and compounds in and around cells.
Thirdly, Merck's tests do not prove that their HPV vaccine prevents any type of virus although they claim that it prevents partial HPV, and only reduced the incidence of believed/accepted-but-not-proved cervical cancer precursors by 17 percent. The partial- effective claims in Merck's reports make all Merck's claims outright suspect. However, if we understand the first and second considerations above, the third is an absurd consideration regardless of test-results (that appear to be contrived).
Any state official that adopts such a mandatory program is completely misled and ignorant of biological facts and the predatory, greedy nature of big pharma, or is simply an opportunist with interest in big pharma. They are dooming girls to reproductive and other diseases from the toxic substances that are in those vaccines. Power coupled with ignorance is dangerous to the public in our present industrial capitalistic political government.